303 Cell III Sem

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7. a) What is the principle of alternator? Draw an L type

alternator circuit and obtain expressions for series and shunt
elements of the alternator. 6
b) Design an asymmetrical T type alternator to operate between
the resistances of 500 ohms and 1000 ohms and to provide an
alternator of 16 dB. 6
8. a) Derive expression for characteristic impedance for a T section
and π section filter. 6
b) Explain the following w.r.t symmetrical network 6
i) Image and Interactive impedances
ii) Characteristic impedance
9. a) Design a constant K low pass filter to have a cut off frequency
of 796 Hz and a load impedance of 600 ohms using T section. 6
b) Discuss the principle and configuration of Lattice equation. 6
10. a) Derive expression for elements of m derived low pass filter in
terms of prototype T-network. 6
b) Design composite High pass π filer with the specifications
given below: 6
f c = 2 kHz Rk = 600 ohms fα = 1.9 kHz
+ 5 ic -j5
5 •a
50V 20A

[EUREC 303]
Electronics & Communication Engineering
(Effective from the admitted batch 2007–08 onwards)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 60
Instructions: Each Unit carries 12 marks.
Answer all units choosing one question from each unit.
All parts of the unit must be answered in one place only.
Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted.
1. a) Determine the current flowing through the capacitor in the
network shown in fig below using superposition theorem 6

b) State and explain Maximum Power Transform Theorem. 6

2. a) Determine IL using Thevinin’s theorem for the figure shown
below: 6

b) State and explain reciprocity theorem with an example. 6

3. a) Derive the expression for i (t) and voltage across inductor
VL (t) for series RL circuit with D.C voltage applied to it at
t = 0. Explain about the constant of RL circuit. 6
b) The switch in the circuit shown in fig. below is moved from
position (i) to position (ii) at t = 0. Find the expression for VC
and VR for t > 0. 6

4. a) In the network shown in fig. below, the switch is closed at
t = 0, a steady state having previously been obtained. Solve
for the current as a function of time. 6

b) In the circuit shown below, the switch k is moved from position

(i) to position (ii) after the steady state is having reached. Find
the current in the circuit. 6
5. a) A series RC circuit with R = 100 ohms and C = 25 µ F has a
sinusoidal voltage 150 sin (500 t). Find the expression for
total current. 6
b) Find the bandwidth and cut off frequencies of the network in
fig. below: 6

6. a) Find the Y parameters of the network shown in fig below: 6

b) Determine the voltage V for the coupled circuit shown in

figure below. Use loop current method. The coefficient of
coupling K is 0.8. 6

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