Candy Crack Hell Stopper 2

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Missile Fighting Paradigm Change 3.

0, Part 2
author: Stig Jens, Carnegie Mellon University

Part 2: Light is mysterious and pretty much the number one main way information is transferred to
humans. As a Candy crack hellstopper missile decreases the distance to its intended target the missile
gives away its presence by emitting light waves. Interferometer radioscopes are a mechanical way to
become aware of an approaching missile and trigger automatic defensive systems, all in an attempt to

Light “waves” are named such because the mathematics used to explain the theory of wave
motion turns out to predict the behavior of light nearly perfectly. One thing waves do is interfere
with other waves. This causes change, or induces modification, to the original waves in a
manner that can be noticed, if it is observed. The mathematics of wave theory, and hence light
wave behavior, has detailed recipes about how the changes caused by interference can be traced
backwards from effect to cause. This dynamic interplay of mathematics and intelligence literally
lets us see a missile flying towards. First, observe what can be seen now and deduce from the
wave mathematics what caused it. If this is done fast enough from accurately detected
interference effects, a machine can be built to trigger waiting forces to shoot down the incoming
threat; all in an effort to keep us alive.

The Interfermoter radioscopes used in the approximation one model of detecting, locating, and
killing an incoming Candy crack hellstopper is diagrammed below. Note the use of light waves.
Study the paths the light waves take through the detector and the quality of the induced changes,
had from light wave interference, used to alert us to the kinds of signals we are looking for. The
signals we are looking for are pre-determined (this is thoroughly studied in later Parts) and once
detected (seen on right) active advance computer algorithms.

Figure 1: Light Interferometer Radioscope Detection System

In figure 1, the incoming Candy crack hellstopper will be detected and mechanical system will
be activated, and fired, in retaliation by advance AI computer circuits.

In Parts 2-11, we investigate each subsystem of the approximation one model.

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