Road To Cavite de Boracay First Stop: Imus, Cavite

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Marayan, Cris Andrei S.


“What makes your journey wonderful do not depend on those “ministop” places you have been
but the kind of people you’re with during your journey (friends, family, cousins, loved ones) and seeing
their wonderful smiles as you travel along side enjoying every moment wishing the time would stop is
the most wonderful thing”


This is basically one of my favorite quotes, because for me (subjectively) it just doesn’t matter where
you go. If you are with the people you cherish the most, everything and every single tic tac of that wrist
watch you are wearing you’d rather wish for it to stop. And I think that is just beautiful.

So, before I begin in telling you things about my wonderful journey to Cavite De Boracay an
infamous beach in Cavite. Let me first tell you how and why we chose Cavite in the first place. It was
brink of ending our semester and the final oral defense is yet to come, after a number of tiring
overnights of making and remaking our research at last! The final step of suffering(joke) has finally come
to an end, we really prepared for the defense since we really want to have high marks in our research
subject, and impress our professor, we even tried to predict the kind of questions they will throw at us
just so we would be ready. And so because of that everything happened smoothly and we were able to
pull through and answer all the questions and received a high mark! We were really thankful since our
hardworks and efforts paid off. That night when I got home, when I was about to sleep I opened my
facebook and our group is already full of messages and the group chat’s name was changed to “CAVITE
DE BORACAY VACAY” so yup they already had everything planned out even without my own personal
opinions and consent hahahah nevertheless according to them they saw this post on facebook about a
beautiful beach that is somewhat infamous or is unpopular, and that is exactly where I wanna go
because basically we would be able to enjoy the beach for ourseleves, according to the post also that to
go there you’ll have to do something like a mountain hike sort of thing for 20-30 mns and it would be
just impossible to go there in a public utility vehicle since the way is steep, and there are many obstacles
that makes it impossible for a vehicle to go through. So yup you’ll have to walk to go there it’s a
wonderful place no number of people would dare to go to since for them it’s a hassle but it’s different
from us, because for us we call it a very exciting and thrilling adventure. A perfect place to escape the
urban area of Makati and enjoy the tranquility of nature.


April 15, 2018

6:00 am call time in Guadalupe Mcdo Take out hahaha! I’m with my 8 wonderful travelers, consisting of
my 7 friends and we have with us also the mother of my classmate Tita Emy who owns the house we are
staying at in Imus, Cavite. We’d be staying there for a day before we go to Cavite de Boracay and Tita
Emy will cook for us delicious meals all through out the day (Thank you so much! Tita you’re the best!),
and she will serve as our guardian or chaperon of our friend. She is also the reason why my other friends
were able to come, because their parents wouldn’t let them come with us if we don’t have some one
like Tita Emy to look after us. So after riding a bus and a tricycle for no more than one and a half hour.
We finally arrived at our first stop home sweet home! First we cleaned, placed our bags on the room
upstairs then after that Tita Emy started cooking our food and my friend prepared the videoke for some
good singing bonding with them hahaha, just to not burst the bubble, even though I have a very
beautiful voice hahahaha I don’t know how to sing but still I did and let’s skip that part cause you know
just as what I have said I don’t know how to sing so it isn’t really worth a topic lol.

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