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1.)This competition is Open to all JHCSians Contest.

Every student is allowed only one entry composed of

bonafide JHCSC Students.

2) The theme of the presentation, including costume and choreography of performer is left to the
discretion of the choral group based on their own interpretation on how to venerate the Holy Child and
celebrate the birth of Jesus.

3) The choir must sing two (2) Christmas carols by a Cebuano composer, one is the contest piece entitled
“Kasadya ning Taknaa”, and one alternate song of their choice. The order of the two songs is left to the
discretion of the group.

4) The presentation shall not exceed 10 minutes, time inclusive of entrance and exit. (A timer shall be
appointed for the purpose) deduction of two (2) points for every excess minute will be imposed.

5) All songs must be memorized.

6) Only live accompaniment shall be allowed and should be limited to acoustic only, with a maximum of
five (5) accompanists per group. The choral group must provide for its own musical instruments.

7) The composition of the choral group must be within the minimum of fifteen (15) and a maximum of
thirty (30) singers including instrumentalists.

8) All choral groups are prohibited from using inflammable materials such as fireworks or pyrotechnics. A
ten (10) points deduction shall be imposed against the group that violates this provision.

9) The winners will be identified using the following Criteria for Judging:

Voice Quality (25%)

(Harmony, blending, tone and color, Intonation, breathing, projection and pitch balance)

Musicality (25%)

(Interpretation, dynamics, style, execution,

Timing and expression)

Mastery (15%)

(Clarity of the lyrics, message and values of the piece)

Staging (10%)

(Choreography, floor patterns, stage balance and deportment)

Costume (15%)

(Includes propriety, color combination, style

And adherence to the norms and decency)

Over-All Impact (10%)

(This would cover the performance of the choir in the entirety)

10) Each of the six (6) Congressional District of the Province of Cebu will have as separate Semi-Final
Round of Competition to be held in the Provincial Capitol Grounds at 2:00 PM on the following tentative

October 22, 2015 – 1st District

October 29, 2015 – 2nd District
October 30, 2015 – 3rd District
November 5, 2015 – 4th District
November 12, 2015 – 5th District
November 13, 2015 – 6th District

11) From there, the judges will select two (2) finalist from each semi-final round who will complete the
top fourteen (14) finalists for the grand finals.

12) The finals night will be on December 15, 2015 at 6:00 PM in the Cebu Provincial Capitol Grounds,
Cebu City.

13) Registration forms shall be made Available at the Provincial Administrator’s Office, Capitol Executive
Building. Please look for Atty. Ramil P. Abing or you can reach him through these numbers, 09209757473
or 2541629.

14) Deadline for submission of registration form is on October 14, 2015.

15) A briefing for all the representatives (Conductor/Adviser) of the choral group will be conducted at
9:00 AM on October 16, 2015 at the PB Lounge, 2nd Floor Legislative Bldg., Capitol Compound, Cebu City.

16) The Board of Judges shall be designated/ selected by the committee and their decision is final and

17) The prizes at stake:

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