Theorey of Automata

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Department: Computer Sciences Total Marks: 40

Resource Person: Muhammad Humair Time Allowed: 2 Hours
Programe: BS(CS/IT/SE) Date:
Course Name: Theory of Automata

Note: Every Question has equal marks. Attempt all questions (40 Marks)

Question # 1: Design NFA’s to recognize the following sets of strings and convert each of
NFA’s into DFA’s.
a) abc, abd, and aacd. Assume the alphabet is {a, b, c, d}.
b) ab, bc, and ca. Assume the alpha bet is {a, b, c}.

Question # 2: Consider the CFG:

S AA , A AAA , A bA | Ab | a

Prove that the language generated by these productions is the set of all words with an even
number of a’s, but not no a’s.

Question # 3: Prove the given theorem

If L is a context-free language, then L* is one too. In other words, the context-free languages are
closed under the Kleene Star.

Question # 4:
Design a TM that accepts the language EQUAL, that is, the language of all strings with the same
number of a's and b's.

Question # 5:

Convert this Mealy machine into Moore machine.

Running this string abbabbba over Moore machine
and the corresponding output string will be
11011010 which can determine by the table as well.

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