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2012 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies


Raneesha K, Rema Vellody and R Nandakumar1
VLSI Design Group

National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology

Calicut, Kerala, India

Abstract—The AES algorithm can be implemented in government, which specifies an encryption algorithm
different styles at programming levels. The paper capable of protecting sensitive information [1, 2].The
compares the hardware efficiency of different AES Rijndael algorithm is a symmetric block cipher that can
implementations with respect to their area, speed and encrypt (encipher) and decrypt (decipher) information.
power performance especially in two different styles – Encryption converts data into an unintelligible form
one using controller and the other one is iterative called cipher-text. Decryption of the cipher-text converts
method. These designs were described using Verilog the data back into its original form, which is called
HDL, simulated using Modelsim® and prototyped in plaintext. The AES algorithm is supports keys length of
Altera’s platform FPGA. 128, 192, and 256 bits to encrypt and decrypt data in
Index Terms— AES, VLSI Cryptosystems, Rijndael, blocks of 128 bits [3, 4],thus the name AES-128,AES-
power analysis, FPGA, hardware efficiency
192 and AES-256 respectively . The hardware
I. INTRODUCTION implementation of the AES algorithm can provide high
The importance of cryptography applied to electronic performance, low cost for specific applications and
data transcactions has acquired an inevitable relevance reliability ,compared to its software counterparts.
during the last few decades. Large volumes of The paper is organized as follows: description of Rijndael
information in various fields, such as financial and legal algorithm is referred in section II; section III describes
files, medical reports, bank services via Internet, hardware and software co-design and implementation
telephone conversations, and e-commerce transactions issues,section IV describes comparison
are generated and interchanged among millions of users results.Conclusion is given in sectionV.
everyday. All these examples of applications and several
others deserve a significant treatment from the security
point of view, not only in the transport of such The AES algorithm[1] is a symmetric block cipher that
information but also in its storage. In this sense, processes data block to cipher in four different steps that
cryptography techniques ,particularly at hardware levels, repeated for Nr number of rounds.The steps are substitute
are especially applicable.Hence,this implementation will byte,shift rows,mix columns and add round key.The
find application in wireless security like military value of Nr depends on the key length-10 rounds for AES-
communication and mobile telephony where there are a 128, 12 rounds for AES-192 and 14 rounds for AES-256
greater emphasis on the complexity of computation and The current implementation supports the AES-128
on the speed of communication. Encryption. Fig.1 shows the AES-128 encryption
In cryptography, the AES, also called as Rijndael , is a procedure.
block cipher adopted as an encryption standard by the US The architecture operating on the intermediate result
calls State, which is array of bytes. The array has four

978-0-7695-4692-6/12 $26.00 © 2012 IEEE 867

DOI 10.1109/CSNT.2012.187
rows and four columns for the AES-128. The flow of In shiftrow operation, each row of the state is shifted
these operations are as depicted below. cyclically to the left. The number of shift depends on the
number of the row. The top row is not shifted and the last
three rows are cyclically shifted over 1, 2, and 3

Figure 3.Shift rows cyclically shifts the last three rows in the state
C. MixColumn phase
MixColumn operation performs on the state column by
column, and each column is treated as a four-term
Polynomial overGF(28 ) .As a result of this
multiplication, the new four bytes in a column are
generated as follows
Figure 1.The AES-128 Encryption Algorithm B’=({01}.A)^({02}.B)^({03}.C)^({01}.D) (1)
A. SubBytes phase C’=({01}.A)^({01}.B)^({02}.C)^({03}.D)
Each byte of the state is substituted with a 8-bit value D’=({03}.A)^({01}.B)^({01}.C)^({02}.D)
from the S-box. The S-box contains a permutation of all The operation of ‘^’ is XOR operation modulo 2 and
possible 256 8-bit values. It is a nonlinear operation and the ‘.’ is a multiplication of polynomials modulo an
the only non-linear transformation in this procedure. The irreducible polynomial m(x)=x8+x4+x3+x+1.The
S-box is gained by a multiplicative inverse over GF(2 ) operation of {02}. X can be computed using Verilog HDL
and an affine transform .The subbytes operation is language:
required for both encryption and key expansion and its {02}. X = {X[6: 0],1' b0}^(8 ' h1B&{8{ X[7]}}). (2)
inverse is done for decryption. Its implementation has a So {03}_ X can be generated as follows:
direct impact on the overall throughput.
{03}. X =({02}. X )+{01}. X (3)

Figure 2.subbytes applies the sbox to each byte of the state

B. ShiftRows phase Figure 4.Mix columns operates on the state column-by-column

D. AddRoundKey phase a mode key.In the second method ,we implement a
AddRoundKey operation is only a simple logical XOR controller which control the encryption and decryption
of the state using a round key which is produced by the processes.Along with the steps of the Rijndael
key expansion operation. algorithm,the controller is also programmed as an
individual module ,which are then instantiated into the
top module of the program.


Both the programs are simulated using Mentor Graphics
Modelsim® and are synthesised using QuartusII.The

Figure 5.Add Round Key XORs each column of the state with a word
target is EP2C35F672C6 of CycloneII® family.
from the key schedule This paper compares the following parameters for the test
E. Key expansion phase programs in reference to the compilation report-
The key expansion operation generates a key schedule of Combinational ALUTs,Dedicated Logic Registers,Total
11 round-key of 16 bytes. Each of four consecutive bytes Registers,Total Pins and Block Memory Bits.Power
form a word, denoted wi .Taking this into account that Analysis is also performed and the parameters –Total
the first round-key is the initial key and to generate every Thermal Power Dissipation,Core Static Thermal Power
wi (except w0 -w3 ) the routine uses the previous w i-1 Dissipation and I/O Thermal Power Dissipation are
XOR w i-4 (except i mod 4 = 0 ).To get the wi, when the i compared based on the analysis.
mod 4 = 0,the operation has four stages, RotWord, a. Simulation Results
SubWord, XOR Rcon[ i / 4 ] and XOR w i-4. For the The simulation results are shown in figures 6 and
function RotWord a word [a0,a1,a2,a3] is the input,then,in the iterative method the output is obtained in
performs a cyclic permutation, and returns the word single clock run while its not so in the controller method .
[a1,a2,a3, a0] SubWord is a function that takes a four byte
input word and applies the S-box to each of the four bytes
to produce an output word. Rcon[ i / 4 ],contains the
values given by[ xi / 4-1
,{00},{00},{00}], with xi / 4-1

being powers of x ( x is denoted as {02}) in the field

GF(28)[5].Every following word,w[i],is obtained by
performing XOR of the previous word,w[i-1],and the
word Nk(Number of 32-bit words comprising the Cipher
Key) positions earlier,w[i-Nk]. Figure6:Simulation Report of controller based imple mentation of AES

III.AES DESIGN Encryption:(clk=1,reset=1,load_i=1,decrypt_i=0,data_i=5

In this paper AES is implemented in two different styles 4776f204f6e65204e96e652054776f,key=5468617473206

at the description level(Verilog HDL).In the first d79204b756e67204675,data_o=29c3505f571420f640229

method, each step of the Rijndael algorithm is declared as 9b31a02d73a)

a module. These individual modules are then called to the Decryption:(clk=1,reset=1,load_i=1,decrypt_i=1,data_i=

encryption and decryption modules. All these modules 29c3505f571420f6402299b31a02d73a,key=5468617473

are finally combined in a single module in which the 206d79204b756e67204675,data_o=54776f204f6e65204e

encryption and the decryption processes are controlled by 96e652054776f)

c.Hardware Test Results

L o Input Key Output Text
k d Text

0 54 77 6F 20 54 68 61 74 29 C3 50 5F 57
4F 6E 65 20 73 20 6D 79 14 20 F6 40 22
4E 69 6E 65 20 4B 75 6E 99 B3 1A 02 D7
20 54 77 6F 67 20 46 75 3A
Figure7:Simulation Report of iterative implementation of AES
1 29 C3 50 5F 54 68 69 73 54 77 6F 20 4F
Note: 57 14 20 F6 20 69 73 20 6E 65 20 4E 69
40 22 99 B3 6F 75 72 20 6E 65 20 54 77
Encryption:(clk=1,mode=1,plntxt=54776f204f6e65204e9 1A 02 D7 3A 6B 65 79 2E 6F
6e652054776f,key=5468617473206d79204b756e672046 0 4D 61 69 6E 54 68 61 74 84 77 9A 7C EE
75,outtxt=29c3505f571420f6402299b31a02d73a) 20 50 72 6F 73 20 6D 79 22 A4 8C DE
6A 65 63 74 20 4B 75 6E AA B9 26 B6 36
Decryption:(clk=1,mode=0,ciphertxt=29c3505f571420f6 2D 41 45 53 67 20 46 75 3D 2F

402299b31a02d73a,key=5468617473206d79204b756e67 1 84 77 9A 7C 54 68 69 73 4D 61 69 6E 20
EE 22 A4 8C 20 69 73 20 50 72 6F 6A 65
204675,outtxt=54776f204f6e65204e96e652054776f ) DE AA B9 26 6F 75 72 20 63 74 2D 41 45
B6 36 3D 2F 6B 65 79 2E 53
b. Synthesis Result
Table 1 and 2 given below compares the results of Table3.Function Table

Compilation and Power Analysis done.

In table 3,mode 0 represents encryption process and mode
Table 1:Comparison of Compilation Report 1 represents decryption process.
Signaltap Logic Analyzer waveform of the test programs
PROGRAM USING are shown in figure 8 and 9.
CombinationalALUTs 31 1305
Dedicated Logic Registers 71 674
Total Registers 71 674
Total Pins 130 133
Block Memory Bits 0 0

Figure8:Signaltap of iterative implementation of AES



Total Thermal Power 124.79 mW 125.87 mW

Core Static Thermal 79.97 mW 79.98 mW
power Dissipation
I/O Thermal Power 44.82 mW 45.90 mW Figure9:Signaltap of controller based implementation of AES
Table 2:Comparison of Power Analysis Report

From Table 1 , we can infer that iterative method utilizes
The speed/area/power tradeoff will typically determine
less number of hardware units compared to the controller
the right design approach to VLSI Cryptosystems, for any
method.Similarly, from table2,we can infer that power
given application. Controller based architectures are best
dissipation is more in case of the controller method.
known for their adaptation to pipelined operation and
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