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Guides CCA Schedule

Date: 11 July 2019

Sec 1s staying in school:

Time Activity Venue Remarks

3.15pm - Roll Call Gallery 1 IC: Claire and

3.25pm Janel

3.25pm - Simple Repairs Gallery 1 IC: Claire, Janel

4pm and Ashley

4pm - Studying Time Gallery 1

4.30pm - Please use this time wisely to study for the
verbal tests that you would like to take

4.30pm - Mass Testing Gallery 1 IC: Claire, Janel

5.15pm and Ashley

5.15pm - Uniform demonstration Gallery 1 IC: Claire, Janel

6pm and Ashley
Marching Primary School

6pm - Announcements and Taps Amphitheatre IC: Leaders


Sec 2s and Sec 3s going to Camp Christine:

Time Activity Venue Remarks

3pm - Travel to Camp Christine Bus IC: Ariel and

3.40pm - Place your bags in 3PR classroom. Olivia
Classroom will be locked at​ 2.45 sharp
- Report by ​2.50 sharp​ at lobby with all your

3.40pm - Guides involved in Outdoor Challenge Camp Christine IC: Group ICs
5.20pm - Respective preparations

Guides not involved in Outdoor Challenge IC: COH not

- Coy 1 VS Coy 2 Tentage competition involved in north
5.20pm - Travel back to school Bus IC: Leaders

6pm - Announcements and Taps Amphitheatre IC: Leaders


Wet Weather Plan (if not going to Camp Christine)

Time Activity Venue Remarks

3.15pm - Roll call Courtyard IC: Leaders


3.30pm - Patrol Time Amphitheatre IC: Patrol Leaders


3.45pm - Sec 1s:

5pm - Simple Repairs Gallery 1 IC: Claire and
- Verbals for those who have finished simple Janel
Amphitheatre IC: Andrea and
Sec 2s and Sec 3s not involved in outdoor Challenge: Shernice
- Entertainer’s badge (in groups of 4-5)
To prepare and present within given time

- Entertain Guides for ten minutes with at least
two of the following (other than items performed
in clause 1):- Conjuring tricks; playing whistle ,
banjo, harmonica, harp and any other portable
instrument; character sketches; stories; songs
and chorus; mime. Note: The standard need not
be so high but should be suitable for a

Guides involved in Outdoor Challenge

● Tent-pitching Respective IC: Group ICs
● Kitchen Dresser areas
● Gateway
● Fly your Flag

5pm-6pm Sec 1s:

- Uniform demonstration Amphitheatre IC: Claire and
- Marching Janel
Sec 2s and Sec 3s not involved in Outdoor Challenge: Gallery 1 IC: Andrea and
- Marching Shernice

Guides involved in Outdoor Challenge

● Tent-pitching Respective IC: Group ICs
● Kitchen Dresser areas
● Gateway
● Fly your Flag

6pm - Announcements and Taps Amphitheatre IC: Leaders


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