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Aquino, Nikki Norman M.


President Benigno “Pnoy” Aquino III delivered his sixth and last State of the Nation Address on
July 29, 2015 at the Batasang Pambansa which lasted for two hours. At the first part of his speech, he
blamed the previous administration for inheriting problems such as the NBN-ZTE anomalous deal, Hello
Garci controversy and the NFA anomalies.

The president then highlighted the achievements of his administration in labor and wages, budget
and finance, education, and disaster preparedness. He also mentioned the improvement in manufacturing
and unemployment, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program or “4Ps”, the education sector, and the
health and social welfare. Furthermore, he said that he wish to pass the Bangsamoro Basic Law and the
Anti-Dynasty Law. He ended his speech by giving his thanks to everyone for their contribution.

In my opinion, President Aquino delivered his final SONA just right. He did mention the state of
our nation and the major achievements during his 5-year administration. He may have failed to address
important topics such as the Spratlys Island, the Freedom of Information (FOI) bill and the PDAF issue, but
I think it maybe because two hours is just not enough to address all the problems of our country. What I
did not like in his speech was his constant blaming to the previous administrations for giving him a lot of
unsolved problems. But other than that, the rest were okay.

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