Texto: Empleador Empleador: Empleador Empleador Empleador Empleador To Empleador

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Empleador: Good afternoon.

Candidato 1: Good afertnoon Claudia.
Empleador: Nice to meet you, welcome to Belcorp; How are you?
Candidato 1: good, thank you
Empleador: what is your name?
Candidato 1: My name is Flor María Bautista Suret.
Empleador: how old are you?
Candidato 1: I´m 35 years old.
Empleador: where do you live?
Candidato 1: I live in España, an small neighborhood in Bogota
Empleador: which is your greatest virtue?
Candidato 1: My greatest virtue is that I know how to work in team
Empleador: what do you know about of Belcorp Company?

Candidato 1: Belcorp Company make the products for brands as Cyzone, l´bel, Esika

Empleador: What do you like to do in your free time?

Candidato 1: In my free time I like to read, walk, know new things about food, books, and ot

Empleador: Do you consider that the quality is important? Why?

Candidato 1: yes it is important, because the quality increase the fidelity of clients

Empleador: Okey, thanks for coming and soon we will give you an answer
Candidato 1: thanks, good bye.

Buen día

El dia de hoy vamos prestar un video sobre un entrevista de trabajo para

participar en un cargo de la compañía Belcorp

el grupo esta conformado por:….

gud afternun
gud afternun cklaudia
nais tu mit yu, welcom tu Belcorp, hao ar yu
gud, tenk yu
guat is yor neim
mai neim is
hao old ar yu
am terty faiv yiars old / am tiry four yiars old
guer du yu liv
ai liv in españa, an esmal neigborhud in bogota
guich is yor greitest virtu
mai greitest virtu is dat ai nou hao tu guork in tim / mai
greitest virtu is they liricherlf
guat du yu nou about of belcorp
belcorp compani maik de products for brands as Cyzone
ebel… / Belcorp is an compani onf consmerins farak
wit had leive of cuarely
wat du yu laik tu du in yor fri taim
in mai fri taim ai laik tu rid, gualk, nou niw about dings
as fud buks and oder / ay lank shi moments witf mai
fameli is go tu muvis, in teer travol

du yu consider dat de qualiti is important? guay?

yes it is important, bicous de qualiti incris de fideliti of
clients / yes it is important, bicous in crishs thi
competeinchon an meiks berul faraks
ok, danks for coming and sun wi will giv yu an anser
danks, gud bai / thenks

Quendiden / Emploier


tudei wi ar going tu present a

Today we are going to present a video about a work video about a guork interviu tu
interview to start working on Belcorp estart guorking on belcorp

sandra milena Cerquera

flor maria bautista
claudia lorena acuña
gud afternun, mai neim is
Good afternoon, my name is Claudia Lorena Acuña claudia lorena acuña and ai am
Parrado and I am the employer, the interview is for the de employier, de interviu is for
work of quality analyst in Belcorp Company. de guork of qualiti analist in
compani belcorp

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