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Marlou Simangon, RSW

SOL Program Head
#7Matimtiman St., Teacher’s Village
West, Diliman Q.C

Dear Ms. Simangon,


I am Angelica B. Parrera. I’m 19 years old. I am now in AC (After Care) Stage

in School Of Life Program.

I planned to go back to my province in Bangkal, Abucay Bataan. I will stay in

my parents’ house and to help in our Sari-sari store, at the same time process my
documents for studies. I will be taking up Midwifery.

As part of after care, even if I stay in my family I continue my

communication, once a month I attending the usual activities every weekend. And
also if I have a time I volunteer to help here in SOL.

I hope that you are considering my letter.

Thank you very much..

Respectfully yours,
Angelica B. Parrera

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