Thermal Conductivity and Heat Capacity of Zircaloy 2 4 and Unalloyed Zirconium

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Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology

ISSN: 0022-3131 (Print) 1881-1248 (Online) Journal homepage:

Thermal Conductivity and Heat Capacity of

Zircaloy-2, −4 and Unalloyed Zirconium

Masayuki MURABAYASHI , Shigenori TANAKA & Yoichi TAKAHASHI

To cite this article: Masayuki MURABAYASHI , Shigenori TANAKA & Yoichi TAKAHASHI (1975)
Thermal Conductivity and Heat Capacity of Zircaloy-2, −4 and Unalloyed Zirconium, Journal of
Nuclear Science and Technology, 12:10, 661-662, DOI: 10.1080/18811248.1975.9733170

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Journal of NUCLEARSCIENCE 12C103, pp. 661-662 (October 1975). 661

were made 9 mm in diameter and 2 mm thick

NOTE for the heat capacity measurements. All the
samples were annealed at 750°C in vacuum
Thermal Conductivity and Heat before each run.
The apparatus and procedures used in the
Capacity of Zircaloy-2, -4 measurement have been described previously
and Unalloyed Zirconium The precision of the measurement was

within +1.0% for heat capacity and +1.5%

Masayuki MURABAYASHI, Shigenori TANAKA for thermal diffusivity.
and Yoichi TAKAHASHI The measured thermal diffusivities of zir-
caloy-2, -4 and unalloyed zirconium are pre-
Department of Nuclear Engineering, sented in Fig. 1, together with the values for
University of Tokyo* zircaloy-2 measured by Walter et al."), who
reported that for zircaloy-2 no anisotropy of
Received May 22, 1975 heat conduction was observed. They remark-
ed, on the other hand, that the thermal diffu-
KEYWORDS: zircaloy 2, zircaloy 4 , sivity was markedly influenced by differences
zirconium, thermal conductivity, heat in specimen thickness. The present results,
capacity, thermal diffusivity, medium in contrast, reveal only insignificant depend-
temperature, high temperature
ence on the thickness of the specimens. The
values obtained for thermal diff usivity agreed
The thermal diffusivity and the heat capa- reasonably well with those by Walter et al.
city of zircaloy-2, -4 and unalloyed zircanium for specimens of thickness 2 2 mm.
were measured from 300 to 850K by means
of the laser flash method. OVr-----
The specimens of zircaloy-2 and -4 were
prepared from cold-rolled plates, manufactur-
ed by Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd., and
the direction of heat flow in the measurement
of thermal diffusivity was arranged to be the
thickness direction. Table 1 gives the stand-
ard composition of the zircaloy-2 and -4 sam-
Table 1 Standard compositions of zircaloy-2
and -4 (analyzed) (%yo)
Sample Sn Ni Fe Cr Zr 1 0 : Zirconium (Present study). 2 A : Zircaloy-2
(Present study, Specimen: 2mm thick), 3 A : Zir-
Zircaloy-2 1.49 0.06 0.15 0.10 Balance caloy-2 (Present study, Specimen: 0.6mm thick),
4: Zircaloy-2 (Walter et ul.(4), Specimen: 2mm
Zircaloy-4 1.51 - 0.23 0.10 n thick), 5: Zircalou-2 (Walter et ~ l . ( ~Specimen:
0.5mm thick), 6 0 :Zircaloy-4 (Present study)
The specimens of unalloyed zirconium were Fig. 1 Thermal diffusivity of zircaloy-2,
sliced from an ingot prepared from reactor -4 and zirconium
grade sponge zirconium by means of electron
beam melting and hence the texture differed The results of heat capacity measurement
somewhat from that of the rolled zircaloy on unalloyed zirconium are shown in Fig. 2,
plates. together with the data reported by other in-
All the specimens were formed into disk- vestigator~'~)(~).
shaped pellets. The size of the specimens The heat capacities of zircaloy-2 and -4 at
for the thermal diff usivity measurements was room temperature were also measured, and
7 mm in diameter and 2 mm thick, while they * Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo.
- 61 -
662 SHORTNOTE (M. Murabayashi et al.) J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.,

k=aC,p, (1)
where k is the thermal conductivity (W/cm.K),
a , the thermal diffusivity (cm2/sec), C, the
0.30- specific heat capacity (J/g.K) and p the den-
?ccn sity of the sample (g/cmS). In this calcula-
-I tion, correction was made on a to account
for finite pulse time and on both a and p
0.20- for thermal expansion.
T h e resulting data for the thermal con-
ductivity of zircaloy-2 and -4,upon treatment
by least-squares method, can be expressed
by the formulas :
For zircaloy-2 : k=0.138-3.90~ 10-6T
1 0: Present study, 2: Douglascs), 3: ToddcG) +1.184x 10-'T2
Fig. 2 Heat capacity of zirconium (W/cm.K) ( 2 )
were found to be very close to the corre- For zircaloy-4 : k=0.113+2.25x 10-'T
sponding values given in l i t e r a t ~ r e ( ~ ) ";(they
~' +0.725x 1 0 - T '
also agreed well with the present results for (W/cm.K). ( 3 )
unalloyed cast zirconium. T h e heat capaci-
ties of zircaloy-2 and -4 can thus be regarded We wish to thank Prof. T. Mukaibo, Prof.
as being equal to that of zirconium from 300 M. Kanno and Prof. Y. Mishima, of the Uni-
to 850K. versity of Tokyo, for their generous support
T h e determined thermal conductivities of of this work. T h e courtesy of Sumitomo
zircaloy-2, -4 and unalloyed zirconium are Metal Industries, Ltd. for providing us with
shown in Fig. 3, in which they are compared the zircaloy samples is also greatly appreci-
ated. Part of the experimental work was
performed by using the facility of the Re-
search Center for Nuclear Science and Tech-
nology, University of Tokyo.

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(2) TAKAHASHI, Y., MURABAYASHI, M. : ibid., 12
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'O 300 500 700 900 (3) TAKAHASHI, Y. : J. Nucl. Muter., 51, 17 (1974).
1 0 : Zirconium (Present study), 2: Zirconium
et al. : High Temp.-High Pressures, 4,439 (1972).
(Powell et uL(10)). 3 A : Zircaloy-2 (Present (5) DOUGLAS, T.B.: J . Res. Nut. Bur. Stand., A,
study), 4: Zircaloy-2 (Lucks et ul.(11)), 5 0 : 67A, 5, 403 (1963).
Zircaloy-4 (Present study) (6) TODD,S.S. : J . Amer. Chem. SOC.,72,2914 (1950).
Fig. 3 Thermal conductivity of zircaloy-2, (7) BROOKS, C.R., STANSBURY, E.E.: J. Nucl. Muter.,
-4, and zirconium 18, 233 (1966).
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