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Republic of the Philippines



CRIMINOLIGISTS Licensure Examination
Sunday, December 10, 2017 08:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark
only the answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use
pencil no. 1 only.


1. In consonance with the requirements of honor and integrity in the PNP, all members must have the moral courage to sacrifice self-
interest in keeping with the time-honored principle of ______.
a. Police Lifestyle b. Setting Example
c. Delicadeza d. Police Patronage
2. Uniformed PNP members commit themselves to the democratic way of life and values and maintain the principle of public
accountability. They shall at all times uphold the Constitution and be loyal to our country, people and organization above loyalty to
any person or organization.
a. Commitment to Public Interest c. Commitment to Democracy
b. Non-Solicitation of Patronage d. Non-Partisanship
3. It is otherwise known as the decline in criminal activities together with time.
a. Birth Cohort c . Aging out phenomenon
b. Observation d. Non participant observation
4. It consists of the Husband and Wife (Father & Mother).
a) Conjugal Family
b) Nuclear Family
c) Extended Family
d) Illegitimate Family
5. It consists of father, mother and their child/children.
a) Conjugal Family
b) Nuclear Family
c) Extended Family
d) Illegitimate Family
6. Family together with other relatives such as other ascendants and descendants.
a) Conjugal Family
b) Nuclear Family
c) Extended Family
d) Illegitimate Family
7. Child whose born inside the marriage.
a) Legitimate
b) Illegitimate
c) Legitimated
d) Adopted
8. Child whose born outside the marriage.
a) Legitimate
b) Illegitimate
c) Legitimated
d) Adopted
9. Child whose illegitimate child raise to the status of a legitimate child by subsequent marriage of his parents.
a) Legitimate
b) Illegitimate
c) Legitimated
d) Adopted
10. Child whose a person who is raise to the status of legitimacy through adoption (juridical act).
a) Legitimate
b) Illegitimate
c) Legitimated
d) Adopted
11. Refers is one who is without a parent, guardian or custodian; or one who’s parents or guardian or other custodian for good cause
desires to be relieved of his care and custody; and is dependent upon the public for support.
a) Dependent child

b) Abandoned child
c) Neglected child
d) Illegitimate Child
12. Refers one who has no proper parental are or guardianship, or whose parents or guardians have deserted him for a period of at
least six continuous months. (SEE under new law it is changed to at least three (3) continuous month)
a) Dependent child
b) Abandoned child
c) Neglected child
d) Illegitimate Child
13. Basic institution of society.
a. Community
b. Church
c. School
d. Family
14. This factor in juvenile delinquency problem covers the place where the child grows up, the people around him, the conditions both
physical, emotional, spiritual, and the mental set-up of those close to the child.
a. home b. family c. school d. environment
15. Refers to one whose basic needs have been deliberately unattended or inadequately attended. Neglect may occur in two ways.
a) Dependent child
b) Abandoned child
c) Neglected child
d) Illegitimate Child

16. Children found among places an armed conflict is taking place are declared as _____ where the State and all sectors are directed to
settle and resolve problems of peace in order to promote the welfare of the said children.
a. zones of peace b. victims of war c. juveniles d. innocent victims
17. All the statements are correct EXCEPT:
a. Every police officer should be worthy of the public’s high trust by doing his job on selective basis.
b. The policeman should always have interest of the public above self-interest.
c. It is a must among police officers that they should be courteous, fair and quick to assist individuals in finding solution to a given
police problem.
d. The police should make the public kept informed on regulation and policies of the force and the reasons for it’s adoption and
18. A doctrine that treats juvenile offenders not violators of the law but victims of parental neglect where the state extend to them the
parental care that they need, thus the State becomes the Father.
a. Substitute Parental Authority c. Parens Ad Litem
b. Parens Patriae d. Locos Parentis
19. All the PNP members must have the moral courage to sacrifice self-interest in keeping with the time honored principle of ________.
a. Delicadeza b. Amor Propio c. Pakikisama d. Utang na loob.
20. Criminal____ the study of milieu in relation to criminality:
a. psychiatry b. psychology c. physical anthropology d. epidiomology
21. This assumes that all our actions are calculated in accordance with their likelihood of bringing pleasure and pain:
a. law of action b. utilitarianism c. classical d. neo-classical
22. It is a classification of penalty where the sentence is six months and one day to six years?
a. prison mayor
b. arresto mayor
c. prison correctional
d. reclusion temporal
23. Is that branch of criminal justice system charged with the custody, supervision and rehabilitation of a convicted offender.
a. Penology b. Corrections c. Probation d. Criminology
24. It is a security facility usually operated by the police stations, for the temporary detention of persons held for investigation or awaiting
preliminary investigation before the prosecutor.
a. lock-up jail
b. work houses, jail farms or camp
c. ordinary jail
d. prison
25. _____ theory states that obedience to the norms of the lower class culture puts people in conflict with the norms of the dominant
a. social disorganization c. culture conflict
b. differential association d. strain
26. What crimes according to the time or period of the commission are those which are committed only when the circumstances or
situation is conducive to its commission for instance, committing theft in a crowded place.
A. Seasonal Crime C. Situational Crimes
B. Instant Crime D. Continuing Crimes
27. Who stated that crime is normal in a society?
A. Cesare Beccaria C. Emile Durkheim
B. Cesare Lombroso D. Enrico Ferri
28. Charles Goring studied:
a. Phrenology
b. Physiognomy
c. Physiology
d. Somatotype
29. The Cartographic School of Criminology used________to come up with some vital information related to crime commission.
a. Drawings

b. Illustration
c. Statistics
d. Sketches
30. Ricky always worried when his brother Jay goes home late at night manifests what particular human interaction?
a. Parent ego stage c. Child ego stage
b. Adult ego stage d. None
31. Chaos means?
a. Stability c. Unstable
b. Anger d. Great confusion
32. In Social Disorganization Theory, social institution such as the family, the school and__________can no longer performed their
stated functions which leads to higher crime rates.
a. Commercial Establishment c. The Police
b. The Church d. The Community
33. These are strong influential factors in the commission of crime; age, sex, population composition, season and ________
a. Family c. Peers
b. Environment d. Poverty
34. In 1947, one of the founding scholars of American Criminology defined criminology as the body of knowledge regarding crime
as social phenomenon which includes within it’s scope the process of making laws, of breaking laws, and of reacting toward the
breaking of laws. Who was he?
a. Edwin Sutherland c. Raffaele Garofalo
b. Cesare Lombroso d. Jeremy Bentham

35. The least punishment for any infraction of the rules and regulation of the penitentiary is:
A. Reprimand
B. Reduce diet
C. Flogging
D. All of the above
36. The following are the justifications of punishment, EXCEPT
A. Retribution C. deterrence
B. Happiness D. expiration or atonement
37. This kind of punishment will be given to the offender by showing to others what would happen to them if they have committed
the heinous crime.
A. Protection C. Deterrence
B. Lethal injection D. Stoning
38. Punishing a criminal to serve as example to others is a theory of ________.
A. Self-defense C. Social defense
B. Exemplary D. Equality
39. Nobody can assume the suffering for a crime committed by others.
A. Justice C. Personal
B. Legal D. Certain
40. Those who have been once on probation under the Probation Law:
A. are qualified to apply for probation
B. are disqualified to apply for probation
C. may be granted for another probation
D. should be confined in prison
41. Who among the following is the provincial prisoner?
A. A prisoner serving a term below six (6) years
B. A prisoner serving a term of six (6) years and up
C. A prisoner serving a term of six (6) months and one (1) day to three (3) years
D. A prisoner serving a term of three (3) years and one (1) day up
42. What crimes apparently have no complaining victims such as gambling, prostitution and
A. Complex Crime C. Organized crimes
B. Blue Collar crimes D. Victimless crimes
43. In strikes, the police and military line should be at least _____ meters away from the picket line.
44. The 1987 Philippine Constitution mandated the creation of the Philippine National Police, What provision of the fundamental law
prescribed that it would assume an identity to CIVILIAN in CHARACTER and NATIONAL in SCOPE.
a. Article VI Section XVI
b. Article III Section IV
c. Article III Section V
d. Article XVI Section VI
45. It is the normative science of the conduct of human being living in a society?
a. Norms
b. Behavior
c. Ethics
d. Virtue
46. Rules of conduct applied to law enforcement?
a. Rules of Engagement

b. Code of Police Ethics
c. Police Ethics
d. All of the above
47. Jose after an argument with his wife went to a bar to talk to his friends uses what compromise action?
a. Sublimation
b. Over Compensation
c. Substitution
d. Isolation
48. Person with anti-social personality is known as:
a. Psychotic
b. Psychopath
c. Neurotic
d. Complex
49. First step hostage taking crisis?
a. Crowd control
b. Assault
c. Negotiation
d. Administer first aid
50. Last option in hostage taking incident?
a. Assault
b. Giving into demands
c. Negotiation
d. Dispersal

51. A policeman can be most effective if:

a. He does not take bribes
b. Observes unusual things
c. Stands in conspicuous places
d. Review all assignment periodically
52. What do we call a child whose basic needs have been deliberately unattended?
a. Abandoned
b. Dependent
c. Neglected
d. All of the foregoing
53. A doctor violated law, what should the officer do in case the physician informs him that he is on his way to administer emergency
a. Follow the physician
b. Forget the citation
c. Arrest the driver
d. Take the address of both the physician and patient and allow him to continue
54. In hostage taking incidents, there should be how many number of negotiator?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
55. Criminal behavior is learned through interaction with other person in a process of __________ which can be learned by
participation with criminally inclined people.
a. Contact
b. Association
c. Communication
d. Socialization

56. He founded Sociology and applied scientific method in the study of society, which to him passes through stages divided on the
basis of how people try to understand it, leading them to adopt a rational scientific understanding of the world. Comte called this the
positive stage and those who followed his writings were called.
A. Positivism C. Sociologists
B. Positivists D. Scientists
57. This theory stated that the punishment should fit the crime and not the criminal.
a. Classical Theory c. Utilitarianism
b. Neoclassical School d. Positivist School of Criminology
58. It is the part of personality that contains powerful urges and drives for gratification and satisfaction.
a. Alter Ego b. Superego c. Ego d. Id
59. Cesare Lombroso, In his Positivist Theory referred to a particular type of offenders considered to be lower form of life nearer in
appearance to their ape-like ancestors, than the non-criminals both in character and disposition differentiated by various atavistic
stigmata. This particular type of criminals are referred to as:
a. Criminoloids c. Born Criminal types
b. Insane Criminals d. Habitual Criminals
60.In Classical Criminology it was explained that man’s intelligence and rationality controls human behavior and that before they
commit any crime they try to determine the amount of pain they will suffer, which represents the ______ for the crime they have
a. Rewards b. Advantage c. Punishment d. Behavior
61. Which of the following should be a probationer not do?
A. Make periodic report
B. Go and play in the gambling den

C. Work regularly to support family
D. Stay away from bad associates.
62. This refers to an individual’s physical features that resemble those of apes and are said to be factors as to whether a person will
become a criminal or not.
A. Atavistic stigmata C. Ape-like peculiarities
B. Ape-Like features D. Physical Deviation
63. White collar crime coined by whom?
A. Edwin Sutherland C. Marvin Wolfgang
B. Emile Durkheim D. Cessare Lombroso
64. An alternative to incarceration and allows convicted persons to remain at large under varying degrees of restriction and
supervision and certain conditions.
A. probation C. work release
B. parole D. halfway houses
65. Prisoners whose sentences are more than three years to death penalty.
A. municipal prisoners C. provincial prisoners
B. city prisoners D. insular prisoners
66. The attempt to prevent future crimes through fear of punishment.
A. retribution C. deterrence
B. incapacitation D. rehabilitation
67. These are the factors considered in diversification, EXCEPT;
A. Age of offenders C. Mother of offender
B. Sex of offenders D. Medical condition

68. His interest in socialism led him to recognize the importance of social, economic, and political factors and that society needed
protection and mal developments of it’s parts which is related to the behavior of the offender
a. Sigmund Freud c. Enrico Ferri
b. Emile Durkheim d. Raffaele Garofalo
69. This theory is also known as the Labeling Theory
A. Social reaction C. Cultural Deviance
B. Social Control D. Strain
70. It plays a unique role in the moral and spiritual regeneration of man
A. vocation C. work
B. education D. religion
71. It refers to the study of the external formation of the skull that indicates the confrontation of the brain and the development and
mal development of it’s parts which is related to the behavior of the offender
a. Charles Goring c. Phrenology
b. Physiognomy d. William Sheldon

72. Perla, a victim of rape, was able to identify her assailant, a neighbor, before she dies on the way to the hospital where she was
declared dead on arrival, this crime is called.
a. complex crime c. instant crime
b. simple crime d. situational crime
73. These are offenses committed by people who are highly respected belonging to the upper socio-economic class and results to the
commission of the crime in line with their profession.
a. white-collar crime c. public order crime
b. blue-collar crime d. organized crime
74. It is a characteristic of criminal law which states that criminal laws are enforceable only within the Philippines.
A. Prospectivity C. Territoriality
B. Generality D. Uniform
75. It is the most essential part of the definition of the criminal law:
A. Elements C. Degree of evidence
B. Penalty D. Motive
76. During the prehistoric times, there was no formal criminal justice system, and crime where punished based on:
A. Formal Laws C. Conscience
B. Customs D. The Bible
77. Criminal whose actions arise from intra-psychic conflict between social and anti-social components of his personality.
A. Neurotic C. Criminaloids
B. Abnormal D. Psychotic
78. The term criminology was originally derived from Italian word __________.
A. Criminologie C. Criminologie
B. Criminologia D. Crimienologia
79. Which of the following statement best describes the latin maxim “ There is no crime where there is no law punishing it “.
A. Nullum Crimen nulla poena sine lege
B. Dura lex sed lex (The law maybe harsh but it is the law)
C. Ignorantia legis nominem excusat ( Ignorance of the Law excuses no one from compliance therewith)
D. Actus me invitus factus non est meus actus. ( An act done by me against my will is not my act).
80. This theory is also known as the Labeling Theory
A. Social reaction C. Cultural Deviance
B. Social Control D. Strain
81. According to the principle, the punishment should be the same as the harm inflicted on the victim.
Therefore, a man who broke the hipbone of another during the fight will be punished by also breaking his hipbone.
A. Law of talion C. Utilitarianism
B. Classical D. Craniology
82. It is the study that deals with the relationship between the skull and human behavior.

A. Physiognomy C. Phrenology
B. Physiology D. Craniology
83. This school of thought in criminology states that although individuals have free will, there are other factors affects the exercise of
their free will, which cause them to commit crimes.
A. Neo-Classical C. Utilitarianism
B. Classical D. Positivist
84. He said that individuals are like human calculators. Before a person commits a crime, he first analyzes whether the satisfaction he
would gain is greater than the possible negative effect he would have to suffer it the gets caught doing the crime.
A. Cesare Beccaria C. Edwin Sutherland
B. Cesare Lombroso D. Jeremy Bentham
85. Who stated that crime is normal in a society?
A. Cesate Beccaria C. Emile Durkheim
B. Cesare Lombroso D. Enrico Ferri
86. Who is the founder of the cartographic school of criminology?
A. Adolphe Quetelet C. Enrico Ferri
B. Michael Guerry D. Cesare Beccaria
87. He founded Sociology and applied scientific method in the study of society, which to him passes through stages divided on the
basis of how people try to understand it, leading them to adopt a rational scientific understanding of the world. Comte called this the
positive stage and those who followed his writings were called.
A. Positivism C. Sociologists
B. Positivists D. Scientists
88. In the book “On Crime and Punishment”, what was said to be the most effective means of controlling crime?
A. Death Penalty C. Certainty of Punishment
B. Monetary Fine D. Life Imprisonment
89. This Theory contested the findings of Beccaria’s Free Will Study, stating that its absence among mentally retardate persons or
those with some psychological imbalances and personality disorders or physical disabilities, could likewise lead to violation of laws
thereby citing said theory as one of crime causation.
A. Classical Criminology C. Neoclassical Criminology
B. Positivist Criminology D. Social Structure Theory
90. Having spent half of his life in the study of the causes of crime and true to his declaration to his lifetime works, upon his death he
willed his brain and body to the Institute of Anatomy at the University of Turin in Italy to be further studied. To this, he was named
the Father of Modern and Empirical Criminology.
A. Cesare Beccaria C. Edwin Sutherland
B. Cesare Lombroso D. Jeremy Bentham
91. Culture Conflict Theory was thorough studied by ______ wherein he concluded that the main difference between a criminal and a
non-criminal is that each is responding to the different sets of conduct norms.
A. Emile Durkheim C. Andre Michael Guerry
B. Thorsten Sellin D. Abraham Maslow
92. This school of thought in criminology states that although individuals have self-rule, there are others
factors that affect the exercise that affect the exercise of their autonomy, which cause them commit
A. Neo-Classical C. Utilitarianism
B. Classical D. Positivists
93. This refers to an individual’s physical features that resemble those of apes and are said to be factors as to whether a person will
become a criminal or not.
A. Atavistic stigmata C. Ape-like peculiarities
B. Ape-Like features D. Physical Deviation
94. Spontaneous remission is also known as :
A. Early round C. Early onset
B. Aging-out D. Late Bloomer
95. White collar crime coined by whom?
A. Edwin Sutherland C. Marvin Wolfgang
B. Emile Durkheim D. Cessare Lombroso
96. Pedro Penduco, a victim of robbery, was able to identify his assailant, a neighbor, before he dies on the way to the hospital where
he was declared dead on arrival. The crime is called
A. Complex crime C. Instant Crime
B. Simple Crime D. Situational Crime
97. Ms. Mikee Ketong is a skilled women in making deception through verbal communication. She had committed estafa to several
persons through illegal recruitment. What crime according to result did she committed?
A. Acquisitive crime C. Instant Crime
B. Extinctive crime D. Situational Crime
98. It refers to the study of the role of the victim in the commission of the crime.
A. Criminal Victim C. Criminal Psychiatry
B. Criminal Enthomology D. Victimology
99. It is the scientific study of human behavior or man’s external manifestation in relation to criminality.
A. Epidiomology C. Criminal Psychiatry
B. Criminal psychology D. Physical Anthropology
100. A crime can be classified according to its stages of commission. What is committed when the offender merely commences the
execution of an offense by overt act but which nevertheless did not perform all acts of execution which would produce the felony by
reason of some cause other that his own spontaneous desistance?
A. Attempted Crime C. Consummated Crime
B. Frustrated Crime D. Complex Crime

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