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(also to be used by applicants for Interim CEng & IEng


 This form should be used by all applicants, including existing members wishing to upgrade, with the exception of Affiliates, Student Affiliates, Apprentice
Affiliates and e-Associates who should apply online at
 This form should be used if you wish to apply for Interim CEng or IEng registration
 Please do NOT use this form if you wish to apply for Final CEng, IEng or EngTech registration. Visit the website for the appropriate application form:
 Complete the form electronically in black and print for signing.
 Please print the documents on one side only of A4 paper. Do not staple or bind the documents.
 Attach copies of academic or professional qualification certificates.


Please tick the grade of membership you wish to apply for: ☐ ARAeS ☐ AMRAeS ☐ MRAeS ☐ FRAeS ☐ CRAeS
I also wish to apply for ☐ Interim CEng ☐ Interim IEng

Existing membership number and grade (if applicable): Grade:


Title (and rank, if applicable): First Name(s):

Surname (Family name): Date of birth:

Designations (letters after your name, e.g. BSc, MEng, OBE) Gender: ☐Male ☐Female

Job title Company grade (if applicable)

Home address

Tick if preferred address for correspondence ☐ Post/zip code: Country:

Home email address: Home telephone no:

3. EMPLOYER DETAILS (if applicable)

Employer Name

Employer address

Tick if preferred address for correspondence ☐ Post/zip code: Country

Work email address: Work telephone no:

Membership No Grade Route

V2 16 Oct 2013
Visit for information on the range of exemplifying qualifications and necessary experience required for
each grade of membership.
Please list all post school qualifications (i.e. courses of 6 months duration or longer). Attach copies of academic or professional
qualification certificates.
Start Date End Date Course/Qualification Title Educational Establishment Classification FT/PT/SW/Distance Learning

5. PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS, PAPERS PRESENTED, ETC (if applicable) If applying to upgrade to Fellow please indicate
achievements since obtaining current grade of membership

Date Title

6. ORGANISATION CHART (please append, if necessary)

7. RELEVANT CAREER HISTORY (please append a full CV detailing all relevant roles and responsibilities. If applying to upgrade to your
membership, please clearly indicate your achievements since obtaining membership)

All applications require two referees known to you in a professional capacity (e.g. a member of the Society or a line manager), with the exception of
Fellowship applications where referees are required to be Fellows of the Society (or hold a similar level of membership in another professional body). The
Society reserves the right to contact referees about any statement in the application

Referee 1 Referee 2

Referee name:

Job title and employer:

Address and email address:

Numbers of years known to you:

Grade of membership and

professional body to which s/he

Capacity in which you know the


Sponsors for Fellowship should FRAeS No: FRAeS No:

provide their Fellowship number:

I certify that the information contained in this form and any accompanying documentation is correct. I agree that in the event of my election to any class of
membership of the Society, I will be bound by the Society’s Charter, By-Laws and Codes of Professional and Member Conduct and will further the objectives of
the Society as far as shall be within my power during such time as I remain a member. I accept the Society reserves the right to expel me if any of the
information in this form and any accompanying documentation are found to be falsified.


Print name: Date:

Payment of the non-refundable membership administration fees is to be made on application. Membership subscription fees will be collected when the
application has been successful. Visit for current membership fees.

To the Royal Aeronautical Society –I authorise the Society to charge non-refundable membership administration fees on receipt of this
application and, in the event of my election to membership of the Society, the first year’s fees for the grades of membership applied for
to the credit/debit card shown below.
Name on card:

Card Number:


Card Type (please tick): ☐ VISA ☐ DELTA ☐ MAESTRO ☐ MASTERCARD ☐ AMEX

Security number:

Valid From: Expiry Date CVC Code (3 digit security code on reverse):

Please consider this option if you are a UK taxpayer. All Gift Aid donations support the Society’s charitable work.
Please treat the following as a Gift Aid Donation to the Royal Aeronautical By selecting A I hereby confirm that I will not make a tax
Foundation (please tick as appropriate): deduction in respect of my membership subscriptions in the
current and future years.
☐ My membership subscription paid personally by me (and not by a third party); and/or By selecting B I have not made a tax deduction in respect of
☐ My donation(s) paid personally by me my membership subscriptions in the past four years, nor will
I make a claim in the current and future years.
For I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax
☐ A) The current year and all future years; or and/or Capital Gains Tax for each year (6 April to 5 April)
that is least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities
☐ B) The past four years, the current year and all future years; or or Community Amateur Sports Clubs that I donate to will
reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other
☐ Other (please specify): taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify.

Please notify the Society if you Tax claimed by the Society: The Society will reclaim 25p of tax on Donors who pay income tax at the
a) want to cancel this declaration, every £1 that is given. higher rate must include all their Gift
b) change your name or home Aid donations on their Self
address or c) no longer pay Assessment tax return if they want to
sufficient tax on your income receive the additional tax relief due to
and/or capital gains. them.

Print name: Date:

Print and sign this form and send to arrive by the closing date to: OPTIONAL: to assist us in improving our service, please indicate
what has prompted you to apply:
The Professional Standards Officer Encouraged by employer ☐
Royal Aeronautical Society RAeS Event ☐
4 Hamilton Place External event ☐
LONDON W1J 7BQ Direct mail ☐
Advert ☐
Personal recommendation by
Campaign code, if available

What happens after the Society receives your application:

 An email confirming receipt of your application will be sent and the non-refundable administration fees will be collected. Additional
information may be requested, if necessary.
 Applications for membership and registration are considered by committee every two months. Visit
for closing dates and the corresponding committee dates.
 Where the committee approves the grade of membership applied for and/or Interim registration, a confirmation email is sent within two
weeks of the committee meeting with notification of the annual fees that will be deducted from the card shown in Section 10 above. The
certificate of election is sent to applicants and the names of elected members are published in the Society’s magazine. Interim
Registrants will be contacted by the Engineering Council direct with their registration number.
 Applicants not approved for the grade requested will be provided with feedback by email.
 For further advice, please visit, send an email to or telephone +44
(0)20 7670 4355.

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