Phrasal Verbs 01 - AULA 2

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PHRASAL VERBS Break up - Richard and Cindy broke up again. (to break up is to end a relationship. We can say, “to break up” or “to break up with someone”) ‘Make up - The couple is making up. (to make up is to become friends again after a disagreement. You can say, “to make up” or “to make up with someone”) Put up with - He can’t put up with the noise. (to put up with someone or something means to tolerate something or someone) : Put on - She put on weight. (to put on weight means to grow fatter or to become heavier) Put away - She wants her son to put away his toys. (to put something away or to put away something means to put something back in the place it was or where it should be) Pass out / come to - The lady passed out, and then she came to. (pass out is to lose consciousness and to come to is to recover consciousness) Catch on - Rollerblading has really caught on. (to catch on is to become popular) Run out of - He’s run out of coffee. (when you run out of something, you don’t have any more of it left) Tell off - The man is telling his son off. (to tell someone off is to talk to that person angrily and seriously because he or she has done something wrong) Get together - The boys are getting together at Blimp’s. (to get together with someone or with a group of people is to meet them to spend some time together) Get through - He can’t get through (to get through is to contact someone by telephone) Read up on - They are reading up on Chemistry. (to read up on is when someone is studying a lot something) Come down with - | came down with a cold last week. (to come.down with a cold is when you start to feel sick) Get over - Finally, | got over my cold. (to get over with something or someone is when someone recovers from something or someone) Go through- He knows what his friend is going through. (If you go through something such as an event or a period of time, especially an unpleasant one, you experience it) Give up - She gave up. (When you give up an activity, a task, etc., you stop doing it usually because it's too difficult or because you're not interested in it any more) Go with - I'll go with the fish. (When you say you'll go with something, you mean you'll choose this thing over something else) Go along with - She's going along with what he’s saying. (If you go along with a person or an idea, you agree with the person or accept the idea) Get along with - We are getting along just fine. (When you get along with someone, you have a good relation with that person) Exercise: 1. Choose a phrasal verb and make up a sentence according to what you see in the picture. Noo O00! 2. Complete using the most correct phrasal verb. a. late somuch that!___3kg last month. b. Thank God|____ my ex boyfriend. c. Mysister isgoodtome,we = very well. d. Damn computer! | can’t my boss. e. Lula is the best president ever! | always with what he says. f. When the Simpsons go to a pub, they often the shrimp. 8. smoking! h. Poor Daniel, he is a terrible situation. i, Do not worry; Daniel is going to that situation soon! j. Ireallycannot_______ Faustao every Sunday!

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