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30 APR 2019


"Whereby regulations relating to the management of the radio spectrum are issued"


In the exercise of its legal powers and especially those foreseen in Law 1341 of 2009, Decrees 4169
of 2011, 1078 of 2015 and 1414 of 2017, and


That the Political Constitution of Colombia, in its articles 75, 101 and 102, provides that the
electromagnetic spectrum is an unfeasible public good and imprescriptible subject to the
management and control of the State, which is part of Colombia and belongs to the Nation.

That, pursuant to Law 1341 of 2009, access to the use of the radioelectric spectrum requires prior,
express permission granted by the Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies

Also, in his articles 17 numeral 4 and 18 numeral 19 literal c. has that's purpose and function of
this entity, among others, define policies and practice management and administration of the
radio spectrum and issue regulations, conditions and requirements aimed at licensing, permits and
registrations for the use or exploitation of the rights of the State over the radio spectrum and the
services of the TIC sector.

That subsection 1 of article 2 of Decree 260 of 2004 establishes that the Special Administrative
Unit of Civil Aeronautics - Aerocivil is the authority in aeronautical matters throughout the national
territory and is responsible for regulate, administer, monitor and control the use of Colombian
airspace by civil aviation, as well as coordinate its relations with State aviation, developing policies,
strategies, plans, programs and projects on the subject, contributing to this way to maintenance of
national security and sovereignty.

That Decree 1078 of 2015, "Sole Regulatory Decree of the ICT sector" (hereinafter, "DUR-TIC"),
regulates in chapter 1 of title 2 of Part 2 of book 2, the objective selection and direct allocation of
permits for use of the radioelectric spectrum for continuity of the service referred to in Articles 11
and 72 of Law 1341 of 2009, and especially in its Article exempts from the objective
selection procedure the granting of permits for the use of radio frequencies or channels that the
Ministry of Technologies and Communications deems necessary to reserve for the provision of
telecommunications networks and services for strategic purposes for the national defense,
attention and prevention of emergency situations and public safety, as well such as the granting of
temporary permits for the performance of technical tests and homologation of equipment.
And in turn, article ibidem provides that the Ministry of Information and
Communications Technologies, at the request of a party, will assign call signs directly to stations
that do common and shared use of spectrum in bands allocated nationally and internationally,
among others, to maritime, aeronautical, satellite and radio amateur radiocommunications, in
accordance with the rules and procedures established for this purpose, use that entails the
payment of the aforementioned considerations in the administrative act that grants the

That through Decree 2434 of 2015 the title 14 was added in the part 2 of book 2 of the DUR-TIC to
create the National Telecommunications System is Emergency - SNTE, to contribute to achieving
the objectives of the National Disaster Risk Management System and to strengthen the efficient
performance of its components.

That MinTIC Resolution No. 2118 of September 15, 2011, as amended by Resolution MINTIC 1588
of 2012, provided the conditions, requirements and procedure for granting permits for the

use of radio spectrum, except for the frequency bands allocated or identified for the provision of
the services of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT, for its acronym in English) and
radio broadcasting, in accordance with article of Decree 1078 of 2015, in accordance
with the provisions of Judgment C-403 of 2010.

That, through Resolution 442 of 2013 and in compliance with Article 1 Of Decree Law 4169 of
2011, the National Spectrum Agency -ANE updated and adopted the National Table of Frequency
Band Allocation -CNABF, which was again updated through the ANE Resolutions number 14 of
2014 (Channeling Plans), 418 of 2014 (which included a Channeling Plan in 18 GHz), 441 of 2016,
450 of 2017 and 361 of 2018 (which updated the CNABF).

That the rationalization, simplification and updating of the legal system is one of the main tools to
ensure the economic and social efficiency of the legal system and to strengthen legal security.

That Resolution No. 000963 of April 30, 2019, repealed Resolutions 2472 of 1991, 407 of 1995,
5273 of 1997, 1512 of 2001, 152 of 2002, 1704 of 2002, 1966 of 2002, 526 of 2002, 908 of 2003,
1201 of 2004, 1765 of 2004, 2579 of 2004, 1713 of 2004, 2064 of 2005, 2359 of 2005, 2070 of
2005, 1449 of 2006, 1661 of 2006, 1671 of 2006, 332 of 2007, 1715 of 2007, 2218 of 2007, 2623 of
2009, 909 of 2009, 1227 of 2009 and 1438 of 2010, issued by the Ministry of Information
Technologies and Communications, all pertaining to radio spectrum management.

That, because of the previous normative changes, it is necessary to issue a new legal framework
on radio spectrum management, whose competence lies with this Ministry.

That, to comply with the duty of information provided in the article 8th of Law 1437 of 2011, the
Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications published on its website the project
that led to this resolution, for comments from interested parties, during the period from January
21 to the February 22, 2019, receiving comments that in the pertinent were considered for the
structuring of this regulation.

In exposed merit

CHAPTER 1 General disposition

ARTICLE 1 Object.

The purpose of this Resolution is to issue provisions relating to the management of the
radioelectric spectrum, in accordance with the National Table of Frequency Band Allocation -

ARTICLE 2 Definitions.

For the purposes of this Resolution, the terms and definitions that the Union has issued in
telecommunications matters are adopted.

International Telecommunications - ITU through its Regulatory Bodies, as well as those contained
in the Radio Regulations; in MinTIC Resolution 202 of 2010 or in which it is modified, repealed or
subrogated; in the National Table of Attribution of Frequency Bands and the following:

2.1. Service area. A specific geographical area within which the beneficiary of the permit can use
the frequency or radio frequencies assigned to it and operate the equipment intended for
telecommunications, in accordance with the concession, the permit granted and the authorized
technical operating parameters.

2.2. Municipal service area. Geographical area of a municipality or district, within which the
assignee can use the radio channels to he assigned.

2.3. Departmental service area. Geographical area of a department, within which the assignee can
use the radio-electric channels assigned to it.

2.4. National Service Area. Geographic area of the national territory, within which the assignee can
use the radio channels assigned to it.

2.5. 11-meter band: approximate wavelength of the radio frequencies of the 27 MHz band.

2.6. Relief and safety communication. Radiocommunication established for reasons of distress,
urgency or safety, in accordance with the priorities and procedures established in Chapter VII of
the ITU Radio Regulations.

2.7. Point to area communication. Occasional radio link provided between a receiving station
located at a fixed point of termination and any transmitting station or stations located at
unspecified points in a given area, which constitutes the area or coverage area of the station
located at the fixed point.

2.8. Departmental Council for Disaster Risk Management.

Instance created through Law 1523 of 2012, responsible for coordination, advice, planning and
monitoring, intended
to guarantee the effectiveness and articulation of risk awareness, risk reduction and disaster
management processes at department level.

2.9. District Council for Disaster Risk Management.

Instance created through Law 1523 of 2012, responsible for coordination, advice, planning and
monitoring, aimed at ensuring the effectiveness and articulation of risk awareness processes, risk
reduction and disaster management at the district level.

2.10. Municipal Council for Disaster Risk Management

Instance created through Law 1523 of 2012, responsible for coordination, advice, planning and
monitoring, aimed at guaranteeing the effectiveness and articulation of risk knowledge processes,
risk reduction and disaster management at the municipality level.

2.11. Citizen band station.

Combination of transmitter and receiver in the equipment of the fixed and mobile radioelectric
services, which includes the accessory facilities, cables, supports and radiant system, necessary to
ensure the operation of the Citizen Band Radiocommunication System.

2.12. Mobile transmitting station of the television service.

Transmitting station, complementary to the television service, destined to be used in movement

or while it is stopped in undetermined points of a given area, for short periods of time; employee

For the electronic capture of audiovisual content and its subsequent Retransmission to the studios
and other fixed stations of the television service, through the establishment of a Point-to-Zone

2.13. Citizen band operator.

Natural person, who installs and manages Citizen Band Radiocommunication Systems, prior
assignment of call sign by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies.

2.14. Operators of the national emergency communication radiocommunication system.

Operators of the National Emergency Communication System are the territorial entities through
the Departmental Disaster Risk Management Councils, the Disaster Risk Management District
Councils and the Municipal Disaster Risk Management Councils, as well as the entities that
constitute it, in accordance with the provisions of Law 1523 of 2012 and its regulatory provisions.

2.15. Enclosure closed.

The enclosed area is understood as the area of radio coverage included within buildings, closed
complexes and buildings.

2.16. Citizen Band Radiocommunication System:

Radiocommunication system that operates through the simple exploitation of radio channels for
common use in the band 11 meters, and that provides the full capacity for communication and
transmission of voice between users. The Citizen Band Radiocommunication System operates in
accordance with what is regulated by this Resolution.

2.17. Special Service

Radiocommunication service exclusively intended to satisfy specific needs of general interest and
not open to public correspondence.

2.18. Amateur radio service:

The term "amateur radio service" of which Decree Law 1900 of 1990 refers to Law 94 of 1993, Law
1570 of 2012 and Decree 1078 of 2015, is the "amateur service" contained in the Radio
Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union - ITU, within the framework of Laws
252 of 1995 and 873 of 2004 and other applicable regulations.

2.19. Civic territorial radiocommunication system.

Fixed and land mobile radio communication system that provides the full capacity for
communication, operation and provision of special services, designed to satisfy, without profit or
commercialization in any way, cultural or scientific needs. It consists of a radio base station for the
operation of the service and the fixed or mobile terminal equipment used by the users. For the
purposes of this resolution, technically the territorial civic radiocommunication systems are like
the conventional single-channel radiocommunication systems.

2.20. National Citizen Emergency Radiocommunication System.

Radio communication system whose purpose is the safety of Human life and the civic and
humanitarian interest within the national territory, and that operates through the transmission of
voice on radio frequencies and channels on established by the National Spectrum Agency, to carry
out activities of prevention, surveillance, early warning, attention and coordination of
emergencies, relief and assistance, in the form and condition is established in this Resolution.

CHAPTER 2 Citizen Band

ARTICLE 3. Use and purpose of the Citizen Band Radiocommunication System.

The purpose of the Citizen Band Radiocommunication System is to meet needs of a civic,
recreational, educational, cultural, scientific and assistance nature, without political, religious,
commercial or deluded purposes, and its use will have priority in situations of relief and safety of
human life. The Citizen Band Radiocommunication System will be used especially by the citizens to
carry out activities of prevention, surveillance, early warning, attention and coordination of

ARTICLE 4 Frequencies for citizen band.

Citizen band frequencies are those established by the International Telecommunications Union -
UIT, Region II, hosted by the National Spectrum Agency -ANE, in the National Attribution Table of
Frequency Bands - CNABF.
ARTICLE 5. Telecommunication network of the Radiocommunication System of Citizen Band

The different authorized stations of citizen Band make up the telecommunications network of the
Radiocommunication System of citizen band that, through its radioelectric coverage and shared
communication, allows a national coverage and whose main element is the established radio

The operation of Citizen Band stations, as well as the use of the radio channels established in the
National Table of Frequency Band Allocations - CNABF, require authorization and prior permission,
respectively, granted by the Ministry of Technology of the Information and Communications.

ARTICLE 6 Technical characteristics of the facilities.

The installations of the Citizen Band Radiocommunication System must satisfy the following
technical characteristics:

6.1. The installation of the antennas of the fixed stations of the Citizen Band Radiocommunication
System will be subject to the provisions of the Special Administrative Unit of Civil Aeronautics
UAEAC, and those established in Resolution ANE 754 of 2016 or in the norm that modifies it,
repeal or subrogate, without prejudice of the fulfillment of the planning norms and of the planning
of the respective municipality or district

6.2. The installation of the antennas of the fixed stations of the Citizen Band Radiocommunication
System must comply with the chapter 5 of title 2 of part 2 of book 2 of Decree 1078 of 2015, Sole
Regulatory Decree of the ICT sector, and the provisions of the Resolution

754 of 2016 from the National Spectrum Agency - ANE or the standards that modify, repeal or
subrogate. The foregoing, without prejudice to compliance with local or territorial regulations
regarding the location and installation of radio stations used in the provision of
telecommunications services

ARTICLE 7. Call sign

The Ministry of Information Technology and Communications will assign a call sign to each station
of citizen band for identification of the operator, according to the following structure:



CB: International Acronym of the Civic Band

XXX: Field that designates the geographical zone of operation of the station within the national

ZZ ZZZ: Unique number corresponding to the holder of the authorization.

The XXX call signs to be used will be the following



ARTICLE 8. Obligations regarding the purpose of the system. The following are general obligations
of the citizen band operators:

8.1. Establish communication with other operators of Civic Band to procure the civic purpose and
the recreational, educational, cultural, scientific and assistance development of the community.

8.2. Cooperate, through the operation of the Citizen Band Radiocommunication System in
prevention activities, surveillance, early warning, attention and coordination of emergencies.

8.3. Ensure the correct, efficient and rational use of the radio channels established in the National
Table of Attribution of Frequency Bands for the operation of the Citizen Band
Radiocommunication System.

ARTICLE 9. Obligations regarding the form of communication.

The Citizen Band Operators must meet the following requirements for efficient communication of
the Citizen Band Radiocommunication System:

9.1. Issue the call sign that has been assigned to the station at the beginning and at the end of
each communication.

9.2. Use a friendly and courteous language, avoiding communications that threaten morals and
good manners.

9.3. Avoid communications that attempt against national security and Public order

9.4. Refrain from transmitting data or digital signals, music or unintelligible sounds.
9.5. Limit the duration of communications to a maximum of five (5) continuous minutes.

At the end of each transmission, the intervening stations may not make another communication
before at least one (1) minute has elapsed.

In cases of emergency, this provision will not be applied, and the effective and moderate use of
the channels to inform and coordinate the emergency.

9.6. In cases of emergency care, internal and external commotion, disasters or public calamity, the
Operators of Citizen Band must collaborate with the authorities in the transmission of the
communications that they require, in the form that determines it The National Unit for Disaster
Risk Management.

9.7. Cease transmissions in cases of emergency notification, listening to the channel until the
distress traffic ends or your collaboration is required.

9.8. Use the established channels to the citizen band system to carry out activities of prevention,
surveillance, early warning, attention and emergency information.

9.9. Inform the competent authority, through the channels established by the Citizen Band
System, the knowledge of an emergency, avoiding creating situations of anxiety and panic or
unjustified expectations.

In any case, the channels of the Citizen Band System will be of permanent listening at the stations,
to provide the proper surveillance, nomination and coordination of the emergency at the
appropriate time.

9.10. Refrain from transmitting international distress signals, such as "mayday", except when the
station is aboard ships or vehicles of the land, maritime or aeronautical mobile services, That they
are in imminent danger. Save reservation regarding the communications that the operator
captures and that are not addressed to him.

ARTICLE 10. Obligations regarding the operation of the system.

The Citizen Band Operators must comply with the following obligations

10.1. Use only and exclusively the radio channels established for Citizen Band.

10.2. Refrain from using the radio channels established to provide telecommunications services to
third parties.

10.3. Operate personally the citizen band station based in

the common and shared use of radio frequencies among the other operators of citizen band,
without prejudice to allowing its use to authorized personnel, under the strict responsibility of the
Citizen Band Operator.

10.4. Suspend transmissions when they are causing interference to authorized service stations.
The operation cannot be resumed until the interference has been corrected.

10.5. Refrain from testing or adjusting equipment using busy channels.

10.6. Refrain from exchanging communications with unauthorized stations.

10.7. Do not connect to stations other than Citizen Band.

ARTICLE 11 Obligations regarding the inspection of the facilities.

The Citizen Band Operators must allow the access of the officials of the National Spectrum Agency
-ANE, or those who do its times, to the places where there are Citizen Band stations, to carry out
inspections of the facilities. The operator is obliged to facilitate such inspection.

ARTICLE 12. Assignment of call sign.

Any person who intends to be a Citizen Band Operator must obtain the Call Sign from the Ministry
of Technology Information and Communications, as follows:

12.1. The request for assignment of the Call Badge may be presented in person, or online through
the Amateur Band and Associated Radio Amateur Module -RABCA, located on the website of this

12.2. The Call Distinction assignment will be made through Personal and non-transferable card
that must be carried by its owner, which will include the associated citizen band station.

12.3. The card will be exclusively for the use of citizen band and will be valid throughout the
national territory.

ARTICLE 13 Requirements for the assignment of the call sign.

The Distinctive Call for the operation of Citizen Band may be assigned to Colombian or foreign
persons domiciled

In Colombia, prior to completion of the physical format of the application, or via the web through
the Amateur Band and Associations Radio Amateur module - RABCA, attaching the following

13.1. Photocopy of the identification document

13.2. A passport-size photo, on a blue background.

13.3. Consignment voucher in favor of the Information and Communications Technology Fund for
the value of the consideration Designated in article 42 of this Resolution.

ARTICLE 14. Duration and extension of the assignment of the call sign.

The Call Distinction will be assigned for ten (10) years, extendable at the request of the party for
equal periods.

ARTICLE 15 Entities authorized to use radio channels of the citizen band radiocommunication

The entities of the National System of Emergency Telecommunications, as well as the authorities
and competent bodies related to the protection of the environment, the security of the State and
of human life, that coordinate with the municipal mayors the situations of emergencies, disasters
and citizen security, may use the radio channels of the Citizen Band Radiocommunication System.
CHAPTER 3 Granting of permits for the use of radio spectrum in the mobile radio and land fixed
services in the HF, VHF and UHF frequency ranges.

ARTICLE 16. Granting of permits for use of the radio spectrum in the bands HF, VHF and UHF.

The granting of permits for the use of the radio spectrum in both the band HF, VHF and UHF, must
be made in accordance with the specifications indicated in the National Table of Frequency Band
Allocation CNABF and in the regulations associated with these bands.

The allocation process will be done in accordance with the provisions of Law 1341 of 2009, Decree
1078 of 2015, MinTIC Resolutions 2118 of 2011 and 1588 of 2012, and the regulations that modify,
repeal or subrogate them.

ARTICLE 17 Granting of permits for the use of the radioelectric spectrum in the enclosure closed.

Permission will be granted to use the radio spectrum in closed venues, at any frequency of the
bands (VHF 138MHz to 174 MHz) or (UHF 440 MHz to 470 VHF), according to the availability at the
specific site where its operation is requested previous technical study carried out by the ANE.


For the considerations in the operation of closed enclosure, the provisions of paragraph 6.4 of
Article 6 of the MinTIC Resolution shall apply 290 of 2010 (modified by Article 2 of Resolution Min
TIC 2877 of2011), and the rules that modify, repeal or subrogate.

CHAPTER 4 Operation of the national emergency radio communication system citizen

ARTICLE 18. Frequencies of the national system of radiocommunication of citizen emergency.

They are frequencies of the National Radiocommunication System of Citizen Emergency those
established in the National Table of Attribution of Frequency Bands - CNABF.


General Obligations Operators of the National Radiocommunication System Emergency Citizen.

They are general obligations of the operators of the National System of Citizen Emergency
Radiocommunication, the following:

19.1. Ensure the correct, efficient and rational use of the assigned radio channels.

19.2. Use the assigned radio spectrum for the exclusive purpose of Carry out prevention,
surveillance, early warning, security, Relief and attention and coordination of risk and disasters.

19.3. Establish communication with other users and operators of the network of risk and disasters,
to ensure the safeguarding of human life and the humanitarian purpose.

19.4. In cases of emergency care, internal or external commotion, disasters or public calamity, the
operators of the National Emergency Radiocommunication System must collaborate with the
authorities in the transmission of the communications they require, in the manner determined by
the National Management Unit of Disaster Risk.
19.5. Cease transmissions in cases of emergency notification, Listening to the channel until the
distress traffic ends.

ARTICLE 20. Requirements regarding the form of communication.

In accordance with the provisions of the Radio Regulations of the ITU International
Telecommunication Union for distress, urgency or safety communications, users and operators of
the National Emergency Radiocommunication System must meet the following requirements, with
respect to the communication way:

20.1. Use a friendly and courteous language, avoiding communications that threaten morals and
good manners.

20.2. Refrain from transmitting data or digital signals, music or unintelligible sounds.

20.3. Limit the duration of each communication to a maximum of two (2) continuous minutes.

At the end of each transmission, the intervening stations may not make another communication
before at least one (1) minute has elapsed.

In cases of emergency, this provision will not be applied, remaining at the discretion and
responsibility of the operator, effective and moderate. the channels to inform and coordinate the

20.4. Inform operators of the National Emergency Radiocommunication System about emergency
situations they know about, avoiding creating situations of anxiety and panic or unjustified

In any case, the channels will be permanent listening for the other stations.

20.5. Refrain from transmitting international distress signals, such as "mayday", except when the
station is on board ships or vehicles of terrestrial, maritime or aeronautical mobile services, which
are in imminent danger.

ARTICLE 21 General prohibitions.

In accordance with the provisions of the ITU Radio Regulations, for communications for distress
and safety purposes, there is Forbidden to the users and operators of the National System of
Radiocommunication of Emergency Citizen, among other conducts, the following:

21.1. Use radio channels for advertising, religious, political or profit purposes.

21.2. Make useless transmissions.

21.3. Transmit superfluous correspondence signals.

21.4. Transmit false or misleading signals

21.5. Test or adjust equipment using busy channels.

21.6. Use the channels for different purposes for purposes of relief and safety

21.7. Carry out communications that attempt against national security and public order.
ARTICLE 22. Coordination of operators.

The territorial entities, through the Departmental Disaster Risk Management Councils, the Disaster
Risk Management District Councils and the Municipal Councils for Risk Management of Disasters

Disasters, as well as the entities that make them up, will be able to use the channels and
frequencies. radio stations established in the National Emergency Radiocommunication System, in
the manner and conditions set forth in this Resolution, within the scope of its competencies and in
a coordinated manner with each other and with other public entities and competent bodies
related to relief and safety purposes, in order to give and receive information on the state of roads
and highways, environmental conditions and public health, to carry out prevention, surveillance
and early warning activities, to provide humanitarian assistance and other community civic needs
and, in particular, coordinate emergency situations, relief, assistance, security and disasters.


Coordination of the channels of the Radiocommunication System of the Citizen Band with the
National Emergency Radiocommunication System Citizen To carry out communications for distress
and safety purposes, the operators of the National Citizen Emergency Radiocommunication
System will be able to coordinate and integrate the channels of the Radiocommunication of Citizen
Band with the System Network, through radioelectric links in the frequencies established for this
purpose in the National Table of Attribution of Frequencies Bands CNABF.


Coordination of channels for relief and security of the Service of Fans with the National Citizen
Emergency Radiocommunication System.

To efficiently carry out communications for relief and security, the operators of the National
Citizen Emergency Radiocommunication System will be able to coordinate and integrate the aid
channels of the Amateur Service with the System Network, by means of radio links in the
frequencies established for that purpose in the Table National Attribution of Frequency Bands

CHAPTER 5 Civic Territorial Radiocommunication Systems

ARTICLE 25. Purpose of Territorial Civic Radiocommunication Systems.

The Civic Territorial Radiocommunication Systems are established to meet the needs of civic,
recreational, educational, cultural, scientific and assistantship of the territorial entities and their
communities, without private, political, religious, commercial or profit purposes, in the manner
and conditions established in this resolution.

ARTICLE 26. Use of the spectrum.

The use of the frequencies ascribed to the Radiocommunication System Civic Territorial will be
done through the territorial entities, which will be responsible for both the installation and the
operation of the telecommunications network used for this purpose.

Territorial entities may not use the frequencies assigned to the Territorial Civic
Radiocommunication System for purposes other than those indicated in this chapter.

CHAPTER 6 Assignments in the frequency bands for the mobile systems or stations associated with
the television broadcasting service

ARTICLE 27. Permits for the use of the radio spectrum.

Permits for the use of the radio spectrum used by the mobile transmitting systems or stations as a
complementary application of the television broadcasting service shall be granted to operators of
the television broadcasting service authorized by the National Television Authority -ANTV, 1341 of
2009, at the request of the interested party that must be presented in the formats that for the

the Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies, after accrediting the conditions
that allow it to request this type of links and compliance with the following requirements:

27.1. Accredit the information that allows its identification and direction, according to the formats
that are available for that purpose.

27.2. Present the corresponding documentation specifying the technical characteristics of the
network and the requested station, namely:

27.2.1. Frequency and band of operation.

27.2.2. Classes of emission and bandwidth of the channel.

27.2.3. Geographical service area requested.

27.2.4. Location and coordinates of the television broadcasting station and of the main
transmitting station with which the mobile television transmitter system will interact, for the
establishment of the Point-Zone communication.

27.2.5. Technical catalog of the system or mobile television transmitting station, where the
maximum power of operation and the technical characteristics of the antenna or antennas are

The mobile broadcasting systems or stations of the television broadcasting service will operate on
the radio channels of the band

attributed, within the geographical area of authorized service, in a shared and coordinated
manner with other authorized operators of mobile broadcasting systems or stations of the
television broadcasting service.

For the operation in a given municipal service area where the television studios and the main
transmitting station of the operator are located, the Ministry of Information and Communications
Technologies may assign a specific radio channel as a transitory, which in turn If necessary, it must
be shared and coordinated with other authorized operators.
In transmissions outside the authorized municipal service area, the mobile broadcasting systems
or stations of the radio broadcasting service can operate in any of the free channels of the
allocated band, not assigned in a transitory way, through the operation shared and coordinated
with other authorized operators of systems or mobile transmitting stations of the television
broadcasting service.

In such case, the transmission of the visiting operator must be done on a secondary basis, without
causing harmful interference to the authorized operators.


Permits for the assignment of a specific spectrum channel on a transitory basis will be granted for
each municipal service area Requested and will apply for any number of mobile television
transmitters. The service area will generally be a municipal geographic area, unless a special
request is made for a larger area, if it is technically feasible and necessary.


Assignments will be made in the channels established for mobile transmitting stations as a
complementary application of the television broadcasting service indicated in the National
Attribution Table of Frequencies Bands CNABF.

ARTICLE 28 Operation shared title.

The shared and coordinated operation of frequencies in a common service area should consider,
among others, the following considerations techniques, in order to minimize the risk of harmful
interference and of not compromising the performance requirements of the networks and
telecommunications services involved:

28.1. Know and determine the assigned channels with transitory character in the service area, of
interest, as well as the free channels in the band attributed.

28.2. Evaluate and specify the geographical distances of separation between radio equipment and
stations, for possible operation due to diversity of space.

28.3. Evaluate and specify the modulation characteristics of the signals, analog or digital.

28.4. Evaluate and specify the power limits of the transmitter (s), power flux density, and antenna

28.5. Evaluate and specify limitations in occupancy time and work cycle.

28.6. Establish mutual agreements on technical criteria of sharing such as site selection of stations,
physical barriers and ground screening.

28.7. Only Point-Zone communication will be allowed.

PARAGRAPH 1. The concessionaires of spaces of the service of television broadcasting, that wish to
make use of the systems or transmitting mobile stations of television in the conditions stipulated
by the present resolution, must have previous and express permission of the operator authorized
by the Ministry of Information and Communications Technologies. In any case, the person
responsible for the correct operation of the mobile broadcasting systems or stations of the
television broadcasting service will always be the authorized operator.

PARAGRAPH 2. Considerations for the use of channels attributed to mobile transmitting stations,
as a complementary application of the television broadcasting service, correspond to those
established in the Annex of Resolution MINTIC 290 of 2010 as modified by Article 12 of Resolution
MINTIC 2877 of 2011, or in the standards that modify, repeal or subrogate, and corresponds to the
formula of point-to-multipoint links A.3 with the exception of the value of "N" A.3.3.

CHAPTER 7 Miscellaneous Provisions

SECTION 1 Amateur Radio Service

ARTICLE 29 Online procedures related to the radio ham service.

All procedures related to the radio amateur service, between these, the presentation of exams,
applications for licenses, registration of associations of radio amateurs, permission for temporary
use of callsigns, authorization for the installation and operation of relay stations, they can be done
online through the Amateur Band and Associations Amateur Radio Module -RABCA enabled on the
website of the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications, completing the form and
attaching the documents indicated therein.

PARAGRAPH. The procedures related to the service of radio amateurs they are contained in Title 5
of part 2 of book 2 of the Sole Regulatory Decree of the Information and Communications
Technology sector 1078 of 2015.

SECTION 2 Wireless Fixed Access

ARTICLE 30 Transition in wireless fixed access systems.

As of the publication of this resolution in the Official Gazette, there will be no new assignments or
renewals for wireless fixed access foreseen in Resolutions 526 of 2002 and 1715 of 2007 of the
Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications.

Current holders of permits for use of the radio spectrum for fixed wireless access, they may
maintain such titles until the end of their duration.

SECTION3 Assignment in the 1.4 GHz, SHF and EHF bands

ARTICLE 31. Assignment in the 1.4 GHz, SHF and EHF bands.

The allocation of frequencies in the 1.4 GHz, SHF and EHF bands, except IMT, it must be done
according to the specifications indicated in the National Table of Attribution of Frequencies Bands
CNABF and in the regulations associated with these bands.

The allocation process will be done in accordance with the provisions of Law 1341 of Decree 1078
of 2015, Resolutions 2118 of 2011 and 1588 of 2012, and the rules that modify them derogate or

SECTION 4 Bands for free use

ARTICLE 32. Provision of telecommunications services making use of frequency bands for free use.

The provision of telecommunications services making use of the spectrum radio frequency in
freely usable frequency bands established in the regulations issued by the National Spectrum
Agency must comply with each one of the obligations of a telecommunications network and
service provider (PRST).

SECTION 5 Radioelectric spectrum for air navigation

ARTICLE 33. Competition of the AEROCIVIL.

The technical and operational aspects related to the specialized use of the radioelectric spectrum
in air navigation equipment, specifically referring to: Aeronautical Mobile (R), Aeronautical
Navigation, Aeronautical Radio navigation; Aeronautical Mobile; Satellite Aeronautical Mobile;
Radio navigation by Satellite; Aeronautical Mobile (R) Satellite: Mobile Aeronautical Satellite
(Earth-space), will continue to be governed by the norms and procedures established for this
purpose by the Special Administrative Unit of Civil Aeronautics -AEROCIVIL-, especially the
provisions of Decree 260 of 2004 and the regulations that modify, repeal or subrogate, and
without prejudice to the powers of the National Agency of the Spectrum.

ARTICLE 34 Coordination between entities.

The AEROCIVIL, the ANE and the ICT Ministry, in development of the principle of Administrative
coordination, will coordinate the pertinent aspects in relation to the radioelectric spectrum for air
navigation, in the framework of their respective competences.

CHAPTER 8 Permits for the use of the radio spectrum for distress and safety

ARTICLE 35. Granting. Permits for use of the radio spectrum in services Fixed and mobile land for
relief and safety shall be granted to public entities a duly accredited humanitarian organization
whose objective is the security of human life, the security of the State or reasons of humanitarian
interest, of aid to meteorology and to air and maritime navigation.

PARAGRAPH 1. The holder of the permit for distress and safety purposes may not use the assigned
radio spectrum for purposes other than those which are regulated in this chapter.

PARAGRAPH 2. Without prejudice to the regulations for the maritime, aeronautical and
aeronautical radio navigation mobile services, the permit for use of the radioelectric spectrum for
distress and safety purposes will be granted by the Ministry of Information Technologies and
Communications upon request of a party, after complying with the requirements established in
this title, the National Chart of Frequency Bands -CNABF and of more applicable standards.


Independence between the general rating for the provision of networks and services and
permission to use the radioelectric spectrum.

The general authorization for the provision of telecommunications networks and services is
independent and distinct from the permission to use the radio spectrum for relief and safety.
Consequently, the authorization for the establishment or modification of the networks, the
permission to use the radioelectric spectrum, the assignment of frequencies and the scope of
operation thereof, shall be governed by the special and special rules provided for that purpose,
and shall give rise to the payment of the considerations contemplated in the regulations in force.

ARTICLE 37 Duration and extension of the permit.

Permits for the use of the radio spectrum for relief and Security will be granted up to a term of ten
(10) years and may be renewed in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 of Law 1341 2009
or in the regulations that modify it, derogate or subrogate.

ARTICLE 38 Characteristic essential techniques of the network.

The following are considered essential technical characteristics of the telecommunications

network for relief and safety:

38.1. Radio frequencies assigned.

38.2. Type of emission and bandwidth.

38.3. Service area.

38.4. Location of main repeater stations and fixed bases.

38.5. Gain, height and radiation pattern of the antennas.

38.6. Authorized power

38.7. Hours of use.

ARTICLE 39. Modification of the essential technical characteristics of the network for relief and

The installation, use, operation or operation of the telecommunications network, as well as the
modification of the essential technical characteristics of the telecommunications network for relief
and safety requires prior and express authorization from the Ministry of Information and
Communications Technologies.

The Ministry will only assign the radio frequencies required according to the technical feasibility
and the needs of the service.

ARTICLE 40. Content of the requests.

Applications for the granting of permits for the use of the radio spectrum for relief and safety, as
well as for the establishment and / or modification of the corresponding networks, must be
accompanied by the following documents:

40.1. Letter signed by the legal representative or agent of the public entity or the relief agency.

40.2. Certification of existence and legal representation of the relief agency in which it is stated
that its purpose is the safety of human life or reasons of humanitarian interest.
40.3. Document that proves that within the objectives of the corresponding state entity are the
security of the State, the security of human life, or that it fulfills the purposes of humanitarian

40.4. Description of the essential technical characteristics of the network together with the
presentation of the technical project.

Holders of permits for the use of the radio spectrum for distress and safety using fixed or mobile
radio networks, systems or services such as:

Fixed or mobile conventional radio systems, or trunked radio systems, among others, must comply
with the plans and technical requirements established for such networks, systems and services.


The requests of the different levels of the Public Force and of the public entities must be
submitted to the Ministry of Technologies of information and Communications through the
General Command of the Military Forces, of the General Directorate of the National Police, or of
the corresponding addresses authorized by the Ministerial Offices, or of the legal representatives
of the public entities and territorial entities.

CHAPTER 9 Considerations

ARTICLE 41 Subjection to the regime of consideration.

The use of the radio spectrum for the provision of services that This Resolution will result in the
payment of the considerations established in MinTIC resolutions 290 of 2010, 2877 of 2011 and
1824 of 2018, or in the regulations that modify it, repeal or subrogate and in the provisions of
articles 42 and 43 that follow.

PARAGRAPH 1. The frequencies established in the CNABF as free use, as well as those destined for
the operation of the National Emergency Radiocommunication System and the Civic Territorial
Radiocommunication System, will not give rise to the payment of consideration for the use of the
radioelectric spectrum.

PARAGRAPH 2. The frequencies used by the fire-fighting agencies and other operative organs of
the System for the Prevention of Disasters, as well as those used by the National Subsystem of
Volunteers in first response, do not give rise to the payment of considerations for the use of the
radioelectric spectrum in accordance with that established in the article 33 of Law 1575 of 2012
and article 15 of Law 1505 of 2012.

ARTICLE 42. Assignment of the call sign for the citizen band operation.

The assignment of the Call Distinction for the operation of Citizen Band will have a value
equivalent to five (5) minimum legal daily salaries in force for the first assignment; and two (2)
legal daily minimum wages for each extension.

ARTICLE 43. Consideration of the ham radio service.

The considerations for the amateur service are set out in chapter 8 of title 5 of part 2 of book 2 of
Decree 1078 of 2015, or in the regulations that modify it, derogate or subrogate.
CHAPTER 10 Final provisions

ARTICLE 44. Infractions and sanctions in the matter of telecommunications.

The violation of the provisions of this Resolution will generate the penalties provided for in Law
1341 of 2009.

ARTICLE 45. Validity.

This resolution applies as of its publication in the Official Gazette.


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