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Good Morning, I am smiti and practicing Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism for some years.

I am a self
dependent woman and have a very deep financial , job and accommodation karma. When I thought
that I was on my way to transforming financial karma, I became jobless for almost the whole 2017 and
had to borrow money from my friends to pay the pg rent . Once again I felt helpless and hopeless.

Then came a spark of hope, a company with whom I was trying for a job from a longtime suddenly
confirmed their offer and I joined them. In the same week, one of my friends arranged a job and visa
for me in Dubai and insisted that I leave the job which I had joined and start a fresh life. Without
thinking twice, I grabbed the opportunity as I felt that it was a chance to create personal and
professional stability.

But it was not meant to be. Within five months I became jobless in a foreign land. Inspite of everyoe’s
efforts, I couldn’t get a regular job. If I got an assignment, it paid me a salary which was equivalent to
that of a maids or security guard. I became anxious, totally lost confidence and self esteem, thoughts of
committing suicide became very strong as I was tired of trying to put my life together. I was unable to
gather courage to return as I had no job or home in India and nor could I stay in dubai

Finally after a lot of speculation, I booked return tickets based on the assurance from one of my
acquaintance that he will book me in his office guest house for 10 to 15 days which will give me time to
search for an accomodation. But Just two days before boarding the flight, I learnt that he had booked
me only for four days . when I reached delhi, I asked him to help me stretch my stay, But to my utter
shock, he told me to find a hotel and blocked my number leaving me stranded in the hall with my
luggage. I was devastated but continued to chant.

At this time someone shared a brokers number who appeared as a shoten zenjin. Looking at my
situation he allowed me to stay as a pg in his house for as long as I needed. The house was utterly
unhygienic and their 4 year old son kept urinating and shitting all over the place and had to cope up with
the brokers fathers bad behaviour. Also, I was totally cut off from the outside world due to no network
in the house and calls kept dropping and so did my life condition

Despite all this, I fought to to maintain my faith and be as consistent in gongyo and daimoku. I decided
to take this as an opportunity to clean up my life. I chanted to raise my life condition and create
gratitude and appreciation in my environment . I kept chanting and appreciating the brokers family for
having given me shelter when I was on the road. . I contacted my old leader and attended may 3rd
meeting, continued participating in gakkai activities. Whenever I felt low, I read senseis gudiances and
consciously fought back any negative emotions and chanted not to be defeated by the environment.

Side by side I kept hunting for a suitable accommodation. this struggle in faith and human revolution
resulted in finding a suitable place without brokerage and I was able to shift on 29th May which was a
deadline given to me by the brokers father to vacate the house. I would like to share a quote from
sensei: Nothing is nobler than sincerely striving in earnest for the kosen rufu. Our every effort will
become a source of immeasurable benefit and one will receive protection at the crucial moment.

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