CIMA BFS Certificate

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The CIMA Business Flight Simulator Certificate not only explains the rules of

business in an enjoyable way, it also shows you how to succeed in making a

profit and generating cash - and why these goals are so different.

What makes the CIMA Business Flight How can I assess the suitability of the CIMA
Simulation (BFS) Certificate different? Business Flight Simulation Certificate for my
Imagine a world in which trainee pilots take off in a single-seater own business?
aircraft after receiving only classroom instruction on how to fly. Executives who want to experience the BFS prior to introducing
That was the situation in World War I, but the invention of the it into their companies are invited to attend a Top Team Seminar.
flight simulator ten years later fundamentally changed the way These seminars take place on a regular basis throughout the year
in which pilots were taught. We have used the same techniques with representatives from different companies and job functions.
in developing the CIMA Business Flight Simulation Certificate,
Up to date details of seminar dates and locations are provided in
using an advanced learning technique from Metapraxis that can
the events section of the website:
compress some of the lessons of a business lifetime into just a
few weeks. You can launch and run your own virtual business and
if it fails, you can start again without having lost any real money. What is the typical period of study?
How can I study for the CIMA Business Flight
Simulation Certificate?
The CIMA BFS Certificate material is accessed over the internet,
Whilst there is no set time limit for taking the certificate,
most people will be able to complete the part 1 and part 2
assessments successfully within one to three months. Where
CIMA Business Flight
business timetables demand it, the course can be delivered and
and can be supported by virtual or face-to-face group facilitation.
Once registered you can visit the simulator at your leisure and
use the models and self-testing mechanism to support your
the assessment taken in as little as a week.

What does it cost to enrol?

Simulation Certificate
development. You can even compete against colleagues in an The cost of the certificate depends upon your method of
online CIMA BFS challenge. study and ranges between £600 and £950 +VAT for each part.
The award of CIMA BFS Certificate occurs after successful Discounts are available if both parts of the course are purchased CIMA’s new Business Flight Simulation Certificate uses a revolutionary
completion of a multiple choice computer-based assessment for together and if you are a member of CIMA or BCS. Payment computerised training technique to deliver an intuitive understanding
each part of the course. can be made by debit or credit card or by cheque. Separate cost
information is available for companies that wish to subscribe on of how business really works within a matter of weeks.
What coursework is involved? behalf of a group of their employees. Contact our consultants on
Coursework for the CIMA BFS Certificate consists of two parts: T. 020 8541 2743 for more information.
Part 1 - A dream of future wealth helps you to build an
How can I register?
intuitive understanding of the rules of business accounting. By
You can register by visiting the website, and clicking on
mastering these essentials you will see the workings of the profit
and loss account, balance sheet and cash flow and their crucial
Top Team Seminar delegate comments:
Part 2 - The hidden art of management builds upon this ‘It would help our employees add value to our clients from day
foundation and introduces key business decisions such as how one of their professional careers.’
to optimise pricing, advertising and quality. This leads on to a
‘Our people would get to see the whole picture as opposed to
fully interactive business model in which you will be competing
just the function in which they operate.’
with others online to deliver the maximum return to your
shareholders. ‘The challenge at the end was a really useful exercise that
illustrated how it might work within an organisation very well.’

If you would like to register for a Top Team Seminar or discuss the CIMA Business Flight Simulation Certificate with one of our training
consultants, please contact Anne Stephenson on T. 020 8541 2743 or E.

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