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Manoeuvring nature

man from his apelike ancestors. The odyssey of modern man from homo erectus to homo
sapiens incorporated many changes in various fields of social, economical, religion, political,
technological and scientific advancement. Since change is an inbuilt element of nature and
forms the basis of natural law of dynamism, we witnessed changes in lifestyle of a man. Our
apelike ancestors used to live in a cave and lived on hunting of animals and eating their meat
and then comes the change and animals were not hunted anymore but were domesticated and
various things like milk and wool were extracted out of them and then another change was
witnessed when animals like bulls and cows were used for ploughing fields in order to
cultivate and produce food crops and a modern man creates hybrid crops using modern
technology and fertilizers proving to be deleterious for human consumption and thus at every
stage law of dynamicity prevailed and humans used the pulchritudinous nature for their
development and transgression into a modern man.

In our Indian history during early vedic period our ancestors used to worship elements of
nature such as mountain, river, trees, rock and animals because they were considered to be
the real treasures of earth and then there was a change during later vedic period and we
started worshipping idols and forgot formers importance and exploited them for personal
benefit. Considering gravity as one of the greatest discoveries by Isaac Newton which helped
humans in comprehending various enigmas of universe and propounding various universal
theories but we forget the fact that this gravity was discovered when an apple fell down from
the tree which was witnessed by Newton and thus it was nature that helped him in
contemplating the law and nature of gravity. Nature has proved to be inspiration for various
writers and poets like William Wordsworth and Robert Frost and artists indeed which helps
them in drawing and sketching a marvellous painting.

Main culprit in exploitation of the nature is technological and scientific advancement which
helped a man to transgress into a modern civilised man. Man extracted crude oil from land
and putted it into refinery and converted it into various other fuels like petrol, diesel and
CNG on the basis of its boiling point. He used these fuels in order to run his machines like
car, motorcycle, generator, industrial machines etc. which conclusively emitted various
harmful gases and wastes like carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. These wastes and gases
when were properly not treated resulted into global warming and depletion of ozone layer and
ironically we see use of nature for its own destruction. A nuclear bomb was developed by
using nature s elements but its misuse left two beautiful Japanese cities in dilapidated state
and now this nuclear power possession defines a country s strength and political position in
the world. He used scientific advancement as an excuse and exploited nature on the pretext of
human benefit. He made dams on rivers which interfered with its natural flow and stored the
river water for generation of electricity. Countries like china which are claim to be new
superpower due to its technological advancement built its largest river water storage dam
named tree gorges on Brahmaputra river and if this water, if once, is left to freely flow will
totally flood India s north east region and thus again an unjustified use and exploitation of
nature can be witnessed.

It seems that man has won over everything but death and he will even be able to subdue death
by using technological advancement as he has already done it with the natural birth of baby
with the use of artificial insemination technology. We humans have interfered with the
natural life cycles, environment and nature and its side effects are visible in the form of
earthquakes, cyclones, tsunamis and overpopulation. This development of human beings have
not only been proved to be detrimental for them but for all living beings which has resulted in
extinction of various species. Development is not to be criticised but a fully sustainable
development should be promoted by humans as is taught by nature.

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