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Visualization and Cosmic Attunement 

By Raymond Bernard - Part 3

The Master rises. I do the same, and, the left

hand on the heart and the right on the left,
with a last look he gives me his farewell. To
the sound of AUM, which echoes again, he
leaves me alone in my private sanctuary and
immediately I feel him in deep meditation on
the Mountain of Illumination, beyond, in the
distant place which I gaze on with faith, trust,
and veneration.
It is time to reenter my earthly domain and,
curiously, I find it is accomplished by a kind
of inverse visualization. The 'descent' is done
actually by degrees, and I notice that it is
possible to further slacken the grip of the
objective consciousness in order to analyze
the steps, and in this case the 'vibration' of
recall develops in more numerous pictures,
clearer, and more precise. This is a lesson to
remember in visualization and all its phases,
slowly is a key word. The comments of the
Master on the principles of visualization lead
me to think, at the moment of writing, that the
fruit of an experience may be useful to many,
and I shall not hesitate, therefore, to record
my own here.

Hermetic Traditions, teaches that anything

may be requested from the Cosmic (Absolute
Consciousness - God) on the condition that
the desire includes, in equal part, personal
interest and altruism. Now this requirement is
a source of problems to a great many people.
Actually, where does personal interest stop,
and where does altruism begin? If someone
needs money to meet urgent liabilities, how
may it be defined in the reflections (which
precede visualization) on that which, in the
request to the Cosmic, is obviously useful to
another? There is a reply to this question. In
the case mentioned, if the date of payment
cannot be met, someone will suffer, perhaps
the one to whom the sum is due, and with
him, perhaps, his colleagues and employees,
or it may be himself, the debtor, and the
family which is dependent on him. But how
can one be sure? How be certain as to the
manner in which this particular request or
some other should be made? There is a
personal method, developed while I was still
a beginner, which I have used for a long time,
and which I still use on occasion, which has
been of considerable help to me. Here is the

The Cosmic, by definition, is the sum total of

everything. It is the entire universe and
everything therein that is to say, in particular
our Earth and all humanity, embracing all its
characteristics, the good and those which, for
want of wisdom and understanding, one
'judges' less good. The Cosmic is, then, you,
me, and all the others. Consequently if I make
a request to the Cosmic it is, then, to the
universe that this request is made, but it is
also to humanity — to you, and you, and all
the others. Now my request, in order to be
understood by the Cosmic and be accepted
by It, must be conveyed by means of
visualization. I have explained this in the
previous message, and the Master has
brought new understanding to this subject. If
I should present myself to you or to some
human assembly to make my request, and I
must express it aloud, as if from a stage, it is
evident that if previously I have not fully
considered whether or not my wish is absurd,
impossible to satisfy, or hurtful to someone, I
should certainly realize it at the moment of
submitting it to you, or after the first words of
the statement I should be making to you.
Light would dawn on me, and I should
withdraw, realizing the futility of my request.

Having meditated on this aspect of things, I

resolved that in all my visualizations, even
those that my reasoning considered justified,
I would act as if I were solemnly presenting
my request to a human assembly. And I state
quickly that the means employed helped me
even to completely forget my wish after
having visualized it in this way, and every
seeker knows that this is absolutely
necessary in order that the Cosmic may 'hear'
the request which is submitted to it. I worked
then, and I still work, in the following manner,
whatever the wish I have to express or the
object of my request:

I visualize a vast edifice which, at the time of

my visualization becomes, for me, the
'residence' of the Cosmic. I ascend the high
stairway leading to an immense door which I
pass through, and crossing a huge vestibule I
approach an old usher dressed in black, to
tell him that I have come to 'express' a
request to the Cosmic. He presents me with a
form on which I write my surname, my first
name, and address. He immediately gives the
form to a younger usher who makes his way
toward a wooden double door, which he half
opens to hand the document to a hand which
takes it and shut again the door. I have had
time meanwhile to hear an orator present a
request in a loud voice to an assembly which
I cannot see. I sit down on a bench to gather
my thoughts. The wait is not long. The
wooden door opens and I am called. I rise
and enter a room of gigantic dimensions and,
preceded by an usher, I advance the length of
the central aisle whilst thousands of heads
turn to look at me attentively as I pass. I
recognize some of those who are going to
hear my request — there are, especially, my
family, my friends, my relatives, my co-
workers, and my departed ones, and
everyone looks at me with great benevolence.
At the end of the room, on a dais, near which I
shall soon be, in a semicircle, are seated the
Masters whom I venerate, and above shines
the cloud of the Sacred Presence. Then I am
on the dais, faced with this innumerable
mass of 'spectators', whose eyes and
attention are fixed on me. I feel around me
those who are closer. I feel behind me the
Sacred Presence....

Then in the absolute silence, having

pronounced my name, I distinctly present my
request before the assembly, and I hear my
voice reverberate to infinity under the high
arches. As soon as I have finished with the
words 'with confidence, certain of the answer,
I convey to you my request (or my problem).
So mote it be!', I leave the dais, leave the
room, cross the vestibule, and I descend the
stairs and become objectively conscious

Several points are to be emphasized with this

visualization: First of all, as soon as my
request has been made, and I leave the dais, I
immediately cease to think about it, and I pay
attention only to the assembly through which
I pass, then to the door, the vestibule, and
finally the great staircase. Once again on the
objective plane, I attend to other things, and I
wait for the reply with confidence. I know that
it will come in one way or another, by a sign,
an intuition, or a suggestion perhaps. I do not
doubt that my request is in the best of hands,
those of the Cosmic, and the Cosmic never
leaves a request without an answer. If, while
on the dais, I am not seized with doubt, nor
perceive that my request is not valid; if I have
completed it, sure of myself, I shall have my

Facing the assembly, my request has been

complete, precise, detailed. Nothing has been
left indefinite. I have set out my problem in all
its phases without exception and without
concealing anything which could risk making
my request useless.

I did not at any moment suggest a solution to

the assembly. I did not tell them how my
problem should be resolved, my request
satisfied, or my wish fulfilled. If I knew the
solution, my visualization would have been
useless. I conveyed my earnest request to
the all-powerful Cosmic, and my earnest
request only. I have confidence because the
Cosmic knows how to work it out the best
way for me, including the good of all, and it
will be realized.

Finally, in order to be effective, this

visualization must be lifelike, vivid. It is
necessary to see the assembly, to feel it, to
hear oneself speak, without losing sight of
those who listen to the request. It is
necessary to live each phase of the
visualization as if it were real, and it is real,
because the Cosmic, I repeat, is all, and in
this visualization it is to It that you address

I hope that a great many will adopt this

method, which has been my own for a long
time. There is no reason why it should be
unceasingly effective for me and not for any
others. Moreover, it contributes to the
development of concentration, and if, at the
beginning, visualization is long, practice
makes it easy and fast, without which it will
lose its effectiveness. May it give you the
intense satisfaction that it has lavished on
me! This is the ardent wish that I make for
each of you in the presence of the Cosmic, at
the close of this first message received in the
Celestial Sanctum. 

• A reminder that words like "The Celestial Sanctum" -

"the Cosmic" and "Masters" are symbolic images of an
archetypal nature to help seekers get in touch with
their own center of Consciousness. You may choose to
change these words, this is unimportant, what counts
is the visualization and the getting in touch with the
sacred Center of Being and Consciousness within..

I have dedicated two sites to Raymond
Bernard - one in French and one in English you
can visit them at:

Transcendence and Humanism in English -

Transcendance et Humanisme in French -

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