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K to 12 Curriculum Guide SCIENCE (Grade 3 to Grade 10) ‘sence uczton ams to develop scenic tracy among lames that wll peparetham tobe ifomed and parucpabe coens whe are able to make dg mens sd deceons aging apa of scenic awl that may hve soc, sah, or eronmental pas. “Te scence cucu ecognoes the lice of scence and tacnolgy i every human ae R etegates scence and tectnsagy in the sic, economic, pessoal and ethical aspects of fe. The scarce curcuum pros 2 song ink betneen scence and tendo, incuing indigenous tchelgy, tus presereng our eur utr hartge ‘To Kto 12 scence cuculan wl provide emer with epee of competences ingrtant inthe word of wrk and in 3 knowedgebad soy. emir the deepen of scent, tence, and ervecnmentaly Werte and prdcte members of sckty who ae cri problem soher, responsi steward of satu, mnovatve and eave ctzets,fomed docsion makers, ard eect conmuniatos. Ths culm s dened sound the thes demas of leering scence: understanding and applying scenic hnowedge in loa setting as wel a bal context whenever posible, performing slic processes nd sks, and developing and denonazetng scerefc ates and valee, The aguston of thaee domaine fected using the flowing approaches: muinteracpnary approach, scence tectrlogy-scety approach, contesting, pcblen/ssue-tase laming, an inquy-based approach, The aprouches ave based on sound calor peony rarely onstucivi,scialcogtion kang mat learning yo thee nd bror-basod arg. cence content and conc procesas ar ntrtwined in the Kt 12 Curicuum, Without the corn earners Wi Rave icy ng scence proces sis ice ‘have procesee are best lena income. Organ the arin around aiatens and probleme that chalenge and ous lsra’cuncsty motivates them to ean ard appredata src as leant and uel Rather than eng eyo totboks va hands-an, mindson, an hart-on acs wl bo used to down kanes terest a et tam become act eae ‘2 whol, he to 12 scence cureula I eamer centered and iqury based, emphasing the use of evdence in constucing explanations. Concepts nd sil 9 Lf Scenes, Ps, Cherry, ae Earth Sdences ae presared wth neasrg leds of comply fom one grade ee to anata in pal progression, tus paving the ‘nay to a dooper understanding of care coca, The station aces scence topes and otter decipnes wil ead to 2 moaning undostanding of conc ad ts spplcaton to relafe suntors a eee Eee ‘CORE LEARWING AREA STANDARD: (SCIENCE FOR THE ENTIRE KO 12) he eames ders underiandng of basic soance concep and appcaton of sce nqury Sl: Tey eh SGEVEc aes and vast sche problens cmc, motte berfical produc, rte the snvronmert and corsa reac, efance the eegty and welnes of oop, make informed doce and engagoin decusons of aleert sues that me snc, teholgy and ervioner EY STAGE STANDARDS: (STANDARDS FOR SCIENCE LEARNING AREAS FOR K-3, 4-6, -10 AND 11-2) othe end of Grade 3, the lenmere soul nave anaes hes habs a Ravedeveoped cost abo sa ad thee envcement wig bas prea of obseing, camming, eamparng, casi, measung, fering 2rd Predcang. Tis canoe wl hop eamers value soeree as animporart teal nang them cari to expr her rata ard pyc Include developing seni krone or cones. othe en of Grade 6, te lamers Stould have developed the ser shi of scenic aur = designing simp esugstors, ung sproprate procedure, ater nto to gather teidnce,ebsoring pats, determining eats raning cemmunsatg es Yared ways rake meaning of the bsaratons ander changes that ocr the Srurermant The content and al lear wil be apple to mata good heh, erure tho protect and Improvement of the ronment, and racic sey measures, ‘Eee of Gado 1 the anes sho ave developed sci, tecologial, and erweorertal eran cn mak hat ‘ulead to ana cies an ues {aviorting ther Hang been exposed to oer vesngaons rebated tral ie, ‘hey should recognize thatthe coal eaare ofan vein tht one vari hanged {whl cotraing totes) the tec of the ange on ant varle an bemnurd. Te corte of te mvesnoaten ‘ane problems a th clo nanonal vl to alot the to communicate with eaers soathar pas ofthe Phppnes or ven from thar counties usng appropriate technaey. “Te kanes shoul demontate 20 understanding of sence concepts and apt) cance nqay ale naesengrel ord protons trough sentiic nesta 2 the end of Grade 12, the ares soul have ganed sem ebraning Scenic 2 tecageaetormatoe ‘rr anes sores abet abl sues hat have mpacton the county. They sou have aquited otic tides tht wall tr to raeate andlor eae products tefl tothe community or cat “hay sul be abe process formation to get relevant daa fora problem at and. nate, lamas Shou have mace plans reatec to thor iors a experi, wth ences forte. nods oF tht emu andthe courtey [peau eter enploymert, rrpreneurup or hgher educaton. /ORADE/LEVEL ‘orade Level standards Ate ond ofa 7, lamers can dcngush matures fom stetanees tough sem-guded nvesgatons. Thay ela he pean ofa tating when conducting nvesizatlons. er Sidyieg how agar 5stns Wark other a prs and annals in he lowe rade evel nas can ues microscope when ebeeng vey sl ranean sures. They recipe that bong things are rgnaeé ne fee eves Cal eae, ergane, gan sens and rganne, Thee oraiane compres peptone ard communi, whch rat ith on Grade | Nn Sony Leamerscancocrbe te maton of objects tars of tans and sped, nd represen the ables, raph charts aed aqutons. They can esas how vatous fos of energy travel hough deer: mens Lamers descbe what makes ip the Pippnes 2 a whe an the esures found nthe archpdag. They can expla the ocaurence of Iroezes, mencoons and ITZ, and hw tase weather stom affect peopl. They can expan why seasons change and demensrata Now ely acu Grade {tthe end of rade ares can dsb the air that fe the motion ofan objet taro on the Lan of Matin Toy can diferente the concpt of ork usd scence ad in yan’ arguag. They know te factors that act he rans of nergy such stergerture eer, and th ype (bq gs) othe red Lamers an explain how active outs generat earthquakes and how pica cyenes agate ram warm acean wats. They ecognae her rember ofthe sr ayn eer can empl the behavior of mate nts of the patie ade of They ecgrze that insint n food andra procs ‘ne made ofthese paties and we abd ty the bay nthe ono a, Leaner recognize eprodcton asa procs fal divin essing inonth of organisms Toy have ded deeper into the proces of Sry they recognize he npotance | and hui ga, va Ganges | Conpounds aya fm ch (erica ecion They fate ian Dat éaclaeaton spe They oncom | he eto of ad reve tans | earangsment ‘when tha rearangeme apps he a Tordor wth senonts ard conpourds, | beteen tho paces 2s wel 2 6 rubra mes mas of ly frets and nema and als a | stack betwee med abate remain these, Te = sanstenpe tere sane thaw of Gustin of Mase. An Retr harrersdenonstatethat__| parte ate mold en these ‘hermes ers tates cea cians and soe simple oleae, mae femogsncous mires on be hangos ecu In efe o ew ua and marae prbl Separated wang aos teciigus.__ | sustaness te fomed. Somerset als moa of ich [re grouped ino organ syste that ‘tom spedsloed freon tty oak a {Sine that ch be cad tough 5g an ors ‘xchangod trough the respratry ‘ioe yc tekst on “They as far that dso wastes he tomoved taught inary System we slid masts are inated ough the excetry Testrarsay he coordnatod {ions of the gest, espatony, Sed erultoy store oye that at tr ‘Sosa taken n rg oe ‘ops sytom Tapeh thy are ‘edt ae aren (ordinate navn ord hioeona sytem Thore mechan fot eganame mantan omeasant to repose and sue, ‘Wc eiing haw Mower ad non fowetng pants epoduce, Grade? letnes ate taught at ase Fegroduin eas n genecaly etal fii wes se opin es Tame sid he proces fel Shion by rites and mel They derstand that mal an ea Stop nse reproduction at ees Teas sy he Souci f gees {nd duomosotes, ad the naoes ‘ey perform to transmission of ‘Wat fom pares fsing. Teanee ae need tw Ue ace (thr OMA molecu and ts tn, ‘Tey a ea hat changes that ake Dace nsoe cols se wheted ie Teaee er Bate IE HB ties and ooansin eter anima ae ‘Kinet hon cl four pa Taree am at spec fost 3 ‘goup of garnet an mat WER fre aratharo roduc ete epring “hey ean tat eceraty 2 he ‘hac vary of species arg na ‘Sonyetem. Th serves a a0 Iirodacton tothe ope oe erste ‘onemic stem Tess en PRR ESTE ove once evated ar next Specie come etn an they fa {@ aept to changes nthe enorme. Tana a he NaCI aE Inthe mnortance afte anne sci, ewer en ow to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM. ‘ECOSYSTEMS Tamer ara at racine aca] lara ara how ergy Ler a ow pais cps] Lars investigate ecko among the derrc ovals of exganaatonm | varsormed and how mater are | energy rm the sun and tre energy | human anes ae ether organisms on Seoystms Organi of theme et | len econo Ineuga molcuce (hotoaness) | ecoytars Interact th ene thet form ‘This sored energy usd by cle opastions populations tract wth ether ung cedar espatin. These two | They am bow bodverstyinlunces apuitons to form communities pocstee ar related toaach other, _| the ably of conten FORCE, MOTION AND ENERGY Taner sbsave and exer and Tarra now earn rat Force “Ths tine, aries Bop fo acuta | Aad Fam ie Wend cures oF Investigate How things found tham | applied on an ja, ts maton, se, | measure the aout of change nthe | matin in rade 3 such as people, rove and canbe moved They aso | or hapa can b changed. They wil" | movement fan object tems of ® | anal, wind, and water, earners Ider things i thar envronment that | futher understand thet tase changes | stance waved ard time of tvel | also lar about ray ad ction a {an cause changesin the mavemart of | depend on the amount of force appied | sing appropriate toss. ‘er caesar facts tat alec the objects. ‘on (quale). They also eam that Imoverent of bjs. Images can err foes on some jets and mey euso changes in thor ENERGY ‘nels observe and Wantiyaiforent | Lasnows eam at ahs Read This ine, nares pore how Gert | ACs gad vel rrasa Sources oh heat, sound Sound wavel am he source, They | objects interac wth ight, het, sound, | troduced tothe concep of ene ‘leery thar envionment and ther | perform siple acts that land elccty (eg, ening poor and_| They lear that energy ex (seen everycay Geinonarats how they tavel useg | good conducts af wcrc using | afferent forme, sun gh, hat vanous object mp crew) ‘Sound and lc, ad can be Note Eecrety is ot ncooed in| Thay lam about the retatonship {Wasformed fom one for to Grade 4 because to concept of ow of | between decty and magetism by | another. Thy damenstat how ‘tare ditt undertand at | eanatruting an eecvoragne. ‘nergy trated using spe (hs grace evel “Ty als lam sbutthe afc of hg, | mactnes, hat sound, and eletey on people ito 17 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM [Grade rade rade Grade) FORCE AND MOTION Fron asinge udeandg of etn, | Tis ine, eames stud he concep of | To denen hr undesardng of oto, | Frm Kain thebas doces in leamas uy moe scenic nays of | fc ands atsip oman, | amersse tbe Lan of Csenatn of | rade 8, ares extend he desctng (ns of anc, et, | They se Net awsot wononto | Nomertun fuer ean the monon | undersndng foes by cesong and xceerate)ad epesreng | pian wey ebjecs mow (ard nat | of bps how tfc and untied os, (wsngmoton dogs, rs and | move te way thay co (a deca n_| rer maten none imensen te | athar bys or igus, et the raps) he maton of abjeatsin one | rade), They ao esti foe | previous ra, thy kam atta | movant lan, and tity of Giver, ‘applied ona body, wok canbe dna | abe maton nwo dimen ung | objects. and may cause a change inthe energy | projecle mation as an exegl. of the boy ENERGY “Th i anes ocogze at ‘carats eae at warfered energy Lear enlan ow cosenaton of] eames aque mor rawldge abo ferent fos of nerytraelin | may aus changes me properties ot |mactancl enargy i appedin sone | the properos of ight sapped mn diferent waye—igt and sound travel | te objec. They relate the obsable | rues, such 25 role cases, 2nd in | apa insurers through naves heat travels trough | changes in tomperatr, amount of | natural nvtonment lie watal. They | Lear ako uso the concep of moving ring or vibaing parties, and | curent, and speed of ound tothe | futher describe the transformation of | charges and magnetic fds mn xpining cecal energy wavelsthrough mouing_| changes in nergy ofthe pares. | energy tat tales lace in ycrelecrc | the prince behind generators nd tharos. owe ans. ata 1 ra 5, the eared abou the eames a a abou the easton diferent motes ot heat vartr. The Deveen eat ard wor, and apply ths tine, tay extn these modes in ems concept expan haw geathamal power of the movemart of parties. plants epee ar they have kamed hon lcci gered n power ats, leavers ther develop ther undestancing of ‘eennision of elcicty ram poner stations to hanes esa bang cated dong Be fing | Dang ated ang Wa Rng Fee he] Ung rap, ear wil saver Laxmi ep ardoate paces | Fete nagene epone o | mpgs hones amy vers vag | farloncos corhgake sng a cordate ysem. They wil | ornqakes Vang mod lamers wil | models, lens wal explain what happens | epicenter, and mountain ranges a0 decnver that our countyslocatin | Cris how quakes ae generated by | when volcanoes erupt. They wil destibe the | not randomly sated in diferent tea the etx 2d on the eg of] fe they ty co eny fate the | ofeene pes efvokanos an aerencte | ples af ced nthe se Fire inftences elements of up Community and diferente active fauks | active vokanoes fom inactive ones. They | area. Ts wil ead to an Prllppne envrenment (e.g, natural | Forney one ol ‘nil also expan how energy from volcanes| appreciation of plate teconics—a ‘esouices and ciate). maybe tapped for human use. ‘theory that binds many gelog frecsen sch avn an Sats ETEOROLOGY ng cand baste a Face Oran the | in he Gade earns wl Gstngash | Wot: Te tery o pate econ Lesnar wil inte acurence ot | Petnincn pana gpoam thre | risen weathers nae Theyel” | witeac wpe heath and spe _Hmosphenc phenomena oreezes; | she effects of typhoons were tackled. | explain how afferent factors affect the in Grade 10, This because the monsoons, and 11) tat are Fore, learers wil expla how typhoons | imate ofan area. They wil also be ‘theory binds many of the topics in cenmony earned nthe coutty | (con ton phecmaraoscdoy, | sic oct: pheroma fat ocr | pevos gee a mae se arenit oft Pipe laton | {atame and bates nanan why | ovr ae ea ti ad goal | fins nade to epre “with respect tothe equator, and {typhoons follow cartain paths as they move | warming). ‘connections and deapen leamers’ ‘urounding bodies of wate and tithin the Phiipine Area of Responsbty. Understanding ASTRONOMY rae Ta ay The | Ceara ave We Sr SE aT tonapatoginocccmay [eat psimn govt [onsite the seasons and cps eed of | Caceres aed comes and_| he arate fsa based onthe mabons ath ane ner meenbers of 1 System, characteristics of the Sun. Using models, oon Ung made, eames wil |r members te SOR St ices wH show tat contre move 0 ‘xan at bcos a Ea eos SOAs {round the Sur, to season hae, ‘tation he eet creas ae _and because the Moon revolves around observed in the course of a year because of the Eat ede sometes ecu eee Laws of Motion ho lamers ‘he amor tat be | rhe amare shad be abe | sarEta-15 | 1 EASE Piss. | NSTIC Sok tow of tet chmanaate an ete be Moaue 0. | Bax and 12 Law or Acseraten linsraning of tesron3.” | Meenas: 1.3 Law of Ieeractin ovolbp a writen plan | 1. investigate the 2 Saence and | Stand Base; ents thee tw of | and mplement ‘ltenship between Betesear | Sima mov and norm | "hewmen olmpes’ | the amount offre WePmacs | (gta): (Grasse maton Sppled and the mass Texto. | Gina afte object te sme.” | Sytem Snount of changein Betz. pp. | Spin Gtaees: {o obets motors prise, | Rng and 3 Saences | Einar ose | Meter Stick Campo, ma eta ‘Teensiogyy Ws Pmyece “entbokfor Fouth Year abago, ia 2001p oe : Egan we eae 4. Laws of Motion Soa otras £2 Law of Acceleration £3 Law of fnteracton nto thes ons of ‘movon and orm evoop a wen plan and mplemant ewan Ohms” 2 tr nat wen a bey ASE Pryce cowaogy Nthme Sore Tecnology oatecn aces 32001 be ‘peng tances 2 cameron a iy tse x. Tecinogy LEARNING 1. Laws of Motion ‘Sh tw of tes 2 Lawl Aceeration 13 Law of imracton| he keamers inert of Neves hee we of ‘oven a afm ‘he kore shal be ore reopen plan and mplenenca neers OF” 2. demontrate how 3 body ‘eect ange sare-tba7 MATERIALS “Tocbok to feurh esr agabo, Ula Nina oe 2, Sores @ Somes Nose es a8 op. 4. oat the ave ‘motes bodes 9 (form ercuar meter: vce her >See oncya co Sam See ante oe owe Se on SiS Fu 2 infer that crear mote ‘equree to appa oftonsant ree Grete tomar the soretba9 Lease Pye, Noda 2.S0ence and ‘Technolony ‘PERFORMANCE: STAN 1. Laws oF Motion ‘eta ot tnt 12 Law ef Acceleration 13 Lawofineracton The bamers rata of eons three ans of Proton ae unform ‘Gra motion he amor hat be diene deveop writen pon and implement Shes Opis” ter of he cre, 5: infer that dra meton ques the appicston constant fore, CGrectod tovard the ‘er oft ole sore-tb-19 TV: Physics “Tetboak or Furth Yaar abogo, a si 2001. bp. Scene 8 tore Hece Campo, Pa Creal 3618.18 2. Work Power and Energy The bamnars demonstrate an nabrtanng of otk using constant force, pone ‘goviatonal peti ‘rary, hte ergy, Be ape pool eon 65. lent stunts in ‘sic wer done ard Inti no works TEASE Pi Node ses 2. 5 2S ad Techrcogy W: Physics Testook for Fourth Year abago, Us MPa, al 2001p. iei66." 2.Seence and Techrcogy Ws Physics Textbook Ish. 2012. 505-30, a Seencs 8 erne's Mec campo, Pa to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM 2. Work Power and Energy he barnes emanate a9 (exerts 06 ork using constant fare, pone, ‘gravkatonal potent hergy, ne eer, tnd etc poeta energy The hares shat be abiote! op 2 writen pan Gea 213. Pp. 21 a 7 dsb tow wok ‘elated to power and sore te-24 LEASE Pryce edie lesson 3. pp. 2 Soence and Technooay Nephi ‘Tothock or Fath You. abo, Lia My PRD ot 3,201. 2 Soence ard Tehnoiony Physics "obock NMED. 2012 pp. 36 Gases odie Gompo, Pac, arc, po. 3526, {cere pental ond ‘erate ery soretd-22 1 EASE Sdence 1.x. 2.06? Meee, to 12 BASIC EDUCATI cuneicuuM. ‘cove, EQUIPMENT 2. Work Power and Energy Te brners Gbmonnrat an ‘cesta of wo ng constant farce, poo, (grvtonal pote hery, nee ney, and dtc portal Tho hares shal be Bees \davlop a writen lan srdimpiemere 3 Newt's lyn” 8, errs petri and ‘enene ena sore18-22 Gampo, ac, saan pteat ran spec and postion (tebe tothe sou energy possessed by Soa sore1d-23 1 scene and Fectniony NPs “extook for Fath Yo aba, a Meta, Smo bp. sie.” 2Sence ad 0 12 BASIC EDUCAT CURRICULUM 9. rte speed and pati ‘fob tote aout of enero possessed by any 1 Phys. ‘estas. DOI? Pp ae 3 iene @ sera Noa. Capa, hac, tal 2013, pp. 3525 2. Sound "he bamers emnabate an Cadatancng of {he propagation ot rund though old, Baul, an gas The asmers shal be able develop a erten plan ‘ad mploneet Newnan yp” 10, ner how the ovement of particles ‘fan choc affects the ‘speed of sound tron SOrE-te-24 1 OFS, Module 1% 2. Sdence and ‘ectnaogy Iv: Pry ‘extol for Feurth Ver. ago, MPR, et 312001. pp. ise 3. Soence and Tennaogy Iv: Pry Textbook NISMED. 2012 6p 369370." 4 Soence Lamar Meda Campo, Pa Greta 213. p70 racten sits .Diracton| gratin to 12 BASIC EDUCAT ‘cone 3. Sound Te tears damonatatean tiersoning of the propa of sound thro sald, Fgu,ard ge The snare sal bo abe avon a writen pan andimplemert 2 Newars Os” 2 Scene ety ‘oeoon Ze loners esi 4. tight sore popes and areca o vite le Seuss pheno Sicha bue ay, fabow, ae ‘set ung the ance oelength and iequency f vb 12, damon the ‘tence of scl Camporerts of ste Tight ur 2 prem er (Stratos seg SORE 26 TEAS Pa Madde 3. lesan 4. 2. scence and ‘Teennaony Ive Phys Tentbook or Fouth Yeu topo Ulla Me PhD. et 23. 2001p. seas" 2.Scence and ‘Tecroogy Pty. Testoak NISMED. 22 p.2, 4 Sena eames Node campo, ra Geral 2013.p. 91 to 12 8Astc EDUCA ‘cunricutu LEARNING. ‘cOMPETENCY A.tight monet a9 (ndrtancng of same properties and hratetie of wale vane Te ann shat be bit sus phenomena ‘eh a Bus sy, Fanbow ard ved ‘nx ng the ancopt of wavecrgth nd equneyof abi non 12. expan the racy of ‘clr in relation ener sore-1t27 14. omplan that ra the leat bent and vel the moe ent scaring ther Savelngt or Frequent: 10 12 BASIC EDUCAT ccuneteutum. CONTENT STANDARDS. ‘PERFORMANCE ‘STANDARDS. LEARNING, ‘COMPETENCY ‘coDE, EARNING MATERIALS EQUIPMENT tight he fomers abmontate an Undestnding of some properties and chovatenates of vate lige ‘he ares shal be abet (deci penomana ‘cha be ay, ranbow, and ed Saat ng tho once of wavelength and eauency of ‘able hh 14, ool that ed tho lene bene ae let the est bent scoring to thir wavelongts oF Freqenoes SOFE-IF-28 I: charasry “eitoak for “Tra Year apa, ea Py PRD, et 21090". er9. Scere termes Hote Campo, Fa Geta S513. pps ios het and temperature, and tho feds of het anh bol 15, frente barn heat and temperate the mae sare-tg-29 TEAS Aye oc 1. 2.Science 8 teoene's eae Campo, Fa Cea 218 pear e “Thememete 6. Hlectricty corre voage. resranc estonship, (Sea power, elecoe regy 2nd hone ‘reatty 15, fer the raitonehp eswson cure ant charge sore-th-20 1. Selene ae Technaoay WV: Phys “Toxtock for Fourth Year. Rabago, ila MPa et a. 2001. 2 Sdence and ‘Tetnology Phys ‘estat. Dry cat ors doom reson connects to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM ‘Conran PERFORMANCE LEARNING EARNING | — SCIENCE Sone STANDARDS STANDARDS. COP | _marenuats | coureent_ 6 electicty 1 fares Ietearers state | 16 efertherltonsnp | sarE-at-a0 | 2002p. monte a0 abet sn ae ae iis. inertia of cae: a. soence 8 dsc phenomena eae curentvotage- | sucha be hy, Mele Feltarceratonctip, | abo, ard capo, ra flere poe, elocre | Sint ng te Cota freegy,andtame | concago wavseogth 2613. ‘rcuty and fequency of sable 1. exla the advantages 1. EASE Physic. | 1. 0€ Arter Siu dsdeotage Mole? | 2: OC volmeter Snes and paral teen 2. | 3: Or cal ze Comectone hones; 2Seenceind | "15 ats ‘Tecnology | 4. ry ca iePtysce | "wks Treabook. | 5, Ory Ca Nise, Hole Se © wor pp. | (iste {spo ps) a.seence 8 | 6. Mniace ewmer’s |" Ughe Bub edie r= 3p) Campo, Pa_| 7. nis eta. tig But 2613 pp 61> | Base set = a 370) la eat Garnet ( teen ret, >a, Fie, 2 the) 9. Shes fe Type 6. Electricity rdosancg of ‘aaron vetage- fesitancerltonetp, ‘Seare poer, lett ‘Ser, and home. Srey ate tor Senor eae Shaw and Saree tag caper teeth seems oF ace nog an ro ieee iene ian we ros SEE Socom may ieee ame sant Drs ots 4. Day cal 9 vee 18, expan the functions of rear erenlers, ses, feathina double fester and ote Stay Sins inthe ere, EASE Py. Nooue 7 Utesons 3 ane Sac and pp.reiz7 1. Gatvanomster 2 ramsveloer wi rise 0-12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM coaal ‘CONTENT, ‘PERFORMANCE ‘LEARNING ‘coe | LEARNING | SCIENCE STANDARDS ‘STANDARDS. ‘COMPETENCY MATERIALS | EQUIPMENT _| ‘Grade 3 Earth and Spaco | SECOND QUARTER/ SECOND PERIOD 1 Earthquakes and Faults | rhe komnors ‘he earners sha be | rhe eamereshouta bo abt | saes-tta- | 1. mtsosa 6 denonntate an bets fe a4 Modula 26, sade and inactne fauts | Understanding of 2, soenc ad 122 How movements along faults 1. patipate in 1. sing meds or ‘Tecnology (gnats earthquatas | the lator between | Gecsen mang on | Mstatns explain how Inagated Lali eartnquakes generate |fautsandentsquses | hare to bald movements alg fas scence taname ‘Grates basaton | generate sartegnhas; ‘eatbook 1a Eathquake foc and inordage ofthe taste, spierter beeatonf ative 2012. pp. 1.5 omhq.akeletensty and fous the toa ibe mmagatude eonmunty 3. Seence 8 1.6 thquoko peparedess Taare 17 Hom eatngake waves 2. make an emergency ede rove nermaton about an are prepare an compo, ia ‘ie err ef Earth ‘svergency ki fer Cea tip athomeand in 2615.59. ‘zhool hea? T eterertata te ‘SRES Ts | LMISOSA 6 | Setevoraph 2 epconte ofan 15 | mocute28. | meee! (argue om 2.Sence ad focus “Technology 22 ntssty ofan Integrated feathers ‘Serer magne ‘Textbeck 23 adweand race NISMED. ‘aus, lap. ins, a.Seiece 8 earers Med, Cape, a tal 3. pp. 19.12 BASICEDUCATION CURRICULUM Gone ‘CONTENT. PERFORMANCE LEARNING cope) EARNING [SCIENCE | cowrenr | stampands | "stanpanns | _compereney mareniars | equipment | Earthquakes and Fauits | The rors The lames shal be | 3. damontate how ssars-b- | 1.150546 comer 29 bit Underwater earthquakes | 16 Nel 27. 11 Acie ard iacive outs | vrata of omens tran 2.S0enee 8 112 how movements along fous 1. paropate a eamers genaate eathquakes | the latership betwoon | Gecsin mang an Nee 1.3 How earthquakes generate | fous and oathnunies | hore to tal Campo, Pia tsinanis, sdrotes based on Coal 1.4 Earthquake fous and Ironia ef te 2013. eprerte: lean of tne 1338 1.5 Earth inant and ‘unin apy cermunity opin how cathauaks | saes-tte- | scence 8 1.5 Eathquake propaednoss wwnes proce 1 | taxrers 17 pow earthquake waves 2.make an emergency | infrmaion abou the Module. Campo, provide information about anand pepaean | inarorfthe ath Pac, eal the nercr ofthe Earth rargerey utter 2o13 pp. 135 ‘ee a heme an Re soool 2. Understanding Typhoons | feation of 1. deenetate opin how typhoons | soesinmd- | 1 seas. une 2:1 How typhoons dev | typhoors ad thai precautcrary ‘soe ta | 6.18 Tropal 2.2 umyehePhlppineete prone | movement witinthe | Mesawes bet, Gydonese totychoons Pan (Sunng, and afer = ‘aris 23 Now landfons and bodes of ‘yah ind aden water aff typhoons hin ‘Bang aise, Toopeal the Fhitppne Aras oF ‘soem spa, ar Gycoree. Remonatiry (PAR) ls or evacuation September Suenty. oe goernment 2. Scarce and Suendas in charge Tecnology f Intryated Soares ‘entbeck, to 12 BASIC EDUCAT ‘CONTENT ‘CONTENT EQUIPMENT 2. Understanding Typhoons 2.1 How yphoors velop 22 vihy the Phlippnes prone tatypnoane 23 Hon landone and bods of mater affect typhoons within the hifppne Arca of Responsbity (PAR) The ares demstate an Understanding of the formation of typhoons ae ti movement wehin the as T derenstate precauonary measures before, fin, se a9 typhoon, nucing Flowing advan, sto sal, and els for evacuation ‘ven by goveromont Spence in chargo ‘SES TE 18 735-207. 3. Scene @ eamer's ode campo, Pia Gretel 2013.99. 13819, 4 Seence anc Technology ntegated sence “ert for Fiat ver vit, ‘ora M, EdD. 1098, Pp. 207-208, 6. fer ny the Phipines S prone to yphoars: 1. sdence 2 Technology eayated scence Fentoock fr vila Aurora M, 6.0. 1988p la. Seance ac “echnolny Innate Jextoock uses, 2012.6, 10 12 BASIC EDUCA ‘CURRICULUM ue CONTENT PERFORMANCE. ‘LEARNING [STANDARDS ‘STANDARDS. COMPETENCY, 2 Understanding Typhoons | The ears T demons 2a How typhoons Govion | chenonsate an Precuorary | 6 eferwhy the Pipes 22 why the hilppines prone | trata of Froseures beere, | & prone totyphenrsy ‘oryphoons (rng, and afer a 2.3 Ht anetorms and bodies of | te frmaton of ‘typhoon, dng ‘mater fect typtioons itn | typhoons and Bk folowing adic, the Phiippne wea of | movement within the | storm agra, an Repent (AR) Par ‘all for evacuaton ‘gven by ‘overment ‘gencesin charge 2 partepatein |. exlan ew lrdmassas | saes-tte- | sconce 8 URtvites tat sen | nd bodes of water 20 | Lesmers the risks brounke by | ate phon; odie. Cameo, ‘typhoons Pac, ota. 2013. pp. M2 i, 8 taco tho path of Soes-mF-21 ‘yphoons that ener the rp ea of Report (PAR) sng amap and tracy data, 2.other members of the Solar |characereues of sess whether or ot |, compare and contrat | saes-tg- system Si comets 33 amerds cents, met, and ‘tera bos and practics about comets ae tretars have soa base errs, eto, nd sterols, 10 12 BASIC EDUCAT (ON CURRICULUM other members ofthe Solar at cmets 32 Mates 23 ated "he ames Geraratate a0 tice 9 racers of ‘ees, metas, and Sateatis, done whether or not balls ad racers Bean comes treo ave corte ta sors.nig- Fes Year. ‘ais ure, FAD. 1998, pp 201-283, 10, pred the appearance ‘Sf ccmots aed on ecg ia of Prenous appearances; fre 6 DLP Sa eae 27, Scene and “echelon Itegated Suerce Tentook fo rat esr. Vira, Ei. 1958, bp. 262283 «4Sckece and 0 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM. 3. Other members ofthe Solar SN comets Sz Meeors SBateoits The kerers oven 99 Grand of characteristic of ones, too and seers dscns whether or ok bates and proces Se comets ard motors have soertic ioe 10, pred he apperonce reams babe on recoded dat of revous appearances; tre ‘sesh necro imegane Ferbouk owe. bine 20. ‘mre wae Cone, Pa ed soide 11, plane egaar bccrence of matoe Showers 1 Sones and “Technolgy Intaated “entbook for Fiat var via dure Mt, EdD. 1958.p 10 12 BASIC EDUCA jcunrrcmum ‘CONTENT, STANDARDS, ‘cove ‘Grade = Matter 1. The Particle Nature of Matter 1.4 lemons, Compound, and bees 1.2 toe and Moos The kaners comonatate an Undoetacng o the price rat of inter a bas for ‘pining ropates, prea ranges, and (Rricare of sbetancee Sad mbes The earners shal be het: presert how water bahar in ferent [Patent the wate je ‘The karers shoud be abe 1. eaplain the ropes of sald igus ar ‘pase baad one atic nate of mato, EASE scence IWectie. lesson 2, Sence and Tothnoogy 1997 pp. 55 68 Coamsity Tonto op, arta PRO. et a 2001. aa Scere and Techrelogy 1 Inet Suk Tentook or Fist Yeo. ‘ar Aca Mt, Eas aoe pp. de. lssmers Nove Campo, cret 2013p. veiw. Sukece 20d Teehreogy seer 10 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM. Toner ‘CONTENT ‘PERFORMANCE: EARNING cove | REARING] ScrENCE STAONNOS SIMON SOMPETENG rr 1. The Particle Nature of Matter | rhe karnors The kamers stat be | The learners shoul bo abe | samr-ttia- | Tetbook, comonsdate an able to ®. bo | swe. 1.1 Bemerts Compoure and | traning of 2012. pp > woures present how water | 1 expan the properties of a. 1.2 ome and Molecules the partido nature of | Baraves in fs aferet | sold, qu, and ‘mater as baa for | sates win the water | gasee bad on the epianng properties, cys Parte nature of pista ranges ard mato, ricre of suetances and mites, 2. plan physical changes 1. chartey interme of the Textbook arangemert ond apa, la ‘maton of atoms and PPD. et ‘roku a 2001. i. 2, Saence and ectnoiogy Integrated saence “Textbook for Fret ve iar arora ED. 198, 2. Atomic Structure the deny of 3. determine the number | SOMT-tIKe |1. EASE Sconce | 1. Improved ‘stance acrordng to of proto, neuors, | f-10 | Te Module 10. | Bor 2 Protene featome srucure Sra electors in eon 2 Somme 22 Newtons partic atom, 12 BEAL unt | Aton Mode 23 Becrons 1a 2 Inpro Damenstrate | Energy Lovee ‘Undestandn | Model got 3. Improved Natematcal. |” teotopee of hime Gaon to 12 BASIC EDUCA jcunercutum ‘cove, 2. ntomic Structure 21 Protons 23 eectors Th arners Gamera an tcestaning of the ennty ofa beta according to 23 dtr th pur of proterg, retro, and Sectors in a partear SSoMT-ttte- fa Mateo moto Cam, gust 200, 2. Sone nd Technoogy 1. MISE, 1997. pp aap 4 Gramsy Tertock op, area Perko = 32001. pp. 5. Sdence@ eames Moos campo, Pa Greta. 2013. 4 Inprowsed Subshale 3, Periodic Table (PT) of iements 3:1 Devon ofthe PT 3.2 deangorsent of elemerts 33 ameive and nora me the pened tale of ‘ements 3530 gana tool» eters te cerical Drpertes of ares 4 pace the development of the pene tal rm ‘observa baced on simlantesnpreperes oF ements; and somr-mig- eat 1 EAE ode 13. teeson 1 2. Geman mm Texto. aps, a Pho, etal 2001p. 3. Saerce and Tedhnaoay NSE, to 12 BASIC EDUCAT ‘cunricuLum, ‘CONTENT STANDARDS, 2. periodic Table (PT) of ements 111 Development ofthe PT 5.2 fvrengamert of elaments 233 Rasen and norractve merle Te fearon cemonstate a0 andrstaring of the perc table of ‘ements a an ‘rganing toa 2 deterne the chemical Properties of elements 4 ace the deveopmnant of the period table rom ‘beerations bac! or ‘fates in properties of lements and somr-nig- hat 1997p. Secs and ‘Tecinalogy Integrated ‘Science “Festbonkfor Fiat Year. val EAD. 1958, pp. 5253," Loam ede ame, ha Greta. 213. aa. 5 use the perio table to predict the chemical Eshavour ofa oemert sour-1u FI ease Seence I ‘edule 1 oss 2 Chemisy ur Textbook. Mops, bel PhD, a 2001. si. ‘Seence and Technology LU, MISMED. Perla Tale of Eerents Improved Perio Table to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM. a ‘CONTENT PERFORMANCE. LEARNING ‘cove. | LEARNING | SCIENCE STANDARDS STANDARDS. ATER equipment | 2. Pesidic Taba (PT) of The ares Suet pot tbl to | seme | 252288 Hlements menstrate an preci the cher yz Seence and Understanding of botawout ofan clamene. Tochnobgy 3:1 Development of the PT E 32 arrangement of elements | the pavodictate of Integyated 5.3 Reachve and noneactwe | elements as an Senco ral ganting too to ‘Textbook ‘termine the cherie ISHED. Properties of elements 2012. pp, 0-8, Science 8 Leamers Mode, Cameo, Pia Cy etal. 2513. p, m2, ‘Grade 8 Living Things and Ther Environment FOURTH QUARTER) FOURTH GRADING PERIOD 1 structures and Functions: | rw fares The lamers shout be | The ames shouldbe be | SBLT-va- | 1. EASE | Human Toso Focus on the Digestive demonstrate an able to: ®. 1B Boiogy. | Node System Understanding of Mode present an anaiss of | 1 expan ingestion, Lesion 1.1 gars ofthe dgestve | tha igesivo stom | the data gatheresion |” absorxion asaation, Srtence and sytem and tha itaracon |” andits inaction | ducase eating am | and excretion, ‘Tochnoloay vith gars of the wth the cradatory, | mint deiancy 1: Bioleay Fespater,ercustry, and | — replat, 2nd Toone exaotry Stans ‘aren sisters in NISMED. pron the by 2012. pp, 1.2 Ganges in fod an & ‘wth narors for mie nderanes physical and emoy 19, i ‘CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING cove | LEARNING SCIENCE STANDARDS. ‘STANDARDS. ‘COMPETENCY materials | equipment ‘hamacal digestion Ths eames shuts be | 2. expan how diseases of | SALT-IVD [3 OeANl 4 2. dsenses that resut | aoe the digestive stem are | 14 U2 1.3 leases reautng fer from euerane. prevents, etsced, and Diane rutent deficency and deficsency and | present an ara of Leeming gestion of hal Ingestion cf hacfl_| the cata gathered on ele, substances substances, sod ther | diseases esting fom DP ie, prevertonand | numer decency 4. Spence for 14 Provo, dotecion ard | voatment Daly Uso, ‘weatnant of seat of to aa, digestive sytem Buon A, ot a 2011p. 3536." 3 enya SALTIVE [1 Scena tor prodis that afc the | 415 Daly Uso, gestve systems laa, Banna A, ot azo, uz 2 Scene 8 Leamer's ele Campo, Fa Cut 23. 16-313, 2 Heredity: Inberitance and | Te bare Ths amas souks be | compare moss ard Teast Mais modal Variation of Tralts amon an aber ‘mao, an tho oo fadigy, | 2 Mtoe model lnderstandng of the ce dvsion cy tle 2. 2.1 sages of toss present an anajss of Lessons 1 22 sags of mecas 1, how cas did to | the data gathered on ana 253 Nendalan Genetics prodce new cels | dseasas esting fom 2 meaM 2 msi ae ons of tho | utr dae ts Process prodng Leiring geneticvaritions of | report onthe ube. ihe Mendelian Importance of vartstion Roproducio Patt of In ar a ane nea hertance brea Growth nd 2. Meredity: Inheritance and Variation of traits 2.1 Stages of most 22.saer of moose 233 Mendetan Geet The ares conor 39 resting of 1. how al dv to produce nen els 2. oats as one of io [poceesas reducing (genetic variations of {ho Mendalan Pattern of Inbctance ‘hearers shoul be abet apart on the Imparance cf variation in planta arial trong 4. compare mtoss and ‘else, andthe flan the celtdvion ede; ssour-avd- 16 Reprotctlo rl 2008 Senco and Technolgy 1 Boley Textbook 2012. pp, 1243. Sconce ae Fechnology I: Boley Testoooe isn. 2004. pe, iis Senco Garner's Nocle, campo, Pa Guat 2613. pp. Brae. 5. explain the slicance ‘of maces meting the chomozome, ruber SoLT.tVe- 7 ease Boog) Moc 12, tesson 2 tence ae Technology Tt: Bology Yextooak 2012. pp, 13M. Sonce ae elo Made 10 12 BASIC EDUCA CURRICULUM, ‘CONTENT ‘STANDARDS ‘PERFORMANCE ‘STANDARDS. EQUIPMENT 2. Heredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits 2a Sagicof mis 2° sages of males 233 wandatan Gants The leno cenorsiate an Uncerstanang of 1 ae cel vide to produce nan cals 2. aioe 36 ore of tho processes producing fenete vanations oF the Mendelian Patan of Inmermance The larars shoud be abet report on the Imparance of vriaton i plaka arial traedng 5, eelanthe sonticance Gi mmc nmertaning the duomoeore nub, ‘sarave Technology 1: Boley Tertoooe NISMED. 2008. pp, Lois, 4, Scene 8 teers Nedle. Canes, Ps Crete 2513. aeriae. 6. proc phenatypc ‘Optecsore of ats felownng smple rates cf inhertanc saute TEASE Blog Ne 14, 2. Sosnce and Texinalogy I Boy Textbook 2012p. 16-89, 3. Seence and {ectnalogy I: Belogy Textbook NISMED. boos. Fp. 188 8, 4 Scenes samers ode Campo, Pia Coca 2018. 0 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM odversty 3.1 Species avery 232 Herarcical taxtromc ‘yt of elation 2.3 Petection ar ‘onoervaton of ‘ecangered and conmncal mportant Spe The amare onstrate a0 Understanding of 1 the concept of 2 species 2. the spaces as boing Further clad ito a hirarchcal texonomne ste The ores shou be Siete report (e, through 9 travelogue} on the Sates tat fermunties engage in topeotat and erserve endangered Sha economealy Imparane soci 7, expan the concept of ects; SaLr-avg- 19) Gaarrers Ned. Campo, aye a 201, Pai ®. das organs ung the Necarccal taxonomists saLr-avh- ‘soenceD ears Ned. Campo, Pac, etal 2013. Fp. 226 a. 9, explain the advantage of high Dlodveraty in martin the stbity (fan ecooystom; ‘saur-avh- h. scence an ‘Techrology I Integrated Ssence “entbook for Fat Yor ‘iar ora 1908. 231. * la. Sence ant Techoology 1 Bog) ‘est, pp. 330-33. fa. Bence and ‘Techrology I: 3019) ext, MISMED, 2004 pp. 330-33. I, Senco @ earners ode capo, isc to 12 BASIC EDUCA ‘cuRRICULUM CONTENT STANDARDS. LEARNING COMPETENCY, MATERIALS, 2, 2003p 266 ae 41 Transfer of Energy in ‘Trophic velo 4.2.oycing of materials in the ecosystem santero 43 Impact of human activities in an ecosystem Tre kanes cemenstae a9 (rstanding of the one-ay fa of snorgy andthe eeing of materssin an ecxsyter The arers shout oe abe make a poster cgamparng fod Sco boca onthe trophic level 10, deserbe the tareferof| enery through the ‘opie lov ‘sat s.seence and “Tecmology 1 Inagatee Scarce Teatback for Fist Yer. Via BuroraM, fe. 1058 F228, 2Soence & ear ode cape, Pa Ctl po. Fp, nse 11, aaa the ol of ‘opnisne inthe (ling of mates; sat EASE Science oo 10. 122, plain bor mates sepia Sau ESE Soerce Leda 1. teen 3 2 Seence nd “ecmalogy 1 Imapatee Seence ‘esttock for Fist Vex. 1858 pp. 150-151 and pp. 28231. to 12 BASICEDUCATION CURRICULUM. CONTENT STANDARDS. 4. Ecosystems 4.1 Transfer of Energy in Trophic Levels 4.20ycing of materialsin the: 42.4WNater cyde 4220 gercarbon qe 42antogen ye 43 Impact of human activites in an ecosystem Te karers cemanstate an nderstanang o the one-way fw of egy andthe eng cf materals nan «ogee The kare shout be 20/0: rake a postr comparing food choices based onthe trophies 12 eplan bow maar -cyde in an ecosystem; and SaLTAVE 3, Soence 8 Learners odie, Campo, Pa Gyotal 2013. pp, 284287. 1. get wast mina haan inp on the severe SLT. 2 1 EASE Boday. Module 18 )2. Scence and Texhnology I: Integrates Soenice Textbook for Fist Year vill, uo M, EAD, 1998, p23.” . Soence 8 Learner's Moxie, amo, Pas Guotal 2013. pp. 288-280, {0-12 BASIC EDUCA! CURRICULUM, CONTENT: 23. Other members ofthe Solar System 34 Comets 32 Nateore 33 asters The hears Ghrenatate 20 acters mets, meteors, and focus bathe or ok baie ar praciens ‘ak comets ad tvetars have sOERC Fast Ye. Vite 6.0. 1998, pp. 281-283, 4. Seance and $ecnaigy Iniagrated Teabeok, NMED, 2012 po, a Caarer Noda, cong, Pa Crees. o.ise164, to, prec te appearance [Sf comets tac on record ats of Previous agpasrances, od ‘SaES-I- 5 OLP 4 Mode 27. |. Scence and ‘Technolgy Integsted “Tehook for Fret Yer. “alors, EAD. 1986, pp 20-288, 44. Sctncs and i to 19 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM, ‘CONTENT ‘PERFORMANCE LEARNING TEARNING | — SCIENCE CONTENT STANDARDS ‘STANDARDS (COMPETENCY COPE | materiats | equipment 1997p. 2. Periodic Table (PT) of The eames S.usethe pena tale to | SAMT-INH- | 253-258, Elements cemonstate an predict the chemeal yi Soence and Understanding of haviour ofan ekmont Technology 3.4 Dovelopment ofthe PT E 2.2 Arrangement of lmants | the pavodc table of Integrated 3.3 Reacive and noneacve | elements aban sence metal xgniing tool to Textbook, determin the chemical NISMED, ropeties of elements 2012. p. 60-6, Soence 8 Leamers Modul. Campo, Fia Cyetal 2013. pp. awa = Living Things and Their Environment FOURTH QUARTER/ FOURTH GRADING PERIOD 1, structures and Functions: | rhe eamars The feamers shoud be | The kamers shoul be ab | saut-va- | 1. EASE Human Terso Focus on the Digestive demonstrate an abl to , a Bioogy. | Modal ‘system Understanding of ole 1 prevent an anahse of | 1 explain ingestion, Lesson 1. 4.1 organs of the digastve | 1. the digestve system | the data gathered on | "absorp, assiniaon, Soence and system and ter interaction | and ts interaction | cieases resting from | and excretion; Technology wih organs of te wth he arcuatory, | rent ficiency I: Bolegy Tespiatory,orelatory, and | —esprtory, and Testbock, excretory Systems excretory syste in sieD, ‘roving the body 2012. pp. 1.2 changas i food a8 th nurs for 99; 100" undergoes phys and ergy 110. 1012 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM. wane ‘CONTENT PERFORMANCE LEARNING. ‘coor | LEARNING | SCIENCE [STANDARDS ‘STANDARDS. “COMPETENCY MATERIALS | EQUIPMENT “hercal geSION The earers saute [2 expan how aseases of | SBLTIve- [3 BEAM 3 2. eases that suit | ate the dgesve jst are | 14 ae. 2. Disease resting rom ‘rom uta revert, detected, ard Distance ‘marent cece and etdency and | resent an analy of | treated ening ingestion ef harmful ‘gestion ofhamul_| the date gathered on edie. ‘betas sibstances, and tha | dacass resulting om pie. wevention and | ruent decency 4 soence for 14 Prevention detcton,and | feetment Daly Use trenment of anaes ofthe ada, sigative syst Buona Ay ot saath pp 3535." 3 ery esti SELFIVE [7 Scence fr paces that attecthe | 15 Daly Use 4 figecivo spt, ada, Buena A, ot a 2011. p. ae 2 Senco 8 Lrnar's eis Campo, a Crata 2013. pp. 306-31, Heredity: Tnbertance and | The marnoe The lamer Sout be A compare mtoeeand | SOLTAVE [T. EXSE [1 Waaia model Variation of Tats demonstrate an ane: mmetss, and therein | 16 ‘ology. | 2 wross moss Undestancing of the cdveion cycle; do 12 21 Stages of mitosis srosent an analy Lessons L 2.2 stages of moss 1. hom cls divde to |B data gathered on aed 113 Mendelian Genetics produce naw cals | dseaesrecutng fom 2 SEM. 2.maiosasone ofthe | numer defeeney nes, process producing Learning Sgeneve vanatons of | eporton the Gade the Mend importance of vaiaton Reproduto Fattarn of in plant and anal necal Inbereance breeding Gromth ana to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM. “CONTENT STANDARDS PERFORMANCE ‘STANDARDS. TEARNING ‘COMPETENCY 2. Meredity: inheritance and Variation of Traits 21 Stages of moss 2.2 Sages of mess 23 Mandl Genetics The ers omonstate an Understancing of 2 ha cal vd to produce new cls 2. mine 38 one of he Process producing (etet vations ot ‘he andalan Pater of Inertance ‘he lars shoul be able to: report on the impotanc o variation in pant and animal tresding 4. compare tsi nd ‘mete, and the role in the eal vison oye saur.ava 16 Repreducte aoe 2008. 2. Seance and Tecnology I: Bology Textbook. 2012 pp. 12138, 4 Seance and ‘Tecnology I: Bology ‘entbock ISHED. 2004.6, 5 Science 8 Learner's Neds campo, ia Cootal 2013. pp. we1326, 5. plan the significance ‘floss maining the evomosame umber; 7 1 Ase Boy. Module 12. Moons Mal to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM ‘CONTENT, ‘CONTENT STANDARDS ‘PERFORMANCE ‘STANDARDS 2. Neredity: Inheritance and Variation of Traits 24 Sages of mitosis 2.2 stages of melo 25 mendetan anes The laa demonstrate a0 understanding of howell to produce naw cos 2 meio as an ofthe process produc ‘rete vations of the Mendesan Patan of Inertance The leas shoul be able to reporton the importance of anton in pant an animal beeeding 5. eolain the sanicance cf mete in mantaining the dvemosome number; ‘SaLT-ve Techno}ogy 1 Belegy Textbook NISMED. 2004. 4. sconce teamers ode. Campo, Pin Cyetal 2013.96. 227328, 6. prac phenotypic express of as follng imple patterns cf imhertanca SaLr-vE 1 EASE Big Module 14, 2, Sonce and Technology IT: Bology Textbook ISM. 2012.Fp, 186-109, 1 Soence and ‘ecology UI: Bolegy Textbook NISMED. 208 Po. 180-108, 4. Science 8 tsarer’s Module. Campo, Pia Cootal 2013. ‘CONTENT STANDARDS, ‘STANDARDS. 2. Blodiversty 5 Speci diversity 32 Ferra taxonomic system of csiication 3.3 Potton and censeraton of endangered and economically portant species The earners cemonstrate an tnderstanding of 1. the concep of species 2, the species a being Further clsatied ito hierarchic! Txanomie system The farnere shoul be abet: report (o., trough 3 tavlogue) onthe scivbes tat emmues engage in to protect and concerve endanger Snd econemicay Importare spaces 7. explain tho concopt ofa specs; seur-avg- scence 8 oaue. campo, Pa, al 2013. 224, 8. assy organisms using fears taxonomic system; eLr-ave- ‘Science @ ose. camo, Pac, etal 2013. Pp. 226 ma. 9 exp the vantage of ‘igh iodiverty n mailing the sabity ofan ecosystem; savr-ivn- hs. scence ana ‘Technology: tegrated ‘Soence ‘Fetbook for Fst Yea. Vila, Arora M80. scence and ‘Technology I Boesy ‘enteck, pp. 330-333, Seance and ‘Tecnology It Bioisy Textbook, pp 220-93. Since 8 Nedite. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM [STANDARDS ‘PERFORMANCE ‘STANDARDS etal 2013. 258. 4. Ecosystems {4 Tranefer of Energy in Trophic Levels 4.2 oycting of materials in the ecosystem 2 ater oye 42.20mgareatbon le 4420ttogen oye 43 impact of human ‘actives in an ecosystem The karers emonsrate 20 Understanding of the one way fw of energy and the eying of mater in an ecosystem Te lamers should bo abet make a postr Cermpanng food ‘hice based onthe trophic eve 10 descbe the traf of energy Eough the Trophic eves Saurav 1uScince and Technoigy Inteyated Science entoak er Fist Year. Vilar, Aurora, a. 1958 228." 2Science @ eames Morse Campo, Pa Cast 2013. 77h, 1 ana the roles of ‘organisms in the eng of mater; SOLA oie 0, teeson 3, 12 expan how materials «yin an sceystom, ne sour.ave T. Module 10. Lesson 3, 2. Slane and “Technology I: Intagated Stence “Fetbook for Frat Year. 1988. p. {S051 and 0, 2262731, K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM ‘CONTENT ‘PERFORMANCE LEARNING ‘cope | LEAR au STANDARDS: STANDARDS COMPETENCY MATERIALS: 4. eosystems The kanes The kanes sto be sauravi |3.soencee transfert energyin | ccmsratean | ale ma | sarers ‘Trophic eves uncesanayg of 1 eplin tow mates ate 42.0y¢ing of materals in mak a ptr econ Canpo, Pa the ecosystem the one-way fom of | comparing ood Seheaesie Cetal 2nd anergy andthe cing. ices based nthe 2B.p. 4220qgercaboncyde |ofmattasinan | tetic lees 20428 42aNitogen cre sosystem I. EASE Boley. 43 Impact of human 13, sugest ways to sour. | Nocule 19. activites in an ecosystem mini human 25. Scenceand imacton the Techology erirenmert. Integrated Scarce Textbook for Fit Year Viol, ‘aurora, EdD. 198 pL” b, Soence 8 Leamers Nodul Campo, Fa etal 2013. pp. 288288

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