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A. Elias, L. Flandez, A. Fontanilla, Y.K. Franza, A.M. Gacusana, J. K. Gines

Department of Pharmacy, School of Natural Sciences, Saint Lous University, Baguio City,
Philippines; e-mail:,,,,,


Carbonyl group (C=O) is a functional group that is incorporated by two organic
compounds of aldehydes and ketones (Farmer, Reusch,, 2019). Describing each,
Aldehydes, also called formyl or methonyl groups, are derived from the dehydration of alcohols.
On the other hand, Ketones contain the carbonyl group bonded to two carbon atoms. The
carbon atom of carbonyl group may be occupied by hydrogen, alkyl, or aryl substituents. If at
least 1 one of these substituents is hydrogen, the compound is an aldehyde. However, if neither
is hydrogen, the compound is a ketone. In this experiment, the analysts focused specifically to
aldehydes as they are tasked to perform series of tests starting from its isolation from cinnamon
powder to obtain cinnamaldehyde up to tests that identified its physical and chemical properties.
Cinnamaldehyde, as mentioned to be obtained, is a representative compound that contains
two unsaturated functional groups of aldehyde and carbon-carbon double bond (Module in
Chemistry, 2016). This experiment raises questions regarding the process of the isolation of
cinnamaldehyde and the reason for addition of dichloromethane during the process.
Furthermore, its solubility with water, ether, and ethyl alcohol is examined. This experiment also
addressed questions regarding the mechanism of reaction and the acquired positive results in
identifying its chemical properties by performing Silver Mirror Test, Chromic acid test, Oxidation
Reaction with Potassium Permanganate, Milk Test, Polymerization Reaction, and Addition
Reaction. The purpose of this activity is to give the analysts a more comprehensive knowledge
about the specific functional group. This experiment will give the analysts and manufacturers of
commercial household products (Formaldehyde – used as germicide or insecticed). Medicinally,
aldehydes also perform essential functions in humans such as that of the function of
carbohydrates, which are based on compound containing aldehydes, ketone, and hydroxyl
group. An aldehyde in the retina (retinal), which when combined with protein (opsin) in the retina
of the eye form rhodopsin, which is involved in the process of vision (March & Brown, n.d).
Thus, deeper knowledge of this group will definitely give benefit for assays of new medicine and
even improve old drugs.


A. Isolation via Steam Distillation

In the process of isolating the distillate, steam distillation was used. The analyst
obtained 10g of Cinnamon powder and suspended it in 100ml of distilled water
using a distilling flask, the group assembled a steam distillation setup and attach
the distilling flask by an iron clamp to the steam generator via a glass tube to
condenser fitted with an adapter. The mixture was volatilized with boiling water at
100oC for 45-60 minutes and collected the distillate into a clean beaker. After the
distillation, the distillate was transferred into a clean separatory funnel then
extracted the Cinnamaldehyde, 10ml dichloromethane was added, shaking and
venting was executed 2 layers was formed, the dichloromethane layer was
drained. Separating the extracted the Cinnamaldehyde to the 10ml
dichloromethane was again performed twice. The solvent was evaporated to
make it clear with a slightly yellow with a strong odor of Cinnamon.

B. Solubility test
To evaluate the solubility of the distillate, the analyst gained 1ml of the distillate
and mixed distilled water. The whole procedure was again performed using other
solvent such as Ether and Ethyl alcohol in 2 separates test tubes. Aside from the
stated solvents, the test was repeated with laboratory grade formaldehyde,
acetaldehyde, and benzaldehyde using the same solvents. Observations were
recorded for the analyzation process.

C. Chemical Test
C.1 Oxidation Reaction with Tollen’s test (Silver Mirror test
The group collected 10 drops of distillate and placed it in a clean test tube and
1ml of Tollen’s reagent was added. The test tube was warmed in a water bath at
60oC for 15 minutes. The test was repeated with laboratory grade formaldehyde,
acetaldehyde, and benzaldehyde. Observations were tabulated for further

C.2 Chromic acid test

The analyst collected 10 drops of distillate and placed it in a clean test tube and
2ml of Potassium Dichromate. The test tube was warmed in a water bath at
60oC. The test was repeated with laboratory grade acetone, formaldehyde,
acetaldehyde, and benzaldehyde. The color was observed before and after the
water bath, results were tabulated for research purposes.

C.3 Oxidation Reaction with Potassium Permanganate

The group obtained 1ml of faintly pink solution of Potassium Permanganate and
acidified with few drops of diluted Sulfuric acid and a small amount of distillate
was added. Rate of reaction was and other changes after the reaction were
observed. The test was repeated with laboratory grade acetone, formaldehyde,
acetaldehyde, and benzaldehyde, results were tabulated in comparison to the
isolated cinnamaldehyde for further analyzation.

C.4 Milk test

The analyst gained 2ml of the distillate and was placed it in a clean test tube, 3ml
of milk was also added to the same test tube. A solution of 5ml of water and 5
drops of 10% ferric chloride solution was added, the test tube was inclined at an
angle and 1ml of concentrated Sulfuric acid was also added to the down side of
the test tube in order to form a layer to the bottom part and not to mix with the
milk. The test tube was heated in a water bath to bring about a positive reaction.
The test was repeated with laboratory grade acetone, formaldehyde,
acetaldehyde, and benzaldehyde, results were tabulated in comparison to the
isolated cinnamaldehyde for research purposes.
C.5 Polymerization Reaction
The group obtained 1ml of distillate and placed it in a test tube, 5ml of 60% of
Sodium Hydroxide was added and was boiled gently. The test was repeated with
laboratory grade acetone, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and benzaldehyde,
results were tabulated in comparison to the isolated cinnamaldehyde for
analyzation process.

C.6 Addition Reaction

The analyst gained 2ml distillate and placed it in a test tube, 5 ml of saturated
solution pf Sodium hydrogen sulphide.
The test was repeated with laboratory grade acetone, formaldehyde,
acetaldehyde, and benzaldehyde, results were tabulated in comparison to the
isolated cinnamaldehyde for analyzation process.


A. Isolation via steam distillation

Figure 1. Isolation via steam distillation set-up

Figure 3. Two layers formed after shaking with venting
In the experiment, cinnamaldehyde is isolated from cinnamon, which consists of
dried, ground bark from the cinnamon tree, and contains about 2% cinnamaldehyde that
is responsible for its flavor and odor. The isolation of the compound was achieved by
steam distillation. Since cinnamaldehyde is soluble in steam (but not in water), it will be
carried up with distillate and form a finely distributed emulsion, which will appear milky
upon cooling.

Steam distillation have still avoided the difficulty of distilling cinnmaladehyde

because it decomposes before it reached its boiling point (248℃) because the vapor
pressure attained pressure attained, being equal to the applied pressure to boil, is the
sum of the water vapor pressure and the cinnamaldehyde pressure. So some
compounds comes over in the distillate with water. This all takes place near 100℃, so
the compound is not destroyed. It works best when the compound is not soluble in
water, so the two layers of distillate can be separated (Engel, Jim n.d). Dichloromethane
was added as solvent through aqueous dispersion. When dichloromethane was added
as distillate product and shaken through extraction technique, cinnamaldehyde moved
into the dichloromethane layer. Since DCM (1.33) is greater than the density of water
(1.00) it is found to be the bottom layer in the separatory funnel.
B. Solubility Test
Cinnamaldehyde Immiscible Miscible Miscible
Formaldehyde Miscible Immiscible Miscible
Acetaldehyde Miscible Immiscible Miscible
Benzaldehyde Immiscible Miscible Miscible
Table 1. Solubility of Aldehydes with Water, Ether, and Ethyl Alcohol

Distilled Water

Figure 5. Cinnamaldehyde and Water solution (immiscible)

Figure 6. Formaldehyde and Distilled water solution (miscible)

Figure 7. Acetaldehyde and Distilled Water solution (miscible)

Figure 8. Benzaldehyde and Distilled Water Solution (immiscible)

In the experiment, cinnamaldehyde and water are immiscible due to the

components it possesses like the benzene ring, which is non-polar whereas the
aldehyde is polar. Water possesses a polarity, leading to the difference in polarities that
make it hard for cinnamaldehyde to be soluble in water. Formaldehyde is miscible with
water since this activity will help formaldehyde to be more compliant in which if it is
around 10%-30% it will be called formalin – used in embalming (Molecular Level
Answers, 2011). Acetaldehyde is also miscible with water by applying the indirect effect
of carbon chain with solubility. As the carbon chain increases in length, solubility in water
decreases wherein the border line of solubility occurs at about four carbon atoms per
oxygen atom. Lastly, benzaldehyde is immiscible with water because benzene ring –
which is contained in benzaldehyde – is non-polar and water is polar. Comparing it to
acetone where two lone pairs present on oxygen atoms makes it more polar, thus makes
it more soluble in water, the lone pair in benzaldehyde is completely involved in
conjugation making it less available to form hydrogen bonding with water (Vissamsetty,





Table 2. Results of the Solubility of Aldehydes with Ether

Shown in the table, an ml of cinnamaldehyde was mixed with ether forming two layers. It
indicates that cinnamaldehyde with ether is insoluble. In another separate two test tubes,
formaldehyde and acetaldehyde samples were mixed with ether; both formed two layers.
Furthermore, in the experiment, ether did not dissolve all the benzaldehyde making it insoluble
in ether. However, according to Gale (2006), cinnamaldehyde is soluble in ether. Acetaldehyde
and formaldehyde are miscible with ether according to pubchem. In addition, benzaldehyde is
completely soluble in ether as to what Brown (2011) stated. While all the results seemed to
show a negative result, the analysts figured out that the solvent uses to determine the solubility
of the samples was petroleum ether.

Petroleum ether is a chemical solvent used in the laboratory. Despite having the word
‘ether’ in its name, petroleum ether is not ether. It is a mixture of various organic compounds
made from carbon and hydrogen, including pentane and hexane. Moreover, it is considered as
a non-polar compound while some ether solvent such as diethyl ether is relatively polar
molecule (Judge, 2018).

In the experiment, cinnamaldehyde and benzaldehyde were insoluble with petroleum

ether, and formaldehyde and acetaldehyde were immiscible with petroleum ether. It appears
that the principle of ‘like dissolves like’ was evident. Besides, aldehydes contain polar carbonyl
group making it polar in nature and petroleum ether is non-polar. Polar substances will not
dissolve in non-polar substances, thus, layers and particles were seen in the solution.


Figure 9. Distillate with Ethyl alcohol

Figure 10. Formaldehyde with Ethyl alcohol

Figure 11. Acetaldehyde with Ethyl alcohol

Figure 12. Benzene with Ethyl alcohol

As shown in results above, four out of four of the solvents used were proven to
be miscible in Ethyl Alcohol. As stated in, Ethyl Alcohol is
miscible with water, ether, acetone, and most common organic solvents.
Cinnamaldehyde is a polar molecule comprised of carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen. Therefore dispersion forces, dipole-dipole interaction, and hydrogen
bonding all have the potential to occur between Cinnamaldehyde and another
molecule ( that gives a miscible result when added to Ethyl
Alcohol. Formaldehyde and Acetaldehyde are both organic compound that
results to be miscible in Ethyl Alcohol ( For the last solvent
Benzaldehyde is an organic compound consisting of a benzene ring with a formyl
substituent and it is the simplest aromatic aldehyde (, like 2nd and
3rd solvent, its characteristic of being an organic compound gives the result to be
miscible in Ethyl Alcohol.
C. Chemical Tests
C.1 Oxidation Reaction with Tollen’s Test (Silver Mirror Test)





Table 2. Results for Tollen’s Test

Tollens’ test is used to determine the presence of aldehyde, aromatic aldehyde,
and alpha-hydroxy ketone functional groups. Tollens reagent is an aqueous solution of
silver nitrate, sodium hydroxide, and a little ammonia. The silver ion is, reduced to
metallic silver by the aldehyde. Silver ion is a weak oxidizing agent whereas aldehydes
are very easily oxidized into a carboxylic acid. This produces silver metal, which coats
the test tube and creates a solid mirror, indicating a positive result for tollens
test (Kishner, W.).
As seen on the table, Cinnamaldehyde only furnished a positive result compared
to Formaldehyde with a black precipitate, acetaldehyde with a black solution and
benzaldehyde with a white solution. The tiny piece of silver mirror observed from the
cinnamaldehyde may be caused by the less volume of distillate gathered.

Theoretically, all reagents tested were expected to furnish a positive result for the
silver mirror test. This is because the four of them contain an aldehyde as functional
group. Behind the functional group present in them- a) Benzaldehyde is the simplest
aromatic aldehyde b) Cinnamaldehyde contains two unsaturated functional groups of
aldehyde and carbon–carbon double bond. c) Formaldehyde, which is the simplest
aldehyde, has its carbonyl group bonded to two hydrogen atoms. d) While acetaldehyde
is an aldehyde containing a methyl group.

The negative result observed by the researchers in the Tollen’s test for
Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and benzaldehyde might be caused by the impurity of the
reagent or failure to accomplish the given time frame in performing the test.

C.2 Chromic Acid Test





Table 3. Results from Chronic Test

The chromic acid test uses the Jones reagant to oxidize aldehydes and reduce
the chromic acid, resulting in a color change. It is used to identify aldehydes, primary
alcohol, and secondary alcohol (Loist, F.)
Since chromic acid is a strong oxidizer, it can easily oxidize aldehyde into a
carboxylic acid. The oxidation reaction results to the reduction of Cr6 ions to Cr3. The
presence of Cr3 is seen in chromium sulfate, which is responsible for the green color.

The disappearance of the red-orange color of chromic acid and the formation of a
blue-green color of the Cr (III) ion indicates a positive test.

Theoretically, when an aldehyde is+3, which is oxidized by orange-brown

chromic acid the chromic acid is reduced to Cr green, which is the expected color

However, as seen on the table, cinnamaldehyde, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde,

and benzaldehyde yielded a negative result- whereas earlier discussed that they are all
aldehydes since they contain an aldehyde functional group.

The negative result observed by the researchers in the chromic acid test for
Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and benzaldehyde might be caused by the impurity of the
reagent or failure to accomplish the given time frame in performing the test.

C.3 Oxidation Reaction with Potassium Permanganate

Cinnamaldehyde Mixture of
sulfuric acid and
Mixture of Mixture of
potassium potassium
permanganate, permanganate,
sulfuric acid and sulfuric acid and
formaldehyde benzaldehyde

Table 4. Oxidation Reaction with Potassium Permanganate

The table above shows the actual documentation of what happened after mixing
potassium permanganate, sulfuric acid and formaldehyde, acetaldehyde or benzaldehyde,
made to compare with the isolated cinnamaldehyde.
According to ChemLibreTextsOrg, Potassium permanganate, KMnO4, is a powerful
oxidizing agent, and has many uses in organic chemistry. Of all the oxidizing agents, potassium
permanganate, KMnO4, is probably the most common, and also the most applicable. KMnO4
can be utilized to oxidize a wide range of organic molecules. The products that are obtained
can vary depending on the conditions, but because KMnO4 is such a strong oxidizing agent, the
final products are often carboxylic acids.
Formaldehyde has been identified as a combustion product from many sources including
fuel in automobile and in cigarette smoke. It is used as raw material in many industries. It is an
odorous, lachrymatory and physiologically active compound’. It is regarded as air polluent and
has been established as a primary irritant and mutagen.
When Potassium Permanganate is added to Formalin, there is effervesence, and
resulted to the formation of black coloured bubbles. Also, this reaction is exothermic. The more
the amount of reactants, the more will be the effervesence and heat produced.
Chemical Reaction Incolved:
HCHO + MnO4 HCOO− + MnO2
Formaldehyde (HCHO) is oxidized by potassium permanganate inbasic solution to give
formate ion (HCOO−).
According to PubChem, Acetaldehyde is a widespread, naturally occurring, colorless
and flammable liquid with a suffocating smell. Acetaldehyde is found in various plants, ripe
fruits, vegetables, cigarette smoke, gasoline and diesel exhaust. This substance is widely used
in the manufacture of acetic acid, perfumes, dyes and drugs, as a flavoring agent and as an
intermediate in the metabolism of alcohol.
Aldehydes RCHO are readily oxidized to carboxylic acids.
Chemical reaction involved:

Unless great efforts are taken to maintain a neutral pH, KMnO4 oxidations tend to occur
under basic conditions. In fact, the most effective conditions for aldehyde oxidation by
KMnO4 involves t-butanol as solvent with a NaH2PO4 buffer.
According to PubChem, Benzaldehyde is an aromatic aldehyde bearing a single formyl
group with an almond odor. Benzaldehyde can be derived from natural sources and is widely
used by the chemical industry in the preparation of various aniline dyes, perfumes, flavorings,
and pharmaceuticals.
When Potassium Permanganate is added with benzaldehyde, production of a totally
mixed dark brown solution was produced.
Chemical reaction involved:
C7H6O + KMnO4 C7H6O2 (production of benzoic acid)
Benzaldehyde reacts with potassium permanganate to generate benzoic acid (oxidation).

C.4 Milk Test

Cinnamaldehyde Mixture of milk,
water, 10%
ferric chloride
solution and

Mixture of milk, Mixture of milk,

water, 10% ferric water, 10%
chloride solution ferric chloride
and solution and
formaldehyde benzaldehyde

Table 5. Milk Test results

The table above shows the actual documentation of what happened after mixing
the milk with formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde.
The production of reddish-brown layer at the bottom of the test for formaldehyde and
acetaldehyde was observed, this indicates the presence of each samples in the milk

The reactions for formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are examples of Angeli-Rimini

reaction, wherein the presence of aldehydes are detected in combination with ferric
chloride. A Congo red or intense red color of ferro complex indicates a positive result.
Sulfuric acid served as a catalyst to increase the rate of reaction (Revolvy, n.d). The
result for benzaldehyde should have been the result for formaldehyde.

According to Leonard Norman and Metcalfe Smith, on their publication, The

Analyst: A New Test for Formaldehyde, in milks containing quantities of formaldehyde, a
little of the sample should be heated gently in a test tube with a concentrated acid.
Violet or blue coloration will be obtained. Addition of ferric salts can give a faster result.
In addition, such reaction is not given by any other aldehydes or any other substance
but formaldehyde. The addition of formalin to milk products are considered to be an
adulteration, however, formalin is added to enhance the life of milk and for preservation

Cinnamaldehyde milk test, did not produce any colored layer. This indicates that
the milk sample does not contain or is negative for cinnamaldehyde. The researchers
were not able to find any chemical reaction and balanced chemical equation to further
explain the reaction that occurred.
C.5 Polymerization Reaction
Cinnamaldehyde Pale yellow solution

Formaldehyde Clear solution

Acetaldehyde Orange solution

Benzaldehyde Cloudy/ milky solution

Table 6. Polymerization Reaction Results

A reaction closely related to acetal formation is the polymerization of aldehydes.
Carbonyl compounds will form polymers by nucleophilic addition across the C = O bond.
Ketones do not form polymers easily as they are not particularly reactive this is because
ketones contain two alkyl groups which decrease the electrophilicity of carbonyl carbon
atom more than aldehydes.but aldehydes readily form a variety of polymers.(Embibe, 2019)
this is due to the high electronegativity of the oxygen atom double bonded to the carbon atom.
Aldehydes such as cinnamaldehyde, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and benzaldehyde.
It can be seen on the Tables shown above, that cinnamaldehyde, acetaldehyde and
benzaldehyde yielded a colored solution indicating that there is , indeed a recation between the
said aldehyde and the reagent used, 60% sodium hydroxide, for the polymerization reaction.
When the enolate of an aldehyde or a ketone reacts at the α-carbon with the carbonyl of
another molecule under basic or acidic conditions to obtain β-hydroxy aldehyde or ketone, this
reaction is called Aldol Reaction. 'Aldol' is an abbreviation of aldehyde and alcohol, (Organic
Chemistry Portal) And enolate means salts of enols, in which the anionic charge is delocalized
over oxygen and carbon, or similar covalent metal derivatives in which the metal is bound to
oxygen. (Chemistry Dictionary)

Figure 13. aldol reaction of aldehyde (Chapter 18: Enols and Enolates)
Enolate anions can add to carbonyl groups since they are nucleophiles. When
acetaldehyde is treated with dilute base, it condenses with itself to give Aldol. Upon heating, the
Aldol eliminates a molecule of water , giving the unsaturated aldehyde.

Figure 14. Aldol condensation involving acetaldehyde

Formaldehyde, on the other hand, did not yield a change or a reaction this id due to the
absence of an alpha carbon, and as stated by Toppr, An alpha carbon is the first carbon that is
joined to the functional group. In the case of aldehydes and ketones, a functional group is a
carbonyl group. The functional group is responsible for the formation of alpha hydrogen. The
hydrogen present on the alpha-carbon is the alpha-hydrogen and it is slightly acidic in nature due
to the carbonyl group and its resonance stabilization mechanism. Thus, alpha-hydrogen and its
acidic nature are responsible for several different reactions, which we will study in this topic.
Hence, no reaction involved in aldol condensation without the alpha carbon.
C.6 Addition Reaction
Cinnamaldehyde Clear solution

Formaldehyde Clear solution

Acetaldehyde Clear solution

benzaldehyde Two layers: bottom
layer appears to be
milky/cloudy solution
and top layer is clear

Table 7. Addition Reaction Results

The reagent used for the addition reaction of aldehyde is a Saturated solution of sodium
hydrogen sulphide, used to be known as sodium bisulphite. The Addition of sodium hydrogen
sulfite, which proceeds readily with good conversion in aqueous solution with most aldehydes,
methyl ketones, and unhindered cyclic ketones will form to a carbon-sulfur bond. On the other
hand, ketone do not react with sodium bisulphite due to steric hindrance. No catalyst is required
because sulfite is an efficient nucleophilic agent.

Figure 15. Addition of Sodium Hydrogen Sulphite to Aldehyde and Ketones

In Aldehydes, Sodium Bisulphite addition products are fromed since all the given
aldehydes form the hydroxyl sulfonates, however the reaction is only limited to certain structures
of ketones (Chemistry Libretext) the reaction is reversible by treatment of the addition product
with either acid or base.
The aldehyde or ketone is shaken with a saturated solution of sodium hydrogen sulphite
in water. Where the product is formed, it separates as white crystals.
In the conducted experiment, all sample used except for cinnamaldehyde, belong to the
simplest king of aldehyde that posses the least number of carbon chains indicating now that the
formation of the addition products were soluble. However, in the case cinnamladehyde, because
of certain errors performed during the experiment, distillate that was extracted were not enough
to obtain the desired result which should be a slight evidence of small crystals in the solution.
In the case of ethanal, the equation is:

Addition/elimination reactions of the aldehydes and ketones are of great importance in

living organisms, as well as to organic chemists. Aldehydes and ketones play a major role in the
structure of sugars, and addition/elimination reactions are used to build up the complex
carbohydrates vital as both structural and storage molecules in living things.


The experiment allowed the analysts to specify the chemical and physical
properties of aldehydes. Starting from the isolation of cinnamaldehyde from cinnamon, the
analysts were able to confirm that although the compound because it decomposes before it
reached its boiling point (248℃), the vapor pressure attained pressure attained, being equal
to the applied pressure to boil, is the sum of the water vapor pressure and the
cinnamaldehyde pressure. So some compounds comes over in the distillate with water. This
all takes place near 100 ℃ , so the compound is not destroyed. The addition of
dichloromethane serves as a good solvent, allowing the cinnamaldehyde move into the
same layer. The solubility test have also showed that it also depends on the polarity of the
two substances and at the same time to its reaction to the substance helping it attain its
unique characteristic such that in the case of formaldehyde. Furthermore, Tollen’s test have
also proven that it is, indeed, positive with aldehydes since it resulted to positive results of
the different aldehyde containing compounds. The chronic test also showed the oxidation of
aldehydes then reduced the chromic acid to give a color change for the solution. However,
the actual experiment yielded negative results due to possible contamination of reagents
used and since the solution waited for several hours since the isolation of cinnamaldehyde
needed took time. Furthermore, the difference between ketone and aldehydes was further
distinguished since aldehydes contain hydrogen atoms making it more oxidizable than
ketones. Since ketones do not have hydrogen atoms, it appears to be very resistant to
oxidation. However, strong oxidizing agents such as potassium manganate and potassium
permanganate can only oxidize ketones (ChemiLibreTexts). The analysts have also found
out that when milk containing trace of formaldehyde is mixed with an equal volume of water
and and four volumes of concentrated sulfuric acid the solution will soon acquire a violet
color, thus, would indicate the presence of formaldehyde. They have also found out that
certain aldehydes will polymerize in certain pressure 12,000 atm to materials having acetal
structures (Conant, n.d). Lastly, aldehydes will react with amines to form imines.

The experiment, indeed, proved that the comprehensive understanding of these specific
functional group will give an edge to the analysts in their future occupations either as
pharmacists or being in the field of manufacturing. It was found out that the compounds
used such as Formaldehyde is used in biological specimen and preservations. Also, when
reacted with phenol, formaldehyde forms Bakelite, which is used in plastics coatings and
adhesives. Benzaldehyde also shows its use in assays of perfumes, cosmetic products, and
dyes. It is added to food to give almond flavor and also used as bee repellant. Thus, assays
of more insect repellants may arise from knowing the different characteristics of aldehydes.
The analysts conclude that each of the functional group play a significant and unique roles
in many industries. This just proves that the continuation of studies and researches of
budding and veteran inventors and scientists may lead to a better result of products for the
benefit of many people.
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