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He Scares Me So POEM

The Angel.
the visit.
the annunciation
the humility.
the acceptance.
the discussion.
the listening.
the quiet understanding.

the cousin.
the 2nd visit.
the child leaping for joy in the womb.
the King.
the first born.
the passover.

the upheaval.

the dream.
the journey.
the ass.
the arrival.
the rejection.
the lowly place.
the ox and the ass.

the Angel's message in the fields.

the rush.
the birth.
the homage.
the Wise men.
the 2nd journey.
the gifts.
the gold, frankincense and myrrh.
the 2nd dream.
the other route home.

the carpenter.
the rebuke of Mary.
the presentation in the Temple.
the Pharisees.
the talks.
the doubters.
the missing years.

the tempters.
the desert.
the baptising.
the healed
the grateful
the test.
the journey on the ass.
the salutations.
the accusations.
the mistrust.

the kiss.
the betrayal.
the denial.
the attack.
the healing.
the resignation.

the dream of Pilate's wife.

the presentation before Pilate.
the sending on to Herod.
the return to Pilate.
the offer of exchange.
the findings.
the washing of hands

the flogging.
the fibres in the air.
the tearing flesh.
the crowning of thorns.
the casting of lots.
the spitting.

the bearing of wood

the fall.
the fall.
the fall.
the conscription.
the woman.
the cloth.

the crowds.
the hill.
the centurion.
the thieves.
the nailing.
the third hour.
the darkness

the thirst.
the plea.
the storm.
the piercing.
the forgiveness.
the temple.
the smell.
the breaking of bones.
the removal.

the tomb.
the enrobing.
the other centurion.
the stone.
the silence.....

the third day.

the light.
the rolling.
the witness.
the resurrection.
the upper room.

the visitation.
the Holy Spirit.
the covenant.
the realisation.
the understanding.
the tongues of fire.
the doubting.
the wounds.
the hands.
the acceptance.
the ascension.
the man.
the giver.
the saviour.
The God.

Aindre Reece-Sheerin

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