Drill Master

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We always liked working with our Drillmaster because he was so humorous so much of a sport man

and so close to us, students. It was because he was the in charge of the NCC and was one of the best
in the distinct. Every alternate Sunday we did some social work in the neighboring villages. Our
Drillmaster would be with us and we used to go singing and having a good time as we went.

One Saturday, the Drillmaster announced that next day’s social work would be to widen nearby
village road and so everyone was to bring a shovel, garden pick, or basket. We would assemble at
the college from where we would go the work spot in procession. The students lie the idea of going
to the village to widen the road but did not like to carry shovels or garden picks on their shoulders,
especially since they had to cross the marketplace to reach the colleges. Each of us thought that
the other students would bring the tools and that it would make little difference if one person did
not. Thus nobody took the trouble of carrying a tool through the market.
The next day when we assembled in the college, we found that none of the students brought the
shovel or pick. The Drillmaster haven’t you brought a shovel? I want to know why? How did you
expect to widen a road without a shovel or pick? Didn’t I give you instructions to bring
one? I know you are taking advantage of my leniency. I made a mistake by getting close to
you. There won’t be any social work today. All of you go home.
At that movement the Principal of the college showed up. He asked the Drillmaster what
had happened. The Principal tried to calm him. He narrated angrily what had happened.
The Principal tried to calm him again. He said “New forget about it ,We have some shoves
and picks in the college.
Borrow a few from the neighbouring houses and take the students to work. “I won’t “said
the Drillmaster.”I won’t take them anywhere today. And I am going to fine them 25 paisa
each for disobedience.” With this the Drillmaster walked away.
Some moments passed in absolute silence. We were all standing with our heads down.
After a minute the Principal also walked away. In a minute he returned, accompanied by
another teacher. He told the teacher to lead us to the neighbouring village and went away.

To identify the root cause ,whether the drillmaster or students or the Headmaster is
the actual culprit of this case?


Lack of Responsibility and Sincerity isthe main problem of this case.
The Drillmaster was a person who is very friendly, humorous and much of a sport man and also
close to the students. He was given the charge of NCC.Every alternate Sunday the students along with
the drillmaster did some social work in the neighbouring villages. One Saturday, the Drillmaster
announced that next day’s social work would be to widen nearby village road and so everyone was to
bring some shovel, garden pick or basket. Students were asked to assemble at the college, from there
they would go to the work place in procession. The students lie the idea of going to the village to widen
the road but they were not interested to carry shovel or garden pick since they had to reach the market
place to reach the college. Each of the student thought that the other student would bring the tools, so
that it would make little difference if one person did not .Nobody took the tool through the market. The
Drillmaster questioned them about not bringing the tools and also told the students that they are taking
advantage of his leniency. He shouted to the students and told to going their homes. Principal arrived at
that movement and asked the Drillmaster what had

happened. The Drillmaster narrates angrily what had happened. The Principal tried to calm him and
told to forget it. Also he told the drillmaster to take the students to work by picking tools available
from the college and borrow the rest from the neighbouring houses. Drillmaster obstructed it and
told he won’t take the students anywhere on the day and also said he is going to charge 25 paisa
fine for each of the student for their disobedience. Hearing all this, the students were standing their
heads down. Finally the principal assigned another teacher to lead the students to the neighbouring
The Drill master is the culprit of this case. In this case the drillmaster told the students to carry
the shovel, garden pick, or basket. He is a teacher. He is the role model of the students. In this case
he is not taken any initiative to carry the items. He should carry the items as a model and told to the
students to bring the shovel etc. they are also bringing the items for their work without any shame.

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