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International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 28 (2001) 143–151

Usability of consumer electronic products

Sung H. Han*, Myung Hwan Yun, Jiyoung Kwahk, Sang W. Hong
Department of Industrial Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, San 31, Hyoja, Pohang, 790-784, South Korea

Received 23 March 1999; received in revised form 11 October 1999; accepted 18 January 2000


The concept of usability has been applied to the design and evaluation of software user interfaces in which user
performance was the major issue for improvement. Recently, it is being applied to consumer electronic products
because companies consider it an important key to their success. However, there is a difference in the concept of
usability between the two applications. Unlike the software user interfaces, the image/impression felt by the users are as
important as the performance for a consumer electronic product to be successful. It is therefore necessary to redefine the
concept. Although a variety of new concepts have been suggested, there is no widely acceptable one. This study provides
a new definition of usability applicable to the consumer electronic products. It defines the usability as the degree to
which the users are satisfied with the product with respect to both the performance and the image/impression. In
addition, it classifies dimensions that can explain various and complex aspects of the usability. The results of this study
are expected to provide a framework for designing and evaluating the user interface of consumer electronic products.
Relevance to industry
This study presents the definition of usability of consumer electronic products and its dimensions. They can be used
in the design and evaluation stages of a product development process. In addition, they would be helpful in
understanding the user requirements systematically. r 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Usability; Consumer electronic products; Performance; Image and impression; Usability dimensions

1. Introduction untouched until the end of the product life. It is

partly because there are too many functions. Some
Almost every home has one of the consumer users do not even recognize those functions exist.
electronic products such as a videocassette recor- In many cases, however, the main reason is that
der (VCR), a compact disk player (CDP), or a he/she gives up using them after a few trials
digital videodisk (DVD) player. Although some because they are difficult to learn and use.
people are poor at using them, even a frequent user Usability of a product is now one of the most
is not able to use every function of them without important factors that the users consider in
referring to the manual. Some functions remain purchasing a product as well as functionality,
price, after sales service quality, and so on (Dumas
and Redish, 1994). Also, there is a legislation that
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +82-54-279-2203; fax: +82-
54-279-2870. requires hardware and software to meet certain
E-mail address: (S.H. Han). standards with respect to systems usability and

0169-8141/01/$ - see front matter r 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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144 S.H. Han et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 28 (2001) 143–151

usefulness (Stewart, 1991). To cope with these user sions to explain various and complex aspects of the
and legal requirements, industries and companies new usability concept.
are struggling for usability. Now usability is called
a business phenomenon (Rubin, 1994).
Usability is a well-known and well-defined 2. Usability of consumer electronic products
concept in the human-computer interaction
(HCI) research. The concept has been applied to As stated above, the concept of usability was
improve the usability of software user interfaces originally used to measure how easy and efficient it
(Gould and Lewis, 1985; Mantei and Teorey, 1988; was for a user to perform tasks by using a product
Nielsen, 1993; Shneiderman, 1992; Mayhew, in the HCI area (Bennet, 1984; Shackel, 1984).
1992). Borrowing the concept from the HCI area, Lindgaard (1994) reported that typical usability
many companies attempt to apply it to improve problems of software identified seemed to be the
the usability of their consumer electronic products performance problems such as the poor task
(Caplan, 1994; Logan, 1994; Jordan, 1997). performance resulting from poor navigation de-
Usability was originally defined as the degree of sign, bad screen design and layout, unsuitable
efficiency and effectiveness of use within a specified feedback, lack of consistency, etc. That is, the
range of users, tasks, tools, and environment traditional definition of usability emphasized the
(Bennet, 1984; Shackel, 1984). This abstract performance aspect. Recently, as the consumer
definition was decomposed into several dimensions electronic products get intelligent, their usability is
to measure the degree of usability quantitatively arousing more interests. A natural question then
during the engineering development process arises. Should we use the same usability concept
(Gould, 1988; Booth, 1989; Dumas, 1989; Shackel, used in the HCI area for designing and evaluating
1991, 1986; Chapanis, 1991). A good example was the consumer electronic products?
provided by Shackel (1986) who suggested four One of the important reasons we cannot apply
dimensions of usability: effectiveness, learnability, the traditional concept of usability to the con-
flexibility, and attitude. Sometimes usefulness was sumer electronic products is that they are quite
added to the dimensions (Booth, 1989), although it different from a software product. The consumer
was often argued that it should be assessed electronic product is a hybrid system that is made
independently (Lindgaard, 1994; Nielsen, 1993). up of many different components. Some of them
Recently, the concept of usability is undergoing are hardware (i.e. physical) components and
a major change. The subjective aspect of usability others are software (i.e. logical) components. For
is relatively more emphasized than it used to be. example, a typical VCR has a small built-in
This is because products without emphasizing it display, a videocassette tape loader, several
are not accepted by the users. Research studies buttons, and indicators, which are hardware
have been conducted to reflect it in terms of components. On the other hand, some functions
behavioral and emotional factors in the design of are organized as a menu, and icons are often used
consumer products (Nagamachi, 1995; Logan, to represent the functions. Thus, the concept of
1994; Hofmeester et al., 1996; Jordan, 1997). usability applicable to the consumer electronic
Although these studies have attempted to extend products should be flexible so that various types of
the usability concept, there is no widely acceptable interface components could be evaluated.
one. The second reason is that user performance has
This study attempts to define a new concept of long been the main concern of the usability
usability applicable to the consumer electronic engineers in HCI research, while it has scarcely
products. The new definition of usability suggested been in the design of electronic products. Thus,
in this study is different from the traditional one in most users of a consumer electronic product are
the HCI area. That is, the subjective aspect, named exposed to its difficult-looking interface composed
image and impression, is emphasized as much as of many small and undifferentiated buttons. Such
the objective one. In addition, it classifies dimen- a black box design has now become accepted as
S.H. Han et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 28 (2001) 143–151 145

the way a consumer electronic product is supposed consumer electronic products. At first, the re-
to look (Kagan, 1997). This results partly from the searchers tried to explain usability of consumer
fact that the design of electronic products has been electronic products with the intuition concept
the job of the design artists who usually emphasize (Frand, 1989). In later studies, they agreed that
aesthetic integrity of the design. Thus, the con- subjective aspects should be considered more
trols, especially the buttons, are relatively similar important than they used to be to define the
in shape, size, and color, and lack hierarchical usability of consumer electronic products. For
positioning. However, the users are becoming example, attractiveness was considered as one of
more and more intolerant of a difficult-to-use the most important criteria for the design of
product. Since user interaction with the controls is consumer products together with safety, operabil-
of primary importance from a user performance ity, and maintainability (Woodson et al., 1992).
viewpoint, efforts should be taken to make Other specific examples include the image technol-
products easy to use and easy to learn, not to ogy approach (Nagamachi, 1995), customer ac-
mention aesthetically satisfactory. That is, it is ceptance (Caplan, 1994), the behavioral and
very important not to be biased in designing a emotional usability concept (Logan, 1994), sen-
consumer electronic product. suality in user interface design (Hofmeester et al.,
The third reason is that using a consumer 1996; Nielsen, 1996), and the pleasure of use
electronic product does not mean the same as concept (Jordan, 1997). Common to all these
using software. Using software implies completing examples is the idea that a product should be
an intended task with it. Thus, it has been agreed designed so that it appeals to the feeling of the user
that usability is concerned mainly with how the toward a product.
user achieves results by using it (Bennet, 1984). A In this study, the concept of usability was
consumer electronic product is, however, not only defined to include the two aspects: the perfor-
a tool with which the user performs a task but also mance and the image and impression aspects as
a decoration in the living room or a means to shown in Fig. 1.
express one’s personality and lifestyle. So it should The performance aspect of usability means how
be very efficient and easy to use, and at the same efficient and effective it is for a user to perform a
time good-looking and fascinating. task to achieve some intended goals by using a
Actually, user requirements for usability of product. The performance has usually been
consumer electronic products are not always measured objectively and quantitatively by means
concerned with the user performance. Some of of the speed or accuracy of performing tasks.
them are nothing to do with the efficiency of use On the other hand, the image and impression
and ease of learning. For example, consumers aspect is concerned with the sense or feelings about
would prefer a deluxe and graceful product to a a product, the impression felt from it, or the
cheap-looking and inelegant one no matter how evaluative feelings about the product. Although
efficient it is to use. It is noteworthy that knockoffs some subjective terms such as satisfaction or
(i. e., cheap copies) of extremely expensive high-
end products are showing up in the consumer
electronic product market places (Kagan, 1997).
Consumers who cannot afford such expensive
products may be satisfied with them. Although
these requirements are far from serious or critical
under the traditional definition of usability, they
are influential enough to make consumers hesitate
to spend money on a product.
For these reasons, it was not successful to apply
the traditional concept of usability, which placed Fig. 1. Usability of consumer electronic products consists of
greater importance on the performance side, to the two aspects: performance and image/impression.
146 S.H. Han et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 28 (2001) 143–151

preference have been considered as subjective impossible to explain the complex and polyhedral
aspects of usability in the traditional definition, meaning with only a few dimensions. In addition,
they account for only a small part of it. The image different dimensions of usability should be high-
and impression is a more extensive concept that lighted in designing and evaluating a product
includes not only satisfaction or preference about depending on, for example, target users, product
a product but also the sensuous impression or properties, user activities, and environmental
image felt from a product. conditions. Will it be appropriate to apply the
All the early experiences about consumer same dimensions of usability to low-end and high-
electronic products showed that the definition of end products? What if the target users are audio
usability should be compatible with the users’ maniacs instead of ordinary users? These highlight
understanding of a necessary condition (a sine qua the necessity of identifying the dimensions of
non) of a usable product. That is, the subjective usability.
aspect should be emphasized more in defining the As a result, a total of 48 dimensions of usability
usability of electronic products than it used to be. were identified. Based on the new definition of
Thus, the image and impression concept was usability, they were classified into two groups. The
introduced to modify the performance-oriented first group includes performance dimensions that
usability concept in this study. The new definition could be used to explain the performance side of
of usability of a consumer electronic product is the usability concept. The second one consists of
‘satisfying the users in terms of both the perfor- image/impression dimensions that are related to
mance and the image and impression felt by them.’ the image and impression of the product perceived
However, this might be somewhat misleading. Still by the users.
the performance of the user while he/she is
performing an intended task should be very 3.1. Performance dimensions
efficient and easy. That is, the two aspects of
usability should be in balance with each other. The performance dimensions stand for the
specific criteria that should be used to evaluate
the user performance. Many studies have been
3. Dimensions of usability conducted to identify them since the concept of
usability was first defined by Bennet (1984) and
Usability has often been defined as ease of Shackel (1984). Approximately 60 concepts con-
learning, efficiency of use, memorability, few cerned with the user performance were found in
errors, and preference in the HCI area (Nielsen, the literature, which were reduced to 23 through
1993; Shneiderman, 1992; Hix and Hartson, 1993). integration and screening process. Then the
All of them, except for preference, are objective performance dimensions were classified into three
criteria of usability concerned with the user’s categories: perception/cognition, learning/memor-
performance. Under the traditional definition of ization, and control/action. The classification was
usability, it is natural that the objective perfor- based on a typical human information processing
mance has been intensively studied, while the and response production model as shown in Fig. 2
subjective aspects of usability have been less (Wikens, 1984). Table 1 presents 23 performance
frequently examined (Nielsen and Lavy, 1994). dimensions with their definitions.
However, the new definition of usability places as
much importance on the subjective aspects (i.e. the 3.1.1. Perception/cognition
image and impression aspect) as on performance. The perception/cognition category consists of
Thus the traditional dimensions of usability were the usability dimensions applicable to examine
found to be inadequate to evaluate the new how well users perceive and interpret the interface
usability concept. of a product. Some representatives are directness,
Worse yet, usability is neither a plain concept explicitness, responsiveness, and simplicity (See
nor a measurable one in a simple manner. It is Table 1 for the definitions). This category is
S.H. Han et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 28 (2001) 143–151 147

Fig. 2. A human information processing and response production model, which is the basis of the classification of performance
dimensions (modified from Wickens (1984)).

Table 1
Performance dimensions

Group Dimension Definition

Perception/cognition Directness Degree of user’s perception of directly controlling the objects represented by the
Explicitness User’s perception that the way the product looks and works is clear and accurate
Modelessness Capability that allows people to do whatever they want when necessary
Observability Ability to evaluate the internal state of the product based upon displayed
Responsiveness Degree of presenting feedback information for a user input in terms of speed
Simplicity The way the product looks and works is simple, plain, and uncomplicated

Learning/memorization Consistency Similarity in the way the product looks and works and the input/output behavior
arising from similar situations or similar task objectives
Familiarity Extent to which the user’s knowledge and experience in other domains or real
world can be applied interacting with a new product
Informativeness Degree to which the product is informational and giving all the necessary
information to the user in a proper manner
Learnability Time and effort required for the user to learn how to use a product
Memorability Degree to which the product is easy to remember
Predictability Ability for the user to determine the effect of future action based on past interaction

Control/action Accessibility Degree to which a product is easy to approach, enter, or operate

Adaptability Degree to which a product is changed easily to fit different users and/or conditions
Controllability Ability for the user to regulate, control, and operate the product
Effectiveness Accuracy and completeness with which specified users achieved specified goals in
particular environment
Efficiency Degree to which the product is enabling the tasks to be performed in a quick,
effective and economical manner or is hindering performance
Error prevention Ability to prevent the user from making mistakes and errors
Flexibility Extent to which the product can accommodate changes to the tasks and
environments beyond those first specified
Helpfulness User’s perception that the product communicates in a helpful way and assists in the
resolution of operational problems
Multithreading Ability of the product to support user interaction pertaining to more than one task
at a time
Recoverability Ability for the user to take corrective actions once an error has been recognized
Task conformance Degree to which the product supports all of the tasks the user wishes to perform in
such a way that the user easily understands them
148 S.H. Han et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 28 (2001) 143–151

Fig. 3. Transition of image/impression of a product. Dimensions in basic sense are initially developed and transferred to a higher level
(description of image). Finally, the integrated and complex dimensions are developed for the image/impression of a product.

important in designing and evaluating the way in describe the image of the consumer electronic
which the system status information is delivered to products and various expressions about subjective
the user through the interface (e.g. display panel, feelings toward them. Also the principal concepts
label, icon, status indicator, etc.). used in the product design department were
studied. Thus about 350 relevant expressions
3.1.2. Learning/memorization were extracted which were then analyzed and
The learning/memorization dimension explains synthesized to obtain 25 image/impression
how fast the users get used to the product and how dimensions.
well they remember it. Learnability and memor- In order to develop the hierarchy of image/
ability are typical dimensions of usability in this impression dimensions, study results from related
category as well as others such as consistency, areas (e.g., linguistics, brain science, consumer
familiarity, informativeness, and predictability. behavior, cognitive psychology, or linguistic psy-
They are used in examining the terminology used, chology) were examined. As a result, it was
labels of controls and displays, and their interac- assumed that the users’ image or impression of
tion behavior. an object was formed in a hierarchical manner as
shown in Fig. 3. Accordingly, the image/impres-
3.1.3. Control/action sion dimensions were classified into three cate-
The control/action category represents the gories: basic sense, description of image, and
dimensions that explain the users’ control activity evaluative feeling. Given in Table 2 are the list of
and its results. Accessibility, flexibility, efficiency, 25 image/impression dimensions and their defini-
and controllability are some representatives of this tions.
3.2.1. Basic sense
3.2. Image/impression dimensions Among the image/impression dimensions, sense
of color, brightness, shape, texture, etc., were
As stated above, the subjective aspect of classified as basic sense category (See Table 2 for
usability has been treated as less important the complete list). Although they seem to be close
than the performance aspect. This has led to to the five senses, they are not the exact
a lack of previous studies applicable in identifying representatives of the five senses. Rather, they
the dimensions of image and impression (i.e. explain the primitive and direct image/impression
the subjective aspect of usability). Instead, an stemming from the design characteristics of a
extensive literature survey was conducted to find product. They are important in expressing the
out the similes or metaphoric expressions to appearance of a product as it is.
S.H. Han et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 28 (2001) 143–151 149

Table 2
Image/impression dimensions

Group Dimension Definition

Basic sense Shape Feeling about the shape of a product developed by integrated characteristics
(ratio, length, area, etc.) of its components such as line and curvature
Color The conceptual image of a product developed by its color (e.g. warm, cool, etc.)
Brightness The image of a product developed by its brightness (e.g. dark, bright, etc.)
Texture The image of a product developed by its texture or touch (e.g. soft, coarse, etc.)
Translucency The image of a product developed by its translucency (e.g. opaque, translucent,
transparent, etc.)
Balance Feeling that a product looks properly balanced or unbalanced
Heaviness Feeling that a product looks light or heavy
Volume Feeling that a product looks voluminous or slim

Description of image Metaphoric design image Image of a product expressed by the user using a simile or metaphor
Elegance Degree to which a product is elegant or graceful
Granularity Degree to which a product is worked out with great care and in fine detail
Harmoniousness Feeling that the components of a product is well-matched or in harmony
Luxuriousness Feeling that a product looks flashy, splendid, or extravagant
Magnificence Feeling that a product looks grand and spectacular
Neatness Feeling that a product looks clean, tidy, simple, and well-arranged
Rigidity Feeling that a product looks stout, stable, and secure
Salience Degree to which a product is outstanding, prominent, and catching one’s eyes
Dynamicity Feeling that a product looks dynamic or steady

Evaluative feeling Acceptability Degree to which the user feels a product agreeable or acceptable
Comfort Degree to which the user feels easy and comfortable with a product
Convenience Feeling that a product is handy and suitable
Reliability Feeling that a product is dependable, fit to be trusted, or confident
Attractiveness Degree to which a product is pleasing, charming, and arousing interest
Preference Degree to which the user like or dislike a product over another
Satisfaction Degree to which a product is giving contentment or making the user satisfied

3.2.2. Description of image they like it or not). Included in this category are
This category includes the image/impression of acceptability, comfort, preference, satisfaction, etc.
a product that the users would describe based on
their experience. It includes the dimensions such as
elegance, magnificence, neatness, etc. However, it 4. Conclusion
does not include the dimensions based on the
users’ judgment of ‘‘like’’ or ‘‘dislike’’. That is, the This study provided a new definition of usability
users would describe a product by using these applicable to the consumer electronic products. It
dimensions whether they like it or not. was defined as ‘satisfying the users in terms of both
the performance and the image and impression felt
3.2.3. Evaluative feeling by them’. This definition is characterized by the
The evaluative feeling is the third category of the fact that both aspects are treated equally impor-
image/impression dimensions. The dimensions in tant in understanding the usability of consumer
this category are supposed to explain the attitude electronic products. In addition, a total of 48
or judgmental feeling about a product (i.e. whether dimensions (i.e., 23 performance and 25 image/
150 S.H. Han et al. / International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 28 (2001) 143–151

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