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Genetic Modification of Food

Positive and Negative Aspect

Positive aspect Negative Aspect

GMOs can be tailored to provide better Antibiotic resistance
health benefits

Less land for more food Greater legal liability

Conserve energy, soil and water Genes go into different plant species

Fewer harmful agents will be applied to Independent research is not allowed


GMO can eliminate food allergies It may affect animal protein

GMOs use less water It encourages the use of additional


Positive environmental impact Unusual food taste

Your Genes Determine Who You Are

My genes determine who I am, yes it’s true because scientifically speaking gene is the

basic physical and functional unit of heredity and that is according to the U.S National Library of

Medicine. We mostly hear words such as DNA’s and RNA’s but most commonly DNA’s, and

once we hear that word what comes to our mind is having similarities or similar genes, blood a

family and even similarities in behaviour. It is also said that every person has two copies of each

gene, one inherited from each parent.

Now let us talk about why does our gene determine who we are? I believe that every

person has differences and it’s because of the work of our genes. Genes determine who we are

because our genes are the reason of who we are today, what we are as a person, how we act or

behave and even our physical attributes. Even when we are inside our mother womb Even the

smallest thing and part of our self is by the amazing work of genes our genes worked on our

traits; what our eye color is, hair color, skin tone, structure of our face, body even our voice.

If we will think about it, what will happen if we don’t have genes? Scientifically

speaking without it then how will human be formed? Every part of our body no matter how small

and invisible it is, it is still needed to form our human body. Especially genes, if all genes is the

same then how can we differentiate each other to another? We can no longer see differences and

uniqueness to an individual. It’s like looking in a mirror, what you see is only yourself. That’s

why I believe that our genes have contributed a big and important part to us that makes us

different and unique from other people. Our gene is ourselves, it’s a mirror of us, without it then

there’s no us.
Final Requirement in

Science, Technology
and Society

Submitted to:

Ma’am Clarizze Dela Cruz

Submitted by:

Zia Nicole R. Dayrit


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