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Peter David Beter

Soviet hovering electro-gravitic platforms (Cosmospheres - hovering in electrostatic field of

Earth): manned Cosmos Intercept. Killer Satellites (normal battle satellites), Cosmospheres,
"Super Heavies" or "Jumbos", (Cosmos 929 - 1st one) armed with charged particle beam
US Secret Beam-weapons base on the Moon (Secret US Space Program at Diego Garcia Island,
Indian Ocean): September 27, 1977 - Battle of the Harvest Moon at Copernicus crater, which
America lost when Russia's Cosmospheres killed all astronauts in their base by neutron particle
beam weapon (Cosmos 954). Then Russia established seven bases on the Front side armed with
powerful charged particle beam weapons, and three supporting bases on the back side of the
Coordinates are:
Near side of the Moon:
1. 55 54' N, 51 00' E ...East of the Sea of Cold.
2. 16 33' N, 48 51' E ...West of the Sea of Crises.
3. 31 53' S, 73 09' E ...Southwest of the Sea of Fertilio.
4. 72 26' S, 67 30' W ...Near the South Pole on the SW side.
5. 50 53' S, 57 49' W ...Near Phocylides Crater in the SW quadrant
6. 09 26' S, 66 52' W ...Southwest of the Ocean of Storms
7. 01 23' S, 12 27' W ...Northeast of the Apollo 14 landing site.
Far side of the Moon:
1. 36 00' S, 147 00' E ...Jules Verne Crater.
2. 13 36' S, 108 26' E ...Southwest of Pasture Crater.
3. 51 03' N, 095 00' E ...Southwest of Compton crater.
1st. Russian manned landing on the Moon at October 16, 1977 (on the Back Side of the Moon at
'Jules Verne' crater: Kovalyonok and Ryumin)
Underwater missile crises of 1976
April 20, 1978. Shot-down of Korean Air Line Boeing 707 flight 902 (Regarding spy mission of
Murmansk, Supersecret Plesetsk Cosmodrome...America's spy satellites were already blasted
off from the orbit)
Russia's Cosmodromes:
1. Plesetsk: 65 40' N, 40 10' E
2. Kapustin Yar: (East of Volgograd): 48 36' N, 45 48' E
3. Baikonur: 47 22' N, 65 45' E
4. Tyura-Tam: (together with Karsakpaj it is part of Baikonur)
Cosmosphere Bases (Support Locations):
1. Semipalatinsk
2. Novosibirsk
Australia, New Zealand December 30, 1978 Cosmosphere incident filmed as UFO story aired by
CBS Walter Cronkite.
Destruction of Secret Russian missile base at Guyana (as cover-up was used agent Jim Jones
and the massacre which is well known...)
Project Z (planned III World War (I Nuclear War) 3 PM Sept. 17, 1982).
Rockefeller's fortified family hideaway at Mt. Desert Island and Barlett Island, Maine. Nuclear
safe zone in that time...secret agreement between Rockefellers and Russians
Secret of Russia's Organic Robotoid, Rothschild Synthetics (Connected with cattle mutilation in
Northern America. See audio letter #53, topic 1) : Artificial, living, robot-like creatures. This
led to the 'war of doubles' (Replicas or Clones) thanks to advanced DNA knowledge...), Some
mentioned Robotoids & Synthetics: Jimmy Carter, Henry Kissinger, Prime Minister Begin,
Stansfield Turner CIA director, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ambassador Thomas Watson, Space Shuttle
Astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen (Real died in 1st STS Columbia), Shah of Iran...etc.
(Boris Yelcin also didn't look very healthy too...)
October 30, 1981, November 4, 1981 Two Russian manned spaceship blasted off for Venus.
July 4, 1981. Two naval vessels have been destroyed. Greatest US naval disaster since W.W.II.
Skylab shoot down by Russia's Cosmospheres (October 18, 1977 - dead of 5 astronauts),
Destruction of all America's spy satellites by Russia's Cosmospheres... They were all gone till
April 1978. Including one above Petrozavodsk September 20, 1977. According to UFO magazines
it was UFO but it was not, it was the end of one US satellite thanks to Russia's Cosmospheres.
(In this case: Cosmos 929...)
Strange disappearance of Satellites like at December 11, 1979: 'Satcom 3' made by RCA and at
May 9, 1980: 'Agami 2' made by Japanese were pulled inside to Cosmosphere cargo bay.
MX Minuteman cover-up for traveling TX Minuteman (railroad) Missiles;
Destruction of Secret Military Naval Base at South Georgia Island (cover-up: Falkland war...)
Disaster of Space Shuttles Columbia 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th (cover-up),
New developments in the military:

o New developments in the military:

 'Subcraft' (Submersible) Phantom war plane
 Invisible bombers (probably B2 Spirit)
 Railgun)
 Tungsten shield
 PRF Psychoenergetic Range Finding - detection of the actual atomic signature of the
target. Hard to be jammed (by Russians)
 RPV's - Remote Piloted Vehicles
 Russia's new submarine in 1980: 'Typhoon' (I've seen it on the Discovery channel and
must say it's really huge)
 CEIR (Computer-Enhanced Infra Red)
o Geophysical warfare for weather modification = artificial storms and artificial
earthquakes...October 22, 1979: first test of Russia's new (by moon bases) artificial storm
technique in the South Atlantic. (Thanx goes to Moon Bases and Cosmospheres...)
o Planned New US Constitution (10 regions)
o Electronic psychological programming (conditioning) by CIA.
o Red Friday Agreement. October 1, 1976. Sunken Russia's mini-sub at Chesapeake Bay Area
(Gromyko - Ford agreement)
o Swine Flue cover for Plutonium poisoning. November 20, 1976.
o Gang of Four: Four Rockefeller's brothers ...or later, but not long:
1. Zbigniew Brzezinski
2. W. Michael Blumenthal
3. Harold Brown
4. James Schlesinger
o JFK assassination. He was killed within the car by directed explosion. In his head was found
over 28 shrapnels.
o Fort Knox Gold Scandal (Leaking of radioactive super poison made from plutonium 239 stored
here, Stolen American Gold...)
o Who was Khazars and their relation to the self-styled Jews
o about politics, New World Order, CFR, TC...etc.
o And something interesting. According to Dr. Beter those people are dead: (mostly were killed
in Bolshevik coup d'état in America 1979)
 General George S. Brown: July 10, 1977
 John D. Rockefeller III: July 1978
 Nelson Rockefeller: January 26, 1979,
See LOOK Magazine March 5, 1979, page 39. Circular dark area above eye-brow.
Bullet in the head...
 Real David Rockefeller: February 9, 1979
Bullet to the head
 real Laurance Rockefeller: February 17, 1979
Bullet to the nape of the neck.
 Henry Kissinger: February 5, 1979
Lie down buried (shot down) in the ocean: 54 40' 57'' North, 26 40' 00'' West
 Megan Ruth Marschack: February 8, 1979
Bullet in the head
 Hugh Morrov: February 13, 1979
Bullet in the head
 Dr. John Knowles (president of the Rockefeller Foundation) March 6, 1979
Shot in the head
 Zbigniew Brzezinski: April 20, 1979
 Walter Mondale: April 20, 1979
 Jimmy Carter, Amy, Billy, Lillian, Hugh: April 21-23, 1979
 W. Michael Blumenthal: May 13, 1979
 Harold Brown: May 13, 1979
 James Schlesinger: May 13, 1979
 Cyrus Vance: 1979
 real Brezhnev: January 7, 1978
 real pope John Paul II. (Wojtyla): 4:00 PM, November 20, 1978
 real Shah of Iran: Sunday December 2, 1979

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