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/\ This phile brought to you by such great guys

/ \ as *American Anarchist
/____\ *Strider
/ \ *Master
/\ /\ *Stargazer
/ \ / \ *BluePrint of the American Anarchist
/____\ /____\ Association
/ \/ \
AAACARD.TXT - How to go carding, the AAA way!
Typed by: American Anarchist
Step 1 -
There are several steps to carding, so we'll use me as an
example. The first step is trashing, or boxing.
Trashing involves the act of taking a flashlight, and
looking thru the dumpsters at mini-malls, or other places that
use credit cards. My checklist is A) They don't serve food, B)
They have minimal amounts of garbage, C) And might have good
merchandise they threw away. Well, I went with BluePrint to
the mini-mall and we went looking thru all the trash. We
found many carbons which is what you are supposed to look for.
But we also found other stuff. Spokes, a bike store, threw
away some merchandise which I could not identify. NOTE: DO
NOT smash the carbons in your pockets. The carbon will rub
off on one another thereby ruining your chances of matching
them up. I did that and besides it stains the insides of your
pocket with ink. That is bad. Well, we saw only 2 people,
and if YOU see anybody just lean against the side of the wall,
they will not see you. If they do see you odds are they will
not do anything to you, but don't go up to him and say "Hi,
I'm trashing right now!", just ignore them.
The other way, which no member of the AAA has tried, is to
wait until you, or your parents, get their VISA bill. Then
just go around looking in mailboxes in your area, and take the
VISA bills. Odds are they will not miss them, and you'll just
have more numbers. Like I said no one here has tried it, so
dont count on it working, and if you get caught, you'll get in
more trouble that way. Mail fraud is more important than
Step 2 -
Now comes the more fun part. You cannot get in trouble
for anything that occurs during this phase. You need to find
the thing you want be it a 200 meg HD, a 19.2 baud HSR, a new
printer ribbon, or a whole damn laptop!
To check the credit limits do the phollowing -
For a Visa or Mastercard call 1(800) 554-2265, from a
payphone, I am not sure if they would ever trace them or be
suspicious, so stay on the safe side. A computerized lady will
say "Enter Bank Code". Respond by pressing 1067# (# being the
pound key. For the rest of this # will mean pound key.) It
will say "Enter Merchant ID." Push 52#. It will say card
type. Enter 10# for a MasterCard, 20# for a VISA. It will
then say "Enter Card Number." Push the card number followed
by a # key. Then it will say "Charge Amount." Put the number
in followed by a pound key. For instance checking a $300
item, put 30000#. If you just put 300# it will think it is 3
dollars. NOTE - This happens frequently, and it takes some
getting used to to add the extra zeros at the end. It will
either say "Do not honor. Do not honor." That means there
wont be enough credit left to get that item. Your screwed, so
find a lesser value item to card. Otherwise, it will say
"Approved &&&&&" where the &'s stand for some numbers and
letters. Dont worry about the numbers & letters. For kids
out there, try $4000.00 and see if it works.
Step 3 -
To execute this properly you need to find a DO, or a Drop
Off location. From my experiences, vacant houses would be the
best to find, but it will take you a while to find just one,
and if you want three or four objects, it will take you all
day! A quicker way is this. During a week day, go to houses
and ding dong ditch. If you have to go to school, go eat some
red ants. They will make you throw up, but it will be very
uncomfortable, so I don't suggest that extreme, just
self-induce vomiting if possible. Then just hit houses around
you. If you want to keep the item, I would say like 2 blocks
away, but if you're just going to sell it off, I would
reccommend just finding one as close as possible. Next door
would even be good. When you find one that is vacant proceed
to the next step.
Step 4 -
Call the 1(800) ordering number for the item you want.
Say that you want to order XXXX good, at XXXX price. Ask if
they have next-day delivery, and by all means get it. If you
don't, believe me, it is a pain in the butt to be there when
the package is there. Examples of some questions they might
ask... "What bank is the card from?", "What is your driver's
license number?", "Is this your card?", etc. NOTE - It is
legal to use a card registered under someone elses name, so if
you get a ladies name, say you're her husband.
They will almost always ask you for your phone number, so
I give the one on the payfone. KEEP COOL! You will feel your
heart rate go up, and you will thank god for the time you have
on musical hold! If you ever get panicky just say "Pardon
me.", then the operator will repeat what s/he said, so you
have more time to think of your response. Be very clear on
the address as well as the next-day delivery. I cannot stress
enough to ask for next-day delivery. Under the panic you will
forget, so it is a good idea to ask right away so you dont
forget. Also, don't be a moron and call the same place twice
with two different credit numbers. I would wait a few weeks
before I call back. Also, don't send two packages under
different names to the same address. Mr. UPS will become a
tad suspicious. They will almost always leave the package at
the door if no one answers, so I wouldn't worry about leaving
a note like some people do.
Step 5 -
This is the pickup. The most crucial step. You screw
this up and you're off to juvy hall. Or prison depending upon
your age. Walk by the house, and look for the package. If it
is there, continue to walk by and look for any feds hiding in
parked cars or something (never happened to me, but could if
you use a number posted on a BBS. More on that later.) Well,
if you see them don't run. That will make you look very
suspicious, and they'll tail you back to your house, and
probably find something on you. If you don't see feds, calmly
walk up, take the package and walk home. Walk at a semi-brisk
pace, but don't run. If the package is not there yet, just go
back home and wait another hour or so, and repeat the process.
Step 6 -
Make a recording of all you have carded, and add up the
values. You will be impressed at the amount you can card in
one week. Other things to do are not to take the numbers that
are posted on the board, they are almost always overdrawn, or
the pheds will come for you. This is not my experience here,
just other people have said that. Also, don't card a computer
and say to your parents, "It was only $34.99 at Best Buy!"
They wont buy it. Laptops might be fun, expensive, and small,
therefore easy to hide. Experiment. Dont get caught.
(C) American Anarchist Association
Call The Galaxy (708)690-4958
Bell Labs (708)964-7250
Anarchy USA (708)PRI-VATE
Listen to WCKG Classic Rock 105.9 FM, but better still listen
to 1000 AM the Loop - American Anarchist.
More to come, so keep your eyes open...

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