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Education Department

Annual Confidential Report: For School Principal/TGT/CNV


(To be filled-up by the teacher)

Part-1 Individual Details

1. Name ----

2. Date of birth

3. Qualifications

4. Name of school where working

5. Duration for which working in this school

6. Salary

7. Duration for which working on this salary

8. Basic pay at the time of joining

Part-2 Individual Evaluation

1. Subjects and Classes taught

2. Are you filling up daily attendance register properly?

3. Are you checking workbook of students regularly?

4. Do you evaluate students monthly? Do you keep proper records of it? And do

you inform parents about their child’s performance?

5. Did you finish the assigned syllabus in time?

6. Did you conduct extra classes for weak students? If yes how successful was

the exercise?
7. Annual examination results

Classes Subjects No of No. of Pass Pass If the pass

Taught students students percentage percentage percentage
who took passed of school is less than
the board 80% or less
examination than board
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8. Which sports do you supervise?

9. Have you worked as co-ordinator in other activities of the school? What was

your contribution?

10. Duration of absence from duties – leave/training

It is verified that the above stated information is correct

Signature of teacher

Part-3 Evaluation by Reporting Officer

1. Do you agree with above points 1 to 10? If no to what extent?

2. Do you consider him/her a trained teacher? If no write reasons.

3. Does the teacher write daily attendance register regularly and properly?

4. Does the teacher help weak students by conducting extra classes?

5. Does he/she help in maintaining discipline of the school?

6. Has there been any special achievement of the teacher?

7. Does the teacher take active part in students’ co-curricular activities and


8. Does the teacher check workbooks of weak students fully and regularly?

9. Does the teacher have special interest in debates, writing, creative and

research work?

10. Does the teacher maintain cordial relationship with colleagues?

11. Does the teacher lead by example in terms of honesty? If no give examples of

improper behaviour?

12. Has there been any incident last year that negatively or positively impacts

capability and conduct of the teacher?

13. General characteristics

a. Honesty

b. Behaviour

c. Co-operation

14. Has the shortcomings in work and behaviour been brought to the notice of
the teacher?
a. By sending a secret note

b. Informally

c. Verbally

15. Was there any improvement after this?

16. Is the moral level and conduct of the teacher such that he is a source of
inspiration for the students?

17. Does the teacher try to be in touch with parents to advice them about their
children wellbeing in schools?

18. Appropriateness for promotion?

19. Does the teacher take interest in using Hindi language for instruction?

20. Conduct of the teacher towards children from scheduled caste and scheduled

21. General description – Very Bad, Satisfactory, Good, Very Good, Best.


Signature of the officer writing the report





Evaluation by re-evaluating officer

Signature of the highest officer

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