Kelomopok A2 Gamma

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Skenario B

A mother brought her 10 days old boy to the outpatient clinic. She noticed that both of her boy’s
foot looks excessively turned inward since he was born. There is no abnormality at other part of
his body. She had normal delivery with nnormal weight birth. She never suffered from any kind
of illness and never got any medical prescriptions during pregnancy. She has already brought him
to traditional bone setter but there was no improvement.
Physical Exam
General Examination within normal limit
Extremity examination: at foot region there are abnormalities: 1. Equinus foot, 2. Varus of the

a. Klarifikasi Istilah
Equinus foot : merupakan kaki dengan posisi platar flexi pada pergelangan kaki
yang terlihat seperti kaki kuda
Outpatient Clinic : departemen rawat jalan atau klinik rawat jalan adalah bagian dari
sebuah rumah sakit yang dirancang untuk pengobataan pasien rawat jaln orang orang dengan
masalah kesehatan yang mengunjungi rumah sakit untuk diagnosis atau pengobatan tapi tidak
memerlukan tempat tidur atau harus dirawat inap
Varus of the foot : merupakan suatu kondisi deformitas yang mengarah kedalam atau
b. Identifikasi masalah
1. A mother brought her 10 days old boy to the outpatient clinic. She noticed that both of her
boy’s foot looks excessively turned inward since he was born. (vvv)
2. There is no abnormality at other part of his body. She had normal delivery with nnormal
weight birth. She never suffered from any kind of illness and never got any medical
prescriptions during pregnancy. (vv)
3. She has already brought him to traditional bone setter but there was no improvement.(vv)
4. Physical Exam (V)
General Examination within normal limit
Extremity examination: at foot region there are abnormalities: 1. Equinus foot, 2. Varus
of the foot
c. Analisis masalah
1. A mother brought her 10 days old boy to the outpatient clinic. She noticed that
both of her boy’s foot looks excessively turned inward since he was born.
 Apa hubungan jenis kelamin dan usia dengan keluhan?
 Bagaiman hubungan faktor genetik dengan kasus?
 Bagaimana abnormalitas perkembangan embriologi?
 Bagaimana anatomi ekstremitas inferior?
2. There is no abnormality at other part of his body. She had normal delivery with
nnormal weight birth. She never suffered from any kind of illness and never got
any medical prescriptions during pregnancy
 Apa makna klinis dari persalinan normal dan berat badan lahir normal?
 Adakah penyakit atau obat-obatan yang dapat menyebabkan kondisi pada
kasus? jika ada jelaskan!
 Adakah hubugan abnormalitas pada bagian tubuh lain dengan kondisi
pada kasus? jika ada jelaskan!

3. She has already brought him to traditional bone setter but there was no
 Apa dampak dari pengobatan tradisional?
 Bagaimana tatalaksana awal yang tepat untuk kasus?

4. Physical Exam
General Examination within normal limit
Extremity examination: at foot region there are abnormalities: 1. Equinus foot, 2.
Varus of the foot
 Bagaimana interpretasi hasil pemeriksaan fisik?
 Bagaimana mekanisme abnormalitas pada kasus?

Anak laki laki berusia 10 hari diduga menderita CTEV(congenital talipes equinus varus)
1. Diagnosis kerja
2. Diagnosis banding
3. Etiologi
4. Faktor resiko
5. Epidemiologi
6. Pathogenesis/patofisiologi
7. Manifestasi klinis
8. Pemeriksaan penunjang dan gold standard
9. Penatalaksaanaan farmakologi dan non-farmakologi
10. Komplikasi dan edukasi
11. Prognosis
12. SKDI
Learning issue
2. Anatomi Ekstremitas inferior

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