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1. What is mean by Product ?

Product that do not have variations associated with them. We can think of them as Standard or
Base Product. Product is a unique whic donot have variants. This product page in the Product Information

2. What is mean by Product Master ?

Product Masters have item dimensions like Size, Color, Style, Configarations. The variations of a
product master can be Creted or Predefined. Example Sample
Product -- Shirt --Small, Medium, Large

3. Difference between Product and Product Master?

Product Master have Item Dimensions for Prodcut Variants whereas PRoducts do not have
variants. We can assign Product Dimensions Group to product but we can not assign Dimension Group to

4. Product Creation Process:

 For Creating Product we have to open Product Infromation Management.

 Click Products

 Click on New Product here enter the fields like,

Product Type as Item

Product Subtype as Product

Enter Product Number

Product Master Creation Process :

 To crate product master go to Product Information Management under that Click Product

 Click New enter the required fields

Product Type as Item

Product Subtype as Product Master

Enter Product Number

Select the Product Dimension Group here we have to select Color and Size

Click OK
7. what and all mandatory fields to complete the product untill releasing till the validate?

 Open the Product Master field whic we have created

 We have to assign Dimensions Group to Product Master, Click on Dimension group

Button it will open a drop down list which contains three fields

Product Dimension Group - select Size and Color

Storage Dimension Group - select Warehouse and site

Tracking Dimension Group - select None

Select the appropriate fields from it then click on OK.

After Finishing above process, Double Click on Product Dimensions here we can see Sizes and Color

Click New and give different size and color, Press cntl+S for saving it the close the window
Then Click Product Variants

Here on the top we can see Variants Suggestions, Click on it and select all and click on create button, We
can see what we have selected at the Left Side and close the window

Release Product:

 Once we created the product we need to Release that Product for use by your companies

 To Release go to the product master on the top we can see Release Products button

 Now select Companis from left side. It will display all the companies in AX

 Now select the compaines which wee want to use this product, Click OK

Now we have to Assign Item Model, Purchase Unit, Sales Unit, and Manage Costs to Product Master

 From Released products select your product and click on Edit button
 We can see General fields under this there is a Administration field Click on Item Model
Group drag the drop down list we can see different types select FIFO

 Then now Click on Purchase tab there we can see Unit give 'EA' for it and assign some
pricee to it

 We will do same process to Sell tab

 Now click on Mange Costs tab we will find Item Groupsdrag the drop down list we can
see the fields like, Audio, Camera, Phone, TV/Video give one field to it

 After Finishing click on Validate and close it

7. What is a Site?

A site is location it includes one or multiple warehouses. It is a place one order should be
delivered before it goes to the storage places

 To Create Site we need to go for Inventory Management under this click on setup we can
see Inventory Breakdown Click on that field we can see Site, Warehouse

 Click on site create new site give Site and Name press cntrl+s

 We can also see our site name in Hierarchy field

8. What is Warehouse?

A warehouse is a building for storage of goods, It must have a site and that should be linked with
that site

There are two types of warehouse

1. Quarantine Warehouse

2. Transit Warehouse

 To creating warehouse go to Inventory Management under this we can find Inventory

Breakdown click on warehouses

 Click on new enter Warehouse and Name

 In General tab enter the required fields like



Quarantine Warehouse

Transit Warehouse

 Save and Close it

 We can see this warehouse fields in Hierarchy tab by expanding Site

9. Creating a Vendor?
A Vendor is a person that supplies goods to a company, Vendor with a purchase order stating the
goods with price data and other terms

Creating a New Vendor

 For creating New Vendor Click on Procurement and Sourcing under that click on
Common – Vendor – All Vendors

 Click on New Vendor it opens new window

 Click on General Tab in the Vendor Account field, enter a number

 In the Name field enter the name

 In the Group field select the vendor group that applies to the vendor, Close it

8. Creating a Customer?

 For Creating a Customer click on Sales and Marketing under that click on Common –
Customer – All customer

 Click on New Customer it opens new window

 Enter name field

 In the Details section enter Customer Group, Currency, Mode of Delivery

 In the Address and Contact Information enter Country and Zip Code

 Next click on Save and Open then click on customer and close it

11. What are the three types of Dimension Group?

There are Three Types of Product Dimension Groups the are

1. Product Dimension Group

2. Storage Dimension Group

3. Tracking Dimension Group

Product Dimension Group: It can be selected only for product master, it contains Size, Color,
Size and Configuration fields.

Storage Dimension Group: it is used for storing an Product Item like Site, Warehouse, Location
and Pallet Id

Tracking Dimension Group: It contains serial and batch number for tracking the product
12. What is an Item Group?

Item groups are used to control the ledger accounts that are used at different items, We
can see it in our daily life like TV, Camera, Audio, Home appliances

What is Item Model Group?

Item Model Group control the item behavior, it defines the costing methods and check
whether it is stocked or non-stocked

We can see this in Product Information Management under this click on Released products in this
open the product master and Click on Edit we can see both item model and item model group
13. Posting a Trade Agreement for a product in Purchase Order?

Trade agreement is used for setting Prices for Products, Vendors and Customers

Navigation to Trade agreement purchase order

 Go to Procurement and Sourcing under this click on Price/discount agreement

Journals tab

 New window opens click on new button we can see a name field Right click on it

 Click new enter the name as Purchase and Description as Purchase Order

 In relation mention Price(Purch.) because we are doing purchase order

 Click save and close it

After Finishing it Go to Lines

 After clicking line another window opens in this window we ca see some fields

 Relation should be Price Purch

 Click on Account Code as Table

 In Account selection give vendor name

 In item relation give product/product master and enter the remaining fields like
Size, Color, Site, Warehouse, Unit, Amount

 In below give From date and To date

 After completing, see at the top Click on Validate all lines here check journal is
ok or not

 Then click on Post Journal get posted thus purchase agreement journal finish

 We can do same process for Sales Order but the change is Relation will take
14. Creating a Purchase Order?

A Purchase Order is a document between a supplier and a buyer. We will use this for tracking the
inventory, sales and invoice is prepared by the seller it will sent to the buyer

 For creating Purchase Order we need to go Procurement and Sourcing under this
click on All Purchase Order

 A new window opens which contains Vendor Details

 Enter the Vendor account which you have already created

 In name field enter the vendor name

 Come to General Tab we can see Site and Warehouse enter the fields

 Click on OK button
 After clicking Ok it will open another window

 In this we enter the details

o Item number

o Product name

o Site name

o Warehouse name

o Unit

 After completing on the top we can see Line View and Header View

 Click on Header View check the Status

o Status : Open Order

o Document Status : None

o Approval Status : Approved

 Now go to Purchase Tab on the top click on Confirmation, Once clicking on Confirm
button confirmation tab will Disabled we cannot edit it

 Click on Ok button then check the status in header view Approval status will change to
 Now click on Receive Tab we can see Product Receipt tab click on it, another window

 In Overview tab there is a Product Receipt field enter the name and click on ok

 Check whether the Quantity is Ordered Quantity

 And make a tick mark on Posting

 Then click on Ok

 After Clicking ok check the status in header view whether the order is received or not
 Now we can see the status

o Status : Received

o Document Status : Product Receipt

o Approval Status : Confirmed

 Now the order is Received we need to invoice the order

 Click on Invoice Tab click Invoice

 Here in Line View we can see Invoice Identification under this give Invoice Number and
Invoiced Description in the required box

 Under this click on Lines tab add the line enter the details of Item number, Item name,

 Then click on Post it post the order

 Now Click on Header View to check whether it is Invoiced or not
 Here we can see the Status Invoiced, This is the process for creating Purchase Order

15. Creating a Sales Order?

Sales Order is a commercial document it is prepared by the seller and sent to the customers, it is
about Quantity, Quality at the price. When the customer accepts the document the seller deliver the goods
at given date and price

Creating Sales Order Agreement

For creating Sales Order we need to create Sales agreement. For creating Sales agreement

 Go to Sales and Marketing under this click on Journals Tab in this click on
Price/Discount Agreement Journals

 Click on New Right click and click on View Details

 Enter the name Field and Description

 In the Relation Tab drag the drop down list and click on Price (Sales) because we are
doing Sales order then close the window
 Now Click on the Lines Tab

 Enter the required fields like,

o Relation – Price(Sales)

o Account Code – Table

o Account Selection – Give the Customer name which you have created

o Item Relation – Give the product name

 After entering the above click enter the From date and To date

 Now Validate all lines journal will ok

 Next click on Post Journal will post, Close the window

Sales Order Agreement is created

Sales Order Creation:

 For creating Sales Order go to Sales and Marketing tab under this click on Sales order
open All sales Orders

 Click on New Sales Order

 Enter the Customer Name

 Click on General Tab under this go to Storage Dimensions give the Site and Warehouse

 Click on Ok button
 After clicking on Ok new window opens

 Click on add line enter the required fields Item Number, Product Name and Quantity
 On the top click on Header View to check the Status of order
 Now click on Sell Tab

 Click on Sales Order Confirmation once you click on that it displays another window

 Click on Ok button
 After clicking ok button check the status whether the order is confirmed or not

 Order is confirmed we can see the Document status above

 Now go to Pick and Pack

 Click on Packing Slip it will display a window click on ok

 After clicking ok status changed to Delivered

 Now open Invoice Tab click on invoice it will open a window click on Ok
 After clicking on Ok check the status of the order whether Invoiced or not

16. Purchase Return Order

Many times company want to return goods which they have received from vendor due to different
reasons such as Damaged Products, Expired Product etc. In order to return goods to vendor we create a
Purchase Return Order

 For creating Purchase Return Order open Procurement and Sourcing under this click on
All Purchase Order

 Click New Purchase Order

 Enter the vendor account number

 Enter the vendor name

 In References section enter the RMA Number

 Click on general tab below here change the Purchase Type as Returned Order

 Give Site and Warehouse and click on Ok

17. Sales Return Order

Return order is the process in which customers return items that they have purchased

Creating Sales Return Order

 For creating sales order go to Sales and Marketing

 Under the sales order click on Return Orders

 Now select the customer enter the reason code

 Click Ok return order window enter the quantity as -10

 On the top open the Headerview and the check status

 Now click on Packing Slip

18. Creating Transfer Order?

It is the process of transferring the items from one Warehouse to another Warehouse by using
Transit mode

 For creating Transfer Order click on Inventory Management

 Click on Periodic – Transfer Order

 Select From Warehouse1 to Warehouse2

 Add the line enter the item number and Transfer Quantity that how much do you want to
 Now click on Posting a new window opens

 Click Ok
 Now go to Posting and click on Picking List Registration

 Handling Status is Activated

 Now click on Update All then Handling Status will change to Completed
 Now order should be Shipped, for shipping order

 Go to Posting tab and click Ship Transfer Order

 Check the status order it will changed to Shipped

 Quantity is shipped now. Houston should be Receive the quantity

 For Receiving go to posting and drag the drop down list and select Receive

 Check the Receive Quantity and Click ok

 Check the status

19. Types of Journals

Inventory Adjustment Journal: It is used for making the adjustment in inventory in order to
maintain the inventory accuracy in the system

To create adjustment journal

 Go to Inventory Management under this click on Journal – Item Transaction – Select

Inventory Adjustment

 Select new adjust in drop down list

 Now click on Store Inventory Select Site and Warehouse

 Go to Lines give the Item number and Quantity

 Click on post Journal Ok

 Click on Validate Journal ok

 Now click on Inventory drag the list click on Transaction and check the Status it will be

 Now if you want to increase the inventory repeat the same process and give +15, then
check the status it will be Purchased
Transfer Journal

It balances the inventory, in inventory dimension it has from inventory and To Inventory where
we select the Sites and Warehouses

 Go to Inventory Management under this click on Transfer

 Click on new select Inventory Transfer

 Now Select the Store Inventory and enter the site and warehouse

 Click on Lines enter the item number and quantity as -20

 Now click on Inventory Dimensions

 Enter the From Inventory Dimension and To Inventory Dimensions

 Give the Site and Warehouse names to both the fields

 Click on validate

 Click on post
 Now click on Inventory drag the list select Transaction

 Check the status

Counting Journal:

The correction which we have to do when physically counting the Item/Product if it mismatches
with the system
 For creating counting journal go to Counting under that click on Item Counting

 Select the required fields

 Select the store inventory and enter the site and warehouse names

 Click on Lines tab

 Give the item number it shows the One Hand Inventory 95

 Click on Validate

 Click on Post

 Check the Transaction Status it shows Sold

20. Unit of Measurements of a Products:

Unit of measure is a standard base or derived division that is used for measurement or exchange.
Ex when we want to enter an order you specify both a quantity and the unit of measure that the qunatity

This are of three types

1. Inventory Unit of Measurements

2. Purchase Unit of Measurements

3. Sales Unit of Measurements.

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