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Choose the correct answer by crossing a,b ,c ,d,,or d!

The dialogue for number 1 -6

Nadia : Hello.Is Mary at home? It’s Nadia speaking.
Mary : Nadia, What’s up?
Nadia : I have made a new cake with a new recipe from magazine.
Mary :That’s sound interesting.What’s the name of the cake ?
Nadia : The cake contain some ginger, but the form is like a rainbow cake.
What is the suitable name for the cake?
Mary : Would you name the cake as the rainbow ginger cake?
Nadia : That is sound strange, but I don’t think that it’s worse than the taste.
By the way,would you like to taste it?Iwill deliver it to your house this afternoon.
Mary : OK, I will wait for your cake.Don’t worry, I really like your previus cake and I believe
your newest cake is also the best.
Nadia : Thanks a lot, see you.
Mary : yeah,,See you too.

1.What is the dialogue talk about?

A.Nadia and Mary.
B. a new recipe of cake.
C. Nadia speaking
D. rainbow cake.
E. Deliver cake.
2. Where is the dialogue happen?
A.Nadia’s house,
B .restaurant.
C.Mary’s house.
D.on the phone
E. at the office.

3. Who make a cake?

A.Nadia does.
B.Magazine does.
C.Mary does.
D.Nadia and Mary do
E. Rainbow cake does.

4.What information does Nadiagive toMary?

A. Nadia has made a new recipe to Mary.
B. Nadia has made a new cake for Mary.
C. Nadia has made a new recipe then she want to offer it to Mary.
D.Nadia has made a new recipe to the magazine.
E.Nadia has made a new cake for her mother.

5. “ That is sound strange, but I don’t think that it’s worse than the taste.
By the way,would you like to taste it?Iwill deliver it to your......”
What does the underlined word refer to....
A. Nadia.
C. Mary’s cake
D.Nadia’s cake.
6.Will Mary like the newest Nadia’s cake?
A.No, she won’t
B.No, she doesn’t.
C.Yes, she will.
D.Yes , she can.
E.No, she can’t.

The text for number 7 - 8

Mila: “Hello I need to book a flight to Paris for next week”
Dian: “ When would you like to travel?’
Mila: “I have to reach Paris by Desember 24th
Dian : “Is this a round trip? Will you need a return ticket too?’
Mila : “Check that for 30th in the evening”
Dian :”Ok, What would you like to book the ticket then?’
Mila : What’s the cost ?’
Dian: It’ll be $ 998.”
Mila : Do you accept cards?’
Dian : Yes, We Do.
7. The text above is about ...
A. Booking a return ticket
B. Booking a round trip ticket
C. Confirming Flight reservation
D. Paying a holiday ticket
E. Buying tickets.

8. How many days will Dian stay in Paris?

A. One week
B. 5 days
C. 7 days

D. 6 days

E. 8 days.
9. Michelle : Excuse me , I think you charge me for a movie that I never saw.”
Bondan : Oh, Let Me see Sir, According to your file, you will watch “Ice Age IV”
Michelle : I don’t think so, I want to watch “Pirates of Carribean V”
Bondan : Oh, I’m sorry Sir…”
The text above is expressing about…
A. complimenting
B. congratulating
C. cancelation
D. complaining

10. Read this following dialogue and complete it.

Shania : Receptionist : Good morning, madam. Can I help you?
Mrs. Ita :
Ananda : ..................can I get one with the beach view?
Shania :
f course, We Receptionist : OK,I can make it.

A. Thank you for your help

B. I need a table for the meeting room.
C. Thank you, I’d like to have dinner with my friends.
D. I’d like to book a single room for tomorrow.
E. I’d like to complain about your servise,

11. Mrs.Elissa : Excuse me, Can I confirm my room reservation?

Receptionist : Certainly, madam. ... ?

A. Shall I know your name?

B. What is your husband’s name please?
C. Which room do you prefer?
D. May I know your name please?
E. When is your reservation?

12. Chacha : I’d like to book a single ticket to New York, please.
Dino : Certainly ... ?
Chacha : An executive for the 21st November.

A. Which class and when would you like to go.

B. Would you please to going on.
C. Would you like single or double
D. Would it be OK?
E. How would you pay it?

The text for number 13 - 16

13. What is the kind of the text above?

A. Leaflet.
C. Brochure.
D. Advertisement.

14. Where can we get organic food?

A. At the localgrocery store.
B. At the nearest farm.
C. At the nutrition centers.
D. At the base camp.
E. At the bank.

15..From the text above we can know that. . ..

A. Organic food is healthy.
B. It is time for people to consume organic food.
C. Organic food can be purchased by using our savings.
D. Organic food is a healthy saving consumption.
E. Organic food is now available at the nearest commisary.

16. What is the purpose of the text?

A.To save future generation.
B. To campaign healthy food.
C. To inform the opening of new grocery store.
D. To encourage people to grow organic plants.
E.To promote the local commissary that provides organic food.

Read the following text to answer questions number 17 and 18.

17. What is the text about?

A. An offer to advertise your business

B. An offer to download Facebook APP
C. An offer to make money from Facebook APP
D. An offer to publish your product
E. An offer to make facebook APP.
18. "Monetize your APP by showing ads from facebook's 2 million advertisers" The underlined word
means ....

A. Break APP
B. Invite someone
C. Gain connection
D. Produce money
E. Make APP

Read the following text to answer questions number 19 to 21.

19. What is the genre of the text?

A. Notice
B. Banner
C. Label
D. Announcement
E. Pamphlet

20. "Enjoy the freedom of learning English ..." Synonym of the underlined word is ....

A. Inability
B. Difficulty
C. Liberty
D. Equality
E. Quality

21. Based on the text above, How to learn English online for free?

A. You need to watch the Youtube channel

B. You should download the E-book
C. You must subscribe the website
D. You can visit
E. You should buy a book.

Read the following text to answer questions number 22 to 24.

22. What event show in the poster?

A. Club night
B. Acoustic night
C. Music show
D. Fashion show
E. Blick show.

23. When the event be held?

A. Friday, 3 July 7pm

B. Saturday, 3 July 7pm
C. Friday, 3 July 8pm
D. Friday, 2 July 7pm
E. Saturday, 3 July 7 am.

24. Where is the event located?

A. Melbourne
B. New York
C. Malone Road
D. Jakarta
E. Australia.
Read the following text to answer questions number 25 and 26.

25. What is the Pamphlet about?.....

A. Open a new Restaurant

B. Promote Pizza House
C. Launch a new Pizza House
D. Publish a best service
E. Order a Pizza.

26. The statements below are true, EXCEPT ....

A. Pay 30$ you can get 1 regular pasta

B. Pay 50$ you can get 3 cold drinks
C. Pizza serve by skilled pizza baker
D. Amazing launch set available for four hours
E. We can order by phone.

The following text is for questions 27- 31.

To improve comfort and cleanliness at our school, a number of dust bins should be
increased. When we look at classrooms, school corridors and school yard, there are papers,
mineral water cups, straws, and napkins here and there. The condition of uncleanliness and
discomfort really hinders learning and teaching environment. Litters thrown carelessly cause
disease, especially empty plastic cups or glasses. They can be filled out with water coming
from the rain. This can be placed for dengue mosquitoes to spread out. Besides, these rubbish
can deteriorate the scene. Well painted wall and green school yard do not mean anything if
litters are scattered everywhere.

Anyway I notice that most of the students in our school have responsibilities for their
school environment. They put their litters on the proper places. But some are not diligent
enough to find the dust bins. The numbers of dust bins in our schools are not enough. More
dust bins should be put beside each of steps, outside, of the classrooms, and some more along
the corridors. Probably one dust bin should be in every ten meters. So when students want to
throw away their litters, they can find the dust bins easily.
When school is equipped with sufficient dustbins, we do not have problems of filth and
discomfort any more. Our school will be very clean and become a nice place to study.

27.What is the writer's intention? To ... readers to do something good.

a. Inform.
b. Explain.
c. Describe.
d. Entertain.
e. Persuade.

28.According to the writer, more dust bins ... in every ten meters.
a. should be decorated
b. should be painted
c. should be placed
d. are unnecessary
e. are not required

29.What is the writer’s argument on a sufficient number of dustbins …..

a. They can prevent litters.
b. They can save janitor’s energy.
c. Students are asked to clean them.
d. They make school environment neat.
e. Students can throw garbage away easily.

30.What is the writer's suggestion …

a. To buy more dust bins.
b. To hire more gardeners.
c. To use dust bins efficiently.
d. To ask parents to give more dust bins.
e. To ask students to clean the school yard.

31.The purpose of the text is …..

a..To persuade readers to take waste at school.
b. To present information and opinions about one side of the topic.
c. To explain how to improve comfort and cleanliness at our school.
d. To announce readers about a number of dustbin at school.
e. To tell readers the activities at school.

Read the following text to answer questions number 32 to 35.


Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateboarders to
skate. This prevents young people from enjoying an active, energetic and adventurous

Just watch a local street for a short while and note the steady stream of skaters speeding
up and down the footpaths. Toddlers can be trampled on and old ladies can be knocked
down as they struggle home carrying their cat food from supermarkets.

Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young people’s health. It increases fitness,
improves balance and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles. Although it appears to
be a solo sport, when groups practice together and compete to perform stunts or runs
they form firm friendships.

Young people should be prevented from becoming overweight couch potatoes. If they are
actively involved in skating, they do not smoke, take drugs or break laws for fun.

Kids will always seek thrills and excitement. They need to practice their 180s, 360s and
Ollie’s free from restrictions. We must build skate parks in the suburbs so that streets
are safe for small children and senior citizens and skaters have spaces where they can
race, chase, speed, and soar towards the sun.

32. Where do the kids usually ride their skateboard?

A. In the main roads and foot paths

B. In front of the supermarket
C. In front of their home
D. In the suburbs
E. In the park

33. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. There is no safe place for skateboarders

B. Kids seek an excitement in skate
C. The goodness of skateboarding
D. The skateboarding is a serious sport
E. How to prevent overweight by skateboarding

34. The writer’s purpose in writing the text is ….

A. To invite the local teenagers to skate in a park built specifically for skaters
B. To convince the readers that they need a safe place for skaters to skate
C. To provoke youngsters into the local government policy
D. To promote the writer’s business of skateboarding class
E. To inform parents about the goodness of skateboarding

35. What must we do to let the skaters play?

A. Join with them anywhere

B. Give them space in the park
C. Let them play in the main roads
D. Let them play in the local street
E. Build a skate park in the suburbs

Read the following text to answer questions number 36 to 41.

Should Americans be forced to Public Transportation?

First, let me define what the question is and isn’t asking. It isn’t asking if we should we
all abandon cars right now, nor is it asking if we should abandon them completely, nor is
it asking if every American should do so. It is asking weather some Americans should
have to take public transit some of the time, and I would say yes.

Oil use and pollution aside, in some cities like Los Angeles and New York there just isn’t
room for any more roads, so in order for large cities to grow, they need more people to
take public transit or risk permanent traffic jam. One bus can safely hold 40 people so
even at half capacity that’s nearly 20 cars’ worth of space in traffic cleared up, and
nearly 20 parking spaces that don’t need to built.

There are a lot of people that can take with transit little inconvenience but simply don’t
because they never have in the past. If residents in areas with plenty of transit had to buy
transit passes as part of their property taxes then they would have little excuse not to bus
occasionally. QA number of universities already bundle a ‘U-Pass’ with their tuition
feeds, forcing their students to take the bus. When given the change the majority of those
students have voted to keep these programs.

A similar system in apartments where a portion of the tenants are not issued parking
spaces in exchange for a discount on their rent would also be community car to several
apartment tenants that arrange a schedule for the car, and this program gets many
positive reviews.

So yes, I would say that Americans should be forced to use public transit, as Americans
whom are already forced to do so find that it works well for them.

36. What does writer suggest?

A. Americans should learn to use public transportation

B. Americans should give up their car
C. Americans should be forced to use public transportation
D. The government should limit the number cars
E. The government should charge extra taxes for those who uses cars

37. The following is one of the writer’s suggestions in forcing people to

use Public Transportation ….

A. Make people buy transit passes as part of their property taxes

B. Banning the use of cars
C. Stop automobile productions
D. Fine people who do not use public transportation
E. Limit the number of gasoline

38. What is the purpose of the article?

A. Defining the functions of public transportation

B. Arguing that Americans should not use public transportation
C. Suggesting American the ways to use public transportation
D. Asking for more public transportation
E. Suggesting that Americans should be forced to use public

39. What is the function of the first paragraph?

A. Repeating the thesis or proposal

B. Stating the proposal
C. Stating the reasons behind the thesis
D. Describing the problem
E. Giving argument

40. In the article you find the word transit a few times. What does the
underlined word means?

A. Stop
B. Transportation
C. Exit
D. Entrance
E. Bus Stop

41. What the function of the last paragraph?

A. Describing the problem
B. Stating the reasons behind the thesis
C. Giving arguments
D. Stating the proposal
E. Giving recommendation

The text for number 42 – 50

Love Yourself - Justin Bieber

For all the times that you rain on my parade

And all the clubs you get in using my name
You think you broke my heart, oh girl for goodness sake
You think I'm crying, oh my oh, well I ain't

And I didn't wanna write a song cause I didn't want anyone thinking
I still careI don't but, you still hit my phone up
And baby I be movin' on and I think you should be somethin'
I don't wanna hold back, maybe you should know that
My mama don't like you and she likes everyone
And I never like to admit that I was wrong
And I've been so caught up in my job, didn't see what's going on
And now I know, I'm better sleeping on my own

Cause if you like the way you look that much

Oh baby you should go and love yourself
And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin'
You should go and love yourself

But when you told me that you hated my friends

The only problem was with you and not them
And every time you told me my opinion was wrong
And tried to make me forget where I came from

And I didn't wanna write a song cause I didn't want anyone thinking I still care
I don't but, you still hit my phone up
And baby I be movin' on and I think you should be somethin'
I don't wanna hold back, maybe you should know that
My mama don't like you and she likes everyone
And I never like to admit that I was wrong
And I've been so caught up in my job, didn't see what's going on
And now I know, I'm better sleeping on my own

Cause if you like the way you look that much

Oh baby you should go and love yourself
And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin'
You should go and love yourself

For all the times that you've made me feel smallI fell in love, now I feel nothin' at all
Had never felt so low when I was vulnerable
Was I a fool to let you break down my walls?

Cause if you like the way you look that much

Oh baby you should go and love yourself
And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin'
You should go and love yourself
Cause if you like the way you look that much
Oh baby you should go and love yourself
And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin'
You should go and love yourself

42.What the theme of the song?


43. What is the object of the song?

A. Thing.
B. Human.
C. Animal.

44. How many verses of the song?

A.. 7 verses.
C.9 verses.
D 10verses.
E 11 verses

45. The repeating verse in a song is called ....

A. bridge
D. refrain.

46. How many times is the repeating of verse in the song/

A. One
C. three
D. Four.
E. Five

47.What is the song a bout?

A. It isabout the world
B. It is about the writer’s love life
C. It is about the writer journey
D. It is about speaker
E. It is about the singer.

48. ‘;Cause if you like the way you look that much
Oh baby you should go and love yourself
And if you think that I'm still holdin' on to somethin'
You should go and love yourself”’

From the lines above , how is the speaker character?

C. Wise
D. Carefull

49. What can we learn from the song?

A. We should think of other people
B.We should think wisely about something.
C. We should ignore to other people
D. We should care to ourselve
E. We shouldn’’t think carefully

50. Make rewording or get mean of the song based other written or spoken by someone else called...
A. analysing
B. reviewing
C. paraphrasing
D. discussing
E. singing.

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