0 Streams CBL Draft 01 - Revised v3

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1 Constitution & Bylaws of

2 SusTainable Ridge-River-Reef Advocacy and Management Society



7 Preamble

8 We, with the aid of our Creator, coalesce together in the spirit of
9 solidarity and good faith as caretakers of Mother Earth; who commit to the
10 noble mission of advocating and lobbying for the sustainable protection,
11 conservation and rehabilitation of the environment and who hereby swear
12 to pursue these tasks with courage, fervor and determination through
13 peaceful means, resisting all ideologies that run counter to peaceful
14 resolution; do ordain and promulgate this Constitution and By-Laws.


16 Article 0. Vision of the Coalition

17 Section 1. The STR3AMS is a cultural sensitive coalition of civil society

18 organizations (CSOs) that is committed to sustainable and healthy
19 environment through policy advocacy, transparency, and community
20 empowerment.


22 Article I. Name of the Coalition

23 Section 1. The coalition shall be called SusTainable Ridge-River-Reef

24 Advocacy and Management Society hereinafter referred to as STR3AMS, or
25 “The CSO Coalition” or simply “The Coalition”.


27 Article II. Coalition Pillars, Principles and Policies

28 Section 1. The Coalition adheres to the following pillars, guiding principles

29 and policies:

30 a) Governance. We believe in good governance whose Commitment,

31 Accountability, Transparency and Concern for the Environment will
32 lead all to a sustainable environment kept by an empowered
33 community. A good governance that is both better and sensitive to
34 the propagation of IP culture and the protection of the environment
35 through policy dialogues and advocacy.
37 b) Partnership. That partnership, collaboration, cooperation,
38 participation are among the keys to the alignment of all endeavors
39 towards achieving the coalition’s goals and objectives.
42 c) Ecological Integrity. We believe that development will not sustain
43 if it is not in harmony with nature or if it does not respect the
44 integrity of creation. We resist to domination and instead favor living
45 in harmony with it. We organize and capacitate ourselves and our
46 communities to defend Mother Earth from further abuse and restore
47 its richness and diversity of life from ridges and river to reefs (R3).
49 d) Social Justice. We will advance social equity and justice in the wise
50 utilization of the natural resources and bound by love to help each
51 other and our brethren in the peripheries. We shall continue the fight
52 against all forms of discrimination, exploitation, oppression and
53 corruption.
55 e) Coalition Solidarity and Active Non-Violence. As part of nation
56 building, we will promote solidarity through respect for the diversity
57 of cultures and the practice of active non-violence; we will work to
58 transform conflicts and resolve them through peaceful conversation
59 or dialogue, negotiations and democratic decision-making. We will
60 work with other social movements, including other green
61 CSOs/Coalitions at the all levels.
63 f) Participatory Democracy. As stewards of the environment and
64 propagators of biodiversity, we will uphold natural resource
65 preservation and sustainability as our key agenda and participate /
66 engage actively in all levels of local governance so fair, transparent,
67 accountable, and wise decisions / actions are reached.
69 g) Personal Integrity. We will not cease learning and living an
70 ecologically sound lifestyle; abhor competition and monopolistic
71 control; embrace self-sacrifice, cooperation, sharing; advocate
72 humble, modest, spiritually-rich well-being and/or live a life that is
73 against prodigality, gluttony and hegemony.

74 Section 2. The Coalition respects the free exercise of faith in a Creator in

75 consonance with the tenets of religious freedom.

76 Section 3. The Coalition believes that we have to replace the cultural

77 dominance and control with more responsible relationships across the
78 lines of gender, ethnicity, species and the likes.

79 Section 4. The Coalition promotes the practice of thinking and acting for
80 the long range future, rather than in terms of short range selfish interest
81 for unbridled economic growth.

82 Section 5. The Coalition, underscoring the right to self-determination,

83 affirms the development of economic activities and institutions that will
84 allow people to use technologies that are humane, ecologically-sensitive,
85 accountable and responsive to different communities.

86 Section 6. The Coalition promotes the sustainable preservation,

87 conservation and rehabilitation of the nation’s pristine and/or degraded
88 natural ecosystems. It shall uphold measures to defend these areas from
89 policies that threaten its ecological integrity.

90 Section 7. The Coalition shall recognize sound initiatives and practices of

91 individuals and groups for the environment.

92 Section 8. <…>


94 Article III. Objectives

95 Section 1. The general objectives of the Coalition are:

96 1. To act in synergy to advance Coalition ideals through peaceful

97 means.
98 2. To uphold the environmental issues as the key political agenda
99 among decision makers in government and other sectors of society
100 3. To create a constituency of people from all sectors that respects all
101 life forms in nature
102 4. To foster ecological standards of personal behavior for all for the
103 protection of the environment
104 5. <…>

105 Section 2. The strategic objectives of the coalition are centered on the
106 following:

107 a) Capacity development and institutional building,

108 b) Research and development,
109 c) Policy formulation and advancement, and
110 d) CSO consultations.

111 Section 3. The specific political objectives of the Coalition are:

112 1. To support the programs and projects of candidates in government

113 and Coalition levels with sound environmental platforms and good
114 environmental governance performance.
116 2. To formulate, lobby and advocate for the enactment of laws that
117 would conserve, rehabilitate and protect our environment and
118 enhance our life support systems and cultural integrity towards
119 sustainable development (e.g. PES).
121 3. To advocate against unfair business and industrial practices by
122 multi-national corporations which have a direct and deep impact on
123 the state of the environment and demand for exact corporate
124 accountability and responsibility.
126 4. To push adequate funding for effective implementation and strict
127 enforcement of the existing laws on the environment.
129 5. To work with other green movements at all levels, local, regional,
130 national and international.
132 6. <…>

133 Article IV. Coalition Membership

134 Section 1. Membership in the Coalition is both a privilege and a

135 responsibility.

136 Section 2. A CSO which was represented in the consultation and series of
137 workshops is, if it deemed so, automatic member of the STR3AMS.

138 Section 3. A CSO representative who has participated in the consultation

139 and series of workshops is, if he/she deemed so, automatic member of the
140 STR3AMS.

141 Section 4. CSO or CSO member who is qualified and interested to join but
142 was not represented nor has attended the consultation and series of
143 workshop needs to file an application and submit other requirements for
144 membership.

145 Section 5. Membership in the Coalition is either institutional or individual.

146 1. Institutional Membership. This is so for qualified civil society

147 organization (CSO) which applied and approved by the Coalition.
148 A “qualified” CSO in this context means one which passed all the
149 requirements for institutional membership set forth by this
150 statute.
152 A. Regular Institutional Membership. A CSO shall be eligible as a
153 Regular Institutional Member if it is legitimate and/or has
154 juridical personality; declares commitment to the vision,
155 mission, principles and agenda of the Coalition; and is willful
156 to submit itself to Coalition discipline
158 B. Associate Institutional Membership. A CSO shall be eligible for
159 Associate Membership if:

160 a) It has existing membership in another Coalition and

161 b) Its application has been screened by the membership
162 committee but for whatever justifiable reasons cannot be
163 bestowed full membership

165 2. Individual Membership. This is applicable to a person or a civil
166 society individual who is active in environmental advocacies and
167 qualifies the membership requirement of the coalition.
169 A. Regular Individual Membership. Any applicant for Coalition
170 membership shall be eligible as a Regular Member if he/she is:
171 A Filipino citizen; 18 years and above; declares commitment to
172 the vision, mission, principles and agenda of the Coalition; and
173 is willful to submit itself to Coalition discipline.
175 B. Associate Individual Membership. A person shall be eligible for
176 Associate Membership if:
178 a) He/she has existing membership in another Coalition
179 b) His/her application has been screened by the membership
180 committee but for whatever justifiable reasons cannot be
181 bestowed full membership

182 Section 6. Those automatic members still need to fill in the membership
183 forms for records purposes.

184 Section 7. Oath of Allegiance and Loyalty needs to be administered by the

185 Coalition Chairman or his/her representative and the form signed by the
186 member.

187 Section 8. A Certificate of Regular or Associate Institutional or Individual

188 Membership shall be afforded to the member after paying the required
189 Membership Fee.

190 Section 9. All other application for membership should be processed.

191 Except for the automatic members, other aspirants must apply and be
192 subject to screening by the membership committee using guidelines and
193 standards approved by the general membership of the Coalition.

194 Section 10. Only regular individual members have the right to vote on all
195 matters about the Coalition and be voted upon in elective position in the
196 Coalition. Associate individual members are not yet given the right to vote
197 on all matters within the Coalition.

198 Section 11. Only regular individual members may be selected by the
199 Coalition to run in electoral exercises carrying the Coalition; Associate
200 members cannot be selected by the Coalition to run in any electoral
201 exercises; but can become members of standing or certain committees.

202 Section 12. Regular Individual Membership should not hold any dual
203 membership with another Coalition with conflicting principles, interest
204 and aspirations in contrary to the coalition. Those who hold membership
205 in other coalitions may be considered as associate members only.

206 Section 13. Any application for membership must be acted upon in writing
207 within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of filing.

208 Section 14. No applicant shall be accepted for coalition membership if he

209 is convicted of any crime related to the environment and its resources.
210 Section 15. Membership in the Coalition shall be terminated by
211 resignation, expulsion, disaffiliation and temporary suspension with cause
212 and after due process.

213 Section 16.

214 Section 17. <…>


216 Article V. Rights and Duties of Members

217 Section 1. A Coalition Member in good standing shall have the following
218 rights:

219 a) Regularly and actively participate in official activities and functions

220 of the Coalition;
221 b) Be fully informed on official Coalition matters.
222 c) Access to services, facilities, and other Coalition resources
223 d) A membership identification card and certificate, and such other
224 documents which attest to bona fide Coalition membership;
225 e) Vote and be voted for in appropriate Coalition Committee and
226 positions subject to limitations set in relevant provisions of Section
227 5 of Article XII; and,
228 f) Initiate or petition the imposition of disciplinary measures on erring
229 Coalition officers and members.

230 Section 2. The Coalition BOT shall formulate and issue the implementing
231 policy, administrative and operational guidelines and procedures for the
232 exercise of these rights.

233 Section 3. A Coalition member in good standing shall:

234 1. Conduct himself/ herself, at all time, in accordance with ethical

235 standards of personal behavior in government, business, the
236 professions, livelihood activities, and community service,
237 2. Pay his/her membership fees, monthly dues, and other special
238 assessments as may be prescribed by the Coalition BOT,
239 3. Actively promote Coalition ideals and programs,
240 4. Regularly attend official Coalition activities and functions,
241 5. Actively support and campaign for the official candidates of
242 Coalition, and
243 6. Abide by the final decisions of the Coalition.

244 Section 4. <…>


246 Article VI. Coalition Discipline

247 Section 1. A Coalition member may be disciplined, suspended, or expelled

248 from the Coalition on the following grounds:
249 a) Engaging in activities that run counter to the objectives and interests
250 of the Coalition or of deliberate failure to support any of its
251 fundamental decisions;
252 b) Abandonment of duties and responsibilities as a Coalition member
253 for a prolonged period of time;
254 c) Taking a stand contrary to the declared policies of the Coalition in
255 public gatherings, in radio and TV and in print media and the social
256 media or internet
257 d) Embezzling assets belonging to the Coalition
258 e) Maliciously sowing intrigues against members and officials of the
259 Coalition;
260 f) Membership in another coalition or creation of a faction within the
261 coalition; either act or deed except in the case of Associate members
262 g) Engaging in environmentally destructive business activities and
263 performance of governance functions and roles Section 2.
264 h) Consecutive three absences.

265 Section 2. A Coalition member who is subject to disciplinary proceedings

266 shall enjoy the right of due process.

267 Section 3. The Coalition BOT shall formulate the implementing guidelines
268 for imposing Coalition Discipline.

269 Section 4. The appropriate Committee/s created for its purpose may motu
270 propio or acting upon a complaint executed by any Coalition member,
271 investigate and decide on the case whose decision may be appealed to the
272 higher Coalition BOT whose decision will be final and executory.

273 Section 5. A Coalition member may, after due process, be suspended for a
274 period not exceeding one (1) year

275 Section 6. <…>


277 Article VII. Coalition Organization

278 Section 1. The highest governing body of the Coalition is the Coalition
279 Assembly (CA)

280 Section 2. The Coalition BOT shall convene the CA yearly or as need arises.

281 Section 3. All members of the Coalition are entitled to receive notification
282 (at least two weeks before) and to participate in the CA.

283 Section 4. While all full members may attend and participate in the
284 Coalition Assembly, only the official delegates from each CSO and
285 members of the Coalition BOT will have voting rights.

286 Section 5. Each CSO is required to consult all their respective members
287 on all positions to be taken by their delegation during the CA.
288 Section 6. Each CSO shall be fully liable to their members on all positions
289 and decisions that their delegation will take during the CA.

290 Section 7. All member CSOs are required to send official delegates to the
291 CA. However, Individual members are not allowed to send representative
292 during CA.

293 Section 8. A simple majority (50% + 1 of the active regular members) is

294 sufficient and necessary to declare a quorum.

295 Section 9. After a quorum is declared, the total number of CSO delegations
296 and members of the Coalition BOT registered will be used for subsequent
297 computations of majority. The Coalition Assembly needs a simple majority
298 of those registered to make decisions.

299 Section 10. If no quorum is reached, the Coalition Assembly may not elect
300 a new Coalition BOT. However, it may still propose decisions if a simple
301 majority of the CSO delegates and member of the incumbent Coalition BOT
302 registered for the Coalition Assembly vote in favor of the proposals.

303 1. The proposals must then be submitted in a written referendum to all

304 CSOs through the BOTs, who will vote on each proposal through a
305 meeting called for the purpose.
306 2. Approval by a simple majority of all CSOs will ratify a proposed
307 decision as if it had been approved in a Coalition Assembly.

308 Section 11. The Coalition BOT shall submit the following written reports
309 to the Coalition Assembly copies of these should be made available to all
310 members at least thirty (30) days before the Coalition Assembly:

311 1. A detailed Coalition organizational report

312 2. A report on the Coalition situation
313 3. A consolidated financial report of the Coalition
314 4. A 3-year Coalition Program of Action considering all CSO Operational
315 and Strategic Plans

316 Section 12. The regular agenda of every Coalition Assembly shall include:

317 1. Presentation and adoption of different committee, executive,

318 treasurer, financial and secretary reports;
319 2. Presentation and adoption of Annual Operational and Financial Plan
320 of the Coalition;
321 3. Presentation and adoption of the Coalition’s proposed position on the
322 “State of the Philippine Environment (SOPE)”;
323 4. Election of the Coalition BOT;
324 5. Other matters.

325 Section 3. <…>


328 Article VIII. Coalition BOT

329 Section 1. The policy-making body of the coalition is the BOT.

330 Section 2. The BOT shall be composed of the following Coalition

331 Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Coalition Secretary-General, Coalition
332 Treasurer, Coalition Spokesperson, Chairpersons of all CSOs, and IP
333 representative/s.

334 Section 3. The roles and responsibilities of the members the Coalition BOT
335 shall be as follows:

336 1. The Chairperson shall be the presiding officer of the Coalition

337 Assembly and Coalition BOT. He/She shall be the Coalition Leader
338 of the Coalition and shall represent it in any Coalition and inter-
339 Coalition bodies and gatherings that require our participation
340 including the other local, regional, national and international
341 movements;
342 2. The Vice Chairperson shall succeed as Chairperson for the
343 unexpired portion of the term in case of vacancy therein. She/he
344 shall also preside in meetings in case the Chairperson is absent
345 3. The Secretary-General shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the
346 Coalition and shall take charge of the operations of the Coalition BOT
347 and the Coalition Secretariat. He/She shall also take the minutes of
348 the all the meetings of the Assembly and the BOT and shall be the
349 custodian of all its records.
350 4. The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds and other
351 properties of the Coalition and co-signatory of the Chairperson or the
352 Sec-Gen relative to the disbursement of funds
353 5. The Coalition Spokesperson shall be the public voice of the Coalition
354 on all matters regarding our campaigns and activities. He/She will
355 take charge of our relationship with media.
356 6. The Chairpersons of the CSOs shall represent the interest of their
357 organization to the Coalition BOT.
358 7. The IP Representatives are the voice of the IPs in the Coalition.

359 Section 4. The Coalition Chairperson, Secretary-General, Treasurer and

360 Spokesperson shall be elected during the Coalition Assembly. The
361 Chairpersons of the CSOs are elected by their respective membership; the
362 IP representative by their IP group.

363 Section 5. The Coalition BOT shall serve for a term of three (3) year

364 Section 6. No members shall hold more than one (1) elective Coalition
365 position

366 Section 7. The Coalition BOT shall also include in ex-oficio capacity the
367 representative from the LGU environment office.

368 Section 8. The Coalition BOT shall convene at least once quarterly.
369 Section 9. The Coalition BOT shall prescribe) the amount of membership
370 fee, monthly and other general assembly approved dues.

371 Section 10. The BOT shall appoint from the coalition assembly the
372 Secretary General.

373 <…>


375 Article IX. Coalition Executive Committee

376 Section 1. The day-to-day functions of the Coalition BOT is hereby

377 delegated to a Coalition Executive Committee (CEC).

378 Section 2. It shall be composed of the: a) Coalition Chairperson, b)

379 Coalition Secretary General, and c) Coalition Treasurer

380 Section 3. The Coalition Executive Committee shall be convened every

381 month or more frequently if necessary.

382 Section 4. <…>


384 Article X. Coalition Committees

385 Section 1. To support the work of the Coalition BOT, four (4) Coalition
386 Committees of the Coalition Assembly are hereby created as operating
387 units as well as policy-recommending body as follows:

388 1. Membership and Organization Committee. In charge of reviewing

389 membership-related and coalition-building programs and policies.
390 They also support CSO Membership and Organization Committees
391 in the creation of propaganda materials that promote the Coalition’s
392 ideology. The committee shall also be responsible for facilitating
393 expansion of the Coalition.
394 2. Lobbying and Advocacy Committee. Conceptualization and
395 execution of effective meta-legal and legal strategies at the Coalition
396 level to lobby or push the green agenda of the Coalition. The BOT
397 Chair shall be the spokesperson of the coalition.
398 3. Finance and Economic Affairs Committee. In charge of creative,
399 Coalition fund raising and business enterprise.
400 4. Election Committee. Shall establish and prescribe election guidelines
401 and processes for the coalition.
402 5. Education Committee. Shall be in charge in conceptualizing and
403 producing Information, Education and Campaign materials;
404 including but not limited to as follows: brochures, posters, leaflets,
405 tarps and other infographics. This committee shall also take charge
406 in organizing seminars or lectures to the communities and other
407 stakeholders for the identified lobby agenda.
408 Section 2. <…>


410 Article XI. The Coalition Secretariat

411 Section 1. The Coalition Secretariat, under the control of the Secretary-
412 General-General shall be the central coordinative, administrative, and
413 operations support body of the Coalition. It shall perform other specific
414 functions, as may be prescribed by the Coalition Assembly, Coalition BOT
415 and the Coalition Executive Committee.

416 Section 2. The Coalition Secretary-General shall take charge of the staffing
417 of the Coalition Secretariat subject to the administrative policies to be
418 adopted by the Coalition Executive Committee.

419 Section 3. <…>

420 Article XII. Coalition Election System

421 Section 1. Four (4) months before Elections, the Coalition shall execute its
422 Coalition Election System through the Election Committee.

423 Section 2. The Coalition Elections shall be held during a Coalition

424 Assembly.

425 Section 3. Every Three (3) years, an election shall be conducted for the
426 BOT Chair and Vice Chair positions.

427 Section 4. Re-election shall be allowed for two or more terms except the
428 positions of treasurer and auditor – which are coterminous.

429 1. The coalition shall hire an auditor every fiscal year.

430 Section 5. Electoral process or guidelines

431 <…>


433 Article XIII. General Provisions

434 Section 1. For purpose of transacting business, the presence of 50% + 1 of

435 members with good standing shall constitute a quorum.

436 Section 2. Vacancies in the Coalition shall be filled by special election

437 unless otherwise provided in this Constitution and By-Laws.

438 Section 3. The Coalition BOT shall adopt the appropriate implementing
439 policies, rules, regulations and procedures to carry out the provision of
440 this Constitution and By-Laws
441 Section 4. All decisions of the governing bodies of the Coalition must be
442 put in writing and circulated to all members

443 Section 5. Within each Coalition organ, decisions shall be arrived at by

444 consensus. If consensus is not possible and a decision is necessary,
445 majority rule will be followed, after sufficient discussions. The minority
446 should respect the majority decision and abide by it. On important issues,
447 the minority will be allowed to reserve its opinion but they should not
448 oppose the decision publicly. The next higher Coalition organ must be
449 notified of all major decisions.

450 Section 6. All dissenting opinions shall be respected and noted down, as
451 long as they are consistent with our vision. This is important because
452 better ideas often start as minority opinions. On major and recurring
453 internal debates within the Coalition, the majority can allow the minority
454 view to be tried out in a limited area, to clarify the issues and facilitate the
455 resolution of the debate based on actual experience.

456 Section 7. <…>


458 Article XIV. Amendments Or Revisions

459 Section 1. Except for the Articles I-II, this Constitution & By-Laws may be
460 amended by the Coalition Assembly if two-thirds (2/3) or more of all
461 Assembly delegates and members of the incumbent Coalition BOT vote in
462 favor of the amendment, or if two-thirds or more of the general
463 membership approve the proposed amendment in a referendum called by
464 the Coalition BOT.

465 Section 2. Amendments to Article I-III. The official name of the Coalition
466 may be amended if three-fourths (3/4) or more of the Coalition Assembly
467 delegates and members of the incumbent Coalition BOT who registered in
468 the Coalition Assembly vote in favor of the amendment, or if three-fourths
469 (3/4) or more of the general membership approve the proposed
470 amendment in a referendum called by the Coalition BOT.

471 Section 3. <…>


473 Article XV. Transitory Provisions & Effectivity

474 Section 1. The first Coalition BOT of the Coalition shall be elected during
475 the First Coalition Assembly in 2019. This Coalition Assembly shall be
476 convened only after the majority of the Coalition Assembly would have
477 been convened by the interim BOT on December of 2018.

478 Section 2. In the meantime, Article IX on the Coalition BOT is suspended

479 and the Interim Organizing Committee / Core Group / Governing BOT is
480 hereby designated as the BOT who shall, subject to the completion of
481 Section 1 requirements, perform the main functions of the Coalition BOT.

482 Section 3. Except for Article __ and other related provisions affected by
483 these transitory provisions, these Constitution and By-laws takes effect
484 upon the adoption of the delegates of the 1st Coalition Assembly.


486 Unanimously approved and adopted by the delegates of the 1st Coalition
487 Assembly of STR3AMS, this ____ day of _______________, 2019 in Cagayan
488 De Oro City.


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