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READ JOHN 14:15–26

Jesus knew He would not physically walk alongside His disciples

for all of their ministry. He knew there would be a time when they
were confused. He knew there would be a time when they were
lost. Jesus knew they would feel lonely, inept, and unqualified to
continue the ministry that He had begun.

Though Jesus was soon to return to heaven, the disciples were

not going to be left alone to accomplish the Great Commission.
He would send them help. The Holy Spirit would be that Helper
they needed to transition into Christ’s calling on their lives.

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate
to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth” (John

When we feel inadequate, uneducated, or inexperienced to

minister to people, we must remember that we are not alone. The
Holy Spirit is with us to provide council, wisdom, and direction in
our lives. Jesus promised that through the Holy Spirit He would
remain with His followers forever.

Challenge for Today: Invite the Holy Spirit to be your daily guide.
Allow Him to lead you through whatever situation you are facing.

Quicklook: John 14:15–19

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