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Rev. Cub. Fís. vol. 27, No. 2B, 2010, p.

ISSN: 0253-9268. Revisión/review.

Electromagnetic Radiation:
Harmful or beneficial?
A. González Arias

Facultad de Física, Universidad de España;

Abstract. Nowadays there is a ‘boom’ in the study of medical applications of the low frequency
electromagnetic radiation. A great deal of reviews and papers are published, in support and against it.
Most of these articles are not devoted to biological studies of the effects on tissues, but to statistical
studies carried out on persons, with the a priori assumption that the treatment will be always innocuous
or favorable. On the contrary, others blame the radiation coming from high-tension lines and electro
domestic equipment as the cause of all type of harmful effects. ¿Who is right?

Sumario. Actualmente hay un ‘boom’ en el estudio de las aplicaciones médicas de la radiación

ectromagnética de baja frecuencia. Se publican infinidad de artículos y reviews, tanto a favor como en
contra. Van siendo incluso frecuentes los ‘resúmenes de resúmenes’ y la meta-análisis estadística,
compendio de muchos estudios. La mayor parte no se refiere al estudio biológico de los efectos sobre
los tejidos, sino a estudios estadísticos llevados a cabo sobre las personas, asumiendo a priori que el
tratamiento será siempre inocuo o benéfico. Otros, por el contrario, le achacan a la radiación
proveniente de las líneas de alta tensión y equipos electrodomésticos toda clase de efectos perniciosos.
¿Quién tiene razón?

Keywords: Electric and magnetic fields effects, in biological systems 87.50.C-, therapeutic
applications, 87.50.ct

At the moment there is a boom in the study of an ongoing basis, but Pulses of short duration,
Medical applications of electromagnetic radiation with a somewhat higher frequency. Many articles
from Low intensity and low frequency, appear for and against Therapies applied to
understood as such Radiations with frequencies of specific diseases (arthritis, Head, fractures) and
20-100 Hz and intensities Of 20-100 μT. Also summary or review articles Are multiplied, to the
pulsed fields are used, Which are not applied on point practically Impossible to review them all.
The number of publications Is such that there are “A substantial amount of evidence indicates That
already even 'summaries of Summaries'. 1 the effects of electromagnetic fields on the Cell
A quick review shows that most of the biochemistry ... can be related to the density Of
Publications is not devoted to the study of tissues induced currents, with most of the effects
and Biological, biochemical or biophysical Occurring at levels in excess of 10 mA / m2 ...
evaluation of the effects Of the radiation, but these Effects occur at levels that exceed the
statistical studies are carried out In order to endogenous currents Normally present in living
establish whether the procedure will be Or not tissues. From this perspective, it is extremely
beneficial for a particular ailment. The results difficult to interpret The results of recent
Are very dissimilar: sometimes no benefit is epidemiological studies Which report a
reported any; In others the benefit is within the correlation between the incidence of Cancer and
limits of The reliability of applied statistics, which exposure to magnetic fields of frequency 50-60 Hz
makes them Very doubtful, and only in a few and extremely low flow densities. The levels of
reports of applications Very specific effects current density induced by the exposure Are, in
appear clearly differentiated With the control almost all cases, significantly Less than the levels
groups. Other summaries report that many of that cause disturbances Measurements in the
these reports Statistics do not include control laboratory on the Biological”.7
groups (and thus Its reliability is null because of
the placebo effect). In this specific summary, the Skeptics are not lacking either. An article by S.
conclusion was More studies', something that is Solomon, Doctor of the Department of Neurology
repeated enough in many Articles.2 of Montefiore Medical Center of New York, after
a very Exhaustive analysis of all the factors
The number of articles where they are involved in Pain concludes that improvement in
summarized and compared Different therapies is pain or other symptoms Is often falsely attributed
actually colossal. The summary Of Summaries on to an alleged therapy, When in fact the referral
Various Treatments for Osteoarthritis In the knee takes place because The disease has continued its
already mentioned in [1] (23 in total), Reports normal course.8 Of course, there are also non-
only two results concerning therapies based summaries In statistics, but in biochemical
Electromagnetic - indeed, contradictory 3,4, for To and biophysical studies Complex at the cellular
come to the conclusion, after a broad discussion, level. A research group of The Technical
That it is much better to do exercises. university of Dresden has published A very
One of the most widespread applications of comprehensive summary of 86 pages (15 edicated
therapies Electromagnetic is related to the to listing about 400 references) that includes The
fractures of the Long bones A meta-analysis of 11 action of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic
statistical articles Selected between 1980 and fields At the cellular level. The great diversity of
2008 with rigorous criteria Of reliability, themes Treated makes it virtually impossible to
concluded that: reach a General conclusion.9 In statistical studies,
since there are no effects Undesirable
“Although Electromagnetic stimulation has been immediately, it is customary to assume that the
evaluated In multiple randomized trials, current Procedure will not be detrimental to the patient.
evidence Little justification for the relatively high But Nobody guarantees that in the long run it
Clinical use ... in the repair of fractures”.5 could be. Examples Very specific in history, and it
is appropriate to recall What happened with the x-
Another summary 2009 on the cardiovascular rays in its beginnings, Where there were no
effects of The radiation claims that attempts to immediate damages to the After application.
reproduce both Epidemiological studies such as
laboratory Have been generally unsuccessful. It is X-rays and female beauty
concluded that The misleading results reported to
date require Clarification with deeper studies.6 Soon after the first equipment to appear
Although most of these reports refer to Beneficial Radiographs, emerged in the United States.
effects on people, there are They say the opposite, Beauty salons That used the x-rays to depilate the
and attribute harmful effects to Low-frequency hairs in different Parts of the body, mainly young
radiation, whatever its intensity (For example, that women. The procedure was promoted, among
from Electrical). However a summary published others, by Albert C. Geyser, who presented
in 1992 Expresses: himself with the Following attributes (depending
on the original in English): „Medical Director of
the Tricho System, Formerly, Professor of been seriously injured ... It is Noted that in each
Physiological Therapy and Chief of Clinic at case an irritation appeared from the Of the third
Fordham University, Lecturer and Chief of or fourth session and that, nevertheless, The
Electro and Roentgenray Clinic at Cornell application of treatments. We can not leave To
College, Lecturer and Chief of the Electro and marvel at the stupidity of the operators and Of the
Radio Therapy Clinic at the New York Polyclinic, persistence and ignorance of the victims. Any
etc.‟ In short, as if to believe on foot Everything Measure to protect from their own foolishness the
he said. Women looking to improve their appearance is
recommended. It is amazing that in many
communities Medical practice minutes only
include the prescription Medications and allow
any physiotherapist to Apply their practices
without permission or interference, with a Total
disregard for the potential dangers of his
behavior. "

What is even more surprising is that situations

Similar situations are occurring today, not with X-
rays, but with other rocedures that have not been
Studied enough. Such procedures promise A
maximum of benefits with a minimum of
annoyances, Although in reality its effectiveness
has not been demonstrated, and In the long run
they could be harmful to the patient. The Situation
Figure 1. The Tricho system to remove facial hair is much worse when practitioners see themselves
throughRadiation. Stimulated by indifference, tolerance, and
sometimes the Official support. Once introduced,
By 1925 they existed in the USA. Around 75 the alleged treatments Beneficial are very difficult
Tricho machines designed to eliminate the to eradicate. Serve Example, the fact that, despite
annoying and Undesirable hairs on the cheeks and the fact that the procedure Of Tricho could lead to
upper lip of Ladies and young ladies - and perhaps death, reports Of damaged victims appeared in
some of the other dissatisfied Knight (figure 1). magazines Until about 15 years later, well into the
However, after a few Few years it was found that decade. Of 1940.
a large single dose of radiation, Or many small
doses repeated over long periods Of time, could Low-frequency radiation
cause serious damage to the tissues Without being
noticed immediately, creating lesions that They Treatment with low-frequency radiation between
came to light months or years later. The lesions 20 and 100 Hz, reputed by some as very new,
were manifested Such as changes in pigmentation, Actually, it is not. Figure 2 shows a patient During
keratosis, Ulcers and the appearance of a Theronoid application, produced in the USA
carcinomas leading to death. From 1928. It consisted of a toroidal coil
In 1930 Dr. Henry H. Hazen published an article Conductor wire about 50 cm in diameter With a
titled Damage as a result of irradiation in the box attached and two controls: one of off/On, and
Beauty Salons' where the following is written: another high / low to regulate the intensity.
"About 5 years ago a certain number of Beauty in Designed for home applications, the patient
several cities installed Roentgen machines For the Connected to the current housing to self-apply
purpose of treating superficial hair ... (Also) Daily treatments lasting 3 to 5 minutes. East Was
treatments were applied for other conditions ... not the first device with these characteristics,
In my list there is a patient who claimed Having Since previously similar patents had been
been treated for acne, and another for freckles. " 10 patented,To be used both in people and animals,
In your The vast majority were women between Even on horses (for the whole horse, standing on
the ages of 18 and 30 years. Dr. Hazen 4 legs,Figure 3).
summarizes this later: "In several Many reports of
damage to the Skin diseases caused by Roentgen
ray treatments in The salons of beauty ... In this
series of 10 cases no Less than 7 women have
A bone subjected to mechanical stress Can also
generate potential differences due to piezoelectric.
So it is not absurd to suppose That the application
of an adequate electric current Low intensity
could affect tissues of different Ways.

In our view, the main problem lies in Which is

almost never supposed to have harmful effects.
zThe majority of researchers assume input Which,
if there is any effect, will be beneficial, without
taking Due precautions by testing with tissues
and animals. The electric current can be applied
directly, Through contacts on the skin, or
indirectly By means of a low frequency
electromagnetic field Which generates electric
fields and currents in the Inside the body. The
right word is important; Tissues respond in very
different ways to different Electrical signals,
depending on both the particular tissue
Considered as the applied signal.8 Although there
Figure 2. The Theronoid of 1928, forbidden in
are many other applications reported, the More
studied is the one related to bone fractures. Yes
Well the mechanism is not fully understood, it is
known That the radiation stimulates the biological
processes To the formation of the bone and to the
assimilation of implants. It is usual to use
frequencies between 20 and 100 Hz with very
small intensities, between 0.5 and 8 MT, and
duration of up to 30 minutes. The treatment Can
be extended for days or months

But along with animal testing reports, Many are

applied to people, despite the fact that That it has
not been fully demonstrated that treatments Are
always beneficial, and that there are researchers
Who claim that bone regeneration could occur
Undesirably. A very well documented article,
Figure 2. The Theronoid of 1928, forbidden in Based on animal testing, published in 2003,
1933. concludes what
"... without knowing precisely the mechanism
Cellular response associated with tissue response
to these interventions, It would be difficult and
As almost always happens with these 'wonderful' ineffective to implement Appropriate therapy
therapies, The promoters claimed that the device according to clinical prescription Needs. He
could Cure almost any ailment, from constipation further points out that "it requires a In this sense
To paralysis. In 1933 the Federal Trade to achieve sufficiency in the application clinic".
Commission Of the USA. Banned Theronoid And at the end of the publication, in an exchange
advertising As a therapeutic device, for not With the referees, the authors themselves warn:
finding that Provide any benefit to persons "... to use this technology indiscriminately
(without Prescription and proper supervision)
Electrical activity is present in the human body may cause Undesirable side effects, and even
at all times. It is possible to measure the potentials harmful.
caused By the currents in the heart through the
electrocardiogram, Or in the brain by the Low-frequency electromagnetic radiation does not
Only applies to bones. Also in the head, for spermatozoa if the radiation is applied
Supposedly to calm the pains or the anxiety, or in Indiscriminate The levels of induced current
Any other part of the body for various purposes. density Exposure to high voltage lines and other
Exist Commercial equipment in which you can Sources in the industry and residential areas are,
enter the Torso of a person (figure 4). in almost All cases, well below the measurable
However, a fairly extensive report from the levelsIn the laboratory that cause disturbances on
University Washington in 2004, signed by H. Lai Biological functions. This result tends to Any
and N.P. Singh12 reports that "... rats exposed to possible influence of residential factors In the
fields Sinusoidal 60 Hz for two hours, at 0.1-0.5 health of people.
mT, showed increased chain breakage Simple and
double-stranded DNA in brain cells. " References
This result should indicate to the
magnetotherapists Contemporaries do not apply Haavardsholm, I. Holm, K. B Hagen, Physical
indiscriminately fields Of low frequency near the therapy interventions for patients with
head of the patients, at the Less until you have osteoarthritis of the knee: An overview
more information on the subject. Yes The effect of systematic reviews, Physical Therapy vol. 88
would also occur in another type of cells Which is Number
very likely - when exposing the ovaries or 1, January (2008).
testicles These radiations could damage the DNA 2. Vincent W., F. Andrasik and R. Sherman,
of eggs And sperm. Since they are unicellular Headache treatment with pulsing electromagnetic
entities, Would increase the likelihood that the fields: A literature review, Appl. Psychophysiol.
patient To produce children with some Biofeedback 32:191–207 (2007)
abnormality, Which, of course, will not be known 3. McCarthy CJ, Callaghan MJ, Oldham JA.
immediately. Pulsed electromagnetic energy treatment offers no
clinical benefit in reducing the pain of knee
osteoarthritis: A systematic review.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 7:51, (2006)
4. Hulme JM, Robinson VA, de Bie RA, et al.
Electromagnetic fields for the treatment of
osteoarthritis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
(1):CD003523, (2002)
5. Mollon B., V.da Silva, J. W. Busse, T. A.
Einhorn and M.Bhandari, Electrical stimulation
for long-bone fracturehealing: A meta-analysis of
randomized controlled trials, J Bone Joint Surg
Am.; 90: 2322-2330 (2008).
6. McNamee D.A., A.G. Legros, D.R. Krewski,
Gerald Wisenberg, Frank S. Prato and Alex W.
Figure 4. Modern Commercial Equipment for Thomas, A literature review: the cardiovascular
Low Radiations frequency. effects of exposure to extremely low frequency
electromagnetic fields; Internat. Archives of
Occupational and Environmental Health, vol. 82:
CONCLUSIONS 919-1041 (2009)
7. Tenford T.S. e, Biological Interactions and
In spite of the huge amount of publications and Potential Health Effects of Extremely-Low–
abstracts About the effects of electromagnetic Frequency Magnetic Fields From Power Lines
radiation In therapies of various types, the and other Common Sources. Annu. Rev.
common denominator Of the findings appear to be Publ. Health 13:173 (1992)
'further studies are needed'. It is recognized the 8. Solomon S., A Review of Mechanisms of
stimulation of the growth of The fractures as Response to Pain Therapy: Why Voodoo Works;
something proven, but there are alerts Indicating Headache, vol. 42:656-
that bone regeneration could occur Undesirably. 662 (2002)
Others feel that the benefits Do not justify their 9. Funk R.H.W, T. Monsees and N Ozkucur,
relatively high clinical use in some places. Electromagnetic effects – From cell biology to
Reports on chain damage Of DNA from rats medicine, Progress in Histochemistry and
suggest possible involvement in ova And Cytochemistry 43, 177–264, (2009)
10. H.H. Hazen, Injuries Resulting from and remodelling, European Cells and Materials,
Irradiation in Beauty Shops, American Journal of vol. 6, p.72-85, (2003).
Roentgenology and Radium Therapy vol. 23, 12. H. Lai and N.P. Singh, Environmental
No.4, 409-412 (1930). Magnetic-Field– Induced DNA Strand Breaks in
11. E.Y.S. Chao and N. Inoue, Biophysical Brain Cells of the Rat, Health Perspectives, 112,
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