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Charslcferisfics aDld classifications

of wefla!ld rice so;{sin India, Indones.a, ,and fha,'and

M.E. RSiymundo, C.P, Mamaril, and E.L Aragon





'l"b~j Ji'iOO!lli~t~~i'I!Il1 Rjce RCs;(;',(l_-'Cln 1!rI..'Slitme {I RRJ)\lii!iS: ci>ti!b~i!Sh~~ Ln 1900 by. lliiCF'ord 3~dR__()~cRililcr roond~!p(ms. w:llthlhe h~1.p ~l1d approval of Ihe (T[1vemmel~l Ilr!hePhi:llippill~. TodllY ,IRRI b@ni1: ~t' I!lm 16rnjJin:pro~t in· !imillu:i'QIl<l1 resear!ilh QeIU.e~ :SlIJliJlCrINI b1r'lh~ ('Q!:lSUI!mive Gmup LlIiI~lnler& liIiLtkm~il ,\griOiJI:~IlI3! Res~iI.ITC1iI (CG~:i\R).,'fhl:! CGlAR iill, sponooreill bylh~ 1F'(1(1ocli and Awi~,~,tt!J~ Org..1ni;qJI~ii)f! o-f !he Ur.ltt~d N~ti(l~~ ~.I'!.<e JIf!Wilf.!mi.on;];~ B!'IDk[~f Re~o~!n!ctiolil~ml[)~'\Iel!o,~e,n fWot:ld.B~).~Ii11!1 ~ lJIliIUOO' Nations .DeYc~opm~m .ProgmJlllm~ {UNDP). ]18· melll]ool1Shi~) ls CIlID1piil!lOO of ,dOl}O:r Q@U!lU'ies,f.Fl.1em~tt<~i1l~H ~!~d ~ilO<i'l9l Q~a~t~l:kJl1:g. m1d, ,~i\1:Qte rl;t'l1llllilla1:ians,

[MI feccives 5Up~,. '~hfOUglil dm CUIAIl;. friil1i1 II ,!'Iiu.n~l:Mlr or cil:m{]l'S IlIcillldilllgFA'O. UNiDP. W(uldl3:ank, Eu~o~an Unhm, A~hm D~\I\eWopm,el1ll B'!ln~. lll!ock~r~ne, fO!Iodil!.!fl:fiJ, Ford FO!lmdMkUl. C(lrllmollt1lfud ((n' Com.m@di~ies> S;as.1i~:tIwa r-OtllnlH~,ti,U1. and !1~e ~~.t~rnal:illmill~ aid ~g,~,~ie-ll of !hill ~fIlHlcrwii~~ c.o\'ei:lUI~Jmt!i: A~tro~iia. 11Ie.ligium, Cllnailla. CQlllmib'i:a. Cil~ ,d'lvoir>e.Pl»jp:[e'~ Republic of Cl'!!in(l. De"mnr1:~ ~gy]J}t. finIOi.1:td. Fmt'!l.)~,. G~rmaJ]f. Imjt!:n, ~nd(lll~$:i~, Is:lnrrnic Repniblic (if Imlii, ha~;y" JIIJJ(IlIIi. R,cpublnc o:r Kot'¢il, 1'h1il NClh~l1land5." Nt'lI"Ml'j·. Ill'hUi lnIi,nes, I~te RIl5:Siml FC(]'crilni{m., SpO!:t~, SW'e<llCJl, .s~lI'i~rli;m.d. UI11~~~ &::.~u:t~~n~,Md U!1!H~d S!a1Je~.

~1.1~ ~pon~ibilii(y fqJr ItM~pUlI;lIiCll1riOil f'e.s~~with!he ~1lU:1"1Mi@n~]ltk?l1l' Re~¢!Irch ~n5~il'U1JC.

]'''~ ~Rm DiSl:UJ;'SiO'Jl, raper Sc:r1!c5 was CIie~IC!:I as i1nit.:xiblc Il'I!1f:rurlS for ~MI s~n'etli~istc5 tD S~fi~ infilmnaliDn wilfi] 9llel:ia.lliz.eili ins.tillU:itlliili and iudilo'Jdul" 1l15, ~:!'i)hp~~f is prOOlI~d fwm rllm~rn'"n.-lIdy 'OOPJI suppli!Xi ib)'Ule anl~l.Qt :(Ind iSiJ~ss¢dl IJ1~fQl!!gh lRRI's CO!!!~'1tu:nicalj!(}n :(Inti Publlc,aikm.s:

S~Ni~e'5" The pa~, ore re~~[of~~'P0grophical:)Cctl~y onllr' ~:nd lire Il!ot ~subj~led, !!tI linl:! 1'I1J1Jl111111 I RRI edi~:i n !,! or ~r ~view prncc;s~"

Th~' ~~ri,,, i~iii'i~end~, Woo a If!!!:! iiI!~ii1n@i, of P"CSil1llh1:!; 1l~:llimi~<LrfrY re8uhs orres.earch slilll in, pl'O,~~, ll!w~ w:ht~h eculd ~Onmllilfledi",~~, ~l.Se ill Qtfrle~. The s~,r~ .fiJ~ 'il()"I<l!ins sp~f a ll1iroJ~c •. rgpQ~. Qon~,~ ,~nd~~lw~rk~ns, shQ~ pnlCit'>edif!gs or rre.po:i'i:S ,Ilr fil,ce!:t~ W'](I ",Qr[j;;s!n~ps. UOOlilflmetndations rrmn'l II pan'il:i1lall" wmtSitlOp. :md! sirlllil~r Ir:III!~ert1:11ls.

~ RIU ~11I,,,,i.~C~ fiC(1dbiiLCl\. fio:tl:I mmdm, whi~h wi Iii bt: Il:sc'fij~ ~o • fi!iJ. '[OOUS \vJtelli .!hey are rcl'illililg ~heirli!'laie~i~ts IlOf fr}iim~~ p~ilJ)lkl!~im in jeurnnl~ m as mmmgrnphs.

1:IfI1~eman:nollal Rice Re:selltl;h blslinne' P.O. :Bo!li: 93.1,. M1IIIlIlbi O!ll). rhiliJJJlil!l~s, fir",: (6.3·2) it9 ~ ~ 1292

1E1~()',~roJ:ltC ,rlfl~ill;~QSim~!~t@lKIU.ClONBT.COrv.1 Te~C'~:: (ffi1T) 40S!.m .R:.lCE P11l~

(eWI) 1'15 ~9 UUle 'PS (RCA} 22456 m! r"fl fCWI)~4.86 ~ UU PS

Sllg.w.-';!;~ed 'CliiI:~:I~!i:I!l:

Rnjtm~lIliIdIo.. M E. MBmmil, C P" Ai!!!l.~n, E L ('1,9951) Chara'CI~~~ics B[lI(iI el~~'$~I'icati(.ln~ Olr \~U>linlli~ice S~i:l!!l in .llndin. .llndonesia. and Thai liond. nuu Disc-\!I5sI'OJiI Pllipcr!l~~l;s No.. 7. 111~lCrnaH(!!nl'll Ric:: R~5<:llrcli I rus.iu.!I.c.P;Q.Bro< :933. .~ Il~~ Milnih1i,Phi]ippiil~.

I!SBN 97'1:2:2001074-4 ISSN '01"117~118:01

~tRFn ;D~SCUSStl.oN P'APER StEIRii:ES NO., 7


---- --

Chars'cferisf;cs and classifications

of wetland rice soils in India, Indonesia, and Thailand

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'~' .. 'r:;n;-R'-rd~TIO·'~ I AI' U"',C'l!l iI?"'''"t:JLiJC-H I"1lI:!'T1l'1J'JE

~Pl!:l,~ ,!J."'!l.t-'!!. '.' __ ,j:'!lI"'l!!LJ.l~.,_-LiiI ;~XQ,t=!I'U.'\._ a""lI;l,L _' ._'

Page INo.




S.cope of Repolrt


S'oil 0 r,a'ef Ch1illr~;u:::t>eltustics in R!el<llIUon~Q! We/Eiland Il~ce! Plr'Oduc:t~on






Characteristics land !classifications

lof' wetland rice 50;I5';n . Indofl'esia, BndThailand

M.E..Raymundo'Ce R,esearch Instilute

C.P. Mamaril

international Rioe Research lnsmu:re

E.L. Aragon

Intemati,onai Rioe Research lnsUfufie

IRRI,········ .. ·······-········ .'

. . . ... ~...... . . - ....

,-._ ,. J

[NTEiRi'llAf[ONlIlRlCE RHS:EA.RCH It\~s:r.iTlJ1'E p"o. 60x 93~, M:ani~a l!099. Phillpplm~s

Tab~le No.



US'f 0,1" TABLES

D'i:stribl!~io!i! of sitles/,pedol1s accord:t!'llg to, eountl'yand soil~ ,o,r,{:!:er 0:1' the Soi~ nX(HM)my,. 1 9.616.

crnas,:!!j'ificatio:n a,f sons in 43 sr~es in Irndia, Tha ilarnd, a I'1ldl,nd onesta ilnd the'lr aOlrlr,espondml1lQ FCC ,ijesig 111 atiorUL 1 9 EHS.

G:Jieat g~IOUp'SI (If 'Inoeptijislols re~ !iieserr~ed by the sit'E!'s, titH,1 'COmm01r1 e,q:lJiliva~'em or C,O,fililllotat!tons" and distlTIiI,gluish~filg~ea1lUi res.

Subg:J101.:lIP Miodifiiers used fcurta xarepr'e,· sefillted by thesltes land CQWlIU')lClltatia.ns.

A:g!mcll!ima,~ic elaases ,ass(}ciamed with t.hlil' :s~~es ofsoil~ chalr,aJCt!~rizat]on rOlf 'Ule IINSFFER P~o,jelCt





Locatn,o,n of s~itieSSiil!mIP~ed '~or wetllnd c:h,araC'~erij~a,tion and cmassi~h:;,~ltion in mnd~la. 1986. UN 5 FFER PrQj~ct.l'

Ilt)(:,aJ~ion of site,s Sii'lll1liple,dJ fc.r w!I3lUand so~1 ICh1;lIICi:llctreri:z:awli,olflli!ll1Idi da,ssifij'catmo!1lin

I ndonesiia,l '9!8,6" (INS F:FIER Project~

Locati:cl'I1!1 e,f si:tes sarm.o:~ed for wetJ:aJod soilll (lililgllrac~erizai!:ion and c]assr~ic.altion

i nTha ~Ia full, 1 9 8,6. ~~ NSFFE:R ProjeH::t)



Site's in !indh!i,lndonesia and ThalUiind wher~ b~JborOllta~v da~a. fi~el,d en aJac:t;e·, risti,c,$ ~alndlsoil cliJlssi'fk:i:!tl0 n WEiI~e provluded

Soientist: guide:s" 'co"'workers: a nd 'fadUtat.orin ~hes:it:e chaJ;Jjct!lri2!31tic:1FI and soil~ $>i!'mpling in the threel CI(jII.HiI!Uies., 19,86,

Stat!lJS report on IN SFFERsite ChiX9!c't:afi~ ziitiol!1'l Septsmber .~ 5, 119fU~

Yieilclancl y~el'd res:p'Of)s,e;s 'rIO, ni'ti'!og,en Ifates ,!.lIndSIOlur,ce's in f·EjII:atio;r! to Hn,e slo,ils, Of the





S:o~il i~liId ,crop 1liI!lI1Iili!.g:eme,ntt:osl.lIIstain high vie'~ds hais bee,1I'I a major re'se,Qircill int.e,r,esl of~he ~ot~rl1,1li~iQn3'1 RioeRes,ear<:ih, Ins'titl.!lte nAFIn sil~,oe il~s eStablishment in 19,60.

The draliil1a~lc increa s,a of t:he IP~ice'.s 'Oi~ fenmze'f and the s:taiO,f;!;age, of felrtUli:;?;€i,f SUIPplliy' in 1974 !i'!1ot~\!\a,~ed SCieWl'tlTls:~S i!'illnendin,gl the [~fIt;erri!,ati,o,nall Rice Reslealllcl1l C!fl<lli~ere IiIceat ~[RR[I[ ~n 1 975 '~o glet~O @etheri:!lrndaddliessuhe n,eed to ilmlPif,o,ve fef1m~ZiefliJls,e 'efficielr!cy in ~k:e.

l~ ~s ililiformralll coBabowadon led tlO' tine worrnation, IOI~the In~)ematJto'!"Ial Ne'~work (l:n If,ertill:i2'erEvalui~tialrl '~Qr FUee ([INFER;) in 1917(;;' [It WilliS 11ilI1!'Ii!:amed the liII1~ernal!ionam Networik ,orll Soil Fernmw a I!H:I' FerUlirzl!?f iCv,aluiiltion fOlf :Ric'E!! UNS'FFER) in 1980 when comlabo;r;a:tings'cie1ntists delciiCi,ed m, 'consider !bOl~h ol~g'i!llnicand inorgalilucfieniliiil!i!l!!f useand til) moniww 'tl1leiif long.-te em ef'f:ect 'Olil SIOiil prQpe rties ..

Today, IllNSFfERis known as ~INIStJIR[F" or '~he [I:rnte,mn9Itiona1 NetwlO.~k. ol~So;LIFelniili·ty and SiIJstiillinabl~e R~ceFalrmijililgl. IN$UR:F IIfHJiW .0001:S!tJ'ii:llddre;fl!;H~S issueS (l,n S'l,JIis:~ai.n.abi~itv. TtUl! network is increu;fllligilyfacuslfngi it'S 19iffo!"'l:s an iote 9 r~ted rU"lnie'n:~ m31nBIIJjleme n't ialnd tle'chnol!olgies ~!ess d'epe,nd'enl on ~he ITlIlh:::'~;1II f<er:l:illi2!ers. S:urilce 1919,. 'ttfi,{l 'SW~S:!l, G'Q,nfn merit I!U!IS fiund,edl liNS UR F ;ac:~ivities 1I:hrough~he Swis:s lDeve1lopOilJeot C~ Oi'peratikull (SIDe).

About. 1 7caulntwmes cluimrlenl~ly p:ari!.uolj:H:lte in I NSUFlFac~iv:ities. These in'c!ude co:llla!bo'r,<ltive!uia'~s alii ir1l~eglf~t!e:d: nutri,em lma,l'lllillgement:, pl~nning m:~!eti D'l;{j;sallilid m,a,nitD~u n,QI visr'u;:, uaiir'lling proglrams, and sitl9: c:hla~'a ct.eilr~z:9itio:n.

For [IINSUlA F, she Icharacte:ru,zi1,don lis essenti~lh),r inr~er'Pr'elting ~igironomic Imesultsfrom 'f~e~:d: eX;!:J,erimenits Clon,duct.~d tll!i'l!d'er dive~'Se: :s0]1 conditions. lIt i,s a~so im pOf,ant 'ro'r pred~ctil!i'l'g eWlOlP respans,eto~'enmzer ffi,anag eme nt .pr.actices;. SitG,cha raClle!l'izatiO nfac~lu~3t~stranstie:f of g!elilerated ~ecihrlu,IQgies '~o loc,atiO,G1.S wu:~h,simi1Iar soi~:aJfild' 'environlm,e!lta~l ,cond~'~ions. Sit.e efla!raoteri:Stii:cs· mary act ,eitih,tu as ;aimilbutesi er con;!ltt<!lint:s,tlO' eroe produe~ion.

!If ~hesea~!e: kili!'O'Winl,,~hev CIO!~~d gu~de a,g ron Olfli:St'S" :soH s,eireni~ist:sand ,o:~her d,eci," fIlla~e~:s ~n .g~\I;~filg)the~r WIIl'commenlCiactiolflS 'on stP>I!l:cif1c mii'l:l1Iag'l!!mem allildl intenls,ily ,of i@iQlrOnomie ~fil.PI.:iI~sto, impn;),ve:tih,e:pirod' of the son.

This\iI'oilume lis ,S! sequ,el ulthe book ii' El~viP'lorn ment, CI~assi~icatiQn, 81rl,ci:

Agfonom~cPOi~eflti'ii!lls 10i~ Some WelUand SQU 5, in~h,e PhU.ippjl!l1es'~ '. I~ re~H;)'f'~S ~he r~'s~lts obtained ftQIm sil!e ,chalfa,ctelrlizj,Hion ~iI'IlJQ1 clas,sificati,o,nlcondllJcted iin

I nalial,. Ill'IdoWlIElisia". :andl lhaila:I'iu:!ldillilring 'the o\peratloV1911 pe,~uod of :~NSFIFER. liil:e work p !1eselrr~ed h ere ~filcl~,des tihosel defilliling and ~.nradJy;~ng 't:h III agrGel1lvironnielil~s of weUandrice :P,rQ,dllJlCtionanll';)S w$dl~n'e: use ora eo:nvenienit,stl1mdalrcil is,cherne-- IFe!ili ~it,y C.apa!b~lliW C'~assij~ic,illiUiol!1 and Soul 'Taxonomy .s;y.s~em:s ..

If .1\. IBER.N!AIR D 0

I[le:put¥ IDilr:!ll:ct.orG'IEH1i:era.~ for i !1li~e~l!i'lja:tiona'~ Prog~,;Im,s

Wetl ~nd SOi~!S:iU 1'0: s"te:s iIlilTh:ai~la!1td, 16:sib'l:s lin Illndia andl 17 s~ites in Ilnd"olnes~la were, char:itt.elr:iZied ,aline! cla:ss~fi~d inthefieidal1.d~artlo,ratory tjiuolJIgh~he'i~nancial ,S,lilipport, of th a Swiss IlDe'velopfillElrnJ~ CooliJ,eratJ1ior1l 1I!O the In~em:ai~ion:aJI Rice Resiea~ch liillsotit.ulle!'s INSFF:ER Pil'\ojeC1i;" Th!e Ir!eport 1~.Or:l llh:e charricte:ris,tJucs alrnd claSisificati,o'rli 'of :so~ls indliffiillfent iSi~rtesl ~s v:,ie'wed teserve ~IS re'~ere nee matleri<i!l11 war othe,rSi who d:o chi!ri!c~e~ii;;:al~ionand daJssi:nciaJtion 'Work. ratlliH:lf tl1a iii t(D, s,I;ratify Or COlfrlp"utmenta,li::i!!:iI;!l till,esite's: alccordillrl!g '00, Illitrogern leffk:i'9:rncy or vic« Ve,l';SCl'. l"he reiP crt preser1l:~s:~he Ir,o:le oifsoils, in the v;ariQuss,in;)s: cl:~ssif]ed i,cc'C),rding to S,o~1 Taxonomy .~o .su:spe,ctedl CO~il:!lUiilJili1U Ii!"! rice produe~ion ,. Onlr:y WS % of the 43 site's I~eportedthle Ir'esulrs 100~~he IN ,effici:eIlliCY t~i31lis Iconduc~ed IU n d~erthe IN SH'ER P,r:ogram. Oths!l" sites Where! 510:115, have been dlassi~ied in P~e!v]o!Js le)(!erCI~s:es flle:ed 11:0 be inclllOld,ed to, Ibl'ioadefiltih:e data:base by Whh:::h N ,effi:ei:e'Jl,cy can be com:panii'rU~filtaln2ed aCiCordinglto sloiil tilillGa. The fel~tion o,f NI eHicienlcvto t:i'ne ,SIO:ilS d,il!ssi:~ied .ac'cordi~g ~o Soil Ta xonorny ilS pfe'se'ni~ed in a SE!,piil!fa~e manuscript.


Thealui~l1Iors g~·a.~!lh:my :a!ckoo,wledg,e; the~,1.4! ppor~ IPlrl~I""ided by the In'~erna'~iona:~ Nie'tWlO,~k 01"1 Soi:11 If,enill ityand ,FewtJi Ii:ze,r E v2Illuat:ionfQ' IF! ~ce! UNS FFER}. rno,w tile I rn~ematJ~omd' N!et:\i'l11O~!];;;Qi1I Soi~1 F,enlll iW iilnd S 1lI s,~:i!li.rq ~bl,e 'R:ice Fanning UNSURF)~ I~ntre'rn'iltioln,all mce Research 1Ii!,s:~itJ1!!te (:IIARU and: dU91 respE!cti~e 3g'e:nc~,es ;~!i! Ilndh1!!. ~Indone!iia. a'fi!:di Thai~alnd which liI!1ade~h,e wC),l'k possible; to' Drs. IMs. S. Swam]na'[lltliiifll,." D.Ji. Green'lland,S.K. De DI~tta.,aJnd C.IP. Mam3,ICilfof till 8ilr ClOlfUndGlIilo€l ~!iiI '[Ih'e WQ~ik :1iIfi!,d id\I:1:ce:to Mlr. A. P. H,SllrCl!fi of l!1ldial" Dr. Chob K,i)ll'llalre:!.!! g'!;Isa of Thaitand ,and Mr. W<ll~er C., Tappan of rundone,sia ~or ;~mangin:g' the ~1'I!·,countfY sch(ld'ules of sci~fiI,Hsts; t!clhe' scielntislS ()if the tlhl~!l:e Icounui,Qs fo~t:heil~'assis:~al"!ce:, gll~d:aficle. and CllIiiill81r.aderie during '~he COJrldiiJlc~. of f~eldstudies: 1,0 the ~tan: ·O!~the Anla~vtjk:aill ,$'erviCies Labor.i1!!tory !:lInd tIMe: .Agroc'llima:tic Unh: 'Ol~ U=I RI; to othe,f s:t:alff mE!mbeifSQf INSURFand w'odt.ews Oftlhe Agln:)Ir!(lmy IJlnit~ APiF'A D~vij;5:ion IRR~ f,olrtlh e services and ll<!is:is:taiilcie~hev I~ende:rr!edfor tlltli!l! ,projeic~~ and '~o~he :!H!Cil'etal~nal :st;aif~ of ~h,e IRR~I BO'!J,olr Qrffic!e~o,r 'typingl th'e~ina~ ,copvol~~he Iriepon:.

Ch3111.act.eri~atitl'fiI' ·of experi!W!e.ntill si~es hels been f:as:t gl;a~ningattelfl~ion as an ,essenUa!llaiSrI#,S!ct ,(Jf Pl'U8f1!It clay Ili'Il,)Ilti'lloC'a;~ion~grQf!omh:: ~es;ea !leh. ilocat;io!"! speci'luc IrlesLillts obtal'nedl wll1lE!!I'e i.rilill;Qv·ati ve' practiCles had Ib eentesl1edl. s'U'g'g'es:t.~hatsiffl~ila\r ll1e.s,ults mal\!, be ,oltain,ed '~roml ,o,·t:h er .Ioc,al~ioi'l:$j with slm liar cOf'lditll:o'l1I's.

The e.xpe ri~ooellilt:al si~e ,chalr',alcteiri~atlo;n IPJl9sentJe:d in t'his !Joell::. ~nv,olved d'efilohliQI and! strat!ihdng !l:he ·agrQel nvi~oln rnents ,of wle~la neil Ir:ice production alrei8,s.S:~te C:IM9!f;a!cn!~ustic:s may frUlifilctio,n either as iattti'b,~,~es lor constral:nltS t:o wet$and rice :p.1!10 d:1.:! ction. Ift1il,Et ,char.aJclle:ristlicsof the s~lIJeai~e I'mowlil. l:rn,{! produ(ll1]viity o~aspecific s,it.e: may ·ther;efore be opti m~stic~n,y pia n! !'1ulId 'ul!'1!,aier .specifiic m,an:ag'emen:~ and ~n:terlSm~y' ofagrono:m:~e ini~llIJtli.. SubseqllJ entl'V', Si~ratiTr~ic~tiO:1I1 ,olf site char~ctleristij,cs mary b iii u:sedto ,p,inpoi nt lc catJions 'fiof :hl!EI~ral~uansfers or exc:It'H~lngle of ~l'IIformat~Qrn and innO'vi'ltiiiV1E! expef~enCle$ .

A!ii a site dh~lracteri,s.·U~.. tllile SOil~ is less :sub~ec1to ,chan~g,e:s with~n iii $'(:U!:SOIr!, er oVG:rafew decades, As 3, medliumfotr p131i11t. 'girowth,the,soilll~ends te mollify ~he effiect:s olf le(xtr,€!me, hydrologic and nutJl'Uient c:olns:train~s.ThEl! ,eHicacy of alsoill iliOi eveln ,~,I,W~ or smoOth,em ·the .ef'fie'cIs Qfw,ea~h.e:r 9!nd dimati,c variabi~itl,!u; in ~tte fl'lizosph,ere d:epen(f,s: g;r,"y ,on wts c!ha,rae~erus1tic,s. Soil ~hlllssifi~ca:~ion is i!~ool to c!offilpanlme:fillu!I:~ze s;oi~ls into homogerm,ous: .{llroUPS

accelrd~ngl ~o itheilf Simulalr c1h anc·~eristil:cs. .

Cwop !:uoducti v~~.y and r,eS(lcnSE!' to~grote,chfloklglh::.!1l11 illi1li1oV'.ai~ion:s· \fairy liU~co~d~r:)!gl~O,s,oil p~operties; as r,efl.ect18:di in :SQli! c:~ass:iificatiQ fiI, unde'r CQ'r'iu:Jiitn ()rl !liwll1e!fe slte chalra Ol!;! musticsSI,ll ehas hydrolo'9'Y, n.atil!J)!:ii!11 pil1ant enem ies, and soiliar' eo ergyone,r ~ih!e Ileast C!@riu.~raii fi!,~$ .•

Work prese!f'~I~ed in tilliiis: bOQk deh,lled Of'! charillc·tlE!ri~aUon 3:nd clas.s:ifi!cation olf soi'~s as a s/t,e ,c.barac.tetfs,t:ic,. usinl,QI tn,e SoUl "Fa )(01111'0 miY (USDA .~ 9175) ilnd the Fe !ltWlity' :Ca:p'i1bU'ity G~a:ss'Tlficil!tio:n 'O'f FCC ~S'en:;llilie:z alnd B'Uol~ 1 9 9:5)sy:st!e1l1'i1ls. !Bath system ssre Iprorrni:sin.{ll methoclsfor a.gropecloil:og:ic.l!iiI infOlf!n'Hlition lexchang'e. Informati'O'1li Ion !o,tiher s:Jte c:hirii!C!e~mst:icsalild c'ul~~ura~ .ma.n.aJgem.ent IP:raJctJ~ces, were 311so obt:8line,cil du.f~ngU~!efie'ld workan(i visits: •.


line res~lts 'Qbta~flIed filf(~m,the :s,oil clhi:!ril!C~efi:z:a~ion alild C:~!1!.SS]fiC3t,10!l aJctiviti:e:s ,conduc~ed throu,g hthe Sup,llon of theSwi:ss Development Cio,Opeirr<lltiOirl glive n t<J ttJe l'ntiemanQnal~ Netwo:rikon Soil Fe r1lil.irty ,;:!Ind Flertj:~izeil" IEvah,tatiorn for Rk:e (~N'SFFIHU, rnowthe ~'~'I'~erna~iOl'!il Nietwork on. SQi;~ feni UtyaJlod Sust:alina:b:leRi~:H;l F,itllfming U NSURF), of '~he Inl~em,aiUon,a,IR,ic'e Resealrch liilstitute (iIR!FU ~,iire I~e:pon:ed in '~I1i,is book. ThefiEilld activitjies WeilNl! conducted in 1:9 8 6 in~nd~a. Thai~afld, and 1 ndone,s;ia. Fii,g!ure,s, '~, 2:;nd J show 1I:he Ilocartion:ii; 'of ti!h'i sites of pe<h:Jill c:haJra,ctelrl~z;iitkm, and s,a,mpl[ngl" P'eldon des:clrijptic)l~a"d lalbora~ory ana'lyses are preseli!ited in allPlfla,betucal (],r:def, Icry cou nllJY aloe!: Ibys,ite within, ;tlile ,couln'~ry.ApIPie:ndix 1, li'su;the: sites and:

C'oIJliltri,es and Applli'~'u:llix 2.,th~ seientists invo~\lled. ,Pn;J,perUes of the so 11111::1 ~;i1Il '.0. ord'e~\S., suroo,rders,Qlfei:!i~ groups., subg rOlJips" 3iild' soill! fO'llmimies ~ an i~mel~p,r:eted ~n te;r,O'Ii s of suit~bilUty • and !)IS auua I a I1!di IPOiteflt]a~j CI(Nllstra~inltsin w,etl.i:!lnCi rice IP.f(H:!U'CtiCHlJ. Co,nnot:ations of tin.e II'fHJdHiers 'used ill'l!lthe v~rio'U s soi1~ taxa are' providedlfor tih'e ,r,eferenCle of flIJonped:o,logi Sits.

Ilit!eratlliJll1e Olr! fflle:!hod:s '~or d:etermin~ Ii! 9 tlhe 'e-x~em of occurre·l1!iCe of a panicul'~lr :tax:onand its u~e! ~In weUand ri,ce :ue~ew. Some sii~ec~a;f3C1te~i'stics. 'that: :a r,e readily observabl'eii iin~he f~eld, o~ mad'e availlabll:e bV'COO[j:Hm'lti~fIIgl wiQlutew:s in 'the th,ree, (l'O'iJI'r1IItri'Slsvi site,d, al~d by the! 'l~iRI Aglroc:llimai~ic UIi1~I~. a reinclude,dl.


Sit!es~or ,oha rae1ierization welf'ltil:s,el'Qcted in cOll'lslJllto:!t~on w~th IN SFF'E~ co11la'b O'fatoms in I,rt! d'ia., liha:iland. and '1,li'Ido'~les~ a. Pits; used f'O(r Pili dO!iJ de'scriptilOI1l and .sampting wen)!' d!JI g, plril or 'to 1I;he aCliUa i char8!c:tJeriZ3'tion, Pedo,n descriptuo,n~onowedth,e metho,d:ology Ip(rescribed i:n (h,e IjISDA :SoHSlJlnN~jV Ma nu~!1 n 9'51-1,.Sampl1es '0'01 ~ected by soH :tiI·mizolls were shi:p p.eitd~o ~RR I and analyzed ~t~he I RRru Ana ~Y,tiC::i!1 Senfi!::es l;l\Ibor;;lC(l,ry. e'.xteptfor sam:p!~esfromnve sit:es in India w!flroh were notrec,ei'vedat :I~IAI. Soli' 'Clissif:~C:ai~io;1i! wa:st)ii\ise(di anO f~eld and I,abora.t!o.ry 'charac1Iieri::::aUon, ,eXiCEm:t fowfive· sit.IQs which was based on~ie:ldapp~iOxim,atio'n's .•


3a~ "',34

• :2'1


/ . .I}




Table! '11 shews: t!he distribut~o!n ,olf site.s/pedions ac'cording! to soi!~ order rillY ,country. The p,t1!!dons w,ere· dass~fied under the 7 SoHCliI1de!is as f:alnow,s: .~ 2 s~u~sorn AIfi,s,(j!ls. 2, sitGS of'lE~ratiso~s. 14 sites 'O'J1i, .In.Qeip;tiso~S. ,~, si~esolll IMolUsols, 4 ,sites eWi Oxis{)~s, lSiit:e on Uidso<ls, and 5 s:iles: on Vert! sels, Five, so~lordiets W!~re id,enti,fued 8l1: sites iii'll hui:ia, sevisn SIOU ord,ers ,in I:f'ldone:~;ia ,and fou' sai'lorde:rs ill1r Ihail'and.

The iUstWng m!'lll Taibile :2 foillows '[!he chrono~oglV wlilreresoilll s,squenloeis :keyed lO SO~!I orders" subOlrdre'f, ,etc" als provided i!'lli Soii~ Tax,onlomy IUS,[;IA 'W :9q5~' ,iillnd Ke'ys to SoU Taxonomy moill' SI,JI'fv,ey Staff 1983) , Theslrtes have been ge~,eriUy ~ sed '~or at ~'ea S:~ OIi'l'9i wetland ricle 01110,0' a yea r • l~,el on!llv exeePl,ilonsalfen~ e 'thre'9i Tro:pepti:c lriIa,plottln,o,x.sitrt'l,s, i'm P:ek:a'~ongan1l'. SiHung '~and SitU,l,JIIf1I~::t and the sm~e on Ultic TrQPudail'f:S in WawO'~obi, ail:! ~filI Indonesi~l. AreaJs If,epf'es8ntJed by 1I:lilese £OiU r s~tes, whic:hh ave be,er:lgenen'l~ ~y ,pian:;tedto 1IiIpl'll.nd '~rOI~S:, al"e !eX~enshlie.

The !le!ve!1 to sll~glhtly u!'!dyl'~ti,n9 tlo$)o'gr.aph~c c'O,ndiition in w.awo!tc:i:),j :am:l the two SiUliun!.l1 s:ites,f:alvorSithe de\i'ielo~!in em: of: '{ilralol'i.ty iuigal~ion fa,ellitlles. lihes€! sites~ls:o,~all~ j,n Hn,e zone,s of a~m,ost. unifionril ra~fiI'faU diSt)l'ubutionUuougl'lout 'the: ye~r. EVEiI'1I' with .ade'Qluat!e wat!ersupp~!y ,in the Pe:l<:a~.O'11I9:an SitE!., the undlYi~atITfiI,g to rolilling top,ogr.llIphy ,const:~tultes a (;'o,ns:trarniUb) ,emcien:~vrrigi'lJtiron.

~hli:I'()rrder IC:li1Iall'.ac:te:ris.ti:cs ~1i1 ReJ;atii,on to W,Mlal11,d IRice Producfiron

SOil~ o~d,ers as differerrEnliltedi il!'1ll :So~il TaJxonomy PI!i'io,v[dle some: .~e~ds as 'to the suitabWty ,oif: a I~\a:n:icl.:llla rt~llIIi~H1!1 110' slP'ecl:~ic: u~es and ma n·agem,ent practice's. Thefeatune:s and Chair,ii'llCt~(istjj,cs, wli1~ch ,can e~~helr be, o:r conS'tr:aint:s~ i!1CI~leas'e: in specindtv'~romthesloil orde:r te subo:r:ci'er" .glliieat: groulP~o ,s!,;!lbgraupca~egolry',and fi ~ aJl:~ytiO' the s'o,ilfa.mrily il!lltln,~ tax:o,nomiC ii'Her.anihy.


A:lfifH:J,ls Clov,er an e:Stiim:at19d 1 .71 bi'nk"'l ha worldw,ida (Es WSif:an 19'85'~,. lik;e Utiso~s. Alf~SiOls are chi aJfactel!rii:i!!ed by the pr~senc,e of a n a rglU ne horizon. ~it i:S,. h@w,ever" h~ls:sintleflse:~y w·e~;theln',ed amid lelss: ~:ea,c:he,di",

Ta,ble '11, i[l~s;nibutJkll'i'I of si'tes/pedons 'iliccon~ling tKl COUI!il.Uy' 3~dls.o;iI order 'Oi~ the So,i! Taxonomv. 1 9 B6.

T'o,tal p1e:dons

Tha]lanuj ~:Hl!rS:On,


4- 4, , .2
'~ 1 .2
5 4 1 4
:2 0 5
:3 e 4
1 0 1
1 .~ (5
1 '1 1 Ot 43 '~nceltnffisols, 5

Ultisols 0

T,o,tal :sii~es 1 6,

per C\OIUI!illUy


l,!Ibh, 2. C:~lllss~f1ii:J,Bllion, o,f saUs in 43 site~in Iln!':iill,T!'!l!!;i!aM,!!rKIi 1r!d!Hi,e~lE! lind tih~ir 1l1l,~~~r5F1olWi.n!ll FCC (I$~i\\i!r!!!Ut;l!1l~. '98 G •.

P~Dfillar dlQ~~r,i~~~o!'!

d~~ugoatiQ~iBiiI~ ~r1i!iI:V~i'cIlJ1 d:fllto


N!I'U1!!qll~lr$ mi:l::i!d'" I'Sohll'll~rtnetmiie

(::0' lroIHI~IJlI~Jlsl'

A:i!j,iill:' 'Ol::ihrllql:lalf~

,A,g,ti1rC :H(lpl!.lll~:alfs

Andie H(!pllJl~tal~5

A'~r~o 'Tr~p!!(jtIaifs

A.t!r!J!p~i:!!; Tr'aJ)Il'Q!.Illlfs

tQ~T~ n~pl;u:lllir

It:I~UG lrop;ud',filrs

Agitic TrQflllq,Ulltrsi

'Typl(;1 P,lintil!l!q!.llllfsl


f~i ifi~hi!Jil~r~lh;

Fine, mixed" h¥p!lirth!l~mic

FiI:!Q ~Olllllfj¥. mixed" hwlenha1rmic

lFin~" !mb:ied. i~!'l~~"h!lJJ,iFI\ig

Fii!r'I!iI. m!i~~d. ~~ollrlyp,e r~lrIcrmni!l

F,lnO ~it:lllmv, ml')('~d, liiSe:hlfP'~ rt"!lrmic;

Filii!!. IttlollI'1Ttie" iISol1j,l{p'alrth"'~mvc

Pinle'. ~!I::edl, i~t1hYIPQr~hfJ !iIT!i(:

fiMr, mlooed, isol'lVrpenlhEIJrrl'fliC

Fill'lo, mixed" ~lsc'n'llpeil'l:hermil~

Fi!!'!Iiii 1101l11llV. mille!:!" isohypenh!:i'r!'!1Iic


p .. 3:B


IP. '1S~

S~n~'!!. Li!lhk


Citllyam. 'Cijx


W·(iw~tg1;)i, leI'


Don Clledl,. 'nl!~il!eiilldl


Si~!!Eln!:l ~OUlnu1l' FOca <h~SCfrif;l~~o!'!

do~'iO"i!atia!'! !!M!ilnlil~V(r;Ca1 Qi5l(l



Aer,r~e flro,pie lFI!;Ii""~!lI~~li1t~

Ae~i:e ilr(lPio fhjiVtlq.UI~nts

Atlfi~c ~:!il!!a;ql.!epi~~i


,Allr,r:~ lIiilIEIIPh<!Q,!4l!lf;!t$

Verttci U9!tOel'!'rej)~$

'l'1I'pic Trllj)liI:\UI:,pUi

TVlii!:; Tm;P8quIliP1.s

TWg(! TrtliP~!:I;Y~p~

UUtie !E'iutraodep,ts

lFinD', ,iihi)o:iBdi, isoh'i"!plJrth~,rmic

$,~i: PIICllfia!l'l. f,liIllill!M

;al'l~ Icarn,y" mi)!e(i" 1~~I!iiflifl,g. htdl~!1~i!ii!l Lgcx

'1'!(!!'l!!c;dI. i~!t;Ih,yp'elrtherml,c,

1F'~ln~ 11I,~mi1!", mixtld" hlo~t\\iiP6nh~IM"lic

fin!!, mioo~d,

nQIIi1!1Clld., hy,penh'eimnio

Flilf'll! ~QB'!TI¥" ,mixedl, h,yp;~lrlllu~rml,Q

Fillllo. mi)led" !VfP~rll1l!nJll'li'~i

Fil1le. mixea ,l!c,ld1. i~:oti'¥p'JUfl~rmiilr:

fin"", Imilli~di. nOJi!!lcid" iS1Dl'I¥Pllntlerm~c

IFifll~' loamy. mi!le.d, W!o!'lE!Jcid iso~erth,e~m~o

'~T'!cDnapTc:, isot'i'!!lpenlurmic






Mi!i1nQyu(llifl" :rll1di'o:I!lI6S1ill


P,rofl1<!1 d!e~,c:l11pticm

do:~i9n~~TiOii!1 !in~ iSn.liYd~:8l d,['JJta

Uaic El4iiU!!nd:~:p~~

TyPic SUlrr,(I~\tU:~iPts

Sulilile T~'Q,pi!!qy!)p1:e;

FiluvofllUc US:UO,!l6ptS



DLiiill'lltJli~ Hi!!p~l!!:qyg.ll

f!tlcl'iic Hapl:Y~~otl:~

Ci,liflli,llic II"I:apI8q,t1d~1 s

Aqu~c H~pll!!!:l1@n~

A.qYi(; GibbSll:Dutmx ~5:ohY!Re!1he:rmjc

Thix:otJ1opic, i~I!l~hg,!'fI'!lq:

fin~'. ,m1~d. I!i~id. Jr~on1l'I'erl;li!ierllni~

Fli!!l8" mixeai, ,BeTd" i:!'lgll'l'ifPi!lr~ltl!unc

S:anay" IliIlb:l6QI, i~(lh,J'Penh>ermr:e

!Fine, loamy, mi)!1ea. GlllclllliOQUl:i, llholrmic

!Fil'l~:. IIII'Ion!lm.o~inonhic, ~,ah~l!ii!'QQi.iii, iselitv,perltlerfl'lic

lLiollllFrV' :sk.eleud., ffi,QJi!,QitllrirIIDf!i~le~ bo:nvp,~;r1:her~c

Fiiii'lo,. m~)!E:dI. no"c!!lIGare(lY~. i~GI~IJW!iJUi1l(lrmn~

M!'IJe'.I!'f!;'ixJijdl, I'Ig,,!;t;;:mC>il.~'DiLiS, isohyiPenh~rfl'li!:i

!::~'Ei~~l~ !ot1mv Ol!,lCf 1:~Il,j!\I!I,y. :kaoliniti:Ci.

$luloiBr,emi, II'!iidO<iiile~I3l

;P,J]I~l~Uill'l lililln.1 :2. Thailand

I(JQ~SI l""","~ ilIOO Patlliurn 'Th~lnT ll", Thall!!n~

Sakhol'l N:akh!:l!l(, ilh~ih~!1\d

Kuninglln" ~lhdQ(fi9!~i~

p •. iHI,a pl.17l

1'1 •. 100

p. 70

P\r~Iii!e cI~sit::iil'ip~io:n

,d~;~~i:I~liQln (lngi !!ilielVilii)i!I: daull

Tropep~ill llFil~iPIQuho'.O;

ly,pie PUnth~;qlJults

TVPic P·elh.!lstens



IE!fItn@ Ihm,\J!5~eil't'S

lFine'. IIr.Ba~l'Iitic. ~$ollw~nhof,mic

FLne. !1!1Ii)O:J!!J!i!I.!Ylpel"ilh~~mf!e

Fine" mliXredl, .~~g,h1i\P'!lnh~Q[;~

\i\~lry-ri'ne. mi:io:lliI.::!I1 i!>i:ihwewlItiDtlmic

:Finl!l, lMO~~mo~mIQni~n~I, ~50hY!pQrtheJm1c

P~:kfllongan. Si~iyt!,g '~ glldi Sijtiu!1!~2" ~l'KIol'I~'8i(l


O$!!!.lk e,e'li~k

I). Hi p.'28 1',.13:2

~h!"'~m~l'1!,!j. 1'lIKIo:n(lsia

1'1 •. 135

MlJrllhurllll, lind. Rllil"l!f.lndi!!!

c'adv Cdvdl

1'1.3:1 p,.77

FI!IIi~nd~\lJifl,~,g8J~ , lfiltlill

Pus,akiil1r'la'QiIt3 •. Ind!Di1!Iils'11!1

LQP~I!i", Tlhaila"d

~FCC dOSiignllt&t!!'is: C·~ CIIlYOY, L c ~~111!''', 5, .... sandy"~ St. 1.~~!fIdll 1]·!flIf 11'0&):11'11'1". g ., 'IlII'~'~Qr' p tlDflV dIF.aiI'lJlld'.. dI.. :presence oJ 'Iiol'lg) dry' sellslOn.k = 10'''''' .el!cf;),Bn~i!l~I:!I!l ,~'':;O.20 ,m~qfWO'll, ~ I. Illw CEC ,of cltlVfs>!l~I. b .. , ,rt'M OOribOM(M OJ~' 'bIUUIS. X .. amorpl'!olil'~ ImlWlerals pr!li!seJ'lt" V" ),I(lry~:!ic~¥ PQa~~l~ ;:;1&):\1'.. a I. '~Il!i~r~mclv ,1Ili~d1. An ~gil1ij)U~y', h - Il:i:MII'Igll(DOld, i "" Fe '~o)!l:c~t¥ p ro1:illble. IS" sllilin,o,;:O '" mmol1isl,om E'.c. 11M n .. I!'I'IJore 1in@ir! 'rs%. 1::9·1'.

Ai'FiSOIS must havEI! b.alse ,sat:u f;)tilc)·n gJi'le:it!Sr~han 35 '% a nd cons:eQuemtly liIigMr pH al!ildfertil~iry leve I~han Ultisols.

I nhe~El<l'IIt productivity :lleve~s of Al:fisa!'scoulld vary lilirge~y '~rom Ilevels, al!:lliIiost eqlU,a:I~o, Oxisoh~ a mel! U ~tiso,~s or to levels eq'tJ al Qf Imo:re thai!1ll tihQ:s,e of :some MDUisQlsand Ven]sols. The: Oxic., lJ~tilc, IMollUe, a n.d Ve ~i(; SUbg~'OMP'S, 'of AJfisG)I~S wer,e ~den'ttfiedlarna n gl~he Othercons:traJil~ts WfiH1e !WI;;! nifes1I!ed lOy lillie SILJ~'o.rder, gr~Olit, glr,o up an'd S1i.Jbgl'ouPtaxa i n, 't~,e sltas stud ~ed.

The 1:2. sites lot Ams,Q,ls relP~Elsell'l[ 3. 8ubo~lden: Aqua ~fs.

Us,talf.s. ,and Udalifs.The '13 xa eennete wetnl!;l!!,>s chn~ng most p.~rts 'Oi~ tihe year for ,Aqua Ifs, long ,dry periods withli lilt leach ye~r for Usta Ifs~ ,;'lInd moistrnes:sin more 'than 1I:wo<t:h ~rds ,o,f the! yea r fOI~ Ucla ~f~, The 8ialn P,aJchi illi!d l[lon Cin edi Sit.6!$ iln, T.tnai'lland we:r,e keyedc~osest 10 the Plimhaq'Ua~:~s grei8Jt. Ig r,o,Up of Which the :subgrollJ,~ s. a~:e not vet wen e.stalblmshe,cL The B,anPaJch i so'ul~s eel ea ~(ilOUS whe:me:asthe liDon Ched~sit.EI iis Iilnediurn alc~.d. IHoweve:r" the: laUer st,I,U!;H:lti !dies the ib!;::Ise sa~~!.IDratlkml Il!Iequimemen't of ,Alfisols. illae Albk; ,~\hiltfaqlJ'a~fs ln Ma:nd.y.i1!!. i~niCj,~a ~sm,e only sadic Aqualf, lIi:irlop~qu:3~fs~lIr~ re,~ ~e~~r1:~ed by the' Ale~ic :s!~b{jl!roup ilFl Ch!.l! I1'1Ipil!e. Tharla ~d :a nol Jakeman :sil!f! i!ll ~lndolt1,esia" . a:nd by lillie Ab~1!JIP'Uc s;ubg~oli.!i,p i!l Singla rn erta site in ~Indo~e~i~,

ThrEHl! :s~tes r~'presen:~~he IJsta~~s. tV!l'O, a,re H.ap'.lu~t:a Ifs 'I Pus a :and Co~mibatolme siute:sl. a n:dI one: Nla:tJusta~F$ ISri Pa~ha n si:tel. 111'''1'1 Ae:rriio tQcl1lragu.iillfs. ~ Mo't'H1linpUr s!1t~e). andl the Aridic :H 3p~l.:Ilsta:l:fs (COimbato,r,e ,siteil we~e t~,aJssi'fied b,ased mere~'y !orlll~ie!d 'ipp~!O,xiITi!lati.ons with©,ulttWl,e sup~on of Ilab.c).r,altory d1!lt<l.l. R:eH.:cuive of Un,et,!:l')(;~' t~e UstaUs WI1I Sri P'a chan! PY'SiliI.. :and CoimbaJto~;eareas h~ve ,oonsrndlelf.albl,!!: irri'g.ati,orl! water eenstra ints du.r~flQthe d~v ae,aSO:rrl j except in the e!)(~ erimenta'~S;t~tiGns:.

nH~ Tropuda.lfs in Waw01:0bi and Ciullyam in ~ndon~sia" al~~hough in the wei~ climatic zone's. lack 1l:he s.oi~ :alii d' rnotde cators t'O be! k!E3'V1ed inliO' the wiet rsxa . Despi.t'e 'the c~aveyte.xtIYlrle, bodll sioi~ s ar,e qU'ite' permea:bl'iil andmlay be su:b]ec~ tDeons~de.r:albl,e losses of :added N ,. 11111 e Wiilwoloro~ isitejiiln U~:tic Trop1ud alf, has a diistinc:t .advantageinu!lrms ,ofnuui,alr:!lt retiemkm bec:a:luse g:f its higlh,er CECil >,3,6 .emaill~+I.perkgsoi.II)~han~hatofCuitaya:m •. .a111J Aqt:l'ic Oxic Tropudi.!!I'f ~ ~ <1, 6 tCmQ~ II -iF ~ p·er !kglsloil~al~ d,epthsb elloiw :30 e m, C'EC a~ t:he su rfaoie3'O 10m o:~the tWiQ, soils <!Ire both! ~nt:he I,oiwer fa rnge (10·1IS CiiThO'1 ("'" 'I peli' kg :som.

The so~ ls ~in 'thes,e tWOI S;tesi'llndun d, e Don Chadi site,

Ilh aih~nda 1r1!;! nonC.Eillcal'lS:ol,JI!Si p,edo!"!s8!mong Alli~isQh~, Resu'llts cif

IINS'FIFEB ,experimeil1l~s ililr€li ,av,il!I!I;i,ilble ,o'fliiyi!"l twO sitlesrwih'irein, ~he oormpariso:ns, in pr'od ... et]\lm~y and lIesponsesto '~en:i~'i:z:efs~re I~m;ited.

ElWtiSQ~S co,veran 'eS'tima~eOl 1 .,09 bilUion heicta~Je!li wo~~d,w~dle I:es:w;mul! 1 985 ~. Enti,so$s have the, weal<ie~t profih!! delol'elopment ,among till,!;! soim !giutOUPS. 'lne pfOm~ 'c,f ElIillJ~SiOls f'lorn'lil'~y 'us,ed~or wetland! rlce pmduc:tupn may halve ,eit~er shal~o:wsurface SQ~ ~s OWl iliOlpt of pa rent rod<; ,(On;OernitSi) 'Qf weakly devel'c,pedi Sioiliis Of'! ~r1Il~efmittElI1lUy deIPo\Si~~ed lm:a,~eriails (FihJl1v,efillts Of IFluv,ilquen't:sL fih'~m;! <lire othelrsl.ilbonj!ew:s cat€19'O 1rI112ledi under Efn]s:c,ls,c,u:IIi only the Aqu1ents (g~~a:t glFIOUp Fll!Uva,q uef!!lts)aJre .r,epre'i,e,rl~ed by~Wto ,s,ite:s; La1filrang lun ~ ndone'Srl3 and Sam IPilithong :ill 1"ll1aila~d'tc!il!,ssifi,(jd !ulnder !tiel fine '1031rny, Imbu~:d, tnlon.add," ~si©lhiYI~!e!J'il:i'nJermie fami~y o~ Ae,ric TroiP~c FhlJV3Q'tI1e:rruts. Ilanrcafil,gls~te is on a broad IP~I@lil!i'! sli;ghdy~bo\l1e~ea IIlevel,j. whe,l"'eas S~HiI' Pat~gngSite is 'o·n Oil Irelatlivelv broad p:~ataaiu or I~!il:lalnd vall'ey Q~ ~uvialll ~i~ai!1'1II at ab o~.n 300 wn el'e\i'.i;li~ion. BOth pmfi~e~ ,diis:tinc~iy e,xhilb~~ ~ex~llIIral s~ri'litmcilltu,Orll' and i'~',r,e:g'!JIlalf d'eCn;'N1!ISe in, orglanic C eQntel1!i~s with inc1l'!ease i;ll: d!ep~h".

Ince,@rUsols comprise an estim!;lited~ .15 biWofi heictalres worldwid,e (Esw,i1llran 1918,61', Thesi8 IN,ere If'eprese1nlli!igi by tillel' 14s:ites j ~us~ ,2 sites more than UiI,e Aifiso~:S. S:QUS lil'r1uj'er Inoeptisall have weal~dy d:enio,p,ed pl]i'o'fu:les. The properli'!l!s: in!lh!e:rited~r,omthe ffMI!U!I!l11ab';. ,(llfill whicn, tJoe'y weme' f\o~med: sti III dominal>e the i fllnuence 'CJI~ 't:lil,e: envilrlOnl!iOel'i!i~. sons which possess :SOIffi,e degliIG!il ,o"f:s!Uucli!.j~alll deve~'o,pIT'u~nt tm,tcio not ~il:aiv'el~:he dlisti,n,guiis.t'n,ing pfopen~es ass:ooia'tiedi with Ithesoil orders ar,!;! l~r:'Iclud,ed ~ rn the,llnc'ep!isol s, A~soinch,ildied am :soiUs notalssc"::YaJ~ed with Histosols! Spiel desots, a fld A ridiso~'s,.

The .~ 4 sites en In'oeptisolts Vi!EI!"e tCI;~Hii:s;ifiedl !U:nJ('j,e:r4\ suborde,fs. Th'esealrtl': I: 1 ~I .jI!\qUEl;pts. wih![:chare Irepreseini~ed btythe gre~:~ 'g r,oups Su~;faQuept:s. Ha,hilq l!ep~s. TropaQullii;pts_. alrld Hia,ptllaquepts; (2) An d epts, bV the g~e,ai~ 9 ro u,P' IEutlra 111 d'epts; (3~ OChfl1l,p;rS, by the ,or,eat: group USiJ:icih,r,e:p:t:s; and 1~'1l1n:op!t':!,p,ts:. wg~h gre,ai~ group U$t}liOp'e:P!~s. 'f~,bie3 pre'sents t~e :gl\ie',at 'g'ro'up~axa Wii~h the C'O r,r,espondilng ('ommon t~'rm.inology and propslrtn,es. Table 4 , ,on the: othelr hand, '~iststhe modi~~ieirr'$ .~!) form~h'e subgroulP~axa :i!lrnd t.heiir ,connot3liVoflS.

l';~ble :3. G re<Jit g,f'Oa.J PS of Illc,ep:~isoll's. rep~e.!'l.ented b~{ Hil e 8~tes:.the common l8Quiiotalent O~· lconno[:ations, ,ii!,l'ild d~stingu~shinlg' fieat.iIIJ~es.

Common equiIVilh1)I!1'rt or conn otatlcHl is;


Acid sulfil!U! soii~s ,o,r c~t 'ci,iIYS

Poorly dra~lfi!ed sodie alkai'ine 80ill18

I?QOlmily drained' sells COmmO,I1, ~iiII t;r,olp~cal al~~as wj~h less ·thlan

i5 IOIC variallion in me~n SQn~~mpefature

!Common poo~~.y dna~ned so~ls in non~iso t~mlp!ll~i~'-'!re reg[

Fe.r~~le sOHS deve110ped flmID volcank: ash

WeUI dlr.ifllinE'H]

lincep~isoh:~. ~nnClni·ij;slol telr:n'~,erat!lJ"e lr'egilme~lind dry ~fiI 1m ore~t:Jlan si x~ t.en·~:1hs; of the' year

Wel'll d'rainle:d

~lnCiE!ptiso'~s liniJIftl.@lIS

wi,~h, mOr':llil:i1 dry S€'aisons uader an iso~emp,e'ratJl.!~e ~eigiime,

IP'H 40r ;~es:s. poor [fi!lteinn,~llal!1l(l ex:ternal~

d r~i'Ii1.~lge;suIHd'ic

m,~te r~alls (Ad + 'Fe .s.ulf.ues) with~n .30 om ·~rom .surfac:e

With 15% or mlore exch.a:ngGalbl'8i !lNa in some, $'IlI:bhorizons

We'ti,kly developed. p:r:ofliile: w, (I,eV!eIOtl;!,e'dsuuGtil:,llrle~. g!I'eyed or mctn ed

F·GlaJlun,:liS :s~mi~ilrto 1;~·O·Sle of 1'IftQ'P<lQI!JIE!!IJ!lS

Weakly td evek),ped ~oili,. v1e:rv In.~glh base sat1ulfi!lltion of' c]av~size frac~ion., .high moiis;~urEl retle:nti.o:n. may dry ilmrev,ers:i:f] ~V

Weill drah1ed, 'Iigh~~ c'o,lored ~u!!'f~cle sloib;;;

We'lll dr01luned soHs witih dark or Itght"icokm~ld

S'IWI rfac,e. maly halve

p olwdery UmeCt 115, m 'btdow ·ti!rUiii :SiO!! s'ulrcfa:ce


l',ilibl'ii! 4, Subgroup m,o,~:mi,en ~ sed 'f{l:rt,1;!,)i;-;j1 re,PrBsefll~ed by the sitiels ;;!incl 'CQWljnolt~tions"

AibnJilptic: A,iJ,rup~'l!exUJIlral: cilarnge: be'twee'nrt;he: .arginiic hiori:zon a nd tllh,esi.ll bhorizon imme:"GiallelyaboItEl it

A'eric Some ,iJ:aJI1S of the poorly drail1!edsoilts; :au sub.~ec:~ to, oxid;;:ll~io!il at some: tj~ITile durin:gl llrH~ 'ye!ar

A.(J,I.II lc SQmep,~ns ofn~tufa ny well (~r,aJi,nled soi~1 1~I;;uticula rly U:tIE! su rfac'8 .!!ii'n,OW mndicatkl'l1 S: of re:duction .$,ometime dYI~t!lIg tiM;: 'ylear

",,~,i~,~dic Soi'ls undelf an ustiic moistll,llr'e Hlg~ me '~hlat gnades irnto a'n alrid or drie·r Clima!te

Cl.lIroIulic SUllif.a:ce ho:~r'z:tln of the so:i:1 isthickE!fi! ed by addi'bion 'of sim,iI:~lr malteli:~als: but: not thick en,ol1Jg hi ruo, 'W,alfrant 0111 C,iul!oge in ta>l)o n

IEnti:e We,a,k expre.!!siQI1 'oifp:ro'p'erties ~ypica.II'y as.s,o.ci3'~ed witth tihes.oil: of that pa n:iculaw taxon

IFluva.q,lil'enti;c 'foung Wi\!it.elr li:lid d:e'P'Qs.its~hat rll!'!TI'ai,n ~@OI~~V d:~.~i",e:d fliomtmle Hme of depo,s~l~ion

Ifh:.Ive'niUc Young wat;e,r IIlaid depos,it:sth,i't shaw IiIO sig n of IP,O()riy drrain!€!di conahTorfll

IJthi,c Prese!fi!ICEI' of roc$<s '©'f dense stlratl!!l!l1l within SO em fir:om tJ1i1,e Sioil suwf:a OEl


low C EC of 'ChlJV ma:teri,~I,s~ in g,e:!1e~:a.ny d:ayey sai~ p,i3lrticula rly mfil t:hesubsQi'lls 'Or so~l~ wi~h pro'.p,erlies g.~,Sldirn'g l~~o, iln Oxis,o:~


W,ith H aphH3;~oll.s, ind~cad\!'\e o~ '~h ict (::> 50 em~! mo!'ne 'ep~,pedon and c'l!ayey~exture

AhlO ~ncll:uded in acid sulfate soi~:si:).I.Jli~~h!e sulfijd ie matJerials occur d,~epeftihi!ll 30cm from the: siI:J,rf!1lJce

V~ r r:ial~t:s ef Oxiiso,ls with discElm]bles~~l!cture i9,od '~hin o.xic he ~~zQn, Ol~ botlfl



Wenerv3,ria rq,1l o'f sQi~!srnonna~ IlyfiQ Y fi!d lif'! ~!s:tic m,o:isture re:gufiIi'Ie

V<1llfian~ of Tropuda:~~ indh:;al1Tl1lg'the pre:sefilCEi' of some p,~(l:p erties 'OI~ U~ltiscds.

hi1d u(:a;UQns ofs;gme weak prope,tie:s aS$.oci.~ted wltth VElr~iio~:S." such as, Cf.l1!ciksand C:I'illVS with sW!9,II,unQand :sh!~~f:!!ki.n91f.l:~iO;f;leni'es

We'~lland Irice $it!e.s on I neeptisol~s a re !g!e!rl!:era~ Iy Ol!'! broad plaiuJi!1 iillrei!i!!S at :~ow ,~Ievalitof~ :!i,! e'.;.::cep1t 'for the Ty pte T1f,op1a:quepts ill ei,a niur site i3!nd the UdiQi:lL'JtJr:El!nlt:i!ep:[s in $,u ka[<lHI~. Cia·I1']uf $i~e fls 0I1l ,~ !'1!:arrow intei!:Ih~;n va~,~ey wa,th iSI g,eneral iii rea of inte:~im'ed'h,n:e,up'13nds siml'hllf oo,that d:escl~ijb edi bry :P,ilI!1l!abo~e ('1 9,e~in Sri Lalr!:kaJ, WililElf,eaS SukaraJrtli is, ~n ,i1I,ljemlU;';iedivolcanic s!~ope,as memio,n,ed by p;~o;i;iillrdijo and Siy1h,;;udijo ('~ 91:6).

M:oU'lsol:s hSMJ,e dalrk~ deep surfaoe soils. ~Its s:truct.ure I~eg,enen!,~es ImO:re le'<lsi~:y' dUwU1El,g the drying process of~he j:Hld,d lied soil. Pedons mai~t at rnii:Y' Inot have! ~1iI'1Ilargnnc hQ:r~zon. Balsia saturation of mor,e tJ'l1~rlI 50 % a'nd olrga ni~ carbon~C) O'~i3It le:i3!stO:. 6,'% are requiSites of Mo~ li~ar'~i. pH~a:~Ylesol~ 'thesi!,Jllbs:o]ls~alrY~,J10'~Tl .meaw l'IeutJrr.a'1 to b!.llsie. the Mo,lU,soils com:prise~!iI les:~i!i!C!13t~d 111.~ bilillion halW'QJ\'illdVliide (.E:SW't! 'Th 985,), t:ne;y~re Ihrig Illy fel'1i'l!e soiis: a.tlea,s~ Ito, V,ertiSQIIIS;"

Th,es!Jlitalb~'~ity of IMoiUso11!s to weUaln:cl rlcle productio.n,ilnd the :dlen'la m:l for i mmig'ation' 111i3irgel'ili' (j'epend on its soi~'tli:!'xt)J~~ ,.- whicih was IOiIJ.m:y~o clayey!n the sii~es s,~udliled.

G,eolTilo1rp,h o:~o.glicS!.n'V, Molltso,ls are aSiSQciiat;ed wi~h hi'9h base de,~(lt!:I~~S.. They :alr,e~ou nd jn ,genUeconv,ex and tlJlr!dU~'iting volcanic s!'o\p ss (MU;;!lraand KU!1linglan), with ,d:epressionsand mmOlw i,n~efhilili va~ leys of baia ~tic: pl:iU!~i\l!U~ (Vad'l]i!i01o,JI ,i!lnd basalltilc up.~ands ~Karj,i1iIit); ~,filid @i1l'l Qld,er calc·alreou:S311IuVlTiill (Ir.1uili~n iilIgar).

~a.)the IHap~iiI!quoUIs; ilo P.antnagar (IFluventiC5ubgl1a'lIIJJit and in Kunilil'lg~fiII <II nIdi ~il1l Vad'g,aofill (Cu m U'~iC:SLlbgfC".lIlp),

lin l~ndones~3. MOillli!l;,oJlsi are· W1o!rllcah::::areous. H:owt\lveli.test:S show Ci(Hlsih:lllera:b~e amolJ flits t@,f .am:orphlOus: ffilinE!lra'ls 'from the weli;lllthe~ifl,g of ,iMermitt!erllt deposits. of b\asic \lIO:~Cl3n]1J ,alsl'iI, 1'l:1i5 i:s €i~i:denceld by the high pH :in INiJF ,~9.6, or mor,e) des,pite 'the lower than


IrH~lutr;allpH in HlI.2_O. 0111 the othe,r hand, IMolll,isO~5 in .lnd]GI in:

cak:alreous with bi se saturation v,~lues of oveli 1 0·0%.

Oxi:so:IIS co,vering ~1Ii!lest.imaJt.ed111: .. 1 x 10e haJ {Eswa~a!'11 198:5,), au eif Im]f10t imponanCIB in Irke! pJoducHoliIi II Mo~rmaln a ~d vaJnBre.e:mera t9iJ!En. i1i,hese:a re in~ense:~y wl9ill1ther,eds.Qi~s of II alw ferWit:y. The!!Plillftk:I'els; in ·the 1m iilIljOW r;u;;lnij,Of'!lS IOI~ t:he soi~: ,pnjlm,eil!l~8 (i:ominated by liron <illl1id:/'Q,r i1IIU;ffi~I1IiUm oxides VII!huclh could be aggre'9.~t~d iimo sand:"'s~i::l!jed peds or oc·cur as h.irdly disce~li~ble s'&rlJu::tlllllrall 31[i!Q regati!i!S ge,n'Elirallly :r,e,sist,af'litto disperSion in wa~er', We!att1,erabil:e rnil~'efa~s in the soH ·are! .i;llllm'Qls·t de!plri)'~ed. 8iiJ!Se sau.~ifat~on aJnd Cl~!'~~on G)()change capa,city (CEC~~fe low,il1nd :SIQlils 31nE1 s~ight~V~Q mlodeir,altemy ·ilQu:d:ic. f,n.ese! properties fet~ec~ kHili inherent:~el"tijUty.. ~ow retElliJtion of lO'u,trients a filal water, a nd:high pe:rm eab]I[W~oairaill'ld watier,

the ,91ppal~entilb~nW 'OIf~he .Aquh:: G1ibbsiorUl0x at F'attambi si~e in ~ nelial 10 Ir,~~ai;1iII water ont~e SUlr~ace is 'f<llcil~tated mai iidy by '~he p~'eSienCle ,of tJ'I1etlh~ck iJl"!dulra;ted ~gibbgH:ucor iOlitE!!rite layer at de.pit;hs 0" ai!) alllll~ 610 em to, :2. m Or deepe,r. lille si~e is witJl1,[inthe $lre'6i1 of ialle,r:iite so~:ls !nthe g'i:l'1';oiis: lilU!ip ,of ~nd~a (MUilftiny 1 enn.

line COi;lllrse IO,HTliY tlext~l!'Ie o:f the G ibbsT:on:hox i:s: suslP,ected t:o ilnflue,n,cetIDleab:sence or :r,esponse of\fli!i~tl:andfic,etoadd~tio:lilS (lIt ni~r1o!g!en U',JI). COIJP~'ed by~ow CEe (<:3 lemal (+) per kg SQU) ,. mat.€'fsl tfa !'1I!s:~ers IOI~thei1l!dd~dj mJt.l'li:ent~beh\!~H~:n1!lnd :1!lmong~reatments CQluld have :bee:n 1b:!i1o'ygiw~about by the Ir~:pid ~intel~fl:ow of wiite:r' withiPi! the porous uppelli' 60 cll\l section Qifth:e prome above the com pac:t g~bbsit:]c laJy1er.

The T.mpe~nii:e Ha.plonihoxin l!hri,ee siNl!'s:inln(l'ones:113 de not hilivle ·the :indu~a~ed laiyer.. fh~,tenHon of surfOl!ce WalU" C;)n b,e g,r.~duall'YimpJi>Qlv;ed by l!r,~pea:~ed pUlddUng whuch rs ELxpe,cted ·~o d'E,>v:el,o:Pllh!e Hl!SS p,etmli1!iabl'!ll plow so~:e inthll1!! s.oi~s, AI f,ea s· ,o~ Sirrl]la r or iidientil:c:a'i !Slciil:s hi\i'le been and are stlm deve~:olped lin til1'S:\i'Urc;i,rtlity ,of U'N~~ :Siiliul~g sites. 81eC:;;lluse of a Im,ore 1c;lay,ey til;!!x:u,u:e, fi!i1~ch :~owe'r n;l'~eof ~~ti1lral MOlvemlelilt ~sie)(pe(;tedto ta!ke p~'aJcie !11il th.e Ha'Ph;JlrtintJ<X ~:n 1I!Il'do,ne:S~liI even, :if ,conveittledto wetWiilnd Irlice. Ua:aching ~losses, IO~ til all'ild I< feniliTIzierstlilrough wat1ll!'f :p en;; ,m ay be BXPEH;teci Ima r,e ~h,an ~hroygih ~:ah'!'raltraliils~er.


Uillisois. s~m!iI,iiilr t)o,the QxiSo~'s.,are!il'litensely we!al~he[ed (lInd highlliy I,eilcln'ed. The'V both nornril3lUy OCiCUpy 'oldfl!nd re~'alilvelly stab:le lall1ldiforms :i:ulIdare i(!'offilin3t!edl rl)y l~owa:cti'.ilY clays. Aln Utisol ped'ool. however" dU"~er\S~roll'i!lthe 0 xtso'~ by tbe: pl~'e<SlenCia IOlf ani arQlilliic IfIOflf:l;o:n Dr al horizon !Q,foi:aIY aClcurnl,lIa'tiol"l iin 'the~orl1!lleli'. A cl iyey field tel(tIU~19: 1~!byfel9n ,chauu::telrlkzes lfl"le ,argi'llli(, Ih,Q,riziQII1II. Th~s Irn~y Ib,e Clomplem.ented by ~:h e pres,e!fil.~e 'Oi~ ~I~IY sldns '0 r ,clay depos:itio!'1llon :!l'uirfaJces: of ,flI.9Iglregill.~esin d:ilIyeyslo'~ls, and by ,cla,ys bri,d,gufil9Ithe!H!l1f'ld l~alnkies i~ sandy :soi~is,

UltEs,ols,ue natiuW';;iUy perm.eab~e$oils. lit ,ooverl!! some 7'20 lmilll:ion hect1llre$ U~sw~m~nl19 a S) normi!~lly used for upland ,crops (M~o.orma,fQJ ;[IlrH;! van B~'elemen 197:8,). The pre>s,ence: of the alr~giU~e 'hori~ol'ill il!i'l~itialny he:~psfaciliitate wateli l~e'~enti'cn at tlh,e: surf:a,ceand ~1JIln:h,eif ilfllplliowed wl'l!!ilf1i plow soles: develoiP' tin,UiQlJIgih, I'\epe.a~ecl I~udd:~ing if! wetWand ~ice c~O~,~ilfi1gl. lDesl~Tr~e the <lrQ'illllic hodZiO'!i!land manrfH)lilati~Ol1lfor [nigh,er Wabil!f rl!'teoIUofl" UIti'so:ls sNIl d,emand !l1IYom, glrea:~er'ir\l'~,g,~tion than V!elrtisols.

U!I:tisols :an :il!tidi~c wij:~h pHi 'ICaC~21 vill~l!IJes I'ass man or e'qual to5,all1i~ b~se sat:lJIl'llion less than :3:5%. 'limin,g Hi roenefi,cia~, rout 'overl~roIing ca,flIint:e'nsify mk:ronutrie!'lll~ d'eficielilcies. 'The locw C'EiC and consiequellilti~'!{ low bUlf~,er IPlro,p,er1:yaf the Ult;·S:()I~S a nel' (b,~sols(!'em:a,n d utmost C,~lre against ~vlerli'm]n91 .•

OIIFl~iythei S1!Jkamalnd~i Sm~e in I ndofllesial was ide,~tHfi,E!,dals UltUsol:s undier Typic PUlfilldMlquults suibgifOUP. INSHIEFI f1esuh:s~rooo N eif~,idehcy tlrffi~ls ~howed better yie~ds d'y the wet 'thail'l ,ch,l rung ~h,e ,t:!ry sea:SOIfl c'~O:p;p~filgillti~ I N .~eve~:s. This rel~i!tJ,oinsh ip 'CJIf 'yield to :s'eaSQ:!I'I is C'O'l1ltrary 'to' H1QSt. Obsefvatiorq,s. (IDe IDan;al '~:918, ~I.

Sukamandi s,ite ia:U!s under !(jade D3:S·4~1 .aglmcUm.aJtic cillass wihicih is cha f!a!cfJl'lrized by 5 months with 1 00 rnm riinfalU. ,41 months with mo !f\eI~hiln 200 ~m. an,d '1, mOHtih wiitih mote than :lH)O mm ,. S:~ftil::iuent wat~r~or ~rrigation is :avt! ilabile dUI~ingl ~he dry SEl~son, Low SQ,lilllr ~liIite!il:s~:ty callHiied bva 'cloudy Ol~ hla2;vatmOs!~:h'e!ric c(J,Iilc!ition ,during the dlry se:i!ls,o'n ~s a ~aCWr~hat nM,iI'S:~ be' inv6!'s.tiig:atI9:di. p.ssurnil1l girrigationand is,ollar ef'lel~gy 'to be o:p'~~mlum,the low y]eld s during tlt"H~1 drv sea!son mal'!;' IblE!: traced tos,e:asoilili:1 di'~~,ere:nice:s mn hyid P'!o,logic ,condi'ti~ofilsin mhearE!i!ll.


A~~hoUlg'tnl ola;y,e'y, the ~S{):Ws eEe is 17 cl1l'lol (+) pe:rk,9 :soul ,or lie:s:s: iirn a!l~ hori~O'Ii!'s. P,erco! artion fate ,or hydra u~:ic condil.!l.cti vi.·ty wa 8 h~g:h.. The w.a:~erbllbl!e du~un!g the wet: sea 80 n lS cmos:eto 't'n,es UI rt;Jjc~! i!,sevideru:;ed by '~he pnntih[~ hgri~Qns;~i1Irting .aJt 3,0 cmd'filpth. Wa'E!ar i:'lE!millins rlela:~iviely stali~of'l,afY in '[ihe surface :so~1 ~ ra.dl eX{a'!!s$. waver d~'ains !oiVer '~heson sudac,e bees Y se high w~te~ t.a:ble[lends ·~o CI!)U nit,er3c~thefofce ofs:at!liJ~ated hvdraulIc. (:0'111 [It:l:Ctivity., On ~h e Q·t!h'!ll,r hia.nd,. a ~'ow w.a!te~tabl,e eriJ,ables the watJer on thei surfalceto p,sr(; mrl!i~OI SlliJl!JSOl,1 '~IJI r~llIgl 'tJh'll!: Idlry ssaserr. He nee, '~ertill,i2!er nU~rlient:s~end to l'iema~ifi!,ifi!~he pl,JI.ddled2!o'Iil,e ,o,f the: son~ dYring~he Wii~ se:91SiO'!"I!I, bl:!i~ 81!T1e: hi'gh~~f slub]ect ·~o losses by l~aJchin,g during the dirySie:as'O'tFI.wvU~!lIdeQ',:.U:II~e inrij,g.<'lIdol'l WO!Il4!l!f 'U'n~t ctr!E!<1IItes Clo'filiUnuous hydralY~lic pn;lS·!;iIU r,e.

Tn[matedtlrea of Ve,r~]s'Qls wo~~aw](jle vatllesfiuom 2.30 minii Olf!. he,e~ii{e'S IIE:s'Wairan 1 ElleS) ·t.iil3·~ 0 miiUiOl1il hec:taires (~BSR;AM1eI8,s~, VelnJS/Oils ar,e r~:i!lJ~ily id'Ell1litifia'b:le hil '~I'ul!meld ·tlllfough '~:eeIP Wth:Je craclsc Irat leaJs~ 1 Cmi! 50 em depth) duri.ngthe I:~~e dry' season w'h en~he aens sW'lmink. 1'1he! cracl<.scan be 'Uaiced in sl1!U!nnledi soi'~s by dep csns of! surfaoe materialls to de:p'~hs, a'tt:ained by t:h,ecrad<s q.n~he drys/taite, The eXIPo'siI!,(I' profU'e inva~~ably IQlxilil~·i:l,its hllJe<rsec:t;]nQ! s~ickensides: or ~nhned :shiny ~~e':!lls:uV\e f,;l!~es elf ,~oa,rse: sla n~iingl StJrlUCUJ raJl~lglgre'gi3l~es wil:h~nl ~ IIIin depth. (iii'gai Of' humps occ~sion,any occ:ur ,o'l!Il~he surf ,(;I,ceof we[~:and Veftlii!Hl;~ when l,ei~~o'riI f·;!III~:ow '~(}rs,everaill s,eu'OJn a, The gi~:g!;!!!i a l1e fII,OI~ ItFlo;fmaUy ()iJ!s:erv<lbI0 iii:"! 3i11li1ll1.!,i! lIy ,cuh:tvated.and l!eVleledi wetland Veniiiso;ls.

The nal~IiOW p~a~tia ~liid'ex ,or ta n,g,eQ~ 1Ifrl()]S~UIIfe C)Q,n~em. ufldem' w$lmch IUiilsa!~U1rated' Vertiisols: Cain be tmad is. 3CO"stila~ntin ~:plilnd Icrop 'cuU;]v~ltiQn (:Sm~cUl. ,e'l al 19:83; Ve,fIlkati;!.!l.w~rh;J11983.). AftJer,(;l w>eUand Il'iicecmp. a. desi'r·a:ble seed:b'91dfor uplliilrlid crops: is d!lffic!.ii'I[~o :aittailn atalrny Im'O~:S:l!l!I r.El conmrnt. Pio.w,iif!l,{itili'l'E!SiOil at Imc!~stlllire contents: srnighHy it) elow sat!ulli'ai~ion ls difficuU; becaJusG of ~he sticky fl3'u,u1eof fu'Uy e"xpandrildl cm~Vs;. Hence, '~h~ dried plow slices h!llrdlv br;e'glk ~nl~g !d en8e CO,1!:fse dID d s, Ti'III~!g,e f,OiW upla n d C.r~DS a ft:e:r riCE!' Cal!':! bee:a,~~ly d:o'fi!,e a~~efthes,oiil is .alll'o'wei:dbO d'ry up and fllilJls·h, iln~Igii3iti>oin. is appn,e(J1 l)O mQ,~s~en ·the soill (11De Datta. er 8/~1 1981).

The in~'I'ln!ntly clayey texture cif V,e:r1iso~s; !"lI!or!l1!ii!~~y domil!1!l!I~ed by high shrinking and sweUiji!1i;g smectite ch~ySj.its high ferU!il~y'~tatIlJS and it: being assoc;~ated w;r;~h II:evel., .Iow·.lvingtopogr.~phic po!sitions

!lillil'.!!<;e Ve.rtiscd.s. hlgh!lly s'u~itab~~!lI fOlr weUa~d' ric,s pl'oduC1l:iQIl (Del Dliliua ,e't al 1 9f;rn, I rdilow 'Olfw:aiter flUlom run··Oi~~ and de~liV'Emy of in'ig atien, watJe:r!\'llre f,i\ll'·cm~d by~he lowertlop 0 9 riilpbic posit~.O!iMS o:!'iSoci:ued with thesoit This iinhe~lilfil,dy !h~glh w.ate!r fe[!El!lilliolli1 by 'Un.eSEl' slliTI'e,etll~e~ domij~ated 'cl,a:Vlev soi:ts! is further il~'crea5Ied by welt marnipul.iltion 'o,f the soi.1 uf1!cl!,;,r weUslIiId ~i,oe pfOduC1i~O!ll .•

ll~le potenUa~i produCit;ivityand re·SlJonses ofw,eHa n.dI rlceto 1iI~luogen ~N) rates a n.ds:oUirC€'$ be:tweentliull F'e:iI~!!!nd ChrolTil~ grOIUp·s !@f Venis'~ls have net beelo c:~ea~ly di~~~e~:e~tiatled. I[Uff:f!re!nces· in pmd~ctivity CeIW!iH'l:fi1 the IUst.erts. and~he Uid'eft:S sub~)irde~'S. loan be tirac~d!o tio'eJ almlOl!lnt of r.amnlf.,I1:1 ~ riI d \l:he Ileflll91th of dry pe:miod ma !'!,ife.s,t rtJry tlh'B wiBs.pec~~v.e suborners:. With a.dlequateand='liusta~jl1liarMe sUP:P~Y o,'f irrig ation, watlef and '~avoralb~!e env~ re CiO!nd!itiO'I'llI!i:,yiiiekis, ~ n.d:ersimi:~al' manageme:rn :m a:y be ,exp ect!sdltc, be, sirm,ilalri31monlg the! ,",'eMi s~lls. 0 bsefvedlnesponse:s ·t!O' P !:lInd [&{ obta'iil'l!:ed ai~te~ sle:verarn 'cropp~:I1IQIS u'li1ld'er .high N inputs c.arM1.Cl'~ yet be .il!,s,Siociate>t:1 wiliUililInv panijcul.i1!lr~axol1li"~he hie rarc!hyof V,eniso:ts (DrS! D.,ma e'fifl/19871.

Ilnt:ell1'(l!reta:t ilon:s: of .s o,i! F:am ny IDirfiferelnti.a,e in. Re!latio.n tOI 'W,e:t~;andRice-Bas:ed p'>I'!oductiion S:ys,

nl'e d~~~elrl€liIi~ia~I!1lgi clitelr~·~ hi!1 tihe' f3m~ly cat~,g'olry of ,slo·~1 cla~;$·ifi!catijon are! pa:n]c~,e·si2:e eil13$StlS, m iner.iii!llogy c:11ass'8!s, I~e:ac~ian 011" cak:alf!eous classes ~,o,~·~V forson::le ·til)!!;a), a~:d temp era tiU re 1ile1!;ilimre'5. Pan~c~e·.s,ize ~Jildl mi n1era~~ogIV cia sses a ra clom bi!l~,di!l some Andepts'r Ancla,quept:s~.and An d'h::: >subgrc'u:ps ,of :Iocleptiso~s alrld MQ~UiS'Qilsthat milY be use,dI 'fior wetl~lfildrice.rhre ,tOmb.ilill.1i:~ioli'l oflMlllrticie sile and ITiIlinerallo gy is, ~ls,ousedil!i1 Arid~SIO~~s. EI'IlI~isols, <II flu:jl $poclosoills. 1ilne reaction el lillsses. aOlid or :noirla.cid, .a>f'~dI tl1i!EI: c;ah::,alreou$ 'or noncillICfl~eO'iJ8 classes are used for wetiliand ~lce soils wh[ch wlil're c!~assil~i€d as Aquep'ts,. A~:l,jIons, and icnttS,c)ls. The ~leac~UOfil O~ calclare'oilJs classes are also rus!edfo!rs:ome AI~idi:solrs and HiS:~OSJols whi!chare nit)1; no~.i1lJny used fo~' weUaJnd rice productrnon,

:P'iUli1c:l!e s~I;!';le. :such, as! [n c~ays. ~o3m:s ,and sands, is, a," ~l1!dicator of tine wate,raln>C! nut!:rluent 1~'61:entJiv:e capacities of SO~~S. This fam.ily dliffe:~enti~le may have litUe si,grRii~icaJnce in V,ertiso~s whioh ·ate


g,S!ne:raU,y claYiilY. C,ofllsiderabledrifferenc'r3:s iJi! 'tille hydrQ~oglical and ~'uJtritio!il3~Orchenii!ical 1j:)'roceS5'eJS. howe'vel'. OCCl!J,r ,allmong t~e c'layey famiiies, und,er Ox~siols ,ilmd UltllsiDls en one eflld, arild Vierti~,~'ls. alii! 'Ihe 'Qi~her., dlUl! to d iffel~,eru:es in mil!i1'era~QgiV., Palrt]cll,l;!-size ell asses: Oir il!exturalll ,cl,aIS$eS,iJIfe d~rec:Uv rel!3!ted to '[IIi1'€i physical, chern~cal, and nUlui'liUona~1 chafiH::teir~stics olf the SQ!IlI'III[ltaxon in~h(! subg f'OUP or highre.rc,alte:g'o'.ryin tll,e hiier:a r(;hy" T extural~ c~'01!sses; hal\li@: roo be, ass!Oci,al~ed wili1:'1 minefa'~ogy :and w]th 'the highe,r cat:e'go'ry ta,)(!ol'll '~o ;as;s'ess 'the :s'o:il qua ~i'tyforcrQP produeflen, sp!I'l,cific,<lIIUy and accuili:ai~e~;y'.

An a'bn.l!,p~ textlLJwal ,change ir1l tllf'Hl! profi:~e.s:uclh as loamv over, or claiy,ev ove~ sandy~ connotes eonstderable ilmporta'r1'ce in the la~e~:a I ,lHlld ver'tu'ca~: beha l.imor of water a nC! nutlru ent IIiTH)Veme nit. ThiS, ma'y' be rrlefl,!lct:E,d ~lnU'Ull ,clif'ferenc,e:s in productivity 'th3'~ win, also dlema,nd appropri ~te pia i'll,S, a,~d des ~gns fo v clrrClppings:vsu'!ms •. cultu nfll~' 1m ana:gem~r1Iit. and irll'ijg'iiltirclf1l, sy.s.~ems. d,e:sig~.aJnd en gloagemeHt. plawti,cul.arly t!Oir wedandric,e-lllgl$ed crop p~ng SYStemS WIl c1iHeren~ 'famllli,es undelr rudientaca'~ oSliibglfOUpS.

:8ecaus'e mi,n,erallO{JIY of clay ~r~c:tions inci'h;;,ates 'tine Wi~~r and nuul!€;::nt re!te~tliv,e c:91pareity Q:fsoUs". fit pl, irmlPortan~ fol'e i,rathe assess men! Q,ftheslolil! s .s.uitabrilityforw19'tl:a r1!di wijce prod ~ctk)rn. Vertisolls are assoc!9ited whih smeetltes (mQntmOrfi!'lliOJll~te.s· and ~:Jithe:; 2:: 1 expandiiifili91 emays) ,. wl'le,rea,s O:xisoll's, and Ultl~s;ol:s an!! asse cialted with oxide i!lnd kiOI~ll1Ilitk: c:r'j;lYs. Mo~ li.sG~s, AI fii,sols , mnCeptlilsols, and E:rw~jsarus eQclFl ~I11\1',ohl'es SQils· 'willUi! wid,~ rarn.ges of mineralogy,. tl1i'!'US making 'tIlle il(!.entl:f!c,8rtion 0'" mill'lle<ra~,og y d ass l'nioree'ssel1lti",I. A '~oa m soi~: wah smectite !l'Iine'rakHJy~ou~d be m (lIn! SilDuta'bte for 'Wietla nd (~cel prDduc:Uontho;lrq c~.S1yslo,ils. darmflilat!!H::!:by kiiOUn,iE!€ er oxijde c:~ays" prim (llrimy rd'ue to diff,erences ~n W;tltier i~nd nutrient f'etem::ion brS'twe'en the.Sle ,c~a!v mineralls.

'ih~)(otropic charalctll'lristics (combi~e:d texture iillndarm,o'rphOU$ mirn,eralogy) indiciillte good W;!!'ler illriJd ~i~' permrea.bUitv~n~l1le Andle:pts. IPI.ll:dldl:~lilgl 'Dr .m:anij,pl.:!llaUng~hixotfOiP'TIG Am depts when wet. greilt~'y ~educes pen::iolatlon to make tine .s:Q,ilsiJlHa:b tefor we:tI;allilrd rice, ,j)lIS long a,s 'U~e soi'~ iskep1l! sa!tufa~ed. IDf:a.ini,~'g thE! wet soil~ 1[0, fiiell,d ,oap:±:II::~~Y O'f llles:s faclj,lit;a!t:e,s SW:.!C'~llIlre ~egelrler!;ltk),rn.thus makingl the ,soils;uit:able' fo,r ~mmed~3:~e land prepanrtion fortJ1rh? upl and Ci~OP after wet.ial!i1dricie.

:Resatllration, a·nd plJddliP'l.g' wiill 'be ll1eede,d~o recreate an 'Me·piaQijie~' (Mooli1lTlslIl~nd v'~n Brle:ernl~H'i 11978) moisture reghrile.

The· pre,sence, ofaccessol'Y minera·ls as micas in the dalY sj'ze and coarser ·~ra.cti·on·s; clou'l!dI il1dic,ij,t,e Iprlglonged supply IOif K or Mg; and 'of a.p·!lIti{les as ,SCn,llfCes. 'Ol~ P. The need foli' tilhese IIlUUiellil·t:s, is pre d ictalbly neg~ igilb~e over long pedods of pwoduc!Ion.

Tillis: ,s:~udlvcoverE!d! 31 sites in tilne isohypEll'I1~ermic regii'rne, 3, sites (Pusa, iKanIPu!i,. and MetaIP,h'lJltl in the hvperthie'rmic', 2 sl~tes Nadga,on ·and Su'kar.amil lin the iis.o~hel"mic and '~ sj·tle ,IPantnagalrl, j'S, a borderline 'cs,se betwlecll'l the: tJhermic and tbem,esic t1empers'wre regimes,.

The prerfi,l( 1:;0 ij I'D d'icsltes leu tha n 5 °c dif~ere n es between the me,an Soi~1 ·tJlllmperaHlire during Ctotoill m CH'ft;~hs !ilind Wii!IUlm manUI Sf;: thelrlnic [s; wheir't(91 mea:n ~lirlllnua~' sc:illte m perat!!MeS~r~' within 1 e,~,22 DC. The abs'ence Oiftlie prefillil iso vl"ldic·aIte.s~hat the m,ea I'll of !!i·oil: tempell'ilIltufes. du ring 't'he war:m and the (:'00:.1 months dinan: bV 5, 'DC er more,

lin the,s.iteS c'ltillractel'ized; wedand rice isgli'o·wn during (I'H!I wet seasen 'which coTlfleide.s with warm IffiO'fliths in the mesic, '~heJimic, Cll1d hypert:llefmic~empGnnure regimes. The te!lTIIper;atures durilil9tthe rlce growing se'ilson ill some of thti:!lse areas fare 1;'0 m parable' 'to 'or even h]Qhe'~han those' of w,81rrm ,$ illl is;oi~hewmtC and isohYPElrthermic areas. l"tempelr.lllwre may not ble a eonsti'akit~o ric e production in th.e i sothermleaeeas du~u:J1I;gl ·the Cool,s'r li'lul<r:!lths IP:O'1o,viidedthat WfJih1iJ is ade:quClt!e'- ~In ~he' Sukiilram~1iIfel. in atn isothe,rmic feg,ime ,. yields durillfltg the cool m CHliths, With less rainfalll iUI(!J highe:f thall1~hose' during \flU-Y Welt montil1s apPi1lrerUltY' because, of' more' cloudV days in the laner period.

Rice! yiielld!s ill highe.r la'~itude!i are ·as a rul,!! higber than that in equatoiill,al regi'o'!'!<s (.Dle IDatt.a 1981 II, Varieties used! ~!1r 'these climatic zones a re dif~ere.rn:. Loi1l· day,'ight.. rathrer~han tiernpeif.atlJlre Iregilmle pet $,1\1'. dUfinlg '[ih,!!: rice '9lfowing se,aisons in the hilglhelU' I atitl!llides comri'b ~J~es tc highe,r yiields,

The~,ew llIumbeworr $~hjs 'w:~d, eXlperimenti6i11 Oijliita. and~he ~Iack of a.g romet~olrologica~' observa:tions during the c~'I1i,dl.!c't of field 'e:xpe~~fI1Ient:s, limited the irif'ereliLce ontille n;::lIle' of~empe,ra:tufe regu:m,e asa sQil~l~itec:hi:l!lract!:!ri:~l'~ic if! wetl.alnd riee ,~riod~ctiol!i'!.

'Co,mp,arrison of F,e,rti~iitv Cap,abi~ity ChiliSsiIUc,a;Uon (FCC) wit:h, :SoU T:a~ono'my System

Soil~ c:'13:s:s~ficaJtio 111, il1lthe sitle',S, a'cCQlrd~ rr!,91~O' 'the f,e:rti~i1y CalP,abi~ iW Class ifiCalio'fl! (,FCC ISivs:~em (S,alnche'z :arlu:a1 Buoll 1 985 ~ ean be m.;uj,B indepe~d<e!lt of '[Ihe Soilll Ta xonomy Syste,m, whk:h ,~equil~le,s more dat:iI a,ndde,ili,ls with infOlu!ffi,ilIl~ion at greatlill!f saul ,d'l'2'mhs .1Ih'!J: main concern !n.the IFCC sys~em is hi! tile s'YI!if,a,~e '5,0 em of thesoilt FCC de,signa'Uons Gom"ltesponding t'O the (! ~Hen~ni'!:~H)il t1iIX,i"l! (la'D~e :2 ~ a r'B derindfr,o'm,the il1fofmCltJ1on obta inedhlrta :.:onomic but ~ imi~edto the ij!·2;Oand20·50cm de pth s, Deriving tWH~ FCC de.sig!fiII;;Itl1.ol1lvrom tile ,s:oi~'taJxon es:p,e,ci.iIU 'II a~thEl fa'mHy level is h igthly fe,slsi'b:~e. The rev,erse" !from FCC de's;lgAat~iQI1I t.oul.xonomic;. is :h ard~'y possib~:e. The c~pa'biil~~V 'cl~s;s:des~'g iiHlltiolli'l 1J,n,der the FCC system can be deterrnin~d 1I'rom til e mutin'El5,O]1 an ilillysi.!';. da:U3 sn althe p r'e:s:ence O~ ilbsEl,nJce ofa kl,n'9 dlry ·s/eason,.. So~~ l',~,x.o,n'omy. however .• req'y]res pedol,t).~l'ic.alleXpetUseillnd more f'lonrotUlin,elab olr.~tory af'!a:I:Y:~iH~S,

The~earG few cas(!s from whiclilrthe t;al)!:~,~t !,e:a:st ~n thlill Siubordeir' Iteve~I,. eanb e ;(!Ilpproxim1at.e dI '~rQm ~he FCC ,desi,g n<ltj(~:n ,. Ceh gleSi1ij l1I,atio'n whi ell eennetss clay~e,x:ture witih ~o'w C Ef;, ,ean be applroxilffi,aJu:d t'o, be :3,J1!1 Oxisol. c'e,a, whi,ch IClOl"1!lnotes very ~u::fd ,clay soi~:s: wirth lo:w C'EC may be: .approxima.i!!edl ills tiln Uh!~sol. C().8(;ISCQu~idl be a Su~f.aquep'~ o~ a Sldf:iic' TropaqUE!pi~.

The FCC s:v,s'~em ~filth e ,r;l,~esence of a deguate ~ielid e.xpellr~meilinall data is more co fiI,velii if! lilt: for nonped.():logis'u.. ~f1I cOll'lr,ehning p!~'QductiVi[ya,nd fenJility maolagem:ent th~ln Ihe So~ ~ Taxonomy Systieml" '[la'ca ne,eded 1:0 come u,p' with me FC(: des1lglf1latiTon .a~!e muchl ,ea,s,ier~o obt:a,!lf'I tlh.i,r:Ii t1ilcMsef'(M' 'ulxonomk: cr!i3!ssi~ici!~ion. lhe IIFCC Imodi'file!f.s. howe'Ve,li, m.ay havetn :be ~:dtl8,recl or modineclw~thin a'b O'~~ 5 years·.. Chang'flis in It! n,dI use~nd ilOtJ9f11sifiiica;tion ,of 8: cor,~il!ctq;v!S, ma!UIg<ementpH!c'titce, sucJh as I~ming,. c!!!i!"lcha !1l.g etlhe FCC desijg m(.ltk).Oi. ()ifltlrle' ,o~l1i!ew Ihalndl,soi~ '~3.X3 de·rived m~lifl~,y~fiOll11lthe rm)pewti as of t'he Stll~S!~ il hori2:ons, wh~chilue ~,ess .subj'E!!ct to chall:g1e by ma.nage,m·e:!ilti;lnd 13 nd 1lJ:S'eJ. m:ilIV not c'hi1l1inQe

but mana,glemfl!nit recommelflda1tions ha ve' to 'b e ulpdQlted, as ~liC'hnQlo'gves to lreli,ev,e oonstraints" inherent tOI a tax.oll1.ilJre' int!91n1sifiiied.

,Soil Ta:xonom,y Exprress,es the Physi,eal Emiironm,ent o:f Soils

Climatle., R,ainfall~ and 'fempell'a,'il:Ulfe

C'lim iiite and 9 eornofphology or 'g eolo 9 lc la nldformi;lIre sire chararCtelr~s,tics clo,selV related to .Slo,il formatlon. Th,egenel'aJl rai'rl;~all patrern ,andl tbe normal temrperature varrl,atien occurring in most ye,an OVIU a decade 'o,r longe-rare essentisl information in siite characteri:zatklrl'll. The rail'l'~alil distrib'Ut~on and landscape positions a re reflec~ed as: III oistUlf'e regd mes in dif'f,erent ,cat!eglorical levels of taxo'i'1Iomic s'o,i! c:las,sific,artion.

AridisollS indk:atJe dry' c:lima,tE! C(l'Il~itiQ'n1s,. us,r and ud lP~letfixe,s d enetethe presence; nrabsenee ,of long dry sea,sons, A IQ'U as prefi;:x in~he s,uborder ta xa indicat.e's, Ilongl pe,r:iIQds: of waU1l:r stagna1tion wh,ic:h may be: assoelated with loW' topog:r.a,phic positions, or pe,~ched water tab:lle li:nfh,Jlenced by the pedoge·netic eharaeterlstle ,oifthe soU that developed during formation. Odi o:r ,ust; as in 'Ud~fllU'lIents 'or Usti'f!uvents are prefixes use,d in the gifie:at group taxa, w:berelS!ls Aridn,c, Ustic, 'x,e,ric, Udic. ,and AqruQC are modifiers used im'l tbe SIII.I'bg roup ·cat'egory.

The aq.u and A 1Qi',uic modlfiers, are ge n'H?;raUy detiirminled 'from the soir cOllor. low c,otor chromas ov the sio,il matrhx or 10 Vii chroma'S of the monIes, indlcete POOri' drainag,e:. High chf'Qrmas of monies in higJh chroma soils iIenefiill'l!y indicate good dr~il'l!.llQe.

The dur.ation tha'tthe s'oill is moist er 3'~ mois,'tUire contents gre'ialter than ·15, bar:sten.sion blJlt 'below 11.3 barr tension" o:r tha~ the soil is dry Qr ,all moisitlJiretensions ,ol'r 15 bars '01' mora alre the basis f'Oll' the alr~dic.. xeric, torrlc, usne, and udic moistu r'B reg imes,. To d,ertel~m ine· "'U~isturel',egime!. tlh~1 durati Oli!! h~s '~obe me,3 sure'c! ovelll' severs I v'ealil's. wffll h::h is leJxt:r'eme ~V t~:diQUS ~HlI,d tume consumilngl. The' m,oist!IJ r,e Il'eglime: is gle:nera.Uy deri,v'e,d fromthe water balance. ra~l1Ilfali. and eva poratiiiof'll data: from Ihe neaJrest weather station or from rai n;hll ~ amounts and d istfi butlon.

the a,grroc~llimi1l,Uc cll:asse~ derived by the I RR~ A gifoc:~imiilltic Un~,~ f!Forn ,datil of :S,t:aJtion.s, nlilN~re:Stthe site.s; stydi,ed~nls,hownin 1'o;lhle !!l. The !;Igrocl~'m,atH(; c~ass~fic;Jjtio'n is pr~ma.rily for thesLilitabU~tv ,01 an area for ~;a,infed wetl,al!'l!id ric'€1 PH1,ductlltH'I. I ~ was atso used :ili:!i: '~he bas;is. fo,r a pproximaUng 'W~j'H~:ther the moistlJ lie regime ~l1Iasnte us udic ,0'1' u,sti'C.

'f,e!mpe r,Sftunl!! isal pa,rt of thill' 5:QUUllxa. ,aJtti1e iJ!am~ly I!evei.

Tel'l1lpen.\'!'u .. m~reg~mles. are dependerl!,ton l·ilI!tit!L!die~ arr!:d .a~l~itl!:Jdes O~' e!~evath:ms. Mo,st: sites :sw(Hed are! l,ocat!E!:di i n e.Q,urat.IQ,Ii',~a~1 a rea s .. The.s!e5it~s: awe' ~sohypelrtJhermic ,or clontinllJ()iJ1 sly waJ~mtlhl~1O iJI,g Iiloutthe year. f1h 8 mean a!1!1!rfllUalll soil 'ulmperatur,e!rs a't 50 cmdlepl:h of 'the so!! are :2 2 (l'G 'o,rhh;;Jh:er, and thedliflerences b~twe!e!n mealll temper,ilIitures during (;OO~; :mol11l'1:hs and~liie ,mean t1empelr,il!fil:Ure.s of~he warlffi mont;iMs< d]ffelr by less than 5, 0(;. At l1n~Qrh ,eleva:tions in the tr()pica~1 bE!'lt, as th~t illl, $u~ara.m!i w:hic!h ms abo'ut 900 m ab 0.\119 sea level meen innua~ ~emD!erati',H'Ie wa,s on~iy 21 °Can,d me mean so iiltem fH'!ra1i:Ullre dUirung ti1!e (vEirvll wet season which coincides w]th t~'e warm rncm,t:hs may be 2: o,e wawmer 'tillar! the a!irtempew:a::ture of2'Th Cle. The' mean son 1em pera'ture duwingr the (I!E!SS wetl' dr.y season whtch counddes with the coot mO:II'!~hSi may be knwer by .;2, 10 C dn9ln~h e 21 'QC me:a:naIIIF t.empe~ai~ure. l:!ilIG:: se!.'lJsona~ di~f~efifil:l1Ice :in 'the f'IfIlean tl~mper~tu!iies is es;t:imaced~o be about: 4 Cle. He'ncE!. it is IE!stimategliO be ~nthe is'~~he~imictelmperanllr.!~ Ir,egilmes. The! isorU'~e~lm~c as a rule are found at 'com;p.alra~il\llelv ~Iowel~ ,ele\l,1iltiQn~ et hi'gher ~atiWldies withil11 the 'tJ1opitCal belt or :~es.s tha n 1]0 latit1u<t:l,e (Moorrm Sin and v:an Bn:,emen 1;9'7fn.

The Ihy'p'e:nhe,rm,ic 'tei!i'l'l!p eramre I~,e:girmle ,er.'lcompassres o:llfe'.;;:al$ W~,ere!the, mean alifl,n 1lJ~ltem:p,er;niJiJle of the s;oi~1 is a Mv~ 22 o'e: bUit lfhe diffGl'lenc'eJs bet:weein,the Im!ean s:oUtif;lmper.l;llUlrres; (h:,JI ring 0100,1 mo'nl~hs l wi'n:~erl a,mdthe hot mQiII1ths· (,Sir.,l mmerl a re a'b Clive 5 °e ~ T,ne therrm~~ tJe:mper.i3itlUlf!E!1 nJ3gimeis wher,El' the mean a.nm.!a ~ eo tl 1)smp!erat!!lJj",e iis betw,e~iU"! -15 'oCa,U"ld: 22 °e ,and the mean :soul ~em:peratun~ be:tweentbeclo~d af1!,d hot m ©'r:!i~hs diHe~:s by mon~l~ha:!1'I 5'@t.

C~:imatic param.etl!1:n, rai;nh!~1 :aJnd tiemperau.!wle" as providled fior in~a xonomic ,c~9ss~'~icialtio:n. ,are filO! SII.iI m'~h:;:uem wor site clrl,ifllractelrlllza!Hc n of wetl:and ~i:ce e!nv~ronments. A rno ~e det:alUed Ob:S~'fViltio,,"~1 palrticulal~~V of riinfa~1!I penerns dUI!iffing In'o rm a~, gfow:iings,ea SIO.r~iS 1m ~'S:~ be conduc:~edtoideUlUfy the l~allJS,e~s,) of yield vartatlons :t::l<i~tween


Table 5. Agll'oc·liimatic c:lla$Sesals:scu;:~:;Jjted wi(h,~tne sites of soil: ,chalr,i!lctl(i1,rizatiolnfor the ~ NSH E:A 'Pir>o]ec:t"

,A,.glrod:imatic ,cl.illJsse,Sa Rainfalll
Code INiI IN2 N3 Fn R2
Al 1 2: 1 '~ 1 4.2'76 2'1 24
8:1, 1 2: 9 () 3307' 2828,
61: 1 2: 8 0 3594, 2065
6~ 1 2; e 0 271'5 1 :381
82 9 '7 0 232 1 1 ,4()7'
C2 :9 6; 0 3!:H;J!1) 2712
C3 8 :5 0 1 835 '1 1 00
IDl 11 2, 3. IQ 1 9,61 11 025
ID;), 7' .3 (I' 1 6~1 ;9 11 5,22
es 71 :3 0 .~ 639 1 :2;!6i5i
03 6 4 0 1 265 1 .()74
[D3 '!5, 4, ~ 1 97:6: 11 525 Sak:onil' :Nillk>Ofl~ a ~d Sa,m Pa,th,OrnQ1" Thail!! ful:

f~ka.!onga n, [~ndonesia

Chilli'l,S'~ rah and Moha nplIlI'. h"!d~a

S~'kamaJndi and Pusa!kalnii;!lg'alra.,d'ones~a

5 3 I'JI l' 5 1 '~ 1 11 74
5 :3 0 'l[ 5135 1 343 T,ia1jum a fild1 Medoy'udi1lln, I:h~;


continued .•.


Kklll'lgi Lua1ng, Baln Paohi. 10011'1 Chedi. lop Burl. 1111~d'h;II1ld

Ag:rocliimlaNc (:I~ss:esa R11'lilnfa~~
Code IN1 IN2 N:3 R1] R.2
D4 5 3 0 11 45S: 1 ~I 74
0<4 4 4 2: 2430 21 1 ::1
D4- 4 3 0 111 027 ~9146
D4i 4 3 0 11 4{)O 1 331
E4 5 .2 0 ~I 2S4i :930
E4 6 ,2 0 '1 28'1 1 1 1 6 5 :2 0 11 090 a54
4 .2 1 ~ 47 1 1 284
4. 0 0 76'11 6i53
:3) 2 0 l\N5:8: B'1 9
3 Q 0 765 49'2
.2 c 0 590 .376, a.A~1 ::;;:;. -c 2 dry months, :;:. 9 weI: months; B1 = -c 2. dry I!iTIOl1!iths, 7<9 wet IT'!lontlhs; IEl2 = 7~9' Welt mo'nths" :3 dry months: C2 "" 2·4 d IV months i 5;·6 w,st lffionUu.; (;3'" 5~6 dry months. 5-6 wet mon~h$: :0 ~ .:;;; « .2 d1fV rno !lilt"::;, 3·4W!1lt months; D~3"_' 5·6 dry months. 3·,4, Wlet ImO nths; n4 "" 3-,4, wet m,(jnth!!:" 8-91 dry m of'llths; E4 ~ :> 6 dry mo ntilfls. <. a w8"l: ,months., 1:.5 ;;;;;; <. .2 wet rna ~U:Ui!. ;:. 10 dry' n'H) rJ'ths;; N 1 ~ m'ofllth $1 with :> H)O mm l'~infaH: N2 = months with :> 200 mm rainfall; IN3 = mcaths wijth :> 300 mm ra~nfa~ll; fU ~ alnnua~t!o'tal r.a~nfan;R2 "" Ir~infain ~oital dming !rgliny p'er~i@d,

seasons !Dvef se:veralyears. The lirregu~~ritl~e$ hll ra~lIi~a~~ pall!ernS, he Wieve~. ilIlM el<pe!cted '[o'be smoQt~e~:ecl roy the, PfI.'l'$,e,nc:f.;llof a.dieqtH!lte iirrigadonb~'~~he s!easQ,~.illvalri~ti,o.n!!l in dYl!i'liillffilicS of wa~er ~ntn eSioU: could sti III occur.

Tl1Ie 8Q.w't: condl~~ion olf!s:oi~s ir!lldi~ca~es Ib ettel~ suiu:bil'~ty of 'U1J!!l!t so n ~or wEInand IricEI: p~'Olduc~icnU,",an til e Odl at IffiQ,istUfll'l! 01)'9 ime:s:. ThHi p!I;!!dQgeln ic property is inUUlencied mo,r,€I bV lalodform and tlo,p,oor3Iphic positJTc)r1I,. The udir; cond~!tion infie'rs~he 'Of more tha rl, 'Olillll Ci~iO,pr (IrITce~~i!c;e Of ric;'e·u,pl:a1rH:I: crops). whe'rea,s f)sllc may be llilmlited ~Q 100,Iy one w!e:t:I,;;mdl rice C~QP int'he ,3bsenc(l' oif ildeq ij'iUG: w~te~fQr k!l'l[gati(),n.

Temp.e:rau .. uie isa m;;ljOlr d(ilteirlm~nilln[ of' !the: krirnrd of crop or the rice variety tl1ila,~ es f'!1 be best QrfOWfl WriliU1!1 "'!pea. .A~:though r,ec,o:rdis show ti!lalt l~iceyif;l:ld,~, 3f€: high:e.r in 'U'~ ~ subt~'Opilca I arq,dtempt:i:r~t!e reg~,onsthan tn Hq,e tI'OIP~CS. tn'S influenCI!;! Oi~ dayl'e!Flg~h,laJ' enelrgy) may e~x:er~ mOJ~1€: infIILu~ncietil1!ll'l1the '~emlPtuil'!rtu~i!1iI:inia!rC!alS: w,h,ere dati) we~·!!ll ob:~iil!ined.

W~tlarr!d rice is, g'(l'.f1;cr,a.lly gnYWiiil on l' I,evel areas where Winer that ·ac~um ~ ~at)esfrom Ira ~nilnd ~'I1i,now~rom hiig!hl;lir grQundsor brought in by ilrriga.[ion 'gerll.;ra:llly SUIYS ~o!"l{JIeJr. Mo,ormllMI. and v~n Bre:em,en (1 978) 'termed'thl~s; as af~u)dalll~andscap,e. On levle:1 but sl ~G!htly hi gl1l,er pos]Uon, such a s ftnltef:ffiiedia~e Uphllfld5 and: pla~eallJ!i. we:tlandlr~ce p.ra:ducti aim, ~SS!~ it3'b~e mainl.y on ,::H;)'~IS wh:h highe.r w,~tew f:!;!'ltentll:vie C3 paciui'e.s. a rnd wet or h~i@tn, r:air1lfall'l ,environll'rH'l'I'lits. wl~ner enf\l~ronmelil~s t'O assure ca:ntJi.n:uing r!il,chi!~:ge 'OfW.aIt!ll~' f~om ~ain3"d f,lhlreatlk: flow (Moowim<3If'!I;;Ind valli Breemen 197a,~ I~S ap,"efe,q'lIJisi~e in te:rraced slopefiof weUand riee, whlile t:tJ'L!!s,o,~1 must tla:¥ea high il'1llil!llWe'!ili wa~er :r1etentlve ca,pacity whk:h C!!!f'I be :e'riihanced by wet mililniIP~hiltir,Ofil 'or iPl;llldd'lilrn'{i.

S,i:t,e1S oil C hara ct:En·isti:c.s:~n R'e:1 SidonIa N~tn3gen F,ertn~zelr EJfid:ency

Inthel ,iillbSlll,r1(;e of dref~n~t.e sets of ,charaJGt'~ristIDc:s '~Q Cil'!!t6l'!iJori~e~he site.sjtine highestfu.:pei~l~mle:nta,lrice y:iellds m i.lIY be ,ob~a~ med ~~the preva' I~Qnditions lin t'hetotal phYSiCal1 !IH'IIIViirOflm!l3fli~ a~le(;~:OSie:Sj'tt:o'

tlileide:al. 5i n ce pedoll,og,ic p:r1o,p erti,e:s as Ireflect:e,d by the verious '~a:xa in ~a\1Cionomio cia s·s,ifi'cati ,)1111 ofs,Q,ilS· 11WE! the' I'east dlylilami (l ,among the (;Ionditilons, diiUeteoc!a:sGI1 IIiIi!SpOnSe '~o N fer~i~i~ef' may vary wHit. ,$Ioit The: ba,sisfor compa~~ng ~'~nheJl'E!!Ilt''' ipro.c:!uttivliw isuhe yie~ds 'o'f It;lonlimi!,p,lot$. Welds of control p~on;;~ high~y subj:ect:~o (he e:f~ects ()~ past malo,a:geme:nt and p~ev.aln~ng environ m enta ~ CQndiiitiQlns. ma ~,i'fes~ ~l1Ie pn;:u;iucltivitv potent]al, Ofa pa:rt:]clu~,ar sib'~~o'r wethlnd rlca at a partiiciLlllartime.

Sa,ilt:aXOf~,Q.mic ,cl,a:ssifk:amion may also ba ueed to stIF,SiIti'fy sites acclordillilfJ to rellii!!tive prQduc~i'Vit:y ,~nd 1iO N feniilii,2'er use e'fnci:enc:y in wetla,Iil:c! tij,ce' ~fod~cti(~'II1. Wh,ether ar,ela;tiOll'u~;~ip canb,e .ut;abl!isMd. be~ween sloU~a~:i(a. :iMld the SIOU produC'~ivityandfo~' responses 'tXJ' N ~enill:i~er IUsiingl 1I:he 43 siteS m·ay be the .s tl bjeGtfor Oil clifhl!re rni~ lel!.\e~lCise.

La l'1Id'llIiSielcf'OIPlping'~ sy.s;,~em

DI.esciI"ilbed and :saf1!"lpl,ed ',by


H Block. Expel~itm.enta!11 Falrlm,ra!!liIU INad'ulRtcB ~b'!sealrch Ins:~it:utl:!'j. Ad:uti1ui7ai·' •• ~u mb~kon,alliil. ~'flIdi:a. .Approx.iml;ne Coordin:a'tio":~1 0°52:' N hn:itude" '904(1'IE: l'ongimde".lel,ev1iltion .- ,2,7 1m abo:ve me~ n sea h;!'ve,1I.

'6road alh'lv,~a~, plll!lin aWe,!;IISO lII'th of Cauvery FIiV\er; uppef pOl1ion o·fthe coast3l1 plain with bifd i s~oot Ir[vll\!r system melt~~cl

Itwevel witlnshatlow (af~)un,~1 '~ 11f'I1) 'wa;~er~able ,diiJIe 'to il~il'I1.gaJth' Irl

liriri~gi!ted. rice-rice, Ba'l"!l~ma P~~"U:!'t~:CH'1 .and] ,S,C'ffiles ~galrca r1'9 fo:un,[i i nthe ge!11I en:ll~ an!iE! w,i!thoutall"li¥ vis~b~e charrl,gein 't01poglraphic p,o,s,ution. Rice yie~Qs,: control·"" ,3J)' t:a:ll.s.h~,gh ~enU ~2ier~reatlme'fi!ut:!i, "" "7 tons

Zi!O,c defioiiem:y; hnQIi11 w,arter ·tab~~e; wat>er nOi~ a! cOl!'Is'tfaint ,~Ithough dry s;e!i)lson is> 910 d<li"{s but -c '1: so days

She~kh D~wOQd..S,K., Shawm:a il!i! d M. e. Ra.ymundoon J<HliMI~ry 1; 6:, 1 9816.


The epipedo:n is abo~t3!;l: cm[I1:1~.ek ·a.ndl imlm~d~a.t:e]y Undei!'miilin byti'll~ed agglms'g!ates with inWfSil\lCllr~,g slfckia~nsid€s down~o ebeut 1 m. A ;por,ol!J:sfrcs!glie! stJb:lltralum s'erv,!;!'sas .a;quifif:!'f a rid rE!slllJl~ts in. upwe:n~ ~ 91.


Apg ,0,,1, 5 (;m: V,e'fY dO':'!~1k g,r.a:V 12..!3, '13 JSl2J Sillily (;I.ay S'~litK;Wlre~'en (pudd~edl) wlii~hf;ew wea'ik medium ialJild coarse slUba ng 1lI h.:t~· block

,Fi.~lm,$tic:k.v, and plastic

Many niledium, and 'Nne roots

Few med!iumufilIteW'sthtia:11 cor:l'tinuo'lJS pore's Cl,ear im~·g'ular boundalry

N,ear nellJtll'a~ reactlon

Ag .~ !).r:3.5 em \!'!2'fY dark ~g r~y (10 YR 3111 cli1l~Y wij~h 'UI1,e disHnct yeUowish ~ed (5 VA 4/6~ monll~s ,allol!ilij rout chaliilliil,els and ecarse d~stinc:t IPlathy moWe~s on peel sur~aciNI

We.S!k med~U!1l'l ii!lfi!Jd ecaesesu b~logulialr brocik:y s~n.llctur'l.'l:

Fffirml,. stijic:k.y,~ II! d phllStk:

Common fijneroo~s

few m edilYlm illilt!Elrstit~1 e.xped peres G~lI!aiJI i1Il smooth boundalry

Ne;g,r 1!"l,eU'tral re,i;l:ctkHl

Ve~y dark ,gray nOVA 31'3) c~ay

Mod'erate c.oa~'S€! :a,~'g u !:a~ bl'H~kysuuctll,we Wiuuh'urij!f.iiaiCeS a n,d s~ ~c:kensi(I'es

Ve~y ·~imi),s·~h::ky.,andl v~rv phllstic

F,ew winG mots

(3Iufad'ual. smootlh bQuncl311fY N'e.;i3lf n'@'LiTUai' ~!e~CtlOIn:

I[)i!l~:kbrolwn. (1 (I YR 3.513 JI cllay~n:r!o'Ii!{li c:oa~s,a a'lIl,g~ law blOCky StnllCture w;~n interSeCUflg s~uckensides:

Very filum" sticiky. and plaistic Cleafsm.o(nhb OU ~d~fY

N~,ar lrneutra'~rle:aC'tuon

!Bw3,BO·~ 00 em : D:a.rk brown (1.5 Y:A 3,l3cl siiU:y clQI¥

:StJr,ong CiClarse· i:Mlg'l1J~ar blockystru [iture:wJl[h common '~ine IFe~Mn C'O'IiI,CnlltJuons

Clear smooth boundalry

M~ ~dlyallkalline rE!,i1!ction

:R 1 OO~140cm: Dawk browlr! 110 VIR 4/3,)5]lly dalY ~O'91m .struct'l,u',eles·s, (massw\lle)

Velry~ri:ab~e., s,lighdy sticky. ,aJnds.n,g~rUv pI!a:s,t;]c M ildlly a~k;;llitn,e!!ieacdon

,(PI'(Jlflle saii sample'S were .rJlot "eceifl'(ltJ," th,us no labora.tory data ca,,, ,be p'ie'se.nted)


Ex:p,erimen~al IFarm,. Rk,e Ii ese03n::lh S[<I~iQfI,. CIt'!ul1lsurah ., West Eiel'1!lgat 2.:t'OQ'N ~I~ti'tu:de~ 88°04' E 1(~,n.gitude,el,ev,1liti.(JJ~ "'" B-'9' m~bove ffilea n slea h:l've~

AUluviall1 Pia un b~twe,enl B!h8g,i~:a,1I:hi Clnd Sa r~sw~,d rive~:s on~he uppe,r se,ctiOIll of a de itai:c {bird' s foot) I~iiv:e:r ,sysli9m. Ll€v'e,l~o very" glenltly undula,ting

M ixeclailiuvium

Wet: fromJ~me~o Septelm'ber. iir!ite~me:dliate in May and flr'om Octoibi:!!f lio,lJecember,~lnd airy f,mam, JanuarytQ Apili~iI. Mean $lnnualll,P,'l;!c'upitSition ~. 1500 m'!m.

Cropping :syst~ms:: :Ma~filIIV Ivrrig:;ued ricle2~3 cfopslvie3lr. Pre,-k}tl~rif IMa,rdh~.Junf;l~, Ikhawif j:Ju'ly·Octobf;l~'~" r,iilibbi

~N aveml:)e;r- Fe~\t1u.i3rYl'. Yie:~ds per hecta,ne ,;ne:pre.~ klh.alfif · ... 11,0, kha~]f '" 1.2:~ 1.5 tons" andrOilbbi ""3.0 tens, IN SF'FEIR IrabbU "" 3:.2-5. 5t!o~ 50. A~mgst nofertillizets aln~ !lJIsed by farmeirs.

De!iH:;riit) edillnd saim:pled by


lFloodih'!lQI depth of 2-J,fieet ove~ a dur.1l;~iOII!'l QfJ 2·:3 we~k:s oeeurs oCC:8isio,naJU'y ii~ kh aJrif season. IC,xcess: w~tew is hard to dlfain,

!8. K. Mia a ~al. G. B. 1M annal :S!IIlIJd! M.:c. R:aymundQ' on J'a!!lfV·:2.Oj. 1986

Ae~ic H apl.;tl'que;pt:, fin'lli 'iloamy• Iffi ix:ed., nonacid hyp,enherm~c



The shaUQw surialee SQi~ is UIMJlerhllin by ,al compact ITilliIssh!'i8: laYElr (pl:o:w solElI~ w~~h tfa!ns;t~orninto 3 subso~1 wit:h da rkeir ,exped tihan inpedl (lolo,r:s,

A.IP~g O·~,2, ,em: [lark ,grayish brown r2:.5 Y 4I{2) c~lay with

c'om,rn,on '~[!"Ie fa~nl~ s,'u':o'ngl brolwliII ('5, Y 5J6) 1i"noiUles Masshl'!e

Ha rdl,firm_, sticky. a iii dI Iplll;astic M anyfinel >1:II~d medium roots

COnflmo:ri Ii fJi!:! contini!,lO~S mni~erSt~Ualli ;~r:lped PG~~es CI,ear i1i'ir1e:gul:a r boun,i::I ~rv

MiQd~r,atij:llv a Ik~line rieactiQn

!Bw2 4·0·6.5, em

Grayish brQ\l'Jll1il fi: ,'5, "'r{ 5/2 ~ clay with commofll medium a rid C:CN:lfse p:a~(;hy d ustinct f,ed (] 0 R ,41:2) af'lldf:inefamr:lits:~I\Ofi!,gl lbf10wril (IS, VA 5110) Imloules Mass,ive ,oio,d:s, tlr,eak ~n.1LJOW,eaki C'OI<!Jrs:e bl:otky structore

Hard, veryfiwm, Mery sf~ckv,and \/lery :p~astuo Commo'Jl, f~ fiH~ roots

Abrupt smooth bounda uy

MUd~ y aH<:aliilne Ineact,l,on

Oalr:k g.~.~yush brown '[01 'g ~.aivish brqwn ,[:2: JS Y.:t/2) sill.ty cliay

M o,dew:a.~e tin~ 8111 d medium subs riI gular iblhJ1cky structure

sngihtlyftria b~e., very sticky ,~nd plastic iFew med~um p,atctFry all"g~na,f:ls

FeW' f n,eroms

Gfflldu:a ~ sm.oothboll!'nld~~y .M:i~dIY~llk~l1ifl~ re,actio!il

Yel~owis ~ b~Q·w,r) ~ 1 0 ylR '5"4!~5/6) silty c~aywith da,rk grayis h b:ro wn tD gr:ay~ si'n !iH(J,WIlI (,2.5 Y 4/2~ 5/::U ;;u'lg]U.ansaround pad s

St~ofil.g medium a rrld ceerse bl~ock~{ stiructure Sligh~liy'ft~'abl,e" velliYs~icky" a·ru:l velry pl.iilistic Diffuse :Slm(~c'1ti'n ~'~ll flId.ary

M~ld~,y alilkaline Ir,e:ac:~lon

Bw3 6,5,·,88r ern :S~m iI,ar to, <;I,bO\lre re)(Gep~ fOlf wl;:!O;lIkier ·struot~ 1'1f;!, mo~:e filrrm, ,all'ille:W :the preseJil.ce o·f soll"'~U ~ed k!,!orCO\l~n~

Clay depo,s,iti,Q,rl S diisUnc1!; ,O~, wi1l U.s of ikmmvin.a,s; Cl,ear smooth boynda,ry

Mill alVillk~Hne rea eti 0 rtI

Be 8,8-1 24 em: Gray ~o dillirk gf\\ty 1~2.5 Y 4:.5/21 iSilty' c~ay widl weak mrediurrn a nd coa~:se Slj b<;lngu~ ar blocky ,str.u:cture

S~ightmy f~ijab~re, very sticky, ;and vf~ry :p~astiic Modrsrat:e!lyailkalmne re,i;!,ctuO'1l!I

Irriga,tian w·aterf seeps intiothe p~t very s~owIY. the soil c'o'lJIild bra p(l~enti,i:iIl!l:v 'p rodlu:cti \Ire! with htgihe ~ 'lNiiJPP~ ic~tiQn but coeld hav,enoodlng·induced Zlil deif~dency.






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Fi,~ld NIO. e3a ~ Ric e Exp~ri m entail Farm, Ta ffiJi~',culu~ r.!':1II Uni VE!,sity, CQ~ m batore 'i'. Ta mi~ IN~du. 11 005 e' N, 100rUtude., jl6 o~ 2:! E. ~,Qngiti,ll dEl .• le:h~'\latiQn "" 487 rn a b o,V>e, nHi!3 Iil sea l~v1el


Bn);i;l,di ipl~ateaua~1E<I wilihspa rsasha Illow waterW9IYS:. 0 ~ ~:eve~ a rea o:f vetY sltghtly UIlI C]lJIla~ing plal:eau

$ tn.ce exp'erimlenti~ maTnlyas irri'oatEHj fuce '12 crops/year I " Th,e .sur"Q u ndinQ a~e'i!l!S are on eotton,, s.orghulffi, an,d suga rlc:at!ile,

Wet from .July '[!os,ept:em'b,erind dry 1Ifrom fiebroa rvtoAlpmiil. COOII t)empe~~!I!t!)re!l Ib ec·ause of e Ijev3t~oli!'.

Describedt :!.!!ll"!d ;s.<'l!mp~!ed by

G.S. llh;;mga:rm.ll.thlJlt. :5. K, Sha ~ma, and M. E. Raym IIJI fild'o ~111 J.!l! r11U'Ollfy 19.8:6:.


The s'~rfac'e soU is dark with we:akto massive strueture.

Subsoi'lis Ugllu collore,cI. be!ner stn,lcw red, and shows; arg in~lns Of! r.H~:d surfaces ·and r(l,methalnne~Is:. Soft ~alle!rittl c h)Hnthit)e) 1'I1<1~eWtlO3ils a,foe '~ound at aboul~ 100 ,coo deiP't:h •

.Ap~1 (J. ~!:2 em: Veryd iilIrk g~01!lJl~s.h brown n 0 YR :312~ s<TIn(ly c.l:ay W,eak COaJr:se, ,sUltNl)lngu!glf blocky to allmost masslVle!: !litfU'ct!lJlr'e

Hiil!fd, 'firm, stidkv,a~d ~'lla:SI:~c


Manyfin!l.l! !~C,ot!;

Fe'w eeerse aod me!diiul!"l'! cont~nuous intefS'tit.ial 'exfl,ed pores

C~;e3r ir.lfle:glul.a"r bo~.~daJry

,A.,:2 1 2·30 em

Dark g~aYiish br'owOI (1 0 YR4!/:2~ sai~dy day

M O'llssive c~ods bn!ak ]1'1110 wea k;, eoa lOse angumar blocky ,s,tnJ'cture

Hard" very firm, $tncky,~l'1Id plastic Common fine ~o,ot;s

G,r,ald1ua~1 Sima O'ti'n bO'!IJI ndary

B't1 JCH'52 em: Brown P.!5 Vii 4/2J sal~dvc~;;liy

M Ode,f1lite me,cHumand eearse subalri!gl] laf bll:ooky :suiucture

Hi;9fdl" Ii rrn. sti'Ckv, ;a,r:llol p~astii(.l Few ffPil,e ro,ots

Patchy a,~'gm~lInsO'I1!I loo·arse Illedssl.Irlaces and CQrl!tiIflUQ'i:1S hll rect e hsnne:~s

Clear smooth bounda II\(

Bt2 '62"85 em iR'eddis1r! browli! 15 Y'Fl4/31' sandy day

Mo,cJ,e!raUI! me!a'iumand c(~,;'jjrse sult),a,nQlulalrb~oc'lky s'trl:ilctiU~'e:

Patel"ly <I.rg'i~ ~ans on coarse ped .$uln,ace a nid contltiluousa:lorQlg rne,dium root, ,charHHl~I.Sj.3Ind few exr;II;~d hll~ersth~! P!cn:~,~s

Fil'm,st~eiky,. and pl.a,stic

!Diff~ !H;! srrlll)Qth boundary

Be 85~1 0'2 em "{,eU owish red ~.5 YR 4/61' and W!I!!O dish bmwin (5 YA: 4/3 ~ .!!i,andy cl.ay

M oder~te fi nesu bangullg1r and rll'u'ld iumgra n ~ I a r stn.,Hlture

R rm • sticky, :ilI1iI,dplast'T.e C!ea!w wavey bo,undary

R 1, ~ 02.·i113,o em: D~rk red (2.5 VR JIB) ;aJod browlr:'I 17, 5, VIA 3/6~ ,9 raJve~y c'I'aylloam

Strong wine SUb:;H'IQlulifl.ralnd mer(! ium g,ran ~ ~air Siruct:UJ r,a

F~rmtos,Ii'gb1rdV flr~ab~,e

SlUg!htly s:tid::y ,alnd .s.Ii,g'~'Uyp:la'Sidc l[l~ffu se smooth boundary

tAl 1 ;30~ 1 60clm: Same 9iS above but samp]ed s!9j),elra.tely dUiIl to thickness.

The slo,n hlas 1111 hig hi productivity ~o:~entig,1 bUit is mors s!l:J'ttab'l:e fio'f upland crops.. is good .andl wlili .require c(H'llsid,erablle mrrig.altioin w1litetr p,anicula r~y elu ring ·the dryseaso a, li'hi fil! high e~e\l:ation milY CQntlrijbul~et.o higber ,effec~iv!llrH3:S:s.cO~ 'pr,edpita:tlon.

,(Prexflle soli .s,ampie,$ 'were .nrJ't re,(:e;ved~ thus 1ft), Is'boratory data' ,ca'n' ble pres,en't,e.rJ)



Block B pkllt a, Centil'a~Ric,e:Aesea.rGh St~I'Uon fiillrm,. Cyttall;;k·'. Oriss;i:!. 20018,'N ~aJtit:lJde.

,860S 5' IE .h::1I1git~d'e, le!levaUQI1 ~2.3 1m a't)O'~e mea," sea le"..e'~


Dry from December to Ai~ r~1 witJ'h max]]mumramns rr,om JUhfiO s.epte mber

Croppli ng sytems; Ma inly rice-rlce w~th :2:. !5·3. 0 teas, co n1triol yie~!d!s ;~Ind 5~6 'tic) nil is h.i{'l'h N tjrle:atmenl,~. F,a:rmer,s, f,eni~iz;er pr~cHce;, Compost .b<lisall ... 2.0-.2.5 kgl INlia.

Dlescrubed an (il s,amp~ ed bv

C.R. Pada.lia, G.9. Mann1la,illnd MJ:. R,aymundo on JaliluilPIf ~91, ~ 'EH36

A,aric Tropaque:p!, f'llne IOii!my. mixed, nonacid, j,s,o ~'YlpE!rtheWim~,c


The: ng~ne:r C'O ~ored fdable su rf.ilce soi'll is 'lmd ~r~alin by a c'om pact blocky '~o aht'lost prismiilltic .S,tfut'tIUlfa ~ SUbSOLI. The substC)il ~ISc mOlded. The s:ubsvuum at 70 em land deeper ls "'€ify unst:ible a'ftie:r water is baU,eidl 'o'~'t.

Ap (I to 12/15 em

., ,.

D'9irk ye~ ~owi s h btriO'W~ t~ bro'wln ~.1 0 YR 5/4,-5/~~ c:l!ay~oam

Mo (j'8f3h1 m ed"lI m b~!od:,s, bI~aak halrelly intJo' f~ nEl

sub;angtlll~f b:llocky structurG Hard,~irrf1l, s~ ugil':ltlYStmcky, ~'flId Jl'I'astk:

M~nv rned uum ,a,!'l!,dIUI"I€! roots

Many fUrlle!tlJJDlldar 'Gontijr1'!JJ'o~.S, random in:ped and illiltiti»fs:titiall ,e:xpe:dI ,1)'0 r'es

Com m Of~ fin e~i1Ilim monies, a'~of'l!gl ,fOO[ ch!1lnne~Si AtmiIiJpt il~iIle 91i,111;;1lr boundary

M ediuLii!l acid readoifll S

B9~12!1 5 to: :25130 em

1[l3,m!!:. Jb,rowin 11 0 YR3t 2 ~ c:l!~y r~oam with

cern mo,n h~l~f!I~ Im~d,ium yelllC)w~shbrow!ill (10 VA ~'/5~1llriiICJI 'brlowtl~s,h ye now nOVA 6. 6~ Common 'tine m,ot.tles,to medill,l m m<1!ng,anes,e Clo,p'1J,cretil C!<I!l s

(:ompac~ ho~~,:n)nthat brealk$intO It'I:odera:~e coarse blockV t.1O prismatic pedis

V,ery ha"d,v1e'fY fil~ilm., s:~ic'kv,and pla~Uc Comnlon fine recta

CII:ealr il~I!i'Ellgu!a~ boundal~y

N eutfal~ lreactlTc'rQ

6g.2 2S130to Dark brown ![ ~ 0 YR, 3;. 5{2) c~:ay Illoam with

38 'om promline,f1!'It medtl"Jirns~won'g brown p .'5 YR, 51'6~' pate hy mettlss on pedslJld;\lc,as:

Weak C'O'!lIir!!'e subangul.'lif [b'liOGky peds brl'l,ialk into n::Ioderatlerune suibangul.a:r ,b:~ocky strUC'tll! re

Firm, sticky, and plifllstic:

Glr:adli!'aJl smooth bo~ ~dary Neutll'!;l:1 I"eae~ion

El!(:: 38 t!Q' 70 em: Y~Hlowiish iblroWtllO !:l'I'OWI1I (11) Y:A5,1~,~!5t3t} .::;.andy c11lay ~Ioam

Wea!1l:. nne .:l;.utJ,angul.i1! r ibTocky s:uuct:Ulre [Firm, stitcky. ,<l,nd :p:iastk:

:FewnnGi cia ntuouous .r.a,ndolT!l~ub~ i;llir exped po,~les, Cleiar w,'alvy bouf:ldary

Nll!utir'·al 1'E!'tI:ttion

R 7'0 tlO' 100 em: [lark yellOwr,sl1 !bI1i10w:n flO YR 414) af!ld bJl"OiWn (7.5 'VR 412) sandey loaim

We,;;:ilk massive C'[ocISPir:e:~k i!!1l~ow1&ak ffiGdlum and coarse blfil ckystnic~ure

Ff~'ilIlbliE!" slng'IU~y 5ti,, :and mo~:e: ,P1iastk:

Re:ad~~v OOU,illlHll@lS whien w8lte~ is bauled OYC N eytra~, r,eac'[[Q"l



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LQc,aiUyk_nOWf"li:l'S Uur so;:~ (sa!l:ine' a U::all!ideiilii'lif;1Jdl soin

B~ockA~4. Di~~p!il!aJga:r'. US1~:r IReclamatitonffM'm, Ka~,p'u'r· IDistrict Ut1arP~iil;d:esh. 26,°30' :N l;;a:'l:iwde'. 8{)o25' lon{Jliwde. elevatijo,n"" ~ :8;3 mabon

mea n se:al ~'eve'l

IBI'101~:d ,alluvia ~ p Ilain betweent:he (i.;!!nga a rlId lillal Yam,u ra A~I\I'eJs

Ra~ P'1! S from Ju~y,!:o OC[lo:Itl,~r. in other monthS, :zero, or V(!ry S,liglht

lMost~V i:dlle land.s on pasture o:urilllgdry seli;l)SiO'f1lS:~ wk:;ed!.!lringl~\e:! seesens. Wuth '~rrigatTon. R]c,e· whe,a:ti mustardlpot:artoes looks promi!i~r:lgi. Mean yie~d 'of rice ~s 2.5<3.0 t!olmls!haat 116 kg N, yie:lldJs: ,~ 4· ,()tons~ cOlm:rlO~ ;;;; 1.6, lons. Recommended f'fiHrtilli~elrr: '~2 O~ 1 591 I'll + 60 p+ 30 K -11" 2.5 k!g ZinSO 4. per he,otare

ID~Y!il!es:s, :S3~tS. :and all~:an. No w;~nter rlea variet.y and higln im,g,altionwatE!r CQWI:sumptkl,n

'De<s,criibetdi :a n dI sam,p,led by

'Elhawl:;l[ Si.lflgh, 1(1. B. Manna, an d' M ,. E. Raymundo Qfi!1 JanuallY 25.19815.

Fluventk:: UstiO:ch repts, fi~e ~Ioamy f mixed ~ hype~tllflerm~c


The ped'~n ~as, au n Horm!e:)(un~1 claas throughout ani d tniglhly pE)Hl'Ileabll:e. l'he subsoi~' is mere co:mp,act. Ume n,odu'hrls t():CcufaJt abo,u1i: 3;0 em, flwm the sLJIr~ac'e an.d laeraase '~I1IIEl.rrnQul1li~all'illd .s,~:Zle with de,ptt:h th~l~ malk<e:s di!gg~n:gl by' ordilna ry :SP:iU:l:e: hl'ilJpractica'~ beyond 1'~ 0 em,

A p 1 a·fa ,em; Da rk '9'rayish brown (2.5 Y 4f21 silt: l'olaJ!1n MO]ss]v,e clods bre,;!k into wea Ie '~ine! $'uib!<:!lnglul'i;! r bitocky ·S'lJUC!JUfe

Ilower :2-3, em s,h,aws, mCHl erau3:Une plal~Y :Stilli,cture but not cOliitilil!l:.lOUiS

Hard" fili~~bl,e" mOWiI;! St!i:cky,s'nght~:y pisistic:

Ma.Ii!'V mad iumlaJnd wine roots C~:ealr bW!Jk!en 'bo,ul1IIdawy Mllldly i!~k:all'ine re,acHo Ill,

BA~12 ·22.12 8 em: Pa'~e brown~o, ,011\0 Wni (10: VIA '013 to 513,) s'ul't loami M~ssi""e c[od!sineak E!!9Isi:rly i~~o, Imod'erat!i;1l1 fine and medh~rn :S'l!baJOgIUI:a r b~o,ckysuuc~IiJ[II'1a:

Velrvf.r.iat)~e. !fIon.s:t:iclky, and r'l!onpl,<llstiC Oem men medium and 'fe'w fij n! e roOl~s C~ear w:'{J,v"I MUr:ldall¥

MUdll,y nil'ilJC'tltOJ1lI

B 22/28 tiO': 44 em

BCaTh44i'to 7'2. em

Yenowu,slhb~o'wn (1 Q: YIA '5/4~ s,ilt k)'~1iI'I Stong medi iJI m gr1lrilula,r a,n,~' fiine suban:g u ~af blockV Stllfu,cture

Ihriablle, ,n,o'rr!stick~l. and nOl"!pls,S'tic Ifewiine, troots

Common~ine spots of powdel~Y 11,m efli)ater~3:1;s< G rtlduall sm.o Oit:tn, tb()'UndaIFY

MirdlYilllkall~n III rea'ction

Yellowish brown UO YR 5/16) arnd very d~.Hk !b.r'OWfil: (10 Y:A 2/21 ,silt I,~alm

$'U!:Hlig f~neand medi~l.iIlm ·$llI bangu~alr blo(:'ik, y S:UllICtUf'e

Sligh:lltly 'COIi!C!P3C~

SIi'9h~IIV fW1l:<lble,. nOnstklky ,ailll1Id IiIO,l1J:pl,a.sdc

Com ma,n medlium and COI!i),rse Ilime nodiul'es and commol!:'! fi,!fl'(il:sll1dm edli u m ferro·.m~nga rl'ese (lQflmetiO'ris·

G~adiJ!al SfflOOll1i'l bound~ry 1M odenr~ely~I!lkaHne reactkm

BCa,272.t!@ 90Cffi!

BGa390 'to 108cIin

Gca 10a~ 1:204" em

YeUowjiish br'ow~la!il!dl ,lllgl111 tn'owllfI~l:shgr<lY no VR !!J liS and 6/2) sHt loam

Strong Oi!il';di ~m, :$11,dtl,iI n,giUlI,a.r :blloclky am d! ,coarse ,grll!nu~ilIlr struu;;lufI:'

F'Ii~able" no,n,~;i'~)k;ky ~81nd nonpialstic

Com m on filne~e~ro·'<ilne.s,e (;onc.rE!tio,ns and lame!UaJe or powde1rry in pockets with pll!aty strl1lctund ~ormlsalncl COlr'l1trn'Q,n CaC03 WI'O dUlie 3~4 em

Olleall' :stmo,@,tl~ bQulnda<r)!' S'~rongIIYiil!l:ka!'~f'IIe reacti(HlI

Yelllow~;5h b~lowri! (10 VA' 5t6l' silli~lloarn Weak clo,lumns bre,ak. into stmng sulo,angul,Sf blocky stllii~"I{;;~ure

F~i~b~e~ no Ifj,stncky., and nonp~,i'llstic

Miilll"!lY wihu~e powdel~ ~ime/s~~t s:treaks~do'Iil~1 surfacesoi ,colu mlnlllr p'eels

Com man co~'rs,e$ulle.s of Ci1IC0:3 Strong bas~:~ reaction - GI~adll!"jIOi!~: iblnol!:ien bound:a ry

80illl malsssim~ law to allove. butsbundam

c,a,n;car Olf very hi1llrd ealearsous malJeria,ls OftEHl morl'lthan1: 0 'Cfil"l~Qng preve!ll~ed digg:tngl deeper i!,!'[Olhe pro~ile i no ;s.aJmpi~s '~~kien)

The soH can be growllT'! to fi!ce during wet sealson onll.y". I~ will~ nee,d: supilem entary i rfigatior'lin :short clu~'ail:ion ck¥ p!E!:r~ods . This s'O~1 iis mere suitabl'e:~'or 'u'plalJ'ld cnl,ps d~e~o lii~s '9'ood dr~in.algle.

(P/()file' so';', sample.s· were tlCJ'C r.eceiv,slrJ. thus n'O' l:a/)IO.rat(J.ry '(Ja't,;1 ,C,{j'l} be pres,entif)ld)


[le's:c(ib edand U.mple,d: lby


P~ot.131 j It",pelrl1mterl/l 5;t3ti,on, KQ'kan Klmi,s,hni UIFI~l\1ersit.y, K,~rja,t"'" lMaha'r~shtra. 1SoS41N ~l~tiuJda. 13,olS'E ~ongHude, e:JiI!!VatlrOf~! - 50 m abo\l'le lmean se,g!1 l~evel

Ilriiregular na now ,~nl~md valliley:s or broad WilliU!fW,ay,s wit;I!l~11I .O'l!Oleelp111v d~sseci1:!ed ~Qothililis of h,oriZO'l1ital ba.$.alll:k-:now mournahl!lw.a'nge. VSlIIl:eys ;lire te r.r,BI,cll:H:!.,. le:v€!II,e,d.." a rnd bu nd:e:d

WIS't f:~o·m. JulytQ S,e!pUelll1be'f (for a tot:al o!f ::0'

j 000 mmJilnd -c 1 (mem dUiI'i ng, '~h,e :r,est of~h:e ye,ar'

RJcle'l~h::e: up~'~ndcfOps or ric,e·f,aUow.. M ell:n ii'lh::EI yiuel!d.s '", tons witln ,2,0·;:3,0 Il::gl N, No IP nCir K needed, Y:iekis, fl~o:m I~N'SFIFER; 'tr~a~;s [range from :2., 5to 4,.6; t:onsJha. I rriga1ted rabb[ crop. 4.0'-".6; tons,

,~). P. Sillil:gih, S. K. Sharma j. elilild :M: .• E,. A3¥mkm do, :0 Iil J'a:rJu,i!llfY .29, 1 9816

Pac:htc H aIP~·liIStOn, loamy sk:ehaitaJl. m'o~tmorilto'f'liti'c. i.s!olhiv~erthe,~mic

The so~;1 l~S de,t'l!p' with nne pa~Uy rO!J'ndiedg'ravellls, tl!hIFiO y'g ill C),Lllt the profi~e. Grave:~·size dis.t;!!'ibutio:n valriies a !IO<On:gl h,a:rizons. n hasal .mo,lIiic eiP:~pedon. ;~nd pn:mertiles of an argililictna:rizofill. The craJcks on t~ e surfaGe .:Ilne, very cllQse~v spaced and sl:l3'lllow,


A.P91 0 to 12115 em

A.B ~2115to 32 ,em

Velry dark brown to v:ery dark: grayish brown 11 0 YA312· 2:12 ~ ~nd daril:;b rOIWIiI (1() ),A.4·/3 dry~ c'llay ,loam

Weakfune ~nd medhJmb:~oc~y SUUcuJre Ha'ud and finn. stkky,. an,d pl astlc

1M anyf:~ne and mediium l!!i~ ees

G,r.Si,vlels common and few Irockffraglffii9:nrtS :> 3 om dii,lIm.ete,f

Clealf irregu:t9!r bOUlf'lldS!~y Ne ~nr~1 re,iil.uig:rJ

Da rk I;H\Own n 0. YA :3;/3 ~clalY Iloam

(:omp:act msss breiillks, ~ln!O mod:enalle ~ine a ra(jl ir'Il!E;llo'iurlifI subangull:i3ir blocky st;r;ucture Iirlardiilfildnrm, stJi,clc}~!.,alnd plas'luc

Fe'wfi rneand rn:edl!lJ m reeta

Gradrya~ irreg'l,I'l!arw boYnda,p~!

M~~dlyarllk;1lHne reaction

BVil 1 :3.2. to, 160 em: V,efY d1iJkglray!:l,r(lWI1I (1 () YR. :3/2l,tog'r.ayislil bnJ,wrJll (7.5 "'(fit 312) '9 riilv,eU.y c:l!ay ~oam Strengl Nne .subangurarr blockya:nd m ediu m:

'9 r.~nuia,rst,ii'~cture

F"uabh~". "lief'll .st)ickY.ilInd pl;as:~ic n~E! e~M·t.h fr·ac'tli:on

Mal'll'll fi ~ er '9 rillivels a iI'Idfie'w Ir\Qckfra~g m~nts ,. 3 ern dian'U3'ter

F'El:Wpalchy '~hin a~gi.n~ ns

e ~ea I' S!mo,~:~n boundary

MlId~'Y alilkall'ine ~~9ictiTc)i!1l1

Bwi: 6'0 to 92: em: Same c{J,lorand u!>:turE: .1S a bova Strong~ine ;;I rid meHJiumsuba n'g ~Ialr blocky Stfuct:IIJ'~1'iI

friabte,vl';!1)1 sticky,. arlld :plf,ast~,c Common finegfave~~

A~:m,QS~~lIInCO!i)iting ofargiUa ii'il s g UI Igred:s.~ ril'liIces Clear ~rfegu~'~r boundary

M odelratelyal'kr.!I ~ne. rea ctio~

Bw' 392 'to 120 ,em

Sa m'e ,a,s abov,e ~11i1 c:g'~Qr. teXl!Ulm~, structu re,

and clo,nls~s:t€lncy blili~ wil,th mOl~,e ecck 'fragme:ni~s a rH:I: ~'ess ,argliUans, 0111 :p ~dsurfOlices

Graduall: irregula,r boundary

MlodGr,i1jltely ,;:!lkal,une reaenen

18C '1201 to 1,5~) o,m,

Dalrk brown 0.5 YR414) g~:!:!,velly ,sandy dalY loam

Sno1filgl nliles,ub!l!ngul!.'!.rblocl(ystrUiCtiU1mEi:

IFr~able" sticky" anl,e! pla:stic:

MilI!iliY liockfra,gment;s> .3 ,cmdialli'flle:ter Ir-ew P,3Ilcli:ly ,iilIrgli~'lans

1M ild~ V 3~'katl ine re:a,ction

TheelS!,}! ~'ubso~ls enablle optim IIJm w;at!e,r retern1tion~Qr w,e~lalrrl!C~1 rice. AdeQ'!il,~te~rrigaUon could m ~Ike, the' seuarea hl:gihlV sUH~albl!efor whole yeiar crop produttio'!1,.Th,e land fQlrm[[l1altt[h~s soU oocuples: repnHlilents a relaJtivel\f I.H::tll!nsi,\!'1@1 area intha StilltJe: o'f IMilh~uashm1.

... ..


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~I I~

INSF,FER :si~e, Jh~g~iona'il ,A'e:sea;~lch SUnion, u.rtI~¥ersitv (l,f A"lm~C!LJ~H~.r,all Sd ences,. 1M ;;Indya" ~ Ka~tna't;;lik.a. '~,2° N I aitiu.ld,e ! nOllE longitud,e. ,el~vat:ior:l "" 69. i5 1m above mean ,!i,ea levet

On ~idE! of knolll ,o~ a fill 1II!,!1!cJri:JII:ati,iflg e ~c,s i0!1a~1 intG~meld'iat!ll1 lI:J,pl'aindi1lfeai" Leve:llled ~addv ternlIC'E'!:

O'fi!, ,8-1 0 % OO'fi! V~X: slop,e w:t~h Wles:~alspec:~

Landiuseh:;,r:o Rice:- ~(;e. irl'iga:~ed. Suga1rcane is also pfoduc,erdi systel!"l1oli1 Ib y,nd'e:di terrace, Growth of eoceeut on slo:pes O1Inds,wal.e!s ~5, n,ounarl.

Mreall1 annua:11 l~a,infa~U is '760 m m siP:read betwe:en JULrN~: and OC~IO o,er; ma XiffiU rn in July~o SeptemberI'

I rrig:at!i,ofil wa;uers,u:pply ,~!,> ,aoleQua~e 'even oluring thedrv season.

nescrib,E3!dland s3JI1!,pled by

R J~L Setty 0' S. K. Sharm~. ~HII:dI MI. E. Raymundo, (lIn J~nua~yl 0,19816

A~!bic Na'tlr.a:qli!lilU, s;andy 'OIV(:l,r firrJ.e ~oamv,. mhced.'hyperU'Hl!rmric


lh e $)t'ldan uS de'elp with ~ reddish yelll'ow Illoamy !l,and horizon .bel,ow 'tlhe pl,oVll' mayer that br'eaks[J~!e all mQ'5~ uniform safil,dy clay ~:oillm ~eX;U1re throughout the' pmfu,le. The redrd~sh yeUow hori:zon Uayer~1 101'8 rles~rom almost absent rnthe lowiEl·r paddiies, t@125-J,Qi elm in til uc::kn,e:ss.


AlP 11 O~ H) em; :Oa rkb~o'w~rt! 11 (I yFt4J3) Of y>e:lkW!l'lus,hbnJ,wliIl (1 '" VR 41~ dryJ' sandy ,~oam with dark gf,~,y~sh !b.iN;lWn t2 .. 5, y 412), mottles

Weak. medium to, co~ns:e suba.Ii'Q,g iJI ~ar bk~.(;;ky s'tli11l.1C'~~ re

Srnigh!tilly halro when dry;fill'ffl, 8~ic'k y 011 rH:I p~astic Mia nyfine and medii urn ~u:ce roots and mot ch;;!nne~s

Few fir!:!ll ~nter:stitTiID!1 pores, CI'eal" broken boundaf\l Modll3rQiUel'l{ a~ kalina reaction

Alg, '1 e- 20 em: Dark 91rayish brown (2.5 Y 412~o'~1 0 YR4l2 ~ loamys~nd

Weak medi,ufrI!' ,;:I f'!,d! co'arse subarn'g~ ~alr block:y structI!Jn.!l

firm, Stllcky, and p~ (;lIstie

Many fiilileilnd medium roots with '~ine ~iglht~ c'O~I:o'fied rn oU!es on ,0 ot\·SQ~ I inte'Uf'ace

few m~dh.!m int:ers[itiaiexl) ~d P'J!fI:::S

Alb,I11U,pt j1mr'I1lQ!1II1Ialr bounda'r'!ii' [Moderate:lysikaliillle~'e'act~on

Yiell'OWlllsl'i1 Ir,eol (;!5 1(11: 5/8.~ u], ,",edrJlish yellow US, YR 714)sall'lll ~1iI1 'the: mrdd'ie of the horizon

A:~most .s]ng,le Qrai~fIIst:wCtUire showed pr!i!.!;Ie<r:lce of c:~ay b.rudglesat~h!'l bOlnom 5 em of 'fihe horizon Ve.:ryfriaclleto :~OOS€l,. ne rq s:Ucky.and !1i,onpla s:tic. FewfiifH~! ~'OQt:s

A.bnJl,pt smootih boundary Stro.n:g:l!y a'llkall:ine rea,Gtk~n

J, BE4 S'~ 73 emr; FI eddi:sh brown~o' cia rlk ,reddisfrl brown U3 YIR 413~ 6/31' sandy ~oam

Weillk medi~m' block to i'iIllmost massive SUUCtUltlEl<

Fkm, sl[gl1!iUy stli:cky, ~ r:l d 'p'llasti<:

Comm()nfin,~aJ'idl IrrH~;d'ium root ,channels: showed cI,~,y C lJtialliiS

.Ab~IUJn smooth b~iJI n d ~n" S'uongly ,alkaiU 1'1I,e:~e:actuon

4 Btl ']'3·, ~ 00 ern: IBlack US Y\R 2, 511 ~ .sa,ndy c~:ay I~oam matrix with ye~ ~owi.slh r~d t5 VR 5/611 and pin! kish glr'a:y 1:5 VR 7/21mlaterialls,lt:ini,n,g

Filnle g ralnula.r mCllte~i ~Is the ok! common mea ium ~l(HH c:h ~nnelis

Wea:k coarse s;!.!lbangy~alrto i1Ingl!J~iilr blocky str:!JJI,cture

Fiwm,_, slliglhtly s:tic'kV. and p~a<stic

R emna rn:s lof f 1111 ealne! l1lied~ u IT1i decom po,sed rOOtS observab~'einsid a sadon s~rfi!C!es

DiffiUse~ SmICH;)U," bO'Lmd.i;!lfY

Vewy .stra1ngllyalkal'Vne re·a,ukl,rD

4- IBt2 reo'125 em,

Same i31$i3lbove exctll!l~t for Imut;t:i wea'kew structure

~rr:~gatiOII!l water .seep.s fhraugh Hq,~ plir:!ldsh .i\l.l1Indyhori2:on 31ild i1li1.slo, the de,epest hOlru;z,o.!in • The a!i'g ~III le :B hori:lon he~ P$ ,retalin watlE!r f(l'f puddl1ed wetland r~(;'81, butuplarqd cw:op.s wh~ch r,eQuir,i ~'essirfi'gj.l!tio:n than weUa~ d ,rIce could be prof~t:ablle.



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LClcatil,ofill p~:{Ji! :RaiinfElld :17, Res,e~rclfiFarll:'ll., .A.9riCl,lllil,llr,~d Res,ean::hlf!stiilt!Jl~e, Mita,phLilf", PaU'!a, [Bihar •

.2 5'°'.20" til Ihlltitlyd,E!<. ,850 11 0" E ~loI1ll9IitILJdej' el'ev~ti,o,n "" sa, mil above m ean sea IlleveL

LandfQ~rn :Sf~g'htly 'ilIl,e'v9ted a~~uvi:alll p~la!irl assoetated In the G;;JlfIga Rive,~ Va:~h~!y.

tClifr'IC13tla: Wet fromJ UU1.B 1IiQI Sep:~emb(H', dry f'f'OMI Oc:~obeli' to MillY

tandu:se/croppil!i'l!g: A rea wiHn~fiI rapid urb3~ e,xpa IiM:l,ion, Pla,n~ed to

:sytem kJn ~rif rice and r3Ibu1lljiJiuH"at. G ene:rill'l fenii,lize'r IriEi!COfi!i)n!;l!'il.ndatiof! is 6,1)·40,·20. Ricis yueld average ls 2..5 tens, Yue~ a s tm:m :~IN'S FIFER: 'uia~. "ange, from 2.5 to 5"3, tens,

Desc~~bed and B~. Aory. 'G;.8: 'Malrlni, and IM.E. Ra.ymundolon

sail'tlp~ed bV Ja rn.uary 2:2., , 986.

FCC Cdvb

The ,p,roifil,e ha sa l!dliElllklWS!ll rface a fila, we~ II d~.airu~id SUb:SOliil.

Pwessure facie cccurs at. 10·90 ern in a:ss'(j!ciation with~iltied a9'tJ,f,eglal!SSf cll!ose 'enou,gh ·ta, intH!fseCt. Cracks: on~op :are ,11I0~ w~ci e enoilllg~! <'lIStl'nat mora Vertis.o~ilIt U~.e~ime of study ..

Apg O~ 1 2/115 C:n:I: Very dark graiyr,shbrowll (2'.5 Y .3f2} 1,0 b~'Ow;nl' (1110 YR ~!J, dry~ s:ihy c:I~ay

talr:g,e m aJS"siva clods of 11()~ 15 em, diame;t.!llr Ibll11eak ihalrdly into weak (>oars€ :sulb~ filgulat blcu:;;'k.y structure

~blJ:ry h!:ud.Iji'!i!.ryfi(r,ffi , sticky, ;::lInd pia s,tic Ma ~y med ium and fij n'9: roots

Cammo,n c(),arse inter:stWa'llpores. i,li'! clods andf,ew 'f~:netubul~lr randoim inp ed peres wmu~ reifllna,r'ltS of ~IOOl:S,

{;I'ear ilrl!i!eglular bO~P1d~ry Mi~dly iJIllkalline reactien

I3iw 1 1 2.111 5,·D:alrk brown I~ 10 YA 31:31 sRty clliay

:]i8, em MQde,rate 'firll,esuba,!I1gui3,r bh:J,cky structure Hard" s:righ~ly'frnabl'e, stii.cky, and pli!llstic FeWnfiU:! and c O'~f:se reots

Grad iI,Ii:llls:mooth boundtuv

MGd,er;:lte~v :a,lk!M~ fII e r'e~ctiQn

Bw2 3ij,·10 ,em: D'illtrk bn;lwln ~ 1 0 YIA Jl3 ~ d.ay

Miod,erate fU!nesuba og ~ !ar roll~)cky stwucture S.Ughtilly f~~albile<", and! pla.s.Uc

Fl3cw meoium mots Oftreie!;!tilll~ema~n IDiiil'h,lls:e smootlh boundary

1M odew.a~e~:y a'llk.a lillile Ir,eae~ion

B:w,3 re-s 5 em : Brown I~~ 0 VR 4/3,:1 silty ehllY

1M odelr.~ite., mled~ 1iI rn, a ril dI fine sulOiOguiaJf llilocky stll'il:,lC[Ure

Sl~glhtly~ri:able; sti,cky ,sind plu.tic [few medium roots oftree!it~n ~e:!i!'liiiJn Commonfin,e Fe,· Mn corH;reti:ons

Some CO~~'.~H3, ,p"~ltc:lfly c'llayskin s .om tiO,p a I'IIdside!s of peds

IDifhs s.esmooth bound.aP{

M oder.ate~yarkdflia t,eactlon

IElw4 9S~ 125 em: lB'rown n 0 YA4/3,)s:~lty cl~v

M ode~aul .• eoa fs·a till!Qd bklCky structure with sl~c!o;;enskiles; elose enough till i ntersect

Clay sklTms; 'CHili !JOll' of: il!99 reg,aite~

Modlelr:a,~ely a!I:ka~i:rlle I~ea{;~ion


Zi!l1'c d eficie:nlcy Ima,¥, be il~dluoedif S:Oi~' is Clollilr~in!Uous~ljv use.~ fio:!" ~r.!,~gne;drice.



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Not defined

Plot 3. Research fann. BCKV AgiriCIJ Itura I Unil\f\erSity. Moha IilPI.IIr·' (Kalylul n, Nadia IDi,strict, We,stBe,n'gal~ II'II,dia. 23,°05' N' latiitude. 89°00" E klngJitude, el[Eliv,i1i/uion ~ 9~ Hl m above' mean sea lev,el.


An al.luvia~ plaln [on uIP:p,er [edge of' ill de]tatc alluvium.,tvpified by bird's fo~t drail'lagle sY~len'i.


We't from June to September,ldI'ry from NOi,i''effi berto Aprit

Croppfn{ll svstems:

None that is, vi.sua,uy detectable

D'Bscribed ,and samp'led by

FtL. Nayak, Gi.B. M~nn.a ,and M.[E. Raymundo on J anua ry 21, 1 91,86.

Soil~ 'taxonomy

A,erk: Och,raQua If. nne" mixed, hV perthe'rm.iC


A dense plow'p an unde ~Iies, the: p.lowed laver. CI ay de'D[osits on major PE!'d surfaces of subsoi:ls csn be viisually observed. Patches, 0,' Fe-Mn s,tains, and ceneretlensattna bottomet the! pedon were! ebserved,

A P9 0 'to 1 2/1 2 em : Olive gll'ay I~ 5 Y 4 ... 5/3 JI a nod di;l[rk gra'y' 15 Y 31111 s,ilty' d;ay ~oam with b~'OiWfll n 0 VR 4{.3) mottle's; alon.{jl [cracks and fOOl: cililalnnells

Malssi'!,!'ee~odsh i9!¥e mew me.cfium v,esicula r pores

Th'e'se bre:akintlll Wi1l,Sl,k;" very (:~)ar:se' b:locky'

Hard, firm. sdcky.~nd plasdc Ma!1liY fins alld med[urrI!l If'OOttS

FelVJf' fiiine contffnuoUis random tutiu[ar pon1!IS C~ear i rl~eg!ular b 0 I.U nd Qiry

Nei!1i ne'utircal r~:actkl'fil

A'g: 11 0I12~:26 em; V,erv diilrkglray (.5 Y4n1lsilt.y cllialY :~oam wlith comm.on, medium d~s,'tinedy StJit'lIJ1lQI brown (1.5 VA: 41'6) monll'e:salo'lI1I glSl1lJ rif<lc,es ,or eraeks and ,ooawse p'eds

Wealk, v:ery C'o,srse Ib~ockyto ahYllost priSll:lTiUic s~rUlcture,r"lfin:n j sticky, <11 n~: slighUy p'~asHc Few fi~fiIe I"QOtS

Abrupt SMooth boundary Neo±l,f nelliitral fel~ctiio'fI!l

Dark grayi sh .0;i110IWIi!I ~2 .• 5 Y 412 i ma,fflll cokrr <'llmOi 'br()wfilliO' dark glrayish brow,~ n (lI VR~/3) s~lty day lo~!1i'I

Moderate f~;nu;!and med~Ulm sulball'l'!:n.I!.la,~ b~ c'cky su~cture

S~i9htm'Y fri.~ble, sl.ightly s,tircky and slitlghtly IP!~3stic

Few fill'lle 'il:ubul,ar CQl'lti1rrlIY'o'liI's: IrSiindom pO~ies Few pii!l~chy daY' sk~ns

G fa-dual smooth boundary Near neut:r,!:!11 rea,cti'on

Oli~V'ilJ brown to dsrk grayusl'nl :bwWI1Ii (2.5. y 413- 4./2~' sillty· c~ay

M ode rate 1'1lfU!idium I)lock.vS'II:rI;lctJy,rlE! with ;a,rrJ'illlans alill o\lierthe ped sl'.Mfifllcesb'iJI~ more IPlr,am~!lellil't on top of peds

Firm. StkkYi3Jnd plastic

G radua I smooth boundary Near !lelUt)~al!1 rlll:a.ctio'o

eola,r :Sind tie.)!"~liI,re are: 'th:e sillme ,a:sabove: but w~tl'l medhJ m ;QI!1Id eoa rse .subangu'la,r ~I~ocky Stl'l~iC1ure


Argli~ laln:s ab,Q f,l(rese,~t Firm. stickYilInd pla!'i.t~c Gradu91lsooo.oth boundary N aa r fHl!u:r:ral re,il!loti (HII

IDalrk b",gwmI (10 V,A 4/31 .s,uty c~!!;Iy

Wea:~ !Coa~:s.e :sub,ilIlnoul .• u .Moclk;y wii'tll ,PIii'liu:f1y illr!9~ni.IDnS

Many f~ne fe~M n oa,ncweUonsand stains IFirm! sth::lky ~ and plas:tic:

Cle'9lr smooth b,o,undalry Ne~r neutra ~ re,action

tla rk glflllyish b~'Owli''! n (I YR 4/2) .s.iI'ty cll:ay Wea.kfin'~s l.! b91l'1gula.r b ~ockv stl!'lucture

Fi rrrr, sticky,. and :pIasUo

A.rglililans restr~ctlfild to vewtk::a II ped s,urf~ces 'Nlealr nelJt:rralll reactkw

PotJen;~i:a.i produc:tiv.ity for ~i[ce is; h~.g h With ~~glh N apIMi,cali]on ra1lE!s. Corllit:unuolUsflao{i cilin induce 2n dJefijci'El'!'lICY·.

{Pf.()fileso'iJ :sa.mfJ'le)s ,,.e)ce1ved~. thus no .~afJ(Jl'ato.ry data' can be' pre.sentedJ


Land use

Oes!cri!t:Hi~d and s.arm,ple,d rDy


Plo[ 1[)~1 6.. Maiin Ricle Resei~rc,h 'Sta!tlOlifl, Nawagam" 13iui~rat. 22048'N 1.Q!~l'tud,ef 711o'38"E longh:iJd~e, ,el€l\I'.a,~ion = 32. rn :abo¥,e ITiH:!aOl!ie:a leveL

Slightly 'eleva,tedal~uvia'l! pllla~n ,~bout 510 m from ~he ccass. Le\!'eil~olpoglfa pihy brol';,en only by bunds O'~ ,P!aclcly d~kes,.

Ra~ l1I~atl ~albol!t 900 m m ,eQncentr'l'tied mla~ Ii! Iyfrom .J uneto Siepte m ber

A[oe~toba.cco/whe!~tlpea.11I MJltS, ~frig ~ltioJ:1 m!ll'in~:y fiio:m rail"! d:epe~d'~rn reser\1lolir (t.i:i!oksl. Und'9:rglfOund water ]Iil,diuces .s.allinilY.;s and alrk;a Ii from unde~g relund Wi3!tlli!f. LO,liclk: 'Oir ~irriga·tion wall;! r dur'~f:lg dry s'ea:so.l1,

N.ID, D,esa~, S. K. Sharm,i\li ,and M. ,E. R:aYfilfU,Jndo, en J1anu1:llry 31 j 1 9£6.

A,ewuc H alaIQuer~H.fill'l,e l!oamy., m ix:ed, ~sohype"henri!lic


l:hll! P~'o,w sore c'~.~lspicI!,s'IV liJndern~s!he plow,adl sur'fa:ce I~y,er. INa:rroW' cracks fi~ned by' !~ight"Cio.~oredsajnd Sil!lB pan:h::u~ar dowrill to 6,0 o:~ :80 eM. Ume nodll~esocclillr atebent eo em downward.

Ap o to 1 8 ern

AS '1 a to 38 Cm!

Pal:soliVE! '1.5 Y 16/3) d ry) ~o ,d;:Slrk brown '110 VR 3/3 mOi~s:t) sa.ndy IOil m,

H (l!wd, ma'iS:sive c~;O,c]:s,f(ntim after d!ry\]I1I{l1 'Oif puddled soi'~~nd s~nd g'H!h~5; :$!e:par:a~e Han:! ci,eds a I1Idi ~iO'QSe sand Qlr:aiins. fi:rm.,. s;l~ghl'll~Y Stucky, ;;:lInd ,s:Ughtlly' pli1!l~nic

F,ew medium and com men fIne roots

F,ew fine fel~r,omaI1il9Ial!il!fil'Sie ,conC'~,atiol!ils, found l;"nwe,enl0 ;and 1 8 em

C~ea r Slmlo'o~m bounda ry

Me deratlelyall<,aUn,e ;re:action

Very dark g~:ayijs~ b'Flown to d31~ik ibf()Wn no ViR 3/2·,413) lo.alml

M ~ssive c,~oC:lls brealk.' ~nlW wealk: medium subangyllarand a10grullar bloc:ky :stJrilj,ctufEi Ve{y~irm~ s:llightly sticky •• 1Hl,d ,s~lightiy pl,alstic IFine mediiulmi ilif'ld ,commonfinel WiOO,'ts

CraJckiS; l~2 em wid'earefill:hiH:lwu;th, (i,;lJrk br'QWII1 sandy mate,rrijials apP'iilJrentll:y clo,"ringfrorm~he surfacle

Cracii(,s 'fo:mm yewy (;03f$e IP:rus:m$ '[l'f ,colun'ln. extend 10 the base err this hOlriizo\l1

Clealf sma 011111 bOIUlIfIIL':Iiiliry

Strongly allkall'inE! r~actioi~

Very clair$<: glr,alv~s.t~,brlo,w~, (10 Y,A S,/~I' sandy tosm

Ma.SSr\H;!1 elodser 've PI CGli1lfSe prism,s: b~e'ak mfQi~ow'e.aJk co,alrse :angull';}f and suba ng lJIlla,~ b!I'oCkYSiUucturlEl'

Fi1iilffi, sUg.h.Uy s'ti!::ky i!ndsl~ghUvp~asli:c

ComrnonJiOe:fterllom,ang:a,nese Cloil'll,cn~tions Clay skins (Hil, 'tOiP ofand skh~sO'f 'i:l~QcRy peds:

G raduals mood~ 'bo ~ ~ d arv 5tW IfIglly' a Iklllitr'Hl! ,reac<Uon

Di1!Ilrk brown (110 YR 3/3) :safilldy c~a'y IO.ami Weak cOlane alii!g'lJJ~lar blociky :st:ru:ct.u~1S; F~,rm 'tlO' s~iQhtly ~ria'b:~e" ,sli'gh~~y s.Ucky,and ,sli'g:hUV IP~~8tic


Claytldlils O!l~Op' ;,uld sidEH~ of blocky ped.s; Gr~dllJlialsmooth 'bo uncia ry

SUQflgIYillkal~~e 1~leactjlo'I'1!'

l:I,w3, B:3liO, 1,12 em: Very c'ark glrayish brown (1 (.I VA 312) ~ap;dy c.~ilY illo~m

Wea'~ OOi'lifS:e and ITII,ediulf'll bloCky structu re iFirm '~O slliglhtlyfi~ilable". sHghtliy stilcky, and! s~u91h:tly p~alstic

(:;omlllilOII'!i fijne 'fierrOml'ilngal!illes,e Iconc~e!~ions andfe'w eearse 4i~6 em COlIC03, IUl[!:ules

CII~arsm")'Otin boundary .

StJr!Ong~y al!kallili! e Irle<ac[j[oliil

Be ~ 1 :2t:o l4l0cl1l'll D~ rk b rQiW',or 1 0 YR4!f3I' sandy moam with w~~k medh.!msub3Ingu~ air b ~ock"y S:UUCh.!l~e Friable, ,siight~v stic'kY"illind s,light~.y pl,asUc CQmmonfine guvel s and di~ gonal1liy Qri,ef'!i~ed 'U.fbu lilIr CaC03fo~ma:Uons :aJbOIJlI~ to. 8 em diamet)er

Very stllCongl'y !il!1!k~l~fQe f'lu.!c'tUon

The SIOIU iiS wen~dlrai.nedb'u't c,a n retain WSi tero,n 'top when puddled',

Wi~h supple mefill~glrv~rrig'nitorn.,. dwvsea so illY p:!and e'fO'D'S 'can be eas:illy ,e:Sitab~~s;hed :.lfte~ rlce,

Cir1r;l,pIS othelr '~han ImIce Co;Jn, be .gnlWril during the wet sea SiQ 11'1 if pro\l,uded bV d~:ainagG c,aln~lIsto removl9: ,excess m olistur~.





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NI IN tI'I r..t 1;r.fI ..:!'

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e 'et CiII 01 Ci;' ell

PlOt 2.Blocik E, Crop Research CemJef,. G.!L Pant Un iversity a~ Agric ultJUIPt;!! and T,e:chnol:09rV,

Pantni.g ~r·.. Ni3Jin~t~l, Ulnar iP~ades n. 29000'N ~:atit~de, 190129' E li.olnglitll.!de, e.~eva't~on "" 244:m above mean Sei~~eve:1I.


'~I:~ghG( but brQad aUuvia I~erll'a,ce adj.;u;:ent t.O the fooit hiillEi of the Hli,m.~lla'\1f~S, IRaloge.. levG~l1o v~ry sllight~y undu~ ~tilif!g Wgl;~ crests and sw~les ,on a l~k) rt.h·So!:'u:h dir'ec[fon,

Mb;:e:cj ,c!1lICare'(HiJ's~lhJ viurn 'from S·lJ,eatms. in the :Him31~~yas now~riligl il1llo the Ga flijia River.

FOlUlr months wet, 3·4 mornh~ interm:edfi1lte; iilIlnd 4i~5 IlirHiJn~n,s: d,ry. T en1:peratlulli'er'eglirne ~aid te be isothermh::.

Ah::e,·'iflineat/muSl<l "d lve{H~·tab!l:e. Sugalfcane 'P'i[lltc:hE;!:s common in thegel~'erailli!lre:ii!'. IEffic:i,ent I~rrigit:~onen:a bile's dry .s,ea!j;.t)n croppitnlg •.

lDe.slcri b ed alod sa mpled eiy

Pyare La,I., 8.K.. Sh:i:!rm~ aJnd M.E. R3"1ffliU,rH]O 'on Ja mjl<lfY 27,1985.

Fh,.llvel1tic HaplaqllJolll,~ine! ~oamy, mhre::d., cal[oalF;,eOU$,t;he,rmic


T:he lfM~:dIO" has a di!~~ooh:m~d a,nd de~p ,~50 em II .sil'tv lclay l'o,~m8uMace SIQ,n which grades into ;;:a po "'a ~ s,fine glr,ilI1vellly 'Cl,ii'nf ~ oam a.rndl subseQ!lJ!lent~:V undeJf,~ai nb:y .sindy lcsm malte;~wals,.TIhI~ soil~ is deep Bndslhows discerni'b ~e~extura~ str.~;1'6ficalti'o~, Wi!ltelr' upweU:s c,ome from ti1!'3 :S3!IiI,(iIV s'lI'bsnartum.

Prof'lll§! def!cripdoiiIJ

Ap Ow 10/15 em

Ag 1on5, 11;0 25 em

ABg 25to 41()cI!TI

elAg 40 to, 54 em

BG] 54 to 16cm

Very ,dark gray nOVA 31l) Silt loam Moderatle Tune suba.n,gu~alf b~oc:kys:trUictilu'le Sli,g i1Jitly :hard, fr:~i31bi,e, sti:cky ,and pla.s,tit:

M aJnyfine 31nd rned ium roots CIENllt ir'n;!lgu ~ar bound;;! UY' 'St.I''Ong~v ;1i ~k.a ~inlel l~el1lc1l:~on

Ve'ry da,rkgray (~O YR. 311]1 day ioam

M Ode,!i.aite eoa rse sub:aln~g u h:.~' a ~d (I,ngula r b~od(y Stll'tl,Gtufe

IHa.rd, 'f" rmj. sticky, Sind plastic Commonfi.n'E:! .r'O'01l;S

(i radua i smooth bDundary Moderialte'lly a~k.~1i ~e~eactiQn

V,ery ,dalrk gra.yis h br"ow~ (1 ,(I: Y'A 312l' si:~W clay IloO!lI!fIl

Mod,e:rat:e CDane s'U'o.alngluliar b~ockV an,d ialngu~~f' to '~ilmo$t PriS m<3lti,o stW cture

Sli'g~t~y fUrm" stlCk.y,,9I!1d pla,s.dc

C,om mo'", 'tune rootS


Mo,der;;l'~ely;;ll'ka~ ine reaicti,o,n

Olive gray ( 5 Y 412J ~oa:m ,

M.odief3te,fin.e subaml g ula r b~.~):cky Sh'lllChlire S~ ightlyfriable, sticky r a nc! !p~a:stic

Few f rn III r.O·Qts

CII~'l!:i.'lr smootih bound:a ry' Strongly .~lk,;III:fr:le re:actito n

Olive gray U, Y 5/2) ~jQam

Com mO,fij Hne gr;1ive~alr:ld/or IconCi~etio.~s Mod·eratle te stii,ong ftinle5iUban'9ulalrbi'ocky ;1iind rf:liI~diium, gU<3lllula.r stn;lct.u~e

F r~abl!e,siiighUy sticky ,and plastic IFewco:a rs;e dleoompos~d tIl'EH:: rOoMS

Mi\l!ny fine ~iri!dDm, ,oontim.a'OI~S t~bul<lr ~nped po~e,rs: and i ~terstijtia~j ,exped pores

G ri31dua~sm,ooth bounda1ry

St!r"mg~y ilk~line rea'cti,on


lEi C76 to S'S; ,em

R ss '~Ol '1:2.5 em

O~ ~\le (!;l, y 5/3) :S,Slndy ~oarl1

Mod,er~te fUJlIe ,sUlba FIg i:JI ! to med ium glr;~ullJla r ,StnjH;:ture

Ffij~bl~. s~ ightly sticky" a rtIdi s~ignUyp ~asHc Few Cj~;Nilr:se! d,eCG01p'OS ingl roots

M:a,~ryfl~le conti n ~Gl us llrners(utia I and ra ndom t:ub ~ ~alr exped :~o res

Gradual 5:!fiooth bounda ry

Modenuel\f alk:~I~rne reacncn

OUve: U5 Y 5/3,1 .s.andy bam

S~nglle ,9 r,~lined '~Ol w!eal< Ic,oars'e!lU bangy tar b~ olcky st;nJlct!LJn'l

son, ve~y 'fria b~e, nonsticky, and oonp~alstic Water upwe'Usfrorn thiS horj,zr;:m :t!o fiU the pit up ~Ol ab,o'ut :30 em ffmmuhe surfa CiiiI

Th e~oH uS hi,gh ~y productive i:f pl<;l nted te rice a rn d up!e!lnd C!'10,ps. :From a weUatld rice crop ut can be leasHy pw,epalf'e:dfm up~iilInd CJO,ps. [J,ry seiillson upl,ar:u)1 crops wi 1:1 be made hig h Iyproductiv~ pos:sibhl by 8deq~ate water and efnch~nt iwt[g'at"oo management.


~!Ill ~I



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!3lllock :3. IRl9{jlional Rice Rles~iiJlrch :Station" Pattiillmbi •• Ke rala.l (liG 1 5,', N l;iIl,ti'[ude, 76'0'20' E longitud'e~ ,elev:srtion ;; 2:5 rn aoov,e mea iii sea levet

N !3Irrow. le'Ve:~ ~!~oor of ]ntel~ve.rI! ing wa'~!erwacy, v,a:lle:y wiji~hir!asha!now di.s.!j;,e(1)edi!;lod hliHy Ilatl(i);ritl!:C inte ~medi,~,~e upl,i! n d:~mlmed~ati8ly 'illibove this Ib rO,OlId CQ3SLllii pl,a:in alrtelal.

ME;l!an alrm!il all ra~fiI~a~ ~ "" :2645, mm. Wet: mo:n~h s ~rol1i:l JUI!!Ull '~O' Sce:pllemberaoddlry months~mRll .J;\lII'liU:i1llryto Aprit Mea n tlElITi!,per,i!lt!J.res r~m,gle from

22 .. QC '~O' :32.°'C,. . -

Li6!'v,~Ued p;aJddy with ;}bout 30-3:5 em bunds. Valilley slOiPlngwestw(I rei a t 5~g% g~.a.di,a:n.t.

tarn d 'yse:lc~opiPklg: E:s;~er1l'tial[lly rh:;a'lrice if" water in,s ijmci ent from

s;y's[ems wa~et d'ry seaSQn .irll'ig~uiGn. Yi'elds a~~ 3·4tQ!1s diu:ri!!l'9 wle~ allil:dl 2~2.5,tons during dl~y Selia/Sion.

High perrneabiility of soU (hi'g~ Ilea'chi!il'g~ et shaillow d0iPtih. :HaJ!l:l1I€!gaUve respo:ll1s'eJ 1I:oK.

Dese rUled and saJl'Wlpied by

II?'.,J. ToI!t1lV; S"K.Sha~m,aandl M.e. R.aymund,o O~ J.~"Uii! ry 1 3, 1 986

AQuvc Giibbsi,olrthox,. ,cOa,1f5Ie loamv over claY!l3IY. kilOli~itic, is,ohyp,anheir.m]c


The pede:", ~iS, sha new I.::: 50 eml) u:rad:erl,ain :by' a 'concretii:~lna:ry 'fierra:hTc or gi.bbsiti e lallefi!!€: l:aver. Rapid s:eep~gel ~S!ke!i: ph~!Cie at '[he 20-4'() .em SEH:;tkHll of 'thesolUlm to u p1weliithe 1" I) .x ~. if) rn ~~~at, is:bOU't ;3 cmlmilifuJ'u~. :D'ne pohU 5, rn ,tnigher tn .ele\l.a!~iolii!.

.Apg 1 1·~ ~ 0 'CI'm: Olli'il',e ,graiv{5 Y 412) .s'lUldy ICiaim W,ealkfine, :arH:! ~ed[u rn subangullar IJh;)C~kV str~lctilJwe

Very h~rdlr fi'~m •.. slightly s~iclk:v,andfil.o'liIp'las.t[c iM~ny Hna ~~II1!,d f,ew medium'llro'~ts IFew!ntel~sth:ial ciQ:~ni~nu O'U'S e:xp€!,dI powes.

Clei;llf smOQtlh bQufilG!ary

SUQnglYaJdd ~:e9Jctiion

A'pg2 1 O~2.2 em: Dark 'graly~sh buownto !:lmiwn (10 YR 412. 1:.10 4/31 ~an.dv loam

We.a,ke;o3Ir'SEl soba nguliarbilock to ne:.uiy massive ~·ti~c~yr;e

H.anJI,.filflffi, Slightl ysth::kY.,aind .s.iiglhtll~y pl.a;sdc::

Fewfilr:ull i!:!,fI!d c'o'm iiTK).n medh,:rMI ~Gots Clear S.ffi,oorUiJ b,oundary

Mledh.!IIni!1 ~cjd rela e~ion

Yellowish red 1~5, YR 5J6~ sandy '~oaUi witll1 blaok (5, VA 2:. 5.1'1 ~ mangiJ1l ese stai ns: iii nd b~Qwfl f7. 5, YR4!4l1 medium fam~i~ meutes


H arc! burt Ib:~ijtUe and brea!k w$thsu,o:o~g press~r,e. nQn·.sdcky, :and l!'Ion~pla.s.~)ic

Ab:rlUpt smooth bOYI!iKlary

:M ediulm ac~dll1eact:toril

Y,e:Uo'Wii!sh r~d ('5 YRo,/6i 'w:~thl bllack ('5, YR 2: .15/ W ) ma 11'9 <:Jlnese sta~I1J!Ii a fiJd blf'OwlI'l 'l i .!5 VA: 4+14.1' motnes

S:a.ri!:d'y cll:<Jj¥ ~Ola:m

Ma SS!~ve O~!e:g 1iI1ar s;uyctllJ~e

:H<;Jrdi :O!lJt fra'glle whe\l'l pre:ssunl! iiS appli'e:d S:~ightly acudll~\6N'lic\til0'1'i!

Il:ayelrsof '50·HlO!)ll"!Id 11 001-1 40 ern s,;amples. we,~e ·t:Siken frolil"! il ~it at: higherel!E!v'.a:Uon. The:siE!:layeir:s. iPP iila:r' ·tiO be: contn ~lU,lIll,11m ,O~ 'Ulle 'p~oifnE!.

Dry s,easonl,ll,!J,land org'll ,can be .r,ead~ilvestabnsh,ed after wetla,liJ:di ric!9 Oil nd: w(J.uild Ii'IrI:1Jed less iIFlJi$gatio:n. HU9!h la'~era~: movemE!-nrm; 'Q1~ wa~er wlin need mores.!)lllit ~rnthe app~icatiof'll of highlysolubl'€J ·fenml'leili.

411 lib!;





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'Raljendr.a Agrl(;uh!Uw'a~ U niversHy, Pusa·, S]mlasd,~plh~'r C:us;tric:C~ IBihaiil' .2'5,03,9 i N 1:arm:ltude1t 8So 40':E longiWid'e. ~!Ie'va,t]on "" 52 m alOcve, !me!!;!" ,Siea h~lv,t3:1.

i1i'arti;aIrY ailiuviai~p'~ah! of: the GilJrndak IFUv:er S:y,s,t!em Wh,ich, d,fa,in .imothe Gia n[lles River .,Sllightilly ~[glher te~!i':ace albov~' the j#lriElSient, d~ywlood pl~in.

Wet'~roml Julyt,o Oc:tobe~'" dry 'flrom middle o'f: ,Janua,fyto middle! of May.

Wet!.u"u;ll rice - wheat/musti;llrd!" Some! areas wllid'nl tobacco and I,@,afyve,g e:t:alb!hllsin wiEl~er months.

Hiigh wi,terUlble dur~ng kharif seasen n161lkes ckainage dll~~iclJI~t. Suspected to besubj,ectto ZiTi de:~idency.

Dlei:SCir~bed a ~d s~mp~,ed by

iPtB. Thakur" G. B. Mallil,naal1d M J?]. :RaY11'lundQ on Jal'illJlary:23i" 1 986.


The IP,edof'l has an ClOth rvc ep:i:!:lledoll and 31111 a.rg ilinc hor:Trz'o'!1i wtth traees Of stliaJiuifU caHon. The pro'fite app !SJ3Ir,s to be ~tlnucture~ess but cliiods: bl"ieatk ~!1!'~O' fi~e s'Ubal'il9lular all'ldgranuii'llf'~ICtufe. Theso,!1 is sa ild '~o be higln in Nt! ,ii! riI dal~ dle same time, cS!icarl€!o'us,.

A.pgl 'Q~ 12 em i 01 ~ve9Irav~o ~'iQht oli Vi(!! gr31V rei YRGt2~o!6t:~H si ~t I~Qarfl

Almois~ ma'ssive dods !br'eallk ]l'!lto weaikcoalrse subang'~~aw bl,o,oky :!';t'HlIiGtunll

Hal~d, ve'ry firm" 'f:~i~ablle, sl;igh~ly st'id::y and sltg.hUy pla.s1!:~c

M ;::mry mediuml ,ilIlndUne rOIOI~S. Ught o~ ive brown 12.5 V5/4:} mo.u[e~ilIlong foots and fOot ,eilarUllel", diffuse hno t!he peds,

G~'ad~all sm:ooth bO~lfld.alry

Mo d~ratety :a!llka~Une r~acti,on

flAGI 12~J'CIcffl: Olive glr~ytiOI Hgh~ ,oriv€; glr~y Hi, Y 5/2-512.11 ,sil~ loam

IFew~inefa~fIlt mot1_~ ~$ailong roots and root enan rn els


Hard, \!'1!j,fY fiwm. s ~ight~ Y stiukya,r11 d :S'l:ighti V plii;lstic Chleiaf smoeth bounda~y

SUongly ,;)lk<1lI[lilereac1i:ion

IBw 15 -9[5 ern

(~lnve gray ~5 Y 513,) a nd da~k9raJV (5 VA: 511 1.0 4/11 s,]lty lclay loam

Mlasshl'e c~ods brleak hn~D we.alk nlillesubaingluia r b'J'o'cky ,s:~nJ,cture

S~'ightly~inill~o firn <ffible!, sll.g htly ,StICky and sliiigh tly !pllastic

Few f n,e I~OGlS

IGray :m,al~erti:1!lsi1lppedr to be de:positioli'l from the IUp,p'ei!r ~l~yef pOIrticl:llalr'l:y al~;HlIQI !>~rrf·s:ces of C'(;l\~lrSe 'to very coarse cll'oO::5;

Gr~dua~11 smo(rl!1fI boum:lalr"y

'StirlO Iilg~;V' a'llka~ine reaction

Pall~ o~i'rle (!5. Y 6l3·6/41 inn.e.r matrix c.olor with darkglray (5 c'fRi\ln-5~~ c1 eutereelees

Silty .clay IQa m

C~od:$, br!eglic" into wea 1k~~l"Ie suban'9 u liar blocky :and g.r.;liloula r str1UCtur'~

S~igh't~ yfriablle.. slickV. a ~d pll aJstic

1Jt~lrk9ray maitewii;llis appealr<;lS ,coatrngl 'olf dods iiIDnd peds

'G radualssn OO<til, bcunda.y SilJOlngiy Oillkalinlll Iffi'1lict:io III

OJiV1e (5! Y 5/3~ and Iltgl!it oillive brown (2:.5 Y 5l~1 s;ilt loalml

.co rn rn!(l n Ii n,e ,otive brown mc)ule,s and shen remnarrts

Diffuse bO'~Mld~lry Near nel,iltra~ nil~C't~O'OI

Bw3 8'8 to 1'~ ;Bcm Dawlk '9 rraiyishbrown (2.5 yM2l1 day Moder;a[le cearse .i1llngluli!;il,r .b.~Qcky stlr'ucture with!nt sUckef'l!'!,ide's

Slightly fr~ab:I'e. :sdcky. and plas:tic

Few fine 1'100lS sti n pweS,E!m.

Common ~ine ~ ra,n conc~le:tian and few CaC03, nodu~es

G,raldua~smo oith bo u ~ d ~fY Ne<llf n eutJr~H reaction

B,w41 1 '~8 te 11 5,,a; 'em: Da rkgrayish brown and o~ ~ve brown '~2.5 Y 4/2~414,) ,clav

M odenate!ostrongl coa,~s,a: ,s,ijJ.bil!ng'U~;ar bl,ocky strueturs

'SHghtlytri:ab~e, sticky and p~ast~c :few medjumreots

Common F,e no,dules, and few C,~C:03 fragments

Lesser a meu mt iOl nd ~ess pn::)mi:nrent sl ~ckensides

Clei3lr sm,QO'th bo,undary Nealf Pileutra ~ reaction

2 eW 1 ss 11:0 20(l' em

Oliiv,e brown (2.5 y 41~:~ clav Al!llo mode.rate coarse

s uoangl,lla r b~Glc:kystJructure dia,gona Uy Q~i.ented. with mO~9 prominGnts~ikensides Fwi~bh:l', sticky <lnd pia stit

l'htS'SOLI is the mos.t productive w~thinthe geo<e!ra~ atea. The imn t:oncr'!!'tlons !l!ppafilinHv comefwm thlll OXI$o~sthat geoewaUy occupy 'the high!e:r posit~ons i~n 'the platle:au arell!. o,ugh cracks :iii re deeD and s ~i(;:ke nsides Oil rege rn era'i Iy promi !!leot, 'the ,s,an cO!'1lsi.srer:u::y differsfmm m.osu V,en:lsol!s 'G t:I e tit). tlhe i rIInUE! nee af 1m rl ,. With ade::qui'te i~wi.gaJtklPil tne ,soil c,an bF.ll high~y productive.

IP'r.afitfiJ! soi/ s.amples were not ,rec\eived. Tn'Us .no labo'latof',¥' dat ill ca.n be''i#ltedJ ,.

!lota'i i~detntm~iCi'.lti()n,



DescribeG! :alFld si3!mp'lled by

D3 bkH::k, Ex:p erim~;;!'IlIt S~ilIItiGn 'Of the D~ret~or.ate 'err R.icIEl:Resea.rch, R,iljeliJ.dlraliil.i1!.gillr", Nyd era1baJd, Andlhl~'il Pradesh - 1 70aO'N ~~1iwd e, 78:°'50 'IE longfiw,de. E~evaUon .• :> .zoo 1m :above mean S,e3 le\lel.

No;Iliirr\OiW valli ley a:ssocia:(;ed with barren glra:n'i,te hillloc'ks:.. Valll€lY is aboi~t; 11 x J,km. IR,e:pre.s:ents sha'Uow vaHey 'noors Of undul:llI,1I:ing pla:te,1lIui3!weiJI wi·thl h]U v roclklaWl'lJ s,

IlKhilllri'f season 'I well: Mavto October IRa:bi se'ili~on (drry) : NQvembe.i to April

FUce:a:nd lJIipla rna cropse:xperlimentition~rice·basedl cfopp~ngi syu~m s S~~ d ~es.

S;llIlf~idewn: dUI~ITI1I 9 Kh8Iri'fill'e:ason~i"a dequ.ate dU~ll,ngl R.abi se,ason; '~<lnk reservoirfoll' dori'!fUiHl.[IC an d faJrm use.

Sa~.ini't.y and z~ denG~enc'V inc u cad by prolong ed nO(H:Ung .•

T VP uc Plelh.Ystien.fUne. m,ontmo~mon iltic. i:soinYlPenhewmk:

C.olvs (Clayllly pmWe, willI:! ust~ c soill, mo,istu~1@< f~g]me ve~tiic propert:tes~ SInd s:a:llinh:y'~,

s. K. Sl'lli\'liWtrU~ .8!od Miillffill'rld M. E. IR.ii)lymundo in Jan'U,ary 8, .~ ~9'6,6

The pedOfl 1h;~s~i;IiI'E! pe:bbllesembeddediothe ,epipedoil"!.

Crac'ks~re '5 ern lOW morew~d:e on the su!1ace a nd mat!lIlriah s de p o,s:i~ed a,lang cwa,cksa,re dE!"[e,ctabl'E! ,(!,Q!wui to 6:0' e:m '0,11 more'.. IllntE!lr;s,elctilng :s:lliclkensid,es: OiInd di~glofi!'ailly :i\lnangled co'.anl:€! ag'gr:eg'aJte.s~fe cOlilspic'uousfro!lil 55 em downward.

Ap 1 Oto 20cml: Very Iillilltk glrayish bH:l'Winto dark 91rayish br10'WO (1 (I YR 21'2 'lO 312 ~ c~aJV'

Modelrate IIiTH'ld uuml cS'UbaI!1IQu:11ar b:~o(lky suucture V,ery halrd., vel~y ·f:~rmi,. very :sticky,. and v,ery I)~astic

Few 'fin,~ rects Commoni!"'llte~sti·tjla,1 exp'F:l:d ;p ares CommaI'! ~ine pebble's. McdeHlltelyalkalilne! ~e,ac:tjo'n CII'earsma.c:liUn boundary

A p,2 .20 to 33 em: Very dark g,rayush brown (1~) YR 3/2) c'~ay W]tl1 common ([ark bro'wtl f7.5 YiA 4.14) c'o~n,e~aint patc:hy mO'ltJ1;eSi:iilong v19rUOaill cracks If!;,kH:I'~filite~:y stro'ri!!~l,fine sul:! :O:locky stfllctu~e

Very h·Qlrd. very firm, verys~h;;', and v'e'ry IP~i1!lsuic

Common fi ~ e p'ebb~es Few filM fOO'l:S

Common IC,O~rse imeNrtit:ia~ pores Mlodeirr~tt!ely ..alka'~ine re;~liC;tion Abru p~ !;1i'!lo01h be unda ry

IBw 1 33 lo55 ern : Very dark gfayi.s.ih brown nQ "(IA 3 f2) C:i~ay Weak fine subangul.ll r blocky ;s·tJr'ucUJre Fvrm, very :stickv a nd very pl~ls;tic

few .~rebbles C031.ed wHih Fe-Min

MCH:i!tell:ya~ kal]ne~eac:t)~on

IDiHiuse! smoothl b Q lUIfH:la 1)1'

Bw2 55 to rs 'em, : Da ~[i{ bluQwn I~ ~ 0 VR 3,/.3:1 clay rn'i'JJUi x with veftk:ailly oriarlitie:diweliges r(llf very d'Qirkglrayish b ~QWln '~11 0 YR. 3/2} 'Clay

Modelrai~ely ,s:t:r,o n'l) medi umto 'coairse' dli 9Igon:@llly 'Olriented ~ub:angul,i:'!,r b~o,c:ky I:~) bl'clCky Ipled!> wrru~ v'@ryshiny s!licl-:!el1lsides

Coa r's'erpieds. bu:ea,k r~ad~ ~y [~'U)O' mode.r,13ltely s:tn:HlJflfin,e subann ul11ar blocky

Slightly ,firm, very sticky., a r1I d very p'llilIstic Fe:w n~'H~: I~oot~ presenl Modelra,~elya'lkali'n,e WIlE <lIicti 0 n

I)rr~fl;l Sf: smo o~n bound3~Y

E!:w3 1!5, to 10'2 ,em: Dlo:!lrk brOlwn (1.0 Y R ::3131 clay rnatri x with more 'olf the dalrk gra.yi,sJ!l brown n 0 YR 3,/2:~ ima!te~i ails V,ery (l'Q,;:lr.s,e d uagona!Uy o~lienitedslJbangu[l~f blocky '~obll:ocky ,S~~'UCUJirei1l!!ldl m creDr[)minei~u 5IiG~ensidles. Coa riSe IP'Ei:dis ro pe'~k into mode,lij'~e ,s,trong !mediil.i!ITIII and fij~a .sub,ijl.!1!,gl!!l:ar blocky s:nucture

Slight~:vfriab'hl!. very sUcky. ,an.d VG,~y plas[;i:c Diffuse smooth, ItJ,o'llllfldary Modenllte~val'kaHIil,E;! re~u:::doA

IBw4 102. tl@i 126 em

Same a,~ above exce,pt for In o'r'epIIOlm inent, and shinvsl~ick,engides

IDiffuse' smooth Ib 0 u!ildarv

Snol1i911y alika line re,ii!I,ction

Bw5 126 '~Ol : 160 ,om


Oalrk brown no 'YiR :3(3) 1(;:13'1' with

ml,;lich less of~n,e dark 'ijlri;ly brr;O'Win ciliay d,~posits Weak C>O,iijlrSe ,subaI1"l9iu'lalr bkl!cky 'WiT:th IP atchy preSSUf'e: e uta n s

SU:ghdy fda,ble,v,e'rystic'ky, and vier'll IPI,ii!lstic:

StfonQlly ,illlk,;'l,1i nlEjI ~1i1;~ct~OI!i



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I:l<escrubed and :s aJmp~ed by

B~'o'Ck C 14:3,. Ex;p'erilme'J'1:t StatkHi!, 'o'f Ma h atmal Pule::

Agricull1uli",;1!,1 Uni ve rsiW. Va dg!aon· Ma va I, Punel" Maha~~stma. 'li S03SiN la.titud<el" 730154' IE ~ongituc8, ,ele'\I',ation ~ 6.2.2 ffiaDov8 nrUlalf'l ·$,ea· meve~

l'lsnaced na,r~'ow ~:1 00 m wid,s,) 'W<3;telrw~y w~thi~ aJnd undu~,altln,g loa g,91I[~c pl,atea LiCif 11:~ e $,ubIT1lountain:;!';,o ~ ~ of Sahvde r Range g ~ Poon:a Oistlr~ ct. Wa~erway about 'U 0 d eglre,es sk.l,pe glradleot draining to the east.

Wet from Jun.e to S,ept!€lmbe~;. inUjlrrne(iiatle .in Oct:ober i~lndi November; drvfrom Dec~mb~rto lMay.

Cla'y,e:y' a n~ ~i ~ m ·!t;oU u vIum from uhe hi 9 her po~ ms 3r11d ib!ilJs:a~tic h~Uocks on the p~~te;}u.

Rice,·rij,ce iJflr~glat1S'd Tf,omUlllk sUP i:l,ii,edl by a srn a~ ~ splr~l1gl 300 m IIiJP s~ope of the watewwi,3,Y.

N~trogen. phQsphorlJ.~ 3 ndl potassium. !If,riglluiofl fb~' the ether ·af~·~S in sim ~I~ r :!andflo,rm.,

S.D. Kalke, S.K. Sharlrmal~nd M.E Ray,m~ndo fn Jarnuary 29, ] 9186

Cumu~ic Haplaq lJoU, fine, lim'Ol':!itlTlOWij UOI1l rrlk: calcareous, ~$ohypennerr:nkl


Tha flOP 4{1 ern of the ipedon i,s fined in dU!rlinguhe i evemng f)lfQCEiISS af:ut'le tlerra'c:ed paddy system being~t the: dOW1l1s]ope side o,~ tile p'iilIddy.l1n'E! o'rigina~ 5:01ill:5 h~ve tlr:i1!,Ceso'[;3lrginans and is, Ilmdioll'illail1l by fune 'grav!€lUy materials tmuglfn wh~ch waler upw,e-llls: .•

AlP g Oto~15'/~8 ern: D8Jrk brown (1 0 "(:1'1, 413:~ ,claiY loami w]~h 'b~ack, (5 y 2J:2~ glllS'¥,8\d: stJr!;!lak:s i!nthe c~~od!s

Very w,e,~kfi!l1le: gl!i'il!'1lJliIllair ~m'!C'il:ure d'ev'e!,op'!ii in ~he ~rie,r C:~OdIS

H a~d~~irrol., ve~y ,sdcky aod very l!lmastilc Manyfgine ,and medium roots

c,ommuJ'", IpteCI(lis 0'" sha'irds of pone~. 'f[I'II,€: grave'11s a,n~ fiew s.tI!)JlleS

Clc:sr ~rregulalr Ib au nda1ry

M iI(U:y allk.;i'~ine lI'e,ao!Iol1l

Ag 15118 to 40142 em

2. A 1 4(1/4.2 to : 6,0,/64 ern

:2 8iw ~ 60'/164: to 95cm

Very da~ik gl~a,y no YA3tl) graveilly ,cla!y II'o,;ilillll

ModelC8'te medj'l!lm suba<O,9 ~i~ar blocky stn.lewrE!1 Fil~m,V1!i!ry stlckya,ndl verry pl:a.8,1I:ic

Common '~ine roots

Common p,ieces o~ ,p (),nery ,fine g~,a:v,e+s and few stones

o radua:~irregu~,ilI!r .bo,uln dQlry Mlodelr,al!e~y a~ kall ~ne rea ctilcn,1FI

W!~ry da rk ,iD fQly I: 1 () Y1R 3,ni) clay I,o,a,m,

Weak CQ:;:su;e blocky ;;;md med'iumsubang1i,l'llar blocky st.n.lC'U.MIl!!

Fr,~able,. sti.(,kyand pl:a.Strlc f'i!:wwine roots

f·ew '~ine 31liH:I medliillllrt1lha!rd ,ca~ci!Urn c!llrbonatJe: nodules

'Ean:h wa rms pr~ Sli!""l!t

Ch."N,llf WilV", boundary iM.odera.telv~llk~lijli1 B fleacdon

V,ery d:aI~lk 9'F,ayflsh Ib~own 1:10 ViR 3,/2} clay I03'm

We,ak cea rse 1Jind rn edliulffi sub:a ngulalr bto cky :stl~lucture

Frn able. stidy a 111,~ IP~~asH,c Pat:c:hi~f ii!lrgmiiu"iI's ~ntQP of peds <Graduall :SITHlO'tin, boundary Modlerate'lly a~llk.:a'nn!(li Ir~~ctlijol1l

:2 IBw:2. '91!EitIO' : 122/130 em

R 1 22l130~o: 160(;1111

V·ery d~rk9.rayish brown no VR3!2) ,clay loam

We!ak C(NilrSesubangu[ar blocky s·u'ucturll! b~@aks into moder:alie fune gratr1'tl'~<lr and suba ng ula Ii' block y structure

Fru'sbl'8:,. ,s.tic'~v aile! pt~$ti'c Mod'(il:rate:try' a~kaline nililictilon

\I·ery da,rk 91ray brown n 0 YR 3/2jl gravEl Uy c~alV ~oam

We!;llk".~ifle la nd I'I'IE'!t!:;i uum s.urbal!ilgul~ar and m~'d:ium .al1gul.[lt 'b'~ocky SnuCli!lllf1e

M~ilil'IY 'fij oe '9 r~vels

M!llinJV line (Hum~nd eea rs,e~uibula r IlfitlMom contlinlJ@'U'S: and ,~nltew:st~Uall: QOntinlH:lUS e:x~ed pore:sthfough which water seeps

Hori:zone<ls~ly 'colll~pses after water ~s:bali~fl!d OUit

Tine, S'O:iil rep,r:esent!l a r,eas which qlltiho'!.lghfoYlll'ld ij n :smSlIUI pa~ch(j.s'j. il!~l9:impo~t;a nt areas for food producdo!1i. BroaJo lev,ela.reas, ontiJill(il:!!te~1.i! cou~:d: haJve si,mnCi! r SIOU~. t1pl~lnd c:!Q,~ls:aJltEl;rrice carl be: ea:i5i~'\i pfac~iced ibll'G3U,si!l: of tn e fa,\I,or:atlie physicall p>roperUes ,o'f the .son.

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lPedol!1l No •. S86UFlHN.A~014

F'a,rmelr' sfi,e:ld Cl.II m:angg.iilrl~.,. Ci(!ll"lljUrf· ,We.~rtJ::ava., Indonesua. 06°43'32" S I~tiwd'e., HI"'!'°aO"T3 Ie long~tude. 'eh~v8ltkH1:!: ~ 00 m .a:bove me:;JJn se,Sr leve~

M ~dldH~: of a .~ t2 km wh::lel va n,il!IY' wiithin t~le glenle:ra~ ~y ruow roU~l)gl hU ~s of \I'!oh::a.nic 10 r~gi.lil.

Pia rent matlerials are' ,of c~ayey a Uu viOlI dl~!poSi1ts !O~ 'former dver bed of basalti:eandles:itijc rocks.

Croppfn91 system:s: Ric!Nice. Perem'nia~llt~'l!es: andcecoout with

an,rn uaJl inroarc,r:() ps. IQ.nw,eU d ~<3rined U pl.61 nds. ~:NSFFER ·tr~a:~ ~esuiu :a rs asfQllows: Check "" 4, tons: 58 USG"" 6.fitons; 87 USG := !5.5!ons: no res p'O'rll $ieto SeLL

Drescribedillnd s,ampll'ed by

R:a.hayu ·',ejig,arwen3 3,oe M.E, .R~\rr1l'lundo, ~·riI A.pri~ '1: 6,. '1 9'86.

TYpicTwopaq]ue,P:t,fitH'3!,. mfx:ed, ,~cid, is,ohypenhermic



Thel p,e:don H. h'l!tens'ely mOlded film ug n out the proifil,e, The [puddled l.aJy,eris de·~p~nd the: ~ubsoils show :cc!l'orandstruc't~ ril!~ stratijfic:~ti:Orq,i;llnd rest;son boultdery c~ ay ,m~te r~a'ls.

Apg O~O 35 em: 811 "ck (5. Y 2.5/2) onf~es,hly cut sUffaJcle:aJnd tlil'HlrSOIU ve: ,g.ray (5 Y 412)arft€1f ~bJUE 1 5 m!inut:E!!s lexposure


.",VallliJlri! ± 0.7

SI~gliitiV pla.s.tic a n dsUg Ifnly sUe];;,y

M i1Jinyfine :a r:l d' cernmc !ill rmedi~ mreots

Malny d'ecomposi,ng resid ue from prev[ous ere Pi

Ves~c~'es 'Oil' en~J.alpped3~ir C(HTnmOA Alm.~p!~ smo,o·tilh bounda~y :Stl~n,g~ly acid reacUon

13'£1 ~I :3 5to 55 elffi ; Gray (1.5 YA 4/2) a b (l>IJli~ 165'% 3!nd strong b~QWin (7' ,5 VR 4 ~6) inriu~:r Inatrix


Mode,rate., medi IIJm <;I'nd Cio~rse bklcky 1!iO' s,l.l!ibainguia:r Ib:~ocky s:uuctulm·

F;irrn, sl:uglIWUy s~lickyafld sl~g'hitly IP~h'l:stffic CommonfirH3: 'n;) ots

Ma1f!I\f nne ·tll bllllair vertical po~es, wiji~h m~r:lgaIli1IQse lin ~ngls~ndfm:if:'llg:s

C!ea r smootih bouncla~ Ve~y .s:uo~.g'IV acid rs:S!ctkH'II

IS9i2.5S, ·~O' 701 em : G~:ay and :nrong brown (1.5 YIF! 5'lO~61If.n (lIt eQuO'iI I amounts and few bla,ck man'galnes,e cone retiof!:i


Mod:erliUl9J,.filli1'9: ,Qlrail"lil.lllls,r is nd :$IUb,8,filglull.a r rD'~clCky strucbJI~e

Slitghtly flriiiabl'e, slilrg:hdys:dcl<y iJlnd $I'igl"ld'l pliHl.tic Few~inG foots

M any fine \i'ie!1:ic;)ltubulaJ (::'ol1l!tinuOU5 POife.s:

Cle!;;I:r ·sim~ oleO, bQUI!:'lJ(kuy VGrys;tronglcv~c~dI Irle,ilc;~ion

Bg3 70 to SSem: Gr.ay (7 • .5 VR 5.10) in ,80% of ITililItl'h::, 10% S~li"lQn'~l brown f7. 5 YR .5f6~ infle,r pe,Osi liUlld ,eQua'~ <'ilmIOUll1its: ,o,f cia r~ '9 r.aiY (7.51 VR 6/16) mnner ped.s ,iill:ld lequa~ amou J1i.ts, O·f' dairik '9 r;~v (7.5 YIFI 4.12~ 2.5/0) clay

We9!k. COii! rili,li! prismat)]c polygons pan: intJo' moderate COaJi'\5El, bl'OckYStnJl'Gtute·

Filrm, :s1]gh~ly .s6cky and pl:iilJs~ic

Flew fi~l1Ie roots

Commo;~ fil1~u~b!J!alr. 'V:er~h:::·~1 cOJi1t)]nuous pore's with ml3ngal1l,ese 1~ll1Iing

C~:e:alr smooth bounda1ry

SlnQ'~lg~ly .slQid w:e'!3Ictilionl


Beg 86 '~o111 01 em: S'UO!1l,g: IbrO\i'lin ~:7.5 VA: 5/,6) dorn~!1IIant over the: ,gray (7.5, 'VR 5/0) clay

Modlerate~ 'fine: gra nu!a,~ to u lair Illo cky struoture

Sligh'I~!Y fri'i1Ilble", sl~ghtdy ,st:iclk;y li!!i1d p:llasttic ComllnUiati,~ n, of the tubuli all' pores from tile 'iilJbov,e hori~on 'common

Medliumacid :N!!aCUOn



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Citayam· Agdcl,Ji!t,uI';a:lilf'l,e-s,ea1rch Station,Bogor. Ilrn:'Jone,s']a. 6:02:,6" S laliliUlll:c]e.~ 0604;"7' IE

II 0'.0:9 it!.!lld~. 1~levatij:Q'n & ;glpprox'li('l1li:'1'Eemy 75 m above me~r'I ,s'ea Ie ve~1


D~,s.s,ecte'd IQiWE!:r ~p~edmon~p'~ailil of Mr. Sal1lik.. :$[fJe 10:0 slig ht:ly sk),p'~I' jpQUi:l;lfll (dan undulating ~1II~flrfl:~.rve shoulder, 5,8% .:s,:tr.~;gtr[: slolPla w~th: IN .aspec.t.· M:odewau:!!Iy well dra~n,ed. Iil~:gh:ly p'erml;!\1Ib:J!e. J!!,ldequate itriijl~tiGn watJS:f S·ij p'piy.

Me,i1iIlCi .~nnua~. of 1 6v'a-~n ",,31 6.1' mm, 9 W(!~ monthS, nod'ry monthls,

Cropping syS1l!ems: fUca .• , pElla lilil.llitr/soybean; Yr't1i:lds "" 4· ft .~ ,iil:nGi 3: 5,/haJ, ~e.spe:ctive~,y. liIsunglW .20.,60.0 :i:l:nid4l0"60~30 N PK~enilli:il)er tiillUe .resp!!!CJtively.

DleSic~i'b ed :ilJnd s.~mpled: by

K, lMak~lfimi;lnd M.E, Raymun(loon April' 15, lEN96



Th,e PEldon is c~;;liv:eytjh r>O'llJQhout. 1n e dlawkSlIIrraCe!1i!Oils. In as ret[cLlla,~e. Igh~ving dlu:oto ·the d,ecomposin.g organ'h:: mii!ltel'ia:I:s. An a'll rlic hori~on Ilmd erli'eJslli:e ,,:Io,wed la'ye,r whic'n s:hQw,ed distil:o et m<Hl,g2!lnese'sta~ as, concJ'!'Hions :iH'ildi nodu~es. Pan~:,}1 cover ·OI~ ~Iight C~'IQfed ma:~erliis occur OfI! the's'ul~'f8:ce 'Olfcoal~se polygons i~the subsGH


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