Module 2. Cream Separator

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Module 2. Cream separator

Lesson 6

6.1 Introduction
Normally the objective of separation is to attempt to recover all the fat in the whole milk within the cream
fraction, with the minimum amount of fat being retained in the skim milk. Skimming efficiency is assessed as the
fat content of the skim milk. If the skim milk is to be converted into skim powder or casein then it is important
that the fat content be low, to meet various specifications and functional requirements of these products.
6.2 Factors Influencing the Fat Percentage of Cream
The important factors influencing the fat percentage of cream by centrifugal separation are discussed below:

6.2.1 Position of the cream screw

The cream screw/outlet consists of a small, threaded, hollow screw pierced by a circular orifice through which
the cream emerges. This screw can be driven IN or OUT, thus bringing it nearer to, or away from, the centre of
rotation. Similarly, the skim milk screw/outlet is for the removal of skim milk. Once the cream screw or skim milk
screw has been adjusted, the cream separator delivers, under normal conditions, a definite ratio of skim milk and
cream, which is usually 90:10 (or 85:15) by volume. Basically, any change in the separation procedures which
alters the relative quantities of skim milk and cream will influence the fat test of the cream. By altering the position
of the cream screw (or skim milk screw), the ratio of skim milk to cream changes. Thus, when the cream screw
is moved IN towards the axis of rotation, a higher fat percentage in cream is obtained, and vice versa; this is
because the force tending to discharge cream through the orifice is decreased ('R' in the formula F = KWRN2 is
decreased),. A smaller proportion of cream is therefore discharged, which, contains the same quantity of fat,
resulting in a higher fat percentage. Screwing OUT the cream screw produces thinner cream. Similarly, the skim
milk screw OUT results in richer cream, and vice versa.
6.2.2 Fat percentage in milk

The higher the fat percentage in milk, the higher the per cent fat in cream, and vice versa. Since practically all the
fat in milk is contained in the cream, the cream from the separation of high-fat milk has a higher fat content than
that from low-fat milk; a greater fat content in cream, the amount of which remains unaltered in the two cases,
will obviously show a higher fat percentage in it, and vice versa.
6.2.3 Speed of the bowl

The velocity of a fat globule is proportional to the square of the rotational speed so an increase in bowl speed
will have a very major effect on separation efficiency. An increase in bowl speed however requires an increase
in energy input and a more robust design to withstand the large forces at the bowl periphery. The separator also
generates more noise. For this reason bowl speeds have not increased significantly as skimming efficiency is quite

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adequate at moderate speeds of 4000-6000 rpm. The higher the speed of the bowl, the higher will be the fat %
in cream. The higher the speed of the bowl, the greater will be the centrifugal force and more rapidly the skim
milk leaves the bowl with higher fat % in cream.
6.2.4 Rate of the milk flow

The higher the rate of milk inflow, the lower the fat percentage in cream, and vice versa. When the rate of inflow
increases, the discharge from the cream outlet increases. As the skim milk discharge remains constant (with
constant centrifugal force); more cream containing the same amount of fat results in a lower fat test, and vice

6.2.5 Temperature of milk

An increase in temperature of milk leads to both an increase in density difference between milk fat and skim
milk. So increase in temperature will lead to lower separation efficiency. Higher temperature will lead to
disruption of fat globule which will result in heavy fat losses in skim milk. The fat losses are higher at 70°C than at
54.5°C. The optimum separation temperature is 40°C. Higher temperature leads to protein denaturation and

Cold milk separators that will operate at temperatures less than 10°C are available. These allow separation of
milk as it is received at the factory, and although fat losses to skim milk are somewhat higher they do sometimes
allow substantial savings in energy and capital costs. In some cheese making operations heat treatment of the
milk is undesirable and cold milk separators offer some advantages. In addition cold milk separators produce
cream with greater phospholipids content which gives better whipping properties. The major modification in a
cold milk separator is wider disc spacing than in a conventional model to allow adequate flow of the more
viscous cold cream.
6.2.6 Amount of water or skim milk added to flush the bowl
The greater the quantity of water or skim milk added to flush the bowl, the lower the fat percentage in cream,
and vice versa. The addition of more water or skim milk will cause an increase in the amount of cream produced,
which, with the same fat content, will show a lower fat test.
6.3 Factors Affecting Fat Losses in Skim Milk During Separation
6.3.1 Skimming efficiency
It refers to the % of total fat from milk recovered in the cream. The higher the fat % in milk, the greater the fat
losses in the skim milk, the lower will be the skimming efficiency (SE) and vice versa. The best indication of
higher SE is lower fat percentage in skim milk. SE of machine may be calculated using the following equation:
C X F/100
SE = __________ X 100
M X F1 /100
C - Amount to cream (Kg)
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F - Fat percentage in cream

F1 - Fat percentage in milk
M -Amount of milk (Kg)
1. Given: 100 kg milk testing 7.5% fat; cream produced 14.1 kg cream testing 52.5% fat. Calculating
skimming efficiency (SE).

2. 100 kg milk testing 4.8% fat produced 10.3 kg cream testing 45.5% fat. Caluculate(SE)

Note. In the above examples, high fat-test milk shows a higher SE than low-fat-test milk.

6.3.2 Factors affecting fat losses in skim milk

The important factors influencing the fat losses in skim milk obtained through centrifugal separation are discussed
below: Temperature of milk

The lower the temperature of milk, the higher the fat losses in skim milk and vice versa. For efficient separation,
the temperature of milk should be above the melting point of fat, so that the milk fat in the fat globules is entirely
in liquid form. A satisfactory temperature for separation is around 40°C. The higher the temperature, the more
efficient is the separation. There is no marked increase in efficiency after 43-49°C. On the other hand, separation
at low temperatures (in warm-milk separators) may lead to partial clogging of the bowl due to high viscosity of
cream at these temperatures, resulting in a greater fat loss in skim milk. Speed of the separator bowl
The lower the speed of the bowl, the higher the fat loss in skim milk, and vice-versa. At below-rated speed
there will be more fat loss in skim milk because insufficient centrifugal force is generated for efficient cream
separation. However, at above rated speeds, the skimming efficiency will not increase greatly. Rate of milk in-flow
The higher the rate of inflow of milk, the higher will be the fat losses in skim milk, and vice versa. If the rate of
inflow is increased above the designed capacity of the separator, the milk passes through the bowl too rapidly
and do not to allow for complete separation, thereby resulting in a higher fat loss in skim milk. On the other hand,
underfeeding the separator does not greatly increase the efficiency of the separation.
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A good separator is designed to give efficient skimming within a fairly wide range of positions of the cream
screw, so that the fat test of the cream can be varied without influencing the efficiency of skimming. With most
separators, the position of the cream screw has little effect on the fat test of skim milk until the cream test is
above 45 to 50 per cent. From this point up to a 60 per cent fat test in cream, the fat content of the skim milk
increases. Separation of very thick cream at low temperatures may lead to higher losses due to clogging of the
bowl with viscous cream. Mechanical condition of the machine
Unsatisfactory mechanical condition of cream separator causes greater loss in skim milk.
§ Vibration of separator: This reduces the efficiency of separation by disturbing the currents of cream and
skim milk. Vibration is caused by installation on an insufficiently firm foundation, the bowl being out of
balance, bearings being worn out, the axis of rotation not exactly vertical, etc.
§ Condition of the discs: Discs in an unsatisfactory condition suffer a loss of skimming efficiency due to the
uneven flow of the counter-current streams of cream and skim milk between them. An unsatisfactory disc is
one which is out of shape, dirty, scratched or rough. Amount of separator slime in the bowl
If too much slime accumulates, the fat loss in skim milk increases; this is caused not only by a disturbance in the
even flow of the counter-currents of cream and skim milk, but by reduction in the centrifugal force (because of
decrease in the 'effective' diameter of the bowl).
Separator slime (which is usually considered identical with clarifier slime) consists of the slimy mass which
accumulates inside the bowl shell of the cream separator. It is made up of foreign matter, milk proteins,
leucocytes, fragments of the secreting cells from the udder, fat calcium-phosphate and other minerals, bacteria
and, occasionally, red blood corpuscles.
The average composition of separator slime is given in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1 Composition of separator slime

Constituent Moist Slime % Dry Slime %

Water 68.2 -
Fat 1.4 4.4
Protein 25.3 79.6
Lactose 1.8 5.6
Minerals 3.3 10.4
(Source: Hunziker (1940)) Size of the fat globules

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The greater the number of fat globules of less than 2 µm size, the higher the fat loss in skim milk and vice versa.
Fat globules of less than 2 µm size usually enter the skim milk, as they are not subject to sufficient centrifugal
force to be recovered in the cream. Degree and temperature of separation

The higher the degree and temperature of agitation, the greater will be the loss of fat in skim milk and vice versa.
Agitation of hot milk causes the disintegration of normal fat globules in to smaller ones which escape the effect of
centrifugal force there by leading to more fat loss in skim milk. Presence of air in milk
The greater the amount of air in milk the higher the fat losses in skim milk. If the milk delivered to the separator
contains entrapped air bubbles, centrifugal force will disturb the counter-current streams of cream and skim milk
between the discs, and lower the efficiency of separation. The effect of air in the milk is greater with hermetic
than with non-hermetic cream separators. Acidity of Milk

The higher the acidity of milk, the lower the efficiency of separation, the lower the stability of casein particles
which in turn get precipitated and clog the bowl there by lowering the efficiency of separation.
6.4 Yield of Cream and Skim Milk
6.4.1 Yield of cream
This can be calculated by the formula:

Edit Formula
C = weight of cream (kg);
M = weight of milk (kg);
f m = fat percentage of milk;
f s = fat percentage of skim milk;
f c = fat percentage of cream.
Fat recovery in cream: This can be calculated by the formula:

6.4.2 Yield of skim milk

This can be calculated by the following formula:

ÉÅç ì êëÉëKåÇêáKêÉëKáåLã ç ç ÇäÉLÑáäÉKéÜéLPPLi Éëëç å| MS| c áå~ä| NRMQOMNOKÜíã RLS

QLTLNP ÉÅç ì êëÉëKåÇêáKêÉëKáåLã ç ç ÇäÉLÑáäÉKéÜéLPPLi Éëëç å| MS| c áå~ä| NRMQOMNOKÜíã

Edit Formula
S = weight of skim milk (kg);
M = weight of milk (kg);
f m = fat percentage of milk;
f s = fat percentage of skim milk;
f c = fat percentage of cream
Fat lost in skim milk: This can be calculated by the formula:

Where f c, f m and f s are as above.

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