Biggest Loser Contest Rules and Regulations - Docx2019

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Biggest Loser Contest Rules and Regulations

DEADLINES: *Sign and return the registration form

Registration Fees:
Non-Resident members

*Initial weights and measurements must be done in the first week of July 2019
1. WHO
a. This is a committed group of people who will take the 8 week challenge
seriously to improve their fitness, nutrition, and overall wellness, they commit not
only to themselves, but to their team members as well.
b. The Biggest Loser Contest will not only be about losing weight, but also about
gaining strength, creating healthy eating habits, and establishing a sustainable
healthy lifestyle habit.
c. Contestants must be 18 years of age or older.
a. There will be a mandatory informational meeting Saturday July 6, 2019 at 7am
at Barangay Hall UP Village
b. The Biggest Loser Contest will be 20weeks in length. It will BEGIN July 8, 2019
and Nov 30, 2019
Final weigh in and awards the 2nd week of December
c. Mandatory initial weigh-in and initial measurements will be done at these times:
Monday July 8, 2019 (4:00 – 6:00pm) every Monday of the week , July 15, 2019…...
You must obtain your initial weigh-in and measurements the first week in July.
d. The Final Weigh In AND measurement dates will be December 2 and 9th.
e. Our Biggest Loser Awards Ceremony will be December 14, 2019
3. TEAMS a. Teams can be premade groups of 3-4 people (you put together your
own group of 3-4 people total for your team); OR groups can be assembled by the
Barangay UP Village made of individuals seeking to join a team with 2-3 others (3-4
total). Just sign up and we’ll get you started!
b. Teams are not required to workout together, but will need to complete 1 team
challenge throughout the competition time frame. Team members will encourage,
support, be accountable to and cheer on one another.
c. You are not required to be on a team. You may enter as an individual.
4. What’s included in the fee? The registration fee will cover: a. Biggest Loser
Nutrition Classes, Biggest Loser Education Classes, Biggest Loser Fitness Classes
and Biggest Loser Challenges.
Please register for these Biggest Loser events by the Monday prior.
Measurements will be held at the beginning and end of our contest only.
5. BIGGEST LOSER STEP CHALLENGE a. The Biggest Loser Step Challenge is
optional. To participate you must be a resident of Barangay UP Village or working
within Barangay UP . Biggest Loser community group
. OTHER PARAMETERS a. It is encouraged that you consult with your doctor before
beginning any exercise/weight loss program. b. Water Consumption - please make
sure you are drinking plenty of water/fluids throughout the competition. c. Food
Consumption - NOT eating is not an option - be healthy and eat in moderation and
you’ll be great! d. In the events of a tie of percentage of weight lost, we will
consider the pounds and centimeters lost. e. No refunds :) f. We reserve the right
to remove any individual from the competition if we feel an unhealthy level of
activity or nutrition has been reached. g. If you have any questions please ask!

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