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An Industrial visit report on


Prepared : Makwana Rohit B.

College : Harivandana college - Rajkot.

Place : Rajkot

Class : B.B.A. Sem-2

Year : 2018-2019

Roll No :

Submitted To: - Guided By.

Saurashtra University Ms.Krishna savani
I am Makwana Rohit the student of first year B.B.A.
studying in Harivandana College-Rajkot.
I have undergone for industrial training in “RAMBO
I have prepared my training report independently. This is
my first project so, if there is any mistake in it the please forgive
me for the first time. This project or work is not submitted to
any other university for any examination. I have made this
project under the supervision and guidance of professors.

Makwana Rohit

This project gives information about cement, which is

useful to human life in day to day use which is produced by
“RAMBO CEMENT PVT. LTD.” the aim of this project is to
acquire the knowledge about industries and their working

signature of student
My this report is an outcome of various guidance
provided by my collage, professors and co-operation of the
management of “RAMBO CEMENT PVT. LTD.”

I am very thankful to “RAMBO CEMENT PVT. LTD.”

for industrial training and all over the staff member who
contributed industrial performance.

I am greatly thankful to my guide Ms.Krishna Savani

and to my parents for their blessings and here is my respiration
work before all of them who are there to bless me.
No. Particular

1 Introduction

2 General information

3 Production department

4 Personnel department

5 Marketing department

6 Finance department

7 Future plan

8 Research and development

9 Swot analysis

Everyone said “knowledge is power” but I like to say that
“Applied knowledge is power”. There is vast difference between
theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. So, to get the
practical knowledge I am doing this project on the cement
industry named:-

Industry is backbone of nation. The term of industry refers

to the part of business activities which concerns itself with
raising productivity processing etc. India want industrialization
and its all states also try the best for the same way. Indian
government is encouraging to develop the many medium scale
industries. So, “RAMBO CEMENT PVT. LTD.” is also one of
such industry which is located in Rajkot.

No. Particulars

1 Introduction

2 History and development

3 Detail’s about unit

4 Organization chart

5 Location of the unit

India is fast developing nation. In this development ,
Gujarat State proved that it’s Lion contribution. This dream
come true only due to leaders of Gujarat State. The Gujarat
government has taken steps in the direction of industrial unit
development, concessions, benefits and incentives, monetary as
well as non-monetary offered to attract the industries and
various Schemes, implementation of industrial Policies.
In the Gujarat state and as well as in all over India, sun of
construction business is hot. New construction and demolition of
old for new Built is fastly running. There is rapid growth in
construction. Cement is key factor in construction activity.after
considering geographical and locational advantages, economic
and manufacturing feasibility of the project. Availability of
required skilled and unskilled labour from local areas,
availability of raw material, ready infrastructural facility and
incentives offered by Govt. of Gujarat, promoters have decided
to start proposed project on CEMENT.
The promoters of the proposed project have formed a
partnership firm under the name and style M/S. RAMBO
CEMENT PVT. LTD.. This is registered under partnership act.

The firm is proposed to launch a expansion to manufacture

CEMENT. The promoters have selected Lodhika GIDC, at
metoda for the project, and acquired a plot or land admeasuring
50000 sq. Mtrs. For the expansion of business

Details about unit

Name of unit:- “RAMBO CEMENT PVT. LTD.”


Plot no. 2735
Metoda G.I.D.C.
Kalavad road, Rajkot

Registered office:- “RAMBO CEMENT PVT. LTD.”

Plot no. 2735
Metoda G.I.D.C.
Kalavad road, Rajkot

Size of unit:- mediam scale industry.

Location of the unit
The location of the project is at Lodhika G.I.D.C. At
Metoda, Dist. Rajkot which falls under 1st category backward
area under Gujarat state incentives policies. Lodhika G.I.D.C. is
developed indystrial area having all industrial facalities like
water, electricity, telephone, transportation etc.
Lodhika G.I.D.C. is near to Rajkot city ,which is at the
distance of 15 to 17 km. This industry is located in such place
from where the all the types of raw material is easily available to
near by the industry like LIME STONE, GYPSUM, COAL,
FLY ASH etc. So, it is considered as the very good location.

Partners of R.C.PVT. LTD.

No. Particular

1 Introduction

2 Organization structure

3 Raw material & machine

4 Production process

5 diagram of Production

6 Quality control

7 Uses of cement

Manufacturing is the use of machines, tools and labour
to produce goods for use or sale. The term may refer to a range
of human activity, from handicraft to high tech, but is most
commonly applied to industrial production, in which raw
materials are transformed into finished goods on a large scale.

The manufacturing sector is closely connected with

engineering and industrial design. In the same way the tapee
cement is producing the cement by using the huge raw material

Modern manufacturing includes all intermediate

processes required for the production and integration of a
product's components. Some industries, such as semiconductor
and steel manufacturers use the term fabrication instead.

Organization structure




Raw material

Raw material is the basic components of the product. Raw

material cost is the major cost in the overall cost of production.
For manufacturing the cement we require the raw material like
Clinker, Gypsum, Fly ash, Lime stone etc. the calculation of
requirement of raw material is calculated as per scheduled XVII.

Clinker lime stone

Fly ash Raw material

It is operated by the compressions and can break the large lamps
of very hard material.

In this the raw material is feed into and it will pass for
It is consist of an inside cylinder made of sheet steel.

A cement mill is used for grinding the dry hard material like
clinker. The cement mill is the combination of primary mill and
fine mill.
Production process

Joseph Asidin (1924) found that strongly heated mixture

of limestone and clay when mixed with a small amount of water.
It will set few hours in to a hard stone like substance. Then after
setting the stone like mass resembled famous PORTLAND

There are mainly two types of cement:-

(1) ordinary Portland cement.

(2) Portland pozzolana cement.

No water is added in to the raw material in dry process
while grinding so, no slurry will remain.If lime stone and clay
are soft climate is fairly most and the fuel is cheap the wet
processes is preferred. Our process is most common and
universally employed for manufacturing the cement.

Crushing section:-
The lime stone is crushed in jaw crusher to make the
particles of suitable size and clay is mixed with H2O in wash
mil to remoce foreign material such as flint and slurry
containing about 60% H2O.

Raw mix section:-

Lime stone which is crushed and clay is mixed in particular
proportion then it will be converted into the special type of small
ball. The resulting slurry containing nearly 40% H2O and then
stored in the correcting tanks where after analysis additions are
made to against the proportion.
Buring section:-
The slurry from the row mill will inserted into the hopper
provided on upper part of rotary kiln which consist of cylinder.
It is provided with fireproof hood. The blast of burning coal and
air is blown of hot gases and the dry material gravitates down
the kiln and meets a powdered coal gas flame, which is at a very
huge temperature.

Moisture present in the material is eliminated as in this

region is remains temperature about 7500C, but in the middle
portion temperature will become about 10000C. In such
temperature the mixture is partly fused with chemical reaction
between calcium oxide aluminum silicates takes place resulting
in the formation of calcium and aluminates.
Diagram of production

hopper hameer cliker

• hameer mill • cement
• silo • raw mill • storag
• kiln • packing
In this type of competitive world it is very much necessary
to control the quality of the product. If there is fluctuation in the
quality then in the same way there will be change in demand and
customers also. If the once the quality of the product will
become low then the faith of the customer also will be loosed.

So today the “king of the market is consumer “.

The company test the quality of the product 3 to 4 times
during the production. Like
(1)while inputing raw mate
(2)heater temp. at every hour
(3)reclaimed silo at every 4 hour
(4)at cement mill where gradient is added
Used for
o.p.c. (ordinary Portland cement)
used for residential, industrial complex, commercial etc.
overhead and underground water tanks, flooring tiles.

p.p.c. (pozzolana Portland cement)

used for underground water mains, like sewer pipes, septic tank,
underground tank mass like dams lining of canals, repairing
no. particular

1 introduction

2 organization structure

3 employee motivation

4 promotion and transfer

5 facility for employee.

6 grievance handling system.

7 objective of human resources

8 traning and development

9 recruitment and selection ,time keppingsy


. Human resources is a term used to describe the

individuals who make up the workforce of an organization,
although it is also applied in labor economics to, for example,
business sectors or even whole nations. Human Resources
(proper noun; abbreviated "HR") refers to a function within an
organization charged with the overall responsibility for
implementing strategies and policies relating to the management
of individuals (i.e., the HR management of the organization)

In the tapee cement human/labor is given more

important because the real asset of the company is the skilled
labour. Without the human no production is done so,it is very
important. Human resources is a relatively modern management
term, coined as late as the 1960s
Organization structure
Employee motivation

Employees may be more motivated if they understand the

primary aim of your business. Ask questions to establish how
clear they are about your company's principles, priorities and

If the employees are motivated then they will work

willingly and there will be “INCREASE IN PRODUCTIVITY
AND PROFITABILITY”. Due to this the development of
workers as well as the development of the whole organization
will be made. So, the motivation for employee is very necessary
in the organization to “REDUCE LABOUR TURNOVER”.
Promotion and transfer

Promotion means transferring the employee from one
position to another position with increase in the in the salary
and responsibility. The worker gets the promotion on the basis
of there ability, skill, knowledge.

In the TCI the promotion is given by the efforts and

achievement. Their salary and the responsibility also increase
with the promotion. Promotions and transfers provide employees
with the opportunity to develop their skills and talents, which
can contribute to career growth and advancement
Transfer means shifting of employee from one position to
another position without increase in salary and responsibility.

The method of TCI for transfer is when any employee is

not working properly on one position then he is transferred to
another position. Due to this the bordem of worker will reduce
and they fell comfortable. Development is available to assist in
focusing an employee’s job search to maximize his or her
chances for success and to help the employee prepare for
Facility for employee
 There are mainly following facility is provided to the

Education facility Medical facility

Leave facility Night allowances
Canteen facility Transport facility
Heavy duty allowances Shelter facility
Grievance handling system

This system is followed by each and every organization

to solve the problems of there employee. In the firm there are
many chances of dispute, or any problem related to production.
So,it is very necessary to solve such problem.

In the R.C.PVT.LTD. the grievance is solved by the

manager when any employee appeal for the first time it will be
handled by the particular department. But then also if he is not
satisfied with tha solution then he will go to the higher authority
to solve his problem.

In the case when he is not satisfied with first time

solution he can go to the higher authority after the the 5 days.
Objective of human resources

In simple terms, an organization's human resource

management strategy should maximize return on investment in
the organization's human capital and minimize financial risk.

Human resource managers seek to achieve this by

successfully matching the supply of skilled and qualified
individuals and the capabilities of the current workforce, with
the organization's ongoing and future business plans and
requirements to maximize return on investment and secure
future survival and success.

The human resource function is to implement an

organization's human resource requirements effectively, taking
into account federal, state and local labor laws and regulations;
ethical business practices; and net cost, in a manner that
maximizes, as far as possible, employee motivation,
commitment and productivity.

At the organizational level, a successful Human

Resources Development program prepares the individual to
undertake a higher level of work, "organized learning over a
given period of time, to provide the possibility of performance
change" (Nadler 1984). In these settings, Human Resources
Development is the framework that focuses on the organization's
competencies at the first stage, training, and then developing the
employee, through education, to satisfy the organization's long-
term needs and the individual's career goals and employee value
to their present and future employers.

In the REMBO CEMENT PVT. LTD. the workers are

given training scientifically and they are developed through
training. While training they are provided very good facility like
canteen facility, time for relax, etc. REMBO CEMENT PVT.
LTD. treat the worker as the “REAL ASSET”. So they are
having very good enough staff with skilled people.
Number and types of worker

 There are 200 workers in whole organization.

(1).management workers
(2).plant workers.

Category of workers
 Skilled
 semi-skilled
 unskilled workers
Recruitment and selection

Recruitment means to appoint the skilled employee by

referring the application received from candidate. Applicant
recruitment and employee selection form a major part of an
organization's overall resourcing strategies, which identify and
secure people needed for the organization to survive and
succeed in the short- to medium-term. Recruitment activities
need to be responsive to the increasingly competitive market to
secure suitably qualified and capable recruits at all levels.

Internal recruitment :-
Internal recruitment can provide the most cost-effective
source for recruits if the potential of the existing pool of
employees has been enhanced through training, development
and other performance-enhancing activities such as performance
appraisal, succession planning and development centers to
review performance and assess employee development needs
and promotional potential.

External recruitment :-
The person from outsiders is called for recruitment in the
organization is called the external recruitment. Generally the
application gets to the company through the advertisement in the
news paper or through any other source.

In the R.C.PVT.LTD. the recruitment is done in both the

ways internally as well as externally. For securing the best
quality candidates requires external recruitment methods.
Rapidly changing business models demand skill and experience
that cannot be sourced or rapidly enough developed from the
existing employee base.

Selection means to select the people from the application


 Initial screening
 Interview
 Final selection
In the section of workers the trade union is playing a very
important role. The TCI consider the rules and regulation framed
by the labour union.

Time keeping system Of R.C.Pvt.Ltd. :-

Working time:- Managerial staff

8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

For workers:- shift-1,6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

shift-2,2:00 .m. to 10:00 p.m.
shift-3,10:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
No. Particulars

1. Introduction

2. Organisation structure

3. Marketing segment

4. Pricing policy

5. Channel of distribution

6. Advertising and sales promotion

7. Market research

8. Competitors

Marketing is the process which creates, communicates,

delivers the value to the customer, and maintains the relationship
with customers.] It generates the strategy that underlies sales
techniques, business communication, and business
developments. It is an integrated process through which
companies build strong customer relationships and create value
for their customers and for themselves.
Marketing is used to identify the customer, satisfy the
customer, and keep the customer. With the customer as the focus
of its activities, marketing management is one of the major
components of business management. Marketing evolved to
meet the stasis in developing new markets caused by mature
markets and overcapacities in the last 2-3 centuries.

Marketing manager.

Advertising manager

Sales manager


Market segmentation pertains to the division of a market of
consumers into persons with similar needs and wants. For
instance, Kellogg's cereals, Frosties are marketed to children.
Crunchy Nut Cornflakes are marketed to adults. Both goods
denote two products which are marketed to two distinct groups
of persons, both with similar needs, traits, and wants.
Market segmentation allows for a better allocation of a
firm's finite resources. A firm only possesses a certain amount of
resources. Accordingly, it must make choices (and incur the
related costs) in servicing specific groups of consumers. In this
way, the diversified tastes of contemporary Western consumers
can be served better. With growing diversity in the tastes of
modern consumers, firms are taking note of the benefit of
servicing a multiplicity of new markets.
The TCI is driving the market into three segments, viz.
The government public segment
The government segment
The contractor segment.
Market segmentation can be defined in terms of the STP
acronym, meaning Segment, Target and Position.
Pricing policy
Pricing strategies for products or services encompass three
main ways to improve profits. These are that the business owner
can cut costs or sell more, or find more profit with a better
pricing strategy. In the downturn of 2008-11, and since, when
costs are likely already at their lowest and sales are hard to find,
adopting a better pricing strategy is a key option to stay viable.
Merely raising prices is not always the answer, especially
in a poor economy. Too many businesses have been lost because
they priced themselves out of the marketplace. On the other
hand, too many business and sales staff leave "money on the
table". One strategy does not fit all, so adopting a pricing
strategy is a learning curve when studying the needs and
behaviors of customers and clients.
In the R.C.PVT.LTD. the pricing policy is based upon the
quality of the product. The price is decided by checking quality
of cement. The price of O.P.C. cement is different and the price
of P.P.C. is also different. Because the quality of both O.P.C and
P.P.C. is also different. Cost-plus pricing is the simplest pricing
method. The firm calculates the cost of producing the product
and adds on a percentage (profit) to that price to give the selling
Channel of distribution
Product distribution (or place) is one of the four elements
of the marketing mix. An organization or set of organizations
(go-between) involved in the process of making a product or
service available for use or consumption by a consumer or
business user.
The other three parts of the marketing mix are product, pricing,
and promotion.
Type of marketing channel
1. Intensive distribution - Where the majority of resellers
stock the 'product' with convenience products, for example,
and particularly the brand leaders in consumer goods
markets (price competition may be evident).
2. Selective distribution - This is the normal pattern (in both
consumer and industrial markets) where 'suitable' resellers
stock the product.In this case retailers can keep the
competitors products in their outlets e.g. furniture etc.
3. Exclusive distribution - Only lam-bard specially selected
resellers or authorized dealers (typically only one per
geographical area) are allowed to sell the 'product'.In this
retailers are restricted to keep only one manufacturers
products e.g. exclusive outlets of cars,apparels and
jewellery etc
sales promotion

Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage

or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to
continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired
result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a
commercial offering, although political and ideological
advertising is also common.
The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure
employees or shareholders that a company is viable or
successful. Advertising messages are usually paid for by
sponsors and viewed via various traditional media; including
mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television
commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct
mail; or new media such as websites and text messages.
Market research

Marketing research involves conducting research to support

marketing activities, and the statistical interpretation of data into
information. This information is then used by managers to plan
marketing activities, gauge the nature of a firm's marketing
environment and attain information from suppliers.
Marketing researchers use statistical methods such as
quantitative research, qualitative research, hypothesis tests, Chi-
squared tests, linear regression, correlations, frequency
distributions, poisson distributions, binomial distributions, etc.
to interpret their findings and convert data into information
The marketing research process spans a number of stages,
including the definition of a problem, development of a research
plan, collection and interpretation of data and disseminating
information formally in the form of a report. The task of
marketing research is to provide management with relevant,
accurate, reliable, valid, and current information.

Competitor analysis in marketing and strategic management

is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and
potential competitors. This analysis provides both an offensive
and defensive strategic context to identify opportunities and
threats. Profiling coalesces all of the relevant sources of
competitor analysis into one framework in the support of
efficient and effective strategy formulation, implementation,
monitoring and adjustment.

The TCI has to face the cut-through competition in the

market, because this world is full of the competition. To survive
in the market the special strategy is to be made otherwise the
product will be through from the market.
The TCI has mainly three competitors:-
(1) samrat cement.
(2) decora cement.
(3) kishan cement.
No. Particulars

1 Intro. & importance

2 Organization chart

3 Source of finance

4 Financial mathematics

5 Financial risk Mgnt.

Introduction and importance

Finance is often defined simply as the management of

money or “funds” management. Modern finance, however, is a
family of business activity that includes the origination,
marketing, and management of cash and money surrogates
through a variety of capital accounts, instruments, and markets
created for transacting and trading assets, liabilities, and risks.
Finance is conceptualized, structured, and regulated by a
complex system of power relations within political economies
across state and global markets.


Finance is both art (e.g. product development) and science

(e.g. measurement), although these activities increasingly
converge through the intense technical and institutional focus on
measuring and hedging risk-return relationships that underlie
shareholder value. Networks of financial businesses exist to
create, negotiate, market, and trade in evermore-complex
financial products and services for their own as well as their
clients’ accounts.
Financial performance measures assess the efficiency and
profitability of investments, the safety of debtors’ claims against
assets, and the likelihood that derivative instruments will protect
investors against a variety of market risks.






Sources of finance

Personal finance:-

Personal financial decisions may involve paying for education,

financing durable goods such as real estate and cars, buying
insurance, e.g. health and property insurance, investing and
saving for retirement. Personal financial decisions may also
involve paying for a loan, or debt obligations.
Corporate finance :-
Managerial or corporate finance is the task of providing the
funds for a corporation's activities (for small business, this is
referred to as SME finance). Corporate finance generally
involves balancing risk and profitability, while attempting to
maximize an entity's wealth and the value of its stock, and
generically entails three interrelated decisions. In the first, "the
investment decision", management must decide which "projects"
(if any) to undertake.
Public finance:-
The public finance is in the form of shares, debentures, bond,
equity etc. the firm issues the following to the public and in the
return they will get the profit in the terms of dividend or interest.
The TCI is the small scale industry and it is PVT.LTD.
source of finance for this company is LOAN FROM BANK.
Projected Trading A/c

Particulars Amount (Rs.) Particulars Amount (Rs.)

To opening
stock 1,97,200

To Purchase A/c 1,07,40,600 By Sales A/c 1,45,99,000

To Electricity III By Closing stock

Phase A/c 2,31,200 A/c 4,24,560

To Freight
Inward A/c 27,200

To Water
charges A/c 20,400

To Salary A/c:

Labour 1,29,600

Labour 96,000 2,25,600

To Gross Profit 35,81,360

1,50,23,560 1,50,23,560
Proj ected Pr ofit & Loss A/ c

Particulars (Rs.) Particulars Amount (Rs.)

To Salary A/c: profit 35,81,360

General Mgr. 84,000

Tech. Supervisor 60,000

Accountants 42,000

Salesman 72,000

Peon 24,000

Clerk 30,000 3,12,000

To Depreciation:

Building 49,500

Plant & Mach. 7,70,000

Other fixed
asset 46,500

Computers 16,000 8,82,000

To Indirect Exp.:

Audit Fees 22,500

Selling Exp. 2,27,800

Misc. Exp. 27,200

Freight Outward 27,200

Insurance Exp. 1,02,000

Legal Fees Exp. 18,000

Packing Exp. 40,800

Post & Courier 27,200

Professional Tax 1,000

Rep. & Other

exp. 27,200

Station & Print. 16,320

Telephone Bill 24,480 5,61,700

To Interest on borrowed capital 4,53,000

To Loan Installment A/c 3,75,000

To Income Tax 2,49,848

TO NET PROFIT 7,47,812

35,81,360 35,81,360

Liabilities Amount(Rs.) Assets Amount(Rs.)

Capital Accounts: FIXEDASSETS:

GondaliaNeha 40%

Patel Nishi 30%

Shah Prem% 30,00,000 Land 4,40,000 4,40,000

Building 4,45,500

- dep. 49,500 3,96,000

Secured Loans: Plant & Machinery:

H.D.F.C Bank Loan 17,75,000 Total 23,10,000

- dep. 7,70,000 15,40,000

Furniture & Fixture: 1,05,000

Unsecured Loans: Other Fixed Assets:

Shrinathji invest. 19,50,000 Total 1,44,500

-dep. 31,500 1,13,000

Accounts Payable 2,50,000 Computer: 12,000

Net Profit 7,47,812 20,50,000

Accounts Receivables:

Bank Balance: H.D.F.CBankA/c 14,42,250

Cash - in - hand: Cash Balance 12,00,002

Stock - in -hand: Closing Stock 4,24,560

77,22,812 77,22,812
Financial mathematics

Financial mathematics is a field of applied mathematics,

concerned with financial markets. The subject has a close
relationship with the discipline of financial economics, which is
concerned with much of the underlying theory.

Generally, mathematical finance will derive, and extend,

the mathematical or numerical models suggested by financial
economics. In terms of practice, mathematical finance also
overlaps heavily with the field of computational finance (also
known as financial engineering). Arguably, these are largely
synonymous, although the latter focuses on application, while
the former focuses on modeling and derivation (see:
Quantitative analyst).

The R.C.PVT.LTD. is largely focused on the modelling

of derivatives, although other important subfields include
insurance mathematics and quantitative portfolio problems. See
Outline of finance: Mathematical tools; Outline of finance:
Derivatives pricing.
Financial risk management

Financial risk management is the practice of creating and

protecting economic value in a firm by using financial instruments to
manage exposure to risk, particularly credit risk and market risk. (Other
risk types include Foreign exchange, Shape, Volatility, Sector, Liquidity,
Inflation risks, etc.) It focuses on when and how to hedge using financial
instruments; in this sense it overlaps with financial engineering.
Similar to general risk management, financial risk management
requires identifying its sources, measuring it (see: Risk measure: Well
known risk measures), and formulating plans to address these, and can
be qualitative and quantitative. In the banking sector worldwide, the
Basel Accords are generally adopted by internationally active banks for
tracking, reporting and exposing operational, credit and market risks.
Future Planes
For each and every business the future plan is required. Without
the future plan no any business can expand. Due to the future
plan uncertainties can be removed.

The future plan of R.C.PVT.LTD. is :-

To increase the customers of the company
To increase the quality more and more.
Expansion in the business
To make the market in more areas
The phrase research and development (also known as R
and D or, more often, R&D), according to the Organization for
Economic Co-operation and Development, refers to "creative
work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the
stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and
society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new
Research and development is often scientific or towards
developing particular technologies and is frequently carried out
as corporate or governmental activity.
Strength :
The R.C.PVT.LTD. is using the latest technology for
production. All the policies and strategies is well formed and is
implemented in the systematic way.
The R.C.PVT.LTD. is using the resources and raw material in
optimum way..

The firm has his market only in Gujarat and trying to
develop their market in other state also.

The R.C.PVT.LTD. had got the very big consignment order
from Zydus candela (pharmaceutical industry) in Ahmedabad.

The R.C.PVT.LTD. has covered all the areas in Gujarat
state, but in other state the company has to face the huge
competition fearsomes major cement plant.

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