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Application form - 1 -


Purpose of the evaluation function Tel 012 431 5070 š Fax 012 431 5146 š e-Mail ceeq@saq
Ground Floor, SAQA House, 1067 Arcadia Street, H ATFIELD
The purpos e of the eval uation functi on is to c ompare forei gn Postnet Suite 248, Private Bag X06, W ATERKLOOF 0145
qualifications with South African qualifications and to advis e on the
recognition of the foreign qualifications in South Africa in terms of the
levels of the Nati onal Qualifications Framewor k (NQF).
Processing tim e and d elay
The evaluation makes provision for all qualifications that for m part of the
national educati on and training systems of other countries. Clients are Processing time refers to the ti me required to process and complete
requested not to s ubmit documentation in res pect of the types of various categories of applications and to make results available.
qualifications s pecifi ed below: Applicati on c ategories include norm al, medium , high and sp ecial
priority. T hese are available at various tariffs as indic ated under
• Qualificati ons obtai ned from South African educ ation and traini ng Products / services and tariffs on p age 4 of this document.
institutions, public or pri vate, unless they
The various c ategories of priority for the proc essing and c ompleti on of
o form the basis on which c andidates wer e admitted to foreign applications are as follows :
postgraduate study, or
o are submitted in combination with for eign school qualifications for • Normal priority: 30 worki ng days
purpos es of upgrading the latter, or
o are intended for use outside the borders of South Africa. • Medium priority: 20 wor king days

This includes qualifications obtained from South African providers who • High priority: 10 wor king days
operate outside the borders of South Africa and qualificati ons
obtained from foreign providers who are registered and accr edited in • Special priority, which is not generall y available and will be onl y be
South Africa under the provisions of the Higher Educ ation Act. considered on a s pecial c ontr act basis and at a substantiall y
increased fee. Applicants may approach SAQA for this ser vice in
• Qualificati ons issued by educ ation and training institutions which are exc eptional cas es and per personal appointment.
not officiall y rec ognised as a part of a national educati on s ystem, or
accredited accordi ng to the relevant provisions of a particular countr y. SAQA is committed to make results available within the turnaround
This includes the qualifications of professional (membershi p) bodies. timelines mentioned above. T his can, however, be affected by various
factors beyond the c ontrol of SAQA, which may cause proc essing time in
• Short c ourses , in-ser vice training, wor kshops / seminars and respect of all the above categories to be extended. In the event of a long
experiential l earning (unless these for m an i ntegral part of a delay, clients will be informed.
recognised nati onal qualification in the countr y of origin).

• Prior learning acquired outside of a national s ystem of education and

training. Lodging an application

Depending on its capacity and available information, SAQA will facilitate A proper and c omplete application will include the followi ng:
enquiries about issues related to learning that is excluded fr om its
evaluation and make the nec essar y referrals. • An application form, full y c ompleted and legible

• A complete s et of docum entation ( see page 3 of this document)

Legal status of recommendation s • Paym ent, or proof of paym ent (see page 4 of this document)

SAQA has a mandate to evaluate foreign qualifications in terms of If any of the above is not i ncluded, or does not c ompl y with the
section 13( m) of the Nati onal Qualifications Framewor k Ac t, 67 of 2008. requirements outlined in this doc ument, the eval uati on process will not
be acti vated and the application will be referred bac k to the applicant. A
SAQA’s recommendations are intended as gener al guidelines and are reactivation fee will be payable.
not binding on other institutions (employers, professional councils,
educ ation and training institutions and the li ke). Such institutions should
see the recommendations as a poi nt of departure and as clarification of
structural comparability, which allows them to embar k on a further, The application form
context specific ass essment taki ng content and/or learni ng outc omes
into c onsideration. The form incl udes the following sections:

1 Pers onal details of Qualification Holder (QH)

Principles and cr iteria 2 Pers onal details of the applicant (the QH or someone els e)
2b Instructi ons to SAQA regarding the evaluation results
Evaluations are c onducted as follows:
3 Pur pose of the evaluation (why it is needed)
• Strictly accordi ng to the procedures, guidelines and conditi ons
outlined in this doc ument. 4 Specificati ons regardi ng qualification documents to be s ubmitted

• Bona fide, with due regard to the relevant information available to the 5 Produc ts and services and the tariffs charged for thes e, as well as the
Directorate: Foreign Qualifications Evaluation and Advisor y Ser vice. ways i n which payment c an be made
5b The banki ng details of the spons or
• In accor danc e with the principles and criteria contained in the
publication Criteria and Guidelines for the Evaluation of Forei gn 6 Declarati on by the applicant
Qualificati ons, which is available on the SAQA website
(www.s Alternati vely, a hard copy can be requested from Applicants are requested to carefully read and complet e each
the SAQA offices ( section in a legible hand writing.
Application form - 2 -

1: Per sonal D etails of Qualification Holder – QH (The person whose qualifications are being s ubmitted for ev aluation)

Date of birth: ID / Passport Number :

(Enter in the for mat dd/mm/yyyy) (Enclose c opy of the relevant page)

Family name / Surn ame: Maiden nam e:

(The name common to all members (Family name / s urname used
of the QH’s direct family) before marriage, if applicable)

Full names: Residential addr ess:

(All the names following the family 1 (Where the QH lives now)
name / surname on the ID document
/ pass port) 2

4 Country:

2: Per sonal D etails of Applicant (The applicant is the pers on by whom the applicati on is lodged. This c an be the QH or s omeone else)

Status (who are you?): Personally related or known to the QH

(If not the QH, tick the status of the applicant in relation to the QH. Empl oyer / prospecti ve employer
If the QH, do not tic k anything) Institution where QH wis hes to further study
Body r egulating a profession
Immigration pr actitioner / i mmigration lawyer
Personnel agenc y
Other (pl ease specify here)

Title: Company / in stitution:

(Complete only if the application is
Initials: made by a company or institution)

Surname: Telephone number (landline): (…………)

(Including three-digit area code)
Postal address:
(Where mail is delivered) Fax number :
(Including three-digit area code) (…………)

Mobile number:

<<Code e-Mail addr ess:

2b: Results (Res ults will be made available, acc ording to the applicant’s instruc tion bel ow, by mail or personal collecti on. If required, a copy of the res ults
can be made available to a third party suc h as a prospective employer or educational institution)

To be collected Optional: cop y to be forwarded (fees for copy and postage – page 3)

Please wait for notification before c oming to the SAQA offices for Title, initials and surname:
Company / institution:
To be posted (postage fee payabl e – page 3)
Fax number: (…………)
All original evaluation results that are not c ollected from the SAQA offices
will be pos ted to the postal address of the applicant per traceable mail Postal address:
service. Copi es, as requested, will be posted to third parties by ordinary
mail. Postage fees ar e in line with the fees c harged by Postnet.


3: Purpose of application (Why is the ev aluation needed? You may tick more than one option)

Gener al emplo ym ent (Teachers, note that a special committee of the D epartment of Educ ation undertak es the evaluation of for eign teaching
qualifications for empl oy ment in public schools in accordanc e with nati onal l egislati on. For this purpose, submit a request for ev aluati on to the DoE,
Private Bag X…, Pretoria, 0001)

Further stud y (Prospective s tudents, note that admission to bachel or’s / first degree study at a South African university is s ubjec t to regulations for
Matriculation Exemption. This matter is under jurisdiction of Higher Educati on South Africa (tel 012 ) Do not apply for a SAQA ev aluation.
ª × NOTE ×
Secondary sc hool level Higher educ ation: career oriented University: undergraduate; not degree University: pos tgraduate

Home Affair s Ö Quota wor k permit General wor k permit Professional r egistr ation / licen sing

Other (pleas e specify below) Use in another countr y (South African qualifications only)
(The purpos e is to provide infor mation to ev aluating agenci es in the
host c ountries where this may be needed)
Application form - 3 -

4: Qualification docum ents This section provi des guidelines on the documents that must be included in applications . Tick to
Applicants must comply with these r equirements at all ti mes. confirm

Remember that SAQA has a mandate to This means that the following should not be s ubmi tted to SAQA for ev aluation:
evaluate and advise on foreign
qualifications, i.e. qualifications that • Qualificati ons obtai ned from South African educ ation and training institutions , public or private,
belong to national syst ems of unless they
education and tr aining in c ountries
other than South Africa. o form the basis on which c andidates wer e admitted to foreign postgraduate study, or
o are submitted in combination with foreign sc hool qualifications for purposes of upgradi ng the
latter, or
o are intended for use outside the borders of South Africa.

This includes qualificati ons obtained from South African providers who oper ate outside the
borders of South Africa and qualifications obtained from foreign provi ders who ar e registered
and accredited in South Africa under the pr ovisions of the Higher Educ ation Ac t.

• Qualificati ons issued by educ ation and tr aining institutions which ar e not officially r ecognised
as a part of a nati onal education s ys tem, or accredited acc ording to the rel evant provisions of a
particular c ountry. This incl udes the qualifications of professional (membership) bodies.

• Short courses, i n-servic e trai ning, wor kshops / s eminars and experiential learni ng (unless these
form an i ntegral part of a rec ognised national qualification i n the c ountry of origin).

• Prior learning acquired outside of a nati onal s ystem of educ ation and training.

4a: Gen eral requir ements

• Original documents or copi es? To mini mis e the risk of loss o,f or damage to original qualificati on documents, copies of these are
acceptabl e in most c ases , but must be compl etely legible and certified true copies, preferably
by a dipl omatic office repres enting the c ountry of origi n of the qualification holder. Copi es will be
retained for recor d purpos es. All original qualificati on doc uments (and only original doc uments) will
be returned by registered mail.

• Authenticity SAQA reserv es the right to request original documents and/or hav e the authenticity of doc uments
verified by the relev ant authorities in the c ountries of origin. If falsified do cuments are submitted,
no ev aluati on will be issued, no refund will be made, the designees for the eval uation will be
notified and the infor mation will be shar ed with the rel evant authorities and with any third parties
that the ev aluation results w ere intended for.

• Faxes and scanned documents ? These often pose a data integrity problem and are therefore nor mally not accepted in the process
of a first application. In additi on e- mail applications add to the administrative load. When additional
documentation is requested by us, we will indicate whether faxing/ e- mailing is an option.

• Original language or s wor n Certificates i n foreign languages mus t be accompanied by (verbati m) sworn tr anslati ons into
translations? English. Note that both the document in the original languag e and the translation are required.

• Secondary sc hool qualificati ons These must be issued, or at the v ery leas t endorsed / homologated by , the official examining /
certification body in the country of origin. Documents issued by schools will not be accepted when
the examinations were c onducted by external ex ami ning bodies.
• Higher educ ation:

o Compl ete and legible academic These documents conv ey i mportant and specific (personalised) infor mati on about the composition
records / tran scripts / subject of study pr ogrammes, credit requirements, student perfor mance and other ex planatory details
lists / diploma supplem ents are which assist i n the evaluation proc ess.
needed in res pec t of all higher
educ ation qualificati ons.

o Final awards must be s ubmitted. If these are not availabl e, an official s tatement (issued by the awarding body) must c onfir m
completion of all the r equirem ents for the award of the particular qualificati on.

o Postgraduate / other advan ced This is not compulsory, but ens ures a more c omplete and accurate evaluation and is therefore
qualification s should ideally be beneficial.
accompanied by preceding

4b: Specific r equirem ents Note that this list is s ubjec t to change accordi ng to need.

• Angola School certificates must be endorsed ( homologated) by the SA Embassy in Angol a.

• Mozambique School certificates must be endorsed by the Ministry of Educ ation in Moz ambique.

• Democratic Republic of the Congo School certific ates must be acc ompanied at least by the Bulletin for the sixth y ear of sc hooling, by
the relev ant Ex trait de Pal mares (where possible) and by a Certificate of Homol ogation issued by
the Embassy of the DRC.

• People’s Republic of Chi na Copies of qualification documents (certificates and academic r ecords) as issued by educ ation
institutions, must be c ertified by the Embassy of the PRC. T he names on seals must be legible.
Notarial certificates may be submitted in s upport of the above, but are not sufficient on their own.

• Nigeria Please ensure that the sc hool leavi ng qualification documents submi tted are issued by WAEC or
NECO (not by the sc hool).
Application form - 4 -

5: Products / services and tariffs (What do you need from SAQA?)

I need: A Certificate of Evaluation A Certificate of ev aluati on w as issued to me before No Yes, in (year)

I need this within: Timelines apply only to c omplete applications that meet all the requirements s et out i n this doc ument. If
R390 Normal (30 wor king days) infor mation has to be requested from overs eas authorities, please note that the finalisation of the ev aluati on
R590 Medium (20 worki ng days) depends on a reply from the s ource, as well as on the quality of the reply. SAQA c annot manage a delay in this
R790 High (10 worki ng days) regard. On r eceipt of a reply, processing will happen withi n the ti meframe paid for originally.

Special ( 48 hours) Applicati ons in this category are limited to three a week on a first come - first served basis. Original
(Fee on request) documents are required. No paym ent must be made before SAQA has agreed to acc ept the applicati on
based on availability of c apacity and i nfor mation.
I need:
R20 A duplicate certificate Issued without a SAQA hologram; bears the number of the hol ogram on the original. This c an be requested for
the personal use of the applicant, or to be forwarded by SAQA directly to a third party. In the latter case,
contact details mus t be pr ovided under 2b on page 2 and the r elevant postage fee incl uded in the pay ment.
I need:
R390 A certified statem ent A certified statement is a letter provided to a concer ned party to verify specific infor mation, if this falls in
(processing within 10 SAQA’s jurisdicti on, e.g.
wor king days) • the s tatus of a foreign educational i nstituti on w here an i ndividual intends to undertak e studies; or
• the s tatus of a South African educ ational institution
• (particular as pects of) the South African educ ation and tr aining system.

Not to be applied for together with a Certificate of Ev aluation.

I need the res ults to be posted to me:
R35 in South Africa (trac eable) I need a copy of the res ults posted to a third party
R80 in SADC (traceable) R35 In South Africa (traceable)
R90 elsewhere in the world (traceable) R15 In South Africa (non-traceable)

I want to:
R390 Lodge an appeal (An appeal can be lodged in writing when you disagree about the outc ome of the ev aluati on. The fee charged
for this is fully refundable if the appeal is success ful. T he appeal must be made i n writing)
R50 Reacti vate an old (E.g. for a c opy of res ults to be issued after the ev aluati on had been finalised, or for a change w hich is not
application necess ary due to an error made by SAQA)
R120 Cover bank c harges for payi ng in foreign c urrenc y (compulsor y when payment is made i n foreign currenc y)

Accordi ng to my calc ulation of the above, I ow e SAQA the amount of

R Pay ment, or proof of pay ment of this amount is enclos ed as indicated below:

Crossed postal orders in favour of SAQA

Cash deposit slip SAQA, Standard Bank acc ount no 010516433, Branch no 010045 (Pretoria); Swift code SBZA Z A JJ +
Record of el ectronic transfer account no. State the name of the QH.

Pay ment can only be made in one of the w ays listed abov e. Note that NO cash, chequ es or money orders will be accepted.

Should a pro forma invoice be required, the applicant must request this thr ough an e- mail to rmon yam a.
o Mention: Name of c ompany / i nstitution; Contact pers on; Address; T elephone and fax numbers; Service required and C ost.
o Note that individuals will not be inv oiced.
o Once i nvoiced, pay ment or proof of pay ment must accompany applications.

5b: Banking details of sponsor (If SAQA has to refund of part of or the full amount paid, thes e banki ng details will be required)

Bank: Please note that the following handling fees will be deducted when r efunds are
made for reas ons other than an error on the part of SAQA.
Account holder:
• Admi nistrative c ost: R33
Account number:
• Cancellati on fee: R120
Branch code:
• Bank c harges for pay ments into for eign bank acc ounts: R 200
Account typ e:

6: Declaration b y applicant (must be c ompleted at all times)

I have complied with all the requirements in this doc ument:
I understand the purpose and legal status of the SAQA evaluation. The enclosed qualification documents are c omplete acc ording to the
guidelines i n s ection 4 above. If not, I understand that I am c ausi ng a
I accept that although SAQA will treat my application with the delay and additional c osts for myself.
necess ary urgenc y, factors outside of their control may delay The encl osed qualification documents ar e authentic. If not, I
processing. understand that SAQA will retain the payment and disclos e this
information to the authorities.
I have pr ovided all the information required in this document. All the I have encl osed payment / pr oof of payment for all the ser vices I
information that I provi ded is correct and true. require. I have not enclosed cas h, a cheque or a money order.

Name in pr int: Signature: Date:

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