Checklist of Validation: Teacher Interview

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Student Name : Arif Arga Kusuma

Major : English Department
The title of thesis : The Use of Inflectional and Derivational Affixes for Word
Formation in the Students’ Writing

Number Questions Yes No

A Teacher Interview
1 Were the interview questions proper with the purpose of the
research to get the data?
2 Were the questions clear to understand?
3 Did the researcher conduct enough questions to get the target
4 Were the questions relevant with the research questions?
Documment Observation
1 Was the check list relevant with the research focus?
2 Was the check list needed to get the data?
3 Was the check list understandable?
Clasroom Activities Observation
1 Were the points suitable to the research?
2 Were the points enough to get the data?
3 Did the check list points answer the research questions?
Students Interview
1 Were the questions appropiate with the purpose of the research
to get the data?
2 Were the questions undestandable?
3 Were the points of question enough to get the data?
B Result
1 Did the result achieve the purpose of the resaerch?
2 Did the result answer the research questions accurately?
3 Did the researcher elaborate the result clearly?
4 Was the result understandable?

Validator’s note/ suggestion:

Semarang, 2017

Prof. Dr. Warsono, Dip. TEFL, MA.


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