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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Patac, Sto. Tomas 2505 La Union


Technology and Livelihood Education
(July 7, 2019)

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
a. Define Appetizer
b. Discuss the characteristics of appetizer
c. Enumerate the classification of appetizer
Topic: Appetizers
Reference: Learning Module
Technology and Livelihood Education Grade 9
Cookery 9 Learning Module, pages 60- 61
Materials: ICT integration- (Laptop and projector)

Teachers Activity Students Activity

“Good Afternoon Class”

Good Afternoon Ma’am!
(Checking of attendance)

B. REVIEW: ( Ping Pong )

1. Divide students into two teams. Students work
as a team to answer a review question.
2. Then, if they answer it correctly, they get a
chance to bounce a ball into one of three
plastic cups to get a prize for their team (The Students will do the activity)

C. MOTIVATION: (Mind Mapping)

1. The student’s will be group into four
according to their sections provide a cartolina
for each group.
2. Give each group a word written on a meta
3. The word should be pasted at the center or
any part of a cartolina.
4. The first group will write something about the
brief history of appetizer. The second group will
enumerate at least 3 characteristics of
5. The third group will identify at least 5 (The students will perform the activity)
classification of an appetizer and the last group
will enumerate 5 ingredients commonly used in
making appetizers.
6. Assign a member to explain their work.


Ok, so let’s check if your answers are correct as we

discuss what appetizer is and its classification.

Anyone who can define what is appetizer?

Ma’am it is a small dish of food or a drink taken
before a meal or the main course of a meal to
stimulate one's appetite
Who introduced it?
Ma’am they were originally introduced by the
Athenians as a buffet in the early third century
Very good!
How about aperitifs? Ma’am it is introduced by the Romans and were
classified as a liquid appetizer that typically
contained alcohol.
Very Good!

What are the characteristics of appetizer?

Ma’am a good appetizer are easy to eat.
Correct! What else?
Ma’am an appetizer should be able to build and
maintain your appetite for the main dish.
Very good!
So let’s proceed to the classification of appetizers.
Anyone who can give one classification of an
( Students will raise their hands)
(The teacher will call a student) Ma’am Cocktails.
Correct! What about cocktails? Ma’am cocktails are usually juices of orange,
pineapple, grapefruit or tomatoes served with cold
salad dressings. It may be in the form of a fruit or
vegetable juice mixed with little alcoholic beverage
or seafood like shrimps, crabs, or lobsters served
with slightly seasoned sauce.
Very good!
Next? ( Students will raise their hands)
(The teacher will call a student) Ma’am we have Hors D’ Oeuvres.
What is Hors D’ Oeuvres? Ma’am it is small portion of highly seasoned foods; it
is a combination of canapés, olives, stuffed celery,
pickled radishes, and fish. It is served on individual
plate when guests are seated. Sometimes this is
simply placed on a platter and passed around.
Very good! And they are served cold or hot.
Another classification of appetizer is Canapé.
Anyone who can describe what canapé is?
( Students will raise their hands)
(The teacher will call a student)
Ma’am they are made out of thin slices of bread in
different shapes. The bread may be toasted,
sautéed in butter or dipped in a well-seasoned
mixture of egg, cheese, fish, or meat then deep-fat
fried. It is a finger food consisting of three parts: a
base, a spread or topping and garnish.
Very good! There are also bigger size of appetizer
and it is called ZAKUSKIS, named after the Chef
Another classification of appetizer?
( Students will raise their hands)
(The teacher will call a student)
Ma’am Relishes/Crudités are pickled item which are
raw, crisp vegetables such as julienne carrots or
celery sticks. Relishes are generally placed before
the guest in a slightly, deep, boat shape dish.
Very good! What else?
Ma’am Petite Salad are small portions and usually
display the characteristics found in most salad.
Any other classification?
( Students will raise their hands)
(The teacher will call a student)
Ma’am Chips and Dip. This are popular
accompaniments to potato chips, crackers, and raw
vegetables. Proper consistency in the preparation is
important for many dip.
Correct! The dip must not be so thick that it cannot
be scooped up without breaking the chip or
crackers, but it must be thick enough to stick to the
items used as dipper

Do we have another classification of appetizer?

( Students will raise their hands)
(The teacher will call a student)
Ma’am Fresh Fruits and Vegetable.
Very good! What is the characteristic of Fresh Fruits
and Vegetable as an appetizer?
Ma’am they are the simplest appetizer. Fruits are
good appetizers because they give an attractive
appearance, fragrance, appealing taste and
delicious flavor.
Very good!
Lastly we have anything smaller.
Ma’am it is a varieties of appetizers wherein the only
requirement is that you keep everything small
enough to be picked up with the fingers and eaten
with little mess.
Correct! Can you give an example?
Ma’am it can be a homemade sausages, cut into
small pieces, wrap them with a small piece of pastry
shell and bake. Or baked sweet potato fries with a
mayonnaise-based dipping sauce. Individual
quiches filled with ham and cheese are another
good option.
Very good!
Any question?
None ma’am.
Okay so, based on those picture you’ve seen, what
are the different ingredient used?
Ma’am mostly are sea foods, fruits and vegetables
and egg.
Very good!
Any question?
None ma’am

(The students will summarize the topic.)

Again, what is appetizer?

Ma’am it is a meal taken before the main dish to
stimulate once appetite
Who introduced it?
Ma’am the Athenians.
What are the 3 main characteristics of appetizer?

Ma’am it has attractive appearance, appealing

flavor, and fragrance.
How many classification of appetizer do we have?

What are those?

Ma’am we have 7.

Very good! Cocktail, Hors D’ Oeuvres, Canapes, Relishes and


Enumerate and briefly describe the 7 classification of appetizer.


Review your notes for your second quiz tomorrow.

Prepared by:
Jemmalyn B. Naca

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