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Social networking sites, for instance facebook, are thought by some to have had a detrimental effect on

individual people as well as society and local communities. However, while I believe that such sites are
mainly beneficial to the individual, I agree that they have had damaging effect on local communities.

With regards to individual, the impact that social media has had on each individual person has clear
advantages. Firstly, people from different countries are brought together through such sites as Facebook
whereas before the development of technology and social networking sites, people rarely had the chance
to meet or communicate with anyone outside of their immediate circle or community. Secondly, Facebook
has social group which offer individuals a chance to meet and participate in discussions with people who
share common interest.

On the other hand, the effect that Facebook and other social networking sites have had on societies and
local communities can only be seen as negative. Rather than people taking part in local communities, they
are instead choosing to take more interest in people online. Consequently, the people within local
communities are no longer forming close or supportive relationship. Furthermore,

Owing to the problem which a growing population of overweight people cause for health care system,
some people think that the key to solving these issues is to have more sport and exercise in schools. In my
opinion, I completely agree that this is the best way to tackle the issue of deteriorating public health in
relation to weight.

Firstly, dealing with issues surrounding obesity and weight problem is best solved by taking long term
approach and introducing sport and exercise in schools. This method will ensure that the next generation
will be healthier and will not have such health problems. At the moment, the average child

Money is considered by many people to be one of the most important contributing factors toward
happiness. In my opinion, it is possible for people to be happy even if they have little money and other
aspects of life can play a more vital role in creating happiness.

Although having money brings happiness to a lot of people, it does not necessarily follow that people
without money are, therefore, unhappy. Take for example the comparison between developing and
developed countries, most western would agree that people in developing countires are happier, enjoy
stronger family connections and take more pleasure in the simplicities of life to a greater extent than tose
in developed countries.

Finally, another factor influencing happiness is having supportive and loving people in one’s life. While
money may bring the opportunities to enjoy pleasures, few people would enjoy them on their own. Being
surrounded by supportive and caring family is considered by most people to be more valuable than any
amount of money.

In conclusion, money is not essential for happiness, which can be found through job satisfication as well
as family. If more people strive in life towards true happiness rather than money, th e world would be a
better place.
Social networking sites/social media, such as Facebook, is thought by some to have had detrimental effect
on individual as well as society and local communities. However, while I believe social networking are
mainly beneficial for individual, I agree that they have had a damaging effect on local communities.

With regards to individual, the impact that online social media has had on each individual person has clear
advantages. Firstly, people from different countries are brought together through such sites as Facebook
whereas before the development of technology and social media, people rarely had the chance to meet
or communicate with anyone outside their immediate circle or community. Secondly, Facebook also has
social groups which offer individuals a chance to participate in discussion with people who share common

On the other hand, the effect that Facebook and other social networking sites have had on societies and
local communities can only be seen as negative. Rather than individual people taking part in their local
communities, they are instead choosing to take more interest in people online. Consequently, the people
within local communities are no longer forming close or supportive relationship . Furthermore, society as
a whole is becoming increasingly disjointed and fragmented as people spend more time online with
people they have never met face to face and they are unlikely to ever meet in the future.

To conclude, although social networking sites have brought individual closer together, thay have not had
the same effect on society or local communities. Local communities should do more to try and involve
local people in local activities in order to promote the future of community life.

It is commonly believed that art plays fundamental role in society as artist are able to express their thought
and their cultures in their work. In my opinion, children should definitely learn art because they can
develop creativity and learn to express themselves in their art work but it should not be taught to
detriment of other subjects.

Firstly, art is an essential subject which children, especially young children, should learn in order to help
promote their creativity and imagination. Without development of imagination and creative thinking,
children will struggle to grow into dynamic, individual thinkers when they reach adulthood. Furthermore,
some children are particularly gifted in their creative abilities and studying art can help them nurture their

Another important advantage for children when practicing art is that it provides medium through which
children can express their emotions and feelings. In other words, young children do not have the linguistic
capabilities to put their ideas into language and thus communicate directly. Therefore, by using art, they
are able to convet meaning through pictures and symbols. For this reason, many child psychologists often
study the at work of children to gain an insight into what they think and feel.

Finally, however, regadless of how useful the study of art is for children, this should not result in more
focus being placed on art rather than other subjects. Children need to have a balance of all subjects so as
to facilitate a healthy development both mentally and physically. Thus, ensuring that there is a healthy
balance of art, sciences, language and physical education in school syllabus is essential.

In conclusion, while art certainly helps children to develop creativity as well as express their thoughts, it
should be taught equally alongside all other subjects. A school curriculum shoul offer balance of subject.

It is thought by some people that the price of product or service is essential to consider before deciding
to purchase something. While I agree that people need to consider carefully before spending large amount
of money in order to avoid debt, the necessity of the purchase must play a role in the decision to buy.

It is essential that people take time to reflect on how much money they should spend on an item or
service, and whether or not they can actually afford it within their available budget. Over the last few
decades, the rise in personal debt has escalated as people are tempted to buy goods and services due to
pressure from advertising and the increasingly easy access of credit cards. For this reason, any purchase
that is costly and is bought using credit card ought to be well thought through, particularly when the item
is luxury item that is not actually essential.

On the other, there are circumstances when the cost of service or item becomes an irrelevant
consideration. A typical example of this would be when someone’s life depends on a product or service,
such as a new treatment for a disease not offered through normal channels. In such case, a person’s
budget becomes redundant and the expense should not deter someone for proceeding with th purchase.
However, these situation are rare and in most circumstances price ought to be considered so that
excessive spending is planned and budgeted to avoid serious debt problems.

In conclusion, people should deliberate carefully before spending large sums of money on goods and
services, except in cases of dire necessity.

An increasing number of people are choosing to live in high rise apartment blocks. In my opinion, although
these blocks of flats are often cheaper, they offer cramped living space and can present serious fire risks.

One obvious advantage to living in a multi-story apartment block is that it offers people affordable
accommodation in urban areas. With the growth of urban populations, land is becoming increasingly
expensive, and, as a result, many people are no longer able to afford their own house. Large apartment
blocks require a small area of land but can provide a lot of flats which enable people on low incomes to
continue living near city centers and near their jobs.

However, high rise apartment blocks usually offer small apartment with no outdoor areas. For families,
this can be a problem as each individual member of the family has little personal space which can result
in a build up of tension as relationship can become strained. Another problem is that such restricted living
quarters offer no space for exercise which is a vital requirement for healthy living.

Finally, one of the worst problems of living in high rise block of flats is the risk that it presents. If a fire
should break out in one of the flats, the number floors in the building means that peope can become easily
trapped on the top floors, unable to escape the fire.

In conclusion, large blocks of flat may be offer a cheaper living option, but they also offer people lower
quality accommodation with serious fire risks.

It is thought by some that price of product or service is essential to consider before deciding to purchase
something. While I agree that people need to consider carefully before spending large amounts pf money
in order to avoid debt, the necessity of the purchase must play a role in the decision to buy.

It is essential that people take time to reflect on how much money they should spend on an item or
service, and whether or not they can actually afford it within their available budget. Over the last decades,
the rise in personal debt has escalated as people are tempted to buy products or services due to pressure
from advertising and increasingly easy access of credit cards. For this reason, any purchase that costly and
is bought using credit card ought to be well though through, particularly when the item is luxury item that
is not actually essential.

On the other, there are circumtances when the cost of service or item becomes an irrelevant
consideration. A typical example would be when someone’s life depends on a products pr service, such
as new treatment for a disease not offered through normal channel. In such case, a person’s budget
becomes redundant and the expense should not deter someone form proceeding with the purchase.
However, these situation are rare and in most circumstances price ought to be considered so that
excessive spending is planned and budgeted to avoid serious debt problems.

In conclusion, people should deliberate carefully before spending large sums of money

Having biiger fines is certainly one way to tackle the issue of littering. Increasing the fines will make people
take littering seriously. At present, many people litter the streets because the do not consider this to be
a serious offence and for the conveniencebut by impsing a considerable penalty, people will think twice
before they litter.

However , the best way to deal with the problem of littering would be a long-term solution involving
educating the younger generation. Littering is common due to the fact that many people are not fully
aware of the environmental and health impact that it has. By raising awareness and building habit of
disposing of waste correctly, this problem can be eradicated in coming generations

Finally, another possible solution would be to have more litter bins available to the public. The reason
being that the majority of people littering the streets do so because there are no bins available to put
their waste in and they do not widh to carry their rubbish with them until they find a bin. By having more
bins available, it would not only be more convenient for people to dispose of their waste properly but it
would also act as a reminder for them to do so.

Having bigger fine is certainly one way to tacke the issue of littering. Increasing the fines will make people
take littering more seriously. At present, many people litter on the streets because they do not consider
to be a serious offence and for the convenience but by imposing considerably penalty, people will think
twice before they litter.

However, the best way to deal with the problem of littering would be a long-term solution involving
educating younger generation. Littering is common due to the fact that many people are not fully aware
of the environmental and health impact that it has. By raising awareness and building a habit of disposing
of waste correctly, this problem can be eradicated in coming generations.
Finally, another possible solution would be to have more litter bins available to the public. The reason
being that many people littering the streets do so because there are no bins available to put their waste
in and they do not want to carry their rubbish with them until they find bin. By having more bins available,
it would not only be more convenient for people to dispose their waste properly but it would also act as
a reminder for them to do so.

Most people memories date, names, and facts when they study history which information is not useful in
everyday life or for the future

If we could actually learn form history, history wouldn’t be full of the same repeated mistakes. However,
the same mistakes are made again and again which make history irrelevant to learn for the future

History is a subject that is rarely used in people’s lives so it would be better to focus on science or
technology which is more relevant to the future and today’s society.

Each historical event has different perspectives. For this reason, it makes learning history a waste of time
because events can also interpreted in a different way which makes what we learn in history less valuable.

Many school curriculum have been set and are rarely changed. That curriculum includes little current
history which is the only type of history that helps people understand the world they currently live in

Public can be intrusive

Phone can disturb others when they are concentranting

They are antisocial as people are too busy sending messages to talk to the people in front of them, for
exsmple in a shop when they are being served

The signal can cause problem in some public places, such as hospital, by interfering with delicate
instruments or equipment

In some public place, such as libraries, music halls or galleries, phone can annoy and ruin the experience
for others

Mobiles do not need to be intrusive as they can easily be turned to silent or vibrate

Phones are useful in case of emergencies, for instance accidents in public places

Phones can provide entertainment when travelling on tedious journeys, particularly in public transport

Phone are multi-functional and can be used as recording device and cameras so shouldn’t be banned in

They are useful for families overseas to get in touch with each others

They provide a safety for youngster as parents can easily get in touch with them wherever tey are
Mobiles phone should be banned in places where they interfere with equipment, interrupt a service or
break rules, such as in a library, but in all other public places they should be allowed as long as they are
used with respect to others

Tourism brings money and boosts local economy

It brings employment to local people

It offer fresh perpective on life an culture

Locals usually need to learn English to talk to tourist which can have beneficial long term effects

To boost tourism, local communities often invest money on improving the infrastructure which has lastin
positive effect

Tourism can create a economic dependency which can be detrimental to the community if it is not

Tourism can hava negative impact on local environment in terms of pollution

Trees and green areas create peaceful living environment which promotes a better living standard and
better mental health

Trees produce oxgen which can counteract againt heavy pollution in cities and create a better qualitu of

Heat in the city can be better controlled by having more trees which filter the sun’s heat and offer shade.
This ultimately lowers the temperature

Planting more trees in urban areas bring nature into cities which is beneficial to people without access to
rural areas

Noise levels can also be reduced by planting trees which can act as a buffer against sound

Plantin gmore trees can make the living environment more pleasant which is thought to reduce crime to
some extent

Lack of affordable housing can lead to rising crimes rates

Without more housing, a city is unable to groe and develop which is essential in a world with an increason

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