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The types of recruitment and selection in jobs really come down to internal versus external

recruitment. There are various ways to achieve each, but either the job is filled by someone
within the company or someone who is hired from outside of it. Both have their benefits, and
neither is better than the other; it’s really down to hiring lead time, the budget available, tasks
required and skill sets needed.

Internal Types of Recruitment

The types of recruitment methods used for hiring staff internally include:

 Transfers: Often, qualified candidates are just a department away in large

companies. Perhaps they have an array of skill sets of which only a few get used in
their current position. Joining a company at an entry-level position is generally a
strategic move toward hopefully, eventually, getting transferred or, better yet, getting
 Promotions: If a new managerial position requires skills acquired through company
experience, it makes the most sense to promote from within. This means being able
to skip the head-hunting process and save some pennies on training in the
 Rehiring Former Employees: It’s not uncommon for employees to leave because of
cutbacks or for an opportunity elsewhere, among other reasons. It’s also not
uncommon for former employees to return to a job when offered the chance to do so.
As they say, the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t – and that
applies to both sides of this equation. Plus, bringing someone back with little to no
training needed saves money, time and headaches.
 Previous Applicants: Often, hiring comes down to a gut feeling between the most
qualified candidates, and it’s not unusual for HR personnel to feel as though "a good
one got away." If a position comes available in the near future after a hiring process
completes, revisiting already-screened applicants saves a lot of time and money.
 Employee Referrals: While this is technically an outside hire, it’s sourced inside the
company. Employees know what the job entails, and they may have a good idea of
someone who’d be ideal for getting it done.
 Posted Opportunity: Very common with large companies and government agencies,
a position is advertised throughout the organization, giving anyone who wants to apply
the chance to throw their hat in the ring.

External Selection Methods

The types of recruitment process used for external hiring include:

 Employment Agencies: Employment agencies generally do all the screening and

processing of potential hires. There's a hefty fee associated with this, but also likely a
satisfaction guarantee. Despite the fee, this is a time- and money-saver, taking the
pressure off the company for the intensive resume-reviewing, interviewing and testing
that may be involved.
 Advertising: A classic method, whether the newfangled way through social media, job
sites or old-school through newspapers, advertising is a great way to get the message
out while improving branding and showing the company values off to the public.
 Hiring Fairs: When there are multiple positions open or expansion is a possibility in
the future, a hiring fair is a great way to meet potential candidates. One downfall is
that extroverts shine at hiring fairs while introverts, who are often creative and can be
fantastic in specific roles, tend to be overlooked.
 Direct Recruitment: When there’s a known candidate at a competing company or a
notable student graduating soon, sometimes they’re pursued and wooed to join the
 Professional Organizations: For engineering, law and other careers that have
professional associations, it’s often easy to hire in concert with the organization.
Perhaps they’ll refer someone specific or post the opportunity. However it happens,
it’s someone from a credible organization with a promising background.
 By: Steffani Cameron
 Updated May 29, 2019

Recruitment is the process of attracting, shortlisting, engaging, selecting and hiring

employees. Many firms view recruiting as a competitive advantage that is the foundation
of innovation, productivity, reputation and commercial results. Such firms typically use
multiple techniques to attract, discover and engage talent. The following are common
types of recruitment.
Employer Branding
Attracting talent by working on your reputation and brand recognitionas an employer. In
some cases, firms that have a reasonably attractivecorporate culture aren't well known
to candidates. The same techniques that are used to brand products such as brand
identity can be applied to employer branding.
It is standard practice to publish available jobs in an open forum such as your website.
This allows the public to see available jobs and creates an atmosphere of open
competition for positions.
Accepting applications and employment inquiries through channels such as your
website to build a database of interested candidates.
Internal Recruitment
Allowing your employees to apply for open positions. Tends to improveorganizational
culture as this provides opportunities for growth and change within a firm.
Employee Referral
Employees often have a large network of friends and former colleagues in the same
profession. As such, employers commonly offer bonuses to employees who refer a
successful candidate. This requires careful management as an executive who brings a
large number of people from their former firm can result in a culture shift such as a bozo
Using techniques such as social media and advertising to create awareness of open
positions and your firm as an employer.
Using industry conferences and career events to connect with talent.
Offering students a chance to obtain valuable work experience.
Graduate Recruiting
Establishing relationships with universities, colleges and other institutions to recruit
students. Many schools hold career events that are open to qualified employers.
Alternatively, large firms may hold events that are open to students. Some firms have a
culture of recruiting most employees as graduates and carefully retaining talent for the
long term.
Word of Mouth
Communicating information in an interesting way to encourage word of mouth. For
example, a job description that uses storytelling techniques to paint a picture of an
exciting and rewarding mission.
External recruiters who are in the business of discovering talent and maintaining large
networks of relationships.
Passive Candidate Research
Looking at candidates who aren't currently in the job market such as happily employed
individuals and retirees. This requires research as such individuals aren't going to
contact you. It is common to use external recruiters for this purpose to avoid retaliation
from competitors.

Overview: Recruitment

Type Recruiting
Definition The process of attracting, shortlisting, engaging,

selecting and hiring employees.

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