Evidence - The Happines Advantage

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Evidence: The happiness advantage

I will never forget the day I learned to ride a bicycle, I remember that only

I was seven years old, always as a child I wanted to have one when I saw my

friends play.

cops and thieves in them led me to want to have one of these,

I had a friend who had two cycles of course one of them was not using them

Then I told my dad that if I bought it and accepted it and I gave it to him

birthday, I did not know how to drive should learn as soon as possible,

so I decided to take it out when there was no one in the park to be able to

learn, but I never learned by my own means and I always fell and

He beat me very hard, over time my father in his free time

I spent some time teaching myself to ride a bicycle, he always told me and

He still tells me that I must trust me and my abilities, so one day very

decided I started to push myself with my feet on the pavement and when

I managed to have speed I put my feet on the peales, but again I

I fell, very sad I returned home and my dad scolded me we went back to the
park and

I tried again with the surprise that this time I started pedaling and until

that I could finally stay online for a few seconds full of

happiness I started practicing almost every day of the week until one day

I did it and I could ride a bike without falling, now I can ride without the

need to hold on to the handlebar for a few seconds nowadays

I like cycling a lot and I take advantage every Sunday to go to ciclo vía.

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