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General Luna Surigao del Norte

2 Periodical Exam in TLE-10 (Tourism Services)

Name: _____________________________Section: ________________ Date: ____________ Score _________

Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. This type of tourism involves unusual holidays, which are very different from the typical beach vacation.
a. Adventure tourism b. Arts tourism c. Cultural tourism
2. It focuses on the tourists gaining exposure to paintings, sculpture and other forms of art.
a. Ecotourism b. Cultural tourism c. Arts tourism
3. Enriching information and knowledge on other countries as well as satisfaction of the need for
entertainment are two primary reasons for engaging in this kind of tourism.
a. Cultural tourism b. Educational tourism c. Ethnic tourism
4. The main purpose of this tourism is learning.
a. Events tourism b. Educational tourism c. Ecotourism
5. This type of tourism consists of travel to relatively undisturbed or uncontained natural areas with specific
objective of studying, admiring and enjoying the scenery and its wild plants and animals.
a. Factory tourism b. Ecotourism c. Events tourism
6. It may involve performances, presentations and attractions portraying or presented by the host community.
a. Ethnic tourism b. Health tourism c. Heritage tourism
7. A tourism which categorized events into mega- events, special events and hallmark events.
a. Sports tourism b. Events tourism c. Urban tourism
8. This type of tourism involves visits to factories to learn about the production process of products.
a. MICE tourism b. Nature- based tourism c. Factory tourism
9. It focuses on festivals, a sub-category of events tourism.
a. Health tourism b. Festival tourism c. Heritage tourism
10. This involves travel for improvement of health. It includes travel to spas and for massage and, medical
a. Sports tourism b. Urban tourism c. Health tourism
11. WTO defines this type of tourism as an immersion in the natural history, human heritage, arts, philosophy
and institutions of another region or country.
a. Heritage tourism b. Nature- based tourism c. Sports tourism
12. This type of tourism involves travel to attend scientific, professional and even political gatherings.
a. MICE tourism b. Heritage tourism c. Urban tourism
13. The main attraction for this type of tourism is nature. It is often associated with ecotourism.
a. Festival tourism b. Nature-based tourism c. Disaster tourism
14. This type of tourism includes travel and participation or attendance at a predetermined sports activity.
a. Sports tourism b. Urban tourism c. Rural tourism
15. This type of tourism involves travel to cities and large towns to enjoy its landscape and recreational
a. Sex tourism b. Disaster tourism c. Urban tourism
16. It involves traveling to a disaster scene. Tourists travel to a disaster area not to help but because it is
interesting to see. They can hinder rescue, relief and repair work.
a. Gay tourism b. Rural tourism c. Disaster tourism
17. This is a tourism that is partially or fully for the purpose of having sex, often with prostitutes.
a. Gay tourism b. Sex tourism c. Rural tourism
18. It is tourism participated by gays who have open gay lifestyle. The primary purpose of travel is to be able
to participate to some extent in the gay life of a certain destination.
a. Disaster tourism b. Gay tourism c. Sex tourism
19. Usually this kind of tourism takes place in country sides and far- flung areas.
a. Urban tourism b. Rural tourism c. Disaster tourism
20. “A Theory of Human Motivation” explains that as humans meet basic needs, they seek to satisfy
successively higher needs that occupy a set of hierarchy.
a. Crompton’s model b. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs c. Schmoll
21. This pyramid level need by human to breath, need for water, need to eat, need to dispose of bodily wastes,
need for sleep, need to regulate body temperature, and need for sexual activity.
a. Safety b. Esteem c. Physiological needs
22. Need for friendship, sexual intimacy, having a family and need to belong a group.
a. Actualization b. Love/belonging c. Safety
23. Need to make the most of one’s unique abilities and need to strive to be the best.
a. Esteem b. Actualization c. Love/belonging
24. In which levels represents human need to be respected, need for self- respect and need to respect others;
need for recognition, need for activity that gives the person a sense of contribution and self- value?
a. Actualization b. Esteem c. Safety
25. What level of Maslow’s Hierarchy human need for security of employment, revenues and resources; need
for physical security; need for moral and physiological security; need for familiar security; need for
security of health?
a. Safety b. Esteem c. Actualization
26. It is one of a factor influencing the decision of tourists (Schmoll) which comprise external stimuli that can
awaken an individual’s desire or need to travel in the form of promotional stimulation.
a. Travel stimuli b. External variables c. Personal and social determinants
27. These determine customer goals in the form of travel desires and expectations and the objective and
subjective risks thought to be connected with travel.
a. External variables b. Characteristics and features of the service c. Travel stimuli
28. It involves the prospective traveler’s confidence in the service provider, destination image, past experience
and cost and time constraints.
a. Travel stimuli b. External variables c. Personal and social determinants
29. These also have a bearing on the decision and its outcome.
a. Characteristics and features of the service b. External variables c. Travel stimuli
30. What stage Model of Decision- Making by Mathieson and Wall occurs with destination, mode of travel,
accommodations and activities being selected?
a. Felt need or Travel desire b. Travel decision c. Information and evaluation
31. An event that attract the largest number of tourists and usually would have a major impact on the image
of the destination.
a. Hallmark events b. Special events c. Mega- events
32. This type of tourism involves visits to factories to learn about the production process of products.
a. Festival tourism b. Factory tourism c. Health tourism
33. A desire to travel is felt and reasons for and against that desire are weighed.
a. Felt need or travel desire b. Information and evaluation c. Travel decision
34. This model emphasizes that the choice of destination of a tourist is driven by two forces: push and pull.
a. Schmoll b. Crompton’s c. Matheison and Wall
35. Decisions in this phase are made at home, usually over a significant amount of time prior to the trip.
a. Planning phase b. Modification phase c. Tourist typologies
36. This phase covers modifications made during the trip.
a. Modification phase b. Planning phase c. Tourist typologies
37. Tour packages that offer frequent rest stops and easily accessible food outlets in theme parks.
a. Safety b. Belonging c. Esteem
38. Tour guide services provided in exotic or unfamiliar locations.
a. Belonging b. Safety c. Self- actualization
39. Group tours with people having similar interests and/ or backgrounds.
a. Physiological b. Belonging c. Safety
40. Learning the language and culture before travelling to another country.
a. Self- actualization b. Esteem c. Belonging
41. “A Theory of Human Motivation” explains that as humans meet basic needs, they seek to satisfy
successively higher needs that occupy a set of hierarchy.
b. Crompton’s model b. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs c. Schmoll
42. This pyramid level need by human to breath, need for water, need to eat, need to dispose of bodily wastes,
need for sleep, need to regulate body temperature, and need for sexual activity.
b. Safety b. Esteem c. Physiological needs
43. Need for friendship, sexual intimacy, having a family and need to belong a group.
b. Actualization b. Love/belonging c. Safety
44. Need to make the most of one’s unique abilities and need to strive to be the best.
a. Esteem b. Actualization c. Love/belonging
45. In which levels represents human need to be respected, need for self- respect and need to respect others;
need for recognition, need for activity that gives the person a sense of contribution and self- value?
b. Actualization b. Esteem c. Safety
46. What level of Maslow’s Hierarchy human need for security of employment, revenues and resources; need
for physical security; need for moral and physiological security; need for familiar security; need for
security of health?
b. Safety b. Esteem c. Actualization
47. A tourism which categorized events into mega- events, special events and hallmark events.
b. Sports tourism b. Events tourism c. Urban tourism
48. This type of tourism involves visits to factories to learn about the production process of products.
b. MICE tourism b. Nature- based tourism c. Factory tourism
49. It focuses on festivals, a sub-category of events tourism.
b. Health tourism b. Festival tourism c. Heritage tourism
50. This involves travel for improvement of health. It includes travel to spas and for massage and, medical
b. Sports tourism b. Urban tourism c. Health tourism
General Luna Surigao del Norte
2 Periodical Examination in Music 7

Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________ Date: __________ Score: _______

Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

______1. Cordillera Song that is based on five tone scale.

a. Dangdang – ay b. Tip – Tipa c. Oggayam d. Badiw
______2. A Cordilleran song that is written based on the seven – tone – scale
.a. Dangdang – ay b. Oggayam c. Tip – Tipa d. Badiw
______3. It a song with a free style singing in Cordillera.
a. Dangdang – ay b. Oggayam c. Tip – Tipa d. Badiw
______4. What song of the Cordilleran people in their Rice Pounding activity
.a. Dang dang – ay b. Imma – isa – isa c. Badiw d. Ullalim
______5. It is a song sang by the Cordilleran people during their Tribes gathering
.a. Dangdang – ay b. Badiw c. Ullalim d. Ayoweng
______6. A ceremonial Song for the dead
.a. Dangdang – ay b. Badiw c. Ullalim d. Ayoweng
______7. It is an Epic song by the Cordilleran people
a. Dangdang – ay b. Badiw c. Ullalim d. Ayoweng
______8. A work song in field by the Cordilleran People
a. Badiw b. Dangdang – ay c. Ayoweng d. Ullalim
______9. A bamboo instrument that is played by striking the open end of bamboo against the palm.
a. Bunkaka b. Diwdiw – as c. Tonggali d. Kolitong
______10. An instrument made from bronze and is played with a mallet or with bare hands
a. Sulibaw b. Gangsa c. Kolitong d. Pat – ting
______11. It is a hollow wooden drum with a lizard skin covering
a. Gangza b. Sulibaw c. Kimbal d. Kolitong
______12. A cup – shaped drum that is popular among the cultural communities
a. Kimbal b. Sulibaw c. Gangsa d. Kolitong
______13. It is a home of beautiful beaches, marvelous stone formations, underground river and the Tabon Man
a. Cordillera b. Mindoro c. Palawan d. Visayas
______14. An indigenous tribe of the Cuyo Island.
a. Cuyunon b. Tagbanua c. Palaw’an d. Mangyan
______15. A lullaby that soothes the child with promises.
a. Erekay b. Kotaw – Kotaw c. Layang Pasiyak d. Sandaw
______16. A musical event similar to the balagtasan, where the female and the male try to outdo one another in
an on – the - spot composition of melodic verses in a teasing manner.
a.Kotaw – Kotaw b. Erekay c. Sandaw d. Layang Pasiyak
______17. It is a bamboo slit drum that is struck with stick to produce sound.
a.Lantoy b. Palakupakan c. Subing d. Batungtung
______18. A stick instrument with a bamboo clapper.
a.Lantoy b. Subing c. Palakupakan d. Batungtung
______19. A communities found in the central and northern part of Palawan.
a.Cuyunon b. Tagbanua c. Palaw’an d. Mangyan
______20. A cleansing ritual performed by a babaylan or folk healer.
a.Pagdiwata b. Dagoy c. Oiman d. Bactal
______21. A group of people who loves to wear colorful skirts and accessories.
a.Cuyunon b. Tagbanua c. Palaw’an d. Mangyan
______22. A drum made from hollow wood with an animal skin covering.
a.Gimbal b. Babandil c. Pagang d. Agong
General Luna Surigao del Norte
2 Periodical Examination in Arts 7

Name: _________________________ Section: _______________ Date: __________Score: ________

Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.

______1. It is a festival celebrated during Lenten season in Marinduque.

a. Pahiyas b. Moriones c. Maskara d. Pangabenga
______2. A jar which is found in Palawan and considered as one of the precious artifacts in the Philippines.
a. Leta-leta b. Burnay c. Manunggul d. Banga
______3. Who gave the name of Panay Island?
a. Miguel Lopez de Legazpi
b. Miguel Malvar
c. Miguelito Ginebra
d. Miguel Goiti
______4. Why is weaving a primary form of art and crafts in Panay Island?
a. It is one of the important industry in town.
b. Weaving is used as clothing.
c. Materials used are cheap.
d. It is part of their culture.
______5. It is a wrap-around piece of cloth worn by women?
a. Hablon b. Patadyong c. Pinya d.Linawan
______6. Which of the following is NOT a part of the process in cloth weaving in Aklan?
a. Use coconut shell to get the fiber.
b. Weaver will snap a short leaves of the plant.
c. Wash the fiber and let it dry.
d. Use a bamboo stick to get the fiber.
______7. In what year does weaving became popular using indigenous material?
a. 17th century b. 18th century c. 19th century d. 20th century
______8. Baskets, trays and mats from Aklan were made from _______ fibers.
a. Abaca b. Pandan c. Jusi d. Pinya
______9. The following are the process of mat weaving, EXCEPT
a.Kuldahan b. Palpag c. Bariw d. Pagrarara
______10. It is an Island in the Visayas with many festivals.
a. Panay b.Masbate c. Negros d. Cebu
______11. What is the oldest city in the Philippines?
a. Cebu b. Angeles c. Negros d. Valencia
______12. Why is Cebu City considered as one of the most important metropolitan center of the Philippines?
a. They are producer of Sinamay Fabric.
b. The city is rich in natural resources.
c. They have many festivals.
d. It is a leading exporter of world-class furniture in Southeast Asia.
______13. It is a special delicacy in Samar and Leyte.
a. Pu-so b. Ube c. Patupat d. Suman
______14. Basket weaving in Bohol showcases ____________ motifs.
a. Diamond & Flower b. Painting c. Geometric d. Line
______15. It is one of the most popular festivals in Bacolod with the most spectacular display of colors and
a. Pahiyas b. Ati- atihan c. Kasadyaan d. Maskara
______16. It is a craft popular in Cebu City.
a. Abaca b. Buri c. Rattan d. Pinya
______17. It is the smallest living primate found in Bohol.
a. Malmag b. Tamaraw c. Ugsa d. Paniki
______18. The colorful costume designs of the Kasadyahan Festival in Tacloban depicts
a. The good health of the people living there.
b. Creativity in weaving the baskets and mats.
c. Modern culture of the town.
d. Lifestyle of the people.
______19. Which of the following is NOT a special dish in Iloilo?
a. La Paz Bachoy b. Bulalo c. Lengua d. Relyeno
______20. It is a style of weaving used by the Mangyans.
a. Habilan b. Habihabi c. Habian d. Tahian
______21. It is also known as Milan of Asia.
a. Panay b. Negros c. Bohol d. Cebu
______22. It is a shell craft found in Aklan and Iloilo.
a. Talaba b. Kapiz c. Perlas d. Kabibe
______23. Why is tattooing important in the life of the Visayans?
a. It reminds them of their memorable experiences.
b. It indicates their social status.
c. It is part of adolescent.
d. It is inherited from their ancestors.
______24. The manual weaving of patadyong is still practiced in
a. Iloilo b. Samar c. Leyte d. Panay
______25. In Pre-Hispanic time, the island of Negros is called
a. Negritos b. Buglas c. Baluga d. Nognog

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