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Emergency Management

Guide for Business and

A Step-by-Step Approach to Emergency Planning, Response
and Recovery for Companies of All Sizes
FEMA 141/October 1993



Sponsored by a Public-Private Partnership with the Federal Emergency Management Agency

Special thanks to the following organizations for supporting the development, promotion and
distribution of the Emergency Management Guide for Business & Industry:

American Red Cross

American Insurance Association

Building Owners and Managers Association International

Chemical Manufacturers Association

Fertilizer Institute

National Association of Manufacturers

National Commercial Builders Council

of the National Association of Home Builders

National Coordinating Council on Emergency Management

National Emergency Management Association

National Industrial Council — State Associations Group

New Jersey Business & Industry Association

Pacific Bell

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency

The Emergency Management Guide for Business & Industry was produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) and supported by a number of private companies and associations representing business and industry.

The approaches described in this guide are recommendations, not regulations. There are no reporting requirements, nor will
following these principles ensure compliance with any Federal, State or local codes or regulations that may apply to your

FEMA is not a regulatory agency. Specific regulatory issues should be addressed with the appropriate agencies such as the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Prepared under FEMA Contract EMW-90-C-3348 by:

Thomas Wahle Gregg Beatty

Ogilvy Adams & Rinehart Roy F. Weston, Inc.
Washington, D.C. Rockville, Maryland
(202) 452-9419 (301) 646-6855

About This Guide .........................................................................................................................................5
What Is an Emergency? .................................................................................................................................5
What Is Emergency Management?................................................................................................................6
Making the “Case” for Emergency Management..........................................................................................6


Form the Team ..............................................................................................................................................9
Establish Authority .....................................................................................................................................10
Issue a Mission Statement ...........................................................................................................................10
Establish a Schedule and Budget.................................................................................................................10


Where Do You Stand Right Now? .......................................................................................................................11
Review Internal Plans and Policies.............................................................................................................11
Meet with Outside Groups..........................................................................................................................11
Identify Codes and Regulations ..................................................................................................................12
Identify Critical Products, Services and Operations...................................................................................12
Identify Internal Resources and Capabilities ..............................................................................................12
Identify External Resources.........................................................................................................................13
Do an Insurance Review .............................................................................................................................13

Conduct a Vulnerability Analysis .........................................................................................................................14

List Potential Emergencies............................................................................................................................14
Estimate Probability ......................................................................................................................................15
Assess the Potential Human Impact.............................................................................................................15
Assess the Potential Property Impact ...........................................................................................................15
Assess the Potential Business Impact ...........................................................................................................16
Assess Internal and External Resources........................................................................................................16
Add the Columns..........................................................................................................................................16
Plan Components .........................................................................................................................................................17
Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................................17
Emergency Management Elements...............................................................................................................17
Emergency Response Procedures ..................................................................................................................18
Support Documents ......................................................................................................................................18

The Development Process ......................................................................................................................................19

Identify Challenges and Prioritize Activities ...............................................................................................19
Write the Plan ..............................................................................................................................................19
Establish a Training Schedule.......................................................................................................................19
Continue to Coordinate with Outside Organizations ..................................................................................19
Maintain Contact with other Corporate Offices..........................................................................................20
Review, Conduct Training and Revise .........................................................................................................20
Seek Final Approval .....................................................................................................................................20
Distribute the Plan........................................................................................................................................20


Integrate the Plan into Company Operations.................................................................................................21

Conduct Training..........................................................................................................................................................22
Planning Considerations...............................................................................................................................22
Training Activities ........................................................................................................................................22
Employee Training ........................................................................................................................................23

Evaluate and Modify the Plan ................................................................................................................................24


Direction and Control ................................................................................................................................................27
Emergency Management Group (EMG) ......................................................................................................27
Incident Command System (ICS)................................................................................................................28
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) .........................................................................................................28
Planning Considerations...............................................................................................................................29
Security .........................................................................................................................................................29
Coordination of Outside Response ...............................................................................................................29
Contingency Planning ..................................................................................................................................31
Emergency Communications ........................................................................................................................31
Family Communications...............................................................................................................................32

Life Safety........................................................................................................................................................................33
Evacuation Planning ....................................................................................................................................33
Evacuation Routes and Exits........................................................................................................................33
Assembly Areas and Accountability............................................................................................................34
Shelter ..........................................................................................................................................................34
Training and Information.............................................................................................................................34
Family Preparedness .....................................................................................................................................34

Property Protection ....................................................................................................................................................35

Planning Considerations ..............................................................................................................................35
Protection Systems .......................................................................................................................................35
Facility Shutdown.........................................................................................................................................36
Records Preservation ....................................................................................................................................37

Community Outreach .................................................................................................................................................39

Involving the Community............................................................................................................................39
Mutual Aid Agreements...............................................................................................................................39
Community Service......................................................................................................................................40
Public Information .......................................................................................................................................40
Media Relations............................................................................................................................................41

Recovery and Restoration ........................................................................................................................................43

Planning Considerations ..............................................................................................................................43
Continuity of Management..........................................................................................................................43
Insurance ......................................................................................................................................................44
Employee Support.........................................................................................................................................44
Resuming Operations ...................................................................................................................................45

Administration and Logistics .................................................................................................................................47

Administrative Actions................................................................................................................................47
Logistics ........................................................................................................................................................47
Fire ......................................................................................................................................................................................51

Hazardous Materials Incidents..............................................................................................................................53

Floods and Flash floods............................................................................................................................................55

Hurricanes .......................................................................................................................................................................57


Severe Winter Storms ...............................................................................................................................................61

Earthquakes ...................................................................................................................................................................63

Technological Emergencies....................................................................................................................................65


Additional Readings from FEMA...........................................................................................................................69

Ready-to-Print Brochures..........................................................................................................................................71

Emergency Management Offices ..........................................................................................................................73

Vulnerability Analysis Chart

Training Drills and Exercises Chart

INTRODUCTION. A hurricane blasts through South Florida causing INTRODUCTION
more than $25 billion in damages.
A fire at a food processing plant results in 25 deaths, a company out of
business and a small town devastated.
A bombing in the World Trade Center results in six deaths, hundreds of injuries
and the evacuation of 40,000 people.
A blizzard shuts down much of the East Coast for days. More than 150 lives are
lost and millions of dollars in damages incurred.

Every year emergencies take The guide is organized as follows:

their toll on business and industry
— in lives and dollars. But some- Section 1: 4 Steps in the
thing can be done. Business and Planning Process — how to form a
industry can limit injuries and planning team; how to conduct a
damages and return more quickly vulnerability analysis; how to
to normal operations if they plan develop a plan; and how to imple-
ahead. ment the plan. The information
can be applied to virtually any type
About This Guide of business or industry.
This guide provides step-by- Section 2: Emergency Management
step advice on how to create and Considerations — how to build
maintain a comprehensive emer- such emergency management
gency management program. It capabilities as life safety, property
can be used by manufacturers, cor- protection, communications and
porate offices, retailers, utilities or community outreach.
any organization where a sizable Section 3: Hazard-Specific
number of people work or gather. Information — technical informa-
Whether you operate from a tion about specific hazards your
high-rise building or an industrial facility may face.
complex; whether you own, rent
Section 4: Information Sources
or lease your property; whether
— where to turn for additional
you are a large or small company;
the concepts in this guide will
What Is an Emergency?
To begin, you need not have
in-depth knowledge of emergency An emergency is any un-
management. What you need is planned event that can cause
the authority to create a plan and deaths or significant injuries to
a commitment from the chief employees, customers or the
executive officer to make emer- public; or that can shut down your
gency management part of your business, disrupt operations, cause
corporate culture. physical or environmental
damage, or threaten the facility’s
If you already have a plan, use financial standing or public image.
this guide as a resource to assess
and update your plan. PAGE 5
Obviously, numerous events can Making the “Case”
be “emergencies,” including: for Emergency
• Fire
To be successful, emergency
• Hazardous materials incident
management requires upper
• Flood or flash flood management support. The chief
• Hurricane executive sets the tone by autho-
• Tornado rizing planning to take place and
directing senior management to
• Winter storm
get involved.
• Earthquake
When presenting the “case” for
• Communications failure emergency management, avoid
• Radiological accident dwelling on the negative effects
of an emergency (e.g., deaths,
• Civil disturbance
fines, criminal prosecution) and
• Loss of key supplier or customer emphasize the positive aspects of
• Explosion preparedness. For example:
The term “disaster” has been • It helps companies fulfill their
left out of this document because moral responsibility to protect
it lends itself to a preconceived employees, the community and
notion of a large-scale event, usu- the environment.
ally a “natural disaster.” In fact, • It facilitates compliance with
each event must be addressed regulatory requirements of
within the context of the impact it Federal, State and local agencies.
has on the company and the com-
• It enhances a company’s ability
munity. What might constitute a
to recover from financial losses,
nuisance to a large industrial facil-
regulatory fines, loss of market
ity could be a “disaster” to a small
share, damages to equipment
or products or business interrup-
What Is Emergency
Management? • It reduces exposure to civil or
criminal liability in the event of
Emergency management is the
an incident.
process of preparing for, mitigat-
ing, responding to and recovering • It enhances a company’s image
from an emergency. and credibility with employees,
customers, suppliers and the
Emergency management is a
dynamic process. Planning,
though critical, is not the only • It may reduce your insurance
component. Training, conducting premiums.
drills, testing equipment and coor-
dinating activities with the com-
munity are other important func-



Establish a Planning Team

Analyze Capabilities and Hazards

Develop the Plan

Implement the Plan
ESTABLISH A PLANNING TEAM. There must be an individual STEP 1
or group in charge of developing the emergency management plan. The follow- ESTABLISH
ing is guidance for making the appointment.


Form the Team • Public information officer

The size of the planning team • Security
will depend on the facility’s opera- • Community relations
tions, requirements and resources.
• Sales and marketing
Usually involving a group of
people is best because: • Legal
• It encourages participation and • Finance and purchasing
gets more people invested in Have participants appointed in
the process. writing by upper management.
• It increases the amount of time Their job descriptions could
and energy participants are able also reflect this assignment. Here’s one example of a planning team.
to give.
• It enhances the visibility and
stature of the planning process. COMMUNITY

Emergency Manager
• It provides for a broad perspec-
Fire & Police
tive on the issues. Other Response Organizations

Determine who can be an


active member and who can serve Public Relations

Public Information Officer
in an advisory capacity. In most Line Management
cases, one or two people will be PLANNING TEAM Labor Representative
doing the bulk of the work. At Human Resources

the very least, you should obtain


input from all functional areas. SUPPORT SERVICES

Safety & Health
Remember: Medical Engineering
Security Legal
• Upper management
Environmental Affairs Purchasing/Contracts
• Line management Finance
• Labor Computer
Data Maintenance
• Human Resources
• Engineering and maintenance
• Safety, health and environmen-
tal affairs

Establish Authority Establish a Schedule
Demonstrate management’s and Budget
commitment and promote an Establish a work schedule and
atmosphere of cooperation by planning deadlines. Timelines
“authorizing” the planning group can be modified as priorities
to take the steps necessary to become more clearly defined.
develop a plan. The group should Develop an initial budget for
be led by the chief executive or such things as research, printing,
the plant manager. seminars, consulting services and
Establish a clear line of authori- other expenses that may be neces-
ty between group members and sary during the development
the group leader, though not so process.
rigid as to prevent the free flow of

Issue a Mission
Have the chief executive or
plant manager issue a mission
statement to demonstrate the
company’s commitment to emer-
gency management. The state-
ment should:
• Define the purpose of the plan
and indicate that it will involve
the entire organization
• Define the authority and struc-
ture of the planning group

entails gathering information about current capabilities and about possible
hazards and emergencies, and then conducting a vulnerability analysis to
determine the facility’s capabilities for handling emergencies.


Review Internal Plans Meet with Outside

and Policies Groups
Documents to look for include: Meet with government agen-
• Evacuation plan cies, community organizations and
utilities. Ask about potential
• Fire protection plan
emergencies and about plans and
• Safety and health program available resources for responding
• Environmental policies to them. Sources of information
• Security procedures
• Community emergency
• Insurance programs
management office
• Finance and purchasing
• Mayor or Community
Administrator’s office
• Plant closing policy
• Local Emergency Planning
• Employee manuals Committee (LEPC) While researching potential emer-
• Hazardous materials plan • Fire Department gencies, one facility discovered that
• Process safety assessment a dam — 50 miles away — posed a
• Police Department
threat to its community. The facili-
• Risk management plan • Emergency Medical Services ty was able to plan accordingly.
• Capital improvement program organizations
• Mutual aid agreements • American Red Cross
• National Weather Service
• Public Works Department
• Planning Commission
• Telephone companies
• Electric utilities
• Neighboring businesses

Identify Codes and Identify Internal
Regulations Resources and
Identify applicable Federal, Capabilities
State and local regulations such Resources and capabilities that
as: could be needed in an emergency
• Occupational safety and health include:
regulations • Personnel — fire brigade, haz-
• Environmental regulations ardous materials response team,
emergency medical services,
• Fire codes security, emergency manage-
• Seismic safety codes ment group, evacuation team,
One way to increase response public information officer
• Transportation regulations
capabilities is to identify employee
• Zoning regulations • Equipment — fire protection
skills (medical, engineering,
and suppression equipment,
communications, foreign lan- • Corporate policies
communications equipment,
guage) that might be needed in an
first aid supplies, emergency
emergency. Identify Critical
supplies, warning systems,
Products, Services
emergency power equipment,
and Operations
decontamination equipment
You’ll need this information to
• Facilities — emergency operat-
assess the impact of potential
ing center, media briefing area,
emergencies and to determine the
shelter areas, first-aid stations,
need for backup systems. Areas to
sanitation facilities
review include:
• Organizational capabilities —
• Company products and services
training, evacuation plan,
and the facilities and equip-
employee support system
ment needed to produce them
• Backup systems — arrange-
• Products and services provided
ments with other facilities to
by suppliers, especially sole
provide for:
source vendors
◆ Payroll
• Lifeline services such as electri-
◆ Communications
cal power, water, sewer, gas,
◆ Production
telecommunications and trans-
◆ Customer services
◆ Shipping and receiving
• Operations, equipment and ◆ Information systems support
personnel vital to the contin-
◆ Emergency power
ued functioning of the facility
◆ Recovery support

Identify External Do an Insurance
Resources Review
There are many external Meet with insurance carriers to
resources that could be needed in review all policies. (See Section 2:
an emergency. In some cases, for- Recovery and Restoration.)
mal agreements may be necessary
to define the facility’s relationship
with the following:
• Local emergency management
• Fire Department
• Hazardous materials response
• Emergency medical services
• Hospitals
• Local and State police
• Community service organiza-
• Utilities
• Contractors
• Suppliers of emergency
• Insurance carriers


The next step is to assess the • Geographic — What can hap-

vulnerability of your facility — pen as a result of the facility’s
the probability and potential location? Keep in mind:
impact of each emergency. Use
◆ Proximity to flood plains,
the Vulnerability Analysis Chart seismic faults and dams
in the appendix section to guide ◆ Proximity to companies that
the process, which entails assign- produce, store, use or trans-
ing probabilities, estimating port hazardous materials
impact and assessing resources, ◆ Proximity to major trans-
using a numerical system. The portation routes and airports
lower the score the better. ◆ Proximity to nuclear power
List Potential •Technological — What could
Emergencies result from a process or system
In the first column of the chart, failure? Possibilities include:
list all emergencies that could ◆ Fire, explosion, hazardous

affect your facility, including those materials incident

identified by your local emergency ◆ Safety system failure

management office. Consider ◆ Telecommunications failure

both: ◆ Computer system failure

◆ Power failure
• Emergencies that could occur
◆ Heating/cooling system
within your facility
• Emergencies that could occur ◆ Emergency notification
in your community system failure
Below are some other factors to • Human Error — What emer-
consider. gencies can be caused by
• Historical — What types of employee error? Are employees
emergencies have occurred in trained to work safely? Do they
the community, at this facility know what to do in an emer-
and at other facilities in the gency?
area? Human error is the single
◆ Fires largest cause of workplace
◆ Severe weather emergencies and can result
◆ Hazardous material spills from:
◆ Transportation accidents ◆ Poor training

◆ Earthquakes ◆ Poor maintenance

◆ Hurricanes ◆ Carelessness

◆ Tornadoes ◆ Misconduct

◆ Terrorism ◆ Substance abuse

◆ Utility outages ◆ Fatigue

• Physical — What types of Estimate Probability
emergencies could result from In the Probability column, rate
the design or construction of the likelihood of each emergency’s
the facility? Does the physical occurrence. This is a subjective
facility enhance safety? consideration, but useful nonethe-
Consider: less.
◆ The physical construction of
Use a simple scale of 1 to 5 with
the facility
1 as the lowest probability and 5 as
◆ Hazardous processes or
byproducts the highest.
◆ Facilities for storing com-
bustibles Assess the Potential
◆ Layout of equipment
Human Impact
◆ Lighting Analyze the potential human
◆ Evacuation routes and exits impact of each emergency — the
◆ Proximity of shelter areas possibility of death or injury.
• Regulatory — What emergen- Assign a rating in the Human
cies or hazards are you regulated Impact column of the
to deal with? Vulnerability Analysis Chart. Use A bank’s vulnerability analysis
Analyze each potential emer- a 1 to 5 scale with 1 as the lowest concluded that a “small” fire could
gency from beginning to end. impact and 5 as the highest. be as catastrophic to the business
Consider what could happen as a as a computer system failure.
result of: Assess the Potential The planning group discovered
Property Impact that bank employees did not know
◆ Prohibited access to the
facility Consider the potential property how to use fire extinguishers, and
◆ Loss of electric power for losses and damages. Again, that the bank lacked any kind of
◆ Communication lines down assign a rating in the Property evacuation or emergency response
◆ Ruptured gas mains Impact column, 1 being the system.
◆ Water damage lowest impact and 5 being the
◆ Smoke damage
highest. Consider:
◆ Structural damage • Cost to replace
◆ Air or water contamination • Cost to set up temporary
◆ Explosion replacement
◆ Building collapse
• Cost to repair
◆ Trapped persons

◆ Chemical release

Human Property Business Internal External

TYPE OF EMERGENCY Probability Impact Impact Impact Resources Resources Total
High Low Weak Strong
5 1
High Impact 5 1 Low Impact Resources 5 1 Resources

A full-page chart is located in the Appendix PAGE 15

Assess the Potential If the answers are yes, move on
Business Impact to the next assessment. If the
Consider the potential loss of answers are no, identify what can
market share. Assign a rating in be done to correct the problem.
the Business Impact column. For example, you may need to:
Again, 1 is the lowest impact and • Develop additional emergency
5 is the highest. Assess the procedures
impact of: • Conduct additional training
• Business interruption • Acquire additional equipment
• Employees unable to report to • Establish mutual aid agree-
work ments
• Customers unable to reach • Establish agreements with
facility specialized contractors
• Company in violation of
contractual agreements Add the Columns
• Imposition of fines and Total the scores for each emer-
penalties or legal costs gency. The lower the score the
• Interruption of critical supplies better. While this is a subjective
rating, the comparisons will help
• Interruption of product
determine planning and resource
priorities — the subject of the
pages to follow.
Assess Internal and
External Resources
Next assess your resources and
When assessing resources, remem- ability to respond. Assign a score
ber that community emergency to your Internal Resources and
workers — police, paramedics, fire- External Resources. The lower
fighters — will focus their response the score the better.
where the need is greatest. Or they To help you do this, consider
may be victims themselves and each potential emergency from
be unable to respond immediately. beginning to end and each
That means response to your facili- resource that would be needed to
ty may be delayed. respond. For each emergency ask
these questions:
• Do we have the needed
resources and capabilities to
• Will external resources be able
to respond to us for this emer-
gency as quickly as we may
need them, or will they have
other priority areas to serve?

DEVELOP THE PLAN. You are now ready to develop an emergency STEP 3
management plan. This section describes how.




Your plan should include the Emergency

following basic components. Management Elements
This section of the plan briefly
Executive Summary describes the facility’s approach to
The executive summary gives the core elements of emergency
management a brief overview of: management, which are:
• The purpose of the plan • Direction and control
• The facility’s emergency • Communications
management policy • Life safety
• Authorities and responsibilities • Property protection
of key personnel
• Community outreach
• The types of emergencies that
• Recovery and restoration
could occur
• Administration and logistics
• Where response operations will
be managed These elements, which are
described in detail in Section 2, are
the foundation for the emergency
procedures that your facility will
follow to protect personnel and
equipment and resume operations.

Emergency Response Support Documents
Procedures Documents that could be
The procedures spell out how needed in an emergency include:
the facility will respond to emer- • Emergency call lists — lists
gencies. Whenever possible, (wallet size if possible) of all
develop them as a series of check- persons on and off site who
lists that can be quickly accessed would be involved in respond-
by senior management, depart- ing to an emergency, their
ment heads, response personnel responsibilities and their 24-
and employees. hour telephone numbers
In an emergency, all personnel
should know: 1. What is my role? Determine what actions would • Building and site maps that
2. Where should I go? be necessary to: indicate:
• Assess the situation ◆ Utility shutoffs

• Protect employees, customers, ◆ Water hydrants

visitors, equipment, vital ◆ Water main valves

records and other assets, partic- ◆ Water lines
Some facilities are required to ularly during the first three days ◆ Gas main valves
• Get the business back up and ◆ Gas lines

■ Emergency escape procedures running ◆ Electrical cutoffs

and routes ◆ Electrical substations
Specific procedures might be
◆ Storm drains
■ Procedures for employees who needed for any number of situa-
◆ Sewer lines
perform or shut down critical oper- tions such as bomb threats or tor-
ations before an evacuation nadoes, and for such functions as : ◆ Location of each building
(include name of building,
■ Procedures to account for all • Warning employees and street name and number)
employees, visitors and contractors customers ◆ Floor plans
after an evacuation is completed • Communicating with personnel ◆ Alarm and enunciators

■ Rescue and medical duties for and community responders ◆ Fire extinguishers

assigned employees • Conducting an evacuation and ◆ Fire suppression systems

accounting for all persons in ◆ Exits

■ Procedures for reporting emer-
the facility ◆ Stairways
◆ Designated escape routes
• Managing response activities
■ Names of persons or depart- ◆ Restricted areas
ments to be contacted for informa- • Activating and operating an
◆ Hazardous materials (includ-
tion regarding the plan emergency operations center ing cleaning supplies and
• Fighting fires chemicals)
◆ High-value items
• Shutting down operations
• Resource lists — lists of major
• Protecting vital records
resources (equipment, supplies,
• Restoring operations services) that could be needed
in an emergency; mutual aid
agreements with other compa-
nies and government agencies


The following is guidance for Establish a Training

developing the plan. Schedule
Have one person or department
Identify Challenges responsible for developing a train-
and Prioritize ing schedule for your facility. For
Activities specific ideas about training, refer
Determine specific goals and to Step 4. Determine the needs of disabled
milestones. Make a list of tasks to persons and non-English-speaking
be performed, by whom and when. Coordinate with personnel. For example, a blind
Determine how you will address Outside Organizations employee could be assigned a
the problem areas and resource Meet periodically with local partner in case an evacuation is
shortfalls that were identified in government agencies and commu- necessary.
the vulnerability analysis. nity organizations. Inform appro- The Americans with Disabilities
priate government agencies that Act (ADA) defines a disabled
Write the Plan you are creating an emergency person as anyone who has a physi-
Assign each member of the management plan. While their cal or mental impairment that
planning group a section to write. official approval may not be substantially limits one or more
Determine the most appropriate required, they will likely have major life activities, such as see-
format for each section. valuable insights and information ing, hearing, walking, breathing,
Establish an aggressive timeline to offer. performing manual tasks, learn-
with specific goals. Provide Determine State and local ing, caring for oneself or working.
enough time for completion of requirements for reporting emer-
work, but not so much as to allow gencies, and incorporate them
assignments to linger. Establish a into your procedures.
schedule for: Determine protocols for turn-
• First draft ing control of a response over to
• Review outside agencies. Some details
that may need to be worked out
• Second draft Your emergency planning priori-
ties may be influenced by govern-
• Tabletop exercise • Which gate or entrance will ment regulation. To remain in
• Final draft responding units use? compliance you may be required
• Printing • Where and to whom will they to address specific emergency
• Distribution report? management functions that might
• How will they be identified? otherwise be a lower priority
activity for that given year.
• How will facility personnel
communicate with outside
• Who will be in charge of
response activities?
Determine what kind of identi-
fication authorities will require to
allow your key personnel into your
facility during an emergency.

Maintain Contact with Seek Final Approval
Other Corporate Arrange a briefing for the chief
executive officer and senior man-
Communicate with other agement and obtain written
offices and divisions in your com- approval.
pany to learn:
• Their emergency notification Distribute the Plan
requirements Place the final plan in three-
• The conditions where mutual ring binders and number all copies
assistance would be necessary and pages. Each individual who
• How offices will support each receives a copy should be required
other in an emergency to sign for it and be responsible for
posting subsequent changes.
Consolidate emergency plans for • Names, telephone numbers and
better coordination. Stand-alone pager numbers of key personnel Determine which sections of
plans, such as a Spill Prevention the plan would be appropriate to
Incorporate this information show to government agencies
Control and Countermeasures
into your procedures. (some sections may refer to corpo-
(SPCC) plan, fire protection plan
or safety and health plan, should rate secrets or include private list-
Review, Conduct ings of names, telephone numbers
be incorporated into one compre-
Training and Revise or radio frequencies).
hensive plan.
Distribute the first draft to Distribute the final plan to:
group members for review. Revise
as needed. • Chief executive and senior
For a second review, conduct a
tabletop exercise with manage- • Key members of the company’s
ment and personnel who have a emergency response organiza-
key emergency management tion
responsibility. In a conference • Company headquarters
room setting, describe an emer- • Community emergency
gency scenario and have partici- response agencies (appropriate
pants discuss their responsibilities sections)
and how they would react to the
Have key personnel keep a
situation. Based on this discus-
copy of the plan in their homes.
sion, identify areas of confusion
and overlap, and modify the plan Inform employees about the
accordingly. plan and training schedule.

IMPLEMENT THE PLAN. Implementation means more than simply STEP 4
exercising the plan during an emergency. It means acting on recommendations
made during the vulnerability analysis, integrating the plan into company oper-
ations, training employees and evaluating the plan.


Emergency planning must • Are there opportunities for dis-

become part of the corporate tributing emergency prepared-
culture. ness information through cor-
Look for opportunities to build porate newsletters, employee
awareness; to educate and train manuals or employee mailings?
personnel; to test procedures; to • What kinds of safety posters or
involve all levels of management, other visible reminders would
all departments and the communi- be helpful?
ty in the planning process; and to • Do personnel know what they
make emergency management should do in an emergency?
part of what personnel do on a
• How can all levels of the orga-
day-to-day basis.
nization be involved in evaluat-
Test how completely the plan ing and updating the plan?
has been integrated by asking:
• How well does senior manage-
ment support the responsibili-
ties outlined in the plan?
• Have emergency planning con-
cepts been fully incorporated
into the facility’s accounting,
personnel and financial proce-
• How can the facility’s processes
for evaluating employees and
defining job classifications bet-
ter address emergency manage-
ment responsibilities?


Everyone who works at or visits Training Activities

the facility requires some form of Training can take many forms:
training. This could include peri-
• Orientation and Education
odic employee discussion sessions
Sessions — These are regularly
to review procedures, technical
scheduled discussion sessions to
training in equipment use for
provide information, answer
emergency responders, evacuation
questions and identify needs
drills and full-scale exercises.
and concerns.
Below are basic considerations for
developing a training plan. • Tabletop Exercise — Members
of the emergency management
Planning group meet in a conference
Considerations room setting to discuss their
responsibilities and how they
Assign responsibility for devel-
would react to emergency sce-
oping a training plan. Consider
narios. This is a cost-effective
the training and information
and efficient way to identify
needs for employees, contractors,
areas of overlap and confusion
visitors, managers and those with
before conducting more
an emergency response role iden-
demanding training activities.
tified in the plan.
• Walk-through Drill — The
Determine for a 12 month
emergency management group
and response teams actually
• Who will be trained perform their emergency
• Who will do the training response functions. This activ-
• What training activities will be ity generally involves more
used people and is more thorough
than a tabletop exercise.
• When and where each session
will take place • Functional Drills — These
drills test specific functions
• How the session will be evalu-
such as medical response, emer-
ated and documented
gency notifications, warning
Use the Training Drills and and communications proce-
Exercises Chart in the appendix dures and equipment, though
section to schedule training activ- not necessarily at the same
ities or create one of your own. time. Personnel are asked to
Consider how to involve com- evaluate the systems and iden-
munity responders in training tify problem areas.
Conduct reviews after each
training activity. Involve both
personnel and community respon-
ders in the evaluation process.

• Evacuation Drill — Personnel Employee Training
walk the evacuation route to a General training for all employ-
designated area where proce- ees should address:
dures for accounting for all per-
• Individual roles and responsi-
sonnel are tested. Participants
are asked to make notes as they
go along of what might become • Information about threats,
a hazard during an emergency, hazards and protective actions
e.g., stairways cluttered with • Notification, warning and com-
debris, smoke in the hallways. munications procedures OSHA training requirements are
Plans are modified accordingly. a minimum standard for many
• Means for locating family
facilities that have a fire brigade,
• Full-scale Exercise — A real- members in an emergency
hazardous materials team, rescue
life emergency situation is
• Emergency response procedures team or emergency medical
simulated as closely as possible.
This exercise involves company • Evacuation, shelter and response team.
emergency response personnel, accountability procedures
employees, management and • Location and use of common
community response organizations. emergency equipment
• Emergency shutdown
The scenarios developed during
the vulnerability analysis can
serve as the basis for training






















A full-page chart is located in the Appendix PAGE 23


Conduct a formal audit of the In addition to a yearly audit,

entire plan at least once a year. evaluate and modify the plan at
Among the issues to consider are: these times:
• How can you involve all levels • After each training drill or
of management in evaluating exercise
and updating the plan? • After each emergency
When siting a new location, con-
• Are the problem areas and • When personnel or their
duct a hazard analysis of the area.
resource shortfalls identified in responsibilities change
Modify your plan when a new site
the vulnerability analysis being
becomes operable. • When the layout or design of
sufficiently addressed?
the facility changes
• Does the plan reflect lessons
• When policies or procedures
learned from drills and actual
Remember to brief personnel
• Do members of the emergency
on changes to the plan.
management group and emer-
gency response team under-
stand their respective responsi-
bilities? Have new members
been trained?
• Does the plan reflect changes
in the physical layout of the
facility? Does it reflect new
facility processes?
• Are photographs and other
records of facility assets up to
• Is the facility attaining its train-
ing objectives?
• Have the hazards in the facility
• Are the names, titles and tele-
phone numbers in the plan
• Are steps being taken to incor-
porate emergency management
into other facility processes?
• Have community agencies and
organizations been briefed on
the plan? Are they involved in
evaluating the plan?



This section describes the core operational considera-

tions of emergency management. They are:
• Direction and Control
• Communications
• Life Safety
• Property Protection
• Community Outreach
• Recovery and Restoration
• Administration and Logistics
DIRECTION AND CONTROL. Someone must be in charge in an emer- FUNCTION
gency. The system for managing resources, analyzing information and making
decisions in an emergency is called direction and control.
The direction and control system described below assumes a facility of
sufficient size. Your facility may require a less sophisticated system, though
the principles described here will still apply.

The configuration of your sys- The EMG is headed by the

tem will depend on many factors. Emergency Director (ED), who
Larger industries may have their should be the facility manager.
own fire team, emergency medical The ED is in command and con-
technicians or hazardous materials trol of all aspects of the emer-
team, while smaller organizations gency. Other EMG members
may need to rely on mutual aid should be senior managers who
agreements. They may also be have the authority to:
able to consolidate positions or • Determine the short- and long-
combine responsibilities. Tenants term effects of an emergency
of office buildings or industrial
• Order the evacuation or
parks may be part of an emergency
shutdown of the facility
management program for the
entire facility. • Interface with outside organiza-
tions and the media
Emergency • Issue press releases
Management Group The relationship between the
EMG and the IC is shown in Figure 1: Relationship between the EMG
The EMG is the team responsi- Figure 1. and the IC.
ble for the big picture. It controls
all incident-related activities. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT GROUP (EMG)
oversees the technical aspects of
the response. EMERGENCY

The EMG supports the IC by ➤ AFFECTED AREA UNIT

allocating resources and by inter- ➤ SAFETY OFFICER
facing with the community, the


media, outside response organiza- ➤

tions and regulatory agencies.







Incident Command Emergency Operations
System (ICS) Center (EOC)
The ICS was developed specifi- The EOC serves as a central-
cally for the fire service, but its ized management center for emer-
principles can be applied to all gency operations. Here, decisions
emergencies. The ICS provides are made by the EMG based upon
for coordinated response and a information provided by the IC
In a hazardous materials accident, clear chain of command and safe and other personnel. Regardless
an off-site medic was exposed to operations. of size or process, every facility
the spilled material and required should designate an area where
The Incident Commander (IC)
hospitalization. It was determined decision makers can gather during
is responsible for front-line man-
that the person was able to enter an emergency.
agement of the incident, for tacti-
the hazardous area unprotected
cal planning and execution, for The EOC should be located in
because no one among a host of
determining whether outside assis- an area of the facility not likely to
managers and facility responders
tance is needed and for relaying be involved in an incident, per-
was “in charge” at the scene.
requests for internal resources or haps the security department, the
outside assistance through the manager’s office, a conference
Emergency Operations Center room or the training center. An
(EOC). alternate EOC should be designat-
EOC Resources:
The IC can be any employee, ed in the event that the primary
■ Communications equipment but a member of management location is not usable.
■ A copy of the emergency with the authority to make deci- Each facility must determine its
management plan and EOC sions is usually the best choice. requirements for an EOC based
procedures The IC must have the capabili- upon the functions to be per-
■ Blueprints, maps, status boards ty and authority to: formed and the number of people
• Assume command involved. Ideally, the EOC is a
■ A list of EOC personnel and
dedicated area equipped with
descriptions of their duties • Assess the situation
communications equipment, refer-
■ Technical information and data • Implement the emergency
ence materials, activity logs and
for advising responders management plan
all the tools necessary to respond
• Determine response strategies quickly and appropriately to an
■ Building security system
• Activate resources emergency.
• Order an evacuation
■ Information and data manage-
• Oversee all incident response
ment capabilities
■ Telephone directories
• Declare that the incident is “over”
■ Backup power, communica-
tions and lighting
■ Emergency supplies

Planning Security
Considerations Isolation of the incident scene
To develop a direction and must begin when the emergency is
control system: discovered. If possible, the discov-
• Define the duties of personnel erer should attempt to secure the
with an assigned role. Establish scene and control access, but no
procedures for each position. one should be placed in physical
Prepare checklists for all proce- danger to perform these functions.
dures. Basic security measures include:
• Define procedures and respon- • Closing doors or windows
sibilities for fire fighting, med- • Establishing temporary barriers
ical and health, and engineer- with furniture after people have
ing. safely evacuated
• Determine lines of succession • Dropping containment materi-
to ensure continuous leader- als (sorbent pads, etc.) in the
ship, authority and responsibili- path of leaking materials
ty in key positions.
• Closing file cabinets or desk
• Determine equipment and sup- drawers Keep detailed logs of actions
ply needs for each response
Only trained personnel should taken during an emergency.
be allowed to perform advanced Describe what happened, deci-
• At a minimum, assign all security measures. Access to the sions made and any deviations
personnel responsibility for: facility, the EOC and the incident from policy. Log the time for
◆ Recognizing and reporting an scene should be limited to persons each event.
emergency directly involved in the response.
◆ Warning other employees in
the area
Coordination of
◆ Taking security and safety
Outside Response
◆ Evacuating safely In some cases, laws, codes, prior
• Provide training. agreements or the very nature of
the emergency require the IC to
turn operations over to an outside
response organization.
When this happens, the proto-
cols established between the facili-
ty and outside response organiza-
tions are implemented. The facili-
ty’s IC provides the community’s
IC a complete report on the
The facility IC keeps track of
which organizations are on-site
and how the response is being
coordinated. This helps increase
personnel safety and accountabili-
ty, and prevents duplication of
C O M MU NICAT IONS. Communications are essential to any FUNCTION
business operation. A communications failure can be a disaster in itself,
cutting off vital business activities.
Communications are needed to report emergencies, to warn personnel of the
danger, to keep families and off-duty employees informed about what’s happen-
ing at the facility to coordinate response actions and to keep in contact with
customers and suppliers.

Contingency Planning Emergency

Plan for all possible contingen- Communications
cies from a temporary or short- Consider the functions your
term disruption to a total commu- facility might need to perform in
nications failure. an emergency and the communi-
• Consider the everyday func- cations systems needed to support
tions performed by your facility them.
and the communications, both Consider communications
voice and data, used to support between:
them. • Emergency responders
• Consider the business impact if • Responders and the Incident
your communications were Commander (IC)
inoperable. How would this
• The IC and the Emergency
impact your emergency opera-
Operations Center (EOC)
• The IC and employees
• Prioritize all facility communi-
cations. Determine which • The EOC and outside response
should be restored first in an organizations
emergency. • The EOC and neighboring
• Establish procedures for restor- businesses
ing communications systems. • The EOC and employees’
• Talk to your communications families
vendors about their emergency • The EOC and customers
response capabilities. Establish • The EOC and media
procedures for restoring services.
• Determine needs for backup
communications for each busi-
ness function. Options include
messengers, telephones,
portable microwave, amateur
radios, point-to-point private
lines, satellite, high-frequency

Methods of communication Maintain an updated list of
include: addresses and telephone and pager
• Messenger numbers of key emergency
response personnel (from within
• Telephone
and outside the facility).
• Two-way radio
Listen for tornado, hurricane
• FAX machine and other severe weather warnings
• Microwave issued by the National Weather
• Satellite Service.

• Dial-up modems Determine government agen-

cies’ notification requirements in
• Local area networks advance. Notification must be
• Hand signals made immediately to local gov-
ernment agencies when an emer-
Family gency has the potential to affect
Test communications often. A
Communications public health and safety.
research firm discovered in a drill
that its two-way radio system did In an emergency, personnel will Prepare announcements that
not work, limiting communica- need to know whether their fami- could be made over public address
tions between the Emergency lies are okay. Taking care of one’s systems.
Operating Center (EOC) and the loved ones is always a first priority.
Incident Commander (IC) to Make plans for communicating Warning
a single telephone line. The with employees’ families in an Establish a system for warning
Emergency Management Group emergency. personnel of an emergency. The
had failed to provide a backup Also, encourage employees to: system should:
radio for the EOC. Fortunately,
• Consider how they would com- • Be audible or within view by all
this was discovered during
municate with their families in people in the facility
case they are separated from • Have an auxiliary power supply
one another or injured in an
• Have a distinct and recogniz-
able signal
• Arrange for an out-of-town
Make plans for warning persons
Test alarm systems monthly. One contact for all family members
with disabilities. For instance, a
company conducted its first test of to call in an emergency.
flashing strobe light can be used
a sophisticated alarm system 21 • Designate a place to meet fami- to warn hearing-impaired people.
years after the system was ly members in case they cannot
Familiarize personnel with
installed. Rather than alarm bells, get home in an emergency.
procedures for responding when
the system played Christmas
the warning system is activated.
music. Notification
Establish procedures for
Establish procedures for warning customers, contractors,
employees to report an emergency. visitors and others who may not
Inform employees of procedures. be familiar with the facility’s
Train personnel assigned specific warning system.
notification tasks.
Test your facility’s warning
Post emergency telephone system at least monthly.
numbers near each telephone, on
employee bulletin boards and in
PAGE 32 other prominent locations.
LIFE SAFETY. Protecting the health and safety of everyone in the FUNCTION
facility is the first priority during an emergency.


Evacuation Planning • Post evacuation procedures.

One common means of protec- • Designate personnel to contin-
tion is evacuation. In the case of ue or shut down critical opera-
fire, an immediate evacuation to a tions while an evacuation is Consider how you would access
predetermined area away from the underway. They must be capa- important personal information
facility may be necessary. In a ble of recognizing when to about employees (home phone,
hurricane, evacuation could abandon the operation and next-of-kin, medical) in an emer-
involve the entire community and evacuate themselves. gency. Storing information on
take place over a period of days. computer disks or in sealed
• Coordinate plans with the local
envelopes are two options.
To develop an evacuation poli- emergency management office.
cy and procedure:
• Determine the conditions Evacuation Routes and
under which an evacuation Exits
would be necessary. Designate primary and sec-
• Establish a clear chain of com- ondary evacuation routes and
mand. Identify personnel with exits. Have them clearly marked
the authority to order an evacu- and well lit. Post signs.
ation. Designate “evacuation Install emergency lighting in
wardens” to assist others in an case a power outage occurs during
evacuation and to account for an evacuation.
personnel. Ensure that evacuation routes
• Establish specific evacuation and emergency exits are:
procedures. Establish a system • Wide enough to accommodate
for accounting for personnel. the number of evacuating
Consider employees’ trans- personnel
portation needs for community-
• Clear and unobstructed at all
wide evacuations.
• Establish procedures for assist-
• Unlikely to expose evacuating
ing persons with disabilities and
personnel to additional hazards
those who do not speak
English. Have evacuation routes evalu-
ated by someone not in your

Assembly Areas and • Designate shelter managers, if
Accountability appropriate.
Obtaining an accurate account • Coordinate plans with local
of personnel after a site evacua- authorities.
tion requires planning and
practice. Training and
• Designate assembly areas where Information
personnel should gather after Train employees in evacuation,
evacuating. shelter and other safety proce-
• Take a head count after the dures. Conduct sessions at least
A gas explosion and fire in a nurs-
evacuation. The names and annually or when:
ing home caused the evacuation
of all patients, most of whom were last known locations of person- • Employees are hired
disabled. Because the staff had nel not accounted for should be • Evacuation wardens, shelter
trained for this scenario, all determined and given to the managers and others with spe-
patients were evacuated safely. EOC. (Confusion in the cial assignments are designated
assembly areas can lead to
unnecessary and dangerous • New equipment, materials or
search and rescue operations.) processes are introduced

• Establish a method for account- • Procedures are updated or

ing for non-employees such as revised
Search and rescue should be con- • Exercises show that employee
suppliers and customers.
ducted only by properly trained performance must be improved
and equipped professionals. Death • Establish procedures for further
or serious injury can occur when evacuation in case the incident Provide emergency information
untrained employees reenter a expands. This may consist of such as checklists and evacuation
damaged or contaminated facility. sending employees home by maps.
normal means or providing Post evacuation maps in strate-
them with transportation to an gic locations.
off-site location.
Consider the information needs
of customers and others who visit
the facility.
In some emergencies, the best
means of protection is to take Family Preparedness
shelter either within the facility or
Consider ways to help employ-
away from the facility in a public
ees prepare their families for emer-
gencies. This will increase their
• Consider the conditions for personal safety and help the facili-
taking shelter, e.g., tornado ty get back up and running.
warning. Those who are prepared at home
• Identify shelter space in the will be better able to carry out
facility and in the community. their responsibilities at work.
Establish procedures for send-
ing personnel to shelter.
• Determine needs for emergency
supplies such as water, food and
medical supplies.

PROPERTY PROTECTION. Protecting facilities, equipment and vital FUNCTION
records is essential to restoring operations once an emergency has occurred.


Planning Protection Systems

Considerations Determine needs for systems to
Establish procedures for: detect abnormal situations, pro-
• Fighting fires vide warning and protect property.
• Containing material spills
• Fire protection systems
• Closing or barricading doors
and windows • Lightning protection systems
• Shutting down equipment • Water-level monitoring systems
• Covering or securing • Overflow detection devices
equipment • Automatic shutoffs
• Moving equipment to a safe • Emergency power generation
location systems
Identify sources of backup Consult your property insurer
equipment, parts and supplies. about special protective systems.
Designate personnel to autho-
rize, supervise and perform a facili- Mitigation
ty shutdown. Train them to rec- Consider ways to reduce the
ognize when to abandon the effects of emergencies, such as mov-
effort. ing or constructing facilities away
Obtain materials to carry out from flood plains and fault zones.
protection procedures and keep Also consider ways to reduce the
them on hand for use only in chances of emergencies from
emergencies. occurring, such as changing
processes or materials used to run
the business.

Consider physical retrofitting architect and your community’s
measures such as: building and zoning offices for
• Upgrading facilities to with- additional information.
stand the shaking of an earth-
quake or high winds Facility Shutdown
• “Floodproofing” facilities by Facility shutdown is generally a
constructing flood walls or last resort but always a possibility.
other flood protection devices Improper or disorganized shut-
(see Section 3 for additional down can result in confusion,
information) injury and property damage.
• Installing fire sprinkler systems Some facilities require only
simple actions such as turning off
• Installing fire-resistant materi-
equipment, locking doors and
als and furnishing
activating alarms. Others require
• Installing storm shutters for all complex shutdown procedures.
exterior windows and doors
Work with department heads to
There are also non-structural establish shutdown procedures.
mitigation measures to consider, Include information about when
including: and how to shut off utilities.
• Installing fire-resistant materi- Identify:
als and furnishing • The conditions that could
• Securing light fixtures and necessitate a shutdown
other items that could fall or • Who can order a shutdown
shake loose in an emergency
• Who will carry out shutdown
• Moving heavy or breakable procedures
objects to low shelves
• How a partial shutdown would
• Attaching cabinets and files to affect other facility operations
low walls or bolting them
• The length of time required for
shutdown and restarting
• Placing Velcro strips under
Train personnel in shutdown
typewriters, tabletop computers
procedures. Post procedures.
and television monitors
• Moving work stations away
from large windows
• Installing curtains or blinds
that can be drawn over win-
dows to prevent glass from
shattering onto employees
• Anchoring water heaters and
bolting them to wall studs
Consult a structural engineer or

Records Preservation Next, establish procedures for
Vital records may include: protecting and accessing vital
records. Among the many
• Financial and insurance infor-
approaches to consider are:
• Labeling vital records
• Engineering plans and drawings
• Backing up computer systems
• Product lists and specifications
• Making copies of records
• Employee, customer and suppli-
er databases • Storing tapes and disks in
insulated containers
• Formulas and trade secrets
• Storing data off-site where they
• Personnel files
would not likely be damaged by
Preserving vital records is an event affecting your facility
essential to the quick restoration
• Increasing security of computer
of operations. Analyzing vital
records involves:
• Arranging for evacuation of
1. Classifying operations into
records to backup facilities
functional categories, e.g.,
finance, production, sales, • Backing up systems handled by
administration service bureaus
2. Determining essential functions • Arranging for backup power
for keeping the business up and
running, such as finance, pro-
duction, sales, etc.
3. Identifying the minimum infor-
mation that must be readily
accessible to perform essential
functions, e.g., maintaining
customer collections may
require access to account state-
4. Identifying the records that
contain the essential informa-
tion and where they are located
5. Identifying the equipment and
materials needed to access and
use the information

COMMUNITY OUTREACH. Your facility’s relationship with the commu- FUNCTION
nity will influence your ability to protect personnel and property and return to
normal operations.
This section describes ways to involve outside organizations in the emergency
management plan.

Involving the Look for common interests and

Community concerns. Identify opportunities
Maintain a dialogue with com- for sharing resources and informa-
munity leaders, first responders, tion.
government agencies, community Conduct confidence-building
organizations and utilities, includ- activities such as facility tours.
ing: Do a facility walk-through with Mutual aid agreements can
community response groups. address any number of activities or
• Appointed and elected leaders
resources that might be needed in
• Fire, police and emergency Involve community fire, police
an emergency. For example:
medical services personnel and emergency management per-
sonnel in drills and exercises. ■Providing for firefighting and
• Local Emergency Planning HAZMAT response.
Committee (LEPC) members Meet with your neighbors to
determine how you could assist ■ Providing shelter space, emer-
• Emergency management gency storage, emergency supplies,
each other in an emergency.
director medical support.
• Public Works Department Mutual Aid ■ Businesses allowing neighbors
• American Red Cross Agreements to use their property to account
• Hospitals To avoid confusion and conflict for personnel after an evacuation.

• Telephone company in an emergency, establish mutual

aid agreements with local response
• Electric utility agencies and businesses.
• Neighborhood groups These agreements should:
Have regular meetings with • Define the type of assistance
community emergency personnel
to review emergency plans and • Identify the chain of command
procedures. Talk about what for activating the agreement
you’re doing to prepare for and • Define communications
prevent emergencies. Explain procedures
your concern for the community’s Include these agencies in facili-
welfare. ty training exercises whenever
Identify ways your facility could possible.
help the community in a commu-
nity-wide emergency.

Community Service Public Information
In community-wide emergen- When site emergencies expand
cies, business and industry are beyond the facility, the communi-
often needed to assist the commu- ty will want to know the nature of
nity with: the incident, whether the public’s
• Personnel safety or health is in danger, what
is being done to resolve the prob-
• Equipment
lem and what was done to prevent
• Shelter the situation from happening.
• Training Determine the audiences that
The community wants to know: • Storage may be affected by an emergency
What does the facility do? and identify their information
■ • Feeding facilities
needs. Include:
■ What are the hazards? • EOC facilities
• The public
■ What programs are in place to • Food, clothing, building
• The media
respond to emergencies? materials
• Employees and retirees
■ How could a site emergency • Funding
• Unions
affect the community? • Transportation
• Contractors and suppliers
■ What assistance will be While there is no way to pre-
required from the community? dict what demands will be placed • Customers
on your company’s resources, give • Shareholders
some thought to how the commu-
• Emergency response
nity’s needs might influence your
corporate responsibilities in an
emergency. Also, consider the • Regulatory agencies
opportunities for community ser- • Appointed and elected officials
vice before an emergency occurs. • Special interest groups
• Neighbors

Media Relations When providing information to
In an emergency, the media are the media during an emergency:
the most important link to the Do’s
public. Try to develop and main- • Give all media equal access to
tain positive relations with media information.
outlets in your area. Determine • When appropriate, conduct
their particular needs and inter- press briefings and interviews.
ests. Explain your plan for pro- Give local and national media Press releases about facility-gener-
tecting personnel and preventing equal time. ated emergencies should describe
emergencies. who is involved in the incident
• Try to observe media deadlines.
Determine how you would and what happened, including
• Escort media representatives to
communicate important public when, where, why and how.
ensure safety.
information through the media in
an emergency. • Keep records of information
• Designate a trained spokes-
person and an alternate • Provide press releases when
spokesperson possible.
• Set up a media briefing area Don’ts
• Do not speculate about the
• Establish security procedures
• Establish procedures for ensur-
• Do not permit unauthorized
ing that information is com-
personnel to release informa-
plete, accurate and approved
for public release
• Do not cover up facts or mis-
• Determine an appropriate and
lead the media.
useful way of communicating
technical information • Do not place blame for the
• Prepare background informa-
tion about the facility

RECOVERY AND RESTORATION. Business recovery and restoration, FUNCTION
or business resumption, goes right to a facility’s bottom line: keeping people
employed and the business running.


Planning Continuity of
Considerations Management
Consider making contractual You can assume that not every
arrangements with vendors for key person will be readily avail-
such post-emergency services as able or physically at the facility
records preservation, equipment after an emergency. Ensure that
repair, earthmoving or engineering. recovery decisions can be made
Meet with your insurance carri- without undue delay. Consult
ers to discuss your property and your legal department regarding
business resumptions policies (see laws and corporate bylaws govern-
the next page for guidelines). ing continuity of management.
Determine critical operations Establish procedures for:
and make plans for bringing those • Assuring the chain of
systems back on-line. The process command
may entail: • Maintaining lines of succession
• Repairing or replacing for key personnel
equipment • Moving to alternate
• Relocating operations to an headquarters
alternate location Include these considerations in
• Contracting operations on a all exercise scenarios.
temporary basis
Take photographs or videotape
the facility to document company
assets. Update these records regularly.

Insurance • Am I covered for lost income
Most companies discover that in the event of business inter-
they are not properly insured only ruption because of a loss? Do I
after they have suffered a loss. have enough coverage? For
Lack of appropriate insurance can how long is coverage provided?
be financially devastating. How long is my coverage for
Discuss the following topics with lost income if my business is
your insurance advisor to deter- closed by order of a civil
mine your individual needs. authority?
• How will my property be • To what extent am I covered
valued? for reduced income due to cus-
tomers’ not all immediately
• Does my policy cover the cost
coming back once the business
of required upgrades to code?
• How much insurance am I
After a site emergency, assess the • How will my emergency man-
required to carry to avoid
impact of the event on business agement program affect my
becoming a co-insurer?
neighbors and the community rates?
and take appropriate action. • What perils or causes of loss
How you handle this issue will does my policy cover? Employee Support
have long-lasting consequences. • What are my deductibles? Since employees who will rely
• What does my policy require on you for support after an emer-
me to do in the event of a loss? gency are your most valuable
• What types of records and asset, consider the range of ser-
documentation will my insur- vices that you could provide or
ance company want to see? arrange for, including:
Are records in a safe place ◆ Cash advances

where they can be obtained ◆ Salary continuation

after an emergency? ◆ Flexible work hours

◆ Reduced work hours

• To what extent am I covered
◆ Crisis counseling
for loss due to interruption of
◆ Care packages
power? Is coverage provided
for both on- and off-premises ◆ Day care

power interruption?

Resuming Operations • Conduct salvage operations.
Immediately after an emergency, Segregate damaged from
take steps to resume operations. undamaged property. Keep
damaged goods on hand until
• Establish a recovery team, if
an insurance adjuster has
necessary. Establish priorities
visited the premises, but you
for resuming operations.
can move material outside if
• Continue to ensure the safety it’s seriously in the way and
of personnel on the property. exposure to the elements won’t
Assess remaining hazards. make matters worse.
Maintain security at the
• Take an inventory of damaged
incident scene.
goods. This is usually done
• Conduct an employee briefing. with the adjuster, or the
• Keep detailed records. Consider adjuster’s salvor if there is any
audio recording all decisions. appreciable amount of goods
Take photographs of or video- or value. If you release goods
tape the damage. to the salvor, obtain a signed
inventory stating the quantity
• Account for all damage-related
and type of goods being
costs. Establish special job
order numbers and charge
codes for purchases and repair • Restore equipment and proper-
work. ty. For major repair work,
review restoration plans with
• Follow notification procedures.
the insurance adjuster and
Notify employees’ families
appropriate government agencies.
about the status of personnel
on the property. Notify off- • Assess the value of damaged
duty personnel about work sta- property. Assess the impact of
tus. Notify insurance carriers business interruption.
and appropriate government • Maintain contact with cus-
agencies. tomers and suppliers.
• Protect undamaged property.
Close up building openings.
Remove smoke, water and
debris. Protect equipment
against moisture. Restore
sprinkler systems. Physically
secure the property. Restore
• Conduct an investigation.
Coordinate actions with appro-
priate government agencies.

rate records at all times to ensure a more efficient emergency response and ADMINISTRATION
recovery. Certain records may also be required by regulation or by your insur-
ance carriers or prove invaluable in the case of legal action after an incident.

Administrative Logistics
Actions Before an emergency, logistics
Administrative actions prior to may entail:
an emergency include: • Acquiring equipment
• Establishing a written emer- • Stockpiling supplies
gency management plan
• Designating emergency
• Maintaining training records facilities
• Maintaining all written • Establishing training facilities
communications Emergency funding can be critical
• Establishing mutual aid immediately following an emer-
• Documenting drills and exer- agreements
cises and their critiques gency. Consider the need for pre-
• Preparing a resource inventory approved purchase requisitions
• Involving community
During an emergency, logistics and whether special funding
emergency response organiza-
may entail the provision of: authorities may be necessary.
tions in planning activities
Administrative actions during • Providing utility maps to
and after an emergency include: emergency responders

• Maintaining telephone logs • Providing material safety data

sheets to employees
• Keeping a detailed record of
events • Moving backup equipment in
• Maintaining a record of injuries
and follow-up actions • Repairing parts

• Accounting for personnel • Arranging for medical support,

food and transportation
• Coordinating notification of
family members • Arranging for shelter facilities

• Issuing press releases • Providing for backup power

• Maintaining sampling records • Providing for backup communi-

• Managing finances
• Coordinating personnel
• Documenting incident
investigations and recovery
operations PAGE 47


This section provides information about some of the

most common hazards:
• Fire
• Hazardous Materials Incidents
• Floods and Flash Floods
• Hurricanes
• Tornadoes
• Severe Winter Storms
• Earthquakes
• Technological Emergencies
FIRE. Fire is the most common of all the hazards. Every year fires cause HAZARDS
thousands of deaths and injuries and billions of dollars in property damage.

Planning • Conduct evacuation drills.

Considerations Post maps of evacuation routes
Consider the following when in prominent places. Keep
developing your plan: evacuation routes including
stairways and doorways clear of
• Meet with the fire department
to talk about the community’s
fire response capabilities. Talk • Assign fire wardens for each
about your operations. Identify area to monitor shutdown and
processes and materials that evacuation procedures.
could cause or fuel a fire, or • Establish procedures for the
contaminate the environment safe handling and storage of
in a fire. flammable liquids and gases.
• Have your facility inspected for Establish procedures to prevent
fire hazards. Ask about fire the accumulation of com-
codes and regulations. bustible materials.
• Ask your insurance carrier to • Provide for the safe disposal of
recommend fire prevention and smoking materials.
protection measures. Your car- • Establish a preventive mainte-
rier may also offer training. nance schedule to keep equip-
• Distribute fire safety informa- ment operating safely.
tion to employees: how to pre- • Place fire extinguishers in
vent fires in the workplace, appropriate locations.
how to contain a fire, how to • Train employees in use of fire
evacuate the facility, where to extinguishers.
report a fire.
• Instruct personnel to use the
stairs — not elevators — in a
fire. Instruct them to crawl on
their hands and knees when
escaping a hot or smoke-filled

• Install smoke detectors. Check Option 2 — All personnel are
smoke detectors once a month, trained in fire extinguisher use.
change batteries at least once a Personnel in the immediate
area of a fire attempt to control
it. If they cannot, the fire
• Establish a system for warning alarm is sounded and all per-
personnel of a fire. Consider sonnel evacuate.
installing a fire alarm with Option 3 — Only designated
automatic notification to the personnel are trained in fire
fire department. extinguisher use.
Option 4 — A fire team is
• Consider installing a sprinkler trained to fight incipient-stage
system, fire hoses and fire-resis- fires that can be controlled
tant walls and doors. without protective equipment
or breathing apparatus. Beyond
• Ensure that key personnel are this level fire, the team evacu-
familiar with all fire safety ates.
systems. Option 5 — A fire team is
• Identify and mark all utility trained and equipped to fight
shutoffs so that electrical structural fires using protective
equipment and breathing appa-
power, gas or water can be shut
off quickly by fire wardens or
responding personnel.
• Determine the level of response
your facility will take if a fire
occurs. Among the options
Option 1 — Immediate evacu-
ation of all personnel on alarm.

materials are substances that are either flammable or combustible, explosive,
toxic, noxious, corrosive, oxidizable, an irritant or radioactive.


A hazardous material spill or about the quantities and health

release can pose a risk to life, effects of materials used at the
health or property. An incident facility, and to promptly notify
can result in the evacuation of a local and State officials whenever
few people, a section of a facility a significant release of hazardous
or an entire neighborhood. materials occurs.
There are a number of Federal In addition to on-site hazards,
laws that regulate hazardous mate- you should be aware of the poten-
rials, including: the Superfund tial for an off-site incident affect-
Amendments and Reauthorization ing your operations. You should
Act of 1986 (SARA), the also be aware of hazardous materi-
Resource Conservation and als used in facility processes and in
Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), the construction of the physical
the Hazardous Materials plant.
Transportation Act (HMTA), the Detailed definitions as well as
Occupational Safety and Health lists of hazardous materials can be
Act (OSHA), the Toxic obtained from the Environmental
Substances Control Act (TSCA) Protection Agency (EPA) and the
and the Clean Air Act. Occupational Safety and Health
Title III of SARA regulates the Administration (OSHA).
packaging, labeling, handling,
storage and transportation of haz-
ardous materials. The law requires
facilities to furnish information

Planning • Identify other facilities in your
Considerations area that use hazardous materi-
Consider the following when als. Determine whether an
developing your plan: incident could affect your
• Identify and label all hazardous
materials stored, handled, pro- • Identify highways, railroads and
duced and disposed of by your waterways near your facility
facility. Follow government used for the transportation of
regulations that apply to your hazardous materials. Determine
facility. Obtain material safety how a transportation accident
data sheets (MSDS) for all haz- near your facility could affect
ardous materials at your location. your operations.
• Ask the local fire department
for assistance in developing
appropriate response proce-
• Train employees to recognize
and report hazardous material
spills and releases. Train
employees in proper handling
and storage.
• Establish a hazardous material
response plan:
◆ Establish procedures to notify
management and emergency
response organizations of an
◆ Establish procedures to warn
employees of an incident.
◆ Establish evacuation
◆ Depending on your opera-
tions, organize and train an
emergency response team to
confine and control hazardous
material spills in accordance
with applicable regulations.

FLOODS AND FLASH FLOODS. Floods are the most common HAZARDS
and widespread of all natural disasters. Most communities in the United
States can experience some degree of flooding after spring rains, heavy thun-
derstorms or winter snow thaws.

Most floods develop slowly over • Inspect areas in your facility

a period of days. Flash floods, subject to flooding. Identify
however, are like walls of water records and equipment that can
that develop in a matter of min- be moved to a higher location.
utes. Flash floods can be caused Make plans to move records
by intense storms or dam failure. and equipment in case of flood.
• Purchase a NOAA Weather
Planning Radio with a warning alarm
Considerations tone and battery backup.
Consider the following when Listen for flood watches and
preparing for floods: warnings.
• Ask your local emergency man- Flood Watch — Flooding is possible.
agement office whether your Stay tuned to NOAA radio. Be pre-
facility is located in a flood pared to evacuate. Tune to local radio
plain. Learn the history of and television stations for additional
flooding in your area. Learn information.
the elevation of your facility in Flood Warning — Flooding is
relation to steams, rivers and already occurring or will occur soon.
dams. Take precautions at once. Be pre-
• Review the community’s emer- pared to go to higher ground. If
gency plan. Learn the commu- advised, evacuate immediately.
nity’s evacuation routes. Know • Ask your insurance carrier for
where to find higher ground in information about flood insur-
case of a flood. ance. Regular property and
• Establish warning and evacua- casualty insurance does not
tion procedures for the facility. cover flooding.
Make plans for assisting
employees who may need trans-

• Consider the feasibility of 2. Contingent floodproofing
floodproofing your facility. measures are also taken before
There are three basic types of a flood but require some addi-
methods. tional action when flooding
1. Permanent floodproofing mea- occurs. These measures
sures are taken before a flood include:
occurs and require no human ◆ Installing watertight barriers

intervention when flood waters called flood shields to prevent

the passage of water through
rise. They include:
doors, windows, ventilation
◆ Filling windows, doors or shafts or other openings
other openings with water- ◆ Installing permanent water-
resistant materials such as tight doors
concrete blocks or bricks.
◆ Constructing movable flood-
This approach assumes the
structure is strong enough to walls
withstand flood waters. ◆ Installing permanent pumps

◆ Installing check valves to

to remove flood waters
prevent water from entering 3. Emergency floodproofing mea-
where utility and sewer lines sures are generally less expen-
enter the facility. sive than those listed above,
◆ Reinforcing walls to resist though they require substantial
water pressure. Sealing walls advance warning and do not
to prevent or reduce seepage.
satisfy the minimum require-
◆ Building watertight walls
around equipment or work ments for watertight flood-
areas within the facility that proofing as set forth by the
are particularly susceptible to National Flood Insurance
flood damage. Program (NFIP). They
◆ Constructing floodwalls or include:
levees outside the facility to ◆ Building walls with sandbags
keep flood waters away.
◆ Constructing a double row of
◆ Elevating the facility on walls,
walls with boards and posts to
columns or compacted fill. create a “crib,” then filling the
This approach is most applica- crib with soil
ble to new construction,
◆ Constructing a single wall by
though many types of build-
ings can be elevated. stacking small beams or planks
on top of each other
• Consider the need for backup
◆ Portable pumps to remove
flood water
◆ Alternate power sources such
as generators or gasoline-pow-
ered pumps
◆ Battery-powered emergency
• Participate in community flood
control projects.

HURRICANES. Hurricanes are severe tropical storms with sustained HAZARDS
winds of 74 miles per hour or greater. Hurricane winds can reach 160 miles per
hour and extend inland for hundreds of miles.

Hurricanes bring torrential Hurricane Watch — A hurricane is

rains and a storm surge of ocean possible within 24 to 36 hours. Stay
water that crashes into land as the tuned for additional advisories. Tune
storm approaches. Hurricanes to local radio and television stations
also spawn tornadoes. for additional information. An evacua-
Hurricane advisories are issued tion may be necessary.
by the National Weather Service Hurricane Warning — A hurricane
as soon as a hurricane appears to will hit land within 24 hours. Take
be a threat. The hurricane season precautions at once. If advised, evac-
lasts from June through November. uate immediately.
• Survey your facility. Make
Planning plans to protect outside equip-
Considerations ment and structures.
The following are considera- • Make plans to protect windows.
tions when preparing for hurri- Permanent storm shutters offer
canes: the best protection. Covering
• Ask your local emergency man- windows with 5/8” marine ply-
agement office about communi- wood is a second option.
ty evacuation plans. • Consider the need for backup
• Establish facility shutdown pro- systems:
cedures. Establish warning and ◆ Portable pumps to remove
evacuation procedures. Make flood water
plans for assisting employees ◆ Alternate power sources such
who may need transportation. as generators or gasoline-pow-
ered pumps
• Make plans for communicating
◆ Battery-powered emergency
with employees’ families before lighting
and after a hurricane.
• Prepare to move records, com-
• Purchase a NOAA Weather puters and other items within
Radio with a warning alarm your facility or to another location.
tone and battery backup.
Listen for hurricane watches
and warnings.

TORNADOES. Tornadoes are incredibly violent local storms that HAZARDS
extend to the ground with whirling winds that can reach 300 mph.

Spawned from powerful thun- Tornado Watch — Tornadoes are

derstorms, tornadoes can uproot likely. Be ready to take shelter. Stay
trees and buildings and turn harm- tuned to radio and television stations
less objects into deadly missiles in for additional information.
a matter of seconds. Damage Tornado Warning — A tornado has
paths can be in excess of one mile been sighted in the area or is indicat-
wide and 50 miles long. ed by radar. Take shelter immediately.
Tornadoes can occur in any • Establish procedures to inform
state but occur more frequently in personnel when tornado warn-
the Midwest, Southeast and ings are posted. Consider the
Southwest. They occur with little need for spotters to be responsi-
or no warning. ble for looking out for
approaching storms.
• Work with a structural engineer
or architect to designate shelter
The following are considera- areas in your facility. Ask your
tions when planning for torna- local emergency management
does: office or National Weather
• Ask your local emergency man- Service office for guidance.
agement office about the com- • Consider the amount of space
munity’s tornado warning system. you will need. Adults require
• Purchase a NOAA Weather about six square feet of space;
Radio with a warning alarm nursing home and hospital
tone and battery backup. patients require more.
Listen for tornado watches and • The best protection in a torna-
warnings. do is usually an underground
area. If an underground area is
not available, consider:

◆ Small interior rooms on the
lowest floor and without
◆ Hallways on the lowest floor
away from doors and windows
◆ Rooms constructed with rein-
forced concrete, brick or block
with no windows and a heavy
concrete floor or roof system
◆ Protected areas away from
doors and windows
Note: Auditoriums, cafeterias
and gymnasiums that are covered
with a flat, wide-span roof are not
considered safe.
• Make plans for evacuating per-
sonnel away from lightweight
modular offices or mobile
home-size buildings. These
structures offer no protection
from tornadoes.
• Conduct tornado drills.
• Once in the shelter, personnel
should protect their heads with
their arms and crouch down.

SEVERE WINTER STORMS. Severe winter storms bring heavy HAZARDS
snow, ice, strong winds and freezing rain. Winter storms can prevent employ-
ees and customers from reaching the facility, leading to a temporary shutdown
until roads are cleared. Heavy snow and ice can also cause structural damage
and power outages.

Planning • Establish procedures for facility

Considerations shutdown and early release of
Following are considerations employees.
for preparing for winter storms: • Store food, water, blankets, bat-
• Listen to NOAA Weather tery-powered radios with extra
Radio and local radio and tele- batteries and other emergency
vision stations for weather supplies for employees who
information: become stranded at the facility.
Winter Storm Watch — Severe win- • Provide a backup power source
ter weather is possible. for critical operations.
Winter Storm Warning — Severe • Arrange for snow and ice
winter weather is expected. removal from parking lots,
walkways, loading docks, etc.
Blizzard Warning — Severe winter
weather with sustained winds of at
least 35 mph is expected.
Traveler’s Advisory — Severe win-
ter conditions may make driving diffi-
cult or dangerous.

EARTHQUAKES. Earthquakes occur most frequently west of the HAZARDS
Rocky Mountains, although historically the most violent earthquakes have
occurred in the central United States. Earthquakes occur suddenly and without

Earthquakes can seriously dam- • Follow safety codes when con-

age buildings and their contents; structing a facility or making
disrupt gas, electric and telephone major renovations.
services; and trigger landslides, • Inspect non-structural systems
avalanches, flash floods, fires and such as air conditioning, com-
huge ocean waves called tsunamis. munications and pollution con-
Aftershocks can occur for weeks trol systems. Assess the poten-
following an earthquake. tial for damage. Prioritize mea-
In many buildings, the greatest sures to prevent damages.
danger to people in an earthquake • Inspect your facility for any
is when equipment and non-struc- item that could fall, spill, break
tural elements such as ceilings, or move during an earthquake.
partitions, windows and lighting Take steps to reduce these hazards:
fixtures shake loose.
◆ Move large and heavy objects
to lower shelves or the floor.
Planning Hang heavy items away from
Considerations where people work.
Following are guidelines for ◆ Secure shelves, filing cabinets,

preparing for earthquakes: tall furniture, desktop equip-

ment, computers, printers,
• Assess your facility’s vulnerabil- copiers and light fixtures.
ity to earthquakes. Ask local ◆ Secure fixed equipment and
government agencies for seis- heavy machinery to the floor.
mic information for your area. Larger equipment can be
placed on casters and attached
• Have your facility inspected by to tethers which attach to the
a structural engineer. Develop wall.
and prioritize strengthening ◆ Add bracing to suspended
measures. These may include: ceilings, if necessary.
◆ Adding steel bracing to frames ◆ Install safety glass where

◆ Adding sheer walls to frames

◆ Secure large utility and
◆ Strengthening columns and
building foundations process piping.
◆ Replacing unreinforced brick
filler walls

• Keep copies of design drawings • Conduct earthquake drills.
of the facility to be used in Provide personnel with the fol-
assessing the facility’s safety lowing safety information:
after an earthquake. ◆ In an earthquake, if indoors,

• Review processes for handling stay there. Take cover under a

sturdy piece of furniture or
and storing hazardous materials.
counter, or brace yourself
Have incompatible chemicals against an inside wall. Protect
stored separately. your head and neck.
• Ask your insurance carrier ◆ If outdoors, move into the

about earthquake insurance open, away from buildings,

and mitigation techniques. street lights and utility wires.
◆ After an earthquake, stay
• Establish procedures to deter- away from windows, skylights
mine whether an evacuation is and items that could fall. Do
necessary after an earthquake. not use the elevators.
◆ Use stairways to leave the
• Designate areas in the facility
building if it is determined
away from exterior walls and
that a building evacuation is
windows where occupants necessary.
should gather after an earth-
quake if an evacuation is not

gencies include any interruption or loss of a utility service, power source, life
support system, information system or equipment needed to keep the business
in operation.

Planning • Establish procedures for restor-

Considerations ing systems. Determine need
The following are suggestions for backup systems.
for planning for technological • Establish preventive mainte-
emergencies: nance schedules for all systems
• Identify all critical operations, and equipment.
◆ Utilities including electric
power, gas, water, hydraulics,
compressed air, municipal and
internal sewer systems, waste-
water treatment services
◆ Security and alarm systems,
elevators, lighting, life support
systems, heating, ventilation
and air conditioning systems,
electrical distribution system.
◆ Manufacturing equipment,
pollution control equipment
◆ Communication systems, both
data and voice computer net-
◆ Transportation systems
including air, highway, rail-
road and waterway
• Determine the impact of
service disruption.
• Ensure that key safety and
maintenance personnel are
thoroughly familiar with all
building systems.



This section provides information sources:

• Additional Readings from FEMA
• Ready-to-Print Brochures
• Emergency Management Offices
publications can be obtained from FEMA by writing to: FEMA, Publications, P.O.
Box 2012, Jessup, MD 20794-2012.


• Building Performance:
Hurricane Andrew in Florida
(FIA 22) — Technical guid-
ance for enhancing the perfor-
mance of buildings in hurri-
• Building Performance:
Hurricane Iniki in Hawaii
• Principal Threats Facing (FIA 23) — Technical guid-
Communities and Local ance for reducing hurricane and
Emergency Management flood damage.
Coordinators (FEMA 191) — • Answers to Questions About
Statistics and analyses of natur- Substantially Damaged
al disasters and man-made Buildings (FEMA 213) —
threats in the U.S. Information about regulations
• Floodproofing Non-Residential and policies of the National
Structures (FEMA 102) — Flood Insurance Program
Technical information for regarding substantially damaged
building owners, designers and buildings (25 pages).
contractors on floodproofing • Design Guidelines for Flood
techniques (200 pages). Damage Reduction (FEMA 15)
• Non-Residential Flood- — A study on land use, water-
proofing — Requirements and shed management, design and
Certification for Buildings construction practices in flood-
Located in Flood Hazard Areas prone areas.
in Accordance with the • Comprehensive Earthquake
National Flood Insurance Preparedness Planning
Program (FIA-TB-3) — Guidelines: Corporate (FEMA
Planning and engineering con- 71) — Earthquake planning
siderations for floodproofing guidance for corporate safety
new commercial buildings. officers and managers.

your employees and customers with life-saving information from FEMA and the
American Red Cross. Available at no charge is ready-to-print artwork for a
series of brochures on disaster preparedness and family safety.

Select any of the brochures • Your Family Disaster Supplies

below, and you’ll receive camera- Kit — A checklist of emergency
ready materials, printing instruc- supplies for the home and car.
tions and ideas for adding your • Helping Children Cope With
own logo or sponsor message. Disaster — Practical advice on
Write to: Camera-ready Requests, how to help children deal with
Community & Family Preparedness the stress of disaster.
Program, 500 C Street, SW
Washington, DC 20472.
• Your Family Disaster Plan —
A 4-step plan for individuals
and families on how to prepare
for any type of disaster.
• Emergency Preparedness
Checklist — An action check-
list on home safety, evacuation
and disaster preparedness.





FEMA Headquarters State Emergency

Federal Emergency Management Agencies
Management Agency, 500 C (FEMA region numbers are in
Street, SW, Washington, DC parentheses.)
20472, (202)646-2500.
Alabama (4)
Alabama Emergency Management
FEMA Regional Agency
Offices 5898 S. County Rd.41 Drawer 2160
• Region 1: Boston Clanton, AL 35045-5160
(617)223-9540 (205)280-2201

• Region 2: New York Alaska (10)

Department of Military &
Veteran Affairs
• Region 3: Philadelphia P.O. Box 5750
(215)931-5500 Camp Denali, AK 99595-5750
• Region 4: Atlanta
Arizona (9)
• Region 5: Chicago
Arizona Division of Emergency
(312)408-5500 Services
• Region 6: Denton, TX National Guard Bldg.
(817)898-5104 5636 E. McDowell Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85008
• Region 7: Kansas City, MO (602)231-6245
Arkansas (6)
• Region 8: Denver Office of Emergency Services
(303)235-1813 P.O. Box 758
• Region 9: San Francisco Conway, AR 72032
California (9)
• Region 10: Bothell, WA
Office of Emergency Services
(206)487-4604 2800 Meadowview Rd.
Sacramento, CA 95823

Colorado (8) Indiana (5)
Colorado Office of Emergency Indiana Emergency Management
Management Agency
Camp George West State Office Bldg., Room E-208
Golden, CO 80401 302 W. Washington St.
(303)273-1622 Indianapolis, IN 46204
Connecticut (1)
Connecticut Office of Emergency Iowa (7)
Management Iowa Emergency Management
360 Broad St. Division
Hartford, CT 06105 Hoover State Office Bldg.
(203)566-3180 Level A, Room 29
Des Moines, IA 50319
Delaware (3)
Division of Emergency Planning
and Operations Kansas (7)
P.O. Box 527 Division of Emergency Preparedness
Delaware City, DE 19706 2800 S.W. Topeka Blvd
(302) 326-6000 Top eka ,KS 66611-1401
District of Columbia (3)
Office of Emergency Preparedness
200 14th St., NW, 8th Floor Kentucky (4)
Washington, DC 20009 Kentucky Disaster and Emergency
(202)727-3159 Services
100 Minutemen Pkwy
Florida (4)
Frankfort, KY 40601-6168
Division of Emergency
2555 Shumar Oak Blvd. Louisiana (6)
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Office of Emergency Preparedness
(904)413-9969 Department of Public Safety
LA Military Dept.
Georgia (4)
P.O. Box 44217
Georgia Emergency Management
Capitol Station
Baton Rouge, LA 70804
P.O. Box 18055
Atlanta, GA 30316-0055
(404)635-7001 Maine (1)
Maine Emergency Management
Hawaii (9)
State Civil Defense
72 State House Station
3949 Diamond Head Rd.
Augusta, ME 04333-0072
Honolulu, HI 96816-4495
Maryland (3)
Idaho (10)
Maryland Emergency
Bureau of Disaster Services
Management and Civil Defense
650 W. State St.
Boise, ID 83720
Two Sudbrook Ln., East
Pikesville, MD 21208
Illinois (5) (410)486-4422
Illinois Emergency Management
110 E. Adams St.
Springfield, IL 62706
Massachusetts (1) New Hampshire (1)
Massachusetts Emergency Governor’s Office of Emergency
Management Agency Management
P.O. Box 1496 State Office Park South
Framingham, MA 01701-0317 107 Pleasant St.
(508)820-2000 Concord, NH 03301-3809
Michigan (5)
Emergency Management Division New Jersey (2)
Michigan State Police Office of Emergency Management
300 S. Washington Sq. P.O. Box 7068
Suite 300 W. Trenton, NJ 08628-0068
Lansing, MI 48913 (609)538-6050
New Mexico (6)
Minnesota (5) Emergency Planning and
Division of Emergency Services Coordination
Department of Public Safety Department of Public Safety
State Capitol, B-5 4491 Cerrillos Rd.
St. Paul, MN 55155 P.O. Box 1628
(612)296-0450 Santa Fe, NM 87504-1628
Mississippi (4)
Mississippi Emergency New York (2)
Management Agency State Emergency Management
P.O. Box 4501, Fondren Station Office
Jackson, MS 39296 Bldg. #22, Suite 101
Albany, NY 12226-2251
Missouri (7)
State Emergency Management
Agency North Carolina
P.O. Box 116 Division of Emergency
Jefferson City, MO 65102 Management
(573)526-9101 116 West Jones St.
Raleigh, NC 27603-1335
Montana (8)
Emergency Management
Specialist North Dakota (8)
Disaster and Emergency Services North Dakota Division of
P.O. Box 4789 Emergency Management
Helena, MT 59604-4789 P.O. Box 5511
(406)444-6911 Bismarck, ND 58502-5511
(701) 328-3300
Nebraska Civil Defense Agency Ohio (5)
National Guard Center Ohio Emergency Management
1300 Military Road Agency
Lincoln, NE 68508-1090 2825 W. Dublin Granville Rd.
(402)471-7410 Columbus, OH 43235-2206
Nevada (9)
Nevada Division of Emergency Oklahoma (6)
Services Oklahoma Civil Defense
2525 S. Carson St. P.O. Box 53365
Carson City, NV 89710 Oklahoma City, OK 73152-3365
(702) 687-4240 (405)521-2481

Oregon (10) Utah (8)
Emergency Management Division Division of Comprehensive
Oregon State Executive Emergency Management
Department Sate Office Bldg., Room 1110
595 Cottage St., NE Salt Lake City, UT 84114
Salem, OR 97310 (801)538-3400
Vermont (1)
Pennsylvania (3) Vermont Emergency Management
Pennsylvania Emergency Agency
Management Agency Dept. of Public Safety
P.O. Box 3321 Waterbury State Complex
Harrisburg, PA 17105-3321 103 S. Main St.
(717) 651-2007 Waterbury, VT 05671-2101
Puerto Rico (2)
State Civil Defense Virgin Islands (2)
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Territorial Emergency Management
P.O. Box 5127 Agency
San Juan, PR 00906 A & Q Building # 2c Estate Content
(809)724-0124 St Thomas, VI 00820
Rhode Island (1)
Rhode Island Emergency Virginia (3)
Management Agency Department of Emergency
675 New London Avenue Services
Cranston, RI 02920 P.O. Box 40955
(401) 946-9996 Richmond, VA 23225-6491
South Carolina (4)
South Carolina Emergency Washington (10)
Management Division Division of Emergency
1429 Senate St., Rutledge Bldg. Management
Columbia, SC 29201-3782 4220 E. Martin Way, MS-PT 11
(803)734-8020 Olympia, WA 98504-0955
(360) 923-4505
South Dakota (8)
Division of Emergency and West Virginia (3)
Disaster Services West Virginia Office of
State Capitol, 500 East Capitol Emergency Services
Pierre, SD 57501 State Capitol Complex
(605)773-3231 Room EB80
Charleston, WV 25305-0360
Tennessee (4)
Tennessee Emergency
Management Agency Wisconsin (5)
3041 Sidco Dr. P.O. 41502 Division of Emergency
Nashville, TN 37204-1502 Government
(615)741-6528 2400 Wright St. P.O. Box 7865
Madison, WI 53707
Texas (6)
(608) 242-3232
Division of Emergency
Management Wyoming (8)
P.O. Box 4087 Wyoming Emergency
Austin, TX 78773-0001 Management Agency
(512)424-2000 P.O. Box 1709
Cheyenne, WY 82003
Vulnerability Analysis Chart

Human Property Business Internal External

TYPE OF EMERGENCY Probability Impact Impact Impact Resources Resources Total
High Low Weak
High Impact 5 1 Low Impact Resources 5 Resources
1 Strong
5 1

The lower the score the better

Training Drills and Exercises























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