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Technical Writing

Narrative Report on the mini-demo

Submitted to: Prof. Shangrela G. Sieras

English Department

Submitted by: Junaila S. Baudi

4th year and BS-Agricultural Education

September 25, 2018

Learn and appreciate of what you discover. It was September 17, 2018 when our mini-

demo scheduled. And we discovered and encountered other ideas with our classmates presented.

But, Majority of my classmates did not do their demonstration. Yes I am the one; I was so

disappointed to myself because I did not do my responsibility.   When our mini- demo

started, Hakima was the first presented, by the time Hakima not yet presented she felt nervous

but time goes on she presented very well. Hakima presented entitled “Fermented Fruit Juice”. I

was amazed because I got a new idea about the fermented fruit juice. And followed by, Ms.

Eurika presented the “Life Cycle of the Fish”, Acurin brought fresh tilapia in the class. She also

good but more she read her handouts, and also others presenters/presentors read their handouts.

But I was happy for them because they do their best to present their topic very well.

From that mini-demo, the main highlight is always considered our audience as intelligent

but uninformed, to simplify the complex, to gain other information and many more. Learning to

live together to your classmates is the best thing to do.

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