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Chapter - One

The Problem and Its Setting


Writing in a foreign or second language is a hard task for students whose native

language is not of the same origin as the target language. In general, writing is the

least favored skill to most of the students because this skill requires a lot of thinking

and not to mention the tedious process that can lead to loss of interest. Due to this,

many problems in writing may arise because the students are not adequately familiar

with the foreign language, specifically the English language.

The Grade 7 students of Ligao National High School in Ligao City has been

observed to be having this problem in writing as shown by the results of the survey

tests given to them recently by the researchers.

The researchers conduct this study to point out specifically the problems being

encountered by the Grade 7 students of Ligao National High School. This study is

also necessary for the researchers to find out the solutions to these problems through

the help and recommendations of the interviewed respected personnel.

Writing is a skill that should not be neglected. It needs a lot of attention from the

teachers and students because it is necessary not only in their daily academic life but

it is also a productive skill that must be taken seriously all through out their adult life.

Background of the Study

A Cognitive Process Theory of Writing published by Linda Flower and John

Hayes in 1981 provides the groundwork for further research into how thought

processes influence the writing process. A cognitive theory is focused on gaining

insight into the writing process through the writer's thought processes. Composition

theorists have attacked the problem of accessing the writer's thought in various ways.

This theory sought to outline the writer's choice-making through out the writing

process, and how those choices constrained or influenced other choices down the


This study reports the findings of a thorough investigation to point out the

problems that the Grade 7 Students of Ligao National High School faces and how

such problems can lead to their performances in writing. Emphasis is placed on the

factors affecting studets' difficulty in writing, the motivational techniques used by the

teachers to encourage students' in writing and the suggested programs of the

Department of Education to solve students' difficulty in writing. Also, part of this

research is finding long term solutions to the said problem.

The researchers contend that writing being the least favored skill is not the

central factor on students' difficulty in writing, rather it is the role of the teacher and

the students that must go side by side to master writing skills which many high

school students face. "Writing gives the opportunity to the students to be adventurous

to the language, to take the risk and to go further of what is learned to talk about"

(Shouman 2002) . The teachers of the English language should be aware of the

students' difficulties involved in the process of writing and students should know

how to produce fairly coherent, meaningful and proper composition.


Statement of the Problem

General Problem:

 What are the problems being encountered by the Grade 7 students of Ligao

National High School of Ligao City in writing?

Specific Problem:

 What are the factors affecting the Grade 7 students of Ligao National High

School’s difficulty in writing?

 What are the motivational techniques used by the teachers of Ligao National

High School to encourage students in writing?

 What are the suggested programs of the Department of Education to solve the

students' difficulty in writing?


Operational Hypotheses:

1. English as a secondary language affects the Grade 7 students of Ligao National

High School difficulty in writing.


2. The appropriateness of motivational techniques used by the teachers greatly affects

students' difficulty in writing.

Null Hypotheses:

1. English as a secondary language does not affect the Grade 7 students of Ligao

National High School difficulty in writing.

2. The appropriateness of motivational techniques used by the teachers does not

affect students' difficulty in writing


Specific Question:

(1) Why do students find it hard to write?

Assumption: There are several factors that can affect student's ability in writing.

(2) Why is writing the least favored skill by the students?

Assumption: There are certain factors that affect student's perception in writing.

(3) How do the teachers handle the problems encountered in writing?

Assumption: The teachers may use several techniques and activities to encourage

students to write.

Significance of the Study

As perceived by the researchers and also with the results gathered, it is relevant

and necessary to point out specifically the factors that contribute to their difficulty in

writing. In a span of two weeks, the researchers have gathered qualitative and

quantitative data that proves the problems faced by the Grade 7 students in writing.

The study will be of great of importance to the ff:

Students. The implementation of this study will benefit the Grade 7 students because

if this study succeeded in determining the problems they are facing in writing then

this study may provide them with solutions that they can use to solve these problems.

Teachers. This study will help the teachers to conceptualize techniques that can help

them on solving the problems students faced in writing.

Curriculum Designers. Academicians who focus on innovating designs of the

English curriculum would need to find approaches to teaching English as a second

language. This study may help professionals to formulate programs that can help

utilize students' difficulty in writing.

Other researchers. This study can open new doors for other researchers to

investigate the possible solutions and actions to be taken in the improvement of

students writing performance in English.

This study aims to find not only immediate solutions but also recommendations

from respected personnel to address the problems in writing.

Scope and Delimitation


This study is conducted to determine the problems being encountered by the

Grade 7 students of Ligao National High School in writing as perceived by the

researchers through the survey results last January 18, 2017. The aspects looked into

were the problems being encountered by the Grade 7 students in writing, the factors

that affect their difficulty in writing, the techniques used by the teachers to encourage

them in writing and the suggested programs of the Department of Education to solve

the student's difficulty in writing.

General Purpose: To determine the problems being encountered by the Grade 7

students of Ligao National High School.

Subject Matter: Writing skills in Grade 7

Aspects Studied: Problems encountered in writing, Factors affecting their difficulty

in writing, techniques used by teachers to encourage students in writing and

suggested programs by the Department of Education to solve the problems in writing.

Population: Students and Teachers

Locale of the Study: Grade 7 students of Ligao National High School

Period of the Study: January 11, 2018 - February 2, 2018

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