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Questions frequently asked in (HSE) interview iii. Planning

 Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment
1. Introduce yourself? & Determining Controls
Or let me know something about yourself?  Legal & other requirements
Or may I have your introduction, please?  Objectives and program(s)
Or say something about yourself? iv. Implementation & Operation
Or are you Mr. xyz?  Resources, roles, responsibilities,
You are a science/ art/ commerce graduate, why did you accountability & authority
choose safety field?  Competence, Training & Awareness
How much experience do you have in this field?  Communication, Participation and
Where are you working currently/ presently? consultation
What is your current salary?  Documentation
What is your expectation?  Control of document
What are the machineries/ equipment used at your current  Operational control
site?  Emergency preparedness and response
How far is site from the nearest station? v. Checking & Corrective Action
What is the mode of transportation to the site?  Performance measurement and monitoring
What are the activities going on at your current site?  Evaluation of compliance
What do you do, if accident occurred at site?  Incident investigation, non-conformity,
Who is the client? corrective action and preventive action
What are the cost/ duration of site?  Control of records
Why should I select you?  Internal audit
Why do you want to leave your present job? vi. Management review
What’s your greatest achievement? vii. Continual Improvements
What are your weak points/ weaknesses?
What are your strong points/ strength? NOTE: - This OHSAS Standard is based on the methodology
What are the work strength/ force at your current site? known as Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA).
PDCA can be briefly described as follows.
Which type of work being done at you current project site?
Plan: - Establish the objectives and processes necessary to
2. What is SAFETY? deliver results in accordance with the organization’s OHS policy.
 Establish ESH Policy
S = Sustain Set  Carry out ESH risk Assessment
A = Accident Accident  Establish Goals and Objectives
F = Free Free  Prepare Operational Control Procedures
E = Environment Example  Prepare Improvement Programmes
T= Throughout the Through  Prepare Emergency Response Plan
Y = Year You
Do: - Implement the processes
SAFETY: Freedom from unacceptable risk of harm.
 Assign Responsibility & Authority
SAFETY: The protection of people from physical injury-  Allocate Resources
NEBOSH  Impart Awareness & Training
 Ensure Communication
HEALTH: The protection of bodies and minds of people from  Implement OCPs
illness resulting from the materials, processes or procedures  Conduct Mock Drills
used in the workplace  Keep Record
ENVIRONMENT: Surrounding in which an organization operates
including Air, Water, Land, Natural resources, Floura & fanna, Check: - Monitor and measure the processes against OHS Policy,
human and their internships. Objectives, legal and other requirements and report the results.

OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY: Conditions and factors that  Measure & Monitor ESH Parameters
affect or could affect the health & safety of personnel & other  Audit performance
workers (including temporary workers & contractor personnel),  Take Corrective and Preventive Actions
visitors or any other person in the work place.
Act: - Take action to continually improve OHS Management
OH&S Management system model for OSHAS Standard System
 Review Performance & revise
i. Initial review
ii. OHS Policy ILO- OHS 2001 Management System Model

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i. Policy (Safety Audit, Safety Inspection, Safety Survey,

ii. Organizing Safety Tour, Safety Sampling, Health Surveillance,
iii. Planning & Implementation Benchmarking, Risk Assessments/ JSA, Method
iv. Evaluation statement, Safe System of work, Information,
v. Action for Improvement Different types of training, Supervision etc.)
vi. Audit
vii. Continual Improvement Reactive Monitoring: - It’s using accident,
incident, other unwanted events/ situations and
HSG65 Management System Model ill health as indicators of health & safety
performance to highlight area of concern.
i. Policy
(Accident Investigation, Data on accidents/
ii. Organizing
incidents/ near misses/ ill health/ first aid cases/
iii. Planning & Implementation
Enforcement action/ Complaints from the work
iv. Measuring Performance/Monitoring
force etc.)
v. Review
vi. Audit
9. What is HSE Performance?
Measureable results of an organization’s management of
its H&S risks and environmental aspects.
3. What is Environmental Aspects?
Elements of an organization activities/ products/ services 10. What is HSE Objective?
that can interact with the environment. HSE goal in terms of HSE performance that an organization
sets itself to achieve.
4. What is Environmental Impacts? HSE Goal should be SMART- Specific, Measurable,
Any change to the environment whether adverse or Achievable, Realistic, and Timescale
beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an
organization’s aspects. 11. What is document?
Information and its supporting medium.
5. What is Environmental Incidents?
Incidents which can cause adverse effect on environment 12. What is Record?
(oil spillage, emission of gases etc.) Document stating result achieved or providing evidence of
activities performed.
6. What is Ill Health?
Identifiable, adverse, physical or mental conditions arising 13. What is Non-conformity?
from / made worse by a work activity / work related Non fulfillment of requirement.
situation is termed as “ill health”.
14. What is Corrective action?
7. What is agronomic? Action to eliminate the causes of detected non
The relationship between worker & working equipments conformities or other undesirable situation.
and the environment.
15. What is Preventive action?
8. What is HSE Policy? Action to eliminate the causes of potential non
Overall intention & direction of an organization related to conformities or other undesirable potential situation.
its HSE performance as formally expressed by top
management. 16. What is Lost Time Incident / Accident?
Any injury/ illness, which results in an employee/ worker
Content of HSE Policy:- being unable to work or absent from his /her work beyond
i. Statement of intent- it is one top page of policy the day or shift or if not reporting within 24 hours.
signed by top management (MD/CEO etc.)
ii. Organization- in this section roles and 17. What is reportable lost time injury (LTI)?
responsibilities of all employees from bottom to Any injury causing death or disablement of injured person
top are clearly defined for 48 hours or more excluding the day of the shift on
iii. Arrangement section- it deals with which accident occurred.
proactive/active and reactive monitoring.
Proactive/ Active Monitoring:- Which insures 18. What is Man hours worked?
that health and safety standards are correct in Total number of employees hours worked is called total
the work place before accident, incident and ill man hours worked.
health are caused/ It is concerned with checking
standards before unwanted event occurs. 19. What is Man days lost?

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The day on which the injury occurred and the day the  Using equipments unsafely
injured person return to the work.  Using hands instead of tools
 Using defective equipment
 Using tool/ equipment improperly
20. What is frequency rate?
 Use of wrong tools
Total number of reportable lost time injury per million man
 Improper loading/ unloading
hours worked is called frequency rate.  Improper placement
 Improper lifting
F.R. = No. of reportable lost time injury ×10  Non use of guide rope/ tag line for heavy load shifting
Man hours worked  Lifting beyond SWL
 Staying in swing area of crane/excavator or heavy
 Standing under slung/ hanging loads
21. What is severity rate?  Unauthorized driving/ operating
Number of man days lost due to reportable lost time injury  Unauthorized work/ entry
per million man hours worked is called severity rate.  Unskilled / inexperienced workers for site work
 Meddling / Tampering with electrical connections
S.R. = Man days lost due to reportable lost time injury ×106  Leaning to the pilling bore
Man hours worked  Throwing of material and tools from the top/ to the
 Climbing moving vehicles
22. What is accident Incident rate?
 Welding operation in flammable/explosive
Number of lost time accident in one year per one thousand atmosphere
manpower worked is called accident incident rate.  Storing O2 and C2H2 together/ improperly
 Non use of pressure meter gauge/ flash back arrester/
AIR = LTA X 1000 non return valve
Total Man Power  Non use of guy rope for heavy load
 Carrying gas cylinder in JCB/Excavator bucket instead
of doing it in wheel mounted trolley
23. What is Fatality?
The death resulting from an injury/ occupational illness,
regardless of the time intervening between injury and 27. What is Unsafe Condition?
death. The environment or location which is not safe to work or
cause an accident.
24. What is immediate/ direct cause? When the work space/ area, machinery is left in that
It is an event which caused an accident. position which is dangerous/ hazardous to the people,
Example: - all unsafe acts.
cause damage to the machinery/ equipment is said to be
25. What is root cause/ underlying cause? Unsafe Condition.
It is the causes which normally state the failure of
management system. Unsafe/Substandard Conditions
Example: - all unsafe conditions, inadequate supervision/  Violation of Site safety rules
engineering/ purchasing/ maintenance/ tools & equipments/  Improper/ faulty planning
work standard/ wear & tear/ abuse or misuse.  Tools and Machinery
 Poorly maintained plant and equipment
26. What are Unsafe Act/ Practice?  Presence of defects in conditions
It is an act of an individual who violets safety norms.  Error in design
 Mushroomed tools
A work done wrongly, without following proper methods of
 Improper guarding or unguarded machine
work, ignoring use of safety appliances/ norms is called
 Improper or inadequate protective
Unsafe Act/ Practice. equipment
 Defective tools and equipments
Unsafe or Substandard Acts/ Practices  Omission of essential safety requirement
 Horse play/ tease  Faulty planning
 Ignorance/ laziness/ shortcut
 Ignoring site safety rules  Excavation-
 Working under the influence of alcohol/ liquor or  Excavated area not barricaded
other drugs  Open excavation/ pit/ ditch/ trench
 Failure to secure  Non display of sign board
 Failure to warn  Inadequate warning system
 Operating at improper/ unsafe speed  Improper excavation or no proper sloping
 Making safety devices inoperative  Improper access or egress
 Removing safety devices/ guards
 None use of PPEs/ failure to use PPEs  Poor housekeeping-
 Using PPEs incorrectly  Slippery floor
 Unsafe working position/ posture

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 Disorder  Non use of circuit breakers

 Improper material stacking  Working method not suitable
 Spillage of oil/ grease/ chemical  Welding/ gas cutting operation in wet place/
 Materials lying here & there water/ confined space/ Gaseous atm. /near
flammable materials
 Confined space-  Inexperienced welder/ gas cutter
 Congested or restricted access  Haphazard storing of gas cylinders
 Improper access or egress  Gaseous atmosphere
 Flammable/ explosive atmosphere  Flash back arrestor/ non return valve not
 Hazardous environmental conditions : gases, used
dust, smokes, fumes, vapors  Cylinders without pressure gauges/ pressure
 Noise exposure gauges broken
 Radiation exposure  Cylinders Valve capes missing
 High or low temperature exposure  Long and damaged hoses
 Inadequate or excessive illumination  Non use of trolley for gas cylinders
 Gas cylinder in trolley but not fastened with
 Electrical- chain
 substandard electrical tools/equipments/  No fire watcher/ fire fighter/ firefighting
cable equipment
 electrical equipments without earthing  Non use of PPEs
 Joints in cables  Hot work at height and its bellow other
 Non use of ELCBs/RCCBs activities
 Damaged circuit breakers
 Incorrect fuse  Ladders and Ramps-
 Flammable material too close to electrical  Unsuitable and weak
equipments/near DG  Not secured from top or at bottom
 DG/ DP/ DB without cover/ shed to protect  Too steep/ not maintaining 4:1/ 75°
from rain  Not built by sound material
 Inadequate circuits  Improper rungs
 Overloaded circuits  Inefficient / Improper Supervision
 Loose connections
 Over heating of cables
Personal Factor:
 Cranes / Lifting Operations: -  Inadequate capability
 Lifting tools and tackles without TPI  Lack of knowledge
 Overturning  Lack of skill
 Overloading  Stress
 Unsuitable support or inadequate bases for  Improper motivation
 Loss of load Job Factor:
 Failure of load  Inadequate leadership/ supervision
 Lack of maintenance  Inadequate engineering
 Failure of load bearing part  Inadequate purchasing
 Unsafe / Substandard slings  Inadequate maintenance
 Damaged sling/ D-shackle/ I- Bolt/ safety  Inadequate tools/equipment
sling  Inadequate work standard
 Not working horn/ swing horn/ over hoist &
 Wear and tear
boom limit switch/ angle indicator
 Abuse or misuse
 Lifting beyond SWL
 Inadequate number of dog clamps,
 Non securing during lifting operations Type of contact:
 Non use of guy rope/ tag line  Struck against
 Operator/ rigger not competent  Struck by
 No barricading  Caught on
 Non display of sign boards  Caught in
 Caught between
 Welding / Gas Cutting
 Slip
 WR Without earthing
 Fall on same level
 Loose connection
 Joint, cut, damaged welding cable  Fall on bellow
 Touching/ overlapping welding and electric  Overexertion
 Welding holder insulation damage Contact with:
 Ammeter / voltmeter not working in WR  Electricity

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 Heat JSA is a procedure of analyzing the jobs for the specific

 Cold purpose of finding the hazards in each step in the job
 Radiation and developing the safety precautions to be taken.
 Noise
 Toxic or noxious substances 36. How to perform JSA?
There are four steps in performing JSA -
28. What is accident? I. Select the job.
Accident is unexpected, unintended or unwanted II. Break the job into successive steps.
event which can injure to person and damage to III. Identify the hazards and potential accident.
property/ environment- OHSAS IV. Develop ways to eliminate hazards and
potential accident.
29. What is incident?
Work related event(s) in which an injury, ill-health or
fatality occurred or could have occurred is called 37. How to prevent accident?
incident-OHSAS Hierarchy of control: - ERICPD
A. Elimination
30. What is near miss/ near hit/ close call/ dangerous B. Reduction/Substitution
occurrence? C. Isolation
An incident where no injury, ill-health or fatality D. Control Measures-
occurs is called near miss/ near hit/ close call/  Administrative Control
dangerous occurrence- OHSAS  Engineering Control
31. What is hazard? F. Discipline
Hazard is a potential condition awaiting to be  IITS (Information, Instruction, Training &
converted into an unwanted event or accident. Supervision)
Or Anything with potential that cause harm is called
hazard. 38. If there is an accident at site/ work place, what would you
32. What is risk?  Provide first aid
Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a  Call for a doctor/ rush to the nearest hospital
hazardous event(s) or exposure(s) and the severity of  Remove crowd and give condolence to the injured
an injury/ ill-health that can be caused by event(s) or person
exposure(s) is called risk- OSHAS  Inform to the senior/ site in charge
 Barricade the accident spot
Or Risk is the product of two functions that is  Make the area safe
possibility of the accident which might occur and the  Identify the witness
severity of the event if it occurs.  Form the accident investigation team
 Investigate accident/ incident and report it to safety
33. What is risk assessment? department (HO if reportable)
The process of evaluating the risk to health and safety
arising from hazard at work is called risk assessment.
39. What are Tool Box Talk / Pep talk?
Risk assessment is an analysis of a hazard to assess the Tool Box Talk is a meeting taken by concerned foreman /
risk in terms of both severity and probability. supervisor with their team members for their respective
job to identify and resolve Environmental, Health & Safety
34. How to assess risk? (EHS) Hazards associated with the specific task prior to
There are five steps in assessing the risk- perform.
I. Identify the hazards Or
II. Identify the population at risk/ decide who Before starting any work workers are given knowledge in
might be harmed & how group regarding safe practice by concerned Engineer/
III. Evaluate the risk supervisor/ foreman in the presence of safety professional
 Estimation of risk is said to be Tool Box Talk/ Pep talk.
 Evaluation of risk
 Existing control measures Note: - The Tool box Talk card must be signed off by all
IV. Record findings and implement them. participants & displayed in the immediate work place.
V. Review assessment and update if necessary.
 PPEs (Personal Protective Equipments)
35. What is job safety analysis (JSA)?

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 6 HTK (Hazards that kill)- height work, vehicles In other words, the safety audit is a process that
movement, electricity, housekeeping, confined space, identifies unsafe acts & unsafe conditions in the plants/
hazardous chemicals working premises and recommends safety improvement.
Topics of tool box talk/ pep talk Safety auditing is a very effective tool with safety
i. PPEs management for identifying weak spots and planning
ii. Housekeeping corrective actions.
iii. Body protection like- eyes, ears, hands, legs, lungs,
skin etc.
iv. Working at night Audit Procedure:-
v. Working at height 1. Objective of the audit is determined (Pre audit
vi. Causes of accident preparation)
vii. Unsafe acts/ practices i. The scope of the audit
viii. Unsafe/ Substandard conditions ii. The area of the audit
ix. Cost of accident iii. The extent of the audit
x. Hot works (Welding/ Grinding/ Gas cutting) iv. Who will be required
xi. Excavation v. Information gathering
xii. Confined space
xiii. Mansion work 2. Forming the audit team
xiv. Carpentry work 3. Collecting the relevant documents- Documents &
xv. Civil work Records
xvi. Electrical work 4. Informing audit schedule
xvii. Chemical work 5. Opening audit meeting
xviii. Mechanical work 6. Actual audit (During Audit)
xix. Loading /unloading i. Documents- Health & Safety Policy, RA/JSA/ Safe
xx. Mechanical handling System of Work/ Method Statement, MSDS, TPI,
xxi. Manual handling Accident Investigation, Enforcement action/ visit
xxii. Crane/ JCB/ Hydra/ Rig/ Tower crane etc. report, insurance companies, clients, etc.
xxiii. Driving safety ii. Records- Training, accident/ incident/ near miss,
xxiv. Health, Safety and Environment First aid, Inspection, Survey, Tour, Sampling,
xxv. Road crossing Etc. Benchmarking, Health surveillance, Previous
Audit, P & M Maintenance, Workers Complaints,
40. What is work permit? Legal Register, Safety review meeting, Minutes of
PTW is a written procedure applied for a work which is meeting,
potentially hazardous- NEBOSH iii. Interview- Manager & Workers
A legal documents giving information required for iv. Direct observation of Premises(Working Area),
employment of certain people in a certain job. Plant (Machinery & Vehicles), People( behavior &
Type of work permit activities), Procedure (Working method)
A. Hot work permit
B. Cold work permit 7. Closing audit meeting
C. Confined space work permit 8. Audit report submission
9. Action by the organization

41. What are Safety Audit and its types? There are three types of safety audits-
A systematic examination to determine whether 1) Internal Audit
activities and related results conformed to planned a. Walk through
arrangements and weather these arrangements are b. Intermediate
implemented effectively and are suitable for achieving c. Comprehensive
organization’s policy & objective- OHSAS
2) External Audit
The structured process of collecting independent
information on efficiency, effectiveness & total reliability Note: - It is the responsibility of the organization to establish and
of the health & safety management system and drawing implement health & safety auditing. There are circumstances
up plan for corrective action- NEBOSH when external authorities such as enforcement authorities,
insurance companies, clients will carry out audits; and an
In short, safety audit is the organization may have to audit in order to achieve and maintain
certain certification. (E.g. OSHAS 18001 certification)
demonstration of management commitment
to improve over all safety of the work place. 42. What is industry?

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Industry means any part of business which is concerned xxx. Soap 1Pcs
about producing and making goods. xxxi. Booklet in English & regional language 1Pcs
xxxii. Note book 1Pcs
43. What is management? xxxiii. Lock & Keys 1Pcs
Management is a social concerted process which involves
planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating and
controlling in order to determine and fulfill organizational 47. What is PPEs?
goal in the context of a dynamic social scenario. It stands for personal protective equipments. It is the
In other words, management is an art of getting the work barrier between hazards and person.
done. It’s extensively used by the workers in any industry as
protective measures against injury both fatal & non-fatal.
44. What is industrial safety management? There are two types of PPEs-
Industrial safety management is that branch of 1) Respirators
management which is concerned with reducing, controlling 2) Non- respirators
and eliminating hazards from the industrial units.
Respirators are of three types-
45. What is first aid? I. Air purifying respirator
The immediate or quick help given to the injured person i. Particulate respirator/mechanical filter
before arrival of a doctor is called first aid. ii. Chemical cartridge respirator
iii. Combination mechanical filter and chemical
46. Why do you give first aid/ what is the purpose of First Aid? cartridge
 Preserve the life iv. Gas mask
 Prevent further injury v. Powered air purifying respirator
 Promote recovery II. Supplied air respirator
It gives some relief from pain and can help the victim to i. Self contend breathing apparatus (SCBA)
avoid farther injury and to some extant disability or even ii. Air line respirator
form death. III. Combination of air purifying and supplied air
First Aid Box size – 14”x12”x4” Air line with an auxiliary air purifying attachment
i. Small size roller bandage 1” wide 6Pcs
Non- respirators are of seven types-
ii. Medium size roller bandage 2” wide 6Pcs
iii. Large size roller bandage 4” wide 6Pcs I. Head protection
iv. Burn dressing large size bandage 4Pcs a) Helmet
v. Eye pads in separate sealed packet 4Pcs b) Hard hats
vi. Cotton wool 20gm 1Pcs c) Caps
vii. Adhesive plaster 1.25cmx5m
viii. Band aid dressing 6Pcs II. Ear protection
ix. Tourniquet 1Pcs a) Ear muff
x. Triangle bandages 2Pcs b) Ear plug
xi. Safety pins 6Pcs c) Ear canal
xii. Splints 4Pcs d) Cotton/ wool
xiii. Scissors 2Pcs
xiv. Tongue depressor 1Pcs III. Eye protection
xv. Polythene wash cup for washing eyes 1Pcs a) Goggles ( different types)
xvi. Medicinal glass 1Pcs b) Spectacles
xvii. Duster 1Pcs
xviii. Antiseptic solution- dettole/ savilon 100ml1bot IV. Face protection
xix. Mercurochrome solution 2% in water 100ml 1bot a) Face shield
xx. Ammonia solution 20ml 1bot b) Face hood
xxi. Toothache solution 1bot c) Mess shield
xxii. Tincture iodine/ butadiene 1bot d) Radiation shield
xxiii. Tincture benzoine 1bot e) Clear face screen
xxiv. Potassium per magnet 1pkt
xxv. Boric acid powder 1pkt V. Finger, hand and arm protection
xxvi. Sodium bicarbonate 20gm 1pkt a) Mittens- for fingers & thumbs
xxvii. Dressing powder(Nebasulf) 20gm 1pkt b) Gloves- for hand including fingers
xxviii. Iodex/ moov 1bot c) Hand guard and hand pads
xxix. Vicks 1bot

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d) Sleeves- for arm excluding hand  Stand by person near the exit/ entrance
 Special electrical safety like current passing through
VI. Foot and leg protection ELCB, 24V lamp, standard cables etc.
a) Safety shoes  Use of proper PPEs
b) Boots- gum boots, leather safety boots,  Proper housekeeping
asbestos safety boots, slip in type safety  Work to be done by competent person
boobs  Work to be carried out in proper Supervision
c) Foot guards
d) Leg guards/ leggings 50. What is an excavation?
Any man mad cut, cavity, trench or depression on the
VII. Body protection surface of ground is called excavation.
a) Aprons Excavation is also one type of confined space and if O2 level
b) Boiler suits is between 19.5% to 23.5% by volume in the air work to be
c) Fire suit allowed.
d) Protective suit
Type of soil
Type A - Most stable: clay, silty clay, and hardpan (resists
48. What is confined space? penetration). No soil is Type A if it is fissured, is subject to
Confined space is defined as any area with limited means vibration of any type, has previously been disturbed, or has
of access/ egress and the area is subject to seeping water.
 Oxygen deficiency/enrichment
 Accumulation of flammable vapors or any Type B - Medium stability: silt, sandy loam, medium clay and
 Air born contaminants that exceeds established unstable dry rock; previously disturbed soils unless otherwise
permissible exposure limit (PEL). classified as Type C; soils that meet the requirements of Type A
E.g. Vessels, tanks, seaways, sumps, pipeline, trench, ditch, soil but are fissured or subject to vibration.
ducts, silo, sludge, pits, excavation, bins etc.
Type C - Least stable: gravel, loamy sand, soft clay, submerged
Type of confined space- soil or dense, heavy unstable rock, and soil from which water is
a) Isolated hazard confined space freely seeping.
b) Permit required confined space
c) Continuous system permit required confined space Shielding (shield system) means a structure that is able to
d) Controlled atmosphere confined space withstand the forces imposed on it by a cave-in and thereby
protect employees with the structure. Shields can be permanent
49. What are the hazards & Control measures in confined structures or can be designed to be portable and moved along
space? as work progresses. Also known as trench box or trench shield.

 Presence of toxic gases, fumes, dust, vapor etc. Shoring (shoring system) means a structure such as a metal
 Poor ventilation/ lighting or darkness hydraulic, mechanical or timber shoring system that supports
 Fall/hit by structure (body injured/death) the sides of an excavation and which is designed to prevent
 High temperature & humidity cave-ins.
 Noise Sloping (sloping system) means a method of protecting
 Presence of combustibility employees from cave-ins by excavating to form sides of an
 Restricted size of openings excavation that are inclined away from the excavation so as to
 Restricted or poor communication prevent cave-ins. The angle of incline varies with differences in
 Possible electric shock such factors as the soil type, environmental conditions of
 Entrapping design exposure, and application of surcharge loads.
Maximum allowable slopes for excavations less than 20' based
Control Measures on soil type and angle to the horizontal are as follows:
 Confined space entry/ work permit Soil Type Height depth ratio Slope angle
 Checking the O2 level & other gases at regular Rock Vertical 90 degrees
interval (O2 should be 19.5 to 23.5% by volume) Type A 4/3:1 53 degrees
 Using of air supplying/ purifying respirator Type B 1:1 45 degrees
 Proper lighting
Type C ½:1 34 degrees
 Use of air plug/ muff
 Placement of fire fighting equipments and fire
watcher Trench (trench excavation) means a narrow excavation (in
 Exit/ entrance to be free from any obstruction relation to its length) made below the surface of the ground. In
 Proper ventilation like exhaust fans general, the depth is greater than the width, but the width of a

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trench is not greater than 15 feet. If forms or other structures  Obtain information on building, structure, service
are installed or constructed in an excavation as to reduce the etc,
dimension measured from the forms or structure to the side of  Method statement
the excavation to 15 feet or less, the excavation is also  Competent supervisor shall be appointed
considered to be a trench.  Asbestos removal by licensed asbestos removal
There are two types of excavation-  Electric, gas & other service lines shall be shut off
 Hard barricading & covering of structure which to be
1. Mechanical 2. Manual demolished to stop flying particles

51. What are the hazards & Control Measures in excavation?

53. What is scaffolding and its type?

 Water accumulation A temporary elevated working platform with a supporting
 Cave-in – sudden & unexpected fall of excavated structure which is used to support man, machine, and
wall/soil material is called scaffolding.
 Underground / above utilities There are two types of scaffolding-
 Presence of toxic gases & lack of O2 1) Supported scaffolding
 People, Materials, Vehicles falling i. Welded frame
 Adjacent structure collapse ii. Wood pole
 Physical, Chemical, Biological Hazards iii. Tube and coupler
 Lack of illumination/ ventilation iv. Bamboo
 Slip &trip 2) Suspended scaffolding
 Traffic disruption i. Single point suspended scaffolding
 Access/ egress inconvenience ii. Multiple points suspended scaffolding
 Electrocution iii. Floats/ floating cranes
 Fire hazard iv. Boats and wanes chair
 Struck by moving machinery (Excavator, Dumper) 3) Mobile Scaffolding

54. What is the Hazards & Preventive action in scaffolding?

Control Measures
 Fall form elevation
 Work permit
 Bad planking
 Dewatering
 Scaffold collapse
 Shoring/ Shielding/ Sloping/ Benching
 Getting struck by falling tools & debris
 Location of map
 electrocution
 Use of detector, scanner , trial pit
 Isolate/ de-energize above ground utilities & keep Preventive action:-
safe distance  Competent scaffold erector
 Gas detector/ O2 level checking  Strong scaffold material with good planking
 Ventilation ( vacuum & forced cleaner)  Use of scaffolding tag- green, yellow, red
 Respiratory protection  Proper hand rail, mid rail, toe guard
 Barricading, sign boards, stop logs, guard rails, proper  Use of full body harness
lighting, warning sign  Good arrangement of ladder
 Traffic diversion, if required  Use of safety net bellow the working surface
 Unauthorized entry restricted  Barricading around the scaffolding work
 Scaffolding should not touch the over head lines
52. What are the hazards in demolition & Control Measure?
 Proper insulated electrical tools to be used
 Unintentional collapse of building  Work to be done under proper supervision
 Collapse of adjacent structure
 Fire, explosion, electrocution 55. What are the hazards at height work?
 Debris falling form height  Fall man
 Personnel falling  Fall of machine, material
 Manual handling  Dizziness
 Use of explosive  Fear from height
 Traffic hazard  Collapse of scaffold/ ladder
 Plant collapsing and falling into basement  Full body harness/ Life line failure

Control measures 56. What is fall protection?

When working at 6’ (1.8m) height, fall protection required-

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 Guard Rail System  Competent personnel- Operator/ Signalman/ Rigger

i. Top rail height, 42”±3”  Load near ground if travelling
ii. Mid rail, 21”  Good visibility
iii. Toa board, 3.5”  Good communications
 Personnel Fall Arrester System  Suitable storage for fuels etc
i. Anchorage
ii. Connector 61. What are the hazards in rigging/ loading/ unloading?
iii. Body belt/ Full Body Harness  Failure of load bearing parts- crane break/ lever
 Positioning Device System system/ lifting tools & tackles
 Safety Monitoring System  Overturning
 Safety Net System  Overloading
 Warning Line System  Unsuitable support or inadequate bases for crane
 Loss of load
57. What is mechanical hazard?  Lack of maintenance
Failure of component of mechanical system due to faulty  Rope stretch
design, faulty material, and lack of repair and maintenance  Kinks/ bird cage
is called mechanical hazard.  Decay in sling/ D- shackle/ I- bolt/ dog clamps
 Movement/ swing of crane
58. How many types of tools?  Working under hanging load
1) Hand Tools 2) Power Tools  Wrong/ poor signal
 Misunderstanding between operator and signal
Hand Tools which are operated manually by operator/ man
workers.  Incompetent rigger/ operator
E.g. Chisel, hack saw, hammer, screw driver, hand drill  Lack of supervision
62. What precautions/ preventive action to be taken in rigging/
Power Tools which are operated by electric/ motor/ loading/ unloading?
air compressor.  Work permit
e.g. Drill machine, Grinder, Bench grinder, chipping  Competent operator/ signal man/ rigger
machine, Vibrator etc.  Operator license
 Suitable crane
59. How many types of cranes?  Suitable ground condition
 Mobile  Use of outriggers
 Tower  Avoidance of obstruction
 Gantry  Care near overhead lines
 Overhead  Designated or protected area
 Suitable and tested lifting tackles
60. What are the hazards in cranes?  Correct slinging technique
 Overturning  Load near ground if travelling
 Overloading  Good visibility
 Unsuitable support or inadequate bases for  Good communication
crane  Unauthorized entry restricted
 Loss of load  Displaying sign boards/ load chart
 Failure of load  Area to be barricaded
 Lack of maintenance  TPI of crane and all lifting tools & tackles
 Failure of load bearing part  Don’t load/ unload beyond SWL
 Use of crane in high wind  Use of tag line/ guy rope
 Misunderstanding between operator & signalman  Use of proper PPEs
 Proper lighting
Control measure to prevent hazards:-  Proper supervision
 Suitable crane
Manual handling injuries:-
 Suitable ground conditions
 Use of outriggers
External: Cut, bruise, contusion, abrasion, crush injuries
 Avoidance of obstructions
 Care near overhead power lines
Internal: Muscle Strains, Tendon Tears, Hernias, slipped disc
 Designated and protected area
(Disc prolapsed)
 Suitable and tested lifting tackle
 Correct slinging technique

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Manual handling risk assessment: - LITE

LOAD Control Measures
 Weight  Hot work permit
 Size  licensed welder
 Shape  Use of proper PPEs
 Rigidity  Placement of fire extinguisher
 Difficult to grasp  Deployment of fire watcher
 Unstable  Proper routing of cables/ hoses
 Sharp edges  No overlapping of electric cable and welding cable
 Hot / cold  Proper housekeeping
 Ventilation, lighting and rotation required, if working
INDIVIDUAL in confined space
 Sex  Flammable to be isolated
 Stature  Hot work not to be done in flammable dust, vapor,
 Individual capability gaseous atmosphere
 Training  Cover floor and wall openings within 35 feet from the
 Persons assessment of own capability work site to prevent hot sparks from entering walls or
falling beneath floors or to a lower level.
TASK  If possible, hot work performed in a properly designed
 Holding away from trunk shop area equipped with all necessary controls and
 Twisting, Stooping adequate ventilation.
 Reaching upwards  Work to be carried out in proper supervision
 Long vertical movement
 Long carrying distances 64. What are the hazards in gas cutting?
 Strenuous pushing or pulling  Fire and explosion due to leakage, gaseous
 Number of boxes needed to be lifted (Frequency of atmosphere, flash back
lifting)  Infra Red radiation emission- eye injury
 Repetitive handling  Health hazards:- fumes, dust- lungs damage,
 Insufficient rest or recovery dizziness
 Work rate imposed by the process  Trailing gas hose- trip hazard
 Fall of cylinders on body
ENVIRONMEN T  Cylinder handling
 Constraints on posture
 Poor floors Control Measure
 Variations in levels  Competent gas cutter
 Hot/Cold/ humid conditions  Use of trolley for cylinder handling
 Poor lighting  Use of non return valves & flash back arrestors
 Cutting work at designated area/ barricade the area
Correct Kinetic Handling Technique:-  Use of proper PPEs- face shield/ goggle, leather hand
 Assess the load gloves, apron, safety shoes etc.
 Load near the center of body  Place the fire extinguisher near hot work
 Secure grip  Fire watcher
 Suitable feet position
 Back straight 65. What are the hazards in grinding work?
 Bend the knees  Electrical hazard
 Load close the body  Health hazard
 Safe/ smooth movement  Fire hazard
 Fall/ trip hazard
63. What are the hazards in welding operation?
 Fire and explosion 66. What is electrical hazard?
 Electric shock/ electrocution Failure of component of electrical system due to faulty
 Electric flash design, faulty connection, and lack of repair &
 Electric burn maintenance is called electrical hazard.
 Sparking
 Harmful dust, Fumes, Smoke, Heat and light radiation 67. What are the hazards in electricity?
 Arc eye Main hazards of electricity:-
 Trip  Electric shock/ Electrocution
 Dizziness if working in confined space  Electric Burns

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 Fire and explosion It stands for auto ignition temperature. The temperature at
 Sparking which the combustible materials ignite without any
 Arc blast/ arcing external source of ignition.
 Flash
73. What is TLV/ILV/WEL or MAC?
Secondary effect of electricity:- It stands for threshold limit value/ Indicative limit value/
 Fall form height Work place exposure limit or maxima allowable/
 Unintentional movement of machine acceptable concentration. The value bellow which it is
 De-activation of control measure considered to maintain desirable concentration of air born
 Loss of information contaminant for 8 hours per day or 48 hours per week
 Throw off without any danger to health, safety & work efficiency.

Health effect of electricity on the body:-

74. What is STEL?
 Damage to nervous system
It stands for short term exposure limit. The maximum
 Irregular heartbeat (Fibrillation)
concentration of chemical to which workers are exposed
 Internal burn
continuously for up to 15 minutes without any danger to
 External burn
health, safety & work efficiency.
 Muscular contractions
 Stopping of the berating
75. What is LTEL?
 Stopping of the heart
It stands for long term exposure limit. The maximum
concentration of chemical to which workers are exposed
Factors influencing severity of electrical shock:-
continuously up to 8 hours without any danger to health,
 Voltage
safety & work efficiency.
 Current amount
 Current path
76. What is STEL?
 Conductivity or resistance
It stands for short term exposure limit. The maximum
 Time/ duration of contact
concentration of chemical to which workers are exposed
 Area of contact
continuously up to 15 min without any danger to health,
safety & work efficiency.
68. What precautions to be taken in electricity?
 Equipments are of approved standard
77. What is LEL?
 Wiring and casing are free from damage
It stands for lower explosive limit. The concentration limit
 Cables are correctly routed
bellow which the contaminant mixture / gaseous
 System not overloaded
atmosphere will not propagate the flame with explosion on
 Plug properly wired or gripped
ignition is called LEL.
 Using reduced voltage in wet condition
Note- it is also called lower flammable limit.
 Installation of electrical protective devices- ELCB,
78. What is UEL?
 Guarding
It stands for upper explosion limit. The concentration limit
 Grounding/ earhting
above which the contaminant mixture/ gaseous
 Use of proper PPEs
atmosphere will not propagate the flame with explosion on
 Good work practice
ignition is called UEL.
 Competent users
Note: - it is also called upper flammable limit
 Proper planning, designing and supervision
Note: - Between LEL & UEL, the gaseous atmosphere will
propagate the flam with explosion on ignition.
69. What is chemical hazard?
The hazard caused by chemical agents is called Chemical
79. What is MSDS?
It stands for material safety data sheet. MSDS is a short
70. What are chemical agents?
technical report that explains how to use, handle and store
Solid, Liquid, Gas, Fumes, Dust, Vapor, Mist, Fog, Smock
chemicals safely.

71. What is flush point?

I. Information about chemical
The temperature at which the flammable liquids yield a
i. Name of chemical/ identification of
sufficient amount of vapor to produce flam if a source of
ignition is supplied close to the surface of liquid is called
ii. Composition of Ingredients
flush point.
iii. Manufacture’s details
iv. Physical & chemical properties
72. What is AIT?
v. Reactivity & stability

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3) Class C, i.e. electrical fire

II. Information about hazards associated with 4) Class D, i.e. metal fire
i. Irritant Type of Fire Extinguishers:-
ii. corrosive 1. Water Type
iii. Toxic/ very toxic 2. Co2 Type
iv. Harmful 3. DCP Type
v. Carcinogenic 4. Foam Type
vi. Mutagenic
vii. Toractogenic 83. How to inspect fire extinguisher?
Fire extinguisher should be inspected monthly by user and
III. Information about Precautionary measures yearly by third party.
i. Fire fighting measure There are some points which must be checked in fire
ii. First aid measure extinguisher-
iii. Spillage control i. Type
iv. Exposure control ii. Container
v. Storage and handling iii. Placement
vi. PPE iv. Inspection tag
v. Validity
IV. Information about environmental vi. Locking pin
i. Disposal consideration vii. Seal
ii. Environmental impact viii. Carrying handle
ix. Pressure gauge
V. Other information x. Nozzle
i. Transportation information xi. Operating lever
ii. Regulatory information xii. Puncher lever
xiii. Valve
80. What is biological hazard? xiv. Hose
The hazards caused by biological agents (bacteria, virus,
fungi, mold) is called biological hazard. Color coding:
To color, as wires or papers, according to a code for easy
81. What is fire hazard? identification:-
Failure to use or handle fire or source of fire is called fire
hazard. I. For signage
 Red – defined hazard
82. What is fire?  Yellow– potential hazard
Fire is a chemical reaction which produces heat, smoke and  Black on Yellow– caution
light.  White on Red– Danger
There are three components of fire-  Red & Black on White–Prohibition
1) Fuel  White on Green– Emergency
2) Heat  White on Blue-– Mandatory
3) Oxygen  White on Blue/ Blue on White– General
If one of them is removed fire extinguishers:-
II. For Work permit
 If fuel is removed, called starvation.  Red copy to be return to the issuing department
 If heat is removed, called smothering.
after completion of job
 If Oxygen is removed, called blanketing.
 Yellow copy to be signed & returned to the safety
Fire expansion through:- department
 Conduction  White copy to be retained by the concerned
 Convection department for their record along with the
 Radiation original copy.
 Direct contact
III. For scaffolding
Classification of fire  Red means don’t use the
1) Class A, i.e. solid like wood, paper, cloth etc. scaffold
2) Class B, i.e. liquid and gas like petrol, diesel, kerosene,  Yellow means scaffold is
grease, paint, LPG, Acetylene, and DA etc. under erection/repair

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 Green means scaffold is ready PD = Project Director

to use. PHSE = Project HSE Manager
IV. For lifting Tools & Tackles- PM = Project Manager
i. Jan to March- Yellow SM = Site Manager
ii. April to Jun- Green QHSE = Quality, Health and Safety & Environment
iii. July to Sep- Blue CONSTQHSE= Construction QHSE Department
iv. Oct to Dec- Purple DPL = Discipline Project Leader
HSEM = Site HSE Manager / Engineer
Note: - i) color coding of lifting tools OISD = Oil Industry Safety Directorate (Government of
and tackles varies company to India)
company, some is taking it monthly
SRD =Safety Related Deficiency
ii) It is done after inspection of HAZOP =Hazard Operability
lifting tools & tackles. HAZCEM =Hazardous Chemical
HIRA =Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment
V. For electricity OHS =Occupational Health & Safety
a. Single phase OSHA =Occupational Safety & Health Administration
i. Red – main OHSAS =Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series
ii. Black- neutral NEBOSH =National Examination Board of Occupational
iii. Green- earthing Safety & Health
b. Three phase JHA =Job Hazard Analysis
i. Red, Yellow, Blue- main JSA =Job Safety Analysis
ii. Black- neutral PPE =Personal Protective Equipment
iii. Green- earthing CAPA = Corrective Acton and Preventive Action
VI. For gas cutting set- EIA = Environmental Risk Identification
i. O2 cylinder head black ROR = Register of Regulation
and hose blue TPIC =Third Party Inspection Certificate
ii. C2H2/ DA cylinder head SWL =Safe Working Load
red and hose maroon MSDS =Material Safety Data Sheet
LEL =Lower Explosive Limit
A safety officer shall have the following competence- UEL =Upper Explosive Limit
1. Knowledge and understanding of the work involved LFL = Lower Flammable Limit
2. Understand the principles of risk assessment & UEL = Upper Flammable Limit
prevention MAC =Maximum Allowable/ Acceptable Concentration
3. Knowledge of current health and safety applications TLV =Threshold Limit Value
4. Capacity to apply to tasks required STEL =Short Term Exposure Limit
5. Ability to identify problems OEL =Occupational Exposure Limit
6. Ability to assess the need for action EEL =Established Exposure Limit
7. Ability to design and develop strategies & plan and PEL =Permissible Exposure Limit
evaluate their effectiveness TWA =Time Weighted Average Value
8. Ability to promote & communicate health and safety PTW =Permit To Work
practice PPM =Parts Per Million
9. Understanding of relevant current best practices ALR =Air Line Respirator
10. Awareness of own limitation QRA =Quantitative Risk Assessment
11. Willingness and ability to supplement existing PHA =Preliminary Hazard Analysis
experience & knowledge TTS =Temporary Threshold Shift
12. Membership of a professional body/ similar DCP =Dry Chemical Powder
13. Hold suitable qualification TEL =Tetra Ethyl Lead
TDS =Total Dissolved Solid
TSS =Total Suspended Solid
Some important abbreviations MCB =Miniature Circuit Breaker
MCCB =Molded Cases Circuit Breaker
SAFETY = Sustain Accident Free Environment throughout the Year
= Set Accident Free Example Through You GFCI =Ground Fault Circuit Breaker
HSE = Health Safety & Environment ELCB =Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
HSEMP = HSE Management Program RCCB =Residual Current Circuit Breaker
SHE =Safety Health & Environment OCB =Oil Circuit Breaker
EHS = Environment Health & Safety ACB =Air Circuit Breaker
MR = Management Representative /Management ECB =Earth Circuit Breaker
Appointee SCP =Sort Circuit Prevention

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CCTV =Closed Circuit Tele Vision DA = Dissolved Acetylene

ILO =International Labor Organization DO =Dissolve Oxygen
WHO =World Health Organization
SCN =Safety Clearance Notice
ESIS =Employee’s State Insurance Scheme
BA = Breathing Apparatus
ABC =Air Breathing Circulation/ Always Be Careful
SCBA =Self Contain Breathing Apparatus
CIU =Crane Inspection Unit
JSTD =Job Skill Training Department
LPD =Loss Prevention Department
PDD =Power Distribution Department
PSM =Process Safety Management
PFD =Process Flow Diagram
P & ID = Piping & Instrument Diagram
TQM =Total Quality Management
TFQ =Total Field Quality
QA = Quality Assurance
QS =Quality Surveyor
QC =Quality Control
FQC =Field Quality Check
QWL =Quality of Working Life
HRDA =Human Resource Development Approach
HFG =Hydrogen Fluoride Gas
UV =Ultra Violet
IR =Infra Red
FMEA =Failure Mode & Effect Analysis
CPM =Critical Path Mode
PTS =Permanent Threshold Shift
HVAC =High Voltage Alternating Current
HVDC =High Voltage Direct Current
SPL =Sound Pressure Level
LWP =Limited Work Permit
PTT =Permit To Test
AFFF =Aqueous Film Forming Foam
TAC =Tariff Advisory Committee
HVWS =High Voltage Water spray System
MVWS =Medium Voltage Water spray System
HALON =Halogenated Hydrocarbon
FB =Fusible Bulb
ROTR =Rate Of Temperature Rise Detector
PSI =Pressure per Square Inch
AAAA =Always Alert Avoid Accident
IIRSA =International Institute of Regulation Standard
= Association
MSED =Mobile Scaffold Erecting Detail
CSM =Construction Safety Manual
FM =Factory Manual
HIP =Hazard Identification Plan
MI =material Instruction
MVA =Motor Vehicle Accident
BOD =Biochemical Oxygen Demand
COD =Chemical Oxygen Demand
DDT =Dichloro Diphenyl Tricholoroethane
TNT =Tri Nitro Toluene (Explosive liquid)
FAR =Floor Area Ratio Compilled by Mohammad Taqi Imam
RCC =Reinforced Concrete Construction Sr. Safety Officer
PCC =Plan concrete Construction ITD Cementation India Limited

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