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Dictionary of all Scriptures and Myths

"Unless we learn to understand this metaphorical or hiero

glyphic language of the ancient world, we shall look upon
the Upanishads and on most of the Sacred Books of the East
as mere childish twaddle."
The Julian Press, Inc. Publishers New York
of all
and Myths

G. A. Gaskell
Published by The Julian Prese, Inc.
80 East llth Street, New York 3


Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 60-9923


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Tms Dictionary of the Sacred Language claims to give the true solution of
the age-long problem of the origin, nature and meaning of the Scriptures and
Myths which are attached to the various religions of the world. It especially
appeals to those thinkers who are dissatisfied with the many conflicting theories
and expositions of both Christian and rationalist teachers and writers of
modern times. To earnest souls who are distressed by doubts and difficulties
concerning their scriptures and religion, this presentation of facts and their
elucidation should bring peace, for it offers them all that is of eternal value
in religion, and it entirely frees them from subservience to doubtful systems
and conventional contradictory opinions.
The origin and nature of the various Scriptures have never been consistently
explained either by religionists or rationalists, so as to account for their world
wide influence and the striking peculiarities of the writings. For more than a
century clerical and lay thinkers have disputed about scriptures and doctrines,
with no satisfactory result, for the theories of every disputant are open to fatal
objections. It is usual to narrow the problem of Divine revelation to one par
ticular religion, and to regard other religions as negligible, thereby making
impossible a true understanding either of the accepted religion or of the general
problem of religions. I
It will, think, be found that the light thrown by this
Dictionary upon the sacred writings, shows them to belong to a higher plane
of thought than that hitherto conceded to them. On this high plane they are
beyond the reach of all the controversies regarding them with which the world
of thought is filled. There is indeed no room for scepticism on the general
subject of religion and revelation when the full meaning of the Scriptures and
their philosophy is apprehended. There is no conflict with science when the
legends of old cease to be materialised in the notions of literalists. Doubt
respecting Divine revelation only creeps in when history and verbalism are
allowed to distort religious conceptions and obstruct the truth. When the
fact is realised that the Scriptures belong to a category of writings which is
unique in the world and can be recognised tlirough the symbolism peculiar to
it, the strength of the religious position is invincible in face of the attacks of
materialists and other sceptics. The Scriptures can no longer be controverted
because of any features in their appearance, while, in respect to their ascertained
meanings, these are beyond the arguments of adverse rationalists.
This present exposition of Scripture exegesis, giving fuller knowledge of
man's inner nature and the purpose of his life on earth, has taken the form of
a dictionary because of the discovery, forecasted by the great orientalist Max
M nil* r, of a metaphorical language underlying all sacred Scriptures of the world.
The terms of this language will reveal themselves to students of the Scriptures
who will follow the line of thought of this Dictionary. The Sacred Language
will be seen to be the one and only instance where supernatural intrusion into
mundane affairs is clearly cognisable ; for a universal language, such as this is,
could not be invented and applied by man. It is possible for the Scriptures
literally to be the work of man, but it is impossible for their world-wide under-
meanings to be other than superhuman and transcendental. It matters nothing
however grotesque the wording of Scriptures may be ; it is the symbolism alone
which is precious, and worthy of our best efforts to elucidate.


(Zeus) (Jupiter) (Zerana Akerana) (Odin) (Ea)

Apollo Bacchus Ormazd Balder Marduk

Hera Juno Armaiti Frigg Istar

Hermes Mercury Tistrya Thor Nebo

Hades Pluto Ahriman Loke Enlil

Hestia Vesta ? Sigyn !


(Ra) (Ameno) (Rangi) (Heaven)

Osiris Ninigi Tangaroa Water

Isis Ama-terasu Rongo-matane Fire

Thoth Shinatsu-hiko Tuma-tauenga Metal

Set Susa-no-wo Tane-mahuta Wood

Nephthys Haigi-no-kami Haumea-tiki-tiki Earth

In these tables the Five Planes of Existence are indicated by various

symbols found in the Religious Systems of many nations. The corre
spondences run horizontally, and show that all religions are essentially
the same and refer to the same facts of being on the higher and lower planes.
The polytheism of the ancients is obviously the same in principle as the
monotheism of the moderns. The only dissimilarities lie in the great
variety of symbols for the same ideas, and in the many allegorical state
ments conveying the sacred language in which ideas are expressed.


(Father God) (Ain Soph) (The Unity) (Paran-atma)

Son of God The Crown Absolutely Invisible Alma

Holy Ghost World of Emanation Relatively Invisible Buddhi

Mental faculties World of Creation World of Man Manas

Lower emotions World of Formation World of Similitudes Kama

Sensations World of Action Visible World Sthula


(Father JEther) (Ineffable) (Verbum Fiat) (The Infinite)

Good Mind Light Light-breath Celestial

Fire Fire Fire-breath Spiritual

Air Mental Air-breath Rational

Water Astral Water Proprium

Earth Physical Earth Physical

The names between brackets are symbols of the Absolute or God-

unmanifest, while the names on the highest of the five planes indicate
God-manifest, — the Higher Self. In some systems the same symbols
denote occasionally God-unmanifest or God-manifest. The fourth plane,
counting from below, is the plane of the Holy Spirit, or Great Goddess,
and feminine also is the lowest or physical plane. In most religions the
highest plane is represented by numerous symbols or sun-gods, the sun
being a universal symbol of the Higher Self traversing the Life-cycle or
IN this Dictionary the ancient doctrine of Verbal Inspiration is restored to its
pristine position in the study of the Scriptures. It is obvious that no transcen
dental symbolism could be present in writings if the words on which symbolism
depends were not chosen freely by the Wisdom within and set down unaltered
by the inspired writer. Human interference with the wording of the Scriptures
would prevent any symbolism being expressed. Verbal Inspiration was neces
sary in order to make possible the revelation of truths which are beyond the
scope of human observation ; a symbolism of correspondences was also requisite
in which to express the recondite knowledge offered to mankind. The vast
amount of nonsense in the Scriptures is presumptive proof of verbal inspiration
for no literate has been known to write in such terms as we find in the Avesta
and many other Sacred Books.
Scriptures have very much the appearance of dreams in their grotesqueness
and inconsequence, and to call them Cosmic Dreams would express much of
their nature (see Appendix, p. 844). As personal dreams have their symbology,
so also have cosmic dreams, and in both cases investigation and analysis lead to
the interpretation of their terms. Ordinary dreams relate to the experience
of a person : Cosmic Dreams relate to the experience of the soul. Psycho
analysis on a low level leads to the interpretation of dreams. Psycho-analysis
on a high level opens the right way of interpretation of the Scriptures, and
reveals truths of the greatest importance to humanity and the evolution of the
Divine within the soul. Dr. Jung takes the low level course of thought with the
Scriptures, and the result, empty of all value to man, is its own confutation.
In Scripture undermeanings the qualities of mind and emotion in man are
regarded as of surpassing importance in the growth of the soul, and so these
are found to be the principal subjects discussed in the interpretations, for the
ever-changing and progressing human character and human faculty are of
eternal moment in the development of the soul to a state of perfection.
There will be those who reject the idea of a cryptic language, and who cannot
find the language in Scriptures. What then have these thinkers to fall back
upon as explanatory of the origin and meaning of the mysterious literature
which has been so powerful in the world ? The confused theories of theologians
have all broken down : so also have the theories of the mythologists at their
outset. There is no science in any of these theories, for they are only speculative
in origin and they depend upon fancy, not fact. I venture to say there is no
conceivable solution of the problems of Religions and Scriptures than the one
set forth, however inadequately, in this Dictionary.
The present writer has done his best in difficult and arduous pioneer work.
He has left very much to be done. Others who follow will do much better
than he has been able to do, and will make far plainer the claims of the Sacred
Language to elucidate the profound teachings of the Divine Wisdom which
have been deposited in all inspired Scriptures and Myths. That these teachings
are in many ways abstruse and hard to understand is reasonable to expect :
what else, indeed, than intellectual depth could be expected of spiritual dis
closures concerning the inner life of man and the universe ? There can be no
pretence here of fully understanding all that is set forth in Scripture under -
meanings, but much can be made out by those whose minds are receptive of
inner truths.
For a right understanding of the thesis of the Dictionary it would be well
for a reader to first peruse the articles on GOSPEL, GOSPELS, INSPIRATION,
SCRIPTCTHES, SELF, SIGN, UPANISHADS, and WORD : — these indicate the basis
on which the whole philosophy of the Sacred Language rests,
POPULAR religious systems and theories are notoriously unstable and changeful.
They have altered greatly within the last fifty years. They are the sport of
sentimentalists and the derision of rationalists, and they remain to this day
destitute of logical coherence and unity. A majority of the most eminent
philosophers and scientists disbelieve in religions which clash with that intelli
gence with which man is naturally endowed. They therefore repudiate them
and endeavour to explain the origin and characteristic of religions by the
methods solely of reason and research. Yet it must be admitted, the scientists
have been no more successful than the religionists in solving the problem of
the existence and influence of religions.
Religions arise from sacred Scriptures and Myths, and the requisite know
ledge of these mysterious utterances has been sought with great assiduity by
learned investigators for more than a century past, without any indisputable
and satisfactory result having been arrived at. How is it, we may ask, there
is so much disputation about the origin and value of concepts which, from the
remotest times to the present, have influenced very greatly the minds and
actions of men ? Surely we must conclude that nothing short of fundamental
errors of investigation can account for the grave differences of opinion among
thinkers on the subject of religions, scriptures and myths.
In regard to the origin of myths, I venture to say that the prevalent uncer
tainties and absurdities of the generally accepted Mythical theory are enough
to arouse some suspicion that the theory is not well-grounded. Let us then
examine its essentials. In the first place it is assumed, without any evidence,
that there is in man a special faculty of the human mind for the invention of
myths, and that this " innate faculty of myth is indigenous and common to
all men " (T. VIONOLI, Myth and Science, p. 3). This assertion, be it observed,
is made in face of the fact that no person, living or dead, is known to have
evidenced this faculty by producing a myth.
" it
Vignoli himself confesses,
appears to me that the ultimate source whence myths really proceed has not
been reached
" (p. The source of myth, then, being unknown, the Mythical
theory is not founded on fact, but is purely speculative and unscientific.
I have been unable to find in the works of Sir J. G. Frazer, Herbert Spencer,
E. B. Tylor, A. Lang, J. M. Robertson, Sir G. Cox, and other mythologists,
any but speculative and imagined premises for a general theory of myth.
The writers all tacitly assume that there existed a different human nature and
motives for action in people of the past to what we observe in the human
nature of to-day. Yet to prove this contention, these exponents of mythical
lore are unable to indicate a single person, savage or civilised, who has invented
and promulgated myths. This lack of evidential fact makes purely conjectural
any surmise of a peculiar state of mind in a supposed myth-maker, and of his
method of forming myths. Hence it is the simple truth that the whole
mythical theory is devoid of foundation on the firm ground of ascertained and
acknowledged fact. A theory that is not grounded on fact can have no
pretensions to science.
Further than, this, — a deliberative process of supposed myth-making must
obviously be quite inconsistent with all known motives of intelligent action.
What motive could there be for the very difficult production of a thoughtful
myth 7 People are not to be found who actually desire to express their
thoughts in the tedious enigmas required by mythological theory. We know
that men and women speak and write in order to be understood by others, and
they never attempt to uselessly conceal their ideas in forms of expression which
have a nonsensical appearance. The believers in myth-makers would have us
imagine that to produce myths there were people in the past who were so
eccentric and unnatural as to speak, write and act from motives unknown,
and in ways quite contrary to human nature of the present day.
The mythologists suppose the myth-makers to have had a burning desire
to say something weird and unintelligible about such commonplace subjects
as the weather, the crops, the seasons, vegetation, sun, moon and stars, etc.
They would not be so vulgar as to say straight out in plain language what they
thought upon these subjects ; so it is supposed they took immense pains to
cunningly clothe their remarks in mysterious and grotesque phraseology, so
that people should not understand their trivial observations.
For example, Mr. J. M. Robertson writes of the passages in MATTHEW,
ch. xxi, and ZECHARIAH, ch. ix, about a king riding to Jerusalem on two

" The just critical inference in that both

passages had regard to the zodiacal figure
of the Two Assea for the sign Cancer, from which we have the myth of Bacchus riding
on two asses. Further, it id probable that the similar passage in the Song of Jacob
has also a zodiacal basis. — The Jesua Problem, p. 45.

That is to say : in each of these two or three cases, the myth-maker or myth-
adaptor, busy over his difficult work of concealing his thoughts in cryptic lan
guage, suddenly wanted, in his story, to mention the fact that the sun passes
in summer through a certain part of the sky, so he chose to express this idea
by relating the incident of a king (as the sun) riding in state to a city, seated
grotesquely on two asses (as fixed stars) ; and he seemingly trusted that his
readers would not detect his meaning for about two thousand years !
Mythologists have at the outset of their investigations taken for granted
that myths must have originated through laborious rational processes in the
working of ignorant minds observant of natural occurrences. They have
supposed that the myth-makers have been searching for the causes of phenomena,
imagining them to be personal. We are told by Vignoli that " man personifies
all phenomena, first vaguely projecting himself into them." No evidence
worth naming is given for this supposed primitive working of the human
intellect. Mythologists are expected to hold with Mr. Robertson that —
" All primitive beliefs and usages, however strange and absurd, are to be under
stood as primarily products of judgment, representing theories of causation, or guesses
at the order of things." — Pagan Christt, p. 3.

The apparently absurd stories of Gods and Goddesses, and the strange usages
in popular religions do not strike one as being primarily products of judgment,
but rather as denoting ideas presented to unreasoning minds for acceptance,
— credulous minds such as we observe among all religious and superstitious
people. The mythologist assumes that myths arise from the exercise of reason
in the minds of certain persons of a bygone age, which results in the invention
of curious statements and stories : in short, that myths are intelligent produc
tions of the self-conscious brain-mind of man. Now, as a matter of fact, there
is no necessity whatever to assume that myths arise in this ordinary prosaic,
thoughtful, imaginative way. Myths are extraordinary historical survivals,
and it is surely reasonable to expect that they have originated in a manner
also extraordinary.
In this relation our learned mythologists seem never to have given attention
to the now well-known phenomena of trance-speaking and automatic writing,
in which the speakers and writers present statements in the framing of which
their conscious minds have had no part. Miss Evelyn Underhill writes :—
St. Catherine of Siena, we are told, dictated her great Dialogue to her secretaries
whilst in the state of ecstasy ; which probably means a condition of consciousness
resembling the 'trance' of mediums, in which the deeper mind governs the tongue."
— Mysticism, p. 352.
"Madame Guyon states in her autobiography that she would experience a sudden
and irresistible inclination to take up her pen ; though feeling wholly incapable of
literary composition, and not even knowing the subject on which she would be
impelled to write. If she resisted the impulse it was at the cost of the most intense
discomfort. She would then begin to write with extraordinary swiftness ; words,
elaborate arguments and appropriate quotations coming to her without reflection,
and so quickly that one of her longest books was written in one and a half days.
In writing saw that was writing of things which I had never seen : and during
the time of this manifestation, I was given light to perceive that I had in me treasures
I "
of knowledge and understanding which did not know that I possessed.' — Ibid.
p. 78.

Trance-speaking is a rare occurrence ; so is the formation of myth ; but

while myth-making is totally unknown and incredible, trance -speaking has
been carefully investigated in recent years, and found to show peculiarities
which seem to make it a fitting external source of myth. What reason, then,
is there for choosing the incredible myth-maker as the utterer of myth, rather
than the credible trance -speaker T No argument against this latter choice
can be based on the fact that the subjective mind in trance has not for many
centuries brought forth a myth ; for neither has the inventive mind produced
a myth. The reason why myths are exclusively ancient must obviously reside
in hidden causes about which we can only at present speculate.
The weakness and incompetence of the mythical theory to explain the subject
it deals with is also very evident when we come to consider the question of the
why and the wherefore of the popular acceptance and veneration of myths.
The mythologists suppose that myths are calmly invented by students of nature
and tradition through a process of cold reasoning and judgment, ill -calculated
to appeal to their own feelings or the feelings of others. How, then, could the
myths, when publicly announced, appeal to the emotions of the populace so
as to command reverence, and be memorised T Such a question as this does
not apparently occur to any mythologist. In modern times the expounding
of a seeming myth by its inventor would, I
think, only arouse feelings of
amusement and derision, and no one would have any impulse to believe in the
absurd concoction. The newness of a legend would in these times also tell
strongly against its acceptance. When missionaries of a religion try to gain
proselytos, they never seek credence for new stories, but always for old and
venerable narrations not supposed to be the inventions of human beings, and
which they can expound in an impersonal and impressive manner.
Contrast any possible method of foisting invented myths upon a group of
persons, with the very different occasion of an acknowledged trance-utterance,
and the natural effect the strange speech would have upon ignorant or uncivi
lised auditors. The trance -speaker would be recognised as not speaking from
himself, but from the inspiration of an invisible being who had taken temporary
possession of him. This solemn and mysterious condition of things would
certainly arouse in simple minds deep emotions of wonder, awe, and reverence,
and ensure strong belief both in the powerful unseen intelligence and in the
trance-spoken message, however absurdly it might be worded. In afterwards
promulgating the utterance far and wide, its origin would be described or taken
for granted, so that religious emotions would always be attached to it and give
it persistency in believing minds.
Travellers have described scenes where persons entranced have declaimed
to awe-stricken hearers who presumably would never forget what they had
seen and heard. It seems to be certain that sacred myths in their inception
must have had strong emotions behind them to give them the requisite power
of impression and endurance in the minds of priests and devotees.
Sir George Grey, the principal collector of the myths of New Zealand, brings
before us a remarkable figure : —
" For the first time, I believe, a European reader will find it in his pow er to place
himself in the position of one who listens to a heathen and savage high priest, explaining
to him, in his own words and in his own energetic manner, the traditions in which
he earnestly believes, and unfolding the religious opinions upon which the faith and
hopes of his race rest." — Polynesian Mylliology, Preface.

Examining the contents of Sir G. Grey's book, I think it would be difficult

for anyone to imagine that the grotesque myths this priest unfolded were the
products of cold and cunning invention, rather than of impassioned entranced
speech in some former age.
It is impossible to draw a line between sacred Myths and sacred Scriptures ;
they flow into each other, and they obviously have the same kind of origin.
Yet scant notice is taken of the mythical theory by most religionists, just as
if it had nothing to do with their Scriptures. Nevertheless the theory they
espouse is practically indistinguishable from the mythical theory, but with the
added absurdity of a self-contradictory exposition of it. They affirm the
Divine inspiration of their Scriptures, and at the same moment deny the neces
sary condition of inspiration, which is that the inspired writer is unaware of
the theme on which he is writing, and therefore irresponsible for either the
words or the meaning. They apparently assume that Scriptures are produced
by an impossible co-ordination of two mental determinants, human and divine,
with a nondescript result which could be attributed neither to man nor God.
This abortive theory has been invented to serve what is called the
" higher criticism," which
destroys entirely the old belief in verbal inspiration ;
thus reducing the Scriptures to the level of all other writings, and treating
them as rubbish, more or less, according to the fancies of the impious critics.
Therefore, instead of discarding a theory which is obviously false, as it does
not fit the facts, these thinkers cling to it, and so find themselves confronted
with difficulties innumerable, created by their own theory out of the neglected
facts, and which to their great distress they find it impossible to get rid of.
This indicates the present position of Biblical exegesis among learned scholars
who always refer to scripture writers as knowing what they wrote about.
On the question of symbolism, it is quite evident, from the structural resem
blances we see in sacred Myths and Scriptures collected from all parts of the
world, that the symbolism is one and universal, and therefore not of human
origin. This unity, implying one Source for all sacred utterances, and the logical
inference that the same symbols have the same meanings everywhere, has to
be realised. When this highly important fact of symbolic unity is grasped,
it completely sweeps away the possibility of the past existence of myth and
scripture -making persons. No persons, however learned, could be credited
with having knowledge of this obscure universal symbology so as to be able
to compose true Myths or Scriptures.
Scriptures are merely extensions of myths ; as the same symbology rules
all sacred declarations. We are compelled by the facts before us to believe
that all genuine Myths and Scriptures were produced in some way by persons
in peculiar but not unnatural states of mind usually called inspired. In these
states the will and brain-mind exercise no control over the means of speech
or writing. The ancient Scriptures claim to be Divinely inspired, and it is
highly reasonable to suppose that they were written down automatically. If
they are examined freely and without prejudice, they show plainly, by the
very large amount of absurdity and nonsense they contain, that they could
not have been thoughtfully composed by either intelligent or unintelligent
men. The allegation that the Sacred Books have proceeded from the intelli
gence of the writers of the books is a mere groundless assumption, for there
is no evidence in history, or among living people, of any person composing and
writing a sacred book.
Max Miiller was probably, in his day, the greatest of all investigators of
the world-scriptures. He died disappointed of his life-work, as the following
statements indicate : —

" confess it has been for many years a problem to me, how the Sacred Books of
the East should, by the side of so much that is fresh, nntural, simple, beautiful and
true, contain so much that is not only unmeaning, artificial and silly, but even hideous
and repellent. This is a fact and must be accounted for in some wny or other."
" There will always remain in the Upanishads a vast amount of what we can only
call meaningless jargon, and for the presence of which in these ancient mines of thought,
I. for rny part, feel quite unable to account." —S.B.E., Vol. I. xii, Vol. XV. xx.
The nature of the Scriptures is not understood while they are regarded as
of human origin and having no undermeanings. As a matter of fact, the
Sacred writings bear no trace of human origin beyond the superficial presence
of common ideas and language. Their varying contents, broadly considered,
seldom relate to mundane experience, and usually purport to be revelation of
unseen potencies. We find described an unnatural condition of things in the
past, present, and for the future. Regarded as sincere expressions of thought,
the sacred utterances are quite incongruous with all that is proved to be
produced by the human mind.
In viewing our natural environment, we note the complete absence of
beneficent and maleficent superhuman powers interfering with natural laws
and human arrangements ; but when we turn to the sacred writings we are
confronted with such powers described as apparently active in the outer world.
Gods, angels and devils move freely in a fantastic world unknown to our experi
ence. Assuming that Scriptures are written truthfully, we can, from this
peculiarity concerning them, judge with certainty that the sacred narrations
are not historical but imaginative, and were not meant to be taken objectively
in any sense. The world of Inspiration is not the physical world, or world of
history, but is really the inner world of spirit, mind, emotion, and desire, in
which the human ego always lives, moves, and has his being. In this inner
world the Ideals of truth and goodness (the Gods) and their opposites (devils)
are active, and it is here that the tragedy of each life is enacted. This concep
tion of the nature of the Scriptures brings order out of the confusion of
thought in which the modern mind involves them.
If now it be conceded that the Sacred Books are not of human origin, then
it follows that they do not come under the ordinary methods of analysis,
criticism and judgment applicable to human productions. Neither the his
torical nor the verbal criticism of scholars is of the least use in their exegesis.
Not being literary compositions, they cannot properly be dealt with as such,
but must be treated differently to all other books. They must be considered
in view of what they really are, if rational use is to be made of them.
In popular religions, we find an inconsistent mixture of two different modes
of scriptural interpretation, one spiritual and the other material (historical),
with the inevitable result of interminable disputations over opinions, and the
formulation of incoherent pronouncements which are the laughing-stock of
sceptics. Popular religions partially teach truth ; and every religion is vindi
cated by the truths it has derived from the Spirit, while every religion is
condemned by the superstitions it has imposed upon belief through having
mistaken the dead letter of the Word for the living idea signified by it.
The Scriptures, as proceeding from the Omniscient Wisdom, are therefore
in their undermeanings quite consistent treatises, never contradicting each
other, and teaching universally the great truths of the nature of man, of the
soul-process, and of the cosmos. The cryptic language of the sacred books
is not at all of arbitrary formation, but accords with correspondences in
nature, higher and lower, and being quite simple in its general features, can
be readily made out by all open-minded, intelligent students who set themselves
to learn it. When the clue to the language is found, it can be deciphered just
in the same way as the hieroglyphs of Egypt were made out. Each hieroglyph
when revealed aided the revelation of associated hieroglyphs. In the Scrip
tures, to make decipherment easier, there are certain spiritual ideas which
are partly expressed on the surface and so can greatly help interpretation.
These ideas have been embodied in the different religions of the world and
constitute the active spirit of the religions, and are the source of their idealistic
power over the mental and emotional nature of mankind.
In regard to the scheme of the symbolism, it will be found that in the
sacred writings the activities which apparently are of the outer world of sense
stand really for the activities of the inner world of thought. The apparent
sense-world of consciousness symbolises the real soul-world of humanity, in
which we become aware of all the emotions, faculties and activities of the soul's
experience of life.
If in the country on a fine day, we stand fronting a pool of water, we may
observe a prospect which beautifully pictures the higher and the lower things
of the soul and the cosmos, as expressed in the Sacred Language of all Myths
and Scriptures.

Sun-realm ; Light ; Celestial.

Sky -realm ; Fire ; Spiritual.
Air-realm ; Air ; Mental.
Water-realm ; Water ; Astral.
Earth-realm ; Earth ; Physical.
These ideograms are universal symbols of the Five Planes of Existence, all
in their proper order, that is, from the highest (most inward) to the lowest
(most outward) states of existence. They are recognised in all the Sacred
Books of the world, and this Dictionary cannot be understood without regard
to them. Knowledge of the Five Planes and their symbols makes it easy to
at once make out the meanings of many other associated symbols. In the
Sun-realm is the Sun, a symbol of God-manifest, or the Higher Self who passes
through the whole Cycle of Divine Life (zodiac) in a series of twelve stages
(year). In the Sky-realm are the higher emotions (bright clouds), and the
transmuting Fire of Wisdom (the lightning) which purifies the human soul,
life after life. In the Air-realm are the mental faculties (people) and lower
emotions (animals), also instincts (plants), and aspirations (birds). In the
Water-realm are reflected inversely the motives and things of the higher
planes, and these bring delusion and error into the soul. In the Earth-realm
are the outer conditions of mental activity (work) and progress (walking).
There is nothing mysterious in the original choice of particular symbols
to express psychic ideas. The Divine choice was evidently restricted to just
the various ordinary ideas which were to be found in the minds of the inspired
writers ; and the ideas selected were those which corresponded in some way
to the psychic and spiritual ideas which the Divine Wisdom sought to express
for the information of the human race. It was obviously impossible for the
Holy Spirit in any other way to impart to a but slightly civilised humanity
some of the deep truths of being which minds are slow to receive and comprehend.
Symbols taken from the ideas of everyday life, such as Seeds, Fields, Plough
ing, Sowing, Cultivation, Fruits, Garden, Corn, Bread, etc., correspond in their
higher meanings quite reasonably with their lower significations, and are easily
understood ; and they fit in perfectly with the ideograms of the Five Planes.
Investigation will show that the Sacred Language is perfectly consistent in
itself, and that it demonstrates the perfect consistency of each and all of the
inspired Scriptures of the world. Uninspired interpolations can be readily
detected by the absence of response to the sacred symbolism ; and, of course,
all human compositions fail entirely to show the presence of the symbolism.
For the esoteric ideas there are many symbols in the Scriptures. This
multiplicity is inevitable, in order to suit the discursive and figurative character
of the narrations which contain the undermeanings. A few symbols have
double meanings, i.e. higher and lower significations. The only cases I know
are Fire, Water, Earth, Ocean, Serpent, Dragon, Darkness, Night, Riches,
Garments ; also in some degree Clouds, Black, Children, Marriage, Maya,
Tongue, South, North, Demon, Stars and Sword. The right meanings in
particular cases of these symbols are easily found by consideration of the
contexts. The reason for these double meanings follows from the universal
fact of the duality of manifestation.
The deific names for the manifest God, or Higher Self, on the highest plane
are very numerous. The deific names for the Wisdom principle on the spiritual
plane are rather less numerous. The deific names for the higher-mind principle
appear to be no more than one in any religious system. The only ones I know
are Thoth, Hermes, Mercury, Nebo, Thor, Hanuman, Shinatsu, and Tuma-
tauenga. The Higher Self is sometimes symbolised by certain animal names ;
as Ram, Bull, Lion, (white) Elephant, (white) Goat, and Fish. These represent
centres of Divine activity in the stages of manifestation pictured in the zodiac.
Time, Space, Justice, Evolution, Power have sometimes deific names ; while
Desire, Relativity, Limitation, Illusion, Ignorance have demonic ones. Gender
when present in symbols is often a great aid to the elucidation of undermeanings ;
for the masculine gender relates to Spirit, Mind, Desire, or Time ; while the
feminine relates to Matter, Intuition, Emotion, or Space. Also it must be
borne in mind that the Spiritual and Earth planes are feminine, and the three
other planes masculine.
The land of the country of origin of a Scripture becomes hi that Scripture
a symbol of the mental plane of the soul, the arena on which the various soul-
qualities (people) develop and progress. The mental plane is the plane of
conflict for the fighting and wars so much dealt with in the sacred books. The
principal river of a country then symbolises the ray of the Divine Life which
comes from above and brings life and truth to the mind and soul (e.g. Nile,
Ganges, Jordan). The higher land stands for the higher mind, and the more
remote and inaccessible districts for the higher planes of the soul. Foreigners
or Gentiles represent little-developed qualities and adverse experiences invading
the soul at times.
National Scriptures vary from each other very much in character both
outwardly and inwardly. In some the teaching is more advanced and intel
lectual, as in Greece and India ; in others more emotional and elementary,
as in Palestine and Scandinavia ; in others more formal, as in Egypt and
China ; and so on, according to the needs of the souls hi the nationalities. The
use of particular symbols also varies naturajly according to the customs, indus
trial conditions, foods, animals and climates in the different countries. For
example, the Cow symbol, so common in the Scriptures of Egypt and India,
is almost absent hi the Bible of Palestine.
Some knowledge of the Divine Scheme of Existence, in combination with
symbol meanings, is of great use in the elucidation of Scripture undermeanings.
This knowledge has been in some degree known to the mystics of several religions,
and is further revealed in the undermeanings.
I venture to say that only by accepting the Sacred Language as a well-
ascertained fact, and by learning of truths by means of it, can the present
controversies over religions and their Scriptures be ended, and a consistent
and deep Philosophy of Religion be reached.













These range from the most outward below, to the most inward above. Behind
or within, all physical things are the four other essential constituents, without
which they could not exist, and from which they proceed.

AARON, THE HIGH PRIEST :— when a great cycle terminates, the
A symbol of the spiritual mind, physical plane is transmuted by
that is, the inner mind which is moved spirit (fire), and is absorbed into
by the higher emotions. "Aaron" the astral condition. The lives (Khun)
represents " Abel " on a higher in the forms are no longer manifest.
mental sub-plane. The spiritual They retreat, together with the Ideals
mind operates subjectively on the
(gods), without further experience of
higher-mind plane, and ministers to
illusion (water). The astral plane is
the development of the causal-body.
obstructed, but the soul that is per
fected is master of it. The Ideals
PONTIFF, POPE, PRIEST, SCAPEGOAT, are not attracted to the life of desire
TEMPLE, URIM. and sensation as the form-lives, or
souls, are.
" When the number of perfect souls
shall be completed, I
will then shut the
AAT,— REGION :— Gates of the Light, and from that time
none will be able to come in thereby,
A symbol of a state of being In a nor will any go forth thereafter, for the
period during the progression of a number of perfect souls shall be com
manvantara, or great cycle of exist pleted, and the mystery of the first
ence. Mystery be perfected, — whereby all hath
See come into existence, and I (Jesus) am
that Mystery. From that hour no one
shall any more enter into the Light,
AAT-SHATET :— and none shall come forth, in that the
A symbol of a state of the soul time of the number of perfect souls shall
during the seventh period of the be fulfilled, before I set fire to the world,
celestial cycle of evolution. It is that it may purify the sons, and veils,
the firmaments and the whole world,
known as a haven of refuge.
and also all the matters that are still in
it, the race of human kind being still
AAT OF THE WATERS :— upon it" (Piftis Sophia). — G. R. S.
A symbol of the astral condition MEAD, Fragments, etc., p. 503.
during a state of disruption at the This refers to the end of a cycle
end of a cycle. when the Life-wave passes from one
"Hail, thou Aat wherein the Khun globe to another. The souls that are
gain no mastery. Thy waters are of perfected are ready for union with
fire, and the streams which are in thee
the Higher Self (Jesus) on upper
burn with fire, and thy name is a blazing
fire. . . . The gods and Khus look upon planes, and no longer will the causal-
the waters thereof and retreat without bodies (gates) send forth the ego to
having quenched their thirst and their the life below. The Life process will
hearts are not set at rest, . . . the cease for a time, and there will be a
stream is filled with reeds, even as the
stream which flowed from the issues transmutation of the lower nature,
which came forth from Osiris. I have a purification by buddhi (fire) of the
gained the mastery over the waters physical and astral planes.
thereof. . . . The gods are more afraid BUDDHA,
to drink the waters thereof than are the
of the Dead,
Ch. CXL1X. p. 406. HORSE (white), JUDGMENT DAY,
In the state of being that occurs KALEJ, KARSHVABES, PLANETARY,
REGIONS, REGNAROK, RENOVATION, gives place to the dawn of individu
SOSIOSH, SFBINGTIME. THIBST. ality on the astral and mental planes.
" The Cain
in man — the sense-nature
AB, THE HEART :— symbolised by the ' fruits of the ground '
— has killed the Abel in man, the in
A symbol of the causal-self, or the tuitional faculty symbolised by the
atma-buddhic principle in the causal- '
of a pure and guileless spirit." —
body, — the perfect archetype potential ED. MATTLAND, Bible's Own Account,
within. The spiritual ego. p. 10.
" The feeling
" The heart is regarded as having been of each one of us that
we have a Cain and Abel within, and
the centre of the spiritual and thinking
that our business here is to reverse the
life, and as the organ through which the
Scripture story and to make our Abel
manifestations of virtue and vice re kill our Cain, is in itself a kind of revela
vealed themselves, and it typifies every
tion and an element of immense hope
thing which the word ' conscience ' about the future." — J. BBIERLEY, Studies
signifies to us. ... The heart amulet
of the Soul, p. 2U.
is made in the form of a scarab or
beetle."— BUDGE, Book of the Dead,
Vol. I. p. Ix.
The heart ia a distinct personality ABERAMENTHO :— A MYSTERY
within him : it is the god Khnum, the NAME OF JESUS IN THE
creator, strengthening and making sound "PISTIS SOPHIA":—
his limbs. . . . This formula and its An appellation signifying the
explanatory texts teach the curious
"Glory of the Sun," or the "Radiance
doctrine that it is not the heart which
sins, but only its fleshly envelope. The of the Light." A "Mystery name"
heart was and still remained pure, and is a name used to obscure the mean-
in the Underworld accused its earthly Ing of a symbol from the lower
covering of any impurities contracted." personality, but one which serves to
— WIKDEMANN, Bel. oj Anc. Egyptian*, identify the individuality signified to
p. 287. the higher mind.
The " heart," signifying the spiritual See MYSTERY NAME.
ego, or Divine spark, within the soul,
cannot act wrongly. It becomes ob ABLUTION BY USE OF WATER :—
scured in evil doing, and manifests A symbol of purification through
in righteousness. It is the Divine the acceptance and assimilation of
Image, or Microcosm. truth.
A symbol of a sheath of the soul,
ABEL, A KEEPER OF SHEEP:— or body of mental, astral, or physical
matter on the respective planes. The
A symbol of the dawning of. that
causal-body is usually signified as
moral element in the soul which
being the abode of the Self or Divine
works by love. This state is a faint
Spark. In the case of Loke's " house
correspondency of the Higher Self,
with four doors," all the four bodies
and tends the virtues (sheep).
" Until the soul brought forth the are meant.
God-loving doctrine (Abel), the self-
loving (Cain) dwelt with her. But when
she brought forth Abel,' or unanimity
with God, she abandoned unanimity with ABODE OF CATTLE :—
that mind ' Cain ' which was wise in its A symbol of the field of mani
own conceit." — PHILO JUD^EUS, Works, fested life in which the soul acquires
YONOE, Vol. IV. p. 207.
" And Cain told Abel his brother. experience. The " cattle " symbolise
the emotions, desires and mental
And it came to pass, when they were in
qualities on the lower planes, which
the field, that Cain rose up against Abel
his brother and slew him." — GEN. iv. 8. constitute the field of the soul's
And the lower self, — the personal activities.
" I," — now gains the power necessary See CATTLE, KARSHVARES.
for its evolution, and contrives to ABORTION PRODUCED BY
obscure the love element in the soul. WISDOM :—
The " death of Abel " occurs when A symbol of the abnormal forcing
the higher general motive of love of a certain side of the nature which,
unless evolved under favourable con reflection of the Divine principle in the
ditions of growth, does not yield the lower nature in its highest aspect.
perfect fruition of maturity, and is as " ' Just men made perfect,' that is,
fruit unripe, without flavour, and '
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,' brought
lacking in full development. to their perfection, and whose names
See SOPHIA. consequently are now, Father,' ' Son,'
and '
Holy Ghost.' " — JOHN WARD, Zion's
ABORTION OF ST. PAUL:— Works, Vol. V. p. 271.
" Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob are types
A symbol of the forcing of the of the divine life in man, manifesting
conditionsof soul -growth whereby itself in the spirit, in the understanding,
for a moment a vision of higher and in the body respectively ;— for this
things is perceived by the lower is only another way of saying that they
consciousness. are the spirit of faith, of sonship, and of
service : for sonship is the bringing of
"And last of all he (Jesus) was seen the divine life into our understanding,
of me also, as of (an abortive or) one born and service is bringing it into our out
out of due time." — 1 COR. xv. 8. ward and bodily acts ; — and this cannot
This is- the utterance of a soul be done at once, but by degrees and
when it has
attained direct vision of successively. Sonship is come, when the
the Supreme. It refers to that state things which are in the spirit are in
the understanding also. Service is come,
wherein personality is transcended when the things which have been in the
and its imperfections and limitations understanding are seen in the body and
have been surmounted. wrought outwardly. Each of these, then,
See BORN (due time), CONVERSION is the same elect spirit, only seen at
different stages of its development, and
(Paul). taking at each stage a different form,
by which the same One Spirit may show
ABOVE THE EARTH:— itself in its sevenfold variety. . . . The
Symbolical of the planes of being same Spirit of God shows variously
superior to the lower nature (earth). through the different mental atmospheres
which are furnished by the successive
Heaven in its widest sense comprises
stages of man's development." — AND.
the higher mental, the buddhic, and JUKES, The Types of Genesis, pp. 250-1.
the atmic planes, in the present stage " Mr. Worsley's notion respecting the
of soul-growth. Patriarchs briefly is, that Abraham,
See HIGHER AND LOWER. Isaac, and Jacob, ' present to us the
eternal triune object
of worship, —
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." — P. FAIR-
ABRAHAM:— BAIRN, The Typology of Scripture, Vol. I.
A symbol of a phase of the Divine p. 25.
nature active in the soul. It stands See APOSTLES, HADES, TEETH
for the Supreme Being in the parable (gnashing), TRIAD, TRINITY.
of Dives and Lazarus. The symbol
" Abram " signifies an earlier phase
of the Divine.
" And if ye are Christ's, then are ye A symbol of the Divine nature as
expressed in the great Cycle of Life,
Abraham's seed, heirs according to and in the conflict through which the
promise." — GAL. iii. 29.
Self passes in its progress through
If these qualities are in harmony the lower worlds.
with the highest Ideal, then are they " The figure may be taken as a speaking
of spiritual descent, or begotten of
type of the Pleroma, the one embracing
the power of the Divine (Abraham), — all within itself." — C. W. KING, Gnostics,
inheritors of the " fruits of the p. 245.
" The
name Abraxas, which consisted
Spirit," according to the Divine
of elements
seven or letters, was a
" mystery-designation of the God who
Abraham is in many respects a combined in himself the whole power
figure of Christ." — ST. CHKYSOSTOM,
of the Seven Planets, and also of the
Horn. III.
" Abraham signifies to us the virtue Year of 365 days, the sum of the number-
values of the letters of Abraxas working
of faith in Christ." —Qlossa Ord.
out to 365. This mysterious Being was
See HADES, LOT, RAM. the
Year ' ; but the Year as the Eter
nity." —G. R. S. MEAD, T. O. Hermes,
ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB :— Vol. I. p. 402.
" has the same signi
Symbolic of the Higher Triad The " Year
" Zodiac," — the path
active within the soul ; or a dim ficance as the
way of the Sun, i.e. the Self ; — it is gternal divine substance under temporal
a symbol of the Cycle of Life with conditions and limitations that it may
declare its inmost quality. Things are
all its divisions, content, and activi ever in flux, the universe is ever in the
" Pragapati the year " is the
ties. making, but nothing is being produced —
same as " Abraxas the year." They nothing great, or beautiful, or good —
both mean the One mysterious Being which is not already present in the being
of God waiting to be lived." — R. J.
who is the life and source of all that CAMPBKLL, Serm., The Bundle of Life.
has been, that is, and that shall be,. See AIN SOPH, APARAGITA, ARHAT,
A symbol of the soul's refraining
ABSOLUTE, THE: THE from the lower attractions : —ceasing
FATHER :— from the pursuit of sensation and the
satisfaction of desire ; in favour of
The potential and unmanifest
impersonal aims, and attention to
Source of existence, about which
the higher nature evolving from
nothing can be predicated.
" Prior to within.
truly existing beings and " But those who have sought the Self
total principles there is one God, . . .
immovable, and abiding in the solitude by penance, abstinence, faith, and know
ledge, gain by the Northern path Aditya,
of his own Unity. . . . He is the
the sun. This is the home of the spirits,
fountain of all things, and the root of
the immortal, free from danger, the
the first intelligible forms. But from
highest. From thence they do not
this one Deity, the God who is sufficient return, for it is the end." — Prasna
to himself, unfolds himself into light.
Upanishad, I. 10.
For this Divinity also is the principle
of the God of Gods, —a monad from The But those spiritual egos, or indi
One, — prior to essence, and the principle vidualities, who have sought the inner
of essence. For from him entity and Self through limitation of external
essence are derived ; and hence, also,
activity, cessation from pursuit of
he is denominated the principle of
intelligibles." — IAMBLICHUS, The Mys desire and sensation, faith in the
teries, etc., ed. Taylor, p. 301. Divine within, and devotion to Truth,
" In Geberol's philosophy, the Highest
gain by the path of the Ideals (Deva-
above all things is an Absolute Unknown
yana) union with the Higher Self
Unity ; the Emanator of the created is
a different Creator, getting all potentiality (sun). This perfects the causal-body,
from the former." — I. MYER, Qabbalah, the abode of the egos, the immortal
p. 152. soul which is above all conflict, and
"The Absolute is called in Eckhart's forms the highest state from whence
terminology the Godhead, being distin
guished from God. God is subject to the egos return no more to incarna
generation and corruption ; not so the tion, for they have attained their end.
Godhead ; God works, the Godhead See ASCETICISM, AUSTERITIES, FAST
does not work. . . . The Godhead as
such cannot be revealed. It becomes
manifest first in its persons. The Abso
lute is at once absolute process. The ABSYRTIAN ISLES:—
Godhead is the beginning and final A symbol of a higher mental con
goal of the whole series of essences which dition conducive to spiritual vision.
exist. . . . The Father uttered himself
and all creatures, in the Word, — his
Son, — and the return of the Father into
himself includes the like return of all ABSYRTUS, BROTHER OF
creatures into the same Eternal Source. MEDEA :—
The logical genesis of the Son furnishes A symbol of divine outgoing energy
a type of all evolution or creation ; the
in the lower vehicles, allied to the
Son is the unity of all the works of
God. ... God is in all things, and buddhic principle.
" Medea seeing her father .(Eetes gain
God is all things." — UEBERWEO, Hist, of
Philos., Vol. I. pp. 473, 475. ing on the Argo, cut her brother to
" The spiritual man knows
already pieces, and scattered his limbs on the
something of what life is, and whence it waves : while /K<:t <•* was engaged in
came ; it is the forth-putting of the collecting them, the Argo escaped. He
went back and buried the remains of See CHAOS, DEEP, GINNUNOA, Po,
his son at a place which he called Tomi." TANAOA.
—Arganiutic Expedition, KEIGHTLEY.
The Logos (.l'>u-s) descends, as it ACACIA AND SYCAMORE
were, from above to aid the Wisdom (SHITTIM) TREES :—
and Love principles to return to Symbols of " trees of Life," Indi
their Source. The intuition (Medea) cative of Truth and Goodness.
" Acacia wood was held to be ' wood
realising the accession of power within,
acquires strength such as shatters the of life.' According to Kercher it was
sacred to the Sun-god in Egypt." —
astro-mental vehicle in which the A. JEREMIAS, Old Teat., etc., Vol. II.
lower mind is ensheathed, and thereby p. 123.
" Hero-behutct
the consciousness rises, being free of (Horus) was made the
the lower vehicle, the fragments of God of the region, and the acacia and the
sycamore were sacred to him." — Legend
which the Logos uses in the forma
of the Winged Sun-disk, WIEDEMANN.
tion of other vehicles : acting through The Christ (Horus) now became the
the monad of form, he works the Lord of the soul, inasmuch as he
discarded matter into forms of the united mind to God, and thereby
lower planes. established Truth and Goodness which
" No
part of the universe has value live and endure throughout all time.
in and for itself alone ; it has value
only as it expresses God. To see one See Bows, SYCAMORE, ZACCHEUS.
form break up and another take its place
is no calamity, however terrible it may ACHAIANS (GREEKS) :—
seem, for it only means that the life A symbol of the lower mental
contained in that form has gone back qualities .
to the universal life, and will express " Of a truth
itself again in some higher and better (said Achilles) Agamemnon
raveth with baleful mind, and hath not
form." — B. J. CAMPBELL, The New knowledge to look before and after, that
Theology, p. 24.
so his Achaians might battle in safety
See .IVI-KS. AROO, ACSONIA, JASON, beside their ships." — Iliad, Bk. I.
MANEROS, MEDEA, NASU, SALVE, Assuredly the Desire-mind has
TOMI. strange fancies, and has little know
ledge to perceive before and after,
i.e. it has little steadiness of mental
A symbol of the Indwelling Self, or vision, which steadiness is needed in
Saviour, active on the higher planes
order that the mental qualities
(Abtu). might successfully carry
May I
see the Abtu fish at his
out their evolution.
season." — Hymn to Ra. The name of
a mythological fish which, on coffins, See DANAANS, GREEKS.
etc., is seen swimming at the bows of
the boat of the Sun-god." — BUOOE, Book
oj On. Dead, p. 6. HEARTED :—
The soul when perfected anticipates A symbol of the higher mental
union with the Higher Self at the end qualities.
of the cycle. See GREEKS (great-hearted).
The Higher Self symbolised as a ACHAIANS, SONS OF THE :—
Great Fish in the Ocean of Truth,
A symbol of the " Sons of Mind."
leads the soul (boat) onwards in its
These are the spiritual egos brought
course through the cycle of life on
forth by the evolutional activities of
the lower planes. the lower mental qualities. Though
See BENNU BIRD, DELCGE, FISH they are of higher origin than mind,
(great), JESUS (fish), OCEAN, RE- yet they are the atma-buddhic fruit,
8TAC, SHIP (Maim). as it were, of the Self striving through
the lower nature.
A symbol of a condition of being MANASAPUTRAS, MONAD OF LIFE, SONS
out of relation to the manvantara or OF OOD.
cycle of life. It may also signify the
state of formless matter of the lower ACHE, OR PAIN :—
planes, prior to the involution of A symbol of mental and spiritual
Spirit. disharmony and disorder.
ACHILLES, SON OF PELEUS AND Reflection calls upon theory and
THETIS :— practice to attend to its cogitations.
A symbol of the personality or For reflection has killed out somewhat
lower self begotten of the Higher of the prejudice (young man) with
Self (Peleus) and brought forth by which the mind started on its evolu
Nature (Thetis). tion. If the lower personality (Cain)
" But though thou
(Achilles) be of be the means of causing sorrow,
superior strength, and a goddess mother
surely the reflective mind shall cause
has given thee birth, yet he (Agamemnon)
is superior in power, inasmuch as ho much more sorrow.
" By ' Adah ' is
rules more people." — Iliad, Bk. I. signified the mother
Though the Personality be superior of the celestial and spiritual of that
Church : by Zillah,' the mother of the
in its extent or range, touching high natural things of the same Church." —
and low, and is the child of Buddhi, SWEDENBORQ, Arc. Cel. to Oen., iv. 19.
still, judged from below, the Desire- See LAMECH.
mind possesses greater strength since
it supplies the motive power to the ADAM (LOWER ASPECT) :—
lower activities, and it energises the A symbol of the lower mind ener
qualities. gised from the desire plane, but
" Human personality, as we now know
receptive of impressions from the
it, arises out of the conjunction and higher nature. This is the " fallen "
interrelation of two factors,— the eternal, mind (Adam).
imperishable Divine life and the material " We must consider that
envelopes in which it is broken up and the man who
conditioned." — R. J. ('AMI-HELL, Serm., was formed of earth, means the mind
God's Life in Man. which is to be infused into the body." —
" God, when first of all he made the
intellect called it Adam." — PHILO, Yonge'a
SONALITY, SHIPS, SOUL (lowest), The " Adam of dust " is described
THETIS. by Zosimus as
" the Adam of fate, him of the four
ACROPOLIS : elements."
A symbol of the causal-body as a That is, the lower mind subject to
centre of the mind. Karma, and related with the lower
" O friends, ye who inhabit the great quaternary.
city of sacred Akragas up to the acropolis, In reading the first and second
whose care is good deeds, who harbour chapters of Genesis, a distinction was
strangers deserving of respect, who know made by the learned of the Israelites,
not how to do baseness, hail ! " — Verses between the higher Adam, i.e. the Adam
of Empedochs, 352, FAIRBANKS. Qadmon, or First Paradigmic Ideal Man,
O higher qualities, which are evolved and the inferior (the terrestrial) Adam."
— I. MYER, Qabbalah, p. 114.
through the mental centre which is The Kabbala describes four Adams,
in the causal-body : these qualities
the two highest of which are celestial
are occasioned of good thoughts and
and spiritual.
deeds, which attract higher emotions, " The Third Adam is the terrestrial
and are the means of aspiration, and Adam, made of ' dust,' and placed in
of lifting up the lower self, — all praise the Garden of Eden. This Adam was
to you ! also an androgene. ... It had, when
first created, a glorious simulacrum or
light body, and answers to the Yetzeeratic
World."— Ibid., p. 418.
ADAH AND ZILLAH, WIVES OF This indicates an early form of
LAMECH :— man in an astral body on the astral
Symbols of theory and practice, or plane, directed at first from the
wisdom and experience utilised, in buddhic plane (Eden).
alliance with reflection. " The Fourth Adam was the Third
" Lamech said, . . . Adah and Zillah Adam as he was after the Fall, when
hear my voice. For I have slain a man he was clothed with skin, flesh, nerves,
for wounding me, and a young man for etc. This answers to the lower Nephesh
bruising me : if Cain shall be avenged and Guff, i.e. body, united. He has the
sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and animal power of reproduction and con
sevenfold." — GEN. iv. 23, 24. tinuance of species, and also answers to
the Aaeeyatic World, but in him is some first distinctive beginning in the finite,
of the Light of all the preceding (Adams)." and therefore is the sole occupant of the
-Ibid., p. 418. Atzeel-atic World." — I. MYER, Qabbalah,
This signifies man as he is now p. 401.
encased in astral (nephesh) and physi This signifies the Macrocosm, or
cal (guff) bodies united ; and living Pleroma, which occupies the planes
in the physical world of action of atma and buddhi, — the world of
(aseeyatic), but enlightened from his emanation (Atzeel-atic).
" Man, who at first stretched from
inner nature of mind and spirit.
end to end of the world, was after
These four Adamic humanities stand
wards diminished by the hand of God
for four root-races, the last of which
(Ps. cxxxix. 5). See Chagigah, 12A,
reached the physical plane ; this is where it is also said, that the First
known as the Atlantean race, the race Adam extended from the earth to the firma
ment, for it is said that he was created
which preceded the Aryan.
" upon or above the earth." — CH. TAYLOR,
Together they form the Great Uni
versal Man.
Sayings of the Jewish Fathers, p. 71.
. . . The Qabbalah names
man as thepurpose of creation, and the This indicates the Archetypal Man
first step is
the Upper Adam or Celestial on the upper planes, — the Macrocosm
Man" (Zohar, III. 48A). — Ibid., p. 418. from which comes the Microcosm,
(This account of the four Adams both existing above the lower nature
may be compared with the Chinese (earth), the second being a diminu
"dynasties.") tion of the first.
"And the Lord God formed mon of " The Chaldeans and Parthians and
the dustof the ground, and breathed
Medes and Hebrews call the First Man
into his nostrils the breath of life ; and
man became a living soul." — GEN. ii. 7. Adam. ... So the First Man is called
And the Will-Wisdom established by us Thoyth (Thoth) and by them
Adam, not giving His true name in the
the lower mind, which is the direct Language of the Angels, but naming him
offshoot of the higher element (dust) symbolically according to His Body by
of the lower nature ; and into this the four elements (Zosimtii). — G. R. S.
MEAD, T. G. Hermes, Vol. III. p. 277.
mentality the spiritual essence, or
spark, was projected, to connect the
The suggestion here is, to give to
" Thoth "
lower nature with the higher : and the symbol its highest
thence the man, — manasic being, — meaning, i.e. atma-buddhi-manas, the
became a creature
same as " Thrice Greatest Hermes,"
capable of inde
pendent existence.
and therefore Thoth stands for the
"And the Lord God took the man, Archetypal Man which has its reflec
and put him into the garden of Eden," tion in the lower quaternary (four
etc.— GEN. ii. 15.
And the Wisdom -Love introduces " Philo's ingenious theory of the two
the mind into the heavenly plane, original Adams : (I) the Heavenly,
—or starts the evolution through (2) the Earthly. The former is the
Scriptural first man who was made in
buddhic action. the image and likeness of God ; he is
imperishable, an idea or a genus per
DUST, DYNASTY, EARTH (ground), ceptible only by the intellect.' The
EDEN, EPIMETHEUS, EVE, FALL, latter is man as we see him now in the
races of the world, imperfect and cor
GOLDEN AOE, HEEL, HOUSE (fre ruptible." — J. ABEI.SON, Immanence of
quented), IMMORTALITY FORFEITED, God, p. 75.
MAN, MATRO, NEPHESH, PERSONALITY, " The whole universe was incomplete
PYLUS, RACES, RAQHA, RUAH, SKINS, and did not receive its finishing stroke
till Man was formed, who is the acme of
creation and the microcosm uniting in
himself the totality of beings. The
ADAM (HIGHER ASPECT) :— Heavenly Adam who emanated from the
A symbol of the Divine nature of highest primordial obscurity created the
humanity, — the Archetypal Man on Earthly Adam." — Zohar, II. 706.
" Eckhart speaks of Christ as the
the three higher planes.
representation of Collective Humanity —
"The Great Androgene, the Adam the ideal Man, in whom all men have
lUn-ah or Adam Qadmon, which includes their unity and reality, so that when a
in iteelf all the ideas, and all the content person rises to the ground and reality
of all the prototypes of the existences. . . . of his essential being he partakes of
This (First) Adam is considered as the Christ and becomes one with Him and
BO one with God : All creatures that identical with the very same untainted
have flowed out from God must become light which poured into him. Whence
united into one Man, who comes again it was that the apostle directly referred
into the unity Adam was in before he to Christ the words that had been spoken
fell. This is accomplished in Christ. of Adam
(1 COR. xv. 22).
According to this truth all creatures are The. Banquet, etc., Ch. VIII.
" Humanity is Divinity Self-limited.
One Man, and this Adam is God (Christ
the Son of God).' " — R. M. JONES, And if the divine and the eternal imply
Mystical Religion, p. 236. each other, if that which is divine is that
" Christ Jesus is the ' Adam ' that the which is uncreate, which never needed a
Bible talks of in Oenefin i. — a Alan of a beginning and will never have an end,
new order or kind." — JOHN WARD, Zion'a then there must be something in every
Works, Vol. III. p. 198. human being which can only be thus
In the Clementine writings Christ described." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Our
Eternal Glory.
is identified with the Heavenly Adam. " ' In the image of God created He
" The first man Adam became a living
man." God made man like Himself.
soul. The last Adam is a life-giving The creation had made man in the image
spirit. Howbeit that is not first which of God. Now if we can comprehend
is spiritual ; but that which is natural ; that truth at all, it must be evident
then that which is spiritual. The first that before man was made, the man-
man is of the earth, earthy : the second type existed in God. In some part of
man is of heaven." — 1 COR. xv. 45-7. His perfect nature there was the image
The transposition of the two Adams of what the new creation was to be.
is explained in the text as referring Already before man trod the garden in
the high glory of his new Godlikenesa,
to evolution wherein the lower gives
the pattern of the thing he was to be
birth to the higher. In involution the existed in the nature of Him who was to
reverse order obtains, for the heavenly make him. Before the clay was fashioned
precedes the earthly, as in GEN. i. and the breath was given, this humanity
" Ye have put off the old man with existed in the Divinity ; already there
was a union of the Divine and human ;
his doings, and have put on the new man,
and thus already there was the eternal
which is being renewed unto knowledge
Christ. See how this exalts the human
after the image of him that created In the midst of
nature that we wear.
him." — COL. iii. 9, 10. the eternity of God there bursts forth
Here, the Divine Image, the heav into being the new life of man. . . .
enly Prototype, the First Adam, What if the type of this life I
live were
precedes the
" Adam of dust," the part and parcel of the everlasting God
head ? What if it be the peculiar glory
second Adam, as described in Genesis. of one of the persons of that Godhead
The evolution of the " new man " — that He has worn for ever, bound with
the Christ within, — is beautifully indi His perfect deity, the perfect archetype
cated as according to the primordial and pattern of this humanity of mine ?
At once is not my insignificance redeemed ?
Archetype which again is the Christ. Every power in me grows dignified and
The "New Man" is weak and little worthy, catching some of the importance
developed at first ; but by increments of the eternal type it represents." —
of truth he is gradually renewed or PHILLIPS BROOKS, Mystery of Iniquity,
p. 312.
evolved after the perfect pattern of
Christ his Divine Progenitor, until the
two again become one.
" Whenever I attribute sinful proper IMAGE, INDIVIDUALITY, INVOLUTION,
ties and dispositions and inclinations to LIMBS, MACROCOSM, MALE-FEMALE
our Lord's human nature, I am speaking (divine), MICROCOSM, PRAGAPATI,
of it considered as apart from Him, in THOTH.
itself. . . . As Adam was the perfect
man of creation, Jesus was the perfect
man of regeneration ; perfect in holiness,
by being perfect in faith." — E. IRVING, A symbol of the union in the soul
Col. Writings, Vol. V. p. 564.
" It has been already established by of the mental and buddhlc principles,
— Buddhi-manas, — the Divine Image.
no contemptible arguments from Scrip " In the day that God created man,
ture, that the First Man may be properly
referred to Christ Himself, and is no in the likeness of God made he him ;
longer a type and representation and male and female created he them ; and
image of the Only-begotten, but has blessed them, and called their name
become actually Wisdom and the Word. Adam in the day when they were created."
For man, having been composed, like —GEN. v. 1, 2.
water, of wisdom and life, hns become This passage refers first to the
progeny of the mind, which are The Six .•Cons under Adamas have
thought -states which proceeded suc refused the mysteries of Light, and
persisted in sexual union and procreated
cessively when the mind came forth rulers and archangels, angels, workmen
in its perfection as the image of God. and decans." — Books of the Saviour.
The mind was endowed with
" " The qualities in the descending
of the eternal
" Fire," namely the cycle of six signs are those attached
reason and intuitive principles. The to things of the lower nature, — those
"blessing" signifies the Divine Will in whom the sense of separateness
operating through the human con is not killed, and who are of the
sciousness. The reference to the " old dispensation." They persist in
reason and intuition being
" Aclamic " the union of desire and mind which
implies that the intellect is supreme entails endless progeny of illusions.
over the intuition first of all. The procreation is the begetting and
See LIVING THINGS, MALE-FEMALE, multiplying -means of existence when
TVBUS. the end should be all and in All.
A symbol of the fabric of the
universe, — the world-essence, fore
runner of the physical condition.
" And they girded mo with ADAM'S DEAD BODY:—
which can crush iron." — " Hymn of the A symbol of the old self, devoid of
Soul," in the Acts of Judas Thomas. spiritual life, and through discarding
And I, the soul, was invested with which the soul rises.
that world-essence
" Noah carries the body of Adam into
which precedes
the physical. the Ark, his three sons following with
the sacred tokens." — Hook of the Conflict*
" Noah," the individuality or
A symbol of the Archetypal Man. " Adam," conveys his old
But Cyllonian Hermes summoned sublimated
forth the souls of men mindful ' (Od. 24, self with him, as it were, in the causal-
1 ff.). . . . That is, from the Blessed body (ark), as it is only through it,
Man Above, or Original Man, or Adamas, and by surmounting it, that he rises.
His " sons " stand here for the fruit
as they think they have been thus
brought down into the plasm of clay,
in order that they may be enslaved to of the affectionate nature, and these
the Demiurge of this creation, Esnldaios willingly follow with the tokens of
a fiery God, fourth in number, for thus the essence of his aspiration, — Faith,
they call the Demiurge." (Gnostic.) — Love, Wisdom, Power.
HrppOLYTUS, Philotophumena, Bk. V.
Ch. 2. See ARK, (Noah), HAM, NOAH,
The Divine Mind (Hermes) cen NOAH'S SONS, ROCK, TOKENS.
tralises the spiritual egos on the
mental plane, endowing them with
mind. Thru is, the egos take forms ERIDU :—
provided by the Archetypal Man, A symbol of the Archetypal Man,
ami are thus brought down to the son of the First Logos, the Lord from
Heaven .
lower vehicles, in order that they
" Ea had created Adapa without a
may be enslaved to the lower desire
helpmate ; he had endowed him with
principle (Esaldaios), ruler of the wisdom and knowledge, but had denied
lower quaternary. to him the gift of immortality." — SAYCE,
" The ' rock ' means Adamas : this is Rel. of Anc. Egypt, and Babyl., p. 383.
corner stone.' " — Ibid. At this stage creation on the lower
" The rock was Christ." " Adamas "
planes had not taken place, and it is
signifies the Archetypal Man which is upon the lower planes that duality
Christ incarnate, — the inner God. is involved. Man's Prototype is en
See ABC. MAN, DEMIURGE. HERMES, dowed with
" wisdom and know
IEOU. ledge," that is, with buddhi and
ADAMAS (LOWER ASPECT) :— ii mi i as. yet is devoid at this stage
A symbol of the lower self as ruler of those aspects of the Self which
of the soul's lower qualities. shall entitle him to life eternal, and
which justify his individual existence (higher), NUT, RHEA, SUBSTANCE,
in the manifested Cosmos. SUN-RISING.
" Man
(Adapa) remained mortal, nnel
it was never again in his power to eat ADITYA, THE SUN :—
of the tree of life." — Ibid., p. 384.
A symbol of the primordial Self.
Humanity in its lower nature so " Aditya
continued mortal ; nor was it pos is
(the sun) Brahman, this ia
the doctrine." — Kfiand. Upanitltad, III.
sible for man, i.e. man limited to the 19, 1.
three lower pianos, ever to become See SAVITRI, SUN, SURYA, VAISVA-
more than man and immortal. NARA.
"Adapa is called the 'seed of man
See ADAM (higher), ABC. MAN, These are symbolic of twelve aspects
BOLTS, GATES, HEEL, IMMORTALITY, of the Self or Soul in the twelve signs
INDIVIDUALITY, PERSONALITY, SOUTH of the Zodiac ; that is, they signify
WIND, TAMMUZ. twelve states in the Soul's develop
ment through the Cycle of Life (the
ADEPT; GURU:— year) .
A symbol of the higher" mind as an " Varuna
became relegated to a posi
active agent in the instruction of the tion among seven secondary deities of
lower. the heavenly sphere called Adityas
See GURU, HERMES, MASTER OF (afterwards increased to twelve, and
regarded as diversified forms of the sun
WISDOM. in the several months of the year), and
ADITI :— subsequently to a dominion over the
waters when they had left the air and
A symbol of primordial Space on rested on the earth." — MON. WILLIAMS,
the higher planes in relation to the Indian Wisdom, p. 13.
manifestation of the Self (Aditya). The last sentence signifies that
" Goddess Aditi, ' Truth (Varuna) rules the aspirations
the Infinite Ex
panse,' conceived of subsequently as the arising from the lower nature (earth),
Mother of all the gods." — MON. WILLIAMS, responding to them by showering
Indian Wisdom, p. 12.
" Aditi is down truths (waters) into the mind
mentioned by the side of
heaven and earth." (air) in order to fructify the lower
" In X., 63, 2, the gods in general are nature (earth).
represented as born from Aditi, the See .flSoNS (twelve), DELUGE, FLOOD,
waters, and the earth." — MAX MUT.LEK,
S. B. ofE., Vol. XXXII. pp. 248, 251.
Space is the arena of the operations TWELVE, VARUNA, YEAR, ZODIAC.
of spirit and matter. ADONAI OF THE HEAVENS :—
The Ideals (gods) are produced A symbol of the Archetypal Man,
from Space, the outpouring of Truth, the ideal image of the soul.
and the aspiring lower nature.
" As Living Substance, God is ADONIS OR TAMMUZ:—
As Life and Substance, God is Twain. A symbol of the Higher Self, — the
HE is the Life, SHE is the Substance. . . . incarnate God born in the soul.
She is not Matter : but is the potential
Adonis was conceived of the Divine
essence of Matter. She is not Space ;
but is the u-ithin of space, its fourth and Father, and born of Myrrha— the
original dimension, that from which all purified lower nature. But before
proceed, the containing element of Deity, the birth, Myrrha was changed into
and of which space is the manifestation. a tree, the "Tree of Life" from
As original Substance, the substance of which alone, as the Divine Ray from
all other substances, She underlies that the Supreme, the Self may be born.
whereof all things are made ; and like The lower love nature (Aphrodite)
life and mind, is interior, mystical,
concealed the Holy Babe in the soul
spiritual, and discernible only when
manifested in operation. In the Un- (chest) and entrusted it to the emo
manifest, She is the Great Deep, or tion-nature (Persephone) which being
Ocean* of Infinitude, the Principium or allied with the desire-nature (Hades)
Arche, the heavenly Sophia, or Wisdom, is detained in the " underworld," or
who encircles and embraces all things." lower nature, subject to the develop
— The Way,
Perfect p. 65. ing process of transitory form lives.
See ANTELOPE, BUDDHIC PLANE, The incarnate God is therefore bound
DAWN, HORSE SACRIFICE, MAYA by the Divine (Zeus) law of the re
incarnating cycle, and has to pass liberation, when union with the Higher
through short periods of earth life or Self shall take place, and the lower
physical existence, with Intermediate nature be discarded by the " sons of
periods of astral and mental existence God," the egos.
of longer duration. The death of " Apparently this world is to go on,
Adonis through being wounded by a and material existence is to go on until
boar, signifies the release of the soul everything human has been assimilated
from the underworld. The soul being to Christ, and then the goal of redemp
perfected, the last thrust of evil (the tion is reached, and God is all in all." —
boar) causes, as it were, the rise of
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Ceaseless
the consciousness from the lower life Quest.
to the higher. See ATONEMENT, REDEMPTION,
" Now the Assyrians call this [mystery REMISSION, UNION.
of soul-growth] Adonis (or Endyraion). ADORNED WITH GEMS, ETC.:—
And whenever it is called Adonis, it is
Aphrodite who is in love with and desires Symbolic of being endowed with
Soul so-called. And Aphrodite is Genesis virtues, — qualities of the buddhic
according to them. But when Perse nature.
phone (that is Kore), is in love with See GEMS, JEWELS.
Adonis, Soul becomes subject to Death,
separated from Aphrodite (that is from ADRASTIA, CRETAN NYMPH:—
Genesis)." — HIPPOLYTTTS, PhUosophumtna,
Bk. V. Ch. 2. A symbol of the law of cause and
The birth and evolution of the effect, or karma on the lower planes.
Higher Self in the human soul is The Demiurgus (Zeus), as Orpheus
this " mystery of soul-growth." When says, is nursed by Adrastia ; . . . but
he marries Necessity and begets Fate."
the lower love nature (Aphrodite) — PROCLUS, Tim. V. 323.
aspires towards the incoming Self, the " Adrastia is said to guard the Demi
Self responds to the lower attractive urgus ; with brazen cymbals and sounding
ness for growth and production (Gen drums in her hands (at the mouth of
the Cavern of Night), she sends forth
esis). But when the emotion-nature sounds so that all the gods may turn to
(Persephone) is allied with the Self, her." — PBOCLUS, Theol. Plot. IV. 16, 206.
the Soul or Self is drawn down to The Higher Self (Zeus) is brought
the lower planes and is obscured and up in the Soul (Cavern) by the laws
imprisoned in mortal bodies, unable of nature. Through the operations of
to grow and produce of its own nature karma, the ideals (gods) are aroused
until it is again allied with buddhi. and evolved. The " sounds " signify
See APHRODITE, BOAB, HADES, PER the vibrations of emotion arising from
SEPHONE, PERSEUS, TAMMUZ, VENUS, the lower planes, which as the nature
ZEUS. becomes raised and purified, arouse
the higher qualities (gods) so that
they may evolve in the soul.
A symbol of the union of the per See CAVB, DEMIUBOE, KARMA,
sonality with the individuality, that Music, NECESSITY, ZEUS.
Is, the absorption of the lower nature
Into the higher. The same as
" re
" A symbol of the ego's forsaking
For we know that every creature of the higher life for the lower, that
groaneth and travaileth in pain together is, the turning away from Wisdom's
until now. And not only they, but
ourselves also, which have the first- teaching, to effect union with desire
fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves and the sense activities.
groan within ourselves, waiting for tin- " Whosoever shall put away his wife
adoption, to wit, the redemption of our and marry another, conunitteth adul
body." — ROM. viii. 22, 23. tery." — MARK x. 11.
The outgoing desires and passions The soul which acts contrary to
have always been caiises of pain and the spiritual law of the evolution of
sorrow to the lower nature. So also, its own being, that is, who forsakes
when the higher emotions are being the Divine ordinance at the founda
evolved, the soul is still subject to tion of the cosmos, — commits adul
suffering while progressing on its tery.
upward path, awaiting the time of
" To commit adultery and whoredom
signifies to adulterate and falsify the with limitations through which we cannot
goods and truths of the Word." — break ; visited with sufferings and dis
SWEDENBOBO, T. C. K., n. 313, 314. abilities we cannot escape ; compelled
See COURTEZAN, DIVORCING, FOLLY, to do things we do not want to do and
HABLOT, MARRIAGE, WIFE, WHOBE- to bear burdens of which we would fain
be rid. There is not a single soul among
DOM, WOMAN (adultery). us who is absolutely free to choose his
or her own course in life ; we have not
ADUMBLA :— even control over our own dispositions —
See AUDUMBLA. we cannot say what kind of temperament
we shall possess, and only to a very
ADVARYA PRIEST :— limited degree what kind of character
A symbol of the spiritual mind. we shall exhibit or what thoughts and
" The Advarya is the mind, and feelings shall dominate us from time to
the time. In fact, we are enslaved more
Hotri is speech.'" — Sata. Brdh., I. 5, 1, 21.
or less, every one of us, both by our
See AAEON, AONIDBA, ATHORNE, circumstances and our propensities. . . .
CHHYSE, HOTBI. PBIEST, POPE. We come whence we know not, and go
whither we know not, driven along by
ADVERSARY, THE :— forces against which we are helpless."
The desire-mind which strives We do not realise that we are being
thrust along in this world by the dynamo
against the Divine nature within the of our own deeper self which is indis-
soul. solubly one with all the divine power in
" Your adversary the devil, as a the universe. At times we cry out
roaring lion, walketh about, seeking against the conditions under which the
whom he may devour : whom withstand eternal glory becomes manifest in us,
steadfast in your faith." — 1 PETUR v. and we think we would change or destroy
8-9. them if we could. We are quite mis
The desire-mind, motived by the taken ; we sHould do nothing of th«
kind ; we should, if we could see the
strength of the desires and the senses, end from the beginning, demand exactly
seeks to dominate the soul. But the what is taking place." — R. J. CAMIMIKI :..
soul is exhorted to resist by relying Serai., Who Compels t
upon its higher nature. See BBIABEUS, GUARDIAN SPIBITS,
ADYTUM :— A symbol of spiritual knowledge
A symbol of the causal -body on which begets wonder-awe.
the higher mental plane, as the seat See CORD, TADBT.
or vehicle of the Higher Self, Atma-
KAABA, SHBINE, TEMPLE. A symbol of desire through the
sense of sight ; or the lust of the
AEA:— eyes.
A symbol of the fifth sub-plane of See HABPIES, NicdTHEA, OCYPETE,
the buddhic plane. PHINEUS, ZETES.

AEG AEON, ONE OF THE A symbol of the Divine primordial

URANIDS :— Unity, the manifesting Spirit emana
A symbol of the analytical function ting from the Absolute. The primal
of the critical intellect, in the dis Monad of Life.
" .-l-Jon, moreover,
cernment of differences. is God's image ;
" Aegaeon is one of the giants who Cosmos is . K: in'-. ; the Sun (is the image)
of Cosmos ; and Man the image of the
attacked Olympus." — Smith's Class. Diet.
Sun." — Corpus Hertntticum, XI.
The critical intellect casts doubt Divine Unity, — the manifesting
upon the existence of supreme Good
Spirit or Monad of Life, — is the pro
ness, Love, and Wisdom, above a
jection of God ; the Archetypal Form-
world of evil, suffering, and imper universe, or Monad of Form, Is the
" Here we are, born into this world projection of Divine Unity ; the
without any free choice of our own, so Individuality is the projection of the
far as we ktio\v ; hedged about all along Archetypal Form-life ; and the Per
sonality is the projection of the each ,'Kon is distinguished by special
Individuality. features corresponding with the
"The Lord of the Eternity (the jEon)
" twelve tribes," the " twelve
i« the first God, the second is Cosmos ; apostles," " twelve loaves of shew-
man is the third " (The Perfect Sermon). — bread," etc.
0. R. 8. MEAD, T. O. Hermct, Vol. II. " Twelve .-F. .us, —
six being ruled by
p. 325. Adamas, and six by labraoth." — Books of
The Higher Self,— the Divine Life the Saviour. See Pistis Sophia.
of the manvantara, — is the First The JEons here referred to are the
Being produced by the Absolute ; twelve divisions of the cycle of life, —
the Second Being is the Archetypal six of which are ruled by the lower
universe ; the human Soul is the Third. nature, and six by the Divine nature.
See COSMOS, MONAD, RULER OF The six under Adamas are those
s, SUN, TBIAD, UNION. containing the souls attached to the
AON, THE THIRTEENTH :— things of the lower self, — those in
whom the sense of separateness is
This .ton signifies the period and
not killed, and who are of the " old
state of completion, entered upon
after the close of the cycle of twelve dispensation." The six under la-
/Eons. lu-uutli are the six signs above the
" earth " or lower nature,
" And so He (Jesus) passed inward to
and which
the veils of the thirteenth JEon." — Pistia correspond with the triumph and
Sophia. ascent of the Christ in the soul.
So it is, the Christ-soul passed These are of the " new dispensation."
onward and inward to those states Jesus soared to the space of the
which lead to perfection and final Twelve /Kons ; and all the Rulers and
Orders were amazed." — Pistin Sophin.
liberation. This is the triumph of
The Christ-soul now completes its
the Higher Self when the lower and
spiral ascent through the twelve
the higher natures become one.
departments of human experience,
See ASCENSION, BORN (due time),
whose cyclic progression corresponds
with the Twelve signs of the Zodiac,
or fields of the Tuat. The " amaze
ment among the activities of nature,
Periods and states within man- is simply the process of awakenment
vantaras ; or cycles and their states. of the qualities and potencies (evolu
" Tumult arose in the tion) which takes place in the spiritual
pleroma lest the
creations of the /Kmis should become ascent.
formless and imperfect, and destruction See ADAMAS, ADITYAS, ANTHROPOS.
in no long time seize on the .-Kmis them APOSTLES, DISCIPLES, 1 \HH.U~>TH,
selves." — HIPPOLYTUS, Refutation, Bk.
VI. Ch. 20.
The " tumult "
is the power to TWELVE, ZODIAC.
anticipate the result of the causes at AESCULAPIUS :—
work when the manvantaric law
A symbol of the Higher Self as
actualizes, allied with a sense of
the healer and saviour.
apprehension of the upshot, as it were, " .lEsculapius was said to have been
of given conditions to produce effects. smitten with lightning for raising the
This involves the care with which dead. It is evident that this could
nature ensheaths the life in its various never have been the case in a physical
aspects, and so carries forward the sense. But view it in a spiritual sense,
and then the statement is just this, that
plan of evolution. he was believed to raise men who were
See AAT, PLEROMA, SOPHIA. dead in trespasses and sins to newness
of life." — A. HISLOP, Two Babylont,
FONS, THE TWELVE :— p. 236.
These are the same as the twelve See SERPENT .SSCULAPIUS.
signs of the Zodiac, the twelve
Adltyas, etc. The signs, or con AESHM ; WRATH, THE EVIL
stellations, stand for every depart DOER :—
ment of human experience. .Eons A symbol of the lower mind united
are portions of great cycles, and with the Instincts and desires.
" And many opponents have watched ETHEREAL WORLD :—
there (at the Kinvat bridge), with tho
desire of evil of Aeshm, the impetuous
A symbol of the Universe of Spirit
assailant, and Astovidad, who devours (atma-buddhi) which precedes the
creatures of every kind and knows no lower universe which is patterned
satiety." — The Minok-hired, II. 100. upon it.
And many are the difficulties in the See ARC. MAN, IMAOK.
path of the soul, by reason of the op
position of the passions and desires. AFU-RA, i.e. THE SUN-GOD RA
The lower mind (Aeshm) when ren IN-THE-FLESH, DEAD :—
dered impetuous by desire for outward A symbol of the Incarnate God, —
things, assails the higher nature at the Higher Self involved in matter of
" bridge " of mind. The " de the planes of manifestation during
vouring of the creatures " signifies the Cycle of Life, and indiscernible
(dead) to the lower consciousness.
the assimilative action of the kama- " In the cabin of the boat stands the
manasic function (Astovidad), whether Sun-god, with a sceptre in one hand,
exercised in the pursuit of mere and the sign of life in the other, his head
sensual indulgence, or in pursuit of is a nun's head surmounted bv the solar
disk. This god is Af Ra, ' Flesh of Ra,' —
knowledge for self-seeking ends. Its
not Ra himself, for the Sun is dead, but
capacity for desires (creatures) is as
" which cannot be his flesh and blood. ... In front of
a " bottomless pit the cabin stands Apuat,
Opener of the
filled. Ways,' a form of Anubis, whose office it
was to introduce the soul of Ra as well
as the souls of departed men into the
TOMLESS PIT, BRIDGE, DEVIL, DE- underworld." — WIEDEMANN, Rtl. of the
VOURER, EVIL, IRON AGE. Egyptians, pp. 8(5, 87.
The " boat " is a symbol of the
World -soul or prototypal causal-body
A symbol of the Second Logos
which passes through the Cycle of
from whom proceeds the incarnate
Higher Self (Jason). " JEson " is Life (the Tuat) and contains the
the Son of God who reigns In the cabined God, which ram-headed, repre
stead of his Father the First Logos sents the Higher Self sacrificed for
humanity, — the
" Lamb
(Cretheus). (Ram) slain
See CRETHEUS, JASON. from the foundation of the world."
METES, KING OF COLCHIS :— God limits and obscures himself in
producing his creatures. He involves
A symbol of the Supreme Being,
the First Logos, as ruler of the himself in matter, and thus is sacri
buddhic plane (Colchis). ficed that we may live in him.
" Anubis " is a symbol of the human
MEDEA. body of flesh which introduces the
Divine and human souls to the
physical existence which carries with
A symbol of the fifth plane of being ;
it astral and mental activities of the
the plane of Atma. The highest
plane of manifestation.
lower planes (the underworld). In
the early human races, the
" opener
" The fifth element some call Heaven,
" of life
some Light, others ./Ether." — PLUTARCH, of the ways may be a buddhic,
On the E at Delphi, § 11. mental, or astral body, prior to the
" -Ether was considered one of the
formation of a physical body. Hence
elementary substancea out of which the "
the relation of Apuat
" to " Anubis."
universe was formed. It was regarded " On looking into the Boat of the
as pure upper air,1 the residence of the
Gods, and Zeus, Lord of the ./Ether, or Sun-god we see that this deity has trans
./Ether itself personified." — Smith's Class.
formed himself, and that he no longer
appears as a fiery disk, but as a ram-
" Out of this same Self the ether rose, headed man, who stands within a shrine ;
in other words Ra has taken the form
from ether air, from air fire, from fire
water, from water earth, from earth of Osiris. The name given to this form
is Af, or Afu, which means literally
plants, from plants food, from food the
a dead body ; it was as
' ' '
flesh,' and
germ of life, from the germ of life man."
— Tail. a dead body that Osiris first entered the
Tuat, and those who wished to become
what he became subsequently had to
WORLDS (five). enter the Tuat as dead bodies and with
attributes wherewith he entered
the it." so important a position in the Divine
—BUDGE, Egypt. Heav. and HeU, VoL III. scheme (compare Hainan).
p. 106. " Agamemnon,
although the chief com
It must be remembered that mander of the Greeks, is not the hero
" " or "
corpse dead body
" is a
of the Iliad, and in chivalrous spirit,
symbol of the lower self or personality bravery and character, altogether inferior
in ita natural aspect of possessing no to Achilles. But he nevertheless rises
above all the Greeks by his dignity,
sign of Divine life. Osiris (Christ) power and majesty." — Smith's Clasa.
enters the lower nature in evolution Diet.
as a completely hidden Spirit, and The " Greeks " signify the lower
every spiritual ego follows the same mental qualities.
course. Osiris passes successfully See ACHILLES, ATREUS, BRISEIS,
through all states of the lower nature ESTHER, GREEKS, HECTOR, HONOUR,
and carries his Osirified egos with KLYTAIMNESTRA, MYRMIDONS, NOD,
him to rise finally to life immortal. ODYSSEUS, PELEUS, PRIZE.
" For if we have become united with
him by the likeness of his death, we AGATE STONE:—
shall be also by the likeness of his A symbol of acquired truth.
resurrection (BOM. vi. 6).
"From first to last Osiris was to the
Egyptians the God-man who suffered AGATHODyEMON :—
and died and rose again and reigned A symbol of the Divine Life and
eternally in heaven. They believed that
Energy arising within the soul.
they would inherit eternal life, just as
" The ' Good Deity,' in honour
he had done, provided that what was of
done for him by the gods, was done for whom the Greeks drank a cup of un
them." —BUDGE, Oodt of the Egyptians, mixed wine at the end of every repast." —
Vol. II. p. 126. Smith's Class. Diet.
"This Self is hidden in all living The " cup of wine " is the symbol
things, it shines not forth ; but it is of Divine Life and Truth which needs
seen by the keen and penetrating mind
of those that aee into the supersensible." to be partaken of by all the qualities.
—Katha Upaniehad, III. See Cup, DAEMON, MIND, SACRA
Art AT, ABC. HAN, ARK (safety), WINE.
EQUINOX, INCARNATION, JESUS (lamb), A symbol of the Divine Mind,
KHEPEU, LAMB OF GOD, NET (under), begotten of the Eternal Truth.
A symbol of the force-aspect of the
AGAMEMNON (ATREIDES), SON Indwelling Higher Self, directed to
OF ATREUS:— the higher channels of manifestation.
A symbol of the desire-mind, Agni is the light, the burner of evil :
kama-manas, which is the offspring he burns away the evil of this sacrificer ;
of illusion (Atreus). and the latter becomes a light of pros
" perity and glory in this, and a light of
Nor do thou, O (Achilles) son of bliss in yonder world." — Satapatha Brdh-
Peleus, feel inclined to contend against tnana, XI. 2, 3, 6.
the king (Agamemnon) ; since never yet The force-aspect of the Self is the
hag any sceptre-bearing king to whom
light of Truth which causes the dis
Jove has given glory, been allotted an
equal share of dignity." — Iliad, Bk. J. appearance of the ignorance and
Nor must the personality (Achilles) shortcomings of the personality (sacri-
begotten of the Higher Self (Peleus), ficer). And the personality becomes
seek to exterminate and crush out perfected in wisdom and righteousness
the desire-mind which has its own on the lower planes, and has a blissful
purpose in the soul's evolution ; for consciousness on the higher.
never previous to its advent has any "The gods then established that fire
(Agni) in their innermost soul ; and
aspect of the Self, endowed with having established that immortal element
powers by the Supreme, attained to and become immortal and unconquerable.
they overcame their mortal, conquerable POPE, PRIEST (altar), PRIEST or
enemies (the asuras). And so this sacri- APOLLO.
ficer now establishes that immortal
element in his innermost soul ; and — AGNIHOTRA HOUSE OR SHIP :—
though there is for him no hope of
immortality — he obtains the full measure A symbol of the causal-body, or
of life."— Sata. Br&h., XI. 2, 2, 14. vehicle of the individuality or spirit.
The higher qualities, or ideals, " The Agnihotra, truly, is the
involved and latent at first, establish that sails heavenwards. The Ahavaniya
through aspiration the Spirit or and Garhapatya are the two sides of the
" fire " of evolutionary life in their same heavenward-bound ship ; and that
milk-offerer is the steersman. Now when
innermost being. This confers im he advances towards the east, then he
mortality upon them and gives them steers that ship eastwards towards the
the force necessary to overcome the heavenly world, and ho gains the heavenly
world by it. When he ascends from the
desires (asuras). In the same way north it makes him reach the heavenly
the personality takes to itself the world ; but if one were to sit down in
Divine Spark, which though it does it after entering from the south, it would
not confer immortality upon it, yet be as if he tried to enter it after he has
enables it to become perfect on the put off and he were left behind and
remained outside." — Sata. Brdh., II. 3,
lower planes. 3, 15 and 16.
" I am the Fire-god, the divine brother
The causal-body, verily, is the
of the Fire-god, and I am Osiris, the
brother of Isis, ... I am Osiris, the vehicle
of soul -development.
and causal aspects
first-born of the divine womb, the first
born of the gods, and the heir of my the two means of development, and
father Osiris-Seb." — BUDGE, lioul; of the the personality offering the higher
Dead, Ch. LXIX. emotions (milk) promotes its growth
The Divine aspects on the higher
towards perfection. Now when the
planes cannot be differentiated the
personality aspires, then the soul
one from the other by the lower mind.
progresses towards the buddhic plane
The Higher Self (Osiris) is the first
and the ego gains by it the higher
born of Time (Seb) and Space (Mut)
consciousness. When he seeks Truth
and emanates upon the plane of atma.
through the intellect (north), then
.s'cc ALTAB (fire), ASHES, GOLD
also the soul reaches the higher plane.
But if the personality " sits down "
to accept the rule of the desires (the
south), the result is that the soul is
AGNIDHRA PRIEST:— deprived of the means of progression,
A symbol of the spiritual mind and the personality is rendered useless.
working almost unknown to the See AFU-SA, AHAVANIYA, ARGO,
personality on the higher mental EAST, GARHAPATYA, NORTH, SOUTH.
" The Agnidhra round to the
north, for he is virtually the same person SHIP BUILT TOWARDS THE
as Agni himself." — Sata. Brdh., I. 2, 4. CARDINAL POINTS :—
The spiritual mind standing, as it A symbol of the abode of the reli
were, between the lower mind and gious consciousness in the highest
the higher planes (the north) occupies part of the lower nature. A reverent
the place of the Higher Self (Agni) state of soul hi close relation to the
to the lower personality. higher emotions of goodness, love,
" But one night, after I had been in and truth.
great distress praying about this, I went " They choose a place
(the sacrificers)
to sleep, and at one o'clock in the morning of worship. Let them choose the place
suddenly I was waked up out of my which lies highest ; for it was from
sleep, and I found myself, with unspeak thence that the gods ascended to heaven,
able joy and awe, in the very presence and he who is consecrated indeed ascends
of the Almighty Ood. And for the space to the gods. He thus sacrifices on a
of four hours I was privileged to speak of worship frequented by the
face to face with Him as a man speaks gods. It should incline towards
face to face with a friend," Evan Roberts. — the east, since the east is the quarter of the
W. T. STEAD, Revival in the West, p. 43. gods ; or else it should incline towards
See ADVABYA, ATHOBNE, CHBYSE, the north, since the north is the quarter
of men. It should rise somewhat towards Universal Substance, and that all the
the south, that being the quarter of the potencies of divinity are in it waiting to
Fathers (lunar pitris). . . . On this be revealed. . . . We have come from
ground they erect either a hall or a shed, the One ; unto the One shall we return,
with the top beams running from west but not empty-handed." — R. J. CAMP
to east ; for the east is the quarter of BELL, Serm., The Son of Man Ascending.
the gods, and from the east westwards See FIBE, FRAVASHTS, MANASAPU-
the gods approach men." — Sata. lira/*.,
III. 1-6.
1, 1,
(sons), PITRIS (solar), SONS OF GOD,
The personalities accord a place in
the mind for religion. Let them
reserve in the highest part of the AGRICULTURALIST, OR HUS
mind a spot sacred to the ideals BANDMAN :—
(gods) which rise heavenward. The A symbol of the Higher Self as
mental quality which aspires and is director of the qualities which bring
transmuted becomes an ideal on tho about the cultivation of the lower
buddhic plane. The personality there nature.
fore offers up the lower qualities in See HUSBANDMAN, CULTIVATION,
the highest part of his nature where SEED, SOWER.
be reverences the ideals. This sacred AGRICULTURE :—
spot should be open to where Love A symbol of the cultivation of the
and Truth rise in the soul, since the qualities of the soul so that they shall
ideals are harbingers of the Self. It bear fruit on the higher levels, that
should also be open to the intellect is, be productive of higher faculties
(north), since the intellect co-ordinates and emotions through spiritual
the mental qualities through aspira growth.
" The chief occupation '
tion towards Truth. But it should the
(of dead ')
was agriculture, which differed from that
be closed somewhat towards the
of earth only in that the harvest never
desires (south), for these are of the failed, and the corn grew far more
form and not of the Life. On this luxuriantly, its stems surpassing the
high ground of the mind, the person height of a man. The Fields of Aalu
alities erect the structure of their (or Aaru) were tilled to provide the dead
with food, in so far as their wants were
religion either complex or .simple, not met by offerings, and by magic for
with the highest intelligence (top- mulas made and spoken for them on
beams) directed towards the ideals earth." — A. WIEDEMANN, Rel. of Anc.
which wait upon the Self, and approach Egyptians, p. 254.
The " dead " are the personalities
the mind from above.
in their lives on earth (not post
mortem states), who cultivate their
natures and gain experience. The
result of cultivation from the seed
AGNISHVATTA PITRIS:— (corn) of the Spirit,
" surpasses the
A symbol of the monads of life ; "
height of man (mind) because its
the spiritual egos central In every
fruit is above mind and on the buddhic
soul, and of atma-buddhlc nature.
plane. The
" Fields of Aalu " sym
These are the " Sparks from the
Flame," — the Divine egos which bolise the astral plane of the desires.
render human souls immortal. The desire-nature is " tilled " by the
" As from a blazing fire consubstantial personalities in order that through
sparks proceed in a thousand ways, so sacrifice and aspiration the best results
from the imperishable Spirit various should be transmuted by buddhic
living souls are produced, and they
agency (magic formulas) and spiritual
return to Him again." — Mundaka Upani-
ihnd, II. 1, 1. food be produced for the soul.
"The spirit of man contains a spark See ANIMALS, CORN, CULTIVATION,
from the power and light of God." — DEMETER, FIELD, HARVEST, Ox AND
Only the little spark of the soul
is to be at all times with God and united SEKHET (aaru), SIIABTI,
with God." — ECKHABT.
"What is clear to my mind is that
every individual human soul is a detached, A symbol of the reflected or lower
or seemingly detached, portion of the self- consciousness. The sense of a
separate self or personality. The dition and object of its own existence.
" I am I " feeling. For unless evil had at least a relative
See CAIN, I AM, KERESANI, MAHAT, existence as evil, there could be no
morality. Evil is thus in a sense a>
SEPARATION. cause, as being a necessary antecedent
AHAVANiYA FIRE:— condition, of good, and if so, it cannot
be radically bad. Things solely evil,'
A symbol of the centre of outpouring says St. Augustine,
could never exist,
spiritual activity on the buddhic for even those natures which are vitiated
plane. by an evil will, so far as they are vitiated,
" are evil, but so far as they are natures
Now Indra, in truth is the same as they are good,' or, as Plotinus says, vice
the Ahavaniya ; and king VM nut is the
ia always human, being mixed with
same as the Garhapatya." — Sola. Brdh.,
something contrary to itself.' We believe
II. 3, 2, 2.
that all that ia good is preserved in the
" Indra " is a symbol of Divine
eternal world, but not the evils which
energy (u linn -buddhic), and
" King called it forth. For that which is not
" only manifold but discordant cannot
Yama is the causal self in the
exist, as such, in the life of God." —
causal -body.
" W. R. INGE, Paddock Lectures, p. 132.
That Ahavaniya fire is the Sacri- " If the Zoroastrians' good principle,
ficer's divine body, and this body of his
called God by us, is taken as a being ;
is his human one." — Sata. Br&h., VI. 6,
and their bad principle as only a con
4, 5.
dition privative ; one as a positive and
The buddhic outpouring is the real cause, the other as a bad possibility
Divine vehicle of the Self, and the that environs God from eternity, waiting
causal-body is his mental one. to become a fact, and certain to become
a fact, whenever the opportunity is
given, — it is even so. And then it follow a
YAMA. that, the moment God creates a realm
AHRIMAN, OR AHARMAN :— of powers, the bad possibility as certainly
becomes a bad actuality, a Satan or devil
A symbol of the lower principle, in ease ; not a bad omnipresence over
the opposite of the Higher. The against God, and His equal, — that is a
relative or illusive self during mani monstrous and horrible conception, — but
festation which implies duality. an outbreaking evil, or empire of evil
" The destruction which Ahriman pro in created spirits, according to their
order. For Satan or the devil, taken
duced in the world was terrible. Never in the singular, is not the name of any
theless the more evil he tried to do, the particular person, neither is it a persona
more he ignorantly fulfilled the counsels tion of temptation or impersonal evil,
of the Infinite, and hastened the develop as many insist ; for there is really no
ment of good." — Zoroastrian System. such thing as impersonal evil in the
Upon the planes of form and illusion sense of moral evil ; but the name is a
the havoc produced among the lower name that generalises bad persons or
qualities was terrific, and the trans spirits, with their bad thoughts and
characters, many in one." — H. BCSHNELL,
formations which occurred were in
Nature and the Supernatural, p. 88.
numerable and various. Nevertheless, " Sin arises from our bondage, — from
the lower principle unwittingly acting the dualism in our nature, — from the
for good, although from low aims opposition between the lower and the
higher in our desires. There are ten
and unworthy ideals, the counsels of
dencies in our nature pulling one way
the Most High are established and while the moral sense is pointing another.
fulfilled ; and so all is done in the We have to fight for our promised land.
interests of the great Law of the It is the only conceivable means whereby
nobleness as distinct from innocence
development of the soul. The duality could become part of our conscious
of good and evil is a primal, necessary experience." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
means for the soul's experience, exer The Meaning of Retribution.
cise and growth. See ADVERSARY, AIDONEUS, AKEM-
" God is not neutral between goodness MANO, ANORA-MAINYU, ANTICHRIST,
and badness, nor is His nature com APEP, DEVIL, ENIGORIO, Evn,, LAW
pounded of the two. For since evil is OPHIONEUS,
inwardly self-discordant and self-destruc
tive, and rebellious against the law of SITES, SATAN, SERPENT (mighty),
the whole, its inclusion in the will of SFENTO, TYPHON, ZEBANA.
God means its complete transmutation
and suppression in its character as evil.
... It is plain that morality is entirely
A symbol of the Supreme Being,
occupied in striving to abolish the con-
or of the Divine Will in manifestation. Desire is the product of a process
The Logos. The Higher Self. in Time and Space (Rhea). It is
Zoroaster's fitness for the prophetic allied with the emotion-nature arising
mission which he is to undertake is from Buddhi, and which Desire cap
divinely recognised, and Ahura Mazda tures. The lower planes with their
selects him as his own messenger to the
world." —Dinkard. S. B. o/ E. illusions are ruled by Desire.
The Incarnate Self discerns the See AHRIMAN, CRONUS, DEMETER,
destiny which awaits it under the DEVTL, HADES, HERA, NESTIS, PEB-
manifold cycles of evolution and re SEPHONE, RHEA, SERPENT.
birth ; and the Logos appoints him AIN SOPH:—
as His only -begotten Son to be His
A symbol of the Absolute, the
special interpreter to the lower self,
potential and unmanifest God, the
and be the Saviour of the souls of
Source of the Higher Self and its
humanity. manifestation.
See GATHA, HOMA, SPENTO, ZEBANA, " The Supreme Unity is the Ain Soph
ZOROASTER. of the Qabbalah and the Zoharic writings,
termed also in them Ayin or No-thing."
AHURA RELIGION :— — -MYKR, Qabbalah, p. 199.
A symbol of the love of ideals of " It is so named because we do not
truth and righteousness. It is know, and it is impossible to know, that
through the awakenment of Love which there is in this Principle, because
that the affinity of the soul with the it never descends as far as our ignorance, "
and because it is above Wisdom itself
Higher Self Is seen and known. Ibid., p. 127.
" Non-being is ' Absolute Being,' in
Esoteric Philosophy. In the tenets of
the latter even Adi-Buddha (the first or
A symbol of the understanding, or primeval Wisdom) is, while manifested,
ready wit of the lower mind. in one sense an illusion, Maya, since all
the gods, including Brahma, have to die
at the end of the Age of Brahma ; the
A symbol of the lower principle, — abstraction called Parabrahman — whether
the desire-mind (kama-manas), we call it Ain Suph, or with Herbert
active upon the astral plane of the Spencer, the Unknowable — alone being
the One Absolute Reality." — H. P.
" But the notions of the Greeks are, BLAVATSKY, Secret Doctrine, Vol. I. p. 84.
I suppose, plain enough to everyone, for NOSE, TRINITY, WELL, ZEBANA.
they make the good part that of the
Olympian Jove ; that of the hostile deity AIR; THE ATMOSPHERE:—
they give to Hades." — PI.UTAHCH, /«»
and Osiris, § 48. A symbol of the mental plane ; the
" the
The antagonist of the higher nature plane midway between "earth
is desire, and we find that Plato in lower planes, and "heaven" the
" Hades " to mean higher planes. Air (mind) is that
Cratylus explains
" desire." element in which
" animals " (desires
(See JOWETT, Dialogues,
etc., Vol. II.p. 225.) and emotions) and "plants" (in
" Hear first the four roots of all things ; stincts, feelings, etc.) live and move.
bright Zeus, life-giving Hera, and Aido- The higher mental plane is the
neus, and Nestis." — Empedocles, FAIR
BANKS, 33.
plane of creation in which ideas take
The fourfold nature is that of man form for embodiment beneath.
" The air, moreover, is the engine or
apart from higher mind : — bright
machine, through which all things are
Atma, life-giving Buddhi, the Desire- made." — HERMES, The Perfect Sermon,
mind, and the Physical body. § 3-
" Hades was the son of Cronus and " By air as by a thread, O Gautama !
Rhea. His wife was Persephone, the this world and all beings are strung
daughter of Demeter, whom he carried together." — Brihad. Upanishad, III. 7, 2.
In the division " The intermediate space of air, be
off from the upper world.
of the world among the three brothers, tween heaven and earth. . . . These
Hades obtained the Nether World, the three, heaven, earth, and air, are the
abode of the shades, over which he ruled. favourite group of three in the Rigveda,
Hence he is called the infernal Zeus, or underlying all manner of applications of
the king of the shades." — Smith' 9 the number."— H. W. WALUS, Cotmology
Diet. of the Rig.Veda, pp. 113, 114.
By the air is signified all things root of all existent things. All things
relating to perception and thought, . . . comprise them, and these elements
and respiration corresponds to the under
standing, thus to perception and thought, are the sum total of existence, and are
and also to faith, because faith is of the eternal.
thought according to the perception of See INVOLUTION, HEAVEN AND
the understanding." —SWEDENBOKO, Apoc. EABTH, MONAD OF LIFE.
Rev., n. 708.
" The air ia the guru, water our father,
and the great earth our mother ;
" A symbol of primordial matter
Day and night are our two nurses,
male and female, who set the whole which brought forth from within it
world a-playing" (The Japji). — M. A. the Second Logos, the Word, or
MACAULIFFE, The Sikh Religion, Vol. I. Higher Self.
p. 217. " '
The higher, or spiritual, mind is First in order, Akasa, ether,' with
the distinguishing property of sound,
the teacher of the soul ; the Divine or in other words, the substratum of
Reality, or Truth, is the source of all sound (which sound is the vishaya or
things ; and Buddhi gives birth to, object for a corresponding organ of
and directs, the lower nature. sense, the ear). Footnote, — The Rama-
yana, II. 110, 5, makes Brahma spring
Involution and Evolution are the from ether, but the Epic and Furanie
processes, masculine and feminine, accounts of ak&sa are very inconsistent.
by which the Self is tended and Some say that it was created and is
brought up, and through which the perishable, others that it was not created
and is eternal." — HON. WILLIAMS, Indian
lower nature is filled with activity. Wisdom, p. 93.
When a novel opinion begins to " He
(Brahman) who, dwelling in the
be widely accepted it is said to be ak&sa, is distinct from akasa, whom the
" akasa knows not, whose body the akasa
in the air," that is, in the mental
is, who rules the akasa from within, he
atmosphere or general mind of hu is thy soul, the inner guide, the im
manity. Thus this very common mortal." — Brilinil. Vpanishad, III. 7, 12.
sacred symbol air as signifying mind It is the akasa, out of which all these
is generally recognised by people, creatures proceed, and into which they
are again received, the akasa is older
though so seldom applied in the than they all, the akasa is the ultimate
interpretation of the Scriptures. end." — Khand. Vpanishad, I. 9, 1.
See DEMONS, ELEMENTS (five), See BRAHMA, MAYA (higher),
At their highest significance these
conjoined symbols stand for Matter A symbol of the lower principle,
and Spirit. the obverse of the Higher ; its seat
" All things were together, infinite
is in the desire-mind.
both in number and in smallness ; for
" In the beginning there were twin
the small also was infinite. And when spirits. The One who produced the
' '
they were all together, nothing was clear reality is called Vohu-mano, the ' good
and distinct because of their smallness ; mind,' the other, through whom the
for air and aether comprehended all non-reality ' originated, bears the name
things, both being infinite ; for these Akem-mano, the ' evil mind.' " — HAUO,
are present in everything, and are greatest Essays, etc., p. 303.
both as to number and as to greatness." Manifestation implies duality of
—FAIRBANKS, Anaxagorat, 1.
consciousness, and the two selves
At the beginning, that is, prior to are aspects of That which appears to
involution, the parts of being were
be continually striving together in
contained within the whole ; and the
itself. There is apparent conflict and
parts themselves were not what they
recognition of contraries. It is, how
were destined to appear, since within
ever, as the contraries are perceived
them also was that infinite possibility
to be not in reality opposites to, but
which was the reflection of That
mutually helpful of the other, that
whose image they bore. And in
the Christ's reign may be said to
homogeniety, no part was distin
guishable from the whole. Spirit and " And we know that to them that
Matter, —Mind and Form, were the love God all things work together for
good, even to them that are called senses, and transferred to the mental
according to his purpose." — ROM. viii. 28. vehicle.
AKERT, THE UNDERWORLD :— A symbol of the centre or source
A symbol of the lower quaternary, of manifest existence, and of the out
l.e. the four lower planes of nature. pouring and indrawlng of the Divine
"Homage to thee (Osiris), O Soul of
everlastingness, thou Soul that dwellest "Hail, thou city Akesi, which art
in Tattu, Un-nefer, son of Nut ; thou hidden from the gods, the Khus know
" the name of which the gods are afraid.
art lord of Akert (the underworld)
(Litany to Osiris). — BUDGE, Book oj the None can enter therein, and none can
Dead, Ch. XV. come forth therefrom except that holy
Self is invoked as the god who dwelleth in his egg. . . . He
The Higher
" " brought forth of hath made the city so that he may dwell
Good Being therein at will, and none can enter there
space (Nut), and supreme over the in except on the day of great transfor
lower nature. mations." — BUDGE, Book of the Dead,
"The Egyptian sphinx plays the part Ch. CXLIX. p. 492.
of guardian of a temple or deity, and The Divine source of existence is
hence the god Aker, the watchman of extolled. The higher qualities (gods)
the Underworld and the guardian of the on the buddhic plane, being derived,
god Ra during the houra of the
is generally shown as a Sphinx with know nothing of the underived into
as which they must disappear. The
the body of a lion when represented
going forth to destroy the enemies of spiritual monads (khus) on the plane
the Sun-god." — WIEDKMANN, Bel. of of know the Spirit by their
Anc. Egyptians, p. 194.
spirit. Multiplicity cannot enter into
The higher nature within the lower
the Absolute, only One alone— the
overcomes the desires (enemies).
Higher Self (holy god) who dwells
SPHINX, TATTU. centrally within his universe.
the cycle closes, all the results
OR GODS OF manifest will be indrawn.

The phases of the lower conscious DAY, MONAD.

ness of the soul ; I.e. the negations AKRAGAS, THE SACRED CITY :—
and limitations which are outgrown
A symbol of the causal-body.
and left behind.
" I
know the name of the snarers who
lay snares therewith (net) ; Akeru gods, ALAGHOM NAOM (MOTHER OF
ancestors of Akhabin gods are their MIND) :—
names. ... I
know the names of the A symbol of the principle of buddhl.
fowlers and of the fishermen ; Akeru " Otherwise
— called Iztat Ix, a goddess
gods, ancestors of RA is their name."
BUDOE, Book of the Dead, Ch. CLIIU. of Izental Indians, a Mayan tribe
dwelling in Mexico. She was the spouse
pp. 511, 513.
of Patol, their chief deity, and
"Set hath delivered the interior of
the body of Horus from the Akeru gods." credited with the creation of. mind and
— Ibid., Ch. CX. p. 324. thought, in fact with the higher part of
man." — N on -classical Mythology, p. 7.
The astral plane corresponds to the
The buddhic principle is allied with
levelfrom which evolution of form
through the Higher Self (Patol), and from
The deliverance
proceeds the mental plane which
comes when the it
the desire-nature below the
is the plane immediately
individuality is at length born, and functioning of
buddhic. Through the
then all the experiences which have nature of the
buddhi the higher
accrued through the evolution of the when
human being is manifested
group-soul are welded into a unifying man.
mind is awakened in animal
centre of consciousness.
In the lower states of consciousness ALBORDJ, OR ALBURZ, MOUN
("fowlers and fishermen") the
ex TAIN :—
periences are collected by means of A symbol of aspiration. A sense
the astral mechanism (net) of the of possibility of reaching the summit
of attainment — the ideal set before we may see a symbol of the Archetypal
the lower self. It therefore also Man, — the Logos involved in Matter
stands for the buddblc plane. at the end of the cycle of Involution.
" On the earth Ormazd created the
Deity manifests again in Evolution, —
high mountain Alborj." — Zoroastrian Osiris comes to life in the new order
System. J. F. CI.AHK M, Ten Religion*. of unfoldment. The lower nature
On the lower planes the Divine
Will created the religious instinct or (earth) gives birth to the higher
nature (gold). This is the Divine
sense of possibility of the attainment
of the Ideal set before the lower
Alchemy in which the black earth
of ignorance appears to be transmuted
From Alhord j the sun seta out on into the gold of Wisdom.
his course, he circles the earth in the The transmutation of the normal
highest spheres of heaven, and at evening physical consciousness of man into the
returns. ' ' — Ibid. divine consciousness was the magnum opus
The Incarnate Self (sun), from the on which the true alchemists were en
gaged, and much that is grotesque
first moment of manifestation, goes
imbecility in the directions and recipes
forth, traverses the higher planes and they have left behind, if we read it simply
descends to the lower, and from as nineteenth-century chemists, becomes
thence rises to return to his source. beautiful spiritual philosophy in strictest
harmony with the laws governing human
spiritual evolution, when we put a
HEROIC, HIMAVAN, KAII.ASA, KHOR- symbolical construction on the quaintly
DAD, MOUNTAIN, OLYMPUS, PUITIKA. expressed formulae relating to coctions
and distillations and the mercury of the
ALCHEMY :— wise, and fiery waters and ferments." —
A. P. SINNETT, Growth of the Soul, p. 371.
Thissignifies the production, by "
The prime object of alchemy was
unpercelved processes, of the higher held to be the production of the Philoso
qualities from the lower ; that Is, pher's Stone ; that perfect and incorrupt
from the baser metals, or lower substance, or ' noble Tincture,' never
mental qualities, the precious metals, found upon our imperfect earth in its
or higher mental (silver) and buddhic natural state, which could purge all
(gold) qualities, are by transmutation baser metals of their dross, and turn
produced. Also, the process of puri them to pure gold. The quest of the
Stone, in fact, was but one aspect of
fication by fire, whereby out of earth man's everlasting quest of perfection,
(lower nature) there is made gold his hunger for the Absolute. . . . Gold,
(higher nature). the Crowned King, or Sol, as it is called
" According to Greek writers the in the planetary symbolism of the
Egyptians employed quicksilver in the alchemists, was their standard of per
processes whereby they separated the fection, the ' Perfect Metal.' Towards
metals gold and silver from the native it, as the Christian towards sanctity,
ore. From these processes there resulted their wills were set. It had for them a
black ' powder or substance which value not sordid but ideal. . . . Upon
was supposed to possess the most mar the spiritual plane also they held that
vellous powers, and to contain in it the the Divine Idea is always aiming at
Spiritual Gold — divine humanity, the
' '
individualities of the various metals ; and
in it their actual substances were incor New Man, citizen of the transcendental
porated. In a mystical manner this world, — and ' natural man * as we ordi
black ' powder was identified with the narily know him, is a lower metal, silver
body which the god Osiris was known to at best, a departure from the ' plan ' ;
possess in the underworld, and to both who yet bears within himself, if we
were attributed magical qualities, and could find it, the spark or seed of absolute
both were thought to be sources of life perfection, the ' tincture which makes
and power. . . . The knowledge of the gold. . . . The art of the alchemist
chemistry of the metals and of their consists in completing the work of per
magical powers were described by the fection, bringing forth and making
Khemeia.' To this name the dominant, as it were, the ' latent gold-
which ' lies obscure ' in metal
Arabs affixed the article nl, and thus
we obtain the word Al-Khemeia, or or man." — E. UNDERBILL, Mysticism,
Alchemy." — Dn. BUDOE, Egyptian Magic, pp. 169, 170.
p. 20. "Gold, the Crowned King" is a
Osiris with a black complexion symbol of the Higher Self (sol), and
signifies Deity unmanifest in the the " noble Tincture " signifies the
profound darkness of potentiality. Divine Life or buddhic functioning
In the black body of the dead Osiris, in the human soul. The " natural
man" is the lower mind (silver at spiritual discipline and purification
best), and the " New Man " is the in conditions of conflict and suffering.
perfected personality transmuted to The lower nature is gradually dis
the higher mind. solved away by the Spirit (Mercury).
" ' " The second stage. Whiteness, the
The Sulphur and the Salt, or metallic
toul and body ' of the spiritual chemistry state of Luna, or Silver, the ' chaste
' ' and immaculate Queen,' is the equivalent
are the body and the rational soul or
mind of man — Sulphur his earthly nature, of the Illuminative Way : the highest
seasoned with intellectual salt. The point which the mystic can attain short
Mercury is Spirit in its most mystic of union with the Absolute. This White
sense, the Synteresis or holy Dweller in Stone is pure and precious ; but in it
the Innermost, the immanent spark or the Great Work of man's spiritual evolu
Divine Principle of his life. Only the tion has not yet reached its term. That
'wise,' the mystically awakened, can term (third stage) is the attainment of
know this Mercury, the agent of man's the Red, the colour of Perfection or
transmutation : and until it has been alchemic gold ; a process sometimes
brought out of the hiddenness, nothing called the
Marriage of Luna and Sol ' —
can be —Ibid., p. 173.
done." the fusion of the human and divine spirit.
Sulphur " stands for the desire
Under this image is concealed the final
secret of the mystic life, that ineffable
nature with its appetites and passions, union of finite and infinite— that loving
" Salt " for the
and reasoning faculty reception of the inflowing vitality of
of the lower mind.
" Mercury of the God — from which comes forth the Magnum
" Opuf, deified or spiritual man." — Ibid.,
Wise is the indwelling Spirit without
p. 174.
which no transmutation of lower In the second stage the personality
qualities into higher can be effected.
(Luna) is perfected in goodness and
The Higher Self must be born in the truth, and transmuted to the higher
soul in order that its dross may be mental plane. The third stage cul
turned into pure gold. minates in the union of the Lower
"The Three Principles being enclosed Self (Luna) with the Higher Self (Sol)
in the vessel, or Athanor, which is man
himself, and subjected to a gentle fire —
on the buddhic plane, when the soul
the Incendium Amoris — the process of enters into the joy of its Lord at the
the Great Work, the mystic transmuta cycle's end.
tion of natural into spiritual man, can " ' This,' says the author of A Sug-
begin. . . . The first matter, in the getlive Enquiry, is the union super-
course of its transmutation, assumes sentient, the nuptials sublime, Mentis et
three successive colours ; the Black, the
White, and the Red. These three colours
Univerri. ... Lo ! behold I will open
to thee a mystery, cries the Adept, the
are strictly analogous to the three Bridegroom crowncth the Bride of the
traditional stages of the Mystic Way : north [i.e., she who comes out of the
Purgation, Illumination, Union." — Ibid. cold and darkness of the lower nature].
The mental, and spiritual
desire, In the darkness of the north, out of the
crucifixion of the cerebral life, when the
natures interactive within the human
sensual dominant is occultated in the
soul, or causal-body (Athanor), are Divine Fiat, and subdued, there arises a
subjected to the slow process of Light.' "—Ibid., p. 174.
combination and evolution, whereby The Higher Self (Bridegroom) per
development proceeds in three stages. fects (crowns) the Soul (Bride) which
"The alchemists call the first stage, has come forth from the lower nature
or Blackness, Putrefaction. In it the
(north) wherein it was crucified men
three principles which compose the
'whole man' of body, soul and spirit, tally and emotionally. When the self-
till they appear as a will of the desire nature is obliterated
black powder full of corruption ; and
in the Divine Will, and overcome, then
the imperfect body is dissolved and there arises in the Soul the light of
purified by subtle Mercury,' as man is
purified by the darkness, misery, and Truth.
despair which follows the emergence of See ARC. MAN, BARSOM, BEAST,
his spiritual consciousness. . . . The BLACK, EABTH, FIRE, GOLD, GREEN
'black beast,' the passional element of LION, HIGHER, IMHOTEP, Isis, LIGHT,
the lower nature, must emerge and be
dealt with before anything further can
be done."— Ibid. NORTH, OSIRIS, PHYSICIAN, RED (rose),
The first stage represents the present SERPENT JESCULAPTUS, SILVER, SPARK,
state of human nature, full of imper STONE, SUN, TRANSMUTATION, TRAN-
fections, and undergoing ethical and SUBSTANTIATION, VALMIKI, WHITE.
ALCINOUS, KING OF THE PHAEA- truth and goodness, voluntarily offers
CIANS:— the best within it to serve the higher
A symbol of the higher aspect of aims, then the soul's qualities are
the soul, or of the higher mind and transmuted, and these become the
will (" strong mind ") ruling the sustenance of its higher nature. The
higher mental faculties (Phaeaclans). offering of his best efforts by the
" Meanwhile went to the
Odysseus imperfect personality (sinful man) is
famous palace of Alcinous, and his heart
acceptable by the Higher Self provided
was full of many thoughts as he stood
there or ever he had reached the threshold he has not acted from outward con
of bronze. For there was a gleam as it siderations or from expectation of
were of sun or moon through the high- reward to follow well doing.
roofed hall of great-hearted Alcinous." — "Love the love which loves you ever
Odyssey, Bk VII. lastingly — for the more you love the
The " palace " of the higher nature more you desire to love," and
" when we
of the soul (Alcinous) is the potential spirits hold fast by love, He by Hii
causal -body centralising the higher Spirit remakes us, then joy is ours.
The Spirit of God breathes us out toward
and lower consciousnesses — the indi love and good works, and it breathes
viduality (sun) and the personality iis into rest and joy ; and that is eternal
(moon). Enterprising courage (Odys life, just as in our mortal life we breathe
out the air which is in us and breathe in
seus) is said to penetrate deep within fresh air." — RTIYSBBOCK, Ladder of Love.
the soul and ally itself with the R. M. JONES, Mystical Religion, p. 311.
intuition The " " Prayer is good with Fasting and
(Nausicaa). fifty
handmaids in the palace " are the Alms, more than to buy up treasures
higher emotions which form the robe of gold. For Alms delivereth from
death. . . . They that practise mercy
of wisdom which clothes the liberated and justice shall live long." — TOBIT xii
ego on the buddhic plane. 8, 9.
" The Oermanica, — Be as
ODYSSEUS, OLYMPUS, PHAEACIANS. sured, he that helpeth a man to his
own will, helpeth him to the worst that
ALMSGIVING OR CHARITY:— he can. Nothing burneth in hell but
self-will. Therefore it hath been said,
A symbol of the element of universal Put off thine own will, and there will be
love which must always be hi the no more hell. As long as a man is seeking
active truth-goodness (food) which his own good, he doth not yet seek
nourishes and builds up the soul or what is best for him, and he will never
causal-body. find it. For a man's highest good would
" be and is truly this, that he should not
St. Thomas (Aquinas) tells us, with sock himself and his own things, nor
admirable clearness : ' An act can be be hit own end in any respect, either in
derived from Charity in one of two ways. things spiritual or in things natural, but
In the first way, the act is elicited by should seek only the praise and glory of
Charity itself, and such a virtuous act God, and His holy will.' '
He that
requires no other virtue beside Charity, — !mii Hi his soul for my sake shall keep
as in the case of loving the Good, rejoicing it unto life eternal ' (JOHN xii. 25)." —
in it, and mourning over its opposite. W. R. INGE, Paddock Lectures, p. 89.
In the second way, an act proceeds from See CAUSAL-BODY, FOOD FOR SOUL,
Charity in the sense of being commanded
by it : and in this manner, — since
Charity has the full range of and ' com
mands all the virtues, as ordering them TION, WILL.
(each and all) to their ultimate end, —
an act can proceed from Charity whilst ALPHA AND OMEGA:—
nevertheless belonging to any other special A symbol of the Higher Self as
virtue.' " — F. VON HUQEL, Mystical Ele constituting the Soul -process in its
ment, Vol. II. p. 164. entirety.
"The Lord of created beings (Praga-
pati) has declared that alms freely offered
I am the Alpha and the Omega,
and brought by the giver himself may saith the Lord God, which is and which
be accepted even from a sinful man, was and which is to come, the Almighty."
— REV. i. 8.
provided the gift had not been asked for
or promised beforehand." — Lawt of Manu, The manifesting Spirit from the
Supreme, is the outgoing and the
In the Divine scheme of things it incoming of the Divine Life, the
is so arranged and established that present, the past, and the future in
when the lower self, out of love of the Eternal Now.
"Signifies, who is the self-subsisting " And Noah builded an altar unto the
and only subsisting from first principles Lord ; and took of every clean beast,
to ultiraates ; from whom proceed all and of every clean fowl, and offered
things." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Jin:, n. 29. burnt offerings on the altar." — GEN.
" What IB it that in the beginning viii. 20.
and the end of existence ? It is Christ. And the individuality is said to
Christ is that in God which has produced "
build an altar," that is, to raise a
man, and seeks full manifestation in
man." —R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Apoc. means of reciprocal action between
Vision. it and the Self of which it is the
"To the author of Revelation it is manifest embodiment. And every
not only God the Father, and not only desire and emotion become the means
our Lord Jesus Christ, but the eternal
in man himself that says : ' am Alpha of this offering of the lower self to
and Omega, the beginning and the end, the Higher Self.
the first and the last.' — R. J. CAMPBELL, See BEASTS, BURNT OFFERING, GOD
Serm., The Eternal Self.
" The eternal relates to the past as (smelling), NOAH, SACRIFICE, SAVIOUR.
much as to the future, and abolishes
both. In the eternal, past and future ALTAR OF SACRIFICE :—
are one. If your eternity lies in the
future, it lies also in the past ; you A symbol of a structure of the
belong to the one as much as to the religious consciousness In the highest
other. From the standpoint of eternity part of the lower nature, on which
there is no question of
I shall be ' or the lower desires and aims are
I have been,' but ' am.' " — R. J. offered up to the Supreme Goodness.
CAMPBELL, Serm., Reaping for Eternal " The altar is ' the table of the Lord ' :
See COSMOS (higher), FIRST, A O, whatever was put upon it was the food
of God.' The fire from heaven, emblem
of God's holiness, consumes the offering ;
ALTAR GROUND,— THE EARTH :— and it all ascends as sweet incense before
Him." — A. JUKES, The Law of the Offer-
A symbol of the lower nature
ingt, p. 49.
which serves as a means whereby " There is something sublime, some
the egos are enabled to build up from thing that is not wholly of this world,
It the structure (altar) of their higher in the deed that costs the doer his per
nature. sonal happiness, the surrender of his
" The sacrifice is a mystic union in own gratification in the interest of some
which the sacrificer generates from out thing higher. The world is always ready
of the Vedi (fern.) or altar ground, his to reverence that when it sees it, perhaps
future divine self." — J. EOOELINO, S. B. without quite knowing why ; but more
often than not the essence of the deed
of "E., Vol. XLIII. Intro.
By it (sacrifice) the gods obtained consists in the fact that the world does
this entire earth, . . . therefore the sacri not see it for what it is, but either ignores
ficial ground is called vedi (the altar). it or mistakes it for something else. It
For this reason they say, ' As great as is this principle which lies at the heart
the altar is, so great is the earth
; for
of all the sacrificial systems of all the
by the altar they obtained this entire religions that have ever existed. Human
earth." — Sola. Br&h., I. 2, 6, 7. nature is curiously constituted in this
Through the giving up of the lower respect. It is damnably selfish, and yet
never fails to respond in some degree to
qualities, the higher qualities (the the call for self-immolation. There is
gods) obtained rule over the entire something in us all which makes us want
lower nature : therefore the offered-up to lay ourselves on the altar when any
great crisis demands it, any super-
lower, forms the structure of the
personal ideal has to be served. We
higher. The higher nature is then may not yield to it, but the impulse is
reflected fully in the lower ; and into there ; it is in everybody." — R. J.
the divine Self the lower Self is CAMPBELL, Serm., Life's Great Antinomy.




A symbol of the setting up hi the
mind of a structure of spiritual A symbol of the buddhlc function
Idealism on which the lower qualities in accepting and transmuting the
may be sacrificed for the sake of the offerings of the lower nature.
higher. See BUDDHI, Isis, WISDOM.
ALTAR, FIRE :— latent Soul in which the five planes
A symbol of the Soul in its complete of manifestation are potential to the
and perfect, but latent, condition at new cycle, — these are on the matter
the commencement of the evolu side, — the physical, the astral, the
tionary cycle. It requires to be mental, the buddhic, and the atmic
evolved by the Spirit (Fire) from planes. On the side of Spirit there
within it. are five immortal modes of being,
" That Pragapati who namely, Atma, buddhi, higher manas,
became relaxed
is this very Fire-altar which here is the higher consciousness, and the
built. "-^Soto. Br&h., X. 1, 1, 3.
lower consciousness ; — these build up
The Archetypal Man having become
the immortal Soul within the cycle.
perfected through involution, ceases " And the Fire that is laid down on
to manifest, and becomes the potential the built altar, that is yonder Sun ; —
Soul of the next sub-cycle. that same Agni is indeed raised on the
" Once granted that altar, and that just because Agni has
the real purport
of all sacrificial performances is the restored him (Pragapati)." — Sola. Br&h.,
restoration of the dismembered Lord of VI. 1. 2, 20.
creatures, and the reconstruction of the And the Spirit dawns in the fully-
All, it cannot be denied that of all cere
formed Soul, and is the incarnate
monial observances, the building of the
great Fire-altar was the one most admir Self (sun) which is indeed raised up
ably adapted for this great symbolic in the Soul, for it is a restoration of
purpose." — J. EOOKLINU, 5. B. of E., the Self involved within.
Vol. XLIII. Intro. " In the fire the gods healed him
" Moreover, this
process of transmuta
tion, this rebuilding of the self on higher (Pragapati) by means of oblations ; and
levels will involve the establishment whatever oblation they offered that
became a baked brick and passed into
within the field of consciousness, the him. And because they were produced
making ' central for life,' of those sub
conscious spiritual perceptions which are
from what was offered (ishta), therefore
the primary material of mystical expe they are bricks (ishtaka). — Ibid., VI. 1,
2, 22.
rience. The end and object of this
inward alchemy ' will be the raising Through the purifying and trans
of the whole self to the condition in muting Spirit the higher qualities
which conscious and permanent union healed the Soul by means of the offer
with the Absolute takes place ; and man,
ing up of the desires ; and whatever
ascending to the summit of his manhood,
enters into that greater life for which the higher nature offered up, that
he was made." — E. UNDERBILL, Mysti was transmuted, and it became a
cism, p. 108. spiritual quality which passed into
" But thou, O Lord, shalt abide for
the evolving Soul. And because the
ever ; and thy memorial unto all genera
tions. Thou shalt arise, and have mercy spiritual qualities are transmuted
upon Zion : for it is time to have pity desires therefore they are desirable.
upon her, yea, the set time is come. " On which side is the head of the
For thy servants take pleasure in her brick ?— ' Where he touches it and says
stones, and have pity upon her dust. a prayer,' so say some. . . . Those
So the nations shall fear the name of bricks, doubtless, are Agni's limbs, his
the Lord, and all the kings of the earth joints. . . . But indeed, the fire which
thy glory : for the Lord hath built up is deposited on the pile, that is the head
Zion, he hath appeared in his glory." — of all those bricks."— Ibid., VI. 1, 2, 31.
Ps. cii. 12-16. The aspiration (prayer) of the lower
This refers to the building-up of nature is at the head of the qualities
the soul (Zion), or higher nature,
that are transmuted. Those spiritual
when the higher qualities (servants)
qualities are
" the body of Christ and
are stirring in the lower nature. "
" Now that Pragapati is no other than severally members thereof (1 COK.
the Fire-altar which is here built up, xii. 27). But indeed, the Spirit within
and what five mortal parts there were the Soul, — the indwelling God, — that
of him (viz. the hair on the mouth, the is the head of all the higher qualities.
akin, the flesh, the bone, and the marrow), " For the perfecting of the saints,
they are these layers of earth ; and those unto the work of ministering, unto the
which were immortal (viz. the mind, the building up of the body of Christ." —
voice, the vital air, the eye, and the ear) EPH. iv. 12.
they are these layers of bricks." — Sato. " Think of a spiritual altar on which
Br&h., X. 1, 3, 4-5. Christ is being offered unceasingly for
The Archetypal Man becomes the the life of the world, for the atonement,
or making-one of man and God. That AMA-TERASU, OR TENSHODAI-
one spiritual altar has a possible mani JIN, THE SUN-GODDESS :—
festation in every human soul. It is
there that Christ is being offered for the A symbol of Wisdom, the principle
doing away of sin and the uplifting of of buddhi. The same as the " Holy
our poor sunken race to its eternal Spirit " of the West.
home. No sharp line of division can be " The Sun-Goddess was bom from the
rightly drawn between the sacrifice of
Christ for man. and the sacrifice of washing of Izanagi's left eye, and the
Christ in man. It is indeed Christ who Moon-god from that of his right, while
a third deity, named Susa-no-wo, was
saves, but that is how he does it ; in
generated from the %vashing of his nose.
all outpouring of human love, human
lelf-devotion, human effort and struggle To the Sun-Goddess Izanagi gave charge
in the service of the true and the good,
of the ' Plain of High Heaven,' and to
the Moon-god was allotted the realm of
Christ is being offered on the spiritual
altar, and the day of his final triumph
night. Susa-no-wo was at first appointed
is coming ever nearer." — R. J
Serm., The Souls under the Altar.
CAMPBELL, to rule the sea." — W. G. ASTON, Shinto,
p. 95.
See AQNI, ABC. MAN, ASHADHA, The Divine Will purifies the Indi
ASHES, BRICKS, DHBUVA, DISMEMBER viduality (left eye) and makes mani
MENT, DUBVA, DVIYAOUS, GARHA- fest the Buddhic nature. He purifies
PATYA, GODDESS, GOLD MAN, LIMBS, the Personality (right eye — Moon-
god), and also the Desire-nature
MEMBERS, (Susa-no-wo). The Buddhic principle
PRAOAPATI (relaxed),
PRIEST (altar), RAVANA, SACRIFICE, operates on the buddhic plane (High
Heaven). The Personality organises
SEASONS (five), STONE (building),
the underworld (night). The Desire-
MUTATION, ZION. nature rules on the astral plane (the
" Ama-terasu being offended with Susa-
AMAKHIU :— no-wo went away and concealed herself
See APOSTLES (twelve). in the Cave of Ameno Tuaya, closing the
entrance with a large piece of rock.
AMALTHEA, THE GOAT WHO From this time the country was dark
SUCKLED ZEUS:— all over, and given up to the noise and
disturbances of all sorts of inferior
A symbol of the buddhlc nature gods." — Nihongi.
which brings up the nascent in Wisdom's influence on the lower
dwelling Self by means of the trans by Desire,
nature being frustrated
mutation of the desires, symbolised
she ceased from direct action in the
by their being raised to become
" stars of heaven,"— higher qualities. soul, and retired into the inner being
Desire (goat) is a means of growth. or Divine realm which is concealed
See BUDDHI, GOAT, STARS, TRANS from the lower nature by spiritual
" Fall " having
MUTATION, ZEUS. law. (That is, — the
taken place, the Desire -nature rules
AMARAVATI :— the soul, and the direct vibrations
A symbol of the planes of atma- from buddhi (Eden) cease.) After
buddhl. this event, the lower nature was bereft
" The city of Indra is called Amar&vati of the light of Truth, and immersed
or Rome of the Immortals." — GRIFFITH, in the darkness of ignorance. The
The Ramayan. Vol. I. p. 36. soul was given over to the turmoil
Devotion to the Highest (Indra) and conflict of instincts, desires,
establishes the spiritual qualities (Im opinions and feelings.
" Ama-terasu slightly opening the Cave
mortals) on the higher planes of
manifestation. door, asked, ' Why has Usumi danced,
" On the top of mount Meru lies the and why do the Gods laugh T
replied, I dance, and they laugh because '
city of Amaravati, wherein the gods
dwell ; and beneath Meru lies Irftvati, there is an honourable deity here
the city of the Asuras : between these (pointing to the'
mirror) 'who surpasses
two lies the earth." — SAYANA, S B. oj E., you in glory ; and as she said this,
Vol. XII. p. 110. the mirror was pushed forward, reflecting
AXBOBDJ, ARCHED, ASURAS, her own radiant loveliness, and her
surprise was greater even than before.
CITY or GOD, JERUSALEM, KAPLLA, As she peeped out of the door to look
OLYMPUS. around, the Strong God pulled the rock
door open and drew the bright Goddess The higher emotions which center
forth."— Ibid. against the desire-mental qualitie
This refers to the end of the cycle
arise upon the buddhic plane as
when the consciousness rises to the
result of aspiration from below, ar
buddhic plane. It was requisite that are contiguous to the " river of life
the emotions (Usume) should be raised
They are above the mental qualitu
and the ideals be attained (Gods and are co-ordinated by Wisdoi
laugh). Perfection of the lower nature
At one period of the cycle (yes
being at last realised, there was to
they become allied with the higli
be found in the causal-body (mirror) mental faculties, and this allian
a reflection of the Wisdom-nature
brings into activity many qualiti
more glorious in so far as it signifies
buddhic and mental.
Victory, — the end of strenuous effort.
The perfected lower nature disappears
in the Higher, for they are alike, and AMBAS (SCRIPTURES):—
joy ineffable fills the soul. As Wisdom A symbol of the teachings of 1
(peeping out) becomes manifest in Spirit of Truth from the budd
the evolved consciousness, the Divine plane ; that is, the Divinely implan
Will (Strong God) makes the spiritual inner meanings underlying the ou
expressions of all the world-scr
mind its fitting vehicle in the exalted
tures and sacred myths.
"The above episode is the kernel of
the mythical lore of Japan. Belonging KAY AN, REVELATION, SCRIPTURES.
to the class of light and darkness myths, AMBAYAS RIVERS :—
it professes to give the origin of some
of the principal ceremonies of the Shinto A symbol of the channels of wlsd
religion. . . . Modern Shinto explains In the soul, leading from the Fount
the darkness produced by the Sun- of Truth or the Supreme Realii;
Goddess's retirement as emblematic of See CHANNELS, EDEN RIVER, Rivi
the darkness of sin. The renewal of light
typifies repentance. Of course this was
far from the thoughts of the original AMBAYAV1S (UNDERSTAND-
myth-makers." — W. G. ASTON, Shinto,
pp. 101, 102. ING) :—
Nevertheless, modern Shinto is right A symbol of the spiritual vi
awakened in the soul, which re<
in this. A shallow Mythology destroys
nises the inner meanings of the sa<
religion and reduces the sacred writings scriptures ; for the meanings
to foolishness. already engraven on the secret ta
See BUDDHI, CAVE, DANCE, DARK of the heart.
NESS, EYES, HIDING PLACE, INSIGNIA, " In the same Kingdom of Cliri-
IZANAGI, LAUGHTER (gods), MAST, things are inward and spiritual ; am
METZTLI, MIRROR, MITEGURA, MOON, true religion of Christ is written ii
NIGHT, NINIGI, RETURN, SEA, SUSA- soul and spirit of man by the Spii
God ; and the believer is the only
NOWO, UKEMOCHI, UZUME, WOODEN in which God Himself writes His
PALACE. Testament" (William Dell). — R.
JONES, Mystical Religion, p. 493.
addition to reason man. 1
A symbol of a process of awaken- certain faculty by which he can v
ment. stand hidden mysteries. It is calli
Shams-i-Tabrizi the ' eye of the •
AMAZONS :— which is constant in its desire for
A symbol of the higher emotions, — and by Jelalu'd-din the inward f
This idea is not peculiar to Sufi
the buddhic, — which oppose the was held by other mystics." — VATJ
desires. Hours with the Mystics, Vol. I. p. If
"A mythical race of warlike females, See GOSPEL, INSPIRATION, KI
are said to have come from the Caucasus, PEN, REVELATION, SACRED
and to have settled in the country about
the river Thennoden. Their country UPANISHAD, VEDA, WORD.
was inhabited only by the Amazons,
who were governed by a queen : but in
order to propagate their race, they met
once a year the Gargarians in Mount A symbol of Truth, Wisdom
Caucasus." — Smith's Class. Diet. Love, which are the attributes
Immortal, and are the spiritual relation to the lower planes, and
nourishment of the higher qualities illusion and error shall no longer be
(gods) In the soul of man. expressed within it.
See BUTTEB, CHURNING, FOOD, " The half-mythical country in the
HONEY, SACRAMENTAL CAKES, /AHA- South was known to the Egyptians as
MAYA OH.. the land of the Gods.'" — Ibid., p. 134.
" Nubia," therefore, is a
AMEN, OR AMON (THE HIDDEN of the Buddhic, or Wisdom plane ;
ONE) :— Upper Egypt, of the higher mind
A symbol of the Higher Self In plane ; Lower Egypt of the lower
carnate on the lower planes of the mind plane. The " great sea " is the
" As Amen-Ra he astral plane. In evolution the " Son "
was worshipped as is than the
' necessarily greater
the supreme King of the Gods,' a creator " father "
and soul of the universe, inscrutable and ; so Son-of-mind is greater
eternal. He is usually figured in human than mind.
form, with two long upright plumes The " wicked " are the bad qualities
rising above his head, holding a sceptre which cannot be expressed (mouths)
and the symbol of life. The ram was
sacred to him, and in this animal he was in the higher nature.
believed to be incarnate." — Non-classical
" Look not abroad for the blessings
Mythology, p. 0. of Christ. His reign and chief blessings
The incarnate Self is symbolised are within you. The human soul is his
" Lamb kingdom. There he gains his victories,
by the ram of sacrifice, — the
there rears his temples, there lavishes his
of God." treasures. His noblest monument is a
See AjTT-RA1, CROWN (sekhet), DEITY mind redeemed from iniquity, brought
(bidden), MUT, PLUMES, SCEPTRE. back and devoted to God, forming itself
after the perfection of the Saviour." —
AMENI, THE SON OF MAN :— W. E. CHANNINO, Works, Vol. II. p. 204.
One like unto a Son of Man
A symbol of the Higher Self born i. 13). "I saw in the night visions,
In the Soul. and, behold, one like unto a son of man
" An Egyptian poet in the reign of came with the clouds of heaven, and
Thothmes III
had said : — A king shall came to the Ancient of days and they
brought him near before him. And there
come from the South, Ameni, the Truth-
declaring, by name. He shall be the was given him dominion, and glory, and
a kingdom, that all people, nations and
son of a Woman of Nubia, and will be
bom in [the south]. . . . He shall languages should serve him ; his do
assume the crown of Upper Egypt, and
minion is an everlasting dominion, which
lift up the red crown of the North. He shall not pass away, and his kingdom
shall unite the double crown. The people that | which shall not be destroyed." —
of the age of the Son-of-man shall rejoice
DAN. vii. 13, 14.
and establish his name for all eternity.
"There is very little doubt but that
the imagery of the book of Daniel has
He shall be removed far from evil, and
the wicked shall humble their mouths for inspired to a great extent that of the
fear of him." — Papyrus 1116, St. Peters author of Revelation. The governing
burg. idea is the same in both, namely, that
" The words ' son of man ' are a literal at the heart of the universe there is
translation of the original si-n-sa." — enthroned a being, a principle, a divine
SAYCE, Gifford Lectures, p. 248. intelligence and power, so closely akin
to ourselves that it (or rather he) might
The Christ shall appear from within, be said to wear the likeness of our
and shall declare the Truth and the humanity. It is remarkable how this
Right. He shall be born of Wisdom conception rose and grew both in later
on the higher mental plane. He shall Judaism and in Greek thought till it
reached its culmination in Christianity.
be ruler of the upper planes, and raise . . . This assertion of the cosmic signifi
up through love the lower self. He cance of Christ is of the greatest value
shall triumphantly unite the higher and importance to religion. It is nothing
and lower natures in the soul. The less than the revelation that that which
has produced the world of worlds, that
qualities (virtues) of the evolutionary which has both created and redeemed
period of the Divine Son-of-mind shall us, that which is our source and our
be transmuted, and his differentia goal, has a nature like our own — nay
tion, or upward rise of consciousness, more, is in a sense verily and undeniably
Man. This idea did not come into the
shall be established for ever. The world with Christianity, it was here
Soul shall then be exalted above all before it ; it has received its highest
development in Christianity, but one is The soul comes to the state which
glad to know that spiritually minded signifies a sense of infinite rest and
people had felt it to be a necessity of
religious belief." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., serenity, — which is comparable to the
The Eternal Man. rhythm of the Great Breath which is
See ABC. MAN, BIRTH OF JESUS, perfectly harmonious and complete.
(Egyptian), EGYPT (higher and lower),
AND LOWER NATURES, JESUS (son A symbol of negation ; — that Into
of man), KINO (great), MAN (bad), which the lower illusion will finally
NAME, NUBIA, SEA, SON OF MAN, descend, and by which it 'will be
SOUL (middle), SOUTH, WICKEDNESS, swallowed.


A symbol of a state of consciousness A symbol of greed, or acquisitive
on the buddhlc plane which is the ness, as a ruler of the lower nature.
plane of the first division of the
Western Tuat, and of the corre
sponding division of the Eastern
Tuat ; that is, the first and the last AMSHASPANDS OR AMESHA-
portions of the cycle of life.
" Beginning of the opening of Amenti BENEFACTORS :—
(that is the Wept, and hence the Under A symbol of high Intelligences or
world) of the limit of the gathered Devas, which are modes of mani
darkness" (Book, Am-Titat). — WIEDK- festation of the Divine nature. They
MANN, /.'•'. of Egyptians, p. 85.
" The gods of this Court are the Ideals of Truth and Righteous
(first' division
of the Tuat) say unto R&, O great ness, which enlist the veneration of
Qod, . . . the portals of the secret the soul. They are the b ringers of
Aim-iit. are thrown open before thee, " glad tidings," and so- serve to
the doors of Nut the great are thrown evolve the Inner capacities which are
wide open, illumine thou the darkness of inherent within the soul. The six
night. — BUDGE, Egypt. Heaven and Hell,
Vol. I. p. 19.
Amshaspands are faintly described
" Life to thee, O governor of Amentet, as, — (1) Glorious Achievement, (2)
Osiris, who art over the beings of Amen Inspiration, (3) Wisdom, (4) Intellect,
tet." — Ibid., p. 276. (5) Emotion, and (6) Love.
" O Ra of the beautiful Ament." —
" God works from within outwards ;
Ibid., p. 86.
" Isis of Amentet." — /'-.•-/.. p. 86. for God's kingdom is within, being
interior, invisible, mystic, spiritual. And
See APES (nine), ARIES, BUDDHIC God's Spirits, the Spirits of the Invisible
PLANE, HEAVEN, MOUNTAIN, PISCES, Light, are Seven :— the spirit of wisdom,
SI-OSIRI, TAURUS, TUAT. the spirit of understanding, the spirit
of counsel, the spirit of power, the spirit
AMERDAD, KING OF VEGETA of knowledge, the spirit of righteousness,
TION :— and the spirit of divine awfulness. These
A symbol of the principle of growth are the Powers, or Elohim, of God. They
are co-equal and co-eternal. Each haa
of forms on the astral plane, and in itself the nature of the whole. Each
concerned with the development of is a perfect entity. Of them all is the
the instincts, feelings and desires. whole of God's substance pervaded. And
See ASTRAL PLANE, SHELTER, WOOD. in their individual manifestations they
are the Gods." — The Perfect Way, p. 64.
The seven Amshaspands, who are
SPLENDOUR) :— most assuredly our Archangels, designate
A symbol of contemplation of the also the personifications of the Divine
Supreme and repose upon the Infinite, Virtues." — BURNOUF, Comtn. on Yaahna,
when the consciousness is exalted to
the buddhic plane.
He (man) approaches the couch
Amitaugas : that is prana (breath, DEVAS, GODS, GUARDIANS, MESSEN
speech)." — Kaush. Upanithad, I. 2. GERS, VOHUMANO.
A symbol of the germs of the MELANTIAN NECKS.
Divine life evolving in the lower
qualities and resisting evil influences. ANAURUS RIVER:—
The higher nature of the soul. A symbol of the mentality which
Set PABTICULAR AMULETS. separates the lower nature from the
higher. It stands for limitation and
AMYCUS, KING OF BEBRYCIA :— definition in mental forms of In
A symbol of the illusion of self- tellection.
dependence and trust in the Higher See GJOLL BIVEB, JASON, SANDAL.
as if separate from the ego. ANCESTORS, OR PROGENI
" The Argo next touched at Bebrycio, TORS :—
where Amyous reigned. Every stranger
who arrived in this country was forced
A symbol of preceding states of the
by Amycus to engage him at the cestus. soul, from which the present state is
He therefore challenged the Argonauts, derived.
and Polydeukes engaged and killed him."
— A rgonnut ir. Expedition. •
The soul
arrived at a state of ANCEUS, THE PILOT :—
confidence, and here it is that trust A symbol of the buddhlc conscious
in the Higher and self-dependence are ness which becomes the director of
both enthroned. Having arrived at the evolution of the soul.
this state, all the qualities were forced See ABQO, LYCUS.
to test their power to rise higher.
The encounter resulted in the Son of
God overcoming the illusion of self in A symbol of the attachment of the
lower self to the Higher Self, through
the forms mentioned. (Argonauts).
the growth of the higher qualities.
" Your only freedom is in intercourse
with Christ. Bind your soul to His, and
AN AGAMIN :— it must rise with Him into His liberty."
— PHILLIPS BROOKS, Mystery of Iniquity,
A symbol of the third initiation of p. 183.
the personality, implying attainment
" The
promise (of salvation) is like a
by the soul of a resolve to go through mighty cable, that is fastened by one
to the bitter end of experience and end to a ship, and by the other to the
finish the course. In the Gospel anchor : the soul is the ship where
faith is, and to which the hither end
Drama it is the equivalent of the
(nearest end) of this cable is fastened ;
three years' ministry of Jesus which but hope is the anchor that is at the
ushers in the fourth initiation at the other end of this cable, and which en-
Crucifixion (the Arhat), when the tereth into that within- the veil."—
lower nature is discarded and libera J. BUNYAN, Israel's Hope.
tion is effected. See DELUGE, HIGHEB AND LOWER


ISLAND :— A symbol of the soul which under
A symbol of the soul suffused in goes many acts of self-discipline, and
Truth, implying its salvation. withdraws attention from the objects
Apollo taking his stand
on the rocks of sense.
called Melantiaii Necks, shot an arrow See ABHATS, ASCETICS, ASBAMAS,
into the sea : the arrow flashed a vivid BRAHMACABIN, HEBMIT, MONK,
light, and the Argonauts beheld an OBDEBS, SANNYASINS, SNATIKA,
island which they named Anaphe." —
Argonautic Expedition. STUDENT.
The Higher Self taking his stand ANDREW, THE DISCIPLE :—
on the sense of truth and duty, sends
A symbol of the subjective astral
forth a ray of Itself which illumines self which builds up and adapts the
the whole nature. And so the quali astral nature to ordinary require
ties behold a way of escaping danger. ments, and is the directive agency
This experience being illuminating, it which has charge of the senses in
may be called salvation. their ordinary practical capacity, and
is also controller of the sympathetic See ALBORDJ, FOUNTAIN, KHORDAD,
nervous system . As a symbol of one VOURUKASHA, WATER.
of the four elements or planes
"Andrew" signifies Water (astral). ANGELS :—
" One of the two that heard John
apeak, and followed him, was Andrew,
A symbol of spiritual influences
Simon Peter's brother." — -JOHN i. 40. able to minister to the aspirations of
The subjective astral self is influ the soul. They are messengers of
the inner light to arouse the higher
enced by the moral nature (John)
faculties. There are many intelli
and also by the spiritual (Jesus).
gences who point the way to Truth,
The astral self (Andrew) is allied with and are a means of aiding the soul's
the lower mind (Peter). evolution.
See ASTRAL, JOHN BAPTIST, " And of the angels he saith. Who
maketh his angels winds, and his ministers
VAISYA, VESTURES, WATER (lower). a flame of fire." — 11I.H. i. 8.
" Winds " and " fire " indicate that
CEPHEUS AND CASSIOPEA :— the angels higher mental
and buddhic planes.
A symbol of the emotion-nature "The ' Kether Malkhuth says of the
produced by the astral and buddhic angels : Some of them sheets of flames,
principles. and some of them breathing winds, some
" Andromeda, the Soul, the better of them composed of fire and water,
some Seraphim and some Cherubim." —
part of Man, is on the point of being
devoured outright by the baleful dragon I. Qabbalah, p. 192.
" And
there were shepherds in the
of Negation, the agent of the lower
nature, and the ravager of all the hopes same country abiding in the field, and
of mankind. Her name — identical with keeping watch by night over their flock.
the terms in which is described the first And an angel of the Lord stood by
Woman of Hebrew story — indicates her them, and the glory of the Lord shone
as the helpmeet and ruler of man ; her round about them : and they were sore
parentage denotes the origin of the Soul afraid." — LIKK ii. 8, 9.
from the astral Fire or ^-Ether, signified And there were in this pure and
by the land of ./Ethopis (the kingdom peaceful condition of the soul, simple
of Cepheus) ; the brazen fetters with
qualities attracted to virtue instinc
which she is bound to the rock typify
the present bondage of the Divine in tively, and co-ordinating in a sub
man to his material part ; and her jective state (night), the virtues and
redemption, espousal, and exaltation by living truths possessed by them.
the hero Perseus, prefigure the final and
And a messenger from the Spirit, — a
crowning achievement of the Son of
God, who is no other than the Spiritual sweet influence which put them in
Manhood, fortified and sustained by touch with the Highest, — vibrated
Wisdom (Athena) and Thought within them, and, as it were, startled
(Hermes)." — The Perfect Way, p. Ixv. them in their quietude.
See CUSH, EVE, GIHON, PANDORA, " As God is everywhere, so also the
PERSEPHONE, PERSEUS, WOMAN. angels are everywhere ; but each one
in its own principle, and in its own
ANDUISUR FOUNTAIN:— property, or (if you had rather) in it*
A symbol of Truth flowing from own place. The same Essence of God,
which is as a Place to Spirits, is confessed
the eternal Source of Life and Reality.
" Khordad was chief of the seasons, to be everywhere ; but the appropriation
or participation hereof is different to
years, months, and days, and also pro everyone, according as each hath at
tector of the Water which flowed from tracted it magically in the earnestness
the fountain Anduisur, on Albordj."— of Will. The same Divine Essence which
System of Zoroaster. CLARKE, Ten Bel. is with the Angels of God above is with
" Khordad " is a symbol of Time, us also below. And the same Divine
and under the aspect of a ruling Nature which is with us is likewise with
them ; but after different manners and
condition of manifestation, it becomes in different degrees communicated and
the elucidator of Truth in those participated." — J. BEHMBN, The Super-
terms which are reflected in cycles, sensual Life, pp. 94-5.
" By angel in the Word is everywhere
succession, duration and evolution.
The fount
" Anduisur " signifies understood the angelic heaven, and in a
supreme sense the Lord himself. . . .
eternal Truth from the summit of Sending by his angel, signifies the things
attainment (Albordj). which are revealed from the Lord through
heaven to those who are in the good of See AABON, CLEANSING, JEALOUS
life." — SWIDENBORG, Apor. Rev., n. 4. OOD, MOSES, SI-LF (lower), SLAUOHTEB,
" Eichorn in regard to the many
apparitions of angels, refers the super VULTURE, WRATH OF GOD.
natural to the figurative, in which, for
example, a happy accident is called a
protecting angel ; a joyous thought, the MAINYUSH :—
salutation of an angel ; and a peaceful A symbol of the evil power in the
state of mind, a comforting angel." — desire-mind, or the Illusory principle
D. F. STRAUSS, Life of Jesus, p. 18.
" God's Ideas, like God, are real of the lower mind, which creates
beings, Divine Personages, that is, Gods.
Put forth by, and in a sense divided "Thereupon came Angra-mainyu, he
from, God, in order to accomplish God's created the serpent in the river, and
purposes, these become messengers of winter the work of the daevas." — Ven-
God, that is, Angels." — ANNA KINOSFOBD, didad, I. 2. S.B. of S.
The Perfect Way, p. 213. This refers to the time when the
" No angels come to us ! No celestial
mind distinguishes between good and
voices speak to us ! Oh ! believe it not.
Every deep impression of the rightness evil. The " serpent " signifies the
of an action, every keen conviction of subtle nature of that which first
a truth, every inward cry for light and ensnares, but which ultimately proves
impulse onwards, are messengers, voices to be the means of enlightening the
of God."— -STOPFOBD A. BROOKE, Senn.,
Angelic Life, etc. Self. The power of evil, or the
See AMSHASPANDS, APSABAS, ABCH- illusory lower self, fashions " winter "
ANOELS, BlKD'8 KEST, BlRTH OF JESUS, or that which is the obverse of the
COLCHIANS, DAEMONS, DEVAS, GAND- fruitful principle above.
SEBPENT (mighty), SEBPENT (water),
Symbolic of a relative and false
conception which arises from the ANHAT AND TEHAR OR TANIS :—
fear and bate of the lower nature Symbolic of a condition of soul in
directed against the Higher which It possession of pure knowledge.
does not understand. It is the feeling
engendered in the lower self that the ANIMALS, TAMED AND WILD:—
Higher Self is an enemy. The Higher A symbol of the desires, passions
nature wears a forbidding aspect to and appetites, both disciplined and
the self-seeking personality. This is undisciplined. They are of the astral
reflected in the semblance of Divine plane, and pertain to animal-man of
wrath. the lunar-pitrl development.
I did neither eat bread nor
(Moses) " Thus in the living soul shall there
drink water, because of all your sin
which ye sinned, in doing that which be good beasts in gentleness of action,
. . . and good cattle, . . . and good
was evil in the sight of the Lord, to
provoke him to anger. I
For was afraid serpents, not destructive to do hurt, but
wise to take heed." — AUGUSTINE, Con
of the anger and hot displeasure, where
with the Lord was wroth against you to fessions, p. 377.
destroy you. But the Lord hearkened "The animal nature, the fighting
unto me that time also. And the Lord nature, even the ape and tiger qualities,
was very angry with Aaron to have have their use as the sheathing of the
destroyed him : and I prayed for Aaron divine humanity that is to be ; they
also the same time." — DEUT. ix. 18-20. have to be transcended, but never wholly
destroyed." — B. J. CAMPBELL, Senn.,
The rational and ethical nature has Coming to the True Self.
been unable, in this backward state " If the animal in us is not subject to
of soul, to partake of goodness and the mind, it is because the mind or man
truth, because the lower mind has is not subject to the Lord." — A. JUKES,
Types of Genesis, p. 125.
been so full of the activities of desire " In the Levitical Law, the inferior
and sensation. The conscience, never animals were made by God to be symbols
theless, has been stirred and there is to man of his own vicious propensities,
hope of progression. The spiritual and so became instruments of moral and
spiritual teaching to His people." —
mind (Aaron) was obscured, but the WOBDSWOBTH, Bible, Job, p. 96.
moral nature became a means for its " A twice-born man who, knowing the
revival. true meaning of the Veda, slays an
animal for (sacrifice), causes both himself ANNU (HELIOPOLIS) :—
and the animal to enter a most blessed
state." — Manu, V. 42.
A symbol of the higher planes,
atma, buddhi, and higher manas.
An individuality who realises the " The
truth of the Divine scheme, offers up great house of the Aged One
(R&) who dwelleth in Annu." — BUDGE,
his desire -nature, and by so doing Book of the Dead, p. 41.
attains a state of bliss, while the The "Temple of the Soul" (great
desire-nature itself is transmuted to house) is the inner sanctuary of the
the buddhic plane. Eternal Spirit whose abode is on the
See APE, BEASTS, CATTLE, CREA- higher planes of the soul.
DOMESTICATED :— A symbol of the endowment of the
Symbolic of the disciplining of the soul with Divine Love, arousing sym
lower emotions and qualities, in such pathy with all beings.
a way as to make them of use to the " Thou prepares! a table before me in
progress of the soul. the presence of mine enemies : Thou hast
" K 11h -ho anointed my head with oil ; my cup
recommended pastoral em
ployments and the rearing of domesti runneth over." — Ps. xxiii. 5.
cated animals." — KIDD, China, p. 103. The Self hath prepared for the ego
The Logos (Fuh-he) arranged that the " fruits of the Spirit " on the
the intelligence should be awakened higher planes, to be the food of the
through the activity of the desires, soul ; and the desires (enemies) have
and the need that would arise for been transmuted to this end. The
their restraint and regulation (animals Divine love has been bestowed upon
domesticated). This refers to the the aspiring mind, and Wisdom has
dawn of mind when related with the filled the understanding.
desires (pastoral life), and the com See CHRISTOS, CUP, HEAD, LAYING
mencement of the cultivation and ON OF HANDS, OIL, OINTMENT, TABLE.
utilising of the lower faculties to aid
development of the higher nature of
the soul.
" Want, instinct, curiosity, with all A symbol of the astro- physical
the mental activity excited and quick body with its mechanism of sensation
ened by them, the association of ideas, and action, which opens the pathway
reflection, deliberate volition, have of the soul's development, life after
gathered, carved, polished, embellished life.
the materials, adapting the occupant to " The god Anpu, who dwelleth in the
the dwelling and the dwelling to the
city of the embalmment, the governor
occupant." — A. LEFEVRE, Philosophy, of the divine house, placeth his two
p. 649.
hands upon the lord of life of Nebseni,
See AOBICULTUBE, CULTIVATING, . . . and he furnisheth him with the
FUH-HE, GEOBQE, MITHBA (bull), things which belong to him. ' Homage
PASTOBAL. to thee, O happy one, divine lord (Osiris
Nebseni) . . . i'tnh Seker hath bound
ANNA, THE PROPHETESS :— thee up, Anpu hath exalted thee, and Shu
hath caused thee to be lifted up, . . .
A symbol of asubjective mental
Thy brow is in the protection of Anpu."
condition, or type analogous to many — BUDOK, Book Dead, Ch. CLIu,
of the
souls patiently awaiting the coming p. 607.
of the Christ. The physical body equipped with
See SIMEON. its powers, is at the service of the
ANNAS, THE PRIEST :— personality whose need is purification
A symbol of a mental in the interest of the causal-body
state domi
nated by conventional ideas which (divine house). The physical activi
grow into sectarianism and profes ties, active and passive, ace to sub
sional systems of religious obser serve the Divine life within the soul,
vances. and be the means of bringing expe
See CAIAPHAS, HIGH PBIEST (lower), rience to the ego, which shall lead to
PRIESTS AND ELDERS. the acquirement of spiritual capacities.
The Spirit has been involved in the of earth. Those which are of a brownish-
lower nature by the will of the yellow colour are an image of the atmo
sphere."— iSoto. Brdh., 111. 2, 1, 3.
Supreme, and in the life of the The " black antelope " itself is the
physical human body, the evolution
potential (black) soul after involution
of the Spirit commences, for the
of all qualities : the skin is its surface
Divine Will draws it forth. The of evolution whereon it displays ita
truth -acquiring faculty is dependent
qualities (colours) of three orders, —
upon the physical lives.
higher (sky), lower (earth) and mental
(air), or buddhic, astral, and mental
qualities (three worlds).
SBKER, SHU. " The sacrificer spreads it on the
ground with the hairy side upwards, and
AN-RUT-F DISTRICT:— with its neck-part turned to the west,
A symbol of the higher nature with the text :— ' The skin of Aditi art
newly evolved in the soul. thou ! May Aditi acknowledge thee I ' —
" Thou great and mighty Prince (Osiris), For Aditi is this earth, and whatever
is on her, that serves as a skin to her. . . .
dweller in An-rut-f, lord of eternity and Thereby he establishes a mutual under
creator of everlastingness (Litany to standing between her and the black
Osiris)." — BUDOE, Book of the Dead, antelope skin." — Sola. Dr&h., I. 1, 4, 5.
Ch. XV. The Self commences to manifest in
The Higher Self (Osiris) abides in
the new cycle of evolution, and
the soul's higher nature.
" A truce for six days and six nights arranges that the purified emotions
then followed, and Horus had rest, while (neck) shall progress towards buddhi
Isis made use of her words of power to (west). The externalising of the quali
keep away Set from the district called ties in space (Aditi), or the evolution
' " — Legend
An-rut-f.' of the Winged Sun- of them from matter (earth), is the
disk. WnsDEMAN, Religion, etc.
And now there intervenes a period process whereby the soul is enabled
of relative inaction proceeding up to to grow. For which purpose there is
an anti-climax, while no longer the established in the mind a discrimina
centrifugal energy (Horus) is in the ting faculty which adjudicates between
ascendancy : for the centripetal force nature and the soul.
(Isis) is substituted, so that, instead
of being driven, the soul is /-:•' onwards, HAIR, NECK, PHINEUS, SKIN, SKY.
— the word of Wisdom being substi
tuted for the act of Power. The
" woman " corresponds to the ability Symbols of the Divine Mind and
the Soul or Buddhic function, in
of answering to the higher rates of relation to human development.
vibration from within, which gives the " The Valentinians maintain that the
feminine intuition. The " district " twelve apostles were a type of that
stands for the function of the so- group of twelve ./Eons which Anthropos
symbolised feminine principle of in in conjunction with Ecclesia produced."
— IHEN.SUS, Against Heresies, Bk. II.,
tuition in keeping ignorance and evil
Ch. 21.
(which are one and the same illusion) The relationship of the twelve
from the newly awakened higher
disciplined qualities with the twelve
stages of the cycle of life, is to be seen
when we recognise the close corre
spondence that obtains between the
ANTELOPE, SKIN OF BLACK :— greater cosmic cycle and the lesser
A symbol of the soul in its aspect individual cycle — between the macro-
of a manifesting surface for the cosmic and the microcosmic processes.
presentation of the higher and lower Each is typical of the other, or rather,
qualities. the lesser indicates the greater ; so
" If there be only one (black antelope that it will be seen that the individual
skin), then it is an image of these three epitomises, as it were, the entire
worlds. Those hairs which are white manifested life -experience of the Logos.
are an image of the sky ; those which
are black are an image of this earth ;—
In each aoul there are the twelve
" " more or less developed,
or conversely, black of sky, and white apostles
and these disciplined qualities are to endow with life all the atoms and
become more and more purified, and beings of the lower nature, which
are to teach the lower qualities and manifest first, — prior to spiritual
lead them upward to the Light. qualities. The first to manifest in
See JEoitB (twelve), APOSTLES the cycle of evolution is the lower
(twelve), FATE-SPHERE, CHURCH, nature (earth).
A symbol of the manifest God, —
A symbol of the adversary of the
an aspect of the One Life extending
Higher Self, which Is the lower through the universe, visible and
principle or the desire-mental nature. invisible.
" Hereby know ye the Spirit of God : " A mighty king is Anu, the first born
every spirit which confesseth that Jesus of the gods." —SAYCE, Rel. of Anc. Babyl.,
Christ is come in the flesh is of God :
p. 483.
and every spirit which confesseth not
Jesus is not of God : and this is the The Logos or Higher Self appears
spirit of the antichrist, whereof ye have first upon the highest plane, and
heard that it cometh ; and now it is in thence upon the buddhic plane.
the world already." — 1 JOHN iv. 2, 3. NECK, PERSONALITY, SKY,
Hereby know ye the Spirit of SOUTH WIND.
Love and Truth : every impulse
which is in harmony with Jesus ANUBIS, SON OF OSIRIS AND
Christ now born in our lower nature NEPTHYS :—
" of God " : and every A symbol of the physical body as
(flesh) is
impulse which annulleth Jesus in us, the most outward vehicle of the soul ;
is " not of God," and this is the anti
the product of Divine energy and
matter on the physical plane (Nep-
christ which is the impulse of the
desire-mind in opposition to the in " Isis found the child and bred it ;
dwelling Jesus. The antagonist of
so that in process of time it became her
righteousness and truth is in our constant guard and attendant, and from
mental condition (world), but greater hence obtained the name of Anubia,
is he (Jesus Christ) that is in you being thought to watch and guard the
" Gods, as dogs do mankind." — PLUTARCH,
than he that is in the world Isis and Osins, § 14.
(verse 4), for he that is of the lower Wisdom (buddhi) takes charge of
nature is Antichrist. the physical body and tends it, and
" St. John is not speculating on ulti
mate existences ; he is dealing with
assumes direction of its evolution
active powers ; and from this point of while it guards the Divine nature
view the power of evil has its place in within. In this way a perfect reci
his system. As Christ is the principle procity is established between the
of truth, so the devil is the principle of
error. He remains as the an ti -Christ, higher and lower planes, through the
though all his attendant demons have actions and re-actions of the physical
vanished in this Gospel. The devil is vehicle which thus becomes the con
'/• facto ruler of this world, which as his
stant attendant and nurturer of the
domain is contrary to God." — W. R.
INOE, Camb. Biblical Essays, p. 272. Ideals (gods), or higher activities
See ADVERSARY, AIIKIMAN, COUN within the soul.
" According to Egyptian belief Anubia
was a special patron of the dead, guarding
them and superintending their embalm
ANTS :— ment, he or Thoth being their guide into
A symbol of the monads of life the next world, and leading them by
and form. the hand into the Hall of Judgment.
" Ye divine ants— for it was they that — WIEDEMANN, Rel. of Anc. Egyptians,
p. 230.
produced this (ant-hill), — the first-born
" Anubis who is at the head of the
of the world,' — the first-born of the divine hall and who dwelleth upon his
world, doubtless, is this earth." — Sola.
mountain, the lord of Ta-tchesert, saith :—
Brdh., XIV. 1, 2, 10.
I have come to protect Osiris Mut-hetep,
The spiritual monada (atma- triumphant." — BUDOE, Book of the Dead,
buddhio) build up the forms and Ch. C'LlA, p. 604.
" Anubia hath bestowed upon thee APE AND TIGER NATURE :—
(Osiris Nebseni) thy winding-sheet, he
hath wrought for thee according to his Symbolic of the automatic mind in
will, he hath provided thee with the ancestral traits and habits, and in
ornaments of his bandages, for he is the unruled instincts and desires.
overseer of the great god." — Ibid., See ANIMALS, BEASTS (wild).
CLXXII. p. 686.
The physical body (Anubis) is a APEP, THE SERPENT :—
great factor in the mental expression A symbol of the desire-mental
of the personality (corpse), its activi nature.
ties, and its purification (embalm " The undulating length of the serpent
ment). The physical mechanism and Apep, of whom it is said, his voice goeth
the higher mind (Thoth) lead the round the Tuat.' " — BUDGE, Egypt. Heaven
and Hell, Vol. II. p. 268.
personality by its activities (hand) In the relativity of the lower mind
to the test of completeness of the
it may be said that the expression,
perfecting process when the conscious or utterance, of the desire impulse
ness should rise to the higher planes.
allied with mind in the lower nature
The physical body is in the forefront
of the human soul, extends through
of the means of developing the causal-
the whole cycle of manifested life
body (divine hall) which is exalted
(the Tuat).
above it ; and it serves the spiritual
The desire-mind (Apep) is the adver
ego (Osiris) within. It is also the sary against which all the higher
external means provided for the It is for
qualities (gods) contend.
education and enlargement of the
ever being cut to pieces, but comes to
life again all the same in other states
and conditions of the soul's develop
A symbol of the perfected Soul as ENTERETH THE TUAT":—
• vehicle of the Eternal Spirit.
" He These are symbolic of the myriad
(man) approaches the palace of egos who shall rise through Christ
Aparagita, and the splendour of Brahman to divine manhood. " Nine " is their
reaches him." — Kausk. Upanishad, I. 2.
symbolic number, in that man be
The Soul approaches the condition
comes more than man when the
of perfection, — the sense of the holy, " tenth " — signifying completion and
or the entire and complete Unity of accomplishment, — is reached.
the All, — when the ineffable grandeur " The Souls of the East
(i.e. the Souls
of the Living Whole appeals in its or Spirits who take the forms of apes
entirety to the exalted consciousness. immediately the Sun has risen) pay
This state of being is a sense of the homage to thee, and when they meet
thy Majesty they cry :— Come, come in
all-embracing, — that which includes '
(Hymn to the Setting Sun)." —
peace !
all manifestation yet is itself unmani- BCDOE, Book of the Dead, p. 80.
fest, — which embraces each, yet is
" Open to me
(Osiris) the doors with
itself the opposite of each ; — that your hands, O ye Apes, unfold to me
the portals of the Courts, O ye Apes,
which is above, through, in, and and welcome the* gods or goddesses who
without all. have come into being from my divine
See ABSOLUTE, BRAHMA, FACE Souls ; come ye into being for Khepera,
(Lord), GODHEAD, PATH (twofold), O ye who have your being at the head
of the Tuat." Ibid.
This statement refers to the first
division (Aries) of the cycle of life
APE, DOG-HEADED (LOWER (the Tuat). It is on the upper levels
ASPECT) :— of the buddhic plane that the Self
A symbol of the automatic mind, (Sun) commences to manifest in
or subjective mind. abacondito (night). The spiritual egos
See JUDGMENT PAT.?.. (apes) are represented as opening the
way of the Lord," because it is
through their volition in harmony MANSURI :—
(singing) with the Supreme (RA), that A symbol of the Higher Self, pro
manifestation takes place ; and they ceeding from the Supreme.
enter into being in order to undergo "
He was the first mortal to descend
the suffering and sorrow of the lives to earth. Associating with certain dwel
on earth. They come into being for lers of the dusk called Guachimines, he
Christ (Khepera) that they may tri seduced their sister, for which they slew
him. But his offspring by her, born
umph over ignorance and evil, and from two eggs, survived although their
rise with him to power and glory at mother was slain. These were the twin
the end of the cycle. brothers Apocatequil and Pigueras. The
"All protest against being coerced by former recalled his mother to life, slew
an almighty power outside ourselves the treacherous Guachimines, and under
ceases to have any point when we realise the guidance of the god Ataguchu, made
that the power outside ourselves is what an aperture in the earth with a golden
we ourselves essentially are. Indeed spade, through which the race of Peru
there would be no power outside our vians emerged and took possession of
selves, — we should never feel it or know the land." — Non-classical Mythology,
anything about it, — if there were no p. 12.
power within ourselves impelling us to The Self in involution became
enter into relations with it." — R. J. immersed in matter and
CAMPBELL, Serm., Who Compels f
obscured by the desires (Guachimines).
When perfected as the Archetypal
IANS, NET-BA, RA, SEBPENTS (emit Man he dies. But the Divine Life
ting sparks), SONS OF GOD, STRIDES
through the emotion-nature (sister)
(soul), SUN, TUAT, WILL.
brings forth in the new cycle (evolu
APHRODITE, FOAM-SPRUNG :— tion) the dual consciousnesses — the
A symbol of the love aspect, or Individuality and the Personality.
attractive quality, of the desire- The Divine Individuality restores the
nature, which promotes growth of emotion-nature and eventually the
the lower qualities in the forms. desires are overcome. The indwel
" In the Asiatic religions
Aphrodite ling God operating through buddhi
was the fructifying principle of nature."
— Smith's Class. Dtct., "Adonis."
(gold) penetrates the lower nature
See ADONIS, ATALANTA, ATTRAC (earth) and rises with his saints to


A symbol of the lower mental plane.
A symbol of the Second Logos
APIS, BULL OF THE WEST :— proceeding from the First. God
A symbol of the outgoing activity manifest, or the Higher Self.
of the Divine Will on the buddhic " Nino days through the army went
plane. the arrows of the God (Phoebus Apollo) ;
" but on the tenth, Achilles called the
In Memphis is kept the Apis, the
Image of the soul of Osiris,' where his people to an assembly ; for to his mind
body also is said to lie." — PLUTARCH, the white-armed Goddess Juno had sug
Isis and Osiris, § 20. gested it ; for she was anxious concerning
On the buddhic plane (Memphis) the Greeks, because she saw them perish
ing." — Iliad, Book I. trans. BUKKLEY.
there appears the matrix of all forms
For nine periods the life-giving
in prototype, directing the outgoing force of the Logos ensouled the egos,
energy of the Logos. or monads of form ; but at the tenth
" The identification of
Apis with Osiris
was easy enough, because one of the period, the personality (Achilles) is
commonest names of Osiris was ' Bull of evolved sufficiently to enable the
the West.' — BUDOE.
" lower mental qualities to assemble
In course of time the bull, like other to it as a centre. For at this period
animals, was regarded as a symbol, and
Apis is hence identified with Osiris or of soul-growth there was some glimmer
the Sun." — Smith's Class. Diet., "Apis." of such higher perception as is essential
See BULL, MEMPHIS, OSIRIS, to the further development of the
SKRAPIS. individuality. And the Wisdom
aspect is directly concerned with the APOSTLE OR DISCIPLE:—
evolution of the mental qualities A symbol of a developed and dis
which had begun to languish. ciplined quality of the soul, in har
" Dionynus '
proclaims : The Divine monious relation with the central
Goodness, this our great Sun, enlightens, Ideal, and which becomes a means
nourishes, perfects, renews.' Even the for teaching and raising the lower
pure can thus be made purer still. He,
the Good, is called spiritual light ; he
mental qualities.
cleanses the mental vision of the very
" The highest faculty in the soul is
angels : they taste, as it were, the light.' not, like each of the inferior faculties,
All this imagery goes back, in the first one faculty among others ; it is the
instance, to Proclus. For Proclus puts Soul itself in its totality ; as such it is
in parallel sun * and ' God,' and ' to called the
spark,' also Syntereria (cor
be enlightened and ' to be deified ' ; responding to the soul-centre of Plotinus).
makes all purifying forces to coalesce in This highest faculty is served by all the
the activity of the Sun-God, Apollo faculties of the soul, which assist it to
Katharsios, the Purifier, who ' every reach the Source of the soul, by raising
where unifies multiplicity . . . purifying the latter out of the sphere of inferior
the entire heaven and all living things things. The Spark aspires to the Abso
throughout the world ; and describes lute, to that unity outside of which
(Eckhart). —
how from above, from his super-heavenly there remains nothing
post, Apollo scatters the arrows of Zeus, — UEBEKWEG, Hist, of Philos., Vol. I.
his rays upon all the world " (In Par.
p. 472.
IV. 34). — F. VON HUGEL, Mystical Ele The "apostle
" is one of the
Vol. II. p. 93.
superior faculties grouped about the
Nothing can be more profound,
more entire, than the reverence of highest faculty (Jesus) —the Divine
Homer's mortals for Apollo and Athene." Spirit within.
— W. E. GLADSTONE, Juventut Mundi, " We are assimilated to divinity by
p. 177. virtue." — PI-OTINUS, On the Virtues, § 1.
LENCE, PRIEST OP APOLLO, WRATH A symbol of the twelve highest
or APOLLO. qualities or virtues in the soul. They
form a group nearest to the central
APOSTATES WITH TWO LEGS :— indwelling Christ. The " apostles "
are specialised conditions of the
A symbol of relative conditions " disciples " and all are qualities
which are always short of the truth, which follow the leading of the Higher
as may be seen in the pairs of opposite Self. The " apostles " are " dis
qualities. ciples " raised to a state of close
" And the vigour of Azi Dahak (raging companionship with each other,
elephant) increases, the fetters being whereby the Christ is brought Into
removed from his trunk, and his im near relationship with the lower
petuosity remains ; he swallows down nature now gradually being drawn
the apostate on the spot, and rushing towards him.
into the world to perpetuate sin, he " By the twelve apostles are signified
commits innumerable grievous sins." —
Bahman Yost, Ch. III. 57. S. B. of E. all things of doctrine concerning the
Lord, and concerning a life according
The lower principle, with its illu
to his commandments." —SWEDBNBORO,
sions, strengthens as the Divine law Apoc. Rev., n. 915.
gives it more liberty ; and relative Jacob begot the twelve apostles in
conditions promote activities which the Spirit, not in the flesh ; in word, not
evils in the in blood." — Pacudo-Chrysoatom.
produce innumerable " Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are types
external life. of the divine life in man. . . . These
The apostate's mind is a furious children (of Jacob) by Leah and the
elephant which wandereth distracted in bondmaids, are the different forms of
the forest of worldly love. Impelled by life which are produced by the spirit of
Death it rusheth here and there, while service in us out of different principles,
the pious search and find God in their Leah and Rachel representing the higher
hearts (Ottru Nanak). — MACAWLIFFE, principles ; the bond-maids, other lower
The Sikh Religion, Vol. I. p. 315. principles." — A. JUKES, Types of Genesis,
SERPENT (Dahaka). In the book Am-Tuat, the twelve
amakhiu (apostles) of Ra, draw Afu- they say, have a certain substantial
Ra (the embodied Self, or Lamb of existence, and are attached to the
rational soul, owing to a certain turmoil
God) through the body of the Serpent and primitive confusion." — CLEMENT
(lower nature) and bring him out at ALEX., Ante Nic. Lib., p. 276.
its mouth, transfigured. The " appendages are merely modes
The amakhiu " enter the tail of the of activity of the qualities ; and the
serpent as loyal servants, but like their
passions have to obtrude themselves
master, are transformed during their
through its body, and they so long as the functionings occur and
emerge from its mouth as
rejuvenated are attached to the lower self until its
forms of Ra ' each day." — BUDGE, Egypt. limitations be outgrown.
Heaven and Hett, Vol. III. p. 193. " Isodorus, son of Basilides, advises
" Buddha, like Christ, had twelve '
' ' man to battle with the constraints of
great disciples.' Only in my religion,' the appendages ; (and says) our duty is
he said solemnly a little before he died, to show ourselves rulers over the inferior
can be found the twelve great disciples creation within us, gaining the mastery
who practise the highest virtues and by means of our rational principle.' —
excite the world to free itself from its Ibid.
torments ' (Bigandet, p. 301)." — A. The one alternative course to adopt
I, n, 1.11'., Httilil. in Christendom, p. 138.
The " apostles " are the qualities
is the suppression of the lower qualities
which " practise the highest virtues," by coercion from without : the other
is the conquering of the animal nature
and stimulate the mind to free itself
from within.
from the causes of bondage in matter
(suffering). In the one religion of
the Higher Self (Buddha or Christ)
those qualities which are more ad APPLES OF THE HESPERIDES :—
vanced help those behind them to rise.
" The Marriage Supper can be cele A symbol of the buddhic emotions
and faculties, the "fruit of the
brated in the kingdom of the Father Spirit."
only, when all the ' Twelve Apostles,' " The golden apples which Ge
or elements corresponding to the twelve (Earth)
degrees (of the Perfect Man), have been gave to Hera at her marriage with Zeus."
— Smith's Class. Diet.
brought into perfect harmony and at-
one-ment, and no defective element any The " marriage " is the union of
longer exists among them. In the central Wisdom (Hera) and Love (Zeus).
place at this divine feast is the Thirteenth Love struggles upward from below to
Personage, the Master or Adonai of the
meet Wisdom above ; and Matter
system, the founder and president of the
banquet. He it is who in later times (Ge) yields up the results of experience
found a representative in the pure and and effort, on to the Wisdom plane.
heaven-born Arthur, — Ar-Thor — the See GE, GOLD, GRAIL, HESFERXDES,
of the Round Table." —
' '
The Perfect Way, p. 247.
" In St. Clemente at Rome, in the APSARAS :—
apsis, is a cross in mosaic, on which are
A symbol of high Devas, — Intelli
represented twelve doves, signifying the
twelve apostles united to, or having their gences who are co-operating with
life in, Christ." — H. C. BABLOW, Essays evolution upon the highest planes of
on Symbolism, p. 74. the manifest universe.
(twelve), TWELVE,
WAYS " :—
(twelve), TRIBES
A symbol of the external body or
vehicle of the soul, which opens the
•way to manifestation in the lower
A symbol of modes of activity of worlds.
the lower qualities, which function- See AFU-RA, ANPU, ANUBIS.
ings are hung upon the personality
until it has risen above them. AQUARIUS, THE ZODIACAL
" The Basilideans are accustomed to
give the name of appendages (or accre A symbol of the eleventh period of
tions) to the passions. These essences, the cycle of life. It signifies the
bnddhlc vehicle of the Spirit, as the ARCHANGELS :—
container of Truth (water) from the
A symbol of primordial Divine
fountain of the Divine Reality. It
Powers on the highest planes of
refers to the rise of consciousness
manifestation. These have their part
through the lower buddhic plane, far
in the construction of the spiritual
advanced in the present period of
universe which underlies the per
evolution. ceptible and visible phenomenal uni
verse. " Archangels " also signify
AQUEDUCT :— messengers of the Logos on high
A symbol of a channel of truth planes ; and exalted Intelligences
established from the higher nature who Introduce the spiritual Life-
to the lower. element into the vehicles, or forms,
See CHANNELS, IRRIGATION, RIVER. fully prepared and awaiting its recep
A symbol of a high state of Truth SARAS, BAHMAN, BUILDERS, DEVAS,
and Bliss upon the buddhic plane. GABKIEL,
He (the departed) approaches the MICHAEL, VOHUMANO.
lake Ara, and crosses it by the mind,
while those who come to it without
knowing the truth are drowned in it." —
Katuh. Upanishad, I. 2. A symbol of mental qualities which
He, the liberated ego, who has open the way to knowledge.
advanced beyond the conditioned, " The
City of Kapila with its festive
now hath known and realised his true arbours, its arched gateways and pin
nature to be Bliss. This he has
nacles, it was radiant with jewels in
every dwelling ; and unable to find any
discovered by means of the higher other rival in the world, it could only
mind — buddhi. But those egos who, feel emulation with its own houses." —
having acquired some powers of the The Buddha- Karita, Bk. I.
mind, would pass beyond the con The abode of the Self on the higher
ditioned without having the Truth planes of atma, buddhi, manas, is
and without purifying the lower the perfection of all virtues, mental
nature, work destruction to them qualities, and aspirations. Within the
selves, as far as that state is con soul (potential) is all beauty and
cerned. excellence. At this stage of early
See BLACK MAGICIANS, BLISS, RAFT, involution, the Self is absolute unity,
VIQARA, YATTTS. there is no Second Self to manifest.
At this period no duality is apparent ;
there are no opposites, therefore no
A symbol of the emotion-nature
conflict takes place.
(Arabs) and the mental-nature (Iran) See AMARAVATI,
becoming united on the mental plane. ARBOURS, GATE
The emotions are, as it were, in WAYS, GOLDEN AGE, JEWELS, KAPILA,
vaders (by vibrations) from another PINNACLES, WORLD.
plane, of the mental realm which
they in a measure conquer for them ARCHETYPAL MAN :—
selves, though in doing so they come This important symbol, the signi
under the restraint and discipline of fication of which is a key to the
the mind (Iran). knowledge of the soul's evolution to
See COUNTRIES, GREEKS, TAZ, perfection, represents humanity per
TEOJANS. fected potentially on the higher planes
in a past cycle of involution, and now
ARARAT MOUNTAINS :— subsisting as the directive efficient
A symbol of the lofty aspirations cause of imperfect actual humanity
which point the soul to Wisdom. evolving on the lower planes in the
See CAUCASUS, FLOOD, MOUNTAINS. present cycle. When the evolution is
ARBOURS, FESTIVE :— complete, the potential is actualized,
and the souls are perfected.
Symbolic of virtues of the soul, "
which bring joy and satisfaction to The Spiritual Man is both the import
the ego. and the highest degree of creation, for
which reason he was formed on the
See ARCHED GATEWAYS. sixth day. As soon as the Man was
created, everything was complete, in Distinct from this is the world of crea
cluding the Upper and Lower Worlds, tures." — UEBEBWEO, Hist, of Philot.,
for everything is comprised in the Man. Vol. I. p. 475.
" These Ideas
He unites in HimBelf all the forms." — (i.e. the eternal arche
Zohar, III.
48A. types of things), which are the first
" Now the heavenly Man, as being causes of individual existences, are con
born in the image of God, has no par tained in the Divine Wisdom or the
ticipation in any corruptible or earth- divine Word, the only-begotten Son of
like essence." — PHILO, Works, Yonge, the Father. Under the influence of the
Vol. IV. p. 60. Holy Ghost (or the fostering divine love)
" The first world, or the Archetypal they unfold their effects, which are the
Man in whose image everything is formed, created objects, or the external world."
is occupied by no one else." — C. D. (J." Scottui Erigtna.)—Ibid., Vol. I. p. God,
GINSBURO, The Kabbalah, p. 111. Speaking about the Son of
" The soul carries her knowledge with Ruysbrock said — I believe that the Son

her to the earth, so that everything which is the Image of the Father, that in the
ahe learns here below she knew already, Son have dwelt from all eternity, fore
into this world
" known and contemplated by the Father,
before she entered
(Zohar, III. 61, u).— Ibid., p. 116. the prototypes of all mankind. We
" We have referred to the ancient existed in the Son before we were born.
Asiatic idea, that above the earth, in He is the creative ground of all creatures
the heavens, existed a true and perfect — the eternal cause and principle of their
ideation of everything created in the life. The highest essence of our being
universe, visible or invisible. That this rests therefore in God, — exists in his
perfect ideal, true, and real, paradigm, Image in the Son.' — VACGHAN, Hourt,
was in opposition to, yet in harmony etc.. Vol. I. p. 326.
" The Celestial Man is the ' seventh
with, its imperfect shadow, the change
day ; all combat then ceaseth and it
able, — by man considered real, — universe ;
but the really untrue and unreal. . . . is sanctified. Every regenerate person is
The Qabbalah holds fully to this idea. a sabbath,' when he becometh celestial ;
It also claims that the first account of because he is a likeness of theLord." —
the Creation in Genesis, referred exclu SWEDENBORO, Arc. Cel. to Gen. ii. 2.
sively to this ideal world and to an Ideal The Higher Self descends into
Man. In this first account there is not
matter during six stages of Involution
any Garden of Eden, nor any Eve, and
the Ideal Man is created as an Androgene, (six days). The seventh stage is the
but in the similitude of Elohim." — MYER, completed Archetypal Man in whom
Qabbalah, pp. 121-2. activity ceases for a time and he is
The process of involution of all said to die. Every soul is destined
qualities and forms into matter, even to become perfect on the higher
tuates in the creation of the Arche planes and be made the image of the
typal Man, the perfect prototype and Divine Archetype.
source of all the souls of humanity, " It is taught
(in the Upanishads) that
when the One becomes the many in the atman created the universe and then
the new cycle of evolution. entered into it as soul. Here for the
" These first time we meet with the 'word jtva
(Naassenes) honour as the &tman, which later denotes the indi
Logos of all universals Man, and Son of vidual soul
as contrasted with the
Man. This Man is male-female, and is supreme. But no such contrast yet
called by them Adamas." — HIPPOLYTUS, exists here. It is the atman himself
Philosophumena, Intro. who alone exists and creates the universe,
" Particular souls, by reason of what
who as jiva Atman enters into the universe
they have in common, can only be under that he has created. Neither from the
stood as derived from a General Soul
point of view of pure idealism, nor in
which is their cause, but is not identical its empirical varieties of pantheism and
with all or any of them, . . . containing cosmogonism, does any opposition exist
as identical with its own nature the between the supreme and individual
eternal ideas of all the forms, general souls. The contrast between them is
and particular, that become explicit in first seen at the moment in which the
the things of time and space (Plotinue). — atman who creates the universe and
T. WHITTAKER, Nr.o-Pkttoniats, p. 65.
then enters into his creation becomes a
"All things are from eternity in God, duality, the parts of which are set over
not indeed in gross material form, but against one another. We have described
as the work of art exists in the master. this further accommodation to the em
When God regarded himself, he saw the pirical consciousness as Theism, since
eternal images of all things prefigured in here the original unity of the atman is
himself, not, however, in multiplicity, divided into God and the Soul." —
but as one image. Eckhart follows DEUSSEN, Phil, of Upanishads, p. 258.
Thomas in proclaiming the doctrine that
there exists an eternal world of ideas. From the Absolute (Father) pro
ceeds the manifest God (Son), the The last enemy that shall be abolished
Higher Self (Christ) who descends as is death.' Only when all things have
been subjected unto Him, shall the Son
Spirit into Matter, imparting by the also Himself be subjected to Him that
process of involution all qualities and did subject all things unto Him, that
forms of growth which are subse God may be all in all ' (1 COR. xv. 24-28).
— W. R. INGE, Paddock Lectures, p. 40.
quently to be evolved in nature. " Christ is the ideal,
The Higher Self is the Agent of the representative
man, the archetype of the race, as
Supreme, He is all and in all, and Adam is the concrete, imperfect copy
operates in countless ways in the '
of the archetype. In Christ,' the pure
Divine scheme. At a certain stage archetype is imparted to man. As
in the involutionary cycle the Self Christ is the image of the invisible God,
so we are ' transformed into the same
starts forth to become the Archetypal image from glory to glory." By the
Man by being born on the mental resurrection the earthly flesh was over
plane in order to commence his evolu come, and the spirit of the heavenly
tion in the aspiring mind. As the man was set free as the animating
principle of a new humanity. This is
germ-soul in the causal-sheath, he the meaning of the
' "
new creation.' —
begins to evolve as the ideal life of W. R. INGE, Constructive Quarterly, June,
the Soul. This spiritual evolution 1913.
Underlying this ceaseless flux is
(or potential involution), then, having
something abiding, archetypal, spiritual,
proceeded upward when evolution is — something by which these ever-floating
begun, is capable of being reflected atoms are for the time compelled to
downwards to the lower planes. The take upon themselves the bodily form
Self makes, as it were, a trial trip, in which they are manifested to the
senses, — something which holds the same
and thereby becomes organised as the relation to the ordinary body as that
Archetypal Man. The greater Self which is held by the Platonic Idea to
undergoes beforehand on the higher the Platonic Eidolon, or by the body
celestial to the body terrestrial. Without
planes the ideal life experiences of the
such something the ordinary body is
lesser Self which transpire subse simply nothing. Ordinary body, in short,
quently. In human evolution these must hold its very existence in fee from
primal experiences of the Self are Spirit, and there is no escape from this
conclusion. Moreover, the traces of
distorted beyond recognition, owing to
archetypal unity which are everywhere
the fact that they do not appear on perceptible in the organic world may be
the lower planes in a sequential or looked upon as supplying evidence to
coherent form. the same effect ; for may not these
" The image and likeness of God . . . show that the bodies of different living
more probably points to the Divine creatures are not things apart, as they
pattern and archetype after which man's would seem to be at first sight, but
intelligent nature was fashioned ; reason, parts of a connected whole which has
understanding, imagination, volition, etc., its real foundation in the unity of the
Divine Being ? — C. B. RADCLIFFE, Man
being attributes of God ; and man alone
of the animals of the earth being possessed Trans-corporeal. Cont. Review, Dec.,
of a spiritual nature which resembled 1874, p. 128.
" Unless God had been first we — our
Hod's nature. Man in short was a spirit,
created to reflect God's righteousness and whole human race in general and each
truth and love, and capable of holding of us in particular — never would have
direct communion with Him." — STANLEY been at all. We are what we are because
LEATHKS, Smith't Diet, of Bible, art. He is what He is. Everything which
Adam, p. 44. we do God has first made it possible for
" In reference to the world, Christ is us to do. Every act of ours, as soon
the Agent in creation ; through Him as it is done, is grasped into a great
are all things' (1 COB. viii. 6), and we world of activity which comes from
through Him. He pre-existed in the Him ; and there the influence and effect
' Everything
form of God (PHIL. ii. 6) from the of our action is determined.
beginning. He is the first-born of all that we know, is true already before our
creation ; in Him and through Him and knowledge of it. Our knowing it is only
unto Him are all things. He is before the opening of our intelligence to receive
all things, and in Him all things hold what is and always has been a part of
together' (Cot. i. 15, 16). All things His being, who is the universal Truth.
are to be summed up in Him (EpH. i. 10). Every deed or temper or life is good or
'He is all and in all (Coi.. iii. 11). His bad as it is in harmony or out of harmony
reign is co-extensive with the world's with Him." — PHILLIPS BBOOKS, Light of
history. He must reign till He hath the World, p. 40.
" Christ is that perfect Humanity
put all His enemies under His feet.

Realm of Love
~ World of Potency

Z. Realm of Wisdom
W World of Fixed Prototypes

Higher Realm of Causes

Lower World of Man

I Realm of Desires
"o World of Similitudes

Realm of Effects
World of the Senses

The potential Evolutionary Scheme of Divine manifestation in the universe and man
is called the Archetypal Man for three reasons : (1) Because the human being is the
only example of life on this planet which is individually conscious on the mental
plane, and is mentally in touch with the emotions proceeding from the higher planes.
(2) Because this unique constitution of man makes him a measure of the universe,
for he subtends, latently and actively, the whole of the five planes of manifestation.
(3) Because as man is thus the Microcosm of the Macrocosm, his totality on the
higher planes is identical with the Archetypal Man, while on the lower planea he is
active as the natural man.
The Archetypal Man, or World-soul, is to be regarded as the Divine Life of the
solar universe, visible and invisible, and also of the human soul both as to formative
idea and phenomenal action. The Divine Life became organized for phenomenal
activity in time and space, by means of the process of spiritual Involution whereby
mental, astral and physical matter became endowed with all the qualities needed for
Evolution, qualities which we observe to-day in all natural conditions and growth
of forms. The Sacred Books teach us that the Archetypal Man became complete in
plenitude at the close of the cycle of Involution ; whereupon there was a period of
rest, or pralaya, before renewal of activity in the present cycle of Evolution.
The supreme intelligence of the Archetypal Man proceeds from the higher mental
plane and is manifest throughout all nature. On this plane are the directive cause*
of all phenomena, while on the physical plane are the directed forces producing the effects
which we perceive by means of our five senses. The laws of physics and chemistry
are expressed by science in mental terms, thus proving that the causation of the
phenomena investigated is mental and not physical. The causative intelligence from
within is very obvious in the building up of plant and animal organisms. In their
growth these are constructed molecule by molecule ; each molecule being directed
in purposeful accordance with a fixed scheme or plan of the growth and maturity of
each particular species of organism.

within us, from which we have been it has become when its process of develop
momentarily estranged by selfishness and ment is completed.' That is the other
the want of self-sacrifice, but which is side of the Platonic doctrine of ideas,
ever at hand to weld us again into Itself that behind and antecedent to things as
and restore us to God. . . . For Christ we see them are the ideas of them which
is not
a man
but ' MAN.' " — J. Q. are perfect and eternal. Every man
ADDEBLEY, Symbolism of the Mass. carries in him the plan .of a Perfect
"It is impossible to think of God which his own nature at once suggests
except as the infinite and perfect of and craves after." — J. Hun 1:1,1.v, The
ourselves. If it was a human conception, Eternal Religion, p. 227.
then it was a true human conception or See ADAM (higher), ADAHAS (higher),
intuition, of God, of ourselves, and of ADAPA, AFU-BA, ALTAR (fire), AMENI,
our relation to God, that in the beginning
laid the foundation of religion in the
fact that we are created or constituted ATZEEL, BALDER, BOLTS, BUDDHA,
in the image of God ; and that the CARAPACE, COSMOS, CREATION, CRU
beginning and principle of all spiritual CIFIXION (Christ, Purusha), DEATH
instinct and impulse is the natural
movement and effort of the spirit in us,
to fulfil itself in that image, to realise DHRUVA, DIONYSUS, DISMEMBER
iUelf as Son of God, to become perfect MENT, EVOLUTION, FATE-SPHERE,
as our Father in Heaven is perfect." — FRAVASHI, GLORY,
GATHA (days),
W. P. Du Boss, Constructive Quarterly,
March 1913, p. 11.
" ' Man may change, but thou art (natures), HUMAN BODY, IMAGE, IN
God, and Thy nature is perfection.' CARNATION, INVOLUTION, ISVARA,
When God begins the nobler creation in JESUS (son of God), KAGU-TSUCHI,
any heart, it cannot be that anything
short of the full completion and entire
working out of His purpose and His MACROCOSM, MAHAVIRA-POT, MEASURE,
plan, shall be the goal and end of His MEDIATOR, MEMBERS, NET (golden),
activity. If a Spirit, all-powerful and CANNES, OHONAMOCHI, OSIRIS, PHA-
infinite, is working in me, never can its
work be finished until its work is per
fected." — A. M.u i.AKi N, Sermons, \st RAOHA, SABBATH, SEAL, SEASONS
Series, p. 49. (five), SELF, SEPHIROTH, SHEPHERD
"For other foundation can no man (good), SIMILITUDES, SINA, SON OF
lay than that which is laid, which is
Jesus Christ." — 1 COB. iii. 11.
" SOUL (highest), TOMB, TORTOISE,
Christ recognised Himself as the Man
to whom all the past history of the race VIRGO, VISVAKAHMAN, YAO, YMIR,
had tended, the Man from whom all the ZAOREUS, ZODIAC, ZOROASTER.
future history of the race was to flow.
He declared Himself not only to be a ARDEBEHESCHT, KING OF
Man, but the archetypal Man." — STOP- FIRE :—
IXJBD A. BROOKE, Serm., The Baptism of
A symbol of the Atma-buddhic
"We are justified in holding that, principle.
whatever else He may be, God is essen See AMSHASPANDS. ASHA, DEVAS,
tially man, that is, He is the fount of FUDO.
humanity. There must be one side, so
to speak, of the infinitely complex being ARENA OF LIFE:—
of God in which humanity is eternally A symbol ol the lower quaternary,
contained, and which finds expression or the mental, astral and physical
in the finite universe. Humanity is not planes on which the Soul expresses
a vague term. We ought not to inter
pret it in terms of the primeval savage,
itself under the aspects of Will,
or even of average human nature to-day, Wisdom and Love.
but in terms of what we have come to See FIELD, KNOWER, QUATERNARY,
feel is its highest expression, and that is SETTLEMENTS, TUAT, VARA, WORLD,
Jesus. If we think, therefore, of the ZODIAC.
archetypal eternal Divine Man, the
source and sustenance of the universe, ARES (MARS):—
and yet transcending the universe, we
A symbol of the astral function
cannot do better than think of Him in
intensified through the action of
terms of Jesus ; Jesus is the fullest
expression of that eternal Divine Man manas.
on the field of human history." — R. J.
Ares is the personification of bold
CAMPBELL, The New Theology, p. 89. force and strength, and not so much
"Aristotle's dictum in the Politics, the god of war, as of its tumult, con
that the nature of a thing is that which fusion, and horrors." — Smith's Class. Diet.
" Ares " signifies the desire-mind soul shall attain to perfection (Circe)
not so much an adversary of the and possess the knowledge of all its
Self, as the natural impulse towards possibilities.
maintaining life in the forms. See ABSYRTUS, AGNIHOTRA, AMYOUS,
A symbol of the perfected emotion- ARGONAUTS :—
nature allied with the Divine will In A symbol of twelve, or fifty, higher
the soul. qualities and Divine attributes, cen
tred about the incarnate Self (Jason)
in the causal-body (Argo).
ARGIVES :— When the heroes were all assembled,
A symbol of the lower desires and they took auguries, and offered sacrifices
to Zeus, the Winds, and the Waves,
emotions active on the desire-mental the Night, and Paths of the Sea. The
plane. signs being favourable, they got on
" Apollo aimed against the Argives his board and put to sea." — Argonautic
deadly darts. So the people began to Expedition. KEIOHTLEY, Mythology.
perish in multitudes, and the God's And when the higher qualities were
shafts ranged everywhither throughout the assembled, they sanctified themselves,
wide host of the Achaians." — //.-.••/. Bk. I.
or consecrated their powers to the
The Higher Self opposed with the
service of the Infinite which they
Will (sword of the Spirit) the workings
beheld, as it were, by regarding the
of the lower self. Hence the lower
manifestations of God's wondrous
qualities gradually diminished in
might in the Universe. And all being
strength and numbers ; and the
now favourable, they embarked in
action of the Divine Will being
the vessel of the soul which should
carry them to the " promised land "
directed to the suppression of the
lower mental these are
whither they went. The " sea " sig
nifies the reflection upon the astral
plane, of what occurs from buddhi ;
the higher plane being the plane of
ARGO, THE SHIP OF JASON:— causation and prototypal perfection.
A symbol of the causal-body as a Nature is the realm of things, the
supernatural is the realm of powers.
vehicle of the Spirit and the higher
There the spinning worlds return into
qualities, in the evolutionary cycle. their circles and keep returning. Here
"The ship which the Greeks call the (within) the grand life-empire of mind,
Argo was the representation of the barque society, truth, liberty, and holy govern
of Osiris." — PLUTARCH, Isit and Osirit, ment, spreads itself in the view, un
§ 22. folding always in changes, vast, various,
" Argus with the aid of Athena, built and divinely beneficent. There we have
for Jason a galley, called from himself a Georgia, or hymn of the seasons ; here
Argo. In her prow Athena set a plank, an epic that sings a lost Paradise. There
cut from the speaking oak of Dodona." God made the wheels of His chariot and
— Argonautic Expedition. set them rolling. Here He rides forth
The Higher Self with the aid of in it, leading His host after Him ; vast
Wisdom, built a buddhic vehicle, — in counsel, wonderful in working ; pre
paring and marshalling all for a victory
the higher causal-body, — for his evo in good and blessing ; fashioning in
lution. In the forefront, Wisdom beauty, composing in spiritual order,
placed a mast of Truth (speaking and so gathering in the immense popu
lations of the worlds to be one realm —
oak). thrones,
" And as they were passing by the angels, archangels, seraphim,
dominions, principalities, powers and
Absyrtean Isles, the Argo spoke, and —
saints of mankind all to find, in His
said that the anger of Zeus would not be
works of guidance and new-creating
appeased until they went to Ausonia,
grace, a volume of wisdom, which it will
and were purified by Circe." — Ibid. be the riches of their eternity to study."
And as the consciousness is raised — H. BUSHNELL, Nature and the Super
to the condition of spiritual vision, natural, p. 189.
so it becomes aware of its own nature, See APOSTLES, ATALANTA, BULLS
and realises the Divine intention (brass), CHARIOT, CRETE, DISCIPLES,
(anger of Zeus), which is that the HEROES, SACRIFICE, SHAVING.
A.RGOS (PELASGIC) :— "First, the simple Arhat (who ia
perfect, freed from all pain, from all
A symbol of the domain of the the ten fetters and from all attachment
potential on the higher planes, or to existence). Second, far above the
the potential beginning of things. simple Arhat, the Pratyeka-Buddha or
See PKI.ASCI ASS. Solitary Saint, who has attained per
fection for himself and by himself alone.
ARGUS, SON OF PHRIXUS :— . . . Third, the supreme Buddha or
Buddha par excellence, who having by
A symbol of the Higher Self who his own self-enlightening insight attained
proceeds from the Supreme (Phrlxus) .
perfect knowledge, and having, by the
See ARQO. practice of the transcendent virtues and
through extinction of the passions and
ARHAT,— "HE WHO SEES NIR of all desire for life, become entitled to
VANA " :— that complete extinction of bodily exist
ence, in which the perfection of all
A symbol of the ego who has
Arhatship must end, has yet delayed
attained consciousness on the buddhi- this consummation that he may become
manasic levels, through the consum the Saviour of a suffering world by
mation of the physical life at the end teaching men how to save themselves."
of the present period, when the Self — MON. WILLIAMS, Buddhism, p. 134.
within the soul has arrived at every The first Arhat signifies the per
experience which It Is necessary that fected individuality in the causal-
he should undergo. This condition body freed from attachment to the
of consciousness Implies the having lower nature and without a person
passed an initiation equivalent to
ality. In this state the consciousness
that symbolised in the "crucifixion
is buddhi-manasic. The second grade
of Jesus."
is represented by the individual monad
or Divine Spark (Paccekabuddha) on
the plane of atma, who is perfect of
ARHAT WITHOUT A COUNTER himself and has no lower nature.
PART :— The third grade specifies the Higher
A symbol of the Absolute Being, Self (Buddha) who has descended into
the unmanlfest Supreme Self. the matter of the lower planes in the
" That Arhat is here saluted, who has cycle of involution, and, as the Arche
no counterpart, — who as bestowing the typal Man, has attained all knowledge,
supreme happiness, surpasses (Brahman) power, and virtue, with complete
the Creator, — who as driving away control over the lower nature of
darkness, vanquishes the sun, — and as
dispelling all burning heat, surpasses humanity in its desires, passions, and
the beautiful moon." — Buddha-Karita, appetites. He, the indwelling Self,
Bk. I. 1. being perfect and complete in the
The Supreme Self is hailed as One inner being of each striving human
without a Second, — as the Unmani- soul, remains in manifestation to be
fest, — That in which all things consist the Saviour of the suffering world of
and subsist, — That which is Bliss, — humankind. He saves all souls by
That which is above the Creator in teaching them how to discipline their
that it is both Creator and created, lives and thoughts so that they may
and beyond them both ; the Ineffable fit themselves for the redeeming grace
Unity who is all Light, and compre which he is ever ready to bestow.
hends all light, — who is all Truth, See ARC. MAN, ASRAMAS, BUDDHA,
and surpasses the moon in that the HOUSEHOLDER, MONAD OF LIFE, PAC-
One is not a reflection, but is True CEKA, SHORE (other), TRI-RATNA.
Being, — Divine Reality.
GODHEAD, KAPILA, TRINITY. A symbol of a condition empty of
active qualities.
Symbolic of three states of con ARIES, THE ZODIACAL SIGN:—
sciousness successively experienced A symbol of the first period of the
on the higher mental and buddhic cycle of life. The Ram or Lamb
planes, after the attainment of per (Varak) signifies the Divine Sacrifice
fection on the lower planes. at the outgoing of the Spirit on the
upper buddhic plane, In which the ARITS, SEVEN, — HALLS OR
Higher Self limits himself to condi GATEWAYS OF OSIRIS : —
tions of manifestation. The " Lamb " Symbolic of seven states of the
is slain In Involution, for the nourish Soul In the cycle of Life, through
ment of the souls and qualities in which the Divine ego of the indi
evolution. vidual passes.
" Christ's special symbol is Aries,
" The Osiris Ani,
which in India is a Horse. In a figure triumphant, shall
from the catacombs we see the horse say when he cometh to this (seventh)
emerging from the waters." — A. LIUJK,
Arit :— ' have come unto thee, O Osiris,
Budd. in Christendom, p. 8. who art cleansed of thine impurities.
" ' Once when thou Thou goest round about heaven, thou
(Buddha) wert the seest Ra, thou seest the beings who have
White Horse, in pity for the suffering
of man, thou didst fly across heaven to knowledge." — BUDOK, Book of the Dead,
the region of the evil demons to secure Ch. CXLVII. p. 478.
the happiness of mankind.' (From This signifies the triumph of the
Buddhist Gathas. ) Footnote. — Yearly the individual soul over the lower nature
sun-god as the zodiacal horse (Aries) was at the end of a cycle. The soul
supposed by the Vedic Aryans to die to
save all flesh. Hence the horse sacrifice." purified of the lower desires and
— A. 1,11,1,11:, Pop. Life of Buddha, p. 58. emotions, identifies itself with its
The " region of the evil demons " Higher Self, and becomes conscious
u the present existence wherein are of conditions on higher planes. It
the desires (demons). perceives intuitively the Divine love
" In Persia, the sign Aries, the ram, and wisdom.
was known as the lamb ; and in the "
You draw the life of the soul imme
Mithraic mysteries at the Christian era, diately from the immanent God, the
it was a lamb that was slain." — J. M. Christ who is the life of the world. The
ROBERTSON, Religious Systems, p. 202. Holy Spirit, the light divine, coming
In the second chapter of the straight from the Eternal Father, through
Bundahis, Varak (the Lamb) is given the Christ, is revealing that Christ within
your soul and fashioning you into his
as the first of the twelve signs or
spiritual likeness." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
constellations. It is as a .Ram-headed Serm., The Divine Trinity.
man that Afu-Ra, the incarnate See ANCESTORS, COME UNTO THEE,
God, enters the first compartment CONSUMMATION, HAST, PATHIABCHS,
of the twelve divisions of the Tuat- TUAT.
night of twelve hours. The Zodiac
with its twelve signs, the Year with ARIZURA, NECK OF :—
its twelve months, and the Tuat with A symbol of desire for the objects
its twelve hours, all signify the great of sense, or the lust of the eyes.
" The first
Cycle of Life in which the Self (sun) place (whereon is most
first becomes obscured in matter, sorrow) is the neck of Arizura wherein
hosts of friends rush forth from the
and second, rises from matter to burrow of the Drug." — Vendidad, III.
become fully manifest in the souls The "first place" in the lower
of humanity at the end of the cycle. nature producing suffering and sorrow,
The reason the sign is named " Lamb " is the lust of the eyes — desire. The
rather than
" Ram " is that the Self " fiends " are the sense objects which
is burn in the sign, and therefore is allure. The " burrow of the Drug "
young. signifies the same as the
" bottomless
Cosmically Aries represents the initial
pit of the Beast," that is, the sense
stage in evolution where spirit descends
into matter to bring into existence a nature, or desire nature, that is never
universe. It is the supreme act of Divine satisfied.
sacrifice, which is again reflected when See BOTTOMLESS PIT, DBUO, HAR
man is made
' "
a living soul.' — J. H.
Lecture on the Zodiac.
A symbol of the personality en
HORSE (white), INVOLUTION, JESUS souled by the spiritual ego or divine
(lamb), LAMB, MARRIAGE (lamb), spark. "Arjuna" Is therefore the
NET-HA, NIGHT, RAM, SACRIFICES, progeny of God (Indra) and nature
"Achilles has
qualities in common ARK OF BULRUSHES OF THE
with Arjuna." — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian BABE MOSES:—
Wisdom, p. 425.
A symbol of the mental condition
The symbols " Achilles " and " Ar-
" of simplicity and aspiration In which
junii have the same signification. the nascent moral nature is brought
At this time Krishna and Arjuna, up.
standing in a splendid chariot drawn by " And when she
white horses, also sounded their conches, (the could
which were of celestial form : the name no hide him, she took for him
of i!i" one which Krishna blew was an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it
Pinchajanya, and that of Arjuna was with slime and with pitch ; and she
called Ueva-dtUtu — '
the gift of the put the child therein, and laid it in the
" — Bhagavad-Gita, Ch. I. flags by the river's brink." — EXOD. ii. 3.
At thifl period of soul-growth, the
And when the growing moral nature
Higher Self and the lower Self (per (Moses) became distinguishable from
the emotion-nature (woman) that gave
sonality) were established from centres
it birth, the emotions separated it
in the causal-body (chariot) in the
off and by craft limited its scope,
higher mind (white horses), and com
menced to function, — the one above leaving it in simplicity and solitude
and the other below. The " conches to its aspirations (bulrushes, flags).
of celestial form
" The ethical beginnings (Moses) could
signify the spiritual
means of development. " Krishna's not have endured the complexities of
conch sounded," is a symbol of the the external warring conditions, or
Spirit operating from within as pro multifarious lower plane activities :
and must needs be nurtured in isola
ceeding from the incarnate archetypal
Self. "Arjuna's conch sounded," tion and truth (water), and reared by
the buddbic transmuta an affection, — the daughter of a ruler
of the lower nature.
tions of the lower qualities ; or
spiritual gifts. " Arjuna's crest was See JOHN BAPTIST, MANGER, MOSES,

Hanuman," signifies the personality's PITCH, RULEB.

possession of intellect (Hanuman). ARK OF SAFETY:—
" To get well into the mind Rothe's
A symbol of the causal-body In
conception of the universe, aa having which the Higher Self and its higher
for ita one end the development of
qualities traverse the changing lower
spiritual personality by the conflict in
all worlds, of free-will with circumstance, nature during the manvantara or
a view in which difficulties, sorrows, great cycle of life.
pains are regarded as factors in the
Christ is the Ark, ...
we must
process, and heaven and the angelic bear the Christ upon us, and have the
hierarchy as some of its achieved results, Temple of this Ark within us." — UOEHME,
U to sweep as with a keen north wind My st. Mag., p. 200.
the fogs out of our brain, and to set
" Christ is the Ark, taking the chosen
us cheerfully to work." — J. BRIERLEY, family (of faithfulness and piety) from
Studies of the Soul, p. 191. the world of judgment to the new
" We must make a distinction of the heavens and the new earth (after destruc
two great forms of being, and ask : tion has passed on the old)." — A. JUKES,
What is that which is and has no The Law of the Offerings, p. 21.
becoming, and what is that which "The elect are delivered, first mysti
U always becoming and never is ? " cally by baptism, that, passage through
—PLATO, Timatus. the waters, which figures death and
" The being which is always becoming resurrection ; and then actually, through
and never is, is our being in this world that dying to the world and nature,
of sense ; that which is and has no which is both the judgment of the old,
becoming is the being of God, eternal, and the way for God's children to the
unchangeable, all-complete. The former new creation." — A. JUKES, Type* of
ia never wholly satisfied, nor can be Genesis, p. 114.
until it is at one with the latter ; it is " The ship of Ea is Destiny." — SAYCB,
a state of lack and hindrance, a state ltd. of Anc. Babyl., p. 67.
of discord and trouble, a state of sin See AFU-BA, AIUIO, BOAT, BOAT
and woe." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., '/'/(.•
(sektet), HOUSE m HEAVEN, SHIP
Eternal Satisfaction.
(Munu), TEMPLE.
K.ARN-A, KRISHNA, I'ANUAVAS, I'KK- A symbol of the causal-body as a
•ONALITY. means for the preservation of the
individuality and the qualities of the And the law of the moral nature
soul, while lower conditions of growth was the means of preparing the mind
are swept away.
" Make thee for the reception within its most
an ark of gopher wood j sacred shrine, i.e. the causal-body, of
rooms shall thou make in the ark, and
shalt pitch it within and without with the Divine law of Love and Wisdom
pitch. — GEN. vi. 14. to be to the soul its Ideal for reverence
The Divine command is given the and aspiration. The " mercy -seat "
individuality (Noah) to form a causal- indicates forgiveness, that is, the
body, and in this higher mental Divine ignoring of past failures, and
vehicle several compartments for the concession of the soul's privilege
different functions are to be made. of constant progression. And above
And it is to be limited in its nature this soul -state are the laws of the
within and without. " Pitch " is a higher intelligence (cherubim), and
symbol of limitation which provides the beautiful wings of aspiration.
" In the Ark of the
for the distinguishment of truth. Covenant there
" The ark, was but the Book of the Law, the Rod
by which Noah (the spiritual
mind) goes through the judgment, — of Aaron, and the Pot of Manna. Even
formed by cutting down and judging so that soul, which has no other aim
the pride and strength of that soil in than the perfect observance of the law
which the curse works, — figures the cross of God, and the carrying of the Cross
by which we are severed from the world, of Christ, will be a true Ark containing
by which it is crucified to us, and we the true Manna, which is God "
unto the world. As that ark was made (Catherine of Genoa). — F. VON HVOEL,
up of many beams, so is the cross which Mystical Element, Vol. II. p. 61.
delivers us from the world composed See CAUSAL-BODY, CHEBUBIM, FOOD
of many parts. . . . While in the old (God), KABSHIPTA, MANNA, MOSES,
world, or amid the waves, the cross,
like the ark, is our safety." — A. JUKES,
The Types of Genesis, pp. 109, 110. ARMAITI, THE HOLY SPIRIT:—
The " Ark " does in a measure
A symbol of the principle of buddhi
correspond with the " Cross," in that
they both indicate the junction be " Armaiti doubles
righteousness by her
tween the higher and lower natures.
" The stories of the actions." — Gatha Ushtavaiti.
Ark are the three The Wisdom principle transmutes
Principles. The seven persons point at the highest of the lower qualities on
the seven properties of the material life,
that God will have children out of all to its own plane, the buddhic.
the properties into his eternal Ark. The See BUDDHI, GOLD, HOLY GHOST,
eighth person was Noah — the Righteous Isis, WISDOM.
one." — J. BOEHME, Myat. Mag., p. 196.
The "lower, second, and third ARMS, WEAPONS :—
" are the
three higher sub- Symbolic of outgoing energies of
planes of the mental plane ; as the the soul on the mental plane, — the
causal-body is situate on the higher plane of conflict.
mind plane above the lower con See BLACKSMITHS, WEAPONS.
sciousness which perceives it not.
CAUSAL-BODY, CKOSS, DELUGE, FLOOD, Symbolic of action in relation to
FOOD (man), LIVING THING, NOAH, will on the mental plane. The use
WINDOW (ark). of the " left arm and the right "
signifies the energy of the will in
ARK OF THE TESTIMONY:— coming and outgoing. An " arm
bent of Thoth " signifies inability of
A symbol of the causal- body as the the mind to act with perfect unani
receptacle of evidence to bring con mity, for unaided it cannot show
viction to the lower consciousness of perfect truth. Human figures shown
the reality of the Indwelling Divine without arms signify inaction, latency
nature as an Ideal for reverence and of powers and qualities.
aspiration. " The prow and
stern of the fourth
"And he (Moses) took and put the boat terminate in heads of uraci, each of
testimony into the ark, and set the which is turned towards the deity who
staves on the ark, and put the mercy is kneeling in the middle of the boat.
seat above upon the ark." — EXOD. xl. 20. In the centre kneels a woman without
" signify the five
arras, and before and behind her stands The " five days
a man, who is likewise without arms." — planes of manifestation, upon the
B:T>:;-.:, Egypt. Heaven and Hell, p. 26.
second of which, — the buddhic, — the
The boat signifies the causal-body incarnate Self has his first birth.
as the vehicle of the Divine Husband APOLLO, BIRTH OF HORUS,
man (Osiris Neper) who cultivates DAYS, HORUS,
DAYS (five), GATHA
the lower nature (herbs and plants).
WORLDS (five).
But at this early stage the emotions
(woman) and mental faculties (men) ARREST OF THE SUN, MOON,
remain latent in regard to transmuta AND STARS IN THEIR
tion of qualities. COURSES BEFORE THE
Anns " wandering bereft of shoul BIRTH OF THE HOLY
ders," signify action destitute of CHILD :—
" White arms "
directive capacity. Symbolic of the Individuality, per
signify the pure and unsullied activi sonality, and several modes of their
ties of the higher nature. This symbol mental expression, being, as It were,
is attached to the Wisdom Goddesses formed through a special operation
of the Greek scriptures (see Iliad). which corresponds to a change In
the direction of their activities. Be
fore the Soul Is emanated, the various
departments of being are said to be
WHITE ARMED. arrested Inasmuch as the efforts of
the Logos which produce them,
OF THE LORD :— require that the forces concerned
with their emanation shall be con
A symbol of the disciplined mental ducted into new channels, prior to
qualities, ready to do battle with the which an arrest in their previous
desires and lower impulses, for the course appears to be made. This,
sake of ideals. refers to the period of involution
See HOSTS, SOLDIERS, WARRIORS. when the Soul is born into the lower
Symbolic of the organising and (waxing), SUN (catching), SUN
totalising of the mental qualities, so
as to bring the powers of the soul to
act from a common centre. ARROGANT, ONE OF THE THREE
QUALITIES. A symbol of the sense of separate-
ness,— the " prince of this world," —
which rules the three self-seeking
A symbol of the desire -mental passions, love of power, lust, and
qualities. avarice, each triple, because they
" The army with a wide front shouting act on the three lower planes.
and flying in the air." — Homa Yasht. " Pistis Sophia grieving because of the
This signifies the activity of the sufferings brought upon her by Arrogant
kama-manasic nature, wherein the one of the three Triple Powers."— Pifti*
desires and lower thought processes Sophia.
This signifies the solicitude of the
give rise to an unsettled state of the —
lower self. Higher Self for the sake of the lower :
it is a portrayal of the process of
suffering through which the con
AROUERIS, THE ELDER sciousness is lifted complete and
HORUS :— entire to the realisation of Bliss.
A symbol of the Second Logos, the "The Asuras came to naught even
wherefore let no
indwelling God born upon the buddhic through arrogance :
one be arrogant, for verily arrogance^ is
plane. —
the opening (or beginning) of rum.
"Upon the second (of the five new Sata. Brdh., V. 1, 1, 1-
days), Aroueris, whom some call Apollo,
— The desires (asuras) in being ener
others, the elder Horus, was born."
PICTABCH, Itit and Oririe, § 12. gised by the sense of separateness
bring about their own destruction as righteousness causes the lower quali
the ego rises to a wider consciousness. ties which are adverse to the Spirit,
See ASUBAS, BLISS, SEFABATION, to fall below the consciousness. The
SOPHIA. shaft of the Spirit directed against
the unruly desires and passions weakens
ARROW OF THE SPIRIT :— and subdues them.
A symbol of the higher will, liar- , See APOLLO, AROIVES, OM, PESTI
monlous with truth and aspiration :— LENCE, PONIAUD, SWOBD, UDOITHA,
a ray of the indwelling Self. UNION.
" Having taken the Upanishad as the
bow, as the great weapon, let him place ARROW, THE SELF-MOVING :—
on it the arrow, sharpened by devotion ! A symbol of the illusive will of
Then having drawn it with a thought the lower self, which ia moved to
directed to that which is, hit the mark, action by desire.
O Friend, namely, that which is Indes "
tructible ! Om is the bow, the Self is The man who fills himself with
the arrow, Brahman is called the aim. meat, is filled with the good spirit. It is
It is to be hit by a man who is not this man that can strive against the
thoughtless, and then as the arrow be onsets of Astovidhdtu : that can strive
comes one with the target, he will become against the self-moving arrow." — Vendi-
one with Brahman." — Mundaka Upani- dad, IV. S. B. of E.
thad, II. The mind that assimilates know
The soul is directed to rely upon ledge is filled with that which is
the Word of God, i.e. the expression necessary for its growth. The mind
of the Truth within ; and determine thus stored is able to withstand the
the will in accordance with the same. temptations which may assail the ego
Then, with the mind aspiring towards from the plane of the desires, and
the Highest, the soul is required to hold in check the lower personality,
rest upon the Divine Reality which or lower will.
underlies the illusions of thought and See ASHEMOGHA, ASTOVIDAD, MEAT,
sense. The expression of the in PEBSONAXJTY.
dwelling Spirit (Om) is the energy
outpoured in the soul ; the spiritual
Symbolic of spiritual force which
Ego is the will, and union with the
rises from within and dissipates
Higher Self is the aim. Union is to desire, and also causes transmuta
be achieved by the mind which is tion of lower qualities into higher on
above the lower mind (thoughtless), the buddhlc plane.
and then as the will becomes one The Adhvarya priest " then hands
with the aim, so the lower Self merges him (the Kshatriya king) three arrows.
into the Higher Self. That first one by which he pierces on
" For the arrows of God to go forth shooting, that is this earth, that one is
in light (II. AH. iii. 11), is for His words called ' driba.' And the one by which
" Job (the enemy Vritra) being pierced lies
to resound with manifest truth."
bears witness saying,
Because He hath either living or dead, that is the second,
opened His quiver and afflicted me.' that is this air, that is called ' ruga.'
For as arrows lie hid in the quiver, so And this one with which he misses (his
do sentences lie hid in the secret counsel aim), that is the third, that is yonder
of God : and an arrow is drawn, as it sky, that is called ' kshuma.' " — Sola.
•were, from the quiver, when God launches Br&h., V. 3, 5, 29.
forth an open sentence from His secret Through the individuality (priest),
counsel. The machination of the wicked the personality (king) receives the
is also designated by the word quiver,' means for conquering the desires and
as is said by the Prophet, They have
made ready their arrows in the quiver, rising victorious. The first means is
that they may shoot in darkness at the the lower nature (earth) by which
upright in heart.' " — GREGORY THB the soul rises stage by stage. The
GREAT, Morals on the Book oj Job, second is the mental nature (air) by
Vol. III. pp. 365, 472.
" Thine arrows are sharp in the heart which knowledge is gained and the
of the king's enemies ; whereby the desire nature (Vritra) is controlled or
people fall under thee." — Ps. xlv. 6. rendered ineffective. The third is
" But
God shall shoot at them (the the higher emotion nature (sky) which
wicked) with an arrow ; suddenly shall
they be wounded." — Ps. Ixiv. 7. is above the personality, and so is
The \\iil united with truth and uncontrolled by it.
The sun and moon stood still in their " Ea under the mask of Merodach, is
habitation ; at the light of thine arrows the creator of mankind as of all things
they went, and at the shining of thy else. In this act of creation the goddess
glittering spear." — If AH. iii. 11. Aruru is coupled with him." — A. H.
The individuality (sun) and the SAYCK, Rel. of Egypt, and Babyl, p. 382.
personality (moon) were sometime The First Logos (Ea) under the
latent in the causal-body ; then at aspect of the Second (Merodach) pro
duces all things. " Aruru " signifies
the outpouring of the Spirit within,
they went forth to manifest, having the feminine, receptive principle, for
in them the enlightenment of the duality is necessary to manifestation,
Divine Ray which dispels illusion. matter and spirit being essential
"I " Ea,
(Lakshmi) reside in an arrow." — thereunto. Merodach, and
In-!, of Vishnu, 99, 15. Aruru " constitute the Higher Triad
The buddhic principle is spiritual or Divine Trinity.
force symbolised by an arrow. See BUDDHI, EA, MAYA (higher),
" Let a man take the five arrows
five virtues), put them on the bow of his
brain and kill Death (Guru Nanak). — ARYANA-VAEJO, THE FIRST
MA< AV i.i FFK. The Sikh Religion, Vol. I.
p. 368.
Let the mind act in accord with
the highest ideals of virtue, and A symbol of the buddhic plane, the
immortality will be reached by the first to possess relative truth.
" Aryana-Vadjo was created a region
of delight by Ahura-Mazda. " — Vendidad, I.
The buddhic plane exists in the
innermost remembrance of the ego
as it descends in the period of invo
ARSH, THE "THRONE OF lution, to the lower planes.
A symbol of the plane of at ma, the DRAGON (red), EDEN, GATHA (ahuna).
highest of the five planes of existence. ARYAVARTA, THE LAND OF THE
THRONE. A symbol of the mental plane,
ARTEMIS, THE GODDESS :— the plane of the mental qualities
A symbol of the principle of See COUNTRIES, NAVEL.
buddhl under various aspects. As
a " huntress " it signifies the ASAR, /ESIR, OR ASES :—
quelling of desires (beasts) through A symbol of the three Divine
the " arrows " of the Spirit. Principles, or the Logos under the
See ARROWS (divine), BEASTS (wild), aspects of Will, Wisdom, and
DIANA. Activity.
" Then the three Ases of this band,
full of power and goodness, descended
A symbol of a channel in the soul towards the sea ; they found in the
of the Divine life (blood) which flows country some wretched beings, Ask and
from the " heart " or centre of being. Embla, needing destiny. They had no
soul, they had no understanding, neither
blood, nor language, nor good exterior ;
ARTIFICER, OR ARTISAN :— . Odin gave the soul, Hoenir gave under
standing, Lodur gave the blood and the
A symbol of the ego active on the good exterior." — Voluepa, 33-40.
physical plane, — the plane of work, Then the Logoi in might and love,
contrivance, and adaptation. The descended, as it were, to the astral
activity is manifested through the
plane (sea) to endow the forms, now
physical body (Artisans hip).
developed thereon, with human at
tributes. There they found in pre
ARURU, GODDESS :— human forms, Desire and Instinct,
A symbol of the feminine, or needing further powers of growth.
matter, aspect of Divine manifesta These creatures had no spiritual or
tion. mental natures, no truo life, no
intelligent expression, no proper human Christ. But the Divine Love was
forms. To these lower personalities not parted from the qualities which
the Divine Will (Odin) gave the were attached to him. The parting
Divine Spark, Wisdom (Hoenir) im was only apparent. They had to
parted the mind, and Activity (Lodur) continue their work on the lower
through slow evolution brought about planes, having been blessed by his
the inner life connections with the presence. He would return to them
higher nature, and the effective, erect as soon as they were able to receive
human form. him, for they were only shut off from
"Thereupon (Haider's death) the Asar him, insomuch as their limitations
(at Asgard) sent messengers over the were necessary for the fulfilling of
world, and besought that all
The " worsliip-
would weep Balder out of the power their special work.
of Hell." — Prose. Edda. ping
" signifies the devotion and
The Divine Triad establishes in the aspiration of those qualities which
lower nature the means by which the were awaiting union with the Highest.
indwelling Self (Balder) shall be re The " temple " typifies the veiled
leased through the suffering of the mysteries of inner being, before whose
lives in the forms. Thereupon the presence they bowed in adoration,
urgent necessity for the triumph of mindful of the glories which awaited
the Self becomes apparent, and within them.
" The Ascension, with which the Drama
the entire nature a desire for libera
tion is manifest. This craving must terminates, is that of the whole Man,
now regenerate, to his own celestial
needs be first of all thoroughly estab kingdom within himself, where —made
lished in the lower self ere the prayer one with the Spirit, — he takes his seat
for ever 'at the right hand of the Father.'
may penetrate to the sanctuary of the
— The Way, p. 215.
Higher One. Perfect
" '
I again,' said Jesus,
receive you unto myself that where I
or BALDER, EYE (third), HIBUKO, am there ye shall be also.' Interpret
HODEB, MAN (born), MAN (crawled), that promise as being for to-day ; inter
MIMEB, NET OF ASAB, ODIN, THOCK, pret it spiritually, and you have what
it was meant to impart. Our dear Lord
WEEPING, YQGDRASIL. is always coming in like manner as we
have seen him go. The cloud of new
ASCENSION OF JESUS :— and harsher conditions has veiled him
A symbol of the union of the Christ- from your sight for a time, but he has
soul with the Christ : that is, the not really gone ; he has but called you
Soul or lower Self (Jesus) having upward, bidden you aspire through those
been perfected on the lower planes very conditions to the place he has pre
pared for you in the everlasting kingdom.
and raised to the higher, becomes
And he will come back to you with a
merged in the Higher Self seated in greater fulness of life and power when
the causal-body on the higher mental you can receive him again with the heart
plane. of a little child." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
" And Jesus led them out until they Serm., Christ Going and Returning.
were over against Bethany : and he See Mov, (thirteen) BETHANY,
lifted up his hands, and blessed them. BLESSING, CHBIST, CHBIST'S SECOND
And it came to pass, while he blessed COMING, GLOBIFYING, JEBUSALEM,
them, he parted from them, and was
carried up into heaven. And they wor JESUS (gospels), JESUS (son of man),
shipped him, and returned to Jerusalem LIB K RATION, QUALITIES, REDEMP
with great joy : and were continually TION, REGENEBATION, RESURRECTION,
in the temple, blessing God." — LUKE TEMPLE, UNION.
xxiv. 60-53.
The Christ soul as the highest ideal
led, as it were, the disciplined qualities ASCENSION OF OSIRIS :—
to the level of the " abode of the A symbol of the rising of the lower
Lord," where their affection for the Self to become one with the Higher
highest enabled him to bless and Self.
" He who is in this picture in the
strengthen them. And as they aspired
they became aware of their short invisible
form of Horns in the thick
darkness,is the hidden image (of Osiris)
comings, and so lost sight of the which Shu lifteth up beneath the sky,
Christ -soul as he disappeared in the and Keb-ur cometh forth in the earth
in this image." — BUDOE, Egypt. Horn, and fixion (arms outstretched) the soul hag
Hen, VoL I. p. 278.
ceased to possess any lower nature.
The entity depicted as Horua is " Verily,
verily, I say unto thee (Peter),
the Osirified-soul perfected and ascend- When thou wast young, thou girdest
ing from the lower planes (darkness) thyself, and walkest whither thou
in the "night of the Tuat," as the wouldest : but when thou shalt be old,
thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and
cycle (Tuat) closes. The Osirified- another shall gird thee, and carry thee
soul becomes lost in the Osiris, that whither thou wouldest not. Now this he
is, the perfected lower Self becomes spake, signifying by what manner of
death he should glorify God." — JOHN
one with the Higher Self in the
xxi. 18, 19.
causal-body. The Divine Will (Shu) As " Peter " means the lower mind
raises the personality (Keb-ur) which or lower personality, the symbolism
has developed from the lower nature
precisely corresponds with the swath
(earth). ing of the mummy of " Af-Rft."
(The picture) — "The end of the Tuat, " Peter's " arms are
girded to his
which is represented by a semi -circular
wall or border formed of earth. At the body, signifying inactivity of the
middle point of this border is the disk personality, through the withdrawal
of the sun which is about to rise, and of Spirit ("another"). But being
joined to it is the head of the ' image " glorifies
perfected he, by dying,
of Shu,' with his arms stretched out
along the rounded border of the Tuat. God."
Above his head is the beetle, symbol of Truly hereby is declared the fate
Kheper, who has emerged from the boat of the lower personality. When the
of the Sun-god ; and below is the ' image
of Af,' that is to say, the body of the
lower mind (Peter) is undeveloped
night Sun-god, which has been cast (young) it is a law to itself, and it
sway. — Ibid.
directs the outer activities of the
This symbolical picture exactly soul according to its will. But when
describes the ascension of " Horus it is perfected at the end of the
into Osiris
" or " Jesus into Christ." cycle, then (another) the indwelling
The future period indicated is the Self, — the spiritual ego, — becomes
end of the cycle, — the termination of supreme over it and reduces it to
" 12th hour of the Tuat." The impotence. The personality is per
" black sun-disk " mitted no longer any directive action,
represents the un-
apparent Higher Self (Osiris). It rises and so it yields up its life, being, as
from the cycle through " Shu " the it were, crucified in matter with
Divine Will. The " beetle Kheper " head (mind) downwards. The death
signifies the indwelling Self (Horus) of the lower mind signifies the per
ready now to rise from the lower fecting of the soul or the glorifying
nature (earth) and to become united of God.
with the Self (Osiris) in the causal- See AJTT-RA, ASMS (body), BOAT
body (image of Shu). Now the lower CAUSAL-BODY, CORPSE, CROSS, CRUCI
Self (Kheper-Horus) having become FIXION, EMBALMMENT, FEED, GLORI
perfected and resurrected, discards the FYING, HOHUS, KHEPER, MUMMY,
personality (image of Af ) it has worked OSIRIS, PERSONALITY, PETER, SCARA-
through for so long. The image BVEUS, SBH7. SUN-RISINO. TUAT.
therefore lies as a corpse at the end
of the cycle ; but it is depicted as MAN:—
embalmed, and has a large X cross
A symbol of an individuality who,
marked upon it. This means that
after liberation from all below the
the personality has been perfected at higher mind, " departs from his
the crucifixion and therefore dies to house," that is, rises above the
be re-born spiritually (as Horus) in causal-body, and continues his pro
the new life. The " image of Shu " gress upward through the buddhlc
has neither body nor lower limbs, plane.
" Having performed the Ishti, sacred
thus signifying thnt the individuality
in the causal-body no longer puts to the Lord of creatures (Pragapati),
where he gives all his property as the
forth personalities to occupy bodies sacrificial fee, having reposited the sacred
on the lower planes. After the cruci- fires in himself, a Brahmana may depart
from his house as an ascetic, . . . after egg out of which a new universe,
giving a promise of safety to all created outer and inner, proceeds into actu
beings. . . . Making over the merit of
his own good actions to his friends, and ality. Everything great is dependent
the guilt of his evil deeds to his enemies, on asceticism, because perfection at
he attains the eternal Brahman by the tained implies the subjugation and
practice of meditation." — Laws of Idanu, cessation of every activity of the
VI. 38, 39, 79.
lower nature in its widest sense.
Having renounced as lower all that " The souls on their entrance into
he has attained and is now possessed heaven are apostrophised :— Which in
of, and putting his trust in the vincible by tapaa, have won their way
supreme sacrificial Law, the liberated by tupos to the light, that have accom
ego turns his attention to the atma-
plished the severest tapaa, — to these
now enter in' (Rig-Veda, X. 164, 2)."—
buddhic energies within, and aspires Ibid., p. 66.
beyond the causal-self ; firm in his The spiritual egos or individual
resolve not to use his powers in souls on the higher mental plane
frustration of the Divine scheme. having become perfected through their
To higher and lower plane activities, efforts in a stage of their progress
in schemes of manifestation which upward to the truth, withdraw en
in him are to go forth, he bequeaths tirely from the lower life, and enter
his acquirements. Then, freed from into the consciousness of the buddhic
all relativity, he passes into the plane. (It is obvious that the asceti
Supreme. "
cism practised in India by Yogins,"
See AONIHOTKA, ANCHORITE, ASKA- has its origin in a literal and mistaken
MAS, ARHAT, HERMIT, HOUSEHOLDER, interpretation of the sacred writings.)
A symbol of the voluntary aban
donment of outgoing activities In ASEEYATIC WORLD— THE WORLD
preparation for a new form or course OF ACTION :—
of manifestation . It is an Inbreathing A symbol of the physical plane, the
of the ego or Self prior to an out- lowest plane of the quaternary.
breathing of renewed life. See ADAM (lower), COUNTENANCE
" As early as the creation myths we (greater), WORLDS (five).
saw how the Creator of the universe
prepared himself for his work by the ASEKA ADEPTSHIP :—
practice of tapaa (asceticism) ; in which A symbol of the state of conscious
word the ancient idea of the ' heat ' ness of the ego when raised to the
which serves to promote the incubation highest possible point It can attain In
of the egg of the universe blends with
the present cycle of twelve stages
the ideas of the exertion, fatigue, self-
renunciation, by means of which the through which growth Is accom
creator is transmuted (entirely or in plished. This would mean an atma-
part) into the universe which he proposes buddhlc level, whereas the Arhat
to create. According to this conception, consciousness Is buddhl-manaslc.
everything that is great in the universe The next globe period will be capable
is dependent on tapaa" — DEUSSEN, Phil, of carrying the advanced ego up to
of Upcmiihods, p. 66. the Aseka stage of being ; so It may
The perfection of the manifest Self be Imagined this stage will probably
is the absolutely necessary end of the be achieved In the future.
Soul-process, and is the condition See Ann ATM, ASCETIC, INITIATIONS,
that must be attained ere a life -cycle MASTER OF WISDOM, WALKS.
can close in the complete indrawal
of the Self. The toil and fervour of ASGARD :—
the Self to perfect its manifested A symbol of devachan, — a state of
Life, and its renunciation of all out rest on the higher mental plane
wherein the ego withdraws after
going energy, become the preparation
manifesting In an Incarnation.
for the next life cycle. The actual " Hermode then rode
home to Aagard
then disappears into the potential, and related everything which he had
which then is, as it were, a germ or both heard and seen." — Story of Balder.
And now the Soul passes inwards Let the truth of the Supreme
to devachan, and continues for awhile be the means of dispelling the mis
in a blissful and comparatively passive conceptions and illusions which have
state, wherein every experience is been formed by attachment to the
digested and so incorporated in the opinions and desires of the lower
substance of its being. mind or desire nature. May the
See ASAP., BALDER. DEATH OF Divine power (Sraosha) be the means
BALDER, DEVACILAN, MUSPELHEIM, of annihilating the unreal ! May
VALHALLA. Wisdom now come into her birth
right ! May Wisdom be the means
ASHADHA BRICK FOR ALTAR :— of securing the bliss which is to
A symbol of the lower quaternary flourish in the kingdom of Love, the
out of which the Immortal Self arises. dispenser of Righteousness I
" This earth then is one brick " Ashiah vanuhi makes the wisdom of
Aahadha), for Agni ia this earth, since all the prophets continue, and inspires
it ia thereof that the whole Agni is built them in their turn with the original
up. Now this earth is four-cornered ; wisdom." — M. HAUO, Essays on Rel. oj
for the quarters are her corners : hence Parsit, p. 215.
the bricks are four-cornered ; for all the See BUDHI, DAEVAS, HOMA, SBOSH,
bricks are after the manner of this earth." WISDOM.
—Sata. BrAh., VI. 1, 2, 29.
The lower nature (earth) is the one ASHEMOGHA, THE UNGODLY :—
nwana by which the Spirit (Agni)
A symbol of ignorance and pre
manifests in a multiplicity of forms, judice which retard mental growth,
for the Spirit is within the lower and obstruct knowledge.
nature in its operations, since it is " A man filled with the good spirit,
through the operations of the lower can strive against the wicked tyrant
nature that finally the whole Spirit and smite him on the head ; it is this
ia fully evolved. Now the lower man that can strive against the ungodly
Ashemogha who does not eat." — Vendi-
nature is of fourfold composition, dad, IV. S. B. of E.
for the four planes compose it ; hence The mind that assimilates know
the means (bricks) of development ledge and truth, is able to withstand
are fourfold, for all the means are the pretensions of illusion (tyrant),
organised conditions of the lower and overcome it in its most subtle
nature. forms, such as pride. The ego thus
See AONT, ALTAR (fire), BRICKS, equipped, can strive against ignorance
EARTH, QUARTERS, QUATERNABY, and prejudice which do not allow of
SPEECH. intellectual development. " Not eat
" signifies not incorporating know
THE ARCHANGEL :— ledge (meat).
See ARROW (self-moving), EATING,
A symbol of a high Intelligence on
the buddhlc plane ; a messenger of ILLUSION, MEAT, TYBANT.
the Logos to do bis will.
A symbol of the preparation for
ASHA-VANUHI, OR ASHISH the birth of the indwelling Self in
VANUHl, DAUGHTER OF the lower nature of the soul.
AHURA-MAZDA :— " While meditating, the gods saw
A symbol of Wisdom, the principle this, — ' Let us take the fire-pan down
of buddhl, an emanation of the to the water ; for the water is the founda
tion of this universe : having settled it
Supreme. thereon, we shall reproduce from out of
" Let the water drops fall here for the the water what there is of Agni'a nature
destruction of the daevaa and devis. in this heap of ashes.' — They then took
May the good Sraosha slay them t May it down and threw the ashes into the
Aaha-vanuhi take up her abode here ! water ; and in like manner does this
May Aaha-vanuhi grant happiness here, Sacrificcr now take it down to the water.
in this aacred abode of Homa, the trans O divine waters, receive ye these ashes,
mitter of righteousness. — Homa Yasht. and put them in a soft and fragrant
that being consumed, matter I
place ! me : stand up, and thou lookest at
has run its course. Bear it on the me." — JOB xxx. 19, 20.
waters, even as a mother bears her son.' The incarnate Self (Job) in unable
In the waters, O Agni, is thy womb,
to express himself in the natural
. . . being in the plants' womb thou
art born again. Thou art the child of man.
the herbs, the child of the trees, the See DUST, INCARNATION, JOB, MAN
child of all that is, O Agni, thou art
the child of the waters, — the child of
the universe.' "—Sola. Br&h., VI. 8, 2, ASHNYMPHS :—
The quiescent higher nature (the A symbol of the higher emotions
attached to the " Tree of Life."
gods) then perceived that the time
had arrived for God to manifest ASITA, THE SAGE :—
directly in the lower nature. The A symbol of the mental and emo
latent soul (fire-pan) is therefore to tional natures united primordlally in
be brought down, as it were, to the the Cycle of Involution. This condi
astral plane (water) ; for the Divine tion constitutes the higher state of
Reality operates through the astral the lower self on the mental plane, at
nature as a foundation for evolution. the period indicated.
The soul, or higher nature, being "Then having learned by signs and
firmly connected with the lower, through the power of his penances, this
birth of him (Buddha) who was to destroy
there will then be reproduced from
all birth, the great seer Asita in his
the astral nature what there is of thirst for the excellent Law came to the
spiritual quality in the latent matter palace of the Sakya king (Suddhodana)."
of the soul (the ashes). So the higher —Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. 54.
and the lower natures were united for Then having apprehended the mean
the expression of the Spirit. In like ing and significance of the coming
manner the individuality now eman of the Ego which is by suffering and
ates the ego into the lower vehicles travail to attain perfect Bliss, and to
at every incarnation. pass beyond the planes of manifesta
O probationary existence, receive tion (birth), the mental-nature united
ye these latent higher qualities and to the emotion-nature, draws nigh to
place them in a mental condition of the causal-self.
" Asita is called Kaladevala in the
gentleness and purity, that becoming
Pali version, both words having for root
raised from latency, there may be no the adjective
black.' " — A. Li 1,1,;: ,
further need for the life of matter lin'i'1.in Christendom, p. 20.
on the lower planes ! Bear ye the The symbol " black " so applied
germ of Spirit in the purified lower indicates the unmanifest or subjective
nature, even as the virgin mother condition of the mental-emotional
bears her Divine Son. In the purified lower self at the beginning of invo
emotions (waters) is the matrix of the lution.
" A holy One, a Rishi, called Asita
Christ. In the transfigured emotion- '
nature (plants' womb) the Christ is or K AH, the ' Black One,' dwelling at
peace above the thirty-throe heavens,
re-born. Thou O Christ-soul ! art seeing celestial signs, and hearing the
the child of the affections and aspira celestial song,' descended to the grove,
tions, and of all nature. For, O 'where he usually dwelt on earth.' But
indwelling God ! thou art brought according to other accounts, he was a
Tapaso or ascetic, from the Himalaya,
forth from out of the waters of life called Kala devala, which name corre
and the phenomenal realm. sponds with that of Asita. He gets to
See AGNI, ALTAB (fire), CHILD, Kapilavastu, whore Mdya tries to make
HEIFER, PLANTS, the child bow its head in reverence
towards the feet of Asita. But the
(lower), WATER (higher). child, ' by its spiritual power, turned
himself round in his mother's arms, and
ASHES AS DUST :— presented his feet towards the Rishi,
A symbol of the lower mind or who begged to worship his feet." " —
transitory lower nature of the soul. E. DK BUNSEN, Angel Messiah, p. 36.
" He hath cast me The lower self (buddhi-manas) in
into the
mire, and
I am become 'like dust and ashes. I cry the involutionary cycle, recognises its
unto thee, and thou dost not answer coming development, and joy is aroused
within it. Itis illusion (Maya) that not disinter within half a year, he shall
pay penalties of 500 stripes with the
imagines the Self (Buddha) making Aspahi-astra and 500 with the Sraosho-
obeisance to the lower nature. The karana."— Vendidad, III. S. B. of E.
Higher Self must always be supreme If the lower personality (corpse)
over the lower self : hence the pre is not outgrown within a certain
sentation of the feet to Asita, who period, the ego continues to undergo
now aspires towards the higher nature. those trials and sufferings which must
See ASCETIC, ASCETICISM, BIRTH OF come to it so long as it identifies itself
BUDDHA, BLACK, BUDDHA, BUDDHA with its lower nature (earth), im
(marks), HEAVENLY VOICE, KAPILA, prisoned in the meshes of the matter
MAYA, NUBSE, PENANCE, SIMEON. of the lower planes (earth). The
" 500 stripes " signify the operations
ASKR (ASH TREE) AND EMBLA of the Cosmic Will. " Sraosho-
" means the Divine purpose
SEA- SHORE :— " corpse of dog " signifies the
Symbols of the desire-nature and
lower or desire will.
the instinct nature, fully developed
through the astral evolution.
" The most perfect objects of vegeta Doo, MAN, SBAOSHA, SUZTEBINQ.
tion are two trees Askr and Erabla, upon ASPIRATION :—
the sea-shore. The Goda change these
trees into man and woman by giving A symbol of the expression or
them the human soul and body reflection of the Divine life on the
( Volugpa, V. 33-40).
— IDA PFEIFFEK, Ice lower planes of the soul. It is the
land, p. 314. yearning within the lower nature for
This refers to the perfecting of the communion and union with the
desire and instinct natures in the higher . It implies dissatisfaction and
forms on the astro -physical plane discontent with present states and
(sea-shore), and the conferring by the conditions, and means the setting up
higher nature, of mind and spirit of ideals of what is better and
on the lower personalities. This de worthier. Aspiration must of neces
the union of mind sity by the Divine law meet with
velopment requires
in a response from above and the bestowal
(man) with emotion (woman) of higher qualities and faculties on
fitting human body. the mind which turns from the world
SAE, SHOBE, THEE, WOMAN, YMEB. " We are united to God, when, in the
ASO, QUEEN OF ETHIOPIA :— practice of the virtues, we deny and for
sake ourselves, loving and following God
A symbol of the receptive or above all creatures. We cannot compel
feminine aspect of the potential on God by our love to love us, but He
the higher planes. cannot sanctify us unless we freely con
" It is said that it was Queen Aso tribute our effort. There is a reciprocal
desire on our part and that of God. The
who secretly measured the body of Osiris,
free inspiration of God is the spring of
and made the chest in which it was
laid." — PLUTARCH, Isis and Osiris, f 13. all our spiritual life. Thence flows into
us knowledge — an inner revelation which
The actual becomes the interpreter our spirit open, and lifting
of the potential (Aso) and a vehicle us above all images and all disturb
of the measure of the Archetypal ance, brings us to an inward silence.
Man (Osiris) is builded of astro -mental God dwells in the heart pure and free
from every image" (Ruysbroek).— R. A.
matter for the Ego, by the forces VAUOHAN, Hours vrith Mystics, Vol. I.
which are controlled and guided from p. 328.
the potential.
" Our experiences in this world now
See ARC. MAN, CHEST, DEATH OF and then lay bare unexpected spiritual
sublimities, sweet and awful wonders of
OSIRIS. heart and soul, which forbid us to believe
ASPAHI-ASTRA WHIP :— that that from which we have come forth
is less than the highest the mind can
A symbol of the Cosmic Will in conceive. Doubtless it is infinitely higher.
the laws of nature for the disciplining My faith in God rests on the fact that
of the soul. the spirit that indwells all things makes
" If a man shall bury in the earth response to mine when it calls,
and that
the corpse of a man or of a dog, and that response is always forthcoming,
however, high we pitch the note of our time very significantly named Atramtu,
appeal. There ia something at the heart i.e. places of mortification.' The whole
of things that is more than equal to life should be passed in a series of
every venture of the soul." — R. J. gradually intensifying ascetic stages,
CAMPBELL, Serm., Man' a Cote against through which a man, more and more
God. purified from all earthly attachment
' '
See BLESSING, GOD BLESSING, GBACE, should become fitted for his home
(astam), as the other world is designated.
The entire history of mankind does not
ASRAMAS, FOUR LIFE-STAGES :— produce much that approaches in grandeur
to this thought." — Ibid., p. 367.
Symbolic of four successive states See ABHATS, ASCETICS, BRAHMA-
of consciousness of the ego as he CABIN, FOKEST, HEBMIT, HOUSE
progresses upward to final union
with the Supreme Self.
" The four da'ramas, or life-stages, (four), SANNYASINS, SNATIKA, STU
according to which every Indian Brahman
was under obligation to devote himself,
first as a brahmac'&rin to the study of
the Veda, then as grihastha to the duties A symbol of the lower nature,
of the sacrifice and other good works, stubborn, but capable of direction
next as v&naprastha to the practice of by a ruling power or quality of
asceticism in the jungle, and finally mind.
towards the end of life as parivr&jaka " The difference between that which
(bhikahu, sanny&rin) to a wandering
existence without possessions or home, was within and without is well illus
awaiting only his soul's release and its trated by a similitude (in the Zohar)
reception into the supreme atman." — which says that those who interpret
DEUSSEN, I'liil. of Upanishads, p. 60. Scripture according to the literal sense
The Brahman is the spiritual ego, set the Sacred King and his Bride upon
an ass, while those who understand it
which expresses itself first in the according to a mystic sense mount them
personality under the Divine law of nobly on a horse." — WAITE, Secret Doc
truth and right (veda) ; second, in trine in Israel, p. 15.
the individuality sacrificing the lower
for the higher and following the law
of the soul's growth ; third, in the
A symbol of the lower nature and
an affection thereof, which require to
super-individuality, a centralised con be ridden or kept under. If the
sciousness without a vehicle and " ass " is " tied," it signifies that
therefore having no outward expres the lower nature is attached to some
sion ; fourth, in the highest indi dead form of thought.
viduality which is a centre of con "Jesus sent two disciples, saying, Go
sciousness also without a vehicle, on into the village that is over against you,
the buddhic plane. and straightway ye shall find an ass
tied, and a colt with her : loose them,
The four orders or states of con
and bring them unto me." — MAT. xxi. 2.
sciousness in the soul's evolution The Christ sending two " disciples
must be conceived of as all existing to the " village," indicates the raising
together at the same time in the of two disciplined qualities to a higher
same human being. All the states state. The " village " signifies the
are incomplete and but partially to a centre of a few
evolved. The two lower states have qualities on the plane upon which
bodies in which to acquire experience they have hitherto been working,
and manifest on the mental plane ; from which they are to rise as soon
but the two higher states are without as the Christ and his attached quali
any vehicles or mechanism of mani ties come to the state of loving
" houseless " on
festation. They are The
aspiration (Mount of Olives).
their own planes, and entirely with "ass tied and a colt" signify respec
drawn from external existence. The tively an old doctrine and a new
highest state is unattached to a
truth to which it has given birth.
particular ego, but is common to all Upon these the Christ -soul progresses
egos in the present epoch. to the higher state (the heavenly
"These four life-stages of the Brah
man, — as student, householder, anchorite
Jerusalem), as he comes not to
and wandering beggar, — were at a later destroy but to fulfil, and presents
many an old fable as a new and of creation, — the perfectionment, per
enlightening fact. The " colt " repre petuation, and glorification of the indi
vidual human ego. The grave— that is
sents the new truth whereon no mind the astral and material consciousness —
M yet can sit as master. cannot retain the Mother of God. She
See DISCIPLES, JERUSALEM, 1' AH ABLE, rises into heaven ; she assumes its
Queenship, and is — to cite the Little
Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary —
ASSEMBLY OF PEOPLE :— taken up into the chamber where the
King of kings sits on his starry throne." "
A symbol of the gathering together — The Perfect Way, p. 143.
andco-ordinating of qualities on the See CONCEPTION (immaculate), Ds-
mental plane. VAKI, VIRGIN MARY.
A symbol of the raising by the
ASSEMBLY OF ADJUDICATING indwelling Self, of the purified emo
PRIESTS, ELDERS, AND tion nature.
SCRIBES :— " The Church speaks of the Ascension
A symbol of official theology, — of Christ, and of the Assumption of Mary.
the habit of mind which clings to Christ being deific in nature and of
heavenly origin, ascends by his own
authority and tradition, and is ready
power and will. But the soul is ' as
to kill out any new truth that presents sumed
or drawn up by the power and
Itself. will of her Son. Of herself she is nothing ;
"The chief priests mocking Jesus, he is to her all in all. Where he abides,
with the scribes and elders, said, He thither must she be uplifted, by force
laved others ; himself he cannot save. of the divine union which makes her
He is the King of Israel ; let him now one with him. Henceforth she abides in
come down from the cross, and we will the real, and has the illusions of sense
believe on him." — MAT. xxvii. 41, 42. for evermore under foot. It is not of
The " chief priests " signify a mental herself that Mary becomes Mother of
God in man. The narrative of the
condition full of prejudice and without Incarnation implies a conjunction of
spiritual insight, therefore without human, — though not physical, — and
recognition in the least of the position Divine potencies. Mary receives her
in which the Christ -soul is placed. infant by an act of celestial energy over
shadowing and vitalising her with the
It ia thought that by an appeal to Divine life." — The Perfect Way, p. 243.
the lower life, proof of the existence " In the
Babylonion system it was
of the Higher may be obtained, a taught that Bacchus went down to hell,
rescued his mother from the infernal
proceeding which is contrary to the
powers, and carried her with him in
truth and the divine life of the soul. triumph to heaven (Apollodorus, lib. iii.).
is only the adherents of the dead . . . Now, when the mother of the
letter which religion rejects, who have Pagan Messiah came to be celebrated
filledthe world with the clamour and as having been thus
Assumed,' then
uproar of religious controversies." — it was that, under the name of the
Dove,' she was worshipped as the
See CAIAPHAS, GABBATHA, PILATE, incarnation of the Spirit of God, with
PRIESTS AND ELDERS, TRADITION, whom she was identified. As such she
was regarded as the source of all holiness,
TRIAL. and the grand ' Purifier,' and, of course,
ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED was known herself as the Virgin *
mother, 'pure and undcfiled.' Under the
VIRGIN MARY :— name of Proserpine (with whom, though
A symbol of the completely purified the Babylonian goddess was originally
human soul rising in its perfection, distinct, she was identified), while cele
through the power of the Spirit, to brated, as the mother of the first Bacchus,
the higher planes at the end of the and known as Pluto's honoured wife,'
she ia also addressed in the Orphic
cycle. '
Hymnt, as All-ruling Virgin, bearing
" As the Immaculate Conception is i In- heavenly light.' To the fact that Pro
foundation of the Mysteries, BO the serpine was currently worshipped in
Assumption is their crown. For the Pagan Greece, though well known to be
entire object and end of kosraic evolution the wife of Pluto, the god of hell, under
is preciaely this triumph and apotheosis the name of the Holy Virgin,' we find
of the soul. In this Mystery >a beheld Pausanias, while describing the grove
the consummation of the whole scheme Carnasius, thus bearing testimony : This
grove contains a statue of Apollo and the mental plane. This plane is
Carneus, of Mercury carrying a ram, called in the Ottoman Sufi philosophy,
and of Proserpine, the daughter of Ceres, the " world of similitudes " ; in the
who is called " the Holy Virgin."
The Kabbalah the " world of formation."
purity of this Holy Virgin did not consist In Indian philosophy the plane bears
merely in freedom from actual sin, but
she was specially distinguished for her
the name of " kama," signifying
immaculate conception
; for Proclus desire. The astral plane is the field,
She is called Core, through the or medium, of the desires, sensa
purity of her essence, and her vndefiled tions, passions, and Instincts of the
transcendency in her generations.' " — lower nature.
A. HISLOP, The Two Baby Ions, pp. 125, "
Included in the subconscious region
of an average healthy man are all those
See BIRTH or JESUS, OF MAN-CHILD, automatic activities by which the life of
the body is carried on : all those un
DEMETER, DRAGON (great), HADES, civilised ' instincts and vices, those
HELL, INCARNATION, PERSEPHONE, remains of the ancestral savage which
education has forced out of the stream
VIRGIN MABY . of consciousness ; all those aspirations
ASSYRIA IN THE EAST :— for which the busy life of the world
leaves no place. Hence in normal men
A symbol of the dawn of the per the best and the worst, the most savage
sonality on the astral plane (Hlddekel and most spiritual parts of the character,
are bottled up
below the threshold.'
"The rational faculty of the Church." — E. UNDERBILL, Mysticism, p. 62.
— -SwEDENBORO, Apoc. Kev., n. 444. The astral plane is also the plane
See EAST, EDEN HIVER, HTDDEKEL, of formation of the physical organisms
PERSONALITY, PITRIS (lunar). which are built up, or grow up, in
the similitude of the patterns on the
astral and mental planes. These pat
A symbol of an abode of strength
terns are living patterns of growth
from above.
of which a clumsy analogy may be
ASTARTE, GODDESS OR found in the film pictures of the
QUEEN :— cinema show. Life on the physical
A symbol of wisdom on the buddhic plane is a mental directive agency
plane. from the astral plane which uses
" The king Melcarthus. The queen the forces of the physical plane to
Astarto, or Saoais, or Nemanoun, the
same as the Greek Athenais." — PLUTARCH, build up structure according to ita
I sis and Osiris, §15. pattern of growth. Death is the
The "king" is a symbol of the extrusion of this directive life of the
ego as governor of the astral activities. physical forms, which thereupon dis
The names of the queen signify aspects appears entirely, being non-physical.
of wisdom, i.e. Wisdom-love, Wisdom- The origin of the astral patterns is
power, and Wisdom-activity. not to be found on the astral plane
" The goddess Astarte, or Asthertet,
any more than on the physical. The
is in a chariot drawn by four horses which invention of the patterns is on the
trample on the foes of R<J." — BUDGE,
Book of the Dead, Vol. I. p. 478. buddhic and mental planes, for high
Wisdom is seated in the causal - intelligence is needed for the com
body (chariot), directing the lower plexities and efficiencies of pheno
quaternary (horses), which through menal existence.
the mind overcomes the desires. See AMERDAD, ELEMENTS, GREEN,


A symbol of the desire-mind, or This is the instrument of the
the function of kama-manas. incarnate ego on the astral plane.
See AESHM, ARROW (self-moving). It contains the mechanism appro
priate to the forces of the plane, and
ASTRAL PLANE :— the means by which the desires,
A mediaeval term for the plane of lower emotions, and sensations
nature between the physical plane function In the soul and are perceived
by the lower consciousness on the See ASTRAL PLANE, KAMA. MANAS,
mental plane. MENTAL PLANE.
"Arranged in numerical order, the ASURA, SURA, AHURA (HIGHER
•even principles may be described in
the following way :— ASPECT) :—
1. Physical Body. A symbol of the Divine energy
2. Etheric Double. expressed through the higher, or
3. Jiva. atma-buddhic, qualities of the soul.
4. The Astral Vehicle. " The name for gods in the Veda is
5. Manas.
6. Buddhi. not only deva, but likewise asura. This
7. A tin a. name, if derived from asu, breath, meant
"The Etheric Double is an Etheric originally the living, he who lives and
rather than an Astral counterpart of the moves in the great phenomena of nature,
physical body, and at the same time, or, as we should say, the living Ood.
the intermediate organism through which Certain Vedic gods, particularly Varuna,
the Jiva, or life force, influences the are in the Veda also called Asura in the
whole system. . . . Etheric matter is good sense of the word. But very soon
•till physical according to the most the Sanskrit asura took a bad sense,
accurate classification that can be for instance, in the last book of the
adopted." — A. P. SINNETT, Growth of the Rig-veda and in the Atharva-veda, and
Soul, pp. 156-7. particularly in the Brdhmanas. Here
we constantly find the Asuras fighting
The astral body may be taken to
against the Devas." — MAX MUIXEE,
be next in order to the physical body, Theoaophy, etc., p. 181.
including the etheric double, as the The " gods " signify the higher
life (jiva) is not a sheath but a qualities or ideals in the soul, and
directive agency from a higher plane. these
" asuras "
proceed from the
On the mental plane (manas) there outbreathing of the Divine Life on
are two sheaths, viz. the causal-body the buddhic plane. The astral plane
and the mental body. This makes contains the desires (asuras) which
four bodies in which humanity at are of the same Divine Life, but work
present manifesto. The life force of outwardly in the opposite direction
the lower planes works strictly accord to the spiritual life which tends
ing to the patterns on the higher inwardly.
planes, the results being modified See BREATH (divine), COLCHIS,
by obstructions on the lower. The DEVAS, GODS, VAHUNA, VEDA.
patterns are brought forward, as it
were, to the astral -plane where they ASURA (LOWER ASPECT) :—
guide the growth Of all animal and A symbol of the reflected Divine
vegetable organisms. energy on the lower planes, expressed
In the astral body are to be found in desire which is the opponent of
the higher energy.
the apparatus of sensory and motor " A new change appears in the later
conduction paths which convey vibra
Sanskrit literature. Here the Asuras,
tions from the brain and nerves to instead of fighting with the Devas, are
the mind, and from the mind to represented a? fighting against the Suras ;
the brain and nerves. It must never that is to say, by a mere mistake, the
be forgotten that consciousness is on
A ' of Asura has been taken as a nega
tive ' a,' whereas it is the radical ' a '
the mental plane, and not below it. of (j.vK, breath, and a new name haa
See ANDREW, CASTES, CAUSAL-BODY, been formed, Sura." — MAX MtfLLEB,
CHILDREN OF HORV.S, CLASSES, INCAR Theoaophy, etc., p. 187.
" By the breath of his mouth Pragapati
created the gods : the gods (deva) were
NEPHESH, NET, PRANAS, PROTOTYPES, created on entering the sky. . . . Hav
QUATERNARY, SENSE ORGANS, SHEATHS ing; created them, there was, as it were,
SKANDHAS, VESTURES, VITAL AIRS. daylight for him. . . . And by the
downward breathing he created the
asuras : they were created on entering
ASTRO-MENTAL AND ASTRO- this earth. Having created them there
PHYSICAL PLANES :— was, as it were, darkness for him." —
These terms express the combined Sato. BrAh., XI. 1, 6, 7-8.
activities of the astral and mental The Divine out-breath of the Life
planes, and of the astral and physical produced the higher qualities (the
planes. gods) on the buddhio plane (the sky).
and these served to express the nature cians of the gods, and it is by them
of the Self (daylight). The Divine that he heals this Sacrificer. . . . The
two Asvins, indeed, are the eyesight,
down-breath produced the lower fiery spirit. . . . He-goats are sacred
qualities, the desires (asuras) which to the Asvins."— iSota. Br&h., XII. 7, 2,
were reflected from the lower nature 3-7.
The twin consciousnesses of the
(earth) in opposition to the higher
qualities, hence the Self was obscured higher and lower minds, temporally
by evil and ignorance (darkness), separate, yet essentially connected,
and rendered unapparent to the lower are known as the immortal Indi
consciousness. viduality and the mortal Personality.
The double signification of " asura " They precede in evolution the rise
is only an instance of the double of the Sun of Righteousness, the
meanings of symbols, whereby the Higher Self, in the soul. Through
higher and the lower conditions of their functioning life after life, the
the same origin are indicated. It is soul is developed and healed of its
likely enough that a new symbol diseases, and finally made whole and
" sura " perfect. They are never untrue to
originated in the manner
stated, and was used to better dis themselves, that is, they work to
tinguish the higher from the lower gether in an indissoluble relationship
in the inspired communications of a under the laws of karma. They have
later date. Of course, no mistake has been emanated by the Self (sun)
been made. The Spirit of Truth and brought forth in the mind
knows everything, and cannot possibly (Sanjna-mare), in order that the
be in error about anything. The spiritual egos (gods) may be perfected
truth is set down in the scriptures if in their manifestation in the lower
the lower mind does not interfere and worlds. By them the soul, or sacri
insert its own opinions. ficing lower Self, is restored and
See BREATH (divine), DAEVAS, brought up to perfection. They are
DAEMONS, DAWN, DEMONS, DEVAS, the means of perception (eyesight)
DEVILS, GODS, HORSE SACRIFICE, and of purification (fiery spirit).
INSPIRATION, PRAGAPATI. Errors and desires (goats) are offered
up by them.
Symbols of centres of consciousness NI, MABE, NAKULA, SACHIFICEB,
on the mental plane for the Higher SPADE.
and Lower Selves, — the Individuality
and the Personality, the immortal and
the mortal lives. A symbol of the love of beauty,
" The harmony and perfection set before
godscalled Asvina were a great
enigma, . . .
Heaven and Earth,' say the lower nature.
some ;
Day and Night,' say others ;
" She required every suitor who wanted
Two kings, performers of holy acts,' to win her to contend with her first in
say the Aitihasikas." — MON. WILLIAMS, the foot-race. She conquered many
Indian Wisdom, p. 169. suitors, but was at length overcome by
" The Asvins were fabled as connected MTlanion with the assistance of Aphro
with Ushas, as ever young and hand dite. The goddess had given him three
some, travelling in a golden car, and golden apples, and during the race he
precursors of the dawn. They are some dropped them one after the other : their
times called Dasras, as divine physicians, beauty charmed Atalanta so much, that
' '
destroyers of diseases ; sometimes she could not abstain from gathering
Nasatyas, as ' never untrue." They them, and Mllanion thus gained the goal
appear to have been personifications of before her." — Smith's Clots. Diet.
two luminous points or rays imagined The love of beauty and perfection,
to precede the break of day." — Ibid.,
being at first unattached to the lower
p. 14.
" These ever-youthful twin sons of
nature, requires, in order to be utilised,
the Sun, by his wife Sanjna, transformed that means should be found to enlist
into a mare (asvini), resemble the classical it. Mental imagination (Mllanion)
Dioscuri both by their exploits and the having received from the astral love
aid they render to their worshippers." —
Ibid , p. 426. development (Aphrodite) love of form,
"The Asvins are the (Brahman) physi sound and colour (the apples), is able
to attract and draw down the higher
" Word," or expression of God, be
love of beauty to itself. And thus came manifest in putting an end to
on aspect of buddhic emotion becomes the unmanifest (silence). Then from
united with mind and originates the the interaction of matter (Tanaoa)
esthetic feelings in sculpture, music and Spirit (Atea), and of activity
and painting. (Ono) and inertness (Mutuhei), arose
Evolution is an unfolding of quali Wisdom (Atanua). Love (Atea) united
ties which are latent, and this un with Wisdom and the Divine Son was
folding is in response to stimuli from born. Afterwards the Divine Will
without. /Esthetic feeling (Atalanta), created the lower nature with its
being of the higher planes, is too desires, etc.
subtle to respond to ordinary mental See ADITI, DARKNESS, DAWN,
processes. But when imagination LIGHT, TANAOA.
(Milanion) is touched with love of ATHENA, PALLAS; DAUGHTER
form, sound and colour, this mental OF ZEUS :—
faculty arouses aesthetic feeling which, A symbol of Wisdom, the principle
from being at first potential and of buddhi, in various aspects, pro
inactive in the soul, is now made ceeding from the Supreme.
manifest. " Unto mon Athena gives
good things
Some day, I
doubt not, we shall — namely wisdom, understanding, and
arrive at an understanding of the evolu the creative arts ; and she dwells in
tion of the esthetic faculty ; but all their citadels, I suppose, as being the
the understanding in the world will founder of civil government through the
neither increase nor diminish the force communication of her own wisdom." —
of the intuition that this is beautiful KM r. JULIAN, The Sovereign Sun, p. 243.
and that is ugly." — T. H. HUXLEY, Unto the mental faculties buddhi
Evolution and Ethics, p. 80. brings intuition, dwelling in the mind-
"Beauty, Goodness, Splendour, Love,
all those words of glamour which ex centre (citadel) and founding moral
hilarate the soul, are but the man-made order.
names of aspects or qualities picked out
" Pallas Athene came to Achilles from
by human intuition as characteristic of heaven, sent forth of the white-armed
this intense and eternal Life in which is goddess Hera, whose heart loved both
the life of men." —E. UNDKBHHX, Mysti (Achilles and Agamemnon) alike and had
cism, p. 38. care for them." — Iliad, Book I.
"Afl things that
are, are the shadow The Wisdom from the Highest
and image of heavenly things. The descended forth from the potential
highest lesson they can teach is, to
remind UB of and to symbolise for us Wisdom (Hera) in the realm of pure
tile uncreated and everlasting Wisdom Love which included sympathy for
and Love and Beauty which lie beneath both the personality or
them, and ripple up through them." —
mental element, and the desire-mind
A. .\Un.A HEN, Sermon*, 1st Series, p. 16.
See APHBODITE, ARGONAUTS, SCENT. (Agamemnon) with its appetites ; and
was to become the means of recon
ATEA AND ATANUA, GOD OF ciling them.
Symbols of Divine Will and Divine
Wisdom, I.e. Atma-buddhl. ATHORNE ; ATHRAVA ; ATHAR-
"Light (Atea) having been evolved VAN ; PRIEST OF THE ALTAR
from darkness (Tanaoa), the god Ono OR FIRE :—
was evolved from Atea,
and A symbol of the spiritual mind or
he destroyed Mutuhei ' (silence). But deeper Intelligence which serves to
from the foregoing struggle between direct the will.
Tanaoa and Atea, Ono and Mutuhei, " The very name for ' priest ' in the
arose Atanua or the dawn. Atea then Zend-Avesta, dthrava, is to be recognised
took Atanua for a wife, and from them
in the atharvan of the Vedas, by which
sprang their first-born Tumea. After
term a priest of Fire and Soma is meant."
that Atea created the host of inferior — H An;, Essays on Bel. of Partis, p. 212.
deities, etc.," — A. FOKNANDEB, Polynesian
Race, Vol. I. p. 63. See AARON, ADVABYA, AONIDHBA,
The Divine Will having proceeded BARSOM, CHRYSE, FIBE PBIESTS, PON-
from the potential (darkness), the TOT, POPE, PRIEST.
ATHWYA, THE SECOND MAN :— " This ia my Self in my innermost
heart." — Sato. Brdh., X. 6, 3.
A symbol of the Second or manifest See ABC. MAN, BBAHMA, COSMOS,
"Athwya the second man who
me for the material MICROCOSM, MONAD, SELF.
prepared (Homa)
world " (Homa Yaaht). — H&uo, K,way it. ATOM, PERMANENT ASTRAL :—
This signifies the forth -pouring of
the Second Logos upon the higher An atom on the astral plane
attached to each causal-body, and
planes, which prepared the World -
forming a centre for personality in
soul (Homa) for its expression upon the whole series of incarnations.
the lower planes. " And the Lord said unto him, There
See ATMA, HOMA, SELF. fore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance
shall be taken on him sevenfold. And
ATHYR (HATHOR) MONTH :— the Lord appointed a sign for Cain, lest
A symbol of the period at the com any finding him should smite him." —
mencement of evolution, when there GEN. iv. 15.
Is liberation of the life from the form And the Divine Wisdom-love pro
— a rising from the dead. nounced a benediction upon that
See HATHOB, SCORPIO. Individuality within, which shall not
be slain, and decreed that " seven
ATLAS, THE HEAVEN-BEARER :— fold " shall be the suffering which
A symbol of the higher mind shall come about when the lower self
which separates the lower (earth) by the Higher Self is slain. And a
from the higher nature (heaven). "
" or permanant astral atom,
" According to Homer, Atlas bears the
is provided, which answers to the
long columns which keep asunder heaven
and earth." — Smith's Clots. Diet. personality throughout the cycle.
" Each man who is born into the
world is provided with an imperishable
ATMA PLANE :— bone in his present physical body, and
it is from or on this that his organisation
A designation for the highest plane will be built up anew at the time of the
of manifestation in the present cycle resurrection " (Zohar). — A. E. WAITS,
of life. It is the plane of the Second Secret Doctrine, p. 187.
Logos, or Higher Self, and expresses See ABEL, CAIN, FUGITIVE,
the power-love aspect of Deity. ONOOOROJIMA, PERSONALITY, SOUL
See ^ETHEB, ABSH, ATHWYA, ELE (lowest).
A symbol of the Supreme. The Buddhl, mental, astral, and physi
Logos or Self which enters upon cal, atoms attached to each Individ
manifestation and indwells in the uality as centres of life and form
universe and soul. on the several planes.
" Brahman = Atman, that is. Brah "
He approaches the couch Amitaugaa :
man, the power from which all worlds that is prana (breath, speech). The past
proceed, in which they subsist, and into and the future are its eastern feet.
which they finally return ; this eternal, Prosperity and earth its western feet."
omnipresent, omnipotent power is iden — Kau.ih. Upaniahad, I. 2.
tical with our atman, with that in each The soul comes to the state which
of us which we must consider as our signifies the sense of infinite rest and
true Self, the unchangeable
serenity, — which is comparable to the
essence of
our being, our Soul. This idea alone
secures to the Upanishads an importance rhythm of the Great Breath. The
reaching far beyond their land and time ; past and the future " symbolise the
for whatever means of unveiling the course which evolution has taken to
secrets of Nature a future time may
enable this state of consciousness to
discover, this idea will be true for ever,
from this mankind will never depart ; — be arrived at, and so the Eternal Now
if the mystery of Nature ia to be solved, is verily realised. " Prosperity and
the key of it can be found only there earth
" signify the sublimated lower
where alone Nature allows us an interior
or natural man, through which the
view of the world, that is, in ourselves."
— P. DEUSSEN, Outlines of Ind. Phil, Higher Ego has attained its final
pp. 22-3. liberation. Although the lower is
" " For if, when
unreality." it has been absorbed we were enemies, we
into the Self. The germ of this state were reconciled to God by the death
of his Son, much more, being reconciled,
exists and will persist through eter we shall be saved by his life. And not
nity ; for nothing is ever lost. The only so, but we also joy in God through
state is transformed, but still visible our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have
to the Self, though now seen to be now received the atonement." — KOM. v.
10, 11.
of It. There is a permanent atom or
centre on each plane, which, when For if, when we (the egos) were
communicated with, will respond to following only our natural desires, we
vibrations which answer to the varied were turned to God through the
aspects of the Self. previous death of the Divine Life
See AMTTAUOAS, GOLD -COLOURED within the lower nature, and the
SPOT, PLANES, PBANA, PROSPERITY. consequent birth of the Christ in our
souls ; much more, being turned
ATONEMENT BY THE BLOOD :— thereby to God, shall we be saved
A symbol of the reparatlve effect by his Life within us. And not only
of the Divine Life In the soul's so, but our souls in their innermost
growth. The forming and healing being now rejoice in the Ideal of
Life gradually making perfect the Wisdom, Truth, and Love, through
imperfect soul, in proportion as the
the growth of the indwelling Christ
soul aspires toward the ideal.
by whom we now receive a gradual
"For the life (or soul) of the flesh is perfectionment of being.
in the blood : and I
(the Lord) have " William Law says, — ' Christ
given it to you upon the altar to make
atonement for your souls : for it is the /or us, is neither more nor less than
Christ given into us. He is in no other
blood that maketh atonement by reason
sense our full, perfect, and sufficient
of the life (or soul)." — LBV. xvii. 11.
Atonement, than as His nature and
For the power of upward growth spirit are born and formed in us.' —
of the lower nature (flesh) of humanity, DB. INOE, Christian Mysticism, p. 281.
resides in the recuperative Divine "The Atonement of Christ is the
Life (blood) which the Higher Self reconcilement of humanity in all the
length and breadth of its complex duties
sheds upon the highest part of the and experiences. Hence he summons
lower nature (the altar) in order that every man to a fellowship with His own
the souls shall have the means of life, — not only to follow Him, but to
become one with Him." — T. T. MUNOER,
development : for it is the Divine
The Atonement, etc., p. 367.
Life that maketh perfect by reason "If Christ be the Eternal Son of
of the perfect Archetype within. God, that side of the Divine nature
" which has gone forth in creation ; if
Among the ancient Hindus an atone
ment was asserted to be through the He contains humanity, and is present
sacrifice of Purusha the Great Hindu in every act and article of human expe
Universal Ideal Man." — MON. WILJJAMB, rience, then, indeed, we have a light
Indian Wisdom, p. 24. upon the fact of redemption. For Jesui
See ALTAR, ARC. MAN, BLOOD, is thus seen to be associated with the
HOMA-JUICE, SCAPEOOAT, existence of the primordial evil which
has its origin in God. . . . Evil is an
So MA-JUICE. experience for the sake of the far-off
holiness it makes possible. The eternal
ATONEMENT OF CHRIST :— Son, the going forth of God, must there
A symbol of the unfinished, con fore be asociated with responsibility for
tinuous and progressive work of the bias without which neither guilt nor
sainthood could have come into being.
human perfectlonment, by the sub He, and He only, therefore, can sever
stitution of the merits or perfection the entail between man and his respon
of the Redeemer for the imperfections sibility for personal sin." — R. J. CAMP
of the redeemed. The indwelling BELL, Ibid., p. 25.
Christ having laid down his life in The Atonement that is a vital human
Involution, takes it again In Evolu need is no making up of a previous
tion as he rises in the souls of strife, but the fulfilment of the Divine
humanity. In this process of idea of man. It is effected through
self-development and self - realisation.
spiritualisation he makes atonement Man comes to God as he comes to him
for the sins of the world and unites self ; and to oome to himself he must
man to God, — the made-perfect to come to God. Atonement is, further,
the Perfect. the reconciliation of the whole man,
and his whole life and world, to God." — his being, to attain final liberation,
DR. J. HUNTER, Ibid., p. 312. and freedom from the thraldom o!
See ADOPTION, ARC. MAN, BLOOD, desire and attachment to the thing!
BLOOD OF THE LAMB, HOMA-JUICE, of the lower nature.
LIBEBATION, PASSOVER, RANSOM, " Existence is caused by attachmen'
REDEMPTION, REGENERATION, REMIS (upadana). Attachment is a kind o
SION, RESURRECTION, SALVATION, falling off which makes a being com
SOMA-JUICE, TAUROBOLIDM, WASHED. under the fatal law of transmigration
It is itself only an effect, which has fo
ATREUS, AND HIS TWO SONS,— cause desire (triahna, thirst). Desire i
LEADERS OF THE PEOPLE :— caused by sensation (vedana)." — J. E
SAINT-HILAIRE, The Buddha, p. 138.
Symbols of the illusion of separate- " Only that form of religion whof
ness, and Its products, love of power inception of God is that of an Ida
and love of possession, rulers of the which satisfies the religious needs, an
lower qualities. which calls forth and fixes upon Itse
" And Chryses the choices of the human soul, can full
supplicated all the develop the potentiality of freedom whi<
Greeks, but chiefly the two sons of lies hidden in the soul's depths. The
Atreus, the leaders of the people." — is profound moral philosophy in U
Iliad, Book I. promise of Jesus to those who are 1
The spiritual mind, through illu disciples indeed : Ye shall know t!
sion, captivates the lower minds and truth, and the truth shall make yi
free' (JOHN viii. 31)." — G. T. LAD
principally through love of power and
PhU. oj Religion. Vol. I. p. 339.
possession. " The various functions
assigned 1
See AGAMEMNON, CHRYSES, GREEKS, Pli ili > to the Logos may be thus sumro
MENELAUS, TROY, TYRANT. up. He is the agency by which G
reveals Himself. The theophanies of 1
ATRI AND HIS WISE SON :— Old Testament are appearances of 1
Logos, who also inspired the patrian
A symbol of the Soul centred in and prophets. Every man, in virtue
the astro-mental nature, together the highest faculty residing in his s<
with its Divine deliverer and healer is akin to the divine Logos, and n
born within it. For the Soul must become an image or fragment of
through its own evolution be its own divine nature. The majority of mank
saviour, by reason of its inherent are entangled in illusions, and the drv
image in them is obscured by ignore
Divine nature.
and sensuality. But a man may n
See REDEEMER, SELF, SOUL, VAL- himself out of this sad condition, ;
MDEL advance to the contemplation of
Logos, which enables him to judge
ATROPOS :— things in the light of divine truth.
See MOIHAE. this way the Logos is the instrun
of deliverance and salvation. Tl
ATTACHMENT TO THE WORLD who have real knowledge of the
OR THE OBJECTS OF Creator and Father of all things
SENSE :— rightly called sons of God. And
if we are not yet worthy to be ci
A symbol of the captivity of the sons of God, we may deserve to be ci
ego to desire and sensation. children of His eternal image, the i
" The man stands in the middle
between holy Logos' (Con/. Ling., 28)." —"W
the two worlds of light and darkness, INGE, Comb. Biblical Essay.", p. 276.
" The tumultuous senses
left to hia own free-will" (Zoroastrian and or
System). — J. F. CLARKE, Ten Religions. huny away by force the heart eve
Seated in the causal-body upon the the wise man who striveth after jx
tion. Let a man, restraining all t
higher mind plane, and midway be remain in devotion at rest in me
tween the physical and the atmic true Self ; for he who hath his B
planes, the Soul starts its career as a and organs in control possesses spii
responsible entity, and is thenceforth knowledge. He who attendeth to
inclinations of the senses, in them
accountable to itaelf for its coriduct, a concern. . . . But he who, free
thoughts and experiences. These men attachment or repulsion for oto
tal experiences are ultimately collected, experienceth them through the e
re- viewed, and co-ordinated in the and organs, with his heart obedie
hia will, attains to tranquillit
causal-sheath, and thus it is that
man is able eventually through identi
thought." — Bhayavad-Gita, Ch. II.
fying himself with the true Self of CAUSAL-BODY, DABKNKSS,
KJJCES, FALL, HIGHER AND LOWER, ment is much more properly called a
INCARNATION OF system than the natural, because it is
closer to God, higher in its consequence,
SOULS, LIBERATION, LIGHT, LOGOS, and contains in itself the ends or final
MAK, MEMBERS, METEMPSYCHOSIS, causes for which the other exists, and to
NIRVANA, PERSONALITY, SEPARATE- which the other is made to be subser
vient. There is, however, a constant
action and reaction between the two,
WALKS (six), WORLD. and, strictly speaking, they are both
together, taken as one, the true system
ATTRACTION WHICH BUILDS of God ; for a system, in the most proper
UP THE STRUCTURE OF and philosophic sense of the word, is a
THE SOUL :— complete and absolute whole, which
cannot be taken as a part or fraction
This is the love-element on the of anything." — H. BUSHNELL, Nature
different planes, which draws forces, and the Supernatural, p. 19.
•toms, or qualities, towards centres. " The
spiritual is the world of causes,
" For unto every one that hath shall the material that of effects." — R. J.
CAMPBELL, Serm., Hunk of Destiny.
be given,and he shall have abundance :
but from him that hath not, even that See ADAM (higher), ARC. MAN,
which he hath shall be taken away." — BREATIC, IMAGE, MACROCOSM, SEAL
HAT. xxv. 29. (great).
This indicates that the strength of
attraction is in proportion to the
number of grouped forces or faculties
attracting to a common centre. Where A symbol of the primordial buddhlc
a force is unattached to a group, nature which at first potential, be
comes actual.
there is no balance about a centre,
therefore it flies off to join a group, Then came the cow Audumbla,
formed of the melting ice-drops. She
or it is dissipated. The teaching is, nourished Ymer with four streams of
that higher qualities must not be her milk, and herself licked the sea salt-
isolated, but must be brought into stones covered with the rime-frost, whence
harmonious relation with kindred sprung Bur whose son was Borr, who
married a giant's daughter, and was the
qualities, so that all may work father of Odin, Vili, and Ve, the ruling
" Where two or
together for good. powers of heaven and earth." — The
three are gathered together, there am Voluspa.
I in the midst of them." This refers to the period of involu
See APHRODITE, ASSEMBLY, CITY, tion of the qualities. Then there
LOVB (uniter), PILGRIMS (shrine), arose from latency (ice) the nascent
STBITE. buddhic life (cow) which vitalised on
the four planes the Archetypal Man
ATZEEL-ATIC WORLD OF (Ymer). The buddhic activities were
EMANATION :— applied to the astro -physical nature
A symbol of the higher planes (the sea salt -stones) and from the
(atma-buddhlc) of manifestation. latent (frost) condition there sprung
See ADAM (higher), HIGHER, PROTO- the desire-nature (Bur) whose issue
TYPBS. was the mind (Borr) who became
allied with the perfected emotions
ATZEEL-OOTHIC WORLD :— and then produced Divine Will, Wis
A symbol of the three higher dom, and Action, the ruling principles
planes, — at ma, buddhl, manas, — as of a new stage in the development of
containing the pattern of that which the higher and lower natures.
appears on the three lower planes. See ARC. MAN, BUR, Cow, FROST,
" God has, in fact, ICE, ODIN, TRIAD, YMIU.
erected (primor-
dially) another and higher system, that
of spiritual being and government for
which nature exists ; a system not under AURVA'S BIRTH FROM THE
the law of cause and effect, but ruled THIGH :—
and marshalled under other kinds of
laws, and able continually to act upon
A symbol of the birth of the desire-
or vary the action of the processes of nature which took place upon the
nature. If, accordingly, we speak of astral plane.
•yatem, this spiritual realm or depart See THIGH.
AURVAITO-DIH, THE TUR :— life, activities, and development of
A symbol of the soul on the buddblc the Self, — the Son of the Logos, —
plane. commencing from the buddhic plane
" At whereon the Self (sun) culminates
the age of twenty, abandoning
worldly desires and laying hold of above the lower evolution. The con
righteousness, Zoroaster departs from the
sequent ultimate perishing of the
house of his father and mother and
wanders forth, openly enquiring :— ' Who lower quaternary with its desire-
is most desirous of righteousness, and mental nature (the fiend) : the pro
most wishful to nourish the poor T And duction of the higher triad of truth,
they said, — '
He who is the youngest love, and wisdom, or the higher
son of Aurvaito-dih the Tur.' Zoroaster
goes to
that place,' and co-operates in emotion nature nourishing the soul :
serving the poor with food" (Zat- the dispensing with the lower vehicles
tparam). — JACKSON, Zoroaster, p. 33. which are afterwards superfluous : the
When the cycle of the lower life complete union of the lower Self with
is completed, — the lower self with its the Higher Self : the arrival of the
affections and lusts having been aban Soul at Wisdom which relates all
doned, — then the mind or manasic experiences, even adverse and evil
principle is said to be detached, experiences, with the evolution of
because the mind no longer cleaves the Self.
to the desires. Liberation, therefore, See ANIMALS, FOOD, PISCES, QUA
having been obtained, the Soul, in TERNARY, S0N MOTIONLESS, UNION,
stead of being anxious to seek its own ZENITH.
well-being, identifies itself with the
Will of the Supreme, and enquires to AUSONIA :—
what purpose it may be used. It
A symbol of the state of the soul
requests that it may be the means on the buddhic plane which ushers
of furthering the interests of the in perfection (Circe).
other souls that are struggling to See ABSYBTEAN-ISLES, CIBCE.
reach enlightenment. It learns that
the soul most ready for aid from the AUSTERITIES, PRACTISING :—
higher, is the soul which is learning
Limiting or restraining the out
to discipline itself through the adop
going activities in prescribed direc
tion of principles by means of which tions according to the Divine Law of
ultimate attainment of liberation is the growth of the Soul.
possible. The Soul now reaches the " All the bliss of
Gods and men is
stage of freedom from all the lower declared by the sages to whom the Veda
limitations, and is said to go to the was revealed, to have austerity for its
place of Bliss on the buddhic plane, root, austerity for its middle, and aus
terity for its end. The pursuit of sacred
from whence it may inspire souls knowledge is the austerity of a Brah-
which are ready. mana, protecting the people is the
See BIRDS (heaven), DUGHDHOVA, austerity of a Kshatriya, the pursuit of
FOOD, his daily business is the austerity of a
POOB PEOPLE, POVEBTY, Vaisya, and service the austerity of a
POUBUSHASPA, ZOROASTER. Sudra."— Laws of Manu, XI. 236-6.
The blissful, exalted life of Spirit
and higher mind, is declared to have
A symbol of the Higher Self, Son restraint or limitation for its source,
of God.
" The its means, and ita end. The Indi
marvellousness of Aushedar as viduality, or spiritual mind, seeks
to birth, glory of person, sayings and
actions ; the standing of the sun ten truth from within by restraining the
days amid the sky ; the perishing of the lower nature. The Personality, or
fiend of the four-legged race, the produc lower mind, nurtures the qualities
tion of a three-spring cloudless influence by restraining the
for vegetation ; the weakening of super
desires. The
fluity and destitution ; Desire-nature co-ordinates the desires
the extreme
strengthening of alliance ; the gratifica by restraining physical energies. The
tion due to the good friendship of Physical -nature is subordinated to the
foreigners."— Dinkard, Bk. VII. Ch. 9, 2. requirements of the desires, the mind,
This declares the glory of the birth, and the higher nature.
" I
See ABSTINENCE, ASCETICISM. (Ra) have come to avenge myself
CASTES, FASTING, PENANCE, RAJAS, the blood of my members which have


risen up against me, and I
will bring to
destruction that which hath been made
AVALOKITESVARA :— for it. Iwill make perfect." — BtTDOE,
Egypt. Heaven and Hell, Vol. I. p. 19.
A symbol of the Higher Self or The Self within is ready to vindicate
Incarnate Self under the aspect of the Divine life (blood) which flows
Love. in the desires which act in opposition
"The Buddha Amitabha, 'He of to the higher motives, and will bring
Infinite Light.' His chief minister is
Avalokitesvara, a Bodhisatva who has to dissolution the lower nature which
taken a vow not to enter Nirvana until has been the means of its evolution.
be has led thither all living creatures, The indwelling Self will make perfect
and who for this supreme grace is wor the soul.
shipped throughout the North with a "Avenge not yourselves, beloved, but
corresponding fervour of devotion." — give place unto wrath : for it is written,
L. D. BARNETT, The Path of Light, p. 26.
In the duty of watching over and*
Vengeance belongeth unto me ; I will
recompense, saith the Lord." — ROM,
protecting the whole Buddhist world, xii. 19.
Avalokitesvara ( ={Padma-pani), that is,
' Vindicate not yourselves in anger
the Lord who looks down with pity
on all men,' certainly takes the lead, and passion, but in love make ex
and his name was in keeping with the planation. For the Divine Life of the
reputation for answering prayer which soul will establish truth and righteous
he soon achieved. . . . People, there ness, and bring all to perfection.
fore, pray to him more frequently than
to any other Bodhi-sattva, and not only See BLOOD, DEATH or OSIRIS,
for release from the misery of future DISCIPLES, HORUS, MEMBERS, TATTC
re-births, but in all cases of present
bodily danger and domestic affliction. AVIDYA :—
Hence he has numerous other names or
' '
epithets, such as God of mercy,' Ocean See IGNORANCE.
of pity,' ' Deliverer from fear,' ' Lord AWALIM-I-KHAMSA— THE FIVE
of the world,' 'World-protector,' "Pro WORLDS ; OFTEN SPOKEN OF
tector of the Aryas.' " — MON. WILLIAMS,
Buddhism, p. 198.
The higher Love -nature within the
soul always attracts, never repels. A symbol of the five planes of
manifestation which proceed from
Hence aspiring lower self is
the Absolute (World of Godhead) of
attracted to the Higher, and there is
which nothing can be predicated.
development of the buddhic emotions
See WORLDS (five).
which purify and eventually save the
soul. AXE:—
See BODHISATVA, BTODHA, CHRIST, A symbol of Divine Truth uttered
ISVARA, PRAYEB. on the higher mental plane. Or the
AVENGING THE DIVINE critical faculty.
FICE :— And now also the axe is laid unto
the root of the trees : therefore every
Symbolical of vindicating the tree which bringeth not forth good
Divine intentions by producing the fruit is hewn down, and cast into the
result intended, namely perfection. fire." — MAT. iii. 10.
Horns now gathered his followers " Trees " here signify mental quali
around him, and prepared himself to ties. The "axe" is the Word of
avenge his father's death (that of Osiris)."
God which is to try men's
" hearts "
— PLUTARCH, Isit and Otiris, § 19.
So soon as the Christ (Horus) had
and to search to the roots and founda
tion of their being. If the qualities
evolved above in the soul, he pro
are un progressed and rotten to the
ceeded to choose those qualities (dis
core then they will be cast forth as
ciples) wherewith he should accom
rubbish ; that is they will be dis
plish his work upon the lower planes ;
and so he prepared himself to establish
solved and so be resolved into their
the kingdom of His Father in the primary constituents.
" MAT. iii. 10. — This is as much as to
souls of humanity, even as it exists
say to them : Since you have come to
above in the Heavens (buddhic plane). baptism without having done fruits meet
for repentance, you are a tree that does body " signifies the purified person
not bring forth good fruit, and which ality which the spirit vitalises in its
has to be out down by the most sharp
inner being, though its astro-mental
and piercing axe of the Word which
is living and powerful and sharper form is left inactive and dead. The
than every two-edged sword."- —OHIOEN, Ram-headed i!orm of Osiria is some
Comm. on John, Bk. VI. § 13. times called Bo,
"There is much in the Bible which See EMBALMENT, HAWK, MONAD OF
is neither true nor edifying." — CANON
H. HENSON, Christ and the Nation, p. 266. LIFE, MUMMY, SON or GOD, SPARK.
" We must always remember that a
thing may be literally false and ideally
true. A legend may be doubtful ; the A symbol of a mental centre estab
faith and devotion which it excites in lished in the soul, at an early period
religious but uncritical minds are very of human evolution, when the entire
real." — W. 8. LILLY, Ancient Religion, lower nature of the soul was In a
p. 285.
" What now is the condition of men's homogeneous condition.
" From the very commencement of
minds in respect to the historical element
of the existing religion T None but man's evolution, which was always meant
those who through lack of education to be spiritual only, he was a Temple
stand necessarily upon the old ways, (house of the Divine). At first his fife
have any reliance upon it. Critical was simple. It was onefold, so to speak,
analysis — that function of the mind in order to express how simple it was.
which, in its nature destructive, is But even then the Divine Presence was
nevertheless, really harmful only to that within it potentially. It was not simple
which, in being untrue, has not in itself in its structure, but only in its powers
the element of perpetuity — has laid an of functioning. It was always a con
unsparing axe to the forest of ancient scious being upon the spiritual planes,
tradition. The science of Biblical exe though its consciousness was what we
gesis has made it obvious to every per might express by the term onefold : that
cipient mind that sacred books, so far word expresses its limitations, just like
from being infallible records of actual a child-consciousness. And then, as it
events, abound with inaccuracies, con performed its evolution upon the spiritual
tradictions, and interpolations ; that planes, it gradually unfolded more and
sacred persons, if they existed at all, more in its consciousness." — J. TODD
had histories differing widely from those FERRIER, New Reformer, Nov. 1911.
narrated of them ; that sacred events See CONFUSION, LANGUAGE, SPEECH.
oould not have occurred in the manner
stated ; and that sacred doctrines are, BABEL TOWER :—
for the most part, either intrinsically A symbol of the false conception
absurd, or common to systems yet more that the highest truth may be reached
ancient, whose claims to sanctity are through the exercise of the lower
denied." — The Perfect Way, p. 26. mental faculties.
" For this sharp-edged axe hath led
thee forward unto great bliss." — Sata. See SHTNAR, SPEECH.
Br&h., III. 6, 4, 14.
SCRIPTURES, TREE. A symbol of the lower nature of
desire and sensation, which holds the
BA, THE SOUL :— soul in captivity.
" The old temple has been thrown
A symbol of the spiritual ego, or down and despoiled, and the ' children
Divine spark, within each Individual of Israel ' have been carried away cap
soul. tive to ' Babylon,' — the mystic name of
" In many texts the Ba is made to the stronghold of Materialism. As it
is written : ' The vessels of the House of
live with Ra or Osiris in heaven. ...
the Papyrus of Nebquet it is seen in the
the Lord — that is, the doctrines of the

Church — ' great and small, and the

form of a human-headed hawk flying treasures of the Temple and of the
down the funeral pit, bearing air and King and of the princes, were carried
food to the mummified body to which it away to Babylon. And the enemies set
belongs." — BUDGE, Book of the .Dead, fire to the House of God, and broke
Vol. I. p. Ix. down the wall of Jerusalem," that is,
As the spiritual ego is atma-buddhio the Soul — and burnt all her towers, and

it is the same with " Osiris (atma) in whatsoever was precious they destroyed.'
heaven (buddhi)." The "human- (2 CHH. xxxvi. 19)."— The Perfect Way,
Pref. to 1st ed., KINGSFORD & MAITLAND.
headed hawk " signifies the spiritual " All the vessels of gold and silver
aspect of man. The " mummified were five thousand four hundred. All
thesedid Sheshbazzar bring up, when achievement manifests, and the won
they of the captivity were brought up drous power of the Self is declared,
from Babylon unto Jerusalem." — EZRA
i. 11. in that " this mortal shall have put
The higherqualities (gold and on immortality ; then shall come to
silver) preserved in the soul
were pass the saying that is written, death
above its lower experiences. is swallowed up in victory."
MAN (righteous), VICTORY, VOHUMAN.
Symbols of the buddhic, mental, BAKHDHI THE BEAUTIFUL: —

astral, and physical^ bodies of a A symbol of the higher mind, or

human being. devachanic plane.
See CHILDREN OF HORUS, PILLARS " The fourth land was the beautiful
or SHU. Bakhdhi with high lifted banners." — Ven-
didad I. S. B. of E.
BACCHUS :— The fourth region is the devachanic
A symbol of the Higher Self In plane, above which are the activities
carnate in the lower nature. of atma-buddbi.
" To the ordinary reader the name of See BANNERS, DEVACHAN, MANAS,
Bacchus suggests nothing more than NISAYA.
revelry and drunkenness, but it is now
well known, that amid all the abomina BALANCE OF SPIRITS:—
tions that attended his orgies, their
grand design was professedly
the purifica A symbol of the comparative valua
tion of souls,' and that from the guilt tion of the forces (spirits) for good
and defilement of sin." — A. HISLOP, The and evil in the soul, between in
Turn Baby lone, p. 22. carnations.
See DIONYSUS, INTOXICATION. " The weighing of Kashnu the just,
with the balance of spirits which renders
BACK PARTS OF THE DEITY:— no favour on any side, neither for the
Symbolic of the passive aspect of righteous, nor yet for the wicked." —
the higher nature,which is negative The Minok-hired, HAUO, Essays.
to the lower. The " weighing " is the point where
(ExoD. xxxiii 23). the balance in favour of the Higher
Self may be estimated. The righte
ous and the wicked are symbolic of
A symbol of aspiration, or of the
the individuality and the personality.
Divine ray, — the Sushumna Solar
(kinvat), GILGOOLEM,
Ray, — the " backbone of Osiris," — or

the " Tree " of the Divine Life in the HORSE (black), MITRO, RASHNTT.
A symbol of the summing up of
BAH MAN (VOHU-MANO) :— the soul's experience of relative
existence, at the end of the life cycle.
A symbol of a messenger of the " All that was
Supreme, signifying victory over the required of the deceased
was that his heart should balance exactly
lower nature.
" When the kin vat bridge has been the symbol of the law." — BUDOE, Egyp
tian Ideas, etc., p. 136.
crossed, the archangel Bahman rises When the personality (feather
from a golden throne : ' Now hast thou
come hither to us, O righteous one ! symbol) exactly corresponded with
from the perishable life to the imperish the individuality in the causal-body
able life." — Minnk hired, HACO, Etsayt. (heart), then the lower consciousness
" bridge " of mind
When the could rise and become one with the
between higher and lower has been higher.
passed, and a high mental state has " They whose balances shall be heavy
been arrived at by the perfected soul, with good works shall be happy, but
—the condition of the consciousness they whose balances shall be light are
those who shall lose their souls, and
now being centred in the causal-body, shall remain in hell for ever." — Koran,
—the " archangel," or type of glorious Surah, 23, 104.
" If the dead was found to be righteous loud in his praise. So fair and dazzling
he received back his heart, the rest of is he in form and features, that raya of
the immortal parts of his soul were light seem to issue from him ; and thou
re-united in him, and he was again built mayest have some idea of the beauty of
up into the man who had walked the his hair, when I tell thee that the whitest
earth, but who now entered upon new of all plants is called Haider's brow.'
and eternal life." — WIEDKMANN, Rel. oj Balder is the mildest, the wisest, and the
Anc. Egyptians, p. 249. most eloquent of all the AZeir, yet such
If the personality (dead) was per is his nature that the judgment he hag
fected, then he became one with the pronounced can never be altered." —
Prose Edda, MALLET, p. 418.
individuality in the causal-body.
The Higher Self is the Ideal and
centre of the mental qualities (man
HELL, JUDGMENT HALL, PRAQAPATI kind) which extol and venerate it.
The light of Truth shines from it, and
(relaxed), SAU.
through faith there may be perceived
BALARAMA (RAMA THE something of its purity and perfec
STRONG) :— tion (" His head and his hair •were
A symbol of the Individuality, Ego, white as white wool, white as suow."
Divine Spark, or Monad, in the soul. REV. i. U). The "whitest of all
" Balarama who is plants
" is the " tree of life " which
reputed to be an
avatara of Sesha or Ananta, the serpent is the spiritual ray of Truth and
without end, which serves as a bed to Life (Balder's brow) which vitalises
Vishnu, appears to be an ancient agricul every soul. The Higher Self who is
tural deity, that presided over the tillage
love and wisdom (atma-buddhi) is
of the soil and the harvest. He is armed " For
with a ploughshare, whence his surname the Word of God (eloquent).
Halabhrit, the plough-bearer." — BARTH, the word of God is living and active,
Religions of India, p. 173. and sharper than any two-edged
The Individuality, which is a sword, and piercing even to the divid
resultant of the forces of the soul in ing of soul and spirit
(HEB. iv. 12).
the process of the cycle of manifesta " After that, Hermod rode forward to
tion (Ananta) of the Higher Self the palace (in the underworld), alighted,
(Vishnu), presides over the cultivation, went in, and there he saw Balder, his
and transmutation of brother, sitting in the highest place :
and there Hermod remained overnight.
the lower nature. The Individuality The next morning he entreated from Hel
fashions the lower bodies — mental, that Balder might ride home with him,
astral, and physical, — and produces representing to her the sorrow which
the conditions (ploughing) necessary prevailed among the Asar." — Prose Edda.
for the growth of the soul. And following that, the Christ-soul,
The two brothers Balarama and or progressing soul, reaches the stage
Krishna were brought up together by where the Christ within is enthroned
the herdsman Nanda ; signifying that as a supreme Ideal. Then there en
the Individuality and the incarnate sues a devachanic condition wherein
Self are closely associated in the the soul passes an intervening period
purified mind (Nanda). of relative inaction or subjectivity.
See BIRTH OF KRISHNA, BROTHER That state concluded, and when the
or JESUS, INDIVIDUALITY, INTOXICA soul was to go forth again, the petition
TION, KRISHNA, PLOUGHING, RAMA, is made that the Divine Vision within
SERPENT (ananta), SILENUS, VISHNU. may accompany it. The excuse given
for this request is the need which
BALDER THE GOOD :— exists for further co-operation upon
A symbol of the Higher Self who the planes whereon the forces of
sacrifices himself for the sake of nature are working.
humanity, and descends as Spirit " Hel replied, that it should now be
into Matter to become the Archetypal tried whether Balder was so universally
Man — dying in involution, to rise beloved as they said ; if, therefore,
again in the evolution of the myriad everything in the world, the living as well
as the dead, wept for him, then should
human souls. he return to the Asar ; but that he
" It may truly be said of Balder that should remain in Hel if any single thing
he is the best, and that all mankind are excused itself or would not weep." — Ibi.:'.
Now the promise is made that the (king), before the Self (Mordecai) is
from within shall come forth
Christ established in the soul to rule over it.
and manifest in the soul, and that The buddhic principle (Esther) directs
the choice shall be given to the the evolution and transmutes the
activities and intelligences operative results of experience (prepares the
on the lower soul levels, to be made banquet). The " petition " on the
one in Him, — the soul being composite plane of wisdom (wine) signifies the
and full of all potencies. If then, perception on the buddhie plane that a
every emotion or quality earnestly new order is to supplant the natural
yearns for the Christ, — that which is order, and the Self is to preside in
actively as well as passively engaged the soul.
co-operatively, — then He would come See BUDDHIC FUNCTION, Cow OF
to them and raise them. But where PLENTY, ESTHER, FEAST, HEBOD,
there should be no ardent desire for HIGHER AND LOWER, Music, TRANS
Him, no sense of incompleteness, no MUTATION.
sense of spiritual need, then the
Christ should remain in the realm of BAPTISM OF WATER :—
the potential and unmanifest. A symbol of purification of the
" In most of the religions soul-qualities by Truth (water),
of the ancient
world, the relation between the soul and effected through development of the
God has been represented as a return of moral nature.
the soul to God. A yearning for God, a " Go ye therefore and make disciples
kind of divine home-sickness, finds
of all the nations, baptising them into the
expression in moat religions." — MAX
name of the Father, and of the Son, and
MCIXXB, Thtosophy, etc., p. 92.
of the Holy Ghost."— MAT. xxviii. 19.
"The One is not far away from any
one, and yet is liable to be far away from A command which is full of the
one and all, since, present though It be, spirit of Christ. The disciplined
It is efficaciously present only to such qualities must extend their influence to
aa are capable of receiving It." — PLOTINTJS
the more backward qualities of all
Enneads. VI, ii. 4.
" Perfect Love pertains to Charity kinds, and bring about their purifica
which clings to God for His own sake." tion through the attuning of the
— AQUINAS. nature upon the three lower planes
See ASAR, ASGARD, DEATH, DEATH whereby the evolution of the soul is
or BALDER, FORMS, FROST, GANULKK, to be accomplished.
HEBMOD, HUNGER, THOCK, I'RNA. " The Lord washes or purifies man by
the divine truth and the divine good ;
BANNERS, HIGH LIFTED :— and John represented this by his bap
A symbol of the rays of the Self, tism : for the Holy Spirit is divine
truth, fire is divine good, and water ia
or the Divine effluence of truth, the representative of both ; for water
streaming down on the higher mental signifies the truth of the Word which
plane. becomes good by a life according to it."
See BAKHDHI. — SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 378.
" He bathes. For impure indeedia
foul within, in that
BANQUET OR FEAST :— man : he is
speaks untruth ;—and water is pure." —
A symbol of the assimilation of Sato. Brdh., III.
1, 2, 10.
Wisdom and Love by the soul, and The mind acquires truth ; for the
of the enjoyment of what it has earned mind at first is ignorant and full of
through its efforts. A banquet may illusions and evil while desire rules
also stand for a completed period, or
the soul ; and it is truth (water) that
stage of soul -growth, when the results
of experience are gathered. purifies.
" ' We are all of us under the dominion
" So the king and Human came to the
of evil and sin because we are children of
banquet that Esther had prepared. And the water,' says the ancient Mexican
the king said unto Esther at the banquet formula of baptism, and Citatli and Atli,
of wine. What is thy petition t " — '
moon ' and ' water
are constantly
ESTHER v. 0. confounded in Aztec mythology." — Non-
This represents a stage when soul- clasnical Mythology, p. 117.
" water
growth ia due to the natural order In this statement the
" is meant, namely, the astra
under the lower principle- (Haman) below
the prime minister of the Supreme plane on which the desires are
developed in the unar cycle. The closed up, but that REVELATION is a
" moon " ia a common symbol of the reality of now and for ever. (Set
" water."
astral plane, as also is ACTS ii.)
The personality is developed on the "The Fire entereth into the Boul
astral plane, hence we are
" children secretly." — Pistit Sophia.
" The Fire "
of the water," at first under the rule (buddhi) cometh not to
of the desires.
the ego with observation, for it is not
" High principle, which is, in other in the scope of the lower conscious
words, the baptism of John, is the very ness to perceive it.
basis on which is most naturally raised
" The fiery baptism will burn up the
the superstructure of religious faith." — chuff of error with the fervent heat of
F. W. ROBERTSON, Sermont, lit Series, Truth and Love, melting and purifying
p. 184. even the gold of human character." —
"John's disciples come up out of Mrs. EDDY, Science and Health, p. 565.
" The Holy Spirit it
Jordan, at the best but superficially fire. Now, what
cleansed, and needing that the process ever may be the meaning of the emblem
begun in them should be perfected by in the preceding and subsequent clauses
mightier powers than any which his (of MAT. iii. 11), it can have but one
message wields. They need more than meaning in our text itself— and that is,
that outward washing, — they need an the purifying influence of the Spirit of
inward cleansing ; they need more than God. Baptism with the Holy Ghost is
the preaching of repentance and morality, not one thing and baptism with fin
— they need a gift of life ; they need a another, but the former is the reality of
new power poured into their souls, the which the latter is the symbol. Itmay
fiery stream of which, as it rolls along, be worth while to dwell briefly on the
shall seize and burn every growth of evil force of the emblem. Fire, then, all
in their natures. They need not water, over the world has been taken to repre
but Spirit ; not water, but Fire. They sent the Divine energy. Scripture haa
need what shall be life to their truest life, from the beginning used it. . . . Thus,
and death to all the death within, that then, there ie a continuous chain of
separates them from the life of God." — symbolism, according to which some
A. MACLAREN, Sermont, 2nd Series, p. 236. aspect of the Divine nature, and especi
" Baptism is the declaration that this ally of the Spirit of God, is set forth for
new-born life, which seems only a new us by fire. The question, then, comes to
born animal, has in it, bound up with it, be — What is that aspect t In answer, I
a divine nature. Baptism is the claiming would remind you that the attribute*
of that nature. It is the assertion of the and offices of the Spirit of God are never
regeneration, the deeper and higher in Scripture represented as being destruc
birth, the birth from heaven which is tive, and are only punitive, in so for aa
coincident with the birth from earth, the convictions of sin, which He works in
and which is to use the physical basis the heart, may be regarded as being
for its servant, and its power of develop punishments. The fire of God's Spirit,
ment." — PHILLIPS BROOKS, Mystery oj at all events, is not a wrathful energy,
Iniquity, p. 244. working pain and death, but a merciful
See DISCIPLES, HOMA-TREE, I AM omnipotence, bringing light and joy and
BULL, JOHANNA, JOHN BAPTIST, peace." — A. MACLAREN, Sermont, 2nd
Series, pp. 229-31.
WASHED, WATER, WOMAN (adultery),
A symbol of purification by means ROBBER : -
of the buddhic function, of the souls This symbol stands for a type of
of those egos who have attained the lower instincts which kill out the
Christ hood. Spirit, but it has no direct, or at
" He shall best a very slight and obscure, mean-
baptise you with the Holy
Ghost and with fire." — MAT. iii. 11. Ing within the Gospel Drama.
This signifies the descent of the
Spirit upon the faithful souls, which
takes place when they are gathered A symbol of the life currents
passing between the buddhic and
together in one accord, looking within
astral planes, relating to the desires
for the selfsame Light of Wisdom ;
and their transmutations.
when they know that religion is pro " At the beginning of the
sacrifice th»
gressive, and when they realise that Advarya makes of a load of Darbha, or
the floodgate* of Truth are never sacred grass, which has been brought to
the sacrificial compound, seven bunches, BARLEY MEAL EATEN:—
each of which is tied together with a
stalk of grass, just as the Baresma A symbol of experiences gathered
and transmuted ; or fruits of action
(Barsom) of the Parsis." (Footnote.) —
J. EOQBLTNO, S. B. of E., Vol. XLIV. as higher qualities laid up on the
p. 84. buddhic plane.
" As
large as the altar is, so large is See TREASURE IN HEAVEN.
the earth ; and the plants are repre
sented by the barhis ; so that he thereby BARLEY-CORNS :—
furnishes the earth with plants ; and
those plants are firmly established in Symbolic of Wisdom and Love, —
this earth ; for this reason he spreads the food of the soul.
the barhis." — Sofa, firth., 1. 3, 3, 9. " You are clarified butter and honey,
The soul (altar) that has to be O ye barley-corns ; you are water and
evolved from latency is commensurate ambrosia. May . you efface whatever
with the qualities of the lower nature sinful iicta I
have committed. Sinn
committed by words, by acts, and by
(earth), for the desires (plants) are the evil thoughts." — Institutes Vishnu,
outgrowths of the buddhic life forces Ch. 48, 18.
iharhis) which furnish the lower Signifying ; may Love and Wisdom
nature with its qualities (plants), and and celestial Truth, purify my soul
these qualities when transmuted raise in expression, in deed, and in thought !
" He throws the barley-corns in with,
the lower nature. Hence the spiritual '
Thou art barley (yava), keep thou
mind extends the scope of the buddhic
(yavaya) from us the haters, keep from
' "—
energies. us the enemies ! Sola. IS-dh., Ill,
(SECOND), BUCKLE, GIRDLE, KUSTI, The spiritual mind receives and
PLANTS, TAMA-OUSHI, WOOD (HOLY), transmits the vibrations of wisdom
YAONA-PAVITA. and love which are to rescue the soul
from captivity to the desires (enemies).
Symbols of monads of form which
become the centres of consciousness BARSOM, —a ceremonial implement
for the personalities. They are the used in the Parsl ritual. It
"pitris of the demons," that is, the consists of a bundle of twigs or
astral centres of the desires, passions, metal rods, which when not in
appetites, and instincts of the lower use Is placed across two crescent-
nature. They have been developed In shaped supports. The barsom
animal-man on the moon in the Is ceremonially sprinkled with
lunar cycle. milk:—
See LI-MAR CYCLE, MONAD or The bundle of twigs symbolises
FOBM, MOON (waxing), PITRIS the currents or vibrations passing to
(lunar). and fro between the buddhic and
astral planes. The currents repre
BARLEY AND WHEAT OR RICE :— sent the buddhic responses to the
Symbols of high emotions on the astral aspirations, and also the con
buddhic plane, being the harvest of sequent growth of higher emotions
the ego's experience and efforts. as the indwelling Self Is awakened
Red barley is a symbol of love ; and through sensation and feeling. The
white wheat or rice, that of wisdom. two crescents at either end stand
" The sacrificial essence entered into this for the moon, which is a symbol of
earth. The gods searched for it by the astral nature, and through that
digging. They found it i:i the shape of of the buddhic. The Wisdom God
those two substances, — the rice and desses are superlunar and often
barley."— Sola. Brdh., I. 2, 3, 7. shown standing on the crescent
The Divine Life entered into the moon. The " milk " signifies wis
lower nature of the soul. The spiritual dom and love to nourish the soul.
egos sought for it by disciplining the " For our welfare the fire-priest
lower qualities. They found it in the (athrava) Spitama Zarathushtra was born,
he offered sacrifice for us and arranged
spiritual qualities of wisdom and love.
the holy twigs (barsom). Thua comes
See CORN, EABTH, HABVEST, WHEAT forth from the waters (i.e. from its source)
AND BARLEY. the good religion of the Mazdayasniana
spreading over all the seven regions of tion which God holds to all struggle after
the earth." — Fravardin Yasht, HAUO, goodness, all effort of noble and devoted
Essays on the Bel. of the Partis. life everywhere and always." — PHUJI.FS
For the salvation of our souls, the BROOKS, Serm., The Sword Bathed in
great High Priest, the Higher Self,
was born into the lower nature as the
World-soul (Zoroaster) in the cycle of
involution, becoming thereby a sacri
fice for us, that through His limitation
of himself we might attain to His BDELLIUM AND THE ONYX
perfection. For this end He provides STONE :—
the means, namely, the astro-buddhic Symbols of wisdom and power on
process (barsom), for the growth of the the buddhlc plane.
higher nature in our souls. Thus comes See HAVTLAH.
forth from the eternal Truth (waters)
the spiritual life of the Divine Monads,
which outflows through all beings that A symbol of a false philosophy.
exist in the seven globes of the plane
" Miserable men, wholly miserable,
tary chain. restrain your hands from (plucking)
ATHORNE, BARHIS, beans." — Empedocles, verte 441, FAIK-
BIRTH (second) BLASPHEMY BUD- Those souls which are plunged in
despair are to abstain from false con
ceptions of life, the product of emotion.
signify the fruit of the
TAMA-QUSHI, WOOD (holy), YAGNA- emotion -nature which is aptly symbo
PAVITA, ZOROASTER. lised by the quickly running and
BATTLE : — irregular growth of the bean plant.
A symbol of the conflict between BEARS:—
mind and emotion, or the spiritually Symbolic of passions or illusions
energised mental qualities and the which bug the mind and stifle effort.
desires, passions, and instincts of " And there came forth two
the lower nature. she bean
" Every struggle of the people of God out of the wood, and tare forty and two
children of them." — 2 KINGS ii. 24.
against evil in this world must be fired The young undeveloped mind (chil
with eternal principles, must be instinct
with thoroughness and with justice. . . . dren) is unable to appreciate a higher
All the true battles of the earth really mental state, and is also lacking in
are God's battles, and are to be fought faith and hope, hence it is condemned
only in God's spirit and God's way. The to be buffeted by the passions and
old history of Israel and Edom sinks back
All that history was a illusions of the lower life of desire
into a parable.
crude aiid elementary utterance of the and sensation.
great truth that there must ever be, so "Bears signify fallacies, — the literal
long as the world remains imperfect and sense of the Word, read indeed, but not
is struggling towards perfection, two understood." — SWEDENBOBO, Apoc. Rev
parts of the world, one of which is God's n. 573.
and one which is hot. What that chosen See ANIMALS, APE AND TIGER.
people represented is perpetual. There BEASTS (wild).
always is in the world some part of the
world consecrated to the struggle to BEAST OF THE BOTTOMLESS
make the world divine. It is that part PIT:—
of the general humanity, that part of
any race, nay, that part of any man — A symbol of the desire-mind •which
for even the individual life may be divided is the adversary of the Spirit. It is
between God and the enemy of God — energised by the desire-nature never
it is that part of human nature which is satisfied, i.e. " bottomless."
consecrated to God, and trying to do " Here is
His will. That is the everlasting Israel. wisdom. He that hath
In more spiritual ways therefore, with less understanding, let him count the number
formality, more flexibly and freely, of the beast ; for it is the number of a
all that is said of God's relation to the man : and his number is Six hundred
Judaism of the Old Testament, must be and sixty and six." — REV. xiii. 18.
the picture and the parable of the rela He that hath knowledge of the
higher and lower planes in the struc See ALTAB, ARK (Noah), CATTLE,
ture of the soul, knows what constitutes FLOOD, FBUCT (spirit), GOSHITKUN,
man in his lower nature ; and this OPPOSITES, SEVEN, Two.
lower nature is the animal-man, or
beast " in man.
Six " is a BEASTS, UNCLEAN :—
number of completion, and 666 indi Symbolic of the inferior emotions
cates completion of nature on the which appertain to the " natural
lower planes, i.e. the lower man."
three " Of clean beasts, and of beasts that
mental, astral, and physical planes, are not clean, and of fowls, and of every
which three completely organised thing that creepeth upon tho ground,
states make up the desire -mind there went in two and two unto Noah
embodied, or " beast." It must be into the ark, male and female, as God
commanded Noah."— GEN. vii. 8, 9.
remembered that the human conscious
These injunctions refer to the way
ness is on the mental plane only.
in which the higher and lower emotions,
aspirations, and instincts, are said to
SERPENT (hissing), WITNESSES (two).
go in by two and two, since each is to
BEASTS, ANIMALS:— be perceived by its opposite. They
" went in unto Noah into the ark,"
Symbolic of desires, passions and
of the lower nature.
that is, the emotions entered a certain
" state of the soul (ark) and were attached
And as many pretend that the soul
of Typhon himself is divided amongst to the individuality (Noah).
these unimala, the fable may be thought See ANIMALS, FLOOD, NOAH, GOSHCJ-
to express enigmatically that every BUN.
irrational and bestial nature belongs to
the share of the Evil Spirit." — PLUTARCH, BEASTS OF THE EARTH:—
liitand Otririt, § 73.
See ANIMALS, BCTBN-B OFFERING, Symbolic of the desires of the
lower nature, with the animal In
stincts and appetites (serpents).
BEASTS, CLEAN " And the fear of you and the dread of
you shall be upon every beast of the
-Symbolic of the superior emotions earth, and upon every fowl of the air ;
of the lower nature, that is, emotions with all wherewith the ground teemeth,
in the astral course of production and all the fishes of the sea, into your
which are ready for transmutation. hand are they delivered." — GEN. ix. 2.
" And the lower nature of the soul is
Thus in the living soul shall there be
good beasts, in gentleness of action, . . . first to be subdued and disciplined
And good cattle, which neither if they by the fear and dread of consequences,
eat, shall they over-abound, nor if they
which are to bring it eventually into
do not eat, have they any want ; and
good serpents, not destructive to do subjection. Into the power of the
hart, but ' wise ' to take heed. (Foot indwelling Self are all things of the
note. In his De Gen. con. Manich. i. lower nature to be delivered.
20, Augustine interprets the dominion " ' The fear and dread of you, etc.'
given to man over the beasts, of hia Animal faculties now are not only
keeping in subjection the passions of restrained by the ark or cross, but reduced
the soul, so as to attain true happiness.)
to submission : the man or reason governs
— AUOUSTHTE, Conjetrions, p. 377. them. The ox strong to labour, the
Of every clean beast thou shalt take strength in us formed to serve, is not
to thee seven and seven, the male and henceforth to spend its energies without
hi* female ; and of the beasts that are direction. The lion and the bear, fierce
not clean, two, the male and his female."
—Our. vii. 2.
thoughts, must be still. ... I know
indeed that even after this, after man has
The seven and seven clean beasts " passed the flood and is regenerate, lions
signify the higher emotions and aspira may be loosed in judgment by the
tions which are to be established in Lord : the man in us may be slain, and
the beast may be seen standing by the
the souL These numbers 7 and 7 carcase ; or, as in another case, the man
indicate perfection and completion, may be blind, and the beast, which
" should be guided by the man, may see
and correspond to the fruit of the
Spirit" (GAL. v. 22). The "unclean more than that inward man which was
formed to govern it. All this may be
beasts " signify the pairs of opposites through sin. Yet our calling as regenerate
which are of the lower planes. is to rule the beasts, not to be ruled by
them." — A. JUKES, The Types of the hie, — to the One, in return for
Genesis, p. 125.
" And the Lord God said His own sacrifice.
unto the " These wild
serpent, Because thou hast done this, (fierce beasts) are terres
trial demons, to whom the Chaldean
cursed art thou above all cattle, and
above every beast of the field ; upon
oracle alludes, which says, ' the wild
beasts of the earth shall inhabit thy
thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt
vessel,' i.e. as Fsellus explains it, the
thou eat all the days of thy life." —
GEN iii. 14. composite temperature of the soul." —
IAMBLICHUS, The Mysteries, etc., trans
And the Divine nature decides that Th. Taylor, p. 98.
the desire -mind is indeed lower and " Man
begins his inward career, to use
grosser than the sub-human desires a sentence of Amiel, ' as a tamer of wild
and instincts beasts, and these wild beasts are his
which preceded its
passions. To cut their claws, to muzzle
evolution. It is doomed to remain on them, to tame them, to make of them
the lower planes, and it shall feed domestic animals and servants, foaming
upon the sensations and forces which at times, but submissive, that ia personal
proceed from the lower nature as education.' " — J. BRIEBLEY, Studies oj
the Soul, p. 108.
long as it exists.
" Here the craft and subtlety of the See ANIMALS, APE AND TIGER,
Serpent was manifest, and the precious CREATURES, FISH, FUH-HE, NETS,
Image (of God) was corrupted, and PEOPLE, SACRIFICE, VESSEL.
became a Beast of all beasts ; where
upon there are now so many and various BEASTS OF THE MOUNTAINS :—
properties in man ; as one a Fox, Wolf,
Bear, Lion, Dog, Bull, Cat, Horse, Cock, Symbolic of ambitions, or elevated
Toad, Serpent, and in brief as many desires of a selfish nature.
kinds of creatures as are upon the earth, "
Separated by evil strife, the human
so many and various properties likewise members wander each in different direc
there are in the earthly man." — J. tions along the breakers of the sea of
BEHMEN, Mysterium Magnum, p. 92. life. Just so it is with plants and with
See ANIMALS, CATTLE, DUST, fishes dwelling in watery halls, and
FALL, FISH, MAN (natural), SACRI beasts whose lair is in the mountains,
FICE, SERPENT (subtil). and birds borne on wings." — EmpedoeUi,
BEASTS, WILD :— . When evolution commenced, and
Symbolic of the unruled baser the struggle for separate existence
passions of the lower nature. began, the functions of the Oversold
" Fuh-he invented nets for fishes, and are said to be scattered, inasmuch as
snares for wild beasts, in the use of through desire and opinion a continual
which he instructed the people, for the surging and unrest serve to stir the
twofold purpose of supplying their wants latent emotions by means of which
and procuring victims to offer in sacri
fice." — KIDD, China, p. 103. growth is accomplished. So it is -with
And now it is that in the scheme of the dawn of the emotions (plants), the
the Logos an astral mechanism comes astro -mental nature, the ambitions
to be developed in the soul, which is (beasts), the ideals and aspirations
to be used by the Ego in gathering (birds).
the facts (fish) which it is necessary See ARC. MAN, BIRDS, DISMEM
that he shall collect through sensa BERMENT, EVOLUTION, FISH, MEM
tion for his experience. The " wild BERS, MOUNTAIN (lower), PLAJSTTS,
beasts " symbolise the baser passions, SEA, SEPARATION, STRIFE, WINDS.
which are to be checked and so trans
muted through the gradual growth
of the Self within. The "people"
Symbolic of the first three root-
are the undeveloped instincts and
races, being of an astral nature.
activities which are to be disciplined "
and used ; as means to the end of Ahura Mazda and Yima called
meetings of Gods and mortals, as bad
Self-realisation. The " supplying " of times were coming, and the three aorta
the " wants " is realising that the of beasts would perish." — Vendidad, II.
powers within are to be utilised only The Supreme through the Tnghw
for the highest purpose ; and this is Self, calls a gathering together of the
the attitude that becomes the offering higher aspirations and practical forces,
up of the Self, — or consecration of as a reckoning tune was shortly to be
arrived at : that ie, the period
the carrying on of involution on Symbolic of attractiveness and
another globe takes place. The period repulslveness.
described is the period preceding
evolution. The first three root races
in evolution would in turn perish. A symbol of a state of confidence
See ASTRAL PLANE, GODS, MAN In the Higher.
A symbol of a phase of thought or
BEASTS, BIRDS, AND FISHES :— opinion, on which the ego reposes.
" That a bed signifies doctrine, is from
Symbolic of desires, aspirations,
correspondence, for as the body rests in
and facts or feelings.
its bed, so does the mind rest in He
"The affections and consequent per doctrine." — SWEDENBOBO, Apoc. Rev.,
ceptions and thoughts of spirits and n. 137.
angels in the spiritual world appear at
a distance in the forms of animals or BED, OR COUCH OF ZEUS :—
creatures upon the earth, which are A symbol of the quiescent or un-
called beasts, of creatures in the air manlfest condition of the Self, at the
which are called birds, and of creatures
in the sea which are called fishes." —
beginning or end of a cycle.


FICED :— Symbolic of Intuitional perception,
Symbolic of the lower nature offered or understanding of wisdom (lotus).
up for the sake of the higher. See BEES, LOTUS.
SACRIFICE. A symbol of evil, unreal and nega
tive, which is to be overcome by
BEATIFIC VISION:— troth and goodness the real and
The soul realising Its Identity with positive.
the Infinite. See EVIL, ILLUSION.

"The firststage of progression from BEES :—

the hiddenness (of the unrevealed God
head) is made through the
Great Intelli- A symbol of the higher emotions,
gencies' which are nearest to God. These or of the spiritual egos.
beings have first-hand illuminations, they " The Ancients, moreover, used to call
participate in the One Himself, and have the priestesses of Mother Earth (DSmSter)
the feast of the beatific vision, which Bees, in that they were initiates of the
makea divine all who strain aloft to Terrene Goddess, and the Maid (Kort)
behold it ; and the Divine energy which herself Bee -like. They also called the
' '
bubbles forth from the Godhead is Moon the Bee, as Lady of Generation ;
passed on by them to the next rank, and and especially because [with the Magians]
so on down, until ' every existing thing the Moon in exaltation is the Bull,
participates in the Beautiful,' i.e. in the and Bees are Ox-born — that is, souls
Godhead (From Dionyeiua). — R. M. coming into birth are Ox-born' — and the
JOURS, Mystical Religion, p. 106. '
God who steals the Bull [Mithra]
" (Porphyry).
"To be completely filled with God, and occultly signifies generation
perfected in the eternal movement of —Q. R. S. MEAD, Myatr.riea of Mithra,
God ; in a word, to be conscious of God
p. 63.
and dwell in the Divine impulse or " Bees appear to have been considered
inspiration — that is the perfect state." by the Greeks as emblems of purity,
— H. HrsiiNui.r., Nature, etc., p. 365.
and as the symbols of nymphs, who are
See AMSHASPANDS, ARCHANGELS, sometimes called Mellissae, as were also
BLISS, GODHEAD, SERMON, UNITY. priestesses in general." — ISAAC MYEB,
Qabbalah, p. 229.
BEATRICE OF DANTE :— " The gods Indra, Krishna, and Vishnu,
A symbol of wisdom, — the buddhlc on account of their name Madhavaa
principle, the fount of all virtue and (that is, born of Madhus, belonging to
or in connection with it) were compared
Intuition. in India to bees ; the bee as making and
See HELEN, SERPENTS (sparks). carrying honey (madukaras) is especially
the moon ; as sucking it, it is especially buddhi to the Higher Self. The
the sun."-— GUBEBNATIS, Zool. Mythology, " libations from bees "
signify the
Vol. II. p. 216.
" Demeter "
free-will offerings or fruits of industry
The priestesses of
buddhi, that (bees), which are exacted of the
signify the emotions of
is, the higher emotions of the soul. lower self.
"We are working for a God just as a
The moon in its higher (exaltation) bee, without knowing it, is making
aspect is a symbol of buddhi which is honey for man." — RENAN, Dial. Philoi.
allied with the Self (the Bull). The See HONEY, KYPRIS, LIBATIONS.
higher emotions (bees) are from buddhi
(ox-born), as also are the spiritual
egos (ill 11HI -buddhi) descending into
The Self " steals " the
Symbolic of mind and emotion
creating, or giving rise to, states of
Archetypal Man (Bull-Mithra) when
reason and affection.
he becomes the myriad solves of " And
Seth lived a hundred and five
humanity. The Higher Self in his years, and begat Enosh : and Seth lived
active aspects (Indra, etc.) is com after he begat Enosh eight hundred and
parable to the higher emotions (bees) seven years, and begat sons and daugh
which produce wisdom and love ters." — GEN. v. 6, 7.
(honey) as food for the soul. The
And hope or mental desire (Seth)
existed its appropriate time (105 = 6)
higher emotion nature (bee) producing
the soul's nourishment, is of buddhi and therefrom proceeded faith in the
(moon), while the soul's assimilation
Divine (Enosh). And hope still
of wisdom and love, raises the lower existed and produced phases, or states,
Self to the Higher Self (sun). of joy and peace (807 - 16).
VISHNU. A symbol of the cutting oft of the
lower mind, or a phase of opinion,
BEES, LIBATIONS FROM :— at the end of a period or cycle.
A symbol of the voluntary relin See HEAD (living), HEAD or SET.
quishing of the results of efforts, in
favour of an ideal, by the lower self. BEHEMOTH, THE GREAT BULL :—
" Kypris they worshipped with A symbol of the astro-physical
hallowed offerings, with painted figures, matrix of all living things in the
and perfumes of skilfully made odour, lower nature. It proceeds from its
and sacrifices of unmixed myrrh and prototype upon the buddhic plane,
fragrant frankincense, casting on the and is fertilised by the mental seed-
ground libations from tawny bees." — germs of all forms.
Empedocles, verse 405, FAIRBANKS.
" Kypris " signifies the "The word behemoth literally means
Queen beasts, from the singular noun behemah,
buddhic ruler of the forthcoming from the word baham, to be dumb."
evolution, for buddhi is the commence "
By Behemoth and Leviathan are
ment of evolution ; the appeal being symbolised the two great hindrances of
human salvation, viz. the Flesh and the
first of all made to the desire nature
which is inverted buddhi. "Hal
Devil. ...To speak more precisely, it
seems probable that Behemoth repre
lowed offerings with painted figures " sents the Evil One acting in the animal
are symbolic of those blissful condi and carnal elements of man's own
constitution, and that Leviathan symbo
tions and transmuted desires which
lises the Evil One energising as his
are appropriate to this early stage of external enemy. Behemoth is the Enemy
soul-growth on the astral plane. within us, Leviathan is the Enemy
Perfumes " signify the inbreathing
" without us." — WOBDSWORTH, Bible, Job,
effects upon the higher planes, which p. 95.
become the causes, in turn, of mental
Behold now behemoth, which I
made with thee ; he eateth grass as an
" Sacrifices of myrrh and ox, etc." — JOB xl. 15-24.
frankincense " symbolise the Truth The astro -physical nature is said
and Wisdom which are transmuted to be made in alliance with the mental
from the lower experiences through nature, and to have its life awakened
by the faint aspirations or desires (saying) : Who then hath escaped with
(grass) on the lower planes. Its his life T No man shall live after the
destruction." — Babylonian Flood Story.
manifestation (strength) is in the
Now as the lower mind reached the
lower nature (loins, belly, etc.). It is
zenith of its power, and was mightily
the means whereby the Divine scheme
increased in pride of the intellect so
of soul -probation is to be carried out
" sword that the ideals (gods) were obscured,
(chief of the ways of God), the
the quality of mental exclusiveness was
of the spirit," or Divine will, being
developed, and it came to imagine
exercised upon it.
"Hail, holy Bull, beneficent, who that nothing it could not account for
makest increase. Who dost bestow thy had any existence in the soul, or
gifts upon the faithful. Hail to thee could survive death.
whom Ahriman kills." — Vendidad, See NECKLACE, HERPEST, HIPPO
XXI. 1.
The prototype of the lower quater
nary being on the buddhic plane, it BELIEF :—
is said to die on its descent to rela Union of the mind with a percept
tivity (Ahriman) on the lower planes. or concept presented to It. The
As it contains the promise and poten mind unites with any idea if there is
cies of perfection, it bestows the no opposing idea already accepted.
" Truth utters itself
higher qualities upon the faithful in in outward symbols.
proportion to their efforts. Belief and resolution declare themselves
" In the names Behemut and
in forms. It is the natural law of expres
sion, and so long as the form remains
sometimes given respectively to this
soft and pliant, full of the spirit of the
Bull and Fish (of the Ottoman Sufi
we seem
belief or resolution it expresses, all is
cosmogony) to recognise the
Behemoth and Leviathan of the book right. Form and belief are like body
and soul to one another. But when
of Job." — GIBB, Hist, of Ottoman Poetry,
Vol. I. p. 39. form hardens into formalism, when the
real substance of belief, instead of
See AHRIMAN, Urn,, GRASS, JOB, remaining soft and pliant, grows stiff,
LEVIATHAN, Ox (sarsaok), VISCERA, and will not let belief grow and enlarge,
VITAL AIRS, WOMB (cosmic). will not let the food of belief which is
new truth come pouring in, then you have
BEHftDET, GOD OF :— got the most crusted and impenetrable
armour that can be imagined. Forms
A symbol of the Higher Self seated ought to be the medium through which
upon the buddhic plane. truth comes to the inner nature." —
" Thoth spake to Horbehudti : ' Thou PHILLIPS BROOKS, Mystery of Iniquity,
art a great protector.' From that day p. 157.
" Belief is ofthe very substance of the
the sacred bark of Horns is called Great
of Protection." (God of Behudet is the life. As he thinketh in his heart, so
same as Horus, or Horbehudti.) — Legend is he.' It is that through active service,
of fringed Sun-disk. through the will to do God's will, belief
The higher mind (Thoth) uttered is ever struggling to become true, and
itself to the Self :
" Thou art indeed feeling is ever struggling to grow healthy."
— PHILLIPS BROOKS, Light of the World,
a great protector of myself." And p. 267.
from that period of development the " ' Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
causal-body (bark) is known to be a and thou shall be saved.' It means that
the one invincible force in your life is
haven of protection for the qualities ;
the Christ out of whom your soul has
for through its functionings the soul arisen ; not the evil that seems to bear
is brought to a state of stability, it down. Believe that, and it will set
centralised on the higher mind piano. you free, but believe it in the way that
a man has to believe anything that lifts
him to power. Your fetters are only
(palace), HORBEHUDTI, HORUS, THOTH. made to be broken ; evil is only there to
be transmuted to good." — R. J.
BEL OF NIPUR, OR MUL-LILLA, BELL, Serm. The Freedom of the Son
A symbol of the lower mind, - BENNU BIRD:—
astro-mental. A symbol of the spiritual ego
"Now when Bel drew nigh, he saw the
which aspires and rises upward from
ship, and wna very wroth ; he was filled the lower nature of the soul.
with anger against the gods, the Igigi, "I go in like the Hawk and I come
forth like the Bennu bird, the morning outgrown the tribulations of the flesh
star of Rfi." and have cast off its fetters.
" And
grant that I may sail down to See CROSS, POOL, PORCHES.
TnUu like a living soul, and up to Abtu
(Abydos) like a Bennu bird." — BUDOK,
Book oj the Dead, pp. 20, 61.
The hawk descending on its prey, A symbol of the condition of purity
symbolises the spiritual ego falling and of mind, wherein the
into matter from which it afterwards Christ-soul can be born as the Son
of mind (man), and be protected at
ascends to the buddhic plane. The
" living soul " descends to the lower first from the strife of the lower
emotions and desires.
planes (Tattu) to rise again to the " Wherefore
" every soul which receives
higher planes (Abtu). The morning
that bread which comes down from
star," or ascending soul, heralds the heaven is the house of bread, that ie,
coming of its Lord the Sun of righteous the Bread of Christ, being nourished
ness (Ru) and supported, and having its heart
strengthened by that heavenly bread
which dwells within it. Hence Paul also
For we being many are one bread.'
SONS OF GOD, STRIDES, TATTU. Every faithful soul is Bethlehem, as
Jerusalem also is said to be, which has
BERSERKS, OR WARRIORS :— the peace and tranquillity of that Jeru
Symbolic of active and combative salem which is above in heaven. That
qualities of the lower mind. is the true Bread, which, when broken
" The giantess Hyrrocken came riding into pieces, fed all men."— ST. AMBROSE,
Letters,p. 416.
on a Wolf, and had vipers for her reins.
When she alighted from her steed, Odin See BIRTH OF JESUS, BREAD, VIRGIN
ordered four berserks to mind him ; MARY.
but they could not hold him in one
place except by throwing him to the BETRAYAL OF JESUS :—
ground." — Story of Balder, Edda,
On the lowest sub-plane of the
A symbol of the voluntary falling
away from the Christ- soul of the
mind the activities take the form of lower element at the last, thus
Terror (Hyrrocken), fear (wolf), and Initiating the crossing over.
cunning (vipers). And when the " And straightway Judas came to
lower mind is given the rein, to guide Jesus, and said, Hail, Rabbi ; and kissed
the soul at this early stage, nothing him. And Jesus said unto him, Friend,
good can be done with it through do that for which thou art come." —
fear. By the will of the Supreme, the MAT. xxvi. 49, SO.
" berserks " courage, strength, avarice, " Judas " stands for the lowest,
least raised, quality in the not yet
and self-interest, partly neutralise its
perfected Christ-soul, consequently
stultifying influence, but it must
needs be kept in check altogether, by
that is the quality which requires the
Soul to go through the anguish at
overthrowing fear completely.
the final crossing over from the lower
ROMAN SOLDIERS, SOLDIERS, WOLF. to the higher state. The exercise of
choice of action is the means whereby
BERYLS AND GOLD :— evolution is accomplished. Choice has
Symbols of love and wisdom. previously been offered to the quality
See GEMS, JEWELS. " Judas," when,
having fallen away,
BBS, GOD :— he approaches to do that for which
See PILLOWS he has come. " Judas " by getting
his selfish gratification (money) forfeits
BETHANY :— his claim to the Christ whom he
A symbol of the " abode of the betrays with a kiss ; that is, he retains
Lord," — a subjective state of con the semblance of affection without the
sciousness on the higher mental
plane In which the Higher Self dwells . " The great problem of existence
is our
See ASCENSION OF JESUS, LAZARUS. perfection ; the perfection, that is, of
BETHESD A :— our liberty, the schooling of our choice
or consent as powers, so that we may be
A symbol of a state of biles | being fully established in harmony with God's
• haven of rest for those who have will and character ; unified with Him
in His will, glorified with Him in the See ALMSGIVING, MENDICANT, MONK,
glory of His character, and so perfected
with Him in His eternal beatitude.
Persons or powers are creatures who BHIMA, SON OF VAYU AND
act, not by causality, but by consent ;
they must therefore be set in conditions
that invite consent." — H. BUSHNELL, A symbol of the intellect, the pro
Nature, etc., p. 62. duct of the higher mind and nature.
" In the lower
stages of man's religious " Bhima's great strength had to be
life we find this competition between
different kinds of the good :— between maintained by plentiful supplies of food ;
the sensuous valuables to which the as his name Vrikodara, wolf -stomached,'
will is compelled by appetite, passion, indicated a voracious appetite." — MON.
and desire, and the spiritual values which
WILLIAMS, Indian Witdom, p. 382.
religion, in its higher stages of the The intellect, which has such great
activity of intellect and imagination, power hi the soul, requires to be sup
presents as rivals to the sensuous And plied with knowledge (meat) of in
the man is called to choose between the
numerable facts of nature and of life.
two. This choice it is which seems to
religion as a choice between the flesh and The intellect is voracious for learn
the spirit, or between the world and ing, and assimilates all it can for the
God, or between human favour and the
support of its ((pinions, and for the
Divine Approval ; or, finally, between a " Wolf-
formation of its theories.
widening moral separation from the
Source of all spiritual Life and its volun stomached " indicates the appetite of
tary acceptance as the indwelling and the intellect for the facts of the
welcome Source of the soul's true and lower nature.
highest life." — O. T. LAUD, Phil, of See FOOD, MEAT, PANDAVAS, PRITHA,
Religion, p. 338.
A symbol of the power for evolution
A symbol of the moral nature active in the natural organism and
which rules the soul in the absence environment during the early struggle
of the greater spiritual nature which for life and reproduction.
is to follow. " The two brothers, Dhrita-rashtra and
" Bharata
consents to take charge of Pandu, were brought up by their uncle
the kingdom as a deposit. He bears Bhlsma, who, until they were of age,
away Rama's shoes on his head in token conducted the government of Hastina-
of this. . . . Until the return of the pur." — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom,
rightful king, never transacting any p. 378.
business without laying it before the The instinct -nature and the dawn
shoes." — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom,
p. 354. ing mental nature were evolved in
The moral nature rules for the soul's the undisturbed order of natural
welfare until the spiritual nature is growth to which the soul was subject
sufficiently evolved to take charge ; until the tune arrived for the mind
when love of the ideal supersedes to assert itself through the personality.
" The first great single-combat was
duty. The moral nature venerates
between Bhisma and Arjuna. It ended
the spiritual and puts it in the highest in Arjuna transfixing Bhlsma with
place in the mind (head). It recog innumerable arrows, so that there was
nises that in the spiritual is the power not a space of two fingers' breadth on
of progress (shoes), and it therefore, in his whole body unpierced. . . . Bhlsma
had received from his father the power
all its operations, defers to the Higher of fixing the time of his own death, and
Self— the Love nature which sooner or now declared that he intended retaining
later will enter upon the kingdom life till the sun entered the summer
which the moral nature is preparing solstice." — Ibid., p. 403.
for it.
The personality (Arjuna), as a centre
of Divine life, commenced a new
order by fighting nature (Bhisma)
through mind. It followed that the
BHIKSHU :— intelligent use of nature for personal
A symbol of a quality motived by ends took the place of subservience
love. to nature. In the life of the soul,
" For Divine Matter receiving that
nature becomes transfixed by will
which defines and bounds it, possesses a
power (arrows) in every part and definite and intellectual life." — PLOTINUS,
detail through the ingenuity of mind, On Matter, § 5.
and lives on. The natural order is " From the bosom of thia Unity
said to receive from the Supreme the (Kether), two parallel principles proceed
in apparent opposition, but which in
power of fixing its own term of life.
reality are inseparable ; one is female,
It is a means to an end, and that passive, negative, called Binah, Under
end is the completion of the soul's standing ; the other male, active, positive,
growth : when nature has finished its called Hokhmah, i.e. Wisdom." — ISAAC
MYEH, Qabbalah, p. 193.
work in the soul's evolution, " the ''
The universal spiritual passive
sun enters the summer solstice," matter of Ibn Geberol is paralleled by
that is, the Self (sun) culminates in Binah. In the Qabbalah matter always
the soul, and the karmic natural order corresponds with the female passive
then exists for it no longer. principle, to be influenced by the active,
or male, the forming." — Ibid., p. 261.
At the manifestation of a solar
universe, the Absolute outbreathes
KAKMA, PANDAVAS, PANDU, SUN- the Relative, which is dual as Spirit
MOTIONLESS, ZENITH. and Matter. The first is the active
BIFROST, THE HEAVENLY informing agent, and the second the
BRIDGE :— passive, receptive condition.
A symbol of the higher mind. See HEAVEN AND EARTH, HOKH-
"Which is the path leading from
earth to heaven T ' That is a senseless MATTER, MAYA, OCEAN (feminine),
question,' replied Har, with a smile of PRAKRITI, SEPHIBOTH, SHEKXNAH.
derision. ' Hast thou not been told that
the gods made a bridge from earth to BINDING AND LOOSING ON
heaven, and called it Bifrost T You EARTH AND IN HEAVEN :—
must surely have seen it ; but perhaps
thou callest it the rainbow. It is of Symbolic of the determinations of
three hues, and is constructed with more the law of karma. Cause and effect
art than any other work. But strong exemplified in higher and lower
though it be, it will be broken to pieces conditions.
when the sons of Muspell, after having " What things soever ye (the disciples)
traversed great rivers, shall ride over shall bind on earth shall be bound in
it." — MALLET, North. Antiq., Prose Edda, heaven : and what things soever ye
pp. 408-9. shall loose on earth shall be loosed in
This refers to the period before the heaven." — MAT. xviii. 18.
spiritual egos (sons of Muspell) had The binding or loosing by the
descended to incarnate in the lower disciplined qualities (disciples) in the
nature. After traversing the buddhic lower nature (earth), signifies the use
states (rivers) they passed by means made of the powers of the soul in
of the higher mind (bridge) to be their outgoing to bind or loose the
attached to the personalities of the desires. The binding or loosing in the
lower mind. Then, as it were, the higher nature (heaven) is the corre
bridge is broken down, for the lower sponding result arrived at by such
consciousness is unable to rise to activities within the soul in their
higher levels. The
" three hues " are incoming. That is, if the lower quali
the three sub -planes of the higher ties are under control on earth, the
mind. higher qualities are under control in
See Bow, BRIDGE, CLOUDS, FALL, heaven ; or if the lower qualities are
GANOLEB, GODS, HEIMDALL, MUSPELL, unrestrained on earth, the higher
RAINBOW. qualities remain unclaimed in heaven.
STANDING :— BIRD, GREAT,—" the God-like Bird
A symbol of the principle of matter •which sits upon the Tree of
to which Spirit (Hokhmah-wisdom) Life," — under the names, Hlran-
becomes Involved. The Understand yagarbba, Karshipta, Simorg,
ing is receptive of Wisdom. Sinamru :—
A symbol of the Higher Self or of the Supreme working upon the
theIndividuality, seated, as It were, buddhlc plane. These Egos not
upon the Divine Ray direct from the having any lower nature, are unlikely
Absolute. ever to use vehicles of matter below
" There are times when we all get- the higher mental plane, though they
glimpses of that greater Self, that Self
could, of course, do so If they chose,
beneath the self, that Life within our because they necessarily have com
life, that struggles for expression like a mand of all lower conditions. But
bird behind the bars of a cage ; that they act under the Divine law never
Soul within the soul which ns a fourteen th- to assist the lower until the lower is
century mystic puts it, hath never ready and prepared to receive help
consented to sin, nor ever shall.' That
from them and profit by It.
is the real you, the real me, the real
Man in every man." — K. J.
Serm., Our Solidarity in God. NEST, TREE OF LITE.
" In the Rig- Veda
(x. 149, 3) the sun
is called the bird of Savitri." — A. EARTH,
Religions of India, p. 20. TREE :—
The " sun " is the symbol of the Symbols of the Higher Self seated
Higher Self. above, and the indwelling Self evolv
See ATMAN, BIRDS (two), FiG-raurr, ing below in the human soul. Both
are allied with the
" tree of Life,"
SHITTA, PHANQ, SED, SIMOKO, SWAN. the Divine Ray from the Absolute.
" Two birds (the Paramatman and
BIRDS ; FOWLS OF THE AIR :— Jivatman, or supreme and individual
aspiring souls) always united, of the same name,
Symbolic of aspirations ;
occupy the same tree. Ono of them (the
tendencies in the qualities of the Jivatman) enjoys the sweet fruit of the
soul ; thoughts which soar heaven fig (or fruit of acts), the other looks on
ward In the mind (air). as a witness. Dwelling on the same tree
" Birds signify such things as relate to (with the supremo Soul), the deluded
the understanding, and thonce to thought (individual) soul, immersed (in worldly
relations), is grieved by the want of
and deliberation." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc.
Rev., n. 757. power ; but when it perceives the Ruler,
" To every man there come noble (separate from worldly relations) and his
glory, then its grief ceases. When the
thoughts that pass across his heart like
beholder sees the golden-coloured maker
great white birds." — MAETEBLINCK. Soul, the
"All the powers of God are winged, (of the world), the Lord, the
source of Brahma, then having become
being always eager and striving for the
wise, shaking off virtue and vice, without
higher path which leads to the Father."
— PHILO, Works, Vol. IV. p. 252. taint of any kind, he obtains the highest
" And God said, Let the waters bring identity." — Afundaka Upaniihad, III. 1,
forth abundantly the moving creature
that hath life, and let fowl fly above the The Supreme Self (Paramatman)
earth in the open firmament of heaven." and the Incarnate Self (Jivatman) are
— GEX. i. 20. one in essence and are both on the
And the Supreme now directs that primal Ray from the Absolute (the
" water,"
the desire-nature (lower Tree of Life). The Incarnate Self
astral) shall be the means of gradually evolving in the souls of humanity,
giving rise to the lower emotions that struggles upward to enjoy in the
have evolving life, and these are buddhic consciousness the fruit of
gradually to take wings and be the experience and aspiration, while the
mftftng of raising the lower impulses
Supreme Self is a witness and inactive.
through aspiration, to the mental and The Incarnate Self is immersed in
higher planes. illusion and ignorance, suffering and
See CBEATUBES, FIRMAMENT, PATH sorrow, but when having conquered
(birds), WATER (lower), WINGS. the lower nature and risen above it,
BIRDS OF THE HEAVEN :— it perceives the Supreme Self, then its
sorrow ceases ; ignorance and illusion
A symbol of the Elder Brethren of
are dispelled, and the Truth ia made
humanity : those Egos who have
" gone before," and who, — having manifest. The pairs of opposites are
discarded, and perfection having been
aspired to the things which are
above, and conquered the things attained, the two Selves become one
below, — are now free and able agents Self in complete identity.
All that is in the Godhead is on*. •ense, and sometimes in a good sense.
Therefore we can say nothing. He is Since by the birds of the air occasionally
above all names, above all nature. the powers of the air are denoted, being
God work* ; so doth not the Godhead. hostile to the settled purposes of good
Therein they are distinguished — in work men. Whence it is said by the mouth
ing and not working. The end of all of Truth, ' And when he sowed, some
things is the hidden Darkness of the seeds fell by the wayside, and the fowls
eternal Godhead, unknown and never of the air came and devoured it ; in
to be known (Eckhart)." — R. M. JONES, this way, because evil spirits besetting the
Mystical Religion, p. 225. minds of men, whilst they bring in bad
" We discover in our inner self that thoughts, pluck the word of life out of
we are not masters even in our own the memory. Hence, again, it is said to
house. The inward economy of thinking a certain rich man full of proud thoughts,
and feeling which we call ourselves is, The foxes have holes, etc.* (MAT. xiii.
we find, to a large extent strange to us 4). For foxes are very cunning animals,
and independent of us. What power that hide themselves in ditches and caves ;
have we over our own sensations ? and when they face the light, they never
We cannot create sensation. We can run in straight courses, but always by
only experience it. That a given set crooked doublings. But the birds, as
of circumstances should produce a given we know, with lofty flight lift themselves
result of pleasure or pain is an arrange into the air. So then, by the name of
ment entirely outside our own will. foxes,' the crafty and cunning demons,
We accept it, we perhaps wonder at it. and by the title of the ' birds of the air
What we cannot do is either to explain these same proud demons are denoted.
it or alter it. It gives one an eerie, As if he said, ' the deceitful and uplifted
haunted feeling to realise that within demons' find their habitation in your
us, yet not of us, there is this unseen heart ; i.e. in the imagination of pride,
agent who arranges for us all the phases but the Son of Man hath not where to
of our consciousness, leaving the task lay His head,' i.e. ' My humility findeth
of them simply for our part in the busi not rest in your proud mind.' " —
ness. This strange registering apparatus, GREGORY THE GREAT, Morals on the
which we did not create and do not Book of Job, Vol. II. pp. 394-5.
regulate, is ready for every conceivable " Demons," " powers of the air,"
event that may happen to us. If it and
" evil spirita" are symbols of the
were announced to us that to-morrow
we were to be married or to bo hanged, lower emotions and desires, which are
to be made a millionaire or a pauper, a hostile to the higher nature.
certain pre-ordained sensation would be " By a foul spirit and an unclean bird
the result. But what precisely it would are signified all the evils which pertain
be, either in its flavour, its intensity, or to the will and consequent actions.
its duration, is beyond both our will and and all the falses which pertain to the
our power of prediction. We are, indeed, thought and consequent deliberations." —
the spectator of the greater part of our SWEDENBOHO, Apoc. Rev., n. 757.
inner life rather than its agent or pro " For
every kind of beasts and birds,
ducer." — J. BRIERLEY, Studies of the of creeping things and things in the sea,
Soul, p. 82. is tamed, and hath been tamed by
The subjective mind of the involun mankind." — JAMES iii. 7.
tary vital system creates and main The desires, ambitions, lower pro'
tains the body for the use of the Densities and passions are subjected
voluntary cerebral system of the to the mind.
objective mind or personality. See DEMONS, DEVTLS, HOUSES FOI
HEAD, GOLD, HIOHER AND i.mvrii A symbol of the buddhic plan
JESUS (son of God), JOB, PERSON (birds) lodge, and in whicb ai
ALITY, SELF (supreme), SELF (lower), their progeny — the highe
SOUL (spirit), TREE or LIFE, YELLOW. emotions.
" Bird is a Hebrew term for
BIRDS (LOWER ASPECT) :•— the Bird's Nest is heaven. . . . In
Symbolic of emotions of ambition, Zohar the Bosom of God is called ' tl
pride, vanity, and exaltation of the Bird's Nest.' When the Messiah sh<
be made perfect, through the instrume
personality. These affections mul
tality of the righteous, he will enter t
tiply themselves and bind the soul Garden of Eden, into that place which
to the lower life. called the Bird's Nest' (Zohar, 2 8b
" In Holy Scripture ' birds ' are gome- — ISAAC MYER, Qabbalah, p. 217.
times given to be understood in a bad The " Messiah " signifies the Cliri.
•oul, or indwelling Self, not yet was born, without pain and without
perfect in expression but to be made illness. Like the sun bursting from a
cloud in the morning, — so he, too, when
so through the instrumentality of he was born from his mother's womb,
the evolving higher
qualities (the made the world bright like gold, bursting
righteous). When perfection
on the forth with his rays which dispelled the
lower planes is attained then the darkness." — Buddha- Karita I. 25, 26.
The " side of the queen " is an
Christ consciousness rises to the bud-
" bosom allusion to the outgoing spiritual
dhic plane (Eden), or the
— force which regulates the manifesta
of God" the "nest" of the great
Sun-Bird, the eternal Self of all ; the tion of the World-soul. The " purifi
" nest of Brahman " over which he cation by the vow " signifies the con
secration or dedication of the matter
" Birds of the heaven come and lodge of the lower planes to the expression
in the branches thereof." — MAT. xiii. 32. of the Self within. The Son is born
See ANOELS, BIRD (great), BIRDS and comes forth on the astromental
(heaven), EDEN, TIME, TREE OF LIFE. plane, since he is the centre of the
solar universe, and becomes the means
BIRTH AND DEATH OF FORMS :— of uniting all principles, powers, and
Human birth is the entrance of forces into one focus, and of co-ordi
the ego with its qualities into a new nating all the fragments of the Divine
body, or vehicle of consciousness,
nature in their harmonious expression
while death is the exit of the ego from
in the cosmos. "Pain and illness" are
a body of any age. The first implies
the out- breathing of the spirit and
absent from the birth of the Soul,
personality into material forms on inasmuch as the spiritual effort which
the mental, astral, and physical is made is the deepest realisation of
planes, while the latter implies the bliss in the nature of the Self.
inbreathing of the same from out of Then as the sun shines forth from
the forms which then die and decay. the dazzling rim of the morning
The life manifest in forms is not cloud, so the inner Self, emerging from
an element existing on the plane of the prison-house of Matter wherein it
the forms, but is an influence coming had lain potential, brought out of
down from the plane next above the chaos its vehicle the cosmos, and
form-plane. Life apparent on the revealed the truth involved within
physical plane evidences a directive himself. Forth from the inmost
mental agency operating on the astral recesses of his being, proceeded the
plane. The living human body derives rays of his effulgence, — the Divine
its nourishment from the physical modes of functioning which turn
plane, but its life relates to the apparent nothingness into the begin
patterns and order of growth on the nings of the manifested all.
astral and higher planes ; these " The infant Buddha came forth, and
agencies direct the bioplasts in the the great kings of the four cardinal points
received him in a cloth or net." — LIIXIE,
building of the organisms. in Christendom, p. 18.
Hi ii !<!.
Death implies cessation of direc
The Soul is received by the four
tion from higher planes of the lower
principles of the quaternary in an
forces in forms.
astral mechanism of desire and sensa
tion, that is, the four lower planes are
(builders), KOKMS, MAN BORN, MEN of
organised for the manifestation
the incarnate Self.
SliHLlTUD ES . "The resemblances between the Chris
tian and Buddhist legends are so close
that we can scarcely imagine it to be a
Symbolic of the entrance of the mere coincidence. Jesus and Buddha are
Self, or World-soul, into the lower both said to have been born of a pure
nature of the Life cycle during the virgin,' honoured by heavenly spirits at
period of Involution, when the Soul their birth, prayed to by kings, and
loaded with presents. Happy is the
Is one, not many.
whole world,' sing the Gods under the
From the side of the Queen Maya, form of young Brahmins, at the birth of
who was purified by her vow, her son the child, — as we are told in the Lalita
Vistara, the legendary biography of When the manvantara, or great
Buddha, dating from before Christ, ' for
cycle of existence, commenced, God
he is indeed born who brings salvation,
and will establish the world in blessed the Father potential, the First Logos,
ness. He is born who will darken sun sent forth his Only begotten Son, God
and moon by the splendour of his merits actual, the Second Logos, as the
and will put all darkness to flight. The Divine sacrifice to be involved in
blind see, the deaf hear, the demented
are restored
to reason.' — A. DHEWS, matter, the Word becoming flesh and
The Christ Myth, p. 104. dwelling among us. He, the Lord of
Professor Kellogg points out that in all, and the life and the light of men,
the Chinese books Buddha is said over
begotten of the Father — the Absolute,
and over again to have been incarnate of
Holy Spirit.' " — A. LILLIE, Budd. submitted to limitation under the
in Christendom, p. 16. Divine law, and descended into matter
An Buddha, Christ, and Zoroaster (woman) to become united with it
are all symbols of the Higher Self and conditioned by it. (Matter is
incarnate in the lower nature, some feminine — passive, adapted to receive
similarities in the allegories concerning and take impressions, and so is
them are to be expected. The " pure moulded and fashioned into forms
virgin " signifies the purified part of for the life activities.)
the lower nature, in which the Holy The object of the Divine sacrifice
Spirit can implant the Divine germ of being the redemption of the souls ;
Righteousness and Truth. The higher then afterwards in the period of
qualities, intellectual faculties, and evolution, there arise inner vibrations
ideals (gods) rejoice at the birth of from the Spirit within the mind, which,
the Self who will bring salvation to once established, play upon the soul
the soul. The advent of the Divine and so raise it. The soul therefore is
Ruler and Saviour imparts fresh gradually freed from the law of desire,
energy to all the impulses towards the and rising upward it unites itself with
higher life. He is born whose light the Christ who gives salvation from
of knowledge will by comparison make the transitory life, and lordship over
the learning of the lower mind seem the lower planes. And so is fulfilled
ignorance (darkness), and he will set the liberty of the children of God.
Truth in the place of ignorance. The " The Holy Spirit having entered into
spiritually blind shall be made to see Matter, the world thus received its form
the truth. The qualities deaf to the and motion. The Holy Spirit is present
Divine voice shall be enabled to hear also in those who fell to earth, as the
the words of Love and peace. Those power which shall raise them up again
to Heaven" (Synesiut of Cyrene). —
egos whose qualities are distorted and UEBERWBO, Hist, of Philoa., Vol. I,
unbalanced shall be restored to p. 349.
spiritual equilibrium. The work of Christ in the soul is
one with the work of Christ in the world
of worlds, a cosmic sacrifice, and a new
HISATV \. BUDDHA, DARKNESS, spiritual creation. If he had failed in the
DESTROYING EVILS, GARDEN (lum- greater he could not accomplish the less."
bini), HEAVENLY VOICE, INVOLUTION, — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Christ Arisen.
" For Eckhart, the forthcoming of God
EL*, LION-GAIT, MATTER, MAYA is in this wise. The Godhead, ' the
(higher), NET (golden), VIRGIN, unnatured Nature,' in an '
WATER (heaven), WOMB. Now,' beholds Himself, i.e. becomes an
object of consciousness to Himself, and
BIRTH OF CHRIST:— thus He becomes revealed to Himself.
Symbolic of the entrance Into mani This is the beginning of the process of
festation of the Word which was revelation. This is called ' the begetting
God, and was In the beginning with of the Son,' the uttering of the Divine
Word.' When God becomes conscious
God unmanlfest, namely, the Higher of Himself, there is differentiation into
Self. subject and object, or, as Eckhart says,
" into Father and Son. But we must not
But when the fullness of the time was
come, God sent forth his Son made of suppose that it happened at a temporal
a woman, made under the law, to redeem moment, before which the Son was
them that were under the law, that we unborn and God was not yet God. That
might receive the adoption of sons." — view is too crude. Eckhart insists that
GAL. iv. 4, 6. the Son is eternally begotten ; He
beholds himself in an Eternal Now : Meanwhile the Christ was now born
God is ever working in one Eternal on the buddhic plane (Isis), in rela
Now, and his working is a giving birth
to His Son. He bears Him at every tion to the lower nature, and was
instant.' " — R. M. JONES, Mystical nourished and sustained unknown to
Religion, p. 227. the lower self, in the " marsh " which
See ABSOLUTE, ARC. MAN, AT- signifies the purified nidus, wherein
MAN, BODHISATVA, COSMOS, EVOLU water (truth) is abundant, and which
TION, FIRST-BORN SON, GOD, GOD is soft to higher impressions, and is
HEAD, HlRANYAOARBHA, HulTZILO- out of reach of the desire-nature (Set).
rocHTLi, IMAGE, INCARNATION, " Therefore Isis perceiving that she is
INVOLUTION, JESUS (son of God), pregnant, ties an amulet round her neck
on the 6th of the first quarter of the
month Paophi, and that Harpocrates is
(higher), MONAD, MOTHER, REDEMP born about the winter solstice, unfinished
TION, SACRIFICER, SEED, SELF, Sou (or, whose lower limbs were dwarfed and
OF GOD, TIME, TRINITY, WOMAN stunted)." — PLUTAECH, Isis and Osiris,
(goddess), WOMAN (matter), WOMB §65.
This is the same symbolism as that
of the Christ. The "tying of the
BIRTH OF CONFUCIUS :— amulet " signifies that perfect junction
A symbol of the entrance of the formed between the higher and lower
Higher Self into the mentality of the principles, which is necessary in order
lower nature during the cycle of that their union shall give birth to the
Involution. Son of God. The "first quarter" is
" The birth of Confucius is surrounded a symbol of the first root-race (astral).
with many prodigious occurrences. . . . In the fourth root -race (physical)
As her time drew near, the mother,
Christ is born on the buddhic plane in
Ching-tsae, asked her husband if there " winter solstice "
was any place near called ' The hollow the soul. The
mulberry tree.' He told her there was a (Christmas) signifies the deep immer
dry cave in the south hill of that name. sion of the soul in matter. The lack
She said, ' I will go there.' On the night of finish in the lower limbs means
when the child was born, two dragons
came and kept watch, etc." — J. LEGQE, that the higher or potential is always
Life and Teachings of Confucius, p. 58. relatively unmanifest ; and that the
When the emotion-nature (Ching- lower or actual is never able to express
tsae) was sufficiently advanced, and the potential.
it aspired upward, there was a presenti The earlier birth of Horus (Aroueris)
ment of spiritual influx, and in due is that corresponding to the form, the
time the Self was born in the purified latter is that which refers to the
soul (dry cave). The ' hollow mul life.
' " Furthermore, Isis is said to have
berry tree refers to the Divine Ray
to which all souls are attached, and united with Osiris after his death, and
in consequence to have brought forth
which proceeds from the higher planes Harpocrates (Horus)." — Ibid.
(south hill). The ' two dragons ' This signifies the process of gesta
symbolise wisdom and love which tion which takes place when the soul
protect the infant Self by keeping it or personality is evolving upon the
close within. astral plane, and is therefore the
See CAVK, CONFUCIUS, DRAOON, point when the Son of mind enters.
FILIAL PIETY, SOUTH, TREE OF LIFE. This is the birth of the Christ in the
soul on the buddhic plane.
BIRTH OF HORUS THE CHILD, " And as the Egyptians believe the
OR HARPOCRATES :— Nile the issue of Osiris, so do they regard
A symbol of the emergence of the the earth as the body of Isis : not,
Incarnate Self In human souls during indeed, the whole earth, but just as
the present process and period of much as the Nile inundates, fecundating
and mingling with it ; for from the
union they beget Horus. Horus is that
Meanwhile Horus the younger had which preserves and nourishes all things,
been born to Isis, and brought up secretly namely the seasons and the circumam
at Hut... in the marshes of the Delta, bient air ; and they tell that he was
out of reach of Set." — PLUTARCH, Itit nursed by Leto in the marshes round
and Osiris. Buto, because the watery and thoroughly
soaked earth nursei the exhalations that natural — [now this is the Sonship which
the dryness of the air." — Ibid., left there the soul, not that it might be
?uench mortal, but that it might abide here
The Divine Life (Nile) fertilises the according to nature, just as the first
buddhic nature Sonship left above in its proper locality
productive (Isis) the Holy Spirit, that is, the spirit which
expressed upon the astral and physical is conterminous] — this, I say, is he who
planes, and brings about the gestation has been conceived as the inner spiritual
of the Self (Horus) in the lower nature. man, and has then been arrayed in his
own peculiar soul." — HirPOi/rrtrs,
The Self is the preserver and sustainer
Refutation, etc., Bk. VII. 15.
of the higher qualities in the periods For the Christ -soul (Jesus) was
of emanation on the mental plane in the higher
potentially present
(air). The nascent Self is developed mind, at the time of the forthgoing
by the buddhic emotion nature (Leto) of the spiritual egos (stars), and of the
in the purified lower nature susceptive completion of the process of involu
of the truth (water) and productive tion (conglomeration of germs), when
of aspirations which spiritualise the the cycles (seasons) having, as it were,
mind (air). returned to latency, were ready to
See ABC. MAN, ABOUKRIS, Euro, start anew in the process of evolution.
The Christ-soul has been conceived in
the mind as the inner spiritual Self
within the natural man, that is, as the
Son of mind (man) to bring immortality
to the soul while abiding in it accord
ing to its natural development.
BIRTH OF JESUS :— Similarly Christ (first Sonship) was
Symbolic of the bringing forth of born Son of Buddhi (Holy Spirit) on
the Christ In the souls of humanity the buddhic plane which is common
during the present cycle, — that of in the soul to all human beings, and
evolution . not differentiated to the particular
" And she (Mary) brought forth egos. This Christ-soul, then, is he
her firstborn son and wrapped him in who indwells mentally as the inner
swaddling clothes, and laid him in a Spiritual Self, — the central Ideal
manger ; because there was no room for
them in the inn." — LUKE ii. 7. arrayed in all the higher qualities
" Mary the virgin " signifies the and faculties of the evolving soul.
" It is well known that whereas in the
purified lower nature of the soul, which
Gospels Jesus is said to have been born
has become fit to give birth to the in an inn stable, early Christian writers,
incarnate Christ. The "enwrapping as Justin Martyr and Origen, explicitly
clothes " typify the virtues which say he was born in a cave. Now, in the
surround and shield the new-born Mithra myth, Mithra is both rock-bora
and born in a cave, and the monuments
manger " is
Christ -soul ; while the show the new-born babe adored by
a symbol of simplicity of heart in shepherds who offer first-fruits." —J. M.
which the spirit of Christ is received. ROBERTSON, Pagan Christe, p. 338.
" Mithra " is here a symbol of the
It is in the lowly " stable " of humility, " Jesus."
and not in the " inn " of pride and Incarnate Self, the same as
luxury, that the higher emotions Christ cannot be conceived save of a
soul immaculate and virgin as to matter,
surrounding the Christ -soul are and meet to become the spouse of the
developed. Divine Spirit. Therefore, as the soul as
"The Spiritual Life is the gift of the Eve gives consent to the annunciation
Living Spirit. The spiritual man is no of the Serpent, so, as Mary, become
mere development of the natural man. virgin, she gives consent to the annuncia
He is a New Creation born from Above." tion of the Angel, and understands the
— H. DRUMMOND, Natural Law, etc., p. 65. mystery of the Motherhood of the Man
" For Jesus himself was regenerate. She has no acts of her own,
says) mentally preconceived at the time all the acts of her Son are hers also. She
of the generation of the stars, and of the participates in his nativity, in his manifes
complete return to their starting-point tation, in his passion, in his resurrection,
of the seasons in the vast conglomeration in his ascension, in his penticostal gift.
of all germs. This is, according to these He himself is her gift to the world. But it
(Basilidians), he who has been conceived is always he who operates ; she who
as the inner spiritual man in what is asks, acquiesces, consents, responds.
Through her he outflows into the mind him and pray, but a voice from heaven
and external man, and so into life and admonishes them to convey him from the
conduct. As Augustine says, ' all graces machinations of the tyrant to Gokala,
pass to us through the hands of Mary.' the land of the cow, and to exchange
For the purified soul is the mediatrix, as him for the daughter of the herdsman
she is the genetrix, of the Divine presence." Namla. Immediately the chains fall
— The Perject Way, p. 242. from the father's hands, the dungeon
"It — the Very Truth of Heaven — doors are opened, and he passes out.
comes to be wrapped in swaddling- Another Christopher, he bears the child
clothes and laid in a manger, and to upon his shoulders through the river
thoughtful minds its seeming humiliation Yamuna, the waters of which recede in
will be the very sign of its Divinity." — reverence before the son of God, and he
H. P. LIDDON, University Scrmont, p. 207. exchanges Krishna for the new-born
" Macarius, following Methodius, daughter of Nanda. He then returns to
teaches that the very idea of the Incar the dungeon, where the chains again
nation includes the union of the Logos immediately fasten of their own accord
with pious souls, in whom He is well- upon his limbs. Kansa now makes his
pleased. In each of them a Christ ia way into the dungeon. In vain Dewaki
born. Thus besides the ideas of Ransom entreats her brother to leave her the
and Sacrifice of Christ for us, these child. He is on the point of tearing it
theologians placed the ideas of sanctifica- forcibly from her hands when it dis
tion and inner transformation of Christ appears before his eyes, and Kansa gives
in us, and they considered the latter as the order that all newly born children in
real and as integral a part of our redemp his country under the age of two years
tion as the former. But the doctrine of shall bo killed." — A. DREWS, The Christ
Divine immanence in the human heart Myth, pp. 105-6.
never became quite the central truth of
The meaning of this is similar to
theology till the time of the mediaeval
mystics. It is Eckhart who says : that of the birth story of Jesus.
' The
Father speaks the Word into the soul, lower principle (Kansa) perceives sub
and when the Son is born, every soul jectively the coming of that power
becomes Mary.'
" — W. R. INGE, Paddock
which will eventually exterminate it.
p. 66.
SeeAMENI, ANGELS, ASSUMPTION, It therefore in self-protection sets
BETHLEHEM, BIRTH OF HORUS AND limits to the spiritual activities from
KRISHNA, CAVE, CONCEPTION, DE- within, and strives to control the
MH KI;K. DIONYSUS, GOLD (frank.), purified lower nature (Dewaki) and
JOB, KINO the Holy Spirit (Vasudewa). Then
JESUS (sou of man),
(great), MAGI, MANGER, MITHRAS from latency (darkness) there comes
ROCK, VEIL OF isis, VIRGIN, VIRGINITY, forth the incarnate Self, the Christ -
VIRGIN MABY. soul, bringing with him the light of
Truth which illumines the purified
BIRTH OF KRISHNA AN INCAR nature (Dewaki), while joy and energy
NATION OF VISHNU :— suffuse the soul. The higher qualities
Symbolic of the bringing forth of (gods) arise from latency, and in
the Self (Krishna), Son of God harmony and gladness they surround
(Vishnu), in the human soul during the new-born Self. The period of the
the present period of evolution. manifestation of the Self in the soul
Like Astyages and Herod, in order is a turning point (midnight) in evolu
to ward off the danger arising from his tion, and the beginning of a new
sister's son, of which he had been warned
by an oracle, King Kansa caused his process of moral and spiritual develop
sister and her husband Vasudewa to be ment. The purified emotion -nature
cast into prison. Here, in the darkness allied with the Spirit (the parents)
of a dungeon, Krishna comes into the reverence the Love -nature which has
world as Jesus did in the stable at
Bethlehem. The nearer the hour of appeared, but at the call of Wisdom
birth approaches, the more beautiful the from above they prepare to convey
mother becomes. Soon the whole dun the Holy Babe to an exalted condition
geon is filled with light. Rejoicing choirs safe from the power of the lower
sound in the air, the waters of the rivers
brooks make sweet music. The principle. Then the liberated Spirit
Gods come down from heaven, and caught up the child unto God and
blessed spirits dance and sing for joy. unto his throne, passing inwards and
At midnight his mother Dewaki (i.e. the upwards through the higher mind
divine) brings the child into the world,
at the commencement of a new epoch. (river) to the buddhic plane (Gokala),
i he parent* themselves fall down before leaving the reflection, as it were, of
the Divine presence (Nanda's daugh by the unbelieving in the world. And
ahe brought forth a man-child, who is to
ter) on the planes below. But the '
rule all the nations ; by which is meant
Spirit is still in touch with the purified that the Church, always bringing forth
lower nature (Dewaki), which is Christ, the perfect man-child of God, who
threatened by the lower principle, now is declared to be God and man, becomes
the instructor of all the nations. And the
powerless to expel the Divine reflec
words, ' her child was caught up unto
tion from within the soul. Thwarted God, and to His throne,' signify that he
by the higher nature, the lower who is always born of her is a heavenly
principle ia stirred to take action king, and not an earthly." — HIPPOLYTUS,
against all newly evolved higher Christ and Antichrist, § 61.
" evil one " seeks " Church "
is a symbol of the
qualities, for the
to destroy all germs of the virtues religious consciousness which, when
which would eventually abolish his purified sufficiently, must bring forth
the Christ in the human soul, the
See ABJTJNA, BALAKAMA, CAVE expression (Word) of the Truth
" There is to be mentioned the mystic
(divine), GOLOKA, GOPIS, HEBDOMAD, of the declaration that
HEROD, KRISHNA, OX-LEADER, RIVERS. the Christ born in any human heart is
immediately caught up to the throne of
BIRTH OF THE MAN-CHILD :— God. . . . Once let a human soul attain
A symbol of the emergence of the to Christ-consciousness — that ia, once
Higher Self or Soul on the buddhlc rise from the merely natural to the
plane at an early period during the spiritual plane — once look out upon life
cycle of involution of all qualities
from that standpoint, and I do not
believe it is ever really possible to lose
and forms. the glad possession and be as though it
" And she was delivered of a son, a
had never been. For what comes, then,
man child, who ia to rule all nations with in this new birth, as it is rightly called,
a rod of iron : and her child was caught is an inrush of the eternal, of the invin
up unto God, and unto his throne. And cible reality which is enthroned far above
the woman fled into the wilderness." — all the vicissitudes of time and sense.
REV. xii. 5, 6. . . . Caught up to the throne of God,
The Wisdom principle at its highest far above the reach of evil, does not mean
level brought forth the Self into taken away from the human heart.
manifest existence in which the dual Spatial dimensions have nothing to do
with the matter. The throne of God ia
aspects spirit and matter, or good in the soul itself ; the eternal dwells in
and evil, are evidenced. The incar the midst of time ; there is no lenp to
nate Self is destined to rule all the take, no gulf to cross, to reach the Christ
of glory ; here he ia." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
various qualities of the soul through Serm., The Assumption of the New-born
the mind (iron) ; and the Self being Chritit.
involved it is retained in a state of See BIRTH OF HORUS, CHURCH,
subjectivity in the causal-body CROWN OP TWELVE STABS, DRAGON
(throne) above the conflicts of the (red), HORNS (ten), NATIONS, ROD OF
opposites, whilo the Wisdom principle COBRECTION, THBONB (heart), YAO.
also becomes subjective and inopera
tive for a season. The Christ is here BIRTH OF OSIRIS, OR RA :—
represented as born upon the buddhic Symbolic of the emanation of the
plane in relation to the purified First Logos, God manifest, the
part of the lower nature below. Higher Self, on the plane of atma.
" By the ' woman clothed with the " On the first of theae (five) new-made
sun,' John meant most manifestly the daya Osiris was bom, and a Voice from
Church, endued with the Father's word, heaven proclaimed,
The Lord of all
And ' "—
whose brightness is above the sun. things hath appeared ! PLUTARCH,
by ' the moon under her feet he referred Isis and Osiris, § 12.
to her being adorned, like the moon, with " "
' The five days signify the five
heavenly glory. And the words, upon manifestation, and the first
her head a crown of twelve stars,' refer planes of
to the twelve apostles by whom the of these is atma, the highest plane,
Church was founded. And those, ' she on which the First Logos forthpours.
being with child, cries, travailing in The
" Voice " refers to the " Word,"
birth, and pained to be delivered," mean
that the Church will not cease to bear or expression, of the Divine Will in
from her heart the Word that ia persecuted manifesting.
O Osiris, son of Nut, I have given Son, —as it came forth. For bliss and
onto thee the sovereignty of thy father
power are of the true nature of the
Seb, and the goddess Mut, thy mother,
who gave birth to the gods, brought thee Self who is to redeem the world which
forth as the firstborn of five gods, and lies in ignorance and evil, indicative
created thy beauties and fashioned thy of negation and inertia. All the
members." — BUDGE, Book of the Dead, forces and elemental conditions of
p. 627.
the lower planes contribute towards
The Supreme grants to the Higher
the formation and development of the
Self the primal conditions of time
World-soul. As science shows, the
(Seb) and space (Nut or Mut) which
have brought forth from the potential physical body comprises all the ma
terials and properties which are
the actual. For the Manifesting Self
" the image of the invisible God, the appropriate to serve through nature
the end in view. So, correspondingly,
firstborn of all creation ; for in him
the Soul of humanity comprises the
were all things created, in the heavens
sum total of all the conscious life in
and upon the earth."
"Homage to thee (Ra), O thou who the Logos which contributes under
riseth in Nu, and who at thy manifesta every phase of its manifestation to
tion dost make the world bright with the upbuilding of the Soul. The
light ; the whole company of gods sing " trees and rivers "
signify channels
hymns of praise unto thee after thou
hast come forth." — Ibid., p. 10. of truth and love which are the very
The Higher Self comes forth in warp and woof of the World-soul.
" Christ when he comes finds the soul
possession of the Divine powers of
or the world really existent, really having
the universe (Nu), and illumines the within itself its holiest capabilities,
higher planes with the light of truth. really moving, though dimly and darkly,
The whole assembly of higher attributes in spite of all its hindrances in its true
and ideals vibrate in harmony with direction ; and what He does for it is to
quicken it through and through, to
the Love and Wisdom which have sound the bugle of its true life in its
appeared, and are centralised in the ears, to make it feel the nobleness of
Manifesting Self. movements which have seemed to it
See ABC. MAN, CURSE, DAYS (five), ignoble, the hopefulness of impulses
which have seemed hopeless, to bid it
DEATH OF osnus, ELEMENTS (five), be itself. . . . The worthless becomes full
GATKA DAYS, HYMN, KINO (great), of worth, the insignificant becomes full
MOT, Nu, NUT, OSIRIS, PAMYLES, of meaning at the touch (of noble charac
KIIEA, SEB, WORLDS (five). ters). They faintly catch the feeble
reflection of His life who is the true
Light of the World, the real illumination
and inspiration of humanity. . . . The
Symbolic of the emergence of the truth is that every higher life to which
Soul or Self from the womb of matter man comes, and especially the highest
in the cycle of Involution. For this life in Christ, is in the true line of man's
consummation stupendous prepara humanity. There is the quickening and
fulfilling of what man by the very essence
tions had been made on the lower of his nature is. The more man becomes
planes . irradiated with Divinity, the more, not
divine light shone around the the less, truly he is man." — PHTT.LTPS
house, and a shout of joy arose when BROOKS, Light of the World, p. 5.
life triumphed, and loud laughter burst See ABC. MAN, ABBEST, BIBTH OF
from the Child aa he came into the world. BUDDHA, CHANNELS, DUOHDHOVA,
All nature rejoiced at Zoroaster's birth, DUBASBOBO FOBMS, GLOBY (divine),
the very trees and rivers shared in the
universal thrill of gladness that shoots INVOLUTION, MACROCOSM, POUBUS-
through the world." — Dinkard, VII. HASFA, RIVERS, SON OF GOD, SOUL,
The Divine illumination of the TRIAD, WOMB OF MAYA, ZOROASTEB.
Higher Triad of wisdom, love, and BIRTH, SECOND, OF AN
truth shone within the lower quater
nary, while a glad thrill passed through
A symbol of the bringing forth into
the lower planes as the higher rates
manifestation of the spiritual egos
of vibration were transmitted to already on the mental plane (the
them and raised their responsiveness. Aryans). These are born into the
A sense of joy and energy filled the lower nature when mind begins to
awakening Self, — the only-begotten function in the human soul.
According to the injunction of the course towards liberation from the
revealed texts the first birth of an Aryan lower nature.
is from his natural mother, the second " The monarch also, being
happens on the tying of the girdle of well-pleased
muiiga grass, and the third on the at the birth of a son, having thrown oft
initiation to the performance of a Srauta all those bonds called worldly objects,
sacrifice. Among those three the birth caused his son to go through the usual
which is symbolised by the investiture birth-ceremonies in a manner worthy of
with the girdle of munga grass, is his the family." — Bwldha-Karita, Bk. I. 87.
birth for the sake of the Veda.' — Law* The Self, whose nature is bliss, is
oj Manu. II. 170. said to rejoice in its forth-going
The " first birth " from the
(masculine). It is Itself unconditioned,
"natural mother," that is, from the yet requires its phenomenal Repre
natural order, or lower evolution ; this sentative to pass through those stages
is the birth of the personality. The which will enable it to arrive at true
" second birth " occurs when the
spiritual-mental ego descends into the See DEVAYANA, INVOLUTION,
human form as mind awakens ; this LIBERATION, SELF (lower), SON OF
is the birth of the individuality. In GOD, STRIDES (soul), SUDDHODANA.
this second birth, the ego is tied, as it
were, to the upward current of the BIRTH-CHAMBER OF THE DIVINE
Divine Life (girdle), " for the sake of CITY;—
the Veda," that is, for the purpose of A symbol of the buddhic nature
spiritual evolution according to the ensouling the causal -body in which
Divine law of true life on the higher the Self can be horn.
planes. It is through the development "
He is begotten in the birth -chamber
of the three human bodies, causal, of the Divine City, and his rest shall
mental, and astral, now interrelated come in the consuming of the Divine
City. He it is that fashions Her likeness
in connection with the Divine Life, and unites Her to all that belongs to the
that the ego progresses in its upward chamber of birth in the City of God."
course. The three bodies (Brahmana, — M. W. BLACKDEN, Book of the Dead,
Kshatrya, and Vaisya) partake of the Ch. CX.
The indwelling Self is begotten in
second birth, for they are directly
buddhi, which ensouls the causal-
united with the higher evolution ;
but the physical body (Sudra) is a body. The Self " rests " and is with
product of the natural order (first
drawn from manifestation in the
lower worlds, when the causal-vehicle
birth) only, and does not develop
is dissolved at the end of the manvan-
from incarnation to incarnation. It
ia for the temporary use of the soul, and
tara. The Self, as Atma, fashions
the buddhic soul (negative, receptive),
has to serve the other bodies and their
life principles. Hence the Sudra is and through her (buddhi) is united
called "once born." with all things, and apprehends the
The " third birth " occurs at the whole universal plan which lives,
moves, and has its being in God.
end of the cycle, when the soul attains
liberation, and the lower Self and the See BIRTH OF HORUS, BUDDHI,
higher Self become one on the higher
mental plane. The
" Srauta sacri
fice signifies the final abandonment
A symbol of a spiritual principle,
of the lower nature : this is equivalent
or spiritualised mental quality, ruling
to the crucifixion and resurrection
over and directing the disciplined
of Jesus. qualities of the soul (church). In its
See AKVAYA UTA. BAKHIS, BARSOM, highest aspect, Bishop signifies the
BUCKLE, CASTES, DEVAYANA, GIRDLE individuality (overseer), or the Higher
HOPE, IMHOTEP, KUSTI, SUDRA, Self " Shepherd and Bishop of souls ."
" The bishop therefore must be
BIRTH CEREMONIES OF THE reproach, the husband of one wife, tem
perate, soberminded, orderly, given to
BUDDHA :— hospitality, apt to teach." — Tut I 2. iii.
Symbolic of stages in the Soul's This means that the spiritualised.
quality must be free from the con and wherever the matter of the lower
tamination ofthe lower self-seeking planes is acted upon. The results of
desires. Must be " the husband of such efforts as are made are disastrous
one wife," that is, must be allied and productive of evil.
indissolubly with the higher emotion See ANORA-MAINYU, ABA, MAGIC
nature, and not with the lower. PRACTICES, YATUS.
Must be so far developed as to bo
practised in all the virtues ; ready to METAL :—
help and teach all lower qualities,
Symbolic of mental qualities dis
seeking after truth and righteousness.
ciplined by the Spirit, and directed
The meaning of the whole statement is
and energised from build hi.
that the higher nature of the soul " Then came hither Horbehudti ; hia
should co-ordinate and rule over the
servants were in hia following as workers
lower nature, in order that the soul with weapons of metal ; each had an
should progress. iron lance and a chain in his hand ;
then they smote the crocodiles and the
hippopotami." — Legend of the Winged
WIFE. Then came forth the Son of God, —
BITTER :— the Second Logos ; and the advanced
qualities which attended upon His
A symbol of suffering undergone in
advent, and which are typical as
the process of the purification of the
soul-qualities . workers of metal, in that metal is
See Cow's URINE, GALL. comparable to that mentality which
will endure and consolidate. And
BLACK :— each of these workers is said to have
Indicates either the unmanifest and a " lance and a chain," which signify
potential, or Ignorance and evil. that which strikes and that which
This explains the black figures of
withstands, — positive and negative, —
the higher gods and goddesses and
the Madonna, and of the lower gods
that which goes forth and that which
and demons. withholds itself. And in this way they
See DARKNESS, HEIGHT or OSIRIS, smote or suppressed the lower desire
HORSE elementals.
These are partial and incomplete WORKERS.
expressions of egos which have as
yet only partly realised their possi BLACK STONE OF THE KAABA :—
bilities. They are unbalanced egos See KAABA.
which have set in motion powers and BLANDISHMENT OF WOMEN TO
forces in their own natures which WARDS THE BUDDHA :—
they cannot control. They have not
first purified their lower nature ; Symbolic of the higher emotions In
and having acquired some powers of their perfect attractiveness within
the mind, they work destruction to the soul on the buddhlc plane.
" There the women delighted the
" Buddha with their soft voices, their
Thereupon came Angra Mainyus and beautiful pearl garlands, their playful
created the evil witchcraft of the Yatus.
intoxication, their sweet laughter, and
And this is how the Yatua nature shows
itself, — by the look, and then whenever
their stolen glances concealed by their
the wizard howls forth his spells,
brows." — Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. 31.
deadly works of witchcraft go forth." — At this high level in involution the
Vendidad, I. higher emotions are able to appeal to
The path of holiness, or the White the soul successfully. The " soft
Magic, having been established, the voices," " pearl garlands,'1
" playful
Evil power or illusory self brought intoxication," " sweet laughter," and
about the Black Magic, or art of the " stolen glances," are symbolic of the
Black Magicians, which leads to attractive aspects of Wisdom, —
death. And the nature of the Black responded to from above in the soul.
Magician exhibits itself by the form, The higher emotions which delight
the incarnate Self are the buddhi- Higher Self to the aspiring and
manasic impulses from within, such struggling lower self, in exact pro
as love of righteousness and truth, of
portion to its endeavours and to the
sacrifices it makes.
justice, mercy, wisdom, gentleness, " Spiritual blessings can only be given
peace, harmony, perfection, humanity,
to those who are in a certain spiritual
etc. These are symbolised by the condition. Always and necessarily the
attractive pleasantries of women capacity or organ of reception precedes
(emotions). and determines the bestowment of
See BUDDHA, GOPIS, HOURIES, blessings."— A. MACLABEN, Sermons, Itt
Series, p. 69.
INTOXICATION, MOON-LIKE, WOMAN. " In an hour of heaviness not so very
BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY long ago there was whispered into my
GHOST :— mind with a new force and meaning, and
with an intensity which I cannot convey
A symbol of the turning away to you by speech, the verse : ' Faint not,
from the means of salvation. nor fear, His arms are near ; He changetb
" Whosoever shall the not, and thou art dear ; Only believe,
speak against
Holy Spirit, it shall not forgiven him,
be and thou shalt see, That Christ is
neither in this world nor in that which in all to thee.' That word was given to
is to come."— MAT. xii. 32. me just when Ineeded it, and divinely
This is the attempt which must given, I am fully convinced." — R. 3.
CAMPBELL, Serm., The Saviourhood oj
always be unsuccessful (hence there
can be really no blasphemy) to sub See PROMISES, TITHES, TRANSMUTA
stitute for the living Spirit the dead TION.
letter of convention and authority.
This attempt is made, not only by BLIND MAN:—
theologian and ecclesiastical formalists, A symbol of mentality immersed
but by all men who do not live in in the concerns of the lower life, and
accordance with the Divine guidance devoid of spiritual perception.
within them, who do not take up " Bartimeeus, a blind was
what is committed to them to spiritu sitting by the wayside. And when he
heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he
ally profit by, and who fail to accept
began to cry out and say, Jesus thou
the Holy Spirit as it comes to them son of David have mercy on me." —
to become the sustaining power in MARK x. 46, 47.
their daily lives. There is much of This " blind man " is he who is
this incipient blasphemy, for which not spiritually awakened, but who
there can be no forgiveness and no reveres the form of religion, and who
remitting, since there can be no addresses his God according to hearsay,
substitute for the Holy Spirit which not recognising the Divine, — the Son
is the means of the soul's evolution. of God. He has to learn the truth
Until the atma-buddhic vibrations are and aspire, ere his eyes can be
allowed to permeate the lower nature, opened.
" New spiritual sight does not create,
and so raise it, there can be no salva
but reveals, the reality. And in all such
tion for the soul.
openings, whether gradual or sudden, the
See BARSOM, BUDDHI, Cow's Lord cometh, and his coming is more
TJBINE, ESCAPE, HOLY GHOST, PARA often than not connected with some pain
CLETE, QUALITIES, SACKED TEXT, of the new birth, fires and purgings that
accompany the operations for cataract
performed by the Great Physician on the
BLESSING OF GOD :— spiritual eye. He to whose intuitions
the Lord has thus come is positively a
The Divine Will operating through new man ; I mean, all limitations are
the human consciousness. When the removed from his Godward thought." —
mind has once found Its ideal, and BASIL WILBERFORCE, Serm., The Message
determined to serve it, God's blessing of "Advent.
Is secured. The blind (spiritually blind) man hath
See GOD BLESSING, PBAYER, SALVA forgotten the Name ; the perverse ii
stone-blind. His transmigration shall
TION, TITHES. cease not ; he shall be ruined by death
and birth." — Hymn of Gura Nanak."
GREATER :— 263.
The unfailing response of the 1
Blind and naked signifies that they
ue without the understanding of truth, But of the lower desires (flesh-life)
and without the will of good." — SWEDEN- with their instinctive rebellion against
BOBO, Apoc. Rev., n. 153.
See DAVID, GARMENTS, HEALING, the higher nature, nothing, to nourish
(blind), the soul, is to be derived.
MAN MIRACLES (healing), " Blood everywhere signifies in a
SKETNG, SIOET. spiritual sense the divine truth of the
Lord, which also is the divine truth of
BLISS :— the Word ; and in an opposite sense, the
The abode of Perfection ; the state divine truth of the Word falsified or
of true Being ; the condition of Love. profaned." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev.,
The nature of the Higher Self Is bliss. n. 379.
"Furing the senses with the inward
sense,may Savitri produce in us senses INCARNATION, MAHAVIRA-POT, SACRA
by which there shall be bliss, and which MENT, SCARLET, SOMA-JUICE, WASHED
shall reveal the divine being, the great (blood).
light, by spiritual intuition." — GOUOH,
Svetat Upcmishad, p. 218. BLOOD AND WATER :—
Quieting the desires and enticements Symbolic of the Divine Life and
of sense by reliance upon wisdom and Truth.
love, may the Higher Self arouse the " But one
(soldier) pierced his side, and
qualities which lead to perfection, forthwith came out blood and water."
truth, and love, that there may be — JOHN xix. 34.
union of the soul with God. But an aggressive quality stirred
" The view that the
gods, in contrast into activity the purified nature of
to the suffering world of men, enjoy an the soul which thereupon yielded life
untroubled felicity, is probably common
to all peoples. But in the Upanishads and truth.
" Blood and water are divine truth,
bliss appears not aa an attribute or a
Btate of Brahman, but as his peculiar spiritual and natural ; and to pierce the
essence. Brahman is not anandin, Lord's side is to destroy both by falses."
— SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 26.
possessing bliss, but dnanda, bliss itself."
DEKSSEN, Phil, of Upanishads, p. 141. See CRUCIFIXION OF JESUS.
" This state
(in which all contrasts
have disappeared) is then further described BLOOD OF THE LAMB :—
as one of pure knowledge, of existence as A symbol of the Divine Life pri-
subject without object, and it is then mordially Involved in the World-soul.
added, This is his supreme goal, this is " These are they which come out of
iug supreme happiness, this is his supreme
world, this is his supreme bliss ; by a the great tribulation, and they washed
small portion only of this bliss all other their robes, and made them white in the
creatures live
" (Brihad, Upanithad, IV. blood of the Lamb." — REV. vii. 14.
3, 33).— Ibid., p. 143'. These are the souls or the qualities
" I like to dwell upon this
precious which arise purified out of the suffer
thought that the day will come for the
ing and discipline of the lower life.
redeemed of God when no man will have
to struggle to do right or fear to do wrong, Their mental vestures of opinion, etc.
when there will be no question of such a are made consistent with truth and
thing, but we shall simply live as the right, and they are now spotless and
flowers bloom and shed their fragrance
in the summer air ; and by so living,
pure through the indwelling Divine
spontaneously, gladly, inevitably, fill our Life which has restored and perfected
appointed place in God's universal plan them.
and contribute our full share to the " The blood of the Lamb is the divine
blessedness of his whole creation." — truth proceeding from the Lord." —
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., From Subjection SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 656.
to Sovereignty. " ' The blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth
See ABA, Music, SOBROW, SUFFER us from all sin.' But what is the
ING, TASTE, UNEN, VIBKU. blood t It is life outpoured — outpoured
in love, outpoured in sacrifice. . . . There
is a cleansing flood flowing from Im-
BLOOD :— manuel's veins that saves, heals, renews
A symbol of the Divine Life mani poor guilty souls. Immanuel — God with
fested on the lower planes, either in us — God with us all the time." — R. J.
CAMPBELL, Serm., The Sense of Sin.
a higher or a lower sense. " Faith in Christ is that power by
" But flesh with the life thereof, which
which the vitality of Christ, through our
ia the blood thereof, shall ye not eat." love and obedience to Him, becomes our
— Q«N. ix. 3. vitality. The triumph of the believing
soul is this, that he does not live by BLOOD OF BULLS:—
himself ; that into him is ever flowing,
by a law which is both natural and super A symbol of the Life In the lower
natural, the vitality of the Christ whom nature operating through desire only.
His whole nature " And her
he loves and obeys. (Queen Kypris) altar was not
beats with the inflow of that divine life. moistened with pure blood of bulls, but
He lives, but Christ lives in him. And it was the greatest defilement among
then add one thing more. Christ is the men to deprive animals of life and to
perfect man, the divine man. Add this, eat their goodly bodies." — Empedoclcg,
and then we know that his vitality FAIRBANKS, 405.
filling us is the perfection of human life In an early state of the soul, the
filling humanity." — PHILLIPS BROOKS,
Serm., The Safety and Helpfulness o/
static condition of the functioning of
Faith. Wisdom, was not defiled by the
" By this mystical blood we are saved ;
struggle which was later on begotten
— this blood, . . . whereby man is trans
of the divorce between desire (bulls)
muted from the material to the spiritual
plane, the secret of inward purification and reason, or between understanding
by means of Love. For this " blood,' and intuition. At this stage the
which throughout the sacred writings is sundering of the life and the form, —
spoken of as the essential principle of which was incidental to subsequent
the Life,' is the spiritual Blood of the
Life, — Life evolution, i.e. through the functioning
spiritual in its highest,
intensest, and most excellent sense, — of the lower mind, — was unknown.
not the mere physical life understood by See HECATOMBS, KYPRIS, TAUROBO-
materialists, — but the very substantial LIUM.
Being, the inward Deity in man. And
it is by means of this Blood of Christ BLOODY SWEAT OF JESUS :—
only — that is by means of Divine Love
only — that wo can come to the Father,'
' A symbol of the effort of the Divine
and inherit the kingdom of heaven. life to effect union of the higher
For when it is said that ' the blood of nature and the lower.
Christ cleanseth from all sin,' it is signi " The spiritual life follows certain
fied that sin is impossible to him who
well-defined laws of development, and
is perfect in Love." — The Perfect Way,
these laws do not admit of the experience
p. 109.
'' of joy at every stage of the upward road ;
The Blood of Christ ' cleanses our
on the contrary, they necessitate at
consciences from dead works to serve a various points an acquaintance with
' '
living Qod (HEB. ix. 14), because the
darkness and the shadow of death, with
Blood of Christ is the symbol, not of pain and loss and loneliness of heart, with
Hit death, but of His Eternal Life. The the agony and bloody sweat and the
Blood, we read, as far back as GEN. ix.
' " — F. W. FARRER, The crucifixion of the soul." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
4, is the Life.'
Serm., The Glorified Life.
Atonement, etc., p. 45.
grace and truth ; that
is the Life of Christ, and, therefore, the
Life of God. The Life of grace —of BLUE :—
graciousness, love, pity, generosity, use The symbolic colour of the higher
fulness, self-sacrifice ; the Life of truth mental plane ; also a symbol of the
—of faithfulness, fairness, justice, the philosophic mind and intellect, as
desire to impart knowledge, and to guide
The Life, in one the higher mind (air).
men into all truth.
word, of charity, which is both grace and " By blue is signified intelligence." —
truth, both love and justice in one SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 450.
Eternal Essence. That is the one Eternal See COLOURS, SKY.
Life, which must be also the Life of
God. For, as there is but one Eternal, BLUE HEAVEN :—
even God, so there is but one Eternal
Life, which is the life of God and of His A symbol of the celestial region of
Christ." — CH. KINGSLEY, Water of Life, bliss on the buddhic plane.
p. 8.
" For ' I am ' is that God, even the
Bull, the Lord of gods, when he setteth
forth in the Blue Heaven." — M. W.
LAMB or GOD, LITANY, MAHAVTRA- The true and one Self is symbolised
" Bull,"— the Lord of the
PATI (relaxed), ROBE, SACRAMENT, Divine attributes which are set forth
SACRIFICER, SOMA- JUICE, TAUROBO- in the Kingdom of heaven on the
(blood), WINE, WORD. " And they saw the God of Israel ;
ind there was under his feet as it were which imprisons the Self, but which
» paved work of sapphire sto&e ; and
is the means, through Self-conquest,
u it were the very heaven for clearness."
—EXOD. xxiv. 10. of the attainment of bliss and the
The Divine activities (feet) are results of experience.
directed from the buddhic and higher See ADONIS, ARES, MABS.
mental planes to the planes below.
A symbol of the quaternary com
prising the four planes below atma.
BOAR:— In this signification, the Self (Vishnu)
manifests In order to destroy the
A symbol of the lower quaternary,
Demon of desire and raise the lower
or of the astro -mental nature.
" nature (earth).
Frey drove in a chariot drawn by a " This universe was formerly water.
"called Qyllenborste, or Slidrug-
— Prote Edda. Prajapate, as a boar, plunged beneath.
He found the earth below." — Tail.
And now the Self animates the Upanishad, I. 1, 3, 5.
causal-body, only after, however, the " All was water only in which the
evolution has been furthered upon earth was formed. Thence arose Brahma.
the planes below, i.e. the quaternary. He becoming a boar, raised up the
" In the poetical tales of the ancient earth." — Ramayana, II. 110.
" Varaha, the boar. In this incarna
Scandinavians, Frey, the deity of the
Sun, wag fabled to have been killed by
tion Vishnu descended to deliver the
• boar ; which was therefore annually world from the power of a demon called
offered to him at the great feast of Yule, Hiranyaksha, who had seized the earth
celebrated during the winter solstice."
and carried it down into the lowest
depths of the sea. Vishnu, as a boar,
The Self (Frey) being completely dived into the abyss, and after a contest
involved in the matter of the lower of 1,000 years, slew the monster and
planes is, as it were, killed by the raised the earth. In the earlier legends
lower quaternary. the universe is represented as a mass of
" It is said that Adonis was slain by a water, and the earth being submerged,
was upheaved by the tusks of the divine
boar. Now Adonis is supposed to be
the same with Bacchus ; and many rites
boar. According to some, the object of
in the worship of each confirm this this incarnation was to recover the lost
Vedas." — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian Wis
opinion." — PLUTARCH, Symposiacs, 4, 5.
" Adonis " dom, p. 330.
being the Self, the same
The Higher Self descends by involu
explanation applies.
tion into the four lower planes (boar,
The Buddha died through eating
" boar's flesh " : that is, the Soul four-limbed), and at the end of the
cycle succeeds in exterminating the
having attained perfection through
desire nature (the demon). The work
the consumption of the lower quater
is accomplished by the Divine expres
nary (boar), it dies out of the lower sion of Truth (tusks). The lower
nature to be born into the higher.
nature (earth) of the soul requires to
be raised by upward thrust of the
God within, from the lower water of
BOAR OF ARES (MARS):— error and illusion The object of all
this effort is to restore to the egos the
A symbol of the lower quaternary
buddhic consciousness and Divine
as energised by kama-manas.
" Ares in the form of a boar sets all life (Vedas) which they had lost in
" fall " to the lower planes.
evils in commotion." — PLUTARCH, Of '
"Ares in the form of a boar with PATI, VEDA, VISHNU, WATER (higher).
Ravage teeth, bringing death, came to
weave the web of fate about Adonis." BOAR, WILD :—
— NONNTJS, Dionysiacs.
A symbol of the quaternary of
It is through the activity of kama- planes below atma.
manas, the desire-mind or " devil," " Here
that evolution at first takes placa, (at the Mariandyni) died Idmon
the seer, wounded by the tusks of a wild
and that all the evils in the world boar." — Argonautic Expedition.
exist. The
" web of
" entangling The soul having arrived at the state
the Higher Self is the desire -mentality of right discrimination in the domain
of the higher intellect (King Lycus) vehicle of the spiritual ego in the life
the quality of faith (Idmon) is extin on the lower planes (river of life).
" During his journey in the underworld
guished. The " wounding by the tusks
of a wild boar " is symbolic of Divine the deceased came to a huge river
which he was obliged to cross, to enable
Truth, through the attainment of the him to embark in the mystical boat,
buddhic (fourth plane) consciousness, every portion of which possessed a name
penetrating the corresponding vehicle which he was bound to know and be
faith, thus rendering the latter needless. able to repeat, he provided himself with
Chapters 98 and 99. But this boat only
served to take him across the river,
DYNI, TEETH, TUSK. and he longed to be able to embark in
the Boat of Ra, and be with the god for
BOAT :— ever." — BUDOE, Book of the Dead, Vol. I.
A symbol of the causal-body, the p. xcii.
seat of the Higher Self. The soul In his progressive life on the lower
floating on the river of life. planes, the ego, or lower consciousness,
" The True Guru is a boat ; few there has before and above him the higher
are who consider this, and those who do mind, as it were a great river which
he mercifully saveth " (Asa ki tear). — the consciousness must cross over ere
MACAUI.IFFE, The Sikh Religion, Vol. I. it can be united with the higher
p. 236.
consciousness in the causal-body
(mystical boat). This union of the
higher and lower Selves requires that
BOAT OF THE EARTH :— the lower Self hi all its qualities shall
A symbol of the sub-cycle of the become perfect and identical with the
re-incarnations of the Self In the higher Self in the causal-body (Boat
lower bodies below the causal-body, of Ra).
In the cycle of involution. See AFU-RA, ARQO, ARK, BRIDGE or
" Immediately in the fair way of the HEAVEN, CHARON'S FERRY, HIKOBOSHI,
course of Afu-Ra (in the third division HOLD, KEEL, OARS, PADDLES, PLANKS,
of the Tuat) is a group of eight gods who ROCK-BOAT, ROPE, RUDDER, SAIL,
bear on their shoulders a long pole-like
object, each end of which terminates in
a bull's head. This object is intended to BOAT SEKTET, AND BOAT ATET ;
represent the long tunnel in the earth,
each end of which was guarded
by a
bull, through which, according to one ING BOATS OF RA :—
tradition, the night Sun passed on his Symbols of the buddhic causal-
journey from the place of sunset to the body, or World-soul ; first, in the
place of sunrise. . . . There is no doubt cycle of involution (morning), and
that it originally represented a kind of second, in that of evolution (evening).
Tuat which was complete in itself, as
the bull's heads, one at each end of it, The first is said to mean " becoming
prove." — BUDGE, Egypt. Heaven and Hell, weak," and the second " becoming
Vol. III. p. 126. strong," which signifies that the
The third division of the cycle of Spirit becomes weak in descent Into
life is on the mental plane. The matter, and strong in ascent there
bull's head is a symbol of the lower from.
quaternary, and the eight figures "Thy right eye is like the Sektet
(evening) boat ; thy left eye is like the
supporting the pole indicate, probably, Atet boat (or Matet, morning boat)." —
duality on the four lower planes. The BUDOE, Book of the Dead, p. 603.
passage through the "tunnel in the The individuality is formed and
earth " signifies the incarnation of the perfected in the period of evolution ;
Self (Afu-Ra) in the lower nature the personality in that of involution.
" May the soul of Ani come forth with
See AFU-BA, BULL, CIRCLE AND thee into heaven, may he go forth in the
Matet boat. May he come into port in
the Sektet boat, and may he cleave his
NATION, QUATERNARY, REENCARNA- path among the never-resting stars in
tnoN, SUN, TUAT, WHEELS (holy). the heavens." — BUDOE, Egyptian deaf,I
etc., p. 33.
BOAT ON THE RIVER :— May the perfected soul come forth
A symbol of the causal-body, the and unite with the Self on the buddhic
plane ; may he first go forth as the which throws up sickness as its foam,
personality inthe period of involution. tossing with the waves of old age, and
rushing with the dreadful onflow of
May he when perfected come into the death." — Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. 75.
haven of attainment and peace, as The Self will be the means of
the individuality ; and may he rise delivering the qualities from the plane
triumphant among the Divine monads, of the lower emotions by Wisdom, so
—the spiritual egos who scintillate that they may be transmuted to the
knowledge on the atmic plane. buddhic plane and no more assailed
See ARK (safety), ARREST, CAKE, by the conflicting feelings which
CROCODILE. DKCANS, KEEL, KHEPER, trouble the lower self. The " sickness "
MOON (wax), NET-RA, NUT, SUN- signifies the nausea which afflicts the
>.::•: iN>., UPLTFTTNO, UlCHATS. ego so long as it is unsatisfied by the
true knowledge and perception of the
nature of the Higher. The " tossing "
is a symbol of unrest which engenders
A symbol of the causal-body during a sense of perpetual insecurity hi the
the involution of the desire-mental "
qualities .
lower self. The rushing, etc.," signi
fies a sense of dread of the unknown,
In the fourth division (kama- and lack of faith in the real ; it is a
manas) of the Tuat (Life-cycle) accord symbol which corresponds to the
ing to the Book Am-Tuat, Afu-Ra " bottomless pit," — " death " standing
(Higher Self) has to leave his Boat in for the not-self, the unreal.
order to pass through waterless deserts See BOTTOMLESS PIT, BUDDHI,
(illusion and error). He and his CAUSAL-BODY, PAPYRUS BOAT, PIT,
company therefore proceed on
the back of a
two-headed serpent
(desire-mind). The " hidden gods " BODHISATVA, THE GREAT :—
(experiences to develop the soul), who A symbol of the germ of the One-
march in front of the boat to help it Soul in the cycle of Involution. The
incarnate Higher Self.
along, are all under the control of " Then falling from the host of beings
Anubia (physical body of sensation in the Tushita heaven, and illumining
and action). —See BUDGE, Egypt. the three worlds, the most excellent
Beav. and FTell, Vol. HI. p. 133. of Bodhisatvas suddenly entered as a
See ATU-TRA., ANUBIS, DESERTS, thought into her womb (that of Queen
SEKEB, SERPENT, TUAT. Maya), like the Naga-king entering the
cave of Nanda." — Buddha-Karita, Bk. I.
Then descending from the buddhic
A symbol of the causal-body on plane by way of the mental planes,
the higher mental plane. This is the — by means of the Devas, — and
vehicle of wisdom (buddhi) through
enlightening the mental, astral, and
which the qualities are delivered by
Truth from tbe attachment to desire physical planes, the germ-Soul, — whose
and sensation. nature is pre-arranged harmony, —
passed unperceived into the
" womb
" Even if thou wert the greatest of all
of Maya " — the embodiment of pure
sinners, thou shalt be able to cross over
all sins in the boat of wisdom." — Truth, — the opposite of illusion ; the
Bhagavad-Oita, Ch. IV. conception taking place on the fourth
However strongly the soul may be sub-plane of the astral plane. The
bound down by desire, yet the time " Serpent-king " is a symbol of
arrives when liberation is brought wisdom and enlightenment, and the
about by the soul's own efforts and " cave of Nanda " a symbol of the
the buddhic transmutations. personality.
" There is no purifier in this world to
be compared to wisdom ; and he who is
perfected in devotion findeth wisdom BUDDHA, BUDDHA, CAVE OF NANDA,
springing up spontaneously in himself in CONCEPTION, CRANBERRY. ELEPHANT
the progress of time." — Ibid. (sacred), FIRST-BORN SON, HIRANYA-
" Buddha will deliver by the boat of
knowledge the distressed world, borne
helplessly along, from the ocean of misery SEED, TUSHITA, WOMB OF MAYA.
BODHISATVAS :— vehicle, or body of desire, in which
A symbol of the monads of form the Self is encased.
In the natural order of things below See DEATH OF OSIRIS, JASON,

the mental level. These originate as MUMMY OF OSIRIS, OSIBIS.
prototypes on the buddhlc plane, and
become reflected through the mental
on to the astral plane where they
mould the forms of all the varied Symbolic of the second and third
structures In the phenomenal world. I.oftoi which proceed forth as manl-
" Hundreds of thousands of myriads of festations of the Divine Life on the

Bodhisatvas who equal in number the lower planes.
" At night Adapa drew the bolte of the
atoms contained in a thousand worlds,
have risen from clefts in the earth gates of Eridu, and at dawn he sailed forth
created by a ray of light projected from in his bark to fish in the sea" (Baby-
the centre of (Urna) Bhagavat's eyebrows. Ionian Legend). — SAYOE, Religiont, etc.
— Lotuf of the Good Law, Ch. XX. In the period when the lower nature
The countless numbers of monads appeared to be cut off from the ..,
of form, which are the prototypes of higher, the Archetypal Man (Adapa) *•
all things that appear and develop initiated a new Divine forthpouring "

in the mineral, vegetal, and animal of life opening, as were, the door

kingdoms of creation, become operative between heaven (Eridu) and earth
in the lower nature (earth) when (the lower planes). And at this time
physical conditions are prepared to of forthgoing, he goes in search of that
receive them. They are the out which will provide him with susten
pourings of spiritual truth (urna) ance. The " bark " the manasic

into matter in the course of Divine vehicle which sails on the astral sea.
manifestation. The " fish " are those appearances
" A Bodhisatva is a being who
which come to him as sensations,
through all his bodily existences is
destined in some final existence to become feelings, and emotions, impinging upon
a Buddha, or self-enlightened man. the soul at the dawn of consciousness.
" Thou
Until his final birth, however, a Bodhi- (Horus) hast opened the two
sattva is a being in whom true knowledge doors of Heaven, thou hast drawn back
is rather latent and undeveloped than the great bolts, thou hast removed the
perfected." — MON. WILLIAMS, Buddhism, seal of the great door." — BUDOE, Book
the Dead, p. cxxiii.

p. 180.
" The celestial Adam Qadmon is called
The monad, or spiritual ego, is a
the Bolt or that which unites Heaven and
being seeking expression through a
Earth, the Invisible and Visible." —
series of living forms or bodily exist MYER, Qabbalah, p. 115.
ences. He is destined gradually to " Adam Kadmon," the Adam of
express his nature and to become the first chapter of Genesis, — the
ultimately a self-enlightened soul perfect image of God, — signifies the
(Buddha) in union with the Highest. Archetypal Man, the same as
Until his final advent on the higher " Adapa." Here, the Archetypal Man
mental plane, Truth is incomplete in called the " Bolt," since through


him, and as a power it is latent. Not him, — as the incarnate God, — that
until perfection is reached can Truth the way or path of the souls opened

be fully expressed, and the expression between the lower and higher planes.
is then on the higher plane to which See ADAM (higher), ADAPA, A»c.
the consciousness attains. MAN, ERIDU, FISH, GATE (tchesert),

INCARNATION, SONS OF GOD, SPARKS, A symbol of captivity to desire and

" Even so we, when we wore children,
BODY OF OSIRIS, OR OF JASON:— were in bondage under the elements of
A symbol of the astro-mental the world." — GAL. iv. 3.
This refers to the infancy of the ixxiv. 20). His flesh shall waste away,
and his bones which were covered shall
spiritual egos, and the early stages of '
be laid bare (Joa xxxiii. 21). For when
evolution, during which the laws of every outward pleasure is worn away by
nature, or pressure from without, in the pressure of the rod, the bones of
the organism and its environment, inward firmness are laid bare. For what
is meant in this place by the word flesh
alone stimulate the egos into activity. but fleshly pleasure itself ? Or what by
" When a man becomes regenerate he
bones but the virtues of the soul ? The
then first enters upon a state of freedom ; flesh therefore wastes away, and the
before he waa in a state of bondage. bones are laid bare, because while carnal
It is bondage when lusts and falsities pleasure is brought to nought by the
have dominion ; it is freedom when reproof of scourges, those steady virtues
affections of good and truth hold sway." are laid open, which had long been con-
— SWEDENBORO, Arc. Ctl., n. 892.
" Human infirmity in moderating and cealed, as it were, beneath the flesh." —
GREGORY THE GREAT, Moral* on the
checking the emotions, I name bondage : Book of Job, Vol. III. pp. 40, 46.
for when a man is a prey to his emotions,
he is not his own master, but lies at the
mercy of fortune : so much so, that he BONES, WHITE :—
is often compelled, while seeing that
which is better for him, to follow that Symbolic of the spiritual foundation
which is worse." — SPINOZA, Ethics, Vol. II. of the structure of the vehicles of
p. 187. consciousness of the ego.
" 'And if they shall be in chains, and " And the kindly earth in its broad
bound with the cords of poverty, He will
show them their works, and their wicked ' hollows received two out of the eight
nesses, because they have been violent parts of bright Nestis, and four of
(Jos xxxvi. 8, 9). The ' chains of Hephaistos, and they became white bones,
are the very detention of their fitted together marvellously by the glues
present pilgrimage. Paul had seen that of harmony." — Empedoclet, FAIRBANKS,
he waa bound by these chains when he 199.
was saying, I'
have a desire to be dis And the lower self through the
solved, and to be with Christ' (Pnu,. i. physical vehicle (Nestis) which was
23). He perceived that he was bound now being organised and adapted for
with the cords of poverty, when, beholding
them also the functioning of the ego, became the
the true riches, he entreated
for his disciples." — ST. GREGORY, Moral* seat of two senses, — taste and touch,
on the Book of Job, Vol. III. p. 176. the other inner senses are at this
" ' By grace ye are saved.' ' To save,
period unmamfested. The " four of
to redeem, to deliver,' are in the general " are sight, hearing, smell,
terms equivalent, and they do all of them
suppose us to be in a state of thraldom and the intuitive faculty. The
and misery ; therefore this word saved,' " white bones " are comparable to
in the sense that the apostle here doth the firm foundation to which the
use it, is a word of great worth, forasmuch
as the miseries from which we are saved
consciousness is now attached, and
" fitted
is the misery of all most dreadful." — the being together, etc."
JOHN BTTNYAN, Saved by Grace. signifies the perfect adjustment of
See BABYLON, CAPTTVTTY, DISPENSA each condition to each.
TION, REGENERATION, REMISSION, A symbol of the Life Process of
RESURRECTION, SALVATION, SEPARA the cycle of manifestation on the
TION, SERVANT OF GOD, SUFFERING, lower planes, which is to lead to the
SUN-SETTING, TARTARUS. soul's enlightenment.
" And I saw in the right hand of him
BONES OR SKELETON :— that sat on the throne a book written
within find on the back, close sealed
A symbol of the spiritual nature to with seven seals." — REV. v. 1.
which the higher and lower qualities In the keeping of the Absolute and
of the soul are attached. ready to come forth into actuality
" By bones in holy Scripture we
(right hand), is the Divine scheme
understand virtues ; as it is written, whereby the souls shall gain experi
The Lord keepeth all his bones ' ; not
one of them shall be broken (Pa. ence and learn the Truth. It com
prises the inner and the outer manifes raised from the lower mind to the
tation in potentiality complete (seven). higher, which Is the second birth.
" And he " Except a man be born of water and
(the Lamb that had been
slain) came, and he taketh it out of the the Spirit, he cannot enter into the
right hand of him that sat on the throne." kingdom of God." — JOHN iii. 6.
—REV. v. 7. Except an ego be raised morally
Only the Higher Self who had laid and purified by truth (water) and the
down his life in Self-limitation could buddhic function (fire) he cannot enter V
carry out the Divine scheme, and into the buddhic consciousness.
ultimately rise in the souls of humanity The first birth is the entrance of the
to wisdom and riches, and glory, and
ego into the underworld or cycle of
the dominion over the lower nature. the lower life. When the ego dies to
the lower life, he is reborn into the
Symbolic of following the letter of
the sacred scriptures blindly, but SPIRIT, WATER.
reverentially. BORN OUT OF DUE TIME:—
" Homa grants fame and learning to
Symbolic of the raising of the
all those who are engaged in the study
of books." — Homa Yasht. consciousness in the process of the
The Spirit allows in due time the soul's evolution. The state wherein
personality is transcended, and all
interior perception of Truth to be
imperfections and limitations have
opened in those who have earnestly been outgrown.
studied the scriptures according to xhe
letter. For the reverential carr ng
"And last of all, as unto one born
out of due time, he appeared to me also."
out of injunctions entrusted to the — 1 COR. xv. 8.
soul, even blindly and unintelligf itly, This is the utterance of the soul
is the means of arriving at the state when it has attained direct vision of
when the interior perception of truths the Supreme seated in the causal-
shall at length be awakened, and the body. It refers to that state of
intuition of Wisdom within shall consciousness which supervenes when
revive from latency. the lower nature has fallen away, and
See HOMA, PAPYRUS BOAT, READING, the soul finds expression in due course
SCBIPTUBES, UR-HEKAtr, WITNESSES on the higher mental plane.
" Then I am born as the twelfth or
thirteenth additional month, through the
BOOTHS :— twelve or thirteenfold father." — Katuh.
Upanishad, I. 2.
Symbolic of mental forms, or
Then the ego shall be as one born
thought forms.
" Ye shall dwell in booths seven days ; on the higher plane out of due time
in the Divine order of things, — the
all that are Israelites bom shall dwell in " thirteenth additional month " signi
booths." — LEV. xxiii. 42.
The mental qualities (Israelites) fying the period answering to the
shall be contained in limited concepts conclusion of a certain number of
or forms of thought, for a complete periods through the cycle which shall
period of evolution. enable the soul to become perfect
See ISRAELITES, SEVEN, TABER through intellect fully matured
See ABORTION, ^EON (thirteenth).
A symbol of the higher mind pro
duced by reason and Intuition. BOTTOMLESS PIT:—
See CLEOPATRA, PHINEUS, ZETES. A symbol of the desire and sensa
tion nature which is never satisfied .
BORN AGAIN, OR FROM The " beast " within It is the desire -
ABOVE :— mind, the adversary of the Spirit.
Symbolic of the consciousness "What docs he call 'the bottomless
pit' but the hearts of men, which are at He who is at the head of his nomes,'
moe by the Fall all floating, and by the is your name." — Ibid., p. 300.
mistiness of double-dealing full of dark- The "
signify the most
" —ST.GREGORY, Morals on the
aese !
advanced qualities in the departments
Boat of Job, Vol. II. p. 368.
" Self -disease, the
satiety which con of life.
sumes, the dreadful loneliness which See ACACIA, BOAT, SYCAMORE.
corrupts the soul, that passionate lust
for more which is itself the unsatisfied
worm which eats away the heart." — PLUM WOOD, FOR BURN
STOPFOKD A. BROOKE, Serm., Individu ING :—
ality. Symbols of will and energy active
See AESHM, ARIZUHA, BEAST, BOAT on the astral plane.
or WISDOM, PIT, SERPENT (hissing), See FIRE (lower), WOOD.
BOUGH TO LEAN UPON :— A symbol of a primitive mind, or
A symbol of the support nature young mind. Mind hi an early stage
of development.
tires the soul, through the tree of
life external. See DWAKF, YOUNO MAN.
Symbolic of uninstructed qualities
BOW OF SILVER. AND ARROW, OF of the lower mind, which need to be
APOLLO :— transmuted and raised.
Symbolic of the higher- mental " A boy, a worker of iniquity, ran
stimulus to evolution, destructive to and came against the shoulder of Jesus,
thelower mental qualities. wishing to make sport of Him, or to
See ARROWS, CLANG, hurt Him, if he could." — Oospel of
A fault of the lower nature pressed
BOW IN THE CLOUD :— sore upon the Christ-soul, and brought
A symbol of the higher mind as grievous trouble with it, so that it
thebridge between the higher nature became necessary for the Lord to
and the lower, forbid the liability of future temptation
" I to arise.
do set my bow in the cloud, and it
shall be for a token of a covenant between See JOSEPH (Mary), MAN (bad),
me and the earth." —GEN. ix. 13. SPAKKOWS.
Between the Divine nature and the
soul there is to be a channel, or
for purposes of conscious A symbol of the Supreme Spirit, —
the One Absolute Doing ; or, it may
intercommunication, which is to ex
be, the manifest God, — the Higher
tend from the cloud (truth, wisdom) Self of all.
downwards ; and this is to constitute " In thebeginning Brahman was all
the connection between the personality TU'tH. He was one and infinite ; . . .
(earth) and Me,
— the Individuality, or infinite above and below and everywhere
the lower nature and the Higher. infinite. . . . The Highest Self is not to
be fixed, he is unlimited, unborn, not to
be reasoned about, not to be conceived.
NANT, KAUTM, RAINBOW. He is like the ether (everywhere), and at
the destruction of the universe, he alone is
BOWL OF PURE WATER :— awake." — Mail. Upanishad, VI. 20.
A symbol of the causal-body where Prior to the commencement of the
in the Eternal Truth manifests Itself. cycle of life, the Infinite Self was
See CUP, HYLAS, WATER. unmanifest in time and space. Abso
lute being had not outbreathed the
BOWS OF BOAT:— Divine Life. The Highest Self had
A symbol of the foremost qualities not limited himself and taken birth
of Truth and Right. in a universe— a solar system. He is
"The Osiris N'n maketh right and inconceivable and at the root of all ;
truth to go round about the bows in the and when the manifested Life is
Great Boat." — BUDGE, Book of the Dead,
p. 394.
indrawn and the cycle ends, He alono
" '
Tell us our names,' say the Bows ; persists.
" One of the greatest favours of God, ethical and spiritual aspect or rela
bestowed transiently upon the soul in tionship, for the soul's evolution.
thia life, is its ability to see so distinctly, " The
and to feel so profoundly, that
cannot comprehend Him at all. These
it young Brahman is to reside with
his preceptor(guru) until he has gained
souls are herein, in some degree, like to a thorough knowledge of the three
the souls in heaven, where they who Vedas." — WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom,
know Him most perfectly perceive most p. 245.
clearly that He is infinitely incompre The young ego or personality is to
hensible ; for those that have the less revere his spiritual mind (guru) and
clear vision, do not perceive so distinctly learn the Divine law of the soul's
as the others how greatly He transcends
their vision." — ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS, evolution on the three lower planes,
A Spiritual Canticle. as expressed in the Word of God, or
" The question whether, on
mystical sacred scriptures.
principles, we can know God, must be See GURU, SANNYASIN, STUDKNT,
answered by drawing, with Eckhart, a
distinction between the Godhead VEDA.
God. Our knowledge must be of God, BRAHMA- WEAPON OF DRONA : —
not of the Godhead, and the God of
religion is not the Absolute, but the A symbol of trust In outward
highest form under which the Absolute authority In religion.
can manifest Himself to finite creatures See DRONA.
in various stages of imperfection. The
God of religion is not the Father of BRAHMANA :—
lights with whom is no variableness, for A symbol of the individuality
life without change is a state of which seated in the causal-body on the
we have no experience, but the Father higher mental plane.
revealed by the Son. No man hath seen " The regular
God at any time. The only-begotten means of subsistence for
Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, a Brdhmana are assisting to sacrifice,
He hath declared Him.' "— W. R. INGE, teaching the Vedas, and receiving gifts."
— COLEBBOOKE, Essays, p. 276.
Paddock Lectures, p. 11.
" have had
I The individuality, or causal self,
glimpses of an all-per
vading Intelligence and Power, a curiously raises the soul by imparting truth and
intense apprehension of a life, a mind, receiving love offerings.
a will higher than anything that we
ordinarily know under these terms, and
the fulfilment of them all, absolutely SACRIFICE, VAGAPEYA, VEDAS.
all-inclusive, subject to no vicissitudes,
far above all flux and change, and yet BRAHMAN PRIESTS :—
comprehending all change within its own A symbol of the mental forms, or
majestic stillness and completeness."— Ideals, through which the spiritual
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Being and nature is apprehended.
Becoming. ''
" It is said : ' And the king gave to the brahmans
within this body for his son's (Buddha's) welfare, cows
(Brahme-pura) Brahme's abode, is a little full of milk, with no traces of infirmity,
lotus, a dwelling within which is a
golden-horned, and with strong, healthy
(dahara) small vacuity occupied by calves to the full number of one hundred
ether (dcasd). What that is within (the
thousand." — Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. 89.
heart's ventricle) is to be inquired, and
should be known." A question is here The " gift of cows " signifies the
raised, whether that ' ether ' within the provision of the intuitive perception
ventricle of the heart be the etherial of spiritual things which is to enable
element, or the individual sensitive soul, the soul to rise. The " brahmans "
or the Supreme One ; and it is pronounced
from the context, that the Supreme are the forms through which spirit is
Being is here meant." — H. T. COLE- perceived. The "no traces of infir
BROOKE, Essays, p. 221. mity " is an allusion to the perfect
See ABSOLUTE, AKASA, APABAQITA, conception of the truth, implanted by
ABHAT, ATMAN, FATHER, GODHEAD, involution within the Soul. The
" golden
HEART, LOTUS, OODOAD, PATH (two horns " are symbols of zeal
fold), SARABVATI, SEASONS, SLEEPING, and love of the true. The myriad
are the progeny of Buddhi
VIHAJ. (cow), and are the inexhaustible
treasures of the Spirit, i.e. the higher
BRAHMA-CARIN, STUDENT OF emotions and faculties.
THE VEDA :— See BUDDHA, CALVES, Cow (milch),
A symbol of the personality in its EPHOD, GOLDEN, HOBNS.
BRAHMARANDHRAM :— stance of goodness, which is the staff
the Divine of the higher life.
A symbol of the ray of " For the bread of God
Life which enters Into the highest that which

cometh down out of heaven, and giveth
range of the mind (head).
" The brahmarandhram is an imaginary life unto the world." — JOHN vi. 33.
For the Truth of the essence of

orifice of the skull on the top of the
the Self, and that which cometh

bead, through which, according to Ait. I.
12, Brahman entered into the body forth from the higher planes to nourish

and by which the soul, or according to the soul and dispel the illusions of the
the more usual view only the souls of lower nature.
the emancipated, having ascended by "Teta (the Osirified) liveth upon the
the hundred and first vein (subsequently daily bread which cometh in its season.
named nuhumnd) attains to union with He liveth upon that which Shu liveth.
Brahman." — DBUSSEN, Phil, Upani-
. . . He eateth and drinketh what the
gods eat and drink." — BUDGE, Book
thadf, p. 283.

The "orifice of the skull" the
the Dead, p. cxxii.
aperture of the mind towards the The perfected soul (Teta) Bubsista
Divine influence from above indica upon the Truth which comes to it in

tive of a receptive attitude to Truth. the course of its further development,

" sushumna vein from the heart " and its activities are in accordance with
a symbol of aspiration from the love the Divine will (Shu). It taketh part

nature of the soul. It by means of in the life of the higher qualities


aspiration and receptivity that the (gods).

soul mounts upward to union with By bread meant all that is spiritual

and celestial, which the food of angels,

the Divine.
the bread which came down from

See BACKBONE, DOOB (vara), SUN " — SWBDENBOHO, Arc. Cel. to

(as door), SUTHATMA, TET, WINDOW. Gen. Hi. 18.
"The spiritual meaning of anything

BRAINS :— its real meaning. Physical things are
A symbol of the buddhlc nature, — but shadows or symbols of spiritual
wisdom and love. realities. When Jesus spoke of physical
bread it was really spiritual bread he
meant. It is impossible for a deeply
BRANCHES OF TREES PALMS spiritual being, such as He is represented

to be, to speak of physical things without


USED PROCESSIONALLY :— having in his mind their spiritual

Symbolic of attainment of glimpses equivalents." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
of higher things. The Spiritual Meaning Childhood.

" Hence there follows, And ye shall


know the truth.' The truth is unchange
BRASS, BRONZE, METAL able. The truth bread, which refreshes

our minds and fails not changes the

Symbolic of mentality, the mental eater, and not itself changed into the

plane comparable to that which is eater. The Truth itself is the Word

firm and endures. of God." — ATTOUSTINE, Gospel John,


" Brass signifies natural good iron, Vol. II. p. 30.


natural truth." — SWEDENBORO, Arc. Cel.

FEEDING (five thousand), FLOUB,
to Gen. iv. 22.
A symbol of the lower mind which STONES AND BREAD, TRANSUBSTANTIA-
functions through the stimulus of TION, UNLEAVENED.
the sense nature.
BRAVERA LAND :— A symbol of the emotions consti
tuting the receptive function which
A symbol of the astro -etheric
enables evolution to be initiated in
plane, — a plane of illusions and
the soul.
A Bymbol of the spiritual food of A symbol of the higher emotions
the soul, namely, truth— the sub- which give rise to ideas sight being

comparable to the establishment of in the activity of the manifest. The
mental perception. unmanifest out-pours the mani f<-st .
A symbol of the affection nature. MANVANTABA, MOBNINO, PKALA.YA,
" The charity.1
breast uignifieth PBANA, RAMA, REMISSION, SABBA.TH,
SWEDENBORO, Arc. Cel. to Gen. ii. 21.
See GIBDLE (gold), RIB, WOMAN.
A symbol of the spiritual essence, —
This symbol signifies an assem the Divine Spark, atma-buddhi, which
blage of twelve disciplined qualities, is immortal.
or aspects of the Divine life in the " And
evolution of mental qualities, in close (God) breathed into his nostrils
the breath of life ; and man became a
affectional relation with the spiritual living soul." — GEN. ii. 7.
mind (Aaron), and connected with And into this lower mind, or astro-
the buddhic and astral centres of mental body, was projected the Divine
activity (shoulderpleces). These
spark, and thence the man (manasic
qualities are illumined by the Divine
Ray (the girdle). The breastplate being) became a creature capable of
was " foursquare," that is, the field responsible, independent existence.
of the qualities is in the quaternary, — See ADAM (lower), FLESH, MAN,
the four planes below atma. The NOSE, PERSONALITY, SPABK.
double thickness relates to active and
passive conditions of qualities. — See
EXOD. xxxix. A symbol of the mental plane.
DISCIPLES, " From Atzeeloothio World,
EPHOD, GEMS, GIBDLE, JEWELS, through the conjunction of the King and
Queen, proceeds the World of Creation,
called the Breeatic, or Olam Breeah, also
SHEWBBEAD, TBIBES, TWELVE, UBIM Qursaiyah, i.e. the Throne. In this
AND THUMMIN. condition, creation, as we understand the
word, begun." — I. MYEH, Qabbalah, p. 328.
BREATH :— From the atma-buddhic plane, by
A symbol of the mental interpre means of the alliance of the Self
tation of Spirit, or the expression of (king) and Wisdom (queen), there pro
the Divine on the mental plane. ceeds the establishment of the mental
See MABUTS, MOBTAR, WIND. plane as the plane of ideas to take
forms on the astral and physical
planes. Also on the higher mental
plane there is the causal -body (throne).
Symbolic of spiritual action from See ATZEELOOTHIO, COUNTENANCK,
the Supreme in the rhythmic forth-
pouring and withdrawing of the
Divine Life of the Invisible and visible
universe in successive spiratlons. BRIAREUS, OR AEGAEON :—
" Invoke thou the strong wind created A symbol of the critical intellect, —
by Mazda Sapandar, the pure daughter
of Ormazd." — Vendidad, XIX. synthetic and analytic, — which des
Entreat the Divine Breath, the troys errors and illusions.
Holy Spirit of Wisdom, which is the Then didst thou, O goddess (Thetis),
enter in and loose him (Agamemnon)
functioning of the Absolute upon the from his bonds, having with speed sum
Buddhic plane. moned to high Olympus him of the
" The Sun is the outer Self, the inner hundred arms whom gods call Briareus,
Self is Breath. Hence the motion of the but all men call Aegaeon ; for he is
inner Self is inferred from the motion of mightier even than his father — so he Bat
the outer Self." — Mail. Upanishad, him by Kronion'a side rejoicing in his
VI." 1. triumph, and the blessed gods feared
Breath is the life of all beings." — him withal and bound not Zeus." —
Tail. Upanishad, II. 3. Iliad, Bk. I.
The manifest (outer) Self, and the At this period the Child of Time,
unmanifest (inner) Self. The poten Illusion, or the Desire-mind, is
tiality of the unmanifest is implied loosed from its limitations by the
buddhic nature which raises to the (Footnote). — JULIUS EGOELINO, Ibid., VI.
higher mental level the Critical intel 1, 2, 31. S.B.E.
lect with its wide -reaching scope. By
the Higher Self this faculty is appre
hended as the Synthetic function, but GOLD MAN.
by the lower mind as the Analytic, BRIDGE OF HEAVEN :—
which respectively discern similari A world-wide symbol of the higher
ties and differences. The Critical mental plane which lies between the
intellect is more effective than the lower mental plane and the buddhic
Astro-mental faculty : hence the plane or heaven- world, and therefore
Critical intellect takes its place beside is, as it were, a " bridge " from the
Tune, since it is seen to be itself a lower nature to the higher nature.
creator of illusion. And the higher "I also wish thee to look
(the Father)
mental qualities now attended upon at the Bridge of my only-begotten Son,
the Self who is no longer imprisoned and see the greatness thereof, for it
reaches from Heaven to earth ; that is,
in low conditions as heretofore. that the earth of your humanity is joined
Set AEGAEON, COITUS, FIRST, to the greatness of the Deity thereby. I
HEDGEHOG, INTELLECT, JOB, MEN say, then, that this Bridge reaches from
(oentimani), TALUS. Heaven to earth, and constitutes the
union which I have made with man.
BRICK FOR STONE:— . . . And observe that it is not enough,
in order that you should have life, that
Symbolic of superstition which is my Son should have mado you this
put in place of spiritual knowledge Bridge, unless you walk thereon." — ST.
(•time). CATHERINE OF SIENA, Revelations, etc.,
" And they had brick for stone, and LIX.
" In Him, the heaven, the earth, and
slime had they for mortar." — GEN. xi. 3.
the sky are woven, the mind also with
Further experiences are to be
all the senses. Know Him alone as the
gathered through superstition and Self, and leave off other names. He is
craft (slime) before higher qualities the bridge of the Immortal, i.e. the
are evolved. bridge by which we reach our own
immortality." — Mundaka Upanishad, II.
2, 5.

BRICKS FOR ALTAR, NATURALLY The Higher Self as the Individuality

PERFORATED :— is seated in the causal -body on the
Symbolic of the lower planes, higher mental plane, and thus he can
which are the means of the soul's be spoken of as the " bridge to
" way, the truth,
development by reason of the passage immortality," the
through them of spiritual vibrations, and the life." The indwelling Self is
while the ego can rise through them the soul's Saviour by whom our
to the higher. deficiencies are made good, our
" The naturally perforated bricks are imperfect nature built upwards to
these worlds. . . . How is it that that perfection.
gold man is not held down by the
See BALANCE (heart), BIFROST, Bow,
naturally perforated brick T Well, the
naturally perforated brick is food and HlKOBOSHI, KlNVAT, RAINBOW,
breath ; and man ia not held down RECOLLECTION, REINOA.
either by food or by his breath." —
Sola. Brdh., VII. 4. 2, 8-9. BRIDGE OF GJALL:—
The lower planes are permeable to A symbol of the higher mind
Spirit. The atma-buddhic monad is leading to spiritual illumination of
not made nugatory by the lower the consciousness.
nature. The lower activities cause " Hermod rode nine nights and days
truth and virtue to nourish the soul, through dark and deep valleys, and saw
and so the ego is not restrained by no light until he came to Gjall, and rode
over the bridge of Gjall, which is overlaid
these, but enabled to rise to the with glittering gold " (Story of Balder,
higher planes. in Edda). — HOWITT, Literature, etc.
"The naturally perforated bricks are At this stage the Christ-soul is
meant to represent the three worlds, the
described as taking a lengthy ride, —
holes being intended to afford to the
Sacrificer (represented by the gold man) that is, the Self acts through the
to the highest " intellect (horse) alone, which function
a passage regions
ing corresponds with riding through centres are astral centres, and the
dark and deep valleys of the lower three lowermost centres are etheric.
mind, — the avenue of approach to See FBAVAK, GATES (nine), SETTLE
" Gjall," that is, to those faculties MENTS, STREETS (nine), VARA.
which at length lead up to the illumina
tion which proceeds from intuition BRIGHT AND DARK :—
(gold). The " bridge " is the point of Symbols of knowledge and Ignor
junction with the Higher Self, from ance.
which inspiration, — the expression of See DARKNESS, LIGHT.
the Holy Spirit, the source of all
Truth to humanity, — emanatea.
Signifying the rule of the soul by
Divine love.
" He approaches the throne Vikat-
BRIDGE, KINVAT, OR CHINVAT:— shana. The Saman (conciliation) verses,
A symbol of the higher mind, Brihat and Rathantera, are its eastern
feet." — Kauih. Upanishad, I. 2.
above the lower mind (kama-manas)
The soul attains complete mastery
and lower consciousness.
" Between Heaven and Hell is Chinvat over self, through Truth and Goodness,
Peretu, ' the bridge of the gatherer,' or he knows that government is possible
the bridge of the judge
(Chinvat can through Love. The Sun of righteous
havo both meanings), which the soul of ness arises in the east.
the pious alone can pass, while the
wicked fall from it down into Hell." —
HAUG, Essays, p. 311.
This " bridge " of the higher mind
between the lower and higher natures A symbol of the Intuition of love
is pre-eminently that of the gatherer expressed in the lower nature, but
proceeding from the higher.
and of the judge, for in the higher
" I (Agamemnon) will go to thy
mind are gathered the results of the
experiences of the ego in the lower (Achilles) hut and take Briseis of the fair
cheeks, even that thy meed of honour,
life, and between each incarnation the that thou mayest well know how far
soul is judged unerringly regarding its greater I am than thou, and so shall
past progress, and the conditions another hereafter abhor to match his
words with mine and rival me to my
needed to aid its future growth. The face." — Iliad, Book I.
soul cannot pass over the
The Desire-mind will, it supposes,
until it is perfected. As long as it is approach the mental vehicle of the
attached to desire and sensation and Personality, and by so doing take
needs purification, so long it falls captive the Love nature (lower) on
back into the underworld life after the plane of instinct, through which
life. the experience of the Personality is
See BALANCE, DOG-STAB, DUSAKH, acquired ; in order that the Personality
ELIJAH (res.), GABODMAN, HEAVEN, may be impressed with the irresistible
HELL, HIGHER AND LOWER, KARMA, power of seductiveness of the Desire -
MAIDEN, RE-INCARNATION, SIRIUS. mind, and so make it impossible for
BRIDGES, NINE, SIX, AND THREE, any other power to gain the ascen
IN THE SETTLEMENT :— dency over the influence of the
These are eighteen centres of Desire-nature (as it is imagined).
organisation in the soul, on various See ACHILLES, AGAMEMNON, CHBY-
planes. SEIS, INTUITION, SERPENT (subtil).
" In the uppermost part of the settle
ment make nine bridges, in the middle
six, and in the lowermost three." — SELF :—
Vendidad, II. 8. B. of E. A symbol of the causal-self, or the
The nine " bridges " are the nine Individuality.
centres on the higher planes, whose " An elder full brother the image of
correspondences find representation oneself." — Laws of Manu, II. 226.
on the lower planes. The six middle See BALARAMA, POLLUX.
BROTHER OF JESUS:— to the neck of the deceased, where the
rubric ordered it to be placed, it had
A symbol of the Individuality, to be dipped in water in which ankham
with which the perfected Personality
flowers had been steeped.... It enabled
the deceased to have ' one hand towards
"Thy brother embraced Thee (Jesus) heaven, and one hand towards earth.' "
ind kissed Thee, and Thou didst also
— BUDOE, Egyptian Magic, pp. 43, 44.
kin Him, ye became one and the same The meaning of Ch. CLVI is, that
Being." — Mary's story of the Infancy, in the Divine Life from the buddhic
the Pistit Sophia. plane manifests in the higher emotions
The lower limitations are tran which are mighty to protect the
scended, the soul-consciousness below
indwelling God as he evolves, at
rises to the consciousness above in first weak and helpless, in the soul,
the causal-body, the salute of Love and to guard this Great One from
is given, and the Higher Self and the
being overpowered by the lower
Lower Self are made One and indistin
emotions and desires. The baptismal
guishable on the plane of the higher
ceremony signifies that through truth
(water) and the virtues (flowers) the
soul is enabled by means of the
higher vibrations to aspire towards
BROTHERS, FIVE, OF DIVES :— the higher nature, and do its duty in
Symbolic of the five senses on the the activities (hands) of the lower
j-'.ro- mental plane. nature (earth).
Symbolic of the five senses which TAMAGUSHI, YAONOPAVITA.
stir the mental faculties.
BUCKLE OF ISIS:— A symbol of the Self or Soul (atma-
A symbol of the life currents buddhi) which descends to the lower
between the buddhic and astral planes, hi order first (as Gautama)
planes, whereby the lower qualities to become by involution the Arche
are transmuted into the higher. typal Man, and second (as Maitreya)
" to rise by evolution hi the souls of
The buckle(amulet) was placed on
the neck of the mummy, which it was humanity to the higher planes again.
" Born, then, at last as the child
supposed to protect ; the red material of
which it was made represented the blood Gautama, son of Suddhodana, and
of Isis." — BUDOK, The Mummy, p. 256. purified by a long observance of the six
The astro -buddhic vibrations are transcendent virtues, Buddha ultimately
attained to perfect knowledge and
necessary for the evolution and
Arhatship under the Bodhi-tree, and in
establishment of the purified emotions so attaining passed from the condition of
(neck). They represent the Divine a Bodhi-sattva to that of the highest of
Life (blood) proceeding from the all Arhats — a supreme Buddha." — MON.
WILLIAMS, Buddhivm, p. 181.
buddhic plane (Isis).
"This amulet represents the buckle of The Germ-Soul produced of the
the girdle of Isis, and is usually made of Supreme Self (king) emerged upon the
carnelian, red jasper, red glass, and of lower planes and began its develop
other substances of a red colour ; it is ment through the gradual involution
sometimes made of gold, and of sub-
itanceg covered with gold. It is always of the higher qualities (virtues). The
associated with the CLVIth Chapter of Soul ultimately attained to perfection
the Boot; of the Dead, which is frequently and supremacy (umbrella) under the
inscribed upon it, and which reads :—
' ' completion of one part of the Divine
The blood of Isis, and the strength
of Isis, and the words of power of Isis scheme of the manifesting Life
•hall be mighty to act as powers to (Bodhi-tree). It thereby passed from
protect this great and divine being, and the partly enlightened condition to
to guard him from him that would do
the fully enlightened, and so it then
unto him anything that he holdeth in
rose in potentiality to the higher
"But before the buckle was attached planes as the Archetypal Man — the
Ideal pattern of the forthcoming (highest), SUDDHODANA, TONOTJB,
" At the moment of his attaining BUDDHA, MARKS OF THE : —
Buddhahood he had transferred the
Bodhi-sattvaship to Maitreya, the loving Symbolic of powers inherent in tfae
and compassionate one,' who became the Soul through involution.
Buddha-elect, dwelling and presiding as " Thus the great seer Asita beheld the
his predecessor had done in the heaven king's son (Buddha) with wonder, his
of contented beings (Tushita). There he feet marked with a wheel, his fingers and
watches over and promotes the interests toes webbed, with a circle of hair between
of the Buddhist faith, while awaiting his eyebrows, and signs of vigour like
the time when he is to appear on earth an elephant." — Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. 65.
as Maitreyn, or the fifth Buddha of the So it is the primordial lower self
present age. . . . No wonder, then, that
this Maitreya, whose very name implies (Asita) beholds the offspring of the
love and tenderness towards mankind, Highest with wonder, that is, with
and who waa destined to become, like instinctive rather than rational
Gautama, a Saviour of the world by
appreciation of Truth. The " feet "
teaching its inhabitants how to save
themselves — became a favourite object ore symbols of obedience, which tread
of personal worship after Gautama the cycle of life as the path to peace.
Buddha's death." — Ibid. The "fingers and toes webbed "
With the completion of the involu signify the, as yet, fettered organs of
tion of spirit into matter, there action. The " urna," or " circle of
hair " is a symbol of spiritual truth.
followed the transference of the
" Signs of
" symbolise the
Divine germ (Bodhisatva) to the new
order of evolution. This implied a powers which are to yield the results
fresh outpouring of the Self, who of effort which accrue on the buddhic
presides potentially on the higher plane.
planes, while actually engaged in the See ASITA, BODHISATVAS, <'nu I.F:
evolution of himself (Maitreya) on (hair), FEET, FOOTPRINTS OF BUDDHA,
the lower planes. The Self promotes MARKS OF JESUS, URNA.
the growth of the Divine germ of BUDDHI, OR THE WISDOM PRIN
Wisdom, Truth and Love (the Bud CIPLE :—
dhist faith), which requires to be
A symbol of the fount of spiritual
developed in the souls of humanity life on the buddhic plane, which
until they are perfected, and the transcends the highest intellect. It
germ of the Self has become the is the source of all the higher emotions
complete Self rising glorified with and ideal qualities appertaining to
his saints from the bondage of the Truth, Love, and Wisdom. It is
lower nature (earth). The incarnate described as outpouring these quali
Self (Maitreya) is born in the evolving ties in response to the aspirations
soul as the Spirit of Love and Truth and sacrifices of the lower con
destined to become the soul's Saviour sciousness.
" Buddhi,
by teaching it how to rise above the commonly translated by
perception, but really a kind of percep
things of the world and free itself
tion that involves something like what
from the passions and desires of the we should call intellect. . . . As a cosmic
lower nature. As the incarnate Self force, Buddhi is that which gives light
draws all minds upwards by his as the essential condition of all know
ledge. Budh means literally to awake,
infinite love and tenderness, he is and as a sleeping person is dull and inert
adored by all who perceive him in to the world, but begins to perceive as
the innermost sanctuary of their souls. soon as he is awake." — MAX Mi-'i i I-.K.
See AAT, ABC. MAN, ABHATS, ASITA, Six System* of Indian Philosophy, pp. 370,
" The life there (of the celestial region)
BODHISATVA, BRAHMAN FBIESTS, is wisdom, a wisdom not obtained by
CHRIST, CHRIST'S SECOND COMING, a reasoning process, because the whole
DESTROYING EVILS, DWELLING, of it always was, and is not, in any respect
HORSE (white), INVOLUTION, KA, deficient, so as to be in want of investiga
tion. But it is the first wisdom, and is
KALKI, LION-GAIT, NURSE, PRAYERS, not derived from another." — PLOTINUB,
The feminine Holy Spirit — Sophia — wherein to evolve ; for the separated
and most of the great Goddesses of monad is a microcosm which is a
polytheism are symbols of Buddhi copy of the Macrocosm.
under various aspects. " Spiritual things, as
She is the Plotinus says,
Divine Mother who gives birth to the are separated from each other not by
local division, but only by discordance
Son of God on the buddhic plane, that of nature. The organ by which we
Love and Truth may rule the soul in apprehend divine truth is no special
righteousness and peace when evolu faculty, but the higher reason, which we
tion is complete. distinguish from the understanding
" For Isis is the Female because we mean it to include the will
principle in and feelings, disciplined under the
Nature, and that which is capable of guidance of the intellect. The higher
receiving all generation, in virtue of reason is that unification of our person
which she is styled by Plato ' Nurse ' ality which is the goal of our striving
and All -receiving,' but by the gener and the postulate of all our rational
ality, the one of numberless names,' life. God is the last object to be clearly
because she is converted by the Logos known, precisely because He is at once
{Reason) into, and receives, all appear the pre -supposition and foundation and
ances and forms. But she has, implanted consummation of all our knowledge." —
in her nature, the love for the First and W. R. INOE, Paddock Lectures, p. 4.
Supreme, which is identical with the
Good, and this she longs after and con
tinually pursues : whereas the part that HAITI, ARURU, ASHA-VANUHI,
belongs to the Bad One she flees from ATHENA, BABSOM, BEES, Bumi-
and repels, though she is the field and CHAMBEB, BLASPHEMY, BOAT OP
material for them both ; of herself CLOUDS, Cow, DHABMA,
always inclining towards the Better One,
and permitting It to generate . . . and EARTH (great), ESTHER, FIRE, FRIQO
fill her with births, — for birth is an GODDESS, GOLD, GOLDEN FLEECE,
image of existence in Matter, and that HATHOR, HEIFER, HELEN, HERA,
which is born is a copy of that which is."
—PI.UTABCH, Isit and Osiris, § 53. HOLY GHOST, INTUITION, Isis, ISTAB,
For Buddhi (Isis) is the receptive KHUTH, METZTLI, MOTHER, PROTO
principle in Spiritual Nature. From TYPES, PYLONS, SARASVATI, SITA, SKY,
the plane above, Atma, there is SOPHIA, TRANSMUTATION, VEIL OF
poured forth the primal Ideas and isis, VIHAJ, WISDOM.
potencies of existence, and these
generate on the next plane, the BUDDHIC-BODY :—
buddhic, where they are received and This is the vehicle of the soul on
" nursed," as it were, or prepared for the buddhic plane, potential and
their reflection downward on to the latent as yet, but destined to become
manifest and active when the con
lower planes. From Buddhi all
sciousness of the perfected ego rises
diversity (numberless names) proceeds, to its level and claims Us Inheritance —
through the action of the Logos who the " treasure in the heavens that
fills the Spiritual Wisdom with the falleth not. . . . For where your
ideal prototypes of all appearances treasure Is, there will your heart be
and forms, subsequently to be ex also." — LUKE xxi. 33, 34.
pressed on the mental, astral, and
And Istretched forth and received
physical planes. my bright embroidered robe. With the
beauty of its colours I adorned myself"
Buddhi is in direct and harmo
(" Hymn of the Soul "). — Acts of Judo*-
nious relation with the Supreme, Thomas.
and wholly guided from above, And I made a great effort to receive
whereas her reflection downward on my buddhio vesture, and did at
the astral plane is full of the strife length achieve my purpose. With its
of the evolving monads she has brought brilliant qualities, lovely to regard,
forth, for she is the field and mould did I adorn myself.
for both the perfect and the imperfect. The buddhic-body ia described as
She repels the lower desires (the Bad full of intelligence, wisdom, truth, and
One), being united only with the love, to a degree impossible for the
Higher Self who produces in her lower mind to have any conception of.
the Divine Monads who take birth, The putting on by the saint of this
or become embodied in the forms " robe of glory " will introduce the
soul to a state of bliss in which higher but a ruling of forces, as when a man
faculties and activities will be exer calls his horse to drag the cart.
cised without a trace of selfishness Forces on a lower plane respond to
entering in. a "word" on a higher. This in
See CHILDREN' or HORUS, COLOURS, dicates the meaning of the Divine
HEABT, Word which rules all forces on all
The spiritual carrying-out of the YAGNA.
means of transmuting the lower
emotions into higher emotions, so BUDDHIC PLANE :—
that the indwelling Self shall evolve
Itself, and the lower nature of the soul A symbol of the plane of manifesta
fall away. It is Buddhi who directs tion next above the higher mental
the evolution of the true Self in the plane. It is the highest of the four
human being. When the lower nature planes which constitute the arena
aspires, she sends down strong of life in the present cycle of spiritual
vibrations which assist in uplifting evolution. It is not outwardly mani
the mind. At first the nature of the fest in the soul as are the three lower
upward aspiration is the vague, planes, and is only indirectly known
almost unconscious, unrest and dis through the higher emotions which
satisfaction at present conditions. are the " fruit of the Spirit." It
The mind is allied with the desires is the plane on which are the proto
and lower emotions, and what is types or patterns of things below In
required is that the mind should the phenomenal realm, things, that
relinquish these Inferior motives, is, that are the result of any kind of
and accept the Ideals and higher growth, mineral, vegetal, animal.
emotions in place of the lower attach The buddhlc Is the first plane to
ments. The highest part of the which the Higher Self descends in
subjective lower mind is on the fourth manifestation. It contains the higher
sub-plane of the mental plane. The causal-body which is the seat of the
vibrations from Buddhi enter the mind Self and of the higher qualities. On
at this level, and there is then an this plane is situated the heaven of
impulse awakened in the lower self the perfected human souls. It con
from this sub-plane, which causes tains the state of consciousness from
a speedy upward movement and so which the souls have descended, and
accelerates the mind's progress to the state to which they ascend in glory
a better condition of being. The at the last.
lower nature has correspondences See AMENT, ARYANA, BIKTH-
with the higher, and a perfect recipro CHAMBER, CAUSAL-BODY, EDEN, FRUIT,
city is set up and established between GARODMAN, HEAVEN, KDJEDOM OF
the two natures . The transmutations HEAVEN, MUSPELHEIM, NlRVANA,
are the apparent changes in the soul SEKHIT-HETEP, WORLDS (five).
from lower qualities to higher which
are brought about by a spiritual BUILDERS OF THE UNIVERSE :—
process under immutable law. The
ideals and higher emotions (buddhi Those Devas or Arch-angels who
become the first-born children of
manas) are the most powerful rulers the manifesting God, i.e. who come
of the mind when the will is In accord
with them. It is these which lead forth first upon the highest planes
the martyrs of all faiths to brave the in order to commence the structure
external forces which are arrayed of the innermost invisible universe
against their activities. It must be of the solar system.
" Towhom then will ye liken me, that
remembered that while forces are
always restricted to their particular I should be equal to him ? saith the
planes under the law of conservation Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high,
of energy, guidance of the forces and see who hath created these, that
bringeth out their host by number : he
connected with life comes from higher calleth them all by name ; by the great
planes. The guidance is not a force, ness of his might, and for that he ia
strong in power, not one is lacking." — to make this world like the fairest and
Is. xl. 25, 26. most perfect of intelligible beings, framed
In the emanation of spiritual intelli one visible Animal comprehending all
the monads of life (stars) are other animals of a kindred nature. . . .
There is one heaven, for that which
produced in their differentiations includes all other intelligible creatures
(names) and in the order of their cannot have a second or companion.
greatness. . . . There is and ever will be one only-
Nature, according to the Zohar, is the begotten and created heaven." — PLATO,
garment of God ; it is that in which TimoBUf, JOWETT, Vol. III. p. 614.
He appears and wherein He is veiled, "The Mnevis Bull is called the
to that we can look upon Him in His 'renewing of the life of Ra.'" — BUDOE,
aspect ; but it is not the body The Mummy, p. 283.
vestured " Leather
of God — -which is more properly Shekinah, straps were made from the
it least in one of her aspects — and it is hide of the Mnevis Bull, which was
still less God manifest. It is that which burnt by Suti." — BUDGE, Egyptian
He took upon Himself for the purpose Magic, p. 168.
" There is no other thing besides like
of appearing. (Footnote.) In the transcen
dence God and Elohim are inseparable, unto him ; he is the Bull that beareth
being male and female, and the first heaven and earth ; of his own power he
movement towards the production of a maketh his skin a source of light, when
manifested universe was to send forth the bay horses carry him as the Sun." —
their living images below. That which Rig- Veda, X. 31, 8.
was of the nature of God became of the In the Ottoman Sufi cosmogony a
nature of the Cosmos." — A. E. WAITE, great Bull is one of the supporters of
Secret Doctrine in Israel, p. 59.
" Holy One " and " Shekinah " heaven and earth. The symbol
"Bull " indicates the positive aspect
are symbols of Buddhi ; " Elohim " of activity on the buddhic plane
of Atma-buddhi, Love-Wisdom,
" (Cow), and as this is the highest plane
male and female." of the quaternary, it therefore bears,
as it were, the higher and lower
A.VGELS, COMPANY OF GODS, CY natures which are formed in it. The
CLOPES, DEVAS, FTRE ALTAR, GXJAB- " renewing of the life of Ra " signifies
the Divine Life out-poured on the
PBAGAPATI (relaxed), VALKYBIOB. buddhic plane (sign Taurus) at the
BULL, PRIMEVAL :— opening of the manvantara. The
A symbol of the Divine matrix "skin" or "hide" of the "Bull"
of forms and qualities on the buddhlc is a symbol of the ordinances of the
plane and reflected below on the astro- universe, which are external to the
etheric plane. Self on the mental plane
In the second age Ormazd had also ; and the " leather straps "
produced the great primaeval Bull, in
are the Divine laws binding on nature.
which the seeds of all living creatures
were deposited." — Zoroaetrian System. The " burning of the Bull by Suti
" has the same meaning as the
During the second period of cosmic (Set)
" killing of the Bull by Ahriman,"
activity, the Divine Will had created
on the buddhic plane the womb of all with also a reference to purification of
living things upon the astral and the soul by fire (buddhi).
etheric planes, and therein the mental See APIS, BEES, BEHEMOTH, GEUSH-
seed-germ of the lower activities and TASHA, GOSHUBUN, I AM, MiTHJIA,
forms is placed. MITHRAS, Ox, PHOTOTYPES, SEED,
May he who is the strong Bull of
the Vedas, assuming all forms, . . . WOMB.
may that Indra strengthen me with
wisdom." — Tail. Upanithad, 4. BULL, MAN-HEADED :—
May the Divine life which germinates A symbol of the archetypal union
within all forms, bring the soul, of the higher and lower natures in
through its devotion to truth and the Soul, — the Triad above the
right, the strength of wisdom which Quaternary.
is its heritage in heaven above. " Gopaito-shah is in Airan-vaego, within
"The original of the universe contains the region of Khvaniras. From foot to
in itself all intelligible beings, just as mid-body he is an ox, and from mid-
this world comprehends us and all other body to the top he is a man. And at
visible creatures. For the Deity intending all times he sits on the seashore, and
always performs the ceremonial of the merge into one for indrawing and
sacred beings, and pours holy water into outpouring.
the sea (for the destruction of noxious
See SUN.
creatures)." — The Mainog-i Khirad,
Ch. LXII. 31-34. S. B. of E. BURNING OF CORPSES :—
The soul comprises all potencies
from the buddhic plane to the physical
A symbol of the destroying principle
which, through the destruction of
plane on the present earth globe. effete forms of thought, may be the
The " four-limbed ox or bull " signifies means of transmutation of qualities .
the lower quaternary, and the superior See CORPSE, CREMATION.
human part, the higher triad, — atma-
buddhi-manas. The Soul is seated BURNT- OFFERING TO THE
on the astro-mental plane (sea-shore), LORD :—
and inaugurates the process of purifica A symbol of the offering up of the
tion of the mental qualities which best of the lower desires (beasts) to
have in them the sacred germ of the higher ideal, in order that they
Divine life, and outpours truth upon shall be purified by buddhi (fire), and
so be transmuted.
the astral plane (sea) for the destruction
" And Noah took of every clean beast,
of the desires.
and of every clean fowl, and offered
See ABYANA-VAEJO, GRIFFIN, KAR- burnt-offerings on the altar." — C!I-;N.
And every lower emotion and desire
given up for the sake of an ideal,
Symbolic of desire and reason on
becomes the means of this offering
the lower mental plane.
" The King ^Eetes assented to of the lower self to the will of the
give up
the Golden Fleece, provided Jason could Higher Self in reciprocal action
yoke the brass-footed bulls. These were between the two.
the gifts of Hephaestus to jEetes, in " The name given in Scripture to this
number two, and breathing flame from species of sacrifice is olah, an ascension,
their throats." — Argonautic Expedition. so called from the whole being consumed
The Supreme consents to endow the and going up in a flame to the Lord.
soul with Wisdom, providing that the It also received the name kalil, the
whole, with reference also to the entire
soul is able to completely control the consumption."— P. FAIKBURN, Typology
dual aspects of the lower self, which of "Scripture, Vol. II. p. 344.
are the desire principle and the So far as it contained the blood of
atonement, ever in the course of being
reason. These were the gifts to the
presented for the covenant people, it
Supreme of experience, by Him shadowed forth Christ as the one and
(Hephaestus) who had overcome the all for His people, in regard to deliver
lower planes, and they breathed forth ance from the guilt of sin — the fountain
" flame " or burning desire, — to which they must daily and hourly
repair, to be washed of their uncleanness."
not yet been quelled or mastered. —Ibid., p. 346.
See ARGONAUTS, BBASS, CADMUS, " In the burnt -offering we have seen
GOLDEN FLEECE, HEPHAISTOS, JASON. Jesus as our representative. His offering
was offered for us ; therefore ' as He


is, so are we in this world ; the measure
A symbol of the Desire nature of His acceptance is the measure of our
which gives rise to the Mind (Borr), acceptance." — A. JUKES, The Law of the
Offerings, p. 66.
which unites with the emotion nature, " And when the burnt-offering is
and afterwards awakens the spiritual placed upon it he shall burn the fat of
nature within the soul . (See Edda.) the peace offering' (LEV. vi. 12). For
See AUDTJMBLA, CHILDREN OF whoever kindles within himself this fire
HORUS, YMIB. of love, places himself upon it as a
burnt offering, because he burns out
BURNING OF DRY GRASS AS every fault, which wickedly lived within
FUEL :— him. For when he examines the secrets
of his own thoughts, and sacrifices his
A symbol of the production of the wicked life, by the sword of conversion,
sexual instinct or lust. he has placed himself on the altar of
his own heart, and kindled himself with
BURNING FOCUS :— the fire of love. And the fat of the peace
A symbol of the Self as a centre offerings smells sweetly from this victim ;
wherein all the rays of the Divine Life because the inward fatness of new love,
making peace between ourselves and the confinement or involution of
God, emits from us the sweetest odour. Spirit in Matter, and stands for the
But since this selfsame love continues Incarnation of Ha (Afu meaning
inextinguishable in the heart of the
Elect, it is there fitly subjoined, ' This
flesh), or the sacrifice of the "Lamb
is that perpetualfire, which will never of God " symbolised by the ram-
' headed Ra, the Divine Ram sacrificed
fa out on the altar (LEV. vi. 13). This
fire in truth will never go out on the in matter, for the redemption of
tltar, because the glow of love increases mankind .
in their minds even after this life." — See ADYTUM, AFU-BA, CANOPY,
Boot of Job. Vol. III. pp. 105-6.
A symbol of experience or wisdom,
the offspring of the Divine Mind.
A symbol of the ridding the soul When intuition (the cow that Cadmus
of effete forms of thought and habits.
followed) ceases to function and guide
See OINTMENT. (the cow laid down), then experience
establishes Itself, and finally is trans
muted to wisdom (Thebes).
A 8710501 of attachment by associa " When Jason had yoked the two brass-
tion with what Is lower in grade. footed bulls, he was to plough with them
See LILYBCEUM, SIBENS. a piece of land, and sow the serpents' teeth
which ^Ewtes possessed, to whom Athena
BUTO IN LOWER EGYPT :— had given one half of those which Cadmus
had sowed at Thebes." — Argonautic Ex-
A symbol of a purified state ofthe
pedition, KEIOHTLEY, Mythology.
lower emotions on the astro-mental
And when the desire-force and the
reason had been yoked together, it was
HOBUS, necessary for the Self (Jason) to apply
EGYPT (lower), LION-GOD,
those powers which had been acquired,
to the development of the lower
BUTTER :— nature, and to adapt to useful purpose
A symbol of Divine love and wisdom , those faculties which the Supreme
the produce of buddhi (cow). bestowed upon him, and which
" The sacrificer takes butter with the amounted to one half, i.e. the lower
dipping spoon (breath), with the text, aspect, of those which were yielded
Verily thou art the favourite resort
(or dainty) of the gods ! " ...
an unassail
to the Supreme by Wisdom (Athena),
through experience (Cadmus).
able means of worship.' — Sata. Br&h.,
I. 3, 2, 17. See ^EF.TES, ATHENA, BULLS, Eroo-
The spiritual ego assimilates the THEA, GOLDEN FLEECE, JASON, THEBES.
nourishment of wisdom and love by CADUCEUS, OR HERMES' ROD :—
means of the spiritual nature (atma)
A symbol of aspiration (rod) through
within him. For this divine food the higher mind (Hermes), resulting
(ambrosia) is the support of the from the activities of Wisdom and
ideals (gods) through which the lower Desire (the two opposing serpents).
aspires towards the higher. See HERMES, ROD, SEBPENT.
A symbol of formal and sterile
BYBLOS IN LOWER EGYPT :— notions of religion, which have to be
A symbol of the astro-mental stage broken up before the Christ-spirit
In which lower knowledge Is arrived can burst forth in its fullness in the
" The chief priests therefore and the
Pharisees gathered a council, and said,
CABIN OF AFU-RA :— What do we f for this man doeth many
signs. If we let him thus alone, all men
A symbol of the innermost shrine will believe on him : and the Romans will
of the causal-body, or World-soul, come and take away both our place and
on i he buddbic plane. It signifies our nation." —JOHN xi. 47, 48.
The priests and Pharisees represent "Cain was a tiller of the ground." —
a mental state in which the outer GEN. iv. 2.
The sense of self and separateness
expression of the scriptures is regarded
as authoritative in the unquestioning supervises the growth of the lower
mind. This state of formalism and desires which spring from the lower
dogmatism is aghast at the incoming " That is not first which is spiritual,
of a new spirit which threatens to but that which is natural ; and afterwards
upset the old traditional notions and that which is spiritual (1 Con. xv. 46).
substitute fresh ideas. Literalism is What is first developed out of man is
carnal, — that '
carnal mind which is
afraid also of the aggressive champions
enmity against God ; which is not subject
of rationalism (the Romans) who to the law of God, neither indeed can be."
would destroy cherished practices and (ROM. viii. 7). This is Cain. But there is
a fixed mental state (nation). a second birth ; another life is born,
" But a certain one of them, which by grace springs out of the same
being high priest that year, said unto old Adam ; and this second birth, this
spiritual mind,' is Abel." — A. JUKES,
them, Ye know nothing at all, nor do ye
take account that it is expedient for you Types of Genesis, p. 88.
" By ' Cain ' is signified faith separate
that one man should die for the people,
and that the whole nation perish not." — from love." "A ' tiller of the ground * is
JOHN xi. 49, 50. one who is without charity, whatever
Caiaphas signifies a long-headed pretensions he may make to faith which
when separated from love is no faith."
representative of the orthodox spirit, SWEDENBOHG, Arc. Cel. to Gen. iv.
who foresees the natural result of the " Cain, who
refers everything to him
literalist tendency, and who seeks to self, is the self -loving opinion. Abel, who
control those he deems below him, in refers everything to God, is the God-loving
opinion." — PHILO JUD^EUS, Yonge's trans.
such a manner as is opposed to the Works, Vol. IV. p. 249.
Christ. He believes only in systems " Cain,
whereby is understood in the
and creeds, and not in the triumph of language of nature, a source out of the
those qualities which make the soul centre of the fiery desire, a self -f u i will of
the fiery might of the soul." — J. I'-m M i: N,
truly great. But his commanding Mysterium Magnum, p. 166.
intellect suffices to show him that See ABEL, AHANKARA, ATOM (perm.),
there must be some change of mind CITY, COUNTENANCE, FACE (ground).
to meet new conditions and that the FRUIT (ground), FUGITIVE, MONAD
old mental state (one man) must die OF LIFE, NOD (land), SETH, WAN
out, in order that the whole traditional DERERS.
view should not perish.
"There is nothing to prevent a sincere CAKE, SACRIFICIAL :—
Catholic from going to any length with
modern criticism, which the evidence really A symbol of the higher qualities
warrants, in dealing with the letter of our on the buddhlc plane, the result by
Sacred Books. The divine element in transmutation of the experiences
those books no criticism can touch. The below.
details over which it has power are as "I
the small dust in the balance in comparison (Nu Osirified) am the lord of cakes
in Annu, and my bread is in heaven with
of the idea, over which it is powerless. l!fi, and my cakes are on the earth with
. . . Surely Mr. Carlyle is right when
' the god Seb, for the Sektet boat and the
he says : The Bible has, in all changes of
Atet boat have brought them to me from
theory about it this, as its highest dis
tinction, that it is the truest of books.' " the house of the great god who is in Annu."
— BUDOE, Book of the Dead, p. 196.
— W. S. LILLY, The Great Enigma, p. 109.
See ANNAS, ASSEMBLY (PRIESTS), The perfected soul has become
HIGH PRIEST (LOWER), INSPIRATION, possessed of the higher qualities in
PHARISEES, PILATE, PRIESTS buddhi, and the truth (bread) which
ELDERS, REVELATION, RITES, ROHAN, is its sustenance, w from God (Ra).
SCRIPTURES, TRADITION. The higher qualities are transmutations
of the lower nature through process of
CAIN :— time (Seb) ; for the growth of the
A symbol of the centre of the causal-body in its incoming and out
personality — the I am I feeling In the going life, has brought wisdom and
lower mind, which causes the illusion love to the soul from the Divine nature
of separateness, and represents the on the higher planes.
lower self. "
To the gods belongs what sacrificial
ia, to wit, King Soma and the "
food there By the beasts of the earth are signified
ucrificial cake." — Sola. Br&h. the various natural affections, for such
To the ideals (gods) belongs the indeed they are ; and by a calf is signified
cr-lestial nourishment which is to the affection of knowing things true and
good." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 242.
strengthen them, namely, the Divine
Life (Soma), and the higher qualities
laid up in heaven. CALF, THE FATTED, EATEN WITH
CORN, FOOD, FRUIT (spirit), MANNA, Symbolising the Celestial feast,
SACRAMENTAL CAKE, SHEWBREAD, I.e. the consciousness raised to the
TREASURK IN HEAVEN. buddhic plane, and the soul partaking
of the " fruits of the Spirit "—Wisdom
CALAIS, SON OF BOREAS :— and Love Divine.
A symbol of the will proceeding See DANCES, FAT, FATTED, FEAST,
from the higher mind, and controlling HUSKS, PRODIGAL.
the sense-nature and the desires.
ZETES A symbol of the opposite of wisdom,
CALAMITIES :— namely, superstition, or the following
Symbolic of the breaking up of of the dead letter of the scriptures,
forms and releasing the contained together with forms and ceremonies,
life for wider action in fresh forms . apart from moral and spiritual
"And ye shall hear of wars and rumours
" They made a calf in Horeb, and
of wars : see that ye be not troubled :
for these things must needs come to pass ; worshipped the molten image. Thus they
but the end ia not yet. For nation shall changed their glory into the similitude of
rue against nation, and kingdom against an ox that eateth grass." — Ps. cvi. 18, 19.
kingdom : and there shall be famines and The spiritual mind (Aaron) at an
earthquakes in divers places. But all early stage hod to prepare the soul for
these things are the beginning of travail."
higher guidance. At first there must
—MAT. zziv. 6, 7.
be reliance upon external authority
Christ emphasises the truth that such
evils as ware and natural calamities,
(earrings) and outside show and observ
with the sufferings entailed, are means ances (the molten image). The glory
to an end, and are not to distress the of the moral and spiritual must be
faithful, for they do not affect the hidden under symbolism and cere
Self behind, and are passing phases in
monies which satisfy primitive desires
no way final for the soul. We are to (grass) and emotions.
" The people sat down to eat and drink
recognise in these troubles certain and rose up to play." — EXOD. xxxii. 0.
processes whereby the evolution of That is, the lower mental qualities
good ia ultimately accomplished. (people) sought only to satisfy desire
God brings forth from all pain a and sensation at this early stage.
spiritual somewhat for the sake of which
the pain is sent. There is no waste, no See AARON, EAR, EATING, loot,,
wanton sacrifice, in the experience of MOSES, PRIESTS AND ELDERS.
men ; all human sorrow is the substance
from which God is fashioning holy joy. CALL OF GOD :—
• • . All pain, whether deserved or un A symbol of the admonition of the
deserved, is God's accumulating blessing
in His Divine purpose, and it has its
spiritual equivalent in the deeper life that See CONSCIENCE, VOICE.
ia one with His own. No man can suffer
except God be with him. Pain is no mark
of the displeasure of heaven, but just the Symbolic of the higher emotions —
contrary. It is the summons to come up the progeny of huddhl (the " celestial
higher." — R. J.CAMPBELL, Song of Ages,
cow "), the Inexhaustible treasures
pp. 04, 70.
of the Spirit.
A symbol of the Intuition which Symbolic of the mind's obedience
proceeds from buddhl (cow). to higher guidance, and willingness
to endure for the sake of right and which souls descend, but Capricorn that
truth. through which they ascend (and exchange
See JOHN BAPTIST, GIRDLE (leather), a material for a divine condition of
ENDURING, being)." — MAX MDLLEB, Theosophy, etc.,
p. 145.
A symbol of freer means for ZODIAC.
expansion of the mental qualities CANDLES, LIGHTED :—
In the upward growth of the soul.
Symbolic of the light of Truth in the
human mind or soul (church). Held
CANA MARRIAGE :— in the hands of acolytes , lighted candles
A symbol of the union of Truth and signify the truth illuminating the
Love. The " six waterpots " signify soul-qualities which are disciplined
the six vehicles of consciousness, by the higher qualities (priests) above
to be made full use of . The " turning them. The beeswax of which the
of the water into wine " symbolises ceremonial candles are made is a
the substitution of the love element product of bees which are a symbol
for the duty, or moral, element. It of higher emotions, thus signifying,
means a transmutation (miracle) in in burning, the purifying fire of the
fact. This " beginning of miracles " Holy Spirit on the buddhic plane.
" ' The spirit of
records the dawning of the supremacy man is the candle of
of Christ (Love) whose triumph the Lord.' (Pnov. xxii. 27). God is the
(glory) is begun by the perfect adjust fire of this world, its vital principle, a
ment of all the vehicles and functions warm pervading presence everywhere.
. . . And now of this fire the spirit of
upon the several planes of conscious man is the candle. What does that mean T
ness. If, because man is of a nature which
" The story of the to the nature of God, and
marriage-feast and corresponds
the miracle of turning water into wine just so far as man is obedient to God,
has reference to the final initiation of the life of God, which is spread throughout
Jesus. The water was the symbol for the the universe, gathers itself into utterance ;
soul, the wine for the spirit. ' The begin and men, aye, and all other beings, if
ning of miracles ' for the man regenerate such beings there are, capable of watching
is the spiritualisation of his own soul, our humanity, see what God is, in gazing
which is therefore mystically called the at the man whom He has kindled, — then
changing of water into wine." — ANNA
KINQSFORD, Life, by Maitland, Vol. II. p. 3.
is not the figure plain ? ... In certain
lands, for certain holy ceremonies, they
" Fhilo speaks of the ' wine of the divine prepare the candles with most anxious
love of God.' This fact (of the water care. The very bees which distil the wax
becoming wine), the context, the structure are sacred. They range in gardens planted
of the Gospel, and the traditions of Philo, with sweet flowers lor their use alone.
combine to indicate that the whole of the The wax is gathered by consecrated hands;
narrative is spiritual and emblematic. — and then the shaping of the candles is a
E.A.A. Gospels, (54), Enc. Biblica. holy task, performed in holy places, to
See GRAPES, INITIATIONS, MARRIAGE, the sound of hymns, and in the atmosphere
WATER (wine), WATERPOTS, WINE. of prayers. All this is done because the
candles are to burn in the most lofty
CANAAN, SON OF HAM :— ceremonies on most sacred days. With
what care must the man be made, whose
A symbol of works or service, spirit is to be the candle of the Lord !
proceeding from action (Ham). It is his spirit which God is to kindle with
See HAM, NOAH'S SONS. Himself. Therefore the spirit must be the
precious part of him."— PHIL. BROOKS,
CANCER, THE ZODIACAL SIGN :— Serm., Candle of the Lord.
A symbol of the fourth period of See ALTAR, BEES, CANOPY, CERE
the cycle of life. It signifles the lower MONIES, CHURCH, FIRE, FLOWERS,
mind energised from the astral plane. LAMP, LIGHT, PRIEST, PROCESSION.
The " crab " or the " tortoise "
(Indian sign of Cancer), is a symbol
of the lower nature into which the A symbol of the wisdom- and love-
soul descends in involution. nature as bearing the light of Truth
" Porphyrius says, . . . Theologians ad in the soul.
mitted therefore two gates, Cancer and " These are the
(two witnesses) two
Capricorn, and Plato also meant these by olive trees and the two candlesticks,
what he calls the two mouths. Of these standing before the Lord of the earth."
they affirm that Cancer is the gate through — REV. xi. 4.
The two principles which testify to CAPRICORN, THE ZODIACAL
the greatnessof God within the soul, SIGN :—
are Love and Wisdom, and these stand A symbol of the tenth period of the
for the Lord who rules the lower nature cycle of life. It signifiesthe higher
mind (white He-goat) which is
" By olive-tree is signified love and attained by the ego climbing the
charity ; and by candlesticks is signified mount of aspiration, through the
illustration in truths, and thence intelli- transmutation of the lower mind,
gnnce and faith." —SWEDENBOHO, Apoc. in the cycle of evolution.
Rev., n. 493.
"The- Indian Capricorn is an elephant
"A derived and transient light is all emerging from a makara, or leviathan. It
that any man can be. In ourselves we is called in the ' Lalita Vistara,' Airdvana
are darkness, and only as we hold fellow
(born of the waters)." — A. Ln.ur, Budd.
ship with Him do we become capable of in Christendom, p. 7.
giving forth any rays of light. The The liigher mental nature (elephant)
condition of all our brightness is that
Christ shall give us light. He is the source, arising from lower nature (sea-
we are but reservoirs. He the fountain, monster). The
higher mind born
we only cisterns. He must walk amidst of the astro-mental nature (lower
the candlesticks, or they will never shine.
"waters"). When the lower nature is
He must hold the stars in His hand, or
they will drop from their places and perfected, then the higher nature is
dwindle into darkness. Therefore our born, as it were, into the consciousness.
power for service lies in reception ; and See CANCER, ELEPHANT, GOAT
if we are to live for Christ, we must live
in Christ. But there is still another
requisite for the shining of the light. The CAPTIVE WOMAN :—
prophet Zechariah once saw in vision the
great Temple lamp, and by its side two A symbol of the higher emotion-
olive-trees from which golden oil flowed nature held latent through the activity
through golden pipes to the central light. of the desires.
And when he expressed his ignorance of See ANDROMEDA, PERSEUS, WOMAN.
the meaning of the vision, this was the
interpretation by the angel who talked CAPTIVITY OF THE ISRAEL
with him : ' Not by might, nor by power, ITES :—
but by My Spirit, saith the Lord of Hosts.'
A symbol of the enslavement of the
The lamp that burns must be kept fed
with oil. Throughout the Old Testament mental qualities (Israelites) by the
the soft, gracious influences of God's Spirit
desires, sensations, and lower emo
are symbolised by oil." — A. MACLAKEN, tions, — the " Egyptians " or " Baby
Sermons, 2nd Series, p. 162. lonians," as related in the Hebrew
"Oil " is a symbol for love ; " lamp" scriptures.
" For I delight in the law of God after
for the causal -body ; "stars" for the
mental faculties ; "gold" for wisdom. the inward man : but I see a different law
in my members, warring against the law
Christ is the "sun" of the soul giving of my mind, and bringing me into captivity
out the light of truth to the personality under the law of sin which is in my
(moon) which shines only by derived members." — ROM. vii. 23.
" By leading into captivity is signified
being seduced and so drawn away from
See CHUBCHES (Asia), CRUCIFIXION truths and goods into falses and evils." —
(Rev. xi. 8), LAMP, OIL, OLIVE, SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 591.
" We must care for justice ; justice is
one of the concerns of the soul. The soul
(two). that is indifferent to justice is not in
possession of itself. . . Excessive poverty
CANOPY OVER EUCHARIST :— and excessive riches are fetters upon
A symbol of the higher planes to human souls, prisons to human spirits.
Indicate the under-world of the lower That is why they should be abolished,
and that is my main reason for being a
planes (four rods supporting the social reformer." — T. RHONDDA WIL
canopy) in which the Self (Christ)
LIAMS, Serm., The Promise, dkc.
Incarnates, as symbolised in the
Roman mass.
UMBRELLA. A symbol of Matter as the encase-
ment of Spirit, resulting from the nature, with the desires subordinated
process of involution. to the will of the driver — the ego on
"The Lord and Maker of all things. the mental plane.
. . . when He perceived that the Essential See Ox, OXEN.
Man could not be lover of all things,
unless He clothed him in a cosmic cara CARRIAGES AND OXEN DECKED
pace, He shut him in within a house of WITH RICH GARMENTS :—
body." — " The Perfect Sermon," G. R. S.
MEAD, T. O. Hermet, Vol II. p. 321. A symbol of the desires and emotions
It is necessary that the Essential or subordinated to the requirements
of the higher will, together with the
Archetypal Man should be fully in
high results arrived at through
volved in the soul or cosmos through Individual effort.
love — the Divine Sacrifice, —in order See GARMENTS.
that afterwards it shall be evolved in
the many souls of humanity. CARRIAGES OF GOLD :—
See ARC. MAN, INCARNATION, Symbolic of high mental qualities
MATTER, SACRIFICE allied with wisdom.
A symbol of that which shuts off
the lower nature from the higher
nature. A symbol of limitation, or Symbolic of active and passive
of the mental plane. aspects of the higher emotions. Pas
See TORTOISE. sive — " silver " (moon). Active —
"gold" (sun).
Symbolic of the four soul-vehicles
and their activities on the four lower
A symbol of wisdom or Intuition. planes. The life principles of the
" Carnelian to strengthen his steps," — four bodies of the incarnating ego.
Book of the Dead. BUDOE, Egyptian " In order to protect this universe He,
Magic, p. 187.
the most resplendent One, assigned
Carnelian, being red, was sacred to
separate duties and occupations to those
lais (Wisdom). who sprang from his mouth, arms, thighs
See GEMS, Isis, JEWELS. and feet.
To Brahmanas he assigned teaching and
CARPENTER :— studying the Veda, sacrificing for their
own benefit and for others, giving and
A symbol of the Divine Artificer. accepting of alms.
That aspect of the One Life which The Kshatriya he commanded to pro
constructs and puts together. tect the people, to bestow gifts, to offer
" Tvashtar is the clever-handed carpen sacrifices, to study the Veda, and to
ter-god, who, in particular, manufactured
abstain from attaching himself to sensual
with his hatchet the thunderbolt of Indra, pleasures.
but also, in general, ' adorned heaven and The Vaisya to tend cattle, to bestow
earth — the parents, and all things with gifts, to offer sacrifices, to study the Veda,
their forms,' whence heaven and earth to trade, to lend money, and to cultivate
are called
the artificer's pair.' 'Tvashtar land.
thee (Brihaspati) from all One occupation only the Lord pre
existing things, from hymn after hymn, scribed to the Sudra, to serve meekly
the skilled artificer.' "— H. W. WALLIS, even these other three castes." — Laws of
Cosmology of the Rig-Veda, p. 23.
Manu, I. 87-91.
Spirit (heaven) and matter (earth) In order to utilise the scheme of
are " the Artificer's pair," because things in behalf of the soul, the Higher
from them all things are produced, Self established centres of conscious
and from all qualities aspiration for ness and energy for the soul's function-

growth arises. ings, on the four lower planes of

See CREATION, GATHA-AHUNA, nature. The " mouth " signifies ex
" arms,"
HYMN SINGING. pression of intelligence ; the
" thighs,"
activities in conflict ; the
means of progress ; the feet," founda
A symbol of the vehicle of the astral tion of advancing movement.
To the higher mind centre, or causal CATTLE, CLASSES, CULTIVATION, FEET,
body (Brahmana), is assigned the HOUSE (clan), JOB, KSHATRIYA, MAR
reception of Truth (Veda) and the RIAGE (castes), MOUTH, PURUSHA,
transmission of knowledge to the lower QUATERNARY, RAGANYA, RULERS
mind as it is able to receive it ; also (world), SACRIFICES, SKANDHAS, SU
the giving up of the lower for that DRA, THIGHS, VAISYA, VEDA, VES
which is higher, in order to promote TURES.
the growth of the qualities ; and the
bestowal and reception of spiritual
A symbol of those emotions of the
lower nature, which are under control
The lower mind centre, or mental -
of the higher nature ; or of the higher
body (Kshatriya), was enjoined to desires among the astral qualities,
organise the qualities (people), to wherein buddhl is reflected through
make good use of the faculties ; to the desire -nature.
give up lower forms of thought for
"And God said, Let the earth bring
higher ; to purify itself by Truth ; forth the living creature after its kind,
and to maintain supremacy over the cattle and the creeping thing, and beast
desires and sensations. of the earth after its kind : and it was BO."
—GEN. i. 24.
The desire centre, or astral-body
And again the Divine nature directs
(Vaisya), was to nurture the emotions
that the lower nature of the soul shall
(cattle) ; to raise the lower desires ;
bring forth that which is first in order,
to give up the lower for the higher ;
namely, the natural qualities. The
to purify its nature ; to exchange the " cattle " symbolise obedience and
worse for the better ; and to make
docility to higher rule : the " creeping
fruitful for good the lower nature.
thing," cunning and subtlety : and
The physical centre, or physical-
the " beast of the earth," animal
body (Sudra), is for the senses and
instinct: and so involution proceeds
activities only, in complete subordina
without struggle or strife in perfect
tion to the desires, the emotions, and
order and entirety.
the mind.
It is declared that a Sudra woman
alone can be the wife of a Sudra, she
arid one of his own caste the wives of a AGE, Ox.
Vaisya, those two and one of his own
fasto the wives of a Kshatriya, those CATTLE, COWS, OR KINE :—
three and one of his own caste the wives
A symbol of the buddhic emotions
of a Brahmana."— Ibid., III. 13.
active in the mind.
It is explained that the "waves" or
"Agni (born from the womb of earth or
permanent atoms of the four bodies sky) is favorable to cattle. . . . Agni is
on their respective planes are inter yonder sun." — Sola. Br&h., VI. 4, 1, 6-10.
" Cattle is food," Ibid., V 2, 1, 16.
related, and that the lower are sub
ordinate to the higher. Thus, the The Self (Agni) brought forth of the
causal-self (Brahmana) possesses all purified lower nature, or of buddhi
the four atomic centres (wives), and (sky), is in harmony with the buddhic
these are co-ordinated in the complete emotions. "Agni " is a symbol of the
human being who aspires, thinks, Higher Self. The love of goodness,
desires, and acts in the world, thereby truth, right, justice, etc. is the soul's
producing results (children). nourishment.
"Castes are as ladders whereby to See ABODE, BEASTS (clean), FOOD,
ascend from the lower to the higher. KABSHVARES, SUN, YIMA.
They are properly spiritual grades, and.
have no relation to the outward condition CATTLE FREE FROM DEATH :—
of life. Like all other doctrines, that of
Caste has been materialised. The Castes A symbol of those high emotions
are four in number, and correspond to that persist through time, having In
the fourfold nature of man." — ANNA them the Divine life of atma-buddhi.
KraosroBD, /•'/''• Vol. II. p. 6. See DEATH, YIMA.
CHARIOT, CHILDREN OF HORUS, Symbolic of useful transient
emotions, within more permanent shape in the spiritual world as the form
forms. of life we have been leading." — J. BRIERLY
See JABAL. The Eternal Religion, pp. 93, 94.
" The soul in its highest
sense ia a vast
CATTLE OF TRAILING GAIT :— capacity for God. is like a curious

chamber added on to being, and somehow
A symbol of high emotions produced
involving being, a chamber with elastic
through the slow progress of evolu and contractile walls, which can be
tion. expanded, with God as its guest, inimit
CAUCASUS MOUNTAINS ably, but which without God shrinks and
shrivels until every vestige of the Divine
A symbol of the heights of aspira is gone, and God's image left without

tion, or of successful endeavour. God's Spirit." — H. DBUMMOND, Natural
See AMAZONS, ARARAT, MOUNTAIN, Law, etc., p. 110.
" The spiritual faculties are
OLYMPUS. organised in
the spiritual protoplasm of the soul, just
CAUSAL-BODY, OR KARANA- as other faculties are organised in the
SARIRA :— protoplasm of the body." — !•'',!., p. 233.

The causal -body at first potential

This term denotes the vehicle of
only. It becomes actual by a process
the spiritual ego in the higher mind
of each Individual. It is usually of building up, life after life, so that
called the immortal soul, for it when perfected at the close of the
persists throughout the cycle. To it cycle, forms the resurrection body

are attached the vehicles of the of the glorified spirit.
" We are content then to fall back on
personality or personal ego, on the
lower planes. Scripture words, and to believe in the
" The Vedanta affirms the existence of resurrection of the dead simply because
a third body, called Karana-Sarira, or it is, as we believe, told us from God.
causal body, described as a kind of inner For all who accept the message, this hope
rudiment or latent embryo of the body shines clear, — of a building of God im
existing with the soul." — MON. WILLIAMS, perishable and solid, when contrasted with
the at in which we dwell here—of a
Indian Wisdom, p. 64.
' ti

body raised in corruption,' clothed with

This is the "cognitional vesture" of
immortality,' and so, as in many another
the Upanishads which is at first phrase, declared to be exempt from decay,
rudimentary, but is gradually perfected and therefore vigorous with unchanging
through the efforts of the personalities. youth. Whether because that body of
" Tauler said : ' The ground or centre of glory has no proclivity to mutation and
the soul is so high and glorious a thing, decay, or whether the perpetual voli
that it cannot properly be named, even tion and power of God counteract such
as no adequate name can be found for tendency, matters not at all. The truth
the Infinite and Almighty God. In thia of the promise remains, though we have
ground lies the image of the Holy Trinity. no means of knowing more than the fact,
Its kindred and likeness with God is such that we shall receive a body, fashioned
as no tongue can utter. Could a man like His who dieth no more. . . And


perceive and realise how God dwelleth in

all this be true, that glorious and un-
this ground, such knowledge would be decaying body shall then be the equal
straightway the blessedness of salvation. — and fit instrument of the perfected
Arnstein." — VAUOHAN, Hours with the spirit, not, as it is now, the inadequate
Mystics, Vol. I. p. 246. instrument only of the natural life." —
The causal-body is the seat of the A. MACLARBN, Sermons, 2nd Series, p. 204.
higher Triad, — atma-buddhi-manas.
" The inner habitat which the soul DEFUNCT, DWELLING, GLORY, HEART,
provides for itself, and which goes every HEBEN, HERMES, KA, KARANA, KHA-
where with it. The grandest fruit of our BIT, LAZARUS, LINGAM, MAHAVIRA-
earlier moral victories is that their results POT, MANASI, MIRROR, NESHAMAH,
are woven into this structure and help to
make it and us invulnerable. . . . In a
free and growing soul this structure, TION, SAHU, SHINTAI, SAMKHARA,
woven out of our past and present, and SOUL (middle), STHXTLA, TABERNACLE,
open sheer to the heavens, becomes grow- TEMPLE, TENT, TZELEM, VESTURES.
ingly real in our consciousness. It regulates
for us the temperature of the outside world, CAUSAL- SELF t—
and amid the disorders of the external, This is the higher mental Self
creates an inner calm when the spiritual
can have full play. It is, as it were, the
which arises from the duality of
condensed exhalation of our personality, mind and emotion when union of
which, when death has loosed the bond the two takes place. The causal-
between us and the physical, may take self, or causal consciousness, com
numicates itself as Inner memory or sight of pure being, that soul falls to
reminiscence, through the personality this lower world and lives here among
the shadows. But it never altogether
to the lower planes, and by attracting
forgets the realities it has seen in the
and enlisting the receptive and in eternal home. Deep in its memory it
quiring mental qualities, implants holds those realities it has known and,
ideals in the mind, which in the form when it sees the shadow-image of the
of mental images at once serve as real thing, it remembers the
Idea '
symbols to typify the eternities of which it know in the other sphere, so
Wisdom, Love, and Truth and show that all true knowledge is reminiscence.
the correspondency between things . . . This means that the soul has within
itself, whether by reminiscence or other
above and things below. wise, the power of rising above the
"And Achilles, fleet of foot, made answer transitory to that which is permanent,
to Kalchas and spake to him : Yea, be of and that there is something in the soul
good courage, speak whatever soothsaying kindred to the Reality which it contem
thou knowest ; for by Apollo dear to plates." — R. M. JONES, Mystical Religion,
Zeus, him by whose worship thou, O pp. 61, 63.
Kalchas, declares! thy soothsaying to the The " shadow-image " may be taken
Daaaans, no man while I live and behold to mean a symbol of the real thing
light on earth shall lay violent hands
upon thee amid the hollow ships ; no
man of all the Danaans, not even if thou AGAMEMNON, APOLLO,
mean Agamemnon, that now avoweth him CONSCIOUSNESS, DANAANS, GREECE,
to be the greatest far of the Achaians." GREEKS, HOLLOW SHIPS, INCARNATION
—Iliad, Book I. PERSONALITY,
The Personality or lower self, —
swift in its processes, — is the means
whereby intercommunication between
the inner memory consciousness (Kal CAVE, OR CAVERN :—
chas), or causal-self, and the outer A symbol of the lower quaternary
nature is eventually established. The or lower nature of the soul — dark
mental attitude becomes receptive, and and gloomy, because devoid of the
through wonder and curiosity, a light of Truth.
" Far back in the inner chamber of the
questioning spirit becomes aroused and
active. The soul is thus perceived to Cavern of Night sits Light (Fhanes), and
in the midst Night, who delivers prophetic
be not only existing as a state of judgment to the gods, and at the mouth
consciousness, but persisting as the is Adrastia." — HEBMIAS, Phoedr., p. 148.
spark of the Eternal Fire of God. The Divine illumination is only in
Through the establishment of memory the adytum, holy of holies, or higher
is the lower mind awakened. The nature of the soul. In the midst is
lower mind, so long as the Personality buddhi, under the guise of folly and
exists, shall not succeed in extinguish ignorance, who yields up the trans
ing the ray of the Eternal which muted results of effort and aspiration,
passes through the reflection from under the law of karma (Adrastia).
" The Persians, mystically signifying
Above. No mental quality, —not even
the collective Desire-mind — but is the descent of the soul into the sublunary
regions, and its regression thence, initiate
aware of the transcendent power of the candidate in a place which they call
the Causal -self on the higher mental a cavern. ... A cave, according to
plane. The " hollow ships " are the Zoroaster, being an image of the world
mental patterns of the lower which was made by Mithra. — POBPHYBY,
Cave of the Nymphs, VI.
bodies of the incarnating ego. Mithra, like Zeus or Jesus, is said
" ' The region above the heavens is the
There colourless, to have been born, or brought up, in
place of true knowledge.
formless, and intangible being is visible a cave, which signifies the Redeemer
to the mind, which is the only lord of the entering the lower nature of the soul.
soul. And as the Divine intelligence and " In the Zuni cosmogony, men, as in so
that of every other soul which is rightly many other myths, originally lived in the
nourished is fed upon mind and pure dark places of the earth in four caverns.
knowledge, such an intelligent soul is Like the children of Uranus and Gaea,
glad at beholding being ; and feeding on they murmured at the darkness." —
the sight of truth is replenished.' — (PLATO, A. LANO, Myth. Bit. and Rel, Vol. II. p. 62.
Phaedrue, 247.) But whenever a soul is "
The four caverns
" signify the four
unable to maintain its vision of truth
lower planes on which the progeny of
and fails to nourish its wings with the

Spirit (Uranus) and Matter (Gaea) are flesh, Pepi is happy with his name, and
he liveth with his In (double) " (Inscrip
emanated. The same idea is to be seen
tion in Pyramid of Pepi I). — BUDGE,
in the Maori myth of Rangi (Spirit) Egyptian Magic, p. 158.
and Papa (matter), — their children The Personality hath been purified
found themselves in darkness, ruled by arid become one with the Individuality.
great mother Night. He hath been victorious, and hath
Now was Loke taken without any
completed the development of his own
chance of respite. The Asar conducted
him into a cave." — Prose Edda. causal body. He therefore hath hia
Now the desire-nature (Loke) is place in the World-soul or Causal-body
captured by the mind (Thor), through of the Higher and lower natxires. By
the varied experiences which have the law of the Supreme, the Individu
been collected. And these are now ality enters upon the next cycle. He
organised in the young soul (cave). is now evolved above the souls having
See ADKASTIA, BIRTH OF JESUS, unfinished causal-bodies, and he is at
DIONYSUS, HIDING PLACE, LOKE, Mi- the head of those who are incarnating.
THRA, NIGHT, PHANES, RANRI, ROCK He can now traverse the lower planes
(spiritual), VIRGIN MABY. at will, and entrance to the higher mind
(iron ceiling) is his, and Wisdom's
CAVE, THE OVER-ROOFED :— heights. He hath the sign (panther
A symbol of the World-soul or skin) upon him that the lower emotions
Over-soul. have been overcome and displaced by
" We enter beneath this over-roofed the higher ; and aspiration (staff) and
cave." — Empedoclet, FAIRBANKS, 392. the will are active within him. The
The emotions and the mind enter personality has transcended his lower
the World-soul, wherein are the Higher self, he is blest in his differentiation,
and lower selves, — buddhi-manas and and he has become one with his higher
kama-manas. nature in the causal-body (ka).
A symbol of the receptive per
Naga-king entering the cave of
Nanda." — Buddha-Kanta, Bk. I. 19. CELESTIAL :—
The " Serpent-King " is the symbol Pertaining to the " sky," that is,
of wisdom and enlightenment, which to the buddhic and atmic planes.
enters the personality to illuminate it
and raise it upward to perfection.
A symbol of cyclic or zodiacal
correspondences, which, as it were,
connect the general scheme of things
CEILING OF THE SKY :— with the various centres on the mental
and other planes ot the soul.
A symbol of the higher mental plane
which is next above the lower nature. See ATTRACTION, CITY, DECANS,
It has the same meaning as the VESTURES, ZODIAC.
" Pepi hath been purified. He hath
taken in his hand the mah staff, he hath
Symbolic of the purifying fire and
provided himself with his throne, and he
hath taken his seat in the boat of the aroma of the spiritual nature (buddhi)
great and little companies of the gods. which permeates the mind (air) or
Ra maketh Pepi to sail to the West, he disciplined and devout lower qualities
stablisheth his seat above those of the (worshippers) In the human soul
lords of doubles, and he writeth down (church) . The swinging of the censers
Pepi at the head of those who live. signifies the functioning of buddhi
The doors of Pekh-Ka which are in the in the lower nature, whereby the
abyss open themselves to Pepi, the doors
of the iron which is the ceiling of the sky
purifying and transmutation of the
open themselves to Pepi, and he passe th
lower qualities are brought about.
through them ; he hath his panther skin "And Moses said unto Aaron, Take thy
upon him, and the staff and whip are in censer, and put fire therein from off the
his hand. Pepi goeth forward with his altar, and lay incense thereon, aad carry
it quickly unto the congregation, and
" The wicked are like the chaff which
make atonement for them : for there is the wind driveth away. Therefore the
wrath gone out from the Lord ; the wicked shall not stand in the judgment,
plague is begun." — NUM. xvi. 46. nor sinners in the congregation of the
The moral nature (Moses) enjoins righteous." — Ps. i. 4, 6.
the spiritual mind (Aaron) to ally The evil qualities are transient and
itself with buddbi (fire) and bring unreal. They have no place in the
about the purification of the qualities estimate of the state of the soul's
(congregation) during a spiritual out progress, nor can they disturb the
pouring which shall destroy the lowest harmony of the higher qualities, for
qualities. The atonement signifies they are on a lower plane.
transmutation in response to aspira Corn in the field is touched by the
sun, in that in this life the soul of man
tion, and the substitution of higher for is illumined by the regard of the light
lower. above. It receives the showers, in that
See AARON, ALTAR, ATONEMENT, it is enriched by the word of Truth ; it
CHBYSKIS, FIRE, INCENSE, MOSES, is shaken by the winds, in that it is tried
with temptations ; and it bears the chaff
growing along with it, in that it bears
the life of daily increasing wickedness in
CENTAURS :— sinners, directed against itself ; and after
A symbol of the lower mental it has been carried away to the bam, it
qualities — half mind and half animal is squeezed by the threshing weight, that
Instinct. They " led a wild and it may be parted from the hold of the
rhaff, in that our mind, being subjected
savage life."
to heavenly discipline, whilst it receives
See CHIRON, PANS, SATYBS. the stripes of correction, is parted from
the society of the carnal sort, in a cleaner
CENTAURS OF MOUNTAIN state ; and it is carried to the granary
CAVES:— with the chaff left behind, in that while
Symbolic of the more obscure and the lost remain without, the Elect soul is
least intelligent opinions of the transported to the eternal joys of the
dawning mentality. Mansion above." —ST. GREGORY, Moral*
on the Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 362.
A symbol of a leading mental DEATH, WHEAT.
faculty which directs other mental
faculties and 'qualities of the aoul. CHANNELS, OR PASSAGES :—
" Mystically, the centurion is every A symbol of means of communica
one who rules over his members, senses tion established in the vehicles of the
and faculties, so that they, as it were soul, between the higher and the
soldiers, may fight for and serve God." — lower natures, so that reciprocal
ST. GREGORY, Moral* on the Book of Job, action and transmutations may occur.
These are usually symbolical of CHAOS, OR THE DEEP :—
the process of transmutation of lower
qualities into higher. A symbol of primordial formless
BABSOM, CENSERS, matter. Matter In its primal state,
devoid of qualities, In volution of Spirit
not having yet taken place.
SION, RITES, RITUAL, SACRAMENT, " Orpheus declares that Chaos first
SACRIFICE, TAUBOBOLIUM. existed, eternal, vast, uncreate, — it was
CHAFF OF WHEAT :— neither darkness nor light, nor moist nor
dry, nor hot nor cold, but all things
A symbol of the lower qualities intermingled." — Clementine Recognition*,
which are gradually discarded— Ch. XXX.
" blown away by the wind," I.e. cast "And the earth was waste and void ;
out by mind (air) energised by the and darkness was upon the face of the
Spirit (wind). Chaff is the husk of deep ; and the Spirit of God moved upon
that food, wheat, which has been the face of the waters." — GEN. i 2.
evolved as the "fruit of the Spirit." And the first state of matter was
When the lower qualities have effected formless, — the involution of form not
their purpose In life, they dry up, as having begun. All was inchoate, for
It were, like chaff and pass away. spirit was not permeating or informing
" Know the soul to be sitting in
matter with qualities ; and the Spirit
the chariot, the body to the chariot, the
of the Logos, — the Atman, — brooded intellect (buddhi) the charioteer, and
the waters " of ultimate reality.
upon the mind the roins. The senses they call
Tliis statement refers to the formation the horses, the objects of the senses their
in space of the invisible beginnings of roads. . . . He who has no understanding,
and he whose mind (the reins) is never »
the Solar system, with a correspondence
firmly held, his senses (horses) are un
also to the preparative involution of manageable, like vicious horses of a
the life of the soul. charioteer. But he who has understanding
See ABYSS, DARKNESS, DEEP, and whose mind is always firmly held,
EROS, his senses are under control, like good
horses of a charioteer. He who has no
GINTJNGAGAP, NABYANA, Po, TANAOA, understanding, who is unmindful and
WATEB. always impure, never reaches the goal,
but enters into the round of births
CHAPTERS :— (samsara). But he who has understanding,
who is mindful and always pure, reaches
Symbolic of the planes of mani
indeed the goal, from whence he is not
festation, or of periods and stages
born again (from whence there is no
of progress. return)." — MAX MOLLKB, Kailta. Upani-
" What is the Book of Mysteries T It thad, iii. 3.
consists, said K. Shimon ben Yo'hai, of
The "body," or "chariot," is the
Five Chapters, contained in a grand palace
and filling the whole universe. If, replied causal-body. The charioteer is the
Rabbi Yehuda, they contain the funda spiritual ego (buddhi-manas). The
mental ideas, they would be the most " senses " are the mental activities
excellent of all things ! And so they are, aroused by the desires, and mentally
replied R. Shimon, for the initiated." —
MYEB, Qabbalah, p. 101. guided (the reins). The little-evolved
In the manifestation of the Logos ego is full of illusions, and fails to
(book of Life) there are five planes, control his activities, which drag him
and these are comprised in the Macro hither and thither. But the fully
cosm. If these five planes, namely, evolved ego has wisdom and knowledge,
the atmic, buddhic, mental, astral, and his activities are completely con
and physical planes, contain all that trolled. The ego filled with illusion
is necessary for the soul's perfection, and ignorance fails to reach the goal
then the soul as the microcosm will of perfection, and -is re-incarnated life
ultimately attain in actuality the after life, in the lower nature. The
perfection of the Macrocosm. wise ego who is perfected is liberated,
See BOOK, GOING IN, MANIFESTATION arid returns no more to birth upon the
UNTO DAY. lower planes.
" In Mail. Upanishad, II. 6, where the
CHAPTERS OF MAGIC :— organs of knowledge are the five reins, the
A symbol of the Holy Scriptures. organs of action are the horses, the manas
is the driver, and the prakriti his whip.
See MAGICAI, By means of this, manas drives the organs
of action (speech, grasp, movement,
CHARIOT, OR CAR :— evacuation, begetting) to their work, and
A symbol of a vehicle of the Soul, they are then guided and controlled by
Self, or consciousness, on one of the manas by means of the organs of know
four lower planes. It is usually a ledge (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch)."
— DEUSSEN, Phil, of Upanishads, p. 274.
symbol of the causal -body on the
higher mind plane. The intellect -will (manas) by means
" The youthful men (the Maruts) placed of nature (prakriti) drives the activities
(Rodasi) the young maid in their chariot, of mind (the horses), viz. mental action
as their companion for victory, mighty in
(speech), discipline (grasp), progress
assemblies." — Rii-Veda, Mand I. Hymn
167, 6. S. B. oj E. (movement), riddance of lower qualities
The spiritual or atmic egos (Maruts) (evacuation), production of higher
with the principle of buddhi (Rodasi) qualities (begetting), to their work of
occupied the causal-body, for it is by the evolution of the soul. These
atma-buddhi that victory is gained activities are guided and controlled by
over the lower nature through the the intelligent will in the causal -body
transmutation and segregation of the (chariot) by means of the knowing facul
qualities. ties (senses), viz. consciousness (sight),
intuition (hearing), desire (taste), sensa It is served by the quaternary, or
" four
tion (smell), and lower mind (touch). great elements," — buddhic (fire),
See CASTES, CAUSAL-BODY, GILQOO- mental (air), astral (water), and physi
LEX, HORSES (bay), MABUTS, PBAOA- cal (earth), representing the four
PATI, ! •;•:\ K IIITI, PBANAS, RE-INCARNA lower planes of manifestation. The
TION, SANSAKA, SENSE ORGANS, fifth or atmic plane is the plane of
VAIMANIKA, VESTURES, VITAL AIBS. the Higher Self, the "Charioteer."
The " Winged Horse of Fire " is the
FOUR HORSES :— same as the Holy Spirit (Buddhi), and
A symbol of the celestial contains the spiritual egos, or Divine
body, or World-soul on the buddhic sparks (stare of heaven), and centres
plane. Inter-related with the activities of consciousness (planets, moon) for
of the quaternary. the mental plane. Its " speed " refers
" The four Elements are the steeds of to its high rate of atomic vibration.
the Great Chariot of all things. The The " Horse of Air " is block, to
coarse of the first Winged Horse is beyond
signify that the higher mind is un-
the limits of heaven itself. This Steed
transcends the rest in beauty, greatness, manifest to the lower mind which is
and speed, and shines with purest brilli dark from ignorance and illusion.
ance. Its resplendent coat is dappled But the higher mind is " bright with
over with sparks of flame, the stars, and
light " from above. The mind is
planets and the moon. Such is the Steed
of Fire. The second Horse is Air. Its "mild," that is, it is stimulated into
colour is black ; the side turned towards activity by either the lower or higher
it* shining mate is bright with light, but emotions, and is obedient to higher or
that in shade is dark. In nature it is lower rulers. The " Horse of Water "
mild, and more obedient to the rein ;
it ia less strong than Fire, and slower in signifies the desire-nature of the soul,
iU course. The third is Water, slower slower to spiritualise than the mind.
-'ill than Air ; while Earth, the fourth The "Horse of Earth" signifies the
of this great Cosmic Team, turns on itself,
physical brain and body at the founda
champing its adamantine bit. Round it
iU fellow Steeds circle as round a post. tion of the evolutionary soul-process,
And this continues for long ages, during the pivot round which the higher
which the Cosmic Team work steadily activities turn. During the enormous
together in peace and friendship. But period of involution there is no strife
in nature, it is the " golden age " when
after many ages, at a certain tune, the
mighty Breath of the first Steed, as
though in passion, pours from on high all the qualities are brought to perfec
and makes the others hot, and most of tion, and pronounced " very good."
all the last. And finally the fiery Breath But after a period of cessation from
sets the Earth Horse's mane ablaze. In
the Buffering of this cosmic passion the activity, — a pralaya of "rest," — there
Earth causes such distress to its neighbour is a fresh spiritual out-pouring from
Steed snd so disturbs its course, that Buddhi, which rouses the life-forces of
exhausted by its struggles it inundates the planes below, and starts evolution
the Earth with floods of sweat. . . . But
at the end of the world's age a still
from the physical nature, the proto
stranger mystery is wrought : a Divine plasmic body being the lowest vehicle.
Contest takes place among the Steeds ; Then the bodily activities stimulate
their natures are transformed, and their
the more or less latent astral organisa
substances pass over to the mightiest of
the Four. It is as though a sculptor had tion of sensation, instinct, and desire,
modelled four figures in wax, and melted which re-acta to bring about physical
them down again, and remade then into adaptation. At the end of the cycle of
one form. The One Element becomes life, the lower planes of the soul
omnipotent, and finally in its triumph is
identified with the Charioteer Himself." become purified and perfected : their
— DION CHBYSOSTOM. natures therefore are spiritualised and
The " GreatChariot of all things " transmuted, and are resolved again
is said to be the
most perfect vehicle," into the higher element buddhi. Finally,
which signifies its archetypal nature as the lower planes have merged into
as containing the perfection of all the higher, and victory is achieved,
qualities, and the pattern types of the' omnipotent buddhi is withdrawn
all forms. It is the buddhic causal - into the Atman and becomes one with
" Boat of
body, the same aa the RS." the Self Triumphant.
BODY, CONFLAGRATION, EARTH, ELE A symbol of the higher aspects of
MENTS (four), FIBE, GOLDEN AGE, the desires.
SPIBTT, WATER, A symbol of a centre of activity
established in the astral vehicle.
" The
CHARON, SON OF EREBUS :— Egyptians say that in this island
(called Chemmis), Latona, who was one
A symbol of the desire -mental, of the eight primary deities, dwelling in
or kama-manasic, nature by means Hutu, . . . received Apollo as a deposit
of which the soul progresses through from the hands of Isis, and saved him
the lower planes — the underworld by concealing him in this, which is now
of ignorance (darkness). The " pay called the floating island, when Typhon
ment of a coin to Charon " signifies
arrived, searching everywhere, and hoping
to find the son of Oairis." — HERODOTUS,
the sacrifice that must be made of Euterpe, II. 156.
desire, in order to progress. The higher-emotion nature (Latona)
See EREBUS, MONEY. working within the lower emotions of
the astro-mental plane (Buto), received
the inborn Self (Apollo -Horns) as
A symbol of the division between
proceeding from Wisdom (Isis) the
the lower mind and the higher —the
Divine Mother, and attached the Self
same as the " bridge of manas." It
implies a " way " by which the to an astral centre (Chemmis) which
consciousness may pass from the now established a fixed connection
lower nature to the higher. Through between the mortal personality and
the establishment of this " ferry " the immortal individuality in a
the recollection of past incarnations permanent astral atom. Then the
becomes possible . The ' ' ferry " acts , lower principle (Typhon-Set) sought
as It were, like sight through a tele for the young child, the Son of God,
scope in relation to the lower consciou- to destroy lu'm.
ness, and through it a vision of the
Higher Self may be gained. And in
this way the reflection of the Higher
nature in the lower nature is in HORNE.
process of time and evolution fully CHERUBIM AND SERAPHIM :—
accomplished, and then " Charon's
Ferry " is over-passed by the soul. Symbols of transcendental keepers
The " ferry," which at first Is of the buddhic plane : that is. Divine
potential, becomes actual when the laws applicable to the higher nature
soul is ready to cross it.
but not to the lower, and which,
" The mystic therefore, cut off the lower conscious
is one who knows divine ness irom the higher.
things otherwise than by hearsay, who " So he drove out the man ; and he
sees them by an inner light ; one to whom
the Infinite and Eternal is no mere article placed at the east of the garden of Eden
of belief, but an experience. The mystical the Cherubim, and the flame of a sword
doctrine, in its essence, ia that the highest which turned every way, to keep the way
in man can hold immediate intercourse of the tree of life." — GEN. iii. 24.
•with the Highest in the universe, that the Because of the downward attraction
human soul can enjoy direct communion to desire, the mind is now driven
with the Supreme Object, to which neither forth from its condition of primeval
the senses nor the logical understanding
can attain." — W. S. LILLY, The Great
innocence. At " the cast," that is,
Enigma, p. 256. where the Higher Self (sun) will
See AGNIDHRA, BOAT (river), BEIDGE appear, a sentinel or watcher (Cheru
OF HEAVEN, DOG CERBEHUS, HlKO- bim) stands to bar the direct way to
BOSHI, PRAGAPATI, RECOLLECTION, heaven which is now only to be
REMINISCENCE, STYX. attained by struggle ; men of violence
take it by force." (MAT. xi. 12.) The
CHEEKS, FAIR, OF WOMEN :— lower mind is cut off from the higher
A symbol of the instinct aspect of mind. The flame of a sword " ia a
the intuition. symbol of the spiritual strength which
is necessary to possess in order to symbol that the Soul has ceased to
gain the secret of Life eternal. be relatively at the mercy of the
By ' cherubim * is signified the provi desire -nature, which is regarded by
dence of the Lord to prevent man in
the educated mind (Egyptians) as
such a state (deprived altogether of all
sill towards good and understanding of abhorrent.
truth) entering into the things of faith." See ARC. MAN, Aso, COLUMN,
Hail, ye divine beings who guard the PANDORA, WEEPING OF isis.
doors, make ye for me a way, for, behold,
I im like unto you. I have come forth
by day, I have journeyed on my legs.
I have gained the mastery over my A symbol of a resultant, or new,
(ootstepe before the God of Light." — state of being, produced, emanated,
BCDOE, Boo* of the Dead, p. 276. or evolved, by the Interaction of
This symbolises not the going forth, masculine and feminine principles,
bat the return of the soul to the bud- or conditions, on the several planes
dhic plane (Eden). The soul is now of manifestation. Spirit is masculine,
at one with the
" cherubim " and Matter is feminine, and these first
entitled to proceed. It has forth- emanate the highest qualities, some
times called Gods and Goddesses,
poured in evolution and attained
on the planes of atma, buddhi, and
perfection through its own efforts. higher manas. Time is masculine
It has gained the mastery over the and space is feminine, and these are
lower nature by obedience to the said to produce results through the
higher guidance of the indwelling God slow processes of involution and
of Truth and Right. evolution. Mind is masculine, lower
from the Natural World
The passage or higher emotion is feminine ; the
to the Spiritual Worldis hermetically results of their interaction are opinions
sealed on the natural side. The door from and feelings (children).
the inorganic to the organic from the " Thou canst have a word in thy heart,
natural to the spiritual is shut, and no
man can open it .. . . The Spiritual World as it were a design bom in thy mind, so
it guarded from the world next in order that thy mind brings forth the design ;
beneath it by a law of Biogenesis — and the design is, so to apeak, the offspring
except a man be born again ; except a
of thy mind, the child of thy heart." —
man be born of water and of the Spirit, AUGUSTINE, Gospel of John, Vol. I. p. 7.
he cannot enter the Kingdom of God." — -See ASHES, LITTLE ONES, PEACE
H. DRUMMOND, Natural Law, etc., p. 71. (sword), PARENTS, SON OF MAN.
HEAVEN, SERAPHIM, SHEKINAH, STA A symbol of the sun, moon, planets,
TUTE, SOBTUB, SWOKD, TREE OF LlTE. and stars which have their birth, as
It were, in the east where they first
CHEST, OR COFFER (ARCA), OF become apparent. These again are
OSIRIS : — the symbols of the Higher Self (sun),
symbol of the astro-mental lower Self (moon), etc. Thus, the
vehicle of the soul, in which the
" greatest of all the children of the
Indwelling Self (Osiris) Is confined. east " is the Higher Self, the Sun of
It may be regarded as a sheath of righteousness.
mental matter enveloped in astral See EAST, JOB, SUN.
matter, and containing the potential
and latent Archetypal Man on the CHILDREN OF GOD :—
higher planes inward. A symbol of the spiritual egos,
"After this they carried the chest away sparks of the Divine Fire, or monads
to the river side, and out to sea by the of Life.
Tanaitic mouth of the Nile ; which for " The Spirit himself beareth witness
this reason is still held in the utmost
with our spirit, that we are children of
detestation by the Egyptians." — PLU- God." — ROM. viii. 16.
TABCH, Ins and Osiris, § 13.
"We are children of the Most High
The Bending forth to sea signifies because we are expressions of his own
the descent of the World-soul upon the nature, limited portions of his own being,
lower planes, and its submergence so to speak, seemingly separated from him,
in the astral tide of desire. Its passage
but not really so, and placed within the
ring-fence of material existence that we
through the Tanaitio mouth is a may work out and make glorious the
eternal fact that we essentially are." — above it." — BUDGE, Egyptian Magic,
R. J. CAMPBELL, Manifesting the Works of pp. 89, 91.
" The four cardinal points are symbols
The divinity is stirring within the in all scriptures of the four planes of
human breast, and demanding a culture
and a liberty worthy of the child of God." the quaternary. The significations of
— W. E. CHANNINO, Likeness to Ood. the
" children " are indicated by their
heads. Qebhsennuf, Hawk = Buddhi.
Mestha, Man = Mind. Hapi, Ape =
Astral. Tuamutef, Jackal = Physical.
CHILDREN OF MEN AND Associated with the buddhic are the
WOMEN :— lower emotions (Serquet) ; with the
Symbolic of new mental forms be mental, the buddhic emotions (Isis) ;
gotten of mind and emotion. These with the astral, the physical activities
are opinions, ideas, and impressions
(Nephthys) ; and with the physical, the
formed in the lower mind ; or they
are aspects of mental qualities seeking pattern forms on the buddhic plane
expression in various ways. (Neith). The planes are said to "pro
" That children signify truths, and in
tect" the functionings of the soul
an opposite sense falses, is because in the upon them. Buddhi conserves the
spiritual sense of the Word, by ' genera transmutations of the lower qualities
tions ' are meant spiritual generations, (liver and gall-bladder) ; Mind, the
. . . neither does spiritual generation give
birth to any other sons and daughters, appetites and desires (stomach and.
than truths and goods." — SWEDENBORO, large intestines) ; Astral, the mechan
Apoc. Rev., n. 139. ism of the senses (small intestines) ;
" ' In sorrow shalt thou bring forth
and Physical, the life of action and
children,' points to the efforts necessary
for attaining knowledge." — JOHN SCOTUS. experience (lungs and heart). The last
See BEGETTING, DAUGHTERS, CON sentence of the text expresses that the
CEPTION, GENERATIVE, MULTIPLY, buddhic plane (Qebhsenuuf) may be
PARENTS, SEEDS OF rooos, SONS AND taken as either below the plane of
DAUGHTERS, UNRIGHTEOUS. heaven or above it. In the present
cycle buddhi is above the lower uature
TION :— " Says Qebhsennuf, I am thy son, O,
Symbolic of the budding mental Osiris ! I have come that I
may be in
thy protection. I
gather together thy
faculties which are responsive to high bones, I collect thy limbs, I bring thy
vibrations, thus imparting wisdom heart for thee, I place it for thee upon
or knowledge. its seat in thy body. I make thy house
to nourish." — BUDOE, The Mummy,
Symbols of the four planes of This text identifies the symbol
manifestation below atma, i.e. the " "
with "
Isis," who col
buddhic, mental, astral, and physical " limbs " of Osiris after his
lects the
planes .
death and dismemberment ; signifying
"The four children of Horus, or the that the buddhic functioning (Isis)
gods of the four cardinal points, were
harmonises and disciplines the qua li t i< .-
called Mestha, Hapi, Tuamutef, and
Qebhsennuf, and with them were associ (limbs) now evolving in the soul.
ated the goddesses Isis, Nephthys, Neith, The placing of the
" heart " is the
and Serquet respectively. Mestha was establishing of the causal-body, and
man-headed, and represented the south,
so making the soul flourish.
and protected the stomach and large
intestines ; Hapi was dog-headed, and In the published facsimile of the
represented the north, and protected the Papyrus of Ani (plate 8) is to be seen
small intestines ; Tuamutef was jackal- a most striking emblem of the resurrec
headed, and represented the east, and
tion of the Self in the human soul.
protected the lungs and heart ; and
Qebhsennuf was hawk-headed, and repre The head of Osiris (the incarnate Self)
sented the west, and protected the is seen rising from the chest (lower
liver and gall-bladder. . . . They origin
nature) in which he has been immured.
ally represented the four supports of
heaven, but very soon each was regarded
On the chest are pictured the four
as the god of one of the four quarters of children of Horus (the four planes) to
the earth, and also of that which was designate the lower nature in wliich
the Divine Life is involved as the planes, which bring experience and
Sacrifice for tho redemption of hu truth (rain) to the soul.
manity. Osiris is represented as " From Ymer's skull, the sons of Bor
putting forth two forearms, signifying formed the heavens, which they placed
over the earth, and set a dwarf at the
the Divine activity (right arm) and
corner of each of the four quarters. These
receptivity (left) now manifest in the dwarfs are called East, West, North and
human being. Each hand holds an South." — Prose Edda, MALLET, North
arAh cross, not held by the handle, as Antiq., p. 404.
is usual, but by the haft, which From the higher nature (skull) of
the Archetypal Man (Ymir), the Divine
signifies the Divine Life subduing the
lower qualities (the haft) of man's Will and Wisdom (sons of Bor) by
nature. At each side of the chest evolution made manifest the higher
stand large figures of the children of planes (heavens) above the lower
Horus, indicating that Osiris comes planes (earth) in the human soul. The
four soul-vehicles (dwarfs) are the
forth to draw all things to himself.
Hia face is turned to Mestha (mind), means of expression and perception
signifying that it is through mind by the ego on the four planes (cardinal
the Divine power works for the points),
salvation of the soul.
The children of Horus are often
Caoss (aukh), DEATH OF OSIBIS,
depicted standing upon an open lotus
flower whose stem grows from water
(Truth-reality) at the base of the
throne of Osiris. Tho lotus indicates
the manifestation of nature through
Regarded in relation to humanity,
the " children of Horus " symbolise
the four soul bodies, buddhic (poten
tial), mental, astral, and physical. In CHILDREN OF THE KINGDOM :—
the present cycle the causal-body is in Symbolic of those minds which
place of the buddhic. have the Word of God and keep It,
" but do not get beyond the lower
The Maya Indians of Yucatan sup
posed the firmament to be upheld by four interpretations and are not deeply
beings whom they designated Bacabs, spiritual. The result of having the
each of whom stood at one corner of the word, but abiding by the letter is
earth. The names of these were Kan, Ignorance (outer darkness).
Muluc, Ix, and Cauac, representing the HEAVEN, LITTLE
east, north, west, and south. Their
symbolic colours were yellow, white, black ONES.
and red. They corresponded in some
degree to the four variants of the Mexican CHILDREN OF MEN :—
rain-god Tlaloc, for the races of Central
America supposed that rain, the fertiliser A symbol of mental qualities
of the soil, emanated from the four points through which the wisdom principle,
of the compass, and may find a parallel or higher emotion, is realised.
in the Egyptian canopic deities." — Non-
elasrieal Mythology, p. 23. "And the Lord came down to see the
" city and the tower, which the children of
By the firmament " is meant the men builded." —GEN. xi. 6.
highest plane — atma — above the And the Divine nature responded to
quaternary. Of the " four beings," the cry from within the soul for
" Jars containing their effigies held By devices (city and
the knowledge.
entrails of the dead in vessels similar to
tower) of the lower mind, through
those of the funerary genii of Egypt." —
sense of Beparateness, it is at first
Ibid., p. 84.
" Tin! was supposed to inhabit the conceived that wisdom will be attained.
four cardinal points and every mountain- The ideals arising in the mind conjoined
top."— Ibid., p. 174. to the processes of the lower planes
" Tlaloc " is a symbol of the Higher " children of men.'1
give rise to the
Self, as ia " Horus.'1 The " Bacabs " See BABEL, LANGUAGE, PARENTS,
signify the four soul-bodies on the four SPEECH
CHILDREN OF JERUSALEM :— one of the same world with the blessed
Gods."— Ibid., III. 7, 1, 23-5.
Similar to " children of the king
The Supreme places the germ of the
" Higher Self in the planes below, that
l ), Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killeth
the prophets, . . . how often would I it may manifest its nature aa the Son.
have gathered thy children together, of the Highest. For this germ is the
. . . and ye would not ! Behold, your seed of the Tree of the Divine Life, —
house is left unto you desolate. For sayI the product of the Self-limitation of
unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth,
till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh God. Verily, the germ of the Divine
in the name of the Lord." — MAT. xxiii. 37. Life implanted in the soul, raises it
The Chtist's lamentation is directed upward to the buddhic plane. At first,
towards the old dispensation which his growth is brought about through the
new order supersedes ; that is, towards outward activities of the emotions
the following of the letter of the Word (girdle) ; afterwards the spiritual germ
and killing out the spirit or intuition evolves and the peisonality is perfected. ;
(prophet). When, therefore, the " city then the personality unites with the
of the Great King" (tho soul) is ruled individuality and rises to the buddhic
over by the Christ, — i.e. when the causal-body (top-ring), and so the con
intellect is illumined by the spiritual sciousness rises to the buddhic plane.
factor, — then, from Above will shine By means of the Divine Life working
the Light within which brings peace in astro-physical forms, the personality
to the soul. Whereas, when such is not is developed on the astral plane
tho case, the opinions, ideas, and (world of the Fathers). Then the
impressions (the children) of the brain- Spirit within adds the lower mind and
mind, are without guide or adviser. emotion-nature, and the personality
The " children " shall not see the gains the mental plane (world of men).
Christ until they can discern good, The Spirit becoming active in the mind,
righteousness, truth, and love, in all gradually perfects the personality, and
things, and so meet the Lord. so the higher planes (world of the Gods)
See CHRIST'S SECOND COMING, DIS are gained. Then above the causal -
PENSATIONS, JERUSALEM, LIGHT, body (top-ring) the soul rises to the
LITTLE ONES, PRIESTS AND ELDERS, buddhic plane after passing two or
PROPHET. three sub-planes of the higher mind.
On the buddhic plane tho ego inherits
CHIP OF THE SACRIFICIAL the results of the experiences below.
STAKE :— Truly, the soul who through experience
A symbol of the germ of Divine Life of the lower life has attained to the
—the Higher Self—which is placed higher, becomes in harmony with the
on the fourth sub-plane of the astral
highest ideals on their own plane.
plane of the soul.
" He inserts a chip of the stake under It is said that in cutting down the
Tree for the Stake, tho first chip is
the rope with, ' Thou art the son of the
sky.' For it is doubtless the offspring of taken as " full of vigour," and this is
that sacrificial Stake." — Sato. Br6h. III. 7, afterwards thrown into the hole in
1, 22.
" which the Stake is set up. Signifying
Moreover, that chip of the stake is that the Tree of the Divine Life
made an ascent to the heavenly world ;
there is this girdle rope ; after the rope becomes the Stake of aspiration, or
the chip of the stake ; after the chip of the Ray from the Supreme which
the stake the top-ring ; and from the provides the spiritual germ. It ia
top-ring one reaches the heavenly world. through the energy of the Spirit that
. . . With that part of the Stake which
is dug in, he gains the world of the Fathers; all evolution is accomplished.
and with what is above the dug-in part See DEVAYANA, GIRDLE HOPE,
up to the girdle rope, he gains the world MONAD, PITRIS (lunar), PITRIYAKA,
of men ; and with what is above the rope QUARTERS, SEED, SKY, STAKE, Tor-
up to the top-ring, he gains the world of
the Gods ; and what space of two or HIND. TREK OF LIFE.
three finger's breadths there is above the
top-ring, — the Gods called the ' Blessed,'
— their world he therewith gains ; verily, SON OF CRONUS :—
whosoever thus knows this, he becomes A symbol of the spiritual mind,
the product of time in the course of It Is the immortal Individuality
the evolution of mind and the desire within us which is the immediate
oature, signified by the horse-animal, manifestation of his unmanifested
to which the spiritual nature it Self.
subjectively attached, as in the human He alone is the Way, the Truth,
animal. and the Life ; for he is above all,
See CKNTATTRS, CHBYSK. CRONUS, and in all, and more than all. He is
the Supreme Ideal set before us to
conform to, that we may become like
CHRIST :— him, and so manifest his nature that
Christ, or is in us.
the Higher Self, is the
fundamental principle underlying the " You may depend upon it that the
Idea of personal Godhood ; and is the laws of all life, vegetable, animal, mental,
••me Life which proceeds fort'i soulal, and spiritual, are one and the
from the Absolute, as the Son from same, though different in degree ; and all
the Father, to enter the world of derived from one and the same sacrifice
manifestation and animate all things. of our blessed Lord and Saviour, offered
He it is who is the Divine Sacrifice, from all eternity ; without which there
in that he limits himself within all
would have been no life, but a universal
death. And you may rest assured, also,
his creatures. Again, when involu that the lower is always typical of the
tion and evolution are accomplished, higher ; and that the knowledge of tho
he leaves the world and departs higher is best ascended into through the
to the Father, taking with him the progression of the lower. We ought not
results of the soul-process. to wonder, therefore, that the Holy Spirit
Now through that Divine effort continually useth the emblems or symbols
of manifestation, all that is expressed derived from vegetable and human life —
the sowing of the seed and the harvest,
and comprised in mineral, vegetal,
the birth of the child, and the full-grown
animal, and human, is lived through man — to set forth spiritual things withal.
in due order in this underworld, And you ought not to say, they are
whilst the essential Christ, the Lord finely chosen similitudes, but, they are
In heaven, is " seated at the right rightly appropriated types. And, however
hand of the Father " ; that is, he lives much our men of taste and sentiment do
as the Power Actual proceeding from laugh at the spiritualisings of our fathers,
Power Potential. He conies forth I dare to believe and to say, that to
In the World -cycle as Saviour and spiritualise nature is rightly to interpret
nature, and that the greater part of our
Judge in innumerable cloaks (forms) Lord's discourses are nothing but divine
as the One Life operating diversely exercises of this kind ; and so of His
in many sheaths. parables also." — ED. IBVINO, Worlu, Vol. I.
Christ is in everything. The forms p. 80.
" This Epistle to the Ephesians is
or sheaths— the outward expressions
of potential Spirit —are as the borders penetrated throughout by that idea of
of his garment, which he shall cast living union with Christ, and indwelling
in Him. It is expressed" in many meta
forth when their purpose is effected, We are rooted in Him as the tree
and afterwards he shall reveal his full in the soil, which makes it firm and
form and stature to himself, for there fruitful. We are built into Him as the
.a not another beside him. The All strong foundations of the temple are
Is no other than the One. bedded in the living rock. We live in
We are rooted and centred in Him. Him as the limbs in the body. . . . The
In his sight, or upon the highest level, indwelling, we say, is reciprocal. He is in
us, and we are in Him. He is in us as the
we, as spiritual egos, are within the
source of our Being ; we are in Him aa
outer as he is ; but in our lower filled with His fullness. He is in us all-
consciousness we see things not as communicative ; we are in Him all-
they are in reality, but illusively, and receptive. He is in us as the sunlight in
so we only behold the diversity and the else darkened chamber ; we are in
separateness -which give rise to our Him as the cold green log cast into the
misconceptions of the inner and real flaming furnace glows through and
significance of our Individuality and through with ruddy and transforming
heat. He is in us as the sap in the veins
of its ultimate re-absorption into the
of the tree ; we are in Him as the branches.
Infinite. It is He, the Inner Self 'As a branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
of all beings, who is infinite. Our little except it abide in the vine, no more can
personality , being transitory and finite, " — A. MAC-
ye except ye abide in me.'
is but a poor and partial mirroring i.* ui v. Sermons, 3rd Sena, pp.. 70-2.
" The Christ is the Divine Man in men,
of his infinity.
that through which the power and wealth tinguished from it. Love of the
of God flow into human life. The rise of
idealism in tho eoul is just the emergence
Truth and Right transcends Duty
of the deeper Christ-nature. Whenever a and Obedience ; also, Love and
refusal is made to the things that would Wisdom include Justice and Morals.
gratify the superficial nature for the sake
" Spiritual life consists mainly in the
of those things which alone can satisfy discovery and exercise of our highest
the deeper nature, it is the triumph of faculties ; and this means joy, joy ever
the Christ in man." — T. RHONDDA increasing in depth and intensity with
WILLIAMS, Sorm., The Great Choice. every enlargement of our consciousness of
" The law, or principle, of the obligation power. And I want to tell you that
imposed upon man by a supernatural considerations of right and wrong, of
Ideal. . . . Indeed, the entire evolution of meritoriousnoss and wickedness, are only
the race may be considered, from the point incidental to this after all, and will
of view of the philosophy of religion when ultimately be transcended altogether. . .
surveying the history of thit evolution, at Morality appears to be an intermediate
arising out of obligations to the Ideal. And stage between the un-selfconscious auto
this Ideal which religion in its highest matism of the lower creation and the
form of thought, feeling, and service, full self-knowledge and exuberant spon
strives to realise, includes the ideals of taneity of the saints in 1 aaven. The lowest
truth, beauty, and goodness. Thus, forms of life in God's universe know
religion itself, when most profoundly nothing of struggle between right and
comprehended, is seen to be of the wrong ; neither do the highest." — R. J.
nature of that command which Jesus CAMPBELL, Serm., The Non-moral Aspects
uttered to his disciples : ' Be ye therefore of "Religion.
perfect even as your Father in Heaven is No one is ever released from law.
perfect.' The voice in which all religious Those who think the law is abolished have
doctrine and prophecy is expressed, and not the Love of Christ formed in them.
to which the soul of man responds by The law is not abolished, it is fulfilled in
entering upon the ' way of salvation,' is Love. He that loveth doeth the will. No
the exhortation : Thou shall, so think, one ever transcends righteousness, for the
act, and be, as to bring into the reality of entire work of God toward salvation has
human life a harmony with the Personal been making for the f ruits of righteousness.
Ideal of perfect truth, beauty, and (Henry Nicholas)." — R. M. JONES, Mys
goodness." — G. T. LADD, Phil, of Religion, tical Religion, p. 436.
" The Object of religious belief and
worship mi ist. ever be regarded as some
thing about whose real Being man must
increasingly strive to know." — Ibid., CHRISTMAS-TREE :—
p. 314. A symbol of the Divine Life of the
See AVALOKITESVARA, BUDDHA, soul, through the efficacy of which
DAVID, HIGHER AND LOWER SELVES, the " treasures of wisdom and know
HOUSE IN HEAVEN, JESUS (son of ledge " hidden in Christ shall be
God), SELF, SON OF GOD. attained when the consciousness rises
to higher levels.
JOHN MUST DECREASE :— The Christmas-tree, now so common
among us, was equally common in Pagan
Symbolic of the spiritual nature Rome and Pagan Egypt. In Egypt that
transcending the moral nature. tree was the palm-tree ; in Rome it was
" Ye yourselves bear me witness, that the fir ; the palm-tree denoting the Pagan
I said, I am not the Christ, but that I Messiah, as Baal-Tamar, the fir referring
am sent before him. . . . This my joy to him as Baal-Bereth. The mother of
therefore is fulfilled. He must increase, Adonis, the Sun-God and great mediatorial
but I must decrease." — JOHN iii. 28, 30. divinity, was mystically said to have been
Tho soul's moralised qualities know changed into a tree, and when in that
state to have brought forth her divine
in themselves that the moral nature
son." — A. HISLOP, The Two Babylons,
(John) is not tho source of Truth, hnt p. 97.
is A preparation for the influx of Tho purified lower nature is in
spiritual energy from above. The moral unison with the Divine Life (tree) and
nature which is devoted to Truth becomes the mother of the Higher
rejoices in the influx of Love and Self (Adonis) born in the soul. It is
Wisdom. The Christ must increase Christ, the "Tree of life," who dis
or grow to maturity in the soul, while penses the gifts of the Spirit to all
the moral nature must decrease, that the qualities in harmony with him.
is, become absorbed into the Christ See ADONIS, BIRTH OF JESUS, JESUS
nature so that it cannot be dis (mortal), MrrEauRA, SHINTAI, TAMA
crsrn, TBKASURK, TBKE OF LIFE, non-human nature, — is anti-christian and
VISE, YOGDBASLL. sub-human. And, of such doctrine, the
direct effect is to cut off man altogether
CHRISTOS AND CHRESTOS :— from access to God, and God from access
to man." — Ibid., p. 248.
Christos — the " anointed One " Is "
In the evolution of God's life in man
theindwelling Spirit who is Divinely there are no short cuts, but a gradual
Inspired by Love from on High. unfolding of a principle of interior vitality.
Chrestos the
" perfect One " refers And the motto from this thought is,
to the perfected lower nature at the Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for
end of the cycle. Him,' while the child-Christ nature
within you ' increases in wisdom and
stature, and in favour with God and man."
— BASIL WII.BERFORCE, Problemf, p. 9.
CHRIST-PRINCIPLE :— " God as the Absolute can, in the nature
The Christ-principle is Atma- of things, only come into contact with
buddhi energising
mental plane.
on the higher
It can only become
man by a self limitation. ... In Christ,
to begin with, we have a revelation of the
related to the activities of the lower Absolute in the limited. In Him, as the
planes, as these purify their nature Church all along has joyfully confessed,
and become free from the desire- we see God." — J. BBIERLEY, Studies of the
principle. When the lower qualities Soul, p. 258.
aspire, this affords the opportunity See ADAM (higher), liriiimr, HOLY
(or the Christ to reveal himself under QHOST, PARACLETE, VIRGIN, WISDOM.
hit second aspect —buddhi — which, as
wisdom, is then ready to forthpour
itself in response to aspiration. In A symbol of the completion of the
the Christ-principle, therefore, it is process of purification and develop
the feminine element buddhi that ment of the souls of humanity, when
predominates. The heavenly Ma the lower consciousness rises to union
donna in this sense comes to be the with the higher.
counterpart of the Christ, for the "And then shall they see the Son of
Christ operates through her — the man coming in a cloud with power and
Paraclete. great glory. But when these things begin
" The to come to pass, look up, and lift up your
first Adam is of the earth, earthy, heads ; because your redemption draweth
and liable to death. The second is from nigh." — LUKE xxi. 27, 28.
heaven,' and triumphant over death. For This refers to the consummation of
'sin has no more dominion over him.'
He, therefore, is the product of a soul the physical at the end of the cycle.
purified from defilement by matter, and Then as perfection of the soul-state
released from subjection to the body. approaches, the indwelling Christ ap
Such a soul IB called virgin. And she has
pears in glory within the souls of the
for spouse, not matter —for that she has
renounced, —but the Divine Spirit which saints, or is raised above the condition
is God. And the man born of this union wherefrom at first his descent was
ii in the image of God, and is God made made. The
" cloud " signifies a tem
man ; that is, he is Christ, and it is the
porary veil which obscures the splen
Christ thus born in every man, who
redeems him and endows him with dour of the Highest. The "lifting up of
eternal life." — The Perfect Way, p. 190. heads " refers to the aspiration of the
"For, as cannot be too clearly and minds, needful so that liberation from
forcibly stated, between the man who
the lower nature may be effected.
becomes a Christ, and other men, there " Verily say unto you, This generation
is no difference whatever of kind. The
shall not pass away, till all things be
difference is alone of condition and degree,
and consists in difference of unfoldment
accomplished." — LUKE xxi. 32.
of the spiritual nature possessed by all in Christ here points out that each
virtue of their common derivation. 'All grade of evolution of qualities now
things,' as haa repeatedly been said, are existent, shall not be extinguished
made of the divine Substance.' And
until the complete process of soul-
Humanity represents a stream
taking its rise in the outermost and growth on the lower planes has been
lowest mode of differentiation of that carried out.
Substance, flows inwards and upwards to
" Friends, do not mistake the resurrec
the highest, which is God. And the point tion of Christ. You expect that He shall
»t which it reaches the celestial, and come in one single person as He did
empties itself into Deity, is Christ.' Any when He came to suffer and die, and
doctrine other than this, — any doctrine thereby to answer the types of Moses'
which makes the Christ of a different and Law. Let me tell you that if you look
for Him under the notion of one single
man after the flesh, to be your Saviour,
you shall never, never taste salvation by POPE, PRIEST OF APOLLO, TENEDOS.
him. ... If you expect or look for the CHRYSEIS, HIS DAUGHTER :-
resurrection of Jesus Christ, you must
know that the spirit within the flesh is A symbol of the intuition of Truth-
the Jesus Christ, and you must see, feel, the buddhic consciousness reflected
.and know from Himself His own resur on the higher mental plane, and
rection within you, if you expect life and bringing true knowledge to the soul.
peace by Him. For he is the Life of the
world, that is, of every particular son and "Apollo, enraged with the king (Ag»
daughter of the Father. For every one memnon) stirred up an evil pestilenci
hath the Light of the Father within through the army, because the sou

himself, which is the mighty man Christ Atreus had dishonoured the priest Chryse
Jesus. And He is now rising and spreading for he came in the swift ships

Himself in these His sons and daughters, Greeks to ransom his daughter (ChryseU1
and so rising from one to many persons. and bringing invaluable ransoms,
. . . And this is to be saved by Jesus in his hands the fillets of far-dartic
Christ ; for that mighty man of spirit Apollo on his golden sceptre." — Ilia
hath taken up His habitation within your
body ; and your body is His body, and The Higher Self working frot
now His spirit is your spirit, and so you beneath is the means of causin
are become one with Him and with the
strife and unbalanced conditions upo
Father. This is the faith of Christ, when
your flesh is subject to 'the Spirit of the lower planes, whereby the low<
Righteousness (Gerrard Winstanley). — qualities are destroyed. Illusion (so
M. JONES, Mystical Religion, p. 496.

" Now of Atreus) has oast a veil over

admit that is possible to

features of the spiritual mind (Chryse

spiritualise the whole conception (of the
nature of Christ's second coming), to for illusion overlays the astral

regard the resurrection and ascension of pressions which lead to the mind at
our Lord as the dramatised representation engage it. The enlightened mind
of a spiritual experience through which
every regenerate soul must pass, and the
eventually to be the means of liberatii
second coming as a spiritual process, a the intuition of Truth and illusic

gradual increase of the Christ spirit in having thus quickened the low
the world, culminating in the complete evolution, the aroused spiritual mil
assmilation of every human institution becomes the means of offering up gi1
to his ideal." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
Chritt Going and Returning. to the Self, that is, through budd]
See AAT (waters), AMENI, BUDDHA laying up treasures in heaven."
(white), JUDGMENT DAY, KALKI (ava
A symbol of the lower nature,
kama - manas — desire -mind . 1
SOSIOSH, SOUL (spirit, body), SPRING
under- world, or matter.
Symbolic of Love and Wisdom In A symbol of the form of

the causal -body, constituting the occupied by the religious consdo

causal-Self. ness which is a mental emotio
state of soul veneratlve of concept!
GHRYSE, PRIEST OF APOLLO :— of Wisdom, Love and Truth. '
A symbol of the spiritual mind, Church of the Living God was,
which is at first enslaved by the desire - and ever will be to the end of

nature, but afterwards is a prime seated in the Inner sanctuary of

means of bringing the mind in rela human soul, or causal-body.
tion with buddhl, since through its "Christ also loved the church,
aspirations it becomes attuned to gave himself up for it that he m

every high emotion, and opposed to sanctify it, having cleansed it t»y
the workings of the lower self. washing of water with the word. tha.
See AARON, ADVARYA, AGNIDHRA, might present the church to hinuse
glorious church, not having spot
wrinkle or any such thing but

stonld be holy and without blemish." — and knowledge means the understanding
Era. v. 25-7. of God's thought, and happiness means
the peace of God's approval. That is the
To bring about the completion of only world which is religious." — Pamirs
the evolution of the inner nature BROOKS, Light of the World, p. 47.
'church) of the sovil, the
Love, involved himself in the soul's FICE, BISHOP, CONVERSION, EARTH
ioirer nature. He became incarnate in QUAKES, HOUSE IN HEAVEN, MANSIONS,
order that, being born in the soul, he POPE, PYKAMID, RIB, TEMPLE, TABEB-
might sanctify it, and having purified NACLB, WOMAN.
it by truth (water), and by the ex FOUR
pression of the Divine Life (word),
as the Saviour of the causal- QUARTERS :—
body (church), complete it in every A symbol of the religious conscious
ness at the highest level of the quater
respect, so that it should be a glorious
nary or four lower planes of the soul.
vehicle of the Spirit, pure and perfect, " Church of the four quarters of the
holy and without blemish. world, those (monks) present and those
"The Church is formed out of Christ's absent." — H. OLDENBERG, Buddha, p. 340.
bones and flesh ; and it was for this cause The inner sanctuary of the heart is
tlmt the Word, leaving His Father in
joined to His in the highest reaches of the lower
heaven, came down to be
wife,' and slept in the trance of His consciousness. In that are placed the
passion, and willingly suffered death for ideas which seem to claim the soul's
her, that He might present the Church to religious reverence ; and it is said that
Himself glorious and blameless, having
the disciplined qualities (monks) and
cleansed her by the laver (of regeneration),
for the receiving of the spiritual and the higher qualities (absent monks) not
blessed seed, which is sown by Him, who yet attainable, are there to be found.
lith whispers implants it in the depths of See HEABT, MONK, QUALITIES,
the mind ; and is conceived and formed
by the Church, as by a woman, so as to
give birth and nourishment to virtue." CHURCHES IN ASIA, SEVEN :—
—METHODIUS, The Banquet, etc., Ante-
Sic. Lib., p. 28. Symbolic of seven states of soul
"The Lord's church in heaven." — In which the light of Truth is shining
STEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 191.
from their higher qualities (candle
Inward sanctity, pure love, disinte sticks).
rested attachment to God and man,
"All states of the reception of the Lord
obedience of heart and life, sincere
and of his church are signified by those
excellence of character, this is the one
seven names, in the spiritual sense."

thing needful, this the essential thing in SWEDENBEHG, Apoc. Rev., n. 41.
religion ; and all things else, ministers, " They are, in their primary sense,
churches, ordinances, places of worship, all
are but means, helps, secondary influences,
various states of the soul which the
Apocalypse describes under the guise of
and utterly worthless when separated from
the Seven Churches of Asia.— The Perfect
thi«. To imagine that God regards any
Way, p. 238.
thing but this, that he looks at anything
but the heart, is to dishonour him, to See CANDLESTICKS, COLD AND HEAT.
express a mournful insensibility to his AUSTRALIAN
Goodness, purity, virtue, CHURINGA OF
pure character.
this is the only distinction in God's sight. TRIBES :—
This is intrinsically, essentially, ever A symbol of the causal -body which
lastingly, and by its own nature, lovely, endures life after life, and to which
beautiful, glorious, divine. It owes nothing the fleeting personalities (alchcringa)
to time, to circumstance, to outward
are attached . The symbol Is regarded
connections. It shines by its own light.
It is the Sun of the spiritual universe. It with great reverence as a thing
is God himself dwelling in the human soul.
affecting the inner being of men and
— W. E. CHANNINO, The Church. women.
See what the religious world really is
in its idea. A world everywhere aware of
and rejoicing in the priority of God, CHURNING OF THE OCEAN OF
feeling all power flow out from Him, and MILK, FOR THE RECOVERY OF
sending all action back to report itself to GODDESS LAKSHM I AND THE
Him for judgment, — a world where LOST TREASURES :—
goodness means obedience to God, and sin
means disloyalty to God, and progress
Symbolic of the process by which
means growth in the power to utter_God, the 'soul attains to its Ideals.
" In the Tortoise incarnation, Vishnu LAKSHMT, NECTAR, TORTOISE,
descended to aid in recovering certain IN HEAVEN, VISHNU.
valuable articles lost in the deluge. For
this purpose he stationed himself as a
tortoise at the bottom of the ocean, that
his back might serve as a pivot for the A symbol of perfection begotten of
mountain Mandara, around which the the Supreme. When the soul is
gods and demons twisted the great perfectly free from attachment to the
serpent Vasuki. They then stood opposite things of desire and sense, then even
to each other, and using the snake as a
those qualities that seek perfection
rope, and the mountain as a churning
stick, churned the ocean for the recovery (the lovers of Circe) have the appear
at the Amrita or ' nectar,' the goddess ance of self-seeking desires (swine) .
Lakshmi, and twelve other sacred things As the "purifier of the Argonauts."
which had been lost in the depths." — " Circe " was found on the highest
MON. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 330. sub-planes of the buddhic plane of
Involution being accomplished, the the soul.
treasures of wisdom, love, and truth See JEA, ARGO, AUSONIA, Pio, SwrN"E.
are in abscondito, and can only be
recovered through a process of evolu
tion. The Higher Self CVishnu), there A symbol of the all- embracing
principle of Divine manifestation,
fore, has to operate from below through
perfect and entire, including every
matter, first in evolving simple desires
thing and wanting nothing, without
and instincts (plants and herbs) and beginning or end, neither first nor
afterwards in arousing the stronger last, time-less, sex-less, absolute.
desires and the mind. The " sea of The circle denotes the higher planes,
milk " is the buddhic nature reflected the square the lower.
in the astral plane. This is stirred by " When he established the heavens I
the desire-mind (the serpent) by was there : when he set a circle upon the
means of mental aspiration (mountain), face of the deep." — PROV. viii. 27.
in alliance with the forces of the When the Higher nature came forth
ideals (gods) and of the desires on the upper planes, and the cycle of
(demons), which as "opposites" pull in manifestation was described in the
contrary directions and so produce the mentality of the lower nature, the Self
strife between good and evil, error and was existent.
" What is spoken of
truth, which is necessary to bring (in the text) is the
drawing of a limit in that which has no
about development of the lower nature. limit, giving bounds to the boundless,
The Higher Self is, as it were, the marking out the cycle of a cosmic order.
pivot of the whole process, the result In Hindu thought, as perhaps, you know,
of which is the recovery of the higher
it is held that Brahm, the nameless,
eternal, impersonal reality, without parts
qualities of the soul which were lost or passions, attributes or qualities, gives
at the " fall of man," or descent of birth to a universe when Brahma, idea
mind into the lower nature. First to and purpose, arises within it. The emer
gence of Brahma means the drawing of
appear is the intuition (sacred cow) lines where there were no lines before,
bestowing wisdom (milk) and love the bringing into existence of relations,
(butter) : next comes direct spiritual sequences, phenomena, space and time ;
perception (wine) ; then the perceived it is as though a Being rose out of a
shoreless sea, and taking a pair of com
universality of the Divine Life (tree of
passes, swept a circle around himself ;
Paradise). To crown all, as the that circle is the universe. The universe
consciousness rises through the bud has to run its course, as innumerable
dhic plane, Wisdom herself (Lakshmi), universes have done before, till it is
" robe of reabsorbed in Brahm." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
as a glory," is conferred, Serin., The Timeless Affinity.
while Love the Divine physician See ADITI, BRAHMA, COSMOS, CREA
(Dhanvantari) holds high the "nectar" TION, PRAQAPATI, SERPENT ANANTA,
of Truth and loving service to ideals, SPHERE, YEAR.
without which sustenance Ideals (the
Gods) cannot live. — (See the account CIRCLE OF EXISTENCE :—
from the Puranas given in Indian A symbol of the passage of the
Wisdom, p. 499.) spiritual egos, or monads of life
See AMBKOSIA, BOAB (avatar), through the cycle of manifestation.
"As Humanity is the crown of the scnted in a circle as emblematical of
uimal kingdom, so is the Perfect Man ' heaven, because heaven, according to
the crown of Humanity. It
is to this Chinese notions, is round ; and the same
ntge of the Perfect Man, who by con number of diagrams, so disposed in a
templation and by virtue can enter into square as to make eight every way, is a
thepure thought of the First Intelligence, similitude of the earth, which, on the
thatall things consciously or unconsciously principles of the same philosophy, is an
Krive ; for when the soul has reached this immovable square in the centre of the
pomt it is ready to pass back into the universe, around which the heavens con
brain of that glorious Being whence it stantly revolve." — KIDD, China, p. 300.
sued on its journey ages ago. This The number of the emblematic
oumey is called the Circle of Existence.' divisions, 8X8 = 64, signifies comple
The spark of Divine Light or effluent
Being, descends through the Intelligences,
tion of a process which ushers in a
the Souls, the Spheres, and the Elements new state of manifestation. The lower
till it reaches Earth which is the lowest nature, or physical nature (earth) is
point on its downward course ; and this
' the foundation and centre of the
i« the Outward Track ' or the 'Arc of
Descent.' evolutionary process which brings
The upward journey is then begun forth the higher nature into a new
through the Mineral, the Vegetable, the state of actual being. From the point
finite, and Humanity, till the stage of the
of view of the lower consciousness, the
Perfect Man is reached, when the Soul
passes back into the embrace of the First infill) i .• revolves round the finite.
Intelligence whence it set forth ; and this See BOAT OP THE EARTH, CIKCLE,
is the
Homeward Track,' or the ' Arc HEAVEN AND EABTH, I A O, QUATER-
of Ascent.' And when it is achieved the NABY, SQUARE.
journey is accomplished (Ottoman Sufi's
Doctrine of the Soul "). — GIBB, History CIRCLE OF HAIR BETWEEN THE
of Ottoman Poetry, Vol. I. p. 52. EYEBROWS OF BUDDHA :—
" Perfect Man " is the Person
A symbol of spiritual truth within
ality perfected at the end of the cycle,
the higher mind.
and ready to be merged into the See BUDDHA (marks), UKNA.
Individuality, or in other terms, the
lower Self about to become one with CIRCULAR BOX OR DRUM :—
the Higher Self (First Intelligence). A symbol of the incarnating cycle
The spiritual ego (Divine spark) de of the personalities In the lower life.
scends through the higher planes, to "A circular box or drum was placed for
Uzum6 to dance upon." — Japanese Legend.
be embodied on the lower planes
The cycle of incarnations was
(the earth), and from theu.ce begins
entered upon by the soul, iu order
its upward course from low forms of
that the higher emotion nature (God
life to higher. This represents the
dess Uzume) might be evolved and
evolution of the personality until the
exercised. Then the earth lives were
human stage is reached : then there is
full of the play and conflict of the
a fresh spiritual outpouring and junc
emotions which sent up vibrations to
tion with the Individuality is effected.
the buddhic plane, aiid caused the
From this point the human personality
transmutations of the lower qualities
starts on its loug course upwards to
until perfection was reached.
the stage of perfection, when the
spiritual ego is liberated from the
lower nature and is born into the
" Ye must be born anew CIRCUMCISION :—
from above)." — JOHN iii. 7. A symbol, Ignorantly materialised,
See ABUAXAS, DECANS, EVOLUTION, of the cutting off of the lower desires .

" The circumcision of the skin is said
SAMSABA, STRIDES, to be a symbol, indicating that it is
proper to cut away all superfluous and
WHEEL, Yi SYSTEM, ZODIAC. extravagant desires, by studying conti
nence and religion." — PHILO Jux>., Works,
CIRCLE AND SQUARE :— Vol. IV. p. 451, Bohn.
" Circumcision, as we are told in
Symbols of the higher nature and 1 PETEB iii. 21, represented
the putting
the lower nature — the Triad and the away of the filth of the flesh.'
Quaternary. The Law of the Offerings, p. 15.
"Sixty -four diagrams which are repre- See STIFFNECKEO.
CITY OR TOWN :— of saints and inner soul-state of tliosc
A symbol of a centre of activity or souls (firstborn) who have for the firart
function ing, upon the buddhlc, mental, time commenced to function on the
and astral planes, to which the higher planes, and unto the Higher
qualities (people) are attached, and Self as judge of the conditions of <•.11
about which they may congregate. souls and qualities
"A city signifies doctrine, because land, " The City of God is a beautiful figure
and in particular the land of Canaan, of speech wherewith to indicate the goal
signifies the church in the aggregate." — of our spiritual pilgrimage, the gloriout
SWEDENBORO, ApOC. /I'M'., ll. 194. end towards which the purposes of God
"And Cain builded a city, and called the have been tending since creation began.
name of the city after the name of his son In a manner of speaking, we do not have
Enoch." — GEN. iv. 17. to make it ; it exists eternally ; it is the
The personality (Cain) having ac only reality ; it is the source from which
quired the quality aspiration (Enoch), all human life has come. It is the full
realisation of what humanity eternally is
was enabled to form a mental centre in God. It includes everything that can
(city), and to this fixed point in the rightly be thought of as constituting the
mind, aspiration was attached. ideal good." R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., 'J /••••
See ACROPOLIS, ASSEMBLY, ATTRAC Gates of the City of God.
A symbol of the soul.
A symbol of a centre of conscious
"Then the devil taketh him into the ness in Nirvana which is an inter
holy city ; and he set him on the pinnacle mediate state of heavenly rest between
of the temple." — MAT. iv. 6.
periods of objectivity.
Then within the soul's lower mental
centre, puffed up with self-importance
and identified with the not-Self (devil), CITY SACRED :—
there yet arises an aspiration (pinnacle) A symbol of the causal centre, or
and yearning towards the Higher. centre of spiritual action in the causal-
See DEVIL, JERUSALEM, JESUS, body on the higher mental plane.
CITY OF GOD :— A symbol of the establishing of
A symbolol the higher planes of the prearranged harmony of the qualities
cosmos, and of the soul, wherein the on the buddhlc plane, prior to evolu
higher qualities reside. tion.
" Osiris, being now king of Egypt,
"There was a city, the dwelling-place of ap
plied himself towards civilising his country
the great aaint KapUa." — Buddha-Karita,
men, by turning them from their former
Bk. I. 2.
indigent and barbarous course of life ;
This " city," " immersed in the sky he moreover taught them how to cultivate
and clouds," signifies the higher planes and improve the fruits of the earth ; he
of being, — atma-buddhi-manas ; aud gave them a body of laws to regulate
" great saint Kapila " is the their conduct by, and instructed them in
that reverence which they should pay to
Supreme Self. the gods. He also travelled over the
But ye are come unto Mount Zion, world inducing all to submit to his
and unto the city of the living God, the discipline ; not compelling them by force
heavenly Jerusalem," and to innumerable of arms, but persuading them to yield to
hosts of angels, to the general assembly the strength of his reasons, which were
and church of the firstborn who are conveyed to them in the most agreeable
enrolled in heaven, and to God, etc." — manner in hymns and songs, accompanied
HEB. xii. 22-4. by instruments of music." — PLUTARCH,
But the qualities being perfected, Isit and Osiris, § 13.
have risen unto the causal-body (Zion) This symbolism means that the
and unto the atma-buddhic region, the Logos (Osiris) having established the
heavenly aim of endeavour, and to the mental piano (Egypt) and other planes
innumerable spiritual influences on the aud globes on which the evolution of
buddluc plane, and to the communion the qualities and the monads or souls
unirymen) should take effect, goes Then the indwelling Self, seated in
forth from the higher rnanas — the the lower veliicles of the soul, first of
kingdom of knowledge and experience. all receives, through the impacts from
For every uni verse pre -supposes one without, the means for the commence
shich precedes, and it is upon the ment of its evolution. The "clang" is
experience -which has been gained that the thrill of response from within.
a future solar universe is fashioned. See APOLLO, ARROWS, Bow (silver).
The Logos then founds the laws, and
the way, by which man and CLASSES, FOUR, OF MANKIND,
the rest of the cosmic entities shall
be produced and be able to proceed
with their evolution. The civilising Symbolic of the four soul-vehicles
and their activities on the four lower
and disciplining of the people through
persuasion and reason, and with songs " The four
great classes into which the
and music, signify the completely
Egyptians divided mankind, namely, the
concordant means by which the realisa Roth, the Nethesu, the Themehu, and the
tion of power will be accomplished. Annul. Of these the Reth, i.e. the ' men,'
" music " is the symbol of perfect par excellence, were Egyptians, who came
into being from tears which fell from the
adaptation of each part to the whole.
Eye of Kit. The Themehu, or Libyans
This forth-pouring of the Logos from were also descended from the eye of Ku.
the mental plane is a process of The Aamu were the people of the deserts
spiritual involution proceeding up to the north and east of Egypt, and the
wards for the creation of the perfect
Nehesu were the black tribes (negroes)." —
BUDOE, Egypt. Heaven and Hell, Vol. III.
prototypal world which shall direct p. U6.
future evolution on the lower planes. The "Reth" signify the individuali
It is to be understood that the period ties in tho causal-bodies, produced from
described is that of the preparation of the solar
" utchat," — higher conscious
the way of the souls, or the path to ness. The " Themehu
" are the
perfection, and long prior to the personalities in the mental bodies,
appearance of man in a physical body produced from the lunar utchat, —
on the earth. lower consciousness. The "Aamu" are
"During Osiris' absence from his the desire natures in the astral bodies.
kingdom, Set had no opportunity of " Nehesu " are the physical
making any innovations, Isis being And the
extremely vigilant in her government." — lives in the physical bodies.
Ibid, " In the abode of Osiris are sixteen gods
Isis (Wisdom) governing in the in mummied forms. The first four are
absence of Osiris implies the potential bearded, and wear the menat and the
white crown, and each is described by the
rather than the actual ordering of title, — ' King of the South.' The second
things, and signifies the stage when four are bearded, and are described as
perfect inner harmony is established. Heteptiu ; the third four are bearded, and
The strife of opposites, represented by wear the menat and the red crown, and
" Set," each is described by the title Bat ; and the
has no part in this Edenio fourth four are bearded, and are called
condition of things. Khu."— Ibid., Vol. I. p. 118.
See GOLDEN AGE, GOVERNMENT, The " abode of Osiris " is the
HYMNS, IMAGE, INVOLUTION, Isis, hidden causal-body, and all the figures
KINGLY OFFICE, MINISTERS, Music, indicate the latent (armless) condition.
CANNES, OHONAMOCHI, OSIRIS, PHOTO Now in this sixth division of the cycle
TYPES, RESPECTFUL, YAO. (Tuat), when the Archetypal Man
(Osiris) is perfected, these four vehicles
CLANG OF APOLLO'S SILVER of the soul exist only potentially ;
BOW :—
they are ready to put forth their
A symbol of the vibrations arising activities (arms) in the new cycle that
within the soul, In response to the will open in the next division. The
activities of desire and sensation. " Kings of the South " are the indi
" Then Apollo sat down apart from the
vidualities on the higher-mind plane
ships, and sent among them an arrow, and
" Kings of the
terrible arose the clang of the silver bow." (Upper Egypt).
North " are the personalties (Bat) on
-Iliad, Bk. I.
the lower-miiid plane (Lower Egypt). self. Our passional instincts are nut the
The " Heteptiu" ore the astral vehicles, self ; they are the instrument of the aelf .

and the
" Khus " are the
Even the mind is not the self ; it is the
instrument of the self. The self is some
forma. thing greater than the body, greater tin;:,
ARC. the feelings, greater than the intellect.
OF HORUS,CROWN (Egypt), CROWN The self is the reality at the back ofall
these, partly hedged in by them, and
(white), EGYPT, KHUS (lower), MENAT, partly making use of them to utter itself.
OSIBIS, UTCHAT. Consciousness has to rise through them
all before it can attain to its own highest,
CLASSES, FOUR, OF MANKIND, the level of perfect self-realisation, which
IN THE SCRIPTURES OF is perfect love." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serin. .
ZOROASTER :— Evolution of the Spiritual Man.
Symbolic of the four soul-vehicles See ARTIFICER, CASTES, GATHA r> A v - .
and their activities on the four lower HOUSE (clan), KSHATRIYA, PKIEST,
planes. RULERS (world), SUDRA, TREE OF
"Auharmazd created the religion of LIFE, VAISYA.
omniscience like an immense Tree, of
which there are one stein, two branches, CLEANSING OF THE TEMPLE BY
three boughs, four twigs, and five shoots. JESUS :—
. . . The four twigs are the four classes
A symbol of the purging of the astro-
of the religion, by whom the religion and
world are prepared ; which are Priesthood,
mental nature by the indwelling
Warriorship, Husbandry, and Artisan- spirit of Christ.
ship." — Sikand-Qumanik Vigar, S. B. of "
Jesus went up to Jerusalem. And he
E., Vol. XXIV. p. 118. found in the temple those that sold oxen
The Supreme emanated the Divine and sheep and doves, and the changers of
Life as a process of growth from unity money sitting : and he made a scourge of
cords, and cast all out of the temple, both
to diversity. The " one stem " is a the sheep and the oxen ; and he poured
symbol for the Absolute Source of all. out the changers' money, and overthrew
The " two branches " signify Spirit their tables; and to them that sold the
and Matter, and the ".three boughs " doves he said, Take these things hence, &c.
— JOHN ii. 13-16.
are the three higher planes, — Atma,
This allegory represents the assertive
Buddhi, and Manas. The " four
" activity of the Christ-soul in substitut
classes of the religion signify the
ing truth and right for the conflict
four vehicles or bodies, on the four
of low and selfish desires and hypo
lower planes, concerned with the
critical emotions which characterise
growth of the spiritual life in the
the worldly mind. The evil conditions
human soul.
" Priesthood " signifies the causal- are, as it were, cast out of the soul
by an influx of better feelings and
body with higher mental activities. " oxen, etc."
" Warriorship," the truer opinions. The
mental-body with
stand for professed virtues devoid of
lower mental activities. " Husbandry," " merchandise "
love and truth. The
the desire-body with astral activities.
signifies the appearance of religion
"Artisanship," the flesh-body with
and morality as a cloak to greed.
physical activities. " However, to seek the mystery of the
The first and highest vehicle ia deed in the figure, who are they that sell
the causal -body (Priesthood) which is oxen t Who are they that sell sheep and
the seat of the spiritual emotions in the doves ? They are they who seek their own
in the Church, not the things which are
higher mind. The second is the mental- Christ's. . . . Who then are they that sell
body (Warriorship) in the lower mind, '
doves, but they who say, We give the
the arena of conflict between the higher Holy Ghost ' t But why do they say this T
and the lower motives. The third is and at what price do they sell ? At the
price of honour to themselves. They
the desire body (Husbandry) on the receive as the price, temporal seats of
astral plane, the plane of cultivation honour, that they may be seen to be
and growth. The fourth is the physical sellers of doves. Let them beware of the
' '
body (Artisanship), on the physical scourge of small cords. The dove is not
for sale : it is given freely. . . . Well, who
plane, the plane of work, contrivance sell oxen ? They who have dispensed to
and adaptation. us the Holy Scriptures are understood to
" want to
remind you that the body mean oxen. The apostles were oxen, the
is not the self ; it is the instrument of the prophets were oxen. Whence the apostle
says : Thou shall not muzzle tke mout changers sitting, he took to represent those
of the ox that treadeth out the corn. who attribute nothing to grace, but regard
Doth God take care for oxen T Or eaith He the entrance of strangers to the temple
for our sakes ? Yoa, for our sakes Ho as a matter of merchandise, and who
saith it : that he who ploweth should minister the sacrifices for the worship of
plow in hope ; and he that thresheth, in God with a view to their own gain and
hope of partaking.' (1 COB. ix. 9, 10.) love of money. And the scourge he
Those 'oxen,' then, have left us the expounds as an image of the power and
narration of the Scriptures. For it was energy of the Holy Spirit, driving out by
not of their own that they dispensed, His Breath those who are bad." — Hid.,
because they sought the glory of the Lord. Bk. X, 19.
. . . These men, however, deceive the See DOVE-SELLERS, JESUS' SEVERITY,
people by the very Scriptures, that they MOUTH-OPENING, SCOURGE, TEMPLE.
may receive honours and praises at their
hand, and that men may not turn to the
truth. But in that they deceive, by the
very Scriptures, the people of whom they
seek honours, they do in fact sell oxen : THE BLIND PRINCE :—
they sell sheep too ; that is the common A symbol of the discriminative
people themselves. And to whom do they
instinct which is the offspring of the
sell them, but to the devil ? . . . These,
however, so far as they can, sell oxen and
higher mind (Boreas), and is allied
sheep, they sell doves too : let them guard
to the spiritually blind discriminative
against the scourge of their own sins. But faculty of the lower mind (Phineus).
when they suffer some such things for See BOREAS, HARPIES, PHINKUS.
these their iniquities, let them acknowledge
that the Lord has made a scourge of MOUNTAIN,
small cords, and is admonishing them to
themselves and be no longer
traffickers. . . By this zeal oi God's STEPS :—
house, the Lord cast these men out of A symbol of aspiration towards
the temple. Brethren, let every Christian ideals of truth, wisdom, and love.
among the members of Christ be eaten up
with zeal of God's house. He who exerts
himself to have all that he may happen STAIBCASE, STEPS.
to see wrong there corrected, desires it
to be mended, and does not rest idle." CLOAK :—
of John, Vol. I.
pp. 144-7.
" Tauler
points out that as man is
meant to be a temple — a clean, pure
house of prayer' — he must first drive out A symbol of limitations of thought
Ml traders,' i.e. all human fancies and which envelop the ego on the mental
imaginations, all delight in the creature
plane in forms of truth or error.
sad all self -willing thoughts of pleasure,
aims at self -gratification, ideas of temporal
They consist of Ideas, opinions,
These are the traders
that keep prejudices, conventions, habits,
God out of His house." — K. M. JONES, theories, etc. In a higher sense the
Myttical Religion, p. 280. symbol stands for spiritual faculties
"Jesus' discipline is applied to the on the buddhic plane, with which the
natural temple of the soul in which are ego may be endowed.
found tendencies which are earthly and
senseless and dangerous, and things which "A man is impious and damned who
have the name but not the reality of lets fall a scrap of clothing on a dead
beauty, and which are driven away by
body."— Vendidad, V.
Jesus with his Word plaited out of That is because the clothing corre
doctrines of demonstration and rebuke." sponds to that which would preserve
— OBIOEN, Comm. on John, Bk. X. 16. and perpetuate the personality (corpse)
"Heracleon says that the ascent to which has to be discarded and not
Jerusalem signifies the Lord's going up
from material things to the spiritual cherished.
place, which is a likeness of Jerusalem. My soul shall be joyful in my God,
He considers the temple to be the Holy of for he hath clothed me with the garments
Holies, into which none but the High- of salvation, he hath covered me with the
priest enters, and there, I
believe he says, robe of righteousness." — Is. Ixi. 10.
that the spiritual go ; while the court of This refers to the perfected soul
the temple, where the Levites also enter, united to Christ and endowed with
is a symbol of those psychical ones who
sre saved, but outside the Pleroma. Then
the faculties of Love and Wisdom.
those who are found in the temple selling See COAT, GARMENTS, NAKEDNESS
oxen and sheep and doves, and the money - ROBE, TOOA, WOODEN.
CLOUD, WHITE :— regarded by the lower as obscure
A symbol of the buddhlc vehicle, and stern.
" Behold the sun, warm and bright on
the sheath of the At man .
all sides, and whatever is immortal and
CLOUDS, A LINE OF :— is bathed in its bright ray ; and behold
A symbol of Truth potential, or of the rain-cloud, dark and cold on all sides."
buddhi preparing to outpour truth. — Empedocles, FAIRBANKS, 96.
" Homage to you, O ye gode who dwell Observe the Self, loving and wise
in the divine clouds, and who are exalted both above and beneath, and do tliou

(or holy) by reason of your sceptres." regard all the virtues, and all that
BUDGE, Book of the Dead, p. 146.
endureth, as living within It. And see
Aspiration is directed to the ideals
the manifestation of the One, which
(gods) on the buddhic plane, whoso rule
exalts the soul. being incomprehensible, appears glower
ing, obscure, and repellent to the
lower mind.
A symbol of the buddhic function
which out-pours truth (rain) within CLOUDS OF HEAVEN, AS MIST : —
the soul. A symbol of obscurity to the lower
" I(Lakshmi) reside in that cloud from mind, in respect to the higher nature.
which the waters of the rain pour down, " Thereafter shall ye see the Son of
in that cloud which is adorned with
man sitting on the right hand of power,
Indra's bow, and in that cloud from which
the rays of lightning flash forth." — and coming in the clouds of heaven." —
Institute* of Vithnu, XCIX. MAT. xxvi. 64.
The " Goddess Lakshmi " is a At the end of the cycle, when the
symbol of the buddliic principle, hence qualities approach perfection, the in
the symbology of
" residence." dwelling Clirist will be perceived in
" The planet Tietrya was commissioned His positive, outgoing, evolutionary
to raise the water in vapour, collect it in energy, yet under temporary veils
clouds, and let it fall in rain with the aid which must for a time obscure the
of the planet Sitavisa. The cloud com-
" (Zoro- splendours of the Highest, but which
pellers were highly reverenced
attrian Syttem.)—J. F. CLARKE, Ten Rel. will disperse as soon as the glory and
The Self or spiritual ego (Tistrya) power of the Redeemer are revealed
directs and initiates. In this way, the through the rise of consciousness.
" If a soul has many doubts and be
facts or truths which are collected in
wilderments about Christ, and yet knows
the lower vehicles are transmuted that there is a Saviour, and that that
and passed up through the higher Saviour's home is in the land of righteous
mind, which corresponds to the indi ness and truth, then to that land of
vidual stage of growth, —experience, righteousness and truth that soul will go
by any road that it con find, eager to get
subjected to limitation, definition (Sita there, seeking a road, pressing through
visa), on to the buddhic plane (clouds); difficulties, that it may be in the same
from whence the results (rain) are country with, and somewhere near, its
transferred to the lower planes whereon unfound Lord. It may be that the clouds
that for us mortals haunt that land of
evolution is being furthered. The
" formation of clouds " corresponds righteousness and truth may long hang
so thick and low that living close to Him
with the awakenment of ideals in the the soul may still fail to see Him, but
mind. some day certainly the fog shall rise, the
" cloud shall scatter, and in the perfect
Bright clouds are the divine truth
veiled in appearances of truth, such as enlightenment of the other life the soul
the Word is in the letter with those who shall see its Lord, and be thankful for
are in truths ; and dark clouds are the every darkest step that it took towards
divine truth covered with fallacies and Him here. . . . And so for you hereafter,
confirmed appearances, such as the Word Christ in the highest experiences, the
is in the letter with those who are in purest raptures of thia life and the other,
falses." —SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 24. Christ in forgiveness, in communion, in
fellowship of work, in fellowship of glory ;
but now Christ in these first stops that
OANYA, RAIN, RAINBOW, SOUND. Tis- lead you towards Him, in the truthfulness
ITKYA, TLALOC, WEALTH SHOWER. and purity and unselfishness and humility,
in the struggle to do right, and the sorrow
when you have done wrong." — PHILLIPS
A symbol of the Higher nature BROOKS, Mystery of Iniquity, p. 150.
See AMENI, CHBIST'S SECOND COMISU, " Tasting his brains " has the same
" drinking the blood of
HIXD (right), ILLUSION, SIGHT, meaning as
VAPOUB. Jesus," that is, partaking of the
Divine Life which springs up from the
Redeemer within. The Life manifests
A symbol of higher emotion which as wisdom and love (red).
" Tangaroa"
overcomes and deadens lower emo is a symbol of the Logos on the plane
tion, desire, and selfishness.
of atma ; and " Kongo " is a symbol
See II \IK (sidelock), KEHESASPA,
of the Holy Spirit on the buddhio
plane ; the first represents Love, and
(rare). the second Wisdom.
" The cocoa-nut is considered
COAT AND CLOAK :— (in India)
one of the most sacred fruits, and is
Symbols of mental coverings or called Sriphala, or the fruit of Sri, the
forms of truth or error. Principles goddess of prosperity. . . . One of the
ofaction (changed in " turncoat ") ; main causes of the respect paid to it seems
opinions, prejudices, conventions, to be its resemblance to a human head,
mental disguises (cloaks). and hence it is often used as a type of an
"And if any man would go to law with actual human sacrifice." — W. CROOKE,
thee, and take away thy coat, let him Pop. Rel. of N. India, p. 106.
" Sri " is a
have thy cloke also. And whosoever shall symbol of the buddhio
" fruit
compel thee to go one mile, go with him principle, and the fruit is the
twain."— MAT. v. 40, 41. of the spirit" (GAL. v. 22). It is
And if any reason or functioning of the Divine sacrifice that
mind (man) should prove (law) to thee
wisdom and love are available to the
the truth of something and so take evolving souls of humanity.
sway thy error (coat), let the reasoning See BRAINS, EEL-GOD, FISH (great),
also take away the outer profession of
error (the cloak). And if intelligence
(man) compels to a course of action, COLCHIS AND THE COLCHIANS :—
then fully carry it out. Symbols of the buddhic plane and
"This striking exhortation is not a its denizens the buddhic devas. The
detailed individual precept meant to meet devas are the high conditions of
a particular case, but a figurative way of intelligence which have been the means
saying that the spiritual man must be of the soul's evolution and of the
content with no half measures in the
•ervice of truth. ...
If your fidelity to
the ideal costs you the loss of your outer
informing of the causal-body.
garment of self-protection, do not grudge HARVAS, HEAVENLY NYMPHS, SIRENS.
the sacrifice ; let the inner go with it,
the coat follow the cloak, if need be. If COLD AND HEAT :—
your labour for God compels you to go Symbols of opposite qualities such
one mile because of human ignorance and
as evil and good, hate and love,
wroag, go two, if two be required to gain
your end. Life is such that no impersonal
inertia and activity, matter and
good is ever gained except at the sacrifice
of the personal." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
" I
know thy works, that thou art
Tke Utmost for the Highest. neither cold nor hot : I
would thou wert
See CLOTHING, GARMENTS. cold or hot. So because thou art luke
warm, and neither hot nor cold, I
COCOA-NUTS, OR TREES :— spew thee out of my mouth." — REV. iii.
15, 16.
Symbols of wisdom and love.
" The Holy Spirit examines a state of
(Pacific) islanders anciently
the inner soul (church) and finds it
believed that the two varieties of the
unripe cocoa-nut, viz. the reddish and the sluggish and self-opinionated, neither
deep-green, sprang from the two halves of evil nor good. So it must be roused,
the brain of the god Tuna ( — fresh-water
and the negative condition expelled.
eel). They still speak of ' tasting the
Wains of Tuna.'
Red nuts were sacred to
Tangaroa, the God of heaven ; deep-green TION, HEAT AND COLD, OPPOSITES,
Quu to Bongo, the god of nether world." PROPHETS (false), TAMAS.
—W. W. ( ; i LI., Jotting* from the Pacific,
" " is a
Tuna symbol of the incar WHITE :—
nate Self who died to save mankind. Symbolic of the different qualities
within the soul, and their various Scarlet —Energy, life (blood).
aspects. Yellow— Kingship.
" Colour is intended for qualities, Green — Astral growth.
differences, etc." — MAX MCLLER, S. Blue — Intellect.
B. of E., Vol. XV. p. 249. Purple — Wisdom.
"And since these thingare so, it is White — Purity, Perfection.
necessary to think that in all the objects Black — Ignorance, or the Potential.
that are compound, there existed many colours, EPHOD,
See respective
things of all sorts and germs of all objects,
having all sorts of forms and colours and ZEUS.
tastes." — Anaxagoraa, FAIRBANKS, 3.
And as the universe is so appointed
(of Spirit and Matter), it is logical to
A symbol of aspiration towards the
accept the thesis that in all nature " The king of the land at Byblos
heterogeneity exists potentially. There
seeing the Erica tree, had it cut down,
was infinite diversity, in that, with the and set up as a pillar of his palace, not
material was involved the spiritual, suspecting that within it was the chest
and within the spiritual lay the ideal (in which lay the body of Osiris}."
PLUTARCH, lets and Osiris, § 15.
forms (archetypal) of all objects that
were to exist, and these were to be
Now it is that the Ego becomes alive
to some of its faults, and so directs that
replete in "form, colour, and taste,"
the evil shall be done away with, not
that is, as regards their astral, mental
and physical contributions to require beholding in the evil the means
ment. whereby its power is arrived at.
" The tissues of the life to be we weave The " Erica tree " is a symbol of
with colours all our own, and in the fields doubt and difficulty which imply
of destiny we reap as we have sown." — inverted confidence and faith, — or
B. J. CAMPBELL, The New Theology,
scepticism, — upon which reposes the
p. 216.
Some years ago in going through an palace of Truth. The "pillar" stands
exhibition of art and industry, I was taken for both scepticism and aspiration : the
to a place where a fabric of many colours one is the result of the other. Scepti
was being woven by skilled workers. Each cism as a state of the mind is only the
worker had a separate colour to insert in
the piece, and I noted to my surprise doubt which is begotten of a distrust
that they were all seated on the wrong of some form of thought, and this
side of the frame in which the fabric was doubt answers to an unconscious
fixed, so that they could not see what
awakenment within.
they were producing, and they actually
had a wrong-side pattern given them to See BYBLOS, CHEST, DEATH OF
work from ; the pattern, as each operator OSIBIS, FIRE OF HELL, OBELISK,
held it in his or her hand, was quite PlLLAB
different from, and utterly inadequate
as a representation of, what was appearing COMB, MANY-TOOTHED :—
on the further side. Every movement on
the hitherside was producing something
A symbol of knowledge with its
much better and more beautiful on the many ideas, wherewith to aid evolu
other, the completed whole of which was tion.
a harmony of colour. We are all like " Izanagi went after Izanami into
those pattern-weavers. We are weaving the land of Yomi. Izanami said to
on the wrong side of the fabric, and our him, — 'Why is thy coming so late T I
best earthly efforts are other than they have already eaten of the cooking-furnace
seem, and are producing a diviner result of Yomi. But Iam about to lie down to
than this world shall ever see. God rest. Do not thou look at me.' Izanagi
grant us all to weave faithfully accord did not give ear to her, but secretly took
ing to such pattern as we have, that his many-toothed comb, and breaking
the glory of the fullest revelation may be off its end-tooth made of it a torch and
ours." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Life's looked at her. Her body was already
Delusions. putrid, maggots swarmed over it, and the
See CKEATIOX, KAPILA, PROTOTYPES. eight thunder gods had been generated in
her various members. Izanagi, greatly
exclaimed, — What a hideous
COLOURS :— and polluted land I have come to un
Specific meanings of some colours — awares !
So he speedily ran away." —
Rose-red — Love . The Kojlki.
Red— Ambition and Power — corre To understand this, it is necessary
spond to Mars. to remember that the lower planes
(Yomi) are a distorted, because incom mind and will are able to control
plete, reflection of the higher, also that them until the decree of the Absolute
the astral plane is produced by, and in is to be fulfilled.
intimate relation with, the principle of See AAT (waters), CONFLAGRATION,
buddhi (Izanami). Hence the symbol KALKI, RENOVATION.
of the decomposed body of the higher
nature is to signify the state of evil and
ignorance which is to be found in A symbol of the forth-pouring of
the Divine Life at the beginning of the
nature. The soul had partaken of the
process of evolution. This " coming
lower nourishment of desire and sensa
forth " is preceded by the " going in,"
tion, and therefore was bound by which is the process of Involution of
karmic law to go through with the Spirit or Life Into matter, during the
world-process. It objects to the first half of the great cycle, i.e. the
.spiritual urgings from within. Then first six divisions of the Tuat or
the Self (Izanagi) mado use of know Zodiac. The symbol may also apply
ledge and experience, and brought the to the soul's coming forth for re
light of reason (end-tooth) to show the incarnation.
deficiencies of the lower nature and See EVOLUTION, GOING IN, I A O,
the many passions generated in it. INVOLUTION, MANIFESTATION, TOMB,
The Spirit then, as it were, retires TUAT, ZODIAC.
within, and is no longer perceived COMPANY OF THE GODS, OR THE
directly by the consciousness. GODS OF HEAVEN :—
See 1 >AN n:r , DWARFS, EATING, EYE,
A symbol of the activities on the
higher planes ; or the Divine attri
PHONE, YOMI. butes, that is, the ideals and highest
" COME INTO THEE," OR " COME qualities within the soul .harmoniously
co-ordinated on the buddhic plane,
UP HITHER " :— and expressing the will of the
A symbol of the final abandonment Supreme.
of the lower nature, in the rise of " We maintain that God's attributes are
consciousness and perception. intelligible and that we can conceive as
" Consummation ! I have come truly of his goodness and justice, as of
Thee (O Goddess). My heart watches, these qualities in men. In fact, these
and my head is crowned with its own qualities are essentially the same in God
white crown. I traverse the zenith." — and man, though differing in degree, in
BLACXDEN, Book of the Dead, Ch. CX. purity, and in extent of operation. We
Consummation of the lower life and know not, and we cannot conceive of
any other justice and goodness, than we
final liberation are reached. The learn from our own nature ; and if God
emotion principle articulates the whis have not these, he is altogether unknown
pers of the Spirit, and the higher mind to us as a moral being ; he offers nothing
attains the summit of its efficacy. The for esteem and love to rest upon." — W. E.
CHANNINO, Against Calvinism.
Self rises to the zenith of its powers
and in its true nature it exhibits its
divine functions.
NUBIA, QUALITIES (higher), Trv,
'"Come up hither' (REV. iv. 1) signi
fies divine influx, and thence an elevation WHEAT AND BARLEY.
of the mind, followed by manifest percep
GODDESS, HEART, SELF, ZENITH. Symbolic of twelve periods or
stages of the manvantara or great
COMETS :— Cycle of Life. They correspond with
These are symbols of elemental the twelve "tribes," "disciples,"
disruptive forces at the close of a and " signs " of the Zodiac. They
manvantara. They are, as it were, sections of a spiral
are liberated
primarily on the mental plane, and through which Life progresses in the
produce feelings of unrest and dis order of time.
quietude which are reflected upon See JEot* (thirteenth), DISCIPLES,
the astral and physical planes, and MANVANTARA, TRIBES (twelve), TUAT,
precede physical dissolution. The TWELVE, ZODIAC.
CONCENTRATION OF MENTAL shall be beholden to the mind, that is,
EFFORT :— shall be subservient to knowledge :
This signifies fixity of aim and and intellect shall dominate the love-
purpose brought about through the principle, or emotion-nature.
steadying of the mind when stilled " By ' '
is signified all
from the surgings of sensation, thought. By the sons whom she would
desire, and passion. bring forth in sorrow are signified the
See STORM or WIND, WAVES. truths which she would thus produce." —
SWEDENBOKO, Arc. Cel. to Gen. iii. 16.
Symbolic of the energising of the MULTIPLY, WIFE, WOMAN.
Self within, when the moral nature CONCH, OR SHELL- TRUMPET : —
is perfectly established in the soul.
A symbol of spiritual and also
natural means of development,
rendered active (sounded) during t?ie
ZACH ARIAS outpouring of the Divine Life.
CONCEPTION, IMMACULATE, OF (Lakshmi) reside in the sound of
THE BLESSED VIRGIN repeating the Veda, in the flourish of the
shell (trumpet), in the sacrificial exclama
MARY :— tions addressed to the gods and to the
A symbol of the spiritual (buddhic) manes, and in the sound of musical
origin of the purified lower nature instruments." — Irut. of Vishnu, XCIX. 15.
which bears and brings forth the Buddhi (Lakshmi) is to be found in
Christ in the human soul. the manifestation of the laws of the
" The Immaculate Conception of Mary Supreme, in the higher and lower
concerns the generation of the sou], means of progress, in the efforts and
presenting her as begotten in the womb
of matter, and by means of matter aspirations towards the ideals (gods)
brought into the world, and yet not of and the Spirit within, and in the
matter, but from the first moment of her harmony which wisdom brings about.
being, pure and incorrupt. Otherwise she " That tumultuous uproar of conchee
could not be ' Mother of God.' In her rent the hearts of the sons of Dhritarashtra
bosom, as Nucleus, is conceived the filling the earth and sky with sound." —
bright and holy Light, the Nucleolus, Bhagavad-Qita. I. 19.
which — without participation of matter — The strength of the progressive
germinates in her and manifests itself as
the express image of the Eternal and activities in the lower and higher
Ineffable Selfhood."— The Perfect Way, natures is said to pierce the
" heart "
p. 142. of the desires (Kurus).
(higher), VIRGIN MARY.
CONCEPTION OF CHILDREN :— This state of being is the symbol
Symbolic of the formation in the and evidence of the unconditioned and
mind of new ideas and generalisa infinite . Without the latter the former
tions, produced by thought and could not be. The conditioned finite
emotion. in its highest state is God-manifest,
" Unto the woman he said,
I will greatly or the Higher Self . The unconditioned
multiply thy sorrow and thy conception ; infinite is God -Absolute, the Source
in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children ; of all.
and thy desire shall be to thy husband, " To all eternity God is what He is
and he shall rule over thee." — GEN. iii. 16.
and never can be other ; but it will take
To the emotion -nature it is imparted Him to all eternity to live out all that
that difficulty and distress shall attend He is. In order to manifest even to
the formulation of fresh ideas, and the Himself the possibilities of His being
realisation of Divine wisdom. All the God must limit that being. There is no
other way in which the fullest self-
future evolution of the soul shall be realisation can be attained. Thus we get
through Borrow ; and the ideas bo- two modes of God — the infinite, perfect,
gotten of experience (i.e. through the unconditioned, primordial being ; and the
finite, imperfect, conditioned, and limited
functioning of the mind) shall be
being of which we are ourselves expres
realised with pain. The emotion -nature sions. And yet these two are one, and
the former is the
guarantee that the swallowing it up, as it were, in that which
Utter shall not fail in
the purpose for can never know corruption and decay."
which it became limited. Thus to the — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Fact of
question. Why a finite universe ? should Death.
ugwer. Because God wants to express See AAT (waters), CHARIOT (sun),
what He is." — R. J.
Theology, p. 23.
stroying), HORSE (white), JUDGMENT
A symbol of aspiration, as of matter
tending towards spirit. CONFLICT AND VICTORY :—
St upas are buildings in the form of Symbolic of the dual aspect which
cones and cupolas, erected by the piety underlies the triumph over evil.
of believers to enshrine and cover relics. On the one side there is Conflict, on
They are found throughout India." — J. B. the other side there Is Victory, which
ST. HILAIRE, The Buddha, p. 87. Implies union with God.
Stupas and pyramids may bo taken " In order that a
spiritual being may
as symbols of the causal -body built achieve anything worthy to be called
up through aspiration, sacrifice, and great, and in so doing reveal the latent
transmutation. The " relics " seem to grandeurs of his own nature, it is requisite
that he should not know while the work
stand for the higher qualities which is proceeding the full truth about the
have survived from the practice of beginning and the end thereof. To know
virtues below. would be to render effort negatory and
See PYRAMID, SHRINE, SPIRE, STUPA. attainment meaningless ; it is just because
he does not know, save what is necessary
CONFLAGRATION, GENERAL :— for the purpose in view, that the result
becomes glorious. . . . The soul-stuff be
The physical element transmuted longs to that which is above both time
by "flre" (buddhlc) which thereby and sense, beyond the conflict of good
signifies its dissolution at the close and evil. God, the infinite life in whom
of a cycle. Astral dissolution follows we live, and move, and have our being,
physical dissolution. has placed us here that we may know by
not knowing, learn through limitation,
"And death and Hades were cast into declare the truth by seeking it." — R. J.
the lake of fire. This is the second death, CAMPBELL, Serrn., Not Knowing.
even the lake of fire. And if any was not BATTLE, BLACKSMITHS, CON
found written in the book of life, he was
cast into the lake of fire." — REV. xx. 14,15. QUEROR, MAB, MENIS, STRIFE, VICTORY,
The first death is the death of the WAR.
physical vehicles ; the second death
is thodeath of the astro -mental
" A symbol of the Higher Self active
(Hades) vehicles, and the lake of
" stands for transmutation and on the mental plane of the soul.
dissolution. If any mental quality was Chung-ne (Confucius) handed down
the doctrines of Yaou and Shun, as if
not perfected it was transmuted and they had been his ancestors. Above, he
its lower nature dissolved. harmonised with the times of heaven,
" The reality of all things even in this and below, he was conformed to the
visible world is God, and thus the final water and land. He may be compared
issue must be upward, until everything to heaven and earth, in their supporting
ends in Him as it began in Him. This is and containing, their overshadowing and
the end of all things visible and invisible, curtaining, all things. He may be com
when all visible things pass into the pared to the four seasons in their alter
intellectual, and the intellectual into God, nating progress, and to tho sun and "
by a marvellous and unspeakable union.' moon in their successive shining
Everything that is shall return into God (Doctrine of the Mean). — J. LEOOR,
as air into light. For God shall be all Teachings of Confucius, p. 315.
things in all things, when there shall be The Self on the plane of mind in
nothing but God alone.' (Erigena). As herited, as it were, the powers and
evil is a negation, an unreality, it has no
place or being in the final consummation." qualities of the Self on the planes of
R. M. JONES, Mystical Religion, p. 126. atma and buddhi Above, he con
" The only real is the spiritual, the
formed to the laws of the higher planes ;
physical is the unsubstantial, and when and below he was reflected in the
the time comes for the seeming duality
to end, it can only be by the spiritual activities of the astral and physical
transmuting the physical into itself, planes. For in him were all things
croated upon the higher and lower evils and falses, he despiseth them, and ia
therefore called a conqueror : he hath no
planes. By him the soul progresses
apparent restraints by which he is tied,
through the periods of the cycle. He but is free." — SWEDENBOBO, Arc. Cel. to
is the Divine Life in the successive Gen. ii.
" New light can only be got by a fight
changes of the individuality and the
against darkness. The soul cannot be
revolutionised except through battle. The
See BIRTH or CONFUCIUS, EARTH, elements of a new life can only be assimi
FILIAL PIETY, HEAVEN, MOON, SEA lated through resistance. Otherwise they
SONS, SUN. would not be your own. They are woven
with the fibres of the soul by daily
struggle. Without struggle they would
CONFUSION OF SPEECH ; be mere surface things, which a breath of
BABEL :— temptation would blow away. The dark
A symbol of the disharmony which ness does not vanish all at once, nor the
arises through the expression of mind light flash upon us. But when in our con
and desire, in the evolving soul. test with the gloom and in our patient feel
" Go to, let us go down, and there ing after God, there comes first a faint
glimmering of the truth which we shall
confound their language, that they may possess, we rejoice and make it our own,
not understand one another's speech." — and go on in its strength." — STOPFORD A.
GEN. xi. 7. BROOKE, Serm., Lord, Increase Our Faith.
The Divine Life therefore descends, " The kingdom of Christ advances by
since it is a means of causing disagree warfare as well as by growth. Every
step of the road, you have to cut your
ment and disharmony in the qualities
way through opposing foes. Every step
of the lower nature, a necessary of the road is won by a tussle and a
condition and state of soul which strife. There is no spiritual life without
precedes a craving for higher things. dying, there is no spiritual growth without
The confusion is evidenced hi the putting off the old man with his affec
tions and lusts.' The hands cannot move
irregular character of the alliance of freely until the bonds be broken. If we
mind with emotion or desire. Its fancy that we are to get to heaven by a
expression (speech) is a natural un process of persistent growth, without
balanced result which the mind pro painful self-sacrifice and martyrdom, we
know nothing about it. For every progress
duces when coming under the sway of in knowledge there must have been a
the emotions. Neither manaa alone, sacrifice and martyrdom of our own
nor kw>w alone, can produce confusion. indolence, of our own pride, of our own
It is as each struggles with the other blindness of heart, of our own perverseness
of will. . . . For every progress in strenu
that confusion results. ous work for God, there must have
See BABEL, KAMA, LANGUAGE, been a slaying of the- selfishness which
SPEECH. urges us to work in our own strength
CONGREGATION OF PEOPLE :— and for our own sake." — A. MACLAREN,
Sermons, 1st Series, pp. 255-0.
" ' I buffet my body and bring it into
A symbol of an assemblage of subjection.' He subdues himself, conquers
mental qualities. the animal man through the grace of God
See CENSERS. in Christ in order to produce the spiritual
man perfectly conformed to the likeness
TUNATE :— Warfare of Life.
A symbol of the second initiation of
the Individuality. It is initiation on (white), LIBERATION, MAB, PILLAR
the mental plane, and corresponds to (temple), SALVATION, SPENDYAD,
complete mastery of the astral vehicle. STRIFE, TANGAROA, VICTORY, WAR.
CONQUEROR :— The Divine judgment on problems
A symbol of the Higher Self of action formulated by the mind.
triumphant over the soul's lower "And Agamemnon's dark heart was
nature. The Spirit of Truth gives filled with great anger, and his eyes were
the death-blow to illusion and like flashing fire. To Kalchas first spake
ignorance. he with look of ill : ' Thou seer of evil,
" The ' celestial never yet hast thou told me the thing
man is engaged in no that is pleasant. Evil is ever the joy of
combat ; and in case he is assaulted by thy heart to prophesy, but never yet
didst thou tell any good matter nor bring In manifestation, consciousness be
il to pass." — Iliad, Bk. I. comes dual — higher and lower. As
And forthwith the desire -mind is consciousness descends Into matter
greatly perturbed by the reflections of from the higher mental plane, on the
the inner memory (Kalchas). And this one hand, so It rises on the other.
reacts upon the lusts and desires of Hence, as the physical matter becomes
the lower self, which thereby become replete with qualities, and fully
intensified, and cause the lower self informed and operated upon from
above ; contemporaneously with this
to experience the sense of unsatisfied
activity in matter, there takes place
desire wliich proceeds from the dawn
the highest expression of the Divine
of the higher consciousness within the consciousness from the highest plane
soul. The conscience decides that — atma.
certain things are evil, and this being The dual consciousnesses are
distasteful to the desire-mind, the aspects of that which appears to be
sense of rebellion is stirred. The continually striving together In itself.
desire-mind realises that the higher All manifestation involves this
mind always foresees evil, since indeed apparent conflict and recognition of
it is through the apprehension of folly contraries. It is, however, as the
contraries are perceived to be not In
that wisdom is awakened. And never reality opposites to each other, but
was the higher nature stirred, save mutually helpful of the good and the
through the unwisdom and inexperience true, that the reign of the Higher
which the Self is called forth to combat. consciousness (Christ) may be said
How, unless the desire -mind opposes to begin. This Is possible only as
the higher nature or inclination con the Divine Life within ourselves
tends against conscience, shall the overcomes the forms, and conquers
process of spiritual evolution be the planes whereon the sheaths of
consciousness are employed.
brought about T
" The voice of conscience tells us we
The Higher consciousness is all In
ought to choose and follow the higher all when the functioning upon all
whenever desire comes into conflict with planes is completed, and this stage
what we have learned to call duty. We practically implies the union of the
cannot escape the struggle ; indeed, we lower and higher on the upper mental
are here on earth that we may realise our plane, when the twain, male and
divinity by means of that struggle ; it is female (manas and buddhi) are no
the very reason why there is an earthly
longer severed, but are one. This is
life at all." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Our
Eternal Glory. the "sacred marriage" In all
" The claiming for a man of a conscience scriptures .
is not only to make him a responsible The lower, or separated, conscious
moral agent ; it is, there and then, to ness is in a sense illusory, since it
endow him with the right of private answers to the partial realisation
judgment, to postulate the capacity on only of the nature of the Self. The
his part to agree with or dissent from consciousness itself is one, but In
certain received opinions ; in short, to the forms it appears as many. The
confer upon him the express privilege of
apparent breaks are due to the illusory
deciding for himself in the light of some
higher law or experience. ... In con limits of the forms.
The divergence of consciousness is
tending for a man's conscience, religion has
done nothing less than sanctify the rational to be understood in this way :— that
nature in man. To acknowledge such a there is, through the constitution
thing as a conscience is not only to claim of the mechanism of the Self (Higher
for a man inner f reedom,— the substitution Self and Mayavic Self), an alternation
of constraint from within, for coercion
In the action of the Self upon the
from without : it is an implicit avowal of
planes— higher and lower — of its being.
Social Idealism, p. 119. The energised mechanism appropriate
See AGAMEMNON, HECATOMB.HIDING, to each plane tends to follow the line
of least resistance through its own
inherent capability of responding to
those stimuli which enable it to
CONSCIOUSNESS :— exercise its functions on the respective
The passive aspect of Spirit on the planes.
mental plane — it Is Immortal and " I build my belief in immortality on the
eternal. conviction that the fundamental reality of
the universe is^consciousness, and that no This statement is to bring out the
consciousness can ever be extinguished
for it belongs to the whole, and must be
fact that the potential archetypal
fulfilled in the whole. The one unthinkable individuality emanates the personality
supposition from this point of view is which in its turn builds up the actual
that any kind of being which has ever individuality which succeeds it, and
become aware of itself, that is, has ever
unites with it. There must be individu
contained a ray of the eternal conscious
ness, can perish." — B. J. CAMPBELL, The ality in order that personality and its
New Theology, p. 230. higher form should exist : and there
" Our self -consciousness at any time is
also must be personality in order that
but a poor, limited expression of what we
its higher form should be developed
really are, and if we could get down far
enough into the sub-conscious depths of into the individuality.
our being, we should find ourselves one "As two bundles of sticks leaning
with all the rest of existence, and with against each other stand, so also conscious
God who is the ground thereof." — R. J. ness grows out of name and material
CAMPBELL, Serm., The Self and the Body. form, and name and material form out of
' '—
See GLORY, HIGHER AND LOWER, consciousness. Ibid.


A symbol of the Individuality, or A symbol of the perfecting of the
of the causal-body, the seat of the soul, and so setting it apart for a rise
Individuality. in consciousness.
" If consciouness, Ananda, did not enter " They choose a place of worship. Let
into the womb, would name and corporeal them choose the place which lies highest ;
form arise in the womb ?— No, sire." for it was from thence that the gods
If individuality did not manifest on ascended to heaven, and he who ia
the lower planes, would personality consecrated indeed ascends to the goda.
. . . He who is consecrated, truly draws
and its constructed higher (causal) nigh to the gods, and becomes one of the
body be produced and developed T— deities. Now the gods are secreted from
No. men."— Sata. Brdh., III. 1, 1, 1-8.
"And if consciousness, Ananda, after it The laws of the higher nature
has entered into the womb, were again to determine the course that the souls
leave its place, would name and corporeal
be born into this life ?— No, sire."
shall pursue. The highest place in the
And if individuality manifested only mind is the nearest to heaven, and
on its own plane, and withdrew, would when this highest is perfected, the
personality and its higher body be soul rises to the state of the buddbic
produced in the cycle of the lower life T qualities (gods) and becomes one with
No. them. In the lower nature, the higher
"And if consciousness, Ananda, were qualities are hidden, or unmanifest to
again lost to the boy or to the girl, while the lower mind.
they were yet small, would name and "I (Lakshmi) reside in the consecration
corporeal form attain growth, increase,
" of a king." — Intt. Vishnu, XCIX. 16.
progress T— No, sire (Mahdniddnn tutta). Wisdom (Lakshmi) " maketh the
— H. OLDENBEBO, Buddha, p. 228.
Son, who is consecrated (or perfected)
And if individuality withdrew while
for evermore." — HEB. vii. 28.
the mind (boy) and the emotions (girl)
were yet immature, would personality
and its higher body develop and attain
perfection ? —No.
" Consciousness must be in order that
there may be name and material form ;
from consciousness come name and A symbol of the forces which are
material form. Whence comes conscious focussed upon the astral sub-planes
ness ?— Name and material form must be, in order to subserve the formation of
in order that there may be consciousness ; the soul.
from name and material form comes
consciousness. . . . consciousness con CONSTELLATION OF THE SEVEN
versely depends on name and material
form : the chain goes no farther." — Ibid.,
p. 230. A symbol referring to the seven
planes,or the seven root -races of for the lower is effected through
humanity. contrasting the lower with an object
See RACES, RISHES, ROOT-BACKS, of a higher character, and turning
ROUNDS. attention to the latter.

Groups of stars (mental faculties) CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL :—

which stand for the various mental A symbol of the soul's turning away
states and experiences of the souls. from tradition, formalism, and the
" In the present universe divine wisdom letter of Scripture, to the recognition
is, as it were, codified in the constella and acceptance of the teaching of the
tions. The stars are called in Baby Holy Spirit, who cries to the ego
lonian, ' writing of the heavens.' The from within.
moving stars of the zodiac in their con " For ye have heard of my manner of
stellations are especially interpreters of
the divine will. ... In the Babylonian
life in time past in the Jews' religion,
how that beyond measure I persecuted
religion the symbols of the gods are the the church of God, and made havock of
same as those of the constellations." —
it." — GAL. i. 13.
A. JEREMIAS, Old Teat., etc.. Vol. I. p. 49.
See DRAGON (red) STARS (fixed),
In the inner sense only did " Paul "
persecute. This account has a univer
sal application, and refers to the
CONSULTING AN ORACLE :— extinguishing of the Spirit through
cherishing the letter. The
" church of
A symbol of meditation, or com
muning with the inner nature. God," which is the inner sanctuary of
See GOLDEN FLEECE, ORACLE. the "heart," is obscured by attention to
externals hi religion, and laid waste."
CONSUMMATION :— The story of the vision near Damascus
A symbol of attainment of the object refers to the interior change when
of life, in the rise of consciousness Christ calls to the soul that is ready ;
above the lower nature. and then after a brief interval, a new
See COME INTO THEE, HAST, " manner of life " begins.
Symbols of conditions In the soul A sense of dissatisfaction with a
of strife and peace. course life which comes to the
See BATTLE, CONFLICT, HARMONY, emotion-nature, and is the precursor
PEACE AND SWORD, STRIFE. of an extension of the moral range
and of a resolution to arise and seek
a higher spiritual condition.
SION :— " The very problems of evil are really
Contraction and holding Is a symbol the marks of an eternal progress ; how
of matter. Expansion and allowing man's very consciousness as a sinner is
of escape is a symbol of spirit. the evidence of a movement towards an
Hence, heat and cold, or fire and frost, infinitely glorious ideal yet to be realised
are symbols of spirit and matter. in him." — J. BRIERLEY, The Eternal
Religion, p. 45.
See COLD, FIRE, FROST, HEAT, ICE, " Presently I found two things within
MATTEB, SPOUT. me, at which I
did sometimes marvel,
especially considering what a blind,
CONVERSION :— ignorant, sordid and ungodly wretch but
A symbol of a change in an upward just before I was ; the one was a very
direction of the ruling energies in great softness and tenderness of heart,
the personality. which caused me to fall under the convic
" Except tion (of the blessed condition of a truly
ye be converted and become
children, ye shall not enter the godly man) ; and the other was a great
as little bending in my mind to a continual
kingdom of heaven." — MAT. xviii. 3. meditating on it, and on all other good
The conversion signifies a change of I
things which at any time heard or read
purpose towards ideals : a rising from of." — JOHN BUNYAN, Grace Abounding.
lower to higher views of life. Distaste See CONVERSION, PRODIGAL.
COOL WITH CONTEMPLATION :— and results are achieved through the
A symbol of cessation from strife functionings of buddhi. What is sown
and stress in the soul. in sorrow is reaped in joy.
A symbol of a state of tranquillity PLOUGHING, REAPING, RICE, RIGHT
and stability. ABM, SEED (good), SHEWBREAD,
A symbol of mistaking the unreal
symbol for the real thing, with result CORPSE, OR DEAD BODY
destructive of truth and right. (HUMAN) :—
" Thueris (Taurt), as she was coming A symbol of the personality In its
over to Horus, was pursued by a serpent lower aspect, that is, without the
which then was slain by her soldiers, — Divine spark. Compared with the
the memory of which action, say the immortal Individuality, the mortal
Egyptians, is still preserved in that cord personality is apprehended as dead —
which is thrown into the midst of their Illusive, transient.
assemblies, and then chopt to pieces." —
" I have heard from the wise men that
PLUTARCH, Isis and Osiris, § 19.
The " serpent " is a symbol of we are now dead, and that the body is
our sepulchre." — PLATO, Gorgias, fol. 493.
seductiveness which nearly has the " He that toucheth the dead body of
effect of dragging down the aspiring any soul of man shall be unclean seven
emotion of wonder (Thueris), but is days." — NUM. xix. 11.
put an end to by the raised qualities The " touching of a corpse " signifies
(soldiers). The "cord" incident signi the cherishing of the personality with
fies that there is danger of mistaking its desires and selfishness which render
the symbol (cord) for the substance the nature " unclean " for a full period.
" It is well known that, in the minds of
(truth), and that such a result would
Hindus, ideas of impurity are inseparably
be destructive of truth and right in connected with death, and contamination
the doctrines and practice of mankind. is supposed to result from contact with
" By reason of A-vidya, then, the the corpses of even a man's dearest
Jivatman, or ' personal soul of every relatives." — MON. WILLIAMS, Buddhism,
individual,' mistakes the world, as well p. 496.
as its own body and mind, for realities, " It grieves the sun, O holy Zoroaster,
just as a rope in a dark night might bo to shine upon a man defiled by a corpse ;
mistaken for a snake." — MON. WILLIAMS, it grieves the moon ; it grieves the stars."
Indian Wisdom, p. 119. — J. M. MITCHELL, Zend Avesta, etc. , p. 35.
See ^EGEUS, HOBUS, IONOBANCE, When the soul is steeped in the
Rrns, TAUBOBOLIUM, TADBT. selfishness of the lower personality
(corpse), the Higher Self (sun), the
emotions (moon), and the mental
A symbol of the higher qualities, faculties (stars), are unable to develop
the spiritual germs of which have it.
been sown in the lower nature, where " ' For whosoever would save his life
through cultivation they have fructi shall lose it ; but whosoever shall lose his
fied, grown upwards, and borne the life for my sake, the same shall save it."
"fruit of the spirit" in the higher —(LUKE ix. 24.)
" We must keep up our individuality,
nature of the soul.
" He who cultivates most corn, but we ought to take care that it is
and fruits, with the left arm and the true and not false individuality. The key
right, rejoiceth. — Vendidad, III. to distinguish them from each other is
The ego is most satisfied in himself, given to us in the text. It speaks of a
double nature in man ; one which asserts
who assiduously cultivates those vir self, the other which denies it. The first
tues, qualities, and powers, which has a seeming life which is actual death ;
accrue through the exercise of the the second has a seeming death which is
active functions of the mind, incoming actual life ; and therefore, as life is
inseparably connected with individuality,
and outgoing, during periods of incar the development of the selfish nature is
nation, in which Karma is incurred, false individuality ; the development of
tbe unselfish nature is true individuality, flesh-eating birds signify the rulers or
. . . Love for self, sympathy for seif, elementals of the lower planes, and the
•ctivity for self, do not produce life, or
the sense of life ; they produce self, bones symbolise the spiritual nature
disease, the satiety which consumes, the which endures.
dreadful loneliness which corrupts the See BONES, CORPSE, DEAD, FLESH,
soul, that passionate lust for more which
is itself the unsatisfied worm which eats
•way the heart. No vivid or exalted sense
of individual being can ever fill the heart
of this man until he escape from the
curse of self -involvement, and spread his Symbols of the lower will and the
being over all the world." — STOPFORD A. lower mind, both being illusory and
BROOKE, Serm., Individuality. impermanent, and without true life.
"A ' dead man ' acknowledgeth nothing " He who digs out of the earth most
to be true and good, but what regardeth
the body and the world." — SWEDENBOEG, corpses of dogs and men has greatest joy."
— Vendidad, III.
An. Cei. to Gen. ii.
The attitude of the natural man with The " corpse of man " signifies the
refererce to the Spiritual is a subject on personality which is the lower equiva
which the New Testament is equally lent of the Individual in its latent
pronounced. Not only in his relation to state, and, as it were, dead.
the spiritual man, but to the whole
Spiritual World, the natural man is "digging for corpses of dogs and men"
regarded aa dead. He is as a crystal to is the effort which is successfully made
an organism. The natural world is to the to seek the Self, and the reference to
Spiritual as the inorganic to the organic. " dog and man " is the insistence
'To be carnally minded in Death.' ' Thou upon
hast a name to live, but art Dead.
She the aspects of will and intellect, which
that liveth in pleasure is Dead while she are essential to the finding of the Self.
The " corpses " sought are of " dogs and
liveth.' To you hath He given Life
men " because the Self is found, or
which were Dead in trespasses and sins.'
— H. DRUMMOND, Natural Law, etc., p. 75.
the Individuality is developed, through
will (dog) and mind (man). As the
EMBALMMENT, HEEL, HOUSES (corpses), personality is apprehended as a corpse,
INDIVID UALITY, MAN (natural), MAN and as the soul is, as it were, self
WITHOUT WOMAN, MUMMY, PEBSON- consciously realised, the raising of the
self through the Self is rendered
A symbol of the personality or Symbolic of a state of estrange
lower nature (flesh) being dissipated ment from the Spirit, and of strife
by nature forces (birds), in order that among the qualities cf the lower
the now purified soul may be liberated nature.
and rise to bless on higher planes. "And the earth was corrupt before God,
" In the disposal of the dead by Parsis, and the earth was filled with violence." —
ceremonies are performed close to the GEN. vi. 11.
dakhma, or ' tower of silence.' This is a And the lower nature was gross and
circular pit, very deep, round which is a "
predominant. Corruption and vio
stone pavement about seven feet wide. >;
On this the corpses are exposed naked. lence correspond to the alienation
The face of the dead is uncovered ; the and changes which occur through the
birds of prey come in multitudes, and approach of the spiritual activities
very soon, the flesh is all devoured. Every which are to proceed from above.
morning the bones are swept down into " It must have been divinely ordained
the great receptacle — the pit." — J. M.
that we should be subject to the dominion
MITCHELL . Zend Avetta, etc., p. 39.
of darkness, in which God dwells in his
The ceremonies signify the filial fullness, though we do not know it. We
purification of the soul, prior to the are curiously imprisoned within our own
casting off of the dead body of corrup physical organisations, and with all our
tion, — the astro -mental nature in which advance in knowledge how little we know
of our own universe ! . . . We sit in
the spiritual ego has been held captive and the shadow
darkness of death.
during the cycle of reincarnation. The Ignorance is the root cause both of
suffering and sin. We suffer because we " The lower world is made after the
do not know. Sin would be just as im pattern of the upper world ; everything
possible as pain if men knew the truth which exists in the upper world is to be
about life and were able to pierce the found, as it were, in a copy upon earth,
darkness that conceals the face of God." still the whole is one." — SOHAK, ii. 20*.
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Veil of Darkness. GINSBUBG, The Kabbalah, p. 104.
See CONFLICT, DARKNESS, DELUGE, In the Zohar it is said, — ' the form of
DEPRAVITY, EABTH, FLOOD, STRIFE, man is the image of everything that u
above and below.' " — Jewish Enc. art.
" The universe did not begin with atoms
A symbol of the Archetypal Form- and electrons ; its basis is not material
but spiritual ; and if we could break our
universe, or the Monad of Form. way through the whole phantasmagoria —
It Is the spiritual universe which is the tremendous drift and play and clash
the formative pattern of the mental, and scream of force and life against life—
astral and physical universes. we should know that the real is also the
Cosmos is the Macrocosm. eternally perfect, and that nothing can
" Cosmos is God, be added to or taken away from that
second a life (living
thing) that cannot die ; it cannot be that perfection ; not even infinite wisdom and
any part of this immortal life should die. omnipotence could improve upon it, for
All things in Cosmos are parts of Cosmos, it is itaelf the sum of these, and the home
and most of all is man the rational animal and reservoir of everything they could
. . . after the image of the Cosmos made produce. It is the state beyond both
and having mind beyond all earthly lives " good and evil, for evil cannot be felt or
known in a state in which all fullness
(Corpus Hermeticum, VIII). — MEAD, T. Q.
Hermes, Vol. II. p. 125. dwells. ... If we could only get out
The Archetypal Pattern, or Life and and up to that state of being which is
the antecedent cause of everything in
Form Scheme of the solar universe, the visible universe, we should find that
represents the Second Logos, or second by its very nature, it is a state of absolute
Divine outpouring of Life 011 the higher felicity, bliss, and completeness ; it must
be all that we dimly visualise when we
planes. This spiritual Pattern is fixed
strive towards what we call the good ;
and permanent and not subject to the ideal and the real are one. I insist
successive changes of state ; conse that the real could not be anything else
quently it is free of time. (Time only than the ideal, for it is at once the infinite
source and the perfect satisfaction of
enters into manifestation when the everything that every soul can possibly
Pattern is reproduced bit by bit on aspire to." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
the lower planes. This is very plainly The Two Orders.
taught in the same treatise, — " God, Language is, of course, quite in
makcth ^Eon ; -<Eon, Cosmos ; Cosmos, adequate to describe noumonal actu
Time ; and Time, Becoming."— Ibid., alities and their phenomenal corre
p. 176.) spondences. Statical phenomena are
All things manifest are in degrees of always imperfect in every respect, and
representation of the Divine Pattern can bear only a grotesque resemblance
above. In humanity there is the to their prototypes on the plane of
greatest number of degrees, for mind causes. But suffice it to say that
is present in znan. The human soul is science and philosophy recognise
the microcosmic unit of the Macrocosm, archetypal causation. Professor
and possesses the Divine Spark which Wm. James observed : —
is beyond all lower lives. " The widest
postulate of rationality is
"The basic element of most of the that the world is rationally intelligible
ancient, and to this day of many of the throughout, after the pattern of tome
modern, religions of the world is, the idea ideal system. The whole war of the
of a perfect invisible universe above, philosophies is over that point of faith."
which is the real and true paradigm or — Principles 0} Psychology, Vol. II. p. 677.
ideal model, of the visible universe below, See .<EON, ALPHA, ABC. MAN, ATMAU,
the latter being the reflection, simulacrum
or shadow, of the invisible perfect ideal CREATION, EVOLUTION, GOOD (light),
above. . . . The idea of the Upper ideal GODS, HEALING, HIGHER AND LOWER,
but real and true, and the Lower apparently IMAGE, INCARNATION, MACROCOSM,
real, but in truth changeable and untrue,
goes through the entire Apocalypse of
St. John, is in St. Paul, and in the Epistle PROTOTYPES, SEED, SIMILIXUDES,
to the Hebrews." — I. Mran, Qabbalah, SOUL (higher), SPARE, SPERMATIC
pp. 108, 109. WORDS, WORLDS (five).
COTTAGE, WELL-FASTENED :— The Supreme Self, who is beyond
Symbolic of the enduring abode of time and space, is perfect in potentiality
the ego, which is the causal-body and hidden within all things. He is the
builded upon the upper mental plane. Central Ruler and promulgator of the
See CAUSAL - BODY, DWELLING, scheme of existence, and in him is the
HOUSE. perfection of all Wisdom, Love, and
Truth. Essentially united with the
Supreme Self is the Conditioned Self,
A symbol of the spiritual mind, the complete prototype of perfect
active In numberless ideas. Or of
humanity, but as yet little evolved on
the intellect.
" the three lower planes. The black hair
Blameless Cottus." — HKSIOD, Theo-
is significant of youthfuluess.
ffony, 649.
"The Lesser Countenance has eyelids,
See BBIABEUS. because it has periods of sleep, a complete
visage in manifestation because severity is
COUNTENANCE, OR FACE :— one of its attributes, and a distinctive
A symbol of a mental aspect of the name, being Lord, whereas the Great
feelings or emotions. Countenance is called Am, or Nothing. It
" But unto Cain and to his is laid down (1) that the Lesser Counten
offering He ance emanates from the Greater, (2) that
had not respect. And Cain was very the Greater metamorphoses into the
wroth, and his countenance fell. And the Lesser, (3) that the latter is actually the
Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou former, as if seen through a curtain, and
wroth T and why is thy countenance more specifically that they are one and
fallen ? " — GEN. iv. 5, 6. the same." — Ibid.
But the lower nature, as such, could The incarnate Self withdraws from
not be received by the Higher. And outward perception, between periods of
the earlier stages of evolution of the reincarnation. The mental aspect of
lower self (Cain) are attended by a the lower consciousness is that of a
great sense of restraint and hardship. " man of sorrows aud acquainted with
And the Higher Self questions within grief," yet behind this visage is the
the lower mind as to why it is suffering Divine Ruler obscured by a curtain of
through its experiences. imperfections, but destined to shine
" By ' countenance ' are signified the
interiors, which are said to ' fall ' when forth in his beauty when the soul has
they are changed. '
with become pure and translucent, and the
the ancients signified internal things, two Selves become Due Self.
because internal things shine forth through "According to the symbolism of the
the countenance." —SWEPKNBOHG, Arc. Idrtu, the Great Countenance is in
Cel. to Gen. iv. 5. Atziluth, abode of the three supreme
See CAIN, FACE, JOB. Sephiroth, which are Kether, Chohnah and
liinah. It is located especially in Kether.
COUNTENANCE, GREATER AND Below this there is the Lesser Countenance
LESSER :— and Form, the head of which is in Daath
(knowledge), while the body is extended
Symbols of the Higher Self and the through Briah, Yetzirah and Aitiah, the
Lower Self —the Self unmanlfest and male being not without the female. — Ibid.,
the Self incarnate and partly manifest p. 48.
In the soul on the plane of mind. Tho abode of the Higher Self is on
" The White Head, the Ancient, or the the three higher planes (Atziluth),
Great Countenance is described as Ancient atrna, buddhi, and higher manas, but
of Ancients, concealed of all concealed. essentially on atma (Kether). The
He who is symbolised thereby is the Master incarnate Self is involved In the lower
with the white mantle and resplendent
visage, and he is also called Holy of Holies. nature of the soul, — mental (Briah)
. . . Connected by means of a white astral (Yetzirah), and physical (As
thread or bond of union with the Great siah). It is centred in tha mind as
Countenance, there is that which is called
the Individuality (Daath) which is in
the Lesser Countenance, Little Form or
Figure, which presents, however, a com alliance with the higher emotion
plete aspect of humanity and is extended nature, buddhi (fern.).
through three symbolical worlds. The "According to later Kabalism, the
distinction between the two heads is that Great Countenance is Macroprosoptui, the
in this case the hair and beard are black." soul of the greater world, while the Lesser
— A. E. WAITB, Secret Doctrine in Israel, Countenance or Figure is Microprosoput,
pp. 45, 48. the soul of the lesser world and Adam
Protoplaslea, his Bride being the archety signify astro-mentality, while Nubia
pal Eve." — Ibid., p. 49. and Ethiopia stand for spiritual
The first Adam (GEN. i.) is the planes. The Mediterranean — the
" great green sea " — signifies, of
Archetypal Man containing the duality
of mind (man) and emotion-nature course, the astral plane. In the
Zoroastrian scriptures, Iran (ancient
See ADAM (higher), AIN SOPH, ABC.
Persia) is the mental plane, and the
Iranians are the mental qualities.
The Arab invaders of Iran are the
PLANE, ATMA, ATZEELOOTH, BINAH, emotions. In the Iliad the Greeks
BRKEATIC WORLD, BUDDHIC PLANE, are the mental qualities, and the
FACE, HIGHER AND LOWER SELVES, Trojans are the emotions. The
" blameless Ethiopeans " are the
TION, JOB, KETHER, MACROCOSM, MIC higher or buddhic emotions.
ROCOSM, PLANES, SERVANT OF GOD, " As the Temple is the reputed centre
WARP, WHITE, YETZEERATIC WORLD. of the world, so every district is a
microcosmos in which the myths of tlie
COUNTERFEIT OF THE SPIRIT :— Creation, of the combat with and lin.ii
victory over the powers of darkness,
A symbol of the Anti-Christ — he and all other phenomena of the celestial
who cometh as from God, but who world, are supposed to repeat themselves."
doeth not the works of God. — A. JEKEMIAS, Old Test., etc., Vol. I.
p. 68.
"And it is the Hebrews alone, and the " The most common and comprehensive
Sacred Books of Hermes, which tell us
word for deity in the Japanese language
these things about the man of Light and is Kami. It has the general meaning of
his guide the Son of God, and about the '
above,' ' superior.' Kami is the part of
earthly Adam and his guide, the Counter
Japan which lies near the capital, aa
feit, who doth blasphemously call himself
— opposed to Shimo, the lower country or
Son of God, for leading men astray."
provinces. Kaha-kami means the upper
Fragments of Zosimus, 27.
waters of a river." — W. G. ASTON, Shinto.
The " Man of Light
" is the indi
p. 7.
viduality in harmony with the Higher " Kami " and " Sliimo " are symbols
Self. The "earthly Adam" is the of the higher and the lower natures of
lower personality that first becomes the soul.
subject to the desire -nature which See ARABS, EGYPT, FOLK, GBEECK,
claims falsely to be its true ruler, and GREEKS, IRAN, ISRAELITES, JEWS,
to take the place of the spiritual JUDAH, LANKA, MAZENDARANS, MEAOO
nature in the human soul. TRIBES, NORTH LAND, NUBIA, PEOPLE,
A symbol of the mental plane, as
The country in which a sacred the arena of experience and of
scripture originates is always a symbol progress.
of the mental plane, while certain " The time of my departure is come. I
countries adjacent may stand for I
have fought the good fight, have finished
astro-mental and buddhi-mental the course, I
have kept the faith : hence
planes. The people of the scripture forth there is laid up for me the crown
country are invariably the mental of righteousness, which the Lord, the
qualities in tunerent stages of growth, righteous judge, shall give to me at that
and these play their part in the day." — 2 TIM. iv. 6-8.
scripture dramas. For instance, in This represents the soul's victory
the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, over the lower nature, the attainment
Palestine is a symbol of the mental of liberation, and the acquirement of
plane, while the inhabitants, the the results of experience, which are
Jews, are the more or less developed laid up on the buddhic plane to which
mental qualities. In the ancient the consciousness rises at the end of
scriptures of Egypt, Higher Egypt
the cycle.
and Lower Egypt, stand respectively
for the higher mind and the lower
mind. The marshes of the Delta TION, VABA, VICTORY.
COURTEZAN, OR STRANGE that man was created out of the Three
WOMAN:— Principles into an Image." — J. BEHMEN,
Myat. Mag., p. 207.
A symbol of the lust or attractive
The " Three Principles " signify the
ness of the lower nature, and the
instability which attends attention higher nature, atma-buddhi-manas,
directed to the objects of sense. which constitute the ideal.
" When we are told
" To deliver thee from the that ' in the blood
strange of Jesus we have boldness to enter into
woman, even from the stranger which the holy place ' (HJEB. x. 19), the meaning
flattereth with her words ; which forsaketh is that the Life of Christ, shared by us
the friend of her youth, and forgetteth and imparted to us by the Spirit, has given
the covenant of her God." — PKOV. ii. us consecration and ratified an eternal
16, 17.
covenant." — F. W. FARBER, The Atone
The lower attractiveness was once ment, etc., p. 46.
the higher (buddhic), and the "friend "
This natural body of ours has in itself
of her youth " is Love on the buddhic the fitness for two sets of processes, — the
processes of growth and the processes of
plane. repair. You keep your arm unbroken,
See ADULTERY, HARLOT, WHORE and nature feeds it with continual health,
DOM. makes it grow hearty, vigorous, and
strong, rounds it out from the baby's
COVENANT OF GOD :— feebleness into the full robust arm of
manhood. You break that same arm, and
A symbol of the realisation of the the same nature sets her new efficiencies
Divine nature within the soul as an at work, she gathers up and re-shapes the
ideal to be attained through evolution vexed and lacerated flesh, she bridges over
of the qualities life after life. In the chasm in the broken bone, she restores
this way is established the connection the lost powers of motion and sensation,
between God and man — the Divine and and beautifully testifies her completeness,
the human. which includes the power of the Healer
as well as the Supplier. So it is to me a
"And God spake unto Noah, and to his noble thought, that in an everlasting
sons with him, saying, And I, behold, I Christhood in the Deity we have from all
establish my covenant with you, and with eternity a provision for the exigency
your seed after you ; and with every living which came at last (at the fall), — a
creature that is with you, the fowl, the provision, not temporary and spasmodic,
cattle, and every beast of the earth with but existing forever, and only called out
you." — GEN. ix. 8-10. into operation by the occurrence of the
And the Divine Power communicates need. . . . And when an earnest soul
itself to the Individuality (Noah) and accepts this everlasting Christ, is there not
a new glory in his salvation when he
its aspects (sons), so that the soul is thinks that it has been from everlasting T
made aware of its Divine origin and The covenant to which he clings had its
possibilities. The Divine Power also sublime conditions written in the very
discloses the unity of the One Life, constitution of the Godhead. " — PHILLIPS
BROOKS, Mystery of Iniquity, pp. 317-9.
and gives the assurance that all the
See Bow, CREATURES, CUP (wine),
emotions and desires, high and low,
are but aspects and phases of the One
Life which is supreme and eternal.
"They (the children of Israel) shall
inquire concerning Zion with their faces MENT, ZION.
hitherward, saying, Come ye, and join
yourselves to the Lord in an everlasting COW:—
covenant that shall not be forgotten." — A symbol of Wlsrtnm, nr the
JEB. 1. 5. functioning of the buddhic plane
The lower mental qualities (Israel activities, that inner nature of the soul
ites) are enjoined to be reverent of the which feeds, as It were, on " grass
higher nature within the soul (Zion), and the herb of the field," I.e. is
and to set their efforts and aspirations nourished on the lower growths and
towards it, in order that they may affections, which it transmutes within
itself into the higher emotions (milk
unite in realising the Divine nature as
and butter), the sustenance of the
an ideal which brings with it the
evolving soul.
assurance of immortality for the ego. " The
" The Covenant with man is a type of beneficent cow fed upon plants."
— Vendidad, V.
the Three Principles of the Divine Being.
For the Rainbow is the sign and token The buddhic nature in its receptive
of thia covenant that God doth here mind, and transmutative functions.
cow COW
" ' Harm not the inexhaustible, wide- his strength is my strength, and nay
ruling cow,' the cow is indeed wide-ruling, strength is his strength. What then is this 7
and the wide-ruling is food, and accord It is the watery abyss of heaven, or as
ingly the cow is food." — Sata. Brdh., others say, — It is the image of the Eye
VII. 5, 2, 19. of Ra in the morning at his daily birth.
" Cow, the prolific image of the all- Meh-urt is the Eye (Utchat) of Ra." —
mother goddess Isifl." — APULEIUS, Metam., Ibid., Ch. XVII.
•ni. 15.
" The soul acclaims the Self, who, at
Like unto a mother, a father, a brother the beginning of the cycle, was brought
and other relatives, the cows are our
best friends, in which medicines are forth from primordial matter. The life
produced. They give food, they give and energy of the Self is within the
strength, they likewise give a good soul, and the soul's life and energy is
complexion and happiness ; knowing the the Self's. What then is Meh-urt T
real state of this, they (the Brahmanas)
did not kill cows."— Sutta-Nipata, 295, It is Truth-Reality (water) ; or in
296. other terms, — It is the counterpart of
See AUDUMBLA, BUDDHI, BUTTER, the Self at his forthgoing into mani
FLAYING, FOOD, HATHOR, HEIFER, festation ; — It is the mode by which
Isis, MILK, MOTHER (divine), PLANTS, the Self perceives Himself.
A symbol of the negative, receptive COW, BLACK :—
aspect of Buddhi. A symbol of the unmanifest reality
" on the matter side of existence at the
Scratching the back of a cow destroys
all guilt, and giving her to eat procures beginning of the cycle.
exaltation in heaven." — Institutes of Vish " With milk from a black cow
nu, XXIII, 00. has a white calf he makes offering ; the
The meauiiig of this quaint state black cow with the white calf is the night,
ment is evident Doing that which is and her calf is yonder sun." — Sala. Brdh..
well-pleasing to the unmanifest Holy
IX. 2, 3, 30.
The higher mind transmits the
Spirit (cow) by exercising the higher
emotions, destroys the lower attrac spiritual influences which come to it.
From the unmanifest (the mulapra-
tions. Offering up the desires and
affections results in their being trans kriti) is born the manifest, the Higher
Self (sun).
muted by Buddhi (cow) on the higher
Cows alone make sacrificial oblations COW, MILCH :—
possible (by producing sacrificial butter),
cows take away every sin." — Ibid., 58. A symbol of the buddhic nature In
The higher emotions alone make the its aspect productive of the higher
sacrifice of the lower qualities possible emotions which it confers upon the
through the response from above of lower self.
Wisdom (milk) and Love (butter) to For this earth is, as it were, a milch
cow : she yields to men all their desires ;
strengthen the aspirations. The higher
and the milch cow is a mother, and this
or buddhic emotions take away all earth is, as it were, a mother : she bears
wish for the objects of sensation and (or sustains) men." — Sata. Brdh., V. 3, 1, 4.
deeire wliiuh tu-e regarded as Irtuieitory This is a comparison between the
and unsatisfying. functionings of the two natures, —
See SACRIFICE. lower and higher. As the lower
nature (earth) produces the desires and
COW, GODDESS MEH-URT :— all exterior attractions for the benefit
A symbol of primordial matter, of the mind (men) ; so the higher
Truth-Reality, which brings forth the nature (cow) produces the interior
Self (Bull) on the highest plane. qualities of wisdom! and love (milk and
" The homage of the scribe Nebseni to butter) for the benefit of the mind. The
the goddess Meh-urt, lady of heaven, and
lower nature is the first to produce the
mistress of earth." — BUDGE, Book of the
Dead, Ch. LXXL means for the manifestation of mind
I behold Ra who was born yesterday in the evolutionary cycle.
from the buttocks of the goddess Meh-urt ; "And king Suddhodana gave to the
cow cow
brahmans for his son's (Buddha's) welfare, express the fact of the essential
cows full of milk, with no traces of in perfection of tho archetypal spiritual
firmity, golden-homed, and with strong,
healthy calves to the full number of pattern within. Through the buddhic
one hundred thousand." — Buddha-Karita, activities nourishment for the soul is
Bk. I. 89. prepared. Goodness, love, and truth
Tliis refers to the involution of the are the gifts of the Spirit bestowed on
soul (Buddha) at an early period. The the aspiring mind. On Wisdom de
gift of the "cows" signifies the con pends the transmutation of the offer
ferring of the intuitive perception of ings of the qualities at her shrine to
spiritual things, which is to enable the the ideals. The life of the soul is to be
soul to rise. The " brahmans " are the found in its intimate relation with the
higher mental forms through which spiritual forces which raise and develop
the spiritual nature is apprehended. it. The qualities which have in them
The " no traces of infirmity " is an the divine germ claim from Wisdom
allusion to the perfect conception of the purifying and perfecting of their
the Truth inplanted within the soul natures.
through the process of involution. Hail (the seven kino and their Bull)
" Golden horns " are a symbol of zeal ye who give cakes and ale, and splendour
to the souls who are provided with food
and love of the true. The myriad in the underworld, grant ye cakes and ale
" calves " represent the inexhaustible unto the Osiris Nu ; provide ye him with
treasures of the Spirit, produced by food, let him be in your following, and
buddhi (cow). let him be born upon your thighs." —
" The religion of the Hindu detaches BUDGE, Book of the Dead, Ch. CXLVIII.
him from this earth ; therefore, even now, p. 481.
the cow-symbol is one of the grandest Here, Wisdom is expressed through
and most philosophical among all others all the highest emotions and faculties,
in its inner meaning." and it is the Higher Self (the Bull)
" In Esoteric
which fructifies them. The " Osiris Nu "
Philosophy the Cow is the
symbol of Creative Nature, and the Bull
(her calf) the Spirit which vivifies her, or is the indwelling God, — the Christ-
the ' Holy Spirit.' " — H. P. BLAVATSKY, soul — coupled with the name of an
Secret Doctrine, pp. 436, 493. individuality " Nu." The Christ can
See P.H \HMAN PRIESTS, BUDDHA, only be born within the highest
CAU, CALVES (Myriad), EARTH, GOLD, emotions, and must be nursed and
GOLDEN AGE, INVOLUTION, LINEN nourished by them.
A symbol of the buddhlc-nature
which operates within, as it were, the COW, SPOTTED, IS THE EARTH :—
astral-nature of desire, sensation, A symbol of the buddhic nature
appetite, and instinct. The pure inverted on the astral plane, and
within the impure (spotted). operating as the desires, passions,
" He appetites, in Mi nets, and sensations,
(Vasishtha) called the cow of of the lower nature (earth).
spotted skin, all spot without, all pure " * Having become a apot.tari row, gn tn
within. . . . With sumptuous meal and
worthy fare ; be thine the banquet to the sky, and thence bring us rain hither,'
prepare. . . . All these (viands and (the sacrificer says.) The spotted cow,
drinks), O cow of heavenly power, rain doubtless, is this earth : whatever rooted
down for me in copious shower. . . . On and rootless food is here on this earth,
her mine offerings which ascend to Gods by that this earth is a spotted cow.
and spirits all depend : my very life is Having become this earth, go thou to
doe to her, my guardian, friend, and the sky,'— this is what he thereby says,
minister. The feeding of the sacred flame, Thence bring us rain hither.' From rain
the dole which living creatures claim, the certainly spring vigour, sap, well-being."
mighty sacrifice by fire." — GwrriTH, The — Sola. Br&h, I. 8, 3, 16.
Ramayan, Vol. I. pp. 226-8. The ego having acquired the lower
The forces of the lower planes emotion nature (spotted cow) it be
(Vasishtha) operate outwardly in the comes requisite that the emotions
manifest imperfections of life, which should bo transmuted by buddh-
(sky), and so bring truth (rain) to the suffer hindrances and griefs." — B. H. Suso,
Leben, CH. IV.
soul. The lower emotions are of the
lower nature (earth). While desires
(rooted) and illusions (rootless) nourish
the lower nature, the lower nature CRANBERRY (MARJA) :—
remains full of " spots and blemishes " A symbol of the Divine germ or
(2PETEB ii. 13). It is therefore neces seed which develops in the purified
sary that the lower nature be purified part of the lower nature, and becomes
by the Spirit, so that Truth be at the Higher Self born in the Soul.
tained, for from Truth spring strength, " Come, O virgin, come and pluck me,
life, and immortality. Come and take me to thy bosom. . . .
See CLOUD, EABTH (MOTHER), FOOD, Like a cranberry in feature. Like a
strawberry in flavour, But the Virgin
RAIN, ROOTED, SAT, SKY, SPOTTED. Mariatta, Could not pluck the woodland-
stranger. Thereupon she cut a charm-
COWS OF APOLLO :— stick, Downward pressed upon the berry.
A symbol of the higher emotions When it rose as if by magic. Darted up
led by the Higher Self. ward to her bosom." — J. M. CRAWFORD,
When the soul is purified, it cries
COW'S MILK :— to the Self to come and take possession.
The Divine Seed is the Son of the
A symbol of the spiritual sustenance
which is yielded by buddhi ; or the Highest : his nature is sweet, for it is
Love. " O taste and see that the
produce of the Wisdom function
necessary for the growth of the soul, Lord is good." But the purified lower
i.e. higher emotions. — See 1 PETEBU. 2. nature cannot be more than receptive,
See MILK (cow), UDDER. it could not of itself draw down the
Spirit. Hence it adopts the means at
COW'S MILK POURED OUT TO hand, and so, through the buddhic
functioning, tho higher emotions press
Symbolic of Wisdom which, as it were downwards on the spiritual
descending upon the lower planes, germ, with the result that the Divine
immersed in ignorance, becomes Life suddenly starts from latency into
inverted and actuates as craft and
cunning in the lower nature. actuality.
" Where did that compassionateness
See BDDDHI, NORTH, WISDOM. come from ? I think there is a plain
answer to the question. It is that all
COWS' URINE DRINKING :— along there has been wrapped up in the
A symbol of the drinking of the cup human soul a seed of Christhood — thinkI
of bitterness and sorrow, which yields that is the word — waiting for its oppor
experience and wisdom. The opera tunity to germinate. The Christ-quickened
soul reveals hitherto latent spiritual
tion of buddhi on the lower planes
capacities whose emergence stamps it as
produces pain and sorrow to the lower a new creature, the same yet not the
self, but joy and liberty to the higher : same, the lower mastered by the higher,
because thereby the Self is vivified every faculty ' brought into captivity to
and proportionately released from the obedience of Christ.' It is the same
the bonds of matter. self, but regenerated, made truly manifest.
As the Apoatle Paul puts it, The earnest
Of Wisdom, it, is said : — expectation of the creature waiteth for
" For at first she will walk with him .
the manifestation of the sons of God.' —
by crooked ways, and bring fear and R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Eternal Man.
dread upon him, and torment him with See BODHISATVA, BUDDHI, EGG,
her discipline, until she may trust hia
soul, and try him by her laws. Then will
she return the straight way unto him, MAHJATTA, SEED, SEED (good),
and comfort him, and show him her SERPENT (water), VIROIN.
secrets. But if he go wrong, she will
forsake him, and give him over to his own CRANIUM, OR MACROCOSM :—
ruin." — ECCLESIASTICUS, iv. 17-19.
" Suffering is the ancient law of love ; A symbol of the spiritual universe.
there is no quest without pain, there is The higher planes of being above the
no lover who is not also a martyr. Hence lower.
it is inevitable that he who would love so " In the Concealed of the Concealed
high a thing as Wisdom should sometimes there is formed and prepared the represen
tationof a Cranium full of crystalline dew, and reflection of the World-soul,
(and) a membrane of air. Transparent
descends through the lower mind
«nd hidden filaments of pure wool arc
hanging in the Balance. And they (Cancer) to the nstral plnne (Leo) and
manifest the Good Will of good will*, is attached to a permanent atom on
through the prayers of the lower ones," the fourth astral sub-plane, and thus
(Footnote by Mycr : " The immense the human or mental (starry) soul
Cranium is the Makrokosm, the arched
firmament. . . . Hanging threads of (crater) commences its career ns a
pure wool are a symbol among some of vehicle of the Higher Self (Bacchus).
the Orientals for the efflux of wisdom The lower nature is stupefied by the
»nd vitality.")— ISAAC MYEH, Qabbalah, influx of the higher, and the egos,
pp. 117, 118.
The higher nature is always ready manifesting as the lower consciousness,
retain no remembrance of their higher
to respond (dew) through the mind
state of being. The '' Starry Cup " is a
(air) to the aspirations (prayers) of the
lower qualities. The " hanging fila symbol of the human causal-body on
ments of pure wool " have the same
the higher mental plane, which is at
signification as the
" Barsom " of the first latent, and has to be developed
from below.
Parsis. They represent the hidden
mechanism by means of which com
munication is established between the
higher end lower planes of the soul,
and the efflux of wisdom and love
imparted to the striving qualities. ZODIAC.
" The heaven was made of the
Ymer's skull." — Voluspa. CREATION OR EMANATION
The potential and unmanifest, be
CRATER, OR CUP :— coming the actual and manifest in
A symbol of the World-soul, or a scheme of being in which the
buddhic causal-body as the vehicle spiritual and mental precede the
of the A t man or Higher Self. astral and physical.
" Proclus tells us that the Demiurge is
" What creation is to God, that is
to constitute the psychical essences thought to man." " Creation is in fact
in conjunction with the Crater ' ; this the thinking out of a thought." — ALICE
Crater is the peculiar cause of souls, and GARDNER, John the Scot, pp. 128, 38.
is co-arranged with Demiurgus and filled " The Deity began by
(the Creation)
from Him, but fills souls ' : thus it is forming an imperceptible point ; this was
called the Fountain of Souls." — T. Its own Thought ; then It turned Itself
TAYLOR, Theology of Plato, V. 31. to construct with its own Thought a
The Higher Self constitutes the mysterious and holy Form ; finally, It
covered this (ideal) Form with a rich and
qualities and forms on the lower
shining (visible) garment ; that is, the
planes from their prototypes in the entire universe, of which the name
universal causal-body on the buddhic necessarily enters into the Name of
plane. Thus the World-soul is the Elohim." — Zohar, I. fol. 1 and 2.
" The Zohar also says : 'All that which
cause of the individual souls, — the
is found (or exists) upon the Earth, has
fountain from which they spring. its spiritual counterpart »lso to be found
"A symbol of this mystic secret (of the on High, and there does not exist the
Soul's descent into matter) is that Starry smallest thing in this world, which is
Cup (Crater) of Father Bacchus placed in not itself attached to something on High,
the space between Cancer and Leo- and is not found in dependence upon it.'
meaning that intoxication is there first
experienced by souls in their descent by
The basic element ... is the idea of a
perfect invisible universe above, which is
the influx of matter into them. From the real and true paradigm, or ideal
which cause also forgetfulness, the com model of the visible universe below. . . .
panion of intoxication, then begins The idea of the Upper ideal but real
secretly to creep into souls. For if souls and true, and the lower apparently real,
brought down to body memory of the but in truth changeable and untrue, goes
divine things of which they were conscious through the entire Apocalypse of St.
in heaven, there would be no difference John, is in St. Paul, and in the Epistle
of opinion among men concerning the to the Hebrews." — ISAAC MYER, Qabbalah,
divine state." — Macrobius, Bk. I. Ch. 12. pp. 108, 109.
The individual soul, as a microcosm "All things that are on earth, O Tat,
are not the Truth, they are copies only of ING, HIGHER, IMAGE, INCARNATION,
the True. . . . For all that alters is un INVOLUTION, KHIEN, LOOM, MACRO
true ; it does not stay in what it is. ... COSM, NIGHT, PLEROMA, PROTOTYPES,
All that is subject unto genesis and
change is verily not true (" Of Truth ").
— G. R. S. MEAD, T. O. Hermes, Vol. III. (highest), SPERMATIC, TEM, TIME, TYPE
pp. 18, 21.
"Itis at the command of Him who
always covers this world, the Knower, SYSTEM.
the Time of time, who assumes qualities
and all knowledge, it is at His command CREATURES :—
that this work (creation) unfolds itself, A symbol of the outgoing desires,
which is called Earth, Water, Fire, Air, passions and emotions of the lower
and Ether." — Svetas Upaniehad, 6, 2. nature, which, as It were, feed upon
" Thou
(Ra) art the lord of heaven, the Instincts and sensations.
thou art the lord of earth ; thou art the
creator of those who dwell in the heights, " The living creatures of the earth
and of those who dwell in the depths. represent the emotions connected with
Thou art the God One who came into the will. . . . The instinct of mankind
being in the beginning of time. Thou has always read these forms aright. To
didst create the earth, thou didst fashion this day, wherever the primitive language
man, thou didst make the watery abyss of symbol remains, the passions are still
of the sky." — BUDOE, Book of the Dead, characterised by the names of different
p. 13. beasts." — A. JUKES, Types of Generis,
The "watery abyss" is the ocean of p. 37.
" Stand firm and shrink not ; for at
Truth-Reality becoming manifest upon length all thy creatures will grow faint,
the highest planes. weak, and ready to die ; and then thy
" will shall wax stronger, and be able
We find the following in Suidas, as
Tuscan teaching, gathered from the to subdue and keep down the evil inclina
Tuscan history-book : '
The Demiurg tions. So shall thy will and mind ascend
ordained twelve thousand years of life into heaven every day, and thy creatures
for the world, and placed each thousand gradually die away." — J. BOEHME, The
under the dominion of a sign of the Supersensual Life, D. 4.
Zodiac. Creation continued during six "And God said, Let the earth bring
thousand, and the duration will be six forth the living creature after its kind." —
thousand. In the first, heaven and GEN. i. 24.
earth, in the second the firmament, in The Divine Will directs that the
the third sea and waters, then the two lower nature of the Soul shall bring
great lights, the souls of beasts, and forth that which is first in order, viz.
lastly man was created.'
Old Test., etc., Vol. I. p. 168. the natural qualities.
" Modern evolutionists would See ANIMALS, BEASTS, CATTLE, Cow
argue that
creation has never had a beginning ; it (plenty), DAEVAS, NAME, VITAL AIRS,
is an eternal process. Our universe has WHALES.
had a beginning, no doubt ; but then
there must have been other universes
before it ; this mysterious something that
now shows itself as life and mind must Symbolic of germs of goodness and
always have been at work in some form truth generated In the lower nature
or other. It did not lie asleep for a million by the higher.
million ages, and then suddenly begin to " He who is persevering, gentle and
evolve a universe. It has always been
active ; it is its nature to be active, it patient shuns the company of men of
noulH not help it. Tt nevpr began, and it cruel conduct, and does no injury to
will never end. Solar systems are born, living creatures, gains, if he constantly
grow old, and die ; and then the process lives in that manner by controlling his
starts all over again. And wo are obliged organs and by liberality, heavenly bliss."
to admit this to be true, whether we — Laws of Manu, IV. 246.
" In order to preserve living creatures,
believe in God or not. It is inconceivable
that from all eternity God did nothing lot him always by day and by night, even
until one fine morning he suddenly with pain to his body, walk carefully
decided to create a universe and to bring scanning the ground." — /'"'•/.. VI. 68.
humanity into being. He must have been The lower nature (ground) must be
doing something ; to be eternally living carefully scanned, or tried by suffer
is to be eternally active." — R. J. CAMP-
BEIX, Serai., God's Gift of Life. ing, so that all germs of truth and
righteousness may be preserved and
COLOURS, COSMOS, DAYLIGHT, DAYS " Insects, snakes, moths, bees, birds,
(five), ELEMENTS, EVOLUTION, HEAL and beings bereft of motion reach heaven
by the power of austerities." — Ibid., XI. view scattered up and down Hellenic
Ml. religion and literature. . . . The Fire is,
The germs of goodness, wisdom, at bottom, so spiritual and so directly
knowledge, aspiration, and lateut vir busy with the soul alone, that it is ever
identical with itself in Heaven, Hell,
tues are evolved and transmuted Purgatory, and on earth, and stands for
through abstaining from lower emo God himself ; and that its effects are not
tional activities. the destruction of a foreign substance,
" He sees the Self who sees Aditi, one but the bringing back, wherever and as
with all the gods, who emanated out of far as possible, of the Fire-like soul's
Hiranyagarbha, and has entered into the disposition and quality to full harmony
cavity of the heart, and there abides with with its Fire-source and Parent, God
living creatures. This is that." — Katha. Himself." — F. VON HUOEL, Mystical Ele
Upmithad, IV. 1. ment, Vol. II. p. 125.


A symbol of the lower Instincts, A symbol of a state of perfect peace
desires, and emotions, such as cunning on the higher buddhic levels.
" The Argonauts thence proceeded to
craft, greed, subtlety, mischief,
cruelty, destructiveness. Crete, where Talus the brazen man,
" prohibiting their landing, was slain by
we look to the inward sense of it, the art of Medea." — Argonautic Expedition
then the creeping things represent the
fool vices, but the clean ones represent
When the aspiring Soul with its
joy." — PHTJW), Workt, Yonge's trans., advanced qualities reaches the condi
VoL IV. p. 387. tion of peace, the critical faculty (Talus)
"And let them (God's image) have delays its arrival, but is eventually
dominion over the fish of the sen, and
over the fowl of the air, and over the superseded by Wisdom (Medea).
" Minos had Zeus for his father. At
cattle, and over all the earth, and over
every creeping thing that creepeth upon
nine years old he received revelations
the earth." —GEN. i. 26. from Zeus, and reigned over all Crete."
— W. E. GLADSTONE, Juventus Mitndi,
The Wisdom and Love principles
p. 119.
united in Mind are to have dominion The Divine Will proceeded from the
over the feelings, ideas, actions, and At the appointed time when
the entire human nature, including the
all preparations were made, the Divine
lower mental nature with the desires Will established ideal conditions on the
and instincts. buddhic plane. This was in the golden
" Ye shall not make your souls abomin
age of involution, when there was no
able with any creeping thing that creepeth,
neither shall ye make yourselves unclean strife.
with them, that ye should be defiled See ARGONAUTS, ICHOR, MEDEA,
thereby." — LEV. xi. 43. TALUS.
This is an injunction to the qualities
to cast off the lower desires and CRETHEUS, FATHER OF /ESON,
degracing instincts, which render the AND FOUNDER OF IOLCUS :—
toul impure. A symbol of the First Logos, from
See ANIMALS, Brans, CATTLE, whom proceeds the Second Logos,
and who has established the beginning
and the ending of the cycle of the
soul's evolution.
A symbol of the purification of the CRIMINALS WITH TWO LEGS :—
soul or the lower self by means of
A symbol of paradoxes of relativity,
the functioning of buddhi (fire).
or distorted views of life, which mis
"There is, indeed, no doubt that the lead those who cleave to the things
very ancient association of the ideas of
Fire and of spiritual Purification goes
of the lower mind.
back, in the first instance, to the concep See MAN (bad).
tion of the soul being necessarily stained
by the very fact of its connection with
the body, and of those stains being finally
removed by the body's death and crema Signifying that in the Involutionary
tion. We find this severely ^It-consistent cycle all monads are perfect, and
capable of carrying out the work muted as higher aspects (cheeks) of
which is set for them. lower desires. The h'.-ad appearing
"And God saw everything that he had signifies Divine action or birth in the
made, and behold, it was very good." — soul. As the higher nature becomes
GKN. i. 31. active, the lower nature (crocodile)
" There should be no cripples, or
diseased ; no poverty, no meanness becomes inert, and then disintegrates

there."— Vendidatl, II. B. E. and disappears as illusion. Finally,

The cripples
" are said to be rejected whosoever has knowledge and shuns
from the lower quaternary (vara) evil shall no longer be ruled by

for there must be no imperfection in desire.
" diseased,"
the Archetypal Man. The Dr. Budge states (The Mummy,
" poverty," and " meanness " refer to
p. 360) that on a cippus of Horns

states adverse to the carrying out of small scene in wliich figured a

the work assigned to the monads. crocodile with the divine emblem, —
See ARC. MAN, GOLDEN AGK, INVOLU a circle and ram's horns,— on its head,
TION, VARA. and inscribed
" Hidden his name."

This evidently signifies the incarnate
CROCODILE :— " Lamb of God "
(Osiris) hidden in
A symbol of the lower desires and the lower nature (crocodile). In this
passions which are of the lower nature cippus Horus shown standing upon

on the astral plane (water). two crocodiles. This may be taken as
In the seventh division of the Tuat, — meaning, — the Higher Self triumphant
" In front ofthe goddesses of the Hours over the lower desires and passions.
is an enormous crocodile called Ab-sha- " The crocodile never touches any
am-Tuat, which described as Osiris persons who sail in a papyrus boat, as

the Eye of Ra,* The crocodile stands either fearing the anger of the Goddess
upon a long funeral mound, out of the Isis, or else respecting it on account of
end of which . . . appears a bearded its having once carried her." — PLUTABCH,
human head, i.e. the head of Osiris.' Isis and Osirit,

The " papyrus boat "

Of the crocodile the text says He who

symbol of


is in this picture is Ab-shaw, and he is
the warden of the symbols of this city. the Scriptures, which serve as

When he heareth the voice of the boat of vehicle for Divine Wisdom (Isis).
Ra, which addressed to the Eye in his Doubt of the Scriptures by the lower

cheek, the head which is in his dominion

nature (crocodile) never assails tho=e
maketh its appearance, and then eateth

Hs own form after this great god hath whose religious emotions are ruled
passed it by. Whosoever knoweth this either by fear, or by love that

picture, Ab-shaw shall not devour his reverence.
soul.' — BUDOE, Egypt. Heaven and Hell, See Ai-u-RA, BOAT (sektet), LAMB
Vol. pp. 159-CO.


The goddesses of the hours signify
the emotions or virtues. The crocodile
a symbol of the desire-nature used

as an instrument of the Logos (Osiris).
A symbol of time and limitation
The funeral mound indicates the Divine arising from the Inter-relations of
Sacrifice, for the symbol of the Logos Spirit (Uranus) and Matter (Ge).
appears from it. Spirit has been See AIDONEUS, FOAM, KHORDAP,
buried or involved in Matter. Osiris KRONOS, NUT, RHEA, SATURN, SEB,
dead and buried but comes to life TIME, TITANS, URANUS, ZEUS.

aa evolution proceeds.
" Osiris the
Eye of Ra " signifies the manifest or CROPS OF GRAIN—
perceptive aspect of Deity. God looks A symbol of the growing higher
out, as were, upon Nature by means emotions in the soul.

of his instrument of manifestation. " Thou shalt break the power of un

The lower instincts and desires tiring gales which rising against the earth
blow down the crops and destroy them
(Ab-shaw) rule the activities attached

and again, whenever thou wilt, hou shalt

to thifl personal centre (city) of

bring their blasts back." — Empcdoth,-,

consciousness. When the experiences FAIRBANKS, 24.
arc dealt with in the causal-body (boat The Self shall overcome the winds
of Ra), then the qualities are trans- of erroneous doctrine which arise, and
striking the lower self (earth) destroy His upright tree." —J. R. HARRIS, Psalm
the sprouting emotions of truth, wis of Solomon, 27.
The soul aspires to increase its
dom, and love. And moreover the Self
higher activities (hands) ; for the
shall recall such doctrines, and shall
extension of the higher activities is the
turn the falsity of the lower planes
expression of the indwelling Self, and
into relative truth for the enlighten
the soul's growth is through the up-
ment of the mind, and through
waid tending Divine Life (tree) which
dissipating ignorance shall enable it to
has been involved in archetypal hu
know the truth.
GALES, HAIL, SEED (good), manity.
See " Man himself is in the form
of the
STOBM, TAWHIEI, WINDS (various). cross. Origen, the great Church Father,
CROOK :— taught that the true posture of prayer is
to stand with outstretched arms, which is
See FLAIL. the form of a cross ; and the man standing
CROSS :— in space with outstretched arms was with
the ancients the symbol of the Beneficent
A symbol of the manifested life of Deity. . . . The cross meant the great
the Logos — the higher and lower world Passion, the Sacrifice of God in
natures, and the Divine Ray passing Creation, Deity laying down His life in the
through the quaternary. universe of matter and form." — K. C.
" The cross was ANDERSON, Serm., Cradle of the Christ.
composed of four pieces " The great open secret of Christianity
of wood ; the upright beam, the cross is the Cross of Christ. In the cross is
beam, the tablet above the Saviour's summed up, for all who care to learn,
head, on which was the superscription
the whole meaning of the world's travail
and the socket in which the cross was
and agony ; in the cross, too, is our
fastened, or as some say, the fourth piece
hope of ultimate triumph in alliance with
was the wooden shelf upon which the
the will of God. All the theologies that
Saviour's feet rested. And these four have ever been framed have just been so
pieces were of as many kinds of wood,
many efforts to express, in terms of the
that is, of palm, cypress, olive, and cedar. mind, what the humblest servant of
The Jews had formed the upright beam
Christ already knows quite well with the
of a piece of timber which they found
heart — namely, that it is right and
floating in the pool of Bethesda. Now inevitable that by the cross should the
this beam had grown from the branch of
Saviour enter into his glory. And we are
the Tree of Life which the angel Michael
still at it. On we go with our theologising,
gave to Seth, son of Adam, in paradise." and we cannot help it ; we must keep on
— The Golden Legend.
trying to express this august truth of the
The number four expresses the soul in terms of our ever-changing earthly
quaternary — the four planes of nature experience. . . . And this, at least, there
on which the incarnate God is is no gainsaying, that those who have
Iri the " Tot -pillar " tho
entered most deeply into the fellowship
of the cross have just been those who have
four planes are symbolised by the been most sure that it contains the clue
four cross beams of the pillar. In the to the mystery of earthly existence as a
Latin cross there is only one cross whole." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The
Divine Mystery.
beam which therefore signifies the
See ABC. MAN, ABK (Noah), CHUCI-
division between the higher and lower
natures. The upright beam is a symbol
PUBUSHA, JESUS (mortal), POOL or
of the Divine Ray or " Tree of Life,"
which, as atomic vibration, passes
from the Supreme directly downwards
across all the planes. This, from the
lower aspect, is a symbol of aspiration. CROSS, ANKH (CRUX ANSATA),
" four kinds of wood " represent A SYMBOL OF LIFE :—
the four different planes. The water of This Egyptian cross has the same
pool of Bethesda " signifies the
the meaning as the Latin cross. The
perception of Truth in which aspiration, circular handle Is a symbol of the
as it were, floats. The Divine Life im higher planes, but inasmuch as the
parted immortality to the quality Hopo handle is not a perfect circle, it
Indicates that activities pass from
(Seth), or sense of the Real within.
stretched out my hands and sancti above to the quaternary below.
fied the Lord : for the extension of my "According to Pythagoras, when the
hands is His sign, and my expansion ia Soul descends from the boundary where
" In that day shall the Lord of hoste
the Zodiac and Galaxy meet, from a
spherical form, which is the only divine be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem
one, it is elongated into a conical one of beauty, unto the residue of his people."
by its downward tendency." — Macrobiiu, — Is. xxviii. 6.
I. 12. When the cycle ends, the Higher
When the soul enters upon the Self shall be supreme in beauty and
limitations of the cycle of life (Zodiac) harmony within the higher qualities
it is no longer wholly divine, but its which have been evolved from below.
lower part gravitates towards desire See COURSE, KETHER, LION (man),
and sensation. The " Galaxy " is a TIARA.
symbol of the celestial regions (atma-
buddhi) from which the Soul has come.
The World-soul descends to be in A symbol of the realisation of
volved in the matter of the lower supremacy In a state of the soul.
" Herubehutet and Horus had the
planes, that it may rise again in the
bodies of men and the heads of hawks,
myriad souls of humanity.
and they wore the white and red crowns
with plumes and uraei." — Legend of the
ZODIAC. The human body and hawk-head to
CROWD OF PEOPLE :— the two "gods," aspects of the Self,
Symbolic of a discordant concourse stand for a symbol of human perfection -
of lower mental qualities In the soul. ment, culminating hi the soul which
" But when the crowd was put forth, aspires to become Divine. The "white
he (Jesus) entered in, and took her by and red atef crowns" are symbolic of
the hand ; and the damsel arose." — lordship over the planes of the intellect
MAT. ix. 25.
and the emotions. The "plumes"
When the jarring and self-seeking
signify the conditions in which su
qualities of the lower mind were put
premacy is realised. The "uraei
forth or subdued, the Christ-soul was
serpents" signify the triumph of
able to enter in and exercise his
Wisdom reflected upon the lower
power in awakening a slumbering
planes of the soul.
affection and putting it to active use
in the soul.
" So the crowd is cast forth without, in PLUMES, SERPENTS, URAEI.
order that the damsel may be raised up ; CROWN, DOUBLE SERPENT :—
because if the importunate throng of
worldly cares be not first expelled from the An emblem of Kingship over the
inner recesses of the heart, the soul, which lower nature through the power of
lies dead in the interior, cannot rise up. Wisdom and the higher emotions.
For whilst it lets itself loose amongst the See NEKHEBIT, UR-UATCHTI.
countless imaginings of earthly desires, it
never in any degree gathers itself up to
the consideration of self." — ST. GREGORY,
Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. II. p. 370. An emblem of Divine rule over the
" When the scornful deriders have been
lower mental, or kama-rnanasic,
rejected, Christ enters into the minds of plane. Its form is that of an open
the elect." — GLOSSARY.
mouth with a projecting tongue
See HAND, HEALING, (dead) JESUS, curled at the end, I.e. returning upon
MIRACLES, STRIFE, ZACCHEUS. Itself. This symbolises the uttered
CROWN :— Word of Power, or the expression of
A symbol of supremacy over the the Divine Life on the lower planes,
lower nature. In its highest aspect which must return unto its source.
it stands for the power of atrna. See EGYPT (lower), MITRE, MOUTH,
" Kether SERPENT (north), TONGUE.
is the
(the Crown) of
all the principles, the Secret Wisdom, the
most exalted Crown, with which all crowns CROWN OF UPPER EGYPT, OR
and diadems are adorned." — Zohar, III. TALL WHITE CROWN OF
fol. 288 b. OSIRIS :—
The highest plane (Kether) is the
An emblem of Divine rule over the
most interior of all. It is atma, the higher mental and buddhic planes,
hidden Truth and Life which confer exercised from the summit of Power
immortality upon all victorious souls. and Truth.
" Thisis the Soul invested with the light
"Thou (Osiris) art stablished as king,
the white crown is upon thy head, and of supreme knowledge attained through
Ihou hast grasped in thy hands the crook the experiences undergone in the long
and the whip." series of her past existences ; standing
The "crook" and the "flail" are on the moon as victor over materiality
and firm in the faith of a full intuition, —
symbols of shepherding and agriculture, states denoted respectively by the dark
over which, in their inner sense, the and light portions of the moon ; and
Divine Shepherd and Husbandman, superior evermore to the changes of
the Higher Self (Osiris), presides. The mortal destiny, the stars which represent
this being the jewels of her crown, each
tall white crown of Osiris symbolises '
of them denoting one of the
the higher nature, and the mount of '
labours necessary to be endured by the
aspiration which has to be climbed in Soul on her path to her final perfection-
order to attain perfection. ment, and the spiritual gifts and graces
acquired in the process." — The Perfect
Way, p. 190.
r \NDMAN-, Knro, MOUNTAIN, OSIRIS, " It signifies wisdom and intelligence
SERPENT (south), SMAM, WHITE. from knowledges of divine good and
divine truth derived from the Word." —
" There was a wonder in heaven ; a
PSCHENT CROWN :— throne was seen far above all created
powers, mediatorial, intercessory, a title
An emblem of the Divine supremacy archetypal, a crown bright as the morning
over the higher and lower natures in star, a glory issuing from the eternal
the Soul. throne, robes pure as the heavens, and a
sceptre over all. And who was the predes
"Amen-Ra, Lord of the uraeus crown,
tined heir of that majesty T Who was
exalted by the two feathers, beautiful of
that Wisdom, and what was her name,
diadem of the white crown of Upper
the mother of fair love, and fear, and
Egypt. . . . He is adorned in his palace holy hope, exalted like a palm-tree in
with the Sekhet crown. Loving its south Engaddi, and a rose-plant in Jericho,
and its north (i.e. the two divisions of created from the beginning before the
Egypt which are symbolised by the world, in God's counsels, and in Jerusalem
Sekhet crown)." — WIEDEMANN, Bel. of was her power ? The vision is found in
Ane. Egyptians, p. 113. the Apocalypse,
a Woman clothed with
" uraeus crown " signifies the
the sun, and the moon under her feet,
triumph of Wisdom over the lower and upon her head a crown of twelve
nature, and the
" feathers " (plumes) stars.' The votaries of Mary do not
exceed the true faith." — J. H. NEWMAN,
signify the aspiring condition in which Development, pp. 405, 406.
supremacy is realised. The south and See AMATEKASU, ASSUMPTION, BIRTH
north" are the higher and lower OF MAN-CHILD, DRAGON (red), FEET,
divisions of Egypt which symbolise the LATONA, MOON, STARS (fixed), SUN,
higher and lower mental planes. TUAT, TWELVE, VIRGIN MARY, WOMAN
Emblems of lordship over the A symbol of the lower qualities'
emotion nature and the intellect. falsely assumed veneration for an
See NEKHEBIT, RED, WHITE. Ideal far beyond them.
"And they plaited a crown of thornm
CROWN OF TWELVE STARS :— and put it upon his head, and a reed in his
A symbol of supremacy over the right hand, and they kneeled down before
conditions of the lower planes during him and mocked him." -MAT. xxvii. 29.
the cycle of twelve divisions (zodiac). This signifies a disruptive process
"A woman arrayed with the sun, and between the lower and higher natures.
the moon under her feet, and upon The " reed " which is put in his hand
her head a crown of twelve stars."

is a symbol of power and volition
REV. xii. 1. which the Christ-soul will not exercise
The Wisdom principle (buddhi) with
actively as ruler of the lower qualities
the power of the Self (sun), and ruling of the soul (the Jews).
the astral region (moon) ; with su " The crown of thorns proclaims a
premacy over the lower planes as sovereignty founded on sufferings. The
director of the evolution of the soul. sceptre of feeble reed speaks of power
wielded in gentleness. The cross leads to fixion of that Soul which was dispersed
the crown. The brow that was pierced by through all matter served but to ac
the sharp acanthus wreath, therefore, complish the destruction of the kingdom of
wears the diadem of the universe. The darkness." — NEANDER, Church History,
hand that passively held the mockery of Vol. II., p. 224.
the worthless, pithless reed, therefore, The crucifixion story was regarded
rules the princes of the earth with the
as symbolical of the Soul involved in
rod of iron. He who was lifted up to the
cross, was, by that very act, lifted up to matter, which the heavenly Christ
be a Ruler and commander to the peoples." (sun) would raise up to unite with him
— A. MACLAREN, Sermons, 1st Series, in glory. The involution of that Soul,
p. 159.
or indwelling Self, in the lower nature
is the means whereby the negative
condition of ignorance (darkness) will
disapi>ear in the light of incoming
CRUCIFIX :— Truth.
A symbol of the death of the Arche The pain of the lower creation is part
typal Man on the cross of Matter at of the grand cosmic sacrifice whereby the
the end of the period of Involution. eternal God lays down his life that he
Through the death of Christ all may take it again. On the altar of the
material universe that sacred life has been
human souls have life in the period offered since the beginning of time, and
of evolution. though at present we can do no more
See ARC. MAN, CROSS. than glimpse that for which it is done,
we are justified in feeling that no life
CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST, which has ever risen to the dignity of
ACCORDING TO THE MA- being able to suffer will be missing from
NICH/EANS :— the grand consummation." — R. J. CAMP
BELL, Serai., Divine Justice.
A symbol of the Divine sacrifice, " God is in all things, whether personal
that is, the limitation and involution or impersonal, and in God they live and
of the Divine energies and qualities move and have being. And that stage of
within forms of matter. purification through which the Kosmos is
" Christ, the Divine Virtue, Wisdom, or now passing is God's Crucifixion ; the
Mind, came down from the Superior region process of Transmutation, and Redemp
to be crucified in Matter from which he tion of Spirit from Matter, of Being from
Tenets). —
again departs (Manichcean
Existence, of Substance from Phenomenon
ALEXANDER, Bp. of Lycopolis. which is to culminate in the final At-one-
Christ, being God-actual, proceeding ment of the ultimate Sabbath of Rest
awaiting God's redeemed universe at the
from God-potential, descends into end of the Kalpa." — The Perfect Way,
matter as the Divine Sacrifice from p. 116.
the commencement of manifestation. I
" So ' am crucified with Christ, never
He contains in himself the ideas of all theless I live ; ' death, therefore — that is,
the sacrifice of self — is equivalent to life.
forms and qualities which have to be Now this rests upon a profound truth.
impressed in matter. He willingly The death of Christ was a representation
involves himself within nature, and of the life of God. To me this is the
gives up his life as a glad outpouring profoundest of all truths, that the whole
of the life of God is the sacrifice of self.
in order that the many souls may have God is Love ; love is sacrifice —to give
life and may progress. He then rather than to receive — the blessedness of
becomes, at the completion of involu self-giving. If the life of God were not
tion, the Divine Archetypal Man ready such, it would be a falsehood to say that
God is Love ; for even in our human
to pour forth in evolution all qualities nature that which seeks to enjoy all
and forms of life. In the inner being instead of giving all is known by a very
of all thing:) He lives in secret, and different name from that of love. All the
eventually is born, or manifests, in the life of God is a flow of this divine self-
soul, where as his power giving charity. Creation itself is sacrifice
human — the self-impartation of the divine Being.
increases ho becomes the conqueror of Redemption, too, is sacrifice, else it could
the lower nature, and finally returns not be love ; for which reason we will not
in his saints to his Father and Source. surrender one iota of the truth that the
" death of Christ was the sacrifice of God."
The (Mani) crucifixion was, of course, — F. W. ROBERTSON, Sermons, 3rd Series,
a mere semblance. This seeming transac
tion symbolised the crucifixion of the Soul, p. 100.
sunk in matter, which the Spirit of the See ABC. MAN, CHRIST, DEATH OF
Sun would raise up to itself. The cruci- BALDER, OF LEMMINKAINEN, OF OSIRIS,
EEL-GOD, B'OH-HE, IMAGE, LAMB OF terrestrial Christ is Christ Incarnate, —
GOD, QUETZALCOATL, SACRIFICES the Archetypal Man stretched forth in
the lower nature of the soul. Tho
CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST, hands to right and left " signify
ACCORDING TO THE the outgoing and incoming energies
GNOSTICS :— which disperse the hostile furces of
A symbol of the Divine Sacrifice, ignorance and evil, and also by
as before. gathering together the higher quali
" The Lord said
unto John, ' Thou ties (the Limbs), prepare the souls
hearest that I suffered, yet I suffered not ;
for union with the One. The " foot
that I I
was pierced, yet was not smitten ; "
that I I
was hanged, yet was not hanged ; in the earth signifies the physical
. . . See thou therefore in Me the slaying foundation of the lower activities
of a Word (Logos), . . . the passion of a wliich advance the evolution of the
Word. And by a Word I
mean Man. soul. These activities enable the Christ
First, then, understand the Word, then
•halt thou understand the Lord, and to gradually raise the qualities which
thirdly the Man, and what is his passion." are held captive, and by transmuting
— Actt of John (2nd cent.). them, join them to those on tho
First, the " Word," i.e. the expres buddliic [jlane.
sion of the Divine Life on the lower See ABC. MAN, CHRIST'S SECOND
planes. Second, the
" Lord," i.e. the
Divine Life indwelling in the lower BERMENT, IMAGE, INCARNATION, KAIO-
nature. Third, thd " Man," i.e. the MARTS, LIMBS, MEMBERS, PRAGAPATI,
Archetypal Man who is potentially PuRfiSHA, SACKIFICER, SINA, VISVA-
perfect man, and is the Divine Life KABMAN, WORD, YMIB, ZAGBEUS.
Incarnate. Thus, all three are the one
Christ crucified in humanity. Christ, CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST, AC-
whose nature is bliss, cannot suffer, CORDING TO THE REVELA
but he becomes through Self -limitation TION OF JOHN :—
(passion) the Perfect Man within, who A symbol of the Divine Sacrifice,
in slain and dies in order to be born as before.
again in every soul. It is said in this "And the dead bodies (of the two
scripture, — Not yet hath every Limb witnesses) lie in the street of the great
of Him who came down been gathered city, which spiritually is called Sodom
and Egypt, where also their Lord was
together," which means that the crucified." — REV. xi. 8.
qualities of the perfect Christ nature The two Divine " witnesses " are Love
are scattered abroad, as it were, no (olive) and Wisdom (caedlestick), which
higher quality being fully evolved in emanate from the Supreme. Love and
any striving soul. The gathering to Wisdom
" die," that is, become ob
gether of the
" Limbs of the Ineffable "
scured when, at the fall of mind,
in the myriad souls is when the Lord desire (the beast) takes possession of
cometh in the clouds of heaven (bud- the soul. They remain latent and
dhi), and the saints (individualities '
untouched in the path of the lower
" limbs
possessing the ") meet Him in evolution, until the mind by putting
the " air " (higher mind).
" Thy Head stretcheth up into heaven, away desire is prepared to receive
them and ascend with them. The
that thou mayest symbol forth the
Heavenly Logos, the Head of all things. "great city Sodom and Egypt" is
Thy middle parts are stretched forth, as it a symbol of the lower planes whereon
were, hands to right and left, to put to flight Christ the Saviour in crucified, dead
the envious and hostile power of the evil and buried.
one ; that Thou mayest gather together " This city, then, is the world, the
into one them (the Limbs) that are
materialising, the idolatrous, the blind,
scattered abroad. Thy foot is set in the the sensual, the unreal, the house of
earth, sunk in the deep, that Thou
bondage, out of which the sons of God
mayest draw up those that lie beneath are called. And the world being all these,
the earth and are held fast, . . . and is cruel as hell, and will always crucify
mayest join them to those in heaven." — the Christ and the Christ-idea." — The
Acts of Andrew (2nd cent.). Way, p. 108.
The Heavenly Logos is the celestial The God who is crucified in the
Christ, the
" Head of all things." The Cosmos, and laid in the tomb of matter
to rise again in glory, becomes in the union with tho Higher, but still per
individual soul the Christ who is crucified ceiving its separateness from it. The
to the lower self-hood, and dies to the
flesh, to rise again in the triumph of the
expression "my Power" must be re
spirit. The drama of Calvary is being garded as meaning "my Divine Life
re-enacted in every soul that comes to and strength," which for a moment
spiritual consciousness. . . . Until the Son the personality realised as departing
of God rises in you victorious over the
old Adam, — the self that says not Thou
' from it — the mortal personality. It
but me,' — the Christ of long ago has done must be remembered that it is the
but little for you. . . . The sweet story " earthly person " or lower personality
of old has to become your story, told over signified by the
" body of Jesus,"
again in you. In you the Christ-child has
which dies when the Divine spark has
to be bom anew ; in you grow and labour ;
in you suffer and die to the world ; in been withdrawn from it.
you rise in power and ascend to the "And Jesus cried again with a loud
eternal Father." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., voice, and yielded up his spirit." — MAT.
Crucified with Christ. xxvii. 50.
See BEAST, CANDLESTICKS, CITY, This signifies the consummation —
EVOLUTION, FALL, OLIVE, PATH, SACRI the ultimate suffering, and then the
FICES, SODOM, STKEETS, WITNESSES triumph over the ultimate ills of the
(two). lower planes, — the Soul's liberation
and final withdrawal from the lower
Although Redemption as a whole is
NICAL GOSPELS :— one, the process is manifold, and consists
in a series of acts, spiritual and mental.
A symbol of the final anguish of Of this series, the part wherein the
the Incarnate Soul as It reaches per individual finally surrenders his own
fection, and the lower nature drops exterior will, with all its exclusively
away from It. material desires and affections, is desig
"And about the ninth hour Jesus cried nated the Passion. And the particular act
with a loud voice, saying, — My God, my whereby this surrender is consummated
God, why hast thou forsaken me ? " — and demonstrated, is called the Crucifixion,
MAT. xxvii. 46. This crucifixion means a complete, un-
reserving surrender — to the death, if need
The "ninth hour" refers to the
be. — without opposition, even in desire,
period of the attainment of perfection on the part of the natural man. Without
on the three lower planes. The cruci these steps is no atonement. The man
fixion not being yet completed, the cannot become one with the Spirit within
him, until by his Passion and ' Cruci
' '
cry of mental distress and despondency fixion,1 he has utterly vanquished the
signifies that the soul is temporarily ' '
old Adam of his former self. Through
agonised by this transition state, for the atonement made by means of this
it is not yet entirely alive to the self-sacrifice he becomes as one without
sin, being no more liable to sin ; and is
nature of the highest conditions of
qualified to enter, as his own high priest,
Being, when, in fact, it is not yet into the holy of holies of his own inner
completely able to identify itself with most'' — The Perfect Way, p. 215.
the Highest. When the identification "All the ' pains ' we have to take, —
they form the Cross upon which the Body
is complete, the consciousness has is stretched out and the Blood is spilt.
risen to the causal -body, and the But it is all tending Godward, it is all in
suffering lower nature has been ex the appraoch to Love and Justice. This
changed for bliss. is the ' death of Christ.' " — J. G. ADDER-
" In the Apocryphal Gospel of Peter, LEY, The Symbolism of the Mass.
the dying Christ cries, ' My Power, my See CAUSAL-BODY, CONSCIOUSNESS,
Power, thou hast forsaken me,' the ELIJAH, HEEL, HIGHER, INCARNATION,
Power ' being the heavenly Christ, who JESUS, KEEPER, LIBERATION, NIDANAS,
for a time had been associated with the
earthly person of tho Redeemer." — W. R
1 M . i , Paddock Lectures, p. 57. ALITY, REDEMPTION, RESURRECTION,
The "heavenly Christ," or Higher ROHAN SOLDIER, SIXTH HOUR, SPARK,
Self, is to be understood as always UNION, VICTORY.
associated with the struggling Lower
Self symbolised by Jesus. This cry of
the lower to the Higher indicates the " Jesus suffered ; and Christ remained
lower consciousness on the verge of incapable of suffering, being a Spirit of
the Lord." — HIPPOLYTUS, Works, Bk. X. inspirable creatures, permeable by God's
p. 385. life, as a crystal by the light, permeable
" Jesus " is a symbol of the almost in a sense that no other creature is." —
H. BUSHNELL, Nature and the Super
perfected soul whose personality suffers natural, p. 363.
•t the last. The Christ, — the Atman, —
could not suffer, for suffering is only
(twin), GLASS, MAASEH.
of the lower planes, and is the result
of imperfect functioning.
" Christ suffered and died. The God CULTIVATION OF THE GROUND:—
head indeed could not suffer. But God Symbolic of the ordering and dis
could take a nature which is capable of ciplining of the desires and emotions
Buffering." — H. P. LIDDON, University by the Ego, and the developing of
Strman*, p. 231. the faculties of the lower nature (the
ground) .
CRUCIFIXION OF PURUSHA, OR " I, too, plough and sow, and from my
MAN :— ploughing and sowing I reap immortal
fruit. My field is religion. The weeds I
A symbol of the Divine sacrifice, pluck up are the passions of cleaving to
that is, the limitation and involution existence. My plough is wisdom, my seed
of the Divine energies and qualities purity." — (Extract) HARDY, Manual of
Buddhism, p. 215.
within forms of matter. " He
(Osiris) reaps and I plough ;
" Now the sacrifice is tho Man. The yea, and I also reap." — BUDGE, Book oj
sacrifice is the Man for the reason that the the Dead, Ch. CX.
Man spreads it ; and that in being spread The Higher Self, or Individuality,
it is made of exactly the same extent as reaps celestial grain, i.e. acquires in
the Man : this is the reason why the sacri
fice is the Man." — Sola. Brdh.
actuality, higher emotions. The lower
The Divine sacrifice is consummated Self "ploughs," i.e. fashions the life
in the Archetypal Man. The sacrifice conditions for the seed of the Spirit ;
and finally also, the lower Self
" reaps "
is of God's nature, for God, in mani
as it realises its true nature.
festing himself, limits himself. The " This, too, is the ruinous effect of an
Divine energy —Spirit, enters into the The educa
education of accomplishments.
receptive principle Matter, and spreads tion of the taste, and the cultivation of the
through it fully and perfectly. The feelings in undue proportion, destroys the
sacrifice is the preparation of the way masculine tone of mind. An education
of the Souls.
chiefly romantic or poetical, not balanced
by hard, practical life, is simply the ruin
"I stretched out my hands and ap of the soul." — F. W. ROBERTSON, Sermons,
proached the Lord : for the stretching out 1st Series, p. 169.
of my hands is a sign : my expansion is " None
of the inscriptions mentions
the outspread cross." — Psalms and Odes Sekhet-Aaru, but it is distinctly said that
of Solomon, pa. 42. the reaping of the grain is taking place
See ARC. CMAN, ROSS, INVOLUTION, in Sekhet-hetop, or Sekhet-hetepet."
MAHAVIRA-POT, PRAOAPATI, PURUSHA, " If now we compare this picture
SACHIFICEB, SION. Sekhet-hetep)with that from the Papyrus
of Nebseni, we shall find that the actual
operations of ploughing, reaping, and
CRYSTAL :— treading out of the corn are depicted in
the Papyrus, and that several figures of
A symbol of Truth received In the
gods and the deceased have been added."
mind and operating through the — BUDOE, Egypt. Heaven and Hell, Vol.
personality. III. pp. 44, 58.
" Crystal to lighten his face " The cultivation of the soul being a
(Bk. of the
Dead). — BUDGE, Egyptian Magic, p. 187. spiritual process appertains to the
Truth imparting knowledge to the higher planes, and the reaping of the
" harvest is on the buddhic plane
Preaching assumes the fact in men "
(Sekhet-hetep), —the com
" signifying
of a religious nature, higher than a mere
nature, which, if it can be the higher qualities transmuted from
duly awakened, cleaves to Christ and His the lower.
salvation with an almost irresistible See AGRICULTURE, ANIMALS, CORN,
affinity. This religious nature is a capacity FIELD, GARDEN, HARVEST, PLOUGH
for the supernatural, that is, for the
divinely supernatural ; in other words, it
is that quality by which we become SHABTI, SOWER.
CULTIVATING CORN, GRASS, AND Monad. When the souls partake of
FRUITS :— this " Cup " then perfection of the
A symbol of the fostering of those souls is reached.
virtues and utilities which accrue "For this blood of Christ and of the
to the soul through the exercise of Covenant— this wine within the holy
the active functions of the mind. Chalice, of which we all must drink who
" You go to Nature ' nevermore would thirst — is the Divine
and say, Feed me Life, the vital, immortal principle, having
or I Ehall starve ; ' and her question comes neither beginning nor end, the perfect,
back to you, ' How (much seed) have
pure, and incorruptibln Spirit, cleansing
you T Give me something to begin with, and making white the vesture of the soul
however little it may be.' Drop the old
as no earthly purge can whiten j the gift
remnants of a past life into thn ever of God through Christ, and the heritage
fruitful soil, and all the possibilities of of the elect. To live the Divine Life is
new life open. The spring-time finds last
to be partaker in the blood of Christ
summer's roots still remaining in the
ground, and quickens them to life again,
and to drink of Christ's cup. It ia to
know the love of Christ which ' paeseth
and multiplies them into a richer summer
understanding,' the love which is life,
still. Ingenious Nature finds a germ or God."— The Perfect Way, p. 109.
wherever it is dropped ; but without the " I will take the
germ she will do nothing." — PHILLIPS
cup of salvation,
and call upon the name of the Lord."
BROOKS, Serm., How many Loavet have — Ps. cxvi. 13.
ye f
" 'God comes to man, The "cup of salvation" is the
yea, He conies
closer, till He enters into men. No disposi receptacle of the Spirit, from which
tion is good apart from God. Seeds of the the soul drinks the "wine" of love
divine are planted in human bodies ; if and wisdom.
they are well tended, they germinate and
grow up into the likeness of That from See ANOINTING, BLOOD, CRATEB,
whence they sprang (Seneca, Ep. LXXIII. GRAIL, HOMA - JUICE, SACRAMENT,
14). The teaching that there is a germina- SOUA-JUICE, TABLE OF THB I-OK; .
tive principle — a seed of God in the- WATER, WINE.
human soul — was a fundamental idea with
the Stoics. This doctrine, interpreted at
its best, offers a basis for mystical religion CUP, DOUBLE :—
and was very suggestive to the primitive A symbol of the principles of Love
Christians." — R. M. JONES, Mystical Re and Wisdom which are united in
ligion, p. 70. Truth.
speaking he (Hephiestus) rose
(small), GERMS, PLOUGHING, SEED, up and set in his dear Mother's (Hera's)
SOWING. hand the Double Cup, and spake to her."
— Iliad, Bk. I, trans. BUCKLEY.
CUP OR CHALICE :— Thus having manifested Its powers,
A symbol of the causal-body which the Creative Mind rises to Buddlii,
is the receptacle of the Spiritual life where it delivers to the Wisdom-
or Monad — Atma-buddhi. principle (Hera) the dual aspects of
"A higher power bringeth a Cup full of the Higher Self, — intuition and love, —
intuition and wisdom, and also prudence, and then addresses Itself to the
and giveth it to the soul." — Pittis Sophia, Wisdom within itself.
Books of the Saviour.
" The
Cup ... is the Cup offered by
the Deity to the souls, from which they

drink the wine of wisdom. This may be CUP WITH WINE :—

compared with the Grail Legend." — A symbol of the purified psychic
G. R. S. MEAD, Orpheus, p. 43.
"He filled a mighty Cup with Mind, body, or soul, with the Indwelling
and sent it down
men i
... to the hearts of
Baptise thyself with this Cup's
Divine life of wisdom and love.
" This cup is
the new covenant in my
baptism, . . . thou canst ascend to Him blood, even that which is poured out for
that hath sent down the Cup, thou that you." — LUKE xxii. 20.
dost know for what thou didst come The cup and the wine signify
into being.' As many then as understood
respectively the Soul and the Life, —
. . . became partakers in the Gnosis ;
and when they had ' received the Mind,' the receptacle or sheath for the Spirit,
they were made ' perfect men.' " — The and the Spirit itself. The Divine Life
Cup or Monad, in the Corpus Hermcticum. was poured out for the qualities in
"Mind" is a symbol of atma- their involution. This assurance of
buddhi, Love and Wisdom, the Divine the Spirit is a sacrament, because it
ia a "'-'.mlinn, — a
covenant between the his rival, leads off the soul as his bride "
Sovil and the qualities. (HlKT, APUD CKEtrrzEB, Symbolik III.
573). — KEIGHTLEY, Mythology, p. 117.
Symbols of lower bodies or vehicles,
•a containers of higher bodies or
energies. Symbols of higher mental
" faculties and the buddhic emotions.
By cups, chalices, vials, and platters,
same ia signified as by the things
" They are the Guardians of the
the Creative
contained in them. The literal sense of Power, while it is yet too weak to defend
the Word is a containing vessel." — itself. Therefore they watch over Zeus
SWEDENBOBO, Apoc. Rev., n. 672. when a child." — PHOCLUS, Polit., p. 387.
" Zeus," the incarnate Self born in
(moon), VESSEL. the soul, is protected at first by the
higher qualities that surround him
CUPID AND PSYCHE :— and are in harmony with him.
Symbols of the indwelling Self and See BIRTH or KRISHNA, DURASROBO,
the Emotion-nature. The two eldest GUARDIANS (world), HEROD, ZEUS.
daughters of the Archetypal Man
(king) are appetite and instinct, CURSE :—
born on the astral plane. The third
daughter, Emotion (Psyche), is born
A symbol of limitation of activity
through Divine laws and conditions
subjectively on the buddhic plane.
imposed upon matter.
Love of form life (Venus) draws, " Rhea
•s it were, the Self (Cupid) to effect (Nut) having corhpanied with
in the forms union between Emotion Kronos (Seb) by stealth, was discovered
and Desire, but the Self is in harmony by Helios (Ra), who laid a curse upon her,
that she should not be delivered in any
with buddbic Emotion and nurtures month or year." — PLUTABCH, Isit and
that subjectively (night) during periods Osiris, § 12.
of incarnation. Then, when all is Space (Nut) and Time (Seb), imply
prepared, Emotion awakens in the ing Form and Number, are rendered
mind, and the Self disappears from
apparent through the forthpouring
consciousness. This constitutes the
" fall " of mind and emotion into the action of the Logos (Ra). The " curse "
lower life of desire and sensation. is a symbol of limitation of matter in
Love of form life (Venus) enslaves time and space, for matter of herself
Emotion amid the sufferings and cannot bring forth in any period.
sorrows of the lives on earth. But See BIRTH OF OSIRIS, DAYS (five),
the indwelling Self (Cupid) "who NUT, RA, RHEA, SEB.
still loved her in secret, invisibly
comforted and assisted her in her CURSE ON THE GROUND :—
tolls." As evolution proceeds, the A symbol of limitation of the
Emotion nature becomes more and activities of the lower nature by
more apparent and active in love of moral law, through suffering.
righteousness, truth, justice, wisdom, " Because thou hast hearkened
and all the virtues, until at the end of
unto the voice of thy wife, and hast
the cycle, love of life in the forms eaten of the tree, of which I commanded
(Venus) is overcome, and the soul thee saying, Thou shall not eat of it :
rises Immortal to be joined with the cursed is the ground for thy sake ; in toil
Self for ever. shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy
This fable, it is said is a representation life." — GEN. iii. 17.
of the destiny of the human soul. The And to the mind (Adam) the con
eoul, which is of divine origin, is here science directs that, since the emotion-
below subjected to error in its prison nature (wife) has been apparently led
the body. Hence trials and purification!
are set before it, that it may become astray, and the moral nature (tree)
capable of a higher view of things, and has been acquired, the lower nature
of true desire. Two loves meet it, — the shall become abhorrent, stage by
earthly, a deceiver who draws it down stage, and it shall be a burden so long
to earthly things ; the heavenly who
as evolution upon the lower planes
directs its view to the original, fair and
divine, and who, gaining the victory over proceeds.
" By the
man hearkening to the voice CUTTING INSTRUMENTS OF
of his wife
is signified the consenting of
' '
the ' man or rational principle ; and
wli'Tt-iis the rational consented, it also Symbolic of the incisive intellectual
averted or cursed itself, and on that powers of analysis and discrimina
account the whole external man was tion.
averted (from celestial life), whicli is See BRASS, IRON, METAL, TUBAL,.
signified by the 'ground being cursed for
thy sake ; to ' eat thereof in great CYBELE, GODDESS RHEA :—
sorrow,' signifies that the state of his life
would become miserable ; and that this
A symbol of primordial space on
state would continue to the end of that the higher planes.
Church." — SWEDENBORO, Arc. Cel. to Oen. See CURETES, NUT, RHEA.
Hi. 17.
TREE OF KNOWLEDGE. Symbolic of Divine powers upon the
higher planes. They are the Monads
CURSE ON THE SERPENT :— of form — the highest builders of forms
on the planes of buddhi and manas.
A symbol of limitation of the desire- The Cyclopes are the first principles
mind to the lower planes in the soul. and causes of the figures which subsist
"And the Lord God said unto the everywhere. Hence theology says that
serpent, Because thou hast done this, they are ' manual artificers.' For this
cursed art thou above all cattle, and triad (Cyclopes) is perfective of figures,
above every beast of the field ; upon thy And in their forehead one round eye
belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou was fixed ' (Hesiod)." — HEBMIAS, Pkcedr.,
eat all the days of thy life." — GEN. iii. 14. Taylor, pp. 12-14.
And the judgment of the Divine The " one round eye " is a symbol
nature is that the lower mind is of perception on each of the higher
indeed lower in quality than the planes. The forms (figures) of organic
sub-human desires and instincts which life are modelled from growth -patterns
preceded its evolution. It shall on higher planes.
remain upon the lower planes, and See BUILDERS, MEN (one-eyed),
shall be nourished upon the activities MONAD OF FORM, POLYPHEMUS, PRO
which proceed from the lower nature. TOTYPES.
Symbols of egos who shall rise to
Divine manhood. Nine is their
CURTAINS OF THE TABERNACLE number, in that they have attained
perfection on the three lower planes,
Symbolic of the higher emotions, and that man becomes more than
veiling the causal-body. man when the tenth stage is reached.


A symbol of the astro-mental
nature. A symbol of faith arrived at through
interior meditation wherein the
"The parentage of Andromeda, the possibility of achieving freedom from
Soul, denotes the origin of the Soul from
the astral Fire or .flSther signified by the the thraldom of physical illusion
land of ^Ethiopes."— The Perfect Way, occurs.
A symbol of the Higher Self, or of
CUSHION TO RECLINE UPON the Individuality in the causal-body.
teaches — The important
Emblem of security and trust in
thing is, not that he should search out
the Divine nature. all things above and beneath the earth,
See PILLOW. but that he should commune with the
demon within him and serve him with bringers of salvation." — API-LEU'S. De
sincerity ; tho greater are the difficulties Deo Socratis, 6, 132.
which oppose themselves to the investi The " mid-space of air
gation of the Real, the more should a man the higher mental plane which is in
hold to that which in the changefulness
of things and of opinions can alone give the middle between the higher and
us calm,— to the conviction that nothing lower natures. By means of the
can happen to us which is not according higher mind, the
" bridge of manas,"
to the nature of the universe, and that communications pass from the higher
none can oblige us to act against our own
nature to the lower, and from the
conscience." — E. ZELLER, Eclecticism,
p. 278. lower to the higher. The aspirations
By each man standeth, from his natal of the soul always elicit a Divine
hour, a daemon, his kind mystagogue response.
through life." — Menander, quoted by
PLUTABCH. De Tranyu-Animi, 15, 474 B.
(Mind) is the Good Daimon.
Blessed the soul that is most filled with THOTH.
Him, and wretched is the soul that is
empty of the Mind." — The Key, Corpus DAEVAS :—
Hermeticum. A symbol of the lower desires,
"Archedamus thinks that the voice errors, and Illusions, which are the
which influenced Socrates was . . . the
influence of a superior intelligence and the opposites of the higher emotions,
of a Diviner soul, operating upon truths, and ideals.
the soul of Socrates, whose calm and " While Ormazd was thus completing
holy temper fitted him to hear this his Light-creation, Ahriman was making
spiritual speech which, though filling all a corresponding evil being for every good
the air around, is only heard by those being created by Ormazd. These stood
whose souls are freed from passion and in their ranks and orders, with their
it« perturbing influence.' seven presiding evil spirits, or Daevas,
On the Daemon of Socrates. corresponding to the Amshaspands."
" Did Socrates therefore call his own Zoroastrian System.
nature, which was very critical and And whilst upon the upper planes
productive, God T Just as Menander says of buddhi-manas, the archetypal
' '
our mind is God.' And Heraclitus, a
man's character is his daemon.' —
" creation was proceeding in accordance
PLCTABCH, Qu. Platan. I. 2. p. 999. with the Divine Will, simultaneously
The " daemon " is the Higher Self upon the lower astro-mental planes of
or Individuality, in relation to the manifestation the dual, or opposite,
Personality (Socrates) which was of each ideal thing was produced. It
approaching perfection and gradually is through the inverted reflection below
accomplishing its salvation. The of the things which are above, that
" taking poison " is a symbol of the the illusion of evil and error is created
final quietus given to the lower nature, in the soul. The dual or relative
after which the consciousness rises to creation in the lower nature comes as
the higher state. an opposite thing to the relationship
See AGATHODAIMON, ATMAN, BIRDS of the mind with the higher nature ;
(two), FIG-FRUIT, HIGHER AKD LOWER and what is ranked and ordered above
SELVES, INDIVIDUALITY, MIND, is correspondently arranged below.
PEBSONALITY, SELF. The order in which the ranks are
maintained refers to the several planes
DAMONS :— upon which the universe is manifest.
A symbol of Intelligences on the See AKRIHAN, ASURA, DATMONB,
buiMhic and higher mental planes, DEMONS, DEVILS, DOG-STAR, HOMA-
which assist evolution and are related JUICE, OFPOSITES, RAKSHASAS,
to the higher emotions and thoughts. SPENTO, ZAIHIMYANGURA.
" There are certain mediary divine
powers, between /Ether above and earth DAIMONS, OR DEMONS (LOWER
beneath, situate in that mid-space of air, ASPECT) :—
by whom our desires and deserts reach A symbol of the desires which
the Gods. These the Greeks call daemons, coalesce with thought and contain
carriers between human and heavenly,
energies directed to the external
hence of prayers, thence of gifts ; back
and forth they fare, hence with petition, world. Also the appetites, passions
thence with sufficiency, interpreters and and illusions of the lower nature.
" Those species of the daimons which Platoniste, to Plato and the Greek
continue in the quality of their own Mysteries, in which the God was held
class, — these love men's rational nature, suddenly to arrive and to take part in
and are called daimons proper." — The the sacred dance. Such rings of sacred
Perfect Sermon, V., HERMES. dancers, choirs,' are still characteristic
" One alone is Good, whose free utter of Dionysius, e.g. Heavenly Hierarchy,
ance is His manifestation through His vii. 4." — F. VON HUOEL, Mystical
Son ; it is by Him alone that the heart Element, Vol. II. p. 97.
can become pure, when every evil essence See HARMONY, Music AND DANCING,
has been expelled from it. Now, its SACKCLOTH, SATYRS.
purity is prevented by the many essences
which take up their abode in it, outraging DANCE, CIRCLE, ROUND A
it in divers fashions. . . . Thus it is CENTRE :—
with the heart so long as it has no care
taken of it, ever unclean and the abode A symbol of the harmonious exercise
of many daimons" (Valentinus). — CLEM. of the higher qualities, in unison with
ALEX., Strom. II. 20, 114. a central ideal.
See ANIMALS, ASURAS, BEASTS, " We perpetually revolve about the
DAEVAS, DEMONS, DEVILS, HARFIES, Principle of all things, even when we
HEALINQ. RAKSHASAS, SERPENTS. are perfectly loosened from it, and have
no longer a knowledge of it. But when
DAHAKA, THE SERPENT we behold it, then we obtain the end
of our wishes. Then also we are no
A symbol of Illusion and the sense longer discordant, but form a truly
of separateness. divine dance about it." — PLOTINUS, On
See SERPENT (dahaka), THRAETONA. the Good, or the One, § 8.
" In
Acts of John ' the disciples
DAITYA, THE GOOD RIVER :— are described as holding one another's
hands so as to make a ring round Jesus,
A symbol of relative truth which who stands in the midst, and to each
purifies the mind. line He sings, they intone in chorus the
sacred word
Amen.' "
DAKSHINA FIRE OR BREATH : Jesus exhorts a disciple thus, —
respond thou to my dancing.
A symbol of the desire-nature which See thyself in Me who speak, and when
ultimately leads to the purification thou hast seen what I
do, keep silence
of the soul. The " southern fire "
on my mysteries."
Then dancing, —
signifies the astral plane of the desires. "
Observe what I do, for thine is this
passion (suffering) of the Man, which I
am to suffer." — G. R. S. MEAD, Fragments,
DANAANS (GREEKS) :— etc., pp. 431-4.
A symbol of the lower mental The " disciples "are symbols of
qualities and faculties. twelve of the most disciplined qualities
See ACHAIANS, CAUSAL-SELF, of the soul, and they therefore stand,
GREEKS. as it were, round the central Ideal
DANCE, DANCING :— (Jesus), and look for teaching and
guidance to that which is highest.
A symbol of mental and buddhic
Then, as the Divine nature in the
activities exercised harmoniously and
in accordance with a governing midst expresses the harmony (singing)
principle. within, the disciplined qualities vibrate
" Make the dispelling of worldly love in unison. The exhortation is the
thy true and perfect tune, and set thy teaching of the Spirit that the quality
heart a-dancing to the Word " (Hymn of must merge and identify itself with
Guru Amar Das). — MACAULIFFE, Sikh the Divine, and conform unreservedly
Religion, Vol. II. p. 175.
" Thou hast turned to that which is higher than it can
for me my mourning
into dancing : thou hast put off my understand. It is to observe the
sackcloth, and girded me with gladness." harmony (dancing) within the spiritual
—Ps. xxx, 11. and ethical Ideal, and to bear patiently
Through suffering the soul is dis the suffering which it has to undergo
ciplined, and conflict is changed to in the personality (man) in order that
harmony when the higher activities the Divine ideal may be realised.
are brought into play. " Scaliger, who astonished Charles V
" The
conception of a sudden presence by his dancing powers, says the bishops
of God goes back, among the Neo- ' '
were called Praesules because they led
the dance on toast days. According to which his wise men were unable to explain
some of tho Fathers, the angels are to him." — D. F. STBAUSS, Life of Jesus,
always dancing, and the glorious Vol. I. p. 83.
company of the -apostles is really a The change of name signifies differ
chorus * of dancera." — Encyclopaedia
ence in aspect or condition of limita
tion. The head officials are the highest
GOPIS, HARMONY, HOURIES, MUSES, qualities of the lower nature, which
Music, PHAEACIANS, SATYKS. therefore favour the Self. The " self-
denial " indicates that the Spirit
DANCES OF HEAVENLY cannot be nourished or satisfied with
NYMPHS :— the things of sense and desire. The
Symbolic of the harmonious exer interpreting of the dreams signifies the
cise of the higher emotions within bringing knowledge of the problems
the Inner nature of the soul. of life which the lower mind and its
" And with the dances of the heavenly
faculties (wise men) are unable to solve.
nymphs, that Palace shone like mount
Kailasa."— Buddha-Karita. Bk. II. 30.
" dances of the heavenly
nymphs " are the higher activities in A symbol of experience of the ego,
the soul. The " Palace " is the causal- produced by the Higher Self (Zeus).
vehicle, which is said to shine, inas
much as it shows forth the splendours DARKNESS— HIGHER ASPECT :—
within it, which are perceived through Symbolic of the inscrutable Source
the intuition. of the One and the All, under the
" Now his elder son was in the field ; terms, the Absolute, the Potential,
and as he came and drew nigh to the the Unknowable, and the Unmanifest.
house, he heard music and dancing." — " With the Egyptians, Darkness was
LUKE xv. 25. the mystery of all mysteries. As Damacius
(On Pint Principles)
The intellect (elder son) is still says : Of the
engaged with the things of the lower First Principle the Egyptians said
nothing ; but characterised it as a
life. But it is appealed to through beyond all intellectual con
harmony (music) and rhythm (dancing), "
ception. — a thrice unknown Darkness.'
that is, through knowledge derived — Q. R. S. MEAD, T. O. Hermes, Vol. I.
by means of avenues of perception p. 91.
" It is necessary to point out that
awakened upon higher planes. As it
darkness is not to be understood, every
then draws nigh to a higher state of time it is mentioned, in a bad sense ;
consciousness (the house), so it be Scripture speaks of it sometimes in a
comes aware of that which had good sense. . . . Darkness and clouds
and tempest are said in Exodus (xix. 9, 16)
previously escaped its notice. to be round about Ood, and in the
See CAU (fatted), HEAVENLY 18th Psalm, v. 11, — He made darkness

NYMPHS, HUSKS, KAILASA, Music, His secret place, His tent round about
PBODIGAL. Him, dark water in clouds of the air.' " —
OuiUKs, ('iinim. on John, Bk. II. § 23.
DANIEL AND JOSEPH :— See .lull xxxviii. 9.
" In the beginning darkness existed,
Symbols of the Self incarnate in
enveloped in darkness. All this was
the lower nature of the soul, and
indistinguishable water." .— Pig • Veda,
gradually expressing outwardly the MANDALA, X. 129.
Truth that is within. "
This universe first existed only in
" As Joseph was carried captive to darkness, imperceptible, undefinable, aa
Egypt, to was Daniel to Babylon ; if immersed in sleep." — Law* of Manu,
(Ch. I. like Joseph he must change
2) I. 5.
" Darkness that knew no bounds was
hu name ; (7). God makes the prince
of the eunuchs favourable to him, as in Abyss, and Water, and subtle Breath
the chief butler to Joseph ; (9). he intelligent ; these were by power of God
abstains from polluting himself with in Chaos." — The Sacred Sermon, Hermes.
" Sanchuniathon auppoaea the be
partaking of the king's meats and drinks,
which are pressed upon him ; (8). a ginning of all things to consist of a
•elf-denial held as meritorious in the Dark Mist of a spiritual nature, or aa
time of Antiochus Epiphanes, as that of it were a Breath of dark mist, and of
Joseph with regard to Potiphar's wife ; a turbid chaos black as Erebus." — PHILO
.k- Joseph he gains eminence by the BYBLIUS, Fragment.
interpretation of a dream of the king.
" According to Berosus. — In the
beginning all was darkness and water." no shadow of death, where they who work
Cory's Anc. Frag., p. 58. iniquity may be hid (JOB xxxiv 22).
" The Marquesas Islanders have a What did he intend to designate by
' '
legend which relates that in the beginning darkness but ignorance, and what by
there was no life, light, or sound in the shadow of death,1 except oblivion ?
the world, that a boundless night, Po, For it is said of the ignorance of certain
enveloped everything, over which Tanaoa, persons, Having their mind obscured
which means ' darkness,' and Mutu-hei, with darkness' (Ern. iv. 18.). And it is
which means 'silence,' ruled supreme." written again of the oblivion which
— FOBNANDEB, Polynesian Race, Vol. I. comes on us at death, In that day all
p. 63. their thoughts shall perish (Ps. cxlvi. 4).
" The doctrine Since then, whatever is thought of during
(of Christian mysticism)
is ever that which is so emphatically life is utterly consigned to oblivion by
enforced by the great non-Christian death ; oblivion is a kind of shadow
schools of mysticism, that the Being of of death." — ST. GBEGORY, Morals on the
Beings is cognisable only by the purified Book of Job, Vol. III. p. 99.
mind. At first the Supreme Reality See BIRTH OP BUDDHA, DAYLIGHT,
appears to the inner eye as darkness. DAYS, EXPERIENCES, HIDING PLACE,
This apparent darkness is, however, in
itself light, dazzling and blinding in
its splendour, and it gradually becomes DEMUS, NIGHT (darkness) WOMEN'S
visible as such, when the spiritual vision LIFE, YOMI.
is purged and strengthened and renewed
by the stripping off of all love for the DATE-PALM LEAVES, AS A
relative, the dependent, the phenomenal, SCREEN :—
and by the assiduous practice of all An emblem of self-sufficiency, a
moral virtues." — W. 8. LILLY, The Great
Enigma, p. 267.
shielding of the lower self from the
light of the Higher Self.
DEEP, EGG,' NIGHT (primordial), Po,
DARKNESS— LOWER ASPECT :— A symbol of the lower affections and
emotions which proceed from minds
Symbolic of Ignorance which is
united with desires.
absence of the light of Truth. " The sons of God saw the daughters of
" The profundity of each body is
men that they were fair ; and they took
matter. Hence all matter is dark, them wives of all that they chose." —
because reason is light, and intellect
GKN. vi. 2.
is reason." — PLOTINUS, On Matter, § 5.
Darkness is falsity proceeding either The Egos or ideals in the mind identi
from ignorance of the truth, or from fied themselves with the sense-objects,
a false principle of religion, or from a and so affection for the things of desire
life of evil." — SWEDENBOKG, Apoc. Rev., was set up, and hence illusion was
The " taking of wives " is
n. 413.
" For thou art my produced.
lamp, O Lord :
and the Lord will lighten my darkness." the seeking by the Egos for the Self
—2 SAM. xxii. 29. through the taking of forms, or bodies.
" The Man stands in the middle " Men are certain minds or thoughts;
between the two worlds of light and and a host of thoughts are now discerned
darkness, left to his own free-will." to be alive within us ; their ' daughters '
— Zoroastrian System. are the affections springing from them."
Seated in the causal-body upon the — A. JUKES, Types of Oenesis, p. 108.
" In the
higher mental plane, and midway days when the sons of God
between the physical state and the came down to the daughters of men.
Under this descent some have supposed
Atman, the human soul starts its that there is an enigmatical reference
career as a limited but responsible to the descent of souls into bodies,
entity, which is thenceforth account taking the phrase daughters of men '
able to itself for its thoughts, conduct, as a tropical expression for this earthly
tabernacle." — OBIOEN, Comm. on John,
and experiences. These are periodi Bk. VI, S 25.
cally and ultimately collected, re See CHILDREN OF MEN, MAN,
viewed, and co-ordinated in the causal- NEPHILIM, SONS AND DAUGHTERS,
body, and thus it is that the ego is SONS OF GOD.
able, through identifying himself with
the true Self of his being, to attain DAVID, KING OF ISRAEL :—
final liberation from ignorance and evil. A symbol of the natural man,
" ' There is no darkness, is,
and there is that the lower mental and
emotional nature which rules over Have mercy on me. O Lord, thou son
the little- developed qualities of the of David ; my daughter is grievously
soul. vexed with a devil. But he answered her
" God's Son, who was born of the seed not a word. And his disciples came and
besought him saying, Send her away." —
of David according to the flesh, who was MAT. xv. 22, 23.
declared to be the Son of God with So long as Christ is appealed to as
power, according to the spirit of holiness,
by the resurrection from the dead." mind (man), — as a " son of David," —
—ROM. i. 3, 4. the lower emotion-nature (the woman)
This represents the genealogy of is addressing Him from the lowest
the indwelling Christ after the lower state. It is therefore really no appeal,
nature (the flesh), — the natural and no answer to the prayer can be
heredity, as it were.
" David " is given. The qualities (disciples) do not
ruler of the lower nature (earth), and relish the use to which they were to
it is through this condition of ruler- be put in order to allow of the gracious
ship of matter in the soul that the act of the Christ afterwards taking
Invisible is embodied. The Christ place.
" Jesus faith of the blind
cannot actually be manifested among requires
men (MAT. ix. 27), that he may thereby
men excepting through a physical
raise their thoughts higher ; they had
vehicle of sufficiently exquisite re called Him the son of David, therefore
sponsiveness to enable It to incarnate He instructs them that they should
and reveal its nature in some degree. think higher things of Him. Thus He
does not say to them, Believe ye that
It must be borne in. mind that the I can ask the Father f but, Believe ye
Christ is not ultimated in the human that I am able to do this ? They say
race until the physical brain matter unto Him, Yea, Lord. They call Him
is adapted to interpret the functionings no more son of David, but exalt Him
higher, and confess His dominion. Then
which play upon it from Above. In He lays His hand upon them." —
this explanation of " Jesus
" is to be
found the connection between the See DISCIPLES, HEALING, MAN,
supposed external or historic, and the WOMAN.
inward or essential, Christ.
" What are the conquests of David, DAWN, DAYBREAK, DAY-
or the greater conquests of David's SPRING :—
everlasting Son, over the kingdoms of A symbol of the commencement
the earth, but a shadow of that inward of manifestation — the period of the
conquest which Christ worketh over his
Self's forthgoing to establish the
enemies within our souls, which is more
valuable than the earth, and to conquer planes of nature. This is typified In
which is a higher achievement than to the approach of sunrise when the sun
subdue the kingdoms of the earth ? The (the Self) appears.
soul is a thing for the Son of God to " Verily, the Dawn is the head of
conquer, the world is for Csesar, or the Horse which is fit for sacrifice ; the Sun
son of Philip. The soul, the boundless its eye, the Wind its breath, the Mouth
world of the soul to recover, to reconcile the Vaisvanara fire, the Year the body
its warring powers, to breathe the life of the sacrificial Horse, etc." — Brihad.
of God over its chaotic wastes — this is Upanishad, V. 1.
a work whereof all outward works are
The " Horse sacrifice " has the same
only fit to be the emblems ; a work, " Lamb sacrifice," and
in the execution of which every spiritual meaning as the
man feels the going forth of his Saviour is a symbol of the sacrifice of the
conquering and to conquer." — ED. Logos in the involution of Himself in
IBVINO, Writing*, Vol. I. p. 403. matter. Hence the " Horse " often
M \\.
See BLIND CHRIST, EABTH, stands for the " Ram " in the first sign
FLESH, INCARNATION, ISRAELITES, of the Zodiac, which represents the
JONATHAN, MAN (natural), RESUR- sun's (the Self's) entrance upon his
DAVID, SON OF :— The " head of the Horse " signifies
the beginning of manifestation. The
A symbol of the mind in Its lower " Year the body " represents
evolutional aspect, or a state of the the whole
Cycle of Life. The
" Sun its "
lower mind. eye
" A Canaanitish woman came out stands for the Higher Self, the per
from those borders, and cried saying, ceiving consciousness. The " Wind its
" signifies the Divine Life (sky). Then their opposites, evil and
active upon the mental plane. The error (the n suras), are necessitated to
" Mouth the Vaisvanara fire " signifies appear on the astral and lower mental
the Divine Will expressed in the planes. Thus manifestation becomes
energies of the atma-buddhic plane. divided into higher and lower planes :
See ADITI, ARIES, ASUBA, CREATION , the first, a realm of light (day) and the
EAST, HORSE-SACRIFICE, MAYA (higher), second, a realm of darkness (night).

A symbol of a period of activity
Symbolic of periods of manifesta
upon the upper planes. tion. Cycles of involution and evolu
tion. The "six days" of Gen. 1.
DAY, GREAT, OF BRAHMA :— are all periods of involution, not of
evolution. It is stated that the
A symbol of a manvantara or " evening and the morning were
cycle of manifestation upon seven
one day," that is, the twelve hours
planes. The "Great Day" Is pre
between the evening and the morning
ceded, and also followed, by a period
were the period meant, which corre
of inactivity, — pralaya.
sponds with the twelve hours of the
night of the Egyptian Tuat. The
PRALAYA, SAMSARA, TUAT, YEAR, under-world or lower world of our
ZODIAC. present experience is always said
to be in darkness, because the Higher
Self (the sun) is obscured, and we are
Symbolic of periods of spiritual plunged in spiritual ignorance and
and material activity, in major or error.
in minor cycles. "And God called the light Day, and
" the darkness he called Night. And there
Day and Night are Pragapati, its
day is spirit, its night matter." — Praana was evening and there was morning, one
Upanithad, I. 13. day." — GEN. i. 5.
" Learning through this treatise, by The " light " is the consciousness, the
trouble and day and night painstaking." " dark
spirit-side of being, whilst the
— Preface to the Bundahis.
ness " is the material, the form-side
Learning from the Book of Life is " Evening " and " morn
" day and of nature.
possible only by effort and " are symbolic of the indrawing
night painstaking," that is, through
and the outgoing forces, constituting
experience in a successive series of
the first Life-wave.
physical incarnations.
Symbolic of the spiritual and the The five days are taken as sig
material aspects of existence. Per nifying the five manifest planes of
ception and non-perception of the nature. When these five planes are
higher activities of being. emanated, they are, as it were,
" Now what daylight, as it were, there added to the 360 degrees (days) of the
was for Pragapati, on creating the gods, Zodiac, or potential cycle of life,
of that he made the day ; and what making it the actual cycle (365 days)
darkness, as it were, there was for of the course of the sun (Higher
him, on creating the Asuras, of that he
made the night : there are these two, " These several 70th parts of the
day and night." — Sato. BrdA.,XI. 1, 6, 11. moon's illuminations, making five new
Divine Wisdom (Pragapati) is said days, Thoth afterwards joined together
" by the breath of his mouth
" to
and added to the 360 of which the year
" create the gods on entering the formerly consisted : which days are
called by the Egyptians the epact or
sky," which means that the highest and observed by them as
ideals (gods) of goodness and truth are the birthdays of the gods." — PLUTARCH,
first produced on the plane of buddhi Jxi.i and Osiris, § 12.
" For unto this
Prior to the Earth cycle the Lunar end was the gospel
preached even to the dead, that they
cycle was established, which gives rise might be judged according to men in
to the evolution of the human race. the flesh, but live according to God in
The higher mind (Thoth) becomes the spirit." — 1 PETER iv. 6.
related to 72 conditions on the physical, The lower personalities having had
astral, and mental planes, which placed before them spiritual knowledge
serve to correlate the five planes upon as a means of development, they are
which manifestation now proceeds, in a position to profit through their
and within which related planes are experiences of the lower life (flesh),
chronically comprised the 360 degrees so that the Divine nature within
of the Zodiac (year) — symbol of the them may unfold to the light.
" By the dead who are to be judged,
life-cycle through which the develop
in a universal sense are meant they who
ment of the soul is accomplished. have died out of the world, but in a
On the five planes of primordial nature, proper sense are meant they who have
the Divine life (the gods) in five not any spiritual life." — SWEDENBORG,
aspects takes birth. Apoc. Rev., n. 525.
A symbol of the consciousness rising
from the lower nature to the higher,
(five), THOTH, WORLDS (five), YEAR, from the personality to the indivi
ZODIAC. duality.
DEAD, BURYING OF THE :— " The Naassene exclaims, ' The dead
A symbol of the painful ridding of shall start forth from their graves,' that
is, from the earthly bodies, being born
the old dead self by the ego. The again spiritual, not carnal. For this,
moralised . personality putting under he says, is the Resurrection that takes
the " old Adam." place through the gate of heaven, through
" ' Lord, suffer me first to go and bury which, he says, all those that do not
my father.' Jesus answered, 'Leave the enter remain dead." — HIPPOLYTUS, Bk. V.
dead to bury their own dead ; but go p. 143.
thou and publish abroad the kingdom The "earthly bodies" are the
of God.' " — LUKE ix. 59, 60.
" This signifies the hankering after mental, astral, and physical bodies of
the lower nature (earth). The " gate
some time-worn association which is, "
of heaven is the higher mental plane,
as it were, father * of the personal the central plane between the higher
state of mind, and which effectually and lower natures. The personalities
prevents the 'kingdom of God,' or which do not rise to the higher
first hand, interior, religion, from being "
planes are mortal and remain dead" :
understood. The Christ enjoins the the individualities which emanate them
leaving of such impedimenta to are alone immortal and seated in
natural dissolution, and the turning causal-bodies.
of the soul to truth and righteousness." " ' Blessed are the dead ' xiv. 13)
" ' Why seek ye the living among the (REV.
does not, I think, mean,
Blessed are
dead ' (LUKE xxiv. 5). We go to look for '
they whose bodies are dead ; the death
Christ in the tomb of moribund creeds, referred to is not physical. Now the
and refuse to believe that He can be '
phrase in the Lord,' even in the ordinary
anywhere else. . . . We fail to see the interpretation, means in a state of faith,
Living Christ standing in the midst of a state of conscious union with God.
the mighty movements of the day and That I believe is the true meaning of
directing them to diviner issues." — R. J. the phrase, a conscious union with God,
CAMPBELL, Serm., The Resurrection Life. with the Source of all life, and therefore
See ADAH (lower), CORPSE, FATHER union with all God's world. Now what
(lower), OINTMENT, PERSONALITY, is it that dies in that consciousness of
union with God ? It is the lower self, the
illusion that we are separate from God,
DEAD TO BE JUDGED :— that dies in the other consciousness, aa
the stream dies in the sea, as shadows
Symbolic of the lower personalities die in the sun, as darkness dies in the
tobe estimated according to their dawn. In the coming forth of the Divine
merits and demerits. Essence into manifestation we found
individual existence. At first wo did manifesting its qualities . All vehicles
not know that we were individuals, but of a monad of life die after a period,
we discovered ourselves. Then we made
the mistake of supposing that we were
and are dissipated into their primary
not only individuals but entirely separate atoms, but life and consciousness
entities." — T. RHONDDA WILLIAMS, Serm., endure for ever, as they are aspects
Dying in the Lord. of the eternal Spirit. The human
See BORN AGAIN, COKPSE, GATE body yields up its life only in relation
(higher), INDIVIDUALITY, PERSON to its organising human monad
ALITY, REGENERATION, RESURRECTION. which has withdrawn itself ; but the
lives of its molecules remain, and these
DEAFNESS AND DUMBNESS :— set up the changes called decomposi
Symbolic of the absence of per tion.
" When we
ception of the truth and love from know what form really is,
within, and inability to express the " Thus what is life and what is death."
same. nothing is ever annihilated but
the accidental, the exterior, material
See GIFT OF TONGUES, HEALING, form ; both matter and the substantial
SIGHT. form, i.e. spirit, being eternal " (Bruno). —
J. L. MclNTYBE, Qiordano Bruno, pp. 160,
"There is in ever living organism a
A symbol of a state of latency, or
a condition unfruitful of the virtues law of Death. We are wont to imagine
and higher qualities of the soul. that Nature is full of Life. In reality it
is full of Death. One cannot say it is
See DEVASTATION, DROUGHT, SAB natural for a plant to live. Examine its
BATHS, WINTER. nature fully, and you have to admit that
its natural tendency is to die. It is
DEATH UNTO LIFE :— kept from dying by a mere temporary
The passage, as it were, of the endowment, which gives it an ephemeral
human monad from the lower nature dominion over the elements — gives it
power to utilise for a brief span the rain,
to the higher. The lower nature of the sunshine, and the air, Withdraw
the soul, centred by the personality, this temporary endowment for a moment
perishes, while the victorious ego rises and its true nature is revealed. Instead
to the higher mental plane and be of overcoming Nature it is overcome.
comes one with its Lord (the In The very things which appeared to
dividuality) in the causal-body. minister to its growth and beauty now
" ' turn against it and make it decay. . . .
Blessedare the dead who die in the Life is merely a temporary suspension
Lord.' Rightly, indeed, does He call of these destructive powers ; and this
them the blessed dead, for they remain is truly one of the most accurate defini
continually dead to themselves, and tions of life we have yet received — ' the
immersed beyond their own nature in sum total of the functions which resist
the gladdening unity of God." — RUYS- death.' " — H. DKUMMOND, Natural Law,
BROECK, Stoddart's trans., p. 85.
" The etc., pp. 103-4.
death that we have to die has The above presents only a negative
little to do with physical dissolution ;
it is the letting go, the laying down, one view of life. Life is a directive
by one, of all the desires that seek their agency from higher planes, guiding
gratification in separatoness from our growth according to specific patterns
brethren. One by one these shackles of animal, vegetal, and mineral forms.
have to be broken, these attractions
disowned, these illusions swept away." — The withdrawal of the directive
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Lifting up agency is death of the form.
of Christ. See ASTRAL, BIRTH (forms), DEVAS
The lower life is the outflowing (builders), MENTAL, MONAD OF FORM,
limited life of the manifest which ends SIMILITUDES, SIVA.
in death, while the higher life is the
inflowing, increasing life towards the DEATH OF THE PERSONALITY :—
Ideal and Eternal within. A symbol of the perfecting of the
See MONAD OF LIFE, PERSONALITY, lower nature of the soul, which
RE-BIRTH, RESURRECTION, SEPARA implies its dissolution and the rise
TION. of the human consciousness to the
higher mind. The personality is
DEATH OF THE FORM :— always said to be mortal. It dis
A symbol of the withdrawal of life appears as it unites with the immortal
from the form in which it has been Individuality at the end of the cycle.
" For since by man camo death, by In matter. Of the obscuration of
man came also the resurrection of the Spirit In the lower consciousness —
dead. For as in Adam all die, so also the apparent withdrawal of the Self
in Christ shall all be made alive." —
through the fall of the lower mind
1 COR. xv. 21, 22.
" Blessed are the dead which die in the to the plane of desire and sense. Of
Lord from henceforth." REV. xiv. 13. an apparent passage of the Soul from
For since by the fall of mind (man) a lower to a higher state of conscious
ness, implying death out of one state
came obscuration of the Spirit, by the
and birth into another.
rise of mind comes also the return "
to spiritual life. For as in the lower It is Christ Jesus that died, yea
rather, that was raised from the dead,
mind or personality (Adam) there who is at the right hand of God, who
is no spiritual life, so in the higher also maketh intercession for us." —
mind ruled by the Spirit shall ROM. viii. 34.
the individualities have immortality. It is the Higher-Self as Archetypal
Blessed are the egos whose person Man that died in the involution of the
alities are perfected and disappear in Soul, yea rather, that was in us
their individualities from henceforth. raised from the dead in the evolution
The Personality is represented in the of our souls, who now is seated in our
whole series of changing incarnations hearts to actively assist us in all
of one ego. When the Personality is well-doing and to bring our souls to
perfected and dissolves, the causal perfection.
body is also perfected and becomes The death of the Divine Being is
the seat of the ego in the manifest said to occur in the manifestation of
order. a universe, for Spirit is unapparent
See ADAM (lower), CAUSAL-BODY, in the realm of phenomena. God is
CORPSE, DEAD, FALL, INCARNATION OF always within and never without.
A symbol of the withdrawal of life
from a stage of growth or develop DEATH OF BALDER :—
ment of the soul. This occurs when
A symbol of the descentof the Self
the stage has effected the purpose or Soul to incarnate on the lower
for which it existed. Each soul- planes.
state Is a specific limitation of the " Then said Frigg : ' Neither weapon
life within, and as the life evolves,
the states begin to cramp, so that old nor wood will hurt Balder because I
have taken an oath from them.' but
states have to pass away and new '
eastward of Valhalla there grows a
states take their place after many twig which is called Mistletoe, and it
degrees of overlapping. seemed to me too young to require an
" A truth or principle is that all life oath from.' Lake now took Mistletoe,
tends to encrust itself, to imprison laid his command upon it, and went to
Itself within itself, and that its crust the Assembly. There he found Hoder,
needs to be constantly broken and who stood in the outermost circle of the
returned into the general mass out of crowd, because he was blind. Loke
which it was formed, in order that the inquired, Wherefore dost thou not shoot
best influences may be received. Ever at Balder ? ' He replied ' Partly because
there must be a return to primitive I cannot see him, and partly because I
simplicity, to a condition of first principles, have no weapon." Then said Loke:
in which the power to receive may '
I will point out to thee where he stands
be freshened and renewed." — PHILLIPS and do thou shoot at him with this
BROOKS, Mystery of Iniquity, p. 160. wand.' So Hoder took the Mistletoe and
See ABSYRTUS, MULTIPLY, PATRI shot at Balder. The shot pierced him,
ARCHS, SETH. and he fell dead to the earth " (The
Prose Edda). — HOWITT, Literature, etc.
DEATH OF THE SPIRIT, SOUL, OR Wisdom (Frigg) rules the evolu
HIGHER SELF :— tionary cycle, and sets limits on all
A symbol of the descent of Spirit forms (weapon, etc.) of relative ex
Into Matter, or involution of spirit perience, so that no harm can happen
to the One (Balder) who is deep DEATH OF LEMMINKAINEN :—
within the soul. But it appears that A symbol of the descent of the Self
in " the east " of, or above the astral to the lower planes.
plane (Valhalla) in the new cycle, " The Lady of Pohjola imposed a third
there is the germ of mind (Mistletoe). condition on Lemminkainen (to giving
At present mind is latent, but as soon her daughter to him) that he should
kill with an arrow the Swan that lives
as it grows into activity, the soul will on the black waters of the river of Tuoui,
have its eyes opened, and become a lord of the dead. And Lemminkainen
responsible being, knowing good and went down into the abysses of Manala,
evil. The Desire -nature (Loke) now the abode of the dead. But there, near
the river, lay in wait for him the evil-
acquires the impetus of the added minded Shepherd whom he had despised
mind (took Mistletoe), and so is the and spared. And when he came near,
means of evolving a separate will this Shepherd pulled from the waters a
which enables the instinct-nature monstrous Serpent and hurled it against
him; the viper penetrated into the very
(Hoder) to co-ordinate a will and vitals of the hero, and he died, thinking
intelligence. The instinct-nature is on his mother. Then the Shepherd
lowest, and therefore lies at the outer threw him into the waters of the black
river, and Tuoni cut him to pieces with
extreme of the evolving soul, where
his sharp sword and strewed his limbs
it is blind, unreasoning and unen on the stream. — Professor COMPARETTI.
lightened. Now it is that the Desire - Traditional Poetry of the Finns, p. 86.
mind (Loke) becomes capable of The astro -physical nature (Lady of
tempting the soul, and asks why the Pohjola) offers, as it were, to the
Higher Self (Balder), regarded as an Higher Self (Lemminkainen) the
enemy, is not killed out I The reply Sense-nature (her daughter) on con
is given that the Lower-nature (Hoder) dition that the spiritual nature or
is unaware of its existence, and also Divine germ (swan on the dark
that there are no means in its power waters) is destroyed. So the Higher
for effecting such an end. Then the self descends into the lower nature
Desire -nature, being higher, reminds (abysses of Manala) and becomes
the Lower-nature that it must needs involved therein, as the Archetypal
play its part as an agent of the evolving man. But the lower instincts (the
Self, — that it cannot continue to exist evil Shepherd), whose origin is be
in ignorance of It (the conscience), neath, had now evolved and become
and that it must recognise its relation allied with the Desire-nature (the Ser
ship with the Divine Life within. pent). This combination killed out
The desire-mind, therefore, enlightens for a time the higher promptings, and
the Lower-nature, and becomes the so the Self is said to die. But the
means of opening its eyes, as it were ; hope of the Self's resurrection lies
and so directs its aim that a commence in the Wisdom-nature (the Divine
ment is made of its eventful struggle Mother) and the transmutations to be
with its great Adversary the Higher effected through it (buddhi). The
Self. The mind (Mistletoe) then soul is now ruled by the Desire-
becomes engrafted in the desires, and mind (Tuoni, lord of the nether
the sense of conflict, or resistance to world), and the struggle below pro
discipline, is introduced into the duces limitation and diversity. But
evolving soul. By this means the in all qualities (limbs of the Ineffable)
unconditioned becomes the conditioned there is to be found the germ of pro
" Fall " into
and limited, and the gress.
the underworld, or descent into the See ARC. MAN, DISMEMBERMEXT,
lower realm of births and deaths HODER, LEMMINKAINEN, PRAQAPATI,
is accomplished. SERPENT (water), SWAN.
HERUOD, HODER, HYRROCKEN, LOKE, A symbol of the immersion of tbe
MISTLETOE, MJOLNEB, NANNA, ODIN, Higher Self in the matter of the lower
RINGHORNE, SERPENT (water), V AL planes, as the Archetypal Man.
B-AIT.* , WEEPING. " Os'ris laid himself down in the chest
that had been prepared for him, and These include the totality of primordialts
forthwith Set and his companions put cauta, prototypa, primordialia extmpla,
the cover on, and nailed it down. After or Ideas, i.e. the eternal archetypes of
wards, Isis searched for and found the things. These Ideas, which are the
chest, which had been cast into the sea. first causes of individual existences, are
This she eventually put in an unfre contained in the Divine Wisdom or the
quented place. Set, however, as he divine Word, the only-begotten Son of
wag out hunting, accidentally met with the Father. Under the influence of the
it, opened it, and tore the body into Holy Ghost (or the fostering divine love)
several pieces, fourteen (or more) in all, they unfold their effects, which are the
dispersing them up and down in different created and not creating objects, or the
parts of the country. Isis, hearing of external world. . . . Creation is an act
this, set out in search of the scattered of God by which he passes through
fragments, and wherever she found one, (procestio) the primordiales causas, or
she there buried it, and erected a sepul principia into the world of invisible and
chre." — PLUTARCH, Isis and Osiris, § 13. visible creatures. . . . Scotus says ex
The Higher Self (Osiris) in com pressly that he affirms the doctrine of
the descent of the Triune God into finite
pleting the process of involution into things, not only with reference to the
matter, occupied the lower World-soul single instance of the Incarnation, but
(chest) which the laws of nature had with reference to all created things, or
built ; and he willingly submitted existences. Our life is God's life in us.
The knowledge which angels and men
himself to the limitations imposed have of God is God's revelation of him
upon him by the lower nature (Set self in them, or theophany." — UEBEBWEO'S
and companions). The Wisdom from Hist, oj Philoa, Eng. trans., Vol. I. p. 362.
above (Isis) was able subsequently to Ideas, — the archetypes on the mental
impress and raise the soul, after it plane of things to appear on the lower
had first been acted upon by environ planes, — are contained in the Arche
ment through passion and desire typal Man or Incarnate God. Under
(waves of the sea). But as the lower the influence of Wisdom (Holy
emotions evolve, a state of inertia Ghost) these Ideas take effect on the
supervenes (unfrequented place). astral and physical planes and become
Then the form -nature, motived by the qualities and objects on those
Desire (Set) attempts to force, as it planes. The Creative Spirit in In
were, the higher Life out of the volution passes through the matter
•Mil. and the resistance being great, of the planes to endow it with that
there is caused the evolution of which shall afterwards appear in the
" world of invisible and visible
many qualities which operate on
various This creatures,"
sub-planes. implies
individuation, — the homogeneous be "And the water under the earth,
which is in nature indeed one, but which
coming heterogeneous. flows through all the paths of earth and
Then Wisdom descends and en is divided into many parts, they call
deavours to harmonise and discipline Osiris, as being cut in pieces."— -Clementine
Homilies, VI. 9.
the qualities. The erection of a
The lower water is a symbol of the
sepulchre signifies the establishment
astral, or astro-mental nature, — the
of a mode of functioning from an " body of Osiris," — which is
astro -mental centre. These sepulchres
tiated into the qualities of the lower
are forms of faith ; sectarian pre
nature (earth).
sentations which are too often but
empty forms under which truth is
John Scotus (Erigena) understood
much of the processes of Involution
and Evolution, as the following account
will show. The first sentence may be
taken as referring to the Archetypal
Man (Osiris).
" The uncreated but creating nature is DEATH, KING ; YAMA THE SON
the source of all created things. First OF VIVASVAT :—
of all, the created natures or beings,
which are endowed at the same time A symbol of perfection ; that is, of
with creative power, were produced. the personality (Vlvasvat) perfected
(Yama). It therefore stands for an of power in the functionings of the
aspect of the Higher Self, or Causal Logos upon the planes, during the
Self. cycle of life.
" The sage that hears and recites this " The 36 Egyptian decans are the
primeval narrative that Death recited and who watched for ten days each over the
Nachiketas heard is worshipped as in the 360 days of the Egyptian year, and were
sphere of Self." — Katha. Upanishad, III. divided into two classes, or hemispheres,
The spiritual ego or monad that has those of the day and of the night." —
progressed through the sacred drama SAYCE, Bel. of Anc. Egypt, and Baby I. ,
in its own experience is thereby p. 237.
The 36 stars serve to symbolise the
exalted to the higher planes. As
death only comes to the lower nature
path of the sun through the Zodiac,
when it is perfected, so " Death "
that is, the path of the Higher Self,
or Divine Ego, through the cycle of
stands for the perfected personality
life (year). The " decans " signify
which becomes one with the Self.
Nachiketas " is a symbol of the degrees of spiritual energy shown in

Soul which learns by experience, or

the functionings on the planes. In
the outgoing (day) the Spirit appears
is taught by the perfected personality
to become weaker and weaker ; in
(Yama) during its long series of
the incoming (night) stronger and
incarnations in personalities. Death
is king because it signifies supremacy stronger.
" Beneath the Circle of this all-
over the lower nature. embracing frame, are ranged the Six
See GILOOOLEM, MANU VAIVASVATA, and Thirty Decans, between this Circle
NACHIKETAS, PERSONALITY, RE-INCAR of the Universe and that one of the
NATION, SAGE, VATVASVATA, YAMA. Animals, determining the boundaries of
both these Circles, and, as it were, holding
that of the Animals aloft up in the air,
DEATHS OF THE HIGHER SELF :— and so defining it." — " The Perfect
As the Higher Self is born so must Sermon."— G. R. S. MEAD, T. O. Hermes,
He die. But these Births and Deaths Vol. II. p. 46.
on the planes are appearances only, The " Circle encompassing all
and are consequent on the limitations tilings," signifies the Absolute, — the
with which the Logos, in manifesting, Eternal Source. The " Circle of the
set forth. It is these limitations of Animals, or the Life-giving Circle,"
Spirit which constitute the Divine
signifies the Cycle of Life, represented
Sacrifice taught in all Scriptures.
The great process of existence by the Zodiac and its animal signs.
involves the law of birth and death, When manifestation commences, the
and the Supreme in coming forth as latent Cycle of Life is, as it were,
the Divine Monad, or greatest centre held aloft in the heavens and energised.
of consciousness, voluntarily places See BOAT-SEKTET, CELESTIAL STEMS,
Himself under the law. CIRCLE OP EXISTENCE, DAYS (five),
He is born into existence under a PLANES, SELF, YEAH, ZODIAC.
scheme of limitation In which He
eventually dies, and is born again DECEASED :—
under another scheme . But in all this , See DEFUNCT.
He is the Wisdom, Life, and Conscious
ness of the universe ; and all the DECEIT (MAYA) :—
lesser monads, or sub-centres of Significant of illusion, the opposite
consciousness live in, by, and through of Truth.
Him ; and eventually merge them See ILLUSION, MAYA (lower).
selves in Him, when at the end of
the cycle He returns to His source, DEEP OR DEPTHS :—
the Absolute.
The deaths are always below in A symbol of the lower nature as
matter, and when He dies below, His aregion of darkness below the higher
power is at its highest above. He nature.
provides His vehicles for Himself, " Who shall descend into the deep T
for He is Lord over all. (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead).
ROM. x. 7.
DECANS, THE 36,— (36 x 10 = 360 This refers to the mistaken notion
degrees) :— that the lower nature can command
These are indicative of the degrees the higher. It is Christ of his own
power who rises from the dead lower perfected it becomes one with the
nature in the souls of men. individuality in the causal body.
" When there were no depths, I was The individuality is then completely
brought forth." — PBOV. viii. 24. expressed (true of voice) on its own
Prior to the reflection of the Higher plane, and is in possession of all the
Self (atma-buddhi) in the "depths,"
faculties and qualities to which it is
—lower nature — the Higher Self was
entitled through the strivings of its
manifest on the higher planes.
personalities life after life.
See ABYSS, ATEA, CHAOS, DELOS, " Whatever he hath
(the deceased)
FOUNTAINS, GINUNGA, Po, TANAOA, found upon his path he hath consumed,
WINDOWS or HEAVEN STOPPED. and his strength is greater than that of
any spiritual body (tahu) in the horizon ;
DEEP, OF EA THE CREATOR :— he is the firstborn of all the firstborn . . .
he hath carried off the hearts of the
A symbol of the manasic plane on
gods. He hath eaten the wisdom of
which the Logos creates the forms of every God, and hia period of existence
the material universe. The firma is everlasting, and his life shall be unto
ment. all eternity, . . . for the souls and spirits
See CREATION, EA, FIRMAMENT. of the gods are in him" (Inscription in
the pyramid of Unas). — Ibid., p. 172.
DEEP, OF TIAMAT :— The fully expressed individuality
A symbol of the astral plane of the
" liveth upon his fathers and maketh
lower emotions and passions, at first food of his mothers," that the

devoid of order. perfected soul has been produced and
See ASTRAL PLANE, CHAOS, TIAMAT, sustained by the lower conditions
WATER (lower). or prior mental and emotional states
DEER, THAT SPRING :— which have given birth. His

powers are greater than those possessed
Symbolic of aspirations towards the
truth. by any causal-body (sahu) in the
lower cycle (horizon). He has priority
"The spotted deer are the recognised
animals of the Maruts, and were originally, over all previously produced states.
as it would seem, intended for the rain- He has acquired the ideals (gods) of
clouds." — MAX Mru i K, S. B. of E., Vol. wisdom, love, and truth, which make
XXXII. p. 70. him immortal.
The spottedness signifies the impure " The deceased himself My soul

appearance of the lower manifestation, God, my soul eternity.'

" (Papyrus


which nevertheless is all pure within, of Ani).— Ibid., p. 173.

The soul in its highest aspect one

and representative of the activities

of the spiritual monads or divine with the World-soul or Higher Self
Sparks (the Marute). Tho aspirations the Eternal.
" Some
may ask, what is to be a

are responded to from above, and

partaker of the Divine nature, or a
buddhi (rain-cloud) showers truth. Godlike man Answer he who

See CLOUDS, MABUTS, RAIN, embued with, or illuminated by, the

SPOTTED. Eternal or Divine Light and inflamed or
consumed with Eternal or Divine Love,
DEFUNCT, DECEASED OR DE he is a deified man and a partaker of
PARTED PERSON :— the Divine Nature." — Theologia Germanica,
Cap. XLI.
A symbol of the human individuality
or causal- self on the higher mental
The immortal soul. FATHER (lower), INDIVIDUALITY,
"Everywhere in the texts of the Bock
of the Dead the deceased is identified SHABTI.
with Osiris. Another point to notice is DEITY,
the application of the words maa klteru HIDDEN OR CON
to the deceased, a term which I have, CEALED :—
for want of a better word, rendered
A symbol of the one Unmanlfest
triumphant.' These words actually Being, the Absolute, the Source of
' ' ' "
mean true of voice or right of word.' all.
— BUDGE, Egyptian Ideas, etc., p. 144. " Manetho the
Sebennyt« of opinion
' is

The identification with Osiris

hidden or
that the hiding




signifies the union of the soul with expressed by this word Ammon . .


God. When the personality is Hecatteus of Abdera says that the

Egyptians invoke the Supreme God as The " deluge " implies the awaken-
being hidden and invisible, and implore ment of the mind in ignorance and
Him to make himself visible and apparent, error ; for the downpouring truth
and therefore call him ' Amun ' ; so
great was the piety of the Egyptians
(rain) is at first reflected as falsity
in their teaching about the Gods." — on the astro-mental plane. The ideas
PX.UTAHCH, Isis and Osiris, § 9. of the lower mind are varieties of
So far as God is unmanifest in the error, for the mind cannot know
soul and its qualities, he is, as it were, the perfect truth.
hidden, or in hiding, from the lower And now when all the world was
deluged, nought appeared above the
consciousness. The aspiration, there
waves but Manu and the seven Rishis,
fore, of the soul is that God should and the Fish that drew the ship." —Maha-
manifest his nature in the higher Bharata, III.
qualities, and appear as a centralising And now when the lower nature was,
Ideal to the consciousness. When as it were, submerged in the lower
God is born in the soul, he becomes, ideas, and transformed by the awaken-
as it were,
" visible " ment of the mind in error and ignor
and apparent
in the religious consciousness, and ance, then above the illusions of
receives the adoration of the higher desire and sense rose the intellect
qualities of mind and emotion. in the seven races of humanity, and
See ABSOLUTE, AFU-RA, AIN SOPH, the Higher Self (the Fish) who guided
AMEN, FATHEB, GOD, GODHEAD, and energised the evolution of the
" Unwearied thus for years on years
DELOS, THE ISLAND :— the Fish propelled the ship across the
A symbol of a centre of activity and heaped up waters, till at length it bore
organisation in the astral vehicle, or the vessel to the peak of Himavan ; then
the lower nature of the soul. softly smiling, thus the Fish addressed
" the sage, — Haste thee to bind thy ship
Delos was called out of the deep by to this high crag." — Ibid.
the trident of Poseidon, but was a floating
For aeons the Self guided and drew
island until Zeus fastened it by adaman
tine chains to the bottom of the sea, that the soul onwards, until at length it
it might be a secure resting-place to raised it inwardly to a high pitch
Leto, for the birth of Apollo and Artemis. of aspiration (the peak). Then the
Apollo afterwards obtained possession of Higher Self inclined in love to the
Delos, by giving Calauria to Poseidon
in exchange for it ; and it became the lower which now aspired, and in
most holy seat of the worship of Apollo." structed the soul how to seize the
— Smith's Class. Diet. opportunity afforded it to attain rest
An astral centre was established in or stability in firm attachment to the
the lower nature (the deep), through higher. — (See 2 SAM. xxii. 2-5).
the wisdom, love, and power (the All the Deluge, or Flood, stories in
trident) of Eternal Truth (Poseidon). the sacred books expound the theme
But this centre remained unattached of the awakenment of the mind in
and free until the Divine Will, by ignorance which is the prelude to the
means of a structure of pre-physical attainment of Truth. The reality
world-essence, connected it with an (water) above, is reflected in illusion
astrophysical soul-body, from the func- (water) below, while the higher nature
tionings of which the higher emotion- of the soul awaits undisturbed its
nature (Leto) should eventually be evolution in due course.
developed, and Divine Love and See ABTU FISH, ADITYAS, ANCHOR
Wisdom be born in the soul. AGE, ARK, DEPRAVITY, FISH (great),
DELUGE OF WATER :— A symbol of the buddhic principle
A symbol of the outpouring of ideas as functioning in the soul, and
from the fountain of Truth (water). bringing forth the "fruits of the
spirit " through the cultivation of "The Self is the maker of all things,
the lower nature. and he knows all things. He is the soul
" I ••.::•;•! was the daughter of Cronus of all and the source of all, the perfect
and omniscient author of time. He is
and Rhea, and the sister of Zeus, by the sustainer of Pradhana, the principium,
whom she became the mother of Perse and of the migrating souls ; the disposer
phone." — Smith's Class. Diet. of the primordia, and the origin of metem
The buddhic principle in its mani psychosis and of liberation, of the pre
festation proceeds from the course of servation of the world and the implication
time (Cronus) in space (Rhea). Buddhi of the soul. Such is the immortal
Demiurgus (Isvara), residing in the soul,
is allied with Atma (Zeus) ; and knowing all things, and present every
from Atma-buddhi the emotion-nature where ; the sustainer of the world, who
(Persephone) is brought forth on the rules over the world for ever. There
mental plane. is no other principle that is able to rule
" Demeter was the goddess of the over it." — GOUOH, Svetas. Upaniihad,
earth. She was the protectress of " The Demiurgus is the internal ruler
agriculture and of all the fruits of the
or actuator, the first and highest mani
earth. — Ibid.
festation of the Self. He informs and
Buddhi is the transmuter of the animates the elements and all living
lower nature (earth), and directs the things." — A. E. GOUOH, Phil, of the
cultivation of the lower qualities that Vpanishads, p. 166.
" The universal soul is Isvara, the
they may bear fruit upon the higher
Self in manifestation as the creative
" Ceres was worshipped as the ' Mother spirit and soul of the world." — Ibid.,
p. 62.
of Corn.' The child she brought forth The Higher Self, or World-soul,
was He-Siri, ' the Seed.' or as he was
most frequently called in Assyria, Bar,'
' descending into matter, becomes per
' '
which signifies at once the Son and fected as the Archetypal Man from
the Corn.' The uninitiated might whom matter drops away. He is then
reverence Ceres for the gift of material the potential pattern of humanity to
corn to nourish their bodies, but the
initiated adored her for a higher gift — become actual in the perfected souls of
for food to nourish their souls- — for all.
giving them that bread of God that
" But the (spiritual) offspring of the
cometh down from heaven — for the life Mother Achamoth, whereof she became
of the world, of which, ' if a man eat, he pregnant in her contemplation of the
shall never die.' Does any one imagine Angels which waited on the Saviour,
that it is a mere New Testament doctrine being of the same substance with the
that Christ is the ' bread of life.' T There Mother-spiritual, was unknown even to
never was, there never could be, spiritual the Demiurgus. It was secretly lodged
life in any soul, since the world began, in him without his consciousness, in
at least since the expulsion from Eden, order that by him having been sown
that was not nourished and supported in the soul which he made, and in this
by a continual feeding by faith on the material body, and having therein, like
Son of God, 'in whom it hath pleased an unborn babe, received growth, it
the Father that all fullness should dwell,' might be made ready to admit the
that out of His fullness we might receive, perfect Word. That Spiritual Man
and grace for grace.' . . . That the therefore was unknown to the Demiur
initiated Pagans actually believed that gus, who was sown by Wisdom in the
the ' Corn which Ceres bestowed on Natural man at the moment of his
the world was not the corn of this earth breathing into his nostrils (Gnostic i. —
but the Divine ' Son,' through whom IREN.X us, Against Heresies, Bk. I. p. 18.
alone spiritual and eternal life could be The Demiurge — " the Framer of the
enjoyed, we have clear and decisive world " — signifies here the matrix on
proof." — A. HISLOP, Two Babylons, p. 161. the buddhi-manasic plane of all forma
and qualities of the natural order of
evolution. In this the seed of the
Divine, foreign (unknown) to it, is
placed. Thus it is that the germ of
DEMIURGE, OR DEMIURGUS :— the higher nature (spiritual man)
which proceeds from buddhi (Acha
Asymbol of the Archetypal Man —
the Self completely immersed in the moth) on the reception by her of the
matter of the lower planes — who Is higher spiritual influences (angels)
tbe World-soul and progenitor of the from Atma (Saviour), constituting
human race. the germ atma-buddhic, is placed in
the lower nature where it is un- — the Highest is the Demiurge, — ' where
fore that which shall be bom of thee
perceived by the lower consciousness.
shall be called holy.' For he has been
It remains latent in the soul until generated not from the highest alone,
development enables it to grow and as those created in the likeness of Adam
come forth as the incarcate Self (Word) have been created from the highest
alone — that is from Sophia and the
working for the perfection of humanity.
Demiurge. Jesus, however, the new
The spiritual essence projected into the man, has been generated from the Holy
lower mind by Wisdom, unknown to Spirit — that is, Sophia and the Demiurge,
the lower self (Demiurgus), constitutes — in order that the Demiurge may com
man a responsible being knowing plete the conformation and constitu
tion of his body, and that the Holy
good and evil. Spirit may supply his essence, and tbat
" The Gnostics say that they them
a celestial Logos may proceed from the
selves are spiritual, because a certain
Ogdoad being born of Mary" (Valentinue).
particle of the Father's entire nature is — HIPPOLYTUS, Refutation, etc., Bk. VI. 30.
lodged in their soul, they having their
of the same substance
When involution of all things had
souls as the
Framer of the World (Demiurge) ; while received completion, and when sub
he, having once for all received the entire sequently in course of evolution the
Seed from his Mother, and retaining spiritual egos (sons of God) had in
it in himself, continued merely animal carnated, then the indwelling Self
in his nature, and had no understanding
at all of the higher order of things." — (Demiurge), who up to this period had
Ibid., Bk. II. p. 148. been unmanifest, should be revealed
The Divine spark, or spiritual ego, in the soul. Humanity (natural man)
from the plane of Atma (Father) is up to this time had been obscured in
lodged in the human soul, which has primitive human forms, and a veil was
the same astro-mental nature as the over the higher affections (heart).
lower World-soul (Demiurge). This It was time, then, that this veil should
lower soul containing within it the be removed, and that the higher nature
spiritual essence, can never of itself should manifest ; therefore the Christ-
rise, nor can it understand spiritual soul (Jesus) was born of the purified
things. lower nature (Mary). This birth was
" We shall, however, be quite correct
brought about through the brooding
in saying that the Demiurge who made of Buddhi (Sophia) and Atma (Demi
all this universe is also at the same time
Father of what has been brought into urge) in the purified and receptive
existence ; while its Mother is the portion of the emotion nature. The
Wisdom of Him who hath made it,— Christ-soul, the
" new man," is
with whom God united, though not as generated in order that the
" body of
man with woman, and implanted the "
power of genesis. And she, receiving Christ may be completed in human
the Seed of God, brought forth with souls by means of the functioning of
perfect labour His only beloved Son, Buddhi (Holy Spirit) ; so that ulti
whom all may perceive — this Cosmos." mately a celestial expression of the
— PHILO JUDJEUS, De Ebriet., § 8.
Divine may proceed from the reality
The Higher Self (Demiurge) eman
of the Highest (Ogdoad) being born of
ates the Cosmos through the buddhic
the purified lower (Mary).
(Wisdom) activities, the lower nature " For Christ is, in a manner, the
being, as it were, a reflection of the demiurge, to whom the Father says,
' '
higher. Let there be light,' and Let there be
" When, therefore, the creation received a firmament.' But Christ is demiurge
completion, and when after this there as a beginning (arche) inasmuch as he
ought to have been the revelation of is Wisdom. It is in virtue of His being
the sons of God — that is of the Demiurge, Wisdom that He is called arche." —
which up to this had been concealed, OBIGEN, Comm. on John, § 22. Bk. I.
and in which obscurity the natural
" A new idea has got into the air, so
man was hid, and had a veil upon the to speak — new in emphasis, anyhow.
heart ; — when it was time, then, that It is that the universal and eternal
the veil should be taken away, and substance, whatever it is, is itself in
that these mysteries should be seen, process of becoming, and never can
Jesus was born of Mary the virgin, be anything else. It is a sort of push
according to the declaration in Scripture,' or drive towards betterment. The
The Holy Ghost will come upon thee eternal something — I cannot think of a
—Sophia is the Spirit — ' and the power better name at the moment— which
of the Highest will overshadow thee,' has produced everything that is, in
eluding ourselves, is unceasingly trying impervious to the higher rate of
to express itself in fuller and more vibrations from above, but at the
adequate forms, and will go on doing
so for ever and ever. It cannot help Bame time, increasingly responsive to
it; it is its nature so to do, though the vibrations from below. The
it does not know it is doing it. It warring of the " members (qualities)
does not begin to know till it evolves within the lower self, the conflicts of
human consciousness ; it knows in us,
and in no other way. . . . The average
lusts and affections, become increas
human mind is coming more and more ingly troublesome, and produce dis
to feel a difficulty in believing in the order in the lower mind. One desire
existence of a divine being, or indeed, advances against another, thus de
a being of any sort, who is eternally
feating each other's ends. The
perfect without the trouble of becoming " smiting of cheeks and tearing of
BO. Men to-day are so habituated to
the thought of growth, development, hair " signify the forcible check which
the glow and toilsome acquirement of is put upon one desire by another.
fuller knowledge and power, that they
But the check is possible only when
simply cannot imagine an ideal excellence
which does not involve such a process forethought and the more intelligent
of becoming. . . . All the same, there phases of the desire -nature come to
is that within us which forbids us to be evolved, — and these are typified by
rest contented with this, either as an
" cheeks and hair," which sym
explanation of things as they are, or
an incentive to action on the plane of bolise the higher aspects of the desires.
" Then the demons shouted out of
our own highest. It seems to me that '
if we dig down deep enough into the the darkness thus : You are man,
motives of our best efforts, if we penetrate worship the demon ! so that your demon
far enough into our noblest feelings, we of malice may repose." — Ibid., 18.
shall find that we know in a way that This implies that the faint dawnings
all the good we strive after already is, of the lower Self, reflected in the de
and we would not strive if we did not sires through efforts at Self-realisation,
know." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serin., Being cause stress and sorrow. The first
and Becnming.
See ADAMAS (higher), ADRASTIA, impulse of the ego is to work for the
ARC. MAN, BIKTH or JESUS, BREATH, benefit of self, hence the lower qualities
BULL (primeval), COSMOS, CREATION, alone are observed to be of assistance
DlSMEMP JRMENT, EVOLUTION, IN- at this stage of development.
A symbol of a mental centre of
(cosmic). knowledge, by means of which a
DEMONS AND FIENDS :— widened experience is arrived at.
These are nature-spirits, or non- DEPRAVITY, UNIVERSAL :—
human intelligences concerned with
the direction of lower plane activities.
Symbolic of the vehemence of the
unruled lower desires in the soul,
They are elemental forces, instinctive,
blind, and persistent, working auto which require to be disciplined.
" And the Lord saw that the wicked
matically on the astral plane. They
build up habits, and are adverse to ness of man was great in the earth,
spirit, striving against the Highsr and that every imagination of the thoughts
of his heart was only evil continually."
attempts which are made from above — GEN. vi. 5.
to raise the soul.
" And the Higher Self beholds the
Owing to the gracelessncss which necessity for its further descent into
they practised, the demons became more
oppressive, and they themselves carried the soul. And it sees that there is
°n unnatural malice between them increased necessity and opportunity
selves ; they advanced one against the for its operations amid the mental
other, and smote and tore their hair conditions of alienation and strife
and cheeks." — The Bundahis, Ch. XV. 17.
among the desires, which have been
The mental-body (kama-manasic set up upon the lower planes.
vehicle) being now built up, this " Manu . . . conciliates the favour of
serves to render the mind of the ego the Supreme Being in an age of universal
depravity." — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian four of which he has not yet become
fully conscious. The " horns " sym
Wisdom, p. 394.
The individuality (manu) operating
bolise victory : they are the sign of
through the lower mind seeks to
the One who conquers the conditions
of the planes. The " Lamb " or
discipline the turbulent lower desires
and emotions. " Ram,11 " slain from the world's
foundation," possesses the same sym
GOD (repenting), MANU, VAIVASVATA,
bol. The " teeth " symbolise power
of expression, — the potential becoming
DEPTH ; BYTHOS :— the actual, — the force of that which is
A symbol of the primordial Divine uttered in the Divine Fiat or Spoken
Reality — Truth. Word.
" The hidden God
See CHAOS, DESERTS, OCEAN, WATER. is far above every
outward thing and every thought, and
DESERT PLACE :— is found only whore thou hidest thyself
in the secret place of thy heart, in the
A symbol of the domain beyond the quiet solitude where no word is spoken,
scope of reason, which mind is unable where is neither creature nor image nor
to penetrate. fancy. This is the quiet Desert of the
Godhead, the Divine Darkness. . . . this
(Tauler.) — R. M.
:— Abyss is our salvation
Symbolic of the solitude due to JONES, Mystical Religion, p. 278.
the absence of impressions from the See ABYSS, CHAOS, DEEP, FANG,
external world of the senses. FOUR TIMES, HEAVEN AND EARTH,
" And the child HEIGHT (Osiris), HORNS, LAMB or
(John) grew, and
waxed strong in spirit, and was in the GOD, MEASURE, PWANKOO, STEM,
deserts till the day of his shewing unto TEETH, TUSK.
Israel." — LUKE i. 80.
The moral nature (John) has to
undergo the solitude necessary for
growth until the mental condition Symbolic of transcending the sense
of separateness, and the illusions and
shall be able to endure alone. This
attractions presented to the ego by
solitude corresponds only to the the lower mind during the life cycle.
appearance in being devoid of strife, " Buddha was born to destroy the
— not to the reality. It signifies the
evils of the world." — Buddha-Karita,
weaning of the highest part of the Bk. I. 20.
lower mind from the things of this The Soul is born in the womb of
world, and after that has been accom matter (mental, astral, and physical),
plished, then the moralised lower with the object of overcoming the
mind can be " shown to Israel," that things of the world, — that is, con
is, brought into unison with those quering the falsities which are mind-
qualities which are united with the created, and which are to be destroyed
higher nature. through the knowledge of the Real.
Symbolic of primordial chaos —
the infinite expanse of formless A state of consciousness of the ego
matter. on the higher mental plane, wherein
" Pwan-koo is described as appearing there is complete withdrawal of the
from the vast unknown deserts. He energies from the outer world of
was four times taller than man, had effects. It is a self-contained state
horns on his head, and teeth protruding of contemplation.
from his mouth." — KIDD, China, p. 100. See ASOARD, BAKHDHI, SEKHET-
The Logos proceeds from the Chaos HETEP, SLEEPING (waking), UNEN.
or Depth. The statement about
height, refers to the fact that the DEVAKI, THE MOTHER OF
measure of a man, or ego, compre KRISHNA :—
hends the five planes of his being, upon A symbol of Buddhi, the heavenly
mother of the Son of God in the soul (material), NAIADS, SALAMANDERS,
of Man. PTAH.
DEVAS, SHINING ONES :— Symbolic of a state of barrenness
Exalted Intelligences of Truth, and unproductiveness in the lower
Wisdom, and Love, on the higher nature.
planes. These operate from the See DEARTH, DROUGHT, WINTER.
buddhlc and higher mental planes
in furthering the process of evolution.
They are concerned with the higher
emotions, and are attracted by aspira A symbol of the course of the soul's
tions from below. They are the evolution after the mind has begun
natural opponents of the " daevas," to function, and the monad of Life,
the " asuras," which are the lower or Divine spark, has been added to
desires and emotions. the monad of form.
" " Having reached the Path of the
Verily, the Devas are not dear,
Gods, the man comes to the world of
that you may love the Devas ; but that
may love the Self, therefore the Agni (flre), to the world of Vayu (air),
Devas are dear." — Brihad.
to the world of Varuna, to the world
Ad. 2.
of Indra, to the world of Prag&pati, to
the world of Brahman." — Kaush. Upani-
The higher emotions and intelli shad, I. 2.
gences are all centralised in the Self as Having reached the state when the
the supreme source of all love and devo spiritual egos (Gods) have entered in,
tion. Adoration is directed to the implying the knowledge of good and
Highest, and is truly shown in exercis evil, the soul has greatly enlarged
ing the higher qualities (Devas) of possibilities before it, and first comes
Love, Justice, Truth, Goodness, Sin to the sphere of the force-aspect of
cerity, Benevolence, Righteousness, development (Agni) ; to the sphere of
etc., which are dear to the aspiring
intellect (Vayu) ; to the sphere of
BOU! for the sake of its central Ideal.
Truth (Varuna) ; to the sphere of
See AMSHASPANDS, ANGELS, APSARAS, steadfast devotion to the Highest
ARCHANGELS, ARDEBEHESCHT, ASHA, to the of direct spiritual
(Indra) ; sphere
BAHMAN, BUILDERS, COLCHIS, COM Vision (Pragapati); to the sphere of
PANY (gods), D.KMONH, GANDHARVAS, Pure Spirit (Brahman).
GUARDIANS (world), MESSENGERS, " As early as the Rigveda and the
POTSHERD, SIRENS, VALKYRIOR. BriUimanas mention is frequently made
of the Devaydna, which was originally
DEVAS, OR LOWER BUILDERS :— in all probability the way by which
Agni bore the sacrificial gifts to the
A symbol of nature spirits on the gods, or the latter descended to them. . . .
astral plane which undertake the The meaning of the whole is that the
formation of the material sheaths of soul on the way of the gods reaches
the spirit, in which the Self's evolution regions of ever-increasing light, in which
is accomplished. They are elemental is concentrated all that is bright and
radiant, as stations of the way to Brah
builders of forms, not architects,
man." — DEUSSEN, Phil, of Upanishadf,
but directed by intelligences on higher
p. 335.
planes according to the Divine scheme.
When at the "fall of man," the
The auto-intelligent action of some
Divine sparks descended into the
of the lower elementals may be
discerned under the microscope in human astro -mental forms prepared
the behaviour of protoplasts or bio for them, the personalities (pitris)
plasts in forming vegetable structure. became moral beings and entered upon
" In the work of the path of the higher qualities or
creation Ptah had
been helped by the Khnumu, '
the ideals (gods). Then the forceful
modellers, who were generally counted Divine life (Agni) working below, bears
as his children, although later as those
the offerings of the lower to the higher,
of Ra. They were represented as dwarfs
with big heads, crooked legs, very long which latter thereupon descend to
anna, and long moustaches." — A. WIEDE- actuality in the aspiring souls. By
MANN, Rel. of Anc. Egyptians, p. 137. the gradual unfolding of the Divine
See BUILDERS, FIENDS, LORDS life, stage by stage, in human nature,
the souls become more and more tending downward to matter, the
radiant with the higher qualities of other tending upward to God . Kama-
truth, wisdom, and love, until at last manas is the inverted reflection of
buddhi-manas, on the astral plane.
the darkness of ignorance and selfish " Demon est Deus inversus."
ness is entirely overcome and the " Sin and the devil are one and the
glorified spirits enter into union with
same." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 578.
God. " The true devil, against whom we
" It is true that Nature is largely
have to be sober and vigilant, is within
governed by mechanism, but in the man ; is carried about within the human
world we find stages of development, heart. He is the animal part of human
and each stage ia further removed from nature, the devilish within ; the power
the coercion of mechanical lawn. At in ourselves that makes for unrighteous
every higher stage something essentially ness ; the lower affections, thoughts
new comes into existence ; this new, as and appetites, by resisting which we
it unfolds, becomes more and more can alone become moral beings." — B.
independent of the mechanical laws WILBERFORCE, Problems, p. 99.
found below it. This new has the essence "
Evil is a negative, not a positive
of its being not in the elements which term. It denotes the absence rather
it has left behind, but in the ideals than the presence of something. It is
which are in front of itself. The full the perceived privation of good, the
truth of all this comes out in man alone. shadow where the light ought to be.
There is much in him which belongs to '
The devil is a vacuum.' Evil is not
the world below him, but this is not an intruder in an otherwise perfect
the real nucleus of his being — all that universe ; finiteness presumes it. A
is found in a Beyond ; and this is a thing is only seen to be evil when the
Beyond not in space but within the capacity for good is present and un
soul." — E. BOUTROUX, Education and satisfied. Evil is not a principle at
Ethics. war with good. Good is being, and
See ACINI, BIRTH CEREMONIES, evil is not-being. When consciousness
BRAHMA, EVOLUTION, FALL, GIFTS or of being seeks further expression, and
OOD, GODS, GRACE, HEAVEN, INDRA, finds itself hindered by its limitations,
it becomes aware of evil." — R. J. CAMP-
INVOLUTION, LAW OF ZOROASTER, BEM,, The New Theology pp. 42, 44.
Development cannot be measured DEVILS ; UNGLEAN SPIRITS :—
from the point of view of the lower Symbolic of the lower desires,
mind, and there Is no evidence to passions, appetites, and instincts,
show that It proceeds appreciably which, so far as they oppose the
on this physical plane. It is God the upward evolution of the soul, con
Highest who looks down ; not we who stitute the evil impulses of human
look up, who can judge upon the nature.
growth of the soul. Eternal verities "
Christ drives out our legion of in
cannot be put into terms of space and dwelling vices by His inworking presence
time, for these illusions must be and power." — E. GOTIOH, Barrowford
eliminated from the mind ere it Treatise, p. 61.
" Certain which had been
can discern the celestial significance women
of the sublime teaching of the sacred healed of evil spirits and infirmities,
Mary that was called Magdalene, from
scriptures of the world.
whom seven devils had gone out." —
TION, SCRIPTURES. Certain emotional states had been
DEVIL, THE ADVERSARY :— purified of lower desires and errors.
" Mary " stands for some slumbering
A symbol of the Illusory principle
of evil. The tempting Not-Self which affection towards the Christ, but
is opposed to the True Self. The which is entangled in the pursuit of
desire-mind which is the adversary the objects of sense, seeking for
of the Divine Spirit within — the one satisfaction from without (which ia
"whoredom") instead of from within hope for future evolution, and so a
—whence cometh all good. But Love reflection of power from above was
casts out the seven " devils " of obtained, and growth of the soul was
Greed, Egoism, Hate, Sorrow, Avarice, promoted.
" And of Joseph he said, Blessed of
Lust, and Pride, which are delusions
fostered by the lower activities, — or
the Lord be his land ; for the precious
things of heaven, for the dew." — DEUT.
due to the, as yet, not fully purified
xxxiii. 13.
Human sins all show that wonderful IRRIGATION.
activity, mobility, facility, malignity,
which we always conceive of us belonging DHARMA OR PRAJNA :—
only to a personality. We have almost
been driven to a personal phraseology A symbol of the buddhlc principle,
in speaking of them. When we see Wisdom.
some force working its way with restless " I salute that Dharma who is Prajna
energy against the sluggishness of higher Paramita (Wisdom of the Other Bank),
forces, choosing its persons and points
pointing out the way of perfect tranquillity
of attack with some marvellous dis to all mortals, leading them into the
crimination, putting on, when need paths of perfect wisdom." — Scriptures of
demands it, the cloak and mask of a Nepal.
diviner power, malignantly, dexterously, " Worthy of remark is the treatment
with such strange choice and ingenuity
of ' Wisdom,' '
Dharma,' '
Heart of
doing its work, what better conception Wisdom,' etc. in the Buddhist ritual.
con we form of it than that which the
Here is another address to her :— ' Thou
sublime language of the Scripture gives
who art possessed of great mercy, and
us of a personal evil, a Satan, a bad
who in virtue of thine infinite power
spirit set to the endless work of thwarting
and wisdom art manifested throughout the
God and ruining the hope of man ! universe for the defence and protection
Reason may find what difficulties she of all creatures, etc.' " — A. LII.LIE, Pop.
»ill in the doctrine of a personal Satan,
but she has yet to harmonise and arrange,
Life of Buddha, pp. 240, 246.
" By the aid of Prajna or Dharma
trader any other idea, the phenomena the Supreme Buddha made the world." —
of human sin." — PHILLIPS BROOKS, Ibid., p. 246.
liyrtery of Iniquity, p. 14. "I
(Wisdom) was set up from ever
See ASURA, DAEVAS, DAIMONS, lasting, from the beginning, or ever the
DEMONS, HEALING, BAKSHASKS, earth was." — PROV. viii. 23.
SPENTO, WHOREDOM. The Self (atma-buddhi) was, is, and
shall be ; and necessarily existed before
DEVOTION :— the lower nature which is only an
Reliance on the Higher Self, in illusive reflection of the higher.
pressing forward towards a high See BUDDHA, BUDDHI, PLOUGHING,
Ideal of Goodness, Truth, and Love. PRAGMA, SHORE (other), TRANSMUTA
This implies the relinqulshment of TION, TRI-RATNA, WISDOM, YUDHI.
desire and self-seeking.
A symbol of the Higher Self mani
In the lower nature, and be
A symbol of the desire-mind which coming the conqueror thereof.
draws to itself all instincts , sensations ,
appetites, and desires, without limit
Drupada initiates—
" asacrifice for the express purpose
or satiety.
of obtaining a son who should be in
See AESHM, ASTODVTDAD, BOTTOM- vincible in war and capable of slaying
IMS PIT, KABANDHA. Drona. The result. . . was completely
successful, for out of the sacrificial flames
DEW OR MIST TO MOISTEN emerged a stately youth, encased in full
VEGETATION :— armour, with a crown on his head, and
bearing a bow and arrows in his hands.
A symbol of a natural desire for a This was Dhrista-dyumna. After him ap
progressive existence, responded to peared a beautiful maiden, — Draupadi." —
by Truth (water) from above. J. C. OMAN, The (treat Indian Epics,
" p. 120.
But there went up a mist from the
earth, and watered the whole face of The spiritual mind (Drupada)
the ground." —GEN. ii. 6. through purification of the lower
But from the lower nature there nature obtains conditions in which
forth an instinctive desire and the son of God can manifest and
take the supreme (crown) place in the originate and from the dhruva.
; there
soul. The conditions are also suit fore, the whole sacrifice proceeds." — Sola.
able for the acquirement of the intui
The causal -body (guhu) is the
tion (Draupadi). Love comes to fulfil
vehicle of buddhi (sky), and the
and supersede custom (Drona).
" The revenge mental-body (upabhrit) of the higher
(for the death of Drona)
taken by Acwathaman (his son inspired mind (air). The lower nature (earth)
by Siva) and his associates was complete is the arena of the soul's activities, and
and bloody. The first to perish in the it is through these activities that the
nocturnal attack was the generalissimo
ego becomes conscious upon all the
of the Pandava army, Dhrista-dyumna
himself, whom Ac wathaman found sleeping planes. From the lower nature, there
in his tent and whom he trampled to fore, the whole sacrifice of the lower
death."— Ibid., p. 187. for the higher proceeds. That is, the
As " Siva " is a symbol of Divine Divine Spark or Ego, having through
energy at the end of periods of mani its descent into matter, become
festation, this passage refers to the
strongly attached to the lower nature,
death of the Son of God and all it is onty by the offering up of that
qualities at the termination of a nature, quality by quality, through
cycle. The qualities are afterwards suffering and effort, that the ego can
revivified under fresh conditions, as finally liberate itself from the fetters
described further on in the Epic. which hold it captive to the lower
See DRAUPADI, DRONA, KUHUS, planes of illusion (the worlds).
A symbol of the instinct nature, SACRIFICE, SACRIFICER, SBTJ-VA,

sub-conscious and devoid of UPABHRIT.

intelligence. DIADEM :—
" Dhrita-rashtra
(a firstborn son) was See CROWN.
blind, but, although thus incapacitated
for governing, he retained the throne, DIANA, OR ARTEMIS, GODDESS
while his son Duryodhana really directed OF LIGHT AND THE MOON :—
the affairs of the state." — J. C. THOM
SON, The Bhagavad Qita. An aspect of Wisdom (Buddhi),
The lower instinct nature of the presiding over the astral plane.
soul is the first to appear in the See ARTEMIS, LIGHT, MOON.
evolution of the qualities of the DICE, OR COUNTERS :—
human being ; but as it is devoid of Significant of number —relations
mind, it is incapable of organising in respect to conditions of matter
and directing the qualities. It retains on the lower planes.
the lead, being potent and funda
mental ; but that which has arisen
from it, namely, the desire-nature Signifies the attempt made by the
which allies itself with mind, becomes lower self to attain to self-conscious
ness through the desire- nature
the ruler and regulator of the whole
of the lower nature.
" For they (my people) have digged
See CONCH, DUR-VODHANA, HODER, a pit to take me, and hid snares for my
KURUS, SANJAYA, SERPENT (water). feet." — JER. xviii. 22.
The lower qualities (people) of the*
OF THE SACRIFICIAL MAN :— soul are charged with having sought
for satisfaction by the way of th*
A symbol of the lower nature having desires, thereby oppressing the Spirit
as appendages or limbs the soul-
qualities which are to be outspread within and preventing its advance (feet }
as evolution proceeds. towards lordship over the lower nature.
(spoon) further is to
him no other than yonder sky, and DIONYSUS, OR BACCHUS :—
the upabhrit this atmosphere, and the
dhruva this same earth. Now it is A symbol of the Higher Self evolving
from this earth that all the worlds in all the lower nature and born la
soul. The "vine" with which " The
the legend (of Dionysus and the
thesymbol is connected is the same Titans) can be interpreted from the
M the " tree of Life," which signifies macrocosmic and microcosmic stand
the spiritual life which ramifies points. From the former we see the
symbolical drama of the World-soul being
through all things. "Wine," the differentiated into individual souls ;
" blood of the
grape," symbolises from the latter the mystical spectacle of
the spiritual truth and life which the individual soul divided into many
intoxicates the lower nature and personalities, in the long series of re
renders it powerless. births or palingenesis through which it
threads its path on earth. As Macrobius
" Zeus, '
By Father Liber [Dionysus] the
in order to save his child says :
(Dionysus), changed him into a ram, Orphics seem to understand the Hylic
and carried him to the nympha of Mount Mind, which is born from the Impartible
Nysa, who brought him up in a cave, [Mind] and is separated into individual
and were afterwards rewarded by Zeus, minds [or personalities]. And so in
by being placed as Hyades among the their sacred rites [Dionysus] is represented
stars." — Smith's Class. Diet. to have been torn into seperate members,
The Supreme, in order to effect the and the pieces buried [in matter], and
then again he is resurrected intact.'
purpose of manifestation, set his
(Somn. I. xii. 67)." — G. R. S. MEAD,
emanation (Dionysus) under laws of Orphaius, p. 184.
limitation (the " ram " or " lamb " See ABC. MAN, BACCHUS, BIKTH or
sacrifice), so that it should be developed JESUS, CAVE, CRATER, DEATH OF
in the lower nature of the soul (cave) OSIRIS, DISMEMBERMENT, DRUNKARD,
by the buddhic qualities (nymphs) IMAGE, INTOXICATION, LAMB or GOD,
which were afterwards united to the LIMBS, MEMBERS, NYMPHS, OSIRIS,
mental qualities (stars). RAM, ROASTED, SATYRS, SILENUS,
" Bacchus, or the mundane intellect,
is the monad, or proximately exempt
Bacchus is said to
producing cause.'
be the spiritual part of the mundane
•oul.' — G. R. S. MEAD, Orphasus, p. 182.
" The Platonists called Dionysus ' Our POLLUX :—
Master,' for the mind in us is Dionysiacal Symbols of the higher and lower
and the image of Dionysus." — Ibid., p. 183. centres of consciousness on the mental
This may be taken as meaning that plane of the soul — the Individuality
Christ, our Master, is our indwelling (Pollux) and the Personality (Castor),
ruler, for our mind is spiritualised and or the Higher and the lower Selves.
possesses the Divine image — Wisdom " They were sons of Leda. Pollux
and Love. and Helen only were children of Zeus,
" Dionysus, while a youth, was parti and Castor was the son of Tyndareus.
cularly captivated with beholding his Hence Pollux was immortal, while
image in a mirror ; during his admira Castor was subject to old age and death
tion of which he was miserably torn to like every other mortal." — Smith's Class.
pieces by the Titans ; who not content Diet.
with this cruelty, first boiled his members They are said to be the product
in water, and after roasted them by of the matter side of manifestation.
fire." — TAYLOR, Eleusinian Mysteries, The individuality and the buddhio
p. 126.
The Higher
Self having attained principle (Helen) were begotten of the
perfection through involution as the
Spirit (Zeus), and the personality
was originated by desire (Tyndareus).
Archetypal Man, he, as it were,
Hence the individuality is immortal,
perceived his lower self to be like
himself, which perfection occasioned, and the personality mortal.
" Zeus rewarded theattachment of
through the great forces of existence the two brothers by placing them among
(the Titans), his death out of the lower the stars as Gemini." — Ibid.
state, and the cutting up of his astro - The Supreme utilised the higher and
mental body of qualities as material lower centres of consciousness, by
for the new state now arising. The giving them important functionings
desire-mental qualities were infused among the mental qualities (stars), in
in the soul's new astral (water) nature, the cycle of life (the Zodiac).
in order that they should afterwards See AMYCUS, APOCATEO.UTL, ASVINS,
be purified (roasted) and raised by GEMINI, HEEL, HELEN, INDIVIDUALITY,
DIPPING A PITCHER INTO the lower soul, the spiritual germs
WATER :— enter the qualities attached to the
A symbol of the effort to acquire forms (mothers) and become the
truth In a mental form. means by which the qualities are to
See HYLAS, VESSEL. attain liberation, through triumphing
over the limitations of the lower
Symbolic of an accumulation of " The Father sends then the Messenger
prejudices and errors. who shall bring about the salvation of
the world. The Divine Benefactor has
DISCIPLE :— his abode in the sun, together with
A symbol of a quality which has twelve virtues, his daughters ; 'tis he
been so far disciplined as to be capable who launches into space the Lightships
of Heaven." — F. CUMONT, Manichean
of attachment to an Ideal with which
it strives to be in harmony, and from
Tho " Divine Messenger and Bene
which it receives inspiration and
guidance. factor " is the Christ whose abode is
See APOSTLES. in the individuality (sun) centralising
the buddhic qualities as
" twelve
DISCIPLE, CALLING OF A :— virtues." It is the Christ who draws
This is the call by the Spirit within forth the higher nature of the striving
to a quality, inviting it to enter upon souls.
a higher vocation whereby it shall "By the twelve disciples or apostles
be put to a higher use. of the Lord are understood all who
" It is not the discipline that fits. are of the church in truth from good ;
That which fits goes before the discipline, and in an abstract sense, all things of
and the discipline only develops the the church ; and by Peter, all who are
God hath made us meet for in faith ; and abstractedly, faith itself ;
the inheritance of the saints in light.' by James, they who are in charity, and
That is a past act. The preparedness abstractedly, charity itself ; and by
for heaven comes at the moment when John, they who are in the good of life
a man turns to Christ." — A. MAOLAREN, from charity and its faith, and abs
Sermons, 1st Series, p. 91. tractedly, good of life itself derived from
See CONVERSION. thence."— SWEDENBOBO, Apoc. Rev., n. 7.
" Jesus spake unto them, saying,
DISCIPLES, THE TWELVE, OF All authority hath been given unto
JESUS :— me in heaven and on earth. Go ye
therefore, and make disciples of all
These signify twelve disciplined the nations, baptising them into the
qualities and faculties of various kinds , name of the Father and of the Son and
which are able to receive higher of the Holy Ghost." — MAT. xxviii. 18, 19.
teaching and profit by it. They Christ, the Higher Self within, is
have determined to adhere to the intuitively regarded by the disciplined
instruction and admonition of the qualities as the supreme ruler within
Higher Self as the Master within the
the soul, — higher and lower. The
Ideal within them, therefore, impels
"Jesus chose the twelve before he
came into the world. He chose twelve them to take their part in the work of
powers, receiving them from the twelve raising the less advanced qualities
saviours of the Light-treasure. When (the nations), for the command is full
He descended into the world, He cast of the spirit of the Christ. They
them as sparks into tho wombs of their
mothers, that the whole world might serve their Lord in bringing the lower
be saved." — Pistis Sophia. nature into subjection to the higher.
The Higher Self prior to his birth They act as a magnet to draw forth
within the lower nature (EPH. i. 4) and transmute the germ of like
chooses the means by which he is to properties within the qualities less
accomplish his purpose ; and these evolved than themselves. The three
" saviours," i.e.,
are agencies from the fold constitution of the baptismal
the ideal qualities above, which have ceremony refers to the attuning of
to be actualized below. The " Light- the nature upon the three lower planes
treasure " is the perfect nature within, in relation to the higher and perfect
which shall attain to the " Light- nature on the upper planes, of which
realm." When the Self descends into the lower is an incomplete and defec
live representation. This is expressed TRINITY, TWELVE, URNS ( twelve),
in the prayer of the disciples, — " Thy ZODIAC.
kingdom come. Thy will be done, as
in heaven, so on earth." The ideal
above is to be realised b?low.
Symbolic of the disciplined qualities
freed from reliance upon objects of
"Jesuscalled unto him his twelve the external life, and directed to
disciples,and gave them authority over purify the life within.
unclean spirits, to cast them out, and " Go not into any way of the Gentiles,
to heal all manner of disease and all
manner of sickness. Now the names and enter not into any city of the Samari
of the twelve are these : etc." — MAT. x. tans : but go rather to the lost sheep
1-5. of the house of Israel." — MAT. x. 5, 0.
The advanced qualities are in
The Christ within
called through the
structed not to interfere with those
love nature to his disciplined qualities
natural qualities which have their due
and instructed them for their work
place temporarily in the external
in the soul. Through the Truth and
order, nor seek to influence qualities
Righteousness within them they were
as yet unprepared for the inner light ;
possessed of power to dispel the
but to seek rather to bring Truth
illusions of the lower mind, and
and Love to tho qualities or virtues
rectify the unbalanced emotions and
having in them the spiritual germ,
misdirected affections of the lower
the Divine Spark that has gone astray
from the Eternal " Fire " in order to
The following are the twelve
acquire knowledge through experience,
disciplined qualities : —
and be found again of the Spirit.
The analytical lower mind " lost ones "
These require instruction
which will enable them to find the
Faith and inquiry (Andrew)
path to heaven.
Hope and progressiveness
Love and philosophy (John)
Courage and forcefulness DISCIPLES SEATED UPON TWELVE
(Philip) THRONES :—
Perserverance (Bartholomew) Symbolic of the disciplined qualities
Intellectual truth -seeking raised to a higher state, in the order
(Thomas) of development.
" Ye which have followed me in the
Modesty and receptiveness
regeneration when the Son of Man shall
(James Alpheus) sit on the throne of his glory, ye also
Gentleness and attentiveness shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging
(Simon Zelotes) the twelve tribes of Israel." — MAT. xix. 28.
Broadmindedness (Judas bro.of Jas.) The- Christ points out that those
Critical deliberation (Mathew) qualities which have followed his
Prudence (Judas) guidance in the progress from the
These qualities are not to attempt natural to the spiritual state shall be
to assist those states which are too transmuted, and be with him when he
backward to be affected, but rather to ascends to the higher plane to occupy
minister to those which are more his throne in the causal-body. There
developed and capable of assimilating they also shall be enthroned around
truth. liim, being brought to a higher state
Set ADITYAS (twelve), .5CoNS than mortals can have any concep
(twelve), ANDREW, ANTHROPOS, tion of. Intellect, reason, judgment,
APOSTLES, BAPTISM, BINDING, BREAST feelings, emotions, etc. — all shall be
PLATE, DANCE (circle), FEEDING, transmuted and raised to a condition
GERMS, HEALING, HEAVEN, HEROES, which transcends the terms of ex
JAMES, JESUS OF THE GOSPELS, JOHN, pression now used. In this future
" disciples " will be
NATIONS, PEOPLE, PETEB, PHILIP, able to judge of the lower stages
SAVIOUBS (twelve), SELF, SPARROWS (twelve tribes) from which they have
(twelve), SUN, TRIBES (twelve), arisen.
When I (Jesua) am king over the all through the earlier troubles and
twelve saviours, and over all the number difficulties which befell it. " Murder
of perfect souls which have received "
the mystery of Light, then whosoever and wrath signify the primitive and
shall have received the mystery of the fearsome manifestations of the Divine
Ineffable One, they shall bo joint kings indwelling principle. The " other
with me and shall sit upon my right species of fates
" are the kannic
hand and upon my left in my kingdom.
Verily I say unto you, those men are liabilities which are incurred during
I, and I am those men. For this cause the early state of strife. The " wasting
have I said to you formerly, ye shall diseases, etc." are the lowest aspects
sit upon your thrones, . . . and ye of the soul's lower desires.
shall reign together with me. For this
cause I said of old time, in the place See FATE-SPHERE, KARMA, MURDEB,
where I shall be, my twelve ministers PESTILENCE, STRIFE.
shall be also." — Pistis Sophia.
When the perfected Christ-soul DISH, OR BOWL :—
(Jesus) has ascended to the higher Symbol of a form which is a
receptacle of the spirit ; or is an
planes, and is exalted over the ideal
emblem of limitation.
qualities (saviours) and the perfected
individualities (souls), then shall the
transmuted qualities from below be DISK, WINGED SUN- :—
raised and united with the Christ, This symbol signifies the higher
being enthroned with him in the Individuality which dwells on the
higher causal-body.
" God, — quick buddhic plane and ensouls the causal -
ened us together with Christ, and body. It is the buddhic vehicle or
raised us up with him, and made us vesture of the At man.
" Horbehudti
to sit with him in the heavenly places, his
(Horus) changed form
into that of a winged sun-disk, that which
in Christ Jesus." — EPH. ii. 5, 6.
rests over the prow of the bark of Ra."
See ARGONAUTS, CHRIST'S SECOND — Legend of the Winged Sun-di»k.
COMING, JUDGES, KING OF GLORY, Now from the perfect form of man
REGENERATION SAVIOURS, SON OF on the lower planes, the Son of God
MAN, THRONE, TRIBES. assumed the vesture of the higher
DISEASE, OR SICKNESS :— Individuality, — the buddhic, which
Symbolic of a malady of the soul ensouls the causal-body (the bark of
In which disability Is caused by a Ra).
one-sided development of the lower When perfect and fully winged, she
nature, with failure of the mind to (the soul) soars upward, and is the Ruler
control the deformity. The result of the universe." — PLATO, Phcedrut,
JOWETT, Vol. II. p. 123.
Is that an affection of the lower nature " Almost
every jot or tittle in the
ties the soul down and prevents the Egyptian worship had a symbolical
increase of spiritual faculty. The meaning. The round disk so frequent
malady can only be healed when the in the sacred emblems of Egypt sym
qualities concerned become dis bolised the sun. Now, when Osiris,
contented with their condition, and the sun divinity, became incarnate,
then aspire towards the ideal. and was born, it was not merely that
he should give his life as a sacrifice for
men, but that he might also be the life
DISEASES, WASTING AND and nourishment of the souls of men."
— A. HISLOP, Two Babylons, p. 160.
Symbolic of the lowest states of the
instinct and desire nature, which CAUSAL-BODY, HOHBEHUDTI, INDI
become obnoxious and gradually VIDUALITY, SON OF GOD, SPHERE, SUN,
disappear. SUN-DISK.
"And I wept and shrieked on
beholding the unwonted land where are
murder and wrath, and other species DEATH OF THE BODY OF
of fates, and wasting diseases, and THE GOD :—
putrefactions and fluxes." — Empedocles, A symbol of the potentially perfect
FAIRBANKS, 385. homogeneous Soul becoming through
The lower self, through the awaken - out evolution the actual imperfect
ment within, " wept and shrieked," heterogeneous aggregation of
that is, feared, trembled, and suffered, qualities. This refers to the Arche
typal Man, who is perfected by the called Dionysus, Zagreus, Nyktelius, and
completion of the process of spiritual Isodaites, and his ' destructions ' and
involution, and therefore dies out disappearances,' his ' death ' and his
' '
of that state in order to be repro resurrection are fittingly expressing
the true nature of the changes in God's
duced piecemeal in another.
essence in the formation of the world."
"The soul of Osiris is eternal und PLUTAHCH, On the E at Delphi.
incorruptible, but his body Typhon did The symbolism of the " Gods and
tear in pieces and put out of sight ; their doings can be understood by
and Isia wandered about, sought for it,
and joined it together again." — PI.UTABCH, philosophers who rightly approach the
Itit and Osiris, §§ 2 and 54. subject, free from the prejudices of
The Archetypal Man in his higher scholars and mythologists. The
nature in immortal, but his potential Higher Self is symbolised under a
perfect lower nature is subject to thousand names connected with ideas
death and change of state, and BO of emanation, sacrifice, obscuration,
the form or limitation tendency death, and resurrection, which sym
(Typhon), motived by desire, presses bolically express the true nature of
apparently against tho life within, the changes in the manifestation of
resulting in the evolution of a number the Divine Life during the formation
of astro -mental qualities which operate and development of tho soul.
upon many sub-planes. Then the " The theologists say the mind (the
buddhic function (Isis) begins to act heart ') in this Dionysiacal dismember
in disciplining and harmonising the ment was preserved intact by the wisdom
of Athena ; it was the soul that was
qualities, so that eventually they may first divided, and it was divided seven
all be perfected and united in one, —• fold." — PROCLUS, Farm., III. 33.
the Higher Self (Osiris). The causal-body (heart) on the
" The god Tern, the Governor nml
higher mental plane was not subject
only One of the gods, hath spoken, to the lower nature, but being immortal
and his word passeth not away. Horus
is both divine food and the sacrifice. it was carried over from involution to
Horus hath passed on to gather together evolution, as the seat of the buddhic
the members of his divine father ; Horus or Wisdom principle (Athena). The
is his deliverer. Horus hath sprung, lower soul, or astro-mental nature,
from tho water of his divine father and
from his decay. He hath become the yielded its qualities in due order and
Oovernor of Egypt." — BUDGE, Book of sufficiency for the time being.
" There is no member of my body
the Dead, p. 258.
The Higher Self in the expression which is not the member of some god.
And I am Ra day by day." — BUDGE,
(word) of Itself endureth for ever. Book of the Dead, Ch. XLIII.
The Self below (Horus) in the sacrifice " So we, who are many, are one body
of Itself, is the sustainer of all that in Christ, and severally members one
of another." — ROM. xii. 5.
arises by means of it. The evolving
Self restores in perfection the qualities
As the Archetypal Man, or Christ,
is divided into many qualities after
proceeding from the involved Divine
involution, so tho many qualities be
Archetype (father). The evolved Self
come one Christ after evolution.
is the deliverer of the involved Self, " Adam was one man, and is yet
and the twain are One. The Self hath the whole human race. He was broken
evolved from the emanation of the as it were, in pieces ; and being scattered,
Spirit within, and from the cessation is now being gathered together, and,
The as it were, conjoined into one by a
of its externalising activities.
spiritual fellowship and concord. And
Self hath become the ruler of the '
the poor that groan
as one man, is
mental plane (Egypt). that same Adam ; but in Christ he is
Manichaeaus says that God, in his being renewed ; that Adam might
own nature, was cut in pieces by the race renew to himself the image of God.
of darkness." — AUGUSTINE, Manichasan Of Adam then is Christ's flesh : of
Heresy, p. 549. Adam the temple which the Jews dis-
" The " race of darkness " is a troyed, and the Lord raised up in three
symbol of the forces of limitation and days." — AUGUSTINE, Gospel of St. John,
Vol. I. p. 149.
ignorance. The Adam referred to is the Adam
" Philosophers figuratively tell of
' ' ' ' of tho first chapter of Genesis, a
tearing* asunder and dismemberings ;
and in these aspects Apollo is variously symbol of the perfect Archetypal
" In the religious idea is the solution
Man (atma-buddhic), the crucified
Christ, who gives his life for the of the moral problem. This idea is
none other than the idea of Perfection,
salvation of humanity. His members, which is in us at the bottom of our
or qualities, are scattered in every inner life, and realises itself — in idealising
human soul and are now being gathered itself — in the notion of a God-loving
together, that Christ may be renewed synthesis of the real and the ideal.
and manifested hi us as we show Perfection exitt*. It is the summit of
creative evolution. It surpasses reality
forth his qualities of Wisdom, Love (the actual) without separating itself
and Truth. from it. Religion is a reality which
See ADAM (higher), ARC. MAN, surpasses reason without ceasing to
conform to the laws of the understanding.
CHRIST, CRUCIFIXION (gnostic), DEATH The worship of Perfection is the beginning
OF OSIRIS, OF LEMMINKAINEN, Dl- of wisdom ; it is also the end of know
ONY8U8, DWAKF, EVOLUTION, FLAY ledge, the highest development of the
ING, FOOD (god), GLORY, HEART, inner life in the communion of united
and fraternal souls." — E. BouTROfX,
Isis, KAGU, KAIOMARTS, KAMA, LIMBS, " The soul takes satisfaction in progeny
LITTLE CHILDREN, MEMBERS, OSIRIS, only because it finds in offspring
PAPYRUS, PRAGAPATI (relaxed) PURU- a visible image of some everlasting
possession. It rises steadily to ever-
SHA, QEBSENNUF, QUETZALCOATL, higher types of progeny— lofty thoughts,
RESURRECTION, SACRIFICE, SETTLE poems, statutes, institutions, laws —the
MENTS, TEM, TYPHON, YMIH, ZAGREUS. fair creations of the mind. But the
highest stage of Love comes when the
DISPENSATIONS ; COVENANT OF soul sees Beauty itself which is ever
LAW, AND COVENANT OF lasting, 'not growing and decaying,
GRACE :— not waxing and waning.' He, -who
under the influence of Love rises to see
Symbolic of stages and methods of that Beauty, is not far from the end.
the soul's evolution. (PLATO, Symposium)." — R. M. JONES,
" Wherefore the law was our school Afystital Religion, p. 65.
master to bring us unto Christ that we See BONDAGE, CHILD, CHILDREN OF
might be justified by faith." — GAL. iii. JERUSALEM, CONSCIENCE, COVENANT,
Wherefore the law of cause and
effect, of reason and experience, — was
as a teacher to lead us unto Wisdom
and Love, that at length we should
be perfected by intuition and perceive DISTRESSED WORLD :—
the Truth of things direct. A symbol of the astro-mental
The first dispensation which is the plane — the field of the warring desires
moral law learned through experience and lower emotions and passions,
and reason, and enforced by the with entailed suffering and sorrow.
conscience and the demands of social See BOAT OF WISDOM, LION-GAIT.
preservation and order, is supported DIVORCE .—
and enhanced by the second dispensa
A symbol of an apparent or delu
tion which bestows the law of Love — a sive separation of Love from Wisdom,
law free of coercion either from Emotion from Reason, Goodness
within or from without. It operates from Truth ; for these pairs are
through attraction to all that is indissolubly united by Divine law.
higher in the life of the soul. " Have ye not read that he
" Unless the Church hns more than which
made them from the beginning made
a high morality to offer, it has ceased them male and female, and said, For
to be Christian. For as in Art, so in this cause shall a man leave his father
Christianity, its direct end is not to and mother, and shall cleave to his wife ;
make men moral, but to awaken in and the twain shall become one flesh ?
them those deep emotions, and to present . . . What therefore God hath joined
to them those high ideals, which, felt together, let not man put asunder." —
and followed after, will not only indirectly MAT. xix. 4-6.
produce morality, but aspiration and Christ here points out that ideally
effort to do far more than men are reason and emotion are not at variance
absolutely bound to do by the moral
law." — STOPFORD A. BROOKE, Serm., they are not separate but a duality.
Changed Aspect, etc. For this reason the mind shall quit
and desire, — the outer parents, — plane. The " dog " a symbol of

and go in search of the Ideal, — the the Self under the aspect of will,
higher emotions, — for they are one, wliich is the first aspect under which
when the intellect and the buddhic the Self goes forth. The "meat"
emotions are in harmony together. symbolises the beneficial results of
This ideal duality no lower attraction experience, knowledge.
" The dog is connected with Siva
can avail to separate.
HARLOT, HUSBAND in his character of a mountaineer, or
See (wife): rather, perhaps, with Rudra, who also
presides over homos." — MON. WILTJAMS,

AGE, WHOREDOM, WIFE, WOMAN. Religious Thought in India, p. 328.

A " mountaineer " is one who
climbs a mountain, a symbol of aspira
tion, — one who rises from the lower to
The " wife " is a symbol of the
.motions allied with the mind. The the higher, as does the Self (Siva)
seeking to sunder the union of mind through the will (dog). The Self
and emotion is an attempt to (Rudra) through the will directs the
transgress the law of the soul's mental faculties (horses).
progression, and form an alliance See FIRE, HORSE, LAMB MEAT,
with lower attractions — folly. See SACRIFICE, SHEEP, SIVA.
PKOV. vii.
DODONA SPEAKING OAK ;— A symbol of the Higher Self in Its
Signifying lofty aspirations eliciting threefold aspect of Will, Wiadom,
intuition of truth. and Activity made manifest on the
" In the lower planes (Hades).
prow of the Argo Athena
art a plank, cut from the speaking oak See CHARON'S FERRY, HADES, STYX,
of Dodona." — Argonautic Expedition. TRIAD.
In the forefront of the causal
body, Wisdom planted, as were, a DOG, GOOD, PESOSCHOROUN :—

ma-st of truth, that is, a means where A symbol of the true will in the
mentality, showing activity of the

aspiration should ascend and meet

with the response from above Divine nature within the soul.
The Self knows Itself alone to be
A symbol of the will prosecuting
the doer. Choice is left to the illusory
the search after spiritual Truth
separate self of the lower planes. (water).
symbol of the will In Us various
A symbol of the will exercised In

aspects. self-control.
symbol of the going forth of the A symbol of the will active in

•Sflf as will. co-ordinating the virtues (sheep).

dog ato the first meat of the

sacrifice of a sheep." — The Bundahia, DOG, TRAINED :—

Ch. XV. 14.
This sacrifice that of the mind A symbol of the will powerful in the

and the " fire "

to the lower emotions,
disciplined self.
the symbol of desire. It a DOG, VOHUNASGA :—


correspondency of the sacrifice of the A symbol of the will tenacious In

Logos which takes place, in so far as holding on to the ideals of goodness
the ego concerned, from the mental and truth.

DOG, BAD, VESCHEROUN :— the four manifested planes : the
" four eyes " signifying
A symbol of the illusory lower will perception on
which evidences captivity to the the four planes, — buddhic, mental
desires. This false desire-will is astral, and physical.
the inverted reflection of the Love-will The will is perfect (white) because
of the higher nature. It is nothing the activities of the ego on any plane
but the activity of the mind enslaved are perfectly regulated. Time is
by sensations, desires, and passions.
It is blind self-assertion of the lower vanquished when the ego is endowed
nature : pain and sorrow result with full attributes by means of the
therefrom. Its power is proportional perfected personality.
" The four-eyed brindled
to its lack of intelligence. dogs — that
" watch for the departed." — Vedic Hymn.
Lust and anger shall not Reduce, In this case the wills in the many
and the dog covetouaness shall be
destroyed (Guru Arjan). — MACAULIITF, souls are lacking in perfection, and they
The Sikh Religion, Vol. III. p. 129. await the further experience of the
See BONDAGE, CAPTIVITY, IGNO- personalities.
HOUSES (corpses), NASU, WHITE.
A symbol of the opposite or negative THE KINVAT BRIDGE :—
will which has no discrimination A symbol of the fixed will in the
and allows the higher impulses to higher mind, which the soul must
pass unrecognised. attain to ere it be liberated from the
See DAEVAS, TOBTOISE, ZAIRIMY- lower nature, and become conscious
ANGUBA. on higher planes.
" Those who have chosen the good
DOG, VANGHAPARA (THE in this world are received after death
HEDGEHOG) :— by good spirits, and guided, under the
protection of the dog Sura, to the bridge
A symbol of the will active in the Kinvat : the wicked are dragged thither
intelligence. by the daevas." — Zoroaatrian System.
The dog with prickles and long They who have done well in
and thin muzzle, the dog Vanghapara is their incarnations, — who have sown
a good creature which from midnight
to dawn destroys thousands of creatures worthily, shall reap the fruits, or
of the evil spirit." — Vendidad, XIII. reward, hereafter, i.e. upon those
A symbol of the Will active in the planes whereon their consciousness is
critical intellect which destroys super The "
gradually awakening. dog-
stition, error, ignorance, and doubt ; "
star is a symbol of power, will, and
and gets rid of the incumbrances or tenacity of purpose, which qualities
outgrown notions of the lower mind. stand for the will of the faithful
See BRIAREUS, CREEPING THINGS, servant of the Higher Self, who has
TALUS. succeeded in crossing the bridge '*
of manas (mind) which unites the
lower and higher consciousnesses. The
A symbol of the will functioning " wicked " are the un perfected souls, —
in the quaternary.
" But they who are relatively undeveloped
the fiend (druj) Nasu can be
and who are drawn away to incarna
expelled from the corpse by bringing
in ' a dog with four eyes,' — a white tion by the lust of life, attachment,
dog, according to modem Parsi usage, — pride, and egotism.
and the demon, as soon as the dog looks See BRIDGE (kinvat), DAEVAS,
at the body, flies back to hell."—J. M. HARVEST, KARMA, LIBERATION, MAN
MITCHELL, Zend-Avesta, p. 36.
The " druj Nasu " is a symbol of (bad), MAN (righteous),
the process of Time which captures
the residual elements of the lower HEAPING, WICKEDNESS, WILL.
personality (corpse), and claims the DOLIONES PEOPLE :—
astral matter for future use. The Symbolic of a state of deep medita
" dog with four
eyes " is a symbol of tion upon truth, and confidence in the
the will controlling the activities on reality it discloses.
" Leaving Lemnos, the Argonauts came " When St. John
says that God is a
to the Doliones, whose king was named Spirit, and that He must be worshipped
Cyzicus." — Argonautic Expedition. in spirit, he means that the mind must
And now leaving the condition of bo cleared of all images. When them
scientific knowledge, the consciousness prayest, shut thy door— that is, the
doors of thy senses. Keep them barred
comes nearer to the state of interior and bolted against all phantasms and
meditation and faith in its higher images. Nothing pleases God more
suggestions, wherein the possibility of than a mind free from all occupations
and distractions. Such a mind is in
achieving freedom from the thraldom
a manner transformed into God, for
of physical illusion occurs. it can think of nothing, and love nothing,
See ARGONAUTS, CYZICUS, LEMNOS, except God ; other creatures and itself
SHAVING, TEARS. it only sees in God. Ho who penetrates
into himself, and so transcends himself,
DOLPHIN OF POSEIDON :— ascends truly to God. He whom I
A symbol of atma-buddhi, I.e. love and desire is abovo all that is
truth- wisdom, a denizen of the Ocean sensible, and all that is intelligible;
of Truth-reality. Or, in the plural, sense and imagination cannot bring
us to Him, but only the desire of a
the myriad spiritual monads or egos "
pure heart (ALBEKTUS MAGNUS, De
of humanity. Adh. Deo.).— R. M. JONES, Myttical
See MONAD OF LIFE, OCEAN, Religion p. 219.
HEART, MAN (blind), Man (rich).
A symbol of an entrance to the mind DOOR, NARROW :—
for the vibrations from above, that
A symbol of the higher mind as
is, access through the higher mind
an entrance to the higher planes.
for the spiritual life to flow in from "
the atma-buddhic planes. And one said unto him. Lord, are
" there few that be saved ? And he
Jesus said, I
am the door of the said unto them, Strive to enter in by
sheep. All that came before me are the narrow door : for many, I say unto
thieves and robbers : but the sheep you, shall seek to enter in, and shall
did not hear them, -I am the door ; by not be able." — LUKE xiii. 23, 24.
me if any man enter in, he shall be
saved, and shall go in and go out, and This refers to the large amount of
shall find pasture." — JOHN x. 7-9. promise, — or potential power, — in
The Christ-soul (Jesus) is the highest comparison to the little fulfilment, —
nature of the soul, and is therefore or actual power, — in the evolving
the entrance for the buddhic virtues qualities. The qualities when spiritu
(sheep) which do not contact (hear) alised, are all, as it were, Christs in
the desires (thieves). The desires the germ, for eventually they will
precede the advent of the Christ in become one with the Christ. But
the soul, and, as it were, rob it of though there be many qualities called
good or the vibrations from above. forth by the Word of God, — or the
If any mental quality (man) is of the Will of the Logos, — yet few are chosen ;
higher nature, it is immortal and or rather, few choose to carry their
shall return from activity and go out destiny to its logical conclusion.
to activity, and find experience con Truly, the way is narrow and the
ducive to growth. journey perilous ; yet shall it be
There is in every man's heart an that those who steadfastly continue
open door towards the eternal, and till the end, shall be saved, that is,
through that open door the messages
shall retain their individuality and
of God can come." R. J. CAMPBELL,
Song of Ages, p. 280. become in ultimates actually, that
See FALL, GATE, MURDERER, PAS- which they are in primes potentially.

TniEr, VOICE op COD, WINDOW. (gnashing).


A symbol of an entrance to the mind A symbol of the termination of the
for vibrations from below, enabling cycle of life on the lower planes.
the consciousness to perceive pheno " When once the master of the house
mena of the astral and physical is risen up, and hath shut to the door,
planes. and ye begin to stand without, and
to knock at the door, saying, Lord open Peter of being a disciple of Jesus,
to us ; and he shall answer and say which Peter denied.
to you, I know you not whence ye are." " The Lord turned and looked upon
— LUKE xiii. 25. Peter. And Peter remembered the
This signifies the manvantaric evolu word of the Lord." — LUKE xxii. 61.
tion brought to a conclusion, and The two " maids " signify two of
describes the inability of those who the sense organs, — sight and hearing, —
have not kept pace with the scheme, which when exercised with discern
to secure a place in its fulfilment. Ex ment, serve to make it evident to
cuses are useless : for unless the the lower mind (Peter) that the central
lower avails itself of the advantages Ideal (Christ) is a reality. But the
offered by the Influence from On lower mind, engrossed with the objects
High, no grace is obtained, and of sense, indignantly repudiates any
nothing ia achieved. The " door connection with its Divine Author.
shut " implies that the distinction Then comes the warning of the Christ
between the material and spiritual is in the dawning of the higher mind
realised. The insufficiently progressed upon the lower consciousness, — a
qualities or souls shut out have to dawning which brings with it certitude
await further opportunities of im of the reality of the higher nature, and
provement. a stirring of the buddhic emotions.
See JUSTICE, KARMA, MANVANTARA, " Peter went out, and wept bitterly."
VIRGINS (parable). See JESUS OF GOSPELS, MAN (natural ),
A symbol of the entrance from below GAPATI, OF THE HALL OF
to the mind within the soul. The BRAHMAN :—
desires and sensations reach the
Symbolic of the Divine Will and
consciousness from the astral and
Wisdom, —or devotion to the Highest
physical planes.
and a direct vision of the Truth.
These stand , as it were , at the entrance
THE VARA of the " palace of Perfection " and
:— adjudge the condition required
CLOSURE) previous to the soul's final liberation
A symbol of the point where the from the lower nature.
lower Self is united with the Higher "He (a man) approaches the door
Self ; or the aperture towards the keepers Indra and Pragapati and they
Divine in the higher mind, contacting run away from him. He approaches
the lower mind above the quaternary the hall Vibhu, and the glory of Brahman
(vara). (See Vendidad.) reaches him."— Kaush. Upanishad, I. 2.
" At the apex of your spirit there The ascending soul approaches the
is a little door,so high up that only by aspects of the Self, — Will and Wisdom,
hard climbing can you reach it. There and these now quit their former
the Object of your craving stands and
positions as conditioning access to the
knocks ; thence came those persistent
messages — faint echoes from the Truth
higher planes ; they are no longer
eternally hammering at your gates — needed, that is, they are no longer
which disturbed the comfortable life required to bo manifested. The soul
of sense. Come up then by this pathway then comes to the Hall of final libera
to those higher levels of reality to which,
in virtue of the eternal spark in you, tion, and then it is that the Glory of
you belong." — E. UNDERBILL, Mysticism, the Supreme is made evident to him,—
p. 50. for it can never be beheld so long
SeeBRAHMARANDHRAM, HAIB OP as the thraldom of manifestation is
HEAD, QUATERNARY, VARA, WINDOW imposed upon the Self.
A symbol of one of the senses which,
as it were, opens the door of the soul DOORS, HOUSE WITH FOUR :—
to the external world. Symbolic of the quaternary giving
In the Gospels a maid who kept the the ego access to the four planes by
door, and another maid, both accused means of four connected bodies.
" When the Gods, as was reasonable,
was necessary for him to have complete
became incensed against him to the
knowledge and control of his four
utmost, he (Loke) fled away and hid
himself in a hollow of the hills, where
bodies or vehicles which are his
ha built for himself a house with four instruments of consciousness and action
doors, so that he might have views on on the four planes. This mastery
•11 sides." — Prose Eddtt.
could only be attained by perfecting
This statement is explanatory of
the four bodies in the image of their
the fall of the ego into matter to
prototypes, by means of the higher
inhabit forms therein ; and it describes mind (Thoth) during the embodi
the limitations which are imposed ment (coffin) of the ego on the lower
upon the soul when it descends to gain It is the higher mind
planes (tomb).
experience on the lower planes. which has the keys of heaven and of
Hereon a " house with four doors
hell, that is, the means of access by
is builded, that is, a connected series
the ego to the higher and lower planes.
of bodies ia formed, — a physical, an
The mystery is in the perfecting of
astral, a mental, and a buddhic the bodies, which perfecting is im
vehicle, — is organised for the use of
possible for the outside or lower mind ;
the ego, so that intercommunication
as the desires on the astro-mental
between itself and the universe, — the of it.
plane (swamp) are oblivious
within and the without, — is established. The mystery cannot be solved by
" " refers to
The anger of the Gods that which is lower but only by that
the obscuration of the Ideals which
which is higher — the spiritual father
the descent into matter implies.
or the spiritual son allied with the
Symbolic of the four vehicles of Isis, KEYS, MARSH, NEPHTHYS, Osrais,
consciousness rendering the four PROTOTYPES, QUARTERS, QUATERNARY,
planes accessible to the ego by means RA, THOTH, TOMB, VESTURES, WALKS,
of theactivities of the higher mind. WINDS (four), WOOD, WORLDS (five).
"The north wind belonged to Osiris, AND
the south wind to Ra, the west wind
to Isis, and the east wind to Nephthys ; FAT:—
and for the deceased to obtain power This signifies the outer and the inner
over each and all of these it was necessary aspects of love.
for him to be master of the doors through See FAT, FLESH, ROASTED.
which they blew. This power could
only be obtained by causing pictures DOUGH OF MEAL, WATER AND
of the four doors to be painted on the LEAVEN :—
coffin with a figure of Thoth opening
each. . . . the rubric says,
Let none Symbolic of experience and know
who is outside know this chapter for ledge, transformed by the Divine
it is a great mystery, and those who Life (leaven), and made ready to be
dwell in the swamps (i.e. the ignorant) transmuted by fire (buddhi) into truth
know it not. Thou shall not do this the substance of goodness, the " bread
in the presence of any person except of heaven," the sustenance of the soul.
thy father, or thy son, or thyself alone ;
for it is an exceeding great mystery
which no man whatever knoweth." " — (higher), MEAL, WHEAT, WATER.
K- T.I.I:, Egyptian Book
of the Dead. DOVE, OR PIGEON :—
The buddhic plane is the plane on
An emblem of purity, aspiration,
which the incarnate Self (Osiris) is
and gentleness, or the active principle
born ; the physical plane is a reflec animating the higher nature which
tion of Atma ( Ra) ; the mental plane descends into the lower nature in
is allied with buddhi (Isis) ; and the order to rise therefrom.
astral plane is the modeller of the "
And Noah sent forth a dove from
physical (Nephthys). In order that him, to see if the waters were abated
the individuality from off the face of the ground ; but
(deceased) ehould the dove found no rest for the sole of
obtain mastery over the conditions her foot, and she returned unto him
on each and all of the four planes, it to the ark."— G*N. viii. 8, 9.
" Thegreat Dragon of Wisdom (Kwan-
And from the Individuality or
Self in the soul, is sent forth an shi-yin) is born of Fire and Water,
and into Fire and Water will all be re-
aspiration of a loving and pure nature, absorbed with him." — Fa-hwa-King.
and a tender thought, to discover the The Higher Self as atma-buddhi is
secret of Truth behind the prevailing generated from Spirit (fire), and
illusions of the lower mind ; but the Reality (water) on the side of Matter,
aspiration at this stage found no and into Spirit and Reality at the
lodgement in the lower consciousness, end of the manvantara, all things
so by the law of its nature it returned will be re-absorbed together with him.
to the Self again. " In the first or lowest line, undivided,
" we see its subject as the Dragon lying
The dove is that spirit of gentleness
and peace which appears more boldly hid in the deep. It is not time for
now as heaven opens to us." — A. JUKES, active doing. In the second line, un
Types of Genesis, p. 120. divided, we see its subject as the Dragon
" The dove was the bird sacred to appearing in the field. It will be advan
Istar." — A. H. SAYCB, Rel Babyl, p. 271. tageous to meet with the Great Man."
" Istar " is a symbol of Wisdom, — — Yt King, I. 1, 2.

the Holy Spirit (Esther). In the first age, the inner Potencies
" Upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit prepare to emanate. Tho Eternal
descending as a dove, and abiding on Wisdom, or Higher Self, lies hidden in
Him, this is He which baptiseth with the unknown darkness of the Un-
the Holy Ghost." — JOHN i. 33.
" By means of the dove we are taught manifest ; for the time of creative
that this is He ; and dost thou think activity is not yet. In the second
that thou art baptised by his authority age, the Self is emanated as atma-
by whose ministration thou art baptized ? buddhi, and enters the field of mani
If thou thinkest this, thou art not as
yet in the body of the dove ; and if thou festation. It is the Divine purpose
are not in the body of the dove, it is to form the Archetypal Man, the
not to be wondered at that thou hast not progenitor of the human race.
simplicity ; for by means of the dove See ARC. MAN, DEPTH, FIELD,
simplicity is chiefly designated." —
AUGUSTINE, Gospel of John, Vol I. p. 63.
DOVE- SELLERS :— A symbol of the astral plane, the
Symbolic of hybrid qualities seem activities of which are a means of
ingly gentle and beneficent, but arousing the lower mental faculties.
really hard and grasping. " Deep " signifies the lower nature
" Jesus overthrew the tables of the or the womb of matter.
money-changers, and the seats of them See ABYSS, DEEP, TABLES.
that sold doves." — MAT. xxi. 12.
The " dove-sellers " are those who DRAGON, GREAT RED :—
profess to be kind and amiable, but A symbol of the lower principle as
who are in reality selfish and in an adverse energy to the Higher
different, and who therefore prostitute during an early period of involution
the ideals which they profess to be on the buddhic plane, before the three
living up to. lower planes were organised.
And there was seen another sign in
heaven ; and behold, a great red dragon,
DRAGON :— having seven heads and ten horns, and
This symbol has similar meanings upon his heads seven diadems. And
to the " Serpent." The male Dragon his tail draweth the third part of the
signifies astral aspects, and the stars of heaven, and did cast them to
female Dragon, buddhic, as a rule. the earth : and the dragon stood before
But the " Dragon " may be raised In the woman which was about to be
delivered, that when she was delivered,
signification both on the masculine he might devour her child." — REV. xii.
and on the feminine sides. 3, 4.
See GEORGE AND DRAGON, GREEN The buddhic (heaven) is the first
LION, SERPENT. plane on which manifestation takes
DRAGON OF WISDOM :— place on the lunar chain of globes
A symbol of the Higher Self, — (moon under feet). Manifestation
atma-buddhi. implies duality and relativity, hence
the opposite of the Self appears as to his life. He related his dreams to
an antagonistic energy (red dragon). tho Asar, and they took counsel among

" heads, horns, and diadems " themselves, and determined that means
should be taken for the security of Balder
signify the full endowment of the against all possible danger." — Prose Edda.
not-Self with the lower mental, desire, The Supreme Being fore-knows all
and passional qualities which are of things in the manifestation of Itself
the natural man. The " third part when It creates a universe, and so,
of the stars " refers to the complete in view of the Self-sacrifice or Self-
number of the spiritual egos who limitation involved, is said to be in
descend into the lower nature (earth) peril of its Life. As manifestation
to undergo their pilgrimage through proceeds, tho Divine aspects (Asar)
life. The buddhic principle (woman) confer, as it were, together and
ia ready at this early period to bring perfect their plans, devising means
forth the Self, who in involution be for the security of the indwelling
comes subjective and free of conflict. Self in its involution and evolution
See AiiVAVA, BIRTH OF MAN-CHILD, through the illusory regions of the
CONSTELLATIONS, GROWN (stars), manifested lower worlds. And thus
DEVIL, GREEN, HOBNS (ten), MAN completely the order of nature is
(natural), STARS, YAO. wisely arranged to subserve the
Divine end in view.
DRAUPADI, DAUGHTER OF KING "He (Brahman), the knowing, gave
DRUPADA :— himself up to confused fancies, and
A symbol of Wisdom or Intuition when he fell into the slumber prepared
generated by the spiritual mind. for him by Maya, he beheld in amaze
" Draupadi ment multiform dreams : I am ; this
was born out of the sacri is my father, this my mother, this my
ficial fire, and was a form of Lakshmi. . . . field, this is my kingdom." — H. OLDEN-
Divine perfume exhaled from her person. BERQ, Buddha, p. 238.
As the Pandavas were all portions of The Supreme Truth, in commencing
one deity (Indra), there could be no
to manifest, pre-determined the nature
harm in Draupadi becoming the wife
of all five." — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian of the coming universe, and having
Wisdom, p. 388. become obscured within the illusion
Wisdom, or the' buddhic emotion- of existence, awakened therein to
nature, was born in the soul from out formulate the Divine scheme through
of the self-limitation of Spirit, and Self-limitation. The true and One
aspiration of the lower nature. The Self is the central principle of mani
" the
expresses and
beauty festation : the Absolute Spirit (father)
harmony which comes into the soul through the essence of the highest
through the higher emotions. Wisdom Matter (mother) have produced it.
is allied to all the five higher attributes Potential within the Self is the Life-
of the soul on the higher mental cycle, the arena (field) of manifesta
plane. These attributes arise and tion, and the kingdom of the soul.
develop through devotion to righteous " How could the all-knowing God
ness and Truth. arrange a scheme of providential order,
See CHBYSEIS, DHRISTA, DRUPADA, just as if He did not know the coming
fact of sin, eternally present to His
LAKSHMI, PANDAVAS, PANDORA, PER- knowledge T Mind works under con
S, SCENT (sweet). ditions of unity, and, above all, Perfect
Mind. What God has eternally in view,
DRAWER OF WATER :— therefore, is the certain fact of sin, that
A symbol of the soul or mind fact about which all highest counsel
acquiring truth. in His government must revolve, and
upon the due management of which
See HYLAS. all most eventful and beneficent issues
in His kingdom depend, must pervade
DREAMS OF THE SUPREME :— His most ancient beginnings, and crop
A symbol of pre- perception or fore- out in all the layers and eras of His
ordination of the Divine scheme of process, from the first chapter of creative
the universe and of the soul.
movement onward. As certainly as
sin is to be encountered in His plan,
"The beginning of this story is that its marks and consequences will be
Balder the Good was disquieted by appearing anticipatively, and all the
dreams of ill-omen which foretold peril grand arrangements and cycles of time
will be somehow preluding its approach, they (Drona) are completely dis
and the dire encounter to be maintained credited and immediately disappear.
with it." — H. BUSHNELL, Nature and the
Supernatural, p. 136. The beheading is the ridding the mind
See ABSOLUTE, ARC. MAN, ASAB, (head) of its legalism.
DREAMS, CHAOTIC :— A symbol of the quality of tamas, 1 .e .

A symbol of the false simulating the inertia, or lack of progressive energy,

true, or of superstition. and of initiative.
Odin cast upon the funeral pile (of
DRINK OF WINE OR WATER :— Balder) the ring Drdpner, which possessed
the property of producing every month
A symbol of the sustenance of the eight similar rings of weight equal to
Spirit, — the soul partaking of Life itself. Balder's horse and all his riding-
and Truth. gear were also laid upon the pile." —
See THIRST, WATEB, WINE. Hownr, Literature, Prose Edda, etc.
And now it is that the Higher Self
DRONA :— under the aspect of Will (Odin)
A symbol of the law of outer casts forth the tamasic quality, which
observance :— the following of tradi is eightfold, inasmuch as, being a
tion, and the obedience to authority, condition of the four lower planes, it
and codes of external laws. has duality of aspect on each plane.
" Urona was the son of a Rishi, but The " month " is a symbol of time or
was not born of woman." — J. C. OMAN, space, and indicates phenomenal
The Great Indian Epic*, p. 113.
changes. Thereupon the rajasic
That is, the Law principle proceeds
quality of outgoing energy, and the
from a state of the soul, and not from
functioning of the mind are sub
the emotion-nature. "Drona" was
the preceptor both of the young Pan-
davas and the young Kurus, i.e. the MONTH,
nascent soul-qualities were nurtured
and taught under the Law.
" The tutor's fee which Drona required TAMAS.
of his pupils for their instruction was DROUGHT ; WATERLESS :—
that they should capture Drupada, king
of Pancala, who was his old school Significant of an Inert mental
fellow, but had insulted him by repudiat condition, with absence of truth or
ing his friendship." — MON. WILLIAMS, opinions, and consequent barrenness
Indian Wisdom, p. 385. and latency.
The Law requires that the qualities See DEARTH, DEVASTATION, DBY,
should capture the spiritual mind WINTER.
(Drupada), which repudiates authority.
The desires (Kurus) are said to try, DROUGHT, FREEDOM FROM :—
but fail, while the Pandavas (higher A symbol of the activity of the
faculties) succeed. mental faculties, and the nourishing
" When Drona was carrying everything of the mind through truth (water).
before him, the Pandavas informed him See IRRIGATION, RAIN, YIMA.
falsely that his son had been killed.
He did not credit the report at first, DRUG, OR DRUJ NASU, OR
but when assured of its truth by the DROUK :—
virtuous Yudhisthira himself . . . the A symbol of desire and ignorance,
old hero threw away his arms and,
devoting himself to Yoga contemplation, warring against right and truth.
passed away immediately. Dhriata- See ARIZUBA, DAEVA, Doo (white),
dyumna then beheaded his lifeless corpse." NASU.
— J. C. OMAN, The Great Indian Epics,
p. 184. DRUGS OF MEDEA :—
To the higher faculties (Pandavas) Symbolic of buddhic functioning-;
law and authority come to have no which render desire inoperative in
result (son) in the mind, consequently the soul.
" Medea led Jason by night to the which brings forth the Cosmos as
Golden Fleece, and with her drugs sh<> a germ or egg in time and space.
cant to sleep the serpent which guaruVd
it." — Argonautic Expedition.
Tho intuition loads the soul socrotly DUGHDHOVA, MOTHER OF
to the source of Wisdom, so soon as ZARATUST :—
the lower mind is stilled, for with tho A symbol of primeval matter of
powers exercised upon the higher the lower planes, — manasic and astro-
planes she lulls to rest the tempter, — physical, — which gives birth to the
kama-manas. Soul in the cycle of Involution.
A symbol of the spiritual nature DUNG OF FLOCKS AND HERDS
which " intoxicates " or paralyses FERTILISING THE GROUND :—
the lower self through an influx of Symbolic of the experience which
the Divine life. the emotions yield, and through
" In the Rig-Veda, Indra is the highest which the soul-growths are nourished
and greatest of the Gods, and his Soma- in the culture of the lower nature.
drinking is allegorical of his highly See FLOCKS, GROUND, MAN WITHOUT
spiritual nature. In the Puranas, Indra WOMAN.
becomes a profligate, and a regular
drunkard on the Soma-juice." — H. P. DURASROBO, THE KARAP :—
BIAVATSKY, Secret Doctrine, Vol. II.
p. 295.
A symbol of the kamic or astral
I drank and was inebriated with the principle of the lower nature, in its
living water that does not die ; and lower Instinct quality.
my inebriation was not without know " The plotting Durasrobo, as a punish
ledge." — Ode of Solomon. ment for his wickedness in endeavouring
See DIONYSUS, INDRA, INTOXICA to thwart the righteous (Zoroaster),
TION, NOAH, SILENUS, SOMA-JUICE, comes to a violent and strange end." —
A. V. W. JACKSON, Zoroaster, p. 32.
Tho lower instinct-nature comes to
DRUPADA, KING :— an end inasmuch as when the rein of
A symbol of the spiritual mind. reason is put on it to restrain it then
See DKAUPADI, DRONA, PANCALA. transmutation takes place, and the
lower desires, as such, become to all
DRY AND MOIST :— intents and purposes non-existent.
Symbols of Falsity and Truth. This restraint and repudiation of
See MOIST ESSENCE. lower motives to action, is equivalent
to the killing-out or suppression of
A nature-spirit or builder of forms See BIRTH OF KRISHNA. CURETES,
on the astral plane. HEROD, HODER, KILLING our,
A symbol of Buddhl as the destroyer
A symbol of command, or the lower of the lower mental qualities (men
will ; a director of the qualities of the or people).
natural man.
This symbol furnishes an instance
DRY-BACKED THROUGH THE of erroneous attribution of ferocity to
DAEVAS :— an object of worship, when the meaning
Symbolic of aspects of the Self is simply the destruction of evil pro
obscured and unapparent, owing to pensities in the soul.
the activities upon the astral and lower See BUDDHI, EGYPTIANS, EXODUS,
DUCK OF ILMATER :— A symbol of the personality, or
A symbol of primordial matter the lower self in the mental body.
" Inasmuch aa he lays down the dviya- DUTY, WEALTH AND
gus brick close to the durva-brick (cattle), PLEASURE :—
— the durva-brick being the breath and
the dviyagua the Sacrifice!-, — those two These ideas are symbols of Justice,
bodies of his (human and divine) thus Wisdom, and Love.
become connected bv breath." — Sata.
The two centres of consciousness, — ALTAR :—
the Individuality and the Personality, A symbol of the potential causal-
— are interconnected upon the mental body, the seat of the Incarnate Self
plane. The human personality is the and Individuality.
" Now were he only to lay down
expression on the lower planes of the
that Golden Man (Pragapati or Agni),
Divine individuality. and not let this dviyagus brick remain,
See ALTAR (fire), BREATH, BRICKS, the Sacrificer surely would quickly pass
DVIYAGUS, PERSONALITY, SACRIFICER. away from this world ; but now that he
allows this brick to remain, he thereby
DUR-YODHANA, " DIFFICULT TO leaves to him this human form of his ;
BE SUBDUED " :— and so he attains with this body the
full measure of life." — Sata. Brdh., VII.
A symbol of the desire-mind, the 4, 2, 18.
principle of kama-manas. If
the Logos only manifested as the
" Dur-yodhana
(like Ravana) is a primordial Higher Self (Gold man),
visible type of the evil principle in human and did not establish the buddhic
nature for ever doing battle with the
causal-centre as the seat of the In
good and divine principle, symbolised
by the five sons of Pandu." — MON. dividuality, the Logos would with
WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 383. draw into Himself and leave the lower
The " hundred brothers " of Dur- planes, so that the purpose of existence
yodhana are the desires. would be unaccomplished. But now
See ADVERSARY, DEVIL, DHBFTA, that the causal-body is formed
KURUS, PANDAVAS, RAVANA. potentially as the perfect pattern of
Divine humanity, it will evolve in
DUSAHK ABYSS :— actuality to the full measure of its
A symbol of the lower planes, the indwelling life.
arena of the desire-mental activities ; See ALTAR (fire), BRICKS, DURVA
the lower life of suffering and discipline BRICK, GOLD MAN, PRAGAPATI,
in which the Incarnating egos find
HADES, HELL, PURGATORY. A symbol of the lower Self as being
small in comparison with the Higher
Self. But the two are aspects of the
One Self.
A symbol of the lower mind which " I stood on a lofty mountain and
is unstable and subject to every wind saw a mighty Man, and another a dwarf,
of doctrine and opinion that obscures . . . and a voice spake unto me and
the truth. said,
am thou and thou art I
; and
" So long as we are in the dust, we wheresoever thou art,I am there, and
see not the face of the Beloved." —
I am sown (or scattered) in all. From
whencesoever thou wiliest thou gatherest
Me, and gathering Me thou gatherest
So long as the egos are obscured thyself.' " — The Gospel of Eve (EpiPH.
in the activities of the lower mind, 26, 3).
they are unable to apprehend the The in its loftiest aspirations,
higher qualities which are the ex sees, as it
were, the Higher and the
pression of the Love and Wisdom lower Selves, — the one great in its
nature within. Dust being free from completeness, the other little in its
water, signifies a state of ignorance, deficiencies. Yet the two Selves are
absence of truth (water), which is essentially the same, for the Higher
the original state of mind (man). is the potential -perfect, while the
See ADAM (lower), BEASTS (earth), lower is the actual, and only imperfect
CURSE (serpent), DRY, MAN, SOPHIA, because not yet fully evolved. In
SWEAT, WATER. the many souls the Perfect Self is
•own or scattered, and waiting to be disturb his mind,' — thus reflecting, the
evolved. The high qualities that go king had a dwelling prepared for his
to make perfection
" are son (Buddha) apart from the busy press,
many mem in the recesses of the palace." — Buddha-
bers, but one body," and that body is Karita, Bk. II. 28.
Christ. When these qualities are The Higher Self anticipates that the
gathered together in the soul, the Soul or lower Self (Buddha), during
Christ is evolved and the soul is then the cycle of its lower experiences,
Christ, — the higher and the lower would require periods of withdrawal
Selves have become One. and rest, which necessitate having a
See DEATH or OSIRIS, DISMEMBER- permanent sheath wherein it may
KENT, EVOLUTION, HIGHER (selves), take refuge. It is here in the pro
LIMBS, LIT, MACROCOSM, MEMBERS, cess of involution that the true
MICROCOSM, OAK TREE, OHONAMOCHI, permanent Ego is established in its
PBAQAPATI, PUHUSHA, SEED (good), causal sheath.
" ' Lord, i him hast been our dwelling
place in all generations (Ps. xc. 1).
DWARF, MISSHAPEN :— The Psalmist's perception here is that
A symbol of error and small- from everlasting to everlasting that
mindedness. which constitutes man has been latent
in God, and has never realty left him,
See LIT. numberless as have been the successive
generations of human life on earth." —
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serin., Our Solidarity
A symbol of the lower mental ivith God.
qualities full of ignorance and illusion. See BEHUDET BUDDHA, CAUSAL-
The dwarfs had been bred in the BODY, COTTAGE, HOUSE, HOUSE
mould of the earth, just as worms are HOLDER, INDIVIDUALITY, INVOLU
in a dead body. It was, in fact, in TION, PALACE, PLACE, RE-INCARNA
Ymir's flesh that the dwarfs were en
gendered, and began to move and live. TION, SHIP OF MANU, SUDDHODANA,
At first they were only maggots, but VESTURES.
by the will of the gods they at length
partook both of human shape and under-
ttanding, although they always dwell DWELLINGS FOR THE SEEDS OF
in rocks and caverns (Prose Edda). —
MALLET, North. Antiq., p. 409. Symbolic of vehicles or forms for
The astro -mental qualities are the the reception of the perfect monads
offspring of the higher element of the of all the qualities of the soul which
lower nature (mould or dust). Through have now to evolve.
the death of the Archetypal Man " Dwellings should be established, and
(Ymir), the kama-manaaic (flesh) the seeds of the best men, women, cattle
principle is reflected below, and from and all things should be brought." —
Vendidad, II., S. B. of E.
this the lower qualities arise. At
This refers to the process and
first they are instinctive and cunning,
period of involution, — the Golden Age,
but they gradually develop in character
where all is perfect, and there is no
though always remaining in the lower
struggle. The " dwellings," or forms,
nature of the soul.
are now ideally prepared, that is, the
means for their formation on the
lower planes is secured. The type
forms for the various mental, emotional,
DWELLER ON HIGH :— desire, and other qualities, brought
A symbol of the Atman or Higher over from the previous cycle of mani
Self. festation, — the Lunar, — are now intro
See ATMAN, TAE-KEIH. duced in their perfection.
A symbol of the causal-body on MAN, MATS, SEEDS OF MKN, VARA.
the higher mental plane, the abode
of the indwelling Spirit. DWELLINGS SUPPLIED WITH
" '
The prince might perchance see
•ome inauspicious sight which could Symbolic of the forms and Hmlta
tions of the lower life of desires and See
personal feelings.

This signifies the development of A symbol of the Holy Spirit, which
potential man during the Lunar cycle, flies, as it were, through the mind
in a state of involution on the buddhic (air) from the higher nature (heaven)
plane, whereby the higher qualities to the lower nature (earth) and soars
are Involved in order that they shall aloft to the Self (sun).
afterwards be evolved. "Alala, the eagle, is stated to be '
the symbol of the noon-tide sun ; and
DYNASTY, EARTH'S Alala, whose name is of Accadian origin,
the great Spirit.' "— A.H. SAYCE,
(OF CHINA) :— signifies
This means the formation of poten Bel. of Anc. Egypt, and Babyl., p. 248.
" The dove is the well-known figure
tial man at the commencement of
of meek innocence. The eagle's lofty
the Mundane cycle, during which the but
flight and keen vision represent
astral vehicle with its mechanism another form of the same Divine Spirit.
is prepared, and the desire-nature — A. JUKES, Types of Genesis, p. 34.
involved. " Flying eagle signifies the divine
truth of the Word as to knowledge and
thence understanding."— SWEDENBORG,
This refers to the appearance of Apoc. Rev., n. 244.
astral man on this earth, the forma (The letter from the king, my Father)
tion of the physical body with its flow in the likeness of an eagle, the king
mechanism, and the establishment of all birds ; it flew and alighted
" (Hymn
me, and became all speech of the
of the differentiated sensorlum. — GNOSTIC, Acts Judas Thomas.
Soul). of
See ADAM (lower), ABC. MAN, PYLUS,
The message to the soul appealed
through the higher side of the con
EA, GOD :— sciousness. It sped forth with a
A symbol of the First Logos, or directness and sureness of aim that
the Creator manifesting upon the might be compared to the flight of
higher mental plane. an eagle, which is a symbol of the
" Ea, under the mask of Merodach Holy Spirit descending. It took pos
(Marduk), is the Creator of mankind as session of the soul mightily, so that
of all things else. In this act of creation
the Goddess Aruru is coupled with him."
it had to express outwardly that
— A. H. SAYCE, Bel. of Anc. Egypt, and which was communicated to it from
Babyl, p. 382. within.
The " Creator Ea " is the First " There is a great deal of meaning in
Logos acting through the Second the fact that the Bible in our English
" Goddess churches is put to rest on the outspread
Logos (Merodach). The
wings of an eagle. The meaning of it
Aruru'1 is the feminine principle has to do with the fact that the letter
buddhi, — duality being necessary to killeth, but the spirit giveth life. You
manifestation, — spirit and matter have very often got to put the literal
" Ea," Bible on the wings of the bird that can
being essential thereunto.
" soar high, i.e. the spiritual imagination,
" Merodach," and Aruru " are the the insight of the seer, before you reach
Higher Triad,— Father, Son, and its heavenly meaning. Yet many a
clergyman, while hi« Bible is on eagle's
Holy Spirit.
" Ea was god of the deep, both of the wings, the very symbol that tells him
to carry it to high spiritual realms of
atmospheric deep, and of that watery will give a wooden interpre
of Homer, which meaning,
deep, the Okeanos
surrounds the earth like a coiled ser tation. In sacred symbolism the eagle
— stands for that power of rising above
pent. . . . Ea was lord of wisdom."
Ibid., p. 104. the earth, above the physical and the
" " literal, into the high heavens of a rarefied
The atmospheric deep signifies faith, a mystic intuition, a penetrating
" firma
the higher mental plane, the spiritual imagination." — T. RHONDBA
ment." The "watery deep," the WILLIAMS, Serm., Dying in the Lord.
"celestial ocean" is the Divine See FATHER, GRIFFIN, HOLY GHOST,
Reality, the Source of all. Truth
(water) is the origin of all things.
EAR, OR HEARING :— is only an aggregation of qualities.'
' '
Remove the qualities which thought
A symbol of the mental faculty can seize, and nothing remain*." — R. M.
in Its passive aspect, receptive of JONES, Mystical Religion, p. 125.
ideas. It stands for trust In See CHAOS, COSMOS, CREATION,
authority ; reliance upon external ELEMENTS, HEAVEN AND EARTH,
guidance. Or, in a higher sense, the KHIEN AND KHWAN, MATTER, MAYA,
ear signifies receptivity to Inward
guidance and to the admonitions of
the conscience as the voice of God. EARTH, THE GREAT SUSTAINING
" ' He will open also their ear, to correct MOTHER :—
them, and will apeak to them that they
' A symbol of the productive buddhlc
return from iniquity (Jos xxxvi. 10). To
nature as the Divine expression upon
'open the ear from iniquity,' is to lay
open the understanding of knowledge. the astral and physical planes.
But a man is reproved, and his ear opened, Buddhl acting as the moulder of forms
when he feels within him a desire after and guide of the separated Self to
eternal goods, and acknowledges the sins enable it to manifest its true nature
which he has outwardly committed." in the soul.
" To * open the ear in tribulation ' "
I praise the earth, the wide-stretched,
(JOB xxxvi. 15) is to open the hearing of the travereable, the vast, the unbounded,
the heart by the affliction of blows. "
thy mother, O righteous Homa ! — Homa
Tribulation then opens the ear of the Yasht.
heart, which this world's prosperity often " earth "
closes." — ST. GREGORY, Moral* on the The here signifies the
Boole oj Job, Vol. III. pp. 176, 182. buddhic principle in consciousness,
" To the soul that is awakened, and
which is the means of assisting the
that is made to see things as they are , gestation of the Self in the lower
to him God is what he is in himself, the
blessed, the highest, the only eternal nature. The buddhic consciousness is
good, and he without the enjoyment of specially made mention of, as it is
whom all things would sound but emptily from this aspect that the growth of
in the ears of the soul." — J. BUNYAN,
the lower Self is assisted.
Chritt a Complete Saviour. " Aditi is this earth, for this earth gives
See CAIAPHAS, CALF (MOLTEN), CON everything here :— ' the all-containing,'
SCIENCE, HEABINO, HIDING, NOISE, for on this earth everything is contained."
SOUND, TRADITION, VOICE. Sato. BrAh., VII. 4, 2, 7,
"Earth — Mother of the Gods, the
EARTH,— PRIMORDIAL :— wife of the starry Heaven." — HOMER,
Hymn, 30, 17.
A symbol of matter which, when " By earth is meant the Lord's church
acted upon by Spirit, takes forms and in the heavens and on the earths ; the
qualities for manifestation. church, wherever it may be, is the Lord's
" In the
beginning God created the kingdom." — SWEDENBORG, Apoc. Rev.,
heaven and the earth. And the earth n. 285.
was waste and void." — GEN. i. 1, 2. See ADITI, BUDDHI, CHURCH, Cow
At the commencement of the emana (earth), LADY, MOTHER (divine),
tion of the Solar Universe, the pri SAPANDOMAD, WISDOM.
mordial elements, Spirit and Matter, EARTH; GROUND; WORLD:—
are differentiated from that condition
which is itself neither, but which is A symbol of the lower nature of
the soul, — lower-mental, astral, and
potential for both. And the matter
physical planes, which constitute
is formless and devoid of special
the arena of life for the ego.
qualities, for Spirit is not yet permea " And God called the dry land Earth :
ting and informing matter, and the and the gathering together of the waters
process of involution has not begun. called he Seas : and God saw that it
" for Erigena means only was good."- — GEN. i. 10.
a local and temporal exhibition of eternal And matter being further differen
tutncei. The visible world is nothing tiated, "dry land Earth" stands for
but the appearance of invisible primordial
Take away from any object the lower nature, — the natural man, —
causes. "
in this visible world all that can be and the gathering together of the
thought about it, i.e. its Idea which waters " signifies the forming of the
constitutes its ' primordial cause,' and astral
" Sea " of the desires. And all
nothing is left. In the last analysis
turns out to be immaterial. is made perfect in the course of
Matter,' so -called, is no real being ; it involution.
" ' "
These knowledges are the waters
(Jos ix. 24.) For what is denoted
gathered together into one place and by the designation of ' the earth,' saving
are called seas '; but the external the flesh ? who by the title of ' the
man is called '
dry land,' and presently wicked,' save the devil T— ST. GREGORY,
earth.' " — SWEDENBORO, Arc. Gel. to Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 526.
Gen. i. 10. See ADAM (lower), ALTAR GROUND,
" Thoth spake after he saw the enemies
lying upon the earth : Joyful is your
heart ye gods of heaven ! Joyful is NATION, JESUS (mortal), LAND, MAN,
' "— SEA,
your heart, ye gods of earth ! ! Legend MAN (natural), REDEMPTION,
of the Winged Sun-disk. THOTH, TRIBUTE.
The Higher-mind, now awakened
in the soul, sees the " enemies " or EARTH (SPECIALISED) :—
desires, prone upon the " earth " A symbol of the physical nature,
or lower planes. Thereat the ego or the physical plane, as the lowest
' Glad,
is the Christ who hath plane of manifestation.
" And God blessed them saying, Be
triumphed over the desire nature and
its illusions ! ' ' Glad are the higher fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters
in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the
qualities of the lower mind, which earth." — GEN. i. 22.
are now raised victoriously ! ' And now the Divine nature energises
" I have moved against the earth ;
the functions of the physical, astral,
I have caused my inherited fate to rest."
and astro-mental natures, and enjoins
— BLACKDKN, Book of the Dead, Ch. CX.
The Self has come forth in the that the higher emotions are to increase
lower nature to contend against it. in the soul, through the discipline of
The Self has offered itself as a sacri the physical nature (earth).
" The first of four human
fice ; for it has voluntarily imposed beings flew
from the North, 'son of the essence of
limitation upon itself, for the sake '
Water ; the second from the South,"
of the many. '
son of the essence of red Earth.'
" Christ's
redemption of the world was — Chinese Legend.
a true man ; all the truer man because it The first world-soul vehicle is the
was God in man ; it was the Father in buddhic, which" is ensouled by the
the Son who showed what earth, used
Atman. The second is the physical,
in the fear of God, might be. In him
there could be no doubt of what sort which is a response to the atmic
had been the giving of the earth to the from below, and, through the law of
children of men of which David had sung attraction, becomes the epitome of
so long ago. It could not for one moment the atmic or love (red) aspect.
seem to have been a gift to man's self- (The
indulgence .and selfishness. It certainly third and fourth vehicles are the
had not been a giving of the earth away astral and the mental.)
from God. It had been given to the See CREATURES, ELEMENTS, MULTI
divine in man, to that in man which had
in it the nature of divinity, and which
was capable, by obedience, of becoming
infinitely near to God. That this is the EARTHQUAKES :—
real nature of God's gift of earth to man Emblem of upheaval in the lower
was the assertion of the incarnation and nature, In which disruptive forces
of all the life of Jesus." — PHILLIPS break up conditions that are outlived,
BROOKS, Serm., The Earth of the Redemp
and which are no longer of use in the
" He who dwelling in the earth is old forms.
" For nation shall rise
distinct from the earth, whom the earth against nation,
knows not, whose body the earth is, who and kingdom against kingdom : and
rules the earth from within, he is thy there shall be famines and earthquakes
soul, the inner guide, the immortal." in divers places." — MATT. xxiv. 7.
— Brihad. Upanishad, III. 7, 3. This represents the conflicts between
The Self incarnate in the lower groups of the lower qualities, resulting
nature (earth) is distinct from the in certain processes whereby the
lower nature, whom the lower nature evolution of good is ultimately accom
knows not, whose vehicle the lower plished. The shaking of the lower
nature is, who rules the lower nature planes (earthquakes) answers to an
from within ; he is thy individual increase of spiritual energy above.
soul or Self, the inner guide to perfec Vibrations communicated to the higher
tion, the immortal ego. planes set up counter quivers on high
levels which react upon the matter nature of the Self, it also shall live
beneath. everlastingly by and in the Self.
Earthquakes signify changes of state
" ' Of every tree that is in the Paradise
in the church, because the earth signifies thou mayest freely eat.' He exhorts
the church, and because in the spiritual the soul of man to derive advantage
world, when the state of the church is not from one ' tree ' alone, nor from one
perverted any where, and there is a change, single virtue, but from all the virtues;
an earthquake takes place." —SWEDEN- for eating is a symbol of the nourishment
BOHO, Apoc. Rev., n. 331. of the soul, and the soul is nourished by
See CALAMITIES, CHUBCH, FAMINE, the reception of good things, and by the
NATION. doing of praiseworthy actions." — PHILO,
Works, Yonge, Vol. IV. p. 77.
" ' For my sighing Cometh before I
Emblem of the direction in which
eat (Jos iii. 24). All they are starved
of the food of truth that take joy in the
the Self appears in the soul. The emptiness of this scene of our pilgrimage,
source of Life, and the light of know but he ' sighs ' (with sorrow), that ' eats,"
ledge is the Self (sun) rising in the because all who are touched with the love
mind. of truth are at the same time fed with
" the refreshments of contemplation." — ST.
Behold the Man whose name is East
GREGORY, Moral* on the Book of Job,
(or Rising)." —PHILO, De Conftu. Ling., Vol. I. p. 251.
§ 1*. " To eat
" The east, indeed, is the region of
signifies appropriation of good
or of evil things." — SWEDENBORQ, Apoc.
the gods, for this reason he (the sacrificer)
Rev., n 832.
looks towards the East." Sola. Brdh.,
" The man who will feel the shining (molten), FEED, FOOD, MANNA, MEAT,
of the Eternal Sun, which is Christ Him MOUTH (opened), SACRAMENT, SUPPER,
self, will have clear vision, and will dwell
on the mountains of the east, concen
trating all his energies and raising his
heart towards God." — RuYSBBOECK.Stod- EATING THE LOWER FOOD :—
dart's trans., p. 127. A symbol of becoming attached to
" From the East our home, my parents,
the things of the lower evolution,
having equipped me, sent me forth." — and partaking of the desires and
" Hymn of the Soul " in the Acts Judas
of sensations. When the fruit or food
of the underworld is eaten by man
From the East, or along the celestial
path of the Self, to which the rising
(mind) and woman (emotion) the
ego identifies itself with the lower
of the sun in the heavens is compar qualities and loses all possibility
able, was the Divine Ego or Spark of detaching itself from them and
sent forth of the Spirit in the buddhic rising again to the upper planes,
vestures which clothed it with the except by recourse to the means
full powers of the soul. provided in choosing the good and
See AGNIHOTRA, CHILDREN OF EAST, refusing the evil through a long series
CHRIST, DAWN, EDEN, GATE (tchesert), of lives.
HORISONS, JOB, MAGI, QUARTERS, "When Izanami died she went to the
QUETZALCOATL, Sin N A 11, STAR IN EAST, land of Yomi, whither she was followed
by her husband. But as she had already
SUN-RISING. eaten of the food of that region, he could
not bring her back with him. She forbade
EATING :— him to look on her, but he persisted and
A symbol of the acquisition of saw that she was already a putrid corpse.
knowledge as sustenance for the Izanami then complained that he had put
mind, by means of sensation and her to shame, and caused him to be
experience. Also, in a higher sense, pursued by the Ugly Females of Hades and
the reception of spiritual food which other personifications of corruption and
disease who dwelt there" (Nihongi). —
is Wisdom, Truth, and Love.
W. G. ASTON, Shinto (Rtligion»), p. 23.
"As the living Father sent me, and I The principle of Buddhi (Izanami)
livo because of the Father ; so he that
eateth me, he also shall live because of became inverted, as it were, on the
me." —JOHN vi. 67. astral plane of the lower quaternary
As the Absolute and Unmanifest (Yomi) and so had partaken of the
Supreme emanated the Divine life, life of the plane, which prevented
which is the life of the Manifest Self, the Self (Izanagi) finding communion
so the quality that partakes of the with her. The death of the higher
qualities became the birth of the See COSMOS, CREATION, EGG, EVOLU
lower, which are the foes of the Self. TION, SELF, SEPARATION, STRIFE.
The lower nature appears corrupt to
the Higher, and the desires and lower
emotions (Ugly females) obscure and Symbolic of a condition of soul
repel the Divine spirit within. The upon the buddhic plane. The buddhic
" fall " having taken place, a process or Wisdom consciousness which is
above the mental.
of salvation is rendered necessary. " And the Lord God planted a
eastward in Eden, and there he put the
EYE, FALL, HIGHER AND LOWER, man whom he had formed." —GEN. ii, 8.
IZANAGI, MEADOW, MEDUSA, PEACHES, And the Divine Will-Wisdom estab
PERSEPHONE, QUATERNARY, UNDER lished the buddhic consciousness,
WORLD, YOMI. or higher soul. And from this the
individuality proceeds to manifest.
It is the ensouling life of the causal-
Symbolic of various conditions upon body on the mental plane.
the astral and physical planes, such " By ' garden ' is
signified intelligence ;
as should conduce to the ultimate by ' Eden ' love ; by ' the east ' the
success and safety of the soul (Argo), Lord ; consequently by the ' garden in
as it progresses through the experi Eden eastward ' is signified the intelligence
ences of the lower state of existence. of the celestial man, which flows in by love
See ARGO, OCYPETE. from the Lord. There is here no strife
between the internal and external m«m
EDDY, OR WHIRL :— The ' garden" in Eden ' is the kingdom of
the Lord, or heaven." — SWEDENBORG,
A symbol of vibratory vortices Arc. Cel. to Gen. ii. 8.
caused by spiritual energy in atomic " Eden is a symbolical
expression for
matter of the higher and the lower correct and divine reason."
planes. Paradise symbolically taken, means
" When wisdom, intelligence both divine and
Strife reached the lowest depth human, and the proper comprehension of
of the eddy, and Love comes to be in the causes of things." — PHILO, Yonge's
the midst of the whirl, then all these trans., Vol. IV. pp. 286, 293.
things come together at this point BO as to " Eden, or Paradise,
was considered
be one alone, yet not immediately, but
by the learned of the ancient Israelites as
joining together at their pleasure, one the place of the Understanding and
from one place, another from another." Wisdom, '
— Empedoclea, FAIRBANKS, 169. the Intellect. The higher
Wisdom is called the higher Eden.'
When diversity reaches its maxi (Zohar)." — I. MYEB, Qabbalah, p. 205.
mum at its lowest point, — that is
" The Garden of Eden
(in the Ottoman
to say, a condition of evolution is Sufi Cosmogony) is the scene of the
Beatific Vision, the Divine Epiphanies,
arrived at, when by a system of the sight of which will form the highest
vortices in matter, vibrations are set felicity of the blessed." — GIBB, Ottoman
up which serve to produce lack of Poetry, Vol. I. p. 37.
" The source and
equilibrium of part with part, which motive of Progress is
answers to the dawn of separate
a sense of want, of short-coming. It is
the very voice of truth, which confesses
existence. Then the Self (Love), seated imperfections and yearns to rise. This
in the centre of all beings, commences true, this humble sense of actual imper
to evolve, and all the infinite diversity fection is provoked and kept alive by a
vision, an ideal of possible perfection,
of phenomena begins to appear. which haunts the secret soul of man, and
And since all things are mutually which is a relic of Eden. ... In man,
interdependent, evolution is proceeded something, be it a memory or an anticipa
with en masse. Yet not equally or tion, is perpetually protesting against
the actual attainments of human life,
completely is this possible, as here and stimulating him to seek a more perfect
and there, and step by step, some and higher condition."— H. P. LIDDON,
qualities slowly, others more quickly, University Sermons, p. 34.
" Gerald
BO they all gradually accomplish their Winstanly had come to regard
the whole Biblical narrative as an allegory
own growth.
" In the of which he gives a most poetical inter
unageing Time, Chaos, impreg pretation. The Creation is mankind.
nated by the whirling of (Father) ^Ether, The Garden of Eden is the mind of man,
formed itself into the Cosmic Egg." — which he describes as originally filled with
G. R. S. MEAD, Orpheus, p. 155. herbs and pletssant plants, ' as love, joy,
peace, humility, delight, and purity of celestial order, or the manner of the process
life.' The serpent he holds to be self-love ; in things relating to life, may appear from
the forbidden fruit to be selfishness,' these rivers, viz. that it is from the Lord,
following the promptings of which
the who is the East, — he is the fountain of
whole garden becomes a stinking dung wisdom, and by wisdom, of intelligence,
hill of weeds, and brings forth nothing but and by intelligence, of reason." — SWEDEN-
pride, envy, discontent, disobedience, and BOKO, Arc. Cel. to Gen. ii.
the whole actings of the spirit and powers
" In Eden the stream is one, but
of darkness.'
" — L. H. BEKENS, The Digger *
from thence it is parted,' and becomes
Movement, p. 44. four distinct rivers. What is this but
See that stream of living waters, which one
NEST,BUDDHIC PLANE, CAUSAL-BODY, and undivided for those who enter Para
dise, — and without a name while it is
CUKSE (ground), EAST, FALL, GARDEN, there, for in its undivided flow the one
GARDEN (flowers), GARODMAN, GIL- stream is beyond all human description, —
GOOLEM, GROVES, HEAVEN, KINGDOM without the garden, it is parted into four
streams, giving its waters to the world
as Pison, Gihon, Euphrates, and Hiddekel.
PELLHBIM, NOD, PARADISE, TREASURES For divine truth which is the living water,
(cave), TYRUS, WISDOM. to those who can see it as it is within
the veil, is one full stream, in undivided
EDEN RIVER WITH FOUR flow ; but to us on earth it ever comes
HEADS :— by four distinct channels. It may be
said in general that there are 'four sources
Symbolically the " river of Eden " of truth, and but four, which are acces
is a channel of communication from sible to men : . . . first, intuition, by
the buddhlc plane to the lower quater which we get an acquaintance with moral
nary (four elements). The first or spiritual things : second, perception,
"head," Pishon, is the higher mental through the senses, by which we only
plane ; the second, Gihon, the lower get an acquaintance with material things
and their properties : third, testimony,
mental plane ; the third, Hiddekel,
by which we learn what others have
the astral plane ; and the fourth,
found out through perception or intui
Euphrates, the physical plane. tion : fourth, reasoning or reflection,
" Sol. process of the understanding." — A. JUKES,
ibn Gabirol says, ' Paradise is
the world supernal. The river going Types of Genesis, p. 50.
forth out of Eden is universal matter. See AMBAYAS, ASSYBIA, ELEMENTS,
Its four separating streams are the four ERIDANUS, EUPHRATES, GIHON, Gn>
" — Jewish Enc.,- article "Ca
" The Zohar HIDDEKEL,
says, — Fire , air, water,
' HOUSE (frequented),
and earth are all united with each other, PISHON, QUATERNARY, RETUKN, RIVEB
and there is not any void between them, OF LIFE, RIVERS, RUAH.
etc.' ; as is taught in the Holy Writings, —
'And from thence it separates and
becomes four heads.'
" — .M -, j.u. Qabbalah, EDFU (APOLLINOPOLIS
p. 216. MAGNA) :—
"The si i- -kin nl i is the Eden which is A symbol of a centre of conscious
above, whence the river of life flows forth
that waters the Garden below." — A. E.
ness in which is the perception of
WAITB, Secret Doctrine tn Israel, p. 192.
Truth, — the fundamental fact which
" '
A river out of Eden'
signineth is to be arrived at through the self-
wisdom proceeding from love, which is conscious recognition of the Supreme
Eden.' To ' water the garden ' is to Reality in the soul.
give intelligence ; to be thence parted into " The god Thoth '
lour heads is a description of intelligence
spake : This was a
' stabbing of my foes.' The nome of Edfu
by four rivers.' The first river, or
Pison,' signineth the intelligence of faith
is called Stabbing from that day." —
Legend of the Winged Sun-disk.
original iiig-in-lovo. . . , The second river,
Gihon,' signineth the knowledge of all The higher Mind recognized that
things relating to goodness and truth, or to tills was a putting down of the illusions
love and faith. What relateth to Pison '
of the mind ; and the place of Truth
hath respect to the will, what to ' Gihon,' in known as the condition of disillusion
' '
to understanding. The river Hiddekel
U reason, or the clearness and perspicuity ment to this day.
of reason. Phrath,' or ' Euphrates,' is See EQINA, HORBEHUDTI, ILLUSION,
science, which is the ultimate or term. THOTH.
As by ' Egypt,' so also by ' Euphrates,'
are signified sciences, or scien tines, and
also the sensual things whereof scientifics
are formed. The nature and quality of A symbol of the Logos as the Divine
Sacrifice, the Saviour and Redeemer There was no motion, nor darkness, nor
within the soul. space, nor matter. There was no other
than God, the One, the Uncreate, the
"The eel, according to Agartharchides Self-subsistent." — The Perfect Way, p. 53.
quoted by Hippolitus Salvianus, the
Bo-otiaris crowned as a victim and From the Absolute Being must first
sacrificed solemnly to the gods, which, be emanated Life, Energy, Spirit,
according to Herodotus, the Egyptians but the first manifestation is objective,
venerated as a divine fish." — GUBERNATIS,
and therefore is primordial substance,
Zoological Mythology, Vol. II. p. 341.
" As the Eel-god
(Tuna) I shall come ; or Monadic essence, the container
low on thy threshold shall I lay my head, and mother of all that is to be. This
and thine (Ina's) must be the hand to Divine Reality is symbolised by
take my life. The great gods have willed " water " or " Chaos," and is described
that under thy axe my head shall fall,
and sweet will it be so to end my mortal as becoming active within itself,
life for thee. Thus shall the waters be through
" devotion," which refers
stayed, and thou shalt be saved." — KATE to the Spirit within taking on the
McCosH CLARK, Maori Tales, limitations of matter in order to
" Tuna " represents the Spirit
manifest itself. After a long period,
involved in matter, — the Divine Incar
" Ina " the primordial matter becomes so
nation or Archetypal Man.
far generally organised as to bear
(moon) stands for the soul in its lower semblance or analogy to an egg ready
nature or psychic (astral) aspect.
to bring forth the higher qualities
The first is the Saviour of the second
(gods) and the structure of the universe.
to which the death of the first is
Only when this 'point is arrived at
primordially due. The flood of
" waters " signifies the great life- does the Cycle of Life (the year)
commence. It would be useless for
wave of involution which subsides
the higher qualities to emerge until
at the death of the Incarnate God.
material conditions were prepared
The " head of Tuna is buried on the
" to receive their activities.
seashore signifies that the Spirit I
(Osiris) rise out of the egg in the
is immersed in the desire-mental hidden land. May my mouth be given
nature ; and from it spring two unto me that I may speak therewith in
shoots, — wisdom and love. the presence of the great god, the lord of
the Tuat (underworld)." — BUDGE, Book
of "the Dead,
FIXION, FISH (great), INCABNATION, The ' Egg of Life,' having been
MOON, SINA. brought forth from boundless Mother
Substance, and kept in motion by this
EGG, PRIMAL :— subjective and ever-moving Mother Sub
A symbol of the Cosmos In its stance, manifests endless changes. For
within ite periphery a male-female living
original abstract conception in the Power is ideated by the foreknowledge of
idea) or innermost state of exist the divine Spirit (Father .(Ether) which is
ence, prior to the periods and pro in the egg ; which Power Orpheus calls
cesses of Involution and of Evolution. Phanes, for on its shining forth, the whole
" Verily in the beginning this universe universe shone forth by the light of
was water, nothing but a sea of water. Fire, — the most glorious of the elements, —
The waters desired, ' How can we be brought to perfection in the Moist (prin
' ciple-Chaos). And so the Egg, the first
reproduced J They toiled and became
heated with fervent devotion ; when they and last of all things, heated by the
were becoming heated, a golden egg was Living Creature within it, breaks ; and
produced. The year, indeed, was not the enformed Power comes forth, as
Orpheus says, — when the swollen wide-
then in existence : this golden egg floated
about for as long as the space of a year." — capacious Egg brake in twain ', — and thus
Sola. BrAh., XI. 1, 6, 1. the outer membrane contains the diacos-
Orpheus declares that Chaos first mic evolution ; ' but he (Phanes) presides
existed, eternal, vast, uncreate, — it was over the Heaven, as it were seated on
neither darkness nor light, nor moist, nor the heights of a mountain range, and in
dry, nor hot, nor cold, but all things inter secret shines over the boundless ^Eon.' "
mingled. ... in course of the eternity, its
— Clem. Alex.
outer parts became denser and so sides Primordial matter, the " Mother-
and ends were made, and it assumed the substance," or " Mula-prakriti," having
fashion and form of a gigantic egg." — been energised and informed by the
Clem. Recognitions. " Father ^Ether," and
" Sxipreme Spirit
Before the beginning of things, the
great and invisible God alone subsisted. undergone development through many
changes, brings forth that state of period of preparation, the condition
existence which can be the field of (egg) permitted of the interactive
action of the higher powers of the duality necessary to the emanation
invisible universe. The first to appear of a universe. An efflux of spirit
" Light " (Phanes), implying the burst forth from within, distinct and
union of spirit with matter in its separate yet united to atomic matter
atomic condition.
" God said, Let on which to operate. Matter (earth),
there be light, and there was light." primordial, pure and perfect (silver),
" Egg breaking in twain " became the receptacle of Spirit on
signifies the dualism of Spirit (heaven) the buddhic plane (gold-sky). The
and Matter (earth) which now charac condition-; of aspiration (mountains)
terises manifestation. Spirit emanat truth-bestowing (clouds), channels of
ing from above, or within, vitalises Life (rivers), and the Divine Reality
the entire Cycle of Life, and establishes (sea), were established, and so it
the Divine order of development in became possible for the Higher Self
the Solar universe. The " male-female (the sun) to be born into the universe
living Power
" is the spirit-matter
union which is the condition produc It will be seen from the foregoing
tive of consciousness (Light) in the passages of Scriptures that the emana
monads of life. tion of a solar universe begins from
" Orpheus tells us that Phanes is the the simplest state of substance on
father of all the Gods, for their sake he the highest plane, Spirit commencing
created the heaven with forethought for
to express its qualities through matter ;
his children, in order that they might have
a habitation and a common seat — he and that long ages pass ere the con
founded for the immortals an imperishable ditions of existence allow of the advent
mansion." — LACTANTIUS, Inst. 1., V. 28. of the higher qualities needed for the
" Of the three aspects
(of Phanes), commencement of the process of
Phanes is said to be the father,' Ereca-
paeus the power,' and Metis the
intellect" Involution wliich starts from the
ia Platonic terms." — MEAD, T. O. Hermes, highest, and consummates in the
p. 165. lowest, and thereby prepares for
As in the Rig- Veda, " the Gods are Evolution which in its turn progresses
subsequent to the development of from the lowest material condition
this universe." The higher qualities to culminate in the highest spiritual
(Gods) could not manifest until the state.
" That which ' descends ' into genera
way had been prepared, and an
enduring provision made for them on tive states is the Monad, or divine sub
stance vivified by the divine life. And its
the higher planes. The three aspects first appearance in the sphere of Matter
of the Higher Self (Phanes) are Will and Time is not as individual, but as
(Phanes), Action (Ericapasus), and diffuse existence ; not as self-conscious
Wisdom (Metis). but as simply conscious. But the poten
" Aditya tiality of all higher existences is contained
(the sun) is Brahman, this is and slumbers within it ; it is the efficient
the doctrine, and this is the fuller account cause of all subsequent developments." —
of it :— In the beginning this was non ANNA KINOSFORD, Life, Vol. II. p. 208.
existent. It became existent, it grow. See ABSOLUTE, ADITI, ADITYA, Mov,
It turned into an egg. The egg lay for
the time of a year. The egg broke open. -fETHEB, AKESI, ASCETICISM, AUSTERI-
The two halves were one of silver, the TIES, BRAHMA, CHAOS, COSMOS, CBAN-
other of gold. The silver one became this BEBBY, CUPID, DUCK, EDDY, EVOLU
earth, the golden one the sky, the thick
membrane (of the white) the mountains ;
the thin membrane (of the yolk) the mist HlBANYAGABBHA, IMPERIAL, INVOLU
with the clouds, the small veins the rivers, TION, MATTER, MAYA, METIS, MONAD,
the fluid the sea. And what was born MOTHER, MOUTH, MULA-PBAKKITI,
from it that was Aditya, the sun." —
Khand. Upanishad, III. 19.
In the beginning the spiritual
Monad, or primordial substance,
became existent and developed into EGINA ISLAND :—
a fit condition for the manifestation A symbol of perfect Truth -reality,
of the Divine Life. After a cyclic which condition may be attained at
the conclusion of the cycle of the land of the South, gave the whole of
soul's evolution. Egypt to the God Taaut (Thoth) to be
" There are those whose country my his kingdom." — SANCHUNIATHON, Cory's
mouth declares to have been Aegina, that " But the elder of the two children,
most renowned island ; and it has long Isis took with her and set sail with the
ago been built up as a tower for lofty chest to Egypt ; and it being now about
virtues to ascend." (Footnote. It has morning, the river Phsedrus sending forth
long been regarded as the model of highest '
a sharp air, she in her anger dried up its
excellence, and an example for others to
current." — PLUTAHCH, Isi» and Osiris,
imitate.) — PINDAB, Isthmian Ode, IV. § 16.
Paley, p. 245.
" At the back of all our endeavours But the mental faculty was raised
towards fuller life, at the heart of all our by buddhi (Isis) so that the conscious
idealism, under whatever guise it operates, ness was elevated to the plane of the
is faith in God, the unimprovable perfec higher intellect, it being now the
tion, the superintending purpose, the one
within the many, the real beyond the dawn of Truth, or perception of
seeming, the fullness of the life that filleth Reality. Then the lower mind, which
all in all, to which nothing shall ever be was filled with cut-and-dried opinions
added, and from which nothing can be and wind of doctrine, was superseded.
taken away." — R. J. CAMPBEIX, Serin., " But there were others who said
Being and Becoming. that the struggle between Horus and Set
See ALBOBDJ, EDFU, IOLCUS, went on with alternating success, until
OLYMPUS, WATER (higher). at last Thoth was appointed arbiter and
divided Egypt between the two foes.
EGYPT :— Southern Egypt was given to Horus,
Northern Egypt to Set." PLUTARCH,
From the point of view of the Greeks Isis and Osiris, § 19.
and Hebrews, Egypt is a symbol of But those minds of narrow vision
the lower mental plane with its
who saw not the Life entering into
knowledge of the things of the world,
and the objects of desire. glory, and who perceived only the
" Out of Egypt did I call my son." — shattering of form after form, as they
MAT. ii. 15.
watched from below the struggle
Out of mental experiences, or learn between good and evil, said that
ing, is the Divine Child, the Son union of the soul with God was not
of mind (man), educated as a means fully accomplished until the mind
to tho end of the soul's salvation. (Thoth) was appointed arbiter and
" This Egypt, that is our present life reserved for the Spirit and the emotion-
which oppressed us ; when nattering may nature each its appointed sphere,
aid when pressing us : and that which, which arrangement at length on the
when cherishing, crushed us with the
yoke of bondage, may show the way of
higher planes appears inverted, as
liberty, while it tortures." — ST. GKEOORY, Spirit operates seemingly on the lower
Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. III. planes. Spirit (Horus) manifests on
p. 147.
" In the astral plane under the aspect of
the Word, by Egypt is signified
the science of the natural man." — SWE-
love through which the soul's evolu
DENBOKO, ApOC. Ilir.. n. 134. tion is proceeded with. Egypt signifies
" In denoting the world and the body, kama-manas. Southern Egypt (for
Egypt denotes the lessons to be derived
from both of these, the learning of which
Horus) is the more manasic and
is indispensable to the soul's develop solar : Northern Egypt (for Set) is
ment." — The Perfect Way, p. 234. the more kamic and lunar.
A symbol of the higher mental
plane, or of the buddhi-manas level A symbol of the lower mental
of the consciousness. plane, or of the kama-manas level
" The half-mythical country in the of consciousness.
south was known to the Egyptians as "Many are the marvels which Si-Osiri
the land of the Gods.'
" — SAYCE, shall do in the land of Egypt." — GRIFFITH,
Lectures, p. 134. Tales, etc.
" And Illimitable shall be the possibilities
Cronus (Ammon), going to the
which the indwelling Self (the Son of PARABLE, PEOPLE, SHORE (sea), SIVA,
God) shall disclose in the regions of SLAUGHTER, TONGUES, WAR.
the lower planes.
SEED (good), SI-OSIBI, SON or GOD,
A symbol of the sense of the Ideal,
EGYPTIANS :— which is an outcome of the growth
of experience (Cadmus).
A symbol of the lower mental See CADMUS.
faculties and functions connected with
the desires and sensations. EIGHT, NUMBER :—
" And
they spoiled the Egyptians." — A symbol of entrance into a new state
EZOD. xii. 36. or condition of the soul, the number
This refers to the valuable results seven signifying completion of the
of experience (jewels, etc.) accruing former state. Or the symbol may
in a past soul-state, being acquired refer to duality of aspects on the four
by the qualities now pressing onward lower planes.
in their development. "The ' eighth day 'is always typical of
" And Israel saw the resurrection. The day, after the seventh,
Egyptians dead
upon the seashore." — EXOD. xiv. 30. or Sabbath, answers to ' the first day of
" Do we believe — you and I — in the the week
on which Christ rose. . . .
' '
death of our Egyptians ? What is your Seven days include the periods proper
Egyptian ? Some passion of the flesh or to the first creation The eighth day
of the mind, — for the mind has its tyran brings us in type into a new order of
nical passions as well as the flesh. . . . things." — A. JUKES, The Law of the
Look around ! Where are the Egyptians Offerings, p. 30.
which used to hold the human body and
" Eight is the number of regeneration,
the human soul in slavery ? The divine hence by far the greater number of the
right of rulers, the dominion of the priest old fonts and baptistries are octagonal."
hood over the intellect and conscience, — F. E. HULME, Symbolism, etc., p. 14.
the ownership of man by man, the accepted See BOAT OF THE EARTH, DROPNER,
inequality of human lota, the complacent OGDOAD, SABBATH, SUNDAY, UDGITHA.
acquiescence in false social states, the
praise of ignorance as the safeguard of ELEMENTS, FIVE :—
order, the irresponsible possession of
power without corresponding duty, the A symbol of the five manifested
— do you realize planes of nature in grades of spirit-
pure content in selfishness
how these bad tyrants of the human race matter, from the innermost spiritual
have lost their power over large regions to the outermost physical, or In other
of human life ? They are dead Egyptians. terms, from the highest to the lowest.
... Is there anything more wonderful "
than the way in which men to-day are Chinese writers maintain there are
daring to think of the abolition and five original elements, whose names and
disappearance of those things which they order are, water, fire, wood, metal, earth,
used to think were as truly a part of human of which the lost occupies the centre of a
life as the human body, or the ground on circle described by the other four : the
which it walks ? Ah ! my friends, you first two take precedence of the rest, both
only show how you are living in the post, on account of superior importance and
not in the present, when you see nothing priority of existence." — S. KIDD, China,
but material for sport in the beliefs of p. 160.
ardent men and brave societies which set The first two are atma (water)
before themselves and human kind the and buddhi (fire). The others are
abolition of poverty, the abolition of
war, the abolition of ignorance, the aboli
mind (metal), astral (wood) and
tion of disease, the sweeping away of physical (earth). The physical is the
mere money competition as the motive temporary centre about which the
power of life, the dethronement of fear others turn in the soul-process.
from the high place which it has held
among, aye, almost above, all the ruling
"It is at God's command that this
work (creation) unfolds itself, which is
and shaping powers of the destiny of
called earth, water, fire, air, and ether." —
man. I recognize in many a frantic cry,
Svetas Upanishad, VI. 2.
the great growing conviction of mankind
that nothing which ought not to be need
The physical (earth), the astral
' water), the mental (air), the
be. . . . The Egyptian must die.' That (lower
ia the assurance which is possessing the buddhic (fire), and the atmic (ether).
heart of man." — PHILLIPS BROOKS, " The world may in a certain sense be
Mystery of Iniquity, p. 60. considered as composed and compacted
See DUBGA, EXODUS, FOBTY DAYS, out of five other worlds ; for example,
the ono is of earth, the other of water, manvantara. From these principles
the third of fire ; the fourth of air ; the
are developed lower emotions (trees),
fifth element some call heaven, some light,
others cether.' — PLUTARCH, On the E at mental faculties (men), and the higher
Delphi, § XI. emotions (women) ; undisciplined
Homer was the first to divide the desires (wild beasts), and aspirations
world into five portions. The three inter
mediate he has assigned to the three gods ; (birds) ; truth-receptive ideas (water-
the two extremes, Olympus and Earth, nourished fishes) ; and these all
whereof the one is the boundary of things become the instructors of the higher
below, the other of things above, he has qualities (Gods), that is, they furnish
left common to all and unallotted to with knowledge the higher mind, or
any."— Ibid., § XIII.
buddi-manas, in the causal-body which
Olympus, Heaven, Light, and ^Ether
stand as symbols of the highest plane, persists beyond the lower vehicles,
atma. Buddhi (fire), mind (air), astral and is the supreme seat of the Divine
(water), physical (earth). The " three nature in the soul.
" Antiochus teaches, — There are two
Gods " are Hera (buddhi), Hermes natures, the active and the passive, force
(mind), and Hades (astral). and matter, but neither is ever without the
" Know that when in the
beginning other. That which is compounded of
all was perfect void, and the five elements both is called a body or a quality. Among
were not, then Adi-Buddha, the stainless, these qualities the simple and the com
was revealed in the form of Flame and pound are to be distinguished ; the former
Light." — Buddhist Sutta. consisting of the four, or, according to
God pervadeth the five elements, Aristotle, five, primitive bodies , the
the three worlds, the nine regions, and the latter of all the rest : of the first category,
four quarters of the universe. The fire and air are the active, earth and water
Almighty supporteth the earth and the the receptive and passive. Underlying
heavens." — MACAULIFFE, The Sikh them all, however, is the matter without
Religion, Vol. I. p. 314. quality, which is their substratum, the
" From the time Yin and Yang united imperishable, but yet infinitely divisible
and the five elements were intermingled elements, producing, in the constant
in the centre of the universe, moisture change of its forms, definite bodies
and heat operated on each other, and (qualia). AH these together form the
produced an intelligent being." — KIDD, world. The eternal reason which animates
China, p. 167. and moves the world is called Deity or
That is, from the beginning when Providence, also Necessity ; and because
Matter and Spirit, or form and life, of the unsearchableness of its workings
sometimes even Chance." — ZELLEB,
were allied and operative upon all Eclecticism in Greek Philosophy, p. 94.
the five planes of the manifested " Fire lives in the death of earth, and
Cosmos, Will and Wisdom together air lives in the death of fire ; water lives
united, and BO produced the Monad in the death of air, and earth in the death
of water." — Herakleitos, FAIRBANKS, 25.
which is atma-buddhic.
" That, then, from which the whole Wisdom (fire) is active in the soul
Cosmos is formed, consisteth of Four when the physical and lower nature
Elements — Fire, Water, Earth, and Air ; (earth) is dissipated. The mind (air)
Cosmos itself is one, its Soul is one, and
is active when Wisdom (fire) is latent.
God is one, . . . For from (the Elements),
o'er which the same God rules, there Truth (water) is revealed when the
fioweth forth a flood of all things streaming lower mind (air) ceases to function.
through the Cosmos and the Soul, of The physical lower nature (earth)
every class and kind, throughout the is active where Truth
nature of all things " (" The Perfect (water) is
Sermon ").— G. R. S. MEAD, T. O. Hermes, unmanifest.
Vol. II. p. 312. According to the Taoist teaching,
" For from these four elements come the element of Earth generates Metal
all things that are, or have been, or shall and overcomes Water ; Metal generates
be ; from these there grew up trees and Water and overcomes Wood ; Water
men and women, wild beasts and birds, generates Wood and overcomes Fire ;
and water-nourished fishes, and the very Wood generates Fire and overcomes
Gods, long-lived, highest in honour." — Earth."— S. B. of E., Vol. XXXIX., p. 258.
Empedoclee, FAIRBANKS, 104. The physical nature (earth), through
For from these four principles of the activity of the senses, generates
nature, or departments of existence, mind (metal) and obscures the intuition
namely, atma, buddhi-manas, kama- of Truth (water). The mind (metal)
manas, and the physical, proceed by its functioning acquires knowledge
all that was, is, or shall be in this (water) and dominates the astral
principle Truth (water) ia The " huge elephant
" a symbol

outpoured and reflected as error and of the archetypal personality — the

illusion in the astral principle (wood), four legs signify the quaternary, and
and BO overcomes Wisdom (fire). the trunk, the sutratma. The " white
The astral principle (wood), through ness
" indicates the state of perfect
the transmutation of the desires, purity in which the Soul conceived.

evolves Wisdom in the soul, and by The " six tusks " signify the modes of
this means controls and disciplines the the Self in three dual aspects func
physical sensation nature (earth). tioning upon the three lower planes.
See MTEER, Ant, ASTRAL PLANE The " face perfumed with flowing
ATMA, BUDDHIC PLANK, COSMOS, ichor " symbolises the attractiveness
DAYS (five), EARTH (specialised), FIRE, of Love, which the Divine aim and

FIVE, FOUR, GATHA DAYS (five), purpose underlying the birth and
GODS, GOLDEN AGE, HEAVEN AND growth of the Son of the Eternal.
EARTH, MANAS, METAL, MINISTERS The " king Suddhodana " the

(four), NECESSITY, OLYMPUS, PILLARS supreme Spirit beliind manifestation.
ELEPHANT :— Emblems of high Wisdom, or
An emblem of strength, wisdom and buddhlc faculties.
sagacity, as characterising the under See GOLD.
standing or higher mental nature.
The four legs signify the quaternary
and the trunk the Divine Ray from ENEMIES :—
above. Symbolic of nature forces organised
See CAPRICORN, GANESA, QUAD during the process of the soul's
RUPED. involution.
" Falling smitten by his arm in the
ELEPHANT, SACRED WHITE :— arena of battle, the lordly elephants of
Symbolic of the Self as the potential his enemies bowed prostrate with their
personality of the Soul, — perfect in heads pouring forth quantities of pearls
as they were offering handfuls of flowers

all qualities, mental, astral and

in homage." — Buddha-Karita, Bk.

physical, In the cycle of involution. " Falling smitten " implies the
"Assuming the form of a huge elephant,
white like Himalaya, armed with six descent of Spirit into matter. The
" elephants "
tusks, with his face perfumed with signify nature -forces,
flowing ichor, the most excellent of which though blind are yet submissive
Bodhisattvas (Buddha) entered the womb to the will of the Logos. The " pros
of the queen of king Suddhodana, to "
destroy the evils of the world." — The trate position," and pearls, etc.,"
Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. 20. are emblematic of absolute obedience,
The Self manifesting as the germ and the results in virtues which are
of the personality in the nascent secured through the play of these
Soul whose nature is pre-arranged forces in involution.
harmony in the cycle of involution, See FLOWERS, GOLDEN AOE, INVOLU
was received into the ideal lower TION, MATTER, SPIRIT.
nature, or the " womb of Maya."
The Soul is born out of the matrix
of matter, — mental, astral, and
Symbolic of physical energies, strong
physical, — with the object of over
and devastating, but subject to law.
coming the things of the world, that

of dispelling the falsities which

are mind-created, and which are to ELEPHANTS AS WEALTH :—
be destroyed through the attainment Symbolic of Wisdom acquired as
of knowledge of the Real. development proceeds.
ELEVENTH HOUR :— The spiritualised emotion -nature is
This signifies the eleventh stage born in the soul as one of the suc
of the evolution of qualities in the cessive steps in the evolution of the
forms of matter in which they mani soul, whose nature is many sided,
fest : the twelfth stage being the and parts of whose character appear
final.— See MAT. xx. 6. under different conditions at various
Compare, Eleventh hour of the times in the development and restora
Tuat (cycle of life). tion of the whole. At first the lower
qualities do not recognise the superior
VINEYARD. status of the higher emotion -nature,
ELIAS OR ELIJAH :— and so they disregard and abuse it.
The case is the same when the
A symbol of the psychic or emotion
nature. spiritual-nature is born in the soul as
" Son of mind," for the lower
ELIJAH THE PROPHET :— then condemn and seek to kill out
A symbol of the higher emotion- that which appears as a stern opponent
nature which brings the dawn of the of the desire -nature.
higher consciousness and recognition See BRIDGE (kinvat), EXPERIENCES,
of Truth -reality. HEROD, SON or MAN.
" Behold, I will send you Elijah the
prophet before the great and terrible EMBALMMENT OF A CORPSE :—
day of the Lord come." — MAL,. iv. 5. A symbol of the purification of
" Elijah " is the " the personality (corpse) through faith
messenger of
the Lord," that is, the awakenment and trust in the ideal, producing
of the consciousness which brings the blissful effects (perfumes) on higher
planes, and mental evolution below.
recognition of a higher order, but " The perfume of Arabia has been
which does not of itself do more than
brought to thee to make perfect thy
extend the spiritual boundary, as smell through the scent of the god. Here
it were. This stage of a higher are brought to thee liquids which have
consciousness is the forerunner of the come forth from Ra to make perfect
thy smell in the Hall of Judgment.
Christ consciousness, and therefore O sweet-smelling soul of the great god.
announces to the attentive lower self thou dost contain such a sweet odour
the turning of the heart towards the that thy face shall neither change nor
Lord from whom redemption is to be perish" (Papyrus du Louvre). — BLTJGE,
obtained. The " terrible day of the Egyptian Magic, p. 185.
Wisdom and philosophy are within
Lord " is the period or moment when
the personality that it may be purified
the lower personality must be extin
by truth from above. Love and
guished, and if it be all cast away, —
Truth proceed from the Supreme
then indeed it is the Lord's dreadful
that the personality may be perfected
day, — the day of the " crucifixion "
as it riseth to the higher mind. O
or the crossing over from the lower
noble ideals and Love Divine ! there
to the higher planes.
is such blissful effect on the higher
planes that the mental aspects below
shall neither diminish nor perish.
The anointing with oil and the
ELIJAH THE RESTORER :— bandaging with linen typify the love
A symbol of the spiritualised and devotion that must arise in the
emotion nature which on the form personality as it proceeds on its way
side of being gathers and collects the to union with the Divine.
" The tomb of the
experiences necessary to develop (Christian) saint
ment and restoration of the soul. is prepared for him ; he is brought thither,
" Elijah enclosed within it, and the interior and
indeed Cometh, and shall exterior of the sepulchre is anointed with
restore but I say
all things : unto you, a fragrant unguent. The idea of an
that Elijah is come already, and they embalmment is still more clearly expressed
knew him not, but did unto him what in the subsequent ceremonies, in which
soever they listed. Even so shall the the anointing with fragrant oil is accom
Son of Man also suffer of them." — panied by fumigation with incense." —
MAT. xvii. 11, 12. L. DUCHESNE, Christian Worthip, p. 406.
See ANOINTING, ANPU, ANUBIS, opposition to the higher nature of
ASCENSION (Osiris), BA, CORPSE, Truth, Wisdom and Love.
DEFUNCT, HEART, INCENSE, JUDG " But God shall smite through the
MENT? HALL, MUMMY, MYRRH, OIL, head of his enemies, the hairy scalp of
such an one as goeth on still in his guilti
PERFUMES, PERSONALITY, PHCENIX, ness." — Ps. Ixviii. 21.
PTLX.OWS, SPICES, UNGUENTS. The Divine Love shall in the soul
EMBALMMENT OF THE BODY overcome the selfish desire-mental
OF OSIRIS BY ANUBIS :— qualities, — the state of mind which
Symbolic that fresh means were is not contrite for the shortcomings
provided for the perpetuation of of the lower nature, and which seeks
manifested existence, and so on the its own aggrandisement.
" And Horbehudti
physical plane the physical body '
(Horus) spake :
Advance, Ra, that thou mnyest see thine
(Anubis) was gradually built up as enemies lying beneath thee iii this land.'
an external encasement of the soul.
Now when the majesty of Ra had traversed
See ANPU, ANUBIS, ARC. MAN, the way, and with him the goddess
MUMMY OF OSIRIS, OSIRIS. Astarte, then saw he the foe lying upon
the earth, each lay stretched out like
EMPEDOCLES :— a prisoner." — Legend of the Winged Sun-
Symbol of a teacher of Truth through disk.
Divine inspiration. And the Son of God, — the evolving
Self, — aspired and cried to the
EMPEROR, FIRST :— Supreme :
" Advance, within the
A symbol of the First Logos, or soul, O Father, that Thy perfection
the Higher Self. may find the enemies of righteousness
" The name of the first celestial Emperor prone upon the lower planes beneath
of China was Tat-hamt,— r-excessive splen
dour, — because his perfect holiness and the feet of Thy Servant ; for the
virtue were resplendent as the luminaries illusions of ignorance and evil have
of heaven." — KIDD, China, p. 103. now been slain through a realisation
The First Logos is the Supreme of Truth and Goodness." Then when
Ruler, and being equal to go forth in the Logos had declared himself in
his universe and to accomplish his his dual aspect of Love and Wisdom,
work below, he is said to have been he came forward and saw the foes
perfectly endowed with every quality, of the Self which were lying dead
and holy as the Light of Truth which beneath ; each having been van
lighteth the Heaven above. quished and devitalised through the
See KINO (great), SACRIFICEH, SELF evolution of the higher nature.
The bodies formed on the different
planes to enable the ego to resist
the incoming vibrations. These
bodies are of elemental formative
essence enclosed by the mental, Symbols of the Higher principle
astral and physical bodies. and the lower principle as conflicting
See VEHICLES, VESTURES. opposltes on the mental plane.
" Twin brothers, who in the
ENDURING TO THE END :— of the Iroquois Indians symbolised the
This implies living in tune with the good and evil principles, the names
Infinite. For a quality, or individual signifying ' Good Mind and ' Bad Mind '
soul, cannot endure to the end of the respectively. The good creative offices
in the building up of the cosmic scheme
cycle unless it becomes In touch with
of Enigorio were neutralised by his evil
the entire universe of which it is a brother, who wandered over the earth
fraction. transforming the beneficent creations of
See CALAMITIES, DOOR (narrow), Enigorio into the things that have proved
PROPHETS (false). harmful to mankind." — Non-clatsical
Mythology, p. 62.
ENEMIES OF GOD :— This legend does not show alteration
A symbol of the desires and lower under Christian influence, but is
qualities of the soul which are in paralleled exactly in the Zoroastrian
scriptures. In the first part of the the scarlet, and in the fine linen, the
Vendidad there is an account of the work of the cunning workman." — Exoi>.
creation of many " lands " by Spenta-
xxxix. 2, 3. See also verses 4-7.
The vibratory currents established
mainyu (Good Spirit) followed by the
between the buddhic and astral
creation of deleterious objects by
natures were produced in the mental
Angra-mainyu (Evil Spirit). This qualities (colours) of the soul. The
refers to the duality and relativity
buddhic responses to the mental
which are inseparable from manifesta
aspirations are indicated by the wires
tion. The relatively good always
of gold (buddhi) worked into the
implies the relatively bad and each
structure of the ephod. The qualities
good quality has its opposite.
of the structure are of intellect (blue),
wisdom (purple), life-energy (scarlet),
and devotion (fine linen). The " thin
ENDYMION :— plates " refer to an earlier and less-
See SELENE. differentiated state of the qualities.
The " shoulderpieces " represent the
buddhic and astral centres of energy
A symbol of the individuality ; coupled together by the currents
that part of the soul which survives in the qualities. The "onyx stones
physical and astral dissolution, —
or the first and second deaths, and is engraved with the names of the
Immortal. twelve tribes " stand for a variety
See INDIVIDUALITY, JAHED, SOUL of virtues involved in the currents.
(middle), WALKING WITH GOD. The " blue robe of the ephod " is a
symbol of the causal-body which
ENOCH, SON OF CAIN :— clothes the spiritual mind (Aaron).
A symbol of aspiration proceeding The " binding " so that " it should
from the personality. not rend " indicates the permanence
of the causal-body through the cycle.
A symbol of increased faith in the LINEN, ROBE, TRIBES.
Divine nature within the soul.
" The name of the
son of Seth was
Enos, and Enos means hope." — PHILO, A symbol of the Divine Ray of Life
Works, Yonge, Vol. IV. p. 276. from the Supreme.
See BEGETTING, SETH. " And the curious
girdle of (Aaron's)
ENTOMBMENT :— ephod, that was upon it, was of the same,
according to the work thereof ; of gold,
A symbol of detention of the Spirit blue, purple and scarlet, and fine twined
in the lower nature. linen. '— EXOD. xxxix. 5.
"The Dark Night (of the Soul) brings The Divine Ray of vibratory Life
the Self to the threshold of that com extends throughout the mechanism of
pleted life which is to be lived in intimate the soul and its qualities, and its
union with Reality. It is the Entomb presence is felt in the spiritual mind
ment which precedes the Resurrection,
say the Christian mystics ; ever ready to "the Lord's High Priest."
describe their life-process in the language See BRAHMAN PRIESTS, BREAST
of their faith." — E. UNDERBILL, Mysti PLATE, COLOURS, GIBDLE, GOLD,
cism, p. 480.
A symbol of the buddhic f unct i on Ings A symbol of the personality, or
lower mental nature.
between the higher and lower natures " For
In the human soul. Prometheus and Epimetheus
" And are one Man, according to the system of
he made the ephod of gold, blue, allegory, — that is, Soul and Body."
and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined " But the
Greeks call the earthy Adam,
linen. And they did beat the gold into Epimetheus, who is counselled
thin plates, and cut it into wires, to work by his
own Mind, that is, his brother (Prome
it in the blue, and in the purple, and in —
theus)." ZOSIMXJS, Fragments, 26, 27,
The " earthy Adam " is the lower (Nox), and the latent Divine potency
mind or personality in its mental- (Erebus) for the production of forms.
body, and this is emanated by the Then from the productive union of
higher mind or individuality (Prome these states, consciousness (,-Ktlicr)
theus) in its causal-body or immortal and discreteness (Hemera) became
soul. apparent in the first life -wave (day)
" Hermes took Pandora to Epimetheus,
of the cycle, as spirit began to inform
who made her his wife." — Smith's Clan. matter and qualities and properties
were gradually involved.
The mental principle (Hermes) con " The name ' Erebus ' signifies dark
veyed the emotion -nature (Pandora or ness." — Smith's Class. Diet.
Eve) to the lower mind (Epimetheus " Darkness " is a symbol of the
or Adam), and these became allied potential or latent.
in the human soul. See AETHER, CHAOS, CHARON, DARK
A symbol of a point of balance and A symbol of the philosophic
change reached In the soul's develop intellect, the product of the Creative
ment (sun's course), when a line, Mind.
as it were, Is crossed and a new soul- " Great Erectheus swayed,
process is entered upon. The process That owed his nurture to the blue-eyed
of Involution is commenced when the maid (Athena),
Logos (sun) manifests on the upper But from the teeming furrow took his
buddhlc plane, at the point symbolised
The mighty offspring of the foodful
by the first point of Aries ; and after earth."— Iliad, Bk. II.
the completion of the process in The philosophic intellect arises from
Virgo, the first point of Libra signifies
the culture and disciplining of the
the commencement of the new process
of Evolution in which humanity lower nature, symbolised by the
Is now taking part. The Zodiac is ploughed earth, and it is nurtured
a symbol of the great Cycle of Life. from above by the buddhic or Wisdom
As the sun (Logos) passes through principle (Athena).
the six northern signs, the process of Erectheus was the first who used a
Involution of the qualities is accom chariot witli four horses, for which
plished ; and as it passes through reason he was placed among the stars
as auriga." — Smith's Class. Diet.
the six southern signs, so Evolution
The philosophic intellect was the
will be completed, and the qualities
and souls returned to God who first faculty to make use of resources
emanated them. from each of the four planes, in its
See AjfU-RA, ARIES, CANCER, CAPRI mental operations (horses) regulated
CORN, CRATER, EVOLUTION, INVOLU from the seat of its mentality (the
TION, LAMB, LIBRA, SUN, TUAT, chariot). The placing among the
Vn;'.'i, YEAR, ZODIAC. stars " refers to the raising of
the intellect to a higher capacity.
A symbol of Divine potency arising FURROWS, HEPHAESTUS, HORSE, SITA.
In formless matter (Chaos) at the
dawn of manifestation prior to the
Interactions of spirit and matter. A symbol of the lower knowledge
" From Chaos came dark Nox and which, by Us profuse growth, Induces
Erebus ; from Nox was . Ki !n r sprung aspiration for the higher knowledge.
and Hemera, whom she that big with
them had grown, brought forth, mixed
in affinity with Erebus." — HESIOD, OR POWER,— ONE OF THE
Theoyony, 123-5. THREE ASPECTS OF
From formless matter came forth PHANES :—
the unconscious form side of nature A symbol of Action : the other
two aspects of the Self (Pbanes) being forth a spiritual germ (wind-egg) of
Will and Wisdom. Love and Truth for embodiment in
See EGG, EROS, METIS, PHANES. the natural order, so that in the course
ERIDANUS, CELESTIAL of time and in the process of involu
RIVER :— tion, the Higher Self should manifest
A symbol of the Divine Life his nature in the soul and rise triumph
of atma-
buddhi flowing downwards through ant to the higher planes at the end
the quaternary. The river of life ; of the cycle.
" Love is the essence of divinity. . . .
the same as the river of Eden, and the
Nile, Po, Ganges, Jordan, etc. Love is that by virtue of which all things
are produced, which is in all things, and
See EDEN (river), JOBDAK, NILE, is the vigour of all things, by its guidance
RlVER OF LIFE. souls rise in contemplation by the power
of flight it inspires, the difficulties of
ERIDU AND ITS GATES :— nature are overcome, and men become
" Erldu " is a symbol of the higher united with God " (Bruno). — J. L
planes, — atma-buddhl-manas, and its MclMTYRE, Giordano Bruno, p. 292.
" gates " stand for the higher mental Love is the creative action of the
Universe, the force which emanates
plane through which there is access from God to individuate itself into
from the higher planes to the lower, innumerable centres of Godhead which
and from the lower to the higher. all beings are, or shall become." — E. C. U.,
" Eridu. This ancient city, the older A Message to Earth, p. 39.
name of which was Eri-dugga (' The See CHAOS, COSMOS, Ctrpn>, EGG,
Holy City , was the Jerusalem, the EREBUS, ERICAPAEUS, HFRANYAQAB-
Umritza, the Mecca of Chaldea." — BHA, LOVE, NIGHT, Nox, PHAITES,
G. RAWLTNSON, ReL Systems, p. 16.
" Men-nofer (Memphis), ' the TARTARUS, WINGS.
good place,'
is the equivalent of the name of the
ancient seaport of Babylonia, Eridu." — ESCAPE FROM EVIL :—
A. H. SAYCE, Oifford Lectures, p. 138. A symbol of the higher nature in
See BOLTS, GATES, JERUSALEM, the soul rising from captivity to the
MEMPHIS, TAMMUZ. lower, through the perfecting of the
EROS, OR PHANES :— " How shall we escape, if we neglect
A symbol of the Higher Self in Its so great salvation ! " — HEB. ii. 3.
aspect of Love, — that which draws If the expression of the Divine
all things towards unity with itself. Life (word) within the soul is not
" By the
philosophers, and in the heeded, and the choice of the ego
mysteries, Eros was regarded as one of is to cling to its lower nature, there
the fundamental causes in the formation
of the world, inasmuch as he was the can be no rising from the dead.
uniting power of love, which brought These three words. Salvation, Escape,
order and harmony among the conflicting and Neglect, then, are not casually, but
elements of which Chaos consisted." — organically and necessarily connected.
Smith's Class. Diet. Their doctrine is scientific, not arbitrary.
" At first Chaos was, and Night, and Escape means nothing more than the
dark Erebus, and wide Tartarus ; nor gradual emergence of the higher being
was there earth, or air, or heaven ; but from the lower, and nothing less. It
first of all black-winged Night lays a means the gradual putting off of all that
wind-egg in the boundless bosom of cannot enter the higher state, or heaven,
Erebus, from which in revolving time and simultaneously the putting on of
sprang the much-desired Eros, his back Christ. It involves the slow completing
glittering with golden wings, like the of the soul and the development of the
swift whirlwinds." — ARISTOPHANES, Aves, capacity for God." — H. DRUMMOND,
V. 692. Natural Law, etc., p. 117.
At first matter is homogeneous and See BLASPHEMY, CAPTIVITY, LIBERA
formless, and from it arises the TION, RESURRECTION, SALVATION.
capacity for taking forms (Night), ESTHER, BOOK OF :—
and also the power of producing forms
A Divinely inspired story symbolical
(Erebus) in the lower manifestation of the spiritual evolution of the human
(Tartarus). But as yet there were no soul.
physical, kama-manasic or buddhi- "
manasic planes. Then it is that (The goddess) Istar appears as Esther
in the book of Esther, where Mordechai,
the aspiring form side (Night) brings it may be noted, is a derivative from
Merodach (the god)." — A. H. SAYCE, emphasise the necessity of the
Hibbcrt Lecture*, p. 275. opposites, good and evil, for the
" Merodach was the Divine Man, freed
growth of the soul. But evil exists
from the limitations of our mortal
existence. . . . When Nebuchadnezzar to be overcome, so the time arrives
prays to Merodach, he calls him supreme for each phase of evil to be extermi
in earth and heaven, omipotent and nated. The glorifying of Mordecai by
creator of all things.' — A. H. SAYCE, Haman shows how unwittingly evil
Religions, etc., pp. 334-6.
The sacred symbols in the Book makes prominent and admirable the
of Bather are to be understood as splendid virtues which clothe the
of the Divine nature
follows : — The king Ahasuerus signifies manifestation
the Supreme or Unmanifest Self and in the soul. Haman can get no
Mordecai is the Higher or Manifest consolation from reason (wise men)
Self gradually evolving in the soul. for even the lower mind foretells the
The first queen Vashti is a symbol destruction of evil when the higher
of the buddhic principle retiring into qualities (Jews) arise in the lower
" feast " nature. Haman falls upon Esther's
obscuration at the time of the
couch, for the desire-nature is the
when the lower qualities (people)
inverted reflection of the buddhio
enter the mind or soul (Sushan).
The second queen Esther represents and could have no existence but for
the buddhic principle becoming mani it. At the death of the ruling lower
fest in human souls, and operating principle, the supreme power in the
lower nature of the soul passes to
secretly on the lower nature. The
" Jews " are the higher qualities the Higher Self (Mordecai), who begins
scattered in germ throughout the his government by fostering all good
qualities and setting restrictions on
lower nature (kingdom). They are
" " the bad. The feast of Purim refers to
in " exile," and need to be restored
or evolved. The grand vizier Hainan the satisfaction and joy experienced
symbolises the desire-mind, the adver in the triumph of good over evil.
sary of the higher qualities (Jews) ; (By no possibility could any lower
he ia the ruler of the lower qualities mind have invented the symbolism
in this wonderful story of old.)
by the will of the Supreme. The " There is a true sense in which it may
desire mind hates the Higher Self be maintained that the New Testament
(Mordecai), who will not bow to it. is even more unreservedly religious than
Haman, like Herod, seeks to destroy the Old. Certainly a book such as Esther,
the " innocents
" from among his where the Divine Name is not once men
" people," the lower qualities. But tioned, could not have found a place in
" Jews " which the Apostolic writings. If the Song of
the massacre of the Songs has commended itself to the
he contemplates is frustrated, and Christian Church, it has found acceptance
eventually the higher qualities (Jews) by the help of the mystical interpretation
which has seen in it an allegory of the
become strong and destroy a multi Divine Love." — H. B. SWETE, Cambridge
tude of the lower qualities. The Biblical Essays, p. 549.
choice and purification of the See AGAMEMNON, BUDDHI, EVIL,
" virgins " signify the subjective de EXILE, FEAST, GABMENTS (higher),
velopment of the buddhic emotions GOPIS, HEROD, HOURIES, INCENSE,
which are in touch with the Divine ISTAR, JEWS, JOB, MAGI, MERODACH,
Love within. But the Wisdom nature PALACE, RETURN, SLAUGHTER, VIRGIN,
(Either) is pre-eminent, and the WOMAN.
fitting bride of Love. It is through ETHIOPIANS, NOBLE OR BLAME
the activities of buddhi (Esther) LESS :—
that the machinations of the lower Symbolic of activities upon the
principle (Haman) are defeated and higher planes. Buddhic faculties of
" Hegai, keeper
brought to naught. Truth, Wisdom, and Love.
" is a symbol of the
of the women
intellect, or spiritual mind,
higher See SACRAMENT.
which discriminates the emotions and
initiates order among them. Esther's EUNEUS AND NEBROPHONUS :—
banquets to the king and Haman Symbols of Love and Truth.
" Hypsipyle became by Jason the of calm, rest and accomplishment ;
mother of two eons, Euneus and a time when the stress and struggle
Nebrophonus." — Argonautic Expedition. of life are o'er, and when the noon
The philosophic intellect is then day heat is past. It is, at the same
united with the intuition, — the time, emblematic of a season of
expression of the Higher Self, — and darkness, doubt, and despair, when
the union gives birth to the qualities the Self does not give his light, and
of love and truth. when men's hearts, — unless they be
See HYPSIPYLE, LEMNOS, THOAS. firmly fixed upon their mission and
realise their object, — fail them for
EUNUCHS :— fear and quake unutterably, •• for
A symbol of those egos who control looking for those things which are
the desire-nature, mentally, morally, coming upon the earth," or lower
and spiritually. This condition is nature at the end of a cycle.
consistent with the spiritualising of " ' In the evening ' signifies the end
the affections. of a former state and the beginning of a
" And there are eunuchs new one."
whic.h made " '
themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of Between the evenings ' signifies the
heaven's sake. He that is able to receive last and the first state." — SWEDENBOBO,
it, let him receive it." — MAT. xix. 12. Are. Cel. to Oen. i.
" It shall come to
See CIRCUMCISION. pass that at evening
time there shall be light." — ZECH. xiv. 7.
A symbol of the physical plane
including the etheric. EVENING AND THERE WAS
" Evening " and " morning " are
EURYDICE, WIFE OF ORPHEUS :— symbolic of the indrawing and out
A symbol of the intuition of Truth, going forces of manifestation. This
allied to the Self In its aspect of the "first day" signifies the period of
union of Wisdom and Love in the the first Life-wave passing through
soul. the buddhlc plane.
See ORPHEUS. " Each Day would consist of
an evening
EVE, WIFE OF ADAM :— that witnessed the decline of force, and
its disintegrating consequences, and of
A symbol of the emotion-nature a morning that beamed on the progress
united to the mental-nature of the of force." — FITZ SIMON, The Gods of Old,
lower mind. p. 16.
" And the man called his " '
outward man perishes,'
wife's name '
Eve ; because she was the mother of Paul says, but the inward man ia
all living." — GEN. iii. 20. renewed day by day.' The perishing
And the mind recognises the life- of a form and method in which we have
lived may naturally bring a pensive
principle within the soul to be the sadness like that which always comes to
emotion-nature, for it is the originator us as wo watch a setting of the sun, but
or former of all qualities that subsist, he who is in the true spirit of the sunset
that is, of all qualities that have in turns instantly from the westward to
the eastern look. The things the day has
them the germ of the higher life.
" Eve is the right given him, — its knowledge, and its inspira
magical child, for tions, and its friendship, and its faith, —
she is the matrix in which the Love-desire these the departing sun is powerless
stood in Adam.
She was Adam's Para carry with it. They claim the new day
disical Rose-garden in peculiar love in which to show their power and to do
wherein he loved himself." — J. BOEHME, their work. Live deeply and you must
Mysterium Magnum, p. 83. live hopefully. That is the law of life." —
See ADAM (lower), ANDROMEDA, PHILLIPS BROOKS, Mystery of Iniquity,
CONCEPTION (children), EPIMETHEUS, p. 329.
EVENING :— A condition of soul
due to the partial
Symbolic of the drawing in of a and unbalanced development of the
cycle towards its close. A period qualities, and to the ignorance In
which the ego is immersed. It is the express image of himself, the unfold-
a state of emptiness in its degree, and ment of his own potentialities of truth
not of fullness ; and as emptiness is and beauty ; and the risk he has had
DO real thing, but the absence of the to take in so doing is that at every stage
real, so an evil state of soul has no
of the age-long effort, poison and foulness
have been liable to appear instead of
reality in itself, but needs the presence health and purity ; but without the risk
of the good and true, which are reali there could have been neither the one nor
ties and endure for ever. The evil state the other." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
is, therefore, relative, negative, and A Christian World-view.
" It
transitory, and implies the absence is the good, and not the evil, that
of completeness during a process denotes largeness of nature in any living
of evolution of qualities and of know being. Infinity and moral perfection
ledge. imply each other if only because the former
is all-complete ; evil, no matter how
" The
nature of evil is negative. If colossal and grandiose, implies incom
evil, asevil, positively subsisted, it would pleteness. It is as essentially finite as
be evil to itself and would therefore, good is infinite ; it is not a thing in itself,
destroy itself" (Pteudo - Dionyriua). — but the privation of good; evil is only
CEBERWEO'S Hist. o/Philot., Vol. I. p. 351. experienced when there is not good
" Eckhart, like his enough to go round, so to speak. When
predecessors, con
ceded to evil only the character of priva you are suffering from disease, for instance,
tion. Aa denoting a necessary stadium it is because your body cannot get the
in the return of the soul to God, evil is fullness of life it craves." — R. J. CAMP
sometimes represented by Eckhart as a BELL, Serm,, The Source of Good.
" Evil is the negation of God or
part of the divine plan of the universe, good :—
as a calamity decreed by God. . . . Man's need of expansion and nutrition
Regarded from a higher standpoint, evil and consequent perception of this
is not evil, but only a means for the negation, of this evil within and around
realisation of the eternal end of the world. him, are the cause of his further vision
To the permanent essence of the spirit of God or good. This further vision
sin is external only. Even after the of God is born of effort which promotes
commission of mortal sins the spirit all growth. Thus evil and the recognition
retains in its essence its likeness to God ; of evil by man must be an inevitable
even the good works may arise from the step in his further consciousness of and
eternal basis of the soul, the fruit of which progress towards God or good. Thus
remains in the spirit." — Ibid., p. 481. are sin and suffering embodied in the
" Divine Love which manifests itself through
On the one hand evil is necessary
for good, for were the imperfections not the individuation and evolution, from the
felt, there would be no striving after chaos of formlessness, of the Godhead
perfection ; all defect and sin consist of man." — E. C. U., A Message to Earth,,
merely in privation, in the non-realisation p. 30.
" Every sin
of possible qualities. It would not be has no foundation ; because
well were evil non-existent, for it makes it has no subsistence in its own proper
for the necessity of good, since if evil nature. For evil has no substance.
were removed the desire of good would But that which anyhow exists unites
also cease. In its whole life, however, with the nature of good. The ' narrow
the soul will realise all good, and therefore opening is said, then, to have no founda
is only per accident imperfect " (Bruno). — tion beneath it, because the pollution of
J. "L. MclNTYBE, Giordano Bruno, p. 314. sin has no power of subsisting by it-self."
That which is evil or rebellious must
be the cause of the manifestation of the the Book of Job, Vol. III. p. 184.
" In truth, our evil comes out of our
good, for it occasions the will to press
back (upward) to its original condition, want of resemblance to God, and our
and so towards God. In this way evil ignorance of Him ; and, on the other hand,
haa a special relation to construction our great good consists in our resemblance
and movement, as good has to love, and to Hun." — METHODIUS, Against Porphyry.
" It is even a great part of God's
roughness or rebellion to joy. For a
thing that is only good and has no
wisdom, in casting the plan of our life,
suffering desires nothing, for it knows that He has set us in conditions to bring
nothing better in itself, or for itself, after out the evil that is in us. For it is by this
which it can long " (Boehme). — PFLEI- medley that we make of wrongs, fears,
PERF.B, Phil, of Religion, p. 20. pains of the mind, and pains of the body,
"Evil is not true being, but the nega all the woes of all shapes and sizes that
tion or privation of it." — A. JUKES, The follow at the heels of our sin — by these
Name* of God, p. 40. it is that He dislodges our perversity,
" In the crucible of earthly life God lias, and draws us to Himself." — H. BUSHNELL,
from generation to generation, been Nature and the Supernatural, p. 361.
working out a glorious fact, whose com
pletion will be seen in the eternal world, — See AESHM, AHBIHAN, BEELZEBUB,
the evolution of a Divine Humanity, CONFLICT, DEVIL, ESTHER, GUILTY,
HEALING, HEROD, IGNORANCE, ILLU birth, it was the in-folding of the life of
God in preparation for a vast spiritual
unfolding which is now going on and in
OPPOSITES, SATAN. which we individually and collectively
are taking part. That infolding was,
EVOLUTION AND INVOLUTION :— as it were, the laying of a divine body
Evolution is the gradual emerging in the tomb of matter, the sacrifice,
of a divine life to death ; we are now
into objective activity of qualities
watching and co-operating in the issuing
and faculties which have been pre forth and rising up of that divine life,
viously involved to perfection in the '
the Christ that is to be.' "We are
matter of the lower planes. individually members of the body of this
" If the Monad begins its cycle of Christ and of one another ; to see is it
incarnations through the three objective to find life, to miss it is to abide in death.
Christ rises in every man who has caught
kingdoms on the descending curvedline.it
has necessarily to enter on the re-ascending this vision and given himself to — it."
curved line of the Sphere as a man also. B. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Resurrection
On the descending arc it is the spiritual Life.
" You cannot have evolution without
which gradually transforms into the
material. On the middle line of the base, something to evolve ; evolution does
Spirit and Matter arc equilibrised in not create anything, it only reveals it.
Man. On the ascending arc, Spirit is What we are to-day, therefore, is the
slowly reasserting itself at the expense partial unfolding of some immeasurably
of the physical, or Matter, so that, at greater Fact than can probably ever be
the close of the Seventh Race of the fully expressed under material conditions."
Seventh Bound, the Monad will find itself — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Persistence
as free from Matter and all its qualities of Jesus.
as it was in the beginning : having gained
" The doctrine of creation by develop
in addition the experience and wisdom, ment or evolution is a true doctrine,
the fruitage of all its personal lives, and is in no way inconsistent with the
without their evil and temptations. idea of divine operation ; but the develop
This order of evolution is found in the ment is not of the original substance.
first and second chapters of Genesis, if Being infinite and eternal, that is perfect
one reads it in its true esoteric sense ; always. Development is the manifesta
for Chapter i. contains the history of tion of the qualities of that substance
the first Three Rounds, as well as that of in the individual. Development is intelli
the first Three Races of the Fourth gible only by the recognition of the
(Round), up to the moment when Man is inherent consciousness of the substance
called to conscious life by the Elohim of existence. Of the qualities of that
of Wisdom." — H. P. BLAVATSKY, Secret substance as manifested in the individual,
Doctrine, Vol. II. p. 190. Form is the expression. And it is because
When the soul is fully involved, development is directed by conscious,
" Spirit and Matter are equilibrised " experienced, and continually experiencing
intelligence, which is ever seeking to
in the Archetypal Man, the Adam eliminate the rudimentary and imperfect,
(Kadmon) of Genesis i., or the Christ that progression occurs in respect of
who " descended into the lower parts Form. The highest product, man, is
of the earth," and of whose
" body " the result of the Spirit working intelli
" members " the human race gently within. But man attains his
and highest, and becomes perfect, only through
now consists. his own voluntary co-operation with the
" I say that Christ is the last Word Spirit. There is no mode of Matter in
of Evolution just because it was the first, which the potentiality of personality, and
if it had not been the Alpha it could not therein of man, does not subsist. For
be the Omega. It is the unveiling of every molecule is a mode of the universal
Reality, the Reality that changeth not, consciousness. Without consciousness is
the Reality without a second, without no being. For consciousness it being." —
rival or superior." — R. J. CAMPBELL, KINOSFORD AND MAiTLAND, The Perfect
Scnn.. The Source of Good. Way, pp. 18, 19.
"The putting forth of finite beings from " Evolution itself cannot even be
the Deity was called by Scotus (Erigena) conceived of except in connection with
the process of unfolding, and in addition some unitary Being, immanent in the
to this, he taught the doctrine of the evolutionary process, which reveals its
return of all things unto God, or their own Nature by the nature of the Idea,
deification." — UEBEBWEG, Hist, of Philoa., which, in fact, is progressively set into
Vol. I. p. 359. reality by the process. . . . Without
" Rightly interpreted, religion is life.
help from the tenet of evolution, the
For all human life, on this side of death doctrine of God as perfect Ethical Spirit
and on the other, is the resurrection of Christ cannot be vindicated against the charges
and his ascension to the Father. Whatever offered by the prevalence of evil ; and
this world may have been like at its the most precious dogmas of Christianity
concerning the Divine work of redemp shapes, states, and powers in the same
tion, the growth of the Divine Kingdom way as the universe now exists. The
by revelation and inspiration, and the wiser sort, cloaking their meaning from
final triumph of that Kingdom as the the vulgar, call the change into Fire
realised Ideal of an all-inclusive good, Apollo, on account of the reduction
cannot even be stated in intelligible to one state, and also Phoebus' on
terms. Thus the beliefs, hopes, and account of its freedom from defilement,
practical motives of a religion that is and its purity ; but the condition and
compatible with the advance of race- change of its turning and subdivision
culture require the unquestioning accept into airs, water, and earth, and the pro
ance of the truth, that wherever the duction of animals and plants, they
earth bringeth forth fruit of herself,' enigmatically term
Exile f and ' Dis
there it is always, ' first the blade, then memberment.'
" — PLUTARCH, On the E
the ear, after that the full corn in the at Delphi. § IX.
ear.* — O. T. LADD, Phil of Religion, This mythical statement describes
Vol. H. pp. 303-4.
" The Divine Self is the sum-total of how the manifesting Self (Apollo),
the finite selves which compose the race, unconditional and eternal, submitted
and which are ever on the way to becoming to inscrutable Law, and became con
more and more truly personal." — Ibid., ditioned and limited in self-expression.
p. 309.
" The " change of Nature into Fire
Evolution is the growing towards
God individuated of that which went and reduction to one state " refers
forth from God un-individuated. It is to the process of Involution, whereby
the gradual taking on of Godhead by at one time potential diversity or
means of the passage through matter :
a returning to God full, concrete and
plurality of qualities becomes merged
concentred, of that which went forth in complete unity on the buddhic
from God empty, discrete, and scattered. (Fire) plane in the Archetypal Man
. . . For is not evolution the passage
(Phoebus Apollo), who is pure and
through matter of Spirit ; is not Faith At another
perfect in all his qualities.
the clinging of matter to Spirit ; is not
Love the transfusion of matter by Spirit T " time following, the process of Evolu
— E. C. U., A Message to Earth, p. 8. tion commences by " dismemberment "
Evolution being found in so many of the Archetypal Man, that is, by
different sciences, the likelihood is that the separation and scattering of the
it is a universal principle. And there is
no presumption whatever against this qualities in the myriad forms. There
Law and many others being excluded is subdivision into mental qualities
from the domain of the spiritual life." — (airs), astral qualities (water) and
H. DEUMMOND, Natural Law, etc., p. 37. physical qualities (earth), and the
See ADAM (higher), ALTAR (fire),
production of desires (animals) and
feelings (plants). In all the qualities
and forms the God within is in " exile
and unapparent.
•i ANA, EQUINOX, FALL, FORM AND "We are all making homeward, as
NAME, GOING IN, IMAGE, INVOLUTION, it were, getting back to God, and carrying
I. ION-GOD, MACROCOSM, MAHAY ANA, with us as we go the fruita of our brief
MITHKA, MUSUBI, NIGHT, PLEROMA, sojourn in the foreign land of the material
world. No two of us have ever had, or
RESURRECTION, SABBATH, SACRIFICES, ever will have, precisely the same experi
SEPBOROTH, SPIRIT, T (letter), TUAT, ence of this exile." — K. J. CAMPBELL,
WHEEL OF LIFE, ZODIAC. Senn., Our Quest for God.
" The presence of God in the conscience,
EXILE :— and the sense of alienation from God,
are to Cardinal Newman the main truths
A symbol to express the banish of natural religion — the notorious facto
ment, as it were, of the manifesting of the case in the medium of his primary
God, or Self, from the higher planes mental experiences." — W. 8. LILLY,
which are His real habitat, and His Ancient Religion, p. 98.
" ' God is not external to any one.'
protracted sojourn encased In forms
He is ' the root of the Soul,' the ' centre '
on the planes of nature below. of the mind, and the way home to Him
" The God (Apollo), though by nature is within every person. This is the
incorruptible and eternal, yet through heart of the mysticism of Plotinus.
some decree of fate submitted to There is in the universe, as he conceives
changes of condition, at one time set it, a double movement — the way down
all Nature on Are, making all things like and the way up. The way down is the
to all ; at another time he was meta eternal process of the Divine emanation,
morphosed and turned into various or outgoing of God towards the circum
ference. At the centre of all is God, the ness : for the Rock was Christ,' and it
One, the Good. The One is a Unity above was smitten with a rod that the water
all difference, an Absolute who transcends might flow." — AUOUSTINE, Gospel of John,
all thought, who is, in fact, even beyond Vol. I. pp. 398-9.
" The
being. Thought implies a contrast of journey of the Children of
knower and known ; Being implies a Israel illustrates the struggles, tempta
substance with qualities or character tions and victories of those who, dis
istics, and each quality limits the sub cerning the great purpose of life, are led
stance. . . . From the Perfect One there by their higher faculties — Moses and
flows or radiates out a succession of Aaron — rather than their senses, to press
emanations of decreasing splendour and through a wilderness of difficulties in the
reality." — R. M. JONES, Mystical Religion, way till they find its promise fulfilled."—
pp. 72, 73. MRS. U. N. GESTEFELD.
" It that in the
See ABSOLUTE,APOLLO, ARC. MAN, means spiritually
DEATH or OSIRIS, DISMEMBERMENT, Soul's liberation from sin (or in the
exodus of the Soul from sin) it is made
ELEMENTS, EVOLUTION, FALL, FIRE, holy and free in its powers." — DASTE
" The only thing we really do know
GOD, PRAGAPATI (relaxed), VOICE or
about life in its supersensuous aspect? it
that it is an appeal to us to disregard
EXODUS OF ISRAEL FROM personal and mundane security and

EGYPT :— well-being when these conflict with the

ideal, whatever it may be, which -
Symbolical of the raising of the lower revealed within our hearts. We may
qualities by the aid of the higher, not know why we are enslaved in the
through the stress and struggle of land of Egypt, why we should be com
life, until the buddhi-manasic con pelled to long wandering in the wilder
ness of material hardship and privation.
sciousness (the promised land) Is
attained. The forty years' wanderings why our struggle for a footing in Canaan
should be so strenuous and prolonged,
have reference to the transitory
but we know that never in any one of
conditions attending the soul's pil these experiences have we been left
grimage In the arena of the natural without the knowledge that it is some
life of desire and sensation, barren of how a bigger thing, and authoritatively
Itself (wilderness). greater thing, to give one's life away in
" The Exodus of Israel, their deliver the service of a super-personal good
ance from their enemies, and their than to retain it for oneself alone." —
passage through the Red Sea, and the
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Things Bidden,
destruction of their enemies in its " I will
waters, were figures of the liberation of open my mouth in a parable ;
Mankind from the dominion and bondage I will utter dark sayings of old : which
of Satan, and of his overthrow by we have heard and known, and onr
Christ in the Red Sea of His blood." — fathers have told us. We will not hide
WORDSWORTH, Bible, Job, p. 97. them from their children. . . . Marvel
" We have been led out of Egypt, lous things did He in the sight of their
where we were slaves to the devil as to
fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the
Pharaoh ; where we applied ourselves to field of Zoan. He clave the sea, and
works of clay, engaged in earthly desires, caused them to pass through ; and be
and where we toiled exceedingly. And made the waters to stand as an heap-
to us while labouring, as it were, at the In the day-time also he led them with
bricks, Christ cried aloud, ' Come unto a cloud, and all the night with a light
me, all ye that labour and are heavy of fire." — Ps. Ixxviii. 2-14.
laden.' Thence we were led out by
baptism as through the Red Sea, — red The moral nature (Moses the law
because consecrated by the blood of giver) utters itself within the soul,
Christ. All our enemies that pursued us and addresses the disciplined qualities
being dead, that is, all our sins being (my people) through symbolism
blotted out, we have been brought over
to the other side. At the present time, (parable and dark sayings). They are
then, before we come to the land of reminded of past experience, and the
promise, namely, the eternal kingdom, need to profit by it. The workings of
we are in the wilderness in tabernacles.
... In the desert waste : because in
the Spirit in the lower nature (Egypt)
are shown in suffering, and trouble,
this world, where we thirst in a way in
which is no water. But yet, let us and effort, which gradually cause the
thirst that we may be filled. For qualities to leave their lowest condi
Blessed are they that hunger and tion (cleave the sea) and follow the
thirst after righteousness, for they shall
be filled
(MAT. v. 6). And our thirst higher guidance. In the periods of
is quenched from the rock in the wilder- acquisition of knowledge (day-time)
they aspire to truth (pillar of cloud), itself, creating out of nothing, in the
and in the times of sorrow and pain air, a tree that had no history and no
(night-time) they are purified (pillar progenitor T The material is first, and
then the spiritual." — PHILLIPS BROOKS,
of fire) and raised. Mystery of Iniquity, p. 245.
YEABS. HERMES, HOKSE, HOUSE OF These are the facts or truths
BONDAGE, JORDAN, MOSES, PARABLE, gathered on the lower planes by
PASSOVER, ROCK (spiritual), SEA. means of the astral mechanism of
sensation. They are transmuted and
EXPERIENCE OF THE EGO :— collected together in the causal -
All experience in the lower lives is body where they are co-ordinated and
the partial reflection upon the lower their value realised. The complexity
planes of that which Is above, and and diversity of emotions and experi
Interpreted by the mind according ences can alone provide for growth
to Its stage of development. and expansion of consciousness. The
" Christ comes into the soul collects through mind and desire
world from all the experiences which are woven
without, to bestow himself by a pre
sentation. He is a new premise, that Into the nature of the Self.
could not be reasoned, but must first " The truth is that
there is no such
be, and then con be received only by thing as an abstract right or good. A
faith. When he is so received or appro thing is only right and good as it enters
priated, He is, of course, experienced or into the experience of conscious beings
known by experiment ; in that manner and is lived out by them. . . . There is
verified, — he that believeth hath the no such thing, I say, as abstract truth
witness in himself. The manner, there or abstract righteousness apart from
fore, of this divine experience, called living minds and souls to think them
faith, is strictly Baconian. And the and utter them ; and it is not enough, —
result is an experimental knowledge of even were it possible, which it is not, —
God, or an experimental acquaintance that one privileged generation only, or
with God, in the reception of his super half a dozen generations, should be the
natural communications. Which know full and final fruitage of the untold
ledge, again, or acquaintance, is, in fact, irons of noble effort which have gone
a revelation within." — H. BUSHNKLL, to make them possible. . . . Brethren,
Nature and the Supernatural, p. 367. you and I have a greater destiny than
"I say that this continuous quest, that. It is to find our place in a glori
this unceasing pursuit of an elusive ously perfect Divine Humanity." — R. J.
satisfaction, is not a fruitless thing. CAMPBELL, Serm., Our Earthly Race.
God not only ordains it, but secures that See DARKNESS (lower), ELIJAH
it shall fulfil a spiritual object. That (rest.), FISH, FOOD, GATHAS (chant
object is to educate the aoul to under
stand the true nature of eternal reality ing), GOLD (spot), NET, PEARL
by experiencing and rejecting everything (precious).
that falls short of it. Divine perfection
has many facets, if I may so express EYE, OR EYESIGHT :—
it, and we can only realise what that A symbol of mental perception.
perfection is by becoming conformed to Discernment of ideas and feelings
it ourselves under its every aspect. To as externalities of consciousness.
do this means that we have to transcend, " The eye of intellect." — HERMES, The
outgrow, leave behind everything less
than the perfection of Christ on every Perfect Sermon, § 1.
" May the enemy be paralysed in the
side of his divinely human nature.
That is what our earthly discipline is feet ! may he be palsied in the hands !
for, and there is no reason to believe may he not see the earth with his eyes I
that that discipline ends with the moment may he not see nature with his eyes ! who
of our passing into another world at the injures our mind, or injuries our body."
change called death." — R. J. CAMPBELL, — The Homa Yasht, HAUO, Essays.
Ssrm., The Ceaseless Quest. The supplication here is that the
" The truth from which we start is
Self may gradually eliminate all the
this, that so far as the life of this world
lower motives in thought and action,
is concerned, every spiritual operation
has its physical basis, in close connection and be the means of controlling the
with which it lives its life and does its physical foundation (feet), the astral
work. The growth of the tree is a will to action (hands) and the mental
mysterious and spiritual power. . . .
There must be black earth and the perception (eyes), so that all should
brown seed, or nothing comes. What be done for the furtherance of uni
growth-power ever made manifestation of versal good in the Supreme Nature.
" For God doth know that in the day "
When now the Asar had arrived at
ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be the house of Loke, the wisest of them,
opened, and ye shall be as God, knowing Quaser, first entered, and when he saw
good and evil." —GEN. iii. 6. the ashes of the burned yarn (net) on
For the Divine Nature knows that the fire, he comprehended that this
ivhen the fruits of action on the lower must be a device for catching fish, which
he showed to the Asar. They therefore
planes are tasted, then experience took linen thread and made a net, after
shall be acquired, which will be the the fashion of that which they could see
means by which mental perception in the ashes, which had been made by
will be enlarged and Godhood achieved. Loke." — Prose Edda.
" And the eyes of them both were And wh<sn the functioning upon
opened, and they knew that they were the astral plane has been accom
naked ; and they sewed fig leaves plished by the Logoi (Asar), the first
together, and made themselves aprons."
thing that is done is the transference
—GEN. iii. 7.
And both the emotion-nature and of the sense of sight to the physical
the mental-nature perceive their utter plane. Clairvoyance (Quaser) is ex
changed for the physical sense, for it
ignorance, i.e. the ego recognises the
is seen to be relatively illusory, and
necessity for further evolution. Then
the emotions and tno mind cover but a poor and ineffectual attempt
themselves with secrecy, and conceal to capture facts (fish) or reality.
the inward growth of the Spirit. The clairvoyance refers to the astral
" By eyes in the Word is meant the function of the " third eye," which
understanding, and thence, by the eye ceases to act when physical sight is
sight, intelligence. As the eye sees fully acquired. And now the sub
from natural light, so does the under
stance of the astral matter is taken
standing from spiritual light." — SWEDEN-
BORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 48. in structural form, and upon that
" is built the mechanism of the physi
Not-being is the mirror ; the Uni
verse is the reflection, and man is the cal eye, which is to be used as the
Personality concealed in it, like the eye
in the reflection. apparatus of sight.
Thou art the eye of
the reflection, while God is the Light of See ASAB, LOKE, NET OF ASAR,
the eye ; by means of that eye the PINEAL GLAND, QUASEB.
Eye of God beholds Itself." — Gul»han-i-
" Self -consciousness is the eye of the
Significant of the omniscience of
soul." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Man
and Moral Freedom.
the Higher Self on the mental plane.
" Eyes, metaphorically ascribed to "The eyes of the White Head are
men, signify their mind, understanding, diverse from all other eyes. Above the
or judgment, which are opened, when eye is no eyelid, neither is there an eye
they are made to observe what they did brow over it. ...This eye is never
not before (GEN. xxi. 9) ; when their closed ; and there are two converted
conscience clearly discerns their sin and into one. All is right ; there is no left.
misery (GEN. iii. 7) ; or their mind is He slumbereth not, and he requireth not
savingly instructed in the knowledge of protection." — Kabbalah, " The Greater
Christ and spiritual things (Acrs xxvi. Holy Assembly," Ch. IX.
18) ; and are sealed up, blinded, closed There is a reference here to the
or darkened, when the mind is destitute
personality being merged into the
of spiritual knowledge, and so ignorant,
obstinate or biassed that it cannot dis Individuality, when the two become
cern between good and evil (Is. xliv. 18 ; one, and there remains no lower self.
ACTS xxviii. 27 ; ROM. xi. 10). Eyes and See COUNTENANCE, FACE, HEAD,
eyelids, ascribed to God, signify his wisdom WHITE, YMIH.
and knowledge, which are displayed in
every place (PBOV. xv. 3; Ps. xi. 4). EYE OF VISHNU :—
— W. GUBNEY, Bible Dictionary, p. 164.
See EATING (lower), FALL, MAN A symbol of the Higher Self seated
(blind), MEN on the atmic plane as the Individ
(breast), NAKEDNESS
(lower), SIGHT, TREE OF KNOWLEDGE, " The wise ever
UTCHATS. behold that highest
step of Vishnu fixed like an eye in the
EYE, " THIRD," AND PHYSICAL :— heaven." — Rig-Veda, I. 22, 20.
The " third eye " is a clairvoyant The perfected become conscious of
faculty on the astral plane, which the supreme Love and Truth on the
precedes physical sight. highest plane.
UICHATS, VISHNU. Symbolic of perception without dls.
crimination ; or the senses active
EYES OF HORUS OR OSIRIS :— without intelligence.
Symbols of the Individuality and
the Personality as centres of per EYES, TWIN :—
ception on the mental plane, or higher Symbolic of the Individuality and
and lower consciousnesses. the Personality, as centres of con
" Thou didst stretch out the heaven sciousness.
•herein thy two eyes (sun and moon)
might travel, them didst make the earth
to be a vast chamber for thy Khus Symbolic of the Higher Self under
(i.e. the beatified dead and the gods of the aspects of Intellect and Will,
heaven), BO that every man might know
" piercing to the Inner nature of things.
hi* fellow (" Hymn to the Setting
Sun "). — BUDGE, Book of the Dead, p. 87.
The Logos establishes the cycle of
These are sacred stories and per
life wherein the Higher and Lower
sonal histories regarded as literally
Selves may go through their pil
true instead of symbolically true In a
grimage. The lower uature of the deep sense.
soul is to be the container of the " Neither to
give heed to fables and
Divine Monads, so that by means of endless genealogies, the which minister
experience every ego may progress questionings." — 1 TIM. i. 4.
from separatcness to unity again. The soul is exhorted to leave the
" Mankind went forth from hia " letter " for the "
(Ra's) spirit." The fol
two eyes" ("Hymn to Amen Ra"). —
lowing of the letter plunges the mind
'A'lEDEMANN-, Rel. of Anc. Egyptians,
p. 115.
into a sea of difficulties which cannot
Humanity goes forth in its higher be overcome, and of questionings
and lower centres of consciousness on which cannot be answered. The mind
the mental plane ; that is, the egos must seek for the true means of pro
manifest in the individualities and gress, which consists hi the perception
the personalities. of the ideal within, and in steadfast
See DEFUNCT, EARTH, GODS, devotion to the highest concepts of
HEAVEN, KHUS (liigher), LIPS, MOON, goodness and truth.
Symbols of the Higher Self and the A symbol of the structure, or
lower self; or the up ward- and down mechanism, of the planes of the
ward-looking faculties of perception universe, with the vibratory forces
In the soul. which play through them.
Unless the bountiful, superior Eye See LINEN, LOOM, WARP.
were to look down upon and bathe the
inferior eye, the universe could not FACE :—
pxiat even a single moment." — Kabbalah, A symbol of the mental aspect of
The Greater Holy Assembly," Ch. IX. being. Knowledge acquired either
"The two eyes of the soul of man through the senses or the intuition.
cannot both perform their work at once : Expression of truth within.
but if the soul shall see with the right
eye into eternity, then the left eye must
close itself and refrain from working,
and be as though it were dead. For if FACE OF THE GROUND :—
the left eye be fulfilling its office toward A symbol of the knowledge of
outward things ; that is, holding con appearances, or of the surfaces of
verge with time and the creatures ; things of the lower nature.
then must the right eye be hindred in " Behold, thou hast driven me
it* working ; that is, in its contempla (Cain)
tion. Therefore whosoever will have the out this day from the face of the ground ;
one must let the other go ; for
no man and from thy face shall I be hid." —
can, serve two masters.' " — Theologia GEN. iv. 14.
Qtrmanica, Ch. VII. The lower self, or personality, is
See HIGHER and LOWER, MIMEB. brought to realise that it may no
" To choose the ideal without the sup
longer depend upon the lower know
port or sanction of the natural universe,
ledge for subsistence or satisfaction,
and without hope of compensation ;
and it cannot tell where to seek for this reveals what man really is, and
food convenient to its evolving nature. this autonomous affirmation is faith.
It does not yet know the Higher And whenever that faith finds utterance
Self or source of its inspiration. —for it is in all — then you may inquire
into the meaning of the natural order.
See CAIN, FOBTY DAYS, QEOUND. Here, we say, is an imperfect world,
society, or character ; and yet we are
FACE OF THE LORD :— found longing for perfection. How, then,
A symbol of the higher knowledge can the intrusion of the ideal be ex
of the real ; or the Truth nature plained T There are only two answers ;
one is that there is a scheme other than
revealed to the mind.
the natural, also pressing upon us, but
" Turn us
again, O God ; and cause only discerned by spiritual vision." —
thy face to shine, and we shall be saved." W. E. ORCHARD, D.D., Ch. Com., Nov.
~-Ps. Ixxx. 3. 23, 1910.
The qualities aspire, turning from " But before faith came, we were kept
the lower nature to the Ideal within, in ward under the law, shut off from
the faith which should afterwards be
confident that in knowledge of the
revealed." — GAL. iii. 23.
real lies the hope of emancipation Before the intuition of Truth came
from error and illusion of the lower into the evolving soul, the qualities
mind. were under law, reason, Karma, cause
See APARAGITA, LIGHT. and effect, and were kept in bondage
FACES, DOUBLE :— to authority ; but afterwards through
Symbolic of dual mental aspects of intuition wisdom was acquired.
" Yet
beyond all knowledge, properly
the Self. Pairs of opposites of a
so called, is the realm of faith, and
mental nature. here, as in the case of more strictly
See OPPOSITES. cognisable things, the object of con
templation must actually come within
FACES OF THE GODS :— the human mind, and be assimilated,
Symbolic of the diverse mental before its being can be realised. God
aspects of the manifesting Self, or is also said to come into being in the
souls of the faithful, since either by
of the Ideals within the human soul.
faith and virtue He is conceived in
See Gous. them, or in a certain fashion, by faith,
begins to be understood. For, in my
FACES OF MEN :— judgment, faith is nothing else than a
Symbolic of the mental aspects of certain principle from which the recogni
the qualities. tion of the Creator arises in a reasonable
" We all, with unveiled face reflecting nature ' (Scotus). We seem to have
here the doctrine of the Incarnation
as a mirror the glory of the Lord, are
presented from an entirely subjective
transformed into the same image from and individual standpoint." — ALICE
glory to glory." — 2 COR. iii. 18. GARDNER, John the Scot, p. 129.
When the qualities are freed in "
According to Zwingli, faith is the
their mental aspects from the illusion highest power of our reasoning activity
of separateness, then they reflect the altogether, and can, therefore, never
come into conflict with the remainder of
unity and harmony of the One Higher the reasonableness of man." — O. I'FLFI
Self and become transmuted on to DERER, Development of Christianity, p. 196.
" Faith is
higher planes. nothing less than a uniting
See MERBOB, TBANSMUTATION, of our will with God's will." — J. BOKHME,
UzmaA. Myiterium Magnum, Vol. V. p. 299.
" Ihold that it is in Transcendental
FAITH :— Feeling manifested normally as Faith in
the value of life, and ecstatically a*
Perception of the ideal and of that sense of Timeless Being, and not in
which is coming in evolution. A thought proceeding by way of speculative
sense of that which is superior to construction, that Consciousness comes
knowledge, i.e. intuition of Truth. nearest to the object of metaphysics,
Acceptance of the system of nature Ultimate Reality." — J. A. STEWART,
Myths of Plato, p. 43.
with all its invariable sequence, its " When the seed of the new birth,
suffering and evil, as Inevitable and called the inward man, has faith awakened
perfect in process, in regard to its in it, its faith is not a notion, but a real,
end which is God. — See HEB. xii. strong, essential hunger, an attracting or
magnetic desire of Christ, which as it
" If ye have faith as a grain of
proceeds from a seed of the Divine mustard seed, ye shall say unto this
nature in us, so it attracts and unites mountain, Remove hence to yonder
with its like : it lays hold on Christ, place ; and it shall remove ; and nothing
puta on the Divine nature, and in a shall be impossible unto you." — MAT.
living and real manner grows powerful xvii. 21.
over all our sins, and effectually works If the disciplined qualities have
out our salvation (nee EPH. iii. 17-19)."
—WM. LAW, Grounds, etc. spiritual knowledge comparable to a
" Faith is not anti-rational, but super- small seed which is capable of de
rational ; it is that whereby we lay veloping into a great tree, then shall
hold of the spiritual and eternal. . . . they be able to remove a spiritual
Man's whole nature longs for fuller difficulty (a mountain) ; but the
satisfaction than it can find in the dark
valley of material existence ; faith con knowledge must be sufficient to effect
tacts the regions in which those satisfac the adjustment required. To the in
tions lie and brings the tokens of them dwelling Spirit nothing is impossible
into our conscious experience. This side in the line of evolution.
of our complex human experience is " I can do all things through Christ
just as reliable as any other, and is not which strengtheneth me." — PHIL, iv, 13.
only the highest but the one for the " If I have the gift of prophecy, and
sake of which the rest exist. Unless
know all mysteries and all knowledge ;
you can interpret life in terms of the and if I have all faith, so as to remove
spiritual, it is a mere chaos, not even mountains, but have not love, I am
rational ; you could not reason about a
nothing." — 1 COB. xiii. 2.
world which had no sort of order in it,
and the moment you predicate tli<tt you If the soul have the buddhic faculty
are dealing with spiritual ends." — R. J. of intuition (prophecy) and all intel
CAMPBELL, Serm., The Function of Faith. lectual knowledge of the invisible
" Faith discovereth the truth of things
universe and the soul-process, and
to the soul ; the truth of things as they
are, whether they be things that are of also have spiritual perception so as
this world, or of that which is to come ; to solve difficulties of the lower mind,
the things and pleasures above, and also and yet be deficient in selfless love of
those beneath. Faith discovereth to the ideal, it is stagnant and unpro-
the soul the blessedness and goodness,
and durableness of the one ; the vanity, gressivo.
foolishness, and transitorincss of the See LOVE OF GOD, MIRACLES,
other. . . . Faith wraps the soul up in PROPHECY.
the bundle of life with God." — JOHN
:•:• s VAN, Justification, etc.
" The truth is that faith is only our
A symbol of the descent of the
own higher nature asserting itself and
vindicating itself against the lower, and
evolving soul, or consciousness, from
without such assertion and vindication higher to lower planes, due to the
there could not be, — even omnipotence mind and emotions being attracted
could not bestow, — fullness of life and by the desires and sensations of
power upon the aspiring soul. . . . phenomenal existence. Through the
Faith is simply spiritual instinct making Fall, man exchanges a blissful state
straight for its goal." — R. J. CAMPBELL, of passive receptivity for a condition
Serm., Necessity of Faith.
" This unfounded and arbitrary decla of active responsibility, becoming
ration of the ultimate Tightness and
thereby a moral being knowing
significance of things I call the Act of higher and lower, and involved in a
Faith. It is my fundamental religious struggle between good and evil, during
confession. It is a voluntary and which the potential qualities within
deliberate determination to believe, a him are evolved into actuality.
choice made." — H. G. WELLS, First and " Why then does the soul descend
Latt Things, p. 48. and lose knowledge of its unity with
See GOLDEN HAIU, HAIR, INTUITION, the whole ? For the choice is better to
LOVE OF GOD, VAIBAUMATI. remain above. The answer is that the
error lies in self-will. The soul desires
to be its own, and so ventures forth to
FAITH TO DO MIRACLES :— birth, and takes upon itself the ordering
The spiritual knowledge born of of a body which it appropriates, or
experience in the bringing of the rather which appropriates it, so far as
lower nature into harmonious relation that is possible. Thus the soul, although
it does not really belong to this body,
with the higher. This brings about
yet energises in relation to it, and in a
adjustments of qualities and the manner becomes a partial soul in separa
evolution of higher faculties. tion from the whole. . . . All, — descent
and reascent alike, — have the necessity of of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye
a natural law. . . . The universal law die."
under which the individual falls is not And the emotion -nature surmises
outside but within each." — Plotinui. that of the sense-pleasures the soul
THOS. WHITTAKER, The Neo-Platonista,
pp. 67, 68. may partake naturally as do animals,
but of the fruit of experience, which
The fall, or descent of the soul to
is the moral nature, the soul cannot
the underworld, or lower nature, is
partake without incurring the death
variously described in the scriptures.
From a Babylonian religious text penalty, by entering upon the cycle of
evolution which necessitates the
we read : —
" The evil curse has slain that man repeated births and deaths of the
like a lamb. His god has departed forms which transitorily embody the
from his body ; his guardian goddess soul.
has left his side ; he is covered with " And the serpent said unto the
sorrow and trouble as with a garment, woman, Ye shall not surely die : for
and he is overwhelmed." — L. W. KING, God doth know that in the day ye eat
Babylonian Religion, p. 207. thereof, then your eyes shall be opened,
The mind has become a sacrifice and ye shall be as God, knowing good
and evil."
to Desire. The Divine nature is un-
Then the desire-mind represents to
apparent to the astro-mental body.
the emotion-nature that death or
Wisdom, its guide, is obscured in the
extinction shall not supervene for
mind, and the soul has entered into
such behaviour ; for the Divine nature
the lower life of suffering and sorrow.
knows that when the fruits of
Then the god Marduk (the Higher
action are tasted, experience shall be
Self) is enjoined by the Supreme to acquired which will be the means by
become his Saviour : —
" which Godhood will eventually be
Take him to the house of purifica
tion, and remove the spell from upon achieved through cleaving to the
him." — Ibid. good, and shunning evil.
" And when the woman saw that the
In the development of the causal - tree was good for food, and that it was
body (house) is to be found the a delight to the eyes, and that the tree
soul's purification, when thraldom to was to be desired to make one wise,
the desire-nature will be removed on she took of the fruit thereof, and did
eat ; and she gave also unto her husband
the attainment of perfection.
" with her, and he did eat."
Though a man journey from the And so when the emotion -nature
perfect to the perfect : yet that which
is perfect still remains over and above perceives the desirability of descend
*ll.fl— Brihad. Upanifhad, V. 1. ing to the lower planes, and sees the
The account of the fall of mind beauty of the prospect, and recognises
(man) and emotion (woman) is given that this course will be the means of
in Genesis iii. : — enabling the soul to increase its
" Now the serpent was more subtil knowledge, then attachment to the
than any beast of the field which the lower life is set up, and the results
Lord God had made. And he said unto are communicated to the evolving
the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye
shall not eat of any tree in the garden T " mind, whereby the mind partakes of
Now the desire-mind (the serpent) new experiences.
" And the eyes of them both were
is more insidious than any of the
opened, and they knew that they were
simple lower desires or appetites (the naked ; and they sewed fig leaves
beasts), and thus is able to lead the together, and made themselves aprons."
emotion-nature astray from the higher And then it is, both the emotions
intuitions, and to divert the vibra and the mind perceive their utter
tions of energy downward to the lack of
" clothing "
(concepts), their
plane of the desires. And so the
" nakedness " or ignorance, and
emotion-nature is drawn to the sense become aware of the necessity for
objects. further evolution. And their endeav
" And the woman said unto the ser
ours result in producing an external
pent, Of the fruit of the trees of the mental condition which conceals the
garden we may eat : but of the fruit of
the tree which is in the midst of the inward growth of the soul. (Fig-leaves'
garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat so applied are symbolic of secrecy.)
" The tree of the knowledge of good shadow instead of the substance — God)."
and evil, by which man fell, changed — The Perfect Way, pp. 159, 161.
into the Tree of Life by which Satan
" The One, which consists of these
perished ; the fruit of disobedience two (Life and Substance), is always
becoming the fruit of the Tree that ia putting forth alike the Macrocosm of
in the midst of paradise : the garden the universe and the Microcosm of the
whence the first Adam was driven forth individual, and is always making man
replaced by the garden where the second in the image of God, and placing him in
Adam arose from the dead." — J. M. a garden of innocence and perfection,
NEALE, Comm. Psalms, Vol. I. p. 139. the garden of his own unsophisticated
" To come to man, the microcosm, the nature. And man is always falling
human trinity, made in the image of away from that image and quitting that
God, but fallen from its original glory ; garden for the wilderness of sin, being
Scotus attributes that fall to a self- tempted by the serpent of sense, his
willed turning away from man's proper own lower element. And from this
nature and first principle of being. In condition and its consequences he is
following the story in Genesis, he gives always being redeemed by the blood of
an allegoric interpretation to its several the sacrifice always being made for
parts ; . . . the Fall is not regarded as him by the Christ Jesus, who is Son at
an event in time, nor Paradise as a once of God and of man, and is always
definite locality. The story of the for being born of a pure virgin ; dying,
bidden fruit is interpreted as the leading rising, and ascending into heaven." —
•way of the mind (= the man) by Ibid., p. 178.
" Before Adam sinned he went up
sensibility ( = the woman), so as to
seek pleasure in the things of sense and into and remained in the illuminated
not in pure wisdom. The punishments Wisdom (Eden) Above, and was not
inflicted have a hidden meaning. '
In separated from the Tree of Life. But
sorrow shalt thou bring forth children,' when he acceded to the desire to know,
points to the efforts necessary for attain
and to descend Below, then ... he
ing knowledge ; thy desire shall be to separated himself from the Tree of
thy husband, and he shall rule over Life, and knew only the bad, and left
thee,' promises the ultimate subjugation the good a'one." — Zohar, I. 52 o and 6,
of sense by reason. . . . The means by Brody.
" I admit that the Genesis story
which the general restitution is effected (of
is, of course, the Incarnation. The the fall) as it stands cannot reasonably
Logos entering into human nature, and be regarded as history ; it is not history,
then returning to the Father or First it is something better ; it is a symbolic
Principle." — AMOK GARDNER, John the statement of certain facts of experience.
Scot, pp. 107-9. . . . The whole drama should be removed
" The failure of one thing, through from the material to the super-material
grace, brings in a better thing. Where world, the paradise of Eden being a
sin abounds, grace yet more abounds. figure of man's condition immediately
Thus that short-sighted wisdom which before his descent into matter. Our
would prevent falling, would by so real fall, speaking of the race as a whole,
doing prevent all progress to higher consists in having to live under condi
things ; for each advancing form of tions wherein the struggle between good
life which God takes up springs out of and evil is inevitable and unescapable.
the failure of that which has preceded I say that to have come into a world
it" — A. JUKES, Types of Genesis, p. 107. like this at all is a fall from something
Adam represents the person, Eve higher. ... It is true that we came up
the soul, and the Divine Voice the from below, but it is also true that we
Spirit, so the serpent typifies the astral first came down from above. We are
element or lower reason. For this subtle of the eternal ; our true being has
never had a beginning and will never
element is the intermediary between
soul and body, the ' fiery serpent ' have an end. But when man as man
whose food is the
dust,' that is, the entered this world he had to make
perception of the senses which are con
acquaintance with something very dif
cerned with the things of time and ferent. His beginnings then were lowly
matter only." enough, and as he has been slowly
" fighting his way upward, back in fact to
Coming next to the philosophical
where he came from, he has been learning
reading of our parable (the Fall), we
find that on this plane the Man is the tragically the difference between good
Mind or rational Intellect, out of which and evil." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The
is evolved the Woman, the Affection or Tree of Knowledge.
Heart ; that the Tree of Knowledge See ADAM ATTACHMENT,
represents Maya or Illusion ; the Serpent, CAUSAL-BODY, DEVAYANA, EDEN, EVE,
the Will of the Body ; the Tree of Life, EVOLUTION, EYE, GARDEN, HEEL,
the Divine Gnosis —or interior know
ledge ; and the sin which has brought
and which brings ruin on mankind, NATION, INVOLUTION, JOHN-BAPTIST,
Idolatry (which is the adoration of the KARMA, LAW or ZOROASTER, MACRO
COSM, MAHAYANA, MAN, MITHBA, Virgil's First Georgia, after quoting ' the
NEPHILIM, PITRIYANA, RESURRECTION, mystic fan of Bacchus,' says that that
mystic fan ' symbolised the ' purifying
RETURN, SACRIFICED SEPARATION, of souls.' Now how could the fan be a
SERPENT (subtil), SONS OF GOD, symbol of the purification of souls T
SOUTH WIND, STRIFE, SWEAT, TREE The answer is, The fan is an instrument
OF KNOWLEDGE, TYRU8, WOMAN. for producing ' wind ' ; and in Chaldee,
as has been already observed, it is one
FAMILY :— and
the same word which signifies
wind ' and the
Holy Spirit." . . .
A symbol of qualities in close Hence, when Bacchus was represented
relation to each other, and attached with the '
mystic fan,' that was to
to a single centre. declare him to be the mighty One with
" I bow my knees unto the Father, whom was ' the residue of the Spirit.'
from whom every family in heaven and Hence came the idea of purifying the
on earth is named." — Km. iii. 14, 15. soul by means of the wind." — A. HISLOP,
The Two Babylont, p. 139.
The moral nature restrains the
See BREATH, CHAJT, FIRE (destroy
activities of the lower nature in due
regard to the central Ideal and
source of all, to which the differen
tiated groups of higher and lower FANG OF THY MOUTH :—
kindred qualities of the soul are A symbol of the Divine Will and
primordially attached. Power. Force of that which is uttered
See FATHER, KNEE, NAME, NATION, in the Divine flat. The same as the
TRIBES. " sword of the Spirit." — REV. xix. 15.
" I make no choice therein, yet I have
FAMINE IN THE LAND :— power therein, for the fang of Thy
Symbolic of a period of mental mouth is a wand of power " — Book of
and emotional inertia wherein there the Dead, Ch. CX. (trans. Blackden).
Is a lack of sustenance and satisfaction All the experiences of the lesser
for the soul. lives are collected, and all are of
" Behold, the days come, saith the service to the ego who relies upon
Lord God, that I will send a famine in the power of the Divine Will.
the land, not a famine of bread, nor a " And I steer in Her pools that I may
thirst for water, but of hearing the fetch to her cities of peace ; for behold
words of the Lord." — AMOS viii. 11. my mouth is provided with my Fangs."
This refers to a preparatory state — Ibid.
of inactivity of the qualities. The Self guides its evolution through
" By famine is the Wisdom nature which is the means
signified the deprivation
of the understanding of all truth." — of contributing to tho growth of the
SWEDENBOBO, Apoc. Rev., n. 765.
buddhic function from its centres (her
cities). For the Divine Will and
Word (Fangs) are their own support
FAN, PRODUCING WIND :— and are constantly exercised ; and
the means of disciplining the lower
A symbol of the Spirit energising
the mental vehicle, for the dissipa self is thereby provided.
tion of error. See CITY, DESERTS, MOUTH, POOLS
Holy Ghost, . . . whose fan is in his
hand, and he will thoroughly cleanse
his threshing-floor ; and he will gather FAR-DARTING APOLLO :—
his wheat into the garner, but the chaff A symbol meaning that the Will
he will burn up with unquenchable fire." and Power of the Logos extend every
—MAT. iii. 12. where, as the sun's rays through the
The Holy Spirit (Atma-buddhi) ener solar system.
gises the mind, in order that the See APOLLO, SURYA, SUN.
lower nature of the soul may be
purified through suffering and aspira FASTING :—
tion. The fruit of experience shall This signifies abstention from sense
be transmuted on to the buddhic impressions and abstinence from all
plane, but the lower qualities shall external aid, while relying upon the
disappear utterly. Indwelling Spirit for help In evolu
" Servius, in his comments upon tion.
" Except ye fast to the world, ye then men say that these things have
shall in no wise find the kingdom of come into being ; and when they are
God." — A faying of Jetus, discov. 1897. separated, they call them evil fate ;
See ABSTINENCE, AUSTERITIES, this is the established practice, and I
PENANCE. myself also call it so in accordance with
the custom." — Empedoclei, FAIRBANKS,
But when the monadic life is
Symbols of the Love-nature. If embodied in the human mind, or
offered in sacrifice they signify the
when it is exhibited in the sub-human
offering of the heart's affection.
" kingdoms, then it is assumed by the
By ' fat ' is signified the celestial lower mind that the phenomena
principle itself which is also from the
Lord." —SWEDENBORO, Arc. Cel. to Oen which answer to the soul's present
iv. 4.
" stage of experience and growth have
Fat or dainty things signify celestia only now begun to exist, and that
goods, the affections thereof and the
they exist in themselves. And so
delights of those affections." — SWEDEN-
BORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 782 when the illusive discontinuity is
And I will satiate the soul of the apparent, and the oneness of things
priests with fatness, and my people is unapparent, then evil is appre
shall be satisfied with my goodness, saith
hended to be real, or cruel fate is
the Lord." — JER. xxxi. 14.
The inner sanctuary of the soul supposed to be the soul's destiny :
shall be filled with Divine love, and and the personal self, being ignorant,
the disciplined qualities shall be stead is led to make these false implications
fast in righteousness and truth. under illusion of the senses.
A symbol of the desire nature which
is directed to the sensations and the A symbol of the lower planes as
objects of sense.
subject to the law of cause and effect,
" or karma, In relation to the spiritual
When the sacrifice was completed, Monad.
they collected the dripping fat from it ; "
it formed the beasts of the air, of the But All-Father Mind, being Life and
wild places and of the village." — Rig- Light, did bring forth Man co-equal to
Veda, X. 90, 8. Himself" (Pcemandres). "This Man or
The " dripping fat " signifies the Anthropos is the Spiritual Prototype
of humanity and of every individual
love-nature inverted in the down man." — MEAD, T. G. Hermei, Vol. I.
ward attraction of the mind (air), p. 139.
and to be found in the desires (beasts) The Man, the Heavenly Man, the
Son of God, who descends and becomes
and passions (wild) connected with
a slave of the Fate-Sphere ; the Man
the astral centre (village). The who, though originally endowed with
" sacrifice was
completed " means that all power, descends into weakness and
the Self was fully involved in matter, bondage, and has to win his own free
dom and regain his original state." —
that is, the One Self had limited Ibid., p. 138.
Himself in order that the many The " Heavenly Man " is the Self,
selves should have life through Him. or World -soul, who descends into
See ANIMALS, ABC. MAN, BEASTS, matter, and becomes the Archetypal
Man when all his qualities are
GOD, SACRIFICE, SACRIFICES, SELF, involved. He subjects himself to
VILLAGE. karma, and in the process of evolu
FATE, EVIL :— tion rises from the dead and ascends
in humanity to his original state on
The personal self's false opinion of
the sufferings of the lower life, and of the higher planes.
the natural order of existence. See ANTHROPOS, ARC. MAN,
" But when light is mingled with air BONDAGE, COSMOS, CRUCIFIXION,
in human form, or in form like the race DISEASES, I E O U, INVOLUTION,
of wild beasta, or of plants, or of birds, KARMA, MAAT, MAZENDARENS, MOIR.*-,
GOD, THEMIS. A symbol of a prior and inferior
condition of soul which begets a
Symbolic of the karmlc liabilities " You must learn, you must let God
which are incurred by the ego during teach you, that the only way to get rid
an early state of strife, trouble and of your past is to get a future out of
suffering befalling the lower self. it." — PHILLIPS BROOKS, Serm., How many
See KARMA, STRIFE. Loave*, etc. f
See DEAD (burying), DEFUNCT,
See Mi ii RA K.
FATHER :— A symbol of the celestial feast of
A symbol to indicate Absolute wisdom and love on the buddhic plane,
Being, — the First or unmanifest Logos, whereby the sacrifice of the lower
— the Source of all that is. No con nature has brought joy to the higher.
ception Is possible of Potential Deity, This implies the awakenment of the
— it is a " thrice unknown Darkness " consciousness on the higher planes.
to the lower mind. — See LUKE xv. 23.
From the Father proceeds the Son, See CALF, DANCES, FAT, FEAST,
— the Second Logos, God manifest HUSKS, KID, PRODIGAL.
and limited in His creation.
" Jesus calls the Life-Force Our FEAR ; TERROR :—
Father. ' My Father worketh hitherto, Lack of intellectual will. It Is a
and I work.' Then all the working of negative state, that is, absence of the
the Life-Force in the past — even in positive state, — courage. Fear Is
what to our perception has been most
possible only to that which has no
gross and dreadful — has been the work
ing of a Mind and Will which means real existence, namely, the lower
well by us and could not do otherwise, nature. It stifles effort and paralyses
for it is our Father. . . . We must initiative.
work that God's work may be done and See ROCKS (floating), SYMPLEOADES.
our own destiny fulfilled. And we
know it ; we all know it. There is
that within us all which makes us know FEAR OF GOD OR THE LORD :—
that that alone is great and worthy of A symbol of the perception of the
reverence in human character and deed higher nature within, and its
which is the outcome of life spent in attractiveness upward.
the service of objects wider and higher " The
than the purely selfish and personal." — fear of the Lord is the beginning
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Jeaus and the of wisdom." — Ps. cxi. 10.
" The fear of the Lord is a
Life-Force. fountain
" There was, he of life, to depart from the snares of
(a Gnostic) says, at
first nothing whatever that is begotten ; death." — PKOV. xiv. 27.
the Father was in solitude, un begotten, See FAITH, INTUITION.
not circumscribed either by space or
time, with none to counsel Him, with FEAST; BANQUET:—
no kind of substance that can be appre
hended by any ordinary mode of appre
A symbol of the Realisation of
hension. He was in solitude, as they Truth, Wisdom and Love, in a state
say quiescent, and reposing in Himself of bliss on higher planes.
alone. But inasmuch as He had the " So when they had rest from the
faculty of generation, it seemed good to task, and had made ready the banquet,
Him at last to bring to birth and to they feasted, nor was their heart aught
put forth what He had within Himself stinted of the fair banquet. But when
that was fairest and most perfect ; for they had put away from them the
He was no lover of solitude. For He desire of meat and drink, the young
was, the writer says, all Love ; but love men crowned the bowls with wine, and
is not love, unless there be an object of gave each man his portion after the
love." — HIPPOLYTTJS, Refutation, VI. 29. drink-offering had been poured into the
See ABSOLUTE, AIN SOPH, ARHAT, cups." — Iliad, Bk. I, trans. Buckley.
ATM AV, BRAHMA, GODHEAD, MACRO And when this process of evolution
COSM, MONAD, OODOAD, PRAGAPATI, was completed, and the results of
TRINITY, VTVANHAO, ZERANA. the labours of the Self were accom
plished, the period arrived when the (Peter) is represented as growing in
Soul should enjoy that which it had grace and in truth, and therefore
earned. Nor was aught lacking, for becoming capable of instructing the
when the desires and appetites of qualities. At first the command of
the lower self were restrained (i.e. the indwelling Christ is to give
when the Ego no longer identified instruction to the minor virtues
itself with its baser nature) the (lambs), but afterwards as love of
mental qualities brought truth from truth and righteousness increases, the
above to the lower Self. And each lower mind is enjoined to instruct
department of the Soul received the major virtues (sheep). Then the
satisfaction so soon as it had been allegory goes on to describe how the
nourished by Truth from on High. lower mind, at first a law to itself,
" And in this mountain shall the Lord shall when purified and perfected
of hosts make unto all peoples a feast of and ruled by the Spirit within, be
fat things, a feast of wines on the lees " crucified,"
well refined." — Is. xxv. 6. and transmuted, and so
On the higher planes (mountain) disappear as lower mind, being carried
the qualities shall partake of the away and its elements dissolved by
" fruita of the Spirit " bringing joy the Supreme Law.
and satisfaction to the soul. — See "To feed means to teach." — SWEDEN-
BORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 383.
1 COB. v. 8. " God is Love and Goodness. Fill
See BANQUET, CALF (fatted), Cow the soul with goodness, and nil the soul
(plenty), FAT, FOOD, MOUNTAIN, with love, that is the filling it with God.
Wnns. If we love one another, God dwelleth in
us. There is nothing else that can
FEAST, ROYAL, OF TYPHON satisfy." — F. W. ROBERTSON, Sermon*,
(SET) :- 3rd Seriet, p. 259.
A symbol of the junction of mind
with desire, bringing about greater
and wider activities in the lower PETER, SHEEP, WATER.
nature. It is the fall of mind to the FEEDING OF THE FIVE
desire nature which stimulates the THOUSAND :—
lower principle (Set).
See DEATH or OSIRIS, FALL, SET. A symbol of instruction and know
ledge given to the numerous lower
FEATHER OF MAAT :— qualities of the soul, by means of the
A symbol of the lower personality senses and subtle perceptions (fishes)
in its relation to justice and law. of the astro-physical body.
The feather, which is significant of "
And Jesus took the five loaves, and
the ephemeral, transitory character the two fishes, and looking up to heaven,
of physical life, is a sign of the Illusory he blessed, and brake and gave the
personality of the lower planes. It loaves to the disciples, and the disciples
indicates the insufficiency of the to the multitude." — MAT. xiv. 19.
personality, which is a lower This means the consecration of the
expression of the Divine life, to con five senses to the highest use, and
tinue to persist. A feather after this nobler use could only be brought
serving its purpose in life is discarded, about through the intervention of
and is wafted away and lost. the superior qualities of the soul
See HEEL, JUDGMENT HALL, (the disciples). Christ, the indwelling
Jusnci, MAAT, PERSONALITY, SAU. Self, never gives aid or instruction
directly to the lower qualities ; the
blessing from above must always
Symbolic of the dispensing of truth
come through the intermediary of
and goodness to the qualities, or
imparting Instruction to the mind the most highly evolved qualities.
" The feeding of the multitude was
and soul.
" not the feeding of the body, but the
Simon Peter saith unto Jesus, Yea, soul. The whole story is symbolical. It
Lord ; thou knowest that I love thee. was the bread from heaven, the bread
He saith unto him, Feed my lambs. . . . of life, which Jesus distributed to His
Tend my sheep. . . . Feed my sheep." — disciples, and which they, in turn, were
JOHN xxi 15-17. authorised to distribute to those who
Here the disciplined lower mind were hungering and thirsting after
righteousness." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., of the lower activities which are
Ministering the Bread of Life. necessary to advance the evolution
" The
great law under which man is of the soul . Activity or Will exercised
placed is that he shall receive illumina
tion and impulse from beings more on the lower planes.
I thought on my ways, and turned
improved than himself. Now revelation
is only an extension of this universal my feet unto thy testimonies." — Ps. cxix.
method of carrying forward mankind. 59.
In this case, God takes on himself the The soul meditates on its condition
office to which all rational beings are
and regulates the lower activities,
called. He becomes an immediate
teacher to a few, so that it may advance towards the
communicating to
them a higher order of truths than had ideals set before it.
before been attained, which they in "By standing upon their feet is
turn are to teach to the race. Here is signified the external of man. The
no new power or element introduced external man is in itself natural." —
into the system, but simply an enlarge SWEDENBOHG, Apoc. Rev., n. 610.
ment of that agency on which the pro See FOOT, FOOTPRINTS, RIGHT FOOT,
gress of man chiefly depends. . . . Why SKY, STRIDES
are the more advanced commissioned
teach the lees informed ? A great pur WALKING, WASHED FEET.
pose, I believe the chief purpose, is to
establish interesting relations among men,
to bind them to one another by generous This designates the passive and
sentiments, to promote affectionate inter' receptive aspect of the manifest
course, to call forth a purer love than Duality. Space, Matter, and Wisdom
could spring from a communication of
mere outward gifts." — W. E. CRANKING, (buddhi) have this feminine aspect
Evidences, etc.
and are symbolised by the great
See APOSTLES, BLESSING, BREAD, Goddesses in all the polytheistic
religions . The present phase of evolu
tion is directed from the buddhic
JESUS (gospels), LIVING THINGS, plane which receives the transmuted
PARABLE, PEOPLE, QUALITIES, results of experience, and yields up
SITTING, THIRST. the higher emotions (feminine) to
FEEDING OF THE FOUR the aspiring lower Self incarnate
THOUSAND :— in the soul.
A symbol of the imparting by See ADITI, BUDDHI, GODDESS, MALE-
higher qualities of knowledge and FEMALE, MASCULINE, MOTHER,
goodness to lower qualities. PRAKRITI, SOPHIA, VACH, WISDOM.
" And Jesus commanded the multitude
to sit down on the ground ; and he FENSAL, AN ABODE OF
took the seven loaves and the fishes ; FRIGG :—
and he gave thanks and brake, and gavo A symbol of the astral plane as a
to the disciples, and the disciples to the
reflection (inverted) of the buddhic.
multitudes. And they did all eat and
were filled."— MAT. xv. 35-37. See ASTRAL PLANE, FRIGG, MISTLE
The Christ within enforces obedience. TOE.
" Sitting "
corresponds to the position FESTIVAL, SACRED :—
of acquiescence and receptivity of
mitid, — in which attitude instruction
A symbolic performance to cele
brate an auspicious occasion In the
could be given. The taking and life and progress of the soul.
giving of the " loaves and fishes " See CEREMONIES, BITES.
signifies the dispensing of such truths
and goodness as were at the disposal FESTIVE ARBOURS :— -
of the disciplined qualities, which Symbolic of virtues which bring
were then able to minister to the less- joy and satisfaction.
developed qualities of the soul. The See ARCHED GATEWAYS.
eating and being filled correspond to
a condition in which satisfaction for
a time was arrived at. An emblem of attachment of the
mind to the lower affections and
desires, causing sorrows, troubles,
and tribulations, and binding the
FEET :— soul to matter.
A symbol of the physical foundation " Let, therefore, no man love any-
thing ; loss of the beloved is evil. Those BONDAGE, CAPTIVITY, LIBERATION,
who love nothing, and hate nothing, PBISONEBS.
have no fetters." — Dhammapada, XVI.
" The (living being a lord, is FIELD :—
Self) not
bound, because he to enjoy (the
has A symbol of thelower nature;
fruits of works) ; but when he has the arena within which the soul's
known Qod, he is freed from all fetters."
— Svetat Upanifhad, I. 8. evolution takes place.
" The great elements
See ATTACHMENT, VITAL AIKS. (earth, etc.),
egoism (self-consciousness), the under
standing, the unperceived also, the ten
FETTERS ON THE SELF, OR senses, and the one (mind) and the
SOUL :— five objects of sense, desire, aversion,
A symbol of the captivity of the pleasure, pain, body, consciousness,
Self In the matter of the lower planes, courage, thus in brief has been declared
the Kshetra with changes (develop
due to the process of Involution.
ment)." — Bhagavad-gita, Ch. XIII.
"The object of (the San-khya-karika) The Kshetra, or field, is the arena
is to effect the liberation of the soul in its largest sense of organism and
(purusha) from the fetters in which it is
involved by union with prakriti (matter)." environment of the soul's evolution.
— MON. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 92.
' '
It includes all the planes of mani
When all desires that dwell in the festation below at nui, though the
heart cease, then the mortal becomes
immortal, and obtains Brahman. When present lower nature below the buddhic
all the fetters of the heart here on earth is more especially indicated. The
•re broken, when all that binds us to mental faculties, the emotions, the
this life is undone, then the mortal desires, passions, and sensations in
becomes immortal : here our teaching all their varieties are the means of
ends.' This is what is called Vedanta."
—MAX Mri.i.Kit, India, etc., p. 249. soul-development.
" Our Self is neither our body nor our "The field is the world." — MAT. xiii.
mind, nor even our thoughts of which 38.
most philosophers are so proud, but The " world " signifies the lower
that all these are conditions only to nature of the soul, in which the
which the Self has to submit, fetters by germs of higher qualities (seed) are
which it is chained." — MAX MDLLEB,
Vedanta Philosophy, p. 97. sown by the Spirit.
" Whatever separates us from God is " This human frame, O Earth I is
but the deceptive semblance of self called field.' He who knows (how to
which chains our volition. Hence man enter and how to leave) it is denominated
must release himself from the fetters of by those conversant with the subject,
' '
self and creature love, must have the Knower of the field (i.e. Self or
nothing, and desire nothing excepting Soul). . . . Those striving after final
God, and experience God in the solitude emancipation must constantly seek to
" understand the ' field ' and to obtain a
of his spirit (Eckhart). — PFLEIDEREB,
!>•••'.. of Chris., p. 152. knowledge of the Knower of the field." —
" When a soul succeeds in breaking Institutes of Vishnu, Ch. XCVI. 97, 98.
the fetters of sin and ascending the The human organism on the lower
throne of spiritual power, it invariably planes is the field of experience. To
does so by the emergence of something know it all is to rise above it and
divine from within, something which
must have been there from the first, become one with the Higher Self.
and which lies deeper than all the cor The human organism comprises the
ruptions of the fleshly nature." — R. J. four vehicles of the soul on the four
CAMPBELL, Serm., The Faith that Save*.
" planes of nature ; i.e. the causal,
Thy chain, which is made up of
guilt and filth, is heavy ; it is a wretched mental, astral, and physical human
bond about thy neck, by which thy bodies. It is through these bodies
strength doth fail. But come, though that the indwelling spiritual ego must
thou comest in chains ; it is glory to manifest his nature, and he can only
Christ that a sinner comes after him in
chains. The chiukings of thy chains, do so by fully understanding and
though troublesome to thee, are not, controlling them. When he has
nor can be, obstruction to thy salvation ; mastered the lower qualities, he has
it is Christ's work and glory to save thee developed the higher, and the con
from thy chains, to enlarge thy steps,
and set thee at liberty."— J. BUNYAN, sciousness rises to the higher planes
Come and Welcome to Christ. and to union with the Higher Self.
Wisdom, p. 42.
The "two birds" are the Higher
and the Lower Selves which are
essentially one, but dual in aspect
respecting manifestation, only the
lower aspect being in active relation
FIEND OF THE FOUR-LEGGED with the soul as the Divine Indweller.
RACE :— It is the Divine life (jiva), the Christ
A symbol of the desire-principle within, who strives and eventually
of the lower quaternary. conquers the lower nature of the
See AUSHEDAR, BEAST. soul, and afterwards rises in his
saints to partake of the fruit of the
life process.
Symbols of auto-intelligent forces "
There are hints which lead to the
which operate upon the lower planes : truth that it is only the lower self which
these are chiefly elemental, and have suffers ; the higher ego in us, ' the
to do with the nature and habits of angel which ' always beholds the face
the sub-human and instinctual In of the Father,' goes scathless, awaiting
the uniting of the lower self with it." —
K. C. ANDERSON, Serm., The Buried
See DEVAS (lower), LORDS (material),
MITHRA, NAIADS, NASU, SALAMANDERS. There sits a silent watcher within
each of us, an entity unaffected by the
FIENDS RUSHING FORTH FROM swift, tumultuous passing of the years,
BURROWS :— yet carefully gathering up and storing
Symbolical of the objects of sense within itself the tribute that they bring.
which allure and captivate the ego. It forgets nothing, loses nothing, allows
nothing to escape that has ever come
They appear and disappear hi the within its ken. And all this treasure is
consciousness, and come from the being accumulated for eternity ; this
earth or physical plane as vibrations inner self of every soul cares only for
to the mind. the things of time as they bear upon
See BOTTOMLESS PIT, HARPIES, its return to that state in which time ia
OVERSEER, SERPENT (hissing). not. Language is of necessity inade
quate here to express a fact which
FIFTEEN, NUMBER :— transcends our powers of thought. But
I repeat that that timeless, ageless
A number signifying completeness principle, that point and centre of being,
of condition or period. It Is a multiple which alone deserves to be called you,
of three, — a perfect number, — and deeper far than your present conscious
five, the number of the manifest ness of yourself, and greater than you
planes. have or could have any conception of
iS'ce BEGETTING, GOLDEN AGE, while you are enclosed and battened
down in your physical body, derives
MAIDEN. immediately from the eternal Son of
God." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., In Change
FIG-FRUIT :— Unchanged.
A symbol of the sweet fruit of the See ATMAN, BIRDS (two), EXPERI
Tree of Life, i.e. the blissful results ENCE, FRUIT or SPIRIT, HARVEST,
of the experience of the Self in its HIGHER AND LOWER SELVES, INCAR
course through the lower nature.
The " fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,
peace, etc." (GAL. v. 22), which are
emotions transmuted through the (supreme), SELF (lower), SON OF GOD,
Holy Spirit (Buddhi). This " sweet TIME, TREE OF LIFE.
fruit " is garnered and enjoyed on the
buddhic plane to which the conscious FIG-JUICE :—
ness rises after the lower nature is
transcended. Emblem of the Divine Life from the
" Two birds Tree of Life.
( (the Paramatman and the
Jivatman, or Supreme and individual " As when
fig -juice curdles and binds
souls) always united, of the same name, white milk." — Empedoclef, FAIRBANKS,
occupy the same tree. One of them
(the Jivatman) enjoys the sweet fruit of
the fig (or fruit of acts), the other looks As when spiritual perception encom
on as a witness." — Mundaka Upanishad, passes or endows the wisdom -nature.
Anna ensouling buddhi, which
may the Spirit within is obscured (dead)
be expressed as atma-buddhi. in the lower life, it yet should be
See BLOOD, HOMA-JUICE, SAP, SOMA- held in reverence according to the
JTICE. divine ordinance ; and the lower
qualities should be sacrificed to the
FIG-LEAVES AS APRONS :— higher according to the divine law of
A symbol of spiritual growth un the evolution of the Spirit within.
observed by the lower nature. — See " Now filial piety is seen in the skilful
GEN. iii. 7. carrying out of the wishes of our fore
fathers, and the skilful carrying forward
of their undertakings. In spring and
FIG-TREE :— autumn, they repaired and beautified
the temple-halls of their fathers, set
A symbol of the Divine life in the forth their ancestral vessels, displayed
scheme of things. The Tree of Life, their various robes, and presented the
which grows up from a small seed offerings of the several seasons. By
and forms a stem, branches, twigs, moans of the ceremonies of the ancestral
leaves, and finally fruit and seeds, temple, they distinguished the imperial
all typifying the spiritual life which kindred according to their order of
permeates in every part the structure descent." — Ibid., p. 296.
of the universe and the soul. Now true religion is exemplified in
" This the soul's methodical endeavour to
everlasting, holy fig-tree stands
with roots above, with branches down accomplish the purpose of all prior
wards. Its root is that pure Self, that manifestations of the Self, and to
immortal principle." — Katha. Upanishad, make use of all the means provided
VI. 1.
for the ego's spiritual evolution.
During the times of manifestation
(spring, etc.) the causal-bodies
(temples) of the incarnating egos are
FIG-TREE WITHERED AWAY :— developed and perfected, and the
inherited mental- vehicles (vessels) are
This fig-tree stands for the lower
nature which can never of itself endowed with higher qualities (robes)
bring forth the fruits of the Spirit. as they relinquish the lower qualities
The lower nature withers away at (offerings) in the several stages of
the word of the perfected Christ- evolution. In the successive trans
soul. The emblem here is taken as mutations of the qualities for the
the lower part, or obverse, of the enrichment of the causal-body, the
Tree of Life.— See MAT. xxi. 18-21. corresponding phases of the evolving
See MAN (natural), WORD. Self are represented.
A symbol of the soul's reverence FILLET OF APOLLO UPON A
for its Divine nature, and of its GOLDEN STAFF :—
determination to follow the will of
Emblem of the causal sheath
its Father in heaven.
" Asked what filial piety was, the established upon the sutratma, —
the Divine Ray, — through Wisdom and
Master (Confucius) said, It is not being
the Divine Will. Within the causal-
disobedient. That parents, when alive,
body is the " ransom beyond telling,"
should be served according to propriety ;
— the " treasure in heaven " laid up
that when dead, they should be buried
according to propriety ; and that they on the buddhic plane.
should be sacrificed to, according to See GOLDEN STAFF, HOLLOW SHIPS,
propriety (Confucian Analects). — J. SCEPTRE (Apollo), SUTRATMA.
LEGGE, Life and Teachings, etc., p. 123.
The Higher Self within teaches that FILLETS AND GARLANDS,
the spiritual ego should be obedient CROWNED WITH:—
to its Divine parentage : that the Emblem of dependence upon the
Parents (Atma-buddhi), when recog Self ; and indicates the ego gifted with
nised (alive) should be intuitively spiritual graces of Wisdom and
served according to the divine ordi Love.
nance of the higher life : that when " I go about among you an immortal
god, no longer a mortal, honoured by The Papal sign of blessing is the
all, as is fitting, crowned with fillets and exhibition to the people (the mental
luxuriant garlands." — Empedocles, FAIB- " Two fingers of
BANKS, qualities) of the
The Immortal Self moves amid the Horus," thus symbolically setting
qualities which are transmuted and before them the ideal of goodness
no longer perishable, and It is dis and truth to which they in reverence
tinguished from ita modes of action, must aspire in order that they may
as is essential to right perception, attain to bliss.
The amulet of the
" Two Fingers "
for it is crowned with Self-dependence
and the
" fruits of the Spirit." has often been found in the interior
of mummies (personalities) where it
becomes an emblem of the purifica
FINGER, FOREFINGER :— tion of the personality, by means of
A symbol indicative of what is the treasuring of ideals in the mind
shown, manifested, demonstrated or and heart.
done. The forefinger of Horus, which See HEAVEN, HOBUS, LADDER,
he places upon his mouth, signifies MUMMY, PADDLES, PEOPLE.
the expression, or manifestation,
of the indwelling Self In the soul ; FIRE :—
the evolution of the Self from small This important symbol has higher
to great. and lower aspects. In its higher
" But if I by the finger of God cast aspect it signifies Divine love on the
out devils, then is the kingdom of God buddhic plane, i.e. the active,
come upon you." — LUKE xi. 20. masculine principle Atma-buddhi ;
If the Christ-soul by the evolution the Love -energy from the At man
of the Self from within cast out working through Buddhl, the Holy
evil qualities, then will the conscious Spirit.
ness rise to the higher planes, and In its lower aspect, it signifies
the lower nature of the soul be over strong desire or passion energising
come and dissipated. the matter of the astral plane, and
stirring the lower emotions .
" Fire was the symbol of the Spirit of
God, and thus of Wisdom." — EKN. DE
FINGERS, FOUR :— BXTNSKN, The Angel Messiah, Transl.,
p. 99.
This symbol stands for that which "
It is no tale apart from our subject
is accomplished through the activities or witness. In the first place there
of the qualities on the fourfold path sprang up out of the earth forms grown
that has been traversed in the lower into one whole, having a share of both,
quaternary. of water and of fire. These in truth
fire caused to grow up, desiring to reach
See WAB.
its like ; but they showed as yet no
FINGERS, TWO, OF HORUS :— lovely body formed out of the members,
nor voice nor limb such as is natural to
A symbol of the love of goodness, men." — Empedocles, FAIRBANKS, 262.
and truth which effects much in the This is the whole secret of Divine
soul's evolution. philosophy :— at the first came forth
" This amulet is intended to represent from the lower nature forms of life
the two fingers, index and medius, which which were homogeneous in their
the god Horus employed in helping his
father Osiris up the ladder into heaven." character, equally compounded of
— BTJDGK, Egyptian Magic, p. 55. astral matter and spiritual energy
" Horus " stands for the Christ aspects of the Self
(fire). These
active within the soul, while
" Osiris " became accentuated by the Love-
is the potential Christ which the energy (fire) within, — the lower Self
actual assists to evolve and become struggling from below upward to
manifest. But the two are one. meet the higher Self above. But as
When Christ, — the Higher Self, — is yet, no causal-body was builded to
fully evolved i then the Soul having enable the union to be effected ;
completed its upward path (ladder) and no powers of expression (voice)
attains the buddhic consciousness of the life, or means of execution
(heaven). (limb) such as are inherent in the
mind (men) which forms the junction as hot as fire. It is compared to fire,
or firmament between higher and to fire of the hottest sort." —J. BUNYAN,
Christ a Complete Saviour.
lower, were, so far, evolved. " Fire, as a symbol for God and His
The fire is supposed in the Zend- action, is thus praised by Dionysius :
Avesta and the Vedas to be spread '
The sacred theologians often describe
everywhere as the cause of all life." — the super-essential Essence in terms of
M. HA ii-;. Essays, p. 155. Fire. For sensible fire is, so to say,
" By fire in a
supreme sense is signi present in all things, and pervades them
fied divine love." "In an opposite all without mingling with them, and is
sense, by fire is signified infernal love." —
SWEDENBORG, Apoc. Rev., nn. 395, 399.
received by all things ; ... it is intoler
able yet invisible ; it masters all things
"The fire of the Lord will not touch by its own might, and yet it but brings
any good thing, for evil alone is com the things in which it resides to (the
bustible. Evil is the eternal fuel, the development of) their own energy ; it
black and earth-begotten coal of the has a transforming power ; it communi
Eternal Fire which is the Life of the cates itself to all who approach it in any
Universe, and which feeds on that fuel
for ever and ever. The fire of Good
degree ; ... it bears upwards ; it in
penetrating ; it increases its own self
could not burn without the fuel of Evil. in a hidden manner ; it suddenly shines
. . . The fire of Divine Life is directed forth ? All these qualities, and the
against every imperfection." — JAS. delicate transitions from fire to light,
SMITH. The Divine Drama of History, and from light back to fire, and from
p. 348. heat immanent to heat applied from
" God is at work now, burning up the
without, we can find again, vividly assi
evils and •wrongs in man, and flooding milated and experienced, in Catherine's
him with the energies of righteousness teaching and emotional life. But the
and peace. That is the primary fact. Sun -light predominates in Dionysius,
The fires of God are burning on and the Fire-heat in Catherine ; and whereas
on for the purification of our race." — the former explicitly attaches purification
DR. CLIFFORD, Serm., Do not Quench the only to the Sun-light, the latter connects
" An attempt is made to burn the the cleansing chiefly with Fire-heat." —
F. VON HUOEL, Mystical Element, Vol. II
infant Zoroaster in a huge fire ; but its p. 94.
life is saved by a miracle." — Life oj
This signifies the purifying of the
Soul (Zoroaster) from the desires and
ING (epileptic), HOLY OHOST, KAGU,
passions of the lower self. The
" " is the transmutation of LOVE OF GOD,
the lower emotions into the higher.
" Richard of St. Victor says : ' When SACRIFICE (burnt), SALAMANDERS, SUN,
the soul is plunged in the fire of divine
T (letter), TEMPLE (fire).
love, like iron, it first loses its blackness,
and then, growing to white heat, it FIRE OF AHRIMAN :—
becomes like unto the fire itself. And A symbol of the desire-energy on
lastly it grows liquid, and losing its the astral plane.
nature is transmuted into an utterly " Ahriman passed even into Fire, the
different quality of being.' As the
difference between iron that is cold and visible symbol of Ormazd, defiling it
iron that is hot,' he says again,
so is with smoke and vapour " (Zoroastrian
the difference between soul and soul : System). — F. J. CLARKE, Ten Religions.
between the tepid soul and the soul The passing of the desire nature
made incandescent by divine love.' into " fire " is the symbol of ener
Other con tempi ativcs say that the deified gising the matter of the lower planes.
•-'till is transfigured by the inundations " Smoke " and " " signify the
of the Uncreated Light : that it is like vapour
a brand blazing in the furnace, trans ignorance and illusion accompanying
formed to the likeness of fire.
' " Fire " is a
These the process. symbol of
oouls,' says the Divine voice to St. Atma-buddhi (Ormazd).
Catherine of Siena, thrown into the
furnace of my charity no part of their
will remaining outside, but the whole of VAPOUR.
them being inflamed in Me, are like a
brand, wholly consumed in the furnace, FIRE OF AHURAMAZDA (OR
so that no one can take hold of it to MAZD):—
extinguish it, because it has become Symbolic of Divine love energy.
fire.' — E. UNDERBILL, Mysticism,
" Then thou, O man, wouldst sit
p. 504.
"There is love, that should be in us down, chanting the Gathas, and conse
crating the good waters and the fire of and truth " dwelleth on high
Ahuramazda." — Hadokht Nask, HAUO. untouched by the purifying fire which
Then the Ego by the raising of the " wicked,1' i.e. the
consumes the
ignorant and evil qualities. — See 1
consciousness through meditation
would be able to recover the past COB. iii. 12-15.
experiences collected in the causal " Depart from Me, ye cursed, into
sheath, and to dedicate himself to everlasting fire prepared for the devil
the pursuit of Truth and to the and his angels." — MAT. xxv. 41.
Love of God to do His will. This supposed " terribly repellent
• " The principal ideas in the emblem text simply refers to the lower quali
of fire seem to be swift energy and pene ties of human nature, which, being
trating power, which cleanses and trans selfish, do not minister to the higher
forms. It is fire as the source of light
and heat ; it is fire, not so much as qualities. These have to undergo
burning up what it seizes into ashes, purification and transmutation by
but rather as laying hold upon cold, means of the buddhic functioning,
dead matter, making it sparkle and and thereby as lower qualities they
blaze, and turning it into the likeness
of its own leaping brightness ; it is a are finally dissolved. The " devil and
his angels " signify the illusory princi
fire as springing heavenwards, and bear
ing up earthly particles in its shooting ple of evil and the desires which are
spires ; it is fire, as least gross of visible consumed through being transmuted
things ; in a word, it is fire as life, and
not as death, that is the symbol of God. by the eternal Spirit (fire).
" Mechthild of Magdeburg, and after
It speaks the might of His transforming
power, the melting, cleansing, vitalising her Dante, saw Deity as a flame or
influence of His communicated grace, river of fire that filled the universe ;
' '
the warmth of His conquering love. It and the deified souls of the saints as
hath, indeed, an underside of possible ardent sparks therein, ablaze with that
fire, one thing with it, yet distinot-
judgment, punishment, and destruction,
but it hath a face of blessing, of life- Ruysbroeck, too, saw ' Kvery soul like
giving, of sanctifying power." — A. a live coal, burned up by God on the
MACLAREN, Sermons, 2nd Series, p. 232. hearth of His Infinite Love.' " — E.
UNDERBILL, Mysticism, p. 503.
See CAUSAL-BODY, EXPEDIENCES, " That consuming fire is eternal as
GALHAS (chanting), KALCHAS, LOVE God himself ; it is because he is ; it is
or GOD, RECOGNITION, RECOLLECTION, that which was from the beginning, is
REMINISCENCE, SHIPS (Greeks). now, and ever shall be, world without
end. In that scorching, purifying blast
everything shrivels up and perishes
FIRE, DESTROYING :— which does not pertain to Christ and
A symbol of the Spirit of Love and the kingdom of Christ in the heart of
Truth as the active principle which man. Oh, if there be one thing for
which we ought to rejoice and praise
is the means of dispelling ignorance God without ceasing, it is that eternal
and error ; " for our God is a con fire which will burn up all the foulness
suming fire." — HEB. xii. 29. and rottenness, all the wickedness and
" For it is by earth that we see earth, hate, all the shame and wrong from
and by water water, and by air glorious which our souls have ever suffered. It
air ; so too, by fire, we see destroying is not evil that will have the last word,
fire." — Kmpedoclet, FAIRBANKS, 333. but good, not sorrow but joy, not sin,
Through the physical mechanism but holiness." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serin..
The Eternal Fire.
the physical is perceived ; by the " I came to cast fire upon the earth :
astral mechanism, the astral (the and what will I, if it is already kindled "
by the lower mental . . . Think ye that I am come to give
desires) ;
mechanism, the higher mental vibra peace in the earth ? I toll you nay ;
but rather division." — LURE xii. 49-51.
tions ; by the spiritual mechanism,
The purifying of the lower nature
the Spirit, — as the active principle
(earth) by love and truth is necessarily
in dispelling ignorance, which is the
accompanied by division and the
opinionative knowledge of the lower
strife of opposites.
planes. " Now, the reader cannot fail to have
Who among us shall dwell with the observed that in this Yezidi festival,
devouring fire ? Who among us shall men, women, and children were * puri
dwell with everlasting burnings ? He fied
by coming in contact with ' the
that walkoth righteously, and speaketh sacred element
of fire. In the rites of
uprightly." — Is. xxxiii. 14, 16. Zoroaster, the great Chaldean god, fire
The quality perfected in goodness occupied precisely the same place. It
was laid down as an essential principle FIRE OF HELL :—
in his system that ' he who approached
to fire would receive a light from divi A symbol of the spiritual energy
nity,' and that ' through divine fire, all of Buddhi consuming the lower
the stains produced by generation would qualities on the astral plane. This
be purged away." Therefore it was that takes place unceasingly during the
children were made to pass through cycle of evolution ; It is the means
fire to Moloch,' to purge them from whereby the soul is purified and
original sin, and through tin-; purgation perfected in its passage through
many a helpless babe became a victim life.
to the bloody divinity. Among the " Isis nursed the child
Pagan Romans, this purifying by passing (the son of the
through the fire was equally observed ; king and queen) and fed it by giving
for,' says Ovid, enforcing the practice, it her finger to suck instead of the
fire purifies both the shepherd and breast ; she likewise put him every
the sheep.' Among the Hindus, from night into the fire in order to consume
time immemorial, fire has been wor his mortal part, whilst transforming her
shipped for its purifying efficacy. Thus self into a swallow, she hovered round
a worshipper is represented by Cole- the pillar and bemoaned her sad fate." —
brooke, according to the sacred books, PLUTARCH, Isis and Osiris, § 16.
as addressing the fire : ' Salutation to The Wisdom element, Buddhi, now
thee (O fire !), who dost seize oblations, sustains the personality (child of
to thee who dost shine, to thee who astro -mental parentage) and affords
dost scintillate, may thy auspicious
flame burn our foes ; mayest thou, the it the means of evolution through
Purifier, be auspicious unto us.' " — A. the investing stimulation of latent
HISLOP, The Two Babylons, p. 120. capacity, by indication, or suggestion,
See AGNI, BUDDHI, CHAFF, CON rather than by direct means. And
FLAGRATION, CREMATION, DEVIL, whilst it was night, that is, unknown
EARTH, FURNACE, GOATS, HELL, MAN to it, all that was perishable in the
(bad), PURGATORY, TRANSMUTATION, soul was burned away through the
WICKEDNESS, WATER. action of Buddhi. Meanwhile, as
the spiritual daylight broke, Wisdom,
FIRE, ELEMENTAL IN MEM through sufferings, ascends spirally
round the Divine pillar of aspiration
Symbolic of elemental formative which is in the soul.
energy enclosed by the forms which
are bullded of astral or etherlc matter
to encase the monads of life.
A symbol of the spiritual emotions Emblem of disintegrating and
of love and truth as developed by the crystallising forces on the mental
mental activities. plane.
" Then like the young sun on tho
eastern mountains, or the fire when FIRE-PRIESTS :—
fanned by the wind, the prince (Buddha) Symbolic of spiritual aspirations
gradually grew in all due perfection, on the mental plane drawing forth
like the moon in the fortnight of bright
ness."— Buddha-Karita, Bk. II. 20. the buddhic emotions.
The " rising sun " is a symbol of See AGNIDHRA, ATHORNE, PRIEST
the ascension of the Self in the soul ; OF ALTAR.

and this ascension is implied in the FIRMAMENT :—

" fire " of celestial love and truth
Symbol of the higher mental plane
which in brought forth amid the as the firm foundation of creation,
kama-manasic nature wherein its and as a central plane of consciousness
development is commenced, as the dividing the upper planes of Reality
emotion-nature first of all begins to from the lower planes of illusion.
grow up. As this refers to the " And God made the firmament, and
perfection "
" divided the waters which were under
period of Involution the
very good "
is archetypal, as is the
" the firmament from the waters which
were above tho firmament : and it was
of the first chapter of Genesis. so. And God called the firmament
See BUDDHA, FAN, WIND. Heaven." — GEN. i. 7, 8.
And the Supreme now establishes dead " are the perfected and liberated
the higher mental plane which shall souls.
" Over the heads and outstretched
be a plane of consciousness dividing
the Reality from the Mayavic. That wings of the cherubim is a rigid pave
ment or ' firmament
like crystal." —
is, the mental plane shall divide the Comment on EZEK. i. 22, by REV. J.
buddhic plane (waters above) of the SKINNER, Expositor'* Bible.
higher emotions, from the astral The text says the firmament
" was
plane (waters below) of the desires. as the colour of the terrible crystal,"
And to the higher nature the name i.e. the quality (colour) was of purity
of Heaven is given. and truth difficult of attainment.
" Understanding is the spiritual firma
Failure to attain is terrible and
ment whereby human conception distin
dreadful (verse 18) for it means the
guishes between Truth and error. . . .
Understanding is the line of demarcation soul is precipitated again to incarna
" tion (hell).
between the real and the unreal (to
GEN. i. 6, 7). — MRS. EDDY, Science and " By firmament over the heads of the
Health, p. 499. cherubim is meant heaven." — SWEDEN-
" The Samhita
(the two worlds joined BORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 14.
together). The former half is the earth, See AIR, BIRDS, BRIDGE, CHILDREN
the latter half the heaven, their union OF Hours, DEEP OF EA, EARTH,
the air." — Atta.-Arntt. Upanwhad, 3, 1.
The below is the lower FOUR BEINGS, GODS, HEAVEN, IRON
nature (earth) ; the region above is
nature (heaven) ; the
region between, which unites the two,
is the mental plane (air). WATKB.
" He deliberated :— ' I will create FIRMAMENT, LOWER :—
worlds, the ocean, the realms of light,
death, the waters. That is the ocean, A symbol of the lower mental plane.
beyond the heaven ; the heaven is its " The Master soared upward to the
floor. The atmosphere is the realms of lower firmament. And all the powers of
light. Death is the earth. The waters are that firmament were in great confusion
whatever is beneath it ' (Aita. Upanishad, because of the light, and seeing the
I. 1). After this description we have the mystery of their names and powers
waters as the two ends of the universe, inscribed in it." — The Pistis Sophia.
The " Master (Jesus) soaring up
above and below, and between them
the clear atmosphere." — DEUSSEN," Phil,
of "Vpanishads, p. 191. ward " typifies the ascent of the
Canst thou with him spread out the Christ-soul in the mind. The
" lower
•ky, which is strong as a molten mirror." firmament " signifies the lower mind
— JOB xxxvii. 18.
" The primitive Egyptians believed wherein confusion and disturbance
that the floor of heaven, which also arise through the struggle between
formed the sky of this world, was made the analytical faculties which dif
of an immense plate of iron, rectangular ferentiate, define, and cramp (names),
in shape, the four corners of which
rested upon four pillars which served to
and intuition or inspiration (light)
mark the cardinal points. On this which presents the truth from within
plate of iron lived the gods and the the soul to the mind.
blessed dead, and it was the aim See BRIAREUS, INTELLECT, INTUI
of every good Egyptian to go there
after death." — BUDQE, Egyptian Magic, TION, TALUS.
p. 51.
By the " plate of iron " as the
" floor of heaven " is signified the An expression signifying that
higher mental plane, above which are "time" Is Illusory from the stand
point of soul-growth, as some souls
the highest planes (heaven). The progress slowly at first and more
" plate " is said to be
rectangular rapidly afterwards, and vice-versa.
and supported upon four pillars mark "
But many that are first shall be
ing the four cardinal points, to indi last; and the last first." — MARK z. 31.
cate the quaternary or four lower See ALPHA, JUSTICE, TIME, YEAH.
planes below the higher mind. The
pillars symbolise the aspiration by FIRST-BORN SON OF GOD :—
which the souls rise in consciousness A symbol of the Second Logos,
to the buddhic plane. The "blessed the Only-begotten Son of the Father,
the First Logos, the Unmanifest FISH OF THE SEA AND LAKES :—
God. In other terms,— the Higher
Self, the first emanation of Spirit A symbol of facts of the lower
from the Absolute. experience, namely, concepts, per
" cepts, Ideas, feelings, emotions.
For the Father of things that are
bath made him rise as His Eldest Son,
" But Simon Peter, when he saw it,
whom elsewhere He hath called His fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart
First-born, and who, when he hath been from me ; for I am a sinful man, O
begotten, imitating the ways of his Lord. For he was amazed, and all that
Sire, and contemplating His archetypal were with him, at the draught of the
patterns, fashions the species of things." fishes which they had taken." — LUKE v.
— PHILO, De Ling. § 14. 8, 9.
" The Son Confus.
of (the Father's) love ; in But the disciplined lower mind
whom we have our redemption, the
forgiveness of our sins ; who is the (Peter) was full of perplexity through
image of the invisible God, the firstborn being in the midst of acquiring a
of all creation ; for in him were all multitude of facts (fishes), some of
things created, in the heavens and which could not be reconciled or
upon the earth, things visible and things assimilated ; it became, therefore,
invisible." — COL. i. 13-16.
" oppressed with its own limitations
Hiranyagarbha came forth as the
first-born of creation from the primeval and shortcomings, which feeling im
waters which were created by the first plied aspiration towards Truth and
principle (Brahman). Because it is the the Divine power within (Jesus*
first principle itself which appears in its
creation as first-born, therefore the knees). When minds become heavily
latter also is denoted by Brahman weighted with knowledges, they are

(masc.)." DEUSSEN, Phil, of Upanishads, often apt to sink, spiritually, from
p. 199. over -valuation of externalities which
" This
conception of the first-born of
creation as the original source of all
cannot feed the soul.
" By fishes or creatures of the sea are
wisdom is carried further first in the
Svetasvatara Upanishad (which in general meant the affections and consequent
inclines towards a personification of thoughts of those men who are principled
the divine), and here it is described as
in general truths, and are therefore more
the BrahrnAn, Hiranyagarbha the ' golden attracted by what is natural than by
germ,* or even in one passage (V. 2) what is spiritual." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc.
with a poetic and metaphorical use of Rev., n. 405.
the word as the ' red wizard,' kapila Thou hast put all things under his
rithi, an expression that has led many feet : All sheep and oxen, yea, and the
into the mistaken belief that here in a beasts of the field ; the fowl of the air,
Vedic Upanishad, Kapila, the founder of and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever
the Sankhya system, was named passeth through the paths of the sea
as "
the first-born of creation!" — Ibid., (Ps. viii. 6-8). The fowl» of the air as
p. 200. representing the higher order of human
Nevertheless, " great intelligences : and the fishes of the sea,
the rishi those who are immersed in the waves of
Kapila," being the Higher Self and worldly affairs (Hesychius)." — WORDS-
founder of the system of existence, WORTH, Bible, Psalms, p. 12.
" The sea is a figure of the world ;
is rightly said to be " the first-born
of creation ! " wherefore the creatures that are in it,
None of the names in of the men of the world (Is. Ix. 5). This
the Indian sacred writings are names sea bringeth forth small and great beasts,
of persons. Persons, however learned, even as the world doth yield both small
are too insignificant to have any and great persecutors, who like the
fishes of prey, eat up and devour what
part in Divine inspiration which they can of those fish that are of another
proceeds from the Buddhic plane condition. Now also out of the world
above the human mind. There are that mystical sea, as fishers do out of
" thinkers of the
no Upanishads " the natural ; both Christ and his ser
(ibid., p. 213) who have tampered vants catch mystical fish, even fish as
of the great sea." — J. BUNYAN, Exp. of
with Divine revelation of truths of Genesis.
which they could know nothing. " Success or failure can never be
Set ABC. MAX, BODHISATVA, Cos- measured in terms of the outward and
visible, but only of the inward and
spiritual." — R. J.CAMPBELL, Serm., The
Inner Voice.
MAN, NET, PETEB, SEA, WATER relations, and five constant virtues ;
five ranks of nobility ; five points —
(lower). east, west, south, north, and centre ; five
FISH CAUGHT IN A NET :— household gods, which occupy the four
corners and middle of the house ; the
Symbolic of facts collected through five tastes ; five colours ; five viscera."
the apparatus of the senses. — KIDD, China, p. 166.
" Fuh-he invented " Five is symbolic of imperfection, or
net* for fishes." —
Chinese Mythology. KIDD, China. incompletion generally." — J. GAUNTER,
Worthip of the Dead, p. 220.
The Logos is active within nature
when at a certain stage an astral
MENTS (five), FEEDING (5,000), FOBK,
mechanism of sensation comes to be
developed, which is to be used by
the ego in gathering the facts (fish)
WORLDS (five).
which it is necessary that he shall
collect for the widening of his experi FLABELLUM, OR SACRED FAN :—
When used, this is a symbol of the
FISH, GREAT :— Spirit, the Divine Breath, energising
the vehicles of the soul.
A symbol of the Higher Self as the
See BREATH (divine), FAN.
supreme fact in the Ocean of Reality.
The Divine Life of primordial Truth FLAIL, FOR THRESHING OUT
(water). WHEAT :—
He (God) had his dwelling in the A symbol of the Divine Will which
Great Sea, and was a fish therein "
— MYEB, Qabbalah, p. 330. is active to beat out the lower qualities
" St.
Augustine says of Jesus :
He (the chaff), and reveal In the soul
in a fish that lives in the midst of waters.' the higher qualities of wisdom and
So many fishes bred in the waters, and love (the wheat) with which the
saved by one great fish,' — says Tertullian causal-body is nourished.
of the Christians and Christ and the The figure of Osiris is often shown
Church." — BLAVATSKY, Secret Doctrine, holding the emblems of the flail and
Vol. II. p. 327.
the crook, the first signifying the
Brahma, Vishu, Ea, Horus, Dagon
coercive driving away of evil, as by
were said to appear in fish form. In a whip, and the second, the attractive
Christian icongraphy a symbol of the drawing upwards of the qualities
Saviour Jesus is a fish. towards goodness and truth.
See ABTU nsn, DELUGE, EEL-GOD, The flail is a symbol of the dis
HOBN OP SALVATION, JESUS (fish), ciplining of the lower nature, and the
LAKE, OCEAN, PISCES, SHIPS OF MANU, cultivation of the higher. The crook
WATEB. is a symbol of the nurture and accumu
lating of virtues (sheep).
This number appears in the CORN, CROWN (upper), OSIRIS, SHEEP,
Scriptures most often in two relations, SHEPHERD, WHEAT.
namely, the planes of manifestation
and the senses. Five elements, five FLAME OF A SWORD :—
worlds, five intercalary days, and A symbol of spiritual strength
five gathas are symbols of the five which is necessary to conquer the
planes. Five brethren of Dives, five lower nature and gain the secret of
Karap brothers, five foolish virgins, Life Eternal.
five companies of dead men, five See CHERUBIM, FUDO, SWOBD.
barley loaves, five-pronged fork, are
symbols of the five senses. FLAMES, TWIN :—
" The five elements, so disposed that Symbolic of Wisdom and Love
earth occupies the centre, exhibit a Divine.
model to which men and things in " And if one shall rest in life as a
varied positions are made conformable.
The five antediluvian emperors seem crystal, he shall do all things in the
naturally referable to this number and Garden of Rest, after the manner of
its properties ; especially since one that which is done in the pool of the
reigns by wood, another by fire, a third
Twin Flames." — Book of the Dead, Ch. CX.,
by earth, a fourth by metal, and a fifth trans. M. W. BLACKDEN.
by water. Then there are five human During the life of the lesser Self
below, the bright shining Truth of not to the flesh, to live after the flesh ;
the greater Self from above is reflected for if ye live after the flesh, ye must
die ; but if by the spirit ye mortify the
within the evolving soul, so that the deeds of the body ye shall live." —
Wisdom and Love of the Self are ROM. viii. 12, 13.
" By flesh is signified man's proprium
transferred as a benediction to the
lower planes. or self-hood, which in itself is evil."
" In a good sense flesh signifies the
See CRYSTAL, GARDEN, POOL. of the church." — SWEDENBORG,
Apoc. Rev., n. 748, 832.
A symbol of the sense of supreme
" He approaches the city Salogya, and
the flavour of Brahman reaches him." —
Kauth. Upanishiiil, I. 2.
The Ego approaches the abode of Symbolic of the lower nature in
which the Spirit is involved.
the Higher Self, and a sense of
"And behold, I do bring the flood of
supreme bliss comes to him. — See waters upon the earth, to destroy all
Ps. xxxiv. 8. flesh, wherein is the breath of life,
See ODOUR, SALAGYA, TASTE. from under heaven ; everything that is
in the earth shall die." — GEN. vi. 17.
FLAYING OF MAN AND PUTTING From the Logos there issues forth
an outpouring of truth which is to
A symbol of the transferrence of
confound the lower mental nature
the perfected qualities of the Arche
typal Man to the buddhic plane from
and overwhelm falsity. This "de
stroying of all flesh
" permits the new
whence they may be reflected to the
lower planes in the evolving souls interpretation of life which is to be
of men. given through the interior revelation
" The gods spake, ' Verily, the cow of the Spirit. The Spirit is involved
supports everything here on earth ; in the lower nature of the soul, in
come, let us put on the cow that skin mind and desire, and it is not liberated
which is now on man : therewith she
will be able to endure rain and cold and until life is known no more after the
" flesh " but after the
heat.* Accordingly, having flayed man, Spirit. Every
they put that skin on the cow." — Sata. thing of the lower nature must die,
Br&h., III. 1, 2, 14-15. i.e. end, since it is a condition of
On the buddhic plane (cow) are the limitation.
prototypes of all things on the lower " The spirit of man is — not shall be —
planes (earth). The perfected quali eternally one with God, eternally pure
ties are, as it were, the outer envelope and beautiful and good ; we are here
to make that truth sublime by mani
of the Archetypal Man, and these
festing it in the teeth of the direst odds.
qualities are now gathered up to the For a brief hour we are shut away from
buddhic plane to be used in providing the full knowledge of what we are ;
the spiritual egos with manifest the limitations of the flesh press hard
upon us ; we have to know fear, and
qualities during their evolution on pain, and conflict, that the eternal
the lower planes through various splendour may be revealed." — K. J.
conditions of life. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Fleth Transfigured.
" The word skin, which occurs fre See AFU-RA, BREATH OF LITE,
quently in this Book of Job, denotes FLOOD, INCARNATION, INVOLUTION,
here what is most precious. To be
deprived of the skin is to lose what is
most valuable, and to give the skin for SPIRIT, WATER.
a thing is to make the greatest sacrifice
for it (Jos ii. 4). — WORDSWORTH, Bible, FLESH OF JESUS AS BREAD
Job, p. 5. FROM HEAVEN :—
See ABC. MAN, Cow, DISMEMBER - This symbol of the "flesh" or
KEKT, FLESH OF JESUS, LINEN GAR "body" of the indwelling Christ
MENT, MAN, PBOTOTYPES, SKIN. signifies the evolving Truth nature
which implies conformity of the
FLESH :— outer nature (flesh) to the inner
A symbol of the lower nature, with nature (spirit). This outer truth-
its desires and passions. nature of Christ is then the same as
" So then, brethren, we are debtors, the " bread of God " which signifies
the truth-substance of goodness which virtues on higher planes, which
must be assimilated by the qualities enable the ego to aspire.
to give them eternal life. See JOB, QUALITIES, SHEEP, YIMA.
" Except
ye eat the flesh of the Son
of man and drink his blood, ye have FLOCKS OF SHEEP ON THE
not life in yourselves. . . . As the living EARTH :—
Father sent me, and I live because of
the Father ; so he that eateth me, he Symbolic of virtues evolved from
also shall live because of me. This is the lower nature.
the bread which came down out of See EARTH, SHEEP.
heaven." — JOHN vi. 53, 57, 58.
Except the qualities assimilate the FLOCKS PASSING OVER
outer Truth-nature of the Son of God GROUND :—
born of mind, and partake of his This signifies gleams of wisdom
Divine life, they are of the lower coming to the lower self.
nature, dead, transitory. As the See MAN WITHOUT WOMAN.
incarnate Christ below proceeds from
the heavenly Christ above, and the
Divine life is one life, so if a quality
becomes permeated with that Life of
Symbolic of emotions which yield
experience to fertilise the lower
Reality — Truth — it is transmuted to nature.
higher planes and abides for ever.
This truth-substance of goodness is
indeed the food of the soul falling as FLOOD OF WATER :—
manna from above.
" The symbol was as This symbol signifies a forth-
much a metaphor pouring of the Logic Life-Wave, —
in the historical ages of Egyptian history the waters of Truth, — producing in
as are the metaphors of our own language.
the first instance erroneous opinions,
When the Egyptian spoke of ' eating '
his god, he meant no more than we do
as the lower mind is the great creator
when we speak of ' absorbing ' a subject." of falsity and Illusion.
— SAYCE, Rel. of Anc. Egypt, and Babyl, "
By a flood of water is signified
p. 244. truths in abundance, and in an opposite
" ' Me he
(mam sah)' will devour in sense falses in abundance." — SWEDEN-
the next (world), whose flesh I eat in BOKO, Apoc. Rev., n. 563.
this life ; the wise declare this to be See DELUGE, FLESH, KARSHVARES,
the real meaning of the word ' flesh ' MANU, PLANETARY CHAIN, REGIONS,
(mamsah)." — Lawn of Manu, V. 56.
This refers to the dissolution of ROUND, WATER.
the personality (me) when the lower FLOOD OF NOAH :—
Self and the higher Self become one,
A symbol of the downpouring of
and as the consciousness rises to the Truth (rain) into the lower mind at
causal-body in the " next world." a certain stage of evolution. This is
The eating of the " flesh " of " Sva- equivalent to an enlargement of the
yambhu (the Self-existent)
" is the field of consciousness in the Illusions
partaking of the Divine Life from of the lower life, for the truth is
within the soul. reflected as false conceptions on
" His true flesh and the astro-mental plane (lower water) ;
blood were his
Life ; and they truly eat his flesh and and implies the awakenment of the
drink his blood who partake of that mind in ignorance, which is the
divine Life." — MBS. EDDY, Science and condition out of which Truth
Health,p. 25. eventually arises.
See ATONEMENT, BLOOD, BLOOD OF " And the Flood was forty days upon
THE LAMB, BREAD, CORPSE, DOUBLE the earth ; and the waters increased,
FOLD, FATHEB, FOOD AS GOD, INCAR and bare up the ark, and it was lift up
NATION, INVOLUTION, MANNA, PER above the earth. And the waters pre
SONALITY, REDEMPTION, vailed, and increased greatly upon the
earth ; and the ark went upon the face
TION, SACRAMENT, SALVATION, SON OF of the waters. And the waters prevailed
GOD, SVAYAMBHTJ, WORLD. exceedingly upon the earth ; and all the
high mountains that were under the
FLOCKS OF SHEEP THE MOST whole heaven were covered." — GEN. vii.
GLORIOUS :— 17-19.
Symbolic of celestial qualities, or And for its appointed period, which
" Fine flour is truth derived
corresponds to a term of the re -incar from
nating cycle, the
" flood " or buddhic good."— SWEDENBORO, Are. Cel., n. 9995.
outpouring continued ; and whilst it
submerged the lower personal self, it
but served to glorify the causal-body FLOWERS :—
(ark) which was raised high above the A symbol of the virtues with which
lower self (earth). And the truth, the soul is potentially endowed, and
reflected as falsity, prevailed and which blossom to the light as the
increased, but upon the waters of Higher Self draws them forth in
illusion the Soul floated And the evolution.
" The latent divine reality within
truth prevailed upon the lower nature has
come itself and is rising up into
(earth), so that all those projects and
living union with that from which it
aspirations of the lower self, which came, as the flower rises towards the
are ideals distorted with error, were sun in high heaven ; for, indeed, all
frustrated. The " high mountains " the beauty the flower possesses is that
same sun incarnate ;— buried light burst
or loftiest aspirations of the lower
ing forth from its prison." — R. J.
nature, are also for the time over CAMPBELL Serm., Coming to the True
whelmed with the influx of percep Self.
tions and ideas. See ELEPHANTS, GARLANDS, HONEY,
" In the inward meaning, the flood is LOTUS, MANAS i, WATER (heaven).
symbolically representative of spiritual
dissolution." — PHILO, Works, Bohn, Vol. FLOWERS, WHITE :—
IV. p. 356.
" With respect to the inner sense of
Emblem of purity in the higher
the passage (GEN. viii. 2) since the deluge qualities of the soul.
" The white flower of a blameless life.'
of the mind arises from two things, for
it arises partly from counsel, as if from See QUALITIES, WHITE.
heaven, and in another degree also from
the body and from sense, as if from FOAM OF THE SEA :—
earth, the vices being reciprocally intro
A symbol of the astro -mental
duced by the passions, and the passions
nature ; being a combination of
by the vices, it was inevitably necessary
that the word of the Divine physician water (astral) and air (mental).
" But the
entering in as a salutory visitation for genitals (of Uranus), as after
the pucpose of healing the disease first severing them with the steel, he
should prevent both kinds of overflow (Cronus) had cast them into the heaving
for the future." — Ibid., p. 365. sea from the continent, so kept drifting
The " fountains of the deep " are long time up and down the deep, and
all around kept rising a white foam
those sources of error which produce
from the immortal flesh ; and in it a
illusion in the lower self ; and the maiden was nourished ; first she drew
stopped " signify
" windows of heaven nigh divine Cythera, and thence came
the spiritual perceptions diminished. next to wave-washed Cyprus. Then
" By the flood is signified an inunda forth-stepped an awful beauteous god
tion of evil and falsity." — SWEDENBORO, dess ; and beneath her delicate feet the
Are. Cel., n. 660. verdure throve around : her, gods and
" ' And the waters were strengthened men name Aphrodite, the foam-sprung
exceedingly upon the earth,' signifies goddess."- — HESIOD, Theogony.
that false persuasions so increased. This This refers to the first beginnings
appears from what has been said and of manifested life after the process of
shown before respecting the waters ; involution is completed and that of
namely that the inundating waters
evolution commenced. The genera
signify falsities." — Ibid., n. 794.
See ADITYAS, ARK OF NOAH, BEASTS tive, or creative, powers of Spirit
(clean), CAUSAL-BODY, DELUGE, (Uranus) are applied in a new direc
DEPRAVITY, EARTH, FLESH, FORTY, tion from the higher mind (steel)
GOD REPENTING, HEROD, HOUSE (fre plane and take effect on the astral
quented), MOUNTAIN, NOAH, OLIVE plane (sea), in due relation to the
LEAF, RAIN, TEN DAYS, WATER. whole scheme. These powers are at
first uncentered on the plane, but
FLOUR, FINE :— gradually there is brought about the
Symbolic of truth and goodness production of forms composed of pure
derived through the activities of astro -mental matter, patterned on
the lower nature. types above (immortal flesh) ; and in
these forms the evolving life (maiden) FOLLY :—
is embodied, life which is of a buddhic A symbol of the desire-mental
(Cythera) nature, but afterwards activity of the lower self. The folly
becomes astral and attached to an of the lower self is Wisdom inversely
astral centre (Cyprus). Thus evolu reflected on the lower planes, and this
tion is begun through the birth of Is the means whereby the Self is
evolved. Never is the Higher Self
simple, natural desires (Venus) which
stirred save through the unwisdom
urge the life into the forms and bring
and inexperience which it is called
about the growth of the instincts forth to combat. It is through the
and affections. This love-nature apprehension of folly that the wisdom
(Aphrodite) is to be understood as of above Is awakened.
astro-mental origin through the work " Nevertheless man being in honour
ing of the Spirit within nature. abideth not : he is like the beasts that
See APHKODITE, CRONUS, EVOLU perish. This their way is their folly :
TION, GENERATIVE, INVOLUTION, IRON, yet their posterity approve their sayings."
—Ps. xlix. 12, 13.
The lower-mental quality that is
valued and preserved by the lower
FOCUS, BURNING :— self is mortal and passes away as
An emblem of the Self as the centre do the desires. This lower-mental
from which emanate the rays of the activity is the obverse of the abiding
Divine Life to every human soul. wisdom above, and though doomed
O Burning Focus ! I have come to destruction, yet the illusions it
into Thee ; I have cast about me the creates constantly foster its expression.
" Though thou lovest the Earthly
robe of the waters ; I have girt myself
with the girdle of knowledge." — Book of wisdom now, yet when thou shalt be
the Dead, Ch. CX., trans. M. W. BLAOKDEN. clothed upon with the Heavenly Wisdom,
The Self is seen to be as a Centre then thou wilt see that all the wisdom
wherein all the rays of the Divine of the world is folly." — BEHMEN, The
Supersensual Life, p. 38.
Life are focussed into one Supernal
Light ; and the ego perceives that HARLOT, MARRIAGE (lower), RAIN,
about the Divine nature into which
he has come there are the " gar
ment " and " girdle " of Truth and of FOOD :—
Wisdom, i.e. the causal and buddliic A symbol of Truth — the Real, which
vestures. gradually takes the place of Illusion
— the unreal. The lower soul -states
change and vanish as Truth is
Water is food, the light eats the
food. The light rests on water, water
A symbol of the force-aspect of the rests on light. This is the food resting
Logos, operative only on the mental on food." — Tail. Vpanishad, III. 8.
plane of the cosmos or hi the causal - Truth is the Real to be assimilated ;
" Cvolution is commenced i.e. the light of knowledge incorporates
by the
intellectual energy of the Logos, . . .
truth. Knowledge reposes on truth,
not merely on account of the potenti truth permeates knowledge. This is
alities locked up in Mulaprakriti. This the truth (perfect) which rests upon
Light of the Logos is the link between knowledge (imperfect), and which the
objective matter and the subjective
lower Self takes unto itself, as the
thought of Ishvara (or Logos). It is
called in several Buddhist books Fohat. unreal gives place to the Real.
" From food are produced all creatures
It is the one instrument with which the
Logos works. "•— T. SUBBA Row, quoted which dwell on earth. Then they live
in Secret Doctrine, Vol. I. p. 161. by food, and in the end they return to
See LIGHTNING, POLYPHEMUS. food. For food is the oldest of all beings,
and therefore it is called panacea (i.e.
FOLK :— consisting of all herbs, or quieting the
heat of the body of all beings). They
A symbol of the lower mental who worship food as Brahman obtain
qualities. all food."— Ibid., II. 2.
See COUNTRIES, PEOPLE. From Truth, — the Real, — are pro
duoed by inversion, as it were, all come all qualities : and by spiritual
desires, passions and emotions of the sustenance, when they arise hi the
lower nature. Then, being trans lower nature, they develop.
muted, they live by truth, and " I am the divine Soul of Ra proceed
finally return to the Real again. For ing from the god N n ; that divine Soul
Truth is from all eternity, and there which is God. I
am the creator of the
divine food, and that which is an abomi
fore is the support and healer of all nation unto me is sin whereon I look
qualities which are deficient of itself. not. I proclaim right and truth, and I
That is, it is through growth of the live therein. I am the divine food
emotions, and the regulation and which is not corrupted in my name of
Soul." — BUDGE, Book of the Dead,
mastery of the burning desires of the Ch. LXXXV.
lower nature, that the healing truth The Higher Self, or Soul, proceeds
is obtained. They who earnestly seek from the Divine Power of the uni
the Truth as the Highest Ideal, on verse, the supreme Source which is
them is the Truth bestowed. the Absolute, — the
" Father of the
" From the Sacrificer it
(the shower of The Higher Self is the mani
milk and butter) goes to the gods ; Gods."
from the gods to the cow, from the cow festing Spirit sustaining all things.
to the Sacrificer : thus circulates this The imperfections below are due to
perpetual, never-ending food of the the fact of the Self not being fully
gods."— Sato. Br&h., IX. 3, 3, 17.
manifest in the human soul, but the
From the Soul or Ego (Sacrificer)
deficiencies, being negative, are illusive
aspiration arises which nourishes the
and unreal. The Higher Self stands
ideals (gods). The ideals being
for right and truth and lives in the
nourished, the buddhic nature (cow)
soul as an Ideal. The spiritual sus
is also fed and strengthened ; thence
tenance is of the higher nature of
the buddhic functioning is rendered
the Soul and not of the corruptible
active, and there is bestowed upon
the Soul the celestial food of wisdom " Food, from an early date, was taken
(milk) and love (butter). Thus circu as a symbol of God Almighty, rice and
lates perpetually the Divine Life and milk and barley, and the intoxicating
Truth. soma." — A. LILLIE, Budd. in Christendom,
"This food is the body of the blessed
Vishnu, called Visvabhrit (all sustaining)."
Cow (spotted), EATING, EXPERIENCES, — Mait. Upanishad, VI. 13.
FEAST, FEED, GODS, HUNGER, LIGHT, " Jesus took bread, and blessed, and
MEAL, MORTAR, MOUTH OPENING, brake it ; and he gave to the disciples
and said, Take, eat ; this is my body." —
MAT. xxvi. 26.
UKEMOCHI, UNEN, VAGEPEYA, WATER, " Battista Vernnzza's ' impression of
WEALTH-SHOWER, YIMA. eating God, and of inviting all others
to the same Divine food is substantially
FOOD, AS GOD, BRAHMAN, identical with Catherine's doctrine as
to the One Bread God and all creatures
RA, CHRIST :— hungering for this One Bread.' Bat-
tista's sight of ' God being diffused
A symbol of the Divine Reality '
throughout human nature is analogous
the Source and sustainer of all things. to Catherine's teaching as to no creature
In other words, the Higher Self, existing that does not, in some measure,
Atma-buddhi, — Love and Wisdom, participate in His goodness." — F. VON
— God and the "food of the Gods." HUOBL, Mystical Element of Religion,
Vol. I. p. 352.
"They who worship food as Brahman " Food is Pragapati." — Pratma Upani
obtain all food. For food is the oldest shad, I. 14.
of all beings, and therefore it is called " I heard Thy voice from on high
panacea. From food all creatures are crying unto me, ' I am the Food of the
produced ; by food, when born, they full-grown : grow, and then thou shalt
grow." — Tait. Upanishad, II. 2. feed on Me. Nor shalt thou change
They who aspire towards the Me into thy substance as thou changest
Highest .obtain spiritual sustenance, the food of thy flesh, but thou shalt be
changed into Mine.' — AUGUSTINE, Con-
for the life-giving Spirit is the eternal
festions, Bk. VII. 10.
source of all beings, and is the healer " Christ will come into us, not merely
of all deficiencies. From the Spirit Ht ui'l without us. He will come in and
be Himself the power which lays hold qualities upwards and are the Divine
of His own invitations. We may feed life of the soul. The lower qualities
on Him. Nay, let us take His own
strong word and say,
He that eateth subserve the higher. Truth flowing
Me, the same shall live by Me.' That downwards increases knowledge.
is the inner life, Christ is the soul rising Aspiration for Love and Wisdom
up and laying hold of the infinite possi brings food to the soul.
bilities which redemption has prepared.
To feed on Christ, then, is to get His
strength into us to be our strength. SACRIFICE, USERT.
But what is this strength of Christ
that comes to us ? There can be only FOOD FOR MAN :—
one answer. It is His character. There A symbol of sustenance for the mind
is no strength that is communicable
except in character. It is the moral in knowledge and experience gained
qualities of His nature that are to enter through the senses and the activities
into us and be ours because we are His. of the lower nature, during lives on
. . . He that eateth my flesh and earth .
drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and " And take thou unto thee of all food
I in him.' '
This is the bread that
' that is eaten, and gather it to thee ;
came down from heaven.' He that
and it shall be for food for thee and
eateth of this bread shall live for ever."
— PHILLIPS BROOKS, Serin., Christ the for them. Thus did Noah." — GEN. vi. 21.
Food of Man. The " food " which is to be taken
" Horus is both divine food and the is the experience which is to be
sacrifice. Horus hath passed on to gathered and appropriated. This is
gather together the members of his to be, first, for the Self or Indivi
divine father ; Horus is his deliverer." —
BUDGE, Book of the Dead, p. 258. duality (Noah), and, second, for the
" Now ye are the body of Christ, and maintenance of those functions and
severally members thereof." — 1 COR. xii. qualities which are to further the
" There is an ancient Babylonian name growth of the soul.
Lugal-kurum-zigum, the is
heavenly food.' — A. JEKEMIAS, The MAN, MEAT, NOAH.
Old Test., etc., Vol. I. p. 215.
BERMENT, FLESH or JESUS, HOMA- A symbol of spiritual sustenance ;
JUICE, HOST, Nu, PARGANYA, PRAGA- truth, wisdom, and love, which enter
PATI, REDEMPTION, REGENERATION, into the higher emotions, and nourish
" Of the nourishments brought to the
FOOD OF THE GODS :— righteous man, the Zaremaya oil ; that
is the food, after decease, of a youth of
A symbol of Wisdom and Love, good thoughts, words, deeds, and reli
or Truth and Goodness, as sustenance gion ; that is the food, after decease,
of the soul's Ideals which grow up for a woman of very good thoughts,
from within. words, deeds, well-instructed, ruled by a
" Come unto me, Lord Hermes, who master and righteous." — The Hadokht
Nask, HAUO, Essays.
dost collect the food of Gods and men."
— Magical Papyrus. The Self within the soul is sustained
" oil of gladness," the
Footnote by Mr. Mead : by Love, the
" In its highest sense the heavenly food which satisfies the mind that is
food, or Wisdom, the super-substantial growing in grace, i.e. learning to
' "
or ' bread of Life.' — G. R. S. depend on higher things of the Spirit.
MEAD, T. G. Hermes, Vol. I. p. 86.
" Hermes " signifies the higher mind This love of Truth and Right is the
sustenance also of the Wisdom nature
which collects the spiritual sustenance
from abovo, and the experiences from (the holy woman) which is instructed
only by the Supreme, — the Absolute.
below. " And ho that supplieth seed to the
" 'Tis Fire alone, in that it is borne
sower and bread for food, shall supply
upwards, giveth life ; that which is and multiply your seed for sowing, and
carried downwards is subservient to increase the fruits of your righteousness."
Fire. Further, whatever doth descend — 2 COR. ix. 10.
from the above, begetteth ; what floweth
upwards, nourisheth
" Perfect The Supreme from whom cometh
Sermon).— Ibid., Vol. II. p. 310. the spiritual germs of the higher
The buddhic vibrations bear the emotions and faculties to the Soul,
" What
and the "bread of heaven," — truth- is understood by ' foot,' but
goodness, — for the Soul's sustenance,
the passing over of active work T What
is signified by the ' field,' but this world ?
shall bestow and develop the spiritual Of which the Lord says in the Gospels,
germs within the qualities, so that But the field is the world.' What is
the " fruits of the Spirit " shall be
expressed by the beast,' but the ancient
enemy, who lying in wait for the spoils
increased through the perfecting of
of this world is daily satiated with the
the qualities of the Soul. death of men t " — ST. GREGORY, Moral*
See BREAD, COBN, LAZAKUS, MEAT, on the Book of Job, Vol. III. p. 437.
A symbol of the lower minds or FOOT OF HERA (JUNO) :—
personalities entangled In the errors A symbol of the lowest part, as it
and Illusions of sense and desire. were, of the Wisdom nature, that is,
" Fools for they have no far-reaching
! the kama-manaslc nature or lower
studious thoughts who think that what mind — understanding .
was not before comes into being or that
anything dies and perishes utterly." — FOOTPRINTS :—
Empedoclet, V. 45, FAIRBANKS.
The lower mind is foolish because A symbol of a succession of the
physical forms assumed by the ego
it falsely imagines that the unreal can during the course of the soul's
exist of itself, and the Real cease pilgrimage through the lower life.
"Fools dwelling in darkness, wise in CARNATION.
their own conceit and puffed up with
vain knowledge, go round and round, FOOTPRINTS OF BUDDHA :—
staggering to and fro, like blind men
led by the blind." — Katha. Upanuhad, A symbol of the marks of the Self's
II. 6. progress on the pathway to perfection
The lower mind, full of ignorance, and peace. These marks of spiritual
self-esteem and illusion, passes from development appear in the successive
life to life in the world, buffeted by incarnations of the soul.
circumstances, and without true See BUDDHA (marks), MARKS or
knowledge and wisdom. JESUS.
A symbol of the three higher and
FOOT :— four lower planes of the universe and
A symbol of lower activities exer soul ; the arena of the Self's activities.
cised in the course of the progress " Unflurried, with the lotus-sign in
of the soul. high relief, far-striding, set down with a
Qavest thou the goodly wings unto stamp, — seven such firm footsteps did
the peacocks t or wings and feathers Buddha take, — he was like the constella
unto the ostrich ? Which leaveth her tion of the seven rishia" — Buddha,
Karita, Bk. I. 33.
eggs in the earth, and warmeth them
in dust. And forgetteth that the foot Of Sattvic energy, with the ideal of
may crush them, or that the wild beast spiritual perfection held high before
may break them." — JOB xxxix. 13-15. the Self (the soul in involution), with
This refers to the state of ignorance gaze intently set upon the things of
and feebleness which the indwelling the Eternal, — seven firm efforts in
Self (Job) experiences when involved succession were then made by Him.
in matter. Nature is not designed to These represented the Self's progress
subserve the desires or the will of through the seven planes of cosmic
man. The external conditions neces activity. The
" constellation of the
sitate effort and suffering fron which seven rishis
" symbolically refers to
there is no escape. The ambitions the seven planes of manifestation.
(wings) allure, but are not kindly ; See BUDDHA, GEOMETRY, GUNAS
they are generated in the lower mind LOTUS, STRIDES or SOUL.
(dust), and in the soul's progress
(foot) they may be frustrated, or FOOTSTEPS IN FOLLOWING A
the unruly desires (beast) rray destroy LEADER :—
them. Significant of obedience to the higher
guidance, through the stages of trolled mind is placed, that is freedom
spiritual progress. for meditation, that is solitude of
"The word 'forest' is used in this
FOREHEAD :— district (New Forest) in its primitive
A symbol of high intelligence. sense of a wilderness or uncultivated
Intellect. tract of country." — MABEL COLLINS, In
the New Forest.
Symbolic of an early stage of the
Self's forthgoing. FOREST PATHS OF LIFE :—
" In the forenoon Homa came to
A symbol of erroneous and in
Zarathustra while he was cleaning around consistent opinions which mislead
the fire, and chanting the Gat has." —
Homa Yasht, HAUO, Essays. the lower mind and obscure the
At an early period of manifestation truth.
See LOST (forest).
Divine illumination (Homa) descended
upon the Soul (Zarathustra). The FORK, FIVE-PRONGED :—
" fire cleaning " signifies purification of
" Emblem of the five senses used by
the sense -nature ; and the hymn the mind in the investigation of
chanting," the raising of the con phenomena.
sciousness through meditation. See FIVE (number).
A symbol of meditation in the soli
tude of the soul a subjective state
; These are symbols of the Ideal
of mind wherein the consciousness and the Actual, or the Archetypal
is withdrawn from all external Spirit and its Unfoldment through
attractions into the higher intellect. and from Matter.
" A twice-born Snataka, who has thus " The
Brahman then descended again
into these worlds by means of these two
lived according to the law in the order
of householders, may, taking a firm
— Form and Name. ... As far as there
resolution, and keeping his organs in are Form and Name, so far indeed extends
subjection, dwell in the forest." — Laws of this universe. These, indeed, are the two
Manu, VI. 1. great forces of the Brahman. . . . One
An ego endowed with mind and of these two is the greater, namely
Form ; for whatever is Name, is indeed
moral responsibility, who has further Form." — Sato Jimh.. XI. 2, 3, 3-6.
completed his incarnations and risen The Supreme manifests upon the
to individuality in the causal-body, five planes of the universe and the
may, with steadfast resolve to con soul by means of these two states of
form to the Divine will, and con the Divine Life, namely, the Ideal and
trolling completely his mental quali the Actual. As far extended as there
ties, withdraw consciously inwards to are the Archetypal causes above, so
meditate and progress, free from all far are the unfolding effects below.
external things. These states are the two great mani
" O Bhftrata, what need has a self-
festing conditions of the Absolute.
controlled man of the forest, and what
use is the forest to an uncontrolled man ? One of these two is primal and
Wherever a self-controlled man dwells, essential, i.e. the Archetypal ; for
that is a forest, that is an hermitage." — whatever is in process of evolution is
Mahdbdhrata, Santiparva, 6961. the archetypal unfolding itself.
In the name of moral rule (Bha- See CONSCIOUSNESS (vinnana), EVO
rata) ! what need has a self -controlled LUTION, IGNORANCE, INVOLUTION,
mind of limitation of freedom from
external attractions, and, on the
other hand, of what use is such FORMS, PHENOMENAL :—
limitation to an uncontrolled mind T The vehicles or receptacles of Spirit
In whatever environment a self-con- — i.e. the monads of life replete with
qualities. The forms are com the One Sum-total of all that is, —
pounded of the matter of the planes, the outward Embodiment of the
as builded by the monads of form to Eternal.
receive the monads of life. " In every object matter and form are
" And since these things are so, it is to be distinguished, with which corre
• - -M: y to think that in all the objects spond, in the Godhead, essence and the
that are compound there existed many divine persons. The form of an object
things of all sorts, and germs of all is that which the object is for others ;
objects, having all sorts of forms and it is the revealing element, and hence
colours and tastes." — Anaxagoraa, FAIR the persons of the Trinity are the form
BANKS, 3. Anc. Phil, of Greece. of the essence. . . . Form is the indivi
And as the universe is so appointed dualising principle " (Eckhart). — UEBEK-
WEO, Hist, of Philoa., Vol. I. p. 474.
of Spirit and Matter, it is reasonable " The Cosmos hath, moreover, been
to conclude that in all nature hetero- prepared by God, as the receptacle of
geniety now exists. There is infinite forms of every kind" ("The Perfect
diversity, so that with the material Sermon"). — MEAD, T. G. Hermes, Vol. II.
there has been the spiritual involved, p. 312.
" Thou who Greatest light where there
and within the spiritual lay primordi- was no light, and form, O men ! where
ally the forms (archetypal) of all there was no form, hast been born
objects afterwards to actualise. These together with the dawns." — Big-Veda, I.
6, 3.
perfect forms (germs) are complete in
" form, colour and taste," that is, in "The Erst Light is the creative Will,
the efficient faculty, which passes into
their mental, astral, and physical the Universal Form, — the potentiality to
constituent elements. act. Matter is the principle of unity,
" Zoroaster's birth, moreover, is in Form of multiplicity. There is Universal
answer to pious prayers addressed by Matter and Form ; the former corre
his father (Pourushaspa) to Homa." — sponds with unity, and the latter with
Zoroaster' a Life, A. V. W. JACKSON. two-foldness, hence not unity ; but the
The Son of God comes forth in the Triad is at the root of all. . . . Creation
with Geberol is only the impression of
lower nature only when the force Form in Matter, an impression emanating
(love) aspect of the life below (the from the Will. Creation keeps within
father) is directed to the higher bounds the Universal Matter and Uni
versal Form. All the rest emanate from
channels of manifestation, and as the
these. Creation does not happen in
aspiration of the lower forms of life- time, but precedes it and is in eternity.
expression leads to some conscious . . . Geberol sets forth the Will or
ness of possible union with a higher Divine Word as the intermediary and
bond of the Universal Matter and Form.
nature or Self. All the lower forms Yet they also are bound together and
of life are thus dimly groping, — they exist in the Divine for they were born
know not how or why, — towards that simultaneously. The Will is one, the
Reality which is to merge them Matter and Form two, together the
Triad, but they have never been sepa
eventually into Itself, even as the rated." — I. MYEB, Qabbalah, pp. 153-4.
ocean receives into its bosom the " Matter and form can only be
several drops which go to swell its in thought ; in logical analysis, but not
boundless whole. The time does in fact." — H. M. GWATKIN, The Know
ledge of God, Vol. I. p. 70.
arrive, however, when there is this " Any form the life of the universe
dim consciousness, or reflection of takes here is for the sake of the acquisi
love from Above, in the lower forms tion of qualities which will inhere in the
of life, and which then takes definite spiritual substance when it has reached
its highest degree of manifestation, which
expression of yearning for union with will certainly not be on the earth plane.
That Reality. This is the stage of God throws it into a form and with
preparation when it becomes possible draws it, throws it into another and
for the Son of God to come forth as withdraws it again, and again, and
again, until by its sojourn and experience
he is in his love -nature, when, indeed,
in form after form, it at length becomes
all things are drawn upwards, and capable of expressing in fullness the
when no creature, form, or quality, highest it contains. The breaking of a
however feeble and faint-hearted, form does not matter much ; it only
means withdrawing the life that indwells
however ignorant and unprogressed, it, that it may function through new and
but is made aware of its destiny to higher instrumentalities." — B. J. CAMP-
unite with the Self of all beings, — BELL, Serm., The Seeming Watte of Life.
" The form perishes, but the divine the wilderness again was for forty days."
essence that made it is only withdrawn — F. £. HULME, Symbolism, etc., p. 15.
to re-express itself in other and higher See EXODUS, GNOSIS, BAIN (deluge),
forms." — B. J. CAMPBEIA, Serm., Ood'i TEMPTATION.
Ute of Time.
COLOURS, COSMOS, CREATION, EVOLU Symbolic of transitory conditions
TION, FATHER (lower), GERMS, HOMA, on the lower planes attending the
INVOLUTION, MATTER, MITHRAS, accomplishment of the pilgrimage
MONAD (form, life), POURUSHASPA, of the soul through a process and
SPIRIT, TRIAD, " After the number of the days in
TRINITY. which ye spied out the land, even forty
days, for every day a year, shall ye
FORTRESS OR ROCK :— bear your iniquities, even forty years,
A symbol of the Higher Self seated and ye shall know my alienation." —
NUM. xiv. 34.
in the causal-body.
" And David said, The disciplined qualities (the spies)
the Lord is my
rock and my fortress, and my deliverer." were unable to make the lower
— 2 SAM. xxii. 2. qualities (the Israelites) understand
See DAVID, ROCK, STONE. the higher nature. The lower quali
ties had to go through to the full
FORTUNATE CONJUNCTION :— with their experience of the lower
A symbol of Initiation, that is, life of suffering and trouble, in order
a junction effected between higher to develop within them the capacity
and lower on any plane. It indicates to appreciate Then
higher things.
attainment of power over that which
is below. they should know how it was that
See CONJUNCTION, INITIATIONS, the Ideal was hidden from them.
Symbolic of completion of a process A complete series of re -incarnations
on the four lower planes. Tea in a stage or period of the soul's
signifying accomplishment, and four evolution. These re-incarnations are
the quaternary. 4 x 10 40. transitory conditions on the lower
" How, then, is work perfected in the
planes .
" For yet
seven days, and I will cause
number forty ? The reason, it may be,
is because the Law was given in ten it to rain upon the earth forty days and
precepts, and was to be preached forty nights ; and every living thing
throughout the whole world : which that Ihave made will Idestroy from
whole world, we are to mark, is made off the face of the ground." — GEN. vii. 4.
" Yetseven days," — a numerical
up of four quarters, east and west,
south and north, whence the number period which signifies completeness of
ten, multiplied by four, comes to forty.
a stage of activity. A flood of truth
. . . Certain it is, however, that in the
number forty a certain perfection in (rain) is to descend and envelop the
good works is signified, which good lower nature. This outpouring from
works are most of all practised by a above is to last " forty days and
kind of abstinence from unlawful lusts
nights," meaning a period which
of the world, that is, by fasting in a
general sense." — AUGUSTINE, Gospel of corresponds to a term of the re
John, Vol. I. p. 240. incarnating cycle. The lower nature
" The number forty is of
expressive at this stage is to be transformed,
a period of probation or trial. The that is, raised and purified ; hence it
Israelites wandered forty years in the
wilderness, and forty years of bondage will no longer exist as heretofore, but
they also had to serve under the hard pass away.
yoke of the Philistines. Moses was See FACE OF GROUND, RAIN (deluge),
forty days on the mount of Sinai. Elijah RE-INCARNATION, WILDERNESS.
was in hiding forty days. For forty
days the deluge fell, and for yet another FORTY-TWO AND FORTY-
forty days Noah was shut within the NINE :—
ark. The men of Nineveh had a like
period of probation under the preaching Forty -two is the number which
of Jonah. The fasting of our Lord in implies perfection upon the lower
planes, — 6x7=42. Increase this error are diminished, as also are the
number by seven, and there results spiritual perceptions (windows). The
the number forty-nine, — 7 x 7 = 49, Self as downpouring truth (rain)
—which is the Christ number signi withdraws from itself below.
fying perfection on the higher planes. " When he made firm the skies above :
when the fountains of the deep became
FOUNTAIN OF WATER :— strong." — PROV. viii. 28.
A symbol of the source of Life, When the buddhic principle was
as an outpouring of Truth from above. established and centralised : when
" Truth is the desires of the astral plane became
compared in Scripture to a
streaming fountain : if her waters flow active.
not in a perpetual progression, they sink
into the muddy pool of conformity and
tradition." —JOHK MILTON, Areopagitica, or HEAVEN, WATEB,
Scott's Lib. Ed., p. 31.
" For with thee FOUR, NUMBER :—
(O God) is the fountain
of life ; in thy light shall we see light." — This is a number significant of
Ps. xxxvi. 9. system and order ; and so there are
" The law of the wise is a fountain of to be found in the universe and soul
life, to depart from the snares of death." many arrangements in sets of fours,
— PBOV. xiii. 14.
which sets have relations in corre
The law of Truth brings eternal life spondence with each other and binding
to the aspiring qualities. them together.
" The fountain is treated as a living " They that venerate the number
thing, those properties of its waters Four do not ill to teach that by reason
which we call natural are regarded as
of this number every body has its origin.
manifestations of a divine life, and the
. . . The number four, after having
source itself is honoured as a divine
carried Nature forward up to com
being." — W. R. SMITH, Religion of the
Semites, 184.
pleting a body and producing double
" I
was set up from everlasting, from
bulk and resistance has yet left it defi
cient in the most important article
the beginning, or ever the earth was.
On the E at
When there were no depths, I was (Olympus)."
Delphi, § 13.

brought forth ; when there were no

fountains abounding with water." — This statement is to indicate that
PBOV. viii. 23, 24. the number four applies rather to
The Higher Self was, is, and shall the natural order of things, the
be, — and existed before the lower quaternary, and does not include the
nature. Prior to the reflection of the spiritual (Olympus).
" Four is symbolic of the world, and
Self in the lower nature, — astro -
nature, and of man by nature." — J.
physical, — (the depths), the Self had
GARNIER, The Worship of the Dead,
emanated from the Supreme. The p. 220.
Self existed before the Truth was See BACABS, CASTES, CHILDREN or
" The fountain that rises in my heart
can only spring up heavenward, because
the water of it flowed down into my PILLARS (four), QUARTERS, QUATER
heart from the higher level. All love NARY, WINDS (four).
must descend first, before it can ascend."
p. 190. THE WORLD :—
See ANDUISUR, AQUARIUS, WATEB, A symbol of the quaternary. The
WELL, WHITE. four planes, — buddhic, mental, astral,
and physical. — Sec REV. vii. 1.
Symbolic of sources of error (" the SWASTIKA, WINDS (four).
water below ") which produce illusions
in the lower self. These are astral FOUR BEINGS AT THE CARDINAL
and lower mental. POINTS :—
The fountains also of the deep and A symbol of the four vehicles of
the windows of heaven were stopped, the soul, namely, the buddhic, the
and the rain from heaven was restrained." higher mental, the astral, and the
— GEN. viii. 2. physical.
The Divine power having energised " Four other human beings were
the mental vehicle, the sources of made at the four points of the compass,
each of whom flew to the spot from a and the macrocosm ; — spring,
different quarter (when the golden- summer, autumn and winter, within
coloured personage disappeared)." — KIDD, which seasons, which relate to the
China, p. 167. buddhic, mental, astral, and physical
These four other beings are the planes, human evolution is accom
vehicles of the World-soul on the plished.
several planes of manifestation. The See MACROCOSM, MICROCOSM,
specification of the points of the com SEASONS.
pass has reference to the polarities
of opposite conditions or activities, FOUR TIMES TALLER THAN
which are respectively signified. The
disappearance of the radiant Light This statement refers to the fact
and Life signifies the unobserved that the potential measure of the
descent of Spirit into Matter. human soul comprehends the five
" The gods with long, flowing hair are planes of its being, upon four of which
the four children of Horus, Meatha, it has not yet become conscious . The
Hapi, Tuamutef and Qebhsennuf, each Logos (Pwan-koo) manifests on the
of whom wore a lock or tress of hair, live planes.
which became a pillar-sceptre, and sup See DESERTS, HEIGHT OF OSIRIS,
ported one of the four corners of heaven ; PWAN-KOO, WORLDS (five).
these four goda became at a later period
the gods of the cardinal points and the FOUR YEARS OF AGE :—
lords of the four quarters of heaven." —
BUDGE, Qodt of the Egyptians, Vol. I. This period signifies four cycles,
p. 210. four rounds, four globe-periods, or
Foursquare ; that whose length and four races, according to context.
breadth are equal. The foursquare form See GOLDEN AGE, IKON AGE, RACES,
of the altar and new Jerusalem figures
out the stability and self-consistence of ROOT RACES, ROUNDS.
Christ and his church, EXOD. xxvii. 1,
REV. xxi. 16." — W. GUBNBY, Diet, of
Bible, p. 183. Symbol of aspirations which rise
See BACABS, CEILING, CHILDREN OF in the mind (air).
A metaphor of the lower per
FOUR DAYS :— sonality which has places of shelter,
A period which corresponds with such as associations, creeds, cults,
the condition arrived at on four planes sects, coteries, etc., which protect
or four sub-planes. and preserve it from change.
" So when Jesus came, " And Jesus saith unto him, The foxea
he found that
Lazarus had been in the tomb four have holes, and the birds of the air
days already." — JOHN xi. 17. have nests ; but the Son of man hath
When the Higher Self began to not where to lay his head." — MAT. viii. 20.
manifest in the soul, he perceived This symbolism shows that the
" foxes and birds," which stand for
the inert condition of the causal -
body (Lazarus) on the fourth mental types of the lower personality, have
eub -plane. places for mental retreat, but that
the spiritual ego (Son of man) must
go forth, steadfastly purposed to keep
FOUR ELEMENTS :— his mind alert and his vehicles
See ELEMENTS. responsive to whatever demands may
be made upon them.
FOUR GOSPELS :— " We may venture to apply Christ's
Significant of four points of view words to this subject (of man's dissatis
in beholding truths of the soul's faction and unrest), The foxes have
evolution from the lower nature. holes, and the birds of the air have
nests, but man ' has not where to lay
his head.' If he could rest, he could
FOUR SEASONS, OR WORLD not grow. And so from generation to
generation, for the individual and for
PERIODS :— the species, the condition of our progress
These four periods signify corre is a distance beckoning us, and a feeling
spondences between the microcosm that we have not already attained,
neither are already perfect." — A. FRAVASHI OF ORMAZD :—
MACLABEN, Sermons, 2nd Series, p. 43.
A designation signifying the Divine
Sec HEAD, JESUS (son of man), Monad or spiritual Prototype in its
MAM. " Even Ormazd has his Fravashi
FRANANGER WATERFALL :— in relation to Zerana-Akerana." —
A symbol of the astral plane and its Zoroastrian System, J. F. CLARKE.
On the highest plane the Divine
activities energised.
Being is said to bear under its dual
See NET OF ASAR, WATER (lower).
aspects of Spirit and Matter a similar
FRANKINCENSE :— relationship to Itself (Absolute) as the
A symbol of wisdom, or meta lower manifestations bear to each
physical knowledge, which purifies other. The relationship of life and form.
the mind and renders it fragrant. See ABSOLUTE, HEAVEN AND EARTH,
This " ideal image " is the Arche
Symbolic of purity, grace and
truth, and peace and bliss, conveyed typal Man which is " Adonal of the
Heavens." It is the prototype of the
to the soul by the inner messengers
Individual human souls.
of the Spirit.
" Frankincense denotes internal truth, See ARC. MAN, GLORY, IMAGE,
myrrh external or sensual truth." — MACROCOSM, ZOROASTER.
SWEDENBOBO, Arc. Ctl., n. 10, 252. FRAVASHIS,
" After Adam and Eve leave the FRAVAHAR, OR
Garden of Eden, then at God's com FEREUERS :—
mand, gold, frankincense and myrrh These are the monads of life and
are brought to them by angels." — The form which become linked in the
Book of Adam. forms or bodies containing them ;
See GOLD, FRANKINCENSE, ETC., the monads of life being born into the
TREASURES OF CAVE. forms prepared to receive them.
FRAVAK AND FRAVAKAIN :— Ormazd began the creation by bring
Symbols of two astral centres ing forth the Fravashis. Everything
which has been created, or which is to
established in the early evolution be created, has its Fravashi, which con
of the soul. tains the reason and basis of its
" Of those seven pairs one was Siamak, existence." — Zoroastrian System.
the name of the man, and Nasak, of The Divine Will commences the
the woman ; and from them a pair was
task of creation by brooding over
born, whose names were Fravak of the
man, and Fravakain of the woman." — the Monad which is within all separate
The Bundahis, Ch. XV. 25.— S.B. of E. existences. For every single existent
Of the seven pairs of opposites, entity has its purpose and use, its
which are active and passive aspects intelligence or ideal mental character,
of the several emotional and mental and its form, or ideal astral character,
qualities, — one pair was produced to entitle it to its separate identity.
which was typical of the Life and The monads of life and form have
Form side of manifest being ; and many names in the different sacred
from these two were begotten two scriptures of the world. They repre
astral centres. These centres are given sent the inner intelligent forces of
as masculine and feminine because which the outer qualities and forms
one actively transmits physical outer are the expression on the lower planes.
vibrations astrally, and the other They are the ideal prototypes on
passively interprets mental vibra the higher planes.
tions astrally. So that one acts See AGNISHWATTAS, BODHISATVAS,
outwards, and the other receives CREATION, GARODMAN, GLORY,
inwards ; vibrations objective and GUARDIAN SPIRITS, HIGHER AND
subjective respectively. LOWER WORLDS, HOM, INCARNATION,
SIAMAK. MONAD (life, form), MUSPELL (sons),


A symbol of an allurement of sensa Symbolic of matter which in itself
tion deadening spiritual activity. is lifeless, solid, and Inert. A state
of latency.
FREDUN :— " Everything wept for Balder, men.
animals, the earth, stones, trees, and all
FREJA, FRIEJA, metals, even as thou hast seen every
FREYA, OR thing weep when it comes forth from
FREYJA, WIFE OF HODER :— the frost into the warm air." — Story of
Symbol of the receptive, organised Balder, Prose Edda. — HOWITT, Litera.
astral principle. Within the entire nature of the
" Freyja's dwelling is named soul the craving for liberation is
the plains on which the folk troop manifest as the triumph of the Christ
together." — GRIMM, Teutonic Mythology, The statement
Vol. I. p. 305. (Balder) approaches.
indicates the suffering of the lower
The astral plane is the plane of
nature from the outer aspect, through
the lower qualities (the folk), — the the shattering of the forms wherein
desires, instincts, and passions, which
the life is encased. The change from
are allied together.
dry frost to moisture is a symbol of
the relatively inert condition of con
FREQUENTED HOUSE :— gelation changing to that which is
See HOUSE. mobile and volatile. The contraction
and holding is symbolic of matter.
FRIENDS, AND FOES :— The expansion and allowing of escape
Symbols of the higher emotions is symbolic of spirit.
and the lower desires. See BALDER, ICE, RIMTBTTRSAR,
See GEMS (strings), MAN, RELATIVES, SNOW, SUMMER (unfruitful), THOCK.
STEWARD (unjust).

These are the connections which are A symbol of the Divine life within
the lower nature embodied through
established on the mental subplanes
the process of involution.
between the centres of the mental
" The Golden Personage cried out •—
mechanism, to allow of the organis '
ing of the functioning by the Devas The wings have long embraced you ;
on the breaking forth of the fructifying
(friends) and the transmission of principle, I knew that you (an intelligent
higher emotions. "
being) had entered into the world.' —
See HOUSES (friends). KIDD, China, p. 167.
FRIGG, OR FRIKKA, WIFE OF The Spirit energises the monad
ODIN :— within, and now from below the
sense of aspiration (wings) is appre
A symbol of Wisdom, the principle
hended, so that it seeks to evolve its
of Buddhi, allied with the Self.
" Frigg, the daughter of nature. Thus from the liberation of
Fiorgynn (he
of the mountain top), as consort of the the life within, through response to
highest god takes rank above all other the impacts from without, the con
goddesses : she knows the fate of men, sciousness of the ego is evoked.
she presides over marriages." — GRIMM,
Teutonic Mythology, Vol. I. p. 304.
The Wisdom -nature proceeds from LUTION, WINGS.
the Supreme, and is allied with the
Love -nature of the Self. Through
A symbol of results of action, —
Wisdom the mental qualities (men)
good and bad. Effect of the opera
are purified and transmuted, in order
tion of the law of karma, — moral
that in the risen and glorified souls causation, — in the soul's progress.
the marriage of Wisdom and Love " I the Lord search the heart,
shall be celebrated.
I try
the reins, even to give every man accord"
ing to his ways, according to the fruit the ground an offering unto the Lord." —
of iris doings."— JER. xvii. 10. GEN. iv. 3.
" Say
ye of the righteous, that it shall And as evolution proceeds, the
be well with him : for they shall eat the
sensation nature has to be subordi
fruit of their doings. Woe unto the
wicked ! it shall be ill with him : for nated by the personality to the ends
the reward of his hands shall be given it has in view.
him." — IB. iii. 10, 11. See ABEL, CAIN, GROUND.
To every mental quality (man)
shall accrue the due result of its activity FRUIT-TREE BEARING FRUIT
in well or ill doing.
See KARMA. A symbol of the law of karma linking
life with form, and the potencies
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT, OR OF within, which are ready to unfold.
THE TREE OF LIFE :— " And God said, Behold, I have given
Symbolic of the higher emotions you every herb yielding seed, which is
and faculties of the buddhlc nature ; upon the face of all the earth, and every
tree, in which is the fruit of a tree
the produce of Wisdom (buddhl)
laid up for the soul when perfected. yielding seed ; to you it shall be for
meat." — GEN. i. 29.
" But the fruit of the Spirit is love,
And the Supreme acquaints the
joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, good Soul with the fact that it has con
ness, faithfulness, meekness, temperance :
against such there is no law." — GAL. v. tained within it that which will
22, 23. enable it to unfold, and thus expand
The transmutations of the mental its own nature. This unfolding must
qualities through the operation of proceed through the lower nature
Buddhi, the Holy Spirit, produce the (earth). And every emotion which
higher emotions, — love of truth and (as seed) is capable of becoming
right, peace, patience, kindness, stead exalted, and which can be the means
fastness, fortitude, faith, hope, com of affording growth to the soul, — to
passion, moral courage, justice, gentle the soul it shall serve as sustenance.
ness, etc. The buddhic emotions in See EARTH, FACE, KARMA, MEAT,
perfection are the
" treasure in PLANT, SEED (good), SEEDS or FOODS.
heaven," " the inheritance of the
saints," the fruit of experience and FRUIT OF THE TREE OF KNOW
aspiration below.
" And on this side of the river and on A symbol of experience acquired
that was the tree of life, bearing twelve through the activities of the lower
manner of fruits, yielding its fruit every nature and the development of the
month : and the leaves of the tree moral nature.
were for the healing of the nations." —
The " river " of the water of truth ASTER, TREE OF KNOWLEDGE.
" tree " of the out
encompasseth the FRUITFUL CROP :—
growing Divine life. The " twelve
Signifying that from the functioning
manner of fruits " signifies twelve of the lower nature there is produced
kinds of virtues or higher emotions. a goodly array of the higher qualities
" month " refers to a period
The through spiritual cultivation. — See
within a cycle, or a stage of progress. HEB. xii. 11.
The outepringing Divine life (the See AGRICULTURE, CULTIVATION,
"leaves") is for the perfecting of HARVEST, REAPING, SEED.
the organised qualities of the soul.
See CAKE (sacrificial), HEIR, LIGHT-
TREASTJRE, MENAT, MERCHANDISE, A symbol of the Higher Self (atma-
" A Japanese Buddhistdeity, wor
shipped He sits, stern
as a god of fire.
FRUIT OF THE GROUND :— and immovable,' surrounded with
flames, and holding a two-edged sword
Symbolic of the sensations or sense- and a rope ; the latter he uses like
nature of the lower nature. some of the Indian gods to restrain the
" And in process of time it came to wicked. The flames are interpreted as
pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of symbols of wisdom, of which he is also
•aid to be a god (Murray)." — Non- bitter path of life for another. For
clattical Mythology, p. 71. mighty Air pursues him Seaward, and
The " fire " and " flames " Bignify Sea spews him forth on the threshold of
Earth, and Earth casts him into the
the buddhic plane, the plane of
rays of the unwearying Sun, and Sun
Wisdom. The " sword " is a symbol into the eddies of Air ; one receives
of the Divine Will exercised as him from the other, and all hate him.
spiritual force to dispel ignorance One of these now am I too, a fugitive
and evil. The " rope " indicates the from the gods and a wanderer, at the
mercy of raging Strife." — Empedoclet,
buddhic functioning for the transmu FAIRBANKS, 369.
tation of the lower qualities into the
There is an indwelling inspiration of
higher. The " wicked " are the lower
the Divine nature expressing itself in
desires which must be overcome and
conscience, which is adapted to inter
cast out of the soul. The lower
pret to the inner soul, by way of
qualities have to be purified by the karmic law, the
experience under
spirit (fire) within them, so that the
spiritual Truth underlying evolution.
higher may evolve through them.
The Truth is then perceived through
appearance or the falsity of the form-
side of nature ; or is seen in the
FUGITIVE AND WANDERER :— mayavic reflection below of things
A symbol of the ego or soul, above ; or is recognised whenever an
separated apparently from Its spiritual effort is made to transcend the limits
source and undergoing a series of of the form of thought.
transient terrestrial incarnations. One of those spirits, — a monad, or
" Behold thou hast driven me ego, which inherits the eternal impress
out this day from the face of the ground ; through its cyclic evolution, is sepa
and from thy face shall I be hid ; and I rated from primordial perfection (the
shall be a fugitive and wanderer in the
earth ; and it shall come to pass, that blessed) during the process of mani
whosoever findeth me shall slay me." — festation, being successively embodied
GEN. iv. 14. in terrestrial forms of different kinds,
The ego, as the lower self, is brought exchanging one more or less hard
to realise that it may no longer and bitter pathway of life for another.
depend upon the lower knowledge for For the Divine Mind (mighty Air)
soul-subsistence, and it cannot tell emanates the soul on the mental
where it shall seek for food con plane, and precipitates it to the
venient for its needs. Evolving from astral plane, and the astral principle
the lower nature, it does not yet (Sea), as it were, forces the soul on
know the Higher Self or source of to the physical plane. [That is, the
its spiritual inspiration. It never functioning of the desire-principle, —
theless sees that it must necessarily which is the inverted reflection of the
become a
" fugitive and wanderer," of the soul, — is the means
condemned to traverse a series of of directing the physical vehicle
terrestrial incarnations, each of which through which the ego works ; and
is but temporary. And the ego fears thus the consciousness is drawn to
that it shall lose its identity, knowing the physical brain and nervous sys
that it is at the mercy of higher tem]. Then the physical (earth)
stages of growth which (practically as activity is the means of bringing the
with animals) admit of its extinction soul upward to the Higher Self (the
as individual continuity of conscious Sun) ; and thus is the ego brought to
ness, at successive periods. self -consciousness on the mental plane.
" There
is an utterance of Necessity, From plane to plane of nature,
en ancient decree of the gods, eternal,
sealed fast with broad oaths : whenever
growth towards perfection is accom
anyone defiles his body sinfully with plished ; and upon no one level is
bloody gore or perjures himself in regard the pilgrim soul at home or at peace.
to wrong-doing, one of those spirits who
are heir to long life, thrice ten thousand
Such an ego am I
; as it were, a

seasons shall he wander apart from the

fugitive,— a wanderer, — passing from
blessed, being born meantime in all life to life, cut off seemingly from
sorts of mortal forms, changing one the Divine source of my being, — the
inner Self of all, — and in Borrow and TION, LAMB, NET, PASTORAL, SACBI-
suffering immersed in erro^ and FICEH, SPIRIT, TEZCATLIPOCA, TABLES.
NATION, PERSONALITY, PILGRIM, RE This signifies the functioning of
INCARNATION, SEA, (lost), the higher Intellect which supersedes
the lower and Intuitively perceives
the Divine Truth, Love, and Wisdom.
WAYFARING MEN. " He that loveth his neighbour hath
FUH-HE, OR TAE-HAOU :— fulfilled the law." — KOM. xiii. 8.

Symbol of the Logos. The quality in harmony with its

" Tae-haou was also called Full-he or compeers hath risen from the lower
Paou-he ' the Sacrificer.' The tradition levels to the higher.
is that he had no father, was the first See LAW OP ZOROASTER, WOOD
to reign, and that his name was Fung, (holy).
meaning wind, spirit, breath." — KIDD,
Under this aspect of the going forth BURNING :—
to manifest, the Logos is said to Symbolic of the lower mental
have been the " sacrifice
" and the
" aacrificer," — that which offers Self- qualities dissolved and superseded.
" Apollo afterwards despatching a
limitation to Itself, or is limited and pointed arrow against the Greeks them
offered up to the Absolute, for the selves he smote them, and frequent
sake of Its universe. It is mentally funeral-piles of the dead were continually
burning." — Iliad, Bk. I.
received that the Supreme is Self-
But afterwards the lower mental
derived, not begotten nor created,
qualities (Greeks) are stirred and
but Self-existent. The terms Word,
rendered impotent, the Divine Will
Wind, Spirit, and Breath are all
symbols of emanation, — to which the (" shaft of the Spirit ") being called
into play ; and the while, the lower
forth-pouring from the Absolute is
aspects of the Self, being effete at
" You and I are here, and the whole this stage, were outgrown and dissi
cosmos of which we are a part exists pated.
in order that God may be able to express See ARROWS (divine), BURNING, CRE
that which he eternally is. There are MATION, FIRE, GREEKS, KABANDHA,
some things impossible even to omni
potence, and one of them is that love's
fullest resources should ever be able to APOLLO.
declare themselves apart from sacrifice
or that good, as good, could rightly be FURNACE :—
called such if it had never been thrown A symbol of the functioning of
upon the dark background of evil. I do buddhl In the purifying of the qualities .
not mean to suggest that God, the This Is reflected on the lower planes
eternal reality, does not eternally know
himself to be essentially goodness and In the suffering and sorrow which
love ; I only say that if he is to live accompany the process.
it, he cannot do so on any other terms " The Lord hath taken you, and
than have just stated ; it is a necessity brought you forth out of the iron furnace,
written in the very nature of things. . . . out of Egypt, to be unto him a people
Understand what you are. You are of inheritance, as at this day." — DEUT.
one means whereby the eternal declares iv. 20.
itself, brings into manifestation its latent " The Lord, whose fire is in Zion, and
wealth of ideal good. In fact, you his furnace in Jerusalem." — Is. xxxi. 9.
yourself are the eternal in one of its " And shall cast them
(the wicked)
manifold aspects. That which is essen into the furnace of fire : there shall be
tial to your being has neither beginning the weeping and gnashing of teeth." —
nor end ; it eternally is — in God. It is MAT. xiii. 00.
foolish to speak of life as though it were The qualities on the astro -mental
eternal only in one direction — the future."
— R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Solidarity of plane of conflict (Egypt) have under
Spiritual Experience. gone the discipline necessary to pre
See ABSOLUTE, ANIMALS, BEASTS pare them for an influx of spirit
(wild), BREATH, CREATION, INCARNA which shall raise them. The purt
fying buddhic functioning is in the desses, is a symbol of buddhi — the
higher nature (Zion and Jerusalem). wisdom nature. Buddhi is the fount
The lower qualities (the wicked) shall of the higher emotions. Sita stands
be subjected to the purifying dis for the higher emotion nature which
cipline of the Spirit, and their lower is the manifestation of buddhi in
astral conditions shall be dissolved. the human soul. Hence Sita (buddhi
" St. Catherine of Genoa, ' as she " furrow," and
actual) is born in a
plunged in the divine furnace of puri Lakshmi (buddhi potential) resides in
fying love, was united to the Object of
her love, and satisfied with all he wrought the ridges of earth thrown up.
in her, so she understood it to be with See EBECTHEUS, GROUND BIDGES,
the souls in Purgatory ? This divine LAKSHMI, RIDGES, S!TA.
furnace of purifying love demands from
the ardent soul not only a complete FUTSU-NUSHI :—
self-surrender and voluntary turning from
all impurity, a humility of the most See TAKE-MIKA.
far-reaching kind, but also a deliberate FYLLA RECEIVES A GOLD RING
active suffering, a self -discipline in dread
ful tasks. As gold in the refiner's fire, FROM NANNA :—
so burning of love into a soul truly This symbolises that at an advanced
taken all vices "
purgeth.' — EVELYN soul-state Wisdom (Nanna) yields the
UNDERBILL, Mysticism, p. 266. sense of dominion over the lower
See BUDDHI, EGYPT, FIRE OF HELL, planes to illusion (Fylla), which sig
FIBE (destroying), HADES, HELL, nifies the consciousness of escaping
JERUSALEM, MAN (bad), PUROATOBY, from desire.
RING (gold).
This emblem signifies the lower A symbol of a careless general
nature (earth) prepared by the opera state of mind towards spiritual
tion of the Spirit (the husbandman) things.
to yield the higher emotions (fruit) " When Pilate therefore heard these
from the germination and growth words, he brought Jesus out, and sat
of the seed (centres of spirit) sown in down on the judgment-seat at a place
It. called The Pavement, but in Hebrew,
" The river of God is full of water : Gabbatha." JOHN xix. 13.
" Pilate "
thou providest them corn, when thou represents a mental state
hast so prepared the earth. Thou wavering between allegiance to the
waterest her furrows abundantly ; thou higher or the lower, but falling in
settlest the ridges thereof : thou makest with prevalent opinion. TTia " sitting
it soft with showers ; thou blesses t the "
down to judgment signifies hie
springing thereof." — Ps. Ixv. 9, 10.
Life and Truth suffice for the acquiescence in the general attitude
growth of the soul. The qualities are taken by the mental qualities and
endowed with the spiritual germ constitution, — an easy-going spirit
widely spread.
(corn) when the lower nature is ready
to receive it. Truth is bestowed on See ASSEMBLY, PILATE, TRIAL.

the disciplined lower nature, and GABRIEL, THE ANGEL :—

aspirations (ridges) are fostered from An inner messenger from the
above. Truth (showers) makes the higher planes ; — the brlnger of good
lower nature pervious to spirit, and tidings — a sense of joy at conceiving
the Divine grace ensxires the springing a higher element in the soul.
up of the higher emotions. See ANGELS, ARCHANGELS, DKVAS,
" The wife of Kama was called Sit H
because not born from a woman, but
from a furrow (alta) while Janaka (the GADERINE DEMONIACS :—
king) was ploughing."
"Slta is Lakshmi."— MON. WILLIAMS, Symbolic of unbalanced mental
Indian Wisdom, pp. 348, 360. conditions at a very early stage of
(Lakshmi) reside ... in earth evolution. These having had some
recently thrown up." — Institutes of glimpses of truth and higher emotion
Vishnu, XCIX. 13. presented to them, had rejected the
Lakshroi, like all other great god higher light, not being ready to receive
it. These low conditions were See CORPSE, CROPS, HADES, RAIN,
doomed to extinction in the soul, STORMS, TAWHIHI, TREES (tall).
a* fuller mentality evolved .
A state of advance in the environ
GAGATI METRE :— ment of the ego, or the conditions of
A symbol of the mental plane in the soul, — implying progress.
" But after I
relation to the rate of vibration in (Jesus) am raised up, I
tbe atoms of mental matter. will go before you into Galilee." — MAT.
xxvi. 32.
GALAXY :— When the perfected lower nature
See CHOSS (ankh). (Jesus) awakes transfigured on a
higher plane, it will enable the dis
ciplined qualities to follow in His
A symbol of the action of the higher steps. It is the Risen Christ who
mind on the lower. would appear when they had advanced
" And Apollo the Fardarter sent the " Galilee," — a
to symbol signifying a
Achaians a favouring gale." — Iliad, Bk. I.
state of looking forward, and a com
And the Higher Self wafted the
mencement of the diligent quest of
mental qualities inward by the
" breath," or life influence, Christhood.
of the "
Galilee, that is, Contemplation ;
mind. Galilee is as much as to say, Whiteness.
See APOLLO, BREATH (divine), CAMP, Whiteness is a colour full of material
WIND (strong). light, more so than any other ; and thus,
Contemplation is more full of Spiritual
GALES ; BLASTS OF WIND light than any other thing which is
quet, IV. 22.
Symbolic of diverse erroneous " The complete resurrection will begin
doctrines and opinions of the lower "
in Galilee (Zohar).— A. E. WAITE,
mind, which proceed from prevalent Secret Doctrine in Israel, p. 187.
illusions, and which stifle the growth " We may regard ' Galilee ' as a symbol
of the higher emotions. of that moral realm in which we enjoy
" Thou shalt break the power of the liberty wherewith Christ makes us
free, and are no longer in bondage to
untiring gales which, rising against the Law fleshliness." — E.
earth, blow down the crops and destroy
and Egyptian
GOOOH, Barrowford Treatise, p. 53.
them ; and again, whenever thou wilt,
thou shall bring their blasts back ; and See NAZARETH.
thou shall bring seasonable drought out GALL :—
of dark storm for men, and out of summer
drought thou shalt bring streams pouring
Symbolic of a sensuous gratification
down from heaven to nurture the trees ; which would appear nauseous to the
and thou shalt lead out of Hades the higher nature.
spirit of a man that is dead." — Empe- " They
gave me also gall for my meat ;
doclet, Bk. I. 24 FAIRBANKS. and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to
The Self shall overcome the winds drink." — Ps. Ixix. 21.
of doctrine which arise and, striking the The lower qualities, " enemies " of
lower self (earth), destroy the sprouting the higher, offer the soul the pleasures
emotions. And, moreover, the Self of the life of the senses to satisfy its
shall recall such doctrines. And the cravings for goodness and peace ; and
Self shall turn the falsity of the lower to its thirst for Truth, they offer
planes into relative truth for the ignorance which brings sorrow and
mind's sustenance, and from the strife. Not by indulgences from with
mind's ignorance enable it to know. out can the soul be nourished and
And from the spiritual effects of satisfied.
" I see that thou art in the gall of
the Higher Self upon the personality
bitterness and in the bond of iniquity."
shall proceed the truth which shall — ACTS viii. 23.
serve to enable the qualities to be " They gave him wine to drink mingled
raised. And from the lower planes, with gall : and when he had tasted it,
the under-world, the relatively dead he would not drink." — MAT. xxvii. 34.
self, — the lower mind (man) or lower See Cow's URINE, BITTER, VINEGAR.

personality, — shall be led upward to GANDHARVAS, OR SIRENS :—

the light. Symbols of Devas of the buddhic
plane, which assist in establishing Then the conscience speaks : — The
harmony In the soul through the desire-nature (Loki) has done amiss
aesthetic emotions. apparently, in that it has become the
See ANGELS, COLCHIANS, DEVAS, means of drawing the Soul (Baldur)
HEAVENLY NYMPHS, SIRENS. to the karmic planes whereon it is
GANESA, GOD OF WISDOM :— obscured, and that it now serves to
prevent it from rising to union with
A symbol of atma-buddhl-manas,
or the Higher Life. the Higher Self.
" Praise to thee, O Ganesa. Thou art See BALDEK, BIFROST, HILL, LOKE.
manifestly the truth ; Thou art un GARDEN OF FLOWERS AND
doubtedly the Creator, Preserver, and
Destroyer, the Supreme Brahma, the FRUIT :—
eternal Spirit. . . . By thee was this This symbol signifies a state of
universe manifested ; for thou art earth, the soul In which virtues (flowers)
water, fire, air, and ether. Thou art blossom, and the higher emotions
Brahma, Vishnu, and Rudra. We medi
(fruit) ripen on the buddhic plane.
tate on they countenance ; enlighten " And their soul shall be as a watered
therefore our understanding. He who
garden ; and they shall not sorrow any
continually meditates upon thy divine
form, conceiving it to be with one tooth, more at all. — JKR. xxxi. 12.
four hands, bearing a rat on thy banner, The water of Truth fructifies the
of a red hue, with a large belly, anointed buddhic plane whereon is no ignor
with red perfumes, arrayed in red gar ance or suffering.
ments, worshipped with offerings of red " ' Gardens ' and '
flowers, abounding in compassion, the wisdom and intelligence, and every tree
cause of this universe, imperishable, something thereof, — as the olive, the good
unproduced, and unaffected by creation, of love ; the vine, truth from that good ;
becomes the most excellent of Yogis." — the cedar, rational good and truth." —
Oanapati Upanithad, WILKINS, p. 331. SWEDENBORO, T. C. R. n. 204.
The universe is manifested through See EDEN, GETHSEMANE, GBOVES,
the Higher Self in the five planes, — OLIVE FRUIT, PARADISE.
physical (earth), astral (water), mental
(air), buddhic (fire) and atmic (ether). GARDEN LUMBINI :—
The " one tooth " signifies power In the cycle of involution this signifies
potential j
" four hands," activities the condition of the lower nature
on the four planes below atma. The which is required In order that the
" rat " is an emblem of the lower Soul may take birth In it.
" Then one day by the king's permission
quaternary. The " redness " signifies
the queen, having a great longing in her
Divine Love which draws all things mind, went with the inmates of the
to the Self. The "large belly" gynteceum into the garden Lumbini." —
denotes ability to transmute (digest) Buddha- Karita, Bk. I. 23.
the lower qualities into the higher. The Divine Will now requires that
See ELEMENTS, FLOWEBS, HAND, the perfect deaire-nature (Maya),
HOKKMAH, PERFUME, RAT, RED (rose), aspiring to be of use, shall be raised to
the productive state of the
" garden,"
which signifies the condition which is
GANGES RIVER :— favourable to the birth of the Soul
A symbol of the Divine life, atma-
buddhlc (the " river of life ") which See BIRTH OF BUDDHA, BOUGH,
flows from its source, the Absolute,
downwards through the higher planes,
being reflected, as it were, in the lower GARDEN OF EDEN :—
A symbol of the buddhic or wisdom
GANGLER OR GANGLERE :— " Eden which is the Wisdom of God." —
PHILO, Workt, Vol. IV. p. 68.
A symbol of the spiritual ego as "
That the paradise of God means the
life's pilgrim ; or the conscience. truth of wisdom and faith is evident from
" ' Evil are the deeds of Loki truly,' the signification of garden in the Word ;
said dangler ; ' first of all in his having garden there signifies wisdom and intelli
caused Baldur to be slain, and then gence, because trees signify men of the
preventing him from being delivered out church, and their fruits goods of life;
of Hel.' " — Prate Edda, MALLET, p. 449. nothing else is signified by the garden
of Eden, for by it is described the causal, and through Her receptivity
wisdom of Adam." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc. the Self is united with all things
Rev., n. 90.
" Thou (prince of Tyrus) hast been in spiritually, and apprehends in full
Eden the garden of God ; every precious consciousness the universal scheme of
stone was thy covering." — EZEK. xxviii. Nature which lives, moves and has its
13. being in the Godhead. — See Is. Iviii. 11 ;
The mental nature (prince of Tyrus) JER. xxxi.12.
has been endowed from the buddhic See ATMAN, BXJDDHI, CAUSAL-BODY,
plane (Eden) with every virtue CITY, DEVACHAN, GOING IN, NIRVANA,
(precious stone). The mental nature PEACE, PLANETARY CHAIN, POOLS,
was perfect from the day it was SEKHET - HETEP, SOWING, THRONE
evolved, till iniquity was found in it,
" Adam," the " prince of Tyrus," (heart).
See EDEN, GOLDEN AGE, HIDING, A symbol of the buddhl-manaslc
HOITKIES, JEWELS, PARADISE, centre of activity in the causal-body
TREASURES (cave), TYRUS. on the higher mental plane of the
GARDEN OF REEDS :— "The reason then why the sacrificer
A symbol of the astral plane, places water (the thunderbolt) near the
containing the astral heaven, — Svarga, Garhapatya fire is that the G4rhapatya
or the Summerland, — on Its upper is a house, and a house is a safe resting
sub-planes. place."— Sola. Br&h., I. 1, 1, 19.
" Of union in the Garden of Reeds." — "The reason why he brings forward
water is that all this universe is pervaded
Book of the Dead, Ch. CX. by water ; hence by this his first act he
This refers to the acquirement of pervades (or gains) all this universe." —
Individuality as the self rises above Ibid., 14.
The higher
" water " signifying
the manifestation of the astral life.
See MARSH, Truth — the Divine Reality — the Life
PEACHES, REED PLAIN, SEKHET-AAKU, of the universe, it is necessary that the
UNION causal-body (house) should be shown
to have a part in that Life, and be a
GARDEN OF REST, OR OF permanent resting place for the Ego
PEACE :— while it periodically forthpours itself
A symbol of Nirvana, I.e. an interval into human forms.
between globe periods, passed on See AGNIHOTRA, AHAVANIYA, ALTAR
the buddhic plane. Or Devachan
on the higher mental plane.
" The Lord of the Peace of Horus, — the IN HEAVEN. MENTAL PLANE, SOUL,
throne of His heart is in the pools and the
cities of the Garden of Rest ; for He is
begotten in the birth-chamber of the GARLANDS OF FLOWERS :—
Divine City, and His rest shall come in Symbolic of assemblage of higher
the consuming of the Divine City. He emotions and virtues, — tokens of joy
it is that fashions Her likeness and unites and gladness in the buddhic conscious
Her to all that belongs to the chamber of ness.
birth in the City of God." — Book oj the
Dead, Ch. CX., trans. M. W. BLACKDEN. See FLOWERS, WREATHS.
The centre of the soul's being, — GARMENTS (HIGHER ASPECT) :—
the True Self, — is above the lower
Symbolic of the buddhic and causal
nature, and enthroned in the causal-
vestures, or sheaths, of the soul ;
body (throne) where It is within signifying wisdom and the higher
atma-buddhic Truth (the Garden). intellect. The higher emotions.
The Self is begotten in Buddhi which " To give unto them a
(the captives)
ensouls the causal body (Divine City). garland for ashes, the oil of joy for mourn
The Self "rests," or is withdrawn ing, the garment of praise for the spirit
from manifestation in the lower of heaviness ; that they may be called
trees of righteousness, the planting of
worlds, when the causal vehicle is the Lord, that he might be glorified." —
dissolved at the end of the cycle. Is. Ixi. 3.
The Self as Atman fashions the The egos are liberated from captivity
buddhic vehicle to supersede the to the lower nature, and are given the
higher emotions in exchange for the appear) ; and second, he must needs
lower illusions ; love and bliss for cast away his old prejudices and
sorrow and suffering j the buddhic confining opinions, symbolised by the
vesture of wisdom for the trammels of garment, before he can go to the
ignorance ; that so they may become Christ within.
" Proclus has it
unified aspects of the Divine Life, : The soul, on descend
instituted by the Higher Self for the ing into the body, forsakes unity, and
around her, from all sides, there grow
fulfilment of the purpose of the multiform kinds of existence and manifold
' '
Supreme. garments ; love of honour is the last
" And Mordecai went out from the garment of souls
; and when, in mount
presence of the king in royal apparel ing up, we lay aside our passions and
of blue and white, and with a great crown garments which, in coming down, we
of gold, and with a garment of fine linen had put on, we must also strip off that
and purple : and the city of Sushan last garment, in order that having become
rejoiced and was glad," — ESTHER viii. 16. (entirely) naked, we may establish our
The indwelling Self, or Christ in selves before God, having made our
selves like to the divine life.' — From
carnate, went forth of the Supreme
HUOEL, Mystical Element, Vol. II. p. 98.
invested with celestial attributes of
intellect and purity, and having TION, NAKEDNESS, PRIESTS AND
supremacy over the lower nature ; ELDERS.
also endowed with devotion to truth
and with wisdom, — the buddhic robe. GARMENT OF SHAME :—
Then was the soul abounding with A symbol of the vehicle of the desires
energy and bliss. and the senses.
" "'When ye trample on the garment
By garments in the Word are signified
truths which invest good, and in an of shame, and when the two shall be one,
opposite sense, falses which invest evil ; and the male with the female, neither
for man is either his own good or his own male nor female.' then shall these things
evil, the truths or falses thence proceeding be." — Saying of Jesus, from CLEMENT
are his garments." — SWEDENBOBO, Apoc , ALEX.
Rev., n.166. When ye have cast off the lower
" Man is essentially a spirit. When (astral) vehicle of the senses, and
that is realised, and the soul within when the emotions have been raised
him is allowed to geek its proper goal, it
will develop into glorious beauty and and united with the reason, so the
proportion, and as it grows, weave for two becoming one ; and when the
itself a garment worthy its God-like relatives, the twain, active-passive,
origin and nature." — J. BRIERLEY, Studies male-female, have transcended their
of the Soul, p. 112.
former aspects and have become one
ESTHER, GATE OF SALUTATION, GUESTS, energy ; then shall the Christ -con
OIL, RAIMENT, ROBE, TREE. sciousness be attained.
" Return unto thy home, O Soul !
GARMENTS (LOWER ASPECT) :— Thy sin and shame Leave thou behind
on earth ; assume a shining form — Thy
Symbolic of opinions, prejudices, ancient shape, — refined, and from aU
confining notions, narrowness of taint set' free" (Rig-Veda, X.). — MON.
Ideas, habits of low thought, WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 22.
literalism, and the " higher critic See ASTRAL PLANE, MALE -FEMALE,
ism " of scriptures. MAN AND WIFE, MARRIAGE, RENDING,
These limitations of mind pertain to VIRGIN BRINGING FORTH.
the lower mental plane, and enclose
the ego In shells of mental matter, GARODMAN, OR GAROTMANO :—
often very difficult and painful to A symbol of the buddhic principle,
get rid of. They have to be broken or vehicle of atma. The buddhic
up by the advent of life and truth plane of monadic activity.
" Garodman is the dwelling of the
from the Spirit within.
" And he Fravashis and of the Blessed, and the
(blindBartimseus), casting
bridge leading to it is precisely above
away his garment, sprang up, and came the Abyss Dusahk, — the monstrous gulf,
to Jesus." — MARK x. 60.
of Ahriman
The aspiring mind rises and " casts
the home beneath the
" because he has, earth." — Tht Zoroaslrian System, J. F.
off his garment CLARKE.
first, to make the effort to rise of his The buddhic principle is seated in
own accord, and stand (as it would the causal-body, and is the vehicle of
the monads of life (atmic), and of the clothed myself therewith, and ascended
souls evolved on the buddhic levels. to the gate of salutation and homage ;
I bowed my head and did obeisance to
The " bridge " is the higher manas, the the majesty of my Father who had sent
connection between higher and lower it to me." — Hymn of the Soul, GNOSTIC.
planes ; it is above the lower manas And also my " toga," the causal-
and the astral plane, which is the body of variegated qualities, did I
Abyss Dusahk " energised by the now assume to its complete extent of
desire-mental principle (Ahriman) of development. I was able to clothe
the lower nature (earth). myself in my bright vestures, so that
See Aii id MAS, BRIDGE (kin vat), I was not found naked ; and then did
BUDDHIC PLANE, CAOSAL-BODY, I ascend to the portal of reverence,
DUSAHK, EDEN, FBAVASHIS, HEAVEN, filled with a sense of the majesty of
HYMN SINGING, KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, God — the Creator and Sustainer of
bowed my
mind and did homage to his greatness ;
and I reverenced my Father from
A symbol of the higher mind or whom had emanated such splendid
causal body in its receptive capacity endowments for the soul.
for vibrations from below and from
above. It becomes thereby the
entrance through which the lower
consciousness rises to the higher ROBE, TOGA.
planes (heaven).
" For this gate of the great mysteries GATE OF TCHESERT :—
is the gate of heaven, and this is a house A symbol of the planes of buddhi-
of God, where the good Deity dwells manas, as affording an opening for
alone. And into this gate no unclean the manifestation of the Divine nature.
person shall enter."— Naasene doctrine, " VIM the gate of Tchesert is the gate
HIPPOLYTUS, Refutations, Bk. V. Ch. 3.
of the pillars of Shu, the northern gate of
This is the entrance to a condition the Tii, i.i. (underworld) ; or, as others say,
exalted and inexpressible, — a celestial — it is the two leaves of the door through
abode, a " temple not made with which the god Tern passeth when he
hands," where dwelleth the Divine goeth forth to the eastern horizon of
heaven." — BUDOE, Book of the Dead,
Unity, Father-Mother, Atma-Buddhi, Ch. XVII.
in the causal-body. Into this higher The " pillars of Shu " are the four
mental state can pass no soul who planes below atma, which constitute
has not cast off completely the " old the Tuat, or underworld. The
Adam " with its affections and lusts. — " northern gate " represents the en
See GEN. xxviii. 17; Pa. cxviii. 19, 20. trance into the cycle of the lower
See DEAD (rising), DOOR (higher), life. The " two leaves of the door "
ERTDU, GJOLL, VIRGIN BRINGING signify the Buddhi-rnanasic outpouring
FORTH. of the Logos (Tern) at the dawn (east)
GATE (LOWER ASPECT) :— of manifestation.
A symbol of the lower mind or
mental body as the entrance for the
ego to the lower planes, or under SHU, TEM, TUAT.
world, where the soul gains its
experiences, and is
through suffering and sorrow (hell). A symbol of the higher manas
—See MAT. vii. 13, 14 ; Ps. ix. 13. which communicates between the
See DOOR (lower), PORCH OF HOUSE. higher and lower regions of existence.
" At night Adapa drew the bolts of
GATE OF SALUTATION AND the gates of Eridu, and at dawn he sailed
HOMAGE TO GOD THE forth in his bark to fish in the waters
FATHER :— of the Persian Gulf." — Legend of Adapa.
SAYOE, Rel. of Ana. Egypt, etc.
Symbolic of a buddhic sub-plane " Adapa "
rises is a symbol of the Arche
to which the consciousness
ere it becomes one with the Self. typal Man in the aspect of the lower
" And my toga of brilliant colours I self at an early stage.
" At night," —
cast around me, in its whole breadth. I the period when the lower self appears
to be cut ofi from the Higher, — he is nature. The recitation of the verses
said to " draw the bolts " of the gate and the louder utterance of them
between heaven and earth ; that is, refers to the increasing density of the
the condition of the soul requires the matter of the four lower planes, viz.
forthpouring of the Spirit to open a lower mental, astral, etheric, and gross
way to the lower planea. Then at physical.
the period of forthgoing (the dawn), he See ARYANA, ASTRAL PLANE,
goes in search of that which will BUDDHIC PLANE, CARPENTER, HOUSE
provide him with sustenance. The RULER, HYMN SINGING, Music, PLANES,
" bark " is the manas, or mental QUATERNARY, TRISHTUBH.
vehicle, which sails on the astral sea.
The " fish " are those facts or appear GATHA KAM-NEMOI-ZAM
ances which come to him as sensations,
feelings, and emotions, and which
Symbolic of the giving attention
to lower desires, affections, and
present themselves at the dawn of
attractions, when such habits of
thought bring only dissatisfaction
See ADAPA, ABC. HAN, BOLTS, and regret.
BRIDGE, DAWN, EBIDU, FISH, MANAS, " Zarathustra asked Ahuramazda, . . .
When the wicked man dies where
dwells his soul that night ? Then said
GATES OF THE BODY, NINE:— Ahuramazda, . .. In the vicinity of the
Physiologically, these are the head it runs about, chanting the Oaths
nine openings of the body, six above Kam-nemoi-znm, saying, — ' To what land
shall I turn That night the soul ex

(eyes, ears, and nostrils) and three
below (mouth and two vents). They periences as much of discomfort as all
that which it had as a living existence." —
are intimately related with etherlc,
Hadokht Nask, HAUO, E»says, p. 222.
The " wicked man "
astral, and mental centres and activi
the lower

ties, with which they correspond on
the several planes of the soul.
mind attached to its desires, instincts
and appetites it the expression of

These centres and their connections
the soul upon the astral plane.
are mentioned under the symbols When
of "nine brothers," "nine streets," the soul vacates the physical body,
etc. — See Bhag. Oita., V. 13. into what state does pass in the first
See BRIDGES (nine), HUMAN BODY, instance The answer is, that on

NINE, STREETS OF EARTH. the astral plane the soul lingers for

period with no fixed place of abode,
yet tending to the higher mental
A symbol of higher mental qualities
plane (the head). But being attached
which may gain access to the higher
to desire, totally without aim or

planes of the soul.

purpose before has no anchorage,


and in despair reaps the results of its

GATHA AHUNA-VAIRYA, FOUR shortsighted behaviour in the past
TIMES CHANTED :— life. The consciousness is detained
Symbolic of the formation of the for a protracted period in the lowest
lower quaternary, through buddhic mental sub-plane (the first night), and
vibrations passing downward, or experiences the sorrow which is in
" Famous evitable during the purgatorial process
in Airyana-vagjo, thou which must ensue from not realising
(Zarathustra) first recitest the Ahuna-
vairya four times, with pauses between the the value of the opportunities for
progress which has had here below.

verses, each successive time with a

louder recitation." — Homa Yatht, HAUO, See AHURA-MAZDA, ASTRAL PLANE,
Essayt, p. 179. HAND OF BEAST, HABLOT, MAN (bad),
This refers to the inter-relation NIGHTS (three), PURGATORY, RE-INCAE-
between the astral and buddhic NATION, SVARGA, UNRIGHTEOUS,
(Airyana-varejo) planes. And the
repetition of the hymn four times is
the establishment of the lower quatern GATHA USHTAVAITI CHANTED :—
ary. The pauses are the distinctive Symbolic of the giving attention
operations of the elemental forces of to the higher emotion* and aspirations,
for such habits of thought bring mazda, and extolling tho righteous man
satisfaction and ponce. coming from near and far." — Hadokkt
" Zarathustra asked Ahuramazda : O Nask, HAUO, Essays, p. 221.
most munificent Spirit, creator of the
Then by raising the consciousness
settlements supplied with creatures ! through meditation, thou will be able
When a righteous man passes away, to recover the past experiences
where dwells his soul that night ? ' collected in the causal sheath, and wilt
Then said Ahuramazda :
It sits down be able to dedicate thyself to the
in the vicinity of the head, chanting the
Gatha Ushtavaiti, imploring blessed pursuit of truth and to the love of
ness. . . . That night the soul experiences God. " Extolling the
righteous man,
as much of pleasure as all that which it etc." signifies the exaltation of the
had as a living existence.'
" — I I.M c,
Hadukht Nask. Essays, p. 220. purified mind, and of the lower self,
The Soul questions the Supreme, which when united make for righteous
who is the Emanator of the manifested ness.

worlds, — ' When the perfected soul is See CAUSAL-BODY, CONSCIOUSNESS,

projected, at the death of the body, EXPERIENCES, FIRE, FORENOON, HYMN

beyond the physical plane, into what SINGING, KALCHAS, LITANY, MAN
condition does it then enter T " The (righteous), RE-INCARNATION, REMINI
reply is made that it returns inward
towards the higher mental plane, and GATHA DAYS, FIVE :—
recapitulates the nature of the higher
These five intercalary days of the
emotions and aspirations to which it year are added to the 360 days
had habituated itself when incarnate. (degrees) of the Zodiac, to complete
And its enjoyment is proportionate to the actual year of 365 days . They are
its capacity for realisation of bliss then taken as symbolising, as In
when in its physical life. The second Egypt, the five manifest planes of
and third " nights " of the perfected being ; because they imply the
soul signify the arrival of the con potential cycle (360) becoming the
sciousness at the various sub-planes of actual cycle (365) in which the Self
the mental plane which contribute (sun) manifests in time and space.
" These five Gathas (hymns) are made
to the devachanic state. These three
nights " represent the intervening
" up from the body of a Righteous Man."
— Shayast La-Shayast, Ch. XIII., S.B.E.
period between incarnations ; also The " Righteous Man " signifies the
there is a connection between them Archetypal Man from whom humanity
and the cyclic periods. It must be proceeds ; and his measure is the
remembered that only a very small part Macrocosm of the five planes in which
of a soul manifests in any particular he manifests completely, potentially,
incarnation, and that part is the and will manifest completely, actually,
lowest and least advanced part of the in all souls at the end of the cycle.
totality. Consequently a very ad For every soul is a Microcosm of the
vanced soul may be perfected all but five planes, the same as the Macrocosm
that part. in every particular.
MAN (righteous), MANAS, Music, Music, RULERS, THIEVES (five),
GATHAS, CHANTING THE :— A symbol of the astral plane In
A symbol of meditation in tune relation to the rate of vibration in
with the Infinite, so raising the the atoms of astral matter.
consciousness as to be able to recover
the memory of all past lives of the GAYOMARD :—
" Then thou wouldest sit down, GE, G.EA, OR TELLUS :—
chanting the Gathas, and consecrating
the good waters and the fire of Ahura- A symbol of matter IB Its essential
nature of mother substance bringing See BUDDHA, FRIENDS, JEWELS,
forth qualities and forms. NECK, STRINGS, UNGUENTS, WBEATHS.
A symbol of grades of qualities in
GEBAL, OR BYBLOS, SWAMP :— stages of development.
A symbol of the fourth sub-plane See CHRIST'S SECOND COMING.
of the astral plane.
This symbol expresses the inter
active spirit-matter creative , or multi
A symbol of the third period of plying function in nature, by means
the cycle of life. The " Twins " of which the consciousness evolves
signify the higher and lower Selves, in the transitory forms.
or the Individuality and the Per " In memory of this event (of the birth
sonality on the mental plane. These of Osiris) the Pamylia were afterwards
are the two centres of consciousness instituted, a festival much resembling the
in the soul for the higher and lower Phalliphoria, or Friapeia, of the Greeks."
activities. In the constellation In regard to the genetic power of
(icmini are the two stars Castor and the indwelling Self in the soul, the
Pollux, which are symbols of the
generative function (Pamylia) is made
personality and the individuality in
the symbol of the spiritual -material
accordance with the story of the
Dioscuri. creative function producing forms, by
means of which forms the growth of
INDIVIDUALITY, PERSONALITY, PISCES, consciousness is rendered possible.
Symbols of virtues and high qualities MUTED :—
of mind and emotion.
" In that city The astro-mental generative
(of Kapila), shining with function of mind and desire, by which
the splendour of gems, darkness like
poverty could find 110 place." — Buddha- Ideas and lower emotions are pro
Karita, Bk. I. S.B. of E. duced, is exchanged for the buddhi-
In the centred Self on the higher mental function giving rise to higher
emotions and concepts of truth.
planes is perfect bliss, emanating the
" Isis was never able to recover the
highest qualities of Love and Wisdom.
or privation phallus of Osiris, which having been
Ignorance (darkness) thrown into the Nile immediately upon
(poverty), could not possibly enter into its separation from the body had been
manifestation at this stage of forth- devoured by the Lepidotus, the Phagrus,
going towards involution. and the Oxyrynchus fish, which of all
others, for this reason, the Egyptians have
in more especial avoidance." — PLUTARCH,
JEWELS, KAPILA, NECK, PRECIOUS, I tit and Osirif, § 13.
RUBIES, SAPPHIRE, SARDONYXES. This signifies arrival at the point
when the astro -mental generative
function is no longer used in the
Emblematic of buddhic functlonlngs blind, natural way, but when it is
productive of virtues in harmony
raised and consecrated to the highest
with each other.
" Friends brought Buddha strings of uses. Then it is that the last trace of
gems exactly like wreaths of plants." —
the lower personality, love of self
Buddha-Karila, Bk. II.
" "), is absorbed,
(astro-mental phallus
In the Soul are established the as it were, by the
" fishes," which are
functionings upon the buddhic or a symbol of that which is false in the
emotional plane. The allusion to eyes, — now opened, — of the lower
" wreaths of plants " is made because self. The three
" fishes " are
the idea suggests the budding of the of kama-manas, and they seem to
feeling within the lower nature which be superstition, prejudice, and false
will afterwards yield " fruit," that is, knowledge, which are condemned by
higher emotions. the enlightened mind.
See CHILD, CHILDREN, DEATH OF fection, not pleasure. And it is in
OSIRIS, EGYPTIANS, Isis, NILE. bringing the animal nature into obedience
to the rational, the particular will into
GENTILES :— subjection to the universal, that he
advances towards that end. The moral
Symbolic of mental qualities less quality, subjectively considered, — of course
developed than the " Jews," and the act has also, or rather primarily, a
standing, as It were, outside the moral quality, — resides, not in the result
" chosen people," or more or less achieved, nor in the end pursued by him,
disciplined qualities of the mind. but in the motive which prompts him
" The Gentiles are fellow-heirs, and in the inner spring of action, in volition.
fellow-members of the body, and fellow- The only real and absolute good for man
is a good will : that is a will determined
partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus
through the gospel." — EPH. iii. 6. by the moral law. The desire to do right,
as right, is morality. No act is really
This is a recognition that all qualities, ethical which is not motived by Duty, by
however backward in development, obedience to the moral law. And that
have their part in the perfect pattern law, as Kant admirably teaches, is not a
behind the phenomenal deficiency, higher self, but an independent reality,
which evokes the higher self within us." —
and that all are capable of being W S. LILLY, The Great Enigma, p. 21.
evolved by the Spirit of Truth through "We want a diffusion of knowledge
the means provided in the forms. and a prevailing habit of intellectual
See ABC. MAN, GOSPEL, IMAGE, activity. The reason why the morally
best men are so often in our experience
the least intelligent and the most bigoted
is the fact that they are intellectually
undeveloped. The ancient and obstinate
Geometry and symbolism are the error of asceticism is rearing its head
means whereby all spiritual facts again among us, and wherever asceticism
are expressed, and by a knowledge appears, fanaticism is not far distant. I
of which they are to be interpreted. mark already the familiar burden of
" Thus the King took away the one ascetic preaching, the exaltation of the
and protected the seven ; he abandoned non-natural, the contempt of the in
tellectual, the parade of self-suppression,
the seven and kept the five ; he obtained
the set of three and learned the set the depreciation of liberty. By authori
of three ; he understood the two and tative lips and in persuasive terms you
are often enough encouraged to absolve
abandoned the two." — Buddha-Karita,
Bk. II. 41. yourselves from the arduous yet up
lifting labours of the intellect, and to
Thus the One manifested as seven
drown thought in the hustle and bustle of
planes and their activities. The two social work. Against all such counsels
highest, or innermost, remain in I raise the short and pregnant sentence
obscuration ; the five are manifest. of St. Piiul : Brethren, be not children
in mind, howbeit in malice be ye babes,
The set of three is the triad which is but in mind be men ' (1 COR. xiv. 20)." —
expressed in the triple nature of the H. HENSLEY HENSON Christ and the
manifested soul, that is, atma, buddhi, Nation, p. 261.
and higher-manas, which triad is See DRAGON, HORSE, MITHRA AND
reflected below as physical, astral, and BULL, PERSONS, WILL.
lower-manas. The two stand for the GERMS, OR SEEDS :—
desire-nature and the reason -nature,
A symbol of the monads of Life
both of which must be experienced and of Form, which proceed forth
and eventually abandoned. primordlally into manifestation.
See FOOTSTEPS OF BUDDHA, INVOLU " Germs infinite in number,
in no
TION, OGDOAD, RI. way like each other ; for none of the
other things at all resembles the one the
GEORGE AND THE DRAGON :— other." — Anaxatjoi , . FAIRBANKS, 4.
Emblematical of Reason overcoming Prior to manifestation, the differ
the lower Emotion nature ; or of entiated possibilities of life (monadic)
Mind controlling Desire. The horse were not apparent. Within the
and rider signify intelligence under
spiritual essence lay the monads, —
the direction of the will ; and the
the centres of the archetypal qualities
dragon is the lower nature which wars
against the soul, — the selfish nature and forms of all things in infinite
which devours the innocent and diversity, for no one form of the One
obstructs liberty and justice. I.if'- may resemble another, since that
" The true end of man is moral per Life is infinite.
" of all objects, having all " Geush-tasha " is that
Germs The principle
sorts of forms and colours and tastes." — of the lower self which defines and
Ibid., 3.
The " " limits, causes contrasts and perception
forms, colours, and tastes
of differences ; and leads also to per
refer to the astral, mental, and physi
cal contributions from the monadic ception of affinities on the life side.
The " Geush-urva " is the personality
centres of manifestation.
which had been imperilled of its
CULTIVATING, INVOLUTION, MONAD or homogeneity by onslaughts from with
out upon it, which cause it to exert
such kama-manasic energy as suffices
to enable the lower self (Geush-tasha)
GETHSEMANE :— to function completely on the astro -
A symbol of an interior and subjec mental plane. The conditions which
tive mentalstate in which the soul give rise to this functioning arc for
truly lives in its evolving experiences. the time powerless to withstand the
"Then cometh Jesus with them unto strenuous attempts to triumph over
a place called Gethsemane, and saith unto them (or prematurely supersede them)
his disciples. Sit yo here, while I go made by the Self through its outgoing
yonder and pray. And he took with him
Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and energy. In self -protection the impulse
began to be sorrowful." — MAT. xxvi. 30, then comes to the lower self to turn
37. within from the outer conditions, to
Gethsemane stands for the Garden that Divine Life which ordains them
of the soul, the place of purity and as a means whereby development is
fruition, wherein all the inner experi rendered possible. Then it is that
ences are lived, as contrasted with the inner conviction is borne in upon
expressed merely. The Christ-soul the soul that the personality is being
directs that the lower manifestations hewn in pieces (because homogeneity
of the qualities (disciples) shall here limits the Life) for the sake of the
have to abide quietly, and to suffer in operations for growth which are being
silence, in order to await the call of carried forward in the astral nature, —
the Highest. But the Higher Self to wit, the resulting expansion of
— with whom Jesus is identified — the higher emotions which necessitate
always goes beyond the ken of the that the lower and now outgrown and
actual, and so raises the qualities. imperfect astro-mental receptacle of
The lower mind (Peter), reason (James), the reflection of the Self shall be
and love (John) have to be raised. superseded by the higher vehicle.
The Buffering is the effect of the de " The literal meaning of the word
pression of the personality. Giuth urva, ' soul of the cow,' implies a
See DISCIPLES, EXPERIENCES, GAR simile ; for the earth is compared to a
cow. By its cutting and dividing,
DEN, JAMES, JOHN (apostle), MOUNT ploughing is to bo understood."— HAUO,
Symbols of the lower self which GHEE, OR BUTTER :—
cuts off the intuition, and the per A symbol of the intuition of Divine
sonality which differentiates the love and wisdom, or the buddhic
qualities. emotion nature which proceeds from
" The Geuuh-tasha frightened this
by buddhi (cow).
cry (of the Geush-urva for help), asked " May the
the archangel Asha as to who had been purifiers of ghee purify ua
with ghee !— For they, the divine, take
appointed to protect the Geush-urva.
Asha referred him to Mazda, who is the away all taint ; now ' all ' means every,
most wise and the giver of oracles.
and ' taint ' means what is impure ; for
Mazda answered that ' Geush-urva was they do take away from him every im
being cut into pieces for the benefit of
purity."— Sato. BrAh., III. 1, 2, 11.
the agriculturalist.' " — Yama, 29; HAUO'S The spiritual forces are called upon
Essays, p. 148. to purify the mental qualities by
uniting them with the buddhic aspiration and faith of the lower.
emotion nature (ghee) which takes The lower nature of itself cannot
away the taint of selfishness, pride, progress. The activities of the lower
greed, attachment to desire and sense, mind are ineffectual without the aid
and every impurity. The lower mind of the Spirit of Truth.
" Consciousness of spiritual powerless-
commences its activities under the
stimulus of desire and lower emotion. ness, with its sequent dissatisfaction
and struggle, when it results in renewed
This stimulus from below has to be inspiration, insight, and moral corre
superseded by the stimulus from spondence to the Divino Ideal, which the
above to be found in the higher psychology of religious experience observes
is its own witness to the belief that the
emotions of wisdom, truth, and love.
religious progress of the individual, and
See BUDDHI, BUTTEK, Cow, FAT, of the race, takes place by the gift and
GUHU, MILK, OIL, OINTMENT, OLIVE. power of God. Thus experience creates
the impression that the real cause of
GIANTS, NEPHILIM, MIGHTY man's religious progress is to be found in
MEN :— the truth of the belief that God is making
man more and more into the likeness
Symbols of early mankind in great
of the Divine."— G. T. LADD, Phil, of
ape-like forms resident on continents Religion, Vol. I. p. 357.
now mostly submerged.
" There were ginnts in the earth in
those days. . . . And mighty men which
were of old." — GEN. vi. 4. GIHON RIVER :—
The pre-human forms in which mind A symbol of the lower mental
began to dawn were rude and gigantic. nature as a current of life on the
In these early vehicles of human life lower planes.
the individuality is as yet only nascent. " And the nnme of the second river is
See GADEBINE DEMONIACS, NK- Oihon : the same is it that compasseth
PHILIM. the whole land of Cush (Ethiopis)." —
GKN. ii. 13.
GIANTS OF THE MOUNTAIN :— And the second differentiation from
Symbolic of elevated mental quali the higher mental plane (Pishon) is
ties such as aspiration and hope. the lower mental plane ; this includes
See MOUNTAIN, RIMTHUKSAR. all the activities of the astro-mental
nature (Cush).
A symbol of unfoldment of
a spiritual faculty, or the power of GILGAMES AND EA-BANI :—
presenting from within to the under Symbols of the Incarnate Self or
standing the truth and love of the Individuality and the lower mind
Spirit, which enables the lower mind or Personality.
to realise in some degree the beauty " The Epic begins with a description
of the powers of high Intellect and of his (Gilgames) rule at Erech, ' the
emotion which are above it and seat
of his power. Between him and
beyond its purview. — See 1 COB. xiv ; the inhabitants of the city there seems
MARK vii. 35. to have been little goodwill. He had
See DEAFNESS. not left, they complained, the son to his
father or the wife to her husband." —
GIFTS OF GOD :— SAYCE, .',••/. of Anc. Egypt, and Babyl.,
p 432.
These are higher powers and
The Self seated on the lower planes
faculties bestowed on the soul when
the soul is prepared to receive them. (Erech) brings dissension among the
Causation is of the higher nature the lower qualities (people) by his
only. Phenomena are effects. operations. The activities of the
" For by grace have
indwelling Self are opposed to the
ye been saved
through faith ; and that not of your lower emotions and desires. The Self
selves : it is the gift of God : not of sets the more progressed quality (son)
worke, that no man should glory." — at variance with the less progressed
EPH. ii. 8, 9.
(father), and the mind (husband) in
It is through the action of the higher
conflict with the lower emotion (wife).
nature that the qualities progress " The gods, we are told, heard the cry
towards perfection in response to the of the people, and Aium was instructed
to create a rival to Gilgames, who might MAN, MILK, PARENTS, PEACE AND
overcome him in the contest of strength. SWORD, PEOPLE, PERSONALITY, SATYBS,
The goddess accordingly kneaded clay
with her hands, and made it in the form SELF, WIFE.
of Ea-bani, half man and half beast. His
body was covered with hair ;
he knew
neither kin nor country '
with the OF SOULS :—
gazelles he ate the grass of the field A symbol of the cycle of periodical
and 'satisfied his thirst with the cattle.'
—Ibid., p. 433. re-incarnations of the spiritual mo
nads in human bodies.
Through buddhi (Aruru) as for the " All the souls go up into the giFgood-ah,
natural order, the personality is de
i.e. revolutions or turnings, and the
veloped and the lower mind (Ea-bani) children of man do not know the ways
is embodied in matter (clay), that is, of the Holy, and how He judges the
mind is endowed with a body on the children of man every day and in all
astral plane of desire (beast). Thus time, and how the Neshamoth souls go
up to bo judged before they come down
the lower mind becomes kama-manasic, into this world, and how they go up to
half mind and half desire-nature. judgment after they go out from this
The lower mind at first obeyed the world. How many Gil'gool-em and
intuitions (hair), but recognised neither how many hidden doings the Holy does
with them T How many naked souls and
higher nor lower qualities. He just how many naked spirits go in that world
accepted the higher qualities (gazelles) (the other) which do not enter through
as means of growth (grass, milk). the king's pargoda (curtain) T . . . All
Afterwards, being attracted by love of the Nexhamoth souls go out from that
great Tree, and from that mighty River
form-life, he fell from his prstine which flows out from Eden, and all the
purity to the lower planes (Erech). Ru'hin spirits come out from that other
" VVhen once more he turned back to small tree. The Neshamah soul comes
his gazelles and cattle, they fled from from Above, the Rua'h spirit from
him in terror ; he had become a man, Below, and unite in one " (Zohar, II.). —
knowing good and evil." — Ibid. MYER, Qabbalah, p. 413.
When the lower mind had identified The " Neshamah
" is the Divine
itself with the desires and sensations, Soul, atma-buddhi, in humanity. The
the divine intuitions became obscured, " Neshamoth " are the Divine monads
and the higher qualities (gazelles, etc.) or egos, atma-buddhic, on the Ray
were no longer perceived by the con from the Supreme (the Tree of Life).
sciousness. The Personality having These spiritual egos in human beings
within him the nascent mind and the outpour from the Divine life of the
germ of Spirit, began his career as a buddhic plane (the river of Eden).
" is the
responsible being, but immersed in The " rua'h spirit from below
ignorance and the illusion of separate- rua'h nephesh — the lower mind or
ness. But deep within him was the personality which unites with the
" "
Incarnate Self (Gilgames), who was Divine soul. The ru'hin spirits
" his fast friend and ally." It is are the personalities from the astral
through the alliance of the Indi evolution below (the small tree),
viduality with the Personality, and which provide forms for the egos and
their concerted operations, that the unite with them. The judging of the
soul progresses on its upward path. souls, — the children of mind (man), —
The Epic of Gilgames, like the takes place midway between the incar
Iliad, cannot be taken as sequential nations and karmically determines the
in its arrangement, ; it gives instruc nature of the next descent into the
tion about the Divine scheme from material world. The lower mind does
various points of view, without order not cognise the cycle of re-births (gil1-
as to time and space. It is scrappy, no gool-em), for it is beyond its purview.
doubt by reason of many inspirations The soul enters the heaven-world
put together, as was the Kalevala in through the higher emotions (the king's
the 19th century. curtain). The spiritual egos go forth
See ADAM (lower), BUDDHI, CATTLE, from t he Divine life. The personalities
Cow (milch,) DEER, EA, EDEN, FALL, arise from tho astral evolution below
FATHER (lower), GOAT (milch), GRASS, and unite with the former in the
" The doctrine of the pro -existence of " It was time's morning when Ymer
the soul is shared by the Oallic Druids lived. There was no Rand, no sea, no
and the Druses of the Middle Ages ; it cooling billows ; earth there was none,
is maintained to-day by the Zulus and the no lofty heaven ; only the Gulf of
Greenlanders, by the Indians of North Ginunga, but no grass." — The Voluspa.
America and the Dayaks of Borneo, by At the dawn of manifestation, the
the Karens of Burma and the inhabitants lay dormant. There was
of Guinea ; it counts among its adherents
the worshippers of Brahma and Buddha, nothing firm, no outflow of life. There
and it attracted the sympathetic assent was no lower nature, nor higher nature ;
of a Spinoza and a Lessing. The wide only chaos, and no growth from below.
extension of this theory in space and time See ABYSS, CHAOS, DEEP, EARTH,
is sufficient evidence of its deep roots
in human thought and sentiment." — T. GRASS, HIGHER, SANDS, SEA, WAVES,
GOMPERZ, Greek Thinkers, Vol. I. p. 124. YMIR.
" The reincarnating Ego, or individu
ality, retains during the Devachanic GIRDLE OF THE BODY :—
period merely the essence of the experi A symbol of spiritual purity and
ence of its past earth-life or personality, power invigorating the soul.
the whole physical experience involving
" And righteousness shall be the girdle
into a state of in potentia, or being trans
lated into spiritual formulae. The term of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle
between two re-births is said to extend of his reins." — Is. xi. 5.
from ten to fifteen centuries, during See MAN (righteous), REINS.
which time the physical consciousness is
totally inactive, having no organs to GIRDLE OF KNOWLEDGE :—
act through, and therefore no existence."
— H. P. BLAVATSKY, The Key to Theosophy, A symbol of the causal-body which
p. 132. implies the investment of the soul
" with intuition of truth.
Man is the thinking animal, the
animal that plans and creates, and in See CAUSAL-BODY, Focus.
whom the primordial life which inhabits
all living things is pressing on and up GIRDLE OF LEATHER :—
to greater heights of aspiration and
performance. But apparently the same An emblem of spiritual support
thing holds good as before. The life which and confidence.
expresses itself as mind i - still the universal "And John was clothed with camel's
life, and when the brain perishes in which hair, and had a leathern girdle about his
it finds it« temporary home, it goes back loins, and did eat locusts and wild honey."
to where it came from, like the rest of — M.VRK i. 6.
the life of creation, and then from the The moral nature (John) was
standpoint it has won incarnates itself
anew for some further and nobler effort endued with capability of obedience
towards self-realisation — if that be the and willingness to endure, and had the
right word." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., support which is derived from the
Oof » Gift of Lifa things of the Spirit.
" Locusts
See BALANCE, BOAT (earth),
wild honey " are the food which sig
CHILDREN OF MEN, CIRCULAR, DAY nifies the natural means of nourish
ment ; subsistence upon plain ascer-
tainable facts of life, as upon uncooked
simple fare, which can be procured
direct from the natural environment
by means of the senses.

Emblem of the endowment of
wisdom ;— the consciousness upon the
A symbol of the buddhl-manasic buddhic plane.
plane. " And girt about at the breasts with a
golden girdle — REV. i. 13.
This signifies the Higher Self having
GINUNGA-GAP, THE YAWNING the aspects of Love (breasts, and
Wisdom (gold).
A symbol of primordial formless " To ' have a golden girdle about the
matter in space, prior to the involution paps
is to restrain all the movements
of spirit. of our changeful thoughts by the bands
of lore alone." — ST. GREGORY, Morals on See AHUBA-MAZDA,
the Book of Job, Vol III. p. 639. MOUNTAIN, RE-INCABNATION, RE


CIAL STAKE :— Significant of presenting truth in
A symbol of the higher emotions a mental form as expressed by the
which encompass, as it were, the ray giver.
of the Divine Life (stake). "'And whosoever shall give to drink
" He unto one of these little ones a cup of cold
(the Sacrificor) girds the stake
with a triple rope for three-fold is food, water only, in the name of a diaciple,
and food means cattle ; and there is verily I say unto you, he shall in no
the father and mother, and what IB born wise lose his reward." — MAT. x. 42.
is the third, therefore he girds it with The mental quality that shall convey
a triple rope." — Sola. Brdh , III. 7, truth to an incarnating ego (little one),
1, 20. while identifying itself with a dis
The Higher Self emanates the higher ciplined emotion, shall be transmuted
emotions as sustenance for the soul, to a higher plane.
for the buddhic emotions (cattle) See CUT, DISCIPLE, HYLAS, PITCHER,
nourish the soul. The triad of father, WATER.
mother, and son, represents mind and
emotion producing the indwelling Self GJOLL, OR GJALL, RIVER :—
born on the mental plane (son of A symbol of the higher faculties
mind). of the mind which lead to truth
See BIRTH (second), CATTLE, CHIP, through the intuition.
FOOD, SACRIFICES, STAKE, TOP-BING. " The Gjoll river being the nearest to
the gate of the abode of death
Edda). — MALLET,
North. Antiq., p. 401.
SPIRIT-FASHIONED (BELT The higher mental faculties are at
OF ORION) :— the entrance of the higher planes
A symbol of the wheel of re-births, which the consciousness attains to
or the sub-cycle of the soul's re through the death of the lower nature.
incarnations. BIVEB, BRIDGE OF
" Mazda See ANAUBUS
brought to thee the star- GJALL, GATE, NOBTH, STYX.
studded, spirit-fashioned girdle, leading
the Paurvas, or the good Mazdayasnion GLASS, OR CRYSTAL :—
religion ; then thou art begirt with it,
(when growing) on the summit of tho A symbol of Truth on the higher
mountains, to make lasting the words mental plane.
and long accents of tho sacred text." — "And I saw as it were a glassy sea
Homa Yafht, HAUO, Essays.
mingled with fire." — REV. xv. 2.
The Divine Nature ordains that each This represents the Truth and Love
soul shall go through the
" wheels " of
of the Spirit, which are the foundation
re-birth and gain experience through on which the higher qualities of the
many lives, which process is to soul rest. (Osiris is often depicted
instruct the soul, and show it that seated upon a throne which rests upon
by this means the love and truth " " of water, —
" What other thing, then do Truth.)
a glassy sea
latent within it (the good religion) we under
shall be brought forth. As growth is stand by 'gold and glass,' but that heavenly
arrived at, karma envelops the soul Country, that society of blessed citizens
until it reaches the " mountain " whose hearts mutually one with another
at once shine with brightness, and are
stage, and aspires towards that which transparent by pureness ; which John
is to free it. The reference to in Revelations had beheld, when he said.
" words and accents " made " lasting " '
And the building of the wall of it was of
signifies the means whereby the true jasper, and the city was of pure gold
like unto clear glass.' " — St. GREGORY,
message from within of the Divine Morals on the Book of Job, Vol II. p. 377.
is effectually translated into terms of " You cannot fail to observe that the
the soul's experience. The " sacred writer speaks of God as possessing the
text is the message of love and truth same attributes as the glassy sea which
surrounds His throne. He speaks of
indelibly written within the human the nature of God as crystal-clear and
soul. yet as filled with fire. I think I see
i hat he means. God ia light, and in the one representing Force, and the
lira ia no darkness at all.' But He is other Matter, and the junction of the
Jeo love, the burning flame that is
lever quenched and in whose embrace two leading up to the third, — Spirit
ill foulness and corruption are destroyed. or Consciousness ; thus producing the
[Tie sea before the throne is the truth threefold elements of the coming Soul.
ihout God, and about all being, made further, — Life and
nanifest to those who are worthy to (To explain
>ehold it with unclouded vision. ... It Consciousness are aspects of the Self
which illuminate every developing Son
a crystal-clear with the light of truth,
md mingled with the flame of eternal of God. These aspects are to be
ove that streams from the throne itself. conceived of as passing through, or
fhe glassy sea is thus a beautiful figure
or the perfect revelation of the glory animating, each successive manifesta
ind the grace of God." — R. J. CAMPBELL, tion of the involved Self which is
5erm., The Crystal Sea. differentiated in them. Fundament
See CITY or OOD, CRYSTAL, FIRE, ally there is, of course, but one
"• >'. R BEINGS, GOLD, JERUSALEM, Self, — the direct expression of the
3cEAN, WATER. Logos, — and from this One proceed
the several manifestations which
function and produce the many
This signifies the perfecting of
the soul, which then returns Into the phenomenal results which contribute
Absolute, who gave It to the planes to the growth and expansion of the
of the relative existence for the soul. Ultimately, the way having
express purpose of Self-expression, been prepared during the process and
which being completed, corresponds period of involution, the incarnation
to the glorifying of God. — See MATT. v. of the Divine Monad, — the One be
16 ; Ron. xv. 6). coming the many, — is possible. But
See ASCENSION OF OSIRIS, JESUS this " dismemberment " can only
(son of man), KINO OF GLORY, occur when the Self comes forth, or
SFKNDYAD, SUN (moon). evolves, into the realm of Maya.
GLORY, DIVINE SACERDOTAL Incarnation completes involution, and
AND KINGLY :— is the point when evolution com
Symbolic of the Divine Ray of mences.)
Consciousness and Life which pro See ABSOLUTE, ARC. MAN, ASSUMP
ceeds from the Absolute and passes TION, BIRTH OF KRISHNA, OF ZORO
through the upper planes to the ASTER, BODHISATVA, CONCEPTION,
" The Divine sacerdotal and Kingly EVOLUTION, FRAVASHI, HEBDOMAD,
Glory is handed onward from saint to INCARNATION, INVOLUTION, MAYA,
saint, ever with a view to its illuminating
the soul of the Inspired one. It is MONAD OF LIFE, SEED, SELF, SON OF
ordained of Heaven, moreover, that this COD, VIRGIN MARY, ZOROASTEB.
Glory shall be combined with the Fravasi
and the material body, so as to produce GLORY IN THE GREAT CITY :—
from this threefold union the wonderful Symbolic of the consciousness and
child (Zoroaster)."— The Dinkart. VII. 2, life of the Spirit in the Causal-body,
68-70. S.B. of E. the ego having actuallsed the potential
The Divine Monad of Consciousness with which the soul was endowed.
and Life passes on, during the process The ego becoming in ultlmates that
of involution, from seed-ego to seed- which the Self is in primes .
ego, and ultimately in the epoch of See CAUSAL-BODY, CITY (sacred).
evolution, incarnates as human soul
monads in the lower vehicles which are
A symbol of the Illuminator of the
prepared for it as a dwelling-place ; qualities, i.e. the Higher Self— he
thus bringing Wisdom eventually to that brings Truth to the soul, from
the Soul. It is so ordained by the within.
Divine Law that the Spiritual Con "The Master, Manda d'Hajje, is the
sciousness shall dawn in the soul, Gnosis of Life by whose power Johanna
through the union on the higher (the baptiser) has been teaching and
mental plane of the Monad of Life initiating all the long forty and two yearn
of his ministry." — Codex Nazareiu, R. h.
(Fravasi) with the Monad of Form, — Genza, 11.
The "Master" is the Higher Self, thereby they went to the height ' ; the
who, unknown of the lower conscious height, doubtless, is the heavenly world."
—Sola. Brdh., V., VI., VII. 5, 2, 36.
ness, has sufficed to illumine those
The Higher Self emanates from the
qualities which have sought the way
" John " the moral nature, supreme, and is the Supreme (actual).
to Peace.
The Higher Self incarnate, expresses
the aspirer towards Truth (water) has
(speech) itself in its evolution of the
been purifying the qualities " forty
ideals (gods) which aspire to the
and two years," — the number 6x7 Highest (the summit). The Self in
which implies perfection upon the
the qualities climbs the heights to
lower planes of the soul. But during
atma-buddhi. White signifies perfec
this period of probation, the Love-
nature (the Master) is unknown to
the moral nature (Johanna), which INCARNATION, MOUNTAIN, PRAGAPATI,
labours from conscientious, rather than
from highly spiritual, motives. Never
theless, grace has descended upon it GOAT, MILCH :—
from on High, for the moral nature is A symbol of error and desire,
really sustained by the Highest, who, the lower food of the soul.
when its period expires, reveals to it " And Mashya and Mashyoi had gone
that which supersedes its phase of thirty days without food, covered with
evolution, — Love taking the place of clothing of herbage ; and after the thirty
Law and Duty days they went forth into the wilderness,
" The virtue of the soul is Gnosis. came to a white-haired goat, and milked
For he who knows, he good and pious is, the milk from the udder with their
and still while on the earth divine " mouths." — The Bundahis, Ch. XV. 10.
(C. H., The Key).— MEAD, T. O. Hermes, And for the lunar cycle (30 days),
Vol. II. p. 146. the Soul, comprising the sub-mental
What is it that makes the Soul and love natures, proceeded on the
alive in sooth ? Life unto the soul is
astral plane with the growth of the
knowledge of the Truth. — ASHIQ, Gharib-
Name ; QIBB, Hitt. of Ottoman Poetry, earlier desires and instincts ; after
Vol. I p. 197. wards it struggled up to the mental
" Reason is the head, and knowledge " goat "
piano, and encountered the
is the ground of blessedness. To know an — a symbol of false knowledge and
object is to become really one with it. " white - haired "
God's knowing and my knowing are one ; desire, because
true union with God takes place in cogni attractive and alluring. The " drink
tion. Hence knowledge is the founda ing of the goat's milk
" signifies the
tion of all essence, the ground of love, the
determining power of the will. Only partaking of sensuous enjoyment in
reason is accessible to the divine light. external activities, resulting in the
But the knowledge here referred to is evolution of the kama-manasic or
something supra-sensible, inexpressible in desire-mental nature. This constitutes
words, unaided by the understanding ; it
is a supernatural vision above space and the fall of mind and emotion into
time, and is not man's own deed but matter.
God's action in him " (Eckhart). — See ASTRAL PLANE, CLOTHING, FALL,
UEBERWEO, Hist. ofPhilos., Vol. I. p. 473. HERB, LUNAR CYCLE, MATRO, MILK
SERPENT (loud breathing), SOUL.
UNBORN, HORNLESS, A symbol of lower qualities, — the
BEARDED :— desires, instincts, and passions.
"And ho shall separate the nations one
A symbol of the Higher Self in
carnate in the lower nature, from from another, as the shepherd separateth
the sheep from the goats ; and he shall
which it climbs upward to Itself set the sheep on his right hand, but the
above. goats on the left." — MAT. xxv. 32, 33.
" The He-Goat sprung from
Pragapati's At the end of the cycle judgment
head." " The He-Goat is no other than will be passed upon the qualities of
Pragapati." " The He-Goat doubtless is
speech, and from speech the gods doubtless
the soul. The groups of qualities
went to the God-head, to the summit ; — (nations) which belong to the higher
nature will " inherit the kingdom," parable it is nowhere stated that the
that is, enter upon activity on the souls remain in the endurance of the
eternal fire into which they are sent, or
buddhic plane of consciousness, while into which they are dragged by their
the groups of lower qualities will be own evil against which the curse has been
deprived of activity and cast out for pronounced. That is not what is stated.
dissolution ZECH. x. 3). The The eternal fire is the eternal fire, whatever
goes into it or comes out of it or dies
higher qualities minister to the Christ within it. The dross is burned up, but
within the soul in their work of raising the pure gold remains. Hell ceases to be
those qualities below them, though hell the moment a soul is free from sin, — it
they may seem in so doing to turn becomes heaven." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
Serm., The Eternal Fire.
away from the Christ. But the lower
This sermon was published in the
qualities are incapable of understanding
Christian Commonwealth for June 18,
the higher, or giving sustenance to the
1913. As it contains probably the
germs of goodness and truth which the
first published reference to the very
Christ implants in the lower nature.
important idea of soul-qualities being
The lower qualities are left to be
" fire " meant in scripture instead of souls, in
reabsorbed in the purifying
many cases, — it is memorable.
of the buddhic plane (see verses BUDDHI, DEVIL,
34-46). FIRE (destroying), FIRE OP HELL,
" But suppose we leave souls out of FURNACE, GOLD, HAND (left), HAND
account for the moment, and think only (right), HELL, MAN (natural), NATIONS,
of spiritual qualities. I admit that these PURGATORY, QUALITIES, SCAPEGOAT,
can only exist in the experience of souls,
bat it is these which constitute the sheep SHEEP, SHEPHERD, WAR.
and the goats, and not the souls. Souls
can be freed from them or acquire them as
the case may be, can accept them or A symbol of sincere faith tending
reject them as time goes on, but there is upwards (desire exalted).
no necessary eternal association of a soul " Whether haply Phoebus Apollo may
with any quality. Once we see this the
parable becomes luminous. You can draw be willing, having partaken of the savour
the dividing line then between the sheep of lambs and unblemished goats, to avert
and the goats with absolute clearness. from us the pestilence." — Iliad, Bk. I.
The sheep are the good things in our Whether it will be that the Higher
nature, the Christlike qualities in our Self, having accepted the contribution
character and experience ; the goats are of the lower self in the thought of
the opposite. And Jesus can say, and
does say, to every soul in whom his own
loving service (savour of lambs) and
love and purity are all in all,
Come, ye sincere faith (unblemished goats),
blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom will afford the lower self the means
prepared for you from the foundation of for overcoming the adverse conditions
the world.' And correspondingly he can
say, and does say, to the evils of life, to
which surround it.
the selfishness inherent in the natural man, See APOLLO, BURNT OFFERING, GOD
to everything opposed to his own spirit of (smelling), LAMB, PESTILENCE, SAVOUR
compassion and desire to help, Depart
from me, ye cursed, into the eternal fire.' (sweet).
For the devil and his angels, read ' evil GOD, POTENTIAL AND
and its agents,' and you have the truth
about that phrase too. . . . The eternal
fire is the truth, the righteousness, the A symbol of the central principle
love of Ood. Nothing can live in that of being, the only reality, and the
devouring flame that is of the nature of a source of the transitory manifestation
lie or wars against the essential life of any of the external universe, and of the
being. That consuming fire is eternal as human soul.
God himself ; it is because he is ; it is that
" The only Life which exists entirely in
which was from the beginning, is now,
and ever shall be, world without end. . . . itself, from itself, and by itself, is the Life
Note carefully that I do not say that it is of God, or of the Absolute ; — which two
these good and evil qualities and not the words mean one and the same thing ; so
souls in which they are expressed, that will that when we say the Life of the Absolute,
enter into blessedness or suffering at the we only use a form of expression, since
word of our divine Redeemer. They (the the Absolute is Life, and Life is the
souls) do. The qualities are attached to Absolute.
the souls and have no independent exist This Divine Life lies entirely hidden in
ence. . . . But note also, that in this itself ; — it has its residence within itself,
and abides there completely realised in, " We get no proofs out of nature that
and accessible only to itaelf. It is all go farther than to prove a God of nature,
being, and beside it there is no being. It is least of all do we get any that show Him to
therefore wholly without change or varia be acting supernaturally to restore the dis
tion. Now this Divine Life discloses itself, orders of nature. . . . Our God derived
appears, becomes visible, manifests it from nature, is a monosyllable only, or
self as such — as the Divine Life : and this at beat a mechanical first cause, and no
its manifestation, presence, or outward such being as the soul wants. Resting
existence, is the world." — J. Q. FICHTE, here, therefore, or allowing ourselves to
Nature of the Scholar, p. 134. be retained by what we call our natural
" How little do we know of ourselves ! theology, Christianity dies out on our
How unjust we are to ourselves ! We hands for the want of a Christian God.
study everything else but the Divine And accordingly it is a remarkable fact
Principle within our own persons. The that we have lost faith in God just in
truth may be on our lips ; but in how proportion to the industry we have
few hearts does it live ! We need a new spent in proving His existence by the
revelation — not of heaven or of hell, — natural evidences. First, because the
but of the SPIRIT within ourselves." — God we prove does not meet our living
W. E. CHANNING, D.D., The Perfect Life, wants, being only a name for causes, or a
p. 57. God of causes ; secondly, because in
" Man can name and can think of God turning to Christianity for help, we have
because in his inmost substance he is of rather to turn away from the God we have
God. 'All divine things,' says Dionysius, proved, than toward Him. There ifi no
in so far as they are manifested to us, are relief to this mischief, but to conceive at
known only by participation therein." . . . the beginning that nature is but a
The chief names of God allowed by fraction of the complete system of God ;
Dionysius are Goodness, Love, Being, Life, that the true living God is a vastly
Wisdom, Reason, Faith, Power, Justice, superior being still, who holds the worlds
Salvation, Redemption." — ALICE GARD of nature in His hands, and acts upon
NER, John the Scot, pp. 33, 35. them as the Rectifier, Redeemer, Re
" Symbolically or metaphorically speak generator, — this is the God that speaks
ing, God can be called truth, goodness, to our true wants." — H. BUSHNELL,
essence, light, justice, sun, star, breath, Nature and the Supernatural, pp. 357-8.
" Love strives after the
water, lion, etc. But in reality he is good ; it is
exalted above all those predicates, since nothing other than God himself." —
each of them has an opposite, while in ECKHABT.
him there is no opposition" " It is the divine in man that impels
Scotus (Erigena)). — UEBERWEQ, Hist, of him to love God as He is in reality, and
Philot., Vol. I. p. 361. the aim of that love is to take God into
As to the true God of the human himself, — to become one with God." —
conscience, He cannot be attacked. He GIORDANO BRUNO.
has his ration d'etre in an invincible faith, " The very fact that you can love
and not in more or less ingenious argu proves that God is love ; he must be
ments. Within the conscience a sacred capable of it or you could not have had it.
voice is to be heard, which speaks to man He must be wisdom or you would never
of quite another world, the world of have been able to think a thought ; he
the ideal, the world of truth, of kindness, must be goodness or the very idea of
of justice. If there were nothing but goodness would never have been yours.
Nature we might wonder whether God God is the limitlesB reservoir out of which
were necessary, but since an honest man all our idealism arises, and without which
existed, God has been proved. ...
I have
no need of miracles for believing in Him,
truth, beauty and righteousness could not
be ; to see these is to see God." — R. J.
I have only to listen in silence to the CAMPBELL, Serm., Our Solidarity with God.
" The idea of God as a man is a just
revelations of my heart." — ERNEST
RENAN, Letter to M. Qiroult, 1862. idea, for God is divine love and divine
" If you will be blind to sense and see wisdom, with every quality belonging
with the mind ; if you will turn from the thereto, and the subject of these is man."
flesh and waken the eyes of the soul, — SwEDENBORd, Apoc. Rev., n. 224.
thus and thus only shall you see God." — " Ere yet time was, God dwelt alone
CELSUS, Origen cont. Cels., 7, 36. in unrevealed loveliness and glory. . . .
The desire of self-expression is an esential
God is Love — internal. There is attribute of the Absolute Beauty whereof
no external God — a supposed dis these phenomenal forms are so many par
penser of rain or fine weather, of tial manifestations. The phenomenal
miraculous escapes and shocking universe then results from this desire of
fatalities, of mining rescues and dire self-manifestation on the part of Absolute
Beauty " (Sufi doctrine). — GIBB, Hist, of
effects of explosions, of healings and Ottoman Poetry, Vol. I. p. 16.
diseases, of beautiful landscapes and See ABSOLUTE, ATMAN, BRAHUA,
deadly earthquakes, etc. In God CONDITIONED, DEITY, FATHER, FOOD,
there are no opposites. GODHEAD, IMAGE, JESUS (son of God),
MACROCOSM, MIND (good), MONAD, quaternary, as the means of evolution,
OGDOAD, PRAGAPATI, SEED, SELF, serves to knit together the nature
SON or GOD, TBINITY. which is to be expressed under manifold
aspects on higher planes.
GOD BLESSING HIS " Varro derives the male divinities
CREATURES :— from heaven or Jupiter as the active
principle, and the female divinites from
A symbol of the Divine nature the earth or Juno as the passive principle,
energising the functions of the lower while Minerva denotes the ideas as proto
nature so that the processes of involu types." — ZELLEB, Hist, of Eclecticism,
tion and evolution may be established. p. 177.
" Heaven " and
" earth " are
symbols of Spirit and Matter.
GOD REPENTING OF PREVIOUS "Minerva" signifies the buddhic
ACTION :— plane, which contains the prototypes
A symbol of Divine realisation of of the manifest.
the possibility of superseding the See ALTAB (fire), ATHENA, BUDDHI,
initial attempts at Self-expression COME, ESTHER, FEMININE, HERA, Isis,
in low forms by fuller and completer ISTAB, LADY, MAYA, (higher) PROTO
life processes within improved astro- TYPES, RETURN, WINDS (four),
physical forms. WISDOM, ZEUS.
A symbol of the apprehension by Symbolic of the buddhic ideals of
the Higher Self of the strivings of Wisdom and Love.
the lower Self to secure its blessing. See SERPENTS (Nekhebit), SERPENTS
It implies the loving response of the (sparks).
Higher to the lower.
ING, GOATS (unblemished), NOAH, A symbol of the Absolute, — the
SAVOUB (sweet). Divine Reality, potential and un-
manifest, — the One Source of all.
GODDESS, LADY, OR WOMAN " Above and beyond the universe, yet
(CELESTIAL) :— compassingall things, and the source of
A symbol of the buddhlc principle, all things, is the World of Godhead,' of
or of the matter aspect of manifesta this nothing can be predicated, and It is
not reckoned among the Five Planes
tion, in its highest condition. doctrine of the — GIBB, Hist,
" I have remembered in Her (Lady) (Sufi Soul).
of "Ottoman Poetri/, Vol. I. p. 55.
what I hod forgotten ; and I, even I, The Absolute is at once absolute
live and am not hurt to my destruction. process. The Godhead is the beginning
Therefore give unto me, give Thou unto and final goal of the whole series of
me bliss and Thy peace : that the grasping essences which exist. . . . The eternal
of the four winds may knit together my Godhead, as the beginning and end of
ports." — Book of the Dead, Ch. CX. all things, is concealed in absolute
In the buddhic (Lady) nature of the obscurity, being not only unknown and
soul is seen to be all that is contained unknowable to man, but also unknown
to itself" (Eckhart). — UEBEKWEO, Hist,
and evolved in and by the lower
of "Philot., Vol. I. p. 474.
vehicles through the building of which The Platonic, and still more the
the recovery of the true inner Self- Stoic, speculation had led to the recog
nition of something divine in the
knowledge has alone been rendered
spirit of man. In the more pantheistic
possible. And the true Self lives and Stoical form the doctrine might be ex
alone survives the temporary associa pressed as follows : The Godhead can
tions in the lower life, which have led unfold His essence in a variety of exist
ences, which, while they are His creatures
to the Higher Self's apprehension of
as to their origin, are parts of His essence
Itself. For this reason bliss shall be as to their contents. This is not ex
committed to the soul, inasmuch as pressed in religious language ; but the
bliss is of the true nature of the belief that the Spirit of God is actually
the guest and guide of the human soul
Self which in essence is pure bliss. The
was the source of all that was best and
full control of the lower nature in the moat ennobling in the system of the
Stoics." — W. R. INGE, Paddock Lectures, the sake of the gods precisely so

p. 62. in the Enuma elish." — A. JEREMIAS,
" The idea of God that man has in his Old Tett., etc. Vol. p. 143.

" Savitri the mind, end the gods are
being is the wonder of all wonders. He

has felt in the depth of his life that what the vital airs — Savitri, having harnessed

appears as imperfect is the manifestation the gods going by thought to the light,
of the Perfect. — RABINDRANATH TAOORE, to heaven,' — for as such as are going to
Hibbert Journal, July, 1913. the heavenly world by thought (devotion)
See ABSOLUTE, AIN-SUPH, APABA- he has harnessed them for this holv
work."— Sata. Brdh., VI.

<.ITA, ABHAT, ATMAN, BBAHMA, CON " Savitri " the Self working

through the higher mind, and the
MACROCOSM, MIND (good), MONAD, " gods " are the energies of the Divine
OODOAD, PATH (two-fold), PRAGA-
Life, the buddhi-manasic qualities.
The Self has attached to the soul the
higher qualities (gods) which aspire to
the truth (light), for it by means of

the higher qualities that the egos
Symbols of the highest Ideals in are raised to a higher state of con
the soul. Love and Wisdom, Truth, sciousness.
Goodness, and Justice. " Everything earthly in the Light -
" Not different gods amongst different world of Ormazd had its protecting deity.
people, — Barbarian or Grecian, of the These guardian spirits were divided into
South or of the North, — but like as series and groups. They had their
the Sun, Moon, Sky, Earth, Sea are the captains and their associated assistants."
common property of all men, but yet •— Zoroastrian Syetem. J. CLARKE.

are called by different names by different This means, that as was below, so

nations ; in the same manner as one also was in prototype above. The

Reason regulates all things, and one " deities " are the ideals which enlist
Providence directs, and subordinate
Powers are appointed over all things, yet the veneration of the soul. The
different honours and titles are by divisions are the groups of ideals
custom assigned to them amongst different centralised, which have been respon
peoples ; and these have established and
do employ, symbols, some obscure, some sible for the religious and other systems
more intelligible, in order to lead the of thought in human development.
understanding into things divine." — "What is God for humanity but the
PLUTARCH, Iiis and Osiris, § 67. transcendental summary of its supra-
" All the Gods are good, and invariably sensible wants, the category the ideal." —

the causes of good ; and all of them E. RENAN, L'Avenir de la Science.
are uniformly convolved to one good, See AMSHASPANDS, COMPANY OF
according to the beautiful and good GODS, COSMOS, FOOD OF GODS, GOLDEN
alone." — IAMBLICHUS, The Mysteries, etc.,
Th. Taylor trans., p. 68. SOLES, KALLIOFEIA, LIGHT-WORLD,
They are called gods who are in NIGHT, PROTOTYPES, QUALITIES,
divine truths from the Lord, and ab SACRIFICE, SAVITRI, VITAL AIRS.
stractedly, the truths themselves." —
SWEDENBORO, ApOC. /u :•.. n. 44.
The names of the Gods of whom
Orpheus sings are not the titles of
deceiving demons, but the designations Symbolic of Involution and Evolu
of divine virtues." — Pious MIRANDULANUS, tion of the Divine Life.
Opp., p. 106, ed. Basil.
" Justice, "Beginning of the chapters of the
goodness, disinterestedness,
truth, purity, love , do you not transport Garden of Rest, — one of the chapters of
these ideas to heaven ? Are they not
Manifestation into Day, of Going in
and Coming forth in the possession of
in fact the essential elements of your
conception of heaven T Is it not through
Divinity — of union in the Garden of

Reeds, of being in the Garden of Rest,


them that you imagine beings in higher

even in the Great City, the Lady of th«
stages of existence ? Is not the very
idea of a higher being this, — that the
Four Winds." — Book the Dead (Heading

elements of moral perfection dwell in of Chapter CX.), trans. BLACKDEN.

him in fullness and unity, as they are A description of the Soul's pilgrimage
not unfolded upon earth Here then towards Nirvana (Garden of Rest)

we learn the greatness of human nature." during a manvantara beginning with

— W. E. CHANNINO, The Perfect Life, p. 51.

the cycles, first, of Involution (Going

So that the gods might dwell upon

the earth in joy of heart, Marduk created in), and second, of Evolution (Coming
mankind Man therefore created for forth) of the Life of the Logos. The

acquirement of Individuality, or union signifies the transferring of the ex
with the Higher, as the separated periences from below to the causal-
Self rises above the functionings of the body. This " channel " is said to be
Astral life (Garden of Reeds). The the size of a soul, the extent of which is
periodic retirement of the Ego be comparable to the degree of the
tween incarnations into the Causal - capacity of experience. The " land
body or higher Mind -centre (Great marks " denote the successive incar
City) through which Buddhi (Lady) nations by means of which the soul
rules evolution in the Lower Quaternary garners its harvest ; and the
(Four Winds), namely on the Lower coloured spot is the permanent atom
Mental, the Astral, the Etheric, and of the causal-body. The " imperish
the Physical planes of the Soul. able food " is the Wisdom and Love
See BUDDHI, CHAPTERS, CITY which suffice eternity. The " houses "
(sacred), COMING FORTH, EVOLUTION, are the temporary habitations of the
A O, INCABNATION, ego on the lower planes, and the
poles, roofs and walls
" stand
INCARNATION, SELF, WINDS (four). for the physical, astral, kama-manasic,
and mental sheaths, on the respective
GOLD :— planes.
A symbol of spiritual qualities of See ATOM, ATOMS, BUDDHI, CAUSAL-
the buddhlc plane. Divine Wisdom ; BODY, CHANNELS, EXPERIENCES, FOOD,
celestial Truth. The endowments of HOUSE, INCARNATION, LANDMARKS,
the soul which are above the mental
plane. The " treasures in heaven."
" And the city was
pur« gold, like unto GOLD, FRANKINCENSE AND
pure glass" — RKV. xxi. 18. MYRRH, AS OFFERING TO
And the higher state of consciousness THE DIVINE :—
was on the buddhic plane whereon Symbolic of philosophy, meta
Wisdom and Truth were clearly per physics, and logic, the productions
ceived. of intellectual concentration.
" And what does he "
(the Psalmist) call And (the wise men) came into the
gold, saving wisdom ; of which Solomon
house and saw the young child with
saith, ' A treasure to be desired lieth at
' Mary his mother ; and they fell down aud
rest in the mouth of the wise ( I'nov. xxi. their
That is, he saw wisdom as gold, worshipped him ; and opening
20.) ?
and therefore called it a
" treasure
: and
treasures they offered unto him gifts,
gold and frankincense and myrrh." —
she is well designated by the name of MAT. ii. 11.
'gold,' for that, as temporal goods are
purchased with gold, so are eternal And the faculties enlightened in
blessings with wisdom." — GREGORY THE tellectually and seeking for Truth
GREAT, Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. I. came into the soul's innermost
p. 228. sanctuary, where the Divine Truth and
"Gold signifies the good of love." —
SWEDENBOBO, Ajioc. Rev., n. 913.
Love ensouled in the purified nature
See APPLES, ARMAITI, BUDDHIC that bore It was revealed to their
PLANE, CRYSTAL, GLASS, HAVILAH, opening intellectual vision. In deep
METALS, NET (golden), SAVITBI, SILVER, veneration they bowed down before
TREASURE, WISDOM. their highest Ideal, and then they
were able to offer up to It their best,
GOLD-COLOURED SPOT :— — their much valued treasures of
A symbol of a permanent atom of philosophy, metaphysics, and logic,
the causal -body, as a centre of through which they sought for Truth.
organisation on the higher mental " The Magi, opening the stores of
plane, and to which are attached Scripture, offer its threefold sense, his
the buddhic qualities. torical, moral, and allegorical, or Logic,
" There collect the water into a channel Physic, and Ethics." — Gloss, Ansehn.
" The reason
why the Magi offered
the size of a Hathra ; there fix landmarks these three was because gold signified
on a gold-coloured spot, (provided) with celestial good, frankincense spiritual good,
imperishable food ; there erect houses and myrrh natural good, and from these
(composed of) mats and poles and roofs and threo goods all worship is derived." —
walls." — Vendidad, II. SWEDENBORC, Apoc. Rev., n. 277.
The using of a water channel After Adam and Eve leave the Garden
of Eden, then at God's command, gold, The incarnate Self is related to the
frankincense and myrrh are brought by the purified
Supreme Self through
angels." — Book of the Conflicts of Adam.
emotions (neck). The Supreme Self
The Supreme, through His messen
is the Divine Reality, the centre of all.
gers or subjective agencies, imparts
to the mind and emotion, nature in
The Divine Wisdom (gold) imparts
Truth (light), and the Supreme Self is
their innermost capacity, — spiritual
the eternal Truth.
wisdom (gold) purity or grace (frank "
Indra and Agni are the same as
incense) and peace or bliss (myrrh). these two, to wit, the gold plate and the
These await their development within gold man : Indra is the gold plate, and
the soul. Agni the man." — Ibid., X. 4, 1, 6.
A symbol of the cycle of Involution
A symbol of the atma-buddhlc which preceded the present cycle of
monad or Divine spark ensouled In Evolution. It is the age of archetypal
the buddhlc causal -body of the human perfection.
race. The higher individuality. " During the happy reign of Yima, there
"If the dviyagus brick is that same was neither cold nor heat, neither decay
Sacrificor who is that Gold man ( I'rngupat i nor death, nor malice produced by the
or Agni), which then is that real form of demons ; Father and Son walked forth,
his ? Well, that Gold man is his divine each fifteen years old in appearance." —
body, and this brick is his human one. The Homa Yasht, Hxuo, Essays.
As to that Gold man, that is his immortal " Yima " represents the primordial
form, — his divine form ; gold being
immortal. And as to this brick being Self, — tin- Spirit in its descent into
made of clay, it is because this is his matter of the higher planes. The
human form." — Sola. Brdh., VII. 4, 2, 17. happy reign " refers to the Golden
If the causal-body represents the Age during which all contrasts, good
Archetypal Self, who is the Divine and evil, and the like, were non
Monad T— which is the original Divine existent. Decay and death are con
Self T Well, the Divine Monad is sequent upon evolution, not involution.
the spiritual expression direct from Malice implies the opposite of love,
above, and the causal-body, is the and the
" demons " are those
expression of the Self working from which are concerned with its adminis
below upwards in the matter of the tration : the evil powers had not yet
planes. As to the Divine Monad, functioned. The " Father and Son "
that is the Self's primordial eternal signify the First and Second Logoi,
condition, — his state of being in atma. or Divine outpourings. The " fifteen
And as the causal -body is formed of years " refers to the early part of the
higher mental matter, so it is the cycle of involution, which is on both
expression of the Self through human the atmic and buddhic planes. Invo
involution and constitutes the In lution does not yet occur lower than
dividuality. these planes, — not until the Third
See ALTAB (fire), BBICKS, CAUSAL- Logos functions.
BODY, DVIYAQUS, MONAD, PBAGAPATI, " During the Third Dynasty (man's),
SELF. human beings among whom respectful
manners and pure customs prevailed
GOLD PLATE (CIRCULAR) :— occupied one territory. The kingly office
A symbol of the sun which Is a was not mere pageantry ; nor were the
functions of state ministers empty show.
symbol of the Supreme Self the centre Good government was established by
and source of all things. rulers, and correct instruction diffused
" He among the people." — Chinese Mythology.
(the Sacrificer) hangs a gold plate
round his neck, and wears it ; for that KIDD, China, p. 101.
gold plate is the truth. . . . Now that And now it is that the nascent
truth is the same as yonder sun. For humanity of the Golden Age, — the
gold is light, and the sun is the light ;
gold is immortality, and he is im early type in which the absence of all
mortality."— Sata. Br&h., VI. 7, 1, 1-2. relative experience appears as Edenic
perfection, — is developed. The " terri ment of the celestial city. They met
" is a symbol of limitation im for this purpose in a place called Idavoll,
which is in the centre of the divine abode.
posed upon the race by the Absolute Their first work was to erect a court
through whom humanity is formed and or hall wherein are twelve seats for them
organised. At this stage no self- selves, besides the throne which is occu
consciousness has been arrived at, pied by All-father. This hall is the
largest and most magnificent in the uni
that is, things could not be other verse, being resplendent on all sides, both
than they are. Necessity is at this within and without, with the finest
stage of being imperative. The gold. Its name is Oladsheim. They also
" kingly office " signifies the Divine erected another hall for the sanctuary of
It is a very fair structure,
Will, and the " state ministers " are
the goddesses.
and called by men Vingolf. Lastly they
those agents through whom the built a smithy, and furnished it with
Divine Will is executed. At this hammers, tongs, and anvils, and with
these made all the other requisite instru
period of involution all the principles ments, with which they worked in metal,
or laws of the universe are, as it stone, and wood, and composed so large
were, laid down and worked out a quantity of the metal called gold that
ideally, and these serve for the guiding they made all their moveables of it.
Hence that age was named the Golden
of the process of evolution which is
Age. This was the age that lasted until
to follow. the arrival of the women out of Jotuuheim,
" In the age of perfect virtue they "
(the who corrupted it (Prate Edda). — MALLET
spirit-like men) attached no value to North. Antiq., p. 409.
wisdom, nor employed men of ability. At the commencement of the cycle
Superiors were but as the higher branches
of a t reo ; and the people were like the
of hi volution, the Supreme co-ordinates
deer of the wild. They were \ipright the primal forces and conditions of
and correct, without knowing that to be manifestation that they might work
so was Righteousness ; they loved one
together with him in the development
another, without knowing that to do
so was Benevolence ; they were honest
of human souls and their perfection-
and leal-hearted, without knowing that it ment on the higher planes. They
waa Loyalty ; they fulfilled their engage began their operations upon the
ments, without knowing that to do so
higher buddhic plane (Idavoll), and
waa Good Faith ; in their simple move
ments they employed the services of one from a centre thereon the Soul or
another, without thinking that they higher causal-body (Gladsheim) waa
were conferring or receiving any gift. constructed. This had twelve divi
Therefore their actions left no trace, sions corresponding to twelve stages
and there was no record of their affairs."
— KWANOTZZ, Writingt, Bk. XII. 2, of the cycle (Zodiac), and twelve
5, 13, S. B. of E. powers. The potential Soul was made
The Age is that of Involution and perfect on the buddhic plane, or in
" Wisdom (gold). There was also
of prototypal perfection. The spirit-
like men " represent the inner nature formed the buddhic vehicle (Vingolf)
of humanity being formed on the as centralising the higher emotions
planes of atma-buddhi. Mentality (goddesses). The smithy etc." refers
(men of ability) was not yet operative. to the activities of the higher mind,
The buddhic virtues were practised which being allied with buddhi pro
without thought of any contrary duced in perfection the buddhic
action. Perfect inner harmony was qualities (moveables of gold), perfect
" Golden
established through the perfect adjust on the higher plane in this
Age " of involution. This age of
ment of all conditions. There was no
sense of moral evil and therefore no harmony lasted until the mind was
appreciation of goodness. There was attracted downwards, and the lower
no karma, and therefore no fruits of emotions (women) from the astro-
action, nor individual responsibility. mental evolution entered into it and
" In times past, the divine nature filled it with turmoil and suffering.
flourished in men , but, at length, being " If now we associate the four elements
mixed with mortal custom, it fell into in their regular order with the corre
ruin ; hence an inundation of evils in the sponding Ages of man in their regular
race." — PLATO, Critias, p. 400. order, the dominating element during the
" In the
beginning. All -father appointed Golden Age will be fire, during the
rulera, and bade them judge with him Silver Age, air, during the Brazen Age,
the fato of men, and regulate the govern- water, and during the Iron Age, earth.
The conclusion of this is that the descent JOTUNHEIM, KALI-YUGA, MANGO CAPAC,
of man himself is due to his ever-increasing METALS, MINISTERS, CANNES, OHONA-
distance, so to speak, from the Divine
Hre." — K. F. SMITH, "Ages," Ency. of Reli MOCHI, PEOPLE, PYLUS, RACES,
This is very true ; and if the esoteric TLEMENTS, VARA, VISTASP (king),
meaning of each element is also WORLDS (five), YAO, YIMA, ZODIAC.
borne in mind, the entire correspond
ence is very striking indeed. Fire GOLDEN AND SILVERN
stands for the buddhic plane — the real APPEARANCE :—
arena of the Golden Age : Air for the Symbolic of active and passive
mental plane, the next below : Water states. Gold, or sun, signifies
for the astral plane : and Earth for activity : silver, or moon, passivity.
the physical plane, the lowest of all,
and furthest from the Divine. The GOLDEN CARRIAGES :—
physical plane is the most in evidence A symbol of high mental qualities
in the present Iron Age. The spiritual allied with buddhic faculties.
ego (man) descends to incarnate and
expressed itself on the lowest plane, GOLDEN CHILD :—
in an age of suffering and sorrow. See 1 friiAN YAGABBHA.
" You would know nothing either of
good or evil if you were absolutely free
from all restraint or coercion ; it is just GOLDEN OR PURPLE RAM
because you are not free that you have OF GOD :—
such a battle to fight between the lower A symbol of the buddhic vesture of
and the higher. The ideal life, the un the Indwelling Spirit (atma) — the
conditioned life of God, the life eternal,
knows nothing of the conflict between Incarnate Self, the " Lamb of God."
right and wrong, for there is nothing to On the arrival of Jason at lolcus,
give rise to it." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Senn., Peleas, the king, remembered the oracle
Qod'a Life in Man. about being on his guard against the
" Not merely revelation to those who man with the one shoe, and so asked
received it, but even human reason to Jason what he would do if he were told by
those who have made it their teacher, an oracle that he should be killed by one
has always signified that the wrong was of his subjects T Jason, at the suggestion
an importation, an intrusion, an invasion of Hera, who hated Peleas, answered
in the world. That there was a time that he would send that subject to fetch
when it was not, there was a moment the Golden Fleece. Peleas accordingly
when it began to be. This has been ordered Jason to fetch the Fleece." — The
always one of the dearest and most Story of Jason, KKIGHTLEY, Mythology.
precious thoughts of men, one that they On the Higher-Self (Jason, or
laid hold of the most eagerly, one that
they let go of last. And men have always Jasius) being born in the soul on the
seemed to carry a certain sort of proof mental plane (lolcus), and received
of their idea about with them in the very of the lower -self (Peleas) ; the lower
pictures and ideals of perfect goodness, — being in touch with the Higher,
which all ages have treasured and kept recollects that the Higher is never
alive. I suppose there is no other way
of explaining the strange fact that amid revealed in his fullness or perfect
all the personal badness, and social duality, and that the Unmanifest can
corruption that is in the world, the never be apprehended in its true
human mind has been able to preserve nature. So the lower, as it were,
the ideal of a pure society and a perfect
life, to dream of it, sometimes to strive puts the Higher nature to the test, and
after it, except by acknowledging the inquires what would be done if he, —
reality of an entrance of iniquity into the Jasius the Saviour, — were to be de
world, and looking back to a time before
livered up by one of his chosen qualities
that invasion when the world was sinless."
— PHILLIPS BROOKS, Mystery of Iniquity, (a "Judas") for execution T Then
p. 4. the Higher-Self prompted by the
See ADAM (lower), BONDAGE, Wisdom (Hera) within, which disdains
BUDDHIC PLANE, CTVILISINO PEOPLE, the opinionative knowledge esteemed
CRIPPLES, DEMONS, DWELLINGS, by the lower-self, answers that if
DYNASTY, EDEN, ELEMENTS, EVOLU this execution or consummation of
TION, GABDEN, GIMLE, GOOD (light), sacrifice, — the slain Son of Man rising
GOVERNMENT, INVOLUTION, IRON AGE, as Son of God, — be accomplished,
then indeed the endowment of the GOLDEN LIGHT :—
buddhic faculties (the Golden Fleece A symbol of the Divine radiance
or the Purple Robe) shall be attained of Truth which flashes forth from
and the Higher Self be glorified in the above and illumines the soul.
risen lower Self. And so it follows See LIGHT.
that the prompting from Above impels
the Higher nature in the soul to seek GOLDEN PALACES OF THE
Self-realisation through Self-develop CELESTIAL CITY :—
ment. Symbolic of the ideal types of the
" With her drugs Medea cast to sleep lower vehicles of consciousness, which
the serpent which guarded the Golden are on the buddhic plane.
Fleece.'* — Ibid. See CITY OF COD.
With the potent "drugs," or powers,
exercised upon the higher planes, GOLDEN PILLAR :—
intuition (Medea) lulled to rest the
A symbol of the Divine Ray from
desire -mind (the tempting serpent),
the Supreme, linking the higher and
and so revealed the buddhic nature lower natures.
to the consciousness. See PILLAR, SUTRATMA.
The " Golden Fleece " has the
same meaning as the " treasure in GOLDEN SOLES MADE BY HE
heaven," the "fruit of the Spirit," PHAESTUS, WHICH ENABLE
the "pearl," the "best robe," the THE GODS TO TREAD EARTH
"holy grail," "wealth." AND SEA AND AIR :—
See BULLS, BUDDHI, CADMUS, CON Symbolic of the functionings of
SULTING, DRUGS, EVOLUTION, GEUSH the causal-body, which the Divine
TASHA, HERA, INCARNATION, JASON, Mind contrived to enable the Ideals
LAMB, MEDEA, ORACLE, PEARL (Gods) to operate upon the lower
(precious), PELEAS, ROBE, WISDOM. planes through the vehicles connected
with the causal-body. These vehicles
GOLDEN HAIR :— of the ego are upon the physical
A symbol of the highest aspirations plane (earth), the astral plane (sea),
of the mind In contact with buddhi. and the mental plane (air). The
" Athene stood behind Peleus' son " soles " or " shoes " signify power
(Achillea) and caught him by his golden to advance hi progression. By means
hair, to him only visible, and of the rest of the Ideals which arouse aspiration,
no man beheld her." — Iliad, Bk. I. the soul grows towards perfection.
The Wisdom principle (Athene) See AIR, CAUSAL-BODY, EARTH.GODS,
appeals to the personality (Achilles) HEFHAISTOS, SEA, SHOES.
by inspiring it with loftier motives
and higher aspirations, for by these GOLDEN STAFF :—
only is Wisdom apprehended. To A symbol of the Divine Ray from the
tin- lower mental qualities the buddhic Supreme which vibrates downwards
nature remains unapparent. through the planes.
A symbol of zeal and love of the
A symbol of the emptiness of the
lower affections If they are taken as
an end in themselves, rather than as
GOLDEN HORSES :— a means to an end. The empty skull
Symbolic of insight into the truth is significant of the vanity of all
through the Intellect ; i.e. philo earthly attachments. The procession
sophy. of Jesus and the people to Golgotha
is typical of the soul which has not
yet entirely parted from those lower
GOLDEN HORSE TRAPPINGS :— affections which are attached to the
Symbolic of high mental perception outer form and not to the spirit
revealing the intuition of truth or within.
GOLOKA OR GOKALA, WORLD came to dance with him ; but as •£
OF COWS :— could not hold Krishna's hand aa they
A symbol of the buddhlc plane. danced, he multiplied himself into «
" Ooloka ' the world of the cows,' many forms as there were women, eaci
or woman believing she held the hand of
the supreme heaven of Krishna." — A. the true Krishna." — Story of Krishna.
BARTH, Religion* of India, p. 228. The higher emotions (Gopis), —those
The plane of buddhi (cow) is the essentially of goodness, justice, truth,
height of attainment for the Soul wisdom, kindness, patience, gentleness,
(Krishna) in the present cycle. serenity, peace, etc., — were in close
See BIRTH OF KRISHNA, Cow, GOPIS, affection with the Divine Ideal bom
KRISHNA. in the soul, and their activities were
GOOD FRIENDSHIP OF brought into harmony with the Divine
FOREIGNERS :— activities. Each emotion became
This symbol signifies the benefit separately harmonised and in tune
derived from the experiences of the with the Divine soul, and so partook
undisciplined and adverse qualities of the Divine nature, while they all
in furthering the soul's development. worked together to promote truth
" The extreme and righteousness.
strengthening of alliance ; "
the gratification due to the good friend Krishna is named Gopal. ' the Cow
ship of foreigners." — Dinkard, Bk. VII. herd.' " — BARTH, Reliyiontof India, p. 220.
9, 2, S. B. of E. "Gosvamen — lord of cows — is an epithet
The complete union with the Self ; of Krishna." — MON. WILLIAMS, Indiar.
the arrival of the consciousness in " Cow " being a symbol of buddhi,
buddhi, where all experiences, even
these terms are accounted for as
indicating that " Krishna " stands for
adverse experiences, are related with
the evolution of the Self.
the Higher Self, — atma-buddhi.
A symbol of the perfect archetypal
production of qualities and forms QUALITIES, SATYRS, WOMAN.
upon the upper planes of being.
" And God saw that it was good." — GOSHURUN :—
GEN. i. 10.
A symbol of the personality whicb
proceeds from the astral principle.
All that was produced through "
involution was pronounced " good," But when the Bull died Kaiomans
(Gayomard), the first man, came out of
that is, perfect for purposes of forth his right shoulder, and from the left
coming manifestation upon the lower Goshurun, the soul of the Bull, who now
planes in the cycle of evolution. became the guardian spirit of the animal
See COSMOS, CREATION, GOLDEN AGE, race." — Zoroantrian System, CLARES.
This signifies the period at the
commencement of evolution, when
GOOSE :— man is evolved from the involved
" Kaiomarts "
See SEB. is the Arche
typal Man who comes forth into
GOPIS, COWHERDESSES :— activity upon the buddhic and higher
A symbol of the buddhlc emotions manasic planes. The " right shoulder "
which accompany the manifesting signifies the outgoing, positive force ;
Higher Self or Divine Soul. the
" left " is the astral
" principle from
In those same amours (with the which arises the personality (Goshurun)
Gopis) to which Krishna surrenders
himself, we have a picture of the wander which becomes the regulator of the
ings of the soul (for Krishna is also the desires and lower activities. The
universal soul) and the ineffable blessed
" primal Bull "
signifies the matrix of
ness which it experiences when, restored all living things upon the lower planes,
and its " death " is the ensouling of
to itself and yielding to the invitations of
grace, it throws itself into the arms of
God." — BARTH, Religions of India, p. 231. the monad of form on the mental
" The Gopis were plane by the monad of life.
madly in love with
Krishna. As he played the flute they "
Also the whole realm of the clean
animals and plants came from the Bull's
" By the Gospel and the preaching of
body. Full of rage, A h rim an now created the Gospel is signified the annunciation of
the unclean animals, — for every clean the coming of the Lord and of his king
beast, an unclean." — Ibid. dom." — SWEDENBOHO, Apoc. Rev., n. 626.
" The gospel is that of the revelation of
From the same matrix proceeded
also the
" clean beasts," that is, God in Christ, who is the Alpha and
Omega, the beginning and the end, the
those natural activities which were first and the last. The gospel of Christ
in the astral course of production. would be powerless to help in readjusting
And in process of time the opposites life's beginnings and endings unless he
were himself in very deed a revelation
of these were brought forth ; the
of the cosmic secret, the heart divine that
positive implying negative, — the good, beats at the centre of all existence and
the bad ; the strong, the weak, and seeks its own by way of the cross. . . .
so forth. He was and is the focus and embodiment
" of that which was from the beginning,
Thus Ormazd created the dog,
Ahriman the wolf ; Ormazd all useful and is the true and only end of all our
animals, Ahriman all noxious ones ; and strivings." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
BO of planta." —Ibid. Beginnings and Endings.
" When the new light has come on a
The "dog" and the "wolf" heart prepared to receive it ; when the
symbolise the higher and lower minds new ideas, which are a gospel to us, are
or wills. The " useful " and " noxious recognised at once as the masters of life,
creatures " represent those apparently what is the main result ? They trans
beneficial, and those deleterious func figure life, they make all things new, they
exalt the common into the divine, they
tions, both of which are, however, cleanse and ennoble all the world. It is
necessary to the evolution of the soul. the work that the ideas of the Gospel of
" plants " signify the minor Christ do upon the spirit that receives and
activities in the earliest functionings loves them. ... In the realm of the
pure intellect all things are glorified as
of soul growth. parts of a great whole." — STOPPOBD A.
See AHRIMAN, ASTRAL, ABC. MAN, BROOKE, Serm., Peter and Cornelius.
" Our confidence remains unshaken, that
GEUSH-TASHA, HERB, KAIOMARTS, Christ and His all-quickening life are in
the world, as fixed elements, and will be
OFPOSITES, PERSONALITY, PLANTS, to the end of time ; for Christianity is not
PROMETHEUS, WOLF, YEHEEDAH. so much the advent of a better doctrine
as of a perfect character ; and how can
a perfect character, once entered into life
and history, be separated and finally
The message of Wisdom from expelled T It were easier to untwist all
within to acquaint the soul of its the beams of light in the sky, separating
Divine nature, its purpose, and its and expunging one of the colours, than
destiny. to get the character of Jesus, which is
" the real gospel, out of the world." — H.
How that our gospel came not unto BUSHNELL, Nature and the Supernatural,
you in word only but also in power, and p. 231.
in the Holy Ghost, and in much assur See AMBAYAVIS, INSPIRATION,
ance." — 1 TKESS. i. 6.
The message of Wisdom (Holy
Ghost) may be suggested from out
side, but its power, and the conviction
of its truth, can only be found within.
And thia too we must bear in mind, GOSPEL STORY OF JESUS
that as the law contains a shadow of
good things to come, which are indicated
by that law which is announced according A Divine Drama of the Soul's
to truth, so the Gospel also teaches a descent in Involution, ascent in
shadow of the mysteries of Christ, the Evolution, and final return in glory
Gospel which is thought to be capable of to its Source.
being understood by anyone. What "
John calls the eternal Gospel, and which To sum up all things in Christ, the
may properly be called the spiritual things in the heavens, and the things
Gospel, presents clearly to those who have upon the earth ; in him, I say, in whom
the will to understand, all matters con also we were made a heritage, having
cerning the very Son of God, both the been foreordained according to the purpose
mysteries presented by His discourses of him who worketh all things after the
and those matters of which His acts counsel of his will ; to the end that we
were the enigmas." — OBIQEN, Comm. on should be unto the praise of his glory,
John, Bk. I. p. 9. we who had before hoped in Christ : in
whom ye also, having heard the word of " The life
and death and rising again of
the truth, the gospel of your salvation, — Christ are to St. Paul a kind of dramatisa
in whom having also believed, ye were tion of the normal psychological experi
sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise." ence. We too must die to sin and rise
— EPH. i. 10-13. again to righteousness ; nay, we must
die daily, crucifying the old man uiu:
The container of all qualities and
putting on the new man — the true likeness
forms of the higher and lower natures of Him who created us. And this is
is the involved Spirit, the Archetypal why the identification of Christ with the
Man (Christ). In him the disciplined world-principle was so essential for him.
The ' whole process of Christ ' (as some
qualities are made the means of
of our English divines called it) was thus
accomplishing his purpose according proved to be the great spiritual law under
to the foreordained scheme of spiritual which we all live." — W. R. INOE, Ibid.,
development, to the end that the p. 45.
" In
the sixth chapter of the Fourth
qualities should be perfected and ' ' ' '
Gospel, when both Jews and disciples
return with him into the Absolute. show such a strange inability to grasp
The less disciplined qualities having the symbolic meaning of the ' bread
received the
" word of truth " from which came down from heaven,' our Lord
within, now possess the means whereby closes the discussion by saying, ' It is
the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh pro-
they also may be perfected, for they fiteth nothing. The words that /
have been allied indissolubly with the spoken they are spirit and they are life.'
Wisdom nature which is to transmute ...
A purely historical faith appeals
only to the understanding, to the faculty
which judges of scientific or historical
" The Gospel narrative is to be studied truth in other fields , that the conclusions
' '
in order that we may know : it does not it arrives at are as liable to be upset as
convey knowledge immediately. Getting the conclusions of secular historians ; and
to know is a gradual process, a progres that it is subject to the limitations which
sive inner experience. God reveals Him Bacon asserts of intellectual investigations
generally — Studies teach not their own
self within us ea we are able to receive
Him."— W. R. INOE, Paddock Lectures, use.' The words of Christ appeal not to
p. 61. the senses and understanding but to the
The deep meanings which underlie I
heart and higher reason." — bill., p. 49.
"These Christian mystics see in the
the teaching of the Gospel drama were historic life of Christ an epitome — or if
crystallised, so to speak ; and to get you will, an exhibition — of the essentials
at them, the crude external form of of all spiritual life. There they see
dramatised not only the Cosmic process
expression has to be broken up into of the Divine Wisdom, but also the inward
fragments, and then, — and then only, experience of every soul on her way to
— can be perceived the infinite wisdom union with that Absolute ' to which the
concealed in the whole scriptural narra whole creation moves.' This is why the
expressions which they use to describe
tion. the evolution of the mystical consciousness
The deep meanings have always from the birth of the divine in the spark
been recognised partially by a few, of the soul, to its final unification with
as will be found by consulting the the Absolute Life, are so constantly chosen
from the Drama of Faith. In this
writings of the seers of all past ages. drama they see described under veils the
But these interpretations of the supreme and necessary adventures of
aeers are a question of interior illumina the «pirit. Its obscure and humble birth,
tion, and so are seldom seen or heard its education in poverty, its temptation,
mortification, and solitude, its ' illumi
of in the world. But we may be '
nated life of service and contemplation,
assured that these inner meanings will '
the desolation of that dark night of the
in time become universally recognised, soul in which it seems abandoned by the
as indeed they are at present on higher Divine : the painful death of the self, its
resurrection to the glorified existence of
planes of the soul, — which subjective the Unitive Way, its final reabsorption in
fact makes people cling with such its Source." — E. UNDERBILL, Mysticism,
tenacity and unreasoning stubbornness p. 144.
to the Bible and the other scriptures, MAM, ASCENSION, CHRIST,
See ARC.
all of which contain similar ideas of DISCIPLES, EVOLUTION, HOLY GHOST,
the soul and God under their surface INCARNATION, INSPIRATION, JESUS,
expression. All scriptures have been MULTITUDES, QUALITIES, RESUR
written down and preserved to suit RECTION, REVELATION, SCRIPTURES,
certain stages of human evolution. SOUL.
GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM :— facts, that the Gospels are concerned." —
A symbol of the Divine message Way, p. 225.
to the soul to make things below "The Gospel narrative, while related,
perfect, as their prototypes above — in Scripture fashion, — as of an actual
are perfect. particular person, and in terms derived
" And from the physical plane, — is a mystical
gospel of the kingdom shall
be in the whole world for a
preached history only, Of any person, and implies
testimony unto all the nations ; and then the spiritual possibilities of all persons.
shall the end come." — MAT. xxiv. 14. And hence, while using terms implying
The " " is or derived from actual times, places,
gospel of the kingdom
persons and events, it does not really refer
the spiritual " book of life " which to these or make pretence to historical
sets forth the course of the evolution precision." — Ibid., p. 230.
" Horst presented the symbolical view
of the soul ; it contains the history
of " just men made perfect " in all of the history of Jesus with singular
clearness. . . . The history of the Gospel
their qualities (nations). The end is in fact the history of human nature
must arrive for all that is less than conceived ideally, and exhibits to us in
perfection. the life of an individual what man ought
" Basilides added, that the life of Christ to be, and, united with him by following
was the beginning of a progressive shaping his doctrine and example, can actually
ami forming of the individual souls of become." — D. F. STRAUSS, Life of Jenut,
believers, as thoughts of God, out of the Vol. III. p. 430.
shapeless form of unconscious material See FOUR GOSPELS, INSPIRATION,
or psychical existence. . . The history REVELATION, SCRIPTURES.
of mankind is the type of the evolution
of creation." — BTJNSEN, Hippolytua, etc.,
Vol. I. p. 120. GOVERNMENT, GOOD :—
See BOOK, CREATION, DAY AND A symbol of the Divine order of
KIOHT, IMAGE, JUDGMENT DAY, the principles and laws of the universe,
PROTOTYPES, QUALITIES. " God is the Governor of all the world.
The purpose of His government, the one
GOSPELS :— design on which it all proceeds, is that the
Writings symbolic of the evolution whole world, through obedience to Him,
should be wrought into His likeness, and
of the soul.
made the utterance of His character. Let
" In assigning to the Gospels their that thought dwell before your mind, and
proper meaning, it is necessary to re feel, as you must feel, what a sublime and
member that as mystical Scriptures they glorious picture it involves. Then re
deal primarily, not with material things member that God does not treat the
or persons, but with spiritual significa world in one great, vague generality. He
tions. Like the books of Moses,' there sees the world made up of free souls of
fore, and others, which, in being mystical, men and women. The world can become
are, in the strictest sense, prophetical, like Him by obedience, only as the souls
the Gospels are addressed, not to the of men and women become like Him by
outer sense and reason, but to the soul. obedience. Each soul must enter into
And being thus, their object is not to that consummation by its own free sub
give an historical account of the physical mission ; helped, no doubt, by the move
life of any man whatever, but to exhibit ment of souls all about it, and by the
the spiritual possibilities of humanity at great promise of the world's salvation, but
large, as illustrated in a particular and yet acting for itself, by its own personal
typical example. The design is, thus, resolve. To each soul God brings all
that which is dictated by the nature itself the material of this terrestrial struggle, —
of Religion. For Religion is not in its all the temptations, all the disappoint
nature historical and dependent upon ments, all the successes, all the doubts
actual, sensible events, but consists in and perplexities, all the jarring of interests,
processes, such as Faith and Redemption, all the chances of hinderance and chances
which being interior to all men, subsist of help which come flocking about every
irrespectively of what any particular man new-born life. . . . The real victory in
has at any time suffered or done. That the struggle can be nothing less than the
alone which is of importance is what accomplishment in us of that which it is
God has revealed. And therefore it is the object of all His government to accom
that the narratives concerning Jesus plish in the world." — PHILLIPS BROOKS,
are rather parables founded on a collection Serm., ThePillar, etc.
of histories than any one actual history, See CrvnjsrNG, GOLDEN AGE,
and have a spiritual import capable of KINGLY OFFICE, MINISTERS, CANNES,
universal application. And it is with this
spiritual import, and not with physical OHONAMOCHI.
GOVERNORS OF THE EARTH :— " To be saved by grace supposeth that
A symbol of ruling desires and God hath taken the salvation of our
souls into his own hands. . . . God is
passions of the lower nature (earth).
" not willing that men should be saved by
Before governors and kings shall ye their own natural abilities ; but all the
stand for my sake, for a testimony unto works of the law which men do to be saved
them." — MARK xiii. 9. by, they are the works of men's natural
This signifies the bringing of the abilities, and therefore called the work of
disciplined qualities (disciples) before the flesh, but God is not willing that men
the tribunal of the rulers of the lower should be saved by these, therefore no
way but by his grace." — JOHN BUNYAN,
soul, — such ruling forces as brute- Saved by Grace.
power, greed, passion, lust, anger, self- " God is always the same —equally near,
interest, craft, cunning, all of which are equally strong, equally gracious. But our
" of this world." The qualities testify possession of His grace, and the imparta-
tion of His grace through us to others,
before these rulers for the sake of the vary, because our faith, our earnestness,
Ideal. our desires vary. True, these no doubt
See CALAMITIES, DISCIPLES, EABTH, are also His gifts and His working, and
KING, MURDER, RULEB. nothing that we say now touches in the
least on the great truth that God is the
GRACE OF GOD :— sole originator of all good in man ; but
while believing that, as no less sure in
A symbol of the response of the
itself than blessed in its message of confi
Higher nature to the aspirations of dence and consolation to us, we also have
the lower. It is through the action to remember,
If any man open the door,
of the Higher nature alone that the I will come in to him.' An awful re
soul is raised ; the unassisted lower sponsibility lies on us. We can resist and
nature being Incapable of raising refuse, or we can open our hearts and
itself. draw into ourselves His strength." — A.
" We must learn to discern the true MACLAREN, Sermons, 2nd Series, p 35.
" It is not that God is a great way off,
from the false, the higher from the lower,
in all the relations of life, and trust to the but that we in spirit may be a great way
off from the apprehension of his eternal
redeeming grace of God to enable us to
holiness and truth. But the grace of
fulfil all righteousness." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
Serm., Ood't Lije in Man.
God takes advantage of every smallest
" If there is any sufficient infallible, opportunity to find entrance to the soul.
and always applicable distinction that The faintest motion of our spirits Godward
brings him to our assistance. There may
separates a Christian from one who is not,
be very little in us for his goodness to
it is the faith, practically held, of a
take hold of, but such as it is he makes
supernatural grace or religion. (Faith is use of it." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Ood't
the sister of reason ; grace is the medicine
of nature.) There is no vestige of Chris
tian life in the working-plan of nature. See BLESSING, DEVAYANA, GIFTS OF
Christianity exists only to have a remedial GOD, INFIRMITIES, LADDER, PRAYER,
action upon the contents and conditions SEED (good).
of nature. That is development ; this is
regeneration. No one fatally departs from GRAIL, HOLY OR RICH :—
Christianity who rests the struggles of
holy character on help supernatural from A symbol of the Divine Life, Wisdom
God. No one really is in it, however and Love (atma-buddhi), vehicled
plausible the semblance of his approach in the causal-body (the chalice).
to it, who rests in the terms of morality, The quest of the Grail is the search
or self-culture." — H. BUSHNELL. Nature
by the indwelling Self below in the
and the Supernatural, p. 356.
" A righteous man's reward is not the Personality, of the Wisdom and Love-
result of merit. It is in the order of nature above in the Individuality.
grace, the (super) natural consequence of This search is the Divine drama of
well-doing. It is life becoming more life. the Soul, in which the Self as a hero
It is the soul developing itself. It is the goes through the experiences of the
Holy Spirit of God in man making itself lower life, contending against ignor
more felt, and mingling more and more ance and evil and releasing the higher
with his soul, felt more consciously with
an ever-increasing heaven. You reap
qualities held captive by the lower,
what you sow — not something else — but
" Seen from different standpoints, the
that. An act of love makes the soul more Grail became the emblem of moral purity,
loving. The thing reaped is the very thing or of triumphant faith, or of soldierly
sown, multiplied a hundredfold. You heroism, or of gracious charity ; the
have sown a seed of life — you reap Life radiance of it became the radiance of
everlasting." — F. W. ROBERTSON, Sermon*, that ultimate perfection which allures
Itt Series, p. 219. those who struggle, and rewards those
who attain." — ROSE, Ency. of Religion and GREATNESS, MANY-CROWNED,
BODY, CUP OB CHALICE, EXPERIENCES, Symbolic of honour in high en
GOLDEN FLEECE, GOSPEL, HESFERIDES, deavours educing power over the
HIKOBOSHI, INCARNATION, INDIVIDU lower nature, in contrast with dis
ALITY, LOVER (maiden), MAIDEN, honour which attends the yielding
PEARL (precious), PERSONALITY, SELF, to the lower allurements.

GRAPES, OR WINE :— A symbol of the mental plane In
the sacred scriptures of Greece.
A symbol of the spiritual nature of " O Gods ! surely a great sorrow comes
love and wisdom. The " fruit " of
the " vine," or " tree of life."
upon the Grecian land. Verily, Priam
would exult, and the sons of Priam, and
" The common people like to mix water the other Trojans would greatly rejoice
with the wine of their belief. They in their souls, were they to hear these
usually mix a great deal : sometimes things of you twain (Agamemnon and
so much as to drown the precious drop Achilles) contending : you who in council
from the
calix inebrians,' ' the chalice and in fighting surpass the Greeks." —
of the grapes of God.' But it is still Iliad, Bk. I, trans. Buckley.
there, potent in its divine virtue to slake O Ideals ! certainly a great trial
the thirst of human nature for a good shall forthwith assail the mind.
transcending sense ; to lift eyes, dim
with (curs and dull with pain, towards the Assuredly the Causal Self (Priam) and
Beatific Vision ; to heal and strengthen its assemblage of high faculties shall
feet sore and weary from the rough thereby be developed ; and the lower
ways of earth, for the steep ascent of emotions (Trojans) will be greatly
Heaven." — W. S. LILLY, The Great
Enigma, p. 288. stimulated if the Desire-mind and
See CAN A., CUP, FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT, the Personality be stirred into more
HANGING, INTOXICATION, VINE, WINE. activity. For in the unwisdom of the
emotional lower self there consists
greater wisdom in latency than in
the mental faculties.
A symbol of the condition of awaken -
ment of the Divine life In the lower
nature of the soul.
And God said, Let the earth put
forth grass." — GEN. i. 11. GREEKS ; ACHAIANS :—
And the Supreme now directs that
the earliest beginnings of the Divine
A symbol of the mental faculties
which contend against the emotions
life shall proceed to manifest. The (Trojans).
"grass" symbolises the faint aspira See ACHAIANS, AGAMEMNON, ARABS,
tion arising from the lower nature in ATBEUS, FUNERAL PILES, SHIPS
the dawn of light and life. Grass (Greeks), WARRIORS.
upsprings from the soil which is
sluggish and inert, — the mineral form GREEKS, GREAT-HEARTED :—
of life. A symbol of the higher mental
" By green grass is signified that good
faculties which raise the lower nature
and truth of the church or of faith, which
and purify it, when allied with the
first springs up in the natural man ; the
same also is signified by the herb of the
buddhic emotions.
field." — SWEDKUBORQ, Apoc. Rev., n. 401. See HONOUR, PRINCES (Greeks).
The symbolic colour of the astral
GREAT INVISIBLE FORE plane, being the plane of growth
FATHER :— through desire. Hence the " green
A symbol of the First Logos, or sea " ; " grass," " herbs," " vegeta
of the Absolute, the Source of all. tion," etc., also " wood."
See ABSOLUTE, FATHER, GODHEAD, " If thou wouldst destroy Apep, thou
SELF (supreme), TRINITY-. shall say this chapter over a figure of Apep
which hath been drawn in green colour whole man, is, as it were, slain to the
upon a sheet of new papyrus, and over a world,' and then resuscitated ; but in a
wax figure of Apep upon which his name very different shape. By its passage
hath been cut and inlaid with green colour ; through this mystic death, the ' colour of
and thou shalt lay them upon the fire so unripeness is taken away. Its taming
that it may consume the enemy of Ra." completed, it receives wings, wherewith
•— From " The Book of Overthrowing it may fly up to Sol, the Perfect or
Apep," DR. BUDGE, Egyptian Magic, Divine ; and is transmuted, say the
p. 80. alchemists, into the Red Dragon. . .
The serpent Apep is a symbol of For the Spiritual Chemistry, then, th
Red Dragon represents Deified Man.
desire which inhabits, and energises
Man has transcended his lower nature,
upon, the astral plane. The "saying has received wings wherewith to live on
of the chapter " signifies the passing higher levels of reality." — E. UNDERBILL,
through the period of experience Mysticism, pp. 174-6.
which shall develop the desire nature The personality full of the desires
and make it of service in the soul's of the astral plane (green lion), and a
progress. The " drawing and figure union of mind (salt), desire (sulphur),
of Apep
" signify the illusoriness and and hidden Spirit (mercury), requires to
transitoriness of the things of the be disciplined in suffering and sorrow
lower planes, which truth the soul (hunted), and finally spiritualised
gradually realises ; and the burning and made perfect (captured), which
is the symbol of final purification, and causes its death on the lower planes,
the ridding the soul of the desire- and transmutation to the higher
nature the opponent of the Divine. (Great Work).
A symbol of the pursuit and capture A symbol of the higher and lower
by the spiritual and ethical qualities planes on which the Higher Self
of the lower personality with Its manifests.
passions and appetites. " Apollo, whose car we may sometime*
" The Lion
Green is the First Matter of see drawn by griffins, was properly the
the Croat Work : hence, in spiritual symbol of Christ, and in this sense is
alchemy, natural man in his wholeness — introduced by Dante in the procession of
Salt, Sulphur, and Mercury in their the church. The eagle's head and wings
crude state. ' Our lyon wanting maturitic represent the divine nature ; the lion's
is called greene for his unripeness
body the human nature." — H. C. BARLOW,
mic Tract). Here the common opinion K/tsays on Symbolism, p. 76.
that a pious effeminancy, a diluted and See APOLLO, BULL (man-headed),
amiable spirituality is the proper raw EAGLE, LION, QUADRUPED, SPHINX,
material of the mystic life, is emphatically WINGS.
contradicted. It is not by the education of
the lamb, but by the hunting and taming GROUND : EARTH :—
of the wild, intractable lion, instinct with A symbol of the lower nature of
vitality, full of ardour and courage, ex the soul, which requires " tilling "
hibiting heroic qualities on the sensual and " sowing " to produce good
plane, that the Great Work is achieved. " fruit."
The Green Lion, then, in his strength and " Therefore
wholeness is the only creature potentially the Lord God sent him
able to attain Perfection. . . . The King (Adam) forth from the garden of Eden,
dom of heaven is taken by violence, not to till the ground from whence he was
by amiable aspiration.
The Green Lion,' taken." — GEN. iii. 23.
says one alchemist, is the priest by whom So the mind having ceased to be
Sol and Luna are wed." . . . The trans influenced from the buddhic plane
muting process is described as the hunting (Eden) is directed by the Supreme
of the Green Lion through the forest of
When the Lion is law towards the lower plane activities
the sensual world.
caught, when Destiny overtakes it, as whereof its own nature has been
the preliminary to the necessary taming
process, its head must be cut off :
... builded up.
See ADAM (lower), CURSE (ground),
and its removal is that death of the
' EARTH (ground),EDEN, FRUIT (ground),
lower nature which is the object of all
asceticism — i.e. Purgation. The lion, the LAND.
A symbol of the lower planes.
And Horus brought back 142 of the This signifies the process of Evolu
enemy, whom he slew ; and he tore out tion whereby the Archetypal Man
" dis
their tongues, and their blood gushed out (Christ incarnate) " becomes
upon the ridges of the ground." — Legend membered," or scattered," for
of the Winged Sun-dish. the sake of the incarnating egos
And the Son of God went forth in (human monads), and so the One
• his strength, and completely (142) brings forth the many qualities for
mastered and dissipated the lower the use of each human soul according
: desires, and " tore out their tongues," to its stage of development. — See
Empedodes,verse 60 ; also ate \ COB. xii.
that is, cast out falsity and perversity ;
EPH. i. 10.
12-31 ;
and the vitality which had before
animated them was dispersed and
flowed to the lower planes wherein it
was resolved into its primary constitu
ents. (1 + 4 + 2 = 7.) EARTH :—
A symbol of the upward increasing
stature of the manhood or mentality
GROUND, HOLY :— from the lower nature to the higher.
First the natural man (kama-manas),
A symbol of
the spiritual nature of and afterwards the spiritual (buddhl-
the soul, which ia the foundation
manas) .
of manifest existence. See DISMEMBERMENT, EARTH, MAN
A symbol of the buddhic plane, or
the buddhic reflected in the astral.
It represents the inner nature of the
soul with its aspirations and higher A symbol of the Divine monads or
emotions, and in which the ideals spiritual egos within all human
are exalted and worshipped. beings, manifesting upon the mental
the ancients worship was also
" Auharmazd deliberated
in and in groves, and also on
gardens with the
mountains and hills ; for the gardens and consciousness and guardian spirits (frava-
groves signified wisdom and intelligence, har) of men ; and the omniscient wisdom
and every tree something thereof, — as the brought forward among men, spoke thus :
olive, the good of love ; the vine, truth
Which seems to you the more advan
from that good ; the cedar, rational good tageous, when I shall present you to
and truth ; a mountain, the highest the world ?— that you shall contend in a
heaven ; a hill, the heaven below it." — bodily form with the fiend, and the fiend
SWKDENBORO, T. O. R. 11. 204. shall perish, and in the end I
shall have
" And Asa did that which was good you prepared again perfect and im
and right in the eyes of the Lord his mortal . . . ; or that it be always
God. For he took away the altars of necessary to provide you protection from
' " — Bundahio, Ch. II. 10.
the strange gods, and the high places, the destroyer t
and brake down the images, and cut down This statement refers to the pri
the groves." — 2 CHRON. nv. 2-3. mordial free decision of the monads to
This refers to the change from a descend into bodies and go through
lower condition of the soul to a higher. the struggle of life with all its suffering
See EDEN, GARDEN (flowers), GODS, and sorrow, in order to win self-
IDOLS. consciousness and victory over the
lower limitations.
MANY:— The Divine Will is said to put
before the separated wills and con
This signifies
the process of Involu
the many potencies sciousnesses two alternatives for their
tion whereby
emanated from the Supreme eventuate free choice, — either to descend to
in the formation and completion of incarnation on the lower planes in
the Archetypal Man. order to contend against evil and
See ABC. MAN, EVOLUTION, INVOLU overcome it, and so ascend to per
TION. fection and immortality ; or to remain
merely conscious and automatic on GUARDIANS OF THE WORLD :—
the higher planes.
These are High Intelligences or
" Thereupon, the guardian spirits of Souls, agents of the Supreme to guide
men became of the same opinion with the and guard the expression of the Divine
omniscient wisdom about going to the Wisdom in the Sacred Scriptures,
world, on account of the evil that comes
and to aid in human evolution.
upon them in the world from the fiend
Aharman, and their becoming, at last " The guardians of the world hastened
again unpersecuted by the adversary, from heaven to mount watch over the
perfect and immortal in the future exist world's one true ruler ; thus the moon
ence, for ever and everlasting. " — Ibid., beams, though they shine everywhere,
V. 11. are especially bright on Mount Kailasa."
— Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. S. B. of E.
The monads being of the same
The Higher Intelligences come forth
nature as the Supreme, and suffused
to quicken the growth of the Soul upon
with the same wisdom, energy, and
the mental plane, as it is upon this
courage, elected to go forth into the
plane that the Selfhood is estab
world of strife, and enter into conflict
lished, and rulership maintained. The
with the relative self (Aharman), " moon-beams " here signify the re
confident of the coming time when the
flections of the light of Truth, which,
adversary shall be overcome and the
though they are everywhere discer
perfected souls rise to life everlasting.
nible, are especially brilliant through
" Beings that are absolutely free have the intuition proceeding from the
no reason to think of it. Now con we get
buddhic plane.
this freedom ? Yes, says St. Paul, it is
our heritage ; we came forth from it. It See AMSHASPANDS, ANGELS, APES,
is the mother of us all. Our spiritual ARCHANGELS, COLCHIS, CORETES,
nature is, as M. Bergson would say, DEVAS, KAILASA, MESSENGERS,
essentially free or derived from that which
is absolutely free till it comes into contact
with this material world. As far as we
know, it is not our doing that we have GUESTS, WEDDING :—
been put here ; it is not of our own
will that we have been subjected to this Symbolic of higher emotions and
earthly bondage. Will not he who has higher faculties accompanying the
made us so subject see to it that we are lower Self when it becomes one with
not left to perish in this prison-house of the Higher Self.
matter ? Whatever he has put us here " But when the king came in to behold
for, he will take care that we are not
allowed to fail of acquiring it, for it is the guests, he saw there a man which
on his account, as well as our own, that had not on a wedding garment : and he
we are having to pass through it. Our saith unto him, Friend how earnest thou
guarantee of escape is the freedom of God, in hither not having a wedding garment ?
the immunity of the divine nature from And he was speechless." — MAT. xxii. 11
the conditions under which we are having 12.
to struggle now. Perfect freedom is When the Supreme had regard to
perfect self-determination. God cannot those attributes of the soul which
be necessitated by anything outside him were bidden at the summons of the
self, for there is nothing outside him
self. He can will nothing but what is higher nature, to attend the union of
good, and it is just because of this that the Higher Self with the purified lower,
we have hope in him. Our salvation then was perceived a mental quality
stands in God's inability to fail or fall. in which the without and the within
This is the gospel. God in Christ has come
to set us free from our grievous bondage
had not become one so as to be
and to usher us into the glorious liberty invested as one. The attribute which
of the sons of God." — R. J. CAMPBELL, failed to wear the garb of truth was
Senn., Sources of Spiritual Freedom. one that ignored the process of uniting
See AEGAEON, AHRIMAN, AHURA- the external and internal, and which
MAZDA, BONDAGE, FBAVASHIS, IN therefore was unable to retain its
" feast." It was " speech
" because the conditions pre
PITRIS (solar), SERVANT OF GOD, cluded any expression of an unper-
SHEEP (lost), SONS OF GOD, SPARK, fected quality.
GUHU (SPOON) :— may be said of the method of purifica
A symbol of the causal -body on tion, that " it is all triumphant art, —
the higher mental plane. art in obedience to law " ; without
"Theguhu (spoon) and upabhrit (spoon) coercion and in accordance with love
•re looked upon as yoke-fellows, they and wisdom.
being the two homes that are supposed to See ESTHER, EVIL, LAW OF REVENGE,
convey the sacrifice (and consequently MURDER, OPPOSITES, QUALITIES.
the sacrificer himself) to the world of
the Gods." — J.
EOGELINO, S. B. of E.,
Vol. XII. p. 68.
The causal -body, the seat of the
individuality, and the mental-body Symbol of the Divine Will mani
the seat of the personality, are closely
festing under the aspect of intelligence
on the higher mental plane.
allied, and it is through the mental
activities (horses) of both, working
together for evolution, that the lower GUNAS, THREE; SATTVA, RAJAS,
nature is sacrificed and the conscious AND TAMAS :—
ness raised to the higher world wherein These are three states , or conditions ,
the ideals (Gods) are realised. The ofthe soul, made evident on the
spiritual ego is conveyed heavenwards mental plane in the self-conscious
by means of the individuality and the mind.
personality operating upon the mental In the Salt vie state, the mind is
intent upon goodness and truth,
plane of the soul.
wisdom and love. This condition
leads to the evolution of the higher
INDIVIDUALITY, PER (the bmld hie) emotions, and to the
INCARNATION, Ideals (state of gods).
SONALITY, SACRIFICER, UPABHRIT. In the Rajasic state, the mind is
full of outgoing energy towards the
GUILTY PERSONS :— acquisition of objects of sense, know
Symbolicof anti-social qualities, ledge, fame, power, ambition, social
such as hate, revenge, envy, malice, benefit, etc. This condition leads
cruelty, etc., which become active to the evolution of the mental faculties
in astro-mental forms In the lower in their widest range (state of men)
nature of the soul. and to the intuition of truth .
Guilty even though he
In the Tamasic state the mind is
king) had sentenced them to death, he sluggish, unaroused, stupid, ignorant
did not cause to be killed, nor even looked and without zest in the pursuit of
on them with anger ; he bound them with any worthy objects. This condition
gentle words and with reform produced leads to the evolution of the desires,
in their character, — even their release passions, and appetites (state of
was accompanied by no inflicted injury."
— BitddJui-Kanta, Bk. II. 42. beasts).
According to Manu, — Sattva (good
This refers to the involution of the
ness) has the form of knowledge, and
lower passionate qualities, — hate,
induces a deep calm full of bliss, and a
revenge, malice, etc., which though
pure light. Rajas (activity) has the
apparently abhorrent and condemned form of love and hatred, and induces
by the Higher nature to extinction,
pain and dissatisfaction, and an activity
are not really doomed. Neither are
difficult to conquer, which draws em
they regarded as inferior nor useless,
bodied souls to the objects of sense.
for they have their part in the Divine Tainas (darkness) has the form of
scheme. Through love and wisdom
ignorance, and is coupled with delusion
they can be transformed. They be
unfathomed by reasoning. — See Bhag.
come gradually regulated and guided
Gita., Chs. 14, 17, 18.
by the higher impulsions from above See QUALITIES, RAJAS, SATTVA,
within the soul, and in process of time Sm s \ r;, TAMAS.
transmuted into higher qualities.
Their purification, or release from the GURU, OR TEACHER :—
thraldom of the lower personality, A symbol of the spiritual mind ;
involves in reality no harshness, that faculty in the higher mind which
severity, or sudden transition. It brings knowledge from above to the
causal-selfin accordance with the things in which he delighted. And
endeavours of the lower self to attain in the midst of his suffering, when he
goodness and truth.
has no means of satisfying those
That Brahmana, who performs in cravings to which his life has been
with the rules of the Veda
given, — he is led at length to cast his
the rites, the Garbhadana (conception
rite), and so forth, and gives food to eye upward and to aspire to some
the child, is called the Guru (the vener thing towards which he had not yet
able ono)." — Laws of Manu, II. 142. been able to look. And then he asks
That higher mental faculty which that mercy may be extended to him,
carries out the Divine laws of the and that the buddhic function of the
higher nature in regard to the nurture causal-body (Lazarus) may be aroused
and sustenance of the spiritual germ in him, so that he may perceive Truth
and infant " Son of mind " in the (water), — to receive which, however,
soul, may be called the spiritual mind, his condition is not yet ripe, and he
" Without tho true Guru they finH must undergo further purification.
not the Real Thing. They who an?
purified by the True One walk in tho CAUSAL-BODY, FIRE OF HELL, FIVE,
true way." " There is no emancipation FURNACE, HELL, HERMOD, HIKE,
without the perfect Guru " (Ouru Nanak.). LAZARUS, MEADOW, MICTLAN, NIFL-
— MACAULIPFE, The Sikh Religion, Vol. I.
p. 365.
The true or perfect Guru signifies
the Higher Self. UNDERWORLD.
A symbol of the path of holiness,
HABIT :— or of the white magic, which is the
bringing into play of forces upon the
The functioning in old-established higher planes which act upon the
directions of the sub-conscious auto lower nature so as to purify and raise
matic mind. This section of astro- it.
mentality is amenable to suggestion
when constantly made ; hence change
of habits.
A symbol of the physical plane.
A symbol of the lower planes of " Haigi-no-kami
existence. The lower quaternary, is said to be the God
which is below the Upper world of of the space between the door of the house
and the outer gate." — W. G. ASTON
the higher planes. More particularly Shinto, p. 146.
it refers to the desire-mental condi The extremity ; the outermost plane
tions which involve suffering and
sorrow. Souls are always in Hades of manifestation is the physical.
" House " means
until the consciousness has risen causal -body.
above the lower mental plane and See HESTIA, NEPHTHYS.
entered the higher, where union with
the Higher Self is effected. HAIL DESTROYING CROPS,
" And in Hades ETC. :—
he (Dives) lifted up his
eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abra Symbolic of erroneous opinions
ham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. and doctrines destroying the germs
And he cried and said, Father Abraham, of truth and goodness.
have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, " By hail is signified falsity destroying
that he may dip the tip of his finger in
good and truth." — SWEDENBORO,
water, and cool my tongue ; for I am in Rev., n. 390.
anguish in this flame." — LITRE xvi. 23, 24.
The " rich man " See CROPS, GALES.
is the lower self
(kama-manas) which is satisfied with HAIR OF THE HEAD :—
the things of the world and the A symbol of faith, intuition of truth,
pleasures of sense. But by a change of or the highest qualities of the lower
state he is now cut off from those mind.
"My Mother the Holy Spirit even and put on mourning apparel." — PLU
now took me by one of the hairs of my TARCH, Isis and Osiris, § 14.
head, and carried me to the great moun Wisdom (Isis) now appears obscured,
tain Tabor." —Cited by Jerome from the so that the lower mind cannot perceive
Gospel according to the Hebrews. her, for she is to the personality
The Holy Spirit is the Mother of "black." The cutting off of the
the Christ upon the buddhic plane : " lock of hair " signifies that the ego
and it is through Her (Wisdom),
was deprived of intuition, or psychic
and through the uplifting of the soul which had hitherto been
through the intuition, that the
vouchsafed to the lower self. The
highest state of consciousness is the lower
deprivation occurs as
attained ; which answers to the ascent becomes active in
" lofty mountain." The raising emotion -nature
of the
the soul.
" a hair of the head " is the lifting " And his
(Ra's) hand stayed not, and
of the Christ-soul (Jesus) by a point of he made his form into that of a woman
contact which is attached to its most with a lock of hair which became the
divine lock in Annu." — BUDGE, Boole of
receptive functioning towards higher
the Dead, p. 342.
things. This refers to the activities of atma-
" Eckhart — at
teaches, the
apex of
mind there is a Divine
' buddhi energising the intuition from
which is so closely akin to God that it the buddhic plane.
is one with Him, and not merely united to
" For what is a lock of the head but
Him." — W. R. INOE, Christian Mysticism, the thoughts of the mind gathered
p. 155. together, so as not to be scattered and
" The most common and comprehensive dispersed, but to remain bound by
word for deity in the Japanese language is discipline. A hand is therefore put forth
Kami. . . . Kami no ke, or simply Kami, from above, and the Prophet is lifted up
it the hair of the head. Kami is applied by the lock of his head (EzEK. viii. 3) ;
not only to Gods, but to Mikados and because when our mind collects itself by
nobles." — W. G. ASTON, Shinto, p. 7. watchfulness, a heavenly power raises us
See FAITH, GOLDEN HAIR, HOLY upward from things below." — ST.
GHOST, MAUI, MEN (forest), MOUN GREGORY, Morals on the Book of Job,
Vol. III. p. 440.
A symbol of Intuition, or the buddhl- SERPENT (svara), WOMAN.
m ana sic functioning.
" Keresaapa, a youthful hero who wore
a side-lock, and carried a club, who slew
the serpent Svara." — Homa Tatht. A symbol of the Divine Life
The Love-nature (Keresaspa) signifies emanated from the Source of all
the path of the soul in Devotion to life and truth, In forms of infinite
the Ideal. The " side-lock " signifies diversity.
the attainment of intuition. The " From the skull of His head hang
" club " is a symbol of emotion. The down a thousand thousand myriads (of
nature is to be disciplined through hairs). ... All are in order. Each hair
is said to be the breaking of the hidden
the Love-element which conquers fountains issuing from the concealed
selfishness (Svara). brain." — Greater Holy Assembly, Ch. VII.
" The second sign (of a ' great man ' " skull "
The " hairs " from the
or Buddha) is to have hair curling towards are the atmic aspects of all things,

the right side, of a deep black, changing
colour with the light." — The Lotus of the the spiritual truth (water) from the
Good Law. hidden source in the Godhead.
When the consciousness rises to the See CRANIUM, FOUNTAIN, MONAD OF
higher mind (great man) the intuition FORM, OF LIFE.
becomes active (right) and no longer
latent (black), for the light of Truth HAIR TUFT BETWEEN THE
shines in it, and its quality (colour) EYEBROWS OF BUDDHA : —
becomes apparent. An emblem of spiritual truth within
" As to Isis (when she heard of the
the soul.
death of her husband Osiris), she immedi
ately cut off one of the locks of her hair, See UBNA.
ITS SMOOTHNESS :— A symbol of the externally positive
Symbolic of the freedom of the outgoing energy, — that which does.
perfectedsoul from the things of the The evolutionary force from within
lower planes. outwards.
" Ye shall see the Son of man sit
ting at the right hand of power, and
THE HEAD :— coming with the clouds of heaven." —
A symbol of contrition for the MARK xiv. 62.
shortcomings of the lower nature, When the consciousness is raised
and a sign of fervent desire to contact above the lower planes, then shall the
the Source of Truth and Power. adoring soul behold the higher aspects
" For it is not the wearing of beards and
of existence and the central Ideal of
the dressing in long gowns that makes
Love and Truth established in the
people philosophers ; neither does the
linen surplice and the shaven crown make evolutionary out-going power of the
votaries of Isis, but the real Isiacist is he Supreme. The " clouds of heaven "
that is competent to investigate by the signify the veils which for a time
aid of the Word, the symbolism, and the
obscure the love and truth of the
ceremonies connected with these duties
(after he has been lawfully empowered Supreme, but which disperse so soon
so to do) ; and who meditates upou the as the Divine glory and power are
Truth which is involved in them." — revealed to the consciousness.
PLUTARCH, Isis and Osiris, § 3. " Whilst on the one side Christ rests
In the Catholic and the Buddhist as from a perfected work which needs no
Churches the tonsure — addition nor repetition, on the other He
" marks the passage from the worldly rests not day nor night. And this aspect
to the religious life."— H. OLDENBERO, of His presence is as distinctly set forth
Buddha, p. 321. in Scripture as that is. For is not ' the
Nee ENEMIES OF GOD, SHAVING. right hand of Cod ' the operative energy
of the Divine nature ? And is not
HAIR TOP-KNOT :— sitting at the right hand of God '
equivalent to possessing and wielding that
unwearied, measureless power T Is there
HALLOWED OFFERINGS TO not blended together in this pregnant
phrase the idea of profoundest calm and
KYPRIS :— of intensest action, that being expressed
Symbolic of blissful conditions by the attitude, and thin by the situation T
appropriate to an early stage of growth Therefore does the Evangelist who uses
of the soul. the expression expand it into words which
See KYPRIS. wonderfully close his Gospel." — A. MAC-
LAHEN, Sermons, 2nd Series, p. 22.
A symbol of courage, action, and SECOND COMING, CLOUDS OF HEAVEN,
works, generated by the individuality. B/IOHT HAND, SON OF MAN.
HAMMER OF THOR :— Symbolic of self-directed activities
A symbol of will determined by the of the desires and of the mental
higher mind (Thor). qualities.
" And surely your blood, the blood of
your lives, will I require ; at the hand of
HAND :— every beast will I require it : and at
A symbol of the directive principle the hand of man, even at the hand of
of activity either outgoing (right) every man's brother, will I require the
life of man." — GEN. ix. 5.
or incoming (left). The positive and
And the life (blooij) being now
negative aspects of Divine action in
the soul. ensouled in forms, operates through
the law of cause and effect, so that
STRIKING. every form that it energises is the
means of reproducing certain effects
HAND, LEFT :— upon the various planes of its mani
" At the hand of
A symbol of the externally passive festation. every
Incoming energy of the soul. beast " signifies that the lower desires
are not exempt from the law of See INTELLECT, LANKA, RAMA,
progress of the Causative Power at RAVANA, SITA, SOTJTH, TRANSMUTA
work within. " At the hand of man, TION, VIBHISHANA.
etc." is meant, that the mind upon
its own plane
is held accountable
ethically, not only for its individual A symbol of the Divine Life which,
conduct, but for that of the human like a river, flows from the higher
planes downwards to fertilise the
race which is inseparably connected
lower planes.
with its individual expression. " The living and beautiful Nile (god
" You know what you know and do
what-you do, in order that the whole race Hapi), who loveth Nu, the father of the
may reap the benefit hereafter. You gods and of the divine cycle, he who
are just one point through which God is
dwelleth in the river. . . . Thou art
pouring himself. This accounts for all lord of many fish and gifts ; thou givest
our differences of whatever kind they be. food unto Egypt. The divine cycle
We live for one another, suffer for one knoweth not where thou art. Thou art
another, achieve for one another, and all of its life." — Hymn to Hdpi, WIEDEMANN,
us for God." — R. J. CAMPBELL,, Sei-m., Bel. of the Egyptians, p. 147.
Solidarity of Spiritual Experience. The energising and bountiful Divine
See BEASTS, BLOOD, EVOLUTION, Life is united with the Divine powers
GATHA (kam,), MAN (natural), MAN (Nu) operating in the universe and
(bad), PURGATORY. the soul, according to the scheme of
manifestation. Through the Divine
Life truths (fish) are bestowed upon
A symbol of aspiration towards the soul, and the mind (Egypt) is
the higher life.
" Then Chryses, the priest of Apollo, nourished thereby. The forms em
lifted up his hands and prayed aloud for bodying the life in the cycle of mani
the Greeks suffering from pestilence." — festation perceive not the indwelling
Iliad, Bk. I. Spirit by which they exist. God is
Then the spiritual mind (Chryses) hidden in his universe.
aspires towards the Divine within the See EGYPT, FISH, FOOD, GODS,
soul, and seeks to raise the lower MOIST, NILE, NO, RIVEB OF LUTE,
desire -mental qualities immersed in
suffering and strife. HAPTO-IRINGA, (MARS
PESTILENCE. A symbol of force, resistance and
A comparison of the Divine Nature HARAVAITI, THE BEAUTIFUL
to thefruit of the vine, — grapes signi LAND :—
fying Love of the Ideal. A symbol of kama-manasic en
See GKAPES, VINE. lightenment during involution. It
HANUMAN, SON OF VAYU :— signifies the emotion-nature express
ing itself so as to produce pleasure
A symbol of the intellect which to the soul at this stage of the soul's
proceeds from the higher mind growth.
" From the south came the welcome KAMA, PABADISE (lower).
tidings of the discovery of Sita by Hanu-
man, one of the chief captains of the HARLOT, OR STRANGE
Vanar host, a son of the wind-god by a
nymph of paradise." —J. C. OMAN,
The Great Indian Epics, p. 55. A symbol of the allurements of
The lower, or astral (south) sensation and desire which capture
emotions, when transmuted, bring the soul until it has learned that it
about the evolution of the intuition is wisdom that must be sought after
above all else.
(Sita) which the intellect recognises " Of the nourishments brought to the
and saves from extermination. The
" Vanar " are the mental soul of the wicked man are some from
poison and poisonous stench ; . . . that
qualities. A "nymph of paradise" is the food after death, for a harlot of
is a lower aspect of buddhi. very evil thoughts, words, deeds, and ill
instructed, not ruled by a master, and and a condition of spiritual blindness
wicked." — Hadokht Natlc, HAUO, Essays overtakes the discriminating mind
p. 233.
(Phineus), all of which implies torment
Of the food supplied to the soul at
this stage are stimuli which inflame and trouble. And so it came about
that immediately knowledge (food)
and excite the lower nature. These
was placed for the mind to partake
are the desires which must continue
of, it was appropriated by the irregu
unsatisfied, and the longings which
larities of the sense and desire natures,
cannot end, since they are to be the
and in this way it was that the know
means of drawing the soul again and
ledge, instead of being assimilated
again into incarnation ; for ao alone
will it work out its salvation. The by the understanding, was turned to
base uses.
folly (harlot) of the lower self is, indeed,
Wisdom reflected inversely on the
lower planes, and this is the means
whereby at first the Self is evolved in HARPOCRATES (YOUNG HORUS),
the soul. " Not ruled by a master " SON OF OSIRIS AND ISIS :—
signifies that the desire nature is not A symbol of the Higher Self born in
as yet regulated through the will and the soul upon the buddhlc plane,
reason. — See PBOV. vii. 6-27, and prior to the birth upon the mental
1 COB. vi. 13-20. plane. This is when the soul is
See ADULTEBY, COUBTEZAN, evolving upon the astral plane, and
DIVORCE, FOLLY, GATHA (kam.), MAN is, therefore, the point when the
Son of mind enters as a germ.
"Harpocrates came into the world
before his time, and lamo in his lower
HARMAKHIS, RA, THE EVER- limbs." — PLUTARCH, Iain and Osiris, § 65.
LIVING :— This signifies that the Higher or
A symbol of the First Logos, the potential Self is always relatively
Divine Life of the universe. unmanifested, and that the lower or
See RA, STRIDES. actual condition is never able to
express or support in fullness the
Symbolic of perfect adjustment of See BIRTH or HORUS, HEPHAISTOS,
all conditions during involution, HORUS (child), LAMENESS, LIMBS,
implying complete adaptation of each PLEROMA, SEED, WORLD.
part to the whole.
A symbol of the gathering In of
the " fruits of the Spirit " at the close
Symbolic of the condition of Bliss of the cycle ; that is, the attainment
reflected in the astro-physical of the spiritual results of experience
organism, thereby producing the and aspiration when the consciousness
basis of sensation. rises to the buddhic plane. It is
See BLISS, GOLDEN AGE, INVOLU the acquisition of perfected qualities
TION. of wisdom, love, and truth.
" The hour to
HARPIES :— reap is come ; for the
harvest of the earth is over-ripe. And he
A symbol of the unregulated that sat on the cloud cast his sickle upon
appetites of sensation and desire, the earth ; and the earth was reaped." —
which seize upon knowledge in order REV. xiv. 15, 16.
to promote their own aims. The period has arrived in the soul's
" The Gods to punish Phineus struck evolution when the consciousness is
him blind, and gent the Harpies to torment ready to rise to higher planes. The
him : these fell monsters carae flying the Higher Self, therefore, having con
instant food was set before him, carried off
quered the lower nature, sends forth
the greater portion of it, and so denied
what they left, that no mortal could from the piano of buddhi (cloud) his
endure to eat it." — Argonatitie Expedition. outgoing spiritual energy (sickle) to
Life becomes difficult at this stage, cut down all attachments to the desires
and objects of sense, and so liberate golden Hathor was goddess of the western
the ego from the lower nature (earth) sky which received the dying sun in the
glow of sunset." — WIEDEMANN, Bel. of
and enable it to rise to peace and bliss, Egyptiani, pp. 30, 142.
and inherit the treasures above which Buddhi (cow-Hathor) receives the
are the fruit of its aspirations and incarnate God (dying sun) in the first
efforts during the protracted period division of the Tuat, and parts with
of conflict and suffering on the planes Him in the last, when rising victorious
below. to his own plane (atma).
" By harvest ia signified the state of the
church as to divine truth ; the reason is,
because from a harvest corn is procured, PLACE (Annu), SEB, SHU, SUN, TUAT.
from which comes bread, and by corn and
bread is signified the good of the church, HAUMIA-TIKITIKI, THE GOD
this being procured by truths." — SWEDEN -
BORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 645. AND FATHER OF THE FOOD
A symbol of the instinctive sensa
tion-nature which receives impres
HARVISPTOKHM, THE TREE OF sions through the senses of the facts
ALL SEEDS :— of the physical life, producing ex
A symbol of the " tree " of the perience and knowledge as nourish
Divine Life growing from the atmlc ment for the mind and soul.
" Tumatauenga determined also to be
plane (Vouru-kasha) and containing
the spiritual germs of all qualities revenged upon his brothers Rongo-
and forms. matane and Haumia-tikitiki ; he soon
found them by their peculiar leaves,
See SEEDS, SPERMATIC WORDS, TREE and he scraped into shape a wooden hoe,
OF LIFE, VOURUKASHA. and plaited a basket, and dug in the
earth and pulled up all kinds of plants
HAST, OR COMPLETION :— with edible roots, and the plants which
A symbol of the Self below having had been dug up, withered in the sun." —
GREY, Polynesian Mythology, p. 11.
become one with Itself above.
" O Hast, I have entered into thee, Wisdom and sensation were known
I have driven back those who would come through the relation of mind to the
to the turquoise (sky), and I have followed emotions and sense perceptions. The
the winds of the company of the gods." — " hoe and basket "
operations signify
BUDGE, Book of the Dead, Ch. CX. p. 334.
the astro -mental methods of dealing
The Self is seen to be perfect and
with experience, whereby the fruits
entire, and in its entirety the lesser
of experience pass upwards.
Self abandons itself. The lesser Self
has struggled with the opponents, as KONGO, ROOTED, SUN, TUMATAUENGA,
they have appeared to be, of the higher
fife, and has proved itself triumphant
through the power of the Divine HAVILAH LAND :—
A symbol of the lower buddhic
TION, HIGHER AND LOWER SELVES. " The name of the first river is Pishon :
HASTINA-PUR, THE CITY :— and that is it which compasseth the whole
land of Havilah where there is gold ;
A symbol of the mental centre of and the gold of that land is good : there
the lower nature. is bdellium and the onyx stone." — GEN.
See BH!SMA. ii. 11, 12.
The " name " or symbol of the
first answers to the higher mental
plane : this comprises the circuit, as it
A symbol of Buddhi, reflected upon were, below and around the buddhic
the astral plane, or as the vehicle of
state. The " good gold " stands for
" Hathor means ' celestial Truth. Upon these levels
Abode of Horus.'
She was the goddess of love and joy. exist wisdom and power.
The cow was sacred to her."
HAWK ; SPARROW-HAWK j AN the intelligence ; that which
EMBLEM OF RA, THE SUN- distinguishes man.
GOD :— " Thou
preparest a table before me in
A symbol of the manifested Higher the presence of mine enemies : Thou
Self. hast anointed my head with oil ; my cup
" The runneth over." — Ps. xxiii. 5.
hawk stands for the Supreme
Mind, and for the intelligent soul. The The Self hath prepared for the ego
hawk is called in the Egyptian language the fruits of experience to be the food
baieth, from bai soul, and eth heart, of the soul, while the desires have
which organ they consider the seat or become inoperative. The Divine love
enclosure of the soul." — HORAPOLLO.
" Races having no connection with the is bestowed upon the aspiring mind,
Egyptian have associated sun and and Wisdom filleth the understanding.
— " Let they garments be always white ;
sparrow-hawk. Homer, for instance,
Od, 15, 525, — calls the hawk the and let not thy head lack ointment." —
of Phoebus.'
Rel. of the Egyptians, p. 27. , " There is the understanding, which
" A hawk was the symbol of God." may be termed the head ; because in
— CLEM. ALEX., Miscel., Bk. V. 7. that is placed the eye of the soul ; and
" The soul of man was often repre this is that which, or by which the soul,
sented by a hawk, the symbol of the sun- discemeth things that are presented to
god. Why the hawk should have thus it, and that either by God or Satan." —
symbolised the sun is a question that has J. "BUNYAN, Oreitness of the Soul.
often been asked. The Egyptians did The head being the uppermost, and
not know themselves ; and Porphyry, a chief part of the body, is often put for
in the dying days of the old Egyptian the whole man ; so blessings come on
faith, gravely declares that it was because the head, the whole person of the just
the hawk was a compound of blood and (PROV. x. 6) ; and men have their way
breath ! . . . Originally it was only the recompensed on their head (EzEK.
sun god of Upper Egypt who was repre ix. 10)." — W. GUBNEY, Bible Diet., p. 220.
sented even by the Egyptians under the "Head . . . the understanding ; a chief
form of a hawk. This was Horus, often or leader. . . . Head-work, intellectual
called in the later texts Horus the work. . . . Off one's head, demented,
(Aroeris)." — SAYCE, Rel. of Anc. crazy." — Chambers'* Dictionary.
Egyptians, p. 71. See ANOINTING, CUP, ENEMIES,
The sun, blood, and breath are all FOREHEAD, FOXES, GARMENTS, On,,
symbols of the Divine Life. OINTMENT. WHITE.
See BA, BIRD (great), BIRDS, BLOOD,
WORD. A symbol of aspiration and Divinely
directed intelligence dominant over
HAWK-HEADED HUMAN the lower nature.
Symbolic of the perfected human SET.
souls arisen to the higher planes :
or of the buddbic plane of the quater HEAD OF SET CUT OFF :—
See CROWN (atef), QEBHSENNUF. Symbolic of the mental element in
the desire-mind being removed.
HAWK, MAN-HEADED :— " Horus next cut off Set's head, and
A symbol of the spiritual aspect of the heads of his followers, in the presence
man, or of the Divine element in the of Ra and the gods, and then dragged
human soul. The incarnate Self on his body through all the land." — Legend
the mental plane. of the Winged Sun-disk.
See JUDGMENT HALL, MAN This means the depriving evil of
(righteous). its intelligent quality. And now the
Self is enabled to unite the conscious
HAWK-HEADED POLE :— ness of the lower planes with his
A symbol of aspiration towards own ; so that no longer was there evil
the Highest, or that attribute which or separateness between himself above
soars and attains perfection. of himself on
and the manifestation
the lower planes.
A symbol of the mind, the intellect, RA, SET.
(GAL. v. 6) Anti-Pelagius,
Vol. I. p. 221.
Symbolic of a spiritual condition " If you want to be
in which mind is superseded by happy and prosper
ous you must call upon your indwelling
intuition of Truth.
" The sixteenth good land was the divine strength. You must realise that
all you can possibly want or desire is
land by the floods of the Rangha where already within you, and that it rests with
people live without a head." — Vendi- you to bring it into manifestation. Thus,
dad. I, S. B. of E. if you are poor, you must believe that
This state of the soul signifies a all the wealth of the universe is within
condition receptive of a flood of Truth you, waiting to be drawn upon ; if you
are sick, you must believe the same in
from above, whereby the processes
respect to health ; if circumstances seem
of intellect may be dispensed with to be against you, you must understand
and pure thought, — the spiritual, and act upon the conviction that the
impress of reality, that which is self- spiritual nature of man is subject to no
limitations, and can neither be hampered
evident, — be substituted for the mind
nor imprisoned by material things." —
(head). R. J. CAMPBELL, Thursday Mornings,
INTUITION, RANGHA, WISDOM. " As transcending all mere develop
ment, I refer to that wondrous, inex
HEALING :— plicable function of healing, discovered in
A symbol of a spiritual process the restoration or repair of animals and
by means of which qualities are vegetables that are wounded or sick.
energised, harmonised, and purified. When a tree, for example, is hacked or
bruised, a strange nursing process forth
Evolution is often irregular and with begins, by which the wound is healed.
unbalanced through the vacillations A new bark is formed on the edges of
of the egos ; and spiritual adjustments the wound, by what method no art of
are made according to an ideal man can trace, the dead matter is thrown
pattern, as the souls become prepared off, and a growth inward narrows the
for them. The higher nature breach, till finally the two margins meet
gradually conforms the lower nature and the tissues interweave, and not even
a scar in left. So in all the flesh wounds
to Itself.
" of animals, and the fractures even of
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be bones. So too in regard to all diseases
healed ; save me, and I shall be saved : in >! terminating moil ally ; they pass a
for thou art my praise." — JER. xvii. 14. crisis, where the healing function, what
" For I will restore health unto thee,
ever it be, triumphs over the poison of
and will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the disease, and a recovery follows, in
the Lord ; because they have called thee which the whole flesh and fibre appear
an outcast, saying, It is Zion, whom no even to be produced anew. . . . Regard
man aeeketh after." — JER. xxx. 17. ing the body as a machine, — and taken as
The qualities after being disciplined a merely material organisation, — it is
by tribulations are prepared for the plainly impossible for it to heal, in this
manner, and repair itself. The dis
Divine upraising, wherein the lower
ordered watch can never run itself into
conditions shall be surmounted. By good repair. In machines, disorder can
the lower desires, the higher qualities only propagate and aggravate disorder
are unregarded ; for the soul's divine till they become a wreck. . . . Whatever
nature (Zion) is uncared for by the view we take of this healing power in
physiology, these two points are clear.
lower mind (man) deluded by the First, that the healing accomplished is
things of sense. no fact of development. There is no
" '
Who healeth all thy diseases ' : difficulty in seeing how existing tissues
this ia effected by the believer in the and organs muy croate extensions within
present life, while the flesh so lusts their own vascular sphere ; and this is
against the spirit, and the spirit against development. But where a new skin or
the flesh, that we cannot do the things bark is to be created, or a new interlocking
we would (GAL. v. 17) ; whilst also made of parts that are sundered, the
another law in our members wars against ducts and vesicles that might act ia
the law of our mind (RoM. vii. 23) ; whilst development, being parted and open at
to will is present indeed to us, but not their ends want mending Ihemstlvt*. . . .
how to perform that which is good A fevered body does not cure itself by
:'K"M. vii. 18). These are the diseases development. No shade of countenance,
of a man's old nature which, however, therefore, is given to the hope that human
if we only advance with persevering development, under the retributive woes
purpose, are healed by the growth of of sin, will be any sufficient cure of its
the new nature day by day, owing to disorders, or will set the fallen subjects
the faith which operates through love of it forward in a course of social progress.
This also, secondly, is equally clear, that, forth ; and it was restored whole as the
as the mysterious healing of bodies yields other." — MAT. rii. 13.
the development theory no token of The hand is the active and con
favour, it is only a more impressive type, structive instrument under the control
on that account, of some grand restora
tive economy, by which the condition of of the will ; and Christ's cure refers
unnature in souls and the world is to be to the energising of the will by the
supernaturally regenerated — just such a indwelling Self.
type as regarding the relations of matter See HAND, MAN (natural), Wnx.
to mind, and of things natural to things
spiritual, we might expect to find incor HEALING OF AN EPILEPTIC :—
porated in some large and systematic
way, in the visible objects and processes Symbolic of the steadying by the
of the world. And how much does the Spirit of the mental faculty which
healing of bodies signify, when associated wavers between passion and error.
thus with the grand elemental disorder " There came to him a man, kneeling
and breakage of sin ! What is it, in fact, to him, and saying, Lord, have mercy on
but a kind of glorious, everywhere
my son : for he is epileptic, and suffereth
visible sacrament, that tokens life and
grievously ; for oft-times he f allot h into
hope, and healing invisible, for all the the fire, and oft-times into the water." —
retributive woes and bleeding lacerations
MAT. xvii. 15.
of our guilty fallen state as a race apostate
from God."— HORACE BUSHNELL, Nature The mind (man) referred to is one
and the Supernatural, pp. 156-8. attracted towards the indwelling
The physical body may be torn and Christ, whom he supplicates to control
disordered, but the astro -mental struc the product of the mind, which is a
ture on which it was built by the life- mental state oscillating between
forces of growth remains, of course, passion (fire) and falsity (water).
unaffected, and the subjective mind Water signifies Truth, but incomplete
gives the necessary guidance to the truth is dangerous, — is error. Fire
life-forces which heal. As the body signifies Love ; but on the astral
has grown, so it heals within the plane it becomes passion. And so
possibilities of environment. With the Christ is brought to effect the cure
regard to the soul, the atma-buddhic of a vacillating and insecure mind or
archetypal structure (Christ) within is biassed opinion.
" This use of things natural, to represent
the perfect guide to ultimate perfec
tion. The below must become as the things spiritual, is not the culling out
the best and noblest, but likewise and
above. equally the use of the worst and basest,
"Wrong and wretchedness can find no I
or rather, should say, the indiscriminate
place in reality, for the simple reason that use of all. Sickness and vileness, wounds,
wrong and wretchedness are experiences bruises, and putrifying sores, leprosy,
which imply inability to get at and draw palsy, and death, are all used to shadow
upon ample reserves of life and power ; forth the evil conditions of our natural
wrong and wretchedness would instantly estate ; medicines, balms, and amputa
vanish if wo could all manage to do that. tions, Christ's medical care of us ; and
If we could only get out and up to reality, health or salvation, which is restoring
this is what we should find ;— and it is to health, represents the efficacy of the
exactly what we are in process of doing. Physician's care." — ED. IRVING, Works,
Step by step and bit by bit we are working Vol. I. p. 71.
our way upwards towards a state of See DISEASE, FIRE, MEDICINE,
spiritual consciousness which will put us
at one with reality, which is only another PHYSICIAN, WATER (lower).
way of saying at one with God." — R. J.
CAMPBELL, Serm., The Two Orders.
DISEASE, IMAGE, LEPER, MEDICINE, A symbol of the restoration by the
MIBACLES, Mui/nrtTDE, PHYSICIAN, Spirit of a mental faculty which had
been obstructed in Its evolution.
POOL (Bethesda), RITES, STTN (of " Jesus
seeing their faith said unto the
righteousness), TEN.
sick of the palsy, Son, be of good cheer ;
HEALING OF THE WITHERED thy sins are forgiven." — MAT. ix. 2.
HAND OF A MASON :— This relates to a spiritual fact.
A symbol of the energising of the It is the liberation of a disused power,
will by the Spirit. which is effected in the soul by the
" Then saith he to the man, Stretch faith or receptiveness, which brings
forth thy hand. And he stretched it forth the life when the Christ com
mands. The sins are forgiven in demnation of the " evil," which of
the fact of the spiritual adjustment and course shows that they believe in the
evolution of the Divine life. " evil " as real, and therefore
" Paralysis is any disease of the soul indirectly
they are instrumental in encouraging
whatsoever, but especially of fleshly lust,
error and delusion. Christ casts evil
and the carelessness and indifference to
spiritual things which it generates. forth by doing right in thought and
For it so entirely prostrates the soul, action.
that it is without power to lift itself " That was the Christ who went from
up to virtue, to heaven, to God. Where haunt to haunt of the devils and bode
fore the man that labours under this them flee ; and they, the devils of hatred,
disease must be carried by bearers, cruelty, lust, selfishness, brutinhness,
that is, by pastors, preachers, confessors, superstition, — they all fled at His pres
up upon the housetop, that is, to the ence." — PHILLIPS BROOKS.
desire of salvation and heavenly things ; See DEVILS, EVIL, ILLUSION, PHARI
and then must bo let down through the SEES.
roof to the feet of Christ ; and they must
ask of Him by earnest prayer to heal HEALING BY RAISING THE
them by His grace, and restore to him DEAD :—
the power of motion and the sense of
spiritual things." — C. A LATIDE, Great Symbolic of a spiritual awaken
Carom., Vol. I. p. 358. ing in the soul. The energising of a
" They went up to the housetop, and dormant, or latent, affection or mental
let him down through the tiles with his faculty.
couch into the midst before Jesus." — " And when the Lord saw the widow,
LUKE v. 19. he had compassion on her, and said unto
This signifies that the mental her, Weep not. And he came nigh and
faculties (men) were exercised and touched the bier : and the bearers stood
the mind acquired knowledge, which still. And he said, Young man, I
unto thee, Arise, And he that was dead
prepared the mind for the spiritual sat up, and began to speak. And ho
adjustment which followed. gave him to his mother." — LUKE vii.
The " widow " signifies that part
HEALING BY CASTING OUT of the nature which has lost a product
and mental object of its affections.
A symbol of the dispelling of Illu It grieves at the loss and imagines
sions, and the driving forth of
the quality to be dead. The Christ,
" And he however, re -animates the condition
was casting out a devil
of interest, and revives the relation
which was dumb. And it came to pass,
when the devil was gone out, the dumb ship, which thereby restores har
man spake." — LUKE xi. 14. monious conditions.
" Jesus said, Give
This signifies a restoration to place ; for the
spiritual vision, perception of truth damsel is not dead but sleepeth. And
they laughed him to scorn. But when the
and ability to express the same in crowd was put forth, he entered in, and
thought and action. took her by the hand ; and the damsel
" The Pharisees said, This man doth arose." — MAT. ix. 24, 25.
not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the This story may have referred to
prince of the devils." — MAT. xii. 24. the resuscitation of an affection in
The literalist state of mind is
a quality which was developed as a
illogical, as the spiritual teaching
ruler of qualities. This spiritual life-
shows it to be. Literalists are nothing
giving was effected through the inter
if not thorough-going, and so they
position of the Christ in the manner
accuse the Christ -soul of using means
symbolically described. It must be
the very reverse of that which is
remembered that many of these minor
really employed.
" If by Beelzebub cast out devils,
I incidents in the gospel drama, though
whom do your sons cast them out ? " — mostly spiritual in their meaning,
MAT. xii. 27. cannot be interpreted bit by bit (as
This is the retort of One who Swedenborg imagined). They must
could see further than the literalists be sensed, as it were, and they may
and formalists. The " sons of the all be classed as showing a general
Pharisees " cast forth illusions, — as tendency of soul towards Christ -
they imagine and suppose, — by con hood, — or an accession of Power
The heart— the heavenly city of
through the Spirit. The saying of
Jesus that " the damsel is not dead Brahman." — Mundaka. Vpanithad, Z, 7.
" God who is concealed within the
but sleepeth" signifies that an affection heart. . . . O man meditate on the
cannot die. It could only slumber Name under the Guru's instruction, and
until applied to its true purpose thou shalt be happy in the temple of thy
through the Christ. The " putting heart " (Nanak).— MACAULIFFE, The Sikh
" Religion, Vol. I. pp. 317-8.
forth of the crowd is the subdual " Sakalya said ; ' And in what does the
of discordant elements so that the True abide T ' Yagnavalkya said : * In
Christ may enter in and bring renewed the heart, for with the heart do we know
life to the soul. what is true, and in the heart indeed
the True abides.'
" — Hri/iad. Upanifhad,
Heart stands here for
buddhi and manns together." —S. B. of E.,
HEARING (HIGHER ASPECT) :— Vol. XV. p. 146.)
A symbol of the Intuitive perception " My heart, my mother ! My heart
of truth from within the soul. An whereby I came into being. May naught
attitude of reception of wisdom from stand up to oppose me at my judgment ;
. . . may there be no parting of thee
" from me in the presence of him that
God speaks with a man, not by keepeth the Balance ! Thou art my
means of some audible creature dinning double (ka), the dweller in my body.
in his ears, so that atmospheric vibrations . . . Verily how great shalt thou be when
connect Him that makes with him that thou risest in triumph." — BUDOE, Book of
hears the sound ; nor even by means of the Dead, Ch. XXXfl.
The causal -body is the " mother "
of a spiritual being with the semblance
of a body, such as we see in dreams or
similar states ; for even in this case he whereby the ego comes into being
speaks as if to the ears of the body, and on the lower planes. It is the cause
with the appearance of a real interval of the series of incarnations. In
of space. Not by these, then, does God " weighing of the heart before
speak, but by the truth itself, if any one the
is prepared to hear with the mind rather Osiris " the development of the
than with the body. He speaks to that causal-body is judged by its balance
part of man which is better than all else against the personality. The causal -
in him, and than which God himself " double " on a higher
alone is better." — AUGUSTINE, City of body is the
God, Bk. XI. Ch. 2. plane of the personality, and when
See CONSCIENCE, HIDING, SOUND, perfection is reached, the two Selves,
VOICE OF GOD. lower and higher, become one and
rise in triumph to the buddhic plane.
The heart lies in seas of blood which
A symbol of the reception of know dart in opposite directions ; and there
ledge without wisdom. "Hearing" most of all intelligence centres for men
proceeds from " the flesh," i.e. it for blood about the heart is intelligence in
is the outcome of the desire nature. the case of men." — Empedocles, FAIR
" To hear signifies to perceive." — BANKS, 327.
SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Bev., n. 448. The " heart " or love principle, is
" had heard of thee
(the Lord) by in closest contact with the life essence
the hearing of the ear : but now mine
eye seeth thee." — JOB xlii. 5. (blood) which flows, or energises, in
opposite ways, or to
" pairs of oppo-
The condition and stage of the soul
signified by " Job " became first sites," in other words, the life essence
cognisant of its higher nature through is directed toward objects which
ordinary channels of information, involve opposite relationships. And
but afterwards the mind perceived the through this conflict intelligence
truth within. develops in the mind from the
awakenment of the emotion principle.
The life concentrated in the
HEART :— causal-body and higher affections,
A symbol of the causal -body as gives intuition when it is united with
a centre of being on the higher mental the mental principle.
plane, and the receptacle of atma- " The heart was considered to be the
buddhl, the spirit within. The heart source of all life and thought, and it was
also signifies the love principle and the part of the body that was specially
the higher affections. taken care of in mummifying. . . . Some
times the heart (amulet) is hxunan- INCENSE, JUDGMENT-HALL, KA, LOTUS,
headed, with the hands crossed over it, PROCESSION, PYLONS, QEBHSENNUF,
and sometimes a figure of the soul, in
the shape of a hawk with outstretched
wings is inlaid on one side of it." — BUDOE, TEMPLE, VISCERA, ZAOREUS.
The Mummy, pp. 262-3.
The causal-body is perfected by
Symbols of the opposite conditions
the purification of the personality
of relativity, — good and evil.
(mummifying). It is the immortal " Divine Truth proceeding from the
soul —the seat of the Higher Self Lord as a sun in heaven, is light in heaven,
(hawk). and Divine goodness is heat there." —
" As the ^Eolian harp vibrates to the SWEDENBORO, White Horse, p. 49.
wind, so does the heart of man every See COLD AND HEAT, OPPOSITES.
where to the true message of God." —
J. "Bi;i ci'Li.y, Studies of the Soul, p. 168. HEAVEN :—
The soul is often called the heart A symbol of the state of conscious
of man, or that, in and by which things ness on the buddhic plane which Is
to either good or evil, have their rise ;
above the mental plane.
thus desires are of the heart or soul ; " The first man is of the earth, earthy :
yea, before desires, the first conception of
the second man is of heaven. As is the
good or evil is in the soul, the heart.
The heart understands, wills, affects, earthy, such are they also that are earthy :
reasons, judges, but these are the faculties and as is the heavenly, such are they also
of the soul ; wherefore, heart and soul that are heavenly. And as we have
are often taken for one and the same. borne the image of the earthy, we shall
also bear the image of the heavenly."

My son, give me thine heart.' — (PROV.
ixiii. 26). ' Out of the heart proceed evil 1 COB. xv. 47-9.
thought*,' etc. (MAT. xv. 19 ; 1 PET. The " first man " is the personality
iii. 15 ; Ps. xxvi. 2)." — J. BTJNYAN, Great- (Adam of dust), which is developed
not of the Soul. from below through the astral evolu
" soul " and
Both the symbols tion,— the matter (earthy) side of
" heart " have higher and lower " second man " is the
being. The
meanings in accordance with the individuality or Divine monad from
duality of manifestation. above, — the spiritual (heavenly) side
" By the word heart, of course, we here are
' of being. To the personality
mean not merely the seat of the affec
tions,' ' the organ of tender emotion,' attached the lower qualities, and to
and the like : but rather the inmost the individuality the higher qualities.
sanctuary of personal being, the synthesis In the course of development, the
of ita love and will, the very source of its ego more and more asserts its Divine
energy and life." — E. UNDEBHTLI., Mystic- nature, and finally rises from the
I'm. p. 85.
" God's Spirit is throned in the heart, lower nature to become united with
He walks with us as a friend. He breathes the higher in consciousness on the
into our spirit the inspiration of power, buddhic plane.
and love, and a sound mind. In the " More and more distinctly over our
secret places of our trial and our doubt, human life, with all its best affections,
in the hour when our nature trembles on hangs the serene heaven of the divine
the verge of fall, in the hour when our life, the heaven of the love of God, into
being asserts its immortal righteousness which our human affections must enter
against a base temptation, He is with ua, before they become religious ; into which
inspiring us with the memory of Christ, they cannot enter till they have been
calling on us to be worthy of our calling, born again. . . . These (affections) which
pouring life and energy into the affections the Spirit finds in you are not religion.
which raise us above our selfishness, into Never let yourself think that they are,
the aspirations which make us despise our and so depreciate and disregard the work
sin ; kindling hope in the midst of our which the Spirit has to do in you. They
despair, and faith to try again when life are not religion ; but they are the material
has failed." — STOPFOHD A. BROOKE, of the religious life. They are the part
Serai., Pentecost. of your nature in which you may become
" The fact is that the ' Heart ' is a
religious. They are the stone in your
of the central life of the soul and nature out of which the temple may be
rbol manifestations thence proceeding,
built." — PHILLIPS BROOKS, Serm., How
for the Scriptural writers as well as for many Loaves, etc. t
the Classical writers generally." — A. CAL- " The quality of the Eternal Life alone
DBCOTT, Phil, of Religion, p. 89. makes the heaven ; mere everlastingness
See AB, BALANCE, BLOOD, CABIN, might be no boon." — H. DRUMMOKD,
CAUSAL-BODY, EMBALMMENT, HAWK, Natural Law, etc., p. 220.
See ADAM (higher), ADAM (lower), whose heights and depths he compre
AMENT, ABO. MAN, BORN AGAIN, hended. He knew the principles of
creation, and was the original Ruler of
the world. He is described as appearing
EDEN, GARODMAN, IMAGE, INDIVIDU from vast unknown deserts." — K;
OF LIFE, MUSPELLHEIM, PITRIS (lunar, " Pwan-koo "
signifies the Second
solar), PITRIYANA, RE-BIRTH, REGEN Logos, the Divine Artificer, from whom
ERATION, SEKHET-HETEP. all emanates. The " separation of
heaven and earth " refers to the
duality of primordial manifestation,
Symbols of Spirit and Matter, —
namely, the polarities of Spirit and
the life and the form sides of mani
Matter between which manifestation
proceeds, and through which the
"There are, strictly speaking, only
two _ substances, matter and spirit : all heights and depths of the planes of
particular things result from the com creation are to be supplied. The
position in varying degrees of these two, — Divine Ruler proceeds from the chaos
are therefore mere ' accidents,' and have
(unknown deserts).
no abiding reality" (Bruno). — J. L. " Of old, Heaven and Earth were
MclNTYBE, Giordano Bruno, p. 159.
" Heaven not yet separated, and the In (Yin) and
represents the male (Yang)
principle and earth the corresponding Yo (Yang) not yet divided. They
formed a chaotic mass like an egg, which
(Yin) female principle, on which two was of obscurely defined limits,
principles the whole of existence depends." and
— C. T. R. ALLEN, Chinese Poetry, Preface. contained germs. The purer and clearer
" Varro derives the male part was thinly diffused and formed
divinities from
heaven or Jupiter as the active principle, Heaven, while the heaven and grosser
and the female divinities from the earth element settled down and became Earth.
or Juno as the passive principle." — The finer element easily became a united
ZELLBB, Eclecticism, p. 177. body, but the consolidation of the heavy
" In the beginning God and gross element was accomplished with
created the
heaven and the earth. And the earth difficulty. Heaven was therefore formed
was without form and void ; and darkness
first, and Earth established subsequently.
was upon the face of the deep : and the Therefore divine beings were produced
between them
" of the
Spirit of God moved upon the face of the (Commencement
waters." — GEN. i. 1, 2. Nihongi and the Kiujiki). — W. G. ASTON,
Shinto, p. 84.
At the commencement of the emana
tion of the Solar Universe, the primor This statement refers, first, to the
dial elements, Spirit and Matter, period prior to Involution when
are differentiated from that which is Spirit and Matter were not yet
itself neither, but which is potential differentiated from the Monadic
essence in which they lay potentia .
for both. And the primordial matter
is inchoate and formless, — the involu This essence on the atma-buddhic
tion of form not having yet begun, heights contained the prototypes
— for Spirit is not yet permeating (germs) of all things that were after
wards to exist. Second, the primal
and enlightening matter. And the
elements, Spirit and Matter, having
Supreme Logos (the Atman) broods
come into being and become separated,
upon, or contemplates, the " waters "
the one from the other, by reason of
of Absolute Truth, the Ultimate
their different natures of activity
" In the beginning God, the Unity, and passivity, there was established
created, or put forth from Himself, the the interactive duality from which
Duality, the Heavens, or Spirit and the highest qualities (gods) should
Deep, Force and Substance, and their first arise in preparation for the
ultimate phenomenal resultant, generated
of them, the Earth or Matter. And the process of Involution.
Spirit, or Force, of God, moved on the
(In China there is) a belief in two
face of the waters ' or Substance of God, higher Powers, which in the language
and God said, or found expression, and of philosophy may mean Form and
there was Light, or manifestation of Matter, in the language of Ethics, Good
God." — E. MAITLAND, Life of A. Kings- and Evil, but which in the original
ford, Vol. I. p. 199. language of religion and mythology are
"Pwan-koo was the first Being after represented as Heaven and Earth." — MAT
the separation of the heavens and the MtfLLEB, Science of Religion, p. 92.
earth, between which he existed, and See AIR-.STHER, CIRCLE AND SQUARE,
COSMOS, CREATION, DESERTS, EARTH be the supremo fact of universal
(primo.), EGG, HELIOPE, HIGHER AND life. The " food of the Gods " has
LOWES NATURES, HORSE-SACRIFICE, been eaten in the attainment of the
KHIEK AND KHWAN, MATTER, MULA- Ideals in Wisdom and Love, and so
FKAKMTI, OCEANTJS, PlLLARS OF SHU, spiritual power is acquired which
PWANKOO, RA, RANGI, RHEA, RONGO renders sacrifice, asceticism, self-denial,
RU, SALT, SEPARATION OF HEAVEN or any form of self-abnegation or
AND KAKTH, SKY, SPIRIT, STEM, irksomeness, not only unnecessary but
, URANUS. impossible. The aspirations, which
formerly led to these necessary but
contractive limitations, now yield their
fruit ; for the rising Self within has
These are symbols of build hie fulfilled his ideals and been true to
faculties on the higher sub-planes
them. •
of the buddhic plane in the soul. " It seems to
me that the very essence
See COLCHIS, DANCES, GANDHARVAS, of the life eternal consists in the fact that
SIRENS. it involves perfect self-expression, without
the sense of lack, hindrance, or defeat.
HEAVENLY REGIONS :— The life eternal, the life that God lives
A symbol of the higher mental or and is, is the life in which fullness of power,
fullness of joy, and fullness of self-know
buddhic states of rest and bliss.
" Every ledge preclude any possibility of subjec
evening Oro descended on tion to the limitations which in this world
the rainbow to the valley, and returned nre the cause of our trouble and compel
by the same pathway on the following us to choose between one form of gratifica
morning to the heavenly regions." — W. tion and another. . . . We want not to
ELLIS, Polynesian Researches, Vol. I. have to think about giving up this and
p. 231. resisting that ; we want to be able to live
And at recurring intervals, descents, as the trees and birds live, fulfilling our
— evening, night, morning, — marking appointed tasks with perfect ease and
periods of embodiment on the lower harmony, and without the danger of
going wrong anywhere. Now that, I say,
planes, would be made by the Self or is the life eternal, the goal of all our
ego ; after which the Self would again strivings, the life that in Christ we shall
quit the temporary abode of its come to share with God. And you can
incarnation, and return through the see for yourselves at once that it must
be a life in which considerations of right
higher mind (rainbow bridge) to the and wrong no longer hold good ; they are
devachanic state. gone, transcended, swallowed up in the
See DEVACHAN, ORO, RAINBOW, joy of being and doing exactly what we
RK-INCARNATION, VAIRAUMATI. want and God wants, without the intrusion
of any discordant factor." — R. J. CAMP
HEAVENLY SPRINGTIME :— BELL, Serm., The Non-moral Aspects of
A symbol signifying the Indivi See BEASTS (clean), BIRDS, BREAD,
duality rising joyously from the COME INTO THEE, FOOD, GODS, SACRA
causal-body to progress on the
celestial journey to heights of glory
inconceivable. The Ego has in this HEAVENLY VOICE IN THE
case passed through the present PATH :—
cycle and attained Liberation and A symbol of aspiration which is
Union on the higher mental plane, the expression of the Divine life
for from that point is the true
within the soul.
beginning of the Real Life. " But
" O ' Heavenly Springtime ! ' I have hear now the motive for my
coming and rejoice thereat ; a heavenly
come into Thee ; I have eaten my sacra voice has been heard by me (Asita) in
mental cakes ; I have power over the the heavenly path, that thy son (Buddha)
sacrificial portions of my beasts and has been born for the sake of supreme
birds ; the feathered fowl of the light knowledge." — Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. 62.
are given unto me, for I have followed The lower self (buddhi-manas) in
the Gods when the Divine forms come." —
Book of the Dead, Ch. CX., trans. M. W. involution, now realises the nature
Blackden. of the higher law whereby its develop
The Divine Life is entered into, ment is to be quickened ; and within
and the growth of the true Self is it joy is aroused. The Divine nature,
now apprehended and perceived to — aspiration, — has awakened within it,
and now it recognises that the Son a symbol of wholeness and complete
of Righteousness (moral law and ness and significant of top and
conscience) has been born upon the bottom, height and depth (4). Or,
higher planes. the 3 dimensions, — the number of
See ASITA, BIRTH OF BUDDHA, the physical plane, and the 4 planes of
BUDDHA, SIMEON. the lower quaternary (cardinal points),
together with duality (2) on each
FROM THE OGDOAD :— plane. It signifies the summing up of
the soul's possibilities, when the soul
A symbol of the Highest Being is weighed and not found wanting.
which emanates from the Absolute.
The manifest Self from the unman! -
A symbol of the Son of God, or God LAMBS :—
manifest on the higher planes. A symbol of the tribute offered by
" The light, therefore, which came down the lower self to the Higher Self :
from the Ogdoad above to the Son of the tribute being the karmic results
the Hebdomad, descended from the of the ethical activity of the mind
Hebdomad upon Jesus the son of Mary, in the sacrifice of the lower qualities
and he had radiance imparted to him
by being illuminated with the light that
which Implies exercise of the higher
shone upon him. This, he Bays, is that (unblemished) .
" Let us
which has been declared : ' The Holy (said Achilles) consult some
Spirit will come upon thee,' meaning that prophet or priest, or even one who is
which proceeded from the Sonship through informed by dreams, — for dream also
the conterminous spirit upon the Ogdoad is from Jove, — who would tell us on
and Hebdomad, as far as Mary." what account Phoebus Apollo is so much
(Syatem of Basilidee). — HIPPOLYTUS, JEe- enraged with us : whether he blames us
Jutalion, etc., BU. VII. 14. on account of a vow unperformed, or a
So from the Highest, the Divine Ray, hecatomb unoffered ; and whether haply
he may be willing, having partaken of
which had already been latent within
the savour of lambs and unblemished
the Supreme (the Ogdoad), went goats, to avert from us the pestilence." —
forth unto Him who was the only Iliad, Bk. I., trans. Buckley.
begotten of the Highest, and descended An effort is made by the personality
through the upper planes to illumine (Achilles) through the mind to find
the personal aspect of the Self, — the authority and sanction for its self-
Christ-soul, — born of the purified preservative course of action, in the
portion of the lower nature (Virgin opinion or tradition current at that
Mary). And the purified nature was period of its activity. The " dream,
made radiant with love and truth, etc." stands for the first theory of
through the Divine Light which was religion and life that is at hand. And
caught by Him to whom the purified thus a dim conception is gradually
nature had given birth. arrived at as to the nature of the activi
See BIRTH OF JESUS, OF KRISHNA, ties of the Higher Self (Apollo). But
OF ZOROASTER, GLORY (divine), JESUS, a sense of doubt and uncertainty gains
KINGLY GLORY, VIRGIN MARY. possession of the mind, on the question
as to whether the mind is held account
able because it possesses the germ of
A symbol of the causal-body and conscience, or whether it is so from
its relations with the lower planes.
" All these the karmic law of action and reaction
things took place on the
exemplified in the moral nature 7
temple ground of Heben, which measured
342 khat on the south, north, west and The mind further inquires, whether
east." — Legend of the Winged Sun-difik. it will be that the Higher Self, having
All these activities of the indwelling accepted the tribute and contribution
Self (Horus) took place in the soul, of the lower self in the thought of
which is the " temple " of the Holy loving service (lambs) and sincere
Spirit, and is comparable to the faith (unblemished goats), will afford
measurement 342, — that number being the lower self the means for over-
coming the adverse conditions which ness of the truth, begotten of the causal
surround it, and profiting from the self (Priam).
destruction of the lower qualities. " And then wilt thou (Agamemnon)
" Then was the noble seer in no wise avail to save the Greeks, for
of good courage, and ppake : Neither by all thy grief, when multitudes fall dying
reason of a vow is Apollo displeased, nor before manslaying Hector." — Iliad, Bk. I.
for any hecatomb, but for his priest's And the Desire-mind shall in no
sake to whom Agamemnon did despite, wise avail to arrest the evolution of
and set not his daughter free and accepted
the soul, by the continuance of the
not the ransom ; therefore hath the " mortal
Far-darter brought woes upon us, yea, lower mental faculties or
and will bring. Nor will he ever remove mind." And all the Borrow of the
the loathly pestilence from the Greeks Desire-mind shall prove unavailing
till we have given the bright-eyed damsel
to preserve the effete, before the
(Chryseis) to her father (Chryse, Apollo's
priest), unbought, unransomed, and unfoldment of the Spiritual law tran
carried a holy hecatomb to Chryse ;— scending the mind.
then might we propitiate Apollo to our See AGAMEMNON, EVOLUTION,
" — Ibid.
Then the inner memory (Kalchaa)
of the soul's true nature comes into
play. Not on account of the surrender HEDGEHOG :—
of the lower self to a partial conception A symbol of the critical intellect
of higher activities and cosmic law, destructive of errors.
nor because of the limiting and binding " The dog with prickles nnd a long and
nature of the karmic order on the thin muzzle, the dog Vonghapara is a
lower planes, will the indwelling good creature which from midnight to
Self (Apollo) fail to express its latent, — dawn destroys thousands of creatures of
the evil spirit." — Vcndirtdd, XIII.
or as yet unmanifest, — potencies for
This " dog," with defensive points
good, but for the sake of restoring
and insinuating methods of destruc
to action the spiritual mind (priest), —
tive inquiry, signifies the critical
to which the desire-mind (Agamem
intellect which destroys superstition,
non) was opposed which took the error, delusion, and doubt, and gets
intuition of Truth (Chryseis) captive,
rid of the prejudices and out-grown
and would not seek to recover that
notions of the lower mind.
which was to ransom the intuition,
namely, by treasure or higher qualities
above. Hence the Self is the means of
disquieting the lower self. Nor will HEEL :—
the erroneous theories of the lower A symbol of the lower nature of
mind be got rid of until the intuition the human soul.
of Truth is recovered by the inner " And I will put enmity between thee
memory, and voluntary effort is made and the woman, and between thy seed
on the part of the lower self to raise and her Reed : it shall bruise thy head,
to the spiritual and thou (serpent) shalt bruise his heel." —
the consciousness
GEN. iii. 15.
understanding, in which case the And ethical distinction shall be
reconciliation between the Higher Will drawn between the sense nature with
(Apollo) and the lower mind will its appetites and delights, and the
have been effected.
higher emotion-nature ; and through
this distinction shall the struggle
BLOOD OF BULLS, BURNT OFFERING, within the soul proceed. From this
conflict between higher and lower,
the result shall be that the lower
mental (head) directivity of desire, or
lower will, shall be crushed out by the
Divine nature (Christ within) grown
up in the soul, and this will lead to
the dissipation of the lower part of
the soul (heel).
A symbol of the spiritual perceptive- "To this serpent, this spirit of evil
in the world, God is speaking. What the life of the soul on earth, through
does God nay ? There shall be a long, which the personality is developed
terrible fight between man and the power
of evil. The power of evil shall haunt and purified. But though the person
and persecute man, cripple him and vex ality is purified ultimately, it misses
him, hinder him and make him suffer. immortality by reason of its lower
It shall bruise his heel. But man shall nature (heel) which is mortal. When
ultimately be stronger than the power
of evil, and shall overcome it and go forth the lower nature vanishes, the person
victorious, though bruised and hurt, ality vanishes with it. Nevertheless,
and needing recovery and rest. He shall within the personality there evolves
bruise its head. ... Is it not true that the lower Self, which, when the lower
everywhere the good is hampered and
beset and wounded by the evil which it is nature is cast off, rises immortal to
ultimately to slay , true also that the the higher planes and becomes one
good will ultimately slay the evil by which with the Higher Self. It is this
it was wounded and beset ? These two which is signified by " Achilles "
facts, in their combination, make a
philosophy of life which, when one has being said to be immortal all but his
accepted it, colours each thought he thinks, lowest part (heel).
each act he does. The two facts subtly "By ' heel ' is signified the lowest
blend their influence in every experience." natural principle, as the corporeal, which
— PHILLIP BROOKS, Serm., The Giant, etc. the 'serpent' should bruise." — SWEDEN-
" As heels are the lowest part of the BORO, Arc. Cel. to Oen. Hi. 15.
body, Christ's >„••I bruised by Satan is " Krishna finally died of an arrow
his humbled manhood, and his people wound which he sustained accidentally
who are subject to him. To have heels and in an unforeseen manner on his heel, —
bare, denotes shame, contempt, captivity the only vulnerable part of his body
or distress {.in:, xiii. 22). To lift up the (cf. Achilles, Balder, Adonis, and Osiris)."
heels or kick is to render evil for good to — A. DREWS, The Christ Myth, p. 1O7.
a superior, as a beast when it strikes its See ADAM (lower), ACHILLES, CCTRSE
master ; so Judas acted in betraying
(ground), EVE, FALL, HEAD, HORSE
our Lord." — OITRNEY, Bible Diet., p. 250.
" A day arrives when man becomes (winged), IMMORTALITY FORFEITED,
aware of a dual nature within him, a KEEL, MORTAL MIND, NIDHOGG, PER
divine and an earthly, one in which he SONALITY, SERPENT (subtil), SHABTI,
shares with the gods, and one which is
SOUL (lowest), STYX, WOMAN.
his in common with the brutes. But ho
pays a heavy price for his self-knowledge.
Henceforth he is at war with himself, HEIFER, RED, PERFECT :—
the God and the serpent within him
fighting for mastery. On the whole, A symbol of the buddhlc nature, —
victory rests with the former, and in Wisdom (cow), Love (red), prior to
the end will do so completely, but it will the soul's descent.
not be a scathless triumph ; the God will " A red heifer without spot, wherein
crush the serpent's head, but the latter is no blemish, and upon which never
will wound the heel that tramples it. came yoke." — NUM. xix. 2.
. . . The whole upward progress of
humanity towards the stature of the
This indicates that wisdom -love
superman has been a continuous bruising at an early stage of the soul's evolu
of the serpent's head : but in the process tion is entire and latent in respect
we have had to suffer ; the heel that "
The killing "
to the lower nature.
tramples down the evil has to feel the of wisdom -love
is the obscuration
serpent's fangs." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
Trampling the Serpent. which occurs on the descent of the
" Achilles is not quite invulnerable ; The
ego (one) to the lower planes.
the sacred waters did not wash the heel "burning" and the "ashes" signify
by which Thetis held him. Siegfried, in
the Nibelungen, is not quite immortal,
the purifying function of buddhi
for a leaf fell on his back whilst he was operating through the lower nature.
bathing in the dragon's blood, and that " Touching the dead " refers to the
spot which it covered is mortal." — "dead selves" which must be got
EMERSON, Compensation.
" Thetis endeavoured to make Achilles
rid of. The ego allied with the lower
" unclean until
immortal by dipping him in the river personality (corpse) is
Styx, and succeeded with the exception the even," that is, he is imperfect until
of the ankles (or heel) by which she held the indrawing at the end of the cycle
him." — Smith'i Clots. Diet.
" Achilles " (day) of incarnation.
is a symbol of the " In
accordance with the general nature
personality brought forth by nature of the symbolical institutions, the body
(Thetis). The " river Styx " signifies (of the red heifer) stands as the represent*.
tive and image of the soul, and its defile
" Heimdallr was a god of light, of the
ment and cleansing, for actual guilt and early sun, ' the dawn and the beginning
spiritual purification." — P. FAIHHAJHN,
of all things (Uhland), akin to the Greek
Typology of Scripture, Vol II. p. 404. Helios. He kept watch on the frontiers
" The offering of Christ, as in ' the of highest heaven (Himinbjorg), guarding
red heifer,' is without doubt the great the rainbow bridge (Bifrost) against
end of the representation." — A. JUKES, the assaults of the giants. Descriptions
The Law of the Offerings, p. 27. of Heimdallr speak of his golden teeth,
" The ruddy cow with reddish-white of his horse with golden mane (Guldtoppr),
eve* is the Father's own whom they slay on which he rode to Balder's funeral,
here for the Fathers." — Sato. Brdh., III. of his wonderful sword, Hofud (head),
3, 1. 14. of his horn (Gjallarhorn) with which the
This signifies that wisdom -love gods were summoned to the last great
operates through the higher mind for battle. He had deadly feud with Loki,
with whom he fought daily." — Non-
the benefit of the astral development clnssical Mythology, p. 80.
of the forms and the personality, by The Divine Will manifests on the
which it becomes obscured in the plane of the higher mind (Bifrost)
" Fathers " are the lunar
(The midway between the higher and lower
pitris.) natures, and judging the soul-qualities.
In Ovid's Epistles of the Heroines, The " golden teeth " symbolise wisdom
Helen is called the Grecian and power. The " horse " signifies
Heifer," which can only mean the the highest intelligence ; the
" sword,"
" cow," of the buddhic
symbol spiritual force to dispel error ; the
principle. " horn," the outpouring of the Divine
See ASHES, BCDDHI, BURNT OFFER- Life for the development of the
rao, COBPSE, Cow, DEAD, HELEN, qualities. The Divine Will contends
PITBIS (lunar) RED, SPOTTED. against the lower principle (Loki)
HEIGHT, OR HEIGHTS :— in every stage of the soul's progress.
A symbol of the higher planes of
manifestation. The buddhic plane,
heaven. It has the same meaning LOSE, REONAROK, TEETH, TUSK.
as mountain top, or mountain upon
which the Gods dwell. HEIR ACCORDING TO
(white), HIMAVAN, KAILAHA, MOUN A symbol of the perfected Indivi
TAIN, OLYMPUS. duality seated in the causal-body,
HEIGHT OF OSIRIS :— which succeeds the Personality and
Inherits the " treasures laid up in
A symbol of the planes of mani heaven," becoming " heir of the
festation of the Logos. righteousness which is according to
" Osiris was beautiful of face, but with
faith," that is, of the transmuted
a dull and black complexion ; his height
qualities of the lower nature, awaiting
exceeded five and a half yards." — I'u:-
TARCH,Isit and Osiris. recognition upon the buddhic plane,
when the consciousness rises to the
The Higher Self (Osiris) was beauti
heaven plane.
ful and perfect potentially, but was
" Everything that your heart has ever
actually non-existent, and, as it were,
" black," which stands for negation of longed for or possessed of things holy
" " and blessed is yours now in Christ, part
existence. His height refers to of his unsearchable riches, your eternal
the five planes whereon his complete inheritance, marked with your name.
evolution would be accomplished. There is something better for you than
The excess above five refers to two (the past), something vaster and grander.
Make towards it at once. Delay not a
unmanifest planes above atma, which moment. Christ is your way there, the
will become manifest in other cycles. companion of your pilgrimage and the
See BLACK, DESERTS, FACE, FOUR goal of your hopes." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
Serm., Sacred Memories.
"This eternal God is of necessity to
PLANES, STEM. be the object of our hope. The church
in heaven, called the body and temple
of God, is to be a habitation for himself
A symbol the Logos, or the
of when it is finished, to dwell in for ever."
Divine Will In manifestation. — J. BVNVAN, IsraeFi Hope.
See FBUIT OF SPIRIT, NALA-KUVEBA, torture. I say not that a diseased soul
TBANSMUTATION, TBEASUBE, WEALTH. may not form for itself a tenement here
after, as here, peculiarly fitted to be the
HELEN OF TROY :— avenue of suffering ; but unquestionably
we cannot build upon these expressions s
A symbol of Wisdom on the buddhlc material hell." — F. W. ROBERTSON,
plane. It Is for the possession of Sermons,
1st Series, p. 117.
the buddhlc consciousness that the Ifthat soul of ours, that sheath of
soul contends in the strife between the spirit, belongs to earth rather than
the mental qualities (the Greeks) heaven, the Spirit will have to remake it,
and that means hell until every earth-
and the emotions (the Trojans). born desire has been renounced and
In the sack of Troy (the kingdom of overcome as such, and transmuted into
" men of violence take it
heaven), its spiritual counterpart." — R. J. CAMP
by force " xi. 12) ; that Is, BELL, Senn., Hell.
it Is through the striving of the The supposed scriptural authority
mental qualities for Wisdom that the for places of post-mortem everlasting
higher emotions are acquired and
torment for human beings is simply
heaven gained.
" Simon Magus says that he has misinterpretation of texts. The
brought down this Helena from the symbol man or men signifies mind or
highest heavens to the world ; being mental qualities, and these qualities,
as the all-bearing being, and as long as they are
" wicked,"
queen, have
Wisdom, for whose sake, says ho, the to be purified in the eternal " fire "
Greeks and barbarians fought, having
before their eyes but an image of Truth ;
of the Holy Spirit. The purification
for she who really is the Truth was then takes place in " Hell," i.e. the lower
with the chiefeat God." — Clementine quaternary, in connection with the
Homilies, Ch. 25. of Horn. II. egos, and through the struggle and
" Hum ii i Magus, as the ' Great Power
of God ' . . . declared that she (Helena) suffering which we observe around
' ' us.
was the Intelligence that of old was
imprisoned in the body of the Grecian Dr. Budge, after describing "the
Helen, then of the Lost Sheep, but now destruction cf the dead in the Tuat,"
was restored to him for the salvation of
the world" (from Hippolytus). — C. W. observes :
" Thun there
KINO, Qnoatics and their Remains, p. 21. is no doubt that there was
See GREEKS, HEIFEB, ILIUM, a hell of fire in the kingdom of Seker, and
that the tortures of mutilation and
POLLUX, SHEEP (lost), TBOJANS, TBOY, destruction by fire were believed to be
WISDOM. reserved for the wicked." — Egypt. Heaven
and Hell, Vol III. p. 137.
The " kingdom of Seker " was
A symbol of the First Logos. in the Fifth Division of the Tuat
See ADITYA, AMEN-RA, RA, SAVITRI, (underworld), that is, it centred in
the astral plane of desire and sensation,
HELIOPE AND CHTHONIE, OR in which the mental qualities were
SUN AND EARTH :— purified as by fire," and had their
Symbols of the higher and lower lowest condition cut away. Dr. Budge
Selves, or of buddhi-manas and continues, —
kama-manas, — the higher mind and " Of the rewards of the righteous in
the lower. this kingdom we have no knowledge
The " righteous " are the purified
qualities, and there are no purified
HELL, HEL, HADES, SHEOL :— qualities on the lower planes. The
" rewards of the " are not
These are symbols of the under righteous
world or four lower planes of nature, on the lower planes. They are " the
namely, the lower mental, the astral, treasures in heaven," that is, the
the etheric, and the physical planes. transmuted qualities on the buddhic
The underworld is the arena of life plane. They are the " grain and
for the spiritual egos who incarnate fruits " of the garden of Sekhet-
therein to gain experience and the
development of their potential natures . " For thou wilt not leave my soul
" Now
Scripture language
is symbolical. in hell ; neither wilt thou suffer thine
There is no salt, no worm, no fire to Holy One to see corruption." — P». xvi. 10.
The " Holy One
" is the spiritual ever, a form or mode was provided by
ego, — immaculate and eternal in every the Creative Mind. This means that
human soul. This will not always nothing, no differentiation, was extin
be a captive to the lower nature, but guished. In every case the Creative
will rise in glory at the cycle's end. Mind had called into being that which
" Nobody who has lived — lived was to endure eternally. The Creative
honestly, truly, deeply — who has thought Mind is said to be " lame " because
for himself, or felt for others — but believes
in hell. Earth and hell interpenetrate — he originates from that which is
there is no doubt about it. Earth is partial and incomplete. This means
full of hell — full of mental and moral that all forms limit potencies ; and so
and social disorders, and wretchedness that which is formed becomes but the
and Buffering. Earth is full of hell —
and countless souls are there ; and unless expression of an aspect of Truth-
the fires of hell could purge and purify reality.
and refine mankind, we might well doubt And the Higher Self as Will (Zeus),
whether life were worth while. But they the originator of the life activities of
can. Earth is full of hell. But it is
not all hell. Indeed I would say that the universe, returned into TJnmani-
we realise hell only by that which we fest Being, wherein He dwells from
oppose to hell. I mean the thought of eternity in so far as no manifestation
heaven — and this too exists on earth." — is called forth. So here in abscondito
R. DIMSDALE STOCKEB, Social Idtalirm, abode,
the Self and here also was
p. 78.
See ARENA, DUSAUK, FIRE OF HELL, Wisdom who remained supreme with
FIHK (destroying), FURNACE, GARDEN, Him.


A symbol of protection of the mind
or soul from the assaults of the desires
and passions. A symbol of Wisdom, the principle
" And take the helmet of salvation, of buddhi, seated on the buddhlc
and the sword of the Spirit, which is the
word of God." — EPH. vi. 17. Zeus addresses Hera, — " Abide thou
The soul is exhorted to rely upon in silence and hearken to my bidding,
lest all the gods that are in Olympus i&ep
the Divine protection from evil, and not off from thee my visitation, when I
to caJl forth the spiritual energy from put forth my hands unapproachable
within. against thee. He said ; and Hera the
See SALVATION, SHIELD, SWORD. ox-eyed queen was afraid, and sat in
silence, curbing her heart ; but throughout
HEPHAISTOS, OR VULCAN :— Zeus' palace the gods of heaven were
troubled." — Iliad, Bk. I. (trans. Buckley).
A symbol of the Creative Mind
The Higher Self interprets Wisdom,
which has conquered the lower
— ' Within thyself be that which thou
activities :— the Higher Self which
has been born in the soul on the art in the Divine scheme, and fulfil
mental plane, and grown upward thy function unless the higher ideal
to knowledge and power. qualities (the gods) be the means of
" Now when the bright light of the sun preventing me from accomplishing
was set, there went each of the gods to my destiny until the conditions make
his own house to sleep, where each one
had his palace made with cunning device
it necessary that act from the Higher
by famed Hephaistos the lame god ; and
Will.' The Self having expressed
Zeus the Olympian, the lord of lightning, itself, — Wisdom remains apart from
departed to his couch where he was wont Love, for at this stage the higher
of old to take his rest whenever sweet feelings (heart) are not fully aroused.
sleep visited him. There went he up
and slept, and beside him was Hera of
But in the abode of the Higher Self
the golden throne." — Iliad, Bk. I. end. on the higher planes, the aspiring
Now when the cycle terminated, qualities, or high ideals, begin to be
stirred into activity.
" Ox-eyed " is
and pralaya supervened, each aspect
of the Supreme Self returned to a a symbol of spontaneous cognition,
quiescent condition, — for which, how- and refers to the intuition of truth.
" And
"The Greek Hera was a daughter of the earth brought forth grass,
Cronos and Rhea, and sister and wife herb yielding seed after its kind, and
of Zeus. . . . Her marriage, called the tree bearing fruit, wherein is the seed
Sacred Marriage, was represented in many thereof, after its kind : and God saw
places where she waa worshipped." — that it was good." — GEN. i. 12.
Smith's Class. Diet. And the physical or natural law
Wisdom is said to proceed from of growth was set in operation, and
Time and Space, an it relates to the the laws which worked upon the lower
establishment of the planes of nature, planes of being were established and
of which the buddhic is the fourth, commenced to act. And all waa
reckoned from below upward. The perfect in the period of involution.
" sacred marriage " is the marriage
In other words, there was an awaken-
of Wisdom and Love : the Love ment of the divine life in the lower
below (Zeus below) becomes united nature (earth) which then brought
with the Wisdom above, at the end forth the desires and affections which
of a cycle. give rise to higher states. Also there
" For Matter is Hera, and deity ia
appeared the aspirations which are
Zeus." — Cf. Clementine Homilies, V. 18,
667, and OKIOEN, Conl. Cels. 4, 48. to bear fruit on higher planes. And
The feminine symbol is always on all was made perfect in preparation
the matter side of manifestation, for forthcoming evolution.
and the masculine symbol on the See EARTH, FRUIT, GOLDEN AGE,
A symbol of the Divine Will active
WHITE-ARMED, ZEUS. in the laws of terror and fear. The
Divine Will acting through terror
breaks down obstacles in the forms
which impede the evolving life, and
A symbol of the primitive desires also subdues unruly desires (beasts
and affections which are aroused and monsters) which while un-
by the activities of the senses. conquered ravish the soul.
" And no plant of the field was yet in " And the fear of
you and the dread
the earth, and no herb of the field had of you shall be upon every beast of the
yet sprung up : for the Lord God had earth, and upon every fowl of the air." —
not caused it to rain upon the earth, GEN. ix. 2.
and there was not a man to till the And the lower nature with all its
ground."- — -GEN. ii. 5. passions and desires, is to be subdued
by the " fear and
And at this early period of the and disciplined
soul's evolution, no desire had as "
dread which are to bring it into
yet appeared upon the lower plane
subjection to the higher nature and
(earth) ; and no sign of awakening Divine Will.
life had yet thrilled the matter from
The meaning of the symbol Hercules
which unfoldment was to take place.
may vary somewhat in the different
For the Divine Truth-Love had not
legends. It signifies generally the
yet caused the forthcoming of stimu coercive action of the environment
lative ideas to proceed from buddhi.
through pain and trouble in stimu
And no mental faculty was up to the
lating the growth of the soul.
present actively functioning in the See ANIMALS, BEASTS, HYLAS, MON
lower nature.
THORNS. Symbolic of co-ordinated desires
and emotions, as activities in the
HERB YIELDING SEED AFTER evolution of the soul.
Symbolic of the natural laws of
growth and increase in the develop HERMES ; MERCURY ; THOTH ;

ment of the desires, affections, and THOR :—

faculties of the soul. These are symbols of the principle
of the higher mind, or the centralised illumination, and enable us to discern
activities of the higher mental plane, the universal order" (Proclus). — Ibid.,
which is the medium of communica p. 270.
" Hermes has from time immemorial
tion between the higher and lower been, in the sacred science of the West,
natures in the soul. Hence Hermes is the symbol for the Understanding,
called the herald or messenger of especially in relation to divine things.
the Gods. In that science the sea — Maria — has
" For the Egyptians relate that Hermes
always been the symbol for the Soul.
And the tall, far-off hills, with their
(Thoth) had one arm so bent that it could peaks glistening with snow, are the pure
not be straightened." — PLUTARCH, lais
shining heights of spiritual attainment
and Osiris, § 22.
" bent arm of Hermes " the Soul's goal." — E. MAITLAND, Lift of
This A. K., Vol I. p. 161.
signifies the inability of the mind to The sea is a symbol for the lower
act with perfect unanimity. It is or astral soul which when purified
the function of the intellect to disclose in its highest part is the virgin which
differences and perceive similarities, bears the Christ.
and therefore, unaided by a higher See ADAMAS, ABKOWS, CADUCEUS,
faculty, it can never show perfect CAUSAL-BODY, DAIMONS, EXODUS,
" In the Iliad and Odyssey Hermes is
characterised as a cunning thief." —
Smith's Class. Diet.
" The ascription, in the mythologies, STAB IN EAST, THIEVES, THOB, THOTH,
of a thievish disposition to this divinity, TRIDENT, VIRGIN MABY, WILDER-
and the legends which represent him as NESS.
the patron of thieves and adventurers,
and stealing in turn from all the Gods, HERMES TRISMEGISTUS :—
are modes of indicating the facility with
which the understanding annexes every A symbol of the three-fold aspect
thing and makes it its own. For Hermes of the Self, — Alma-buddhl-manas, —
denotes that faculty of the divine part in manifesting on the higher mental
man which seeks and obtains meanings plane as Will, Wisdom, and Action.
out of every department of existence, ''
The ' thrice-greatest,' because he
intruding into the province of every
God," and appropriating some portion spoke of the ' three greatest ' powers
' ' "—
Thus the under that veiled the one Divinity
of the goods of each.
standing has a finger upon all things, (Chron. Alexand., p. 47). — G. K. S. MEAD,
Orpheus, p. 17.
and converts them to its own use, whether " On the famous Rosetta stone, Hermes
' '
it be the ' arrows * of' Apollo, the girdle ' " — MEAD,
of Admetus, is called the Great-and-Great.'
of Aphrodite, the oxen
the ' trident ' of Poseidon, or the ' tongs
' T. O. Hermes, Vol. I. p. 117.
of Hephaistos. . . . His are the rod "Thoth is called 'Twic» Great' and
of ' "
Thrice Great.' — BUDGE, Gods of the
knowledge wherewith all things are
the wings of courage, Egyptians, Vol. I. p. 401.
measured, the " Hermes Trismegistus
" is the
sword of the unconquerable will, and the
cap of concealment or discretion. He is reputed author of many writings ;
in turn the Star of the East, conducting that is, the Divine Intelligence is
the Magi ; the Cloud from whose midst the inspirer of many scriptures which
the holy Voice speaks ; by day the pillar
of Vapour, by night the shining Flame, have been written down by the
leading the elect soul on her perilous receivers of these symbolical communi
path through the noisome wilderness of cations from the higher mind. The
the world, as she flies from the Egypt of truth from the atma-buddhic planes
the Flesh, and guiding her in safety to
the promised heaven." — KINOSFOKD AND is imparted to the higher mind and
MAITLAND, The Perfect Way, p. 269. then expressed in symbols to the lower
" Hermes, as the messenger of God,
reveals to us his paternal will, and, — See HOLD, INSPIRATION, PAPYRUS
developing in us the intuition, — imparts to
us knowledge. The knowledge which BOAT, SCRIPTURES, TRIAD, TRIDENT.
descends into the soul from above excels
any that can be attained by the mere HERMIT OR ANCHORITE :—
exercise of the intellect. Intuition is A symbol of an ego manifesting in
the operation of the soul. The knowledge a centre of consciousness on the sixth
received through it from above, descending
into the soul, fills it with the perception of
mental sub-plane.
the interior causes of things. The Gods " When a householder
(a Snataka)
announce it by their presence, and by i his skin wrinkled, and his hair white,
and the sons of his sons, then . . . aban spirit which becomes the Saviour
doning all food raised by cultivation, and of the soul. On the lower planes
•11 hia belonginga, he may depart into the
forest, either committing his wife to hia (underworld) the Christ -soul is
sons, or accompanied by her." — Laws deputed by Wisdom (Frigg) to seek
ofManu, VI. 2, 3. the Higher Self (Balder), the Christ
When an ego, through the individu within. Then the higher mind (Odin's
ality (householder), perceives that horse) is equipped for the expedition :
his lower nature (skin) has fallen away, and so the Self within, under the aspect
and that he is gifted with pure intu of mind goes forth in the soul con
ition (white hair) and higher mental quering and to conquer. The " liveli
qualities (sons of sons) ; then he turns ness of Hermod
" is expressive of the
away from seeking knowledge (food) outgoing energy of the Self.
through experience and discipline, See BALDER, BRIDGE OF GJALL,
and gives up his lower mental faculties. DEATH OF BALDER, FRIOQ, HADES,
He is thus prepared to withdraw HORSE (Odin's), MODOUNN, NORTH,
from all externals into the solitude ODIN.
(forest) of his soul, leaving the emotion-
nature with the mental qualities, and HEROD THE KING :—
uniting with the buddhic principle A symbol of the lower principle
as the ruler of the lower nature of
" Buddha laid aside weapons and pon the soul. It represents the worldly,
dered the SAstra, he practised perfect sordid side of the lower nature in
calm, and underwent various observances, which Spirit is at its lowest ebb.
like a hermit he refused all objects of " Then Herod when he saw that he was
aense, he viewed all hia kingdoms like a mocked of the wiae man was exceeding
father."— Buddha-Karita, Bk. II. 52. wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the
The soul now casts aside its weapons male children that were in Bethlehem."
of offence and defence, that is, it MAT. ii. 16.
relinquishes its outgoing energies, and The anger of the lower principle
relies upon the Word of the Lord, when disappointed by the upward
which is the expression of the Supreme trend of the intellectual faculties
within it, — that which unifies and co (wise men) was the expression of the
ordinates its experiences. The soul malevolence and ignorance of the
realises itself as centrally situated, animal nature. The seeking to kill
and meditates within itself. And then out the Christ from the soul is the
it undergoes many acts of self- lower nature's rebellion, and the
discipline as an anchorite. It with instinctive fear and hate of what is
draws from the many, and regards above itself. The lower principle
" slew the innocents," that is, took
all perceptions equally and dispassion
ately, as a father his children. measures to destroy growth from the
See ANCHORITE, ASCETIC, ASRAMAS, germs of virtues and truths, — the
CULTIVATION, FOOD, FOREST, HAIR, spiritual children now born in the soul.
" Herod
HOUSEHOLDER, MONK, ORDERS, (i.e. sin, human pride) is
reigning, he is not yet dead, and he rieei
SANNYASIN, SKIN, SNATAKA, WHITE, up and aeeka the life of the young child,
WIFE. and slays all the children that were in
Bethlehem, ' from two years old and
HERMOD, SON OF ODIN :— upwards,' — that is to say, the Spirit of
God had visited by his power the human
A symbol of the Higher Self, son mind, to bring forth the Good (the
of the Logos, born In the soul to be children) and at the end of two yean'
come its ruler and redeemer. particular visitation the Son was born.
" Hot-mod But sin (which lay concealed) broke forth
the Lively, Odin's aon
took upon himself this mission from as a flood and deluged the soul, so that
Frigg, to find Balder in the underworld. all life died. All the work that the Spirit
Odin's horse, Sleipner, was prepared for had done was now swept away with
the journey ; Hermod mounted him, the flood of error and thoughts ; and this
and rode hastily away." — The Story of is in reality what is meant by Noah's
Balder, Prate Edda. Howitt, Litera. Flood ' ; 'all that had life died.' "—
And now it is that the Christ-soul JOHN WARD, Zion's Works, Vol. III. p. 5.
" Herod, — the grossest element of
is born upon the higher planes of
mortal mind." — MBS. EDDY, Scitnce and
experience, and it is this indwelling Health, p. 665.
" We have seen that there ig anatural HERODIAS' DAUGHTER
principle in man lowering him, deadening DANCING :—
him, pulling him down by inches to the
mere animal plane, blinding reason, A symbol of the emotion-nature
searing conscience, paralysing will. This captivated by the desires and sensa
it the active destroying principle, or tions.
Sin." — H. DRUMMOND, Naturai Law, etc., " And when the
daughter of Herodias
p. 108. herself came in and danced, she pleased
" Herod is the devil, the world, and Herod and them that sat at meat with
the flesh, and the way to him is pleasure him." — MA UK vi. 22.
•od greed. They therefore, who pans The lower nature led away by the
from him to Christ, walk by the other
way of the cross and mortification ; and allurements and distractions of the
thus it behoves them to return to their world is well -pleasing to the lower
own country, — that is, the heavenly principle and all its affinities. It is
paradise." " Herod's birthday," signifying the
" Herod is the devil, who strives to
cut 08 infants — that is, those who are
' ' glorying of the lower principle, that
weak in faith and virtue, also the first this sensuousness happens, — not on
inspirations from God, and good thoughts the birthday of the Christ and his
before they have become strong and exaltation in the soul.
increased." — C. A LAPIDE, The Great " There is a higher good than enjoy
Commentary, Vol. I. pp. 71, 77. ment ; and this requires suffering in
The following portion of a leading order to be gained. As long as we
narrow our view of benevolence, and see
article has evidently been written in it only a disposition to bestow pleasure,
without a thought that its philosophy so long life will be a mystery ; for pleasure
interprets the story of the birth and is plainly not its great end. But this
infancy of Jesus — the Divine Idea does not detract from God's love ; because
he has something better for us than
or Ideal. gushing streams of joy." — W. E. CHAN-
" The story of the progress of the NINO, Discourse on Dr. Pollen.
human race is the story of the birth of See EVE, FALL, MEDUSA, PANDOBA.
moral ideas, which attain their incar
nation and manifestation in human HEROES, THE GREATEST OF
society by one of two means, Evolution THE DAY :—
or Revolution. Evolution is tbe natural
process. Some fundamental principle of
A symbol of the twelve or more
truth, hitherto undiscovered by the disciplined qualities and spiritual
human mind, becomes impregnated with energies which are highest in the
the life-force and pushes its way through soul and have been evolved through
prejudices and misconceptions, meeting the lower activities.
but the normal obstruction which the " When the ship Argo was completed,
materialism of the present always offers Jason consulted the oracle, and was
to the spirit of the future. With gradual directed to invite the greatest heroes of
quiet growth it emerges into human the day to share in the dangers and glories
consciousness, having secured its place ; of the voyage." — The Argonautic Expedi
material conditions gradually adapt tion, KBIOHTLEY, Mythology.
themselves to its presence, and it becomes " When the causal -body of humanity
part of the social inheritance of humanity.
But sometimes the process of birth is was potentially completed, the Christ-
different. The divine idea is opposed by soul (Jason or Jasius) communed with
perverted human will. Those who hold his inner nature whether the conditions
the sceptre of rule in the world summon were such that it would now be possible
all the forces of materialism and all the
forces of physical repression to their aid, to gather together, or co-ordinate,
with the intent to crush the new mani the higher qualities which had now
festation. They may seem to succeed been evolved upon the lower planes
for a time. But because there is the
of his being, and which would serve
germ of indestructible life latent in the
idea, it grows under the repression, and to assist in subjugating the lower
one day there comes a world-shaking qualities and perfecting the soul.
upheaval. That upheaval is revolu The soul's salvation depends upon
tion." — Votet for Women, May 16, 1913. the development of the disinterested
See Hi -TH Li: H KM
, H I I'.TI I OF KBI8HNA, and heroic side of its nature, so that
I >!;v all selfishness and evil be overcome.
The Higher Self ; the Divine Spirit HORUS.
as the energy within all things.
" First, Ormazd created ' the Heroic
Runner,' who never dies, the Sun, and A symbol of the Individuality on
made him king and ruler of the material the mental plane of the soul.
world. From Mount Albordj he sots out " Chesed (merit) is the right and
on his course, he circles the earth in the Oeburah (demerit) the left arm. The
highest spheres of heaven, and at evening right side is life and the left is death.
returns." — The Zoroastrian Syntem. . . . The serpent constitutes the left
First of all, the Higher Self, —the arm and thence emanates the impure
Divine indwelling Monad, — is said spirit. It is the side of water and tho
side of sadness. These engender dark
to be emanated, and this is indestruc ness, and the way of escape is by the
tible through all changes of state. harmony which can be instituted between
From the first moment of manifesta the Mercy or Grace of Chesed and the
tion, he goes forth from the heights Severity of Oeburah. A day will come
when the evil, that is on the left side,
of aspiration, passes through the
shall disappear and good will obtain only.
higher planes, involves himself in the It is said further that the Mercy and
lower planes, and from thence rises Severity of Cheted and Oeburah are united
again to the higher as the cycle in Tiphereth." — A. E. WATTE, Secret
Doctrine in Israel, pp. 35-7.
" O Ra, O Runner, O Lord, O only The immortal Individuality (Chesed)
One, thou maker of things which are , and the transient Personality (Qebu-
thou hast fashioned the tongue of the rah) work together for good. The
company of the gods, thou hast produced desire nature (serpent) enthrals the
whatsoever cometh forth from the
waters." — BUDOE, Book of the Dead, Personality, but a time of liberation
Ch. XV. will come when the perfected Per
See ALBORDJ, CIRCLE, COMPANY sonality will disappear in the Indi
(gods), EARTH, EVENING, KONG, viduality, which will then become
MONAD, SELF, SUN, TONGUE (higher) one with the Self in the causal -body
WATER. (Tiphereth).
This signifies the conquest of
intellectual pride.
" As proof of victory Horus stood upon HESPERIDES :—
the back of a male hippopotamus, and so A symbol of the buddhlc emotions
which guard, as it were, the " treasure
was called Herpest, i.e. He who is on the
back." — Legend of the Winged Sun-ditk.
In heaven," " the golden apples which
As evidence of victory, the Christ- •
Ge (Earth) gave to Hera at her
soul overcomes the pride of the mind,
marriage with Zeus," signifying
and thereby gives God the praise of that when Wisdom and Love are
spiritual upraising, recognising that united after the struggle of the Self
the mind is not the real actor, but is an rising from below, the treasure,
agent of the Supreme. which matter, or the lower nature
" If there is one lesson which more (earth), has been the means of
than any other ought by this time to be securing, is presented to Wisdom as
burnt in upon the human soul by much the consciousness rises to the
tribulation, it is that of the vanity of buddhic plane.
earthly pride and ambition ; it leads
nowhere ; it yields nothing but pain in See APPLES, GE, GOLD, HERA,
the end unless that which gives rise to TREASURE, ZEUS,
it can be linked to something higher than
one's own personality. It is no use living HESTIA; VESTA:—
for oneself on the one hand or a blind These symbols are the expression,
universal on the other. And with this through the feminine or negative
realisation is apt to come a sense of the
futility of existence ; the heart goes out principle, of the physical plane.
of our hopes and aims, and we flee into " According to a view that afterwards
the wilderness of pessimism and despair." became current, under the influence of
— R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Being and philosophers and mystics Hestia was
Becoming. regarded as personifying the earth as
the fixed centre of the world." — HIDDEKEL RIVER :—
MI i r . Diet, of Class. Antiq.
A symbol of the astral plane which
proceeds from buddhi.
NEPHTHYS, NESTIS. " And the name of the third river is
HETEP, THE GOD :— Hiddekel ; that is it which goeth in front
of Assyria." — GEN. ii. 14.
A symbol of the Divine Will the
The symbol " Hiddekel " stands for
Word, or the Logos.
" The god Hetep is hidden of mouth, the astral plane on which the person
his mouth is silent, that which he utteroth ality develops, becoming as it were,
IB secret, he fulnlleth eternity and taketh a dawn of consciousness — light in the
possession of everlastingness of existence east — precursor of the rising of the
as Hetep, the lord Hetep."— BUDOK,
Book of the Dead, Ch. CX.
Higher Self (sun) in the soul.
The Logos is the unspoken Word, — See ASSYRIA ASTRAL PLANE, EAST,
the inherent energy of the Divine EDEN (rivers), PERSONALITY, TIGRIS.
Will, —which is to be perceived only HIDING FROM GOD :—
by those egos who have transcended Symbolic of the mental emotion-
the form levels. The secret utterance nature paying no heed to conscience
ia the emanation of the Divine Life and aspiration.
which ia manifested through the " And they heard the voice of the Lord
manvantara. The fulfilling of eternity God walking in the garden in the cool
signifies the power which makes for of the day : and the man and his wife
in hid themselves from the presence of the
righteousness interpreted the
Lord God amongst the trees of the
natural, moral, and intellectual orders garden." — GEN. iii. 8.
of action, and which is realised when And by the mind and emotion -nature
the ego perceives that all things the voice of the Divine within them is
work together for good, — since such partially interpreted, when they were
an intuition is a direct perception wandering at the close of a period,
of the Love of God.
" Hetep, the
among the objects of delight which
lord Hetep signifies the attainment were in the soul : and the mental
of equilibrium in the soul. emotion -nature is not developed
He (the god Hetep) is established enough to reflect and interpret aright
upon the watery supports (?) of the god
Shu, and is linked unto the pleasant the decrees of the Divine nature, so
things of Ra." — BUDGE, Book of the it is said to " hide " from the presence
Dead, Ch. CX. of Love- Wisdom, that is, it is unable
The Divine Life has its source above to respond to the vibrations from
the higher mind, and is held above within of the Spirit.
the devachanic state during the See ADAH, CONSCIENCE, DAY, EVE,
periodic interval between two out EVENING, FALL, GARDEN OF EDEN,
A symbol of the Greater Self Symbolic of the buddhic nature
wherein all the lesser selves unite which is unperceived by the lower
and are made One in Truth (water) ; nature, and is deep within the soul.
that is, become one on the higher " O Goddess of Power ! I have come
planes of atma-buddhi. into thee, even into thy hiding place, and
See LAKE, OCEAN. power is bom unto me." — Book of the
Dead, Ch. CX. (trans. Biackden).
The lesser Self has come into the
buddhic sanctuary of the greater
This is a symbol of the womb of
Self as Wisdom, and all its needs are
natter wherein the Divine conception
takes place, which is to give life and satisfied in the accession of higher
mmortality to every soul. faculties.
" Amaterasu, the Sun-Goddess,
offended with Susanoo, the god of the
VmoiN, WOMAN (matter), WOMB or Moon and Sea, went away and concealed
MAYA. herself in the cave of Ameno Tuaya,
closing the entrance with a larger piece but not in the same way in which the
of rock. From this time the country heaven is above the earth.' So the
was dark all over, and given up to the scholastic mystics say that God has His
noise and disturbances of all sorts of centre everywhere, His circumference
inferior gods."— Japanese Legend. nowhere." — W. R. INGE, Paddock Lectures,
Wisdom on the buddhic plane being p. 123.
" The
frustrated by Desire (Susanoo) with fundamental thought of the
Christian religion is that there are two
drew from direct action in the soul, orders, commonly called nature and
and retired into the inner being or grace ; the one discernible by sense and
Divine realm, concealed from the understanding, the other by a spiritual
sight. From the first until now the mystic
lower nature by the higher mind.
" Fall " of mind light of Tabor, before which the pheno
[That is, — the (man) menal world fades away into nothingness,
having taken place, the Desire-mind has ever burned at the inner shrine of
rules the soul, and the direct vibrations Christianity. Thence has come the illu
mination of those who, age after age,
from the buddhic plane (Eden) cease.] have entered most fully into the secret
This left the lower nature bereft of of .Tesus ; thence are the bright beams
the light of Truth, and immersed in which stream from the pages of St. John'-
the darkness of ignorance. The soul Gospel, St. Augustine's Confession*, The
was given over to the desires and Imitation of Chritt, The Divine Comedy,
The Pilgrim's Progress. The supreme
sensations (inferior gods) in constant blessedness of man, as all Christian
turmoil and conflict. teaching insists, is the vision, in the great
See A.MATEUASU, CAVE, DARKNESS, hereafter, of Him who is the substance of
substances, the life of life, who alone,
in the highest sense, is — ' I am," His
NOWO, UZUME. incommunicable name, — and who, even
in this world, is seen by the pure in heart."
HIGHER AND LOWER — W. S. LILLY, The Great Enigma, p. 266.
Symbolic of the ideal and pheno CREATION, EVOLUTION, HEAVEN AND
menal phases of existence, of which EARTH, IMAGE, IMPERIAL, MACROCOSM,
the first is the enduring and real, MAHAY ANA, MICROCOSM, OCEAN, PLE-
and the second the changing and
unreal. The first is archetypal and
perfect ; the second proceeds from it
but is always deficient as a copy of (five).
the first, and is changeable, being
in process of becoming perfect in HIGHER AND LOWER WORLDS :—
essentials. The higher nature com Symbols of the inner ideal proto
prehends the lower, but the lower typal nature on the higher planes,
cannot understand the higher. The and its outer emanation, the pheno
greater can contain the less, but not menal nature, on the lower planes
the less the greater. The lower proceeds from the higher.
Of course, it was recognised, even in " All that which is contained in the
antiquity, by thoughtful persons that Lower World is also found in the Upper
such expressions as above and beneath, (in prototype). The Lower and the Upper
heaven and earth, were metaphors ; reciprocally act upon each other. —
just as Plato in the seventh book of the Zohar.
Republic says :
It makes no difference " All that which exists upon the Earth
whether a person stares stupidly at the has its spiritual counterpart also to be
sky, or down upon the ground. So long found on High, and there does not exist
as his attention is directed to objects the smallest thing in this world which
of sense, his soul is looking downwards. is not itself attached to something on
not upwards.' For a long time the local High. . . . When the inferior part is
and spatial symbols were regarded as influenced, that which is set over it in
literally true, concurrently with the the Superior World is equally influenced,
spiritual doctrine that God is everywhere, because all are perfectly united together."
and heaven wherever He is. St. Augus — Zohar.
tine did much to legitimise the spiritual " All that which is on the earth, is
doctrine, which is no after-thought, no also found above in perfect prototype,
explaining away of dogmatic truth. and there is not anything so insignificant
God ' he says, ' is present everywhere in in the world, that does not depend upon
His entirety, and yet is nowhere. He another above : in such a manner, that
dwells in the depths of my being, more if the lower moves itself the higher
inward than my innermost self, and higher corresponding to it moves towards it." —
than my highest. He is above my soul, I. MYKB, Qabbalah, p. 109.
"A spiritual and invisible world of manifesting Itself, while the first
preceded, therefore, this visible material Is unmanlfest. The first Is to be
world, as its prototype. In creating the thought of as seated regnant upoa
material world, which was in reality the higher planes, and the second as
only an incorporation of the spiritual struggling upward through the lower
world of Fravashis, Ormuzd first created planes. The first Is never revealed
the firm vault of heaven, and the earth
to the consciousness in Its fullness,
on which it rests." — Zoroastrian System.
for the unmanlfest cannot be appre
This refers to the fact that the
hended In Its true nature. The
Ethereal or Buddhic world, or Universe second, In manifesting, Is always
of Spirit, preceded the physical
short of Itself, but as It develops
world which was patterned upon it. Its qualities, It gradually approaches
In devising the creation of the physical completion, and when complete and
universe, the Divine Will first created perfect it unites with its counterpart
that which corresponds to the proto on the upper planes.
typal evolution of the soul (potential), " And what all human life but this


and afterwards the lower planes man having in his freedom, to chooie,
whereon its expression might proceed. to choose under all kinds of circumstances,
all kinds of feelings, under the stress and
This signifies the production of the force of all kinds of motives — having to
mechanism of life and form through choose and choosing, — the right thing
which the Divine power is realised. or the wrong — going straight onward
It is analogous to a process of involu or turning aside giving proof of what is

tion, prior to an objective evolution. in him, of the inmost biae and inclination
" The whole natural world corresponds of his character, of the use he would make
of his freedom, of the strength and mastery
to the spiritual world, not only as a whole, over himself, by which he can make his
but in every part ; and therefore whatever
higher self govern his lower self, by which
exists in the natural world is said to be he can make his weaker and poorer and
the correspondent of that from which it baser wishes yield to his nobler will." —
derives its existence in the spiritual
B. W. CHURCH, Cathedral Sermons, p. 100.
world ; for the natural world exists and " Ho who that was not first which is

subsists from the spiritual world, just as

Spiritual, but that which is Natural
an effect exists from its cause." — SWEDEN-

and afterward that which is Spiritual.'
BORO, The Future Life, p. 29.
" All thingt accordingly, that are on COB. xv. 46). St. Paul surveys the

universe and finds the same truth every

earth, O Tat, are not the Truth ; they're
where. Everywhere the higher comes to
copies only of the True. . . . Wherever make the lower perfect. Everywhere the
the appearance doth receive the influx
lower is provided first, to be the basis
from above, it turns into a copy of the and opportunity of the higher coming
Truth ; without its energising from above, by and by. Everywhere the lips must
it is left false" (Of Truth).— G. R. S. the canvas must be
MEAD, T. Q. Hermes, Vol. III. p. 18.
be before the speech

" All before the picture the candle must

(Sufi seers) agree in maintaining

be before the flame the brain must be

of the soul, and

the pre-natal existence before the thought. It the teaching


in declaring the physical world to be but which natural science is giving us pro
a transient and distorted reflection a

fusely. . . But our deeper observation

far more glorious world, and in itself

teaches us a deeper truth. The material

essentially unreal." — GIBB, Hist, Otto

has within itself the power of spiritual

man Poetry, Vol. p. 68.

" What is heredity but the permanence life. Its total story has not been told
until a waiting impulse has been felt within
of that invisible and yet most real type it dimly conscious of incompleteness,
which Plato called the idea . . . We
until it has answered to the spiritual call

must postulate invisible but real types, and roused itself to Life." — PHILLIPS
because without them their visible effects Iniquity, p. 242.

BROOKS, Mystery
would remain inexplicable." — F. MAX " The conception of the solidarity of
MULLER, Theosophy, etc., p. 389.
man's spiritual part with the eternal
See ABC. MAN, BUDDHIC PLANE, substance is the root principle of all our
COSMOS, CBEATION, EABTH, FBAVASHIS, Christian faith in immortality to-day
HEAVBN AND EABTH, IMAGE, INVOLU . . The mysterious entity which wo

arc obliged to call the self a vastly



greater thing than its physical expression.
IYPES, SUBSTANCE, WOBLDS. . . . You, the mortal earthly you, began
a few short years ago, and a few years
HIGHER AND LOWER SELVES :— hence at the most this frail, unstable,
Symbols of the Spirit potential constantly changing you will have come
above, and the Spirit actual below. to an end but the you behind all these

The two are aspects of the one Divine shifting shadows, the you that derives
Life, but the second Is In the process immediately from God, the you whose
angel doth ever behold the face of the " By the ferry of Yaau, on the River of
Father, lives not by days and years ; it Heaven, the boat is floating : I pray you
simply is. ... I am only insisting on tell my younster sister (wife) that I stand
the eternity of the spiritual substance out here and wait. Though I (being a Star-
of which your soul arises, and which is god) can pass freely to and fro, through
truly you, a greater you than as yet the great sky, — yet to cross over the
you have knowledge of, or your present River of Heaven, for your sake, was
consciousness can more than feebly and woary work indeed ! . . . From the time
fitfully express." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., when heaven and earth were parted she
Our Eternal Substance. has been my own wife ;— yet to be with
See ARJUNA, BIRDS (two), CHRIST, her, I must always wait till autumn **
CONSCIOUSNESS, FICI-TBEE, IMMOR (Legend from the ManyOshu). — L.
HEAKN, Milky Way, pp. 36, 37.
The " ferry of Yasu " has the same
meaning as the bridge of heaven,"
and signifies the higher mind which
(highest), UNION.
the consciousness most traverse in
HIGH-PRIEST OF THE GOOD order to rise to the buddhic level.
RELIGION :— The " boat floating on the River of
A symbol of the spiritual mind Heaven " signifies the causal-body on
(buddhl-manas), the upholder of the the higher mental plane. The " wife
science of the Higher Self In building " is Wisdom, — the buddhic
up the individualised causal-body. principle, — the younger sister " of
" For every high priest, being taken the Higher Self. The Self can pass
from among men, is appointed for men freely through the higher planes, but
in things pertaining to God, that he may when it is incarnate it is " weary work
offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins." —
HBB. v. 1. indeed " to struggle upward, so that
The subjective spiritual mind is Love from below may be united to
set apart from other mental qualities ; Wisdom above. From the time of
and its function is to minister to the commencement of evolution when
righteousness, and receive the higher Spirit and Matter were dissevered, —
powers and faculties, — the reward of matter alone being left apparent, — the
giving up the lower desires, — in order Self -incarnate claimed his true mate ;
to offer to the causal-body that which but to be again united with her, he
will promote its growth must wait until the cycle's close.
See AARON, ATHORNE, CHRYSE, (Footnote). By the ancient calendar,
the seventh day of the seventh month
would fall in tho autumn season." —
The number seven signifies perfec
FAITH :— tion and completion, and the " seventh
period " therefore signifies the com
A symbol of conventional ideas of
pletion of the cycle, when the lower
religion, and the rule of a formal
creed which supports sectarianism being perfected it unites with the
and Intolerance. Higher.
" In mysticism the will is united with
the emotions in an impassioned desire
ELDERS. to transcend the sense-world in order
that the self may be joined by love to
HIGH-PRIESTSHIP OF THE tho one eternal and ultimate Object of
GLORIFIED ONE :— love ; whose existence is intuitively
perceived by that which we used to call
A symbol of authority and power the soul. . . . We at once see that these
over the lower nature, attained by two activities correspond to the two
the Self who has undertaken to go eternal passions of the self, the desire of
forth and accomplish his evolution. love and the desire of knowledge : sever
See BAHMAN, MELCHIZEDEK, MICHAEL, ally representing the hunger of heart
VICTORY, VOHUMAN. and intellect for ultimate truth." —
E. UNDERBILL, Mysticitm, pp. 81, 85.
HIKOBOSHI, A STAR-GOD " Thou hast ravished my heart, my
sister, my bride ; thou hast ravished my
A symbol of the spiritual ego on heart with one of thino eyes with one
the mental plane, or the Incarnate chain of thy neck. How fair is thy love,
Self. my sister, my bride ! How much better
is thy love than wine ! " —Song of Song*, gives birth to both higher and lower
iv. 9, 10.
See APPLES, BRIDGE, BUDDHI, " Po, or night, was the great name for
CHAKON'S FERRY, CUPID, GOLDEN Hades."— Ibid., p. 41.
FLEECE, LOVER, MAIDEN, RECOLLEC The manifested lower nature in
TION, ROBE, SELF, SEVEN, SHORE ignorance (darkness) is the underworld,
(other), SONS or GOD, STARS OF SOULS, — the lower planes.
MAYA (lower), MOTHER, NIGHT, Po,
A symbol of aspiration.
" And Mary arose in these days and HIPPOPOTAMI :—
went into the hill country with haste,
into a city of Judah ; and entered into A symbol
of the elementals of pride,
the house of Zacharias and saluted craft, hate, etc., which disport them
Elisabeth." — LUKE i. 39, 40. selves on the astro-mental plane
And the purified part of the lower (marsh).
nature bestirred itself at this period See MARSH, NEKHEBIT, WATEB
and centred itself in a state of aspira (lower).
tion and love of the Divine : and
became in touch with the spiritual
mind, aspiring towards the truth side A symbol of intellectual pride.
which is to give birth to the moral " In Hermopolis, the symbol of Typhon
nature (John). was a river-horse, — upon which a hawk
" And most rightly was it in the hill was placed fighting with a serpent ;—
country that these transactions took representing by the horse, Typhon, and
place, since no great thing can be enter by the hawk, power and the origin of
tained by those who are low and may be things. . . . They (the Egyptians) also
thence called valleys." — ORIOEN, Comm. picture Osiris as a hawk." — PLUTARCH,
on John, Bk. VI. § 30. Itis and Osiris, § 50
" hawk fighting the serpent "
" will lift up mine eyes unto the The
hills from whence cometh my help." — symbolises the Higher Self (Osiris)
Ps. cxxi. 1.
" Any man who undertakes that overcoming the desire -nature (serpent)
struggle with temptation may look either in its subtlest form of intellectual
to the valleys or to the hills for help, pride (on the back of the river-horse).
may call the lower or the higher powers See BEL, HAWK, HERPEST, SERPENT,
to his aid." — PHILLIPS BBOOKS, Serm.,
H-l;> from the HiUa.
A symbol of the Divine Monad, —
HIMAVAN PEAK, OR HIGH the primordial centre of manifesta
MOUNTAIN :— tion arising from the Absolute.
" In the beginning there arose the germ
A symbol of a high pitch of aspira
tion to which the soul may attain. of golden light, Hiranyagarbha ; he was
the one born lord of all that is. He
See ALBOKDJ, DELUGE, KAILASA, established the earth and the heaven." —
MOUNTAIN, OLYMPUS. Rig-Veda, X. 121.
" Hiranyagarbha came first into exis
HINE-NUI-TE-PO :— tence, for that golden child did come first
A symbol of the matter and space into existence — born he was the one
side of manifestation which eventuates lord of being ; he upholdeth this earth
and the sky. "—Sato. Brdh.,4, VII. 4, 1, 19.
In the lower nature. " When God determined to manifest
" There were two grand orders of gods : Himself, He summoned into being a
the first and most ancient were the gods glorious Radiance derived from His own
of the night, as night preceded light ; light. . . . God looked upon it and loved
end then followed the gods of the light. it, and uttered this sentence, — ' But for
Of the former, the chief was Hine-nui- thee, verily
I had not created the
te-po, the great mother Night, the grand heavens ! And it was through this
parent of the rest" — K. TAYLOR, New Light and for its sake, that all things
Zealand, p. 16. were made (Sufi Cosmogony). — GIBB,
The potential (darkness) precedes Hist, of Ottoman Poetry, pp. 34, 36.
the manifest (light). Space -matter As the Absolute is symbolised by
Darkness, so the first germ of manifesta HOA-TABU-ITERAI :—
tion is symbolised by Light. A symbol of the lower mind or
" All the
gods are based upon that Intellect, the personality.
divine being Hiranyagarbha, out of whom " Oro's wife bore a son, whom
the sun rises, into whom the sun sets. he called
No one is beyond identity with that divine Hoa-tabu-iterai, i.e. ' friend sacred to the
being. This is That."— Katha. Upanis- heavens.' This eon became a powerful
had, IV. ruler among men." — \\'M. ELLIS, Poly
" nesian Researches, Vol. I. p. 231.
Hiranyagarbha means literally the
golden embryo, the golden germ or child, From the Self and the not-Self, —
or born of a golden womb, and was no Spirit and Matter, — there is produced
doubt an attempt at naming the sun. the astro-mental nature which is to
. . . The golden child was supposed to
have been so called because it was Praga- triumph over the lower instincts and
pati, the lord of creation, when dwelling desires, and become a means for the
as yet in the golden egg, and Hiranya ascent of the soul. This " son,"
garbha became in the end a recognised therefore, is the personality which
name of Pragapati." — MAX MULLEB,
Vedie Hymns, p. 6. grows from small to great as it mani
The symbols of the manifested fests more and more the Divine ego
Self are many. From that Self all which is within it.
" By pure con
proceeds, and of that Self all consists. (Aristotle teaches).
templation the mind may rise above tbe
As the egg evolves the life-form, so transitory and contingent, may get beyond
the germ-Self evolves the inner and space and time and contemplate the
the outer universes. Absolute. This attainment is possible
because man possesses at the top of
his mind ' an active reason, that is to say,
TURES (small), Eoo, EROS, FIRST '
a pure self-consciousness.' Aristotle dis
BORN SON, GOLD MAN, HEAVEN AND tinguishes two levels of reason, which he
KAKTH, IMPERIAL, MAN CRAWLED, calls the active and the passive reason.
MANES, MONAD, PHANES, PRAGAPATI, The active reason has no finite origin, is
not bound up with, or dependent on, the
SEED, SELF, SPHERE, SUN, SUTRATMA, body. It is ' pure,' i.e. not raized with
SWAN, VAISVANARA. desire or passion, and does not receive
its content through gense. The lower
HIRUKO (LEECH-CHILD) :— or passive reason is wholly dependent
A symbol of the astral human for its content on the body." — R. M.
JONES, Mystical Religion, p. 67.
nature devoid of mind. The incipient
" The child which was the first offspring SPARK, TAATA, VAIRAUMATI, VAPOUR,
of the union of Izanagi and Izanami was HODER :—
the Hiruko (leech-child), which at the
age of three was still unable to stand A symbol of the lower Instinct
upright, and was therefore placed in a nature, ignorant and undeveloped.
reed-boat and sent adrift." — The Kojiki. " Hoder stood in the outermost circle
The union of Will and Wisdom as of the crowd round Balder because he
Life and Form, produced first in order was blind." — Story of Balder, Prose Edda.
the astral nature of man, which before The lower nature, instinct, or sub
it was endowed with mind and spirit, conscious factor, — the astral dregs, —
could not, " stand upright," but lies at the circumferential extremity
" crawled," as it were. It was there of the evolving soul ; whereas the
fore kept on the astral plane (sea) germ-God (Balder), corresponding to
in an astral body (boat). The develop the Spirit or Seer within, is the inner
ment of the astral nature of desire and most super-conscious factor. The
instinct comes first, and when the former is
" blind," that is,
animal-man is complete it is indi ened and unreasoning.
" Hodr,
vidualised by the evolution within it pictured as a blind god of
tremendous strength, who without malice
of the mental factor which gives it
discharges the fatal arrow at Balder, is
power to stand alone as a personality called Hotherus in Saxo (Grammaticua).
(astro-mental). He was imagined blind, because he dealt
See ASAR, BOAT, IZANAGI, MAN out at random good hap and ill." — <: KIM M .
BORN, MAN CRAWLED, MOON-WAXING, Teutonic Mythology, Vol. I. p. 223.
Instinct is blind, but has a wonder
PITRIS (lunar), PITRIYANA, REED ful power of going unerringly to the spot
' '
PLAIN. he sees and finding what he wants ;
without him there would be neither life and^sbedience to the guidance of the
nor light in the cave of the soul. Beaton indwelling Spirit, enable the soul to
can aee, but is clumsier in his movements progress through the lower experiences
than instinct, and is apt to follow wrong
roads in his quests and sometimes to of life and the conditions of limita
make grievous mistakes ; he often gazes tion and separateness (Set).

upward to the mountain peaks." See AKEHT, HERMES (tris.), NAMES,
K. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Function SET, SHIP, THOTH.
of Faith.
CAVE, DEATH OF BALDEB, OF LEM- A symbol of the lower planes,
VINKAINF.N, DHHITA-RASHTHA, EYE, below the higher ; or of the lower
SERPENT (water). See DOORS (house), HTT.T. COUNTRY,
A symbol of the Second Logos, — A symbol of the prototypes of the
the manifesting Higher Self on the soul-vehicles (ships) ; hence they are
upper planes. the ideal patterns on the higher
" The Word or Wisdom, represents the mental plane, and are therefore
Creator of the Universe, and the Mediator beyond the form levels.
between the Holy One (Ain Soph) and " Let me not find thro, old man,
1 19 creation. In the Qabbalah it is called
(Chryse, priest of Apollo), at the hollow
the Upper Wisdom to distinguish it from
the Sephirah Malkhuth, kingdom, the ships, either now loitering, or hereafter
returning, lest the staff and fillet of the
Lower Wisdom, the manifested She'keen-
god (Apollo) avail theenot." — Iliad, Bk. I.
oh or Glory of the Deity." — I. MYER,
Qabbalah, p. 206. The lower self or desire-mind
The " Lower Wisdom " is the (Agamemnon) soliloquises thus : — I

buddhic principle (feminine) the look not to thee — spiritual mind

Queen, Malkhuth," the "kingdom (Chryse), — nor would I see thee at

of heaven," the Holy Spirit. the ideal prototypes on the higher

" The second emanation from Kether, mental subplanes, either now or here
is the Sephirah Hokhmah, Wisdom, the ' '
Word, also called the Son. ... It is the
after : that is, apprehend thee not
hi the operation of those laws which
male principle, and that which gives
existence to everything, by giving Form make for the karmic compensation
to Matter."— Ibid., p. ' 199. of deeds committed ; in case the will
" The Zohar says : For it (Hokhmah) and wisdom of the Spirit (Apollo)
generates all things.' — Ibid., p. 283. satisfy not at the same time the lower
Hokhmah, therefore, is the same as The desire-
" needs of the personality.'
the Word, the Christ, — All things mind does not recognise the place
were made by him " (JOHN i. 3). of the spiritual mind in the moral
order, and it relies on the course of
the natural order.
(masc.), WORD.
This symbol signifies properly the
A symbol of the lower consciousness feminine aspect of the Divine Trinity,
and experience of life on the lower
and has the same meaning as the
planes. The conditions of life and
through self-love and great Goddesses of other religions
progress It represents
than the Christian.
attraction towards the lower nature. the activities and functioning of the
" * Tell me my name,' saith the Hold ;
• " — BUDOE, Book plane of being above the higher
Aker is thy name.' of
mental planes, i.e. the buddhic plane.
the Dead, Ch. XCIX.
" I
am supplied with the books of The Holy Spirit proceeds from the
Thoth, and I have brought them to Godhead — the infinite source of all.
enable me to pass through the god Aker It is the Breath of the Atman, — the
who dwelleth in Set."— Ibid., Ch. XCIV. Infinite power of God. It la not
" books of Thoth " are the separate from, but operative through
•acred scriptures, veneration for which, the Christ— the Higher Self. Without
Christ there would be no Holy Spirit. sacrifice of the lower desires offered
With Christ there must be a Holy to the Ideal before the soul.
Spirit, which, however, is possible " Homa
grows when being praised.
to be seen and known only as the So the man who praises him becomes
personal is lost sight of, or more triumphant. The least extraction
transcended, and the Truth and the of Horn-juice, the least praise ; the least
Life are realised. But the lower tasting of it, O Homa ! is sufficient for
mind cannot distinguish between the destroying a thousand of the daevas." —
Christ and the Spirit. Homa Yasht, HAUG, Essays.
" Now The Self within develops as his laws
in Hebrew the word ' spirit '
(mach) is of feminine gender. As a of growth are reverently observed.
consequence of this the Holy Ghost was So the mind which diligently attends
looked upon by the Naassenes and the to the higher laws of its being rises
earliest Christians as the ' mother ' of
in power. The least degree in which
Jesus." — A. DBEWS, The Christ Myth,
p. 118. the Divine Life functions is so far
See ATMAN, BAPTISM OF FIRE, the means of furthering the evolution
BLASPHEMY, BREATH, BUDDHIC PLANE, of the Self and of overcoming the
CHRIST (pri.), GODHEAD, HAIR, INSPI- manifold negations and illusions of
BATION, JERUSALEM, MALKHUTH, the lower planes.
" There is in all
OCEAN (fern.), PARACLETE, SAPANDAR, who are born into thia
world as part of mankind, a universal
SELF, STIFFNECKED, TRINITY, WIND. Life, and that life is God's life, latent in
some, more formed in others, vivid and
HOLY PLACES AND FEELINGS :— full in the best of the race, but absent
Symbolic of exalted states of con from none. None are divorced from the
sciousness, and aspirations towards Life of Truth and Love and Righteousness,
attaining them. none able finally to be divorced from it,
" King Suddhodana bathed and though that Life in the man, like
to purify Truth in the world, may run wild and run
his body and mind with the waters of to evil, it will be sovereign in him in the
holy places and of holy feelings." — end and perfect him, as Truth will be
Buddha-Karita, Bk. II. sovereign in the race. . . . There is,
The Higher Self now withdrawing indeed, a God with us — in our hearts.
within itself, bathes, as it were, in Believe in that, live in the truth that
God is incarnating Himself in you, that
the pure Truth which is to cleanse
His spirit is at one with yours. So that
the intellect and the vehicle of the if you will, your thought and work and
mind, and raise the soul to high states will may be God's thought and work
of consciousness in response to desires and will. Worship God not only in
yourselves in this truth, but live in it,
to attain such.
and in its spirit among men, and your
See BAPTISM, RIVER or LIFE, SUDD outward life will then be in it worship
HODANA, WATER, WELL. of God in spirit and truth." —STOPFORD
A. BROOKE, Serm., God it Spirit.
" The Eternal
HOM-PLANT STEM :— indwells you now,
though you cannot realise it ; it is you,
A symbol of the Inter-connected though your surface consciousness that
vehicles of the soul. you mistake for yourself keeps you
" The archangels convey to earth ignorant of it. Man, what you know
another of the three elements, the about yourself now is but a tiny fraction
Fravashi, bearing it in a stem of the Horn- of the glorious reality that is visible to
plant, the height of a man." — The the eyes of God. He sees, he cares, he
Dinkard, S. B. of E. saves." — B. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The
The messengers of the Logos are Eyes Divine.
the means of introducing the Life- See ASHA-VANUHI, ATONEMENT,
element into the germ-vehicles of
the human soul, which are awaiting
its reception.
HEIGHT OF OSIRIS, PROMETHEUS, A symbol of the Divine Ray or
STEM, VESTURES. " tree of Life," which proceeds from
the Absolute and conveys spiritual
HOMA-JUICE :— nourishment to the soul.
A symbol of the Divine Life to be " Then spake Zarathustra :
acquired through aspiration, and to Homa I good is Homa ! well-created u
Homa I rightly created, of a good nature, in myself, 1 lived already in God." —
healing, well -shaped, well performing, suc TitTLEB.
cessful, golden-coloured, with hanging When I was a little child, and dwelling
tendrils, as the best for eating and the in my kingdom, in my Father's house,
moat tasting provision for the soul." — and in the wealth and glories of my
Homa Yaekt, vene 16, HAUO, Essays. nurturers had my pleasure, from the
The soul (Zarathustra) acclaims the East our home, my Parents having
equipped me, sent me forth." — Hymn of
Divine Life (Homa), or the spiritual the Soul," Acts of Judas Thomas.
consciousness. In doing so, it prepares When I, the Soul's prototype, was
itself to receive, to reverence, and to in the germ state, — a manifestation
acknowledge the Truth and Life proceeding from the Divine Monad
•which proceed from the Divine illu I
or radiation from God, — dwelt as
mination. This preparedness implies an undifferentiated unit in the bosom
realisation of Bight, Holiness, Har of the Eternal fullness ; and in the
mony, Justice, Equilibrium, Victorship greatness and opulence of my nature
and Wisdom. The symbol of the
" hanging tendrils," is the comparison had my delight. From the " East," —
or along the path of the manifesting
of the Divine Nature to the fruit of life to which the rising of the sun is
the vine of Love, which is the best comparable, — was I sent forth of
nourishment for the growth of the my parents Love and Wisdom, or
soul during its pilgrimage. the Spirit and the vestures which
"The Horn of the Persians is spoken
And with the potential
of in the Zend-avesta as the Word of Life,
clothed me.
and has its echo on the earth ; also as wealth of the spiritual treasury, as
the author of salvation, and at the same latent powers of the soul, was I
time the announcer of it ; as the Tree endowed.
of Life, and source of the living Water of " Now there is not upon earth any
Life. The plant Horn, when consecrated, creature but wisheth and willeth to come
is regarded as the mystical body of God ; to that home, the high source of his being,
and when partaken of as a sacrament, is where heart's ease is and endless rest,
received as the veritable food of eternal that plainly is Almighty God. Now there
life." — H. C. BABLOW, Essays on Sym is not upon earth any creature but revolves
bolism, p. 116.
" The purification of the Homa twigs like a wheel on itself ; why so it revolves
is that it may return where it erst was,
is accomplished by water and formulas. where its earliest impulse began." — KING
The priest takes the Homa twig (one is ALFRED, Works.
sufficient) in his right hand, holding a " There is a raying out of all orders of
copper goblet of water, in his left, from existence, an external emanation from
which he pours water, at intervals, over the Ineffable One. There is again a
the twig as he thrice recites, etc." — HAUO, returning impulse, drawing all upwards
Essays on Parsi Religion, p. 339. and inwards towards the centre from
See ATHWYA, BAPTISM, BKEAD, whence all came." — Plotinus to Flaccus.
CONSECRATION, COT, FOOD, GRAPES, " Return unto thy home O Soul !
HEALING, PLANTS, SACRAMENT, SOMA- thy sin and shame leave thou behind on
earth ; assume a shining form — thy
ancient shape, — refined and from all
THE LORD, TREE OF LIFE, VINE, taint set free." — Big-Veda.
WATER, WINE, ZOROASTER. " Our spirits are eternally at home in
God, even when in our particular genera
HOME ; PLACE OF BIRTH :— tion retaining only the dimmest conscious
ness of our divine origin, we wander in
A symbol of the source of the soul's the semi-darkness through the labyrinth
being. Abode of the spiritual con of this strange, puzzling earth-world." —
sciousness prior to the descent of R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Our Solidarity
the Monad Into the arena of the lower with God.
life . The descent of the Divine Sparks, See ATMA PLANE, BUDDHIO PLANE,
or Monads of Life, is followed by CHILD, EAST, EXILE, FATHER, GERMS,
their triumphant ascent on the upward INVOLUTION, JUDGMENT HALL, KINO-
path to their true abode in Divine DOM, LITTLE ONES, LOTOS TREE,
bliss. MONAD OF LIFE, SHEEP (lost), SPARK,
" Thou hast made us for Thyself, and
our heart is restless till it find its home in WHEEL OF LIFE.
Thee." — AUGUSTINE, Confessions, Opening
words. HONEY :—
" The place where I was born is Qod.
God it my fatherland, . . . before I lived A symbol of spiritual food and
nourishment, that is, of wisdom and FLOWEBS, FOOD, NECTAB, NOBNOR,
love on the buddhlc plane, which are OX-BOBN, PLANTS, TONGUE, TREE or
the produce laid up above, of the LIFE, WATEB.
higher emotions (bees).
" The theologers have used ' '
in many different symbolic ways because This signifies the treasure of the
it has both a purifying and preservative things of the Spirit laid up hi heaven
virtue. . . . Moreover it is sweet to taste,
as reward for merit, as it were, for
and collected from ' flowers ' by ' bees '
who happen to be
ox-born." When, those egos who have done valiantly
therefore, they pour into the hands of and have conquered the lower nature.
those who are receiving the Leontic " To him then
made answer Seet-
initiation, honey for washing instead of footed god-like Achilles : ' Most noble
water, they bid them keep their hands son of Atreus, of all men most covetous,
pure from everything that causes pain how shall the great-hearted Greeks
or harm, or brings defilement ; just as assign thee a meed of honour T We
when the purifying medium is fire, they know naught of any wealth of common
bring the candidate appropriate means store, but what spoil we took from
of washing, declining water as inimical captured cities hath been apportioned,
to fire. Moreover it is with honey too and it is not fitting to collect all thii
they purify their tongues from every back from the folk." — Iliad, Bk. I.
win. . . . Porphyry then goes on to say
To the Desire -mind (Agamemnon)
that some think that honey further
typifies the celestial nectar and ambrosia, comes by way of the Intellect, the
and also the pleasure which draws souls questioning spirit, and it perceives
down into generation. Then is the that the Personality (Achilles) is
soul moistened and becomes watery " illusory and rooted in egoism ; and is
(Cave of the Nympht). — G. R. S. MEAD,
The Mysteries of Mithra, pp. 61, 62. led to ask how the higher mental
The celestial food, — wisdom and qualities shall uplift and transform
love, — is, as it were, collected and the lower self, assigning honour to it.
transmuted from the virtues (flowers) The Personality is unaware of the
by the higher emotions (bees) which existence of any inexhaustible mine
arise from buddhi Wis of wisdom, and cannot conceive of
dom and love cast out from the mind that which is self -derived from within ;
all falsity and perversity (tongues) ; and falsely imagines that knowledge
and the soul becomes suffused with is only borrowed, or acquired through
Truth (watery). study, or captured from without.
" Honey the winds It perceives that the knowledge it
pour forth for the
righteous, honey the rivers j full of honey has already acquired has been applied
may the plants be for us !— Honey by to life (i.e. turned to personal advan
night and morn, rich in honey may the
region of the earth be for us, honey the tage), and the ends which were sought
father Heaven !— rich in honey may the have been attained. These low ends
tree be for us, rich in honey the sun, full which have been realised are not to be
of honey the kine." — Sata. Br&h., VII. 5. forfeited, but are to be expanded to the
1, 4.
real objects of evolution.
This statement enumerates the
sources from which wisdom and love
may be derived, according to the
meanings of the various symbols.
" When the grace of the Holy HORBEHUDTI, OR HERO-
Spirit BEHUTET :—
bathes us, it fills us with ' honey and
' '
butter equally. For honey '
falls from
A symbol of the Second Logos.
above, but ' butter ' is drawn from the
" Then spake Thoth '
to Ra : Lord of
milk of animals, and so honey ' (sweet the Gods ! there came the God of Behudet
ness) is from the air, butter ' from the (Edfu) in the form of a great winged
flesh." — ST. GREGORY, Murals on the Book disk. From this day forth he •hall be
of "Job, Vol. II. p. 185. called Horbehudti ' (Horus of
When Solomon gives the exhortation. Legend of the Winged Sun-diik.
Eat honey, my son, that it may be sweet Then spake the mind or awakening
to thy palate, he uses honey figuratively,
intelligence to the Supreme ;— ' Lord
meaning divine doctrine, which restores
of the Ideals ! there came forth from
the spiritual knowledge of the soul." —
HIPPOLYTUS, On Proverbs, Ante-N. Vol. the lower nature the Son of man
VI. p. 431. arrayed in the buddhic vesture, and
See AMBROSIA, BEES, BUDDHI, being raised up, he shall now be known
aa Son of God, born of the eternal The higher Self, as the individuality
Spirit of Wisdom.1 (Manu), is established in the eausal-
See BIRTH OF HORUS, DISK, EDFU, body (ship), and the mind through
Hoars, Isis, SON OF SON OF
GOD, which it manifests is attached to an
MAN, SCN-DISK, THOTH, WISDOM. aspiration from the striving Self
within the soul.
HORIZONS, THE TWO :— " The God of my rock,
in him will I
Symbolic of the commencement trust ; my shield, and the horn of my
and termination of the cycle of life salvation, my high tower, and my refuge ;
through which the Self passes, as my saviour, thou savest me from
comparable to the sun in Its diurnal violence." — 2 SAM. xxii. 3.
course from east to west. See ABTTJ FISH, CAUSAL-BODY,
" Heru-khuti, i.e. Horus of the two DELUGE, FISH (great), JESUS AS FISH,
horizons, is a form of the Sun-god , the MANU, SHIP OF MANU.
words two horizons ' refer to the moun
tains of Bakhatet and Manu, the moat HORNS OF GOLD :—
easterly and westerly points of the sun's Symbolic of zeal and love for the
course, and the places where he rose true and good.
and set." — BUDGE, Book of the Dead, p. 4. JUPITER (planet).
" I
know the two sycamore trees of

turquoise, from between which the god HORNS OF THE GOD :—

Ra doth emerge when he setteth out
upon his journey over the pillars of Shu
These symbolise exaltation, and
towards the door of the lord of the victory over the lower qualities.
East wherefrom Ra cometh forth." — They also refer to the penetrative
Ibid.. Ch. CXLIX. faculty of Intuition which transcends
The trees or mountains" the mind.
signify the two highest planes, atma- See DESERTS.
buddhi, and the " pillars " denote
the quaternary of planes below the
plane of at ma. The journey over
These symbolise the self-centred
qualities of the astral or desire
the quaternary typifies the lower
principle of the lower nature, they
existence in which the Self (sun) is are forms of greed, pride, love of
unapparent until he rises in the power, etc.
" East " in the " By ten horns is
great day of the Lord. signified much power ;
See EAST, ELIJAH, GATE (tchesert), from the signification of the number ten
HORUS, LION. GOD, MANVANTARA, as denoting what is full." — SWEDENBOBO,
PILLARS OF SHU, RA, SAND, SUN, Apoc. Rev., n. 101. (See REV. xii. 3.)
(red), TEN.
A symbol in its higher aspect, A symbol in its higher
of aspiration and lofty thought, and aspect, of
the intellect or intelligence, and in
in its lower aspect of ambition, pride, Its lower aspect, of the lower mind
vanity, conceit, egotism.
" Horns denote powers of truth from subject to the desires and passions.
" Yea, as a horse
that bears to the
good." — SWEDENBORO, Arc. Cel.,n. 10,186.
"I gods ; that which conveys to the gods is
(the Soul) make a way among the indeed the mind, for it is the mind which
horns of all those who make themselves
chiefly conveys the wise man to the gods."
strong against me." — BUDGE, Book of — Sato. Br&h., I. 4, 3, 6, S. B.
the Dead,
" All
Ch. LXIV. " Man does not rightly knowof E.
the way
the horns of the wicked also will
I cut off ; but the horns of the righteous
to the heavenly world, but the horse
does rightly know it."— Ibid., XIII. 2, 3, I.
shall be lifted up." — Ps. Ixxv. 10. (See " The horse is
the nobility." The
Ps. xviii. 2, and Ps. xcii. 10.) horse is related to the northern quarter,"
See SHIP OF MANU, TUSK. which is " the quarter of man." — Ibid.
" Horses denote the intellect." —
HORN OF SALVATION :— SWEDENBORO, Arc. Cel., n. 10, 227.
" Wherever the horse
A symbol of aspiration toward the is mentioned in
the Holy Word, it signifies either true
ideal of Love and Wisdom.
or false understanding. This is now,
" Manu fastened the
ship as directed since Swedenborg, a universal induction
to a horn in the Fish's head." — Deluge valid in all particular instances." —
ttory in the Maha-bharata. J. J. GABTH WILKINSON.
" An endeavour ia made by the sorcerers creature saying, Come. And I
saw, and
to have the babe (Zoroaster) trampled to behold, a black horse ; and he that sat
death by horses, but the leading horse thereon had a balance in his hand." —
stands over the child and prevents it REV. vi. 5.
from perishing." — Life of Zoroaster. And when the Second Logos,
The astral nature of desire and involved in matter as the Divine
sensation, operating through the lower Sacrifice (Lamb), entered upon the
mind, is opposed to the Spirit and seeks third period of evolution, the lower
to kill it out. On the mental plane mental (third creature) plane was
are the ideas (horses) which are the established, and energised from the
means of furthering or retarding the astral plane. This produced false
progress of the soul. They require knowledge (black horse) and illusion
to be reined in and guided by the (rider). The reference to the
enlightened will. The " leading " balance," and,
in the sixth verse,
horse " signifies the disciplined mind to the measures of wheat and barley,
which retains the impressions that are signify the soul becoming subject to
required for the evolution of the the law of karma, whereby it shall
intellect, and it therefore protects the reap according as it has sown. And
spiritual germ within. " the oil and the wine hurt thou
" Now the Egyptians are men, and not
not," is an exhortation to protect
God ; and their horses flesh, and not
spirit : and when the Lord shall stretch the growth of love (oil) and wisdom
out his hand, both he that helpeth shall (wine) from the adverse forces of the
stumble, and he that ia holpen shall fall, lower planes.
and they shall all fail together." — ISA. BALANCE, BLACK, DAEVAS,
xxxi. 3.
The "Egyptians" (in the Bible)
signify the lower mind, which is illusory
and unreal, i.e. not self -derived (God) ; HORSE, RED :—
and its ideas (horses) are energised A symbol of the mind energised
by desire (flesh) and not by spirit. by the Spirit.
And . so when the Higher Self shall " Unless prayers of men were
energise the mind, the lower unreality addressed to
him (Tishtrya), he was
of error (the helper) and delusion powerless to defeat the evil spirits, who
(the helped) shall fall away. kept back the waters in the sea. . . .
He steps into the sea in the shape of a
red horse with yellow ears." — Tir Ya»ht.
The Higher Self through the mind
(Tishtrya) cannot operate immediately
HORSE, BLACK :— upon the lower planes, unless aspira
tions or petitions from below are
A symbol of error or false know
first raised for spiritual realities :
" There since, of course, the lower planes do
(in the sea) the daeva Apaosho not exist excepting in so far as they
in the shape of a black horse with black
ears and tail encounters Tishtrya (as a become channels for the activities
red horse). Both fight for three days of the functionings of the indwelling
and nights ; at length he is defeated by Self. The Self energises the mind
the daeva." — Tir Yasht, HAUO, Essays.
by animating the higher emotions.
At this time the illusion of the lower
The " red horse " symbolises the mind
mental plane assails the ego. This " yellow ears "
energised ; and the
illusion is false knowledge which rises
signify the aspiring intelligence which
before him. The struggle continues
is now corning into play as the astral
for three successive periods during
plane (the sea) is reached.
which the mind is preparing. The " Tishtrya cannot bring the rain from
defeat of the higher intelligence of the sea Voura-kasha over the earth, if
the ego is at the moment when the not assisted by the prayers of men. In
evolution is to be carried on upon the the same way Indra cannot release the
celestial cows (the clouds) from the rooky
lower planes, so that reason and will cave, whither they have been carried by
appear to be dethroned. demons, without the assistance of
" And when he Brihaspati, who is the representative of
(the Lamb) opened the
third seal, I heard the third living the prayers sent up by men to the gods,
and the personification of their devotion there was given unto him a crown : and
and meditation." — M. HAUO, Esiayg, etc., he came forth conquering and to conquer.
p. 279. —REV. vi
" And when he 2.
opened the second The Higher Self (Christ) emanated
seal, I
heard the second living creature
in the higher mind, equipped with the
saying, Come. And another horse came
forth, a red horse : and to him that sat mental stimulus to evolution (the
thereon it was given to take peace from bow), which is destructive of the lower
the earth, and that they should slay one
qualities, and endowed with supremacy
another : and there was given unto him
a great sword." — REV. vi. 3, 4. (crown) over the lower manifestation :
The astral plane (second) being and he went forth in the soul to " sub
established, the mind was energised ject all things to himself."
" Every
by the Spirit, and thereupon began spiritual man feels the going
forth of his Saviour conquering and to
the conflict between the higher and conquer. And he hath every outward
lower qualities of the soul ; for in action of holy writ realised inwardly —
the first instance Christ " came not every groan of the conquered, every
to send peace but a sword." The struggle of the Conqueror, His toil,
" sword of the His sweat, His wounds, His death, His
great Spirit " signifies resurrection, His second going forth in
the spiritual energy from within, the plenitude of the Spirit, His uncon-
which by dissipating evil would in quered resolution, His long-abiding labour,
the turning of the tide of battle, His
the end bring peace.
" O red-steeded, come hither ! for red sword upon the neck of His enemies,
the shout of victory, the treading of the
indeed is Agni's horse ; . . . O Agni.
nations in the winepress of His fury,
overcome all evil doers ! " — Sata. Brdh., His shivering them with His iron sceptre
VI. 6, 3, 4.
" Those who stand around like a potsherd, His driving them with
Indra while death, and the grave, and him that had
he moves on, harness the bright red the power of death, into the bottomless
(steed) ; the lights in heaven shine forth." pit. His reign of peace, its joy, full con
—Rig-Veda, Mand. I. 6, 1.
tentment, and perfect assurance ; what
The agents of the Higher Self are they all, but letters, words, and
(Indra or Agni) as he progresses, bring similitudes, whereby the believer may
about the evolution of the mind which better understand, and better express the
the Spirit energises ; and so knowledge spiritual work which is going on within
his own soul, by the casting down of
increases in the soul and love and imaginations, and every high thing that
truth shine forth from within. exalteth itself against the knowledge of
See AGNI, CLOUDS, Cows, INDRA, God, and bringing into captivity every
IRIS, IRBIOATION, OCEAN, PEACE AND thought to the obedience of Christ." —
E. IBVINO, Writings, Vol. I. p. 402.
A symbol of the pure and perfect
higher mind (buddhi-manas) with SOSIOSH, SPRINGTIME, STRIFE, SUN,
Its Ideals and aspirations. VICTORY, WHITE.
" Once when thou
(Buddha) wert a
white horse ; in pity for the suffering HORSE, ODIN'S, SLEIPNER :—
of man, thou didst fly across heaven to
the region of the evil demons, to secure A symbol of the higher mind.
the happiness of mankind" (Buddhist See HERMOD.
— A. LII.IJI:, of Buddha, p. 58.
" Pragapati said, Life
Gatha). '
Whoever shall seek
thee (Agni) in the form of a white horse, HORSE, WINGED :—
shall find thee.' ... It should be a white
horse, for that is a form of him (the tun)
A symbol of the aspiring higher
who burns yonder." — Sola. Br&h., VII. " By
3, 2, 15-6. the Winged Horse, Pegasus, the
The Higher Self (sun) must be Ancients understood the intellect of the
truth by which wisdom is attained. By
sought for through the highest mental the hoofs of his feet, the experiences
qualities in aspirations towards Truth through which the natural intelligence
and Love. comes." — SWEDENBOBO, True Christian.
And I saw, and behold, a white horse, Religion, p. 693.
and he that sat thereon had a bow ; acd See HEEL, WINGS.
HORSE, SACRIFICIAL :— side his (Indra's) two favourite bays,
the brown, the bold, who can carry the
A symbol of Divine manifestation hero."— Rig- Veda, Mand. I. 6, S. B. of E.
on the buddhlc plane at the commence To the causal-body (chariot) and
ment of the great cycle of life. It the causal-self are attached the func-
signifies the sacrifice of the Logos
tionings of mind and emotion energised
in the limitation of himself in forms
of matter. by the Self (Indra) ; and these are
to develop the soul.
"Yearly the sun -god as the zodiacal
horse (Aries) was supposed by the Vedio See CHARIOT, INDBA, MARUTS, PIETY,
Aryans to die to save all flesh. Hence PRAISE OF GOD.
the horse sacrifice." — A. LILLIE, Popular
Life of Buddha, p. 58. HORSES WITH LONG FLOWING
" The Asva-medha (horse-sacrifice) is MANES :—
" Pragapati poured forth the life-sap These symbolise the faculties of
of the horse (asva-medha). When poured the lower mind which would search
forth, it went straight away from him and for truth laboriously. The lower
spread itself over the regions. The gods mind is in Itself of the utmost use,
went in quest of it. By means of offerings as its exercise promotes patience,
they followed it up, by offerings they gentleness, and the grace of unre
searched for it, and by offerings they mitting enquiry in the pursuit of truth
found it."— Sata. Br&h., XIII. 1, 4, 1. and right.
The Supreme emanated the Divine See HAIR, INTELLECT, MANAS, PETER.
Life in the sacrifice of himself. When
emanated, it passed into the matter HORUS, THE ELDER, OR
of all the planes (regions) to the AROUERIS :—
outermost physical. The monads of The Second Logos, or the Self
life (the gods) became embodied in manifest primordially upon the higher
the forms and sought to be evolved buddhlc plane.
in its qualities. By means of relin " Isis and Osiris conceived the elder
quishing lower conditions, the monads Horus while they were in their mother's
became attached to higher. By giving womb." — PLUTARCH, Itif and Oriri*. § 12.
up the inferior qualities they secured
Wisdom (Isis) and Will (Osiris)
the superior. primordially produce Action (Horus)
" He addresses the horse with, — which is to go forth on the buddhic
Thus born, art thou the child of the plane at the emanation of the universe
two worlds," — the two worlds, doubtless, or solar system.
are these two, heaven and earth j and he "The Book of the Dead, Ch. XVm,
(Agni) thus born, is the child of these states that of Horus, the Avenger of his
two."— Ibid., VI. 4, 4, 2. Father Osiris :— ' His two eyes (i.e. Sun
The descent of the Divine life into and Moon) are the two feathers on his
" — A. WIEDEMANN, Rel.
manifestation is both a sacrifice and a head.' of Anc.
birth. The Higher Self (Agni) is Egyptians, p. 259.
bom in matter both on the higher The two feathers therefore signify
the Individuality and Personality by
planes (heaven) and the lower planes
and thus the indwelling which the Self manifests.
(earth) ;
" child," as it were, See AKERU, AROUEBIS, ASCENSION
Spirit becomes a

of duality, the higher nature and OF OSIRIS, AVENGING, BIRTH or
the lower.
OFFERING, PBAGAPATI, REGIONS, The same as Harpocrates.
SACBIFICE, SACRIFICES, SOMA-JUICE, It signifies the birth of the Christ
in the soul upon the buddhic plane,
or the Self commencing to incarnate
HORSES, TWO BAY :— in the human being.
Symbols of mind and emotion,
functioning on the mental plane. POCRATES, HORBEHUDTI, INCARNA
" They harness to the chariot on each TION.
HOSHANG AND GUZAK :— manner of reckoning. The seventh
Symbols of the outgoing and in counting downward is the turning
coming, or inductive and intuitional, point, or " day of rest," leaving six
aspects of the mental faculty. on each side : these are the twelve,
as in the Zodiac.
A symbol of the Divine Victim —
the Incarnate Self,— abiding within
Truth-goodness (bread of heaven,
or body of Christ) : it signifies the A symbol of the higher emotions
Real Presence of God in the human active on the buddhlc plane.
soul, and object of the soul's adoration. " The Garden of Eden is the scene of
Christ can only express Himself in the Beatific Vision, the Divine Epiphanies,
the highest qualities of the mind the sight of which will form the highest
so these highest qualities are, as it felicity of the blessed. The native
were, his body in which he lives inhabitants of Paradise are the houries,
maidens of celestial beauty and possessed
in us.
of every virtue, who will be the heavenly
SeeBREAD, FOOD AS GOD, PROCES brides and companions of the blessed, and
SION, SACRAMENT, SHRINE, TRANSUB- the ' eternal youths who will be the
STANTIATION. attendants on the just." — GIBB, Hitt. of
Ottoman Poetry, Vol. I. p. 37.
HOSTS, LORD OF :— When the consciousness rises to
A symbol of the Higher Self, — the the buddhic plane (Eden) the soul
ruler and director of the qualities will become possessed of the high
(hosts), higher and lower. faculties of that state of being. The
See ARMY OF THE GODS, JEWELS, higher emotions (houries) in harmony
QUALITIES, SELF, SOLDIERS. with Truth, Wisdom, and Love, will
fill the consciousness with peace and
bliss (See Koran, Sura, LVL).
A symbol of the religious expression " In The Pilgrim's Progress, in the
of the emotional mind. house called Beautiful, all the inmates,
See ADVAHYA, PRIEST OF ALTAR. except the porter, are females." —GEO.
A symbol of the twelfth part of a (circle), ESTHER, GARDEN OF EDEN,
manvantara or great cycle of mani GOPIS, MUSES, PARADISE.
fested life of the universe, or soul.
The " hour " has the same significa HOUSE :—
tion as a sign of the Zodiac. It repre A symbol of one of the vehicles,
sents the twelfth part of the course bodies, or habitations of the soul
of the Higher Self (sun) through on the planes of the quaternary.
the cycle of life in the lower nature See COTTAGE, DWELLINGS, GOLD-
or underworld. Sometimes the cycle COLOURED SPOT, PALACE, WOODEN
is symbolised as a day of twelve PALACE.
hours, and sometimes as a night.
When symbolised as a night of twelve HOUSE OF BONDAGE :—
hours, as in the case of the Tuat, the A symbol of an early state of the
implication is that the Higher Self soul in which the indwelling Spirit
is concealed and unmanifest, as we is in bondage to the lower instincts,
find is the case in our present state desires, and sensations.
of existence.
"The Lord thy God which brought
See MANVANTARA, thee forth out of the land of Egypt, out
TUAT, TWELVE, ZODIAC. of the house of bondage ; who led thee
through the great and terrible wilderness,
HOUR OF MID-DAY :— wherein were fiery serpents and scorpions,
A symbol of the middle period of and thirsty ground where was no water."
— DBUT. viii. 14, 15.
the cycle of involution, or of evolution.
If the cycle is divided into seven The Divine Will leads the chosen
periods, then the middle period is qualities of the soul from a state of
the fourth. Whether there are six subservience to the desire -nature, into
or seven periods depends upon the another condition full of trouble and
suffering, in which desires and passions OF EDEN, INDIVIDUALITY, JERUSALEM,
are rampant, and the lower nature is JUDGMENT DAY, KAABA, NOAH, PARA
steeped in ignorance. DISE, RED (rose), RUBIES, STONK
WATER, WILDERNESS. A symbol of the causal-body or
HOUSE, FREQUENTED :— Immortal soul, the seat of the Divine
A symbol of the causal-body as nature of humanity.
an archetype of perfection set before But Christ as a son, over his (God's)
the soul. house ; whose house are we, if we hold
" In the fast our boldness and the glorying of
first or lowest heaven is the our hope firm unto the end." — HEB. iii.
so-called Frequented House.' This,
6, 7.
which is a great dome of red ruby, was
originally in the highest Paradise, the The indwelling Self is the manifest
Garden of Eden, from which, on Adam's Divine, — the son of the Unmanifest, —
expulsion and subsequent repentance, it who is seated in the potential causal-
was brought to earth as a solace to him. To evolve the actual from
It was placed where the Ka'ba of Mekka
now stands, and Adam was bidden the potential, the egos build up in the
compass it ; and the angels who dwelt spirit of Christ, the causal-body, and
in the Seven Heavens were commanded become one with it in actuality as
to descend and perform the rite along they are victorious over the lower
with him. It remained on earth till
Noah's time, but before the flood it was nature and persevere unto the end of
caught up to the spot in the lowest the cycle.
Heaven immediately above where it
" The piece of money — the groat, as he
used to stand, and there it will rest till (Walter Hylton) calls it— is lost in thy
the Last Day, when it will be taken back house. That is to say, the Divine treasure
to its original place in Paradise." — QIBB, lies holden in thy soul. Jesus sleeps
Hist, of Ottoman Poetry, Vol. I. p. 37. in thy ship, as he once slept in the little
The lowest heaven is Devachan ship on the lake of Gennesaret." —
DB. INOE, English Mystics, p. 89.
on the higher mental plane, on which " The
body is the prana's habitation,
level is the causal -body in process of of which the head forms the roof, in which
building up from the potential con it is bound to the breath as posts, by
dition to the actual. The " dome of food as the rope. . . . Usually following
Brih. II. 5, 18, and especially Chdnd
red ruby " signifies the archetypal
VIII. 1, I, the body is described as the
Love and Wisdom of the upper city of Brahman, heavenly, desirable,
buddhic plane (Eden) whereon the the highest dwelling of Brahman, in
highest causal -body exists. The which as a house the lotus flower of the
" bringing to earth " refers to the heart abides, in which during sleep the
fires of the prana keep watch." — DEUSSEN,
descent of the spiritual monad (atma- Phil, of Upanishadf, p. 283.
buddhi) into the mind or personality The causal -body is the vehicle of
(Adam). The personality has thus set the Self (prana) in the underworld,
before it the ideal of Wisdom and who is attached to it by the processes
Love which the higher qualities of soul-nourishment and growth. The
(angels) are to assist it in attaining. causal-body is the soul's centre (city),
The " remaining on earth " indicates perfect potentially if not actually ;
an intuitional apprehension of higher it is the seat of the Higher Self (Brah
things which faded away in the human man) ; it is also the soxil's innermost
race when the Individuality (Noah) shrine in which wisdom and love
became firmly established. The abide. When the causal Self indraws
causal -body rests now in the higher the life (sleep) after an incarnation,
mind where it will remain until the the soul's energies await further out
end of the present cycle ; after wliich pouring.
further evolution will require its " Catherine of Siena gave her testimony
transmutation to the upper buddhic to the fact that the soul ' bears ever
within it the place where God lives by grace
levels. — the house of our soul wherein holy
See ADAM (lower), BUDDHIC PLANK, "
desire prays constantly.' — R. M. JONXS,
CAUSAL-BODY, EDBN, FLOOD, GARDEN Mystical Religion, p. 305.
"The second place of earth's joy is sheaths of the soul, on the four planes
whereon the faithful one erects a house of the quaternary.
wherein every blessing of life is thriving." "
— Vendidad. III. O Homa ! thou lord of the house,
" Earth's joy " is so lord of the clan, lord of the tribe, lord of
expressed, the country, thou successful physician !
since the awakenment of the Self I further invoke thee for strength and
must proceed first from the physical prosperity for my body, and for the
plane. The
" second
" signifies attainment of much pleasure."— Homo
Yasht, verse 27, HATJO, Essays.
the plane of the higher mind whereon The Supreme Self is Lord of the
the indwelling Self, through the egos,
physical-body, Lord of the astral-
builds up the causal -body within which
body, Lord of the mental-body, and
The " suc
the transmuted experiences are col Lord of the causal-body.
lected together.
" The earth brings forth for them many cessful physician " is the Self under
things of all sorts, of which they carry the aspect of Love. The Supreme
the most serviceable into the house and Self is invoked for the purpose of
use them." — Anaxagoras, FAIKBANKS, 10. granting the fulfilment of all right
The lower nature yields experiences aims and good wishes upon the lower
for the mind, of which those which planes of the soul's activities, that so
are capable of transmutation are the true and lasting joy of the Spirit
conveyed to the causal -body where be attained.
with to build it up. See CASTES, CLASSES, HEALING,
SHRINE, STONE (building), TABER A symbol of the sense-nature
NACLE, TEMPLE, TREASURE, VICTORY. operating from a physical centre
or centres in the human brain.
progress which is in the Ahuna-
CATTLE, WIFE, SON, AND vaiti Gatha the house-rulers should carry
PLENTY :— on." — Shayast La-Shayeut, Ch. XIII. 16.
The development of soul occasioned
Symbolic of the causal-body within
which the transmuted emotional, through the instrumentality of the
intellectual, and moral experiences physical body is due to the rule of the
are brought together, so that there is senses which arouse and inform the
Truth and Love in abundance. mind.


A symbol of the soul, with buddhic, A symbol of ideal form or mode in
mental, astral, and physical bodies which the Spirit withdraws from
which give openings of perception manifesting itself.
on the respective planes.
" Now when the
bright light of the
See DOORS, QUATERNARY, TET, sun was set, there went each god to his
house to sleep, where each one had his
palace made with cunning device by
famed Hephaistos the lame god." —
HOUSE OF A MAN :— Iliad, Bk. I.
Symbolic of the state into which Now when the cycle terminated,
the mind or soul is brought through and pralaya supervened, each aspect
its own efforts. It is the mental of the Self returned to a quiescent
environment to some extent. It is condition — for which, however, the
also the whole external aspect of form, or mode, was provided, that is,
the spiritual ego. Each room may
signify a plane. nothing was extinguished. In every
case the Creative Mind (Hephaistos)
had called into being that which was
HOUSE, CLAN, TRIBE, AND to endure eternally.
Symbols of the four bodies, or PRALAYA, SLEEP, SUN-SETTING.
HOUSEHOLDER (HIGHEST costly unguents of sandal wood, etc." —
Biiddha-Karita, Bk. II. 21.
The giving of gifts is comparable
A symbol of the First Logos or
to the joy which is brought to the
Supreme Self.
" The kingdom of Heaven Self from the preliminary experiences
is like unto
a man that is a householder, which went which precede its evolution. The
" houses of his friends " are the
out early in the morning to hire labourers
into his vineyard." — MAT. xx. 1. connections which are established on
The First Logos, ruling on the higher the mental sub-planes between the
planes, is as one who goes forth under centres of the mental mechanism.
many aspects, and calls all the forms The statement signifies the organising
of His own life within his universe, to of the mental functioning by the
discharge their appointed tasks in the Devas (friends) of the buddhic plane.
arena of existence. The " unguents " are the rewards
See JUSTICE, KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, accruing for righteous acts. Love
LABOURERS, MONEY, PARABLE, (oil) is its own reward, i.e. increased
STEWARD, VINEYARD, WAGES. power and opportunity for well doing.
A symbol of the Individuality, or
causal Self, who occupies the " house " HUITZILOPOCHTLI, WAR-GOD :—
or causal -body on the higher mental A symbol of the indwelling Higher
" As all rivers, both Self as the opponent and conqueror
great and small, of the desires.
find a resting place in the ocean, even " His mother, Coatlicue, a devout
so men of all orders find protection with
widow, on entering the Temple of the
householders." — Laws of Manu, VI. 90.
Sun one day for the purpose of adoring the
The " men of all orders " are the deity, beheld a ball of brightly coloured
egos in four stages of consciousness feathers fall at her feet. Charmed with
on the mental plane, centred on various the brilliancy of the plumes, she picked it
These are periodically up and placed it in her bosom with the
intention of making an offering of it to
withdrawn into the causal -body from the sun-god. Soon afterwards she was
which they are again emanated by aware of pregnancy, and her children,
the Individuality when manifestation enraged at the disgrace, were about to
is due. put her to death when her son Huitzilo-
pochtli was born, grasping a spear in
See ABBOTS, ASCETIC, ASRAMAS, his right hand and a shield in his left, and
CAUSAL, DWELLING (palace), FOREST, wearing on his head a plume of humming
HERMIT, ORDERS, OVERSEER, SELF, bird's feathers." — L. SPENCE, Mythologia
SNATAKA. of Mexico, etc., p. 14.
The purified lower nature (mother
HOUSES FOR CORPSES :— of God) aspiring to the Highest,
The three houses for the dead receives to her heart the Divine germ
bodies of Parsis are symbolical of as that which is supreme (plumes)
the physical, astral, and mental over the lower nature. Then the
bodies which have contained the desire -mental activities, progeny of
personality (corpse) and which after the unpurified lower nature, seek
wards gradually disintegrate on their
(like Herod) to kill out the higher
respective planes. The flesh-eating
birds of the Dakhma stand as symbols nature ; but this they are unable
of the rulers of the planes. — See EZEK. to do, so the Divine Child is born in
xxxix. 4. the soul, fully endowed with spiritual
See BIRDS (lower), CORPSE, DOG power (spear) and will (shield), and
(white), TEMPLE (fire), VULTURE. taking supremacy (crown) over all.
Symbolic of centres of energy
spiritually organised on the mental HUMAN BODY :—
plane. Symbolically considered, the
" Then they brought Buddha as different parts of the human body are
presents from the houses of his friends correspondentially related with tbe

higher centres, and It Is through ranges of thought. For the mind
these centres on the higher planes ia the intelligence wedded to emotion,
the soul-nature Is developed. as the Self is wedded to the soul,
See ABO. MAN, BBIDGES (nine), and become the transmuter of the
Cmr, COUNTENANCE, GATES OF BODY, body of desire.
A symbol In the higher aspect, of
a longing for truth and goodness as HUSBAND, GOOD AND RICH :—
the " bread of heaven," — the soul's A symbol of the Spirit of goodness
sustenance ; and In the lower aspect, and truth to which the soul aspires.
of a desire for externalities which " Homa grants a good and rich husband
cannot satisfy. to those who have long been maidens,
" deprivation and as soon as he (Homa), the wise, is
Hunger signifies
rejection of the knowledges of truth and entreated." — Homa Tasht.
good arising from evils of life ; it also The Supreme grants the fulfilment
of the knowledges of " the
signifies ignorance of those dearest wishes for
truth and good arising from a deficiency
thereof in the church ; and it signifies
fullness of him that filleth all in all,"
likewise a desire to know and understand which are to be satisfied only through
them." — SWEDENBORG, Apoc. .Re».,n. 323. the abstinence and self-denial which
11 rains down
Hunger is a cloud which
" None can wor are the means of rendering the soul
naught but wisdom.*'
not hungry" responsive to higher joys.
ship rightly so he be
(Aphorisms of Sufi Saints). — BROWNE. See HOMA, NALI-KUVERA, RICHES
••It is this hunger for God, this (higher), WEALTH.
unsatisfied yearning of the soul for union
with its true centre, which is the dynamic HUSBANDMAN :—
of all the restless strivings of our complex A symbol of the Higher Self as
modern civilisation. The world may not
know it, but it is so ; we may be feeding the tiller and sower of the lower nature
upon husks instead of the bread of life, (earth), so that It should bring forth
a harvest of the
" fruits of the Spirit "
but it is the bread of life we want all
the time." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., on the buddhlc plane.
Our Quest for Ood. " The Lord is wise and forgetteth not :
" These things that seem to be you are
He is true and a great husbandman.
not you. The real you is that which He first prepareth the ground, then
feels hungry for something better than soweth the seed of the true Name. From
you have ever found yet, or than the things the name of the one God the nine treasures
of the outer world can supply." — R. J. are produced, and man obtaineth the
CAMFBKU., Serm., Coming to the True marks of His favour" (Hymn of Guru
" Nanak).- -MACAULIFFE, The Sikh Religion,
For he (the Lord) satisfieth the Vol. I. p. 263.
longing soul, and the hungry soul he " Behold a very fair and most resem-
filleth with good." — Ps. cvii. 9. blant image, — a husbandman casting the
" Blessed are they that hunger and
seed into the ground ; here wheat, there
thirst after righteousness for they shall barley, and there again some other of
be rilled." — MAT. v. 6. the seeds. Behold one and the same man
See BALDER, BREAD, CLOUD, FOOD, planting the vine, the apple, and other
SACRAMENT, TEMPTATION, THIRST. trees. In just the self-same way doth
God sow Immortality in Heaven, and
HUSBAND AND WIFE :— Change on Earth, and Life and Motion
in the Universe." — MKAD, Hermet to
Symbols of mind and emotion, or Anclepiut, § 10.
the mental -nature and the emotion- See AGRICULTURALIST, FIELD,
nature indissolubly united within INTOXICATION, JASON, KNOWER,
the soul. PLOUGHING, REAPING. SEED (good),
" Wives be in subjection unto your
own husbands, as unto the Lord. For
the husband is the head of the wife, as HUSKS :—
Christ also is the head of the church,
being himself the saviour of the body."
— Symbolic of low objects of desire
EPH. v. 22. and sensation, devoid of the kernel
The emotions must be ruled and of truth and goodness.
" And he went and joined himself to
regulated by the mind in its higher
one of the citizens of that country ; and These are the twelve divisions of
he sent him into his fields to feed swine. the cycle (Zodiac).
And he would fain have been filled with
the husks that the ewine did eat : and See FOUNTAIN (deep), NIDHOOC,
no man gave unto him." — .'.IKK xv. 15, 16. NIFLHEM, YGGDHASIL.
The emotion -nature finding no
longer delight in those things which HYLAS, AN ARGONAUT :—
at first gave him pleasure, he hungered A symbol of unbiassed search into
for that towards which his evolution the truth of things.
was now directed. And he then " Hylas, a youth beloved by Hercules,
allied himself with the worldly wisdom having gone for water in Mysia, was
which corresponds to all that is laid hold of and kept by the nymphs of
depraved, unclean, and unfit for the the spring into which he dipped his
kingdom of heaven. And he would urn." — Argonautic Expedition.
Impartial investigation (Hylas), in
willingly have fed upon the food
concord with the terror aspect of Divine
which these lower instincts and desires
Will (Hercules), having undertaken to
partook of ; but no mental quality
search for truth (water) in the realm
gave unto him, nor could this food
of pure intellect (Mysia), was forced
" So sure as you allow the lower to to quail before the allurements of
master the higher, so sure will you have metaphysical speculation (the nymphs),
to find out your mistake. Your spirit as the effort was made to acquire
cannot satisfy itself with the husks that truth.
the swine eat, for it craves the bread of
to the True Self. VESSEL, WAXES.
HUT, OR TENT :— A symbol for aspiration through
A symbol of the mental body, or harmony and the uplifting of the
nature towards Truth, Wisdom, and
vehicle of the lower mind.
See BOOTHS, TABERNACLE, TENT. " So all day long worshipped they the
HVANIRATHA OR KHVANIRAS :— gods with music, singing the beautiful
A symbol of the Earth, — the phy pecan, the sons of the Achaians making
music to the Far-darter, and his heart
sical globe in the planetary chain of was glad to hear." — Iliad, Bk. I.
So " all day," i.e. during the out
seven globes.
" I (Zaratusht) call upon the region pouring of Life on the upper planes,
of Qaniratha the splendid ; this they
the Higher Self was adored with
(the Gathas) assert as they are stationed " music," the expression of the spirit
in this one (of the seven regions)." —
Vendidad, XIX. 39 (129) ; HAUO, Essays, of harmony. The Sons of Mind, —
p. 389. the spiritual egos, — were then attuned
The incarnate Self acclaims the
to the inspiration of the Self, and
Earth planet as presenting conditions
response was made.
of life and experience very conducive " The world of the word is to the
to the growth of the soul. The inner Indian another microcosm. In the
spiritual vibrations (Gathas) from the rhythm of the sacred song ho hears the
buddhic plane to raise the soul are echoss of the universe resound." — OLDEN- '
BERO, Buddha, etc., p. 27.
operative in the minds of those who " The name for heaven is QarSdemana
are living the physical life on earth. '
(Garotman in Persian), house of hymns,'
See KARSHVARES, PLANETARY CHAIN, because the angels are believed to sing
REGIONS, RENOVATION, SOSHYANS. hymns there, which description agrees
entirely with the Christian idea as founded
HVERGELMIR FOUNTAIN :— on Isaiah vi. and the Revelation of
St. John." — HAUO, Essays on Rcl. of
A symbol of life on the lower planes, Partis, p. 311.
of illusion and separateness. See APOLLO, BIRTH OF OSIRIS,
" Many ages before the earth was made CARPENTER, GARODMAN, GATHAS
Niflheim was formed, in the middle of (chanting), GODS, HARMONY, HEAVEN,
which lies the spring called Hvergelmir,
from which flow twelve rivers." — Prose MELODY, MOUNT OF OLIVES, Music.
HYMNS, TWO PRAISE :— this way its evolution in the soul
Symbolic of the paths of ideal commenced ; corresponding with
attraction and of moral coercion, which the desire -nature is augmented,
or of action and of meditation upon while to the physical body are com
truth. municated thrills which answer to
"Thereupon answered me Homa the increased responsiveness in the newly
righteous, who expels death. Address awakened astral centres.
prayers to me, O Spitama ! (Zoroaster)
and prepare me the Homa juice for
tasting. Repeat about me the two BALDER, EARTHQUAKE, FIRE, M JOLNIK,
praise hymns, as all other Soshyants SHIP.
repeated them." — Homa Yasht.
The Divine Life
now appears as eternal, and is distin Symbols of the Divine principle
guished from the vitality of the form, and the lower principle, each ruling
makes answer, that in the functioning six out of the twelve divisions of the
cycle of life. The six aeons ruled by
of the soul's Divine life (Homa-juice),
the Divine principle are represented
aspiration is to be made, and the
by the six signs of the Zodiac above
sacrifice of the lower is to be offered to the lowest point, or first point of
the ideal now before the soul. The Libra. This path corresponds with
invocation of the Divine nature is the ascent of the Christ (sun) who
to take a two-fold form, the
" hyrnna " triumphs in the sign Pisces, — emblem
being the paths of Love and Duty, of the Saviour, — wherein the two
or Works and Wisdom. The " Sosh (fish), the higher and the lower
yants " signify the pilgrim egos who Selves, become One.
The six .(Eons under labraoth have
must traverse the self-same paths to
bliss. repented and practised the mysteries ef
Light, and have therefore been carried
See HOMA-JUICE, PILOHIM, SOSH by leou to a pure atmosphere near the
YANTS, WAY OP THE LORD, WOBKS light of the Sun."—" Books of the
AND WISDOM, ZOROASTER. Saviour," Pislis Sophia.
In the ascending cycle the qualities
HYPERION, SON OF URANUS become purified.
" leou " stands for
AND GE :— the higher Triad which carries the
A symbol of the Higher Self, or risen or transmuted activities into the
Consciousness, proceeding from Spirit Higher Self (sun).
and Matter. — Divine Love. See ADAMAS (lower), /EONS (twelve),
A symbol of philosophic pride,
produced by the germ of truth con " I AM " :—
tained In forms of thought.
A symbol of the self-conscious
See EITNEUS, LKMNOH, THOAS. " I " of the Self, reflected on the
HYRCANIA HEIGHTS :— plane of the mind as the individuality
enthroned in the causal vehicle.
A symbol of the formless levels " For ' I am ' is my rest in His seasons ;
of the upper planes.
even he who when He manifests Hia
plan, the Company of the Gods become
HYRROCKEN, THE GIANTESS His firstborn children." — Book of the
Dead, Ch. CX. (trans. Blackden).
A symbol of terror, fear, and The " am " is the true Individu
cunning, which are activities on the ality which is arrived at only as the
lower plane of the mind. cycles (seasons) are seen to be illusory
" Hyrrocken went to the prow of the and impermanent. The Individuality
ship of Balder, and with one shove
persists ; for even the Logos, when he
pushed it off, so that fire sprung from the
underlaid rollers, and the whole earth first determines the emanating of a
shook." — Story of Balder, Prose Edda. universe, requires the help of the
And now the emotion of terror Builders, or Devas and Archangels,
takes possession of the mind, and in who become " his first-born children,"
that is, come forth first in order to A signifies the duality in the mani
do Ms will. fest, denoted in the sex principle,
" "
(The I am I feeling is produced force-matter, active-passive, and ex
through the f orthpouring of the Divine pressed by the two sloping lines
life-consciousness into the forms which converging to a point and united by
are temporary conditions and set a line, thus introducing the idea of
limits for a time to the conscious higher and lower, through experience
ness. The consciousness itself is one, of which, union of the perfect with the
but in the forms it appears as many. perfected is attained.
The apparent breaks are due to the O stands for the circle which comes
illusory limits of the forms.) after and includes the other signs, and
See AHANKAKA, APES, ARCHANGELS, so typifies the all-embracing principle,
BUILDERS, CAUSAL-BODY, COMPANY sexless, perfect and entire, wanting
(gods), CONSCIOUSNESS, COSMOS, nothing, Absolute, without beginning
CREATION, DEVAS, FORMS, INDIVIDU or end, first or last.

The "I am " is the sign of the

" Bull " which Is the positive, active,
principle of Buddhl, the " Cow " A symbol of the higher mind above
being its negative, receptive aspect. the lower mind and astral nature.
" For ' I am ' is that God, even the " Horapollo tells us that the ibis wag
Bull, the Lord of Gods, when he setteth the symbol of Thoth as the
master of
forth in the Blue Heaven." — Book of the heart and reason in all men.' —
the Dead, Ch. CX. MEAD, T. O. Hermes, Vol. I. p. 48.
The true and One Self is symbolised "Thoth" is a symbol of the
by the "Bull" (Atma-buddhi), the principle of the higher mind, and
Lord of the Divine attributes which therefore ruler of the causal -body and
are set forth in the celestial regions, intelligence in the soul.
or "kingdom of heaven," when the See BIRD, CAUSAL-BODY, HEART,
Self attains the zenith of his powers HERMES, JUDGMENT HALL, MARSH,
at the end of the cycle. THOTH, WATER (lower).
" The Bull is a symbol of the Sephirah
Hesed, i.e. Grace or Mercy — the spiritual ICE, FROST, OR SNOW :—
Water or humidity : hence Baptism." —
I. MVKU, Qabbalah, p. 229. A symbol of latent truth (water),
The Sephirah Hesed signifies the or truth unmanifest. A state of
Individuality or Higher Self, the inertness of matter from which the
Spirit of Truth (water). It is truth life Is not arising. It may indicate
a period of pralaya.
that purifies, and frees the soul from " He casteth forth his ice like morsels :
ignorance and evil,— in the meaning
" who can stand before his cold T He
of baptism." sendeth out his word and melteth them :
See BAPTISM, BLUE HEAVEN, BULL, he causeth his wind to blow, and the
Cow, GODS, HESED, KINGDOM OP waters flow." — Ps. cxlvii. 17, 18.
HEAVEN, SEPHIROTH, SUN (motion After pralaya comes an outpouring
less), WATER, ZENITH. of the Divine Life (word).
" Not until the frozen Crust is broken,
I A O,— THE NAME :— and the ice melts once more into the
stream, and the hardened ground is
A symbol of the Higher Self In crumbled into the general system of the
manifestation. soil again : not until then can power and
I, the Pleroma hath gone forth ; influence easily find their way in and
A, they shall return within ; permeate the whole. Is not the parable
O, there shall be an end of ends. plain ? Can we not recognise how that
— " Books of the Saviour," Pistie Sophia. which takes place in the lake or on the
I stands for the going forth of the roadside takes place also in the ordinary
intellectual and moral life of man. Out
Divine Life into manifestation. It of the very substance of a man's life, out
is a symbol of individuation, identity, of the very stuff of what he is and does,
and separation from the parent source. comes the hindrance which binds itself
about his being, and will not let the IDOL- PRIEST :—
better influences out. His occupations, A symbol of the creed-bound,
his acquirements, his habits, his standards
of action and of thoughts, make Crusts
liter all st mind, and the mental quality
out of their own material, so that, beside of subservience to ritual and ecclesi
whatever foreign barrier may stand astical systems.
between them and the higher food they See CALF (molten), PRIESTS AND
need, there is this barrier which they ELDERS, RITES, RITUAL.
have made out of themselves. That
self-made barrier must be broken up, IDOLATRY :—
must be restored to its first condition
and become again part of the substance A symbol of the worship of
out of •which it wag evolved, before the conventional and false ideas put In
life can be fed with the dews of first the place of the true, the beautiful,
principles and the rain of the immediate and the good.
descent of God." — PHILLIPS BROOKS,
" The superstitions of all religions —
Mystery of Iniquity, p. 156.
Catholic or Protestant, Christian or
See BREATH (divine), DEW, FROST,
Pagan, Jew or Gentile— differ more in
PBAI.AYA, RAIN, SNOW, WATER, name than hi reality. For there are
WIND, WORD. idols of the mind which take the place
of visible images : idols of tradition, of
language, which come between us and
ICHOR IN THE VEIN OF TALUS :— God ; idols of the temple too, in which
A symbol of the lower consciousness good and evil seem to be inseparably
which has its seat on the mental plane blended, and the good is near and pre
and is, as it were, a reflection of the sent, and the evil is only recognised in
spiritual ego — the real being within. some fatal but distant consequences." —
" But Medea, it is said, promising to B. JOWETT, Serin., Image oj the Invisible
make Talus immortal, persuaded him to See PBIESTS AND ELDERS, TRADI
let her pull out the pin (in the vein),
which when she had done, the ichor all TION.
ran out, and he died." — Argonautic
Expedition, KBIGHTLEY, Mythology. IDOLS :—
Wisdom (Medea), however, by rais A symbol of conventional mental
ing the lower mind (Talus) to its conceptions ; mistaken notions of
utmost, so that it is united with the the object of life ; fixed ideas which
higher mind, causes the lower con bar the way to Truth ; outward
observances regarded as ethical or
sciousness (ichor) to be extinguished,
spiritual exercises ; unworthy objects
it being illusion and separateness. of life.
The separate consciousness, then, is See CALF (molten), GROVES, JEALOUS
merged into the whole, and the
lower self or personality is annihilated.
" From the clear vein the immortal IDOLS, GRAVEN :—
ichor flowed. Such stream as issues from
a wounded god." — Iliad, Bk. V. Symbolic of the objects of sense
Set CONSCIOUSNESS, INDIVIDUALITY, regarded as an end hi themselves.
" Idols graven In stone " signify
the Ideals Inverted, — the mistaking
of the shadow for the substance, due
NUS, AND WIFE OF to the sense of separateness, and
PHINEUS :— supposing the part to be the whole.
" Ashamed be all they that serve
A symbol of the sense of the Ideal, graven images, that boast themselves of
to aspire towards which is the spiritual idols." — Ps. xcvii. 7.
outcome of the growth of experience ; See SEPARATION.
and Is allied to the reasoning faculty
(Phlneus). IDOMENEUS :—
See EXPERIENCE, PHINEUS. A symbol of the lower will as the
principle of the desire nature.
A symbol of the quality of faith, as IE O U :—
intuition of Truth, and as perception A symbol of the Higher Triad, —
of that which Is imminent in evolu atma-buddhi-manas, — which appa
tion. rently limits the lower quaternary
See BOAS, (wild), FAITH, PROPHET. which proceeds from It.
" The Six yKonH under Adamas have as the seat of the personality, — the
refused the mysteries of Light. . . .
actual (nama) which builds up it*
They have accordingly been bound by
leou in the Fate-Sphere." — " Books of the potential higher body (rupa). From
Saviour," Pistis Sophia. the mental body come the means of
The six divisions of the cycle of perception on the lower planes.
life ruled by the lower nature (six From the means of perception come
signs under Adamas) are those states the relations set up with the external
of soul attached to things of the world. From these relations comes
lower self, — those in whom the sense the astral body (vedana) in activity.
of separateness is not killed, and who From the astral body come desire,
are of the old dispensation under passion, appetite. From desire cornea
coercive law. These states have attraction to the lower life. From
refused, as it were, to be led by Love attraction comes detention of the ego
upwards to the Truth. They have upon the lower planes in a continuous
therefore had an apparent limitation life of evolution of qualities. From
imposed upon them by the Prince of this continuous life come the periods
Light, to remain under the law of of re-incarnation. From these come
karma. Apparent limitation, as obvi the struggles for life ending in death,
ously the lower cannot be the means which are attended with suffering
of limiting the higher impulses. The and sorrow.
" But there is a taint worse than all
allegory refers only to appearance
and not reality. taints, ignorance is the greatest taint.
O mendicants ! throw off that taint, and
See ADAMAS, FATE-SPHERE, IA- become taintless." — Dhammapada, XVIII.
But if ignorance be removed by the
IGNORANCE, AVIDYA :— complete extinction of desire, this brings
A symbol of matter as being of about the removal of conformations j by
itself devoid of qualities, but which the removal of conformations, conscious
is the medium of Spirit, giving birth ness is removed ; by the removal of
consciousness, name and corporeal form
to the qualities. Ignorance is the
are removed ; by the removal of name and
negation of Truth or enlightenment,
corporeal form, the six fields are removed ;
and it is by the influx of Spirit that by the removal of the six fields, contact
enlightenment is brought about and (between the senses and their objects)
matter (ignorance) dissipated. is removed ; by the removal of contact,
" From Ignorance comes the combina sensation is removed ; by the removal of
tion of formations or tendencies (instincts sensation, thirst is removed ; by the
derived from former births) ; from such removal of thirst, the clinging (to exist
formations comes consciousness (vijnana) ; ence) is removed ; by the removal of
from consciousness, individual being the clinging (to existence), being is
(nama-rupa, name and form) ; from removed ; by the removal of being,
individual being, the six organs of sense birth is removed ; by the removal of
(including mind) ; from the six organs, birth, old age and death, pain and
contact (with objects of sense) ; from lamentation, suffering, anxiety, and
contact, sensation (vedana) ; from sensa despair are removed. This is the removal
whole realm of suffering
tion, desire (lust, thirst, tanha = trishna) ; of the
from desire, clinging to life (upadana) ; (Mahd-vagga, I). — H. OLDEN BERO,
from clinging to life, continuity of Buddha, p. 226.
becoming (bhava) ; from continuity of But if matter (ignorance) be dissi
becoming, birth ; from birth, decay and pated by the entire cessation of the
death ; from decay and death, suffering
outpouring of the Divine Life, this
(Mahd-vagga I. 1, 2). — MON. WILLIAMS,
Buddhism, p. 102. brings about the withdrawal of the
From primordial matter arises on ideal prototypes on the buddhic plane
the buddhic plane the prototypal of the soul. By the removal of these
universe of ideal forms and qualities prototypes, the causal-body ceases to
carried over from previous \iniverses. exist. By the removal of the causal-
From these ideal prototypes the body, the personality and its con
potential causal -body is formed on structed ideal vanish. By the removal
the higher mental plane as the seat of the personality and its ideal, on
of the individuality (consciousness). the mental plane, the arena of percep
From the causal -body, the mental tion on the lower planes is nullified.
body is projected in the lower mind By the removal of perception of the
lower nature, the relations with the SAMSARA, SAMSKARA, SCAPEGOAT,
external world are ended. By the re SKANDHAS, SUFFERING.
moval of external relations, the
By the
astral-body is discarded.
removal of the astral-body, longing
for objects of desire is impossible. A symbol of aspiration towards
truth, which begets knowledge.
By the removal of this longing,
attachment to the lower planes is
severed. By the removal of attach TUTE.
ment, the outer being of the soul ILIUM (TROY) :—
exists not. By the removal of outer
A symbol of the causal -body, the
being, birth of the ego in the cycle abode of the causal -Self, as a centre
of life cannot occur. By the removal for the higher mental qualities and
of birth, its sequencies, — the wearing emotions. The personality (Achilles)
out of lives, the casting away of is represented as seeking to capture
bodies, the passing through painful the heavenly city by violence that

states of consciousness, — are extin is, — through the striving of the per
guished. The inbreathing of the sonality for perfection, the conscious
ness is raised to the higher mind,
Spirit is the abrogation of the whole
which Involves the death of the
condition and extent of the bondage
of Spirit in Matter. " In the centre of the world was
" Sitting under the tree of knowledge
Turkland with its capital Troy. In this
Buddha says to himself : ' Difficult will Turkland there were twelve kingdoms,
it be for men to grasp the law of causality, and a chief king, who was Priam." —
the chain of causes and effects. And Preface to Prose Edda.
this also will be very hard for them to In the centre of the soul, or midway
grasp, the coming of all conformations
to an end, the loosening from everything between the higher and lower planes,
earthly, the extinction of desire, the the higher mental plane, with the

cessation of longing, the end, the causal-body, the seat of the causal-
Nirv&na.' "—Ibid., p. 263. Self (Priam). On the higher mental
What keeps the soul bound in the
cycle of birth, death, and re-birth ? plane are represented the twelve
Buddhism answers : desire and ignor stages of the Life Cycle (Zodiac).
ance. Of the two, the greater evil is See ACHILLES, CAUSAL-BODY, CITY
ignorance, the first link in the long chain OF GOD, HELEN, MENIS, PERSONALITY,
of causes and effects, in which the sorrow-
working destiny of the world is fulfilled." PRIAM, SHIPS OF GREEKS, TROJANS,
— Ibid., p. 52. TROY.
The Higher Self (Buddha) realises ILLUSION :—
the long and difficult course of the
An appearance devoid of reality
soul's evolution, and the slowness of in itself. The orderly succession of
the mind (men) to attain liberation phenomena may be taken as proving
from external attractions (desire) and the unreality of phenomena in them
the bondage of matter (ignorance). selves. They do not persist, and
" are Interpreted in the mind as fleeting
Matter has no intelligence of its own,
and to believe intelligence is in matter states of consciousness related to
is the error which produces pain and ideas and feelings of an impermanent
inharmony of all sorts ; to hold ourselves nature.
that we are a principle outside of matter, "
we would not then be influenced by the For all that alters is untrue it

does not stay in what it is, but shows

opinions of man, but held to the workings
only of a principle Truth, in which there itself to us by changing into one another
are no inharmonies of sickness, pain, or its appearances. . . . All that is subject
sin" (P. P. Quimby MS.). — G. MILMINE, unto genesis and change is verily not
true — (HERMES, Of Truth). MEAD, T. O.
Christian Science, p. 129.

Hermes, Vol. III. pp. 20, 21.
See BONDAGE, CAUSAL-BODY, CON " Brahma is true, the world false,

SCIOUSNESS, DARKNESS (lower), the soul is Brahma and is nothing else.'

EVOLUTION, FOBM AND NAME, (N. N. GORE, 1862.) This is really a very
INVOLUTION, JERUSALEM, MONKS, perfect summary (of Vedanta)." — MAX
HOLLER, Theosophy, etc., p. 317.
N'iDAN-AS, NIRVANA, ORIGINAL SIN, " Matter is darkness, as the Logos


light has no real being (Plotinus),

— UEBEBWEO u Biat. of Philot., Vol. II. FIRE, HIGHER, MATTER, MAY V
p. 246.
One who produced the Reality
is called Vohu-mano, — the Good Mind, — NOMENA, PRAKBJTI, PROTOTYPES,
the other, through whom the ' Non- STARS, TYRANTS, UNBELIEF, Votrau-
reality ' originated, bears the name KASHA, WORLD.
Akem-mano, — the Evil Mind." — HAUO,
Essays (Zoroastrianism), p. 303. ILYA TREE :—
"The outward world, with the four
Elements and stars, is a figure of the A symbol of the Divine Life or Ray
internal powers of the Spiritual World, from the Absolute.
and was expressed, or breathed forth, " He
by the Motion of God. ... It is as a
(the soul) approaches
Ilya, and the odour of Brahman reaches
the tree

smoking or vaporous steam of the him." — Kaush. Upanithad, I. 2.

Fire-Spirit and Water-Spirit ; breathed Free from all relativity, the soul
forth, both out of the Holy and then
also out of the Dark world ; and therefore approaches the Truth of the Divine
it is evil and good ; and consists in Love Life which yields the fruit of Wisdom ;
and Anger ; and is only as a smoke or and the " breath " of the Supreme
misty exhalation, in reference and respect invigorates his being.
to the Spiritual World." — JACOB BOEHME, "
O taste and see that the Lord is
Mysterium Magnum, p. 20.
" Four astrums, good." — Ps. xxxiv. 8.
elements, or properties " How sweet are thy words unto my
of nature." — Utid., p. 68.
" The taste ! Yea sweeter than honey to my
mouth ! " — Ps. cxix. 103.
stars are nothing else but
properties of the powers of nature." — "
Una., p. 57. Plato ' keeps the faith ' that the
soul has in itself an eye for divine Reality,
Here, the lower quaternary is and that the mind has a native capacity
described as a reflection, or figure, of for beatific vision. This doctrine has
a pattern in the higher planes, becom had mighty influence and is of vast
import. The view which Plato's succes
ing dual on the lower planes. The sors and the later mystics found in hi*
buddhic (Fire-Spirit) and the astral teaching was rather an ultimate Reality
(Water-Spirit) commingle in opposi
beyond the universe, and ' above '
tion, causing strife, and educing the mind ; '
beyond being
and ' above
knowledge.' It is to be reached only
higher emotions (Love) and the lower by a sublime process which negate* all
(Anger). The lower world is unreal finiteness ; all multiplicity, all particu
and illusory in respect to the higher larity. On this basis the Absolute
world. Reality is nothing knowable or thinkable."
" This very capacity of ours for — R. M. JONES, Mystical Religion, p. 66.
imagining a better world than this
points to the fact that the Ideal World (divine), FRUIT, ODOUR (sweet),
we desire already exists ; our desire for SALAQYA, SUTRATMA, TASTE,
it signifies, in a manner of speaking, TREASURE, THEE OF LIFE, VIBHU,
that we already belong to it and that
our souls can never find complete satis YESHTIKA.
faction in anything less. Indeed, it is
the real world. This present world
which seems to us so real, is both frag This expression signifies •
mentary and unsubstantial, and destined projection of the Divine nature on the
to pass away when it has served its two highest planes of the soul, and
purpose ; behind and beneath it is the constitutes, when united with mind,
eternal world— changeless, perfect, all the Archetypal Man energising as
complete." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
What it Life Eternal?
Love and Wisdom (atma-buddhl).
" The realm of the real is spiritual. " And God Let us make man in
The opposite of Spirit is matter, and the our image, after our likeness : and let
opposite of the real is the unreal, or them have dominion over, etc. And
material. Matter is an error of statement. God created man in his own image, in
This error in the premise leads to errors the image of God created he him ; male
in the conclusion, in every statement into and female created he them." — QKH. i.
which it enters. Nothing we can say 26, 27.
or believe regarding matter is immortal, At this stage of involution, the
for matter is temporal, and is therefore Divine nature projects a likeness of
a mortal phenomenon, sometimes beauti
ful, always transitory." — MBS. EDDY, itself upon the highest planes. This is
Science and Health, p. 277. the Divine Ray or Spark, which is a
See BEELZEBUB, BRAHMA, CREA direct emanation of the Logos, —
TION, DAHKNESS, ELEMENTS, FATE, Atma-buddhi, — dual, male-female, and
consequently spoken of as Us. The and the Image of Dionysus." — PROCLCS,
two Divine aspects united, are essential Crat., LIX. 114, 82.
to the making of Man as a spiritual This may be explained in the
The Love and Wisdom prin words of Tauler, where lie speaks of, —
being. "
the unseen depths of man's spirit
ciples (Atma-buddhi) united in mind wherein lies the Image of God."
(manas), are to have dominion over " A conception which pervades the
the feelings, ideas, actions, and the Midrash literature is that there is an
' ' ' '
entire nature, including the lower upper and a lower Adam : a celestial
man made strictly in the image of God,
mental nature. And so the Divine and a terrestrial man corresponding in
Will caused to be created the Arche detail to his archetype." — C. TAYLOR,
typal Man in the image (microcosm) Sayings of the Jewish fathers, p. 70.
" Irenceus says, ' What we had lost in
of the Divine fullness (Macrocosm),
Adam, namely our possession of the
as the dual expression of Truth- image and likeness of God, we recover in
Wisdom. Christ.' Adam, however, is humanity ;
" Man made after the image of God. in other words, as all humanity is united
This is the Word of God, the first begin and renewed through Christ, so also it
ning of all things, the original species was already summarised in Adam." —
or the archetypal idea, the first measure H'ABNACK, Hist, of Dogma, Vol. II. p. 273.
of the universe." — PHILO, Works, Yonge's " Wisdom, Love,
and Truth are the
trans., Vol. IV. p. 285. principle or image of God" (P. P.
What is this image of God T It is Quimby). — G. MILMINE, Life of Mrs.
the mind of God ; for Christ is that Mind Eddy, p. 129.
or Word to rule in us. The Man is " The soul who perceives himself to
Christ, the perfect mind of God. . . . associate with God, will have himself the
Thia Man was created ' male and female,' similitude of Him. And if he passes
that so he might be a perfect image of from himself as an image to the Archetype,
God. God is infinite Wisdom and Love : he will then have the end of his progres
no image of Him would be complete sion." — PLOTINUS, On the Good, or the
which did not express both." — A. JUKES, One, §XI.
Types of Genesis, p. 40. " of the constitution of Man
" But All-Father Mind, being Life and in Elohim's likeness, the Man, i.e. the
Light, did bring forth Man co-equal to Perfect, Primordial, Ideation Man or
Himself, with whom He fell in love, as Adam, comprises (in itself as the simili
being his own child ; for he was beautiful tude of Elohim) all things, and admits
beyond compare, the Image of his Sire." all things to settle (be contained or
— Poemandrea (Hermetic), 12. arranged) in it." — I. MYEB, Qabbalah,
" This image of God, which is found p. 138.
in all men, may be considered under
" TheLife-Force which speaks in the
three aspects : first, as a natural aptitude soul in the language of duty, truth, and
for loving and understanding God, which love, must have been these things to
belongs to the nature of the mind and begin with, or it could never have made
is common to all men ; secondly, as us know them ; and the wiser and older
actual and habitual knowledge and grows the race the more plainly does the
imperfect love, which is the conformity Life-Force speak of these. God and the
of grace ; and thirdly, as that perfect Life-Force are one. To be in line with
love and knowledge which constitute the Life-Force of the universe, to do the
the image of God in a State of Glory. will of God, is to live in the spirit of the
The first is in all men, the second in the love that seeketh not its own. And he
j tit, the third in the Blessed. . . . The knows this best who gives himself for it
image of God in man is according to the most with unfaltering faith." — R. J.
Divine Nature and the Trinity of Persons, CAMPBELL, Serin., Jesus and the Life
inasmuch as in God Three Persona exist Force.
in One Nature." — T. AQUINAS, Comp. " Asthe Bird-life builds up a bird,
Summa Theol., p. 237. the image of itself, so the Christ-life
" In every department of being, where builds up a Christ, the image of Himself,
the imperfect is found, the perfect in the inward nature of man."
" Observe the passive voice in these
pre-exists." — Ibid., p. 129.
" Aa the soul is said to be of the breath sentences :
Begotten of God ;
' '
of God, so it is said to be made after new man which is renewed in knowledge
God's own image, even after the similitude after the Image of Him that created
of God. . . . This character the Holy bun ' ; or this, We are changed into the
' '
Ghost, in the Scriptures of truth, giveth same Image ; or this, Predestinate to
only of man, of the soul of man ; for it be conformed to the Image of His Son.'
must not be thought that the body is — H. UKUMMOND, Natural Law, etc.,
here intended in whole or in part." — pp. 293, 310.
" That God is the true and supreme
J. "BI/NYAN, Greatness of the Soul. '
The Platoniate called Dionysus Our end of man we know by the simple fact
Master,' for the mind in us is Dionysiacal that the end of man can lie only on
true lines of himself, and all these lines IMHETEP OR IMHOTEP :—
lead directly and only to God. The end
of his mind is Truth, the end of his feelings A symbolof the Higher Self mani
and affections is Love, the end of hia festing upon the higher mental plane.
will and activities is Goodness and Good : "
The name of Imhetep signifies he
and the completeness and perfection of '
who comes in peace ; the Greeks tran
all these is God. No finite spirit, seeking scribed it Imuthes, and likened him to
and striving to be all itself, can will or Asklepios. . . . He cured men of their
conceive for itself anything short of the diseases by means of medicine and of
infinitely True, Beautiful and Good — magic. He was generally regarded as a
infinite Wisdom, Virtue, Happiness — learned deity." — WIEDEMANN, ReL of
infinite Holiness, Righteousness, Life. Egyptians, p. 139.
Ood, so Jar as we can know Him, is the "
Imhotcp was reputed the first hiero-
Infinite, Eternal, Perfect of ourselves, as phant ; he it was who recited the lit
vie are the finite, incomplete, and imperfect urgy of the dead, and the magic formula
of Him. If this is conceiving or creating which restored health to the sick and
God in our own image, I
admit it and raised the dead to life. (Footnote.) The
justify it. It is the only way and form office of Imhotep was to conduct the
in which we can know God at all." — dead safely back to a second life." —
W. P. Du BOSE, Constructive Quarterly, SAYCE, Clifford Lectures, p. 140.
March 1913. The Higher Self from the beginning
" Manhood itself may be regarded as reveals His nature in the sacrifice of
the product of countless aeons of an
evolutionary process ; but if the evolu Himself. He is the way and means of
tion is to be considered from this point salvation, that the lower qualities may
of view, and subjected to the theory of be transmuted, and that the souls
reality, which the religious consciousness may be raised to the life immortal.
insists upon assuming, then the process
is a divine procedure, and its product a See ALCHEMY, BIRTH (second),
divine creation. Man's evolution, for MAGIC, MEDICINE, PHYSICIAN, SER
religion, is but God's way of making man PENT .SSCULAPIUS, VALMI K i.
in the divine image. The psychological
truth involved in the assumption of an
essential likeness between the two — a IMMORTALITY FORFEITED :—
certain Oneness which accounts for the The personality in Identifying itself
duality ; this is an assumption upon with its lower nature and the trials
gion at all." ..."
which is based the very existence of reli
Man makes God in
man's image ; because God has made
and sufferings which thereby come to
it, is said to forfeit its immortality;
man in the divine image. Man as he for it is this lower personality which
becomes more fully man, more of a is mortal. The ego within, which
rational and free personality, more does not so Identify itself, remains
worthily and truly conceives of God ; unaffected, and is immortal.
but this is because God is himself making " Isis nursed the child of King Melcar-
man more and more like God." — G. T.
LADD, Phil, of Religion, Vol. I. pp 347, thuB and fed it by giving it her finger to
suck instead of the breast ; she likewise
" The put him every night into the fire in order
great work of religion is to to consume his mortal part, whilst
conform ourselves to God, or to unfold transforming herself into a swallow, she
the divine likeness within us." — W. E. hovered round the pillar and bemoaned
CHAN NINO, Likeness to God. her sad fate. This she continued to do
for some time, till the queen, who stood
See AB, ADAM, ABC. MAN, ATZEEL, watching her, observing the child to be
BREATH (divine), BUDDHIO PLANE, all in a flame, cried out, and thereby
COSMOS, CREATION, CREEPING, EVOLU deprived him of that immortality which
would otherwise have been conferred
TION, FRAVASHI, GOD, GOOD (light), upon him." — PI.UTABCH, Isis and Osiris,
IMPERIAL, INCARNATION, INVOLUTION, The king is a symbol of the ego
JESUS (son of God), MACROCOSM, as governor of the astral or desire
MALE-FEMALE (divine), MAN AND WIFE, nature, and so his child signifies the
MICROCOSM, PLEROMA, PROTOTYPES, personality nursed by buddhi (Isis).
PUBUSHA, SALVATION, SEAL, SEED, The wisdom (Isis) element now sus
SIMILITUDES, SON OF GOD, SOUL tains the nascent soul and affords it
(highest), SOUTH WIND, SPARK, SPER the means of evolution through the
MATIC WORDS, SUTRATMA, TREE OF stimulation of latent capacity by
LIFE, TRINITY, TYPE, TZELEM, indication (finger), or suggestively,
\VOHLDS (five). rather than by direct means. And
whilst it was night, that is, unknown EDEN, FALL, FINGER, FIRE, GROUND,
of it, all that in each stage was perish HEEL, INCARNATION, INDIVIDUALITY,
able in the soul was burned away ISIS, JESUS MORTAL, JOB, MORTAL,
through the buddhic functioning ; PERSONALITY, SCENT, SHAI, SHORT
whilst Wisdom herself, as the spiritual LIVED ACHILLES, SOUTH WIND, TREE
daylight broke, ascends as a bird or LIFE.
upward. At length, however, the
progress of Wisdom is arrested, inas
much as the purification of the A title signifying the acquirement
personality (child) is being accom by the Individual monad or ego, of
plished with such pain and difficulty, the attributes of the higher planes.
that attention is directed through the It has the same meaning as " being
reasoning mind (queen) to the suffer made in the image of God."
ings, with the result that the ego "Having bestowed upon the Golden
appellation, — Imperial
Personage the
identifies itself with the sufferings,
Reverence,' it informed him of the
which entails the forfeiture of immor manner of creation ; of the divisions of
tality for the lower personality with the heavens and the earth ; of the
its suffering, ignorance, and evil Yang and the Yin ; of the separation of
which are mortal. darkness from light ; and that all things
" And the Lord God said, Behold, were produced from an egg first formed
in the water." — Chinese Mythology.
the man is become as one of us, to know
And now the truth' of atma-buddhi-
good and evil ; and now, lest he put
forth his hand, and take also of the manas having entered through invo
tree of life, and eat and live for ever : lution into the consciousness of the
therefore the Lord God sent him forth ego, the knowledge of the process
from the garden of Eden, to till the of creation, of the higher and lower
ground from whence he was taken." —
GEN. iii. 22, 23. planes, of spirit and matter, of science,
And now the Love-forceful aspect philosophy, religion, truth and nega
tion, Self and not Self, etc., is made
of the Logos, realising that the mind
clear. And it is made evident that
(man) is able to recognise the distinc
tion between each of the many states all things are first of all produced
of relativity ; and that of the relative from a germ or egg, — the symbol of
will be begotten infinite expansion from the fount of
condition there
the pairs of opposites ; directs that
Truth (water).
the descent into physical matter be
accomplished, lest without the mind
undergoing the experiential life
beneath, absolute existence should
again be claimed, So the mind is INCARNATION OF SPIRIT :—
directed towards the lower plane A symbol of the embodiment of .

activities whereof its own nature Spirit in Matter, or of the Soul or

has been builded, and is required to Self In the lower nature (flesh).
Involution of the qualities (spirit)
develop and discipline its faculties is the process which precedes the
and emotions. express functioning of the Divine
The true and fundamental selfhood Life (the Self) upon the several planes
of every human soul, best and worst, Incarnation completes
of existence.
ia the very life of God himself, though
differentiated from the whole, and made involution, and is the point where
over, as it were, in part at least, into evolution commences. Incarnation is
the soul's own keeping. Therefore, you, the completion of the Archetypal
the real you, deep down beneath the Man (Christ), — the perfect " image
ignorant, suffering, sinful you, are of God," —or spiritual-human pattern
eternal. You, the outer you, the mortal within the soul. In the involution
man, are of yesterday, and will be gone
of the Self, Christ " sheds his blood,"
to-morrow ; you, the spiritual you, the i.e. involves his life (blood). In the
deathless you, are of that in which time
is not, and will enter by and by upon Self's evolution, " the blood of Christ
the fullness of your glorious heritage in take th away all sin," i.e. the Divine
the living God." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Life welling up as an inner fountain,
8erm., God's Life in Man. constantly brings Wisdom, Love,
See ADAH (lower), BIRD, BVPPHJ, and Truth to the struggling souls
as they realise their deflciences and me to my connections with the higher."
yearn for perfection.
— I 'H 11,1,1is
BROOKS, Mystery of Iniquity.
" Schelling laid down the proposition, pp. 314, 316.
" God becomes incarnate through the
— the incarnation of God is an incarna
eternal principles that underlie the
tion from eternity :— he understood
of man :
' ' conscience and the affections
under the incarnate Son of God the in his reason and his faith, organised
finite itself in the form of the human
into character as intellectual light and
which in its contradis
noble love." —S. JOHNSTON,
tinction to the Infinite wherewith it is
Religions, Vol. II. p. 77.
nevertheless one, appears as a suffering " Incarnation, then, is the ethical
God subjected to the conditions of time."
— D. F. STRAUSS, Life of Jesuit, p. 432. process by which the Divine Logos
" May not the love which conquers becomes one with a morally pure human
the demon of selfishness, which raises person." — O. PFLEIDERER, Develop, of
the individual soul above the narrow Christianity, p. 63.
" Man, conscious of inherent weak
world of self-interest, and in society
transforms the natural struggle for ness, longs for union with God. In the
existence into the endeavour to realise incarnation, God and man become one.
the moral solidarity of all men, — may Man feels himself exposed to a strange
not this love be rightly conceived as a fascination which attracts him towards
supernatural power revealing itself as a evil and draws him away from God.
divine all-attracting force in the souls In Christ he meets, baffles, and over
of men, like the force of gravitation in comes the personal agent of all temptation.
the material world T . . . Love is the Man feels that he is a slave to nature,
fulfilling of the law, since it transforms over which a sure instinct tells him that
the external compelling command into he was destined to rule. In Christ he
the free impulse and active force of the exercises that dominion, making all
heart ; why then may we not perceive physical forces subservient to his will.
in love ' the incarnation of the divine Man fears disease, affliction, and bereave
Logos,' which was consummated not ment. In Christ all sorrows become
once only, but ever comes to pass where medicinal, and conduce to the perfection
love unites the hearts of men and conse of our renewed nature. Man has two
crates society so that it becomes the great foes — sin, and death, the penalty
kingdom of God ? — O. PrLEiDBHEB, of sin. Christ crushes sin, and expels
Early Christian Conception of Christ, it from His dominions ; death He
pp. 164, 165. converts into the last best friend, the
" Human nature did not begin to be opener of the portals of eternal life." —
with Adam, but existed forever in the F. C. COOK, Aids to Faith, p. 143.
eternal Christ. I hold, then, that the " There can only be one reason why
Incarnation was God's commentary on eternal spirit should ever consent to
that verse in Genesis, ' In the image of become imprisoned within material forms,
God created He man.' Yes, from the and that is that its latent powers may
beginning there had been a second declare themselves. Undifferentiated
person in the Trinity, — a Christ, whose unity must become endless variety ; the
nature included the man-type. In due unmanifpst must split up to utter itself.
time this man-type was copied and There could be no such thing as a
incorporated in the special exhibition of human soul if boundless spirit did not
a race. There it degenerated and went deliberately put some portion of itself
off into sin. And then the Christ, who in a ring fence, so to speak, that it may
had been what he was forever, came and be cultivated and made to body forth
brought the pattern and set it down its hidden riches. Every soul is thus a
beside the degenerate copy, and wrought point through which the infinite expresses
men's hearts to shame and penitence itself, declares a divine idea, absolutely
when they saw the everlasting type of separate and distinct from every other,
what they had been meant to be, walking though closely related thereto and des
among the miserable shows of what they tined to rich fulfilment in a wondrous
were. . . . Suppose I find in Revelation whole which shall include all the good of
this Hublime truth, that the man-type for all the race." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
which I am so anxious has had an eternal God's Life in Man.
" Birds and beasts, equally with our
existence as a part and parcel of the
Deity ; that, however, this manifestation selves, are the incarnation of an indestruc
of it has been reached, there is manifest tible life whose greatest manifestations
in every man the image of a pattern-life have yet to come, and the whole creation
that is in God. Let me carry away from is a solidarity with man in the expression
Revelation the supreme truth of the of the Divine Idea." — R. J. CAMPBELL.
eternal humanity of Christ, and then Serm., Evolution of the Spiritual Man.
my moral life, my reverence for the
" Christ is that perfect Humanity
nature which I share, my high ambition within us, from which man feels himself
after its perfection, all this is unimpaired. getting loose by sin, but to which he also
Let science show me my affinities with feels that if he can only return and
the lower life : a mightier hand points cling, he will once more bo re-united to
God. The Incarnation is the supreme FRAVASHIS, MANASAPUTRAS, MARUTS,
manifestation of this." — J. G. ADDERLEY, MONADS,
Serm., The Symbolism of the Mass, NAKEDNESS, REINCARNA
" The Incarnation, which is for TION, SHEEP (lost), SONS or GOD,
Christianity synonymous with the his SOUL, SPARK, VESTURES, WHEELS
torical birth and earthly life of Christ, OF BIRTH.
is for the mystic not only this, but also
» perpetual Cosmic and personal process.
It is an everlasting bringing forth, in INCENSE-BURNING :—
the universe and also in the individual A symbol of the purification of the
ascending soul, of the divine and perfect soul by the functioning of buddhi
Life, the pure character of God, of which (fire), which transmutes the lower
the one historical life dramatised the emotions into the higher. The per
essential constituents. Hence the soul, fume signifies the Love and Wisdom
like the physical embryo, resumes in
called forth on the higher planes,
its upward progress the spiritual life-
history of the race." — E. UNDERBILL, through the aspirations from below.
Mysticism, p. 141. " The Egyptians burn for
" The suggestion of an Incarnation is Resin, thereby rectifying and purifying
the supreme potential excellence of the air by its virtue, and blowing away
human nature. The Gospel prohibits any the corrupted exhalation naturally given
doubt as to the moral competence of forth by the body, because this perfume
men to rise to the perfection exhibited in possesses a strong and penetrating
the Incarnate." — H. HENSLBY HENSON, quality." — PLUTAECH, Isis and Osiris,
The Value, etc., p. 270. §80.
" The burning of this sweet-smelling
OF CHBIST, BLOOD, CHRIST, COSMOS, substance (incense) assisted in opening
the mouth of the deceased and in
SON, FLESH, GOD, HORUS, IMAGE hath been offered unto thee of the
OF GOD, INVOLUTION, JESUS (son), incense of Horns, and incense hath been
KRISHNA, LEMMINKAINEN, offered unto Horus of thy incense.' (From
papyrus.)" — BUDGE, Egyptian Magic,
pp. 194, 202.
QUALITIES, REDEMPTION, SELF, SON The Love and Wisdom (the incense)
OF GOD, SPIRIT, UNION. of the Higher Self (Horus) hath been
bestowed in response to the soul's
The descent of the spiritual egos " Incense signifies worship from spiri
Into human forms on the lower tual good which is the good of love
planes. towards our neighbour. What is signified
The Divine Monad (atma-buddhl), by incense is also signified by the vials
at a certain stage, splits up In a in which the incense is contained." —
limited measure, as it were. Into SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 277.
" When the maidens were gathered
many monads, an enormous but
limited number. Each of these spirits, together for the great king Ahasuerus,
before they were brought to him into
sparks, or souls, Is ready to incarnate his royal presence, they were to be had
in humanity when mind is attained. to the house of the women, there to be
They become the deepest selves in purified with things for purification, and
every human being,— the immortal that for twelve months together — to
spirits in each. At first they are wit six months with oil of myrrh, and
almost totally obscured by the six months with sweet odours, and other
activities of the desire and sense things, and so came every maiden to the
natures, but gradually the stimula king" (Es. ii. 9, 12, 13). — J. BUNYAN,
Greatness of the Soul.
tion from without arouses the qualities
and potencies latent within them,
The oiling and spicing of the
and man becomes not only a mental maidens signifies the raising and
but a spiritual being. transmuting of the emotions to prepare
" My God is my deeper Self, and them for union with the Higher Self
yours too ; He is the Self of the universe, (great king).
and knows all about it. He is never " In the tabernacle of Israel, day by
baffled, and cannot be baffled ; the day, there ascended from the altar of
whole cosmic process is one long incarna incense the sweet odour, which symbolised
tion and uprising of the being of God the fragrance of prayer as it wreathes
from itself to itself." — R. J. CAMPBELL, itself upwards to the heavens." — A.
The New Theology, p. 35. MACLAREN, Sermons, 2nd Series, p. 33.
MAGI, MUMMY, MYRRH, OIL, PRO the higher self is born of influences which
CESSION, SAVOUR, SPICES, VIRGIN. belong to the Eternal world, the super
natural source of truth and goodness.
This law of growth through the clash and
INDIVIDUALITY :— union of opposites runs all through the
This term is taken in its highest Christian experience. There is no self-
sense as signifying the direct embodi expenditure (self-sacrifice) without self-
ment of the Self in the manifest, in enrichment, no self -enrichment without
self -expenditure. . . . Anyone who tries
which the Self for the time is limited self-expression — to
to attain complete
to the mode of Its manifestation. build his pyramid of existence, as Goethe
The Individuality, therefore, Is the put it, as an isolated individual, is certain
immediate manifestation of the Self's to fail ignominiously. The self that he
otherwise unmanifested Self. Re is trying to bring to perfection is a mere
garded in relation to the myriad abstraction, a figment of his imagination.
human souls, the individuality Is And conversely, any one who lived a
the point at which we pass forth from purely external life, with no inner soul-
centre to which all experiences must be
the Higher Self wherein we are rooted Our
related, would be nothing either.
and centred in unity within. unifying consciousness is the type and
" He, the monarch of the Sakyas, of the copy of all-unifying consciousness of
native pre-eminence, but whose actual God. Our individuality is a shadow of
pre-eminence was brought about by his His." — W. R. INOE, Paddock Lecture*,
numberless councillors of exalted wisdom, p. 87.
shone forth all the more gloriously, like
" The Rational Soul which rules over
the moon." — Buddha Karita, Bk. I. 14. that which is under it, and comes to
The Self as the individuality, — the know the higher by means of the enlighten
essential One, — but whose actual ment given by the World-Spirit, is then
the real Man — brought into existence,
power is ensured by the numerous but as unmixed essence, as individual
modes of its activity upon the lower substance indestructible, immortal." —
planes, shines forth all the more DE BOKK, Hist, of Phil, in Islam, p. 142.
" Note clearly the unity of the Self.
gloriously as it undertakes to manifest
You individualised are but one being,
upon the planes of illusion as the though you do not yet know very much
personality (moon). about the nature and potentialities of
" There is one unborn being that being ; I individualised am another
red, white and black, but producing self of whom the same thing is true.
manifold offspring. There is one un And your Selfhood is in essence good,
born being (masculine) who loves her eternal, divine, because it is an expression
and lies by her ; there is another who of the very life of God ; so is mine ;
leaves her, while she is eating what has so is that of all mankind. It is in the
to be eaten." — Svetas. Upanithad, IV. 5. task of manifesting it that we have to
" The text must be interpreted in a great extent gone wrong, and are
accordance with the context, and in conscious of discord and failure." — R. J.
harmony with a similar passage in the CAMPBELL, Serm., The Self and the
Chandogya Upanishad : the red colour Body.
of fire is the colour of heat, white is the See ADAM, ADAPA, ASVINS, BALA-
colour of water, and black the colour of
earth.' " — A. E. QOUOH, Phil, of Vpani-
shads, p. 204. DEFUNCT, DIOSCURI, ENOCH, Fio-
The feminine being signifies Buddhi FRUIT, HIGHER AND LOWER, AM, I
functioning as goodness (heat) and IMMORTALITY, INCARNATION OF SOULS,
truth (water) in the lower nature MANU, NOAH, PERSONALITY, PROME
(earth). Buddhi produces the innu THEUS, RUAH, SELF, SHRINE, SOUL
merable qualities of the soul, both (middle), SUDDHODANA, WALKING
higher (white) and lower (black). WITH GOD.
The masculine being is the Causal Self
or Individuality who is united to
Buddhi. The other being is the A symbol of the Divine Will, or
steadfast devotion to the Highest
Personality who evolves under the
through the higher spiritual qualities,
influence of Buddhi, and when per
all perceiving.
fected dies and disappears while " By earnestness did Maghavan
Buddhi transmutes the lower qualities rise to the lordship of the gods. People
to the higher planes. praise earnestness ; thoughtlessness is
" Christianity accepts the Platonic always blamed." — Dhammapada, Ch. II.
distinction between the higher and the 30.
lower self, and agrees with Plato that " • Yonder Indra has been utterly
annihilated by the people when they of development. Each stage, each
saw the glories acquired by the Sakyas,' step, each advance, each growth in
uttering this scoff, the city strove by grace corresponds to an initiation,
its banners with gay fluttering streamers
to wipe away every mark of his existence."
which Is a spiritual leading forth to
—Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. 7. a fuller life. The mastery of each
" Indrs " is here a plane requires its initiation ; for the
symbol of the
controllingofeachsoul- vehicle Implies
higher spiritual qualities which are
an initiation which confers powers
said to be annihilated by the lower
and faculties sufficient to achieve
qualities (people), inasmuch as power success. The ego is to be conceived
is transferred through the higher as obscured in the evolving soul and
mental qualities (the Sakyas) to the gradually expressing Itself more and
lower planes of being. The Self in more. Each walk or stride forward
establishing itself upon the plane of implies the perfecting of the previous
the desire -nature appears to obliterate stage and then being endowed with
in nature all trace of the Divinity fresh faculties and opportunities for
which is inherent within it. their exercise, so that another stride
forward may be possible.
(heaven), YAMA. INITIATIONS ;—
There are two lines of Initiations,
INFIRMITY, SPIRIT OF :— a lower and a higher. The lower
An aspect of a spiritual quality line refers to the perfectionment of
exercised through the astral nature, the lower self, — the Personality, as
and which has been misdirected. it appears, or is expressed, regarded
" And behold a woman which had a from below. The higher line Is the
spirit of infirmity eighteen years ; and expression of the Individuality in
she was bowed together, and could in no the causal-body, — the evolution of
wise lift herself up. And when Jesus the " Lord from heaven," Into which
saw her, he called her, and said to her, at length the lower Personality is
Woman, thou art loosed from thine absorbed, when the twain become
infirmity." — LUKE xiii. 11, 12. One, and the final initiation is accom
The indwelling Christ is teaching the plished for this cycle.
qualities, when his wisdom attracts a Four higher initiations may be
contracted and well-nigh dead affec taken from the Christian and Buddhist
tion of the lower nature, i.e. a starved scriptures, and compared together.
emotion. The Christ responds to the The Birth of Jesus from the Virgin
is equivalent to the stage Srotapatti
aspiration, and calls the emotion to a
or Sohan (He who has entered
higher use, thus releasing it from its
the stream). This initiation is the
bonds and making its path straight. entrance of the Christ-soul into the
See ASTRAL PLANE, HEALING (dead), physical life— Intent upon living it
JAIRUS, WOMAN. spiritually by consecrating it to noble
and worthy Ideals.
INFIRMITIES OR WEAKNESSES The Knowledge disclosed by the
child Jesus when he is said to dis
A symbol of recognition of lack course with the doctors is the equiva
of completion or perfection in the lent to Sakridagamln (He who will
manifestation of the qualities of the receive birth, but once more). It
soul : the recognition being an aspira consists in the arousing of the intellect
tion for the grace of God to heal the to a perception of the Truth and the
soul. Life.
See EVIL, GRACE, QUALITIES. The Ministry of Jesus terminating
in the Trial and Sentence is equiva
INITIATION OF AN EGO :— lent to Anagamln (He who will be
A symbol of the introduction of re-incarnated no more). It is the
an ego into a superior state with high resolve to go through to the
enhanced powers and wider activities . bitter end,— to drink the cup to the
This introduction is operated from dregs in the three years (the number
above, and can only be conferred three signifying completeness).
when the soul is ready for it. The The Crucifixion is equivalent to
soul's evolution is accomplished Arhat (He who sees Nirvana). It is
through a series of successive stages the consummation of the physical
life. The Christ- soul at this initia distorted or very partial reflection
tion has arrived at every experience of the higher activities in the lower
which it is necessary he shall undergo. mind, and when these activities are
" The lowest class is made up of the very pronounced, there is found the
Srotapanna, i.e. those who have attained want of balance which characterises
the path (of sanctification). Of them it the insane. In some cases mental
is said : ' By the annihilation of the disorder may be due to the intense
three ties, they have attained the path ; automatic action of the mechanism
they are not liable to re-birth in the lower of conduction of conflicting ideas.
worlds (hells, spirit worlds, and world In cases of worry and trouble, the
of lower animals) ; they are sure (of
nervous mechanism is subjected to
deliverance) ; they shall attain the
highest knowledge.' The next higher such strain as results in its being
class is that of the Sakadagami (' those temporarily or permanently, dis
' sociated, as it were, from the
who return once.') : By the annihilation
of the three ties, by the suppression of regulating factor which co-ordinates
desire, hatred and frivolity, they have the mental activities in the normal
" once returning : " when they
become person. In melancholia the related
have returned once only to this world, physical and astral mechanism is
they shall attain the end of sorrow.'
Then follow the Anagami (' the not- unable to function completely. In
returning ') :
By the annihilation of the sane ideas arise from sub-conscious
five first ties they have come to be beings, impulses, — many of them karmic, —
who originate of themselves (i.e. who and the reason why the reflective
enter upon the state of being without and comparing faculties are not
being begotten or born ; this is the case operative on the delusions is that the
of the higher worlds of the gods) ; they true mind (higher manas) is tempo
attain the Nirvana up there (in the rarily detached from the opinionative
world of gods) ; they are not liable
to return from that world.' . . . The
lower mind (kama-manas) . Direct
highest of the four stages and last is that mental action from above applied
of the Arhat, i.e. the Saint." — H. OLDEN- to the disused or infirm portions
BERO, Buddha, pp. 319, 320. of the astro-physical, or astro-mental
" Conduct corrects vice, meditation mechanisms, designed to remove the
corrects lust, insight corrects error, causes which obstruct the perfect
Conduct is the virtue of the beginner performance of the mental functions,
(sotagami), meditation of the advanced may sometimes be effective in opening
(anagami), insight of the perfect (arhat)."
— R. S. COPLKSTON, Buddhism, p. 365. up communication from above to
See ADEPT, ANAGAMIN, ARHAT, below and restoring balance of mind.
AIRS, WORLDS (five).
Symbolic of the spiritual endow
GOSPELS, JESUS (severe), MAN (right
ments of the soul upon the mental
eous), NIRVANA, PATRIARCHS, PERSON plane (Japan).
MIN, SROTAPANNA, STRIDES OF SOUL, her grandson Ninigi sovereign of Japan
UNION, VESTURES, WALKS. for ever, and appointed his descendants
to rule it as long as the heavens and the
INSANITY :— earth endure. Before starting for his
The external expression of dis kingdom he received from his grandmother
the Three Divine Insignia, viz. — the
ordered conditions in one or more Sacred Mirror, the Sacred Sword, and
of the lower vehicles of the soul. the Sacred Stone or Magatama." — The
Insanity is a general mental condition Nihongi.
which proceeds from psychic The Wisdom Principle (buddhi)
instability, irregularity, or want of being the director of the evolutionary
equilibrium. It is the result of process, assigns to the Germ-Self on
inequable astral and mental activity,
the mental plane the future sove
and may generally be traced to the
ineffectiveness of the mechanism of reignty of the Soul in a series of stages,
the vehicles through which the con as long as the Cycle lasts. She is able
sciousness, or ego, acts. Often, what at the outset to endow the Incarnate
amounts to insanity follows from a Self with the Causal-body (mirror),
the Intuition of Truth (sword), and relating to the phenomena of inspira
the Spiritual Ego (stone). tion and automatic writing over
See AMATKRASU, BODHISATVA, whelmingly shows that the objective
and deliberative mind has no part
whatever in the production of inspired
statements. Yet the whole of modern
STONB, SWOBD, TAKE-MIKA. Biblical criticism is founded upon the
assumption that the sacred writings
are " composed," " worked over,"
This means the " breathing of the " altered," and " amended " by many
Spirit," or the " speaking of the minds ; — a process obviously destruc
Word," into the mind of man. The tive of Divine inspiration.
"Word" is the Divine expression " Madame Guyon states in her auto
of Truth from above, made possible biography, that when she was composing
of reception by the mind, when union her works she would experience a sudden
between the mental and buddhic and irresistible inclination to take up
natures has been attained. Inspira her pen ; though feeling wholly incapable
tion is given whenever there is a of literary composition, and not even
receptiveness towards the eternal knowing the subject on which she would
theme of Truth, Love, and Wisdom, be impelled to write. If she resisted this
and, however the truths may be impulse it was at the cost of the most
intense discomfort. She would then
presented, —into whosesoever mind begin to write with extraordinary swift
they may have been put, — the recogni ness ; words, elaborate arguments, and
tion of the Truths themselves in the appropriate quotations coming to her
sacred scriptures will furnish the without reflection, and so quickly that
proof that the scriptures are what one of her longest books was written in
they profess to be, namely, the one and a half days.
In writing I
utterance of the Holy Spirit from the saw that I
was writing of things which
buddhic plane. The scriptures are
I had never seen : and during the time
of this manifestation, I was given light
to be judged by their fruits, and by to perceive that I had in me treasure*
what they imply as suggesting of knowledge and understanding which I
conceptions of the inner life of the did not know that I possessed
( VIE).
soul, embodied in symbols which Similar statements are made of St.
provided a sheath for their perfect Teresa, who declared that in writing her
preservation through the ages of the books she was powerless to set down
past. The persons who received these anything but that which her Master
put into her mind." — EVELYN UNDERBILL,
buddhic communications, evidently Mysticiam, pp. 78, 79.
understood but little of their meaning, " If God sends a message, he will
but being profoundly impressed by choose the messenger. . . . We can all
the spiritual influx, earnestly gave agree to the first step — that if man is not
them out to others, and in many purely passive in receiving the message,
cases set them down in writing. it cannot escape the touch of human
Knowledge of the inner nature of infirmity. The believer in verbal inspira
humanity and of the soul's evolution, tion says that revelation is real, and
therefore man's part is passive. . . .
flowing down from above into the Some things the prophet could not
mind, can only find expression through understand if they were told him, and
the ideas that happen to be in the some that he does understand he will
mind. Now these ideas are incompe only understand in part ; for he can only
tent to express hidden mysteries ; understand them in terms of his own
but there are ideas of concrete facts knowledge. He might no doubt be kept
of experience which offer analogies from error by a supernatural dictation
and resemblances to facts of the overriding his human weakness as often
as might be necessary ; and the believers
super-physical planes. These corres in verbal inspiration had to suppose that
pondences are utilised by the Spirit this dictation was given." — H. M.
of Wisdom to serve as symbols of GWATKIN, The Knowledge of God, Vol. I
inward truths, and are woven into p. 179.
mysterious, absurd, and dramatic
" We now know
(from a study of
statements, to rivet the attention of telepathy) that, not merely are we
mankind, promote enquiry into the bombarded unconsciously by stray
meanings of the sacred symbols, and thoughts from other minds, but that it
is possible so to discipline the conscious
so raise the souls by means of the
mind that it may become a resonator
various religions established upon to thought, even to a long series of
them. precise impressions of words from beyond
The evidence in modern times the threshold of consciousness. I could
place my hand on a quantity of inspired whenthe spirit of God seizes upon us '
writing which sounded without premedita For He putssuch words as He pleases in
tion through the mind of one who belongs our mouths and such discourses as we
to the order of Illuminati." — J. H. are not ourselves conscious
of.* —J.
COUSINS, Address on Psychical Research. ABKLSON, The Immanence of God, p. 258.
Inspiration is of many grades. " The Scriptures were written by the
Madame Guyon obviously did not Spirit of God, and have a meaning, not
such only as is apparent at first sight,
receive Divine inspiration whose only
but also another, which escapes the
known expression is in sacred symbols. notice of most. For those words which
Nevertheless her inspiration was sub- are written are the forms of certain
mental and passively received by the mysteries, and the images of divine
objective mind in words chosen sub
things. Respecting which there is one
opinion throughout the whole Church;
consciously, not consciously. The that the whole law is indeed spiritual ;
lower inspirations may have all the but that the spiritual meaning which the
outward features of Divine inspira law conveys is not known to all, but to
those only on whom the grace of the
tion ; therefore the one and only test
Holy Spirit is bestowed in the word of
of the Divine Word is the presence, in wisdom and knowledge." — ORIOEN, De
writings, of the specific symbolism Principiis, Preface.
" Let us notice, then,
which is the same in all inspired whether the
apparent and superficial and obvious
scriptures of the world.
" meaning of Scripture does not resemble a
In accordance with what is said in field filled with plants of every kind,
1 COR. ii. 14, the truth of the Scriptures
while the things lying in it, and not
must be ' spiritually discerned.' But visible at all, but buried, as it were,
what does this mean except that the under the plants that are seen, are the
inspired element is underneath the hidden treasures of wisdom and know
phraseology rather than in it." " If no Bk. IV. 23.
conditions in the spiritual world can ledge.''—^^.,
" ' All Scripture was held (by Origen)
ever be communicated to men except to be written " ab intus," from the inward
through the use of material symbols or mystery, and not
" ab extra," with a
forms, and if these can never represent
the conditions fully or adequately,
mystical sense put into it. In every case
nor the historical account is the rind or coat
to minds, differently constituted or
ing, the mystical meaning the essence of
cultured, in an exactly similar way, then
Holy Scripture, not the former the essen
different symbols or forms may be used, tial truth containing a mystical sense '
in different nations, for the purpose of
(Writer unknown)." — ST. GREGORY,
expressing exactly the same truth or Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 13.
principle, and not only in Christianity, "
Inspiration is the deepest question
but in all these nations, they may be of our day ; the one which lies beneath
inspired." — G. L. RAYMOND, Psychology
of "Inspiration, pp. 1S4, 131.
all others. ...It is this grand question
of Inspiration which is given to this age
In his Who it the Heir to Divine to solve. Our subject will break itself
Things (II. 52) Philo says : ' For a prophet up into questions such as these, — What
•ays nothing of his own, but everything the Bible is, and what it is not T What
which he says is strange and prompted is meant by inspiration t Whether
by someone else. . . . He alone is a inspiration is the same thing as infalli
sounding instrument of Mod's voice, bility T When God inspired the minds,
being struck and moved to sound in an did He dictate t ho words ? Does the
invisible manner by him.' Again, in inspiration of men mean the infallibility
par. 53, speaking of inspiration, he says :
of their words ? Is inspiration the same
For the mind that is in ua is removed as dictation T Whether, granting that
from its place at the arrival of the Divine we have the Word of God, we have also
Spirit, but is again restored to its previous the words of God ? Are the operations
habitation when that Spirit departs ; of the Holy Spirit inspiring men, compat
for it is contrary to holy law for what is ible with partial error T . . . How are we
mortal to dwell with what is immortal.' "
to interpret and apply the Scriptures t
Volz quotes several other passages, in — F. W. ROBERTSON, Sermons, tth Series,
which Philo speaks in the same strain.
p. 298.
Interesting in this connection is the
passage in Josephus, which runs : Thus Replying to these questions seria
did Balaam speak by inspiration, as not tim. (1) The Bible is a revelation of
being in his own power, but moved to
say what he did by the Divine Spirit
' Truth expressed in Divine symbolism ;
(Antiquities, Bk. IV. Ch. vi. 5). In the it is not a human composition.
same paragraph Josephus makes Balaam
' (2) By Divine inspiration is meant a
reply to Balak as follows : O Balak, if
forthpouring of Ideas from the Holy
thou rightly considerest this whole matter,
canst thou suppose that it is in our Spirit ( Wisdom -buddhi) into the mind
power to be silent, or to say anything of a selected person who probably
does not apprehend the real meaning LOGOS, MYTHOLOGY, PAPYRUS, PAR
of the symbols in which the ideas ABLE, PEN, PRIESTS AND ELDERS,
take form. (3) The inspiration being RAMAYANA, REVELATION, RITUAL,
Divine is infallible, but infallibility SACRED TEXT, SASTRA, SCRIPTURES,
does not attach to the symbols, for SIGN, SRUTI, THOTH, UPANISHAD,
they may be either correctly or incor UR-HEKAU, VEDA, WORD OF GOD.
rectly interpreted. (4) When God
inspired the minds, he dictated the INTELLECT ; INTELLIGENCE ;
words, otherwise there could have REASON :—
been no symbology. (5) In the The mental principle involves
inspiration of the minds, the minds choice in uniting with, or rejecting,
are receptive only, and the resulting concepts of different kinds which are
words are not their words. Directly presented to it ; and this choosing
these minds resume activity, error faculty Introduces will which makes
clings to their words. (6) Dictation to man (individuality) as God. It is
a passive and receptive mind is an the function of the Intellect to disclose
operation of Divine inspiration. differences and perceive similarities,
We possess the scripture words which but unaided by intuition it can never
show the perfect truth. Intellect,
have been Divinely selected from the
having this capacity for uniting with
contents of the minds, except where that which it perceives, becomes the
mistakes or alterations have super formative factor in the soul, and as
vened. (8) If inspired minds have such, it tends to contract and limit
correctly set down what has been that which it operates upon. It,
Divinely dictated to them, there is no therefore, requires an expanding
error so far. But it must be remem Influence, and this it finds in uniting
bered that symbols can only be very with emotion which strives against
partially suggestive of the truths they its limitations. Originally, intellect
and emotion were not in conflict, for
stand for. (9) The Scriptures have to they acted in accordance with the
be interpreted by a knowledge of the Divine law before the mind had come
meanings and relations of the symbols, under the Influence of the lower
in accordance with a general knowledge desires. Intellect beholding the good
of the scheme of existence, and of the and true is instinctively drawn towards
origin of the soul and the process of the ideal, and thus it causes the ego
its growth. These knowledges are to evolve and finally attain to
inseparable and essential to interpreta perfection. It is a regulating factor
tion, and seem hardly to be acquired which must dominate the love-
principle and emotion-nature, until
except by attention to a great variety perfect Truth becomes the ruler of
of scriptures. the soul. It cannot of itself inherit
" Doctrine is the vertebration of
the things of the Spirit, but when
religion. Still it must be ever remem united with the intuition (buddhi)
bered that Christian teaching professes
to be symbolical and an economy of
it produces love and truth. The
divine things." — W. S. LILLY, The Great intellect at first is unaware of the
Enigma, p. 313. existence of a higher source of Truth,
" for it cannot conceive of that which
The same principle of symbolic
language must be applied to all that lies is self-derived, and it falsely imagines
outside our present human experience. that knowledge is only acquired
The Bible begins with an account of through study of nature and history,
creation and ends with an anticipation and so borrowed by the senses from
of the end of the world — things which lie
without. Afterwards it Is able to
outside our possibilities of present experi
ence. Thus it begins and ends in pictures perceive that the lower mind, with its
and symbolical narratives. I do not see changing opinions, is illusory and
that any Christian either can reasonably rooted in egoism and separateness,
deny this or has any interest in doing and then it is led to find out how the
so." —C. GOBE, Bp. of Oxford, art.
" The
higher mental qualities shall uplift and
Place of Symbolism in Religion," Con- transform the lower self.
itructive Quarterly, March 1914.
" Religion alone reveals to us the
connection of the intellect with God, its
BREATH (divine), GOSPEL, HERMES derivation from his wisdom, its nearness
(tris.j, HOLY OHO3T, KAVAS, Run AN, to his reason, its capacity of everlasting
reception of his light of truth." — W. E. of atma-buddhi, — the Holy Spirit, —
CHANNINO, The Perfect Life, p. 187. by which intercession the qualities
" At the apex of the intellectual powers
of the soul are raised to the higher
of the soul stands the Reason." — Ari- levels of consciousness. — See Ron.
cenna, DE BOER, p. 141.
" The intellect, which is the principle viii. 24-8.
of intellectual operation, is the form of See HOLY GHOST, REDEMPTION,
the human body ; for that which is the SAINTS, TRANSMUTATION.
principle by which anything operates is
the form of the thing to which the opera INTOXICATION :—
tion is attributed. It is also evident that A symbol of the stupefying of the
where the body lives, there the soul is ;
and this life is manifested in living beings lower nature by an influx of the
in various degrees according to its higher nature for which It is un
different operations ; for by the soul we prepared.
are nourished, feel and move. Therefore " And Noah began to be an husband
that by which we understand, whether man, and planted a vineyard : and he
it be called the intellect or the intellectual drank of the wine and was drunken." —
soul, is the form of the body. For the GEN. ix. 20, 21.
nature of a thing is manifested by its The Self as the individuality is
operation, and understanding is the
likened to a
" husbandman," a culti
operation proper to man ; since it is by
this that he transcends all other animals." vator of the " ground," or lower
— T. AQUINAS, Comp. of Summa Theol., nature. The rearing of the grape is
p. 187.
" In the struggle comparable to the gaining of experi
(with Nature for ence, and the culture of the spiritual
knowledge, regarded), as the struggle of " "
the Thinker, the intellect of man is nature which, as it were, intoxicates
rendered noble and its powers developed. the lower self and renders it for a
The strengthening of spiritual powers by time impotent.
exercise has been often dwelt on, but this " Enter into my heart and make it
strife with doubt and darkness is especially drunken, that I forget my wickedness and
ennobling because it gives us slowly the embrace Thee as my one possession ;—
possession of the noblest ideas." — STOP- say to my soul
am thy salvation.'
FORD A. BROOKE, Serm., Lord, Increase
our Faith. " ' Lord, tell me,' says the Servitor ;
In theGathas we frequently find '
what remains to a blessed soul which
two intellects ' spoken of. In later has wholly renounced itself.' Truth says,
Avesta writings, one of the intellects is '
When the good and faithful servant
called ' the original intellect or wisdom,' enters into the joy of his Lord, he is
which we can best identify with the inebriated by the riches of the house of
first ' in the Gathas ; the other is God ; for he feels, in an ineffable degree,
styled the wisdom heard by the ear,'
that which is felt by an inebriated man.
which corresponds to the ' last.' Another He forgets himself, he is no longer con
name of the ' first ' is ' spiritual or scious of his selfhood ; he disappears
heavenly wisdom.' Now we cannot be and loses himself in God, and becomes one
mistaken as to the meaning of these two
' spirit with Him, as a drop of water which
intellects. The ' first intellect is not is drowned in a great quantity of wine.
from earth, but from heaven ; not For even as such a drop disappears,
human, but divine. The last intellect '
taking the colour and the taste of wine,
represents what man has heard and so it is with those who are in full possession
learned by experience." — M. HATJO, Essays of blessedness. All human desires are
on Rel. of Partis, p. 310.
taken from them in an indescribable
The " first intellect " is the intui manner, they are rapt from themselves,
tion of truth (buddhi-manas) ; the and are immersed in the Divine Will. If
" second " is the reason it were otherwise, if there remained in
(manas) which
the man some human thing that was not
acquires knowledge by means of the absorbed, those words of Scripture which
senses and experience. Or in a higher say that God must be all in all would be
sense, the first may be taken as false. His being remains, but in another
spiritual wisdom on the buddhio form, in another glory, and in another
power. And all this is the result of
plane, and the second as the reasoning entire and complete renunciation ' (Sueo,
faculty on the mental plane. the Book of Truth)."— E. UNDERBILL,
See AEGAEON, BRIAREUS, HOA, MAI- Mysticism, p. 607.
" The true wine is that which con-
taineth the true Name. . . . Man is
known as properly intoxicated when he
obtaineth a place in God's court
" Gvru
Nanak. The Sikh Religion,
A symbol of the transmuting process Vol. I. p. 261.
" Some of the relatives of Krishna
" We ought to be able to spell out
celebrated a festival in the Mountain the attributes of God from what we see
Raivataka, to which both Arjuna and of them mirrored in the heart of man.
Krishna went. There they saw Balar- After all, we could not reach ' From
ama, elder brother of Krishna, in a nature up to nature's God ' ; we could
state of intoxication." — MON. WILLIAMS, discover no spiritual correspondences
Indian Wisdom, p. 391. between the outer world of appearance
At an auspicious occasion in the and the inner world of reality, between
the lower or natural and the higher or
soul's progress, the higher qualities
supernatural order, if it were not for the
were assembled with the indwelling fact that those correspondences are really
Self (Krishna) and the disciplined within ourselves. . . . Paul declares that
(Arjuna). " Balarama " we have not been left without evidence
in ourselves of the existence and the
signifies the Individuality, the same
" Noah " ; and the " intoxication " righteousness of God. There is a corre
spondence between our own nature and
means the quelling of the lower self the eternal, and hence there is that in
which proceeds from the Individuality ; us which enables us to recognise and
the lower self being its partial and lay hold of God." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
Serm., Spiritual Correspondences.
imperfect manifestation upon the " A man has seen something he felt
lower planes. sure was true, and has then set to work
See BALABAMA, BLANDISHMENTS, to prove it. Knowledge flashes upon you
DBUNKABD, sometimes you do not know why, and
intellect may be a long time in confirming
GRAPES, HUSBANDMAN, NOAH, SATYBS, your intuition ; something within you
StLENTTS, VlNEYABD, WlNE. shoots straight to the mark and reason
crawls after it. It is conceivable, there
fore, that a state could be attained in
which a soul would no longer feel itself
A buddhic function operating hampered by ignorance or imperfection,
through the causal-body, bringing but would see right into the heart of the
knowledge of reality to the intellect. deep things of God." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
It is the power of answering to the Serm., The Super-Rational.
higher rates of atomic vibration "It is plain that as the genius of some
philosophers is almost intuitive with
on the planes above, and when united
regard to the secrets of nature, so there
with intellect it gives birth to love are other men whose feeling is intuitive
and truth. The erroneous theories with regard to the secrets of spiritual life.
of the lower mind will not be got rid They know without proof, they need no
of until the intuition Is recovered authority and no evidence. They have
by the inner memory, and voluntary no trouble of heart, but walk with God
effort is made by the lower self to as friend with friend. But no one can
raise the consciousness to the spiritual tell how far previous education before
they were born into this world may have
understanding. The intuition is seen
given them that power." — STOPFORD A.
to be in its appropriate sphere when BROOKE, Serm., Lord, Increase our Faith
consecrated only to the highest ends. (1870).
" The true name of the child was See AN-BUT-F,BBIDGE or GJALL,
Paleetinus, or Pelusius, and the city of BBISEIS,BUDDHI, CHBYSEIS, FAITH,
this name was built by the Goddess IBIS, KALCHAS, MAGIC, MEDEA,
(Isis) in memory of him." — PLUTARCH, NEHEMAUT, PALESTINUS.
Isis and Osiris, § 17.
The true character of the mind is
not the lower intellect, but the intui
tion whose abode, the causal -body, A symbol of reverence of the higher
qualities by the lower.
was fashioned by Wisdom (Isis), and
this indeed is permanent.
" The highest truths are not those
which we learn from abroad. No out
ward teaching can bestow them. They TION :—
are unfolded from within, by our very These processes of life are the
progress in the religious life. New ideas descent of Spirit into Matter and the
of perfection, new convictions of immor ascent of Spirit therefrom . The first
tality, a new consciousness of God, a is the Divine Sacrifice, or the limita
new perception of our spiritual nature,
come to us as revelations, and open
tion of Spirit in forms ; and the
upon us with a splendour which belongs
second is the Resurrection from the
not to this world." — W. E. CHANNINO, Dead, or the liberation of Spirit from
The Perfect lAJe, p. 193. captivity in matter.
" There '
is a raying out of all orders of essence called Prakriti (a word meaning
existence, an external emanation from that which evolves or produces every
the Ineffable One. There is again a thing else ')." — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian
returning impulse, drawing all upwards Wisdom, pp. 89, 90.
and inwards towards the centre from Prakriti at its origin is said to
whence all came (Plolinua to Flacctu). —
VAUOHAN'S Hours, etc., p. 83. be identical with " Brahman the
The " raying out " is the involution Supreme," and that its first produc
into matter of all qualities and poten tion is Buddhi, followed by Ahankara
cies, and the " drawing inwards
" is and Manas or self -consciousness and
the evolution of the same. mind. From the Absolute everything
" Twofold is the truth I shall speak ; proceeds, but the process of manifesta
for at one time there grew to be One tion is by involution of Spirit and
alone out of many, and at another time, evolution of the same, so that the
however, it separated so that there were Divine nature may be expressed.
many out of the One. Twofold is the " Matter in itself, as Anazagoraa
coming into being, twofold the passing
away of perishable things ; for the represents it in the primitive state,
before Spirit had begun to work upon it,
latter (i.e. passing away) the combining
can only be a chaotic, motionless mass ;
of all things both begets and destroys,
and the former (i.e. coming into being), for all motion and separation must come
which was nurtured again out of parts that from Spirit. But matter must neverthe
less contain all the constituents of derived
were being separated, is itself scattered."
— Empedocles, FAIRBANKS, 60.
things as such ; for Spirit creates nothing
new : it only divides what actually
A twofold truth is to be found in exists. Conversely, Spirit is necessary,
the World-process :— First, there is because matter, as such, is unordered
Involution, and then second, there is and unmoved, and the activity of matter
is restricted to. the separation of sub
Evolution. For at one time, in one stances, because they are already
cycle, the many potencies have gone supposed to contain within themselves
to compose the One Monad (the all their determinate qualities." — E.
Archetypal Man) ; and subsequently ZELLER, Hint, of Greek Phil., Vol. II.
p. 383.
at another time, in the following " It is because of this union (with
cycle, the One Monad by means Phanes) that Zeus is said to ' swallow '
of evolution, proceeds to actualise Phanes. For the creative Deity and
and differentiate, so that the many architect of the sensible world must first
imbibe the ideal and eternal types of
monads and potencies are brought
things before he can fashion them forth
forth from the One. Manifestation into sensible shape. Thus Proclus (Tim.
involves duality ; also the ceasing iv. 267) : ' Orphoeus called God the
from manifestation. For the latter, Manifestator (Phanes) as manifesting
— the indrawing (passing away), — the noetic monads, and stored within
him the tvpes of all living creatures." —
both begets ideals enabling the Self G. R. S. MEAD, Orphoeus, p. 204.
to subsequently manifest, and also The Second Logos (Phanes) is said
destroys the illusions of the lower to be contained by the First Logos
mind : while the former, — the out (Zeus) in order that he (the Second,
pouring (coming into being), — the or Higher Self) should be replete
issuing forth from the Womb of Pain, with the prototypes of all things that
in the separation of Spirit and Matter, are to be involved in matter, so that
— is also ultimately suspended as they may be fashioned forth after
illusion vanishes. wards by the process of evolution.
In the San-khya philosophy, " There It is from the mental plane that the
cannot be the production of something
out of nothing ; that which is not, cannot intelligible type-forms of growth
be developed into that which is. The proceed.
" The single
production of what does not already sense-and-thought of
exist (potentially) is impossible ; because Cosmos is to make all things, and make
there must of necessity be a material out them back into itself again, as Organ of
of which a product is developed ; and the Will of God, so organised that it,
because everything cannot occur every receiving all the seeds into itself from
where at all times , and because anything God, and keeping them within itself,
possible must be produced from something may make all manifest, and [then]
competent to produce it. In the San- dissolving them, make them all new
khya, therefore, we have a synthetical again ; and thus like a Good Gardener of
system propounded, starting from an Life, things that have been dissolved, it
original primordial eternally existing taketh to itself, and giveth them renewal
once again (Corput Hermeticum, IX)." — lack, no discord, strife, or wrong, and
G. R. S. MEAD, T. O. Hermet, Vol. II. where nothing is wanting to the ideal
p. 133. perfection, whatever it may be." — R. J.
The Divine purpose in manifestation CAMPIIKI.I., Serm., The Elusive Revelation.
" All perfection increases towards the
is to involve all things in matter, interiors, and decreases towards the
that they may return again by exteriors ; since interior things are
evolution after having accomplished nearer the Divine, and in themselves
the end for which they existed, purer ; but exterior things are more
remote from the Divine, and in themselves
namely, the growth and exaltation of
grosser." — SWEDENBORG, Heaven and Hell,
the myriad souls of humanity. p. 23.
" You will all admit, I hope, without " The individual, or any grouping of
difficulty that what is evolved in nature individuals, depends for its meaning, its
mutt first have been involved. When power to change and to grow, for the
people speak of the theory of evolution direction of its development, its fullness
as being enough to account for all the and sufficiency, upon a Life larger than
order, beauty, life, form, and intelli its own. This larger Life works within
gence in creation, without the necessity the unit, as well as upon it from its
of postulating any personal or super- environment. The part played by this
personal Creator behind it, they are inherent, larger Life which has purposes
simply begging the whole question. beyond the unit while working within it,
Evolution accounts for nothing. It only is coming to be more and more allowed
tells us how certain things have come to for by biological science. The tide of
be what they are, but it does not tell ua thought among biologists is flowing away
why. How could the evolutionary pro from a strictly mechanical theory of
cess result in the production of a Shake evolution, and making for a psychic
speare or Gladstone if the qualities which conception of the driving-force in evolu
appeared in these two great men were tion. A living thing cannot be explained
already latent in the whole vast by an analysis of its elementary
scheme of things T . . . There would stances. It is coming more and
have been no Gladstone if the Gladstone more to be felt that a directive Life has
soul, or potency, had not been wrapped been at work in Nature, and that that
up somewhere in the cosmos from the Life, which was so much larger than any
beginning of time." — R. J. CAMPBELL, one of its manifestations, was the suffi
Serm., The Source of Good. ciency of that manifestation. The indi
" He hath made everything beautiful vidual thing was nothing of itself, but it
in its time : also he hath set eternity was what it was by virtue of the action
in their heart, yet so that man cannot of the Whole through it and upon it.
find out the work that God hath done . . . We may indeed say that all beings
from the beginning even to the end." — everywhere are local centres of the great
ECCLES. iii. 11. Universal Spirit that pervades the uni
The first sentence refers to the verse, and that when the beings are
human then they do become conscious
period and process of involution when units." — T.
co-operating RHONDDA
the archetypal world on the buddhic WILLIAMS, Serm., Divine Sufficiency.
" very
plane is made perfect and See ADAM, AIK-^ETHER, ABC. MAN,
good." Then also is set potentially BTJDDHI, CIRCLE OF EXISTENCE,
in the causal-body (heart) the means CREATION, CRIPPLES, DEATH OF
of immortality, — the Truth, Love, OSIRIS, EVOLUTION, FORM AND NAME,
and Wisdom of the Spirit, — yet, these GEOMETRY, GLORY, GOING IN, GOOD
being latent, the lower mind (man) (light), HERB (seed), IABRAOTH,
is left in ignorance of the Divine INCARNATION, KHWAN, LJON-OOD,
scheme, and is unable to find out the MATTER, MEDIATOR, MITHRA, MONAD,
work that God hath done in the MUSUBI, NECESSITY, NIGHT, OODOAD,
universe and the soul, from the PRAKBITI, PURUSHA, SABBATH, SEED,
beginning even to the end of the cycle SEPHIBOTH, SETTLEMENTS, SOUL
of existence.
" ' He hath made every thing beautiful (highest), SOUL AND BODY, T letter,
in its time.' The nearest approach I can
make myself to an explanation of what
beauty is, — and even that is no explana INVOLUTION-OF THE INCARNATE
tion, but only an index finger pointing SELF OR ARCHETYPAL SOUL
towards it, — is to say that it is the witness OF HUMANITY :—
in the soul of that which it as opposed After a period of primordial mani
to that which teemt — the real of which festation, and when the archetypal
this world is but the shadow ; it is a
glimpse, an intimation of the supernal, conditions of involution are prepared,
the state of being in which there is no then the Divine Self, or Soul, descends
mis IRON
" She whom men call Iris (rainbow),
as a spiritual germ to the astral
plane, to be afterwards born on the this also is by nature cloud, violet, and
red, and pale green to behold
mental plane, grow up thereon, and (Xenn-
phanes). — A. FAIRBANKS, Firtt Philoso
finally culminate on the buddhlc pher! of Greece, p. 69.
plane as the Archetypal Man and " At Deucalion's Flood :— Showers are
progenitor by evolution of the myriad poured in torrents from the sky. Iria,
human souls. the messenger of Juno, clothed in various
" After he colours, coUects the waters, and bears a
(Brahman) had practised
self-mortification he created this entire supply upwards to the clouds." — Ovid,
universe, whatever exists ; after he had The Metamorphotes, KII.KY, p. 19.
" rainbow "
created it, he entered into it." — Tail. The signifies the
Upanifhad, II. 6. " bridge " of manas which connects
" Brahman after having created the
the higher and the lower natures in
universe enters into it as the individual " and
This universe was at that time the soul. The " colours the
" clouds " are
not unfolded ; but it unfolded itself in symbolic of the buddhic
name and form. . . . into it that qualities acting through the higher
(at man) entered up to the finger tips mind. They bring the message of
. . . this therefore which here (within
Wisdom to the aspiring lower mind,
us) is the &tman, is the trace (to be
pursued) of the universe ; for in it the and convey upwards the purified
entire universe is known (Brihad. Upani ideas for transmutation on the
fhad, I. 4, 7)." — DEUSSKN, Phil, of
buddhic plane.
Upanishadi, p. 171. " The name of Iris is also the Greek
The " self-mortification " is the name for the rainbow ; and the corre
withdrawal from manifestation of the spondence is very remarkable between her
.1.if.- of the Self prior to a fresh out office of messenger from heaven to man
and the traditional function of the rain
pouring of the Divine Life. The
" bow as a sign that the great covenants
unfolding of the universe in name of Nature remain undisturbed. As it is
and form
" signifies the involution of only by the tradition recorded in Scrip
different qualities and their material ture that the rainbow has this meaning,
and not by any obvious natural signifi
vehicles or organisms on the lower
cance, it appears hard to explain how
planes. It is pointed out that the Homer came to combine the two ideas,
lesser or individual Self (atman) of except by supposing that his race drew
a human being is the same with the the association from the same early
source from which Moses and the earlier
Greater or Supreme Self. In the
descendants of Abraham obtained it." —
Microcosm is to be found all the W. E. GLADSTONE, Juventus Idundi,
truth of the Macrocosm, and the Self Vol. I. p. 331.
within is the way, the truth, and the See BIFROST, BRIDGE, CLOUDS,
life of the striving human soul. COLOURS, COVENANT, HERMES, HORSE
MICROCOSM, PRALAYA, SELF. A symbol of the mind, or mental
power, effective in the preservation
IOLCUS, OR JOLCUS :— and defence of human life.
A symbol of the beginning and the
conclusion of the cycle of evolution IRON, TUBAL CAIN.
of the soul. IRON AGE :—
A symbol of the present period of
consciousness, wherein the lower
IRAD, SON OF FIRST ENOCH :— mind is rendered active through the
vibrations from the physical plane.
A symbol of faith, the product " And that branch (period) which was
of aspiration. mixed with iron is the evil sovereignty
See ENOCH, SON OF CAIN, MEHUJAEL. of the demons with dishevelled hair of
the race of Wrath (Aeshm)." — Bahman
IRIS, THE GODDESS :— Yost, Ch. I. 5.
A symbol of the intuition from That period of the cycle of evolution
buddhi, operating through the higher which shows the mental and physical
mind. natures in combination is the age in
which the lower mind, allied with the OF SKY, CHILDREN OF
desires, passions, and instincts, and FIRMAMENT,
also deficient of faith in the Divine, is GODS, HAND, LADDER, PANTHER,
plunged in conflict, sorrow, and suffer PILLARS, QUARTERS, REN, SCEPTBE,
ing. It
is the present age, the fourth. SKY.

SCORPIO. A symbol of the bestowal of Truth

(water) on the field of the lower
IRON BEATEN OUT WITH A experiences, to promote the growth
STONE :— of the higher qualities.
" Before the winter the
A symbol of mental energy directed produce of this
by knowledge. country was pasturage ; the water used
" And Mashya and Mashyoi before to overflow it, and afterwards the
dug out melting of the snow, and pools would
a pit in the earth, and iron was obtained occur there, O Yima ! in the material
by them and beaten out with a stone ; world, where the footprints of cattle and
and without a forge they beat out a their young would appear" (Vendidad,
cutting edge from it, and prepared a
wooden shelter from the sun." — Bundahis, II). — HAUO, Essays, p. 233.
Previous to a period of obscuration,
XV. 16, S. B. of E.
The " digging out a pit " signifies the produce of the astral plane con
the attempt made to attain self- sisted in the sensations and desires.
consciousness The " overflowing water " signifies the
through the desire-
nature (earth). " Iron " is a
functioning of Truth upon it, and this
of force-mental. " Stone " is here a is possible only as Truth latent (the
Bymbol of knowledge which is on the snow) is transformed into truth active,
so this irrigation occurs. The acquisi
spiritual side of being. And so it was
at this early period of evolution that tion of knowledge (pools) through
without an ideal or abstract concep experience, takes place below, when
tion of Truth, such experience of life the budding desires give rise to dis
as was necessary to soul -growth was
tinctive impressions upon the physical
and the forms (footprints) which are in process
acquired, astral sheath
of construction.
(shelter) formed and specialised.
" If the iron be blunt, and one do not See AQUEDUCT, CATTLE, CHANNELS,
whet the edge, then must he put in more CULTIVATION, DEW, HORSE (red),
strength : but wisdom is profitable to LAND, PLANTS, RIVER, SNOW, VOURU-
direct." — ECCLES. x. 10. KASHA, YIMA.
A symbol of the Creative Mind or
IRON FROM HEAVEN :— Spirit, which
produces centres of
A symbol of the higher mentality, consciousness on the several planes.
or of buddhi-manas, the intuition. See CONSCIOUSNESS, MIRROR,
HEAVEN :— A symbol of the buddhic principle,
A symbol of the higher mental or the Wisdom nature. The Divine
plane which is below the buddhic Mother, or bringer-forth, of the
(heaven). indwelling Self (Horus).
" In thePyramid Texts it is always
Plato says that the ancients signified
' "
assumed that the flat slab of iron which Holy One by calling Isis ' Isia,' as
formed the sky, and therefore the floor being a current and movement impulse of
of the abode of the goda, was rectangular, the mind that longs for an object and
and that each corner of it rested upon a is carried onwards ; that they
pillar. At a later period, the four placed understanding, and generally,
quarters of heaven were believed to be goodness and virtue in the things that
under the direction of four gods, and the ./'">'• ; as, on the other hand, the opposite
four pillars of the sky were poetically thing binds down and hinders from ' *
described as the four sceptres which they going, we denominate it badness,' in
held in their hands." — BUDGE, Oodt of ability,'
' '
pain,' cowardice." "— PLUTARCH,
the Egyptians, Vol. I. pp. 158-7. Itis and Osiris, § 60.
The Holy Spirit of Wisdom working Mourn, NEPHTHYS, OSIRIS, PAPYRUS,
through the lower nature is evidenced PHJSDRUS, PYLONS, QUALITIES, RA,
in the aspirations which arise in the RACES, RITES, ROBE, SCENT, TALIS
mind and lead to the enlargement of MAN, THROAT, TRANSMUTATION, UP
the consciousness and the evolution LIFTING RA, URNI, VEIL, VULTURE,
(flow) of the faculties and virtues in WEEPING, WISDOM, WORDS OF POWER,
the soul. The opposite to the aspira WORSHIP.
tions are the desires which bind down
the ego to the lower life and hinder
the evolution (going) of the higher. This symbol, under the names of
" The Goddess Isia is both wise, and Chemmls In Egypt, Delos, Asterla,
a lover of wisdom, as her name appears or Ortygia, In Greece, and Ono-
to denote that more than any other ; gorojima in Japan, signifies the astral
knowing and knowledge belong to her." — centre, at first free and unattached,
Ibid., § 2. from which the astral body Is
" IKJM, — Justice • Wisdom, — shows the gradually built up. This body of
divine mysteries to ' carriers of sacred sensation and desire originates on
things,' and ' wearers of sacred robes : the fourth sub-plane of the astral
these are they that carry in the soul, as
plane, and becomes the focus of the
it were in a copper, the sacred story
respecting the Gods, that cleanses the soul's activities in the lower worlds.
recipient from all superstition and magical See ASTRAL PLANE, CHEMUIS, DELOS,
follies."— Ibid., § 3. IZANAGI, ONOGOROJIMA.
The Wisdom-nature confers Truth
and Love upon the souls who have
acquired the higher emotions, and A symbol of the lower mental
donned the causal and buddhic qualities which are so far disciplined
" robes " or vestures of spirit. These as to be united with the Divine up
bringing, thus becoming the chosen
egos are they who comprehend the
ones of the Lord.
inner teaching of the scriptures, the " O ye seed of Abraham his servant,
knowledge of Truth-reality which is ye children of Jacob, his chosen ones." —
above all the delusions of the lower Ps. cv. 6.
mind, and free from reliance upon The mental qualities of the natural
external creeds and ceremonial man (Jacob) in whom the Divine
observances. nature (Abraham) is stirring, they
" And Isis also came, bringing with her are the qualities which are being
her words of magical power, and her drawn upward by the Spirit.
mouth was full of the breath of life ; for "
Every name in the Psalms, whether
her talismans vanquish the pains of of person or of place, hath a mystical
sickness, and her words (of power) make
meaning given to it in the Christian
to live again the throats of those who are
Scriptures. Jerusalem is not the Jeru
dead" (Ka and Isis). — BUDOE, Egyptian salem that was, nor is Babylon the
Magic, p. 139. Babylon that was, and even David hath
The buddhic principle is the fount lost his personality in the everlasting
of the higher qualities by the trans David. Judah and Israel mean not now
the cast-away root, but the branch that
muting power of which the soul is
hath been grafted in." — E. IKVINO,
raised. In the expression (mouth) Workt, Vol. 1. p. 395.
of wisdom-love the Divine life issues See ABRAHAM, BOOTHS, GENTILES,
forth to heal the soul ; for the buddhic JACOB, JESHURUN, JEWS, JORDAN,
vibrations of love and truth harmonise JUDAH, SIMEON.
and energise the qualities, and the
higher qualities from above bring life
into the lower minds of the personalities DESS :—
which are full of prejudice and con A symbol of the buddhic principle,
vention and dead in trespasses and or Wisdom nature.
" Then the Lady of the gods
sins. (Istar)
ALCHEMY, drew nigh, and she lifted up the great
See ALTAR (goddess),
jewels which Anu had made according
ARMAITI, BABSOM, BREATH, BUDDHI, to her wish, and said :
What gods are
those ! SAYCE, Babylonian Legend.
DEAD, DEATH OF OSIRIS, FIRE OF " Then Wisdom approached the soul,
HELL, HEALING, MAGIC, MOTHER, and she succeeds in raising the higher
qualities (jewels) which have been there a wise man with the craving for
evolved below, and which in the immortality has closed his eyes and seen
the Self. The unwise follow after out
natural order have been builded up ward pleasures and enter into the net of
unconsciously in the soul according widespread death ; but the wise, who
to her direction. Wisdom exalts the know what it is to be immortal, seek not
qualities, and her utterance is, — for the imperishable amidst the things
' that perish." — Katha. Upanifhad, IV. 1.
Hail to these attributes of the
The indwelling Self or Christ is the
Self ! for in Faith, Mercy, Justice,
power within all things which causes
and Reason, I am related with the
them to evolve. The Self within the
" While the celestial seat of Istar was minds of men makes for righteousness
beyond the reach of man, Istar herself
and the control of the desires.
sought Tammuz, the bridegroom of her See ARC. MAN, DEMIURGE, KAPILA,
youth, in the underground realm of NET (under), SELF, SOUL.
Hades, in the hope that she might give
him to drink of the waters of life which IZANAGI AND IZANAMI :—
gushed up under the throne of the
spirits of the earth, and so bring him Symbols of Divine Will and Wisdom,
back once more to life and light." — or the Monad of Life and the Monad
SAYCB, Rd. of Egypt, and Babyl., p. 42ti. of Form, or Spirit and Matter.
The buddhic plane is beyond the " The two Deities having descended
consciousness of the lower mind upon Onogoro-jima erected there an
(man) which cannot attain to spirit. eight-fathom house with an august
central pillar. Then Izanagi addressed
The raising of the soul is the function Izanami, saying : ' How is thy body
of buddhi. Wisdom seeks Love — the formed ?
Izanami replied, ' My body
ally of primordial perfection, — who is is completely formed except one part,
now the striving indwelling Self, in which is incomplete.' Then Izanagi
said, My body is completely formed, and
the underworld of the lower planes,
there is one part which is superfluous.
with the intention of bringing to him Suppose that we supplement that which
(the Christ-soul) the Truth and Life is incomplete in thee with that which is
of the Spirit which is involved in the superfluous in me, and thereby procreate
lands.' Izanami replied, ' It is well.' "
lower nature, and needs to be evolved, — The Kojilci.
in order that the incomplete Self shall Will and Wisdom having established
be completely manifested, and restored an astral centre for the soul in the
once more to the bliss of the higher lower nature formed the astral body
planes. in direct relation with the Divine
Ray. The next statements refer to
the duality of Life and Form. When
NECK, TAMMUZ, WATER. the form is complete for a new out
ISVARA OR KAPILA :— pouring of Spirit, then the Spirit is
A symbol of the Higher Self,— the prepared to occupy it ;— the monad
Logos. of life becomes allied with the monad
" Isvnrn shines like the sun, irradiating of form, and thence arises the genera
all spaces above, below, between. Thus tive or creative faculty whereby the
this potent and adorable deity alone several planes are formed and fur
presides over the various origins of
nished for the evolution of conscious
things." — Svetas. Upanishad, V.
" That which dwells in all living ness from lower to higher states.
things, inside the living things, and all First is produced the higher mental
living things know not, whose body plane (Tsukushi), second, the buddhic
all living things are, which actuates all
plane (Toyo), third, the atmic plane
living things from within, — that is thy
Self (Isvara), the internal ruler, immortal. (Hi), and fourth, the astro-mental
That which dwells within mind, inside plane (Kumaso), the arena of conflict.
the mind, and the mind knows not, All this description refers to the
whose body the mind is, which actuates
formation of the soul in the involu-
the mind from within, — that is thy Self,
the internal ruler immortal." — Brihad. tionary period of the Life-cycle.
" The self-existent Isvara has sup
pressed the senses that go out towards
These senses then
the things of sense.
go out, not inwards to the Self. Here and MOCHI.
JABAL, SON OF LAMECH AND (Noah), — reflected inversely In the
ADAH :— lower nature as desire and will
A symbol of the germ stage of the (lower).
transient emotions, produced by See NOAH'S SONS.
reflection and experience.
PATRIARCHS. A symbol of the Source of Light and
Life, — the author of the Individual
JACKAL :— Self.
A symbol of the sense-nature. See ENOCH.
The jackal is sometimes portrayed
with a loup round its neck. As the JASON, OR JASIUS, THE HEALER
loup is an Egyptian sign for know OR ATONER :—
ledge, this indicates the knowledge A symbol of the Higher Self as the
procured by means of the five senses. Saviour of the soul, or Son of God,
See NOOSE, SHU. seated in the causal-body (ship Argo),
with his twelve (or more) disciplined
qualities (the heroes), in the soul's
A symbol of the physical human expedition to attain Wisdom (the
body, the seat of the five senses. golden Fleece) on the buddhic plane, —
See ANPU, ANUBIS. the " kingdom of heaven."
JACOB OR ISRAEL :— Once when Peleas offered up a sacri
fice to Poseidon, he invited Jason, son of
A symbol of the natural man of a Aeson. Jason arrived with only one
period. sandal, having lost the other in crossing
See ISRAELITES, LADDER (Jacob's). the river Anaurus, on the banks of
which he lived as a peasant " (Argonautic
JAIRUS' DAUGHTER :— Expedition). — KBIOHTLEY, Mythology.
A symbol of an affection in a mind During an effort which the lower
or mental quality developed as a self (Peleas) makes to attain to the
ruler. This affection slumbered until Divine consciousness (Poseidon) in an
life was abundantly given to it by the act of self-abnegation, or sacrifice, it
Christ in response to faith and trust requests that the Son of God (Jason)
in the higher guidance. bo born within it as Son of Man on
See HEALING (dead), INFIRMITY, the mental plane. Jason, the son of
RULER. Aeson (Second Logos), is said to
JAMES, THE APOSTLE :— arrive at lolcus (the mental plane),
minus a sandal, that is to say : — the
A symbol of the mental edifice of
is, the Lord from Heaven arrives in the soul
the human being, that
mentality or Instrument of the mind, without the power to stand in mani
which is built up by the soul-qualities festation, i.e. without the means for
through aspiration and enlighten self-expression. In other terms, there
ment. As a symbol of one of the is only one sandal, because the perfect
four elements, " James " signifies
duality of the manifest on the upper
Air (mind). planes, cannot be expressed in actu
See APOSTLES, DISCIPLES, GETHSE- ality on the lower planes. The one
MANE, TRANSFIGURATION. sandal stands for relativity. The
" river Anaurus " is a symbol of the
mentality which separates and limits,
A symbol of the Higher Self, or
and acquires truth from outside.
Divine Ego.
The Saviour, prior to his descent
from the heights, is the Tiller and
JANAKA, KING OF VIDEHA :— Sower of the field of the lower nature
A symbol of the Higher Self— At - (as a peasant).
" Cretheus, who had founded lolcus,
was succeeded by his son Aeson ; but
the latter was deprived of the kingdom
JAPHET, SON OF NOAH :— by his half-brother Pelias, who attempted
to take the life of the infant Jason. He
A symbol of wisdom and determina was saved by his friends, who pretended
tion, — aspects of the Individuality that he was dead, and entrusted him to
the care of the centaur Chiron."— It generally signifies the ethical aspect
Smith's Class. Diet. of the Divine nature, which is severe
The First Logos (unmanifest) who against all wrongdoing : but some
had established the cycle of life from times it signifies the Self as Truth
the mental plane (lolcus) was actu- and Love, e.g. Is. xii. 2, 3.
alised in the Second Logos, or Higher " ' Jehovah ' is the
expression of
Self. But the lower self or adverse God's being. And because He is true
being, though He is love, He must be
principle (Pelias) became dominant
just and holy also, for evil is not true
and attempted to destroy the Divine being, but the negation or privation of
Life germ (Jason) within the soul. it."— A. JUKES, The Names of Qod,
The Christ -soul (Jason) was protected p. 40.
by the higher qualities in seeming That name of ' Jehovah ' proclaims
at His Eternal Being and His
latency, and was fostered by the covenant relation — manifesting Him by
spiritual mind (Chiron). its mysterious meaning as He who
" The name Jesus in ancient times also dwells above time ; the tideless sea of
belonged to the Health-bringer and absolute unchanging existence, from
patron of the Physician— namely, Jasiaa whom all the stream of creatural life
or Jason, the pupil of Chiron, skilled in flows forth many coloured and transient,
healing, — who in general shows a remark to whom it all returns ; who, Himself
able resemblance to the Christian unchanging, changeth all things ; — He
Redeemer." — A. DREWS, The Christ Myth, is the Lord the Eternal." — A. MACLAREN,
p. 58. Sertnons, 3rd Series, p. 62.
SANDAL, SOWEB. A symbol of the soul -centre in the
causal -body on the higher mental
JEALOUS GOD :— plane. Or It may be on the buddhlc
A symbol of the Higher nature as " Now Jerusalem, as the Lord Himself
reflected in the lower nature. The
teaches in the Gospel according to
Higher Self is at first regarded as Mathew, ' is the city of the great King.'
a powerful enemy, — jealous, angry, v. 35). It does not lie in a
revengeful and Intolerant, — because depression, or in a low situation, but is
It opposes the course of the lower self built on a high mountain, and there are
in its search for gratification in the mountains round about it, and the
objects of desire and sensation. participation of it is to the same place,
The love of the higher life and the and thither the tribes of the Lord went
love of the lower are two irreconcil up, a testimony for Israel. But that
city also is called Jerusalem, to which
able opposites, and therefore appear none of those upon the earth ascends,
as contending foes one against the nor goes in ; but every soul that pos
other. The voice of the jealous sesses by nature some elevation and
God may be heard in every active some acuteness to perceive the things of
conscience, as of a Ruler who will the mind is a citizen of that city." —
endure no rival, and accept no excuse ORIOEN, Comm. on John, Bk. X. § 16.
" We ascend thy ways that be in our
(or transgression, and who is severe
heart, and sing a song of degrees ; we
and implacable.
" glow inwardly with thy fire, with thy
For thou shalt worship no other good fire, and we go, because we go
god : for the Lord, whose name is upwards to the peace of Jerusalem." —
Jealous, is a jealous God." — Exon. xxxiv. AUGUSTINE, Confusions, XIII. 11.
14. " We have created the upper Jerusalem
The "other gods"
are the other above the waters which are above the
objects strenuously sought after, third heaven, hanging directly over the
lower Jerusalem." — Revelations of St.
namely, the objects of desire and Peter, Ch. 27.
sense, which must never be placed in The buddhic plane is placed above
rivalry with the call of the Spirit the third and higher sub-planes of
from within. the higher mind, and it ensouls the
See ANGEK OF aoD, IDOLS, SELF causal -body which is its vehicle
(lower), WRATH OF GOD. beneath.
" Now this Hagar is mount Sinai in
Arabia and answereth to the Jerusalem
A tribal name for the God of all. that now is : for she is in bondage with
her children. But the Jerusalem that " Then Jesus took unto him the
is above is free, which is our mother." — twelve, and said unto them, Behold, we
C AI-. iv. 25, 26. go up to Jerusalem, and all things that
are written concerning the Son of man
The egos at first are disciplined shall be accomplished." — LUKE xviii. 30.
under the laws of nature by pressure The progress of all the disciplined
from without to stimulate them into soul-qualities and the Ideal they
activity. They are born in bondage follow is upwards to the higher
to the lower nature (flesh), and are planes, where the union of the lower
socially forced to conform to a code Self and the Higher Self shall be
of ethics (Sinai) which puts before consummated.
them an ideal or centre of refuge " Every true life has its Jerusalem,
(Jerusalem as now). But the wisdom to which it is always going up. A life
and love of buddhi are attractive, cannot be really considered as having
begun to live until that far-off city in
not coercive (Jerusalem the golden) ; which its destiny awaits it, where its
and it is Buddhi, the Divine Mother, work is to be done, where its problem is
who brought forth the egos that they to be solved, begins to draw the life
might gain experience on the lower towards itself, and the life begins to
know and own the summons. At first
planes. far off and dimly seen, laying but light
" What the womb of his mother is to hold upon our purpose and our will,
each individual man, that the primary then gradually taking us more and more
abode in Paradise became to the whole into its power, compelling our study,
human race. For from it came forth directing the current of our thoughts." —
the family of Man as it were from the PHILLIPS BROOKS, Serm., Going up to
womb, and tending to the increase of Jerusalem.
Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 199. GOD, DISCIPLES, ERIDU, GUABDIAN
" My heart my mother, my heart my
coining into being. . . . Thou art my SPIRITS, HEART, HOLY GHOST, HOUSE
Ka within my body which knitteth (frequented), IGNORANCE, KAABA,
together and strengtheneth my limbs." — KAPILA, MAASEH, MOTHER (divine),
" But
the defect in the reasoning (of
Catherine of Genoa) to which I have ZION.
just alluded is its assumption that JESHURUN :—
freedom is always and only a matter
of the exercise of the will ; it is not, A symbol of the associated mental
and to say so is a begging of the whole qualities which are disciplined through
question at issue. The psychology of Divine grace ; they thereby become
the apostle Paul is a good deal nearer the Lord's chosen ones. — Is. xliv. 2.
to the facts of experience. Paul says Jesus (Jeshu) was regarded by the
that we are all naturally in bondage, inspired writers as an Israelite. The
and that it is the heavenly Jerusalem, —
the transcendental world, — which alone Israelites were a "chosen people"
is free. People do not choose evil (in the inner sense), and hence it is
instead of good, death instead of life, easy to see how it was that their
in the way the ecclesiastical doctrine we name best served to typify the central
are discussing implies. No man ever ideal character associated with the
chooses evil because it is evil, or rejects Gospel Drama. " Jeshu " may be
good because it is good ; he chooses one held to represent In the soul the
or the other at any given moment central Ideal, or indwelling God,
because he likes it, because there is
something in his nature which finds
in the midst of the more or less
gratification in it. Well, but what disciplined qualities (Jeshurun)who
does that mean T It can only mean follow their Lord and Saviour.
that he is not free ; if he were free he In fixing upon the Hellenlsed form
would scarcely be conscious of choosing "Jesus " as u name for the Christ-
anything • it is just because he is not soul, there is possibility that the
free, because there are elements in his names les (Dionysus), and Jasius
nature which impel him this way or
that, that such a thing as a moral choice (Jason) were referred to ; both being
is possible at all. . . . Good is the life-
symbols of the Christ-soul or
ward and evil is the deathward course. incarnate Self, — the Son of God.
And we are all weighted by ignorance, " In Is. vii. 14, the ' son of the virgin'
by passion, and by earth-born desire ; is named Emmanuel, and this is trans
we do not start free ; we are born in lated God with us.' That is also the
bondage." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., meaning of the name Jesus, since in
Source* of Spiritual Freedom. MAT. i. 21, the son of Mary receives
this name, ' that it might be fulfilled "
My kingdom is not of this world,"
which was spoken of the Lord by the
for Christ reigns only over those
prophets, saying, Behold, a virgin shall
be with child, and shall bring forth a qualities and souls which are liberated
son, and they shall call his name Em from the lower nature and are of the
manuel ' (MAT. i. 23)." — A. DREWS, higher kingdom on the buddhic plane.
Witnesses, etc., p. 195.
" Justin To this end of victory over the lower,
tells us that nearly the whole
of the west worshipped Jason and built and establishment of the higher, waa
temples to him (XLII. 3), and this is con Christ born into the evolving soul.
firmed by Tacitus (Annals, VI. 34)." — To this end did the Christ -soul
Ibid., p. 196.
become manifest in the lower nature
Jeshurun is said to be a poetic
(world) that he might show forth
name for the Israelites. The " Israel
" the Truth that should overcome illu
ites symbolise disciplined qualities
sion. Every quality and soul which
of the soul. The discipline implies
is in harmony with the real and true,
obedience to an inner ruler, who is a
responds to the call of the Christ and
central Ideal to the qualities and in
acknowledges the supremacy of Love
more or less harmony with them.
and Truth.
This Ideal, then, is the " God with " The
us," and is given the poetic name human soul conceived the Divine
" Jeshu," to link him with his dis Life and brought it forth. Jesus is,
when born, the Life of the Soul in which
" Jeshurun " — the disciplined he is born. Jesus and the soul are one
qualities that adore him as their being, only the Life is greater than the
soul." — JOHN WARD, Zion's Workt,
Lord. Vol. VI. p. 276.
See A.MFM, (circle), DIONY
DANCE " Christ Jesus is no other than the
ISRAEL hidden and true man of the Spirit, the
ITES, JASON, JESUS (servant), JEWS, Perfect Humanity, the Express Image of
JUDAH, SAVIOUBS, VIBGIN MARY. the Divine Glory. And it is possible to
man, by the renunciation — which mysti
JESUS OF THE GOSPELS :— cally is the crucifixion — of his outer and
lower self, to rise wholly into his inner
A symbol of the indwelling Higher and higher self, and, becoming suffused
Self (Christ), or Divine Spirit in or anointed of the Spirit, to ' put on
man, evolving towards complete Christ,' propitiate God, and redeem the
manifestation. In other words, it is earthly and material. . . . For, such of
the Divinised Soul, or Christ- soul, not us as know and live the inner life, are
saved, not by any Cross on Calvary
yet but almost perfected. It repre
eighteen hundred years ago, not by any
sents the personality towards the
physical blood-shedding, not by any
end of the cycle, becoming perfect vicarious passion of tears and scourge
at the conclusion in the death of the and spear ; but by the Christ-Jesus, the
lower nature and the rise of the God with us, the Immanuel of the heart,
consciousness into the higher. The born, working mighty works, and offer
meaning of the symbol varies some ing oblation in our own lives, in our
what between the exalted Christ own persons, redeeming us from the
and the human, unperfected Christ- world, and making us sons of God and
heirs of everlasting life. But, if we are
soul. thus saved by the love of Christ, it is
" Pilate therefore said unto him, Art
by love also that we manifest Christ to
thou a king then ? Jesus answered, others. Ifwe have received freely, we
Thou sayest that I am a king. To also give freely, shining in the midst of
this end have I been born, and to this night, that is, in the darkness of the
end am I come into the world, that I world." — The Perfect Way, pp. 112, 114.
should bear witness unto the truth. See JOHN viii. 24.
" Notice, to begin
Every one that is of the truth heareth with, that the word ' he ' is not present
my voice." — JOHN xviii. 37. in the original. This makes a great
The worldly, unstable mind difference. The passage should read, —
(Pilate) puts the inquiry to the
If ye believe not that I am, ye shall
die in your sins.' The belief here referred
higher nature, whether it is indeed
to has a moral significance ; it implies
a ruler of the soul T To this the the conformity of one's whole being,
higher nature replies that the worldly the concentration of one's whole powers,
mind always acknowledges the upon a great and worthy object. And
what is that object T It is here said to
sovereignty of that which is above it
be Christ, the Christ who in this gospel
and incomprehensible to it. The ii not only identified with Jesus, but
Christ within proclaims (verse 36), with the eternal Word by whom creation
exists, and who is therefore the source of not see life, but the wrath of God
humanity itself. . . . The statement in abideth on him." — JOHN iii. 35, 36.
the text thus amounts to this, — that From the potential, unmanifest
unless we realise and trust the presence
within us of that holy eternal fact, that Supreme Self proceeds the actual
supreme reality, that humanity divine, and manifest Self deputed to carry
which the world has come to reverence out the Divine purpose, and to be
as Jesus, we shall never escape from our the Life within all forms. The quality
moral disabilities, we shall die in our
sins. . . . How is anyone ever going to
or soul that becomes in harmony
escape from the dominion of earthly with the Christ hath the life immortal,
passion and desire except by relying but that quality which conformeth
upon something which is deeper and not to the Divine Will cannot be
stronger than these masters of the outer
man T " — R. J. CAMPBELL, Senn., The transmuted, but must be left to the
Faith that Sava. destroying forces of the planes. It is
" The Waldonses pretend that every the lower qualities cu such which
man is a Son of God in the same cannot be transmuted.
manner that Christ was. Christ had " Remember, the self that is
God or the Holy Spirit for soul, and imprisoned
they say that other men also have. in the desires of the flesh, the slave self,
They believe in the incarnation, the is not the whole of you, not the chief
birth, the passion, and the resurrection part of you. There is a Self beyond
of Christ, but they, mean by it the and above who knows no such bondage,
Spiritual conception, Spiritual never has done, and never shall ; if that
Spiritual resurrection of the perfect man. Self shall make you free you shall be
For them the true passion of Jesus is free indeed. And who is the Self beneath
the martyrdom of a holy man, and the even this self, the gold concealed within
is the conversion of a our dross, the life within our life, the
true sacrament
creator Soul of all mankind 7 Iwill tell
man, for in such a conversion the body
of Christ is formed (Jundt)." — R. M. you : it is Jesug. ... It is the faith of
JONES, Mystical Religion, p. 191. Christendom ; it is the one central truth
" The individual '
I am around which the New Testament was
can never say,
not.' This '
I which is the
knower, written , it is the truth of experience
the actor, the thinker, the doer. It is upon which Catholic and Protestant are
the subject, not the object, of thought. agreed, and upon which the whole
This is the genuine self, and it is Christian gospel rests." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
identical in its nature with the supreme Serm., The Freedom of the Son of God.
knower of the world whom we call God. "The object of the faith of the
It is one with God and inseparable from Christian congregation, from its very
Him, as the sunbeam is one with the inception, never was the earthly teacher
sun and inseparable from it. The sun Jesus, but ever and exclusively it was
beam has no life of its own, but partakes the heavenly spirit of Christ." — 0
of the life and nature of the sun. So PFLEIDERER, Develop, of Christianity, p. 25.
" A section
does the Soul or genuine Ego partake of (of Congregationalism)
the life of God . it is God within us. It adopts the Modernist position that the
is unborn, it does not die ; and it does ideal content of doctrine is everything,
not suffer." — K. C. ANDERSON, Serm., and the historic origin of it nothing.
The Buried Life. Even a historic Jesus, these extremists
say, is indifferent, if only we trust our
selves to the ideal principles of which
BIRDS (two), CHRIST, CRUCIFIXION, He was the symbol rather than the
KING, KINO (great), KINGDOM, LIBE five Quarterly,
" Sept. 1913, p. 499.
Christianity is a historical religion,
but its power to save depends upon our
TEMPTATION, VICTORY, VIRGIN MARY. power to spiritualise history. I
the personality of Jesus was indis
pensable to the early Christian move
A symbol of the Higher Self pro ment, and I cannot understand the
ceeding from the Supreme and mani history of the movement without Him ;
festing upon the buddhl-mental plane. but it is not Jesus as a historical person
It signifies the potential indwelling who is our Saviour to-day. It is only
Christ seated in the causal-body ; as a symbol of what God is that Jesus
and it also means the perfected Soul is of value to us. And here He is of
the greatest value. . . . When we come
wherein the higher and the lower to look into later Church history, we
consciousnesses are made one. find that its Jesus never has been a
" The Father loveth the Son, and hath mere historical person ; Jesus has always
given all things into his hand. He that been to the Church a symbol of God.
believeth on the Son hath eternal life ; And it is perfectly true to-day that
but he that obeyeth not the Son shall only as a symbol of what God is, and
what He is in the deepest heart of man, prefer myth to what is called history ;
do we value Jesus." — ANON., Serm., if he is not recoverable by criticism of
Jatu : the Great Symbol. the gospels, then I must know him by
See A MM IT, ARC. MAN, Braes (two), somo other way ; if this is hallucination,
then all other mental phenomena are
far worse — they must be absolute delu
TRINITY. As the symbol " man " signifies
mind in all scriptures, and it is in the
JESUS AS SON OF MAN :— mind that " Jesus," historical or
A symbol of the Higher Self as born spiritual, appears to the lower con
or evolved in the mind (man). It sciousness, it is plain that
" Jesus "
signifies the Indwelling Christ seated
is born into the mind, that is, Jesus
in the causal -body, but in all degrees
imperfectly manifest In the soul
is Son of man (mind). It must also
be remembered that in evolution of
until redemption is accomplished. " son " is always greater
" Jesus qualities, the
Now is the Son of man
glorified, and God is glorified in him ; than the "father."
" That is not first which is spiritual,
and God shall glorify him in himself,
and straightway shall he glorify him." — but that which is natural ; then that
JOHN xiii. 31, 32. which is spiritual. The first man is of
the earth, earthy : the second man is
As the end of the cycle draws
of heaven. — 1 COR. xv. 46, 47.
nigh, so the Christ-soul becomes per See AMENI, ASCENSION OF JESUS,
fected through the Christ being ful BIRTH OF JESUS, BREATH (divine),
filled in him. And the Supreme Self CHILD, CHRIST'S SECOND COMING,
shall thereby be fully manifest to DEMIURGE, EVOLUTION, FATHER
Himself, and his purpose completed in GLORIFYING, INCARNATION,
the return of the victorious Soul to ISVARA, MAN, SON OF MAN, VIRGIN
the Absolute. MARY.
" Eckhart and Tauler, Ruysbrock and
Suso, exclaim, — Arise O man ! realise
the end of thy being : make room for
God within thy soul, that he may bring A symbol of the Christ-soul, or
forth his son within thee." — VAUOKAN, almost perfected personality, subject
Mystics, Vol. I. p. 300. to the death of its lower nature.
" Whatever is God to a man, that is
" The Holy Spirit, by his influence
his heart and soul ; and conversely, God
is the manifested inward nature, the and spiritual infusion, makes the earth
expressed Self of a man, — religion, the conceive and bring forth the mortal
solemn unveiling of a man's hidden Jesus, who, as hanging from every tree, is
treasures." — FEUERBACH, Essence the life and salvation of men (Mani-
Christianity, p. 12. cheean doctrine). Manichoean
God " brings forth his Son within Heresy, p. 366.
The Higher Self brooding over the
the soul " on the mental plane (Son
highest part of the lower nature
of man), and thereby manifests Him
(earth) so purifies and fructifies it
self in man's inward nature.
" The spirit of man, the changeless that it is enabled to bear and bring
reality hidden within both body and forth the Christ -soul (Jesus) within
soul, is eternal and uncreate — an out- the many souls of humanity. la
breathing, as it were, of the very being each soul the incarnate Christ inheres
of God himself." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
Serm., Our Eternal Glory. within the personality, as it were,
" God sending forth his' Son, who hanging from the
" Tree of Life " or
should be conceived in the human mind Divine ray within it, as that which
by the moving of the Eternal Power, is shall redeem it from evil, perfect it,
willing his own manifestation, or the
manifestation of Himself in the human and raise it to the life immortal.
properties." — JOHN WARD, Zion's Works, The Wisdom of God Incarnate is
Vol. III. p. 278. represented by the Tree,' as where it is
" do honestly feel that Jesus of written thereon, ' She is a tree of life to
them that lay hold on Her.' . . . And
Nazareth stands nearer to me in inti
mate reality than anyone else I know. what is denoted by the title of ' the
tree,' but the life of the righteous." —
He is more than Saviour or Friend.
The only adequate confession I can make ST. GREGORY, Morals on the Book of Job,
is that he is my All ; all I have and Vol. II. p. 48.
all I want. If he is a myth, then I See AXE, EABTH, IMMORTALITY,
INCARNATION, PERSONALITY, TREE, alluded to are precisely those which
TREE or LIFE. all men's lower nature, struggling to
realise the dictates of the Higher,
JESUS, DESCRIBED AS SEVERE would be apt indignantly to utter.
AND TURBULENT :— The Gospel Drama is, after all, a
Symbolical either of the Christ's presentment not only of the Divinity
uncompromising hostility to evil in of the Christ, but the manhood of
the qualities of the soul ; or as
the personality Jesus, — in whom the
evidencing the indignation of the " old Adam " has not yet quite died
lower nature that is attached to the
not yet perfected personality (Jesus). out, — who is seeking Life eternal, and
" I came to cast fire is gradually overcoming " the world,
upon the earth ;
and what will I, if it is already kindled ? the flesh, and the devil," over which
. . . Think ye that I am come to give he triumphs finally in the death of
peace in the earth T I tell you, Nay ; the lower nature as symbolised in
but rather division : for there shall be
from henceforth five in one house Calvary's Cross.
divided, three against two, and two The severe remarks could indeed
against three. They shall be divided, have been left out of the narrative ;
father against son, and son against they, however, add to the accuracy of
father ; mother against daughter, and
the dramatic record, which takes
daughter against her mother ; mother in
law against her daughter in law, and account of the imperfections which
daughter in law against her mother in attach themselves to the personality
law." — LUKE xii. 49 -53 until complete purification is reached.
This signifies that Christ manifests The scourging of the temple money
in the soul to combat the tendencies
changers, which historically is lawless
of the lower nature (earth) by means
violence inciting to riot, and ethically
of the life of the spirit (fire), which is subversive of the gentle teaching of
purifies from evil through suffering the Sermon on the Mount, is to be
which is already present in nature. It explained by the Christ-soul's active
must not be supposed that Christ
aspect in cleansing the heart of man
brings to the soul a state of passivity in
from low aims and degrading
to the lower nature. On the con
trary, he produces conflict and sets " It was no part of the design of the
the qualities warring among them Gospels to represent either the course of
selves in a great variety of ways. a man perfect from the first, or the
The " father " is a prior mental state whole course from the first of the man
made perfect. Had they been designed
which it is necessary to abandon.
to represent the former, they had con
The " daughter against her mother " tained no account of a Crucifixion. For,
signifies the better emotion which of the man perfect, no crucifixion, in the
casts off the worse condition which Mystical sense, is possible, since he has
no lower self or perverse will, or any
gave it birth. For the old from weakness, to be overcome or renounced,
which the new springs is always the anima ditrina in him having become
opposed to the new advance. all in all. That, therefore, which the
Jesus said : " Ye serpents, ye offspring Gospels exhibit is a process consisting
of vipers, how shall ye escape the damna of the several degrees of regeneration,
tion of hell." — MAT. xxiii. 33. on the attainment of the last of which
The Christ-soul emphatically de only does the man become perfect.'
nounces literalism, formalism and But of these successive degrees not all
are indicated. For the Gospels deal,
dogmatism which lead to such evil not with one whose nature is, at first,
results. Christ's apparently harsh wholly unregenerat«, but with one who
words are meaningless to those who is already, in virtue of the use made of
his previous earth-lives, so far advanced
are living in accord with the lofty
as to be within reach, in a single further
ideals which we conceive of in connec incarnation, of full regeneration." — The
tion with His nature. But whilst the Perfect Way, p. 244.
Divinity of Christ did not and could See CLEANSING,DOVE-SKI.I.KBS.
not utter the reproaches which have ENEMIES, FATHER (lower), INITIA
been thus recorded against him, it TIONS, PEACE AND SWORD, PETER,
must be admitted that the sentences PRIESTS AND ELDERS, SCOURGE,
embodied in some of these sayings SHRINE, SWORD, TEETH (gnashing).
A symbol of the weakness of the A symbol of the awakening soul
lower nature in the presence of receptive of the grace of God.
difficulties which the higher nature " Jesus " being a generic name,
must surmount in raising and. puri with varieties such as Joshua and
fying the soul. Jehoshua, it is requisite that it should
" And when he drew nigh, he saw the be allocated to a particular described
city and wept over it, saying, If thou type before it may bear a symbolical
hadst known in this day, even thou, the meaning.
things which belong unto peace ! but The Dldnche, in which the expression
now they are hid from thine eyes." — " Jesus Thy servant " occurs, is a
LUKK xiz. 41, 42. sort of moral dissertation upon the
The Christ-soul had come to take qualities. Reference to the co-ordi
the citadel of the lower activities, or nating principle, — Christ, — is rare.
capacity of mind wherein the qualities There is no biographical account
have been wont to be used. He had of "Jesus" for the simple reason,
come to his own from afar, and probably, that the idea of the Gospel
when he saw the task which lay drama had not yet arisen in the
" religious mind in connection with
before him, the humanity in " Jesus
the name Jesus. When it did arise,
was stirred, hence the statement is Gospels and also detached sayings
made that "He wept." The Christ, relating to " Jesus" became very
however, did not weep. It was the numerous indeed.
distress and distrust of the lower "As to the Eucharist, we give thanks
nature to accomplish the task which in this wise. First for the chalice :
lay before the Higher that appalled ; We thank thee, our Father, for the
and it was only after the lower was Holy Vine of David, Thy servant, which
Thou hast made known to us by Jesus
able to see that it was not the Doer Thy servant. Glory to Thee for ever
but only the illusory agent, that the more ! For the bread : We thank Thee,
triumph was ultimately achieved. our Father, for the life and the know
ledge which Thou hast made known
to us by Jesus, Thy servant. Glory
JERUSALEM, TEAKS. to Thee for evermore ! (Doctrine of the
Apostles, a very ancient writing)." —
JESUS AS THE FISH J— DUCHESNE, Christian Worship, p. 62.
A symbol of the Higher Self as the The Divine Life (holy vine) within
Saviour of the human soul. the natural man (David) is made
" known to the awakening soul ; as
He (God) had his dwelling in the
Great Sea, and waa a Fish therein." — also is the sustenance of goodness
Zohar. and truth (bread of heaven) which is
" Jesus is a Fish that lives in the
bestowed in response to aspiration
midst of waters." — ST. AUGUSTINE.
The " Great Sea " is the primeval and effort.
" water," the symbol of Truth-Reality See ASPIRATION, BREAD, CHRIST,
which outpours from the Absolute. CUP, DAVID, GOSPEL STORY, GRACE,
The Higher Self abides and manifests JESHURUN, JESUS OF GOSPELS, JESUS
in that Ocean of Truth ; hence the (mortal), JOB, QUALITIES, SERVANT
symbol of the Fish, as the spiritual OF GOD, VINE.
Life within the reality of Being.
(great), JONAH, PISCES, POSEIDON, " The whole course of the typical
lit''-of the Pattern Man (Jesus) is emble
JESUS AS THE LAMB :— matic of the progressive development of
the Life begun on earth, completed in
A symbol of Christ as the Divine Heaven ; bom of self-denial, and culmi
sacrifice for the benefit of humanity. nating in spiritual ascension. In the
The young ram (Aries) is a world -wide Christ-life, as in a story, man may read
symbol of the sacrifice of the Higher the tale of the progress of Spirit from
" The
Self in entering upon the cycle of incarnation to enfranchisement."
life of the Man Christ Jesus was a
manifestation (Zodiac). symbolic representation of the progress
OOD, PASSOVEB, RAM. Teachings, pp. 256, 259.
JEWEL SPEAR OF HEAVEN :— Incarnate God with ten precious
A symbol of the Divine Ray of Life attributes: — (1) the causal-body;
and Truth which emanates from the (2) the astro-mental body ; (3) the
Absolute and penetrates all planes. sword of the Spirit,' — the expression
See IZANAGI, ONOOOROJIMA, SPEAB, of Truth, or spiritual force which
SUTRATMA. dispels ignorance ; (4) faith in the
JEWELS; GEMS:— Divine ; (5) love of the ideal ;
(6) aspiration towards the Highest ;
A symbol of virtues and high
(7) steadfastness to the good and
qualities, which are the precious
things of life. true ; (8) love of the inner Wisdom
" as opposed to outer desire and sensa
And they shall be mine, saith the
Lord of hosts, in that day when I make tion ; (9) industry to acquire know
up my jewels ; and I will spare them, ledge ; (10) intellectual faculties. In
as a man spareth his own son that case of the soul's sickness, all the
serveth him." — MAL. UL 17.
attributes are to be brought into
And the aspiring virtues shall
harmonious concert (reciting the
become in unison with the Self, —
numbers), so that they together shall
saith the Lord of the qualities, — at
effectually cure the soul. When the
the end of the cycle when the higher " dead
harmony is perfect, then the
qualities become complete and perfect
in Christ " shall rise to life eternal.
in me ; and eternal life shall be
theirs, even as they have issued
forth from me, and have sought for
and found me again.
" God goes forth from himself in (Lord), MIRROR, NECK, NINIOI, QUALI
creation to return to himself in man. TIES, RUBIES, SAPPHIRE, SAHDONYXES,
As has been finely said, the only satisfy SERPENT, SHORE, STRINGS, SWORD,
ing explanation of the activity of the TREASURES.
universe is that it represents the effort
of manifested life to get back to its own
centre, which is God." — R. J. CAMPBELL, JEWS OF PALESTINE :—
Si TII i., Our Quest for Ood.
" There was an ancient ceremony called A symbol of the social and religious
element of a period or state of soul.
mitama furuhilci, that is, shaking the
august jewels, which is referred to in the
They also represent the partially
Kiujiki. We are there told that when the disciplined mental qualities out of
Sun-Goddess sent down Ninigi to rule the which the most progressed are chosen
world, she gave him ' ten auspicious trea as "disciples."
sures, namely, one mirror of the offing, one " For the gospel is the power of God
mirror of the shore, one eight-hands- unto salvation to every one that
breadth sword, one jewel of birth, one jewel believeth ; to the Jew first, and also to
of return from death, one perfect jewel, one
the Greek." — ROM. i. 16.
road-returning jewel (that is, a jewel
which has the property of making evil For the message of Wisdom and
things return by the road they came), Love to the soul is the effectual
one serpent-scarf (a scarf which has means of attaining perfection to every
power when waved to keep away ser quality in harmony with it ; to the
pents), one bee-scarf, and one scarf of
' social and religious element first, and
various things,' saying, In case of ill
ness shake these treasures and repeat to afterwards to the intellectual.
them the words, One, two, three, four, See DISCIPLES, GENTILES, GOSPEL,
five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. If thou ISRAELITES, JESHURUN, SALVATION.
doest so the dead will certainly return to
life."1— W. G. ASTON, Shinto, pp. 292,
When the Self (Ninigi) descended JIVA :—
through buddhi (Sun-Goddess) to be A symbol of the Divine .Life in
incarnated and rule the soul, he was the soul.
possessed of the treasures of the See KIIA VASHI, MONAD or LIFE.
higher planes which should enable
him to overcome the temptations and JIVATMAN :—
limitations of the lower life and rise A symbol of the incarnate Self
victorious in his return at the end. which strives to rise from below.
The buddhio nature endows the See BIRDS (two), FIQ-PBUIT.
JOB, THE PERFECT MAN :— 5). St. Ambrose declares that this con
fession and lamentation of the sin and
A symbol of the Incarnate Self, misery of fallen humanity in Job is
or Soul, the " greatest of all the tantamount to a desire for deliverance
children of the east," that Is, the rising by the new birth which it has in Christ."
sun (Self). The Self abandons his — WORDSWORTH, Bible, Job, p. 7.
spiritual wealth on the higher planes
and descends to incarnate in the In the fourth chapter the mental
forms on the lower planes. Then nature (Eliphaz) begins to assert
having undergone unsullied the strife itself and reflect upon the conditions
and suffering of the life in matter, of self and not-self. The awakening
he puts off from him the garments of the conscience is described as a
of imperfection, and rises to a more spirit calling from witliin and causing
glorious state than before on the fear and trembling. It is " the voice
higher planes at the end of the cycle. of the Lord God in the garden,"
So the Lord blessed the latter end proclaiming the moral law and the
of Job more than his beginning." —
JOB >:lii. 12.
imperious demands of the spiritual
The " three friends " of the inmost nature. It is pointed out that the
Spirit are the three natures which personalities are not the abiding part
enclose it ; namely, the mental, astral, of the soul, for they perish betwixt
and physical natures, which at first their going forth into incarnation, and
are rudimentary sheaths (afar off),
their coming in. (See JOB iv. 20.)
without Self -consciousness, for they The reason why the Spirit is so
knew him not." Then afterwards full of complaints and despondency
they come " by appointment
is, that the Perfect, expressing itself
together " they grow into organised through the imperfect, is filled with a
sense of limitation, oppression, and
vehicles of the soul bringing suffering
and trouble with them. They remain dissatisfaction. This spiritual tragedy
in the animal and pre-human stages for is the Divine sacrifice — the crucifixion
a complete period (seven), irresponsible
of the Spirit in matter. The higher
Love-nature is in appearance born to
beings, quite unaffected by the Spirit
within, " none spake a word unto suffering and sorrow, and subject to
him," —the natural could not perceive contumely and misunderstanding. It
must be noted that
" and
the spiritual. " sorrow " are
In the third chapter, the Self is symbols of the bondage
described as beginning to operate in of Spirit in matter, and of the ego's
the human mind through the lowest deprivation of the higher qualities in
thoughts of cunning, craft, revenge,
its expression. The Spirit is described
as longing for return to its former
anger, etc., which often have in
them elements of truth, justice, love, state of glory and freedom ; this indi
etc. The Self is said to " curse his cates the aspiring life within the soul.
day," in that he has to work in It is needful to remember that the
ignorance (darkness) and the opposites three lower vehicles can only express
themselves in the lower mind, for the
of goodness and love. He looks
forward to the time when the evil seat of consciousness is only in the
conditions into which he was born in mind. This accounts for the same
ness in the speeches of Job's three
the soul shall perish. He longs for " friends." The mental, astral, and
the death of the lower instincts and
desires. physical natures are expressions of
" These utterances of Job in his the mind. In the first speech of
affliction are expressions of miserable Eliphaz there is indicated the awaken-
Humanity, declaring the wretchedness of ment of the conscience, which explains
it* own condition by nature, by reason of the moral tone of all the speeches.
the Fall, and consequent curse pro
nounced upon the children of Adam. . . . The lower mind in reproaching the
Philippus, Bede, and Aquinas say that Higher nature, which it does not
Job here speaks as a prophet, and understand, does this from its highest
mourns over the corruption and misery moral The necessarily
of Man by nature, as David did, ' Behold, standpoint.
I was shapen in iniquity ; and in sin defective expression of the Spirit
hath my mother conceived me ' (Pa. li. striving within is misinterpreted by
the lower mind, which applies only than the selves that preceded

rational tests of truth and right to and seeks to justify the Spirit, but
the activities of the evolving Love- still fails to fully understand

nature which cries plaintively from its limitation in matter.
within the soul. The self-satisfied In other chapters the Supreme
lower mind, full of intellectual pride, (Lord) vindicates the indwelling Spirit
clings to its pet opinions and preju (Job), which declared to be in the

dices and resents the new truth that foundation of the lower nature (earth),
presents itself in objectionable guise. and he exhorts the Spirit to com
It always from its highest religious plete its evolution.
" Deck thyself
considerations rejects new ideals, and now with excellency and dignity,"
reproaches the Spirit for its defective •— and rise above the pride of the
expressions. mind. Finally the Spirit compre
" The period the chastisement of hends the Divine scheme and ita
the guilty in the fires of hell) has been purpose that cannot be restrained

fixed by tradition at twelve months, realises itself and its oneness with
being that of the sufferings of Job, and the Supreme, for " now mine eye
also of Nephesh with the body "(Zohar). —
A. E. WAITE, Secret Doctrine in Israel, seeth thee," and the lower nature
p. 178. then falls away and disappears.
A year of twelve months is a The " patience of Job " is the
symbol of the cycle of life on the lower patience of the indwelling Christ
planes (hell), during which the souls, who " feareth God and escheweth
evil," and always waiting to redeem

being imperfect (guilty), are purified
the imperfections of the evolving
(fires). This implies the bondage of
the incarnate Self (Job) until perfec souls who are essentially himself.
It is the same Satan, the Adversary, but the son

tion is attained.
with man's desire-nature (nephesh) or and agent of the Supreme to work
his will. " Satan " the limitation

lower soul, for this exists in various
states throughout the cycle and is and illusion inseparable from mani
not discarded until the end. festation it envelops the Self in the

In the fifth and succeeding chapters, process of involution, and has to be

the process of the evolution of the resisted and overcome in the subse
soul is further described. The soul- quent process of evolution.
" Christ, the Divine Job,
bodies express their relation to the conquen
Satan by His own strength and holiness,
Spirit, and expound the manifold and enables his members to conquer
workings of karma on the lower Satan by His power." — AVoRDSWORTH,
planes for the purpose of evoking all Bible, Job, p. 98.
that is higher in the mind and heart There came a period when the
of man. The desire-nature (Bildad) spiritual monads (sons of God) were
and the sense-nature (Zophar) assert ready to manifest upon the buddhic
their part in the evolution of the plane, and thereupon relativity and
higher qualities. The Spirit (Job), the opposites supervened. The Self
being unable to express its true (Job) then descends to the mental
nature in a world of imperfection and astral planes, and becomes
and evil, seems to be full of lamenta obscured to the lower consciousness.
tion and woe and subject to the The desires are aroused, and, as

carping criticism which deals only were, kill the intuitions and higher
with appearances and knows nothing qualities from out the soul, but they
of the Divine process in which all cannot affect the Self within (Jos

things work together for good. Again there came a period when the
In the thirty -second chapter there spiritual monads descended to the
is indicated the passing of the Life- mental plane, and in the lower nature
wave to a higher globe and the of the soul began to experience the
coming into activity of the causal - strife and suffering consequent to
body (Elihu) or buddhi-manasic evolution in conditions of ignorance
nature. "I am young and ye are and evil (Joa ii).
very old," The causal-self is wiser " And therefore behoved that blessed

Job also, who uttered those high mysteries the way to Peace and to union with
of His Incarnation, should by his life be
the Self.
a sign of Him, Whom by voice he pro
claimed, and by all that he underwent See BAPTISM, EXPERIENCES, GNOSIS,
should show forth what were to be His INITIATIONS, JESUS, SACRIDAGAMIN.
sufferings. . . . Accordingly the blessed
Job conveys a type of the Redeemer, JOHN THE BAPTIST :—
Who is to come together with His own
Body (the Church) : and his wife who A symbol of the moral nature
bids him curse, marks the life of the which of necessity precedes the com
carnal." — GREGORY THE GREAT, Morals ing of the spiritual Into the human
on the Book of Job, Preface. soul. It purifies by truth (water), and
See ARC. MAN, BEHEMOTH, BIRDS Is the herald and forerunner of the
(two), BRIAREUS, CASTES, CHILDREN Christ-birth.
" And in those days Cometh John the
SCIENCE, EAST, ESTHER, EXILE, FOOT, Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of
Judea, saying, Repent ye ; for the
kingdom of heaven is at hand. For this
TALITY, INCARNATION, JOSEPH, LEVI ia he that was spoken of by Isaiah the
ATHAN, PERSONALITY, POTSHERD, prophet, saying, The voice of one crying
POVERTY, PRAGAPATI RELAXED, RAHU, in the wilderness. Make ye ready the
way of the Lord, make his paths straight."
VANT OF GOD, SEVEN, SHEEP, SHORT At an early period of the soul's
LIVED, SINGERS, SI-OSIRI, SKIN, evolution the moral nature emerging
SLEEP (waking), SONG, SONS OF GOD, from its latent state became energised
SORES, SORROW, SUFFERING, SUN- by the Spirit from within. And it
RISING, VESTURES, VOICE OF GOD. began to admonish the qualities in
JOHANNA THE BAPTISER :— that subjective condition of the rege
A symbol of the aspiration, or nerate soul in which it is cut oft
spirit, of Truth In the moral nature. from the lower illusion, and freed
Jesuscomes to Johanna to be bap- from the deceptive and alluring attrac
!i»ed. Jesus comes as a simple ' ap- tions to which it falls an easy prey
proacher seeking initiation into the ere it has arrived at the stage in
mystic school of Johanna. But Johanna
is not to be deceived, and immediately which the moral nature is active.
recognises him as the Master, Manda The instruction to the qualities is
d'Hajje, the Gnosis of Life." — Codex that they should purify themselves
Nazareus, Tractate XI. of the Right Hand in view of a raising of the conscious
ness to a higher level. For in the
This signifies the approach of the
intuitive mind the advent of the
Christ-soul to the spirit of Truth in
moral nature is foreseen, and that
the moral nature, to which it is
the imperious voice of the conscience
content to appeal so that it may
will cry out from the soul's inner
unfold and realise the things of
solitude, that the qualities should
eternal Life which are contained
realise the way of Truth which leads
within the soul. The Christ-soul
unto Life eternal, and see that the
comes as a little child, and is ready
way be established by moral rectitude.
to take the Truth first hand, — to " John the Baptist is interior and
acquire it through the experiences mystic, inasmuch as he represents that
" initiation,"
which are to follow his all-compelling summons of the conscience
or deeper realization of some estab to repentance, renunciation, and puri
fication, which is the indispensable pre
lished fact of the spiritual life. But
cursor of success in the quest after
the spirit of Truth fails not to per inward perfection." — The Perfect Way,
ceive the Life, Light, and Love p. 241.
" The faculty by means of which man
which now illumine it and cognise it.
has the apprehension of divine things —
So it follows that the Truth-nature
namely, the understanding — must first
realises that the Christ is above it, undergo the purification implied in the
and it does homage. The meaning of baptism which is of John. To say that
" Manda d'Hajje " is Truth -Goodness he who becomes a Christ must be
in union, and
" the Master " is the baptised of John, is to say that the first
and most essential step to man's realisa
Higher Self, — the Divine Illuminator tion of hU due divinity is purification of
of those qualities which have sought body and mind. Only they who are
' '—
thus purified can see that is,
can to obedience, and in trained obedience
realise —God." — E. MAITLAND, Life of love arises as its sweetest fruit and
A. K., Vol. I. p. 151. recompense.' Religion being thus
" The end of Salvation is perfection, described on its practical or mystical
the Christlike mind, character and life. side as a harmonious fundamental dis
Morality is on the way to this perfection ; position of the soul, Fichte shows in
it may go a considerable distance towards what follows, how this disposition rests
it, but it can never reach it. Only Life on a terrestrial view of the world, which
can do that. For this great formative reckons the world and all life in time to
agent Life must develop out according to be not the true and real existence, but
its type ; and being a germ of the Christ- the divided appearance of the divine
life, it must unfold into a Christ." — H. Being, which in itself is One." —
DRUMMOND, Natural Law, etc., p. 129. PFLEIDERER, Phil, of Religion, p. 288.
" There being no such thing as Spon " Should it not be the task of humanity,
as it emerges from nature and rises into
taneous Generation, man's moral nature,
the life of the spirit, to realise and to
cannot generate Life ; while, his high
make apparent above the physical uni
organisation can never in itself result in
Life, Life being always the cause of verse that moral universe which repro
duces all its riches, and all its harmony
organisation and never the effect of it." —
Ibid., p. 383. in a higher plane, and with ineffable
" I do not think there is much doubt glory T For it is a fact that the moral
consciousness does not appear at the
but that the greatness here (MAT. ii. 11) of evolution, nor does it at
ascribed to John the Baptist is a moral
any moment burst suddenly into being
and religious rather than a merely intel
lectual or material quality. ... It has all luminous and perfect. It emerges
slowly and laboriously from the night
been held that the Master here refers to of nature. It cannot establish itself
the difference between the new dispensa
without subordinating physical laws to
tion and the old, that by the kingdom its own laws, hence contradictions and
of heaven he meant his church, and that repeated conflicts. Thus there is always
every one who became a member of that a double relation between nature and
church was forthwith ushered into a new the spirit ; nature remains for the moral
experience, a state of grace, and had
consciousness a necessary support which
imparted to him a higher kind of life, it has no right to despise, and at the
a diviner life, than aught the world had same time an obstacle which it ought to
hitherto known. This is the truth, but overcome, and a limit which it must
it is not all the truth. . . . The natural overpass. In a positive sense nature
man may be great in all his various
prepares for the advent of the spirit ;
types — great in mind and morals, great this is its reason for being. In a nega
as administrator, warrior, philosopher, tive sense, the spirit can triumph only
prophet, great in all the arts and sciences, in raising itself above nature." — A.
ana in everything that tends towards SABATIER, The Religions, etc., p. xxv.
the betterment of human lot in a
material world. But greater still is he
in whom Christ has arisen with regene CAMELS' HAIR, CBBIST INCREASES,
rating power, disclosing to him his DESERTS, FALL, GIRDLE (leather),
unlikeness to that which is highest and LOCUSTS, MOSAIC, MOSES, PEOPLE,
holiest, but at the same time declaring
his kinship thereto, and enabling him to
attain to ever closer and more perfect TREE OF KNOWLEDGE, WATER,
union therewith." — R. J. CAMPBELL, WILDERNESS, ZACHARIAS.
Scnn., The Higher Greatness.
"(J. O. Fichte teaches) — What the
moral man called duty and command is
to the religious man the highest spiritual A symbol of the Ideal love-nature
blossom of life, his element, in which In the philosophic mind, which is
alone he can breathe. . . . The pains of the architect, or contriver, of the
self-conquest, for the moral man the mental edifice of the human being.
speechless sacrifice of blind obedience,
are to the religious man no longer his
It is the spiritual factor which guides
own pains, but the pains of a lower the operations of the mental builder*
nature in revolt against his true self, the of form. As a symbol of one of the
four elements, " John " signifies
pangs of a new birth, which engenders
splendid life far above our expectations. fire (buddhi).
He who is consecrated by religion is " Jesus saith unto his mother, Woman,
raised above time and decay, for his
behold thy son ! Then saith he to the
life is rooted in the one fundamental
disciple (John), Behold, thy mother !
divine life with all its blessedness, and
And from that hour the disciple took
possesses it at each moment, immediate
her unto his own home." — JOHN xix. 27.
and entire. To religion thus understood,
morality is related as a preparatory Under the direction of the indwelling
stage : By morality we are first trained Spirit, the purified lower nature
(Madonna) becomes allied with the (Jesus). "Egypt, etc." signifies the
philosophic mind, and so tlioy are lower nature in which the egos are
raised and united with tne Christ, immersed, until the flow of the Divine
whose Spirit is with them hence life is reversed by the Spirit (Jesus)
forward. and through Evolution rises to the
See APOSTLES, DISCIPLES, GETHSE- buddhic plane (Jerusalem above) carry
MANK, TRANSFIGURATION, VIRGIN ing with it the souls of humanity, —
MARY. raising them from death unto the
life eternal.
JONAH OF THE OLD TESTA "In all we think and feel, and do,
MENT :— and suffer, we are like the water that
A type of the soul whose evolution comes down from above, seeking to get
was consummated In the Christ as back to where we came from. . . .
symbolised in the sign Pisces. Despite all hindrances and setbacks, we
" Jonah " corresponds to the stage are one and all making towards the
ocean of perfect unity in Christ, whence
of evolution signified by this sign as our full humanity, now knowing itself
the Goal of attainment. divine, shall be lifted up and glorified
See JESUS (fish), SIGN, WHALE. eternally by the Holy Spirit of God." —
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Our Quest for
Symbols of the intuition of love and See ABC, MAN. EGYPT, (lower),
truth, and of the the lower emotion EVOLUTION, EXODUS, GODS, INCAR
nature or natural man, and Its NATION OF SOULS, INVOLUTION, ISRA
disciplining mind. ELITES, JERUSALEM, JESUS SON OF
JORDAN :— or LIFE, WATER (higher), WORD OF
A symbol of the " river of Life," — GOD.
the spiritual life-essence flowing JOSEPH, SON OF JACOB :—
from above and traversing the lower
planes. A type of the Christ-soul, the Self
" ' ' struggling upward from below.
Under the Jordan we have to " Joseph in an Egyptian prison is
understand the Word of God who
became flesh and tabernacled among us, Christ come into the world, where He
Jesus wbo gives us as our inheritance can meet the two peoples, that is, the
the humanity which He assumed." — Jew and the Gentile. . . . After long
OBIOEN, Comm. on John, Bk. VI. § 25. . suffering, first, from the ungoverned
" For he — ' birth- violence of activities which spring from
(the Logos) is Ocean
causing of gods, and birth-causing of true service, then through temptations
men — flowing and from the affections of the natural man,
ebbing for ever,
now up and now down. When Ocean then through bondage and pain, the
flows down, it is the birth-causing of spirit is freed and glorified. All Egypt
men ; and when he flows up ...it is bows to Joseph." — A. JUKES, Types of
Genesis, pp. 407, 409.
the birth-causing of gods. . . . For from
water alone, — that is Spirit, — is begotten "The fundamental thought of the
the spiritual man, not the fleshly. This entire Testament of Joseph is the follow
is the Great Jordan, which flowing ing :— Joseph is a type of the suffering
downwards and preventing the sons of Christ. . . . The idea seems to have
Israel from going forth out of Egypt, been so to group the sons of Jacob
or from the intercourse below, was around Joseph that he should be the
turned back by Jesus and made to flow object of the hatred of them all in their
upwards (Naassene Document). — HIP- manifold sins, and yet, whilst apparently
FOLYTTJS, Philosophumena. perishing at their hands, be their deli
This refers to the Divine Life or verer." — DOBNBK, The Person of Christ,
Vol. I. p. 421.
Spirit (water) descending into Matter, " Egypt " signifies the mental plane,
and again ascending therefrom. The
" Egyptians " the mental facul
descending process is Involution which
ties. Mind becomes subject to spirit.
perfects the Archetypal Man, and
causes the birth of human souls on JACOB, JEWS, JOB.
the mental plane. The ascending
process is Evolution, which causes JOSEPH, HUSBAND OF MARY :—
the birth of the higher qualities A symbol of the natural reason
(gods) and souls made perfect through allied with the purified emotion-
the power of the indwelling Christ nature.
" But Josephsaid privately to Mary : JUDAH, THE LAND OF :—
I dare not speak to Him (the child
The region of the qualities beloved
Jesus) ; but do thou admonish Him,
and say : Why hast thou raised against of God, — the chosen of the Lord.
us the hatred of the people ; and why Those soul qualities in which the
must the troublesome hatred of men be Divine nature is evolved in some
borne by us t " — Qospel of Paeudo- degree.
When the reason and emotion JESHURUN, PRAISE OF GOD.
nature realised what had been accom
plished in killing out a lower desire, JUDAH, THE TRIBE OF :—
and because the lower qualities of the A symbol of qualities in which la
soul were incensed at the action of the spirit of insight and understanding
the higher nature, they sought to of spiritual verities.
" For it is evident that our Lord hath
appeal to the Christ. But the reason
sprung out of Judah ; as to which tribe
could not appeal to the Christ ; sup
Moses spake nothing concerning priests."
plication must neqds come through — Hi- 'i. vii. 14.
the emotions. "
" also signi " Jesus " is here taken as a symbol
fies the lower aspect of the soul of the regenerate soul which stands
which fears the censure of the world, for the Christ manifest in the " flesh "
and will not sacrifice all for the or lower nature. The Christ-soul is
of God.
" Why," says
kingdom beyond the Law of the old dispensa
Joseph, in effect, "must we suffer T tion, as Love is superior to Rule
Why must the soul painfully climb and obedience " Judah "
" (Levi).
to rise ? signifies the spirit of insight and
See BOYS (bad), SPARROWS, VKNE- understanding of the things of the
POLES. higher life, and out of this the Christ-
soul comes.
A generic name, the same as Jesus, QUALITIES, TRIBES.
and plays a similar dramatic part.
This symbol of one of the twelve
disciplined qualities of the soul
A symbol of the lower plane of the signifies the lowest of these qualities,
mind (kama-manas) with its activities — the quality that happens to be the
of fear, cunning, greed, spite, etc. least raised of all of them. It
See GOLDEN AGE, NIFLHEIM. becomes, therefore, the symbol of
limitation, — the lowest point, on which
JOVE ; JUPITER ; ZEUS :— the superstructure of the higher
A symbol of the Logos or Higher nature is built up from. In the
The Divine Will. process of Involution of Spirit into
matter, it is the Highest which
descends to the lowest ; but in the
present process of evolution it is
JUBAL, SON OF LAMECH AND Spirit that ascends from the lowest
ADAH:— point to the Highest. This lowest
A symbol of the germ of higher point, then, " Judas," contains the
emotions aroused through reflection potentiality of all things evolutional.
(Lamech) and experience (Adah). It signifies the condition of absolute
" And his brother's name was Jubal : limitation, which seems nothingness
he was the father of all such as handle from the physical or lower-mint!
the harp and pipe." — GEN. iv. 21. standpoint, but from the Spiritual
Allied with the transient emotions side it implies all -being. Limitation
were the higher emotions, and the (Saturn) is thus the symbol of its
germ of these gave rise to the emo direct antithesis, illimi lability, and
tions of truth, wisdom, and love,
its visible sign. So it is that the
germinal point ( • ) — the least element
which bring harmonious conditions
in the production of form, — becomes
into the life of the soul. the fitting symbol of Life everlasting.
See ADAH, JABAL, LAMECH, MUSI In other terms, the quality " Judas "
CIAN, PAN. interiorly symbolises that state
whence blossoms perfection or " I
appoint unto you a kingdom, even
finality. Superficially, " Judas " may as my father appointed unto me, that ye
stand for prudence changing to may eat and drink at my table in my
contrition. kingdom ; and ye shall sit on thrones
judging the twelve tribes of Israel —
" And as they were eating, Jesus
LUKE xxii. 29, 30.
said, Verily I say unto you, that one of The time shall arrive at the end of
you shall betray me." — MAT. xxvi. 21.
the cycle when the qualities of the
The Christ-soul knew that the
present stage shall be transmuted,
lower nature was not yet completely
and so brought to a higher state
purified, — hence his accusation of one
than can now be conceived of. When
of the qualities. Had the lower
the Christ shall be exalted, the higher
nature been completely purified there
qualities shall be exalted with him,
was no need for the anguish which
and shall be the leaders of those
was to be experienced at the crossing
below them, according to the kinds
over. The connection between the
" cross " and the " betrayal " seems and conditions of these, and their
several stages of progress.
to be obscure, yet there is a vital
connection between them. The
" cross " is the symbol of matter upon DOM OF HEAVEN, QUALITIES, RE
which the Christ-soul was, as it were,
" crucified," and " Judas " is a symbol TION, TRIBES OF ISRAEL.

of limitation which is at once the JUDGING OTHERS :—

lowest and the foundation of the
Symbolic of mental qualities con
Highest. Thus the least -raised quality demning the stage of progress of
in the soul is a symbol of matter on other qualities less progressed
which the Spirit is offered up. apparently than themselves.
" What is natural is the ultimate or " Who art thou that judgest the
lowest form of existence, in which things servant of another ? to his own lord he
spiritual and celestial come to a termi standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be
nation, and upon which they rest, like made to stand ; for the Lord hath
a house upon its foundation." — SWEDBN- power to make him stand." — ROM. xiv. 4.
BOBO, On the White Horse, p. 45.
" Thus the number thirteen, which on This exhortation is to the effect
the earthly plane, and before the
Cruci that a quality must not presume to
fixion,' is, through the treachery of interfere with the evolution of a
Judas,' the symbol of imperfection and ministering quality subordinate to
ill-fortune, becomes, in the Kingdom of
another discipline and serving its
the Father,' the symbol of perfection."
— The Perfect Way, p. 247. own Ideal. To that Ideal it is
The first drop issuing from a bottom responsible, and the Self within is
tap in a barrel full of water may able to transmute the quality
be taken as the first limited
mani accordingly.
festation of the truth within,
and The " servant " of a mental quality,
therefore the foundation of the actual is a lower -grade quality which minis
which gradually evolves to perfection ters to, and preserves, activities
as the potential (water in barrel) important to effect progress at a
externalises to completion.
" Judas " particular stage. To its own ruling
may signify the lowest drop at any quality the serving quality standeth
stage of the process, and the lower or falleth," and it is not to be con
limitation of the higher which is to demned as out of place. It is evolved
follow. there by the will of the Higher Self,
See BETRAYAL,BOAR, CBOSS, CRUCI who needs it and maintains it.
" There are many who have an undis
turbed belief in God and Christianity.
NIGHT AS DARKNESS, OLYMPUS, They feel too deeply ever to ask a single
QUALITIES, SATURN, THIRTEEN. question. They understand all they
want to understand. They have a
JUDGES :— natural liking for authority, and they
are convinced that the authority they
A symbol of qualities transmuted depend on is a true and righteous one.
and raised so that they become leaders And if their life be pure and noble it is
and educators of qualities below a guilty thing to disturb their faith
them. unless we absolutely believe that their
belief is degrading their spiritual life. The supreme Divine Power manifest
If scepticism arise spontaneously it must ing as Will now exercises its spiritual
be met and accepted, but to instil it
function on the higher-mind plane, and
into the peaceful heaven of a pure soul
is wickedness ; there is sorrow enough in sifts the good from the bad ; that is,
the world without our needlessly creating it liberates those purified souls which
it. But a warning ought to be given to have already allied themselves with
these happy persons. They must not
the Higher Self, and it puts due
despise or denounce those who cannot
trust authority, whose intellect troubles pressure upon those who are still full
their spirit. . . . Their own peace is of the things of the personality. The
great ; let them show their gratitude by " good " are able to rise to the
As to their airs of
abode of Bliss, — the buddhic plane, —
tenderness to others.
superiority, it does not follow because
they are not disturbed that they arc and there they are met by those
spiritually superior." — STOPFOHD A. inner intelligences which are bringers
BBOOKE, Serm., Lord, Increaie our Faith. of glad tidings, and so serve to evolve
See FAITH, LANDMARKS, NEIGHBOUR, the inner capacities inherent, or poten
SERVANTS, SCEPTICISM. tial, within the soul. The " bad,"
however, are said to fall ; and this
means that, being insufficiently deve
Judgment denotes an estimation are disqualified from
loped, they
of the state of progress in relation
rising beyond those lower levels
to the completion and perfection
of quality, that is, in relation to Truth. whereon they have sown, and where
Justice requires balanced conditions they are detained and tortured (as it
on each plane of nature. seems to them) by the karmic results
1 " By judgment is signified divine truth, of their works. The duration of
and by justice divine good. . . . But this term of probation is determined
let judgment run down as water, and
according to the scope of the more
justice as a mighty stream' (AMOS v.
and judgment are or less effective will. The earlier
24). . . . Justice '
the habitation of thy throne (Ps. Ixxxix. redemption merely refers to the fact
14)." — SWEDENBORG, Apoc. Rev., n. 668. that some souls are in a position,
See JUSTICE, SITTING (Jesus). from having acted in the past in
accordance with their knowledge, to
JUDGMENT-DAY :— receive aid from the upper planes,
A symbol of the summing up of and so even then to rise and enter
progress at the end of the cycle, into the joy of the Higher Life.
when the vast multitude of souls Many souls, however, must remain
have arisen from their lower nature
upon these lower planes during the
(the dead) and are ready to become interval between two cycles, and
united with the Higher Self in
the causal-body. Insufficiently pro until the new manvantara arrives,
gressed souls have to await on when they shall again have opportuni
the mental plane the opening of ties to progress.
another cycle. The desires and lower " The visible is the ladder up to the
qualities attached to centres on the invisible ; the temporal is but the
astral plane are destroyed as Illusion scaffolding of the eternal And when
by " unquenchable fire," — buddhl. the last immaterial souls have climbed
" through this material to God, the scaf
The Lord knoweth how to deliver folding shall be taken down and the
the godly out of temptation, and to keep earth dissolved with fervent heat — not
the unrighteous under punishment unto because it was base, but because its
the day of judgment." — 2 PETER ii. 9. work is done." — H. DRUMMOND, Natural
" Here, at the bridge Kinvat, Ormazd
Law, etc., p. 67.
holds a tribunal and decides the fate of
souls. The good pass the bridge into See AAT, AKESI AMSHASPANDS,
the mansions of the blessed, where they BRIDGE (kinvat), BUDDHI, CHRIST'S
are welcomed with rejoicing by the SECOND COMING, CONFLAGRATION,
Amshaspands ; the bad fall over into
the gulf of Dusahk, where they are tor
mented by the daevas. The duration of (destr.), HELL, HORSE (white), KALXI,
the punishment is fixed by Ormazd, and KHABIT, MAN (bad), PAHAD, PERSONA
some are redeemed earlier by means of LITY, REGNAROK, RENOVATION,
the prayers of their friends, but many
must remain till the resurrection of the SHENTT, SOSIOSH, THEMIS, Uu-
dead." — Zoroastrian System, CLARKE. RIGHTEOUS, VISCERA.
JUDGMENT HALL OF OSIRIS, necessity in nature and so tries to
AND THE WEIGHING OF turn the scale in his favour towards
THE HEART :— the lower life. By so doing the
Symbolical of the soul's evolution mind is led to act through the astro -
on the lower planes to ultimate physical nature, and thus it is that
perfection and union with God. the ego's several early experiences
" The scribe Ani and his wife Thuthu are gained : these are recorded in
enter the Hall of Double Maat, wherein the causal-body by the higher mind
the heart, symbolic of the conscience, is (Thoth).
to be weighed in the balance against
the feather emblematical of right and (1) "Ani's Luck." The upright
truth. In the upper register are the figure of a man next to the heart
goda who sit in judgment. . . . On the symbolises the lower human nature,
standard of the scales sits the dog-
or the material life portion of the
headed ape, the companion of Thoth,
the scribe of the gods ; and the god individual, and refers to the perso
Anubis, jackal-headed, tests the tongue nality. The physical existence being
of the balance. On the left of the to a great extent independent alto
balance, facing Anubis are :— (1) Ani's
' gether of the control of the soul
Luck ; (2) the Metkhen or ' cubit with

human head,' thought by some to be itself, and the conditions of organism

connected with the place of birth ; and environment being divinely pre
(3) the goddesses Meskhenet and Renenet arranged in accordance with karmic
who presided over the birth, birth-place,
law, so the happenings which beset
and early education of children ; and
(4) the soul of Ani in the form of a
the physical body, or other outer
human-headed bird standing on a pylon. vehicles of the soul, are to be con
On the right of the balance, behind god ceived of as illusory, and, as it were,
Anubis, stands Thoth, the scribe of the
in the nature of chance or destiny,
gods, who holds in his hands his reed-
pen and palette with which to record since they are but temporary com
the result of the trial. Behind Thoth binations of conditions and circum
stands the monster called either Amain, stances which are conducive to such
the Devourer,' or Am-mit, the ' Eater
of the dead.' " — BUDGE, Book
growth as will afford the Divine life
of the
Dead, p. 22. within the means for expansion and
The mental and emotional natures development.
(man and wife) are prime factors in (2) "The Meskhen." The man-
the soul's evolution on higher and headed rectangular object symbolises
lower planes of order and law (double the perfected individuality. It is said
Maat). In the centre of the picture to be " connected with the place of
is symbolised the content of the soul, birth," that is, it is an emanation
whose nature is to be weighed in the from atma wherefrom the ego origi
balance of experience. The heart in nates.
the vase stands for the causal-body, (4) "The man-headed bird" sym
the shrine of the Higher Self, and bolises the spiritual ego or Divine
the feather of Maat in the other soul. These three, — the spiritual ego,
scale signifies the lower personality the individuality and the personality,
that relates to justice and law in — constitute the threefold aspect of
contradistinction to the higher nature the human being.
(heart), which is answerable to the (3) The two small upright figures
dominion of love. The light and close together, called Renenet, god
unstable feather is symbolic of the dess of nursing, and Meskhenet, god
life of the personality, and is appro dess of the funeral chamber, symbolise
priately the sign of the ephemeral, nature in its dual aspect of sustainer
illusory personality of the lower and destroyer, by means of which the
planes. The ideals (gods) are the ego evolves from the germ state to
tests of the soul's efforts to rise. maturity.
The dog-headed ape symbolises the Thoth is a symbol of the higher
lower mind, which finds expression mind or intellect which subjectively
through the experiences of life. The gajthersup the life experiences of the
figure of Anubis represents the physi ego into the causal-body. The
cal body, which kneels to the law of monster behind Anubis is typical of
negation, — that state into which the didst not thou agree with me for a
lower illusion will descend, and by penny T Take up that which is thine,
and go thy way ; it is my will to give
which it will, as it were, be swallowed. unto this last, even as unto thee. Is it
" Tim! li, the
judge of Bight and
Truth, saith :— ' Hear ye this judgment.
not lawful for me to do what Iwill
with mine own T or is thine eye evil,
The heart of Osiris (Ani) hath in very because I am good ? So the last shall
truth been weighed, and his soul hath be first, and the first last." — MAT. xx.
stood as a witness for him ; it hath 13-6.
been found true by trial in the Great
Balance. There hath not been found
The Higher Self disciplines the
any wickedness in him.' — Ibid., p. 26. qualities, and chides their rebellious
This signifies that the personality murmurings, and points out that no
has been perfected and the soul is injustice has been done, — saying that
victorious over the lower nature. as qualities have sown, so they have
See AB, AMMIT, ANUBIS, APE reaped. It is the will of the Logos
BALANCE, CAUSAL-BODY, EVOLUTION, that perfect fairness shall be meted
EXPERIENCE, FEATHER, GODS, HAWK, out, — He lives in all, and all is but
HEART, HEBEN, HOME, INDIVI His own. He asks if there be imper
DUALITY, KARMA, MAAT, MESKHENIT, fection in the lower nature, and
PERSONALITY, RECTANGLE, RENENIT, whether, if so, it is not an imperfect
SAU, SHAI, SHENTT, THOTH. mirror or reflector of His Divine
Nature. For it is necessary that the
JUMALA :— first in order of evolution of qualities
A symbol of the Divine Will or become last in progression, whilst the
Higher Self, Atma-buddhi.
last take the chiefest place.
meant originally the sky.
The first that are evolved are full
It is derived, as Castren has shown
(p. 24), from Juma, thunder, and la, of the desire nature, while the last are
the place, meaning therefore the place more advanced and are reincarnated
of thunder, or the sky. It is used first later in the cycle.
of all for sky, secondly for the god of " The necessary replies
the sky, and thirdly for gods in general." (or returns)
— MAX MULLEH, Science of Religion, which a man's surroundings make to
what he is and does :— With what
p. 133.
God, the supreme creator — omni
measure ye mete, it shall be measured
to you again.' It is a law of vast extent
potent Jumala." — Kalevala.
and wonderful exactness. The world
JUPITER, PLANET, (TISHTAR) :— is far more orderly than we believe ; a
deeper and a truer justice runs through
A symbol of the benefit' directive it than we imagine. We all go about
function of the Self, which leads, calling ourselves victims, discoursing on
governs and initiates activities that the cruel world, and wondering that it
go to the awakenment of ideals in should treat us so, when really we are
the soul. only meeting the rebound of our own
" I call upon the star Tishtar, the lives. What we have been to things
about us has made it necessary that
brilliant, the glorious ; at the time when
they should be this to us. As we have
it is in the form of a Bull with golden
given ourselves to them, so they have
horns, I call it most " ( Vendidad, given themselves to us. This is the
(Pahlavi), XIX. 126).— HAUG, Essays, law I want to trace with you, only
p. 389.
begging you to keep your minds clear of
I acclaim the Self, the fountain of any materialism which would think that
Light and Truth, in his aspect in mere earth itself resides this power of
of the positive, active, function of just and discriminating reply. It is as
we and all things exist together in the
Wisdom, whereby he will awaken
great embracing and pervading element
aspirations for wisdom and truth in of God that all things give themselves
the soul ! I
hold to my ideals. to us as we give ourselves to them. So
OF GOLD, PLANETS, all the phenomena of life are at the
same time divine judgments if we are
only wise enough to read them." —
its Return.
A symbol of balanced conditions
of progress on different planes, in
relation to karmic law. LABOURERS, MONEY, QUALITIES, RE
" But he answered and said to one of INCARNATION, SOWING AND REAPING,
them, Friend, I do thee no wrong : STEWARD, VINEYARD, WAGES, WORK.
JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH s— special abode in the statue of the deceased
A symbol of being perfected through was the double.' This is proved by the
fact that a special part of the tomb was
the intuition of Wisdom and Love, reserved for the ka, or double, which was
which reveals the Truth and the '
called the house of the Ka,' and that a
Life. '
priest, called the priest of the Ka,' was
" specially appointed to minister therein.
But before faith came, we were
kept under the law, shut off from the The double enjoyed the smell of the
faith which should afterwards be incense which was offered at certain times
revealed. Wherefore the law was our each year in the tomb, as well as the
schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, flowers, and herbs, and meat, and drink."
that we might be justified by faith. — DR. BUDOB, Egyptian Magic, p. 218.
But after that faith is come we are no The " tomb " signifies the incar
longer under a schoolmaster." — GAL. iii. nation of the ego. Living in the
physical body is the entombment of
Before intuition comes we are dis
the soul in physical matter. The
ciplined under law, reason, cause and
full-sized "statue" is the perfect
effect, Karma, and kept in bondage to
personality, in contrast to the "shabti,"
authority until intuition should evolve
small figure, emblem of the imperfect
in the soul. Wherefore the law of
personality. The " special part of the
cause and effect, of sequence and of "
tomb " is the inner being. The priest
experience, was as a teacher to lead "
of the ka is the spiritual mind. The
us unto Wisdom and Love, that at " smell of incense " at times of incar
length we should be perfected by
nation during the course of the cycle
intuition. So when the intuition is
(year) is the discriminating of the
acquired, then we have knowledge of
aspirations by the higher mind. The
the truth, and have no more need of " meat and drink," or goodness and
instruction by authority and experi
truth ; the " flowers and herbs," or
ence, for we perceive the truth
virtues, are the food of the Spirit to
develop the causal -body.
See DISPENSATIONS, FAITH, INTUI " My heart my mother. . . . Thou art
TION, KARMA, LAW OF MOSES, MOSAIC, my Ka within my body which knit tot h
MOSES, REDEMPTION, SALVATION, together and strengtheneth my limbs"
TESTAMENT. (Papyrus of Ani). — BUDGE, Book of the
Dead, p. 25.
A symbol of the Divine Will. INCENSE, KHUS, PERSONALITY, SAHU,
" Buddha performed various ceremonies SHABTI, TOMB.
hard to be accomplished, like the god Ka
in the first aeon wishing to create living KAABA :—
beings." — Buddha-Karita, Bk. II. p. 51. A symbol of the causal-body.
At an early stage, the Soul made A symbol similar to " house of God,"
the initial attempt at undergoing "Temple," or "Church." It Is the
initiations in order to increase the vehicle of the Higher Self (Atma-
Divine life in the activities on the buddhi)."
planes ; similarly as the Divine Will, The black stone " of the Kaaba
at the first Round when the Son of is a symbol of the Indwelling Spirit,
Mind entered the scheme, contem —darkness, or blackness to us.
" The Ka'ba is but a church, if thou
plated projecting archetypal living
His trace be lost ; the church my only
beings on the plane of buddhi. Ka'ba, while He there is found." —
See BIKTH OF BUDDHA, BUDDHA, Dewan-i-Shame-i-Tabrizi, p. 238.
appointed the holy house of
OF MAN. Mecca to be a place of resort for mankind,
and a place of security." — SALE'S Koran,
KA, OR DOUBLE :— Ch. II. p. 16.

A symbol of the causal -body which That is,

the causal-body in the
has to be nourished and developed higher mind centre (Mecca) retains
through the activities of the Ego the mental experiences of the per
in its incarnations. sonalities, and endures throughout
" There is, however, good reason for the cycle.
stating that the immortal part of man
" The Arabs say that Adam after hi«
which lived in the tomb and had its expulsion from paradise, begged of God
that he might erect a building like that quered desire and transmuted it by
he hod seen there, called Beit al Mamur, fire (buddhi), its direction is changed;
or the frequented house, and al Borah
towards which he might direct his while its force remains in the spiritual
prayers, and which he might compass, longing for that which is higher.
as the angels do the celestial one. Where See BOTTOMLESS PIT, CREMATION,
upon God let down a representation of DEVOUHER, FUNERAL PILES, KILZJNG,
that house in curtains of light, and set it in
Mecca, perpendicularly under its original,
ordering the patriarch to turn towards it
when he prayed, and to compass it by KAGU-TSUCHI, GOD OF FIRE :—
way of devotion." — SALE'S Koran, Prel. A symbol of the Archetypal Man
Ditc., p. 83.
on the atma-buddhic planes.
The aspirations of the lower self "
(Adam), after the vibrations from the The last deity to be produced vie
the God of Fire, Kagu-tsuchi, also called
buddhio plane (paradise) had ceased, Ho-musubi (fire-growth). In giving birth
appealed to the Higher Self, and there to him Izanami was burnt so that she
was formed a centre and nucleus of sickened and lay down. From her vomit,
faeces, and urine were bom deities which
the causal -body. This had its pre
personify the elements of metal, water,
formed counterpart on the buddhic and clay, while from the tears which
plane as a centre of energy in the Izanagi shed when she died, there waa
Divine Ray (Tree of Life). The produced a deity called the Weeping
" curtains of
" the Female. In his rage and grief, Izanaci
drew his sword and cut Kagu-tsuchi to
higher mind as being receptive of the pieces, generating thereby a number of
Wisdom above. deities." — W. G. ASTON, Shinto, p. 92.
The " Holy city Mecca " signifies This describes the culmination of
the higher mind centre, the seat of Involution and the commencement of
the Higher Self to which the lower Evolution. The perfected Matter
self must turn in devotion to its (Izanami) gives birth to the perfect
ideals whereby the causal-body is Soul or Archetype (atma-buddhic),
compassed and developed. The "per and these two have to die out of one
" refers to the Divine state to be evolved in another. Matter
Ray from above in -which are the involved gives rise to matter evolved,
great centres of activity on each plane. namely, the mental (metal), astral
See ADAM (lower), ADYTUM, CHURCH, (water) and physical (clay) planes in
CURTAIN, HOUSE (frequented), JERU the new order. The " tears " of the
SALEM, PALACE, PARADISE, PYRAMID, Spirit producing the " Weeping Fe
STONE (black), STUPA, TABERNACLE, male " symbolise the advent of suffer
TEMPLE. ing and sorrow which characterise the
evolutionary cycle. Then we have the
KABANDHA, A HEADLESS world-wide symbol of the cutting into
MONSTER :— pieces of the body of the Archetypal
Man, and the scattering of the qualities
A symbol of desire for the gratifica
tions of sense, which Is love perverted. or " members " in the souls of man
kind, now commencing their evolution.
" And deep below the monster's waist,
In this case the Divine Will (Izanagi)
his vast misshapen mouth was placed."
is represented as dismembering the
He was under a curse —
" that he should retain the disgusting completely involved Self, producing
form he had adopted, at least till, in course thereby the qualities (deities) which
of time, Rama should in person deliver war within the mind and soul.
him from its repulsive deformity. The See ARC. MAN, DISMEMBERMENT,
brothers (Rama and Lakshmana) placed ELEMENTS, EVOLUTION, FIRE, INVO
the giant's bulky body on a funeral
pyre, and from the ashes arose a beautiful
being clad in celestial raiment."— J. C.
OMAN, The Great Indian Epics, p. 52. KAILASA MOUNTAIN :—
A longing desire for objects of A symbol of perfect purity,justice
sense, —the lower attraction,— is but and wisdom on the higher planes of
the reverse of divine love, — the higher the soul.
attraction. When the Higher Self, See ALBORDJ, HIMAVAN, MOUNTAIN,
or atma-buddhi (Rama), has con OLYMPUS.
A symbol of the Archetypal Man. A symbol of a condition of existence
"Kaiomarts was both man and woman, wherein the Divine life is poured
but through his death there came from forth ; as at the emanation from atma
him the first human pair ; a tree grew of a solar universe.
from his body, and bore ten pair of men
and women."- — Zoroastrian System. KAKSHIVAT'S BIRTH :—
The archetypal man is male-female A symbol of the production of the
(atma-buddhi), and includes mental mental nature from the mental plane.
(masculine) and buddhic (feminine)
principles, and through the " death KAKSHUSHI (EYE) :—
of these, there appeared the kama- A symbol of the " eye of the soul,"
manasic and astral elements, and — the inner discernment which
from these grew the " tree " of life, perceives only the good and har
which corresponds to five lower sub- monious, and so realises that Truth
plsnes whereon the dual manifestations whereof the universe is built.
of the two elements yield the number
ten pair of duads, commencing the KALAHANSA, THE SWAN IN
human root-races in the third round. AND OUT OF TIME :—
" God is the eternal Substance within
which lie hidden, waiting for expression,
A symbol of the Higher Self.
every conceivable form or mode of the See BIRD (great), KARSHIPTA, SWAN.
ideal good. It is a portion of this infinite
divine substance which has been ground KALCHAS, OR CALCHAS, SON OF
into the clay of our earthly human life. THESTOR :—
And just as the supply of clay-forming A symbol of the soul 's inner memory
rock in the physical world is practically
inexhaustible, and contains innumerable of experiences, the child of the Self,
varieties wherefrom works of beauty may which is the means of directing the
be produced, so the infinitude of God higher mental qualities to the causal
contains within itself more potencies of self, for it is of the higher mind.
good than the universe of universes can "
ever exhaust to all eternity. But we To Kalchas first spake Agamemnon
children of his heart are here that we with look of ill : ' Thou seer of evil, never
may utter some of them to his glory and yet hast them told me the thing that is
our own." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serai., pleasant. Evil is ever the joy of thy
A Christian World-view. heart to prophesy, but never yet didst
"All this, up to the Third Round, is thou tell any good matter nor bring it
" — Iliad, Bk. I.
formless as matter, and senseless as to pass.'
consciousness. . . . This Adam of dust The lusts and desires of the lower
requires the Soul of Life to be breathed self having become intensified, the
into him : the two middle principles, Desire-mind (Agamemnon) experiences
which are the sentient life of the irrational
animal and the human soul, for the a sense of dissatisfaction which pro
former is irrational without the latter. ceeds from the dawn of the higher
It is only when, from a potential andro consciousness within the soul. The
gyne, man has become separated into conscience, an expression of the inner
male and female, that he will be endowed
with this conscious, rational, individual memory of experience, decides that
Soul (manas), ' the principle or intelli certain things are evil, and this being
gence of the Elohim,' to receive which, distasteful to the Desire-mind, the
he has to eat of the fruit of Knowledge sense of rebellion is stirred. The
from the Tree of Good and Evil." —
H. P. BLAVATSKY, Secret Doctrine, Vol. I. Desire -mind realises that the higher
p. 267. mind always foresees evil, since indeed
See ABC. MAN, BULL, DEATH, DIS it is through the apprehension of folly
MEMBERMENT, GOSHURUN, IMAGE, that wisdom is awakened.
MALE-FEMALE, NAVEL, PROTOTYPES, " The higher and lower powers of the
RACES, ROOT-RACES, ROUND, TREE soul meet in the imaginative faculty,
which is the psychical organ of memory
OF LIFE. and self -consciousness " (Plotinus). — T.
WHTTTAKEK, The Neo-Plalonifto, p. 62.
Symbolic of an early period in the EXPERIENCES, GATHAS (chanting),
See Ox (splendid). GREEKS, WORD (living).
KALI-YUGA :— is made known by scripture that the
A symbol of the present period and Higher Self (atma-buddhi) reveals
process of evolution In which Wisdom himself to the inner consciousness,
and Love are gradually developed and seated in the higher mind, will
from ignorance and desire. exercise his will in purifying the soul
" The Kali-yuga or fourth age of the
through the transmutation of the
The " sword of the Spirit,"
world was supposed to commence at the
death of Krishna. The Hindu idea of a qualities.
succession of four Yugas or ages, in which or the spiritual energy of Truth from
a gradual deterioration of the human race within, shall dispel error and ignor
takes place, has its counterpart among ance on the mental plane, and destroy
the Romans in the Golden, Silver, Brazen,
and Iron Ages, as described in Ovid's the planes of illusion.
Metamorphoses (I. 89, etc)." — MON. See AAT, BUDDHA (Maitreya),
The period of evolution of Spirit CONFLAGRATION, HORSE (white), JUDG
from matter commences from the MENT DAY, REONAROK, RENOVATION,
death of the Archetypal Man (Krishna). RESURRECTION, SOSHYANS, SOSIOSH,
Prior to that is a triple period of VISHNU.
involution, wherein Spirit descends
into matter through the buddhic KALLIOPEIA, THE MUSE :—
(Golden), mental (Silvern), and astral A symbol of the buddhic function
(Brazen) planes, and completes itself which transmutes lower qualities
in the physical plane (Iron). This into higher.
gradual obscuration of Spirit has the Would that in behalf of perishable
beings thou, immortal Muse, mightest
appearance of deterioration of the take thought at all for our thought to
soul. come by reason of our cares 1 Hear me
See ARC. MAN, GOLDEN AGE, IRON now and be present again by my side,
AGE, KALKI, SCORPIO. Kalliopeia, as Iutter noble discourse
about the blessed gods." — Empcdocles,
Would that the Divine Love and
A symbol of the final triumph of
the indwelling Self (Vishnu) over Wisdom might animate those beings
the lower nature, at the end of the or ideals which are the transitory
cycle. forerunners of the celestial beings
" Kalki or Kalkin, which on upper planes are typical of
who is yet to appear
at the close of the fourth or Kali age, when the virtues or higher emotions of the
the world has become wholly depraved, soul ! Would that the spiritual ideal
for the final destruction of the wicked, for
might overshadow and inspire the
the re-establishment of righteousness
upon the earth, and the renovation of all actual ! The petition is offered up
creation with a return to a new age of that the lower nature may be trans
purity (satya-yuga). According to some, muted into the higher, and the atti
he (Vishnu) will be revealed in the sky,
tude of mind is that of profound
seated on a white horse, with a drawn
sword in his hand, blazing like a comet." aspiration and devotion.
— MON. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 335. See BUDDHI, GODS, MUSE, QUALI
At the conclusion of the present cycle TIES, TRANSMUTATION, WISDOM.
of evolution, when the lower nature
of the soul is reduced to its lowest
elements, the God within (Vishnu) A symbol of desire which is love
shall manifest in perfection upon the inverted . That is, desire Is attraction
to the outer nature, whereas love is
highest mental plane and cast away
attraction to the inner. Thus the
the dregs of the desires. Then from twain are antagonists.
the dissipation, of the lower planes, "
The world was fashioned from the
there shall be re-established a more body of a primitive being, a giant Purutha,
perfect state of soul. There will be dismembered by the gods. ... In (the
a renovation of all creation in the self-existent substance Purusha) arose
subtler matter of the buddhic plane, Kama, desire, and that was the first
starting-point in the subsequent evolution
and a return to a new age of purity of being." — BARTH, Religions of India,
in which the soul can find fuller p. 30.
expression for its inner nature. It The lower nature of the soul is
said to be formed of the " body," or palaces
" are symbolic of exaltation
outer envelope, — astro -mental, — of the and bliss in the higher realms.
Archetypal Man, who, when made " There is one being who actuates
perfect through involution, dies out of phase after phase of being from within,
all colours and all emanations. He fosters
that stall' to be born in the next with knowledge the Rishi Kapila, that
state— evolution. His " body " is arose in the beginning, and behold him
divided into the many qualities (mem coming into being. This being is the
bers of Christ) which are now to be immortal, internal ruler, the universal
soul, or Isvara." — Svetas. Upanishad, V.
found in humanity, his offspring.
From the Divine Unity, — the Abso
From the self -existent Spirit, which is
lute, — is emanated from within, stage
at the foundation of all things, arose
after stage of manifested life, setting
desire with its wish to manifest its
forth all qualities and all forms.
nature outwardly. It is through the
The Absolute forthpours through the
stimulus of desire that the first and Truth.
Second Logos the eternal
subsequent early stages of the evolu
For the Higher Self arose as a germ
tion of qualities are brought about in
in the beginning, and gradually un
the soul.
" When he has set himself free from folded his potencies in the manifest
every desire of his heart, the mortal enters existence. And now is the Self in
immortal into the Brahma. (From the volved in nature and the World-soul,
Brahrnana of the hundred paths.) Desire and is in the human soul the indwel
(kama) and action (karman) are here ling God, its Saviour and Ruler.
named as the powers which hold the
spirit bound within the limits of imper- See AMARAVATI, ARHAT, CLOUDS,
manence. Both are essentially the same. CITY OF GOD, COLOURS, FIRST-BOKN,
Man's nature,' it is said in the same ISVARA, JERUSALEM, KINO (great),
treatise from which we have taken the
passage quoted, depends on desire.
his desire, so is his aspiration, so is the
course of action (karman) which he KARANA-SAR1RA (CAUSAL-
pursues ; whatever be the course of BODY) :—
action he pursues, he passes to a corre
" A symbol of the higher causal-body
sponding state of being.' — OLDENBURG,
Buddha, etc., p. 48. on the buddhlc plane, or the lower
" Desire is the actual essence of man, causal-body on the higher mental
in so far as it is conceived as determined plane.
to a particular activity by some given " Karana-tarira = the cosmic body,
modification of itself." — SPINOZA, Ethics, the body out of which things emanate,
Bohn, Vol. II. p. 173. the principle of emanation." — A. E.
See ARC. MAN, ASTRAL PLANK, GOUOH, Phil, of Upanishads, p. 50.
ASURA, DISMEMBERMENT, EVOLUTION, This is the World -soul on the
INVOLUTION, KARMA, MARA, PURUSHA, buddhic plane (the Argo, Boat of Ra,
A symbol of the Second Logos
or Higher Self. KARMA:—
" There was a city, the dwelling-place The law of causation and interaction
of the great saint Kapila, having its sides between the higher and lower planes
surrounded by the beauty of a lofty to bring about equilibrium between
broad table-land as by a line of clouds,
them and gradually raise the soul.
and itself with its high-soaring palaces,
immersed in the sky." — Buddha-Karita, It binds the lower Self to the Higher,
Bk. I. 2. and arises through the union of the
The " city " is the celestial region, will with knowledge of a moral
the atma-buddhi-manas planes of mani standard Involving choice. It esti
festation ; and the
" great saint Ka mates the experience of the ego and
" " sides of the is expressed In effects (treasure In
pila is the Self. The It
" heaven) on the buddhic plane.
city are the planes below in their relates to the process underlying
ideal aspect during involution. The spiritual evolution and adjustment
" line of clouds " signifies Wisdom As the soul
upon the higher planes.
" high -soaring
outpouring Truth. The goes forth Into the life of experience,
so upon each succeeding level the SPHERE, FBUIT, GUNAS, JUDGMENT-
account is squared, as it were, so HALL, JUSTICE, KAMA. METEMPSYCHO
that each successive stage carries SIS, MOIRAE, NECESSITY, NOBNOB,
it to its relatively appointed place. REAPING, SAMKHAKAS, SHAI, SHENIT,
This idea underlies all religions, and SI-OSIRI, SOWING AND REAPING, TES
the Christian who looks for compensa
tion in heaven, or fears punishment
in hell, is holding crudely and un- KARNA, SON OF THE SUN AND
intelligently the truth that what we
sow here we reap the result of upon
entering the next state. The spiritual A symbol of self-esteem and
law of cause and effect in the soul personal dignity, produced by the
is made to yield just and right results, Spirit (sun) acting through the natural
so that throughout evolution perfect order of emotion (Pritha).
balance between higher and lower is " Kama exhibited in a high degree
maintained, and the outcome of it fortitude, chivalrous honour, self-sacrifice,
all is stored away in the soul's inner and devotion. Especially remarkable for
being. As long as the lower nature a liberal and generous disposition, he
remains, karma is incurred, but never stooped to ignoble practices like his
when the lower nature is put away, friends the Kurus, who were intrinsically
bad men."- — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian
then the "fruits of the spirit" are Wifdom, p. 384.
reaped by the ego on the buddhlc " KM run " was said to have been
born " clothed in armour," and that
" An act either mental, verbal, or " Indra conferred upon him enormous
corporeal, bears good or evil fruit ; the
strength." This means that self-
various transmigrations of men through
the highest, middle, and lowest stages are esteem is able from the first to with
produced by acts." — Laws oj Afan«,XII.3. stand the assaults of the lower self-
Motives arising from opinions in interests and is powerful to maintain
the mental -body, from desires in the an ideal of devotion (Indra). Never
astral -body, and from sensations in theless, self-esteem fights on the side
the physical -body, accepted by the of the desires (Kurus), and is finally
will operating on the mental plane, slain by the personality (Arjuna) as
lead to particular conditions of incar it attains to selflessness and perfection.
nation on the lower planes. These are See ABJUNA, INDRA, KURUS, PBTTHA,
karmical results actualising in three QUALITIES, SUN.
stages which may be called good, bad
and indifferent.
" Do not complain, O Soul ! of the A symbol of the individuality or
injustice of the Beloved (the karmic the higher ego in the causal-body.
aspect of the Divine Law), for such is " The law of Mazda is brought into
thy lot." — HAFIZ. the vara by the bird Karshipta." —
" The essential truth of heaven and
hell is ineradicable in the universe.
Vendidad, II. 5. B. of E.
There is the mighty image of God stand The law of Love divine, — the higher
ing in the centre of all things. And all nature or principle of being, — is
things have to touch Him. And as all brought from within to the lower self
things touch Him, according to their who occupies the lower quaternary
characters, he becomes to them blessing
or curse. He is the happiness of obedience (vara), by the individuality (bird).
(to the law of truth), and the misery of There is a correspondency to this
disobedience throughout his world He in the tables of the Law being placed
looks with sympathetic joy or with pro- in the ark of the covenant. The Moral
foundest pity on the souls He judges, but
the judgments both come from Him. Law comes down from above (or
The right hand and the left hand are arises within), and occupies the inner
both His. Burning there like the Sun of sanctuary of the soul (ark).
all the world, He must be a comforting See ARK (testimony), BENNU-BIBD,
and guiding light or a consuming fire —
one or the other— to every soul." — BIRD (great), KALAHANSA, LAW OF
from the Lord. SWAN, VARA.
DISPENSATIONS, EXPERIENCE, FATE- A symbol of the planetary chain
system of seven terrene globes. Two " '
Tell me my name,' saith the Keel ;
on the buddhic plane ; two on the Thigh (or leg) of Isis, which Ra cut off
mental ; two on astral ; and one on with the knife to bring blood into the
the physical ,— the earth . The process Sektet boat,' is thy name."— BUDOK,
of the soul's involution and evolution
Book of the Dead, Ch. XCIX.
The progressive (leg) quality of
takes place on these.
" On Arezahi Wisdom inverted as desire and in
(west) and Savahi (east) ; stinct, by the law of the Supreme, in
on Fradadhafshn (south) and Vidad-
hafshn (south) ; and Vourubaresti (north) order to arouse the Divine Life in
and Vourugaresti (north) ; on this bright the evolving soul.
Karshvare of Hvaniratha, the abode of See BOAT (sektet), HEEL, Isis, RA.
cattle, the dwelling of cattle, the power
ful Mithra looks with a health-bringing KELTS' COAST :—
eye." — Miker Yasht, S. B. of E.
The planetary chain system of the A symbolof the second sub-plane
macrocosm has its correspondency in of the buddhic plane.
the microcosm of the individual soul. KERESANI THE RULER :—
The globe Hvaniratha is the Earth
A symbol of the lower egoism with
with its physical, astral, and mental its limited vision and intolerance of
elements. The " abode of cattle " is that which is above it. The egoism
the field of manifested life in which of the lower self would limit and
the egos acquire experience. The restrict the outgoing energy, and
" powerful Mithra " is a symbol of so stifle the growth that must needs
omnipotence, — the Divine energy expand beyond its rule.
which serves to awaken and express See AHANKARA, CAIN, I AM, MAHAT,
the Self as the life in the forms. SEPARATION.
The north globes are on the buddhic
plane, the west and east on the mental, AND CLUB :—
the south globes on the astral, and
the manifest (bright) globe is on the
A symbol of the path of devotion
to the ideal. The " side-lock "
physical plane.
" Invoke thou Zoroaster, the unseen signifies the intuition, and the " club "
emotion, for by means of the Love-
Amshaspands who are over the seven
" element, selfishness may be con
keshvars of the earth ! — Vendidad, XIX.
Rely upon the Soul which lies
See CLUB, HATH (side-lock), NERYO-
beyond the planes of manifestation,
SANO, SERPENT (svara).
and which dwells beyond the eye and
the ear which attend to Its expression ! KETHER, THE CROWN :—
See AAT (waters), BULL (man), A symbol of the Atman, or the plane
CATTLE, HVANRATHA, PLANETARY of atma. The Higher Self supreme.
CHAIN, REGIONS, RENOVATION, ROOT- " When the Unknown of the Unknown
BACES, ROUND, SABBATHS, SUMMER. wished to manifest Itself, It began by
producing a point ; as long as that
KAVIS AND KARPANS :— luminous point had not gone out of Its
These " foes "
of the soul are typical bosom, the Infinite was still completely
of Form and Number, both of which unknown and diffused no light (Zohar).
This emanated point is the Kether or
limit and confine the Life, and so Crown, the first Sephirah."— MYEB, Qab-
render the operations from the higher balah, p. 127.
planes more difficult of achievement When the Absolute determined to
in raising the soul.
outpour its Life-energy, it emanated
a centre of consciousness and opera
KAYAN MYSTERIES :— tion, — the Atman or Higher Self.
" St. Thomas Aquinas virtually accepts
A symbol of the inner meanings the doctrine of Emanations when he
of the sacred scriptures. writes : '
As all the perfections of
See AMBAS, INSPIRATION, REVELA creatures descend in order from God,
TION, SCRIPTURES. who is the height of perfection, man
should begin from the lower creatures
KEEL OF BOAT :— and ascend by degrees, and so advance
to the knowledge of God. . . . And
A symbol of lower instincts and because in that roof and crown of all
desires. things, God, we find the most perfect
unity ; and everything ia stronger and should get apparent authority and
more excellent the more thoroughly it is sanction from the scriptures.
one ; it follows that diversity and variety " It is the power of Thoth that binds
increase in things the further they are
and loosens ; he holds the keys of heaven
from Him who is the first
and hell, of life and death/' —G. R. S.
principle of all.'" — E. UNDERBILL, Mysti MEAD, T. G. Hermet, Vol. I. p. 61.
cism, p. 117. " Thoth " is a symbol of the higher
ATMAN, CROWN, HOKHMAH, MONAD, mind which is the bridge, door, or gate
SEPHIROTH, TAE-KEIH. between the higher and lower natures
(heaven and earth).
A symbol of the higher mind which KHABIT, OR SHADOW :—
occupies the central position between
tbe higher and lower natures, and A symbol of the causal -body which
is therefore the key to both. develops by means of the aspirations
" By key and experiences of the lower self.
is signified the power of
opening and also the act of opening." — "The Khabit seems to have been
SWEDEN BOKO, Apor. Rev., n. 421. nourished by the offerings which were
" The true Guru holdeth the keys ; made in the tomb of the person to whom
none save him can open the door ; the it belonged. ... In Ch. XCII the
true Guru is found by good fortune." — deceased is made to say, O keep not
MACACLIFFE, The Sikh Religion, Vol. II. captive my soul, O keep not ward over
p. 178. my Shadow, but let a way be opened
am the first and the last, and the for my soul and for my Shadow, and let
Living one ; and I was dead, and behold, them see the Great God in the shrine
I am alive for evermore, and I have the on the day of the judgment of souls." "—
keys of death and of Hades." — KEV. i. 18. BUDGE, Book of the Dead, Vol. I. p. Ixi.
The " true Guru " ia the Higher The functioning of the personality
Self, the Christ within, the Living on the lower planes (tomb of the
One, who died out of involution, and person) in to provide, through aspira
who now in evolution is manifest in tion and sacrifice, goodness and truth,
" bread of heaven " for the
the higher mind and holds the issues
of life and death in the lower worlds nourishment and building up, by
of time and space. love, of the causal-body in the higher
In the soul's progress, the unper- mind. When this is perfected then
fected soul, or
" wicked man," on its the union of the Soul with the Self
approach to the higher mental levels (Great God) will be accomplished at
between its incarnations, is impelled the close of the cycle.
downwards again to incarnate. The "It is Love which builds up the soul.
" righteous man," It is Love that goes to the making of
perfected soul, or your man's amount. It is Love which
is on the contrary drawn upwards to fabricates your inward spiritual body, in
bliss. which you shall continue to express
" The most honorific passage yourself when the outer mortal body
(to Peter)
in Matthew (xvi. 17-19) was omitted by shall have been slipped." — E. W. LEWIS,
Luke and Mark. . . . The section in Chriit. Com., April 23, 1913.
" Religion is harmony with God ; that
Matthew is exceeding probably a quite
late interpolation." — Enc. Biblica,
" Simon harmony is produced by love ; and that
Peter," (5). love is produced by faith. To be religious
The story about Jesus giving the we must be like Cod , that to be like Him
" keys of the kingdom of heaven " to we must love Him, and that to love
Him we must be sure that He loves us.
Peter does not nt in with the sacred And is it not true that faith must precede
" Peter," being a symbol our love to God, and affords the only
of the lower mind, could not possibly possible basis on which that can be
built ? How can we love Him so long
have control of the higher nature of as we are in doubt of His heart, or mis
the soul. The statement was pro conceive His character, as if it were only
bably ignorantly interpolated by some Power and Wisdom, or awful Severity ?
ecclesiastics early in the third cen Men cannot love an unseen person at
all without some very special token of
tury, who inserted it for the sake of his personal affection for them. . . . Our
the visible Church, ia order that it love ia secondary, His is primary ; ours
is reflection, Hia the original beam ; oura peace eternal, into which it is born
is echo, Hia the mother-tone. Heaven from the womb of Space (Nut).
must bend to earth, before earth can " Hail, thou who risest as a Mighty
rise to heaven. The skies must open
Soul (Kha-ba-aa), who hast received the
and drop down love, ere love can spring
things which belong to the Tuat ; Af,
in the fruitful fields." — A. MACLAREN, thou guardian of heaven, come thou,
Sermon* , 2nd Serict, p. 216.
and cast thou thine eye in the name of
See BA, BREAD, CAUSAL-BODY, IRRI the Living One, Khepara, at the head
GATION, JUDGMENT-DAY, KA, KHU, of the Tuat."— Ibid., p. 40.
Symbols of Spirit and Matter. SCARAB-SIUS, SOUL, TREASURE, TUAT,
(good), Si-osrai. WOMB.


A symbol of the Self striving In Symbols of Spirit and Matter,
the lower nature ; i .e . of the Indwelling the dual elements of manifestation.
Christ. " Khien is the symbol of heaven, and
" hence has the appellation of Father.
The majesty of
this great God
Khwan is the symbol of earth, and hence
(Afu-Ra) taketh his position in this
Circle (Twelfth of the Tuat) which is has the appellation of Mother." — The
the uttermost limit of thick darkness ; Yi" King, Appendix V. Ch. X. 14.
and tliis great God is born in his form Khien symbolises Heaven, which
of Khepara in this Circle , and Nut and directs the great beginnings of things ;
Nu are in this Circle for the birth of this Khwan symbolises Earth, which gives to
great God when he cometh forth from them their completion." — The Yi King,
the Tuat and taketh up his position in Appendix III. Ch. I. §1, 6.
" Khien, the symbol of Heaven, and
the Matet boat, and when he riseth up
from the thighs of Nut." — BUDOE, Egypt. conveying the idea of strength, shows to
Heaven and Hell, Vol. I. p. 257. men its easy and natural action. Khwan,
the symbol of Earth, and conveying the
The picture accompanying this text
idea of docility, shows to men its com
is emblematic of the process of the pendious receptivity and operation. . . .
unfoldment and consummation of the The great attribute of Heaven and Earth
Soul, and it indicates the actual as is the giving and maintaining Life." —
well as potential facts of the case. The Yi King. Appendix III. § II.
Ch. I. 7-10.
The causal -body (the boat), is upheld from the Chinese
These passages
or evolved through the powers of the
scriptures explain themselves. Spirit
universe (Nu), and these yield up, as
is the Divine Life, active and power
it were, that which is accomplished ful. Matter is that which is acted
through their agency. The astral plane upon ; it is plastic and receptive in
(water) is depicted below the causal- involution, and subsequently brings
body (boat) to signify the process of forth the qualities in evolution.
conflict with the desire-nature which See COSMOS, CREATION, EARTH, EVO
leads to the final triumph of the Spirit LUTION, HEAVEN AND EARTH, IN
within. The globe upheld by the VOLUTION, KHWAN, MATTER, I'RAK-
beetle, — emblem of Khepara, the RITI, SPIBJT, TAO, YANQ.
Christ, — represents the buddhic ves
ture, for above is the plane of atma. KHNENTA-LAND IN VEHR-
The symbol of the figure of Osiris at KANA:—
the top curved round a space signifies A symbol of the love emotions on
realisation, — that state which is per the buddhic plane.
fect and complete as the result of
endeavour. The design altogether KHORDAD, THE AMSHASPAND :—
represents the ending of the path to A symbol of Time, a mode of
liberation ; the Soul rising from the manifestation of the Supreme ; In
way of the underworld (Tuat) to this aspect it becomes the Interpreter
of Truth In such terms as are reflected ing the attraction to the form -side of
in cycles, succession, duration, and life from alluring the personality to
evolution. destruction.
" Kbordad was chief of the seasons, " The fullness of the forma of the
years, months, and days, and also pro shining ones is granted unto me ; I
tector of the water from Anduisur on comprehend Light." — /''/•/.
Albordj." — Zoroastrian System. The forms having been exhausted,
See ALBORDJ, AMSHASPANDS, AN- are outgrown and discarded, not,
DUISUR, KKONUS, SEASONS, WATER however, without furnishing the Self
(higher), YEAB. with such experience as may have
been derived thereby.
A symbol of the monads of Life, PERSONALITY.
or the Individualities.
" Khu, — a shining or translucent part KHWAN :—
of the spiritual economy of a man which A symbol of matter, the comple
dwelt with his soul in the saltu or spiritual ment of spirit.
body." — BUDGE, Book of the Dead, Vol. I. "
p. Ixii. Complete is the great and originating
" Hay I
become a Khu therein (thy capacity indicated by Khwan ! All things
fields of Sekket Aaru)."— Ibid., Ch. CX. owe to it their birth ;— it receives obedi
p. 327. ently the influences of Heaven. Khwan
In these experiences of life in the in its largeness supports and contains all
things. Its excellent capacity matches
form, I, the Self, realise Myself. the unlimited power of Khien. Its com
" And behold, the Khus, each of
whom prehension is wide and its brightness
therein (Sekhet-Aaru) is nine cubits in great. The various things obtain by
height, reap the wheat and the barley it their full development." — Yi King,
side by side with Hera-khuti (young Appendix I. § 1, Ch. 2.
Horus)." — BUDOE, Book of the Dead, Matter in its nature is completely
Ch. CXLIX. p. 486.
The monads of Life, when perfected adapted to be the means by which the
" field " or originating ideas can be expressed in
through experience in the
arena of the lower life, inherit the forms. All forms and qualities owe to
treasures of Wisdom and Love, to
it their manifestation. It is fully
receptive of the modifications of
gether with the indwelling Christ.
The " nine cubits in height " signifies Spirit. Matter in its extension through
out the lower planes is the basis and
perfection attained on the lower planes.
The perfected " Khus " are the indi container of all expressions of life.
vidual souls (the saints), who rise with Its receptive capacity entirely corre
Christ to the higher planes of con sponds with the unlimited energy of
sciousness at the end of the cycle. Spirit acting through it.
" Any good that God bestows grows
richer with our experience of it —it
HISATVAS, KA, MONAD OF LIFE, QAHTJ, never grows poorer ; any truth He
REAPING, SAHU, SAINTS, TOMB. reveals is seen to be larger as we gain
closer acquaintance with it, — it never
KHUS (LOWER ASPECT) :— grows less." — B. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Our
Eternal Glory.
A symbol of the personalities, or See INVOLUTION, KHIEN, MATTEB,
the astro-physical forms, containing
the monads of Life.
" My mouth is strong ; and I am KHWAN, THE GREAT FISH :—
equipped against the Khun ; let them
not have dominion over me." — Book of
A symbol of the cycle of Involution
the Dead, Ch. CX. originating in the ocean of Reality
The expression of the Self upon the in which it has its being.
" In the bare and barren north there
lower and upper planes is significant,
for the Self is impervious to the is the dark and vast ocean, — the Pool
of Heaven. In it there is a Fish, several
allurements of the sense nature. thousand It in breadth, while no one
" He places a limit to the hurtful
knows its length. Its name is the
power of the shining forms (khus)." — Khu an. There is also a Bird named the
Ibid Phang (into which the Fish changes)." —
The Self by limiting its own mani Writings of Kwang-tze, Bk. I. Pt. I. 3.
festation is also the means of prevent- From the chaos there forthpours
" water "
of the primeval Reality that the lower qualities may be
(Northern Pool of Heaven), in which effectively ruled. The ruling higher
the cycle of Involution has actuality. qualities proceed from the Higher
The content of the cycle is stupendous, Self, by whom they are harmonised
and its length is unmeasured. After and centralised. The nearer to Him
its termination there arises from it of these qualities (disciples) are the
a new cycle, that of Evolution in most divine. The Individuality (sun)
which the Spirit ascends (bird) from being nearer than the Personality
matter and culminates ultimately in (moon) to the Self, is far more potent
the Divine Reality (Southern Pool of in the soul than is the Personality,
Heaven). which comes second in importance
A symbol
of faith. Faith is a sense KING, GREAT :—
or intuition of that truth of being
which is superior to the lower know A symbol of the Higher Self, the
ledge. manifest God, as the ruler of the
Set FAITH, FATTED CALF, FEAST, qualities of the soul on the higher
and lower planes.
INTUITION, MAN. "Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the
KILLING-OUT OF DESIRE :— whole earth is mount Zion, on the sides
A symbol of the transmuting effect of the north, the city of the great King."
— Ps. xlviii. 2.
of reason and the buddhic nature in
rendering the desires and the lower Harmonious and exalted, and the
instincts to all intents and purposes blissful hope of the evolving lower
non-existent. nature, are the higher planes of con
" A higher grade of religious con sciousness above the mental plane :—
sciousness is attained with the knowledge they are the planes of atma-buddhi, the
that all actions which depend upon the " kingdom of heaven " in which the
motives of expectation and fear are of
no value for the ultimate destiny of man Higher Self is centred and reigns
kind ; that the supreme function of supreme.
existence does not consist in the satis A King formed of particles of the
faction of self-interest, but in its voluntary Lords of the gods, he therefore surpasses
suppression ; and that herein first the all created beings in lustre. . . . Through
true divine reality of ourselves, through his supernal power he is Fire and Wind,
the individual self as through an outer he Sun and Moon, he the Lord of justice
husk, makes itself manifest." — DEUSSEN, (Yama), he Kubera, he Varuna, he great
Phil, of Vpanifhads, p. 47. Indra. Even an infant King must not
See BATTLE, CONFLICT, DURASROBO, be despised from an idea that he is a
mere mortal ; for he is a great Deity in
human form." — Laws oj Manu, VII. 5-8.
TER, TRANSMUTATION, VICTORY, WAR. The Higher Self comprises in his
KING :— nature all the higher qualities in
A symbol of a ruling quality in their highest manifestation ; he there
the soul , of higher or lower significance fore surpasses all created beings in
In the mind. glory. Through his forthgoing energy
The Gods engender, son, the kings he becomes Buddhi and Manas, the
it has deserved, to rule the race that lives Individuality and the Personality,
on Earth. The rulers are the emanations the Lord of Karma, the laid up
of the King, of whom the nearer to him
is more royal than the rest ; for that the Wealth of Evolution, the Substance
Sun, in that 'tis nearer than the Moon to of Truth, the Lord of Devotion.
God, is far more vast and potent, to When, in the course of evolution, the
whom the Moon comes second both in Higher Self is born small and weak
rank and power" (Hermetic Treatise,
" Virgin of the in the soul, he is not to be regarded
World)."— G. R. S. MEAD,
T. O. Hermes, Vol. III. p. 126. as one of the lower mortal qualities,
The ideals (gods) give rise to the for, indeed, he is the Divine Ruler
higher qualities, when the soul has incarnate in the human soul, the
become prepared to obey them, so indwelling God, the Christ in us.
" God is a truth to you. Your soul The higher nature is within the
is your true self. Christ, the spiritual soul, and its evolution cannot be
perfectness of manhood, the true Son of observed by the lower consciousness,
God, is really King of the world." —
PHILLIPS BROOKS, Serm., The Giant, etc. whose attention is directed outwardly.
" Ye ask who are those that draw us
OSIRIS, CITY OF GOD, EMPEROR, KA- to the Kingdom, if the Kingdom is in
Heaven ; the fowls of the air, and all
PILA, Osrais, PAMYLES, SUDDHODANA, the beasts that are under the earth or
WORLD. upon the earth, and the fishes of the
sea, these are they which draw you, and
KING OF GLORY :— the Kingdom of Heaven is within you"
A symbol of the Higher Self under (Saying of Jesus). — GRENFELL AND HUNT,
Oxy. Papy. IV. 6.
the aspect of returning Into the
Absolute. The qualities are said to progress
" Who is this King of glory ? The by means of the discipline of the
Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory." — lower nature, — through the aspira
Ps. xxiv. 10. tions (fowls), the passions and desires
The Self, the ruler of the mental (beasts), and the acquisition of know
qualities, withdraws into Himself at ledge or facts (fishes). The develop
the close of the cycle. ment is entirely from within towards
" Meanwhile the king for the sake of
manifesting without, and the stimulus
ensuring his son's (Buddha's) prosperity,
and stirred in heart by the destiny which to growth is largely due to the impacts
had been predicted for him, delighted from without which stir the mind
himself in perfect calm, ceased from all and emotions into persistent activity.
evil, practised all self-restraint, and " By the Kingdom of God the primitive
rewarded the good." — Buddha-Karita, Christians meant the undisputed reign
Bk. II. 33. of eternal love, whether in heaven or
Meanwhile the Logos, for the pur on earth, while by eternal life they
pose of securing the Soul, and having meant the living of that love in ita f ullness,
and the knowledge of the perfections of God
responded to its requirements,
Monad, which implies sharing them in their
also having brooded over the J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
wholeness." — R.
rested from Its labours, quitted the Reaping for Eternal Life.
" The kingdom of Christ is being made
realms of limitation, abode within
Itself, and tasted the joy of Its own on earth as it is also being made in
heaven ; it is not complete there any
being. more than here ; in fact, the only reason
See AUSTERITIES, BUDDHA, DIS why we have to try to build it here is
CIPLES (seated), GLORIFYING OF GOD, that our efforts may finally establish it
HOSTS (Lord of), SUDDHODANA. there. Iam not speaking of God'a
eternal perfection when I say this. To
KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, OR OF that unimaginable blessedness nothing
can be added ; it is the infinite fullness
upon which we draw for the realisation
A symbol of the higher planes of of the good which shall be eternally ours
consciousness whereon the Divine in Christ, and it needs nothing that we
nature rules supreme. It may also can bring to it. But our own heavenly
be used in reference to the abode of kingdom needs something, and seen and
unseen are co-operating in furnishing
bliss on the higher mental plane when
it." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Solidarity
the two consciousnesses become one. in Christ.
It is not Nirvana, but a state analogous " Virtue is the supreme good, the
to devachan. supreme beauty, the divinest of .God'a
" Blessed are the poor in spirit : for gifts, the health and harmonious
theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
— unfolding of the soul, and the germ of
MATT. v. 3. immortality. It is worth every sacrifice,
The Divine Will operates in the and has power to transmute sacrifices
and sufferings into crowns of glory and
qualities which have rid themselves rejoicing." — W. E. CHANNINO, Workt,
of the lower desires and followed Vol. I. p. 16.
their ideals of goodness and truth, See AMABAVATI, AMENT, BEASTS,
for they shall be transmuted to the BIRDS, BLISS, BLUE HEAVEN, BUDDHIC
higher planes and become in entire PLANE, CHILDREN OF KINGDOM, CON
harmony with the Divine nature. SCIOUSNESS, DEVACHAN, EDEN, FISH
"The kingdom of God Cometh not GARDEN, GARODMAN, GOSPEL or KING
with observation : ...
— LUKE xvii. 20, 21.
it is within you."
MALKHUTH, MEAT, MUSPELLHEIM, NIR The desire-mind prefers sensation
VANA, PABADISE, POOB, QUALITIES, and sense-objects, — which owe their
REAPING, SEKHET-HETEP, SERMON, seductiveness to the passivity of the
SICKLE. intuition (Chryseis) — to the higher
emotions. In no respect is the sense-
nature lacking whilst the lower mind
A symbol of the various directions remains in this un .spiritual condition,
In which the qualities of power, neither as regards its attractiveness,
ambition, pride, greed, vanity, have
appeal, subtlety, nor intelligence.
been applied in the lower life of the
soul. Notwithstanding, the intuition shall
See MOUNTAIN (lower), TEMPTATION, be recovered by the Higher Self. It
WORLD. were better for the desire -mind to
experience the languishing of the
KINGLY GLORY :— lower mental qualities than lose the
A symbol of the Monad, the Divine credit for having made the effort to
Ray of Light and Life from the surrender itself ; pride being at this
Absolute. time the motive in the lower self.
A symbol of the Divine Will ruling A symbol of moral strength, or
and organising the involution of submission to the law of order and
Spirit into matter. progress, by restraining the lower
See CIVILISING, GOVERNMENT, activities (lower limbs) and weakening
MINISTERS, CANNES, YAO. them by bending to the higher will
An emblem signifying the higher
mental plane. KNIFE :—
See BRIDGE (kin vat), DUSAKH, A symbol of the will to cut away
MAIDEN. either desires on the one hand, or
progressive growth on the other.
Symbolic of the formation of moral
habit. A symbol of the Christ- soul, or
indwelling Self, a wanderer and
KISHKINDHA, THE VANAR saviour in the lower nature, rescuing
CITY :— the higher emotions from captivity
A symbol of the mental centre in to the lower desires, and vanquishing
the mental -body. The centre of the oppressors of the virtues.
intelligence. See ANDROMEDA, PERSEUS.
Significant of aspiration. The
KITRA :— sending up vibrations from the lower
A symbol of the Divine Lawgiver, nature to the gate of the higher. —
or Word of God. MAT. vii. 7 ; REV. iii. 20.



A symbol of the seductive sensation- A symbol of the omniscient Higher
nature allied to the desire-mind. Self as the tiller and sower of the
" lower nature, in order that it should
Yea, I (Agamemnon) prefer her
bring forth fruit.
(Chryseia) before Klytaimnestra my " Know also that I
wedded wife ; in no wise is she lacking (Krishna) am the
beside her, neither in favour nor stature, Knower in every mortal body ; that
nor wit nor skill. Yet for all this will knowledge which through the soul ia
I give her back, if that is better ; rather a realisation of both the known and the
would I see my folk whole than perishing." knower ia alone esteemed by me as,
— Iliad, Bk. I, wisdom."— Bhagavad-Oita, Ch. XIII.
As the higher mind acquires power, See AMBAYAVIS, CAUSAL-BODY, GOS
BO the lower quality is transmuted PEL, INSPIRATION, JUDGMENT-DAY,
into buddhic quality, — knowledge in MYTHOLOGY, PAPYRUS, PEN, REVE
the lower mind is turned to wisdom, LATION, SASTRA, SCRIPTURES, UPANI-
and experience to love. SHAD, UH-HEKAU, VEDA, WORD or
A symbol of the Wisdom-centre
A symbol of the Higher Self,
supreme over the buddhic emotions
obscured from the lower nature.
KORAN,— THAT WHICH IS "Krishna, 'the dark god' — the most
FOR MORTALS TO READ popular of till the later deities of India.
This incarnation of Vishnu, at the end
(KARAA):— of the Dvapara or third age of the world,
A symbol of the " Word of God,"— as the eighth son of Vasu-deva and
the inner knowledge possessed by Devaki of the Lunar race, was for the
every soul, which will become read, destruction of Kansa the representative
or manifest, as the nature becomes of the principle of evil, corresponding to
Ravana in the previous incarnation." —
able and willing to understand.
" The Mohammedans absolutely deny MOK. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 334.
The " dark god " signifies the latency
the Koran was composed by their prophet
himself, or any other for him ; it being at first of the indwelling Self who pro
their general and orthodox belief that it ceeds from the Divine Archetype (Vasu-
is of divine original, nay that it is eternal deva) and Mother-matter (Devaki)
and uncreated, remaining, as some express in order to overcome the lower
it, in the very essence of God." — SALE'S
Koran, Prel. Dit., p. 46. principle or desire-nature (Kansa)
" God created under the Arsh in the human soul. The Archetypal
and of its light, a great Tablet ' in Man is perfected at the end of the
colour as a green beryl, and a great period of involution (third age). The
Pen ' in colour as an emerald, and filled " eighth son " indicates preparatory
with ink which was of white light. God
cried ' Write O Pen 1 whereupon it states of soul completed (seven) prior
moved over the Tablet and wrote thereon to the birth of the Self. The
" lunar
everything that should happen till the race
" refers to the growth of the
Last Day, and the Tablet was covered
over with the writing. And thereon was astral mechanism of the desires on
then inscribed the Divine original of the globes of the lunar chain.
the Glorious Koran (Sufi record). — GIBB,
Among the Pancar&tras Krishna was
Ottoman Poetry, Vol. I. p. 35. the supreme Atman ; his brother Balardma
Below the plane of atma (the Arsh) was the jiva, the individual soul ; his
or Wisdom plane, son, Pradyumna, represented the maruu
is the buddhic,
perceptive sense ; and Aniruddha his
whereon the Holy Spirit inspires the grandson, the ahamkdra, self-conscious
soul with Truth. The " Tablet " or ness. In like manner, the amours of
" preserved table " is the " table of Krishna and the shepherdesses become,
the heart
" (causal-body) on which is among the Vishnuites, the allegorical
expression of the relations of the soul
written by Divine expression (pen) with God."— A. BABTH, Rel. of India,
" law of Wisdom "
the (Pnov. iii. 1-5) p. 218.
expounding the Divine scheme of the The Higher Self (Krishna or Atman),
Soul's involution and evolution ; — the Individuality or Spiritual ego
its descent into captivity of the lower (Balarmaa or jiva), the lower Self
nature, its ascent and liberation ; (Pradyumna), and the Personality
with final union with God at the end (Aniruddha or the ahamkara), with its
of the cycle (the last Day). The sense of separateness and self-con
original of the Koran, or the Bible, scious feeling, constitute the leading
" shepherd
and other sacred books, is, therefore, aspects of the Soul. The
purely spiritual knowledge in the esses signify the higher emotions on
subjective possession of every soul, the buddhic plane, which harmonise
ready to become objective as the with, and surround, the central ideal
devout mind meditates freely on any of Love and Truth.
of the sacred writings. See ARC. MAN, AHJVXA, BAT.AHAMA,
BIRTH OP KRISHNA, Cow, DANCE From the Divine Life manifesting
(circle), DEVAKI, GOLDEN AUE, GOLOKA, (perspiring) there appeared the planes
GOPIS, INCARNATION, MOTHER (divine), of nature. The first was the highest, —
HAVANA, VlSHNU. the atmic plane, and this produced the
second, — the buddhic plane.
A symbol of Time, which implies DISE, THRONE.
limitation and number in successive
periods within the cycle of life. Time KURUS, THE HUNDRED SONS
and space are relative to manifesta OF DHRITA-RASHTRA :—
A symbol of the desires proceeding
from the lower instinct nature.
SATURN, SEB, TIME, URANUS, ZEUS. " The K ia us are represented as mean,
KSHATRIYA, OR MILITARY spiteful, dishonourable and vicious." —
MON. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 383.
A symbol of the mental body KARNA, MARA, PANDAVAS.
centralising the faculties of the lower
mind which contend against ignorance
and emotion.
" The A symbol of the Divine Ray, the
Kahatriya, he (Manu) com
manded to protect the people, to bestow Siit rat mn, or Tree of Life.
gifts, to offer sacrifices, to study the " The kushti consists of 72 fibres woven
Veda, and to abstain from attaching into twelve strands of 6 fibres each, the
himself to sensual pleasures." — Laws of 12 strands being further woven into
Manu, Ch. I. 89. 3 cords of 4 strands each. These 3
The lower mind was enjoined to cords, which are plaited together to form
the kushti, represent the three funda
co-operate with the qualities of the
mental principles of the Zoroastrian faith,
soul (the people) ; to add mentality good thoughts, good words, and good
to the desires ; to give up a lower deeds ; the other subdivisions having
form of thought for a higher ; to each in like manner a symbolical mean
purify itself by Truth, Wisdom, and ing." — E. G. BROWNE, A Year among
the Persians, p. 369.
Love ; and to shun attachment to Sir Monier Williams informs us
the sense-nature and its objects.
See CASTES, CLASSES, RAOANYA. " the girdle must then be coiled round
the body three times and fastened with
KSHETRA OR FIELD :— two particular knots (said to represent
See FIELD, KNOWER. the sun and moon), which none but a
Parsee can tie in a proper manner." —
KURSAYAH, A THRONE WITH Modern India, p. 96.
FOUR FEET AND SIX The two knots are the symbols of
STEPS :— the Higher Self (sun) and the lower
A symbol of the causal -body super self (moon) ; the first in the causal -
imposed upon the lower quaternary body, and the second in the mental
and approached through the duality
body, both being centres upon the
of the three lower planes.
Divine Ray from above.
The twelve strands represent human
KURSI, THE "FOOTSTOOL BELOW experience in the twelve divisions of
THE THRONE " :— the cycle of life, leading to soul-
A symbol of the buddhic plane below growth. The three cords made from
the plane of atma (Arsh). the strands of experience, symbolise
" After a while God looked again upon the law of growth upon the four lower
the Light, and from its perspiration He planes. The Divine law insists upon
created the corporeal world. The first the regulation of the life by the soul
thing that arose was the Arsh, the Throne
Beneath Arsh, and of its itself, which shows that there is no
of God.' the
light, God created another wondrous abstract, or vicarious, goodness to
thing, which is called the Kursi, and rely upon, and that apart from
may be conceived as the Footstool ' Thought, Speech, and Action, duly
below the
Throne ' " (Ottoman Sufi
— E. J. W. GIBB, Ottoman Poetry, regulated, there is no salvation for
Vol. I. p. 35. the soul. The 72 fibres relate to 72
potential and actual conditions of The " kingdom of heaven
" signi
experience on the physical, astral and fies the consummation of endeavour
mental planes. found in Wisdom and Love on the
See BABHIS, BARSOM, BIRTH (second) higher planes at the close of the cycle.
BREASTPLATE, BUCKLE, EPHOD, TAMA- The "Householder" is the First
GUSHI, WOOD, YAONOPAVITA. Logos, who goes forth under many
aspects and calls all the forms of hia
own life within His universe (vineyard)
to discharge their appointed tasks.
A symbol of the Higher Self equipped And when upon each plane of nature
with all Its powers and attributes,
the law of cause and effect had been
its faculties and possibilities, and
able to enrich the soul. set in operation, the soul-qualities were
See GANESA, NALA-KDVEBA, sent to undertake their business of
POVERTY, WEALTH. self-development in the chains of
worlds. This implies the descent of
KYAVANA, THE GREAT SEER :— the Divine life into the forms prepared
The " penny wage
A symbol of a forerunner of "
the for its reception.
Soul, through which the Divine is a symbol of the rate of pay, or gain
nature could not manifest. of faculty, for successful work, or
accomplished result. The " wage "
KYDOIMOS (UPROAR) :— is the lower equivalent of spiritual
A symbol of the lower, or astro- power. As money brings satisfaction
mental, emotions. to the lower nature, so spiritual
See HARPIES. power brings satisfaction to the
KYPRIS, QUEEN :— " Yea, and in the parable of the
A symbol of Wisdom, the buddhic labourers which were sent into the vine
ruler of evolution and the transmuter yard they (the Gnostics) say it is most
of the lower qualities. evident that those 30 .-Eons are indicated ;
" And thus then in that some are sent about the first
Kypris, when she hour, some about the third, others about
had moistened the earth with water,
the sixth, others about the ninth, and
breathed air on it, and gave it to swift
fire to be hardened." — Empedoclct, Bk. II. a further set about the eleventh. Now
215, FAIRBANKS. the aforesaid hours, being added together,
make up the number 30. For 1+3
And thus Wisdom, when she had And these hours,
+ 6 + 9 + 11=30.
inspired the lower nature with desire, they affirm, signify the .Kons. And
endowed it with intelligence which these, they add, are the great and wonder
was the means of its soaring towards ful and unutterable mysteries, the fruit
of which themselves only bear." —
spirit (fire), which enabled that which iRENvEUS, Against Herenes, Bk. I.
The " hours " represent stages
was to endure to proceed from it.
See AIR, BEES (libations), BLOOD
mental and emotional development
during periods (seons) of soul life.
The " third hour
" represents a period
OF :— of tamasic activity or stupidity of
A symbol of perfection of qualities the lower mind (kama-manas) in
arrived at on the buddhic plane. forms appropriate to that condition.
See CIRCE. The sixth and ninth periods correspond
to the stages of development of intellect
and intuition with the energy of rajaa.
A symbol of the qualities of the The eleventh period answers to the
Soul which have to work for their
stage of Wisdom-Love with sattva
development in the forms provided
for the purpose. energy. These advanced souls incar
" For the kingdom of heaven is like nate in forms highly developed.
unto a man that is a householder, which See jEoNS, GUNAS, HOUR, HOUSE
went out early in the morning to hire HOLDER, JUSTICE, MARKET-PLACE,
labourers into his vineyard. And when MONEY, MORNING, PLANETARY CHAIN,
he had agreed with the labourers for a VINEYARD,
penny a day, he sent them into his vine
yard." — MAT. xx. 1, 2. WAGES, WORK.
LAD ; BOY :— The last sentence refers to the
Symbol of a young or Immature ridding the soul of its enemies, the
mind, a recipient of knowledge desires.
through experience. " There existed a belief that Osiris
See BOY, YOUNG MAN. himself experienced some difficulty of
getting up to the iron plate, and that it
LADDER, JACOB'S :— was only by means of the ladder which
his father Ra provided that he at length
A symbol of the soul's path from
ascended into heaven. On one side of
the lower nature (earth) to the higher the ladder stood Ra, and on the other
nature The " angels "
(heaven). stood Horus, the son of Isis, and each
ascending are the aspirations, and god assisted Osiris to mount it. Origi
those descending are the Divine nally the two guardians of the ladder
responses to the soul. "Jacob" were Horus the Elder and Set." —
represents the natural man turning BUDGE, Egyptian Magic, p. 62.
to the Lord — the Ideal within. He The " iron plate " signifies the
" firmament," that is, the higher
sleeps upon a stone, that is, he relies
upon the Spirit within. mental plane, the
" floor of heaven "
" We, too, leave home, ami are sent between the higher and lower natures.
out alone to face the responsibilities of Osiris being the Archetypal Man —
life ; we are driven then, not seldom, by
the Spirit into the wilderness. the Spirit involved in matter, — has
climb our mountain ridge alone, and our to evolve from matter in the souls of
first days we often sleep on a stony humanity. Ra, the Supreme, stands
pillow. It is there, in our solitude, and here for organism and environment,
few solitudes are so deep ; in our grief, —
or natural law which promotes evolu
that God often speaks home to our hearts.
And often the very first impression
made is similar to that made on Jacob —
tion. Horus is said to hold out hia
" Two Fingers " wherewith to help
the comfort of feeling that heaven is Osiris ; these signify the love of good
near to earth. As the angels ascended
ness and truth which assists the God
and descended from God to him, and from
him to God, he knew that prayer might within to rise. Horus the actual, who
ascend from him to God, blessings descend attracts upward by love, assists Osiris
on him from God. Guilty and a deceiver, the potential to manifest in the soul.
goodness and truth might yet be his.
Ra, stern nature, stands on one side
He might begin a new and higher life,
for a new home had been opened to him below, and, as it were, pushes up the
in which God dwelt. And when he felt feeble Osiris by the varied experiences
a union between him and heaven, a tide of life. On the other side above
of new possibilities flowed in upon his
soul. . . . We know that Christ has stands Horus (Christ), the radiant
united heaven and earth, that all that child of Love (Osiris) and Wisdom
is of heaven in us — our aspiration, faith, (Isis), born in the soul ; he puts forth
love of truth and of love —can ascend his
" two fingers " of
blessing, and
like angola in the power of the Son of
man, to find their source in God, and in so enables the soul to mount.
" The Christ above stoops and lays
Him realise and perfect themselves." —
STOPFORD A. BROOKE, Serm., Jacob' a hold of the Christ within ; nothing can
Dream. keep the two apart, for they are really
HEAVEN, one." — Serm., Oct. 14, 1908.
See ANGELS, EABTH, " Evil will not last for ever ; it is the
JACOB, PADDLES, PILLOW or STONE, cross whereby we mount the throne of
STONE, WIFE. divine glory." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
Jan. 9, 1908.
LADDER FROM EARTH TO The " ladder " is sometimes called
HEAVEN :— " the ladder of Set." " Set " stands
A symbol of the upward path of for Desire, or the principle of evil,
the soul, in stages or steps of and it is by surmounting evil that we
progress. It represents the evolution
attain to goodness.
of the higher qualities, and the " The mystic makes it his life's aim
gradual manifestation of the God to be transformed into the likeness of
within the soul. Him in whose image he was created. He
" Homage to thee O ladder of the God, loves to figure his path as a ladder reaching
homage to thee, O ladder of Set. Set from earth to heaven, which must be
thyself up, O ladder of Horus, whereby climbed step by step. This scala perjec-
Osiris appeared in heaven when he tionii is generally divided into three
wrought protection for R& (Papyrus.) — stages. The first is called the purgative
BUDOK, Book of the Dead, p. Ixxiii. life, the second the illuminative, while
the third, which is really the goal rather The " leaning of the ladder against
than a part of the journey, is called the the
" com
post signifies the soul's
unitive life." — W. R. INGE, Christian
Mysticism, p. 9. mencement of the upward path by
From ignorance and suffering, to aspiration and reliance upon the Divine
knowledge and wisdom, culminating Light and Life from above (post).
in union with the Divine. The soul may ascend either from the
" The story of Buddha's descent emotions by means of the rule of the
from heaven by help of golden steps is mind, or from the mind by means
commonly believed both in Ceylon and of the stirring of the emotions ; but
Burma to the present day. ... I was really, progress is through the trans
greatly pleased by discovering in the
Indian Section of the South Kensington mutation of the emotions, the mind
Museum a small bronze model of the being in itself static and unchangeable.
triple ladder. ... It will ba observed The " wheat top piece " signifies the
" bread of heaven,"
that an image of the Buddha is repre goodness and
sented above the ladder, as if seated in
Indra's heaven, and as if engaged in the
truth, the attainment of which renders
act of teaching there ; while the earth the duality of mind and emotion
is typically represented below in the immortal on the buddhic plane —
shape of a square platform, with four the world of the ideals (gods). The
small Buddhist temples, one at each
of the four quarters of the compass." — soul, having triumphed over the lower
MON. WILLIAMS, Buddhism, pp. 416-8. nature and become possessed of the
The four lower planes (earth) are heavenly results of its experience in
square platform
" the worlds below, now identifies itself
symbolised by the
" " with the higher qualities.
with temples at the four quarters ;
" The man who ' rises," who ' makes
corresponding with the Egyptian '
his pile,' who succeeds,' goes up the
symbol of the square iron plate ladder of wealth, the rungs of which are
supported by four columns at the four vanity and applause, mistaking it for
cardinal points. The Higher Self the ladder of life, the rungs of which are
is seated on the planes service, sacrifice and resolution." — A.
(Buddha) PONSONBY, Camel and Needle's Eye, p. 18.
above, from which he descends, as it
were, to be the true teacher and ruler CEILING, CHILDREN OF HORUS, EXPERI
of the lower nature (earth). The
" triple ladder " signifies the higher ENCES, FINGERS (two), FIRMAMENT,
planes, — atma-buddhi-manas. (speech), OSIRIS, PRAYER, QUARTERS,
" ' Hereafter ye shall see heaven open,
and the angels of God ascending and QUATERNARY, RA, SET, STAIRCASE,
descending upon the Son of Man.' (JOHN STAKE, STEPS.
i. 51.) Christ is the ladder between our LADY OF THE TWO EARTHS :—
earthliness and the heavenly Father's
love, and that ladder is set up in every A symbol of the buddhic emotion-
believing soul. . . . The messengers of nature possessed by the buddhic
God here spoken of are not only the consciousness (earth) which rises
spiritual illumination, help and comfort from the lower consciousness (earth) ;
that stream down to us in Christ from our or the higher emotion-nature become
Father's compassionate heart, they are
manifest through evolution below
the holy aspirations that ascend from our
and fruition above.
souls by the same means to call the
blessing down."- — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., See BUDDHI, EARTH (great), GOD
The Christ Jjftdder. DESS, GOING IN, MAST, MOTHER,
" He then leans a ladder against the
(sacrificial) post. He may ascend either
from the south northwards, or from the LAKE OF WATER :—
north southwards ; but let him rather Significant of limitation of Truth.
ascend from the south northwards " Still the
Fish grew, till the lake,
(udak), for thus it goes upwards (udak). though three leagues long, could not
. . . He then rises by the measure of
contain him." — Deluge Story in the
his head over the post (with wheat top
' Maha-Bharata.
piece), with, We (i.e. sacrificer and wife)
have become immortal !
whereby he But even so, the Self expanded in
wins the world of the gods. . . . Having its functioning, and though the " lake
appropriated to himself the glory, the was three leagues long," signifying
power, nnd the strength of the All, he three aspects of the Self, the Self
now lays them within himself, makes
them his own."— Sata. Brdh., V. 2, 1, 9-15. was not contained thereby.
" In papyri wherein the vignettes INDIVIDUALITY, KABANDHA,
are not very elaborate, Osiris stands or PILLARS, RAMA, RIVER or LIFE,
sits in his shrine alone, but in fully
illustrated papyri he is accompanied SITA.
by I sis and Nephthys, and by the four
children of Horns, who stand on a lotus
flower. The stem of this flower springs A symbol of the buddhic principle
from out of the waters of a lake, whereon —Wisdom, allied with the Higher
the throne of Osiris is placed ; this lake Self, or At man (Rama). Buddhl
was fed by the celestial Nile, or by one
directs the evolution of the soul.
of its branches, and was the source whence
the beatified, as well as the gods, drank. See BUDDHI, CHURNING, CLOUDS,
This scene is of considerable interest CONCH, DBAUPADI, FURROWS, POOLS,
from the point of view of comparative RAMA, SITA.
mythology, for many Semitic writers
held the opinion that the throne of the LAMB :—
deity was placed, or rested upon, a stream
of water, or a river. Even in the Book A world -symbol of sacrifice : —
of Revelation we have a reference to a born in order to die for human
' advantage.
pure river of water, clear as crystal,
proceeding out of the throne of God
' " The symbol for lamb in Chinese is
(see Ch. xxii 1)." — BUDGE, Book oj composed of sheep and fire, that is, a
the Dead, p. 34. sheep on the fire, as though the peculiar
The Higher Self (Osiris) operates appropriation and destiny of lambs were
in the soul through the buddhio for sacrificial offerings through fire : an
idea not incongruous with the statement
• I sis)
and physical (Nephthys) natures,
of Confucius, that a lamb constituted
and growth is effected by experience an ancient sacrifice of very great impor
in the buddhic, mental, astral, and tance." — S. KIDD, China, p. 182.
" In Thebes the reverence for the ram
physical human bodies (four children),
in which the god Amen was supposed
which are nourished by the Divine to be incarnate was extended in a modi
life (Nile) from the fount of Truth. fied form to all rams, and they were held
The higher causal -body (throne), the exempt from slaughter, for since the
seat of the Self, reposes on eternal god had vouchsafed to clothe himself
in this form its destruction was a crime ;
Truth (water). in other Egyptian cities the animal was
See CABIN, CHILDREN or HORUS, slaughtered for food without scruple." —
DELUGE, FISH (great), Isis, LOTUS, A. WIEDEHANN, Rel. of Anc. Egyptian*,
A symbol of the higher mind or
the Individuality. LAMB OF GOD :—
" On the banks of the Godavari, A symbol of the Divine Sacrifice.
Lakshmana, who has to do all the hard, The Logos having been emanated
work of the party, built them (Rama from the Absolute limits his nature
Sita, and himself) a spacious hut of In the act of manifestation through
clay, leaves, and bamboos, propped with forms of matter.
pillars and furnished with a fine level "
floor, and there they lived happily near And all that dwell on the earth shall
the rushing river." — J. C. OMAN, Great worship him (the beast), every one whose
Indian Epicg, p. 44. name hath not been written in the book
In intimate relation with the out of life of the Lamb that hath been slain
from the foundation of the world." —
pouring of the Divine Life, the Indi REV. xiii. 8.
viduality (buddhi-manas) formed a And all the lower qualities shall
causal -body on the higher mental serve the desire -mind ; every quality
plane, which should be the seat of whose differentiation is not of the
the Higher nature in the soul. The higher order and an expression of
causal -body is potentially perfect in the Life of the Divine nature which
all its parts, enthroned above the sacrifices itself at the emanation of
lower quaternary (four pillars), and the universe, shall be ruled by the
having the higher mind, or firma lower principle (beast) for a period.
ment," as its base. " On looking into the boat of the Sun-
See CAUSAL-BODY, FIRMAMENT, god we see that this deity has transformed
himself, and that he no longer appears cross. It must be as true of God as it is
as a fiery disk, but as a Ram-headed true of you that the cross is the condition
man, who stands within a shrine ; in of highest self-realisation ; the cross ia
other words Ra has taken the form of eternally in the heart of the Father or he
Osiris in order that he may pass success could be neither love nor joy, nor would
fully through the kingdom of the dead, his holiness have meaning and power.
whose lord and god is Osiris. The name . . . What one dimly perceives is that
given to this form is Af, or Afu, which God cannot help himself in this matter ;
means literally ' flesh,' and a dead it is written deep in the nature of things ;
body ' ; it was as a dead body that it has to be ; omnipotence cannot alter
Osiris first entered the Tuat, and those it. ' The lamb slain from the founda
who wished to become what he became tion of the world * is no figure of speech
subsequently, had to enter the Tuat as but the very heart of all reality. The
dead bodies and with the attributes revealing of the glory of God carries with
wherewith he entered it." — BUDOB, Egyyt. it a cosmic calvary in which we, his
Heaven and Hell, Vol. III. p. 106. children, are individually called to share.
This refers to the Logos (Ra) entering This is as truly the nature of things in
their highest computation as] it is true
the life -cycle (Tuat) in the world - of the simplest modes in which beauty
soul (boat). The symbolical imagery and truth express themselves in our
of the Ram's head signifies that the experience. It is an unspeakable relief
Logos thereby sacrifices himself (as to me to think this. It is the august
law which governs life on all planes till it
the Lamb) and becomes hidden in reaches perfect fulfilment and satiety
matter, and as it were dead. The in the vast infinitude of its eternal
God cabined within the shrine of the home." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Swelling
human heart is the Incarnate Deity of Jordan.
(Afu, flesh) crucified in matter, as all See AFT- HA. ABO. MAN, BEA8T,
souls are crucified. For all souls, BLOOD OF LAMB, BOAT, BONDAGE,
or sparks of the Divine, who wished BOOK, CABIN, CBOSS, CRUCIFIXION,
to become what He became subse
quently (when He rose triumphant
from the dead), had also to enter LINEN GARMENT, MAN (lower), MAN
the lower nature as dead in Osiris (natural), MARRIAGE OF LAMB, NAME,
(Christ) and with the qualities and
potencies wherewith He entered it.
" For if we have become united with TTPHYS, TUAT, VISVAKARMAN, WASHED
him by the likeness of his death, we shall (blood).
be also by the likeness of his resurrection ;
knowing this, that our old man was LAMBS, SAVOUR OF :—
crucified with him, that the body of sin A symbol of the contribution of
might be done away, that so we should the lower self in the thought of loving
no longer be in bondage to sin ; for he service and sacrifice.
that hath died is justified from sin. But
if we died with Christ, we believe that we See ABEL, ALTAR OF SACRIFICE,
shall also live with hm." — ROM. vi. 5-8. SAVOUR.
It is through the Divine Life (the LAMENESS OF THE GOD :—
slain Lamb) within the soul that the
" body of sin," — the desire-nature, — The Divine nature ia limited by
the forms in which it can only partially
is gradually dissipated, (washed away
manifest ; and so becomes but the
by the " blood of the Lamb "), and expression of an aspect of Truth.
the soul freed from bondage to matter. It is, therefore, incomplete (lame)
" Looking back upon history, or down
In its progressive capacity.
upon the brute creation, or into the See HARPOCRATES, HEPHAISTOS.
individual human heart to-day, it is
impossible to avoid a feeling of horror LAMECH, OF
at the tragedy of it all. It is the passion
of God on the cross of the world ; it is SHAEL :—
Deity being slain on the altar of time to A symbol of reflection proceeding
rise in power in the solemn splendour from endurance.
of the eternal morning." — R. J. CAMP See ADAH, PATRIARCHS, ZILLAII,
BELL, Serm., God's Uses of Time.
" The universe is fundamentally LAMP AND OIL :—
spiritual ; being what we are we can
come to no other conclusion ; but in Symbolic of the causal-body as
that very fact there lies a stem and the receptacle of Wisdom replenished
dreadful necessity, the necessity for the by Love, — the substance wherewith
the Spirit feeds the soul and fills It most irrigation and good drainage." —
with the light of Truth. Vendidad, III,
S. B of E.
" Wisdom is the lamp of love, and Thebuddhic plane whereon are
" fruit of the Spirit "
love is the oil of the lamp." — MAETER- reaped the
LINCK, Wisdom and Destiny, § 31. which are the higher faculties of
" Exercise yourselves to find the way
Wisdom and Love. These products of
of salvation, and dispel with the lamp
of wisdom the darkness of ignorance," — goodness and knowledge are the trans
Lalita-vistdra. muted produce of experience and the
" The knowledge of God is a good
disciplining of the qualities by Truth
material ; Qod will accept a lamp made
out of it. Make good deeds thy wheel, (water).
and mould thy lamp on it ; it will accom See CORN, EXPERIENCE, FIELD,
pany thee in this world and the next. FRUIT, IRRIGATION, KARMA, KNOWEB
When God looketh on him with an eye OF FIELD, SEKHET-HETEP, TRANSMU
of favour, some rare pious man knoweth TATION, VAISYA.
how to make this lamp. This lamp shall
be permananent in his heart, and shall
not be extinguished when he dieth " LAND, DRY :—
(Guru Nanak). — MACAULIFFE, The Sikh
Religion, Vol. I. p. 349. A symbol of the lower quaternary,
" For, indeed, all men are lamps, since — the lower planes of the soul, or
they can be both lighted and extinguished. "natural man."
Moreover, when the lamps are wise, they " And
God called the dry land Earth :
shine and glow with the Spirit ; yet also, and the gathering together of the waters
if they did burn and are put out, they called he Seas : and God saw that it was
even stink. The servants of God remain good." — GEN. i. 10.
good lamps by the oil of His mercy, not And the " dry land " is named
by their own strength. The free grace " Earth," which
of God, truly, is the oil of the lamps. term also stands for
For have laboured more than they all,' the lower nature of the Soul, which
saith a certain ' lamp ' ; and lest he should is the natural man ; and the " gather
seem to burn by his own strength, he
ing together of the waters
" signifies
added, ' But not I, but the grace of God " sea "
that was with me' (1 COB. xv. 10}." — the formation of the astral
AUGUSTINE, Qospel of John, Vol. I. p. 328. of the desires. And all is pronounced
" Throughout the Old Testament the " good," that is, perfect in involution
soft gracious influences of God's Spirit for purposes of forthcoming evolution.
are symbolised by oil, with which there " These knowledges are the ' waters
fore prophets, priests, and kings were
designated to their office. Thus the lamp gathered together into one place,' and
' '
too must be fed, the soul which is to give are called seas ; but the external man
forth the light of Christ must Erst of all is called dry land,' and presently
have been kindled by Him, and then must
earth.' " — SWEDENBOBO, Arc. Cel. to
Gen. i. 10.
constantly be supplied with the grace
and gift of His Divine Spirit. What See EARTH, GROUND, MAN (natural),
became of those who had lamps without QUATERNARY, SEA, WATER.
oil T Their lamps had gone out, and their
end was darkness. Oh! let us beware lest
by any sloth and sin, we choke the golden LANDMARKS :—
pipes through which there steals into our A symbol of the marks or stages
tiny lamps the soft flow of that Divine in the development of the natural
oil which alone can keep up the flame.
The wick, untrimmed and unfed, may man, that is, the successive Incarna
bum for a little while, but it soon chars, tions by means of which the soul
and smokes, and goes out at last in foul garners its harvest on the higher
savour offensive to God and man." — planes.
A. M AC i. MIL-.N, Sermons, 2nd Seriet, p. 163. " Thou shalt not remove thy neigh
See CANDLE, CANDLESTICK, DARK bour's landmark, which they of old time
NESS, FXBE, FLAME, GOLD, GRACE, have set in their inheritance, which thou
HEART, LIGHT, LOST PIECE, LOVE, shalt inherit in the land that the Lord
thy God giveth thee to possess it."—
LAND :— This refers to the growth of kindred
qualities, which must be effected in
A symbol of the arena of life and
experience on the different planes of due relation to each other and not
manifestation . at others' expense.
" Land wherein are cultivated most See GOLD (spot), JUDGING, NEIGH
corn, grass and fruit, and where there is BOUR.
LANGUAGE :— forth the Self in the souls of mankind,
A symbol of the recognition of to save and illuminate them.
sameness and the perception of See APOLLO, BUDDHI, DELOS, DIOS
difference. CURI, MOTHER.
" And the
whole earth was of one
language and of one speech." — GEN. xi. 1. LAUGHTER OF THE GODS :—
And at this early period, the entire Symbolic' of the Highest Ideals
lower nut un- of the soul was in a becoming vivified and fully realised
homogeneous condition. in the progressed soul.
1 Therefore was the name of it called " Then Hephaistos poured wine to
Babel ; because the Lord did there con all the other Gods from right to left,
found the language of all the earth." — ladling the sweet nectar from the bowl.
GEN. xi. 9. And laughter unquenchable arose amid
This " city " or centre of conscious the blessed Gods to see Hepbaistos
ness is known as " Babel," — that bustling through the palace." — Iliad,
is, perception of difference between Bk. I.
Then the Creative Mind offered
its activities forthflowing as loving
service to its Ideals. And the Higher
LANKA :— Ideals (Gods) became animated, i.e.
A symbol of the astro-mental or were realised, as the Creative Mind
kama-manaslc plane, the plane of progressed upon its higher path within
the desires (Rakshasas) and the the buddhic causal-body (the palace).
desire-mental principle (Havana). In the Japanese legend of the
This is the arena on which the battle Sun-goddess ; when
" Usume " the
of life takes place, wherein the symbol of wisdom evolving (dancing)
incarnate Self (Rama) overcomes the
lower principle (Ravana) and the host in the soul, discards at the end of the
of desires. cycle, her garments (lower -mental),
See HANUMAN, RAKSHASAS, RAMA, it is said, — " With the laughter of
RAVANA, SITA, VANAB, VIBHISHANA. the Gods the Heavens shook." That
is ; with the animation of the Ideals
LAO-KEUN-TZE, THE FOUNDER the higher planes vibrated. It is
OF TAOISM :— only when the lower nature is out
A symbol of the First Logos, or the grown at the time of resurrection and
Absolute. liberation that the Gods laugh.
Lao-keun-tze is described as the See AMATERASU, GODS, HEFHAISTOS,
Great Supreme, threefold Source, con NAKEDNESS, NECTAR, PALACE,
sisting of three personages." —Chinese
Mythology, KIDD, China.
The Logos, — the One without a LAUREL LEAVES :—
Second. This manifests in three A symbol of those visionary and
aspects, — the Self, the Soul as will- deadening emotions which beget an
intellect, and the Personality, desire- unreal and confused view of life.
TAE-KEIH, TAO, TRIAD. The law of the manifesting Self is
that through the phenomenal or
LATONA OR LETO, MOTHER OF outward activity there Is displayed
APOLLO :— gradually by evolution the spiritual
A symbol of Wisdom, or the or Inward activity.
buddhlc emotion-nature which gives " The thirsty world of
living beings
birth to the Self within the soul. will drink the flowing stream of hia Law,
" Leto would therefore her bursting forth with the water of wisdom
(from name)
signify ' the obscure ' or ' concealed,' enclosed by the banks of strong moral
not as a physical power, but as a divinity rules, delightfully cool with contempla
yet quiescent and invisible, from whom tion, and filled with religious vows aa
issued the visible divinity (Apollo) with with ruddy geese." — Buddha- Karita,
all his splendour and brilliancy." — Bk. I. 76, S. B. of E.
Smith's Class. Diet. The illusory or phenomenal exist
Unperceived by the lower nature, ence, with its cravings for expression of
the buddhic nature (Leto) brings that which is within it, is, as it were,
the means whereby the Self -nature subjection to karma. The moral law
is realised. Through the phenomenal is the forerunner of the spiritual law
is displayed in various aspects that of Love.
which is within the Self, and this is
spoken of as the Law, since the
finite-conditioned is but the symbol (off), TESTAMENT.
and evidence of the infinite-uncon LAW OF REVENGE, ANGER, AND
ditioned. Through all the planes of FOLLY :—
its manifestation proceed the Truth - The natural working of the inverted
Wisdom (water of wisdom) aspects reflections of Truth, Love, and
of the Self. On the planes of nature Wisdom.
(the banks) the laws of the Self are See EVIL, GUILTY PERSONS, MURDER,
operative, and these are the means OPPOSITES.
of revealing that which is above the LAW OF ZOROASTER :—
" Law and the Prophets," or duty
The Divine Law of the growth of
and obedience. Under the rule of the Soul from a condition of illusion
Love there is cessation from trouble, to a state of pure Truth.
strife, or emotional stress, while " Ahriman and his daevas surround
aspirations (religious vows) yield such fallen man night and day, and seek to
results as are capable of directing the mislead him, in order to increase thereby
the power of darkness. He would not
evolution of the Self. be able to resist these temptations to
" No commandment is right and good
which his first parents had already
merely because God wills it and has the yielded, had not Ormazd taken pity on
power to enforce it ; God wills it because him, and sent him a revelation of his
it is right and good, and it is right and will in the Law of Zoroaster. If he obeys
good because it marks the way by which these precepts he is safe from the daevas,
the soul achieves itself." — R. J. CAMP- and under the immediate protection of
BELT., Serin., Who Compels f
" The law of the Lord is perfect, Ormazd. The substance of the law is
the command, Think purely. Speak
restoring the soul. The testimony of the purely, Act purely.' All that comes
Lord is sure, making wise the simple." — from Ormazd is pure, all from Ahriman
Ps. xix. 7. impure." — Zoroastrian System.
The law of the Self in the soul As a spark of the Divine Self, the
is to manifest its potential perfection, soul should know God. But the astral
by restoring the actual imperfection and physical consciousness limits the
to the perfection which completeness soul and prevents its attaining illu
of evolution will give. The revelation mination. And so it is that the power
of the Divine within brings wisdom of illusion is created, and further and
to the attentive mind. further is the soul led away from the
See EVOLUTION, INVOLUTION, PHE truth. Nor would it be possible for
NOMENA, SIDES, STREAM, THIRST, the soul unassisted to rise from these
THTBSTY, WATER, WORLD (thirsty). planes of consciousness unless there had
LAW OF MAZDA :— been another forthpouring of the life
The law of Divine Love, — the attrac of the Logos. This spiritual energy
tion to the Highest. from above is spoken of as the " Law
" The will of God, which is the law of Zoroaster
" which simply means
of holiness, is the deepest and inmost the Divine Law of the Soul's growth.
thing of all this world. And the ultimate Obedience to the requirements of
question of every human life is whether the Higher Life, places the soul
he is at Peace with God. Peace is the
being rightly and harmoniously related beyond the illusoriness of the lower
with that with which we have to do." — planes, for the soul may then dwell
PHILLIPS BROOKS, Serm., Peace in under the shadow of the Eternal and
Believing. need fear no ill. The Divine Law
See KARSHIPTA, SURAS. insists upon the regulation of the life
LAW OF MOSES :— upon the lower planes by the soul
The moral law arising through itself, which shows that there is no
experience, and the perception of abstract goodness to rely upon, and
superior and inferior action in relation that apart from personal Thought,
to social well-being. This implies Speech, and Action, there is no salva
tion for the soul. The soul's safety See AinuMAs, AHUHA-MAZDA,
consists in its transferring the impetus An r HA RELIGION, DAEVAS, DARKNESS,
given to its life from Above, to the DEVAYANA, EARTH, EVOLUTION, FALL,
lower planes whereon it functions, GOD, GOSPEL, HEART, IGNORANCE,
and so overcoming ignorance and evil. ILLUSION, MAIDEN, MAN (righteous),
The will and the thought regulate PAURVAS, REDEMPTION, RELIGION,
the lower life, and unless the higher REVELATION, SALVATION, SONG, SOCL,
impulses are translated into terms ZOROASTEB.
of individual volition and ideation
they remain inoperative. God becomes
God to man only in so far as man A symbol of the higher or Love-
and Wisdom -nature which has it*
becomes God : in other words, as
seat in the causal-body (ark).
the human will becomes God-like, so
humanity becomes indistinguishable
" My Me is God." — St. Catherine
of A symbol of the Spirit actively
" Not from nature, only from man, contacting the mind ; or the spiritual
from the social process (which Professor mind (priest) influencing the lower
Huxley opposed to the cosmic) can we mind (man).
discern the Law by which man may " The offering represents Christ's body,
elect to live. In the human and ethical and the laying on of hands the identity
sentiment which lies in our own heart of the offering and the offerer." — A.
alone, can it be we obtain a glimpse of JUKES, The Law of the Offerings, p. 41.
the higher order which we identify with See ANOINTING, HAIR, HAND, HEAD,
which if Man, p. 118. MAN (lower), PRIEST.
" You begin to try to do right. And
then it is, in the pursuance of that effort,
that there become gradually impressed A symbol of the causal -body on the
upon your intelligence certain things higher mental plane.
which had found no recognition there " The name of Lazarus suggests symbol
before. The spiritual nature of the world ;
that all this mass of things and events ism ; another form of it is Eliezar, who
is fitted for and naturally struggles is in Philo (I. 481) the type of a being
towards the education of character ;— liable to dissolution and (indeed) a
the spiritual nature of man ; the truth corpse,' but held together and kindled
that man is fully satisfied only with into life by the Providence of God.' " —
character, and with an endless chance E. A. ADENEY, in Enc. Biblica.
" Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus,
for that character to grow ;— and God ;
the existence, behind all standards and of Bethany, of the village of Mary and
laws, of righteousness, of a perfectly her sister Martha." — JOHN xi. 1.
righteous One, from Whom they all Now at a particular period of
proceed, and by Whom those who try evolution, a certain high mental
to follow them are both judged and organic part of the soul was in a
helped." — PHILLIPS BKOOKS, Serm., Eye
condition of depressed vitality ; this
of the Soul.
"It is the sanctified soul that can was the causal-body which existed
read the secrets of God, and not those in the inner soul, — or Abode of the
which are wise only with the wisdom Lord, — wherein the purified emotions
that is of this world. If you want to
and the higher demonstrative emotions
get behind the mystery of life, to find
out what is the last word of creation, to dwelt.
learn the nature of the Creator and the
" So they took away the stone. And
life that is from everlasting to everlasting, Jesus lifted up his eyes, etc. . . . And
you must seek it through goodness, and when he had thus spoken, he cried with
not through mere cleverness. It is the a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth." —
pure in heart who see God, and, one JOHN xi. 41, 43.
might add, it is those who have been The taking away of the stone
conformed to the likeness of Christ who corresponds to removing a mass of
can sing the song of Moses and the Lamb.
. . . Heaven utters itself in the heart. encumbrance of errors and desires
This is what it means to say, that those which is calculated to arrest the pro
who are redeemed from the earth learn gress of the soul in the required
the song which is being sung by the direction. To the prayer of the
glorified ones around the throne of God."
— R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Song of Christ-soul, there was granted an
the Redeemed, accession of power from Above. Then
followed the re-awakenment of the double and the astral body. The
causal -body ; " bound with grave- "
beggar Lazarus
" is the
causal -body
clothes," that is, fettered by the laid at the entrance to the earthly life.
limiting tendencies which have had He is one who begs for the fruits of
the effort of causing its " death " incarnation, and is starved in regard to
and " burial," — the sleep of the the opportunities which the rich soul
intuition which is a function of the has in abundance. The "sores" signify
causal-body. conditions which on the physical side
" 'That mass placed on the sepulchre mean pain and suffering, but which
(of Lazarus) is the force of evil custom inwardly correspond to spiritual
with which the soul is weighed down, growth. The desire to be fed is the
nor permitted to rise up nor breathe '
( AvcirsTiNE, Serm. 44 on St. John). eager wish to receive from the lower
. . . St. Augustine says, Lazarus going nature the things which the " rich
forth from the sepulchre is the soul man " could bestow if he would deny
drawing back from carnal vices, but himself.
bound, that is, not yet freed from pains " The ' rich man ' is an invisible
and troubles of the flesh, while it dwells being,
in the body ; the ' face is covered with and so is the ' poor man ' ; these two
a napkin,' for we cannot have full under spirits have been in man all through time.
standing of things in this life ; but it Lazarus ' was presented to the will of
is said, ' Loose him,' for after this life the rich man ' ; for the will is the gate
the veilings are taken away, that we may at which alone the Lord can enter, begging
see face to face." — C. A LAPIDE, The for the ' rich man ' to bend his thoughts
Great Comm., Vol. II. pp. 405, 406. towards him, etc." — JOHN WARD, Zion's
" And hence to dead Lazarus, Works, Vol. VII. p. 16.
who was " A
kept down by a great weight, it is not Kshatriya cannot thrive without
' a Brahman, nor a Brahman without a
said, Be thou restored to life,' but,

Come forth,' by which same rising again, Kshatriya. The Brahman and the
which was carried on in the body of that Kshatriya when associated together
man, it is signified in what way we our prosper in this world and the next." —
selves rise again in the heart (from being Laws of Manu, IX. 322.
dead in sin "). — ST. GREGORY, Moral* A personality (Kshatriya) cannot
on the Book of Job, Vol. II. p. 573. thrive without an individuality (Brah
" The Lord cried out at the sepulchre
man), nor an individuality in the
of Lazarus, and he that was four days
dead arose. He who stank in the grave causal-body without a personality.
came forth into the air. He was buried,
" The first thing that any true man
a stone was laid over him : the voice ought to settle with himself when con
of the Saviour burst asunder the hardness fronted with an occasion for sacrifice is
of the stone ; and thy heart is so hard, what it is he really has to give. It must
that that Divine Voice does not break it ! be his best that he offers to the Highest,
!'.*.> in thy heart ; go forth from thy not his second best. In fact, sacrifice
tomb. For thou wast lying dead in thy rightly understood involves this all the
heart as in a tomb, and pressed down by way along. You have to sacrifice your
the weight of evil habit as by a stone. self in order to form yourself, or else
Rise and go forth." — AUGUSTINE, Gospel yours is a poor lean soul." — R. J. CAMP
of "John, Vol. I. p. 319. BELL, Senn., The Higher Sacrifice.
And he that was dead came forth " Dives " offered crumbs, not his
bound with bandages, feet and hands.' best, so " Lazarus " was left " a poo*
This was symbolical of that man who had
been bound in sins." — IREN^EUS, Against lean soul."
Heresies, Book V. 13.
" Only those miracles, however, which
" Now there was a certain rich man, are referable to the spiritual plane have
and he was clothed in purple and fine significance and value for the Soul.
linen, faring sumptuously every day ; Hence for it the raising from the ilmn I , -
and a certain beggar named Lazarus was as of Lazarus, — implies resurrection from
laid at his gate, full of sores, and desiring the condition of spiritual deadness ; the
to be fed with the crumbs that fell from giving of sight implies the opening of
the rich man's table." — LUKE xvi. 19. the spiritual vision ; and the feeding of
the hungry multitude implies the satis
The " rich man " is the lower self, faction of man's craving for spiritual
or personality, which is satisfied with nourishment." — The Perfect Way, p. 229.
the things of the world and the See BETHANY, BRAHMAN, CAUSAL-
pleasures of sense. The
purple and fine linen are figurative, ING, FETTERS, FOOD, GATE, HADES,
and refer to the lower emotions and to HEALING (dead), HEART, INCARNA
the vehicles of the ego, i.e. the etheric TION, INTUITION, KSHATRIYA, MAN
RICH MAN, ROCK SEPULCHRE, SAHU, A symbol of true ideas, or known
(lower), SI-OSIBI, facts.
SONS OF GOD, SORES, TOMB. " And the leaves of the tree (of life)
were for the healing of the nations." —
A symbol of the spiritual life The acquirement of true ideas
permeating the lower nature. perfects the qualities.
" The kingdom of heaven is like unto " Christ's Eye pierces through the
leaven, which a woman took, and hid in thick leaves of our secret thoughts." —
three measures of meal, till it was all WORDSWORTH, Bible, John, p. 276.
leavened." — MAT. xiii. 33. The reason why leaves signify
The Christ here alludes to the rational truths is because by a tree is
" Woman," or purified lower nature, signified man." — SWEDENBOBO, Apoe.
Rev., n. 936.
conceiving the Christ-soul through See HEALING, MULTITUDES, TREE,
which the lower triad of bodies, — TREE OF LIFE.
mental, astral, and physical, — is puri
fied and becomes one with, or dis LEES ; DREGS :—
appears into, the causal ; for of such
A symbol of the lower instincts
purification is the kingdom
and desires which remain unpurifled.
heaven," — the spiritual or buddhic "
M<ial> hath been at ease from his
" The four elements which constitute youth, and he hath settled on his less,
and hath not been emptied from vessel
man are, counting from without inwards, — JER. xlviii. 11.
to vessel."
the material body, the fluidio perisoul or
astral body, the soul or individual, and The lower nature at first is at ease
the spirit, or divine Father and life of in the soul ; there is little effort
his system. This last it is whose kingdom towards improvement, and habits
is described as the leaven taken by the of thought bind down to things below
woman — the divine Sophia or wisdom —
and hidden in three measures of meal, (lees). The lower nature has not
namely, the soul, the perisoul, and the been purified by being passed into
body, until the whole is leavened ; until, mental forms (vessels) of better
that is, the whole man is so permeated thought, so as to leave the lowest
and lightened by it that he is finally trans
muted into Spirit and becomes ' one with forms (the lees) behind.
God.' " — The Perfect Way, p. 6. See TAMAS, VESSEL.
"The parable of the Leaven which
the woman is said to have hid in three
measures of meal, they (the Gnostics)
say, mean the three kinds (of men). For Indicative of passivity, or incoming
Wisdom they teach to be expressed by a energy.
woman by measures of meal, the three
See ARMS (body), CORN, HAND.
kinds of men, — spiritual, animal, earthy.
As to leaven, they teach it to be a name
of the Saviour Himself." — IREN.SUB, LEGGED, ONE-, RACE OF MEN :—
Against Heresies, p. 26. A symbol of the higher mind which
" '
Compare Philo (I. 173) on the three
' co-ordinates ideas and enables the
measures of the soul that are to be
like cakes, wherein the sacred Self to stand alone.
doctrine must be hidden." — E. A. ADENEY,
Symbolic of the organising of the
KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, MEAL, PARABLE, universe and of the activities of the
A symbol of passion and desire
permeating the lower nature.
Leaven signifies what is false derived
from evil ; hence what is unleavened A symbol of duality, when passive.
signifies what is pure or without that When active, they signify the mental
falsity." — SWEDENBOBO, Arc. Cel.,n. 9992. activities which are a means of
(See 1 COR. v. 6-8. LUKE xii. 1.) progression upon the lower planes.
LEGS OF A BEAST :— as it were, devoured by the lower
A symbol of the lower quaternary, mind. —See JEB. v. 6.
or of activities upon the lower planes. " Signifies the truths of the World
See ANIMALS, QUATERNARY. falsified, owing to its black and white
spots, for by the black spots are signified
falses, and by the white intermixed with
LEMMINKAINEN :— them is signified truth ; as therefore
A symbol of the Higher Self who it is a fierce and murderous beast, it
descends into matter and becomes signifies the truths of the Word falsified
the Archetypal Man, who dies in order and thus destroyed." — SWEDENBORO,
that the individual souls may have Apoc. Rev., n. 572.
See Cow (spotted), SPOTTED, WHITE.
immortal life.
" Lemminkainen is principally con LEPER :—
nected with songs and feasts for the
brewing of beer, and is hence sometimes A symbol of the lower mind troubled
confused (under the name of Alii i) with with conflicting desires and emotions
sower and plougher Peller voinen. and confused ideals.
In the death of Lemminkainen we " If the story of Xaaman the leper ia
aeem to find a remembrance of the a symbol at all, the material must be a
Balder myth." — D. COMPARETTI, Poetry
Finns, symbol of the spiritual ; the outward act,
of the p. 243. of the inward submission to the cleansing
Like Dionysus, the Finnic Hero is of the soul ; the washing which purified
associated with an intoxicating drink, the leper, of the faith by which the sinner
a symbol of the Divine Life. He is is cleansed — and the whole story, as we
say, an illustration of that Divine sim
also the Divine Husbandman who
plicity and abstinence from all reliance
cultivates the lower nature (earth) and on outward acts, which is the very
sows therein spiritual seed, that essence of God's way of salvation. For
higher qualities may take root in if one part of the story has to be trans
posed into another key, there will be
human nature and bring salvation discord, unless the whole be so. And if we
to the soul. Balder, Osiris, Praga- are to say leprosy was the symbol of the
pati, Purusha, Christ, are all symbols soul -sickness of sin, and healing the
of the Archetypal Man. symbol of the soul-cleansing of pardon
and sanctifying, then we must lift the
washing in the river of Israel into the
DEATH OF BALDER, OF LEMMIN- same region, and recognise in it the
K.MS'EN, OF OSIRIS, DISMEMBERMENT, symbol of the soul's act of faith, whereby
DIONYSUS, HUSBANDMAN, INCARNA- our stained nature is plunged into the
TION, MAKJATTA, MABSH, SEED (good), fountain opened for sin and for unclean-
ness." — A. MACLAKEN, Sermons, 3rd Series,
A symbol of the mental region DAN, TEN LEPERS, WASHED, WATER.
of scientific knowledge based upon
hard fact ; or of inductive science. LEPIDOTUS FISH, AND TWO
THOAS. Symbols of superstition, prejudice,
and error.
A symbol of the fifth period of the
cycle of life, which Is a period of in LETTER FROM THE FATHER,
volution on the astral plane, wherein MOTHER, AND BROTHER
strong desire works hi the lower OF THE EAST :—
nature through passion, instinct,
Symbolic of an inspiration of Truth
appetite, and animal affection. It Is from Atma-buddhi-manas, to assist
the period of the involutionary the soul to rise. This inspiration
development of the astral nature of may be received through pondering
the soul. on the sacred scriptures.
See CANCER, LION, VIBGO, ZODIAC. " And my letter was a letter which
the king sealed with his right hand, to
keep it from the wicked ones, the children
A symbol of <he oplnionative lower of Babel, and from the savage demons.
mind full of errors mingled with It flew in the likeness of an eagle, the
truths. The lower qualities, are, king of all birds ; it flew and alighted
beside me, and became all speech. At LEVIATHAN, OR LEVITIYA :—
its voice and the sound of its rustling,
I started and arose from my sleep. I A symbol of the Cycle of Life Is

took it up and kissed it, and loosed its the quaternary ; or the nature of
seal and read ; and according to what things in time and space.
was traced on my heart were the words " In his neck remaineth strength, and
of my letter written. I
remembered that
sorrow is turned into joy before him
I was a son of kings, and " my free soul
longed for its natural state (Hymn of the (leviathan)." — JOB xli. 22.
Soul (Gnostic) ). — Acts of Judas Thomas. In the purified emotions (the neck)
And the message was an appeal to there is the power to overcome the
me that came with power from lower desires, and when these are
Above, — conquered, Buffering will give place to
Through the outgoing energy of the bliss at the termination of the cycle.
Most High. " Thou breakest the heads of leviathan
Then, — to keep it from those worldly in pieces, and gavest them to bo meat
thought currents in the mind, to the people inhabiting the wilderness."—
Which understand not the mysteries Ps. Ixxiv. 14.
of the Spirit. This refers to the intelligent
And would pollute the sacred contents
developed in each period of a manvan-
of the message ;
And also to preserve it from the tara, which becomes sustenance to the
savage emotions, which destroy and qualities of the desire -mental order,
render waste, — and these in their turn shall be trans
It sped forth to me with a directness muted by the Spirit (see ISA. sxvii.

and Bareness of aim, " All ancient Fathers of the Chuich
That might be compared to the swift
flight of an eagle, of Christ agree in recognizing a secondary
Which bird is a symbol of the Holy and spiritual sense in this description
(Joa xli.) The Leviathan of Scripture

Spirit descending.
a type of the Enemies of God and His
It came upon me and took possession
of me mightily, people. . . . Proceeding in this sense
So that I
had to listen to that whereof (that Satan is called the dragon), the
Ancient Expositors see here a series

in of
it told me.
At its entreaty, when I
was roused questions which cannot be answered
the affirmative by the natural man, bat
from my slumber,
I trembled and turned in haste to are solved triumphantly by Christ, the
Second Adam, the DIVINE JOB, Who con
attend unto it.
Its truck a chord in the deep of my quered by suffering, and Who laid hold
heart, on the Dragon, that old Serpent, and
And I welcomed it with a tender bound him, and caat him into the bottom
less pit." — WORDSWOBTH, Bible, Job, p. 97.
affection, " We must ask about this
And then diligently set myself to (leviathan)

» .
learn of it. whether, when the saints were living
In so far as I yielded myself up to it blessed life apart from matter and from
through love, any body, the dragon (leviathan), falling
Was my devout response to the Holy from the pure life, became fit to be bouco
Spirit given. in matter and in a body, so that the Lord
Then with joy did I remember my could say, This the beginning of the


sonship, — my Father ;
creation of God, made for His angfb
For my soul, freed from the thraldom to mock at.' " — OKIOEN, Comm. on Jota,
Bk. 17.

of desire and sensation,


Did eagerly await her union with the See BEHEMOTH, CAPHICORNTS,
A symbol of obedience to the moral LIBATIONS FROM BEES, —
law, and subjection to karma. HONEY :—
A symbol of the free-will offering),
or fruits of Industry (bees), which
LEVITES :— are exacted of the lower self, and
A symbol of qualities serving the have their return in wisdom and
law of obedience to authority esteemed love (honey).
superior. See BEES (libations), HONEY.
This term signifies the release of SEVENTH, VIRGO, ZODIAC.
the ego or Self from captivity to the
lower nature. The release comes LIGHT :—
about when the ego has entirely over A symbol of Truth, Wisdom and
come the downward or outward Knowledge, and of the consciousness
attraction to the objects of desire which apprehends reality or relativity
and sensation, and has completely in each.
purified his lower nature, so that in " This is not lawful Mr some and
fact it disappears, and his conscious unlawful for others, but what is lawful for
ness rises to union with God on the all extends on continuously through the
higher mental plane in the causal- wide-ruling air and the boundless light."
— Empedocles, FAIUUA NKS, 425.
" The law of the Infinite is relative
The negation of the merely natural
and sensual life, which is itself the nega to the state of the soul, and to those
tion of the spirit, is the sole way to true qualities as yet undeveloped. The
spiritual life." — D. F. STRATJSS, Life of soul's early ideas of wisdom and truth
Jesus, p. 438. would be folly and falsity ; but so
" If Christ does not rise within the soul
of the believer, transforming everything much of the Infinite as may be appre
there into his own spiritual likeness, hended is everywhere present, and
our faith is vain, and we are yet in our through the mind (air) is perceived ;
sins. But then he does so rise ; he does and then there is increased perception
so gain the victory over our lower nature ;
he does conform us to his own risen life, through the intuition and up to the
and in so doing sets us free from sin." — spiritual, or buddhic, levels of Wisdom,
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Christ Arisen. Truth, and Love.
" God's original plan comprehends a " Arise, shine ; for thy light is come,
rising side, an economy supernatural, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon
that shall complement the disorder and thee. For, behold, darkness shall cover
fall of nature, having power to roll the earth, and gross darkness the peoples :
back its currents of penal misery, and bring but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and
out souls into the established liberty his glory shall be seen upon thee." — Is.
and beauty of holiness. How manifest Ix. 1, 2.
is it in the world's birth that God, from The soul hails the approach of
the first, designs it for a second birth ;
some grand palingenesia that shall raise Truth and the rising within it of the
the fall of nature and make existence Higher Self to perfection and power.
fruitful." —H. BtrSHNELL, Nature and the The darkness of ignorance covered
Supernatural, p. 148. the lower nature and its activities,
but the Self shall manifest within the
MENT, ATTACHMENT, BONDAGE, CAP soul, and his perfection shall be
apparent to all the higher qualities.
CotrasK, CRUCIFIXION, OP JESUS, " ' That he may recall their souls from
DESTROYING EVILS, ESCAPE, EXILE, corruption, and enlighten them with
FALL, GUARDIAN SPIRITS, INCARNA the light of the living ( JOB xxziii. 20).
TION, KHZPEBA, MANAS, PEACE, RE They who still live for this world are in
darkness in the light of the dying. But
BIRTH, REDEMPTION, REGENERATION, they are enlightened with the light of the
REMISSION, RESURRECTION, SAINTS, living, who, despising the light of the
SALVATION, SCARABEUS, SIAMAK, SUN- world, return to the splendour of the in
SETTING, VIBHU, VICTORY, VISHNU, ward brightness that they may li ve in that
place where they may see, by feeling it,
WORKS (wisdom). the true light, where light and life are not
different from each other, but where the
LIBRA, THE ZODIACAL SIGN :— light itself is life also." — ST. GREGORY,
Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. III. p. 77.
A symbol of the seventh period of " Sayings by Plotinus :— ' We are not
the cycle of life, which is the first cut off or severed from the Light, but we
period of evolution on the astral breathe and consist in It, since It is what
plane. The first point of Libra It is." In the moment of Union, ' we are
represents tbe balance between able to see both Him and ourself, — ourself
involution and evolution, and the in dazzling splendour, full of spiritual
light, or rather one with the pure Light
commencement of the evolution from Itself . . . our life's flame is then
homogeneity to heterogeneity of the enkindled.' ' There the soul rests, after
many forms and qualities. it has fled up, away from evil, to the place
See ARC. MAN, EQUINOX, EVOLU- which is free from evils, . . . and the
true life is there. Arrived there, the soul his light all the world is lighted.' Con
becomes that which she was at first scious light would best represent the
(Enneads, VI. ix. 9)." — F. vow HUOEL, knowledge ascribed to Brahman, and it is
Mystical Element, Vol. II. p. 96. well known Thomas Aquinas also called
" God the intelligent Sun." — MAX MmxKR,
This Light of the everlasting world,
which has risen by such wonderful steps Vedanta Phil., p. 137.
till it has overspread our sky, is but the Augustine constantly urges our recog
Heavenly Light given us in such measure nition of the truth that God is the ' Father
as we could bear it ; given in the degree of lights.' From Him as our central
proportionate to time and mortality, and Sun, all light whether of wisdom or know
our stage of being ; given to men, not ledge, proceedeth." — Translator, Con
who have won their appointed place, but fessions, p. 76.
who are preparing for it. This Light, to " Gerrard Winstanley's central religious
which all that was before was darkness, idea is the Divine Light within man's
is itself only the beginning and promise soul. . . . Man,' he says, ' looks abroad
of the Perfect Light to come." — R. W. for a God and doth imagine or fancy a
CHURCH, Cathedral Sermon*, p. 89. God in some particular place of glory
See AIR, CANDLE, CONSCIOUSNESS, beyond the skies. But the Kingdom of
DAYIJGHT, EABTH, GATE OP SALUTA Heaven is within you, dwelling and ruling
in your flesh.' The Spirit within (which
TION, GLOKY, LAMP, MATTER, he also calls that mighty man Christ
QUALITIES, RAIMENT, SUN. Jesus) is to arise, not at a distance from
LIGHT, PRIMORDIAL man, but He will rise up in men and mani
fest Himself to be the Light and Life of
A symbol of Truth as consciousness every man and woman that is saved by
In the union of Spirit and Matter at Him. '
The Spirit of reason is not without
the coin mo net-in on t of manifestation. a man, but within every man : hence
" And God said, Let there be light : he need not run after others to tell him
and there was light." — GEN. i. 3. or to teach him, for this Spirit is his
The Supreme wills " light," or Maker, He dwells in him, and if the flesh
were subject thereto, he would daily
the union of Spirit and Matter, to be
effected ; and so consciousness, self-
find teaching therefrom.' ..." You see
Him ruling within you ; . . . You rise
illumination, thereupon occurs. higher and higher into life and peace as
" ' this manifestation of the Father increases
That which hath been made was
(beforehand) life in him ; and that life and spreads within you.' " — R. M. JONES,
became light hi men
(JOHN i. 4). In Mystical Religion, p. 495.
other words, the life which was eternally Then spake Jesus again unto them,
in Christ is that which has been drawn saying, I am the Light of the world : he
upon to be individualised in creation, as a that followeth me shall not walk in Dark
gardener might cut shoots off an apple ness, but shall have the Light of Life." —
tree to plant hi other soils ; and this life it JOHN viii. 12.
" Human courage, human patience,
is and no other which has become light
— that is, self -consciousness in mankind." human trustiness, human humility, —
— R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Christ Trans these filled with the Fire of God make the
cendent. graces of the Christian life. We are
" First, then, still haunted by the false old distinction
a simple, pure spiritual
Light was created, the material of Souls of the natural virtues and the Christian
which are simple spiritual substances, graces. The Christian graces are nothing
of the nature of Light. That Light- but the natural virtues held up into the
material or Upper World, from which Light of Christ. They are made of the
the souls descended, is also called Reason, same stuff ; they are lifted along the same
or Light of the Light of God. The Light lines ; but they have found their pinnacle.
is followed by the Shadow, from which They have caught the illumination which
the Animal Soul is created, for the service their souls desire. Manliness has not
of the Rational Soul" (Razi). — DE BOER, been changed into Godliness ; it has
Hist, of I'll Una. in Islam, p. 79. fulfilled itself in Godliness. . . . The

The obverse of Truth — the higher great truth of Redemption, the great
idea of Salvation, is that the realm (of
nature, — is Illusion, the lower nature, human life) belongs to Truth, that the
from which comes the desire and Lie is everywhere and always an intruder
sensation nature for the use of the and a foe. He came in, therefore he may
be driven out. When he is driven out
" The nearest approach which meta and man is purely man, then man u
saved." — PHILLIPS BROOKS, Light of the
physical language can make to Brahman, World, pp. 8, 10.
is to call it light, which is another name
for knowledge. And so we read in the See ATEA, BBAHHA, CONSCIOUSNESS,
M undaka Upanishad (V. 2) : ' This is CREATION, DARKNESS, HEAVEN AND
the light of lights ; when it shines, the
sun docs not shine. . . . When Brahman
shines, everything shines after him, by AND MATTER, SUN.
A symbol of hud dli I c plane,
the A symbol of the immanent qualities
whereon Is the Wisdom consciousness . of the Archetypal Man, — the Self
See AMENT, BUDDHIC PLANE, EDEN, involved in matter. The qualities
GARDEN, become separated and dispersed in
the period of Evolution, — the homo
LIGHT-TREASURE :— geneous becoming the heterogeneous.
" At one time all the limbs which form
A symbol of the qualities of the the (human) body united into one by
soul which have been transmuted Love, grow vigorously in the prime of life ;
on to the buddhlc plane. That in but yet at another time, separated by
the soul which shall attain to the evil Strife, they wander each in different
Light-realm, — " those whom the directions along the breakers of the sea
Father hath given me." of life. Just so it is with plants and
with fishes dwelling in watery halls, and
beasts whose lair is in the mountains,
TRANSMUTATION. and birds borne on wings." — Empedoclee,
LIGHT-WORLD :— In the pre-evolutionary period, the
A symbol of that state of conscious Archetypal Man existed in the
ness which corresponds to an exten Absolute, and so was involved in
sion of spiritual vision which perceives Love Divine, in which perfect harmony
the Truth and the Life within. the potential diversity was merged in
" Awake, thou that steepest, and arise
complete unity. But when evolution
from the dead, and Christ shall shine commenced, and the struggle for
upon thee." — EPH. v. 14.
The soul spiritually unawakened separate existence began, the func
tions of the Archetypal Man, — the
is exhorted to arise from the dead
Oversoul, — are said to be scattered,
personality and enter the higher
consciousness, when Wisdom, Truth inasmuch as through desire, instinct,
habit, opinion, etc., a continual
and Love will be revealed unto it.
See DEAD, GODS, SLEEP. surging and unrest served to stir the
latent emotions by means of which
LIGHTNING OR LIGHTNING growth of the soul is accomplished.
FLASH :— So it is with the dawn of the emotions,
A symbol of the omnipotent life the astro -mental nature, the ambi
activities of the higher planes of the tions, ideals, and aspirations (birds).
" The Body of the Heavenly Man
Invisible universe.
" (Adam Kadmon) from whose limbs
There clings to the Maruts one who emanate the universe and everything
moves in secret, like a man's wife (the in it." — BLAVATSKY, Secret Doctrine,
lightning), and who is like a spear carried Vol. II. p. 662.
behind, well grasped, resplendent, gold-
adorned." — Rig-Veda, I. 167, 3.
"It is clear that by the will of God
every gain in life, human or sub-human,
There is attached to the spiritual is the fruit of effort and struggle. It is
egos the Life forces of the higher no use wishing it were otherwise or
planes, centred in the Higher Self in arguing that life could have been sweeter
and brighter if things had been so arranged
his aspect of the Divine Ray (spear) — that we could have had the gains without
atma-buddhi —extending unobserved the struggle. That would have been
through all the planes. very nice and agreeable, but it is not
See FOHAT, MARUTS, SPEAR, the method God has chosen in bringing
TLALOC, many sons unto glory. It is a law which
holds good on all planes — physical,
UDDER, ZEUS. mental, moral, and spiritual. The
spiritual comes last in the order of time
LIGNANS COAST :— because it was also the first." — R. J.
CAMPBELL, Serm., Warfare of Life.
A symbol of the first (the lowest) See ADAM (higher), ARC. MAN,
sub-plane of the buddhic plane.
A symbol of the appointed state TION, INVOLUTION, MEMBERS, MUMMY,
for the quality of attachment through NAMES, PRAGAPATI, PURUSHA, SEA,
LINEN GARMENT, WHITE :— subtile body, which surrounds the soul
and accompanies it in all its wanderings.
A symbol of the buddhic robe of
It is termed lingam. . . . Every life-
wisdom, goodness, and love.
history is a new self-unfolding of the
And it was given unto her (the prakriti before the purusha concerned
Lamb's wife) that she should array herself by means of the lingarn." — DEUSSEN,
in fine linen, bright and pure : for the Phil, of Upanishads, p. 242.
fine linen is the righteous acts of the "Linga-sarira comprising the five organs
saints." — REV. xix. 8. of sense, the five organs of action, the
The " Lamb's wife " is the purified five vital airs, with buddhi and manas." —
MON. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 119.
soul rising to union with the Higher " The lingasartram is described in
Self on the upper planes. The soul Sarvopanishats. 16, as the vehicle of the
then becomes clothed with the organs the pranas, the gunas, and the
buddhic qualities of wisdom and love, ethical qualification, and accordingly
is identified with the bands of the heart."
which have been inherited through
DEUSSKN, Phil, of Upanithadt, p. 282.
the harmonising of the disciplined
The causal -body is first involved
qualities (saints) with the Divine complete in potentiality ; afterwards
" Man then puts on a linen garment, it grows to completion in actuality.
for completeness' sake : it is indeed his See CAUSAL-BODY, KARANA,
own skin he thereby puts on himself. PRANAS, SENSE-ORGANS, STHULA,
Now that same skin, which belongs to VITAL AIRS.
the cow, was originally on man." — Sata,
Brdh., III. 1, 2, 13.
The ego having purified himself LION :—
(verse 12) of his lower qualities, now A symbol of power in manifestation
assumes the buddhic robe to perfect or of might, strength and courage
his nature on the higher planes, for as forces of the lower quaternary.
the robe of wisdom and love is indeed " Among beasts they become lions
that which is possessed prior to his haunting the mountains, whose couch is
descent into the lower nature. Now the ground." — Empedocles, FAIRBANKS,
that same endowment of the higher
Among the lower emotional qualities,
qualities which is of buddhi (cow)
strength of will and courage are the
was originally on man before his fall
means of fostering ambitions which
into matter.
are rooted in the lower nature.
See Cow (milch), FALL, FLAYING, " Forasmuch as the nature of every
LAMB OF GOD, MAN, ROBE, SKIN. thing is compounded of different elements,
in Holy Writ different things are allowably
LINEN, WHITE AND SHINING :— represented by any one thing. For the
A symbol of Divine Truth, or the lion has magnanimity, it has also ferocity :
world-substance of which the universe by its magnanimity then it represents the
is woven, — the ultimate reality. Lord, by its ferocity the devil. Hence
" The bloom of the scarlet dye mingles it is declared of the Lord, ' Behold, the
Lion of the Tribe of Judoh, the root of
with shining linen." — Empedocles, FAIR David, hath prevailed ' (REV. v. 5).
BANKS, 286. Hence it is written of the devil, * Your
The power of the Divine Life (blood) adversary, the devil, like a roaring lion,
energises the world-substance, — Truth- walketh about seeking whom he may
reality. devour' (1 PETER v. 8.)." —ST. GREOOBT,
By linen clean and shining is signi Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 272.
" A symbol, we must remember, may
fied truth pure and genuine. . . . Linen
mean two entirely different and opposing
signifies divine truth." —SWEDENBORO,
Apoc. Rev., n. 671. things. Thus the lion may symbolise
the evil spirit walking about as a lion
to devour his prey, or the all-conquering
RAIMENT, WARP, WHITE. Christ, the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
Our Lord too compared the kingdom of
LINGAM, THE SUBTILE BODY :— heaven in one of his parables to leaven ;
A symbol of the causal-body as yet elsewhere He spoke in an entirely
containing the means of Self- different sense of the leaven of the scribe:
manifestation, — all the qualities and and pharisees." — F. E. HULMK, Symbol
ism, etc , p. 4.
powers of the soul.
" The eighteen first products of prak- See ANIMALS, BEASTS (wild), GREEN
riti, viz. — mah&n (buddhi), ahankdra, LION, GRIFFIN, LEO, QUATERNARY,
mamas, indryan, and tanmatras form the SERPENT (solar), SPHINX.
LION-GAIT OF BUDDHA :— The cycle of life on the lower planes
A symbol of the strong and powerful (the Tuat), wherein the Self (sun)
Self, as the victor over the lower is unapparent, is divided into two
nature of the soul. parts, — the descent of Spirit into
" '
I matter,
(Buddha) am born for supreme and the ascent of Spirit
knowledge, for the welfare of the world, — therefrom.
thus this is my last birth.' Thus did he
of lion-gait, gazing at the four quarters,
utter a voice full of auspicious meaning." TION, HORIZONS, INVOLUTION, MUSUBI,
— Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. 34. Nu, RA, SEKHET-AARU, SHU (double),
" The Self is born in the soul for SUN, SUN-RISING, TEM, TUAT, ZODIAC.
its supreme illumination, and for the
welfare of humanity, — i.e. the enlight LIPS IN SPEECH :—
enment of the incarnate Self. This A symbol of the expression out
is the supreme moment in spiritual in wardly of that which is within, either
volution when potential perfection is truth or error, good or evil.
consummated (last birth), and now
" The lip of truth shall be established
and henceforward proceeds the fulfil for ever : but a lying tongue is but for a
ment of the Divine nature, which moment." — PROV. xii. 19.
The expression of truth in the soul
through the Self is brought to realise
Itself. So did the Self of forceful brings immortality to life ; but the
mien, conqueror of the quaternary, expression of error is evanescent.
" Mankind went forth from Ra's two
foresee his Divine mission. eyes, the gods were created on his lips."
See BIRTH OF BUDDHA, BUDDHA, — WIEDEMANN, Bel. of Anc, Egyptians,
The individuality and the person
LION, MAN-HEADED WITH TRIPLE ality proceeded forth from the higher
CROWN :— and lower Selves on the mental plane ;
A symbol of God -manifest ; — the the ideals or higher qualities were
Son of God under the aspect of the expression of the Divine Will and
Conqueror, seated upon the lower Wisdom on the higher planes.
quaternary, which is to be brought
into unison with the Higher Triad .
" Two lions seated back to back and
supporting the horizon with the sun's A symbol of a small mind, Implying
disk, over which extends the sky ; the error.
lion on the right is called Srj, i.e. ' Yester See DWARF.
day,' and that on the left, Tuau, i.e.
' "
To-day.' — BUDGE, Book of the Dead, LITANY, THE GREAT (MAHAD
p. 90.
The " two lions " signify respec UKTHAM) :—
tively the former period and process A symbol of the evolving Divine
of involution (Yesterday), and the life proceeding from below upwards.
" And that vital essence of his
present period and process of evolu (the
relaxed Pragapati's) which flowed upwards
tion (To-day).
"I became the Great Litany ; it is in quest
(Ku) am the double Lion-god, the of that vital fluid that the priests go by
first-born of Ra and Tern of Ah-khebti means of the Rik and Saman." — Sola.
(as Buto), the gods who dwell in their Brdh., X. 1, 1, 4.
divine chambers." — Ibid., Ch. 38, p. 166.
The Archetypal Man (relaxed
The Divine power in the universe
Pragapati) has given up his life for
(Nu) proceeds first, from the celestial His " vital essence "
Logos (Ra) in the process of involu
tion, and second, from the terrestrial (blood of Christ) ascends in suppli
cation or aspiration in the human
Logos (Tern), — the Archetypal Man, —
souls. The higher emotions (priests)
in the process of evolution.
" The two Lion -gods watch, one at are allied to the Divine life through
each end, the path of the night Sun." — the vibrations from above (the Vedas).
Ibid., p. 216. "The Great Litany is the body or
Self, atman." "Abird-like body." — set in the midst of the disciplined
Ibid., X. 1, 2, and fl.
qualities of the lower nature, and
The Divine life is the Self below
explained that except the qualities
when meeting the Self above (the into spiritual states,
be transmuted
fitman). The " body," or Self below, as is the condition of the monads,
is aspiring (bird-like).
they cannot enter heaven, that is,
become conscious on the higher planes.
It is necessary, therefore, that each
quality should undergo the discipline
of the lower life, as does the monad,
LITTLE ONES ; INNOCENTS :— in order that it should be purified
A symbol of the germs of the higher and exalted, and so become greatest
qualities appearing In the lower among the high but inexperienced
nature. qualities on the higher planes.
" Whosoever shall cause one of these " Take heed that ye despise not one of
these little ones ; for I say unto you, that
little ones that believe on me to stumble, in heaven their angels do always behold
it were better for him if a great millstone the face of my Father which is in heaven."
were hanged about his neck, and he were — MAT. xviii. 10.
cast into the sea." — MASK ix. 42.
The qualities are enjoined to be
This pronouncement is an emphatic
faithful to the spiritual nature within
protest against destroying any germ
them ; for the individualities (angels)
of virtue or truth that may seem unwel
come, or nipping in the bud any effort,
in the causal -bodies of the souls are
— however feeble, — towards expan
in harmony with the Higher Self,
and therefore are aspects of the
sion of consciousness, which, it must
Supreme — the Father, the Atman.
be remembered, is inmriably a proof
"Awake, O sword, against my Shep
of belief in Christ, who is the goal of herd, and against the Man that is my
attainment for all qualities, however fellow, saith the Lord of hosts ; srnit*
variously men may worship, think, the Shepherd, and the sheep shall be
scattered : and I will turn my hand upon
or act.
the little ones." — ZECH. xiii. 7.
At the end of the period of Involu
tion, there comes the awakening of
HEROD, SEEDS (good). the energies of conflict (sword). The
LITTLE CHILDREN, OR LITTLE Divine Will first smites the Arche
ONES :— typal Man, or involved Self (Man that
A symbol of the spiritual egos or is my fellow), and he is dismembered.
monads which descend Into the forms The higher qualities (sheep), — the
" limbs of the Ineffable," — are then
in order to gain experience and know
ledge on the lower planes. They scattered, and so the way is prepared
are the " children of God." for the incoming of the spiritual
" Thereupon they (the Maruts), accord monads (little ones), who are now to
ing to their wont, assumed again the pass through the experiences of
form of new-born babes, taking their
suffering and sorrow.
sacred name." — Rig-Veda, I. 6, 4,
When the way was prepared, the
spiritual egos (Maruts) dispersed, and
became germs of spirit descending into
the forma and taking to them the
Divine differentiation.
" And Jesua called a little child unto QUALITIES, REAPING, SHEEP, SHEEP
him, and set him in the midst of them, (lost), SHEPHERD, SONS OF GOD,
and saith, Verily I say unto you, Except SPERMATIC WORDS, SWORD, WARRIORS.
ye be converted, and become as little
children, ye shall not enter into the king LIVER :—
dom of heaven. Whosoever therefore
shall humble himself as thia little child, A symbolof the lower nature (flesh),
the same is greatest in the kingdom of or the lower qualities of the per
heaven." — MAT. xviii. 2-4. sonality.
The Christ -soul called attention to See PROMETHEUS, QAHU, VISCERA,
a spiritual monad (atma-buddhic) VITAL AIRS.
LIVING THINGS OF ALL "The Logos of Heraolitus is at once
FLESH :— world-principle and world -process. It
seems to have been a name for the rational
A symbol of the buddhic Ideal self-evolution of the universe, to be appre
qualities which become dualised and hended by the human mind which is
inverted in the astro-mental nature capable of indentifying itself with it.
' '
(all flesh). With the Stoics, the seminal Logos
" And every living thing of all flesh, is God Himself as the organic principle of
the universe. God dwells in our hearts
two of every sort ghalt thou bring into
as Logos. . . . Philo's Logos is a God
the ark, to keep them alive with thee ;
who reveals Himself, in contrast with a
they shall be male and female." — GEN. God who hides Himself." — W. R. INGE,
vi. 19.
Camb. Biblical Essays, pp. 274-6.
The spiritual activities on higher
There may be said to be three
planes, which correspond to the rela
I.ogoi, or three Divine outpourings
tions upon the lower planes ; these of Life, on the higher planes. The
exist as growth-producing ideals, and
" kept alive " by the first is the involution of Spirit on the
are said to be
plane of atma, the second on the
individual Self (Noah) seated in the buddhic plane, and the third on the
causal-body (ark). The male-female
higher mental plane.
principles are the dual aspects of
qualities which always present them BIRTH OF OSIRIS, BOLTS, BUDDHIC
selves in the evolution of the Cosmos HORUS,
(creatures), NOAH, Two, VITAL AIRS. LOINS GIRDED :—
A symbol of restraint of the lower
LOAVES FOR FEEDING PEOPLE :— nature of desire and sensation, and
A symbol of nourishment for the a turning of the mind towards the
lower qualities ; that is, means for things of the Spirit.
acquiring knowledge, such as the "Gird up now thy loins like a man;
use of the senses for experience and for I will demand of thee, and declare
Investigation. thou unto me." — JOB xxxviii. 3.
See BREAD, FEEDING. The soul is required to withstand
the allurements of the desire -nature
by means of the mind (man), and
A symbol of the intuition. strive to understand the processes of
See HAIR (side -lock). the Divine lift- in involution and
LOCUSTS FOR FOOD :— evolution.
" To ' gird up the loins ' is to restrain
A symbol of facts of experience for lust either in work or in thought. For
the development of the mind and the the delight of the flesh is in the loins.
moral nature. Whence it is said to holy Preachers,
" And his 'Let your loins be girded about, and your
(John's) food was locusts and
wild honey." — MAT. iii. 4. lights burning' (LuKE xii. 35). For by
the loins is designated lust, but by
This is the food which signifies the of good works."
lights the brightness
natural means of nourishment, sub — ST. GREGORY, Morals on the Book of
sistence upon uncooked, simple fare, Job, Vol. III. p. 269.
signifying plain facts. See CIRCUMCISION, FLESH, MAN
" Locusts signify the qualities of the (natural).
sensual man, or the sensual principle
which is the ultimate of the life of man's LOKE (OR LOKI), LOFO'S SON :—
mind." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Her., n. 424.
A symbol of the desire-nature,
See JOHN BAPTIST. kama-manas, full of cunning and
" Then said G anglers :
Loke acted
A symbol of the Higher Self mani
most wickedly ; first, by causing the
festing on the upper mental plane as by
death of Balder ; and secondly,
a Divine outpouring of life and form, preventing his release from Hel. But
— the utterance of creative energy. was he not punished for these his mis
The three aspects of the Logos are deeds T
Har replied : ' Yes, it wan
Will, Wisdom, and Action. avenged on him, and in a manner which
" — The Punith-
he Will long remember.' LOSING OF THE WAY :—
meant of Lake, Edda, Howrrr. A symbol of the adoption of theories
Then the conscience speaks within
and arguments which have been
the mind: — The desire -nature has propounded by the lower mind to
done amiss from the relative point account for things Divine In the
of view, in that it has become the innermost depths of the soul. These
means of drawing the soul (Balder) theories will not lead to the Truth,
downwards to the karmic planes because the lower mind Is incapable
(Hel), and that fall now serves to of dealing with that which transcends
prevent it from rising to union with itself.
the Self. But under all the circum See next Symbol.
stances which were incidental to such LOST IN FOREST PATHS :—
a fall, — was not cause and effect, or
A symbol of the confusion of thought
compensation on higher planes, made and multiplicity of loose discordant
to yield such results as were just and ideas, which arise in the lower minds
right withal ? And the answer of the unenlightened souls who are
comes, — that throughout the soul's wandering through the experiences
evolution, perfect equilibrium between of the worldly life.
the higher and lower natures was " He
(Buddha) will proclaim the way
maintained, and that the outcome of of deliverance to those afflicted with
sorrow, entangled in objects of sense,
the whole process is stored away in
and lost in the forest paths of worldly
the soul's inner being. existence, as to travellers who have lost
See BALDER, CAVE, CONSCIENCE, their way." — Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. 77.
DEATH OF BALDER, DOOBS (four), The Self is the "Way, the Truth
EYE (third), GANOLER, HEIMDALL, and the Life " ; he is able to show the
HELL, HIGHER AND LOWER, HODER, path of salvation to the lower self,
NAKE, NET OF ASAR, VOICE, WOMAN who lies struggling upon the lower
(Loke). planes, — such struggling and trouble
being possible only through the initia
tive taken by the Higher Self from
A symbol of the buddhic nature Above, to accomplish his evolution
which is instrumental in weaving
through the lower self. The lower
the web of the universe.
" Isis invented the loom with the help self is distracted and confused through
of her sister Nephthys, and was the first lack of true discrimination between
to weave and bleach linen." — PLUTARCH, the sense objects. The " lost in the
Iri» and Oiirit. forest paths " signifies the confused
By means of the buddhic nature opinions of the lower minds (men)
operating with the physical (Neph of those who are without knowledge
thys), the warp and woof of the of the truth. The " losing of the way "
universe (solar system) is fashioned indicates the erroneous theories and
and established. Divine Wisdom ( Isis ) speculations which are relied upon
devised the web of existence and the as explanations of moral and religious
means for self -purification. " Linen "
impulses in the human soul.
is a symbol of the world-substance, See HIGHER AND LOWER, ILLU
i.e. Truth-reality. SION, MAISHAN, PILGRIM, SALVA
A symbol of equilibrium in the
A symbol of a spiritual ego having
descended and become obscured on
the lower mental plane.
" Or what woman having ten
The nature elementals and directive of silver, if she lose one piece, doth not
intelligence which work upon the light a lamp, and sweep the house,
and seek diligently until she find it ?
various form levels. And when she hath found it, she calleth
See DEVAS (lower). together her friends and neighbours.
saying, Rejoice with me, for I have viDUALiTY, JUSTICE, LOST PIECE,
found the piece which I had lost." — LUKE PERSONALITY, SOUL.
xv. 8-10.
The " woman " represents Wisdom LOT, ABRAHAM'S BROTHER'S
(buddhi) in possession of the full SON :—
number of spiritual egos (atma- A symbol of the lower soul In process
buddhic). When an ego descends to of up-building.
become incarnate upon the lower "The motif of deliverance out of the
planes, the buddhic consciousness Underworld lies in the story of the rescue
is obscured, and the ego is lost in of Lot. Lot is in Sodom —Underworld. —
ignorance and illusion. The " lighting A. JEREMIAS, Old Test., etc, Vol. II. p. 25.
of the lamp " is the establishment of See ABRAHAM, SODOM, SOUL (lower).

the causal-body through which Wisdom LOTE-TREE :—

and Love wiU be recovered by the A symbol of the tree of Wisdom
ego. The " sweeping, etc." signifies bearing the fruit of the Spirit.
the efforts put forth to raise the lower " Beneath the Kursi, but somewhat
qualities of the ego and transmute to the right hand, God created a region
them. And when the ego again attains like white pearl, in which is the Lote-
the buddhio consciousness, then tree none may pass.' And this is the
station of the Archangel Gabriel, beyond
Wisdom calls together the higher which he may not go. And in this place
qualities and ideals, and endows the is the root of the Tuba tree." — GIBB,
ego with them in the bliss of the Hist, of Ottoman Poetry, Vol. I. p. 35.
immortal life. Beneath the buddhic plane is the
" And the woman that sweeps the higher mental plane, which is the
house and finds the piece of silver, they vehicle of atma-buddhi and the Wis
(the Gnostics) say is the supernal Wisdom, dom nature. The lower consciousness
who, having lost that which she had
conceived in her mind, finds it afterwards, cannot rise to this level, neither can
when all things are cleansed by the the inner messenger of spiritual tidings
coming of our Saviour : wherefore this descend below it. The tree of Life
also is restored, as they say, to be within
and immortality is only to be found
the Pleroma." — IKEN.KUS, Against Here-
net, p. 27. in the higher mental region and the
See CAUSAL-BODY, FRIENDS, FRUIT regions above.
A symbol of the spiritual ego, who FRUIT MADE STRANGERS
descends to the lower nature, and is FORGET THEIR HOME :—
lost to the Higher Self by being A symbol of egoism and the sense
obscured in the matter of the lower of separateness.
See SHEEP (lost).
This idea, which is due to primitive A symbol of Wisdom . The buddhic
and absurd human conceptions, could nature is that of Truth (water) and
not be for a moment entertained by Beauty (flower).
anyone who had the least knowledge " Water-lilies symbolise the free posses
of the soul's nature and evolution. sion of all the treasures of God. For we
That which is unreal passes away, notice four things in the water-lily. It
but that which is real persists. The keeps always above the water, and has
personality does indeed pass away, four green leaves between the air and
but the individuality to which it is the water ; and it is rooted in the earth,
and above it is opened out to the sun." —
attached is immortal. The Divine
RUYSBROECK, Stoddart's trans., p. 52.
purpose to bring to perfection every " He who, having entered the inner
soul cannot be frustrated. lotus of the heart, devours food, the same
See CAUSAL-BODY, IMAGE, INDI- having gone to the sky as the fire of the
sun, called Time, and being invisible LOTUS SIGN IN HIGH RELIEF :—
devours all beings as his food. . . . That
lotus is the same as the ether : the four A symbol of the Ideal of spiritual
quarters, and the four intermediate points perfection held high before the earnest
are its leaves." — Mail. Upanishad, VI. 2. and adoring soul.
The indwelling Self being liberated See FOOTSTEPS OF BUDDHA.
from the lower nature enters the
buddhic vehicle and partakes of the LOVE OF GOD :—
fruit of his experience, — wisdom and An intuition or direct sense that all
love ; then having passed higher to things in the natural, moral, and
the plane of atrna at the end of the Intellectual orders work together
cycle, and becoming unmanifest, all for good, despite appearances to the
qualities and beings become absorbed contrary. Truth acquired best en
ables us to realise Wisdom, but not
within Him. That buddhic nature
Divine Love, for which faith Is
is of the spiritual tree of Life, whose
leaves may represent the lower quater "To ' know God ' is to see in the laws
nary and its centres of consciousness. and events of nature the revelation of
" The lotiu
plant was as sacred with the his will, or his eternal decrees. To
Egyptians as with the Indians. Accord '
love God
is to accept the order of the
ing to Rouge, it was the symbol of the world, with all its necessity and invariable
new birth ; but Lepsius considers that even with its apparent
sequence and
it was the symbol of inexhaustible life." indifference to moral character, as not
— BARLOW, Estays on Symbolism, p. 32.
only inevitable but perfect. Further
See .<ETHEB, BUDDHI, CHILDREN OF to know and love God is to know and
HOBUS, FIRE, FLOWERS, FOOD, FOOT love one's fellowmen, for they too are
STEPS OF BUDDHA, HEART, PLANTS, part of that real world which ' expresses
God ; and hence all that makes for their
QUARTERS, QUATERNARY, SUN. welfare makes for one's own." — R. A.
DUFF, Spino:a's Philosophy, p. 22.
Whilst we necessarily have only
A symbol of the lower nature, or
partial experiences of the good and
lower planes, which grow out of the
higher. the true, we have also what appear
" The to be their contraries : but the appear
Sacrificer puts down a lotus-
leaf in the centre of the altar site ;— the ance is illusory, it is of the form and
lotus-loaf is a womb for Agni to be born not of the life.
from. . . . The lotus means the waters, Bruno teaches that " the soul or spirit
and this earth is a leaf thereof. . . . Now tends towards that with which it has
this same earth is Agni's womb, for Agni greatest affinity, as the sun-flower tends
the fire-altar is this earth. He lays it towards the sun, and this affinity in the
down so as not to be separated from the human soul is Love. The symbol of
truth : he thereby establishes this earth love is fire, for love converts the object
on the truth."— Sato. Brdh., VII. 4, 1, 8. of love into the lover, as fire is of all
The Supreme establishes a centre elements the most active, the most
on the astral plane for the organisation potent to transform others into itself.
of the lower nature in which the Self It is the divine in man that makes him,
or impels him, to love God as He is in
shall be born. The " lotus " signifies reality, and the goal or aim of that love
the Truth, — atma-buddhi, — and the is to take God into himself, to become one
lower nature is the changing life and with God." — MclNTYKE, Giordano Bruno,
p. 280.
form to express the Truth outwardly. " And then should a man wrap his
Now the lower nature is the matrix soul in the great Love of God, and clothe
of the indwelling Self to bring forth himself therewith as with a garment ;
all forms of life, for from the Arche and should account thence all things
alike ; because in the Creature he finds
typal Man springs the lower nature of
nothing that can give him, without
the soul which has to be offered up. God, the least satisfaction, and because
The lower nature is so contrived as also nothing of harm can touch him
that Truth shall be made manifest more while he remains in this love." —
BEHMEK, Supersensual Life, p. 34.
through it. The lower nature ia " ' We love, because He first loved us '
therefore Divinely established upon JOHN iv. The writer's thought
(1 19).
the Truth. is that God's love is the source of ours ;
See AQNI, ALTAK (fire), ABC. MAN, we are only able to love at all because
EARTH, FORMS, QUATERNARY, SACRI God indwells us. ...
Divine love is the
source of human love, but the latter
FICE, WATEB, WOMB. must learn to know itself through human
relations before it can rise to the higher shows clearly that there is not, and
level of immediate communion with that cannot be, an outside objective Deity
from which it came . . . Christ stands who superintends earthquakes, ex
for love divine made manifest in sacrifice,
the fundamental fact of all existence, plosions, and all the horrors of the
the fact that explains everything else. natural life, together with all the pro
There never would have been any egoism, " comforts, and
vidential escapes,
any violence, wrong, greed, or suffering, pleasures of existence which go to
but for the necessity of affording love God limits
its opportunity to burst forth in splendour. wicked and good alike.
The last in order of time is also that with himself in creation, and can now only
which time began ; the highest to be evolved interfere in his universe through his
it alto that which wot first involved." — human and other agents who act
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Source of
from the divine impulse within.
" God so loved the world that he
is an accurate and expressive FAITH, GOD, INVOLUTION, JUSTICE,
summing up of the great mystery of KHABIT, RULES (aeon).
the divine manifestation in the world
or worlds. God is love : hence the LOVE, THE UNITER OF ALL :—
impulse to create. God is love : hence
tho sacrifice of himself in the limited A symbol of the attraction towards
and imperfect life of the cosmos, and the within instead of the without.
the slow and painful struggle upward " Behold the BUD, warm and bright
to ever fuller and richer modes of spiritual on all sides, and what ever is immortal
achievement, until at length the con and is bathed in its bright ray ; and
summation shall be reached wherein behold the rain-cloud, dark and cold on
all things shall be summed up in Christ all sides ; from the earth there proceed
and love be all in all." — R. J. CAMPBELL, the foundations of things and solid
Serm., God's Gift of Himself. bodies. In strife all things are endued
" The love of God is the love of good with form and separate from each other,
ness. The old Saxon word God is iden but they come together in Love and are
tical with Good. God — the Good One- desired by each other." — Empedocles,
personified goodness. There is in that FAIRBANKS, 96.

derivation not a mere play of words, Regard the Self as loving and wise,
there is a deep truth. None loves God
both on the planes above and the planes
but he who loves good. To love God is to
love what God is. God is Pure, and he beneath. Behold all the virtues and
who loves purity can love God. God is all the qualities that endure, as living
True. God is Just : and he who loves within It. And understand the out
these things out of God may love them in of the Supreme,
ward manifestation
God ; and God for them, because He is
good, and true, and pure, and just. which appears to the ignorant, suffer

No other love is real ; none else lasts." ing lower nature, as inexorable law,
F. W. ROBERTSON, Sermons, 4th Series,
dark, obscure, and repellent. From the
p. 69.
" The way is to throw ourselves in lower nature proceed the foundations
faith on the eternal Love of a Father. of human experience (for the sense-
To do that is to know that there must nature is the basis of all that is of
be a divine and good end to all ; to utility and beauty to the lower mind).
know that is to know that all which we " strife," or the struggle for
see, however dark it be, is education ;
to know the victory of goodness, justice existence on the physical plane, all
and truth, and knowing it to throw the lower forms of life subsist in multi
ourselves on that side, and to feel that farious separatenesa. But the sense
in doing so we are chiming in with God, of separateness is overcome so far
and yielding our lives and will into His
hands. There is no doubt, if we can do as souls unite in knowledge of their
that, that our pursuit of the secret of life, own nature, and in realisation of
and the tragedy in which we live, will Truth, for Wisdom brings them
ennoble us. For so our minds will be
together in Love and enables them to
steadily set towards right, and will com
pany with the noble things of justice, tem live in harmony and mutual service.
" But, just as far as it
perance, love and truth, so that, though we (Strife) is con-
are involved in tempest after tempest of stantly rushing forth, just so far there
feeling and thought, we shall finally ever kept coming in a gentle, immortal
get the good of these tempests in the stream of perfect Love ; and all at once
education which they give to our whole what before I learned were immortal
nature." — STOPFORD A. BBOOKE, Serm., were coining into being as mortal things."
Secrets of Lije. —Ibid., 180.
Knowledge of the soul's evolution To that degree in which the lower
self responds through its vehicles of virtues (virgins) are in harmony with
consciousness, the Higher Self (Love) it. Let Love aspire, and Wisdom
forthpours energy and raises the self with the virtues will respond with
to the Self : and so the immortal joy. Wisdom is unapparent, latent
ideals tend to actualise as evolution (black), but beautiful when expressed.
proceeds. Thus the natural gives way See BLACK, CDPID, HIKOBOSHI,
to the spiritual and the soul is purified INCARNATION, MAIDEN, MOUTH, NAME,
and rises to life everlasting. VIRGIN.
To know God is to attain to the
sublimest conception in the universe. LUNAR CHAIN OF GLOBES :—
To love God is to bind ourselves to a
The arena of life which preceded
being who is fitted, as no other being
is, to penetrate and move our whole our present Terrene chain of globes.
hearts ; in loving whom, we exalt our The Life-wave has passed seven times
selves ; in loving whom, we love the round the lunar chain before its
great, the good, the beautiful, and tho transference to the earth chain.
infinite ; and under whose influence The earth chain has attracted from
the soul unfolds itself as a perennial the lunar chain its water and air,
plant under the cherishing sun. This and its etheric and astral constituents,
constitutes the chief glory of religion.
so far as the growth of its organisms
It ennobles the soul. In this its un
rivalled dignity and happiness consist." is concerned.
" Only Love is true, vital, wise. As
SOMA (moon), SUKUNA, WHEELS (holy).
Love grows in you, God grows in you.
In your Love you become organic with LUNAR CYCLE OF MANIFESTA
God. When you are naught but Love TION :—
you are the express image of His person."
— E. W. LEWIS, Christ. Com., April 1813. The cycle of life on the lunar chain.
" Christ, the eternal son of God, is In the lunar cycle the astral life and
gradually but irresistibly rising in all the desire nature have been developed,
that is human, subduing all things unto culminating in the personality. The
himself, bringing them into captivity to personalities are the lunar pitris, or
the law of divine love, which alone is " fathers " of humanity on its form
perfect freedom." — R. J. CAMPBELL, side. The individualities, or solar
Serm., From Subjection to Sovereignty.
pitris, are the " fathers " on the life
side, and bring with them the spiritual
element, the Divine " sparks " or
LOVER OF GOOD WORKS WHO monads of life.
IS GOD-DISCERNING :— See DAYS (five), GOAT (milch),
MOON (lower), MOON (solar), MOON-
A symbol of the higher manaslc
intelligence, or Intuitional principle, WAXING, PERSONALITY, PITRIS (lunar),
which brings the higher and lower PlTRIYANA.
Selves together when perfection has
been attained and the lower nature
dissipated . MIND :—
See DOORS OPENED BY THOTH, A symbol of the astral principle
HIGHER AND LOWER SELVES. which has been developed in the lunar
cycle. It is through the stimulus
LOVER OF THE HEAVENLY of the astral or desire-nature that the
MAIDEN :— mind is eventually awakened. When
the desires are extremely active in
A symbol of the Indwelling Self
working upwards through the per combination with the lower mind
there results an unruled and un
sonality towards union with Buddhl,
directed state of soul, very dangerous
" Let him kiss me with the kisses of morally.
his mouth. . . . Thy name is as ointment
poured forth ; therefore do the virgins KABANUHA, MOON-WAXING.
love thee. Draw me ; we will run after
thee. ...I am black but comely." — LYCUS, KING OF THE MARIAN-
SONO OF SONGS, i. 2-6.
The incarnate Self whose differen A symbol ofthe higher intellect
tiation is Love (ointment) is adjured which governs right discrimination.
to express hia true nature, for all the See ANCEUS.
MA-A'SEH MERCABAH, OR THE The Self enjoins the spiritual mind
CHARIOT-THRONE OF EZE- to take the buddhic fruits of the
KIEL :— soul's experience on the lower planes,
A symbol of the Soul, that Is, of and purify therewith the central
the quaternary enthroning the higher nature of the soul.
triad, and constituting the vehicle of " And their whole body
(of cherubim),
the Higher Self. and their backs, and their hands, and
" Four living creatures. And this was their wings, and the wheels, were full
their appearance ; they had the likeness of eyes round about, even the wheels
of a man. And every one had four that they four had."— EZEK. x. 12.
faces, and four wings. And their feet And the soul-vehicles and all their
were straight feet." — EZEK. i. 5-7. attributes and functions, together with
Four soul-bodies, causal, mental, the re-incarnating life cycles, are to
astral, and physical. The four faces the ego the means of mental perception
stand for the interrelated means of (eyes) of the activities on the various
the soul's progression, through mind planes.
(man), desire (lion), obedient flesh- See BACK, CASTES, CEILING,
body (ox), and the buddhic function CHARIOT, CHERUBIM, CHILDREN or
(eagle). The wings typify aspiration HORUS, CRYSTAL, EAGLE, EYE,
and growth, and the feet, the physical FACE, FEET, FIRE, FIRMAMENT,
foundation of advance in time and FOUR, HANDS, HEAD, INCARNATION
" And they four (wheels) had one LINEN, LION, MAN, MERCABA, Ox,
likeness : and their appearance and their
work was as it were a wheel within a wheel. PRIEST, RE-INCARNATION, SAPPHIRE,
When they went, they went upon their SIDES, THRONE, VESTURES, WHEELS,
four sides : they turned not when they WINGS.
went." — EZEK. i. 16, 17.
The four wheels of one likeness MAAT, GODDESS:—
symbolise the incarnating cycles which A symbol of Invariable law and
are within the great cycle of life. justice applied to the activities of the
Incarnation requires growth on the lower planes. The law of Karma.
" Maat was the wife of Thoth, and
four planes (sides) ; and the souls
and retreat unerringly to daughter of Ra ; she assisted at the work
of creation. She is the goddess of absolute
and from the physical existence. regularity and order, of moral rectitude,
" And over the head of the living
and of right and truth. Her emblem
creature there was the likeness of a is a feather." " The gods live by maat,
firmament, like the colour of the terrible i.e., never-failing and unalterable
crystal. And under the firmament were regularity and order." — BUDGE, Book of
their winga straight." — EZEK. i. 22, 23. the Dead, pp. 4, 8.
And above the lower mind (head) The ideals (gods) have their raison
was the higher mind (firmament), il'i'/rc in the law of karma, for by it
which the souls cannot consciously they are related to the lower planes,
attain to until perfected (crystal). and as higher qualities they function
The souls rest when withdrawn to in the growth of the lower.
the higher mind, and their lower See ADRASTIA, FATE-SPHERE,
vehicles disappear. FEATHER, GODS, JUDGMENT-HALL,
" And above the firmament that was
over their heads was the likeness of a
throne, as the appearance of a sapphire NORNOB, SAU, SHENIT, THEMIS,
atone, and upon the throne was the THOTH.
appearance of a man." — EZEK. i. 26.
And on the higher mental plane
was the causal-body (throne) formed A symbol of the higher Intellect,
through wisdom-love (sapphire), and or will.
" Thereupon Isis and Horus stood
it is the seat of the Higher Self.
" And the Lord spake unto the man near Ra, and the young god drove
his weapon mab unto Set, at a place
clothed in linen, and said. Go in between
called ' She-nu-aha,' i.e. ' Lake of Battle,'
the whirling wheels, even under the
or ' She-neter,' i.e. ' Lake of God.' " —
cherub, and fill both thine hands with
Legend of the Winged Sun-ditk.
coals of fire from between the cherubim,
and scatter them over the city Thereupon Wisdom and Love
(Jerusalem)." — EZEK. x. 2. approached to their Source — the Higher
Triad, — and the Higher Self meting this slumbers the idea of the higher
as Will-wisdom, overcame his enemy,
Makrokosm, the Heavenly or Celestial
" Man or Adam, the primordial Perfect
the desire-mind, the of
prince Paradigm or Adam Qadmon, the Perfect
darkness." The place with two names Model of all Form and of the first terrestrial
signifies the dual aspect which under Adam, who was as to it the Mikrokosm.
lies the triumph over evil. On the In this Great Paradigm, the Qabbalah
asserts, are all the forms, the perfect
one side there is Conflict (Battle) ; ideal.-, of the emanated or created
at the other there is Victory (God).
" Christ is always rising in human
existences. It might therefore be termed
the Idealized Form, or the Form which
experience, always rising from the tomb contains all the perfect ideas in their
wherein ignorance and wickedness have origination." — Ibid., p. 181.
tried to enclose the eternal good. There " The
teaching of the Faithful Brethren
is nothing for which the Easter festival of Basra concerning Nature is that
more clearly stands than this inevitable* the human soul has emanated from the
ness of the victory of the spiritual over World-soul ; and the souls of all
the material, this continual bursting forth individuals taken together constitute
of divine life from the midst of darkness a substance which might be denominated
and death." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., the Absolute Man or the Spirit of
Christ Art am. Humanity." — DE BOER, Hist, of Philot.
" The saying that the First Man was
co -extensive with the world is found in
MJOLNER, RA, SET, STRLTE, TRIAD, various parts of the Talmud and the
VICTORY, WAR, WILL. Midrash. The old philosophic conception
that the world is a macrocosm and man
MACROCOSM AND MICRO is a microcosm is adopted by Philo and
the Rabbis." — C. TAYLOR, Sayings of the
COSM :— Jewish Fathers, p. 71.
The Macrocosm is that aspect of It is immaterial whether the in
the manifest God, or Divine Monad,
dividual or the race be regarded as the
in which he is shown to be the pro
microcosm, for as all human individuals
ducer and container of all forms and
qualities in his universe ; while the are united as one " universal brother
Microcosm is the individual monad, hood," or soul, on the buddhic plane,
the reflection and perfect copy of the the microcosm for each is the same as
Divine, — being itself Divine. When for all. Every monad in every form
the One became many, each of the is potentially a microcosm in which the
many had in latency all the differen universe is represented. All monads
tiations of the One. below the human tend upwards
The Son, " who is the image of the to become the human, which in its
invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, turn progresses onward to become the
for in him were all things created, in
the heavens and upon the earth, things Divine (see diagrams, pp. 12, 60, 473).
visible and things invisible." — Col. i. " The
deepest root and very essence
18, 16. of the soul in every man is the eternal
" As God contains all image of Qod there — there without any
things in Him
self, so it is in our soul ; the soul is the agency of our own, there before our per
tnicrocosmoa in which all things are sonal creation, and there for ever. In
contained and are led back to God. the mirror of the Son God sees, and we
Therefore there is no difference between too may see, the types or patterns of
the Son of God and the soul
" all reality ; and the way to find ourselves
— PFLEIDEHER, Develop, of Christianity, and God and all that Is, is to stretch
p. 152. forth our arms toward the Divine pattern,
" The Universal Perfect Soul is the which is ours : ' Flying from brightness
Macrocosm. Humanity is the Microcosm" to brightness, the spirit aspires with
— MYER, Qabbalah, p. 156. outstretched arms to reach this immortal
" The whole of the created, from its pattern according to which it was created '
very beginning, is formed by the Qabba- (Ruysbroek)." — R. M. JONES, Mystical
listic philosophy into one Great Ideal Religion, p. 310.
Man, a Makrokosmos, a Great World, " As the old Tabernacle, before it was
of which the terrestrial Adam was a built, existed in the mind of God, so all
copy, and who, with his descendents, the unborn things of life, the things
are as a Mikrokosmos or Little World." — which are to make the future, are already
Ibid., p. 225. living in their perfect ideas in Him, and
" Humanity is considered by the when the future comes, its task will be
Qabbalah as one great universal brother to match those divine ideas with their
hood, as a great spiritual energetic material realities, to translate into the
vitality called the Mikrokosm, and in visible and tangible shapes of terrestrial
life the facts which already have existence and myrrh denote the recognition of
in the perfect mind. Surely in the the indwelling Divinity by the prophetic,
very statement of such a thought of life priestly, and regal attributes of man.
there is something which ennobles and Representing, respectively, the spirit,
dignifies our living. The things which the soul , and the mind, they are symbolised
come to pass hero in the world are not as an angel, a queen and a king ; and
mere volunteer efforts of man's enterprise, they are, actually, Right Aspiration,
not self-contained ventures which are Right Perception, and Right Judgment.
responsible to nothing and to no one The first implies enthusiasm for the glory
but themselves. For each of them there of God and the advancement of souls,
is ail idea present already in the thought unalloyed by any selfish end. The second
of God, a pattern of what each in its implies a vision for things spiritual,
purest perfection is capable of being. undimmed and undistorted by intrusion
Out of the desire to realise that idea must of elements, material or astral. And the
come the highest inspiration. In the third implies the ability to ' compare
degree to which it has realised that idea, like with like and preserve the affinity
must be the standard of judgment of of similars,' so that things spiritual may
every work of man." — PHILLIPS BBOOKS, not be confounded with things physical,
Serm., The Pattern in the Mount. but ' to God shall be rendered the things
See ADAM (higher), ABO. MAN, of God, and to Caesar the things of L'icRiir.' "
BTJDDHA, COSMOS, CRANIUM, CREATION, — The Perfect Way, p. 240.
A symbol of those qualities which A symbol of the inner and un
are enlightened intellectually. observed processes within the soul
" Now when Jesus was born in by which lower qualities are raised
and transmuted into higher. These
Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod
processes are the workings of Buddhl
the king, behold, wise men from the east
came to Jerusalem, saying where is he through the higher mind, in response
that is born King of the Jews T for we saw to the aspirations of the personality.
hia star in the east, and are come to " Those remained for ever with the
worship him." — MAT. ii. 1, 2. Sun (Ra) who possessed the most minute
Now when the Christ-soul was information as to the next world and who
brought forth in the condition of were best versed in magic. Thus the
whole doctrine (of immortality) is based
purity and peace, in the cycle when the upon a belief in the power of magic :
lower principle (Herod) ruled the by magic only could demons be worsted
soul, there arose qualities enlightened and everlasting bliss be won."
" Thoth was the
intellectually which aspired towards god of writing, the
scribe of the gods, and the god of letters—
Truth. And these sought for the of religious literature. He
True Ruler of the soul qualities, for was supposed to have written the most
they saw the promise of his coming sacred books and formulas with hid own
in the rise of knowledge (the star), hand, and therein to have set down his
knowledge of magic, in which art Isis
and they hastened to adore the only was his rival." — WIBDEMANN, Rel.
incoming Light of the world. of "Anc. Egyptians, pp. 06, 227.
" The wise men, etc. simply mean that
In the religious texts and works we
the human mind in which the precious see how magio is made to be the hand
gifts are born pays adoration to the maiden of religion, and how it appears
new-born Light." — J. WAKD, Zion't in certain passages side by side with the
Worlca, Vol. III. p. 4. most exalted spiritual conceptions ; and
" The East is the mystical term for
there can be no doubt that the chief
the source of heavenly light. . . . The object of magical books and ceremonies
function (of the Kings of the East ') was to benefit those who had by some
is to announce the Epiphany of the means obtained sufficient knowledge to
Divine Life, to be the Sponsors for the make use of them." — BUDOE, Egyptian
Christ, the Godfathers of the heavenly Magic, p. 3.
Babe. To them it is appointed to discern The " "
is the
power of magic
him from afar off, and to hasten to affirm
and declare him while yet in his cradle. efficacy of the buddhic function where
Their offerings of gold, frankincense, by the lower qualities are transmuted
and the soul enabled to overcome the "When Thoth heard this (of the
desires (demons) and rise to the planes impossibility of sailing further on the
sea while numerous enemies occupied
of immortality.
it) he recited certain chapters containing
Through the higher mind (Thoth) magical formulas, with the view of pro
have come the revelations of the tecting the boat and the vessels of the
unseen contained in the symbolism blacksmiths which were with it, and of
quieting the sea during the period of
of the sacred scriptures of the whole storm." — Legend of the Winged Sun-
world. In the higher mind are to be disk.
found the meanings attached to the When the higher intellect of the
symbols of the ideas which have human race (Thoth) perceived the
proceeded from the Holy Spirit or needs of the situation, it busied itself
buddhic principle (I sis). with the formulating of certain
As the buddhic functioning (magic) religious codes whereby the lower
is the means of the soul's redemption, nature might be disciplined and so
its recognition is an exalted spiritual enabled to proceed with its evolution
conception, and aspiration for its through the following of a set system,
benefits is the essence of true religion. or a mode of action and aspiration.
The popular mistaken view of magic And this mode of discipline it arranged
is referred to by Plutarch, who correctly with the express object of preserving
gives the meaning of Isis. in the soul the germ of the higher
" Isis, — Justice, Wisdom —shows the
intuition and capabilities of Divine
divine mysteries to be ' carriers of sacred
things,' and ' wearers of sacred robes ' : realisation which should yet unfold
these are they that carry in the soul, in due order when the lower nature
as it were in a copper (bowl), the sacred had accomplished its course on its own
story respecting the Gods, that cleanses part. This systematized thought and
the recipient from all superstition and
magical follies." — PLUTARCH, Isis and action also provided a means, through
Osiris, § 3. fear, reverence and authority, of
The Wisdom (Isis) from above stilling the turbulent lower emotion-
explains the Divine scriptures as nature, and of quelling the stormy
containing secret things of the Spirit vehemence of the passions and desires.
and hidden wisdom of the soul. The religious systems of the world
These scriptures, venerated as a vehicle are framed with a view, first of all,
of Divine truth, are the means of to preserve the germ of Buddhi
opening the revering mind to intuitions intact in the consciousness ; and
of truth symbolised in the miraculous second, to quell the surgings of the
stories and nonsensical statements of astral self or kama-manasic nature,
the holy books and myths, and so which, unless stilled by the action of
cleansing the soul from superstition Buddhi-manas, would prevent the
and sorcery, the products of ignorance, Divine realisation of Truth through^the
greed, and hate. mind. For the mind has to act aa
" The human
soul is made to turn, a mirror wherein may be reflected
by the subtle chemistry of its digestive gleams of the radiance of Love,
experience, truth into goodness." —
PHILIPS BROOKS, germ., Young and Old Righteousness and Reality.
" The starting-point of all magic and
See ALCHEMY, ASPIRATION, BARSOM, of all magical religion — the best and
BUDDHI, BUDDHIC FUNCTION, CLOUDS, purest of occult activities — is, as in
mysticism, man's inextinguishable con
DEMONS, GKACE, HOLY GHOST, viction that there are other planes of
IMHOTEP, INTUITION, Isis, MYTHO- being than those which his senses report
LOGY, PAPYRUS BOAT, PERSONALITY, to him ; and its proceedings represent
the intellectual and individualistic results
REDEMPTION, RELIGION, REVELA of this conviction — his craving for the
TION, RITUAL, SACKED TEXT, hidden knowledge." — E. UNDERBILL,
SoBtPTUBBS, THOTH, TRANSMUTA Mysticism, p. 180.
Symbolic of the contents of the INTELLECT, INTUITION, PAFYBUS
World-scriptures which treat of the BOAT, SCRIPTURES, SKA, SIGN,
bidden processes of nature. STOBM, THOTH, VESSEL, WOBD.
isBuddhi, commonly called
A symbol of the Inward stimuli intellector intellectual perception ' (and
variously termed Alahat, from its being
of the desire-mind (kama-manas) the Great source of the two other internal
urging the soul towards fresh faculties, Ahan-kara and Manas, or self-
experiences of the lower life. consciousness and mind)." — MONIER
" When Zoroaster had attained WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 93.
seventh year, the inimical Durasrobo and See AHANKARA, BRKATIC WORLD,
Bratrok-rish still continue to connive MANAS, THOTH.
against hi™ ; to harass and assail him.
By magic practices they endeavour to MAHAVIRA, SOVEREIGN LORD :—
daunt his spirit, and they attempt to
destroy his body by poison." — A. V. W, A symbol of the spiritual ego, or
JACKSON, Zoroaster, p. 32. the individuality, ruler of the person
The " seventh year " signifies the alities. Or a symbol of the incarnate
growth of the soul upon the lower Self, Higher Self.
" Mahavira, ' the great hero * of the
planes. The conspiracy is the means
by which the soul is ensnared through Jainos ; like Buddha." — BARTH, Rcl. of
India, p. 148.
the desire-nature and the lower mind
which intensifies the strength of the
" " are SELF, SOUL, SUN.
desires. The magic practices
the untried routes of the lower nature MAHA.VIRA-POT :—
over which the soul must needs pursue A symbol of the causal -body the
its way, and the way appears appalling seat of the individuality, and of the
and interminable. The " poisoning " Self.
signifies the immediate result of the " A
(mystical) theory makes the
severer experiences upon the lower Mahavira pot a symbol of the sun, whilst
planes whereon the effects of the the hot milk draught represents the divine
flood of life and light with which the
coarser functionings of the lower self
(Sacrificer) becomes imbued. These sym
have all the appearance of effects of bolic interpretations, whatever we may
poison. think of them otherwise, certainly adapt
See ASTRAL- BODY, BLACK MAGI themselves admirably to the general
sacrificial imagery. As the sun is the
head of the universe —or in figurative
I'ALI,. KAMA, SERPENT (subtil), SEVEN, language, the head of Pragapati, the world*
YEAK, ZOROASTER. man, — so its earthly and earthen counter
part, the Mahavira pot, is the head of
MAHABHARATA, OR THE GREAT Vishnu, the sacrificial man and the
ORIGINATOR :— Sacrificer." — J. EOOELINO, translator of
the Sata. Brdh., S. B. of E., Vol. XLIV.
A symbol of the Logos or Higher Int. p. 48.
Self,— God-manifest. The sun is a symbol of the Higher
" The (Great) Bharata, doubtless is Self which the lower self cannot
Pragapati, for he ' sustains (bhar) this
entire universe ;— that his great light distinguish from the individual Self
ghineth brightly, as the sun, — he who and its vehicle the causal -body. The
overthrew Puru in battles.' Puru, by " hot milk " is a symbol of the Divine
name, was an Asura — Rakshas : him life —atma-buddhi.
Pragapati " here
Agni overthrew in battles." — Sata. Br&h.,
VI. 8, 1, 14. stands for the Archetypal Man, who haa
The Higher Self, under many names, sacrificed himself for humanity. This
is the indwelling Christ whose blood "
is the Life and Light of tho universe,
and the sun is his most general symbol. (Divine life) cleanses from all sin as
the soul evolves, that is, as the incom
The desire-nature (Puru) acts in
opposition to the higher nature, and plete changes its nature and finally
is eventually overcome by the incarnate becomes the complete.
Self (Agni) after much conflict. See ARC. MAN, BLOOD, CAUSAL-
A symbol of the higher intellect, — MAHA-YANA AND HINA-YANA :—
buddhi-manas, — the plane of creation. Symbols of the course of the soul's
" The first production of the original evolution. The first indicates the
soul's path after mind has begun to known its true being, and shows that
function and the Divine spark has the inner nature, — the better and
been conferred : the second indicates truer self, — is that which alone is
the prior path of the monad of form real and known. The Divine or
wherein the desire-nature and the complemental half of the perfected
personality are developed in animal
soul is but the result of those righteous
forms on the lunar and terrene globes .
MSha-yana and Hina-ySna have the efforts which have been made on the
same significations as Devayana and lower planes through the agency of
Pitriyana. They indicate the double the lower Self struggling upward to
origin of the human being. The origin meet the Wisdom above.
" Now
on the higher side from spirit and approacheth Wisdom, the
mind, and on the lower side from Heavenly Maiden, to the soul, and
matter and desire ;— the spiritual man embraceth it in its innermost essence with
her sweetest love, placing her love as a
and the natural man ;— the two
sign of victory in ita desires ; and now
conflicting interests within the soul. Adam riseth again from the dead in his
On the greater path (MSha-yana) heavenly part, in Christ. . . . For it
man has descended from God ; on is the marriage of the Lamb." — BEHMEN,
the lesser path (Hlna-yana) he has Thoughts, etc., Rainy, p. 42.
ascended from the animal, and now See ADAM (higher), BBIDGE (kinvat),
he possesses the two natures within BUDDHI, CHRIST'S SECOND COMING,
MAN (born), MAN (natural), MOON- (good), RESURRECTION, SCENT, SOUL
(middle), SPARK.
A symbol of Wisdom (buddhi), or A symbol of the mental plane, for
of the Intuition (buddhi-manas). the " shore of the sea " is the plane
which approaches the perfected above the astral (sea).
soul as It rises to the higher con " I passed the borders of Maishan,
sciousness. the meeting-place of the merchants of
" Advancing with this sweet-scented the East." — Hymn of the Soul (Gnostic).
wind, there appeared to him what is his I passed through the mental state,
religious merit, in the shape of a beautiful where the lower sensations are
maiden (of fifteen). . . . Then the soul exchanged for the awakening emotion
of the righteous man spoke to her, asking, " merchants of the
— What maiden art thou whom I have and ideas. The
thus seen as yet the most beautiful of East " are the builders of thought,
maidens in form J Then answered him who transmute the sensations into
his own religion :— I am, O youth ! thy ideas. (The sensations are wrought
good thoughts, good words, good deeds,
and who am thy own religion in thy out through the astral centres : these
own self." — HAUO, The Hadokht Nask. in time exhaust the capacity of the
The " advance " signifies the upward vehicles, but in so doing, or before,
track which is now pursued by the vibrations are set up on the higher or
soul ; for to the higher mental nature mental plane, and in this way associa
a purer and deeper sense of truth than tions are set up in the mind, responses
that which may be apprehended to which awaken sets of ideas, and
through the intellect is vouchsafed. The these in time produce consecutive
" maiden," of which the soul is a part, thoughts. Thoughts about feelings and
is none other than the Wisdom-nature, the phenomena of sensation, when
lovely beyond conception, which is acted upon or vitalised by a powerful
presently to become united with the will, produce development in a man's
operations of the Self through the character which coincides with evolu
higher mind. The ego of the perfected tion upon the higher buddhic plane.
soul now supplicates the higher The mind is built up through the
wisdom of the Self, requesting that its lower self, answering to the several
nature may be declared to it. In sets of vibrations which enable it to
response, the Higher Self now makes respond through the aspects of mental
q\ialities." These qualities, when SEX PRINCIPLE,
distinct from astral emotions, gradually AND YIN.
assert themselves as abstract mental
attributes, and so merge into reason,
judgment, analysis, synthesis, and love
of truth and right, and in this way A symbol of the dual aspects of the
higher mind, which appear as Truth-
approximate to what we identify
Wisdom, Reason-Intuition, Intellect-
with the higher concepts of philosophy Love, or Buddhi-manas.
and metaphysics. These concepts are " From the region of the heart came
formed upon the upper rupa mental forth woman, the type in her very nature,
sub-planes and are perceived aright as in her birthplace, of those affections ;
through the causal-body.) formed to yield to the man or under
See ASTRAL PLANE, BARSOM, standing, as he to rule : the two, the
understanding and will, making up the
BUDDHIC PLANE, EAST, INTELLECT, man created male-and-female. Now it
MAHAT, MANAS, MENTAL, MER is seen that there are two distinct lives
CHANDISE, POOL (Bcthesda), QUALI in man, one of the intellect, the other of
TIES, SEA, SPEECH, TABLES, TRANS the affections, which though now separate
in the human mind, unite as far as may
MUTATION, WILL. be, and by their union produce all those
forms of life which grow in and out of
MALE-FEMALE :— man. By these do we commune with
God ; the understanding, as it is the image
The sex principle symbolises the of God's wisdom, being the vessel to receive
dual aspects of the manifest •which His truth and wisdom ; the will, as it
always present themselves in the reflects His love, to receive His goodness
evolution of the Cosmos, — such and love." — A. JUKES, Types of Genesis,
as spirit-matter, life-form, force- p. 52.
matter, love-wisdom, mind-emotion, See ADAM (higher), DIVORCE,
intellect-intuition. FEMININE, IMAGE OF GOD, MAN (dual),
" The first emanation from Kether, the MARRIAGE, MASCULINE, RIB, WIFE,
Crown, is Binah, the Universal Intellect WOMAN.
or Understanding, which is Geberol's
first emanation, Universal Matter. It MALKUTH, THE HOLY SPIRIT :—
is also termed by the Qabbalah Immah,
the Mother, and is considered as receptive,
A symbol of the buddhlc principle
negative, feminine, plastic, and to receive which directs the evolution of the
form. '
Everything existing
says the soul.
Zohar (III 290a), ' can only be the work " The Queen
(Malkhuth) was also called
of the male and female principles.' The the Church or Congregation of Israel,
Zohar and Geberol both hold that the Daughter, the Bride of the Spouse,
everything must be of Form (male) the Shekeenah, i.e. the Glory, or real
and Matter (female). — I. MYER, Qabbalah, presence of the Deity, the Sabbath or
p. 199. Rest-day, the Harmony. It is considered
From the Highest (Kether) is by the Qabbalah as the executive energy
emanated the principle of Matter or power of the Sephirah Binah, the Holy
Spirit or Upper Mother." — I. MYEB,
(Binah), which is receptive of truth
Qabbalah, p. 203.
from the Spirit. The principle of The buddhic principle is the
Matter is the Divine Mother— the consummation of the qualities (Israel),
bringer forth of all things both above Wisdom the bride of Love, the source
and below. Matter receives forms of inspiration, the completion of
and qualities from spiritual involution evolution, the Divine influx from above
and then gives birth to all forms and
" Malkhuth, Kingdom, is the re-united
qualities in spiritual evolution. Spirit
is masculine, Matter is feminine, action of all the Sephiroth . . • and is
That which gives form is Spirit ; the immanent energy of all emanated
things."— Ibid., p. 282.
that which takes form is Matter.
In the " kingdom of heaven," on
See ADAM (dual), KIN AH, COSMOS,
EVOLUTION, the buddhic plane, will be found
the spiritual results of the present
HEAVEN AND EARTH, INVOLUTION, " We mean by ' God is Spirit ' that He
KAIOMARTS, KETHER, LIVING THINGS, is the Essential Being of all those things—
MATTER, MAYA, MOTHER (divine), invisible, immaterial, impossible for ever
to be subjected to the senses — which'we higher qualities (friends) through the
therefore call Spiritual Ideas, such as intuition of truth (the kid as meat
Truth, Love, Righteousness, Wisdom ; "
We must consider that the man who'
and that He is their Source in us, or rather was formed of earth means the mind
their very Being in us, that in having — PHLLO, Works, Yonge, Vol. I. p. 60.
them, we have God. . . . Our theory " ' Man ' signifieth the rational principle,
is this. We hold that there ia a Divine for the rational principle is imitative of
Spirit, who is Truth, Wisdom, and the intelligence. It appertaineth to the
rest. We hold that our spirits and our external man, which in itself is a kind
intellect are in kind the same as His, are of medium between the internal and
portions of the Eternal Fire and Light, external." — SWEDENBOHO, Arc. CeL to
differently conditioned in each of us by Gen. iii. 16, 17.
separate personalities, and that Truth, "
Love, Justice in us, are God in us. ... Up, Lord, and let not man have the
upper hand : let the heathen be judged
We hold that the soul could never have in thy sight." — Ps. ix. 19.
conceived God had not its essence been " Let not the outer man, the old Adam,
of God." — STOPFORD A. BROOKE, Serm., have the upper hand over the inner,
God it Spirit. spiritual man, nor let mere earthly
See BINAH, BUDDHI, CHUBCH, thoughts lead UK down from higher
A symbol of the lower emotion or PRODIGAL, RUAH, SAVOUB.
desire nature, by the disciplining of
which the higher emotions (friends) MAN AND WIFE :—
are evolved. A symbol of the mental and emo
tional natures united in the soul, and
MAN, OR MEN :— productive of thoughts and actions
A universal symbol of mind in two (children).
aspects, higher mind or lower. It Therefore shall a man leave his father
signifies intellect, reason, intelligence, and hia mother, and shall cleave unto his
or mental faculties and qualities. wife : and they shall be one flesh." — GKS.
" But he was angry, and would not go ii. 24.
The mind, recognising that which
in : and his father came out, and intreated
him. But he answered and said to his is apparently of its own substance,
father, Lo, these many years do I serve and dual within itself, shall quit
thee, and I never transgressed a command sense and desire which brought it
ment of thine : and yet thou never gavest into active being, and go in search
me a kid, that I might make merry with
my friends." — LUKE xv. 28, 29. of the ideal — higher emotions (buddhi,
But the intellect is offended, — feminine). The mind with the ideal
stubborn, proud, and unfit to make an are one, when the mind and higher
effort, to progress and inherit the things emotions are in harmony together in the
of eternal life. The intellect is the liberated soul.
" Man, as His image, is therefore mile
formative factor, and tends therefore
and female, that he may be a figure both
to contract and limit its own activity, of the wisdom and love of God ; the man
and so cannot expand of itself representing the understanding, the woman
sufficiently. And therefore the effort the will or love-part of the mind, which
of the Spirit (Father) from above is united make up that inward man or mind,
by which we can both know and love,
needed to assist it. But the intellect, and so commune with, God." — A. JUKES,
as is its nature, argues and discusses. Types Genesis, p. 40.
" Byofman, in
It is satisfied that it has not fallen the Word,
is signified
from the path of rectitude, and ignores the understanding of truth ; and by
woman the affection of truth, because
the fact that in this obtuseness lies man by birth is understanding, and
its limitation. And so the son contends woman affection." — SWEDENBORG, Apot.
and complains that the Father has not Rev., n. 434.
bestowed upon him that which he So that they (man and wife) are no
more twain, but one flesh. What there
ignorantly assumes he could have fore God hath joined together, let not
received, namely, union with the man put asunder." — MAT. xix. 6.
Christ here points out, that ideally qualities or the personality from evil
reason and emotion are not at variance courses. If the conscience does not
— not separate. This being the higher speak, then the lower nature is not
condition, the lover mind (man) is held responsible for wrongdoing, but
exhorted not to persist in maintaining the spiritual mind is accountable for
the lower condition, (desire-mental), not warning the lower mind.
but preserve the union of mind and See ADAM'S DEAD BODY, BLOOD,
emotion and make the best of it by BRIDGE (kinvat), CONSCIENCE, DAEVAS,
seeking the higher condition (buddhi- DOG-STAR, DUSAHK, GATHA (kam.),
A symbol of the mind subject to MAN, BLIND :—
the lower desires, passions, affections, A symbol of the mind which is not
and emotions of the lower nature, spiritually awakened, and which re
which effectually bind it down to the veres the form of religion without
re-incarnating process. knowledge of its substance. Creed-
" The righteousness of the perfect bound literalism and formalism.
shall direct his way : but the wicked " The Lord openeth the eyes of the
shall fall by his own wickedness." — blind : Lord raiseth them that are
PBOV. xi. 6. bowed down : the Lord loveth the
The higher qualities of the perfected righteous." — Ps. cxlvi. 8.
soul direct the consciousness upwards : The Divine Life within unfolds the
but the soul that is undeveloped is higher nature which dissipates the
attracted downwards by its desires lower, and brings truth to the
for the things of the lower life. perception of the soul. The Divine
Those who have chosen the good in nature raiseth the mental qualities that
this world are received after death by are directed downwards. The Divine
good spirits, and guided, under the
nature is in harmony with those
protection of the dog Sura, to the Kinvat
bridge ; the wicked are dragged thither which are perfected.
by the Daevas." — Zoroastrian System.
" That which had shut the higher
Those souls who have done well, — wisdom out of your soul was part and
who have sown worthily, — shall reap the portion of the soul itself, and so when it
was broken up and kneaded in, it became
reward hereafter, upon those planes part of the substance which received the
whereon they are gradually awakening. new illumination. Your life had to open
The " dog Sura " is the symbol of itself again in primal simplicity to God."
— PHILIPS BROOKS, Mystery of Iniquity,
power, tenacity and will, and which
p. 163.
stands for the Self's faithful servant, See BLIND MAN, EYE, HEALING,
who has succeeded in crossing the MIRACLES (healing), SEEING, SIGHT.
bridge which unites the lower and the
higher consciousnesses. The wicked
souls are they who are relatively un A symbol of an embryo ego on the
developed, and who are drawn away mental plane which becomes em
by the lust of life, pride, attachment bodied in a succession of animal
to the objects of sense and egotism. forms in order to gain experience.
" When I say unto the wicked, O wicked " And
according to his deeds, and
man, them shalt surely die ; if them (O according to his knowledge, a man is
son of man) dost not speak to warn the born again here as a worm, or as an
wicked from his way, that wicked man insect, or as a fish, or as a bird, or as a
shall die in his iniquity ; but his blood lion, or as a boar, or as a serpent, or as
will I require at thine hand." — EZEK. a tiger, or as a man, or as somebody else
ixxiii. 8. in different places." — Kaush. Upanishad.
The " son of man " is the spiritual According to the ego's operative
ego or spiritual mind, and stands for results and experience, so is the monad's
the conscience warning the mental next life determined. From the worm,
THE Diagram of Entities is to make plain the difference between Man and the Animals.
Regarded horizontally, man seems to inherit from the lower animals ; but while
this may be said to be partially true in respect to his physical form, it is not at all
true of his mental and spiritual nature. The animals cannot confer what they do not
possess, and they are themselves the effects of mental causation.
From the plant to the animal, and thence to man, there may appear to be developed,
through variation and physical heredity, the human form. Sequentially this is true,
as Darwin and Haeckel teach, but causally it is false that the lower can originate the
higher. The forces behind phenomena are many and various, and quite independent
of the physical which is their ultimate expression. The plane of causes or creation
is the mental plane, as the Sacred Books (also Plato) teach, and it is to ideation we
must look for the causes of vegetal, animal, and human variations of every kind.
Physical links between species are only very imperfectly traceable on the physical
plane. Indeed, Weismann's extraordinary acuteness and nicety of observation really
bring into prominence the inadequacy of the physical condition as cause for anything.
To trace qualities to or through physical electrons is as unthinkable as it is unapparent.
Qualities are not visible matter, but astro-mental activities.
Qualities are of an astral or mental nature, and can only be fully investigated on
their own planes. Their expression upon the physical plane throws no light upon
their genesis above that plane.
Causation is transmitted from above downwards, as indicated in the vertical life
lines of the diagram. When the group-soul of the apes is sufficiently developed, it
segregates into individuals in which the germ of mind descends, as it were, to enlighten
them. These souls, then, are fitted to enter human bodies of a low order. It must be
added that the germ of mind carries with it the Divine spark, or spiritual Ego, which
is enthroned in each individual soul. The idea that man (mind) descends from the
animals is a mistake on the face of it, even though it may be held that he inherits
his astral nature and physical form from them.
In appearance the higher condition always arises, or takes birth, from the lower
condition, but this appearance is illusory as causation, and is due to the involutionary
process which has preceded the evolutionary.
The Sacred Books explain that the type-forms of species originate intelligently on
the mental plane, — the
" plane of creation," — and are carried forward upon the astral
" plane of formation," — where they modify astral forms of cognate species,
plane ;
and thence make entrance into physical life. Thus, at certain periods in the life-cycle,
new species seem to arise from prior existing forms.
" Natural selection " is true in its
degree as an appearance, but is itself dependent
upon laws of variation which obviously appertain to the astral and mental conditions
which are hidden from five-sense observation.
Physical heredity is a plain fact in appearance, but the causes of it are by no means
plain, and it is evident that no microscopic observation of ova can throw the least
light upon its causes, which are hidden behind the phenomena and are on higher
planes. Inheritance is not from parents, but from the racial mind.
In the case of minerals, their etheric and astral bodies are collective and continuous,
and the forces of the planes (as in earthquakes) play through them unimpeded. Thst
etheric forces exist and are in common use, is shown by the great force present in
explosions, electric engines, birds flying, etc. The physical force liberated by gas
expansion can be calculated, and this force falls very far short of the total force
exhibited in explosions.
With birds flying, the etheric force liberated is evidently in exact proportion to
the muscular energy used, and is so much greater in amount than the animal force
that birds can be almost constantly on the wing without being exhausted. Aeroplanes
give little promise of real success until etheric force is employed in far greater measure
than at present. There appear to be interactions between heat and electric vibrations
and etheric currents. The etheric possibilities of electrical phenomena need to be
studied very closely, and it seems likely that experiments such as those which are no"
being made in the laboratory will ultimately succeed in demonstrating the direction
in which etheric force lies.










Tn this diagram the devolvement of life is shown vertically from above to below.
Horizontally, the outer and inner bodies of all living beings are indicated on their
respective planes of matter. The life of the human body and of every kind of
organism is essentially subjective purposeful mind in action on its own plane, directing
the forces on the lower planes to the formation, maintenance and functioning of the
vegetal and animal mechanisms.
Each human individual possesses an incomplete causal-body on the higher mental
plane, which is immortal and in process of building up to a perfect state in accordance
with its perfect potential causal-body on a higher level. Man is endowed with a
Divine ray of spirit from above, and this " Promethean fire makes him a moral
and spiritual being responsible for his actions to God within. The lower organisms
are not individualised on the mental plane, and are therefore without causal bodies;
but each species has its own ideal causal pattern, and its own group-mind, life and
consciousness vivifying each unit, and gathering and utilising mundane experiences
which convey information to the group-mind and suggest changes in the life of the
with its type of astral form, to the man See DEVAYANA,
with human astral form and human HIRUKO, INVOLUTION, KARMA, LUNA;.
soul, and from personality to CYCLE, MAHAY AN A, MAN CRAWLED,
personality, so the spark of Divine life MAM (natural), MANASAPUTRAS,
manifests and progresses. The evolu METEMPSYCHOSIS, MONAD OF FORM,
tion of the human astral form is OF LIFE, MOON-WAXING, PITHIS, PITRI-
accomplished from the' evolution of YANA, RE-INCARNATION, SKINS OF
the animal astral form, — the one flows ANIMALS, SON OF MAN, WHEELS.
insensibly into the other, so that
oftentimes the astral forms of the
most intelligent animals, though not WORM " :—
in conscious touch with individual A symbol of the condition of
souls of their own, are yet expressions animal-man before the advent within
of the astral life, which will eventually him of mind which raised him above
the lower forms of life.
manifest under human conditions when " The
the law of karma provides openings angels exhorted each other
saying, ' Let us make man in our image
for such embryo souls. The astral and likeness.' He was accordingly formed.
life is brought up, or worked, so to yet was unable to stand erect, — through
speak, through the animal evolution, the inability of the angels to convey to
so that when the time arrives, it him that power, — but he wriggled like
a worm. Then the Power from above
provides the basis for the evolution taking pity upon him, since he was made
of specifically human nature, since after His likeness, sent forth a spark of
it then corresponds to the awakenment life, which gave man an erect posture,
of activities which necessitate a form compacted his joints, and made him

of human kind in which the mind is

live (Saturninua). — IRENJTOS, Agavut
Heretics, Bk. I. 24.
brought into activity, and which then Man was first of all the production
forms a centre of individual conscious of those elemental forces, or builders
ness such as will be able in time to of forms, which worked along the
direct ita own evolution from within. astral and physical planes whereon
To make the matter clearer ; the evolution was proceeding. These
statement about being born again as could not give mind to the animal
a worm, an animal, or a man, refers, natures of instinct and desire, whose
first, to the astro -mental monad of forms they built. The period, how
form, and second, to the buddhi- ever, arrived when the brute-human
mental monad of life, the son of mind must needs become the God -human.
(manasaputra), both of which are, of And hence the Divine Archetypal
course, associated, so soon as the Man in the heavens, created of God.
human soul is evolved with its awakened descended upon the lower planes,
intelligence and indwelling germ of the and assumed that human form which
Spirit, when man rises permanently was now fashioned into a fitting
above the animal kingdom. The receptacle for his Divine nature to
" deeds and
" determine
manifest therein. So it was, even,
the kinds of births of the embryo that God became man ; and so it

egos. On the lowest astral plane, also, that man may be said to become
as on the physical plane, cause God, — for wherein differeth the one
precedes effect, and the law of each from the other, when each united

plane not only operates thereon but in Christ Raising man by a " spark

to some extent serves to regulate the of life " the hinting at the supreme

conditions which obtain when the ego truth that the spiritually erect posture
periodically descends into an astro- of man, which related with his

mental vehicle, prior to re-birth. polarisation in the universe, bean

Man is properly the individual soul a vital connection with the assumption
which is astro-mental, that is, when of Godhood. The " angels," or natnre-
the differentiation from the animal elementals, could not give man Divine
order has taken place, as it does on attributes which, before they were
the fourth astral sub-plane, and from conferred upon him, he lacked, so that
thence the mind is stirred into activity. he crawled upon the earth. Then

was that the soul was acquired, or Good, from whom all men, who in them
selves are dead, are made alive." —
rather that the individuated unit SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 17.
was incarnated, in a fitting vehicle, " In
spiritual warfare we fight to
so that at last a living soul, — made overcome the natural man, not to destroy
in the image of God, and adapted to him, but to render him obedient to the
law of Christ. To bring our whole nature
live in the true sense, — was evolved. into perfect harmony with the will of
"Now we should consider that God God is the true end of our striving.
gave the sovereign part of the human There can be no stopping short of that,
soul to be the divinity of each one . . . but when the goal is won there shall be
which raises us from earth to our kindred no more fighting but an entrance into
which is in heaven. And this is most everlasting peace." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
true ; for the divine power suspended Serm., Warfare of Life.
the head and root of us from that place " Democracy must get rid of the
where the generation of the soul first natural man of each for himself, and have
began, and thus made erect the whole a new birth into the spiritual man, the
body. He, therefore, who is always ideal self of each for all. . . . This is
occupied with the cravings of desire and the deepest craving of human nature.
ambition and is eagerly striving after them, All attempts to reconcile man's heroism
must have all his opinions mortal, and, to his int.crc.stH have ever failed." —
as far as man can be, must be all of him R. WHITEINO, No. 6 John Street, p. 279.
mortal, because he cherished his mortal " The true self of every man ia God
part. But he who has been in earnest There are millions
(the Universal Self).
in the love of knowledge and true wisdom of selves which think themselves separate
. . . must of necessity, as far as human
from the Universal Self, but this sense
nature is capable of attaining immortality, of separation is an illusion. The problem
be all immortal." — PLATO, Timceus,
of life is the overcoming of this illusion,
Jowett, Vol. III. p. 674. and the identification of itself with the
" In one view, it may be rightly said
Universal Self. What we call the per
that the whole object of God, in our sonal self is not the genuine self, but only
training, is to develop in us a character the mere passing states of consciousness,
of eternal uprightness ; developing also, which are never the same." — K. C.
in that manner, as a necessary conse ANDERSON, Serm., The Buried Life.
quence, grand possibilities of social order
See ADAM (lower), CORPSE, DAVID,
and well-being." — H. BUSHNELL, Nature,
MAN, NATURAL :— A symbol of the mind which Iden
A symbol of the lower mind united tifies Itself with a multitude of objects
with the desires and affections of the of desire ; an attitude of clinging to
lower nature. externalities, which fosters the pairs
" Now the natural man receiveth not of opposites in the soul.
the things of the Spirit of God, for they " It is easier for a camel to go through
are foolishness unto him, and he cannot a needle's eye, than for a rich man to
know them, etc." — 1 COB. ii. 14. enter into the kingdom of God." — MAT.
" By the natural man is meant the ziz. 24.
lower faculties of man ; and it is said This is an analogy, showing how
of these that they cannot discover impossible it is for a mind distracted
spiritual truth." — F. W. KoBEBTSON,
Sermons, lit Series, p. 2. by the conflicting desires and emotions
" The natural man belongs essentially of the lower planes to enter into the
to this present order of things. He is nature of that which is bliss.
endowed simply with a high quality of " Blessed in spirit are the poor : for
the natural animal life. But it is life theirs is the kingdom of heaven." — MAT.
of so poor a quality that it is not Life v. 3.
at all. He that hath not the Son hath The Divine nature operates in those
not Life, but he that hath the Son hath
Life — a new and distinct and super who have rid themselves of the desires
natural endowment. . . . Not a difference of the lower life ; for their conscious
of development, but of generation." — ness rises to the higher planes.
H. " DHUMMOND, Natural Law, etc., p. 82. See KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, LAZARUS,
The Lord is the first-begotten from
the dead, because He, as to his Humanity, POOH IN SPIRIT, POVERTY, RICH MAN,
im the Truth itself united to the Divine SEBMON ON MOUNT, WEALTH.
MAN, RIGHTEOUS:— least passed over by flocks and herds." —
Vendidad, III. 5. B. of E.
A symbol of the exalted mind about
The carrying of a corpse by one man
to be united to the Higher Self. It
alone signifies the attempt to allow
Indicates the ego which has rid Itself
of its lower nature, and so has become the intellect (man) to function alone
liberated from the cycle of births and in the personality (corpse). Mind
deaths. acting without emotion, without love,
"The soul of the righteous man first is calculated to denle a soul, for it
advanced with a step he placed upon good becomes captive to desire (Nasu) ;
thought ; secondly, a step upon good and the consequence of such functioning
word ; thirdly, a step upon good action ; would be a landing in ignorance and
and fourthly, a step he placed upon
the eternal luminaries." — Hadokht Nask, error, that is, in a state of mind where
H M'ii, Essays, p. 221. truth (water) and goodness (plants)
The soul of the perfected man is said are scarcest, and there are fewest
to have advanced, firstly, through good gleams of wisdom through the lack
thought, — the union of the intellect of virtues (flocks) and moralised
and judgment with emotion and the emotions (herds).
will. Secondly, by right speech, — The power of man to stand between
the expression of goodness and truth. abstract truth upon the one side, and the
concrete facts of life upon the other,
Thirdly, through good action, — the comes from the co-existence in his human
fulfilment of the object of right nature of two different powers, without
endeavour. Fourthly, reliance upon the possession of both of which no man
eternal Love and Truth,— the perfect possesses a complete humanity. One of
these powers is the power of knowing,
subjugation of the lower nature of and the other is the power of loving.
the ego to the Higher Self. . . . From this it will immediately follow
As Qod is free from all finite ends, that the more perfectly these two
so also is the righteous man. Desire constituents of human nature meet,
nothing, thus wilt thou obtain God and the more absolutely they are proportioned
in him all things. Work for the sake of to each other, and the more completely
working, love for love's sake. . . . they are blended, so much the more
Virtue must be a condition, my essential ready will the human nature be for
condition ; I must be built up and built the fulfilment of every function of
over in righteousness. No one loves humanity. And if, as we have seen,
virtue except him who is virtue itself. one of the loftiest functions of humanity
All virtues must become in me necessities, is to stand between the absolute truth and
being performed unconsciously. Morality the world's needs, and to transmit the
consists not in doing, but in being one in such way that it can really reach
(Eckhart). — UKBERWEO, Hist, of Philos., and help the other, then it will also follow
Vol. I. p. 478. that the more perfectly the knowing
" The real man, the inner spiritual man, faculty and the loving faculty meet in
is simply a receptacle for the impregna any man, the more that man's life will
tion and birth of ideas, an activity only become a transmitter and interpreter
acting through a conditioned receptivity, of truth to other men." — PHILLIPS
yet with a certain amount of liberty, BROOKS, Si -nu.. Visions and Tasks.
but not a perfect autonomy. His "It is often asserted that emotion is
spirituality contains the susceptibility, modified only by emotion, that reason
content, and living ability to produce without emotion remains a dead letter ;
spiritual and material births, but to be and this is certainly the case. The dictates
able to produce requires an outside of reason, therefore, must be combined
spiritual impregnation and permission with love, which we may call the positive
from the Deity." — I. MYEH, Qabbalah, norm of emotion ; then will reason be
p. 184. come effective. The ideal must become
See OATHA(ush.), GBACK, LAW OF the object of love ; then will this supreme
ZOROASTER,MAIDEN, NIGHTS (three) affection— enthusiasm for the ideal —
work its effect upon the other forms.
WAY OF THE LORD. Such enthusiasm cannot, of course, be
manufactured, it is something free —
MAN WITHOUT WOMAN:— the unforced persistent glow of love for
A symbol of mind subject to desire perfection, the practical interest in the
ideal of reason. . . . Finally, the ideal
and uninfluencedby emotion (woman) . cornea to us in the impressions wrought
" Man by himself must not carry a by Qod within the soul. The mental
corpse or he will be defiled by the Nasu. impression in question, therefore, results
The penalty for carrying a corpse is that not from any external object, but from
a man shall be placed where there is least our being, apprehended by our reason's
crater and fewest plants, and on ground own ideal, or by the Divine spirit within
us." — A. DORNER, Emotions, Ency. Bel. are begotten themental, then the
and Ethics. "Sons of mind" are born,— the
See CATTLE, CORFSK, DUNG, MAN Divine monads descend into the
AND wnra, MABKIAOE, NASU, PER astro-mental vehicles which are pre
SONALITY, PLANTS, SHEEP, WATER, pared for them. The souls in this
WIFE, WOMAN. way become individualised, as was
previously not the case.
MANALA, THE ABODE OF THE " Let me tell you plainly that you
DEAD, OR POHJOLA :— yourself are one of the sons of God,
A symbol of the lower planes on partially manifest here on earth, but
which the lower personalities are only partially ; your true home is with
the glorious host above." — R. J.
CAMPBELL, Serin., The Kenotit, etc.
See DEAD, NORTH, SERPENT OF " The first fact about me is that I —
WATER. the thinking being — exist. That is the
most certain of all my certitudes, the one
MANAS, MANASIC:— reality of which it is impossible for mo to
A symbol of mind, mentality, or doubt ; and it is the true starting-point
of all philosophy. The fleeting phenomena
the mental plane, below the buddhic of consciousness are bound together and
plane. made intelligible by the ego, which,
" Place thy manas in me (Krishna), manifesting itself in and through them,
into Me let thy understanding enter ; declares that it abides among all changes,
then without doubt thou shalt abide in and does not change with them. By
Me hereafter." — Bhagavad Gita, XII. 8. the same intellectual power we affirm
Devote thy mind (manas) to the the reality of the non-ego, of a world of
sense and matter which is something
service of the Most High, and harmonise
more permanent than the phenomena
thy higher emotions with the inner dealt with by physical science. This
Self, then, O soul ! thou shalt be process of objective affirmation is a
liberated from the life below, and bo primary fact of our intellectual life,
revealing to us the ego and the non-ego
united unto God for ever. A permanent
as things in themselves.
See BAKHDHI, BREATIC WORLD, self and the unity of self-consciousness
INTELLECT, LIBERATION, MAHAT, are the essential foundations of all
MAISHAN, SWORDS, THOTH. philosophy, properly so-called : of every
rational account of man. Now one of
MANAS AS A CENTRE:— the primary facts of consciousness is
the feeling of ethical obligation. It is
A symbol of the causal-body on a fact abundantly verifiable, its simplest
the plane of higher manas. expression being Thou oughtest,' and
" The manaa, although only the organ it is the starting point of morality." —
of the fit iimn, ig yet the central organ of W. 8. LILLY, The Great Enigma, p. 305.
the entire conscious life ; which not See ACHAIANS (sons), AGNISVATTAS,
only as ' the primary root of the five BODHISATVAS, CHILDREN OF GOD,
faculties of knowledge shapes into ideas FRAVASHIS, INCARNATION or SOULS,
the impressions of sight, hearing, taste,
smell, touch, since we ' see only with the LITTLE CHILDREN, MAN (born),
mind, hear with the mind,' but stamps MARUTS, MAZENDARANS, MONAD or
these ideas further as resolves of the will." LITE, MUSPELL (sons), PrrBis (solar),
— DEUSSEN, Phil, of Upanithadi, p. 273. PITBIYANA, SHEEP (lost), SONS or
A symbol of the causal-body in
A symbol of the spiritual element
the higher mind.
In humanity. The Divine monads, or " And the beloved
" sons of God," brought forth on the M&nasi (mind)
and her image Kftkshushi (eye), who,
mental plane of the soul. They are taking flowers, are weaving the worlds."
the " little ones " or " children of — Kaush. Upanishad, I. 2.
God," and their nature is atma- The much valued mental centre —
buddhic. They are born into the the causal -body, — conveying intui
human souls as the true egos or im tion, the soul's eye, that is, the inner
mortal individualities seated in the
discernment which perceives only the
causal-bodies and ruling over the
lower bodies . When the lower nature good and true, and so realises that
is sufficiently developed in animal whereof the universe is built. The
man so that from the astral centre* flowers are the virtues or higher
" Others say (of Maneros) that he
qualities which energise the higher
fell into the sea, and afterwards received
planes. the greatest honours on account of the
See CAUSAL-BODY, FLOWERS, Goddess (Isis) ; for that the maneros
K A KAN A, MARKS. whom the Egyptians so frequently call
upon in their banquets is none other
MANCO CAPAC AND MAMA than this very boy." — PLUTARCH, Itit
OGLLO, OFFSPRING OF SUN and Osiris, § 17.
AND MOON . The " falling into the sea " means
Symbols of the Divine Will and simply the resolution of the residual
Wisdom proceeding from primordial particles of the astro-mental vehicle
Spirit and Matter. into their primary constituents on
" and Mama Ogllo the astral plane. The
" honours "
Manco Capao
descended from heaven in the region of are the re-elaboration, through the
Lake Titicaca. They had received com of the forces in the
mands from their parent, the sun-god,
to traverse the country until they came laboratory of nature, of the particles
to a spot where a golden wedge they into further combinations. The
possessed should sink into the ground, " maneros at the banquets " signifies
and at this place to found a culture centre. that it is the mental function which
The wedge disappeared at Cuzoo (navel
of the earth). The city founded, Manco is appealed to whenever the thirst
Capao instructed the men in the arts of for knowledge is sought to be gratified.
civilisation, and his consort busied herself See ABSYHTUS, Isis, PALESTDTUS,
in teaching the women the domestic
virtues, as weaving and spinning." —
L. SPENCE, Myth, of Mexico and Peru, MANES :—
p. 47.
The Divine Will and Wisdom mani A symbol of the monads of life,
fested first upon the higher mental and form. The same as the pitrls
" The manes are primeval deities
plane (the region), and in accordance
free from anger, careful of purity, ever
with the scheme of the Logos, centres chaste, averse from strife, and endowed
of operation had to be found for the with great virtues." — Laws of Manu,
formation of the Soul. Then, in the III. 192.
process of involution, a ray of the Divine The solar and lunar pitris are the
Life (wedge) from the higher (gold) spiritual monads of life and form, free
planes was projected to the centre of from the pairs of opposites of the lower
the mental plane (navel), and below planes, operating without strife, and
to the centre of the astral plane, possessed of all useful qualities accord
and from these centres (city) the Soul ing to their types.
" The various classes of
was gradually built up. The Divine the manes are
Will then prepared the way for the declared to be the sons of all those sagea,
Mariki, etc., who are children of Manu,
subsequent evolution of man and other the son of Hiranyagarbha." — Ibid., 194.
entities. The mental qualities were The many classes of monads are
involved and brought to perfection, differentiated on the mental plane
and the Divine Wisdom fully adapted according to the kinds of qualities
the higher emotions (women) to the and types of forms which are to appear
laws and mechanism of the soul- and grow up on the lower planes in
process. the course of the cycle of life.
EARTH (ground), GOLD, GOLDEN AGE, MONAD (life, form), PITRIS (lunar,
A symbol of the causal-body being A symbol of simplicity of mind
produced from the buddhic plane in and understanding, in which the
the course of involution. Christ- soul is to be received into the
See CAUSAL-BODY, INVOLUTION. innermost nature of man.
MANEROS, THE LITTLE BOY :— Spiritual instruction for the under
standing ; this is the signification of
A symbol of the personality or a manger, and the same is signified by the
lower mind in its astro-mental body. manger in which the Lord lay when
an infant, because a horse, who eats progress. This will fully prove them
out of it, signifies the understanding
of the Word." — whether they are ready to harmonise
Rev., n. 255. themselves with the spiritual law of
See ARK (bulrushes), BIRTH or wisdom and love.
JESUS, MAGI, STAB IN EAST. Referring to the allegorical ' manna '
or heavenly food, ' the bread which the
MANIFESTATION INTO DAY:— Lord hath given you to eat ' (Exod. xvi.
Symbolic of the night of the Soul 13). Philo writes : ' Dost thou not see
the food of the soul, what it is ? It is
ended, and the rise of the conscious the Continuing Reason (Logos) of God,
ness Into Light and Life eternal. like unto dew, encircling the whole of
" it [the soul] on all sides, and suffering
Chapter of Manifestation into Day,
of Going in and Coming forth in the no part of it to be without its share of
possession of Divinity. ...
Of Victory it (the Logos) ' " (From Leg. Atteg.,
— MEAD, O. Hermes, Vol. I. p. 246.
there, of Glory there, of Ploughing, " There is T.also
§ 59).
Reaping, Feasting, and Marriage there : a spiritual manna,
of Doing all these things while on earth." the dew that is of spiritual Wisdom,
— Book of the Dead, Ch. CX. BLACKDEN. which descends from heaven upon those
The Soul's completed pilgrimage who sincerely seek for it, and which waters
the souls of the righteous, and puts
through the planes and periods of sweetness into their mouths. Wherefore,
the manvantara, and the cycles, he who comprehends this out-pouring
first, of involution (going in), and of divine wisdom receives pleasure from
second, of evolution (coming forth), it, nor requires any other food, ' nor lives
by bread alone, but by every word of
culminating in union with Divinity. God.' " — ST. AMBROSE, Letters, p. 395.
This implies the victory of the Soul " By the hidden manna, which they
over the realm of nature ; the will have who are in good works, and who
primordial potential being ultimately at the same time adjoin the truths of
doctrine to works, is meant hidden wisdom
act ualised ; the transfiguration of of a quality like that which they who are
matter and energy, through Spirit in the third heaven enjoy." — SWEDEN-
acting upon matter ; the law of BORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 120.
" Faith will
Karma (reaping), and the enjoyment produce just such effects
(of home-sickness). In exact proportion
of devachanic bliss ; the union between to its strength, that living trust in God
the lower Self and the Higher Self ; will direct our thoughts and desires to the
and the full expression of the Self King in His beauty, and the land that
through its vehicles on the planes of is very far off.' In proportion as our
thoughts and desires are thus directed,
manifestation. they will be averted from what is round
See CHAPTERS, COMING FORTH, DAY, about us ; and the more longingly our
A O, eyes are fixed on the furthest horizon,
INVOLUTION, KARMA, the less shall we see flowers at our feet.
To behold God pales the otherwise
NIGHT, PLOUGHING, REAPING, SPIRIT, dazzling lustre of created brightness.
TUAT, VICTORY. They whose souls are fed with heavenly
manna, and who have learned that it
MANNA :— is their necessary food, will scent no
A symbol of goodness and truth, dainties in the fleshpots of Egypt, for all
or higher emotion for the sustenance their rank garlic and leeks." — A.
MACLAREN, Sermons, 2nd Series, p. 140.
of the soul. " Paul tells us that the manna of which
" Then said the Lord unto Moses, the Israelites ate in the wilderness was
Behold, I will rain bread from heaven to them a type and lively symbol of ' the
for you ; and the people shall go out bread of life (1 COR. x. 3). ' They did
and gather a certain rate every day, all eat the same spiritual meat ' — i.e.
that I may prove them, whether they meat which was intended not only to
will walk in my law, or no." — EXOD. support their natural lives, but to point
xvi. 4. them to Him who was the life of their
The rational and ethical nature souls. Now, Clement of Alexandria,
to whom we are largely indebted for all
(Moses) is made acquainted with the the discoveries that, in modern times,
coming of the spiritual nature. From have been made in Egypt, expressly
the buddhic plane will proceed an assures us that, in their hidden character,
outpouring of truth and high emotion the enigmas of the Egyptians were very
to energise and sustain the qualities similar to those of the Jews ' (Clem.
Alex., Vol. III. p. 56)."— A. HISLOP,
in accordance with their rate of Two Babylfms, p. 161.
preparedness in each stage of their '' Yet he
(the Lord) commanded the
skies above, and opened the doors of place in the Father's house of many
heaven ; and he rained down manna mansions, and we shall never improve
upon them to eat, and gave them of the on it to all eternity ; it is just what it
corn of heaven. Man did eat the bread is, a seat waiting for its occupant, a home
of the mighty : he sent them meat to waiting for its owner. But before we
the full. — Pa. Izxviii. 23-5. can take possession of it fully and finally,
This " parable
" ourselves,
signifies the out we have to prove through
manifold dangers, tribulations and tempts-
pouring of truth and goodness on the tions, to be worthy of the realisation of
evolving qualities of the soul in the our divine sonship and our inheritance
arena of life. in God." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Senn., Divine
MANSION OF THE STARS :— A symbol of mental states of truth
A symbol of the Illimitable expan or error. Opinions, etc.
sion of the mind or mental faculties. " Robes, mantles, and cloaks signify
See STARS (fixed). truths in common, because they are a
common covering to the body. . . . By
MANSIONS :— Elijah and Elisha the Lord was represented
as to the Word, and therefore their mantle
A symbol of states of conscious
signified the divine truth of the Word
ness which have reference more in general." — SWKDENBORO, Apoc. Rev.,
particularly to differentiated aspects n. 328.
of the mind. The abnormal cases See CLOTHING, COAT, GARMENT
of multiple personality Illustrate this RAIMENT, ROBES.
Idea upon a lower plane.
" In
my Father's house are many MANU :—
mansions ; if it were not so, I would
have told you ; for I go to prepare a place
A symbol of the Individuality, or
for you."— JOHN xiv. 2. the causal Self, upon the mental
In the causal-body of the race are plane.
" Manu, — the son of Brahma or a
many diverse states of consciousness
appropriate to the growth of the personification of Brahma himself, the
creator of the world, and progenitor
qualities which have each a progressive of mankind. Derived from the root
course of their own on the mental man, to think, the word means originally
plane. The Christ -soul in aspiring man, the thinker, and is found in this
leads the way and prepares the sense in the Rig-Veda." —R. T. H.
GRIFFITH, The Ramayan, Bk. I. p. 96.
conditions, and returns again to
harmonise the qualities.
albeit one is stronger than
another, one wiser than another, one
more righteous than another, ' in my MANU VAIVASVATA:—
Father's house there are many mansions ' ; A symbol of the individuality work
none of them shall remain outside that ing through the personality.
house, where everyone, according to his
deserts, is to receive a mansion. The
' many mansions ' point to the different PRAVITY, FLOOD, HORN OF SALVA
grades of merit in that one eternal life." TION, VATVASVATA.
— AIGUSTINE, Gospel of John, Vol. II.
p. 244. MANVANTARA :—
" There are in heaven many goodly
homesteads, and none without a celestial
The cycle of life in the lower
ward " (Prote nature, or the phenomenal universe
Edda). — MALLET, North.
Antig., p. 412. of the solar system. It includes both
" In a sense we are not creating any the period of involution and the
thing by our sojourn in the flesh ; all period of evolution, in relation to
that we shall ever possess in the heaven the lunar and terrene chains of
of heavens exists in its fullness already ; globes. The mahaman van turn is the
we are not making it, we have but to get cyclic period of the whole solar
up to it and possess it. ' We have a system with all Us planetary chain*.
building of God, an house not made with
bauds, eternal in the heavens.' Yes, See ABRAXAS, CIRCLE OF EXISTENCE,
true enough, we each have our very own DAY (great), HOUR, LEVIATHAN,
NIGHT, PLANETABY CHAIN, PRALAYA, — goodness, — and upon the " holy
SABBATHS, SAHSARA, SERPENT meat," which is intellectual and
(ananta), TIME, TUAT, YEAB, ZODIAC. spiritual food.
" The word marja means a cranberry,
MARA, THE TEMPTER:— and consequently the name Marjatta
cannot have been originally derived from
A symbol of the desire-nature or Maria."— W. F. KIBBY. The Quest, Vol. I.
desire-mind which entices the soul p. 326.
and keeps it captive on the lower See CRANBEBRY, HUTTZILOPOCHTLI,
planes . LEMMINKAINEN, SERPENT (water),
" Maras are ' lords of sensuous desires. VIRGIN, VIRGIN MABY.
. . . Millions of Maras ruled over by a
chief Mara, who tempts men to indulge MARK ON CAIN :—
their passions and is always on the
watch to enter the citadel of the body See ATOM.
by the gates of (the senses), eye, ear, etc.
One of Mara' s names is Kama,
— MON. WILLIAMS, Buddhism, p. 208. A symbol of the intuitions of the
A multitude of desires fire directed causal -body which is the vehicle of
by the desire-mind (kama-manas). the Higher Self.
See ASURA (lower), DEVIL, KAMA, " From henceforth let no man trouble
KTJBUS, SEBPENT (subtil), SWAN. me : for I bear in my body the marks of
the Lord Jesus." — GAL. vi. 17.
MARE:— Henceforward no simply rational
A symbol of the feminine aspect (man) considerations shall have weight
of mind (horse) as giving birth to with me ; for I bear the intuition of
opinions, theories, and concepts of Truth in the Christ-vehicle, or causal-
the lower mind. body, within me, which shall place
See ASVIN-S, HORSE. me above the subtle reasonings of
MARIANDYNI :— logicians and the dubious authority
of literalists and historians, by giving
A symbol of a state of right mental
me direct knowledge of truth. (The
discrimination through the use of
the faculty of intuition. lower is the vehicle of the higher, but
See BOAB (wild). until the relationship between plane
and plane is established in the soul,
MARKET-PLACE :— so that consciousness may pass and
A symbol of the " Ik-Id " or arena repass, there can be no consciousness
of life, in which the soul qualities below of any functionings above.
congregate to transact the business Hence the allusion.)
of development by interaction and " The explanation of Wetstein still
co-operation under Divine law. — See seems to us to be the best ; according
MAT. zz. 3. to this, Paul means sacred signs, in virtue
See ARENA, FIELD, LABOURERS, of which he is declared to be one
consecrated to Christ." — G. A. DEISS-
MA SN, Bible Studies, p. 350.


A symbol of the purified part of
the lower nature, fit to bear the
" Mariatta, child of beauty, Magic
A symbol of the union of Wisdom
maid of little stature, Guarded with her (fern.) and Love (muse.), or of Truth
sacred virtue, Her sincerity and honour, (masc.) and Love (fern.), or in a lower
Fed upon the dainty whiting, On the sense, of mind (man) and emotion
inner bark of birchwood, On the tender (woman). It also may mean the
flesh of lambkins." — The Kalevala. union of the Higher Self (masc.) with
The child of virtue and beauty of the purifled lower Self (fern.) on the
the lower nature, small but precious higher mental plane.
in truth and righteousness ; steadfast " There is in every particular of the
in faith, hope, and charity, in gentle Word, a marriage of love and wisdom, or
ness, purity, nobleness and sincerity. of good and truth. . . . The conjunction
of good and truth is called the heavenly
Subsisting upon facts of experience, — marriage." — SWEDENBOBG, Apuc. Itev.,
knowledge, — upon the
" bread of life,"
n. 29. 97.
431 EH
But the chief of all the mysteries GUESTS, HERA, HIGHER AND LOWES
for Philo was apparently the Sacred
Marriage, the mystic union of the soul
as female, with God, as male." — G. R. S. WIFE, MAIDEN, MALE -FEMALE, MAN
MEAD, T. G. Bermet, Vol. I. p. 216. AND WIFE, MAN WITHOUT WOMAN,
The marriage of Wisdom (Medea) Two, UNION, VAIHAUMATI, VIRGIN,
and Love (Jason) is indicated in the WEDDING, WIFE, WISDOM, WOMAN.
Argonautic Expedition : —
" Alcinous assented to Medea
up, provided she was yet a maid. His A symbol of union of an ego or
wife Arfte hearing this, lost no time in mental quality with the lower emo
joining the lovera in wedlock." tions, or the mind with lower emotion.
The union of Wisdom and Love ia " A wise man should
avoid married
rendered possible only when Divine life as if it were a burning pit of live
truth has been realised. Before this coals." — Dhammika-Sutla, 21.
" Full of hindrances is married life,
there can be no true marriage between
defiled by passion. How can one who
them, and Wisdom is, as it were, not dwells at home live the higher life in
virgin, since it is conjoined to the all its purity T " (Tevyja-Sutta. 47).—
things of the lower planes. Therefore, MON. WILLIAMS, Buddhism, p. 88.
until the hour comes when it is raised An ego desirous of progressing
and purified, it cannot be united on the should avoid alliance with the lower
higher planes to its complemental emotion -nature, denied by passion and
half. desire. An ego who remains on the
" Those two Beings, viz. the Inward lower planes (home) cannot attain
Heavenly and the Outward Heavenly, to the higher life of its home above,
were mutually espoused to each other,
freed from captivity to the lower
and formed into one body wherein was
the most holy tincture of the Fire and emotions. (In the above texts it is
Light ; viz. the great joyful Love- plain from the setting that " marriage "
desire which did inflame the Essence, must be taken in its lower sense of
so that both Essences did very earnestly
mind ruled by desire.)
and ardently desire each other in the
Love-desire, and loved one another :— See ADULTERY, CONCEPTION,
the Inward loved the Outward in its DIVORCING, FOLLY, HABLOT, WHORE
manifestation and sensation, and the DOM.
Outward loved the Inward in its greatest
sweetness and joy fulness as its precious MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB :—
Pearl and most beloved Spouse and
Consort ; and yet they were not two A symbol of the Incarnate Self, who
bodies, but only one, — but of a two -fold died in Involution, rising again hi
Essence ; one inward Heavenly, Holy, the Soul's Evolution as Love of the
and one from the essence of Time, — which Ideal, and ultimately becoming united
were epoused and betrothed to each with the Wisdom above, who is the
other eternally." — JACOB BOEHME, transmuted Soul herself.
Mysterium Magnum, p. 79. " Let us rejoice and be exceeding
The marriage of the Higher Self glad, and let us give the glory unto Him :
with the lower Self takes place as the for the marriage of the Lamb is come,
evolution of the lower qualities or and his wife hath made herself ready.
elements, — physical, astral, and And it was given unto her that she should
array herself in fine linen, bright and pure :
mental, — enables the potencies of for the fine linen is the righteous acts
the Self to be completely expressed. of the saints." — REV. six. 7, 8.
When a given point is reached, that of All the qualities rejoice in the
perfection, then the lower is absorbed, approach to perfection, and return
so to say, into the Higher Self, which to the Absolute at the end of the
may be said to overshadow the lower, cycle, when the Higher Self and the
and so, since the latter ceases to exist, perfected soul become one. For the
the Higher state as such also dis soul has made herself ready, and all
appears, —that is, becomes Something her qualities have been transmuted
for which no equivalent term can be to the buddhic plane, whereon she
furnished. assumes the shining robe of wisdom,
See ALCINOUS, APPLES, BUDDHI, truth, and love, which is the inheritance
CAN A MARRIAGE, CONCEPTION (child), of the perfected qualities that have
DIVOBCE, EPIMETHEUS, FBIQQ, progressed through experience below.
" Tlir final state of the soul of the Man MARROW :—
Regenerate is described in the Apocalypse
under the figure of a marriage, wherein A symbol of the atmic plane, the
the contracting parties are the soul innermost spiritual nature of the
herself and the now Divine Spirit of the soul.
man, which is called the Lamb. The " Now it was those five bodily parts of
description of this Lamb, as slain before Pragapati that became relaxed, — hair,
the foundation of the world,' denotes the skin, flesh, bone and marrow, — they are
original and eternal act of self-immolation, those five layers of the fire altar ; and
— typified in the Eucharist, — whereby when he builds up the five layers, thereby
Deity descends into conditions and he builds him up by those bodily parts."
distributes of Itself to be the life and — Sola. Brdh., VI. 1, 2, 17.
substance of the Universe, alike for its At the end of a manifesting cycle
creation, its sustentation, and its re
demption. In the crowning act of this of the Divine Life (Pragapati), there
stupendous drama, — the act which is an indrawal of the Divine Breath,
mystically is called the Consummation and the five planes cease from activity.
of the Marriage of the Son of God," — The five planes of the manifest are
the Spirit and Bride, as King and Queen
of the perfected individuality, are the physical (hair), astral (skin),
indissolubly united ; and the human mental (flesh), buddhic (bone), and
is taken up into the Divine, having atmic (marrow). These are
received the ' Gift of God ' which is life " members " of the Archetypal Man
eternal. ... A gift of God's own
substantial Self being individualised in (Pragapati), and they constitute the
him." — The Perfect Way, p. 243. nature of the soul (fire altar). The
See ARIES, CHURCH, CONSUMMATION, soul is evolved to perfection through
CRUCIFIXION or CHKIST, EVOLUTION. the expression of the Self on the five


MARRIAGE WITHIN CASTES :— Symbol of power, force, resistance
Symbolic of the centres of con and will, — the astral function inten
sciousness and activity in the soul sified through the action of manas
attaching to themselves bodies on (mind).
the lower planes through which to " Mars gives man bravery and noble-
function and bring forth results. mindedness." — From the Basra Encyclo
pedia, quoted by Dr. T. J. DE BOEB in
"It is declared that a Sudra woman his Hist, of Philos. in Islam, p. 88.
alone can be the wife of a .Sudra, she and
one of his own caste the wives of a
Vaisya, those two and one of his own MARSH FEN
caste the wives of a Kshatriya, those
; SWAMP ; :—
three and one of his own caste the wives Symbols of astro-mentality, where
of a Brahmana." — Laws of Mann, III. 13. in truth (water) lodges ; which is soft
The four caste " wives " of a and pliable —easily subordinated to
" Brahmana " are the four soul- truth ; or which easily yields truth.
vestures or bodies on the four lower " The tw/wAu-plant, the dittu-plout of
planes attached to the causal centre the marsh, the reed and the forest he
or Individuality (Brahmana). They (Marduk) created, the lands, and the
" (Babylonian
marshes and the swamps
are the physical body (Sudra wife),
Tablet). — L. W. KINO, M.A., Babylonian
the astral body (Vaisya wife), the Religion, p. 90.
mental body (Kshatriya wife), and the The early growth of qualities and
causal body (Brahmana wife). They forms were established by the Logos
constitute the means for the soul's on the mental and astral planes ;
activity on the different planes, the and the astro-mental life and organisa
gathering of experience, and the tion produced physical phenomena.
bringing forth of results (children). See BIRTH OF HORUS, DOOB.S OPENED,
MARTHA AND MARY:— The spiritual monads are atma-
" Prisni," the "
Symbols of the lower emotions heavenly
actively engaged ; and the purified cow," is a symbol of the buddhic plane,
and regulated emotions. which being the plane immediately
" Martha received Jesus into her above the mental must give birth to
house. And she had a sister called the monad in the mind.
" Rudra "
Mary, which also sat at the Lord's feet,
and heard his word. But Martha was signifies the atmic plane, and is there
cumbered about much serving." — LUKE fore the spiritual father. The monads
x. 38-40. are branches of the tree of Life,
"Mary," who sat at Christ's feet, united in the trunk, and rooted in
signifies the soul now purified, who the Absolute.
draws her inspiration direct from the "The flame-born Maruta." — Big-Veda,
central fount of Truth.
" Martha," VI. 66, 10.
" The Maruts are the peasants." —
on the other hand, stands for the Sata. Br&h., V. 3, 1, 0.
worldly mind engaged about the The monads are the sparks from
every-day occupations which take it the eternal Fire of the Divine Spirit
away from both the spiritual and (agniswattas). They are also the
finer emotional activities. " Martha "
cultivators of the lower nature (i.e.
chooses the path of duty, " Mary
the path of Love. " The troops of the Maruts consist
" For what is set forth by Mary, who of seven each." — Sata. Br&h., IX. 3, 1, 25.
sitting down gave ear to the words of The seven divisions of the monads
our Lord, saving the life of contemplation T
are in correspondence with the seven
And what by Martha, so busied with
outward services, saving the life of globes, the seven planetary chains,
action." — ST. GBBOORY, Morals on the the seven planes, etc. These numerical
Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 361. correspondences indicate certain or
ganic relationships between the pheno
MARUTS :— menal sets.
A symbol of the spiritual monads, See AGNISHVATTAS, BODHISATVAS,
or Divine " sparks," which descend BREATH, CHARIOT, Cow, FAN,
Into the soul-forms prepared to FRAVASHIS, HORSES (bay), INCARNA
" There can be no doubt about the PUTRAS, MAZENDARANS, MONADS at
meaning of the name, whatever difference LIFE, NOSE, PACCEKA-BTJDDHAS,
of opinion there may be about its etymo PEASANT, PITRIS (solar), POTSHEKD,
logy. Marut and marutu in ordinary
Sanscrit mean wind, and more particularly RACES, RUDRA, SACRPFICER, SAGES,
a strong wind." — MAX MOLLKR, S. B. of SINGERS, SONS OF GOD, SPARK, SPEAB,
As wind, or breath, expresses spirit WIND.
in Hebrew, Greek, and perhaps Latin,
it is not unreasonable to suppose it MASCULINE PRINCIPLE :—
may express the same in Sanscrit. This designates the active and
The Maruts were certainly riders, and positive aspect of the manifest Duality;
whatever other scholars may say to the that which acts upon the receptive,
contrary, it can be proved that they were feminine side of nature, which is the
supposed to sit astride on horseback,
and to have the bridle through the form side. The Spirit or Life side of
horses' nostrils." — Ibid., p. 43. manifestation is masculine ; the
The " horse " is a common symbol Matter or Form side is feminine.
of the mind, which is a vehicle of The highest manifest plane, Alma,
is masculine, and Is the plane of the
the spirit, and should be under the
Logos or Higher Self,— the " Sun-
rule and direction of the spiritual
" Nostrils," used for direction, god " under many names. The
ego. mental and astral planes are mascu
symbolise volition. line ; the buddhic and the physical
" The Maruts were born from the milk
are feminine. But It must be remem
of PrUni. Prisni is called their mother, bered that on all planes both aspects
Rudra their father." " They were closely
are present in greater or less degree.
connected with each other, like the
branches of a tree." — Ibid., pp. 73, See FEMININE, MALE-FEMALE,
208. MAN AND WOT:.
A term for the sacred symbolism FALL, HIDING, LADY, RETURN, SAILS,
which in ancient times was cut or SHIP.
sculptured in stone.
The origin of Masonry is invested
with a sacred character, for the reason A symbol of belief and opinions
that Divine inspiration indicated the
symbols which had to be scrupulously MASTER OF WISDOM :—
rendered in stone or in paintings on
A symbol of the higher mind
walls of the temples, tombs, and directly informed and guided by the
palaces. This work required know Holy Spirit, — atma-buddhl. The
ledge and accuracy, and was regarded developed individuality.
as sacred. It naturally led to the " And there was among them a man of
formation of a guild, or brotherhood, unusual knowledge, and master especially
of masons and painters, in close of all sorts of wise deeds, who in truth
relation to the priesthood and temple possessed greatest wealth of mind, for
whenever he reached out with all hia
buildings in ancient Egypt and, mind, easily he beheld each one of all
perhaps, in Babylonia. the things that are, even for ten and
" Freemasonry used as symbols the twenty generations of men." — Empedoclea,
working tools of operative masons. The FAIRBANKS, 416.
apron, consisting of a square with a And at this period, amid the
triangular flap, represented the descent emotional and physical qualities, there
of the divine Spirit into matter. The
interlaced triangle symbolised man coming was the mind gifted with the Divine
forth from God, passing through his spark, — atma-buddhi, — and master of
pilgrimage in matter, and returning again every wise and holy thing that it is
to his divine source. The square in A
possible for the soul to possess.
compasses showed the spiritual nature
controlling the physical. The symbol of mind which is the conscious possessor
the cross had a similar meaning, the of the manifest within itself, — for
down-stroke representing spirit and the whenever it exercised its inherent
cross-bar matter." — J. J. WEDOWOOD,
powers, it became the reflector of all
Lecture, 1912.
" The mystery of speculative Masonry things past and present, according to
is of the building up of man into a spiritual the many re-incarnating cycles through
house, meet for the inhabitation of God." which the soul evolved.
— A. E. WAITE, Secret Doctrine in Israel,
p. 297.
" And the house when it was in building BROTHER, GURU, HERMES.
was built of stone made ready at the
quarry : and there was neither hammer MASTER, RULED BY A:—
nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the Instructed and guided by the Higher
house, while it was in building." — Self or the Supreme.
1 KINGS vi. 7.
" Ye also, as living stones, are built
up a spiritual house." — 1 PETER ii. 6.
See ALTAR (fire), CROSS, HOUSE, The desire-nature not regulated
through the will and reason.
These signify the mental and emo
MAST OF A SHIP:— tional natures evolved in the flrst
A symbol of aspiration. class pitris on the third round of the
" Mast, — ' Tell me what is my name T ' terrene chain.
" And in forty years, with the
replies, — Bringer
The Deceased back shape
of the Lady after her departure T * " — of a one-stemmed Rivas-plant, and the
BUDGE, Egyptian Magic, p. 168. 15 years of its 15 leaves, Matro and
Aspiration is that which brings Matroyao grew up from the earth in such
a manner that their arms rested behind
back to the soul the buddhic or Wisdom
their shoulders, and one joined to the
nature, which departed when, at the other they were connected together and
" fall," the mind was captured by the both alike."— The Bundahit, Ch. XV. 2.
desires and sensations. And during a cyclic period of
transitory conditions the first root- it (the Fire), is motionless and dead." —
race evolved in the third round. The PLUTAHCH, Liven. Numa.
" 15 " It is possible to
" impress quality in
years of its 15 leaves signify matter, since it is without quality, and
each a cyclic period answering to the to extend form through the whole of
evolution of the mental and emotional it." — PLOTINTJS, On Matter, § 7.
" Matter must be considered
natures through the physical, astral, as form
less prior to its variety. Hence, if by
and lower mental planes. The intellect you take away its variety,
" " is a
growth from the earth symbol its forms, its productive principles, and
of the upward increasing stature of intellections, that which is prior to these,
the nature of the manhood. The is formless and indefinite matter." — Ibid.,
position of the
" arms " is §4-"
symbolic The unborn state of Matter, then,
of the acquired power of will, and as was formlessness ; its genesis is its being
this comes into play, the mental and brought into activity " Ex. V).
emotion natures each approach the
— G. R. S. MEAD, T. O. (Hermetic
Hermes, Vol. III.
p. 27.
other more and more, and serve to
complement one another.
Spirit (fire), in informing matter with
(The first
class pitris were originally perfect qualities and forms, limits and condi
tions itself within matter, which state
in their higher nature, and capable
of captivity and spiritual death is
of consciously functioning only upon
called the Divine Sacrifice, or Cruci
the buddhic plane (Eden) in a state
fixion in Matter. During the period
of innocence, free from care, and
and process of evolution, Spirit rises
relying wholly upon the Divine Will.
from Matter and eventually discards
Afterwards occur the temptation and
fall to the lower planes.) it. Matter is almost comparable to
a sieve through which Spirit is rubbed,
See ADAM (lower), ARMS, ASKB,
EDEN, EVOLUTION, FALL, GOAT (milch), as it were ; and in this way, in process
of evolution, the gross physical and
OPPOSITES, PITRIS, astral matter in the soul-vehicles is
CHAIN, PLANTS, RACES, worn away ; so that what happens
is this, — the Spiritual energy, which
is seeking expression, remains, after
having co-operated with its partner,
MATS OF FLOOR OF DWELL as the complete and perfect manifesta
ING :— tion of that which is contained within
A symbol of the soul's physical the Life of the Logos as the Divine
body. Ideal, or Archetypal Man.
" There erect dwellings with mats " Every individual soul is
involved in
and poles, and roofs, and walls." — Fen- Matter, and must gradually be formed
didad, II. into Spirit. To that end it possesses
The " dwellings " are the vehicles many faculties or powers, and of these
the speculative faculties are the choicest,
on the lower planes in which the for knowledge is the very life of the soul."
spiritual ego dwells. The " mats," — DE BOEH, Hitt. of Phtios. in Islam,
" poles," " walls," and " roofs " are p. 92.
the physical, astral, kama-manasic, This wearing away of Matter by
and causal sheaths. spiritual qualities continues through
See DWELLINGS FOB SEEDS. out the whole period of evolution ;
but, of course, evolution, as far as its
MATTER (FEMININE) :— physical expression is concerned,
A term for the complement of culminates in the human race on this
Spirit In the primal duality of Spirit physical globe.
and Matter. It is that aspect of mani " There are two forms of Brahman,
festation which receives qualities and the material (effect) and the immaterial
takes forms ; and this it does from (cause). The material is false, the
the action of Spirit upon it ; Spirit immaterial is true. That which is true
is Brahman, — is light." — Mail. Upani-
being replete with all potencies and
knowledges from all eternity.
shad, VI. 3.
" According to Plotinus, — Matter in
" Numa is said to have consecrated the most general sense of the word is
the Perpetual Fire as the first of all things the basis, or ' depth," of each thing.
and the Soul of Matter which, without Matter is darkness, as the Logos is light.
It has no real being. It is the qualita its original condition is unmanifest,
tively indeterminate which is rendered namely, Spirit. And Spirit does not
determinate by the accession of form." — become evil by becoming manifest.
UBBERWEO, Hist, of Philos., Vol. II. Evil is the result of the limitation of
p. 246. Spirit by Matter. For Spirit is God,
" The world and God is good. Wherefore, in being
(of matter) is not a thing
that is ; it is not. It is a thing that the limitation of God, Matter is the
teaches, yet not even a thing — a show that limitation of good. Such limitation is
shows, a teaching shadow. However essential to creation. For without a
useless the demonstration otherwise, projection of Divine Substance, that is,
philosophy does well in proving that of God's Self, into conditions and limita
matter is a non-entity. The reality is tions,— of Being, which is absolute, into
alone the Spiritual." — H. DRUMMOND, Existence, which is relative, — God would
Natural Law, etc., p. 57. remain inoperative, solitary, unmanifest,
" I hold, — and the whole scientific and consequently unknown, unhonoured,
world appears to be coming to the same and unloved. . . . For aught else to
position, — that there is no such thing as exist than God, there must be that
matter apart from mind ; it has no which is, by limitation, inferior to God.
independent existence ; the physical . . . Creation, to be worthy of God.
is but the language of the spiritual on must involve the idea of a No-God,
a certain limited plane of experience." — The darkness of God's shadow must
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Resurrection correspond in intensity with the brightness
Life. of God's light." — The Perfect Way, p. 41.
The higher mental plane being tho Antiochua teaches :— " There are two
natures, the active and the passive, force
plane of proximate causation, the
and matter, but neither is ever without
planes below are planes of effects the other. That which is compounded
according to natural laws. These of both is called a body or a quality.
effects are transient and illusory, Among these qualities the simple and
without abiding reality. Conscious the compound are to be distinguished ;
the former consisting of the four, or
ness is neither on the physical nor the according to Aristotle five, primitive
astral planes, but on the mental. bodies ; the latter of all the rest : of the
Consciousness is an aspect of spirit — first category, fire and air are the active,
the only reality. earth and water tho receptive and passive.
" Natural knowledge tends moro and Underlying them all, however, is the
' matter without quality, which is their
more to the conclusion that all the choir substratum, the imperishable, but yet
of heaven and furniture of earth are the
infinitely divisible elements, producing
transitory forms of parcels of cosmic
in the constant change of its forms definite
substance winding along the road of
evolution, from nebulous bodies." — E. ZELLER, Eclecticism, p. 94.
through endless growths of sun and planet See ABC. MAN-. BINAH, BIRTH OF
and satellite ; through all varieties BUDDHA, OF CHRIST, BONDAGE,
of matter ; through infinite diversities CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST, DARKNESS
of life and thought ; possibly through (lower), FIRE, HEAVEN AND EARTH,
modes of being of which we neither have
a conception, nor are competent to form
any, back to the indefinite latency from INVOLUTION, KHIEN, KHWAN, LIGHT,
which they arose. Thus the most obvious MAYA, MOTHER, MULA-PRAKRITI,
attribute of the cosmos is its imper- PHENOMENA, PBAKRITI, PURUSHA,
manence. It assumes the aspoct not so
much of a permanent entity as of a change RANGI, SEPARATION, SPIRIT, SUDRA,
ful process, in which naught endures save VESTURES, WOMB, YANG.
the flow of energy and the rational order
which pervades it." — T. II. HUXLEY, MAUI, THE POTIKI :—
Evolution and Ethiff, p 50.
Energy and Order are attributes A symbol of the Higher Self, who
Is involved in Matter and the Soul.
of Spirit which informs matter and " Maui Potiki appears to have had
endows it with qualities and potencies
many names, which are expressive of
to be actualised or evolved under his power : thus he is called Atamai
invariable laws. from his liberality ; Toa, from his
" Although, by reason of its limitations,
superior strength, and i-tikitiki-a-tarangi,
the cause of evil. Matter is not in itself which signifies that he possessed the top
evil. On the contrary, it comes forth knot (tiki), or power of his father
from God. and consists of that whereof (Taranga)." — K. TAYLOB, New Zealand,
God's Self consists, namely. Spirit. It p. 24.
i* Spirit, by the force of the Divine will The Christ-child (Maui Potiki) is
subjected to conditions and limitations,
and made exteriorly cognisable. Matter born in the soul to become its ruler
is thus a manifestation of that which in and its dispenser of blessings through
the endowment of higher qualities. that this entire universe, with its relations
The indwelling Self (Toa) is the victor in space, its consequent manifoldnees
and dependence upon the mind that
over the lower nature, for he possesses apprehends, rests solely upon an illusion
the intuition of Truth (the top-knot), (niayii), natural indeed to us owing to
and can thereby overcome ignorance, the limitations of our intellect ; and that
there is in truth one Being alone, eternal,
illusion and desire. The Self below
exalted above space and time, multiplicity
(Muni) and the Self above (Taranga) and change, self-revealing in all the
are one Spirit, —
" Iand my Father forms of nature, and by me, who myself
are one." also am one and undivided, discovered
See ARC. MAN, HAIR, HIGHER AND and realised within as my very Self,
as the dtman." — P. DKUSSEN, Phil, of
LOWER SELVES, I Nil •IT1ON, SELF, SUN- Vponithads, p. 48.
OATCHINO. " How keenly, as one grows older,
the idea enforces itself on the heart
MAYA (HIGHER ASPECT) :— that all the events and experiences of
this life are but M&ya. How clearly
A symbol of primordial Truth, one sees that all the light of this world
the feminine aspect of Deity, which is but a false radiance, and that all its
brings forth the Soul. seeming realities are the tricks and showi
" To (king of illusion ! Nothing it ; everything
Suddhodana) there was a
queen named Maya, as if free from all passes, flits by, and vanishes." — ANNA
deceit (mayft) — an effulgence proceeding KINOSFORD, Life, Vol. II. p. 174.
" The world is a spiritual world, merely
from hia effulgence, like the splendour
of the sun when it is free from all the employing matter for its manifestations."
influence of darkness, — a chief queen — H. DRUMMOND, Atcent of Man, p. 420.
in the united assembly of all queens." —
Ever sinceI was a little child I hav«
Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. 15. been impressed by the unreality of the
To the manifesting Self there is material world and the events which are
taking place in it. I can well remember,
committed a counterpart which is as a boy, the strange feeling I often had
feminine, passive ; and She is the that I was not at home in it, that it was
embodiment of pure Truth, the oppo unsubstantial — a mirage which might
site of illusion. The Truth is said easily disappear — and that in any case
the true world was somehow hidden
to proceed from the Self, inasmuch as behind it and occasionally shining through.
it bears witness to the Self-existent, In the strenuous activities of later life
and is the concrete expression of that this feeling lessened, though it never
which transcends the manifest. The wholly left me, and now it has come
" splendour of the sun " is referred to, back with almost the same intensity
as in childhood. And since my spiritual
since upon these high planes the Self life has deepened and matured somewhat,
is above temporalities which produce I find myself growing more aloof from the
" shadow," matter. Truth or Wisdom appearances and pro-occupations of the
visible world, and concentrating more
upon this exalted plane, or condition and more upon the permanent realities
of being, is the supreme fact of all underlying it and the purpose of my being
facts, which testifies to the Self- here. Not that I take no account of
the present world or tell myself that it
existent, — the Being of all beings.
does not matter. On the contrary,
If illusion is traced to its source, Truth I feel that it matters far more deeply
will be found. than at present we are able to realise ;
See ADITI, AKASA, BINAH, BIRTH but it does not matter in the way it
seems to matter ; it matters for something
or BUDDHA, OF CHRIST, Cow (mehurt), All that we say or do, feel, think,
EARTH (great), GARDEN (lumbini), or know, matters in rotation to the eternal
PRAKRITI, PURUSHA, RHEA, SARASVATI, Scrni., The Sense of the Eternal.


A symbol of the illusiveness of the A symbol of the monads, or spiritual
lower planes, which are the inverted egos, which descend to the mental
reflection below of the Truth above. plane when the duality of mind and
" The great intellectual truth, which emotion gives rise to the higher
the Upanishads taught before Kant, mental or causal self.
" The rain is the seed of the
•iftrans, who are bound on the celestial LEAVEN, WHEAT.
sphere." —Sikand-gumanik-vigar, XVI. 14.
Truth (rain) is disseminated by the MEAOU TRIBES OF CHINA:—
monads of life, which have become A symbol of the lower Instincts
subject to the law of cause and effect and desires.
on the lower planes. Truth becomes " Those Meaou
(said Yu) are doltish,
productive of aspiration and the stupid and confused, destitute of rever>
ence, contemptuous, self-righteous tribes,
higher qualities in the soul.
who oppose divine reason, and subvert the
principles of moral excellence. According
MABTJTS, MONAD (life), BAIN, SEED to their notions, the mean man occupies
(good). the throne, and the philosopher dwells
only among rustics. Such people are
MEADOW OF ATE OR HADES :— accursed, and fit objects of divine
A symbol of the astro-mental vengeance." — Kinn, China, p. 127.
plane, or the arena of life on the See PELASQIANS, PEOPLE, KING,
lower planes. KtrRUS, TRIBES.
" In darkness they roam over the
meadow of Ate. . . . Deprived of life. —
Empedocles, FAIRBANKS, 388, 389. A symbol of correspondence in
In the underworld the spiritual quality.
forces of growth lie hidden, concealed
" Man is the measure of all things ;
from view of the unenlightened, and of those things which exist as he is ;
and of those things which do not exist
consequently deprived of the light of as he is not." — Protagoras of Abdera.
knowledge, and unable to operate The human soul corresponds in
to the full, through the limited means quality with the whole universe.
at their disposal. It has in it all the elements of the
Whereas the virtuous, in order, as
it were, to purify themselves and to planes of manifestation. This truth
recover breath, after (the death of) is recognised when to the soul's
the body, as being the source of sinful actual qualities there are added the
pollution, must pass a certain fixed time soul's latent qualities.
in the mildest region of air, which they "
To measure signifies to know and
call the ' Meadow of Hades.' — PLU scrutinise the quality of a thing or
TARCH, On the E at Delphi, § XXVIII.
state." —SWEDENBORO, Apoc. !!••••., n.
Between incarnations, the more 486.
advanced and moralised souls, after " And he measured the wall thereof,
physical death, enter astro-mentral a hundred and forty and four cubits,
according to the measure of a man,
regions, where they gradually discard that is, of an angel." — REV. xxi. 17.
their lower astral sheaths of instincts, The perfected soul is complete in all
passions, and desires, and remain for its qualities and attributes (12 X 12),
a period on the plane of the lower
according to its correspondence with
mind (air), before passing further the potential within it, that is, of the
inwards to touch the higher mind, prior Archetypal Man (angel). — EPH. iv. 13.
to another descent to re-incarnation. See ALTAR (fire), ARC. MAN, CITY
A symbol of knowledge and higher
MEAL, OR WHEAT GROUND IN emotion which conduce to the growth
A MILL :— of the soul.
A symbol of the higher, or buddhlc, "
The eyes of all wait upon Thee ;
emotions as food for the soul. The and thou givest them their meat in due
harvest of aspiration and experience season." — Ps. cxlv. 15.
from the lower life, having become The qualities aspire, and the Divine
transmuted by the upper and lower Wisdom responds in bestowing truth
millstones of buddhi-manas, furnish and love, as they are prepared to
nourishment for the causal -body and receive sustenance for the soul.
conduce to its development. " And every tree, in which is the fruit
" Meal signifies truth from good." — of a tree yielding seed ; to you it shall
SWEDENBORC, ApOC. .','- r . n. 411. be for meat." — GEN. i. 29.
And every emotion which is capable intuition aspect (Medea) comes to its
of becoming exalted, and which can aid, and, as it were, promises help,
be the means of affording the soul providing that Wisdom (Medea) and
growth, — to the soul it shall serve as Love (Jason) be thereby united in the
sustenance. higher mind, and the dual aspects of
" The perfect measure of the Son of
the Self become as one, " in Greece,"
God, this it is the work of that Wisdom
which here signifies the sublimated
to make plain which has been hidden
in a mystery ; and it also may show to astral instinct raised through the
our thought how the laws about meats mind to the buddhic plane.
are symbols of those things which will See ABSYRTUS, ^EETES, BUDDHI,
there nourish and strengthen our soul." — CRETE, DRUGS, H.KK< •;:.
OBIOEN, Comm. on John, Bk. X. § 13.


A symbol of intellectual food. A symbol of the Archetypal Man,
Science and philosophy for the who mediates between the Divine
development of the mental faculties, and the human ; that is, who is a
and the acquirement of truth. means whereby the Higher nature
" The man who fills himself with meat makes perfect the lower nature and
is filled with the good spirit."— Vendidad, raises it to union with itself.
IV. " The blood of Christ . . . cleanse
The mind (man) that assimilates your conscience from dead works to
knowledge is filled with that which serve the living God. And for this cause
is necessary for its growth. he is the mediator of a new covenant,
See ASHEHOGHA, EATING, MAN, that a death having taken place for the
redemption of the transgressions that
MORTAR, WOOD (holy). were under the first covenant, they that
have been called may receive the promise
MEAT AND DRINK:— of the eternal inheritance." — HEB. ix.
Symbolic of the externalities to 14, 15.
which men attach importance while The Divine Life, through the death
they do not look to God only for the of the Archetypal Man in a past
eternal Truth. state of being, rises to activity in the
" For the kingdom of God is not meat
present order hi human souls to perfect
and drink ; but righteousness, and peace, their inner natures and purify them
and joy in the Holy Ghost." — ROM.
xiv. 17. from all illusions, so that they may
For the higher consciousness is not conform to the highest Ideal. To
to be found in attachment to objects bring about this result, the indwelling
of sense, but in the transmuted higher Self becomes the intermediary of a
emotions on the plane of Buddhi new realisation of the Divine nature.
(Holy Ghost). For, having died out of one state
See EATING, KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. to be born in another, the Self is able
to raise the soul from its subjection
MEDEA :— to desire and sense under the old
A symbol of the intuition aspect of dispensation of nature and the moral
the mind, merging into Wisdom ; law. The birth of the Self in the
that is, buddhi-manas rising into souls which are ready brings with it
buddhi. the new dispensation of Love, which
" Jason was in perplexity about the frees the soul from its bondage to the
accomplishment of these hard tasks,
when Medea, the daughter of the king lower and raises the consciousness to
/lii'ti's, who had conceived a sudden the higher planes.
affection for him, profferred her aid in " For there is one God, one mediator
securing the Golden Fleece, if ho would also between God and men, himself man,
swear to marry her and take her with Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom
him to Greece." — Argonautic Expedition. for all." — 1 TIM. ii. 5.
The indwelling Self (Jason), working Between the Divine Unity and the
upon the plane of the mind, is sore many egos incarnated, there is an
perplexed about accomplishing the incarnate means whereby the egos
soul-development required : but the are to be made perfect. The Arche
typal Man, by his death in the epoch as a medicine, unpalatable and un
of Involution, becomes in Evolution pleasant, nevertheless proving
the potential Life Divine which beneficial. The prayer of the wise
gradually actualises in humanity, and soul takes the form of supplicating
in so doing, fills up the gap in men's the Divine Love to use it as it will,
souls between imperfection and per and so to strengthen and maintain
fection. it that it may become a worthy and
" What you call evil is nothing but dutiful vehicle of the Divine Life.
imperfection." — G. B. SHAW, Modern " The mystery of healing, as we are
Religion, p. 10. constituted, stands in close affinity with
" The higher man is the mediator God and the faith of his supernatural
between God and the lower man : only operation. Thus it was that the priests,
through iium can man receive develop both of the Egyptians and the Greeks,
ment." — F. W. ROBERTSON, Sermons, were their physicians. jEsculapius, too,
2nd Series, p. 184. the god of medicine, had his own altars
" There is a celebrated saying in
and priests. At a later period, the
T. B. Yoma, 39a, which, somewhat Essenes and the Christian monks had their
enigmatically, seems to sum up the pious explorations of diseases and the
situation thus : ' If man sanctifies him sacred powers of remedies ; reducing
self a little, God sanctifies him much ; medicine itself to a function of religion.
if man sanctifies himself here below, God Later still, Paracelsus himself began the
sanctifies him above.' Man carries a restoration of medicine, as a kind of
shore of Divinity within him, but in order chemical theosophy. And as Christianity
to realise that Divinity he must put itself classes healings among the spiritual
forward his own effort. And every gifts, and calls the elders of the Church
such effort avails. God does His part, to pray for the sick ;. so we find that
provided man does his. The fact of some of our (American) Indian tribes
God's Immanence in man raises him to
ever higher stages of sanctity.
the Rabbinio theology everyone
have traditions of one whom, as related
to the Great Spirit, they call the Uncle,
is a and who came into tho world by a
potential possesor of just that quality mysterious advent, long ages ago, and
which marked out the prophet, viz. the instituted the ' Grand Medicine,' which
Holy Spirit. We can all raise ourselves is in fact, their religion." — H. BUSHNEIX,
to that highest of pinnacles where we Nature and the Supernatural, p. 158.
approach as near to the pattern of the See ALCHEMY, GIFTS OF GOD, GRACE,
Divine as our limited mortality will
permit." — J. ABKLSON, The Immanence HEALING, HOMA, IMHOTEP, MAN,
TION, HIGHER AND LOWER NATURES, A symbol of the emotion-nature,
INVOLUTION, MESSIAH, PKOPHET, first directing Its activities to the
higher, and afterwards to the lower.
Or it may be taken as the general
direction of the soul's activities, at
MEDICINE :— flrst good and then evil.
" Medusa is that system which —
A symbol of the means whereby
originally pure and beautiful, the Church
the Divine nature delivers or heals of God and guardian of the Mysteries—
the soul whose deliverance is to be has through corruption and idolatry
achieved through the Soul Itself, become
the hold of every unclean thing,'
for it Is to be its own deliverer. and mother of a monstrous brood. And,
" Whatever man shall flatter Homa moreover, like the once lovely face of
Medusa, the Doctrine which bore
as a young son, Homa comes to the aid
originally the divine impress and reflected
of him and his children, to be their
the Celestial Wisdom Herself (Athena)
medicine. Homa ! give me some of
has — through the fall of the Church —
the healing powers whereby thou art
become converted into Dogma so
a physician." — Homa Yasht, HAUO, Bs.
pernicious and so deadly as to blight and
The Divine Life is first viewed in a destroy the reason of all who come under
false light and manner, — hence true its control. And the Perseus of the myth
praise is impossible. But even amid is the true Humanity . . . which is gone
the delusions and mistakes of the forth to smite and destroy the corrupt
Church and deliver tho world from its
lower mind, the groping of the youngest blighting influence." — The Perfect Way,
Son of God is assisted from above, — p. 64.
first of all the Divine influx seeming The symbol " Church " may here be
taken as meaning the religious soul- was priest of God Most High." — GES.
Btste of a particular stage in evolution. xiv. 18.
Then cometh forth in the soul the
love nature from the higher planes —
Jerusalem, the city of the Great
MEH, THE WATER OF :— " Bread and wine "
King. symbolise
A symbol of the " river of Life," spiritual goodness and truth. The
or Truth and Life on the higher higher love-nature is the beloved of
planes. the Lord, the direct offshoot of the
See RIVER OF LIFE. Divine nature, and this blesses the
endeavours of the struggling soul.
Symbols of the states, or qualities, SALEM, KING (great), KINGDOM or
of courage and endurance. HEAVEN, LOVE OF GOD, ROCK, SACBI-
A symbol of the sense of truth MELODY, MUSIC :—
and duty. A symbol of harmonised conditions
See AN Ai'iiK. of soul on the higher planes.
" Be rilled with the Spirit ; speaking
MELCARTHUS, KING :— one to another in psalms and hymns
A symbol of the ego as governor and spiritual songs, singing and making
of the astral plane activities. melody with your heart to the Lord." —
EPH. v. 18, 19.
The qualities are exhorted to purify
MELCHIZEDEK :— themselves and be in harmony in
A symbol of the Higher Self. their inmost being one with another,
" Melchizedek, King of righteousness, and all with the Divine nature within
and then also King of Salem, which is them.
King of peace ; without father, without See HARMONY, HEART, HYMN,
mother, without genealogy, having neither Music, ORPHEUS, SINGERS, SONG.
beginning of days nor end of life, but made
like unto the Son of God, abideth a priest MEMBERS OF BODY (DIVINE) :—
continually." — HEB. vii. 2, 3.
A symbol of the more or less dis
A type of the Christ, who is the ciplined qualities of the soul which
centre and pivot from which all have originally proceeded from the
manifestation proceeds. His kingdom segregation (dismemberment) of the
is the abode of bliss (Salem) and peace, qualities of the slain Archetypal
upon the higher planes. He is all Man, — the Prototype of humanity.
Truth and Righteousness ; second to " Now ye are the body of Christ, and
none, — the first and the last, — the severally members thereof. And God
one emanation from the Absolute. hath set some in the church, first apostles,
" Christ Himself is the Warrior secondly prophets, thirdly, teachers, then
King, miracles, then gifts of healings,
the captain of the Lord's host, the true helps,
governments, divers kinds of tongues."
Joshua, whose last word ere His cross was — 1 COR. xii. 27, 28.
a shout of victory, ' I have overcome the
world.' He makes us His soldiers and It is pointed out that as the qualities
strengthens us for the war, if we live by have proceeded from the perfect
faith in Him. He Himself is the Priest Archetype (Christ), they are partial
— the only eternal Priest of the world, —
expressions of the archetypal on their
who wears on His head the mitre and the
diadem, and bears in His hand the sceptre way to completion. The Supreme
and the censer ; and He makes us priests, Law has set the highest active qualities
if faith in His only sacrifice and all in the innermost shrine (church) of the
prevalent intercession be in our souls.
soul. First, the highly developed quali
He is the dew unto Israel — and only
by intercourse with Him shall we be made ties (apostles) which are in harmony
gentle and refreshing, silent blessings to with the central Ideal. Second,
all the weary and the parched souls in the the dawnings of the higher spiritual
wilderness of the world."- — A. MACLAREN, consciousness (prophets). Third, men
Sermons, 3rd Series, pp. 358-9.
"And Melchizedek King of Salem tal faculties, which draw down
brought forth bread and wine : and he truth from above (teachers). Then
psychic and spiritual powers (miracles). qualities (gods) on the buddhic plane
Then spiritual processes of purifica that they may enlighten and prepare
tion (healing) ; thoughts of love and the way for his birth within the soul.
truth (helps) ; high principles of action For, verily, the higher qualities have
(governments) ; the inner expressions come into being through the involution
of Wisdom and Love (tongues). of the Spirit, and are now energised
" Christ's death ia the witness to His
and evolved. The qualities are of the
people, that since they are His members, Divine Life on the higher planes ;
they must also be crucified with Him."
— A. JUICES, The Law of the Offerings, they are manifestations outwardly
p. 198. of the indwelling Self.
"What we are witnessing in the slow " Because men were generated from the
and toilsome evolution of mankind from Titans, who had been nourished with the
brute-consciousness to God-consciousness body of Dionysus, he (Orpheus) therefore,
is simply the emergence of Christ in the calls them Dionysiacal, as though some
Race. When the sublime process is of their members were from the Titans
complete we shall be one in him to all (and came from Dionysus), so that the
eternity." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The human body is partly of a Dionysiacal
Faith that Saves. and partly of a mundane nature"
" The later Manicha?ans of the West (Fioinus, L. IX. Enn. i. 83, 89). " For
designated the portions of Light scattered the smoke from the ashes of the Titans
in the world — in elements and organisms '
became matter,' we are told." — G. R. S.
— and waiting for redemption, ' Jesus MEAD, Orpheus, p. 182.
patibilis (i.e. Jesus who suffered and Human beings (men) possess within
died)." — 11A us AI-K, Hist, of Dogma, Vol.11,
p. 325. themselves the primal constituent
" Kii. the creator of the names of his qualities and elements of manifestation
members which turned into the gods
(the Titans), which had been rendered
who are in the following of Ra." —
actual through the change to hetero
Papyrtif of Hunefer, Ch. XVII.
" There is no member of my body which geneity of the Archetypal Man. So
is not the member of some god. The god that human nature is partly spiritual
Thoth shieldeth my body altogether, and partly natural of the lower planes :
and I am Ra day by day. . . . There
shall none do me hurt, neither men, nor for it has the qualities (members)
gods, nor the sainted dead, nor those of the Divine nature (Dionysus), and
who have perished. I am he who Cometh the qualities of the lower nature
forth advancing, whose name is unknown." (matter).
— BUDGE, Book of the Dead, Ch. XLIII. " The Manicheans could employ the
" Afu-Ra addresseth words to the
pagan fables as a drapery for their ideas.
gods, who are (in the first division of the
' Thus the boy Dionysus torn in pieces
Tuat) saying, Give ye light unto me, by the Titans, according to the mysteries
and make ye yourselves guides to mo,
of Bacchus, was considered by them
O ye who came into being from my
members, my word hath gone forth to nothing else than the soul swallowed
you. Ye are made of my bodies, I have up by the powers of darkness, the divine
life rent into fragments by matter." —
made you, having fashioned you of my
soul.' — BUDOB, Egypt. Heaven and Hell,
NEANDER, Church History, Vol. II.
I. p. 215.
Vol. p. 18. " Fragapati transforms himself, his
The Logos (Ra) differentiates the body and his limbs, into the different
qualities which proceed from him, parts of the universe. Therefore in
and are transmuted into the Ideals creating he is swallowed up, he falls to
(gods) which approach unto him. pieces, and is restored by the performance
of some rite which is hi this way recom
The higher mind (Thoth) gathers into mended." — P. DEUSSEN, Outlines of In
the causal-body the higher qualities, dian Philos., p. 18.
incarnation after incarnation, freed The Logos, in manifesting, becomes
from all taint of the lower nature. the archetype of all things, and when
The indwelling Self shall be unaffected perfected passes into another state,
by all externalities of mind, emotion, which requires the distribution of
formation, or tradition. The Self all qualities (limbs) to be restored again
" cometh
emerges in the qualities, and to unity in the souls of humanity.
" Speech of
Qebhsennuf :— I am thy
for the '
not with observation,"
differentiation (name) of Spirit is son (O Osiris), I have come that I might be
unknown of the lower consciousness. among those who protect thee. I gather
together for thee thy bones, and I piece
The incarnate God (Afu-RS), OP together for thee thy limbs. I bring unto
Archetypal Man, emanates the higher thee thy heart, and I set i\ upon i,ts
seat in thy body. I make to flourish MEN, ONE-EYED ; CYCLOPES :—
(or germinate) for theo thy house after A symbol of the Intuitive mind,
thoe, O thou who livest for ever ' "
uSiii i-. of Seti I). — BUDGE, Egypt. Heaven buddhi-manas, perceptive of spiritual
and Hell, Vol. II. p. 52. truths.
The Higher Self, on the buddhic See CYCLOPES, EYE.
plane, undertakes to raise the qualities
(limbs) and re-form Divinity in MEN, HUNDRED-HANDED, — THE
humanity. The causal-body (heart)
is established potentially in the higher A symbol of mental faculties,
mind. It is gradually evolved and numerous and powerful in activity.
perfected so as to be a vehicle (house) See BRIAREUS.
of the eternal Spirit in the immortal
See AFU-RX, ALTAR (fire), APOSTLES, A symbol of the higher mind which
ARC. MAN, BONES, CHURCH, CRUCI co-ordinates ideas, and enables the
Self to stand alone.
FIXION (gnostic), DEATH or osnus,
Symbolic of
mental qualities
directed by the higher will ; or the
LIMBS, MIRACLES, MUMMY, PRAGA- mind dominated by buddhl (cow).
ZAGREUS. A symbol of the higher qualities
as celestial food. The "fruit of the
MEMPHIS :— Spirit " hanging downwards for the
A symbol of the Wisdom nature, nourishment of the soul.
or of a centre of energy on the buddhic " Usually the menat is held in the hand,
plane. but it is often worn on the neck. Its
See APIS. object was to bring joy and health to
the wearer ; and it was believed to
possess magical properties ; it represented
MEN, BAT- WINGED :— nutrition." — HUDGE, Egyptian Magic,
A symbol signifying the aspiring p. 60.
mind, — the Self active on the buddhic See FRUIT OF SPIRIT, NECK.
MEN, BREAST- EARED :— A symbol of a centre of activity on
A symbol of the emotions on the the lower planes.
mental plane, which constitute the See CITY, TATTU.
receptive function which enables evo
lution to be Initiated.
A symbol of quality which
a mental
MEN, BREAST- EYED :— lives by love (alms) received from
other qualities.
A symbol of the higher emotions " A man is not a mendicant
which give rise to Ideals ; sight (Bhikshu)
being comparable to the establish simply because he asks others for alms;
he who adopts the whole law is a Bhikahu.
ment of mental perception. not he who only begs. He who is above
See EYE, SIGHT. good and evil, who is chaste, who with
knowledge passes through the world,
MEN OF THE FOREST WITH he indeed is called a Bhikshu." — Dkamma-

ON THE BODY :— A mental quality to live by love

must have fulfilled the law of righteous
A symbol representing the atmlc
aspects of mental qualities. The ness and be above the oppositea. It
aspects are compared to " hairy must be pure and wise as it passed
beings " because hair Is a symbol through the soul.
of faith In the Divine. See ALMSGIVING, BHIKSHU, MONK,
MENELAUS, SON OF ATREUS :— strive, ourselves that we have to over
come in order to share the glory of the
A symbol of strength on the
Lord. If there were no struggle, if we
astral plane, a product of illusion had nothing to fight, there would be no
of separateness (Atreus). growth, we should be beating the air.
See ATKKL-S, MASS. It is a curious thing, but true, that all
advance, in whatever field, material or
spiritual, is due to opposition." — R. J.
MENIS ; WRATH OF ACHILLES :— CAMPBEIX, Serm., Warfare of Life.
A symbol of the strife within the See ACHILLES, BATTLE, CONFLICT,
soul, — the passionate self-will, or CONQUEBOB, EABTH, GREEKS, JOB,
self-seeking of the lower nature, MAN (natural), OFPOSITES, PEACE AND
which in all religions is said to be SWORD, PERSONALITY, STORM, STRIFE,
opposed to the law of God. Yet the SWORD, TAWHIRI-MATEA, VICTORY,
strife is necessary to the Divine pur WAR, WARRIORS, WBATH.
" Sing, Goddess, the wrath, the ruinous
wrath of Achilles, son of Poleus, which MENTAL-PLANE :—
brought countless woes upon the Greeks."
— Iliad, opening lines. This central plane of Divine mani
festation is the third plane from above
Utter thy voice, Wisdom, in
or from below. It is the plane of
the inborn strife of relativity and creation of the forms on the lower
imperfection ! Proclaim the fierce out planes. The prototypal ideas emanat
going energy of nature constituting ing from the planes above take form
the lower Self (Achilles), which is in mental matter on the mental
begotten of the Higher Self (Peleus) ! plane, and are from thence pro
For the lower Self brings sorrow and jected outwardly on to the astral
countless sufferings into the separate and physical planes ; in other words,
TnmHa the mental forms are re-embodied
" The Christ of God hath many names on the lower planes in the matter of
in Scripture ; but they all mean only the planes, thus constituting the
this, that he is, and alone can be, the material universe. But from the
Light and Life and holiness of every fact of the Interplay and conflict of
creature that is holy, whether in heaven the forces on the lower planes, the
or on earth. Wherever Christ is not, ideas often become obstructed and
there is the Wrath of Nature, or nature distorted in their course outwards,
left to itself and its own tormenting so that the result on the physical
strength of life, to feel nothing in itself
but the vain, restless contrariety oj plane is anything but perfect. This
its own working properties. This is the applies to animal, vegetal, and crystal
one only origin of hell and every kind forms, which are growths from within
of curse and misery in the creature." — outwards, but not, of course, to acci
W." LAW, Law's Memorial, p. 65. dental and constructed formations,
By the word ' earth ' is understood which arc the result of fracture and
the wrath in the Essence." — BOKHME, movement from place to place. The
Myntcrium Magnum, p. 42.
" We must know that war is universal mental plane, like other planes, is
and strife right, and that by strife all atomic in its structure, transmitting
things arise and are used " (Heraclitus). — vibrations which are far more subtle
OBIOBN, cent. Celmts,VI. 42. and rapid than those occurring on
" Man will not always be warring against lower planes. The extension of the
man, either in the battlefield or the count mental plane through space is proved
ing-house. As Professor Huxley said by the facts of telepathy. It is also
in his Romanes lecture, the law of the proved by the spatial images in our
survival of the fittest is giving way before If we imagine a tri
the higher impulse of fitting as many
own minds.
as possible to survive. But we shall not angular-shaped object, we perceive
have done with the struggle when war its dimensions in space on the mental
in all its modes has been left behind ; plane. We arc almost constantly
we shall still have to fight, but the fighting creating thought-forms which last
will be on a higher plane. For the in for a time and then dissipate. Spirit,
dividual it is on a higher plane even now. thought, emotion, desire, force can
It is the struggle to conform the soul to not manifest without the matter of
Christ, to respond to the call of his spirit,
the planes of being. A philosophy
to bring every faculty of our being into
captivity to his love. We do not kill which overlooks the primal duality
men in this fight ; we do our best to save of Spirit and Matter is lost in vague
them. It is against ourselves that we ness and delusion.

THE HUMAN BEING :— A symbol of the soul.
" The old Jewish proverb, — Four
This Is the Instrument of the are the highest in the world — the lion
spiritual ego on the lower mental among wild beasts, the ox among tame
plane. It is formed of mental matter cattle, the eagle among birds, man among
as a vehicle of thought and will. all (creatures) ; but God is supreme over
Thought is expressed in forms of all.' " — P. KA i ici-.AiRN, Typology of
thought, and the limitations and Scripture, Vol. I. p. 262.
images in the mind are constructed See FIRMAMENT, MA-A'SEH.
of mind-stuff or mental-matter with
in the mental body . Thought restricted MERCHANTS OF THE EAST :—
to a particular ego, as is the case A symbol of the manaslc intelli
with mankind, is necessarily limited gences which transmute the sen
by the forms of matter obtainable sations and feelings into ideas and
in the stage of development at which emotions.
the ego has arrived. See EAST, HERMES, MAISHAN.
" Perception contains all the elements
of thought,' — of imagination, conception,
reasoning. Remembered images or ideas, A symbol of transmuted desires
and new percepts, which will reinforce and lower emotions raised to aspira
or alter the old images or add new ones,
' constitute the materials of all intellectual
tions and higher emotions, as " fruit
of the Spirit " on higher planes.
operations ; memory reasoning, imagina " Abandon falsehood,
tion, are acts which consist in ultimate pursue truth,
analysis, of grouping, and co-ordinating and thou shall obtain the fruit thy heart
images, in apprehending the relations desireth. Few are they who traffic in
true merchandise ; they who do so obtain
already formed between them, and in
reuniting them into new relations ' profit. Depart with the merchandise of
and abstract God's name, and thou shalt easily
(Binet). When general obtain a sight of God's court" (Guru
terms are brought to the assistance of
the mind, thought is still imagination, Nanak). — MACATJLIFFE, The Sikh Religion,
with names instead of images ; yet even Vol. I. p. 364.
" By the Guru's wisdom they obtain
then the mind employs memory— images,
which are images of those names." — the true merchandise. He who possesseth
A. E. CHAWLEY, The Idea of the Soul, the wealth of the true merchandise is
p. 64. enraptured with the true Word." — Ibid.,
p. 365.
We only get our conceptions of
space and matter from images in our
minds, which images must be material
or they could not give us the conceptions MERCURY, THE PLANET,
we have of them. Forms take up VANANT :—
space and possess qualities and these Signifies the function of vital
are all mental to our consciousness, activity, growth, and expansion in
which is in the mind and not on lower the forms of nature, and that which
planes. The human soul must have gives impetus and momentum.
a mental material body on the mental See PLANETS.

plane in order to put it in relation MERODACH OR MARDUK :—

with images and ideas of mental A symbol of theHigher Self, —
" materials of
matter which are the the Hero who personified the triumph
all intellectual operations." The over the lower nature, i.e. the "world,
mental body must also have an the flesh, and the devil." He was
organised structure to render it capable not so much Son of Man, as " Lord
of performing its functions in relation of all that exists," and so did not
to the astral and physical bodies, which personify the Soul which has to be
purified and tried in the fires.
are also highly organised mechanisms " Merodach, king of heaven and earth,
to serve the requirements of the ego.
the merciful one, who loves to raise the
dead to life (" Hymn to Merodach ").
The Higher Self, lord of the higher MESKHENET, GODDESS OF THE
and lower planes, by his Divine love FUNERAL CHAMBER, AND
raises the mortal to immortality.
Merodachhas been identified with NURSING :—
Asari the son of Ea of Eridu. . . . Asari These figures symbolise nature in
and Osiris were evidently the same. its dual aspect of sustainer and
The character and attributes of tioth destroyer of forms.
were the same. Osiris was Un-nefer, ' the
good being,' whose -life was spent in See JUDGMENT HALL, RENENET,
benefitting and civilising mankind , Asari SIVA.
alao waa the prince who does good
to men.' . . . That Asari was a sun-god MESSENGER OF THE DIVINE :—
follows from his identification with A symbol of an outpouring of the
Merodach. . . . Merodach was the divine Spirit according to cyclic law.
man, freed from the limitations of our " Behold I send my
messenger, and he
mortal existence, and therefore able not
shall prepare the way before me : and the
only to rule over the other gods, but
also, like the magician, to make their Lord whom ye seek, shall suddenly come
natures his own." — SAYCE, /.'•/. of Anc. to his temple ; and the messenger of the
covenant whom ye delight in, behold he
Egypt, and Babyl., pp. 325, 327, 334.
Cometh, saith the Lord." — MAI,, iii. 1.
Merodach, Asari, and Osiris are
This is the assurance of the gift of
all symbols of the Higher Self regnant
the Spirit, which independent of the
upon the higher planes of manifestation.
limitations of time and space "cometh
They are sun -gods representing the
without observation." The temple is
the " temple not made with hands,
one God on the plane of atma.
Merodach signifies the Divine Man, "
eternal in the heavens ; and into that
God incarnate, who has risen in triumph " "
temple or causal-body, —so soon
from the lower planes, and has assumed "
as the Lord's willing servants," or
the higher qualities (gods) and united functioning
lower of the conscious
them with himself.
ness in the virtues, are ready to receive
him, — will come the Sun of Righteous
ness, the Higher Self or Higher con
sciousness, who will for ever make
SELF, SOUL (highest), UNION.
his abode among the chosen of the
Lord ; i.e. among the transmuted
MERT, CITY OR GOD OF :— qualities.
A symbol of the astral or desire " God dwells
in the highest part of
plane, which corresponds to the the soul. He who ascends this height has
level from which evolution of form all things under his feet. We are united
proceeds. to God when, in the practice of the
virtues, we deny and forsake our
selves, loving and following God above
MERTET SEA:— all creatures ' (Ruysbroek). — VAUGHAN.
Hours, etc., Vol. I. p. 328.
A symbol of a sub-plane of the
astral plane.
OR THE A symbol of the incoming Truth
PLANET VENUS:— and Love, — the Higher Self born in
the soul.
A symbol of astral love which, " Andrew findeth first his own brother
being a quality of attraction related
Simon and saith unto him, We have
with the buddhlc, urges the life of found the Messiah (which is, being
nature to pour Itself forth In the interpreted, Christ)." — JOHN i. 41.
forms which are prepared and await The astro -mental nature was enabled
its reception. to modify the closely allied physical
brain and make it a better mental
instrument for the needs of the Christ,
MESCH IA :— who had now appeared within the
See MATRO. soul.
" Andrew stays with the Lord '
the tenth hour ' and finds the Son of
God the Word and Wisdom, and is ruled
A symbol of completion of the
by him as king. That is why he says, qualities of the soul, and the -
We have found the Messiah,' and this mergence in the Divine.
is a thing which every one can say who "
And from that day there have been
has found this Word of God and is ruled, metal statues of Horbehudti." — Legend
as by a king, by his Divinity. As a
of the Winged Sun-disk.
fruit he at once brings his brother to And from that period it was possible
Christ, and Christ deigned to look upon
Simon, that is to say, by looking at to define the fullness of stature of the
him to visit mid enlighten his ruling Manifested God.
principle ; and Simon, by Jesus looking See IMAGE.
at him, was enabled to grow strong,
so as to earn a new name for that work METEMPSYCHOSIS, OR THE
of finnnesf) and strength, and to be called TRANSMIGRATION OF SOULS
Peter." — OBIOEN, Comm. on John, Bk. III.
The coming of the Messiah is Divine
knowledge gained by experience through A symbol of the passing of the ego
the power of the Breath of Life inbreathed, (luring successive incarnations into
that is the Mediator between God and human bodies, astral and physical,
man. . . . But of the Breath of Life,
in union with the human essence, Messiah full of animal propensities denoted
was to be made, by the mind going through by names of animals of various kinds.
a fiery purgation, in which it leaves the " But know this threefold course of
dross behind, namely, the old evil nature. transmigrations that depends on the three
The Living Breath uniting with the qualities . . . according to the particular
upright and purified mind of the creature, nature of the acts and of the knowledge
and the human spirit of the man with it ; of each man. Immovable beings, insects,
thus Messiah is made, born, and comes both small and great, fishes, snakes and
forth. Charity bears him into the ' world ' tortoises, cattle and wild animals, are the
for this principle (charity) is the ' Virgin lowest conditions to which the quality
Mary." " — JOHN WARD, Zion's Works, of tamos (darkness) leads." — Lmca oj
Vol. III. pp. 200, 202. Manu, XII. 41, 42.
" According to the Midrash Talpigoth,
The three states or conditions of
the Messiah will bring eternal peace. . .
the soul lead to corresponding condi
It is said in the Zohar that, according to
tradition, wherever Solomon is mentioned tions of mind and desire in the succeeive
in the Song of Solomon this King of Peace reincarnations of the ego (man). Bad
is designated." " This is the Spirit of
' habits, primitive desires, delusions,
the Messiah, as it is written : Renew a
gross desires, low appetites, sub
right spirit within me.' (Ps. )i. 12)." —
A. E. WAITE, Secret Doctrine in Israel, servience, ungoverned passions, etc.
pp. 143, 147. are the bodily conditions which
See ANIHU w, BREATH (divine), ignorance (tamas) and sluggishness of
CHRIST'S SECOND COMING, MEDIATOR, mind and emotion lead the ego into.
SELF, PETER. " And the soul's vice is ignorance.
For that the soul who hath no knowledge
of the things that are, or knowledge of
METALS :— their nature, or of Good, is blinded by
the body's passions and tossed about.
Symbols of higher and lower
This wretched soul, not knowing what
qualities ; as gold, wisdom ; silver, she is, becomes the slave of bodies of
higher mental ; iron, lower mental ; strange form in sorry plight, bearing the
brass, or bronze, mental. body as a load ; not as the ruler, but the
" The metals nil figure trutlis ; gold ruled " (Corp. Herm., The Key). — G. R. a
and silver, those which are more precious MEAD, T. G. Hermes, Vol. II. p. 145.
" The impious soul remains in its own
and spiritual ; brass and iron, those of
an inferior class connected with the essence, chastised by its own self, and
outward world." — A. JUKES, Types of seeking for an earthly body where to enter
Genesis, p. 91. if only it be human. For that no other
A certain Chinese written symbol " is body can contain a human soul ; nor is it
expressive not only of refining metals in right that any human soul should fall
the furnace, but of man undergoing a trial into the body of a thing that doth possess
" — Ibid., p. 153,
for the purpose of proving and bene- no reason (The Key).
fitting him." — KIDD, China, p. 46. See ANIMALS, BEASTS, CREATURES,
(brazen), SILVER, TUBAL CAIN. ANIMAL, PrzRis (lunar), PITRIYANA,
RE -INCARNATION, SACRIFICE, SKINS, refers to the final consummation, when
TORTOISE, TRANSMUTATION. the buddhic is withdrawn and the
Highest (atma) alone remains.
A sjinbol of the Divine Wisdom. (natural), MOON (higher).
" And the names of it (^therial Light)
Orphous heard in prophetic vision, and MICHAEL, THE ARCHANGEL :—
declares them to be Metis, PhaneB, and A symbol of the Self under the
Erirapaeus, which by intepretation are aspect of Deliverer of the soul from
Will, Light, and Light-giver (or Conscious
ness, Light, and Life) ; adding that these captivity to the lower nature. The
three divine powers of names aro the one Self as victor over the lower principle.
power and one might of the One God." — " Nephesh is presumably of the earth,
G. R. S. MEAD, Orpheus, p. 164. earthy, for it IB said to remain in the tomb ;
The three aspects of the Divine Rua'h enters the Earthly Paradise, where
emanation are Will (Phanes), Wisdom the High Priest Michael offers it as a
holocaust to the Holy One and it remains
(Metis), and Action (Ericapseus). in the joy of Paradise ; Neshamah
These proceed forth at manifestation ascends on high. It returns to the Tree
as three potencies of the one Higher of Life, because it came therefrom."
" Phanes " is expressed in Will, A. E. WAITE, Secret Doctrine in Israel,
p. 160.
Love, and Consciousness on the plane
The body of desire (Nephesh) is
of atma ; " Metis " in Wisdom, Light,
of the lower nature (earth) and
and Intellect on the buddhic and
The mind
mental planes ; while " Ericapaius "
disintegrates there (tomb).
(Rua'h) is delivered by the Self from
signifies the Divine Life active through
captivity, and its lower part is purified
out all the planes of the Cosmos and
and raised to union with the Holy
Spirit (buddhi). The Divine monad
(Neshamah) is now supreme in the
soul, and is of the Divine life (tree).
This does not refer to post-mortem
TRIAD. states, but to the union of the soul
A symbol of the buddhic principle, TIVITY, EARTH, HOLY GHOST.
and also the buddhic reflected In the MELCHIZEDEK, MONAD or LIFE,
" The moon-goddess of the Asteos or
ancient Mexicans. Her myth relates that
in the absence of a luminary of day all VICTORY.
humanity was plunged into darkness,
which a human sacrifice alone could MICROCOSM :—
relieve. Metztli thereupon brought to A symbol of the little world of the
the sacrifice Nanahuatl the Leprous, and
human soul, which contains all the
cast him into a huge pyre which stood
elements, qualities and potencies of
ready for the victim. She herself followed
hire into the furnace, and on her dis the great world of the universe
appearance the sun rose." — Non-classical (Macrocosm).
Mythology, p. 117. " It is in man, the microcosm, in whom
This is a concise account of the all the universe meets, that the Divine
process of the soul's salvation. The ideas chiefly unfold themselves, and that
in proportion as his receiving surface
Higher Self (sun) is obscured to our
is purified and expanded." —J. BRIKRLEY,
consciousness, and only by the sacrifice The Eternal Religion, p. 239.
" natural man " will it be " Man is the Microcosm epitomising
of the
possible for the Self to shine in the in himself the whole universe." — GIBB,
Therefore it is provided that Hut. of Ottoman Poetry, Vol. I. p. 56.
soul. " The human soul stands in the centre
through the functioning of the buddhic of the All ; and just as the World is
principle (Metztli) the corrupt lower a huge Man, man is a little world "
self or personality (the Leper) is put (Basra teaching). — DE BOER, Hist, of
through the experiences of life and Philo.i. in Islam, p. 92.
" These four Worlds form together an
gradually purified through suffering unit, a single great Man, the Macrocosm
until it is perfected. The last sentence or Adam Illa-ah." "The Qabbalah in
presenting the earthly man as the Micro true end of the entire cycle." — H. M.
cosm or inferior ropy of the prototypic GWATKIN, Knowledge of God, Vol. L
Heavenly Adam, asserts the existence of p. 237.
four divisions or worlds, which are to be See AB, ADAM,(higher), ARC. MAN,
found in a greater or less degree in each."
— MYER, Qabbalah, pp. 198, 331. COSMOS, CREATION, EVOLUTION,
The " four worlds " are the buddhic,
mental, astral, and physical planes.
These constitute the World-Soul, as
they do also the human soul. (five).
" Ye therefore shall be perfect, as your
heavenly Father is perfect." — MAT. v. 48.
A symbol of the lower principle.
The microcosm is only partially the desire-mind, or the astral plane
evolved, and therefore imperfect. of illusion.
When it is fully evolved, it will be " Mictlan was the Mexican Pluto.
as perfect as the Macrocosm on the The name signifies '
Country of the North '
higher planes. — the region of waste and hunger and
" As God contains all things in Himself, death, and was used both of the place and
BO it is in our soul ; the soul is the micro- the deity. There, surrounded by fearful
cosmos in which all things are contained demons (Tzitzimitles), he ruled over the
and are led back to God" (Eokhart). — shades of the departed much as did
PFLEIDERER, Develop, of Christianity, Pluto, and possessed several wives.
p. 152. The representations of him give to him
" Erigena's mysticism appears especially a most repulsive aspect, and he is usually
in his root conception of man's soul. depicted in the act of devouring his
There is an ultimate ground of truth victims." — L. SPENCE, Mythologies of
in the depth of personal consciousness. Ancient Mexico, etc., p. 24.
Man is an epitome of the universe, a The astral plane (north) is a region
meeting-place of the above and the below, devoid of spiritual food and subject
a point of union for the heavenly and
the sensuous. We understand the world
to change and dissolution. On it are
only because the forms or patterns of it — the desires (demons) and instincts
the Ideas which it expresses — are in attached to the personalities. The
our own minds. So that a mind which desire-mind (Mictlan) is allied with the
wholly fathomed itself would thereby
fathom everything, and we can rise to lower emotions and passions (wives),
Divine contemplation because God is and it seeks to engulf and rule the
the ground and reality of our soul's being. personalities.
— R. M. JONES, Mystical Religion, p. 127. DEMONS, DEVIL,
" The loftiest purpose of God, in all See HADES,
His dealings, is to make us like Himself ; HELL, MANALA, NORTH, SERPENT.
and the end of all religion is the complete
accomplishment of that purpose. There MIDGARD :—
is no religion without these elements — A symbol of the mind or mental
consciousness of kindred with God, plane.
recognition of Him as the sum of all
excellence and beauty, and of His will
as unconditionally binding upon us,
aspiration and effort after a full accord MIDGARD'S SERPENT :—
of heart and soul with Him and with His A symbol of the desire-mind which
law, and humble confidence that that engirdles the lower nature of the soul.
sovereign beauty will be ours. . . . " He
The full accord of all the soul with His (Thor) goes, the descendant of
character, in whom, as their native home, Odin, to fight the Serpent : the defender
dwell ' whatsoever things are pure, of Midgard strikes him in his anger."
whatsoever things are lovely,' and the — The Voluspa.
full glad conformity of the will to His The higher mind (Thor), energised
sovereign will, who is the life of our by the Spirit (Odin), combats the
lives — this, and nothing shallower, nothing desire-mind, which identifies itself with
narrower, is religion in its perfection."
— A. M U-I.A.KKN, Sermons, 2nd Series, the objects of sense and is at enmity
pp. 212-3. with the higher nature.
" The seed a means to an end, and " In the Midgard
serpent which girdle!
the end may as well be the bird or the the world, we have here another testimony
insect (if eaten) as the plant ; and man to the Biblical correspondence of the
qua physical may very well come to Serpent in the Word, as meaning every
similar ends. But the image of God in where the sensual mind, — tensuale,—
man cannot be simply a means like the which is the outermost, or encompassing
seed. It must be an end in itself, the one mind, in which the amour proprt or
resides. In like manner with VIBA-POT, UDDER, VACH, WATEB,
this, nearly the whole of the particulars
in Voluapa are susceptible of a Biblical
interpretation." — GABTH WILKINSON,
Revelation and Mythology, p. 66. MILK AS FOR BABES (LOWER
SERPENT (subtil), THOB. A symbol of experience of the con
ditions of the lower life, and of the
MIDST, SECOND SPACE IN THE :— external stimulus to progress, — See
A symbol of the buddhi-manasic HEB. v. 12, 13
plane. See EXPERIENCE.
"He is a God who hath found the words
of the Mysteries of the second space in
the midst." — Bookt of the Saviour. A symbol of the lower emotion-
He has attained Godhood in the nature, that which is yielded by
germ who has arrived at the stage desire (goat) ; the product of the
referred to, which is the higher desire-mental function.
" After 30 days they went forth into
emotion-mental plane. This illus
trates the saying, — " I
said, ye are the wilderness, came to a white-haired
goat, and milked the milk from the
Gods " (Ps. Ixxxii. 6 ; JOHN x. 34). udder with their mouths. When they
That is called the midst which is had devoured the milk, Mashya said to
inmost." — SWEDENBORO, Arc. Cel. to '
Mashyoi thun : My delight was owing to
Gen. iii. 8. it when I had not devoured the milk,
See MYSTEBY. and my delight is more delightful now
when it is devoured by my vile body." —
MIDST, WAY OF THE :— The Bundahis, Ch. XV, 10, 11.
A symbol of the higher sub-planes After the lunar cycle was passed,
of the astral. the soul struggled up from the astral
"Jesus and his disciples soar aloft to the mental plane, and encountered
" goat," or false knowledge and
into the way of the midst, and come to the
first order of the Way of the Midst." — desire, " white " because attractive
Books of the Saviour, in Pistit Sophia. and alluring. This " drinking of the
The Christ activity having made the "
goat's milk signifies the partaking
qualities obedient to his word departs of sensuous gratification resulting in
from the plane of physical manifesta the evolution of the desire -mental
tion, and so withdraws to the higher nature of the human being. When this
astral. experience had been undergone, the
mental-nature (Mashya) says, as it
MILK FROM COW:— were ; — My pleasure exists also in
anticipation and imagination of enjoy
A symbol of the higher emotion ment, and now further delight is
nature ; that which Is yielded by
buddhl (cow) ; the product of the experienced in the increased satis
Wisdom function. faction which is derived through the
" And it shall come to pass in that day, evolution of the lower mental vehicle,
that the mountains shall drop down sweet the vehicle of error and illusion.
wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, (It must be noted that while the
lower soul or " lunar pitri
and all the brooks of Judah shall flow " struggles
with waters ; and a fountain shall come
forth of the house of the Lord, and shall upward as the personality, the higher
soul or " solar pitri
" is coming down
water the valley of Shittim." — JOEL
iii. 18. ward as the individuality, and this is
the end of the cycle all aspira the
" fall " of man
(mind) and angels
tions (mountains, hills) shall be satisfied (spiritual egos).
in the spiritual endowments (wine and See GOAT (milch), LUNAB CYCLE,
milk) that shall come to them. The MATBO, PITBW, PITBIYANA, SEBPENT
region of the qualities beloved of God (subtil), Si AM AK. UDDEB, WILDERNESS.
shall be filled with knowledge, and
from the soul's innermost shrine shall MIMER WELL:—
well up a fountain of truth which shall A symbol of the fountain of Truth.
obliterate the lower nature. " She (Frigg) was seated without,
See BUDDHI, Cow's MILK, MAIIA- solitary, when he came, — the oldest,
the most circumspect of the Ases, — and a mind behind the flux of causation ; if
looked in her eyes : Why sound me T there be a mind, or anything that includes
why put me to the proof ? I know all, what we know as mind immanent in the
Odin ; I know where thou hast concealed universe — in a word, the mind of God —
thine eye, — in that great fountain of it must be a mind that moves on levels
Mimer."— The Voluspa, 89-94. to which ours have at present no access.
The Wisdom nature is aware that It must be a mind that does not need to
the Higher Self through the experience infer anything, it knows ; it does not
guess or wonder, it sees all there is to see ;
of the lower consciousness (eye) it cannot make mistakes, for there can
acquires Truth. '
be nothing outside its own range. My
See ASAK, EYES (two), FOUNTAIN, thoughts are not your thoughts, neither
FBIGG, ODIN, WATEB, WELL. are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than
MIND, GOOD :— the earth, so are my ways higher
thau your ways and my thoughts than
A symbol of the Logos or Higher your thoughts' (Is. Iv. 8, 9)." — R. J.
Self, manifesting as Atma-buddhl- CAMPBELL, Serm., The Super -rational.
m u mis on the higher mental plane. See AGATHODAIHON, AKEM-MANO,
"The School of Zeno teach that Ood D.EMON, FOBH AND NAME, GOD,
is unity, and that he is called Mind, and MONAD, PITMS, VOHUMANO.
Fate, and Jupiter, and by many other
names besides." — Dioo. LAEBTIUS, Licet, MINERVA, OR ATHENA:—
" He p.
A symbol of the bud d hie function,
(Mind) is the Good Daimon. — Wisdom.
Blessed be the soul that is most filled with
him, and wretched is the soul that is See ATHENA, BUDDHI.
empty of the Mind (The Key). — G. R. S.
MEAD, T. G. Hermes, Vol. II. p. 166. MINISTERS OF THE STATE:—
We invoke the Mind with man- A symbol of the cosmic agents
lauding strain, and with the hymns of through which the laws of the
the fathers. May the Mind come back Supreme are carried out.
to us for us to obtain wisdom, vigour " The Kingly office was not
and life, and that we may long see the mere
sun t May the divine race restore to us pageantry : nor were the functions of
the Mind, O Fathers, that we may abide state ministers empty show. Good
with the living kind ' " — Sata. Br&h., government was established by rulers,
II. " 0. 1, 39. and correct instruction diffused among
We call God a Mind. He has revealed the people." — Chinese Mythology.
himself as a Spirit. But what do we At this period of the Golden Age
know of mind, but through the unfolding of Involution no self-consciousness
of this principle in our own breasts ? has been arrived at, — that is, things
That unbounded spiritual energy which
we call God is conceived by us only could not be other than they are
through consciousness, through the know centrally decreed. Necessity is at this
ledge of ourselves. — We ascribe thought The "
stage imperative.
or intelligence to the Deity, as one of his office " is the Divine Will ; and the
most glorious attributes. And what " state ministers " are those agents
means this language ? These terms we
have framed to express operations or through whom the Divine Will is
faculties of our own souls. The Infinite executed. During Involution all the
Light would be for ever hidden from us,
did not kindred rays dawn and brighten principles or laws of the universe
within us. God is another name for human are, as it were, laid down and worked
intelligence raised above all error and out in an ideal and perfect archetypal
imperfection, and extended to all possible system, and these serve for the guiding
truth. The same is true of God's goodness,
of the Evolution which is to follow.
and of all the moral perfections of the " First, the Prime Intelligence created
Deity. These are comprehended by us He, through the which Four Ministers
only through our own moral nature.
It is the conscience within us, which, He made to be ; He those Four the
by its approving and condemning voice, Columns Four of earth had dressed,
interprets to us God's love of virtue and whereby Fixture, Elevation, Traction,
Rest, Water, Fire, Air and Earth He
hatred of sin ; and without conscience
these glorious conceptions
named them there, and He made of them
would never
have opened on the mind. It is the law
this kingdom's bases fair. Four domains
unto the Four did God decree
giver in our own breasts which gives us (Gharib
Name of Aahig).—^. J. W. GIBB, Hist, of
the idea of divine authority, and binds
Ottoman Poetry, Vol. I. p. 188.
us to obey it." — W. E. CHANNING,
Likeness to God. From the Absolute there emanated
"Let me point out that if there be the Creative Mind, who established
below atma the four principles of flesh and sense, and carry us upward to
manifestation to be " ministers " of our eternal source and goal." — R. J.
CAMPBELL, Serm., The Self and the Body.
the Divine Life outpoured upon the " The Son of God became man. He
four planes formed for their activities. came to us in our blindness, as we sat
See CIVILISING, COSMOS, CREATION, and begged by the wayside of life ; He
ELEMENTS, EVOLUTION, GOLDEN AGE, made clay, i.e. He took of the mortal dust
of our earthy nature (see JOHN ix. 6),
GOVERNMENT, INVOLUTION, CANNES, and moulded it by the breath and moisture
PEOPLE, PILLARS (four), QUATERNARY, of His mouth, and blended it with the
WORLDS (five). Divine nature, and anointed it with the
Holy Ghost, and aent us to Siloam .
MINOS, ^ACUS, AND RHADA- and by the co-operation of our Faith and
MANTHUS, SONS OF ZEUS :— Obedience with His Divine Power and
Love, our eyes are opened and we see."
These symbols signify the Divine — WORDSWORTH, Bible, John, p. 317.
principles of the Higher Triad — " The story in the ninth of John about
Will, Wisdom, and Action. the healing of the blind man is a parable ;
" Minos, who is stated by Thucydides to the event very likely took place, but it
is used here as a parable ; all the miracles
have been the first known founder of
in the fourth gospel are used as parables."
a maritime empire, appears in Homer as
the greatest and most important of bis
— R. J.
CAMPBELL, Serm., The Door,
the Thief, etc.
archaic personages. . . . The name of
Minos, whether mythical or not, is a See ALCHEMY, ARC. MAN, BLIND,
symbol of political power, of the BONDAGE, FAITH (miracles), GIFTS
administration of justice, in a word, OF GOD, GRACE, HEALING, INITIATIONS,
of civilisation. . . . His brother Rhada- iNTurnoN, MAN (blind), MEDICINE,
manthus, hardly less distinguished, has
the custody of the Elysian Plain." — PARABLES, PHYSICIAN, SERPENT
W. E. GLADSTONE, Juv. Mundi, pp. 1 19, AESCULAPIUS.
The Divine Will rules over the MIRROR :—
empire of Truth (water). The Divine A symbol of the causal-body as a
Wisdom presides over the buddhic reflector of atma-buddhl, — the Love
plane. and Wisdom of the higher planes.
" Amaterasu, the Sun-GoddesR, in
See CrvrusiNa, METIS, NOAH'S SONS,
presenting the Sacred Mirror to her
grandson Ninigi-no-mikoto, said, — Look

upon this Mirror as my spirit, keep it

MINOS THE SECOND:— in the same house and on the same floor
A symbol of the lower self. with yourself, and worship it as if you
were worshipping my actual presence."
MIRACLES OF HEALING :— — SATOW, Legend of the Sun-goddta*.
These are symbolic of certain facts Wisdom, in directing the evolution
of spiritual growth which take place on the lower planes of the soul
on planes of nature whose laws are instructs the indwelling Self (her
as yet unrecognised by people at grandson), in his struggles upward, to
large. They occur as the Higher aspire to the ideal and seek the Wisdom,
nature becomes more powerful In Love, and Truth reflected in the
the soul, and they are psychic and causal -body on the higher mental
spiritual endowments which come in
plane (same floor), which is the plane
due course according to the soul's
from which the Self operates.
preparedness for them, and which
are added to the human nature as
" I(Lakshmi) reside in a lotus flower,
in blazing fire, and in a polished sword or
the souls evolve. They are not ex mirror." — Inftituta of Vishnu, XCIX.
ternal phenomena exciting wonder 12.
ment. They are wrought in the soul " Sometimes the soul is called the
by an appreciation and application 'Mirror of God.' Thus Jellal eddin
of laws of nature to wMch sectarian says :— If a mirror reflects not, of what
religionists are blind. They have use is it ? Knowest thou why thy mirror
nothing to do with the healing of reflects not T Because the rust has not
physical diseases and defects.
been scoured from its face. If it were
purified from all rust and defilement,
" By faith in Jesus we coll upon the it would reflect the shining of the Sun of
deeper or Spiritual Man, who is one with God.' " — MAX .V r u i r. Theosophy, etc.,
the infinitude of God, and that divine p. 357.
man, that true Self, will rise in power in " We shall behold with our inward
our souls, free us from the bondage of eyes the mirror of the wisdom of God,
in which shall shine and be illumined all all forms of relative experience, so
things which have ever existed and which that through the Soul's new growth
can rejoice our hearts. "— RUYSBROECK,
Stoddart's trans., p. 76. upon the several planes no harm shall
" But we all, with unveiled face happen to the Divine One within ;
reflecting as a mirror the glory of the Lord, for the Divine Feminine Holy Spirit
are transformed into the same image
of Wisdom rules this evolution which
from glory to glory, even as from the
Lord the Spirit." — 2 COR. iii. 18. all souls are now engaged in : the one
Canst thou with him spread out the Soul having become many souls.
sky, which is strong as a molten mirror ? Evolution begins by the birth, or
— JOB xxxvii. 18.
" The soul of man, individually and germination, of the World-Soul on
in the lump, needs to be reclaimed from the astral plane (fourth sub-plane),
its subjection to material conditions, and after a period of development
and its essential divinity made fully in astral bodies, the Soul comes into
manifest, perfectly reflecting the face of
touch with the physical plane.
God, ere it is ready for the fulfilment of
its eternal destiny." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Loke, symbol of Desire, acts in
" a woman," as the physical
Serm., The Refiner's Fire. guise of
" ' External nature,' St. Bernard writes,
' plane is feminine. The physical nature
is but the shadow of God, the soul is
inquires, as it were, whether the Soul
His image. The chief, the special mirror
in which to see Him is the rational soul is perfectly secure. Then the Desire.
finding itself.' And he continues : ' If nature (Wisdom's utterance being
the invisible things of God are understood through Desire) answers that in the
and clearly seen by the things which have " East," i.e. above the astral plane
been made, where, I ask, rather than in
His image (within us), can be found more and below the buddhic (Valhalla),
deeply imprinted the traces of the know there is the germ of mind (mistletoe) :
ledge of Him T Whosoever therefore at present it is latent, but as soon as
thirsteth to see his God, let him cleanse it grows the Soul will have its eyes
from every stain his mirror, let him
purify his heart by faith.' The substance opened, and become a responsible
of Christian mysticism is presented in being, knowing good and evil, capable
this passage of St. Bernard." — W. S. of accepting the life immortal, or of
LILLY, The Great Enigma, p. 266. dying indefinitely until purification
is complete.
BODY, FACE or GOD, FACES OF MEN, " foresaw for Baldur, for that bloody
HOUSE, IMAGE, INSIGNIA OF JAPAN, victim, for that son of Odin, the destiny
Ism. LAKSHMI, MITEGURA, MOSES, reserved for him : He was raising in a
NINIGI, SHINTAI, SIHORG, SKY, SUN, charming valley a tender and beautiful
mistletoe. From that stalk -which
appeared so tender grew the fatal arrow
of bitterness which Hoder took upon
MISTLETOE :— himself to dart." — The Volufpa.
A symbol of the germ of mind The intuition of coming Truth
which becomes engrafted, as it were, perceived the consummation of the
in the desire or astral nature (wood). Involutionary process in the death
Mind is roused into action by the of the Archetypal Man and the
desires. shedding of his Life (blood) into the
" Then asked the woman souls of humanity. On the mental
Has everything sworn to spare Balder T ' plane (valley) appears the germ of
Frigg replied : Eastward of Valhalla mind which the instincts (Hoder) seize
there grows a twig which is called Mistletoe
and it seemed to me too young to require upon wherewith to ignorantly quell
an oath from t " — The Story of Balder, the Spirit within.
Prose Edda, HOWITT, Literature, etc. See ABC. MAN, BALDER, BLOOD,
Balder (like Buddha) is a symbol BUDDHI, DEATH OF BALDER, EAST,
of the World-Soul (Divine Archetype) EVOLUTION, FALL, FRIGG, HODEB,
at the end of the Involutionary cycle, INVOLUTION, LOKE, OATH, ODIN, VAL
when he is prepared to manifest in HALLA, VALLEY, WISDOM, WOMAN
the new cycle, — that of Evolution. (Loke), WOOD.
Frigg (Wisdom) has, at the opening
of the new cycle, taken " oaths " MITEGURA, OR GOHEI :—
from all things : i.e. Buddhi has set A symbol of the Divine scheme of
its seal of limitation of operation upon the soul's evolution and salvation.
" One of the Gods then pulled up a MITHRAS OR MITHRA :—
inkaki-tree by the roots, and on its upper
branches hung the Necklace of Jewels ; A symbol of Divine omnipotence, —
i '- the middle he hung the Sacred Mirror, the power which serves to awaken
•k: ill
to the lower branches he attached and express the Self.
Coame and Fine Cloth. Thin formed a " The
great Mithra was the God of
large mitegura (or gohei) which was held fructification and reproduction in the
by Ameno-futo-dama-no-mikoto, while whole organic world; his work was to
he pronounced an address in honour of lead the Fravanhis to the bodies 'they
the Sun-Goddess." — Japanese Legend. were to occupy." — Zorocutrian System.
The Divine Will then fully organised " Mithra " stands for the positive
'tit- life within the soul, in the pattern or energising power which awakens
of a tree. On the atma-buddhic the spiritual life within the forms.
heights were the treasures of the In this way the link is set up between
Spirit, — the higher emotions of the monad of form and the monad of
\Visdom, Truth, and Love. In the life : and so the lower planes become
higher mind (middle) was the Causal - fruitful of living forms. The monad
body, and below on the astral plane of life ensouls the form, and so makes
waa the astral mechanism of the lo..'er it beget and bring forth its kind.
nature of the human being. This " Leading the fravashis to bodies "
constitution formed a connected whole, is a symbol of birth into the lower
a " Tree of life," a comprehensive life. These
" bodies " are the forms
system for the development of the which are prepared for and receive
soul by the Higher Self, and under the the life. (Mithras, god of the Rock,
immediate executive direction of the is the same as the
" Rock which is
Wisdom principle. Christ."—! COR. x. 4.)
This is an emblem of the Reason An emblem of Divine rule over the
overcoming the Emotion-nature, — lower planes. It has the same mean
the same as St. George and the ing as the " crown of Lower Egypt."
Dragon. The scorpion below the The cleft across represents a mouth
bull is the lower aspect of the emotion - opening upwards, which signifies
nature. It is a sign to indicate that the expression of the Divine Will in
the emotions are active through the the lower realms.
contact with matter. The dog lapping " The mitre, the
the blood is a symbol of one of the symbol of authority
of the Jewish high priest, is also the
Inhabitants of the lower astral sub- attribute of bishops and archbishops.
planes, which feeds upon the cor Cardinals anciently wore them." — F. K.
rupted astral life. The raised torch HULME, Symbolism, etc., p. 151.
on the one side is a symbol of illu "The mitre denotes Divine Wisdom."
mination and intelligence, and signi —SWEDENBORO, Arc. (>/., n. 0909.
fies the evolving life which rises See BISHOP, CROWN, MOUTH.
from latency upward. The lowered
torch is that of concealed light, and Mil RO, SROSH, AND RASHNU :—
signifies the Involution of life down Symbols of Understanding, Will,
wards into matter. The torches and Love.
signify also, as Lessing pointed out, See BALANCE (spirits), RASHNU,
the fall and return of the soul. The SROSH.
Divine spark descends to the lower
planes to gain experience, and after MIXTURE AND ITS SEPARA
wards ascends victorious to the TION :—
source from which it came. Symbolic of combinations and
See BLOOD, BULL, DEVAS (lower), segregations of phenomena.
EVOLUTION, FALL, FIENDS, GEORQE " There is no origination of anything
USD DRAGON, INVOLUTION, LIGHT, that is mortal, nor yet any end in baneful
MATTER, SCORPION, SFABK, VICTORY. death ; but only mixture and separation
of what is mixe^ but men call Ibis given rise to the growth of conscious-
origination." — Empedocles, FAIRBANKS,
ness, and now realises that only
36. " yesterday,"
All that exists upon the lower planes meaning, the dead past,
cannot persist, since it has no life of or the relative condition, the
itself : it is consequently mortal. perceptions of the five senses (dead
Death is equally non-existent, — death men) were to give place to a transmuta
cannot be an end. The " mixture tion of modes of apprehension of truth.
and it« separation " are the combina But the quivers within the causal-
tions and segregations, or finalities, body (or bridge) were alone com
of the lower life of illusions. The lower municated by the inner Self-initiated
mind (men) speaks of these things impulses ; — the vibrations from with
as real, whereas they are but transient
out, through the senses, not being
sufficiently subtle or powerful to be
See ILLUSION, MATTER, MAYA transmitted thereunto. The intuition
(lower), PHENOMENA, PBAKBITI, (Modgunn) now discerns that the
SEPARATION FROM, STRIFE. Christ-soul (Hermod) has none of the
signs of the planes of illusion and
MJOLNER, THE HAMMER OF mortality ; and she asks why it
THOR :— happens that the Self conies forth
A symbol of the will exercised on apparently from that which is
the mental plane. practically non-existent, as it is found
" With thisThor grew angry, and to proceed from the potential instead
grasped hishammer, and would have of through manifestation.
knocked Hyrrocken on the head, had not See BRIDGE OF GJALL, CATTSAL-
the Gods interceded for her." — The Story
of Balder, Prose Edda.
Whereupon the higher mind (Thor)
is aroused into activity, whose first SPIRIT.
dawning upon the lower mental plane
takes the form of anger, and thus
blindly wields the will (Mjolner) which
ia now in its possession, a proceeding
Symbols of the three groups of
which, but for the Divine purpose
karmic life forces which operate on
the three lower planes in accordance
shaping the ends, would have had the with law, in the formation of the
effect of causing confusion on the three bodies which are the vehicles
astro-mental plane instead of evolution of the soul.
above it. " And of the three Fates (Moine),
See BERSERKS, DEATH or BALDER, Atropos, seated in the sun, supplies the
HYBBOCKEN, MAB, THOR. origin of birth ; Clot ho, moving about the
moon, unites together and mingles the
MODGUNN, THE BRIDGE various parts ; lastly, Lachesis on earth,
MAIDEN :— who has most to do with Fortune, puts
her hand to the work. For the inanimate
A symbol of the Intuition of part is powerless, and liable to be acted
wisdom, buddhl-manas. upon by others ; but the mind is impassive
" Modgunn, the maiden who keeps the and independent ; and the soul is of a
bridge, asked of Hermod his name and mixed nature, and intermediate between
his parentage, and added, that the day the two." — PLUTARCH, The Moon's Orb,
before, five companies of dead men had §12.
" Atropos " signifies the higher-mind
ridden over the bridge of Gjall ; ' but it
rang,' said she, under no step save thine forces which build up the causal-body
alone, neither hast thou the complexion as a vehicle of the spiritual ego (sun)
of the dead ; wherefore thus ridest thou
on the path of the dead ?
' "—
The Sjtory which takes birth in it as the immortal
individuality. " Clotho "
of Balder, Prose Edda. represents
The "keeper" of the way of the the " web " of astral forces which
higher mind, which is the
" bridge " build up the astro-mental body for the
between the higher and lower natures personality (moon), and provide a
in the sou], is symbolised by the complex mechanism for the functioning
feminine or Wisdom element. This of the intermediate lower soul with
scrutinises the motives which have the mental on the one side, and the
physical on the other. "
Lachesifl " separateness, complete, entire, and
signifies the forces of heredity and all in All.
growth on the physical plane, which " ' If there is an infinite,' the
build up the unalterable physical said, ' it is one, for if there were two,
they could not be infinite, but would be
body for a fixed life-period. This finite one towards the other. But. that
lowest vehicle is of itself inert and which exists iR infinite, and there cannot
without life of its own, being animated be more such.
' "
Therefore, that which
from the astral and mental planes. exists is One (Mellisaus, Frogm. 3). —
MAX MCTLLEH, Theosophy, etc., p. 93.
See FATE-SPHERE, KARMA, MAAT, " I am he who came into being in the
NECESSITY, NET, NORNOR, SHENIT, form of Khepara ; I became the Creator
THEMIS, UHDAR, VESTUBES. of all that came into being. ... I was
alone, for I had not spit in the form of
MOIST AND DRY;— Shu, nor had I emitted Tefnut ; there
existed not another who worked with
Symbolic of truth and falsity. me." — BUDGE, Qod» of the Egyptians,
Vol. I. p. 308.
MOIST ESSENCE:— At the dawn of manifestation there
A symbol of the Divine Reality : — existed the Divine Monad and none
the Truth (water) above. else. The Divine Will (Shu) was not
" The more learned among the priests
projected, neither was the material
do not only call the Nile ' Osiris,' and the form-nature (Tefnut) made apparent.
sea Typhon,' but give the name of " All being is one, however multitudi
Osiris generally to every Principle and
nous the forms in which it manifests
power productive of moisture." —
PLUTARCH, Isia and Osiris, § 33. itself. You yourself are the eternal
" The moist Principle being the Final subjected for awhile to the limitations
Cause and origin of all things has produced of time and sense. You are part of that
from the beginning the three first elements, infinite whole of reality which is from
Earth, Air, Fire."— Ibid., §36. everlasting to everlasting, and whose
As the " river of life " (Nile) is
nature can only rightly be interpreted from
the best that you know of yourself and
a symbol of the Divine Ray from the of human nature in general." — R. J.
Absolute, it ia indistinguishable from CAMPBELL, Serm., Our Solidarity with
the Logos (Osiris). The astral plane God.
(sea) is the medium of the desire-
principle (Typhon, Set). The Logos
is the Word or Expression of Truth HntANYAGARBHA, KHEPERA, LAO,
(moist principle).
A symbol of the energy of Truth - A symbol of Nature, or the astro-
reality as Will and Wisdom. mental energy and Intelligence, which
under fixed laws, and after arche
typal patterns, direct the growth or
MONAD, THE ONE :— building up of forms in the matter
of the lower planes. The countless
A symbol of the Spiritual Centre
monads of form are the specific
of all being. The One from which astro-mental moulds of every differ
the illusory many radiate. The One
entiated growth, —every variety of
Life which differentiates into the
natural formation on the astral and
many lives, each a centre of qualities
physical planes. These moulds have
or forms. their mental and spiritual prototypes
" Yet these three
Sages of Tao-ism on the higher planes, which bring
are but one First Cause, that is, the One intelligence and purpose into the
Indivisible Monad, called Tae-keih (the
operations of nature in the pheno
Highest Point)." — Chinese Mythology.
menal world. The prototypes are to
The three centres of consciousness,
be conceived of as schemes of being
i.e. the Self, the Individuality, and germinating within when conditions
the Personality, are but aspects of favour, and finding expression with
the One Central Spirit, which is out in time and space. Thus are the
ultimately indivisible, without parts, atoms guided in the building up of
vehicles, or any sense whatsoever of the organisms of the animals and
plants of the present teeming world first descend to the lower planes,
of living things. or rather, take unto itself the Monad
See BABHISHAO, BODHISATVAS, of Form (nature or universe) and
DEVAS (builders), FORMS, FKAVASHIS, become involved or interfused in
GENERATIVE, GERMS, HIGHER AND matter, and thus become prepared
LOWER WORLDS, MANES, MlTHRAS, to manifest in diversity and multiplicity
PITHIS, PROTOTYPES, SIMILITUDES, its forms and qualities in the many
SPERMATIC WORDS. monads or souls of humanity.
" For the invisible things of him from
MONAD OF LIFE:— the creation of the world are clearly seen,
A symbol of Spirit, or the atma- being understood by the things that
buddhlc energy of Truth, Love, and are made, even his eternal power and
Wisdom, which ensouls the form, Godhead "(Ron. i. 20).
" In these words
and under archetypal concepts directs we have a clear statement of a principle
which occupies a large place in what it
its course in evolution and enables
it to beget and bring forth its kind.
called mystical theology. ... It is the
statement of a certain definite corre
The monad of life must be linked spondence between the visible and the
to the monad of Form so that the invisible worlds, between heavenly and
lower planes may become fruitful, earthly things, between the divine and
and the forms multiply. The monad the human. The lower are in a sense the
of Life becomes differentiated in images of the higher, the temporal of
human souls on the higher mental the eternal. All the attributes of the
plane, and these separated monads being of God, all that is real and abiding
as contrasted with what is ephemeral
of life constitute the Individualities. and fleeting, may be inferred from what
" The Barbarian philosophy knows
we know of the phenomenal universe,
the world of thought and the world of including human nature itself. The
sense ;— the former archetypal, and the things that are seen are the symbols,
latter the image of that which is called the the partial and impermanent present
model (or pattern) ; and assigns the ments of that which is from everlasting
former to the Monad, as being perceived to everlasting and constitutes divine
by the mind , and the world of sense to perfection. Plato has a great deal about
the number six. For six is called by the it and develops it very suggestively,
Pythagoreans marriage, as being the holding that the material world stands
genetic number ; and he places in the to the transcendental as the blurred and
Monad the invisible heaven and the shifting reflection in the surface of a lake
holy earth, and intellectual light. . . . does to the landscape which produces
Does not Plato hence appear to have it." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Spiritual
left the Ideas of living creatures in the Correspondence*.
intellectual world, and to make intellectual See AGNISHVATTAS, AIR-JETHER,
Objects into sensible species according to
their genera ? " — CLEM. ALEX., Miecel- ARC. MAN, ARHATS, ATM AN, BA,
The "six" as "marriage" refers FRAVASHIS, GERMS, GUARDIAN
to the alliance of the Monad of Life SPIRITS, HIGHER AND LOWER WOBLOS,
(atma-buddhi-manas, or heaven, holy IMAGE, IMPERIAL, INCARNATION OF
earth, and intellect), with the Monad SOULS, INDIVIDUALITY, INVOLUTION,
of Form (manas-kama-sthula, or MAN BORN, MAN CRAWLED, MAN ASA -
mental, astral, and physical), the union PUTRAS, MANES, MARUTS, MAZBNDA-
being productive of innumerable forms RANS, MULTIPLY, MUSPELL (sons),
and qualities. PACCEKA-BUDDHAS, PITRIS (solar),
Now when the Creator had framed the PROSPERITY, PROTOTYPES, RISHIS,
Soul according to his will, he formed within SAGES, Six, SONS OF GOD, SOUL,
her the corporeal universe, and brought
them together, and united them centre to SPARE, SPERMATIC WORDS, SPIRIT,
centre. The Soul, interfused everywhere WHEAT.
from the centre to the circumference of
heaven, of which she is the external MONARCHS AND LORDS, AS
envelopment, herself turning in herself SIGNS :—
began a divine beginning of never-ceasing
and rational life enduring throughout
Symbolic of power for the attain
all time " (PLATO, Timanu). — JOWBTT, ment of Love and Truth divine.
Dialog., etc.. Vol. III. p. 619.
The Monad of Life (Soul) is one in MONEY :—
Involution, and for its growth in A symbol of the lower equivalent
Evolution it is necessary that it should for a higher acquisition. Such ••
desires for objects of sense and CHURCH (four), HERMIT, MENDICANT,
affection, given up, or exchanged, NUNS, ORDERS, SAINTS, SUFFERING,
for high virtues and spiritual power. TRI-RATNA.
" But they that desire to be rich fall
into a temptation and a snare and many MONKEY, OR APE:—
foolish and hurtful lusts, such as drown A symbol of the lower mind which
men in destruction and perdition. For imitates or reflects the higher. Or
the love of money is a root of all kinds
of the automatic mind.
of evil : which some reaching after have
been led astray from the faith, and have See APE, JUDGMENT HALL.
pierced themselves through with many
sorrows." — 1 TIM. vi. 9, 10. MONSTERS OF TIAMAT :—
Those who seek to fill their minds A symbol of undirected and undis
with desires and thoughts of the ciplined emotions needing the gover
objects of sense (riches) will be the nance of mind which guides and
prey of carking cares which destroy directs. These unregulated qualities
For the are deficient of that sense of due pro
the higher mental qualities.
portion which is begotten of the
love of lower things (money) is
faculty of reason.
productive of all kinds of evils, See KABANDHA, TIAMAT, WHALES.
entailing much sorrow and suffering.
" We are God's money : we have MONTH :—
wandered away as coin from the treasury. A symbol of time or space, and
The impression that was stamped upon
us has been rubbed out by our wandering : refers to the phenomenal existence.
He has come to refashion, for He it was The months correspond to planetary
that fashioned us at first ; and He is periods in the cycle of life.
Himself asking for His money, as Caesar " The month is Pragapati ; its dark
for his. Therefore He says, Render half is matter, its bright half spirit.
unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, Therefore some Rishes perform sacrifice
and unto God the things that are God's.' in the bright half, others in the dark
To Csesar his money, to God yourselves." half." — Praana Upaniihad, 1. 12.
— AUGUSTINE, Ootpel of John, Vol. II. The phenomenal state of existence
p. 27.
" And Moses gave the money of thorn is the cycle of the Divine Life on the
that were redeemed unto Aaron and to lower planes, which is divided into
bin sons, according to the word of the two parts. The first part (Pitriyana)
lord, as the Lord commanded Moses. — is for the development of the desire
NUM. iii. 51.
and form side of nature : the second
And the ethical nature rendered up
(Devayana), for the evolution of the
the love of lower things regarded as
spirit and life side of human being.
right out of obedience to esteemed
Therefore the more-developed egos
authority, so that this love might be
transmuted, and the spiritual mind and undergo self-limitation in the second
half of the cycle, and the less -developed
its concepts might use it in the soul's
egos in the first. The former egos
development, according to the Divine
are the Individualities, the latter the
law of moral and spiritual progress.
CHARON, Personalities.
See ADITYAS (twelve), BORN (out),
LEVITES, MAN (rich), MOSES, Poor,
A symbol of Buddhi as contain
MONK OR HERMIT :— ing the transmuted results of the
A symbol of an ego who " retires experience of the lower self.
" When the
alone Into the desert to lead a religious away from this
person goes
life," that is, who withdraws into the world he comes to the wind. Then the
soul's inner mental being, intent upon wind makes room for him, like the hole
consciously developing his nature in of a wheel, and through it he mounts
higher. He comes to the sun. Then the
accordance with the Divine law. To sun makes room for him, like the hole
this end he ceases for a period from of a lambara (drum T), and through it
external activities and Incarnation. he mounts higher. He comes to the
See ASCETIC, ARHAT, ASRAMAS, moon. Then the moon makes room for
him, like the hole of a drum, and through (zodiac) with its twelve division?
it he mounts higher, and arrives at the having correspondences in twelve states
world when there is no sorrow, and no
of the soul. The " souls of the dying
enow. There he dwells eternal years." —
Bnhad. Vpanitliad, V. (7) 10, 1. lower bodies are those embryo egos
When the spiritual monad, or who are translated from the physical
Individuality, quits the lower nature, life, or solar state, to the state of the
it passes into the energised higher astral, whose correspondency is the
mental vehicle, or causal-body, and lunar symbol. This implies that on
from thence unites with the Higher the physical and astral planes, in the
Self. Fortified by this union, it lunar chain period, the physical and
passes upward through the buddhic desire natures of animal-man are

plane (moon) and becomes merged developed. This is expressed by the

in Love eternal on the plane of moon's disc being filled up in •waxing.
atma. The physical -nature (solar) and the
See AMATERASU, BUDDHI, INDIVI desire-nature (lunar) are, as it were,
" " in which the
passage boats spiritual
SELF, SUN (door), TRANSMUTATION, egos voyage heavenward (east). Then
WIND, WOMEN'S LIFE. on the desire -nature becoming fully
stimulated and developed (moon
waxing full), the soul is rendered fit
A symbol of the astral plane, the
plane of the desires by means of for the addition of mind to desire.
which the soul ascends. When mind begins to control desire,
1 1ns addition is said to effect the
"When the living Father perceived
that the soul was in tribulation in the moon's waning, that is, the rule of
body, He sent his own Son for its salva the desire -nature weakens as mind
tion. Then He came and prepared the gets uppermost. The desire-nature,
work which was to effect the salvation
of the souls, and with that object prepared through the higher qualities it calls
on instrument with twelve urns, which forth, becomes a means of conveying
is made to revolve with the sphere, and " a freight of souls " to the
draws up with it the souls of the dying. planes. The process therefore re
And the greater luminary receives those
souls, and purifies thorn with its rays, presents the transference of the soul
and then passes them over to the moon, from the physical to the emotional
and in this manner the moon's disc, an plane, and represents the condition
it is designated by us, is filled up. For he into which the soul enters at the
(Manes) says that these two luminaries
are ships or passage boats. Then, if passing over from a lower to a higher
the moon become? full, it ferries its state. The twelve urns or bowls
passengers across towards the East wind, signify disciplined and advanced
and thereby effects its own waning in
qualities (disciples) ; for the Christ
getting itself delivered of its freight.
And in this manner it goes on making cannot manifest his nature excepting
the passage across, and again discharging through appropriate vehicles, and these
its freight of souls drawn up by the urns, are symbolised by the \irns.
until it saves its own proper portion of See ASTRAL PLANE, DEVAYANA,
the souls." — Deputation of Archelaus (see
also EPIPHANIUS, Adv. Hcer., 6(»).
When the soul begins to aspire from LUNAR CYCLE, MONTH, MOON -WAX -
out of the strife and suffering of the INO, PILLARS OF LIGHT, PrrRiYAiiA,
lower life, the Supreme sends his Son, PLANETARY CHAIN, SALVATION, SONS
the manifestation of himself, into the OF GOD, SUN-SETTING, TUAT, TWELVE,
souls of humanity. Then the Son of URNS, ZODIAC.
Truth comes forth mentally to the
" sons of Gods," who are the MOON (SOLAR ASPECT):—
egos having in God a common parent,
A symbol of the lower self — the
but who must be, so to say, brought Personality. This includes the astral
principle of the lower nature, namely,
up and nurtured by their mother the desire, and also the form or matter
moon, which stands for the astral side of nature, which were developed
plane and its activities. The device In the lunar cycle on the lunar globes.
which has been prepared for the " The sun is
Spirit, matter is the
soul's evolution is the cycle of life moon." — Prasna UpanMtacl, I. 5.
T 11« sun is the great symbol of the the desires have been developed, the
Higher Self ; the moon, of the lower astral world (moon) is said to increase.
Self involved in matter. During this period the embryo-egos,
For the moon herself, out of desire or proto-souls, proceed, on quitting
for the sun, revolves round and cornea in the flesh body, from
contact with him because she longs to the physical
derive from him the generative principle." realm to the astral, and no higher.
— PLUTARCH, Face in the Moon's Orb. See next.
The lower Self, being attracted to
the Higher Self, evolves through the MOON— WANING PERIOD, OR THE
life cycle ; for the soul longs for DEVAYANA:—
regeneration and immortal union A symbol of the present period
of the evolution of humanity in
•with the Higher Self in the causal-
which, as time proceeds, the stimula
body wherein the two Selves become tion of the desire-nature is worked
" Two things are needed for the burning
out, and the mind functions, with
ultimately the spirit.
of a lamp : that it should be lit, and that " But in the
it should be fed. In both respects the waning half, the moon
light with which we shine is derived. causes them to be born." — Ibid.
We are not suns, we are moons ; reflected, In the second period, when the rule
not self-originated, is all our radiance. of the desires is to be gradually
That is true in all senses of the figure :
It is truest in the highest. It is true superseded, consequent on the awaken -
about all in every man which is of the ment of mind, the spiritual egos are
nature of light. Christ is the true light born on the mental plane to begin
which lighteth every man that Cometh into their influence in human nature.
the world. Whatsoever beam of wisdom, Then the personalities build up the
whatsoever ray of purity, whatsoever
sunshine of gladness has ever been in causal-bodies for the individualities
any human spirit, from Him it came, on the higher mental plane.
who is the Light and Life of men." — See ARREST, ASTRAL PLANE,
p. 161.


(natural), MONTH, MOON (lower),
A symbol of a period of evolution MOON-BEAMS :—
of animal -man, during which the
astro-physical nature Is developed A symbol of reflections of truth In
sufficiently to be a tit vehicle for the the lower nature.
incoming mind and spirits. This The moon-beams, though they shine
period has occurred in the lunar everywhere, are bright on
cycle for most egos. mount Kailasa." — Buddha-Karita, Bk. I.
" And K i Ira said : All who depart 21.
The " moon-beams " here signify
from this world go to the moon. In
the former (the waxing) half, the moon the reflections of truth which are
waxes big by their vital spirit." — especially brilliant through the
Kaush. Upanishad, I. 2. intuition.
The Divine Lawgiver (Kitra) gave See KAILASA, MOUNTAIN.
utterance : — All embryo souls, or baby
egos, in animal forms, when they MOONLIGHT :—
quit the flesh bodies go to the astral A symbol of the astral light which
realm (moon). In the first, the conveys but distorts truth.
" waxing-half " period, — meaning the " If the
unseen is ever to rule in men's
half-cycle when the physical nature lives, it must be through their thoughts.
is developed, — the astral nature (moon)
It must become intelligible, clear, real.
It must be brought out of the nickering
waxes big, that is, the desire-nature moonlight of fancy and surmises into the
is stimulated, and in proportion as sunlight of certitude and knowledge."
— A. MACLAKEN, Sermon*, 2nd Series, " The '
is used to denote
p. 141. every particular coming of the Lord, aod
See ARTKAL PLANE, ILLUSION, consequently it is an expression which
MAYA (lower). hath respect to new creation.' — SWKDKX-
BOBO, Arc. Cel. to Gen. i. 6.
A symbol of the buddhlc emotions
which proceed forth at the emanation MORNING AND EVENING : —
of a soul.
Symbolic of outpouring and In-
drawing of the Divine Life. Out-
WOMAN. breathing and in-breathing of Brahrr
— the Absolute.
A symbol of the Higher Self to (divine), EVENING AND MOBNTNO,
which the soul must be consciously MANVANTARA.
" ' Tellme my name,' saith the Wood MORNING STAR:—
whereat I
would anchor ; ' Lord of the A symbol of the expression of
two lands who dwellest in the Shrine ' Truth on the higher mental plane.
is thy name." — BUUOE, Book of the Dead, " By morning is signified the coming
The " Wood " is the same as the of the Lord." " By stars are signified
of good and truth." " By
"Horn," or "Rock of Salvation," — knowledges
morning-star is signified intelligence and
the Christ. The Higher Self is Lord wisdom." — SWEDENUO no, Apoc. Bee.,
of the higher and lower natures in the n. 151.
" Jesus '
the bright and morning
is the
soul, and has his seat in the causal-
body (shrine).
star' (REV. zxii. 16). It means that
" And the mooring-post is fixed for what the world has seen in Jesus is the
ushering in of the dawn of a higher
me in the Pool of the Zenith, the mooring-
spiritual consciousness for all mankind
post is set up for me." — Ibid., Ch. CX. He comes to show us what we are and
And the Higher Self, as the goal of what we shall be." — R. J.
righteousness, is set before the soul Serin., Persistence of Jenu.
as its aim. See BENNU BIRD, DAWN, SINGERS,
" Then they cast out the mooring stones, STAR IN THE EAST, STARS (fixed).
and made fast the hawsers." — Iliad,
Then the attraction to lower opinions A symbol of a subsequent period
was lessened, and further effort was and stage of progress in development.
mode to attach the lower self to the " Be not therefore anxious for the
Higher. morrow : for the morrow will be anxious
See ANCHORAGE, DELUGE, FOOL for itself. .Sufficient unto the day if
(zenith), SHIP (Manu), SHRINK, the evil thereof." — MAT. vi. 34.
" Jesus is seen J UHN i.
WHKAT AND BARLEY. ( 35) by the
witness-bearer coming to him while he
is still advancing and growing better.
MORNING :— This advance and improvement is sym
A symbol of outgoing energy. bolically indicated in the phrase, on the
Emanation or outbreatbing of the morrow.' For Jesus came in the
Spirit. consequent illumination, as it were, and
on the day after what had preceded." —
" And let us know, let us follow on to ORIOEN, Comm. on John, Bk. VI. § 30.
know the Lord ; his going forth is eure See BENNU BIRD, STRIDES or CHI
as the morning : and he shall come unto
us as the rum, as the latter rain that
watereth the earth." — Hos. vi. 3. MORTAL MIND :—
The soul aspires to realise Wisdom
and Love, and looks for the Divine
A symbol of the lower mind, kama-
manas ;or the personality which is
outpouring which is sure to follow the subject to death.
prayer of the earnest soul. And the " And thou, now that them hast
Divine nature will come in the Truth withdrawn hither, shall learn no more
that shall rain down from above, the than what mortal mind has seen." —
fuller Truth that makes fruitful the Empedocles, FAIRBANKS, Bk. I. 2.
lower nature (earth). And now that the soul has identified
itself with the Higher Self, it shall see By Mosea is meant, in an extensive
and hear in actuality that which the sense, all the law written in his five
books, and, in a more confined sense,
purified personality has at last realised the law which is called the decalogue." —
through experience. SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., u. 662.
" But unto this day, whensoever
FORFEITED, MAN (lower), PERSONALITY, Moses is read, a veil lieth upon their
heart. But whensoever a man shall
SHABTI. turn to the Lord, the veil is taken away.
Now the Lord is the Spirit : and where
MORTAR; CEMENT:— the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
A symbol of affection : that which But we all, with unveiled face reflecting
binds together. as a mirror the glory of the Lord, are
See BKICK FOR STONE. transformed into the same image from
glory to glory, even as from the Lord the
MORTAR AND PESTLE :— Spirit." — 2 COR. iii. 15-18.
A symbol of the critical intellect ; When conduct is governed by
that which pounds up " food " or ethical considerations only, without
" meat," knowledge, that truth may love, the veil of the lower nature
be assimilated. precludes a vision of the higher in
" Xow the mortar and pestle mean the inner heart of man. But when
all kinds of food ; for by the mortar a mind turns to the God within, the
and peatle food is prepared, and by
means of them it ia eaten." veil of the lower nature is removed,
" The mortar is the birth-place of all and the Divine Love of the Spirit is
breaths. . . . The mortar is the air, perceived as an ideal ; and where the
and everything that is above this earth heart is tender, and the love of right
is air ; and the air in the middle." — Sata.
Br&h., VII. 5. 1, 12, 22-6. and truth active, there is liberty :
The mind (air) plane is the middle for conduct is no longer coerced by
plane between the higher and lower moral laws, but follows gladly the
natures. From the mind come all teaching of the Spirit. And so it will
interpretations (breaths) of Spirit and come about that at the end of the
matter, life and form. cycle, when the lower nature ia
See AIR, BREATH, EARTH, FIRMA transcended, the soul will reflect clearly
MENT, FOOD, MEAT, WOOD (holy). the Divine attributes and become the
image of its Lord, passing from stage to
MOSAIC DISPENSATION :— stage upward to bliss.
The rational and moral order in " This is the normal condition of all
the conduct of life, under coercion souls, that they be filled with God, acted
of law and conscience. This order by God, holding their will in His, irradiated
precedes the order of Wisdom and always by His all -supporting life. Just
Love, — the Christ. this it is that constitutes the radical idea
" Now viewing the institutions of the of religion, and differs it from a mere
ethical virtue. God is the prime necessity
dispensation brought in by Moses as of all religious virtue. The necessity is
typical, we look at them in what may be constituent, not penal. . . . Religious
called their secondary aspect, we consider character is God in the Roul, and without
then as prophetic symbols of the better that all pretences of religious virtue aro,
things to come in the Gospel." — P. in fact, atheistic." — H. BUSHNEI.L,
FAIRBAIBN, D.D., Typology, Vol. I. Nature, etc., p. 163.
p. 70. "
St. John's position is that the law
See CONSCIENCE, COVENANT, wan given by Moses for a time, until grace
DISPENSATIONS, JOHN BAPTIST, and truth came by Jesus Christ. Moses
is treated almost as a forerunner." —
W. R. INOE, Camb. Bibl. Essays, p. 263.
MOSES, PROPHET, TESTAMENT, " The feeling of ethical obligation is
WOMAN (adultery). as real, as undeniable, as is the fact of
sense-perception. As surely as conscious
MOSES, THE SERVANT OF GOD :— ness reveals to me, in the ordinary
A symbol of the rational and ethical exercise of my faculties, myself, and an
nature, which formulates laws of objective world not myself, so surely
does it reveal to mo, through the feeling
conduct under penalties for non-
of moral obligation, a Higher than 1,
observance and disobedience. The to whom that obligation binds me.
moral nature is the law- giver and This Kant deemed the surest revelation
the conserver of the higher nature of the Divine. '
Ethic,' he writes,
(God). issues inevitably in religion, by extending
itself to the idea of o sovereign moral the One, — shines forth and is the means
Lawgiver, in whose will that is tho end of awakening the faint beginnings of
of creation, which at the same time can
be, and ought to be, man's chief end.' true life in the soul. She is the highest
And here the great philosopher of these symbol of which any conception can
latter days doeo but express, in his own be framed in the mind.
language, what has been delivered, in " For, since the present world is female,
divers manners, by the world's spiritual as a mother bringing forth the souls of
teachers of all creeds, in all ages." — her children, but the world to come is
W. S. LILLY, The Great Enigma, p. 306. male, as a father receiving his children
" The birth of the power of recognising
(from their mother), therefore in this
and dealing with ideas, the birth of ideality world there come a succession of propheta,
is an epoch in the history of the world or as being sons of the world to come, and
of man." — PHILLIPS BROOKS, Mystery of having knowledge of men." — Clementine
Iniquity, p. 94. Homilies, II. Ch. XV.
See ANUKU OF ODD, ARK (bul.), Because the buddhic principle brings
ASK (test.), CHRIST'S SECOND COMING, forth the higher qualities in the soula
DISPENSATIONS, HOUSE OF BONDAGE, which the Spirit allies with itself,
IMAGE, JOHN BAPTIST, LAW OF therefore in the souls there arise
MOSES, MIRROR, MOSAIC, BEADING, dawnings, or intuitions, of the higher
BOCK (spiritual), SHOES PUT OFF, consciousness which is to come to the
(adultery), WRATH OF GOD. " The Sakti, or female energy of Siva,
is worshipped by a vast number of persona
MOSQUITO :— as the true Jagad-amba, or Mother of
the Universe.' — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian
A symbol of a condition of unrest Wisdom, p. 101.
and inquietude. The Higher Self (Siva) is allied with
the buddhic principle (female energy),
and it is from the buddhic plane that
the prototypes of all things are
A symbol of the feminine, or recep reflected, as it were, on to the lower
tive, aspect of the manifesting Spirit, planes. So it is that buddhi brings
which brings forth from latency
within the forms the qualities and forth the universe.
activities apparent in nature. This See BIRTH OF CHRIST, BUDDHI,
mother principle, buddhi, directs CREATION, EARTH (great), HJBTHBA,
human evolution, and it is eventually HINE, ILLUSION, INTUITION, Isis,
through her functioning, and through LADY, LATONA, MATTER, MAYA,
the raising of the soul by intuition, MUT, OCEAN (fern.), PRAKRIT:,
that the buddhic state of consciousness PROPHET, PHOTOTYPES, PUKUSHA,
is attained. SERPENT (water), SHEKINAH, SIVA,
" But Chaos did not know its own
TAG, WOMAN (matter), WOMB.
creation. From its embrace with Spirit,
Mot was born. From her (Mot, the MOTION AND STABILITY :—
Great Mother) it was that every seed
of the creation came, the birth of all the Symbolic of karma and compensa
cosmic bodies (Sanchuniathon). — PHH.O tion in relation to the activities of
BYBLIUS, Fragment. mind and emotion in the soul.
" Like a mother to her subjects,
intent on their welfare,— devoted to nil
worthy of reverence like devotion itself, MOUNT OF OLIVES :—
— shining on her Lord's family like the
goddess of prosperity, — she (Maya) was A symbol of the soul's aspiration,
the most eminent of goddesses to the and love of the true and good.
whole world." — Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. "
And when they had sung a hymn,
16. they went out unto the mount of Olives."
The maternal relationship stands — MAT. xxvi. 30.
as the symbol of Divine watchfulness The " singing of the hymn "
and guidance which directe the lower symbolises the aspiration through
evolution. The " devotion " is the harmony of the qualities and up
sign of that complete and unfeigned lifting of the nature in prayer and
love which is willing to expend itself psalm. And the repairing to the
in the interest of all. She "Maya," " mount of Olives " serves to indicate
pure Truth, — the feminine aspect of the ascent of the Christ soul era it is
enabled to make its final triumph self. The Ideals are the offspring of
over the lower limitations. the Supreme ; they emanated from
" The Mount of Olives signified Divine
the Higher Self (his eye), and they have
love." — SWEDENBOBO, Apoc. Rev., n. 493
their abode in buddhi (Amentet).
Great is the Lord, and greatly to
HYMN SINGING, MOUNTAIN, OLIVE be praised in tho city of our God, in the
FRTJTT, PASSION, PBAYEB. mountain of his holiness." — Ps. xlviii. 1.
Exalted is the Higher Self within,
MOUNTAIN OR MOUNT :— and regarded with appreciative love
Asymbol of aspiration towards in the inmost heart of being, and in
ideals, or the rise of the soul to higher the soul's highest aspirations after
planes of consciousness. Wisdom, Truth, and Love.
" And seeing the multitudes, he went " Above each man Christian
up into the mountain : and when ho had sets the infinite life. The identity of
sat down, his disciples came unto him : nature between that life and his, while
and he opened his mouth and taught them it enables him to emulate that life,
. . . And when he was come down from compels him, also, to compare himself
the mountain, great multitudes followed with it. The more zealously he aspires
him." — MAT. v. 1, and viii. 1. to imitate it, the more clearly he must
encounter the comparison. The higher
The going up a mountain corresponds he climbs the mountain, the more he
to the ascent of the Divine nature in the learns how the high mountain is past
soul. In that state the disciplined his climbing. It is the oneness of the
qualities (disciples) are instructed and soul's life with God's life that at once
makes us try to be like Him and brings
brought into harmony with the Christ. forth our unlikeness to Him. It is the
The " sitting down " signifies suiting source at once of aspiration and humility."
the instruction to the lower compre — PHILLIPS BROOKS, Influence of Jetiu,
hension of the qualities. p. 65.
" While the Lord taught on the mount, " The ' garden ' implies the condition
the disciples were with Him, for to them of purity ; the ' vineyard,' the culture
it was given to know the secret things of of a pure spirit in man ; the ' cloud,'
the heavenly doctrine ; but now as He the place from which the divine voice
came down from the mount the crowds within man utters itself ; the ' mount,'
followed Him, who had been altogether the hill of regeneration ' or ' mount of
the Lord within man ; so-called from
unable to ascend into the mount. They
that are bowed by tho burden of sin its representing that process of ascent
cannot climb to the sublime mysteries. inwards and upwards towards his highest
But when the Lord came down from the and best, by moans of which he becomes
mount, that is, stooped to the infirmity regenerate or twice bom,' and thereby
divine." — E. MAITI.AND, The Bible 8 Own,
and helplessness of tho rest, in pity to
their imperfections, great multitudes etc.,p. 64.
in /..•••., 6. CAUCASUS, CROWN (upper), DIS
" Hence even in those
(Pietistic) CIPLES, GOAT (white), HAIR OF
circles, now and again there is an insight
that they must journey to the mountain-
top in order to serve the Christian ideal KAILASA, KAPILA, MULTITUDES,
in larger fashion, more boldly and more OLYMPUS, PEOPLE, QUALITIES,
Christianity, p. 317. TION, VATRAMAUTI, VALLEY.
In the first division of the Tuat,
according to the Book of the Gates, MOUNTAIN TOP :—
are to bo found two groups of Gods : — A symbol of the higher planes —
" One group called ' Gods of the
aim a and buddhi.
Mountain,' and the other ' Gods of the
Mountain of the Hidden Laud." The See OLYMPUS, TLALOC.
Gods of tho Mountain are the offspring
of Ra himself, and they ' emerged from MOUNTAIN (LOWER ASPECT) :—
his eye,' and to them has Amentet been A symbol of self-exalted qualities
given as an abode." — BUDGK, Egi/j.-l. of the lower nature, such as pride,
Ileai-en and Hett, Vol. III. p. 110. vanity, ambition, greed, desire for
The first division of the cycle of power over others, which qualities
life (tho Tuat) is on the higher buddhic must be transmuted into aspiration,
plane. The Divine Ideals (Gods) have zeal, public spirit, etc,
their realisation on this plane, which "Again the devil taketh him (Jesus)
is unapparont (hidden) to the lower unto an exceeding high mountain, and
sheweth him all the kingdoms of the highest attainment, — the Atman, —
world, and the glory of them ; and he said and through this consummation the
unto him, All these things will I give thee, Self (Homa) knows and becomes
if thou wilt tall down and worship me,
etc."— MAT. iv. 8, 9. Itself.
Again, from the lower principle, or "The Spirit of Wisdom answered
thus : — Of these mountains which are in
not-Self, full of pride, ambition, vain
the world, there are some which are
glory, greed, etc., there came the moderators of the wind, and there
insinuating suggestion that the various are some which are warders ofi ; there are
directions in which these qualities have some which are the place and vent, the
resting-place and support of the rainy
been applied in the soul's experience
cloud ; and there are some which are
are highly praiseworthy, and are
smiters of Aharman and the demons,
sufficient in themselves to satisfy the and maintainers and vivifiers of "the
soul's needs. To the Christ-soul is creation of Auharmazd, the Lord.' —
offered, if it suppress its upward Mainogi KMrad, Ch. LVI. S. B. of E.
yearnings, all the self-content that the The principle of Buddhi uttered the
exercise of its lower emotions can truth from within :— Of the various
bring it. aspirations which arise in the lower
" Mountains we understand to be all nature, there are some which moderate
the lofty ones of this world, who were the desire-mental energy, and there
swollen in their hearts with earthly
loftiness." — ST. GREGORY, Morals on the are some which guide it into harmless
Book of Job, Vol. III. p. 419. channels. There are some which are
" ' Thou shalt worship the Lord thy the occasion and means, the reason
God, and Him only shalt thou serve.' and justification of the forthpouring
We can understand, then, what spiritual
trials are gathered up in this symbolic of Truth and Love into the soul ;
narrative also. The 'exceeding high and there are some which destroy
mountain,' from which the dazzling the love of self, and self-seeking
landscapes of ambition were visible, desires, and draw out and energise
was raised in the ardent mind itself,
and the eyes that swept those far-reaching the higher emotions which proceed from
horizons were the eyes of the spirit. the Divine Nature within.
A whole multitude of commonplace, " By mountains are understood those
and, indeed, hardly regarded, experiences who are in the good of love, by reason
of normal human life are collected, that the angels dwell upon mountains ;
interpreted, and appraised in this brief such as are in love to the Lord dwelling
story. Whosoever is brought face to on high mountains, and such as are in
face with the necessity of choosing his love to their neighbour dwelling on lower
method of serving his own ideals, finds ones ; wherefore by every mountain is
the choice (however subtly disguised) to signified every good of love." — SWEDEN -
come ultimately to this single alternative — BORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 336.
the worship of Satan, the prince of this " Let the mountains receive peace for
world, or the worship of God." — thy people, and "the hills' righteousness
H. HENSLEY HENSON, The Value of The mountains '
Bille, (Ps. Ixxii. 3). ' '
the etc., p. 240. lofty souls, the hills little souls. But
See BEASTS OP MOUNTAINS, for this reason do the mountains receive
KINGDOMS, TEMPTATION OF JESUS, peace, that the hills may be able to
TYKUS. receive righteousness. What is the
righteousness which the hills receive t
Faith, for ' the just doth live by faith.'
MOUNTAINS :— The smaller souls, however, would not
A symbol of aspirations ; the receive faith unless the greater souls,
attainment of Ideals and the higher
; which are called mountains, were
states of consciousness. illuminated by Wisdom herself, that they
may be able to transmit to the little ones
" praise the cloud and rain which make
what the little ones can receive ; and the
thy body grow on the summit of the '
hills ' live by faith, because the
mountains. I praise the high mountains '
mountains receive peace." — AtrouBTLNZ,
where thou hast grown, O Homa ! — Gospel of John, Vol. I. p. 2.
Homa Ycuht, HA.TJO. Essays. " The more profoundly we feel the
" Praise," or the sense of appreciative
reality of the great eternity whither we
love, is extended to the wisdom (cloud) are being drawn, the greater do all things
and truth (rain) which are the means here become. When the mist lifts, and
shows the snowy summits of the
of accelerating the growth of the '
mountains of God,' the nearer lower
aspiring higher emotions. The " high ranges which we thought the highest
" symbolise the state of dwindle indeed, but gain in sublimity
and meaning by the loftier peaks to which the lower nature (tomb) and its cycle
they lead up. Unless men and women live
for eternity, they are ' merely players,' (Re-stau or Tuat). This means that
and all their busy days ' like a tale told the Christ striving in us, ultimately
by an idiot, full of sound and fury, triumphs, and meets his Father above,
signifying nothing.' " — A. MACLAKEN, and the two unite, for " I and my
Sermons, 2nd Series, p. 146. Father are one " (JOHN x. 30) ; the
See CAUCASUS, HILL COUNTRY, personality disappearing in the process
QAJ. and being replaced by the individuality,
MOURNER'S ROBE OR who " opens his mouth " on the higher
APPAREL :— plane, or is " born again." The
" " symbolise the
A symbol of the obscuration of the steps upward path
higher nature from the lower ; and to God. The " hand and arm "
the suffering and sorrow, pain and signify activity in rising from the
anguish, through the experience of " tomb."
which the Higher Self reveals Itself " By mouth is signified doctrine,
to the lower. preaching and discourse." — SWEDENBOBO,
See HAIR (side-lock), HIGHER AND Apoc. Rev., n. 574.
A symbol of the buddhlc plane and
its activities.
See BUDDHIC PLANE, NISAYA. A symbol of the attainment of the
expression of the indwelling Self, or
MOUTH FOR RECEIVING FOOD :— ego, on the higher planes, through
the rise of consciousness.
A symbol of capacity for sensuous " The ceremony which will give the
" And Set's mouth had deceased the power to eat, and to drink,
been closed and to talk in the next world." — BDDOE,
by a blow from the club of the god Horus." Book of the Dead, p. 40.
— Legend of the Winged Sun-disk. " The Chapter of opening the mouth
Nor could the desire-nature (Set) of Osiris. The scribe Ani, triumphant
enjoy, for its sense had been taken saith : — May the god Ptah open my
mouth, and may the god of my city loose
away through the exercise of resistance
the swathings which are over my mouth.
by the higher emotion-nature. Moreover may Thoth, being filled and
See CLUB, HORUS, SET. furnished with charms, come and loose
the bandages of Set which fetter my
MOUTH, FOR SPEECH :— mouth ; and may the god Tern hurl
A symbol of expression of potencies them at those who would fetter me with
them, and drive them back. May my
and qualities hi a given condition ;
mouth be unclosed by Shu with his iron
also Implying perception and con knife wherewith he opened the mouth of
sciousness. the gods."— Ibid., Ch. XXIII.
" May my mouth be given unto me The supplication is that the Divine
that I may speak with it in the presence Mind (Ptah) may raise the soul and
of the great god, the Lord of Amentet. enable it to express the truth within
May my hand and my arm not be forced
back before the divine sovereign chief it. To effect this the Individuality
of the gods. Iam the god Osiris, the lord (god) must free the causal-body (my
of the mouth of the tomb (Re-stau) city) from its ties to the lower nature
and I have a portion with him who is
which prevent its higher expression.
at the top of the steps." — Papyrus of
Hunefer, Ch. XXII. trans. Budge. Moreover, the higher mind (Thoth) is
The soul having become perfected, enjoined by means of the buddhic
and, therefore, emotions of wisdom and love to rid
" escaped from the Pool of Fire." —Ibid. the soul of all attraction to the lower
which is the present purgatorial cycle desires (bandages of Set), so that the
of life, claims expression on the higher Christ within (god Tern) may drive
mental plane, as having a " portion " out from his temple all that is unworthy
with God. The " portion " is the per and base. The soul yearns for libera
fected lower Self, which is now identical tion, and that the Divine will (Shu)
with the Higher Self (Osiris), Lord of wielding the intellect (iron knife)
shall sever its bonds. For it is will- The Divine Will decrees that the
intellect which enables the ideals union of mind and emotion is to be
(gods) to expresi themselves in the productive of thoughts, opinions,
mind. concepts, etc., and these again of
See CAUSAL-BODY, CITY, CLEANSING, various mental states. And the ego
DEFUNCT, EATING, FETTEBS, FOOD, that hath the Spirit within him is to
GODS, IRON, MEAT, PLACE, PTAH, learn that he is thereby an immortal
SCOURGE, SHU, TEM, THOTH, UB- individuality (deathless), and that the
HEKAU. cause of the death of the lower nature
is love of the ego for the higher ; for
MULA-PRAKRITI, OR SVAB- Love is all in All.
A symbol of the primordial Sub MEN, CONCEPTION OF CHXLDKES,
stance which differentiates into spirit CREATURES, DEATH, EAUTH (spec.!.
and matter at the emanation of that GENERATIVE, IMAGE, KHABIT, Lmso
which becomes a solar universe. It
outpours on the highest sub-planes of
atma, and Is not to be confounded
with a visible nebula, which is an MULTITUDES HEALED :—
effect or appearance on the physical
A symbol of the purifying and
harmonising of the qualities of tbe
AKASA, Cow (black),
AND EABTH, LlNEN (white), MATTER, " And Jesus went about . . .
MAYA (higher), I'UAKP.ITI. the gospel of the kingdom, and hea!.r;
all manner of disease and sicknea-
MULES AND SWIFT DOGS :— But when he saw the multitudes, he TO
Symbols of perversity and keen moved with compassion for them, beceuK
desire, exercised on the lower mental they were distressed and scattered, *s
sheep not having a shepherd." — MAT.
plane. ix. 35, 36.
And the Christ-soul impressed upon
the centralised qualities a perception
An expression to signify the need of the coming of the buddhic conscious
there Is for the soul to increase its
ness ; and he also rectified disordered
experiences, faculties, capacities, and
higher qualities. conditions, and harmonised thf
" And God blessed them : and God qualities. The " healing of the multi
said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, tudes " has just the same meaning
and replenish the earth and subdue as the
" healing of the
people "
it." — GEN. i. 28. of in the Old Testament (2 CHSOS,
And the Divine Power extended xxx. 20 ; Ps. cvii. for the raising
20) ;
towards these manifesting aspects of and co-ordinating of the/ qualities
Its own nature, — the dual Archetypal (people) are the work of the Christ-
Man (the image of God), — the soul, and the " healing " is personified
assurance of infinite support. And the in Jesus because it is an integral
twain are directed to be fruitful, part of the Drama, and symbolic of
that is, be the means whereby the a necessary step in the bringing
natural order is to be converted into together of all qualities into one family,
the womb of that which is to transcend which means that whilst human souls
and divinise the soul.
" Subdual of
are sick and suffering, the result of
the earth
signifies the gradual sub discordant qualities, they are not
ordination of sense to Spirit, by the partakers of the riches of God's in
disciplining and purifying of the exhaustible storehouse of blessings.
lower nature (earth). "
The Saviour who was born of Man
" Increase ye in increasing, and multiply came to rectify the passions (or heal tbe
in multitude, ye creatures and creations multitudes) of the soul" (Gnostic state
all ; and man that hath Mind in him, ment). — HIPPOLYTCS, Works, Bk. VI. 31.
let him learn to know that he himself The redeeming Higher Self, bom of
is deathless, and that the cause of death
is love, though Love is all
" (Poemandrca, the purified lower nature and brought
— G. R. S. MEAD, T. G. Hermes, forth in the soul, came to rectify and
VoL II. p. 11. subdue the passions and desires, and
harmonise the multitude of qualities the archetypal man is the fashioning
in the of the astro -physical
" The soul.
Multitude and Diversity of
body, which is
now to be perpetuated ; the ideal
natures in the universe proceed directly
from the intention of God, who brought physical vehicle having at length been
them into being, in order to communicate built up as a generative pattern for
Hia goodness to them, and to have it heredity in the human race.
represented by them. And since It See BODY OF OSIRIS, DEATH OF
could not be sufficiently represented by OSIRIS, EMBALMMENT, OSIRIS.
one creature alone, He produced many
and diverse ones, so that what is wanting
to the one towards this office, should be MUMMIES OF ANIMALS :—
eupplied by the other." — AQUINAS, Summa Symbolic of the purification of the
Theol. I. desires and lower qualities of the soul.
MUMMY OP A HUMAN BODY :— Symbols of the earlier manifesta
As an embalmed corpse, this is a tions of the Divine indwelling prin
symbol of the purified personality ; ciple, which breaks down habits of
but a simple corpse is a symbol of thought.
the lower personality " dead in tres " Some of you shall they cause to be
passes and sins." put to death. And ye shall be hated of
" The preservation of the embalmed all men for my name's sake." — LUKE
xxi. 16.
body, or mummy, was the chief end and
aim of every Egyptian who wished for Murder and hatred are typical of
everlasting life." — BUDOE, The Mummy, disintegrating factors which make
Preface. for the dispersal of the lower aspects
" The perishable body must be preserved
of the qualities, and at the same time
in such a way that each limb of it may
meetly be identified with a god, and the enable the higher aspects to be
whole of it with Osiris, the judge of the manifested.
dead and king of the nether world." — See CALAMITIES, DISEASES, EVIL,
Ibid., p. 160.
The personality (body), purified
through saturation with the higher
qualities (spices, etc.), rises to MURDERER, THIEF, OR WOLF :—
immortality and union with the Divine Symbolic of the nature of the
(Osiris). Each purified quality (limb) desire-mind which kills, steals and
is a member of the Divine body of attacks the nascent higher qualities,
the Archetypal Man (Clirist), and the and requires to be overcome and
perfected souls at the end of the cycle subdued by the indwelling Self.
will be identified with their Lord and "Whosoever hateth his brother is a
Saviour, who has evolved within them. murderer : and ye know that no murderer
hath eternal life abiding in him." —
1 JOHN iii. 15.
(mummies), SAHU, SPICES, VULTURE. A symbol of strong and energetic
mental qualities.
MUMMY OF OSIRIS :— " In its warmer parts the womb ia
A symbol of the archetypal astro- productive of the male, and on this
physical body containing the per account men are dark and more muscular
sonality which is an expression of and more hairy." — Empedoclet, FAIR
BANKS, 276.
the Individuality In the cycle of
evolution. Through the stirring of the desires
" and emotions, the mental qualities
The emblamed body of Osiris was the
first mummy that was made in the world." (male) are aroused, and hence it comes
— PLUTARCH, laia and Osiris. about that the mental qualities BO
The making of the mummy of evolved are more intense, powerful
and virile than those evolved by ORPHEUS, PROCESSION, SINOER-.
thought alone. SONG.
See CHURNING, MEN (forest),
Symbols of harmony and rhythm
MUSE, THE WHITE-ARMED in the qualities of mind and emotion.
MAIDEN :— brought about through the opening
of perception upon the buddhic plane.
A symbol of Wisdom or intuition, In the acquirement of knowledge,
pure and spotless from the buddhlc the mind first evolves through the
plane. sense of melody and the spirit of
Symbols of the buddhlc emotions,
Intuitions and faculties, centred In MUSIC OF THE SPHERES :—
the Higher Self (Apollo, Dionysus). A symbol of the complete co
See DANCE (circle), GOPIS, HOUBIES, ordination and harmony that prevails
PHAEACIANS. among the atma-buddhic qualities
and ideals upon the higher planes
MUSIC, OR MELODY :— or spheres of the invisible archetypal
and harmony universe. In the spheres of atma and
A symbol of order
buddhl there is prototypal perfection
of the qualities on the buddhic plane,
undisturbed by any discord of con
where there is perfect adaptation of
flicting opposites, for Love and Truth
each part to the whole.
"I are dominant.
(Lakshmi) reside in the sound
of musical instruments." — Institutes of MUSICIAN :—
Vishnu, XCIX. 16. A symbol of the mind which fosters
The buddhic natxire is symbolised the higher emotions, and thus comes
by musical sounds. into harmony with the Divine nature.
" So feasted the Gods all day till the " And his brother's name was Jubal :
setting of the sun ; nor was their soul he was the father of all such as handle the
aught stinted of the fair banquet, nor of harp and pipe." — GEN. iv. 21.
the beauteous lyre that Apollo held, and " Jubal," as musician, stands for
the Muses singing alternately with sweet
voice." — The Iliad, Bk. I. the mental quality which begets the
So on the buddhic plane harmony higher, or buddhic, emotions.
was promoted and love established, See JUBAL, Music, UZUME\
until the manifesting aspect of the
Self was exhausted in the termination
of that cycle. Nor was a single
A symbol of the spiritual egos
which descend into the cycle of the
spiritual quality starved as the Soul lower life, and rise from it again.
evolved ; nor was the emotion-aspect " Bifroet is of itself a very good bridge,
of the Higher Self withheld, for the but there is nothing in nature that can
higher emotions became active in hope to make resistance when the sons
complete harmony, and the channels of Muspell sally forth to the great
of Love and Truth from above were
combat" (Prose Edda). — MALLET, North.
" alternate singing of Antiq., p. 409.
opened. The The bridge of consciousness between
the Muses," signifies the rhythmic the higher mind and the lower is,
action of the outpouring from above, — as it were,
" broken down " at the
active and passive. " fall " of mind, when the spiritual
"If we want to know what God is
egos have passed across it to ensoul
and what His relations are to the human
soul, we have, in this great (music) realm the human forms on the lower planes,
of ordered harmony, what might be in order to fight the battle of life.
described almost as a distinct revelation "The word muspell is evidently used
ready to our hand." — J. BRIERLEY, in the sense of elemental or empyreal
Studies of the Soul, p. 60. fire ; but its etymology is quite un
See APOLLO, BLISS, BUDDHIO known." — MALLET, North. Antiq., p. C60.
PLANE, CONCH, CUP (double), GATHA The spiritual egos are of atma-
DAYS, HYMN, LAKSHMI, MELODY, buddhic (fire) nature.
See AONISHVATTAS, BIFROST, Theban triad. . . . She symbolised
BODHISATVAS, FALL, FRAVASHIS, Nature, the mother of all things."
" At times the goddess Mut seems to
INCARNATION OF SOULS, MANASA- be indentified with Nut,
' "
the sky.' —
PTJTBAS, MARUTS, MONADS or LIFE, BUDOE, The Mummy, pp. 116, 289.
SOLAR PITRIS, SONS OF GOD, SPABKS. Buddhi, the receiver and bringer
forth, is allied with Atma (Amen)
MUSPELLHEIM :— and is the second in the Divine triad
A symbol of the bud cl hie plane, the atma-buddhi-manas. She contains the
heaven-world . archetypal patterns of all the species
" First of all there was in the southern of living forms on the three lower
region (sphere) the world called Muspell. planes. Buddhi thereby identifies her
It is light and hot, insomuch so that it
self with space (Nut) on her own plane
ia flaming and burning, and it is impervious
to those who are foreign, and not of being.
indigenous there (or who have no home See AMEN, BIRTH or OSIRIS,
or heritage therein) " (Prose Edda). — BUDDHI, EARTH (great), HETHBA,
MALLET, North. Antiq., p. 401.
The highest plane of the quaternary
is the buddhic (fire) plane, which is
WOMAN (matter), WOMB.
imperceptible to the lower conscious
ness. The lower qualities (foreigners) MYRMIDONS OF ACHILLES :—
cannot reach it, for they have no A symbol of the lower mental
heritage therein. concepts subject to the personality.
" to Achilles), — Go home
GARODMAN, HEAVEN, KINGDOM, with thy ships and company, and lord
it among thy Myrmidons ; Ireck not
aught of thee nor care I
for thy indigna
tion." — Iliad, Bk. I.
The Personality is therefore bidden
A symbol of the World-process of to depart on its upward way, and the
Involution and Evolution, by which Desire-mind (Agamemnon) conceives
the Soul is formed and developed.
" This God is the abstract process of it to be possible for the Personality
to dissociate itself in so great a degree
growth personified — that is, a power
immanent in nature and not external from the false concepts, lusts and
to it. ... As a God's name, Musubi passions, as to confine the ego to the
ia usually found with one of the laudatory upper planes, an attempt to withdraw
adjectives, taka, high, or kumu, divine, the Spirit from the lower, which
prefixed to it. To these the honorific
particle mi is commonly added, giving would more and more retard evolution.
the forms Taka-mi-musubi and Kama-mi- The Desire -mind cannot realise the
musubi. Even in the Kojiki and Nihongi Personality under its higher aspects,
these are recognised as two distinct nor can it sympathise with its dawning
deities." — W. G. ASTON, Shinto, p. 172.
higher emotions.
The two deities, so-called, signify
the two processes of the Divine Life :
OF GOSPELS, MAN (natural), PER
first, Involution of Spirit into the
matter of the planes ; and second,
Evolution of Spirit from matter in MYRRH :—
the souls of humanity. A symbol of high qualities, such
See ABC. MAN, CRUCIFIXION OF as peace or bliss ; and In another
CHRIST, EVOLUTION, HEAVEN AND context, truth or logic.
EARTH, INVOLUTION, KAGU, LION- For what is designated by the name
GOD, MATTER, MITHRA, PURUSHA, of myrrh, amber, and cassia except the
sweetness of virtues." —ST. GREGORY,
SABBATH, SALVATION, SEPHTBOTH, Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. III. p. 695.
SHU (double), SPIRIT. See EMBALMMENT, GOLD (myrrh),

A symbol of the buddhic plane as MYRRH POURED OVER AN

containing the archetypal forms of OFFERING :—
all things on the lower planes. A symbol of the consecration of
" Mut, the
mother,' was the wife of the mind to a high Ideal.
Amen, and the second member of the See COLUMN.
A symbol of envy. This contains the symbolism of
Divine emanation from the Absolute,
MYSIA REGION :— and manifestation of Spirit and
A symbol of the stage of pure Matter in Time and Space through
Intellect. out the cycle of Life : the symbolism
of the origin and growth of the Soul,
MYSTERIES OF LIGHT :— the descent of Spirit into Matter in
A symbol of the higher nature the process of Involution, followed
suffused In the light of Truth, which by the ascent of Spirit from Matter
is a mystery to the lower mind. It in the process of Evolution : the
refers to the raising of the conscious symbolism of the five planes of
ness to a higher level, and the arous being, and of the higher and lower
ing of latent powers in the soul. natures, and of the four soul-bodies :
See LIGHT, MIDST. the symbolism of the struggle in
the soul between the Divine prin
MYSTERIES AND MAGIC OF THE ciple or Self and the lower principle
THIRTEENTH .*ON :— or not- Self; and also of a great
variety of unapparent activities.
Symbolic of the awakening of
powers which have hitherto lain dor " And yet, how strange (are these
mant, until the cyclic period which tales) ! From the very childhood of
is indicated by this /Kon of final philosophy, from the first faintly
liberation from the lower conditions. whispered Why t to our own time of
matured thought and fearless inquiry,
See JEoK (thirteen). mythology has been the ever-recurrent
subject of anxious wonder and careful
MYSTERY, FIRST :— study. . . . There is this common feature
A symbol of purity, in all who have thought or written on
mythology, that they look upon it as
and obedience to the calls of duty something which, whatever it may mean,
and love. does certainly not mean what it seems
"The disciples thought that all had to mean ; as something that requires an
been revealed (by Jesus), and that the explanation, whether it bo a system of
First Mystery — the Father in the likeness religion, or a phase in the development
of a dove, — was the gnosis of all gnoses." of the human mind." — MAX M~LLKK.
— Piatia Sophia. Chips, Vol. IV. pp. 156-7.
" It may pass for a further indication
The disciplined qualities mistakenly
of a concealed and secret meaning, that
thought that revelation and finality some of these (Greek) fables are so absurd,
are synonymous. This is an error and idle, in their narration, as to show
into which many more or less and proclaim an allegory even afar off.
enlightened people fall. The First A fable that carries probability with it
may be supposed to be invented for
Mystery as a dove is an emblem of pleasure, or in imitation of history ;
simplicity, meekness, and willingness but those fables that could never be
to descend to everyday duties of conceived, or related in this way, must
life. surely have a different use. For example,
"The way to the eternal glory lies what a monstrous fiction is this, that
through a right relationship to the
Jupiter should take Metis to wife ; and
as soon as he found her pregnant, eat
common things of life, not in despising
her up ; whereby he also conceived,
and forsaking them. The man of faith
is he who discerns the spirituality inherent
and out of his head brought forth Pallas
armed ? Certainly no mortal could, but
in material existence, and lives
for the sake of the moral it couches,
accordingly. And to him who so lives
God reveals the truth that everything invent such an absurd dream : so much
out of the road of thought." — LORD
earthly is more and other than it seems ;
BACON, Wisdom of the Ancients.
is, in fact, divine." — R. J. CAMPBELL, " Let the narrations in the Eddaa be
Serm., Steadying Power of Faith,
compared with the beginning of Hesiod's
See DOVE, GNOSIS, MIDST. Theogony, with the mythology of some
Asiatic nations, and with the book of
MYSTERY-NAME :— Genesis, and we shall instantly be con
A symbol which conveys no special vinced that the conformity which is found
signification to the lower mind, but between many circumstances of their
recitals cannot be the mere work of
one which indicates the idea signified chance." — MALLET, North. Antiq., p. 99.
to the individuality or higher mind. " This voice of fable has in it somewhat
See ABEUAMENTUO. divine. It came from thought above
the will of the writer. That is the best (Nachiketas) : therefore listen. Know
part of each writer, which has nothing that that fire that wins the endless sphere
private in it ; that which he does not for him that knows it, the bases of the
know ; that which flowed out of his world, is seated in the heart. . . . Yama
constitution, and not from his too-active revealed to him that fire, the origin of
invention." — EMERSON, Eaaay on Com these spheres of migration, etc., and
pensation. Nachiketas repeated everything after
" On the subject of Greek Symbolism him as he said it. Feeling gratified, the
generally, Rektor Siljestrom says : ' The large-minded Yama eaid, I give thee
Greek Fablos are thoroughly symbolical, now and here another gift : this fire
and the Wisdom that speaks from this shall be called by thy name. Take also
mythology is so deep and so compre this necklace of gems of various colours."
hensive- that it is impossible not to — Katha. Vpanishad, I.
see the actual civilization of thousands It is the Divine Life (atma-buddhi)
of years mirrored in it.' " — J. J. G. within the " heart " of the love-
WILKINSON, Revelation and Mythology,
p. "74. nature which leads the soul to bliss
It has been well pointed out that and immortality. The perfected per
myth and legend are truer than history sonality (Yama) reveals, little by little,
for they take us to the inside of things, the meaning and process of that life
whereas history only shows us the
outside." — R. J. CAMPDEIX, New Theology, (fire) witliin ; the soul repeating its
p. 261. knowledge in its experiences. Then
See ACHILLES, ADONIS, AGA comes a time when the soul claims
MEMNON, AIDONEUS, ANDROMEDA, the life as its own, and is adorned
APOLLO, ATALANTA, ATHENA, with the higher qualities (gems).
INSPIRATION, INVOLUTION, JASON, A symbol of nature elementals, or
builders of form on the lower planes.
On the mental plane a "water
PAN, nymph " may mean metaphysical
PERSEUS, PHANES, PLANES (five), speculation at the spring of truth.
PROMETHEUS, QUATERNARY, RAMA- " Nymphs of the spring were thought
YANA, REVELATION, SCRIPTURES, to be endowed with prophetic power,
SUSANOWO, TITANS, UPANISHADS, and to inspire men with the same." —
See DEVAS (lower), HYLAS.
(five), ZAQREUS, ZEUS.


A symbol of the intuition element A symbol of purity, that is, freedom
which is associated with the discri from the limitations and opinions
minative and analytical intellect. (garments) of the lower nature. — See
JOB i. 21.
See TUBAL CAIN. " Such a spirit descended on the God
NAASENE, OR OPHITE :— dess Usume, that she loosened her dress
A symbol of divine inspiration, (as she danced), revealing more and more
of her loveliness, and at last, to the
or Wisdom teaching. That afflatus intense amusement of the Gods, dis
which proceeds from the buddhic carded her dress "
altogether." — The
plane, or the Holy Spirit of Wisdom Dancing of Usume," The Nihongi.
(serpent). The soul realising its needs, con
See BUDDHI, INSPIRATION, INTCI- sciously hastened its own procross ;
TION, REVELATION, SERPENT, WISOOM. ihi- now exalted emotions (Usurnd)
NACHIKETAS, SON OF VAJASRA- cast away the bonds of convention
VASA :— and opinion, and revealed the truth
within ; until finally all Ideals (Gods)
A symbol of the Soul, or indwelling
Self, proceeding from the Higher Self. were realised, and the lower nature
" Yama said : I know the fire that being purified, all its restrictions were
leads to paradise, and tell it to thee discarded.
" Plotinus describes psychologically of their attached personalities which
the method of preparation for the vision have each been once incarnated. (3)
of the One. The process, which may begin
at any point, even with the lowest part The egos invest themselves with fresh
of the soul, consists in stripping off personalities in the combined mental,
everything extraneous till the principle astral and physical bodies of the lower
is reached." — T. WHITTAJEEB, The Neo-
nature. Physical death commences a
Platoniata, p. 105.
" In order to bring back the soul to gradual undraping of the egos, who
Qod, man is required to strip off all that build into the causal-bodies the best
pertains to the creature." — KCKII AUT. results of incarnation. (4) The per
" By nakedness is signified innocence,
sonalities are developed by their
and likewise ignorance of good and truth."
— SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 213. experiences during life on earth.
" " No distinction is more important
Catherine (of Genoa) not only, as
ever, simply ignores all questions of a than that between the personal self and
risen body, and transfers the concept the Impersonal or Spiritual self. The
of a luminous ethereal substance from Latin word persona, from which our
the body to the soul itself, and refers the word ' person ' comes, means a mask,
' '
unclothing,' clothing,' and such as was worn by the old Greek actor
' '
clothing upon to conditions obtaining on the stage, so called because the sound
not between the soul and the body, but of the voice came through it. That it
between the soul and God ; but she exactly what the personal self is — a
also, in most cases, takes the nakedness mask which the genuine self wears upon
aa the desirable state, since typical of this stage of life. I '
have called it illu
the soul's faithful self-exposure to the sive, * but we may be sure it is not for
all-purifying rays of God's light 'and fire, nothing ; it serves some important
and interprets the ' unclothing as the purpose, and it may be that the term
penitential stripping from off itself of illusive ' is not the one to apply to it.
those pretences and corrupt incrusta The great Self is within each of us, and
tions which prevent God's blissful action is the genuine self of each of us. The real
upon it." — F. VON HUOEL, Mystical man — the soul — is permanent in distinc
Element, Vol. II. p. 78. tion from the personal self, which is the
" There is an overshadowing of the changing consciousness." — K. C. ANDEB-
embodied by a disembodied personality SON, Si-: in., The Buried Life.
recognised by the Zohar and referred to See AMATEKASU, ASTRAL, CLOTHING,
twice by the text, namely, in the dis DANCES, EXPERIENCES, GARMENTS,
course of the Ancient Man in section GFLGOOLEM, INCARNATION OP SOULS,
Mi-ili jmii'tn. It is a very important section
for many doctrines and ideas connected LAUGHTER OP CODS, METEMPSYCHOSIS,
with transmigration. The thesis is (1) MONAD OF LJPB, Music, REINCAKNA-
That all holy and superior souls which TION, SAMSARA, SELF, SINGING, UZUM£,
are destined to enter this world are accus
tomed — while awaiting incarnation — to
descend from their residence on high and NAKEDNESS (LOWER ASPECT) :—
visit the Earthly Paradise at stated
periods. (2) That they meet therein the
A symbol of a state of Ignorance,
souls of proselytes and other inferior a lack of ideas and opinions (clothes).
souls which have been incarnated once As all external states have analogous
only and cannot ascend higher. (3) That reference to internal states, this
the superior souls clothe themselves with condition Is emblematic of an empty
inferior souls, as if with a vesture, and
state of soul.
are so joined to these during their sojourn " And the eyes of them both were
in Paradise ; but they unclothe to return
above. It is a particular illustration of opened, and they knew that they were
the invariable teaching that the spirit naked ; and they sewed fig-leaves
is draped to come down and undraped together, and made themselves aprons."
to go up. (4) That the inferior soul, — GEN. iii. 7.
so far from being degraded by this use And both the emotions and the
as a vesture, profits through the experi mind perceive their utter nakedness
ence." — A. E. WATTE, Secret Doctrine in or ignorance, that is, they recognise
Israel, p. 288.
the necessity for further evolution.
Tin's is a luminous description of Fig leaves, so used, signify conceal
the process of incarnation of souls. ment of the inward growth of the
" holy souls " are the spiritual
(1) The Spirit.
" Now when Adam and Eve
egos or individualities who periodi were

cally descend to incarnate on the awakened in the bestial property, the

beast stood there naked and bare. When
astro-mental plane (lower paradise). the Image of the Heavenly Essence
(2) They then meet with what remains did disappear, then the bestial property
was manifest." — BOEHME, Mytterium The qualities are enjoined to identify
Magnum, p. 96. themselves in all their ideas and
" By nakedness is signified ignorance
activities with the spiritual differentia
of truth." — SWEDENBOBQ, Apoc. jRev.,
n. 706. tion denoted by the symbol " Lord
See ADAM (lower), CLOTHING, EVE, Jesus," aspiring through this towards
GARMENTS (lower). tho Absolute.
" Upon the pillar thus wrought into
NAKULA AND SAHADEVA, TWIN the temple of God's loving kingdom there
SONS OF MADRI BY THE are three inscriptions : — I will write upon

ASVINS :— him the name of my God, and the name

of the city of my God the new Jeru
Symbols of the evolving love- salem, which cometh down out of heaven,
natures of goodness and truth and my new name
(REV. iii. 12). The
on the mental plane of the more soul that in obedience to God is growing
developed soul. into His likeness is dedicated to the
"When the Asviua restored the rupa divine love, to the hope of the perfect
of Irulra, Nakula and Sahadeva were society, and to the ever new knowledge
born." — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian Witdom, of redemption and the great Redeemer."
— PHILLIPS BROOKS, Serm., The Pillar, etc.
p. 388.
When the individuality and the See ADAM (lower), ANIMALS,
personality together formed the causal- CREATURES, FAMILY, FORM AND

body, love of goodness and truth was NAME, JESUS OF GOSPELS, PlLLAR,
evolved in the higher mind. In REN, TREADING.
evolution the potential gives place NAME AND FORM :—
to the actual. Symbolic of aspects of Matter and
Spirit, implying individual existence.
A symbol of differentiations of
A symbol signifying the recipient
qualities ; or the differences by
of bis heritage ; that is, the Soul as which each quality is distinguish
tbe inheritor of the riches of the
able from other qualities. Know
potential Higher Self. ledge of Names therefore implies
" When the body perisheth, whose
acquisition of the qualities indicated .
shall be its wealth ? Without the Guru " I am the great god Nu, who
how shall God's name be obtained ? gave
God's name is wealth, which accompanieth birth unto himself, and who made his
and assisteth us." — MACAULDTTE, The name to become the company of the gods.
Sikh Religion, Vol. I. p. 315. What does this mean t or Who is this ?
See HEIB, HUSBAND (good), Ku-
It is Ra, the creator of the names of his
limbs, which came into being in the form
VEBA, POVEBTY, WEALTH. of the gods who are in the following of
Ra." — BUDGE, Book of the Dead, Ch. XVII.
NAME:— The eternal Truth (Nu) is self-
A symbol of perception of existent, and from the Absolute
difference, whereby one quality proceed all differentiations. The mani -
is distinguished from another.
" Whatsoever Adam called every living festing Self (Ra) differentiates into
attributes and qualities (limbs), which
creature, that was the name thereof." —
( iKN. ii. 19. come into existence as Space, Time,
The primitive lower mind (Adam) Consciousness, Law, the five planes,
began to perceive and reflect upon etc., for " Ra is of many names."
" The creative source is in the trans
the differentiations of the sensations,
cendent Self of ail things. This Self at
desires, and lower emotions presented its first differentiation into multiplex
' '
to the consciousness. And according aspects (or individualities) manifests
as the mind energised the desires, so at the same time the Ideas which are
emotion was distinguished. inherent in its being ; and these again
descend into Feeling, Thought, and
Knowledge commences in the percep Action, and finally into external structure
tion of differences. —
and life, which latter may be looked
" And whatsoever yo do, in word or upon as largely due to the conditioning
in deed, do all in the name of the Lord or limitation of the ideas manifested in
Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father one individuality by those manifested in
through him." — COL. iii, 17. another. . . . Being has no differentia
tion except through the Ideas which it '
moved on the waters,' or he who influ
manifests." — ED. CARPENTER, Art of ences men or their thoughts.' " — GBIITOS,
Creation,p. 121. The Ramayan, Vol. I. p. 86.
" By the Lord's name is meant the The High r Self (Vishnu) broods
all of doctrine, and, in a universal sense, over the waters of Truth — the Divine
the all of religion. ... In heaven no
Reality, — at the dawn of manifestation.
other names are given but what involve
the quality of anyone." —SWEDENBOBO, See CHAOS, HEAVEN AND EABTH,
Apoc. Rev., n. 81. OCEAN, POSEIDON, SERPENT (anante),
A symbol of greed.
NANDA AND YASODA :— " The Asar then took Loke's sons,
Symbols of the purified mind and
Vale and Nare, or Narve. Vale they
emotions. changed into a wolf, and it then tore hi
NANNA, DAUGHTER OF NEP, brother Nare, and with his entrails uV
Asar bound Loko upon the three stones.
AND WIFE OF BALDER:— — The Story oj Lake, Pro** Edda.
A symbol of Buddbl proceeding And then in the Divine scheme,
from Truth (Nep) and allied with the the offspring of the astral nature,—
Self or Soul (Balder). force and desire, — aro taken as factors ;
" Balder's body was then borne to and these now assume the forms of
the funeral pile on board the ship, and
this ceremony had such an effect on energy and greed ; and it is said that
Nanna, the daughter of Nep, that her the latter binds the mind, through th«
heart broke with grief, and her body was desire-nature for a time to three d
burnt on the same pile with her its modes, namely, will, feeling, and
husband's " (Prone Edda). — MALLET, North.
Antig., p. 448. intelligence (the stones).
The emotion-nature, through which See ASAR, LORE, Wou.

the Self acts, is now conveyed to the NASU, THE FIEND, AS A RAGING
vehicle in which it is to operate ; FLY:—
and when the Wisdom element (Nanna) A symbol of time, which, as It were,
perceives this, it is obscured by captures residual astral elements of
illusion in the lower consciousness. the lower self, and sets them aside M
And now comes the process which astral matter for future use.
corresponds with the sacrifice of the See ABSYRTUS, DOG (white), FIENDS,
forms which are to yield the offering MAN WITHOUT WOMAN, MOSQUITO,
of the Life to the soul. The purifica TIME.
tion of the soul is by fire (buddhi).
BURNING, CREMATION, DEATH OF A symbol of associated groups of

BALDEB, FIRE, FOBMS, FYLLA, qualities, higher or lower.

A symbol of the higher mind at an
early period of the soul's evolution. NAVEL :—
" Sir William Jones compares Narada
A symbol of a point on the mental
to Hermes and Mercury, and calls him plane midway between the higher
the eloquent messenger of the Gods.' " —

BLAVATSKY, Secret Doctrine, Vol. II. p. 52. and lower natures.

" That part of the vital air which
is immortal is above the navel, and streans
NARAYANA, OR IDAS-PATI, out by upward breathings ; but thai
THE " MASTER OF THE which is mortal passes by and away
WATERS " :— from the navel." — Sata. BrAh., VI.
7, 1, 11.
A symbol of the Spirit of Truth, That part of the active mind (air)
operating In Time and Space. which is immortal is above the lower
" One
of the most ancient and popular nature and aspires upward ; but that
of the numerous names of Vishnu. The
word (Narayana) has been derived in which is mortal is influenced by the
' desires and sensations which are below.
several ways, and may mean he who
" We worship the guardian angel of See ASTRAL PLANE, NET, PWAN-KOO,
Gayo-marathan (Gayomard) the righteous, SEA, VALLEYS, WATER (lower).
who first listened to Ahuramazda'a
thoughts and sayings ; out of whose NAZARENE OR NAZAR/EAN :—
body he (Ahuramazda) formed the central
mass (nafo, 'navel') of the Aryan A title given to those souls who
countries, the surface of the Aryan follow a course of life similar to that
countries." — M. HAUO, Essays on Religion which the Christ-soul or Jesus is de
of Parait, p. 211. scribed as following. A Nazarene is
The Divine nature (fravashi) of the one of an order which makes soul-
Archetypal Man is extolled as carrying culture the chief object of life. The
out the designs of the Supreme. Nazarene is consciously a pathfinder
From the form side (the body) of the to the spiritual life of the soul.
Ideal Man, the mental plane (Iran) See PATH or BIRDS, WAY or THE
was evolved and divided centrally LORD.
into higher and lower. NAZARETH :—
" Delphi was regarded as the central
point of the whole earth, and was hence A symbol of progress in the path
called the ' navel of the earth.' It was to perfection.
said that two eagles sent forth by Jupiter, See GALILEE.
one from the east and the other from the
west, met at Delphi at the same time." — NEBO :—
Smith's Class. Diet.
A symbol of the higher mind, or
The reference to the " two eagles " the higher mental plane, central in
signifies that the Self above, and the the universe.
Self below, advancing in the soul from " Nebo presided over Mercury. He
the opposite sides of spirit and matter, '
is called the god who possesses intelli
' '
meet at the junction of the higher and gence,' he who hears from afar,' he
who teaches and instructs.' — RAWLW-
lower minds, when the two become
SON, Religious Systems, p. 26.
one in the resurrection of the lower " Nebo went by the Accadian name of
Self from the dead (matter). dim-sar, the scribe ; and the ideograph
See Am, ARC. MAN, ARYAVARTA, by which he is sometimes denoted was
BREATH, DEAD, EAGLE, FRAVASHI, regarded by the Semitic literati as signi
' '
fying the maker of intelligence and
the creator of writing.' He was also
* '
the bond of the universe,' and the
NAVIGABLE WATER :— overseer of the angel-hosts of heaven
A symbol of the astral plane "
and earth.' — SAYCE, Bel. of Anc.
whereon evolution could be accom Babyl., p. 115.
plished in the progress of the soul The mental plane unites the higher
(ship). and the lower natures, and on it are
See BOAT ON RIVER, SHIP, WATER the mental qualities (angel-hosts) of
(lower). both natures.
Symbolic of a co-ordination of the
astral mechanism In relation to the NEBROPHONUS, A SON OF
formation of the Soul. JASON AND HYPSIPYLE :—
" Pwan-koo taught navigation, made A symbol of the expression of
passages through the mountains, and truth proceeding from the union of
reigned aa the first king of the human intellect and intuition.
race." — KIDD, China, p. 100. See HYPSIPYLE, JASON.
The Logos, or Divine Mind, was the
originator and first ruler of the human NECESSITY :—
" navigation " ia
soul. Teaching Symbolic of the Divine uniformity
emblematic of the management of of action in the order of nature,
the astral mechanism, and is prepara which makes possible human inter
tory to experiences on the plane of pretation of, and reliance on, Divine
desire. The
" passages " refer to the laws, In the development of the
soul. Perfect order and certainty
establishment of tracts upon the mental must characterise the laws of the
plane. And from the astral plane higher planes as of the lower.
through the action of manas, — the mind " Antiochus teaches : There are two
principle, — evolves the human soul. natures, the active aud the passive, force
and matter, but neither is over without butes of the Self ! By the blue
keystone of the Bridge, — the Higher
the other. That which is compounded
of both is called a body or a quality.
Among these qualities the simple and the Mental centre, — and by the raised
compound are to be distinguished ; qualities of Faith, Mercy, Justice, and
the former consisting of the four or, Reason, I will not fail to bring about
according to Aristotle, five, primitive union with the Self."
bodies ; the latter of all the rest ; of the
first category, fire and air are the active, See ANU, BEL, BRIDGE, GEMS,
earth and water the receptive and passive. JEWELS, ISTAB, NACHIKJETAS,
Underlying them all, however, is the QUALITIES, UNION.
matter without quality, which is their
substratum, the imperishable, but yet NECTAR, SWEET :—
infinitely divisible elements, producing
in the constant change of its forms, A symbol of the soul's entire,
definite bodies (qualia). All these complete, and loving service to the
together form the world ; the eternal highest Ideals of Truth, Wisdom,
reason which animates and moves the and Justice.
world is called Deity or Providence, also " Now it is this matter (Hyl6), which,
Necessity , and because of the unsearch-
ahleness of its workings, sometimes after being impressed by the Divine
even Chance." — E. ZELLER, lii.it. of Ideas, fashioned every body in the cosmos
Eclecticism, etc., p. 94.
which we see. Its highest and purest
nature, by means of which the divinities
The four elements are the quater are either sustained or consist, is called
nary. Spirit (fire) and mind (air) Nectar, and is believed to be the drink
are the active ; the astral (water) of the Gods ; while its lower and more
and the physical (earth) are the recep turbid nature is the drink of souls. The
latter is what the Ancients called the River
tive. The imperishable substratum
of Lethe [or Forgetfulness]. — Macrobiut,
is the same as prakriti. Bk. I. Ch. 8, quoted by G. R. S. MEAD in
See ADRASTIA, ELEMENTS, FATE- T. O. Hermet.Vol. I. pp. 415-16.
SPHERE, INVOLUTION, KARMA, MAAT, Hyle in its higher and lower natures
MOIRAE, PHENOMENA, PBAKHTTI, appears to be the same as Maya in
QUATERNARY, SHENIT, THEMIS. its higher and lower aspects. Hyle
leaves its Source as Truth-Reality
NECK :— and returns to its Source as the same,
A symbol of the purified emotions ; but with additional experience. The
being situate between the breast and lower " drink of souls " is the experi
head, or the heart and mind. ence of the illusions of the transitory
" My neck is the neck of the divine lives, which is forgotten by the suc
goddess Isis." — BUDOE, Ideas, etc., p. 127. cessive personalities.
See MENAT, STIFFNECKKD. " He who drinketh the nectar of the
Name shall be satisfied, and go to God'a
NECK, WITH NECKLACE AND court with a dress of honour." " The
JEWEL :— Name is nectar in the heart as well
aa in the mouth : through it man ia
A symbol of the higher mind and freed from worldly desires" (Nanat). —
higher emotions : with the higher MACAULIPFE, The Sikh Religion, Vol. I.
mind centre (jewel). The " bridge " pp. 274, 292.
between the higher and lower natures. The soul that identifies itself with
" Then the Lady of the gods (Istar) the highest ideals is liberated from
drew nigh. And she lifted up the great desire, and shall rise to the higher
jewels which Anu had made according
planes and be given the robe of
to her wish, and said : ' What gods are
these 1 By the jewels of lapis lazuli Wisdom, — the Buddhic quality.
which are about my neck, I
forget ! " — L. W. KINO, Babylonian
Religion, p. 136.
After the appeal from the lower NEHAHA, THE FIEND :—
nature, then Wisdom approached the
A symbol of negation.
soul, and she succeeds in raising the
higher qualities which have been
evolved below, and which have been NEHE-MAUT, SPOUSE OF
formed unconsciously by the Divine THOTH :—
Will according to her direction. Wis A symbol of the intuition of Truth
dom exclaims, — " Hail to these attri allied with the higher mind.
" To aid him in the world Thoth has Self (Horus) was to be accomplished
a spouse, or syzygy, Nche-maut. She did he choose two energies to accom
is among the Gnostics, the Sophia-aspect
of the Logos. She is presumably the pany him, the Wisdom-nature from
Nature of our Trismegistic treatises. above, on the one hand, and the Love-
Together Thoth and Nehe-maut are the and emotion-nature evolved from
initiators of all order, rule and law in the below, on the other, as through these
universe" (Pietschmann). — G. R. S. MEAD,
T. O. Hermes, Vol. I. p. 49. he was to rise and accomplish his
See CHKYSRIS, INTUITION, SOPHIA, course ; that so ho might destroy the
THOTH. illusions which were begotten of the
sense of separateness, both on the
NEIGHBOUR :— mental and desire planes of the soul.
Symbolic of a quality which has See CROCODILE, CBOWN (double),
an affinity with another quality : — HIPPOPOTAMI, NOBTH LAND, SERPENT
these qualities are " neighbours " to (south), SOUTH, UATCHIT.
each other.
" Let everyone of us please his neigh NEPHESH, THE LOWER SOUL,
bour for his good to edification." — OR ANIMAL PRINCIPLE :—
ROM. zv. 2. A symbol of the emotion-nature in
The qualities are enjoined to be the astral body, or astro-mental
helpful to each other in the way of body. The lower emotions.
development and progress : for it is "The (lower) Rua'h forms with the
the actual that must evoke, or awaken, Nepheah tho actual personality of the
the potential ; there is no other course. man. . . . Rua'h is that which rides on
" And they shall teach no more every that Nepheiih (the lower soul) and rules
man his neighbour, and every man his over her, and lights her with everything
brother, saying, Know the Lord : for she needs, and the Nepheah is the throne
they shall all know me, from the least to that Rua'h" (From the Zohar). — I.
of them to the greatest of them." — M VKH, Qabbalah, pp. 391, 393.
11 KB. via. 11 ; JER. xzxi. 34. The lower mind (ruah) energised
The personality having become by the emotion-nature constitutes the
perfected, the higher mental qualities lower personality in the human soul.
are fully evolved, and ready to unite The lower mind is that which regulates
with the Higher Self. There is no the emotion-nature, and controls it,
longer need for educing the potential, and also brings intelligence to bear
for all has been evolved from the less on all methods of supplying the needs
to the greater. of the desires. The astral body is
" Everything in nature has, as regards the vehicle, or instrument, of the
its own good, a certain inclination to lower mind and emotions.
diffuse itself amongst others as far as
And this applies, in a supreme See ADAM (lower), GILOOOLEM,
degree, to the Divine Goodness, from MICHAEL, NESHAMAH, RUAH, SOUL
which all perfection is derived." — ST. (lowest), WHEELS (holy), YEHUDAH.
LANDMARKS. A symbol of the astral-body.
Symbols of wisdom and the emo Early physical human forms ;
tions, or of intelligence and will, mostly Lemurian, some Atlantean.
through which Divine manifestation In these rugged forms mind is
is proceeded with, and made effective. first aroused.
"Horus took with him Nekhebit, the " The Nephilim were in the earth in
goddess of the South, and Uazit, the those days, and also after that, when
goddess of the North, in the form of two the sons of God came in unto the daughters
serpents, that they might destroy the of men, and they bare children to them."
enemies in their bodily forms of croco —GEN. vi. 4.
diles and hippopotami at each place to These Nephilim are the monsters
which he came in the South Land and
in the North Land." — Legend of the which are pre-human and semi-
Winged Sun-ditk. animal. They correspond in soul
And from the higher and the lower life to the early attempts at Self-
regions whereon the evolution of the realisation, which are possible only
' ' '
through the agency of such clumsy the body of the Company of the Gods,'
modes of expression as are appro and when she obtained the name Nebkhat.
i.e. Lady of tho Body [of the Gods].
priate to the sub-human kingdoms . . . She was a
" nursing mother " of
of nature. The ideals of the minds, Osiris.' . . . She was the opposite of
or spiritual egos (sons of God), con Isis ill every respect ; Isis symbolised
joined to the processes of the lower birth, growth, development and vigour,
" children of but Nephthys was the type of death,
planes, give rise to the decay, diminution and immobility." —
men," the progeny of mind, or mental BUDOK, Gods of the Egyptian*, Vol. n.
— astro-physical forms. It is as the pp. 255-8.
cosmic forces work through the per The physical plane supplies the
sonality while guided from the indi means whereby the individuality
" sons of men " (deceased) gets its experience to enable
viduality, that the
are born, that is, the successive it to develop and acquire the higher
incarnations are engendered. qualities (gods). The physical brings
" Like a beautiful seedling hidden up, or nurses, the Self (Osiris) within.
away within a rough and ugly husk, It is the opposite of Wisdom, and it
through which it must break in order
harbours corruption, and has no life
to achieve itself, our divine selfhood has
been hidden and compressed within of itself.
material conditions. Consciousness has See ANUBIS, DAYS (five), DBFUNCT,
had to use first one kind of vehicle and HAIGI, HESTIA, Isis, NESTIS, SIQYN,
then another, and as the vehicle so has
been the quality of the self-expression." —
B. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Solidarity of NEPHTHYS' EMBLEM
Spiritual Experience. (ON
GADEBINE DEMONIACS, GIANTS, SONS A symbol of the " cup " or phy
sical vehicle of the four soul-bodies,
i.e. the "four children of Horn*."
A symbol of the physical principle, SEA:—
or physical plane.
" A symbol of emotions arising
Nephthys, the Egyptians call the astrally through the regulating and
extreme limits and boundaries of the disciplining of the desires, — produc
laud, and those contiguous to the sea ;
for which reason they style Nephthys tive of self-control.
the end," and say she is the consort NEREUS, THE WISE MAN OF
of Typhon." — PLUTARCH, Itit and Ofiris.
The physical plane is the extreme A symbol of the Force aspect of
plane of the universe, and internally the Logos in the physical nature,
it is contiguous to the astral plane operative through the astral.
(the sea). It is therefore allied to See THETIS.
the astral or desire principle (Typhon NERYOSANG, THE ANGEL :—
or Set) which fructifies it.
" A symbol of the intellect which
Nephthys was born upon the fifth
and last of the superadded days.
arouses love of ideals.
Typhon " Then
and Nephthys were begotten by Kronos." Srosh and Neryosang the
—Ibid., § 12. angel go to Keresasp (the Saman) ;
The physical plane is the fifth and three times they utter a cry, and the
lowest of the planes of manifestation. fourth time Saman rises up with triumph,
and goes to meet Azi Dahak. And
The astral principle (Typhon) and Saman does not listen to his words, and
the physical (Nephthys) are produced the triumphant club strikes him on the
through the procession of Time head and kills him." — Bahman Yasht,

(Kronos or III. 60, 61. S. B. of E.

" In the Seb).
Pyramid texts Nephthys The Divine Will (Srosh), acting
appears as a friend of the deceased, and through the intellect (Neryosang),
she maintains that character throughout approaches the Love-element (Kere-
every Recension of the Book of the Dead, sasp) aud arouses it completely in
indeed, she seems to perform for him
what as a nature goddess she did for the the evolving soul. Then the Divine
gods in primeval times when she fashioned force (Saman) Love goes forth on
the path of devotion to the Ideal, NESTIS, HESTIA OR VESTA:—
undeterred by the temptations of A symbol of the sensation prin
sense, and with the higher emotions ciple of the physical plane.
(club) overcomes illusion and selfish "Nestis, who moistens the springs of
ness. men with her tears." — Empedoclet, FAIR
SAMAS, SERPENT DAHAKA, SROSH. The activities of the physical nature
are the means of producing suffering
NESHAMAH, HIGHEST SOUL :— to the mind (men).
A symbol of Divine monad,
atma-buddhi, or spiritual ego within NEPHTHYS.
the Individual human soul.
"Job describes ' the continuance of NESTOR, THE SWEET-VOICED :—
his life by Baying all my neshamah is A symbol of the spiritual emo
still in me ' (Jos xxvii. 3). In three coses, tion of Faith-Hope in the higher
the term denotes the breath-soul as the
principle of the moral and spiritual life,
as when it is said that man's discernment
" Therefore to them arose the sweet-
is due to God's neshamah within him voiced Nestor, the harmonious orator of
( JOB xxii. 8 ; of. xxvi. 4, and PBOV. the Pylians, from whose tongue flowed
xx. 27). The other instances are those language sweeter than honey." — Iliad,
in which the term is applied to the wind Bk. I.
as God's breath." — H. W. ROBINSON, On account of the submission of
Christian Doctrine of Man, p. 10. the lower emotions to the higher
"There are three degrees, and they ideal, these emotions became respon
are connected as one. Nephesh, Rua'h,
and Neshamah, and the highest of them is sive to the charms of Faith -Hope in
Neshamah." — Zohar, III. 70b, Brody ed. the higher mentality (Pylus), which
" Neshamah
(Divine soul) goes over spiritual quality answers to the higher
to that Rua'h, and rules over him, and
lights him with that Light of Life " opposite of the lower emotions.
" As
(Ibid.). — MYEB, Qabbalah, pp. 391-3. long as man has not yet attained
The three human principles in unto that which is perfect, and is still
in pursuit of it, hope must be regarded
ascending degrees are the astral as the greatest, for it is even the true vital
(Nephesh), the mental (Rua'h), and flame of faith, as well as of love and of
the atma-buddhic (Neshamah), and all higher existence. This divine hope
these are all connected in the one is even the fruit-bearing principle and
the fructification of the immortal soul
human soul. The Divine and highest by the Holy Spirit of Eternal Truth —
principle ensouls the causal body and the luminous centre and focus of grace,
dominates it, imparting to it the light where the dark and discordant soul is
illuminated and restored to unison with
of Wisdom, Truth, and Love.
" The ' outer man ' consists for St. itself and with God." —SCBXEOEL, The
Philosophy of Life, Eng. Trans., p. 113.
Paul of the body's earthly material,
the flesh ' ; and of the animating See FAITH, GREECE, HARMONY,
principle of the flesh the psyche,' which HONEY, Music, PANDORA, PYLUS,
ia inseparably connected with that SINOINO, SWEET, TONGUE.
flesh. . . . The
inner man ' consists
for St. Paul, in the Hind, the Heart, NET-RA :—
and the Conscience. The Mind (nous),
corresponding roughly to our theoretical A symbol of the buddhic plane of
and practical Reason, has a certain the soul.
tendency towards God. . . . The Heart "
The time of evening hag come, and
is even more accessible to the divine the Sun-god in the Sekhet Boat, wherein
influence. . . . The Spirit, the Pneuma, he has travelled since noon, draws nigh
is, strictly speaking, only one — the Spirit to Thebes, flooding the First Division of
of God, God Himself, in His action either the 'I'u at with light. This Division, or
outside or inside the human mind Nous." antechamber, of the Tuat is, according
—F. VON HUOEL, Mystical Element, to the Book Am-Tuat, called Net-Ra." —
Vol. II. pp. 64, 67. BUDGE, Egypt. Heaven and Hell, Vol. III.
The Spirit, the Pneuma, is the same, p. 105.
as the Neshamah. The Higher Self (Ra) in descending
See CAUSAL - BODY, GILOOOLEM, to the lower planes in the Life-cycle
HEART, MICHAEL, MONAD OF LIFE, (Tuat) first enters the buddhic plane.
NEPHESH, RUAH, SOUL (highest), See APES, ARIES, BOAT (Sektet),
NET FOR THE CATCHING OF The individuality (Nebseni deceased)
FISH :— hath made use of the mechanism of
A symbol of the astral mechanism sensation on the astral plane (Aaru),
which lies behind the physical organs in order to acquire Life and Truth
of the five senses, and serves to
(water) on the buddhic plane (Sekhet-
collect and differentiate the facts of
hetep), and his aspirations are realised
sensation, passing them on aa
modes of vibration to the mental
in the higher emotions and the ideals
plane, whereon they become inter (gods).
preted to the ego as thoughts and See ASTRAL PLANE, BEASTS (wild),
feelings of different kinds and BONES, CIVILISING, DEFUNCT, EXPERI
" Fuh-he invented nets for fishes, and PETER, SACHIFICER, SEKHET-AABU.
snares for wild beasts, in the use of which
he instructed the people, for the two NET OF THE UNDERWORLD, OR
fold purpose of supplying their wants
and procuring victims to offer in sacrifice."
—Chinese Mythology, KIDD, China. EARTH " :—
From the Logos is emanated the A symbol of the astral mechanism
Divine scheme of existence ; and now of sensation and desire which unites
it is that an astral mechanism of the Individuality with the lower
sensation comes to be developed, nature (earth) ; at first enmeshing
which is to be used by the ego in the soul, but afterwards becoming
a means of development.
gathering the facts (fish), which it is
necessary that it shall collect for its "The name of the Temple of Thoth
at Khemennu, or the City of Eight, was
experience and development. The Het Abtit, or the ' House of the Net,"
" wild beasts " signify the baser — a very curious expression. From
passions, which are to be checked Ch. CLIII. of the Ritual, however, we learn
and subdued and so become trans that there was a mysterious Net which,
as Budge says, was supposed to exist
muted to higher emotions through in the Underworld, and that the deceased
the gradual evolution of the Self regarded it with horror and detestation.
within. The " people " are the unde Every part of it — its poles, and ropes,
veloped instincts and activities which and weights, and small cords, and hooks
—had names which he was obliged to
are to be disciplined and used, as learn if he wished to escape from it, and
means to the end of Self-realisation. make use of it to catch food for himself,
The " supplying of wants " refers instead of being caught by those who
to the need for realising that the laid snares.' Interpreting this from the
mystical standpoint of the doctrine of
powers within the soul are to be Re-birth, or the rising from the dead, —
utilised only for the highest purpose, that is to say, of the spiritual resurrection
and this self-abnegation and giving of those who had died to the darkness of
up of lower aims becomes the offering their lower natures and had become alive
to the Light of the spiritual life, . , .
up of the lesser Self to the greater I would venture to suggest that this
Self, — or consecration of the indivi Net was the symbol of a certain condition
dual life to the One Life, in return for of the inner nature which shut in the man
His own sacrifice " from the founda into the limitations of the conventional
life of the world, and shut him off from
tion of the world." the memory of his true self. The poles,
" And when they had this done,
(let ropes, weights, small corde, and hooks
down the nets) they inclosed a great were symbols of the anatomy and physio
multitude of fishes ; and their nets were logy, so to say, of the invisible
breaking." — LUKE v. 6. or ' envelope ' of the soul. The normal
The lower mind (Peter) and its man was enmeshed in this engine of Fate ;
qualities, acquired through the senses the man who received the Mind inverted
a great multitude of facts which were this Net, so to speak, transmuted and
transformed it, so that he could catch
utilised in the formation of mental food for himself. '
Come ye after me
currents directed to given ends. and I will make you fishers of men.'
" The scribe Nebseni hath drawn the The food with which the '
Christ '
net together in the region of Aaru, and nourishes his body * is supplied by men.
he hath running water in Sekhet-hetep, Thus in a prayer in this chapter of the
and his offerings are among those of Ritual we read : ' Hail thou " God who
the gods." — BITDOE, Book of the Dead, lookest behind thee," thou " God who hast
Ch. CLXXVIII. gained the mastery over thine heart,"
I go a fishing with the cordage [? net] Thor held the net on one side, and all
of the " Uniter of the earth," and of him the Asar upon the other, and so drew it.
that maketh a way through the earth.' " Loke crept down and lay between two
— G. B. S. MEAD, T. O. Hermes, Vol. I. stones, so that the net passed over him,
pp. 58, 59. although they could very well perceive
To the above excellent interpreta that there was something alive there." —
tion may be added : — The " city of The Punishment of Loke, Prose Edda.

eight " refers to the dual nature of When the astral mechanism of
the quaternary centralised the physical eye was finished, the
by the
higher mind (Thoth). The higher organ was adapted to the use of the
ego which responds through the desire-
mind contains the causal-body (house
of the net) from which the individu nature to the impacts from without
ality (deceased) lowers the astral in sensation. The higher mind (Thor)
mechanism (net), while abhorring the is said to use the " net," yet it is not
illusions of the lower planes, which the mind alone which is responsible
obscure the Self within. The ego is for the mechanism. The nature forces
enmeshed in the mechanism of nature, (the Asar) play their part in assisting
but when the Spirit (Mind) begins to at its manufacture. Now the desire-
direct through the mind, the mechan nature (Loke) is said to descend in
ism is made a means of evolution the water, — to be scarcely percep
through the acquirement by it of facts
tible, in fact. This corresponds to
and The the earliest feeble functionings of the
(fish) knowledge (food).
causal -body, or " Christ-body," is desire-nature. At the same time the
nourished by truth and love, the flickering^ of self-consciousness are
The " two stones
" bread from heaven," bestowed in quite apparent.
are symbols of differentiation, and
response to the aspirations of the
personality. signify the life forces segregating the
"This one deity (Isvara) spreads out atoms on the astral plane. As the im
his net in many modes for every one in pacts from without through the sense
this field of illusion, and draws it in again." organs cause thrills in the matter of
—Svetas. Vpanishad, V.
" As Apep was a monster of the deep, the lower astral sub-planes, so the
to make use of nets in his capture was a response from within is aroused, and
wise decision on the part of the friends the Self under the aspect of desire is
of Afu-ltu. Having taken up their said to descend and lie between " two
positions for attacking Apep, the men stones," or perceive differences.
with the harpoons work the rope which is " Then a second time they went up
attached to Aai, the goddesses and the
the force and threw the net, having first
apes shake out their rope nets over their
heads, and recite their spells, and the
tied something so heavy to it that nothing
men who know the proper words of power,
could possibly escape under it." — Ibid.
shake out their nets and recite the formulae And again the impacts from without
which shall have the effect of throwing are so strong that they are said to
Apep and Sessi into the state of stupe penetrate the
" net." And at this
faction wherein it will be easy to slay
stage the sensorium is established,
them." — BXTDGE, Egypt. Heaven and Hell,
Vol. I. p. 185. which precludes the possibility of any
See AFTT-RA, AKERU, APE, APEP, vibration from the lower levels going


LOKIi :— A symbol of the web, or ideal
A symbol ofthe astral mechanism scheme, of the universe on the
of the physical eye which is to be buddhic plane.
" When the infant Buddha is born,
used as a sense apparatus for the
acquirement of knowledge and four Brahmins, the wise men of India,
experience through which the mind receive him in a golden net. Then the
Maharajahs, the four great kings of the
may control the desire-nature. Kosmos, bear him ; for is he not Purusha,
" When the net was finished, they the Kosmos imaged as a heavenly man ? "
went out and cast it into the force. — A. LILLIE, Budd. in Christendom, p. 20.
The Soul is born on the buddhic yet because he came by night, he still
speaks for the darkness of his own flesh.
plane during involution and enters the
He understands not what he hears from
Divine scheme as its centre, uniting the Lord, understands not what he hears
all forces and co-ordinating them. from the Light. . . . This man knew
The four kings relate to the quater but one birth, that from Adam and Eve ;
that which is from God and the Church
nary focussed on the mental plane. he knew not yet : he knew only those
The four lower planes are centralised parents that bring forth to death, knew
in the causal Self on the mental plane. not yet the parents that bring forth to
The Soul is the Spirit (Purusha), life ; he knew but the parents that bring
forth successors, knew not yet the ever-
which descends into Matter with all
living parents that bring forth those
its qualities and thereby informs the that shall abide." — AUGUSTINE, Gotptl
Archetypal Man, — the One Soul of John, Vol. I. pp. 155-8.
(Buddha), — from which the many See BAPTISM, DARKNESS, NIGHT
souls arise. (darkness), PERSONALITY, RE-BIKTH,
A symbol of the absorbing attrac
NICODEMUS, A RULER OF THE tiveness of the sense of sight.
JEWS :— " Ono of the
Harpies named Nicothea
This symbol represents a phase of or Aelopus new to the Peloponnesus,
the lower personality in whom the where she fell into a river named Tigris,
sense of separateness is yet strong. but which was henceforth called Harpys."
He regarded Christ as distinct from — Argonautic Expedition.
himself and above him, and he is And the lust of the eyes swelled
therefore said to approach him " by and increased, and was at length sub
night." He was ignorant of the merged in the astral tide of desire,
fact that the lower self could be which is henceforth known as the
nothing except it were given him sense -nature.
of the Higher Self. And yet he is HARPIES, PHINBUS,
typical of the state of consciousness
wherein the soul gropes towards an
Ideal of whose presence it has NIDANAS, TWELVE :—
become dimly aware, — of whose
existence it is only just convinced. A symbol of the twelve divisions,
There are many of this type of or departments, of the Cycle of
soul ; some of whom call their Life ; — the same as the Zodiac.
Higher Self Lord and Master " Out of this ignorance (Avijja), as
without doing the things that He out of some sort of counterpart of the
approves. Nicodemus knew nothing primordial cell, the Buddha has his
of rebirth on the higher planes, Buddha-world issue in twelve distinct
and of the purifying process stages ; the twelve Nidanas, as they are
of called, whereof the final phase of develop
truth (water) and Spirit (fire), which ment, the bloom of sorrow, takes shape
is necessary before re-birth can as old age, disease, death, misery and
take place, and the soul rise to the distress, grief and despair." — DAHULE,
heaven world. — See JOHN iii. Buddhist Essays, p. 34.
" Nicodemus was of that number who The cycle of life commences on the
believe in the name of Christ, but Jesus lower planes as a world-germ develop
does not trust Himself to them. He ing from the homogeneous protoplasm
came to the Lord, and came by night ;
of matter which implies ignorance of
came to the Light, and came in darkness.
But what do they that are born again all else, and passing on to greater and
of water and of the Spirit hear from the greater heterogeneity as the qualities
apostle ? Ye were once darkness, but and forms appear. This world-process
now light in the Lord ; walk as children
of light' (EPH. v. 8.). occupies twelve stages, — six of Involu
Therefore they
who are born again were of the night, tion, and six of Evolution. At the
and are of the day j were darkness, and close of the final stage the soul is
are light. Now Jesus trusts Himself to perfected, while the death and dis
them, and they come to Jesus, not by
tress in the process are of the person
night. . . . Mark, my brethren, what
answer this man who came to Jesus by ality as it casts off the last vestiges
night makes. Although he came to Jesus, of the lower nature : — the cry of
despair being,
" My God, my God, rise from the lower planes, and become
•why hast thou forsaken me ?
" conscious on the higher planes ; but
See ADITYAS, CBUCIFIXION OF JESUS, the unpurified personalities shall con
EVOLUTION, IGNORANCE, INVOLUTION, tinue to re-incarnate below until they
A symbol of the principle of desire,
or of the desire-mind.
(of the great ash Yggdrasil)
strikes down to Kifelheim, and into the A symbol of potential being, or
fountain Hvergelmir which is full of
serpents, and where Nidhogg, the most
of the cycle of life in the under
venemous of snake!), with all its reptile world', — the planes of the quaternary,
hrood, gnaw at its roots." — HOWITT, — wherein the Higher Self (sun) is
Literature of North Europe, Vol. I. p. 41. unapparent to the lower conscious
One divisiop of the Divine Life ness.
" Night, then, is the Mother of the
( Yggdrasil) extends to the lower planes
and into the fount of illusion and Gods, or as Orpheus says, the Nurse
of the Gods is immortal Night ' (Proclus
separatonoss in which the desires in Crat., p. 67). . . . Hermias (Phoedr.,
(serpents) are immersed. The desire - p. 144) tells us that of the three Nights,
mind (Nidhogg) is the opponent of Orpheus ascribes to the first the gift
the spiritual aspirations, and it and of prophecy, but the middle [Night]
he calls humility, and the third he says,
all the lower qualities sap the Divine '
gave birth to righteousness.' . . . And
Life which rises upwards in the human so she (Night) brought forth Earth and
soul. But the desires cannot ulti wide Heaven, so as to manifest visible
mately prevail, and the time comes from invisible.' " — G. R. S. MEAD,
Orpheus, pp. 171, 172.
when the incarnate Self shall have
" bruised the Serpent's head " and The Life-cycle brings forth the
higher qualities (Gods) in the Soul, or,
entirely overcome the illusory desire-
the Soul -process of involution and
evolution sustains and nourishes the
ideals (Gods). The three stages of
the Cycle arc, first, Involution, pre
NIFLHEIM, THE SHADOWY dictive of what follows ; second, Rest
REGION OF DEATH :— or latency, the lowest state ; and
A symbol of the astro-physical third, Evolution which brings forth
region, or of the lower planes. perfection in qualities and souls. The
" Alfadir hath formed heaven and earth, Cycle of manifestation produces the
and the air, and all things thereunto lower and the Higher, so that the
belonging. And what is more, he hath consciousness may discern the differ
made man, and given him a soul which
shall live and never perish, though the ence between them, and forsake
body shall have mouldered away, or illusion for Reality.
have been burnt to ashes. And all " The daughter of Odin by Night was
that are righteous shall dwell with him Jord, the Earth, who became also his
in the place called Gimli, or Vingolf ; wife, and the mother of Asa-Thor. Yet
but the wicked shall go to Hel, and theiice Frigga was also his wife, and therefore
to Niflhel (or Niflheim), which is below was Jord but another name of Frigga." —
in the ninth world " (Prose Edda). — HOWITT, Literature of North, Vol. I. p. 42.
MALLET, North, Antiq., p. 401. The Spirit (Odin) begets in the
The Logos hath emanated the Cycle (Night) the lower nature (Earth)
higher and the lower natures, and which, in course of evolution, through
centrally the mental plane (air) and the descent of Spirit into human forms,
all that appertains to it. The object brings forth the higher mind (Asa-
of existence is the formation and
Thor). Yet buddhi (Frigga) is allied
growth of the soul which is immortal with Atma (Odin), whereby the lower
while its lower vehicles are subject nature becomes transmuted into
to decay and extinction while the soul buddhi at the Cycle's end.
is being purified stage by stage. The " The night of this dark life of ours ;
purified souls, or individualities, shall what comes after this life is, as it were,
the dawn of day." — OBIOKN, Comm, on " And God called thelight Day, and
John, Bk. X. § 13. the darkness he called Night." — GEM.!. 3.
See CAVE, CIRCLE OF EXISTENCE, The " light " signifies the con
Cow (black), CREATION, DARKNESS, sciousness, whilst the "
EARTH, EVOLUTION, FRIOO, GODS, indicates the form-side of nature,
HEAVEN, INVOLUTION, Nox, NURSE, not of itself conscious.
A symbol of a condition of igno Symbolic of three states on the
rance, error, and evil in the activities astral and lower mental planes, in
upon the lower planes. the intervening period between
" And after the sop, then entered Satan Incarnations.
into him (Judas) . . . He then went " When a righteous man passes away,
out straightway : and it was night." — where dwells his soul that night T Then
JOHN xiii. 26, 30. said Ahuramazda :
It site down in the
The least-raised quality (Judas) vicinity of the head, chanting the Gatha
was passive or negative until he had Ushtavaiti, imploring blessedness. . . .
" food," or knowledge of That night the soul experiences as much
partaken of of pleasure as all that which it had as a
circumstance. Then desire (Satan) living existence *" (Hadokht Nast), — M.
entered into him, and he was able to HAUO, Essays, Rel. of Parsis, p. 220.
go forth. He acted apparently all When the soul is projected beyond
on his own account, utterly regardless the physical plane, into what condition
of the other qualities ; and in the does it enter T It returns inward
condition of ignorance and evil, towards the mental plane, and reca
symbolised by
" night," he went to pitulates subjectively, as in dreams,
the formalists and sought the counsel the nature of the emotions and desires
of those of this world, and not the to which it had habituated itself.
guidance of the Higher Self, whence And its enjoyment is proportionate
proceeds illumination and life. to its capacity for realisation of bliss
If without any doubt the darkness when incarnated. (The second and
of ignorance ia the night of the soul, the third " nights " of the soul signify
understanding is not improperly styled
the arrival of the consciousness at the
the day." — ST. GREOOBY, Morals on the
Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 46. various sub-planea of the mental
See BETRAYAL, DARKNESS, DAYS, plane which contribute to the deva-
A symbol of negation, secrecy, or SLEEPING.
the forgetting of all past experience
on entering a higher level of con NILE RIVER ;GOD HAPI :—
sciousness. This implies the ex The Nile, like the Ganges, Jordan,
punging of sorrow and pleasure, and other national rivers, is taken
the wiping out of pain and sense-
as the River of Life,— the Divine
happiness, the killing out of desire,
Life, which flows from its source in
in passing from the "night " of the the Absolute, downward or outward
soul, — the delusion of the lower
through all the planes of being.
planes, — to the " day " of the higher "
planes. The symbol " night " may Hapi was the god of the Nile, and
with whom most of the great gods were
thus come to stand for inaction, or
identified." — BUDGE, Egyptian Ideas, etc.,
p. 109.
See CHARON'S FERRY, NECTAR, Nox, The Divine Life cannot be differen
PRALAYA, RECOLLECTION, STYX. tiated from aspects of the Logos or
NIGHT AS MATTER:— Higher Self ; hence the identifications.
" Hapi is generally depicted in the form
A symbol of the material form- of two gods ; one has upon his head
side of nature. a papyrus plant, and the other a lotus
" Ninigion his descent to earth took
plant, the former being the Nile-god
of the South, and the latter the Nile- to wife Konohana-sakuyahime (lady-
god of the North." — Ibid., p. 19. blooming - like - tho - flowers -of- the- trees).
These two forms of the symbol Her father Ohoyamatsu-mi (great-moun
tain-person) had offered him both his
represent the Divine Life as it mani daughters, but the elder was rejected
fests on the upper (south) and the by Ninigi as being too ugly. Her name
lower (north) planes. was Iha-naga-hime (rock-long-lady). She
"The Nile is a felicitous figure of the in her shame and resentment, uttered a
spiritual experience of mankind, or curse and said : The race of visible men
rather of that which makes spiritual shall change swiftly like the flowers of
experience possible. The ultimate springs the trees, and shall decay and pass away.'
of life are hidden from us, but by availing This is the reason why the life of man is
ourselves of its flow, and only by doing so short." — W. O. ASTON. Shinto, p. 112.
so, we have been able to grow the fairest The Self born in the lower nature
fruits of human character." — R. J. CAMP became allied with Faith-in-the
BELL, Serm., The Hidden God. Divine-within, — a product of Aspira
"The great celestial watery mass was
the source of the river Nile." — BTJDOE. tion which at first produces Trust-in-
" What is Life T And what is the tradition-and-authority, with which
Water of Life ? You will find many the Self cannot ally itself. But the
answers to that question, in this, as in
teaching of Tradition is self-destruc
all ages ; but the one which Scripture
gives is this. Life is none other, according tive, for opinions (visible men) change
to the Scripture, than God himself." — swiftly, and authorities lose hold and
C. KINOSLEY, Water of Life, p. 7. pass away.
The number three Is the number TRADITION, VAIRAUMATI.
of perfection and completeness.
Nine, which Is three squared, refers NIRVANA, OR NIBBANA :—
to the attainment of perfection on a subjective state of
A symbol of
the three lower planes. on the buddhlc plane,
for a period during which the ego
WHEAT AND BARLEY. receives no impacts from without.
NINE DAYS:— It is an unmanlfest condition of
A symbol of nine cycles or periods. soul between periods of manifesta
tion upon the globes of a planetary
"Nine days through the army went
the arrows of the god (Apollo) ; but on
the tenth, Achilles called the people
" Nibbana means nothing but a con
to an assembly." — Iliad, Bk. I. dition of perfect freedom from desire.
For nine periods the Life of the The heart that has reached the final
goal of all, which, — upon the ground
Logos ensouled the manifesting egos of the true nature of
of a perception
on the mental plane ; but at the things, through the knowledge of Not-I, —
tenth period the personality is evolved has so completely loosed itself from every
sufficiently to enable the lower qualities thing that it no longer has any desires.
to assemble. Where there is no desire in the heart,
there is no attachment either. Where
there is no attachment, there is also no
ASSEMBLY, PESTILENCE, TEN. parting, no sorrow. Where there is no
sorrow, there is also no transiency, no
NIN-GIS-ZIDA, GOD :— change." — P. DAHLKE, Buddhist Essays,
A symbol of the love of life In the p. 85.
forms, which attaches the ego to "The disciple who has put off lust
the lower planes. and desire, rich in wisdom has here on
earth attained the deliverance from death,
the rest, the Nirvana, the eternal state."
NINIGI, THE SOVRAN GRAND He who has escaped from the track
OF THE SUN- less, hard mazes of the SansAra, who
has crossed over and reached the shore,
GODDESS :— self-absorbed, without stumbling and
A symbol of the Higher Self born In without doubt, who has delivered him
the soul's lower nature purified by self from the earthly, and attained
buddhi. Mr vin: i. him Icall a true Brahman"
(Sutta-sangaha). — H. OLDENIIKHO, which is perfection of the soul accord
p. 264.
Dissolved is the ing to its stage of development. The
body,' says
Buddha, when one of the disciples has knowledge it possessed is derived from
entered into Nirvana, extinct is per within (walked with God).
ception ; the sensations have all vanished " And he
(Lamech) said to him (Methu
away. The conformations have found selah) :
I have begotten a strange son :
their repose : the consciousness has sunk he is not like man but resembles the
to its rest.' " — Ibid., p. 266. children of the angels of heaven ; and
In the state of Nirvana there is his nature is different and he is not like
no perception of the external world, us, and his eyes are as the rays of the
and the archetypal causes (conforma sun and his countenance is glorious." —
Book of Enoch, Ch. CV. 6.
tions) are latent in the soul. The " Noah is
the divinely appointed
causal-body (consciousness) is also figure, in whom the whole course of
latent, the ego having risen in con regeneration is set forth, every secret
of this great mystery being here drawn
sciousness to the buddhio
Extinction is only of the lower nature,
plane. for us as God alone could draw it.
Noah, then, is the spiritual mind, —for
not of the higher in which conscious he is only the continuation of Seth'g
ness is in a state of bliss. The " hard line, and figures the form of life which
mazes of the Sansara " are the troubles the spiritual mind takes at this stage in
its development, when it has come so
and sufferings of the soul in its passage far as to know the judgment of the old
through the life cycle on the lower creation, and the way through that
planes. judgment to a cleansed and bettor
world." — A. JUKES, Types of <•;•-..-
pp. 104-5.

A symbol of the higher mental NOAH'S SONS:—

" The Symbols of the three Divine
fifth good land was Nisaya that aspects, — Will (Shem), Action (Ham),
lies between Mouru and Bakhdhi." —
Vendidad, I.
and Wisdom (Japhet) ; or in a
lower sense, of intelligence, works,
This is the plane
of the causal -body, and desire.
between the buddhic plane and the "And Noah went in, and his sons, and
devachanic plane.
his wife, and his son's wives with him,
See BAKHDHI, CAUSAL-BODY, DE- into the ark, because of the waters of
VACHAN, MOUBU. the flood." — GEN. vii. 7.
And the Self, or the individuality,
NIZISTO THE DEMON :— takes refuge within the causal-body
A symbol of the sense-nature appointed for it ; and so also its
which allures. knowledges, affections, etc. And this
occurs because the pressure upon
the lower self (the reflected Higher)
A symbol of the individuality, or forces it, so to say, to this course.
the manifested Self in evolution,
— the permanent centre of evolution The " son's wives " signify the dual
in the soul. It is the buddhi-manasic aspects of the three aspects of the Self.
There is, first and highest (of Noah's
principle, or the incarnation of the sons), the contemplative life, which
Self as applying to the three lower delights in things unseen, in adoring
planes. love and holiness. There is again the
"These are the generations of Noah. active life, which is good, and does Rood,
Noah w is n righteous man, and perfect but deals more with external things.
in his generations : Noah walked with Besides these there is the doctrinal life,
God." — GEN. vi. 9. a mind occupied with truth, without the
Now follows an account of the savour and power of it ; a form of life,
which, though growing out of the regen
evolution of the " Noah " principle, erate mind, is nigh to evil, and must
be subdued and fought against. Shem (Agamemnon) in that the Desire-
is the first of these
; Japhet, the second ;
mind is contented with self-love,
the third is Ham, the father of Canaan,
whom Israel have to overcome. ... In whereas the Personality is born for
point of honour Shem stands first, but greater honour, namely, to be a vehicle
in their development Japhet's and Ham's of the Higher Self.
sons are given before Shem's ; shewing, The Higher Self in responding
what indeed is proved by all experience,
that the highest life in us is the last to assures Nature that the care of the
develop itself." — A. JUKES, Types of Personality shall not be neglected,
Generis, pp. 132-3. for the Higher Self shall make its
See ABE, CANAAN, CAUSAL-BODY, power felt by the Personality, from
HAM, JAPHET, TRIAD. the higher mental nature, through the
conscience and will, which cannot
NOAH'S WIFE:— seem fallacious or without significance.
A symbol of the subjective Intui The symbol of the " nod " is a sign
tion. At that early period of the of power and dominion, — it stands for
soul's growth, the higher nature
responsibility and individual initia
had not evolved sufficiently to be
active in the soul ; so of the " wife tive.
of Noah " there is nothing said in See ACHILLES, AGAMEMNON, CON
A symbol of the three lower planes NOISE, SOUND :—
In the soul. A symbol of atomic vibrations
" And Cain went out from the presence from higher or lower planes, affecting
of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of the personality.
Nod, on the east of Eden." — GEN. iv. 16. " Hearken ye unto the noise of his
And the personality goes forth from voice, and the sound that goeth out of
the Lord ; i.e. at the command of his mouth." — JOB xxxvii. 2.
the Higher Self it emerges into Give heed to the vibrations of the
activity, and in its sheaths dwells spiritual nature within and the voice
on the lower-mental, astral and of the conscience, which is the soul's
physical planes, below the buddhic recognition of God the highest asserting
plane (Eden) which is reflected in the dominion over will and conduct.
personality. See CONSCIENCE, MOUTH, SOUND,
" By ' Cain's going out from the faces
of Jehovah ' is signified that he was
separated from the good of faith grounded
in love. By his ' dwelling in the land NOOSE OF VARUNA:—
of Nod ' is signified his abode out of A symbol of knowledge, and love
goodness and truth. Towards the ' east of Truth and Right.
of Eden signifies near the intellectual " Having made a noose,
mind, where love was before." — SWEDEN- the sacrificer
over the victim with, — With
BOKO, Arc. Cel. to Oen. iv. 16. throws it
the noose of sacred order I bind thee,
See CAIN, EDEN, PERSONALITY. O oblation to the gods ! ' — for that rope,
forsooth, is Varuna's : therefore he thus
NOD OF JOVE OR ZEUS :— binds it with the noose of sacred order." —
A symbol of the power of the Sata. Brdh., III. 7, 4, 1.
higher will and conscience in the This refers to the transmutation
soul. through buddhi-rnanas of the lower
" I will nod to thee with my head, qualities which have been relinquished
that thou mayest feel confidence. For for truth and righteousness and offered
this for me is the greatest pledge among up as sacrifice to the ideals (gods).
the immortals : for my pledge, even
whatsoever I shall sanction by nod, is
not to be retracted, neither fallacious FICE, SUN-CATCHING, TRANSMUTATION,
nor unfulfilled."— Iliad, Bk. I. VARUNA.
Nature (Thetis), the mother of the
Personality (Achilles), has appealed NORNOR, OR NORNS:—
to the Higher Self (Jove) on behalf of Symbols of the life forces of speci
her " short-lived " son, who has been alised tendency and fixed limitation
dishonoured by the Desire -mind to an ideal type or figure, \\Iiich
operate in forming the soul-sheaths that Balder had ridden over the bridge
or bodies on the several planes. of Gjall, and that the road to Hell lay
" Near the fountain Urdar, which is downward and towards the North."—
Prose Edda, HOWITT, Literature, etc.
under the ash Yggdrasil, stands a very
beauteous dwelling, out of which go three The Self within replies, — descendI
maidens, named Urd, Verdandi, and to the Underworld to realise myself.
Skuld (i.e. Present, Past, and Future). Hast thou not seen me through those
These maidens fix the lifetime of all
men, and are called Norns. . . . They
phases of life wherein I
have reflected
draw every day water from the spring, my being t The Intuition makes
and with it and the clay that lies around answer that it perceives that the Self
the fount sprinkle the ash, in order that within has attained a high state of
its branches may not rot and wither away.
The water is so holy that everything consciousness on the higher mental
placed in the spring becomes as white plane through involution in the first
as the film within an egg-shell. The dew instance. Evolution of the Self being
that falls thence on the earth men call by way of the lower planes of mani
honey-dew, and it is the food of the festation, the underworld is symbolised
bees" (Prose Edda).— MALLET, North. "
Antig., pp. 413, 4. as towards the north " or astral
In the higher mind, which is a plane.
" In a spiritual sense,
fount of truth to the lower nature, is '
the phrase,
the sides of the north,' or, ' towards
placed the causal -body as a centre the north," seems to intimate the quarter
for the life forces which go forth to from which evil comes." — WORDSWOBTH,
construct the vehicles wherewith the liillt. Psalms, p. 74.
" Pohjola
individual soul manifests itself on lies in the north. . .
Pohjola, being thus the seat of evils and
each plane of nature. The present darkness, has some elements in common
vehicle is the astro-mental, the past, with Manilla, the kingdom of the dead."
the astral, and the future will be the — COMFARETTI, Poetry of the Finns,
causal. The object pp. 199, 200.
and scope of " Pohjola "
these forces are determined by the signifies the under
Archetype, or Divine pattern within, world energised from the astral plane
which fixes for each soul the instru of the desires.
ment through which it may work. See ASTRAL PLANE, BALDER, BRIDGE

These forces draw from the higher OF GJALL, DEATH OF LEMMLNKAINEN ,

mind the intelligence and the moulding EVOLUTION, GJOLL, HELL, HEKMOD,
direction which are needful for the INTUITION, INVOLUTION, MANALA,
conservation and growth of the Divine MODGUNN, SERPENT OF THE WATER,
Life (Tree) in each human being. UNDERWORLD.
The water of Truth purifies every NORTH LAND AND SOUTH
quality that receives it, and as it LAND :—
forthpours upon the lower nature it Symbols of the desire and mental
brings sustenance to the toiling egos. planes ; or of the lower mental
See ARC. MAN, BEES, CASTES, DEW, and the higher mental planes, In
EARTH, FATE-SPHERE, FOOD, HONEY, the scriptures of Egypt and Europe.
HOUSE, IMAGE, MOIRAE, PHOTOTYPES, " Southern Egypt was given to Horus,
Southern Egypt represents the
NORTH QUARTER :— higher mental plane, more manasic
A symbol of the astral plane In and solar ; Northern Egypt, the lower
many countries, but not in India, mental plane, more kamic and lunar.
where It signifies the higher planes, See COUNTRIES, EGYPT, HORUS,
because, apparently, of the Hima NEKHEBIT, NILE, PHAEACIANS, SET,
layas (high mountains) and the SOUTH LAND.
source of the Ganges (river of Life)
being to the north of the Aryan NOSE AND NOSTRILS FOR
land. BREATHING :—
" Symbolic of
volition and free
Hermod answered to Modgunn the
maiden who keeps the Bridge, ' I ride to will, since Is allied with
the nose
Hell to seek for Balder, hast thou not the breathing function of the lungs,
seen him in these regions ? ' She replied by means of which the brain is
enabled to act for the mind, and festation (Hemera), with the arche
the control of which function implies types of all things, arise out of pralaya
restraint and discipline.
" All things are comprehended in this
Spirit of the Ancient of the Ancient PRALAYA, PHOTOTYPES, SABBATH.
Ones, Who proceedeth from the concealed
brain, into the gallery of the nostrils.
. . . The nose of the Ancient of Days is
life in every part." — The Greater Holy A symbol of the Divine powers
Assembly, Ch. X. operating in the hidden universe
All things originate in the Absolute, and subserving the evolution of
from which the manifesting Spirit the soul.
proceeds as an emanation from the " am the great god who created
hidden intelligence to proclaim the himself, that is to say, I am Water, that
Divine Will, and forth-pour the is to say, Nu the father of the gods, or
as others say, Ra, the creator of the names
Divine Life. of his members which turned into the
See ABSOLUTE, ADAM (lower), AIN gods." — BUDOB, Papyrus of Hunefer
SOPH, BREATH (divine). Ch. 17.
From the self-derived Truth-reality
(water) proceeds the manifesting Self
A symbol of the function of the
(Ra) with its differentiated ideals
lower mind to discriminate the
(gods) of the Divine scheme.
lower aspects of the qualities of
the soul.
" With its nostrils KHEFER, MEMBERS, NAMES, NUT,
seeking out the
fragments of animals' limbs, as many as RA, SELF, WATER.
the delicate exhalation from their feet
was leaving behind in the wood." — NUBIA :—
Empedodet, FAIBBANKS, 313. A symbol of subjectivity or nega
With the functions of the lower tion on the higher planes : this
mind, the Self seeks out the lower may be prior to a fresh outpouring.
aspects of its nature, to the extent " Finally Horus and his companions
that it has been capable of appro went back to Nubia, to the town of
priating the experiences which were Shashertet, where he destroyed the
rebels of Uauat, and their ablest soldiers."
acquired through traversing the astral — '/'/,. Legend of the Winged Sun-diik.
plane (wood). Ultimately the Higher Self returns
to his
" own land," — a state of with
PLACE (annu), SAVOUR. drawal from objective activity, — and
NOX, SISTER OF EREBUS:— thence exterminates the more subtle
A symbol of the withdrawal from lower qualities which had eluded his
manifestation into the negative and vigilance heretofore. These " rebels "
latent state of pralaya. The inpour- are symbolic of the various phases
Ing of the Divine Life which alter of intellectual pride, arrogance, vanity,
nates with the outpouring (Erebus). and such like.
" From Chaos were born Nox and See AMENI, COMPANY or OODS, RA,
Erebus, — Nox or Dissolution, the most SHASHERTET, UAUAT.
ancient of the deities, the subduer of gods
and men ; the one of whom Zeus (Life) NUMBERS :—
himself stands in awe, as well he may ;
Nox or Dissolution, sister and mate to, Numbers become symbols because
and sprung from the same source as the internal universe is on a definite
Evolution or Erebus, from whom came and co-ordinated plan In which
,-K'h.T and Hemera, the archetypes
quantitative relations are repeated
of all that followed." — Frrz SIMON,
correspondentially through different
The Gods of Old, p. 14.
states and planes. Number is
From out of the primordial formless
common to all the planes and thus
state of matter came the ebbing and
unites them. One Is the initial
flowing of the tides of Life. The number of the Monad, the centre of
indrawing (Nox) caused the Ideals all things. Two represents the
(goda) and the mental faculties (men) inevitable duality of being on the
to cease from activity. The highest planes of manifestation. Three
plane (,Kt IHT) and the day of mani represents completeness of state,
there being three related states on "gate of heaven," and entering in
the three higher planes, and three may find the wisdom and love which
related states on the three lower renders the soul immortal.
planes. Six also represents com " For matter hath the function of
pleteness because it adds duality mother and nurse, as Plato says, and
to three. Nine signifies the same containeth the elements from which
by adding three for the planes. everything is produced." — PLUTABCH,
" The symbolical meaning of Numbers Symposiacs, II. qu. 3.

in Holy Scripture deserves more study Matter brings forth in evolution

and attention than it has received in what before it received in involution.
recent times.
God doeth all things
" Having heard this address of AsitA,
in number and measure and weight ' the King with his steps bewildered with
(WISDOM xi. 20). From an induction Joy, took the prince, who lay on hi«
of particulars it would appear that 3 nurse's side, and showed him to the
is an arithmetical symbol of what ia holy ascetic." — Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. 64.
Divine, and 4 of what is Created. 3 + 4 The aspiration of the primordial
«= 7 is the union of the Two ; hence Lower Self (Asita) having penetrated
signifying Rest, a Sabbath : 3 X 4 = 12
is the blending and indwelling of what to the Higher Self (causal Self), -whose
is Divine with what is created : e.g. as nature is now awakened under the
in Israel, the people of God : and in aspects of joy or faith, the Higher
the heavenly Jerusalem." — WORDSWORTH, seizes the Reality of the Self in process
Bible, Matthew, p. 34.
" The reason why numbers signify of involution (nurse) and cherishes
things, or rather resemble certain adjec- it. And now the Self is shown forth
tions to substances denoting some quality to the lower nature, i.e. nature weaned
in things, is because number is in itself from attraction to objects of sense.
natural ; for natural things are deter
mined by numbers, but spiritual things See ANUBIS, ASITA, ABC. MAX,
by things and their states."- — SWEDEN- BUDDHA, EVOLUTION, GATE, HKABT,
A symbol of that which promotes
A symbol of higher emotions the growth of mind, namely, experi
nurtured in seclusion from the tur ence which is the outcome of the
moil of the desires. They are under manasic evolution.
the uplifting influence of aspira
tions (vows) and the harmonising See NIGHT, PHTHIA.
discipline of the Higher Self.
A symbol of space on the higher
NURSE OF THE SOUL:— planes of being.
A symbol of the process by which " Nut, the feminine principle of Nu,
the Divine Ego, or inner Self, is i.e. the watery mass out of which all the
given the means of sustenance, gods were evolved ; she is the goddess
growth, and manifestation, namely, of the sky, across which sailed 'he boat
that of Involution followed by of the Sun-god." — BUDOE, BOOK of the
Dead, p. 4.
" The "In Heliopolis Tum-RA was held to
god Akau (Anubia) transporteth be the creator of the world, from him
me to the chamber (?), and my nurse is came forth Shu and Tefnut, and of this
the divine double Lion -god himself. I pair were born Seb and Nut, who were
am made strong and I come forth like the parents of Osiris and Isis, Set and
him that forceth a way through the gate, Nephthys. The chief function of Sh4
and the radiance which my heart hath was to separate the heavens from the
made is enduring." — BUDGE, Book of the earth (Nut from Seb), in order to provide
Dead, Ch. LXIV. the path for the sun (R&). When thia
The soul's experience in the physical was accomplished there appeared upon
body (Anubis) is reflected in the earth Nile and desert, life and death,
good and evil, these contrasts being
causal-body ; and the process of
personified in Osiris and Set." — Wrscz-
involution and evolution (double Lion- MANN, Bel. of Anc. Egyptians, p. 106.
god) sustains and promotes the soul's From the Absolute there emanated
development. By this process the the Divine Will allied with Truth-
indwelling Self is made strong so that matter by which Time and Space
it may rise to the higher mind, the objectified and brought forth the
Atmic, Buddhic, Astral, and Physical NYMPHS, HEAVENLY, AND THEIR
planes. The Divine Will, active upon DANCES :—
the mental plane, distinguished be Symbolic of the higher faculties
tween Space and Time, and then the of the soul, and the buddhic emo
opposites appeared in the manifest. tions. The " dances " signify the
" Time, plus time, plus time, ad exercise of the harmonious higher
infmit um, is the negation of time ; you powers.
cannot out a piece out of the infinite See DANCES, DIONYSUS, HARMONY,
series and say that that comprises the
period of a universe, for when you have
done it you have left your series still
intact, still infinite. What appears to OAK-TREE :—
ua, therefore, a succession of time-states A symbol of the Divine Life of
is probably no succession at all ; indeed,
the Universe.
one cannot see how it could be without
introducing this conception of infinity
" The Great Oak-Tree is a theme about
in which it totally disappears. The which hundreds of variants have been
time notion is a limitation imposed upon collected in Finland and Esthonin. The
our minds ; it is a way of thinking which contrast between the baleful influence
we cannot help, but which we perceive of the tree and the beneficent qualities
to be only relatively and not absolutely of ite fragments is very curious." — W. F.
true. If we were not obliged to think KIRBY, The Quest, Vol. I. p. 326.
in terms of the time notion we should This "God's tree," or "tree of
know nothing about space either, for we heaven," grows from an acorn planted
only become aware by our perception
of the time necessary to pass from one by " Tursas, the water-giant," a
point to another. Space and Time are symbol of Truth, which when mature
mutually dependent mental abstractions obscures everything. The explana
and nothing more, though we cannot tion is that this growth from the
help being dominated by them. Once
admit that time has no beginning, as you germ of the Spirit, represents the
are obliged to do, and you have destroyed process of involution. It signifies the
its reality ; you have passed beyond descent of Spirit into Matter to
it ; you are dealing with eternity. All endow it with all the qualities which
our sense-experience is provisional and
contingent ; all we know of the visible are to evolve from it. The " baleful
" means simply the obscura
and material is but relative to something
•we do not know, something higher and tion of Spirit and the cessation of
more stable." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., manifest life prior to evolution. The
Eternal and Temporal.
tree is felled by a dwarf, who grows
to be a giant, signifying the same
as 1'nrusha (the Spirit), for both are
(five), GODS, Isis, KHEPER, MUT, " smaller than small,
Nu, OPPOSITES, described as
and greater than great, and of the
size of a finger or thumb." The
tree is broken up, and the fragments
have the same signification as the
NUT-URT, A POOL IN THE fragments of the bodies of Lemmin-
FIRST COMPARTMENT OF kainen, Osiris, Dionysus, and Praga-
SEKHET-HETEPET :— pati, and the members of the body of
A symbol of the causal centre on Christ (1 COR. xii. 27) the Archetypal
the higher mental plane. Man. They represent the " beneficent
" O Nut-urt, I have entered into thee, qualities
" of the soul, which evolve
and I
have counted my harvest and I to completion.
go forth to Uakh." — BUDOE, Book of the "The Keltic Magi, or Druids, the
Dead,Ch. CX. priests of the religion of the oak (deru),
The causal centre is apprehended regarded this tree as symbolical, or even
representative, of the Almighty Father.
as the real beginning, when established, Under it was the sanctum ; here they
of the True life of the soul, and through performed their most solemn rites. . . .
it as a centre of consciousness it is The (oak) monarch of trees in our northern
flora, as indicative of living strength
perceived that the higher Selfhood is
and power, was an appropriate symbol
attained. of the living God." — BARLOW, Essay* on
See CAUSAL-BODY, CONSCIOUSNESS, Symbolism, pp. 88, 90.
POOLS, SEKHET-HETEP. "You are like an acorn in which a
mighty oak lies folded up waiting to " Uorus is occupied in tying loops of
come forth, as come forth it will if only rope to the elongated hawk-headed
it can ally itself with the limitless forces rowlocks in which the paddles may be
of the universe — invisible as well as worked." — BUDGE, Egypt. Heaven and
visible, for it is something behind the Hell, p. 45.
visible universe that makes an oak-tree "
" signify the knowledge
grow, or produces a soul." — R. J. CAMP
required for progress.
BELL, Si -rrn., Freedom of Son of Ood. " ' Tell us our name,' say the Oar-rests ;
Pillars of the underworld," is your
DWARF, EVOLUTION, FIG-TREE, GERMS, name." — BUDGE, Book of the Dead,
PURUSHA, SEED, TREE OF LIFE, The planes of the lower nature,
YOQDRASIL. giving experience and knowledge,
form the conditions in which progress
OANNES :— of the ego can take place.
A symbol of the Higher Self or See BOAT (river), NOOSE, PADDLES,
Archetypal Man. PILLARS.
" The founder of civilisation in the
Assyrian and Babylonian myth is the OATH :—
Oannes of Berosus. During the day A symbol of a fixed resolution in
time Oannes held intercourse with men,
taught them sciences and arts, the
a set course of action : or a strict
building of cities and temples, laws and adherence to an ideal.
the introduction of the measurement of See MISTLETOE, Vow.
planes ; further he showed them how to
sow and reap ; in a word, he instructed OBELISK :—
them in everything necessary to social
life, so that after his time they had
An emblem denoting aspiration.
nothing new to learn. But when the sun See COLUMN, SPIRE.
set, Oannes fell into the sea, where he
used to pass the night.' — GOLDZIHER, OBLATION; OFFERING:—
Myths among the Hebrews, pp. 214—15. A symbol of the relinquishing of a
During the period of involution lower quality in favour of a higher.
the Self instructed the mental quali " Speak unto the children of Israel,
ties in every kind of knowledge and and say unto them, When any man of
all potencies of growth — material and you offereth an oblation unto the Lord,
spiritual ; also in the laws of progress ye shall offer your oblation of the cattle,
even of the herd and of the flock." —
and the stages of development ; pre LEV. i. 2.
paring them for every variety of The lower mental qualities were
experience and discipline. In short, impressed with the duty of surrender
the soul was perfected in every ing the forms of thought which were
particular. At the end of this outgrown. This offering of their best
" golden age " the Archetypal Man
to the Ideal within, they were enjoined
was fully involved in matter, and to make through their feelings of
ready to produce from himself the reverence and of respect to the
many souls in which he is to evolve virtues.
in the present period. See ALTAR, CATTLE, ISRAELITES,
A symbol of either the Truth
Symbolic of the higher emotions above, or the illusion below. The
which propel the soul onward water above, — the ocean of Poseidon,
towards its goal. or the sea Vourukasha, — is a symbol
See BOAT (river), PADDLES. of Truth, — the Divine .Reality replete
potentially with the all.
OAR-RESTS; ROWLOCKS:— " The Fish next asked to be taken
Symbolic of the conditions of the to the Ganges ; but even the Ganges was
soul's development and progress, soon too small for it, so it was finally
namely, the four lower planes of transferred to the ocean." — Deluge Story
nature in the Maha-Bharata.
Then waa the Greater Self raised itcould give form to some things whose
to the atma-buddhic plane, but even very existence implies effort, hindrance,
1 opposition, and the overcoming of odds."
this cannot contain the Self, and so — B. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., July 4, 1912,
It merges in the All — the eternal Ood's Fellowship with Man't Woe.
Truth, the ultimate Reality. The " infinite Ocean " is the " water
" The Self is that into which all things above the firmament," i.e. the Truth-
pass away, even as the ocean is the one reality above the higher mental plane ;
thing into which all waters flow." — " finite ocean " is the " water
Brihad. Upanishad. and the
" But despite all hindrances and set below," i.e. the illusion of the lower
backs, we are one and all making towards planes. The " fragment universe
the Ocean of perfect unity in Christ, may be taken as a solar system, visible
whence our full humanity, now knowing
itself divine, shall be lifted up and and invisible.
" (Jacoponi da Todi says) ' Drawn
glorified eternally by the Holy Spirit of
God." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Our forth out of her natural state, into that
immeasurable condition whither love
Jor God.
goes to drown itself, the soul, having
"There are two modes of the being
of Qod, — the infinite, eternal, trans plunged into the abyss of this ocean,
cendental, all complete, — and the finite, henceforth cannot find, on any side, any
temporal, immanent, and incomplete. means of issuing forth from it." . . The
One might illustrate the difference heavens have grown stagnant ; then*
between them thus : Imagine a boundless silence constrains me to cry aloud : O
Ocean of life — pure, undifferentiated, profound Ocean, the very depth of
and therefore unmanifest. Such an Thine Abyss has constrained me to
Ocean of life could know no lack, for attempt and drown myself within it." —
it would be all-inclusive ; there could be where note the interestingly antique
nothing outside it and nothing wanting presupposition of the music of the
to ita completeness. Every possible spheres, which has now stopped, and of
good, of every possible grade, would be the watery constitution of the crystalline
heaven, which allows of stagnation ; and
latent therein, for nothing could be
imagined or brought into existence the rapidity of the change in the impres
which was not already there comprised sions, — from immobility to silence, and
within ita blissful infinitude. Nothing from air to water. Indeed, that Ocean
can be missing from the infinite, and is one as much of air as of water, and as
nothing can be added to it ; every con little the one as the other ; and its
ceivable excellence lies within its bosom, attractive force is still that innate
if only in potency. But suppose that affinity between the river-soul and its
boundless Ocean of life to be able to think living Source and Home, the Ocean
about itself — as it certainly could, for God, which we have so constantly
even thought must be a property of the found in Plotinus, Proclus, and Diony-
infinite, or it could never have come sius." — F. VON HUQEL, Mystical Element,
into being, — then one can imagine it Vol. II. pp. 108-9.
as saying to itself,
There are capaci See ABSOLUTE, ABTU-FISH, Am
ties within me of which I am quite SOPH, An MAM, BRAHMA, COSMOS,
aware but which I cannot use, cannot DELUGE, FTRMAMKNT, FISH (great),
bring into play, qualities which can
find no exercise, unless I detach them
from my infinitude, deprive them of KATUBES, IMAGE, JORDAN, KHWAN
their illimitable resources, and bid them (fish), MACROCOSM, MICROCOSM, Music
reveal themselves by contrast with their (spheres), PHANO, POSEIDON, RIVERS
seeming opposites.' So a corner of that
ocean would be marked off, as it were,
from the rest, ringed around with matter, TRIDENT, VOURUKASHA, WATEB, Yi,
isolated, or all but isolated, from its ZERANA.
Source, and made to bring forth, to live
out, all the wonders hidden away in its OCEAN, OR SEA (FEMININE) :—
mysterious depths. That comparatively
small fragment of the one great Ocean A symbol of primordial Truth on
of life would forthwith become a universe the matter side of being, which
in itself, and would be quite a different brings forth all qualities and forms
mode of the universal life from the proceeding from the Absolute.
Infinite whence it derived. It would " The feminine Sephirah Binah is
be different, to begin with, because it
would be conditioned, whereas the former sometimes by the Qabbalists
was unconditioned ; it would be partial, the Great Among her Divine
restricted, incomplete, whereas that from names are Ya H and Elohim. She is
which it came had fullness of everything called the Great Mother, the Upper
at command. But this finite ocean Mother. She is the Holy Spirit and the
could do what the Infinite could not do ; Upper She-kheen-ah. Her symbol is
645 MM
the brooding dove ; she brooded over ODIN, OR WODAN:—
the face of the waters at creation." —
MYER, Qabbalah, p. 336. A symbol of the Divine Will.
The highest condition on the Logos, or Higher Self.
" Odin governs all things, and although
matter side of manifestation is Truth-
the other deities are powerful, they
reality (ocean) in its receptive aspect all serve and obey him as children do
(feminine) towards Spirit. This their father. Frigga is his wife. She
primordial condition of things fructi foresaw thedestinies of men, but never
" Great reveals what is to come. . . . Odin u
fied by the Higher Self is the
" named Alfadir (All-father), because
Mother bringing forth on the buddhic he is the father of all the gods, and
plane the prototypes of all forms for also Valfadir (Choosing Father), because
the manifestation of the Divine Life he chooses for his sons all those who
on the higher and lower planes. fall in combat. For their abode he
has prepared Valhalla (Prose Edda). —
See ADITI, BINAH, DOVE, GODDESS, MALLET, North. Antiq., p. 416.
HOLY GHOST, M&YA (higher), MOTHER The manifest God is supreme above
(divine), NARAYANA, PHOTOTYPES, all, and the higher qualities are in
SABASVATI, SHEKINAH. harmony with him and carry out his
laws. Buddhi (Frigga) is allied with
OCEANUS, SON OF HEAVEN At itm, and superintends the evolution
AND EARTH :— of the mental qualities, knowing the
A symbol of the Spirit of Truth, glory in store for them, but remaining
produced primordially from Spirit unobserved by them. From the Self
and Matter. proceed the highest ideals ; and God
" Of the divine Titanic hebdomads. hath chosen to be his sons those
Ocean both abides and proceeds, uniting souls who have fought the good fight,
himself to his father [Heaven], and not
departing from his kingdom. But all and from whom the lower nature
the rest of the Titans, rejoicing in pro has fallen away. For they shall
gression, are said to have given com inherit the kingdom (Valhalla) pre
pletion to the will of Earth, but to have pared for them from the foundation
assaulted their father, dividing them
selves from his kingdom, and proceeding of the world.
" There was a vast concourse of various
unto another order." — PBOCLUS, Timceus,
V. 202. kinds of people at Baldur's obsequies.
Of the essential elements of life, First came Odin, accompanied by Frigga,
the Valkyrior, and his ravens." — Ibid.,
Spirit both abides above and proceeds p. 448.
to action below, and is one with the At this burying of the dead past
Supreme, not departing from the higher of the involutionary cycle, the Divine
planes. But the other primal condi Will (Odin) assisted under the aspect
tions, rejoicing in the new cycle of evolu of spiritual Life, both in its outgoing
tion, are said to have given completion and incoming phases of atmic energy
to the process of involution into " Val
through Buddhi (Frigga). The
matter, repulsing the direct action kyrior " symbolise the
" host of
of the Supreme Spirit, in separating " which stand for the higher
themselves from the higher nature, nature forces. The " ravens of Odin "
and proceeding into the new process signify intelligence and power.
and order of evolution. See ASAR, ATMA, BALDER, BUDDHI,
OCYPETE, THE HARPY:— A symbol of bliss on high planes
A symbol of the love of physical caused by the reception of aspira
life, which conducts the soul to tions from below.
a variety of physical and astral An odour of a sweet smell, a sacri
conditions Involving suffering and fice acceptable, well-pleasing to God." —
PHIL. iv. 18.
sorrow. " He approaches the tree II ye. and the
See HARPIES, NICOTHEA, PHINEUS, odour of Brahman reaches him." —
ZETES. Kaush. Vpanithad, I. 2.
The soul becomes in unison with surrender and thanksgiving." — F. W.
the Tree of the Divine Life which FARBAR, The Atonement, etc., p. 43.
" The faculty by which we lay hold
yields the fruit of Wisdom ; and on Eternal Life is to be attained only by
the blissful breath of the Supreme actually renouncing the sensuous and
invigorates his being. its objects, and sacrificing them to that
See BRAHMA, FLAVOUR, ILYA TREE, law which takes cognisance of our will
only and not of our actions ; — renouncing
PERFUMES, SALAOYA, SCENT (sweet), them with the firmest conviction that it
TASTE, VIBHU. is reasonable for us to do so, — nay,
that it is the only thing reasonable for
ODYSSEUS, ULYSSES :— us. By this renunciation of the Earthly
A symbol of courage,arising out does faith in the Eternal first arise
of Love and Faith, in learning by in our soul, and is there enshrined apart,
experience to rule the lower nature as the only support to which we can
in the interests of the higher. cling after we have given up all else, —
as the only animating principle that
"Then Odysseus of many counsels can elevate our minds and inspire our
brought Chryseis to the altar, and gave lives. We must indeed, according to
her into her father's arms, and spake the figure of a sacred doctrine, first ' die
unto him : Chryses, Agamemnon king unto the world and be born again, before
of men sent me hither to bring thee thy we can enter the kingdom of God." —
daughter, and to offer to Phoebus a holy J. G. FICHTE, Vocation of Man, Bk. III.
hecatomb on the Danaans' behalf, where See ALTAR, BEASTS, BURNT OFFER
with to propitiate the king that hath now
brought sorrow and lamentation on the
Argives." — Iliad, Bk. I. ROASTED, SACRIFICE.
Then Courage, full of resource,
delivered the Intuition of Truth to
her parent, the Spiritual -mind, and A Symbol of the Supreme Being,
spake thus, — The Desire-mind, ruler
the Source of Light and Life which
proceeds into manifestation through
of the lower nature, impelled me the Hebdomad or seven planes, of
hither to bring thy offspring and offer which five are manifest.
up to the Higher Self the results of " The nature of this symbolic Ogdoad
the operation of the mind, in order is most clearly seen in the inscription
thus to enable the Desire-mind to of Der-el-Bahari, of the time of the
operate more harmoniously than it Twenty-second Dynasty, which Maspero
has lately published.
hitherto has been able to do owing
In it the Osirified says to the Supreme :
to the emotional distress which has '
I am One who becomes Two ; I am
been engendered." Two who becomes Four ; I am Four
" The morality of Jesus involves who becomes eight ; I am the One
the only true secret of courage and of after that." — G. R. S. MEAD, T. O.
the freedom that comes of courage. Hermes, Vol. I. p. 120.
More and more we come to see that The One Supreme becomes dual as
courage is a positive thing. It is not Spirit and Matter ; the dual becomes
simply the absence of fear. To be
brave is not merely not to be afraid. the quaternary as the means of soul-
Courage is that compactness and clear development : the quaternary becomes
coherence of all a man's faculties and the completed evolution of the soul
powers which makes his manhood a which rises and passes into the One
single operative unit in the world. That
is the reason why narrowness of thought again. The individuality (the Osiri
and life often brings a kind of courage, fied) having passed through all the
and why, as men's range of thought stages of manifestation identifies itself
enlarges and their relations with their with the Supreme.
fellow-men increase, there often comes
a strange timidity." — PHILLIPS BROOKS, See BRAHMA, DEFUNCT, EIGHT,
Influence of Jesus, p. 66. GEOMETRY, HEBDOMAD, ILLUSION, IN
A symbol of the giving up of the A symbol of the Logos, Divine
lower for the sake of the higher. Monad, or the Self.
" Burnt offerings and peace offerings " Coming at last to the province of
represented the conceptions of Belf- Idzumo, Ohonamochi spake and said :
This central Land of Reed-plains had OIL, OR HOLY OIL :—
been always waste and wild. The very
A symbol of Divine Love,— the
rocks, trees, and herbs were all given
I Love-principle of the higher planes
to violence. But have now reduced
them to submission, and there is none
which attracts the soul upward ta
that is not compliant.' Therefore he softness, gentleness, and harmony.
said finally :
It is I, and alone, who " Thou lovest righteousness, and hatett
now govern this land. Is there perchance wickedness : therefore God, thy God, hath
any one who could join with me in anointed thee with the oil of gladness
above thy fellows." — Ps. xlv. 7.
governing the world T Upon this a
illuminated the sea,
divine radiance The soul on its attaining perfection
and of a sudden there was something is endowed from within with love and
which floated towards him and said :
Were I not here, how couldst thou bliss beyond what is bestowed upon
subdue this land T It is because of my the unperfected.
presence that thou hast been able to
" Thou receivest the oil of the cedu
accomplish this mighty task. Iam thy
" in Amentet, and the cedar which cam*
spirit of good luck, the wondrous spirit.' forth from Osiris cometh unto "thee ; it
— The Nihongi. delivereth thee from thy enemies (Ritual
The Self struggling upward through of Embalmment). — BUDGE, Egyptian
the lower nature has at last reduced Magic, p. 186.
to submission the turbulent desires The purified soul is said to receive
and emotions of the astro-mental on the higher planes the love which
nature (Reed-plains), so that finally comes forth from the Supreme and
the God-within is the supreme Master, delivers it from the desires. The
" cedar tree from Osiris " signifies
and aspires for union with the God
above. All being fulfilled, the Divine the "tree of Life," — the Divine Ray
radiance of the Eternal Spirit illu which comes down from the Highest
mines the entire nature, and the and penetrates all planes.
" Oil signifies the good of love which
lower Self becomes aware of the sanctifies, and everything that is sancti
Source of Power by which the mighty fied has relation to truth." — SWKDES-
task of the Soul -process has been BOBO, Apoc. Rev., n. 173.
" From the Essence of the Free Lubet
accomplished. The lower Self then
(longing delight) there proceedeth forth
perceives that the Higher Self is in the Fire an Oily Power, which is the
indeed himself — his own spirit — and body or essence of the Understanding
the two become one in Victory (good wherein the Fire burneth."
" The Love-oil gives meeknees." —
luck) dwelling in the causal-body BOEHME, Mysterium Magnum, p. 13.
(shrine) on the heights. BUTTEB, CAUDLE-
" The Idzumo Fadoki frequently calls See ANOINTING,
Ohonamochi the great God who made STICKS, CHKESTOS, FAT, FOOD (soul),
the Under- Heaven.' The spear which GHEE, HEAD, INCENSE, LAMP, OLIVE,
he carries is indicative of warlike prowess UNCTION, VIBGINS, ZABEMAYA.
and political sway ; while the mattock
given to him by one myth points rather OINTMENT :—
to agricultural development. He is,
along with Sukuna-bikona, the instructor A symbol of love Divine.
of mankind in the arts of medicine and "The alabaster vase in Mary's hand,
magic." — ASTON, Shinto, p. 144. broken, and pouring out in loving abun
The Self is the producer of the lower dance and unsparing effusion the whole of
nature or the under -world. The its precious contents on Christ's head, is a
" spear " is a symbol of the Divine beautiful emblem of the contrite and
" mattock " indicates broken heart, pouring out itself in acts
Ray, and the of penitential love on Christ and His
the Divine
" Husbandman who cul
" members, and thinking nothing too
" " of life.
" Sukuna- costly for that holy and blessed service." —
tivates the field
" WOBDSWOKTH, Bible, Mark, p. 147.
bikona, the dwarf is a symbol of the " For in that she hath poured this oint
enlightened personality who is associ ment on my body, she did it for my
ated with the Self in bringing know burial." — MAT. xxvi. 12.
ledge to the human soul of the means by The purified lower affection (Mary)
which it may be cured of its infirmities draws forth Divine love in the per
and have its lower nature transmuted. sonality (Jesus), and prepares it for
See ABC. MAN, CIVILISING, DWAHF, dissolution (burial). It is by a
GOLDEN AGE, GOVERNMENT, CANNES, supreme effort of love of the ideal
REED PLAINS, SUKUNA. that the personality is discarded, or
the sense of separateness is overpassed, OLYMPUS, MOUNT:—
- when Jesus and Christ, — the lower Self A symbol of the height of perfec
'• and the Higher Self, — become one. tion and attainment ; or the plane
See BURYING, CRUCIFIXION OF of atma, the summit of manifestation.
: JESUS, DEAD (burying), FAT, GHEE, " Homer was the first to divide the
" world into five portions. The three
PEOPLE, UNGUENTS. intermediate he has assigned to the
three gods, the two extremes, Olympus
and Earth, whereof the one is the boun
OLIVE FRUIT :— dary of things below, the other of things
A symbol of love and faith, imply above, he has left common to all and
ing courage. unallotted to any." — PLUTAHCH, On the
" Moreover, as to this fruit of the E at Delphi, § 13.
olive, if the matter be examined, There are five manifested planes
will find what it was. The fruit of (portions) of the soul (world). The
the olive signifies charity. How do we three intermediate, namely, buddhi
prove this t Just as oil is kept down by (Hera), manas (Hermes) and kama
no liquid, but bursting through all,
(Hades), have above them atma
bounds up and overtops them ; BO
. likewise charity cannot be pressed to (Olympus), and below them sthula
the bottom, but must of necessity show (Earth). Atma bounds manifestation
itself at the top." — AUGUSTINE, Gospel above, and the physical (sthula) is
of "John, Vol. I. p. 88. the limit below. The highest and
An olive signifies love and charity,
because the olive tree signifies the celestial the lowest planes are the foundations
church, and thence the olive, which is of the rest.
its fruit, signifies celestial love, which " And Athene forthwith was departed
love is love to the Lord ; hence it is to Olympus, to the other gods in the
that this love is also signified by the palace of tegis-bearing Zeus." — Iliiui.
oil, by which all the holy things of the Bk. I.
church were anointed." — SWEDENBORO, And from this time forward, in
Apoc. Rev., n. 493.
" In Judaic legends the olive is the
the course of the evolution of the
Tree of Life." — A. JEKEMIAS, The Old soul, Wisdom appears to retire from
Teat., etc.. Vol. I. p. 209. the plane whereon it can be revealed
See BUTTER, CANDLESTICKS, CRUCI to the Personality (Achilles). It is
FIXION (Rev.), GARDEN OF FLOWERS, therefore said to join the
" other
GHEE, MOUNT OF OLIVES, OIL. Gods," or immortal, transcendental
facts on the highest planes, which
OLIVE LEAF OFFERING :— are at the origin of the Divine scheme
A symbol of a tribute of love. of existence.
" And the dove came in to him at " Many elements of the Hebrew tradi
eventide ; and lo, in her mouth an olive tions recorded in the Holy Scriptures,
leaf pluckt off : so Noah knew that the or otherwise preserved among the Jews
waters were abated from off the earth." — down to later times appear in the Olym
GEN. viii. 11. pian Court of Homer." — W. E. GLAD
And now, at the conclusion of the STONE, Juventus Mundi, 209.
" The Incarnation of Christ may be
re-incarnating period of that stage
" olive compared to the Mountain of continental
of the soul's development, an Greece, from which all its principal
leaf " or love tribute offered by the rivers flow, and fertilize the land. He
lower self, — as the result of the pre is the One Well-spring of Living Water." —
WORDSWORTH, Bible, Acts, p. 75.
vious action of the Higher Self, — is " Is not Christ the mountain up into
brought to the individual Self. Then which the believer goes, and in which
it is the higher consciousness realises he finds the divine idea of himself ?
that the power of recognising the As a mountain seems to be the meeting-
place of earth and heaven, the place
Truth is contained within the soul.
" When we have felt the tossings where the bending skies meet the aspiring
cease, and received the olive leaf, the
planet, the place where the sunshine
and the cloud keep closest company
earnest of the inheritance, from the mouth
with the granite and the grass : so
of the gentle dove, which thus assures
Christ is the meeting place of divinity
us of a world beyond the water-floods,
and humanity ; He is at once the con
then our freedom is near." — A. JUKES,
descension of divinity and the exaltation
Type* of Genetia, p. 123.
of humanity ; and man wanting to
See ARK, DOVE, EVENING, FLOOD, know God's idea of man, any man
NOAH, WATER (lower). wanting to know God's idea of him, must
go up into Christ, and he will find it with you so to do. . . . Faith fling:
there. . . . This, then, is the great wide the doors of your spiritual nature ;
truth of Christ. The treasury of life, it releases divine energy ; it is that
your life and mine, the life of every attitude of soul through which God's
man and every woman, however different mighty works are done." — R. J.
they are from one another, they are all BELL, Serm., The Faith, etc., 1914.
The Pattern in the Mount. LOWER SELVES, OGDOAD, UDOITHA,
MOUNTAIN, PALACE, WORLDS (five). Symbols of emotion and reason.
OM ! OR AUM :— See AIR.

A symbol of the expression of the ONOGOROJIMA ISLAND :—

Spirit as Love within the soul ; or
the Word of God — the inspiration of
A symbol of a centre of operation
Truth and Righteousness. established in the astral body of
" ' the nascent soul.
Aum Tat Sat,' this has been con
sidered to be the threefold designation
" Before Izanagi and Izanami pro
of the Eternal. By that were ordained duced the land generally, an island for
of old Brahmanas, Vedas and sacrifices. them to rest upon was necessary to be
Therefore with the pronunciation of created. The two Deities, standing upon
Aum ' the acts of sacrifice, gift and the Bridge of Heaven, pushed down the
' '
austerity as laid down in the ordinances Jewel-spear of Heaven into the green
are always commenced by the knowers of plain of the Sea, and stirred it round
the Eternal."— Bhagavad-Gtta, XVII. and round, when they drew it up, the
" Om. This syllable is all. Ch.
Its inter drops which fell from its end consolidated
pretation is that which has been, that and became an island, Onogorojima.
which is, and that which is to be. All They then descended on to the island,
is Om, and only Om, and whatever is and planting the spear in the ground
beyond trinal time is Om, and only Om. point downwards, built a palace round
For all this world is Brahman, this it, taking that for the central roof-pillar.
Self is Brahman, and this Self has four The spear became the axis of the earth,
quarters." — Mandukya Upanishad. which had been caused to revolve by
" May that Indra, Om, that is the the stirring round." — Japanese Nihongi.
highest thing in the Vedaa, that is all Before the soul could be formed it
that is immortal, above the immortality was necessary first to fix a centre in
of the Vedas, may that divine being
the lower nature to construct from.
strengthen mo with wisdom." — Tail.
Upanishad. Therefore the Divine Will and Wisdom
" In the Prasna Upanishad the great manifested on the higher mental
teacher Pippalada says, ' This syllable plane (the bridge), and from thence
Om is the higher and the lower Brahman.'
That is to say, Om is Brahman as uncon they vibrated a ray of Divine Life
ditional, and Brahman in fictitious mani and intelligence downward to the
festation as the Demiurgus (Isvara)." — astral plane (the sea), with the result
A. E. GOUOH, Phil, of Upanithade, p. 68. that upon its fourth sub -plane a
In this teaching " Om " is taken centre for the lower soul was estab
as a symbol of the Higher Self poten lished. To this formative matter was
tial above, in identity with the Higher attracted. Then Will and Wisdom
Self actual below. *The first Self is manifested in the laws of growth
complete and perfect but unmanifest ; upon the astral plane, in which the
the second Self is under illusion, Divine Life (spear) operated from
incomplete and imperfect in its mani within outwardly. The " palace "
festation of itself. The two Selves signifies the astral-body of desire
are really One Self, and the One is and sensation, which becomes the
the All, Om ! focus of the soul's activities in the
"That is what faith means, the faith
that counts for righteousness. It is the lower worlds (earth). But the Divine
soul with face upturned to the eternal Ray is the true axis of the soul,
light ; the spirit of man intently listening causing it to revolve as a " wheel
for what the still small voice of the of life," in a cycle of births and
Spirit of God is saying. ... It is waiting deaths.
upon God daily, hourly, to ascertain
his will concerning you, and to receive See ATOM, BRIDGE OF HEAVEN,
grace to carry it out as far as it rests CHEMMIS, CHURNING, DELOS, IZANACI,
.1 KWKT, SPEAB, LAND, MANCO, PALACE, below of the things which are above
SEA. that illusion is created in the lower
mind. The lower conception of things
is always finite and limited ;— it
Symbols of power and wisdom on always requires qualification. The
: the b udd lik- plane.
order in which the ranks are main
tained refers to the several planes
OPHIONEUS, THE SERPENT:— upon which the universe is manifest.
In each case the opposite is produced
A symbol of the lower principle
of whatever is ideally created.
, of desire and illusion. " And from Mashya and Masliyoi
" Pherecydes says that there existed arose seven pairs, male and female,
before all things, and from eternity, and each was a brother husband and a
Zeus, Chronos, and Chthon (earth). . . . sister wife ; and from every one of them
Chronos produces from his seed, fire, in fifty years children were born, and
wind, and water ; the three primal they themselves died in a hundred
beings then beget numerous other gods in years." — The Bundahis, Ch. XV. 24.
five families. . . . Ophioneus, with his
And from reason and emotion —
hosts, representing probably the un
regulated forces of nature, opposes this dual aspects of the Self, — came forth
creation of the world, but the divine the seven pairs of opposites which
army under Chronos hurls them into now actively function on the planes
the deep of the sea, and keeps possession of relativity. These are the active
of heaven." — ZELLER, Hist, of Greek
Philot., Vol. I. p. 89. and passive aspects of the several
Spirit (Zeus), Time cycle (Chronos), emotional and mental qualities. The
and Matter (Chthon) originate exist seven pairs are : — Like— -dislike ; Faith
ence. The Time cycle — uniaith ; Hope — despondency ;
buddhi (fire), manas (wind), and kama Aspiration — contentment ; Strength
Then are produced the ideal — weakness ; Pity— apathy ; Courage
qualities (gods) on five buddhic
— fear. From these, during the period
of cyclic activity,
" children " or
sub-planes. The lower principle
(Ophioneua) creates the opposites, experiences were born. The dual
but in the cycle of involution these aspects of the Self are destined
are inoperative as opponents. eventually to bo absorbed and super
See AHRTMAN, CHTHONIE, GODS, seded in the course of a double cyclic
The ten fundamental oppositions
OPPOSITES, PAIRS OF:— (in the Pythagorean table of opposites)
were as follows: — (1) Limited and Un
These are positive and negative limited ; (2) Odd and Even ; (3) One
aspects of qualities, without which and Many ; (4) Right and Left; (5) Mascu
manifestation on the lower planes line and Feminine ; (6) Rest and Motion ;
could not occur. The negative (7) Straight and Crooked ; (8) Light and
aspects imply the absence of the Darkness; (9) Good and Evil; (10)
positive, and are therefore Illusive. Square and Oblong. . . . According to
" While Ormazd was thus this theory the primary constituents of
completing things are of a dissimilar and opposite
his Light creation, Ahriman was making nature ; a bond was therefore necessary
a corresponding evil being for every to unite them, and cause them to be
good being created by Ormazd. These productive. This bond of the elements
stood in their ranks and orders, with is harmony." — ZELLEB, Hist, of Greek
their seven presiding evil spirits, or Phtios., Vol. I. pp. 381-3.
Daevas, corresponding to the Amshas- " The German philosopher Hegel holds
pando." — Zoroastrian System. that a thing can only exist through
Whilst upon the upper planes the its opposite, that the thing and its oppo
archetypal creation was proceeding, site must arise together, and that eter
upon the lower planes of manifestation nally, as the complements of a unity ;
white is not without black, nor black
the dual, or opposite, of each quality without white , good is not without
was produced by the lower principle. evil, nor ia evil without good. This is
The dual in the lower comes as an the doctrine of the Siphra D'Tzni-oothah
opposite thing to the relationship and the Sepher Y'tzeer-ah. At the very
beginning of the life germ, dissolution
of the mind with the quality. It and death oppose its vitality and en
is through the inverted reflection deavour to destroy it, and the whole
existence of man in this world is a con the indwelling Self knows Itself alone
tinual struggle to preserve his vitality." — to be the Doer. Then being free from
I. MYKB, Qabbalah, p. 184.
" The Deity has created both the good all relativity, — from good and evil
and the evil, and the one is absolutely alike, — He, the Knower, passes into
necessary to the existence of the other. the Supreme (Brahman), having known
It (Qabbalah) considers that each human that His nature is that of the Supreme.
being is accompanied throughout its " A certain limitation of the true
life on earth, and is influenced spiritually, selfhood of every individual is necessi
by two spirits, the good and the evil. tated. If the essential nature of the
These are the oppositions, but the free-will
good is to become manifest in every
of the individual is the harmony by then in every particular
which he exercises the Divine power it must be confronted with its opposite,
of judgment, and accepts the one or the that it may strive against it and over '
other as his master." — Ibid., p. 126. come it. Why, the very word
"There is but one potency of two implies acquaintance with evil, just BE
contraries, because contraries are appre
white implies black, and light implies
hended by one and the same sense, there
darkness. The current flowing along an
fore belong to the same subject or sub-
electric wire never shines until it meets
state ; where the principle (i.e. the source with resistance ; then it flames forth,
or faculty) of the knowledge of two and this is just the way God has worked
objects is the same, the principle (i.e. throughout human experience. Treachery
elementary form) of their existence is and violence are not only the opposite?
also one." — MclNTYBE, Bruno, p. 177.
" The Contrariety in nature causeth of, but the limitations imposed upon, all
latent fidelity and gentleness. God has
Strife. . . . For without contrariety
wrapped up the divine consciousness
(that is) contrary properties, is no strife, within these limitations and bidden
and without strife is no production, it work its way through, and this is whet
and without production all would be all through
the race has been doing
stillness, inactivity, and unknown to
its long strenuous history." — R. J.
itself. Thus the properties which when CAMPBELL, Serm., Solidarity of Spiritual
separate are authors of a hellish kingdom,
are also, when they operate harmoniously,
the exalters of the Divine blessed kingdom
of Love." — BOEHME, Answer to 22nd CHARIOT, COLD AND HEAT, CREATION,
" The doctrine of development by GOSHUHUN, GUILTY, ILLUSION, MATBO,
contraries was passed from Sebastian
Frank to Paracelsus, and from him to NUT, OPHIONEUS, PLAGUES, RELATIVE,
Weigel. According to this theory, God RICH MAN, SEEDS or FOODS, STRIFE,
manifests himself in opposites. The SUMMER, SUSANOWO, VIGARA.
peace of Unity develops into the strife
of the Manifold. . . . Only by resist OPPRESSORS :—
ance, only in collision, is the spark of
vitality struck out, is power realised, A symbol of opinions which oppose
and progress possible." — VAUQHAN, Hours the truth, such as unfounded preju
with the Mystics, Vol. II. p. 92. dices and preconceptions.
" And as a man driving in a chariot
might look at the two wheels, thus he ORACLE CONSULTED :—
will look at day and night, thus at good
and evil deeds, and at all pairs (correla A symbol of the Inner nature ques
tive things). Being freed from good and tioned, and Intuition apprehended.
evil, he, the knower of Brahman, moves See GEUSH-TASHA, GOLDEK FLEECE,
towards Brahman." — Kaush. Upanishad, HEROES.
The perfected ego now regards the ORDERS OF THE SPACES :—
activities of opposite qualities
The " orders " signify the laws
together equally (as wheels) carrying of manifestation of conditions of
forward the soul (chariot) in its pro progressive development. Th«
gress heavenward. Knowledge and " spaces " represent the means by
ignorance, right and wrong actions, which such conditions are attained.
have respective parts in soul-develop See ADITYAS, jEoNS (twelve), COM
ment ; and neither can manifest PARTMENTS, IABRAOTH, NIDANAS,
without the other. The balanced mind SAMSARA, TUAT, ZODIAC.
having become stilled by the action
from above, extends its vision so that ORDERS, FOUR OF MANU :—
the pairs of opposites become as A symbol of four successive states
aspects of the one great Reality, and of consciousness on the mental and
buddhlc planes in the course of the as in a tomb or prison, to punish a very
growth of the soul. early crime committed by the Titans,
" The Student, the Householder, the
the ancestors of man, who had treacher
ously slain the young god Zagreus." —
Hermit, and the Ascetic, these constitute S. REINACH, Orpheus, p. 82.
four separate orders which all spring from " When Paul speaks of sin entering
the order of Householders." — Laws of the world, and death by sin, he does not
Manu, VI. 87. mean physical death ; indeed, he is not
The " Student " represents an ego speaking of happenings on the physical
manifesting in the mental-body as a plane at all. This has been the cause of
great misunderstanding of the apostle,
centre of consciousness on the four
because it is easy to see that physical
lower mental sub-planes. This is the death did not enter the world as the
personality either incarnate or excar- consequence of the sin of man. It was in
ii HI .-. The " Householder " is the the world long before man appeared on
the scene. The sin of man, as Paul
ego seated in the causal-body on
thought of it, was the development
the fifth mental sub-plane. This is the in man of the isolated self causing him
individuality from which proceed the to become out of harmony with God
other three phases of consciousness. or the Universal Self. Under the old
The " Hermit " is the ego manifest symbolism this was represented as the
expulsion from Eden, but really it was
ing in a centre of consciousness on the the cessation, by a process of inevitable
sixth mental sub-plane. And the change, of the Eden condition within him
" Ascetic " is the ego manifesting in a self. Paul is speaking of spiritual matters
when he is dealing with both sin and death.
centre of consciousness on the buddhic
The two last " orders " are
Man died to Eden or heaven by becoming
plane. alive to the converse of that condition,
•without lower vehicles and receive no to the consciousness of himself as a
vibrations from the lower planes. separate entity, distinct from the life
See ASCETICS, ASRAMAS, CONSCIOUS of God. It is a Fall or Descent into
matter, a burial or entombment." —
A symbol of the negative state of SEPARATENESS, SORROW, SPIRIT,
ignorance and imperfection which TITANS, TOMB, ZAOREUS.
originates in the process of involu
tion, through the limitation of Spirit ORO, THE TAHITI AN GOD :—
by matter. This necessitates the
subsequent evolution of Spirit from A symbol the Logos or Higher
the lowest condition of ignorance to Self.
" Oro, the son of Taaroa, desired a
the highest state of Truth.
" wife from the daughters of Taata, the
Theology has had much to say first man ; he sent two of his brothers
about original sin. This original sin to seek among the daughters of man
is neither more nor loss than the brute a suitable companion for him." — ELLIS,
inheritance which every man carries with Polynesian Researches, Vol. I. p. 231.
him, and the process of evolution is an
advance towards true salvation." — J.
The Logos, whose parent was the
FISKK, Destiny of Man, p. 103. Absolute, desired to manifest in the
" Everything inferior is a higher in soul, and sought that whereby he
the making ; everything hateful is a might do so. The " first man "
coming beautiful ; everything evil a
signifies the mind the
" daughters "
coming good." — Q. PRELLNITZ.
" All good things were originally are the emotions. The " two
bad things, every original sin has brothers are the remaining aspects
developed into an original virtue." — of the Higher Self.
" Original sin is precisely the condition See HEAVENLY REGIONS, HOA, MAN,
of blindness (to the spiritual) which, owing RAINBOW, TAAROA, TAATA, TUFARA,
to the soul's immergence in materiality, VAXRAUMATI, WOMAN.
hinders the perception of divine things.
By no possibility can the Divine Life ORPHEUS, THE DIVINE
be generated in any soul afflicted with MUSICIAN :—
this blindness." — The Perfect Way, p. 242.
" Orphism held the doctrine of original A symbol of the power of atma-
sin. The soul was enclosed in the body buddhi, — the united wisdom and
love, — in harmonising and raising butes. The " five gods " represent
the lower elements in the soul. The the principles of the five planes of
desires (animals) are attracted, manifestation, of which the first pro
harmonised, and transmuted to
duced and highest is atma (Osiris).
higher planes. " The legend that ascribes the discovery
See ANIMALS, EUBYDICE, HARMONY, of vine culture and the making of win*
MELODY, METIS, Music, PAN, VAPOUR to Dionysus reminds us that the Egyptian;
gave the honour of those inventions to
(white). Osiris, but it is only a subordinate
feature with the Egyptians, whereas in
OSIRIS :— Greece Dionysus soon came to preside,
A symbol of the First Logos, — the pre-eminent and unique, over wine.
Higher Self. If the worship had not more completely
preserved more essential characteristics,
" Upon the first of these five new-made it would be almost impossible to justify
days Osiris was born, and a voice from the identity in origin of Dionysus and
heaven proclaimed, The Lord of all Osiris. The rites of the festivals, especi
things hath appeared.'
" — PLUTARCH, ally those of the Anthesteria, are the
Isis and Osiris, § 12. only things that still prove it."
" Those mysteries, so sacred to the
At the dawn of complete manifesta
ancients, would be incomprehensible to
tion, the First Logos forthpours on
us if certain details did not reveal their
the highest plane, that of atma. purpose and analogy. The queen's com
The " voice " refers to the Word which panions were fourteen in number, and
" was in the beginning with God " : offered sacrifices to Dionysus on fourteen
altars, with other ceremonies not less
it signifies the expression of the
secret than the rest. The ceremonial
creative energy of the Logos, — the commemorated both the number of
advent of duality, — Spirit-Matter. murderers who, according to the Cretan
" Hesiod makes the first elements of legend, massacred Dionysus, and the
creation to be Chaos, Earth, Tartarus, number of pieces into which they divided
Love. Let us distribute his names the corpse. Foucart rightly mentions
and assign them thus : to Isis that of the Egyptian legend in which Typhon,
Earth ; to Osiris that of Love, to Typhon having assassinated Osiris, tore his
that of Tartarus, for his Chaos seems victim into fourteen pieces, which he
to imply a certain place or basis for the scattered among the nomes. Isis col
Universe." — Ibid,, § 57. lected them, put them together, and from
This is correctly given : — I?is, their union drew her Osiris, whom she
resuscitated. . . . The sisters Isis and
buddhic (higher earth), Osiris, atmic
Nephthys, assisted by Horus and Anubis,
(Love Divine), Typhon, astral (Tar made in fourteen moulds the fourteen
tarus), Chaos, primordial formless pieces of which the divine body had
matter. been reconstructed, and then combined
" Osiris was beautiful of face, but with them into a perfect statue. They then
a dull and black complexion ; his height endowed the statue with life, and rising
exceeded five and a half yards." — Ibid. from its funeral couch, it became again
the god himself. . . . Our knowledge
This statement signifies that the
of the ceremonies of the Anthesteria
Logos at manifestation was perfect scarcely permits us to doubt that the
potentially, but actually was non Egyptian Osiris was the original of the
existent, and, as it were, " black," Attic Dionysus. We have in both cases
the resurrection of a god who had been
which stands for negation. The treacherously mutilated, the number of
height refers to the five planes whereon pieces is the same, and the march of
his evolution would be accomplished, events identical : just as Isis sought
and commencing from the Unmani- everywhere for the remains of Osiris, so
Demeter never rested till she had gathered
fest above atma.
" O Osiris, son of Nut, those of Dionysus, and only
I have given
after she had restored the body did
unto thee the sovereignty of thy father the god come again into existence." —
Seb, and the goddess Mut, thy mother,
G. MASPERO, New Light, etc., pp. 236,
who gave birth to the gods, brought thee 238.
forth as the firstborn of five gods, and
created thy beauties and fashioned The dismemberment and recon
thy members." — BDDOE, Book of the
struction of the Archetypal Man are
Dead, Ch. CLXXXIII p. 627. symbolised in the New Testament, and
Here Osiris is said to be the son of in the scriptures of India and Fin
space (Nut) and time (Seb).
" Mut " land. To say the terms are " religious
represents the formative energy in borrowings " explains nothing of their
space, differentiating the Divine attri origin and meaning.
See APIS, ARC. MAN, ASCENSION from Zoroaster." — A. V. W. JACKSON,
CIVILISING, CROCODILE, DAYS (five), At a certain early period of involu
tion, a power of divination or intuition
DIONYSUS, DISMEMBERMENT, causes on the lower planes a dim
(great), HEIGHT OF OSIRIS, INCARNA apprehension of the advent of the
(speech), MUMMY, MUT, NUT, OAK,


WEEPING, WORD, YUDHI, ZAGBEUS. Symbols of higher activities operat
ing upon qualities of the lower planes.
OVERSEER OF THE HOUSE :— " Ox, — the image of patient labour
A symbol of the individuality and productive energy." — P. FAIBBAIBN,
seated in the causal-body (house). Typology, Vol. I. p. 263.
" What are the oxen plowing, except
" Every male fiend and every female we understand our serious thoughts,
fiend shall the Osiris Nu, the over while they wear the heart with diligent
seer of the house of the overseer of the tillage, yield abundant fruits of increase ?
seal, destroy." — BUDQE, Book of the Dead, And what do we take to be the asses
Ch. CXXXIV. feeding beside them, but the simple emo
Every error and every lower emo tions of the soul, which whilst carefully
tion shall the Self, as the individuality withheld from straying in double ways,
we feed in the free pasture of purity ? —
operating in the lower forms, destroy. Morals on the
" He who knows and has thrown off all GREGORY THE GREAT,
Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 114.
evii, the overseer of the senses, the
pure-minded, firmly grounded in the
Self, and looking away from all earthly PLOUGHING, REAPING.
objects, he is the same." — Mail. Upani-
thad, VI. 1. OX-BORN :—
The individuality perfected by means
A symbol of the atma-buddhic
of the personality, who has overcome
nature of the soul or ego as pro
the attractions of sense and desire, be ceeding from buddhi to incarnation
comes one and the same with the Self. in the lower vehicles of consciousness.
OX FOR DRAUGHT :— A symbol of a ruling spirit of
reverence for truth.
A symbol of reverence for the
" An endeavour is made by the
higher, which eventuates in obedi sor
ence and action. cerers to have the babe trampled to
" death by a herd of oxen ; the leading
Oxen and bullocks correspond, ox, however, stands over the child and
specifically, to the affections of the prevents it from perishing beneath the
natural mind, and sheep and lambs to the feet of the herd." — A. V. W. JACKSON,
affections of the spiritual mind." — Zoroaster, p. 29.
SWEDENBOBQ, The Future Life, p. 35.
The endeavour of the " sorcerers,"
See CATTLE, LAMB, MAN (natural),
signifies the instinctive and blind
trust to habit and authority, which
OX SARSAOK :— is calculated to crush out the
A symbol of the buddhic early effort which the Self (the babe)
plane on
which manifestation first takes place. makes to seek and know for itself.
See BUDDHIC PLANE, BULL, Cow, The highest aspiration, however, which
CREATION. reverences the spirit of truth and
reason, more than mere tradition,
OX, SPLENDID PRIMORDIAL :— is the means of protecting the Self.
A symbol buddhic
" In the reign of Kai Us, a splendid AND ELDERS, SPARROWS (twelve),
Ox is said to foretell the revelation TRADITION, ZOROASTER.
OX-EYED QUEEN HERA:— whole universe there is none but the
A symbol of the intuition aspect Higher Self equal to these other
of buddhi. " Ox-eyed " refers to Selves, for essentially they are all one
the intuition, It is a symbol of on the highest plane.
spontaneous cognition. See AGNISHVATTAS, ARHATS, BODEI-
Symbolic of qualities which are PADDLES, TWO :—
begotten of reverence, patience and Symbols of the love of goodness
submission. and the love of truth, wherewith the
See Ox (draught). soul is propelled onward in its
OXEN'S HEADS ON CHILDREN " ' Tell us our name,' say the Paddles :
OF MEN :— '
Fingers of Horus the first-bom,' is
your name.' — BUDGE, Book
Symbolic of mental qualities of the
directed by the higher will.
Dead, Ch. XCIX.
The two " fingers of Horus " — the
Christ within, — have the same signifi
OXYRYNCHUS, LEPIDOTUS, AND cation as the two paddles.
Symbols of false knowledge,
superstition, and prejudice ; which
are illusions of the lower mind
allied with desire. A symbol of the higher planes in
See GENERATIVE. which are the Divine attributes.
The dragons and ornaments signify
wisdom and the " treasures in
EKA-BUDDHAS :— heaven," — the higher qualities on
the buddhlc plane.
A symbol of the primordial spiri See CHTTBCH, SHRINE, TEMPLE.
tual egos, or Divine monads, who
have not yet descended to incarnate PAHAD (GEBURAH), PUNISH
in the lower worlds. MENT, JUDGMENT, SEVER
" High above these four stages (of ITY ; THE MOON :—
sainthood) stand those perfect ones.
who have of themselves alone become
A symbol of the Personality on
partakers of the Buddhahood ' (Pacceka- the lower mental plane of con
buddha) ; they have won the know sciousness.
ledge that brings deliverance, not as " Qeburah or Pachad is sometimes
disciples of one of the holy, universal used in a good and sometimes in an
Buddhas, but of their own power, yet evil sense ; the world is based thereon
their perfection does not extend so far — in the sense that severity is indis
that they could preach it to the world. pensable — but it could not subsist with
. . . In the whole universe," says out Mercy (Cheted). It is said also to
Buddha, ' there is, except me only, no be the repentance of God, and it seems
one who is equal to the Pacceka- even to connect with Samael. It was
buddhas.' " — H. OLDENBERQ, Buddha, by Qeburah that Jerusalem was des
pp. 321, 322. troyed." — A. E. WATTE, Secret Doctrine
On the highest plane, atraa, are the of Israel, p. 40.
spiritual monads, " Sons of God," who The Personality acts well or ill
in prior universes have become perfect according as it chooses the good or
and are now in unity with the mani evil course. The choice of evil entails
festing Self. Those of them who suffering according to karmic law.
have not already descended to gain The Individuality (Chesed) projects
experience in the lower life have full the Personality into conditions calcu
consciousness on their own plane of lated to correct some of the defects of
atma, but not on any plane below, the Personality. The Divine Love
for they have no lower nature and aids the Personality by giving it im
cannot express (preach) their perfec proved means of expression. The
tions to the lower worlds. But in the Personality when ruled by desire
(Samael) obscured and rendered in PALESTINUS OR PELUSIUS :—
operative the higher nature (Jerusalem) A symbol of the higher intellect
of the soul. enlightened by the intuition and put
See FAIL, GOD REPENTING, HESED, in relation to the personality.
1 { OKHMAH. INDIVIDUALITY, JERUSA- " This relation (story) is again con
I.KM, JUDGMENT DAY, KARMA, PAN- tradicted by suchas tell us that the
true name child was Palestinus,
of the
or Pelusius, and that the city of this
»OTH, SUFFERING, SUN, MOON, name was built by the Goddess (Isie) in
TlPHERETH. memory of him." — PLUTABCH, Itis and
Osiris, § 17.
PAIRIKA KNATHAITI:— This previous statement would
A symbol of the astral principle appear to be at variance with that
which first awakens the soul. which shows us that the true
See CHURNING, FALL, PEARL (pre character of the mind (child) is not
cious), SEPARATION, TANE-MAHUTA. the lower intellect, but the intuition,
whose abode, the causal-body, was
PAIRIKA AS STAR-WORMS :— fashioned by Wisdom, and is indeed
Symbols of fear and ambition permanent.
which are detrimental to the per See CAUSAL-BODY, INTUITION,
ception of truth. MANBROS.
" O Lord of light (Osiris), come thou
and swallow up the worms that are in PALM TREES ; PALMS :—
Amentet." — BUDGE, Book of the Dead, Symbolic of glimpses of higher
p. 48.
things. Intuitions of love and truth.
The Higher Self is entreated to " By palm trees are signified the
annul the fear and ambition which divine truths of the Word, and by
disturbthe soul. Palms in their hands confessions from
See AMENTET, CREEPING THINGS, them. . . . Palms signify divine truths
MOUNTAIN (lower), STAR-WORMS. in ultimates, which is the divine truth
of the literal sense of the Word." —
SWEDENBOBO, Apoc. Rev., n. 367.
A symbol usually of the causal-
body, but occasionally of the astral- PAMYLES :—
body, in accordance with the context. A symbol of the personality.
See DWELLING, HOUSE, KAABA, " A certain person, named Pamyles,
ONOGOROJIMA, STUPA, TEMPLE. as he was fetching water from the
temple of Jupiter at Thebes, heard a
PALACE OF THE DEITY:— voice commanding him to proclaim
A symbol of the plane of atma, aloud that ' The good and great King
the abode of the Self. Osiris was then born.' " — PLUTABCH,
" Thetis at once plunged from splendid Isis and Osiris, § 12.
This signifies that as the soul
Olympus into the profound sea. But
Zeus on the other hand returned to his searches for truth in its inner nature,
palace." — Iliad, Bk. I. the Divine voice from within announces
Nature being submerged in the plane to the lower self that the Lord Christ
of desire, as sense and instinct, the Self is born in the mind to be the soul's
as Truth remained on the plane of atma. ruler and Saviour.
Symbolic of an exalted condition PAN, THE GREAT GOD, SON
of bliss on high planes. OF HERMES :—
See AMARAVATI, KAPILA. A symbol of the subjective astro-
mental life of the sympathetic sys
PALANQUIN OF THE CHILD tem of the natural man, through
BUDDHA :— which the desires and the feelings
A symbol of forthgoing energy of are increased and brought into
the Self in his buddhic vehicle. relation with the objective mind.
" Pan " is the product of mind
(Hermes) brought forth of the astral KURUS, PANDU, SANJAYA, YtroHi-
nature, and therefore progresses by SHTHTRA.
means of desire (goat-legged). He
delights the Divine attributes (Gods) PANDORA :—
because he is the perfect instrument A symbol of the emotion-nature
through which Dionysus (Christ) can which becomes allied with the lower
evolve in the lower nature and be mind (Epimetheus).
the Saviour of the soul. " Pan " " Pandora whom
the Hebrews call
on the astral plane corresponds Eve." — Zosimus, 26, 14.
with " Orpheus " on the buddhic " When
Prometheushad stolen the
plane : they both are agents for the fire from heaven,
Zeus in revenge caused
co-ordinating and harmonising Hephaestus to make a woman out of
earth, who by her charms and beauty
(music) of the lower qualities (flocks should bring misery upon the human
both of wild and tame animals).
" As the god of race. ... In the house of Epimetheus,
everything connected her husband, was- a closed jar, which
with pastoral life, Pan was fond of he had been forbidden to open. When
music, and the inventor of the syrinx Pandora out of curiosity opened the
or shepherd's flute." — Smith'a Class. Diet. lid, all the evils incident to man poured
See ANIMALS, DIONYSUS, FLOCKS, out. She had only time to shut down
GOAT, HERDS, HERMES, JUBAL, MAN the lid, and prevent the escape of
Hope." — Smith's Class. Diet.
(natural), Music, ORPHEUS, PANIC
When the soul or individuality had
possessed itself of the Divine Spark,
PANACEA :— the law of the Supreme required that
See FOOD. from the lower nature (earth) there
should arise the Emotion-nature, which,
PANCALA, KINGDOM OF DRU- after being allied with the lower mind,
PADA:— shall be the means through the
A symbol of the higher mental temptations of desire (jar) of bringing
plane, the domain of the spiritual strife, suffering and evils of all kinds
mind. into the human soul. But Hope, or
See DBAUPADI, DKONA, DHUPADA. the promise of salvation, remains to
PANDAVAS, OR FIVE PANDU encourage the efforts of the soul to
PRINCES, THE SONS OF rise. As in the case of Adam and Eve,
PANDU :— the Higher Self necessarily forbids the
Symbols of five of the higher mind to surrender to the attractions
active attributes of the lower nature ; nevertheless the
of the soul,
namely, — Yudhi-shthira = the Spiri inevitable curiosity for new experi
tual mind. Bhima = the philosophic ence brings about the fall of mind into
Intellect. Arjuna = the Personality the realm of desire and sense, and
with Spark. Nakula -the love of the obscuration of the spiritual vibra
Goodness. Sahadeva --= the love of tions from above.
These enter the field of conflict DRAUPADI, EPIMETHEUS, EVE, FALL,
(the mind) to overcome the desires
Dhritarashtra : Tell me, O Sanjaya,
what the people of my own party and PANDU, KING:—
those of Pandu, who are assembled at
A symbol of the Divine Mind,
Kurukshetra resolved upon war, have
been doing. active at a certain stage.
Sanjaya : King Duryod-
hana, having just beheld the army of "Pandu was born of a pale com
the Pandus drawn up in battle array, plexion."— Mahabharata.
went to his preceptor and spoke these The Divine Mind began to manifest
words : ' Behold ! O Master, the mighty free from the lower qualities.
army of the sons of Pandu drawn up
by thy pupil, the clever son of Dru- See PANDAVAS, WHITE.
" — Bhagavad-Gita, I. 1.
BHIMA, This symbol refers to the function
BHISMA, DHHISTA-DYUMNA, DHRITA- ing of the sympathetic system which
A symbolof an astral centre (wisdom), BOOK STUDIES, CROCODILE,
having itsseat In the solar plexus. DEATH OF osnus, DISMEMBERMENT,
Symbols of the activities of the SHADS, UR-HEKAU, VEDA, WISDOM,
lower mind, that is, desire-mental WORD, WORSHIP.
functionings of the brain-mind .
PANTHER SKIN :— A symbolic narrative of compari
son, to illustrate the laws of the
A symbol signifying the over
inner world by the laws of the outer.
coming of the lower desires.
" The
" I
will open my mouth in a parable :
which is the ceiling of
iron I will utter dark sayings of old." —
heaven openeth itself before Pepi, and Ps. Ixxviii. 2.
he passeth through it with his panther The expression of the inner nature
skin upon him, and his staff and whip
in his hand." — BUDOB, Book of the shall appear in the outer, and under
Dead, Vol. I. p. Ixiii. scriptural narratives there shall be
The higher mind, which is the revealed the hidden wisdom of the
firmament below the buddhic plane, soul.
is receptive of the consciousness of " It is clear, therefore, that if Hebrew
the purified soul which has overcome history is to be read as our Lord and
His Apostles teach us that it ought to
the desires, and actively aspires to be read, it must not be regarded (as
that which is above. too many regard it) merely as a literal
See CEILING or SKY, DEFUNCT, recital of facts, but as also a typical
FiUMAMKNT, IRON PLATE, BEN. representation of spiritual truths. Hebrew
History, as written by the Holy Spirit
PAPYRUS BOAT OF ISIS :— in the Old Testament, is a divine
Parable." — WORDSWORTH, Bible, Psalms,
A symbol of the sacred scriptures, p. 122.
which serve as a vehicle of Divine " It is almost singular that the identi
Wisdom (Isis). fication of the Laws of the Spiritual
" Isis once more sets out in search of World with the Laws of Nature should
the scattered fragments of her husband's so long have escaped recognition. For
body, making use of a boat made of apart from the probability on ;< priori
the reed Papyrus in order the more grounds, it is involved in the whole
easily to pass through the lower and structure of Parable. When any two
fenny parts of the country." — PLUTARCH, phenomena in the two spheres are seen
Isis and Osiris, § 18.
to be analogous, the parallelism must
Then Wisdom, as it were, descends depend upon the fact that the Laws
governing them are not analogous but
and endeavours to harmonise and identical." — H. DRUMMOND, Natural Law,
discipline the qualities which are etc., p. 62.
Unto you is given to know the
commencing to evolve. When once
the Divine voice has been identified mystery of the Kingdom of God ; but
unto them that are without, all these
in the mind with the dramatic modes things are done in parables." — MARK iv.
of expression in sacred writings, and 11.
" In other words, all material things
the Scriptures are deemed binding,
are symbols, sacraments, of eternal and
help is to be derived therefrom by
spiritual facts, and what needs to be
the impressionable emotion-nature done with human beings is to awaken
(fens), which catches in this means of them to an immediate knowledge of
declaration of Truth a hint of the those facts. . . . The visible world was
so real to the people that the invisible
message and meaning which is there
could not make much appeal ; they
to be interpreted by the earnest could not see in the one a parable of
and devout soul. * the other, a material representation of a
" The papyrus is frequently mentioned spiritual reality, a mystery which could
in the colophons of Assur-banipal's not be fully revealed to mortal Seah,
tablets under the name of gis-li-khu-si, but which could be immediately known
or ' grass of guidance.' Another ideo nevertheless. . . . The most real thing
graphic name was gix-zu, ' vegetable of in our experience is just that which
knowledge.' " — SAYCB, Rel. of Anc. cannot be rationalised ; it is felt and
Babyl., pp. 9, 10. known but not explained ; it is a
mystery. When we are most aware of faction which God i s. When they meet
it ig when we are at our best, when in our heart God may be said to tak*
thoughts and feelings are most elevated, up His abode within us." — B. JOWETT,
when desire and will are both thrown Serm., The Subjection of the Son.
on the side of what we perceive to See ABSOLUTE, ATMA, BLASPHEMY,
be highest and holiest ; it is then
that the supernatural breaks through
and lays hold of us." — R. J. CAMPBELL, HAITI OF HEAD, HEART, HOLY GHOST,
Serra., The Mystery of the Heavenly SHKKINAH, WISDOM.
A symbol of a state of blissful
consciousness on either the higher
mental plane or the buddhic plane,
VIRGINS (ten), WEDDING. in which the soul is suffused in
Wisdom, Truth, and Love, and
PARACLETE, COMFORTER, OR entirely free from the lower nature.
INTERCESSOR :— " Paradise, symbolically taken, means
A symbol of Wisdom, the buddhic wisdom, intelligence, both divine and
function, allied with the highest human, and the proper comprehension
principle (atma-buddhl). of the causes of things." — PHILO, Workt.
" And I will pray the Father, and he Yonge, Vol. IV. p. 286.
shall give you another Comforter, that "In a straight line below the Arab
he may be with you for ever, even the
and Kursi, and of the light of the
former, God created the eight Paradises.
Spirit of truth ; whom the world cannot
These are arranged one within the other,
receive ; for it beholdeth him not,
neither knoweth him : ye know him ; in as many ascending stages, the inner
for he abideth with you, and shall be in most and highest of all being the ' Garden
of Eden,' which overlooks all the others
you." — JOHN xiv. 16, 17.
"The Spirit, the Paraclete, she shall like a citadel on a lofty eminence in
the midst of a walled city. . . . The
teach you everything." — JOHN xiv. 26
(OldSyriac Version). wonderful tree called the Tuba or
Beatitude,' the roots of which are in
To the aspiring Christ -soul there the region of the Lote-tree above the
will come the response from the highest Paradise, sends its branches
Absolute in the bestowal of the intui down to all the eight Gardens, a shoot
tion of Truth through the buddhic entering the abode of every inhabitant."
— GIBB, Hiit. of Ottoman Poetry, Vol. I.
function, which the unpurified lower
pp. 36-7.
nature cannot receive, it being unap- "
To him that overcometh, to h™
parent and unknown. But to the will I give to eat of the tree of life,
disciplined qualities the holy Spirit is which is in the Paradise (or Garden) of
God." — REV. ii. 7.
perceptible, and has become the inner
Below the planes of atma (Arsh)
guide and teacher, abiding always in
and buddhi (Kursi), there is the mental
the soul.
Christ knew what was most expedient plane divisible into seven sub-planes,
for the disciples, because that inward on each of which the ego may experi
sight, wherewith the Holy Spirit was ence a subjective state of consciousness,
yet to comfort them, was undoubtedly while withdrawn from incarnation.
superior ; not by bringing a human
On the three higher of these sub-
body into the bodies of those who saw,
but by infusing Himself into the hearts planes is the blissful state of devachan.
of those who believed." — ADOUSTINE, On the lower sub-planes of the buddhic
Gospel of John, Vol. II. p. 357. plane is the "Kingdom of heaven,"
" Holiness comes from the
operation the " Garden of Eden," or the " eighth
and indwelling in our spirits of a Divine
Spirit, which draws away our love from Paradise." The "tree of Life," or
self to fix it on Him, which changes our "Tuba tree," which has its roots
blindness into light, and makes us by above, in atma, and its branches
degrees like itself, holy, harmless, unde-
below, is the Ray of the Divine Life,
filed, separate from sinners.' The Spirit
of the Lord is the energy which pro the Spirit or Spark which is in the
duces all righteousness and purity in higher nature of every human soul.
human spirits." — A. MAOLABEN, Sermons, The ego which overcometh the lower
2nd Series, p. 119.
nature shall rise to the buddhic plane
"These three — justice, love, truth —
are the three great attributes of the and be given the fruit of the tree of
divine nature, aspects of the one per- Life, — the spiritual endowments which
accrue from successful efforts in the PASSAGES, OR VALLEYS,
life below. THROUGH THE MOUN
DEVACHAN, EDEN, FBUIT, GARDEN A symbol of the establishment
(Eden), GARDEN (flowers), GARODMAN, of tracts on the mental plane, in
HEAVEN, HOUHIES, KINGDOM OF relation to the astral mechanism.
PARADISE (LOWER) :— A symbol of the agony of the yet
Imperfect soul as it approaches
A pleasurable state of illusion on perfection.
the astro-mental plane. " My soul is
" Verily, is the door of the
the moon
exceeding sorrowful, even
unto death : abide ye here, and watch
Svarga- world." — Kaush. Upanishad, I. 2. with me. And he went forward a
Truly the moou is the symbol of little, and fell on his face, and prayed,
the astral paradise created by desire saying, O my Father, if it be possible,
as an illusion of the mind. let this cup pass away from me : never
theless, not as I will, but as thou wilt."
— MAT. xxvi. 38, 39.
SLEEPING, SVAHGA. As the Spirit is raised in the aspiring
soul, so in proportion the personality
(Jesus) becomes depressed, and the
A symbol of lower conditions suffering makes it appear that it
which give birth to higher. cannot do the things that it would.
" For the children ought not to lay
It is filled with a sense of powerless-
up for the parents, but the parents for ness, of futility, of sore trial. The
the children." — 2 COB. xii. 14.
This refers to the laying up of Christ -soul could not do then, — in his
" treasure in heaven," which must be present condition, — that which he
for the " children," or the more foresaw would be done by the Higher
Self which strengthened him. Yet he
highly developed qualities that are to
follow. By the law of evolution, progressed, and losing sight of the
lower, he yearned after union with
lower states of mind and emotion give
rise in course of time to higher states, the Higher. In the soul there was
which leave the lower states to die the alternation between the human
out. and the spiritual in the struggle for
See CHILD, CHILDREN OF MEN, perfection. As the personality grew
DEAD (burying), EVOLUTION FATHER weaker, the individuality increased in
(lower), PEACE AND SWORD, TREASURE strength, and the mental depression
and suffering became temporarily the
greater in the lower consciousness.
" With all sound
theologians, and with
PARGANYA :— all the doctors, Ideny the possibility of
A symbol of the Divine Life of the the Divine nature suffering. The God
universe and of the soul on the head cannot be tempted, and how
buddhic plane. should the Godhead suffer T The human
" nature of Christ alone suffered ; and
The winds blow, the lightnings fly, that is not infinite, but finite." — K,
plants spring up, the sky pours. Food IBVINO, Col. Writing*, Vol. V. p. 147.
is produced for the whole world, when " Even Jesus was not perfect, as the
Parganya blesses the earth with his Gospels themselves witness. For one
seed." — Rig-Veda, V. 83, 4. who could pray, ' Not my witt, but Thine
" He rules as God over the whole '
be done ! was plainly not yet in entire
world ; all creatures rest in him ; he is union with God. And so it needs must
the life (atma) of all that moves and be, for when that perfect union is accom
rests."— Ibid., VII. 101, 6. plished, there remains no passion, no
Atma ensouls buddhi and the proto cross, no burial, to be endured. All
types. re-births are ended, and the spirit is for
See CLOUDS, CREATURES, EARTH, ever freed from matter. There could
not, therefore, by the very nature of
FOOD, LIGHTNING, PLANTS, SEED, things, be any perfect man upon the
SOMA. earth-plane ; because, so soon as perfec
tion is attained, this plane ia necessarily EXODUS, FEET, HOUSE OF BOND
incapable of retaining the purified spirit. AGE, INVOLUTION, ISRAELITES, LAMB,
— The Perfect Way, p. 345.
A symbol of the activities of the
TRIAL OF JESUS, VINEGAR. desire-mind, and the disciplining of
the lower emotions.
PASSOVER, JEWISH :— " Fuh-he recommended pastoral em
A symbol of the process of redemp ployments for the people, and the rearing
tion wherein partly disciplined of domesticated animals." — Chinese
qualities (Israelites), by partaking Mythology, KIDD, China.
of the Divine nature (lamb), are This is a reference to the dawn of
nourished by the Divine Life as the intelligence, and the cultivation
they triumph over the things of of the lower faculties in such a way
darkness, and pass over from a that they might become of use to
lower stage (Egypt) to a higher the soul.
stage (Canaan). See ANIMALS, FUH-HE, JABAL, PAW.
" For our passover also hath been
sacrificed, even Christ." — 1 Con. v. 7. PASTURES OF THE LORD :—
Through the sacrifice of the Higher A symbol of the buddblc func
Self in involution, the Divine Life is tioning producing the transmuted
outpoured in evolution. emotions, the virtues (sheep), and
" For Israel in Egypt (the house of
the love of goodness and truth.
bondage), for the Christian in the world, PRISONERS,
•SVc DOOR (higher),
the one great truth is the Passover,
redemption through the blood of the SHEEP.
Lamb, salvation, not for our righteous
ness' sake, but because the blood is on PATERAGTARASPO'S VILLAGE :—
the door-post. . . . And what is this A symbol of the astral form-
passover but redemption t The elect side of the soul.
family, with shoes on their feet, and
their loins girt ready for flight from See POURUSHASPO.
Egypt, are standing by night (Ron. xiii.
12) within the house whose door-posts
are sprinkled with blood, while the A symbol of the way of the Self
destroying angel is abroad." — A. JUKES, upward in the mind (air). The
The Law of the Offerings, p. 23. way of love and aspiration.
" The water and blood which flowed The
from the side of Jesus as the true
growth to perfection.
Paschal lamb is the symbol of the spiri "
The way of love, which may at
tual life which through the death of times become the way of self-sacrifice,
Jesus is communicated in all its fullness is the soul's homeward road, the way
to mankind." — F. C. BAUR, Church that leads to the eternal." — R. J.
History, Vol. I. p. 159. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Soul's Exile.
" What God is aiming at is the pro " The growth in perfection or towards
duction of a humanity which shall be perfectness is the deepest law of man's
the perfect expression of Christ. Through being. It is not man's work as com
Christ from the very first he has been pared with God's work, for it is the
working out this divine idea, but not on most divine thing in the world, and
this plane only ; every man of faith who the divine impulse which God has im
has ever lived has but passed on to planted in man brings it into existence.
another department of the service of But it is man's work, both in the sense
the Lord when he has finished with the that nothing else but man is capable of
body. It is all one work ; we are in this, and also in the sense that nothing
the lowest department of it now, and of it is given to man, for by its very
we know not what is being done in the nature it cannot be given. . . . Men
higher, but the higher knows what is cannot be made happy, or bleesed,
being done in ours, and how we are except through the process of their
doing it." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., own self-unfolding and self-endeavour."
Solidarity in Christ. — R. A. DUFF, Spinoza's Philosophy,
signifies an inner state
See SUFFERING. of the soul, or the religious con
PATH, TWOFOLD :— See each Patriarch, ANCESTORS,
A symbol of the path of Love and ABITS, ARK, CHURCH, YEARS.
Action, the dual path to perfection
which the spiritual monads enter PATROCLUS :—
upon •when they descend to the A symbol of the reasoning mind
planes of the manifest. which is strongly attached to the
" The of Spirit and its personality (Achilles).
knowledge correspond to the grades of See ACHILLES.
existence. The lower strives wistfully
to reach the higher, and the higher lifts PAURVAS, THE GOOD MAZDA-
the lower up to its own level. The YASNIAN RELIGION:—
Spirit which stands above us, and which A symbol of the Love and Truth
has lent to all earthly things their
Forms, seeks to bring these scattered latent within the soul.
Forms together that they may become See LAW OF ZOROASTER, RELIGION.
one in Love. — T. 3. DE BOER, Phil, in
Islam, p. 120. PAVILION :—
" '
I shall be satisfied, when I awake, A symbol of a vehicle of conscious
with Thy likeness' (Ps. xvii. 15). We ness, or sheath of the soul.
have here the blessed confidence that
when all the baseless fabric of the dream
of life has faded from our opening eyes, PEACE, OR REST
we shall see the face of the ever-loving :—
God. Here the distracting whirl of A symbol of blissful union of the
earthly things obscures Him from even higher and lower Selves. This Im
the devoutest souls. . . . No longer plies liberation from the strife of
befooled by shadows, we shall possess
lower plane activities, and the estab
the true substance ; no longer bedazzled
by shows, we shall behold the reality. lishment of equilibrium in the soul.
And seeing God we shall be satisfied." — " The
sage who has attained a certain
A. MACLAMN, Sermons, 2nd Series, p. 16. height will find peace in all things that
See APARAGITA, BRAHMA, GODHEAD, happen ; and the event which saddens
WAY OF DELIVERANCE, WORKS him, as other men, tarries but an instant
ere it goes to strengthen his deep per
(wisdom). ception of life." — MAETERLINCK, Wisdom
and Destiny, § 93.
PATRIARCHS OF GENESIS :— " Peace is the entire harmony between
Symbols of the successive stages the nature of anything and its circum
stances. That is what every healthy
of growth in the evolution of the
aspiration after peace is really seeking
consciousness, within which stages for. . . . Peace will become a deeper
the several powers and virtues are and deeper thing to men as they become
developed and realised, by means aware more and more of what their
of which the ego is gradually built surroundings are, as they open their
up, until finally the " Noah," — or eyes to more and more intimate and
Self to be ensbeathed hi the causal - sacred things with which they have to
body (ark), — is arrived at. The lives do." — PHIUJPS BROOKS, Serm., Peace in
of the patriarchs signify the periods, "The Divine Persons, who form one
and their names serve to connect sole God, are in the fecundity of their
the successive effects with their nature ever active : and in the simplicity
antecedent spiritual causes. of their essence they form the Godhead
This fifth chapter of Genesis treateth and eternal blessedness. Thus God
in particular concerning the propagation according to the Persons is Eternal
of the Most Ancient Church, through Work : but according to the essence
successive generations, even almost to and Its perpetual stillness, He is Eternal
the flood. The Most Ancient Church, Rest. Now love and fruition live between
which was celestial, is what is called this activity and this rest. Love would
Man and a likeness of God. A second work without ceasing : for its nature is
Church which was not so celestial as eternal work with God. Fruition is
the former is called Seth.' A third, ever at rest, for it dwells higher than
Enos.' A fourth, ' Canaan.' A fifth, the will and the longing for the well-
Mahaleel.' A sixth, *
Jared.' A beloved, in the well-beloved." — RUYS-
seventh, ' Enoch.' An eighth, ' Methu- BROKCK, De Septem, etc., Ch. XIV.
saleh,' etc." — SWBDENBOKQ, Arc. Cel. " ' Delight thyselfalso in the Lord,
to Gen. V. and He shall give thee the desires of
thine heart (Ps. xxxvii. 4). These and leadsto the Cross before it finds
eager desires, transfer them to Him ; the Resurrection." — STOPFORD A.
on Him let the affections fix and fasten ; BROOKE, Serm., Lord, Increase our
make Him the end of your longings, the Faith.
food of your spirits. And this glad
" In this world we cannot yet have
longing for God is the cure for all the peace without previous war in matters
feverish unrest of desires unfulfilled, as pertaining to truth. Every truth, or
well as for the ague fear of loss and form of truth, calls up its opponent
sorrow. Quietness fills the soul which falsehood ; every good insisted on evokes
delights in the Lord, and its hunger is its own special adversary, and war is
as blessed and as peaceful as its satis inevitable. I
came not, said Christ, to
faction." — A. MACLAREN, Sermons, 2nd send peace on earth, but a sword." —
Seriet, p. 249. Ibid., Serm., <;•••]it Spirit.
PEACE AND A SWORD :— Symbols of the fruit of the Spirit,
Symbols of passive and active — Truth, Love, and Wisdom.
conditions. " On reaching the foot of the ' Even
" Think not that I came to send peace Pass of Yomi,' Izanagi gathered three
on the earth : I
came not to send peace, peaches that were growing there, and
but a sword. I
For came to set a man smote his pursuers (the Ugly Females)
at variance against hia father, and the with them, so that they all fled back.
daughter against her mother, and the Moreover, he said to the peaches, ' As ye
daughter in law against her mother in have helped me, so must ye help all
law : and a man's foes shall be they of living people in the Central Land of
his own household." — MAT. x. 34-6. Reed plains when they are in trouble." —
" Peace " is the stilling, the quiet The Kojiki.
ing, the calm, negative condition. The consciousness rising to the
The " sword " is the outgoing or higher mental plane perceives the
positive side of the nature, which Truth, Love, and Wisdom, to be
must needs be exercised ere the other found there. These are effectual in
is possible to a soul's attaining. The withstanding the lower emotions (Ugly
Christ-soul is speaking on the active Females), and are made accessible in
side of life's endeavour, from which the soul, so that the striving mental
point of view such apparently painful qualities (the people), having in them
results are entailed through His opera the germ of Divine life, may be
tions. The progressed mental quality nourished by them. The " Land of
" father," the " is the astro-mentality.
becomes opposed to its Reed-plains
less progressed ; the raised emotion See BIRTH OF HORUS, FRUIT or
is averse to the lower emotion, its THE SPIRIT, GARDEN OF REEDS,
" mother." The foes of the soul are IZANAOI, MARSH, REED -PLAIN, SEKHET-
to be found in its desires which AARU, YOMI.
encompass it round. PEARL OF GREAT PRICE :—
And indeed He came not to bring
peace on the earth, that is, to corporeal A symbol of the Higher Self.
and sensible things, but a sword, and to " The kingdom of heaven is like unto
cut through, if I
may so say so, the a man that is a merchant seeking goodly
disastrous friendship of soul and body, pearls : and having found one pearl of
so that the eoul, committing herself to great price, he went and sold all that he
the spirit which was against the flesh, had, and bought it." — MAT. xiii. 45, 46.
may enter into friendship with God." — The " man " is the mind or the
ORIOEN, Comm. on John, 6k. I. § 36.
" The only way in this world to get ego. The pearl is the Higher Self.
peace is to make it out of pain. And, The possessions with which the ego
after all, did you come into this world parted are the sense-nature and the
to find happiness ; was it for your own
things of the lower planes, in exchange
sake alone that you were created into
the midst of this vast humanity ? What for which he may inherit all things ;
are you that you should pay so much — the real in substitute for the
attention to yourself and lose in that apparent and illusory. The ego sur
attention the thought of others ? You renders the lower in order to secure
are not here to find happiness directly,
aa the first thing. You are here to the higher.
discover truth, and the way is dark, See KINGDOM, MAX, PARABLE,
PEARL, PRECIOUS :— (swine), lest they, fleeing from the
virtues, cause the soul to live a swinish
A symbol of experiencewith its and a vicious life." — METHODIUS, On
outcome, the gnosls or knowledge Things Created.
of the soul -process. The gnosls is See CHURNING, EGYPT, EXPERIENCE,
ultimately found first through the FAIL, GNOSIS, GOLDEN FLEECE, INTUI
awakenment of the ego by the cla
mour of his kama-manaslc nature,
for it is through this desire side of ROBE, SEA, SEALED LETTER, SERPENT
his nature that he first begins to (loud-breathing), SONS OF GOD, SWINE,
function as a truly human entity, TOGA.
and it is from this mentality, there
fore, that the germ of experience, PEARLS :—
which from this viewpoint is another A symbol of higher truths and
expression for the " pearl," is col emotions.
lected and transferred to the higher
plane of the being's consciousness. PEASANT, OR CULTIVATOR OF
It must be remembered that all THE GROUND :—
experience is only the reflection, A symbol of the Higher Self, as
piecemeal, upon the lower plane of the Divine Husbandman, Tiller, and
that complete gnosls which is above ; Sower of the lower nature. He is
— the ideal actualising, as it were. the " Knower of the Field," — the
" If thou goest down into Egypt, and Kshetrajna.
bringest the one pearl, which is in the See AGRICULTURE, CULTIVATION,
midst of the sea, hard by the loud- HUSBANDMAN, JASON, KNOWER OF
breathing serpent, then shalt thou put
on thy bright robe and thy toga, which
is laid over it, and with thy Brother, PELASGIANS :—
our next in rank, thou shalt be heir in
our kingdom." — Hymn of the Soul A symbol of the lower instincts,
(Gnostic). Acts of Judas Thomas. or lower qualities of the soul ; — the
The Divine Parents enjoin, — " If powers of darkness.
thou, our son, journeyest deep down See ARGOS, MEAOU TRIBES, SHAVING.
into the domain of illusion, and PELEAS, KING OF IOLCUS :—
carryest forth from thence the
of experience giving control A symbol of the lower self, ruler
of the lower realms and bringing of the lower mind.
knowledge, — the gnosis, —
which ' pearl ' is in the astral keep
ing, betwixt the lower emotions and PELEIDES,— (DERIVED FROM
the desires of the flesh, hard by the PELEUS) :—
passions and animal senses, wherein A symbol of the personality
experience and power to control is (Achilles).
gained ; then shalt thou arise and See ACHILLES.
assume for thyself thy higher vehicles
causal and buddhic, and with our PELEUS, FATHER OF
brother, thy Causal Self, thou shalt ACHILLES :—
inherit the heavens." A symbol of the Higher Self, who
" And these twelve gates
(of the holy emanates the lower self or person
city) are described as being each of a ality.
single pearl, because, like pearls, the See AGAMEMNON, SHIPS OF GREEKS.
excellences denoted by them are attain
able only through skill and courage, PEN AND TABLET :—
and devotion even to the death, and
require of those who would attain them Symbols of the Holy Spirit (atma-
the divestment of every earthly encum buddhi) and the causal-body. The
brance."— The Perfect Way writing signifies the Divinely inspired
" Cast not your pearls before awine "
" We must take the pearls Scriptures which teach of the evolu
(MAT. vii. 6). tion of the soul until the end of the
to mean virtues with which the soul is
adorned as with precious pearls ; and
not to cast them before swine, as mean
" Reeds love rivers, as the fading and
ing that we are not to cast these virtues, transitory things, of the world delight us.
such as chastity, temperance, righteous If, however, anyone shall pluck up this
ness, and truth, to impure pleasures reed from the earth, and strip off its
useless parts spoiling the old man with of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but
his deeds,' — and guide it by the hand of weep for yourselves and for your
a scribe writing quickly, it begins to be children." — LUKE xxiii. 27, 28.
no more a reed, but a pen, which impresses The " company of people and
the precepts of the heavenly Scriptures
" signify the lower nature,
on the hidden places of the mind, and
writes them on the tables of the heart" which clings to the letter of the
(St. Ambrose). — C. A. LAPIDE, The Great scriptures and sees not the glorifica
Comm., Vol. II. p. 64. tion of the Spirit, which shall be
See AMBAYAVIS, CAUSAL-BODY, accomplished in the soul by breaking
GOSPEL, INSPIRATION, KORAN, PAPY away from such limitations and impedi
RUS, REVELATION, SACRED TEXT, ments to Truth. The Christ-soul says,
SASTRA, SCRIPTURES, SIUNTAI, UFANI- — what the Higher nature can always
say to the lower, — that the lower
PEN OF IRON:— qualities must become dissatisfied with
their own state of captivity to custom
A symbol of the soul's expression and authority, for the lower mind
upon the higher mental plane.
without its Head, or indwelling test of
truth, is indeed in a sorry plight.
A symbol of aspiration which MULTITUDES, NATIONS, PENANCX,
implies discontent with a lower QUALITIES, SCRIPTURES, WOMAN.
condition to which the spirit is for
" But those in whom dwell penance, NATION :—
abstinence, and truth, to them belongs These symbolise the lower mental
that pure Brahma-world, to them, qualities, the raw material, or ele
namely, in whom there is nothing mental essence of astro-mentality,
crooked, nothing false, and no guile." — divided hi the case of the Jews
Prasna Upanishad, Ques. I. 16, 16. into twelve tribes, out of which the
Those qualities or souls which aspire more developed qualities are chosen,
while withdrawing from the lower as the twelve disciples which are
attractions, and which pursue the centralised by the Christ-soul, who
truth, to them is assigned conscious instructs and disciplines them.
ness on the buddhic plane, free from See COUNTRIES, DISCIPLES, EGYP
the errors, illusions, and evils of the TIANS, GREEKS, ISRAELITES, JEWS,
PEOPLE, SCEPTICISM. A symbol of the stage of the soul's
PENANCES :— evolution when victory over the
lower nature is possible.
A symbol of the sufferings and
travail which the ego undergoes in
its passage through the lower life PERFUMES :—
In order to attain to perfect bliss, Symbolic of faith and trust hi
and to pass beyond the planes of the Highest. These are effects upon
manifestation. the higher planes which become
See NIRVANA, PASSION, SORROW, the causes, in turn, of mental
SUFFERING. evolution .
S*e DRAUPADI, ODOUR (sweet),
SCENT (sweet), SWEET SMELL OF isis.
A symbol of the lower mental
and emotional qualities ; the natural PERMANENT ATOMS:—
undeveloped instincts and activities See ATOMS.
which are to be disciplined and
used as a means to the end of the
manifestation of the Self.
" And there followed him a great A symbol of will in the higher
and lower.
multitude of the people, and of women " Horus straightway hurled his
who bewailed and lamented him. But lance
Jesus turning unto them said, Daughters at Set, and threw him down upon the
ground near the city which afterwards — Persephone — is the true daughter of
was called Per-Rerehu." — BUDGE, Legend Zeus, the very substance of God. Her
of the Winged Sun-disk. descent is not accident, blunder, or
The Christ now directs his attention fault, for it occurs with the cognition
• to the complete mastery of the rela and express will of Zeus." — ANNA KINGS-
FORD, Life, Vol. II. p. 208.
tive, and obtains this in the centre of
its being, which is known as will of MEDA, BUDDHI, CHARIOT, COMB, CUPID,
the individuality and personality. DEMETER, GUARDIAN SPIRITS, HADES,
A symbol of the emotion-nature DANAE :—
brought forth of Wisdom on the A symbol of the indwelling Self,
buddhic plane. begotten of the Spirit and born of
" Persephone was in a mead with the the purified emotion-nature.
Ocean Nymphs gathering flowers, when " Aratus asserts that Cepheus is Adam,
she beheld a narcissus of surprising size Cassiopea Eve, Andromeda the soul of
and beauty. Unconscious of danger the both of these, Perseus the Logos, winged
maiden stretched forth her hand to offspring of Jove, and Cetos the plotting
seize the wondrous flower, when suddenly monster. Not to any of these, but to
the wide earth gaped, and Aidoneus Andromeda only does he repair, who
(Hades) in his golden chariot rose, and slays the Beast ; from whom, likewise
catching the terrified goddess, placed taking unto himself Andromeda, who
her in it." — KEIGHTLEY, Mythology. had been delivered (when) chained to
The emotion-nature on the buddhic the Beast, the Logos — that is Perseus —
plane (mead), with the higher qualities achieves, he says, her liberation." —
HiPPOLYTtrs, Refutation, etc., Bk. IV. 49.
(nymphs), becomes aware of the " The Perseus of the myth is the true
attractions (narcissus) of the outer Humanity (' Son of God ') — earth-born
life of sensation, and longs for experi indeed, but heaven-begotten — which,
ence. A descent, therefore, to the endowed by Wisdom (Athena) and Under
standing (Hermes) with the wings of
lower planes takes place, and in the
Courage, the shield of Intuition, and the
astro-mental body (chariot) the emo sword of Science, is gone forth to smite
tion-nature becomes allied with the and destroy the corrupt Church (Medusa)
desire-mind (Aidoneus), while the and to deliver the world from its blight
ing influence. But it is not enough that
higher nature becomes obscured in the the Gorgon be slain. A task yet greater
soul (i.e. Demeter loses sight of her and more glorious awaits achievement.
daughter). Then begins the pursuit Andromeda, the Soul, the better part of
of the lower by the higher. Man is on the point of being devoured
" The Soul indeed descends ; but both outright by the baleful dragon of Nega
the words
and ' descends
are, tion, the agent of the lower nature. . . .
in this connection, used figuratively. The Deliverer of the Soul must be bent,
not on destruction merely, but on salva
For our language requires
speak of
that we should
when we infer a tion likewise ;... It is not enough that
from Being into Existence ; he carry to Olympus the dead Medusa's
although, of course, transference from one head ; he must bear thither also a
locality to another is not intended, but living Bride. His mission is not only
only change of condition. And the to satisfy the Mind but to content the
that so descends is the Soul of Heart." — The Perfect Way, p. Ixv.
the world — Persephone — not a number of See ADAM (lower), ADONIS, ANDRO
individual souls. For the evolution and MEDA, ATHENA, BEAST, DRAGON, EVE,
elaboration of individual souls is accom HERMES, MEDUSA, SALVATION, WHALES.
plished by means of development in
material conditions ; therefore soul is PERSON :—
already individualised before assuming '
those conditions. That which descends A fleeting outer appearance of an
into generative states is the Monad, or inner mental condition which is
divine substance vivified by 'the divine' changing and temporary as qualities
life. ... I affirm that the soul descends develop in the soul.
by free-will, for God is immanent in the
very substance of the worlds. Wherefore PERSONALITY :—
this descent, or putting forth of sub
jective Deity into objective conditions, is A temporary aggregation of a
obviously an act of free-will. The Monad limited number of soul-qualities
about a centre of consciousness Adapa became the father of mankind." —
during a life -period on the lower SAYCE, Religions, etc., p. 384.
planes. Consciousness itself is The Highest now offers the Love
spiritual and eternal, and is an and Truth of the Spirit to descend
attribute of the Divine monad or upon the personality. The lower Self,
Ego in the personality ; but the however, refuses the offer, since the
states of consciousness in the lower power of choice is accomplished upon
nature are phases of experience, — the lower mental plane. Man so con
states which pass away, having no
tinued mortal, nor was it possible for
abiding reality. The personality has
man as lower mind ever to become
to be regarded as a limited mani
festation of the immortal indivi more. But in return for that, evolu
duality which periodically out- tion upon the lower plane was con
breathes it and again inbreathes it. summated, and thereby man remained
Its seat is In the lower mind, where a distinct species until he was to be
it is an observer of a series of raised through the coming within of
evanescent feelings and appearances the Super-man, i.e. Christ, who being
on the mental plane. above man, and knowing what is in
" Because this I, this my
personality, man, is able to draw man unto
like everything else in the world, is
conditioned, has arisen from a cause, Himself.
and thus is wholly transient, — therefore Do thou, son of Atreus, repress thine
it cannot truly be my I, to which latter anger ; for it is I
(Nestor) that entreat
alone can be ascribed the demand for thee to forego thy resentment on behalf
' of Achilles, who is the great bulwark of
a soul.' an eternal principle. Hence this
I is only' an apparent I ; "as the Buddha destructive war to all the Achaeans." —
says, — It is not mine.' — P. DAKLKE, Iliad., Bk. I.
Buddhitt Essays, p. 23. The desire-mind is to be repressed
" The Sacrificer now establishes that
in its exercise of harshness and
immortal element (Agni) in his (the
violence, since Faith-hope (Nestor),
Sacrificer's) innermost soul, and, — though
there is for him no hope of im coming forth through the personality
mortality, — he obtains the full measure (Achilles), requires it to restrain its
of life ; for indeed he becomes uncon lower emotions. The personality is
querable, and his enemy, though striving
to conquer, him not." — Sata. the surviving principle throughout the
Br&h., XI. 2, 2, 14. struggle of life, and is that wherein
The personality becomes endowed all the mental qualities are collected
•with the Divine Spark, the spiritual as they evolve life after life.
" Then Thetis
Ego (Solar pitri), in its innermost weeping made answer to
Achilles : ' Ah me, my child, why reared
being. The personality (Lunar pitri) I thee, cursed in my motherhood ?
is mortal, and regarded as attached Would thou hadst been left tearless and
to the permanent atoms, it reappears grioness amid the ships, seeing thy lot
life after life, conquering all evil ten is very brief and endureth no long
while ; but now art thou made short
dencies until it arrives at perfection, lived alike and lamentable beyond all
when it dies out of the lower men ; in an evil hour I
bare thee in
nature to be reproduced in the higher, our halls.' " — Ibid.
the which is symbolised in the Then Nature (Thetis) appears to
death, resurrection, and ascension of question why she has been called
Jesus. upon to rear the lower -mind or
" What we now understand by per Personality (Achilles), since the evolu
sonality is not final, not eternal. Per tion of the higher mind has made it
sonality as we know it now is a prison
house ; it shuts us in and down from
impossible for it to proceed any
experiencing our proper selfhood. We longer along the path (i.e. that of
never do more than glimpse the truth of nature) which it has hitherto chosen.
what we are." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Nature would prefer to have the
The Lifting up of Christ.
" Anu ordered the food and water of lower mind remain without knowledge
life to be offered him. Adapa, however, of good and evil, especially as it has
remembered the commands of Ea, and an existence of only brief duration.
refused the food of immortality. Man But now the Personality is perceived
remained mortal, and it was never
to be short-lived and limited in ita
again in his power to eat of the tree of
life. But in return, sovereignty and range and scope. It is therefore
dominion were bestowed upon him, and regretted that it should have been
brought forth ; for Nature cannot unbalanced conditions upon the
understand the spiritual object of lower planes whereby the lower
existence. qualities are afflicted and destroyed.
" We must add to the ordinary theolo " Therefore hath the Far-darter (Apollo)
gical conception the assertion that the brought woes upon us, yea, and will
fate of no one is decided in this world, bring. Nor will he ever remove the
that our short space of thirty or sixty loathly pestilence from the Danaans till
years is but a moment in the long educa we have given the bright-eyed damsel
tion which God is giving to every soul ; (Chryseis) to her father, unbought,
and that the end of that education is unransomed, and carried a holy heca
inevitable good, never inevitable evil. tomb to Chryse ; then might we pro
So that the Fatherhood never ceases to pitiate him to our prayer." — Iliad, Bk. I.
be loving Fatherhood, and the redeeming Hence the Higher Self is the means
power never ceases till its work is done
of disquieting the lower self. Nor
in restoring all men to the bosom of
God." —STOPFOHD A. BBOOKE, Serm., will the erroneous theories of the
Victims of Fate. lower mind be got rid of until the
" A. man is a bundle of passions which intuition of Truth (Chryseis) is
severally use his reason to get gratifica recovered by the inner memory, and
tion, and the result in all times and
places depends on what passions are voluntary effort is made on the part
dominant." — H. SPENCER, Autobiography, of the lower self to raise the con
p. 450.
" A rational soul is born in the midst sciousness to the spiritual under
standing (Chryse), in which case the
of the astral body. This rational soul ia
the person ; itself dual, in virtue of reconciliation between the Higher will
its earthly and its divine parts. And and the lower mind will have been
from that moment this personality is effected.
an individual existence." — The Perfect " God is hunting you through every
Way, p. 91. false experience in which your soul
One of the most persistent assump seeks rest, tracking you down through
tions of the ordinary mind of to-day is sorrow after sorrow, driving you forth
that of the fundamental character of from everything unreal, that in the end
personality. Personality is not funda he may grasp and hold you eternally,
mental ; it is derivative. You neither the willing prisoner of his love." — R. J.
know yourself nor your neighbour, except CAMPBELL, Serm., Qod Pursuing the
in a very limited and fragmentary way. Soul.
Your present self-consciousness, if I " Sometimes the religious man with
may so put it, is only that part of your good intentions, but wanting wisdom
selfhood which has so far managed to and strength, tries to palliate the evils
awaken on the material plane ; it ia of life, to cover its dark features, to
larger now than it was when you were a exaggerate its transient pleasures, for the
child, and it will be larger still when purpose of sheltering God's goodness
you get rid of the clog of the physical from reproach. But this will not avail.
body." — B. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Tlie The truth cannot be hidden. Life is
Kenosis of the Human Race. laid open to every eye, as well as known
See ACHILLES, ADAPA, APPENDAGES, by each man's experience ; and we do
ABJUNA, ABBOW (self.), CONSCIOUS and must see that suffering, deep suffer
NESS, CORPSE, DEAD, I >KFIM r. EA, ing, is one of the chief elements in our
lot. It is not a slender, dark thread
EPIMETHEUS, FIRE OF HELL, FOOLS, winding now and then through a warp
GEUSH-URVA, GOSHUBUN, HEEL, IM of dazzling brightness ; but is inter
MORTALITY, JESUS MORTAL, LUNAR woven with the whole texture. . . .
CYCLE, MAN (natural), MAN WITHOUT This I state, that we may all of us under
stand that suffering is not accidental,
WOMAN, MONAD OF LIFE. MOON, but designed for us, that it enters into
MORTAL MIND, MUMMY, MYRMIDONS, God's purpose, that it has a great work
NACHIKETAS, NESTOR, NOD, PITRIS, to do, and that we know nothing of life
PrrRiYANA, PROMETHEUS, QUALITIES, till we comprehend its uses, and have
learned how to accomplish them." —
The operations of the Higher Self
in raising the lower nature cause A symbol of the lower mind, or
"natural man," with sense of in mist and cloud, and never do they
•eparateness. go in fear of wreck or ruin." — Odysfty.
" And Bk. VIII.
Peter took him, and began to The higher mental qualities have as
rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee,
Lord : this shall never be unto thee. vehicles the aspirations of love and
But he turned and said unto Peter, truth which rise in the mind as the
Get thee behind me, Satan : thou art a thoughts and intents of the lower
stumbling block unto me : for thou mind are raised and purified. The
mindest not the things of God, but the
things of men." — MAT. xvi. 22, 23. higher mental qualities are transmu
This signifies the incapacity of the tations of the fruits of experience and
lower mind to understand the sublime effort of all associated groups of the
heights to which the Christ-soul shall lower mental qualities, and they
rise ; and also the lower mind's transcend entirely the astral realm
revolt against the suggestions of a (sea) of the desires to which they are
purifying process in the promptings unapparent. They are not transient
of the Higher Ego, which suggestions, but immortal.
however, are strangely distorted as "The feet of the Phaeacian youths
(who are inferior in wrestling and pugi
they come as reflections to the lower lism) move with admirable rapidity and
mind, and which, therefore, are not precision to the divine music of (the
understood. This attitude of mind is bard) Demodocus." — R. W. MACK.VV.
Progress oj Intellect, p. 172.
rebuked by the indwelling Christ.
The " rebuke " must be taken as The activities of the higher mental
qualities are free from strife and con
signifying the casting forth from the
mind of doubt and error which flict. They are exercised harmoni
ously in complete unison with the
obstruct truth and right.
" What then is by the Divine ideal.
air," but the minds of worldly men, See
which, given up to the countless desires CORCYBA, COUNTRIES, DANCE (circle),
of this life, are, being fluid, scattered MUSES, Music, NATIONS, ORPHEUS,
hither and thither like the air. But
the ' air ' is collected into ' clouds,' PEOPLE, QUALITIES, REAPING, SEA,
when unstable minds are, by the grace TRANSMUTATION, VAIMANIKA, WORDS
of the Divine regard, strengthened with OF POWER.
the solidity of virtue, in order that, by
thinking of what is right, they may
gather themselves within the bosom of PHALLIPHORIA, PRIAPEIA, OR
their heart and may not melt away in DIONYSIA :—
empty thoughts. Peter had been ' air,'
Rites In which the generative func
when the occupation of fishing for the
life of the flesh used, as a transient tion is made the symbol of the
breeze, to agitate him, distracted still creative function In the union of
with earthly desires." — ST. GREGORY THE spirit and matter. As soon as the
GREAT, Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. I. Self or Spirit Is born within the
Preface. soul, a new order of the manifest
See AIR, ANDREW, APOSTLES, is Initiated. In this new order the
ASCENSION OF OSIRIS, DISCIPLES, Spirit begins to Interact with the
DOORKEEPER (fern.), FEED, FISH, purified matter of Its environment,
GETHSEMANE, HORSES (manes), JESUS and a creative function is estab
lished, by means of which higher
(severe), MAN (natural), MESSIAH, NET,
qualities are produced, and the
SATAN, TABERNACLES, TRANSFIGURA growth of consciousness is effected.
TION, TRIBUTE. " Priapus
(son of Dionysus and Aphro
dite) was regarded as the promoter of
PHAEACIANS :— fertility both in vegetation and in all
A symbol of the higher mental animals connected with an agricultural
faculties on the arupa levels of the life ; and in this capacity he was wor
shipped as the protector of Socks of
mental plane.
sheep and goats, of bees, of the vine,
" The Phaeacians have no pilots nor of all garden produce, and even of fish
any rudders after the manner of other ing." — Smith's Class. Diet.
ships, but their ships themselves under The Self working within the activi
stand the thoughts and intents of men ; ties of the lower nature brings about
they know the cities and fat fields of
every people, and most swiftly they growth of the higher qualities in
traverse the gulf of the salt sea, shrouded every department of life.
A symbol of the Second Logos, or A symbol of that state of mind
Higher Self, who proceeds from the which produces literalism, forma
Absolute as a Divine germ of uni lism, and dogmatism.
versal life. " There came certain Pharisees, saying
"The Triple God born from the Egg to him, Get thee out, and go hence : for
was called Phanes, and also Metis and Herod would fain kill thee. And he
Ericapaeus, the three being aspects of said unto them, Go and say to that fox.
one Power." — G. B. S. MEAD, Orpheus, Behold, I cast out devils and perform
p. 162. cures to-day and to-morrow, and the
" Of the three aspects, Phanes is said
to be the ' father,' Ericapseus the ' power,'
third day I am perfected." — LUKE xiii.
31, 32.
and Metis the ' intellect ' in Platonic
The literalists are afraid of the true
terms. . . . Phanes was also called Love
(Eros) . . . also the Limit or Boundary ; interpretation of the facts of soul-
also intelligible Light." — Ibid., pp. 164, growth with which the Christ -illu
167, 170. mination provides them ; and so
The Higher Self comes forth in they immediately bring forward some
three aspects, — Will (Phanes), Wisdom piece of sophistry against the truth,
(Metis), and Action (Ericapseus). The which the Christ within is not slow
Higher Self is the Divine attraction to detect and expose in its true
or Love ; also Atma, the highest state colours. His remarks are the asser
of the manifest, and the Light of tion of the Christ respecting his
Truth. gradual work of soul-purification ; the
SeeABSOLUTE, CAVE, EGO, ERICA- " third day " being that period during
PjEtTS,EROS, HlRANYAGAHBHA, LAO, which his perfectionment is accom
" Herod the fox " is a refer
TRIAD. ence to the sense-nature as a
or " bottomless pit " in which the
PHANG, THE GREAT BIRD :— lower principle (Herod) dwells.
A symbol of the Incarnate
aspiring upwards in the cycle of (devils), HEROD, PIT, PRIESTS AND
Evolution, from the material to the ELDERS, RITES, THREE DAYS, TRADI
spiritual. TION, TRIAL.
" There is also a Bird named the
Phang ; its back is like the Thai moun PHENOMENA :—
tain, while its wings are like clouds all
round the sky. In a whirlwind it mounts These are appearances subject to
upwards as on the whorls of a goat's constant change, and therefore
horn for 90,000 II, till, far removed from having no reality in themselves.
the cloudy vapours, it bears on its back " And a second thing I will tell thee :
the blue sky, and then shapes its course
There is no origination of anything that
for the South, and proceeds to the ocean is mortal, nor yet any end in baneful
there (the Pool of Heaven)." — Writings
death ; but only mixture and separation
of Ktaang-tze, Bk. I. Pt. I. 3. of what is mixed, but men call thia
The Higher Self within the soul origination." — Empedocles, FAIRBANKS,
aspires (mountain) to be free from 36.
captivity to the lower nature. It All that exists upon the lower planes
rises by means of the buddhic (clouds) cannot persist, since nature has no
function through the mental plane life of itself and is consequently
(wind) in the cycle of Evolution, mortal. Death is negative and equally
passing spirally from the illusions non-existent ; death therefore cannot
of the lower life to the be an end. The " mixture
" and
buddhic plane (sky), and merging " " are the combinations
itself again in the eternal Ocean of and segregations of the lower life.
Reality on the plane of atma. The lower mind speaks of these
phenomena as real, whereas they dried up its current." — PLTTCARCH, In*
and Osiris, § 16.
are but appearances.
" According to the Qabbalah, the The lower mind (air), with its cut-
emanated in its inner being does not in and-dried opinions, its hard -out lined
reality proceed from the emanating one ; and rigid ideas, and its sharp and
that which is produced is only an appear cold
" wind of doctrine," Wisdom
ance, and the real (or true) nature
remains in the inner upper one." — from above disperses and supersedes.
I. MYER, Qabbalah, p. 110. See AIR, CHILDREN or MEN, ISJB,
" All that is subject unto genesis and MAN, WINDS (various).
change is verily not true. . . . The
untrue, O Son, doth perish" (Hermetic
Treatise Of Truth). — Q. R. S. MEAD,
T. G. Hermes, Vol. III. pp. 21-2. A symbol of the Higher Self In
" The phenomenal world cannot dis
the cycle of Life, passing through
close its own secret. To find this, man processes of Involution and Evolution.
must seek in that substantial world " I am that Great Phoenix which is
which lies within himself, since all that
is real is within the man." — E. MAITLAND, in Heliopolis. I am the Ordering of all
that and exists. What does that
of A. K., Vol. I. p. 64.
" You mean ? Itis the Phoenix Osiris which
cannot prove that anything
whatever exists outside your own mind ; is in Heliopolis. It is the Ordering of
you can only jump the difficulty and what is and exists, — his body. Variant :
— Eternity and Unending Time. Eternity
make at least the provisional assumption
that things are what they seem, that the is the day, Unending Time is the night."
world as we know it has objective reality
— A. WIEDEMANN, Bel. of Anc. Egyptians,
— a more than doubtful proposition." — p. 259.
" This bird was
R. J. CAMPBELL, Senn., Knowing in Part. represented as
resembling an eagle, with feathers partly
red and partly golden." — Herodotus, II. 73.
MIXTURE. The eternal Spirit (eagle), which
PHILIP THE APOSTLE :— descends and ascends, has the aspect
A symbol of courage, force, and of Love (rose-red) and Wisdom (gold).
also that side of the nature which The various stories of the Phoenix
corresponds to the calculatlve symbolise, — First, that the Self conies
capacity, that estimates and weighs. forth from the higher planes (east,
See APOSTLES, DISCIPLES, FEEDING. Arabia). — Second, that it descends
into matter, and having been per
fected (nest of spices) dies. — Third,
the incipient lower self (worm) arises
A symbol of the discriminating from the lower nature (decomposed
mind which first Interprets the
higher, but afterwards becomes
body), and is developed through
spiritually blind through seeking experience and the Divine life (heat
the lower. of the sun). Fourth, the lower Self,
" Phineus was the son of Agenor or in becoming fully evolved at the end
Poseidon, and was married to Cleopatra, of the cycle, is said to complete and
the daughter of Boreas and Oreithyia." purify the personality (father). This
— Argonautic Expedition. is indicated by the
" egg of
This signifies that discrimination is which is at first solid, then emptied,
the offspring of the Divine Mind, and and finally filled with the personality
at the same time the affinity of the as in embalmment. It is said that
instinct-nature, which is its feminine the weight now of the
" egg " is the
counterpart on the lower planes. The same as when solid at first, implying
instinct-nature is the astral reflection that original potential perfection has
of buddhi-manas. passed into actual perfection. The
See ANTELOPE, BOREAS, CLEO " egg," or mummied personality, is
then offered as a sacrifice to the
Supreme (temple of the Sun), meaning
PHOEDRUS RIVER:— that the purified personality is mortal
A symbol of the lower mind full but merges into the individuality.
of errors and illusions. which alone survives.
" The river Phoedrus sending forth a See BENNU BIRD, EAGLE, EMBALM
rough and sharp air, Isia in her anger MENT, EVOLUTION, FIRE, INDIVIDU
ALITV, INVOLUTION, KARSHTPTA, MAN communicated to the soul. Thus in
(born), MUMMY, PERSONALITY, PHANO, the causal vehicle to which intelli
SPICES, SUN. gence (horses) is harnessed, the Self

PHTHIA, THE NURSE OF MEN :— and Wisdom are said to be driven in

towards the Spirit.
A symbol of prolific experience, " That attitude of filial
piety toward
which is the outcome of the evolu God which includes receptivity of the
tion of the mental faculties in the truth, penitence and loving trust toward
soul. the forgiving and purifying Divine Love,
See NURSE OF MEN, SHIPS (beaked). surrender of the self in the spirit of
obedience and of desire to do the Divine
PHYSICIAN, SUCCESSFUL :— Will, is, indeed, the very essence of
religion, subjectively regarded." — G. T.
A symbol of the Self under the LADD, J'liil. of Religion, p. 540.
aspect of Love which brings harmony See ATHENA, CHARIOT, HERA,
" Homa ! give me some of the healing
powers whereby thou art a physician.
Homa ! give me some of the victorious PIG, OR SWINE:—
powers whereby thou art a victor, etc." —
Homa Yrmlit, HAUO, Eatayt. A symbol of the desire-mind, or
The prayer of the wise soul takes desire-nature, which seeks its food
the form of supplicating the Divine in matter (the earth).
Love to use it as It will, and so to " Now the black pig was Suti (Set),
strengthen and maintain it that it who had transformed himself into a
black pig. . . . The pig is an abominable
may become a worthy and dutiful thing to Horus." — BUDGE, Book of the
vehicle of the Divine Life. The Dead, Ch. CXII.
powers sought are the wisdom, the The darkness of ignorance or illu
truth, and the love whereby the sion characterises the desire-mind (Set).
Divine nature is enabled to claim Illusion and ignorance are eschewed
the soul's co-operation in the work of by the higher nature (Horus).
upraising humanity. The " pig of evil," as a symbol of
See ALCHEMY, HEALING, HOMA, the enemy of righteousness, accounts
IMHOTEP, MEDICINE, PRAYER, RUDRA, for the abhorrence among some nations
SERPENT AESCULAPIUS, VALMIK i. of the pig as food for man.
A symbol of the Self in the causal PILATE, PONTIUS :—
vehicle. A symbol of ordinary worldly-
" But, ye gods, avert the madness of
mlndedness, constantly wavering
those men from my tongue, and from between higher and lower motives
lips that are holy cause a pure stream to action, and incapable of a straight
to flow. And thee I pray, much-wooed,
white-armed maiden Muse, in what course.
things it is right for beings of a day to
" So when Pilate saw that he pre
hear, do thou and Piety, driving obedient vailed nothing, but rather that a tumult
car, conduct me on." — Empedoclet. FAIR was arising, he took water, and washed
BANKS, 11. his hands before the multitude, saying,
The Higher nature, under its aspects I am innocent of the blood of this
righteous man : see ye to it. And all
of Truth, Will, and Love, is now the people answered and said, His blood
called upon to seal the lips (tongue), or be on us, and on our children." —
stay the attempts of the personality MAT. xxvii. 24, 25.
at expressing its separative self, that The worldly mind was wise enough
is, stop its working from the lower to see what any mind of ordinary,
self : — and from the Higher Self, but not deeply spiritual, intelligence
working from the Infinite Reality, must see, viz. that unless it serves
cause to forthpour from its potenti one master, nothing can be accom
ality, — the Truth within, — the stream plished. Pilate "washes his hands,"
of the Divine Life. And supplication signifying that he dissociates himself
is made to the beneficent, presiding from the course he appears to have
Wisdom principle, that fit and helpful adopted ; that is, the mind remains
knowledge and the higher virtues be in a state of suspense, though more
favourably inclined to the lower SOULS, INVOLUTION, MONAD OF LIFT
nature than the higher. The worldly PLANETARY, REINCARNATION, SACRI-
mind henceforth places itself on a FICER, SHEEP (lost), SHRINE, SOSHY-
par with the lower qualities (the ANTS, SOUL (middle), V;sv. \KAKM AN.
people) and becomes little better than WANDERERS, WAYFARING MEN, Yi.
an automaton.
BATHA, GOLGOTHA, PBIESTS AND A symbol of the souls, or soul-
ELDERS, SIXTH HOUB, THREE DAYS, qualities, attracted towards ideals,
TRIAL. and congregating about them as
centres of spiritual energy on the
PILGRIM :— mental plane.
A symbol of the Monad, either of
the World -soul or of the individual
soul. It may be taken as atmic, or PILLAR OF THE TEMPLE :—
as atma-buddhlc (two in one).
" * Pilgrim ' A symbol of the perfected soul on
is the appellation given to
our Monad (the Two in one) during its the higher mental plane.
It is the only " He that overcometh, I will make
cycle of incarnations.
immortal and eternal principle in us, him a pillar in the temple of my God,
being an indivisible part of the integral and he shall go out thence no more." —
whole — the Universal Spirit, from which REV. iii. 12.
it emanates, and into which it is absorbed The soul that has triumphed over
at the end of the cycle." — BLAVATSKY, the lower nature shall be raised to
Secret Doctrine, Vol. I. p. 46.
" Starting upon the long journey imma the higher mental plane and united
culate, descending more and more into with the individuality in the causal-
sinful matter, and having connected body (temple), and it shall no more
himself with every atom in manifested go forth to re-incarnation on the
Space, — the Pilgrim, having struggled
through, and suffered in, every form of lower planes. Its differentiations
Life and Being, is only at the bottom (names) are of the higher planes, and
of the valley of matter, and half through the consciousness is raised to the
his cycle, when he has identified himself buddhic level.
with collective Humanity. This, he hat
made in his own image. In order to See BATTLE, COLUMN, CONQUEROR,
progress upwards and homewards, the CONSCIOUSNESS, GOLDEN PILLAR,
God ' has now to ascend the weary INDIVIDUALITY, NAME, REINCARNA
uphill part of the Golgotha of Life. It TION, STRIFE, TEMPLE, VICTORY, WAS,
is the martyrdom of self-conscious exist
ence. Like Vishvakarman, he has to LIGHT, OR
sacrifice himself to himself in order to
redeem all creatures, to resurrect from CURTAINS OF LIGHT. THE
the many into the One Life." — Ibid., FIRMAMENT :—
p. 288.
" A symbol of the higher mind as
Within the divine infinitude all the being receptive of the Spirit of
aspects of the perfect experience which
I have named (life, love, joy, rest, Truth and Love.
activity), are fully included and imply
" The souls delivered over by the
each other. But we are only on the moon to the aeons of the Father, they
way to this ; we are in process of becom abide there in that pillar of glory which
ing ; and hence it is necessary that at is called perfect air. And this air is a
various points pn our pilgrimage we pillar of light, for its fullness is in the
have to pass from a lesser to a larger souls that are being purified." — ABCHE-
apprehension of spiritual reality by LAUS, Doctrine of Manes.
sacrificing it on its lower planes ; we The lunar pitris (souls), or monads
have to die to live. But there is never of form, in which the astral (moon)
any real dying, never any permanent
giving up ; it only seems to be so.
You never can relinquish anything that
... life of desire is worked up, provide
the personality, which in due course
is rightfully yours nor can you put it is delivered over to the collective
from you ; you only lay it down for a solar pitris (Father) evolution for the
moment to grasp it again with a greater
power and closeness." — R. J. CAMPBELL, bestowal of the germ of the indivi
Serm., Life's Great Antinomy. duality. These Divine monads (atma-
See DEVAYANA, EVOLUTION, FUGI buddhic) have their seat in the
TIVE, GILOOOLEM, INCARNATION or higher mind (perfect air), in the
7 causal-body (pillar of light); and the See Am,
development of the causal -body is to HORUS, EARTH, ELEMENTS, FIRE,
be accomplished through the purifica- MINISTERS, QUATERNARY, WATER
^ tion of the personalities (souls). (lower).
PlTBlS (lunar), SHINATSU. A symbol of the four planes of
manifestation below atma, produced
PILLARS, FOUR, by the Divine Will (Shu).
: OR FOUR " Seb, the earth, and Nut, the
i OF HEAVEN :— These deities were supposed to unite
every evening, and to remain embraced
A symbol of the quaternary or until the morning, when the god Shu
four planes of manifestation below separated them, and set the goddess of
atnia as a foundation for aspiration the sky upon his four pillars until the
towards spiritual being. evening." — BUDGE, Egyptian Ideas, etc.,
" First the Prime Intelligence created p. 94.
He, through the which Four Ministers Time (Seb) and Space (Nut) during
He made to be ; He those Four the the cycle of pralaya, — indrawal of
Columns Four of earth hath dressed, the Divine Life, — are said to unite,
whereby Fixture, Elevation, Traction, or become one and unmanifest, until
Rest. Water, Fire, Air and Earth He
named them there, and He made of the opening of the next manvantara,
them this Kingdom's bases fair." — when the Life again outpours, and the
Water may be compared to Nasb, Divine Will (Shu) differentiates Time
Fixture,' because it is, as it were, tied from Space, and by means of the
down to earth and unable to rise to
the higher spheres ; Air to Jerr, ' Trac creation of the four planes of matter
tion,' as the wind carries along such as establishes manifestation until the
ships at sea ; Fire to Ref, Elevation,' next period of withdrawal of the tide
as it is the lightest and most subtle of of Life.
the elements, and ever seeks to ascend
to its own — the highest of the elemental See BACABS, CHILDREN OF HORUS,
spheres ; and Earth to Sukun
Rest,' EVENING, GATE (tchesert), HEAVEN
as it is stationary in the centre of the AND EARTH, HETEF, IRON PLATE,
Universe ") (AsHio, Oharib Name). —GIBB, MORNING, NUT, RANGI, SEB, SEPARA
Hist, of Ottoman Poetry, Vol. I. pp. 187-8.
The Four Columns of the Kingdom
of heaven are described as being the PILLOW OF SUPPORT AND
same as the Four Elements, — Fire, REST :—
buddhi ; Air, manas ; Water, astral ; A symbol of reliance upon the
and Earth, physical, Higher Self within the soul.
" Never till Day of Resurrection " Prosperity, the pillow of the couch of
glows, from their offices shall any these Brahman." — Kaufh. Upanishad.
depose. 'Tis these Chieftains Four who This signifies the sense of security
form earth's bases sure ; These it is who
ever hold the earth secure ; "Tis through which is the result of complete trust
these the world doth fixed and steadfast in the Higher Self and a knowledge
show ; 'Tis through these that plants of its Divine nature, — a state of
upon the earth do grow. Naught upon consciousness which implies complete
this earth may to Existence win, but of
these there still is present therewithin. mistrust of all that is less than
Whatsoe'er hath form doth grow from Divine, or of the nature of illusion.
out these Four." — Ibid. See BRAHMA, CUSHION, PROSPERITY.
Not until the end of the cycle shall
the quaternary dissolve and disappear.
Until then the lower nature (earth) is A symbol of faith and rest in the
secure under Divine laws.
underlying Spirit (stone).
Through it " And Jacob took of the stones of that
the instincts, desires, emotions, etc.
place, and put them for his pillows, and
(plants) are developed. Nothing in lay down in that place to sleep." —
the lower nature can attain perma GEN. xxviii. 11.
nence ; but of the desires there is This is symbolic of the spiritual
the present fleeting outrush towards nature relying upon Divine support,
the objects of sense. All forms arise and turning from external attractions.
from the four lower planes See JACOB, LADDER (Jacob), STONE.
PILLOWS (LOWER ASPECT) :— "Now these (membranes in the brain)
are gently moved by the spirit, which
A symbol of reliance upon the
careering through a certain blood-vessel
lower nature, and contentment with like a reed, advances towards the pineal
the things of the worldly life. gland. And near this is situated the
"Behold, I (the Lord) am against entrance of the cerebellum, which admits
your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the current of spirit, and distributes it
the souls to make them fly, and I will into what is styled the spinal marrow."
" The Peratae
tear them from your arms, and will let allege that this cerebellum,
the souls go." — EZEK. xiii. 20. by an ineffable and inscrutable process,
The Self condemns contentment attracts through the pineal gland the
spiritual and life-giving substance." —
with the things of the lower life, HIPPOLYTUS, Workt, pp. 124, 169.
which is active in driving out the The pineal gland and the pituitary
higher qualities (souls) ; and points body are means for detecting vibra
out that trouble and suffering will tions subtler than science ordinarily
supervene to destroy contentment, and recognises, but which even now are
so allow the higher qualities to expand. used to some extent as a means of
" It is said by the Prophet, ' Woe to
those that sew pillows under every elbow
educating the soul through the
of the hand, and make cushions under physical body.
the head of every age ' (EzEK. ziii. 18). See EYE (third).
For a ' pillow ' is put for this, that we
may read the easier. Therefore whoever PINNACLES :—
flatters persons doing wrongly is putting A symbol of high aspirations.
a pillow under the head or the elbow of
one lying, so that the man that should In a lower aspect it signifies
have been chidden on account of sin, ambitions, and the seeking after a
being stayed up therein by commen " pinnacle " of fame.
dations, should rest at his ease." —
ST. GREGORY, Morals on the Book of
Job, Vol. II. p. 321. SPIKE.

A symbol of ambition.
A symbol of the reliance of the
purified soul upon the Supreme PISCES, THE ZODIACAL SIGN :—
Spirit. A symbol of the twelfth period of
" Pillows of wood, alabaster and stone
the cycle of life, which is the anal
which are placed under the heads of period of evolution on the buddhic
mummies to
lift them up.' " — BUDGE, plane. At the close of the cycle,
the Christ-soul (Jesus the " Fish ")
The Mummy, p. 261.
As embalmment signifies purifica becomes one with the Christ (Higher
tion of the personality, complete trust Self the " Fish "), or the redeemed
is placed in the Higher Self (Osiris) souls become one with the Redeemer.
to raise the consciousness to the — the lower consciousness unites
higher planes. with the higher (the two fishes).
These pillows often had figures " Possibly the ' Fish ' symbol of early
inscribed upon them, such as two Christianity may be explained by Pisct*.
lotus flowers and an eye of Horus, On the catacomb lamps there are two
fish, one swallowing the other." — A.
which signify Divine wisdom, per JEREMIAS, The Old Test., etc.. Vol. I.
ception, and expression ; or a figure p. 76.
" Pisces, the
of the god Bes, — a symbol of the last of the signs, is repre
sented by two fishes bound by a cord.
outbreathing aad inbreathing Abso
Love and deep compassion is the real
lute Spirit. nature of Pisces." — J.
A symbol of the spiritual process
of enlightenment, as it is an organ PISHON RIVER :—
of psychic perception. A symbol of the higher mental
" In man, soul and plane.
body touch each
other only at one single point, the " The name of the first is Pishon : and
pineal gland in the brain." — DESCARTES. that is it which compasseth the whole
land of Havilah where there is gold." — from the animal evolution which
GEN. ii. 11. have been developed in the lunar
The symbol (name) of the first cycle on the lunar globes, prior to
river answers to the higher mental their appearance on the earth chain.
plane : this comprises the circuit Lunar pltris are in their nature
around the buddhic state wherein is monads of the lower life energising
Truth (gold). on the astral plane in astral and
See EDEN (river), HAVILAH. astro-physical animal forms. They
become human personalities when
PIT, OR HOLE IN THE EARTH :— their development is complete and
mind dawns upon their entering
A symbol of the lower planes, or
human bodies. They represent the
the desire and sense-nature which
animal nature of the human being.
surrounds and darkens the soul. They are man's inheritance from
" God will deliver his soul from going the lower creation. They account
into the pit, and his life shall see the for the instincts, appetites, desires,
light." — JOB xxxiii. 28. and passions in humanity, but not
This refers to the liberation of the for the mental, ethical, and spiritual
soul from the lower nature, and the faculties, which have a higher origin
rise of the consciousness to the higher altogether. Man only descends from
planes whereon truth will be apparent. the anthropoids in his lower nature,
"Ye that seek the Lord: look unto not In his higher. Evolution is an
the rock whence ye are hewn, and to ascent, not a descent ; a descent of
the hole of the pit whence ye are digged." man from animals is merely an
Is. li. 1.
appearance, an illusive fact, and
The "rock of thy strength" quite untrue In reality. The " miss
(Is. xvii. 10) is the Archetypal Man
" ing links " may some day be dis
(Christ) from whence ye are hewn," covered, but they will contain no
" "
and the pit is the lower nature in proof that mind is a product of the
which the spiritual ego is embedded. lower nature. In his lower self
The " hole " is the way upward to man proceeds from the animals,
the light of Truth, the path which the but in his higher self he is a son
soul shall take as the Spirit within of God.
enables it
to liberate itself from
earthly things.
" Yes, all is well, not in spite of the HEAVEN, HEIFER, LUNAR CYCLE,
pit and the clay, but because of them. METEMPSYCHOSIS, MAN (born), MANES,
Through these we ascend to that from MONAD or FORM, MOON-WAXING,
whence we came, having achieved what PERSONALITY, PILLARS (light), PITRI-
we are— not dust but God." — R. J.
SERPENT (hissing). A symbol of the spiritual " fathers
of the human individualities which
PITCH FOR CAULKING :— centralise every soul. These are
the Divine sparks (agnlshwattas)
A symbol of limitation and defini from the solar flre, the Eternal
tion of Ideas, which provide for the Spirit. They are the spiritual egos
distinguishment of truth. which descend to the lower planes
See ARK (Moses), ARK (Noah). to incarnate in human nature by
Identifying themselves with the
PITCHER OF WATER :— human personalities while they gain
A symbol of a mental vehicle experience and seek to manifest
containing knowledge or truth. their nature in the heart of man.
See GIVING CUP, HYLAS, VESSEL. The spiritual egos are seated In the
causal-bodies on the higher mental
PITRIS, LUNAR :— plane, and render man a spiritual
A symbol of the "fathers" of being with a higher nature from
the present human personalities. God, and a lower nature from
These are incipient personalities matter.
" These five beings obtained out of an pleted, prior tothe coming in of
immense crucible, by chemical process, a mind and spirit, when the path oJ
male and a female, from whom, through the Gods (Devayana) commences.
the essential influence of the sun and The latter path begins where the
moon, human beings descended, who
former leaves off. There is no break
gradually filled the earth." — KIDD, China,
p. 167.
or interval, for the one folio vis upon
The five planes of nature are per the heels of the other : but, of course,
whereas the first is of the form,
meated or energised by a central
the second is of the life divine.
spiritual intelligence whose dual
aspects are masculine -feminine, active-
"The year indeed is Pragapati, and
there are two paths thereof, the Southern
passive, force-matter, and from this and the Northern. Now those who hen
duality the life manifested which was believe in sacrifices and pious gifts «*
to be evolved upon the planes. The work done, gain the moon only as their
world, and return again. Therefore the
lunar cycle and lunar pitris are sym RUhes, who desire offspring, go to the
bolised by the
" moon " ; the sparks
South, and the path of the Fathers is
of the Divine life (solar pitris) by matter." — Prasna Upaniahad, I. 9.
" sun." In this manner and The " year " signifies the Cycle of
" two
process, — the lunar pitri (personality) Life (Pragapati), and the
as it were, the
" solar " are the Pitriyana (southern),
collecting, paths
ray " or germ of individuality, and and the Devayana (northern). Now
transmuting through the Spirit its those monads of form which here
own inherent latent qualities, — the evolve through the struggle of life
soul is evolved. and the instincts on the physical
"As individualised beings we had our plane develop the desire-nature (moon)
beginnings in this world ; but the being only, as the complete result of their
thus individualised has had a nobler
origin : it is of the eternal God him course of action, and so always return
" All life that comes to self-con to physical embodiment. But the
sciousness is a ray of the eternal wisdom, spiritual egos, or monads of life, who
a spark from the eternal fire. The
intend to manifest their nature and
Word has been made flesh in you and
me as well as in our Lord and Master. produce qualities, go to the astral
... As I have said before, there are no plane (south) and occupy the human
untrue doctrines ; there are only more forms and personalities that are pre
or less inadequate apprehensions of the
pared and ready for them. The
one eternal truth which is the love of " path of the fathers " is the course
God." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serins., Chriat
Transcendent, and The Word made Flesh. of the lunar pitris in matter, the
See AGNISHVATTAS, BODHISATVAS, " path of the gods " is the course of
CAUSAL-BODY, FKAVASHIS, GUARDIAN the solar pitris from matter.
A symbol of the course taken in SOUTH, SUKUNA, WHEELS (holy),
the evolution of the human form
and personality after the establish
ment of a centre on the fourth sub- PLACE OF PEACE IN ANNU :—
plane of the astral plane. This A symbol of the causal-body on
evolution has mainly taken place in the plane of the higher mind.
the sub-cycle previous to the present " My nostrils are opened in Tattu, or,
one, that is, on the lunar chain of '
as others say, My mouth and my
globes, previous to the life-wave nostrils are opened in Tatau, and I
corning over to the terrene chain. my place of peace in Anuvi which it
In evolving the personality, the my house ; it was built for me by the
desire-nature is developed and com- goddess Sesheta (a form of Hathor,—
goddess of writing and of books), and the two highest, to make up the
the god Khnemu set it up for me upon seven, being latent.
its walls.' " — BUDGE, Book of the Dead, " The '
Ch. LVII. Five Worlds ' (Awalim-i
The incarnating ego explains that Khamsa) of the Sufis. These Five
Worlds are not five different localities,
through the functioning of the lower but five different planes of existence,
mind he discriminates the things of which loses in true Being as it descends ;
the lower planes ; in other words, he they are consequently often spoken of
as the ' Five Planes ' (Hazrat-i Khamsa)."
is enabled to find expression of his — GIBB, Hist, of Ottoman Poetry, Vol. I.
•will and thought in the cycle of life p. 54.
in the underworld (Tatau). He re The five planes of manifestation
joices that he possesses an immortal must be regarded as occupying the
habitation in the causal-body which same space in the universe, one plane
has been built up for him through within the other. This explains the
the functioning of Buddhi (Sesheta), bodies or sheaths of the soul, for these
and set up by the indwelling Self are the correlated forms on the lower
working within his own soul, through planes in which each Ego dwells.
the varied experiences of life. See ATOMS, CHAPTERS, DAYS (five),
DWELLING (palace), HATHOK, INCAR (five).
Each physical globe has three
PLACES, FIVE, WHERE THE counterpart globes of ascent, and
EARTH FEELS MOST JOY :— three of descent, on the three planes
A symbol of the five means of above the physical, i.e. two on the
classifying the functlonlngs of the astral plane, two on the mental,
Ego. The awakenment of the Self and two on the buddhic. Round
must proceed from the physical this chain of globes the life-wave
plane (the earth) by way of the passes in seven rounds. The life-
stimulus from sensation and desire. wave has passed through the seven
rounds of the lunar manvantara,
PLACES, FIVE, WHEREON IS and three and a half rounds of the
MOST SORROW :— terrene, and is now, therefore, on
A symbol of the five senses which the fourth globe of the fourth round,
operate from the physical plane and which is the planet Earth on which
are causes of suffering to the mind, humanity is at present developing.
or lower consciousness. The planetary chain system has Its
See BRATROK, FIVE, PLANETS, correspondency in the individual soul
VIRGINS (ten). (the microcosm). The passing of
the life -wave from globe to globe
PLAGUES AND EVILS :— synchronises with the evolution of
A symbol of the pairs of opposites ; the vestures of the Ego, which
the lower being created by the mind enable the mental, astral, and phy
energised by desire. sical natures to receive expression.
" By The globes answer to the means
these plagues are meant self-love,
the pride of self-derived intelligence, whereby the Ego is enabled to
and the concupiscences of evil and undergo its pilgrimage.
falsity flowing from them." — SWEDEN- " Origen holds to a series of worlds
BORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 456. following one upon the other — the one
See EVIL, OPPOSITES, PESTILENCE. rising a step higher than the other,
representing thus a teleological develop
PLANES, FIVE OR SEVEN :— ment, so that every later world brings to
These are divisions of the material ripeness the seeds that were imbedded in
the former, and itself prepares the seed
nature of the universe, graded accord for that which is to follow."
ing to the rates of vibration of the A AT,
See BEASTS (three sorts),
atoms on each plane, the slowest
rates being, of course, of the atoms
on the physical plane, which is CHAIN, MANVANTARA, MICROCOSM,
the external or lowest plane of all. PRALAYA, RACES, REGIONS, RENOVA
In the present cycle of life, only five TION, ROOT-RACES, ROUND, SABBATH,
planes are manifest or in activity : SNOW, VESTURES,

Vourugaresti (north)

v y

Vourubaresti (north)

/^\ Arezahi (west)

( | (east)

Vidadhafshn [ 1 (south)

^\ Fradadhafshn (south)

PHYSICAL (The Earth) fl • Hvaniratha

In the above diagram of the Earth's planetary chain, the Zoroastrian names
to the seven globes.
" Out of these seven only one, the lowest and most
are given
material of these globes, is within our plane or means of perception, the six others
lying outside it and being therefore invisible to the terrestrial eye. Every such chain
of worlds is the progeny and creation of another, lower and dead chain — its re
incarnation, so to say" (Secret Doctrine, Vol. I. p. 176.) The Earth chain is the
progeny of the Lunar chain, which is now lifeless, as is to be seen in the case of the
moon, which is the physical globe of that chain.
The Life-wave has passed entirely from the Lunar chain, and temporarily from
the first three globes of the Earth chain. It has now passed from the lowest astral
globe to the physical globe, — our Earth, — and will next pass on, after an immense
period, to the higher astral globe of the Earth chain.
'LANETS, FIVE GREATER " Then Ormazd created the five smaller
planets, and the whole host of fixed
These are symbols of mental stars, in the lowest circle of the heavens."
entres of functionings in the soul, — J. F. CLARKE, Zoroaatrian System.
. hich have each their special form Then the centres from which the
f activity. five senses emanate upon the mental
" The planet Tistrya (Jupiter) presides
plane are established, and the many
ver the division of troops in the East,
faculties which enable the mind to be
ad is named Prince of the stars. Sitivisa
Jaturn) presides over the Western exercised are formed upon the astro -
i vision ; Van ant (Mercury) over that of mental plane.
10 South, and Hapto-iringa (Mars) See FIVE, NET, PLACES (sorrow X
ver the star troops of the North. In SEKHET-AARU, STABS (fixed).
he middle of the heavens is the great
lanet Mesch (Venus), he leads the troops PLANKS OF THE BOAT:—
gainst Ahriman." — Zoroaatrian System.
The planet Jupiter is a symbol of Symbols of the environing condi
tions of the soul (boat) . The buddhic
he Self in its directive function on
nature for the higher emotions ;
he higher mental plane. It leads the mental nature for ideas ; the
nd governs evolution from the buddhic astral nature for desires ; and the
lane, as the positive function of physical nature for sensations.
tuddhi. Saturn corresponds to the See BOAT ON RIVER.
unction which limits and defines,
nd determines the cyclic periods in PLANTS :—
he decline or decay of things. Met- Symbols of simple instincts and
wry, on the other hand, signifies the feelings growing upward to the
unction of activity, growth, expan- light.
ion, and gives impetus and momen- And both Matro and Matroyao
um. Mars signifies power, force, changed from the shape of a plant
into the shape of a man, and the breath
esistence, and will. Venus is the went spiritually into them, which is the
ymbol of the astral love-energy, soul." — The Bundahis, Ch. XV. 6.
vhich being related with the buddhic The mind and emotion-principles
>rinciple urges the stream of the undergo the transformation from the
ivolving life to pour itself forth in simple feelings and instincts into
he forms which are prepared to await human ideas and emotions ; and this
ts reception ; and so leads the being accomplished, the spirit of the
Advance towards perfection. one Self, — the Spark of the Divine
Life, — entered in and became theirs.
Mercury is the lord of education and
cience : we owe to him our knowledge,
And so the human race was launched
rhich comprises bad and good. . . . The
loon causes man's body to grow and upon its evolution.
" Wherever the scattered seed pushed
dercury forms his mind. Then he
:omes under the sway of Venus. The upward out of the dark bosom of the
iun gives him family riches or dominion ; earth and unfolded itself in a plant, in
liars bravery and noblemindedness. its blossom and its fruit, Mani beheld
thereupon, under the guidance of Jupiter, the triumphant evolution of the principle
le prepares, by means of religious of light, gradually working its way
'xercises, for the journey to the world onward to freedom from the bondage of
>eyond, and he attains rest under the matter." — NEANDER, Church History,
" Vol. II. p. 214.
nfluence of Saturn (From the Batra " Underneath the surface of the earth
Encyclopedia). — DE BOER, Phil, in Islam,
>. 88. just now thousands of bulbs are beginning
See A H it IM \ \ , BTJDDHI, CITY, EAST, to be stirred by the breath of springtime.
Hitherto they have lain buried and
HERMES, JUPITER, MABS, MERCURY, hidden in darkness and corruption, but
'•!•.-' H . NORTH, SATURN, STABS (fixed), they each hold enough of the life of
TISTHYA, VENUS, WEST. the universe to be able to respond to
the rays of the gun of heaven which
PLANETS, FIVE SMALLER:— penetrate to their prison-house. The
These are symbolic of the five time of summer flowers is not yet, but
pale green shoots are appearing above
latro- mental centres from which the ground, and despite the set-backs of
.•ibratlons of the astro-physical five occasional frost and snow and biting
tenses emanate upon the mental winds, will grow and strengthen t-
>lane to enter into the consdou*- they bunt into bloom and become f
iess of the ego. of the glory of the sunshine itself.
do this they must free themselves from exists. There is nothing which is not
the earth while assimilating to their own God. And to yield to this truth, to
higher ends all the good it has to give ; live in it, and to obey its calls, is happi
or, rather, this is what the mysteriously ness, certainty, power and redemption.
operating universal life is already doing To feel it is to know that we are im
within them. And so it is with the mortal. This is not a faith which stand-
soul. As Christ frees us from the on authority. It is the conviction of
bondage of the flesh we unfold into the the soul, because the soul believes in
light of God and reflect the eternal the omniscient, omnipresent, all-
glory, assimilating to that end all the containing Goodness." — STOPTOBD A.
force and wisdom our earthly probation BROOKE, Serm., Immortality and God.
can supply. The struggle is not an See ABRAXAS, ^EONS, ARC. SCAN,
evil ; but to submit to our present
conditions without a struggle, and without
seeking to give expression to our latent TIONS, INVOLUTION, LOST PIECE.
divinity, would be an evil indeed."—
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Song of the PLOUGHING :—
Redeemed. Symbolic of the fashioning of the
See BONDAGE, GOSHUBUN, HERB, vehicles and producing the condi
UOMA, LIGHT, LOTUS, MATKO, Ru, tions wherein the lower self Is placed
SEED (good), SEKER, SEPARATION, and operating, with a view to the
SOMA, TREE. sowing and reaping by the True
Self of that which the lower self
PLEROMA :— appears to do and undergo in the
life periods.
A symbol of the manifesting " And I am glorious therein (the
Logos replete with all Intelligences
Garden) ; I
drink therein ; I
and potencies : or the Archetypal therein ; I
reap therein ; I move therein ;
Man in his fullness of stature as I am wedded therein ; my utterance is
perfect manhood and Godhood (at- powerful therein." — Book of the Dead,
ma-buddhi). Ch. CX. This Ch. trans, by M. W.
" For in Christ dwelleth all the fullness BLACKDEN.
of the Godhead bodily, and in him ye Inthese experiences of life, (the I
are made full, who is the head of all Self) realise myself ; I
derive Truth
principality and power."— Coi.. ii. 9, 10. and Love ; I
fashion the bodies and
For in Christ, the Archetypal Man, conditions wherein the lower self is
every higher quality and potency engaged ; I
sow and reap the fruits
subsists ; and Christ being in every • of the Spirit ; I
live therein. In me
soul, he gradually evolves in it his the two aspects of the Higher Self
own perfection, and makes it one with (atma-buddhi) become One. Power
himself. is mine, and the Will of the Absolute
" He is the very Fleroma itself, who
is within me.
hath found the Mystery in which they " Brahman ; I
plough and sow, and
all are, and in which they are all set."
— Books of the Saviour, in Pistis Sophia. of my ploughing and sowing reap I
imperishable fruit. . . . My field is the
He is the very Christ, who has found Dharma (truth) ; the weeds which I
the secret to each plane, — or is able pluck up are the cleaving to existence ;
to control and manifest at will on all the plough which I use is wisdom ;
the seed which I sow, the seeking of
planes of being. I
" The true notion of God says that purity ; the work which perform,
attention to precepts ; the harvest which
there can be no work which is not done
in Him ; that we cannot get out of
Ireap is Nirvana" (Buddhist parable). —
BUNSEN, The Angel Messiah, p. 47.
His vast circle ; that all men are dwelt " Thus it is with the world of men, if
in by the Holy Spirit ; that all work is
there was not the second Adam (Christ)
done by His inspiration ; that all places
to plough them and sow them, they
are peopled by Him ; that never for a
could none of them become saint* ;
moment has time been empty of His No, not the elect themselves ; because
eternal presence ; that in every move
the means are determined, as well as
ment of Force, as well as in every
the end." — J. BUNYAN, Exp. of Genesis.
thought and feeling, and act of every
spirit — He is. There is but one Being See
in the universe, and the universe is, CULTIVATION, DHARMA, GKUSH-UBVA,
because He is. No atom of matter, if HARVEST, HUSBANDMAN, NIRVANA,
matter exist, can divide itself from Him ; Ox AND ASS, OXEN, REAPING, SEED
no personality, that is, no consciousness,
will and character can get. away from (good), SEKHET-HETEP, SHAETI.
Him, for they only exist because He SOWER, SOWING.
PLUMES ON THE ATEF CROWN :— become exalted through aspiration
A symbol signifying the condition and harmony.
of the soul in which supremacy See HYMN SINGING, INTUITION,
over the lower nature is realised. PROPHET.
A symbol of chaos, primordial POISON, OR POISON-DROPS :—
formless matter, or the material
form -side of nature. A symbol of the coarser function-
ings of the lower self, and the severer
"The Marquesas Islanders have a experiences on the lower planes.
legend which relates that in the begin
ning there was no life, light, or sound
in the world, that a boundless night, POISONOUS FOOD OR ODOUR :—
Po, enveloped everything, over which
Tanaoa, which means ' darkness,' and A symbol of the astral activity of
Miitu-hi i, which means ' silence,' ruled the passions and desires, which
supreme. . . . Through all the Polyne inflames and excites the lower
sian cosmogonies, even the wildest and nature.
most fanciful, there is a constant under
lying sense of a chaos, wreck, Po, con
taining all things, and existing previous POISON, YELLOW:—
to the first creative organisation ; the
chaos and wreck of a previous world, Symbolic of falsity and greed.
destroyed by fire according to the See YELLOW COLOUR.
Hawaiian legend, destroyed by water
according to the Samoan legend ; a POLE, UPRIGHT:—
chaos, ruin, or night, Po, in which the
gods themselves had been involved, and
A symbol of aspiration.
only in virtue of their divine nature,
" Whereupon Ra said, ' the monster
after continued struggle, extricated them Ba (Set) hath turned himself into a
selves and reorganised the world on its hissing serpent, let Horus, the son of
present pattern. — A. FORNANDEB, Poly Isis, set himself above his hole in the
nesian Race, Vol. I. pp. 63, 64. form of a pole on the top of which is
At the opening of the cycle of the head of Horus, so that he may never
again come forth therefrom.' — Legend
manifestation the state of matter Sun-disk.
of the Winged
was formless and inchoate, for from And the Divine nature asserted, —
the Absolute there was no expression " Now the lower
principle is ultima ted
of the Life. Yet potentially all was and appears as a serpent, subtle and
hidden within, together with the deceitful, that is, mayavic, illusory, —
memory of previous cycles of life. so let the Higher Self seat himself
The higher qualities (gods), which had above the sense -nature, in the form,
been involved in the Absolute, had as it were, of a pole, — the symbol of
yet to come forth and manifest their aspiration, and with the head signi
nature through the matter of the fying true manhood, the sign of
planes in the universe and soul. leadership and rule." Hence the head,
Eventually the higher qualities and a symbol of manas, surmounts the
pole. And thus the " serpent
the spiritual egos overcame the desire- "
nature and began to discipline the not issue forth to obstruct the work
human soul. ings of the Supreme.
DEEP, HINE, NIGHT (matter), REINGA, Isis, PIT, RS, SERPENT (hissing), SET.
POET, BARD, OR HYMN A symbol of the " Son of God "
WRITER :— within, that Is, the Higher Self in
A symbol indicating an advanced its relation with the lower Self
quality capable of educating and (Castor) ; or the Individuality
leading upwards the qualities below. (Pollux) with the Personality
" The self-shining bards have extolled (Castor).
thee with their newest hymn." — Sola. "
According to some, Pollux and Helen
Brdh. H. 6, 1, 38. only were children of Zeua, and Castor
The intuitional qualities have was the son of Tyndareus, King of
Lacedaemon. Hence Pollux was im encompasseth its course (the actual
mortal, while Castor was subject to old
age and death like every other mortal." course as signified by the Zodiac);
— Smith' a Clots. Diet. and the "poniard," a symbol of the
The Higher Self and Wisdom only intuition, — the same as the " sword
were Divine ; while the Personality of the Spirit."
was begotten by the astro-mental See ARROW, SWORD, YIMA.
nature. Hence, while the first were
immortal, the second was mortal. PONTIFF, OR PONTIFEX : —
A symbol of the spiritual mind
GEMINI, HELEN, PERSONALITY. having a leading position in the
religious activities of the " Church "
POLYPHEMUS, SON OF or " Temple " of the soul, and
POSEIDON :— subjectively directing the lower
qualities (people).
A symbol of the force of
the Divine Will proceedingfrom the
eternal Truth. It Is the Intel
lectual energy of the Self on the PRIEST, POPE, PRIEST, TEMPLE.
mental plane. The one eye In the
forehead represents consciousness on
the mental plane. A symbol of the intuition or per
See CYCLOPES, FOHAT, POSEIDON. ception of the truth.
" Now there is at Jerusalem by the
POLYTHEISM :— sheep market a pool, which is called in
A symbol of the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having
the many aspects of
five porches. In these lay a great
the One Supreme Being : the active
multitude of impotent folk, of blind.
and the passive aspects being indi halt and withered, waiting for the
cated by masculine and feminine moving of the water." — JOHN v. 2, 3.
deities. Near Jerusalem, — the "
City of the
"Without the infinitely Many the Great King,"- — that is, the causal-
Eternal One is imperfect ; nor could body, the seat of the Higher Self, is
the " sheep market," which is the
Polytheism ever have had an existence
as a Providential Establishment if it had
not contained an elemental, a vital and state where " sheep " or living truths
eternal truth. The omnipresence of God are got in exchange for
" money "
is merely another word for his Poly their lower equivalent, i.e. for desires
theistic Unity. As the whole of the and sense-objects. The " pool " signi
Divine consciousness, wisdom and effi
ciency in action must be in every portion fies mental enlightenment by intuition.
of space at once, and as he must have " Bethesda " signifies a state of bliss,
the faculty of subdividing his attention because enlightenment is the haven
to an infinite number of things, what
of rest for those who have outgrown
else can this be but an infinite multi
plicity of individualities in the infinite the tribulations and fetters of the
" flesh." The " five
and eternal universality T In this we porches !1 an
perceive the absolute and the free in the the five senses, and the " impotent
Divine nature, — the Male and Female
folk " are the qualities who put
Principles, from which the unity and
the infinite variety of creation are their trust in the senses. The
derived." — J. SMITH, Divine Drama of
" water " is the perception of truth.
History, p. 160. The qualities wait until their intui
See particular Gods and Goddesses, tions are stirred.
A symbol of spiritual energy
exercised from within the soul, or POOL OF PEACE:—
the intuition which dispels ignorance A symbol of the Higher Self, the
and error.
Spirit of Truth.
" Then Ahura Mazda "
gave Yima a Yet lo ! I, even I, have piloted this
ring and a poniard."— Vendidad, II. Peace." —
great ship into the pool of
Then the Supreme endows the soul Book of the Dead, Ch. CX.
with the " ring," symbol of com The One Self, notwithstanding, has
pleteness, indicating that which alone throughout the cycle been the
means of directing the soul, and in that she poured this ointment upon
proceeding with the evolution. The my body, she did it to prepare me for
" " burial." — MAT. xxvi. 11, 12.
great ship is the soul in which is
That is, the disciplined
the lesser Self. The " Pool of Peace "
readily direct their efforts towards
is the Greater Self wherein all qualities
the less-developed nature beneath
unite and are made One in Truth
them, but they have not the Christ
(water) atma-buddhi. until the love -nature (the woman
with ointment) is stirred within them.
For ere the lower personality (body)
POOL OF THE ZENITH :— disintegrates, it is by a supreme
A symbol signifying the comple effort of love of the Highest that
tion of purification by Truth, and the corpse " (lower nature) is
the attainment of the higher state "buried," or the sense of separate-
of consciousness. ness is got rid of.
See BAPTISM, WHEAT AND BARLEY, " Poor and needy are often mentioned
ZENITH. in the Word, and in the spiritual sense
by poor is undorstood one who is not
POOLS OF CLAY, SEVEN :— in truths, and by needy, one who is not
A symbol of the seven root-races in goods." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev.,
n. 95.
of humanity, filled with Divine ll'e
from the River of Life. — See Gospel of
A symbol of the buddhic function A symbol of those qualities which
ing as the means of purifying the have rid themselves of the lower
soul. desires, and are filled with the
" O '
Being in Peace !
Lord of the spirit of goodness and truth.
Two Karths, I
have come into Thee ; I " Hath not God chosen the poor of
have bathed in the Pool of the Holy this world, rich in faith, and heirs of the
Goddess ; and lo ! for me, all unclean kingdom which he hath promised to
things have passed away." — BLACKDEN, "
them that love him t — JAMES ii. 6.
Book of the Dead, Ch. CX. In the Divine scheme of progres
O Being whose nature is bliss !— sion, those qualities which are free
so the Self is addressed, — ' ' I know from the attractions of sense and
thy might, thy power and active desire, and are filled with the higher
aspect ; the lower nature has been energies of wisdom and love, are
purified through Wisdom, and been heirs of the higher state of conscious
cleansed by truth ; and so the impu ness which the law of the Supreme
rities of the lower planes have been has made the spiritual result of
gotten rid of. righteousness.
(Lakshmi) reside in lakea filled See KINGDOM or HEAVEN, MAN
with water, in pure waters, and in
ground covered with fresh grass, in a (rich), POVERTY, RICHES, SERMON.
wood abounding in lotuses and fruits. —
Institute* of Viihnu, XCIX. 17. POPE OF ROME:—
Among symbols of Wisdom A symbol of the spiritual mind
" pools of water," which dominates the religious con
(Lakshmi) are
" pure waters," etc. sciousness, and directs the activities
See BAPTISM, FANG, LAKSHMI, NUT- in relation to the higher emotions
UBT, SMAM, TCHESEBT. of Truth, Wisdom, and Love (the
Christian " Church ").
A symbol of the undisciplined ATHORNE, CHRYSE, CHURCH, HIGH
lower qualities, poor in develop PRIEST, PONTIFF, PRIEST, TIARA.
ment, deficient in goodness and
" For ye have the poor always with A symbol of the sense-natur
you ; but me ye have not always. For which Is, as it were, an entra
from outside to the lower con conditioned life has come. That shore
sciousness. less ocean is bliss, light, life, love, and
See DOOR (lower), GATE (lower), power all in one. There is no other
reality. This it is which was from the
HOUSE. beginning, is now, and ever shall be,
world without end. We are in it now,
PORCHES, FIVE :— though we do not know it ; we have
A symbol of the five senses, the never really left it ; and when our
entrances of desires. present probation and pilgrimage are
over, we shall awaken within its bosom."
" The five porches in Bethesda repre — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Ineffable
sent the five senses of unredeemed Divine.
humanity, i.e. the unregenerate passions." See AGENOR, ATHENA, ATMA, CITY,
— E. A. A., Enc. Biblica, Gospels, 47.
A symbol of the Truth aspect of
the manifesting Higher Self. It TISTRYA, TLALOC, TRIDENT, URANUS,
represents the consensus of proto VARUNA, VOURUKASHA, WATER.
typal Ideas which are reflected on
the lower planes In the multiplicity POT (HIGHER ASPECT) :—
of the forms of life. The Truth A symbol of the causal-body.
aspect relates to the intellect. See CAUSAL-BODY, CRATER, CUP,
" The gods decided that Athens should MAHAVIRA-POT.
receive its name from the deity who
should bestow upon man the most POTSHERD :—
useful gift. Poseidon then created the
horse, and Athena called forth the olive A symbol of a quality of the soul,
tree, in consequence of which the honour being a separated part of the whole.
was conferred upon the goddess." — " Woe unto him that striveth with his
Smith's Class. Diet. Maker ! Let the potsherd strive with
The Truth aspect produced the the potsherds of the earth." — Is. xlv. 9.
intellect (horse), and the Love aspect, The quality that acts in opposition
the intuition (olive tree), and the to the Divine ordinance is destroyed.
greatest of these is the intuition, Let the higher quality oppose and
which has its seat in the causal - discipline the lower qualities.
" ' And he took him a potsherd to
centre (Athens), but its origin in, '
buddhi (Athena). scrape the humour withal (Jos ii. 8).
" Poseidon was a son of Cronus and For what is the potsherd in the hand of
the Lord, but the flesh which He took of
Rhea. . . . Originally a personification
the clay of our nature ? For the pots
of the fertilising power of water. . . . The
herd receives firmness by fire. . . . But
symbol of his power was the trident.
what is to be understood by humour
. . . He was god of the sea." — Ibid.
saving sin t For it is the custom to
The manifesting Divine nature denote the sins of the flesh by flesh and
appears to proceed from time (Cronus) blood. And hence it is said by the
and space (Rhea). Through Truth- Psalmist, '
Deliver me from blood '
reality (water) comes the Divine Life (Ps. li. 16). Humour then is the cor
ruption of the blood. And so what do
of atma-buddhi-manas (the trident), we understand by humour but the sins
and this is reflected in the astral of the flesh rendered worse by length of
" sea " as the illusion of the lower time ? And so the Mediator between
nature. In a higher sense the God and man, the Man Christ Jesus, in
" sea " signifies the ocean of Truth- giving up His Body into the hands of
those that persecuted Him, scraped the
reality on the higher planes, over humour with a potsherd, forasmuch as
which the Spirit of God broods that Ho put away sin by the flesh ; for He
it may bring forth every type of life came, as it is written, in the likeness
of sinful flesh, that He might condemn
that is to become existent in the "
sin of sin.' — GREGORY THE GREAT,
phenomenal world of the lower planes. Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 153.
" I image the being of God to myself "That. Vaisvanara cake, doubtless, is
as a shoreless ocean of undifferentiated yonder sun, and the Manila cakes are
being, the one reality which eternally is, those rays. They are of seven potsherds
and out of which, whatever be the each, for the troops of the Maruts consist
reason for the emanation, our temporal of seven each."— Sato. Brdh., IX . 3, 1, 25.
The Divine Mind or Higher Self most vehement rebuke. Love gives a
new tongue, the only one which all men
(sun) is the source of Life and sus can comprehend." — W. E. CHANNINO,
tenance, and the high Devas, or Works, Vol. II. p. 41.
spiritual intelligences, are the prime See APHKODITE, ASTRAL PLANE,
agents for the dissemination of Life AURVAITO, BIRTH or ZOROASTER,
and Truth. These Devas are of CREATION, DARKNESS, DEMONS,
seven different prime qualities, and in DUOHDHOVA, EVOLUTION, GLORY
correspondence with them the spiritual (divine), HOMA, INVOLUTION, PRITHA'S,
egos (Maruts) issue forth in seven RELIGION (good), SOUL, SOUTH
A symbol of lack of reality, — a
POURUSHASPA, THE FATHER deficiency of truth, wisdom, and
OF ZOROASTER :— love, in the manifest.
A symbol of the early activities of " For ye know the grace of our Lord
the astral nature which lead to the Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich,
birth of the Soul (Zoroaster). yet for your sakes he became poor, that
" Pourushaspa was the fourth man ye through his poverty might be rich."
— 2 COR. viii. 9.
who prepared me (Homa) for the material
world ; this reward he obtained, that This statement refers to the Divine
thou wert born to him, O Zarathustra Sacrifice
" from the foundation of the
of the house of Pourushaspa, who art world." Christ, in descending into
and of the
matter, forfeits his spiritual wealth, —
opposed to the demons,
All urn religion." — Homa Yasht.
The preparation for the manifesting the only riches, — so that through
" Pouru material activity (poverty of the
of the Divine Life through
" means that at this period of spiritual), humanity, — Christ's reflec
involution the process of creation tion, or outcome, — should be made
takes place upon the astral plane. rich in spiritual realities, and become
And it is upon this plane that the the inheritor of all things.
"Wise men lay up knowledge: But
World-soul (Zoroaster) is said to be the mouth of the foolish is a present
born, inasmuch as the desire-principle destruction. The rich man's 'wealth is
{Pourushaspa), being the motive power his strong city : The destruction of the
of evolution, is the first means of poor is their poverty." — PBOV. x. 14, 15.
enabling the Soul to commence by Minds full of wisdom, love, and
involution the accomplishment, truth are rich and enduring, but
through evolution, of its purpose. minds empty of true riches have no
The desire-nature being essentially life in them.
the love element is See AURVAITO, GRACE OF GOD,
opposed to the power of darkness
(ignorance and inertia) and is the PEOPLE, POOR IN SPIRIT, PRAGAPATI
only means of awakening the positive, (rel.), RICH MAN, SACRIFICES, VAGAS-
initiative power of the Soul. The BAVASA, WEALTH, WOMB.
" the Ahura
desire -nature being of
religion means that it is through
These qualities when transmuted
the awakenment of Love that the
through the buddhic function become
affinity of the Soul with the Higher Dignity and Aspiration.
Self is seen and known.
" The only power to oppose to evil is See TRANSMUTATION.
love, strong enduring love, a benevolence PRAGAPATI, LORD
which no crime or wretchedness
conquer, and which therefore can conquer
all. Go then with this love, and it A symbol of the creative aspect of
will be mightier than the sword of the the Supreme, which goes forth pri-
magistrate, or the armies of monarchs, mordially as Divine Truth producing
to conquer evil. It will touch the heart
which has hardened itself against all
Spirit and Matter in the cycle of
other influences. It will pierce the con manifestation, and eventually taking
science, which is impregnable against the form as the Archetypal Man.
"Some call PrapApaii the Father with The higher qualities look to the
five feet (the five seasons), and with birth of the Self within the soul, for
twelve shapes (the twelve months), the
Giver of rain in the highest half of the' restoration of the greater Self
heaven ; others again say that the Sage involved in matter of the lower
is placed in the lower half, in the chariot planes. The lesser Self will enter as
with seven wheels and six spokes." — a divine seed " when whole," i.e.
Pragna Upanithad, I. 11.
The " five feet or seasons " signify when the lower nature is evolved
complete. The greater Self and the
progression on the five planes of the
universe, and the " twelve shapes or
lesser Self are yet the same.
" Here now they say, ' Wherefore is
months " represent the twelve divi Agni (the fire-altar) built of this earth ? '
sions of the great cycle of time and But, surely, when that deity (PragApati)
life, during which the Self accom became relaxed (fell asunder), he flowed
along this earth in the shape of his life-
plishes his course. The Divine Wis
sap ; and when the gods restored him
dom dispenses Truth from above ; he (put him together) they gathered him
is also the indwelling Self in the up from this earth." — Ibid., v. 29.
lower nature, seated in the causal- Wherefore is the Divine nature to
body related with the seven globes of be built up of the lower nature — the
the planetary chain, and the dual quaternary T Because it is through
aspects of relativity of the three perfecting the lower nature that the
lower planes. Divine nature arises from it. This is
See ADITYAS, AGNI, ARC. MAN, shown in the fact of the dismember
CHABIOT, DAY AND NIGHT, DEATH OF ment of the Archetypal Man and the
OSIRIS, EVOLUTION, FOOD, GOAT shedding of his blood (life sap), which
(white), GODHEAD, GOLD MAN, HIGHER is the Life permeating the lower
AND LOWER SELVES, HlHANYAGARBHA, nature (earth), and which is gathered
HORSE SACRIFICE, INCARNATION, INVO up when the higher qualities put his
LUTION, KARSHVARES, MAHABHARATA, members together for his resurrection
MAHAVTRA-POT, MONTH, PLANETARY and ascension in the souls of humanity.
" By offering up his own self in sacrifice,
SEASONS (five), TIME, TORTOISE, TUAT, Pragapati becomes dismembered ; and
all those separated limbs and faculties
WHEEL, WORLDS (five), YEAH, ZODIAC< of his come to form the universe. . . .

It requires a new and ever new sacrifice
PRAGAPATI RELAXED, AND to build the dismembered Lord of
AFTERWARDS RESTORED :— creatures up again." — J. EQGELINQ, S. B.
of "E., Vol. XLIII. Intro.
A symbol of the Archetypal Man, The Son of God came from the full
who, having lost the Divine Life of ness of the Godhead into a human life.
Involution, afterwards receives, that For having emptied Himself, and taken
of Evolution, and is restored in the upon Him the form of a slave, He was
restored again to His former perfection
souls of humanity.
and dignity. For He, being humbled,
" PragApati created whatsoever exists. and apparently degraded, was restored
Having created creatures, he, having again from His humiliation and degra
run the whole race, became relaxed, . . . dation to His former completeness and
the vital air went out from within. greatness, having never been diminished
When it had gone out of him the gods from His essential perfection." — METHO
left him."— Sofa. Br&h., VI. 1, 2, 12. DIUS, Banquet, etc., Ch. XI.
The Self, having produced the "Nobertcher, i.e. the 'Lord of all." In
archetypal world with all its forms the ' Book of the Dead Osiris is fre
quently called by this name, the allusion
and qualities perfect on the higher
being to the complete reconstruction of
planes, censed to manifest in Involu his body after it had been hacked to
tion. The life, or spiritual energy, pieces by Set." — BUDGE, Book of the Dead,
operating upon the mental plane, Vol. I. p. 19.
" Hence the state of the
inward man.
subsided, and the higher qualities . . . His remaking or regeneration appears
became latent. to them (mystics) as the primal necessity,
" The '
In thee we
gods sivid to Agni, if he is ever to obtain rights of citizenship
will heal tliis our father Pragapati.' — in the ' country of the soul.' We have
Then 1 will enter into him, when whole," seen that this idea of the New Birth,
he (Agni) said. — ' So be it,' they said. the remaking or transmutation of the
Hence while being Pragapati, they yet self, clothed in many different symbols,
call him Agni." — Ibid., v. 21. runs through the whole of mysticism
and much of theology. It is the mystic's PRAISE OF GOD :—
subjective reading of those necessary
A symbol of the soul's conforming
psychological changes which he observes
to the higher laws of Its being In
taking place within himself as his spiritual
consciousness grows. His hard work of furthering Its own evolution and
renunciation, of detachment from the emancipating the indwelling Self.
things which that consciousness points " Let heaven and earth praise him

out as illusory or impure, his purifications the seas, and everything that moveth
and trials, all form part of it. If that therein. For God will save Zion, and
which is whole or perfect is to come, build the cities of Judah and they

then that which is in part must be done shall abide there, and have it in posses
away : ' For in what measure we put sion."— Ps. Ixix. 34, 35.
off the creature, in the same measure The higher and lower natures in
are we able to put on the Creator ; neither
more nor less' (Theol. Germ., Ch. I.)." the soul must conform to the Divine
— E. UNDERBILL, Mysticism, p. 167. laws of evolution "and progress. The
See ABRAXAS, ADAM (higher), AFU- desire- and sense-natures (the seas),
RA, AGNI, ALPHA, ALTAR (fire), ARC. and all the lower energies, must take
MAN, BLOOD, CHARIOT, CREATURES, their part in the Divine scheme of
CROSS, CRUCIFIXION (gnostic), DEATH salvation. Then shall the causal-body
OP LEMMINKAINEN, OF OSIRIS, DlONY- (Zion) be perfected, and centres be
sus, DISMEMBERMENT, DVIYAGUS, formed on the buddhic plane and

EARTH, EVOLUTION, HEAVEN AND the transmuted qualities shall abide
EARTH, HOMA-JUICE, HUMAN, INCAR there and be in possession of Truth,
MARROW, MEMBERS, PURUSHA, QUA "To thee (Indra) the splendid, we will
sing praises, bountiful One Thus


praised do thou now issue forth, with
REGENERATION, SACRIFICE, SACRI- well-filled car, agreeably to our desire

O !
FICER, SAP, SEED, SOMA-JUICE, URA yoke, then, thy pair of bay steeds,
NUS, VITAL AIRS, YMIB, ZAGREUS. Indra "—Sola. Br&h., II.


The higher qualities conform to the

PRAGNA, CAPACITY OF PER Divine nature, which is ready to
CEPTION :— bless and the conditions being

A symbol of realised spiritual favourable, the Higher Self is enabled

Truth, as the soul's support. to further the evolution of the causal -
" That throne is Pragna (knowledge),
body (car) by means of mind and
for by knowledge he sees clearly." —
emotion (the pair of bay steeds).
Kauah. Vpaniehad, I. 2.
That " throne " to which the Soul
rises is the Supreme Knowledge, for
through that alone the Self is perceived
and becomes one with Itself. (The PRAKRITI, OR MULA-PRAKRITI,
throne of Osiris is represented as resting BEING THAT OUT OF WHICH
upon Water, the symbol of Truth.) EVERYTHING IN NATURE IS
" The foundations of man are not in PRODUCED :—
matter, but in spirit. But the element of
spirit is eternity."— R. W. EMERSON, A symbol of primordial Matter
Nature. as emanated from the Absolute.
" And further still we climbed, in This Divine essence differentiates
inner thought and speech, and in wonder Into seven planes of manifestation,
of Thy works, and we reached to our two of which, — the highest, — are
own minds, and passed beyond them, so potential, and five are actual.
as to touch the realm of plenty never Spirit working into and through
failing, where Thou feedest Israel for
ever in the pasture of the truth, and
Matter makes matter fertile for
where life is that Wisdom, by which all the production of all forms and
things are made, both those which have qualities on the four lower planes.
been, and those which shall be ; and " The source of all things the power

Itself is not made, but is now as it was of the divine spirit (Maya), the power
and ever shall be ; or rather in hidden beneath the things that


neither hath been nor shall be,' but It is the one deity

emanate out of it.


only is,' since It is eternal." — AUGUSTINE, that actuates and controls all those

Confessions, Book IX. Ch. 10. proposed principles of emanation, includ

See DHARMA, OSIRIS, WATER, ing time and the personal soul." — Svelat.
S. B. E.

WISDOM, Vpanithad,

," solution ; one referring to the Active
MiiviV.r Frakriti,
a birthless beginning
that gives birth to all things. . . . Periods of the Universe ; the other to
Prakriti is Maya, and Mahesvara is the its times of relative and complete Rest.
Mayin or arch-illusionist. All this shift whether they occur at the end of •
ing world is filled with portions of Day, or an Age, or Life, of BrahmA."
him." — Ibid. " The essence of Darkness being Abso
" The root and substance of all things lute Light, Darkness is taken as the
(except soul, Purusha) is Prakriti. It is appropriate allegorical representation of
no production. Seven things produced the condition of the Universe during
by it are also producers. Thence come Pralaya, or the term of Absolute Rest,
sixteen productions. Soul, the twenty- or Non-being, as it appears to our finite
fifth essence, is neither a production nor minds."
producer." — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian Nature runs down and disappears
Witdom, p. 92. from the objective plane, only to re-
Much preparation is needed before emerge, after a time of rest, out of the
the Self or Soul can enter the World- subjective, and to re-ascend once more.
Our Kosmos and Nature will run down
process. States of being produce other only to re-appear on a more perfect
states following, and many states are plane after every Pralaya." — BLAVATSKV,
begun and ended before the lower Secret Doctrine, Vol. I. pp. 98, 173, 395.
nature is in a condition capable of See BREATH (divine), DARKNESS,
bearing the Divine Child, — the God DAY, DAYS, HOUSE TO SLEEP m,
within. The Self is not a product, MANVANTARA, NIGHT, NIRVANA, Nox,
but is the eternal Spirit, and comes PLANETARY CHAIN, PRANA, REGNABOK,
to be the ruler and organiser of the RENOVATION, SABBATH, SATURDAY,
entire nature. SUMMER, TIME, WINTER.
" By various means Prakriti endowed
with qualities, acting as a benefactress, PRANA (BREATH OR LIFE) :—
accomplishes without profit to herself A symbol of the Higher Self or
the purpose of soul, who is devoid of Divine Life In all things.
qualities, and makes no return of bene " In the Upanishads we
fit." — San-khya-karika, 59, 60. frequently
meet with the explanation that Brah
The soul being essentially Spirit, — man, whose nature it is sought to ascer
eternal, unchangeable, — is regarded as tain, is the prana, the breath of life that
" witness, solitary, bystander, specta pervades both the universe and the
tor, and passive " (ibid., 19), before human body." — DEUSSEN, Phil, of Upani-
shads, p. 110.
whom the qualities of matter (pra- " When a man
sleeps, his speech, eye,
kriti) are displayed. iininns. and ear enter into the prana ;
" Prakriti,
the principle of emanation, and when he awakes, from the prana
unconscious as it is, acts with a view they are reborn. Thus far in relation to
to the liberation of Purushas or Selves. the self. Next in relation to the goda.
. . . Prior to a fresh creation, or palinge- In truth, Agni is that which this speech
nesia of the world, there is no misery, is here, yondor Aditya is this eye, yonder
as the migrating souls have neither moon this manas, and the heavenly
bodies, senses, nor environments." — regions this ear. But yonder vayu
A. E. GOUGH, Phil, of Upanishads, p. 205. (wind), which purifies there as it blows,
" The
Samkhya philosopher makes is this prana (breath). When now the
Prakriti, under the eye of a Purusha fire (agni) is extinguished, it is blown
(Self), develop into Buddhi." — MAX out in the wind. And when the sun
MttLLER, The Six Syitemt, p. 371. (aditya) sets, it enters into the wind :
See AKASA, BINAH, BUDDHI, and similarly the moon and the heavenly
CHARIOT, COW-MEHUKT, EVOLUTION, regions are dependent on the wind ;
HETHRA, ILLUSION, INVOLUTION, and from the wind they are reborn.
He, therefore, who departs from this
MATTEE, MAY!, MOTHER, MULA-PRA- world knowing this, enters with his
KRITI, PLANES, PUEUSHA, SELF, speech into the fire, with his eye into
SPIRIT, WOMB. the sun, with his manas into the moon,
with his ear into the heavenly regions,
with his prana into vayu ; for from
PRALAYA, OR NIGHT:— them he nas arisen, and from these
A symbol of a state of cosmic divinities, whom he ever loves, united
Inactivity, when the Divine Life is to them he finds rest." — Sata. Br&h., X.
Indrawn from the manifest and all 3, 3, 5-8.
things have disappeared for a period. This is an explanation
of the corre
" The days and Nights of Brahma. spondences of
manifestation of the
This is the name given to the periods individual ego, the higher qualities,
called Manvantara and Pralaya or Dis and the Higher Self.
When an ego indraws his life basis of his being, in such a way that
forces, then his outward mental to arrive at what one fundamentally it
is to come upon the eternally perfect
expression or action (speech), his and divine ? This is a solemn thing to
perceptive ability or consciousness, say, and traditional Christianity shrinks
(eye), his mental faculty (manas), and from affirming it. But I
ask again, is
his receptive capacity or intuition (ear), it true ? For if it true, its realisation
is of far more importance to the future
are withdrawn into the Divine Life of mankind than any of the ephemeral
(prana) ; and when subsequently he questions of the hour with which we are
outpours his life forces (awakes), busying ourselves so greatly ; indeed,
then from latency in the Divine without the one how can we rightly
understand the other ? Yes, it is true,
Life these qualities reappear in actu gloriously true, sweetly true, consolingly
ality. This is in relation to the true, redeemingly true. God is our life,
individual ego manifesting in the and apart from God there is no man.
lower nature. Next in relation to Within us all, the very centre and core
of our being, is a reality which is older
the higher qualities (gods) on higher than creation itself, for it has never had
planes. The life force of the Self any beginning at all, and will never
(Agni) is, in truth, his action or have an end. That is the true you, the
mental expression ; the ray of the true me, the true self in everybody, the
universal life individualised in human
Self (Aditya), the consciousness or souls." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Qod't
perceptive ability ; the intuition, the Life in Man.
mental faculty ; and the buddhic See ADITYA, AGNI, Am, AMTTAUGAS,
nature the receptive capacity. But ATOMS (perm.), BREATH (divine), EAB,
the spiritual energy (vayu), which EYE, GODS, FIRE, LIBERATION, MANAS,
purifies the qualities as it manifests MOON, I 'it ALA v A, SPEECH, SUN, TBANS-
in them, is the same Divine Life as MUTATION, VAYU.
through all. When now the life PRANAS, FIVE LIFE-BREATHS :—
force (agni) subsides outwardly, it is
Symbolic of live energies of con
absorbed into the indrawing Spirit.
scious life In the soul, both higher
And when the Self (sun) withdraws and lower.
(sets) from manifestation, it also is " These fires of prana, which are on
absorbed into the unmanifest. And the watch in sleep, are themselves five
in like manner the higher planes are in number, viz. prdna, apdna, vyAna,
absorbed, to reappear subsequently. tamdna, uddna, and they are mentioned
together both earlier and later number
The spiritual ego, who is liberated less times, and employed in the most
from the lower nature, thereby knows varied allegories, without its being pos
the truth and advances to higher sible to obtain a clear and consistent
states of consciousness ; his mental explanation of them." — DEUSSEN, i'inl.
expression is spiritualised, his per of "Upanithads, p. 275.
The prana makes its exit upwards,
ceptive ability merges in the Self ; the apana downwards, and carries off
his mental ability becomes intuition, the excrements." — Ibid., p. 279.
his receptive capacity wisdom, and The prdna signifies the Divine life
his soul-life (prana) the life and love which flows upwards or inwards.
of the Spirit. For from the higher The n /•, 111ii. the " wind of digestion "
qualities he has arisen, and to them, and having an " evil odour," signifies
whom he ever loves, he returns for the lower life of desire which flows
downwards or outwards.
" The pr&na
reunion with them in immortal bliss.
" To our instructed hopes there is a dwells in the heart, the apdna in the
certain future on which we can build, bowels.11— Ibid.
far more glorious, far more ' beautiful, " Vyana, ' '
interspiration,' is the bond
than anything in the past. We know between prana and apana.' The con
that when He shall appear, we shall be ception of it is accommodated to that
like Him.' We have a future which is of apana. . . . Samdna, '
an object, not of dim expectation and bears the name because it
leads to
trembling hope, but of knowledge. Our
union.' . . . Uddna, or ' up-breathing,'
word is not ' it may be,' but it will conducts the soul from the body at
be.' We have a certainty. Hope ia death, while already in deep sleep it
truer than history." — A. MACLAREN, Ser-
guides to Brahman." — lliid., p. 280.
mont, 2nd Seriet, p. 46.
" Can it really be true that God not Vydna is the life of the lower
merely indwells man but is the very emotions, which is modifiable by both
the higher and the lower energies. laws as definite as the laws of equilibrium
Sam&na is the life of the higher emo in forces. And what is called the doctrine
tions, it " assimilates the food " and
of the Spirit and the doctrine of prayer,
" dwells white as milk in the navel," as given in the Scriptures, is, in fact,
nothing more nor less than the unfolding
— that is, the higher emotions give to us, if we could so regard it, of the
laws of the Spirit and the laws of prayer,
sustenance to the causal-body, and
as pertaining to the supernatural kingdom
purify the lower nature. Ud&na is of God. . . . These two great powers,
the life of aspiration, which leads the the hearing of prayer and the dispensing
ego upward from its submersion in of the Spirit, are like the waterfalls and
the lower nature, and raises it to winds of nature, to which we set our
wheels and lift our sails, and so by their
union with the Higher Self. known laws advantage of their
The five life energies of the soul are efficacy. A crystal or
gem that is being
said to be
" organs of nutrition," for distilled and shaped in the secret depths
they serve to give sustenance to the of the world is shaped by laws not as
well understood as the law of the Spirit
causal-body (manas), which grows from of life when it moulds the secret order
latency to actuality in the many and beauty of a soul." — H. BUSHNELL,
human souls. The causal-body is Nature and the Supernatural, p. 186.
" Every impulse after good, every
potentially perfect, but in each human
thought in which we forget ourselves,
being it is actually defective and every action in which we sacrifice our
incomplete, and having to be nourished selves, is an influx of the Divine Spirit
or built up by means of the life into our spirits." — W. S. LILLY, The
Great Enigma, p. 307.
processes on the lower planes. " All we can ever need or desire ii
already present in God's loving purpose
CHARIOT, FOOD FOB son., HEART, for our good, and only waits to be
HIGHER AND LOWER NATURES, claimed ; but it must be claimed, for
LAZARUS, LINQAM, MILK, NAVEL, that is the necessary condition by which
alone the soul can grow." — R. J. CAMP
SAHU, SENSE GROANS, UNION, BELL, Serm., Conquering Prayer.
A symbol of aspiration. The sup
plication of the lower for spiritual PRAYERS AND OBLATIONS :—
" Symbols of aspirations after
For everyone that asketh receiveth ; ideals ; and of the acts of devotion
and he that seeketh findeth ; and to
hi in that knocketh it shall be opened."
and sacrifice which are to secure
— LUKE xi. 10. the safety of the soul.
" When ten
Every spiritual appeal from the days were fulfilled after
lower self meets with a response his son's birth, with his thoughts kept
under restraint, and filled with excessive
from the Higher. The application of joy, the king offered for his son (Buddha)
this supreme law is universal. The most elaborate sacrifices to the gods with
aspiration from the lower causes the muttered prayers, oblations, and all kinds
higher vibrations, or response from of auspicious ceremonies." —Buddha-
Karita, Bk. I. 88.
above, to be received by the lower.
" Aspiration is an element in all true The ten cycles (days) process is
prayer. It is the desire to rise above the elaboration of the mechanism
the limitations of our imperfect nature, through which the Self is to manifest
and to enter into communion with that in the physical, astral, and mental
larger life of which by our very con
bodies on their respective planes.
stitution we are dimly conscious. . . >
To seek God is to seek goodness, that When this process was accomplished,
ever-expanding ideal which recedes as with His Will directed to the com
we approach it, but which is ever within pletion of Divine achievement and
us. . . . Prayer is illuminating and edu
full of hope and courage, aspiration
cative. It brings man into the current
of God's purposes. It is the means is awakened within the lower self,
whereby he ascends to a higher know which is the free-will offering to the
ledge of the mode in which God works." aspects of the qualities which are
— R. J. CAMPBELL, A Faith for To-day,
314, 315, 322.
of the Self. The " prayers and
pp. " are the ideals that are
" God oblations
dispenses the Holy Spirit by
fixed laws. Prayer also is heard by followed, and the acts of devotion to
right and truth which are to make this mind is opened by charity ; and
sure the salvation of the soul. when it is open, light and the affection
" How closely connected with whatever of understanding truths flow in from
is lovely and of good report is this the Lord, which constitutes illumination."
— SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 85.
detachment from the near and the visible.
A man that is living for remote objects See AARON, ADVARYA, AGAMEM
is, in so far, a better man than one who NON, AONIDHRA, ATHORNE, APOLLO,
is living for the present. He will become CHHYSE, CHRYSEIS, HIOH PRIEST,
thereby the subject of a mental and
moral discipline that will do him good.
And, on the other hand, a life which PRIEST OF THE ALTAR :—
has no far-off light for its guiding star
has 'none of the unity, of the self- A symbol with the same meaning
restraint, of the tension, of the conscious as " priest of Apollo."
power which makes our days noble and " I accompany thy preparation, at
strong. Whether he accomplish them or the beginning each time, with words of
fail, the man who lets future objects praise, O intelligent (Homa) ! when he
rule present action is in advance of the (the managing priest) takes thy twigs. I
other." — A. MACLAREN, Sermons, 2nd accompany thy preparation, in each
Seriet, p. 142. successive act by which thou art killed
See BUDDHA, OBLATION, SACRIFICE. through the strength of a man, with
words of praise, O intelligent." — Homa
" I, the individuality, increase aa
Symbols of virtues and higher
qualities of the soul. thou, the Divine Life, dost live within
" Precious stones in the Word signify me." The "priest with twigs" is a
such things as are of the truth of wisdom symbol of the buddhic emotions, and
or of the good of love." —SWEDENBORO, these are interpreted through the
Apoe. Rev., n. 231.
" I, the Self, celebrate thee
See particular stones, BREAST
in each successive mode of manifesta
tion through the karmic law, and
PRIAM AND HIS SONS :— trace thee in all things up to the
A symbol of the Causal Self and human in whom thou dost fulfil thy
Its assemblage of faculties. self." The " words of praise " sym
See CAUSAL-SELF, GREECE, ILIUM, bolise the higher aspirations which
SHIPS (Ilium), TROJANS, TROY. live and carry on the evolution.
The " killing " refers to the sacrifice
PRIEST OF APOLLO (CHRYSE) :— of the Logos in the Archetypal Man,
A symbol of the subjective on the one hand, and the defeat of
spiritual mind, which is related the lower nature in man, on the
to the intuition (Chrysels). other.
" Upon this, all the other Greeks " The Advarya (priest) is the mind,
shouted assent, that the priest should and the Hotri (priest) is speech." — .Sola.
be reverenced, and the splendid ransoms Br&h., I. 5, 1, 21.
" By priests in
the Word are meant
accepted ; yet was it not pleasing in
his mind to Agamemnon, son of Atreus ; they who are in the truth of love." —
but he dismissed him evilly, and added SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 854.
a harsh mandate." — Iliad, Bk. I. See ADVARYA, AGNIDHBA, ALTAR
Thereupon all the mental qualities (fire), BARSOM, FIRE PRIESTS, HIOH
are energised in relation to the PRIEST, HOTRI.
spiritual mind, and the consent is PRIEST, OR SOOTHSAYER :—
obtained for the Ego to undertake
its own evolution. The desire mind, A symbol of tradition, current
opinion, or literalism.
the product of illusion, is, however,
dissatisfied, and the denial of the
rule of the spiritual mind is therefore PRIESTS AND ELDERS :—
brought about : the lower self, self- Symbolic of conventional ideas
centred, works as from itself, hence and empty religious notions, which
forward, and at first treats the Higher distinguish sectarian systems.
Self as an enemy. " Now the chief priests and the whole
" To see truths from their own light council sought false witness against
is to see them from man's interior mind, Jesus, that they might put him to death."
which is called the spiritual mind, and — MAT. xx vi. 69.
The "chief priests, etc." may stand held In fetters of the lower desire*
for the " higher criticism " empty of and the attractions of the objects of
Divine inspiration ; and also respec sense.
" "
tively for the mouthpiece of a creed That thou mayest say to the prisoners.
outworn," and for its stereotyped, Go forth ; to them that sit in darkness,
Shew yourselves. They shall feed in the
antiquated presentation. These
ways, and their pastures shall be in all
mental states ignorantly seek for the high places." — ISA. xlix. 9.
living spirit among the dead forms of The indwelling Self is to be the
past history and present conventions ; means whereby the egos are to be
and these always attempt to put to liberated from ignorance and illusion,
death the object of their professed and express their spiritual nature.
veneration. The " false witnesses " They are to be sustained in their
are the misinterpreted truths hidden paths to perfection, and their means
under the letter : that is, they are of growth are provided for them on
the false notions which an exegesis of the higher planes.
external illusions generates. " The only freedom we possess is like
" Educated Christians know that that of a bird in a cage : we can choose
' '
inspiration is no longer allowed by between the higher and the lower stand
scholars any influence on interpretation. ing ground, a choice called for by the
It cannot establish the truthfulness of very fact that we are in prison ; but we
any statement against the verdict of cannot chose where the cage shall go." —
historical critics. . . . The modern R. J. CAMPBELL, The New Theoloyv,
Christian student ignores both inspiration p. 39
and canonicity."— H. HENSLEY HENSON, '
Am Ia sea or a whale, that thou'
Value of the Bible, pp. 26, 27. hast compassed me about with a prison ?
" The science of Christian Apologetics '
(JOB vii. 12). ' Man is compassed about
has grown to enormous dimensions, its with a prison in that he very often both
convincingness inversely proportional to strives to mount on high by the strides
its mass." — Credo," Hibbert Journal, of virtuous attainments, and yet is
April, 1909. impeded by the corruption of his fleshly
" Religion is never intolerant, only part. Of which same the Psalmist rightly
the systems of religion ; it is love of prays that he might be divested, saying,
system that rejects what is foreign to Bring my soul out of prison, that I
the system, while religion, on the con may praise Thy name (Ps. czlii. 7).
trary, abhors a bald uniformity, which But what have ' we set forth by the
would destroy her divine influence. It is designation of the sea ' saving the
only the adherents of the dead letter hearts of carnal men tossed with swelling
which religion rejects, who have filled the thoughts ? and what by the name of
' '
world with the clamour and uproar of a whale except our old enemy T who,
religious controversies ; the true con- when in taking possession of the hearts
templators of the Eternal were ever of the children of this world he makes
quiet souls, either alone with themselves his way into them, — does in a certain
and the Eternal, or, if they looked about sort swim about in their slippery thought!.
them, conceding willingly to every one But the ' whale is made fast in prison
the kind of religion he chose (F. D. E. in that the evil spirit, being cast down
Schleiermacher). — PFLEIDERER, Phil, of below, is kept under by the weight of
Religion, Vol. I. p. 311. his own punishment." — GREGOKY THK
See ANNAS, ASSEMBLY, CAIAPHAS, GREAT, Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. I.
CALF (molten), CHILDREN or JERU pp. 444-6.
NESSES (false).


A symbol of the higher qualities
of the mind. A symbol of the production
See GREEKS (great-hearted). of the emotion-nature from the
activities of the kama-manasic
Symbolic of the spiritual egos See BHIMA, CUPID, KAHNA, POUKU-
confined to the lower planes, and SHA8FA, YUDHI,
PRIZE OF HONOUR GAINED :— the higher virtues — the robes of truth,
A symbol of credit taken to itself beauty and goodness, and the white
by the lower egoism for having garments of purity. The two swing
made an effort to surrender itself to ing censers facing the priests signify
the higher nature ; pride being the the Wisdom and Love ever purifying
motive at this stage. the qualities in the soul's long pil
" Only make ye me ready a prize of
grimage. The lighted candles held
honour forthwith, lest I alone of all the by the acolytes are symbolic of the
Argives be disprized, which thing
beseemeth not ; for ye all behold how light of truth illuminating men's
my prize is departing from me (i.e. minds. The canopy with four sup
Agamemnon)." — Iliad, Bk. I. ports indicates the obscuration of
This vanity in seeking for honour Spirit in the lower nature, or under
signifies the growth of the egoistic world. The congregation of worship
feeling as the lower emotions increase pers are the lower mental qualities
in intensity. As this takes place the reverencing the higher, and turning
Desire-mind realises how its captive, away from darkness to the adoration
the Intuition of truth (Chryseis), is of the Light, while the music they
destined gradually to recover its hear is a symbol of the harmony that
liberty and manifest in the soul. attends the exercise of the higher
See ACHILLES, AGAMEMNON, AR qualities in the region of the blest.
GIVES, CHRYSEIS, INTUITION, KLYTEM- " ' The spirit shall return to God who
NESTBA. gave it.' Let us suppose a procession,
say, on Ascension Day. It leaves the
PROCESSION OF THE EUCHA High Altar, goes round the great church,
or perhaps, in some favoured place,
RIST :— leaves the church and goes through the
A symbol of the process of salva streets of the town, re-enters the church
tion, i.e. the descent of the Higher and returns to the Altar again. '
Self into the lower nature, and its came forth from the Father, and am
ascent therefrom in the souls of come into the world : again, I leave the
world and go to the Father.' " — R. L. G.
humanity. in The Nation, July 31, 1920.
The Divine Sacrifice or Victim See AFTT-BA, ALTAR, APOLLO,
(host), from his exalted place on the BREAD, CABIN, CANDLES, CANDLE
highest plane (high altar), descends STICKS, CANOPY, CENSERS, EVOLU
as the real presence (wafer) in the TION, FIRE, FOOD (God), HARMONY,
Sun of righteousness (monstrance), HEART, HOST, HYMN SINGING, INCAR
into the lower nature of the soul NATION, INCENSE, INVOLUTION, LIOHT,
(nave). This descent is beautifully Music, PEOPLE, PILLARS (four),
symbolised in the procession of the PRIEST, RITUAL, ROBE, SACRAMENT,
mass from the high altar. The spiri SACRIFICER, SAINTS, SALVATION,
tual mind (chief priest) holds to his
" heart " the Divine Presence (sacred STRIDES OF SOUL, SUN.

element) in the shadow of the higher

nature (canopy). The higher quali A symbol of the evolution of the
ties (priesta and acolytes), surround soul in its emotion-nature (younger
the Incarnate Christ (host) in the son) and its mental-nature (elder
descent of the Spirit into matter son).
" A certain
(involution). At the lowest point on man had two sons : and
the younger of them said to his father,
the physical plane (farthest from
Father, give me the portion of thy sub
altar) the descent ends, and the stance that falleth to me. And he
ascent commences in the return of divided unto them his living. And not
the soul to God, until finally Christ, many days after the younger son gathered
with his perfected saints, ascend to all together, and took his journey into
a far country ; and there he wasted his
the higher planes (altar) in glory and substance with riotous living." — LUKE
power, and the process of salvation xv. 11-33.
is fulfilled in evolution. The Father in heaven had two
Every detail of the ceremony is evolving attributes on the higher
wonderfully true in its inner meaning. planes, —mind and emotion. Unto
The vestments of the priests signify each of these he apportions hia sub
stance ; that is, he endows them foundation of the consciousness
with that wherewith each shall accom (bones) and the affections (fat). It
plish its work of self-development on is the higher nature that is acceptable
the respective planes on which they to the Self (Zeus).
function. The endowment of the The father of the gods avenged
" younger son " having been effected, himself by withholding fire from mortals,
but Prometheus stole it in a hollow
shortly afterwards the evolution of tube. Zeus thereupon chained Prome
the emotions commenced. The soul theus to a pillar, where an eagle con
descended to the lower planes, sumed in the daytime his liver, which
wherein it seemed to the ego he was was restored in each succeeding night.
Prometheus was thus exposed to per
divided from the parental influence,
petual torture ; but Hercules killed the
but which really was yet at work eagle and delivered the sufferer, with the
unseen above him. The " riotous consent of Zeus, who in this way had an
living " means simply complete opportunity of allowing his son to gain
immortal fame." — Ibid.
absorption in worldly affairs and the
Meanwhile the Divine Will has not
things of desire and the senses. The
yet aroused a spiritual influence
parable proceeds to show how the
within the human mind, but the
emotion-nature blindly gains experi
individuality now being evolved
ence leading to dissatisfaction and a
attracts the Divine Spark (fire) from
yearning for that which is higher.
above to the nascent causal-body by
The soul then turns to go towards its
eternal home, and the Father
means of the Divine Ray or
"Sutratma" (tube). Through the
responds with blessing. The mind is
acquisition of the Spark of the Divine
then stirred to progress, and finally
Fire (atma-buddhi) the individuality
both the mind and emotions are
becomes bound by its emanating
merged in the Divine.
personalities to the pillar (or moun
tain) of aspiration.
For Hesiod said that the outer man
bond ' by which Zeus bound
Prometheus (Theogony, 614)." — Zosurrs,
PROMETHEUS :— Fragments, 14.

A symbol of the individuality The " eagle " represents the Spirit
seated in the causal-body on the (buddhi) which during each incar
plane of the higher mind (fore nation (daytime) consumes, through
thought). suffering and sorrow, a little of the
" Prometheus, with a view of deceiving lower nature (liver-flesh), which as a
Zeus, cut up a bull, and divided it into whole is restored for the next earth-
two parts : he wrapped up the best parts life. And in this manner the purifi
and the intestines in the skin, and at
the top he placed the stomach, which is cation of the soul proceeds, until at
one of the worst parts ; while the second the end of the cycle perfection is
heap consisted of the bones covered attained, and the Divine Law (Her-
with fat. When Zeus pointed out to
him how badly he had made the divi cule.?) puts an end to the buddhic
sion, Prometheus desired him to choose, function (eagle) as no lower nature
but Zeus, in his anger, seeing through remains. Then it is that the soul
the stratagem of Prometheus, chose the rises to the higher planes and becomes
heap of bones covered with the fat." — one with the " son of God " in the
Smith's Class. Diet.
life everlasting.
The higher mind, or individuality, ''
By the transference of the vitalising
in view of the descent of the ego to Fire from the ' heaven ' to the ' earth '
the illusions of the lower planes, is of the human system, the lower nature
the means of dividing the archetypal is inflamed and set at war with the
matrix of qualities and forms (the Divine Spirit or ' Zeus ' within the
man. This act is the Promethean Theft,
bull) into lower and higher natures '
punished so terribly by the Father at '
in the soul. The lower, or astro- the hand of Hermes, the true Thought,
mental-desire (flesh) nature is wrapped or Angel of Understanding. For' by this
in the physical (skin), and is dis act man becomes bound and fettered to
the things of sense, the victim of a per
tinguished by the appetites (stomach). verse will, which, us an insatiable bird
The higher nature consists of the of prey, continually rends and devoun
him. Thus is formulated that condition eternal life. The raising of the
•which Paul so graphically laments :— qualities Is through the " Holy
I find then the law, that, to me who
Spirit of promise," that Is, through
•would do good, evil is present, etc ' "
(Ron. vii. 21-5).— The Perfect Way, the functioning of buddhi.— See
pp. 157-8. EPH. i. ROM. iv. 13-16; HKB. vi.
13, 14;
" In '
the Gathas, the two lives ' are 12-17 ; PETEB i. 3, 4.
distinguished as astvat, bodily,' or See BLASPHEMY, BLESSING, HOLY
pardhu, ' prior life,' and as manahya, GHOST, TRANSMUTATION.
mental ' or daibitya, '
the second.'
Their meaning is clear enough, and PROPHECY :—
requires no further comment ; they
express our idea ' body and soul.' To This signifies the faculty of spiri
be distinguished from these ' two lives,' tual discernment which is derived
ere the ' first ' and the ' last ' lives, by intuition from buddhi, which
•which mean this life and that here gives utterance to the truth of hidden
after." — M. HAUO, Essays on Rel. of things. It is an exercise of the
P 'arsis, p. 310. Intuition respecting the evolution of
Prometheus is said to mean " fore the higher qualities in the soul.
thought," which with
" second life." Hiscorresponds
brother Epime-
See BUDDHI, FAITH (miracles),
theus denotes "afterthought," which
corresponds with " first life." The PROPHET :—
" first life " is of the personality, A symbol of a dawning of higher
mortal ; the " second lifa " is of the consciousness, and a recognition of
individuality, immortal. The person reality. An intuition within the
ality and the individuality are often mind which foresees coming out
pourings of spiritual faculty and
symbolised as brothers, e.g. Castor
increased perception of truth.
and Pollux, the Dioscuri. " And they glorified God, saying, a
" Christ is the Lord of the He
great prophet is arisen among us : and
is come to scatter that fire on the earth.
He brings the ruddy gift from heaven God hath visited his people." — LUKE vii.
to mortals, carrying it in the bruised
reed of His humanity ; and in pursuance This refers to the perfecting of the
of His merciful design, He is bound and qualities and their recognition of the
suffers for our sakes, but, loosed at last higher state of consciousness which
from the bands by which it was not Christ brings to the soul.
possible that He should be holden, and " By a prophet is understood truth of
being by the right hand of God exalted,
He hath shed forth this.' His mighty doctrine. . . . By prophet is meant
doctrine of the church derived from the
work opens the way for the life-giving
Word." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., a. 3,7.
power of the Spirit to dwell as an habitual
principle, and not as a mere occasional See CHILDREN OF JERUSALEM,
gift, among men, sanctifying their ELIJAH, JOHN BAPTIST.
characters from the foundation, and not
merely, as of old, bestowing special PROPHETIC DREAMS :—
powers for special functions." — A MAC- A dream is prophetic when the
LAREN, Sermons, 2nd Series, p. 234. dreamer Is able to become not
See BONES, BULL, CAUSAL-BODY, only fully conscious upon superior
COLUMN, DAY AND NIGHT, DIOSCURI, levels, but when he is able to trans
EAGLE, EPIMETHEUS, FAT, FIRE, mit his experiences thereon to his
FLESH, GOSHURUN, HERCULES, brain and waking consciousness.
HIGHER AND LOWER NATURES, HOM The consciousness in deep sleep
(stem), INCARNATION, INDIVIDUALITY, may rise to the planes of causation
LIVER, MOUNTAIN, PANDORA, PERSON and almost beyond them, and un
ALITY, SKIN, affected by either cause or effect, —
karma. But the below can never
SUTBATMA, VISCERA, VITAL AIRS, contain the above, and we cannot
ZEUS. see things of the future in their
true aspect until they are things of
PROMISES OF GOD:— the past.
A symbol of the measures taken See RECOLLECTION.
In the Divine scheme for the raising
of the qualities and souls in response PROPHETS, FALSE :—
to their aspirations, so that when A symbol of states of mind which
they are perfected they may have regard outer events and personalities
of time past or to come, as sources its world is the 'World of the Fixed
" " The Sufis Doctrine of
of soul-growth and salvation.
" And many false prophets shall arise the Soul." — GIBB, Hist, of Ottoman
Poetry, Vol. I. p. 55.
and lead many astray. And because The highest of the five planes of
iniquity shall be multiplied, the love of
the many shall wax cold." — MAT. xxiv. manifestation is the plane of atma,
11, 12. the abode of the Higher Self and of
The " false prophets " signify those the Divine
" or monads of
minds which point others to particular life and form which are the proto
persons, and times, and localities as types of all things which appear on
sources of salvation, and thereby the planes below.
" All that which is on the earth, is
deceive and mislead many. As soon
also found above (in perfect prototype)"
as erroneous religious notions abound,
(Sepher Shephathal). — MYEB, Qabbalah,
and these signs of spiritual inertness p. 109.
creep into the soul, the love of the " When man has moved out of himself
higher, or the unifying principle, is away to God, like the image to its Proto
lost to the qualities. type, he has reached his journey's end."
" Ye observe days and months, and — PLOTINUS, Enneads, V. Bk. I.
seasons and years. I am afraid of you, (According to Erigena) there is a
divine ' procession ' by which God reveals
lest by any means I have bestowed
Himself in an unfolding universe. He
labour upon you in vain." — GAL. iv.
cannot be ' seen ' in Himself ; He can
10, 11. ' '
be seen in His creation. The second
SeeCALAMITIES, COLD AND HEAT, of the four ' divisions ' — that which ia
ENDURING, IDOLATRY, IDOLS, PRIESTS created and creates — is the immaterial
AND ELDERS, RlTES, TRADITION. world of Ideas, of prototypes. These
perfect patterns of things have their
PROPONTIS (SEA OF MAR origin in God, they are His thoughts.
God ' so Erigena says, ' does not know
MORA) :— things because they are — they are becatat
A symbol of the astral plane. He knows (i.e. thinks) them.' That which
See SEA, WATER (lower). is real in any object, what is called the
estence of the object, is the Divine Idea
PROSPERITY AND EARTH ARE which the object manifests, and this
THE WESTERN FEET OF Idea, or pattern, creates the object, so
BRAHMA'S THRONE :— that our visible world is all only a
' '
copy of a perfect Divine pattern,
This symbolises the sublimated These patterns are themselves dynamic
lower self, or "natural man," — they are Divine unlU, as well >i
through which the Higher Ego Divine thoughts ; that is to say, when
has attained its final liberation. God thinks, things are." — R. M. JOKES,
Although this condition is " unreal," Mystical Religion, p. 125.
" The Hervey islanders speak of the
yet It has been absorbed into the '
Self ; for the germ of this state things of this world as a gross copy of
what exists in spirit-land,' and of the
exists and will persist through '
soul as an airy but visible copy of the
eternity ; it Is transformed, but is man.' " — A. E. CRAWLEY, The Idea of
still visible to the Self,— though the Soul, p. 195.
now seen to be derived of It. No See ARC. MAN, ATMA, ATZEELATIC,
thing in manifestation, or experience, BUDDHIC PLANE, COLOUR, COSMOS,
is ever lost : there is an atom or CREATION, GERMS, GODDESS, GODS,
centre on each plane which, when
communicated with, will respond to
vibrations which answer to the MONAD or LIFE, SIMILITUDES, SPARK,
varied aspects of the Self. SPERMATIC WORDS, TYPE, WORLDS
(permanent), BRAHMA, GOLD (spot), PROVINCE-RULER :—
MAN (natural), MONAD OF LIFE, A symbol of the higher emotion-
PILLOW. nature operating from the causal-
PROTOTYPES, body and ruling the soul through
feelings of truth, justice, benevo
A symbol of the spiritual monads lence, faith, hope, and wide love of
on the plane of a tin a. humanity.
" The first of these five planes is called " That which is in the Vohu-khshathn
the Plane of the Absolutely Invisible * Gatha the province rulers should carry
or the Plane of the Nebulosity,' and on." — Shayast La-Shayast, XIII.
That which is in the operations purification in the higher mind proves
of the causal-body is due to the to the soul the truth underlying
activities of the higher emotions in existence, thereby passing into the
the higher mind. ocean of Reality (Vouru-kasha) above
See CAUSAL-BODY, QUALITIES, the mount of aspiration (Alborj).
RtnuEHs " As the air is the element in which
man moves, and yet again the element of
PSYCHE :— life which is present within the man : so
the Pneuma-Christ is for St. Paul both
the Ocean of the Divine Being, into
PTAH:— which the Christian, since his reception
of the Spirit, is plunged," and in which
A symbol of the Divine Mind, — he disports himself, " and a stream
the Logos energising as the creative which, derived from that Ocean, is
power on the higher mental plane. specially introduced within his individual
" Ptah was one of the most active of life."—H. J. HOLTZMANN, Lehrbuch, etc.,

the three great gods who carried out

Vol. II. p. 79.
the commands of Thoth, who gave
expression in words to the will of the
primeval creative Power ; he was self • KASHA, WATER.
created, and was a form of the Sun-god
' '
H si as the of the day. From
certain allusions in the Book of the
Dead he is known to have opened the A symbol of the soul.
mouth ' of the gods. His feminine " But before
Tangaroa fled, his children
counterpart was the goddess Sekhet." — consulted together how they might
BUDOE, Egyptian Ideas, etc., p. 98. for Tangaroa had
" Ptah bore the titles, — ' Father of the secure their safety,
begotten Punga, and he had begotten
mighty fathers (the other gods), father of two children, Ika-tere, the father of fish,
the beginnings, he who created the sun and Tute-wehiwehi, the father of reptiles."
egg and the moon egg.' . . . He is also — G. GREY, Polynesian Mythology.
called the ' creator of his own image, he
himself, who establishes
But before the obscuration of Spirit,
who created
truth, king of both lands, lord of heaven,' the Logos (Tangaroa) had brought the
etc." — WIEDEMANN, Rel. of Anc. Egyp soul (Punga) into active being. The
tians, pp. 132-3. soul was endowed with two capacities
The Divine Mind or Self manifesting for development ; one springing from
on the mental plane becomes the above, — the capacity (Ika-tere) for
progenitor of higher and lower condi aspiration (fish), and the other rising
tions inclusive of the individuality by reflection from below, the capacity
(sun-egg) and the personality (moon- for desire (reptiles). These capacities
egg). He creates his own image — became operants in the evolution of
the Archetypal Man, and rules the the soul.
higher and the lower planes (both See DOLPHIN, FISH, IKA-TEBE,
lands). The Self is allied with the JESUS (fish), RANGI, SOUL (middle),
buddhic principle (goddess Sekhet). TANGAROA, TUTE.
MOON, MOUTH (opening), RA, SELF Symbolic of a state of the soul,
(supreme), SUN, TEH, THOTH. incarnate or discarnate, in which
purification is brought about by the
PUITIKA SEA :— functioning of buddhi (fire), through
A symbol of the soul's experience experiences of suffering and sorrow.
of the lower nature, which in going " Among the Greek Fathers, Clement
through it, eventually proves the of Alexandria tells us that
the Fire
truth of that which is above. of Purgatory is a rational,' spiritual,
' '
" The sea Puitika, whose waters are fire that penetrates the soul ; and
before going back to their Origen teaches that each sinner himself
heavenly seat — the sea Vouru-kasha, lights the flame of his own fire, and is
not thrown into a fire that has been lit
the waters above (Mount) Alborj." —
Vendidad, V. before that moment and that exists in
"Puitika " is a symbol of
front of him. His conscience is agitated
and pierced by its own pricks.' — F.
experience by which the soul learns VON HUOEL, Mystical Element, Vol. IL
truth, and which ultimately through p. 216.
If " Purgatory " is to be understood descends into union with Matter
as a state of consciousness after the (prakriti) in order to reproduce
death of the body, then it means himself as the Archetypal Man, —
the buddhic
" fire " is the perfect prototype and progenitor
operating on
of the human race.
the astral plane to purify the lower " Purusha, the Self, is within the
nature of its worst characteristics.
midst of the body of the size of a thumb,
Again, if " Purgatory " is a state of the lord of all that has been and of all
soul under more or less physical condi that is to be. This alone is to-day and
tions, then it becomes a symbol of is to-morrow. This is that." — Katha,
life in the physical body on earth, in Upanifhad, IV.
which through suffering and sorrow The Self is said to be in " buddhi
some of its selfishness is purged away. within the cavity of the heart,"
" Purgatory " does not seem to be a figuratively of " the size of a thumb."
" From him, called Purusha, was bom
sacred symbol, that is, a Divinely Viraj, and from Viraj was Purusha pro
inspired one, and in the absence of duced, whom gods and holy men made
any clear idea of its exoteric meaning, their oblation. With Purusha as victim
little can be said about it. It does they performed a sacrifice. When they
divided him, how did they cut him up ?
not apparently occur specifically in What was his mouth ? What were his
any sacred scripture. arms T and What his thighs and feet ?
"The Roman Catholic Church still The Brahman was his mouth, the kingly
teaches not only that the purgatorial fire soldier was made his arms, the husband
is material, but that it is situated in the man his thighs, the servile Sudra issued
middle of the earth ; but it is certain "
from his feet (Mundaka Upanwhad, II).
that educated Romanists do not believe — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 24.
this. We cannot cast stones at them, From the Supreme Spirit was pro
for in our Church the teaching about the
duced the buddhic principle (Viraj),
Ascension is equally chaotic. The story
of a literal flight through the air is still and from buddhi was born, in the new
treasured by many people, though we cycle on the buddhic plane, the
have all, I suppose, abandoned the idea Higher Self, who, in incarnating on
of a geographical heaven, which alone
the lower planes, became the Divine
gave to it a coherent meaning." —
W. R. INGE, Paddock Lectures, p. 124. Sacrifice for humanity. The ideals of
" The soul, divine in its nature, a goodness, love and truth (gods and
portion of the Divinity imprisoned in holy men) make this sacrifice to the
this house of clay is the real Self. To
Supreme in order that the highest
deliver it from the prison where it
languishes, expiating the sins committed qualities shall manifest in the souls of
in former existences, is the one true end. men. So it was the Archetypal Man
And the way to attain thereto is a Via died out of the cycle of Involution to
Purgativa, a way of purification from be bom in that of Evolution. Then
earthly desires " (Plotinus). — W. S. LILLY,
The Great Enigma, p. 202. from him and of his pattern and
See BAPTISM (fire), FIRE (destroy image was formed the human being.
ing), FURNACE, GATHA (kam.), HADES, The expression (mouth) of his Divinity
HAND OF BEAST, HELL, MAN (bad), became the Individuality (Brahman)
MEADOW OF HADES, PRISONER, RE on the higher mental plane ; the
INCARNATION, Si OSIRI. active and contesting qualities (the
arms) became the Personality (soldier)
PURPLE COLOUR:— on the lower mental plane ; the
A symbol of wisdom. The colour progressive quality (the thighs) became
of the buddhic vesture, the robe of the desire -nature (husbandman) on
glory ; also of the ram from which the astral plane ; and the foundation
the " golden fleece," — the buddhic serving quality (feet) became the
vesture, — was taken. physical nature (Sudra) on the physical
" By purple and scarlet are signified plane.
celestial good and celestial truth."— " Vishnu or Krishna is called Puru-
SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 773. shottama, and the name Purusha is
See COLOURS, GOLDEN FLEECE, ROBE. equally given to Brahma and Siva." —
Ibid., p. 101.
A symbol of the Divine Spirit or CASTES, CRUCIFIXION (Gnostic, Puru-
Self, replete with all qualities, who sha), DEATH OF OSIRIS, DISMEMBEE

MENT, EVOLUTION, FEET, GODS, responsive to the charms of Faith-
> HUMAN JBODY, IMAGE, INCABNATION, Hope (Nestor), and during the attrac
INDIVIDUALITY, INVOLUTION, KAMA, tive guidance of this dual influence,
? KSHATRIYA, LIMBS, LIPS, MATTEB, the two earliest races of mankind in
MAYA, MEMBEBS, MOTHER, MOUTH, astral bodies approached extinction,
NET (golden), PHAGAPATI, PBAKBITI, for they could no longer proceed
SACRIFICES, SELF, SOMA (moon), with their evolution on the super-
SPIRIT, SUDBA, THIGH, VAISYA, VIRAJ, physical planes. Formerly they
Vismru, YMIB, ZAGBEUS. influenced the ego on the higher
mental plane (divine Pylus). Now,
FICER :— however, the evolution of the Third
Race was being accomplished.
A symbol of the Divine Mind, — See ADAM (lower), ASTRAL, BEASTS
the Logos from whom all emanates.
(three sorts), DYNASTIES, GREECE,
OF OSIRIS :— A symbol of the causal-body, —
Symbolic of the higher mental the seat the spiritual
of Triad,
qualities energised from the buddhlc Atma-buddhi-manas, — resting upon
plane, which raise and purify the soul, the foundation of the four planes of
and give access to the higher planes. the lower quaternary (four sides).
They are love of Truth, Wisdom, " Hail, Great Company of the Gods
Goodness, Purity, Justice, Gentle who are in Annu, grant that Pepi Nefer-
ness, Perfection, etc. ka-Ra may flourish, and grant that his
" pyramid, his everlasting building, may
Homage to thee saith Horus, O thou flourish, even as the name (ren) of Temu,
eighth pylon of the Still Heart. I have the Governor of the Great Company of
made my way. I know thee, and I the Gods, flourisheth
" (Pepi Pyramid
know thy name. . . . ' She that belongeth —
Text). BUDGE, Book of the Dead, Vol. I.
to her lord ; the mighty goddess, the p. Ixiii.
gracious one, the lady who giveth birth The Divine attributes, — the ideals
to the divine form of her lord,' is thy
name." — BUDGE, upon the higher planes (Annu), — are
Book of the Dead,
Ch. CXIV. extolled by the ego, so that the per
The adoring soul (Horus) through fected personality (Pepi) may be
its intuition reveres the buddhic merged in the individuality, which is
nature, which is the way of peace to within the causal -body (his pyramid),
God. Wisdom allies itself with Love, the immortal vehicle of the soul
for it is through the power and (2 COB. v. 1). The spiritual ego
grace of the buddhic function that the claims similarity and union of nature
Divine Self is born within the soul. with the Higher Self (Temu), who is
See P.IKTU or HOBUS, BUDDHIC exalted above all divine attributes
" The entrance to this pyramid
Isis, NAME, QUALITIES. Cheops) is, as with all pyramids, on the
north side." — BUDGE, The Mummy,
PYLIANS :— The north in Egyptian and European
Symbols of the higher mental scriptures, always stands for the lower
plane, and the higher mental planes, hence the soul rising from
qualities. the lower nature is said to enter the
" Therefore to them arose the sweet - causal-body (pyramid)
" on the north
voiced Nestor, . . . During his life, two side." The passage to the chambers
generations of articulately speaking men of the King and Queen represents
had become extinct, who formerly were the soul's progress to the atma-
reared and lived with him in divine
Pylus, but he was now ruling over the buddhic heights, the state of conscious
third."— Iliad, Bk. I. ness of the Love and Wisdom of the
The soul had so far developed Highest. The passage from below
that the lower emotions had become refers to the narrow way from earth
to heaven. " Stone " is a symbol of QEBHSENNUF, ONE OF THE
the eternal substance Spirit, and FOUR CHILDREN OF
undoubtedly the builders of the pyra HORUS :—
mids got their
architectural ideas A symbol of the buddhlc vehicle
from Divinely
inspired sources of the soul, the buddhic principle,
reverenced very deeply. or the buddhlc plane.
" I am Qebh-sennuf, and I have come
that I may protect Mut-hetep (the
lady deceased Osiris) ; I have collected
HOUSE IN HEAVEN, INDIVIDUALITY, into a whole body for thee thy bone-, I
KAABA, NAME, NORTH, PALACE, have gathered together for thee thy
PERSONALITY, REN, SPIRIT, SQUARE, members, I have brought thy heart
and I
do set it upon its seat within thy
body, and I make thy house to germinate
TEMPLE, TRIAD, TRINITY, TSUBAH, after thee." — BUDGE, Book of the Dead,
The buddhic principle explains the
OAF RANGE OF MOUNTAINS:— means that have been taken to raise
Symbolic of aspiration or uplifting the soul. In the perfecting of the
from the desire-nature. causal-body (whole body), the spiritual
" Theearth, which is flat, is surrounded foundation (bones) and all the higher
as by an eightfold ring, by the eight qualities (members) have been brought
mountain chains of Qaf ; these alternate
with the Seven Seas, the innermost together and the whole made complete.
Qaf being within the innermost of the The Love-principle (heart) from above
seas. . . . Round the outermost Qaf, has been firmly seated in the causal-
which is outside of all, is wound a great body, and the state of consciousness
snake." — GIBB, Hist, of Ottoman Poetry,
Vol. I. p. 38. (thy house) shall be prolific of future
This means that within the lower growth.
" was hawk-headed, and
nature Qebhsennuf
(the earth) are the seven represented the west, and protected
sub-planes of the astral plane (the the liver and the gall-bladder." — Btnxu,
" mountain
seven seas), and the Egyptian Magic, p. 89.
chains " represent the mentality which The " hawk-head " is a symbol
raises the desire-nature (the snake). of aspiration and the higher nature.
The "eight-fold range of Qaf" may " West " signifies the buddhic plane.
stand for the dual aspects of the The lower qualities (liver, etc.) are
lower quaternary. transmuted by buddhi.
A symbol of perfection ; or of VISCEBA.
purification of the qualities on a
high buddhlc sub-plane.
" Hail, thou city of the gods Qahu,

who take possession of Khus and gain A symbol of atma-buddhl.

mastery over the shades (khaibit), who
devour vigorous strength and consume
"O Qen-qentet, I
have entered into
thee, and I have seen the Osiris (my
filth when their eyes see, and who guard
father), and I have gazed upon my
not the earth." — BUDOE, Book of the Dead, mother, and I I
have made love. hare
Ch. CXLIX. caught the worms and serpents, and I
The high ideals of perfection are am delivered." — BUDGE, Book of the Dead,
said to take possession of the monads of Ch.CX. p. 334.
life (Khus), — the returning Egos, —and The Self is addressed under it-
also dominate the causal-bodies aspect of wisdom. The indwelling
(khaibit), which have overcome the Self has now arrived at Wisdom
lower desires through spiritual per (buddhi). It has fulfilled its man
ception, and which conserve not the hood (higher manas) and fathomed
lower nature (earth). also the Wisdom principle, which
See CITY OF GOD, EARTH, GODS, implies that the higher and lower
KHAIBIT, KHUS. natures are now united. The "ser
pente " and
" worms " signify limita all the various orders of qualities
tion and matter, — time and space, — appear to the personality as states
and these being transcended, the Self of consciousness more or less fleet-
is " delivered," that is, liberated from Ing. The qualities may be classified
captivity to the lower nature and in three main orders. (1) Higher
qualities (buddhl-manasic) ; (2) ab
raised above the conditions affecting
stract mental qualities (manasic) ;
lower plane activities.
and (3) lower qualities (kama-
manasic). The higher qualities are
TION, OSIKIS, SEKHET-HETEP, SERPENT, related to the innermost spiritual
STAH-WORMS, UNION, WISDOM. nature, and are expressed in the
mind as Love of Ideals of Truth,
QETETBU, OR REITERATION:— Wisdom, Goodness, Justice, Perfec
This signifies the unwearying tion, etc., and shown in Unselfish
effort of the Higher Self to raise ness, Gentleness, Sympathy, Com
the lower Self. passion, Kindness, Steadfastness,
Patience, Faith, Hope, Love, Reve
QUADRUPED :— rence, etc. The abstract mental
A symbol of the Cosmos as an qualities are Reason, Judgment,
animal. The head, neck, and body Dlspassion, Balance, Breadth, etc.
signify the upper planes of atma, The lower qualities are: (1) The
buddhl, and higher manas, while higher natural, Affection, Sociability,
the four legs stand for the lower Friendship, Generosity, Courtesy,
quaternary, that is, the lower manas, Courage, Prudence, Fairness, Truth
astral, etheric, and physical planes fulness, Simplicity, etc. ; these blend
of manifestation. If an elephant is gradually into the higher qualities.
given as a symbol of the Cosmos, (2) The lower natural, Hate, Aver
then the trunk has the same mean sion, Selfishness, Meanness, Anger,
ing as the sutratma, for through it Rage, Rudeness, Cowardice, Lust,
flows the breath of life, correspond Cunning, Intemperance, Cruelty,
ing to the Ray of life from the Arrogance, Vanity, Pride, Oppres
Supreme. sion, Deceit, Revenge, Jealousy,
See ANIMAL, BULL (man), ELE Greed, Malice, Injustice, etc.
PHANT, GRIFFIN, RAT, SPHINX, As these three orders of qualities
SUTRATMA. are all perceived through vibrations
on the mental plane, it is evident
QUAILS AS FLESH FOOD:— that the planes both above and
A symbol of the lower desires, below the mental are not directly
which bring sorrow and suffering to cognised, and so their existence can
the soul. only be inferred from the vibrations
" And there went forth a wind from
received. The astral and physical
the Lord, and brought quails from the of
planes transmit their vibrations
sea." — NUM. xi. 31.
It was necessary that the lower emotion, desire, instinct, appetite,
and eenation through a complex
desires should bring experience to
the soul, hence the desires of the astral astral mechanism to a lower mental
centre. The higher mental and
plane (sea) were energised for a period.
buddhic planes transmit vibrations
through the causal-body to the
personality, and they affect its superior
QUALITIES OF THE SOUL:— qualities in order to raise and trans
These are attributes of the soul, mute them. These vibrations are
and not the soul itself. They are only perceived through the spiritual
so many changing and developing aspects of the higher qualities ; they
modes of the soul's expression. cannot be observed by the lower
The soul in its ultimate aspect consciousness (LuKE xvii. 20), except
must be conceived of as the spiritual as pure impulse towards the higher
centre of the manifested Higher
nature, which endures no opposi
Self, and to this centre and source
the qualities are attached. As the tion. The vibrations from the five
of the human being sense organs, transmitted through
resides only on the mental plane, the astral mechanism to a centre
of consciousness on the mental piano, whether they have before had a natural
the ego of the physical history like that of this body you see
world. The vibrations from the
before you ; but this one thing I know,
that these qualities did not now begin
desires, feelings, etc. inform the to exist, cannot be sick with my sickness
ego of the astral nature. The vibra nor buried in my grave ; but that they
tions of thought give the ego direct circulate through the universe : before
the world was, they were. Nothing can
acquaintance with the mental nature. bar them out, or shut them in, but they
The spiritual vibrations which enter penetrate the ocean and land, space and
the mind from within show the time, form and essence, and hold the
ego the reality of the higher nature.
key to universal nature." — EMERSON,
The Method of Nature.
The lower qualities bind the ego " As Carlyle writes : ' The end of man
to the lower nature, and to attain is an action and not a thought, though
liberation these must be raised and it were of the noblest.1 Thus conceived,
then, the soul is to be identified with
transmuted. There is a gradual
conduct, character. We are, we only are,
increase of capacity, — an unfoldment, as we behave. Man comprises a variety
as it were, of means through which of functions, faculties and powers within
liberation is to be arrived at. The him : but, wondrous as is his complex
qualities, however raised or trans organisation, its use, its value, lies alone
in its capacity for doing. Every act thus
muted, are to be regarded as the undertaken involves a moral significance
non-ego, but only as they remain and consequence ; for every act that U
qualities — distinct and separate. As deliberately conceived and purposed ha?
the higher qualities become more its corresponding image in the mind — as
we may say, it* toul. To this we impart
and more complete and harmonious, our spiritual vitality. We are, as we
they lose their limitations and merge behave. As we do, we become." — R.
gradually into the one Ideal from DIMSDALE STOCKER, The God which it
which they have emanated. There Man, p. 77.
is greater multiplicity among the
CHTJKCH (quarters), GOATS, GODS,
lower qualities than among the
the higher, because separateness and
conflict prevail among the lower
and not among the higher.
The essential tendency of spirits is
to live a mutual life, to come together
in a higher common life. What the law QUARTERS OF THE COMPASS :—
of gravitation is for maintaining harmony
in the physical world, that love is, and A symbol of the four lower planes
so it works, in the spiritual and moral of being, I.e. the quaternary below
world. Love is the vital force of spirits. at tun, or the lower quaternary.
By going out of themselves, sharing " Jesus said to his
disciples, — Come
themselves, giving themselves, they realise unto Me.' He turned to the four angels
their individuality, in the very act of of the world." — Books of the Saviour.
entering into union with one another. Here the Christ is said to turn
The religion of the Spirit is the religion
of love. As the ultimate power of moral to the disciplined qualities when they
development in the human being, the aspire, and for this purpose is repre
Spirit of God brings to it no constraint sented as turning to the four quarters,
from without ; it determines and animates i.e. to the quaternary symbolised, by
it from within, and thus maintain* its
life. The performance of natural duties, Earth, Water, Air and Fire, — the
the regular exercise of all human faculties, physical, astral, mental, and buddhic
the progress of culture as of righteous planes. The meaning is that the
ness, these make the perfection of the
Divine influence extends to all the
Christian life. When the Christian religion
becomes an inward reality, a fact of planes of the soul's being in response
consciousness, it is nothing other than to the aspirations of the qualities.
consciousness raised to its highest power."
" Let him cut the tree for the Sacri
— A. SABATLER, The Religions of Authority ficial stake so as to fall towards the
and the Religion of the Spirit, p. 282. east, for the east is the quarter of the
" We cannot describe the natural gods ; or towards the north, for the north
history of the soul, but we know that it is the quarter of men, or towards the
is divine. I cannot tell if these wonderful west (the western quarter belongs to
qualities which house to-day in this the serpents). But let him take care
mortal frame shall ever reassemble in to keep it from falling towards the
equal activity in a similar frame, or southern quarter, for that is the quarter
of the fathers (pitris)." — Sata BrdJt., III. QUASER, OR KVASIR:—
6, 4, 12.
From the " tree " of the Divine Life
A symbol of a clairvoyant sense
possessed by the early astral races
there is, as it were, a part separated
of humanity, and giving a very
off for the growth of each soul through limited perception of external things.
aspiration (stake) upwards. The state This " third eye " function ceases to
ment about the " tree of life " being act when physical sight is fully
allowed to fall towards every quarter acquired in the fourth root-race of
but the south means that aspiration mankind .
may be directed towards the plane of See EYE (third), NET OF ASAR.
atma (east), the plane of buddhi
(weet), the plane of higher maims QUATERNARY :—
(north), but not towards the plane A symbol of four planes of mani
of knniii (south), because that is the festation of the Divine Life. The
plane of the desires wherein the Life- four planes are sometimes taken
force proceeds in the contrary direc as those below atma, namely, the
tion to aspiration, that is, outwardly buddhic, the mental, the astral, and
and not inwardly. the physical planes. But usually
In this Indian scripture the four the quaternary stands for the lower
nature of the present cycle, which
higher planes are denoted by the
implies all manifestation below the
quarters, while the physical plane is higher mental plane. This, which
left to be understood by the downward may be called the lower quaternary,
direction to earth. The direction of comprises the lower mental, the
the sun -rise made the eastern quarter astral, the ether ic, and the physical
an appropriate symbol for the atmic planes, which are now the planes of
plane, the abode of the manifesting relativity and Illusion subject to
Self (sun). The northern position the law of karma.
of the great mountains (aspiration) " The quaternary of the sensible world,
made the northern quarter a suitable which is properly what Pythagoras meant
symbol for the mental plane (men). by the word Kosmns, is Fire, Air, Water,
and Earth." — OIJVEB, Pythagorean Tri
The abode of the " serpents " of wis angle, p. 112.
dom and emotion rendered the western This quaternary signifies the four
quarter a symbol of the buddhic plane. planes (elements) below atma, viz.
And the position of the great sea made the buddhic (fire), the mental (air),
the southern quarter a symbol suited the astral (water), and the physical
to the astral plane (sea). The lunar (earth).
pitris (fathers) represent the develop " It IB the root that never dies, the

ment of the animal or desire nature. Three -tongued Flame of the Four Wicks.
In Egypt, Palestine, and Europe, The Wicks are the sparks that draw
from the Three-tongued Flame' (Book
geographical considerations have given The ' Three-tongued Flame
of Dzyan). '
to the cardinal points somewhat that never dies is the immortal spiritual
different meanings to those found Triad, the Atma, Buddhi, and Manas, or
in Indian sacred writings. In the rather the fruitage of the last, assimilated
by the first two after every terrestrial life.
three countries named, the north The ' Four Wicks
that go out and are
signifies the astral plane, the south, extinguished are the Quaternary, the
the atmic, the west the buddhic, and four lower principles, including the body."
— BLAVATSKY, The Secret Doctrine, Vol. I.
the east the mental. But when the
p. 257.
four quarters are mentioned without " Man, who consists of soul and body,
being specified further, the quaternary consists of seven qualities. For he
of four planes below atma may be flourishes in three spiritually and in four
taken as referred to in all countries. bodily. For in the love of God he is
excited in three qualities spiritually
See ASHADHA, CHILDREN OF HORUS, when it is said to him by the Law,

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all
EAST, FOUR, FOUR BEINGS, HEBEN, thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with all thy mind (MAT. xxii. 37). But
he consists of four qualities bodily,
because he is composed of hot and cold,
SQUARE, STAKE, SWASTIKA, TET, of moist and dry matter."— ST. QKBOOBY,
TLALOC, WEST, WINDS (four). M orali on the Book of Job, Vol. III. p. 692,
" To put the matter shortly, up to mind to guide the process of evolution.
the present human consciousness has
The Self (sun -god), after being obscured
functioned upon the physical plane, also
on that of the passions and emotions,
in the lower mind, reappears in the
to a lesser degree on that of the intellect soul, rising in the glory of eternal
— which, after all, is not consciousness, truth (the east). Again, it is said,
but only one of its instruments — and, the Self is seated in the higher mind
much more rarely, on the plane of the
spiritual. By the spiritual I mean that (air) above the lower quaternary
(cardinal points), in other •words,

plane of experience on which we realise
our oneness with one another and with he is crucified on the cross of matter.
the mysterious power behind phenomena, See Ant, ARC. MAN, BIRD, CHILDREN
whom we call God." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
Serm., Evolution of the Spiritual Man. OF HORUS, COUNTRIES, CROSS, CRUCI


A symbol of the principle of A symbol of the potential higher
buddhl, or the Wisdom-nature. nature out of which comes forth
See BUDDHI, GODDESS, Isis, LADY, spiritual energy and truth to dispel
evil and ignorance.
WISDOM. " ' Because He hath opened His quiver
QUETZALCOATL (FEATHERED and afflicted me" (Jos xxx. 11). What
' '
is denoted by the quiver of God, but
secret counsel ? Now the Lord caste
A symbol of the Higher Self, who the arrow from the quiver, when from
Incarnates In the lower nature. His secret counsel He sends forth an open
" By the sorceries of the Aztec god sentence. For that any man is scourged,
Tezcatlipoca, he was driven from the land we know, but for what cause the scourge
of Mexico, and returned to the fabled comes, we know not. But when after
country of Tlapallan, whence he had the scourge amendment of life follows,
come. But he promised to return. Other the actual power of counsel is itself
' '
accounts state that he cast himself upon disclosed as well. So the quiver shut
a funeral pyre and was consumed, and is hidden counsel. But we are chastened
' '
that his heart ascended into the sky and by an open quiver when by that
became the morning star. Some authori which follows after the scourge we ee«
ties regard him as a sun-god, and point with what counsel we are stricken." —
to the circumstance of his returning to ST. GREGORY, Morals on the Book of Job.
the east, his native home. Others Vol. II. p. 484.
regard him as a god of the air. He is, See ARROWS, PESTILENCE, SCOURGE.
they say, connected with the cardinal
points, and wears the insignia of the cross RA, OR RA HARMAKHIS. THE
which symbolises them."- — Non-classical EVER LIVING :—
Mythology, p. 142.
A symbol of the Logos, either
By the law of the Supreme, at
unmanlfest or manifest. The
" fall of man "
the Self (Quetzal- Supreme Self or the Higher Self,
coatl) was obscured in the mind " I
(Ku) am he who came into being
(Mexico), and he retreated as it were in the form of Khepera. I became the
to the higher planes (Tlapallan), but creator of all that came into being.
gave assurance of return to be born Heaven existed not, nor earth, nor had
in the soul. It is also said that the been created the things of the earth. I
raised them up from out of Nu, from a
Self became perfected as the Arche state of inactivity." — BUDGE, Gods of the
typal Man sacrificing himself and Egyptians, Vol. I. p. 308.
giving over the Divine essence (heart) The Supreme Self manifests as
to the next order — evolution, wherein the Indwelling Self (Khepera). The
it becomes the expression of Truth Self is the emanator of all that-
(morning star) on the higher mental appears. In the beginning, the higher
plane. That is, the potential causal - nature (heaven) did not exist, neither
body (heart) is established in the higher did the lower (earth), nor had the
lower forms and qualities commenced The " Golden race " signifies the
' to evolve. The Self proceeded to Divine " sparks " or spiritual egos
emanate the Universe from Truth- (atma-buddhic). These are the
reality (Nu), from a state of latency. "guardians of mortal men,"
" In the year 363 of the reign of Ra " shrouded in darkness," being
Harmakhis, the Ever Living. Ra was obscured (dying) in the lower nature
in the land of Nubia with his warriors, but
foes conspired against him." — WIEDK- (earth), judges of good and evil, and
- MANN, Bel. of Anc. Egyptians, p. 69. " bestowers of wealth " of high
I The number 363 refers to the qualities. They are monads of the
: Divine Triad, Will, Wisdom, Action, higher life, and become the indivi
: which is in abacondito in the first dualities of the souls of humanity.
figure 3 ; manifests in the dual The " Silver race " signifies the
aspect — Spirit-matter, in 6 ; and monads of the lower life which
: returns victorious in the last 3, energise the lower qualities and
thus completing 12, the summation build up the forms. They become
of the cycle (year 3 + 6 + 3 = 12). the personalities of human beings,
I In the cycle of manifestation in having but transient lives in the
twelve stages, at a time when it was incarnating cycle. They evolve slowly
determined that a Solar System from low forms of life in instinct
should proceed forth, the Logos, or and ignorance ; and when the per
Sun-god, lay in the state of negation, sonalities are perfected their period
or " land of the shadow," with his of existence is ended.
attributes and potencies. Then as The " Brazen race " stands for
duality transpired there came forth thought-forms of the lower mind,
against him the powers of evil, for transitory opinions, prejudices, theo
there had arisen the opposites, the ries, arguments, speculations, which
sense of good and evil, repulsion as
" slay each other " and disappear.
well as attraction, and will fore They are all of the matter of mind
shadowed as preference. The dawn of (metal) and have been aroused
manifestation with birth of a System is by the astro -physical (ash-trees)
always attended by a Divine sacrifice. activities.
See ADITYAS, JEova, AFU-RA, COS The " Divine race of heroes "
MOS, CREATION, EAKTH, GEOMETRY, signifies the higher qualities (buddhi-
HEAVEN AND EARTH, KEEPER, Nu, manasic) which are divinely implanted
NUBIA, OPPOSITES, PRAQAPATI, PTAH, in the soul, where they combat the
SACRIFICER, STRIDES, TATTU, TRIAD, lower qualities. The twelve or more
TUAT, TWELVE, UPLIFTING RA, URNI, higher qualities won for the soul
YEAR, ZODIAC. Wisdom and Love (Sheep of Edipus),
or Wisdom (Helen). At the fall
RACE-COURSE :— of mind, when the higher qualities
The mental nature In which the became obscured (died) to the lower
consciousness rises. consciousness, they abode away from
" Homa grants strength and vigour to mind (man) potentially on the buddhic
those who, mounted on white horses, wish plane (Islands of the blest), where
to run over a race-course." — Homa Ycuht,
they are nourished by the spiritual
22, HAUO, Essays.
food (honey) of the transmuted
The Spirit of the Supreme energises
the mental ideals and aspirations qualities of the lower nature (earth).
The present " Iron race
" sym
which are to carry the egos on to the
bolises the desires, passions, appe
higher sub-planes of the mental plane.
DEVAYANA, HOMA, HORSE tites and sensations allied with mind
(kama-manasic), which cause untold
misery and suffering to the lower
RACES OF MEN, ACCORDING TO consciousness. Every variety of con
HESIOD :— dition produces disharmony, and
" faith and justice " have no place
Symbolic of five stages of essential
constituents of the human soul in in the self-seeking desire-mind. But
manifestation. "good will still be mixed with the
evil," and a time will arrive when reached the further bank, having over
the lower nature will become effete come the torrent of passions." — StMa-
nipala, 21.
(hoary-templed) and so it then will
The soul (Buddha), in the course
be destroyed.
" of its
pilgrimage, has become pos
Ovid (Mela. I. 89) makes the races of sessed of the higher qualities which
men four in number, — golden, silver,
brazen, and iron. The first enjoyed a are the means by which the conscious
perpetual spring, the earth producing ness passes over from the lower to
everything spontaneously for them : in the higher planes. The indwelling Self
the time of the second the divisions of
has overcome the attractions of desire
the seasons took place : the third were
martial, but not yet utterly wicked : and sensation and entered into a
the fourth gave way to every species of state of bliss (nibbana).
vice and crime, and Zeus destroyed them See ARA, BOAT OF WISDOM, BUDDHI,
by a deluge of water." NIRVANA, SHORE (other), VIGABA.
In this series the " Divine race "
is omitted, and the fourth race is
the same as Hesiod's fifth race. The
" divisions of the seasons " A symbol of the personality, or
lower mind.
the re -incarnating cycles, and the " Now the gods
" " do not commune with
deluge of water signifies an out
everyone, but only with a Brahman, or
pouring of Truth which destroys the a Raganya, or a Vaisya : for these are
illusion of the lower nature.
" Aratus
able to sacrifice." — Sola. BrAh., III.
1. 1,
(Phcenomena) speaks of but 10.
three races of men, — the golden, the Ideals (gods) are only recognised
silvern, and the brazen. . . . Unable to
by the individuality, or the personality,
endure the third race, who first forged
arms and fed on the flesh of the or the desire -nature ; for these are
labouring ox, Justice flew up to heaven able to give up the lower for the
and became the constellation of the higher.
Buddhi (justice) was repelled by KSHATRIYA, PERSONALITY, SACRI
the lower qualities, which had no FICE, VAGAPEYA, VAISYA.
reverence for the higher, and so
retreated, as it were, to the higher
planes, ready in the fullness of time
to give birth to the Self.
A symbol of the buddhlc plane on
which Is manifested a buddhic globe
See ADAM (lower), BEASTS (three
of the lunar planetary chain.
sorts), DYNASTIES, FALL, FIVE, " The twelfth good region was Ragha
GOLDEN AGE, GUARDIAN SPIRITS, of the three races. Thereupon Angrs
HELEN, HEROES, INDIVIDUALITY, Mainyu created the sin of utter unbelief."
IRON AGE, Isis, MARUTS, METAL, — Vendidad, I.
MONAD OF LITE, Ox, PERSONALITY, three root races of incipient
PlTRIS, PlTRIYANA, PYLUS, RAGHA, humanity were upon the plane of
RESPECTFUL, ROOT-RACES, ROUND, buddhi (Ragha). These races were
SPABK, VIRGIN, VIRGO, WATER, ZEUS. upon one of the globes of the lunar
chain in matter of the wisdom plane,
RAFT OF WISDOM :— awaiting the period when they shall
A symbol of the functioning of descend and solidify on the mental
buddhi to raise the soul. and astral planes. At this early
" Even if thou art the most sinful of period they had no vehicles in
all sinners, yet shall thou (eventually) which to behave as humanity does
cross over all sin by the raft of wisdom." — under later circumstances. The conse
Bhagavad-Oita, Ch. IV. 36.
quence is they have reference entirely
The ego in all the stages of its
to the Archetypal Man, — the potential
progress through the lower nature has In opposition
pattern of humanity.
before it the certainty of rising above of manifestation,
to this condition
all evil and imperfection by means the division is hinted at between
of the transmutations of buddhi.
" ' By me is made a well the lower and higher principles, since
raft,' — so said Bhagavat (Buddha), — I their union has not yet been effected.
have passed over to Nibbana, I have See ADAM (lower), ARCHETYPAL KAN,
BEASTS (three sorts), GOLDEN AGE, upon the egos immersed in the lower
LTJNAR CHAIN, PLANETARY CHAIN, nature (hell) and subject to suffering
PYI.US, RACES, ROOT-RACES, ROUND. (hell-fire) ; and they will be purified of
their imperfections and enter into bliss.
are holy preachers, the
A symbol of darkness, ignorance, rains from the clouds are the words of
suffering, and evil, during evolution. their preaching."
" For the drops of dew
" If a person be born under the planet
(or rain) are
the holy preachers themselves, who water
Ruhu, his wisdom, riches, and children the fields of our breast with the grace
will be destroyed ; he will be exposed of bounty from above." — ST. GKEOOBY.
to many afflictions and be subject to his Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. III.
enemies." — WILKINS, Hindu Mytiwlogy, pp. 245, 340.
p. 435. " Rain signifies divine truth from
The spiritual ego, or individual heaven." — SWEDKNBORO, Apoc. Rev., n.
soul, born into the lower nature 496.
has left in latency his wisdom and See DEUT. xxxii. 2 ; Is. Iv. 10, 11 ;
powers on the upper planes, and is Hos. vi.3.
now subject to ignorance and sorrow See CLOUDS, DEW, DROUGHT, HERB,
while he works his way upward. MAZENDARANS, UDDER, VOURUKASHA,
RAHULA, SON OF BUDDHA :— A symbol of a flood of truth con
A symbol of light, knowledge, tained in erroneous ideas which
truth, and love, born into the soul. envelop the lower mind.
" Incourse of time to the fair-bosomed "And the rain was upon the earth forty
Yasodhara, — who was truly glorious in days and forty nights." — GEN. vii. 12.
accordance with her name, — there was And the outpouring of truth, re
born from the son of Suddhodana a son flected erroneously in the lower nature,
named Rahula, with a face like the enemy
for a period answering
of Rahu." — Buddha-Karita, Bk. II. 46. continued
In course of involution, to the form- to those re-incarnating terms (days
side of the universe whose vehicle and nights) which enabled the lower
had been preparing there went forth nature to absorb fresh truth, or attain
from the World-soul the One who expansion of consciousness.
" All the work that the Spirit had done
was to bring light to the souls in away with the flood
was now swept
darkness. The Sun of righteousness of error and thoughts ; and this is in
is the enemy of darkness, for it dispels reality what is meant by ' Noah's
Flood.' — JOHN WARD, Zion't Works,
ignorance, doubt, sorrow, etc.
Vol. III. p. 5.
A symbol signifying the without RAINBOW :—
becoming as the within ; the nature A symbol of the higher mental
made perfect exteriorly as interiorly. plane which forms bridge, as it
See GARMENTS, GATE OP SALUTATION, were, between the higher and the
GUEST (wedding), LINEN, SHINING, lower natures (heaven and earth).
TRANSFIGURATION, WHITE. The rainbow is a peculiarly appro
" bridge of
priate symbol of the
RAIN:— heaven," caused as it is by the
A symbol of downpouring truth reflection of the sun (the Self) in the
(water) from buddhl (cloud), to water-drops (Truth)
dispel error and illusion. from the cloud (buddhi) to the earth
" I will pour forth rain from the clouds (lower nature). When the lower
of the Law upon the beings plunged in nature fully reflects the higher, then
the " bridge
" may be traversed by
hell and devoured by hel) -fire, and they
will be filled with joy and gladness (says the victorious egos returning to
the infant Buddha)." — Lalita-vittara. their home above.
The Self from its Wisdom-Truth " The god Oro fixed the rainbow in the
aspect (the Law) will bestow truth heavens, one end of it resting in the
valley at the foot of the red-ridged moun and swallow up the Outward World of
tain, the other penetrating the skies, four elements." — BOB H MI-:, .'/..•«:••'
and thus forming his pathway to the Magnum, p. 207.
earth. . . . Every evening he descended /
" have set my bow in the cloud signifies
on the rainbow, and returned by the same the state of the regenerate spiritual
pathway on the following morning to the man. That the bow in the cloud repre
heavenly regions." — W. ELLIS, Poly- sents regeneration, no man can knoi
netian Researches, Vol. I. p. 231. unless it be given him to see and therefore
The Higher Self throws from the to know how it is :— When the spiritual
angels, who were all regenerate men of
higher mental plane to the plane
the spiritual church, are so presented
of the desires a bridge or pathway to view in the other life, there appears
across which it may descend to the as it were a rainbow about the head
lower planes. And at regular intervals (REV. x. 1). ... The reason why the
descents, — evening, night, morning, — resemblance of a rainbow appears is
that their natural truths corresponding
marking periods of incarnation, would to their spiritual present such an appear
be made ; after which the Self, or ance." —SWEDENBORO, Are. Cel., n. 1042,
ego, would again quit the temporary When the purified lower nature
abode in the flesh for the devschanic (natural) corresponds with the higher
state. nature (spiritual), then union, of higher
" And it shall como to
pass, when I and lower is effected, and the higher
bring a cloud over the earth, that the mind (rainbow bridge) appears in
bow shall be seen in the cloud." — GEN. ix.
14. the consciousness. The " regenerate
men " are the souls who have attained
And it shall follow that when
Truth envelops the personality, the liberation from the cycle of births and
" of manas " shall deaths.
bridge appear " When a man becomes regenerate he
before the soul, by which it may
then first enters upon a state of freedom ;
effect its escape from the lower nature. before he was in a state of bondage." —
The bridge cannot be always the Ibid., n. 892.
Milky-way. In at least one Sanscrit " Then, mid dark waters, when the Eun
hymn we learn, — ' Upon it, they say, breaks out, though the cloud may be
there are colours, white, and blue, and dark, a bow appears amid the darkness ;
brown, and gold, and red. And this half a ring — half that ring with which
path Brahma knows, and he who has the regenerate soul is now married to the
known Brahma shall take it ; he who is Lord, and assured of endless rest with
pure and glorious.' — Here the singer Him. The lower world yet hides the
is evidently describing the rainbow. rest of the ring ; but on high ' a rainbow '
Now in the Norse cosmology the rainbow shall be seen ' in a circle round the
had the same name as the Indian palha- throne.' " — A. JUKES, Types of Gencsti,
devayano, God's path. The Eddas call
p. 129.
it Asbru, the bridge of the ,-l.Mr, or BIFROST, Bow, BRIDGE or
gods. Its other name Bifrost, the
trembling mile, it may even have in HEAVEN, CLOUDS, COVENANT, DEVA-
herited from the Milky-way, for that, CHAN, EARTH, ELEMENTS, FALL,
when we look at it, seems to be always HEAVENLY BEQIONS, IMAGE, IRIS,
trembling. Asbru, or Bifrost, then is
the bridge whereby the gods descend to MUSPELL (sons), NOAH, ORO, RE
earth. One end of it reaches to the famous GENERATION, REINCARNATION, TAATA,
Urdar fount." — C. F. KEARY, Myths, etc., VAPOUR (white), WAXES.
Cont. Rev., Oct. 1879.
" For the Rainbow is the sign and
token of this Covenant, that man was RAJAS STATE :—
created out of Three Principles into an This signifies mental outgoing
Image, and that he should live in all energy directed towards objects of
three. . . . For the Rainbow hath the
colour of all the Three Principles ; viz. desire and sense.
the colour of the First Principle is red and " Rajas is of the nature of desire,
darkish -brown, which betokens the dark producing thirst and propensity ; it
and Fire world, that is the kingdom imprisoneth the ego through the conse
of God's Anger. The colour of the quences produced from action. . . . The
Second Principle is white and yellow, love of gain, activity in action, and
signifying a type of the Holy world of the initiating of works, restlessness and
God's Love. The Third Principle's colour inordinate desire, are produced when
is green and blue ; blue from the Chaos the quality of rajas is prevalent. . . .
and green from the water or salt When the body is dissolved while the
petre. . . . This Bow is a figure of the quality of rajas is predominant, the
last judgment, showing how the inward soul is born again in a body attached to
Spiritual World will again manifest itself, action." — Bhagavad-Gita, Ch. XIV.
"That austerity (restraint) which is and its flesh eaten." — Ency. Religion and
practised with hypocrisy, for the sake of Ethics, Vol. V. p. 137.
obtaining respect for oneself or for fame or " In the New Year Festival the Jews
favour, and which is uncertain and belong sing a hymn whose refrain refers to the
ing wholly to this world, is of the quality story of Abraham and Isaac on Mount
of rajas. . . . That gift which is given Moriah, and runs thus : ' O remember
with the expectation of a return, or with in my favour the merits of him who
a view to spiritual benefit, or with reluc bound, and of him who was bound, and
tance, is of the rajas quality, bad and "
the altar.' — T. RHONDDA WILLIAMS,
partaketh of untruth." — Ibid., Ch. XVII. Serm., Redemption.
The mental activity of rajas is good See ABRAHAM, AFU-RA, AI/TAB,
or bad in the ordinary sense, according BURNT SACRIFICE, CABIN, DIONYSUS,
to the great or little consideration EVOLUTION, INVOLUTION, LAMB,
given to the welfare of others. REDEMPTION, SACRIFICE, SALVATION.
A symbol of the First Logos, the
RAKSHASAS :— unmanlfest God, who is the out-
A symbol of the desire-mental breathing Source of all.
qualities (fleshly lusts) which war See BREATH (divine).
against the soul. RAMA, AVATAR OF VISHNU:—
" Those of the quality of rajas worship A symbol of the Incarnate Deity,
the celestial powers, — the Yakshas and or Indwelling Self of atma-buddhlc
Rakshasas (cloud demons who withhold
the rains)." — Bhagaoad-Gita, Ch. XVII. energy, born In the human soul.
" Vishnu asks the gods why it is
Those mortals full of desire extol
the pleasures of sense and the desire- necessary for him to effect their deliver-
am o. Being told of Brahma's promise to
mental attractions which prevent the Ravana, he at length consents to be
influx of truth to the soul. be born as man, in order to slay the
" Under the story of the conflict giant and his family." — WILJUNS, Hindu
between the armies of the noble Rama Mythology, p. 174.
and the barbarous races of the South, The promise of Brahma is that
figured by the Rakshasas, there appears
to lie a typical representation of the
the desire-principle (Ravana) is not
to be slain by either
" gods or
great mystery of the struggle ever going
on between the powers of good and evil." demons," that is, by subjective forces.
—MON. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, The Higher Self (Vishnu), therefore,
p. 362. is to become objective or evolved in
order to deliver the spiritual egos
(gods) in humanity, and destroy
RAMA. the desire-principle and all its
RAM OF SACRIFICE :— attendant desires. The Higher Self
A symbol of the Second Logos, or consents to become incarnate in the
the Divine Life Involved In matter. human soul.
" To this end was the son of God
" A ram caught in a thicket by his
manifested that he might destroy the
horns : and Abraham went and took
works of the devil." — 1 JOHN iii. 8.
the ram, and offered him up for a burnt
offering in the stead of his son." — It requires the Divine centralising
GEN. xxii. 13. principle (Vishnu) manifested in the
The " thicket " signifies the matter mind to enable the soul to overcome
in which the Divine Life is caught the contrary principle of evil (Ravana)
but finally conquers A and destroy its qualities (family).
phase of the Divine (Abraham) sacri
fices involved Life for the sake of the MAN, KABANDHA, LAKSHMANA, LANKA,
evolved Life (the son) which is to be
the Divine life within every human soul VIBHISHANA, VISHNU.
to bring it to perfection. RAMAYANA :—
" The Kalmucks consecrate a ram as
the ram of heaven ' '
or the ram of the
A symbolic drama of the evolu
spirit." The animal is tended carefully
tion of the Soul : Its descent Into
and never shorn. When it is old, and matter, and ascent therefrom.
the owner bethinks him of consecrating a " No one can read either the Ramayana
young ram, the ram of heaven is slain, or Mahabharata without feeling that they
rise above the Homeric poems in this — Heaven and upon the earth, and they
that a deep religious meaning appears to still bothclave together, for they bad
underlie all the narrative, and that the not yet been rent apart." — Ibid.
wildest allegory may be intended to Actual existence had not yet
conceal a sublime moral, symbolising the
emerged from potential being (dark
conflict between good and evil, and
teaching the hopelessness of victory in ness), for Spirit and Matter were not
BO terrible a contest without purity of yet differentiated from each other in
soul, self-abnegation and subjugation of the new cycle.
the passions." — MOM. WILLIAMS, Indian CAVE, DARKNESS, EARTH
Wisdom, p. 425.
pious legends, the puranas,
which record the actions and manifesta MATTER, PILLARS OF SHU, PUNCA,
tions of the gods, are only the veil that RONGO, Ru, SEPARATION, SPIRIT,
conceals a higher truth which the believer TANEMAHUTA, TAWHTRIMATKA, TUMA-
must penetrate. From this point of
view the epic fable has been reconstrued TAUENGA, TUTE, URANUS.
in special works, such as the Adydtma
" the
Ramayana, spiritual Ramayana," RANSOM, OR PRICE PAID FOR
in which all the events in the history LIBERATION :—
of Rama are resolved into the divine
order. Side by side with the abstract A symbol of the higher qualities,
doctrine there was thus formed in the which are potential or latent within
majority of the sects an allegorical the soul. When the condition* are
doctrine, a gnosis or a mystical interpreta fulfilled, offering is made by the
tion of their legend, which was regarded lower Self of its highest qualities in
as far superior to the simple philosophy."
— A. BARTH, Religions oj India, p. 217. order that still higher qualities
If it is true that the Ramayana (ransom) shall become active, and
release the soul from its thraldom
bears a mystical interpretation, then to the lower nature. This process
it must be equally true that all other Implies the transmutation of die
really sacred legends have mystical lower qualities into the higher.
undermeanings, for they all have the " The Son of man came not to be
same features of pious absurdity. ministered unto, but to minister, and
The outer shell of symbolism has to give his life a ransom for many." —
within it a kernel of truth, and the MATT. xx. 28.

truth being a revelation of the unseen, The first among the qualities shall
assist those qualities next below.
shows that the symbolism is of Divine
not human origin. The indwelling Self born in the mind
See GOSPEL, INSPIRATION, KORAN, (man) came to raise the qualities, and
MYTHOLOGY, REVELATION, SATRUO- by his outflowing Life become the
ii A s A. SCRIPTURES, SION, UPANISHADS, potential perfection which brings actual
perfection to those qualities which
approach nearest to him.
" Two conceptions of human life ait
uncovered and contrasted in the text
A symbol of a condition of Truth To live at all involves for every one •
upon higher planes above the mind. double experience of ministering and
See HEAD (without), WATER. being administered unto. Character is
developed and revealed in the article cf
RANGI AND PAPA:— service received and service rendered. . . .
Symbols of Spirit and Matter, or Of some, wherever placed in the vast and
manifold system of society, the Master':
of the higher and lower natures.
Words about Hum-elf may, in a measure,
"Men had but one pair of primitive be spoken ; they, like Him, carry ev«
ancestors , they sprang from the vast on the earth the sacred and sanctifying
heaven that exists above us, and from character of service ; they also have com*
the earth which lies beneath us. . . . to minister, and to give their lives for
Rangi and Papa, or Heaven and Earth, the rescue and help of others. . .
were the source from which, in the (Some again) grow to regard society as
beginning, all things originated." — G. an organisation directly designed for
GREY, Polynesian Mythology, p. 1. their comfort and advancement. Lees
The soul, or humanity, has arisen and less does the thought of service u
from the interactions of Spirit and due from them to society find admission to
their ninHq ; more and more it is barreo
Matter, for from this primal duality all out from entrance by the ever-multiplying
things have been produced. requirements of self. Of them, also,
" Darkness then rested upon the the word of Christ is true ; their whole
life from cradle to grave might be summed which have no expression of the
up in the simple and luminous sentence, Divine life in them. The lower prin
they came to be ministered unto."
Society is full of them, and, unless the ciple is a ruler of the lower nature,
prophets of our time speak falsely, but the higher qualities (gods) are
becoming yearly more full of them. The constantly sapping his strength.
old World has to carry on its weary " Ravana underwent severe austerities
shoulders an ever-waxing burden of in the forest of Gokarna for 10,000
useless drones, who take all and give years, standing in the midst of five
nothing back, and worse still, of social fires with his feet in the air ; whence
wolves, who are abroad in society only he was released by Brahma." — MON.
to prey upon it." — H. HENSLEY HENSON, WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 356.
The Value of the Bible, pp. 265-8. This refers to the desire-nature as
being the love-nature reversed, and
exposed to the purifying power from
five centres of energy on the lower
" Vishnu took this form of Rama at
A symbol of Divine love ; attrac the close of the second or Treta age,
tion towards the higher. to destroy the demon Ravana." — MON.
" The meditation of Mitro, and Srosh WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 330.
and Rashnu, and the weighing of Rashnu The Supreme (Vishnu) became in
the just." — The Minokhired, HAUO, carnate as the indwelling Self (Rama)
Essays. in the period of involution in order
The " meditation " is a symbol of that the lower principle (Ravana)
concentration, or the value of mental
" Mitro, Srosh, and Rashnu " should be overcome in human souls.
balance. " The first thought round which the
stand for Understanding, Will, and grand wonder of the atonement grows
Love. into shape is this thought of sin as a
real live thing standing forth to be
See BALANCE (spirits), SROSH.
fought with, to be conquered, to be
killed. Not of a mere moral weakness
RAT OF GANESA :— to be strengthened, or an intellectual
A symbol of the lower quaternary. emptiness to be filled, but of an enmity
" Ganesa is frequently attended by, to be slain, a giant to be subdued. To
meet that enmity, to slay that giant,
or is riding upon, a rat." — WILKINS,
Hindu Mythology, p. 324. Christ comes forth with his wonderful
nature. He undertakes a distinct and
The Higher Self, operating upon the dreadful struggle." — PHILLIPS BROOKS,
higher mental plane, presides over the Mystery of Iniquity, p. 15.
lower mental, the astral, the etheric, See AHRIMAN, ALTAR (fire), ATONE
and the physical planes, symbolised MENT, AUSTERITIES, DURODHANA,
by the four limbs of a rat. GODS, HANUMAN, INCARNATION,
A symbol of Divine love governing
the soul. RAVEN OF NOAH :—
See BHIHAT. A symbol of the lower mind, which
goes forth to the things of the
RAVANA, KING OF LANKA :— world, and returns not again.
A symbol of the lower principle, " The dove and the raven are sent
or desire-mind, ruler of the lower forth, figuring (for they are birds of
nature of the soul (Lanka). heaven, and the heaven is the understand
" Ravana' s form was a thick cloud, ing) certain powers or emotions of the
or a mountain, or the god of death understanding, both pure and impure.
with open mouth. He had all the marks In the actions of these is shown the
of royalty ; but his body bore the working of the good and evil which to
impress of wounds inflicted by all the
the last remains with us. The raven,
divine arms in his warfare with the finding its food in carrion, figures those
inclinations which feed on dead things." —
gods." — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom,
A. JUKES, Types of Genesis, p. 120.
p. 355. " The raven washeth and rubbeth
The desire-mind is full of illusion itself in a small pool in the desert ; its
and pride. It represents the qualities mind and body are full of demerits and
" (Hymn of Guru Nanak). life eternal, so that the lower Self, or
its beak of filth
— MACAULIFFE, The Sikh Religion, Vol. I. personality, which hath sown the
p. 380. seeds of wisdom and love, may become
one with the Higher Self in the bliss
RAVENS, FLESH-EATING :— of realisation. For in this is the truth
A symbol of the disintegrating made clear, — the natural man soweth,
elementals of the lower planes. and the spiritual man reapeth. The
Christ directs that the disciplined
RAVENS OF ODIN, CALLED qualities shall reap the spiritual fruit
HUGIN (MIND) AND MUGIN accruing from the efforts of qualities
(WILL) :— below them, so that these lower
These are symbols of intelligence qualities shall be raised and become
and power, attributes of the Logos
united with them.
(Odin). " What is a farm but a mute gospel ?
See ODIN. The chaff and the wheat, weeds and plants,
blight, rain, insects, sun, — it is a sacred
RAY OF LIGHT FROM THE emblem from the first furrow of spring
SUN:— to the last stack which the enow of
A symbol of a Divine mode of winter overtakes in the fields. . . . Nor
functioning bringing illumination can it be doubted that this moral senti
ment which thus scents the air, grows in
from the Spirit to the aspiring soul. the grain, and impregnates the waters
"Aton-Ra was the god of the Solar of the world, is caught by man and sinks
disk, with rays terminating in hands which into his soul." — EMERSON, Nature, Ch. V.
hold the Ankh, the emblem of life, the See AGRICULTURE, CHAFF, COBS,
The Divine Truth (light) and
activity (hands) are the Life (ankh) MAN (natural), PABABLE, PERSON
of the spiritual universe.
A symbol of veneration of the REAPING AFTER SOWING :—
scriptures according to the letter.
" Whensoever Moses is read, a veil A symbol of the consummation of
the soul-process, arrived at through
lieth upon their heart. But whensoever the karmic law of cause and effect
it shall turn to the Lord, the veil is
taken away." — 2 COR. iii. 15, 16.
in the higher and lower natures.
" Now the Lord is the Spirit : " He that soweth the good seed is
the Son of man ; the field is the world ;
and where the Spirit of the Lord the good seed are the children of the
is, there is liberty " to perceive the kingdom ; but the tares are the children
truth behind the veil of the letter. of the wicked one ; the enemy that
See BOOK STUDIES, MOSES, PAPYRUS, sowed them is the devil ; the harvest
is the end of the world (seen) ; and the
reapers are the angels." — MAT. xiii. 37-9.
REAPING THE HARVEST:— The " Son of man " is the Higher
A symbol of acquiring the "fruits Self born in the mind (man) ; the
" field " is the arena of life, Le. the
of the Spirit," which are the buddhlc " children
fruition from the cultivation of the lower nature (world) ; the
of the kingdom
" are the germs of
lower nature.
" He that reapeth receiveth the higher emotions proceeding from
and gathereth fruit unto life eternal ; buddhi (kingdom) ; the " children
that he that soweth and he that reapeth of the wicked one
" are the
may rejoice together. For herein is the
saying true, One soweth and another
and passions proceeding from the
reapeth. I sent you to reap that whereon lower principle
" harvest " is the (the
devil). The
ye have not laboured : others have spiritual fruit of
laboured, and ye are entered into their experience and endeavour to be
labour." — JOHN iv. 36-8.
gathered on the higher planes at the
The Higher Self, or individuality,
end of the cycle when the qualities
having striven after perfection, gathers
and souls have attained perfection.
the harvest due to it of spiritual " In Sekhet-hetepet, the field of Peace,
endowments which shall last through the grain is three cubits high, and it is
the perfect Spirits who reap it " (Papy. lower planes to which it had been
of Ani). — BUDOE, Egypt. Heaven and born, and its emergence or new
Hell, Vol. III. p. 47.
birth upon the higher planes ; or
When the harvest of high qualities the raising of the consciousness
on the buddhic plane (field of peace) is from the lower mind to the higher
fully (three) ripe, then the individuali mind at the close of the cycle.
ties (angels, or perfect spirits) realise " Except a man be born of water and
its nature (reap it).
" Osiris reaps and I plough ; yea and
the Spirit, he cannot enter into the
I also reap." — Boot of the Dead, Ch. CX.
kingdom of God. That which is born
of the flesh is flesh ; and that which is
The Self (Osiris) reaps ; the lower born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel
Self ploughs and cultivates ; and af ter- not that I said unto thee, Ye must be
wards also the lower Self reaps as it born anew." — JOHN iii. 5-7.
realises its true nature. The personali Except an ego is purified by truth
(water) ethically, and his qualities
ties cannot reap except as they
are transmuted spiritually, he cannot
become merged in their individualities
rise to the buddhic plane. That which
on the higher planes.
" is a product of the lower nature
And the servants say unto him, Wilt
thou then that we go and gather them (flesh) remains of the lower nature
up T But he saith, Nay ; lest haply only ; and that which is produced
while ye gather up the tares, ye rout up by the higher nature is of the higher
the wheat with them. Let both grow
nature and immortal. It is only
together until the harvest : and in the
time of the harvest I will say to the by the higher nature superseding
reapers, Gather up first the tares, and and casting out the lower that it
bind them in bundles to burn them : is possible for the soul to rise.
but gather the wheat into my barn." — "
Reality, says Eucken, is an inde
MAT. xiii. 28-30. pendent spiritual world, unconditioned
The Higher Self points out that by the apparent world of sense. To
the desires and passions (the tares) know it and to live in it is man's true
are necessary for the growth of the destiny. His point of contact with it
is personality : the inward fount of his
soul, and that without them the
being : his heart, not his head. Man
higher qualities could not be evolved. is real, and in the deepest sense alive,
The lower qualities must therefore in virtue of this free personal life-principle
remain until the end of the cycle, when within him : but he is bound and blinded
by the ties set up between his surface
the individualities will control and intelligence and the sense-world. The
discard them for further purification struggle for reality must be a struggle
(burning), but the higher qualities will on man's part to transcend the sense-
be garnered on the buddhic plane. world, escape its bondage. He must
' '
renounce it, and be re-born to a higher
level of consciousness ; shifting his centre
CONSUMMATION, CORN, DEVIL, EARTH, of interest from the natural to the
ENEMIES, EXPERIENCE, FIELD, GERMS, spiritual plane. . . . Our life, says
HARVEST, HIGHEB AND LOWER Eucken, does not move upon a single
level, but upon two levels at once— the
natural and the spiritual. The key
LITTLE CHILDREN, PLOUGHING, to the puzzle of man lies in the fact
RESURRECTION, SEED, SEKHET-HETEP, that he is ' the meeting point of various
SICKLE:, SON OP MAN, SOWER, stages of Reality." The whole question
for him is, which world shall be central
SOWING, TARES, TREASURE, WHEAT for him — the real, vital, all-embracing
(barley). life we call Spirit, or the lower life of
sense ? Shall Existence,' the superficial
REBELS OF UAUAT :— obvious thing, or ' Substance,' the under
lying verity, be his home t — E. UNDER-
These are symbolic of the various
11M.I,. Mysticism, p. 40.
phases of intellectual pride, arro
gance, vanity, and love of power.
A symbol of the passage of the MISSION, RESURRECTION, SAINTS,
purifiedego from its life on the SALVATION, SPIRIT, WATER.
RECOGNITION OF HIGHER AND of suffering and ignorance, and the
LOWER STATES OF CON price of redemption from evil is
SCIOUSNESS :— the efflux of the Divine Life of the
incarnate Self, which, by being assi
The distinguishing of the moral
milated by the imperfect souls,
or spiritual values of states or
gradually makes perfect the quali
qualities is the true function of the
ties in them which are Imperfect.
personality with the Divine spark.
The Archetypal Man, or Christ
Incarnate within every soul, gives
OF PAST IN of his own nature that which the
individual soul lacks, in response to
the soul's own efforts to prepare
This becomes possible through Itself for accessions of higher quali
the establishment of the
" bridge "
fications. The Redeemer Is latent
of the higher mind, and the perfect within until he is called forth by
building up of the structure of the sacrifice and aspiration to save the
causal-body In actuality. soul from its captivity to its lower
" Though the physical brain may forget nature, and to raise it to its pristine
event* within the scope of one terrestrial state of bliss.
life, the bulk of collective recollections " But I know that my redeemer
can never desert the Divine Soul within liveth, and that he shall stand up at
us. Its whispers may be too soft, the the last upon the earth : And after my
sound of its words too far off the plane skin hath been thus destroyed, yet
perceived by our physical senses ; yet from my flesh shall I see God : whom
the shadow of events that were, just as
much as the shadow of events that are
I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall
behold, and not another." — JOB xiz.
to ccmc, is within its perceptive powers, 25-7.
and is ever present before its mind's eye."
— BUIVATSKY, Secret Doctrine, Vol. II. I know that the perfect Self liveth
p. 442. within me, and that at the end of
The power of foreseeing future the cycle he shall overcome my lower
events must be of a strictly limited nature (earth). And after my lower
nature. When events are truly fore vehicles (skin) have been thus de
seen, they are usually of little conse stroyed, yet rising from my lower self
quence. I
(flesh), shall become one with the
See BRIDGE OP HEAVEN, CHARON'S Self. I, the individuality, shall unite
FERRY, HlKOBOSHI, PROPHETIC with Him, and not the personality.
DREAMS, REMINISCENCE. If God then finds a passage from
heaven to the grave, so must a way be
RECTANGLE, PERFECT :— discoverable for man from the grave to
heaven : the death of the Prince of Life
A symbol of Truth-Reality, indi is the Life of mortals." — D. F. STRAUSS,
cating the Source from which the
Life of Jesus, p. 43:t.
soul emanates. " God is conceived of by the religions
See JUDGMENT HAU,, SAU. consciousness as not only the creator
of the world of things and men, but as
RED COLOUR :— the present Life of the human soul.
A symbol of ambition and power He is moral Ruler and Providence ; He
is Redeemer ; and He is the Revealer and
of the lower self.
Inspirer as well." — G. T. LADD, Phil,
of Religion, Vol. I. p. 612.
" The Divine Sufferer was God Himself,
RED, ROSE, COLOUR :— who in creating the universe sacrificed
A symbol of Divine love. Himself for it. The Cross, therefore,
See HEIFER (red), HORSE (red), represents the Greatest of all sacrifices,
TlSTBYA. not something that happened once, and
once for all, but something that is eternal
RED FIRES:— and timeless — the sacrifice of God in
and for His own creation that could not be
A symbol of astral growth in the unless He poured His own life into it,
forms. and restricted Himself within its forms
and substance. Great is this mystery
REDEEMER OF THE SOUL :— of Godliness : unthinkable in ita magni
A symbol of the indwelling Self, tude is this sacrifice, for it means nothing
less than the identification of the Infinite
•who pays the penalty attached to with the finite in its lowest forms. Here
Imperfection with his own Divine is the profoundest mystery open to human
Life (his blood). The souls are full contemplation, to speak or think of which
is possible only in forms of symbol and formed a kind of continuous pilgrimage,
parable. The literal truth is too vast, extending through thousands of years,
too mysterious, too sublime to be made and interrupted and embittered by the
known to human comprehension. . . . penalties suffered by the soul in the
Creation is none other than God's primal pool of mire.' Late, if at all, the
and continual self-revelation : it is the soul was freed from its labours, and
Great Father coming down and volun returned to the starting point of its
tarily incarnating Himself and being made journey. As a pure spirit once more,
man for us men and our salvation." — K, C. it re-entered its home and rejoined the
ANDERSON, Serm., Cradle of the Christ. brotherhood of the gods." — T. GOMPERZ,
See ARC. MAN, ATBI, BLOOD, BLOOD Greek Thinkers, Vol. I. p. 129.
" Redemption is the full compensation
both to God and to the universe for all
CHRIST, CROSS, CRUCIFIXION, FLESH that is undergone and suffered by and
OF JESUS, FOOD AS GOD, HEAVEN through Creation. And it is brought
AND EARTH, INCARNATION, INDIVIDU about by the return from Matter of
ALITY, INVOLUTION, LAMB OF GOD, Spirit to its original condition of purity,
but individuated and enriched by the
REGENERATION, SACRIFICER, SALVA results of all that has been gained through
TION, SKINS, SPIRIT. the processes to which it has been sub
jected ; — results which, but for Matter,
REDEMPTION OF THE SOUL :— could not have been. . . . That through
which we are made perfect is experience,
A symbol of the substitution of or suffering ; and we are only really
the Divine perfection for the soul's alive and exist in so far as we have felt.
Imperfection, by paying the price Now of this divine and indispensable
of involved potential perfection In ministry of experience. Matter is the
order to make perfect the evolved agent." — The Perfect Way, p. 43.
" I should like to be informed who
actual imperfection of qualities and
was ever made spiritually rich by notions
souls. The price paid being the No, Christ is
of an outward Christ ?
Divine Self-limitation in matter. the inward spiritual Being or Life that
" Ye were not redeemod with cor God has sent now into us, to be the actual
ruptible things. . . . But with the precious Redeemer of this our natural being, from
blood of Christ, as of a lamb without its low estate, and to raise it up, I say,
blemish and without spot. Who verily joint heirship with Himself." — JOHN
was foreordained before the foundation WARD, Zion't Works, Vol. VII. p. 3.
of the world, but was manifest in those Redemption is the making good of
last times for you." — 1 PETEB i. 18-20. what we have made ill, and it contains
" Blood " being a symbol of the two necessary ingredients— relief and
Divine Life, the shedding of this Life reinforcement— and in Christ we have
both. Here on earth we are immersed
is the Divine Sacrifice. and stifled in matter, and in moral
" The Lamb slain from the foundation
darkness and stupor — all to a great end.
of the world." — REV. xiii. 8. And we have to be got out and brought
It is the involution of Spirit into back somehow to that whence we came.
Matter. This is the origin of the If we were left only to ourselves we never
indwelling Christ, who becomes the should get out or up ; it is because of
our vital indefeasible relation to Christ
redeemer as he rises in the soul from that we can hope to come victoriously
a state of latency, or death, to a through into divinelibertyand joy." — R. J.
state of actuality or life. The in CAMPBELL, Serm., The Divine Mystery.
dwelling Christ is the Archetypal Man See ADOPTION, ARC. MAN, ASCEN
foreordained as the Prototype within SION, ATONEMENT, BLOOD OF LAMB,
humanity becoming manifest in each BONDAGE, CHRIST, CRUCIFIXION OF
soul at the present period of evolution. CHRIST, OF JESUS, EVOLUTION, EX
indwelling Christ who
redeems the soul from sin and nils it TION, LAMB OF GOD, LIBERATION,
Serm., Christ Arisen.
" The glaring contrast between earthly REINCARNATION, REMISSION, SACHI-
suffering and imperfection on the one FICER, SALVATION, SPIRIT, URNS
part, and heavenly bliss and purity (twelve), VICTORY.
on the other, lies at the heart and core
of the philosophy of the Orphics and REED IN THE RIGHT HAND :—
Pythagoreans. Hence came their long
ing for purification, for atonement and A symbol of volition and rule.
" The reed (in the hand of Jesus)
final redemption. The goal they aimed
at was hard to attain ; a single earthly symbolised the royal sceptre and the
existence was not enough to cleanse the divine law." — Bp. DIONYSIUS.
soul. ... A long series of palingeneses See ROD (hand), SCZPTRE, VINEGAR.
REED SHAKEN WITH THE dition, for it does not possess or control
WIND :— the higher elements. The higher
A symbol of instability of purpose elements are given to the struggling
and weakness of volition. soul when it is sufficiently evolved
a reed shaken with and prepared to receive them, and
the wind is a light man, inconstant, chooses to accept them.
tossed to and fro : at one time impelled " There is no ascent of the human
by the words of flatterers, he asserts desires above their source. And wherever
something : again being driven by in a heart there springs up heavenward
detractors, he denies it, as a reed is blown a thought, a wish, a prayer, a trembling
in different directions by different winds. confidence, it is because that came down
A reed is one who is devoid of truth, first from heaven, and rises to seek iti
virtue, and consistency, as a reed has no level again. All that is divine in man
strength, or stamina." — C. A. LAFIDE, comes from God. All that tends toward?
Great Comm., Vol. II. p. 53. God in man is God's voice in the human
REED-PLAIN :— heart ; and were it not for the posses
sion and operation, the sanctifying
A symbol of the astro-mental and quickening, of a living divine Spin;
plane, or the astral plane. granted to us, our souls would for ever
" That ancestor cleave to the dust, and dwell upon earth,
(of the whole race) nor ever rise to God and live in the
is generally called the Unkulunkulu,
great-great-grandfather. When pressed light of His presence." — A. MACLAREN.
as to the father of this ancestor, the general
Sermons, 1st Series, p. 62.
" Regeneration has not. merely been
answer of the Zulus seems to bo that
branched off from a reed, or that
an outstanding difficulty, but an over
he came from a bed of reeds " (Reported whelming obscurity. Philosophically on«
scarcely sees either the necessity or the
by Dr. Callaway). — MAX MULMUI, Science
oj Religion, p. 45. possibility of being born again. Why
a virtuous man should not simply grow
bed of reeds " evidently
The "
better and better until in his own. right
means the same as the " papyrus he enter the Kingdom of God, is what
ewamps," or
" marsh," from which thousands honestly and seriously fail
the Self emerges (as Horus). to understand. Now Philosophy cannot
help us here. Her arguments are, if
anything, against us. But Science
REEDS, HrBTTKO, MARSH, OHONA- answers to the appeal at once. If
MOCHI, PEACHES, SEKHET-AARU, it be simply pointed out that this ij
UNION (reeds), VULTURE. the same absurdity as to ask why a
stone should not grow more and more
REGENERATION :— living till it enters the Organic World,
the point is clear in an instant." — H.
A symbol of the production anew,
PRUMMOND, Natural Law, etc., p. 80.
through a process of spiritual trans " The true and definitely directed
mutation and evolution, of the puri mystical life does and must open with
fied and perfected qualities of the that most actual and stupendous, though
ego which thereby rises to a new indescribable phenomenon, the coming
birth on the higher planes of con forth into consciousness of man's deeper
sciousness. spiritual self, which ascetical and mystical
writers of all ages have agreed to call
",Not by works of righteousness which Regeneration or Re-birth. Here its more
we have done, but according to his mercy profound and mystical side is exhibited,
he saved us, by the washing of regenera its divine character revealed. By a
tion, and renewing of the Holy Ghost." — process which may indifferently be
TITUS iii. 5. described as the birth of something
Not highest impulses of
by the new, or the coming forth of something
the lower nature can a spiritual which has slept — since both these phrases
result, or rise in consciousness, be are but metaphors for another and
more secret thing — the eye is opened
brought about ; but only according on Eternity ; the self, abruptly made
to a free gift of the Spirit can the aware of Reality, comes forth from the
soul be made immortal. Spiritual cave of illusion like a child from the
womb and begins to live upon the super-
qualities are bestowed in proportion
sensual plane. Then she feels in her in
as the human nature is purified and most part a new presence, a new con
raised through the transmutations sciousness — it were hardly an exaggeration
effected by the operations of Buddhi to say a new Person — weak, demanding
nurture, clearly destined to pass through
(Holy Ghost).
many phases of development before its
The teaching is that the lower maturity is reached ; yet of so strange
nature cannot possibly raise its con- a nature, that in comparison with its
environment she may well regard it are the most effective for the Divine
as Divine." — E. UNDERBILL, Mysticism,
p. 147.
purpose. The possibilities of evil being
See ASCENSION, ATONEMENT, BAP great ; great also is the scope for good
TISM, BORN AGAIN, BUDDHI, CAVE, overcoming evil.
A symbol of the termination of
REGIONS, SEVEN :— the cycle, and of the soul's attain
ment of liberation from the lower
A symbol of the seven globes of nature by the Divine Will, in fulfil
the terrene planetary chain. All are ment of the Great Law of mani
invisible with the exception of the festation.
" The Drop
(sun) moving along the HORSE (white), JUDGMENT DAY,
common seat (of sky and earth) ; the
Drop I offer along the seven hotras, — KALKI, PRALAYA, RENOVATION,
the seven hotras are the regions : he SOSIOSH.
thus establishes yonder sun in the
regions." — Rota. Br&h., VII. 4, 1, 19. REINCARNATIONS :—
The indwelling Self, progressing
These are successive terrestrial
through the cycle of life and com embodiments of the individual soul,
mencing small aa a drop of water to enable it to gain experience and
(Truth) within the higher and lower development in the process of evolu
natures, is furnished by the Supreme tion. Reincarnation makes effective
with the globes of the planetary the relation of the natural law of
chain as an arena whereon the Divine development with the more speci
Life may be evolved, and the Higher fically spiritual process. It provides
Self manifested in his glory. opportunities for the unfoldment and
interplay of spiritual forces, which,
In the Indian sacred books the
unless the lower planes were respon
seven regions (dvipas) are given
sive periodically to the rhythmic
the names of — Plaksha, Shalmalia, succession of soul activities, would
Kusha, Krauncha, Shaka, Push- not afford the spirit-nature within
kara, and Jambu-dvipa, which last the soul the means of evolution.
is said to be central to the others. Reincarnation is assumed in the
Each region is surrounded by great Bible teaching, though little is said
oceans respectively of sweet juice, of it, and that is because it is an
wine, butter, curds, milk, etc. (Vishnu incident, — a mere passing phase,—
Purana, II. 109). Jambu-dvipa is a in the real spiritual life. The Bible
might just as well give information
symbol of our earth, and this dvipa
regarding the digestive process,
is said to be surrounded by a " sea sleep, or any other natural vital
of salt water," which is suggestive function, as expound the method of
both of the proximate astral plane reincarnation, which is quite sub
(sea) and of the habitable land of ordinate to the interests of the soul,
the earth globe. The " oceans " refer and which exists simply as a means
to the buddhic, the mental, and the whereby it is to attain its end.
astral planes. Nevertheless, to deny the fact of
" And of these seven regions every reincarnation is on the face of it
benefit was created most in Khvaniras, absurd, because without it any
and the evil spirit also produced most for theory of the gradual evolution of
Khvaniras, on account of the superiority the immortal soul through time,
which he saw in it." — Bundahit, Ch. XI. 5. past, present and future, is inex
And of these seven globe-conditions plicable. All the sacred books teach
of being, the conditions prevailing involution and evolution through vast
in the present world (Khvaniras) periods, and never hint at special
creations of souls, or other things, See BOAT OF EARTH, DAY AND NIGHT,
taking place. Yet such special crea EXPKRIKNCE, FORTY (nights), GATHI
tions must be assumed If the doctrine (kam.), GATHAS (chanting), GrLGOO-
of evolution of souls is denied. UEM, GIRDLE (star), HEAVENLY
" Why should not every individual
man have existed more than once upon JUSTICE, LIBERATION, MAN (born),
this world T . . . Why should I not
come back as often as I am capable of METEMPSYCHOSIS, NAKEDNESS, NIGHTS
acquiring fresh knowledge, fresh expert- (three), PURGATORY, REDEMPTION
ness T Do I bring away so much from REINGA, SAMSARA, SENSE OKGANS,
once that there is nothing to repay the
back T Is this a SHEPHERD (good), TABERNACLE, VES
trouble of coming
reason against it ! Or because I forget TURES, WHEELS OF BIRTH.
that I have been here already ? Happy REINGA :—
is it for me that I do forget. The
recollection of my former condition A symbol of the mind as tb«
would permit me to make only a bad " bridge of manas " from the higher
use of the present." — LESSING, Divine nature to the lower ; or of the lower
Education, etc. planes .
" These two systems, the purely " The prevailing idea of the abode
spiritual and the sensuous, — which last
may consist of an immeasurable series of spirits was that they went to the
of particular lives, — exist in me from Reinga, which is another name for Po
the moment when my active reason is or Hades ; the word Keinga, literally
developed, and pursue their parallel means the leaping place. The spirits
course. The former alone gives to the were supposed to travel to the North
latter meaning and purpose and value. Cape, or land's end, and there passing
I am immortal, imperishable, eternal, along a long, narrow ledge of rock, they
so soon as I form the resolution to obey leaped down upon a flat stone, and
the law of reason. After an existence of thence slinging themselves into the water
myriad lives, the super-sensuous world by some long sea-weed they entered Po,
cannot be more present than at this the Reinga being the passage to it."—
moment. Other conditions of my sen R. TAYLOR, New Zealand, p. 103.
" In a myth of the New Hebrides,
suous existence are to come, but these
are no more the true life than the present the soul runs along the line of hills
condition is." — ,T. G. FICHTE, Vocation till he reaches the end of the island, and
then he comes to the place of recollection,
of "Man, Bk. III.
What sleep is for the individual, the Maewo name for which is vat dodona,
death is for the Will. It would not endure the stone of thought ; if he remembers
to continue the same actions and suffer there his child or his wife, or anything
ings throughout an eternity, without that belongs to him, he will run back
true gain, if memory and individuality and come to life again. In the same
remained to it. It flings them off, and place are two rocks with a deep ravine
this is lethe ; and through this sleep between them ; if the ghost clears this
of death it reappears refreshed and fitted as he leaps across he is forever dead, but
out with another intellect, as a new if one fails he returns to life again."—
being — a new day tempts to new shores.'
' R. H. CODRINGTON, The Melanesia™.
These constant new births, then, consti p. 270.
tute the succession of the life-dreams The two myths refer to the same
of a Will which in itself is indestructible, esoteric facts of the soul's evolution.
until, instructed and improved by so much The spiritual egos descend periodically
and such various successive knowledge in
a constantly new form it abolishes or to the lower planes in order to incarnate
abrogates itself." — SCHOPENHAUER, The in human bodies ; and after physical
World as Will and Idea. death, ascend to the higher mental
" The soul, like the body, has to go
plane (stone of thought). If the egos
through various stages of development,
and change very greatly at one phase continue to be attached by desire
of experience as compared with another, to the lower life they return, after a
before it is ready to enter upon its full period, to re -incarnation ; but if they are
inheritance. I feel moved to add that
perfected, they are liberated from the
I am not at all prepared to say that it
lower nature and return again no more.
is the persons of religious temperament
who are in every case the most highly See BRIDGE, LIBERATION, Po, R«-
developed of their kind ; on the contrary, INCARNATION, STONE.
it is highly probable that, here or here
after, many of these will have to go REINS :—
back and learn some of the lessons A symbol of the Inner nature of
which their fellows are learning now."
— R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Larger the soul.
Hope. See GIRDLE (body).
RELATIVE; THE STATE OF product of the process of the three
RELATIVITY :— " earth," viz.
who bear witness upon
The condition of consciousness in the physical, the astral, and the
•which there appears duality in oppo lower-mental natures, in which the
site qualities, — as good and evil, Self is incarnated, and out of which
right and wrong, knowledge and he ascends in glory at the last.
ignorance, etc. This condition " The thought common to India,
characterises evolution on the lower Plato, and Kant, that the entire universe
planes. is only appearance and not reality, forms
See Eva,, OPPOSITES, RESPECTFUL, not only the special and most important
theme of all philosophy, but is also
STRIFE. the presumption and eonditio tine qu&
non of all religion. . . . The necessary
RELATIVES, BELOVED AND premises of all religion are, as Kant
UNBELOVED :— frequently expounds :— (1) the existence
Symbolic of the complete and the of God, (2) the immortality of the soul,
incomplete conditions of manifest (3) the freedom of the will (without
which no morality is possible). These
existence. three essential conditions of man's salva
His beloved relatives obtain the tion — God, immortality and freedom —
good, his unboloved relatives the evil are conceivable only if the universe is
he has done." — Kaush. U panishad, I. 2. mere appearance and not reality (mere
The " beloved and unbeloved rela mdyd and not the dtman), and they
tives " signify other schemes of mani break down irretrievably should this
empirical reality, wherein we live, be
festation which in him, the liberated, found to constitute the true essence
are to go forth. The " beloved " of things." — P. DEUSSEN, Phil, of
ajre the good or perfected ; the " un Upanishada, p. 45.
" are the evil or relatively " The material world is more or less
illusory, and we are quite wrong in
imperfect. These will form the higher it as having a separate and
and lower plane activities for future independent existence.
The things
processes of evolution. which are seen are not made out of
" things which do appear.' The world
(The ascetic) Making over the merit
of his own good actions to his friends, of spirit underlies and interpenetrates
and the guilt of his evil deeds to his the world of sense at all points." — R. J.
enemies, he attains the eternal Brahman CAMPBELL, Serm., The Fact Death.
" According to the system of Doctrine
by the practice of meditation." — Laws (of
of Mann, VI. 79. and Life) recovered (by Intuition), the
See FHIBNDS, RENOVATION. Christ Jesus, Redeemer and Saviour,
while equally its beginning, middle, and
end, is not a mere historical personage,
RELIGION, OR THE GOOD but, above and beyond this, a Spiritual
RELIGION :— Ideal and an Eternal Verity. Recognizing
A symbol* of the science of the fully that which Jesus was and did, it
sets forth salvation as depending, not
spiritual life, — knowledge of the pro
on what any man has said or done, but
cess of the soul's growth from on what God perpetually reveals. For,
Imperfection to perfection, from according to it, Religion is not a thing
ignorance to wisdom, from separate- of the past, or of any one age, but is
ness to Love, and from illusion to an ever-present, ever-occurring actuality ;
the eternal Truth. for every man one and the same ; n
" Approved by the good, the high process complete in itself for each man ;
and for him subsisting irrespective of
priest of the good religion of the Mazda- any other man whatsoever. It thus
yasnians, the glorified Spendyad, son
recognises as the actors in the momentous
of Mah-vindad, son of Rustom, son of
drama of the Soul two persons only,
Shatroyar." — Preface to the Bundahit. the individual himself and God." — The
The ego who has conquered the Way, p. 25.
lower nature and recognised the Ascientific age rightly refuses to
Truth, Wisdom, and Love within be any longer put off with data which
are more than dubious, and logic which
the soul, is said to be approved
morality and philosophy alike reject.
by the spiritual forces which main A deeper, truer, more real religion is
tain and manifest the truth of the needed for an epoch of thought, and
Self in the soul-process. The " glori for a world familiar with biblical criticism
" and revision ; — a religion whose founda
fied Spendyad is the Self who has
tions no distractive agnosticism can
undertaken to go forth and accom undermine, and in whoso structure no
plish his evolution. The Self is the examination, however searching, shall
be able to find flaw or blemish. It is nature, which help to evolve the
only by rescuing the Gospel of Christ spirit within the soul. As the whole
from the externals of history, persons, object of religions is the evolution
and events, and by vindicating its essen
tial significance, that Christianity can of the spiritual nature in humanity,
be saved from the destruction which popular religions attain this end
inevitably overtakes all idolatrous creeds." within the souls stirred by them, in
—Ibid.,_p. 341. spite of much that is injurious in
Religion has its psychological sources the prevalent misconceptions and
in every important form of the function practice. Doctrines of immortality
ing of the human soul. /( it man in his are hardly suggested in some scrip
entirety who is the maker of religion.
tures, e.g. the Hebrew Bible, evi
Every factor of his complex being enters
dently because of the selfish con
ment. The unconscious influences are siderations they naturally arouse in
present and potent factors. The lower undisciplined minds. Doctrines, as
impulsive and emotional stirrings solicit such, seem to be of minor impor
or impel him to be religious. His social tance in religions, for they change
instincts or more intelligent social desires and differ in every religion, and
and aims co-operate in the same result. in no religion are they compre
The uplift to that condition of rational
faith which corresponds hensible. These facts are very evi
to the ideal
adjustment of the human self to the dent at the present time, when more
Divine Self, is effected largely through is known about religions and less
the awakening and employment of the is settled as to the meaning of any
higher eesthetioal and ethical sentiments." of them. Even about the cardinal
— G. T. LADD, Phil, o/ Religion, Vol. I. doctrines of Christianity there is no
p. 263. settled opinion, and views of the
" The distinctive note of mysticism is
" atonement " have changed within
the fact that it brings religion into
the closest contact, not with authority a generation.
or formulas or traditions, but with the Respecting the truth of religious
nature of man as man. It looks upon doctrines, they are doubtless all
the soul as the prime factor in religion, expressions of truth, but popular
and it regards man's awareness of God, phrases convey little meaning, and
his intimate consciousness of the nearness the truth is not evident. The use
of God, his innate striving after union in the soul-life of incomprehensible
with God, as dependent upon the soul's
doctrines seems to be to stimulate
possibility of approaching God directly.
Nov. . the possession of a soul is not the speculative thought and religious
prerogative of the devotee of any one emotion, and this beneficial effect is
particular religion to the exclusion of apparent through all the ages of
others. All men possess souls. It history.
follows, therefore, logically, that no " If religion may not exactly confess
religion which contains mystical elements
ought to claim, on behalf of its adherents, its allegorical nature, it gives sufficient
an exclusive approach to the Divine indication of it in its mysteries.
' '
favour, or, indeed, any superiority in Mystery is in reality only a technical
the realm of the spiritual life." — J. theological term for religious allegory.
ABELSON, The Immanence of Qod in All religions have their mysteries.
Rabbinical Literature, p. 300. Properly speaking, a myetery is a dogma
See AHUBA RELIGION, ATMAN, which is plainly absurd, but which,
nevertheless, conceals in itself a loft;
EVOLUTION, GIRDLE (star), HIGH truth, and one which by itself would be
PRIEST, ILLUSION, INCARNATION, completely incomprehensible to ths
LETTER, MATTER, MAYA (lower), ordinary understanding of the raw muhi-
PAPYRUS, PHENOMENA, SEALED tude. The multitude accepts it in
this disguise on trust, and believes it,
LETTER, SELF, SPEND YAD, VICTORY, without being led astray by the absurdity
VlSTASP, VOHUMAN, WlLL, WITNESSES. of it, which even to its intelligence
is obvious ; and in this way it partici
RELIGIONS, POPULAR:— pates in the kernel of the matter so far
These are states of thought and as it is possible for it to do so." —
emotion produced by the belief in SCHOPENHAUER, Religion : a Dialogue,
certain Divinely inspired scriptures p. 17.
" The
and myths, viewed from a literal great change of feeling and
outlook which is passing over the world
standpoint and very imperfectly
to-day in regard to the relations of God
understood. The dramatic or and man may be described an the transi
mystery element in reverently tion from the pedagogic to the vitalia
regarded scriptures arouses emo view of God's relation to mankind. If
tions of an impersonal and exalted you refer to the religious language of
a generation or two ago, or better still, Is a direct offshoot or ray of the
of centuries ago, you will find that our Self emanating from a centre in the
Christian fathers for the most part higher mind. The personality is
thought of God as a being who was
always more or less indignant on account the means whereby intercommuni
of the trouble they had caused him. cation between the inner memory
The great presupposition of the religious and the outer nature is eventually
thought of those days was that man established, for through this memory
•was an undeserving rebel, and God a the lower mind is awakened on its
rightly offended judge. ... I think that
•we are nil instinctively aware thai/ life
higher side and made receptive of
ideals which are implanted by the
is a deeper, more complex thing than
can be explained in that conventional causal Self.
fashion." — R. J. CAMPBEIJ,, Serm., The See GATHAS (chanting), KALCHAS,
" The religions of the world are not
isolated, but are parts of a. whole, forming
together the religious education of the REMISSION OF SINS:—
human race." — B. JOWETT, Serm., The
Subjection of the Son. This expression signifies liberation
" Now there is a spiritual world as from captivity to the lower nature
extended as Humanity, and to assert through the raising of the qualities
its existence is no more to beg the ques by an influx of Divine Life.
tion than the assertion of a physical " Jesus breathed on the
world. I mean by it the world of the disciples, and
human heart in its relation to the idea saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy
of God and to all the feelings and actions Ghost : Whose soever gins ye remit,
•which cluster round that idea. No one they are remitted unto them ; and whose
can deny the existence of this world, soever sins ye retain, they are retained."
though they may give it a different
— JOHN xx. 22, 23.
name. It exists and has played its part, The disciplined qualities (disciples)
age after age, in nation after nation, in
" were glad," and therefore
almost every individual of the race, in for the outpouring of
savage and civilised man, in heathen
and Christian peoples. And there have the Spirit which raised them. The
" remitting of sins " is the loosening
been in this world a vast series of spiritual
phenomena ; distinct national worships ; from the imperfections and limitations
thousands of modifications of the idea of which bind down the qualities, and
God ; revolutions of religious thought
profoundly altering national character ; from which liberation is obtained as
a multitude of facts, some related, some soon as the qualities are " breathed
isolated, some strange, normal " by the The
some upon living Christ.
in their succession — but all having one " retaining of sins " is the
or two common features at least, which
suggest the possibility of their mutual
course, — the failing of qualities to
relation, and of their being arranged receive the Spirit through the agency
into order under a few great Ideas." — of qualities more spiritualised than
STOPFOHD A. BROOKE, Serm., Lord, themselves, and consequent retention
Increase our Faith, p. 117.
of evil and ignorance.
A symbol of the wisdom-nature
attained to by the ego through its VICTORY.
strivings in the lower nature.
A symbol of the differentiated and
RELIGIOUS VOWS :— regenerate individuality, it having
Symbolic of aspirations which acquired through aspiration and effort
the higher qualities wherewith it is
yield such results as are capable of
directing the evolution of the Self. now endowed.
" The ren, or name, to preserve which
See Vow.
the Egyptians took the most extra
REMINISCENCE OR MEMORY :— ordinary precautions, for the belief waa
widespread that unless the name of a
This, in its deeper signification, is man was preserved he ceased to exist.
Identified with the causal Self, which Already in the time of King Fepi the
name waa regarded as a most important
" From the extinct fire of purificatiot
portion of a man's economy, and in the there will come a more beautiful earth.
following passage it ranks equally with pure and perfect, nnd destined to be
the ka :— The iron which is the ceiling
eternal." — Zoroastrian System.
of heaven openeth itself before Pepi, Following the extinction of the puri
and he passeth through it with his fied lower planes, from which emerges
panther skin upon him, and his staff
the soul, the new
" heaven " arises.
and whip in his hand ; Pepi passeth with "
his flesh, and he is happy with his name, and also a new earth," which is a
and he liveth with his double.' Already complete and perfect replica of the
in the Pyramid Texts we find the deceased lower planes. In this buddhic state,
making supplication that his name may
grow ' or ' shoot forth
and endure the soul expresses itself in subtler
as long as the names of Tem, Shu, Seb, vehicles, which are all that the lower
and other gods." — BUDGE, Book of the vehicles have been, plus the increase
Dead, p. Ixiii. of responsiveness which the finer
The individuality (ren) is seated in materials engender.
the causal-body (ka) and is indistin " The coming of the day of God, by
guishable from it spiritually. reason of which the heavens bein|
See CEIUNO OF SKY, IRON PLATE, on fire shall be dissolved, and the element;
KA, NAME, PANTHER SKIN, PYRAMID. shall melt with fervent heat. But accord
ing to his promise, we look for new
RENDING THE GARMENTS :— heavens nnd a new earth, wherein dwelleth
righteousness." — 2 PETER iii. 12, 13.
A symbol of the rejection either There is a reference here to the
of truth or error. It implies either
passing of the Life-wave to the neit
enlargement of mind by the break
ing forth of truth, or the suppression globe of the terrene chain, when both
of truth and retention of opinions higher and lower states will be replaced
which narrow the intelligence. by subtler conditions.
" Then the high priest rent his And I saw a new heaven and a new
earth : for the first heaven and the first
garments, Raying, He hath spoken
earth are passed away, and the sea is
blasphemy." — MAT. xxvi. 65. no more." — KEV. xxi. 1.
The literalist rejects (rends) the As existence for the soul is raised
spiritual truths offered him, because to the heaven (buddhic) plane, so that
he is agnostic towards the higher, and " heaven "
disappears and there is a
does not believe in the possibilities
new heaven to aspire to. The first
which the Christ-soul pre-figures. lower nature
" We ' rend our mantle ' whenever (earth) passes away,
we review with a discriminating eye our and the astral plane (sea) is no more.
" The world being melted and re-
past deeds ; for unless with God our
deeds were as a cloak that covered us, entered into the bosom of Jupiter, this
it would never have been declared by God continues for some time totally
the voice of an Angel,
Blessed is he concentered in himself ; . . . afterwards
that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, we see a new world spring from him,
lest he walk naked, and they see his perfect in all its parts ; animals are
shame ' ; for ' our shame ' is then produced anew ; an innocent race of
when our life, appearing worthy men is formed under more favourable
of condemnation in the eyes of the auspices, in order to people this earth." —
righteous in judgment, has not the SENECA, Epist. 9, and Quoest. Kat
covering of good practice." — ST. GREGORY, L. 3, c, ult.
" But though heaven and earth an
Morals on the Book oj Job, Vol. I. p. 123.
See CLOTHING, GARMENTS, SACK consumed with fire, and all the gods
perish, with the whole human race ; yet
CLOTH. is every human soul to live eternally
RENENET, GODDESS OF in another world. The good find them
selves in Gimle, and all gods and things
are again reproduced." — Voluspa, Poetic
A symbol of nature as the sus- Edda, HOWITT, Literature, etc.
talner of forms. " Will any of the gods survive
See JUDGMENT HALL, MESKHENET. Regnarok), and will there be any longer
a heaven and an earth ? There will
RENOVATION OF THE EARTH :— arise out of the sea another earth most
This signifies the passing on of lovely and verdant, with pleasant fields
where the grain shall grow unsovrn.
the Life -wave to another globe of Vidar and Vali shall survive ; neither
the terrene chain, which will be the flood nor Surtur's fire shall harm
not physical but astral, mental, and them. They shall dwell on the plain
buddhic. of Ida, where Asgard formerly stood.
Thither shall come the sons of Thor, Modi HORSE (white), HVANIRATHA, JOB,
and Magni, bringing with them their
father's mallet Mjolnir. Balder and
Hodur shall also repair thither from VARES, KINGDOM, PLANETARY CHAIN,
the abode of death (Hel) " Prose Edda. PKALAYA, REGIONS, REGNAROK,
" Kalki
(incarnation of Vishnu), who SPRINGTIME, SURTUR, VOHUMAN.
is yet to appear at the close of the fourth
or Kali age, when the world has become
wholly depraved, for the final destruction
of the wicked, for the re-egtablishment A symbol of harmony in human
of righteousness upon the earth, and the conditions during the period of
renovation of all creation with a return to involution.
a new age of purity (satya-yuga). " Human
According to some, he will be revealed beings, among whom respect
in the sky, seated on a white horse, ful manners and pure customs prevailed,
with a drawn sword in his hand, blazing occupied one territory." — Chinese Myth
like a comet." — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian ology, KIDD, China.
Wisdom, p. 335. And now is developed the humanity
" In that time
(when the Messiah of the fabled Golden Age, — the early
comes) all those who have not tasted type of man in which the absence of
the taste of death will die through Him,
and He will revivify them at once. Why all relative experience of opposites
is this ': Because nothing whatever of appears as Edenio perfection. The
that pollution (the pollution of sin) shall " territory " is a symbol of the
remain in the world, and there will be limitation imposed upon the race by
a new world made by the Holy, Blessed
be He ! " (Zohar). — MYER, Qabbalah,
the Absolute.
" Then shall the earth no longer hold OPPOSITES, RACES, RELATIVE, YAO.
together. . . . The voice of every God
shall cease in the Great Silence that no RE-STAU, THE PASSAGES OF
one can break ; the fruits of the Earth THE TOMB :—
shall rot ; nay Earth no longer shall
bring forth ; and Air itself shall faint. A symbol of the lower planes in
This, when it comes, shall be the World's which the Self is Involved.
old age, impiety, — irregularity, and lack " Thy name
(Osiris) hath been made
of rationality in all good things. . . . in Re-stau when it had fallen therein.
God ending all ill, by either washing Homage to thee, O Osiris, in thy strength
it away with water-flood, or burning it and in thy power, thou hast obtained
away with fire, or by the means of pesti the mastery in Re-stau. Thou art
lent diseases, spread through all hostile raised up, O Osiris, and thy might is
lands, — God will recall the Cosmos to in Re-stau, and thy power is in Abtu
its ancient form ; so that the World (Abydos). Thou goest round about
itself shall seem meet to be worshipped through heaven, and thou lookost upon
and admired ; and God, the Maker and the generations of men, O thou Being
Restorer of so vast a work, be sung by who circlest." — BUDOE, Book of the Dead,
the humanity who shall be then. . . . Cli. CXIX.
For this Re-birth of Cosmos is the making The manifestation of the Christ
of all good things, and the most holy and
most pious bringing-back again of Nature's hath been completed in the lower
self, by means of a set course of time" nature to which it had descended at
(The Perfect Sermon). — G. R. S. MEAD, the beginning. Christ is glorified in
T. O. Hermes, Vol. II. p. 357.
" The world, or what we call the that he has obtained the mastery
creation, is not so much a completed over the lower activities. He is
fact as a conatus, struggling up con- risen from the dead lower nature,
comitantly with the powers that are and is all-powerful both below and
doing battle in it for a character ; falling above He traverseth the
with them in their fall, rising with them, (Abtu).
or to rise, to a condition, finally, of com higher nature of the soul and draweth
plete order and beauty. There is much upward the developing mental quali
to be said for such an expectation, and ties in all their stages of growth.
it appears to be just what is held up in He is the indwelling Spirit who
the promise of a new heavens and earth,
wherein dwelleth righteousness." — H. passes through the cycle of life.
" You may nail Christ on his cross
BUSHNELL, Nature and the Supernatural,
p. 143. in the agonies of suffering humanity ;
See AAT (waters), ABOARD, BALDER, you may lay him in the sepulchre of hate,
and roll the stone of unbelief to the
BUDDHA (maitreya), CHRIST'S SECOND door, and seal it with the seal of brutal
COMING, COMETS, CONFLAGRATION, materialism ; but you cannot keep him
down. Oh, miracle of miracles, this in the body as though in a tomb or
constant resurgence of the spirit of Chrift sepulchre. . . . The dead shall leap
in our common life ! Christ breaks his from their graves,' that is, from their
fetters and issues forth invincible in the earthly bodies, regenerated spiritual, not
teeth of all that his foes can do." — R. J. fleshly. This is the Resurrection which
CAMPBELL, Serm., Christ Arisen. takes place through the Gate of the
See ABTU, FETTERS, HEROIC Heavens, through which all those who
do not pass remain dead. The same
Phrygians again call this very same Man,
SEPULCHRE, TOMB. after the transformation, God. For he
becomes God when rising from the dead ;
RESURRECTION FROM THE through such a Gate he shall pass intu
DEAD :— Heaven " (Doctrines of the Naassene
A symbol of the rising of the Higher Gnostics). From the Philosophumena of
Hippolytus. — G. R. S. MEAD, T. G.
Self from the potential to the actual Hermes, Vol. I. p. 172.
in the minds of humanity : also the The Archetypal Man (Korybas) dies
rising of the indwelling or Incarnate at the close of the involutionary
Self from the lower nature to the
period, and rises in the souls of
higher at the end of the cycle. In
relation to the egos, the resurrection humanity in the present evolutionary
signifies the rising of the conscious epoch. He is the Higher Self or the
ness from the lower mind to the God in us.
" Out of the tomb of worldliness
higher in the causal-body at the
cycle's end ; or the liberation of and selfishness, and the grave-cloths
of materialism, ignorance and error,
the spiritual egos from captivity to
the Eternal Christ is coming forth.
the lower nature. The lower nature Resurrection is not an isolated, catas
la " dead," for it has in it no true trophic act ; it is a perpetual process
Life. and an ever-active principle. The
" For if the dead are not raiserl, neither Divine Spirit is always rising within
hath Christ been raised. . . . But now humanity. The etone is always being:
hath Christ been raised from the dead, rolled nway from the tomb in order that
the first-fruits of them that are asleep. the Divine Life may come forth in
. . . Christ the first-fruits ; then they power and glory." — E. W. LEWIS, Easter,
that are Christ's, at his corning. Then 1010.
" The chief priests and the Pharisees
cometh the end, when he shall deliver up
the kingdom to God."— 1 Con. xv. 16-24. were gathered
together unto Pilate,
If the lower qualities (the dead) saying, Sir, we
remember that that
deceiver said, while ho was yet ali\e.
have not been transmuted (raised), After three days I
will rise again." —
neither hath the incarnate Self been MAT. xxvii. 62, 63.
raised ; for the raising of the qualities The state of mind in literalism,
implies the rise of the Self in the formalism, and dogmatism (Phari
soul. But now the Self hath been sees, etc.), does not wish for Christ
raised in the qualities as the first to rise in the mind, for that would
spiritual fruit of the experience of the put an end to the practices it finds
asleep " in the human forms.
egos pleasure in ; it therefore appeals to
The Self is the first to rise, then the worldly -mindedness (Pilate) to crush
egos rise whose qualities are raised from out the Spirit. Yet, " after three
the dead lower nature. Then at the days," which here signify a period
end of the cycle, when the Self has of time to complete a condition of
raised the souls to the buddhic plane, — development, Christ would rise in
the Self becomes merged in the glory in the minds of human kind,
Absolute. and become the actual ruler in men's
" The true resurrection, the resurrection
lives, and not only the Ideal of their
to newness of life, is the rising of the souls. For the ideal of life of one
Christ in human nature and human
society into higher, fuller, and richer age is the actual conduct of the
modes of expression. That resurrection next.
is continually going on, and its correla " Curiously enough we find the story
tive is the ascension of human conscious of the resurrection of Dionysus, after
ness into perfect oneness with the all- his dismemberment by the Titans, com
embracing mind of God in the sacred pared by the most learned of the Christian
fellowship of love." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Fathers with the resurrection of the
Serm., The Resurrection Life. Christ. Thus Origen (Con. Celeum, IV.
" The Phrygians call Him (Korybas after making the comparison,
the perfect Man) also dead — when buried remarks apologetically and somewhat
bitterly : Or, forsooth, are the Greeks for if Christ lives, they cannot die that
to be allowed to use such words with were sharers with him in his resurrection.
regard to the soul, and speak in allegorical Hence they are said to ' live,' being
fashion, and we forbidden to do so T '— ' "
quickened together with him.' — JOHN
thus clearly declaring that the ' resur BUNYAN, Justification, etc.
rection ' was an allegory of the soul, and " Risen with Christ. This Resur
not historical." — G. R. S. MEAD, Orpheus, rection, then, is a moral change ; it
p. 186. is a spiritual movement. A resurrection
"The Cross and Passion represents the is a transfer from one state to another.
pain and stress that accompanies the It is a passage from the darkness of
process (of the return of man to the the tomb to the sunshine of the upper
perfect Humanity — Christ) ; the pain air. It is an exchange of the coldness,
of self-sacrifice, of penitence, of resistance stillness, corruption of death for the
to temptation, the trouble connected warmth and movement, and undecayed
•with the maintenance of a consistent energies of life. . . . The spiritual resur
life in the midst of a selfish world. The rection of a soul belongs to nature just
Resurrection is the new life that follows as little as does the bodily raising of a
the sacrifice ; the Ascension is the final corpse. It is an evidence of the real
attainment of union with God." — J. G. introduction of a Higher Power into
ADDERLEY, The Symbolism of the Mass.
" Damacius, speaking of the dismember
humanity. It is essentially supernatural."
— H. P. LIDDON, University Sermons,
ment and resurrection of Osiris, remarks, pp. 260, 265.
' this be a mingling with God,
an all perfect at-one-ment, a return MENT, BONDAGE, CAUSAL-BODY,
upwards of our souls to the divine.* —
" Osiris died and was buried, like GRATION, CRUCIFIXION (Jesus), DEAD,
Asari or Merodach, whose temple at DEATH UNTO LIFE, DIONYSUS, DIS
Babylon was also his tomb ; but it MEMBERMENT, EVOLUTION, INCARNA
was that he might rise again in the morn
ing with renewed strength and bril TION, K.M.KT, KHEPER, LIBERATION,
liancy. . . . Both in Egypt and in MORNING, OSIRIS, PHARISEES, PILATE,
Babylonia he was the God of the resur RE -BIRTH, REGENERATION, REMISSION,
rection, whether that took place in this RENOVATION, SAHU, SAINTS, SALVA
visible world or in the heavenly paradise.
In order to share in this state
of bliss, it was necessary for the believer
in Osiris to become like the God himself.
He must himself be an Osiris, according RETURN OF THE GREAT
to the Egyptian expression. His indi GODDESS :—
viduality remained intact ; as he had
been on earth, so would he be in heaven." A symbol of the Wisdom-nature
— A. H. SAYCE, Rel. oj Anc. Egyptians, evolving in the soul after Its period
etc., pp. 104, 160. of obscuration or latency. Since the
The Higher Self (Osiris) became fall of mind (man) Into the lower
involved in matter (tomb) in order nature, the buddhlc consciousness
to rise from it in greater glory during (Wisdom) has been absent from
the human soul. This spiritual con
the emanation (morning) of a new
sciousness returns to the ego when
era. The soul, or ego, must become the soul Is perfected at the end of
perfect in all its qualities even as the cycle, and reveals the
" treasures
the Self is perfect, and when the in heaven."
perfected soul is liberated from the See AMATERASU, EDEN, ESTHER,
lower nature it becomes one with the FALL, GODDESS, HIDING, MAST,
Self above. WITNESSES (two).
" The apostle bids us reckon : ' Lake-
wise reckon ye also yourselves to be REVELATION :—
dead unto sin, but alive unto God through
Jesus Christ.' Hence Christ says, I am
' A symbolic communication from
the resurrection and the life," for that the higher nature to the lower,
all his are safe in him, suffering, dying imparting truths of the invisible
' '
and rising. He is the life, our life ; universe and the soul. As revela
yea, so our life, that by him the elect tion does not, and cannot, arise
do live before God, even then when from, the lower nature, so It is self-
as to themselves they yet are dead in
evident that the lower or objective
their sins. Wherefore, hence it is that
in time they partake of quickening mind of man does not compose the
grace from this their Head, to the making
revelation, but is merely the receptive
of them also live by faith, in order to vessel into which the Divine message
their living hereafter with him in glory ; is poured. The evidence for this
view of " revealed truth " Is over " The theory of an essentially similar
whelming when appreciated. That revelation in East and West would
evidence Is to be found in the uni harmonise with the conception of Paul
versal fact that the sacred scriptures He writes that God had never left himself
without witness, that man's conscience
and myths of the world are almost '
is the witness of God, and that a mys
throughout of obscure, miraculous, '
tery was hid in God from the beginning'
and nonsensical appearance, and of of the world, which ' eternal purpose
such a character, taken as a whole, was in his time made known as it had
as to make incredible any theory in former times not been made known.
of their mundane rational origin. According to this universalist conception,
Their purport, Indeed, precludes a held by Origen and Augustine, Christian
human origin, for no mind of man revelation is directly connected with
Divine revelations at all times and in all
is able to investigate cosmical begin with a continuity of Divine
nings, ar.d the nature of that which influences." — E. DE BUNSEN, Angti
transcends the lower consciousness. Messiah, p. 51.
A thousand instances will be found "
No revelation can be adequately
in this dictionary of the nonsensical given by the address of man to man.
appearance of the world-scriptures, whether by writing or orally, even if
and it may be sufficiently obvious he be put in possession of the Truth
that they have been neither invented itself. For all such revelation must be
made through words : and words are
nor composed by man. The scrip but counters — the coins of intellectual
tures themselves always assert that exchange. There is as little resemblance
they are of Divine origin, and this between the silver coin and the bread it
is a consistent and intelligent view purchases, as between the word and the
of them. The apparent nonsense is thing it stands for. Looking at the
nothing but an indication of their coin, the form of the loaf does not suggest
symbolical nature, and an assurance itself. Listening to the word, you do
that their diction has never seriously not perceive the idea for which it stands,
unless you are already in possession of
been tampered with. It is plain
that their symbology would be ruined
it. ... He alone believes truth who
feels it. He alone has a religion whose
if meddling scribes altered the soul knows by experience that to serve
language and introduced interpola God and know Him is the richest treasure.
tions to accord with their own And unless Truth come to you, not
ignorance. in word only, but in power besides, —
authoritative because true, not true
" In the religious history of humanity because authoritative — there haa been
it is human thought and human speech no real revelation made to you from
which are the moat distinctive and God. . . . God is a Character. To love
effective media of the Self-revelation of God is to love His character. This
God ; and yet more especially, the Love is manifested in obedience— Love
thought and speech of the divinely is the life of which obedience is the
selected and inspired men of revelation. form. ' He that hath my commandment*
. . . This voice of God to man, through and keepeth them, he it is that loveth
variously expressed. He that loveth me not keepeth not
man, haa been me.
In the creeds of these different religions, my sayings.' To this Love, adoring
the avatars of Vishnu, the various and obedient, God reveals His truth.
incarnations of the Buddha, the demi Love is the condition without which
gods that descended from the Scandi revelation does not take place. As in
navian Heimdallr, the prophets and the natural, so in the spiritual -world :—
seers of Old-Testament religion, and by compliance with the laws of the
Jesus and his Apostles in the New Dis universe, we put ourselves in possession
pensation all have the office of revealing of its blessings." — F. W. ROBERTSON,
God to man." — G. T. LADD, Phil, of Sermons, 1st Series, pp. 6-12.
Religion, Vol. II. pp. 419-20. Revelation by means of symbols is
" When the future philosophic theo
logian comes to take in this conception not authoritative but suggestive. The
(of many inspired scriptures), he will inner mind, already possesses truth,
no longer be satisfied to study the sacred and the truth must be awakened by
text of hia own form of religion. He the symbols. If the mind is pre
will study the text of all the higher
religions, trying to find the similar occupied and antagonistic, the new
import represented through their different truth will not be aroused in it.
legends, and the similar principle ex
" Unless I misread the religious ten
pounded in their not greatly differing dencies of our time, there is evidenced
precepts. Such an .attitudeof mind will just now a remarkable return on the part
almost infinitely elevate his aims and of many people to the desire for a special
widen his horizon." — G. L. RAYMOND, and definite authoritative divine word of
Psychology of Inspiration, p. 131. revelation as contrasted with all merely
human and naturalistic explanations of RIB OF MAN, FROM NEAR
things as they are. . . . But Sabatier THE HEART :—
contends that as we gain in spiritual
autonomy and the sense of spiritual A symbol of a high sub-plane of
freedom, we tend more and more to rely the mental plane, from which the
upon the inward light, the presence emotion-nature (woman) evolves.
of God in our own souls, to guide us See BONES, WOMAN.
into truth. Now I repeat that, unless
I am greatly mistaken, present-day RICE AND BARLEY:—
tendencies to a large extent are not
justifying this forecast. ... I know Symbols of wisdom and love.
personally quite a number of highly
educated and intelligent men who all
say with one voice that if they are to RICE GRAINS FROM WATERY
have a religious faith at all it must FIELDS :—
not be based only upon what they can Symbolic of intuitions of wisdom
discover for themselves, but upon an arising from the exercise of the
undoubted revelation of God to men, an
mental faculties in the pursuit of
opening of the door between seen and
unseen, between earth and heaven, and truth.
the coming through from the higher See CORN, MARSH, WATER.
side to the lower of that which is eternal
FIRE, DEVELOPMENT, GOSPEL, INSPIRA Symbolic of Intuitions of wisdom
TION, KORAN, MYTHOLOGY, PAPYRUS in the mind (air), which is stirred
BOAT, PEN, RAMAYANA, SACRED TEXT, from above ; these dispel ignorance
RHADAMANTHUS, MINOS, AND A symbol of the mind set upon
identifying itself with a multiplicity
Symbols of Divine principles of of objects, while inclination fosters
the Higher Triad. the " pairs of opposites " that beget
See TRIAD. the sense of separateness.
" Would that the days passed swiftly
RHEA, GODDESS (NUT) :— over me, and that all the hours were one,
A symbol of space. that I might go forth from this world ;
" Rhea is represented as a daughter and go and see that Beautiful One, . . .
where there is neither day nor night,
of Uranus and Ge, and the wife of Cronos, and no darkness but light, and neither
by whom she became the mother of good nor bad, nor rich nor poor, neither
Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon male nor female, nor slaves nor freemen,
and Zeus." — Smith's Clatt. Diet. nor any proud and uplifted over those
Space is said to be originated by who are humble." — Acts of Judas Thomas,
Spirit and Matter (Uranus and Ge). WRIGHT'S trans., p. 265.
It is united to Time, by which it brings Here the soul yearns for union
forth the physical (Hestia), the lower with the Higher Self, when the lower
buddhic (Demeter), the higher buddhic nature (world) will be surpassed, and
(Hera), the astral (Hades), and the all conflict be at an end. But it is
atmic (Poseidon) planes ; also the impossible for an ego while distracted
Higher Self (Zeus). by the opposites and the conflicting
" The Secret Doctrine, —postulating emotions (riches) of the lower planes
that conditioned or limited space (loca to enter into the nature of that which
tion) has no real being except in this is bliss.
world of illusion, or in other words, in
our perceptive faculties, — teaches that See LAZARUS, MAN (rich), OPPOSITES,
every one of the higher, as of the lower POVERTY, TREASURE.
worlds, is interblended with our own
Secret Doctrine, Vol. I. p. 662. ASPECT) :—
See ADITI, AIDONEUS, BIRTH or A symbol of the higher emotions
OSIBIS, CRONUS, GE, HEAVEN AND and true knowledge. The trans
EABTH, MAYA, NUT, SATURN, TIME, muted qualities, — the treasure laid
" Thereis that maketh himself rich, yet RIGHTEOUS MAN:—
hath nothing : there is that maketh A symbol
The of the perfected soul
himself poor, yet hath great riches.
ransom of a man's life are his riches : liberated from the lower nature.
but the poor heareth not rebuke." — See GATHA (ush.), MAN (righteous).
PROV. xiii. 7, 8.
The first rich man is full of the RIMTHURSAR, OR FROST
satisfactions of desire, which profit GIANTS :—
nothing. The second has made him A symbol of the primal powers
self poor in desire, but rich in wisdom and qualities that arise from latency
and love, and it ia this heavenly (frost) In matter, and become active
wealth which will be the ransom to in the lower nature of the soul during
the cycle of evolution.
liberate him from bondage to desire.
" We are far from believing Ymir to
The poor in this wealth perceive not
have been a god, for he was wicked as are
its excellence. all of his race, whom we call Frost-giants.
See BONDAGE, HUSBAND (good), And it is said that, when Ymir slept, he
POOR PEOPLE, POOB IN SPIRIT, fell into a sweat, and from the pit of hU
RANSOM, WEALTH. left arm was born a man and woman, and
one of his feet engendered with the other
RICHES, OR WEALTH (LOWER a son, from whom descend the Frost-
giants, and we therefore call Ymir the
ASPECT) :— old Frost-giant " Prose Edda. — MAIXET,
A symbol of that quality of acqui North. Antiq., p. 4031
sitiveness which appertains to the The Archetypal Man (Ymir) in his
sensation-nature, with Its coveted lower nature originates the lower
objects of sense. This Includes the planes and all their powers and
activities of the lower emotions qualities in the present cycle. First,
which are concerned with the per the mental (man) and buddhic (woman)
sonality and Its desires.
planes were produced from the matter
See SHIPS (beaked).
side (left) of latent being. Then on the
RIDGES OF MOUNTAINS OR active progressive side (feet) there was
EARTH :— outpoured the life of the lower planes
A symbol of the striving aspira (son) in which are all the primal ener
tions of the lower nature. gies and qualities that were lying
See EARTH, FORROWS, HILL latent (frost) in the Archetypal Man,
COUNTRY. who is the consummation of the
process of involution. Both the Ymer
RIGHT ARM AND LEFT :— and Demiurge symbols are said to
" to indicate the potential
Symbols of will, — the outgoing be "wicked
and incoming activity ; also sym lower nature of being.
" Alfadir
bolic of that exercise of choice which (All-Father) hath formed
incurs Karma. heaven and earth, and the air, and all
See ARMS OF BODY. CORN. things thereunto belonging. And what
is more, he hath made man, and given
him a soul which shall live and never
RIGHT FOOT:— perish though the body shall have
A symbol of outgoing energy in mouldered away, or have been burnt to
progressive activity. ashes. And all that are righteous shall
dwell with him in the place called Gimli,
or Vingolf ; but the wicked shall go to
Hel, and thence to Niflhel, which is below,
RIGHT HAND :— in the ninth world.
And where did
A symbol of the active principle this God remain before he made heaven
The " right He was
' '
in outgoing energy. and earth ? asked Gangler.
hand of power " signifies the posi then,' replied Har, ' with the Hrira-
thursar Prose Edda. — Ibid., p. 401.
tive, outgoing, energetic, evolutionary
force. Prior to manifestation of the higher
See CLOUDS OF HEAVEN, HAND and lower planes, the Divine Life
is inactive and potential ; Truth
(water) is latent (frozen).
This symbol indicates the stirring FATHER, FROST, GIANTS, GIMLI,
of the outgoing principle of action. HADES, HELL, MAN, NIFLHEIV.
QUALITIES, TITANS, WELL, WOMAN, the soul. Or the spiritual monads
A symbol of wisdom, and domina
tion over the lower planes. RITES, CEREMONIES AND OB
" By ' '
a ring is designated the omnipo
tence of Divine Power. For when it RELIGIONS :—
keeps us from being seized by temptations, Materialistic practices invariably
it encircles around and holds firm in based upon mistaken interpretations
wondrous ways the snares of the ancient of the sacred scriptures, whereby
enemy." — ST. GREGORY, Morals on the the symbols themselves are taken
Book of Job, Vol. III.
p. 575.
literally in a false sense, while the
true meanings remain obscured.
" Then there come to Jesus from
A symbol of completeness and Jerusalem Pharisees and scribes, saying,
why do thy disciples transgress the
perfection, and therefore refers to the tradition of the elders ? For they wash
higher planes. not their hands when they oat bread.
See CIRCLE. And he answered . . . Well did Isaiah
prophesy of you saying, — This people
RINGHORNE, BALDER'S SHIP:— honoureth me with their lips ; but
their heart is far from me. But in
A symbol of the astral vehicle at vain do they worship me, teaching
an early stage. as their doctrines the precepts of men." —
" The Asar (gods) took up the body HAT. xv. 1-9.
of Balder and carried it to the sea, where Then there enter into the soul
lay Balder's ship, which was called carping states of formalism and
' and which was the largest
Ringhorne,' literalism, which complain that their
of all ships." — The Story of Balder, Prose
Edda, Howrrr, Literature, etc. way of worshipping is not followed
And now the Higher Self under its by other qualities of mind. The
threefold aspect raises the lower statement refers to the readiness
consciousness to the higher sub-planes with which people criticise and cavil
of the astral plane, whereon were at the methods by which some of their
now established such means as would fellows derive thoir spiritual food of
enable centres to be established for truth and goodness (bread). As if,
its completer expression and function forsooth, everyone must go through
ing. The " ship " is the desire-body, some particular prescribed ritual ere
" bread of heaven " can be re
or astral-body, of greatest importance the
in the lower evolution. ceived and assimilated ! The pre
See ASAR, BALDER, CHEMMIS, DEATH cepts of men signify the unillu-
OP BALDER, NANNA, SEA. minated observance of forms and rites
and ceremonies which are put in
RIOTOUS LIVING:— the place of yearnings towards Love,
A symbol of the soul absorbed in Wisdom, and Truth.
" Repent, and be baptised everyone of
pursuit of objects of sensation and
desire, and immersed in ignorance you in the name of Jesus Christ for the
on the lower planes. remission of sins, and ye shall receive
the gift of the Holy Ghost." — ACTS ii. 38.
The lower qualities (people) had
RISHES OR PATRIARCHS, appealed to the higher for help ; and
SEVEN :— the disciplined lower mind (Peter)
These are symbols of the seven pointed out the necessity for the
root-Races of humanity, commencing aspiring lower qualities to purify
on super-physical planes of being. themselves by truth (water baptism),
See DELUGE, ROOT-RACES, SHIP or so that they may advance towards
the Divine Ideal (Christ), thereby
causing the disappearance of evil and
RISHES OR SAINTS :— inducing a mental state receptive of
A symbol of spiritual Influences, the higher emotions bestowed of
atma-buddhic, imparting truths to buddhi (Holy Ghost). There is no
outward ceremony of a material powerful hierarchy and its •wealthy
character enjoined in the above text, cardinals ; each, even, ruled over by a
Pope, with a triple tiara on his head
but an immaterial spiritual purifi and the sceptre of temporal power in
cation and grace. his hand, the representative on earth
" The vision of the Eternal is poRsiblo of an eternal Spirit in the heavens !
to us in this world of time ; real com If all this be chance, it is a most stupen
munion with the God who is from ever dous miracle of coincidence. And it
lasting to everlasting, in this life of cannot be objected that the resemblance
transient things. Don't miss the vision is in externals only. The principles
in the dazzle of the hour ; don't miss the which bind each of these two organisa
pearl of high price in the smaller trans tions together, which give them their
actions of the world's markets. Don't recuperative vital power, are also similar.
miss them in the practical materialisms Each of the two Churches claims to be
of ecclesiasticism and the stereotyped guided by the eternal Spirit, who is
dogmas of theology. You can stifle the especially present in the infallible Head
religious life with ecclesiastical garments, of the Church ; each lays peculiar stress
and kill the religious soul with theological upon the mystic sacrament in which
opinions ; you can argue for stereotyped the priest reverently swallows a, material
forms and doctrines, and leave God's thing, and by so doing believes himself
great world unsearched and un revered, to become partaker in some mysterious
and miss the opening revelations of the way of a part of the Divine Being, who,
Everlasting Spirit. But if you do, God during the ceremony, has become incor
will have another Church and other porated therein." — T. W. RHYS DAVIDS,
priests, men who will turn to the world Indian Buddhism, p. 193.
as Moses did to the bush on Horeb, and
" The crozier, the mitre, the dalmatic,
hear God speak out of the midst of it. the cope or pluvial, which the Grand
For, depend upon it, that Word which Lamas wear on a journey, or when
was in the beginning with God, by whom they perform some ceremony outside
all things were made, and which was the temple ; the service with a double
made flesh, and became incarnate in choir, psalmody, exorcisms, the censer
man, is not yet fully spelt out ; we are swinging on five chains and contrived to
only diving deeper into its meaning, and be opened and shut at will, benediction
much is yet to be revealed. O human by the Lamas, with the right hand
spirit, enter upon thy larue inheritance extended over the heads of the faithful,
in the Unseen and the hitherto Unknown." the chaplet, sacerdotal celibacy, Lenten
— En. IRVING. retirements from the world, the worship
See BAPTISM, CAIAPHAS, CERE of saints, fasts, processions, litanies,
MONIES, DISCIPLES, FOOD, HEALING, holy water — these are the points of
contact between the Buddhists and our
HEROD, JESUS OF GOSPELS, PETER, selves." — M. Hue, Travels in Tartary.
PROPHETS (false), QUALITIES, RELI Sacred symbolism being of Divine
GIONS, REMISSION, SACRAMENT, origin is interrelated and consistent
TAUROBOLIUM, WORSHIP (wood). throughout all nations and periods,
therefore occasional similarities in
scriptures and ritual are just what
Symbolism of the Soul and its Their presence
might be expected.
qualities, together with the means
does not indicate human intervention
and process of their spiritual
in the majority of cases. They are
Buddhism and Christianity have both quite well accounted for by reference
developed, in the course of fifteen hundred to the one Intelligence behind all
years, into sacerdotal and sacramental the symbolism.
systems, each with its bells and rosaries The origin of ritual is to be found
and images and holy water ; each with
its services in dead languages, with in the tendency to materialise sacred
choirs and processions and creeds and symbols and treat them as of religious
incense, in which the laity are spectators value, whereas, of course, it is the
only ; each with its mystic rites and spiritual meaning only that is of value.
ceremonies performed by shaven priests
in gorgeous robes ; each with its abbots Passages in the sacred books are mis
and monks and nuns, of many grades ; takenly taken as authority for the
each with its worship of virgins, saints outward observances and physical
and angels : its reverence to the Virgin
arrangements which now characterise
and the Child ; its confessions, fasts, and
purgatory : its idols, relics, symbols, popular religions.
" Christian teaching is
and sacred pictures ; its shrines and professedly
pilgrimages ; each with its huge monas symbolical. And the symbolised is
teries and gorgeous cathedrals ; its greater, and deeper, and older than the
ymbol." — W. S. LILLY, The Great Enyima, The Self (Ra) is said to sail in the
.. liv. Sun-boat, or causal-body
(World -soul), on the
Truth-reality, when manifesting in
the cycle of life, i.e. the
NCENSE, INSPIRATION, MONKS, " And a river went out of Eden to
lusic, PILGRIMS, POPE, PROCESSION, water the garden ; and from thence
'UBGATORY, RELIGIONS, ROBE, it was parted, and became four heads." —
IHRINE, TEMPLE, TIARA, TRANSUB- And from the buddhic plane, with
TANTIATION, VIRGIN, WATER. atma-buddhic energy, proceeded a
" river " or channel of Divine Life
UVER :— and communication, to bring truth
A symbol of the course of the to the soul ; and from this buddhic
oul's evolution from the material level differentiation takes place, which
o the spiritual life in the world of involves the quaternary,— the higher
xperience. mental, the lower mental, the astral,
" The
analogy between human life and the physical planes.
,nd a river is indeed very complete. " Thou visited the earth, and after
)ur course starts far from our divine thou hadst made it to desire rain thoti
;oal, and sometimes seems to be leading greatly enrichest it. The river of God
is right away from it ; it is long before is full of water : thou providest them
k-e can even catch a glimpse of what it corn, when thou hast so prepared the
a ; but the current of our being gradually earth."— Ps. Ixv. 9.
loepens and broadens as we near the The Higher Self is said to brood
ull ocean of the life of God, and at the
ist stage of our winding journey the over the lower nature (earth) of the
cean tide comes up to meet us, gathers soul, and after having thereby caused
:s into its bosom, and bears us away to it to yeani for truth (rain), he responds
ur eternal home. As the river never by filling it with the germs of the higher
tops flowing till it gets to the ocean,
0 man can never stop seeking till every
qualities. For the Divine Life which
iart of his being is perfectly at one flows from the Absolute is Truth
,'ith God. The flow of our desires is
(water) itself, and the qualities will
ret in one direction and then in another, be given that spiritual food (corn)
>ut it can never cease and never pause
ill it comes to rest — and every part which they need for sustenance, when
nd particle of it comes to fulfilment — their lower nature is prepared to
1 the infinitude of God." — R. CAMP- J. receive it.
ELL, Serm., The Ceaseless Quest. " There is a river, the streams whereof
See EVOLUTION, OCEAN, PUITIKA, shall make glad the city of God, the holy
'UAT, VOURUKASHA. place of the tabernacles of the most
High." — Ps. xlvi. 4.
LIVER, SACRED. USUALLY THE The Divine Life brings many aspects
PRINCIPAL RIVER OF A of truth to the seat of the Higher
COUNTRY :— Self in the innermost shrine of the
A symbolof the Divine Life forth - causal-bodies of mankind, in which
ii u ring from above, and passing the Supreme abides.
lownwards through every plane. It " First we have the gladdening River —
nay be taken as signifying atma- and emblem of many great and joyous
iiiddhic energy to fertilise the lower truths. ... Its waters shall never fail,
lanes. and thirst shall flee whithersoever this
" The great river comes. It is to be remembered
celestial watery mass that the psalm is running in the track
rhich was the source of the river Nile." of a certain constant symbolism that
-BunoE, Egypt. Hearen and Hell, pervades all Scripture. From the first
rol. III. p. 124. book of Genesis down to the last chapter
The " celestial ocean " is a symbol of Revelation, you can hear the dashing
f the Divine Truth, — the " water It went
of the waters of the river.
bove the firmament," — and this is the out from the garden and parted into four
heads.' Thou makest them drink of
ource of the Divine Life (river Nile) the river of thy pleasures.'
,-hich causes the growth of the soul. waters issued out from under the threshold
" The river of the house eastward,' and everything
(Urnes) was in direct com-
lunication with the watery mass of shall live whithersoever the river cometh.
he sky on which Ra sailed by day." —
He that believeth on me, out of his
bid., p. 95. belly shall flow rivers of living water.
And he showed me a pare river of manifestation to the upbuilding o!
water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding
the human soul. The
" trees and
out of the throne of God and of the Lamb." "
. . . Guided by the constant meaning of rivers are symbols for channels of
scriptural symbolism, I think we may love and truth, which are the very
conclude that this river, ' the stroams warp and roof of the World -soul.
whereof make glad the city of God ' is " By rivers are
signified truths fa
God himself in the outflow and self- abundance, because by waters are signi
communication of his own grace to fied truths. In an opposite sense, rives
the soul. The gift of God, which is denote faK-itics in abundance." — SWEDES-
living water, is God himself, considered BORG, Apoc. Rci-., n. 409.
as the ever-imparting source of nil See AMBAYAS, AQUEDUCT, BIP.TH
refreshment, of all strength, of all blessed
ness. . . . Not with noise, not with or KRISHNA, CHANNELS, EDEX KIVEE
tumult, not with conspicuous and de TREES AND RIVERS, ZOROASTER.
structive energy, but in silent, secret
underground communication, God's grace, ROASTED FLESH OF SACRI
God's love, His peace, His power, His FICE :—
Almighty and gentle Self flow into men's
A symbol of purified and trans
souls. Quietness and confidence on our
sides correspond to the quietness and muted desires and passions of the
serenity with which Ho glides into the lower nature.
heart. . . . And then I need only touch " Now when the thighs were burnt
upon the last thought, the effects of this and they had tasted the vita's, th«
communicated God. The streams make sliced they all the rest and pierced
glad ' — with the gladness which comes it through with spits, and roasted it
from refreshment, with the gladness that carefully, and drew all off again."—
comes from the satisfying of all thirsty Iliad, Bk. 1.
desires, with the gladness which comes
When the possibility of fresh desires
from the contact of the spirit with
absolute completeness ; of the will, being generated was removed, and
with perfect authority ; of the heart, with the Higher Self had received the
changeless love ; of the understanding, transmuted passions (roasted vitals],
with pure incarnate truth ; of the con the residue of desires was broken
science, with infinite peace ; of the
child, with the father ; of my emptiness, up. And to this end the lower self
with his fullness ; of my changeable- was pierced by the operation from
ness, with His immutability ; of my in above and purified, then once more
completeness, with His perfectness." — A. transmuted.
MACLAREN, Sermons, 3rd Series, pp. 50-5.
RIVERS :— These are symbols of the higher
vestures of the soul, — atma-buddhic,
A symbol of channels of truth or buddhic, and causal.
life through the quaternary, — the " As long as the soul is imprisoned in
four planes of nature which are
below utm a. the earthly tabernacle of the body, the
" All nature rejoices at Zoroaster's intelligence is deprived of the robe of
fire in which it should be clothed."—
birth, the very trees and rivers share
Poemandrea, Ch. I. 10, MEAD, T. O. H.
in the universal thrill of gladness that
shoots through the world." — A. V. W. While the soul is in captivity to
JACKSON, Zoroaster, p. 27. the lower nature, and occupying
All the elemental kingdoms and astral and physical bodies, the indi
forces of the lower planes contribute viduality is deprived of the buddhic
towards the Soul's development. As robe in which it should be vestured.
" And my parents took off from me the
science shows, the physical body
bright robe, which in their love they had
comprises all the materials and pro
wrought for me, and my purple togs
perties which are appropriate in nature which was measured and woven to
to serve an end. So the World-Soul my stature." —Gnostic Hymn of the Soul.
is indeed the sum total of all the The Spirit (Atma-buddhi) for awhile
conscious life in the Logos, which con took away from me (the descending
tributes under every phase of its ego) the vesture which corresponded
" O Tchefet ! I into
to the vehicle for the higher conscious have come
ness, which was being woven for Thee ; I have cast about me the robe
of the waters ; I have girt myself with
me, and also my ideal causal -body the girdle of knowledge." — Book of the
which was fashioned according to Dead, Ch. CX.
the express image of my potential The Self is seen to be as a centre
being. wherein all the rays of the Divine
The Kind One will give us a robe Life are focused into one Supernal
of honour, and by His favour we shall Light, and about the Divine nature
reach the gate of salvation. Nanak, we
shall thus know that God is altogether is the garment and girdle of Truth
true " (The Japji). — MACAUIIFFE, The (water) and of Wisdom, — the buddhic
Sikh Religion, Vol. I. p. 198. and causal vestures.
" These men agnostics), it
(learned See Focus, TCHEFET.
may be said, erect in the mansions of
their hearts a splendid throne-room, ROCK OR STONE:—
in which they place objects revered and
beautiful. There are laid the sceptre A symbol of Spirit as a firm
of righteousness and the swords of foundation for all things. The
justice and mercy. There is the purple Higher Self as a refuge from
robe that speaks of the unity of love adversity.
and power, and there is the throne that " For who is God,
teaches the supreme moral governance save the Lord t
of the world. . . . Yet that noble And who is a rock, save our God ? " —
chamber, with all its beauty, its glorious 2 SAM. xxii. 32.
" God only is my rock and my salva
regalia, its solitary throne, is still an
empty room." — LORD HUGH CECIL, tion." — Ps. Ixii. 2.
Speech, 1902. The soul relies upon the Higher Self
" The white cloth which Tanabata has to enable it to vanquish the desires, and
woven for my sake, in that dwelling rise to the higher planes.
of hers, is now I think being made " Melchizedec and the three sons of
into a robe for me. Though she is far Noah reach a spot where the Rock
away and hidden from me by five hundred
opens and receives the chest containing
layers of white cloud, still shall I turn my the body of Adam and the four sacred
gaze each night towards the dwelling- tokens. There Melchizedec remains,
place of my (wife)." — HEABN, Romance clothed and girdled with fire, to serve
oj Milky Way, p. 40. God before the body of Adam to all
The robe of Wisdom, woven on the time." — Book oj the Conflicts oj Adam.
buddhic plane, awaits the Self, who The indwelling Higher Self with
in -Love and aspiration struggles its aspects Will, Action, and Wisdom,
upward through each night of the operating as Faith Courage and
terrestrial life. Will, so discipline the soul (chest)
" Let thy
priests be clothed with that it attains to a state which allows
righteousness ; and let thy saints shout
for joy." — Ps. cxxxii. 9. of its reception by the Higher Self,
" In the new Israel, as in the first the
" spiritual rock " ; the four
constitution of the old, all the people " tokens " of ite acceptance being
are priests. Righteousness, then, is to Faith. Love, Wisdom, and Power. In
be the robe of every Christian soul. To
be good, to be gentle and just, loving these exalted conditions the indwelling
and truthful, self-forgetting and self- Self remains until the Christhood is
ruling, honest and true, kind and helpful, attained by the soul and the buddhio
to live in the exercise of the virtues, " robe " is put on ; that is, the
•which the consciences and tongues of
consciousness rises to the buddhic
all men call lovely and of good report,
and to add to them all the consecration (fire) plane. The Self becomes the
of reference to Him in whom these means whereby tho old Adam nature
parted graces dwell united and complete is transmuted into a living soul — and
— this is to be righteous." — A. MACLAREN,
the new Adam, as the inheritor of
Sermont, 2nd Series, p. 273.
See CLOTHING, GABMENT, GATE heaven, becomes a life-giving spirit.
" Great is the power of a life which
(sal.), HIKOBOSHI, LETTEB, LINEN knows that its highest experiences are
GABMENT, PEARL, SEALED LETTEB, its truest experiences, that it is most
SEBFENT (loud), SHOES, TOOA. itself when it is at its best. For it, each
high achievement, each splendid vision,
ROBE OF THE WATERS :— is a sign and token of the whole nature's
possibility. What a piece of the man
A symbol of the vesture of Wisdom was for that shining instant, it is the duty
enwrapping the liberated Self. of the whole man to be always. When
the hand has once touched the rock the the same spiritual meat ; and did &C
heart cannot be satisfied until the whole drink the same spiritual drink : for ther
frame has been drawn up out of the drank of a spiritual rock that followed
waves and stands firm on its two feet them : and the rock was Christ."—
on the solid stone." — PHILLIPS BBOOKS, 1 COR. x. 1-4.
Light of the World, p. 20. Our egos were all under the disci
See ADAM'S DEAD BODY, CHEST, pline of the buddhic function (the
FIRE, FORTBESS, MELCHIZEDEC, NOAH, cloud), and all passed through the
SALVATION, STONE, TOKENS, TRIAD. conflict of passions and desires (the
astral sea) ; and were all purified by
ROCK SEPULCHRE:— truth (water baptism) imparted by
A symbol of a condition of hard reason and ethics (Moses) for the disci
ness of feeling and stagnation in plining of the lower nature ; and did
religious thought and opinion. all receive sustenance for the soul
" The sepulchre was hewn out of a
from goodness and truth (manna) ;
rock, and a great stone was rolled to the
and did all have a part in the Divine
door of the tomb." — MAT. xxvii. 00.
This signifies a contracted mental life (drink) ; for they received into
condition that has but little life in their inner nature the Spirit of Truth
it. It is inert, senseless, dark, and that followed the moral awakening
cold, and every crevice is closed to and that Spirit was the Higher Self
the light of Truth. now born in the soul.
" And behold, there was a great earth It appears that the greatest sanctity
attached to caves in the living rock :
quake ; for an angel of the Lord de
scended from heaven, and came and rolled
and there are many remains of Mithraie
away the stone, and sat upon it." — altars cut in rocks ; nay more, the
MAT. xxviii. 2. rock came to be specially associated
with Mithras, who was named ' rock-
This indicates a disruptive process, born
; and the phrase
God out of
which abolishes the stagnation of mind the rock,' or
Mithras out of the rock,'
and has the effect of causing mental became one of the commonest formulas
states which regard things of the lower of the cultus." — J. M. ROBEBTSOS,
Pagtn Christs, p. 318.
life as fixed and permanent, to quake " Mithras " is a symbol of the Higher
with fear. The " angel " signifies the " cave " is a symbol of the soul
Self and
positive spiritual action from within
in which the Self is manifested (born).
which transfigures the conditions.

A symbol of the Higher Self— ROCK OF SALVATION :—

atma-buddhl, — who outpours truth
to dissipate illusion on the lower
A symbol of the Higher Self as
the foundation on which the soul
" shall be perfected.
And Moses lifted up his hand, and " He
smote the rock twice : and water camo (David) shall cry unto me, Thou
art my father, my God, and the rock of
forth abundantly, and the congregation
drank, and their cattle." — NUM. xx. 11. my salvation." — Ps. Ixxxix. 26.
The natural man raised through
It is the province of the rational
the qualities, disciplined in mind
and ethical nature (Moses) to prepare
and emotion and made the ruler
the way for the Spirit (atma-buddhi) to
of the lower nature (David my servant),
outpour truth (water), so that the
is able thereby to recognise the Self
centralised qualities (congregation) and
as his progenitor, his supreme Ideal,
their emotions of an obedient and
and the foundation of his progressive
docile order, should be instructed.
Striking the rock twice is significant
See DAVID, MAN (natural), SALVA
of the appeal of the lower duality
to the one Self. The rod is a symbol
Our fathers were all under the cloud, STONE-CANOE :—
and all passed through the sea ; and
were all baptised unto Moses in the A symbol of the causal-body in
cloud and in the sea ; and did all eat the higher mind, by means of which
the buddhic consciousness (heaven) For as He abases the power of the flesh,
is reached by the soul. He exalts the purpose of the Spirit." —
PLANE, ST. GREGORY, Morals on the Book of
See BOAT (river), BUDDHIC Job, Vol. I. p. 377.
A symbol of fear. RODASI :—
" The Symplegades were the first See CHARIOT.
danger they had to encounter. These
were huge floating rocks, which were ROMAN SOLDIER IN JUDEA :—
at times driven together by the winds,
and crushed whatever came between A symbol of the aggressive, strong,
them." — Argonautic Expedition. destructive side of the lower nature,
The first danger in the wider which fulfils the most useful function
of dissipating stagnation and opening
mental outlook, which beset the
up whatever requires exercise.
qualities, was the negative state of " The soldiers, therefore, when they
fear, the lack of the positive courage.
had crucified Jesus, took his garments,
Fear is comparable to obstructive and made four parts, to every soldier
rocks, in that they stifle effort and a part." — JOHN xix. 23.
paralyse initiative. Fear "floats," When through aggressive agencies
for it has no real foundation, and the Christ -soul had triumphed finally
evidences lack of intellectual will. over the ultimate ills, the vehicles
" Behold I have taken out of thine of the lower quaternary were broken
hand the cup of trembling . . . thou up and dissipated in the natural
shalt no more drink it again." — Is. li. 22.
" God himself is essentially joy, and course of things on the four lower
joy must ever break triumphant from planes.
the heart of pain. The cup of trembling See BERSERKS, CAIAPHAS, CRUCI
is the cup of fearing. Take fear out FIXION, SOLDIERS, TRIAL.
of any dark experience and most of its
power to hurt is gone. There is nothing RONGO-MATANE :—
more spiritually destructive, more fatal
to the best and highest in the soul than A symbol of Wisdom, atma-
allowing yourself to become the victim buddhl.
and the slave of fear. The angel of God's " But at
length their plans having
peace cannot find a way to your heart,
been agreed on, lo ! Rongo-matane, the
when you submit to that tyranny." —
God and father of the cultivated food of
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Cup of man, rises up, that he may rend apart
the Heavens and the Earth ; he struggles,
See SYMPLEOADES. but rends them not apart." — G. GKEY,
Polynesian Mythology, p. 3.
ROD FOR STRIKING DOWN :— At length, the conditions being com
A symbol of force on a low plane, plete, Wisdom, the active principle
— neither good nor bad, but blindly in the transmutation of desires and
directed. It is also a symbol of ideas into higher emotions and true
fear and hate, which, with doubt,
knowledge, — the results of self-dis
cause destruction and devastation in
the soul. cipline, — which nourish the soul, is
said to strive for expression by separa
ROD HELD IN THE HAND AS A tion of Spirit and matter now together
SCEPTRE OR WAND :— involved ; but fails because it possesses
A symbol of power actively no opposing force to Love, which
exercised. binds.
A symbol of disciplining the TAUENGA.
qualities through suffering and
" The Lord ' rules and breaks us A symbol of the limit upward
' of
with a rod of iron (Ps. ii. 9), in that the intellectual atmosphere or mental
by the strong rule of righteousness in
capacity in the soul.
His dispensation, wliile He reanimates
us without. See INTELLECT.
us within, He distresses
A symbol of a sub-plane of the SNOW.
mental plane.
" And he will show you a large ROPE FOR HAULING THE
upper room furnished: there make
ready (the passover)." — LUKE xxii. 12. A symbol of the spiritual agencies
The " house " is the state into which for drawing onward the soul (boat.)
" ' Tell me my name,'
the soul is brought through its own saith the Rope ;
efforts. It is the mental environ Hair with which Anpu (Anubis) finisheth
thework of my embalmment ' is thy
ment to some extent ; but it is more name." — BUDGE, Book Deni,
of the
than that : it is also the whole external Ch. XCIX.
aspect of the Higher Self. Each The meaning of the symbol (name) of
" room " serves for a sub-plane ; the " rope " is : — The highest qualities
and an " upper room " is that upon evolved through physical instrumen
which the Christ -soul functions as tality, in the process of the purifica
the time of glorification draws nigh. tion of the personality in the physical
See HOUSE OP A MAN, PASSOVBB, body (Anubis), aid the soul's progress

A symbol of foundation, — stable or ROUND OF THE LIFE-WAVE

FOOD :— There have been seven rounds
completed on thelunar chain.
Symbols of the desires and illu Humanity is now in the four;
sions which nourish the lower round, and on the fourth globe of
nature. the terrene chain.
See Cow (spotted), FOOD FOB MAN, " The One Indivisible Monad
Toe-keih (the highest point) is considered
ROOT-RACES :— as the restorer of reason, who has by
incarnation assumed some form or other
These are described ns four, five, in seven different periods from the highest
seven, or ten types or forms of antiquity downwards." — KIDD, China,
humanity on the buddhic, mental, p. HI.
astral, and physical planes of the The Supreme evolves within nature
globes of the planetary chain. and the soul until the stage of reason
" Every on globe D (our
Life-C3'cle or wisdom (buddhi-manas) is arrived
earth) is composed of seven Root-races. at ; and during seven world -periods
They commence with the ethereal and
end with the spiritual, on the double line of embodiment and incarnation com
of physical and moral evolution — from pletes the growth of wisdom in the
the beginning of the terrestrial round to its soul which thereby is raised to the
close. One is a planetary Round ' from
buddhic consciousness.
globe A to globe G, the seventh ; the " Every sidereal body, every planet,
other, the ' globe Round ' or the Torres-
trial." — H. P. BLAVATSKY, Secret Doc whether visible or invisible, is credited
trine, Vol. I. p. 183.
with six companion globes. The evolu
" There are seven Rounds in tion of Life proceeds on these seven
globes or bodies, from the first to the
manvantara; this Round is the fourth,
and we are in the fifth Root-race at seventh, in Seven Rounds or Seven
Each Root-race has seven sub- Cycles. . . . When the seventh and last
races."— Ibid., Vol. II. p. 462. round of (a planetary chain) has been
" entered upon, the highest or first globe,
Evolution in general, events, man
kind, and everything else in nature A, followed by all the others down to
Root-race, the last, instead of entering upon i
proceed in cycles. Every
with its sub-races, etc., was entirely
certain time of rest — or ' obscuration,'
as in the previous rounds — begins to
distinct from its preceding and succeed
ing Race. . . . The Human Races are die out. The planetary dissolution
born one from the other, grow, develop, (pralaya) is at hand, and its hour has
become old, and die.
struck ; each globe has to transfer
Their sub-races
and nations follow the same rule." — Ibid., its life and energy to another planet."
— H. P. BI.A.VATSKY, Secret Doctrint,
pp. 462, 463.
Vol. I. p. 182.
See BEASTS (three sorts), KAKSH- " Evolution appears to be
VABES, PLANETAHY CHAIN, PYLUS, from the simplest etheric basis — if any
thing is simple —up to the highest and love ; and that spiritual mind is
most complex cosmic products and back united (buddhi -manas) to the higher
again. On, on it goes, age after age,
without pause or rest, as it always has Soul and receives through it the light
been, as it always will be, world without of Truth. The buddhic Soul aspires,
end, repeating the same process, following or ascends, to the very Atman, and
the same sequences, but never reaching the spiritual mind rises to the buddhio
a culmination or arriving at a final
goal ; it is one perpetual round, or round plane (Gan Eden). The desire-nature
' to matter and
of rounds. That which hnth been is (nephesh) pertains
now ; and that which is to be hath disappears.
already been ; and God requireth that " This Rua'h does not go to Gan Eden
which is past ' (EccLES. iii. 15)." — K. J. (Garden of Eden) because he is Nephesh,
CAMPBELL, Serm., Eternal and Temporal. and each has its own place." — Ibid., p. 394.
See KARSHVARES, LUNAR CHAIN, This other "Rua'h," the lower
MOON- WAXING, PLANETARY CHAIN, mind, does not ascend to the buddhic
RACES, R AGHA, REGIONS, ROOT-RACES, plane, for it is mortal, being united
SABBATHS, SNOW, WHEELS (holy). to desire (uephesh). It cannot rise,
RU:— but must perish on its own plane of
A symbol of the astral or desire- kama-inanas.
" Ru is the father of lakes and rivers." — EDEN, GILGOOLEM, INDIVIDUALITY,
The desire-nature resides oa the NESHAMAH, PERSONALITY, TOMB,
astral plane (water below). YEHEEDAH.
" Heaven and earth were only separated
by the Teva plant, till the god Ru lifted RUBIES :—
Heaven up." — Ibid., p. 19. A symbol of high qualities of the
Spirit and Matter, at the close of mind.
the period of involution, were in a " And rubies of India, and agate from
state of latency, save for a faint the land of Kushan." — Hymn of tlie
aspiration for growth (the plant) Soul. Acts of Judas Thomas.
arising from the lower nature (earth). And " rubies,"
aspects of the
" India," the *' king
But when desire (Ru) was aroused, higher mind, of
then separateness of the higher and dom of the Sun-rising," comparable
lower natures became manifest. to the ascent of the Soul. And
See ASTRAL PLANE, HEAVEN AND "agate," which is a symbol of Truth
EARTH, PLANTS, RANGI, SEPARATION, from the sphere of Wisdom.
TANEMAHUTA, WATER (lower). See GEMS, HOUSE (frequented),
A symbol of the dual mind, — the RUDDER OF THE BOAT :—
higher mind and the lower mind. A symbol of intuition of Truth
The higher mind is attached to through Wisdom, guiding the course
buddhi (neshamah), and the lower of the evolution of the soul (boat).
mind to desire (nephesh). This " ' Tell me my name ' Baith the Rudder,
difference makes the first the spiri '
Leg of Hapiu
is thy mime." — BUDGE,
tual mind, and the second the desire Book of the Dead, Ch. XCIX.
mind. The meaning of the idea "rudder"
"Neshamah (Divine soul) goes over is :— Knowledge of the mode of pro
to that Rua'h, and rules over him, and
lights him with that Light of Life ; and gression derived from the Wisdom-
that Rua'h depends on the Neshamah, and nature by means of experience.
" ' Aga '
receives light from her which illuminates (i.e. true one) is thy name ;
him. . . . The Neshamah soul goes up O (rudder) thou that shinest from the
direct to the very Inner, and the Rua'h water, hidden-beam, ia thy name." — Ibid.
spirit goes up to Eden, but not so high Knowledge of evolution derived
as the Soul ; and Nephesh (the animal from the fount of truth (water) ;
principle, lower
" soul) remains in the for the Light of Truth is shining
grave below (From the Zohar). — I.
MYER, Qabbalah, p. 304. within the soul : this is the meaning
The atma-buddhic principle in of "rudder."
spires the causal-body and rules See BOAT ON BIVER, LEGS, LIGHT,
the spiritual mind by wisdom and NAME, THIGH, WATER.
RUDRA >— giving himself
realises himself. Maa
made in
the image of God, being of hi«
A symbol of the Higher Self In
being, and substance of his substance,
several aspects, — Destroyer of evil, must do the same. The particular
Saviour of good, etc. must be surrendered to the universal at
" We seek from Rudra, the lord of every stage of our upward progress, but
songs, the lord of sacrifices, who possesses in that very surrender we grasp a larger
healing remedies, his auspicious favour ;
life, we enter upon a greater joy. Perfect
from him who is brilliant as the sun, self-giving and perfect self-realisatioE
who shines like gold, who is the best are one and the same." — R. J.
" Serm., Through Death to Life.
and most bountiful of the gods ( Vedat).
—Mum, O.S. Texts, IV. 290. See JEois, CHRIST, FAITH, GOD,
The Higher Self is entreated as IMAGE, LOVE OF GOD, REDEEMZE.
the power which brings harmony SACHIFICER.
and spiritual response to the offering
up of the lower nature, for the Self RULERS OF THE WORLD :—
possesses reality to take the place Symbolic of the five natures which
of illusion. The Self is the source constitute the Soul.
of Light and Life ; his wisdom " The five shoots
(of the tree of Life)
(gold), goodness, and love are are the five rulers, — the House niki.
the Village-ruler, the Tribe-ruler, tb<
bestowed on all that are ready to Province-ruler, and the supreme Zara-
receive. tust." — Sikand-Oumanik Vigor, S.B.E..
PHYSICIAN, SACRIFICE, SEBPENT These are the physical, astral
SONO. lower mental, causal, and Atma-
buddhic natures.
A symbol of the Spirit disciplining (five), GATHA DAYS (five), Hocsz
the qualities (nations) through the (clan), PROVINCE, TREK OF LIFE,
mental (iron) activities which control
the lower emotions and desires.
" To rule with a rod of iron signifies WORLDS (five), ZOROASTER.

to rule by rational arguments drawn RULERS OF MATTER:—

from the light of nature." — SWEDENBORO,
Apoc. Rev., n. 544. A symbol of the forms of mani
See IKON, NATIONS, QUALITIES, festation in which spirit is embodied.
" The substance of the Rulers is th;
matter out of which souls are made."—
RULER, CHIEF, OR KING:— The Pistit Sophia.
A symbol of a higher or a lower This refers to the Lunar Pitris of
mental faculty in a position of the astro -physical evolution, which
authority over groups of soul quali develop the human forms in whici
ties (tribes or nations). the Solar Pitris, or Divine Sparks,
See ARK (Moses), GOVERNORS, become embodied, thus constituting
HEALING (dead), JAIRTJS, KING, the souls of humanity.
PITRIS (lunar), PITRIS (solar).
A symbol of the Life of the Logos SABBATH, JEWISH:—
emanating in the Cycle as the power A symbol of a state of rest of the
which makes for righteousness life forces which supervenes on tbt
interpreted in the natural, moral, higher planes at the close of
and intellectual orders. And which period of activity on the lower
is realised when we perceive that planes, when a result has been
all things work together for good, — accomplished.
since such an intuition is a direct " And on the seventh day God finished
sense of the Love of God. his work which he had made ; and h?
" God, our eternal source and goal, i« rested on the seventh day from all his
love, and love is self-givingness, and self- work. . . . And God blessed the seventh
givingness is joy. There is no particu day, and hallowed it : because that in
larism in the life of God. God must it he rested from all his work." —GBX. «•
give himself, being what he is, and in 2, 3.
And on the seventh period of the original substance." — KINOSFOKD and
Divine MAITLAND, The Perfect Way, p. 16.
outbreathing and inbreathing,
•when the return of the Life into Itself In the completion of involution of
is accomplished, the Divine nature is all qualities and forms the soul is
said to rest. At this stage the Divine perfected potentially as the Arche
Spirit is said to " rest," inasmuch as typal Man, who dies within the lower
a suspension of activities is rendered nature and becomes the prototype of
the many souls, who incarnate and
necessary, prior to another and dis
tinct movement forth. And the actualise in the present period of
Supreme blesses and sanctifies evolution.
See ARC. MAN, BHEATH (divine),
the period, for at this termination of
the process of Involution the soul BUDDHIC (plane), CREATION, EVOLU
has arrived at that blessed condition
which answers to completion and en NATION OF SOULS, INVOLUTION, MALK-
tirety, when the Spirit appears to HUTH, MANVANTARA, NIGHT, Nox,
cease its operations. PLANETARY CHAIN, PRALAYA, PROTO
" Mnlkhiit h represents the Sabbath or TYPES, SATURDAY, SEVENTH, SUNDAY.
seventh day, the close of the construction
or building of the universe, the Rest Day SABBATHS :—
or harmony of all." — I. M YI:K, Quabbalah, A symbol of periodic states or
p. 272. conditions of the cosmic and soul life
The buddhic principle contains the on the lower planes, or the higher,
scheme and consummation of the lower I.e. material or spiritual states.
plane activities, therefore
the indrawal " Then shall the land enjoy her sab
of the Life would be to the buddhic baths, as long as it lieth desolate, and ye
plane a state of rest and harmony. be in your enemies' land ; even then
shall the land rest, and enjoy her sabbaths.
In the Hebrew Genesis the period As long as it lieth desolate it shall have
of Involution is signified by the six rest ; even the rest which it had not in
days of Divine activity preceding the your sabbaths, when ye dwelt upon it." —
Sabbath of rest or inactivity, after DEETT. xxvi. 34, 35.
•which the universe and the soul Then shall the general outspread
awaken to the new life-process of life of the soul enjoy the buddhic
Evolution, as described in the first consciousness during the periodic
part of the second chapter. spiritual states when it is without
The Jewish Saturday Sabbath con the sensations, passions and desires
notes a cessation from activity (pra- (desolate), and the lower qualities,
laya), and not a rousing to life being relative and unreal, are non
existent (in enemies' land). Even then
(manvantara) which is signified by
Sunday. shall the indrawn life partake of bliss.
"This seventh day of rest is the stage As long as it is without the opposites
here drawn, the state of ' full age,' or it shall have peace ; even the peace
perfection,' when instead of growth and which it had not in the periodic
change, and the varying life of faith, and
the struggle between the old state and material states when the lower quali
the work of Qod within us, we reach the ties were in the stress and suffering
life of vision and of rest." — A. JUKES, of life.
Types of Genesis, p. 42. " These Sabbaths
" This ' resting ' (of LEV. xxiii) are
(on the seventh day) seven Pralayas between seven manvan-
— which is not annihilation but repose, — taras, or what we call Rounds." — H. P.
involves the return of Matter (from its BLAVSTSKY, Secret Doctrine, Vol. II. p. 790.
dynamic) to its static condition of Sub- See BLISS, BUDDHI, DEARTH,
atance. The idea presented is that of
the cessation of active-creative force,
and the consequent return of phenomenal OPPOSITES, PRALAYA, QUALITIES,
existence into essential being. This stage ROUND, SNOW, SPARROWS, SUMMER
it is which constitutes the termination of (unfruitful), WINTER.
the creative period, and the perfection
of every creative work. It is at once SACKCLOTH ON FLESH :—
the ' rest which remains for the people
of Qod ' ; the attainment of perfection A symbol of severe discipline and
by the individual, system, or race ; and restraint put upon the lower nature
the return of the universe into the during periods of re-incarnation of
bosom of God, by re-absorption into the the soul.
" And it came to paes, when king The " wine » is the " blood," tha:
Hezekiah heard it, that he rent his is, the Divine Life, the active Spirit.
The " cup " and the " wine " signify
clothes, and covered himself with Back-
cloth, and went into the house of the
Lord." — ISA. xxxvii. 1. respectively the Soul and the life,
This refers to the turning of the — the psychic receptacle for the Spirit,
personality from the allurements of and the vivifying Spirit itself.
desire, and to the change of opinions, The Divine Life is to be absorbed
and restraint of the lower nature, and by the qualities, for it is the life
reliance upon the Divine. now welling up within the soul,
which was " shed " at the " founda
" Thou hast turned for me my mourning
into dancing ; thou hast loosed my sack tion of the world," when Spirit with
cloth, and girded mo with gladness." —
Ps. xxix. 11. its potencies descended into matter,
At the end of the cycle the soul thus becoming in Involution the
rises from the lower nature, liberated Divine Sacrifice for the " remission of
from desire, and enters into the sins " in Evolution (new testament;.
" Jesus," symbol of the now per
harmony and joy of life on the higher
planes. fected, or fully evolved, personality,
" For by ' sackcloth ' ia set forth the has no further need of the means
roughness and the piercing of sin, but of evolution, hence ho joins the
by ' ashes the dust of the d<3ad. . . . " Christ " in the resurrection, when
Let piercing sins then be considered in
sackcloth, lot the just punishment of a " new " order obtains (see verse 29).
Bins, which succeeds by the sentence The partaking of this sacrament
of death, be considered in ashes." — implies an intelligent compact between
ST. GREGORY, Morals on the Book of Job, the advanced part of the lower nature,
Vol. III. p. 666.
which seeks the food of the Spirit,
and the responding Christ within.
The soul, in becoming conscious of its
destiny, yearns for instruction in the
SACRAMENT :— Truth, that it may progress the faster.
" Sacraments
A symbol of a binding compact served to abolish th»
within the sanctuary of the soul : — time-form of the redemption myth, in
a covenant between the Inner Divine
that they represented under symbolic
signs the eternal spiritual truth that Un
soul and the outer advanced quali hidden in the myth — the truth of the
ties, whereby they may be con continuous incarnation of God in th*
sciously raised to higher efficiency hearts of good men." — O. PFLKIDEBES,
and purity. Early Ch. Conception of Christ, p. 169.
" Jesus took bread and blessed it, and " John the Scot (Erigena) says : ' Ther?
brake it, and gave it to his disciples, is nothing in the visible and materii!
and said, Take, eat ; this is my body. And world which does not signify somethio:
he took tho cup, and gave thanks, and immaterial and reasonable,' so th*
gave it to them, saying. Drink ye all of
everything is a symbol, and has a sacra
it, for this is my blood of the new testa mental significence. Matter is only a
ment, which is shed for many for the concourse of accidents or qualities, no rni
remission of sins." — MATT. xxvi. 26-8. being. It is wholly dependent on thought
The " body " of the Divine Soul for its existence, and therefore it would
be absurd to say that the material
(Christ) is the transmuted lower nature Bread and Wine are more than symbol*
(flesh), for that makes possible his The value of a sacrament for John couM
activity in the soul, — it is his vesture only be an inward and spiritual valffl
— a value for faith." — R. M. Joxrs,
whereby he manifests. This trans
Mystical Religion, p. 121.
muted nature is the wisdom-nature, " Action and contemplation must «tt
or Truth the substance of Goodness, and react upon each other ; othenn*
which is the
" bread of heaven." our actions will have no soul, and ft*
thoughts no body. This is the gred
On Truth-Goodness the advanced
truth wnich the higher religions expnfl
qualities (disciples) must feed. in their sacraments. A sacrament i
Truth-Goodness (Christ's body in us) more than a symbol. The perception cc
is not only of the inner nature, it is also symbols leads us from the many to tfci
One, from the transitory to the pern*
an expressed fact of human life, whose nent, but not from appearance to reality.
beauty and efficacy is exemplified in This belongs to the sacramental expeo-
the outer nature as well as the inner. ence, which is symbolism retranslate
self into concrete tuition and to mundane truth, so that we learn how the soul may
iterests." — W. R. INGE, Faith, Preface. return to its Master. It is not the work
See AGATHOD.SMON, BLOOD, BLOOD of a certain day, nor of a certain hour
F LAMB, BREAD, CUP, DISCIPLES, but one of the day and the night. . . .
We shall understand why it is added that
he who neglects or forsakes the study
*LESH OF JESUS, FOOD, HOHA THEE, of the doctrine is not less guilty than if
LOST, HUNGER, INVOLUTION, PRO- he separated himself from the' Tree of
ESSION, REMISSION, RESURRECTION, Life, for he is leading the life of separa
iiTEs, SUPPER, TABLE, TRANSUB- tion" (from Zohar). — A. E. WAITS,
Secret Doctrine in Israel, p. 25.
A symbol of spiritual nourish -
nent, i.e. Truth and Goodness. SACRIFICE OF ANIMALS :—
" O ' Heavenly Springtime ' ! I have
Symbolic of the devitalising and
ome into Thee ; I have eaten my sacra-
lental cakes ; I have power over the offering up of the lower desires and
acrificial portions of my beasts and affections for the sake of making a
irds ; the feathered fowl of the light place in the soul for the higher
re given unto me, for I have followed qualities of goodness, love, and truth.
he Gods when the Divine forms come." " Svayambhu Self-exiptent) him
-Book of the Dead, Ch. CX., BLACKDEN. self created animals for the sake of
The consciousness having risen to sacrifices ; sacrifices have been instituted
he higher mental plane, the growth for the good of this whole world ; hence
f the true Self is now perceived to the slaughtering of beasts for sacrifices ia
not slaughtering in the ordinary sense of
* the supreme fact of life. The the word." — Laws of Manu, V. 39.
food of the Gods " has been eaten, This signifies that the Supreme
nd power is attained which renders brought the lower qualities — the de
acrifice, asceticism, self-denial, or sires, etc. (animals) into existence for
ny form of self-abnegation, as not the express purpose of providing the
nly unnecessary but impossible. The means whereby the higher qualities
spirations (birds), which led to these should be developed in the soul
iflictions formerly, now yield their The lower qualities have to
ruit in Wisdom and Love, for tho be overcome and exchanged for the
lelf has followed its ideals and been higher. They must be sacrificed.
rue to them. " Sacrifice is the law of life-manifes
See AMBROSIA, BEASTS, BIRDS, tation which not even omnipotence can
)READ, CONSCIOUSNESS, EATING, escape. . . . The very qualities which to
us are most admirable in human nature,
which we reverence most in human
,OVE OF GOD, MANNA, SACRIFICE, character and conduct, and associate
IELF, SHEWBREAD, TREASURE, UN- specially with the Christ ideal, are qualities
.EAVENED. which could not become manifest, —
however really they might be latent in
JACKED TEXT:— the Life-Force, — were it not for the
conflict with evil. Where would be pity,
A symbol of the true message of fidelity, heroism, integrity, and the like,
he Higher Self engraven on the if our moral nature had never had any
plritual tables of the heart, and thing to cut its teeth on, so to speak ? —
o be understood by the personality R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Nature of Life-
vhen It Is open to receive It. Force.
" Herbs, trees, cattle, birds, and other
" Those who study the Doctrine are
et free from fear — whether of things in
animals that have been destroyed for
sacrifices receive, being re-born, higher
leaven or things on earth, for they are
existences." — Laws of Mann, V. 40.
?afted on the Tree of Life and are taught
iaily thereby. As regards things in This refers to the transmutation
leaven, the meaning is that the fear of of lower qualities (animals, etc.)
foil, which is the beginning of wisdom, into higher qualities, as taught in
las been absorbed by the love of God,
all scriptures. The qualities are
rhich is wisdom in realisation, and the " re-born " on to a higher plane of
Divine Doctrine cannot be studied with-
•ut imparting love for the Divine. To existence.
valk in the path of the Doctrine is there-
Sacrifice is the true type of progress.
ore to follow the path of love ; it is We sacrifice a lower life to cultivate and
aid otherwise to lead into the way of enjoy a higher. All improvement ia a
sacrifice in this sense. But in growing J. EOOEIJNO, S.B. o/ E., Vol. XLJT.
up from the root, it begins at the bare p. xlvii.
and barren rock that affords no nourish The soul's evolution is the re
The blood of the
ment to the soul.
beast is this lowest idea. ...
It ia by forming or gradual building
Christ, the Archetypal Man,
up of
" for w*
sacrificing the lower grades that we " ; and this
ascend to the higher. . . . The highest of are members of his body
all sacrifices are the everlasting sacrifices re -formation of Divinity in humanity
of righteousness, the sacrifices of selfish is effected by the offering up of the
and inferior feelings and passions ; for
these are the true beasts, best represented
lower nature to the higher, so that
" Christ be formed in us," and grow
by clean or domestic animals as they
belong to ourselves, and are transub to perfection.
stantiated into ourselves by being used " Man's regeneration is an image of
as food. And therefore it is for ever a the Lord's glorification." — SWEDENBOBG,
sacrifice of beasts ; only the lower is Arc. Ccl., n. 10,042.
translated into the higher meaning, as " All the animals on earth signify suet
the rock is translated into alluvial and things as pertain to man ; which ia
nourishing soil." — J. SMITH, The Divine general refer to the affections -which are
Drama of History, pp. 56, 57.
" To sacrifice is to stir up, actually to of his will, and to the thoughts whici
are of his understanding, and therefore
beget, two divinities of the first rank, to goods and truths. . . . The sacrifice!
the two principles of life par excellence, and burnt-offerings in general signify the
Agni and Soma." — A. BARTH, The Rrli- regeneration of man by the truths of
gions of India, p. 36. faith and the goods of love. The whofc
" Agni " is the force aspect of process of regeneration is also described
atma-buddhi, and
" Soma " is the by the particular rituals of each sacrifice
and burnt offering." — SWEDENBOBG, Ibvi.
Divine Life ; these emerge in the ANIMALS, Asc.
soul as growth proceeds. BEASTS, BURNT OFFKRISO,
" ' By sacrifices,' says the Taittiriya- MAN,
brahmana, ' the gods obtained heaven.'
— MON. WILLIAMS, Jttligious Thought in GODS, GODS, HECATOMB, LAME.
The " gods " are the Divine Sparks, PRAGAPATI (relaxed), PRAYERS (ob
who descend to rise. lations), RAGANYA, RAM, REGENERA
" The Indian gods even look to mortals
for their daily sustenance, and are repre
sented as actually living on the gatrifices CAKES, SALVATION, SOMA, VAGAPEYA,
offered to them by human beings, and at VITAL AIRS, WASHED (blood).
every sacrificial ceremony assemble in
troops, eager to feed upon their shares. SACRIFICES, BURNT:—
In fact, sacrifice with the Hindus is not A symbol of the purifying (fire)
merely expiatory or placatory ; it is
necessary for the food and support of the buddhic process, by which the lower
gods. If there were no Sacrifices the qualities are raised and transmuted
gods would starve to death1. This alone to higher qualities.
will account for the interest they take " I will come into thy house with burnt
in the destruction of demons -whose offerings, I will pay thee my vows, which
great aim was to obstruct these sources my lips have uttered, and my mouth
of their sustenance." — MON. WILLIAMS, hath spoken, when I was in distress.
Indian Wisdom, pp. 428-9. I will offer unto thee burnt offerings of
The " gods " are the highest ideals, fallings, with the incense of rams ; I will
or highest qualities within the human offer bullocks with goats."
— Ps. Ixvi. 13-
soul. They always grow in strength 15.

and beauty as the lower desiras and The lower self aspires tlirough

abandoned . self-abnegation and purification to

passions are overcome and
" sacrifices rise to the causal-body (house of
It is said, therefore, that
are for the sust nance of the gods." God). Through fixed adherence to
The " demons
" signify evil habits ideals, tested in times of trouble, the
and erroneous opinions which obstruct lower self seeks the Higher. The

the offering up of the desires, and lower offers up to the Higher the
• affections, emotions, and desires, in
consequently retard the growth of the
ideals (gods). order that it may progress.
" The main object of sacrificial per " For what do the sacrifices of those
animals designate, except the death
formances generally is the re-construction
universe, of the Only-Begotten ? What do th*
of Pragapati, the personified
and the divine body of the Sacrificer." — sacrifices of those animals signify, except
he extinction of our carnal life." — " Soma thought, I must not become
IT. GBEOORY, Morals on the Book of Job, sacrificial food for the gods with my
" I,III.Fire,
p. 296.
the Acceptor of sacrifices,
whole self." That form of his which was
most pleasing he accordingly put aside.
avishing away from them their dark- . . . Then as to why he is called Yajna
teas, give the light." — CATHERINE OF (sacrifice). Now when they press him,
; PNA, Dialogo, 85.
i they slay him ; and when they spread
Multitudes of people there are all him, they cause him to be born." — Sola.
.!><mt us, who thoroughly accept it as BrAh., III. 9, 4, 22-3.
he great law and necessity of human The Divine Life (Soma) in emanat
ife that there must be self-sacrifice. . . .
["hey see that the world would be a ing becomes dual, — higher and lower.
Ireadful and intolerable place if every The higher Self (the most pleasing)
ireature in it lived only for his own mere remains inoperative and potential.
tnmediate indulgence. They own that The lower Self limits itself (is sacrificed)
he higher nature and the higher purpose
iverywhere have a right to the sub- in matter during the period of invo
niasion of the lower, and they freely lution. When fully involved he dies.
iccept the conviction that the lower Then afterwards, when the " crucified "
nust submit. There is the need that a Self, or Archetypal Man, from One
nan should sacrifice himself to himself,
lis lower self to his higher self, his passions becomes many (is spread), he is born
*> his principles. There is the need of in each soul or quality during the
lacrificing one's self for fellowmen. There period of evolution.
B the highest need of all, the need of " Christ is the offering, Christ is the
giving up our will to God's. ...
I have
i right to give the less as a burnt offering
priest, Christ is the offerer. . . . Thus in
the self-same type the offerer sets forth
*> the greater." — PHIL. BROOKS, Serm., Christ in His person, as the One who
Toy o] Self-sacrifice. became man to meet God's require
See ALTAR, BEASTS, BURNT OFFER- ments : the offering presents Him tn
CNO, FAT, FIRE, OBLATION, OFFERING, His character and work, as the victim by
which the atonement was ratified ; while
ROASTED FLESH, SAVOUB. the priest gives us a third picture of
Him, in His official relation, as the
SACRIFICER, THE:— appointed mediator and intercessor." —
A symbol of the Supreme, who in A. JUKES, Law of the Offerings, pp. 36, 37.
" Hence arose the myths which repre
manifestation limits his own nature
and conditions his activity. sent sacrifice as the first act in the
" The name of the First Celestial cosmogony. It was by sacrifice, — it is
not said to whom, — -that the gods
Emperor was Tae-haou, — Excessive Splen- delivered the world from chaos, just as
iour. He was also called Fuh-he, or it is by sacrifice that man prevents it
Paou-he, ' the Sacrificer.' The tradition from lapsing back into it, and the dis
s that he had no father, was the first to memberment of the primeval giant
reign, and that his name was Fung, Purusha, whose skull was fabled to form
meaning wind, spirit, breath." — Chinese the heavens and his limbs the earth,
Records, lvn>i>, China. came to be regarded in India as the first
The First Logos is the Supreme act of sacrifice. What is more, the gods
I nr ffablo Potency, which, in the second being inseparable from the world, their
existence must have been preceded by
aspect of its forthgoing, is said to have
" sacrifice " and the " sacri- sacrifice ; hence the singular myth which
been the represents the Supreme Being as sacri
ri'-i-r," inasmuch as it is that limita ficing himself in order to give birth
tion of being which is offered to itself, to other existences." — A. BARTH, The
or that limitation of itself which is Religion* o} India, p. 37.
" Chaos " being the condition out
endured for the sake of its sentient
of which arises the first duality, —
universe. It is inwardly received that
the Supreme is Self-derived, neither spirit and matter, —it is said that the
primal differentiations (gods) delivered
begotten, nor created, but Self-exist
the soul (world) from chaos by sacri
ent. Wind, spirit, breath, are all
fice. This they did by becoming in
symbols of emanation, to which the
volved in matter, as the first qualities
forth-pouring from the Absolute is
of Spirit.
The Tandya-brahmana makes the Man prevents the soul from lapsing
Lord of creatures offer himself up as a back into unfruitfulness by the sacri
sacrifice. Even Sacrifice (Yajna) itself fice of his lower nature, which implies
was sometimes personified as a god." —
the evolution of his higher, and the
MON. WILLIAMS, Religious Thought in
India, p. 23. reappearance of the ideals (gods).
" Purusha," the Spirit involved in . . . The life of God has been laJd dour
matter, that is, the introduction into in us, triumphs in us, and in us will ascend
in glory and majesty to the Eternal
the vibrations of atoms of all the again." — K. •}. CAMPBELL, Serrn., T-t
energies and qualities afterwards to Book of Destiny.
" In its generalised form this higi
be evolved out of atomic vibrations,
is the Archetypal Man whose dis truth (Divine Self-sacrifice) has been
recognised even in Buddhism. In a!
memberment, or division into many, the world there is not one spot so huge
constitutes the origin of tho human as a mustard seed where the Buddha
race with its multitude of separate has not surrendered his body for the
souls. good of the creatures (L. Hearn). Here
Buddha is plainly not Gautama, but th*
The " sacrifice " is the involution divine in man. Christians can point,
and apparent death (latency) of the with far more force, to the sacrament or
Divine qualities. But the Gods are symbol of this divine sacrifice in the
inseparable from the souls, and as historical Passion of the Son of God."—
W. R. INGE, Paddock Lectures, p. 71.
the highest ideals, they come to life " God has no self-life, but realises His
within us as our natures are purified life in the life of all, and in giving of
and perfected. Himself away becomes the life of all—
" But when the fullness of the time it means the clear recognition of this by
was come, God Bent forth his Son, made the heart, and such an action following
of a woman, made under the law. To on the recognition as unites us in similar
redeem them that were under the law, sacrifice to the life of God, till we too
that we might receive the adoption of find our only being along with Him, in
sons. And because ye are sons, God hath the being of all which lives by Him."—
sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your STOPFORD A. BROOKE, Serm., /ndiri-
hearts, crying, Abba, Father." — GAL. iv. duality.
4-6. See ALTAR GROUND, ALTAR (fire).
When the Absolute outbreathed, ARC. MAN, ATONEMENT, BUDDHA,
the Second Logos was emanated to CRUCIFIXION, DISMEMBERMENT, EVO
become the Divine Sacrifice, as Spirit LUTION, FUH-HE, GODS, HORSB SACRI
involved in Matter, —Maya, Mother, — FICE, INVOLUTION, LAMB OF cor,
the veil of matter (feminine) in which MARUTS, MAYA (higher),- MELCHIZE-
manifestation takes place. Spirit DEK, MOTHER (divine), PKAGAPATI
thereby becomes conditioned, i.e. (relaxed), RECESSION, PURUSHA, QTJZ-
limited by law. Matter is receptive TZALCOATL, REDEMPTION, SACRIFICE,
to energy or vibration, adapted to SOMA, VlSVAKABMAN.
take impress from Spirit, and so are
originated phenomena — the expres
sions of Spirit in nature. A symbol of the Self or ego.
After the involution of the World- See DEATII (Yama), PRAGAFATI.
soul, the One Soul separates into many SAGES, GREAT :—
souls, each of which has to evolve the '
A symbol of the spiritual Egos.
qualities and Spirit with which it is the Divine Sparks, the Monads
endowed. It is in this evolution that Life.
the redemption takes place, for there " The great sages approached Maiiu.
arise in the souls the inner spiritual who was seated with a collected mini
vibrations, which, once established, and having duly worshipped him, spate,
play upon the several egos " under etc." — Laws of Munu, 1. 1.
the law,'1 and raise them to the
The spiritual Monads descended to
" adoption of sons," who cry, as it the mental plane whereon the Divine
were, for union with their Divine Mind was seated preparatory to going
source. forth : they became united with Him.
" At the centre of all existence, at the and they sought knowledge.
beginning of all beginnings, is a divine See MARUTS, MONAD OF IOT,
act of sacrifice ; without that primordial RISHES, SONS OF GOD.
sacrifice, there would have been no
material universe, no human life as such, SAGITTARIUS, THE ZODIACAl
no splendour of human achievement, SIGN :—
and no glorious end worth striving for.
God in Christ laid down his life in creation A symbol of the ninth period of
when time hegan, we are tho product of the cycle of life, in which the lovrer
it, and so aru all our struggles and pain. mind is perfected through evolu
ion, and therefore " dies."
The cern about himself, and now no less than
rligher Self seated on the intelligence formerly. It has been, it is to this day,
" arrow " the soul — or rather the immaterial, un
horse) destroys with the
)f the Spirit the lower qualities, seen conception of man, which has been
opposed to the visible and actual world —
:hus enabling the lower consclous-
that has served exclusively to perpetuate
less to rise to the higher mind. our conception of a relatively permanent
See APOLLO, ARROW OF sprarr, and abiding order." — R. DIMSDALE
^R»ows (divine), HORSE, QUALITIES, STOCKEB, The Ood which ia Man, p. 61.
A symbol of the causal-body, RECTION, SOUL (middle), TCHEFET,
A hich is the receptacle, or seat, of VESTURES.
lie Spirit in the human soul, and
vhlch is built up from the potential SAIL OF A BOAT:—
v.(; tern as a result of the experiences A symbol of progress by means of
>f life in the physical body. mental currents through space of
" The texts show that the Egyptians mind, or through mental matter
relieved that, if the prescribed prayers of the soul.
vere said and the appropriate ceremonies " The chapter of living by air in
vere proparly performed over tho dead the Underworld. Vignette : the deceased
>ody by duly appointed priests, it holding a sail, symbolic of air." — BUDGE,
icquired the power of developing from Book of the Dead, p. 164.
>ut of itself an immaterial body called
Through the mind (air) the Divine
tdhu, which was able to ascend to heaven
ind to dwell with the gods there. The Life vivifies the soul on the lower
saint took the form of the body from planes (underworld).
vhich it sprang and was immortal, and " ' Tell me
my name,' saith the Sail ;
n it liveil tho soul." — BTTDOE, Book of '
Nut ' is thy name." — BUDOE, /,".-../.- of
he Dei<J, Vol. I. p. Iviii. the Dead, Ch. XCIX.
The " prayers " are the aspirations The meaning of the symbol
Sail " is :
'rom the lower self, without which progression through mental space (Nut)
ievelopment is impossible. The by means of currents of thought (air).
ceremonies " symbolise the process See AIR, BOAT ON RIVER, DEFUNCT,
>f the transmutation of qualities. The NUT.
priests " are spiritualised
'orces operating to build up the
:ausal-body. The " dead body " is A symbol of the Divine Monad or
;he lower personality, which bsing a Ego, the conductor of the Soul.
" It is a matter of doubt whether soul
transient centre of consciousness is as the perfect realisation of the body
n itself lifeless. The immortal causal- may not stand to it in the same
sody (sahu) is developed in the image separable relation as a sailor to his
jf the perfected personality, which boat." — ARISTOTLE, De An. 413a, 6.
" ' Tell me
my name,' saith the Sailor ;
•nerges into the individuality. '
Traveller ' is thy name." — BUDOE, Book
" Ulrici's doctrine that we are, during
of the Dead, Ch. XCIX. " Sailor"
mr earthly probation, by tho action of The meaning of the symbol
jnr will, our moral decisions, and the
processes which go to the making of
is : — the Divine Spark of the soul, the
" pilgrim of the night " of the Tuat
character, building up within us a spiri
tual body, whose presence reveals itself (underworld).
n imperfect ways while we are yet in " To work with Christ is like hoisting
the flesh, but which will bo the fully your sail to the breeze and pushing out
ileveloped organ of tho soul after death, into the deep whither your own efforts
runs on lines very similar to Oriental teach- could never have propelled the boat of
incs on this subject, which have been your soul. Your will may keep you
reproduced in modern Theosophy. There rowing, but you will not make much
is something to be said for it, and it may headway without the sail of faith that
be that revelations are yet in store for the same will puts up, and the strong
humanity along this line of things as wind of heaven which is the saving Spirit
the result of future investigations" — J. of Christ." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The
BRIERLEY, Studies of the Soul, p. 111. Sovereignty of the Will.
" The entire aim, drift, and purpose of
religion might well be compendiously
summed up in the soul theory. The key NAME, PILGRIM, SHIP, SPARK, TUAT,
note to religion is the soul : man's con- WANDERER, WAYFARING MAN, WIND.
A symbol of the ambitions of the A symbol of the Divine Life (atma-
soul. buddhi) which flows through all
" They sot up their maat (in the black forms in the invisible and visible
ship) and spread the white sails forth, universe.
and the wind filled the sail's belly, and See CHRISTMAS-TREE, MITEGUKA,
the dark wave sang loud about the stern TAMA-OUSHI, TREE OF LIFE.
as the ship made way and sped across the
wave accomplishing her journey." — Iliad, SAKRIDAGAMIN INITIATION :—
Bk. I.
The mental qualities erect an This initiation, or raising of the
consciousness, is the arousing of
opinion of high import, which be
the higher intellect, bringing per
comes the means of raising the
ception of the Truth and the Life.
vehicle of mind by its enhanced re-
It corresponds with the derivation of
ceptiveness. And as this took place, knowledge from within, by the child
the lower emotions (wind) surged Jesus when he is said in the story
about the soul (ship). And thus the to discourse with the doctors.
soul hastened on its upward course See INITIATIONS, INTELLECT, JO
and accomplished its mission for the HANNA, WALKS.
time being.
WAVES, WIND. A symbol of the higher mental
A symbol of the qualities or souls SALAGYA, CITY:—
In harmony with the Divine nature, A symbol of the centre of per
and becoming purified and per fection, the Higher Self seated on
fected ; or finally being perfected the buddhic plane.
and attaining liberation from the See ILYA, ODOUR, SELF, TASTE,
lower nature at the end of the VIBHU, YESHTIKA.
" They that believe are men in whom
' '
human life is perfect in proportion to the These terms denote nature-spirit
completeness of their faith through the
Son of Man. They are men raised to the on the astral plane which build up
highest power. The man in whom Christ and weave together the forms of
dwells by faith is the man in whom the organisms. They are builders not
divine ideal of human life ia perfect, or architects. Their operations (not
is steadily becoming perfect, by the themselves) may be watched under
entrance into him of the perfect life of a microscope in the forming of
the man Christ Jesus, through obedience
plant cells.
and love." — PHILLIPS BROOKS, Serm.,
The Safety and Helpfulness of Faith. See DEVAS (lower), DRYAD, F :•-.••-
" For what is the goal to which
saints) tend T The likeness of Qod in SALMON, FISH OF LOKE :—
Christ- — all His wisdom, His love, His A symbol of the lower self upon
holiness. He is all theirs, and all that He the astral plane submerged in the
is, is to be transfused into their growing
greatness. On the one hand is infinite
" Loke considered what would be the
perfection, destined to be imparted to
the redeemed spirit. On the other hand strategem by which the Asar wouH
is a capability of indefinite assimilation endeavour to catch him as a salmon is
to, by reception of, that infinite perfec the waterfall." — The Punishment of Lck.
tion. We have no reason to set bounds Prose Edtla, Howrrr, Literature, etc.
to the possible expansion of the human At this early stage of human evolu
spirit. If only there be fitting circum tion it first of all became necessary for
stances and an adequate impulse, it may
have endless growth." — A. MACLAREN, the soul to work along the plane of
Sermons, 2nd Series, p. 193. desire, — seeking food, shelter, safety,
See AKHATS, CHRIST'S SECOND etc., for its physical body, so that it
COMING, INVOCATION, LIBERATION, might maintain its existence and
MONKS, RE-BIBTH, REDEMPTION, RE promote its well-being, while gatheriu
GENERATION, REMISSION, RESURREC such experience as came to it in tb
TION, RISHES, SALVATION, SOSHYANTS, play of ideas and the lower .motions-
TRI-RATNA, VICTORY. The higher ideals (Asar) would h
course of time capture and subjugate SALVATION :—
the desire-mind (Loke). A symbol of the liberation of the
See ASAR, ASTRAL PLANE, DOORS soul from the lower nature, pre
(four), LOKE, NET OF ASAR, WATER ceded by the process of purification
(lower). through suffering and evil, during
the cycle of evolution.
SALT, SALTNESS:— But Christ is entered " into heaven
A symbol of truth regarded as itself, now to appear in the presence of
the means by permeation of raising God for vis : Nor yet that he should offer
himself often. . . . For then must he
the qualities. often have suffered since the foundation
" Salt is good: but if the salt have of the world : but now once in the end
lost itssaltness, wherewith will ye Reason of the world hath he appeared to put
it T have salt in yourselves, and be at away sin by the sacrifice of himself.
peace one with another." — MAKK ix. 50. And as it is appointed unto men once to
Truth is to be sought. Error can die, but after this the judgment : so
be no substitute for truth. Without Christ was once offered to bear the sins
of many ; and unto them that look for
truth there can be no progress. Truth him shall he appear the second time with
is the element of equity or equality out sin unto salvation." — HEB. ix. 24-8.
•which makes for peace in the soul, and The Higher Self (Christ) during the
ia an ingredient in the spiritual man. process of involution commences its
" Moreover, that salt is believed to be
evolution in the higher mind, the soul-
the savour of those two, the sky and the centre, and so forms the germ-soul.
earth." — Sata. Brdh. II. 1, 1, 6.
" The sky and the earth were originally This spiritual evolution proceeds up
close together. On being separated they wards and prepares the patterns on
said to each other, ' Let there be a com the higher planes, which, when the
mon sacrificial essence for us ! ' What lower evolution is begun, are capable
sacrificial essence there was belonging to
yonder sky, that it bestowed on this of being reflected downward on the
earth, that became the salt in the earth ; lower planes, where they become dis
and what sacrificial essence there was torted beyond recognition owing to
belonging to yonder sky, that became the fact that they do not appear in
the black spots in the moon." — Tail.
BrAh, I. 1, 3, 2. a sequential or coherent form in the
Spirit and matter were originally evolving souls of humanity.
combined. When they separated into So it is that Christ enters into
higher and lower natures, it became heaven and stands in the prasence of
necessary that there should be a the Supreme, while below, at the
" foundation of the world " and at the
reciprocating medium between them " end of the " of involution, he
and a means for raising the lower to ages
the higher. The higher nature possesses is the " Lamb slain," the Divine
love of the truth which the lower sacrifice, — the Archetypal Man, who
requires, and the higher is ready to dies once in order that the many
souls, who are his
" limbs," — his
bestow truth in response to the " members," — shall evolve in evil and
efforts and aspirations of the lower.
When the desires are sacrificed for sorrow, and finally be " washed in
love of the higher qualities, truth the blood of the Lamb," i.e. be puri
fied by the Divine Life which wells
(salt) permeates the lower nature
(earth). Love of truth in the higher up within the soul. When Christ shall
nature is reflected as recognition of appear a second time, it will be in
defects and ignorance (black spots) in the glorified souls of the saints await
the lower mind or personality (moon). ing their final deliverance, which is
" Salt in the Divine language is often the union of the lower self and the
a symbol of wisdom :
Lot your speech " marriage of the
" higher self, or the
be savoured with salt.' — F. E. HULME,
Symbolism in Christian Art, p. 210. " If then deliverance be based at one
See BLACK, EARTH, HEAVEN AND time on the conquest of all desire, and at
EARTH, HIGHER AND LOWER NATURES, another on the knowledge of the Brahma,
MOON, PERSONALITY, SACRIFICE, both may be regarded merely as the
SAVOUR, SEASONING, SEPARATION OP expression of one and the same thought.
. . . What keeps the soul bound in the
HEAVEN AND EARTH, SKY, SPOTTED, cycle of birth, death, and re-birth T
SUN (moon). Buddhism answers : desire and ignorance.
Of the two the greater evil is ignorance, " Medea, who was an enchantress, gsv»
the first link in the long chain of causes Jason a salve to rub his body, shield, and
and effects, in which the sorrow-working spear. The virtue of this salve wouM
destiny of the world is fulfilled."- — DR. last an entire day, and protect alike
OLDENBERO, Buddha, etc., trans, p. 52. against fire and steel." — Argonautic ETJX-
" There is no such thing an individual dition, KEICHTLEY, Mythology.
retribution or individual salvation. For From Wisdom (Medea) comes the
good or for evil the human race is a intuition which exercises over the
solidarity ; we are all members one of
another ; we suffer and achieve in com lower mind an irresistible sway as
mon. There is no heaven that does not soon as it becomes established. Wis
imply willingness to share the sinner's dom presents the lower Self with that
hell ; there is no hell that is not heaven which reconciles difficulties and causes
in the making. God has no interest in
punishment as such, and no evil-doer can all seeming incongruities to be made
bear his punishment alone. Indeed, there plain. The " body " ia a symbol of
is no such thing as punishment in the desire, the " shield " of will, and the
sense that so much pain must be endured " spear " of intention. The " virtue
for so much sin." — R. J. CAMPBELL, " "
Thursday Mornings, p. 166. of the salve is said to last a day,"
" The way Christ saves you is to take inasmuch as it signifies that subtle
possession of your soul and conform it force from above, which, acting on
entirely to his own likeness, and this he the lower planes, enables the ego
cannot do until you yourself see what is
needed." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Hell. thereon to rise a stage above where
" By the deeds of the law, shall no man it formerly stood ; and to serve as
living be justified. Salvation is by faith : a protection against " fire and steel,"
a state of heart right with God. . . . Sal
symbolic of disintegrating and crys
vation is God's Spirit in us, leading to
good. Destruction is the selfish spirit in tallising forces.
us, leading to wrong." — F. W. ROBERT See ABSYRTUS, GOLDEN FLEECE,
SON, Sermons,
" The gift and
3rd Series, p. 249. INTUITION, JASON, MEDEA, SHIELD,
blessing of salvation is SPEAR, WISDOM.
primarily a spiritual gift, and only in
volving outward consequences second
arily and subordinately. It mainly con SAMAN (CONCILIATION)
sists in the heart being "at peace with God, VERSES :—
in the whole soul being filled with Divine Symbolic of spiritual qualities and
affections, in the weight and bondage of
transgression being taken away, and " Brihat and Rathantera " verses
substituted by the impulse and the life
of the new love. Therefore, neither God signify government through Wisdom
can give, nor man can receive, that gift and Love ; " Syaita and Nandhasa,"
upon any other terms than just this, Truth and Goodness ; " Vairapa
that the heart and nature be fitted and and Vairaga," Indifference to Form
adapted for it. Spiritual blessings require and the lower Attachment ; " Sak-
n spiritual capacity for the reception of vara and Raivata," Reality and
them ; or, as my text says, you cannot Being; " Bhadra and Yagna," Will
have the inheritance unless you are sons
and Wisdom.
(Rom. viii. 17)." — A. MACLAREN, Sermons,
].»< S tries, p. 70. See BHIHAT, VAIRDPA. YAONA.
CHRIST'S SECOND COMING, CONQUEROR, A symbol of the Divine Forces of
A symbol of the archetypal causal-
body on the buddhic plane contain
FICE, SAINTS, SEALED LETTER, SORROW, ing the prototypes of all things and
SUFFERING, VICTORY, WASHED (blood). qualities that are to appear in the
universe and soul.
SALVE OF MEDEA :— " The word Sankhara is derived frorr>
A symbol of the intuition, which, a verb which signifies to arrange, adorr-
when realised, reconciles the mind prepare. Snnkhara (conformations) is both
ot the troubles and difficulties of the preparation and that prepared. . . .
life. To the Buddhist mind, the made thing he?
existence only and solely in the process plunged into spiritual ignorance.
of being made ; whatever is, is not so For
much a something which is, as the process this ignorance is due to the ego's
rather of a being, self -generating and identification of itself with the great
self-again-consuming being." — H. OLDEN- illusion of phenomenal existence
BKRO, Buddha, p. 242.
through protracted periods of time.
See BOAT SEKTET, CAUSAL-BODY, But those egos who do not identify
IONOBANCE, KABANA, SKANDHAS, themselves with their lower nature,
VESTUBES. and who turn to the truth within, are
SAMKHARAS (AGGREGATE OF liberated from reincarnation.
A symbol associated with Dhamma CIBCLE OF EXISTENCE, DAY (great),
(karma). It signifies usually the IGNORANCE, INCARNATION OF SOULS,
transitory mental type-forms which LEVIATHAN, LIBEBATION, MANVAN-
change with every personality.
" Impermanent truly are the Sank- TABA, MONAD OF LIFE, NAKEDNESS,
haras, liable to origination and decease ;
as they arose so they pass away ; their IXCABNATION, SERPENT (ananta),
disappearance is happiness." — Ibid. , p. 25 1. STRIDES, TUAT, UPANISHAD, YEAB,
A symbol of the cycle of life on A symbol of the lower nature
the lower planes in which the spiri brought from its lowest condition
tual egos are involved.
" Samsara, the course of the world, the (sunset) to its highest state (sun
circle of cosmic existence, the succession rise).
of births and deaths." — MAX MULLEK, See EAST, SHABTI, WEST.
Theosophy, etc., p. 277.
" All the Upanishads, even the oldest,
when they discuss the conditions of A symbol of relativity in the
bondage in the samsara and of deliver progress of the soul.
ance therefrom, distinguish between the " Jason arrived at lolous with only one
imprisoned soul and that (soul) which
sandal, having lost the other in crossing
has been delivered, between the soul
entering on deliverance and that to which the river Anaurus." — The Argonautic
it enters in ; and thus often enough a Expedition, KEIQHTLEY, Mythology.
poetic personification of the two con The Self, thp Saviour, is said to
ditions is arrived at, as of the souls im arrive on the mental plane to be bom
prisoned in samsara, and of the divine within the soul, minus a " sandal," —
emancipated souls." — DEUSSEN, Phil, of
that is to say, without the power to
p. 258.
The spiritual egos entering upon proceed mentally, or having no means
the conditions of manifestation are for self-expression. The " one sandal "
is a symbol of relativity, implying that
imprisoned and obscured therein. They
can only express their nature by over the perfect duality of spirit-matter
coming these conditions and so being cannot be expressed actually on the
delivered therefrom. They have to lower planes. The " losing of a
" implies that the inner sense
traverse the cycle of life and rise from
the lower nature as glorified images of of power is not yet realised in the
soul, though the means for attaining
the Divine nature of the Supreme.
Those who again and again go to it is now present. The " river Anau
samsara with birth and death, to exist rus
" signifies limitation, that which
ence in this way or that way, — that is separates higher from lower, truth
the state of avigga (ignorance). For this revealed, definition of mental con
avigga is the great folly by which this
existence has been traversed long, but cepts, or that which is made evident.
those beings who resort to knowledge do See ANAURUS, FOOT, IOLCUS, JASON,
not go to re-birth." — Sutta-nipdta, 729, 730 SHOES.
Those spiritual egos, or monads of
life, who time after time descend from SANDALS, OR SHOES:—
the higher planes to the cycle of the Symbolic of power to advance and
quaternary, therein to be embodied attain Self-expression.
in forma of one kind or another, are See FEET, SHOES, WALKING.
A s> in hoi of the astro -mental A symbol of the Divine Life (blood).
plane. See BLOOD, Cow (spotted), FIG-
up their black ship to
land high upon the sands." — Iliad, laxed), SOMA-JUICE, TORTOISE.
Bk. I.
OF SEA. A symbol of buddhi.
" Invoke thou the strong wind create:
DHRITA-RASHTRA :— by Mazda Sapandftr, the pure daughter
of Hormazd."— Vendidad, XIX.
A symbol of natural law which Invoke thou Soul ! the Divine
brings about progress of the Instinct- Breath, — the Holy Spirit, which is
the functioning of the Absolute upon
A symbol of an ego who has GHOST.
attained liberation from the lower
nature and " cast oft everything from

himself," and now proceeds upward

through the buddhic plane. A symbol of Nature, as the Divine
" J&b. Up. expression upon the physical plane;
4. enjoins entrance into the
or the relationship established
sannyasa only after passing through the
stages of brahmacarin, grihastha and between buddhi and the astral prin
vanaprastha, but permits the transition ciple, which eventuates in the
direct from any stage." — DEUSSEN, Phil, physical world of phenomena.
of Upanishads, p. 374. See EARTH (great), Mur, THETIS.
The spiritual ego progresses, first,
through the personality (brahmacarin) SAPPHIRE STONE :—
in the present life of experience, moral A symbol of wisdom-love.
" The
discipline, and aspiration (study of sapphire stone is in colour
the Veda), second, through the indi etherial blue, with golden sparkles ; it
viduality (grihastha) in the causal- represents the soul of man purged from
all iniquity, and tinctured through with
body, third, through the individuality the Spirit of Truth (the heavenly Moei.
centred on the higher mental plane which dispels all misunderstandings upon
above the causal-body, (the vana the Word and ways of God." —JOBS
WAED, Zion'a Works, Vol. II. p. 23.
prastha). 1
" The sannyosin after thus separating And like the sapphire stone also we:*
its manifold hues." — Hymn of the Soul.
himself from sacrificial duties, a highly
significant act followed, upon which See GEMS, JEWELS.
accordingly stress is laid by all the texts,
namely the laying aside of the sacred SARASVATI (" THE WATERY"") :-
thread, the token that he belongs to A symbol of Wisdom, the buddhic
the Brahmanical class, and the lock of function.
hair which indicates his family descent. " Brahma formed from his own in
Henceforth meditation alone is to serve
maculate substance a female, who
as a sacrificial cord, and knowledge as
the lock of hair." — Ibid., p. 377. celebrated under the names of Satampa.
Savitri, Sarasvati, Gayatri, and Brail-
The ego having fulfilled the law of manl." — Matsya Purana.
sacrifice in renouncing the lower, rises " Brahma's wife is Sarasvati, the
above the condition signified by the goddess of wisdom and science, tiw
" sacred thread and lock of hair," mother of the Vedas. She ia represented
with four arms. With one of her right
namely, the causal individuality hands she is presenting a flower to be
(Brahman caste) from which he has husband, by whose side she constantly
sprung. He finds within him the stands ; and in the other she holds »
Divine life of love and wisdom, and book of palm-leaves. In one of her Irfi
hands she has a string of pearls, caUn
he has direct knowledge of the truth.
Sivamala (Siva's garland), and in tt*
See ALMSGIVING, ASCETIC, ASRAMAS, other is a small drum." — WILKINS, Bindt,
BRAHMACAHIN, HAIR (side-lock), HER Mythology, p. 107.
MIT, KUSTI, MENDICANT, ORDERS, The Atman is allied with the
YAJNOPAVITA. principle of Buddhi, which brings
£orth the scriptures. The " four The astro -physical nature through
euros " represent buddhic activities. experience of suffering caused by the
(1) Production of the higher qualities uncurbed lower emotion -nature (de
for the Self. (2) The inspiration of formed slave-girl) is the means of
the scriptures. (3) The passing on of diminishing its violence.
•the Divine Life (Sutratma) to the See RAMAYANA.
lower planes. (4) The harmonising
(music) of the qualities.
See ATMAN, BINAH, BRAHMA, This signifies mental incoming
BUDDHI, FLOWERS, HAND, MAYA energy directed towards wisdom and
love for the perfecting of the soul.
" The aattva quality by reason of ita
lucidity and peacefulness entwineth the
soul to rebirth through attachment to
SARDINIAN SEA:— knowledge and that which is pleasant."
A symbol of the third sub-plane — Bhagavad-gita, Ch. XIV.
of the buddhic plane counting When wisdom, the bright light, shall
upwards. become evident at every gate of the body,
then one may know that the sattva quality
SARDONYXES :— is prevalent within." — li.iii.
If the body ia dissolved when the
Symbolic of aspects of receptive- saliva quality prevails, the Self within
ness or humility. proceeds to the spotless spheres of those
See GEMS, JEWELS. who are acquainted with the highest
place." — Ibid.
" Honoring the gods, the brahmans,
the teachers, and the wise ; purity, recti
A symbol of the law of the Spirit, tude, chastity, and harmlessness are called
— that which unifies and co-ordi mortification of the body. Gentle speech
nates the soul's experiences, — the which causes no anxiety, which is truth
operation of the Self within. The ful and friendly, and diligence in the
revelation of the laws of the growth reading of the Scriptures, are saith to be
austerities of speech. Serenity of mind,
of the soul ; or the Divine inspira mildness of temper, silence, self-restraint,
tion of the scriptures which reveals absolute straightforwardness of conduct,
to the lower mind the hidden nature are called mortification of the mind.
of humanity and the Divine process This threefold mortification or austerity,
of development and salvation. practised with supreme faith and by
See GOSPEL, INSPIRATION, KORAN, those who long not for a reward, is of the
PAPYRUS, PEN, REVELATION, SCRIP sattva quality." — Ibid., Ch. XVII.
This symbol connotes a cessation
A symbol of darkness, relativity,
from activity. It implies limitation
limitation (Saturn), ignorance. end of a sixth
" (Saturn) at the
And Jesus said unto them, I behold period ; such as the sixth " day "
Satan fallen as lightning from heaven." — of the period of involution, which
LUKE x. 18. closes that cycle and ushers in a
This is allegorical, and signifies pralaya (sabbath), after which state
the casting forth of the relative in of latency (rest), a new manvantara
the process of perfectionment through of activity opens on the first " day "
the absolute principle of real being. of the cycle of evolution.
SATRUGHANA :— A symbol of that law which limits
A symbol of experience through or defines manifestation ; and so
the senses :— stands sometimes for the physical
" Satrughana, on his part, seized the as the extreme limit of existence
deformed slave-girl Manthara, and and foundation of all. It agrees
literally shook the senses out of her." with the decline or decay of things.
— Ramayana It also corresponds to the indivi
dual stage of growth through relation to the dominion of Lovr
(new testament).
" Under the guidance of Jupiter (planet) The feather was chosen as a sign,
intw prepares, l»y moans of religious exer of tho instability of th?
cises, for tho journey to the life beyond,
and ho attains rc.°t under the influence lower expression of the Divine life,
of Saturn " (Basra Encyclopedia). — DE for the personality cannot continue
BOER, Philosophy in Islam, p. 88. to persist. The light and drifting
See CRONUS, JUDAS, JUPITER, feather is symbolic of the transitory
PLANETS, RHEA. and illusory personality of the lower
SATYRS :— planes. The idea in the " weighing
" is,
scene perhaps, better symbolised
A symbol of the higher emotions
by the usual object, — the *rtu.
(buddhi-manas) united with the
mind, and attached to the lower See DISPENSATIONS, FEATHES,
nature of the soul. The horns on JUDGMENT HALL, MAAT, PEBSOX-
the forehead and pointed ears signify ALTTY, QUATERNARY, RECTANGLE.
lofty thought and aspiration. Their STEPS, TUAT.
love of music and dancing indicates
their self-regulating powers and SAVIOURS, THE TWELVE :—
disposition towards harmonious Symbolic of the twelve highest
activity among themselves. qualities involved in the soul, by
" Satyri are inseparably connected with means of which the Higher Self is
the worship of Dionysus, and represent enabled to raise the souls to bliss.
the luxuriant vital powers of nature. They " He
(Jesus) chose the Twelve before
are always described as fond of wine, and he came into the world. He chose twelve
of every kind of sensual pleasure, whence powers, receiving them from the Twelve
they are seen sleeping, p uying musical Saviours of the Light-treasure. When h?
instruments, or engaged in voluptuous descended into the world, he cast them
dances with nymphs." — Smith's Class. as sparks into the wombs of their mothers
Dirt. that the whole world might bo saved."—
The connection of the buddhi- Pistia Sophia, trans. G. B. S. MEAD.
mental qualities with the Self within Christ of necessity beforehand chow
(Dionysus) refers to their active re the means by which he is to accom
lations with the Self, as development plish his purpose in the raising of the
proceeds. soul. He cannot manifest excepting
" By man and beast together (Satyr),
through special vehicles, and these
is signified man as to spiritual and natural are the highest qualities, such as
affection." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev.,
n. 567.
Faith, Aspiration, Steadfastness, Forti
See DANCE, DIONYSUS, GOPIS, IN tude, etc., symbolised by the " twelve
TOXICATION, PANS, SILENUS, WINE. powers" or ''disciples." The "Saviours"
are typical of the " apostles " ; they
SAU AMULET (EGYPTIAN) :— save souls who rise through them, and
A symbol of the lower quaternary "
they are those whom the Father hath
through which desire operates and given me." The " Light -treasure "
to which it applies. The four planes is that aroma of virtue which shall
are indicated both in the crossed attain to the " Light-realm " (heaven).
square and the lines, while the
When Christ manifests himself, he
steps signify the path of the soul
comes forth to the Sons of God, — the
upward through the underworld
Divine " Sparks." These have a com
" Why the feather was chosen as the mon Father, but must, so to say, be
symbol of Maat instead of the usual brought forth and nurtured by the
object (the sau) it is impossible to say, matter side of nature, or their "Mother
and this fact suggests that all the views the Moon," — astral matter. By this
which the Egyptians held about the means the qualities are to attain
weighing of the heart have not yet been
understood." — DB. BUDGE, Clods oj the liberation by triumphing over the
Egyptians, Vol. II. p. 143. limitations of the astral and physical
The feather of Maat signifies the planes.
lower personality as related to justice See ^EONS, ANTHROPOS, APOSTLES,
and law (old testament dispensation) DISCIPLES, JESHURUN, LIBERATION.
in contradistinction to its affectional LIGHT TREASURE, QUALITIES, SPARKS,
TWELVE. A symbol of ignorance and error,
SAVITRI, THE SUN :— that is, the absence of the real, the
A symbol of the Higher Self, God " And he shall take the two goats, and
manifest. set them before the Lord at the door of
" As Savitri, the sun is represented as the tent of meeting. And Aaron shall
standing on a golden chariot, with yellow cast lots upon the two goats ; one lot
hair, with golden arms and hands and for the Lord, and the other lot for Azazel."
eyes,nay, even with a golden tongue, — LEV. xvi. 7, 8.
his jaws are said to be of iron." —
wliile The "two he-goats" signify, (1)
MAX. MOLLER, Origin and Growth of Desire for lower things, and (2) Ignor
Religion, p. 268.
The " golden chariot "
ance and error, which are negative and
the highercauaal-body, or World- illusory conditions. The first must be
soul. It is the buddhic vehicle of offered up to the Higher Self (the
the Atman or Higher Self. The Lord), and the second must bear, as
" yellow hair " signifies kingship or an excuse, the sins of the qualities,
supremacy over all. The " golden arms and be dismissed to nullity or negation
and hands " signify activities through (Azazel). Ignorance dissipated and
buddhi. The " golden eyes " are replaced by true knowledge atones
symbols of perception through centres for sin.
" This very circumstance
of consciousness. The " golden tongue"
of a word
(Azazel) having been coined for the
signifies the Divine expression on the occasion, suggests what seems to me the
higher planes, and the " jaws of iron " right view. ... To have the iniquities
are a symbol of creative power upon conveyed by a symbolical action into that
desert and separate region, into a state
the mental plane. of oblivion, was manifestly the whole
See ADITYA, CHARIOT OF SUN, GODS, intention and design of the rite." — P.
GOLD, HELIOS, IBON, SPADE, SUN, FAIRBAIRN, The Typology of Scripture,
SUBYA. Vol. II. p. 536.
" Azazel
(in the Book of Enoch) was
SAVOUR, SWEET :— conceived as chained in the wilderness
into which the scapegoat was led. The
A symbol of the yearning of the
Jerusalem Targum (Ps. Jonathan) on
lower self after righteousness and Leviticus says that ' the goat was sent
truth, which draws down the Divine to die in a hard and rough place in the
blessing. wilderness of jagged rocks, i.e. Beth
And the Lord smelled the sweet Chaduda." — R. H. CHARLES, Book of
savour ; and the Lord said in his heart, Enoch, p. 72.
I will not again curse the ground any See AARON, AMMIT, ATONEMENT,
more for man's sake, for that the imagina GOATS, IGNORANCE, SACRIFICE.
tion of man's heart ia evil from his youth ;
neither will again smite any more every SCARAB^US :—
thing living, as I have done." — GEN. viii. 21.
A symbol of the Divine nature
And the Lord, or Greater Self, which enters the lower nature, from
" smelled " or apprehended the earnest
which it afterwards emerges.
strivings of the lesser self to secure " The scarab was the type and symbol
its blessing. And the Love of the of the god Khepera. The unseen power
Self rendered it impossible for the of God made manifest under the form of
lower self to be cut off from It— the the god Khepera caused the sun to roll
across the sky, and the act of rolling
Higher. No more henceforth is the
gave the scarab its name, Kheper, i.e.
lower nature to be non-productive of '
he who rolls.' . . . Now the god Khe
useful result ; for as the lower mind pera also represented inert but living
cannot of itself yield good, so also it matter, which was to begin a course of
existence, and at a very early period
cannot bring forth lasting evil. No
he was considered to be a god of the
more in the course of the cycle shall resurrection." — BUDGE, Egyptian Magic,
what is now called into existence p. 38.
come to an end (see 2 COB. ii. 15). The Higher Self in-rolls in involu
See ALTAR BUILDING, BURNT OFFER tion and out-rolls in evolution, as he
ING, GOATS (unblemished), GOD (smell (the sun) traverses the lower planes
ing), INCENSE, MAN, NOAH, NOSTRILS, of nature during the great cycle of
SACRIFICE, SMELLING. life (the Tuat). When ho has com
pleted his course in the souls of effects an entrance into the conscious
humanity, he rises from the under ness of the ego.
world in them and through them at See ATALANTA, BYBLOS, IMXOB-
the end of the cycle. TALITY, Isis, MAIDEN, ODOUK, PEE-
The meaning of the symbol was FUME. WIND (sweet).
rightly expressed by Epiphanius, who
spoke of Christ as
" the scarabaeus of SCEPTICISM, OR PHILOSOPHIC
God" See also Ambrose, Bishop of DOUBT :—
Milan (Opera, torn. I. col. 1528). This Implies aspiration, for it is
See ASCENSION OF OSIRIS, EVOLU the doubt which is begotten of the
TION, INCARNATION, INVOLUTION, KHE- distrust of the appearance or form
PER, LIBERATION, RESURRECTION. of thought, therefore answers to an
unconscious awakenmcnt within. It
SCARLET :— is Inverted confidence and faith upon
which perception of Truth reposes.
A symbol of energy, or regarded
as blood, the Divine Life permeating
" The bloom of the scarlet dye mingles
with ehining linen." — Empedoclea, FAIR
An emblem of power and rule,
BANKS, 286. either higher or lower.
The power of the Divine Life See HAND, IRON PLATE, ROD (hand).
energises the Divine Truth within SCEPTRE OF ACHILLES :—
the World-substance.
" There are no An emblem of the dominance of
religious ideals that may
be regarded with a purely speculative desire and sensation, and of physical
interest. In religion everything — facts, rule.
conceptions, ideala — is shot through and See ACHILLES.
through with the logic of feeling, is
deeply dyed (often enough literally SCEPTRE OF AGAMEMNON :—
blood-red ') with convictions, is held An emblem of the rule of the
with a grasp, or rejected with a move
ment of soul, which is more profoundly
desire-mind and the lower principle
seated, more intensely emotional, and over the lower nature of the soul.
more sternly practical than anything of See AGAMEMNON.
a simply intellectual character can well
be." — G. T. LADD, Phil, o/ Religion, SCEPTRE OF EGYPT:—
Vol. I. p. 25. An emblem of supremacy and
The higher qualities and emotions rule over the higher and lower
are, when permitted exercise by the natures.
personality, of tremendous efficacy in See AMEN.
the soul. They are
" words of power "
of truly magical import.
MAGIC, RED, WORDS OF POWER. An emblem of the power and
rule of the Spirit, and of the Divine
SCENT, SWEET, FROM THE Ray from the Supreme, which is
SOUTH :— atma-buddhic (golden).
A symbol of a pure and deep See FILLET OF APOLLO.
sense of the Truth which enters Into
the higher mind from the buddhic SCORPIO, THE ZODIACAL
plane above the highest intellect. SIGN :—
" So Isis came to Byblos, and by A symbol of the eighth period of
reason of the sweet smell which emanated the cycle of life, in which the desire-
from her, she found favour with the nature is predominant in the soul.
women servants of the palace, obtained It signifies the mental -emotional
entry there, and was appointed nurse to p recreative function, — that which can
the King's child." — PLUTARCH, Ifit and procreate and re-create mental con
Osiris, § 16. This is the multi
cepts and states.
The buddhic function approaches plying function which ties to re-birth,
the lower self, and because it contains and so Scorpio becomes the sign of
Truth, Beauty, and Love, finds favour the "fall into generation" on the
with the emotions of admiration, physical plane in the middle of the
veneration, devotion, etc., and BO Third Root Race, when mind cor.-.
menced to function in early human This signifies the positive attitude
bodies. The present period of the assumed by tho Christ -soul in regard
life-cycle in which humanity is gain- to those conflicting influences which
Ing experience and evolving its set up the jars and jangles found upon
nature is still that of the sign
Scorpio. the lower planes. The lower person
alities in their highest aspect are the
See ATHYB, .CHILDREN or MEN, " temples " or sheaths of the Holy
AGE, KALE-YUGA, MULTIPLY, REIN Spirit, and it is the lower nature
CARNATION, which yet needs purifying, steadying,
controlling, and disciplining. The
" dove-sellers " are those minds who
A symbol of the lower aspect of profess to be kind and amiable, but
the emotion-nature. As seen in the are in reality selfish and indifferent,
sculptures of the God Mithra slaying and who therefore prostitute the
the Bull, It signifies that the emo ideals which they profess to be
tions are active through the contact living up to. It must be remembered
with matter. that the lower planes, being those
" By a scorpion is signified deadly of relativity, can be used in a
persuasion ; and by a scorpion of the two-fold manner, or as is said, —
earth, persuasion that falses are truths
for good or for evil. Christ's " zeal "
in things relating to the church ; for a
scorpion when he stings a man induces is the emphatic assertion of the
a stupor upon the limbs." —SWEDENBORO, force for good, constituting a tre
Apoc. Rev., n. 425. mendous influx of truth from above,
" Behold I have given you authority
to tread upon serpents and scorpions, taking effect upon the lower con
and over all the power of the enemy : dition, and expelling ignorance and
and nothing shall in any wise hurt you." disharmony.
— LUKE "
x. 19. It may also be the case that the
The disciplined qualities of the soul, natural temple is the soul skilled in
which possess the power of the Christ, reason, . . . and in which before Jesus'
— the love of goodness and truth, — discipline is applied to it are found
tendencies which are earthly and sense
•within them, are able to overcome less and dangerous, and things which
the lower desires and emotions, and have the name but not the reality of
the power of the lower principle ; beauty, and which are driven away by
Jesus with His word plaited out of doc
and illusion cannot affect them, for trines of demonstration and rebuke, to
they have knowledge of truth. the end that His Father's house may no
" The DIVINE JOB which is CHRIST can but
longer be a house of merchandise
tame these (carnal) powers, and He en may receive, for its own salvation and
ables us to do it. He not only bruised the that of others, that service of God which
serpent's head, but He gives us power is performed in accordance with heavenly
' to
tread on serpents and scorpions and and spiritual laws." — ORIOEN, Comm. on
over all the power of the Enemy ' (see John, Bk. X. § 16.
ROM. xvi. 20)." — WORDSWORTH, Bible, " Not that evil, which does not sub
Job, p. 96. sist by its own nature, is created by the
See HOUSE OP BONDAGE, MITHRA, Lord, but the Lord shows Himself as
SEBPENT, TREADING. creating evil when He turns into a scourge
the things that have been created good
for us. upon our doing evil, that the very
SCOURGE :— same things should at the sauo si >».• both
A symbol of spiritual
outgoing by the pain which they inflict be to
energy, to error with
dissipate transgressors evil, and yet good by the
truth. This takes effect through nature whereby they have their being.
experience and discipline in the . . . And hence it is rightly said, I'
the light and create darkness.' For when
life of the soul. the darkness of pain is created by strokes
" And Jesus made a scourge of cords, without, the light of the mind is kindled
and cast all out of the temple, both the by instruction within.
I make peace,
sheep and the oxen ; and he poured out and create evil.' For peace with God is
the changers' money, and overthrew their restored to us then, when the things
tables ; and to them that sold the doves which, though rightly created, are not
he said, Take these things hence ; make rightly coveted, are turned into such sort
not my Father's house a house of mer of scourges as are evil to us. Therefore it
chandise. . . . The zeal of thine house is meet that we should be brought back
shall eat me up." " — JOHN ii. 15-17. to peace with Him by the scourge." —
ST. GREGORY THE GREAT, Morals on the that the outer appearance of the
Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 140.
" Blessed is the man whom thou scriptures is usually nonsensical, his
chastenest, O Lord, and teachest out of toric, poetic, allegorical, and didactic ;
thy law ; that thou mayest give him rest and the whole has been inspired of
from the days of adversity, until the pit the Spirit of Truth.
be digged for the wicked." — Ps. xciv. " The language of religion is
12, 13.
and more direct than the language o{
The mind (man) that is disciplined common life. Symbolism can be loote-J
and cleansed of error may have rest at with gross eyes or with idealised eyes."
from strife while the lower qualities — W. M. RAMSAY, Ency. Brit. " Mysterie*."
" Men are saved not by the historical,
(wicked) are dissipated. but by the metaphysical." — MANSEL,
See CLEANSING.DOVE-SELLERS, JESUS Gnostic Heresies, p. 10.
SEVERITY, MOUTH (opening), PEACE " it has been said, u •
AND SWORD, SWORD, TEMPLE. storehouse of. faded metaphors ; and if
this be true of language in general, it if
SCRIPTURES, SACRED:— still more true of theological language.
These are ancient writings which We can understand the spiritual and the
profess to be of Divine origin, and abstract only through the help of the
material ; the words by which we denote
to be correct transcriptions of verbal them must be drawn, in the first instance,
communications received into the from the world of the senses. . . .
minds of selected persons, who have Thought is impossible without the brain
fatihfully set down the statements through which it can act, and we cannot
they were entrusted with. convey to others or even to ourselves
" Thoth, the most mighty god, the our conceptions of right and wrong, of
lord of Khemennu, cometh to thee, and beauty and goodness, without having
he writeth for thee the Book of Breathings recourse to analogies from the world of
with his own fingers." — BUDGE, Book of phenomena, to metaphor and imagery,
the Dead, p. 659. to parable and allegory. If we would
" Thy fingers (O Scribe are deal with the spiritual and moral, we
stablished with
written works in the must have recourse to metaphorical
presence of the lord of Khemennu, forms of speech. A religion is necessarily
Thoth, who hath given to me the speech built up on a foundation of metaphor.
of the sacred books." — Ibid., p. 507. To interpret such metaphors in their
" I am Thoth, the perfect scribe whose purely natural sense would therefore land
hands arc pure, . . . the scribe of right us in gross error. Unfortunately modern
and truth ; who abominateth sin." — students of ths religious history of the
Ibid., p. 621. past have not always been careful <o
" Thoth " is a symbol of the higher avoid doing so." — A. H. SAYCE, Religions
of "Anc. Egypt, and Babyl., p. 15.
mind through which the Divine We must recognise that the Biblical
messages, as ideas, are projected into language is symbolic, but we must
the subjective lower mind, there to be recognise, if we would be Christian
believers, that what the symbols teach
expressed in words which make their is true. . . . The symbolical principle
appearance in the receptive objective must be admitted : the language in true
mind. Thus the message is, as it were, symbolically and not literally." — C. GORE,
breathed into the mind of a devout Bp. of Oxford, Constructive Quarterly,
March 1914.
recipient. " It seems neither beet nor possible for
" Just as, when a fire is laid with damp
sacred writings to give expression to
wood, clouds of smoke spread all around, truth in any other way than by that <•:
so in truth from this great Being have
suggestion, — not best because of what is
been hreathod forth the Kigveda, the
required for the development of reason
Yajurveda, the Samaveda, the (hymns) in man ; and not possible because of the
of the Atharvans and the Angirases, the
essential differences between the spiritu=-
narratives, the histories, the sciences,
and the material, which latter furnishes
the mystical doctrines (upanishads), tho
the only means in this world of enabliu
poems, the proverbs, the parables, and us to interpret that which issues from
expositions, — all these have been breathed the former."
forth from him." — Brihad. Upanishad, II. " If this be a universal fact with
4, 10.
reference to the degree in which the
The sacred writings are veiled in spiritual can be communicated through
mystery and obscurity (clouds of the material, how mistaken must he be
smoke) because of human inability who acts upon the theory that the
to apprehend truths in Scriptures should or can be understood
literally ? We can probably understand
early stages of thought. The truths and interpret them thus to some extent.
being hidden in symbolism, it follows Almost every word, which originally had
more or less of a figurative or merely since we can describe only what we see,
representative meaning, becomes appar and the true objects of religion are un-
ent ly literal when it cornea to be used peen." — R. W. MACKAY, Progress
of llie
conventionally with only one meaning. Intellect, p. 134.
But when we consider such words, There apjxmrs to have been no
phrases, and prolonged descriptions of other way for the Divine Spirit to
the Scriptures as attempt to describe
conditions that can never come to be impart to mankind knowledge of
conventionally understood because they hidden things of the soul but through
have never and can never be experi a method of symbolism. The neces
enced or conceived by mortals, we would
better be humble, and gratefully accept sary ideas had to be expressed in the
what is revealed to us upon the hypothesis only way possible, that is, by using
that it is merely suggestive." — Q. L. the images of the material and visible
RAYMOND, Psychology of Inspiration, to express the spiritual and invisible.
pp. 177, 178.
" I say there is not one word These images, relating to history and
(of Scrip
ture) true according to the letter. Yet life in the physical world, would bo
I say that every word, every syllable, found ready at hand in the minds of
every letter, is true. But they are true the inspired writers, and the most
as He intended them that spake them ;
appropriate would be employed as
they are true as God meant them, not as
man will have them." — DR. EVERARD, symbols for the higher knowledge.
Gospel Treasury Opened (1659).
" Now Scripture Fragmentary notions of history in
language is sym these minds will explain why history
bolical." — F. W. ROBERTSON, Sermons,
sometimes creeps into the inspired
Itt Series, p. 117.
" A spiritual and symbolical interpre writings, and also account for the
tation alone yields truth, whilst a carnal fact that the history is often erroneous,
and literal acceptation profits nothing. a matter which is not of the smallest
The spirit quickens ; the flesh is of no
avail." — SLADE BUTLER, Nineteenth Cent., consequence, from the religious point
Nov. 1906. of view.
" agree with Professor Flint that by
J " The fourth Gospel is not history, and
the historical method we obtain only never was intended to be understood as
history. But we want more than that ; history. It contains historical elements,
we wish to understand and to explain." — but these are always used as a picture
C. P. TIELE, Science of Religion, Vol. I. language of great ideas ; this is the
p. 17. writer's method all through, and was
" In the internal sense there is no quite in accordance with the whole
respect to any person, or anything deter school in which he had been trained.
mined to a person. But there are three It is more than probable that there was
things which disappear from the sense of at one time a large literature in existence
the letter of the Word when the internal of the same general character as thin
sense is unfolded ; that which is of time, gospel. Understand, then, when you
that which is of space, and that which read this book, that every saying it
ia of person." — SWEDENBORO, Arc. Cel. contains, and every incident it relates,
n. 6253. has an inner spiritual meaning. The
" All the mistakes made* in Biblical book is a connected whole, but every
interpretation come of referring state separate saying is profound and complete.
ments of which the intention is spiritual For instance, there are no parables in
and mystical, implying principles or this gospel, and the miracles recorded
states, — to times, persons or places." — are for the most part quite different
The Perfect Way, p. 194. from those in the other gospels. The very
" He who follows the letter takes first one, the turning of water into wine,
figurative words as if they were proper, in not alluded to elsewhere ; and an for
and does not carry out what is indicated the raising of Lazarus, which we might
by a proper word into its secondary suppose to have been the most astound
signification. . . . Now it is surely a ing of all, not a word is said about it in
miserable slavery of the soul to take signs the older gospels. The truth is that in
for things, and to be unable to lift the this gospel the miracles are parables,
eye of the mind above what is corporeal and every one of them is designed to
and created, that it may drink in eternal bring out some special aspect of spiritual
light." — ST. AUGUSTINE, Christian Doc truth." — R. J. ( \ M i 111.1.1„ Thursday Morn

trine, p. 86. ings, p. 140.

" Our religious vocabulary, to begin "It is now generally recognised by
•with, consists almost entirely of images. liberal scholars that considerable portions
It is a set of concepts borrowed from the of the gospels are unhistoric." — PRE
region of the material and the visible SERVED SMITH, Hibbert J., July 1913.
" In the region of historical inquiry
to set forth the invisible and the spiritual."
— J. BRIEHLEY, Studies of the Soul, p. 146. results are surprisingly contradictory,
" All religious expression is symbolism, and there seems at present to bo no
likelihood of agreements being reached." at once the inward sign, the measure,
— W. C. ALLEN, Criticism (N.T.), Ency. and the foundation of its authority."
Religion and Ethics. — A. SAHATIKR, The Religion*, etc^
" For St. John the whole drama is a pp. 241-2.
kind of mystery play, in which the eternal " The inner light can only testify to
counsels of God and his love for the world spiritual truths. It always speaks in the
are revealed." — W. R. INGE, Constructive present tense ; it cannot guarantee any
Quarterly, June 1913. historical event, past or future. It cannot
St. John's treatment of history is guarantee either the Gospel history or
very characteristic. He combines Philo's a future judgment. It can tell us that
allegorism with the positivism which is Christ is risen, and that He is alive for
more natural to Jewish thought. He evermore, but not that he rose again the
would accept Goethe's dictum that ' all third day." — W. R. INOE, Christian
that is transitory is only a symbol," with Mysticism, p. 326.
the exception of the word only. In his " With Scotus (Erigena) the historical
hands every event is a type, a symbol, element in religion was reduced to •
an illustration of some aspect of the minimum. It seems hardly too much to
nature and character of the Divine Logos. say that the historical Jesus of Nazareth
Our Lord's miracles are all acted parables, scarcely existed for thousands of medieval
and the evangelist generally gives us the Christians. Christ was the Second Person
key to their interpretation, e.g.
I am of the Trinity, enthroned on high, . . .
the Bread of Life,' ' I am the Light of the inspiring and creative Word which
the World.' Even accidental coincidences brought order out of chaos in each
have a meaning for him, as when Judas Christian soul." — ALICE GARDNER, Joint
turns away from the supper- table and Hie Scot, p. 143.
goes out to his doom — and it was
night ' ; or when Caiaphas spoke more DEVELOPMENT, GOSPEL, GOSPEL STORY,
truly than he knew, and said,
expedient that one man should die for
the people.1 Every incident in the Gospel KORAN, LAZARUS, MIRACLES, MYTHO
is selected for its symbolical value ; the LOGY, PAPYRUS, PARABLE, PES,
events, miracles, and discourses are so
arranged as to exhibit in a series of
pictures the various aspects of the Incar RITUAL, SACRED TEXT, SASTRA, Siox,
nate Word. But evon when so treated, SRUTI, THOTH, UPANISHAD, UH-HEKAU,
St. John does not wish us to make the VEDA, WORD OF OOD.
outward history the basis of our faith." —
W. R. INOE, Paddock Lectures, p. 47.
" Clement and Origen considered that SCRIPTURES, PONDERING ON
what is important in history is not the THE:—
facts themselves, but the universal truths A symbol of the soul relying upon
which they illustrate or symbolise. So the Word of the Lord, I.e. relying
Origen speaks of the actions of Christ upon the higher nature which if
during his ministry as — acted parables."
—Ibid., p. 68. within.

What we have now to do is to trans " The words of Christ should be con
form the sensible Gospel into a spiritual sidered further in connection with th;
one. For what would the narrative of general character of the Gospel according
the sensible Gospel amount to if it were to St. John ; for the character of ttut
not developed to a spiritual one ? It narrative is not historical, but spiritual,
would be of little account or none ; any not descriptive of the outward forma of
one can read it and assure himself of the the Church, but of the inner life of the
facts it tells — no more. But our whole soul. It hardly ever touches upon the
energy is now to be directed to the relation of believers to the external world
effort to penetrate to the deep things of or to society, but only upon their relations
the meaning uf the Gospel and to search to God and Christ. They are withdrawn
out the truth that is in it when divested from the world that they may be one
of types." — ORIOEN, Comm. on John, with the Father and with the Son ; they
Bk. I. 10. eat the bread of life ; they drink the
" The Bible's authority is water of life ; they receive another spirit
spiritual ; it depends not upon the letter, which is to guide them into all truth. . . .
but the spirit of the Scriptures, and Christ is not described in the Gospel of
appeals to the mind and heart. It is St. John as instituting the Sacrament of
freely accepted, because it exists only so Baptism or the Lord's Supper, but aa
far as it becomes one with the experiences teaching men that He is the Bread of
or the present aspirations of piety. It Life. . . . We desire to have the peace
has no more need of official verification, ful and harmonious growth of religion in
of outward attestation, than the light the soul, which becomes a part of oor
which enlightens the eye ; or the duty being, and is not shaken by the accidenU
which commands the conscience, or the of public opinion or the discoveries of
beauty which ravishes the imagina science, or the satire of society and the
tion. The efficacy of the divine word is world ; which is the same in all agw.
and is inseparably bound up with good " The eye of man, O disciples, is the
ness and truth everywhere." — B. JOWETT, sea ; things visible are the foam of this
Serm., Religion and System. sea. Ho who hath overcome the foaming
See HIOHEB AND LOWEK, WOKD or billows of visible things, of him, O dis
GOD. ciples, it is said : that is a Brahman who
hath in hia inner man outridden the sea
SCYLLA AND CHARYBDIS :— of the eye, with its waves and whirlpools,
with its depths profound and its pro
Symbols indicative of expectation digies ; he hath reached the shore ; he
for the fruits of action (Scylla), stands on firm earth.' (The same follows
and desire for the same (Charybdis), regarding the sea of hearing and the other
" Thus spake the Exalted One ;
•which impede the growth of the senses.)
higher qualities of the soul until when the Perfect One had thus spoken,
the Master went on to say :—
they are surpassed by complete
surrender of the lower interests for
If thou this sea with its abyss of
the sake of the Self, the supreme Full of waves, full of deeps, full of
Ideal and the principles of Wisdom, monsters,
Love, and Truth. Hast crossed, wisdom and holiness are
See ROCKS (wandering). thy portion ;
The land hast thou, the goal of the
SEA (LIMITED):— universe hast thou reached;'
A symbol of the astral plane (Samyutta NilcAya)." — H. OLDE.VBKRG,
Buddha, p. 260.
the desires and passions.
" Perception on the lower mental
And God said, Let the waters under plane discloses the astral plane with
the heaven be gathered together unto
one place, and let the dry land appear : its passions and desires which have to
and it was so. And God called the dry be controlled and outgrown ere the
land Earth; and the gathering together ego can reach the higher planes of
of the waters called he Seas : and God
consciousness further shore).
saw that it was good." — GEN. i. 9, 10. (the
And the Supreme now directs that When this sea of desire and strife is
the waters " under the heaven," that
crossed, Wisdom and Love are gained.
" There are
many who look with dis
is, the astral matter, shall be cen gust upon that man who flies into a rage
tralised and co-ordinated, so that and shamefully beats his child, or horse ;
preparation shall be made for physical while within the soul of the spectator is
matter (dry land) to appear. And the a sea surging back and forth in surly,

physical matter is named " Earth,"

irritable moods, like the open and broad
expanse of the ocean, never tranquil and
which term also stands for the lower still like an inland lake." — A. B. OLSTON,
nature of the soul, — the " natural Mind Power, p. 322.
" Typhon is called
man ; and the " gathering together the sea. . . . Typhon
is that part of the soul that is subject to
of the waters " signifies the formation the passions." — PLUTARCH, Isis and Osiris,
of the astral " sea " of desires. And §§ 33 and 49.
all is pronounced " good," that is, Typhon or Set, the adversary, is
perfect in involution for purposes of a symbol of the desire principle on
the astral plane — the
" sea."
forthcoming manifestation through
" The transformations of fire are, first
" Thou saidst '
Let the waters be of all, sea ; and of the sea one half is
gathered together into one place, and let earth and the other half is lightning
the dry land appear ' which ' thirsteth flash."— Herakleitos, V. 21.
" The prioste hold tha ««ft to prnrpflH
after Thee.' For neither is the bitterness
of men's wills, but the gathering together from fire, and as distinct from all else ;
of waters called sea ; for Thou even neither a part nor an element of nature,
curbest the wicked desires of men's souls but something of a different sort, both
and fixest their bounds, and thus dost destructive and the occasion of disease."
Thou make it a sea, by the order of thy
—PLUTABCH, Isis and Osiris, § 7.
dominion over all things." — AUGUSTINE, There is a close relation between
Confessions, p. 367. the buddhic and astral planes. The
" In the midst of the waters a heaven
astral plane (sea) is a transformed or
is formed in the once benighted creature.
That unstable element, so quickly moved inverted representation of the buddhic
by storms, is the well-known type of the plane (fire). The astral plane is
restless desires of the heart of fallen man ; related on the one side to the physical
for ' the wicked are like the troubled (earth), and on the other side to the
sea, which cannot rest, whose waters cast
up mire and dirt ' (Is. Ivii. 20)." — A. life (lightning). The astral plane con
JUKES, Types of Genesis, p. 15. tains the lower life principle — desire, —
which opposes the Divine will, and is which are three prototypes of JVepAeai
the occasion of evil. (the vital spirit or soul), Rua'h (the
" It is clear that when these ethical and reasoning spirit) and the
Neshamah (tbe Highest Soul of man), so
(of magic) had been recited, RA and his the have also received three
company set out and wont over the whole
sea, but as no more enemies were seen, prototypes, namely, B'ree-ah, Ye'tzeer-»h,
they returned to Egypt travelling by and A'seey-ah, and these three proto
are only One in the Seial." —
night." — Legend of the Winged Sun-diak. types
MYER, Qabbalah, p. 321.

The Logos, having now so far Atma-buddhi-manas, organised by
accomplished His course in discip is the
the process of Involution,
lining the soul by means of a set
Archetypal Man, or Divine Image,
religious system (magic), is said to be
from and by means of which ali
Lord of the astral sea, and now is able
human souls (worlds) are produced
to dwell at peace in the sublimated
as potential copies having impressed
sense-nature, free of unruly desires.
on their very nature the image of
The reference to " travelling by night "
their Divine Progenitor. And as the
is an allusion to the forgetting of
Great Archetypal Soul comprehends
all past experiences, which implies
in Itself three prototypal co-ordinated
the expunging of all pain and sorrow,
states of being, which are the astral
pleasure and sense-happiness, — the
body of desire (Nephesh), the mental
killing out of desire, which is com
body of thought and moral rule
patible with the beginning of a new
(Rua'h), and the causal-body as the
life conformable with the reign of
vehicle of the Individuality — atma-
the higher individuality.
" For what is denoted by the title of buddhi — (Neshamah), so the emanated
the sea,' but this world's bitternes souls are also possessed of three
raging in the destruction of the righteous ? potential states, namely, the mental-
Concerning which it is said by the Psalmist nature (B'ree-ah), the desire-nature
too, He gathereth the waters of the sea
(Ye-tzeer-ah), and the physical-nature
together as in a skin ' (Ps. xxxiii. 7).
For the Lord ' gathereth the waters of (A'seey-ah) and these three natures
the sea together as in a skin,' when dis constitute the Personality, which

posing all things with a wonderful govern the imperfect image below of tin
ance, He restrains the threats of the
carnal pent up in their hearts. Thus ' the perfect Individuality above. The

Lord treadeth upon the waves of the Personality when perfected becomes
sea." For when the storms of persecution one with the Individuality on the
lift up themselves, they are dashed in higher planes.
pieces in astonishment at His miracles." " Philo, however vague and uncertain
— GREGORY THE GREAT, Morals on the some of his thoughts may be, is quite
Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 501. distinct and definite when he speaks

See ASTRAL PLANE, BOLTS, BTJDDHIC the Logos as the Divine Thought which
PLANE, EARTH, FIBE, MAGIC, MAN like a Seal is stamped upon matter aod
(natural), NAVIGATION, OCEAN, RA, likewise on the mortal soul. Nothing in
the whole world to him more Godlik*


than man, who was formed according to
WALKING ON WATER, WATER (lower), the image of God, for, as the Logos

WAVES. image of God, human reason is the ima£*
of the Logos. But we must distingui-sh
SEA, UNVINTAGED OR here, too, between man as part of tfa»
DARREN :— intelligible, and man as part of the visible
world. The former is the Perfect Seal,
A symbol of the unfructified lower the perfect idea or ideal of manhood, the
emotions ; or the astral desire- latter its more or less imperfect multipli
nature, which is Illusion, i.e. without cation in each individual man." — Xix
abiding reality. M0LLER, Theoaophy, etc., p. 409.
" As there was a previously existu.;
SEAL, GREAT SACRED :— idea of the particular mind, and also

A symbol of the Higher Self as the indivisible minds, to serve as ar.

the Archetypal Man, the Prototype archetype and model for either and

also a pre-existent idea of particular

of Humanity. sensation, being, so to say, a sort of Seal
" Atzeel-ooth is the Great Sacrod Seal, of forms, to
which gave impressions
by means of which all the worlds are before particular things perceptible bv
copied which have impressed on them the intellect had any existence, then
selves the image on the Seal ; and as was pre-existent abstract idea," — PHHO,

this Great Seal comprehends throe stages, Works, Yonge, Vol. IV. p. 57.
" The bone and flesh which possess no The " letter " represents a scheme
n-riting are wretched, but, behold, the of salvation and information of spiri
writing of Unas is under the Great Seal,
and behold it is not under the little seal." tual conditions, and within this message
— BUDGE, Egyptian Magic, p. 124. the Spirit of Love and Truth awakens
The personalities who are without in the mind as tho most powerful
the inner guidance of the Spirit are attractive force in the universe, how
in wretched plight. But, observe, the ever feeble it may seem to be during
perfected soul is under the guidance times of obscuration.
of the Higher Self, and not under that (In the Greek Epitome of tho
of the lower self. Acts of Thomas by Niceta, Arch
" ' The seal shall be restored as clay, " letter "
bishop of Thessalonica, the
and shall stand as a garment ' (Job xxxviii. is taken to be a symbol of the Holy
14). For the Lord made man, whom He
fashioned after His own likeness, as a Scriptures : vide Professor Bonnet.)
kind of seal of His power. But yet it shall See, GNOSIS, KING, LETTER, PEARL,
be restored as clay ; because ...he is RELIGION, ROBE, SALVATION, SCRIP-
condemned by the death of the flesh, in TUBES, SERPENT (loud), WORDS OF
punishment of the pride he has com
mitted. For man, who has been formed POWER.
from clay and adorned with the likeness
of the Divine image, having received the SEALING THE LIPS (LOWER
gift of reason, forgets, when swelling with ASPECT) :—
pride of heart, that he was formed of the Symbolic of staying the attempts
basest materials. . . . And because he of the personality at expressing
lost the likeness of God by sin, but itself, or working as from itself.
returns by death to his own clay, it is
rightly said, ' The seal shall be restored See LIPS, MOUTH (opening), PER
as clay.' For our clay to ' stand as a SONALITY.
garment ' is for it to remain empty and
stripped off, even till the time of tho SEASONING WITH SALT AND
" And having been a TRIAL BY FIRE :—
' '
seal,' it appeared as ' clay in the eyes
A symbol of imparting spiritual
of tho Truth, when it lost, through the
wickedness of impiety, the mysteries of truth and spiritual energy, respec
the Word which it had received, and tively. — See COL. iv. 6.
chose to savour only of the things of See FIRE, SALT.
earth, which pollute." — ST. GHKOORY,
Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. III. SEASONS :—
pp. 316, 307. A symbol of cycles of manifesta
" The true ground of certainty lies in
this, that you have the Spirit in your
tion in which the soul evolves.
" Then Brahman
heart, operating its own likeness, and says to him : Who
moulding you, sealing you, after its art thou ? And he shall answer : I am
own stamp and image." — A. MACLAEEN, a season, and a child of tho seasons.
Sermons, 1st Series, p. 47. Sprung from the womb of endless space,
the seed of the wife, the light of tho year,
the Self of all that is ; what thou art.
IXJOTHIC, BOOK (God), BBEEATIC, EVO That am I." — Kaush. Upanixhad.
LUTION, IMAGE, INDIVIDUALITY, IN Then asks the Supreme, " Art thou
" For through
NEPHESH, NESHAMAH, PERSONALITY, the causal-body it is that the soul
PROTOTYPES, RUAH. realises its Divine nature and ques
tions with the Supreme. And the
SEALED LETTER OF THE KING:— inner being of the soul shall answer,
A symbol of an impression in the " am but a phase of the universal
mind, of the existence of a higher life, and a child of the manifest
nature of goodness and truth, and I have sprung from the
cycles ;
the reality of its claim on the
allegiance of the soul.
matrix of infinite space, and am born
as a spiritual germ in Matter which
"And my letter was a letter which the
is now the purified lower nature,
King sealed with his right hand." — Hymn " Virgin-mother."
of the Soul, in the Acts of Judas Thomas. symbolised by the
And the inner message, which was I am a Spark of the Divine, evolved
an appeal to me through the higher through the cycle of the twelve
Bide of my consciousness, came with stages, by means of which growth ia
power from the Higher Self above. accomplished. I am the Self, there
" The six periods during which, accord
fore, of all that is or can be, — That
ing to Zoroastrian doctrine, the world
which indeed Thou art, That am I." was created. In tho first period heaven
" When love has parried us above all
was created, in the second the waters,
things, above the light, into the Divine in the third the earth, in the fourth the
Dark, there we arc transformed by the trees, in the fifth the animals, and in
Eternal Word, who is the image of the the sixth man."— See Gen. i., M. HACG,
Father ; and as the air ia penetrated by Essays on Religion of Parsis, p. 192.
the sun, thus we receive in peace the
See ADAMAS (lower), JEons (twelve),
Incomprehensible Light, enfolding us and
penetrating us. What is this Light, if it DAYS, IABBAOTH, Six.
be not a contemplation of the Infinite
and an intuition of Eternity ? We beholil SEASONS, FIVE :—
that which we are, and we are that which
we behold, because our being, without A symbol of the five planes of
losing anything of its own personality manifestation within the cycle of
is united with the Divine Truth, which life.
respects all diversity." — RUYSBROECK, " And that Pragapati who became
De Conlem., p. 145. relaxed is the year ; and those five
" The overwhelming consensus of spiri
bodily parts of his (i.e. hair, skin, flesh,
tual testimony and probability is that our bone, and marrow) which became relaxed,
true being has never had any beginning are the seasons ; for there are five
at all and will never have an end. It is seasons, and five are those layors." —
eternal, the outbreathing of the spirit of
Sola. Br&h., VI. 1, 2, 18.
God himself. That in us which is im The Archetypal Man, being per
perishable is of the divine essence, and
is as certain to find its way back towards fected in the cycle of involution,
its source, as the rivers flow towards the thereafter suffered a reversed process
sea." — R. J. CAMPBKLL, Serm., The and became segregated for the cycle
Eternal Self.
" Nature is a machine, compounded of evolution. The five planes (physical,
of wheels and moved by steady powers. astral, mental, buddhic, and atmici.
Hence it goes in rounds or cycles, return which had received their qualities and
ing again and again into itself, producing potencies in involution, •were now to
thus seasons, months and years ; repeat
evolve the same in multiplicity of
ing its dews, and showers, and storms,
and varied temperatures ; in the same forms. The five planes are the five
circumstances or times, doing much the layers or regions of the universe and
same things. But it is not so in the soul.
affairs of a mind, a society, or an age. " And those five bodily parts of his,
There the motion is never in circles, but the seasons which became relaxed, an
onward, eternally onward. Nothing is the regions ; for five in number are th*
ever repeated. No mind or spirit can regions, and five those layers : when he
reproduce a yesterday. No age, the age builds up the five layers, he builds him
or even year that is past. And where the up with the regions." — Ibid., VI. 1, 2, 19.
outward conditions appear to be exactly
The inner Self is built up as mastery
the same, the inward states and spiritual
connections may be so various as to take over the lower planes is achieved.
away all resemblance. . . . Hence, while The lower conditions are the means
the course of nature is a round of repe by which the Self is manifested in
tition;, the course of the supernatural
the soul.
repeats nothing, and for that reason
takes an aspect of variety that appears See ALTAR (fire), ABC. MAN, ASTRAI
even to exclude the fact of law. But it is PLANE, ATMA, BONES, BUDDHIC PLASB
only in appearance. God's perfect wisdom DISMEMBERMENT, ELEMENTS (fivel
still requires the same things to be done EVOLUTION, FIVE, INVOLUTION,
in the same circumstances, and when
not the same, as nearly the same as the MARROW, PRAGAPATI (relaxed;,
circumstances are nearly resembled. SKIN, WORLDS (five), YEAR.
Everything transpires in the uniformity
of law." — H. BUSHNEM., Nature and the SEB, KRONUS:—
Supernatural, p. 185.
See ATMAN, BRAHMA, DEMIURGE A symbol of Time in relation to

FOUR SEASONS, GODHEAD, I AM, manifestation.

" Shu was the first-born son of Ra br
the goddess Hathor, the sky ; he typified
SEASONS, SIX, DURING THE the light, and lifted up the sky (Nut:
from the earth (Seb), and placed it upon
YEAR:— the steps which were in Khemenns
Symbolic of six periods of crea (Hermopolis)." — BUDGE, Book oj ifa
tion during the cycle of involution Dead, p. 93.
The Divine Will in manifestation unfoldment. It may be long before it
Shu) proceeded through the inner- finds it in any high degree, but it is there
and nothing can expel it ; if it could be
noat Buddhi (Hathor) to produce the
withdrawn from humanity there would
ower planes. The Divine Will ema- be no humanity. And, just as the child
mted the consciousness (light) in in the womb passes through every stage
lotualising the relation between Space of evolution through which the race itself
has passed in its ascent to where it now
;Nut) and Time (Seb) ; and so com-
stands, including some so gross that we
nencing from the highest plane the do not like to think of them, so the soul
arocesses of Involution and Evolution. may have to shed many unlovely ex
" The Greeks identified Seb with teriors before it becomes a fitting and
Kronos, probably only because as father beautiful vehicle of the spirit immortal
»f Osiris he might bo considered as senior and divine. That of God from which we
unong the gods. Shu was supposed to came is Christ." — R. ,T. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
be his father, and Nut his wife. His The Christhood of Jesus, etc.
animal was the goose, and some See ^BON, ATMAN, BODHISATVA
times he is supposed to he connected or
sven identical with the goose which laid
the egg whence issued the world." —
WIEDEMANN, Rel. of Anc. Egyptians, p. 231. TREE, FIRST-BORN SON, GODS, HAR
Through time is produced the germ VEST, HlRANYAOARBHA, HUIT-
of every new solar universe. ZILOPOCHTLI, HUSBANDMAN, IMAOE,

SEED :— A symbol of the germs of the

higher emotions arising from buddhl.
A symbol of the manifesting God, " The seed is the word of God. And
the source of all things. those by the wayside are they that have
" The Docetae conceived God as the heard : then cometh the devil, and
first principle, under the figure of a seed, taketh away the word from their heart
containing the infinitely great in the that they may not believe and be saved."
infinitely smnll. The world grew out of — LUKE viii. 12-15.
God as the fig-tree from the seed. As the The " word of God " is the Divine
fig-tree consists of stem, leaves, and fruit,
" of the
expression, breathing
so from the first principle there arose "
three Aeons, and from these thirty Spirit (buddhi), the higher emo
Aeons." — F. C. BATO, Church History, tional influx. Those " by the way
Vol. I. p. 238. side " are those qualities which are
The -Tree of the Divine Life springs not yet on the direct path to peace.
from God, its seed or root. It is — They are therefore unable to receive
" the fig-tree under which the " good seed," which cannot
gods sit the ger
in the third heaven." — Atharva-Veda,
V. 4, 3. minate while the desire-nature (the
" William Law says :— If Christ was devil) rules them. They cannot
to raise a new life like His own in every " believe," that is, unite or be in
man, then every man must have had
harmony with the higher nature, and
originally in the inmost spirit of his life " saved " or
a seed of Christ, or Christ as a seed of therefore cannot be
heaven, lying there in a state of insen transmuted.
sibility out of which it could not arise Seed from a celestial origin is of such
but by the mediatorial power of Christ. a nature, that love ruleth the whole mind
For what could begin to deny self, if and maketh it one ; for the human mind
there were not something in man different consisteth of two parts, — will and under
from self ! " — W. R. INQE, Christian standing ; love or good bolongeth to the
Mysticism, p. 282. will ; faith or truth belongeth to the
Within the human soul itself is a understanding." — SWEDENBOHO, Arc. Cel.
portion, so to speak, of the eternal divine to Gen., Hi. 24.
essence, the being of God himself. Every
" Christ is the material out of which
soul is like a seedling in which is wrapped the thread of humanity has been spun ;
up a mysterious potency of fife which his is the seed-life which dies in the
may take long to unfold but cannot be darkness and sorrow of earth to rise in
destroyed. As a giant oak is hidden away divine beauty and splendour in the
in every acorn, so is the life of God latent garden of God." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
within the spirit of man waiting for Revelation Manifold.
Christ is the Archetypal Man, who KHAMUAS, MAZENDARAXS, MOTKEF.
dies in involution and becomes the (divine), OSIRIS, PARABLE, PLOTJGHIX-.,
human race in sorrow and suffering, QUALITIES, REAPING, SICKLE, SI-
from whence in evolution he rises in OSIRI, SOWER, SOWING, TEM, TREE
the souls of humanity through wisdom or LIFE, VIRGIN MARY, WHEAT.
and love on the buddhic plane (Eden). WORD (divine).
" The seeds of God-like power are in
us still. Gods are we, bards, saints, SEEDS OF FOODS AND
heroes, if we will." — MATTHEW ARNOLD.
" The parents of the wonderful child PLANTS :—
are Setme Khamuas and his wife. Before Symbols of germs of thoughts,
the conception of their son, the mother is Ideals, and desires.
told in a dream to eat of the seeds of " Thither bring the seeds of all
a certain plant ; and it is revealed to which are the tallest and most odoriferous
the father that the child shall be known on this earth. Thither bring the seeds ot
as Si-Osiri (son of Osiris)." — GRIFFITH,
all foods which are the most eatable and
Stones of the High Prie*ts. most odoriferous on this earth.
The " parents " are symbols of
pairs of them unceasingly, in order that
Spirit and Matter. Before the con these men may exist in the enclosures."
— Vendidad, II.
ception of their Divine Son, the
Mother is told to
" eat of the seeds The "seeds of plants" are sym
of a certain plant " ; which means bolical of the germs of desires which
that before i !»• Soul is embodied in are to give rise to the higher emotions.
matter, the Mother partakes of the The " seeds of foods " are the germs
seeds of the Tree of the Divine Life,
of ideas and ideals which are to
that is, matter is prepared and ener fructify in goodness and truth and
gised by the Spirit which is to confer
become nourishment for the soul.
immortality upon the Soul. The The " pairs " are the pairs of opposite?
Spirit, then, forms within the purified without which no existence upon the
receptive matter of the lower planes, planes of the lower quaternary would
at a certain stage of development, be possible.
" At first the germs of
thought re
the indwelling Saviour or Son of God. mained but as the elements
" Job xxxviii. 30 means that the Lord asleep ;
fitted to make them grow were added to
first waters in a wondrous manner the the soil of the world, they grew up, one
aoil of our hearts for the reception of the after another, trees of knowledge and of
needs of the word, by the secret rain of life, of whose fruits men took, and eating,
His grace, and that He afterwards keeps knew more of God, of their own being,
it down by the discipline of His secret and of their duties to their fellow-men.
dispensation lest it should bring forth Many of these seeds are still asleep, and
too luxuriantly with the virtues it has the future extension of revelation consist*
conceived, in order that the rigour of in their coming to the light afl the con
discipline may likewise bind that which ditions under which they can spring up
the rain of grace irrigates." — ST. GREGORY, are fulfilled in the progress of mankind.
Morale on the Book of .Job, Vol. lit. p. 347. '
I have yet many things to say to you,'
In man's deepest nature lies hidden said Christ,
but ye cannot bear them
the seed of infinite possibilities, and the
spirit of God must find access to that
now.' ... It seems reasonable, then, t<»
say that revelation is not yet completed,
seed in order to germinate it into actual but being completed, that we look for
life. He may not do this by bringing any higher knowledge of God, for larger rr.oral
influences to bear upon them from with views of His relation to us and of ours to
out. His Spirit must brood ivitliin over Him, as time goes on and mankind grovrs.
the seed if it is ever to come to life. . . . God has not said His last word to us,
He stands at the door and knocks because nor Christ given His last counsel of per-
He must be intelligently and willingly fe"tion, nor has the Spirit yet shown to
admitted, otherwise He cannot brood us the whole of truth." — STorronn A.
over the hidden seeds of eternity within." BnooKE, Serm., The Changed Aspect o]
— J. MACKENZIE, New Reformer, Aug. 1913.
See AGRICULTURE, ARC. MAN, BIKTH " Everywhere the lower
furnishes oppor
OF JESUS, BREATH (divine), CRAN tunities for the higher, and is a failure
BERRY, CREATURES (small), CULTI unless the higher blooms out of the
ground which the lower has made ready."
VATION, DEVIL, EDEN, EGYPT (lower), — PHILLIPS BROOKS, Myttery of fniguily,
-•MAN. FRUIT-TREE, GERMS, HERB "The form (of Seker) in which this
(seed), MAN, ODOUR, OPPOSITES, god (Ra) is depicted is that of a hawk-
headed man, who stands between a pair
J?LANTS, QUATERNARY, SETTLEMENTS, of wings that project from the bick of
TBEES (tall), VARA. a huge serpent having two heads and
necks, and a tail terminating in a bearded
SEEDS OF MEN, WOMEN AND human head." — BUDGE, Egypt. Heaven
CATTLE :— and Hell, Vol. III. p. 135.
Symbols of the archetypal forms of This description symbolises the
t lie vehicles of mind, emotion, and Higher Self (Ra) manifesting in the
faigber desires. aspiration (wings) proceeding from
" Thithor bring the seeds of all men,
desire (serpent) through mind and
•xvomen, and cattle, which are the greatest emotion (two heads) in physical hu
and best and finest on this earth." — manity (head extremity). Ra's lower
Ven-lidad, II. realm, " the kingdom of Seker," is
The " seeds," which are the ideal the astral plane where he lives ob
type-forms brought over from the scured in thick darkness under the
previous cycle of manifestation, — guise of desire (Seker).
the Lunar, — are now introduced on " The kingdom of Seker was shrouded
the ten-one globe. These type-forms in thick darkness, and instead of con
are on the mental, astral, and physical sisting of fertile plains and fields, inter
sected by streams of running water, was
planes. formed of bare, barren, sandy deserts,
See BEASTS (sorts), CATTLE, DWELL wherein lived monster serpents of terri
INGS, KARSHVARES, LUNAR CHAIN, fying aspect, some having two, and some
PLANETARY CHAIN, REGIONS, SHIP OF three heads, and some having wings.
This region offered so many difficxilties
MANU. to the passage of the Boat of Afu-Ra
that special means had to be found for
SEEDS OP THE SIX overcoming them, and for enabling the
CREATURES :— god and his followers to proceed north
Symbols of centres of conscious wards to the House of Osiris." — Ibid.,
ness in vehicles of the soul. p. 131.
" This region being in the fourth
Ahura-Mazda directed that a vnra
should be mode foursquare ; division of the Tuat signifies the
into which the soeds of the six creatures involution of the qualities of kama-
should be brought." — Venidad, II. manas. The soul-state is barren o(
The Supreme directs that the all higher qualities and filled with
quaternary should bo prepared, in desires (serpents) and passions. Hence
order that the six centres of the the obscurity of the indwelling Self
manifestation of the Diviuo lifo (Afu-Ra) and the apparent difficulties
may be introduced. Two buddhic, of progress wherein the Spirit cannot
two mental, and two astral. express itself. Progress in the involu-
See CONSCIOUSNESS, LIVING THINGS, tionary cycle is " northwards " to cul
QUATERNARY, SETTLEMENTS, Six, minate in the lowest condition (house)
VARA, VITAL AIRS. in which is encased the perfected
Soul — the Archetypal Man (Osiris).
A symbol of perception of light PLANE, BOAT ON RIVER, DARKNESS,
and truth.
A symbol of attraction towards
objects of sense.
SEKER OR SOKARIS :— A symbol of the lower nature, or
A symbol of the primitive motive- astro-mental life, by means of which
power of evolution, which is the the individuality first manifests.
desire-principle active on the astral- " Grant me power to float down and
plane, and the life (astro-mental) to sail up the stream in Sekhet-Aaru,
of the physical organisms. and may I reach Sekhct-hetcp ! I am
the double Lion-god." — BUDGE, Book of HEAVEN, HORUS, KINGDOM, LASD,
The Soul relies upon the Supreme URT, OSIRIS, REAPING, RESURRECT:
in passing downwards into the lower SAINTS, SOWER, TCHEFET.
life, and by means of the astral life
thereafter ascending to the buddhi- SELENE OR LUNA:—
mental region, or Nirvana. In this A symbol of the emotion-nature
undertaking the soul becomes involved which originates on the buddhic
in matter, and afterwards evolved. plane and descends to the astral,
" The new man was conducted into
from which it again arises.
the Fields of Aalu (or Aaru), into the " By Endymion, whom she loved, and
kingdom of the blessed followers of
Osiris, which was a country modelled whom she sent to sleep in order to kiss
altogether on earthly lines, but especially him, she became the mother of fifty
resembling the Delta : a Nile ran through daughters." — Smith'g Class. Diet.
it divided into many branches and The indwelling Self in the higher
forming many islands. Here the dead mind, who is obscured by the play
ate and drank, went hunting, fought of the lower emotions is, neverthe
with their foes, . . . made offerings to
the But the chief occupation less, a means of raising the emotion-
was agriculture, which differed from nature, and producing through it
that of earth only in that the harvest many emotions of a higher order.
never failed." —
Egyptians, p. 254.
WIEDEMANN, Rel. of Anc. " I shall be satisfied, when I awake,
with thy likeness." — Ps. xvii. 15.
The ego incarnates in a personality "
Awake from what ? From illusion
(new man) which descends into the to reality. It is the spiritual consciouanea
arena of life to gather experience, that is in question, the awakening of the
soul. . . . Give your whole life to Christ
overcome evil, sacrifice lower for and you will soon begin to find some
higher qualities (gods), cultivate the thing wonderful taking place in your sool
faculties, and lay up treasure in It will be as though your whole nature
were being remade, as indeed it is ; •
heaven which never fails.
diviner self will begin to emerge in your
See AGRICULTURE, BIRTH OF HOHUS, consciousness than you have ever known ;
DEAD, EARTH, GARDEN OF SEEDS, you will cease to be conformed to tta
HARVEST, LION-GOD, MARSH, NET world." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Ettntai
(fish), OFFERING, PEACHES, REAPING, Satisfaction.
See ANDROMEDA, Cupro, Moos

A symbol of Nirvana, Devachan,
or a buddhi-manasic state of con Symbols of the Logos or God
Manifest, and the indwelling Spirit
" Meat-offerings or incarnate God within the human
and entrance into the
soul. The Two are One.
presence of the god Osiris shall be granted " This Self is the Lord of all, this the
to him (the soul victorious and righteous)
together with a homestead for ever in internal ruler, this the source of lE
Sekhet-hetepu, oa unto the followers of things ; this is that out of which aS
Horus " (Papyrus of Ani). — BUDGE, Book things proceed, and into which they
of the Dead, p. 26. shall pass bark again." — AfandStya
The liberated soul, victorious over Upanishad.
" There are two. one knowing
the lower nature, shall partake of (isvaral
" fruits of the " the other not -knowing (giva), both nn-
the Spirit and become born, one strong , the other weak ; then
united to the Higher Self (Osiris). is she, the unborn, through whom each
He shall possess a " mansion " or man receives the recompense of ha
works ; and there is the Infinite Setf
state of consciousness in Devachan,
under all forms, but himself inactive
as is bestowed upon all the saints When a man finds out these three, thmt
of Christ (Horus), who rise with is Brahma." — Svetas. Upanishad, I. 8, 9.
him in the resurrection of the There are two modes of the Divine
perfected. Life, one, the Higher Self, wise and
See BUDDHTC PLANE, CULTIVATION, all-perceiving ; the other, the lower
DEVACHAN, FRUIT, GARDEN OF REST, Self, ignorant and acquiring know
ledge ; both unmanifest exteriorly, tasks and painful experiences, but you
one powerful in the Divine scheme, must go on until your goal is attained,
because you are being driven thereto
the other oppressed by the lower by the divine force of your own soul." —
conditions. There is Wisdom, the R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Who Compels f
" Tin--
buddhic principle, unmanifest out larger self (of a man) is in all
wardly, through whose functionings probability a perfect and eternal spiritual
being integral to the being of God. His
each ego receives the transmutations of surface self, his Philistine self, is the
his qualities according to his efforts incarnation of some portion of that true
after goodness, love, and truth. eternal self which is one with God. The
And there is the Absolute Being dividing-line between the surface self
and the other self is not the definite
subsisting under all appearances, but demarcation it appears to be. To the
Itself unconditioned and latent. When higher self it does not exist. To us it
the ego attains all Truth, and identifies must seem that to all intents and pur
himself with the three modes of the poses the two selves in a mnn are two
beings ; but that is not so :
Divine Life, he is pure Spirit, — that
they are one, although the lower, owing
is God. to its limitations, cannot realise the
" He who seeth the Supreme Being fact. If my readers want to know whether
existing alike imperishable in all perish I think that the higher self is conscious
able things, sees indeed. Perceiving the of the lower, I can only answer, ' Yes,
same Lord present in everything and I do, but I cannot prove it ; probabilities
everywhere, he does not by the lower point that way.' . . . The true being is
eelf destroy his own soul, but goeth to consciousness ; the universe visible and
the supreme end. He who seeth that all invisible is consciousness. The higher
his actions are performed by nature only, self of the individual man enfolds more
and that the self within is not the actor, of the consciousness of God than the
eees indeed. And when he realises per lower, but lower and higher are the same
fectly that all things whatsoever in being. This may be a difficult thought to
nature are comprehended in the One, grasp, but the time is rapidly approach
he attains to the Supreme Spirit." — ing when it will be more generally accepted
Bhagavad-Qita, XIII. 27-30. than it is now." — R. J. CAMPBELL, The
" view of human personality
Juliana's New Theology, p. 32.
is remarkable, as it reminds us of the See ABSOLUTE, ABC. MAN, ATMAN,
Neo-platonic doctrine that there is a BIRDS (two), BBAHMA, BCDDHI,
higher and a lower self, of which the
former ia untainted by the sins of the CHRIST, CONSCIOUSNESS, EMPEROR,
latter. '
I saw and'
surely,' she says, that in every soul HEAD, HEROIC BUNKER, HIGHER AND
that shall be saved there is a godly will LOWER SELVES. HlRANYAOABBHA, IN
that never assented to sin, nor ever
shall ; which will is so good that it may CARNATION, ISVABA, JESUS (Son of
never work evil, but evermore continually God), JOB, MAUI, MESSIAH, MONAD,
it willeth good, and worketh good in the PTAH, SEASONS, SON OF QOD, SONS
sight of God. We all have this blessed
•will whole and safe in our Lord Jesus
' ' ' '
Christ.' This godly will or substance
to spark of the German
corresponds the
mystics. ' saw no difference,' she says,
' between God and our substance,
This symbol can be taken in two
but, senses, — higher and lower. In the
as it were, all God.' — W. R. INOE, higher sense It signifies the Higher
Christian Mynliri.im, p. 206.
" Behind all this play of mental causa Self incarnate in the human soul
tion there all the while stood that Self, and striving to gain the mastery of
which was at once the condition of ita the lower nature and attain full
and the First Cause of ita expression of Itself. In the lower
action. As a matter of fact we know sense, the symbol stands for the
that this Self is here, and that it can thus illusory and fleeting lower personality,
be proved to be a substance standing — the sense of separate consciousness
under the whole of that more superficial and will in the lower mind.
display of mental causation which it is
able to look upon introspectively — and "The wise man should raise the self
thin almost as impersonally as if it were by the Self ; let him not suffer the Self
regarding the display as narrated by to bo lowered ; for Self is the friend of
another mind." — ROMANES, Mind and self, and in like manner, self is its own
Motion, p. 137. enemy. The Self if the friend of the self
" The deeper soul within you is one of him in whom the self by the Self is
with the Soul of the universe, and will vanquished ; but to the unsubdued self
not be denied ita heritage. You may the Self verily becometh hostile as an
trifle with it, or try to avoid arduous enemy." — Bhagavad-Oita, VI. 6 6.
The wise ego should raise the per SENSE ORGANS, OR FIVE OR
sonality by the Higher Self. Let him GANS OF KNOWLEDGE :—
not suffer the Divine nature to be Symbolic of the soul's five means
obscured ; for the Higher Self is the of perception on the lower planes.
" To the brain as the central organ,
upholder of the personality, which of
itself gravitates downward to desire and its two dependents the sensible and
the motor nerves, corresponds the relation
and sense. The Higher Self is in of manas (mind and conscious will) to the
harmony and union with the raised five jndna-indriyas, or organs of know
consciousness (self) of the ego in ledge (these are, following the order of
whom the illusive, separated self is the five elements to which they corre
spond, — hearing, touch, sight, taste, and
by the Higher Self dissipated. But to smell), and the five karma-indriyas, or
the averted and undisciplined lower organs of action (speech, hands, feet,
personality, the Higher Self has the and the organs of generation and excre- i

illusive aspect of anger and hostility. tion)." — DKUSSEN, Phil, of Upanishadi,

" But the very nature of religious p. 263.
development is such that it begets an This central mnnas is a symbol of
increasing consciousness of schism and the causal-body, the centre of the
disharmony within, and of separation soul's perceptive and active func-
from the spiritual Being believed in and In their proper order the
On the one hand, tionings.
worshipped as God.
then, man constructs the Object of his sense organs given as eye, ear, skin,
religious faith and adoration in a manner tongue and nose ; or as sight, hearing,
to correspond with his higher and nobler touch, taste, and smell, are symbols
Ideals, — he idealises the Divine Being ;
of consciousness (sight), intuition (hear
and on the other hand, he feels more
intensely those deficiencies and needs ing), mind (touch), desire (taste), and
which he looks to religion to supply and sensation (smell). These correspond
to fulfil. Thus he endeavours to bring with the five elements (planes), light,
self-harmony into his life by discovering fire, air, water, earth, i.e. the planes
and following the way to conform his
own self -hood to his growing ideal of the atma, buddhi, mauas, astral, and
Absolute Self."— G. T. LADD, Phil, of physical, as will be seen.
Religion, p. 253. The organs of action which produce
" Below this outer self of yours, which
karma are mental action (s]>eech),
is satisfied with family and business,
there is another self which you know mental discipline (hands), progress
nothing of but which God sees, which (feet), production of higher qualities
He values as your truest and deepest (generation), and riddance of lower
self, which to His sight is a real person
pleading BO piteously for help that He qualities (excretion).
" The jnana-indryas convey the im
has not been able to resist its pleading,
but has sent His ministers, has sent His pressions of the senses to the manas,
Bible,— nay, haa come Himself to satisfy which manufactures them into ideas
it with that spiritual aid it cannot do (sankalpa). These ideas are then formed
without." — P. BROOKS, Serm., Man of into resolves (sankalpa) by the manas in
Macedonia. its function as ' conscious will,' and are
"' I carried into execution by the five karma-
(God) am working in you, growing
in you. Your lower self, your outward indriyas." — Ibid.
man is making you uncomfortable, The five organs of perception and
because my Spirit is lusting against the knowledge convey as ideas the experi
flesh. But your outward man is perishing, ence of the ego during an incarnation,
it is doomed.' Thank God, our outward
man is doomed !— because his Spirit is to the causal-body (manas) ; then
ultimately omnipotent. He says . ' Thou these ideas are sifted and readjusted
art my temple, I love thee ; I am to become motives to action of a
cleansing it because I love thee with an progressive order in the next incar
everlasting love. I more often wake the
Bleeping soul with a scourge than I do nation of the ego.
" The soul lastly is further attended
with a kisti, but both are love.' The
almighty Lord of the universe is perfect by the ethical substratum (karma-dsraya),
love." — B. WILBEBFOKCE, Sc-rm., Message which determines the character of the
new body and life. This ethical sub
of Adrent.
See ANGER, ATHWYA, ATMAN, stratum is formed by the actions com
mitted in the course of each several life,
INCARNATION, JEALOUS, LAZAKUS, and is therefore different for each soul
MESSIAH, PERSONALITY, SCOUHOE, and for each life course." — Iltid., p. 265.

A symbol of the origination
SEPARATION FROM THE WHOLE, of Spirit-matter, which succeeds
OR SEPARATENESS :— unity cf substance In the unmani-
A symbol of the fall of Spirit, or fest Source. The Monad divides
and becomes the Duad — Spirit and
the ego, Matter, whereby Is
Matter, — between the polarities of
produced the lower consciousness,
which all manifestation proceeds.
which has the illusory sense of " Heaven and earth were anciently of
" And men were constituted, and the one form : from these, as soon as they
were separated from each other, all
other animals, as many as have life. things were produced and brought to
And the men have inhabited cities and light, — trees, birds and beasts, and the
works constructed as among us, and race of mortal men." — EURIPIDES, Mena-
they have Sun and Moon and other lippe apud Diod. Sic. I. i, e, 7.
things as among us ; and the earth " The myth of Dyaus, the sky, and
brings forth for them many things of Prithivi, the earth, once joined and now
all sorts, of which they carry the most separated, is the basis of a great chapter
serviceable into the house and use them. in Mythology, such as the mutilation of
These things then I have said concern Uranus by Cronus, and other tales of
ing the separation, that not only among a distinctly savage type." — W. CROOKE,
us would the separation take place, Pop. Rel. of N. India, Vol. I. p. 26.
but elsewhere too." — Anaxagoras, FAIR " Dyaus the Heavens, and Prithivi
BANKS, 10. the Earth, were once joined, and subse
And the mind (men), with the sub quently separated from one another." —
human qualities, the instincts, passions, MUIE, Sanscrit Texts, V. 23.
" The story is told here
and desires (animals), came into being. (in Nanumanga
And the mind operates through its island) also of the union of the heavens
and the earth, and of their separation,
centres of activity on the mental and the elevation of the former by the
plane, and through the organised sea serpent." — G. TUBNER, Samoa, p. 288.
vehicles ; and the miiid derives know Rangi and Papa, or Heaven and
Earth, were the source from which, in
ledge from the Higher Self (sun) and the beginning, all things originated.
the lower self (moon), and from the Darkness then rested upon the heaven
mental faculties, the senses, etc. For and upon the earth, and they still both
clave together, for they had not yet been
the lower nature (earth) yields experi
rent apart " (New Zealand Myth). —
ences of many kinds, of which those G. GREY, Polynesian Mythology.
that are capable of transmutation are " The order of creation, according to
by this means conveyed to the causal - Hawaiian folk-lore, was that after heaven
and earth had been separated, and the
body (house) for its nourishment and
ocean had been stocked with its animals,
growth. All this archetypal develop the stars were created, then the moon,
ment is preparation for the Separa then the sun. In this order the Marquesan
tion or Fall, when Spirit and Matter legend agrees with the Hawaiian, and
become apart and distinct in opera both agree exactly with the Babylonian
legend of the cuneiform inscriptions."—
tion and function. This "fall" A. FOBNANDER, Polynesian Race, Vol. I.
extends not only from above to p. 76.
below, but as " separateness " it is The stocking of the astral plane
universal in nature. (sea)with the desires (animals), is
" What, then, is the thing against
followed by the awakening of mind
which we have to strive in our eftorts (stars), the personality (moon), and
to achieve the good ? It is just the one
general tendency to separatemess, to then the incarnate Self (sun). This
particularism, which is a feature of is the true order of appearance in
material existence. The downward ten the growth of the soul regarded from
dency in morals is always towards par below in the cycle of evolution. In
ticularism, just as the upward tendency
ia towards wholeness." — K. J. CAMPBELL, the period of involution there is a
Serm., The Sense of Sin. reverse order as in Genesis. First the
See ANIMALS, ARROGANT, ATTACH Self or higher Individuality (sun) in
MENT, BONDAGE, CITY, EARTH, FALL, germ within the world -soul ; then
AM, KAMA, LOTOS, the germ of personality (moon) on
MAN, MOON, SERPENT (water), SHEEP the astral plane, and lastly the mental
(lost), SPIRIT, SUFFERING, SUIT. faculties (stars) on the plane of mind.
" Of old, Heaven and Earth were not (4) Cheted = Mercy.
yet separated, and the In and Yo (Chinese (5) Geburah = Severity or Judgment.
Yin and Yang) not yet divided." — W. G. (G) Tiphereth = Beauty.
ASTON, Shinto, p. 84. (7) Netzach = Victory.
" For air and aether are separated from (8) Hod = Glory.
the surrounding mass ; and the surround (!)) Yesod = Foundation.
ing mass is infinite in quantity." — (10) Malkuth = The Kingdom."
Anaxagorcu, FAIRBANKS, 2. " To the first world of Atziluth are
For Spirit and Matter are external referred Kether, Chokmah and Binah :
from the Absolute ; to the second world of Brink are allocated
Chesed, Geburah and Tiphereth." — Ibid.,
duality proceeds from Unity — the pp. 31. 33.
Ultimate Reality. The first three Sephiroth are on
" But before thesewere separated, when
the highest planes, the next three
all things were together, not even was
any colour clear and distinct, for the are on the mental plane. Chesed
mixture of all things prevented it." — (merit) signifies the individuality ;
Ibid., 4. Qeburah (demerit) the personality, and
But ere the forthgoing of the Divine Tiphereth the perfected causal-body
Life took place, when no appearance and ego. Netzaeh and Hod signify
was made manifest, no sign was shown respectively the soul's triumph over
of maya : for all as yet was in the the lower nature, and the treasure laid
Absolute, and relativity was not up in heaven. Yesod is a symbol of
apparent. the physical body through which
experience is gained and progress
COSMOS, CREATION, CRONTJS, DARK made possible. Malkttih is the buddhic
NESS, HEAVEN AND EARTH, IN principle which brings about the
VOLUTION, KAMA, KHIEN, MAYA transmutation of the lower into the
These ten conditions of being con
stitute with their relations a scheme Symbolic of modes of functioning
of life in the invisible and visible on the lower planes from an astro-
spheres, and they indicate the means mental centre. They represent
of the soul's progress to perfection. empty forms of faith ; sectarian
" According to the Zohar, the Sep presentations under which truth la
hiroth are comparable to chariots for the buried ; formal creeds devoid of
degrees of the Divine Essence, and the spiritual life, — desire-mental in
word degrees, which is used very fre character.
quently in the text, illustrates after a " Moreover, we often cling to the out
simple manner the idea of gradations worn shell (or tomb) of a spiritual truth,
in the nature of the Presence as the and hope vainly for its re-vindication
spheres of manifestation proceed further before the gaze of the world, when the
from the centre. The supernal world truth itself has risen to a higher plane
contains the highest degrees of which of expression and power over the human
the human mind can conceive by the heart." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The
intellection of faith, and Kether, Chokmah, Resurrection Life.
Binah form a unity therein." — A. E. " The true plane of religious belief lies,
WATTE, Secret Doctrine in Israel, p. 33. not where hitherto the Church has placed
The three highest states are the it, — in the sepulchre of historical tradi
supreme Self (Kether), the involved tion, but in man's own mind and heart ;
Self (Chokmah), and the principle of it is not, that is to say, the objective
and physical, but the subjective and
matter (Binah), in which Spirit is in spiritual ; and its appeal is not to the
volved. senses but to the soul." — The Perfect
" The Sephiroth are conventionally
Way, Preface.
described thus :
= the Crown. See DEATH or OSIRIS, LAZARUS,
(1) Kether
(2) Chokmah
(3) Binah — Understanding. SUNDAY, THBOAT, TOMB.
SERAPHIM :— for the period in which He lived, but for
all periods of the history of the world.
A symbol of higher laws by which He gave to men seeds of thought which
the buddhic plane is secluded, and were to be developed in proportion as
the lower consciousness is cut oil the world developed. But the plain
from the higher. reason for the mystery of Christ's sayings
See CHERUBIM. is this, that all the highest truths are by
their nature mystical, above and beyond
SERAPIS :— the power of the intellect acting by itself.
The super-intellectual lies beneath our
A symbol of the Second Logos, or science, our theology, our philosophy,
Higher Self. even our art. Many of the conclusions
" of science as well as those of theology
Philarchus says that Serapis, in the
proper meaning of the word, signifies, — and philosophy are deduced from intui
Him who disposed the universe into its tions, which we cannot demonstrate. . . .
The man who lives much with Christ,
present beautiful order." — PLUTAKCH, 1st*
and Osiris, § 29. that is, with divine humanity, feols the
" Serapis " signifies principles which rule the spiritual life
outgoing activity cf man. These principles were felt and
and the formative aspect of the stated by Christ." — STOPFOBD A. BROOKE,
Divine nature. Serm., Individuality.
" You know how possible it is to see
" It is evident that the nature of
Serapis and the Sun is one and indi a thing instantly and not. know quite
visible." " Talismanic gems very com why you see it ; it often takes reason
monly bear the full length figure or the a good while to catch up with intuition."
bust of Serapis, with the legend, — ' There — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Sources, etc.
is but one God, and he is Serapis,' or See BLESSING OF GOD, BLISS, IN
The Gnostics, etc.', pp. 160, 172.
The sun is a symbol of the Higher
Self, the one Living God (Serapis). SERPENT :—
See APIS, BULL (primeval), OSIRIS, A symbol of the inner forces of
SUN. the relative existence, which appear
and again disappear, by which the
SERMON ON THE MOUNT:— growth of the soul is accomplished.
A symbolic statement of aspira These forces are dual, and of the
tion and attainment. A beatific higher and lower natures. They act
vision of seemingly Utopian ideals in reciprocally although in opposition.
which the true relationship of the The higher serpent is atma-buddhic,
Soul to the Infinite is perceived by the lower serpent kama-manasic.
the Intuition. In that blissful state The first is of the Wisdom-nature
of soul, the incarnate Self not only and the second of the Desire-nature,
regards this relationship as some and each is active through the
thing abstract, but rather sees the mind.
application of the vision to the needs " Heaven was not, earth was not, the
and requirements of humanity. The good and evil serpents did not exist "
blessings and exhortations of the (Hkiinl Papyrus). — SAYCE, Gifford Lectures,
Christ are extended to all those p. 233.
who do the will of the " Father This signifies the state of being
which is in heaven," — and that stead prior to manifestation, when Spirit
fast approximating of the soul to (heaven) and Matter (earth) were
its Prototype indeed suffices to bring latent in the Divine Monad. There
its own rich reward. Passing by the was no relativity, and the higher
crude interpretation usually put upon and lower forces of the World-soul
parts of the vision, it needs to be were not present.
viewed through the Intuitions, which "Homage be to the serpents, which ever
will show, not only that it indicates aro on earth, and they that are in the
the purest and most practical eco air, and they that are in the sky, to those
nomic system of society, but that its serpents be homage ! Whatever serpents
symbology is also applicable to higher there are in these three worlds, to them
departments of nature than those with the Sacrificer thereby does homage." —
which the critic and the student are Sola. Br&h. VII. 4, 1, 28.
Here the " serpents
" are
generally familiar. designated
" We may ask why it was that Christ as of three orders, kamic (earth),
manasic (air) and buddhic (sky).
expressed Himself in so mystical a manner.
Itwas partly because Ho spoke not only As these forces on the three planes
" The god . lv-.-m;i] .!us frequently
(worlds) exist for the express purpose
appeared in the form of a serpent. . . .
of soul -development, the ego (sacrificer)
Serpents were everywhere connected with
acclaims the wisdom and love of the his worship." — Smith's Class. Diet.
" In ancient mythology the serpent is
sometimes used as an emblem of the
intelligence of God, and at other"
of the subtlety of the evil one (Serpent-
worship). — GARDNEK, Faiths of the World.
" The serpent has had a good meaning A symbol of the buddhic forces
given to it, and a very bad one. It has acting through the mind, which
been an emblem of wisdom, and par raise and heal the soul.
excellence, the symbol of sin. With a pair
" As Moses lifted up the serpent in the
of wings it became the Seraph. Curled
up in a circle it has stood for time without wilderness, even so must the Son of man
end." — BARLOW, Essays on Symbolism, be lifted up." — JOHN iii. 14.
p. 37. As the moral law (Moses) points
See AIDONEUS, BOAT (serpent), CADU- to and exalts wisdom (serpent) in
CEUS,DKAGON, NAASENE, OPHIONEUS, the arena of the soul's lower nature,
SCORPION, SEKKH, VITAL AIRS, VRITRA, so the Son of mind, —the Christ-soul,
WISDOM. — must be exalted when tho soul is
sufficiently evolved, or perfected.
A symbol of the Cycle of Life, MAN, WILDERNESS.
which is inclusive of the higher and
lower forces (serpents) of existence. SERPENT DAHAKA:—
Narayana, with whom Vishnu is A symbol of the unreal astro-
identified, the oldest of all beings, -who, mental lower principle, or illusion
carried on the coils of Sesha or Ananta, of the manasic function and sense
the serpent ' without end," the symbol of separateness.
of eternity, appeared at the beginning " Thraetona
of things floating above the primordial (Frcdun) of the Hero
waters." — BAHTH, tribe, who smote the Serpent (Ashi)
Rtligions of India, Dahaka which had three mouths, three
p. 169.
heads, six eyes, a thousand spies ; which
The Spirit of Truth, from whom was of enormous strength, a devastator
arises the Higher Self (Vishnu), calls of the settlements, and what was a de
into being in time and space the cycle stroyer which Angra Mainyush produced
of Life (Sesha) at the commencement of in the material world for the destruc
tion of the settlements of righteousness."
a solar universe. Then the Spirit — Homa Yasht, HAIL, Essays.
of Truth broods over the expanse of " Thraetona or Fredun from the
the Divine Reality.
" Hero tribe " signifies that the Third
Moreover, the Naasenes say that the
Serpent is the Moist Essence — just as did
Divine outpouring is a Conqueror
Thales the Milesian." — HIPPOLYTUS, Fhilo- from the Celestial hierarchies, and he
tophumena. gives the deathblow to illusion. The
Here the cycle of Life is identified " Serpent Dahaka " is the sense of
with the primordial reality — Truth separateness which continues to en
(celestial water). snare until the soul has advanced
See BALARAMA, CIRCLE OF EXIST considerably ; hence the strength re
ENCE, KHWAN, LEVIATHAN, MOIST quired to circumvent it is great.
ESSENCE, NARAYANA, VISHNU, WATER. The " three mouths " are Lust, Envy,
and Greed ; the
" three heads," Igno
SERPENT APEP :— rance, Falsity, and Pride ; the " six
" are various perceptive functions.
SERPENT ^SCULAPIUS The " spies " are symbolic of limita
tion, i.e. the inclination to trust in
A symbol of the Higher Self, who " flesh " instead of the Spirit.
is the Divine healer by means of the
forces of the buddhic plane, — those The great creator of illusion — the
astro-mental " Serpent " — is said to
spiritual forces which harmonise
the qualities and " raise the dead to devastate the soul, inasmuch as it is
life," that is, transmute the lower the cause of the sense of desolation,
into the higher. emptiness, and satiety, which follows
the protracted employment of the SERPENT KING ; NAGA KING :—
sense-nature and lower mind. The A symbol of wisdom and
desire-mind (Angra Mainyush) is the enlightenment.
great creator of this illusory principle, See AQATHODJEMON.
and it is only after it has fully func
and disappeared, that the
planes below it which have been used
for the evolution of righteousness,
can be said to be destroyed. A symbol of Atma-buddhl-manas,
the consummation of human evolu
A symbol of the selfishness which A symbol of Wisdom of the higher
takes possession of the mind, and planes.
is full of greed and falsity. See CROWN (upper), EGYPT (higher),
Keresaspa, youthful hero who wore
a side-lock and carried a club, who
slew the Serpent Srvara, which devoured SERPENT OF THE NORTH,
horses and men, which was poisonous EGYPT :—
and yellow, and over which yellow poison
flowed." — Homa Yasht, HAUO. Essays. A symbol of the lower emotions,
" " signifies the which proceed from the union of
Keresaspa strenu
ous path of Devotion to ideals.
mind and desire. Northern Egypt
" side-lock " is a is a symbol of the lower mind or
symbol of intuition. astro-mental nature.
The " club " is a symbol of the power " By serpents, in the Word, are signi
of the higher emotions. The lower fied sensual things, which are tho ultimates
nature has to be disciplined through of man's life, and sensual things are the
the Love-element, which conquers lowest of the understanding and will,
selfishness (the Serpent Srvara). The being a close contact with the world,
and nourished by its objects and delights."
self-centred lower nature has hitherto — SWEDENBOHQ, Apoc. Rev., n. 455.
asserted itself through its immediate See CROWN (lower), EGYPT (lower),
desires so as to swallow up, or else UATCHIT.
exclude, the mental faculties, — lower
and higher ("horses and men"). SERPENT, LOUD-BREATHING :—
The " yellow " and " poison " of the A symbol of the sense-nature and
" serpent " are symbolic of its desires, which so strongly
greed and falsity. attract the attention of the ego and
See CLUB, H .\m (side-lock), HORSE,
draw it downwards to matter.
" And I entered the walls of
I went down into Egypt, and my com
panions parted from me. I betook me
straight to the serpent. Hard by his
SERPENT, MIGHTY, OF ANGRA- dwelling I abode, waiting till he could
MAINYU :— slumber and sleep, and I could take my
This symbol serves to indicate pearl from him." — Hymn of the Soul,
from the Acts of Judas Thomas.
subtle nature of that illusory
lower self which first ensnares the I then entered the condition of
ego, but which ultimately proves thought wherein mind must needs
the means of enlightening the limit and define everything.
evolving soul. I became immersed hi self-seeking,
" We have to achieve our own fallen low, and in Egyptian darkness.
and we can only do so by overcoming And my companions, Truth and
that which seems to be the negation of Hope, departed from me.
it, but is in reality the indispensable
means for the manifestation of the
Ibetook me headlong to the realm
eternal glory." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., of the senses, —
The Flesh Transfigured. Nigh whose centres of astral activity
See AHRIMAN, ANGRA -MAINYU. did my consciousness have its abode,
Waiting until the cycle of the Monstrous image, viz. the properties of
dominance of the senses was ended, the Dark World, namely, the Devils
introduced Desire, which now had its
And I
could capture the experience seat in the Monstrous image — in the
that through it should come to me, Serpent's essence. In this instant all
Taking unto me my Pearl, — the the forms of subtlety and craftiness did
treasure laid up for me in Heaven. awake in the Human Mystery." — JACOB
BOCHME, Mysterium Majnum, p. 92.
See CONSCIOUSNESS, EGYPT, EX " Desire is appetite with consciousness
PERIENCE, FALL, GNOSIS, LETTER, thereof. . . . Desire is the actual essence
MAISHAN, PEARL, PHODIOAL, ROBE, of man, in so far as it is conceived as
SEALED LETTER, TREASURE. determined to a particular activity by
some given modification of itself." —
SPINOZA, Ktltics, Bohn, Vol. II. 137, 173.
ANY BEAST OF THE (earth), CURSE (ground), DEVXL, EVE,
A symbol of the desire-mind, which NATION OF SOULS, MARA, MXDGARD'S
is more penetrative and captivating SERPENT, MILK (goat), TREE OF KNOW
to the ego than any of the lower
desires (beasts).
" The in the Genesis story, SERPENT, SOLAR :—
which ever after crawled upon the ground,
is the allegorical symbol of man's lower
A symbol of the Higher Self, or
animal desires, which had only come to manifesting Logos, as arising from
be recognised as lower when it was seen the darkness of potentiality.
that they resisted the upward striving " The symbol, then, of Agathodaimon
towards an ideal. The subtilty of the as Logos was the Serpent of Wisdom,
serpent in its conversation with Eve ... in his sun-aspect, symbolised as a
represents the struggle within man's serpent with a lion's head." — G. R. S.
mind, the wavering between his upward MEAD, T. O. Hermes, Vol. I. p. 480.
impulses and the insidious attractiveness " O dazzling Sun, who shed'st thy
of his downward tendencies. . . . Man beams on all the world ! Thou art the
was now in a position to choose delibe mighty Serpent, the chief of all the Gods,
rately in any given instance whether he O thou who dost possess Egypt's begin
would strive upwards, or obey the animal "
ning and the end of all the world (A
nature which pulled in the opposite —
prayer, Hermetic). C. WESSELY, Papyri
direction." — A. H. M'NKH i:, Expository Grose.
Times, June 1906. The Higher Self (sun) is adored as
Sin is a subtle, elusive, inapprehen
sible thing, if we attempt to grasp all the Divine Life manifesting through
its movements. We understand why in the cycle of existence (the serpent) ;
the first sin it took as its first typical outpouring in the beginning on the
representation the figure of the serpent, mental plane (Egypt), and at the end
which cheats the eye with sinuous changes
of place continually, refuses to be located, indrawing from the lower nature
and while it leaves no doubt ot its (world).
existence is seen only in flashes and " As there is a serpent below which is
a wavering indistinctness." — PHILLIPS still at work in the world, so there is a
BROOKS, Mystery of Iniquity, p. 3. sacred serpent above which watches over
" In
Egypt, in India, in Scandinavia, mankind in all the roads and pathways
in Mexico, we find clear allusions to the and restrains the power of the impure
same great truth (of the god crushing the serpent
" — A. E. WAITE, Secret
serpent). The evil genius,' says Wilkin Doctrine in Israel, p. 87.
son, ' of the adversaries of the Egyptian See AOATHADAIMON, LION, SERPENT
god Horus is frequently figured under
(ananta), SUN, WISDOM (masc.).
the form of a snake, whose head he is
seen piercing with a spear. The same
fable occurs in the religion of India, SERPENT OF THE WATER :—
where the malignant serpent Calyia is A symbol of the desire-mind in
slain by Vishnu in his avatar of Krishna ; its lowest phase of activity, giving
and the Scandinavian deity Thor was the sense of separateness, and pro
said to have bruised the head of the
ducing deceit, craft, cunning, cruelty,
great serpent with his mace.' Among the
Mexicans, we find Humboldt and other low egoistic qualities.
that ' The serpent crushed by the great " And Lemminkainen wont down into
spirit Teotl, \tt the genius of evil.' " — the abysses of Manala, the abode of the
A. HISLOP, The Two Babylon*, p. 60. dead. But there, near the river, lay in
" But now when
they had eaten, the wait for him the evil-minded shepherd
Wrath of God's anger did awake in the whom he had despised, and when Lem-
roinkainen camo near, this shepherd SERPENTS, TWO PRIMORDIAL :—
pulled from the waters a monstrous
serpent and hurled it against him. The
Symbols of Time and Space, or
viper penetrated into the very belly of of Limitation and Matter.
the hero, and he died, thinking on his
mother." — DOM. COMPARKTTI, Traditional
Poetry of the Finns, p. 86. TO ILLUMINE THE NIGHT :—
And the Higher Self descended to Symbolic of the higher emotions
the underworld, the abode of the (buddhic) uniting with mind and
personality (dead). But there, near producing virtues in the soul.
the astral region (river), were the Nine gods and twelve goddesses,
lower instincts (the shepherd) deve who sing praises unto Ra as he entereth
the Tuat, and twelve serpents which
loped unchecked. And when the belch forth the fire that gives light to
Higher Self approached the soul, the lighten the god on his way. . . . The
lower instincts working on the astral serpent goddesses sing hymns to him,
plane became directed by the newly and they lighten the darkness by pouring
out fire from their mouths " (Book oj
aroused desire-mind (serpent), acting
Am-Tuat). — BUDGE Egypt. Heaven and
from its centre as a separate self, and Hell, Vol. III. p. 107.
thus killing out the inner spiritual Fire is a symbol of spirit, and the
influence. But the soul is to be saved higher qualities are in harmony (sing)
through Buddhi (the Mother). with the Self (Ra) as he enters the
See ANORA-MAJNYU, CRANBERRY, cycle of Life (the Tuat) on the buddhic
DEAD, DEATH OF BALDER, OF LEM- plane. At this high level the lower
MINKAINEN, DHBITA-RASHTRA, HODER, qualities are unapparent, or rather,
LEMMINKAINEN, MANALA, MARJATTA, they belong to the lower planes
MOTHER (divine), NORTH, PERSONALITY, which do not affect the higher. The
SEPARATENESS, SHEPHERDS, UNDER state of soul represented is that of
WORLD, VISCERA, WATER (lower). Edenic bliss.
" The beauty of Wisdom, which is the
SERPENT, THE HISSING :— body of Philosophy (the glorious Lady
A symbol of the desire-mind, Beatrice), results from the order of the
with its knowledge of good and Moral Virtues which visibly make that
evil, or the distinctions of relativity. joy. And, therefore, I say that her beauty,
It assumes the attitude of tempter, which is Morality, rains down little flames
of fire, meaning direct desire, which ia
subtle and deceitful, that is, illusory in the pleasure of the Moral
(mayavic). The " hissing " signifies
Doctrine." — DANTE Ain.iin.ni. The Ban
the activity of the senses, which dig quet, HI. Ch. XV.
channels for themselves in the lower See APES (nine), BEATRICE,
" After this, Set changed himself into
a serpent which hissed loudly, and he PRAISE OF GOD, RA, SINGERS, SONO,
nought out a hole for himself in the
ground wherein he hid himself and TUAT, TWELVE, WISDOM.
lived" (Legend of the Winged Sun-disk). — SERVANT OF GOD :—
BUDGE, Qoda of the Egyptians.
And following this stage of evolu A symbol of the incarnate Self, or
tion, " evil " (Set) acquired the capa Christ-soul, awakening in humanity,
and subjected to the buffetings of
bility of tempter (serpent) from having
the lower nature.
the knowledge of good and evil. " Behold
The " hole," or " bottomless pit," is my servant shall deal wisely,
he shall be exalted and lifted up, and
the sense-nature, which is never shall be very high." — Is. lii. 13.
satisfied and has no ending in the lower " For he grew up before him
nature (ground). The " hiding " and Lord) as a tender plant, and as a root
" living " signify the latent power (or branch) out of a dry ground : he
hath no form nor comeliness ; and when
which the desire-mental nature acquires we see him, there is no beauty that we
in the process of the evolution of should desire him. He was despised,
biuldhi in the soul. and rejected of men ; a man of sorrows
BEAST, PIT, and acquainted with grief. . . . He was
wounded for our transgressions, he was
BUDDHI, DHRITA-RASHTRA, EVIL, bruised for our iniquities : the chastise
FIEND, GROUND, HEAD OF HORUS, ment of our peace was upon him, and with
ILLUSION, PIT, POLE, SET. tun stripes we are healed." — Is. liii. 2-6.

The incarnate Self, trom lowly begin be satisfied in the raising of the quali
nings in the soul, shall maintain ties. By manifestation of truth from
righteousness and truth, and so shall within, the incarnate Self will make
become exalted and be ruler over all perfect the imperfect, and so will of
qualities at the cycle's end. himself rectify the shortcomings of
For from a Divine germ he grew up many souls.
in the power of the Self (Lord) as a Therefore in the end he shall be
feeble desire, and as a living thing requited in the increased efficiency of
out of a barren soil. He hath no the higher qualities, because he under
attractiveness to the perception of went deprivation of them, and gave
the lower qualities ; when these per himself as a sacrifice for the saving of
ceive him, they find in him nothing to the souls of humanity.
admire and follow after. He was See ARC. MAN, BONDAGE, EVOLU
despised and rejected by the mental TION, GUARDIAN SPIRITS, IGNORANCE,
qualities attached to desire and sense, INVOLUTION, JESUS (servant), JOB,
and in sorrow and suffering he mani PASSION, SORROW, SOUL, SUFFERING,
fested within the little developed soul. TOMB, WICKED, WILL.
It is through the transgressions and
imperfection of the lower nature that
the Self within is obscured. The A symbol of those qualities In
disciplining of the qualities to bring subordinate positions which watch
over and preserve the interests of
about peace, or union with the Divine,
activities which need to be directed
is the work required of him, and by
by service or careful attention.
his spiritual energy the qualities are " And there shall be no more curse :
perfected. but the throne of God and of the Lamb
" From oppression and judgment he
shall be in it ; and his servants shall
was taken away ; and as for his genera serve him." — REV. xxii. 3.
tion, who considered that he was cut off
There shall be no more limitation
out of the land of the living ? for the
transgression of my people was he stricken. of the soul to the lower planes : but
And they made his grave with the wicked the causal-body, the seat of the
and with the rich in his death ; because united Higher and evolved Self, shall
he had done no violence, neither was any
be exalted within it ; and the glorified
deceit in his mouth." — Is. liii. 8, 9.
The incarnate Self in the period of qualities shall minister to keep clear
involution, having at last fully attained the way of the Spirit, that its efful
gence may manifest freely.
self-limitation (oppression), was un-
manifest, for his Divine life was cut
off and no longer active in the cycle.
To prepare for the descent of the
spiritual egos to the lower planes was SERVITUDE :— -
the Self sacrificed. For the egos Symbolic of the state of the soul
required the Self to be immured in when the ego is under the thraldom
ignorance and illusion, and obscured of the desire- and sense-natures.
with the multiplicity of objects of See BONDAGE, CAPTIVITY.
sense. For he was now passive in
complete involution, and perfected SET, OR TYPHON :—
for the evolution that was to follow. A symbol of the power of dark
" He shall see of the travail of his soul ness, Ignorance, limitation, the
and shall be satisfied : by his knowledge desire-mind, relativity, or the
shall my righteous servant justify many : adversary of the Self.
and he shall bear their iniquities." — " When Set saw the fate of his friends,
Is. liii. 11.
The incarnate Self, the Archetypal he uttered awful imprecations, and
because of his foul words, the fiend was
Man, having become " an offering for ever after called Nehaha." — Legend of
sin" (verse 10) prolongs his days the Winged Sun-disk.
through the period of evolution in When the power of illusion was
the souls of men, and fulfils the vanquished, he uttered the opposites
Divine will. He shall perceive that of truth and goodness ; and on
his labour is not in vain, and shall account of his opposition to the
absolute good, he is known as nega to itself in its lower aspect and realises
tion. its powers in the soul. On the buddhic
" Suti or Set, the personification of plane (my empire) there shall be no
darkness, and the mighty antagonist of
Horus, by whom he was slain." — BUDOK, struggle, no evil nor good, no ignorance,
Book of the Dead, p. 57. no death of forms, in involution.
A symbol of hope, or mental Symbolic of manifested worlds
desire for immortality, a sense of primordially containing the monads
the real within. of life and form. In this "golden
" And Eve bare a son, and called his age," the egos functioning through
name Seth : for, said she, God hath the quaternary dwell prosperously
appointed me another seed instead of and are at peace. There Is no
Abel ; for Cain slew him."— -GEN. iv. 25. strife. Time passes unheeded in
And the lower emotion-nature ex this condition of peaceful involution
pands and realises more of the on the Lunar and Terrene globes.
nature within the soul, so that it is See GOLDEN AGE, INVOLUTION,
vouchsafed Hope (Seth). The emotion- KAHSHVARES, LUNAR CHAIN, PLANET
nature (Eve) now realises that it may ARY CHAIN, REGIONS, Y&RA.
be receptive of that which cannot be
taken away, — hope being a promise SEVEN, NUMBER :—
of eternal life. The self (lower) is This is a perfect number and
slain by the Self (higher), but this signifies completion or consumma
perception of the real Self shall not tion. It follows six, which stands
be slain. for completeness of process . Applied
" And all the days of Seth were nine chronologically, seven indicates the
hundred and twelve years ; and he died." beginning and the ending of a cycle,
— GEN. v. 8. — " alpha and omega."
And the period (12) during which " Numbers in the Word signify things,
this stage of Hope continued was in and all things and all, and thence
conformity with its own nature : and also what is full and perfect, — conse
quently, this number involves what is
at length it also is dispersed.
holy, and in an opposite sense, what ia
See ABEL, BEGETTING, CAIN, EVE. profane." —SWEDENBORO, Apoc, Rev, n. 10.
" What is conveyed to us in the number
SETTLEMENTS :— seven, saving the sum of perfection t
A symbol of manifested worlds for to say nothing of the arguments of
and forms, or globes as the arena human reasoning which maintain that it
of life. is therefore perfect, because it consists
" of the first even number, and of the first
Then Ahura-mazda said : Thou, uneven ; of the first that is capable of
O Yima ! . . . enclose my settlements ; division, and of the first that is incapable
then shalt thou become the conservator, of it ; we know most certainly that holy
and herdsman, and protector of my Scripture is wont to put the number
settlements. Then Yima answered : I seven for perfection, whence also it tella
will enclose thy settlements ; I will us that on the seventh day the Lord
become the conservator and the herdsman rested from all His works. . . . Thus
and the protector of thy settlements ; '
there were born to him (Job) seven
in my empire there shall be no cold wind ' ' '
sons (JOB i. 2), namely the Apostles
nor hot, no fog, no death." — Vendidad, II. manfully issuing forth to preach ; who
The Supreme points out that the in putting in practice the precepts of
first thing to be done is that the perfection, as it were, maintained in
their life the courage of the superior sex.
Divine Life should enter the forms, For hence it is that twelve of them were
so that the Higher Self (Yima) should chosen who should be replenished with
become thereby related as an over the perfection of the sevenfold grace of
shadowing guardian and organiser of the Spirit.
.4 + 3>= 7, 4X3=-= 12."
The three sisters, daughters of Job,
the lower planes. On its part, the
represent throe virtuous affections." —
Higher Self is ready to gather its ST. GREOORY THE GREAT, Morals on tht
own members together when it comes Book of Job, Vol. I. pp. 40, 53.
The sons and daughters of Job, essence being dynamic, replete, and
fecundating, and the other being
and all Job's possessions, represent
static, receptive, and reproductive.
the higher qualities on the buddhic
This primal duality is known as
plane which were taken from the Spirit and Matter. Spirit first im
incarnate Self (Job) on his descent pregnates Matter with all formatives
into the lower nature of the soul. and qualities in the process of Invo
See HIKOBOSHI, JOB, KARSHVARES, lution ; then subsequently Matter
PLANES, REGIONS, ROOT - RACES, reproduces forms, qualities, and
ROUND, SHEEP, Six, SUMMER. Spirit in the process of Evolution.
Spirit is therefore called male and
SEVENTH DAY:— Matter female ; or the first, God,
See SABBATH. and the second, Goddess.
" Self-consciousness cannot be expressed
SEVENTH HOUR OF THE NIGHT in terms of material things. The inner
OF THE TUAT :— world of Spirit and the outer world of
This symbolises the first period Matter are to our experience two, not
one, and nothing can make them one.
of evolution, after the close of the
Fundamentally, no doubt, they are from
six periods of Involution. The cycle the same source, but in their manifeata-
of life Is taken as made up of twelve tion they are an irresolvable duality.
periods, — six for the process of Invo What is matter ? It is a means to the
lution of all the qualities into matter, expression of spirit. And what is spirit t
and six for their evolution from It is the eternal substance, that which is.
matter. The Intermediate state Spirit is ever in a state of becoming, ever
between Involution and evolution Is uttering itself, and yet through all
eternity can never exhaust its own
a state of pralaya or quiescence,
potentialities, for these are limitless.
sometimes called a "day of rest"; Matter and time imply each other, but
this Is not counted in the twelve spirit transcends time. The only raitmn
divisions of the Tuat or the Zodiac, d'etre for human existence which com
because it Is a negative state. The pletely satisfies our questioning minds aa
first point of the sign Libra indi well as our aspiring souls is that human
cates the perfect or balanced condi and divine are a solidarity, and that the
tion of things from which evolution former has been subjected to its present
limitations that the latter may manifest
starts . truth, beauty, goodness, and love." —
Se>i ADAMAS, yEoNS (twelve), EVO R. J. CAMPBELL, Serin., The Creator Spirit.
LUTION, INVOLUTION, LIBRA, SABBATH, " Give birth Shu and Tefnut, Seb
TUAT, ZODIAC. and Nut. Give birth Seb and Nut to
Osiris, Horus-Khent-an-maati, Set, Isis,
SEXUAL UNION :— Nephthys from the womb." — BUDGE,
Gods of the Egyptians, Vol. I. p. 313.
A symbol of the union of mind From Spirit (Shu) and Matter (Tef
and emotion or desire, which re nut), are born Time (Seb) and Space
sults in the progeny of Ideas and
feelings. (Nut). The Higher Self (Osiris) arises
" The with the Incarnate Self (Horus) in
in the twelve .(Eons below
hated Pistis
Sophia, because she had potency. Also there are brought
ceased to do their mystery — sexual forth the relative not-Self (Set), the
union, — and desired to go into the height buddhic principle (Isis), and the
and be above all."' — Pistis Sophia. physical (Nephthys).
The lower nature, like Joseph's
All the Gods are on the Spirit,
brethren, hates the Higher, because
Love, Time, Mind, and Desire sides
it does not comprehend it. It also of manifestation. All the Goddesses
rebels at first at the discipline which
are on the Matter, Wisdom, Space,
is entailed by conforming to the
Emotion, and Sensation sides of the
aspiration which is from Above. same.
When the Divine Monad, or World- NUT, OSIRIS, SEB, SEPARATION, SET,
egg, divides into two essences, the SHU, SPIRIT, SUBSTANCE, TEFNUT,
sex principle is shown in the one URANUS.
A symbol of the personality, which HEEL, INCARNATION OF SOULS, INDI
during incarnation has apparently to VIDUALITY, IRRIGATION, KA, LAZARUS,
do the work for the production of MAN, MORTAL MIND, PERSONALITY,
spiritual food to nourish and develop PLOUGHING, SAND, SEEDS (good), SOUL,
the causal -body. The personality SOWING, WATER.
ploughs and sows in the lower
nature of the soul. SHADOW OR DARKNESS :—
" I lift up the hand of the man who A symbol, in its higher aspect,
is inactive. I have come from the city of potentiality, the unmanlfest ; and
of Unna (Hermopolis). I am the divine in its lower, of matter or illusion.
Soul which liveth, and I lead with me
the hearts of the apes " (Book of the Dead, See DARKNESS, NIGHT.
Ch.V). — BUDGE, Egyptian Magic, p. 71. SHADOW- IMAGE :—
The " inactive man " is the causal- See TZELEM.
body, latent of itself, and entirely
dependent for its development, upon SHAI, GOD OF LUCK OR
the activities of the personality (lower DESTINY :—
mind, — ape) attached to it. The A symbol of the material relation
Divine Soul, or Individuality (Higher of the individuality, and refers to
Self emerging) is immortal, and has the personality. The physical life
his seat in the higher mind -centre being to a great extent independent
of the control of the soul itself, and
(Unna), and is the Christ to lead
under the divine guidance of the
upward the love-nature of the Lords of Karma, so the happenings
personalities (hearts of the apes). which beset the physical body are
The Divine soul pleads : — not to be conceived of as anything
" Let the judgment fall upon thee in
but illusory, and, as it were, in the
stead of upon me always, in the matter nature of chance, since they are but
of sowing the fields, of filling the water temporary combinations of condi
courses with water, and of bringing the
sands from east to the west. After these tions which are conducive to such
words comes the answer by tho (shabti) growth as will afford the Divine
Verily I am here, and will do life within the means for its expan
whatsoever thou biddest me to do.' " — sion and development.
Let the responsibility for develop KAMA, KARMA, MOIRAE, PERSON
ment fall upon thee, rather than upon ALITY, SHENIT, THEMIS.
me always, for I am unable without
thy co-operation, to sow the seeds of SHARP AIR, OR EVERY SORT
virtues in the lower nature, to conduct OF WIND:—
truth to the soul, and to clear away Symbolic of " wind of doctrine " ;
the low habits and opinions which diverse doctrines which are begotten
smother effort and stifle growth. of illusions of the lower mind ; or
cut and dried opinions.
To which plea of the Higher Self,
the Divine Spark in the personality
WINDS (various).
answers with loving acquiescence.
Dr. Budge explains that the Shabti SHASHERTET, A CITY OF
figures — NUBIA :—
" were placed in the coffins to do certain A symbol of a centre of poten
agricultural works for the deceased,
tiality on the higher planes (Nubia
who was supposed to be condemned to
sow the fields, to fill the canals with
in the far south).
water, and to carry sand from the Weat See CITY, NUBIA, SOUTH.
to the East." — The Mummy, pp. 211, 212.
" To these figures the Egyptian gave SHAVING THE HEAD IN GRIEF :—
the name \whabtiu, a word which is Symbolic of contrition, and readi
' '
commonly rendered by respondents or
' ness to sacrifice the highest qualities
answerers,' and they are often described
in modern times as the working figures of the lower nature for the love of God .
of Hades.' — BLDOE, Book of IJie Dead, " The Doliones taking the Argonnuts
Vol. I. p. Ixviii. to be their enemies the Pelosgians,
attacked them by night, and several of have sought after."
" What is signified
the Dolioneg, and among them Cyzicus by ' sheep ' but the innocency of our
their king, lost their lives. With day thoughts ? What is signified by ' sheep,'
light, discerning their error, the Argonauts but cleanness of heart in the good T " —
shore their hair, and shedding many ST. GREQOBY, Morals on the Book of
tears, buried Cyzicus with solemn magni Job, Vol. I. pp. 63, 115.
ficence." — The Argonautic Expedition. See DOOR (higher), FOOD (soul),
Trust is still put in the things of GOATS, HAND, JOB, LITTLE CHILDREN,
the lower planes, which are compar POOL OF BETHESDA, QUALITIES, SEVEN,
able to darkness or the night ; and SHEPHERD.
BO amid adversity the soul is again
impelled to aspire. Then ensues the SHEEP, LOST :—
conflict between the powers of dark A symbol of the spiritual ego,
ness (the illusive Pelasgians) and the or Divine spark, which separates
powers of the soul, with the result itself from the spiritual whole and
that Faith (Cyzicus) is for the time descends to incarnation on the lower
dethroned. When light comes, and planes of nature.
the soul is shown the error of its ways, " How think ye ? if a man have an
it is moved to contrition (shaving the hundred sheep, and one of them be gone
head), which is a sign of a fervent astray, doth he not leave the ninety and
nine, and goeth into the mountains, and
desire to contact the Source of Power. seeketh that which is gone astray ? And
But it is only after the " shedding of if so be that he find it, verilyI say unto
tears," i.e. the struggle for Truth and you, he rejoiceth more of that aheep than
the pains of disposing of the dead of the ninety and nine which went not
astray. Even so it is not the will of
form of its misdeeds, that harmony is your Father which is in heaven, that
restored. one of these little ones should perish."
See ARGONAUTS, CYZICUS, DARK — MAT. xviii. 12-14.
NESS, DEAD, DOLIONES, FAITH, HAIB The " sheep gone astray " stands
SHAVEN, LIGHT, NIOHT, PELASGIANS, for the spiritual ego who voluntarily
SACRIFICE, STRIFE, TEARS. undertakes to separate himself from
the Divine Whole on the highest plane.
SHEATHS OF THE SOUL :— He " goes astray " to seek wisdom
A symbol of the bodies on the lower individually, through the acquisition
planes in which the Incarnate ego of knowledge by actual experience,
gains experience of life. "
such as will qualify him to be found,"
See CASTES, VESTURES. or raised, by the Higher Self, the
SHEEP :— Divine Shepherd of the souls. Then
A symbol of the higher qualities, there is joy on the higher planes in
virtues, or living truths, which are that he has tasted that actual wisdom
and love which the potential
" ninety
the sustenance of the soul.
" By 1-1i in who provides pasture for and nine," who went not through the
sheep mankind is nourished, through the perilous vicissitudes of the lower life
sheep ; even for this reason, because which he underwent, had not tasted.
the nourishment of mankind is through No soul can perish, for Spirit is immor
tho sheep, and that of the sheep through
pasture. . . . This too, that strength in
tal and eternal : but it must be
virtue is increased and taught by Him remembered that the effort to mani
who produces joyfulness through seeking fest and acquire experience as a
gradual development." — The Dinkard, IX. " little one," or feeble embryo soul,
65, 2, 4. S. B. of E.
" And he shall set the sheep on his may prove temporarily unsuccessful, —
right hand, but the goats on the left." — a sort of celestial failure. But it is
MAT. xxv. 33. never the will of God that that which
At the end of the cycle, the Higher is begun should not be finished, or in
Self shall cause the virtues to enter other words, that the evolution of the
upon higher activities, but the desires less should not lead to its consum
(goats) shall recede into passivity mation in union with the Greater.
and extinction. " I have
gone astray like a lost sheep ;
seek thy servant ; for I do not forget
" We
possess seven thousand sheep,
when we feed the innocent thoughts thy commandments." — Ps. cadx. 176.
within our breast, in a perfect purity of " For ye were as sheep going astray ;
heart, with the food of truth which we but are now returned unto the Shepherd
and Bishop of your souls." — 1 PETER ii. Above the causal-body is the higher
i 25.
" AH nature with its Divine laws which
we like sheep have gone astray ;
we have turned every one to his own minister to the upraising of the soul.
" Enshrined within you is the true
way ; and the Lord hath laid on him the
iniquity of us all." — Is. liii. 6. Shekinah, the heavenly light, the Creator's
The spiritual egos have become life, differentiated in every one of his
children, which is so often dimmed by
differentiated on the lower planes, the encroachment of the temple wall." —
and their imperfections are to be B. WILBERFORCE, The Message of Advent.
" The first light which may be said to
rectified by the indwelling Self.
" The ' Coming of Christ ' is, from one fall on our subject is that the Shekinah
point of view, the spiritual return of the is an indwelling glory. The proper word
lost sheep of humanity into the one flock is inhabitant, for it is said that the
of loving hearts, the home-coming of the Shekinah dwells in man, being in the
separated sons of God." — J. O. ADDERLEY, heart of those who seek after good works
The Symbolism of the Mags. zealously. And more definitely : Man is
" I have willed with the world- will the House of the Shekinah. The begin
and have gone the way of all flesh. The ning of this inhabitation is when man
responsibility for all my actions falls upon makes a firm effort towards self-amend
myself. My natural character, although ment, for by such turning the Shekinah
inborn in me, is yet something that I is drawn towards him. . . . Again, it is
have myself willed ; I myself have said that the work of Shekinah below is
affirmed it. I cannot shift the respon comparable to that which the soul accom
sibility of my being on to anything else plishes in the body : more accurately still,
or anybody else ; there is only one will it is the same work, and this enables us
in the world, and I am of its essence." — to understand in what sense she is termed
W. CALDWELL, Schopenhauer's System, the soul of the Tabernacle below, which
p. 394. Tabernacle is the sacred body of man.
" In a sense, therefore, which no It is idle to decode books of secret
thoughtful mind can ever deny, you are doctrine unless they have something more
yourself the author of all your earthly definite to tell us concerning the way,
discipline, however painful ; for, being the truth and the life. . . . There have
what you are, a child of God, an offshoot been recurring intimations in these pages
of divinity, you can do no other than concerning a mystery of sex ; it is imposed
strive and suffer that the eternal divine upon me now to affirm that this is the
perfections may become manifest in mystery of the Shekinah." — A. E. WAITE,
you." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Sorm., Mani Secret Doctrine in Israel, pp. 226, 227.
festing the Works of God. Buddhi (fern.) and Manas (masc.)
See BODHISATVAS, DISCIPLES SENT, become united in the perfected soul.
A symbol of the Holy Spirit, A symbol of the astral nature
Buddhi, and its functioning on the (wood) which Is now developed and
lower planes. utilised, for the astral sheath of
" Malkhuth is the She-keen-ah, the the soul bas been formed and
Glory which hovered over the Ark of specialised. This sheath, or body
the Covenant, the female or reflection of of astral matter, is in effect a " sun
Zeir Anpeen, and is the creating Spirit." shade " or " shelter " from the rays
— I. MYKH, Qabbalah, p. 272. of the Self (sun), because, whilst
The buddhic principle is the for the astral nature interprets such
mative spirit immediately ensouling lower ranges of atomic vibrations
the causal-body (ark), and is primor- as may be collected and received
dially the m&y& or material emanation through its appropriate mechanism,
from the Absolute (Zeir Anpeen) it at the same time obscures the
which gradually brings forth all forms higher and more rapid vibrations
and qualities. sent down from the Self.
" And above " Mashya and Mashyoi prepared a
(the ark of the covenant)
cherubim of glory overshadowing the wooden shelter from the sun." — Bundahis,
mercy-seat." — HEB. ix. 6. Ch. XV. 16.
Mind and emotion having so far that they might have it more abundantly.
evolved the instinct-and desire-nature, I nm the good shepherd who giveth his
life for the sheep. . . . Therefore doth
the astral body became organised
my Father love me, because I lay down
according to the Divine scheme, and my life, that I might take it again." —
this led to the obscuration of the JOHN x. 7-17.
higher nature, which was now no Referring to the verses previous :
" sheep "
longer perceived by the lower con signify the higher qualities
sciousness. manifesting on the mental plane
See AMERDAD, ASTRAL, DATE, (sheepfold). The " door " represents
IRON (beaten), MATRO. SUN -CATCH the higher mind as the entrance from
above to the soul. The " other way
is the lower mind as the entrance
SHEM, HAM, AND JAPHET :— from below, to which the desires
See NOAH'S SONS. (thieves) climb in order to tempt and
capture the soul. The Higher Self
SHENIT :— enters by the higher " door
" ; to
A symbol of karmic agencies or him the Divine Will opens the soul,
Lords of Karma, ruling cause and and the higher qualities respond to
effect. the voice within. Verily, Christ is the
" " door," — the
May the Shenit (i.e. the divine higher way, the truth,
officers of the court of Osiris), who form and the life, — and he is the ruler of
the conditions of the lives of men, not
the higher qualities. The desires
cause my name to stink. . . . Let there
bo joy of heart unto us at the weighing (thieves), which come before the
of words." — BUDGE, Hook of the Dead, Christ, rule first the lower nature, but
Ch. XXX. the higher qualities remain latent until
The soul aspires through the Divine the Spirit stirs them from within.
law of causation which regulates the Through the Christ shall the mind be
conditions of the successive stages of raised. The ego shall go in and out
the mental qualities, and it seeks of the causal-body to liis successive
differentiation upward and not down re-incarnations wherein he shall gather
ward. W7hen the expression of the experience and the means of growth.
soul's manifestation is estimated The desire-nature (thief) is that which
(weighing of words) the bliss of the would kill out the spirit, and destroy
inner being (heart) is longed for and the germs of the higher qualities.
assured. The Christ came that these germs
" Whatever
becomes of this world and
might have life to become mature.
the greatness thereof, there can be no
destruction of any spiritual gain the race The Christ laid down his life in the
has ever achieved, for all spiritual gain involution of the prototypal human
is the revealing of Christ in the heart of soul, in order that he might take it
man." — R. J. CAMPBEJJ., Serm., Christ again in the evolution of the many
souls of humanity, and so fulfil the
MENT HA.IX, JUSTIFICATION, KARMA, Divine Law of sacrifice.
" Now the God of
peace, who brought
MAAT, MOIBAE, NAME, NECESSITY, again from the dead the great shepherd
SIIAI, SI-OSIRI, THEMIS, WORDS. of the sheep in the blood of the eternal
covenant, even our Lord Jesus, make
SHEPHERD, GOOD t— you perfect in every good thing to do
his will."— HEB. xiii. 20, 21.
A symbol of the Higher Self who The power of the Self through
leads the higher qualities upwards,
harmony raises from death in the
or tends the spiritual monads who Self,
lower nature, the incarnate
incarnate in human forms.
" Verily I say unto you, I am the door leader of the higher qualities (sheep),
of the sheep. All that ever came before within the Divine life of the individual
me are thieves and robbers : but the soul who realises the Divine nature
sheep did not hear them. I am the door : as his ideal of aspiration and eternal
by me if any man enters in, he shall be possession (covenant). The incarnate
saved, and shall go in and out and find
Self is the means of making perfect
pasture. The thief cometh not, but for
to steal, and to kill and to destroy : I in every good quality the individual
am come that they may have life, and soul, whose whole nature is thereby
brought into conformity with the with the vibrations from atma-buddhi
Divine will. (fire). Every periodic state of rest
See ABC. MAN, BISHOP, COVENANT, between incarnations, when the ego
DOOB (higher), LITTLE CHILDREN, is indrawn, there shall be set forth
RE -INCARNATION, SHEEP, SUN (door), this fruit of experience and the Spirit
THIEF. which devolves from the efforts and
aspirations of the qualities (Israelites)
SHEPHERDS :— according to the Divine law of growth.
A symbol of ambitions and other And this spiritual fruit shall become
leading emotions, which collect and the food of the spiritual mind and its
subordinate the simple qualities to ideas (Aaron and sons) for the develop
serve their ends.
" Woe be to the shepherds of Israel ment of the causal-body (holy place),
for these qualities of wisdom and love
that do feed themselves ! should not
the shepherds feed the flocks t " — EZEK. are the most perfect results following
xxxiv. 2. from the sacrifice of the lower to the
Those leading emotions are con higher, and the transmutations brought
demned which seek to satisfy them about by the eternal law.
selves, rather than minister to the
" The shewbread, literally the ' Bread
of the Faces,' or of ' the Presence,' con
growth of the virtues.
sisted of twelve loaves, which denoted
See RULEB, SEBPENT (water). '
the presence
of Jehovah himself, under
his twelve mystical faces at the altar." —
FACES :— The Divine " faces " signify the
A symbol of the higher qualities mental aspects of the higher qualities
of goodness, love, and truth, evolved showing the Truth and Love of the
upon the buddhlc plane, as the Self (Jehovah) ; that is, showing the
result of transmuted experiences
presence of the Self in the religious
below during the soul's Incarnations.
" consciousness (altar).
And thou shalt take fine flour, and " The holy place, in which was the
bake twelve cakes thereof : two tenth candlestick and the shewbread, the two
parts of an ephah shall be in one cake. great symbols of light and life, was the
And thou shalt set them in two rows, emblem of that more close and internal
six on a row, upon the pure table before converse to which Christ admitted his
the Lord. And thou shalt put pure faithful disciples and elected ones. . . .
frankincense upon each row, that it may And for the holiest of all, which was the
be to the bread for a memorial, even an abode of the Godhead." — E. In VINO,
offering made by fire unto the Lord. Col. Writings, Vol. V. p. 250.
Every sabbath day he shall set it in See AABON, ALTAR, ARK (test.),
order before the Lord continually ; it
is on the behalf of the children of Israel, BREAD, BREASTPLATE, CAKE, CAUSAL-
an everlasting covenant. And it shall be BODY, CORN, EXPERIENCE, FIBE,
for Aaron and his sons ; and they shall FLOUR, FOOD FOR SOUL, FBANK-
eat it in a holy place : for it is most holy INCENSE, FBUIT OF SPIBIT, INCABNA-
unto him of the offerings of the Lord
made by fire by a perpetual statute." — TION OF SOULS, ISBAELITES, MANNA,
And thou shalt set upon the table SACRAMENTAL CAKES, SACRIFICE,
shew 'oread before me alway." — EXOD.
xxv. 30.
It is enjoined that by the moral UNLEAVENED BREAD.
law (Moses), truth and goodness de SHIELD AND SPEAR :—
rived through the activities of the
Symbols of will which protects
lower nature (two parts fine flour)
from the negative, and Intention
shall be purified and transmuted
which initiates energy.
(baked) into wisdom and love. These See HELMIT, SALVE, SPEAR, SWORD,
higher qualities of the soul are divisible WILL.
into two sets, —six of wisdom, and
six of love, — and these manifest in the SHINAR LAND :—
higher mind (table) as the food for the A symbol of a condition of inertia :
soul. The mind thereby becomes the same as the state of tamas.
purified and fragrant (frankincense), " And it came to pass, as they jour
and so comes into harmonious relation neyed east, that they found a plain in
the land of Shinar ; and they dwelt " This
(token of God) is known as the
there." — GEN. ix. 2. mitama-shiro (spirit representative, spirit
And as the wave of Divine life token), or more commonly as the shintai
" journeyed oast," that is (god-body). The shintai varies much in
towards its
means of experience and development,
form. It is frequently a mirror or a
sword, but may also be a tablet with the
it arrived at a field of action in God's name, a sprig of sakaki, a gohei, a
" Shinar," — a condition of bow and arrows, a pillow, a pot, a string
inertia. of beads, a tree or river bank, or even the
shrine itself. A stone is a very common
See AMRAPHEL, BABEL, EAST, shintai." — W. G. ASTON, Shinto, p. 70.
GUNAS, TAMAS. The symbols mentioned are all
SHINING FACE OF JESUS :— symbols of the causal-body, or have
close relation with it. The Divine
A symbol of celestial efflux of
Truth and Love reflected in the Life (tree) ; the Spirit (stone) ; the
aspiring soul approaching perfection. Divine Ray on which are strung the
See RAIMENT, TRANSFIGURATION, souls of humanity (string of beads) ;
WHITE. etc. The shintai, broadly regarded,
indicates reliance upon the Supreme
SHINATSU-HIKO, WIND-GOD :— through knowledge of the Divine Life
A symbol of the spiritual mind on of the soul.
the higher mental plane of the soul. See CAUSAL-BODY, INSIGNIA, KAR-
Shinatsu-hiko (wind-long-prince) was
produced from Izanagi'a breath when he SAKAKI, STONE, TAKE-MIKA.
puffed away the mists which surrounded
the newly formed country of Japan. . . . SHIP OF BALDER :—
A narito (prayer) addressed to them makes
two Wind-Gods — one masculine, named
A symbol of the astral vehicle, or
Shinatsu-hiko, and one feminine, called desire-body, at an early stage.
Shinatobe. They are also referred to as See ASTRAL, RINGHORNE.
Ame-no-Mihashira (august pillar of heaven)
and Kuni-no-Mihashira (august pillar of SHIP, BLACK :—
earth). Hirata supposes that it was by A symbol of a desire-mental form
them that communication was main of thought containing false concepts
tained between earth and sky in the Age and prejudices, and full of error
of the Gods, and that it is due to their
and illusion.
agency that the prayers of men are heard
in Heaven. Their shintai is a mirror." — See FORMS, SAILS OP BLACK SHIP.
W. G. ASTON, Shinto, pp. 154, 155.
The spiritual mind was produced
from the Divine Life when the homo A symbol of the lower mental, or
of the causal vehicle of the soul.
geneous condition of the upper planes "
gave place to the heterogeneous, so But the ship was now in the midst
of the sea, tossed with waves : for the
that the lower planes (Japan) should wind was contrary." — MAT. xiv. 24.
be replenished. The spiritual mind This " warring of the elements "
was accompanied with the buddhic signifies the transferring of the lower
emotion -nature (Shinatobe). Through astral impressions to a higher plane,
these the lower mind or personality that is, the transmutation of lower
is purified, and its qualities trans qualities into higher. It takes place
muted, in response to its aspirations amid much disturbance in the lower
and efforts. The higher mental plane mind, and is effected only through
is the plane of communication between the power of the Christ within the
the higher and lower natures (sky and lower mental vehicle (ship), which ia
earth). an aspect of the lower ego.
A symbol of the nascent causal-
SHINTAI :— body :—
A symbol of the causal-body, the " M mi u. however, was to be preserved
immortal vehicle of the Self. by the help of the Fish, who commanded
him to build a ship and go on board with higher activities of the lower mind ;
the seven Rishes, and with the seeds but, joined to its own idea, that of
of all existing things." — Mahd-Bltdrata,
Deluge story. egoism, it longs for the fruits of action
The mind (Mann) is to be saved on the lower planes.
for development through the power See ACHILLES, ASSEMBLY OF PEOPLE,
of the Self (Fish) ; and a causal - ASTRAL, BATTLE, GREEKS, HEROES,
sheath is to be builded on the mental MYRMIDONS, PELIUS, PERSONALITY,
plane, in which the mind is to take SEA, SPARK, WAR.
refuge. The " Rishes " signify the SHIPS OF THE GREEKS GUIDED
seven root-races of humanity ; and TO ILIUM (TROY) :—
the "seeds" are the potencies of all
Symbolic of the higher mental
things, brought over from previous qualities directed to the causal-
manvantaras. self.
See ABTU, ARK (Noah), CAUSAL- " To them there arose by far the best
BODY, DELUGE, DWELLING, DWELL of augurs, Kalchas, son of Thestor, who
INGS, FISH (great), HORN, LAKE, knew the present, the future, and the
MANVANTARA, MOORING POST, OCEAN, past, and who guided the ships of the
Greeks to Ilium, by his prophetic art,
which Phoebus Apollo gave him." —
SHIPS, BEAKED To the mind appeared Memory
(reminiscence) the child of the Ego,
Symbolic of directed aspirations which is the means, through corre
from the mind.
" Now I lation of experiences, of directing
(Achilles) will depart to the higher mental qualities to cen
Phthia, seeing it is far better to return
home on my beaked ships ; nor am I tralise in the causal-self. This it
minded here in dishonour to draw thee effects by its higher consciousness,
(Agamemnon) thy nil of riches and which is the direct offshoot or ray
wealth." — Iliad, Bk. I. of the Higher Self (Apollo).
The Personality resolves to regain " Sliips signify containers of know
those higher states of consciousness ledges of what is good and true, serv
(Phthia) which are the outcome of ing for use of life. Ships signify those
the manasic evolution. The resolution knowledges, because they are what
contain things." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc.
involves the directed aspirations, and Bei'., n. 400.
these are realised as the sense of right. See APOLLO, CONSCIOUSNESS, EX
The Personality decides that it shall PERIENCES, GREEKS (great), ILIUM,
not be enslaved by the Desire-nature KALCHAS, PRIAM, PROPHET, REMINIS
with its objects of sense. CENCE, SILENUS, TIME, TROJANS, TROY.
PHTHIA, RICHES (lower), STORM. A symbol of means of attaching
the lower Self to the Higher.
Symbolic of the astro-mental
qualities in their vehicles. SHOE-LATCHET OF JESUS :—
" But Achilles sat by his seafaring Symbolic of spiritual power through
ships, still wroth, even the heaven-sprung love.
son of Pelius, Achilles fleet of foot j he " In the midst of you Btandoth one
betook him neither to the assembly that
whom ye know not, even he that comoth
is the hero's glory, neither to war. but
consumed his heart in tarrying in his
after me, the latchet of whose shoe I am
not worthy to unloose." — JOHN i. 26, 27.
place, and yearned for the war-cry and
for battle."— Iliad, Bk. I. In the midst of the qualities of the
But the Personality, though gifted soul is the central Ideal — the Christ,
with the Divine Spark, remained even the Spiritual nature which is
self-absorbed in the vehicles of desire evolved after the moral nature. The
and lower mind, still attached to suggestion of unworthiness refers to
the objects which engender passion. the fact that the moral nature (John)
The Personality rises not to the heights embraces the sense of veneration and
of the mental qualities, nor to the is inwardly aware of the greater Love
nature which is to supersede it. planes ; most are engaged in the
" John " speaks thus in order to activities of the lower planes, going
emphasise the fact that whilst the to, and returning from the physical
Spiritual nature stands upon, or is life. But when the Divine Law is
supported by, the moral nature, the understood and followed, then the
moral nature itself may not presume souls are purified and they pass from
to question or interfere in any way death to life everlasting.
with the Christ, who is whole and See ARHATS, DEVACHAN, DHARMA,
entire, without spot or blemish, and HIKOBOSHI, NIRVANA, RAFT.
wanting nothing.
crease), JESUS, JOHN BAPTIST. A symbol of the brief duration of
the personality.
SHOES OF RAMA :— " His mother Thetis foretold him that
A symbol of advancing spiritual his fate was either to gain glory and die
power. early, or to live a long but inglorious life.
The hero chose the former, and took part
in the Trojan war, from which he knew
that he was not to return." — SmitlCs
SHOES ON THE FEET :— Class. Diet.
A symbol of power to advance. Nature (Thetis), which produced
See FEET, FOOT, GOLDEN SOLES, through biological evolution the per
ROBE, SANDALS. sonality (Achilles), now develops it to
completion as the lower mind, and so
gives it the choice of accepting the
A symbol of the discarding of the endowment of higher mind and spirit
lower nature. that it might achieve the glory of
" And God said, Draw not nigh hither :
raising the soul to heaven (Ilium)
put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for
the place whereon thou standest is holy through its efforts and the death of
ground." — EXOD. iii. 5. the lower mind, — or of remaining a
It is pointed out by the Spirit protracted period as an irresponsible
within that the moral nature (Moses) animal subject to the lower forces.
is incapable of furthering the growth The personality chose the higher state
of the soul beyond a certain level, and became a moral being knowing
when the love-nature (Christ) is good and evil, and thereupon entered
evolved to bring the soul to per into conflict with the lower qualities
fection. (Trojans) from which it would never
See LAW or MOSES, MOSAIC, MOSES. retreat.
A symbol of the astral or astro- PERSONALITY, THETIS, TROJANS.
mental plane.
A symbol of outgoing positive
SHORE, THE OTHER:— force, or of directive ability.
A symbol of the buddhic or buddhi- See ARMS (body).
mental plane, including a devachanic
or nirvanlc, state of consciousness. SHOULDER, LEFT:—
" Few there are among men who arrive A symbol of the astral or desire
at the other shore (become Arhate) ; the principle.
other people here run up and down the See GOSHURUN, VULTURE.
shore. But those who, when the Law
has been well preached to them, follow SHRINE OR SANCTUARY :—
the Law, will pass across the dominion
of death, however difficult to overcome." A symbol of the causal -body in
— Dhammapa-la, Ch. VI. 85, 86. (Foot which is seated the Higher Self.
note by Max Miiller :
" ' The other shore ' "
' A man has a little shrine hidden away
is meant for Nirvana, this shore ' for
somewhere in his heart, where he wor
common life.")
ships occasionally in secret the God of
Few of the mental qualities or the might-have-been." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
souls have passed on to the higher Serm., Coining to the True Self.
The monstrance, emblematic of the of the Supreme (Tern), and receptive
sun (Self), when containing the con matter in forms (Tefnut) is the passive
secrated host is placed in the elevated aspect (left eye). The Self (sun),
shrine of the altar ; thus symbolising possesses its reflection maya (moon).
the real presence of God in the highest Shu is supposed to symbolise the air
and inmost heart of humanity. or sunlight, and in papyri and in coffins
" I walked theearth, Myself God's sanc he is represented in the form of a man,
standing with both arms raised, lifting
tuary." — FABER, Hymn, The Starry Skies.
" What is the heavenly sanctuary in
up Nut, the sky, from the embrace of
Seb the earth." — BUDGE, The Mummy,
human life ? It is the identification of
p. 280.
that human life with the life of God ;
it is man knowing himself in God, and The Divine Life on the mental
God in him. I do not mean that he plane, — the plane of creation, — at the
understands it, but only that he knows beginning of manifestation, opens the
it, and he can be much more sure of it
cycle of activities in space (Nut) and
than of anything he understands. When
Jesus felt ' I and my Father are one ' time (Seb), and distinguishes the
all the good of existence was present, and higher planes from the lower.
he had entered into the Holy Place. He " The
(four) pillars of the god Shu
had died, that is, He had done with all were not as yet created, when he waa
feeling of separateness from God. Now upon the high ground (or staircase) of
that was his redemption (lli:n. ix. 12). him that dwelleth in Khemennu (Papy.
That was the deliverance which He of Ani). — BUDGE, Book of the Dead, p. 93.
obtained for himself. Deliverance from The four planes below atma, the
what t From any feeling of separateness
highest plane, were non-existent when
from the Source of life, and from that
Spirit who is the unity of all spirits. the Divine Life was operative only
The feeling of separateness is that illusion on the plane of atma whereon the
which accompanies the unfolding of Higher Self was centred.
individuality. Individuality is real, and See ASCENSION OF OSIRIS, CON
nothing in our consciousness is more
unquestionable than this consciousness SCIOUSNESS, EYE, EYES OF HORUS,
of individuality. But that we are GATE (tchesert), HATHOR, JACKAL,
separate from God and from other men MATTER, MAYA, MOON, NUT, PILLARS
Serm., Redemption.
A symbol of the Divine Will as
TEMPLE. outbreathing and inbreathing the
SHU, SON OF RA AND HATH OR :— Divine Life.
" Ka-Shu, i.e. the '
double of Shu,' is
A symbol of the Divine Life ema in Boat
present the (of Afu-Ra) in order
nated by the Supreme Spirit through to supply the god with air." — BUDGE,
the highest primordial Matter of Egypt. Heaven and Hell, Vol. III. p. 100.
the buddhic plane. The Divine Will has the double
" Shu was the first-born son of Tern capacity of outpouring and indrawing
. . he typified the light. . . . Tefnut the Life of the lower planes, in order
•was the twin sister of Shu, . . . she typi
fied moisture. Shu was the right eye of
that the Incarnate Self (Afu-Ra)
Tern, and she was the left, i.e. Shu repre shall experience alternate periods of
sented an aspect of the Sun, and Tefnut activity and of rest.
of the Moon." — BUDGE, Egyptian Ideca, See AFU-RA, BOAT, BREATH,
etc., p. 93.
HORIZONS (two), LION-GOD (double),
The Divine Life was the first
aspect of the Supreme (Tern) in mani
festation ; and illumination, or con SHUN, CHINESE EMPEROR :--
sciousness, occurs in the union of
A symbol of the Self operating on
Spirit and Matter. The Divine Life the buddhic plane during the cycle
in order to be active requires some of Involution.
thing to operate upon, and this is the See CONFUCIUS, DYNASTIES.
receptive, form-side of nature (Tefnut)
" moisture " without which SIAMAK AND VESCHAK :—
typified by
there is no life in nature. The Divine Symbols of will and knowledge
Life is the active aspect (right eye) which make man a responsible being.
" After fifty years Meshia and Meschiane then the higher quality, and lastly
had two children, Siamak and Veschak, the perfect fruition of wisdom and
and they died a hundred years old. For
their sins they remain in hell until the love. But when the qualities are
resurrection." — Zoroastrian System. perfected, the Self puta forth spiritual
After the union of the mental and energy (sickle) to sever the ties that
emotional principles (kama-manas) in bind the ego to the lower nature,
astral vehicles for fifty ages, there is because the time has come when the
evolved the will-to-act with know ego receives on the higher planes the
ledge ; that is, when the conscious spiritual results of its aspirations and
ness has reached the stage of develop sacrifices on the lower.
" By a sickle the same thing is signified
ment answering to a responsible will
as by a sword. That by a sword is signified
and knowledge, giving rise to karma,
divine truth fighting against falses, and
the lower principles, which are related vice versa." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Ret-.,
with the central soul and exist no n. 643.
" The
longer apart from it, are dissolved in very moment the soul begins to
the soul, — the first period of their desire God, God comes. The change may
not be great at first, but whatever it is
evolution having been accomplished. God takes advantage of it to the full to
And for the mistakes which the egos, heal, and bless, and lift up. It is like
will and knowledge, make what happens at this (winter) season of
upon the lower planes, they have to
the year. ...
It is the sun that starts
the process, and then unceasingly follows
remain confined to those planes (hell) up every slightest response thereto. It
until they are perfected, when, at may be long before the buds show them
the close of the cycle, they rise from selves, and longer still before the foliage
" death " and aro liberated and the flowers arrive, but they are on
the way. From afar God comes, like the
(resurrection). sun of heaven into our wintry dreariness
See ASTRAL, EVOLUTION, FRAVAK, and death, and lays hold of every feeblest
HELL, KARMA, LIBERATION, MATRO, desire of the soul for eternal life, fostering
MILK (goat), RACES, RESURRECTION, and encouraging it with his grace and
love as opportunity affords till he has
ROOT-RACES, TREE OF KNOWLEDGE, brought it to perfection." — R. J.
WILL. BELL, Serin., God's Loving-kindness.
A symbol of outgoing spiritual GERMS, GRASS, HARVEST, HERB, KING
energy to overcome and cut down DOM OF HEAVEN, LIBERATION, REAP
the attachments to the lower nature, ING, REINCARNATION, RESURRECTION,
in order to liberate the soul. SEED (good), SOWER, SWORD.
" And he said, So is the kingdom of
God, as if a man should cast seed upon SIDE-LOCK :—
the earth ; and should sleep and rise A symbol of intuition.
night and day, and the seed should
spring up and grow, he knoweth not
See HAIR (side-lock).
how. The earth beareth fruit of herself ;
first the blade, then the ear, then the SIDES OF THE CELESTIAL
full corn in the ear. But when the fruit CITY :—
is ripe, straightway he putteth forth the A symbol of the four lower planes
sickle, because the harvest is come." —
of being.
MARK iv. 26-9.
So are the higher planes attained
by the ego : — it is as
if the Self should
cast the germs of truth, righteousness SIGHT :—
and love into the lower nature of
A symbol of perception of truth
the soul (the earth), and then should by the Intellect or the intuition. Or
await their growth through the pro perception on the higher planes.
cess of rests and re-incarnations ; and " Spiritual things are real things, but
that the germs should expand and natural things are their forms : it is the
develop in secret and unobserved. spiritual sight of man which is called
The lower nature (earth) brings forth the intellect." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev.,
n. 7.
that which is implanted in it ; — first " lTor you are to understand, it is no
the faint aspiration for what is better, part of the Divine essence or wisdom to
cover Himself with clouds and darkness ; completes a period of evolution. So,
seeing God is light, and with Him is no
in the same symbolism, the Christ-
darkness at all. These clouds are in our
vision, the dimness of our sight, the veils soul must complete a period of evolu
of sin, the darkening scales of vice ; but tion through the lower nature (earth)
not in Him who dwelleth in light that is before he is perfected and rises from
unapproachable and full of glory. And the dead (i.e. the lower illusion which
the end of all revelation — wherefore it is
called revelation — is to remove the is devoid of life).
" Symbolism, indeed, is always necessary
blindness from our eyes, that we may
see ; and to unstop the deafness of our before we can apprehend the abstract :
ears, that we may hear ; to destroy the it is only through the sensuous symbol
carnality of our mind, that we may that we can express the abstract thought."
understand ; and to awake the sensi — SAYCE, Bel, of Anc. Egypliant, p. 31.
" Symbols may indicate realities, but
bility of our spirit, that we may hold
communion with the Father of spirits, the realities must interpret symbols." —
and live. This, I say, is the very end H. M. GWATKIN, The Knowledge of God,
of revelation, — to make all things naked Vol. I. p. 8.
" The perennial value of Christianity
and open which by nature are dark and
mysterious, and to deliver the soul out is its symbolic value. There are great
of all captivities of sense and worldliness, controversies as to what is and what is
of error and ignorance, into the enjoy not historical in Christianity, but let us
ment of Divine liberty and light." — remember that if we could settle all the
ED. IRVING, Works, Vol. I. p. 84. historical questions to-morrow, that would
See BLIND MAN, CLOUDS OF HEAVEN, not give us religion, nor would it give
Christianity abiding value ; everything
EYE, MAN (blind), MEN (breast), would depend upon our finding the
SEEING. symbolic value of the facts. A fact of
past history has nothing in it for present-
SIGN OR SYMBOL (SACRED) :— day religion, unless it stands forth as a
An outward form subjectively symbol of a Reality behind itself. " —
selected to indicate an inward condi ANON., Serm., Jesus the Great Symbol.
tion, or process of the Divine life in See DEAD, EABTH, HEART, ILLU
the soul of the universe. SION, INSPIRATION, JONAH, LEVIATHAN,
" Then certain of the scribes and LIBERATION, MONSTERS, MYTHOLOGY,
Pharisees answered him, saying, Master, PHARISEES, PROPHET, RESURRECTION,
we would see a sign from thee. But he REVELATION, SCRIPTURES, SIMEON,
answered and said unto them, An evil
and adulterous generation seeketh after SON or MAN, THREE, THREE DAYS,
a sign ; and there shall no sign be given TOMB, VISCERA, WHALE.
to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet :
for as Jonah was three days and three SIGYN, WIFE OF LOKE :—
nights in the belly of the whale ; BO A symbol of the physical nature, the
shall the Son of man be three days and vehicleof the astral.
three nights in the heart of the earth." —
MATT. xii. 38-40. See LORE, NEPHTHYS, SET.
This is the inquiry made by those SILENCE AND VOICE :—
formalists and shallow thinkers who
Symbolic of muteness and utterance
would try to substitute for the Living in relation to Self-expression.
Spirit the dead letter (sign). The
superficial form for which they look, SILENUS, LEADER OF THE
and the importance which they attach SATYRS :—
to convention and outward things, are A symbol of the individuality or
rightly disregarded by the Christ — of the spiritual mind.
" Silenus always accompanies Dionysus,
who points to the evolutionary process
whom he in said to have brought up and
accomplished by the soul (Jonah) in
instructed. Like the other Satyrs he is
faith and steadfastness of purpose in called a son of Hermes. . . . He is
passing through the lower life (sea described as resembling his brethren in
monster), as the only means of arriv their love of sleep, wine and music.
He was conceived also as an inspired
ing at the goal of attainment, that is,
prophet, who knew all the past and the
resurrection or liberation from the most distant future, and as a sage who
illusion of the lower planes.
" Jonah " all the gifts of fortune." —
signifies a type of the soul whose Smith's Class. Diet.
" This deity was remarkable for hia
evolution is accomplished in the power
wisdom ; his drunkenness being regarded
of the Self. The "whale" signifies as inspiration." — KEIQHTLEY, Mythology,
the lower life in which the soul (Jonah) p. 204.
The spiritual mind, offspring of ance and desire, and is therefore
the higher mind (Hermes), brings up
" spoken against " by the lower nature.
the Christ (Dionysus) in the soul; it See ANNA, ASITA, BIRTH OF JESUS,
is unconscious (sleep) of external ISRAELITES, SIGN, VIRGIN MARY.
attractions, loves wisdom (wine), and
harmony (music and dancing). It is
cognisant of the process of the soul's
A symbol of the astral plane,
next above the physical.
evolution, and esteems not at all the " The World of Similitudes is so called
pleasures of sense and the objects of liecause in it exist, ready to be material
desire. ised, the forms which are to be actualised
See BALABAMA, CHIBON, DIONYSUS, on the Physical Plane. The confines of
DRUNKARD, HERMES, INDIVIDUALITY, this World of Similitudes touch those
of the Visible World." — GIBB, Hitt. o]
Ottoman Poetry, Vol. I. p. 66.
SATYRS, SHIPS (Ilium), WINE. The forms on the astral plane are
reproductions of forms on the mental
plane, the which forms have been
MONEY) :— modified by karmic agencies.
Symbols of the mental qualities "
Occultism teaches that no form can
and the buddhlc ; or silver - moon, be given to anything, either by nature
passive, and gold — sun, active. or by man, whose ideal type does not
" ' Surely there is a mine for silver, already exist on the subjective plane :
more than this, that no form or shape
and a place for gold which they refine '
can possibly enter man's consciousness,
(JOB xxviii. 1). In silver the power of or evolve in his imagination, which does
speaking, in gold brightness of life or of
not exist in prototype, at least as an
wisdom is used to be denoted." — ST.
approximation. Neither the form of
GREGORY, Moral* on the Book of Job, man, nor that of any animal, plant or
Vol. II. p. 343. ' '
; and it
" The Alchemists held that the Divine atone, has ever been created
is only on this plane of ours that it com
Idea is always aiming at ' Spiritual '
that is to say.
Qold —divine humanity, the Now Man,
' becoming,'
objectivising into its present materiality,
citizen of the transcendental world, — and
' or expanding from within outwards." —
natural man ' as we ordinarily know BLAVATSKY, Secret Doctrine, Vol. I. p. 303.
him is a lower metal, silver at best." —
E. UNDERBILL, Mytticism, p. 169. See ANDBEW, ABC. MAN, ASTRAL
A symbol of the Higher Self, the
A symbol of an inner mental state central Ideal of aspiration in all
or type of soul subjectively per souls, and their Divine Archetype.
fected, who knew that salvation " The Highest is a sun-mirror ; who
was at hand, for the lower qualities
comes to Him sees himself therein, sees
(Israel) needed a Saviour. body and soul, and soul and body. When
And Simeon blessed them, and said you came to the Simorg, three therein
unto Mary his mother, Behold this child appeared to you, and had fifty of you
is set for the falling and rising up of many come, so had you seen yourselves as
in Israel ; and for a sign which is spoken many. Him has none of us yet seen." —
against." — LUKE ii. 34. FERIDEDDIN ATTAB, Bird Conversation!.
And the type "Simeon" was in When the soul attains perfection,
accord with the purified lower nature the many higher qualities are seen
(Mary), and was able to impart to it in the One, and the One in the many ;
his own spiritual discernment. He for the soul then identifies itself with
pointed out that this birth of Christ its innermost nature, which is one
in the soul is set as a critical factor with the Supreme. As long as the soul
in the descent and ascent of the identifies itself with external things,
Spirit into and through matter, where so long the One within remains
by the qualities are raised, and the unperceived by it.
aim is the attainment of Christhood See BIRD (great), BRAHMA, KAR-
in all qualities. The Christ stands to SHIPTA, MIRROR, PHANG, QUALITIES,
the qualities as an opponent of ignor SEASONS, SELF (supreme), UNION.
SINA OR INA, BRIDE OF TUNA :— mined of their own free-will to enter
A symbol of matter in its primal upon manifestation, that they may
aspect, and of the soul in its recep claim the treasure in heaven, the
tive capacity as the vehicle of Spirit wealth of the Eternal Spirit (Indra).
" From
(Tuna). yonder, O traveller (Indra),
" For a full understanding of this very come hither, or from the light of heaven ;
the singers all yearn for it." — Ibid., V. 9.
complicated myth (of Ina anil Tuna)
more information has been supplied by The Higher Self passing through
Mr. Gill. Ina means moon ; Ina-mae-aitu, the cycle of life is called upon to
the heroine of our story, means Ina-who- raise the individual souls, and grant
had-a-divine-lover, and she was the
them wisdom and love,— the light of
daughter of Kui, the blind. Tuna means
eel." —MAX MttLLER, Contrib'itions, etc., heaven, — which the egos yearn to
Vol. I. p. 5. possess.
The moon is a symbol of the matter "
Whereupon were the foundations (of
side of manifestation, and the lower the earth) fastened ? Or who laid the
corner-stone thereof ; when the morning
nature of the soul, which is a product stars sang together, and all the sons of
of ignorance and instinct (Kui, the God shouted for joy ? " — JOB xxxviii.
blind). The divine lover is the incar 6, 7.
nate Self — the Redeemer of the soul. The Supreme questions the incar
" It was early morning, and the golden nate Self (Job) with the object of
beams of the rising sun were flooding the evolving in him knowledge of the
world with light. A maiden named Sina
came out of her hut to go for her morn soul-process of which he is outwardly
ing bath in a favourite pool in the ignorant. The Supreme points out
stream." — KATB M. C. CLARK, Maori that th§ lower nature (earth) is
Tales. derived from the higher nature, and
This represents the dawn of mani that within it is archetypal perfection
festation and the golden age of early Then the mental
(corner stone).
involution. Matter (Sina) becomes faculties (stars) in harmony awaited
immersed in the river of life which the dawn of the Self (sun), and with
flows to the lower planes. the spiritual monads (sons of God),
" Sina took the head of the Eel
were ready to manifest their energies.
and buried it near the sea shore, and she
visited the place each day and wept as See ATMA, CHILDREN OF EAST, DAWN,
she thought of Tuna who had given his HARMONY, HYMN-SINGING, INDRA, JOB,
life for hers."— Ibid. LIGHT, MARUTS, MELODY, MONAD OF
This signifies the commencement LIFE, MORNING STAR, Music, SHEEP
of evolution after the death of the (lost), SONG, SONS OF GOD, SOUL
Archetypal Man (Tuna). The Spirit (middle), STARS, STONE (corner), SUN,
is buried in the desire-mind (sea shore), SUN-RISING, TREASURE, WEALTH, WILL.
and every incarnation (day) the soul
or matter (Sina) comes into relation SINTEAN FOLK :—
with it amid suffering and sorrow. A symbol of higher qualities of
See ARC. MAN, COCOA-NUT, the lower mind, as logic, analysis,
DAWN, EEL-GOD, HEAD, HODER, IN synthesis, etc.
SHORE, SUN-RISINO. . A symbol of the Self incarnate, —
the Christ-soul, Son of God (Osiris).
SINGERS, PIOUS :— " Si-Osiri took his father to Amenti,
A symbol of the spiritual monads, and showed him that the poor man was
or sparks, which descend from the highly honoured, while the rich man was
in misery because of his evil deeds." —
plane of atma to inhabit human GRIFFITH, Stories of the High Priests.
forms. The Christ-soul attains to a direct
" The pious
singers (the Maruts) have knowledge of the process underlying
after their own mind shouted towards and adjustment
the giver of wealth, the great, the glorious
spiritual evolution
Indra." — Rig-Veda, I. 6, 6. upon the higher planes. As the soul
The monads rejoicing in harmony goes forth to gain experience on one
and bliss on the highest planes, and level, so upon each succeeding level
full of spiritual energy, have deter the account is squared, so to say,
with the result that each successive ideals (gods) are then energised, while
stage carries it to its karmically the Divine Father and Son become
appointed placo, relatively at least. One Truth -Reality on the plane of
This is no new idea. It is to be found atma, and the principle of Buddhi
underlying all religions ; and the is their manifesting life.
sectarian who looks for compensation See ERECTHEUS, FIRE, FURROW,
in heaven or hell is feeling crudely HA:NUMAN, LAKSHMI, LANKA, NARA
and unintelligently the truth that YANA, RAMA.
we sow here that which we reap the SITIVISA, PLANET SATURN :—
fruits of upon entering the next See SATURN.
state of being.
PURGATORY, SEED (good), SHENIT, A symbol of acquiescence of mind
STRIDES (soul). to truth. The attitude in which
spiritual instruction can be imparted
SIRENS, OR GANDHARVAS :— to the qualities by the indwelling Self.
A symbol of Devas of harmony " This is the meaning which I find in
on the fourth sub-plane of the the words of Jesus when he said to his
buddhic plane. These become disciples, Make the men sit down
tempters as the soul rises above (JOHN vi. 10). It is the change from tho
their level. active and restless to the receptive and
See ANGELS, BUTES, COLCHIS, DEVAS, quiet state, from tho condition in which
all the life was flowing outward in eager
GANDHARVAS, HEAVENLY NYMPHS. self-assertion, to the other condition in
•which the life was being influenced, that
SIRIUS, THE DOG-STAR, SURA :— is, being flowed upon by the richer power
A symbol of the fixed will in con which came forth from him." — PHILLIPS
centration through the steadying of BROOKS, Serm., Make the Men Sit Down.
the mind. Until the mind is stilled See FEEDING FOUR THOUSAND,
from the surglngs of desire, there PEOPLE, QUALITIES.
is no fixity of purpose.
is another
watchman of the heavens ; but he is A symbol of the Divine nature
fixed in one place, at the bridge Kinvat, dominant over the lower.
keeping guard over the Abyss Dusakh out " And he sat down, and called the
of which Ahriman comes." — Zoroastrian twelve ; and he saith unto them, If any
System, J. F. CLARKE, Ten Religions. man would be first, he shall be last of
The " Dog Sirius " at the
all and minister of all." — MARK ix. 35.
of the higher mind represents power, This relates to the competition of
tenacity and will, — the mind as re the qualities to be first in order.
corder and agent of karma, seated in Christ's rebuke is administered when
the causal-body, and guarding the He is "seated," and it is by the
soul from desire so far as the soul is Higher nature sitting in judgment
emancipated from the lower nature. upon the lower, and pointing out
See AHRIMAN, BRIDGE (kinvat), faults, that the warring and con
CAUSAL-BODY, DOG-STAR, DUSAKH, fusion of the latter is at length put
KARMA, STARS, WILL. a stop to.
" He spoke to them sitting and net
STTA, WIFE OF RAMA :— standing, for they could not have under
A symbol of the buddhic emotion- stood Him had he appeared in His own
nature which is allied with the majesty." — .JEROME.
incarnate Higher Self (Rama).
" SIta enters the flames of the pyre, JUSTICE, MOUNTAIN.
invoking Agni ; upon which all the gods SIVA, GOD :—
with the old king Dasaratha (father of
Rama) appear, and reveal to Rama his
A symbol of the Divine energy in
divine nature, telling him that he is the evolution of the universe and of
Narayana, and that Sita is Lakshmi." — the soul. The producer of forms,
MON. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 360. and their destroyer, that progress
The buddhic emotion-nature be may ensue.
comes transmuted, and the conscious " Siva is Mah&kAla, endless time, which
ness rises to the buddhic plane. The begets and devours all things. As pro
creator, hia symbols are the bull and of Holy Scripture, we there find the
the phallus, as well as the moon, which reason why the numbers 6, 7, 10 and
serves for his diadem." — BARTH, Religions 1,000 are perfect. For the number six
of "India, p. 164. is perfect in Holy Scripture, because in
According to the teaching of Hindu the beginning of the world God completed
ism, death is not death in the sense of on the sixth day those works which He
passing into non-existence, but simply began on the first. The number seven is
a change into a new form of life. He who perfect therein, because every good work
destroys, therefore, causes beings to is performed with seven virtues through
assume new phases of existence, — the the Spirit, in order that both faith and
Destroyer is really a re-Creator ; Hence works may be perfected at the same time.
the name Siva, the Bright or Happy The number ten is perfect therein, because
One, is given to him." — WILKINS, the Law is included in ten precepts. . . .
Hindu Mythology, p. 263. In a denary three are joined to seven." —
Like Jehovah, Siva is sometimes ST. GREGORY, Morals on the Book of Job,
described a cruel and revengeful
as Vol. III. p. 691.
" It may perhaps appear curious that
Deity, but this only symbolises the the number six should occur so often in
opposition of good to evil, and the Ainu folk-lore, but it may be now, once
destruction of the lower desires and for all, noted that we find it constantly
passions which precedes the awaken- recurring as the numerical exponent of
perfection, and is regarded by the people
ment of the higher qualities. as the sacred number. We often find
See ANGER OF GOD, BULL, DEATH, it so appearing in their legends." — J.
DffRISTA, DURGA, EVOLUTION, FORMS, The Ainu, etc., p. 305.
A symbol of accomplishment of
growth or purpose ; — the number SIXTH HOUR FOR CRUCIFIXION
which limits and serves to usher In OF JESUS :—
the seventh, that of perfection. It A symbol of completion of the
signifies completion of a period of evolution of the soul (Jesus) on the
activity, — as six days, six hours, six lower planes, prior to final perfec
signs, six months, six seasons, six tion at the crossing over (cruci
years . fixion) of the consciousness.
" " It was about the sixth hour. . . .
Now in the sixth month (of Elisabeth)
the angel Gabriel was sent from God Then therefore Pilate delivered him unto
unto . . . Nazareth, to a virgin ; . . . them to be crucified." — JOHN xix. 14, 16.
and the virgin's name was Mary." — The period corresponds to the sixth
LUKE i. 26, 27.
Round, which is the age during which
Now when the completion of the
most souls will accomplish their evo
moral nature (John) was accomplished,
lution. It is the point that is reached
the inner messenger (angel) of intuition
was enabled to acquaint the soul of
by the soul when the combination of
circumstances symbolically related in
the spiritual results which were to
the trial of Jesus takes place. It is
follow ethical rule. The measenger
the worldly, unstable mind (Pilate)
came to the centre of progression
in the soul, and to the that delivers the Christ-soul to the
tormenting lower qualities in the final
purified lower nature (Mary) which is
" virgin," i.e. unfructified by mind struggle for liberation.
" But why at the sixth hour ? Because
(man), but which can be fructified by at the sixth age of the world. In the
the Holy Spirit. Gospel, count up as an hour each,
" The reason why six signifies what is the first age from Adam to Noah ;
complete to the end, is because three has the second, from Noah to Abraham ; the
that signification, and six is double that third, from Abraham to David ; the
number, and a number doubled has the fourth, from David to the removing to
same signification as the simple number." Babylon ; the fifth, from the removing
— SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 489. to Babylon to the baptism of John ;
" The number six is perfect, because thence is the sixth being enacted." —
it is the first number which is made up AUGUSTINE, Gospel of John, Vol. I. p. 214.
of ite several parts, that is, its sixth, its See ANTHROPOS, CRUCIFIXION OF
third and ite half, which are 1, 2 and 3, JESUS, FATE SPHERE, HOUR (mid -day),
and these added together become
But because we transcend all this know
ledge, by advancing through the loftiness RACES, ROUND.
SKADE :— at each incarnation. The Sanna is
A symbol of Divine Law. the mental body which gives per
ception of ideas formed through vibra
SKAITYA FLY, DEATH-DEAL tions from the lower activities. The
ING :— Vedana is the astral body of the
A symbol of the critical intellect desires, feelings, and lower emotions
which dispels error and illusion. which are aroused by the senses.
SKANDHAS, FIVE :— The Rupa is the physical body by
means of which action is effected.
Symbols of the five elemental See CASTES, CAUSAL-BODY, CON
bodies or vestures of the soul, as (five), FTVE,
Instruments for the manifestation PROTOTYPES,
of spirit.
of five
constituent elements called Skandhas, SKIN OF HUMAN BODY:—
which have their source in Upadana,
and are continually combining, dissolving, A symbol of the outer envelope of
and recombining, viz. (1) Form (rupa), the soul, which is the means of
i.e. the organised body. (2) Sensation functioning upon the astral or
(ri'ilniii't) of pain or pleasure, or of neither, physical plane.
arising from contact of eye, ear, etc. " The interior man is ' clothed with skin
with external objects. (3) Perception
(Jos x. 9), since wherein it is
and flesh
(aanna) of ideas through tho same sixfold raised up to things above, it is straightly
contact. (1) Aggregate of formations
blockaded with the besieging of fleshly
(•iiiiiikliii-'n), i.e. combination of properties '
motions. . . . And hast fenced me with
or faculties or mental tendencies, fifty-
bones and sinews." With flesh and skin
two in number, forming individual char '
we are clothed, but we are fenced with
acter and derived from previous existences.
bones and sinews," in that though we
(5) Consciousness (rmnd/ia) or thought. receive a shock by temptation assaulting
This fifth is the most important. It is
the only soul recognised by Buddhists. us from without, yet the hand of the
Theoretically it perishes with the other Creator strengthens us within, thai we
should not be shattered. And so by the
Skandhas, but practically is continued,
since its exact counterpart is reproduced promptings of the flesh, He abases us in
respect of His gifts, but by the bones of
in a new body." — MON. WILLIAMS,
Bitddhitm, p. 109. virtue He strengthens us against temp
tations." — ST. GREGORY, Morals on tltt
The bodies are taken in their Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 552.
receptive aspects towards the energies See BONES, FLAYING OF MAN, FLESH,
upon the several planes. Placing them JOB, PROMETHEUS.
in their proper order, the five bodies
Samkh&ra = Buddhic ; Symbolic of the mental, astral,
Vinnana = Causal ; or physical sheaths of the soul.
Sanna = Mental ; " And the Lord God made for Adam
Vedana = Astral ; and for his wife coats of skins, and
Rupa = Physical. clothed them." — GEN. iii. 21.
The Samkh&ra is described as the And the Divine Law caused the
mental and astral bodies to be formed
potential higher causal-body contain
ing the prototypes of all things and for the soul.
See ADAM (lower), EVE, REDEEMER,
qualities that have to be evolved on
the planes below. These prototypes VESTURES.
are derived from the experience of SKINS OF ANIMALS :—
previous life-cycles. They are perfect A symbol of the astro-physical
and complete (5 + 2=7), and guide forms of the lower animals or man.
the formation of the character of the " Fuh-he's dress consisted of the skins
units in the phenomenal world. The of animals, his drink, their blood." —
Vinnana represents the causal-body Chinese Mythology, KIDD, China.
on the higher mental plane, the The Logos working from within
seat of the higher consciousness of produced the animal creation. The
The causal-body persists " dress of animals' skins " refers to
throughout the cycle, and periodically the passing on of the forms of the
reproduces the transitory lower bodies brute kingdom to mankind. The
" blood
the transmitted fashioned or consolidated as a plane
physical vitality which is also largely of being : When the higher desires
relative to the physical plane. The became active for reflection below.
" I advance
type-forms are worked up to the upon my feet, I become
" fittest " in master of my vine, I sail over the sky
the animal kingdom
which formeth the division betwixt
according to the measure of the astro- heaven and earth." — BUDQK, Book of
physical life which is expressed. This the Dead, Ch. LXXXV.
refers in the most man-like types, Through the physical activities the
however, only to the accommodation soul advances ; it becomes master
of the <i<trnl man type-form, or lunar of its evolving life. It passes upward
pitri, which is introduced to the to the buddhic plane for further
physical evolution at an advanced development, whereby the buddhic
stage. This introduction comes as a plane is intermediate between the
tendency to human form in a series higher nature and the lower.
of anthropoid forms which eventuate See ANU, BUDDHIC PLANE, CEILING,
in the human type. CHIP, Cow (spotted), FEET, FIRMA
" The main conclusion here arrived at MENT, FOUNTAIN, HEAVEN AND EARTH,
is that man is descended from gome less QUATERNARY, VINE, ZENITH.
highly organised form. The grounds upon
which this conclusion rests will never be
shaken, for the close similarity between SLAUGHTER OF ENEMIES :
man and the lower animals in embryonic A symbol of the subdual and dis
development, as well as in innumerable sipation of the passions, desires,
points of structure and constitution, and illusions of the lower nature,
both of high and of the most trifling
which are the foes of the Higher
importance, — the rudiments which he
retains, and the abnormal reversions to Self.
which he is occasionally liable, — are facts " Thus saith the Lord God of Israel ;
which cannot be disputed. They have long Behold, ... I myself will fight against
been known, but until recently they told you (Zedikiah) with an outstretched hand
us nothing with respect to the origin of and with a strong arm, even in anger,
in. in. Now when viewed by the light of and in fury, and in great wrath. And I
our knowledge of the whole organic will smite the inhabitants of this city,
world, their meaning is unmistakable. both man and beast : they shall die of
The great principle of evolution stands a great pestilence." — JER. xxi. 4-6.
up clear and firm, when these groups of " Surely thou wilt stay the wicked,
facts are considered in connection with 0 God : depart from me therefore, ye
others, such as the mutual affinities of bloody men. For they speak against thee
the members of the same group, their wickedly, and thine enemies take thy
geographical distribution in past and name in vain. Do not I hate them, O
present times, and their geological suc Lord, that hato thee ? and am not I
cession. Tt is incredible that all these grieved with those that rise up against
facts should speak falsely." — C. DAKWIN, thee ? I hate them with perfect hatred :
Lwcent of Man, Summary. 1 count them mine enemies." — Ps. xxxix.
MAN (born), MAN CRAWLED, METEM These imprecatory passages refer to
PSYCHOSIS, MONAD OF FORM, NEPHI- the lower impulses of the natural man.
LIM, PITRIS (lunar), SONS OF OOD, The lower qualities must be opposed
SUKUNA. and destroyed, for they are the
enemies of the higher nature. The
voice of God in the conscience is full
A symbol of the emptiness of the of wrath and fury against wrongdoing.
lower affections and concepts if Every evil quality has to be overcome
taken as an end In themselves,
and slaughtered.
rather than a means of progress. " It is possible to bring down to the
See GOLGOTHA. earth the perfect standards of the heavens,
to stop thinking about safety and comfort
SKY, OR SKIES :— and salvation altogether, and to be
A symbol of the buddhic plane or splendidly inspired with the conscious
principle. ness that we are soldiers under God ; to
" When think of our own sins not as the things
he mnde firm the skies above :
which are going to condemn us to eternal
When the fountains of the deep became torture, but as the enemies of Him, the
strong." — PROV. viii. 28. hindrances that stand in the way of His
When the buddhic principle was victorious designs ; to see their badness
not in their consequences, but in their III).— DEUSSEN, Philosophy of the Upani-
nature, not in their quantity but in their sliads, trans, p. 300.
quality ; and so to bring to bear upon The spiritual ego in the physical
the very loiwt of them the intense hatred
mid intolerance which the very nature body is conscious of the vibrations of
of sin must always excito in him who sensation from the external world.
has attained a true passion for holiness. He is possessed of the five planes and
So it is possible for us to deal with every of the individuality and the person
sin, little or great, that we discover in
our hearts. To count it God's enemy and ality (seven limbs) ; also of the
to fight it with all His purity and strength ; faculties of perception, expression,
that is what it means for us that our knowledge and action.
sword should be bathed in heaven ! " When now he falls
asleep, he takes
(Is. xxxiv. 5)." — -PHILLIPS BROOKS, Serm., from this all -comprehending universe
The Sword Bfitlieij, etc. the timber, cuts it down, and himself
See ANGER or GOD, ARROWS, BATTLE, builds up of it his own light, by virtue of
CONFLICT, CONSCIENCE, DURGA, EGYP his own brilliance ; when therefore he
sleeps this spirit serves as light for itself
(Brihad. Vpanishad, IV. 3, 9). Ibid.,
TONGUES, WAR, WRATH OF GOD. After physical death the ego per
ceives no external world, but he takes
from the manifold life, activities and
A symbol of subjection to the
lower nature forms of the astral plane (wood) and
with Us desires,
passions, and sensations. builds up for himself an environment
See BONDAGE, CAPTIVITY, SUFFERING. of imagination (dream-sleep) to be
his own world of light and thought,
SLEEP :— desire and joy.
A symbol of a state of oblivion to " Then that
god enjoys greatness,
spiritual enlightenment ; or the inasmuch as he sees yet again that which
reverse, — a state of unconsciousness was seen here and there, hears yot again
of external things. Pralaya. things heard here and there, perceives
again and again in detail that which was
perceived in detail in its surroundings
of place and circumstance ; the seen
Symbols of earth-life and deva-
and the unseen
... as the whole he
views it (Prasna Vpanishad, IV. 5). —
chanic life in relation to spirit. Ibid., p. 304.
" Our birth is but The ego in the post-mortem state is
a sleep and a for
getting ; The soul that rises with us, our the centre of a world of attractive
life's star, Hath had elsewhere its setting, memories, and with these the con
And cometh from afar." — WORDSWORTH. sciousness is filled, so that it seems to
" True waking is a
true rising up from
the body, not with a body." — PLOTINUS, be the whole of things.
" Just as there hovers in
Enn., III. 6, 6. space, a
" And what is it hawk or an eagle, after it has circled
that the touch of
Christ does for us but to awaken the true round, folds its wings wearied, and drops
man within us, the spiritual man n-ho lies to the ground, so also the spirit hastens
slumbering under the spell of the enchant to that state in which fallen asleep it no
ment of flesh and sense." — R. J. CAMP longer experiences any desires nor sees
BELL, Serm., The Kenosia, etc. any dream image" (Brihad. Vpanishad,
See DAY AND NIGHT, JOB, RESUR IV. 3).— Ibid., p. 300.
RECTION, SELF. The ego after exhausting the astro-
mental activities of the " dream sleep "
SLEEPING AND WAKING, THE leaves the astral body to decay, and
FOUR STATES OF THE passes into the state of consciousness
SOUL :-- called
" " (tiuxlui/jti).
deep sleep
" That is ita real form, in which
Symbolic of the states of con it is
sciousness in the physical (waking exalted above desire, free from evil and
state), astro-mental (dream sleep), is fearless. For just as a man, embraced
by a beloved wife, has no consciousness
causal (deep sleep), and buddhic of outer and inner, so also the spirit
" The sleep) bodies. embraced by the Self consisting of know
Vaisvanara that exists in a ledge (i.e. by Brahman) has no conscious
waking condition, recognising external ness of outer and inner. That is his real
objects, with seven limbs and nineteen form, in which desire has been laid to
mouths, enjoying that which ia material, rest" (Brihad. Upanithad.IV. 19).— Ibid.,
is his Hret quarter " (Mand. Upanishad,
p. 308.
The causal-body is tho real form of SLIME FOR MORTAR :—
the manifesting ego, and in it the Symbolic of craft for affection.
consciousness of " dreamless sleep " is See BRICK FOR STONE, MORTAB.
exalted above the desires and imper
fections of the lower planes. The
consciousness here perceives the
truth and becomes one with the HETEPET :—
Higher Self on the higher mental A symbol of
a state of conscious
ness on the third sub-plane of the
plane in devachan.
" Knowing neither within buddhic plane.
nor without
nor yet on the two sides, nor again con " O Smam, I have come into thee.
sisting throughout of knowledge, neither My heart watcheth, my head is equipped
known nor unkno'.vn, — invisible, intan with the white crown." — BUDGE, Book
gible, incomprehensible, indescribable, un of the DcaJ, Ch. CX.
thinkable, inexpressible, founded solely This refers to the consummation of
on the certainty of its own self, effacing life, when final liberation is reached
the entire expanse of the universe,
tranquil, blissful, timeless, — that is the by the soul. The emotion-principle
fourth quarter, that is the atman, that articulates the whispers of the Spirit
•we inn .i. know " (M&ntl. Upanishad, within, and the higher mind attains
VII).— Phil, of Vpanishads, p. 310. the summit of its powers in perfection.
The spiritual ego, rising above the
mental plane, manifests in the world-
soul or the causal-body on the buddhic
plane (fourth quarter) of the quater SMELLING :—
nary. The state of consciousness at A symbol of apprehension or dis
this high level, called the " blissful crimination of what is beneath.
" (turiya), is inconceivable to Intelligence directed downwards
the lower mind and negatives all its See NOSE, SAVOUB.
conceptions ; its fullness of content
must transcend all that pertains to
the phenomenal universe and the cycle A symbol of the Omnipotent
of time.
" The matter of the astral plane is See TENEDOS.
much more plastic and obedient to SMOKE AND VAPOUR :—
imagination and desire than that of the
gross earth. ... In this condition of Symbolic of Ignorance and of the
being people are well aware that they mists of Illusion obscuring the
have quitted the earth life and have truth. Or, in a reverse sense, the
through the change spoken of symbols may indicate the " fire "
ere as death, but conceive themselves
of Divine love and truth.
translated to another world filled with " Smoke signifies divine truth in ulti-
the same interests and occupations as
those they have quitted, although these mates, because fire from which smoke
are divorced completely from the strained issues signifies love. In an opposite
and painful aspects they have worn sense, smoke signifies falses darkening
down here. The inhabitants of this region the truth." — SWEDENBORQ, Apoc. Rev.,
create for themselves dwellings, churches, n. 674, 422.
" According to you (Marjchaeans) the
entertainments, music and instrument*,
and social surroundings of all sorts, in First Man was armed against smoke with
the midst of which they pass their air, and against darkness with light.
time in a state of placid contentment." So it appears that smoke and darkness
— A. P. SINNETT, Growth of the So'tl, are bad. . . . The other three again are
p. 101. good." — AUGUSTINE, Works, Vol. V.
r. 148.
The First Logos dispels error (smoke)
(ush.), HARAVAITI, with mind (air) ; and ignorance (dark
(kam.), GATHA
ness) with light (truth). Fire (spirit),
air, and light signify good principles.
A symbol of the higher mind. A symbol of the incarnating ego,
See HEBMOD. or spiritual monad, who descends
into the forms to gain experience SOLDIERS : -
as a responsible being, and who A symbol of striving mental
becomes individualised on the higher qualities, good or bad, which act
mental plane. under guidance.
" Let him walk here on " Suffer hardship with me, as a good
(a Rnataka)
earth, bringing hia dress, speech and soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier on
thoughts to a conformity with his age, service entangleth himself in the affair-
his occupation, his wealth, his sacred of this life ; that he may please him who
learning, and hi* race." — Lawt of Manu, enrolleth him as a soldier." — 2 TIM. ii.
IV. 18.
3, 4.
Let the incarnating ego progress The mind is exhorted to bear suffer
through the stages of the soul's ex ing patiently in striving for truth and
perience upon the lower planes (earth), righteousness. No mental quality
making his opinions (dress), his outer
(soldier) in the service of the ideal
expression (speech), and his inner attaches itself to the things of the
nature or character (thoughts) accord lower nature, but faithfully strives for
with his stage of growth (age), his the ideal which evoked it and em
self -discipline (occupation), his mental ployed it.
endowments (wealth), his religious " Then the soldiers of the governor
intuitions (sacred learning), and his took Jesus into thn palace, and gathered
social obligations (race). unto him the whole band." — MAT. xxvii. 27.
Then the lower mental qualities of
CLOTHING, EABTH, EXPEKIENCE, an aggressive order on the side of
FOREST, FBAVASHIS, HERMIT, HOUSE worldly-mindedness (governor), pro
ceed to disrupt the soul in an attempt
to crush out the Higher from it.
TEXT, SPEECH, STRIDES OP SOUL, The disruptive process is the falling
WALKING DAY BY DAY, WEALTH. away of the lower from the Higher,
which is .symbolised in the higher
SNOW, ICE, FROST:— correspondencies of the mocking,
Symbols of truth latent or unex robing, and crowning, being degraded.
" Mark how the
warfare which we have
pressed. Truth (water) congealed. to wage is the same as the priestly service
" Unto the material world the evil which we have to render. The conflict
of winter will come ; consequently much is with our own sin and evil ; the sacrifice
driving snow will fall on the highest we have to offer is ourselves. As soldiers,
mountains and their summits." — Vendi- we have to fight against our selfish
da<l, IT. desires and manifold imperfections ; at
In this descent of the life-wave to priests, we have to lay our whole being
the astral and physical globes, the on His altar. The task is the name under
either emblem. And we have a conflict
upper globes become obscured to to wage in the world, and in the world
the lower consciousness, so that we have a priestly work to do, and these
the truth of buddhi becomes latent are the same." — A. MACLAREN, Sermons
3rd Series, p. 351.
(snow) as the lower globes are in
formed through evolution from below
A symbol of the Divine Life, or
SODOM AND EGYPT :— love righteousness and truth,
upspringlng in the soul. The " sap "
Symbols of the lower planes, or of the " Tree of Life," Is the same
lower nature. as the "blood of Christ," or the
" By Sodom is
signified the lovo of "wine " of the sacrament.
dominion grounded in self-love ; and " The gods drank of Soma and became
by Egypt is signified the love of rule
immortal ; men will become so when
grounded in the pride of self-derived
they in turn shall drink of him with
intelligence." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev.,
n. 502.
Yama in the abode of the blessed." —
BARTH, Religion* of India, p. 11.
See CRUCIFIXION OP CHRIST (Rev.), " That in you which protests against
EGYPT (lower), LOT. the evil you do is already one with God.
I love to call it Christ, for it is Christ. '
and the tree of life," of the celestial
Christ in the sap of the tree of humanity, world." — BARTR, Religions oj India, p. 203.
the force whereby we utter the divine " Agni and Soma
(as spiritual con
idea that we are." — R. J. CAMPBELL, ceptions) were invested with a subtle
Serm., Coming to the True Self. and complicated symbolism ; they were
" King Suddhodana drank the soma- impregnated, so to speak, with all the
juice as enjoined by the Veda, in the mystic virtue of sacrifice ; their empire
heartfelt self-produced happiness of per was extended far beyond the world of
fect calm." — Butldha-Karita, Bk. II. 37. sense, and they were conceived as cosmic
The Soul imbibes the spirit of Life agents and universal principles." — Ibid.,
as the " Word of God," or utterance p. 9.
" To sacrifice is
of the Supreme direct. This " happi (also) to stir up, actually
to beget, two divinities of the first rank,
ness, etc." signifies the perfect serenity the two principles of life, Agni and Soma."
which proceeds from the buddhic — Ibid., p. 36.
nature, the Self being alone within Agni represents the force-aspect of
Itself. the Self, and Soma the life-aspect,
" By Soma the Adityas are strong ; and these are aroused in the soul as
by Soma the earth is great, and Soma the soul aspires in offering up the
ia placed in the midst of the stars. When lower for the higher.
they crush the plant, he who drinks
regards it as Soma. Of him whom the
priests regard as Soma (the moon) no PLANTS, SACRIFICE, THEE OF LIFE,
one drinks." — Mum, O. S. T., V. 271. VINE, VRITRA.
Through the Divine Life the aspects
of the Self are energised, and the lower SOMA, AS THE MOON :—
nature is utilised ; and the Christ is A symbol of Divine Life
centred in the midst of the mental reflected upon the astral plane as
qualities (stars). When the higher desire which is inverted love.
" Fire proceeds from him (Purusha),
emotions are aroused, the soul that
and the sun is the fuel of that fire. From
acquires them regards them as Divine. the moon proceeds tho cloud-god Par-
Of the Divine Life inverted as desire janya ; from the cloud-god the plants
on the astro-mental plane, the qualities upon the earth ; from these the germ
are not nourished. of life. Thus the vnrious living things
" Into the heaven hath he placed the issue out of Purusha." — Mundaka Ufxmi-
Sun, and Soma upon the rock. Soma on thad, II.
" Soma, the Moon, the progenitor of
the rock because Soma is in the moun
the lunar race, who reigned at Hastina-
tains."— Sato. Br&h. III. 3, 4, 7. "
pur, was tho child of the Rishi Atri
The higher planes are the abode — MON. WILLIAMS, Indian
of the Self, and the involved Divine Wisdom, p. 376.
Life is beneath. The Divine Life is " The moon is
(as in Riq-reda, X. 85, 5)
involved " from the foundation of the soma cup of the gods, which is alter
nately drained by them and again filled
the world," because it has to evolve V. DEUSSEN, Phil,
(Ch&nd. 10, 4).— of
upward in the aspirations (mountains). Upanishads, p. 218.
The " rock " is Christ. Life-energy (fire) proceeds from the
See Supreme Spirit, and the Higher Self
BLOOD OF THE LAMB, EABTH, EVOLU (sun) conditions and directs that
TION, FOOD AS GOD, GODS, HOMA- energy. From the life on the astral
JUICE, HOUSE SACRIFICE, MOON, MOUN plane (moon) the Divine Life on the
TAINS, PARGANYA, PRAGAPATI BE- buddhic plane is aroused, and this Life
LAXED, PRIEST, ROCK, SACRAMENT, causes the lower emotions (plants)
SACRIFICE, SAP, STARS, SUDDHODANA, to develop and also to receive the
SUN, TREE OF LIFE, VEDA, WINE, germs of the higher qualities. Thus
WORD OF GOD, YAMA. the various qualities and forms of life
issue forth from the Supreme.
The astral life-energy (Soma the
A symbol of the Divine Life or moon) from which proceed the desire-
" Tree of Life " in the soul, which
nature and the personality that ruled
has its rise in the Absolute, and
the lower mind (Hastina-pur), was
extends through all planes.
" The the product of the nascent soul (Atri).
Chandogya Up. (8, 5, 3) and the
Kaushitaki Up. (1, 3) have a knowledge
The life of the astral plane (moon
of ' the fig-tree which distils the soma,' produces the lower qualities which
become transmuted into the higher tion of the Word that Meister Eckhart
qualities (gods), leaving no lower speaks, when he says in his Christmas
sermon, ' We are celebrating the feast of
qualities. This requires the process the Eternal Birth which God the Father
to be repeated ; and so on alternately. has borne and never ceases to bear in all
" Soma is the husband of
the Nak- Eternity ; whilst this birth also comes to
shatras, the constellations of the lunar pass in time and in human nature.' . . .

zodiac." BABTH, Rr.ligiont of India, Here in a few words the two-fold character
p. 42. of this Mystic Birth is exhibited. The
The Divine life is, as it were, the interest is suddenly deflected from its
Husbandman who sows the seed of Cosmic to its personal aspect ; and the
individual is reminded that in him, no
the higher qualities in the astral less than in the Archetypal Universe, real
or desire-nature which has been life must be born if real life is to be lived.
developed on the lunar planetary Since the soul, according to mystic prin
chain of globes. ciples, can only perceive Reality in pro
portion as she is real, know God by
becoming God-like, it is clear that this
CUP, EABTH, EVOLUTION, FIRE, GERMS, birth is the initial necessity." —E. UNDEB-
GODS, HUSBANDMAN, LUNAR CHAIN, iiu.!.. Mysticism, p. 146.
" The Son of God ia indeed our Lord
Jesus Christ, but he in also your own
(lunar), PLANTS, PURUSHA, SEED, true self, your higher self, your unfettered
SELENE, SUN. self, whose angel doth ' alway behold the
face of the Father.' This ia a truth which
SON OF GOD, FIRST-BORN :— is not very easy to explain in terms of
A symbol of the Second Logos or ordinary everyday experience, but once
Higher Self, — the first emanation it ia grasped it sheds a wonderful light
upon some of the deepest problems of
from the Father, the Absolute, or existence. . . . That of you which enters
the First Logos. into your field of consciousness at any
" Who is the image of the invisible one time is but a small portion of the
God, the first-born of all creation ; for real you. You are like an island in the
in him were all things created, in the ocean, which is really the top of a moun
heavens and upon the oarth."— COL. i. tain that may be five miles deep, and
15, 16. whose base is one with all the land in the
" Whosoever shall confess that Jesus world. Christ is the ocean bed at the
is the Son of God, God abidetb in him base of the island of your soul. . . . The
and he in God." — 1 JOHN iv. 15. fundamental fact in you, the fact without
" And who is he that overcometh the which there would not be a you, is the
world, but he that believeth that Jesus eternal Son of God. What is needed now
is the Son of God ? This is he that came in order that God's purpose may be ful
by water and blood, even Jesus Christ." filled in you is that that eternal Son, that
— 1 JOHN v. 6, 6. indestructible divine self, should arise in
" God gave unto us eternal life, and his strength within your soul and break
this life is in his Son. He that hath the the bonds that bind you to everything
Son hath the life ; he that hath not the that you feel to be unworthy of your
Son of God hath not the life." — 1 JOHN v. kinship to the Father of love and light."
11, 12. — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Freedom
" Jesus " is here a symbol of the of "the Son of God.
Higher Self incarnate in humanity. Only in the human soul is God
" Jesus," the Ideal of love and truth present in God-like fashion. The soul is
therefore God's resting-place in which the
is identified with the indwelling Self ; temporal and the eternal are allied.
and the mind which seeks to conform Our spirit is the divine spark within us,
wherein is completed the alliance of God
to the Ideal has in it the eternal life
and the soul. As God contains all things
of the Spirit. The Ideal (Jesus) entered in Himself, BO it ia in our soul ; the soul
the mind by Truth (water) and Life is the microcosmos in which all things
(blood), that the mind might turn are contained and are led back to God.
Therefore, there is no difference between
entirely to God. "
" The eternal Birth or generation of the Son of God and the soul (Eckhart
the Son or Divine Word. This Birth is in of Strasburg). — PFLEIDEREB, Develop, oj
Christianity, p. 152.
its first, or Cosmic sense, the welling
forth of the Spirit of Life from the Divine See ARC. MAN, ATM AN, Hnrrn OF
Abyss of the unconditional Godhead. JESUS, BIRTH CEREMONIES, BLOOD,
From our proper Source, that is to say, CHRIST, COSMOS, CREATION, DISK,
from the Father and all that which lives FIRST-BORN SON, GOD, HEAVEN AND
in Him, there shines," says Ruysbroeck,
an eternal Ray, the which ia the Birth EARTH, HIGHER AND LOWER SELVES,
of the Son.' It is of this perpetual genera- HOKHMAH, HORBEHUDTI, IMAGE, I ••
CARNATION, JESUS (Soil of God), ences. God can send the conscience
MACROCOSM, MICROCOSM, MONAD, only to those who are sufficiently
SACRAMENT, TRINITY, WATER, WORLD. progressed to be able to hear the
Divine voice within.
A symbol of the soul in the stage CONSCIENCE, FOXES, HOBBEHUDTI,
of being made perfect, wherein the INVOLUTION, ISRAELITES, JESUS (son
lower nature is being purified finally of man), LANGUAGE, MAN (born), MAN
by the Higher. It represents a soul
not yet completely evolved and per
fected, for the perfect soul is a Son SERPENT (brazen), SOUL, SPEECH,
of God. " Son of man " means VOICE OF GOD.
son of mind, i.e. the manifesting SONG :—
spiritual ego as an evolved product,
or "child," of the "natural man," A symbol of aspiration through
or mind, while the ego remains harmonising of the qualities, and
attached to the mind, and its mani raising the mind towards wisdom
festation is limited by the lower and love.
conditions. When the natural man " Yet the Lord will command his
is purified and transmuted, then loving- kindness in tho daytime, and in
the spiritual ego is fully manifest the night his song shall be with me, even
a prayer unto the God of my life." —
and again becomes " Son of God "
Ps. xlii. 8.
as it was before its descent into
matter. Through suffering and trouble, the
" What ego will be given opportunities of
is man, that thou art mindful
of him ? and the son of man, that thou development at the period of incar
visitest him 1 For thou hast made him nation (daytime), and in the discar-
but little lower than God, and crownest nate interval (night) there will be
him with glory anrl honour. Thou madest harmony of the qualities through
him to have dominion over the works of
aspiration towards the Divine love
thy hands ; thou hast put all things
under his feot." — Pa. viii. 4-0. and truth within.
" Lot thy hand be upon the man of " The Lord is my strength and song,
thy right hand, upon the son of man and is become my salvation." — Ps. cxviii.
whom thou madest strong for thyself." — 14.
Ps. Ixxx. 17. The Self is the power within tho
These texts refer to the Soil of man soul to raise and harmonise the
of the cycle of involution, the Self qualities on the path of love and duty
born on the mental plane, and become which leads to perfection.
the Archetypal Man having dominion See DAY AND NIGHT, HARMONY,
over all things of the soul life. HYMN SINGING, INCARNATION OF
" The Son of man, the Lord from
Heaven, as he was variously called, was
the divine root or essence of human nature
in general as well as the strong deliverer TION, SINGERS.
which was to come." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
Serm., The Eternal Self. SONS AND DAUGHTERS :—
" Representing the soul as having
Symbols of opinions or ideas, and
sprung from the primitive man, Mani of feelings or emotions, — the pro
interpreted in this sense the hiblical
name, ' Son of man.' " — NEANDEH, Church geny of mind and emotion. Or,
History, Vol. II. p. 214. the higher mental qualities and the
" And he said unto mo, Son of man, build hie emotions, — the progeny of
go, get thee unto the house of Israel, the Spirit.
and speak with my words unto them. " Wherefore
come ye out from among
For thou art not sent to a people of a them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord,
strange speech and of a hard language, and touch no unclean thing ; and I will
but to the house of Israel." — EZEK. iii. receive you, and will be to you a Father,
4, 5.
and ye shall be to me sons and daughters,
The spiritual ego or mind (Son of saith the Lord Almighty."— 2 COR. vi.
" God's words " in 17, 18.
the conscience to disciplined qualities Self exhorts those
The indwelling
(Israel), but cannot do so to un qualities which have in them a
disciplined qualities whose expression measure of the Divine Life to separate
is hard and strange to spiritual influ themselves from their lower elements,

and have no alliance with selfish and Neolithic men in Palestine ages before
the events recorded in the Book of the
desires. Then the Self will transmute The theological traditici
them, and so become their progenitor, identifies theso Nephilim with hairy met
and they will be the higher mental or satyrs, the latter being mythical
t he Fifth Race, and the former historic*,
and buddhic qualities on spiritual
in both the Fourth and Fifth Recce."—
planes. H. P. BLAVATSKY, Secret Doctrine, Vol. II.
" A son denotes truth and good in the
p. 819.
understanding and thence in the thought ; " And the Lord said, My spirit shall
a daughter denotes truth and good in not strive with man for ever, for in their
the will and thence in the affections.
going astray they are flesh ; therefore
. . . Young men signify truths, and shall his days be an hundred and twenty
virgins affections thereof." — SWEDEN- years." — GEN. vi. 3.
BOKO, Apoc. Rev., n. 643, G20.
This refers to the subsequent evolu
tion of the spiritual ego through
human forms, and its final reunion
with the Self.
SONS OF GOD:— And the Divine Mercy expresses
itself in the soul, and imparts confi
A symbol of the Divine monads or
spiritual egos which incarnate in dence of ultimate re-conjunction of
the many with the One. Like
" lost
the human forms when the lower
" they have gone astray into
nature of man has evolved mind. sheep
" And it came to pass, when men began the lower nature. The lower self (flesh)
to multiply on the face of the ground, and is now converted into an instrument
daughters were born unto them, that the of the Divine will for the evolution of
sons of God saw the daughters of men the soul, and cannot be for ever
that they were fair ; and they took them
wives of all that they chose." — GEN. vi. opposed to the higher nature. The
I, 2. time-limit for the lower self to function
This refers to the period when from is therefore fixed at twelve periods
the anthropoid animal the human (120) of the cycle of life.
animal evolved, and mind began to
" Beloved, now are we the eons of
function in each individual, uncouth, God, and it doth not yet appear what
we shall be : but we know that, when he
human form. shall appear, we shall bo like him ; for
And the period arrived when evolu we shall see him as he is." — 1 JOHN iii. 2.
" Man is God's son, not because God
tion of the individual mind commenced
in many human units, and as the has adopted him, but because man in
his inmost is spirit. God and man must
consciousness was drawn to the objects then come together, because of the
of desire, and as affection for them affinity between them, because the dis
was set up, the spiritual egos, or tinctive element of humanity is an
ideals in the mind (sons of God), emanation from the fullness of Divine
life." — B. WILBERFOHOE, Problems, p. 7!'.
identified themselves with the sensa " God has been at work from the
tions and affections (daughters of beginning of time, the Life-Force of all
men), and hence illusion of the per existence, giving himself, sacrificing him
self, that the latent wonder and beauty
sonality was produced. The taking
" wives " is the seeking for the of his eternal Being might be declared
of in his children. '
The whole creation
Self through the form-life. groaneth and travaileth in pain together
" Primeval monsters all lived and died until now waiting '—
waiting for what ?
in fulfilment of their destiny, doing their Waiting for the manifestation of the
appointed part, but without asking any sons of God.' Yes, the end of creation is
questions about it. And then came man the fashioning of a divine humanity
•— a beast, no doubt, at first, like the rest, which will perfectly embody and show
but a thinking beast. . . . He is able to forth the greatness and goodness of God,
do this because there has awakened in and the day will come when we shall say
him a spark of that same divine reason, with him that the end to be gained was
that eternal Word, which was before worth the price to be paid." — R. J.
creation and is incarnate within it. — CAMPBELL, Serm., Jenu and the Life-
For the earnest expectation of the Forte.
creature waiteth for the manifestation of " Brethren, happiness is not our
the sons of God ' (Ron. viii. 10)." — R. J. end and aim. The Christian's aim is
CAMPBELL, Serm., God's Greater Works, perfection, not happiness, and every one
" But who were the Nephilim of of the sons of God must have something
Genesis (vi. 4) ? There were Paleolithic of that spirit which marked their master."
— F. W. ROBEBTSON, Sermons, 3rd Series, Mother Acham6th. . . . And this, they
p. 153. say, is the aalt and the light of the world."
See APES (nine), BENNU BIRD, — IRENAEUS, Against Heresies, Bk. II.
BODHISATVAS, CHILDREN or GOD, The Church signifies the religious
DAUGHTERS, EVOLUTION, FALL, consciousness or purified state of soul,
FLESH, FRAVASHIS, HIKOBOSHI, in which can be received the Christ-
INCARNATION OF SOULS, JOB, MANA- germ, for Christ becomes the head of
SAPUTRAS, MARUTS, MONAD OF LIFE, the Church and the completion of
MUSPELL, NEPHILIM, PACCEKA- humanity. The desire-nature (animal
B0DDHAS, PERSONALITY, PITHIS (solar), soul) proceeds from the potential lower
SAGES, SATYRS, SAVIOURS, SHEEP nature of the Archetypal Man (Demi
(lost), SINGERS, SKINS OF ANIMALS, urge) ; the mental vehicle (body)
SPARK. from the lower mind (dust) ; and the
physical vehicle (flesh) from the physi
SOPHIA OR WISDOM :— cal plane. While the Spiritual man,
A symbol of the buddhic principle, Christ, is born within the soul, brought
and the buddhic function on the forth of the Buddhic principle (Sophia),
lower planes. the Divine Madonna ; and this is the
" So the JEons all betook themselves Son of the Highest and the Light of
to praying the Father to put an end to the world.
Wisdom's grieving, for she was bewailing See ARC. MAN, BIRTH OF CHRIST,
because of the abortion which she had
Refutation, Bk. VI. 26. HOLY GHOST, LIGHT, MAN (natural),
This refers to the awakening of the MOTHER (divine), NEPHESH, SALT,
higher manifesting principles (^Eons) to SEED.
their own state in relation to evolu
tion, and the consequent so-called
prayer or petition to the Highest,
which is an effort of
A symbol of the lower emotion-
nature as the inverted reflection of
towards Wisdom and Love, bring buddhic principle, on the
ing the reasoning mind to cease psychic or astral plane.
grieving for the struggling lower plane " Sophia Achamdth was the daughter of
activities which work out one-sided Sophia, the Divine Wisdom — the female
results. The "abortion " signifies the Holy Ghost of the early Christians, —
inharmonious forcing of a certain side Sophia Acham6th personifying the lower
of the nature, which, unless " born out Astral Light or Ether." — BLAVATSKY,
Secret Doctrine, Vol. I. p. 219.
of due time," that is, evolved when " This wisdom is not a wisdom that
the conditions are matured, does not cometh down from above, but is earthly,
yield a perfect result, and is as an sensual, devilish." — JAS. iii. 15.
unripe fruit, — without flavour, and See DEMIURGE, MEDUSA, RAVANA.

lacking in perfection of development. SORCERORS, OR WIZARDS :—

A symbol of the following of false
EVOLUTION, NEHEMAUT, SEXUAL, ideas and vain and unpractical
STRIFE, WISDOM. notions, from habit and authority.
This course of action crushes the
SOPHIA ACHAMdTH (HIGHER efforts of the inner Self to attain
ASPECT) :— knowledge of the truth for the ego.
A symbol of the buddhic principle See WIZARDS.
functioning in the soul and giving
birth to the Self. SORES ON THE BODY :—
" And this same seed the Spirit A symbol of the suffering lower
sown by Wisdom in the natural man, nature in the forms.
the Gnostics) affirm also to be the Church, See JOB, LAZARUS.
corresponding to the Church above. And
with this they maintain their inward being SORROW, OR EVIL :—
to be completed, as though they had their
animal soul from the Demiurgus, their
A symbol of the ego's deprivation
body from the dust of the earth, and of the higher qualities when it
their fleshly part from its matter, while descends into the lower nature ;
the Spiritual man comes from their this implies ignorance and suffering.
" Now the Buddha declares that life
the desire -nature (evil spirit), and
in every form and in every expression is
sorrow, but why is all life sorrow ? thereby causes the rise of conscious
Because all life is transient and unen- ness in the souls and the attainment
during. . . . Because everything has of immortality at the close of the cycle.
arisen from some cause or reason, it See CHRIST'S SECOND COMING,
follows that it must come to an end just HVANIRATHA, INCARNATION, KALK;
as soon as this cause ceases to act." —
P. I ,'A IU.KI:, Buddliisl Essays, p. 22. AVATAR, RESURRECTION.
" Sorrow by itself does not exist.
Being transiency as reflected in the SOSHYANTS :—
individual, it is, and it is not. . . . A symbol of the individualities or
Sorrow, like everything else, is a relative spiritual egos, who are as pilgrims
conception, which comes into being with passing through the experiences of
me, and with me expires." — Ibid., p. 78.
" Sorrow is not punishment, — the result the lower life on their way to the
of sin : sorrow is ignorance." — Ibid., p. 23. eternal city above.
" For as in this system is See CITY OF ODD, EXPERIENCES,
synonymous with illusion, so in this FRAVASHIS, FUGITIVE, HYMNS, INDI
system is knowledge synonymous with VIDUALITY, MONAD OF LITE, PILGRIM,
truth."— Ibid., p. 193.
Sorrow on the lower planes is the
opposite of bliss on the higher ;
but while the first is transient, the SOSIOSH :—
second is eternal. Ignorance and evil
A symbol of a Divine outpouring
are one.
" into the souls of humanity towards
Humanity as a whole, and every
human being in particular, is a portion the close of the present cycle.
of the Eternal Divine Essence subjected " But before this, Ormazd will send
to earthly conditions that its latent his prophet Sosiosh, and will bring
spiritual qualities, the qualities which about the conversion of mankind, to be
constitute the ideal good, whatever it is, followed by the general resurrection." —
may find opportunity to declare them Zoroastrian System, Clarke, Ten Religions.
selves. Or, to put it another way, the But previous to the termination
travail of earth has been necessary that of the cycle, the Divine Will shall
a glorious divine idea might be brought
to the birth and live for over in the eternal appear to the lower nature as One
world, — an idea in whose fulfilment the who illuminates with Truth, and so
highest welfare, the fullest self-realisation will be the means of purifying and
of every being taking any part in tho
work will be included." — R. J. CAMPBELL, perfecting many souls, and thereby
Serm., A Christian World-view. enabling the egos to rise from the
" We ought to realise that a necessary lower planes whoreon they have lam
condition of the work we are severally as dead in the forms.
and collectively doing in the flesh is " Jesus said unto her, I am the resur
mainly done by means of suffering. All rection and the life : he that believeth
the woe of the past and all the anguish on me shall never die." — JOHN xi. 5.
of the present have been necessary to it,
and will continue to be so until God's
The Christ-soul, being the Divine
l. end is achieved." — R. J. CAMPBELL, innermost, is the way, the truth and
erm., Oo<fs Us« of Time.
§n-ii the life in the raising of the conscious
See BLISS, BUDDHA, FORMS, IGNOR ness to higher planes. The quality in
ANCE, ILLUSION, JOB, KAKMA, LOST harmony with the Divine is immortal.
(forest), NIDANAS, NIRVANA, ORIGINAL See AAT (waters), BUDDHA (mait-
A symbol of the Indwelling Self TION, SPRINGTIME.
in the souls of humanity.
" Soshyans is born in Khvaniras, who SOUL AND BODY:—
makes the evil spirit important, and Symbolic of spirit and matter in
causes the resurrection and future exist relation to the Divine process of
ence." — HunJaliiii, XI. 4. 5. B. of E. manifestation, — Involution and then
The Higher Self incarnates within Evolution.
the pilgrim souls on this Earth-planet " As it is said thus : Which is created
(Khvaniras) and in them overcomes before, tho soul or the body ? And
Auharmazd Raid that the soul ia created SOUL (HIGHEST ASPECT),
before, and the body after, for him who WORLD- SOUL, OR OVER-
was created ; it is given into the body SOUL :—
that it may produce activity, and tho
body is created only for activity ; hence A symbol of the manifested Higher
the conclusion is this, — that tho soul ia Self on the planes of atma and
created before, and the body after."— buddhl, in relation to the cosmic
The Bundahix, XV. 4. S. B. of E. causal-body on the buddhlc plane,
The question resolves itself into :— which is the centre of emanation.
Which is first of all brought into
existence, — the Involutionary or the "From One Soul, — the All-soul, —
come all these souls which are made to
Evolutionary process ? And in answer, revolve in all the cosmos, as though
the voice of Eternal Truth affirms that divided off " Corpus Hermeticutn, The
the former must first go forth, in Key, 7). — G. R. S. MEAD, T. O. Hermes,
Vol. II. p. 145.
asmuch as unless the organised World- " The soul has its origin in the
soul were first produced to provide Intelligence, in which it is asserted, the
means of experience and expression forms of the coming existences already
for the spiritual egos, no evolution nan be distinguished from each other,
and this Supreme Intelligence can be
would be possible, no redemption or termed the Universal Soul." — I. MYEU,
transmutation attainable. The Life Qabbalah, p. 110.
of the World-soul is the means where "
So the Soul is asserted to descend
by the form is thrilled into activity. here below ; and so it is restored to
the bosom of the Deity when it has
Hence it is, — that Spirit pre-exists,
fulfilled its mission, and adorned by its
and Matter subsists. virtues, is prepared for heaven ; and
See AHUBA-MAZDA, ABC. MAN, raising itself by its own action and the
CREATION, EVOLUTION, EXPERIENCE, assistance of Divine Love, which it
FORMS, REDEMPTION, TRANSMUTATION, incites by that which it feels, to the
highest degree of emanation, to the real
VESTUBES. existence, and thus places itself in
harmony and affinity with the ideal
SOUL, SPIRIT, AND BODY:— form." — Ibid., p. 111.
The One Soul, or Self, descends, as
A symbol of atma (spirit), buddhl
(soul), and manas (body). The it were, into the matter of the lower
soul is completed on the buddhlc planes during the process of Involu
plane. tion, and afterwards re -ascends in the
" And the God of peace himself sanctify many souls in the process of Evolu
you wholly ; and may your spirit and tion to its Divine source. This ascent
soul and body be preserved entire, with of the Soul is accomplished through
out blame at the coming of our Lord its own Divine Life, supplemented by
Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth
you, who will also do it." — 1 THESS. v. the Love-energy responding from above
23, 24. to its aspirations below. It rises with
The Higher Self completes the enhanced powers and virtues, and
evolution of the spiritual ego and its realises the Ideal from which it
qualities (atma-buddhi-manas) on the emanated.
" That
higher planes at the end of the cycle. Unity, that Over-soul, within
" The highest of all selves, the ultimate which every man's particular being is
Self of the universe, is God. The New contained and made one with all other ;
Testament speaks of man as body, soul, that common heart, of which all sincere
and spirit. The body is the thought-form conversation is the worship, to which all
through which the individuality finds right action is submission ; that over
expression on our present limited plane ; powering Reality which confutes our
the soul is a man's consciousness of himself tricks and talents, and constrains every
as apart from all the rest of existence, one to pass for what he is, and to speak
and even from God ; the spirit is the true from his character, and not from his
being thus limited and expressed, — it is tongue, and which evermore tends to
the deathless Divine within us. The soul, pass into our thought and hand, and
therefore, is what we make it ; the spirit become wisdom, and virtue, and power,
we can neither make nor mar, for it ia and beauty. We live in succession, in
at once our1 being and God's." — R. J. division, in parts, in particles. Mean
CAMPBELL, The New Theology, p. 34. time within man is the Soul of the whole ;
See ATMA, BIRDS (two), BUDDHI, the wise silence ; the universal beauty,
to which every part and particle is
CHRIST'S SECOND COMING, FIG-FRUIT, equally related ; the eternal ONC." —
" Men need, it
is true, a lofty, spiritual pression on the several planes. When
conception in order that they may be
the astro-mental and physical bodies
encouraged to enlarge the narrow cir
cumference of their personal life, and (mortal lives) drop away from it, it
merge themselves within the universal. withdraws into itself with the results
But unless it be that the personal aspect of its experience. The " human soul "
of life be duly insisted upon, until it is
is the astro -mental body to which are
realised that the universal lives, moves,
and acquires its reality from what we joined the desires and emotions (irra
severally impart and communicate to it, tional). The latter are enduring only
the raiaon d'etre of that conception must as activities transmuted to the higher
be missed. The end, the aim, the purpose
of life for man is the soul. But the soul planes.
" It must be said . . . with respect to
must remain a mere symbol until man
translates his loftiest imaginings into our soul that one part of it always abides
true, noble impulses and deeds, which on high, that another part of it is con
shall serve to transmit to others, and to versant with sensibles, and that another
has a subsistence in the middle of these.
posterity, the flame of immortal life,
and so kindle within their hearts the For as there is one nature in many powers,
at one time the whole soul tends up
passion for the pure, the beautiful, and
the perfect. Therein lies the germ of all wards in conjunction with the most
excellent part of itself and of the uni
that is eternal. Therein lies the solution,
verse ; but at another time, the worst
ay, the very nature, of the soul." — R.
DIMRDALE STOCKER, The God wMth ia part being drawn down, draws together
Man, p. 79. with itself the middle part." — PLOCTNUS,
.1 •/•'•'"•' .'.'/••Onottics, Taylor, pp. 47, 48.
The " part on high " is the causal -
body ; the part the astro-
mental, and the " worst part
" is the
desires, etc. (sensibles) which are
attached to the astro-mental body.
ISVARA, MACROCOSM, MONAD, NESRA- " We must explain to you how the
MAH, SEED, SELF, SERVANT OF GOD. question stands by some further con
ceptions drawn from the Hermaic writ
SOUL (MIDDLE ASPECT) :— ings. Man has two souls, as these writings
say. The one is from the First Mind, and
A symbol of the causal -body on partakes also of the power of the Creator,
the higher mental plane, the centre while the other, the soul under constraint,
or seat of the manifested Higher comes from the revolution of the celestial
.Self (atma-buddhl), — the rock upon spheres. Into the latter the former — the
which an ego builds, — the foundation soul that is the Seer of God, — insinuates
itself at a later period. This being so, the
and pivot upon which, and around
soul that descends into UB from the
which, the inner activities are worlds keeps time with the circuits of
carried on. these worlds, while the soul from the
" The kinds of souls are three :— divine, Mind, existing in us in a spiritual fashion,
and human, and irrational. Now the is free from the whirl of Generation ;
divine is that of its divine body, in which by this the bonds of Destiny are burst
there is the making active of itself. For asunder ; by this the Path up to the
it is moved in it, and moves itself. For Spiritual Gods is brought to birth ; by
when it is set free from mortal lives, it such a life as this, is that Great Art
separates itself from the irrational por Divine, which leads up to That beyond
tions of itself, departs unto the god-like the spheres of genesis, brought to
body, and as 'tis in perpetual motion, is its consummation." — JAMBLICHCS, Bk
moved in its own self, with the same viii. 6.
motion as the universe. The human kind This refers to the Divine origin of
has also something of the god-like body, the spiritual ego which descends at
but it has joined to it as well, the parts a certain stage into the personality
irrational, — the appetite and heart. These
latter also are immortal, in that they which has been developed on the
happen also in themselves to be activities ; lunar and terrene globes of their
but they are the activities of mortal planetary chains. This union of the
bodies. Wherefore, they are removed
far from the god-like portion of the Soul "
spiritual, the mental, and the animal
(Corpus Hermeticum, XVIII). — G. R. S. natures forms man, and opens his
MEAD, T. O. Hermes, Vol. III. p. 78. path upward to the ideals on the higher
The " divine or god-like body " is planes. The spiritual ego (Seer of
the causal-body which is the centre God) is described as proceeding from
and source of the qualities of the the plane of atma (First Mind) and
soul, and so many modes of its ex- partaking of buddhi and manas (crea
tive power) ; while the personality essence of His own Being without which
none of us could exist, and which none
(soul under constraint) is said to be
of us can destroy. The soul is man's
evolved from the life-waves circling consciousness of himself, as apart from
over the planetary chains of globes. all the rest of the world, and even from
Into the personality the spiritual ego God. The body might be here in all its
insinuates itself parts, and yet we should say of someone
who has left us, that he is gone. What
at the period when the personality is we mean is that that which distinguishes
mature. This being so, the personality him from all other humanity, and even
which has been formed on the globes from God, his consciousness of himself,
is uniformly subject to the karmic our consciousness of him, has departed.
Thnt is what we mean by the soul. The
conditions of the life of the lower soul is in a sense the use that a man
nature, while the spiritual ego being makes of his own divinity, the soul is
of the higher nature is free from the the moral and spiritual consciousness of
life and death of the forms (whirl of a man. The spirit is something you can
neither make nor mar ; the soul is what
generation), and ultimately will break you make it." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Song
the bonds asunder which bind it to of Ar/?*, pp. 99, 100.
forms. By this entrance of spirit into See ATM, CAUSAL-BODY, GILGOO-
humanity the path of the ego is opened LEM, GODS, INDIVIDUALITY, KARANA,
to the higher qualities (gods). It is KARMA, LAZARUS, LUNAR CHAIN, MIND
by the life of the spirit in aspiration (good), NESHAMAH, PERSONALITY,
and intelligence (art Divine) that our PLANETARY CHAIN, REGIONS, SAHU,
souls will be led up to That wliich SELF, SPARK, WHEELS (holy).
transcends all form-life and is the
consummation of endeavour. SOUL (LOWEST ASPECT),
" Of soul the bodie forme doth take, ANIMAL SOUL:—
for soul is forme and doth the bodie A symbol of the astral body of
make." —SPENSER. desires, appetites, passions, instincts,
" Erigena's mysticism appears especially
in his roc conception of man'a soul. and lower affections and emotions.
There is an Uimate ground of truth in the The personality when ruled by the
depth of p rsonal consciousness. Man lower principle.
ia an epitome of the universe, a meeting- " The soul of the wicked desireth
place of the above and the below, a evil."— PKOV. xxi. 10.
point of union for the heavenly and the " Behold all souls are mine ; as the
sensuous. We understand the world only soul of the father, so also the soul of the
because the forms or patterns of it— the son is mine : the soul that sinneth, it
Ideas which it expresses — are in our own shall die." — EZEKT. xviii. 4.
minds. So that a mind which wholly
fathomed itself would thereby fathom
All personalities are emanated by
everything, and we can rise to Divine the Higher Self through the indivi
contemplation because God is the ground duality. As the preceding personality
and reality of our soul's being. In very (father), so also the succeeding per
truth the soul is always in God, and by
sonality (son) comes from the indi
contemplation it may rise above the
mutable and become thai which it beholiis. viduality seated in the causal-body.
In a remarkable passage in the Fourth The personality that is unpurified is
Book (De Dix. Kat.) he says : ' Whoever dissipated, and a new personality is
rises to pure understanding becomes that
incarnated. Each personality is respon
which he understands. We, while we
discuss together, in turn become one sible in degree for its actions, and not
another. For, if I understand what you for the actions of its " father " or its
understand, I become your understanding, " son." The personality dies in his
and in a certain unspeakable way I am sins, but the individuality is immortal.
made into you. And also when you
entirely understand what I clearly under In a general sense the personality
stand you become my understanding, and endures through the cycle and dies
from two understandings there arises when perfected.
" — R. M. JONES, Mystical Religion,
p. 127.
" When in Pauline language we speak manent), HEEL, IMMORTALITY FOR
of body, soul, and spirit, we are speaking FEITED, NEPHESH, PERSONALITY.
of three different ideas. The body is the
vehicle and instrument of the soul, the SOUND, OR VOICE: —
soul is the sheath of the spirit, the spirit
is the deathless divine, the spark of A symbol of spiritual vibrations
God's fire that is in every man, that from the higher planes which find
response In the mind as higher emotion, or higher astral, plane, — a
emotions or the conscience. strong breeze of love, — surged about
" The clouds poured out water ; the the primeval mind so that it was
slcies sent out a sound : Thine arrows aleo well-nigh capsized, and in ite perplexity
went abroad." — Fa. Ixxvii. 17. it put forth an effort of will and
From the buddhic principle (clouds) restrained its emotion, so that it
within, truth (water) waa poured
could not for awhile soar into the
forth ; from the higher planes (skies) realms of fancy, for it had reflected.
came vibrations of wisdom and love ;
But the emotion-nature is a servant
also the Self with spiritual force of the Highest (Anu), and an aspect
(arrows) overcame the lower qualities. of the One Life : and so it was that
the daring and presumptuous mortal
(higher), NOISE, SKY, VOICE. was called upon to account for that
SOUTH QUARTER IN SCRIP which he had done. He had asserted
TURES OF EUROPE AND himself. He had become " one of
NORTH AFRICA:— Us." Intelligence is the function

A symbol of the higher planes of wliich involves choice, and as such

buddhi and atma, while North is a introduces will, — which makes man,
symbol of the lower planes. the individuality, as God. And herein
" For upon the ' south wind ' coming, arises karma. The Supreme (Ea),
the north wind ' arising departs (CANT. however, intervened. God does not
iv. 16)when our old enemy, who had leave man to the karmic law alone ;
bound up our soul in inactivity, being
by the coming of the Holy
in other words, the lesser life, the
Spirit, takes himself away. . . . And individual, after its fall into matter,
thus the chambers of the South ' are is even yet in touch with the Greater
those unseen orders of the Angels, and Life, or more correctly, the Greater is
those unfathomed depths of the heavenly
in conscious communication with the
Country, which are filled with the heat
of the Holy Spirit." — ST. GREGORY, individual life in order to raise it from
Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 507. the lower conditions.
A symbol of the assertion of the
A symbol of the lower planes, higher mental faculties.
especially of the astral plane.
A symbol of the lower desires
SOUTH LAND, AND NORTH and Instincts.
LAND OF EGYPT:— " Sow, sacred to Set,
was the abomina
Symbols of the planes of buddhi- tion of Horus, according to the 112th
manas, and of kama-manas, or of chapter of the Book of the Dead." —
mind and desire. BUDGE, The Mummy, p. 299.
See EGYPT (higher), (lower), NKK- The lower desires which captivate
HEBIT. the mind, prevent the manifestation
of Christ (Horus) in the soul.
A symbol of currents of the emo
tion of love stirring the mind to
thought and action. A symbol of the Higher Self who
" Onco, the south wind places in the lower nature (earth)
skiff, and in revenge he broke hie wings. of the soul, when prepared, the
But the south wind was a servant of germs of the higher qualities of
Anu, and the God of the Sky demanded wisdom, truth, and love, that these
the punishment of the daring mortal. may grow up and increase, and by
Ea, however, intervened to save the man crushing out the lower qualities
he had created." —SAYCE, Story oj Adapa. render the soul a fit abode for the
On an occasion in the mind's Holy Spirit, a veritable " garden of
awakenment, the vibrations from the God."
" No man ever has a
perfect intellectual consciousness of all SEED SEKHET,
(good), SICKLE,
his active nature ; something instinctive
germinates in us, and grows underground, WHEAT.
as it were, before it bursts the sod and
shoots into the light of self-conscious SOWING AND REAPING:—
ness. Sheathed in unconsciousness lies Symbolic of the karmic law of
the bud, ere long to open a bright, oon- cause effect in the process of
summate flower." — THEODORE PARKER, spiritual evolution. According to the
Ten Sermons, p. 6. kinds of action, so are the fruits of
" How it is
possible to teach spiritual
things by natural emblems. The mystery action.
lieth in this, how it should be possible to
Within the Garden of Rest whorein I
represent things which are invisible by am ; I
feast therein ; I sow therein ; I
means of things whirh are visible ; things reap therein; 1 plough therein; I
which are spiritual by things which are therein." — Book of the Dead, Ch. CX.-
sensual ; things which are pure and I, —the True Self, — enjoy the experi
perfect, as the will of God, by things which ences which are collected through me
are to the very heart impregnated with,
and to the brim full of, impurity, imper
and transmuted. From my abode in
fection, and wretchednesss ? How come the causal -body I sow and I reap that
these analogies to exist between the which the lower self appears to do
realities of a fallen world, and the ideas, and undergo. The "
promises, first rudiments, and beginnings
of a world unfallen T Are they accidental ? signifies the forming of the bodies and
or are they designed in the purpose of conditions in which the lower self
God ? Is it a work of ingenuity or of acts. The
" " is the union
piety to search them out ? These are between the liberated lower Self and
questions which, though simple as to
the occasion which suggesteth them, are Myself, where we twain are One.
" As ho soweth so shall he
yet as deep as they are important, and, reap ;
being well sifted, will afford the true human life is lost without virtue. O
resolution of the main difficulty which silly one ! happiness is obtained by
we have always felt in the exposition of being a slave to virtue. She who under
this parable of the sower. . . . Certainly the Guru's instruction abandoneth evil
it is not accidental that the natural shall be absorbed in the Perfect One "
world should bear such wonderful analo (Ouru Nannk). — MACAULIFFE, The Sikh
gies with, and afford so many emblems Religion, Vol. I. p. 270.
" Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall
or similitudes for expressing, the spiritual
world." — En. IRVING, Works, Vol. I. p. 69. he also reap." — GAL. vi. 7.
" This parable of the sower, of course, " God is the original sower. He has
contains an image so natural in its appli taken of His own eternal life and sown
cation to all wisdom, that it is not on it upon the earth as upon a ploughed
His lips only that truth has been described field. Into every human heart some of
seed.' There are manifold facilities that divine seed has fallen, and will
about the emblem on which one may spring up and grow as we give it oppor
dwell for an instant. The seed has a tunity. Ever and anon it ripens into the
germinating power in itself that leads to full corn in the ear, some perfect revealing
endless reproduction. So every blessed
of some aspect of eternal truth. Then it
word, every true word, whether of is reaped ; for the man in whom that
Christ's gospel or of man's wisdom, that fruitage appears remains to all eternity
finds its way into hearts and minds, what he has thus achieved. Nor does the
works there, springing and growing, and process stop there. Every consecrated
bears fruit and reproduces itself — on and life becomes the spiritual seed of other
on again without end. . . . And then, lives in which Christ has yet to be formed.
there are such other ideas as God is still the sower, but He is con
these : Man is but the soil. If you are tinually taking of the harvest of some
to get Divine desires and a Divine life beautiful character or noble deed and
in a human heart, they must be sown sowing it afresh that it may reproduce
there : they are not products of the sou. itself in the harvests of generations to
There needs the bringing of the seed by come." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Reaping
another. There needs the imparting of for Eternal Lije.
truth and righteousness and purity from See AGRICULTURE, CAUSAL-BODY,
a higher source and a Diviner" hand. CORN, CULTIVATION, EVOLUTION, EX
There must be the sowing before there is PERIENCES, FEAST, FIELD, FRUITFUL,
any right and good harvest off this soil
of our sinful souls, barren but for weeds." GARDEN or REST, HARVEST, KARMA,
p. 282. (good), SEKHET-HETEP, SELF, SHABTT,
" The
SPACES OF THE INEFFABLE :— freedom from law and from all
activity belongs, according to Eckhart,
Symbolic of the outward emanat '
only to the little spark,' but not to the
ing means by which the conditions faculties of the soul. Only the ' little
of manifestation are established. '
spark of the soul is to be at all times
" The first vesture hath in it all the with God and united with God ; but
names of all the mysteries of all the thereby are desire, action, and feeling,
orders of the spares of the Ineffable." — all to be determined." — Iliii., p. 479.
Thf. Piati* Sophia, trans. G. R. S. MEAD. A good man having " thoughts that
were like lightning poems, singing them
The "first vesture" of being, the selves to his inner consciousness and
outermost plane, contains within it, declaring him to be a living soul — a
as it were, all the rest of the mysteries part of God — a spark of the Divine, sent
of existence. From the physical to evolve itself through experience and
there evolves that which is involved difficulty from the imperfect to the
perfect state of being." — MARIE CORELU,
within it. The " orders " are the laws Holy Ordert.
of manifestation : the " spaces
" are " ' The spirit of man,' says Behmen,
the means by which such conditions contains a spark from the power and
of life are attained.
" The Ineffable " light of God.' The Holy Ghost is ' crea-
turely within it when renewed, and it
signifies the Absolute — the Christ can therefore search into the depths of
Supernal. God and nature, as a child in its father's
See LIMBS OF THE INEFFABLE, NAME, house. In God, past, present, and future ;
breadth, depth and height ; far and
VESTTJKES. near, — are apprehended as one, and the
holy soul of man sees them in like manner,
SPADE TO DIG THE EARTH :— although (in the present imperfect state)
A symbol of the buddhic function but partially." — V M '.IMS. Hours icitk
in its action on the lower nature the Myttict,'Vo}. II.
" JOHN xvii. 22, p.' The97.
glory which
(earth). Thou gavest Me I have given them, that
" The sacrificer takes the spade with,
they may be one even as We are one :
I take thee, at the impulse of the divine I in them and Thou in Me, that they may
Savitri, with the arms of the Asvins, be made perfect in one." The ' spark '
with the hands of Pushan : thou art a at the centre of the soul is the very
woman.' "—Sato. Br&h., III. 7, 1, 1. presence of the divine Logos himself.
The incarnate Self energised by Jerome is, I think, the first to use the
the Supreme (Savitri), and becoming queer word eynteresis for this highest
faculty of the soul. The whole object of
active in the Individuality and the our life here is to make this ' spark '
Personality (the Asvins), functions extend its light over the whole man,
in the lower nature to bring about expelling and destroying that selfishnees
the buddhic (woman) transmutations and isolation which is the principle of
our false ' self.' . . . The elder Eckhart
of the lower qualities. has the following striking sentence :
God is nigh unto us, but we are far
SAVTTBI, TRANSMUTATION, WOMAN. from him ; God is within, we are with
out : God is at home, we are strangers ;
SPARK, DIVINE :— God is always ready, we are very un
ready.' " — W. R. INOE, Paddock Lecture*,
A symbol of the spiritual ego or p. 67.
monad on the atmic plane ; or of See AONISVATTAS, BA, BODHISAT-
the arma-buddhic Individuality en VAS, CHILDREN OF GOD, FRAVASHIS,
throned in the causal-body. It is
the individualised spirit and Inac
tive source of will.
faculty is not, like each
of the inferior faculties, one faculty
among others ; it is the soul itself in its PROTOTYPES, RACES, SAVIOURS,
totality ; as such it is called the spark,' SHEEP (lost), SONS OF GOD, SOUL
also Synteresis (corresponding to the soul- (middle), WILL.
centre of Plotinus). Thia highest faculty
is served by all the faculties of the soul,
which assist it to reach the source of the SPARROWS, TWELVE :—
soul, by raising the latter out of the Symbols of the twelve qualities in
sphere of inferior things. The spark the lower nature, which should
aspires to the Absolute, to that unity " apostleship." They
outside of which there remains nothing
' attain are
— UEBERWEQ, Hint, Philot., aspiring tendencies which embody
(Eckhart). of
Eng. trans., Vol. I. p. 472. the reflection of the Higher Self,
who Is so often symbolised as a The Divine Bay of the Monads of
bird. Life, or Spiritual Egos (Maruts), is the
" One of the Jews said to Joseph life -energy of the spiritual universe
Dost thou not see the child Jesus working (the lightning),
on the Sabbath at what it is not lawful " Horus next cut off Set's head, and
for him to do ? for he has made twelve the heads of his followers, in the presence
sparrows of clay." — Gospel of Pseudo- of Ra and the gods, and then dragged
Matthew, Ch. XXVII. his body through all the land with the
When old habit of thought (the spear thrust through his head and his
Jew) perceived that a higher motive back" (Legend oj the Winged Sun-divl-). —
BUDGE, Gorls of the Egyptians.
had been introduced into the soul, " "
This decapitation of Set is a
an appeal was made to the lower
reason (Joseph), which is usually ready symbol of depriving evil of its intelli
to afford excellent justfication for not gent quality. The Higher Self now
united the consciousness of the lower
acting against customary opinion.
Habit appeals to the hitherto con planes with his own, so that no longer
was there separateness between the
stituted authority, and asks whether
Self on the upper and the Self on the
it is not aware that the ego is act
lower planes. The "spear" is a
ing from motives quite outside
symbol of the Divine Ray which
those ordinarily recognised. For the
unifies the consciousness in wisdom,
new qualities (sparrows) have been
love, and power.
fashioned, which will afford the Christ-
See ARROWS (divine), GODS, HEAD,
soul better means for expressing itself.
" Then Joseph reproved Jesus, saying : HORUS, JEWEL SPEAR, LIGHTNING,
Wherefore doest thou on the Sabbath MARUTS, Ox -LEADER, RA, SALVE, SET,
such things as are not lawful for us to SHIELD.
do ? And when Jesus heard Joseph, he
struck his hands together, and said to SPEARMEN OF TROY :—
his sparrows : Fly ! And at the voice
of his command they began to fly. . . . A symbol of the activity of the
He said to the birds : Go and fly through lower emotions.
all the world and live." — Ibid. See TROJANS, TROY.
And when the lower reason (Joseph)
hears the appeal from old habit of SPEECH OR SPEAKING :—
thought, it chides the attempt to Symbolic of the exercise of mental
surpass traditional law. But when faculties and qualities, good or ill,
the Christ hears the lower reason, he as the mind is directed upward or
at once directs its attention to the downward .
" And the whole earth was of one
higher means of expression, and so
language, and of one speech. And it
by personally making an effort (strik
came to pass as they journeyed from
ing the hands together) the qualities the east, that they found a plain in the
are enabled to function. And when land of Shinar ; and they dwelt there.
the qualities are thus animated, they And they said one to another, Go to,
are gradually developed, and go forth let us make bricks, and burn them
thoroughly. And they had brick for
in every separate mind to enable stone, and slime had they for mortar.
evolution to proceed in the lower And they said, Go to, let us build us
nature of the soul (the world). a city and a tower, whose top may reach
unto heaven ; and let us make us a
name, lest we be scattered abroad upon
HABIT, JESUS, JEWS, JOSEPH, POOLS the face of the whole earth."
— GEN. xi.
(seven), SABBATHS, STRIKING. 1-4.
At an early period of evolution,
SPEAR :— the entire lower nature of the soul is
A symbol of the Divine Ray of in a homogeneous condition. (This
Life through all nature, which puts means that hitherto no special facul
an end to illusion. ties and qualities to deal with exter
" The spear of the Maruts is meant nals had been evolved. The evolution,
for the lightning, and we actually find such as it was, was principally interior,
rishti-vidyutah, having the lightning for that is, not directly concerned with
their spear, as an epithet of the Maruts —
I. IBS, 5; V. 52, 13."— MAX MttLLEK, the mental, astral and physical vehicles
to outward
Vedic Hymns, S.B.E., Vol. XXXII. p. 274. whose responsiveness
stimuli constitutes the medium for the diverted from the astro -mental centre
growth of specific mental qualities.) (city) wherefrom had previously

As the Divine Life advanced towards worked.
its means of experience (journeyed This " city " or centre of conscious
east), it arrived at a condition of ness known as " Babel," that is,

inertia (tames), and then it abode for perception of difference between one
a time. quality and another. (Neither mind
And now it is said that " brick is nor desire alone can produce con
to be burned," or means are to be fusion, as each struggles with the

devised whereby further experiences other in the emotions that confusion
are to be gathered. Superstition occurs.) Through this faculty of per
(brick) is to be put in place of spiritual ception of difference the Divine nature
knowledge (stone : see 1 PETER ii. 5) ; leads the soul to see celestial simili
and craft (slime) in place of affection tudes, and by its means the reasoning
(mortar). mind commences to evolve, as the
So it is proposed by means of super qualities multiply through the mental
stition and craft to carry out a scheme aspects of the lower nature.
" The A-li.-'i: lh.\
for attaining knowledge through subtle (brick) is speech, and
devices of the lower mind. Through by speech the gods than indeed con
quered and drove the Asuras, the enemies,
individualisation, and egotism or sense the rivals, from this universe and in

of separateness, it is first conceived like manner the Sacrificer, by means of
that wisdom may be reached. Scatter speech, conquers and drives his spiteful
rival from this universe." — Sola. Brfih..
ing of consciousness through the mass


of the lower soul, or extinction of The lower quaternary the expres

personality, is dreaded at this stage. sion of mind in the lower conscious
" And the Lord came down to see the
ness, and by the exercise of mental
city and tower, which the children of
men builded. And the Lord said, Behold qualities the ideals (gods) subdue the
the people is one, and they have all one unruly desires in the soul. In a similar
language, and this they begin to do : way the incarnate Self, by means of
and now nothing will be restrained from
them, which they have imagined to do. spiritual expression in the mind,
Go to, let us go down, and there con dissipates the lower principle, and
found their language, that they may not perfects the soul.
understand one another's speech." — See AMITAUGAS, ASHADHA, ASU
GEN. xi. 5, 0, 7.
And the Divine nature responds to
the cry from within for knowledge,
however expressed. The Divine nature
perceives, as it were, the beginning of
separate existence for the qualities,
and the multiplicity of faculties in
the awakening lower life ; and fore
sees that for a season the evolution
must proceed solely from below. SPEED AND LOITERING :-—
The Divine Life therefore descends,
Symbols of energy (rajas), and
since it

a means of causing necessary

inertia (tamas).
disagreement and disharmony in the
lower nature, — a state of soul which
precedes a craving for the higher things. SPENDYAD, OR SPEND-DAD :—
" So the Lord scattered them abroad
A symbol of the triumphant Higher
from thence upon the face of all the
earth and they left oft to build the city. Self.
" The high

Therefore the name of called Babel priest of the good religion


because the Lord did there confound the of the Mazda-yasnianc, the glorified
language of all the earth and from Spendyad son of Mah-vindad, son of

thence did the Lord scatter them abroad Rustom, son of Shatroyer." — Preface tn
upon the face of the earth." — GEN. xi. tli". Rntidahin, S. B. E.


So from homogeneity of soul -con The " high priest of the good
dition heterogeneity gradually pro religion
" the Self, the upholder of


duced and the consciousness the science of the spiritual life. He


ia the " glorified one " who has
" In the system of the Porch, Logos
undertaken to go forth and accom plays a very important part. It means
in the first place Reason or Intelligence,
plish the Soul's evolution. He is the and is the highest attribute of God.
spiritual product of the three who In the second place it means Power,
bear witness on earth, — the physical, and in this sense is the active cause of
astral, and lower mental natures. creation. For this purpose the Universal
The Self is " glorified," or the higher
Reason emitted a vast number of indi
vidual forces, Spermatic Words, or Seed-
and lower consciousnesses are brought like Forces, which as soon as they were
together, as the evolution of the lower shot into matter began to germinate and
elements, — physical, astral, and men assume shapes." — C. Bioo, Origins oj
Christianity, p. 332.
tal, — enables the potencies of the Self
The highest intelligence and power
to be completely expressed.
are evidenced in the changing pheno
mena of the universe. The properties
of atoms, and the specific growths in
the inorganic and organic worlds, are
due to the intelligence brought into
matter by the highly differentiated
SPENTO MAINYUSH, AND monads of life and form.
" As soon as God beholds Himself in
GOOD AND EVIL SPIRITS :— that Eternal Now, He beholds within
Himself the forms or Ideas of the entire
Symbols of the positive principle universe — all that has essential reality
of Right and Truth, and the negative in the universe. In fact, for Eckhart, the
principle of Wrong and Error. Son, the Word, stands for the total unity
" of the Divine Thought, the forthcoming
Thou madest
(Homa said) all the of God into expression, the utterance of
demons hide
themselves beneath the Himself, so that he often calls God's
earth, who formerly flew about the earth
thinking the archetypal forms, or Ideas,
in human shape, O Zarathustra ! who '
the begetting of the Son.' These arche
wert the strongest, most active, and of God's
typal forms, the expressions
triumphant of tho creatures of the two thought, are ' the matured Nature,' and
spirits, — Spento Mainyush and Angro these forms, projected into space and
Mainyush." — Hmnti Yosltt, Haug, Essays. time, are our world of nature — the
And now it is that the nature- '
world of creatures.' God is like a perfect
spirits (demons), which were originally, architect who thinks his structure and
as it were, let loose upon the lower it is done. There are no stages iu it, no
before and after. God thinks and Creation
planes, are relegated to the lowest
is. The world which is thus uttered into
sub-planes, — that is, as the out- being has two faces, one turned out
breathing of intelligence from above toward differentiation and multiplicity,
informs the matter of the lower and tho other turned in toward God and
unity — in very fact all reality is in God,
planes, the organisation of the par and ' if God drew back His own into
ticles serves to interfere with, or Himself, all the creatures would become
restrain, the natural behaviour of the nothing at all.' The real world is the
elemental forces and guide them in world of archetypes — divine Ideas — and
that world is not created, it always is.
their activities. The Soul (Zarathustra) '
God,' he says, ' creates the world anil
is the strongest, most active and all things in an ever-present Now.' —
victorious of beings, inasmuch as, so R. M. JONES, Mystical Religion, p. 228.
soon as it commences its individual See ARC. MAN, BUDDHIC PLANE,
evolution, it proves that it is capable COSMOS, CREATION, GERMS, HIGHER
of demonstrating that from the spirit AND LOWER WORLDS, IMAGE, MONAD
within proceeds the overcoming of (form, life), PROTOTYPES, SEEDS,
wrong (negative) by right (positive). SIMILITUDES.
A symbol of the Supreme Being,
also of the Cosmos, or of the Soul.
" Kiroher says of this symbol (of a
globe with wings and serpent) that in the
Symbolic of the monads of life teaching of Hermes,
The globe (i.e. the
and form which descend into matter disk of the Sun) represents the simple
to give it properties of change and essence of God, which ho indifferently
growth. called The Father, The First Mind, The
Supreme Wisdom. The serpent emerging eternal. But He, the Father, full-filled
from the globe was the vivifying influence with His ideas, did sow the lives into
of God which called all things into exist the sphere, and shut them in as in a
ence. This he called The Word. The cave, willing to order forth the life with
wings implied the moving penetrative every kind of living
" (Corpus Herme-
power of God, which pervaded all things. ticum, VIII (IX)).— G. R. 8. MEAD,
This ho called Love. The whole emblem T. O. Hermes, Vol. II. p. 125.
represented the Supreme Being as Creator And of the matter beneath the
and Preserver.' A similar figure without
plane of atma, the Supreme by involu
the wings was the symbol among the
Greeks for a daimon, or the Deity." — tion formed the World-soul, or higher
J. GARNIER, The Worship of the Dead, causal-body, thereby obscuring the
p. 232.
" immortal Self, who from dead matter
Horbehudti (Horus) flew up to the, raises the soul to eternal life. But
sun as a great winged disk ; therefore
was he henceforth called the Great God, the Supreme to carry out his perfect
the Lord of Heaven. From heaven he scheme, implanted in the lower nature
saw the foe : he pursued them as a of the Soul the germs of all the
great winged disk
" (Legend
of the Great qualities, which in latency would
Winged Sun-disk). — WIEDBMANN, Rcl. of
Anc. Egyptian*, p. 60. await the evolution of the diverse
The Second Logos (Horus) rose forms and kinds of living things in
towards the " sun," which stands here which to manifest.
for the Individuality of the human race See CAVE, CIRCLE, COSMOS, CROSS
in the higher causal-body (buddhic). (ankh), DISK, FATHER, HiRAsrvA-
Hence he is named Great God, the OABBHA, MACROCOSM, MONAD,
Lord of Heaven. From the higher SERPENT, SUN (moon), SUN-DISK,
planes he saw, as it were, the sin and WINGS, WORD OF GOD.
trouble which had overtaken the lower
planes. And he went forth in the soul
as a symbol of perfection and com A symbol of the higher nature
pleteness, coupled with aspiration, —-
arising from the lower, or of the
Spirit triumphant over matter.
through which the qualities should " Primarily the sphinx represented
" Then neither is the bright orb of the an imaginary quadruped, human-headed,
sun greeted, nor yet the shaggy might
and supposed to be the favourite incarna
of earth or sea ; thus, then, in the firm
tion assumed by Ra the Sun-god when
he desired to protect his friends and
vessel of harmony is fixed God, a sphere,
round, rejoicing in complete solitude." — adherents." — WIEDEMANN, Rel. of Anc.
Egyptians, p. 197.
Empedorles, FAIRBANKS, 135. "
Horus changed himself into the form
At the first, the Self (sun) is not of a lion, with the head of a man sur
known, nor the possibilities which mounted by the triple crown
" (Legend
are gradually evolved through the the Winged Sun-disk). — Unit.

mechanism of the lower self in its Then the Son of God (Horus) came
vehicles. Thus, unknown to the lower forth under the aspect of Conqueror,
consciousness, God-potential, — the and stood, as it were, on the lower
Germ Deific, — exists in all souls ; quaternary (lion), which is now brought
each department of his latent nature into unison with the higher triad
being pre-arranged harmony, adap (triple crown) through the mind
tation, and capability of perfect (head).
" In representing the lowest as linked
reciprocal action, re-action, and inter
to the highest, — the loins of the creature
action. This completeness of the of prey to the head and breast of the
Macrocosm reflected in the Microcosm Woman, — the Sphinx denoted at once
is comparable to the figure of a sphere, the unity, and the method of develop
ment, under individuation, of the soul
which well symbolises unity, — that
of the universal humanity." — The Perjert
which is self-sufficient, and having Way, p. 25.
equality in all its aspects, while See AKERT, BULL (man), GRIFFIN,
inclusive of all things. LION, QUADRUPED.
" And of the matter stored beneath it
(the ideal Cosmos) the Father made of SPICES :—
it a universal body, and packing it
together made it spherical, — wrapping it
A symbol of those spiritual quali
round the Life which is immortal in ties which go to purify the mind or
itself, and that doth make materiality personality. These qualities are
aspirations towards love and truth, matter as a sheath which lies out
and good thoughts leading to bene side and below it. Hence the intense
ficent action. vibrations of Spirit gradually dissi
" And the women, which had come pate it and bring the forms to
•with him out of Galilee, followed after, nought. In their origin spirit and
and beheld the tonlb, and how his body matter are eternal ; duality pro
was laid. And they returned, and pre ceeds from Unity which is neither
pared spices and ointments. — LUKE spirit nor matter, and is the Ulti
xxiii. 55, 56. mate Reality.
The " women " here symbolise the " The world is a living organism, which
loving acts of affection which are is not made through any cause external
done within the soul in memory to itself, but is formed and developed by
or recognition of a living ideal of means of an inner principle, a principle
and truth. These are which is at once operative power and
purposeful reason, at once real and ideal,
prayers, and good thoughts, and just and which consequently appears in
deeds (the spices, etc.). nature as a twofold substance, a spiritual
" We make a perfume compounded and a bodily, while these two neverthe
of spices, when we yield a smell upon the less are finally traceable to one essence
altar of good works with the multitude and one root, and as regards substance
of our virtues ; and this is ' tempered are ultimately one and the same
together and pure (ExoD. xxx. 35), in (Bruno's Cosmology). — Pi'LEinERER, Phil,
that the more we join virtue to virtue, of "Religion, p. 2(i.
the purer is the incense of good works The Active Principle, the Mind of
we set forth. Hence it is well added, the univeraals. is absolutely pure, and
And thou shalt beat them all very small, absolutely free from all admixture. It
and put it before the Tabernacle of the transcendeth virtue ; It transcendeth
Testimony.' We ' beat all the spices very Wisdom ; nay, It transcendeth even the
pmall ' when we pound our good deeds, Good Itself, and the Beautiful Itself.
ns it were, in the mortar of the heart, The Passive Principle is of itself soulless
by an inward sifting, and go over them and motionless, but when It is set in
minutely to see if they be really and motion, and enformed and ensouled by
truly good : and thus to reduce the the Mind, It is transformed into the
spices to a powder is to rub fine our moat perfect of all works — namely, this
virtues by consideration." — ST. GREGORY, Cosmos." — PIIILO, De Mund. Op., § 2.
" Pragapati
Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 61. (lord of creatures) pro
See ALTAR, EMBALMMENT, INCENSE, duces a pair, — Matter (rayi) and Spirit
MORTAR, MUMMY, MYRRH, OINTMENT, (prana), thinking that they together
should produce creatures for him in
PERSONALITY, PHCENIX, PRAYERS, many ways. . . . The sun is Spirit,
ROCK-SEPULCHRE, SEPULCHRES, SUN Matter is the moon, . . . and Body
DAY, TABERNACLE, TOMB, WOMAN. indeed is Matter." — Prasna Vpanishad,
I. 4, 5.

SPIES :— From the Absolute there is ema

Symbolic of limitation, — the incli nated that Unity which becomes
nation to trust In the flesh instead Duality as Matter and Spirit, from
of the Spirit. the interactions of which all things
in every variety are produced. The
SPIRE :— Higher Self (sun) is Spirit, Matter is
An emblem of aspiration from the its reflection as form, and form indeed
quaternary to the One above. is matter.
" I feel that the universe is spirit and
nothing but spirit, and that infinity and
SPIRIT :— eternity arc implied in the very existence
of every individual soul." — R. J. CAMP
A symbol of tin* positive, energetic, BELL, Thursday Mornings, p. 151.
forceful, qualitative, and formative See BREATH (divine), EVOLUTION,
aspect of the Divine outpouring, in FUH-HE, HEAVEN AND EARTH, INVO
distinction from the passive, recep LUTION, KHIEN, MATTER, MAYA,
tive, quantitative, form-taking aspect
— matter. Spirit Is the life-side
which imparts qualities and motion. SEPARATION, SPARK, T (letter),
Matter is the form -side which TEZCATLIPOCA.
receives qualities and motion. Spirit
manifests in matter as the life SPIRIT OF MAN :—
moulding the successive forms, A symbol of the higher or spiritual
more or less evanescent. Spirit uses mind.
" Now tlie npirit of
man loves Purity, atma, or of the lower quaternary
but his mind disturbs it." — The C'laeric below the higher mind.
of Purity, § 3. "A
The higher mind vibrates to the triangle and a quaternary (square),
the symbol of Septenary Man." — BLA VAT-
spiritual influences, but the lower SKY, Secret Doctrine, Vol. II. p. 625.
desire-mind repels them. " The
triangle being a symbol of Deity
See KAMA, MANAS, TAO. everywhere." — Ibid., Vol. I. 138.
A symbol of the Soul on the
buddhlc plane. SRAOSHA-KARANA :—
See SOUL, ZOROASTER. A symbol of the Divine Will and
purpose in the sufferings of the
A symbol of the buddhic plane See ASPAHI, SUFFERING.
on which are manifested the higher SROSH, OR SRAOSHA, THE
qualities .
A symbol of the Divine Will and
" Srosh is the
Symbolic of qualities of emotion great teacher of the good
and mind which arc to be trans religion. . . . He fights chiefly against the
evil daevas." — M. HAUO, Essays, p. 308.
muted by buddhi. They are impure
The Divine Will guides the out
and of the desire- nature.
See Cow OF PLENTY, Cow (spotted),
pouring spiritual life, and dispels
LEOPARD, TRANSMUTATION. ignorance and illusion in the mind.
A symbol of the beginning of a
RELIGION (good).
new evolution of life from the higher SROTAPANNA, SROTAPATTI, OR
mind plane of the next globe of the
(Nut-urt) ! I have
come into Thee ; I
have comprehended
This is the first of the four higher
my fullness ; I
have brought about the
blossoming (Uakh) of the Springtime."
initiations, and is said to mean
— Book oj the Dead, Ch. CX., BLACKDEN. "He who has entered the stream."
The causal centre is apprehended It consists in the dedication of an
as the real beginning of the True advanced personality during a phy
life, and through it it is seen that sical life, to the highest ideals of
the higher Selfhood is secured. The
spiritual goodness, love, and truth,
" " and to the most noble and worthy
blossoming of the Springtime is ends of beneficence, in entire dis
a symbol of the Divine life which regard to the selfish solicitations
commences from the upper mental of the desire-mind. This course of
plane, after attainment of liberation life maintained to the end implies
from the planes below. It is the the mastery achieved over a lower
individuality which then proceeds soul-state and the rise to a higher
on its course upward, the mortal condition.
personality having been dissipated. See INITIATIONS.
A symbol of the receptive vehicles
of the ego, i.e. the causal, the mental,
TIME, HORSE (white), INDIVIDUALITY, the astral, and the physical bodies.
A symbol of Divine inspiration of
SQUARE :— truth.
A symbol of the four lower planes. " The Vedanta philosophers always
Either of the quarternary below cling to the conviction that the Divine
has never been really absent from the of niun ; in tliObO two consists the power
human aoul, that it always is there, of truth." — SwKL>ENjiOBu, Ajyoc. Rev.,
though covered by darkness or nescience n. 118.
(avidya) and that as soon as that dark See IRON, ROD.
ness or that nescience is removed, the
soul is once more and in its own right STAIRCASE, STAIRS :—
•what it always has been ; it in, it does
not become Brahman." A symbol of the means of evolu
" According to the orthodox Vedantist, tion from a- lower to a higher state.
Sruti alone, or what is called Revelation, "
Osiris is called '
the god on the top
can impart that knowledge and remove of the staircase.'
" — BUDOE, Book o] the
that nescience which is innate in human Dead, p. liv.
nature." — F. MAX MCLLER, Thcosophy, The Higher Self manifests oil the
etc., pp. 284, 293.
" The Hindus have divided the whole plane of atma — the height of aspira
of their ancient literature into two parts, tion in the human soul.
. . . Srutam, what was heard, and was
" The height of the Christian life is
not the work of men or any personal the glorious consciousness where all is
being, human or divine, and Srnritam, light, and all is peace. A few have a
which was remembered, and has always genius for it and reach it without much
been treated as the work of an individual, effort ; it may be that they have had
whether man or god." . .
" Nor are their struggles in some previous exist
even these fictitious poets (of the Rig- ence — I know not. For most the only
veda) supposed to have created or com way to it is by the narrow stair of
posed their poems, but only to have arduous duty, a stair that often winds
seen them as they were revealed to them through dark places, where discourage
by a higher power, commonly called ment and fear and despair are apt to
Brahman, or the Word." — F. MAX come upon the soul. At such times,
M ! i i.;,i!. Six Systems, etc., p. 3. keep an open ear for the voices that
See AMBAS. BOOK-STUDIES, GOSPEL, say : It is lighter up above.' As the
IGNORANCE, INSPIRATION, KORAN, realisations of God grow fuller, and all
the selfish instincts die down, and the
desires for personal aggrandisement are
YANA, REVELATION, SACRED TEXT, overcome, you shall gradually cease from
SASTRA, SCRIPTURES, SIGN, THOTH, your labour, though living to do greater
UPANISHAD, UR-HEKAU, VEDA, WORD and better work, and the word of Christ
shall come to rule in your heart, and you
OF GOD. shall find your life in that ' Immortal
SRUVA (MASC.), THE DIPPING Love, within whose righteous will is
SPOON :— always peace.' " — T. RHONDDA WILLIAMS,
Serm., Dying in the Lord.
A symbol of atma, the Life-ray. See ATMA, LADDER, MOUTH (speech),
" The dipping spoon is no other than STEPS.
the breath. This breath passes through
all the limbs, and for that reason Hie STAKE, SACRIFICIAL :—
dipping spoon goes to all the offering A symbol of the "tree" of the
spoons."— Sato. Brdh. Divine life, the means by which the
The atma is the Breath of the
incarnate ego climbs upward from
Divine Life which energises the quali the lower planes.
ties, and brings spiritual nourishment The " stake " is erected in the
to the receptive vehicles of the ego. lower nature (earth), on "a chip
See BREATH, DHRUVA, SRUK, from the stake thrown into the hole,"
UPABHBIT. that is, it is founded upon an im
planted spiritual germ*. It is raised
STAFF, FOR WALKING AND up in the soul " for the conquering of
SUPPORT :— these worlds" (Sola. Brdh., III. 7, 1,
An emblem of Divine guidance ; li). girded with "a triple
It is
or a symbol of the mind leaning rope," that is, it is vitalised by the
upon external authority and tradi higher nature — atma - buddhl - ma -
tion. — See Ps. \\-ii. 4; Is. xxxvi. 6. nas ; and so it becomes a means
of enabling the ego to sacrifice the
STAFF, OR ROD OF IRON :— lower for the sake of attaining the
A symbol of power and mental higher.
discipline. " It is the God in man that reaches up
" Staff in the Word signifies power, to God, the man in God that makes that
and iron signifies natural truth, conse aspiration possible ; it is the God in man
quently the natural sense of the Word, that enables us to recognise and adore
and at the same time tho natural light the Christhood of Christ, the man in God
Ui.it is that Christhood ; it is the God in STARS AS SOULS, OR GODS :—
man that is ever urging us upward to the
eternal throne of life and love and power ;
Symbolic of the Divine Sparks or
it is the man in God that stoops in Christ Monads of life (atma-buddhic), which
to lift us there." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., descend into the lower vehicles, and
The Eternal Man. are the spiritual egos in the causal -
See CHIP, GIRDLE HOPE, JESUS bodies of every human being.
" God divided the whole mixture into
DERBOLT, TOP-RING, TREE or LIFE. souls equal in number to the stars, and
assigned each soul to a star." — PLATO,
STAR IN THE EAST :— Timceut, 41.
" Souls equal in number to the stars."
A symbol of the rise of knowledge — PHILO, De .<?om., I. § 22.
, forecasting perception of the Truth " Philo also
(besides Plotinus) accepted
— Christ born in the soul. the opinion attributing life and mind to the
" And the wise men, having heard the stars." — \VHiTrAKEK,Neo-Platoniats, p. 88.
" At the time when the pictorial hiero
king, went their way ; and lo, the star,
which they saw in the east, went before glyphics were first being formed (in
them, till it came and stood over where Babylonia), the star was already the
the young child was." — MAT. ii. 9. symbol and representation of the divine.
The intellectual faculties, having
... At most we can only suggest that
the zi, or spirit, was localised in the star.
observed the apparently favourable A spirit of the sun was as conceivable
attitude of the lower principle (Herod), as a spirit of Ea, and the son of En, it
pursued their course, enlightened by must be remembered, became a sun-god.
the knowledge dawning through philo The zi of the god ' meant originally ' the
spirit of the star.' " —SAYCB, Bel. of Egyyt.
sophy and science, which led them and Babyl., p. 481.
to the inner abode of the Christ-soul. " The fixed stars are also the essences,
But wherefore is it to a Cave and a or souls of matter. ... A living soul,
Stable that the Star of the Understanding the sublimated essence of matter, is
directs the steps of the Wise Men when denominated a star. These stars and
seeking the birthplace of the Christ ? essences became Gods. They were regarded
Because, ' In the elements of the Body as having divine attributes. The stars
is he imprisoned, lying asleep in the caves look down from their region of purity and
of lacchos, in the crib of the Oxen of stillness on the world of men, and they
Demeter.' Because, that is, in consti influence the fortunes of men invisibly,
tuting the culmination of the returning but most powerfully. . . . There is a
and ascending stream of emanation, remarkable analogy in the double mean
Christ is attained by evolution from the ing of our word spirit and that of the
lowest : — '
From the dust of the ground Chinese word sing (star). The terms for
to the throne of the Most High.' " — The soul and for essence — in Chinese shin and
Perfect Way, p. 240. tsing — are often convertible, as they are
See EAST, ESTHER,HEROD, INTEL in our language." — J.
EDKINS, Religion
LECT, MAGI, MORNING STAR, STARS. in China, pp. 106-7.
In the Greek and the Japanese
STARS (FIXED):— legends
" are also men
These are symbols of the many tioned. They are the Divine spirits
centres of faculties on the lower within the souls of humanity power
mental plane which enable the mind fully influencing their development.
to be exercised. They are lights of " Our forefathers in the most remote
reason in the lower mind, small as ages have handed down to us their
compared with the greater light, posterity, a tradition in the form of a
the Self (sun), and the lesser light, myth that these substances (i.e. the stars)
the personality (moon). are gods, and that the divine encloses the
" And whole of nature." — ARISTOTLE, Meta
the lower air I adorned with physics.
lesser stars." — Book of the Secrets of " By the stars we understand two
Enoch, Ch. XXX. 4. things : (1) How innumerable the saints,
And the lower mind (air) is fur those spiritual stars shall be (HEB. xi. 12).
nished with the mental faculties. (2) How they shall differ each from other
" ' '
By stars are meant the knowledges in glory" (1 COR. xv. 41).— J. BUNYAN,
of faith, or cognitions of good and truth." Exposition of Genesis.
" Reason and science should be
to the sphere of fixed stars " (Plato). —
ZELI.ER, Plato, etc., p. 359. STAR-WORMS :—
See CHILDREN OF EAST, CRATER, Emblematical of low ideals con
PLANETS, SINGERS, SUN (moon). nected with ambition, love of power
and fame, and schemings through STENCH, POISONOUS :—
" A symbol of external stimuli which
Again, below the moon are other inflame and excite the lower nature.
stars, corruptible, deprived of energy,
These are the desires which con
which hold together for a little while, in
that they've been exhaled out of the earth tinue unsatisfied, and the longings
itself into the air above the earth, — which which cannot end for the objects of
ever are being broken up, in that they sense.
have a nature like unto that of useless See BOTTOMLESS PIT, POISON.
lives on earth, which come into existence
for no other purpose than to die, — such STEPS :—
as the tribe of flies, and floas, and worms "
(Corpus Hermeticum, IX. 0). — G. R. S. A symbol of the path of life ; the
MEAD, T.-G. Hermes, Vol. III. p. 51. rising from a lower level to a higher.
In the astral nature there are See LADDER, MOUTH (speech),
motives of desire (other stars) which STAIRCASE.
unite with mind (air) and are without
permanence. They are symbolised by STEWARD OF THE LORD OF
" creeping things." THE VINEYARD :—
" Tishtrya defeats A symbol of the Higher Self as
and expels the
pairika, who fall as ' star-worms ' between the agent of the Supreme within
Earth and Heaven, into the sea Vouru- his universe. — MAT. xx. 8.
kasha (to prevent the waters from coming
out) ( Yasht)."— Hang's LABOURERS, VINEYARD.
Essays, p. 200.
The mind under the aspect of will
(Tishtrya) banishes the fear and am- PARABLE :—
bition (star-worms) which remain
A symbol of the lower self entrusted
obscuring the higher life, as these are
with opportunities of development
detrimental to the perception of pure
(the goods). It is developed by the
truth (water) which flows from above. desire-nature (unrighteous mam
" By ' star wormwood
falling from mon). The debtors are the mind
heaven ' (REV. viii.) is signified the
and emotions which possess (owe)
appearance of self-derived intelligence
from a pride springing from infernal the means whereby the lower nature
love. By a star and also by a lamp is may be raised. The " friends " are
signified intelligence, here self-derived, the transmuted emotions. The
because it seemed to burn, and all self- lower self reduces the debt by avail
derived intelligence burns from prido. ing himself of a portion of the means
By ' wormwood ' is signified infernal of development. " Sit down quickly "
falsity from which that intelligence signifies disciplining the lower nature
exists." — SWEDENBORG, Apoc. Bev., n. 408.
so that the desires may be trans
muted, and b 11dd hie emotions
(friends) made in heaven. — LUKE
This signifies supreme law in TATION.
the ideal realm, of which natural
law is the complement and counter STHULA-SARIRA, GROSS
part: all the nature of the manifest BODY :—
God is contained therein. A symbol of the physical body,
See CHERUBIM, MAAT, SHENIT, the external sheath of the soul.
THEMIS. " All the (Indian) systems assign to
each person two bodies : (a) an exterior
STEM OF THE HOM-PLANT, or gross body (sthula-snrira) ; (6) an
THE HEIGHT OF A MAN:— interior or subtle body (s&kshma-sarira
A symbol of the vehicles of the or linga-sarira). The last is necessary as
Divine Life on the successive planes a vehicle for the soul when the gross body
is dissolved. . . . The Vedanta affirms
of the human soul, all being inter the existence of a third body, called
connected from above downward, — karana-sarira or causal body." — M«.N.
the height of the ego. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 64.
See DESERTS, HEAVEN AND EARTH, These three bodies are the physical,
HEIGHT OP OSIBIS, HOM-PLANT, the astral, and the causal bodies,
SUTBATMA, VESTURES. functioning on the physical, the astral
721 zc
and the higher mental planes respec oilier wicked act ; but if by chance I
have committed any sin in my life, by
tively. either eating or drinking what was for
See CAUSAL-BODY, K AUANA, LIN- bidden, not of myself did I sin, but owing
GAM, VESTURES. to these members," at the same time
showing the coffer in which the stomach
STIFFNECKED GENERATION :— was. And having said this, he throws it
A symbol of a backward state into the river, and embalms the rest of
the body as being pure.' — A. H. SAYCE,
of mind devoid of active higher
Rel. of Anc. Egyptians, p. 64.
emotion (neck), and therefore
difficult to move along the way of
" Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in WATER (lower), WINE.
heart and eore, ye do always resist the
Holy Ghost : as your fathers did, so do STONE OR ROCK:—
ye." — ACTS vii. 51. A symbol of Spirit, because It is
Tho mental state is deplored wherein a substance unreceptive, resisting
the purified emotions and affections impression, firm. The opposite of
(heart) are undeveloped, latent (stiff). matter, which is receptive, takes
This state of uncontrolled desire impressions, and is resolvable or
(uncircumcised) always resists the unstable.
discipline of tho Spirit or the " It is by moans of God, — the Divine
buddliic functioning, as precedent Spirit working within him to build him
up in the Divine Image, — he meanwhile
states which have generated the
co-operating with the Spirit, — that man
present condition of mind, have ever achieves Divinity. In the familiar but
done. rarely understood terms, ' Philosopher's
The scripture goes on to point out Stone,' Elixir of Life,' ' universal Medi
cine,' holy Grail,' and the like, is implied
how this unprogressed mental state is
this supreme object of all quest. For
unfitted to receive the gifts of the these are but terms to denote pure Spirit,
spirit . and kills out the higher impulses and its essential correlative, a Will
which must precede the advent of the absolutely firm and inaccessible alike to
weakness from within and assault from
perfect Self in the soul. without." — The Perfect Way. p. 218.
See CIRCUMCISION, HOLY GHOST, " Mitama (Japanese word
for) spirit.
NECK, TAMAS. Mi is simply a honorific prefix. Tamo
mean something valuable, as a jewel.
STOMACH :— Owing to its precious quality, it is used
A symbol of the appetites of the symbolically for the most sacred emana
tion from the God, and also for the human
lower nature. life or soul." — W. G. ASTON, Shinto, p. 27.
" Be no longer a drinker of water, but
" In Holy Scripture ' stones * are wont
use a little wine for thy stomach's sake to be taken sometimes on the side of bad
and thine often infirmities." — 1 TIM. v. 23. and sometimes on the side of good. For
' '
Imbibe no longer errors and illu when a stone is put for insensibility,
' '
sions, but seek wisdom, so as to be by stones we have hard hearts denoted.
Whence also it is said by John : God is
able to control tho appetites and able of these stones to raise up children
desires. '
unto Abraham ; who surely, by the
" Porphyry tells us that in his time, name of
stones,' denotes the hearts of
when the bodies of the wealthier classes the Gentiles, at that time hard and in
were embalmed, the Egyptians take out sensible in respect of unbelief. And by
the stomach and put it into a coffer, the Prophet, the Lord promises, saying,
and holding the coffer to the sun, protest, '
And I will take the stony heart out of
one of the embalmers making a speech your flesh, and will give you an heart of
' ' '
on behalf of the dead. This speech, which flesh (KzEK. xi. 19). Again, by stones
Kuphantos translated from his native the minds of the strong ones are used
language, is as follows :
" O Lord the to be denoted. And hence it is said by
Sun, and all ye gods who give life to man, Peter, ' Ye also as lively stones, etc.' "
receive me and make me a companion — ST. GREGORY THE GREAT, Morals on t>>t
of the eternal gods. For the gods, whom Book of Job, Vol. II. p. 354.
my parents made known to me, as long By a stone is signified truth." —
as I have lived in this world I have con SWEDENBORO, Apof. Rev., n. 791.
tinued to reverence, and those who gavo When the final barrier has been
birth to my body 1 have over honoured. passed, and the final victory won, God
And as for other men, I have neither will give us to eat of the hidden manna
slain any, nor defrauded any of anything — the sustenance of the life eternal that
entrusted to me, nor committed any knows neither limit nor decay — and the
whito stone, the shining jewel, the pure with her Rays of Love.' "— E. UNDER-
soul, which is the resplendent reflection IIIT.L, Mysticism, p. 277.
of his own glory, and the undimmed See SINGERS, STONE, ZION.
revelation of what we eternally tire in
Christ." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serin., Winning STONE, OR STONES,
the Divine Name.
" There was a precious stone, lustrous BUILDING :—
and resplendent — for that is the force A symbol of raised and spiritual
of the word white here, not a dead white, ised qualities in the higher mind.
but a brilliant coruscating white — on " Ye also,
as living stones, are built
which there was something written up a spiritual house to be a holy priest
which no eye but one ever saw, — that hood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices,
mysterious seat of revelation and direc
acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."
tion known in the Old Testament by the — 1 PETER ii. 5.
name of Urim and Thummim (that is
lights and perfectnesses), enclosed within The qualities that have been purified
the folds of the High Priest's breast-plate, and transmuted build up the im
which none but the High Priest ever mortal causal-body (house) and in
beheld. . . . ' I will give him a new form, or evolve, the individuality,
name ' — a deeper, a more inward, a fresh
knowledge and revelation of my own
that the ego may be enabled to offer
character — as eternal love, eternal w'isdom, up the lower life in order to gain the
all-sufficient, absolute power, the home higher through the love of the in
and treasure, and joy and righteous dwelling Christ.
ness of the whole heart and spirit."
— A. MACLAREN, Sermons, 3rd Series, See ALTAR (fire), CAUSAL-BODY,
" Spirit alone is substance, and
ia a manifestation of spirit." — W. S. STONE, BLACK, OF THE
LILLY, Ancient Religion, p. vii. KAABA :—
See ALCHEMY, BONES, BREASTPLATE, A symbol of the buddhic-sheath of
DELUGE, INSIGNIA, IRON BEATEN, the Indwelling Spirit. Its vehicle is
JEWELS, MANNA, MIRROR, NAME, the causal. body (Kaaba). It is black
REINGA, ROCK, ROCK (spiritual), to signify the potential and hidden
SHINTAI, SPIRIT, SUBSTANCE, URIM, spirit within the soul.
ZEUS. See HOUSE (frequented), KAABA.


A symbol of the spiritual perfec The "stones" signify spiritual
tion of the indwelling Self. truths which are always very hard
" Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, to apprehend. The "bread" is the
bread of goodness, — the readily
I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone,
assimilated food of knowledge
a tried stone, a precious corner stone of
sure foundation." — ISA. xxviii. 16. from experience of life, which man,
The Supreme points out that in the the thinker, can daily Incorporate
causal-body (Zion) is seated the Spirit
in his being.
" But Jesus answered and said, It is
— the Self — the eternal reality. For written, man shall not live by bread
the causal-body is " for a habitation alone, but by every word that proceedeth
of God in the Spirit," — archetypal out of the mouth of God." — MAT. iv. 4.
perfection in every human soul. But the indwelling Christ pointed
" The process of this passage of the out that the Divine law of the soul's
' '
new or spiritual man from his awaken well-being is written upon the heart.
ing to the illuminated life, has been set The soul cannot live by reason and
out by Jacob Boehme in language which
is at once poetic and precise. '
When experience only, but needs to possess
Christ the Corner-Stone [i.e. the divine direct spiritual truth emanating from
principle latent in man] stirreth himself within in order to live from God as
in the extinguished Image of Man in his the fount of Life eternal.
hearty Conversion and Repentance,' he
then Virgin Sophia appeareth in See BREAD, INCARNATION, SACRED
the stirring of the Spirit of Christ in the TEXT, TEMPTATION, WORD OF GOD.
extingufehed Image, in her Virgin's attire
before (lie Soul ; at which the Soul is so STONES THROWN AS
amazed and astonished in its uncleanness MISSILES :—
that all its sins immediately awake in it, Symbolic of positive power exer
and it trombleth before her. . . . But the
noble Sophia draweth near in the Essence
cised on the mental plane.
of the Soul, and tinctureth ita dark Fire See BLACKSMITHS.
A symbol of the surgings of the WINDS.
astro-mental nature. Also of winds
of doctrine Implying ignorance, which
prevent the appearance of truth A symbol of increase of spiritual
from within. energy, and an outflow of truth
" Then Jesus arose, and rebuked the (water). It may imply an initiation.
winds and the sea ; and there was a See RAIN.
great calm." — MAT. viii. 26.
At the right moment the qualities STRANGERS DESERVING OF
(disciples), being actuated by the RESPECT :—
highest motives, are thereby able to A symbol of the entrance into
awaken the indwelling Christ, who the consciousness of the higher emo
immediately responds and subdues the tions, which are the means of
tempest of passion and ignorance, for
" without Me ye can do nothing." See FRIENDS.
" The Christ, the Christ-nature, the
God-germ, is within, in the ship, slumber
ing, waiting to be awakened. The storm, A symbol of the means for the
the suffering, the distress, the fear causes realisation of the Self in manifesta
the Divine within to be recognised, tion.
voluntarily chosen, obeyed. When the " The thirsty world of living beings
storm has done its work, He who has
always been there, arises, and there is will drink the flowing stream of Hi»
calm." — BASIL WILBKRFORCE, Law." — Buddha-Karita, Bk. I. 76.
a great " is a symbol
Problems, p. 41. The " thirsty world
" In every man there is a latent Christ. of the illusory or phenomenal which
The touch of the Divine Spirit wakens yet is, as it were, the means whereby
that Christ within and brings Him into is realised.
As Origen the nature of the Self
union with the Christ above. '
so sweetly put it centuries ago, Christ Through the phenomenal is displayed
sleeps in the soul of every man as He that which is within, the Self, and this
slept in the boat on the Lake of Galilee, order of being is spoken of as the
and He wakes at the cry of penitence to
still the storm of sinful passion in our
Law, since the finite -conditioned is
lives." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Song of Ages, but the symbol and evidence of the
p. 152. and unconditioned.
" The hurricane of the passions, Jeal
ousy, Hatred, Revenge, Love, breaks out
suddenly from some secret and sleeping
quality in our nature of which we knew
nothing before, and the surprise of it as STREETS OF CITIES :—
it dashes upon us in the midst of our Symbolic of connections between
innocent and peaceful life is terrible and mental and astral centres. Current*
These are the hours of frenzy
perilous. of thought and feeling.
in a man's or woman's life, when one " By streets are signified the truths or
passion seizes as tyrant on the whole
nature, and devours all the other passions, falses of doctrine, by reason that a city
enslaves the imagination, the will, the signifies doctrine."— SWEDENBORO, Apoe.
intellect, the heart, and the body. There Rev., n. 501.
is but one thing which may save us from See CHANNELS, CITY, CRUCIFIXION
utter shipwreck in that hour, and that OF CHRIST (Rev.).
is daily strengthen,! ng of character. . . .
We may by such preparation escape its STREETS OF THE EARTH
worst consequences ; we may be shattered, NINE :—
but not betrayed into irremediable evil ;
we may not be able to sail freely for Symbolic of connections between
years, but we shall spread our canvas astral centres and the nine apertures
again and court a happier gale. For the of the physical body.
best of having gone through and con See BRIDGES (nine), GATES OF BODY.
quered such a storm, if there be any
good in it at all, is that having conquered STRIDES OF THE SUPREME :—
it we have conquered all other storms of
the same kind." — STOFFORD A. BHOOKE, Symbolic of the successive mani
Serm., Shipwrecks of Life. festation of the planes of the universe.
See AIR, CHOPS, DISCIPLES, GALES, " Vishnu strode over this (universe) ;
HIGHER AND LOWER SELVES, MAGIC, in three places he planted his step." —
MENIS, SEA, SELF, SHIP (sea), SHIPS Rig-Veda, I. 22, 17.
This refers to the creation of the of Perfection. Here is the seal of Divinity
three higher planes, — atma, buddhi, on us ; here the sign of our descent from
God. It is in writing this inward law on
and maims. the heart, it is in giving us the conception
" With long strides thou strictest over
of Moral Goodness, and the power to
heaven, O Heru-khuti (Harmachis) strive after it, the power of self-conflict
(Papy. of Am). — BUDOE, Book oj the and self-denial, of surrendering pleasure
Dead, Ch. XV. to duty, and of suffering for the right,
See CREATION, EYE OF VISHNU, the true, and the good ; it is in thus
FOOTSTEPS OF BUDDHA, RA HAR enduring us, that God's goodness shines."
— W. E. CHANNINO, Sermon on Dr. Fallen.
See APES (nine), BENNU BIRD,
Symbolic of the successive stages FOOTSTEPS, HORUS, INCARNATION,
in the development of the soul during
the cycle of manifestation.
I (the Osiris) am the hidden Bennu ARCHS, RA, SAMSARA, SEKHET-AARU,
bird ; I enter in as he resteth in the
Tuat, and I come forth as he resteth in SEPULCHRE, SET, SI-OSIRI, SKY,
the Tuat. I am the lord of the celestial SPARK, THOTH, TUAT, WALKS, YEAR,
abodes and I journey through the night YEARS, ZODIAC.
sky after Ra. My offerings are in heaven
in the Field of Ra, and my sepulchral
meals are on earth in the field of Aaru. STRIFE OR CONFLICT:—
I travel through the Tuat like the beings
A symbol of the diversity which
who are with Ra, and I weigh words like
the god Thoth. I stretch myself at my induces the struggle for separate
desire, I run forward with my strides in existence among the evolving quali
my spiritual form of hidden qualities, ties and forms on the lower planes.
and my transformations are those of "
the double god Horus-Set." — BUDOE, In strife all things are endued with
form and separate from each other ; but
Book of the Dead, Ch. CLXXX.
they come together in Love and are
I, the perfect one, am the indwelling desired by each other." — Bmpledoclee,
spiritual ego. I
enter into the lower FAIRBANKS, 06.
nature when the Self has completed Through "strife," or the struggle
involution (rests), and I
then com for existence on the physical plane,
mence to evolve. My home is on the all the lower forms of life subsist.
higher planes, for my nature is atma- But the sense of separateness is over
buddhic, and I
progress through the come so far as Souls unite in know
cycle with the incarnate Self (Ra). ledge and realisation of Truth, for
My transmuted qualities are on the wisdom brings them together in love.
buddhic plane, and my experience is The instinct of attraction (love) serves
undergone in the lower nature (earth) to build up cellular tissues, organisms,
on the astro-mental plane (Aaru). communities, societies, and the great
I advance through the cycle (Tuat) as World-soul.
" And as they were joining together,
do the higher qualities which are in
harmony with the Self, and I
find Strife departed to the utmost boundary.
But many things remained unmixed,
expression through intuition in the alternating with those that were mixed,
higher mind (Thoth). I
seek enlarged even as many as Strife, remaining aloft,
conditions and expansion of conscious still retained ; for not yet had it entirely
ness. I
progress in successive stages departed to the utmost boundaries
the circle, but some of its members were
of initiations in accordance with the remaining within, and others had gone
archetypal faculties and qualities latent outside."— Ibid., 109.
within me ; and my manifesting And as the effort is made by the
aspects are the same as those of the monads of life to come together
Sell (Horus) limited (Set) in order to (through attraction, and through the
manifest. The duality of Energy and principle of sex, both active and
its Limitations is a necessary con passive), "strife," or diversity and
dition of Divine manifestation. separateness, is eventually put to
The " unmixed alternating
" Amid the selfish animal principles of
our nature there is a voice which speaks with the mixed
" refers to the emo
of Duty, an idea grander than the largest
personal interest— the Idea of Excellence, tions and desires, the higher of which
(the buddhic) cannot bo said to mix the Other and Divine Self." — G T. LAUD,
Phil, of Religion, Vol. I.
p. 340.
with the lower, although there is
reciprocal action from below to above,
and vice-versa. But until manifesta
tion ceases, strife or separateness cannot
be entirely gotten rid of. There were LIMBS, LOST (forest), LOVE OF GOD,
some phases of Self-manifestation
latent, whilst other phases were actual, PILLAR (temple), SEPARATENESS,
or had become transmuted.
" WAR.
The Life itself standeth in strife,
that it may be made manifest, sensible,
and palpable, and that the Wisdom STRIKING THE HANDS
may be made separable and known." — TOGETHER :—
BKHMEN, The Superaensual Life, p. 109.
" We are advancing towards collec A symbol of personally and
tivism both within and without." — REV. voluntarily making an effort to
W. RICHMOND, Personality, p. 28. proceed on the path.
" But just as far as strife is constantly
rushing forth, just so far there ever keeps
coming in a gentle, immortal stream of
perfect Love." — Empedocles, 180.
To that degree in which the A symbol of functlonings of the
struggling lower self responds to the ego upon the plane of emotion, or
vibrations from above, the Higher buddhl-manas.
Self reciprocally forthpours energy
and raises the self to the Self by
Love Divine.
" God cannot sanctify ISLANDS :—
us unless we
freely contribute our effort. There is a A symbol of various conditions
reciprocal desire on our part and that of upon the astral and physical planes.
God. The free inspiration of God is the
spring of all our spiritual life. Thence STUDENT; ONE OF THE FOUR
flows into us knowledge — an inner Reve
lation which preserves our spirit open,
and lifting us above all images and all A symbol of the personality in
disturbance, brings us to an inward its aspect of a learner from the ex
silence. . . . Then the riches of God are perience it undergoes in the lower
open to us (Ruysbroeck). — VAUOHAN, vehicles during its incarnations. It
Hours, etc., Vol. I. p. 328.
" The importance of manifold forms of is a manifestation of the ego in the
struggle for the evolution of all kinds lower mind under the disciplining
and stages of existence, surely has not influence of the ethical and spiritual
been neglected by modern science and factors which cause the growth of
modern philosophy. Religion, however, the soul.
has to feel the potent working of a con See ASRAMAS, BBAHMACHARIN,
flict which is more interior than that
between external nature and man as a
totality, or between the body and the
mind of man. This conflict emerges in STUPA, MARVELLOUS, OF
consciousness when the obligations of the BUDDHA :—
world of Ideals meet with the tendencies A symbol of the causal-body per
and forces which determine the world
fected at the end of the cycle.
of present actual existence. The feeling
of the incongruity between the two
" It rises in the air from the
worlds, in both of which man seema bound in the midst of the assembly : it is made
to live, to discharge his many functions of seven precious substances. It has
and to fulfil his destiny, together with thousands of balconies strewn with
the consciousness of his powerlessness to flowers, etc." — Lotus of the Good Law.
realise these Ideals under the existing The causal-body is on the higher
conditions of reality, occasions a pain mental (air) plane, above the lower
ful state of longing and of spiritual
unrest. This condition becomes an nature (ground), and centralised amid
incitement and a challenge to free the the higher qualities. It is complete
soul by an act of will and thus to estab in all virtues.
lish the desired harmony. But the way See CONE, HOUSE (frequented),
for accomplishing this desirable result is
that voluntary abandonment of the KAABA, PALACE, PYRAMID, TABER
human self, which religion proposes, to NACLE, TEMPLE, TONGUE.
STYX RIVER :— The " King of the Race of the
A symbol of the dividing line, as Sun a symbol of the collective

it were, between the lower mind solar pitris which originate human
and the higher ; separating the evolution. The Supremo Self calls
lower consciousness from the higher forth the expression of its own nature
consciousness . as the Self or Ego (the anointed king)

See ANAUBUS BIVEB, CHABON'S and is ordained that shall so


FERKY, GjOLL BIVEB, NECTAB, evolve through the universe. The
NIGHT (nullity). " City " stands for the
higher planes,
SUBSTANCE :— atma, buddhi, and higher manas.
A The " bee-inmate " symbol of the

symbol of Spirit which Is the

eternal reality, the foundation of understanding, the lotus," of wisdom
all things. It may be understood as The Spiritual Ego the

tbat which differentiates into spirit one ruler of all, — in touch with all the
and matter. aspects of its own nature intent upon

According to Bruno, — "there are strictly manifesting itself, and withholding
speaking, only two substances, matter and nothing from aught. The governor,
spirit : all particular things result from
but devoid of all sense of separateness,
the composition in varying degrees of
these two,- — are therefore men; ' accidents,' gentle and harmonious in all qualities,
and have no abiding reality." — J. L. yet exemplifying all aspects of its own
MclNTYRE, Giordano Bntno, p. 159. nature.
" That Divine Truth is the only one
real Being ; and that the subject in
which it inheres and which is derived MONIES, BUDDHA, Cow (milch),
from the Divine Being is the one only HOLY FLACKS, KINO OF GLORY,
substantial Being." — SWEDENBOBO, Arc. PITBIS (solar), RAHULA, SELF, SUN,
Cel., n. 8200, 5272.
" But though Substance is in its nature YASODHAKA.
Spirit, there is a sense in which Spirit is
not Substance. This is the sense in which SUDRA, THE FOURTH CASTE :—
Spirit denotes will or energy, as distin A symbol of the physical -nature
guished from the Substance in which this of man, or the human physical body.
inheres." — The Perfect Way, p. 15. "
" There is no substance but conscious One occupation only the Lord pre
ness. What other kind of substance can scribed to the Sudra, to serve meekly
there be T Therefore I hold that when our even these other three castes." — Laws

finite consciousness ceases to be finite, Manu, I. 91.
there will be no distinction whatever The physical and sense-nature of
between ours and God's. The distinction the outermost vehicle of the soul
between finite and infinite is not eternal.
The being of God is a complex unity, for activity and experience only, in
containing within itself, and harmonising, entire subordination to the desires,
every form of self-consciousness that can the mind and the will (the other
possibly exist." — R. J. ('AMI-BUM., The castes), which rule both for their

New Theology, p. 42.

own contentment and its preservation.
See ADITI, CONSCIOUSNESS, HEAVEN " The idea that we have disengaged
AND EABTH, HIGHER AND LOWEB, from the facts and confirmed by reason
MAYA (higher), ROCK, SPIBIT, STONE. ing that our body an instrument

of action, and of action only." — H.

- BEROSON, Matter and Memory, p. 299.
" If the
urge of the body did not exist,
we should have no governments, no
A symbol of an aspect of the
politics, no cities, factories, ships, railway
Supreme Self at the commencement lines, and standing armies. If you ask
of the cycle of Involution. yourself why human beings should be
" A king, by name Suddhodana, of brigaded as they are, why we have
the kindred of the sun, anointed to stand legislators, commerce, industry, and the
at the head of earth's monarchs, — ruling like, the answer is, that because we

over the (celestial) City, adorned it, as have bodies we had no bodies we

i1 a bee-inmate, a full-blown lotus. The should have none of these things, nor
very best of kings with his train ever should we want them. It the struggle

near him, intent on liberality yet devoid to maintain our individual bodily organi
of pride ; a sovereign, yet with an ever- sation that has driven us to adopt first
* equal eye thrown on all, — of gentle one expedient and then another for
nature and with wide-reaching facilitating the work all discovery, all


majesty." — Buddlia-Karita, Bk. progress, all mental activity even, springs


from this humble root. It created the planes, which leads to its passing
family, the tribe, the nation, forced us through a succession of progressive
to combine for common ends in ways
that otherwise we never should have state.s. To this is added the identi
done, and has thus produced all the fying of the ego with the lower quali
higher intellectual and social results, all ties which attach it to appetite and
the refinement, culture, and spiritual life
that we enjoy together to-day. ... I
desire, and arouse a feeling of grati
fication from time to time. Also is
say that whatever your spirit may be,
and it is probably greater far than you included the longing for pleasurable
yet know, this is the way in which it has states, the outward life, the activities
learned to manifest." — R. J. CAMPBELL, centred in self.
Serm., Through Death to Life. " This, O monks, is the sacred truth
See ANUBIS, ARTIFICER, BIRTH of the extinction of suffering : the
(second), CASTES, CLASSES, HESTIA, extinction of this thirst by complete
MARRIAGE (castes), MATTER, NEPH- annihilation of desire, letting it go,
THYS, SIQYN. expelling it, separating oneself from it,
giving it no room." — Ibid.
SUFFERING, AS A SACRED This is the inner truth of the aboli
TRUTH :— tion of the bondage of spirit in matter :
A symbol of the bondage of the —The extinction of this longing for
Spirit in matter, implying limita the lower life by the complete abro
tion and suppression of spiritual gation of the desire-nature, disallowing
energy or Divine life. it to act, expelling it from the mind,
(The four sacred truths of Buddhism.) separating the inner Self from it,
" This, O monks, is the sacred truth of giving it no scope in the soul.
suffering : Birth is suffering, old age is " This, O monks, is the sacred truth
suffering, sickness is suffering, death is
of the path which leads to the extinction
suffering, to be united with the unloved
of suffering : it is this sacred, eight-fold
is suffering, to be separated from the
path, to wit : Right Faith, Right Resolve,
loved is suffering, not to obtain what Right Speech, Right Action. Right Living,
one desires is suffering ; in short the
Right Effort, Right Thought, Right Self-
five-fold clinging (to the earthly) is "
suffering." — Buddha's Sermon.
concentration (From Buddha's Sermon
at Benares). — H. OLDENBEBO, Buddha,
This is the inner truth of the bond p. 211, Eng. trans.
age of the Self in matter : — Entrance This is the inner truth of the means
of the spiritual ego into the lower life by which the Self will attain release
of illusions which create the sense of from bondage in matter : — 1 1 is the
separateness is bondage. Detention spiritual process of the growtli of the
in the condition of unrest and in soul, the initiative to which process
security of the lower self is bondage. the indwelling Self urges by impress
The dissatisfaction of the lower self ing upon the ego the need there is
while without true knowledge of the for self -discipline in the numerous
Higher is bondage. The passing out outgoings of mind and emotion.
of one state of illusion into another Through perception of the ideal (faith)
is bondage. For the spirit to be the soul responds to the Divine im
chained to the desires ia bondage. pression, and there follows a right
For the spirit to be separated from resolve to turn from the lower illusions
the higher qualities is bondage. Not to the teaching of the Truth within,
to obtain emancipation is bondage. when through the mind's right expres
In fine, this outflowing life towards sion (speech) there will come right
the objects of desire and sense is action and the lower life be so regu
bondage. lated that there is right living. Then,
" This, O monks, is the sacred truth
through right effort to subdue the
of the origin of suffering : it is the thirst
desires and passions, and right thought
(for being) which leads from birth to
birth, together with lust and desire, to attain knowledge of the higher life,
which finds gratification here and there : there will arise in the soul the power
the thirst for pleasures, the thirst for of concentration on the Higher Self,
being, the thirst for power." — Ibid.
the Saviour, bringing about liberation
This is the inner truth of the origin
from the fetters of matter.
of the bondage of spirit in matter : — " This conditioned existence wherein
The impulse of the spiritual ego to we struggle and suffer, as we all have to
manifest its nature upon the lower It only as a spiritual process that

it becomes comprehensible at all, and it the
truths '
which are the object of
ia only as we address ourselves to it with knowledge. These lie at the foundation."
a spiritual purpose that we rise above " Ignorance is, in fact, simply ignorance
its illusory levels and get into touch with of the Four Truths. In the grasp of
that which is trua and abiding. And this them freedom consists. A large part of
w«j can do by faith in him who is the way, the (Buddhist) books is occupied with
the truth, and the life, and whose life is the statement and re-statement of them
the light of men. Having him, we have in every conceivable order and com
found the eternal in the midst of the bination." — R. S. COPLESTON, Buddhism,
temporal, and holding fast to him we pp. 105, 112.
shall attain to that fullness of life in The abolition of matter is the
which the constantly shifting barriers of beginning and ending of the soul's
time and death are merged and lost for
ever." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The evolution from matter to spirit. The
Eternal Invading the Temporal. triumph of Spirit over Matter, of
SeeBABYLON, BONDAGE, CAP Truth over Ignorance, of the Higher
TIVITY, FETTERS, IGNORANCE, ILLU over the Lower, is the great theme
SION, LIBERATION, LOST (forest), MONK, of all sacred scriptures of the world.
XIDANAS. NIRVANA, ORIGINAL SIN, Freedom consists in the abolition of
PKNANCES, PRISONERS, RAHU, SEPA the bondage of Spirit in matter.
RATION, SORROW, SUN -SETTING, TAR When the striving Spirit in humanity
TARUS, THIRST. escapes from the fetters of matter,
the illusion of matter ceases and the
IGNORANCE :— consciousness enters into bliss.
" One cannot deny that, whether there
A symbol of bondage (suffering) be a directing Divine providence over
of the Spirit In matter (Ignorance). human affairs or not, the race has been
" The discourse on the four truths is subjected to illusion at every stage of
constantly coming to the front as that its progress. Who would dare to say
' which is the mo&t prominent announce otherwise ? The only question is whether
ment of the Buddha*.' The Buddhists the use of illusion has itself served a
describe ignorance as being the ultimate beneficent purpose. Assuming that there
and most deeply hidden root of all the is such a purpose, it is clear that one
Buffering in the universe : if any one aspect of it is that we should be kept in
comparative ignorance concerning the
inquires (respecting the nature and in
fluence of) the ignorance of what is re full nature and range of the whole. . . .
garded as this fatal power, the uniform The older I grow, the more terrible and
answer comes : the ignorance of the four perplexing does life appear to be, and,
sacred truths. And thus we find these making all requisite allowance for tem
propositions times without number in perament, I think the same is true of
the canonical texts repeated, discussed, most of the people one meets. It contains
and their importance magnified in extra sinister and dreadful features, is shot
vagant terms." — H. OLDENBERO, Buddha, through and through with tragedy, is
p. 210, Eng. trans. filled with lamentation, and mourning,
The four sacred truths affirm the and woe. It is not a happy world,
withstanding the beautiful, gracious,
bondage (suffering) of Spirit in Matter tender, joyous, and uplifting experiences
and the liberation of Spirit from which come our way. The sombre and
Matter. The meaning, therefore, of unideal elements in it are too pronounced
" ignorance of the four sacred truths " to permit of our describing it as very good.
Minds constituted as ours are quite un
is that Matter (ignorance) is the root equal to unravelling the tangle and finding
of bondage (suffering), and its extinc out what it all means." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
tion in the soul is the aim of religious Serm., Through Parable to Truth.
effort. In the formation of the soul
there is to be observed the sacrifice, ob ANCE, ILLUSION, LIBERATION, MATTER,
scuration or death of Truth in Matter, NIDANAS, NIRVANA, SORROW, SPIRIT,
implying ignorance, illusion and evil. VINEGAR.
Hence the great significance of the
symbols "suffering" and "ignor
ance," which have the same meanings
A symbol of the higher sub-planes
of the astral plane.
as 'crucifixion" and "cross" in
Manichaean and Christian scriptures. SUKUNA-BIKONA, LITTLE
" The abolition of ignorance is the PRINCE :—
beginning and ending of Buddhism. It
is the beginning because the whole A symbol of the personality as a
system is founded on the realisation of ruler of the lower mind.
" A dwarf deity who wore garments of tion of spiritual life on
a globe of the
bird skins and came over the sea in a planetary chain.
tiny bout." — W. G. ASTON, Shinto, p. 107.
The personality is a much-limited
(dwarf) manifestation of the soul.
The " bird skins " signify the capacity
of the personality to aspire to higher
conditions ; and the
" coming over
" is an allusion to SUN:—
the sea in a boat
the development of the personality The great and universal symbol of
on the astral plane (sea) in animal the Higher Self,— God manifest,—
the central source of Light and Life
forms which have been evolved first
within the soul.
on globes of the lunar chain and after " There is no visible thing in all the
wards on the physical earth.
world more worthy to serve as a type of
See BIRD, BOAT, DWARF, LUNAR God than the Sun, which illuminates with
CHAIN, OHONAMOCHI, PERSONALITY, visible light itself first, and then all the
PITRIS (lunar), PITRIYANA, PLANE celestial and elemental bodies." — DANTE
AUOHIERI, 'I' In- Banquet, III. 12.
TARY CHAIN, SKINS or ANIMALS. " I feel how difficult it is for the human
mind even to form a conception of that
SUMMER AND WINTER :— Sun who is not visible to the sense, if
Symbols of love and hate, or our notion of Him is to be derived from
fruit fulness and barrenness. the sun that is visible ; but to exprest
" While the earth remaineth, seedtime the same in language, however inade
quately, is perhaps beyond the capability
and harvest, and cold and heat, and
summer and winter, and day and night
of man I To fitly explain His glory. I am
very well aware, is a thing impossible.
shall not cease." — GEN. viii. 22. . . . The Sun, that is, Apollo, is
So long as the lower nature remains, of the Muses,' and inasmuch as He com
karma, evil and good, love and hate, pletes our life with good order, He pro
enlightenment and ignorance, shall as duces in the world /Esculapius ; for even
before the world was He had the latter
relativity have no end. by his side." — KM p. JULIAN, Upon tlit
See COLD AND HEAT, DAY AND Sovereign Sun.
NIGHT, HARVEST, KARMA, OPPOSITES, The Higher Self (sun) is the central
WINTER. harrnoniser of the higher qualities
(Apollo, Leader of the Muses in the
Circle Dance), and completes the life
A symbol of the period during of the soul with the perfect order of
which the Self realises Itself upon its final evolution. He produces in
the upper planes of being, as Love
the lower nature (world) the in
and Bliss.
AUSHEDAR, BLISS, LOVE OF dwelling Divine Saviour i K-< nj q-i >-
to heal and raise the soul. For before
the lower nature existed, the soul's
Redeemer was potential in the Self.
" I was set
SUMMER WHEN UNFRUITFUL :— up from everlasting, from
the beginning, or ever the earth was." —
A symbol of latency on the buddhic Pnov. viii. 23.
and higher mental planes. The Self was, is, and ever shall be,
" Ten months of winter are there ; and necessarily existed before the
two of summer ; and these latter arc lower nature.
cold as to water, earth and plants ; "
And so the Sun, just as the Cosmos,
then as frost continues there is disaster." lasts for aye. So is he, too, for ever ruler
— Vendidad, I. of all vital powers, or of our whole
The long winter signifies that there vitality ; he is their ruler, or the one who
occurs a period of manifestation on gives them out. God then is the eternal
the lower planes before there is ruler of all living things, or vital functions,
that are in the world. He is the ever
awakenment of the true Divine life lasting giver forth of Life itself (The
upon them. The " two months of Perfect Sermon).— G. R. S. MEAD, 2'. 0.
" symbolise the state on the Hermes, Vol. II. p. 306.
" In the well-known hymn,
higher planes, described as being Rig-veda I.
115, 1, the Sun (Suryah) — interpreted by
unfruitful, which indicates periods of advanced pandits to mean the Supreme
latency when there is no manifesta- Being — is called the Soul (Atman) of
the Universe, (that is, of all that moves, SURYA, TENT, URNS, UTCHATS,
and is immovable)." — MON. WILLIAMS,
Religious Thought in India, p. 95. VAISVANARA, YAO.
" The eye of Mitra, Varuna and Agni,
for that Sun is the eye of both gods and SUN AS THE DOOR:—
men ; — he hath filled heaven and earth, A symbol of the Higher Self as
and the air, for when he rises he indeed the means by which the lower con
fills these worlds ; — Surya, the soul of sciousness shall rise to union with
the movable and immovable ; for that the higher.
sun is indeed the soul of everything here " When he departs from this body he
that moves and stands." — Sata. Brdh.,
VII. 5, 2, 27. mounts upwards by those very rays (the
The Self in all its aspects is the rays of the sun which enter the arteries
of the body), or he is removed while
centre of perception or consciousness saying Om. And quickly as he sends
within both buddhic and mental off his mind (as quick as thought), he
states. The Self outpours in the goes to the sun. For the sun is the door
of the world, an entrance for the know
higher, lower, and mental natures ;
ing, a bar to the ignorant." — Khand.
for when the cycle commences he Upaniahed, VIII. 6, 5.
indeed energises the planes of nature. When the perfected soul quits the
The Self (Surya) is the emanator of vehicle of the lower mind, it passes
spirit and matter, for the Self is upwards by means of the Divine
indeed the source of all life and form. Life (rays) from above, which purifies
" Later Manicheans taught expressly
the currents of thought and emotion
that Mani, Buddas, Zoroaster, Christ, and
the Sun, are the same." — NEANDER, (arteries) ; or by means of the inspira
Church History, Vol. II. p. 198. tion of Truth and Righteousness (Om).
The Higher Self is known under And immediately as the ego (mind)
many names and symbols in the is liberated, the consciousness rises to
scriptures of the world. the causal-body, and union is effected
" The Sun is a figure in the outward
between the lower Self and the Higher
world of the Heart of God." — J. BEHMEN. Self. For the Higher Self (sun) is the
" The sun, when mentioned in reference
means of union (the door), — the
" way,
to the Lord, signifies his divine love, and
at the same time his divine wisdom. . . . the truth, and the life," which lead
By the sun is understood the Lord as to to immortality. From the lower life
love and wisdom." — SWEDENBORO, Apoc.
Bev., n. 53. (world) the Self is the means of raising
" By the ' sun ' the Lord is typified, the perfected soul to bliss, and of
as is said in the Book of Wisdom (5, 6), relegating the unperfected to further
that all the ungodly in the day of the experience and discipline below.
last judgment, on knowing their own BBAHMARANDRAM, DOOR
condemnation, are about to say, ' We
have erred from the way of truth, and (higher), HIGHER, MOON (higher),
the light of righteousness hath not shined OM, SHEPHERD, UNION, WINDOW OF
unto us, and the sun rose not upon us.' ARK.
As if they plainly said, — The ray of in
ward light has not shone on us. Whence SUN-RISING, OR DAWN:—
also John says, A woman clothed with A symbol of the commencement of
the sun, and the moon under her feet.'
For by the ' sun ' is understood the iii n- a new of life. The Higher
mination of truth, but by the
moon,' Self (sun) beginning to appear in
which wanes and is filled up every month, manifestation on the higher planes.
the changeableness of temporal things. " That ye may be the children of your
But Holy Church, because she is pro Father which is in heaven : for he maketh
tected with the splendour of the heavenly his sun to rise on the evil and on the
light, is clothed, as it were, with the good, and sendeth rain on the just and
sun ; but, because she despises all tem on the unjust." — MAT. v. 45.
poral things, she tramples the moon The qualities of the soul are ex
under her feet." — ST. GREGORY, Morals
on the Book of Job, Vol. III. p. 636. horted not to strive against their
See ADITYA, APOLLO, ATMAN, fellow qualities, but to assist them to
CROWN OF TWELVE STARS, DANCE purify themselves, so that all may be
(circle), EYES OF HOBUS, GOLD PLATE, transmuted to the spiritual realm.
HELIOS, HEEOIC BUNKER, LIGHT For the Higher Self is established in
(primordial), MAHAVIRA, PROCESSION, the cycle from the commencement,
SAVITRI, SELF, SERAPIS, SERPENT for the purpose of raising all qualities,
.••ESCULAPIUS, SERPENT (solar), both evil and good, and therefore
truth (rain) is poured forth both on (Hymn to Aten (sun-disk) ). — WIEDEHAITX,
the perfect and imperfect alike in Religion of Anc. Egyptians, p. 42.
response to their aspirations.
" Now the ' rising of the dawn ' is the LIBERATION, MOON (lower), SUTTEB-
brightness of inward truth, which ought ING, WEST.
to be ever new to us. For the rising of
this dawn is in the interior, where the SUN MOTIONLESS IN THE
brightness of the Divine Nature is mani ZENITH :—
fested ever new to the spirits of the
Angels." — ST. GREGORY, Moral* on the A symbol of the culmination of
Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 213. the Higher Self in the buddhic con
" We learn
that the highest is present sciousness, at the beginning or the
to the soul of man, that the dread Uni ending of a cycle.
versal Essence, which is not wisdom, or " When Aushedar becomes
love, or beauty, or power, but all in one, thirty yean
and each entirely, is that for which all old, the sun stands still in the zenith of
the sky for ten days and ten nights, and
things exist, and that by which they are ;
that spirit creates ; that behind nature, it arrives again at that place where it
was first appointed by allotment." —
throughout nature, spirit is present ;
The Dinkard, S.B. of E.
one and not compound, it does not act
upon us from without, that is, in space When the Christ (Aushedar) has
and time, but spiritually, or through arrived at the stature of manhood,
ourselves : therefore, that spirit, that is, that is, when the buddhic conscious
the Supreme Being, does not build up
ness has been attained by the soul,
nature around us, but puts it forth through
us, as the life of the tree puts forth new the Higher Self as the individuality
branches and leaves through the pores (sun) becomes fully (ten) established,
of the old. . . . Who can set bounds to having evolved up to that point on
the possibilities of man T Once inhale the
the buddhic plane from whence it
upper air, being admitted to behold the
absolute natures of justice and truth, had fallen, or from whence it had
and we learn that man has access to the proceeded in entering upon the cycle
entire mind of the Creator." — EMERSON, of involution.
Nature, Ch. VII.
(This statement refers to develop
ment on the buddhic plane beyond
the present cycle which terminates
in the union of the lower Self with
the Higher on the higher mental
SUN-SETTING :— plane.)
A symbol . either of the termina
tion, or the commencement, of the PISCES, SUMMER, ZENITH.
great cycle of life. The Higher
Self withdraws Into the Absolute, or SUN-CATCHING AND SUN-
the Higher Self becomes obscured
and unapparent to the lower con Symbolic of the retardation, as it
sciousness. were, in its course, of the Higher
" Thy sun shall no more go down ; Self by the lower activities. The
neither shall thy moon withdraw itself ; astro-mental and astro-physical
for the Lord shall be thine everlasting natures seem to oppose and weaken
light, and the days of thy mourning shall the powers of the Self in the lower
be ended." — ISA. Ix. 20. nature.
At the end of the cycle, the indi "
The fall of the Soul is its approach
viduality (thy sun) shall no longer to matter, and it is made weak because
be obscured to the consciousness, its energies are impeded by the presence
neither shall the personality (thy of matter which does not allow all its
powers to arrive at their realisation
moon) withdraw any more into incar (Plotinus).— T. WHITTAKER, The Neo-
nation. For the Higher Self (the Platonists, p. 82.
Lord) is united with the immortal Tall as a mountain peak Havana
individuality, and the grief of cap stopped with his arms the sun and moon
in their course, and prevented their
tivity to the lower nature is ended. rising. The sun when it passed over his
" At thy rising all live : at thy sitting
residence drew in his beams in terror."
they die by thee ; but the duration of — Ramayana, III. 36.
thy life is the life that is in thee. Eyes The lower principle (Havana) re
shine brightly until thou settest ; ceaseth
" tards the spiritual course of the
all labour when thou settest in the west
and lower Selves, and causes the rock (Christ). The Higher Self,
ffering. or Divine Life (Ra), is now fully in
We must notice two different con- volved (noosed) in the soul, and time
^tions, both of which sound quite
: lii<*iil, for the growth of the egos (men) is
which are preserved in the
wish and Arabic tradition. One of provided so that they may work out
see supposed that the Sun exhibited their own salvation in fear and
ch An eagerness for the performance of trembling ;
" for it is
God which
i work, that the whole world would be
fr on fire if its consequences
worketh in you both to will and to
were not
^derated by various means for cooling work, for his good pleasure " (PHIL. ii.
wn the heat ; and these means are the 13).
tola of the Sun. In the Midrash on See ARREST, BOAT-SEKTET,HIGHER,
JOI^KS. i. 6, it is said :— ' It is reported in
e name of Rabbi Nathan, that the ball MAUI, MOON-WAXINO, NET, NOOSE,
the Sun is fixed in a reservoir with a OPPOSITES, SHELTER, Six, SKINS OF
>ol of water before him. When he is ANIMALS, UNDERWORLD, WATER(lower).
•out to go forth he is full of fire, and
:>d •weakens his force by that water SUN-DISK, WINGED:—
.at he may not burn up the whole
arid.' " — GOLDZIRER, Mythology among
A symbol of the higher Indivi
e Hebrews, pp. 340-1. duality, which is the atma-buddhic,
The pool of water " is a symbol
" and which ensouls the causal-body.
! the astral plane which
" " At this juncture the divine Isis
le Spirit," and the reservoir " may
" asked her father Ra that the winged
sun-disk might be given to her son Horus
B taken to signify the underworld, —
as a talisman, because he has cut off the
ic present life. "
" According to another view, the Sun heads of the fiend and his companions
(Legend of the Winged Sun-disk). — BUDGE,
t first resists the performance of his Oodf of the Egyptian*.
usiness, and is only moved to do so by And now Wisdom (Isis) craves of
iolent measures." — Ibid., p. 341.
This refers to the strife of the the Supreme (Ra) that the mind
may be so raised that it be conse
pposites, good and evil, etc., and the
, Mn-iil!
crated entirely to the service of the
progress of the soul (see
Higher Self (Horus), so that the
IAT. xi. 12).
" Maui six great cocoa-nut
Divine impress or seal (talisman) be
bra ropes to make his royal nooses to made upon it, and it rise to be one
atch the sun -god Ra ; the first noose with its Father in heaven, as the
•• set at the opening where the sun Individuality. For it is in this pre
limba up from Avaiki, the underworld,
nd the other five one after another requisite, — the conquering over the
urther on in the sun's path ; as Ra lower powers, — that the soul is en
ame up in the morning, Maui pulled titled to aspire towards the higher
he first slip-knot, which held him by possibilities of the upper planes.
he feet, the next by the knees, and so "
Horbehudti (Horus) came in the
m, till the last noose closed round his
bark of Ra Harmakhis in a many coloured
leek, and Maui made him fast to a point
form as a great winged disk." — Ibid.
if rock ; then Ra, nearly strangled, con-
essed himself conquered, and promised The Second Logos approached the
soul in the
" bark of Ra " which is
lenceforth to go more slowly through the
leavens, that men might have time to a symbol of the higher or buddhio
•et easily through their work. The sun- causal-body of all humanity, con
god Ra was now allowed to proceed on
lis way ; but Maui wisely declined to taining the complete collective experi
•ake off these ropes, wishing to keep Ra ence of the race. The "many coloured
n constant fear." — W. W. GILL, Myth* form
" is the buddhic vehicle of the
>J South Paciftr, p. 62. higher Individuality.
The relative Self (Maui), acting from See CAUSAL-BODY, CONQUEROR,
below in the forms, constructed a DISK, HORBEHDDTI, INDIVIDUALITY,
x>mplete (six) astral mechanism of Isis, RA, SEAL, SPHERE, TALISMAN.
the soul by which it should function
an the lower planes. The series of SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS :—
nooses refers to the gradual evolution A symbol of the Higher Self, the
of the soul's mechanism through centre of perfection and fount of
animal forms, from the lower forms truth.
(feet) to the higher form (neck), which " But unto you that fear my name
is the human and which ia bound to shall the Sun of righteousness arise with
healing in his wings ; and ye shall go " Thespace between the earth and the
forth, and grow up as calves of the stall." firm vault of heaven is therefore divided
MAL. iv. 2. into three spheres, that of the sun, of
To the disciplined qualities which the moon, and of the stars." — Zoroattriatt
System. 3. V. CLARKE, Ten Religions.
yearn for perfection, the Higher Self
The piano of Atma, for Higher Self
(sun) shall arise within to impart
(sun), the astral plane for personality
truth and transmute their nature.
They shall then go fortli on higher (moon) and the mental plane (stars)
are produced as the arena of divine life
planes, and develop in harmony and
whereon the Soul expresses its nature
peace the higher emotions.
"The visible world is a book in which, under the aspects of Will, Wisdom,
if our spiritual eyes are open, we can and Love.
read the nature of the invisible ; in the " And God made the two grrat lights ;
soul of man we can discern the lineaments the greater light to rule the day, and
of God. . . . Metaphors and illustrations the lesser light to rule the night : he
of spiritual ideas are only possible because made the stars also."— GEN. i. 10.
of this undoubted correspondence between And the Divine Will created two
the two planes of being (higher and lower)
great luminaries in the Soul : — the
with which we have to do. Take such a
beautiful figure of speech as the follow Individuality and the Personality.
ing : Unto you that fear my name, saith The one serving to rule the higher
the Lord, shall the Sun of Righteous nature (day), the other serving to
ness arise with healing in his wings.'
rule the lower nature (night). And
Here the sun of our visible universe is
used as an image of God's purifying action the mental qualities (stars), as lights in
" night," are also said to be made
on the life of the soul ; the righteous
ness of God is spoken of as rising by Him.
like the sun upon human experience, " By the sun is signified love ; by the
bringing healing exactly as the rays of moon is signified intelligence and faith ;
our earthly sun dissipate darkness and by stars are signified the knowledges of
war against disease. . . . Everything in truth and good from the Word." —
the universe that has power to awaken SWEDENBORO, Apoc. /,'.' '.. n. 413.
in us feelings of delight and elevation of
soul is really a spiritual symbol, directly
connected with that which it symbolises, MOON, NIGHT, RAIN, SUN, STARS,
a word of God. . . . The universe is a WATER, WELL.
spiritual whole, a system within a system,
a work revealing a work ; it all means, SUNDAY, THE FIRST DAY :—
for those who have eyes to read ; it tells
of what is hidden." — R. J. CAMPBKLL, This is a symbol of the rousing
Sri in.. Spiritual Correspondences. to life at the opening of a manvan-
See CALVES, CREATION, HEALING, tara. It connotes the activity of
HIGHER, IMAGE, NAME, PROTOTYPES, the Higher Self (sun).
, Now late on the sabbath day, aa it
began to dawn toward the first day of
SUN, MOON, AND STARS :— the week, came Mary Magdalene and' the
Symbols of the Individuality, other Mary to see the sepulchre." —
Personality, and mental qualities, or MAT. xxviii. 1.
of the Higher Self, lower self, and The period represented is now
mental faculties. referred to as Sunday because of the
" The Sun is not only a but association with the visible source of
seeing eye,
also a flowing well. The Sun being a life and light, warmth and power,
well, the light of his rays is the moisture which is in every way adapted to
that 6ows from the well. In the Egyptian
' express the sense of liberation which
Book of the Dead the Sun is called the
Sun. the primitive water, the father of comes to the risen Christ or per
the gods.' ... In the Vendidad (XXI. 2G, fected soul. The "Marys" bringing
" spices " symbolise the
32, 34), ' the Sun, moon, and stars are quickening and
rich in milk.' No less frequent is the idea purifying of the emotions through
that the heavenly bodies make water." —
GOLDZIHER, Mythology among the Hebrews, the Rising from the dead lower
pp. 345-6. nature.
From the Higher Self (sun), the See DAWN, EIGHT, LIBERATION,
personality (moon), and the mental MANVANTABA, RESURRECTION, ROCK
faculties (stars) there flow wisdom SEPULCHRE, SABBATH, SATURDAY,
(milk), and truth (water), to nourish SEPULCHRES, SEVEN, SPICES, SUM-
the soul. RISING, WEEK, WOMAN.
SUNLIKE OF MEN, YIMA:— shipped in after times as the eight
A symbol of the Divine Ego or princely children." — W. G. ASTON, SltitUo,
l>. 97.
Self in the aspects of self-command, Before the lower principle is to bo
dignity, and power, which subdue
and conquer the lower nature. identified with the desire-mind on
the lower planes (nether region) it
stands for relativity and the opposite
SUPPER, LAST:— of all that is Divine in quality. As
A symbol of the soul's acceptance manifestation is not as yet lower than
of a more excellent Way for evolving the buddhic plane (heaven), the lower
the Truth and the Life within it. principle seems to rise and threaten
See SACRAMENT, TBANSUBSTANTIA- the buddhic principle (Sun goddess)
TION. with which it is allied as the inverted
SURAK COUNTRIES, PEOPLE reflection of atma, desire being in
OF:— verted love (divine nature). The fall
Symbolic of qualities which are of mini I (man) is conversely the ascent
to be co-ordinated as disciples of of desire to the mind where it is said
" take leave " of
the Higher Self. the buddhic
See DISCIPLES, PEOPLE. principle whose consequent obscuration
leaves the lower principle, or desire-
SURAS, CHIEF:— mind, to rule the lower nature. The
A symbol of the supreme Law of passing upwards corresponds with the
the soul's development. commencement of astral (sea) and
mental activities, strife
SURTUR :— (groans), and growth. The buddhic
A symbol of cyclic law. principle (Goddess) is replete with all
the higher qualities (jewels) and
spiritual powers (weapons). The lower
SURYA, THE SUN :— and higher natures appear to stand
A symbol of the Higher Self. opposite each other, divided by the
" higher mental plane (river). Then to
Because there is none greater than
ho (i.e. Surya), nor has been, nor will be, carry out the Divine scheme, the lower
therefore he is celebrated as the Supreme and higher natures are said to co
Soul in all the Veclas." — Btutviahya
Parana. operate in the formation of ruling
See ADITYA, HELIOS, HEROIC attributes of the soul. These are the
BUNNEB, SAVITBI, SUN, VAISVANABA. pairs of opposites which are produced
in the mind when it begins to function
SUSA-NO-WO, GOD OF THE in the human being, and conflict in a
SEA :— multiplicity of ways (fragments) be
A symbol of the desire-nature, or comes inevitable. Eight leading oppo
the lower principle. sites begin to strive for rule (princely)
" Susa-no-wo, before proceeding to take
in the evolving mind of humanity.
up his charge as Ruler of the Nether These are in pairs, and may be
Region, ascended to Heaven to take
leave of his elder sister, the Sun-Goddess. described as Love -Dislike, Courage-
By reason of the fierceness of his divine Fear, Generosity-Greed, Aspiration-
nature there was a commotion in the Contentment.
sea, and the hills and mountains groaned " '
There shall no strange god be in
aloud as he passed upwards. The Sun- thee
(Ps. Ixxxi. 0). On which the sages
Goddess, in alarm, arrayed herself in (of the Talmud) remark,
What is the
manly garb, and confronted her brother strange god that is in the body of man I
wearing her royal necklace of jewels, and It is the evil impulse ' (T.B. Sabbath,
armed with sword and bow and arrows.
— J. ABELSON, Immanence of God,
The pair stood face to face on opposite p. 143.
aides of the River of Heaven. Susa-no-wo ADVERSARY, AHRIMAN, AMA-
then assured his sister of the purity of
his attentions, and proposed to her that TERASU, ARROWS, BRIDGE OF HEAVEN,
they should each produce children by CHILD, CHILDREN, COUNTRIES, FALL,
biting off and crunching parts of tho HEAVEN, HIDING PLACE, JEWELS,
jewels and swords which they wore and NECKLACE, OPPOSITES,
blowing away the fragments. Eight
children boru in this wuy were wor- QUALITIES, RIVER, RULEBS, SEA,
SET, SWOBD, TANE-MAHXJTA, TYPHON, of your own life, your spirit is of its very
essence, and you neither have nor could
have any interests or any existence apart
YOMI. from it." — R. J.
CAMPBELL, Serm., Who
Compels f
Symbol of the Divine Ray, Buddhi- FILLET, HIRANYAGARBHA, HOMA-TREE,
manas, which, Issuing from above, TSVABA, JEWEL SPEAR, SHEEP (lost),
penetrates to the lower nature. It SUN, TALUS, TET, TRIDENT, WILL..
constitutes In man the Individuality
to which the successive personalities SVARGA-WORLD :—
are attached. A symbol of the astral paradise,
A collective totality of subtle bodies a state of delusion on the astral
is supposed to exist, and the soul, which plane. The after-death dream-world.
is imagined to pass through these subtle
bodies like a thread, is called the Sttrat-
man, thread-soul ' (occasionally styled (lower).
the I'riini'itiiiiin). and sometimes identified
With HininyiipHii.hu." MON. WILLIAMS,
Indian Wisdom, p. 124. EXISTENT :—
" Who then doth have a
Ray shining A symbol of the manifested Logos.
upon him through the Sun within his
rational part and these (Rays) in all are
few — on them the daimons do not act ;
for no one of the daimons or of Gods has SWALLOW :—
any power against one Ray of God." See FIRE OF HELL.
(Corpus Hermeticum). — G. R. S. MEAD,
T. O. Hermes, Vol. II. p. 275. SWAMP :—
The Divine Ray extends through Symbolic of the astro-mental
the Higher Self (sun) seated in the nature (kama-manas).
higher mind, and is quite unaffected See MARSH, REED PLAIN.
by the lower nature. None of the
desires, passions, or ambitions has
any influence upon the spiritual ego, A symbol of the Higher Self, or
which is the centre of every soul the individuality.
" The swan dwelling in the light,
and is in unison with the Supreme
doubtless is yonder sun." — Sola. Brdh..
Soul (Hiranyagarbha).
" ' When the atman as the cause of the VI. 3, 11.
" The swans go on the path of the sun,
natural constitution of compounds en
dowed with the supreme (consciousness) they go through the ether by means of
their magical power ; the wise are led
appears in all bodies, like the string
out of this world, when they have con
threaded through the store of pearls, he
quered Mara and his train." — Dhamma-
is then called the inner guide (antar-
' pada, XIII. 175.
yamin) (Sarvopanishatsara, No. 19). In
Vedantasara, The individualities, or egos, traverse
the § 43, the antarydmin is
identified with Isvara. A similar place the cycle of life, they pass upward by
is held by it in the system of Ramanuja." means of the spiritual energy within
— DEUSSEN, Phil, of Upanishads, p. 207.
" them ; the perfected souls are able to
Being what you are, a spiritual being,
a ray from the eternal light, a seedling rise above the lower nature, for they
from the eternal life, a mode of the have been victorious over the desire-
eternal whole, you must work out your principle (mara) and all it stands for.
destiny in accordance with the urge of " The swan that lives in the black
the whole, which is your own urge. It waters of the river of Tuoni, lord of the
was the urge of the whole which sent you dead." — Kalevala.
here and subjected you to the conditions The spiritual ego that is incarnated,
under which you are uttering the divine
truth latent within you ; it is the urge and that manifests in the astro-
of the whole, however little you may be mental nature, subject to desire and
conscious of it, which shows you sooner or illusion (Tuoni).
later where you have made your mis " In the etherhe (the atman) is the
takes ; which leads you through success swan of the sun, in the air Vasu." —
and failure, joy and pain, toil and Big-Veda, IV. 40, 5.
conquest, to the heights of everlasting On the highest plane (aether) the
love. If the whole were not you, you
might reasonably regard this discipline Higher Self (atman) is the individu
as arbitrary ; but it is you ; it is the life ality of the Supreme (sun); on the
mental plane (air) he is the indi See ADAM (lower), BREAD, DUST,
viduality of the Soul. EVOLUTION, FACE, FALL, GROUND,
ALITY, KALAHANSA, MAGIC, MARA, Symbols of happiness, pain, grief,
SELF, SUN, UBDAR, VAYU, WATER and care, as states of the soul.
SWASTIKA, OR FYLFOT SIGN :— Symbolic of beauty and love.
Emblem of the wheel or cycle of See DRAUPADI, PERFUMES.
life. The cross with the four arms
signifies the four " winds," i.e. the SWINE :—
quaternary or four lower planes of A symbol of the lower desires,
nature which are the arena of the instincts and astral forces ; signi
soul's development during the cycle. fying an evil state, — depraved and
The emblem thus becomes signifi unclean.
cant of high alms through a period " When Jesus the Son of Mary shall
of stress and struggle, with attain descend from the heavens upon your
ment of the heart's desire at the people as a just king, he will break the
ending. cross and will kill all the swine." — The
The widespread appearance of the Miahkat, Bk. XXIII. 6.
emblem and its associations show When Christ, born in the soul of the
it to be a sacred symbol emanating purified lower nature, shall irradiate
from the one source of all inspired and raise the purified qualities (people),
myths and scriptures, namely, the he will be victorious in the crossing-
Holy Spirit on the buddhic plane. over from the lower to the higher,
" This was also known as gammadion.
and will put an end to all evil con
In the Greek alphabet the capital letter ditions and desires (swine).
gamma consists of two lines at right " That the swine should be connected
angles to each other, and many of the
mystical writers of earlier days have seen with the underground world of the dead
is not surprising. We find the same con
in this form a symbol of Christ as the
corner stone. . . . Many theories have nection in Keltic mythology (as in
Babylonian). There, too, the swine are
been propounded in attempted elucida
tion, one being that it represents a the cattle of Hades." — SAYCE, Rel. of
revolving wheel, and symbolises the great Egypt and Babyl., p. 358.
sun-god." — F. E. HULME, Symbolism, etc., See BIRTH OF CHRIST, BOAR, CIRCE,

NARY, STONE (corner), (letter),
A symbol of outgoing positive
SWEAT OF THE FACE :— energy, either of the higher mind
A symbol of falsity and illusion, or of the lower, and indicating
— the inverted reflection of truth. conflict between the true and the
" In the sweat of thy face shalt thou false.
" Then saith
(Adam) eat bread, till thou return unto Jesus unto him, Put up
the ground ; for out of it wast thou again thy sword into its place : for all
taken : for dust thou art, and unto dust they that take the sword shall perish with
shalt thou return." — GEN. iii. 19. the sword." — MAT. xxvi. 52.
Through gropings of ignorance, — the The Christ-soul counsels action from
effort generated of the truth-nature high motives, and restraint to bear upon
(face), reflected as falsity and illusion lower desires.
" They that take the
(sweat), — shall goodness (bread) be sword," that is, those aggressive minds
appropriated, until evolution upon or qualities which trust to measures
the lower planes ends. For the lower which are the outcome of physical
mind (Adam) is but the culminating force, — however disguised, — reap as
product of the lower evolution. It they sow. They are employing means
is as dust which passes away, and it which bring about results in precise
shall not ascend. accordance with the intent with which
they are employed. They are in peril SYCAMORE AND ACACIA :—
of setting in operation forces which Symbols of goodness and truth.
they but imperfectly understand. " The forepart of the boat was made
" By sword nothing else is signified
of acacia wood, and the after part of
but truth fighting against falses and sycamore wood, and both kinds of wood
destroying them ; and also in an opposite were henceforth holy." — Legend of the
sense, the false fighting against truths." Winged Sun-disk.
— SWEDENBORG, Apoc. Rev., n. 52.
" In no part of His universe The fore front of the causal -body
can God
was, as it were, formed of Truth,
be passive. Everywhere He must be the
foe of the evil and the friend of the good. and the after part of Goodness ;
Everywhere, therefore, throughout the then henceforth Truth and Goodness
great perplexed tumultuous universe, we were conjoined, or made entire and
can see the flashing of His sword. His
sword ! ' we say, and that must mean His perfect.
nature uttering itself in His own form of Let me eat my food under the
force. Nothing can be in His sword which sycamore tree of my lady, the goddess
is not in His nature. And so the sword Hathor, and let my times be among the
of God in heavenly regions (Is. xxxiv. 5) divine beings who have alighted thereon."
must mean perfect and
— BUDOE, Book of the Dead, Ch. LII.
thoroughness " On the sacred monuments
perfect justice contending against evil of the
and self-will, and bringing about every Egyptians we do find such a tree (of Life),
where the ultimate victory of righteous a tree furnishing in the divine economy
ness and truth." — PHILLIPS BROOKS, of the spiritual man the required nourish
Serm., The Sword Bathed in Heaven. ment of everlasting life. . . . The tree
BATTLE, is the ficua-sycamorus, the sycamore tree
See ARROWS (divine),
of the Bible." — BARLOW, Essays on
CHEKUBIM, CONFLICT, FUDO, IN Symbolism, p. 58.
A symbol of spiritual force, or A symbol of fear, which is a lack
the intuition which dispels error of courage to stand firm in mind.
and ignorance. " Watching
" The sword of the the recession of the Syrn-
Spirit, which is the ptegades rocks, and aided by Hera, the
word of God." — EPH. vi. 17. heroes rowed the Argo vigorously on,
Spiritual energy from within, which and escaped so narrowly, that the floating
is the Divine expression of Truth out rocks as they rushed together carried off
some of her stern-works." — Argonautic
wardly manifested.
Watching the progress of effects, —
a symbol of right meditation, — and
assisted by the Wisdom within, the
SWORDS, TWO :— soul (Argo) went forth, having, how
Symbolic of two modes of out ever, experienced some suffering and
going energy. sorrow in the lower self, which is signified
" And they said, Lord, behold, here by the havoc played by fear (rocks).
are two swords. And he saith unto them, See ARGO, FEAR, HEROES, ROCKS
It is enough." — LUKE xxii. 38. (floating).
This saying refers to the "
of the Spirit," and to the " sword " of SYZYGY OF SOPHIA:—
the intellect which trusts to its much A symbol of the complement of
might. The two energies are in Wisdom (Sophia), which is Love.
apparent conflict, — the one with the
The rule of Love is at the summit
of attainment.
other. Yet each is well in its appointed
place. The energies may therefore be
taken as signs of development, and T, THE LETTER, OR THE TAU
as indicating inward graces which are CROSS :—
ultimately to fit the users for their A symbol of manifestation of the
true place in the scheme of the soul's Divine Life. Tree of life.
evolution. and
"Among the earliest simplest
See MAMAS, RAJAS. ideographic symbols in the Chinese
language is one winch resembles our the earthly tabernacle are called the anti
capital letter T. signifying that which types of the true or heavenly ; the latter,
is above,' and the converse of this, of course, being viewed as the types
the T resting on its base (X) signifies of the other. HEB. viii. 5 — where the
that which is ' below.' Tn both cases whole structure of the tabernacle, with its
a point or a comma, as if a tongue of appointed ritual of service, is designated
fire, is placed occasionally over an angel an example and shadow of heavenly
or divine messenger, to signify his more things. Ps. ex. 4, HEB. vi. 10, 12, vii.
than human character. . . . Hence the — where Melchizedek is exalted over the
symbol T\ means to come down from ministering priesthood of that tabernacle."
above, whore the dot or fiery tongue — P. FAIRBAIHN, The Typology of Scrip
denotes a spark or flame descending ture, Vol. I p. 65.
" The Tabernacle of Moses was four
from the upper world, which is signified
by T- Hence again JL means the lower fold. The Outer Court, which was open,
world, and the symbol J_' means to go denoted the Body or Man physical and
up from below, or to ascend." — BUNSEN, visible ; the covered Tent, or Holy place,
Angel Messiah, pp. 57, 58. denoted the Man intellectual and invisible ;
The first process is that of Involu and the Holy of Holies within the veil,
tion, wherein Spirit (fiery tongue) denoted the Heart or Soul, itself the
shrine of the Spirit of the Man, and of the
descends into Matter and supplies it divine Glory, which, in their turn, were
with all potencies and qualities. The typified by the Ark and Shekinah. And
second process is that of Evolution in each of the four Depositaries were
three utensils illustrative of the regenera
wherein Spirit ascends from Matter,
tive degrees belonging to each division."
making manifest in multiplicity and — The Perfect Way, p. 246.
diversity that which had been placed " From this holy Mount
(the Celestial
within it. In these two processes the Kingdom) proceed all the oracles and
dispensations of Heaven. . . . For ever,
the Divine Life finds expression in the '
O Lord,' says the psalmist, Thy Word is
invisible and the visible universes of written in Heaven.' And for this reason
a solar system. the Scriptures declare that everything in
See CROSS, EVOLUTION, FIRE, the Tabernacle of the Wilderness was
made after the pattern of it in the holy
Mount.' For the Tabernacle in the
MATTER, SPIRIT, SWASTIKA, TREE OF Wilderness is, like the Kaabeh, a figure
LIFE. of the Human House of God, pitched in
the wilderness of the material world, and
TAAROA :— removable from one place to another." —
Ibid., p. 149.
A symbol of the First Logos, or "
By the tabernacle of the covenant
of the Absolute, the source of all. understand the state of perfection. Where
" The Polynesian of the soul is, there is the
Supreme Being Taaroa perfection
was ' uncreated, existing from the begin indwelling of God. The nearer we
ning, or from the time he emerges from approach perfection, the more closely are
the /><>,or world of darkness.' In the we united with God. The tabernacle must
Leeward Isles Taaroa was Toivi, fatherless have a court about it. Understand by
and motherless from all eternity. In the this the discipline of the body ; by the
highest heavens he dwells alone. He tabernacle itself, the discipline of the
created the gods. . . . Says a native mind. The one is useless without the other.
hymn, He was : he abode in the void. The court is open to the sky, and so the
No earth, no sky, no men ! He became discipline of the body is open to all.
the universe ' " (Ems, II. 193). — A. LANG, What was within the tabernacle could
Making of Religion, p. 275. not be seen by those without. None
See CHAOS, DARKNESS, GODS, ORO, knows what is in the inner man save
Po, TANGAHOA. the spirit of man which is in him. The
inner man is divided into rational and
TAATA, THE FIRST MAN intellectual ; the former represented by
:— the outer, the latter by the inner part of
A symbol of the primordial higher the tabernacle. We call that rational
mind in alliance with buddhi. perception by which we discern what ia
See ADAM, HOA, OBO, RAINBOW, within ourselves. We here apply the
term intellectual perception to that
VATRAUMATI. faculty by which we are elevated to the
survey of what is divine. Man goes out
TABERNACLE :— of the tabernacle into the court in the
A symbol In its higher aspect of exercise of works. He enters the first
the causal -body ; in its lower aspect, tabernacle when he returns to himself.
of the astro-mental body. He enters the second when he transcends
himself. Self-transcendence is elevation
"It is enough to refer to such passages into Deity" (Richard of St. Victor). —
as HEB. ix. 24 — where the holy places of On Contemplation, Appendix.
" For we know that if the earthly house into sorrow and suffering must con
of our tabernacle be dissolved, we have tinue, until perfection is attained.
a building from God, a house not made
with hands, eternal in the heavens. For But now, O Divine Self, thou art
verily in this we groan, longing to be perceived by the consciousness ; no
clothed upon with our habitation which longer are the lower bodies to hold
is from heaven." — 2 COB. v. 1, 2. " ceiling," as
captive the spirit. The
We are assured that when the it were, of the lower mind is done
astro-mental body is finally put off away with, and the glory of heaven
and dissipated, the consciousness rises appears. The human intelligence
to the higher mind plane and to the the Eternal has van
causal -body, which is not formed by quished the lower nature and attained
the lower activities, but is immortal to the extinction of all desires.
on the heaven plane. For in this " ' As I was in the days of my youth :
mortal body the personality suffers when God was secretly in my tabernacle
while the spirit within earnestly strives (Jos xxix. 4). What in this place do we
' '
take the tabernacle for, but the dwelling
for liberation, and to be "clothed
" by the immortal vesture which place of the mind ? Because by all that
upon we do with taking thought, WB dwell in
is laid up for it above. the counsel of our heart. But whoever
" This impressive statement in silence thinks of the precepts of God,
(2 COB. v. "
1, 2) means that every human being has to him ' God is secretly in his tabernacle.'
more than one body. We are only con — ST. GBEOOBY, Morals on the Book
of Job,
scious of possessing one — that is, the Vol. II. p. 410.
physical — but we have a spiritual body, See CAUSAL-BODY, CHUBCH, HOUSE
too, in which we shall function consciously IN HEAVEN, KAABA, PYBAMID, RE
by-and-by when we have done with all INCARNATION, SHRINE, TEMPLE, TENT,
earthly limitations. We might describe
the matter thus : That which is you eter WILDERNESS.
nally in God, being of his own being, a
centre of his own life, is distinguished TABERNACLES, OR BOOTHS,
from every other mode of being by having OF PETER :—
its own spiritual body, that is, its own
Symbolic of mental definitions or
peculiar means of realising and expressing
itself. The body, any kind of body, is compartments in which the lower
only a means whereby the spirit becomes mind formulates Its conceptions.
conscious of itself, and relates itself to " Peter said unto Jesus, Lord, it ia good
all other modes of the universal being.
' for us to be here : if thou wilt, will I
. . . Your spiritual body, your house make here three tabernacles ; one for
not made with hands, eternal in the thee, and one for Moses, and one for
heavens,' needs to be enriched and beauti Elijah." —MAT. xvii. 4.
fied before it can become an adequate
The unenlightened reason or lower
instrument for the expression of your
spirit. This is why God has given you mind (Peter) possesses the tendency
a physical body, too ; your life in the to formulate, define, and confine,
physical body is for the purpose of ideas in forms of thought. Therefore,
acquiring experience bringing certain when the lower mind becomes aware
qualities into manifestation, that your
spiritual body may thereby become a of the reason and ethical (Moses), the
glorious vehicle for the utterance of emotional (Elijah), and the spiritual
what you eternally are in God." — R. J. (Christ), it wishes to keep each in a
CAMPBELL, Serm., The Two Bodies.
" Looking for the Maker of this special "water-tight" (truth-isolated)
tabernacle, I shall have to run through compartment (tabernacle) of its own
a course of many births, so long as I do devising.
not find him ; and painful is birth again See BOOTHS, ELIJAH, JESUS, MOSES,
and again. But now, Maker of the taber
nacle, thou hast been seen ; thou shalt
not make up this tabernacle again. All
thy rafters are broken, thy ridge-pole TABLE OF THE LORD :—
is sundered ; the mind approaching the A symbol of the highest part of
Eternal has attained to the extinction of all the lower nature or the quaternary
desires."— Dhammapada, Ch. XL 153, 154.
(four legs). It is in the religious
Yearning for union with the Higher consciousness (table top) tbat the
Self, the contriver of the astro -mental selfish desires and aims are offered
body, the ego has to pass through a up to the Divine Ideal within. The
protracted series of incarnations. As desires being transmuted become
long as union is unachieved, the descent the sustenance of the soul.
" Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord TAE-KEIH, MEANING THE HIGH-
and the cup of devils. Ye cannot be EST POINT :—
partakers of the Lord's table and the
table of devils." — 1 Con. x. 21. A symbol of the Supreme Self,
It is not possible to receive a the At man.
measure of the Divine Life, while "When therefore the Holy One, Who
is the mystery of all mysteries, willed to
filling the consciousness with the life manifest Himself, He constituted in the
of the desires. The qualities cannot first place a point of light, which became
partake of the Divine sustenance of the Divine Thought — that is to say, in
goodness and truth when they are its application to the purpose then in
view. Within this point he designed
being fed by the sensations and and engraved all things, but especially
desires (devils). The Divine life of that which is termed the Sacred and
Wisdom and Love (the cup) is the Mysterious Lamp, being an image repre
antithesis of the self-seeking life of senting the most holy mystery. ...
follows in the meantime that the universe
passion, appetite, and desire. If the was created by and from thought. In
higher life is to be accepted, then the the beginning, however, that is to say,
lower life must be renounced. in the point of Divine Thought, the
See ALTAK OF SACRIFICE, ANOINTING, creation was only in the subject of
the Divine Mind, or— as the text (in the
Zohar) says — it existed, yet existed not."
RELIGION, SACRAMENT, SACRIFICE, — A. E. WATTE, Secret Doctrine, p. 53.
Symbols of perception on the mind A symbol of the mental, astral,
plane of the ideas of subject and and physical planes, as the arena
object, of cause and effect, when of life's activities.
the interactions of mind and desire See VAIRAUMATI.
commence to operate.
-In.) endeavoured to express FUTSU-NUSHI :—
thoughts by hieroglyphic signs. These
are said to have originated in the drawing Symbols of Divine Will and Divine
up of two linear tables, the Ho-too and Action in combat with evil and
the Lo-shoo, which he copied from the ignorance.
back of a dragon rising from the deep." — " These two deities have in historical
KIDD, China^p. 103.
times been universally recognised as War-
In the manifestation of the Logos gods. . . . The ahintai of both Oods, to
(Fuh-he) at this stage; there arises some worshippers the Gods themselves,
the possibility of inter-communication were twords. . . . When savage tribes
between the mental and lower planes. were subdued, or foreign invaders re
pulsed, these Gods led the van and were
The formation of the kama-manas, or followed by the other deities." — W. G.
desire-mind, is compared to two tables, ASTON, Shinto, p. 157.
— symbolic of the recognition in the These two aspects of the Divine
lower consciousness, of subject and nature, — Will and Action, — are exer
object, cause and effect, — functions of cised in the conflict between good and
the mind which are said to be produced evil, the results of which inhere in
from the " back of a dragon," or the the causal-body (shintai). When the
astral plane of the lower nature. unruly desires are subdued, or the
See ASTRAL PLANE, DRAOON RISING, selfish qualities repulsed, the exercise
FUH-HE, INTELLECT, MAHAT, MAISHAN, of the " sword of the spirit " is
MANAS, MERCHANDISE. followed by the evolution of the
higher qualities (deities).
A symbol of the First Logos or TALISMAN :—
Higher Self. A symbol of the Divine Life whose
See EMPEBOB. inner vibrations become the object
of the religious consciousness, con Tamat is the deluder of all creatures ;
secrating the mind to Truth and it imprisoneth the Ego in a body through
Love, while giving power to with heedless folly, sleep, and idleness. Tamai,
stand the lower desires. surrounding the power of judgment with
indifference, attaches the soul through
See AMULET, Isis, MAGIC, SUN-DISK. heedlessness. Tamo* produceth only
senselessness, ignorance, delusion, and
TALTHYBIUS AND EURYBATES : — indifference." — Bhagawtd-gita, Ch. XIV.
Symbols of Trust and Aspiration. The mental activity of tamos is
TALUS, THE BRAZEN MAN :— concerned only with the senses, the

A symbol of the critical faculty

instincts, and the lower desires. It
has no initiative, and seeks neither
of the lower mind.
truth nor goodness.
"This Talus had but one vein in his
body, which ran from his neck to his
heels, and was filled with ichor : a brass pin GUNAS, SHINAH, STDTNECKED, THDJD
was fastened in this vein." — Argonautic HOUR.
Expedition. — KEIOHTLEY, Mythology.
This "vein" signifies the sutratma, TAMBOURINES SOFTLY
or Divine ray. It runs from the higher SOUNDED BY WOMEN :—
mind plane downwards. By "ichor" Symbolic of the higher emotions
is meant the consciousness — the re which stir the soul when striving
to express itself.
flection of the Divine spark. The
pin " is a symbol which may
" brass See HARMONY, MELODY,
be taken as comparable to the content WOMAN.
of consciousness, therefore its removal TAMMUZ, THE SON OF THE
would indicate the dissolution of the SPIRIT OF THE DEEP, EA :—
lower nature. A symbol of Divine Love, the
See . JV-.\!'..>N, BRIABEUS, CRETE, Indwelling Self, the Son of the
Doo (Vanghapara), ICHOR, INTELLECT, Supreme, the incarnate Self.
PERSONALITY, SUTRATMA. "At the summer solstice Tammuz
descends into the Underworld (the month
TAMA-GUSHI (TWIGS) :— in question bears his name). His mother
Ishtar, or his sister (both in fact identical),
A symbol of the purifying buddhic
vibrations passing between the
descends to bring him back. ...
winter solstice he ascends to bring new
At the
buddhic and astral planes. life." — A. JERKMIAS, Old Teat., etc.,
"The tama-gushi are twigs of the Vol. I. p. 126.
sacred evergreen tree (takaki) or of bam See ADONIS, EA, ISTAH.
boo, with tufts of yuju attached. They
are, in abort, a simple form of nusa or TAMMUZ, GOD,— LOWER: —
gohei." — W. G. ASTON, Shinto, p. 216. A symbol of self-love and
" Usum6 bound her sleeves close up to
the armpits, and grasped in her hand a
" The gate of heaven was guarded by
bundle of tvrigs, and a spear wound round
with grass, with small bells attached to the gods Tammuz and Ni n-gis-zida, who
it." — The Nihongi. asked Adapa the meaning of the mourner's
The Emotion-nature, encompassed garment which he wore." — SAYCE, Story of
with opinions and habits, became
The portals of heaven, or devachan,
active, and allied itself with the
are protected by the laws of the lower
buddhic vibrations, and the aspirations
planes, which prevent their being
from the desires and mental faculties,
entered by the force of desire. The
so that the transmutations of lower
symbolism of the guardians is very
qualities into higher should be pro
simple, — one is love of self, the other
ceeded with, and the lower nature be
is love of form-life. While the ego is
raised and purified.
captivated by these, it remains on the
lower planes. The guardians interro
gate the ego under its aspect of a
sufferer and probationer upon the path
TAMAS STATE:— to perfection.
This signifies mental Inertia,— See ADAPA, DEVACHAN, DOOR
stupidity and lack of progressive KEEPERS, ERIDU, GATES (Eridu),
energy in the lower mind. MOURNER'S ROBE, NIN-GIS-ZIDA
TANAOA, DARKNESS ; AND Desire to be effectual in evolution
ATE A, LIGHT :— must become the separator, the an
Symbols of Matter and Spirit. tagonist of Love, the combiner. Desire
" The Islanders have a is Love inverted, and disunites Spirit
legend which relates that in the beginning (Rangi) and Matter (Papa), when by
there was no life, light, or sound in the involution they have come together
world, that a boundless night Po en
veloped everything, over which Tanaoa,
in potential perfection of being, con
which means '
darkness,' and Mutu-hei, taining all qualities and prototypal
which means ' silence,' ruled supreme." — forms. The initiative power in evolu
A. FORNANDEB, Polynesian Race, Vol. I. tion is desire in the lowest forms of
p. 63.
life, and it is through struggle and
At the
inception of the solar universe
suffering that the forms develop the
there was chaos, depth, formless
life that is in them. And so in strife
matter, a tenuous concourse of atoms
and pain evolution proceeds, while
on the buddhic plane, without order
Spirit seems far away and Matter is
and consciousness. Matter unthrilled
all in all.
by Spirit, and negation of life (Silence)
pervaded space. (There is indication
in the legends that " Tanaoa " some
times denoted the Absolute, or poten
tial Being (darkness), the source of all).
A symbol of buddhl, the Wisdom
function. GOD OF THE OCEAN:—
A symbol of the Logos, or Higher
TANE-MAHUTA :— Self, from whom proceeds all
A symbol the desire-nature
of " Tangaroa,
active on the astral plane. enraged at some of his
children deserting him, and being sheltered
"Tane-mahuta signifies forests, the by the god of the forests on dry land,
birds and insects which inhabit them, has ever since waged war on hia brother
and all things fashioned from wood." — Tane-mahuta, who in return has waged
Q. OBEY, Polynesian Mythology, p. 12. war against him." — G. GREY, Polynesian
" Tane-mahuta " is a symbol of
Mythology, p. 8.
desire in ita astral medium, together Divine Love regarded from below
with the formative forces of organic appears as anger, because opposed to
life operating in astral matter (wood). the lower self-will and accompanied by
" Tane-mahuta is represented as a
suffering. Evolution proceeds through
tree with its head downward and roots the struggle in the soul between Love
upward." — R. TAYLOR, New Zealand, p. 20.
and Desire (Tane), God and the devil,
This refers to the downward, or
outward, tendency of desire, the Spirit and Matter. The strife is
necessary in the separate souls, in
opposite of Love, which is the inner
order that they should possess indi
life of the Spirit, urging the soul's
vidually the potencies of Spirit and
" Lo, Tane-mahuta pauses ; his head come forth as conquerors through the
is now firmly planted on his mother the power of the Christ within them.
Earth (Papa) ; his feet he raises up and See ANGER, COCOA-NUT.CONQUEROR,
rests against his father the Skies (Rangi), DOLPHIN, EVOLUTION, FISH, FISH
he strains his back and limbs with mighty
effort. Now are rent apart Rangi and (great), IKATERE, JESUS (fish), OCEAN,
Papa, and with cries and groans of woe POSEIDON, PUNGA, STRIFE, TAAROA,
they shriek aloud. But Tane-mahuta TANAOA, TANE-MAHUTA, TUMATAU-
pauses not, he regards not their shrieks ENGA, TUTE, VARUNA, WATER.
and cries ; far, far beneath him he
presses down the Earth ; far, far above
him he thrusts up the Sky." — G. OBEY, TAN HA :—
Polynetian Mythology, p. 4. See THIRST.
TAO, THE GREAT :— being ; and thus the universe was
A symbol of the Absolute, the produced.
Infinite, the Unknowable Reality See HEAVEN AND EARTH, KHTEN,
behind all manifestation. LAO, SPIRIT OP MAN, YANG AND YIN.
Lao the Master (Lao-tze) said. The TARES, OR "CHILDREN OF THE
Great TAo has no bodily form, but it EVIL ONE":—
produced and nourishes Heaven and
Earth The Great '!.••< has no passions, A symbol of the desires and
but it causes the sun and moon to revolve passions proceeding from the lower
as they do. The Great TAo has no name, principle, and which bind the soul
but it effects the growth and maintenance to Incarnation In the lower nature.
of all things." — The Classic of Purity,
The Higher Self declares within the AFTER SOWING.
soul that, — the Absolute is unrnanifest, TARTARUS :—
but it emanates and sustains the A symbol of the lower nature In
universe of Spirit and Matter. The which the souls are confined as
Absolute is unconditioned, but from it they pass through the cycle of life.
proceed the activities of the Higher " Poeta describe Tartarus as the
and Lower Selves in the cycle of life. in the lower world in which the spirits
The Absolute cannot be described or of wicked men are punished for their
crimes ; and sometimes they use the name
defined, but it is the source of the
as synonymous with Hades, or the lower
life, development, and sustenance of world in general." — Smith's Class. Diet.
all that exists.
" There was something undefined and The " spirits of wicked men " are
the unperfected souls which, after
complete, coming into existence before
each incarnation and subsequent inter
Heaven and Earth. How still it was
and fearless, standing alone, and under val, must descend again to the lower
going no change, reaching everywhere life to undergo development and puri
and in no danger of being exhausted. fication amid conditions of strife and
It may be regarded as the Mother of all
things. ...It is the Tao — the Great." suffering.
Tdo Teh King, XXV. 1-2.


PURE AND THE TURBID :— A symbol of the sense of supreme
Symbols of Spirit and Matter " Having
differentiated from the One. evolved that world, he
" (Brahman) entered into it, he became
Now the Tao shows itself in two forms the limited and the unlimited. . . . Non
— the Pure and the Turbid, and has the existent was this in the beginning, from
two conditions of Motion and Rest. that the existent proceeded. That made
Heaven is pure and Earth is turbid, itself, and therefore it is called self-made
Heaven moves and Earth is at rest. or holy. He is taste, for on receiving
The masculine is pure and the feminine is taste a man becomes blissful. For who
turbid ; the masculine moves and the could live, who could breathe, if in this
feminine is still. The radical (Purity) ether there were not bliss ? For he gives
descended, and the turbid issue flowed bliss." — Brihad. Upanishad.
abroad ; and thus all things were pro " The soul
approaches the city Salagya,
duced." — The Classic o) Purity, Ch. I, 2. and the flavour of Brahman reaches him."
The Absolute emanates two aspects, — Kaush. Upanishad, I. 2.
— the primal duality, Spirit and The ego approaches the centre of the
Matter, having the conditions of Higher Self and the sense of supreme
Energy and Inertia respectively. buss, to which the sense of taste
Spirit is vibratory and Matter is corresponds, conies to him. This may
atomic ; Spirit is dynamic and be compared with, — " O taste and
see that the Lord is good
Matter is static ; Spirit is the Life- (Ps. xxxiv.
side of being, and Matter is the 8). It answers to the assimilation of
Form -side ; Spirit is the mover, and the Truth and Goodness of the Highest.
Matter is the moved. The Ray of — (See HEB. vi.4, 5 ; 1 PETER iL 3).
Spirit descended into Matter and the See BLISS, BRAHMA, FLAVOUR, ILYA,
forms with their qualities came into ODOUR, SALAGYA, VIBHU.
TATTU, OR LOWER EGYPT:— is due to the mistake of materialising
A symbol of the lower planes of the symbols instead of understanding
manifestation of the Self. their meaning.
" What then is this ? It is Osiris when See ATONEMENT, BLOOD, BLOOD or
he goeth into Tattu and findeth there BDLLS, BLOOD OF LAMB, BULL, CORD,
the Soul of Ra ; there the one God CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST, EVOLUTION,
embraceth the other, and divine souls INVOLUTION, RITES, SACBIFICEB, TAU-
spring into being within the divine
Twin-Gods. . . . They are Horus the BUS, WASHED (blood).
avenger of his father Osiris, and Horus
the dweller in darkness. Or, the double
divine Soul which dwelleth in the divine
Twin-Gods is the Soul of Ra and the A symbol of the emotion Wonder
Soul of Osiris." — BUDOR, Book of the which is allied with the desire -mind.
Dead, Ch. XVII.
This refers to s stage in the soul's "Among the great numbers who were
continually deserting from Typho's party
growth when the lower consciousness was his concubine Thueris, and a serpent
of the striving Self (Osiris) perceives pursuing her as she was coming over
the involved or incarnate Self (Ra) to Horus, was slain by her soldiers." —
wit hin the lower nature (Tattu), and
PLUTAHCH, Isis and Onrit, § ID.
The " desertion from Typho's party
experiences the harmony between each, " signifies the transmutation
to Horus
and the higher qualities that spring
of the desires and lower emotions to
into being within them. In other
terms, the " Twin-Gods " are the Self-
a higher plane. Wonder, which aspires
to know, becomes raised in quality
consciousness (Horus) which seeks above the desires, and therefore
righteousness and Truth (Osiris), and
forsakes Typho (desire-mind). The
the indwelling Christ (Horus) potential. " serpent " is a symbol of seductive
Or, again, the Spirit, atma-buddhi
" Twin- ness of desire, which nearly has the
(double divine) which is in the
effect of dragging down the aspiring
Gods," is the same in the potential
Wonder, when the raised emotions
(Ra) as in the actual (Osiris) Christ. dissolve its life.
"An old philosopher called wonder, the
(lower), Hones, MENDES, OSIRIS. beginning of all philosophy. All true
PLACE (Annu), RA, TABTABUS, THAT, philosophy, all philosophy that is founded
UNDERWORLD. solely upon wonder and deep reflection,
leads to tho dissolution of life." —
TAUROBOLIUM, MITHRAIG P. DXHI.KI:. Buddhist Essays, p. 184.
" Politically and socially, the great
things are done by the men whose minds
A symbol of the Divine sacrifice are full of
all the wonder that shall
in the process of spiritual involu be.' Their visions impel to labour that
tion, and of the saving efficacy of their visions may become realities." —
the involved Divine Life (blood) in A. MACLAREN, Sermons, 2nd Series, p. 50.
the present process of the soul's See JV.KIS, CAUSAL -SETJ, CORD,
" Hail, holy Bull, beneficent, who
makest increase ; who dost, bestow thy
gifts upon the faithful. Hail to thee SIGN :—
•whom the Gahi (and Ahriman) kills." — A symbol of the second period of
Vendidad, XXI. 1.
" May he who is the strong Bull of the the cycle of life. It signifies the
Vedas, assuming all forms. . . . May Divine out-going activity in the
that Indra strengthen me with wisdom." creation of forms. The "Bull of
— Tail. the West
" represents the Matrix
Upanishad, 4.
The " bull," like the " lamb," is a of Forms on the buddhic plane ; or
symbol of the sacrifice of the Logos in the productive energy of buddhl. It
Self-manifestation. Through this sacri pertains to the period of involution
when spirit is descending into matter
fice of the Self in involution, the growth
and giving it the potencies of forms
and salvation of souls is secured. The and qualities afterwards to be
strengthening of the souls in wisdom evolved in natural phenomena, and
is brought about by the Divine Life in the souls of humanity.
(blood) energising from within. The " The title given to Merodach the
revolting ceremony of the tauroboHum Sun-god, when he passed through the
twelve zodiacal signa, was Gudi-bir, becomes, as it were, the negation of
the bull of light.' Hence it was that the
Spirit, taking refuge negatively in the
ecliptic was termed ' the yoke of heaven,'
bound, as it were, upon the neck of the obscurity of the Infinite Reality ; for
solar bull ; that the first of the Zodiacal the lower nature is ignorant and
Signs, the opener of the primitive Ac- cannot comprehend the Higher, even
cadian year, was called the bull who
' as the lesser cannot contain the greater.
guides the year ; and that two promi
nent stars received the names of ' Bull See CROPS, GALES, MENIS, RANGI,
of Anu ' and ' Bull of Rimmon.' " — KONGO, SEPARATION, STORM, STRIFE,
SAYCE, /,'./, of Anc. Babylonians, p. 48. TANE-MAHXJTA, TUMA-TAUENGA, WINDS
The Higher Self (Merodach), as the
matrix (bull) of all forms and qualities,
passes through the twelve stages of TAZ, MAN, AND TAZAK, WOMAN,
the cycle of life. ON THE PLAIN OF THE
"According to the Chaldaaans, Aries is TAZIKAN (ARABS) :—
a male zodiacal sign, but Taurus female." These symbols signify the active
HIPPOLYTUS, Refutation, V. 8. and passive aspects of the emotional
See AMENT, ABIES, BUDDHIC PLANE, qualities (Arabs) in the nascent
BULL, CREATION, INVOLUTION, MEKO- humanity of early races of mankind.


A symbol of the quaternary,—
A symbol of the negative condi the four planes below atma.
tion of Ignorance and illusion which " May there be to me
no opposition
produces disharmony and strife.
" Then also there arose in the breast from the Tchatcha." — Papyrus of Ani.
(The Tchatcha of Osiris were Mesthfl.
of Tawhiri-matea a fierce desire to wage Hapi, Tuamautef and Qebhsennuf.) —
war with his brothers, because they had BUDOE, Book bj the Dead, p. 25.
rent apart their common Parents. He The soul aspires to that which is
from the first had refused to consent to
his Mother being torn from her Lord beyond the opposition on the lower
and Children ; it was his brothers alone planes.
that wished for this separation, and See CHILDREN OF HORDS, OSIRIS,
desired that Papa-tuanuku, or the Earth
alone, should be left as a Parent for
them. The god of hurricanes and storms TCHEFET, IN SEKHET-
dreads also that the world should become HETEPET :—
too fair and beautiful, so he rises, follows
his Father to the realms above, and A symbol of a centre on the higher
hurries to the sheltered hollows in the buddhlc plane in the soul.
boundless skies." — G. OBEY, Polynesian " O Tchefet, I have entered into the*.
Mythology, p. 5. I array myself in apparel, and I gird
Then thenegative condition of myself with the sa garment of Ra." —
ignorance, in which the entities were BUDOK, Book of the Dead, Ch. CX.
necessarily involved, had the effect of O Self within ! I
perceive thee to
producing incessant conflicts through be the centre of the Divine Life, while
out nature as soon as the entities I am vestured and girdled with Truth
became active on their own account. and Wisdom, — the causal and buddhic
Ignorance could not have consented robes.
to separation of matter (Papa), and See CAUSAL-BODY, ROBE, ROBE or
spirit (Rangi), because, through the WATERS, SABTU,
consequent evolution, ignorance would
be dispelled. But all nature in its DISTRICT :—
five planes (the brothers) was ready
for manifestation and to pour out the A symbol of purification through
buddhl, — divine wisdom.
Divine Life that was in it, while "
matter (earth) alone was apparent to
I have plunged into the lake* of
Tchesert ; me, for all filth hath
the consciousness as containing all departed from me." — BUDGE, Book of At
that was needful. Ignorance is said Dead, Ch. CX.
to dread the development of the soul Through the functioning of buddhi.
'world), so it apparently rises and the lower nature has been cleansed by
truth, and thus the impurities attached Word of God which goes forth and
to the ego have been gotten rid of. manifests in act and form.


A symbol of sufferings endured A symbol of the receptive form-
in the pursuit of ideals and the side of primordial matter on the
struggle for Truth. buddhic plane, which is acted upon
See DOLIONES, JESUS WEPT, SHAVING by the Divine Life (Shu), Spirit
HEAD, THETIS. energising .
Ra breathed, Shu
and the god
TEE, APEX ORNAMENT:— cometh into being, and created the
goddess Tefnut." — BUDGE, Book of the
A symbol of the stages of pro Dead, Ch. CXXX.
gress to the attainment of supre
The Supreme Being outpoured the
macy over the lower nature.
" Divine Life, which emanated on the
On the summit of the great Rangoon
is the Tee, a gilt umbrella-shaped
highest plane, and there was added
ornament with many tiers of rings, receptiveness to form and quality on
on each of which hang multitudes of the buddhic plane.
gold and silver jewelled bells.' " — MON. See BREATH (divine), NUT, RA,
WILLIAMS, Buddhism, p. 456.
A symbol of the physical plane
Symbolic of negative, kama- as the reflection below of the atmic
manaslc conditions which bring plane in respect to its principle
suffering for a time, but afterwards Love, which is shown in atomic
fall away and disappear. attraction and in gravitation.
" He shall say, I know not whence ye
are ; depart from me, all ye workers of
iniquity. There shall be the weeping TEM, TEMU, TMU :--
and gnashing of teeth when ye shall
see Abraham and Isaac, and Jacob, and A symbol of the Supreme, — the
all the prophets, in the Kingdom of God, Higher Self in all its aspects.
and yourselves cast forth without." — " I am the god Tern, the maker of
LUKE xiii. 27, 28. heaven, the creator of things which are,
This signifies the fact of the inability who cometh forth from the earth, who
of the Christ to respond when no means maketh to come into being the seed
is afforded It to do so. The " weeping which is sown, the lord of things which
" shall be, who gave birth to the gods ;
and gnashing of teeth symbolise I am the great god who made himself,
types of low astral, passional condi the lord of life, who maketh to flourish
tions which are doomed to dissolve in the company of the gods." — BUDGE
the ordinary course of things, for they Book oj the Dead, Ch. LXXLX.
The Higher Self, the founder of the
imply impermanence and negation.
The reference to the " prophets " means higher planes, the producer by involu
the perception of the dim reflection of tion of all qualities and forms below,
the Higher Triad (Abraham, Isaac and who thereby arises by evolution from
the lower planes (earth), who makes
Jacob) in the lower nature, which
reflection, however, is not destined to manifest the higher qualities from the
partake of the joys of the kingdom of
spiritual germs (seed) placed in the
heaven. forms ; the ordainer of all future
See ABRAHAM, DOOR (narrow), FUR development ; who is the originator
NACE, JESUS (severity), KINGDOM OF of the ideals (gods). He is the self-
HEAVEN. existent source of Life, the energiser
of the Divine attributes.
These symbolise power ; the force (tchesert), INVOLUTION, SEED (good),
of that which is uttered ; the spoken SHU.
TEMPLE OF GOD :— us, this is assurance. "T— F. W. ROBERTSON,
Sermons, 3rd Series, p. 238.
A symbol of the causal-body, or " Conscious mind — the ordinary action
of higher mental condition in
the of your cranial brain — is the temple of
which the universal consciousness is the Christ-mind. Your will controls, or
brought into relationship with the ought to control, your conscious mind.
highest forces, and where it becomes The duty of your will is to hold your
possible for all minds to unite in conscious mind or cranial brain to the
harmony as one. realisation of the Christ-mind within you.
" Know Am I exercising my will in keeping the
yenot that are a
ye temple temple of my conscious mind clean, so
of God, and that the Spirit of God that the Christ-mind may have freedom ?
dwelleth in you ? if any man destroyeth Have I learned to direct and control
the temple of God, him shall God destroy ; I
my thought, or do let my little tiresome
for the temple of God is holy, which thoughts come rushing in and occupy
temple ye are." — 1 COB. iii. 16, 17. the whole space ? Is my mental temple
The mental quality which is adverse clean T Is my mind a pure dwelling-
(destroyeth) to the higher nature place for his Spirit T Suppose the answer
is, ' No.' Then call on him ; Ray, ' Even
shall be dissipated by the Higher Self,
so, come, Lord Jesus.' Come, if you will,
for the causal-body is the immortal with your scourge ; drive out the wrong
soul. thoughts, the tempers, and the rloubte,
" Christ transforms us. ... A holy and the appetites, and the angers, and
irritabilities, drive them
temple for the Lord shall the house of the out of
our heart be. ... He Himself dwells in
thy holy of holies ; cleanse the thoughts
us, opening the door of the temple, which of my heart with the inspiration of
we are, i.e. the mouth ; granting us thy Holy Spirit, that I may perfectly
repentance. He carries us into the ever love thee." — B. WILBERFORCE, Semi.,
lasting temple by which he (Barnabas) The Message of Advent.
understands the inner man, to which Sec AARON, AB, ADYTUM, AGNISH-
also he ascribes self-legislation and self- TOMA, ANNU, APARAGITA, ASCENSION,
counsel." — DORNER, The Person of
Christ, Vol. I. p. 115. CAUSAL-BODY, CHURCH, CITY OF GOD,
builds his temple in the heart
on the ruins of churches and religions." — HEAVEN, KAABA, PILLAR (temple),
EMERSON, On Worship.
" Temples are not to be built for God PYRAMID, SCOURGE, SHRINE STUPA,
with stones piled on high ; He is to be TABERNACLE.
consecrated in the breast of each." —
Temple signifies the church in the A symbol of the causal-body, —
world, and the church in heaven." —
SWEDENBORO, Afoc. Rev. n. 191. the abodeof the Self or Spirit, —
" Hail, all ye atma-buddhi (fire).
gods of the Temple of
the Soul, who weigh heaven and earth in " For now the Eternal Father by his
the balance, and who provide sepulchral fiery power begetteth his Son in thee
meals in abundance.' (Temple of the (the Soul), who changeth the Fire of the
Soul,' — the name of a part of the sky Father, namely, the First Principle, or
where the gods lived ; a place which had Wrathful Property of the Soul, into the
a counterpart on earth, probably at Flame of Love, so that out of Fire and
Annu.)" — I in -•<:.:,Book of the Dead, p. 5. Light (viz. Wrath and Love) there
The higher qualities or ideals (gods) cometh to be one Essence, Being, or
reside on the buddhic piano (sky), and Substance, which is the true Temple of
God." — BEHMAN, Supersensual Life, p. 1 43.
they weigh the nature of the soul in " Is there any other greater, more
the balance of experience, and provide satisfying, more majestic thought of life
nourishment of truth and goodness for than this — the scaffolding by which
the causal-body. souls are built up into the temple of
A pure mind is a holy temple for God, God T " — A. MACLAREN, Serm., Christian
and clean heart without sin is His best Life.
" The Lord is in His Holy temple when
altar " (Siztus). — AUGUSTINE, Anti-Pela-
the Holy Ghost takes up His abode in a
gius. Vol. I. p. 300.
In these two things the greatness of pure heart." — J. M. XEALK, Comm.
Psalms, Vol. I. p. 173.
man consists. One is to have God so
dwelling in us as to impart His character See ALTAR (fire), CAUSAL-BODY, FIRE,
to us ; and the other is to have God so HOUSES FOR CORPSES, WRATH.
dwelling in us that we recognise His
presence, and know that we are His TEMPTATION OF JESUS :—
and He is ours. They are two things
perfectly distinct. To have God in us, A symbolic epitome of the soul's
this is salvation ; to know that God is in evolution from the period when
the Son of man (Jesus) was born TION, EXPERIENCE, FOOD FOB SOUL,
in the mind, and the consciousness FORTY, HUNOEB, INCARNATION, JESUS,
thereby became aware of good and KINGDOMS, MAN, MOUNTAIN (lower),
evil, and some faith in goodness REINCARNATION, STONES AND BREAD,
was aroused. Then the Higher Self WILDERNESS.
(the Spirit), foreseeing the soul's
needs, puts it to the test of experi
ence by placing it in the arena of
conflict (wilderness) where it is in A symbol of completion of a
relation with the not- Self (devil). process, or accomplishment of a
Then, after a protracted term of purpose. It is also a sacred number
the re-incarnating cycle, the soul and bears reference to the line I and
is sufficiently advanced to be the circle O, which produce a cross
"hungered," that is, to crave the X only when the lower nature is
spiritual sustenance of wisdom and acting in opposition to the higher.
love. " Ten — is symbolic of natural
'• The narratives of the Temptation are and completion in general." — J. GARNIEK,
upon the face of them Symbolical." — Worship of the Dead, p. 221.
DB. SANDAY, Hastings Diet., Vol. II. p. 612. " That ten days signify duration of
"And the devil said unto him. If thou '
state to the full is because days
' '
art the Son of God, command that these states, and ten what is full ; for times
stones become bread. And Jesus answered in the Word signify states, and numbers
unto him, It ia written, Man shall not live designate their quality."— SWEDENBOBG,
by bread alone." — MAT. iv. 3, 4. Apoc. Rev., n. 101.
This first temptation implies the This number ten signifies perfection ;
for to the number seven, which embraces
insecurity of the soul ere the indwell all created things, is added the trinity
ing Christ has become a living factor of the Creator." — AUGUSTINE, Mani-
established in the will. This stage of ehaean Herety, p. 107.
experience accords with a period of "And as Jesus entered into a certain
mental instability, when it is possible village, there met him ten men that
were lepers, which stood afar off : and
only to judge truth by contrast with they lifted up their voices, saying, Jesus,
error, or by discernment brought Master, have mercy on us. And when
about through the Higher Self acting he saw them, he said unto them, Go and
upon the lower. The
" stones " signify show yourselves unto the priests. And it
came to pans as they went, they were
the spiritual truths hard to apprehend. cleansed. And one of them, when he
The " bread " is the readily assimilated saw that he was healed, turned buck . with
food of knowledge, which man, — the a loud voice glorifying God, etc." — LUKE
thinker, — can incorporate in his being. xvii. 12-19.
The cry of the ten lepers is the
And from the not-Self (devil), filled
appeal of the troubled lower self to
with the pride of relative knowledge,
the Christ within, who directs that the
came the suggestion,
If thou art to
restoration to health of mind and
progress to Godhood, then reduce
spirit be accomplished by ordinary
spiritual truth (stone) to terms of
and familiar means, viz. means con
reason (bread) so that it may be
sistent with the ethical and religious
comprehended by the lower mind.'
ideals (priests) of the personality.
And the Christ within replied, that
The lepers are said to be cleansed of
the Divine law of progress was written
their infirmity, though only one returns
upon the heart. The soul cannot live
to render thanks ; thus signifying
by reason only, but needs to possess
that the majority of the qualities, —
truth from the Spirit in order to live
nine, — were as yet active only on a
the life from God.
" Man has had to put forth his latent lower plane, whereas the tenth quality,
spiritual potencies one by one, and this the one who returned glorifying God,
has necessitated the gradual purification was lifted up above his former position,
and elevation of desire by the deliberate or, in other words, the state or condi
and conscious rejection of the merely
tion of soul into which he now entered
egoistic tendencies of our nature. There
is no other way in which moral excellence, was one of increased usefulness.
" By the number ' ten ' the sum of
as contrasted with innocence, can be
attained." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The perfection is set forth." — ST. GREGORY,
Nature of Temptation. Morals on the Book of Job, Vol. I. p. 43.
TEN DAYS, MONTHS, OR " Their rule
is gone out through all
YEARS :— tho earth, and their words to the end of
the world. In them hath he set a tent
Symbolic of complete periods of for the sun, which is as a bridegroom
development within stages of the coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth
soul's growth. as a strong man to run a race. His going
"And the waters decreased continually forth is from the end of the heaven,
until the tenth month ; in the tenth and his circuit unto the ends of it :
month, on the first day of the month and there is nothing hid from the heat
were the tops of the mountains seen." — thereof." — Pa xix. 4-6.
GEN. viii. 5. The ideals of buddhi-manas govern
And the " waters " of illusion and the lower nature, and their expression
error diminish in the soul until the is to be complete in the human soul.
" tenth month," that is, until the On the buddhic plane there is formed
completion of a full term of spiritual the causal-body for the Higher Self
growth required at that state and (sun), who cometh out from atma in
period. The term being completed, love and power to run his course.
then the heights of attainment are His going forth is from the heights
laid before the soul. of buddhi (the first point of Aries),
See AUSHEDAB, FLOOD, MOUNTAIN. and his circuit is to the same again in
greater height : and there is nothing
TENEDOS ISLAND :— in which Spirit is not predominant.
A symbol of the lower state of [Compare Ra (Helios) in the cabin
the soul which knows not the higher
(tent) of his boat (soul) traversing the
nature that rules It. river of the Tuat (cycle of life), ac
" Hearken to me (Chryses), god of the
companied by all his attributes and
silver bow that standest over Chrysa
and holy Killa, and rulest Tenedos with higher qualities (gods and goddesses).]
might."— Iliad, Bk. I. See AFU-RA, CABIN, CAUSAL-BODY,
The Spiritual Mind (Chryses) aspires CIRCLE OP EXISTENCE, DAY, EARTH,
and seeks to raise the desires. Attend, FIRMAMENT, NIGHT, TABERNACLE,
O Soul of Truth ! that standest over SON.
the Causal -self, and art the inspirer of
Buddhi, and who governest the lower
nature by higher motives.'
A symbol of the mental vehicle In
which are concepts and opinions of
the lower mind.
TENT OR TABERNACLE OF THE " Slumber not in the tents of
SUN:— fathers ; the world is advancing, advance
with it." — MAZZINI.
A symbol of the buddhic causal- " Here in the body pent,
body as the abode or vehicle of Absent from Him I roam,
the Higher Self, In which he accom Yet nightly pitched my moving tent
plishes his course through the cycle A day's march nearer home."
of manifestation. See BOOTHS, HUT, PAVILION.
" The heavens declare the glory of TESTAMENT :—
God ; and the firmament sheweth his
handywork. Day unto day uttereth A symbol of a covenant between
speech, and night unto night sheweth the Higher Self and the soul-
knowledge. There is no speech nor qualities, whereby, on the fulfilment
language, where their voice is not heard." of certain conditions by the evolving
— Ps. xix. 1-3.
qualities, the Self will redeem or
On the higher planes are the ideals raise them.
to be attained when the Self returns " How much more shall the blood of
to his own in glory and power ; and Christ, who through the eternal Spirit
on the higher mind plane (firmament) offered himself without spot to God,
are tho energies and the archetypal purge your conscience from dead works
to serve the living God T And for this
forms. In the outgoing periods there is cause he is the mediator of the new
expression of the mental faculties and testament, that by means of death, for
qualities, while in the indrawing periods the redemption of the transgressions
there is gathered in the wisdom due to that were under the first testament,
they which are called might receive the
effort. There is no outpouring of truth
promise of eternal inheritance." — II m. ix.
where the ideals are not sought after. 14, IS.
The " old testament " is the moral Horus, and the four supports of
law which requires the sacrifice of heaven.
the lower desires and passions (goats "As a religious emblem, the Tet symbo
and bulls), whose " blood " is shed lises Osiris the Lord of Tettu, great god
of the underworld. The meaning of the
or whose life is dissipated on the altar word tet is ' firmness, stability, preserva
of the heart. The " new testament " is tion,' etc. The Tet had on it sometimes
the law of Love-divine, i.e. the attrac the plumes, disk and horns, and was
tive love of Truth and Goodness which painted on mummies and tombs." — ^
BUDGE, The Mummy, p. 259.
replaces the coercive moral law. " On a post on which is
graven a
The Divine Life of the Self (blood human countenance, and which is covered
of Christ) was offered through Buddhi with gay clothing, stands the so-called
(Spirit) in all its purity to the Supreme Tit-pillar, entirely made up of super
Will, at the soul's foundation, in order imposed capitals, one of which has a
rude face scratched upon it, intended
that the conscience should be cleansed no doubt to represent the shining sun.
of the taint of coercion, and the Divine On the top of the pillar is placed tho
love should lead the already disciplined complete head-dress of Osiris, the ram's
horns, the sun, the ureus adder, the
qualities. Thus the Self-within —the double feather, all emblems of light and
Divine Indweller — became the medi sovereignty, which in my judgment must
ator and redeemer of the qualities, by have been intended to represent the
means of the death in matter which highest heaven." — C. P. TIELE, Hist, of
Egyptian Religion, p. 46.
constitutes him the Indweller. He " Like the Buckle, the Tet had to be
entered in once into the " holy place
dipped in water in which ankham flowers
of the over-soul, and shed his blood," had been steeped, and laid upon the
that is, gave up his life that eternal neck of the deceas3d, to whom it gave
the power to reconstitute the body
redemption might accrue to the evolv and to become a perfect Khu (i.e. spirit).
ing qualities accepting that life. When — BUDOE, Egyptian Magic, p. 46.
the qualities have passed through the The Tet symbolises the indwelling
stage of moral coercion, they are called Higher Self (Osiris) striving to manifest
upon to enter the stage of liberty and in the lower nature (the underworld of
love, and receive the promise of their four planes) by means of aspiration
transmutations on the higher planes. (the pillar). The plumes of victory
See ALTAR, ABC. MAN, BEASTS, crown achievement. Truth (water)
BLOOD, BLOOD OF LAMB, BURNT and virtue (flowers), through the higher
OFFERING, CONSCIENCE, COVENANT, mind (neck), cause the transmutation
(reconstitution) of the qualities, so
FRUIT, GRACE, HOMA-JUICE, INCARNA that the soul rises in its buddhio
" purple robe."
Rise up thou, O Osiris ! Thou hast
MOSAIC, MOSES, OFFERING, QUALITIES, thy backbone, O Still Heart 1 Thou hast
REDEEMER, REDEMPTION, SACRIFICE, the fastenings of thy neck and back,
0 Still Heart 1 Place thou thyself upon
thy base, I put water beneath thee, and
SOUL, TRANSMUTATION. 1 bring unto thee a Tet of gold that thou
mayest rejoice therein." — BUDOB, Book
OF OSIRIS:— The " Still Heart " is the Divine
A symbol of the tree of the Divine Love latent within the soul awaiting
Life transpiercing the four lower the aspiration (backbone) which should
planes, and signifying aspiration arouse the soul into activity. The
and the ultimate attainment of per lower nature is attached to the higher
fection above the quaternary.
" The four cross bare of the Tet are mind (neck) and to the passive aspect
of Spirit (the back), i.e. Buddhi, in
intended to indicate the four branches of
tho roof-tree of a house, which were order that purification should come
turned to the four cardinal points." — about. Truth (water) shall raise the
BUDGE, Ooda of the Egyptians, Vol. II. aspiring lower Self, and the treasures
p. 125. of the Spirit (the tet of gold) are laid
The four quarters of the compass
up in heaven for the glorified soul.
signify the four lower planes, as do "Scene from the Papyrus of Ani.
the four winds, the four children of Tho Tet, or tree-trunk which held the
body of Osiris, standing between Isis QUALITIES, QUATERNARY, WORD
and Nephthys, who kneel in adoration,
(divine), YEDUD.
one on each side of it. From the Tet
proceeds the emblem of life, which has TEZCATLIPOCA :—
arms that support the disk of the Sun.
The six apes represent the spirits of the A symbol of the Supreme Being,
dawn." " Text : A Hymn of praise to the First Logos, the Father, the
Ka when he riseth in the eastern part unmanifest God proceeding from
of heaven." — BUDOE, Book of the Dead, the Absolute — the Source of All.
p. 73. " He was primarily the personification
This picture is a very clear and full of the breath of life. Savage man regards
symbolical diagram of the Resurrec the wind as the great source of breath
tion. The ankh cross stands upon the and of immediate life, and in many
' '
Tet, signifying the crucifixion in the tongues the words wind," soul,' and
' '
breath have a common origin. But,
lower nature (four planes) from which
although he was a life-giver, Tezcatlipoca
the Soul now rises. The raised arms had also the power to end existence. He
symbolise the purified personality trans was usually depicted as holding a dart
muted to become one with the Higher in his right hand, and his mirror -shield
with four spare darts in the left. His
Self (Sun). The spiritual (Isis) and exalted position in the Mexican pantheon
the natural (Nephthys) have finished seems to have won for him especial
their work in developing the Soul. attention as a god of fate and fortune." —
The six adoring apes represent the Non-classical Mythology, p. 167.
multitude of egos (saints) which rise The Divine Life is out -breathed in
with their Saviour to the heaven world. producing existence, and in-breathed
Sec, APES, BACKBONE, CROSS, CROWN in ending existence. The Supreme
OF OSIRIS, CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST, Being originates the buddhic causal -
DAWN, DEATH OF OSIRIS, DISK, EAST, body (mirror) and exercises the out
FOUR, HEART, HORNS, HOUSE, HOUSE going spiritual energy (dart) on the
doors), Isis, KHUS (higher), four planes below Atma. From Him
NECK, NEPHTHYS, OSIRIS, PILLARS proceed the laws of nature and the
(four), PLUMES, QUARTERS, QUATER Karroic law of cause and effect.
WORD OF FOUR A symbol of preconceived ideas of
LETTERS, I H V H =— truth which lie innate within the
A symbol of the outpouring of mind.
the Logos on the four planes below See INTUITION.
atma. This is the quaternary which
at the completion of the involutionary
process stands for the Heavenly A symbol of the higher mind.
Man, the Archetypal Man, Adam See CADMON, NET-RA, PAMYLES.
Kadmon, Purusha, Pragapati, Kalo-
marts, Jehovah, Christ Incarnate, etc. THEMIS, GODDESS:—
"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt A symbol of Divine law in the
among us (and we beheld his glory, glory inner and outer universes.
as of the only begotten from the Father), " In the Homeric poems, Themis is the
full of grace and truth." — JOHN i. 14. personification of the order of things
And it was so that the Christ, established by law, custom and equity,
whence she ia described as reigning in the
the Higher Self, became related to the assemblies of men, and as convening, by
lower nature and dwelt among the the command of Zeus, the assembly of the
qualities of the soul (and the higher Gods." — Smith's Class. Diet.
qualities had perceptions of the Ideal Through Divine law the mental
which was exalted within them), full qualities (men) are co-ordinated, and
of love and wisdom, grace and truth. on the spiritual planes the Ideals
See ADAM (higher), . ARC. MAN, (gods) are harmonised.
KARMA, MAAT, MOIBAE, NECESSITY, The desires which precede the birth
NORNOX, SII.M, SHENIT, WORD. of Christ in the soul assail the
ego from without and rob the soul of
its higher qualities.
A generic term signifying the " 'All that came before me are thieves
" beloved of God." and robbers.' Could anyone come before
" It is far more reasonable to suppose him when the spiritual consciousness first
that Theophilus
is a personification arose, if he has been both door and
of the whole God-loving class, than to shepherd all along ? Yes, ' first that
take it as the name of a literal man." which is natural, and afterward that
— E. GOUOH, Barrowford Treatise, p. 62. which is spiritual.' The lower ever
precedes the higher in the earthly unfold-
THESEUS, SON OF .liGEUS :— infill, of the divine purpose. . . . The
impulses and desires of the natural man
A symbol of Wonder-awe pro
have to be brought into captivity to the
ceeding from spiritual knowledge. obedience of Christ, for if they are not,
This mental state incites to the they will work havoc in the soul." —
pursuit of truth and the dispelling K. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The Door, the
of delusions. Thief, etc.
SHEPHERD (good).
A symbol of nature, the cosmic THIEVES, THE FIVE :—
process ; — the buddhic scheme A symbol of the five planes of
reflected on the astral plane. nature robbing the Self of his
" So spake Achilles, weeping, and primordial unity and perfection.
(Thetis) his lady mother heard him as " To Heaven there the five
she sat in the sea-depths beside (Nereus), mutual foes, and he who sees them, and
her aged sire. With speed arose she from understands their operation, apprehends
the grey sea, like a mist, and sate her how they produce prosperity. The same
before the face of her weeping son, and five foes are in the mind of man, and
stroked him with her hand, and spake when he can set them in action after the
ftnd called on his name." — Iliad, Bk. I. manner of Heaven, all space and time
Thus the Personality is stirred by are at his disposal, and all things receive
the sorrows which afflict it, whereupon their transformations from his person." —
evolving Nature, which is buddhi, Ktmng-ke, S. B. of E., Vol. XXXIX
p. 258.
reflected in the astral sub-planes, To this Mr. Legge, the translator,
beside the force aspect of the Logos
has added in a footnote : —
in the physical —came forth from the " The startling name thieves = foes,
desire-nature (grey sea) like more robbers) here is understood to mean the
refined emotions (as mist), and stirred five elements,' which pervade and indeed
make up the whole realm of nature,
the intelligence of the Personality,
the heaven of the text, including also
thereby arousing the latent qualities earth."
within the soul. The Spirit or Self is involved in the
" Nature works inside her productions,
five planes of manifestation ; and the
and forms them by growth ; whereas man
works from the outside, and by adding one Ego, who perceives this involution
part to another. Nature also makes her and understands the nature and func
living product reproduce itself, while tioning of the planes, is able to ap
man must himself make a new machine. prehend how they conduce to the
. . . The blind properties of things play
exactly the same part in both cases : glorifying of the Self. For the same
whether design underlies them both is five planes are in the human soul, and
just the question at issue." — H. M. when the human ego can deal with
GWATKIN, The Knowledge of God, p. 67. them in accordance with the will of
the Spirit, then he shall attain mastery
over time and space, and all the
qualities of his personality shall be
THIEF OR ROBBER :— transmuted for his Individuality.
A symbol of the desire-nature Set DAYS (five), ELEMENTS (five),
which robs the Self of his primordial GATHA DAYS (five), HEAVEN, HERMES,
"All that came before me are thieves MACBOCOSM, MICROCOSM, PLANES
and robbers." — JOHN x. 8. (five), RULERS, SELF, WORLDS (five).
" By ' '
knowledge is
THIGH :— water sacred
denoted, as it is said : ' and give him the
A symbol of power to advance, or water of wisdom to drink ' (Ecctrs. xv.
of progressive quality, or means of 3)." — ST. GREGORY, Morala on the Book
progress. Position of thigh signifies of "Job, Vol. II. p. 400.
the astral plane. My soul thirsteth for God, for the
See AUKVA, PUKUSHA, RUDDER. living God." — Ps. xlii. 2.
" I by myself am full of passional
THIGHS OF BULLS AND longings, of earnest desires, of unsupplied
GOATS :— wants. '
thirst ' is the voice of the
whole world. No man is made to be
Symbolic of the lower desires satisfied from himself. For the stilling of
which must be sacrificed. our own hearts, for the satisfying; of our
See BEASTS, BULLS, FLESH, GOATS, own nature, for the strengthening and
HECATOMB, SACRIFICE. joy of our being, we need to go beyond
ourselves, and to fix upon something
THIRD EYE :— external to ourselves. We are not inde
pendent. None of us can stand by himself.
A symbol of the vague astral No man carries within him the fountain
clairvoyant faculty of early humanity, from which he can draw. . . . We want
which, as evolution proceeds, is one Bf.ing in whom shall be sphered all
exchanged for the physical organs perfection, in whom shall abide all power
of sight. and blessedness ; who is light for the
See EYE (third).
understanding, power for the trill,
authority for the practical life, purpose
THIRD HOUR :— - for the efforts, motive for the doings, end
and object for the feelings, home of
A symbol comparable to the stage the affections, light of our seeing, life
(stupidity) In the
of tarn as ic energy of our love, the love of our heart, the one
lower mind, kama-manns. It may living God, infinite in wisdom, power,
mean also the completion of a holiness, justice, goodness and. truth.
period or stage of development. . . . He that believeth upon Him shall
never hunger, and he that cometh unto
In the lust case twelve hours is Him shall never thirst. God is the divine
taken as a complete period or cycle and unfathomable ocean ; Christ the
of life. Son is the stream that brings salvation
See GUNAS, TAMAS, THREE, TLTAT, to every man's lips." — A. MA CLARES,
ZODIAC. Sermons, 1st Series, pp. 125-30.
See AAT,(waters), CHRIST, CONSUM
A symbol of longing either for HUNGER, ILLUSION, INCARNATION OF
the "water above," truth-reality; SOULS, LAW OF BUDDHA, LIBERATION.
or the " water below," illusion - METEMPSYCHOSIS, OCEAN, REINCARNA
" To thirst signifies to desire truths."
" Him that WATER.
is athirst means he who
desires truth for the sake of any spiritual THIRSTY WORLD:—
use." — SWEDENBOHG, Apoc. Rev., n. 956,
A symbol of the phenomenal and
" He who has reached the consumma illusory existence of the ego on
tion, who does not tremble, who is the lower planes, in which Trutb
without thirst and without sin, he has is sought and Self-realisation gained.
broken all the thorns of life : this will See LAW OF BUDDHA, STREAM,
be his last body." — Dhammapada, 351. WORLD (thirsty).
The ego who has attained liberation
who is without weakness and longing THIRTEEN, NUMBER :—
for the things of the lower life, whose A symbol signifying completeness
nature is purified — he has severed the or infinity. It is a " holy number,"
bonds to a suffering existence, and will and cannot be divided.
incarnate no more. "As the number of the lunar months,
"A man accompanied by tanha (thirst), thirteen is the symbol of the Woman,
for a long time transmigrating into and denotes the Soul and her reflection
existence in this way or in that way of God— the solar number twelve being
does not overcome transmigration." — that of the Spirit, The two numbers in
Sutta-nipdta, 740. combination form the perfect year of
An ego who retains a longing for the that dual humanity which above is mau«
in the image of God — the true ' Christian
illusions of desire and sensation will Year,' wherein the two— the inner and
continue to incarnate again and again. the outer, Spirit and Matter — are as one
Thirteen then represents that full union of THORNS AND THISTLES :—
man with God wherein Christ becomes
Christ."— The Perfect Way, p. 247. Symbolic of evils, sufferings, and
See ^EON (thirteenth), BORN our, sorrows .
JUDAS, " Thorns also and thistles
OGDOAD. shall it
(ground) bring forth to thee ; and thou
THOAS, FATHER OF shalt eat the herb of the field." — GEN.
A symbol of the germ of truth Sins and sufferings shall proceed
which produces philosophic pride. from the lower nature ; and the lower
See EUNEUS, HYPSIPYLE, LEMNOS. mind (Adam) shall subsist through the
THOCK,— A GIANTESS :— produce of the sensation-nature and
the affections.
A symbol of the passional nature " For the body becomes liable
to a curse,
which engenders the sense of since it has for its husbandman an intellect
separateness, and so binds the (Adam) unchastened and unsound. And its
soul to the wheel of re-birth. fruit is nothing useful, but only thorns
" But, Thock she weepeth with dry and thistles, sorrow and fear, and other
tears for Balder's death : ' Neither in life vices which every thought strikes down
nor yet in death, gave he me gladness ; and, as it were, pierces the intellect with
let Hel keep her prey.' It is supposed that its darts." — PHILO, Works, Yonge, Vol. IV.
this Thock was Loke the son of Lofo." — p. 309.
" Each man is the soil in which the
The Prose Edda, HOWITT, Literature, etc.
But the personality dominated by hereditary Adam-seed produces thorn
and thistle, and the hereditary God-
the lower emotions is not able to be seed produces grape and flg. The two
the means of bringing the Christ to growths in the same individual strive for
birth within the soul, and it professes the mastery, and from the deep contrast
between them emerges the perfected life
to know nothing of the spiritual nature of the child of God." — BASIL WILBKK-
in which it seems to have no part at FOHCE, Problems, p. 81.
this early stage. See ADAM (lower), CROWNING,
WOMAN (Loke). A symbol of the higher mind
THOR WITH HIS HAMMER :— principle, between the higher and
lower natures.
A symbol of the higher mind " ' In the mystic sense Thoth, or the
wielding the will (Mjolner).
" Egyptian Hermes, was the symbol of the
Thor, as mediator between heaven and Divine Mind ; for he was the incarnated
earth, had the general command of this Thought, the living Word — the primitive
terrestrial atmosphere." — MALLET, Hist, type of the Logos of Plato and the Word
(Artaud). — G. R. S.
de Danemarc, Intro. of the Christians'
The higher mind is the medium of MEAD, T. O. Hermes, Vol. I. p. 27.
communication between the higher and "And Cronus [Ammon] going to the
lower natures in the soul, and organises land of the South gave the whole of
Egypt to the God Taaut (Thoth) to be
the mental plane (air). his kingdom." — SANCHUNIATHON, Cory's
" Thor stood beside the funeral pile of
Balder, and consecrated it with his Higher and Lower Egypt signify the
hammer Mjolner. Before his feet sprung
up a dwarf called Lit ; Thor kicked him mental plane.
" Thoth was held to be both the heart
with his foot into the fire, so that he
also was burned." — Story of Balder, Edda. and the tongue of Ra, that is to say, he
was the reason and the mental powers of
And from the mental plane with
the Gods, and also the means by which
which the ego is identified the Self their will was translated into speech. . . .
beholds the sacrifice and sanctifies it In every legend in which Thoth takes a
with self-conscious experience. And prominent part, we see that it is he who
now rises a " dwarf," the symbol of speaks the word that results in the wishes
of Ra being carried into effect." — BUDOB,
error, which the mind consigns to the Gods of the Egyptians, Vol. L p. 407.
purifying process which is to yield " Then spake Thoth to Ra : ' Lord of
spiritual fruition. the Gods ! there came the God of Behudet
See CREMATION, FIRE, FUNERAL, (Edfu) in the form of a great winged-disk.'
From this day forth he shall be called
. HERMES, MJOLNER, NANNA, RINQ- Horbehudti (Horus of Edfu)." — Legend of
, HORNE, THOTH. the Winged Sun-disk.
Then spake the higher mind or The " four-cornered land " signifies
awakening intelligence to the Creator the lower self entire, that is, the
— Lord of the ideals ! there came quaternary of four planes below Atma.
forth the Son of Man in the wisdom " Thraetona " is a symbol of the
vesture on the buddhic plane ; and Divine outpouring, which takes effect
this being so, he shall now be known upon the buddhic plane, and is the
as the Son of God, born of the eternal buddhic emotion-nature which is the
Spirit of Truth. means of slaying the unreal — the sense
" Thoth, the divine which
intelligence of separateness, or illusion, caused by
at the creation uttered the words which the function of the lower mind.
resulted in the formation of the world.
He was self -produced, and was lord of See ATMA, BUDDHIC PLANS,
earth, air, sea, and sky ; he was the QUATERNARY, SAPANDAR, SEPARATE-
scribe of the gods, and the inventor of NESS, SERPENT-DAHAKA, SLAUGHTER,
all arts and sciences." — BUDQE, Book of VARENA.
the Dead, p. 5.
" The Egyptians relate that Thoth had THREE, NUMBER :—
one arm bent so that it could not be
straightened." — PLUTABCH, Isis and A symbol of completeness of pro
Oririt, § 22. cess or state. The perfect number
The " arm bent " is a symbol of the of the higher planes.
inability of the intellect to act with Three is symbolic of individual com
perfect directness and sureness. It is pletion and individual action ; of th«
threefold aspect of God to man, as
the function of the mind to perceive Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and of
dissimilarities and to disclose differ man himself as body, soul, and spirit." —
ences, more or less completely ; and J. "GARNIER, Worship of the Dead, p. 220.
unaided by a higher faculty it can The Chinese say numbers begin at
one, are made perfect at three, and
never display the perfect truth. terminate at ten." — S. KIDD, China.
" Every abstract proposition intellect
p. 304.
enunciates is based upon a contradiction " By three is signified all and full, >
somewhere ; there is no help for it ; completion to the end." — SWEDENBOF.C
this is the inevitable outcome of the way Apoc. Rev., n. 416, 505.
it is made and of the conditions under " ' Behold, I cast out devils, and I do
which it has to work. Furthermore, it is cures to-day and to-morrow, and the third
so uncertain in its operations that what
it discovers to-day may have to be
day shall be consummated or perfected

discarded to-morrow. If the intellect were

(LuKE xiii. 32). For He said this in the
person of His body, which is His Church,
thoroughly reliable there ought to be no putting days for distinct and appointed
room for differences of opinion on any periods ; whilst He also signified on
subject whatever. But unfortunately it '
the third day
the perfection which
is not so. Two individuals, both intelli should accrue to Him in His resurrection."
gent and both conscientious, may form — AUGUSTINE, Anti-Pelagius, Vol. L
diametrically opposite judgments from p. 345.
exactly the same evidence." — R. J. CAMP SIGN, TRIAD,
BELL, Senn., The Super -rational.
INTELLECT, INTUITION, MAGIC, MAHAT, A symbol of a completed period
PTAH, SCRIPTURES, SHINATSU, THOR, " The chief priests and the Pharisee*
WORD. were gatheredtogether unto Pilate,
saying. Sir, we remember that that
THRACE :— deceiver (Jesus) said, while he was yet
A symbol of metaphysical cogita alive, after three days I
rise again."—
tion. MAT. xxvii. 63.
The literalists, formalists, and
THRAETONA (FREDUN), SON dogmatists did not want Truth, for
OF ATHWYA:— their occupation would be gone if
A symbol of the Divine outpouring fresh illumination came to them.
of Life, proceeding from the Second After a period completing a state or
Logos (Athwya). soul, Christ would rise in glory in
" The fourteenth land was the four- human minds and become the actual
cornered Varena for which was born
Thraetona, who smote Azis Dahaka." — in their lives, and not only the idea!
Vendidad, I. of their souls. The ideal of life in one
is the conduct of life in the (earth) provides the fourfold means for
next. the elevation of the qualities. The
See PHARISEES, PILATE, PRIESTS AND causal-body (house) is to be built, or
. SIGN. developed, by the striving and aspiring
qualities, and is to become the abode
of the Higher Self.
Symbolic of love of power, lust, " The human soul sits at the centre of
and avarice. They are triple because everything, and Christ sits at the centre
they act upon the three lower planes. of the human soul. If he changes us,
then everything will be changed to us.
He that sitteth upon the throne saith,
A symbol of the higher planes of Behold I make all things new ! ' The
change must be in you. To the new heart
mind which are the entrance to all things shall be new. If any man be in
spirit. Christ, he is a new creature ; and a new
THRINAKEA, creature is immediately in the new
ISLE OF THE creation" — PHILUPS BROOKS, Serm.,
SUN:— Timeliness.
A symbol of the centre of the See Ansu, BOOK, CHILDREN OF
buddhic plane in the soul. HORUS, DISCIPLES SEATED, KURSI,

A symbol of the Third Logos THRONE OF HIS HEART :—

emanating on the mental plane. A symbol of the causal-body In
" Thrita, the most useful of the Samas, which is seated the Self under the
was the third man who prepared me aspect of Love.
(Homa) for the material world." — Homa See BIRTH OF MAN-CHILD, CAUSAL-
This symbolises the production of
the mental plane through the Third THRONE VIKATSHANA, OF
Logos. The mental principle is the BRAHMAN :—
most useful of the Divine forces A symbol of mastery over self, —
[Samas), inasmuch as it corresponds to the sign of absolute poise and
the formative aspect of the functioning sovereignty.
}f the soul. THRONES, TWELVE :—
A symbol of twelve qualities trans
THROAT :— muted, and so brought to a higher
state compared with a previous
A symbol of lower mental expres
sion of prejudice and convention
subversive of truth.
Their throat is an open sepulchre ;
with their tongues they have used deceit." (twelve).
The little-developed mental qualities HEAVEN :—
ire under the sway of formalism and
sectarianism, and so their expression
A symbol of the expression of
the Divine Will in pain and terror
controverts the truth. on the lower planes.
See Isis, SEPULCHRES, TONGUE. " The Lord also thundered in the
THRONE (HIGHER ASPECT) :— heavens, and the Most High uttered his
voice ; hailstorms and coals of fire." —
Symbol of the causal-body, the Ps. xviii. 13.
seat of the Higher Self. In its " The voice of the Lord is upon the
highest aspect " throne " is the waters ; the God of glory thundereth,
buddhic vehicle of atma. even the Lord upon many waters." —
" Thus saith the Lord, The heaven ia Ps. xxix, 3.
my throne, and the earth is my footstool.
Through the sufferings and terror on
Where is the house that ye build unto the lower planes (the waters), forms
me T and where is the place of my rest." — of thought, erroneous opinions, and
ISA. Ixvi. 1. unruly passions, are disrupted and
In the expression of the Supreme made to give place to better states.
the atma-buddhic nature is the summit " But I (Thetis) will go myself to snow-
of attainment, and the lower nature clad Olympus to tell this thy saying to
Zeus, whose joy is in the thunder, if The emotion-plane is not the plane
perchance he may hearken to me." —
whereon harmony and order are first
Iliad. Bk. T.
Nature, however, contemplates soar maintained. That order is introduced
ing to the heights to impart the through the manasic evolution which
knowledge which has been gathered guides and directs, and moulds and
to the Higher Self, who rejoices in the defines. The " monsters " are inchoate
terrors which must beneficially befall emotions of all kinds, which are quit*
the lower Self ia its progress. without any sense of that due propor
See LIGHTNING, THETIS, TLALOC, tion which reason bring-3 about.
A symbol of spiritual energy active
on the higher mental plane (upper A symbol of divine supremacy
air). over the lower nature. The three
" Verily, as large as the altar is, so
crowns emblematical of rule
large is the earth. The sacrificial stakes over the mental, astral, and physical
are thunderbolts ; and by means of these elements of human nature. The
thunderbolts he obtains possession of this triple crown is worn by the Pope
earth, and excludes his enemies from of Rome because he represents the
sharing therein." — .Sato. Brdh., III. 7, 2, 1. spiritual mind which directs religious
Truly, the necessary structure of activities in the soul.
spiritual idealism for developing the See CROWNS, LION (man), POPE,
soul's higher nature is planted in the TEE.
soul's lower nature (earth). The indi
vidualised structure of the Divine
Life, which is raised up in the soul A symbol of the astral plane.
through sacrifice of the lower for the See ASSYRIA, ASTRAL PLANE, EDEN
higher, is the means of releasing the (rivers), HIDDEKEL, NICOTHEA.
invincible spiritual energy which cap TILLER OF THE GROUND :—
tures the lower nature and dissipates Sen HUSBANDMAN, PEASANT.
the lower qualities (enemies).
[The various sources of spiritual
activity on the higher planes are said Time is a condition of the mani
to be
" thunderbolts " — such as water festation of the relative. Non-time
(truth), cattle or cows (buddhic emo Is the absence of manifestation.
" There are two forms of Brahman,
tions), ghee or butter (Divine love).
time and non-time. That which was
The last is also said to be "fiery before the existence of the sun is non-
mettle " or " fiery spirit."] time and has no parts. That which had
" The Holy Spirit cries its beginning from the sun is time and has
in us with a
loud voice and without words, ' Love the parts. Of that which has parts, the year
love which loves you everlastingly.' His is the form, and from the year are born all
crying is an inward contact with our creatures ; when produced by the year
spirit. This voice is more terrifying they grow, and go again to rest in the
than the storm. The flashes which it year. Therefore the year is Pragdpati, is
darts forth open the sky to us and show time, is food, is the nest of Brahman, is
us the light of eternal truth. The heat Self." — Mail. Vpanishad, VI. 15.
of its contact and of its love is so great There are two predicates of God —
that it well-nigh consumes us altogether."
— RUYSBROECK (Eng. trans.), p. 95. the Absolute and the Relative. That
which is prior to the Higher Self (sun)
LIGHTNING, SACRIFICE, STAKE, YEAR. is the Absolute and Unconditioned.
That which proceeds in or from the
TIAMAT, THE SPIRIT OF Self is a series of successive states of
CHAOS :— the conditioned. The whole series
A symbol of the emotion-nature constitutes the Cycle of Life (the
undirected by the mind. year) ; and from the Cycle and its
" The
Deep over which Tiamat — the states are produced all qualities and
Spirit of Chaos — held sway, was without
forms (creatures). These arise when
limits or law, whose only progeny was a
brood of monsters." — SAYCE, Bel. conditions allow of them ; they develop,
Egypt, and Babyl, p. 376. mature, and subside in the Cycle.
Therefore the Cycle is the creative
" The reciprocal affinity of the Two
aspect of the Supremo, is a succession Faces (Tiphereth and Malkhuth) operates
in two ways, sometimes it is from Above
of states of being, is Truth replacing
to Below, then the existence and life
illusion, is the dwelling place of God, go out of the Highest World affecting
is the Self. the objects of nature ; sonetimes, on the
" If there never was any beginning to contrary, it goes from the Below to the
time, then there is no time. If there never Above, that is from this, our world of
was a moment when the first universe illusion, change, and unreality, to the
sprang into being, then there is no uni real and true, Above ; and takes back
verse at all. To speak of an infinite to the Highest the existences entitled to
succession of worlds, or of anything else, such a return." — Ibid., p. 283.
is the same thing as to say that there is no This refers to the outpouring and
succession whatever. Is it not plain that indrawing of the qualities in the
the whole material universe as it enters
into our experience now is but the creation process of alternate incarnation and
of our own consciousness t It is what it is
discaraation of the soul. The causal-
because we are what we are. . . . You Self (mental) and the buddhic principle
" Two Faces " — unite
cannot escape the dilemma. Either your (emotional) — the
own mentality, your own self-awareness,
ia unreliable, or the external world is
in emanating the mental -emotional
unreliable. I prefer to say the latter qualities to manifest in the lower
— indeed, I cannot help saying it. It is nature of the soul ; these pass, as it
our selfhood that is real, and only that, were, from Above to Below, where
however little we know about it. The
one fact of which we can be sure in all
experience and development are gained.
this drift of phantasms is the tiny flame On the return of the qualities from
of self -consciousness, the light of the Spirit the illusion bolow to the Reality above
that derives from himself. It is that the gain in the manifestation of the
which is ; all else may come and go,
true and the good is transmuted to
but that abides. Time and space are
urithin it, not it within them." — R. J. the higher planes.
CAMPBELL, Serm., The Timeless Affinity. See HESED, ILLUSION, INDIVIDU
TIPHERETH, THE HEART OF A symbol of the lower aspect of
the " Lamb of God," and indicates
THE HEAVENLY ADAM :— the initiative of which the Self
A symbol of the causal Self, or is capable directly the gentleness
Individuality, in the causal-body. and calm of the lower nature is
" The male or positive principle Hesed, established.
i.e.Grace, etc., and the negative or female See LAMB OF GOD, VIRGIN.
principle Pahad, i.e. Punishment, etc.,
unite in Tiphereth, i.e. Beauty. . . .
Fiphereth, says the Idrah Zootah, is TISTRYA (JUPITER PLANET) :—
the highest manifestation of ethical life A symbol of the Ego who initi
ind perfections, the sum of all goodness, ates, directs, and governs qualities
n short, the Ideal.' . . . The Sephirah
on the mental plane, in order to
Tiphereth is called the King, and all the awaken ideals.
axistences proceed from the union of the
King and the Queen (Malkhuth)." — " Tistrya
is called the giver of wealth ;
[. MYER, Qubbalah, pp. 200-203. his lustre is red, and of great beauty." —
The individuality (Hesed) and the Hxtro, Essays, p. 200.
aerfected personality (Pahad) unite in Tistrya is a symbol of the Ego
;he Self seated in the causal -body or causal Self. He is the "giver
[Tiphereth), and become thereby the of wealth," because all that is gotten
riighest manifestation of spiritual per- comes through the Self seated in
'ection. The causal Self and the the causal-body. The " red lustre "
buddhic principle (Malkhuth) are the is the sign of force and mental
iwo factors in the evolution of power.
bhe qualities of the soul. These are See CLOUDS, HORSE (red), JUPITER,
bhe Divine cause of aspiration and PLANETS, PUTTIKA, RED, VOURUKASHA,
purification of the soul. WEALTH.
TITANS, TWELVE :— wrest from these the soul's experi
A symbol of the primal, essential, ence and development. The potential
constituent qualities of life on the becomes the actual, and the Spirit is
lower planes, qualities which condi victorious at the last.
tion the struggle between higher See CRONUS, DIONYSUS, HYPERION,
and lower, but are not themselves KRONOS, OCEANUS, RHEA, RIMTHUB-
lower qualities, but rather qualities SAK, THEMIS, URANUS, ZAGREUS, ZEUS.
of necessity.
" The sons and daughters of Uranus
and Ge originally dwelt in heaven. They
were twelve in number, six sons and six A symbol of the sacrificial tribute
daughters, Oceanus, Coeus, Criug,
namely, of the lower qualities to the higher ;
Hyperion, lapetus, Cronus ; Thin. Rhea, for then " without any dispute the
Themis, Mnemosym, Phoebe, and Tethys ; less is blessed of the better "
but their names are different in other (HEB. vii. 7).
accounts." — Smith's Clots. Diet. *
The " Titans " are said to be pro
duced by Spirit and Matter on the
plane of buddhi (heaven). They re TLALOC, GOD OF WATER :—
appear at the close of the period of A symbol of the Higher Self under
involution, and after pralaya, in order the aspect of Truth-reality.
to condition evolution. They are " He was
espoused to Chalchihuitlicue
active and passive qualities, and may
(Emerald Lady), who bore him a numerous
be indicated thus — Spirit, Number, progeny, the Tlalocs or clouds. He mani
Action, Love, Will, Time : Wisdom, fested himself in three forms, the lightning-
flash, the thunderbolt, and the thunder.
Space, Order, Memory, Intuition,
He was supposed to inhabit the foot
Harmony. cardinal points and every mountain-top,
" The Titans are the ultimate artificers and the colours of the four directions of
of things, and the most proximate to the compass were introduced into his
their fabrications." — OLYMPIODORUS, On costume, in stripes of yellow, green, red,
the Phcedo oj Plato. and blue. In order that he might fructify
The story of Cronus emasculating the crops a vase containing every kind
his father Uranus simply refers to the of grain was placed before him. He dwelt
in a well-watered and luxurious paradise,
completion of the period of involution
called Tlalocan, where those who had
of Spirit (Uranus) into Matter (Ge). been drowned or struck by lightning
Time, as it were, put a stop to the enjoyed immortal pleasures. He is usually
process of impregnation of matter with represented in the Aztec manuscripts as
all the qualities and forms afterwards having a dark complexion, a large round
eye, a row of tusks, and an angular blue
to be brought forth during the process etripe rolled over the lips." — Non-classical
of evolution. The " Erinyes " signify Mythology, p. 174.
the instincts, opposites, and strivings, The eternal Truth (atma) was allied
which are the life (blood) of the lowest to Wisdom (buddhi), and produced the
condition of evolution. " The Titans buddliic functioning (clouds) which
depose Uranus," that is, the natural disseminates truth (rain) to the lower
order takes the place of the spiritual, planes. Truth is manifested in the
and Spirit is obscured. Time (Cronus) Divine Life activities of the higher
and Space (Rhea) are allied and reign planes (lightning), the spiritual energy
supreme in the new order of things. on the higher mental plane (thunder
" Cronus swallows his children," that bolt), and the Divine Will in fear and
is, Time encompasses all the planes terror on the lower planes (thunder).
and powers of nature, visible and From Truth-reality on the heights of
invisible. But Time cannot encompass being (atma) there emanate the four
Spirit (Zeus). It can only seem to do planes below, namely, buddhic (red),
so, when the new-born Christ is small mental (blue), astral (green), and
and feeble on the buddhic plane. physical (dirty yellow). The Higher
The Spirit is nurtured and brought up Self sows the seeds of Truth in the
in the soul (cave). The Spirit and the lower nature, and fructifies them that
powers of nature enter upon the great they may bring forth abundantly the
contest (Titanomachia) with Time and higher qualities on the buddhic plane
the potential qualities (Titans), to (Tlalocan) in the souls of humanity.
The large eye signifies omniscience-'- (underworld), I have seen my divine
the all-perceiving Truth ; the tusks, father Osiris, I have scattered the gloom
of night. I am his beloved one. have I
omnipotence on the planes of being ; stabbed the heart of Sun (Set). .
and the dual blue stripe on lips, the I have become a sahu, I have become a
higher and lower centres of conscious khu." — BUDGE, Book of the Dead, Ch. IX.
p. 57.
ness on the mental plane of the soul.
This is the joyous outpouring of the
liberated soul on the higher planes,
after having accomplished his course
through the lower nature.
Saith the soul : I
acclaim the Self,
the mighty, indweller ! Truly have I
TOGA, OR ROBE:— risen, and now I
perceive the Self
A symbol of the causal-body as a within. I have progressed through
vesture of the soul. the Cycle of tho lower quaternary,
"And my purple toga, which was and I behold the archetypal Self who
measured and woven to my stature." — begot me. I
have done away with
GNOSTIC, Hymn of the Soul. ignorance and have attached myself
And my causal-body which was to Truth. I
have overcome and cast
fashioned according to the express out the lower principle (Set), and have
image of my personality when per become an Individuality (klui) in a
fected. causal-body (sahu).
See CAUSAL-BODY, CLOTHING, GATE " Religious people are always tending
OP SALUTATION, PEARL (precious), to seek the living among the dead, and
PERSONALITY, RAIMENT, ROBE, having to be recalled to the obvious
truth that the soul of good can never
VESTURES. be shackled in the bonds of matter, or
buried permanently in any tomb of
TOKENS, FOUR SACRED :— failure and misunderstanding, however
Symbols of aspiration. strong." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The
" Noah carries the body of Adam into
Resurrection Life.
the *Yrk, his three sons following with the
four sacred tokens." — Book of the Conflicts CORPSE, DEFUNCT, ENTOMBMENT, KA,
of "Adam. " KHABIT, KHUS (higher), LAZARUS,
Noah stands for the sublimated MOUTH (speech), NIGHT, OSIRIS, PER
"Adam" ; he therefore carries his old SONALITY, QUATERNARY, RE-STAU,
self into the Ark (soul-state), as it is RESURRECTION, ROCK SEPULCHRE,
only through its means he rises. SAHU, SEPULCHRE, SET, SPICES,
His "sons" stand for the fruit of the TUAT, UNDERWORLD.
affectional nature, who willingly follow
with the symbols of his aspiration. TOMI (CUTTINGS OR PARTS) :—
The " sacred tokens" are Faith, Love, A symbol of discarded astro- mental
Wisdom, Power. forms of thought utilised for lower
See ADAM'S DEAD BODY, ARK, planes of the soul.
TOMB :— A symbol of the expression of
A symbol of the lower nature In truth, or of the active manifestation
which the personality (corpse) is of the Logos on the several planes
interred. A mode of functioning on of nature.
the lower planes. " Then the blessed Sakya-muni and the
" The Tomb, that is to say, the present blessed Prabhutaratna, still seated on the
world, which is tho receptacle of corrup throne of the stupa, smile to one another.
tible things." — DANTE, The Banquet, IV. Their tongues protrude from their mouths
Ch. 22. as far as the world of Brahma." — Lotus of
" The Chapter of coming forth by day the Good Law, Ch. 20.
after having made the passage through The Higher Self and the Indivi
the Tomb. Saith Osiris Ani : — duality seated in the causal-body
" Hail Soul, thou mighty one of strength!
are united in harmony, and their
Verily I am here, I have come, I behold
expression of Truth is in accordance
thee. I have passed through the Tuat
with the Divine Reality, — the actual TOP-KNOT :-
realising the potential. See MAUI.
A symbol of the buddhic causal-
A symbol of the expression of " The sacrificer then looks
up at the
falsity and perversion of truth and tog-ring with, ' the wise ever behold
right. that highest step of Vishnu, fixed like
an eye in the heaven.' " — Sal<i. Br&h., III.
"And Horus, grasping in his hand his 7, 1, 18.
keen-edged knife, pursued them, and
brought back 142 of the enemy, whom he
slew ; and he tore out their tongues, and STAKE, STRIDES, VISHNU.
their blood gushed out upon the ridges of
the ground." — Legend of the Winged Sun- TORCH LIGHTED AND RAISED :—
disk. An emblem of illumination, signi
And the Son of God, the active fying intelligence and knowledge ;
agent (hand) of the eternal Truth, or life.
taking the " aword of the Spirit," See MTTHRA AND BULL.
went forth in the strength of the
Divine Will, slew his enemies the TORCH EXTINGUISHED AND
desires, and " tore out their tongues,"
a symbol of falsity and perversity ; An emblem of darkness, signify
and the vitality which had before ani
ing ignorance ; or death.
mated them was dissipated and flowed TORTOISE :—
to the lower planes, wherein it was A symbol of the higher and the
resolved into its primary constituents. lower planes centralised by the
" By tongue is signified the doctrine of
mental plane, and energised by
the church or of any religion ; but in an
the Divine Life.
opposite sense, false doctrine." — SWEDEN- " This tortoise is that life-sap
BORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 282. (blood)
" Casting out the old man, plucking of these worlds, which flowed away from
out the right eye, maiming self of the them when plunged into the waters :
right hand — -there is no growth without that life-sap he (Prag&pati) now bestows
on Agni. As far as the life-sap extends,
some sorrow. Conflict is the word that
defines man's path from darkness to light. so far the body extends ; that tortoise
No holiness is won by any other means thus is these worlds.
" That lower shell of it is this terrestrial
than this, that wickedness should be
slain day by day, and hour by hour. world ; it is, as it were, fixed ; for fixed,
In long lingering agony often, with the as it were, is this earth-world. And that
blood of the heart pouring out at every upper shell of it is yonder sky ; it has its
quivering vein, you are to cut right ends, as it were, bent down ; for yonder
through the life and being of that sinful sky has its ends, as it were, bent down.
self ; to do what the Word does, pierce And what is between the shells is the air.
to the dividing asunder of the thoughts That tortoise thus is these worlds ; it is
and intents of the heart." — A. MACLAREN, these worlds he thus lays down to form
Sermons, 1st Series, p. 87. part of the altar." — Sato. Br&h., VTL
5, 1, 1-2.
See BLOOD, CONFLICT, ENEMIES, " Ra liveth, the Tortoise dieth "
GROUND RIDGES, HAND, SLAUGHTER, Sarcophagus of Seti I). — BUDOE, Egypt.
SUFFERING, SWORD, THROAT. Heaven and Hell, Vol. II. p. 52.
The Divine Life (blood) of the planes
of the manifest was indrawn when at
the close of the involutionary cycle,
TONSURE :— the planes disappeared into the eternal
See HAIR SHAVEN. Reality (waters) during an interval of
TOOTH OF BUDDHA, DALADA :— pralaya, prior to the next outpouring.
A symbol of the spiritual power That Divine Life of the Archetypal
of the Self,— the force of the uttered Man (Pragapati), at the opening of
Word, or expression of the Divine the new cycle, passed into the force
Will. aspect of the Self (Agni) in this
See BUDDHA, ELEPHANT (white), evolutionary cycle, and permeated
TUSK. the whole renewed universe.
The lower quaternary (lower shell) (James), and the higher love-nature or
is the lower nature of the soul, and it philosophic man (John). These are
is, as it were, fixed to be the foundation exalted within the Christ-soul.
on which to build the higher nature " The
forms beheld in this allegory— of
(sky). The higher nature, atma-buddhi Moses and Eliae — are the Hebrew corre
spondences of Buddha and Pythagoras.
(upper shell), influences the lower And they are described as beheld by the
through the mind (air). It bends three Apostles in whom respectively are
down to the lower whenever the typified the functions severally fulfilled
lower aspires towards truth and good by Pythagoras, Buddha, and Jesus ;
namely, Works, Understanding, and Love,
ness. The planes of manifestation are or Body, Mind, and Heart. And by
the means in part by which the soul their association on the Mount is denoted
is enabled to sacrifice tho lower for the junction of all three elements, and the
the higher, and through spiritual completion of the whole system com
prising them, in Jesus as the representa
idealism rise triumphant at the cycle's tive of the Heart or Innermost, and as
end. in a special sense the ' beloved Son of
See AGNI, AIK, ALTAR (fire), ABC. God.' "—The Perfect Way, p. 250.
This is a spiritual process which
TOWN, OR CITY:— takes place in the soul by slow
A symbol of a centre of energy degrees, as evolution proceeds on
where qualities (people) congregate. the lower planes. Transmutation is
See ATTRACTION, CITY. effected by the Higher Self acting
through buddhi-manas on the lower
TRADITION :— qualities as they arrive at a state
A symbol of a course of life which of preparedness for being raised to
has quitted its original connection a higher condition. It is the func
and become effete. tion of the Holy Spirit, atma-
See CAIAPHAS, NINIOI, PHARISEES, buddhi, to transmute lower Into
PRIESTS AND ELDERS. higher, and this is the meaning of
white magic and alchemy. There is
TRANSFIGURATION OF JESUS :— a transfer of impressions from the
A symbol of an initiation, and astral to the buddhic plane. Love-
signifying the using or raising of passion on the astro-physical plane
the lower nature in the interests of is gradually transmuted into pity
the higher. and compassion on the buddhic
plane. Power exercised is trans
"And he waa transfigured before them muted into dignity ; ambition into
(on the high mountain) ; and his face into zeal or
did shine as the sun, and his garments aspiration ; greed
became white as the light." — MAT. xvii. 2. industry ; knowledge Is turned to
As the Christ-soul meditated in an Wisdom ; varied experience to Love.
" Tauler teaches : First of all, the
exalted mental condition, more and senses must be mastered by, and absorbed
more of the celestial efflux descended in, the powers of the soul. Then must
upon him and was reflected in his these very powers themselves — all reson-
expression of truth. And the without ings, willings, hopings, fearings, be ab
sorbed in a simple sense of the Divine
became as the within, the nature being
presence. . , . These powers of the soul
perfect exteriorly as interiorly. must cease to act, in so far as they belong
"And behold there appeared unto them to self ; but they are not destroyed :
Mosea and Elijah talking with him." — their absorption in the higher part of
MAT. xvii. 3. our nature is in one sense a death ; in
The ethical (Moses) and the psychical another, their truest life. They die ;
(Elijah) natures were shown to be in but they live anew, animated by a
principle of life that comes directly from
harmony with the indwelling Spirit. the Father of lights. . . . They are, as it
The three disciples stand for the were, the glorified spirits of those powers.
natural man (Peter), the mental man They are risen ones. They are in this
world, but not of it. Their life has passed Realise that the Truth-goodness
into the life which by slaying has preserved
and exalted them." — VAUOHAN, Hours (bread) which we perceive in our
with the Mystics, Vol. I. p. 293. innermost soul is not a product of the
" While the emotions of the senses natural man, but of the Divine Man
hinder the mind in the activity peculiarly (Christ), whose " body " of expression
suited to its being, and alone resulting in
true satisfaction, and so make it unhappy,
it is ; and that the wisdom-love
it is by the ' heroic emotions ' of an (wine) of which we have experience
endeavour directed towards the true, is not a result of the life of the lower
the beautiful, and the good, that the planes, but is an inward manifestation
spirit is raised to blissful freedom from of the Divine Life (blood)
sensuous impulses, and from the chances
of the
of the sensible world. By the stages of Incarnate Christ within the souls of a
perception, representation, understanding, progressed humanity. In other words,
and reason, the heroic spirit is raised to we are to identify our spiritualised
the intellectual contemplation of God,
mental qualities with the expression of
and therewith the soul, as Bruno ex
presses it, changes itself entirely into the Divine Life within us.
God, and becomes at home in the intel See BLOOD OF LAMB, BREAD, CHRIST,
ligible world ; divine Love, which is the FLESH OF JESUS, FOOD AS GOD, HOST,
Deity himself, becomes now the dominant
emotion in the soul, and thus the latter
overcomes the iron law of necessity, TRAPPED THE BIRDS :—
which bends only before love, and extends
the endeavour after its own self-perfecting A symbol of attainment to the
to the blessed labour for the general ideals through aspiration and effort.
perfecting of all, in which lies the fulfil See BIRDS.
ment of the divine purpose in the world."
— PFLEIDEBEK, Phil, of Religion, p. 28. TRAPPED THE SERPENTS :—
" Mine eye discerns this eternal life
A symbol of having transcended
and motion in all the veins of sensible
and spiritual nature, through what seems
limitation, and overcome the attrac
to others a dead mass. And it sees this tions of desire and sense on the
life forever ascend and grow and trans lower planes of matter.
figure itself into a more spiritual expres See SERPENT.
sion of its own nature." — J. G. FICHTB,
" God does raise up the dead and SERPENTS AND SCOR
quicken them in marvellous and miracu PIONS :—
lous fashion, but you cannot. God is daily
taking of that which belongs to one A symbol of power attained over
plane of being, and making it live and the desires and lower emotions.
function on another and higher ; but " Behold I have given you authority
such an achievement is surely his alone, to tread upon serpents and scorpions,
it is beyond all human power to do the and over all the power of the enemy ;
like." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., The and nothing shall in any wise hurt you.
Creatorship, etc. Howbeit in this rejoice not, that the
See ALCHEMY, BARSOM, BLASPHEMY, spirits are subject unto you ; but rejoice
BOAT (wisdom), BUDDHI, DEATH, that your names are written in heaven."
— LUKE x. 19, 20.
Union with the Higher Self gives
complete mastery over the lower
planes, because then the Ego — the
dweller in the sheaths — is conscious
upon the spiritual, moral, and intel
lectual levels, where strife and divisions
TRANSUBSTANTIATION :— and perils are impossible. Nevertheless,
A symbol of the transmutation of rejoice not that you can command the
the highest qualities of the lower lower nature, but that you can perceive
nature into the qualities of wisdom, and obey the higher.
truth, and love of the Divine nature. See DISCIPLES SENT, ENEMIES, NAME,
" Learn that the bread which we see,
though to the taste it be bread, is never
theless not bread, but the body of Christ ;
and that the wine which we see, though TREASURE IN HEAVEN:—
to the taste it be wine, is nevertheless
not wine, but the blood of Christ." — A symbol of truth,
of the intuition
ST. CYRIL, Catech. Myst., IV. or the buddhic higher reason and
emotions which enlighten the Indi The Supreme, through His messen
viduality ensouled in the causal- gers or devas, sends spiritual wisdom
body. (gold), purity or grace (frankincense),
Jesus said unto him, If thou wouldst and peace or bliss (myrrh) ; these are
be perfect, go, sell that thou hast, and
vitalised by truth (water) and energised
give to the poor, and thou .shall, have
treasure in heaven ; and come, follow by love (life), and are the fruit of the
me. But when the young man heard buddhic nature (the garden) bestowed
the saying, he went away sorrowful : upon the personality (Adam). They
for he was one that had great possessions."
—MAT. jdx. 21, 22. constitute the inner beauty of the soul,
The " young man " signifies a con which is as a dark cave until it is
dition of soul not fully matured. He beheld by spiritual vision, bathed in
is seeking wisdom from the Christ, and the light of Truth.
so puts his trust in the intuition. This See ADAM (lower), CAVE, EDEN, EVE,

utterance of the Christ-soul refers to

the parting with conditions that have MAGI, PERSONALITY, TOKENS, TREE OF
in the past proved of value, but which LIFE, WATEB.
are now, in the light of present ex TREE :—
perience, no longer of use, but bind
A symbol of man, or the human
the soul to lower levels, and so hinder
being on all planes, as a replica In
its progress. The saying about " selling small, of the Divine Being in whose
to give to the poor " also hints at a image man is made. As God is a
law of vital importance to soul growth, Tree of Life, so man is the same.
viz. that the imparting to others of " By a tree is signified man, and there
truth and knowledge serves but to fore by all things appertaining to a tree,
increase the capacity for the reception corresponding things in man are signified,
thereof — implying intuition (treasure as by branches, leaves, flowers, fruite,
and seeds. By branches are signified the
in heaven). The " young man " is sensual and natural truths in man ; by
sorrowful because he despairs of leaves his rational truths ; by flowers,
reconciling the ideals before him, on primitive spiritual truths in the rational
the one hand, with the actual facts of mind ; by fruits, the goods of love and
charity ; and by seeds, the last and
his worldly experience, on the other first principles of man." — SWEDENBORG,
band. And so, being not at present Apoc. Rev., n. 936.
" The Tree of Life signifies the Lord
capable of responding in an adequate
as to the good of love, . . . because
degree to the ideals of truth and
" " celestial and spiritual life is derived to
righteousness, he is said to go away man from the good of love and charity,
unto his own possessions of opinions which is received from the Lord." — Ibid.,
and desires. n. 89.
" Both good and wicked men are
" I (Qod) was a Hidden Treasure,
therefore was I fain to be known, and compared to trees. The godly, says the
so I created creatures in order that I
psalmist, shall be like a tree planted by
should be known " (Hadia or Apostolic the rivers of water, that bringeth forth
Tradition). — GIBB, Hist, of Ottoman his fruit in his season (Fs. i. 3). His soul
Poetry, p. 16. shall be plentifully fed from heaven with
See BONDAGE, CAKE, CAUSAL- BOD v, the never-failing influences of grace and
consolation, whereby he shall be mode
CHURNING, HEIR, INDIVIDUALITY, fruitful in every good word and work.''
INTUITION, MAN, MAN (rich), POOR —Cruden'a Explanations.
A symbol of the higher emotions TREE OF LIFE :—
and virtues deep within the soul. A symbol of the Divine Life which
"After Adam and Eve leave the Garden spreads through the universe and
of Eden, then, at God's command, gold, soul, and produces all forms and
frankincense and myrrh are brought by activities on the planes of mani
angels, dipped in the water by the Tree
of Life and given to Adam as tokens out
" The Kingdom of God is like unto a
of the Garden. These are the sacred
treasures of the cave." — Book oj the grain of mustard seed, which a man
Conflict* o/ Adam. took and cast into his own garden ;
and it grew and became a tree, and the being sometimes the giver of wisdom,
birds of the heaven lodged in the branches and sometimes the conveyer of immor
thereof." — MAT. xiii. 31. tality, so in European myth it is found
" The primal Being is
symbolised (by linked with a similar beneficence. In the
the Docetw) as the seed of the Fig-tree, legends of the Finns, its branches are
the mathematical point which ie every ' '
represented as conferring eternal welfare
where, smaller than small, yet greater and ' the delight that never ceases.' " —
than great, containing in itself infinite J. "H. PHILPOT, The Sacred Tree, p. 120.
potentialities. . . . The manner of the The tree of life would seem to have
infinite generation of things is also been in the terrestrial Paradise what the
figured by the fig-tree, for from the seed Wisdom of God is in the spiritual, of which
comes the stem, then branches, then it is written, ' She is a tree of life to
leaves, and then fruit, the fruit in its them that lay hold upon her ' (Paov. iii.
turn containing seeds, and thence other 18)." — ADOUSTINE, City of God, Vol. I.
stems, and so on in infinite manner : p. 646.
so all things come forth" ( HIPPOLYTUS, " In the ' Tree of Life ' of the
Refutation, Bk. VIII. Ch. I).— G. R. S. tians, we have perhaps the earliest,
MEAD, Fragments, etc., p. 218. certainly the most complete and consistent
The "Tree" is indeed the best representation of this most ancient and
analogue that could be given for the seemingly universal symbol — the ' Tree
" as above and so below. of Life in the midst of Paradise, furnish
ing the divine support of immortality.
For, as a diagram of the evolution of And what does this tree mean ? In the
the Divine Life, the growth from the Scriptures we read that ' man doth not
seed, the sprout, roots, trunk, branches, live by bread alone, but by every word
that proceedeth out of the mouth of
leaves, flowers and fruit, typify the
God.' Here we have a key to the sym
entire cosmic process, and serve to bolical teaching, itself symbolically ex
show how gloriously and wonderfully plained. The divine word is the support
the Great Spiritual Universe, the of the divine life ; they who live by it
shall never die. Whoso receiveth me
archetype of the phenomenal cosmos,
is contrived, energised, and sustained
and my word,' saith our Lord, * I will
raise him up again at the last day.'
by the Master Builder — its Source and We have the authority of St. Augustine,
Centre. The " birds of the heaven " that the Egyptians firmly believed in a
resurrection from the dead. . . . The
are symbolic of those individualities '
Bread of Life,' and the fruit of the
who have " gone before," having ' '
Tree of Life,' and the Water of Life,'
aspired to the things which are above. are all significant of one and the same
These are the Elder Brethren

thing the divine nourishment of the
soul unto everlasting life." — H. C. BAB-
humanity. LOW, Essays on Symbolism, p. 79.
" The ' birds of the air
are wont to
See BACKBONE, BIRDS (heaven),
be put in a good sense, as in the Gospel
of the Lord, when He was declaring a BIRDS (two), BREAD, FIG-TREE, FBUIT,
likeness of the kingdom of heaven by GATHA DAYS, HARVISPTOKHM, HOMA-
a grain of mustard seed, said, ' Unto TREE, IMMORTALITY, JESUS (mortal),
what ia, etc.' (LUKE xiii. 18, 19). For
He is Himself ' a grain of mustard
seed,' who, when He was planted in TREE, PLANTS, RULERS (world),
the burial place of the garden, rose up SEED, SOMA-PLANT, SYCAMORE, TET,
a great tree. For He was ' a grain,' TUBA-TREE, VALHALLA, VINE, WORD,
through the abasement of the flesh,
a tree,' through the mightiness
of Hia
Majesty. The branches of this tree are TREE OF LIFE IN THE MIDST
the holy preachers (apostles). In these OF THE GARDEN :—
boughs the birds of the air rest,'
because the holy soula (the birds), Symbol of the Atmic Ray, or
which by a kind of wings of virtues, current of the Divine Life flowing
lift themselves up from earthly thinking." downward through the central
essence of the buddhic nature
the Book of Job, Vol. II. p. 395.
" Without food even the gods and (garden).
the illuminated ones of heaven cannot
" This is the ancient Tree, whose roota
exist. In the east of heaven stands grow upward, and whose branches grow
that high sycamore upon which the downwards, . . that is called Brahman.
gods sit, the tree of life by which they . . . All worlds are contained in, it, and
live, whose fruits also feed the blessed." no one goes beyond." — Katha. Upanishad,
— A. ERMAN, Egyptian Religion, p. 93. VI. 1.
"As in Eastern legend, the universe-tree " In the middle of the sea Vouru-kasha
was venerated as something more than a is the well-watered tree Harvis-ptokhm,
mere material supporter of the world, tree of all seeds." — Vendidad, V.
The "sea Vouru-kasha" is the Life they bear is for
the healing of
Ocean of Reality, the upper water of the nations." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
Fruth. The "tree" is a symbol of Healing of the Nations.
" The Great Tree
in whom is all healing
the atmic outpouring. It is founded (is Mani)." — The Manichaean Fihrist.
in Truth and bears the spiritual germs See ATMAN, BRAHMARANDHRAM,
of all the manifest qualities and forms. ISVAKA, KAIOMABTS, SUN, SUTRATMA,
" The wonderful tree called the
or ' Beatitude,' the roots of which are in
the region of the Loti-tree above the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD
highest Paradise, sends its branches down AND EVIL :—
into all the Eight Gardens, a shoot
entering the abode of every inhabitant, A symbol of the reflex spiritual
just as the sun, which is aloft in the life growing upward through all
skies, sends its beams into every house on the ramifications of experience on
earth." — E. J. W. GIBB, Hist, of Ottoman the lower planes, and bearing the
Poetry, Vol. I. p. 37. fruit of experience, — the evolving
"I rather conceive that Moses was moral nature.
speaking in an allegorical spirit, intending
by his paradise to intimate the dominant "And out of the ground made the Lord
character of the soul, which is full of God to grow every tree that is pleasant
innumerable opinions, as this figurative to the sight, and good for food ; the tree
paradise was of trees. And by the Tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and
of Life he was shadowing out the greatest the tree of knowledge of good and evil."
of the virtues — namely, piety towards —GEN. ii. 9.
the Gods, by means of which the soul is And from the lower nature the
made immortal ; and by the tree which Wisdom. Lovo caused the faint begin
had the knowledge of good and evil, he was nings of growth —evolution — to take
intimating that wisdom and moderation,
by means of which things contrary in place, through the pleasant desires
their nature to one another, are dis that are to commence the growth of
tinguished. . . . The Tree of Life is that the soul ; and so was produced all
most general virtue which some people that is found desirable and that can
call Goodness ; from which the particular
virtues are derived, and of which they serve to gratify the awakened cravings
are composed . . . The unspeakable of the soul. Also from the centre of
formations and impressions of all the the " garden " or buddhic nature
things in the universe are all borne " "
proceeds a ray of the Supreme Spirit
forward into and comprehended by the
soul, which is only one. When, therefore, which extends downward (the tree of
that receives the impression of perfect life), and through this the moral
virtue, it has become the Tree of Life ; nature — to know good and evil — was
but when it has received the impression founded.
of vice, it ban then become the Tree " The tree of life is the holy of holies —
of the knowledge of good and evil." — Christ, the tree of the knowledge of good
PHILO, Works, Yonge, Vol. I. pp. 46,
and evil, the will's free choice." — AUGUS
66, 67.
" The Tree of Life is the Central Will TINE, City of God, Vol. I. p. 546.
"And the Lord God commanded the
or Divine Life, the God, that is, whether man, saying, Of every tree of the garden
of the universe or of the individual. thou mayest freely eat ; but of the tree
And the Tree of Knowledge is experience of the knowledge of good and evil, thou
which comes of trespass, or a descent shall not eat of it : for in the day that
from the region of spirit to that of matter. thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."
It is thus Maya, or illusion ; and the — GEN. ii. 16, 17.
Serpent, or tempter, is the impulse by
yielding to which the inward reality of And instruction by intuition is
Being is abandoned for the outward delivered to the mind (man) that
appearance. . . . The Tree of Life signi experience is to be acquired through
fies also the secret of regeneration, or the activities of the lower nature.
final transmutation into pure Spirit, and
the consequent attainment of eternal life, But it is not through the intuitive
which can come only when all the neces sense of absolute right and truth in
sary processes have been performed, self-guidance that the mind's earlier
and the soul — Eve — is once more pure evolution is to be promoted, for this
Mary.' —
and free, when she becomes
Sun, is impossible to the lower mind, and
A. KINOSFORD, Clothed with the
pp. 22, 23. at the period (day) when the soul
" Whatever feeds and sustains the
ultimately arrives at a perfect know
spiritual life of man comes from the Tree ledge of Truth, the lower mind (man)
of Life, whose roots are in the garden
of God. . . . The leaves of the tree of will cease to exist. The natural course
God'a lovo arc numberless, and the is otherwise, for at the stage when the
fall of the ego into matter is accom See AMBAYAS, CHANNELS, RIVEBS,
plished, the direct perception of Truth WABP.
will cease from consciousness.
" Jesus Christ is called the ' tree of TRIAD, HIGHER :—
life ' (REV. ii. 7 ; xxii. 2). He will be to A symbol of the Divine prin
all his members as a tree of eternal life,
ciples, Atma-Buddhi-Manas ; or the
satisfying and refreshing them with
fellowship and communion with himself." Divine aspects, Wlll-Wisdom-Action.
" The tree of of good and See ABRAHAM, LAO, LION (man),
evil, so called because by the eating of it MINOS, PYBAMIO, TBIDENT, TRINITY
man came to know experimentally the TSURAH, WITNESSES (three).
vast difference between good and evil." —
Cruden'a Explanations.
" The Holy Ghost TRIAL OF JESUS:—
presents the church
to us under the similitude of a garden. Symbolic of the Christ-soul going
An excellent type of the presence of through the throes of purification
Christ with his church. . . . These trees, for the sake of the Higher Life. He
and their pleasurableness, do show ua is first tried by religious systems
the beauty of the truly godly, whom the
and creeds, forms of thought from
Lord hath beautified with salvation.
This ' tree of life ' was another type of which the spiritual life has fled ;
Christ, as the bread and healing medicine and is made to suffer from misin
of the church, that stands ' in the midst terpretations and false opinions.
of the paradise of God ' (REV. ii. 7 ; Then he is reviled by the customs
xxii. 2). The ' tree of the knowledge of and prejudices of the world, 'which
good and evil was a type of the law, resents any change for the better.
or covenant of works, as the sequel of Finally he is condemned by all pre
the story clearly manifesteth ; for had
not Adam eaten thereof, he had enjoyed valent thought ; for the lower mental
for ever his first blessedness. As Moses qualities neither know nor value the
saith, ' It shall be our righteousness, if Christ.
we observe to do all these commandments " In you the King of heaven stands
before the Lord our God, as he hath afresh before His judges — Annas, Caiaphas.
Pilate and Herod." — R. J. CAMTBELJ .
commanded us (DEUT. vi. 25). But both
Adam and we have touched, that is, Serm., with Christ. '
" Remember
broken the boughs and fruit of this tree, Christ in the Judgment
and therefore now for ever, by the law, Hall, the very symbol and incarnation of
no man can stand just before God. spiritual strength j and yet when revilings
(G*L. ii. 16)." — J. BUNYAN, Exposition o/ were loud around Him, and charges
Genesis. multiplied,
He held his peace.' " —
See CURSE (ground), DAY, DEATH, F. W. ROBBBTSON, Sermons, 2nd Series, p. 8.
WITNESSES (false).
A symbol of aspirations from TRIBE-RULERS :—
below. A symbol of the mental qualities
"And thus tall trees bear fruit ; first which regulate and direct the lower
of all olives." — Empedocles, FAIRBANKS, nature.
" The
And thus the soul's aspirations bring progress which is in the Spenta-
mainyu Gatha the tribe-rulers should
forth deeds. " Olives " signify faith or carry on." — Shayast La-Sltayast, Ch. XIII.
courage, implying love of the higher. The development of soul occasioned
See FOBEST, OLIVES, PALM TREES. through the Mental-body is due to
TREES FREE FROM DROUGHT :— the rule of the mental qualities which
A symbol signifying the nourish control and co-ordinate the desires
ing of the intelligence (trees in and passions, and direct the emotions.
" Which class of faculties is entitled to
water) through pure truth. rule T I answer, that the moral and
intellectual powers are superior in kind
TREES AND RIVERS :— to the animal propensities, and that every
well-constituted mind feels that, in cases
A symbol for channels of truth of conflict, they are entitled to restrain
and love, which are the very texture the inferior desires. This is the sense in
of the world -soul. which I speak of the supremacy of the
moral sentiments and intellect." —G. some natural, some spiritual, and this in
COMBE, Moral Philosophy, p. 19. different measures ; the elect, all repre
See CONFLICT, GEORGE AND DRAGON, senting some form of the spiritual mind
HOUSE (clan), HOUSE (ruler), INTEL in us ; the non-elect, some form of that
mind which is earthly, sensual, devilish."
LECT, MENTAL-BODY, MITHRA (bull), — A. JUKES, Types of Genesis, p. 400.
QUALITIES, RULERS, SPENTO, TIAMAT. " The twelve tribes signify the Lord's
church as to all its truths and goods.
TRIBES OF ISRAEL, TWELVE :— They signify all truths of doctrine derived
from the good of love from the Lord.
Symbolic of twelve kinds of mental Tribes signify religion, and the twelve
qualities in an early stage of de tribes, the church as to all things relating
velopment, but gradually becoming to it." — SVVEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 349.
disciplined by the moral nature. See ADAM (lower), JEoNS (twelve),
They may also stand for the races BREASTPLATE, COMPARTMENTS, DIS
of mankind which serve to represent CIPLES (twelve), EPHOD, ISRAELITES,
on the mental plane some special JUDAH, JUDGES, PEOPLE, QUALITIES,
side of the Logos.
" The Saviour knew of what nature RACES, SPEECH, THRONES (twelve),
each of his disciples was, and that it needs
must be that each of them should go to
his own nature. For from the twelve TRIBUTE MONEY:—
tribes ho chose twelve disciples, and A symbol of the discharge of
through them he spake to every tribe. obligations in regard to the lower
Wherefore, also, neither have all men or the higher life.
hearkened to the preaching of the twelve "
disciples, nor if they hearken, can they Jesus spake first to him, saying,
receive it " (Statement by the Naasene What thinkest thou, Simon ? the kings
Gnostics). — HITPOLYTUS, Philosophumena, of the earth, from whom do they receive
Bk. V. 3. toll or tribute ? from their sons, or from
The Christ knows the nature of strangers ? And when he said, From
strangers, Jesus said unto him, Therefore
each of the twelve disciplined qualities the sons are free," etc. — MAT. xvii. 25-7.
(disciples), because the Higher always This story refers to the discharging
knows the lower. He points out that of mundane as opposed to spiritual
each quality must develop according obligations. But as the one is involved
to the conditions of its own special to a great extent in the other, the
nature. The chosing from the twelve
" Christ -soul will not allow that there
tribes signifies the calling of the should be any ignoring of the former.
qualities to a differentiated state The appeal of the Christ represents
higher than before ; that is, from the presentation to the lower mind
each of twelve varieties of primal
(Peter) of the problem of the subjective
qualities (tribes), the most advanced versus the objective life. The lower
quality is raised to the status of mind decides in favour of the value of
a " disciple." Then through the the latter, and Christ knowing that
disciplined qualities Christ is able to that is best for it for a time, directs it
influence the less disciplined (every to gather experience and facts (fish),
tribe). The last passage refers to the and fulfil its obligations, giving as
fact that the different grades of mental tribute that which it finds should be
qualities cannot hear and understand given.
that which is above them, and that See EARTH, KING, PETER, TITHES.
when they are enabled to perceive the
higher, they no longer remain on their TRIDENT :—
former level. A symbol of the lower conscious
" Witltout—our
eyes can see the im ness raised Into union with the
mense variety of tribes which have come higher ; — the three crowning points
forth from Adam, all of which are but signifying Love, Wisdom, and
various forms or manifestations of man
or human nature. But u-iihin — though Action, or Atma, Buddhi, and Manas.
secret and hidden — the outcome is the
" The trident of Poseidon is a symbol
game. Old Adam in us brings forth as of the third region, which the ocean
many different minds, each of which occupies, assigned to him after the heaven
throughout this book (Genesis) is figured and air. For which cause also they
and set before us in some son of Adam, invented the names Amphi -trite and
or Noah, or Shem, or Ham, or Japhet ; Tritons." — PLUTABOH, Isis and Osiris,
some outward, some inward, some sensual, § 76.
The " water
" of Reality, or the we find ourselves in an impossible position.
. . . We are compelled to think of the
ccean of Truth (Poseidon), is an aspect
infinite as ever active within the finite,
of Atma, which with Buddhi (heaven) the source of change and motion, the
and Manas (air) are symbolised in the exhaustless power which makes possible
three points at the apex of the upright the very idea of development from
" simplicity to complexity. If the universe
trident. Amphitrite and the Tri
" were complete in itself, change •would
tons represent the buddhic emotions not occur, and a cosmic process, evolution
and faculties which appertain to the ary or otherwise, would be inconceivable."
higher Triad. The stem of the trident —R. J. CAMPBELL, The New Theology,
is a symbol of the Divine ray, or the pp. 86, 87.
" Cosmos is God's Son ; but things in
Sutratrna. Cosmos are by Cosmos. And properly
See ATMA, BUDDHI, HERMES, THIS- hath it been called Cosmos [Order] ; for
MEGISTUS, MANAS, OCEAN, POSEIDON, that it orders all with their diversity of
birth, with its not leaving aught without
its life, with the unweariedness of its
TRINITY, HOLY:- activity, the speed of its necessity, the
composition of ita elements, and order of
A symbol of the Godhead In three its creatures" (Corpus Hermeticum, IX).
aspects. Father- -Absolute,Uncon — G. R. S. MEAD, T. O. Hermes, Vol. U.
ditioned, Potential, Unmanifest, p. 134.
" The terms Father, Son, and Spirit are
Power. Son — Conditioned, Actual,
but symbols which stand for three
Active, Manifest, Love. Spirit — manifestations of God, three constituents
Means of creation and sustentatlon, of the Divine nature, three relationships
Wisdom. essential to the perfect life of Deity.
In Hindu terms, the Trinity Is God goes forth from Himself in the
expressed in Paranatma, Atma, and eternal Son, returning to Himself in the
Buddhi. Eternal Spirit." — R. J. CAMPBELL, A
" The Father uttered himself and all Faith for To-day, p. 283.
" Mediaeval theology generally dis
creatures in the Word, his Son, and the
tinguished the Three Persons as Power,
return of the Father into himself includes Wisdom, and Love, the Holy Ghost being
the like return of nil creatures into the the copula between the Father and the
same Eternal Source. The logical genesis Son. It is instructive to notice that to
of the Son furnishes a type of all evolution each of the Three Persons is assigned all
or creation ; the Son is the unity of all these attributes. . . . May we say not
the works of God. . . . God is in all
" further that Wisdom, Power and Love
things, and God is all things (Eckhart). have been the Divine attributes which
— UEBEBWEO, Hist, of Philos., Vol. I.
the Greek Church, the Roman Church,
p. 475.
" The difference between Father and and the Protestant bodies respectively
have been most ready to grasp ?— are aU
Son is this — The Father
' '
is to express
attributes of each Person, and it is quite
God-hidden, ' The Son ' is God-manifest,
' ' inadmissible to set them over against
and the Holy Ghost is the Knowledge each other, as is done in transactional
or Spirit of Truth, proceeding from the theories of the Atonement." — W. R. INGE,
experience of both, as God hidden, and Lectures, p. 28.
revealed." — JOHN WARD, Zion's Works, " The two points which I -wish to
Vol. VIII. p. 59. about the doctrine of the
" Does physical science imply the emphasise
Trinity are, first, that popular theology,
doctrine of the Trinity t Yes, unquestion when it thinks of the Three Persons
ably it does. . . . Now, when we start in one God, is usually much more tri-
thinking about existence as a whole, theistic than the orthodox faith. This
and ourselves in particular, we are com
error has come about through the un
pelled to assume the infinite, the finite, '
fortunate use of the word Person,' with
and the activity of the former within the its misleading associations. The other i«
latter. In other words, we have to '
that the analogy between the Persons '
postulate God, the universe, and God's of the Trinity and our own complex nature
operation within the universe. Look at is not an accidental or fanciful resemblance
these three conceptions for a moment, but rests on the belief that man is really
and it will be seen that every one of them a microcosm, in little the
implies the rest ; they are a Trinity in Creator in whose image he was made." —
unity. The primordial Being must be Ibid., p. 30.
innfiite, for there cannot be a finite
without something still beyond it. We See ABRAHAM, ABSOLUTE, ATMAN,
know, too, that to our experience the BUDDHI, CHRIST, COSMOS, DEMIURGE,
universe is finite ; we can measure, FATHER, FIRST-BORN, GOD, GODHEAD,
weigh, and analyse it. And yet, if we
think of infinite and finite as two entirely HERMES TRISMEOISTUS, HOLY GHOST,
distinct and unrelated modes of existence, IMAGE, INCARNATION, ISVARA, MACRO
COSM, MONAD, PYBAMID, SELF, SON memnon) and the Personality (Achilles)
OF GOD, SPIRIT, TRIAD, TRIDENT, be stirred up. For in the unwisdom of
TSTJRAH, WITNESSES (three), ZERANA. the lowor self there consists greater
wisdom than in the lower mental
TRI-RATNA, THE THREE faculties. Emotion surpasses mind.
A symbol of the Soul in Its three HECTOR, HELEN, ILIUM, PRIAM, SHIPS
spiritual aspects, — Higher Self, lower (Ilium), TROY, WARRIORS.
Self, and individual Selves.
" This triad of personalities consisted TROY :—
of (1) the Buddha himself, that is to say, A symbol of the causal-body, the
Gautamn Buddha, or the Buddha of the seat of the Self on the mental plane.
present age of the world ; (2) his Dharma " The tale of Troy.
or Law, that is, the word and doctrine of Many of its
the Buddha personified, or, so to speak, incidents and characters are clearly
incarnated and manifested in a visible symbolical ; and the entire story can
form after his Paranirvana ; and (3) his now be treated only as a sacred legend,
a drama of religious strife reflecting the
Sangha or Order of Monks, also in a
manner personified — that is, embodied supposed operations of nature. . . . Troy
was a divine city, its capture a divine
in a kind of ideal impersonation or
collective unity of his true disciples, . . . event." — R. W. MACKAY, Progress of the
Intellect, Vol. I. p. 168.
the whole assemblage of monks, Arhats, " Ye sons of Atreus, and yo other well-
Pratyeka-Buddhos, Bodhi-sattvas, per
greaved Greeks, to you indeed may the
fected Buddhas, and not yet perfected
saints of all classes, whether on the earth, gods, possessing the heavenly dwellings,
or in any other division of the Universe." grant to destroy the city of Priam, and
—MON. WILLIAMS, Buddhism, pp. 175, 6. to return home safely." — //,•••/./, Bk. I.

The Higher Self (Buddha) of the The appeal of the Spiritual mind
present manifestation, His Incarnation (Chryses) is made to the Self through
in the lower nature of the soul under illusion (Atreus). From the higher
the karmic law, and His multiple planes (heavenly dwellings) may the
division into the myriad human souls Divine Power (gods) grant that the
desires, in captivating the mind, become
now in all stages of progress towards
ultimate unity in the One, constitute the means of apparently destroying
the Eternal Spirit. the perfect causal-body, and so assist
in furthering the evolution of the soul
DHARMA, MONK, PACCEKABUDDHAS, which is to return to its home above.'
A symbol of the buddhlc plane Symbolic of reality and Illusion,
In relation to the rate of vibration
of bud 11hie matter.
or truth and error.
in the atoms
See GATHA (ahuna). TSURAH :—
A symbol of the higher triad,
A symbol of the lower emotions. " The Tsurah is the higher principle
" O gods ! surely a great sorrow comes which remains above — the higher eternal
upon the Grecian land. Verily, Priam principle of the continued life of the
would exult, and the sons of Priam, and individual." — MYEK, Qabbalah, p. 401.
the other Trojans would greatly rejoice See ATMA, BUDDHI, MANAS,
in their souls, if they were to hear these PYRAMID, TRIAD. TRIDENT, TRINITY,
things of you twain contending : you
who in council and in fighting surpass WITNESSES (three).
the Greeks." — Iliad, Bk. I. TUAT, OR DUAT, THE UNDER-
O Powers above ! certainly a great WORLD :—
trial of endurance shall forthwith
A symbol of the manvantara, or
assail the mind (Greece). Assuredly
great cycle of life manifestation In
the Causal Self (Priam), and its nature (underworld). It is described
assemblage of higher faculties shall as "night" because the Self (sun)
thereby be developed ; and the lower Is unapparent to the lower conscious
emotions (Trojans) will be greatly ness. The Sun-god Afu-Ra, the
stimulated if the Desire-mind (Aga incarnate God, is the Hidden Deity
(Amen Rfi) immured in his cabin TUMA-TAUENGA :—
on the Solar-boat (World-soul), A symbol of the mind, or meatil
which traverses the twelve divi plane of the soul.
sions of the cycle In the twelve hours " But Tuma-tauenga, or man, stii!
of the night. The Tuat embraces
stood erect and unshaken upon tb?
all nature below the plane of atma ; breast of his mother Earth (Papa-tuanuku
the first and last divisions being on and now at length the hearts of Heaves
the higher sub-planes of the buddhic (Rangi), and of the god of storms (Tatrbiri-
plane, for the Soul (boat) commences matea) became tranquil, and their pas
in the first and finishes in the last ; sions were assuaged." —-G. GREY, Poly
it descends in the first six divisions, nesian Mythology, p. 10.
and ascends in the second six. The The mind, which makes humanity
descent is the involutionary process what it is as the flower of creation,
of spirit entering matter, and the now became the balance and steadying
ascent is the evolutionary process of element in the soul. The lower (earth;
spirit rising from and ultimately and the higher (heaven) natures had
discarding matter.
each their place assigned them by tie
The Solar Boat on the river of
Life (river Urnes), is a symbol of mind ; and the passions and desires
the World-Soul, or buddhic causal- were placed under control of tie
body,— the vehicle of the Higher mental factor.
Self (Rfi) and Its powers (deities). See HAUMIA, RANGI, KONGO, TASI-
The World-soul contains the com MAHUTA, TANGAROA, TAWHTBI, TRIBE-
plete collective experience of RULERS.
humanity. The higher mental
causal-bodies are individualised in TUNA :—
mankind, but there is only one See EEL -GOD.
buddhic causal-body for the human
race, and in this all souls are one TURQUOISE, OR BLUE
potentially. HEAVEN :—
See ABRAXAS, ADAMAS, ^ONS A symbol of the celestial regions
of the buddhic plane, wherein the
(twelve), AFU-RA, AMENT, APKP, Auras,
heaven-world consists.
NIDANAS, NIGHT, OCEAN, RIVER OF A symbol of the higher sub-plant;
LIFE, SAMS ABA, SAT;, SEVENTH.STRIDES, of the buddhic plane, from which
TAITU, TRIBES (twelve), TWELVE, the germ -Soul descends to the lower
UNDERWORLD, ZODIAC. planes as the two-fold monad, atma-
A symbol of the ray of the Divine PHANT (whit«), HlRANYAGAKBE
Life. MONAD.
TUBAL CAIN, FORGER OF A symbol of spiritual power to
CUTTING INSTRUMENTS OF overcoming Ignorance and evil. In
METAL :— the mouth it expresses the for«
of that which is uttered on the
A symbol the dawn of the
of higher planes, namely, Truth.
intellect with its incisive powers of
analysis and discrimination. "A tusk in Scripture, and in ancient
times, was called a horn, and a horn w»-
See BRASS, CUTTINO, METALS, the universal symbol of potrer. Just,
NAAMAH. therefore, as a horn on the head was thf
symbol of physical and worldly power, so
TUFARAPAINUU, TUFARAPAI- a horn in the mouth was a symbol oi
RAI, AND ORO, BROTHERS : — spiritual or moral power, the power
Symbols of aspects of the Higher t lie mouth, or of words and arguments."
Self, — namely, Wisdom, Action, and — J. GABNIER, Worship of the Dead, p. 26i
Will. See BOAR (wild), DESERTS, But-
A symbol of the lower self which SKEW-BREAD, TRIBES (twelve), TUAT,
seeks gratification through the URDAB, YEAR, ZODIAC.
desires and sensations.
QABOA. A symbol of the duality of mani
TWELVE, NUMBER:— festation, the One becoming Two, —
Spirit and Matter. Also of the rela
A complete number in relation to tive, the opposltes, higher and lower,
conditions of the manifest. The good and evil, etc.
twelve divisions of the cycle of life " Two is symbolic of union, of
(Zodiac, Tuat, etc.) correspond to Christ
who was both God and man, and there
soul-states (twelve tribes) and soul- fore of the union of God and man." —
qualities (twelve disciples). The sets J. GARNIER, Worship of the Dead, p. 220.
of twelve are all interrelated. See HEAVEN AND EABTH, INVOLU
" This number the
(of twelve disciples) TION, LIVING THINGS, MALE-FEMALE,
is typified by many things in the Old
Testament ; by the 12 sons of Jacob,
by the 12 princes of the children of
Israel ; by the 12 running springs in TWO GREAT TRIPLE POWERS :—
Helim ; by the 12 stones in Aaron's Symbolic of Love and Wisdom,
breastplate ; by the 12 loaves of the working on the three higher planes.
shew -bread ; by the 12 spies sent by These spiritual forces are the powers
Moses ; by the 12 stones of which the
which control the working together
altar was made ; by the 12 stones taken
out of Jordan ; by the 12 oxen which of all things for good.
bare the brazen sea. Also in the New See ATMA, BUDDHI, MANAS.
Testament, by the 12 stars in the bride's
crown, by the 12 foundations of Jersualem TYPE AND ANTITYPE:—
which John saw, and her 12 gates." — The symbol and the truth sym
BP. RABANUS MANRUS (A.D. 857). bolised. The figure in the lower
" The number Twelve
divisiblest of all, illusion of what exists in the higher
which could be halved, quartered, parted
into three, into six, the most remarkable reality.
number — this was enough to determine " For, as the typical is Divine truth
the Signs of the Zodiac, the number of on a lower stage, exhibited by means of
Odin's Sons, and innumerable other outward relations and terrestrial interests,
Twelves. Any vague rumour of number so when making the transition from this
had a tendency to settle itself into Twelve." to the antitypical, we must expect the
—T. CARLYLE, The Hero at Divinity, truth to appear on a loftier stage, and,
Lect.I. if we may so speak, with a more heavenly
"And when Jesus was twelve years aspect. What in the one bore immediate
old, they went up (to Jerusalem) after respect to the bodily life, must in the
the custom of the feast." — LUKE ii. 42. other be found to bear immediate respect
The accomplishment of the age of to the spiritual life." — P. FAIRBAIRN,
twelve years signifies a full period of Typology of Scripture, Vol. I. p. 194.
evolution when an initiation was
undergone by the Chirst-soul. This TYPHON, OR SET:—
took place in the inner mind (temple)
A symbol of the lower principle,
and corresponded to an awakening of
or of the desire -mind.
the logical and intuition sides of the " Typhon is the part of the soul that
soul. These are the father-mother is subject to the passions. . . . And the
principle, indicated by the presence of '
name Seth,' by which they call Typhon
the parents. proves this ; for it signifies that which
" and constrains by force."
Twelve is symbolic of spiritual per tyrannise3
" Typhon is called Seth, Bebon, and Syn ;
fection and completion. It is 4 -f- 8, or
the world and man renewed. It is also these names being meant to declare an
4 X 3, or the world and man in intimate impeding check, opposition, and turning
union with God, and it is 6 x 2, symbolic upside down."
" The more learned among the priests
of Christ taking upon him the sin of man, "
and becoming subject to death for the call tho sea ' Typhon.' — PLUTAKCH, Itit
sake of man's redemption." — J. GAJINIEB, and Osiris, §§ 33, 49, 62.
Worship of the Dead, p. 221. The lower principle acts through the
See ADAMAS, ADITYAS, ^EoNS passions and desires, in opposition to
(twelve), BREASTPLATE, CBOWN the higher principle. Desire is Ix>ve
inverted. " "
Sea signifies the astral fore tho lower qualities (strangers)
plane — the plane of the desires. are presented to it. They assail
" beauty of its wisdom " ; and
RAVANA, SET, SUSANOWO, TAURT. the higher influences (brightness) are
TYRANT, WICKED:— obscured and lost ; so the mind is
brought down to the desires (pit) and
A symbol of illusion which domi
subjected to the succession of deaths
nates the lower mind.
" The man that con strive of the personalities on the lower
against tho
wicked tyrant and smite liim on the head." pianos. In the lives on earth, the
— Vendidad, IV. lower mind must learn to serve the
The " mail " is the mind or ego Spirit and to sacrifice itself.
" Thou uast the anointed cherub that
that assimilates knowledge and thereby
" smiting on the covereth ; and I set thee, so that thou
dispels illusion. The wast upon the holy mountain of God ;
head " is the effort made to overcome thou hast walked up and down in the
illusion under its most subtle forms, midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast
such as pride. perfect in thy ways from the day that thou
wast created, till unrighteousness waa
See ASHEMOGHA, ATBEUS, HIPPO found in thee." — EZEK. xxviii. 14-16.
POTAMUS, ILLUSION. The mind originally observed the
TYRANTS UNDER ADAMAS :— requirements and laws of the higher
Symbolic of strong passions intelligence and Spirit to which through
operating upon the lower planes, — love it aspired. Its consciousness
such as lust of power, greed, war, appertained to the higher planes
cruelty, — all active under the " old (holy mountain) ; its development
Adam," the lord of the lower nature. was brought about through the func-
See ADAMAS. tionings of buddhi (stones of fire).
TYRRHENIA :— The mind was perfect in its manifesta
A symbol of the fourth sub-plane tion from the first until it was deflected
of the buddhic plane. by the lower emotions and desires.
Tho " anointed cherub that covereth "
TYRUS OR TYRE, PRINCE OF :— signifies the buddliic consciousness
A symbol of the mind, intellect, above the consciousness in the causal -
or mental nature. body. On the descent of the mind,
" Thus saith the Lord God : Because the buddhic becomes reflected on the
thine heart is lifted up, and thou hast astral plane (cast to the ground).
said, am a god, I sit in the seat of God,
in the midst of the seas ; yet thou art
man, and not God, though thou didst FALL, GARDEN OF EDEN, INTELLECT,
set thine heart as the heart of God. . . . MOUNTAIN, PIT.
Therefore, behold, I will bring 'rangers
upon thee, the terrible of tho nations ; TZELEM, DIVINE OR HOLY :—
and they shall draw their swords against
the beauty of thy wisdom, and they A symbol of the causal-body, or
shall defile thy brightness. They shall immortal soul.
bring thee down to the pit ; and thou " Come see ! That holy tzelem, in it
shalt die the deaths of them that are man goes, and in it man grows up, and
slain, in the heart of the seas." — EZEK. it is from that plastic likeness, and phan
xxviii. 2-8. tom of a tzelem — of him is made another
The lower consciousness established tzelem, i.e. phantom image, and they
are connected as one
" — MYKR,
in the incipient causal-body (seat of (Zohar).
Qabbalah, p. 411.
God) centralises the mind midway
This refers to tho potential causal -
between the higher and lower natures
body, and to man's actual causal-body
(seas — waters above and below). The
which grows up into its likeness as
mind commences to act or observe as
man develops his qualities.
from itself, owning no superior rule or " The innermost fundamental spiritual
law. It gathers its knowledge in principle or type of the individual, the
tuitively from the higher planes, and Qabbalah asserts, remains as a something
rests unreflective and unprogressive in indestructible and as a tzelem, shadow of
an image, or tFmoolh, likeness or similitude
complete content with itself. But tho
of the previous upon earth living man.
Supreme requires the mind to be This is the body of the resurrection." —
self-conscious and responsible, there Ibid., p. 392.
The inner vehicle of the individuality hi hest, deserving the highest place, the
is the causal-body, which is immortal. eighth." — Khand. Upanishad, I. 1, 2.
It is in the similitude of the World- The first principle of the Divine
soul, and is built up by the transmuted nature is Love. Love of the Ideal
qualities of the transient personalities. transcends all states of soul ; it is the
It is the body of the perfected individu highest of endowments, surpassing all
ality at the end of the cycle. that is below (7) and entering upon a
See CAUSAL-BODY, IMAGE, INDIVIDU higher plane (8).
" The plane of the spirit is that of
unity ; it is the plane of the flesh which
is that of division, and love is the language
UATCHIT, OR UAZIT, GODDESS of the spirit." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
OF THE NORTH:— Souls under the Altar.
A symbol of the higher or buddhic See EIGHT, LOVE OF GOD, OGDOAD,
emotions which supplant the lower. OM, SAMAS, VEDA.
" And Horus took with him the
goddesses Nekhebit and Uatchit in the UGLY FEMALES :—
form of two serpents, that they might See YOMI.
consume with fire any rebels who still
remained." — Legend of the Winged Sun- UKEMOCHI, THE FOOD
disk. GODDESS :—
And in his ascent the Christ-soul
A symbol of Buddhl under the
takes with him the wisdom and love
aspect of transmuter of the quali
aspects of the Holy Spirit, which
ties whereby the soul Is fed with
should overcome with good any evil truth and love.
yet remaining in the soul. " The parentage of the Food-Goddess is
See BUDDHI, ENEMIES, FIRE, variously given in different myths. One
GODDESS, HORUS, NEKHEBIT, SERPENT story makes her the daughter of Izanagi
(north). and Izanami, and another of Susa-no-wo
(the Moon God)."
— W. G. ASTON, Shinto,
UAUAT, REBELS OF :-— p. 162.
The higher parentage is from the
Symbolic of the various phases of
intellectual pride, arrogance, vanity, Divine Will and Wisdom ; the lower,
and love of power. from the Desire-nature (Susa-no-wo).
" Perhaps a trace of an identification
of the food with the God is to be recognised
in the myth which represents the Food-
UDDER OF THE COW :— Goddess as producing from her mouth
A symbol of the means through and other parts of her body viands for
•which the higher qualities (milk) are the entertainment of the Moon-God." —
derived for the soul's sustenance. Ibid., p. 161.
Its body (the sky) is the cow, its The food being wisdom and love can
udder the cow's udder (the cloud), its be identified with Buddhi, who trans
teat the cow's teat (lightning), its shower mutes the desires presented by the
(of wealth) the shower of milk : from desire-nature (Moon-god).
the cow it comes to the Sacrificer." —
Sata. Br&h., IX. 3, 3, 16.
From the buddhic plane (cow) by
means of the buddhio functioning UMBRELLA :—
(udder), through the higher life activi
ties (teat), comes the outpouring of
A symbol of the overshadowing
from above of the higher nature.
wisdom, love, and truth to the spiritual
" In Eastern countries the Umbrella
mind (sacrificer).
symbol typifies supremacy. If a king ia
See Cow, FOOD, LIGHTNING, MILK, no one else ought to carry an
MILK (goat), RAIN, SACRIFICER, VACH, umbrella." — MON. WILLIAMS. Buddhism,
WEALTH (shower). p. 523.
A symbol of Divine love, all
embracing. Man's unbelief In the higher nature
" The essence of the Sama Veda is springs from the fact of the opera
the Udgitha (whioh is Oni). That Udgttha tions from above being Inversely
(Om) is the best of all essences, the reflected below in the astral vehicle
of the desire -mind, and perceived becomes known to the ego, and so
thus by the brain consciousness. the soul is raised to a sense of Divine
" Thereupon realisation. The directive effort, or
Angra Mainyu created the
sin of unbelief." — Vendidnd, I. will, becomes capable of being used
The illusory principle of the lower effectively, and the Wisdom -emotion
mind, kama-manas, causes the lower nature is the means whereby the
nature to have the aspect of reality, Self declares Itself, for out of the
and the higher nature to be unper- fullness of the Heart the mouth
ceived or seem unreal and visionary. speaketh.
See ANORA-MAINYU, ASTRAL, ILLU " The Heart contemplates God as mani
SION. fested in love, for love is the universal
category of affectional cognition. To love
UNCTION, EXTREME:— God with tho heart is to love him a*
manifested in love ; it is to love Love,
A symbol of the bestowal, through not for its convenience, but for itaelf,
higher qualities, of the Divine love because it is absolutely beautiful and
(oil) on aspiring mental qualities lovely to the heart." — THEODORE PARKER,
whose lower nature is sick unto Ten Sermon*, p. 4.
death, thus giving them the power See BLISS, DEVACHAN, FOOD, HEABT,
of rising. LADY, NIRVANA.
See ANOINTING, OIL (anointing).


A symbol of the lower nature. A symbol of Divine love and

The four lower harmony.
planes, usually
" Then they brought him
reckoned as the lower mental, the (Buddha) as
astral, the etheric, and the physical. presents from the houses of his friends
costly unguents of sandal wood, and
These are the planes that are under
strings of gems exactly like •wreaths of
the heaven-world of atma, buddhi,
plants." — Buddha- Karita, Bk. II. 21.
and higher manas. "Darkness,"
The " giving of gifts " is compar
i.e. Ignorance, prevails in the under
able to the joy which is brought to
world from which the light of the
Higher Self (sun) is withdrawn. the Self from the preliminary experi
In the underworld, through much ences which precede its development.
sorrow and suffering the struggling The " houses of his friends " signify
souls gain experience and attain the conditions which are established
perfection and ultimate liberation, on the mental sub-planes between the
when they rise to the heaven world centres of the mental mechanism. The
above. Whether in incarnation or whole statement denotes the organising
out of that state, the souls remain
of the mental functioning by the
in the underworld throughout the
Devas (friends) — the builders of forms.
cycle, the consciousness never rising
above the lower mental levels. The " unguents of sandal wood "
See DUSAKH, HADES, HELL, are the rewards of righteous acts : —
MlCTLAN, NlFLHEIM, Po, QUATERNARY love, the " oil of gladness," is its own
RE-STAU, TARTARUS, TATTU, reward, i.e. it brings increased power
TUAT. and opportunity for well doing.
" " signify the func-
Strings of gems
UNEN-EM-HETEP :— t innings upon the buddhic emotional
A symbol of a state of conscious plane. The allusion to " wreaths of
ness in the higher mind or devachan. plants
" is made because there is the
"O " budding " of the
Unen-em-hetep, I have entered into suggestion of the
thee and ray soul followeth after me, feelings which will afterwards yield
and iny divine food is upon both my " flowers and fruit," that is, virtues
hands, O Lady of the lands, who stab-
lishest my word whereby I remember and higher emotions.
and forget." — BUDOE, Book oj the Dead,
"I (Lakshmi) reside in one who
Ch. CX. associates with such as anoint their
The Self having the limbs with fragrant unguents, in one who
is scented with perfumes himself, and in
lower planes of existence, and being one adorned with bracelets and ear-rings,"
now safe above the possibility of — Institutes oj Vishnu, XCIX. 19.
being touched or harmed by the con The principle of Wisdom (Lakshmi)
ditions thereupon, the Supreme nature is contained in those qualities which
are associated with Divine love, faith, possesses in never knowing what self is,
and the buddhic emotions. in possessing of choice. His being in the
" Among the objects presented to the being of the spiritual universe. It is to
ttml that we look forward ; not to a
deceased in these ceremonies (of purifica
heaven of selfish rewards ; but to the
tion) scents and perfumed unguents play loss of all consciousness of our lower being,
a prominent part. To certain kinds of
oil, magical properties have been attached in. union with the being of God ; and
to the gain of our true individuality
from time immemorial in the East, and in che feeling that we are at one with
the important place which they occupied the individuality of nil." — STOPFOKD A.
in the ceremonies and rituals of many BROOKE, Serm., Individuality.
nations proves that remarkable effects " All positive religions
expressed for
•were expected to follow their use." —
him (Bruno) one and the same truth,
BtJDOE, Egyptian Magic, p. 203.
some more, some less adequately, — that
See CEREMONIES, DEFUNCT, JEM- the supreme end of human activity is the
BAILMENT, FKIENDS, GEMS (strings), union of the soul with God, whereby it
HOUSES (friends), JEWELS, LAKSHMI, becomes one with God and is raised above
MAGIC, MAISHAN, OIL, OINTMENT, the sphere of sense and reason, above
nature, out of the ordinary cycle of
PERFUMES, RITES, RITUAL, SCENTS. human life and human death." — J. L.
MclNTYRE, Qiordano Bruno, p. 305.
UNION IN THE GARDEN OF " What may be called the highest
REEDS:— mystery is at the same time the highest
A symbol of the acquirement of truth, whether in Christianity or in Neo-
Individuality germinal on the higher Platonism, namely, the perfect union
with God. Thus Macarins (c. 330) says
mental plane, and Implying union
between higher and lower, as the Self
in his Homilies (14, 3): '
If a man
surrenders his hidden being, that is, his
rises above the manifestation of the spirit and his thoughts, to God, occupied
astral life. with nothing else, and moved by nothing
else, but restraining himself, then the
Lord holds him worthy of the mysteries
in much holiness and purity, nay, He
SELF. offers Himself to him as divine bread
and spiritual drink.' " — MAX Mv I.I.KII,
UNION WITH GOD :— Theosophy, etc.,p. 482.
" The soul
A symbol of the soul's one-ness passing out of itself by
with the higher nature, implying dying to itself necessarily passes into ito
complete freedom from any tie or divine object. This is the law of its
transition. When it passes out of self,
attraction to the lower nature. which is limited, and therefore is not
" By grace man regains the complete God, and consequently is cril, it
union with God, which he had originally. necessarily passes into the unlimited and
The soul, like all things, pre-existed in universal, which is God. and therefore is
God. Then I was in God, not as this the true good" (Mde Quyon). — VATTOHAN,
individual man, but as God, free and un Hours with the Mystics, Vol. II. p. 228.
conditioned like him. Then there were So long as man cherishes the desire
no real differences in God. Immanent of being himself something, God comes
in the divine essence, created the world not to him, for no man can become God.
and myself. By my emanation from But as soon as he renounces himself
him into individual existence I gave sincerely, wholly and radically, then God
God his divine nature (his Godship), and alone remains ; and is all in all. Man
do give it him constantly, for I give him can create no God for himself ; but he
that possibility of communicating him can renounce himself as the true negation,
self which constitutes his essence. God — and then he is wholly absorbed in
can only understand himself through the God. This self-renunciation is the en
human soul ; in so far as I am immanent trance into the Higher Life which is
in the essence of the Deity, he works all wholly opposed to the lower life — the
his works through me, and whatever is latter taking its distinctive character from
an object of the divine understanding, the existence of a self." — J. G. FICHTE,
that am I. ... This breaking through 11./.'/ towards the Blessed Life, p. 159.
" Every existence tends towards the
and out from the limitations of creature-
ship is the end of all existence and of Higher, the first Unity, to obtain per
all change. God became man that I fection. . . . The whole universe is one
might become God. . . . But the soul complex, the lower emanates from the
is nevertheless not annihilated in God. higher, and is its image, but the Divine
There remains a little point in which potentiality is active in each. Love and
: the soul continues to show itself a yearning for the original source of being,
i creature (Eckhart). — UEBERWEG, Hist. and the desire of Divine perfection, ore
of "Philos., Vol. I. pp. 480-1. the principles of motion common to all
| That unspeakable joy of life and the created (Oeberol).
— MYKK, Qabbalnh,
intensity of individuality which God p. 155.
See ADOPTION, JEon, ABC. MAN, have any part in the higher nature.
ASCENSION, ASCETICISM, ATMAN, AUS Only through the transmutation of its
TERITIES, BLISS, BRAHMA, BROTHER OF lower qualities can the soul become
JESUS, CONSUMMATION, GARDEN OF an inheritor of heaven, when the lower
REEDS, GOD, GRACE, IMAGE, INDIVIDU consciousness, being raised, merges
ALITY, LIBERATION, MARRIAGE, PEACE, itself in the higher.
" When he
RESURRECTION, SEASONS, SHEEP (lost), (the wicked man) is judged,
SIMORO, WILL. let him come forth guilty ; and let his
prayer become sin. Let his days be
UNKULUNKULU :— few ; and let another take his office.
Let his children be fatherless, and his
A symbol of the Higher Self or wife a widow. . . . Let there be none
God manifest. to extend mercy unto him ; neither let
See REED -PLAIN. there be any to have pity on his fatherless
children." — Ps. cix. 7-12.
UNLEAVENED BREAD :— The imprecatory Psalms refer not
A symbol of purification through to people but to qualities. The bad
goodness and truth, — " leaven " in qualities are anathematised as enemies
this case standing for desire and of goodness, and requiring to be killed
lower emotion. or starved out of the soul, and not
" Purge out the old leaven, that ye
fed and nourished by the personality.
may be a new lump, even as ye are un
leavened. For our possover also hath been
sacrificed, even Christ : wherefore let us GATHA (kam.), HARLOT, INCARNATION
keep the feast, not with old leaven, OF SOULS, MAN (bad), SLAUGHTER,
neither with the leaven of malice and WAY OF THE LORD, WICKEDNESS.
wickedness, but with the unleavened bread
of sincerity and truth." — 1 COB. v. 7, 8. UNVINTAGED SEA :—
Christ the passover that " hath been A symbol of the unfruclified lower
sacrificed," refers to the Divine sacrifice emotion-nature on the astral plane.
in involution, and the passing over to The lower emotions which have not
the present state of evolution in which yet borne fruit on the higher planes.
the Divine love arises from within in See ASTRAL PLANE, SEA.
measure as it is called forth by the
most advanced qualities or virtues in
the soul. These qualities, then, are A symbol of the mental-body on
the lower mental plane, which is
exhorted to continue their purification
the seat of the personality.
no longer by means of the discipline
of authority and moral coercion ; or
of the strife of passion and desire, but UPANISHAD :-
by the gentle means of unblemished A symbol the Word of God,
goodness and sincere love of Truth, that is, the expression of the Truth
thereby purging the mind of its from within the soul, in Divinely
lower qualities (old leaven). inspired symbolism.
" The word
See BREAD, CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST, upaniahad has come to
FOOD, LEAVEN, MAN (natural), MANNA, signify secret meaning, secret instruction,
PASSOVER, SACRAMENTAL CAKES, SAC- a secret.' For upanishad, derived as a
substantive from the root sad, to sit,
can only denote a sitting ; and as the
preposition (near by) indicates
in contrast to parishad, samsad (assembly)
MAN :— a
confidential secret sitting.' " — DEUS-
A symbol of the unpurified mind, SBN, Phil, oj Upanishadi, p. 13.
" The Now Testament and the Upani-
i.e. the mentality which has not
shads, these two noblest products of the
cast off its lower nature, which
religious consciousness of mankind, are
binds it to the process of incar found when we sound their deeper meaning
nation with its recurring births to be nowhere in irreconcilable contra
and deaths in the lower life. diction, but in a manner the most attrac
" Know ye not that the unrighteous tive serve to elucidate and complete
shall not inherit the kingdom of God t " one another." — Ibid., p. 49.
1 COR. vi. 9. The late Professor Max M tiller, while
The unpurified qualities, being of appreciating highly some thoughts to
the lower nature, cannot possibly bo discerned in the Indian scriptures,
: wrote despairingly of the " real diffi- highest heaven (atma) where even
: culties in the Upanishads," which he the buddhic robe is discarded.
• said, — The symbol of encirclement at
" Consist in the extraordinary number the top signifies Realisation, that
. of passages which seem to us utterly state which is perfect and complete,
meaningless and irrational. Some of and represents the consummation
the sacrificial technicalities may perhaps of endeavour. It is described as
: in time assume a clear meaning, . . . but " Osiris who encloses the Tuat,"
there will always remain in the Upanishads meaning that the Christ-soul has
a vast amount of what we can only call
gained the experience of the lower
meaningless jargon, and for the presence
of which in these ancient mines of thought planes, which enrichment is now
I, for my part, feel quite unable to enclosed within it. The position of
: account." — Sacred Books of the East, the surrounding figure of Osiris is
i Vol XV. p. xx. noteworthy, and is so depicted in
The " meaningless jargon " is, of that it represents the functions
course, the very obvious sacred through which perfection is attained ;
language in which the Upanishads the parts of the human body being
are written, the "secret meaning" of correspondentially related with the
which is not revealed through the higher centres on planes above the
physical, and it is through these
superficial researches of literalism. centres that the soul-nature develops.
See AFU-BA, BOAT (sektet), Isis,
GOD. Symbols signifying the triumph
of wisdom and buddhic emotion
UPLIFTING OF RA IN THE reflected upon the lower mental
The picture in the sarcophagus PENT.
of Setl I is emblematical of the
process of the unfoldment of the URANUS AND GAEA :—
soul and its powers ; and the actual Symbols of Spirit and Matter,
as well as potential facts of the the prime factors In the process of
case are symbolically given. Involution .
The " boat," or causal-body, is " Now Heaven
upheld, supported, or evolved (Uranus) used to liide
his children from the light in the hollows
through the powers of the universe of earth (Gaea) which both she and
(Nu), and these yield up, as It were, they resented. The children conspired
that which Is accomplished through against their father, and their mother
their agency. The symbols repre assisted them by producing iron, with
sent the ending of the path to which she bade them avenge their wrongs.
Liberation and Union,- the glorified But fear fell upon them all except Cronus,
who determined to deliver his mother
Soul rising from the underworld, or from Heaven's embraces. So when
Way of the Tuat, Into peace eternal. Heaven approached his wife, Cronus,
The astral plane (water) is armed with a sickle of iron, mutilated
depicted below the Boat to Indicate him. Thus Heaven and Earth were
the process of the soul's achieve divorced ; but Oceanus clung to his
ment in overcoming desire for the father." — JOHN RHYS, Hibbert Lectures,
lower life. The globe upheld by p. 111.
Khepera (beetle) Is the Soul In its Upon referring to Hesiod's Theogony
buddhic robe, and above this Is (166-192), it will be seen that this
the plane of Atma. story is a variation of the world
The symbols of the buddblc and wide symbolism of the separation of
physical planes, namely, Isis and Spirit and Matter at the commence
Nephthys, relinquish their powers ment of the process of evolution.
(crowns) and their functions, for Matter, it is to be understood, has,
they are no longer needed, — they
both disappear as mily a. through the preceding process of in
The Soul is received Into the volution, been thoroughly impregnated
higher space (Nut) above the Tuat, with the seeds of all qualities and
that is, it is received into the forms which are afterwards to be
evolved. The symbol of emascula FOUNTAIN, MOIRAE, NORNOR, OCEAN,
tion is therefore used to denote the SWAN, TREE OF LIFE, TUAT, TWELVE,
cessation of involution when its time WATER, YaaDRASiL, ZODIAC.
is fulfilled.
Spirit (Heaven) is said to hide in UR-HEKAU— THE MIGHTY:—
Matter (Earth) his progeny of the A symbol of the sacred scriptures
essential conditions of manifestation, as coming forth from Divine Wisdom.
which, as it were, resent their state of " The papyrussceptre Ur-hokau,
latency, and are oagor to see the light one of words of power,' surmounted
of life. Upon the dawn of mind (iron), by a piece of flesh." — BUDOE, Egypt.
Heaven and Hett, p. 52.
brought forth of Matter, the means
In Egypt, as in India and elsewhere,
for separation of Spirit and Matter
the sacred writings are the expression
appear, for the mental plane is midway
of Deity, and indistinguishable from
It. The " piece of flesh " signifies the
between the higher and lower natures.
Then it is that cyclic Time (Cronus) ia
lower nature to which the Divine
said to effect the termination of the
Word is addressed.
process of involution. Mind becoming " The other priest) holds in
active in the multiplicity of ideas pre his right hand the instrument Ur Heka
sented to it (jagged iron sickle), begins, in the form of a ram-headed serpent,
through desire, to reverse the life the head of which is surmounted by a
uraeus, and in his left hand an instru
currents outwardly, and so stop their ment in the shape of an adze. With
course inwardly. Thus Spirit and the former he is about to touch the
Matter were separated in order that mouth and eyes of the mummy, and
beings should be formed between them, with the latter the mouth " (De-scription
oj Vignette, Papy. of Ani.)— BUDOE, Book
and natural phenomena should appear.
of the Dead, p. 39.
But the Spirit of Truth (Oceanus) was The spiritual mind (priest), by means
obscured, for evolution commences in of veneration of the sacred symbols,
ignorance and error. stirs the religious consciousness so
See CRONUS, EARTH (primordial), that it perceives (eye) and expresses
(mouth) (ram)
EARTH, IRON, INVOLUTION, MATTER, (serpent) within the soul. The higher
OCEANUS, POSEIDON, PRAGAPATI RE intellect (adze) also is exercised to
LAXED, PROTOTYPES, RANGI, RHEA, discern the truth.
A symbol of the fountain of Truth
expressed in the outpouring of the
activities in the Cycle of Life.
" The third root Symbols of Wisdom and Love.
of the great Tree of " And thou shalt put in the breastplate
Life runs under the region of the Asar,
or gods. Beneath it is the Urdar or of judgment the Urim and the Thummin ;
and they shall be upon Aaron's heart,
primeval fountain. Twelve swans swim
in this fountain, and are the parents when he goeth in before the Lord : and
of the race of swans. There, too, by Aaron shall bear the judgment of the
the Urder fountain, dwell the three children of Israel upon his heart before
chief Nornor, or Fates." — Howrrr, Lite the Lord continually. — EXOD. xxviii. 30.
rature of the North, Vol. I. p. 45. In the inner nature of the twelve
Behind the Unity which precedes disciplined qualities of the soul, — the
the Duality of Time and Space is the virtues, — will be found the principles
Absolute Source of all. From It pro of Love and Wisdom, and these will
ceeds the Cycle of Life in twelve stages rest in the affections of the spiritual
of progress, or states of the Self pro mind (Aaron), when the soul passes
ducing all other states. These are inwards between each incarnation, to
subject to natural laws. the judgment of the Lord, or karmic
See ABSOLUTE, ADITYAS, ASAR, decision on results. The spiritual
CIRCLE OF EXISTENCE, FATE-SPHERE, mind when it enters the causal-body
(holy place) will bear with it the whereby the disk, as we call it, of the
moon is replenished."
fruition of the twelve virtues (children
When the Son of Righteousness, or
of Israel), and that fruition will endure.
Higher Self, manifests himself in the
lower nature, he comes forth to the
sons of God —the spiritual monads — to
effect their redemption in the life pro
cess they voluntarily undergo. To
URNA OF BUDDHA:— this end the cycle of life (motion
A symbol of spiritual Truth. of the spheres) is ordained, con
" The tuft of hair, Urna, growing taining vehicles (urns) in which the
between the eyebrows of the Buddha, Self can operate from within ; for
and which must be white as snow or the Christ cannot manifest excepting
silver." — Lotus of the Good Law. through vehicles. The twelve vehicles
Spiritual truth centralised by the are the twelve most advanced soul-
intellect and intuition is of perfect and in these the Christ
purity. germinally dwells and expands.
The " souls of the dying " are those
personalities who are translated from
URNI-TENTEN (HORUS) :— the physical or solar state in which
A symbol of the Self unified with experience is gained for purification,
atma-buddhi. to the post-mortem state on the astral
" After these exploits Ra ordered that plane, whose correspondency is the
Horus should be called Urni-Tenten, lunar symbol. The process of the
and that the enemies of himself and revolution of the soul in and out of
Horus, —Set and his confederates, — should incarnation, therefore shows the trans
be handed over to Isis and Horus for
them to do with them what they pleased." ference of the soul from the physical
—Legend of the Winged Sun-disk. to the emotional plane, and represents
And afterwards the Logos directed the condition into which the soul enters
that the Christ incarnate should be at the passing over from the physical
unified with the wisdom-love aspect, life. The moon's changes (disk) are
and that he should have conscious symbolic of the waxing and waning
access thereunto. And that conse of the desire-nature. The " replenish
quently he should now no longer ing
" of the desires is preparatory
work from the mental and causal and prior to each incarnation.
plane, but should function through See DANCE (circle), DEAD, DISCIPLES,
buddhi in order to gain complete GATHA (kam., ush.), GILOOOLEM, IN
mastery over the relative or manifest CARNATION OF SOULS, MONAD OF LIFE,
existence. This refers to evolution on MOON (lower), MOON (waxing), NIGHTS
another and higher globe of the (three), PERSONALITY, REDEMPTION,
planetary chain. REINCARNATION, SAVIOURS (twelve),
Symbols of the twelve virtues, or A symbol of the conqueror of the
highest qualities of the evolving lower principle.
" And Horua said, '
Henceforward let
the double snake diadem of Heru-Behutet
Epiphanius gives a theory of salva be called Ur-uatchti,' and it was so." —
tion by Manes as follows :— Legend of the Winged Sun-disk.
" When the Son came into the world
And now the Higher Self com
to effect the redemption of mankind, he " crown of
manded that the symbol
contrived a machine containing twelve "
urns (cadi), which being made to revolve the Kingship should be known as
by the motion of the spheres attracts the sign of him who has overcome
into itself the souls of the dying. These and done valiantly.
the Great Luminary (the sun) takes and
purifies by his rays, and then transfers
to the moon ; and this is the method serpent), HORUS, NEKHEBIT, VICTORY.
URVA, LAND OF THE RICH colour. The tongue under each eye
PASTURES :— signifies expression and activity.
" O thou
A symbol of aspiration and fruit- (Good Daimon), whose tireless
fulnesson the astral plane, through eyes are sun and moon, — eyes, that
shine in the pupils of the eyes of men !"
buddhlc transmutations.
(From a Papyrus). — MEAD, T. Q. Hermet,
See PASTURES. Vol. I. p. 84.
See EYES (Horus), LIPS, MOON,
A symbol of the gnosis, or the
path of wisdom chosen by the soul. UZUM6, GODDESS :—
See GNOSIS OF LIFE. A symbol of the emotion -nature
evolving from lower to higher states.
URVATAD-NARO :— " Then this young Goddess
A symbol of the kama-manasic I'/.nnie) commenced to tread with measure
principle. upon the circular hollow box and cause
See ZOBOASTER. it to resound ; sang a six syllable song
or charm of numbers ; and gradually
USERT GODDESS, OR POOL :— quickening her dance, such a spirit
descended on the Goddess that she
A symbol of an aspect of wisdom. loosened her dress, revealing more and
O Usert, I
have come into thee at more of her loveliness, and at last, to
the head of the house wherein divine food the intense amusement of the Gods,
is brought for me." — BUDGE, Book of discarded her dress altogether. With
the Dead, Ch. CX. the laughter of the Gods the heavens
The lesser Self has come into the shook." — The Nihongi.
sanctuary of the greater Self as Then were the re -incarnating cycles
Wisdom, and all its needs are satisfied. of earth lives full of the play and
See AMBROSIA, FOOD OF GODS, conflict of the emotions which sent up
POOL OF PEACE. vibrations to the buddhio plane.
These caused advance upon the six
USHABTI FIGURES :— fold path through harmony of qualities,
See SHABTI. and thus evolution proceeded. Then
the soul realising its needs, consciously
hastened its own progress ; the now
exalted Emotion-nature cast away the
USHTAVAITI GATHA:— bonds of opinion and convention, and
See GATHA USHTAVAITI. revealed the beauty of the Truth within
until finally all ideals were realised ;
UTCHATS,— THE TWO EYES OF and the lower nature being purified,
HORUS :— all its restrictions were discarded.
Symbols of the Individuality and Then with the animation of the Ideals
the Personality. the higher planes of atma-buddhi
" The rubric of a late chapter (i.e. vibrated.
CXL) of the Book of the Dead directs
that the amulet should be made either
of lapis -lazuli or of tnak stone. The LAR, CLOTHING, DANCE, EVOLUTION,
Utrh.it is of two kinds, one facing to FACES OF MEN, GILGOOLEM, Goos,
the left and the other to the right, and HIDING PLACE, LAUGHTER, Music,
together they represent the two eyes MUSICIAN, NAKEDNESS (higher), PATH,
of Horus, one of which, according to
the ancient text, was white and the REINCARNATION, Six, SONO, TAMA-
other black ; from another point of OUSHI.
view one Utchat represents the Sun and
the other the Moon, or Ra and Osiris VACH, DIVINE SPEECH :—
respectively." — BUDGE, Egyptian Magic, A symbol of the principle of
pp. 55, 56. Buddhi, Wisdom, the primal mani
The right, white, sun, and Ra festation of life.
utchat is the symbol of the Individu " Vach, the melodious Cow who milked
ality, and the left, black, moon, and forth sustenance and water." — Rig-Veda.
Osiris utchat is the symbol of the The Holy Spirit, Wisdom (Cow), the
Personality. Both spiritual centres of source of Divine inspiration, who
consciousness being on the mental bestows higher emotion (milk) and
plane, the blue stone corresponds in truth (water).
" There is also with the Maruts, Vak " That
progress which is in the Vahisto-
(the voice of thunder) like unto a courtly, isti Uatha the supreme Zaratust should
eloquent woman." — Big-Veda, I. 167, 3. carry on." — Shayast La-Shayast, XIII. 14.
There is allied with the spiritual egos That development of the soul which
the buddhic principle (vak), which is brought about by the functioning
expresses the higher emotions in peace of the buddhic nature in transmuting
and harmony within the soul. The the lower into the higher emotions, is
" voice of thunder " signifies the mani due to the activity of the Higher Self
festation of the higher life through in disciplining and purifying the lower
wisdom, truth, and love. nature.
" The Great Voice, ' the voice out of " For the Lord
giveth wisdom ; out of
the midst of the darkness.' It is interior, his mouth cometh knowledge and under
imperceptible, without cessation or inter standing. . . . For wisdom shall enter
ruption. It is the house of the Eternal into thine heart, and knowledge shall be
Wisdom and is female, as a house always pleasant unto thy soul." — PKOV. ii. 6, 10.
is." —A. E. WAITE, Secret Doctrine in See BARSOM, BUDDHI, HEART,
Israel, p. 50.
WOMAN. A symbol of Divine energy and
activity on the higher planes.
A symbol of the ctheric-physical VAl THE GOOD :—
plane. A symbol of Wisdom, the prin
ciple of buddhi.
A symbol of the spiritual nature, VAIMANIKA DEITIES :—
atma-buddhl, which descends into Symbolic of the spiritual egos or
the limitations of matter, in order individualities. These are said to
that the Individuality should be be " spirits moving in mid-air on
endowed with it. their vimanas or chariots," that is,
" To the king (ragan) doubtless belongs they are the human egos active on
the Ragasuya (sacrifice) ; for by offering the higher mental plane (mid-air)
the Ragasuya he becomes king ; and seated in their causal vehicles.
unsuited for kingship is the Brahmana. See AIR, CAUSAL-BODY, CHARIOT,
And, moreover, the Ragasuya is the INDIVIDUALITY, MARUTS, MONAD (life),
lower, and the Vagapeya the higher
sacrifice."— Sola. Br&h., V. 1. 1. 12. PHAEACIANS, SONS OF GOD.
To the personality (king) there VAIRAUMATI, DAUGHTER OF
is added the mental nature (rdgasuya), MAN:—
for it is through the mind that the
A symbol of faith, or sense of
personality rules the lower nature.
dependence upon the Higher.
The individuality (Brahmana) is un- " The two brothers of Oro searched
manifest to the lower nature, and through the whole of the islands from
therefore cannot rule it directly. Tahiti to Borabora but saw no one that
Moreover, the mental is the lower, and they supposed fit to become the wife
of Oro, till they came to Borabora, here,
the spiritual the higher, limitation and residing near the foot of the red-ridged
endowment. mountain, they saw Vairaumati. When
" Vaga-peya doubtless means the same they beheld her, they said one to the
as anna-peya (food and drink)." — lbid.,V. other, — This IB the excellent
1, 3, 3.
for our brother.' — Ems, Polynesian Re-
The spiritual nature is the " bread " searchet,Vo\. I. p. 231.
of goodness, and the " water " of truth, The manifesting Self in its aspects
for the nourishmentof the soul. of Will and Wisdom is said to go forth
See BRAHMANA, BREAD, FOOD, from Itself to the lower planes whereon
INDIVIDUALITY, PERSONALITY, RAOA- to seek for its evolving counterpart ;
NYA, SACRIFICE, WATER. and at length among the lower emo
tions. It finds Faith, which is a percep
VAHISTO-ISTI GATIIA:— tion of the spiritual nature which is
" Now
Symbolic of the buddhic func coming in course of evolution.
tioning of wisdom. faith is the assurance of things hoped
" " The Vaisya arc commanded to tend
for, the proving of things not seen
This intuition of Truth cattle, to bestow gifts, to offer sacrifices,
(HEB. xi. 1). ia
to study the Veda, to trade, to lend
to be the means by which aspiration is money, and to cultivate land." — Laws of
to raise the lower self. The "red-ridged I. 89.
mountain " symbolises the aspirations The desire-nature is to nurture the
which rise from the struggling lower better emotions ; to help the lower
nature. When Wisdom, Will, and nature to develop ; to give up the
Action are united 'to Faith, then is lower for the higher condition ; to
perceived the application and need submit to the spiritual law (Veda) of
of Faith in the soul to the end of the evolution ; to exchange a worse st«to
life cycle. for a better ; to assist towards the
See FAITH, HEAVENLY REGIONS, transmutation of qualities ; and to
HOA, MOUNTAIN, OKO, TAATA, discipline and make fruitful the lower
TAHITIAN, TUFABA, VAPOUR. nature (land).
Symbolic of a state of utter MONEY, RAGANYA, SACRIFICE, VEDA.
Indifference both to form and
attachment to the life of form ; a VAIVASVATA MANU :—
state in which there is not a vestige A symbol of the personality or
of selfishness or attraction towards the lower mind.
the things that are less than the Self " Manu of the present period, called
of all. Vaivasvata, is represented as conciliat
See ASCETIC, AUSTERITIES, SAMAN, ing the favour of the Supreme Being
UNION. by his austerities in an age of univer
sal depravity
" (Deluge Story). — MON.
WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 394.
VAISVANARA :- " Manu " represents the Individu
A symbol of the Divine Mind, or ality on the higher mental plane, and
the Higher Self on the mental plane. " Vaivasvata " the personality through
Thus Adyta, the sun, rises, as Vaisv4- which it works on the lower mental
nara (belonging to all men) assuming all " Manu " here signifies
forms, as spirit, as fire. . . . the golden, plane, therefore
who knows all things, who ascends highest, the lower mind which has been under
alone in his splendour, and warms us ; restraint of its out-going activities.
the thousand rayed, who abides in a The lower nature is now required to
hundred places, the spirit of all creatures,
the Sun, rises." — Praana Upanithod, I. 7, 8. be disciplined by the mind, owing to
This refers to the Higher Self mani the vehemence of the lower desires.
festing (rising) on the mental plane, See AUSTERITIES, CORRUPTION,
and producing and energising the ideal DEATH (Yama), DELUGE, DEPRAVITY,
forms of all things which actualise on LAKE, MANU, PERSONALITY, SHIP or
the astral and physical planes. The MANU.
Self is atma-buddhi (golden), and is VAJASRAVASA :—
the informing Spirit within all
A symbol of the Supreme Mani
creatures ; knowing all things, and festing Spirit, or the Higher Self.
ascending through evolution, to the " Vajasravasa, with the desire of
highest from which he had descended. recompense, offered sacrifice, and gave
He gives life to all (warms up), and is all that he possessed to the priests. He
always and everywhere present within had a son named Nachiketas." — Katha.
Vpanishad, I.
his creatures.
The Higher Self, desiring the results
of experience, limits Himself in the
manifestation of his nature, and
bestows all his powers and qualities
VAISYA, OR THE AGRICUL upon the spiritual egos or minds.
TURAL CASTE :— The son of the Highest is the Soul or
A symbol of the astral self or incarnateSelf.
desire-nature in the astral-body of See EXPERIENCE, NACHIKETAS,
VALE, LOKE'S SON :— " The Lord is God of the hills, but he
A symbol of is not God of the valleys." — 1 KINGS xx.
force or energy In 28.
astral growth.
The Higher Self is the co-ordinator
of the higher emotions, but not of the
VALHALLA :— lower mental faculties (desire-mental).
" Man's whole nature longs for fuller
A symbol of the buddhic plane of satisfaction than it can find in the dark
the soul, to which the consciousness valley of material existence."- — R. J.
rises when the strife or struggle of CAMPBELL, Serm., The Function of Faith.
life is over, and perfection has been " The angels of the lowest heaven dwell
attained. in valleys between the hills and the
" Odhin's hall, where Norse warriors mountains." — SWEDENBOBO, Apoc. Rev.,
n. 896.
who had fallen in battle renewed their " Blessed the man whose ia
martial life and feasted with the god. in Thee, in whose heart are the ways !
The hall was built round the trunk of a Who passing through the valley of weeping
tree, Laeradhr, on the leaves of which
make it a place of fountains, Yea, the
browsed the stag Eikthyrmir and the
early rain covers it with blessings." — Ps.
goat Heidhrun, from whose udders flowed Ixxxiv. 5, 6.
the inexhaustible stream of mead drunk
by the heroes of Valhalla. . . . Every day Exalted is the mind (man) in which
the champions (Einherjar) ride forth to the Self manifests, in whose centre
combat with each other on Odhin's of being is the realisation of the path
field, and each night return to feast on of Truth that leads to liberation and
boar and mead. When fresh heroes
are expected, Odhin sends to meet them eternal life. The mental qualities
at Asgardh'a gate with goblets of mead." thus raised by love and wisdom during
—Non-classical Mythology, p. 179. the soul's passage through the lower
The qualities are transmuted, or the life of suffering replenish the mind
egos are raised, to the buddhic plane, with truth (fountains). The mind
where they experience bliss. The seeking the Ideal is responded to from
buddhic vehicle (hall) is permeated by above in an outpouring of truth (rain)
the Divine Life (tree) which gives which dissipates error and illusion.
sustenance of truths of being (leaves), " If a man has ' the ways ' in his heart,
to the Individuality (stag) and the he will pass through the valley of weep
ing,' and turn it into a place of fountains.'
Personality (goat), through whoso His very tears will fill the wella. Sorrow
functioning the qualities and souls are borne as a help to pilgrimage changes
developed. Every incarnation (day) into joy and refreshment. The remem
the qualities go forth to strive in the brance of past grief nourishes the soul
which is aspiring to God. ' The early
arena of life ; and at each indrawing
rain covers it with blessings.' Heaven-
they acquire the results of effort. The descended gifts will not be wanting,
Higher Self (Odin) bestows spiritual nor the smiling harvests which they
life (mead) on those in devachan quicken and mature." — A. MACLABEN,
Expositor's Bible, Psalms.
(Asgard) who have overcome evil in " It is a meeting of water from below
the lower life. and water from above. The wells fill
See ASGARD, BUDDHICFLANE, DEATH themselves out of the ground, and the
or BALDER, EAST, HEROES, INOAR- rain comes from the sky into the pools ;
NATION OP INDIVIDUALITY, yet both from the same original source.
Never so much as in suffering does the
MISTLETOE, ODIN, PERSONALITY, TREE divinity which God gave to man come
or LIFE. out and show itself to meet the new
divinity which he sends down to it out
VALKYRIOR :— of Heaven." — PHILLIPS BBOOKS, Serm.,
A symbol of the host of heaven, Valley of Boca.
or higher nature forces of the
buddhic plane, and the higher HILL COUNTRY, KAMA, MOUNTAIN,
See BUILDERS, DEVAS (higher).
VALLEY :— A symbol of the Divine Self, the
A symbol of the kama-manas, or Insplrer of truth in the soul.
lower mind ; the mountains on " The voice of Valmiki uttered ita
each side signifying the higher poetry which the great seer Kyavana
emotions. could not compose ; and that medicine
which Atri never invented, the wise son represents the state on the upper
of Atri proclaimed after him." — Buddha- " bridge "
planes, and had occupied the
Karita, Bk. I. 48.
of lunnas (rainbow) which led to the
The efforts of the Divine Self to
communicate itself to the Soul failed plane of the desires, the heterogeneous
in the immature forerunners of the was descried, and therefrom was dis
tinguished the Soul within which
Soul. The means whereby the Divine
nature was to deliver, heal, or redeem
Faith abode, and to Faith the Self
the Soul, the Eternal is said " not to
became attached.
have invented " and applied ; since
deliverance is to be achieved through
the Son of the Eternal, that is, the VARA,— AN ENCLOSURE, FOUR
Soul itself is to be its own deliverer.
" For the
purpose of realising the nature A symbol of the lower quaternary)
of the Self, we have had to come out — the arena of life.
from our eternal home in God that we
" Then make that vara the
might strive and suffer amid the illusions length of a
of time and sense. We have to over riding-ground on each of the four sides ;
come before we can enter into the eternal and bring thither the seeds of cattle, oxen,
truth that lies beyond all seeming. In men, dogs, birds, and red blazing fires." —
that overcoming we have to master the Vendidad, II.
ftrah and magnify the spirit, despise the The Supreme now directs that the
world to save it, lose the life to find it." lower quaternary be prepared in order
R. J. CAMPBELL, Serin., Winning the
Divine Name. that the six centres of the qualities for
See ALCHEMY, ATBI, IMHOTEP, the manifestation of the Divine life
KYAVANA, MEDICINE, PHYSICIAN, may be introduced. The centres com
PITRIS (lunar), SERPENT .SSCULAPIUS. prise two buddhic (cattle, oxen), two
mental (men, dogs), two astral (birds,
VANANT PLANET :— red fires). The "length of a riding-
See MERCURY. " signifies that the
ground forms must
be of sufficient effective capacity for
VANAR PEOPLE :— the exercise of the qualities.
A symbol of the mental qualities. See ARENA, BRIDGES (nine), COURSE,
Symbolic of Illusion and Ignorance
which obscure the truth. VARENA, FOUR-CORNERED
" And Ahriman passed even into fire, LAND :—
the visible symbol of Ormazd, defiling it A symbol of the quaternary.
with smoke and vapour." — System of See THBAETONA, VABA.
Zoroaster. — J. F. CLARKE, Ten Religions.
The lower principle of relativity and VARUNA, THE INVESTING
passing into fire
" is a SKY :—
symbol of energising the matter of the A symbol of Truth-reality mani
lower planes ; whereupon ignorance festing as the Divine Will in the
and illusion accompany the process. cycle of life.
See AHRIMAN, AHUBA-MAZDA, FIBE, " Wise and mighty are the works of
FlBE OF AHBIMAN, ILLUSION, SMOKE. him (Varuna) who stemmed asunder the
wide firmaments (heaven and earth).
VAPOUR, WHITE :— He lifted on high the bright and glorious
heaven ; he stretched out apart the
A symbol of a homogeneous starry sky and the earth " (A prayer
buddblc condition. of Vaaishtha to Varuna). — Rig- Veda, VIL
" When Oro emerged from the vapour 86.
which, like a cloud, had encircled the The lower nature (Vasishtha) aspires
rainbow, he discovered the dwelling of towards the eternal Truth, in venera
Vairaumati, the fair mist cess of the
who became hia wife " (The
tion for that which transcends the
" Legend of Oro ignorance and illusion on the lower
Tahitian "). — ELLIS,
Polynesian Researches, Vol. I. p. 231. planes. The Divine Will differentiates
And when the Self had come forth between the spiritual and material
from the homogeneous condition which natures, and elevates the higher planes
above the lower in the consciousness VEDA, OR SASTRA:—
of the soul. A symbol of the " Word of God,"
See ADITYAS, ASURA, DEVAYANA, which is the direct utterance of the
NOOSE, OCEANUS, POSEIDON, TANGA- Supreme within the soul. It Is the
BOA, TLALOC, VASISHTHA. Divine law of true life on the higher
planes, as revealed in the sacred
VASE :— scriptures of all nations, symbolically
A symbol of a soul -sheath, — Interpreted.
causal, mental, or astral. " Of him who gives natural birth and
In the Egyptian picture of the him who gives the knowledge of the
Veda, the giver of the Veda is the more
weighing of the heart, the vase with venerable father ; for the birth for the
the heart stands for the causal-body, sake of the Veda ensures eternal rewards
the vehicle of the Higher Self. both in this life and after death." — Laws
See CRATER, CUP, JUDGMENT HALL. of Manu, II. 146. S. B. of E.
Of the mind which gives birth to
VASISHTHA :— the ego in the natural order, and the
A symbol of the highest aspect of Spirit which gives knowledge of the
the lower nature, or the subtler true life of the soul, the Spirit is the
forces on the lower planes of the most to be extolled ; for the birth of
soul. the ego to the life of the Spirit ensures
" Yea, the son of Sarasvati proclaimed immortality and the spiritual fruits
that lost Veda which they had never of experience and effort.
seen in former ages, — Vyasa rehearsed " Studying the Veda, practising austeri
that in many forms which Vasishtha ties, the acquisition of true knowledge,
helpless could not compile." — Buddha- the subjugation of the organs, abstention
Karita, Bk. I. 47. from doing injury, and serving the Guru
Verily, the Son of the Eternal are the best means for attaining supreme
(Atma-budclhi) declared that the Divine bliss."— Ibid., XII. 83.
Word (Veda), or law of the direct Striving to conform to the Divine
action of Spirit in the Soul, which had law, restraining the outgoing activities,
been lost and unknown to the lower seeking truth, subduing the desires and
consciousness, was to be recovered passions, refraining from direct and
in Himself. On the higher planes the indirect injury to others, and serving
law of the Spirit was known and inter the Divine self, are the true means for
preted, but the lower planes were attaining blissful heights.
" If you ask whether among all these
incapable of directly responding to
virtuous actions, performed here below,
the vibrations from above. there be one which has been declared
See ASITA, Cow OF PLENTY, GOLDEN more efficacious than the rest for securing
AGE, LAW OF BUDDHA, SARASVATI, supreme happiness for man ; the answer
is that the knowledge of the Soul (the
Self) is stated to be the most excellent
VYASA. among all of them ; for that is the first
of all sciences, because immortality is
VASUDEVA :— gained through that." — Ibid., 84, 85.
A symbol of the Divine Spirit See AMBAYAVIS, AUSTERITIES, BIRTH
operative within the soul. (second), BOAB (avatar), GOSPEL, GURU,
A symbol of the higher planes. SOMA, SOUL, UDGITHA, UPANISHAD,
A symbol of the Divine Spirit NESS :—
energising from within outwardly The organised bodies on the
in the process of evolution ; or the different planes, in which the soul
spiritual principle active in evolu abides and expresses itself. The
tion upon the higher mind. five vehicles are, — the Buddhlc, the
See BHIMA, BREATH (divine) DEVA Causal, the Mental, the Astral, and
YANA, EVOLUTION, SHU, WIND. the Physical. Sometimes a sixth ia
mentioned, namely , the Etherlc, which reception, and so this lower love
is only to a small extent a vehicle. of form life is an important factor
See CASTES, CHILDREN OF HOBUS, in evolution.
A symbol of the higher mind inac
cessible to the lower consciousness. VESSEL, OR RECEPTACLE:—
" The shrine of Minerva at Saia Symbolic of a
(whom higher or lower
they consider the same with Isis) bears form of thought, or fixed set of
this inscription, — '
I am all that hath opinions.
been, and ia, and shall be ; and my veil no "
mortal has hitherto raised. " — PLUTABCH, Moab hath been at ease from hu
Itis and Onria, § 3. youth, and he hath settled on his lees,
and hath not been emptied from vessel
It is through Buddhi (Isis), the Holy to vessel, neither hath he gone into cap
Spirit, Wisdom, that the Self works ; tivity : therefore his taste remained in
as is said, — him, and his scent is not changed." —
" I was set JER. xlviii. 11.
up from everlasting, from
the beginning, or ever the earth was." — The lower nature (Moab) at first
PBOV. viii. 23. is at ease in the soul ; there is little
The veil of the higher mind which effort towards improvement, and habit?
separates the lower self from Buddhi of thought bind down to things below.
can never be raised by mortality. The lower nature hath not passed from
Only when the mortal has put on form to form of better thought, neither
immortality will the " beautiful
" has it become ruled by the higher will.
maiden be revealed to the risen soul Therefore its inertia remnineth, and
on the " bridge
" of the higher mind.
" its intelligence is still directed only to
Horapollo says that Horus ia the Sun,
and that Isis is represented as saying, the senses and desires.
No mortal has raised my veil ; the See BEASTS (wild), CUP, GEUSH,
fruit which I have brought forth is the HYLAS, MAGICAL FORMULA, LEES,
Sun,' that is, the incarnation of Osiris.' — PITCHER, TAMAS.
GABNIEB, Worship of the Dead, p. 372.
This variation of the Isis statement VESTURES OF THE SOUL :—
has almost the same symbolism as
A symbol of the vehicles of con
the story of the nativity of Jesus. sciousness or bodies in which the
" No mortal man, etc." means, no
spiritual ego functions on the several
mental quality united with emotion planes of the soul.
is capable of producing the spiritual "Self is true ; the evermoving world
factor in the soul. Isis (Buddhi) must is false ; and the migrating souls that
be a pure virgin in order to bear Horus seem to be, and do, and suffer, are nothing
else than that one and only Self, clothed
(Jesus) ; she must be fructified, not
in the five successive vestures or tnvoiucra,
by mind, but by the Divine Self (Holy the beatific, the cognitional, the sensorial,
Ghost), in order that she may conceive the vesture of the vital airs, and the
and bring forth Horus the incarnate i in 111mi-Hi ; i MIIS vesture or visible body in

Christ (Osiris). Isis is the heavenly the world of sense." — A. E. GOUGH,

Phil, oj Vpanishad, p. 67.
virgin, the Madonna of the Catholic
Within the arena of changing pheno
Church, who holds her Divine Son in
mena the observant consciousness alone
her arms.
persists ; and the reincarnating souls
achieve their experience by means of
the mechanisms provided on each
of the lower planes. These five
vestures are : —
VENUS, GODDESS, OR THE Cognitional = Causal,
- - Mental,
PLANET :— Sensorial
Vital airs = Astral,
A symbol of astral love which being
related to the buddhic function Nutrimentitious -• Physical.
urges the Life to pour itself forth The Beatific vesture is the " robe
into the forms which await its of glory " which will be assumed by
the soul when the consciousness rises first or innermost sheath is called the
to the buddhic plane. Vijndna-maya-kosa or sheath composed
" Of this blissful vesture tenderness is of mere intellection associated with the
organs of perception. This gives the
the head, joy is the right wing, bliss the soul its first conception of
trunk, and Brahman is the tail, the personal
individuality. The second case is called
prop." — Brihad. Upanishad. '
the Mano-maya or sheath composed of
" Bird " is a symbol of aspiration,
mind,' associated with the organs of
and the Higher Self is the propeller or action. This gives the individual soul
energiser of the soul. its powers of thought and judgment.
The Cognitional vesture is the The third envelope is called the Prana-
maya or breathing sheath,' i.e. the sheath
Causal-body on the higher mind plane, composed of breath and the other vital
through which Truth is known. airs associated with the organs of action.
" Of this cognitional body faith is the The fourth case is called the Anna-maya.
head, justice the right wing, truth the or ' covering supported by food,' i.e.
left wing, ecstasy the trunk, the intellect the corporeal form or gross body ; the
the tail, the prop." — Ibid. three preceding sheaths, when combined
The Sensorial vesture is the Mental together, constituting the subtle body.
body which receives the impressions A fifth case, called Ananda-maya or
that composed of supreme bliss,' is also
made on the senses, and makes them named, although not admitted by all.
known to the consciousness. It must be regarded as the innermost
" Of this sensorial body the Yajush is of all, and ought therefore, when five are
the head, the Rik is the right wing, the enumerated, to be placed before the
Saman the left wing, the Brahmanas the Vijnana-maya."— MON. WILLIAMS, Indian
trunk, and the Atharvangirasa the tail, Wisdom, pp. 123, 4.
the prop." — Ibid. The spiritual ego (migrating soul),
This sensorial body is the organ of or spark from the Eternal Fire of
the lower mind, and its aspiration is Life, when manifesting upon the
energised from within by the spiritual planes below atma, is enclosed during
qualities signified. incarnation in five vehicles of con
" Of the body of the vital airs the breath
sciousness, which are five human
is the head, the pervading air is the right
bodies, each composed of the matter
wing, the descending air is the left wing,
ether is the trunk, and earth is the of the plane upon which it exists and
tail, the prop. Therefore there is this functions. These bodies do not fold
memorial verse : It is breath that gods over one another, but usually occupy
breathe, and men and cattle, for the
breath is the life of living things. the same space as the physical body,
fore it is called the life of all. They that without interfering with each other.
meditate upon breath as Brahman live The five bodies are, —
the full life of man." — Ibid. Ananda-maya = Buddhic ;
The Astral body is the body of the Vijnana-maya = Causal ;
" lower vital airs," namely, the in =
Mano-maya Mental ;
stincts, desires, and passions. Desire Prana-maya = Astral ;
and Love are the life-energies (breaths) Anna-maya = Physical.
of the soul. Desire is Love inverted. The highest or innermost body, that
The higher qualities (gods) are ener on the buddhic plane, is at present
gised by Love-divine, and the lower latent in humanity. The first body
qualities (animals) by desire. All to manifest is the Causal -body on the
living things have the breath of life, plane of the higher mind or higher
either higher or lower. Only those intellect. The second body is the
who exchange the lower for the higher Mental, on the plane of the lower mind,
attain to immortality. the plane of action and conflict,
" The nutrimentitious body is the outer
knowledge, reason, judgment, and
most vesture of the soul. Man in hia
visible and earthly body is made up of the strife of opposites. The third
the materials of food." — GOUOH, p. 78. body is the Astral, on the astral
The body of flesh is the passive plane, the plane of the desires, passions,
instrument of the soul, and has no and life of the lower nature which
life of its own. produces action on the lower planes.
" In the Vedanta, the
individuated The fourth body is the Physical, on
soul, when separated off from the supreme
the physical plane : this is the servant
Soul, is regarded as enclosed in a succes
sion of cases (kosa) which envelop it and, (Sudra) of all the other bodies during
aa it were, fold one over the other. The the periods of incarnation.
" The natives of West Africa are the VIBHU, HALL OF BRAHMAN :—
possessors of no fewer than four spirits
each ; the Sioux have three souls ; Symbolic of the condition previous
some Dakota tribes rejoice in the sacred to the soul's final liberation from
number four ; and the Navajos, accord the lower nature.
ing to Dr. Matthews, think of one of " He approaches the hall Vibhu, and
their souls as a sort of ' astral body.' the glory of Brahman reaches him." —
Other tribes of savages are proud of, Kaiuh. Upaniahad, I. 2.
or troubled with, no fewer than six or
seven. Taoism in China provides each
The ego enters the condition of
individual with three souls ; one remains final liberation on the higher buddhic
with the corpse, one with the spirit's level ; and then it is that the glory
tablet, and one is carried off to purgatory. of the Supreme is manifest to him, —
And lest the civilised sceptic scoff at this,
he may be asked to remember, not only
for it can never be beheld so long as
the threefold designation of the Hebrews, the thraldom of manifestation is
of the animal (nephesh), the human imposed upon the Self from which
(rvach) and the divine (neshamah) sou), the ego is indistinguishable in essence.
but also Plato's thumos, epithumia, and
nous ; or the various conscious, sub
conscious or ' subliminal,' and dual, ILYA, LIBERATION, ODOUR, SALAGYA,
triple, or quadruple selves of some modern TASTE, UNION. •
psychologists." — G. T. LADD, Phil, of
Religion, Vol. II. p. 488. VICTORY, OR TRIUMPH :—
A symbol of complete subdual of
CASTLES, CAUSAL-BODY, CHILDREN OF the lower nature with its passions,
HOHUS, CLASSES, ELEMENTS, HEAD, desires and affections, and conse
HOUSE (clan), GODS, INCARNATION OF quent liberation of the soul from
SOULS, JOB, KARANA, MAASEH, MAR the cycle of births and deaths.
RIAGE (castes), NEPHESH, NESHAMAH, " When this corruptible shall have put
QUATERNARY, REINCARNATION, ROBE, on incorruption, and this mortal shall
RUAH, RULERS (world), SAHU, have put on immortality, then shall come
to pass the saying that is written, Death
is swallowed up in Victory." — 1 COB. xv.
the end of the cycle, when the
purification of the souls has been
accomplished, the mortal lower nature
shall fall away, and the perfected indi
A symbol of the scientific mind vidualities will enter as victors into
which is related to the desire-mind.
the joy of their Lord the Christ.
" Vibhishana had fled through the air " Of Victory there ; of
Glory there. . .
from Lanka, in dread of the consequences I conquer by this my most mighty word
of the offence he had given his King which is within my body, for is not
(Havana) by counselling conciliating pro this my throne?" — l;<<<ik oj the Dead,
ceedings towards Rama. Vibhishana, on Ch. CX.
account of his local knowledge and great The Higher Self subdues the planes
wisdom, was of much service to the
Vanar host." — OMAN, The Great Indian of nature by means of the Life within
Epics, p. 64. the forms, and it does this from its
The scientific mind comes over to " throne," the causal-body.
" It is our destiny to find our place
the higher nature from serving the
lower nature, and thereby offends the in a glorious perfect Divine Humanity the
complete expression of the Christ idea
desire-mind (Ravana). The mind of of which Jesus is the norm and centre,
science being replete with facts and the express image of the Father, and
trained to accuracy, is of great use to towards the realisation of which every
the mental soul that has ever lived will in the end
faculties (Vanar host) contribute his quota of spiritual experi
which work for the Self (Rama). ence. In this work past, present, and
" Travelling " is sym
through the air future are one ; none can be omitted,
bolic of change of mind (air) by pro none can be spared. Every victory over
evil gained by an individual soul is gained
gress towards lu'gher exercise of
for all humanity. Christ is the source
mental faculty. and goal of the whole mighty process." —
See AIR, HANUMAN, INTELLECT, II. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Our Earthly Race.
FIXION (Jesus), DEATH, HIGH-PRIEST - advanced qualities in the soul. Those
8Hip, INDIVIDUALITY, KILLING our, qualities of the lower nature which bear
LIBERATION, PILLAR (temple), RE no fruit, i.e. the desires — illusory and
DEMPTION, REMISSION, RESURRECTION, transitory, — " wither away " when
SAINTS, SALVATION, SLAUGHTER, their use is ended. Every quality
SPENDYAD, STRIFE, THRONE, VOHU- which bears fruit, i.e. every high
MAN, WAR. emotion for goodness and truth, is
purified more and more by the laws
of the Supreme.
A symbol of Infinity, — the river of " In one hymn to Marduk he is regarded
life eternal. '
as the possessor of the plant of life.' In
" He comes to the river Vigara, and another hymn he is himself called ' plant
crosses it by the mind alone, and then of life.' " — A. JEBEMIAS, The Old Test.,
shakes off his good and evil deeds." — etc., Vol. I. p. 76.
" The vine is tree of life, the ideogram
Kaiish'. Upanishad, I. 2.
The perfected soul arrives at the being
wood of life ' as wine is ' drink of
life.' "— Ibid., p. 209.
border of Eternity, and crosses it by " Man has his own part to play. Let
" raft of wisdom,"
pure buddhi, the him choose Life ; let him daily nourish
and so shakes off all relativity, — the his soul ; let him for ever starve the
old life ; let him abide continuously as a
pairs of opposites. living branch in the Vine, and the True-
See ARA, LIBERATION, OPPOSITES, Vine Life will flow into his soul, assimilat
RAFT OF WISDOM. ing, renewing, conforming to Type, till
Christ, pledged by His own law, be
VIKAKSHANA,— INTELLIGENCE:— formed in him." — H. DRUMMOND, Natural
A symbol of perfect self-govern Law, etc., p. 312.
" In W. A. Inscriptions ' the divine
ment. ' '
the goddess of
" He Lady of Eden is called
the throne Vikak- '
approaches the tree of life in the Accadian of north
shana." — Kaiuh. Upanishad. I. 2. '
Babylonia ; the goddess of the vine in

The soul now approaches the the Sumerian of south Babylonia. It is

" throne," which is a symbol of clear from this that the sacred tree was
of as a vine." — SAYCB,
mastery over self, — the sign of absolute
also conceived
Bel. of Anc. Babyl., p. 240.
poise and sovereignty. " Jesus called Himself the vine, and
See BRIHAT, ILYA, SALAQYA. His disciples the branches, and His Father
the husbandman. He said, ' Abide in
VILLAGE :— me, and I in you.' They are not in
A symbol of the assembling of a Him in the same kind of way that He
is in them. And yet both always tend
few qualities. to their advantage, and not to His. For
See Ass (colt), CITY. the relation of the branches to the vine is
such that they contribute nothing to
the vine, but from it derive their own
A symbol of the desire-nature means of life ; while that of the vine to
operating from an astral centre. the branches is such that it supplies their
vital nourishment, and receives nothing
from them. And so their having Christ
VINE, AS THE TREE OF LIFE :— abiding in them, and abiding themselves
in Christ, are in both respects advan
A symbol of the Divine Ray from tageous, not to Christ, but to the disciples.
the Supreme, projected through all For when the branch is cut off, another
planes and beings, and returning to may spring up from the living root ;
Itself in spiritual fruition. but that which is cut off cannot live
" I am the true vine, and my Father apart from the root." — AUGUSTINE,
Gospel of John, Vol. II. p. 302.
is the husbandman. Every branch in " The figure of an organism is the
me that beareth not fruit, he taketh it
truest and most instructive that we can
away : and every branch that beareth frame to express the relation of the
fruit, he cleanseth it, that it may bear Divine Logos to His creatures. It is the
more fruit." — JOHN xv. 12.
figure which Christ Himself chose, and
Christ, the Higher Self, is the central which is freely used in other parts of
stem of the manifesting Divine Life the New Testament. Christ proclaimed
which proceeds from its unmanifest Himself the true Vine (not, be it observed,
the root or stem of the tree, but the Vine
root (the Father). The principal itself), of which we are the branches. The
branches on the line of return are the whole is not the resultant of the parts, but
"disciples," who typify the most their living unity. The members depend
for their existence on the life of the whole. the lower is fore-ordained by the
If it dies, they die ; if they are severed, First
they die and are no more." — W. R. INOK, Logos, who, as one who goes
Paddock Lectures, p. 98. forth under many aspects, calls all
See DIONYSUS, DISCIPLES, FATHER, the forms of His own life within His
FRUIT, GRAPES, HANGING, HOMA-THEE, universe to discharge their appointed
HUSBANDMAN, QUALITIES, SACBAMENT, tasks. And when upon each plane of
SKY, SOMA, TREE or LIFE, WINE. nature the law of cause and effect had
been set in operation, the soul-qualities
(labourers) are sent to undertake their
A symbol of the experience of business of development in the chains
suffering and sorrow. of worlds.
" And " The vineyard implies the culture of a
one of them ran,
and took a sponge, and filled it with pure spirit in man." — E. MATTLAND,
vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave The Bible's own Account of Itself, p. 64.
him to drink." — MAT. xxvii. 48. " A vineyard signifies the church, where
Through the action of a quality the divine truth of the Word is, and where
there was given to the Christ-soul the the Lord is known thereby ; because
wine signifies interior truth." —SWEDEN -
cup of sorrow which was to be drunk BORO, Apoc. Rev., n. 649.
to the dregs ; this was willingly (reed) See BLISS, BUDDHIC PLANE,
accepted under the rule of Divine law. DAWN, DAY, EMPEROR, HOUSE
" And the
vinegar which was handed HOLDER (higher), JUSTICE, KARMA,
to Him seems to me to have been a
symbolical thing. . . . the reed signified LABOURERS, MONEY, MORNING,
the royal sceptre and the divine law." — PARABLE, PLANETARY CHAIN,
pretation of Luke.
REED, SORROW, SUFFERING. A symbol of the principle or plane
VINE-POLES :— of buddhi.
" Viraj, as a kind of secondary creator,
A symbol of channels for the
expression of wisdom is sometimes regarded as male, sometime*
or buddhlc as female. Alanu (L 11) says that
emotion. Purusha, ' the first male ' was called
" And Mary said to Jesus, —
I found Brahma and was produced from the
thee in the vineyard ; Joseph was putting supreme self-existent Spirit. In I. 32,
up the vine-poles." — The Story of the he says that Brahma having divided his
Infancy in the Pistis Sophia. own substance, became half male, and
The purified lower nature perceives half female, and from that female waa
the Christ-soul in the place of spiritual produced Viraj, and that from Viraj waa
born Manu — the secondary progenitor and
wisdom, and observes the reason producer of all beings." — MON. WILLIAMS,
exercised in directing channels through Indian Wisdom, p. 24.
Viraj " as male is atma-buddhi.
which that wisdom shall find expression
in the soul. Purusha, or Brahma, is God manifest,
See BROTHER OF JESUS, CHANNELS, produced from the Absolute. The
JOSEPH (Mary), TREES AND RIVERS, division of substance is into Spirit
VIRGIN MARY. and Matter, and it is from the Matter
aspect that the buddhic plane (Viraj)
VINEYARD :— is formed. Then from buddhi (Viraj)
A symbol of the region of spiritual is produced the mental plane on. which
wisdom. It also signifies the larger the Divine Mind (Manu) creates the
aspect of the whole of nature as a
ideas of all forms for the reception of
means to a spiritual end.
" the lives.
The kingdom of heaven is like unto BRAHMA, BUDDHI,
a man that is a householder, which went
out early in the morning to hire labourers HEAVEN AND EARTH, MANTJ, MATTER,
into his vineyard. And when he had PURUSHA, SPIRIT.
agreed with the labourers for a penny a
day, he sent them into his vineyard." — VIRGIN ; VIRGINITY :—
MAT. xx. 1, 2. Symbols of the purified emotions,
The state of bliss on the higher or purified lower nature, no longer
planes as the result of victory over fructified by the desire-mind (man).
" For the congress of men for the pro " For this mystery the Naassene says
creation of children makes virgins women. is the Gate of Heaven, and this is the
But when God begins to associate with House of God whore the Good God dwells
the soul, He brings it to pass that she who alone ; into which House no impure man
was formerly woman becomes virgin again. can come — no psychic, no fleshly man —
For, banishing the foreign and degenerate but it is kept under watch for the spiritual
and non-virile desires by which it was alone ; where when they come, they
made womanish. He substitutes for them must cast away their garments, and all
native and noble and pure virtues." become bridegrooms, obtaining their true
" For it is fitting God should converse manhood through the Virginal Spirit.
•with an undenled, an untouched and pure For this (he says) is the Virgin big
nature, with her who is in very truth the with child, conceiving and bearing a Son
Virgin." — I'uu.o JUDJKUS, De Cherub., — not psychic, not fleshly, but a blessed
,-Koii " the
f 14. 15.
" What
of . 1iinr-: (Doctrines of
is the virginity of the mind T Naassenes). — HIPPOLYTUS, Philosophu-
Entire faith, firm hope, sincere charity." — mena, Bk. V.
AUOUSTINE, Gospel of John, Vol. I. p. 191. This mystery is the Celestial Abode,
" Exceeding wonderful and glorious is
— the Causal-body or World-soul where
virginity. , . . This most noble and fair
practice is the flower and first fruits of dwelleth Unity, the Higher Self, —
incorruption. We must understand that Atma-buddhi, — the Father-Mother of
virginity, while walking upon the earth, all. Into this entrance of higher-
reaches the heavens. . . . The state of
manas no lower mind, no kama-manas,
virginity, which if the goal of the incarna
tion, though all may not yet reach it " can come. Only those souls who
" old Adam,"
(Bishop Methodius). — HARNACK, History have put away the
of Dogma, " Vol. III. pp. 110, 111. and have purified themselves of their
Here, virginity on earth reaches lusts and limitations, and who have
the heavens," can be explained by transcended the littleness of their
the purified lower nature (earth) lower selves can enter in. Those who
becoming raised and united with the have cast off the lower self, or nether
higher nature (heavens), which union garments, are to be clothed upon of
is the goal of the incarnation of the the Spirit, and the love element is to
souls, or the goal of Christ the Higher be turned to the highest use in the
Self primordially involved in matter. sacrifice of such forms of thought as
" The idea of a special tie between the
would retard progress along higher
virgin soul and Christ, comes to the front
(in the works of Ambrose)." — //.,-./., Vol.
lines. For this purified lower nature
III." p. 130. is the holy Virgin, the immaculate one,
Thou Virgin Mother, daughter of thy who consecrates herself to the purpose
of bearing and bringing forth the
Humble and high beyond all other
creatures." Christ within the soul, spiritual and
— DANTE, Divina Commedia, last canto. exalted, who will heal, save, and
" The virgin and daughter of Zion is
uplift humanity throughout the cycle.
mentioned in many places ; by whom is not "With one voice Eckhart and' Tauler,
meant any virgin or daughter there, but the Ruysbroek and Suso exclaim — Arise, O
church as to the affection of good and truth, man ! realise the end of thy being ;
the same as by the Lamb's bride. Mount
make room for God within thy soul,
Zion signifies heaven and the church as to that He may bring forth His Son within
love."— -SWEDENBORO, ApOC. /.'"•.. re. 612. "
thee.' — VAUOHAN, Hours, etc.. Vol. I.
" The character of virgins is principally
p. 300.
given to those that adhere steadfastly to " Mary is blessed, not because she bore
Christ, and abhor everything that has Christ bodily, but because she bore him
any show of violating their fidelity to him. spiritually, and" in this everyone can
The apostle says,
I have espoused you become like her (Eckhart). — UEBERWEO,
to one Husband, that I may present you as Hist, of Philos., Vol. I. p. 482.
a chaste virgin to Christ (2 COB. xi. 2)." —
" The inward mind is the Virgin that
Crudtris Explanations, p. 356. conceives the Son of God, and bears and
See BIRTH OP BUDDHA, OF JESUS, brings him forth." — JOHN WARD, Zion't
" Christ, if He be ' formed within,' is
made of the woman in us, that is, the
OF MAYA. human will, growing thence, and of the
VIRGIN BRINGING FORTH A womb of human affections ; not by man,
but by the Holy Ghost, who begets that
SON:— new life, to be in due time born amidst
Symbolic of the purified emotion- beasts out of a pure virgin affection, like
nature giving birth to the Christ-soul. Mary, in us ; which is itself the fruit of
numberless other affections, somo griev and what the Son has taught us in Christ
ously defiled, as Rahab and Thamar is merely this, that we are the self-same
which have gone before." — A. JUKES, sons of "God" (Eokhart). — PFLEIDEREB,
Types oj Genesis, p. C(!. Develop, of Christianity, p. 153.
" The mystery of man ! Ho who docs " Eckhart, to quote his ipsistima verba,
not believe in that cannot enter into the represents the Father as speaking his
full glory of the Incarnation, cannot Word into the soul, and when the
really believe in Christ. Where the Son is born, every soul becomes Maria
mysterious reach of manhood touches Virgin Mary "]." MAX MtJLLEB,—

the divine, there Christ appears. . . . To Theosophy, etc., p. 520.
him who knows the hither edges of that " The love principle in the soul is the
mystery in his own life, the story of Virgin Mary, who conceives the Divine
how at its depths it should be able to and Spiritual Life. This love principle
receive and to contain divinity cannot or spirit called a virgin, because it would

seem incredible ; may 1 not say, cannot not be defiled with the world's love, but
seem strange ? . . . . Once feel the naturally loved righteousness and hated
mystery of man, and is it strange ? Once iniquity, therefore it conceived and
think it possible that God should fill a brought forth the Divine Life, which wag
humanity with Himself, once see humanity the babe Jesus." — JOHN WARD, Zion's
capable of being filled with God, and can Works, Vol. III. p. 278.
you conceive of His not doing it t Must " Only when she
(the soul) has regained
there not be an Incarnation ? So only, her virginity (purity) and become

when it seems inevitable and natural, immaculate,' can the Christ — man's

does the Christhood become our pattern. Saviour — be born of her." — The Perfect
Then only docs it shine on the mountain- Way, p. 187.
" must become
top toward which we can feel the low lines Queen Mary, and birth

of our low life aspiring. The Son of God to God must give

in also the Son of Man." — PHILLIPS If in blessedness for now and ever

BROOKS, Light of the World, p. 14. more would live." — SCHEFFLER.
" believe in Jesus Christ, who was
See ADAM (lower), ^ON, BIRTH OF

JESUS, conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the
Virgin Mary . and the third day he

(immaculate), GARMENT OF rose again from the dead, ascended into
SHAME, GATE (higher), HOLY GHOST, heaven and sitteth on the right hand of
HOUSE OF GOD, INCARNATION, MAN, God.' The Modernist does not ask for
an alteration in the phraseology of these
clauses. He acquiesces in the plain state
WOMAN. ments of fact being taught as the church's
message, but he would plead that in the
sphere of the scientific or critical intellect
CHILD JESUS :— they should not bo pressed in their
A symbol of the purified lower literal meaning. They are in his view,
emotion-nature conceiving the Christ- symbolic statements that is, state

ments which have certain spiritual values.

soul through the brooding of the
Spirit from above. ... agree that symbolism must be

admitted to apply to the language of

" And blessed is she that believed ;
religion in general and of the Christian
for there shall be an accomplishment of religion in particular — meaning by
those things which are spoken unto her symbolism the use of material images,
from the Lord " (LUKE i. 35). " Thus couched in the language of human experi
St. Ambrose says on this passage, — ence, which are not to be understood
And ye also are blessed who nave literally by the trained intelligence, but
heard and believed ; for whatsoever only as the best available expression
soul hath believed, both conceiveth and of transcendent spiritual realities." — C.
bringeth forth the Word of God, and GORE, Bp. of Oxford, art.
" Symbolism
acknowledgeth His works. In each let in Religion," Constructive Quarterly, March
there be the soul of Mary, that it may 1914.
magnify the Lord ; in each let there be " The history of the Virgin Mary and
the spirit of Mary, that it may rejoice in her functions in regard to her Son, as
God. If according to the flesh the Mother presented alike in the Gospels and in
of Christ is but one ; yet, according to Catholic tradition and ritual, are in
faith, the fruit which all bear is Christ.' " every particular those of the soul to
— I. WILLIAMS, Our Lord's Nativity, p. 49. whom it is given to be Mother of God


" Let God be active in thee, and then in man. Her acts and graces, as well as
in thy love of God art thou certain of thy his life and passion belong to the experi
bliss which can never again be destroyed ence of every redeemed man. As the
by the evils of the age. Ever and ever Christ in him delivers him from the
therein goes on the incarnation of God curse of Adam, so the Virgin Mary in
as in Christ, for the Father did not bear him delivers him from the curse of Eve,
the Son only in eternity, but ever and and secures the fulfilment of the promise
ever does He give birth to Him in the of the conquest over the serpent of
soul of him who offers himself to Him, Matter. And, whereas, as sinner, he has
seen enacted in his own interior experi life may be, from the point of view of this
ence the drama of the Fall ; so as saint, other Life it is dead. . . . The protoplasm
he enacts the mysteries represented in in man has a something in addition to its
the Rosary of the Virgin, his soul passing instincts or its habits. It has a capacity
in turn through every stage of her joys, for God. In this capacity for God lies
her sorrows, and her glories. Wherefore its receptivity ; it is the very protoplasm
the part assigned to Mary in the Christian that was necessary. The chamber is not
Evangel is the part borne by the soul only ready to receive the new Life, but
in all mystical experience. That which the Guest is expected, and, till He comes,
first beguiles and leads astray the soul is missed." — H. DRUMMOND, Natural Law,
is the attraction of the illusory world of 297-300.
" pp.
mere phenomena, which is aptly repre A Divine element, a spiritual quicken
sented under the figure of the Serpent ing, is required for the evolution of any
with glittering coils, insinuating mien, thing God-like in our mundane sphere ;
and eyes full of fascination. Yielding to it is a Virgin Birth. Lower acting upon
this attraction, through directing her lower can never produce a higher. It is
gaze outwards and downwards instead the downpouring and incoming of the
of inwards and upwards, the soul — as higher to the lower which 'produces
Eve — has abandoned celestial realities for through the lower the Divine manhood
mundane shadows, and entangled in her which leaves the brute behind. This is
fall the mind, or Adam. Thus mind and the sense in which it is true that Jesus
soul fall together and lose the power of was of Divine as well as human parent
desiring and apprehending the divine age."— R. J. CAMPBELL, The New Theo
things which alone make for life, and so logy, p. 100.
become cast out of divine conditions, and See ADAM (lower), ASSUMPTION,
concious only of material environments. BETHLEHEM, BIRTH OF JESUS, CAVE,
and liable to material limitations. This
sxibstitution of the illusory for the real, CONCEPTION, CROWN (stars), DEMI-
of the material for the spiritual, of the UKQE, EVE, EVOLUTION, FALL, GOLD
phenomenal for the substantial, consti (frank.), HEBDOMAD, HEEL, HEROD,
tutes the whole sin and loss of the Fall. HILL COUNTRY, HUITZILOPOCHTLI, IN
Redemption consists in the recovery of
the power once more to apprehend, to love, CARNATION, MARJATTA, REDEMPTION,
and to grasp the Real. — ANNA Kraos- REGENERATION, SERPENT (subtil),
FOBD, The Perject JKoy, p. 241. SIMEON, VEIL OF isis, WOMAN,
"It is well to insist upon the true
importance and value of favouring con
ditions in the production of moral
character. Without these — which corre Symbolic of ten faculties of per
spond, as it were, to a mould or matrix ception. The five wise virgins
wherein the spiritual life is conceived and signify five inner means of contact
brought forth — it is certain no result ing higher planes. The five foolish
whatever can be assured." — R. DIMSDALE
STOCKEB, The Ood which is Man, p. 130.
virgins signify the five senses.
" Nature and man can only form and " Then shall the kingdom of heaven be
transform. Hence when a new animal likened unto ten virgins, which took their
is made, no new clay is made. Life lamps, and went forth to meet the bride
merely enters into already existing matter, groom. And five of them were foolish
assimilates more of the same sort and re and five were wise. For the foolish, when
builds it. The spiritual Artist (Christ) they took their lamps, took no oil with
works in the same way. He must have them ; but the wise took oil in their
a peculiar kind of protoplasm, a basis vessels with their lamps." — MAT. xxv. 1-4.
of life, and that must be already existing. The state of consciousness on higher
Now He finds this in the materials of planes is foreshadowed in the process
The " bride
character with which the natural man
is previously provided. Mind and charac of achieving that state.
" ia the Christ, and the marriage
ter, the will and the affections, the
moral nature — these form the bases of is the union of Wisdom and Love,
spiritual life. To look in this direction for the bride being the condition which is
the protoplasm of the spiritual life is con
sistent with all analogy. . . . The mineral implied in the soul's arriving at the
supplies material for the vegetable, the higher state. The five senses have
vegetable for the animal, the animal for not the substance of love and Truth
the mental, and lastly, the mental for
the spiritual.... In this womb the new
wherewith the Spirit feeds the flame
of life in the causal-vehicle (lamp).
creature is to be born, fashioned out of the
mental and moral parts, substance, or The five higher faculties are possessed
essence of the natural man. The only of it. When the period of union
thing to be insisted upon is that in the arrives, the higher faculties, being
natural man this mental and moral
substance or basis is spiritually lifeless.
spiritual, take their part in it, but the
However active the intellectual or moral senses remain outside and are of no
avail ; they are referred to the means VISCERA, OR VITALS :—
that science provides for the gathering A symbol of the lower qualities of
of facts and approaching the Truth. the personality enclosed, as it were,
" The virgins are divided into two equal
in the skin (physical body).
numbers of five, inasmuch as the one "
These (four children of Horus) had
class preserved the five senses, which
charge of the viscera of the dead, and
most people consider the gates of wisdom,
were bound to appear at the judgment,
pure and undefiled by sins ; but the
because according to Egyptian belief, it
others, on the contrary, corrupted them
was not the divine Ego of a man which
by multitudes of sins. . . . Now the oil
sinned, but only his internal organs." —
represents wisdom and righteousness ;
WIEDEMANN, lid. of Anc. Egyptian*,
for while the soul rains down unsparingly,
and pours forth these things upon the p. 248.
body, the light of virtue ia kindled The four vehicles of the divine Ego
unquenchably." — METHODIUS, Banquet of are the causal, mental, astral, and
the Ten Virgins, Ch. III. physical bodies to which the lower
The virgins all slumbered because qualities are attached. The four
they were unconscious of the highest bodies are said to appear at the judg
" But at midnight there
happenings. ment because it is through their being
is a cry, behold the Bridegroom ! perfected that the divine Ego is
Come ye forth to meet him." Here, liberated from the lower nature. The
" midnight " signifies the period of
divine Ego, being the pure Spirit
attainment of the required conditions within, cannot sin, but in so far as it
when the union of Higher and Lower identifies itself with its manifesting
can take place. It is then that personalities, it experiences evil states
Christ appears to the wondering through the lower qualities.
and adoring soul. The thrill of His " In Indian physiology the functions of
mighty presence calls on all the the viscera are said to depend on the
faculties of the vehicles of thu ego to activities of the vital airs." — GOUOH,
Phil, of Upanisliads, p. 133.
bestir themselves. They rouse from
their sleep and look around.
(number), FIELD, FIRE, KINGDOM or
A symbol of the sixth period of A symbol of the manifesting Logos
or Higher Self, — the Divine Sacrifice
the cycle of life. It signifies the
and God-incarnate.
completion of the process of Invo " It is as Vishnu that the
lution resulting In the one perfect Supreme
matrix of Matter fully permeated Being, according to the Hindus, exhibited
his sympathy with human trials, bis
and informed by Spirit, and ready love for the human race, his respect for
to bring forth the qualities and the all forms of Rfe, and his condescension
Christ in the many souls during towards even the inferior animals as
the subsequent six periods of evolu integral parts of his creation. Portions
tion. of his essence, they assert, became in
" Methodius holds that Christ is not carnate in the lower animals, as well
arch-prophet, as in man, to rescue the world in great
only arch-shepherd and
but also archetypal virgin." — HARNACK, emergencies. Nine principal occasions
Hitl. of Dogma, Vol. III. p. 112. have already occurred in which the God
has thus interposed for the salvation of
Christ, the Archetypal Man, who is
his creatures. A tenth has still to take
perfected and dies in involution, is also place." — M. >N. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom,
the archetypal Virgo who brings forth, p. 329.
as Mother Matter, all things during The Higher Self sacrificed, or
evolution : " for in him were all things limited, himself in the process of
created, in the heavens and upon the involution, in order that he might be
earth, things visible and things in come the Saviour of the many souls in
visible " (COL. i. 16).
evolution. In all forms of life he is
involved, and he is the cause of
OF CHRIST, EVOLUTION, INVOLUTION, development in all beings. In
RACES, Six, WOMB, ZODIAC. successive periods of the cycle of
Life, he is said to incarnate in the period of evolution on the lower
lower nature (symbolised by various planes.
animals and men) for the purpose See AHURA-MAZDA, BUDDHIC PLANE,
of bringing about the development CIVILISING, DEMONS, GOLDEN AGE,
of soul appropriate to each period. INVOLUTION, CANNES, RELIGION,
Kalki, the tenth avatar, symbolises the ZOROASTER.
final triumph of the Self at the end of
the cycle. VISVAKARMAN :—
" Hail to thee, mighty Lord, all- A symbol of the Higher Self as
potent Vishnu ! Soul of the universe, the Divine sacrifice and the Incarnate
unchangeable, holy, eternal, always one Self.
in nature, whether revealed as Brahma, " The
Hari, Siva — Creator or Preserver or Seer and a Priest, who offering
Destroyer — thou art the cause of final all the worlds as a sacrifice, came down
as our Father, he, appearing first, entered
liberation ; whose form is one, yet
manifold ; whose essence is one yet among mortals, desiring wealth with
diverse ; tenuoua, yet vast ; discernible, blessing" (Rig- Veda).— MAX M«LLER,
yet undiscernible ; root of the world, yet Science of Religion, p. 162.
of the world composed ; prop of the The all-seeing and all-knowing Self
universe, yet more minute than earth's limits himself in manifesting the
minutest particles ; abiding in every universe, and in descending into
creature, yet without defilement ; im
matter to be our progenitor,
perishable, one with perfect wisdom " he
(Prayer of Parasara). — MON. WILLIAMS, becomes first the Archetypal Man in
Indian Wisdom, p. 498. order to manifest in us the higher
The manifesting Self is described as qualities, and attain through effort to
the inmost Spirit, and the Divine Life supernal bliss.
of the universe and of the human " Sacrifice ia the
necessary condition
souls of which he is the liberator and for the revealing of the highest kind
of life either in man or God." — R. J.
Saviour. He is eternal Truth and CAMPBELL, Serm., Jesus and the Life-
perfection, everlasting Love and Force.
" The last in order of time, broadly
See BOAR, CHURNING, EYE OF speaking, so far as the world-process is
KALKI, concerned, is the highest in order of
being." — Ibid., Serm., The Source of God.

A symbol of the Higher Self as VITAL AIRS, UPPER AND

organiser of the Soul in the process LOWER :—
of involution on the buddhic plane. A symbol of the life energies
" That and period) of gold is which are higher, buddhic, and
when I (Auharmazd) and thou (Zaratust) lower, astral. These become active
converse, and king Vistasp shall accept In the mind (air).
the religion, and shall demolish the "
figures of the demons, but they them From the upper vital airs Pragapati
selves remain for concealed proceedings." created the gods, and from the lower
— Bahman Yaaht, I. -1. vital airs the mortal creatures." — fiata,
Brdh., VI. 1, 2.
This refers to the first period of "
Pragapati fashioned animals from his
spiritual activity in the devalopment vital airs, a man from his soul (mind). . .
of the soul. It is the " golden age
Animals are vital airs. The soul is the
of involution on the buddhic (gold) first of the vital airs ; man is the first
and strongest of animals. The soul is
plane, and in it the Divine Will and all the vital airs, for in the soul all the
the World -soul
" converse," that is,
vital airs are established. . . . Man is
are in complete harmony in the all animals."— Ibid., VII. 5, 2, 6.
activities of life. The Higher Self From the higher outgoing energies
establishes the science of the spiritual or soul-qualities (atma-buddhic) the
life in the Divine scheme, and without Supreme created the ideals (gods), and
strife overcomes ideally the imagined from the lower outgoing energies
or arranged lower qualities which sub (astral), the instincts, desires, and
sequently are to become active in the passions.
The Supreme produced the desires VOHU-KHSHATHRA GATHA :—
from his outbreathing life on the A symbol of the causal-body with
lower planes ; an ego from his spiritual its higher mental faculties and emo
effluence. The desires are energies on tions.
the astral plane. The spiritual efflu See CAUSAL-BODY.
ence is the the highest, and is on the
plane of atma. The ego is the THE GOOD MIND :—
greatest and most powerful of emotion-
A symbol of Glorious Achievement
energies in his inmost being. The
in that the Higher Self attains his
spiritual effluence comprises all the purpose, and vanquishes ignorance
outgoing energies and qualities, for in and evil in his creation.
the ego all the life forces and qualities " The first of Ormazd's creatures of
inhere potentially, whether of the the world was the sky, and Vohuman by-
higher or the lower planes. The good procedure produced the light of
spiritual ego is a microcosm. the world, along with which was the good
" Cast off the fetters of the senses, religion of the Mazdayasnians, this was
' '
remora of desire ; and making because the (future) renovation which
your interests identical with those of happens to the creatures was known to
the All, rise to freedom, to that spon him." — Bimdahis, I. 25.
taneous, creative, artistic life which, The first plane of the manifest
inherent in every individual self, is our universe and soul is the buddhic (sky),
share of the life of the Universe. You the first production from Atma. But
are yourself vital — a free centre of energy
— did you but know it. You can move Vohuman (good thought) had pre
to higher levels, to greater reality, truer viously appeared in the ideal scheme
self-fulfilment, if you will. Though you of the Supreme, as signifying the
be, as Plato said, like an oyster in your
principle of glorious achievement which
shell, you can open that shell to the
living waters without, draw from the should bring about the development
Immortal Vitality.' Thus only — by of the manifest. Then was produced
contact with the real — shall you consciousness (light) in the union of
know reality." — E. UNDERBILL, Afytticism, spirit and matter, and the working
p. 37.
of the spiritual life (religion) which
should eventually entirely renovate
FETTERS, GODS, HIGHER AND LOWER the world and the soul.
A symbol of the Absolute, or the
First Logos, the emanator of the Symbolic of the higher nature
Higher Self (Yima,— Jamshed). calling from within to the lower
" mind. The expression of the con
Then spake Zarathustra : Reverence science in the personality.
to Homa ! Who was the first who pre
pared thee for the material world ?
" Behold I stand at the door and
Homa answered : Vivanhao was the first knock : if any man hear my voice and
man who prepared me for the material open the door, I will come in to him, and
world." — Homa Yasht. will sup with him, and he with me. He
Then the soul inquires, — Who is it that overcometh, I will give to him to
sit down with me in my throne, as I
first prepared the Divine Life for the also overcame, and sat down with my
material existence ? The reply is that Father in his throne." — REV. Hi. 20, 21.
the Absolute or First Logos under The Christ speaks from the higher
its threefold aspect of Intelligence, mind. He stands in the higher
Will, and Action, first prepared the mind and knocks at the door of
Divine for the material or manifested the lower mind. If the lower mind
world. hears and heeds the voice of the
See ABSOLUTE, CREATION, FATHER, Saviour, and purifies it self . then it will
GODHEAD, HOMA, TRIAD, TRINITY, open the door and in union with the
YIMA, ZOROASTEB. Christ will partake of the heavenly
feast. The victor over the desires and See CAUSAL-BODY, CHRIST, CON
passions of the lower nature, i.e. the QUEROR, CONSCIENCE, DOOR (higher),
individuality, will become one with EAB, EVOLUTION, EXILE, FATHER,
the Christ in the Causal-body, as the FEAST, HECATOMB, HIDING, INDIVIDU
Christ victorious in his involution and ALITY, INVOLUTION, JOB, MAN, NOISE,
evolution is one with the Unmanifest REDEEMER, SON or MAN, SOUND,
in potentiality. SUPPEB, THRONE, THUNDER, UNION,
" Voice here denotesthe divine truth VICTORY.
of the Lord from his Word." — SWEDEN-
BORO, Apoc.
" The '
Rev., n. 37. VOURU-KASHA OCEAN:—
Voice of God ' is, in Rabbinic
literature, a companion idea to the A symbol of celestial Truth, the
Shechinah. Like the latter, it is immanent Divine Reality.
immanent in man and the world." — " Tishtrya's most significant epithet is
J. "ABELSON, Immanence of God, p. 83. '
water-faced,' because he brings the
The outermost is the animal, within waters from the celestial ocean, Vouru-
are varying degrees of soul which are kasha, down on the earth to fertilise the
continually changing as the Spirit, tries soil." — Ttr Yasht.
to utter itself. Your soul is the indivi " " is a symbol of the Ego
dualised you, the compound of thoughts,
or Mind seated in the causal-body.
feelings and desires by which you give " Water-faced " signifies having a
your spirit utterance." — R. J. CAMPBELL,
Serm., God in Man. Truth-aspect, because whilst the mind
" In the call of duty we must learn to
is the great creator of illusion, it is
hear the voice of God." — Ibid., Serm.,
also a means of discerning the true.
Jacob's Wrettting.
" Amidst the animal and selfish The higher mind (the Ego) functions
of our nature, there is a Voice which through buddhi and so derives its
clearly speaks of Duty : Right : Perfec knowledge from above (Vouru-kasha).
tion. This is the Spirit of Deity in Man —
it is the life of God in the soul. This is This can only be done insofar as the
the evidence of our divine parentage." — wisdom above is interpreted to the
F. W. ROBERTSON, Sermon*, 1st Series, mind in the experiences which have
p. 213. been collected through the functioning
" The soul, by its sense of right, or its
of the Ego upon the lower planes
perception of moral distinctions, is clothed
with sovereignty over itself, and through (the earth).
thia alone it understands and recognises See ANDUISUB, BUDDHI, EXPERI
the Sovereign of the Universe. Men, as ENCES, HABVISPTOKHM, HORSE (red),
by a natural inspiration, have agreed to
speak of conscience as the voice of God,
as the Divinity within us. This principle, PUITIKA SEA, RAIN, TlSTRYA, WATEB
reverently obeyed, makes us more and (higher).
more partakers of the moral perfection
of the Supreme being." — W. E. CHANNINO, VOW :—
Likf.ne.ia to God.
" The Kaffir view of conscience clearly
A symbol of the germ of con
shows the unconscious action of memory science, or a partial conception of
images. The qualms of conscience cosmic law in the soul's evolution.
usually seem to him to come as un See CONSCIENCE, HECATOMB, OATH.
reasoned checks almost ab extra. It is
as if he suffered from some alternation VOWS, RELIGIOUS :—
of personality, or as if some faculties of A symbol of aspirations which
his soul had suddenly arisen out of the
yield results in the mind, capable of
strange hidden depths of his own person
ality and made themselves felt' (D. Kidd). directing the evolution of the in
Frequently he hears a voice." — A. E. dwelling Self.
CBAWLEY, The Idea of the Soul, p. 282. See LAW OF BUDDHA.
" Man will sooner doubt the solid
he treads on than the Voice that speaks VRITRA DEMON :—
to him through the changes and chances of the lower principle.
of this mortal life. That Voice has not
A symbol
only or even chiefly to do with passionate "In the Rig-Veda (see VI. 20, 2) the
intuitions and subconscious perceptions, demon of cloud and darkness, called
for it seems to sound as clearly and more Vritra, is either identified or associated
often in deliberate and reasoned con with the serpent Ahi ; and the god Soma
viction that this or that is right or wrong, is described as delivering over all evil
and must at every hazard be done or speakers and slanderers into the power
left undone." — H. M. GWATKIN, The of this serpent." — MON. WILLIAMS, Bt-
Knowledge oj God, Vol. I. p. 115. tiyiotix Thought in India, p. 13.
The Divine Life (Soma) requires deliver their dead over to the vultures.
those qualities of the lower mind which The personality (corpse) must be
express falsity and perversion to be transmuted and consumed by Buddhi
re-embodied and thereby placed in the (vulture) in order to liberate the ego
power of the lower principle, in order from the lower nature and raise the
to gain experience and development. consciousness to the higher planes.
See ARROWS (divine), DAKKNESS, The Parsis devoutly regard their
RAVANA, SERPENT, SOMA. Divinely inspired scriptures, but they
mistake the symbol for the reality, and
VULTURE, THE BIRD OF ISIS:— believe they are bound by the letter
A symbol of the transmuting power of the Word.
of Buddhl (I sis), whereby the lower " Sorrow comes, and weariness, and
nature (flesh), or the personality broken hopes. Sorer and heavier lies
(corpse), is consumed. the burden of life upon the shoulder, for
" Jsis cometh and hovereth over the so only can some of us be freed from that
devotion to the world, that nightmare of
city, and she goeth about seeking the self that sits upon the breast of aspira
secret habitations of Horus as he emergeth tion ; — so only can we learn the hard,
from his papyrus swamps, and she raiseth hard lesson that the invisible is the real,
up his shoulder which is in evil case. and the visible the unreal world. For in
He is made one of the company in the the darkness it is still God's pertinacity
divine boat, and the sovereignty of the that is labouring for us, it is still His love
whole world is decreed for him." — BUDGE, which says, I will not leave you, till
Egyptian Magic, p. 48. I have done that which I have spoken
The 117th chapter of the Book of to you of. What I do thou knowest
the Dead is associated with the amulet not now, but thou shalt know hereafter."
of the vulture which was placed on — STOPFORD A. BROOKE, Serm., JcKcVi
the neck of the mummy to be a pro Life.
See BIRTH OF HORUS, BOAT (sektet),
tection. The amulet was made of
gold in the form of a vulture hovering
in the air with outstretched wings and
holding in each talon the symbol of
Buddhi (Isis) " hovereth over," or
descends, as it were, to the astro -
mental centre (city) and establishes
relations with the hitherto latent VULTURE AS A BIRD OF
higher qualities which contain the PREY :—
germ of the incarnate Self (Horus) now A symbol of the Self emerging
emerging into actuality on the astro- within the soul In a terrific guise ;
mental plane (swamps). Buddhi is which means that the Divine law
able, by raising the qualities, to set of the Self is hard and obnoxious
free the directive ability (shoulder) to the lower self, which is threatened
of the indwelling Self, for the soul in with extinction.
which the Divine nature is sub See ANGER OF GOD, WRATH.
merged is in an evil case. The in
carnate Self now enters into activity VYASA, THE DISPOSER IN
amid the higher qualities in the REGULAR SEQUENCE :—
causal body (boat), and the rule of A symbol of the Divine Spirit
the whole evolving nature of humanity Atma, — buddhl — manas, as the
is assigned him. Author and Progenitor of the scheme
of things, and of the process of the
The " golden amulet in the form of
soul's development during the cycle
a vulture placed on the neck of the
" signifies the alliance of the of manifestation of the Divine Life.
buddhic function with the purified
emotions (neck) in the purified person WAGES :—
ality (mummy), so that the ego may A symbol of payment in specific
be raised to the life immortal. spiritual acquirements, for accom
The symbology of the vulture ex plished result or successful work of
plains the reason why the Parsis the lower self In developing the soul.
God has sown sometliing in you which man came then to the Lord : saw him
is to bear its fruitage, and in the reaping in a consecrated, a holy, place. And
thereof, here and now, if you are faithful what does the Lord say to him ? ' Behold,
to the vision He gives, you have your thou art made whole ; sin no more,
wages- —namely, the sweet assurance that lest some worse thing befall thee.' "—
you have won something worth the AUOUSTINE, Gospel of John, Vol. I. p. 245.
winning, for earth and heaven. . . . And See FEET, FOOT, HID ING, JERUSALEM,
your wages in the service of God are that MORROW, THREE (number).
you are found worthy, made capable, of
doing God's work just where you stand." WALKING UPON THE WATER :-
— R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Reaping JOT
Eternal Lije. A symbol of making progress
See HOUSEHOLDER, JUSTICE, against a tide of astral desires and
HARVEST, VINEYARD, WORK. "And in the fourth watch of the night
he (Jesus) came unto them, walking upon
WALK :— the sea." — MAT. xiv. 25.
A symbol of progress or advance This happens only after the Christ
in development. has realised that He is able to save to
See FEET, FOOT, STRIDES or SOUL. the uttermost the striving qualities ;
and therefore his preceding prayer
WALKING DAY BY DAY :— upon the mountain is alluded to.
Symbolic of stages of the soul's After the Christ-soul has sought
activities upon the lower planes. strength from above, he stems the
" I must walk to-day and to tide of the astral plane, and comes to
morrow, and the day following : for it the aid of the toilers of the night who
cannot l>e that a prophet perish out of are fighting desperately hard — he being
Jerusalem." — LUKE xii. 33.
This refers to the strenuous nature a great way off. So it is with many that

of the process of perfectionment which at times of stress, the Christ within,

is arrived at through the activities who seems far away, is in reality only
upon the lower planes whereon the gathering power from above, which
shall be used to aid the lower nature
perfecting of the Christ-soul is fore
shadowed, and from which it, as it in its efforts to unite itself with the
" fourth watch "
were, proceeds. Then having proceeded higher. The signifies
to the state signified by "Jerusalem," the fourth sub-plane of the astral
the soul cannot perish but must have plane.
everlasting life.
" Jesus eaith unto him, Arise, take up ON SEA, WATER (lower).
thy bed and walk." — JOHN v.- 8.
Christ exercised his spiritual power WALKING WITH GOD :—
within the soul and released it from A symbol of the potential life of
impediments to progress. the unmanlfest.
" We bear our neighbour, and walk "And all the days of Enoch were three
towards God ; but Him, to whom we are hundred, sixty and five years. And
walking, we do not yet see : for that Enoch walked with God : and hn was
reason also, that man did not yet know not, for God took him." — GEN. v. 23, 24.
Jeaua. It is difficult in a crowd to see " Enoch walked with God " is a
Christ : a certain solitude is necessary
for our mind ; it is by a certain solitude symbol of the latent individuality on
of contemplation that God is seen. A the higher mental plane, which is
crowd has noise ; this seeing 'requires able to survive the attached person
Take up thy bed — being alities with their terrestrial incarna
thyself born, bear thy neighbour ; ' and
walk,' that thou mayest come to the tions and their first (physical) and
" days
rDo not seek Christ in a crowd ;
excels all crowd. . . . Even now as
yet thou knowest not Jesus, nor yet
second (astral) deaths. The 365
of Enoch
" indicate the length of the
solar year, or Zodiac, a symbol of
seest Jesus : what follow thereafter T
the great cycle of life, during which
Since that man desisted not from taking
up his bed and walking,
Jesus seeth the individuality (Enoch) is permanent
" "
him afterwards in the temple.' The Lord in the soul. He was not means
Jesus, indeed, saw him both in the crowd that the individuality was not yet in
and in the temple ; but the impotent manifestation.
" God took him," or
man does not know Jesus in the crowd, " he abode in God," signifies that
but he knows Him in the temple. The
individuality was potential — or yet in initiation is possible only after great
the bosom of the Absolute.
" Jared," advancement, as the acquirement of
his father, is a symbol of the Divine conscious power over the physical
source of Light and Life. plane is incapable of being wielded by
See ENOCH, INCARNATION or SOULS, any but a highly evolved adept with
INDIVIDUALITY, NOAH, PERSONALITY, complete knowledge of the relation of
YEAR, ZODIAC. subjective thought to the form-life of
physical nature.
WALKS, SIX:— " On this fifth walk I ask from thee,
Symbolic of strides of progress O Homa ! who expelled death, that I
on the lower planes, between six may stand forth as victor and conqueror
initiations on plane after plane. in battle upon the earth, putting doirn
" On this first walk I ask from thee, troubles and annihilating the destructive
O Homa ! who expellest death, the best
of the righteous, the
The fifth initiation is that increase
life (paradise)
splendid, the all-radiant with its own of faculty which comes from the
brilliancy." — Homa Yasht. buddhic awakenment, and this gives
The " first walk " is the first initia victory over lower conditions through
tion. The aspiration of the ego is for the exercise of wisdom. The critical
life which shall endure and contribute intellect is exchanged for the higher
to the permanent advancement of buddhic faculty.
the soul-state. This initiation occurs " On the sixth walk I ask from thee.
upon the astral plane, and is due to O Homa ! who expellest death, that we
may first become aware of a thief, mur-
the attainment of perfect adjustment murderer, or wolf ; may no one else
of the functioning upon the plane become aware of him sooner ! may ire
immediately above, i.e. the mental, become aware of everything first."
which admits of the vibrations being The sixth initiation corresponds to
steadied so that they transmit them the introspective character begotten
selves downward again to the lower of right contemplation, which detects
vehicle. every lurking desire, or lower quality,
" On this second walk I ask from thee, in its first attachment to the soul,
O Homa ! who expellest death, the health so that no future personality be needed
of this body."
to draw it forth. This initiation is a
The second initiation corresponds to
sign of true self-government, in that
complete mastery by the ego of the
the Self triumphs as it realises the
astral vehicle with its instincts, desires
true source of its power, and learns
and passions, so that the soul is no
to fulfil itself. This initiation is from
longer disordered by strife.
" On this third walk I ask from thee, the atmic plane.
O Homa ! who expellest death, the long See ADEPT, ANAGAMIN, AJRHAT,
life of the soul." ASEKA, ASTRAL PLANE, ATMA, AT
The third initiation is that which TACHMENT, BUDDHIC PLANE, CAUSAL-
is to contribute understanding of the BODY, CONJUNCTION, CONQUEROR,
true function of the mental body. DEATH, DEVACHAN, EARTH, FORTU
The " long life of the soul " is the NATE, HOMA, INCARNATION or
prolongation of the life on the mental SOULS, INITIATIONS, INTELLECT, MAN
plane. It is the extension of the (righteous), MURDERER, PERSONALITY.
devachanic period — the period between PLANES, REINCARNATION, STRIDES or
two incarnations. SOUL, VESTURES, VICTORY, WOLF.
" On this fourth walk I ask from thee,
O Homa ! who expellest death, that I WANDERERS, OR WAYFARERS :—
may stand forth at will, powerful and
successful upon the earth, putting down Symbolic of egos in their periodi
troubles and annihilating the destructive cal descents into incarnation, in order
powers." to gain experience in the lower life.
The fourth initiation is a comprehen " If the Kind One look with kindness
sion of the mysteries attending the then is the True Guru obtained. The
perfect controlling of the activities of soul hath wandered through many births,
and now the True Guru hath communi
the physical plane, which implies cated the Word. There is no benefactor
intellectual command of the will from RO great as the True Guru." — MACAULJFFK.
the causal sheath downwards. This The Sikh Religion, Vol. I. p. 223.
The Christ (True Guru) bestows the the devil. . . . Tho time conies when,
Spirit (Word) when tho soul has gained without a hesitation or misgiving, the
suldier of God sees that he may strike,
its experiences, and entered into tho and muy call every good power to witness
joy of its Lord. that he does right in striking. Then it is
" My God will cast them away, because evident that his plunging of his sword
they did not hearken unto him : and they in the eternal righteousness has not
shall be wanderers among the nations." — merely made it powerless for evil, but
Hos. ix. 17. has made it fiery for good." — PHILLIPS
As long as the chosen qualities BROOKS, Serm., The Sword Bathed in
(Israel) do not unite with the higher
but follow the lower, they are con
demned to incarnate FLICT, CONQUEROR, FINGERS, GOATS,
among other
groups of qualities less advanced than
Symbolic of love and hate.
Symbolic of conflicts between the WARP AND WOOF OF THE
higher mental qualities and the UNIVERSE :—
lower emotions and desires. Also
of the activities of the Higher Self Symbolic of the organisation of
in subduing the lower nature, for spirit-matter on the buddhlc plane
" the Lord is a man of war." as the pattern for the external
" Blessed be the Lord my strength universe.
which teacheth my hands to war, and
my fingers to fight." — Ps. cxliv. 1. CAPAC.
The soul acknowledges that all
power .to subdue the lower nature
comes from the Higher Self, and that A symbol of intellect and emotion
it ia through the disciplining of the in conflict.
" Yea, He rest to the twin
qualities by the Christ that a successful gives
warriors, who are their wardens, because
struggle can be carried on, and the
He mourns on account of their wars ;
Divine ends be accomplished. yea, he crushes out the things that hinder
" By wars in the Word are signified
the littlo ones, He places a limit to the
spiritual wars, which are wars of truth hurtful power of the shining forms
against falsity, and of falsity against (Khus)."— Boot of the Dead, Ch. CX.
truth ; wherefore by weapons of war, The Self is the means of affording
auch things are signified as are made
peace for the
" twin warriors," inas
use of in spiritual conflict." —S\VEIM:N-
BOBO, Apoe. Rev., n. 52. much as intellect and emotion can
" Only when we see sin as God sees it,
never agree excepting as they take
only then can we be sure of using no refuge in the Self — the mind then
weapons that are not divine, for ita re
moval. Only when pity for it joins with being sublimated and the emotions
horror at it in our hearts, as they join purified. The Self is the means of
in the heart of God, each keeping the dispelling the illusions which are due
other strong and pure, only then can we to the imperfect conceptions of the
go out to meet it with a perfect determina
tion, bound never to lay down our arms immature individualities or un-
BO long as there is any sin left in the world, awakened minds. The Self by limit
and, at the same time, with an absolute ing its own manifestation is also the
conviction that no impatience to rid the means of preventing the attraction to
world of sin must tempt us for a moment
to use any means for its destruction the form-side of life from alluring the
which are not pure and just : an absolute personality to destruction.
conviction that it is better that sin should See ARMY, GREEKS, KHUS (lower),
be left master of the field, than that it LITTLE CHILDREN, SOLDIERS, TROJANS.
should be fought with sin. . . . Never try
to set a wrong right by another wrong. WASHED THE FEET :—
You are only putting off the day when
the true right shall be established. Never A symbol of purification of the
fight God's battle with any weapon of progressive soul by truth (water).
" Jesus saith to him. He that is bathed His tenderness, His mercy, His love.
needeth not save to wash his feet, but is These must be in us, they are no use
clean every whit." — JOBN xiii. 10. anywhere else ; they are healing streams
We stand upon the feet — the pro from the fountains of Eternal Purity, to
carry life and health to our souls." —
gressive lower activities of every -day
T. Kiio-si'! A WILLIAMS, Senn., Redemp
life— and these correspond to the tion.
foundation of our being ; when that is " Even in Greece itself, though the
purified, the
" washing " is complete. doctrine (of the ' blood of God ') waa
" To wash the feet is to purify the utterly perverted, it was not entirely
natural man ; and when this is purified, lost. As Servius tells us that the grand
the whole man is also purified. The purpose of the Bacchic orgies was the
natural or external man is purified purification of souls,' and as in these
when he shuns the evils which the spiritual orgies there was regularly the tearing
or internal man sees to he evils." — asunder and shedding the blood of an
SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Rev., n- 49. animal, in memory of the shedding of
" Our human feelings themselves, which the life's blood of the great divinity
are inseparable from our mortal life on commemorated in them, could this
earth, are like feet wherewith we are symbolical shedding of the blood of
brought into sensible contact with human that divinity have no bearing on the
affairs ; and are BO in such a way, that if purification ' from sin, these mystic
we say we have no sin, wo deceive our rites were intended to effect ? We have
selves, and the truth is not in us. And seen that the sufferings of the Babylonian
every day, therefore, is He who intcr- Zoroaster and Belus were expressly
cedeth for us, washing our feet : and represented as voluntary, and as sub
that we, too, have daily need to be mitted to for the benefit of the world,
washing our feet, that is, ordering aright and that in connection with the crushing
the path of our spiritual footsteps." — of the great serpent's head. If the Grecian
AUGUSTINE, Gospel oj John, Vol. II. p. 198. Bacchus was just another form of the
See BAPTISM, FEET, FOOT, FOOT Babylonian divinity, then his sufferings
and blood -shedding must have been
STEPS, MAN (natural), WALK, WAI-KINO represented as having been undergone
DAY BY DAY, WATEK. for the same purpose — viz. for the purifica
tion of souls." — A. HlSLOP, The Tteo
WASHED IN THE BLOOD OF Babylons, p. 71.
A symbol of the soul purified LAMB, CRUCIFIXION OF CHRIST, DIO
through the involved Divine Life NYSUS, INCARNATION, LAMB OF GOD,
which rises up from within, restoring MEDIATOR, PASSOVER, PERSONALITY,
Christ, the Divine Sacrifice, the TAUROBOLIUM, TRANSUBSTANTIATION.
incarnate Son of God, is latent or
potential in the lower nature (flesh)
of every soul, and becomes the
Saviour as he is brought into actual Symbolic of the lowest aspects of
the soul's lower desires, passing
being by the aspirations and efforts
Into dissolution and dissipation.
of the personalities. Those egos who
have eventually transcended their WATER (HIGHER ASPECT) :—
lower selves are " washed," that is, The great symbol of Truth or
cleansed, from imperfection and the eternal Reality and source of
become spiritual, so that they all manifestation. Water suggests
inherit eternal life as a result of unity, absence of parts, compre
the previous sacrifice of Christ or hensiveness, purity, motion ; also
disappearance in evaporation below,
involution of Spirit in Matter.
" ' The blood of Christ ' and outpouring from above in rain
(that is, the
given life, the sacrificial spirit of Christ), to fertilise the earth.
who through the Eternal Spirit offered
" Now that truth Agni's
(of mouth)
Himself without blemish unto God, shall the same as the waters, for the waters
are the truth. Hence they say, Whereby
cleanse your conscience from dead works
to serve the living God (HEB. ix. 14). the waters flow, that is a form, of the
You notice that the effect of the sacrifice truth.' It is the waters indeed that were
of Christ is an effect in the conscience, made first of this universe. Hence when
in the inner nature of man. Christ must the waters flow, then everything what
live within us as a great cleansing, sancti soever exists is produced here." — Sato.
fying presence, and as a power of consecra Br&h., VII. 4, 1, 6.
" In the
tion to the service of God. What are the beginning this (world) wu
merits of Jesus ? His truth, His faith, water. Water produced the true, and the
true is Brahman."— Brihad. Upanishad, "
Compounding the water from five
V. 5. 1. springs in unyielding brass, cleanse the
"I am the great God who created hands." — Empedocles, FAIRBANKS, 442.
himself, that ia to say, I
am Water, This refers to the truth (water)
that is to say, Nu the father of the gods,
or as others say, Ra the creator of the which may proceed from either one
names of his members which turned into or more of five avenues of sense, and
the gods." — Papyrus of Hunejcr, XVII. must be sifted and defined by mind
"And (the more learned among the
priests) think that Homer, like Thales, (brass) ere it may be acted upon
had learnt from the Egyptians to lay (hands) to advantage.
down that Water was the beginning and
" The prophet exclaims, '
Praise the
origin of all things, for that his Ocean ia Lord, ye heaven of heavens, and the
Osiris, and his Tethys lais, as nursing water that is above the heavens ' (Ps.
and helping to breed up all things." — cxlviii. 4). Nor is this the only thing
PLUTARCH, Isis and Osiris, § 34. that proves the dignity of the water.
" Water and earth— these were the two But then is that which ia more honourable
elements out of which the old inhabitants than all — the fact that Christ, the Maker
of Eriilu believed the world to have been of all, came down as the rain (Hos. vi. 3),
formed. It was the theory of Thalea in and was known as a spring (JOHN iv. 14),
ita primitive shape." — SAYCK, Bel. o/Anc. and diffused Himself as a river (JOHN vii.
Babyl., p. 139. 38), and was baptized in the Jordan." —
" HIPPOLYTUS, Holy Theopliany, § 2.
Water is the first element in the
" Zi-Kum, ' the
mundane system of the Chinese." — KIDD, spirit of the sky,'
China, p. 161. ended by becoming a symbol of that
" The emanation which the primordial deep from which Ea had
creation of the universe is like water derived his wisdom, and whose waters
gushing out from its source and apreading were above the visible firmament as well
over everything near " (The Gcberot). — as below it." — SAYCE, Rel. of Egypt, and
MYER, Qabbalah, p. 195. Babyl., p. 307.
" " ' He bindeth
Plotinus compares the Cause of all up the waters in his
things to an overflowing spring which by thick clouda, that they should not burst
its excess gives rise to that which comes forth alike beneath ' (Joa xxvi, 8). For
after it (Enn. V. 2, 1). This similarity pro- what does he call ' the waters ' in this
duces the next, and so forth, till at length place but knowledge ; what ' clouds '
in matter pure indetermination is reached." but the Preachers ? For that in Holy
—T. WRITTAKKR, Neo-Platonists, p. 66. Writ ' water ' may sometimes be a term
" The oldest element with the Indians used for knowledge, we have been taught
is water. In Rig-V., X. 121, 0. Pragdpati by Solomon bearing witness to it, who
' '
begets the great sparkling waters.' says, The words of a man's mouth are
These again appear in Itiij-V., X. 82, 1, as as deep waters, and the well-apring of
the primeval slime in which in the begin wisdom as a flowing brook " (PROV. xviii.
' '
ning heaven and earth were plunged ; 4). That by water knowledge is denoted,
and in Rig- V., X, 72, 4-6, as the ' wave the Prophet David bears witness, saying,
' '
surge that is identical with Aditi, etc. Dark water in clouds of the sky '" (Ps.
In the Upanishada also the conception of xviii. 11), i.e. secret knowledge in the
the primeval waters still survives. The Prophets. . . . But by the name of
waters are the body of that prana ! clouds,' what else is denoted in this
(Brihad. Upanishad, I. 5, 13). This earth, passage (of Job) but the holy Preachers,
the air, the heavens, the mountains, gods i.e. the Apostles, who being despatched
and men, domestic animals and birds, in every direction through the regions of
vegetables and trees, wild creatures down the world, both knew how to shower in
to worms, flies and anta, are nothing but words, and to flash forth in miracles f " —
the water under solid conditions ' (Chdnd, GREGORY THE GREAT, Morals on the Book
VII. 10, 1)."— DEUSSEN, Phil, of Upani- of Job, Vol. II. p. 301.
shails, p. 190.
" The Spirit of God is still in the Waters
" Sarasvati evolved from a river- surrounding the Earth ; and when Spirit
goddess into a goddess of wisdom. In and Water cease to be closely united,
Celtic myth we find knowledge and the Divine Spirit will rise out of the Water,
inspiration associated with running and the end of the world will come." —
water." — Non-classical Mythology, p. 151. Doctrine of the Slovak*.
"The text (REV. xxii. 17) speaks not " The living water in the
of earthly water. No doubt the words theology would appear to have signified
' Water of Life ' have a the same thing (as in JOHN iv. 13, 14) ;
spiritual and
mystic meaning. They had a spiritual it was in their doctrine the symbolical
and mystic meaning already among the support of eternal life to all who received
heathens of the East — Greeks and bar it, along with the fruit of the Tree of Life
barians alike. . . . And water— with its which grew in the paradise of Osiris." —
life-giving and refreshing powers — what BARLOW, Essays on Symbolism, p. 62.
better symbol could be found for that " Waters denote truths, and
in the
which would keep off death ? " — Ca. opposite senae falsities." — SWEDENBORO,
KINOSLEY, Water of Life, p. 3. Arc. Cel., n. 10, 227.
" That waters signify truths, and the duty element in the conduct of
specificallynatural truths which are life. It is a transmutation of the
knowledges from the Word, is evident lower mental into the higher spiritual
from many passages in the Word." —
SWEDENBORO, Rev., n. 50.
condition of soul.
" Thus the Spirit of God, which is
" The ' beginning of miracles ' JOHN i.
Original Life, is always moving upon 11) for the Man Regenerate is al ways
the face of the waters, or heavenly the transmutation of the ' water ' of his
deep, which is original Substance." — The
' '
own Soul into the Wine of the Divine
Perfect Way, p. 178. Spirit."— The Perfect Way, p. 229.
" But by the Divine power the water
(avatar), CHILDREN or HOBUS, DARK- is changed into wine when perfect love
casts out fear." — ST. BERNARD, Kerm. I,
NKS> (higher), DELUGE, EA, EGINA, in Dom. I, post. Oct. Ep.
FLOOD, GAKHAPATYA, HOUSE or " By these nuptials and by wine, He
BONDAGE, IRRIGATION, JOBD AN, LAW OF signified the union, and as it were, the
BUDDHA, MOIST ESSENCE, NABAYANA, marriage of our soul, through grace and
charity, with God." — C. A LAPIDE, Great
NILE, Ntr, OCEAN, RAIN, SERPENT Comm. St. John, p. 90.
(ananta), SUN (moon), THIRST, VOURU- "
The miracle apart, there lies some
KASHA, WASHED (feet), WELL, YIMA. thing mysterious and sacramental in the
very fact. Let us knock, that He may
WATER (LOWER ASPECT):— open to us, and fill us with the invisible
wine : for we were water, and he made
A symbol of the astral plane in us wine, made us wise ; for He gave ua
which are errors and illusions, — the wisdom of His faith, whilst before
the inverted or distorted reflections we were foolish." — AUGUSTINE, Gospel oj
of truths. John, Vol. I, p. 115.
" When the author of this
"And God said, Let the waters under (fourth)
gospel asked himself what Jesus had done
the heaven be gathered together unto for them, he conceives of His work as
one place, and let the dry land appear : the transmutation of the common ordinary
and it was so." — GEN. i. 9. life into a thing of spiritual value and
And the Supreme now directs that religious reality, that is, He made water
the " waters " under the higher nature, into wine. If this be the meaning of the
namely, the astral matter (green sea), story of the miracle at Cana, it is much
more valuable than if we took it in a
shall be organised, so that preparation literal sense. To believe that Jesus on
shall be made for the " dry land,' one particular occasion turned literal
namely, physical matter, to appear ; water into wine would not be a religious
and so it came about. belief at all, nor of any value for religion
" Loke frequently changed himself by now. But to believe that He, by th»
day into the likeness of a salmon, and spiritual quality of His mind, showed the
then concealed himself in the waters of deeper meaning, and brought out the
divineness, of the common ordinary life,
the Frananger Force." — Prose Edda.
is to recognise a truth of daily importance
The lower self or desire-mind (Loke) for ourselves." — T. RUONDDA WnxiAiis,
varied its aspects on the astral plane. Serm., Miracle oj Cana.
The " day " is a symbol of a period See CANA, DISPENSATIONS, SACRA
of kama-manasic activity, and the MENT, TRANSMUTATION, WINE.
"night" signifies the submergence of
the experiences with which the soul WATERPOTS OF STONE, SIX :—
identifies itself. Symbolic of six vehicles of con
" Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with,
sciousness .
and the well is deep" (JOHN iv. 11). " Now, there
" Tropologically, St. Augustine • ' The were six waterpota of
water in the well,' he says, ' is the pleasure stone set there after the Jews' manner
of the world in a dark abyss, which men of purifying, containing two or three
draw with the pitcher of desire. For this firkins apiece." — JOHN ii. 6.
makes men always to thirst, because The six vehicles of the consciousness
cupidity is insatiable.' " — C. A. LAPIDK, or spirit (stone) are the physical
Great Comm. St. John iv. p. 138. etheric, astral, mental, causal, and
See ASHES, DOVE, FLOOD, HEALING buddhic ; which are formed for the
(epileptic), NAVIGATION, Ru, SEA, growth and purification of the qualities
THIRST, WALKING UPON WATER. (Jews), that they may attain perfection
WATER TURNED TO WINE:— (three) through strife of the oppositcs
A symbol the substitution of
of " It was by waking the Soul that Jesm
the divine life or love element for would change the world for men, turn
the common into the heavenly, the water WAY OF DEATH:—
into wine. Everything is different to the
man who realises the soul. All values A symbol of the personality
are changed ; all things are put in a new engaged in following after the
scale, fall into a new perspective, appear transitory attractions of the lower
in a different light. Fill the vessels at life.
the command of Christ, and then draw, " Behold, I set before you the way of
and you will find that the water has life, and the way of death." — JER. xxi. 8.
become wine. . . . Nothing can be ordi " For the Lord knoweth the way of the
nary after this ; life is transfigured, the righteous : but the way of the ungodly
water is turned to wine, the marriage shall perish."-— -Ps. i. 6.
feast of the soul is consummated in
perfect union with God." — T. RHONDDA
The perfected soul (righteous man)
WILLIAMS, ibid. is described as immortal, under the
See CANA, JEWS, MARRIAGE, STONE, figure of an everlasting fruitful tree
UNION, VEHICLES. by the waters (truth) ; while the
desires (the ungodly)
" are like the
WATER FROM HEAVEN IN TWO chaff which the wind driveth away,"
that is, the husks from the heavenly
Symbolic of the outpouring of harvest are dissipated by the spirit.
Truth and Purity from the higher
MAN (bad), MAN (righteous), PEB-
"As Boon as Buddha was born, the
thousand-eyed Indra, well pleased, took
him gently, bright like a golden pillar ; and WAY OF DELIVERANCE :—
two pure streams of water fell down from
heaven upon his head, with piles of Man- A symbol of the Self whose mani
dara flowers." — Buddha- Karita, Bk. I. 27. festation in the soul brings about
Directly the Self or Soul was brought Its liberation from the lower nature.
forth in the period of involution, the " Jesus saith unto him, I am tha way,
Infinite Spirit bore the Soul toward and the truth and the life : no one
the planes whereon its development is cometh unto the Father but by me." —
JOHN xiv. 6.
to be accomplished. It appeared, as The indwelling and partially mani
it were, radiant and pillar-like — erect fest Self explains that its further
and forming a link between the higher
manifestation in the soul is the path
nature and the lower. Forth from
to the unmanifest Self (the Father),
atma-buddhi issued two clear streams,
and that it is only through the mani
symbols of Truth and Purity, which
fest that the unmanifest can be
were to clarify the Soul through the
" approached by the evolving souls of
mind (head). The " flowers signify
the virtues with which the Soul is
potentially endowed. HlOHER AND LOWER SELVES, INCARNA
TION, LOST (forest), PATH (twofold),
SELF, SOUL (middle), WORKS (path).
A symbol of the realisation of
A symbol of the surgings of the
the path which leads the minds
lower emotion - nature, with Its
and mental qualities unto life eternal,
passions and desires on the astral — namely, Truth.
plane (sea). " Wait on the Lord and keep his way,
" The mind of man ia the sea, and the
and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land ;
thoughts of his mind, as it were, a wave when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt
of the sea ; which sometime swell in see it." — Ps. xxxvii. 34.
anger, are made calm by grace, and
from hatred run out in bitterness ; but
The disciplined mental qualities are
when man dieth, ' the waters of the sea exhorted to be steadfast in well-doing,
fail' (Jos xiv. 11), in that' according to so that the Higher Self may exalt
the words of the Psalmist, in that very' them to their inheritance above.
day his thoughts perish (Ps. cxlvi, 4). When the lower desires are cut off
— ST. GREGORY, Morals on the Book of
Job, Vol. II. p. 51. from them, then they shall become
See SAILS (black ship), SEA, SHIP ON conscious on higher planes. The
SEA, STORM OF WIND WHALES. desires (wicked) pass away and are
dissipated, but the higher mental standing, so that the Soul and Wisdom
nature, buddhi-manaa (the perfect are united to the Self and may come
man), enters into peace. (See verses into their inheritance (treasuries) which
35-7). has been laid up for them from the
(forest), MAN (bad), MAN (righteous), " God's name is the
pure wealth :
PATH (birds), QUALITIES, TBANSMUTA- God giveth it through the Guru"
Vol. I. p. 275.
That which distinguishes the Higher
WAY OF THE MIDST:— Self is his endowment of spiritual
A symbol of the astral plane. potencies, and this will be conferred on
the soul through its indwelling Lord.
See MIDST (way). " The inner wealth of the soul,
the spoil
WAYFARING of its struggle in this world of sense,
MEN:— will be life's great survival after its last
A symbol of the egos or souls grim fight with death."— J. BRIEHLEY.
which descend Into Incarnation for Studies of the Soul, p. 224.
transitory lives in the lower nature. See HEIR, HUSBAND (good), KUVERA,
" The way of holiness ; the unclean MAN (rich), MERCHANDISE, NALA,
•hall not pass over it ; but it shall be for POVERTY, RICHES, SINGERS, TISTBYA,
those, the wayfaring men, though foola VlSVAKARMAN.
shall not err therein." — ISA. xxxv. 8.
The path of truth and righteousness WEALTH SHOWER:—
is the higher mind to which only the A symbol of the higher qualities
purified souls can rise. It is for the forthpoured by buddhl upon the
spiritual egos who gain experience soul.
through many lives ; but the per " Now, as to this same shower of
sonalities (fools) cannot traverse it wealth, the body from which it flows is
because of their infirmities. the sky. the udder the cloud, the teat
" For he ia called a ' wayfarer,' who the lightning, and the shower of ghee is
the rain-shower." — Sata. Brdh., DC. 3,
minda that the present life is to him a
3, 15.
way and not a native land ; who thinks
it beneath him to fix his heart on the love The qualities of wisdom, love, and
of this passing state of being, who longs truth (shower of wealth) proceed
not to continue in a transitory scene of from the buddhic plane (sky), and are
things, but to reach the eternal world." —
dispensed through the buddhic func
ST. GREGORY, Morals on the Book of Job,
Vol. II. p. 218. tioning (cloud), and the activities of
See EXPERIENCE, FUGITIVE, INCAR the Divine life (lightning). Love
NATION OF SOULS, PERSONALITY, (ghee) and truth (rain) are the nutri
PILGRIM, SHEEP (lost), SOSHYANTS, ment of the soul and of its ideals
WANDERERS. (gods).
See CLOUDS (rain). Cow, FOOD,
A symbol of the complete potential UDDER.
equipment of the powers of the soul
as It descends into the lower nature. WEAPONS OF OFFENCE AND
"And of the wealth of our treasury.
They (the Parents) had tied up for me a Symbolic of the outgoing energies
load." — Hymn o] tht Soul, GNOSTIC. of the soul directed against the
This is the atma-buddhic (Parents) incoming forces of the lower emo
spiritual endowment from above which tional environment, — the desires,
is latent oi- germinative in the young passions, and sense attractions.
" For the weapons of our warfare are
I walk in the way of righteousness, not of the flesh, but mighty before God
in the midst of the paths of judgment ; to the casting down of strongholds." —
that I may cause those that love me to 2 COR. x. 4.
inherit substance, and that I may fill My last exhortation to ye is this :
their treasuries. — PBOV. viii. 20. Let faith, prayer, and patience be your
The Self through the principle of weapons."— -Savonarola's Last Advice to
Wisdom identifies itself with virtue " Be you equipped with the armour of
and goodness in the plane of under- righteousness, and wear for all your
protection the white robes of God's priests Divine functions takes place, and
Be you armed with the weapons of
the spiritual energy is limited by
righteousness, and use, for your assaults
on evil, mainly a holy life. There is none matter.
other in all the armoury like it. The See ASAR, BALDER, CONSCIOUSNESS,
true power of the Christian soldier lies DEATH OF BALDER.
in character, character, character ! " —
A. MACLAREN, Sermon*, 2nd Series, p. 274.
A symbol of the flowing out of
Divine compassion towards the
monads or centres of consciousness
WEAVING OR WEB suffering on the lower planes.
" When at Isis was alone, she
opened the chest, laid her face to that of
WEDDING :— the dead Osiris and kissed him and wept."
— PLUTARCH, Iris and Osirit, § 17.
A symbol of the union of the When at length the Wisdom principle
Higher Self and the lower Self at reaches the plane of action whereon it
the end of the cycle ; or of the
is supreme, the time arrives when the
union of Wisdom and Love.
See MARRIAGE. lower experiences are reviewed through
introspection, and then arises the
WEDDING GARMENT :— spirit of infinite compassion for the
A symbol
denoting that the nature sufferings of the lower nature.
within and the nature without have See CHEST, DEATH OF OSIRIS,
become one in the soul. EXPERIENCES, FACE, Isis, MONAD,


A symbol the six periods of
of A symbol of the Divine fount of
Divine activity in the cycle of invo Truth (water).
lution, together with the pralaya of "
rest, passivity, or balance, which Everyone who is saved becomes a
son of that Spring which gushes forth
precedes the opening of the present out of the depths — the Wisdom of God.
cycle of evolution. Otherwise, a And it is nowise marvellous that the
week signifies a period of completion. saint should be a son of wells. . . . ' O
"A week in Daniel and elsewhere, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom
and the knowledge of God ! he can be
signifies an entire period, from beginning
to end, and is predicated of the church. a son of wells, to whom the word of the
The same is signified by seven." — Lord comes." — OKIOKN, Contm. on John,
SWEDENBORO, Apoc. Btv., n. 10. Bk. II.
§ 1.
" Under the root of the Rimthursar
(or Giants of Frost), lies the well of Mimer,
SABBATH, SEVEN, Six, SUNDAY. in which wisdom and understanding are
concealed ; a fact still in full consistency
WEEPING OF THE GODS FOR with all that we are taught of the giants,
BALDER :— that they were mighty in knowledge,
Symbolic of the alliance of con and in the power of runes. Odin himself
desiring a draught of the well Mimer, wa*
sciousness with matter, wherein the
obliged to leave one of his eyes in pawn
Life becomes identified with the for it." — Howrrr, Literature oj the Njrtli,
forms . Vol. I. p. 45.
" When at Underneath the manifest life (root
length they had somewhat
recovered themselves, they burst forth in of tree) with its powers and qualities
the first place into such loud weeping that found the
they were not able to express their grief (Rimthursar) may be
to one another." — The Story of Balder, eternal Truth (well) by the souls who
Edda. seek for the wisdom and understand
When equilibrium of conditions is ing which are concealed in human
established, the first act of sacrifice — experience and progress. It is by
or identification of the Life with the means of the qualities and faculties,
forms becomes possible. And in this and their transmutations, that Truth
alliance — the One becoming the many will be attained. The Higher Self
in diversity — the separation of the (Odin), desiring the results of experi
ence, was obliged to incarnate and WHALES, OR GREAT SEA-
confine his lower consciousness (loft MONSTERS :—
eye) in matter, in order that Truth A symbol of the more primitive
might be attained by him in the and gross passions of the lower
struggle upward of the Spirit from nature of the soul.
matter. "Am I a sea or a whale, that thou
" But whosoever drinketh of the water "
settest a watch over me ? — JOB vii. 12.
that I shall give him shall never thirst ; The incarnate Self, or Soul, in
but the water that I shall give him passing through the sufferings and
shall become in him a well of water illusions of the lower life, identifies
springing up unto eternal life." — JOHN iv.
itself with the desires and passions,
It is the Christ who bestows soul- and is tormented by the prickings of
satisfying Truth which dissipates conscience.
" Now I have gained release, and this
ignorance and illusion ; and Truth
world's bonds
shall be evolved in the soul until Are cut asunder by the knife of knowledge.
perfection is reached, and immortality Thus I have crossed the ocean of the
attained. world,
" Truth lies at the bottom of a well." Filled with the shark-like monsters of
— HEBACLITUS. desire,
" A moment's halt — a momentary And agitated by the waves of passion—
taste Borne onward by the boat of stem
Of Being from the Well amid the waste, resolve."
And Lo ! the caravan has reached (From Buddha's outburst of joy at
— Mos.
The Nothing it set out from, having achieved emancipation).
Oh ! make haste." — OMAR KHAYYAM. WILLIAMS, Indian Wisdom, p. 60.
" Waste " has the same signification "And God created great whales, and
" wilderness," namely, the arena of every living creature that moveth, which
as the waters brought forth abundantly,
" Being " here means Truth
life. after their kind, and every winged fowl
(water). The " caravan " stands for after his kind : and God saw that it waa
the soul and its qualities. The good." — GEN. i. 21.
" Nothing " is Ain Soph, the Absolute. And now the primitive and more
See AIN SOPH, EXPERIENCE, FOUN turbulent passions are realised in the
TAIN, MlMER, ODIN, RlMTHURSAB, process of involution, and all the
numerous instinctual motives to action,
STJN (moon), THIBST, WATER (higher),
and all the varying phases of astral
(waters) activity, shown in the lower
WEST QUARTER:— emotions and desires. And the higher
A symbol of the buddhic plane desires being raised (winged) yield then
whereon commences the great cycle more complex emotions. And all ia
of life. It stands also for the sun- pronounced perfect and fully prepared
setting, signifying the obscuration of for the evolution that is to follow.
the Self (sun) in the night of the " Which whales in the sea are types of
underworld . the devils in the world." — J. BUNYAN,
See CREATURES, EARTH (specialised),
(lower), WAVES.
A symbol, In Its higher aspect, of
A symbol of that spiritual seed
truth, and, in Its lower, of error
which is sown In the lower nature
and Illusion.
(earth) and its fruit reaped in the
See MOIST ESSENCE, WATER. higher, and so becomes the nourish
ment of the causal-body, and the
WHALE OF JONAH:— food of the Ideals (gods). The
A symbol of the evolutionary pro Divine germ (wheat), operating in
cess and cycle through which the the lower emotions, causes eventu
soul passes. ally their transmutation into higher
TION, HINE, JONAH, KHWAN, LEVIA " Except a corn of wheat fall into the
THAN, SIGN, SERPENT (ananta). ground and die, it abideth alone : but if
it die, it bringeth forth
much fruit. He nine and ten feet high. The spirits who
that loveth his life shall lose it ; and he reaped this grain are said to have been
that hateth his life in this world shall nine cubits, i.e. over thirteen feet in
keep it unto life eternal." — JOHN xii. height." — BUDGE, Egypt. Heaven and Hell
24, 25. Vol. II. p. 42.
Except the Divine Spirit — the fructi The lower planes (Sekhet-aaru) are
fying Germ — descend into the lower the fields of the soul, which are sown
nature (ground) and " die," that is, and tended, but the fruit is gathered
become latent, it would abide alone on the higher planes of buddhi and
on high ; but if it become latent in atma ; hence the symbol of the
the evolving qualities of the soul, it heights. The spirits are the egos or
will be the means of their transmuta individualities who have conquered
tion to higher planes, there to constitute the lower planes (nine).
the treasure laid up in heaven for See BARLEY, COMPANY OF GODS,
the many souls who have struggled FOOD FOR SOUL, GODS, KINGDOM or
upward to the light of love and truth. GOD, MOORING POST, NINE (number),
A soul that remains attached to the POOL OF ZENITH, REAPING AFTER
out-going desire-life, loses that life ; SOWING, SEKHET-AARU, SOWINO,
while a soul that detaches itself from ZENITH.
the life of the lower planes is thereby
possessed of the immortal life of the WHEEL OF LIFE:—
higher. A symbol of the great cycle of
" Christ puts not bread into our hands, Life, — the progress of the Spirit or
but seed corn ; and although we carry Self through the lower nature. In
away the full sack whenever we go to our it the Spirit descends, as it were,
Brother and ask Him to feed our hungri- in involution on the one side, and
ness, it is germinal principles that He
gives us rather than loaves, and we have
rises In evolution on the other, thus
got to cultivate them and watch them, completing the circle.
and patiently, too, in the belief that He " The progression and the return
•will bless the springing thereof, and after
many days we shall find seed for new
things) form a circular activity. ...(of
the great circle to and from the Principle
sowing, as well as bread for the eater ! " of all, all things are involved" (Proclui).
— A. MACLAREN, Sermon*, 3rd Series, p. 76. —T. WHJTTAKER, The Neo-Platonittt,
" We meditate upon that deity, the
Demiurgus (Isvara), as the wheel with
one felly and three tires, with sixteen
HARVEST, MEAL, MONAD OF LIFE, peripheries, with fifty spokes and twenty
PLOUGHING, REAPING, SEED, SOWER, wedges to fix the spokes, a wheel that is
SOWING, TRANSMUTATION, TREASURE. multiform, with one cord, with three
diverse paths, and with one illusion
WHEAT AND BARLEY:— proceeding from two causes." — Svetat.
Upanishad, I.
A symbol of wisdom and love. The one " felly " signifies the whole
" O white grain " three tires " are
(wheat) and red grain cycle of life ; the
(barley) of the Land of God ! I have the three gunas that bind the qualities
come into Thee ; I have striven, and I " "
have borne my burden, following first the to the cycle ; the sixteen peripheries
purity of the Company of the Gods, and are sixteen powers and qualities exer
the mooring-post is fixed for me in the cised by the soul ; the
" fifty spokes
Fool of the Zenith." — Book oj the Dead, and twenty wedges
" are the many
conditions of the manifesting life on
Wisdom and Love are of the higher
the different planes. The
" one cord "
planes — the abode of the Self — to " three
is the one Divine Life ; the
which the consciousness has now risen. " are of duty, truth, and love ;
The Self within has striven to take the " two causes " are the sense
and the
responsibilities of the life cycles, follow
of separateness and ignorance which
ing first the path of purification in
make the unreal appear to be the real.
seeking the ideals or Divine attributes. " The originating principle is the glory
And the goal of righteousness is set of the deity that keeps the wheel of
before it in the highest as its aim. Brahman, the cosmic cycle, still revolving.
" Fields of wheat and barley (in Sekhet- It is the all-knowing author of time, all
Auru), the former being between seven perfect, by whom this world is eternally
and eight feet, and the latter between pervaded." — Svctas. Vpanithad, VI.
" He is the WHEELS, HOLY :—
reality of reality ; from him
spring forth, as sparks from the fire, all
the vital spirits, all worlds, all gods,
A symbol of the Rounds of the
all living creatures ; in him they are all Lunar cycle, in which the astral
fixed, kke spokes in the nave of a nature is developed.
wheel." — DEUSSEN, Phil, of Upaniahada, " When the child of man is bom, there
p. 232. is given to him a Nephetth, i.e. animated
Universe after Universe is like an life from the animals, the clean side,
interminable succession of wheels for ever from the side of those which are called
corning into view, for ever rolling onwards, Auphaneh ha-Qad-doah, the Holy Wheels"
disappearing and reappearing ; for ever (Zohar).-I. MYEH, Qabbalah, p. 398.
passing from being to non-being, and When the spiritual ego descends to
again from non-being to being. . . .
In short, the constant revolving of the the mental plane, and so becomes the
wheel of life in one eternal circle, accord son of mind (manasaputra), there is
ing to fixed and immutable laws, is provided for him a desire-nature
perhaps after all the sum and substance
(Nephesh) in an astral body, developed
of the philosophy of Buddhism. And this
eternal wheel or circle has, so to speak, through animal forms to the highest
six spokes representing six forms of extent ; and this desire-nature has
existence." — MON. WILLIAMS, Buddhism, been evolved for humanity during the
pp. 119, 122.
Rounds of the Lunar chain of worlds.
The " animated life from the animals
is the astral nature which is the basis
of the human personality when the
mental nature is superadded to the
WHEELS OF BIRTH AND desire -nature and man appears on
DEATH :— the earth.
A symbol of the periodic descents See ANIMALS, ASTRAL, CHILDREN or
of the personalities Into Incarnation, GOD, EVOLUTION, HIRUKO, LUNAB
and the ascents therefrom. The CHAIN AND CYCLE, MAN (born), MAWA-
symbol may also signify the descent SAPUTRA, METEMPSYCHOSIS, MONAD
of the spiritual egos from the plane OF FORM, MOON-WAXING, NEPHESH,
of alma to occupy forms on the PITRIS (lunar), PITRIYANA, RACES,
lower planes, from which they ROOTBACES, ROUND, SKINS OF
rise on their return to their home ANIMALS, SOUL (middle and lower).
pervades all created beings
in the five forms, and constantly makes Symbolic of a system of vortices
them, by means of birth, growth, and in matter, by which vibrations are
decay, revolve like the wheels of a chariot."
set up.
("The five forms are the five great
elements, which produce all bodies.") — See EDDY.
Law* of Manu, XII. 124. WHITE, OR WHITENESS.
Spirit (Brahman) is the essential
underlying element of all beings pro A symbol of perfect purity, — the
external nature as spotless as the
duced in the manifested universe of
Internal .
five planes. The spiritual monads
"And his head and his hair were white
acquire experience by means of life-
as white wool, white as snow." — REV. i. 14.
cycles of birth, growth, and death, And the mental and higher aspects
which succeed one another until per of the Self were of immaculate purity.
fection is attained. " Since by the head is understood love
" God, our dwelling place before time
and also wisdom in their first principles,
began, brought forth the material universe it follows that by hair is to be understood
to be a school of discipline for us, a love and wisdom in their ultimates." —
necessary means to the reliasation of SWEDENBORG, ApOC. !!:'!-.. n. 47.
certain qualities of our nature." — R. J. See HAIR, HEAD, HORSE (white),
CAMPBELL, Serm., Our Solidarity, tie.
SOULS, MAASEH, MONAD OF LIFE, A symbol of Wisdom on the buddhic
PERSONALITY, REINCARNATION, SONS plane, pure and free from the lower
" Then Hephaistos the famed craftsman every imagination of the thoughts of his
began to make harangue among them, to heart was only evil continually." — GEN.
do kindness to his dear mother, white- vi. 5.
armed Hera." — Iliad, Bk. I. And the Self beholds the necessity
Then the Creative Mind, or Christ for its further descent into the manifest.
triumphant, commenced to co-ordinate And it sees that there is increased
the higher qualities and so induced necessity and opportunity for its
them to focus their activities upon operations amid the discordant condi
Wisdom seated above. tions which have been set up by the
See ARMS OF BODY, HEPHAISTOS, mental activities upon the lower
HERA, MUSE. planes.
(kuin. i.M AN (bad), UNRIGHTEOUS, WAY,
Symbolic of purity In the aspects WAY OF THE LORD.
of qualities of the higher nature.
WHITE FOUNTAIN, AS OF A symbol of manifestation In
MILK :— space, or expanse of manifestation
of the Divine Life and Truth on the
A symbol of an outpouring of five planes of the solar universe.
spiritual energy from budd hi.
See Asm, OCEAN, WORLDS (five).
WHOREDOM :— A symbol of the emotion-nature
Symbolic of the soul seeking satis (woman) in alliance with the mind
faction from without instead of from (man).
Therefore shall a man leave his father
within — whence cometh all good ; or
and his mother, and shall cleave unto his
of the soul's attachment to the lower
wife : and they shall be one flesh." —
emotions In preference to the higher. GEN. ii. 24.
" By whoredoms are signified adultera
The mind, recognising a superior
tions of good and falsifications of truth duality within itself, shall quit sense
in the Word." — SWBDENBOKO, Apoc. Rev.,
n. 134.
and desire, its lower parentage, and go
" Rebellion, and judgment, and im in search of the ideal higher emotions
prisonment, and execution and war, are (buddhic, feminine). The twain are
constantly used as the symbols of spiritual one when the mind and higher emotion -
things : so are adultery, fornication,
divorce, and I may say, every form of nature are harmonious and at peace
faithlessness. Natural life is altogether, together.
by the Holy Spirit, made to be but one The Sacrificer addresses his wife,
allegory of spiritual things : all the Come, wife, ascend we the sky ' (by the
substantial attributes, or constant laws ladder). . . . She, the wife, in sooth is
of life, are, to use a vulgar but very one half of his own self ; hence as long
expressive similitude, the fount of types as he does not obtain her, so long he is
with which the book of inspiration is not regenerated, for so long he is incom
printed, in order to be made legible and plete. But as soon as he obtains her, he
intelligible to the whole human family." — is regenerated, for then he is complete.
Complete I want to go to that supreme
ED. IBVINO, Works, Vol. I. p. 71.
See ADULTERY, COURTEZAN, DEVILS, goal,' thus he thinks." — Sola. Brdh., V.
2, 1, 10.
The "sacrificer" is the ego mani
festing as mind allied with the emotion-
WICKED MAN :— nature. He seeks the ideal on the
A symbol of the mind or soul buddhic plane (sky) ; for the emotion-
which is unperfected and full of the nature is the complement of the
lower emotions and desires. mental -nature in the regenerate soul.
When complete union is accomplished
between manas and buddhi, then the
Symbolic of evil mental conditions
supreme goal is attained.
in a phase of growth of the soul, " Wives be in subjection unto your
which must be swept away. own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the
"And the Lord saw that the wickedness husband is the head of the wife." —
of man was great in the earth, and that EPH. v. 22, 23.
The emotions must always be ruled Christian's experience and pilgrimage in
by the intellect, until the Spirit (Lord) the world as a wilderness." — A. JUKES,
Law of the Offerings, p. 26.
rules both. For the intellect is the See DAYS, DEVIL, FIELD, FOBTY
regulating, rationalising, and balancing DAYS, HOUSE OF BONDAGE, HUNGER,
factor. (The best emotions exercised REINCARNATION, SERPENT (brazen),
without intelligence are productive TEMPTATION.
of much evil). As the soul in its
religious aspect is subject to Christ, WILDERNESS OF JUDEA :—
so let the emotions also be subject A symbol of a condition of soli
to the intelligence in everything. The tude In which the soul Is freed from
intelligence must love the higher Illusions and the lower attractions.
emotions, as Christ also loved the " This Wilderness is the quiet desert of
spiritual soul. the Godhead, into which He leads all who
" are to receive this inspiration of God,
To keep our emotional nature well
under control of reason and will is our now or in Eternity." — TAULEB, The Inner
duty." — A. MACLAREN, Sermons, IstSeriet, Way, p. 323.
(lower), HEAD, HUSBAND, LADDER, The spiritual centre of relative
MALE -FEMALE, MAN AND WIFE, MAN existence in the lower mind. From
WITHOUT WOMAN, MARRIAGE, PANDORA, this centre the higher determina
tions of choice emanate, and these
derive their power and also direc
tion from the mind. That which
WILDERNESS, OR DESERT :— may be called the lower, Illusive, or
Inverted will is merely the blind
A symbol of the field or arena of self-assertion of the desire-principle
the lower life, empty In Itself of which for a time dominates the
true life— the life of the Spirit. mind and prevents the expression
" Then was
Jesua led up of the Spirit of the true will.
into the wilderness to be tempted of the " Each of us is thia eternally free
devil. And when he had fasted forty
and forty nights, he afterward atman (which is exempt from the con
straint of causality). We do not first
hungered."- — MAT. iv. 1, 2.
become the atman, but we are it already,
The Christ-soul emerged from the though unconscious of the fact. Accord
latent condition within, whereupon the ingly we are already free in reality, in
Higher Self, foreseeing its needs, put spite of the absolute necessity of our acts,
it to the test of its potenc3', by driving but we do not know it. ...The con
straint of the will, absolute as it is, yet
it into the arena of conflict where it belongs entirely to the great illusion of
was placed in relation with the not- the empirical reality, and vanishes with
Self or lower principle. And when the it. The phenomenal form is under con
Christ-soul had undergone abstinence straint, but that which makes its appear
ance in it, the atman, is free. The real
from intuitive knowledge during the consistency of the two points of view is
transitory conditions attending the expressed in the words :
It is he who
soul's pilgrimage for a term of causes the man whom he will lead on
the re-incarnating cycle, he became high out of these worlds to do good
works, and it is he who causes the man
dissatisfied with the things of sense whom he will lead downwards to do
and longed for spiritual sustenance. evil works' (Kaush, III. 8). The eternally
By wilderness is signified the church free atman, who determines our doing
in which there is no longer any truth." — and abstaining is not another, contrasted
.SWEDEN HI >m :, Apoc. Rev., n. 722. with us, but our own self." — DEUSSEN,
" Phil, of Upanishado, p. 210.
Every individual soul has its own
particular rightful place in the totality " The voluntary attitude of man as a
of the life of Qod, and must come to it Belf-determining will, to the Absolute
when all its labours are consummated, Divine Will is the most fundamental
and its wanderings in the wilderness of element of religion. . . . No wisdom goes
illusion are over." — R. J. CAMPBELL, '
beyond that of the poet : Our wills are
Serm., Ilinm- Restitution. ours to make them Thine.' For it is, in
"Numbers — giving the history of Israel fact, the choice of the Object of religion
in the wilderness, their services, their in a spirit of faith and self-surrender.
trials, and their failures there — brings out, which carries with it all else that is most
I cannot doubt, repeated types of the essential to its supreme realisation as an
experience." — G. T.
Religion, p. 342.
LADD, Phil, of that can be called yours. ... If your
" Matter causes will is with God, you work with Cod ;
nothing at all ; force God is then the life of your soul, and you
causes nothing but motion, and cannot will have your life with God to all eternity."
determine its own direction. Therefore —WM. LAW, The Way to Divine Knoic-
whatever problem of originating and !•<!</<-,
p. 137.
directing power arises from the present Now let us remember that ' our wills
arrangement of things arises equally from are ours, we know not how,' but they
their arrangement in the furthest past are ours : it is equally true that they are
we can discern. One true original ours to make them God's. But when
directing cause, and only one, is known they are made God's, made to accord
to us in will. Our own will we know by with His, they are no less ours ; indeed,
direct experience, and other wills we infer they will be ours more than ever when
from outward actions. . . . Deliberate we have made them His ; we shall never
choice as opposed to unreasoning impulse be our full and true selves until we have
implies a pause for deliberation ; and we found ourselves in God. . . . The self
know as certainly as we know any scientific that is lost is the little self ; not the ego,
fact that in the deliberation, we contribute but the egotism ; the self that dreams
from ourselves an irreducible element it is separate, and seeks advantages
which prevents the issue from being as a separate entity." — T. RHONDDA
anything like a mechanical result of WILUAMS, Serm., Dying in the Lord.
those motives (which stir the will). . . . "All the events that meet a man in
Though we are conscious of power to do his Outward Life are nothing else than
anything whatever within certain limits, the necessary and unalterable Outward
a man in his right mind has some principle manifestation of the Divine Work ful
or general aim, good or bad, to which he filling itself in him, and he cannot wish
endeavours to subject that power, so that anything in these events should be
that a choice of motives in particular otherwise than what it is, without wishing
cases resolves itself into a choice of that the Inward Life which can only thus
means for carrying out such principle or manifest itself should be otherwise ; and
general aim." — H. M. GWATKIN, The without thereby separating his will from
Knowledge of God, Vol. I. pp. 64, 65. the Will of God, and setting it in
The only transcendental thing in the opposition thereto. He cannot any longer
world is Will, and this we know directly reserve to himself a choice in these things,
in ourselves. We are on the inside of for he must accept everything just as it
things because we will, and we know happens ; for everything that comes to
everything to be part of the one evolution pass is the Will of God with him, and
of life or will. There is no explanation of therefore the best that can possibly come
•will ; it itself is not known by the mere to pass. To those who love God, all
intellect although its different assertions things must work together for good,
may be. ... As soon, then, as a man absolutely and immediately. ...
has grasped the notion of volition as the those who do not love God, all things
keynote of the self, he ceases to explain must work together immediately for pain
himself by things outside of himself. He and torment, until by means of this
has also at the same time done with torment, they are at last led to salva
external explanations of the world, and tion." — J. G. FICHTK, The Way Towards
he is prepared to find the reality of the Hit Bleated Life, pp. 164, 5.
world in the one Will that is manifesting See AEOAEON, APES, BRIAHEUS,
itself in himself and in all things. I must Doo, DOO-STAB, GEORGE AND DRAGON,
take to myself all the guilt of my finite
existence, and admit that I too have GUARDIAN SPIRITS, JERUSALEM,
willed to live, have willed the world. . . . MAISHAN, SERVANT OF ODD, SHEEP
It is literally true that liberty is a mystery. (lost) SWORD or SPIRIT, UNION.
As finite will I am enslaved, but as infinite
will I am free. The finite will must be WIND, WORD, SPIRIT, MARUT,
made to die unto itself, and to affirm the BREATH :—
eternal Ideas of the eternal Will. What
ever else religion is, it is first and foremost
Symbols of emanation, to which
a perception of the radical evil that is in the forthpouring from the Absolute
is comparable. Otherwise,
" Wind "
the finite will." — W. CALDWBLL, Schopen
hauer's System, pp. 393, 396-7. Is a symbol of Spirit energising on
" Nothing can make any change in you the mental plane.
but the change of your will. For every " It is not the wind, but the Divine
thing, be it what it will, it a birth oj that energy, that is regarded as vitalising the
will which worketh in you. You have germs which the Divine Word is about
nothing, therefore, to inquire after, nor to call forth." — T. K. CHKYNB, Origin of
anything that you can judge of yourself the Psalter, p. 322.
by, but the state of your will and desire. "And God made a wind to pass over the
. . . where these are, there are you ; and earth, and waters assuaged."— -GEN. viii. I.
what these are, that are you : there you Divine
And the power energises
live, and to that you belong ; and there
you must have all the good and evil the mental vehicle of the soul, so
that the lower vehicles are again to every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of
be prepared for the accommodation men." — EPH. iv. 14.
See CROPS, EGYPT (higher), GATES,
of the re-energised soul.
" In the Holy Scripture, by the rapidity PHCEDRUS, SHARP AIR, STORM,
and subtlety of the winds, souls are used TA WHIRL
to be denoted, as it is spoken by the
Psalmist of God, ' Who walketh above
the wings of the winds
(Ps. civ. 3), A symbol of the quaternary, — the
i.f. ' Who passes above the virtues of four lower planes of manifestation.
" — ST. GREGORY, Moral* on the
souls.' "And I saw the chambers of the winds,
Book of Job, Vol. II. p. 399. and I
saw how He had furnished with
" The
powerful operations and motions them the whole creation and the firm
of God's Spirit, quickening or reviving foundations of the earth. And Iaaw
the heart toward God, are compared to
the blowing of the wind, JOHN iii. 8." —
the corner-stone of the earth ; Isaw
the four winds which bear the earth
CnuUn't Explanation*, p. 369. and the firmament of the heaven. And
See ABSOLUTE, ANGELS, BREATH, I saw how the winds stretch out the
FAN, HOLY OHOST, MARUTB, MOON vaults of heaven and have their station
(higher), SHINATSU, VAYU. between heaven and earth : these are
the pillars of theheaven." — R. H. CHABLES,
WIND, ADVERSE:— The Book of Enoch, Ch. XVIII. 1, 2, 3.
Therefore give Thou unto me bliss
A symbol of surging* of sorrow and Thy peace : that the grasping of
and suffering. the four winds may knit together :-.-•,•
See SHIP ON SEA, STOBM, WAVES. parts." — Book of the Dead, Ch. CX.
WIND,— HOT AND COLD For this reason (of self-knowledge)
bliss shall be committed to me,
Symbolic of the activities of good inasmuch as it alone is of the true
and evil on the mental plane.
nature of the Self which in essence is
pure bliss. The full control of the
WIND, STRONG, OF MAZDA:— four planes — buddhic, mental, aatral,
A sym'jol of the Self energising and physical, which are the means of
on the buddhlc plane (Mazda- evolution, serves to knit together the
Sapandar — Atma-buddhl) . nature which is to be expressed under
" Invoke thou the manifold aspects.
strong wind created
by Mazda Sapandar, the pure daughter " Four entrances into heaven. That of
of Hormazd." — Vendidad, XIX. the north wind belongeth to Osiris, that
Put thy trust in 'the Divine Breath of the south wind to Ra ; that of the
— the Holy Spirit — which is the func west wind to Isis ; and that of the east
wind to Nephthys." — BUOOE, Book of
tioning of the Absolute upon the the Dead, Ch. CLXI.
buddhic plane. The quaternary offers four means of
See BREATH (divine), OALE (Apollo), developing the soul for the higher planes.
SAPANDAR. " Come unto me,
O thou of the Four
Winds, Almighty One, who breathest
WIND, SWEET, FROM THE spirit into men to give them life. . . .
SOUTH :— O thou whose tireless eyes are Sun and
A symbol of a pure and deep Moon — that shine in the pupils of the
sons of men
" to the Good
sense of truth flowing In from the (Invocation
Mind). — C. LUMANS. Papy. Or.
buddhic plane, corresponding to the
of the understanding.
The soul seeks union with the Self
deeper aspect
See MAIDEN PERFUME, incarnate within the lower nature
SCENT (sweet). (four planes), who emanates the spirit,
or Life, into the minds of humanity
WIND FROM THE SOUTH :— to give them immortality. For the
A symbol of vibrations of love centres of consciousness and perception
proceeding from the buddhic plane. are higher and lower, namely, the
See SOUTH WIND. individuality (sun) and the personality
WINDS, VARIOUS:— (moon) ; and these bring truth to the
Symbolic of diverse doctrines of spiritual egos.
the lower mind which proceed from
error and illusion. GOING IN, MIND (good), MOON, QUAR
"That we may be no longer children, TERS, QUATERNARY, SUN, SWASTIKA,
tossed to and fro and carried about with TLALOC, WORLDS (five).
WINDOW OF ARK OF NOAH :— "And furnish a door to the vara, and
let a self-shining window be left." —
A symbol of the means whereby Vendidad, II.
spiritual perception is established in
The " door to the vara" is the same
the soul, so that the light of Truth
as the " window in the ark of Noah,"
may shine in.
— it is the aperture to the buddhi-
"A window shall thou make to the
ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it manas in the receptive lower quater
above ; and the door of the ark shalt nary, and is on the level where the
thou set in the side thereof ; with lower, lower Self becomes united to the
second, and third stories shalt thou Higher Self. It has the same mean
make it." — GEN. vi. 16.
" " ing as the " bridge " of manas. " A
The window is a symbol of the " remains, that
self-shining window
aperture towards the Divine or recep
the soul may receive a glimmer of the
tive attitude of the mind towards
rays of the Self. The interesting fact
Truth. The direction " in a cubit, etc.,"
is this, — that the higher Light of truth
signifies the complete finishing to the
is seen and realised only as the re
pattern upon which the causal vehicle
flection of the Divine radiance below in
is to be constructed. It is to be finished
" above," that is, it is to be the lower self enables Truth to be per
ceived by the personality. It is through
of transmitting vibrations from higher
The " door " is the entrance to
the experience of the lesser life that
the Wisdom and Love of the Larger
the mind for the vibrations from below
— those proceeding from the desires, Life become known.
" Christ is our window,
and self-
senses, etc. The "lower, second, and consciousness the eye of the soul." —
third stories " signify the three higher R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., Man and Moral
sub-planes of the mental plane. Freedom.
" Some have '
" If your soul gives way under affliction,
supposed this window '
(zohar, a word only occurring here, it is because you have been identifying
GEN. vi. 16), was an inward lamp or God and the eternal good with the partial
light connecting the word with ' oil,' and fleeting expression of both. When
and that again with the word mentioned God withdraws anything, it is to give
'the anointing* (1 JOHN ii. 27), which you something higher and better ; when
makes the light or instruction of this he withholds anything it is because you
world unnecessary." — A. JUKES, Types oj are not yet ready for the boon. I wonder
Genesis, p. 110. why it so seldom occurs to us that the
As " oil " is a symbol of Divine love form under which we crave to possess it
at any one time is of much less moment
or life, the "anointing on the crown than the deepening of our capacity for
of the head " signifies the bestowal of possessing it." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm.,
spiritual perception on the mind. Broken Souls.
" The three "
stories in the Ark illustrated
Man is conscious of a universal soul
the three degrees of mind on the three within or behind his individual life,
heavens, natural, spiritual, and celestial. wherein, as in a firmament, the natures
The window taught that in temptation of Juutice, Truth, Love, Freedom, arise
all light came from the Lord alone." — and shine. This universal soul he calls
J. "DEANS, Story of the Flood, 1909. Reason : it is not mine or thine, or bis,
The conscience stands between man's but we are its. . . . That which, intel
power of knowledge and the spiritual lectually considered, we call Reason,
world, just as the eye stands between considered in relation to nature, we call
man's power of knowledge and the world Spirit. Spirit is the Creator. Spirit hath
of visible nature. It is the opened or life in itself." — EMERSON, Essay on
Nature, Oh. IV.
unopened window through which flows the
glorious knowledge of God and heaven." See BBIDGE OF HEAVEN, BUDDHIC
WINDOW OR SKYLIGHT :— Symbolic of spiritual vibrations
A symbol of an opening in the soul from the higher planes entering into
towards the spiritual realm, whereby the soul.
the light of Truth may enter in " Bring ye the whole tithe into the
and illuminate the receptive mind. storehouse, that there may be meat in
mine house, and prove me now herewith,
" ' '
signifies holy truth, or truth
saith the Lord of hosts, if will not open from the good of love. In an opposite
you the windows of heaven, and pour sense it signifies truth falsified and
you out a blessing, that there shall not profaned." — -SwEDENBORG, Apoc. Rep.,
be room enough to receive it." — MAT. iii. n. 316.
The mind exhorted to acquire
knowledge (meat), and offer up the SILENUS, STOMACH, TRANSUBSTANTIA-
lower to the higher, that the soul TION, VINE, WATER TO WINE.
(house) may develop. Then the
bestowal of spiritual gifts will be to WINGS ; PINIONS :—
the mind's utmost capacity. A symbol of aspiration : indica
See BLESSING, GIFTS OF GOD, HOUSE tive of rising in the mind (air).
perfect and fully winged, the
OFFERING, TITHES. Soul soars upward, and is the ruler of
the universe ; while the imperfect soul
WINDOWS OF HEAVEN loeea her feathers, and drooping in her
STOPPED :— flight, at last settles on the solid ground —
Symbolic of the vibrations from there, finding a home, she receives an
buddbi-manas obscured in the soul. earthly frame which appears to be self-
moved, but is really moved by her power ;
"The fountains also of the deep and and this composition of soul and body is
the windows of heaven were stopped, called a living and mortal creature. . . .
and the rain from heaven was restrained." And now let us ask the reason why the
— GKN. viii. 2. soul loses her feathers.
The " fountains of the deep
"are " The wing is that corporeal element
here those sources of error which which is most akiu to the divine, and
produce illusion in the lower self — is intended to soar aloft and carry that
which gravitates downwards into the
these were restrained. The " windows upper region where dwell the gods.
of heaven stopped " are the spiritual Now the divine is beauty, wisdom, good
perceptions diminished. The " rain ness and the like ; and by these the wing
from heaven being restrained " signifies of the soul is nourished, and grows apace ;
but when fed upon evil and foulness,
the withdrawal of the unmauifest Self and the like, wastes and falls away
from the manifesting Self, and the (PLATO, Phcedus). — JOWETT, Dialogue*,
cessation of the buddhic outpouring of etc., Vol. II. p. 123.

truth (rain). Plato describes the World - soul

See DEEP, FLOOD, FOUNTAINS or (Archetypal Man) in its primordial
DEEP, RAIN, SELF. state, as the Divine Ruler (Higher
Self). The "imperfect soul" is the
WINE :— separated soul — the Divine Spark or
A symbol of wisdom, or spiritual Monad which descends to the lower
life and truth, which when par nature (ground) and occupies a body
taken of by the soul, intoxicates or prepared for it, that is subject to a
paralyses the lower nature, but transient life and death. The imperfect
brings joy and satisfaction to the
soul seeks to rise from that condition
which tends downward (desire, etc.),
"And wine that maketh glad the heart
of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and attain perfection so as to consort
and bread which strengthened! man's with the ideals (gods) on the upper
heart." — Ps. civ. 15. planes — the ideals being beauty,
The Self bestows upon the receptive wisdom, goodness, etc., which are the
soul spiritual life and truth which " fruits of the Spirit," to nourish the
bring joy and satisfaction to the soul. Through the ideals aspiration
causal-body ; and love (oil) to cause (wing) is augmented, but if the per
the mental aspect to radiate know sonality becomes immersed in desire
ledge ; and truth -goodness which gives and sensation, aspiration declines.
sustenance to the soul. "All the powers of God are -winged,
" Philo '
speaks of the wine of the boing always eager and striving for the
divine love of God.' " — E. A. A., Enc. higher path whith leads to the Father." —
Biblica, Gospels, 54. PHILO, Works, Yonge, Vol. IV. p. 252.
" ' Wine ' is the "A few have left caterpillar and
mysterious vitality
and spiritual energy of created things." — chrysalis behind even in this world ;
MYEB, QabbalaJi, p. 358. they have found the wings of a larger
spiritual consciousness and are in com from me, are to raise the egos — the
munion with a glorious world of more sons of mind.'
abundant life." — R. J. CAMPBELL, Serm., " The idea of ' wisdom '
appears to be
The Son of Man Ascending. parallel to the Old Testament idea of
spirit — a life common to God and man,

(winged), MAASEH, SUN OF RIGHTEOUS breathed into man by God.

Wisdom, possess (Heb. dwell in) intelli
..." I,
gence, I nave knowledge and insight '
WINTER :— (PROV. viii. 12). The statement of the
Hebrew is not that Wisdom dwells in
A symbol of a period of latency friendly alliance with intelligence, but
and unfrultfulness ; of globe obscu that she dwells in intelligence, an un
ration and extinction of the lower exampled form of expression." — C. H.
personality and lower planes ; of TOY, Book of Proverbs, pp. xvii. 107.
" Sujiilu
pralaya — absence of life. (of happy birth) is, of course,
" The five months of winter are cold Dharma or Prajna, divine wisdom personi
fied as a woman." — A. LILLIE, Popular
ui to water, cold as to earth, cold as to Buddha, p. 81.
" of
trees. There is the heart of winter ; In reason no love can bo found —
there all around falls deep snow. There there is much love in wisdom ; and all
ia the worst of evils." — Vendidad, I. that is highest in wisdom entwine*
" winter months
represent around all that is purest in love. Love in
periods during which no manifestation the form most divine of the infinite, and
also, because most divine, the form most
occurs. There is no outpouring of
profoundly human. . . . Reason and love
life and truth (water), no lower nature battle fiercely at first in the soul that
(earth), and no growth of qualities. begins to expand ; but wisdom is born of
The " deep snow " signifies the latent the peace that at last comes to pass
condition of the lower planes before between reason and love ; and the peace
becomes the profounder as reason yields
the awakenment of the Life takes up still more of her rights to love." —
place. MAETERLINCK, Wisdom and Destiny,
FROST, PRALAYA, Love, which fills my mind continually
with new and most exalted ideas of this
SUMMER. Lady (Beatrice — Wisdom). . . . Philoso
phy is born when the Soul and Wisdom
WINTER FIEND :— have become friends, so that the one is
A symbol of the desire-nature, loved by the other. . . . God sees, then,
this Lady the most noble of all absolutely,
barren of Itself, and unproductive of
inasmuch as most perfectly He sees her
good apart from the higher influences. in Himself." — DANTE ALIOHIERI, The
WISDOM (FEMININE) :— Banquet, III. Ch. 12.
" Wisdom implies, whether in God or
A symbol of the principle of in man, both power and knowledge ;
buddhi, or the Intuitive and trans but it implies something more ; for wis
muting activities of the buddhic dom is a moral attribute. This attribute,
therefore, embodies the conceptions of
plane, operating through the higher
knowledge and power employed in the
mind and upon the lower nature. interests of what is morally good. Good
" will ia necessary to wisdom.
She (wisdom) standeth in the top of And if the
high places, by the way in the places of wisdom is to be perfect, not only must
the paths. 4 She crieth at the gatee, at the the power and the knowledge be perfect,
entry of the city, at the co

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